Azalea22 – MINECRAFT Java Spinalcraft | Japanese Build Contest & Playing with Viewers

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Says hey you helped my server out I’ll make darn certain that I make it worth your while not like a I’m buying a service but win-win everywhere and you get to check out the server too you might like it like it’s it’s weird when I make it sound like a business purpose actually

Totally well I again now fingers crossed nothing funky happens then I will uh I’m gonna at least uh switch the thumbnail back though so we can have that proper you know thumbnail to represent it unlike me who the same thumbnail every single time that it it restarts it though like with

Restream it it completely restarts the stream without restream it uses the same one so yeah that’s a bit of a flipper all right oh goodness I’m gonna wind up making loads of videos from this if it keeps keeps needing to be reset foreign Okay oh now hopefully I didn’t test out the sound hopefully well if I could hear wait like is are you still here yes okay if I can hear you then that’s a good sign so hopefully we’re good oh yeah I should have put it up Minecraft oh no

Oh God I put up Minecraft now also welcome back everyone King trust Stitch Luigi number one as meals Coco little tiger thank you guys oh no I’m dying now thank you guys for dropping by again uh apologies my laptop just had a blue screen of death just randomly out of nowhere so yeah

Operators but please don’t spam oh gosh hey pixels that’s right thank you thank you appreciated I’ve been having Tech problems tonight so thank you so much for for this light at the end of the tunnel with that raid I I really appreciate that I had to restart

Two times within like the past couple hours here because my laptop is a flipper um thank you so much for the rain pixels hi guys thank you welcome bombs King Charles VA cash Jessie xerx and King traz I think I may have said that thank you so much for the race

What were you streaming pixels how was your stream thank you so much guys yeah it’s been a a bit of a different stream because I’ve been having to restart with the tech problems my laptop doesn’t want to keep up with the streaming PC games so it’s been a little bit You know it’s been a fun day we could just put it that way placement eh yeah oh and and you told me that you know some people who have the same type of the same Brands laptop and it goes for them I wonder how that that’s like blows my mind uh Levi welcome

So go on this is a 15 minute running rate a 15 minute running raid whoa laughs thank you so much pixels I really appreciate the raid and guys be sure to check out pixels be sure to subscribe ooh grabbing a Sprite that’s like my favorite soda I don’t really have

Um you know I usually have like water but um personas spreads pretty good hey Levi no problem together we are strong pencil says and Calum how’s it going so I am just booting up Minecraft again because uh um I still have to actually build for the Japanese building contest

So I’m gonna be working on that and if you guys like Minecraft uh if you have Minecraft Java or even Bedrock you still have access to This Server called spinal craft Let me go ahead and switch over here uh so that’s what we are visiting today is the spinal craft Java server in Minecraft and it’s a really great server where everyone is welcome to join and we have like a Japanese area so definitely feel free uh pixel says funny story I studied

YouTube for six years before I started I watched uh you years ago respect wait wait you watched me years ago wait pixel really yeah you rock how long ago did you start streaming so I started at 7 p.m Central Standard time so that was like an hour and 40 minutes ago

And hello again Yoshi part three hopefully we don’t have more oh oh hey I appreciate you thank you for that all right guys I am getting Minecraft going again for you uh slipper top don’t be a flipper top yeah [Laughter] Done done multiplayer and spinalcraft server if you guys want to join I have the information in the uh description so feel free everyone is welcome just make sure you follow the rules it is a Japanese world and it’s really cool and if you are a streamer you are

Welcome to join the Japanese building contest and also e Brooks welcome how are you doing you guys says when did you start streaming on YouTube oh on YouTube uh early 2020 is when I started streaming on YouTube and I actually started my YouTube journey in September 2018. oh I died oh

Oh like easier I died what what what where i s i I guess right when I spawned I died because I was still in the air and I didn’t have like flying powers [Laughter] okay everyone in the chat I need to respond can we get some karate chops on

My laptop because that’s like the reason why I had to reset twice and basically why I died in Minecraft was because my laptop karate chop my bad laptop hey also Chris nice to see you and banana and also let’s see I could have sworn I saw somebody else

That I wanted let’s see Fireblaze how’s it going Fireblaze oh princess Lair there we go how are you going uh how are you doing princess Slayer thank you for all the crying shots just careful not to go too crazy with spamming it though all right please no spam

And the lovely voice that you hear is like gazer he he introduced me to this um spinal craft server and he’s a mod for me okay okay [Laughter] why how’s it going hey You broke out of jail he’s wearing a suit oh soggy is a changed person you can shift click Your Grave by the way we have grapes oh where’s the grave up here on the roof oh because I died [Laughter] whose house did I die on

You died on the villagers oh this is the villagers house I died on yep all right ready for the rest of the tour red naughty and Raven Brody they like gazer has an amazing relaxing reassuring voice Thomas says pixel says princess and Vibes are like our biggest

Donators well thank you guys for being here you guys are awesome welcome back tigers yo I’m gonna give you guys some quick hugs just for being awesome uh thank you guys for sticking around coming back here amongst all the tech problems I really appreciate you I Luna happy to

Have you as my friend uh same Luna Embraces playing Crash team Rumble nice uh Nadi says guess who went to Nintendo World nice naughty naughty ah naughty says this girl and I bought my nephew a wristband but didn’t buy one for myself they were expensive like forty dollars that is awesome

Oh yo you are super awesome tiger you’re super awesome and how’s it going Kane a cane raid wait what okay no pixel says oh thank you for stopping by Kane I kissed your laptop Ozzy after I chopped it ah how’s it going Jesse so if you guys want

To join in the description I have the uh the server link thingy it’s like um I think MC Dot yeah you remembered Kane is from us it’s a Pixlr so everyone’s welcome to join if you guys want to feel free if you are a streamer you’re welcome to join the

Japanese themed building contest and streamer or not you’re all welcome to join the server it is a cool Japanese one and it’s got loads of fun stuff um they like like these were just showed me like this cool gaming area there’s so much you know so many awesome things

Here okay to do so much to see what’s wrong with taking the back streets so much so much to see so what’s wrong with taking the back streets yeah if you don’t go never shine if you don’t below hey now you’re a rock star go black

All right so this is the Zen Tavern this is something Lucid builds nice like azer is showing me a tour of the area so you guys can see you know all the cool stuff that’s already on there and hashtag 20 like hype thank you guys and Forest welcome back thank you

Tiger you’re awesome all right um only shooting stars break the mold yeah yeah so this is sachi’s depth into the abyss very awesome I think it’s recommended yeah super cool looking oh wait where’d you go yeah I was just wondering the same oh there you are okay

This is sadri’s depths into the abyss he might have other names for it but like warded frog statue oh it’s okay King Charles Azalea is is the name and a lot of people do say azzy I don’t think lights saw in there soggy says nope I don’t I meant i gaze into

The light I don’t see anything it doesn’t hear us by the way oh hi soggy [Laughter] how was jail [Laughter] all right now you want to know what he so this this is going to be your second favorite thing in the server jail is fine this oh

I’m not gonna say a word you are going to tell me oh hold on hold on it’s not just any Ramen Shop and it’s that ichibakuru is that how you say it or ichiraku look there look it says before I’m looking let’s see let’s see it says each no no

Now look where I’m looking I’m confused this looks like Naruto right here though yeah with ichiraku the Ramen Shop yeah that’s awesome Naruto Elijah welcome I’m doing well how are you Sachi built this hey this looks super awesome sargee very very cool I’m a big Naruto fan next

Oh we have where are you we did this R2D2 shop I’ll have to check this out but this is our two our r2d13 shot thank you for the rain and I hear myself now [Laughter] welcome Raiders thank you lightning how are you guys doing how’s it going Michael and little tiger again pdb

And we also got like user again GC thank you for the raid lightning be sure to check out lightning and also pixel says I love this channel okay and I’ve watched it years ago alert never talk I’m so happy to be here again for real yo pixel thank you so much for

Being here as well and thank you for your read I really appreciate you guys please be sure to check out lightning be sure to check out pixels thank you guys and lightning how are you Sadie welcome so if you guys want to join spinal crops there’s a Japanese Build contest for

Streamers you’re welcome to join if you’re a streamer for that otherwise you can just join the server and um just make Japanese houses or you know just have fun um streamer or not you’re all welcome in the description I have the information on where you go what you put in to join so and it’s that’s in the description How are you how are you thank you for super here oh there’s lightning sleep check out lighting guys how are you lightning so Lonnie’s asking how are you tonight thank you again for that raid lightning what were you streaming how were you streaming and let’s see for

Myself I’m doing all right although I did have a blue screen of death and then earlier I had audio problems so I had to reset my laptop has been a flipper so that you know but I’ve been doing all right otherwise thank you so much I just hope I don’t get another blue screen of death this laptop is Super Monkey Ball bro oh Super Monkey Ball how uh how do you like Super Monkey Ball um a stream takeover request by Donkey Kong yep makes sense makes sense and lightning is super super pro at Mario Kart and

Um many games really uh but she’s super awesome so be sure to check her out guys and Sebastian welcome welcome Raven and yay I see Raven and you look just like that I remember the pictures you drew from a long time ago you just you look um similar to that the picture

I saw that um and like Discord from before very cool yay Raven like it says it’s pretty fun though I enjoyed the Gan that is awesome like Ian dude this is sort of what I was talking about or talking to you about Miss lightning you might not enjoy Minecraft

Much at all but what we’re doing right now is something I think you might be interested in we’re touring the new spot and seeing some of the new stuff to help azzy with some ideas for the contest and wishing and Melo uh I love your look your your um Skyward not Skyward um

Breath of the wild link with um a cool you know the The Deco if he thinks very cool like for example the house that we just looked at this one this is the Naruto Ramen Shop the ichiraku isn’t it so cool soggy soggy made it that’s so awesome I love Naruto so cool

All right it’s only a few builds left to show so yeah like user is touring um again this is spinal craft everyone’s welcome to join and like user is just showing me around so you can kind of see you know what everyone’s already done oh

Soggy says can I show you guys the new thing light didn’t go for it for it I’ll see I see Sadie okay so soggy all right we’re on an adventure I thought that um I thought this was lucid’s my size what’s this something I was unaware of sadji did this apparently

Pixel says gotta go sister if you see the title of my stream you will see yeah let’s let’s make it night to help carry on thank you so much pixels you are awesome and I appreciate you being here in the rain I hope you have a wonderful night hey Aurora welcome welcome

Gonna be a bit dark uh oh are there gonna be monsters I feel safe because you guys are with me otherwise Soggy is bringing us somewhere spooky can we trust soggy uh oh I can’t see anything I’m in trouble oh my Lord where are the the jump areas how did you guys get across oh thank you Mello thank you so much Melo you’re awesome cyberpunk area that sounds super awesome

Whoa soya’s got some secrets look at that nice chase your dreams pixel says I believe in you thank you so much it says there’s no servers that says so did you type it in what I have in the description make sure you go to um this is um Java Minecraft although Bedrock does

Work with it it’s like a you know a lot of things to that though um so make sure you have everything typed correctly multiplayer and then input it hmm so Stitch says that it says there’s no server I wonder why full moon crazy chat but I’ve got to ask

You thank you oh Stitch says can I join an Xbox [Laughter] so you can join on Xbox this is that is uh Bedrock but it is more oh I definitely I defined what the f what the heck why oh Lord help me I don’t trust this

PC I don’t know why I’m deafened I don’t know why I’m muted I did not do that this is so weird okay that’s really weird it may have been a hotkey so weird oh what other games are you playing this weekend more Minecraft seriously I will be doing Minecraft

Bedrock tomorrow visiting your worlds and Realms and then alibits is planned on Sunday so this is the cyberpunk area by the way that statue made yeah that’s so cool cyberpunk is an awesome Style oh amusement park would be super awesome tiger and as he oh Jesse welcome Pokemon

Presents next Tuesday I didn’t know there was one I have to keep my eyes out tiger says Bedrock cool I want to see a red one stone how are you doing now bro it’s going well except for Tech problems but it’s awesome to see you Brooke thank you for stopping by

Oh okay zombie can we buy zombie can we check out the area more soggy can we can we look at the things more can we look at the place more or are you like training hey sure look at all the things yay nice look that’s so cool

But she’s seen the dog go too oh the doggo oh yeah the doggo saggy so I ex I altered the rules without altering the rules hello spider goodbye spider Annihilation says hi um I altered the rules without alternate moves I included a second bracket for long-term spinal craft members who

Were like they’re having a Build contest but we’re not allowed it’s like all right okay I didn’t do that there’s no way I did that I was scared the one actually breaks the thing so I said let’s have a second bracket everyone can compete everyone’s going to um compete

Evenly but then I’m going to personally divide streamers versus non-streamer or spinal craft members and basically have two kind surprises streamers nothing changes at all but non-ster the spinal craft members they get to compete now too is what I’m saying but it’s like if saggy were to enter and not stream or whatever

Um and Aziz like less than him or whatever used to win as he because he’s not a streamer he didn’t make content you did okay but he still wins a different prize because he won the other contest so it’s it it’s I I can’t exclude the people I’ve been

Playing on playing with for years you know that that just sounds bad so I’m gonna make a second bracket where did soggy go soggy said everyone here TP light Zach oh okay I see where he is okay nice Brooke awesome follow me follow me uh okay follow the light gazer lights gazer

Will light the way right here oh okay and uh I do have the number thingy if you are in Bedrock I have that in the description um that was what I was told before that is the correct number so hopefully it works I don’t know if it can change

CW says gotta balance Sunny hugs and lots of Hope towards your PC have a fun stream thank you so much CW for being here appreciate you working on a throne room for Game of Thrones tele says nice lost the sedge oh no he’s right here uh-oh I’m gonna follow mellow mellow will lead

The way oh there you guys are just really dark Sachi I gave you glowing so you can’t lose him now hey Mr Warrior welcome back hey never mind so also if somebody does join the server and it’s their first time what should they do um like if they want to build a home

Okay so I’m gonna get to that in just a sec when I show you the next build after saggy shows you the doggo okay There you go Saji you got an your build got an as he scream that’s cool soggy love it yeah I said Japanese style they have the same room rules all of you do and this is what he did super awesome it follows the rules because if you get just close like

If you’re right here where I am you’re in Sakura Valley right here nope nope this is this is wild so he followed the rules barely very cool okay anything else Sanji now keep in mind that was survival just about it awesome effects clear saggy and tiger says that looks amazing

Hashtag 30 like hype thank you for the likes guys all right Now uh the touch here of the uh the blocks that kind of make a circle around here this is salsa saggy’s doing yeah slash spawn and go back to Sakura Valley all right spawn you can do the same thing slash spawn and then click on Sakura Valley

And then you’ll be in this area here with us and Aaron says beer count is going into Maximum Overdrive Angel thus says only thing I could build our relationships how about I can speed Bridge my way to your heart Is that funny sound again is that the Villager is that Frank that’s Frank that’s cool he’s a coded thing so azzy actually you’re headed in the right direction oh sweet so let’s walk Frank was going the correct way no thank you Frank you asked what do new players do in

Spawn first I give them the care package is Frank okay that’s a good question no oh he’s not what can we do to help him put him out of this Missouri oh that’s so sad he’s doomed to walk in circles for the entire spawn ever maybe he needs a hug

So you’ll like this oh wait this is a project I have been working on for well over a hundred logged Powers he’s having a breakdown he’s visiting Japan to relax then he shouldn’t be having a breakdown he should be happy so this is the path General X made for

Me you come to the arch which I like it used to have some kind of um pathway here but I just moved it and put it here and you come so so if you guys are trying to join from Bedrock which would be on any console like Xbox PlayStation

Uh Nintendo switch it will be more tricky um I I have successfully done it before but it is not it’s not exactly easy necessarily I wouldn’t do it for mobile or mobile is stable at least but have you ever played Minecraft on a phone it’s it’s it’s not fun there are

Better ways to torture yourself might be better than my laptop [Laughter] Minecraft on the switch yeah not not exactly your connection won’t be oh Frank Frank just needs a love of that angel dust says poor Frank oh poor guy all right now so we come to the arch block uh just

Stand here and look up at the arch actually land land yep this is my Arch yay very simple that was cool very cool then we come here saggy’s little monkey with the top hat all old and gray with its beard yeah I love the creativity there

I filled that pond up I’m happy about that I put those little lights there saggy actually helped me with the base of those lights nice touch uh thank you lightning in I hope you’re able to figure it out Stitch because I know it can be more complicated trying to join from Bedrock

But it is possible okay um now up here the Journey of a Thousand Miles begins with a single step and I would walk 5 000 miles and I would walk 500 more so you remember the uh Pagoda we did the Tribune right oh yes okay welcome to the new one oh

Oh no flying still still we got the I push the mountains back oh I think they look nice and faces I see faces see faces yes um see if you recognize any of them you might not recognize that one but you should recognize this one press tab as a general X

No press tab tab and look up in the upper right soggy oh this is soggy that’s saggy yeah oh so the mods this one is you I think oh no that ugly mug no couldn’t be these are the current mods and staff or current step of spinal

Craft immortalized for all of time on the first flare ah oh this is General X this one’s General X there we go this is Jason the Mrs belinski Lucid saggy me and DBC I want to say BBC and AWB those are who those are oh cool next

Oh we come up by the way General X is considered the head of the server right the owner the owner the owner of the server hello gamerwolf hello how are you guys all right moving up so this is where I’ll be doing a trivia and it’ll work the same way although

It’s not today by the way um do you like these stairs yeah they’re nice and it just a continuous spiral yep it’s all I I had so little space to work with and Lucid helped me on this none of these spaces you’ll know but these spaces are the

Staff of old oh staff of old from like from before way before like five I lost some time ago this guy his name was I am Parker he was the previous owner of spinalcraft he managed everything and this was his right right hand man uh fan boats this gal okay you

See how many people are in your stream right now yeah yes this is how we had more than that on the server at the same time in spinal crap this person was basically like okay okay if I’m stepping in you’re in trouble oh this person can you resolve this to yourselves yeah the

One with the black speckles in her hair her name is Katie to this day I am lightly intimidated by her but she did good ah nice angel dust says is this the Sim server the seriously intense Minecraft player server I’m not sure what that is this is this

Is a relaxed service yeah this is my home just to chill hang out with everyone go ahead and build a Japanese home uh although um we’ll have to find out more about oh then just a sec yep this is the third this is the um the uh Hall of fame-ish uh VIPs from

Before if that makes sense these aren’t people who like donated hundreds to the server no no no no no these are people who have spent hundreds of hours and built so many bonds with the community of the server that I’m just like yo you’re in the Hall of Fame

Now I’m like these some of these people I remember some I deeply miss each one except this guy who was a mod before I just didn’t have her his name was mcdeef okay um moving up uh uh all spots can go straight back to the center

I I love these divider walls I really do I spent so much time trying to design them yeah this is pretty cool stairway next this is the current VIPs of spinal crap people who have spent again hundreds of hours and formed so many bonds to be immortalized all the

Time you might recognize this person uh I do there Iceberg Mike no I don’t know there you go Izzy uh uh uh I don’t know there you go look in your inventory where your shears were are my shears yeah you have it in your hand right now oh this is safe

Plop it down anywhere oh Sadie okay that’s Sadie yeah uh she tore down a mountain to build her castle just to abandon it and do it again somewhere else she spent hundreds of hours and is helpful everywhere and she always did it with a smile so I’m like

Awesome yeah yeah you you you’re you’re here now all of these people same thing not necessarily the wall um tearing down a mountain but you get the drift I’m big on gratitude like everyone they can’t supremely went above and beyond for spinal crap it brings tears to mind

This last layer is the final layer and welcome thunder dragon nice to see you Angel thus says the tour guide boy sounds soothing as you make sure you give him a tip all right our last layer our last Slayer you will notice that these this one looks different it does look different

They’re not faces they’re yin yang I don’t have faces for this yeah this is going to be filled with winners from various contests I’m gonna do like a parkour contest um definitely not going to get that King of the Hill a bill contest maybe some time trials various or some trivia’s

Whatever whatever the contest is if they win they’re going to be able to pick a yin yang and I’ll Place their face there as a contest winner nice this as my trip yes you did now Desmond how are you hey if you um if you is a Minecraft Java spinal Craft Server

Bedrock is able to join it’s just more tricky but everyone is welcome it’s a really awesome server and they have a Japanese theme area uh really cool and for streamers they have a Japanese Build contest yep now this is a low fan below wall it stops your movement but you can easily

Jump over it even without the jump boost you could jump over this thanks to the jump boost you can come back but uh it’s a long way down I wouldn’t fall down if I were you know now for those of you who can fly up here you can see the top oh no

I can fly you can fly you also can’t take fall damage while flying only for the moment of course yep now up at the top that’s the top of the Pagoda take a look um I’ll wait at the um I’ll wait at the base of the stairs go

Ahead and take a look around the around the whole thing yourself and get a view like notice the Arches the textures the fact that the go ahead was this the one that you were working on all this time oh this entire time very nice 150 hours into this all survival yeah it

Looks very nice and you did wait do you have some flying capabilities to help um no I actually okay so at the start of this build Sanji went AFK and I pranked him um and then he died and he said it I committed harambe so since then I punished Myself by

Taking a lot of My Perks away which does include slash blind so I didn’t use slash by outside of testing so this was done by Falling Down Cliffs and stuff oh what’s let’s see I’m seeing these um floating areas here oh like floating monkeys around it so those floating monkeys were part of

The Goon Squad they were resting on the mountain and then I kind of tore the mountain down from under them I meant to make them gone it’s actually meant for them to burn but we can’t light fires here and spawn so they just kind of sat there

When you’re ready I’ll show you what new players do go ahead and take your time like this is a grand bill it’s it’s the biggest build I have ever done in any Minecraft ever it looks very very texture for it and everything very awesome job you wouldn’t believe how much bamboo

This needed like I I I went through so much bamboo all right now you get to see what new players do in honor go ahead just really quick uh welcome beatcraft how’s it going and you just got back from Mario Kart tournament got fourth place overall GG way to go congratulations

Also cute little lights Matt we come back here and see ya but it’s where’d you go oh you went flying out oh come back okay all right so this is what a new player does after I give them the care package if they can build a spawn home great

If not this is an alternative come on dad yeah it’s a long way down and it’s done that way on purpose all right this is the slip house slash post office the rules of the sliphouse post office um you can only claim one unclaimed room

Like your alts no no no no no no no no no no if you have bedrock and Java and you want to use no don’t do that there’s there’s no reason the wood frame Inside the Box you may change it or it has to stay able you can change brain work

It can change to any other wood type you want but it’s got to stay wood like it’s got to stay afraid you can build anything you want in the 7×7 and build it how you like you cannot in any way shape or form mess with the Sandstone outside of the box and this

Hold on before you look at that one okay this is a blank uh a blank slip house plots people can claim it as they need or as they want they just check is there a name there no okay they break the sign place it again put their name on the

Side and follow the instructions here like you don’t necessarily need a slip but it’s recommended for players that don’t have homes you can remove any of the signs here you just break the chest place it and type lwc space modify space donation hit the chest and suddenly like here uh L no

Slash law so I’m confused uh what’s the whole purpose of you this is for new players to have a home when they wouldn’t otherwise have anal this way people can if there’s a lot of people they can put their slips here otherwise they have to go out into spawn

And build homes themselves they can also build here this place is also a post office okay okay like I will show you basically now that chess I’m gonna give you a bed um no wait take anything your inventory put it in that chest thing at all now try to take it out again

And you cannot that’s because it’s a donation chest as a donation chest it works perfect for a um a mailbox so people can leave messages gifts whatever they want in this place for them to or for the recipient to pick up so it’s like we had slip houses in Old spam my old

Pagoda had a slip house underneath it and it helped new players just be able to get around spawned rather than trying to hunt for an open spot or like can I build here can I build here can I build here can I can I build here they have a bit

See even though with the chest now an example of a mailbox that fits all the rules is this one okay so uh so you can have an your area of your own and it’ll be a mailbox for you a mailbox a slip house a little mini home

An apartment whatever you want it could be anything you want like I’m currently using this as a slip you um as a Slip a mailbox whatever you like you can place your bed here and just be like quick uh back and forth from Spawn to here rather than

Take a tree plop your slip down against the tree and then just leave or something this gives you another option it also gives you a mailbox too a thing new look at it this way it gives a new player or player like you a small incentive to be like hey this is mine

I’m Azalea 22. this is mine I’m going to break that sign place this and what do I want my mailbox to look like it gives them a goal especially with an example like this oh what do I want mine to look like I can make it wait I will say I can make

It look like anything I could just leave it like this can’t I I could or I could do more with it oh and I don’t have to necessarily keep this as my home I could just be like oh hey this is my mailbox I’m gonna build

It and I’m still gonna build my home somewhere else if I or my spa now somewhere else if I feel like it so this is just another goal for new players something to let out within a sort of structure um within a sort of limited structure whatever they want to do however they

Want to they just can’t break they just can’t break the song really okay they could do anything up to inside here because um if you were to go through the old spawn houses you would see like dozens maybe a hundred names a hundred little rooms like this and it’d be like

When you come down 10 years down the line you’d be like if you come back in 10 years to be like oh there’s like a slip house I remember that there’s mine oh I miss this Mercedes I like yours a lot it looks really cool

Um I know I only have like 40 minutes until the three hour mark and I didn’t get started building it I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I was trying to give you inspiration it’s all good I’m just I know that you wanted a stream

For that yes yes I did and I will accept this because this is my own darn faults um as I’m typing that I’m typing it out um all right um uh also let’s see in the chat here uh welcome mustacheries how’s it going do you use

Shader uh I don’t think I have Shader right now because I just like downloading the basic right now because my PC is a flipper also Gillian how’s it going Gillian and yes they have a lot of stuff there’s like um you might even have to like type it

Down remember everything tiger but yeah everything was so well thought tiger says and have a good night be craft thank you for being here honokas is doing good I I have sad news I’m leaving Domino’s unfortunately Domino’s can’t pay the bills um yeah I mean you gotta do what you

Gotta do with that because you know we have to be able to take care of ourselves of course so I hope you’re able to find something awesome how are you guys doing thank you for the reading and pixella welcome to the stream guys I left you a bunch of goodies in your shop

And what um what were you streaming pixel how was your streaming guys be sure to check out pixilla thank you for stopping by and thank you for reading and for anyone interested um I’m currently doing Minecraft right now I’m in a Java Minecraft server called spinal crafts a very well done

Server they have like so many different things in it uh Japanese world right now everyone’s welcome to join and if you’re a streamer they’re having a Japanese themed building contest so if you guys want to join for that you’re welcome to as well Breath of the wild very nice oh yeah very awesome game I’m not gonna ask for any kind of extension for the uh um um on what is it called the tech problems that’s my own fault um I left you a bunch of materials in your face if you want more go for it

Um did you want to tell your community about any of the rules for the stream for the build contests Um specifically about the help um all right but uh first off I want to say hello to Giga gamer thank you for stopping by I appreciate you I want to silly ASMR so there is a Japanese theme building contest going on um and like gazer said that I am allowed

To have help with it so you know anyone whoever takes it it’s allowed to have help with your builds um um other than that I’m not really sure what the rules are right now It’s gotta be Japanese themed of course gotta at least have one kind of thing

One thing of content on it which this counts um you may have as much help as you want but the more help you have the harder it is to figure out what is creeping and what is not grieving um it cannot be in spawn it’s got to be somewhere

Um where you have open rooms so if you want to make like a castle that makes Jason’s look like a toy go for it you cannot build the Pagoda no pagodas like I I I I I have a pagoda we’re upstaging that we’re we’re not we’re not dealing

With that at all I don’t know do whatever you want the health is whatever as he wants for help and right now I think she wants Frank’s help [Laughter] she went well pixel says I’m glad to hear that pixela thank you again for reading and um if somebody wants to join and it’s

Their first time here I know you showed us that mailbox area you said that can be like your temporary home as well if they want to just go straight to building their own house they need to find and open a small not plot but like a small little area people

Haven’t developed yet so and space gets more

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Java Spinalcraft | Japanese Build Contest & Playing with Viewers’, was uploaded by Azalea22 on 2023-08-05 14:34:29. It has garnered 316 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:53 or 3413 seconds.

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I’m LIVE with Minecraft Java participating in a Japanese Build Contest and hanging out with viewers in a new Japanese themed world in Spinalcraft. We’ll also check out the world and the various Japan themed builds already there.

Everyone who has Java (or even Bedrock) can join the server and build your own Japanese homes. Only streamers are eligible in the Japanese Building Contest, but viewers are welcome to help me out in my build if you want.

You can join Minecraft Java’s Spinalcraft through Bedrock, but there are multiple steps to make it work plus it can be finnicky. It is possible, though. All are welcome to join the server at and Server Port: 19132 (if from bedrock). This server is not my own, but Lightgazer introduced me to it. Be sure to follow their rules. The security on the server is top notch and they will find you if you break the rules. O.O

————————————————————————————————————————- Azalea228458 is my #minecraft Microsoft Gamer Tag ————————————————————————————————————————-

This is a special #familyfriendly live stream with my VTuber. 🙂

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Keep it PG-ish Be nice, have fun Don’t spam a lot No advertising/self-promotion Respect the owner and all mods No Trolling No harassing remarks, hateful comments, etc. Please do not ask for mod

(These are some base guidelines, but also please use common sense as these are not necessarily the limitations to the rules.)


Loyalty Store is up! (Also shows more COMMANDS)

• You automatically earn points while watching the live streams, and can also try your luck with a few games! • Redeem items during live stream to use and see them displayed on screen. (Redeem by going to the above loyalty store link or typing !redeem (item name) in the chat.

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—————————————————————————————- For some fun you can use this command: !8ball (ask yes or no question) —————————————————————————————-

Video Game: Minecraft Bedrock Platform: Nintendo Switch Video: Let’s Play/Gameplay Live Stream

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Special Donation/Super Chat Alerts for these amounts:

2.22 – Azalea 3.10 – Mario 3.33 – Jumpscare 6.67 – Spooky 7.77 – Lucky 7’s 13.33 – Super Jumpscare 22.00 – Azalea 22.22 – Azalea 100.00 – Cat OMG 220.00 – Super Mario World Special —————————————————————————————–


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Thank you! ————————————————————————————–

Let me know if you guys have any Super Mario Maker 2 courses you would like to see me play on the channel!


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  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

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  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

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  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

Azalea22 – MINECRAFT Java Spinalcraft | Japanese Build Contest & Playing with Viewers