Baba’s Insane School Brawl – Full Story!

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When I was in high school bringing weapons to school was like considered a big no no like I’m going to be honest kids still ended up bringing weapons to school but in my head I straight up thought that they were just flat out dumb like I’m sorry if you’re going to

Bring a weapon to school you might as well just sharpen your pencil and act like it’s like The Purge cuz like I’m sorry like what anyways I remember one time in high school I was just kind of walking around and I remember entering my social studies class and in my social

Studies class we got this new girl who came in and she was like from like some foreign country and I remember I sat besider and I was just introducing myself you know I’m being a nice guy cuz I was kind of outgoing like I didn’t look that bad so I remember introducing

Myself being a nice guy all that cool stuff and then you know I realized that her accent was like very heavy like it was like the average Russian accent like nothing like Arnold snagger worth but like it was it was pretty pretty rough and I was just being nice to her you

Know introducing myself all that stuff and she told me that her and her boyfriend came from like a foreign country whatsoever and then as class went over I remember walking down the hallway and as I was walking down the hallway I saw the same girl but but she

Was like with her boyfriend and she was like pointing me out and her boyfriend was like I’m going to be honest her boyfriend looked like a total dumbass like I can’t be mean but like he he did like man couldn’t pull his pants up honestly like I want to give him a belt

But okay I’m talking way too high in Mighty for this okay anyways like I was saying though so I remember he walked up to me and he literally just you know walked over or waddled over I should say I’m sorry I can make fun of this guy

Like two ways till Friday and when he walked up to me he was like yo you hitting on my girl I should have looked at him I was like sorry like he had the accent too but he made sound effects with like his voice as he was talking

Like I don’t know if he was talking third person or something or you know he’s like a beatboxer but basically he said something like this Skitty be you know what I’m saying dog like you trying to like be with my girl you know what I’m saying you hit my my girl and stuff

Like that you and in my head I’m thinking like wait does this guy just speak English to me dude I was dead confused cuz I’m going to be honest I only spoke normal English at the time so I remember saying like no like I’m not hitting up your girl like I’m not

Interested whatsoever I just saw her in my class and she was new I thought I should just say hi to her and apparently that’s like a big red flag for these guys that have like you know girlfriends cuz I guess no guy wants to feel like they’re not enough which is fair enough

I can’t argue with that basically he was like arguing and yelling with me in this most weirdest language I can’t even say it was English guys but basically from what I heard him say he wanted to fight me and the way he described us fighting was the most weirdest way possible he

Straight up told me yo I’mma pop your head off with my gun you know what I’m saying go and go get you down boy you know what I’m saying so don’t even try hitting up my girl I’m going to scrap you right now after school you know what

After school right now we’re getting scrapped me and you we’re gonna scrap pull up AKs you know what I’m saying and me sitting there just thinking what the heck did this guy just say literally just blew my mind but at the same time though um yeah no basically he wanted to

Fight so I remember I ended up walking away and knowing I had to fight after school because of some foreign girl I just met kind of just blew my mind like I remember walking up to my friends that I guess were kind of my friends at the

Time and saying how like this guy wanted to fight me and apparently everyone knew him already because he apparently got caught carrying a knife to school and the fact that I was just in a conversation with this guy and the fact that he wanted to bring a gun and shoot

An AK in my head to go pop pop kind of scared the life out of me by the way I do not condone any violence in the story line I should probably say that first anyways yeah so basically this guy wanted to fight me he wanted to scrap me

I told my friends about it and he was caught with a knife earlier today so that’s already a red flag for me me knowing I’m probably going to die in this situation I was actually kind of worried like you know that Panic that you get in your chest when like

Something’s about to go down that was kind of me but at the same time though I did not want to be a wuss and I wanted to actually you know man up because you know I was at that stage where I needed to I guess so I remember I messaged my

Dad okay that’s kind of awkward to say but I messaged my dad saying Hey Dad um this guy wants to fight me and uh he might kill me inantly when my dad saw he wanted to kill me in the text messages he literally drove down to the school

And he messaged me saying yo I’m here at the school if you need me I got you so I already had my dad like kind of like you know just on standby I guess I don’t know I made this seem like a whole operation when it was literally just

About a guy who can’t pull up their pants like I made this way too severe so after school I remember I straight up started walking towards the field cuz that’s where he wanted to meet I guess and straight up I remember seeing this guy with his girl and like four other

Guys just kind of standing there like as if they’re like in a vshape kind of like birds do when they’re flying away to like south for the winter boy I wish these guys were flying south for the winter and they straight up like kind of just walked up there and me sitting

There with like my backpack acting like you know I was like seven and I’m like so what up when I walked up there and the guy should up walked up me he’s like yo I’m a pop your pop your head off he literally pushed me on the ground and I

Fell and you know at that point I was like kind of worried and then I remember this guy actually did end up pulling out his knife that’s right so basically I was on the ground the guy had a knife out and then instantly right as this guy

Had his knife out cops were called apparently and I heard sirens straight up when I heard sirens these guys like all of them ran away except the one guy that was literally standing there with a knife and I remember his girlfriend just yelling at him saying to like run away

Or something as if you know they were like doing something illegal which I guess he technically was and I remember a cop pulled up he literally parked his car instantly ran out of the vehicle and literally ran and tackled this guy to the ground so me laying down on the

Ground at that point I was just kind of laying there looking up at this guy saying like damn this is a lot going on in one moment basically he got knocked down he got his handcuffs on and he got straight to the vehicle and the cop was

Asking me what the heck happened like what did I do basically he was thinking like I did something really bad I remember just straight up telling him like I said hi to his girlfriend and and uh he didn’t like that so he pulled a knife on me that’s all I really said cuz

That’s basically what happened I couldn’t like justify it anymore and then my father came out of the vehicle he saw what was going on and he straight up you know just told the cop like how this guy like basically you know doing his fatherly figure stuff which thank

You Dad by the way for that and yeah that’s basically it after that the kid never actually ended up showing up to school again I don’t know what happened to him I don’t know if he’s rotting in jail now but moral the story is don’t bring weapons to school it’s just not a

Smart thing and before anyone says anything like if you’re one of those kids that are thinking you know gang life is everything I’m sorry I I just cannot wait till the real world hits you cuz it’s going to hit you hard okay for some reason and I will never understand

This I’m going to be brutally damn honest okay I have no idea how this happened but you guys blew up my video of my first fight and to this day I’ll never understand why like I love you guys for it like seriously it has over a million views on YouTube and it’s insane

This channel has been blowing up ever since like we already have two plaques we’re going insane we’re going sicko mode with all these amazing videos and I love you guys for it but this story out to the people that wanted to see more fight stories cuz apparently a lot of

You guys were like there’s no way that was your first fight doesn’t make any sense you can’t even fight in the story and that is true I didn’t actually fight I I technically just got pushed on the ground and cops came sorry for everyone that I just spoiled the story for if you

Guys still want to go check that out and go show support on it go for it seriously it’s a good story but other than that let’s get into this crazy new one yo what is going on you guys my name is Bubba and welcome back to another

Crazy story so this story takes place back in high school back in high school I am not going to lie like I said I wasn’t a fighter but from you know my first fight compared to this fight that I’m about to tell you about I want to

Say it was like a onee gap so think of like the first fight story and then one year later cuz obviously you know my first fight story was like I don’t know like my first year of high school and this was like my second year and this

Was when I was like you know more in the F boy phase so you know your boys getting a little trouble and I’m not going to lie I’ve had a lot of fights back in my day I’ve done a lot of like you know fights back in high school and

Stuff I wasn’t say I wasn’t like you know winning all them and nor was I like the biggest fighter I’m not going to lie to you guys I wasn’t but you know encountering people in the type of f boy way I was was pretty easy but going on

Let’s get straight into this so back in high school I remember there was a really cool chick that I actually was like generally just good friends with as RAR as it is you know me being friends with a chick this chick was actually considerably like a really nice girl she

Was nice to me she was calm she was relaxing like she she how do I put this she had like no way of like you know showing me that she was attracted to me but at the same time that’s probably cuz she had a boyfriend at the time and I

Remember you know she’ always like talk to me help me with homework and stuff and you know we’d keep things actually really casual you know me and her we never planned on doing anything we never talk you know in any way as if you know we were attracted to each other at all

Which was a good thing at first but then I started realizing like over time she would come into class really sad or really upset or just annoyed in general and obviously me trying to be a good friend I’m just straight up like yo like is everything all right like you okay

And she told me how like you know things were getting hard in her life and stuff like that at first I thought it was like a family thing so I kind of backed off cuz I’m not going to lie when it comes to family like unless you’re really that

Close with the person you shouldn’t get involved but then I started talking to her even more and I kind of like not really pushed her but in a way I kind of just said like you know like if you need me I’m here and she ended up telling me

The truth apparently her boyfriend and her were having issues and stuff and she was planning on ending it but she just couldn’t get that full push to do it so you know me you know being a nice guy was I was like oh well I mean you want

To like hang out or like talk about it and stuff and for some reason she said yes right on the spot now I know what everyone’s thinking like oh you’re taking a girl with like you know a bad relationship and trying to like take her

Out of it no that’s not the case at all I wasn’t trying to take her out of the relationship I was just trying to give her a new perspective actually no okay I’m not going to lie it did actually kind of seem like that I can’t deny the

Inevitable anyways I remember me and her we went to the mall we were started walking around the mall and stuff cuz if you guys may know from previous stories this mall was right beside my high school okay the mall was literally right beside it I don’t know how many times

I’m going to be putting this in like stories and telling you guys like any time about like me going to the mall and stuff just remember it was right beside my high school I’m going to say it a lot so just get used to it but going on

Though yeah so we went to the mall we started talking and we started talking about you know how things are going and stuff and I remember we were like walking around to the point where she actually wanted ice cream and of course me I was like you know what like yeah

Sure let’s go get some ice cream H is my dude I didn’t actually say pogers that’s that’s weird don’t say that in front of a girl I learned that the hard way but no basically we went over to the ice cream and we got some ice cream together

And we sat down at the food court and when we sat down at the food court I recognized her boyfriend showing up at the mall on his phone and you can already tell he was on snapmaps looking for his girlfriend which is kind of well really weird but no straight up I

Remember he was walking around the food court and he saw me with his girlfriend and he basically walked down to us like a like a plane dude like he was like soaring to us like it was scary dude and I’m not even joking like I was kind of

Panicking I was like oh crap like this is not going to be a good situation so I remember me with my weird highlighter jacket I literally stood up in front of him I’m like oh like what’s going on and stuff like that you know trying to be

Nice to the guy you know to make it seem like you know nothing was going on and of course he had to make it a big scene which I don’t blame him in a way like to this day I actually still don’t blame him cuz I’m going to be honest it was a

Big deal you know me being in front of like you know him with his girlfriend without him knowing it was kind of cheeky I’m not going to lie and to this day like I always think about that and rerun the situation in my head and I

Think damn that was a mistake but no like I said though going on he literally saw me and he was like coming up to me and he’s acting all like tough and by acting tough I mean I don’t know why but a lot of kids in my area when they think

Of acting tough they think about you know basically acting like a gang kid or acting like he’s a part of a gang or something like that it was kind of weird and he walked up to me he was like oh what you doing bro huh what you what’s

You with my girl for bro what what are you trying to do squat you tring you trying to get them down bro you you’re trying to scrap down right now right now in the mall right now and me of course speaking only proper English it was kind

Of weird hearing him say that it you know like I’ll never understand how gang kids talk like I don’t know why but like me as a Canadian you know I speak proper English or at least I try to in a way for these videos but I guess a lot of

Kids back in like high school they talk you know Sky you know and act like they’re part of a SoundCloud rap crew and just you know get high all the time I don’t know it’s just depressing dude like seriously if you’re one of those kids change your life cuz you’re not

Getting anywhere with it so like I was saying though straight up I remember I was like doing my own thing and I was like damn like bro like I’m sorry like it’s not what it looks like at all and he straight up gets pissed he’s like n

Dude like you’re going down like right now and I’m not even joking this guy he started throwing his hands at me like crazy he was punching me left and right and I was getting hit I was and I’m not going to lie I put my arms up to like

Defend my face cuz of course your boy wears glasses so he doesn’t want to get those ruined cuz I’m not ruining a 300 pair of dollar like glasses like I’m just not it doesn’t make sense to me and yeah so he starts throwing punches like

Crazy me I start kind of blocking him as best as I can I’m not going to lie I wasn’t the best at it cuz this was only like my second fight ever well technically second and I remember as I’m blocking him I start freaking out I take

Off my glasses and I Ram him to the ground how did I do that I have no idea to this day I questioned how I rammed him to the ground but apparently like my maneuver was straight up bend over bend over sorry sorry I straight up bent over

And rammed him up against the food court wall and from there I started punching his liver which I don’t know I guess I saw in Kung Fu Panda was really I don’t know a good way to actually hit someone down and he started like straight up

Hitting me in the back of the head until eventually I just dropped on the floor he started kicking me and then his girlfriend yelled his girlfriend straight up yelled stop just stop and right at that spot he actually freaked out he’s like what’s wrong like this guy

Like he’s he’s you’re cheating on me with him and the girl went to explain to him I’m breaking up with you what you’re telling me that I took a beating just for you to actually have the balls to say like you know break up with your

Boyfriend like is this for real like I was actually like kind of pissed off and stressed at the same time but at the same time the back of my head was hurting like a crazy maniac cuz I didn’t really care and I remember like you know the mall security came he asked about

The situation me I’m just laying there on the ground like like like it just hurt like crazy obviously C had to be called cuz everyone was saying how you know like he beat me in the back of the head he got arrested me I had to go home

So I went home my parents were asking if I was okay and blah blah blah long story short the girl ended up texting me the next day saying like hey like thanks for taking that fight for me I didn’t fight for you he fought me cuz he thought I

Was doing something wrong and yeah he just kind of sucked overall how basically I took a beating for a chick don’t get me wrong I taking a beating for a chick’s never a bad thing if they’re like actually sorry sorry wait I shouldn’t say chick sorry let me phrase

That you shouldn’t take a beating for a girl unless it’s actually your girl but I don’t know I guess long story short tough luck okay so one thing that I’ve noticed is that YouTube boxing has actually gotten like really big like don’t get me wrong I saw the first

Fights of when like KSI and like Logan Paul were like such a big deal but now seeing that KSI is officially fighting people like Tommy temper for some reason like really like fa temper out of all people who could box I don’t know honestly I think it’s gone so downhill

And that leads me to the question if I had to box someone and I mean literally any YouTuber who would you think I would box I was thinking about doing Austin Luna or maybe I would even box scrubs I don’t know I’ll literally box anyone I’m

Going to be really honest cuz like don’t get wrong being in the ring is exciting for me and I think it’s pretty cool and this story is about how I actually got into the ring one time with my high school bully and trust me this story

Does get intense so make sure do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and let’s get straight into the story all right what is going on you guys my name is Bubba and welcome back to another insane story so this story starts back actually funny enough

I want to say in my grade 11 year now in grade 11 I was already really known throughout the school for being with a lot of different girls and stuff and don’t get wrong I was like a major player and always doing the devil’s Tango but one thing I never realized as

I was doing all these things is that a lot of guys would envy me and by Envy I mean be jealous of me now at first I didn’t really care why nor did I really want to bother cuz either way I still had the boys that were like my close

Friends that understood me and well enough to know that I’m not that kind of person to really care for the girls I’ve been with but for some reason there was one guy in my school who would always pick on me but not only pick on me but

Pick on a lot of different other people now don’t get me wrong this guy in no way was he like Charming or was he attractive or nothing like that whatsoever but one thing I can say was that a lot of women would turn him down

And a lot of the women that turned him down have actually done the devil’s Tango with me anyways I remember one day I was sitting in the cafeteria just kind of chilling being on my own and I was just kind of just writing a paper that I

Had to do for English class and out of nowhere the guy was literally coming into the cafeteria the bully that well no one really liked and I remember he was just kind of walking around the cafeteria and I found it really odd but then I remember a girl ended up running

Into the cafeteria and running into him saying oh hey I got your message you want to talk to me like what’s going on and as I was overhearing their conversation cuz they were literally like right behind me I remember this guy that like no one liked in my school

Literally said oh like I was just wondering like do you want to like maybe like go out sometime as I was hearing this I was really like kind of like weirded out but at the same time almost kind of laughing because I don’t know I

Found it funny just I don’t know it was just a funny moment like don’t you guys laugh when like you hear something like really awkward come out of someone else’s mouth I know I do so basically when I heard that I was kind of like giggling and then out of nowhere I

Remember seeing this girl she looked at me and then she looked back at the guy and said oh I’m sorry it’s just like trust me it’s not you it’s me like I just don’t think I’m ready for a relationship yet and when a girl says

This I’m saying this right now it is the most cap most BS thing that any girl could say like no joke when a girl would say that I’m saying this right now the problem isn’t her it’s definitely you so to all the guys that’s been told oh like

It’s nothing with you it’s me no just know it is actually you like figure out your stuff bro but basically I remember hearing that and I literally couldn’t hold anymore and I literally got up and left the cafeteria I didn’t want to be mean and literally laugh right in front

Of him so I decided to be nice and left the cafeteria and started laughing when I was going down the hallway but as I was walking down the hallway I remember out of nowhere the girl that was literally just at asked out came up beside me and said oh hey Bubba like

What are you doing I remember I was just walking with her and I’m like oh nothing you know just chilling just hanging out and stuff what about you and me and her we started walking together to her next class I remember as we were walking though this guy ended up going through

The outside cafeteria doors and entering in the school where we just walked to and when we entered in he literally saw me and her literally standing together and talking now the girl’s back was facing him so obviously the girl didn’t notice he was there and this girl for

Some reason had the gal and I mean the literal gal to literally asked me out right in front of him no joke she was like oh like hey I was just wondering like you’re really cute and like I’m not really doing anything this Saturday do

You want to like maybe go out sometime I remember I looked at the girl and I looked at the guy behind him which is like the bully that literally just asked her out and I’m like yeah I’m going be for real with you I think I’m busy that

Day you know I’m just chilling and then this guy was so infused like literally inflames like I’m not joking he literally looked like the character from inside out the red character with like the red Flames coming out of him yeah he literally looked just like that mad at

Me dude like he was so mad to the point where he decided to come into our conversation pop up behind the girl and say oh okay I get it now so you’re going to ask him out but you’re not going to go out with me even though I asked you

What kind of woman are you what does this guy have that I don’t and right as he says that he ends up pushing me up against the lockers now at this point I’m not going to lie I was in grade 11 I ain’t no wuss at this time and age so I

Remember I literally stood up against him I’m like hey what do you mean what’s wrong with me bro and then afterwards we start kind of like you know pushing each other in the hallway and a teacher comes out of the classroom says hey boys this is not the setting for a fight seriously

Take it to the office so me and this dude we end up going to the office and you know we had a talking to blah blah blah all that office stuff where the principal really never knows what’s going on and then afterwards me and this guy we ended up walking away and going

Our separate ways now usually I would hope the story would end here but sadly it didn’t cuz I remember one time my buddy saw me and he was like yo bro like I’m taking this new boxing gym like course do you want to like come with me

I heard you like kind of experienced in boxing which since I did like boxing in like middle school and this was like just for a bit and that’s a story for a different time but you know boxing in middle school I had like little experience but at the same time I was

Still a kid so I never really like got back into it I don’t know I just prefer video games instead but when he invited me I remember this was a good friend of mine and I decided to try it out so I remember in grade 11 and we ended up

Going to this boxing gym and this boxing gym was like really like run down like it was like one of those ones that You’ see like Rocky baloa go into like in like the movies it was just a basic rundown boxing gym and I won’t lie it

Was pretty cool I remember me and my buddy were just practicing sparring and you know we were punching the bag and doing the same old usual things that Boxers usually do when they train and then out of nowhere I’m not joking when I say this out of nowhere this guy that

Literally was basically a bully at my school walked into the boxing gym and when he saw me I’m not joking when I say this he literally drops his duffel bag that he was carrying with his boxing gloves in it and walks up to me saying oh that’s good I found you here little

Bum and he ended up pushing me on the ground I remember I looked at I’m like dude you need to calm down like seriously this is not going to get you anywhere like what do you want to do huh what are you going to do huh and basically started like you know yelling

At him somewhat in the boxing gym and then out of nowhere these two guys ended up coming up behind us both like these two really big guys like that were like really built and kind of just started pulling us back and like basically making sure that we don’t actually hurt

Each other with our bare knuckle fists and then afterward basically we ended up getting separated apart and the guys at the boxing gym were talking to us and saying that if you guys want to fight each other there’s only one place to fight and that’s in the ring so I

Remember basically me and him we signed it up for the ring and basically we were going to do an actual boxing fight like an actual boxing match but obviously we had to schedule the ring and everything so we ended up scheduling it for Saturday now the day I went to the

Boxing gym was on Wednesday and basically throughout the two days of me going to school and going to the boxing gym to practice for the fight everyone in the school started finding out about it girls at my school started finding out and a lot of my homies at school

Ended up figuring out what was going on and basically all wanted to go so it got to the point where I want to say over 50 people in my school and I’m not going to lie I think 30 of them were actually chicks and 20 of them were guys that

Were good friends of mine literally ended up showing up on Saturday to the boxing gym to watch me beat this guy we all ended up going to the boxing gym we ended up basically you know getting ready and stuff and I started practicing on my side of the ring while he was

Practicing on his side of the Ring we were sparring for a bit bit you know practicing with our partners and then afterwards we got ready and we sat down we got ready for boxing now I’m not going to lie we only used like I think six lb gloves we didn’t use like any

Actual like heavyweight gloves that were like you know usually 10 lb gloves that most boxing people use and like the actual Rings we’re using basic gloves we had helmets on obviously cuz we were not really planning on knocking someone out I I personally like my face you know I

Like to keep my face for YouTube and basically me and him we ended up basically going to our sides prepping up talking to our guys and then afterwards we sat down we got ready the announcer came on stage and B said all right in this corner we have a rash Bubba moeni

And in this corner we have well I’m not going to say his name cuz you know the story is about him and I don’t want any legal trouble so yeah going on basically from there the Bell ended up ringing we ended up going up against each other we

Started fighting I ended up punching him he was punching me you know the basic same old that you usually see in the boxing ring but then afterwards this guy has the audacity and I mean the audacity to punch me in the back of the head and

Would he punch me in the back of the head don’t get me wrong it hurt but it was a very not legal move meaning that he was not allowed to punch me in the back of the head it is a basic boxing rule you’re not allowed to do but

Obviously I didn’t complain about it I just moved on from it and said hey you want to fight like that all we can do that so basically from there I remember this guy was a bit taller than me by the way I was only like 5’7 at the time I

Think and basically this guy was like I want to say almost 6ot so one thing I really had to do was that since he had more of a reach on me I ended up punching his liver a lot and when you hit someone in the stomach that is

Really taller than you it hurts a lot especially when you hit the liver area at least that’s what you learn when you’re doing basic fighting training and then from there basically one thing led to another I ended up punching his liver his face ended up going down and that’s

When it uppercutted him I no joke upper cuted the guy and basically I remember he ended up going on the ground he was on the ground but I guess he didn’t really understand boxing rules cuz he ended up staying on the ground longer than 10 seconds at this point I remember

The bell rang and I’m like oh my goodness I actually just won everyone started freaking out everyone started like you know yelling congratulations yay and talk wrong it felt good but as he was laying on the ground crying I basically saw in his eyes that he was

Really upset when he saw the girl basically cheering for me that he asked out the other day and at that point I remember I basically helped him get up and I dabbed him up and said bro good fight and then afterwards he kind of just ended up being a good friend of

Mine and to this day we’re still friends well somewhat I don’t know I I don’t really talk to him much anymore but hey what can I say it was a good fight and I ended up getting friends out of it so as you guys may know it’s still pride month

And actually the more I think about it I have a crazy story to tell you guys but before I get into it please don’t cancel me you got to understand this was back when well I guess bullying was considered good and on top of that honestly this story does get really

Intense so I suggest you guys leave a like And subscribe and to all the people a part of the lgbtq watching this video please watch the video through before you guys make an opinion on me but anyways let’s just jump straight into it yo what is going on you guys my name’s

Bubba and welcome back to an insane story so today’s story takes place back in my grade n year now I’m not going to lie in grade N I looked like this so obviously I wasn’t the Slayer that I was supposed to be don’t get me wrong I

Still did a lot of the devil’s Tango but not as much as I did in grade 10 going on though I remember in Grade 9 I decided to take a course called Drama now drama is a course where it’s basically theater where basically you learn how to like basically act in a way

I don’t know how else to explain it other than me trying to act wasn’t the coolest thing to see but the main reason why I actually took it was because I had a really bad stutter back when I was in high school and me having a stutter back

In high school wasn’t a good thing because say how else am I supposed to pull girls I don’t want to go All Phase adapt on them anyways going on with the story I remember basically one time in Drama we were doing this like exercise where we had to read out a very long

Script and me well with my stutter it makes me a lot worse than how I’m actually supposed to like I can read but not that well with a stutter so I remember I went up in front of the stage and I started basically talking I started basically reading it out but in

Some parts I would randomly just have a stutter and knowing this I remember I saw some girls laughing but then afterwards there was one dude in my class that kept laughing at me for some reason and he kept laughing to the point where he actually ended up saying dude

Like you suck at reading I remember when he said that I kind of just froze and just got really awkward I didn’t know what to say and I didn’t know why this dude was picking on me like literally back off but honestly I guess he was just trying to get everyone’s attention

And be the class clown and that’s one thing I realized over the weeks of me going to class the same guy would always and I mean always try to get attention from everyone and it was so weird because he would walk in with the most weirdest outfits as if he was Lady Gaga

Like I don’t know what this dude’s problem was but in my mind he was just being super weird and really toxic I remember as weeks went on we had this school play that was coming up and obviously the school play everyone wants to be the main character except me I

Remember I didn’t want to do it and the play was Peter Pan by the way if you guys really want to know and I remember I did not want to be Peter Pan but obviously don’t get me wrong a lot of people thought it would be funny for me

To be Peter Pan pan because I was the most youthful looking like I don’t know look at me and tell me if I should be Peter Pan like in my opinion I shouldn’t be and I remember my teacher ended up walking up to me in the middle of class

And saying oh Bubba I was wondering do you want to be Peter Pan for this play the whole class thinks it’s a good idea for you to be for me to be Peter Pan is what I told her after yeah I think you should be Peter Pan I I’m good thanks is

What I ended up saying and I remember I ended up walking away and my teacher she was disappointed so what she decided to do next was pull the whole class together basically making a class meeting with me standing in the middle and basically said everyone I think

Bubba should be Peter Pan and I need a raise of hands for everyone that agrees I remember at that moment since the teacher ended up saying something the whole class ended up putting their hand up for me to be Peter Pan and me I was super embarrassed but then obviously the

One dude in my class realized that I was getting a lot of tension after the vote was done and I remember when the vote was like basically over all the students in my class ended up walking up to me saying how I should you know prepare

Myself how it’s going to going be super fun and honestly it felt good to have a lot of attention but honestly when I saw this dude looking at me I remember he walked up to me saying huh you’re going to be Peter Pan you can’t even freaking

Speak you’re such a loser dude what’s your problem is what I told him afterwards and he basically kept telling me what do you mean what’s my problem you’re just a dumbass wo dude like seriously grow up is what I told him but obviously he wasn’t having it and he

Just kept messing with me and it got to the point where he actually got physical with me and pushed me on the ground now at this point I’m not going to lie I have anger issues I mentioned this in my other video I don’t like getting upset

Really easily but I have that issue so I remember when I stood back up I remember I ended up pushing this guy on the ground and he ended up saying huh for a boy you’re really weak and that’s when I ended up getting on top of him and

Started punching him out I’m not joking I started punching his face over and over and over and over and the teacher was out of the classroom for some reason so I just kept going at it as all these guys were just looking at me thinking that this dude is bat crazy but

Anyways I kept punching him and then one thing led to another I remember there was a girl in my class who was a part of the lgbtq club she walked up to me saying Bubba what are you doing you would never hurt a girl what is what I

Said a girl where’s the girl in this situation and then I remember when I looked down this guy was like um actually I identify as a girl no you don’t is what I said and then afterwards let’s just say I got a lot of drama happening in my class because well a lot

Of people in the class apparently was convinced he was a girl when it was very very obvious that it was a dude like I’m sorry okay if you sound like a man look like a man and have the genes of a man you’re probably a dude and I’m not going

To lie once again this was back in grade n so don’t you know cancel me for this but that was just my thought process back when I was younger anyways after the whole situation happened I remember I started panicking and thinking why in the world does my whole class think this

Person’s a girl and then that’s when I realized he ended up basically saying uh actually I am a girl I’m a transgender gender you’re a what a transgender is what he said once again and I wasn’t convinced I remember what I ended up doing was I ended up saying wait so you

Have a vagina is that what you’re saying um no I don’t have one of those but that doesn’t Define who I am I mean do you have tits is what I ended up saying afterwards um that doesn’t identify who I am is what he said once again and I

Remember me back in grade n well I was really hard-headed so I remember I ended up basically right afterwards when he said that he didn’t have either of those things ended up walking up to him and saying then you’re a dude and it ended up walking away when I said that I

Remember my teacher just ended up walking back into the classroom and right away right as I said that this dude that was really upset at me claiming he was a transgender ran up to me and punched me in the back of a head obviously we both got in trouble we

Ended up going back to the office and when we went back to the office I remember I ended up getting in trouble for basically hitting a girl I remember my parents ended up getting a phone call and I was like really shook because there was no way that they were going to

Tell my parents I hit a girl but they ended up doing that and my parents ended up coming to the school and I got in serious trouble my parents ended up walking into the office saying Bubba why did you hit a girl what you would never

Hit a girl because I live with four sisters so obviously me hitting a girl was really not the case ever I was raised not to do that but then afterwards I remember my dad walked in really upset and he said bub where’s the girl you hit I ended up pointing at the

Dude that was sitting on the chair and that’s when both my parents looked at at me and started laughing they said no seriously where’s the girl you hit mom dad that’s the girl apparently is what I said afterwards and then one thing led to another basically my principal ended

Up explaining what a transgender was to my parents and my parents are really strict and religious so you already know my parents weren going to be convinced and one thing led to another my parents ended up taking me out for ice cream yeah I know I am cool enough to go out

For ice cream after beating someone up but that was basically me back in high school bringing up a transgender you got to understand back then things were very different the LGBT dtq stuff wasn’t really in my mind and to be honest I wasn’t educated on it obviously nowadays

I guess things are different but cancel me if you want all I’m going to say is this this was back in grade nine and I’m 22 now so come on like you guys can kind of calculate what’s going on here but I mean if you guys do have any more

Questions about this story you want to know more make sure you guys join me live on Kick streaming and telling these crazy stories face to face now this story is about how I fought an anime kid and honestly before I get into it honestly I just want to mention I don’t

Condone any fighting like if you want to fight someone go for it if you really think it’s for self-defense but if it’s just for kicks and giggles I’m sorry there’s no point there is zero point of harming someone so don’t harm anybody be nice about it but this story does get

Hilarious so I suggest you guys click that subscribe button if you guys haven’t already for more crazy stories and on top of that if you guys haven’t followed me on Twitch yet I highly advise it cuz I am live right now as we speak so if you guys want to talk to me

Live go for it honestly heavily worth it and like I always say uh let’s just get straight into this yo what is going on you guys my name is Bubba and welcome back to another crazy story so this story takes place back in in high school

So back in high school there was a theater club and in theater club I’m not going to lie like there was a lot of really geeky weird kids like it got to the point where I’m not going to lie I think everyone in theater like ended up

Doing the devil’s Tango with each other and they all acted like siblings so it was like really weird like people would know each other so well to the point where like all the guys knew like how big they were and like it it was just super weird okay that’s all I’m going to

Say there now one thing I won’t lie about though was that I was a theater kid but I was never in depth like that much into theater like I kind of just took the course just so I can get extra credits now you guys are probably wondering okay when does the anime kid

Show up and I’ll explain that just just hold on I remember one day my friend came up to me in theater class and he’s like yo like a lot of these kids are going to like an anime convention I think it’ll be funny if we like go but

Not like wear any costumes though that’s weird and I remember I looked at him like what’s the point of going to an anime convention if everyone’s going to be just weird and then he told me dude the girls are so weird that they’ll literally do the devil’s Tango with

Anyone there bro like trust me you want to go man like these some of these girls are wearing cat costumes and like hot nurse outfitss now I’m not going to lie back in high school anything for Action was action okay either was some love action fighting action or even just some

Weird action honestly I just went for it and going through life saying yes get you to some pretty mysterious places anyways going on I remember I looked at and I’m like sure like why not like okay let’s let’s go if you say so so I remember the next day we ended up

Getting our things getting a camera and getting everything set up and we decided to go for this anime convention this anime convention was downtown so I remember I had to drive my car all the way downtown and as I was heading there I remember looking outside the street

Just seeing so many weird kids like these weird anime costumes and there’s like these boys with like pink hair and like there’s some girls like wearing some like really tight outfits like it was insane it was everything that my friend said it would be but then I

Remember as we like I was parking my car and everything towards the convention I remember seeing like a group of guys and there’s like a group of Asian guys not being racist okay I’m just saying there were there were an Asian group okay I think most of us in high school know

Like that Asian friend group with all like the smart kids we all know what that friend group is okay it’s not racist it’s just what it is anyways I was going towards there and I remember seeing them walked down and they saw we weren’t wearing costumes and I remember

They came up to us and they’re like what anime are you guys from and I was just like uh Batman po Pokemon yeah we’re Pokemon trainers yeah they looked at us and laughed and I remember like kind of being embarrassed cuz let’s be real here you’re going to an anime convention not

Wearing an anime costume it’s kind of awkward but anyways we got our passes we ended up walking and then we walked around obviously my main reason for being there was seeing some hot girls honestly I’m not going to lie if there’s two things I knew was that the two

Hottest girls on the planet are gamer girls and anime girls for some reason they’re really hot like have you guys seen valerant chicks nowadays like holy smokes but anyways going on I remember I was walking around with my friend and as we were walking around I remember seeing

This one girl now this girl looked outstanding and she was actually pretty hot and remember I was like you know just kind of like chilling near the concession stand and I remember my friend looked at me saying bro like why don’t you just go walk up to her and

Like just you know hit her up you know ask for a number or something and I said you know what like whatever sure I’m down let’s let’s go check this out so I remember I walked down and I actually got a chocolate bar cuz I didn’t know

What else would be good and I gave her a bar of chocolate I gave her a bar of chocolate saying saying hey like how you doing and she looked at me and she’s like oooo Hi how are you doing at that point I was really weirded out that she

Said oooo but you know it is what it is and I remember I looked her I’m like oh you know just kind of chilling you know hanging out at the anime convention uh see what animes do you watch and then she looked at me saying do you not

Recognize where I’m from I look at her I’m like no I I I don’t I’m sorry I think she was like Sakura from like Naruto like she had the pink hair so I’m guessing like you know it was her I don’t know dude like there’s so many

Girls in anime that like to the point where like I don’t even realize it unless you’re trying to recite like a HTI I watch like I have no idea anyway she looked at me and she’s like like I’m from like Naruto and you know the way

She talked really bugged me but I get it you know she was trying to be in character I guess I I don’t know anyways me and her were walking around the convention and I remember she was introducing me some people and stuff like that showing me what animes are

Good which ones are not actually she’s the one who got me into Naruto funny enough so that was pretty cool and then I remember we ended up going towards this group of like Naruto kids and like I love nuto nuto is one of my favorite animes nowadays but back then I didn’t

Know much about it all I know is that was just just a bunch of weird kids wearing headbands just doing weird symbols with their hands dude like I’m not going to lie I thought some of them were on like some crack or something like I have no idea I remember I walked

Up to them I’m like hey like what’s going on guys one of the guys looked at me saying uh dude like what are you supposed to like be like are you’re not an anime and I’m like yeah I’m not I I I forgot my costume it’s in my car I think

Or something I don’t know I was basically playing it cool cuz I didn’t know what else to say and then afterwards for some reason he kept giving me a weird look and for some reason this like girl that I was talking to and the one that introduced me into

All of them started getting really close to me like it got to the point where like my arm was basically around her walking around I know not a good look but you know it is what it is and let’s just say he was very upset like he kept

Eyeballing me he kept getting all pissed off and stuff like I don’t know what it was anyways going on though I remember we walked around we ended up going to this like noodle place like I don’t know they wanted to like eat this thing

Called foe I I don’t know what it is but like who calls a soup foe like why is it foe of all things like is it like futon Photon I I I don’t know anyways going on we were like eating at the place and I remember I was sitting down beside the

Girl and basically I remember I had to go to the bathroom so I got up I was going to the bathroom and then this girl started falling behind me for some reason and when she was falling behind me as I’m about to enter the bathroom towards beside me I realized that the

Guy that like did not like me at all walked into me and he had like a bowl of foe in his hand and fo was like really hot and he spilled it all on himself and I remember he was so pissed off like he looked at me like with anger and then

Out of nowhere he like was like all like raging and stuff he put the bowl on the table and he’s like he’s like do you know what you did to my anime costume like oh my goodness like bro are you you’re like blind in my head I’m

Thinking why is he talking like that what what is he on and he’s just started getting more upset and stuff like that and I remember the girl that was with me and for some reason was behind me when I was heading towards the bathroom looks towards the guy and says like don’t

Worry about it like don’t don’t don’t be mad Sasuke in my head I’m thinking why are you calling him Sasuke I thought his name was Tim like I don’t know I was just super confused and he gets all enraged and stuff and for some reason he

Does like this Battle Cry and right when he does this Battle Cry I remember like the store owner is like oh like you guys got to leave the store like you guys can’t be doing this right here and stuff like that and I’m like okay dude like

I’ll leave like whatever I won’t pay for the food so I left not paying for the food and I remember as I was outside just going back to the towards the convention this kid grabs me by the shoulder turns me around and start just starts yelling at me he’s like do you

Know what you have done to me and like he started doing these like weird symbols with his hands like I thought he was going to cast like some kind of voodoo spell on me and I’m like dude you can move your hands as much as you want

I’m I’m I’m not going to fight you and he puts his like legs spread and he’s like you know using his like symbols with his hands like I thought I knew karate honestly I thought this was like a weird ninja karate thing that he was doing but then apparently like all the

Guys he was with was like freaking out like at all the symbols he was pulling and I remember as a joke I ended up doing one symbol and I just flipped him off with the bird cuz I don’t know what symbols are like okay now I do actually

Cuz like you know hell I I I watch Naruto nowadays but I’m talking about like back then I didn’t know what they were so I just flipped the bird on him and he was all upset and he just decided to like Naruto run into my stomach like

Full on he just battle cried going and he just ran into into my stomach like bro are you serious and then I remember I literally stood up and I’m like you got to be freaking joking like I swore and I was pissed off and I remember I

Ended up grabbing him by like this black coat he was wearing it had like a weird like cloud in the middle that was red and I straight up just threw him on the ground and I just started punching him and then all his friends were like that’s not fair he’s not fighting anime

Style and I’m like what the hell are you talking about and then his friends just started coming towards me pulling me off and then eventually a cop came around and like knowing a cop was at the convention was like super weird weird like I’m sorry what’s the worst that

This anime kid can do like seriously and he pulls me off and then I get arrested and I had to go home and my friend drove my car home afterwards cuz he had my keys anyway and remember when I got home I told him dude that was the dumbest

Thing I ever did but honestly this does have a good ending though I remember afterwards the next day I went on my Instagram and I realized that the hot like anime chick followed me and she gave me her real name and stuff and she actually ended up wanting to go out but

Clearly I just didn’t want to cuz after that I’m going to be honest I lost interest when she said now me I’m never usually overconfident about things but sometimes you just got to be and if you guys are reading the title of this video yes this actually happened but let me

Explain actually before I do explain the story time let me just say one thing if you guys haven’t clicked a like And subscribe to the channel already you guys are seriously missing out and on top of that if you guys haven’t already did I mention that I am currently live

On Twitch streaming right now live in front of everyone so if you guys do want to watch me live telling more of these Amazing Stories then go ahead and click the link in the description down below but other than that let’s get into this crazy story yo what is going on you guys

My name is Bubba and welcome back to another insane story so this story takes place back when I was in high school funny enough this was my grade 10 year and I remember I was still a small scrawny kid and by scrawny I mean I didn’t really hit the gym and to be

Honest nor did I ever care to now soon in the next episode of Survival Guide I’ll be talking about what you should be getting into at school and one of the things I wanted to get into was well sports sports is something iconic in high school that most people play like

Comment down below if you guys played a sport in school but for me one of the main sports I wanted to get into was well rugby yeah long story short that never really ended up going through properly cuz I did injure my leg but you know going on from that though I

Remember before before I got into getting into rugby I remember I wanted to get into a sport that was well at least really cool or at least well known in a sense so I remember I went up to my friends in my drama class and there was

One guy in my drama class who was taking a special Sport and this sport was boxing now me I’m no boxer I know boxing has become a big Trend especially you know YouTube boxing actually I have a question for you guys comment down below who you think I should box in YouTube

Boxing I don’t know I I think I could actually I might win something it may maybe i’ probably not but going on I remember boxing became a really big deal and a lot of my friends actually started getting into boxing me on the other hand

Well I mean I could give a good punch but I never got really into it so I remember as me and all my friends were talking about taking boxing classes and actually signing up I remember there was a girl who walked into our group Midway through a conversation and she started

Talking to us funny enough this girl was a boxer and I believe that she was a good boxer cuz well her arms were really muscular and well they were almost thicker than mine okay like that says something there going on though I remember this girl was explaining to our

Whole friend group how boxing is not an easy sport how you have to be able to take a hit and basically one way or another be ready to be attacked now me I’ve been in many fights if you guys don’t know I’ve had my first fight

Posted on here which you guys loved and supported and gave up to 2 million views on and another story where I fought an anime kid at an anime convention yeah not going to one of those anytime soon but this one specific time I remember she was explaining how we need to take a

Hit and stuff and me I well felt like I could take a hit I’m not going to lie me getting hit in any way I got used to I adapted to getting a fist to the face not that I’m saying like I I practice

Getting hit in the face but you know I I know what I’m doing I know that feeling I know that sense so I remember that day after school me and all my friends and even this girl decided to come with us and show us her boxing gym and my

Thought was when we first went there was like oh it’s going to be like filled with a bunch of girls and you know she’s going to show us around when we got there there were more guys than girls and all of them were punching bags like

No tomorrow I swear I think he might have like need an anger issue to actually be a good boxer cuz holy cow these guys looked angry all the time but I remember me I had a lot of things to take off my chest anyway so I remember I

Went up to the front counter and started signing up but as I went to the front counter I saw this one girl and this girl looked phenomenal and she she wasn’t a boxer she only worked there cuz her dad was always going to that gym so

I remember me as I was signing up I started talking to her and stuff and she told me this really funny joke saying oh you actually like going to box like oh my goodness like I don’t even think you can handle it are you sure whatever that

Meant I remember I told her I’ve been in a couple fights at school and stuff and she just kind of laughed and said so you’re fighting like people that don’t know how to fight yeah I mean she wasn’t wrong I I was fighting people that really did not know what they were doing

And sorry to all you gang kids out there but you guys aren’t Fighters you guys are just kids and me being a kid at that time actually being hurt by what she said well I decided actually say screw it and signed up I signed up and I

Remember she was kind of like giving me a tour around the gym cuz she wanted to show me herself and as she like she was showing me around she ended up showing me one person in the gym that was massive like like if I could explain how

Big this guy was like picture like 5 lbs of steak put into one arm like it’s actually crazy how big his arms were so I remember I was looking at him I’m like oh like you know he’s not that big me trying to sound like you know somewhat

Decent of myself and she started talking about how he’s been training for years blah blah blah and you know he always needs a sparring opponent me I I don’t know anything about sparring uh I mean I’ve seen it here and there on the internet and stuff but I I didn’t know

What I was doing but me just to impress her I remember I was like oh you know I could definitely be a sparring opponent like I could Spar like you know how hard is to spar isn’t it like the same name as that Pokémon Sparrow Sparrow yeah I

Could do it she looks at me and starts laughing and she’s like you don’t understand like all his sparing opponents like literally got hurt like they could not handle how hard he hits and then me I look at her and I’m like yeah well I mean I could take a punch or

Two you know I’m pretty good at what I was doing after that the girl looks over at her person that she was seeing they weren’t dating once again but you know looks over that person and says hey like get over here as he walks over all he hear

Is and this big Dude Looks over at me he’s like hey what’s going on as he puts his arm around the girl and me I say oh like you know I’m very experienced in like taking pain and stuff I have a really high pain tarler and so you know

Me and you you know we can we can Spar if you want bro and then this girl was all like oh by the way it’s his first day here so be easy on him the guy looks over at me and then he looks over at his

Girl he’s like what I’m so confused one thing I can definitely say is that he had more bronze over brains does that make sense yeah he was more Broad and strong than actually had brain cells but I mean fair enough guy can hit anyways afterwards this guy goes back to

Training and then me and this girl we start walking around the gym more and more and I remember I told her okay you know what I’m going to start training and mean I decided to train somewhat near the front counter so she can see my skills yeah I wasn’t showing much but

Let’s just say I was punching the bag pretty good okay like I I kind of got the gist down and now this is where things actually get worse so the next day I remember I went to school and when I went to school I went back to hanging

Out with my friend group we were all talking about what we did in the boxing gym you know what was going on and then the girl that originally told us about the boxing gym came back up to us she came up to us and said hey like Bubba

Like that girl like you were talking to yesterday that showed you around she actually thinks you’re somewhat cute when she told me that I got a confidence boost I’m not going to lie I had major confidence boosts and all the boys in the group were like oh oh he likes you

She likes you and me I was like yeah yeah yeah I know what I’m doing but before we could fully celebrate I remember the girl was like yeah but just remember like she does have like a person she’s talking to so like chill out okay I remember I looked over at her

I’m like I could take him yeah okay this is where things really go south I remember when I said that oh oh my goodness it was the worst thing possible to say and it was something I should not have said in the moment cuz let’s just

Say girls talk and when one girl says something well it’s going to spread out throughout the whole girl group like it’s a virus so I remember when I went back to the gym that day for my second day the guy walks up to me the big Alpha

Scary Andrew Tate looking man came up to me and said yo bro I heard you said you could take me man you want to go for a fight or something bro I remember I looked at him I’m like I was you know I don’t think we’re in the same weight

Class and stuff bro I I don’t think it’s possible he looks at me again he’s like bro who cares about weight class bro you say you could take me the way man who do you think you are bro talking all like you know high and mighty about himself

Even though he was pretty big I won’t lie it was probably half steroids I I can’t even lie to you bro like if it doesn’t look natural it’s probably not natural but going on I remember I told him I’m like dude like this is my second

Day let me keep training bro you know trying to act like you know I’m on his level of things then he told me nah put this on passed me gloves and he’s like let’s go hit the ring now this was like a boxing fight between uh KSI and Logan

Paul but imagine Logan Paul being like 10 times bigger than he actually is yeah it was one of those I’m not saying I’m KSI nor as Jack do KSI but it was one of those scenarios okay and I remember we both got into the ring and as we were in

The ring I remember I was looking at him and then I remembered one thing and the one thing I remembered was David and Goliath if you guys don’t know what that is it’s basically a story in the Bible I’m not here to preach to you guys I’m

Basically here to tell you that I just remember that story cuz I used to go to church funny enough um you know what it’s kind of weird cuz I’m the guy who always says Devil’s Tango but I’m mentioning about church but let’s I remember the story David and Goliath in

Me I remember when the bell rang to start the fight I instantly started well running around I I I ran around the ring like an absolute horse and I remember I was kind of like confusing him in a way and then every time he would throw a

Punch well he would hit me but I would like kind of like take it as much as I can let’s just say that day I kind of discovered I did somewhat have a pain tolerance and then I remember I decided this this maneuver where boxers would

Punch towards the left and kind of fake it out and then punch the right yeah it didn’t work out I remember uh he instantly recognized that I wasn’t going to actually punch him with my left arm and go for the right afterwards and then he instantly just aimed for my head and

Knocked me out yep I literally got punched and my face blacked out kind of sucked uh it it was absolutely terrible and I remember I was just laying there in the ring uh I don’t remember really what happened next all I remember is I woke up in like the little nurse office

They have and basically the girl that was over me was the chick that was seeing the guy in the first place and she says honestly like I get you wen’t trying to impress me in there but he didn’t really do much but I’ll tell you this much you have balls to actually

Face him and it walks away with the guy yeah all I’m saying this story is don’t get into something you’re not good at and don’t talk too much cuz let’s just say could lead to dangerous places

This video, titled ‘My First Fights In SCHOOL! (FULL STORY)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2023-12-31 16:00:41. It has garnered 167996 views and 1700 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:22 or 2902 seconds.

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My First Fights In SCHOOL! (FULL STORY) My First Fight! (FULL STORY) My First Fight In School! (STORYTIME)




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    Discover Farlands on Minewind Server! Join Now! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. But first, let’s take a look at this intriguing YouTube video titled “DE ESTA FORMA IRÉ A LAS FARLANDS!🌍 #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #farlands.” In this video, we see the player embarking on a journey to the Farlands in Minecraft. The sense of adventure and exploration is palpable, and it’s clear that the player is having a great time pushing the boundaries of the game. If you’re someone who loves pushing the limits and exploring new… Read More

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    Unlock All 3 Minecraft 15th Anniversary Capes Unlocking the 3 Exclusive Minecraft 15th Anniversary Capes As Minecraft celebrates its 15th anniversary, players are in for a treat with the release of three exclusive capes. These limited-edition capes are a must-have for any dedicated Minecraft fan. Let’s dive into how you can unlock these coveted items and show off your anniversary spirit! How to Obtain the Capes To get your hands on these special capes, you’ll need to follow a few simple steps. First, make sure you have the latest version of Minecraft installed on your device. Then, head over to the Minecraft Marketplace and search for… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs and Hackers Thrive Together!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs and Hackers Thrive Together! Welcome to! Today, we have an exciting new video to share with you all. In this video, SAND and KAYDNN compete in a build competition in Minecraft. But, there’s a twist – KAYDNN is secretly cheating with hacks and a remote! Will SAND find out KAYDNN’s secret? Watch the video to find out! Today, we are exploring the world of Minecraft in a whole new way. While we usually focus on Roblox, we wanted to try something different and dive into the creative world of Minecraft. We hope you enjoy this new video style as much as you… Read More

  • Ultimate Redstone CPU Build

    Ultimate Redstone CPU Build The Smallest Akaishi CPU: CRED VII Version 10 The Minecraft community was recently amazed by the unveiling of the CRED VII (version 10), a groundbreaking creation by Mizuchi. This Redstone CPU stands out for its incredible compact size, fitting within a 16 x 16 x 11 area, making it the smallest Akaishi CPU ever produced. The journey to achieve this feat was not without its challenges, especially considering the base blocks were included in the height measurement. Miniaturization and Innovation One of the key innovations of the CRED VII is its 1-bit design. Despite having only 1-bit ALU and… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Herobrine Battles Youtubers

    Minecraft Mayhem: Herobrine Battles Youtubers In the world of Minecraft, where battles ignite, Herobrine faces off with all YouTubers in sight. The Rare Army gathers, ready for the fight, As the mobs clash fiercely, in the dark of night. Each player brings their skills, their tricks, their might, In this epic showdown, under the moon’s light. With swords clashing, and arrows taking flight, Who will emerge victorious, in this thrilling fight? Subscribe to the channel, join the Rare Army’s might, For more Minecraft battles, that will surely excite. Stay tuned for updates, in every episode’s height, As the story unfolds, in rhymes that ignite. Read More

  • S5 João: O Dragão Mais Forte do Minecraft

    S5 João: O Dragão Mais Forte do Minecraft Exploring the World of Minecraft Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where adventure awaits at every turn, and where the only limit is your imagination. In the realm of Minecraft, players young and old have found a virtual playground unlike any other. Let’s dive into the exciting features and possibilities that make Minecraft a beloved game worldwide. Building Your Dreams One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build anything your heart desires. From humble cottages to grand fortresses, the only limit is your creativity. Construct your dream home, design intricate structures, and… Read More

  • Farm Bartering Shenanigans

    Farm Bartering Shenanigans Minecraft Bartering Farm – Going Solo 3 Building a Bartering Farm In the world of Minecraft, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new adventure in their solo world. The main focus of today’s stream is the construction of a bartering farm. With a design crafted by the streamer, the farm promises to be an exciting addition to the gameplay. Gathering Materials To kick off the project, Music Free Gaming sets out to gather essential materials. From redstone to iron, string, and tripwire hooks, every item plays a crucial role in the construction process. The streamer’s meticulous planning ensures that… Read More

  • Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! – Chill Survival – Ep. 15

    Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! - Chill Survival - Ep. 15 Minecraft Adventures: Searching for Drowned in the Vast River Biome! Exploring the Sea and Unveiling Mysteries In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling adventure in search of the elusive Drowned. As she navigates the serene waters of the sea, a sense of wonder fills the air. The underwater ruins beckon, hinting at hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. With each dive, a new mystery unfolds, leading Meikyan deeper into the heart of the ocean. Encountering the Drowned and Unraveling Their Secrets As Meikyan delves into the river biome, the Drowned emerge from the depths, their haunting… Read More

  • Lost in a Vtuber’s Minecraft Yagi Soba World

    Lost in a Vtuber's Minecraft Yagi Soba WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘[EN Vtuber] [Minecraft] Let’s wander!’, was uploaded by Yagi Soba Ch. on 2024-05-20 01:52:37. It has garnered 31 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:00 or 9180 seconds. Texture Pack: Vanilla BD Craft Shaders: Super Duper Vanilla Please don’t forget to read the chat rules before commenting! 🐐🐐🐐🐐 Chat Rules 🐐🐐🐐🐐 1) I want this stream to have a laid back, chill atmosphere. Please understand these streams are intended for an adult audience. 2) No sexism, racism, homophobia, politics, or overly heavy topics. 3) Please don’t be overly parasocial! All fanservice… Read More

  • Unbelievable Build: Epic LIGHTHOUSE TOWER in Minecraft #shorts

    Unbelievable Build: Epic LIGHTHOUSE TOWER in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Build LIGHTHOUSE TOWER #shorts #minecraft #building’, was uploaded by Dope Hope on 2024-01-08 17:30:10. It has garnered 2868 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. How to build lighthouse, lighthouse, minecraft, building, house, timelapse, replay mod, recording, building, shaders, building minecraft, minecraft challenge building, minecraft lighthouse, minecraft island Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Robbery Prank Goes Hilariously Wrong #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Robbery Prank Goes Hilariously Wrong #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘so funny moment minecraft animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Robber on 2024-01-08 23:02:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Straight Up Anarchy SMP 1.20.4

    Server Info: IP: Join us on Straight Up! A 5 year old anarchy server with no resets and limited anticheat. Experience vanilla Minecraft with us! Discord: New and improved: Join Here Old official discord: Join Here Read More

  • The Trap – FTB Ultimate Anniverary Edition 1.3.0

    The Trap - FTB Ultimate Anniverary Edition 1.3.0Barebones FTB Ultimate Anniversary Edition 1.3.0No set homes or any plugins/No spawn/No Banned ItemsTruthfully, I just started this server recently to enjoy the game, if you’re likeminded and just want to play the modpack go ahead and join.This is my personal discord server if anyone would like to join: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Coding Java with a side of sass.

    “In Mojang HQ… Employee 1: Hey, have you seen that hilarious Minecraft meme with a score of 0? Employee 2: Yeah, it’s a real block-buster!” Read More

  • Crafty Love: Minecraft Survival Shenanigans #16

    Crafty Love: Minecraft Survival Shenanigans #16 In this Minecraft world, Andrew and I roam, Exploring new lands, making our home. Surviving together, through thick and thin, Crafting and building, let the games begin. From mining for diamonds to battling mobs, Our adventures are filled with twists and sobs. But we never give up, we always strive, To conquer the challenges and thrive. So join us on this journey, full of delight, As we play and laugh, day and night. Subscribe to our channel, like and share, For more Minecraft fun, beyond compare. Read More

  • 🔥🐶🐷 Minecraft Dilemma: Doggo or Porkchop? 😂 #shorts #meme

    🔥🐶🐷 Minecraft Dilemma: Doggo or Porkchop? 😂 #shorts #meme Why not both? Introducing the newest Minecraft mob: the Pog! Half dog, half pig, all chaos. Good luck trying to tame this hybrid creature! #PogLife Read More

  • 2024 Game Releases: PS5, Xbox Series X, PC

    2024 Game Releases: PS5, Xbox Series X, PC New Games Coming Out in 2024: Minecraft 15 Anniversary Exciting Updates Await Minecraft Fans The year 2024 promises to be an exciting one for gamers, especially for Minecraft enthusiasts. The highly anticipated Minecraft 15 Anniversary is set to bring a wave of new features and updates to the beloved sandbox game. With its ever-expanding world and dedicated fan base, Minecraft continues to captivate players of all ages. What to Expect from Minecraft 15 Anniversary Minecraft 15 Anniversary is expected to introduce a plethora of new content, including fresh gameplay mechanics, enhanced graphics, and exciting challenges. Players can look forward… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which showcased a fun spot-the-difference quiz within the Minecraft world. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does highlight the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re someone who enjoys exploring new challenges, interacting with a vibrant community, and pushing the boundaries of your imagination, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the perfect place for you. With its unique gameplay features, intense PvP battles,… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Acid World Hardcore Minecraft

    Surviving 100 Days in Acid World Hardcore Minecraft Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days in the Acid World In the world of Minecraft Hardcore, players are constantly challenged to survive in harsh environments. One such challenge is the Acid World, where the very ground beneath your feet can be deadly. In a recent video titled “ASİT DÜNYASINDA 100 gün hayatta kalmak…”, Orhan takes on this daunting task. Orhan’s Adventure in the Acid World Orhan’s journey begins as he spawns into the Acid World, surrounded by perilous terrain. The acidic landscape poses a constant threat, requiring him to be vigilant at all times. With limited resources and dangerous mobs… Read More

  • PrestonPlayz Uncovers Shocking Minecraft Secrets!

    PrestonPlayz Uncovers Shocking Minecraft Secrets!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing All Of Minecraft’s Most Scary (Real?) Lies!’, was uploaded by PrestonPlayz on 2024-05-11 14:15:04. It has garnered 1381831 views and 24974 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:21 or 2421 seconds. ❇️ SUBSCRIBE – 👕 FIRE MERCH – 🔥 DOWNLOAD APP – 👀 FOLLOW ME HERE! ☛ TikTok – ☛ Instagram – ☛ Twitter – 🎮 MY FAN DISCORD! ☛ —————————— Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! If you believe your copyrighted work was unintentionally used in this video… Read More

  • Infinite Chaos: EP. 11 Modded Minecraft

    Infinite Chaos: EP. 11 Modded MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Dimensions | Modded Minecraft | EP. 11’, was uploaded by Eternal Salt on 2024-02-25 03:58:56. It has garnered 13 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:41 or 7121 seconds. 🎮 Welcome to xEternalSaltx’s Salty Crew! 🎮 🔥 Immerse yourself in the epic adventures with Eternal Salt! 🔥 📺 Watch on Twitch: Join us for live streams, exclusive content, and become a part of the Salty Crew! ( 🧂 Salty Chat Discord: Join our vibrant Discord community! Connect with fellow gamers, share epic moments, and stay in the loop with announcements…. Read More

  • Shuman Senpai’s EPIC Adventure on 2b2t!

    Shuman Senpai's EPIC Adventure on 2b2t!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Oldest Anarchy Server 2b2t!’, was uploaded by Shuman Senpai on 2024-05-06 11:40:53. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. Like and subscribe Read More

  • Vegans Only?! Crazy Survival in Minecraft #1

    Vegans Only?! Crazy Survival in Minecraft #1Video Information This video, titled ‘No meat only Veg in Minecraft Survival series #1’, was uploaded by SAVAJ KA ADDA on 2024-01-15 14:30:02. It has garnered 5 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:23 or 1523 seconds. In this Minecraft Survival Series #1, embark on a unique journey as we challenge ourselves to thrive in the game without consuming any meat. Join the adventure of sustainable living, exploring the possibilities of a vegetarian existence in the pixelated world of Minecraft. Will we conquer the survival challenges or succumb to the limitations? Watch to find out and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft FTB SKIES Expert ep 12! Watch now!

    EPIC Minecraft FTB SKIES Expert ep 12! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘let’s play Minecraft FTB SKIES Expert ep 12’, was uploaded by CrackedScreenGaming on 2024-05-20 22:13:47. It has garnered 25 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:36:49 or 20209 seconds. #CSG #SKYBLOCK #MINECRAFT Welcome back aboard the FTB Airship, and get ready for a whole new Skies Adventure. You asked for it and now it’s here; Skies Expert. We’ve re-tooled, revamped, and revved up the whole pack to give you the expert-level adventure you craved. This modpack will challenge you at every turn. From hostile mobs that lurk around every corner to… Read More

  • Become a Cave-Dwelling Gremlin in Minecraft with Rosco Graves!

    Become a Cave-Dwelling Gremlin in Minecraft with Rosco Graves!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Today I become a cave-dwelling gremlin!’, was uploaded by Rosco Graves【FIRST STAGE PRODUCTION EN】 on 2024-02-14 04:51:20. It has garnered 5206 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:00 or 9780 seconds. *scary cave noises* This game is being streamed and monetized in accordance with the terms and conditions set by Mojang Studios.,charge%20to%20view%20the%20videos) #minecraft #Vtuber #avallum Thumbnail Art by Minecraft Skin by ✖✖✖✖✖》❖《✖✖✖✖✖ 【Streamlabs Donations】 ✖✖✖✖✖》❖《✖✖✖✖✖ ✖ Hashtags ✖ General – #RoscoGraves Live – #IKZRosco Art – #BobRosco Memes – #ManUndead Clips – #Clipsco NSFW – #RAWsco Assets… Read More

  • Unbelievable Secrets of Ina – Watchtower Chronicles

    Unbelievable Secrets of Ina - Watchtower ChroniclesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Tales of Ina of The Watchtower’, was uploaded by Vaan Ch. on 2024-05-17 14:00:05. It has garnered 6067 views and 675 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:31 or 331 seconds. ================================================== ========= Source:[Minecraft]Nether say Never #HoloSabaHardcore Minecraft =========================================================== My Twitter : No-Fi : ================================================== ========= Ninomae Ina’nis : =========================================================== Credit : ED Animation : Music : #TAKOTIME #hololiveen #hololiveEnglish #hololivemyth Read More

  • Unbelievable! How This Minecraft World Changes Lives

    Unbelievable! How This Minecraft World Changes LivesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Compassion & Creativity: Building a Better World in Minecraft @PinakKGaming 🎮 #harekrishna’, was uploaded by Pooja Jain on 2024-03-05 19:41:51. It has garnered 17 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:23 or 7703 seconds. Compassion & Creativity: Building a Better World in Minecraft @PinakKGaming 🎮 Welcome to PoojaJainYT’s Minecraft livestream, where we explore the game with a focus on positivity and fun. If you enjoy a relaxed and friendly gaming environment, you’re in the right place to join our Minecraft journey. In this livestream, I’ll show you how we can build… Read More

  • Minecraft Pixel Art TREND: mr beast masterpiece!

    Minecraft Pixel Art TREND: mr beast masterpiece!Video Information This video, titled ‘mr beast pixel art in Minecraft 😊/#shorts #minecraft #pixelart #mrbeast’, was uploaded by TRENDY Trends on 2024-05-06 11:36:07. It has garnered 91 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. mr beast pixel art in Minecraft 😊/#shorts #minecraft #pixelart #mrbeast #mr beast philanthropy,#pixel art,mr beast reacts,mr beast video,mr beast shorts,mrbeast animation,mr beast fortnite,mrbeast pc,mrbeast,#mr beast squidgame,mr beast gaming,mr beast,mr beast reaction,mr beast among us,mrbeast gaming,pencil art,mrbeast windows,artist tries,if #mrbeast bought windows,pencil drawing,pencil,artists,tiktok art challenges compilation,animation,art videoe,art videos,zhc drawing,animation skit,art videos tiktok FUKRA INSAAN 🥰 PIXEL ART #shorts #fukrainsaan #pixel… Read More

  • SUMMER BREAK SMP 1.20.4 16+ whitelist

    Summer Break SMP: Your Ultimate Minecraft Survival Adventure Welcome to Summer Break SMP, a dynamic and vibrant Minecraft server where creativity meets adventure in the perfect balance of building, grinding, and socializing. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer looking for a welcoming community, Summer Break SMP offers a rich and engaging survival multiplayer (SMP) experience that will keep you hooked from day one. Server Overview Summer Break SMP is a survival multiplayer server designed to offer players a well-rounded Minecraft experience. Our server is tailored for those who enjoy the fundamental aspects of survival gameplay—building magnificent structures, grinding… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    Minecraft server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Another day, another creeper”

    Wow, that meme must have some serious high scores on its SATs! Read More

  • Arda’s Windfall: Minecraft’s Riches & Thieves

    Arda's Windfall: Minecraft's Riches & Thieves In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Arda got rich, but Rüzgar’s story is bold. The wind turned thief, in a twist so sly, Will Kerem catch him? Let’s watch and try. Arda’s riches shine, like diamonds so bright, But Rüzgar’s plight, in the shadows of night. The commissioner’s chase, a thrilling sight, In the world of Minecraft, where stories take flight. Subscribe and turn on notifications, don’t miss a beat, In the realm of gaming, where challenges meet. Stay tuned for more, in this rich-poor life, Minecraft adventures, with twists and strife. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥

    Hot Minecraft Dream Memes 🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More

  • Revamping Minecraft Veteran Servers with RubyDung Mod

    Revamping Minecraft Veteran Servers with RubyDung Mod Exploring the World of Minecraft Modding and Retexturing Step into the world of Minecraft modding and retexturing with RDModded, a unique take on the classic game that allows players to customize their experience in exciting new ways. Whether you’re looking to add a super-jump feature or transform the environment into a chocolate paradise, RDModded offers endless possibilities for creative expression. What is RDModded? RDModded is a modded version of Minecraft’s RubyDung client, created in 2009. This innovative project opens up a world of possibilities for players who want to take their Minecraft experience to the next level. With RDModded,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Thrilling Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the Minecraft community! Today, we have a thrilling report from the town of Tolfaldir on the EcoSMP Minecraft server. A mysterious monster-like creature has been sighted lurking in the sewers near Ye Ol’ Ship Thingies Repairs shop. The town is buzzing with speculation and excitement as players gear up to investigate this strange phenomenon. While the EcoSMP server is abuzz with activity, we can’t help but think that there’s another server out there that offers a unique and thrilling experience for Minecraft players. If you’re… Read More

  • Minecraft Players Build Civilization

    Minecraft Players Build Civilization Minecraft Empires: A Simulation of Civilization Empires Mode Overview In the latest update of Minecraft, players can now immerse themselves in the Empires mode, where they are divided into two teams. This division creates tension that eventually escalates into all-out war. The strategic gameplay and team dynamics in Empires mode add a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Join the Community For those looking to dive into the world of Minecraft Empires, joining the official Discord server is a great way to connect with other players, strategize, and stay updated on the latest developments. Click here to… Read More

  • Dan’s Wild West Charity Event: Save Lives & Win Prizes for Boston Kids!

    Dan's Wild West Charity Event: Save Lives & Win Prizes for Boston Kids!Video Information This video, titled ‘Extra Life Charity Daggerheart benefiting Boston Children’s Hospital! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-04-13 23:08:44. It has garnered 41 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 06:04:07 or 21847 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for… Read More

  • Terrifying Seeds in Minecraft – Shocking Discovery

    Terrifying Seeds in Minecraft - Shocking DiscoveryVideo Information This video, titled ‘SCARY SEEDS IN MINECRAFT 😭 MAAR DIYA 😱’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-05-11 08:58:00. It has garnered 953 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:31 or 271 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art minecraft horror ambience mod minecraft horror… Read More