Baba’s SHOCKING ROBLOX E-Girl Dating Journey!

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Okay so right now comment down below which one you guys prefer Roblox or Minecraft cuz I’m not going to lie to you there’s been a time where I’ve had a Minecraft girlfriend and there’s been times where I had a Roblox girlfriend and let’s just say neither of them

Worked out other than my fortnite girlfriend wow I really need help anyways though today’s story does get insane so make sure you guys drop a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and also click the link down below to and watch me go

Live on a brand new streaming platform where I tell crazy stories just like this one other than that let’s get straight into this all right what is going on guys my name is Bubba and welcome back to another insane story so this story takes place back when I was

In high school I know it sounds insane that I’m playing games like Roblox and Minecraft in high school but you got to admit there’s a lot of people who still play Roblox and Minecraft even when they’re in like their late 30s and even in their 20s like for example speed I

Show speed I think everyone knows who that is yeah he plays that game too right like I’m not weird for it but basically I remember back in high school Roblox was getting a lot of attention and a lot of people were looking into it and as for me well I never really played

Roblox Roblox was not really my game until one of my my friends came up to me saying yo bro dude we got to play Roblox bro there like a bunch of cool horror maps and like there’s like there’s games like fortnite on there dude and I remember I looked at him kind of

Questioning what he was talking about but at the same time though I’m not going to lie no good games were out and honestly games were feeling kind of dry kind of like this year how there’s not really any good games other than Hogwarts Legacy but that’s not the point

Going on I remember I told him yeah okay dude like I’ll download uh Roblox you said it was called I mean I’m down sure I could try it out and he basically just explained to me how it all worked and how it’s really just worth it I remember

I got home that day and ended up going on my computer that had it was not a gaming computer it was a basic like Dell PC but it did the job and basically I remember I ended up downloading Roblox and I started looking into it now for

All those Roblox players out there I’m not going to lie to you it’s really cool how everything works in Roblox but at the same time isn’t it just literally a ripoff Minecraft with like a bunch of different ways of servers and everything’s just more round than Square

I don’t know I I thought it was like a child game and it was really weird when I really looked into it but at the same time though I mean every everyone was on it anyways I remember my buddy hopped on with me into a Discord call and we

Basically started going around to like other servers playing a bunch of different games and then there was this one server now this one server was kind of like a role playing server kind of like GTA RP that we have nowadays except like when you role play you role play in

Like school which was super weird cuz role playing in school is like kind of odd like literally you would have a house you would have a way to get to school get on the bus you know all this stuff that you would have to do usually

In real life so I remember me and my buddy we ended up doing this whole roleplay scene in Roblox where we live together and basically we go and go to school the basic stuff so when me and him were playing this game and we actually ended up going to the high

School we basically started walking around and stuff with our Roblox characters I know it sounds so dumb cuz I feel like I’m telling an actual story of real life but in reality I’m talking about Roblox here and basically as we were walking around the school we would

Walk up to people with voice chat and we would talk to them it was really odd how many people actually took this game really seriously cuz don’t get me wrong there’s no way I can actually take it seriously like to me everything just seems like VR chat at that point but

Anyways I remember I was talking and playing and basically doing my part are going to classes in the game and in my mind I thought this is the most dumbest thing ever cuz I could literally do this in real life but then it became a really awkward moment when my buddy walked up

To me saying yo bro we should like go get a girl wait what is what I said go get girls like in the game is what I questioned and he looked at me with his character and said yeah dude like let’s go get a girlfriend uh okay is what I

Said and me and him we ended up going to the cheer squad that was apparently in this Roblox role playing World and we ended up going on the field talking to them and these girls I’m not even joking there was no way to identify how old

They were one of them said they were 16 the other one said they were 14 I don’t know I think one of them was actually 12 but they sounded way younger than they should be to be on the internet I don’t know it just made no sense and by the

Way be safe on the internet there’s one thing I need to warn you guys being on the Internet is something really dangerous that a lot of kids don’t understand like I find it really odd how there’s kids on Omegle literally just meeting random chicks and there’s chicks

On Omegle that are like under the age of 10 I’m just going to say this now be safe on the internet but going on I remember as we were talking to these girls there’s one Roblox character with blonde hair and well she had a really boxy body but I think that’s like all

Roblox characters she walked up to me and said hey so like um do you want to like hang out like after school to day uh sure is what I said like I don’t even know why like she walked up to me like I don’t know it was just so awkward and I

Didn’t know what to say so I just said yes cuz I didn’t know what else to say and my buddy looked at me with his Roblox character going oh yeah this is my buddy he’s like super famous wait what is what I said apparently I played

The role of a famous high school player I I don’t I don’t know it’s D I don’t even want to know we don’t question it but basically me and him we ended up basically going back to classes did the whole school role playing thing and in

After school I remember I ended up going outside of the school waiting for this girl she told me to meet her in front of the school or message me on Roblox telling me to do that so that’s what I did and I remember she ended up coming

Up with her like her pink car and basically me and her like we got into this pink Roblox vehicle that was in the game and we drove straight to her house so much for a date like seriously like even even a video game you couldn’t took

Me to a movie or something I don’t know I guess guess the game wasn’t that advanced but basically we ended up going straight to her place we sat on the couch and then she looked at me and said okay so like are we going to do it wait

What is what I said and then she looks at me with her character and she’s like let’s do it and basically she ended up like coming up like right beside me on like this couch that we were on in the game and she basically started moaning

Yeah I don’t even know what I was doing I remember like in real life I was just looking at my keyboard my mouse and I was just looking at the screen thinking what am I doing here so at that point I was done I’m like okay you know what

This is getting really awkward I remember end up moving my character away from the couch and I remember the girl was like oh my goodness like first you become my boyfriend and now you don’t even want to like sit on the couch with me and like do it you’re so weird and

That’s what I really understood that this girl basically wanted me to do the devil’s Tango in game like what I don’t know I I got really disgusted and I remember I ended up like basically just straight up just logging off like not even leaving her house and playing the

Whole roleplay scene where I’m supposed to leave and make this whole more dramatic than it’s supposed to be like I just straight up left I remember my buddy ended up calling me on the phone he’s like yo bro like why’ you did you get off like what’s what happened dude I

Did the devil’s Tango with a chick on her couch in a video game like if I really want to do that why can’t I just go on the Hub is what I told him he ended up laughing and just giggling and honestly I regret it so much like you

Guys have no idea like that was the most dumbest thing I think I’ve ever done I remember the next day I ended up like basically going to school and this is in real life by the way not in Roblox okay I ended up going to school in real life

And I remember we were hanging out with all the boys and basically my buddy that basically got me on Roblox in the first place ended up making fun of me that I had a Roblox girlfriend like dude what just because I did the devil’s Tango in

The couch with her in a video game does not mean she’s my girlfriend I I don’t know I I I guess you know in video game standpoints anything could be considered a girlfriend I don’t even know dude like I know this one guy that had like a PNG

Of like a anime girl that was basically his girlfriend at this point I don’t want to question it but honestly one thing led to another I remember I ended up hopping on again that day cuz you know I wasn’t done with the game I’m not

Going to lie to you I wanted to really just maybe enjoy the game with all my friends cuz all them were hopping on that same day and when we all hopped on I remember we did the whole role playing thing once again and guess who decided

To log on and hop into the school in Roblox and look at me in the face and say oh my goodness like literally like the cheaters in school what do you mean cheated is what I said I literally started yelling on my microphone to the point where my mom had to come

Downstairs and basically turn off my computer telling me it’s time for bed yeah embarrassing like literally like it’s that’s basically the equivalent of like your mom coming to school in real life I don’t know it really wasn’t but still it was embarrassing okay but I remember after that I ended up turning

On my computer again and basically talking to the boys in Discord not playing the game and saying this is the most dumbest thing you guys have ever decid to play I’m going to go play Call of Duty cuz I’m not going to lie there’s nothing like Call of Duty okay like

Nothing I remember all my friends were like okay whatever and we all hopped off Roblox and we started playing Call of Duty and then that’s when my buddy decided to tell me something that I should have known since the beginning and that was apparently the girl I did

The devil’s Tango with in a video game apparently was way younger than she was in real life and honestly to this day I I feel disgusted no joke at that point uninstalled Roblox I literally uninstalled it cuz like when kids are going to lie about their age on the

Internet and want to do the devil’s Tango in a video game that’s when you know the world’s already more messed up than it should be I don’t know why eating has gotten so popular it seems to be that people literally can’t go up to other girls and other guys and just

Express their feelings to them like I don’t know back when I was in high school we didn’t really rely on the internet to find other women other than you know just doing a quick you know Devil’s Tango but today’s story is something insane and I cannot wait to

Tell you guys the story cuz this is the first time I found my eirl and no it was not V if you guys are wondering if it was V it wasn’t speaking of v as well she doesn’t know about the story so please don’t tell her but also she

Recently just made a YouTube channel so make sure you guys go subscribe to her Channel Down Below she’s going to be posting content same as me and having a good time so make sure you guys show us some support as well other than that let’s get straight into this crazy but

Kind of weird story what is going on you guys my name is Bubba and welcome back to another insane story so today’s story takes place back when I was in high school uh this is like around the time where let’s just say going on Tinder and going on all these apps were really

Popular but me I wasn’t really down for that you see I always use a thing called Discord and if you don’t know what Discord is you are living under a rock cuz is literally the better version of Skype for gamers that’s the best way to explain it anyways I remember one time I

Was on Discord and I was just hanging out with some of the boys on the boys Discord server that we have and I was just talking in there hanging out doing my thing and then one of my friends ends up joining the call now this friend of

Mine he always like I guess finds girls online we have no idea how it’s kind of creepy half the time but sometimes he just knows girls so I remember basically came to a call saying how he found a girl that he really liked and that he

Really really loves her now for us we found it odd obviously at first cuz you know me and the boys were so used to having a person that’s actually there that we’re actually into instead of being into someone that is literally not there if that makes sense like I don’t

Know I never liked the idea of e dating let me just put it that way but then I remember basically who was just going on and on about how he loves this person like he kept saying oh my goodness like I’m literally going to like fly her out

Eventually it’s going to be like the best thing ever I don’t know at that point I remember just muting my mic and kind of just laughing cuz I found it really odd how eating was the final Resort for a lot of people like don’t get me wrong I get it if you’re really

Ugly and you can’t show your face on the internet and you just want to talk to some women I guess that’s the route to take but me being back in high school and all this stuff I’m not going to lie I never really relied on the internet to

Find my girlfriend until I found V I guess but going on with the story I remember basically I remember one night when no one’s on I decided to join the Discord server cuz no one else was on and I just decided to be in the call

Waiting and just kind of playing my own video games and I remember as I was playing a game I just hear someone join a Discord call and it was actually the guy that was eating a girl I remember he ended up joining the call saying yo

Bubba like guess what I just did and it was super late at night and I remember I looked at him like yo like what what’ you do and he’s like dude like no joke this girl has like the biggest knockers dude I remember I ended up kind of like

Looking around my room thinking that was the most weirdest thing he ever said but then afterwards I remember he ended up telling me how he ended up doing e Devil’s Tango I don’t know how that works I don’t know how you do the devil’s Tango through the internet but

But it made no sense to me so I remember I kind of just like you know told him like bro like is that even safe to do it like on like you know the internet you know I started kind of just discussing with him and afterwards I remember he

Ended up telling me yo should I invite the girl into the server now at this point I was actually curious I really wanted to say no because you know it is the boy Discord server but at the same time he really did like this girl and I

Just wanted to see if this girl was even real so I remember I ended up telling him sure just why not just don’t tell any the other guys and basically he ended up inviting his girl his e-girlfriend to the Discord server and one thing led to another she ended up

Joining the call when she joined the call she actually sounded like a pretty decent person but she sounded like she had a really heavy accent it was something like hello hello what’s going on guys and it was super weird and super awkward and I remember I kind of just

Sat there going oh what’s going on and stuff and basically the whole entire time I was basically third wheeling in a Discord call now if you guys know what that feels like it feels weird and it was super awkward and I remember I kind of just looked around my room thinking

This is the dumbest thing I’ve ever done yeah I’ve done that a lot throughout the whole conversation but still I didn’t know what to do at that point then afterwards I remember my buddy ended up just kind of like lagging out of the call and he actually disconnected and

When he disconnected I remember this girl was basically trying to talk to me saying oh like Bubba like you’re a very handsome guy I remember I kind of like was super weirded out and I’m like wait what is what I said afterwards and then she ended up saying oh like you’re super

Super hot like damn is that really you on your Instagram I started being super weirded out and I’m like wait a minute how do you know what my Instagram is by the way if you guys don’t follow me on Instagram I highly advise you to do cuz

I the hottest guy on Earth so go follow my Instagram anyways she started like basically looking at my Instagram and basically she told me how I was attractive and started flirting with me even though she was literally eating my friend now at this point I didn’t know

What to do so I’m like uh I mean what do you look like is what I asked her right after just so we can kind of like be on mutual terms of that we actually know what we look like but then she ended up turning on her camera and this girl was

Not wearing anything literally anything she was literally flashing her massive cherries on the camera saying do you like and I’m like wao and I instantly just disconnected from the call I was so freaked out and I’m like dude there is no way way my friend’s e girlfriend

Literally showed me her cherries it was super awkward and I didn’t know what to say but then like 10 minutes later I remember one of the other boys ended up joined the Discord call and her camera was off and basically I remember I joined back the call and my buddy of

Mine was freaking out at this girl saying who are you why are you in this Discord server at this point I had to turn on my mic and explain how basically like this is like you know my friend’s e-girlfriend and all this stuff and blah blah blah my friend found it super weird

But he ended up just Banning her from the Discord server which is fair enough and one thing led to another I thought it was all over until she ended up adding me on Discord and at that point I remember I accepted her friend request cuz I’m not going to lie she had some

Pretty nice knockers but obviously the bro code is still in set okay I’m not going to do anything if my buddy’s still dating her or eating her I don’t know the rules between eating and the bro code but it’s whatever anyways I remember the next day at school I ended

Up hanging out with the boys and I saw them all in the cafeteria and we started kind of just sitting there eating a lunch and everything and then I remember my buddy was just on his phone the entire time talking to his e-girlfriend I remember went up behind the call they

Were in and he had his camera on and basically I remember this girl was like oh is that Bubba when we were at school and I remember I was super weird I’m like hey like yo I don’t want her seeing me and I kind of just ended up walking

Away but then afterwards I remember this girl ended up messaging me on Discord and she said I literally just broke up with your friend cuz I really want to talk to you instead you’re so hot and I remember I was so confused when she sent

Me that I remember I looked at my buddy that was sitting across the room from me and literally he started crying at this point I knew what happened I basically stole his girl from him he stole his e- girl from him to be my eirl which sounds

Really weird in my head but it was true I basically stole my buddy’s girl which was totally not part of the bro code and I totally just broke it but I didn’t know if it really counted if it was part of eating I don’t know comment down

Below what you think and I remember that night I ended up joining a call with her on Discord and let’s just say I started to experience what eil Tango was it wasn’t pleasant I prefer the real thing but I don’t know people are just weird like that I guess anyways this started

Going on for almost weeks weeks on and me and this girl we started calling each other and all this stuff and I remember one time when I joined the boy Discord server after after a long time of not joining it my buddy was there saying how

He got another eirl and that the last one was a cheater and disgusting and all this stuff I started asking why he thought she was a cheater and let’s just say he ended up telling me bro like she literally always has another guy lined up like that girl was whack the one I’m

Talking to now she’s Swedish and she’s way hotter huh I don’t know basically he was making fun of my eirl so I started making fun of his and one thing led to another we started not talking and not becoming friends cuz we both were dating eag girls it sounded so dumb me thinking

About it now cuz you know e girls are not really like a real thing in my opinion I don’t know I think it’s dumb like for example when I was started dating V I told her straight up just come here why do you want to be long distance I don’t like long-distance

Relationships it’s the most dumbest thing in the world but I guess some people can handle it and uh yeah one thing led to another um I kind of just ended up just not talking to the eag girl anymore and just breaking up with her why cuz I don’t know i’ never like

The E Devil’s Tango at all like I never found it Pleasant okay so on the Internet it’s very common and that many people know that Discord mods are honestly the most weirdest things and I will say this we’ve SE seen a lot of guy Discord mods but when it comes to the

Girls well it’s a whole different category and today’s story is all about it but but before we get into it make sure you guys do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already seriously means a lot when you guys do and let’s just jump straight

Into this yo what is going on you guys my name is Bubba and welcome back to a really embarrassing story now today’s story all takes place back when I was 18 years old so I’m an adult I’m a full-on adult I know what I’m doing and I’m smarter than the average okay well

Smarter it’s you know what I mean but I remember basically I was on YouTube one time just going through my favorite YouTubers and I found one of my OG favorite YouTubers that I used to watch all the time now nowadays almost every YouTuber has like a Discord server that

They have dedicated to them where they could talk about you know their content and stuff like that and basically stay updated with that Creator by the way I also have a Discord server if you guys do want to stay updated with me just click in the description down below and

You’ll see a link that goes straight to my Discord server there’s over 3,000 of you guys already in there but obviously more are welcome anyways I remember from there when I saw this OG YouTuber I was really excited and I’m like oh like I’m going to join their Discord server it’s

Been a long time so I ended up joining their Discord server and when I got in there I’m not going to lie to you it was really really weird how people would interact in there but obviously this OG YouTuber had like a lot of people in his

Server and a lot of them were just talking like a lot of smack and a lot of awkwardness and it was just one of the most weirdest discords I’ve been in and I remember as I was thinking about leaving I remember I just decided to say

Hello and stuff just to see if you know any interaction would happen where my favorite YouTuber would talk back or something and then one thing led to another I ended up getting a message from a disc ORD mod now I didn’t get a private message but I got a message from

This Discord mod that was basically like a part of that OG YouTubers Discord and basically she ended up typing in the Discord saying oh like hey like welcome to the server Bubba now at that point I was really awkwarded out and I just said like oh like hi because like I don’t

Know she was just like some nobody that was just managing the server right at least that’s what I thought from there I remember me and her we’ always like kind of like message back and forth in the like the general chat of the server and

Me and her we just keep talking back and forth and no one else was really typing other than me and her I don’t know why cuz his server had over like 10,000 people in it but for some reason only her and me were typing in general chat I

Found it really awkward but obviously me and her we ended up having a conversation she told me how she was from Australia and all this crazy stuff and me being a Canadian well I already knew in my mind there was no way I was going to see this girl so I didn’t pay

Much attention to her I remember a couple days go by and I kind of like stay away from the Discord but still kind of like join in and talk once in a while and I remember one time when I joined the Discord server call I ended

Up joining in and there were like three guys in there now these three guys they were like big fans of this YouTuber this OG YouTuber and they just kept talking about this person left and right and me obviously like I kind of wanted to join

On the conversation cuz I was also a fan of him back then and we kept talking and talking but then one thing led to another this girl that was a Discord mod ended up joining the Discord call and she’s like oh like hey is Bubba in here

Oh my goodness like hi Bubba like how you doing and she tried sounding like a total girly girl and I’m not going to lie to you it was really really awkward to the point where none of us decided to say anything and she ended up leaving

The call when she left the call I remember one of the guys just kept making fun of me saying oh like bro you’re her favorite oh okay and me I’m just like kind of awkwarded out and I’m like dude it’s not like that like I don’t know her like that we talked like

Maybe once in general chat but that’s literally it obviously though it’s the internet everyone’s going to make fun of you for the littlest things you do now me thinking that was going to be like the It of it and people were just going to like move on I remember this is where

The story gets a lot lot worse because I remember 2 days go by and me I’m still going into the Discord server once in a while it became kind of like my go-to place because like you know why not it’s like a comfort Discord and one time I I

Ended up typing in general chat saying like what’s up to everybody and then one thing led to another I ended up getting a private message from this Discord mod now this Discord mod messaged me for some reason I don’t know if I was in trouble or anything but basically she

Ended up messaging me saying yo like Bubba like you know those guys that were bugging you the other day uh no but why what’s up she ended up saying oh well like I banned them for you what you banned people because of me it’s not

Even my Discord is what I told her but then she ended up basically sending me a winky face emoji and at that point I think I knew what was going on I remember like to basically take it off off my mind and basically not make it a

Big deal I decided not to message her back as much because obviously I didn’t want her thinking anything special was going to happen between us ever and then well let’s just say I was wrong and things ended up getting a lot worse because after that private message she

Ended up dming me over and over and over again she would always like try to like say like good morning and good night messages and it was super weird especially for Discord don’t get me wrong like having a girlfriend and all like I get it you know sending you good

Morning messages and saying good night messages like that’s normal cuz that’s your girlfriend but a Discord mod that you were part of a is getting messages like that is it’s just weird I don’t know I felt uncomfortable especially like come on man really dude and I remember from there I was just really

Bizar out and I decided to basically like kind of like ignore her in a way and kind of like keep distant from her but this is where everything goes to like blob like this is where everything just decides to like just break because I remember one time I was in the server

And I ended up joining the general call and as I’m in there I’m just talking to everyone you know having a good time we were all talking about like some funny video that this YouTuber just released when this girl the Discord mod ends up joining the call turning on her camera

And she comes in there saying uh BBA like can I call you privately real quick she ended up leaving the call right away after and started calling me and everyone in the general call started like basically going like ooh like something’s going to happen and me being

Super weirded out I’m like bro what could possibly happen like there’s no way so I ended up answering the call and basically she ended up talking to me with her camera on and then she asked me to put on my camera now me I’m not going

To lie to you there are a lot of times where I’m sitting on my desk and I’m shirtless okay like I’ve done a shirtless video one time like I was super lazy like there’s so many times in my moments in my life where I would sit

On my desk and I would be shirtless and this girl asked me to put on my camera and I was shirtless at the time but you know what I didn’t really care I kind of like showed it like kind of how I’m showing you guys now like I’m kind of

Like this level so like it didn’t really like show much so I ended up like turning on my camera and I was just shirtless and when she saw I was shirtless I’m not joking her face went tomato red and she’s like oh like you’re super cute and me I didn’t know what to

Say I was just kind of weirded out and then one thing led to another she said oh like let me join you she ended up taking off her shirt and she was just like literally in like a bra and just literally sitting on camera with me just

Wearing not a shirt at this point I didn’t know what to say and I started kind of getting brick because she did have a good nice pair of cherries but at the same time obviously like this is a Discord mod bro from Australia like why

In the world are we doing this right now I remember she kept looking I mean she saw and I guess kind of realized that I was getting bricked because I kept looking down and then this is where the story gets really really awkward because I remember right after that moment she

Ends up looking at me and saying oh like Bubba like if you want I could take this off too she ends up taking off her like you know underwear thing you know you know what I’m saying like I I I can’t get into detail because YouTube monetization but seriously like she

Ended up taking off more than I expected and at that point I felt so uncomfortable where I’m like wo no like stop I ended up looking at her saying okay listen you need to stop like we we can’t do this like no I ended up hanging

Up the call right away and this girl starts spam dming me she ends up spamming me over and over and over again to the point where I was even scared to join this OG YouTuber Discord server because who knows what was going to to happen I remember 3 days went by three

Whole days and me thinking that I was just going to you know come back from the grave and just you know act like everything’s normal well I couldn’t because I’m not joking she would message me over and over to the point where her last DM to me was Bubba since you’re not

Talking to me since you literally just like a jerk I’m just going to ban you from the server cuz we don’t like jerks in the Discord server and honestly Bubba you can never be my kitten when she called me kitten at that point I’m not

Going to lie to you I wanted to leave the server cuz what kind of 18-year-old guy gets called a kitten so I remember I ended up leaving the Discord server and I got banned from it actually funny enough cuz I tried joining it the other

Day before I told the story and yeah one thing like to another things to just not work out what is the moral of the story well be careful who you talk to and be careful of Discord mods and be careful of anyone that’s trying to get more than

They should from you through the internet all remember back when I was a kid dating online was becoming the new Norm even nowadays it is the new Norm to date people online and do like long distance and stuff and don’t get me wrong I understand the whole longdistance dating but eating is a

Different story and today’s story does get really embarrassing and super weird on my part so don’t forget to leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and on top of that if you haven’t joined my Discord server because in my Discord there’s a lot of

Crazy things happening and you guys get the latest updates on when I go live when I post videos when I beat my meat okay maybe not the last one but you know what I mean so join it on Discord server if you haven’t already other than that

Let’s just get straight into this insane story yo what is going on you guys my name is Bubba and welcome back to a really embarrassing but yet kind of crazy story today’s story takes place back when I was in high school and this was my grade 10 year now in grade 10 I

Remember going through Tinder and you know talking to girls in my school just got purely boring because I won’t lie to you at that time like my body count was over like easily over 80 and I won’t lie to you as well like I don’t know doing

The devil’s Tango was like a new Norm but doing it with the same girls over and over again gets really boring unless it’s your wife obviously if you’re married then please just keep doing Devil’s Tango with your wife but I don’t know for me it just got boring doing the

Same g girls over and over again so what me and my friends decide to do one time we were on Discord just hanging out talking and my friend ended up joining the call saying we should all go into like an eting Discord what happens in there is super hilarious now when he

Mentioned an eating Discord it kind of cringed me out but at the same time though what even is that is what I thought back when I was younger so what I decided to do was tell him I mean I’m down like what are you supposed to do in

It oh bro literally all you got to do is just talk to girls that’s literally it and if they’re attracted to you they’ll start talking to you even more how are they supposed to be a attracted to me if I can’t even like look him in the eye

How am I supposed to like you know do any of that if I can’t like rise him up and like look him up in person you know what I mean like I don’t understand the whole like online dating scene to be honest with you but my friend really

Wanted to join in on that Discord server so I said screw it I remember me and him we ended up basically going in there with like a group of our friends the boys basically and we just ended up you know sitting in a call all together just

Waiting to see if any girls would come in and you know I will say this much no one joined in no girl joined in with a group of guys in a call which I don’t don’t blame them because well what kind of girl just joins in on a group of guy

You know what never mind that sounds really disgusting but going on with the story I remember from there after sitting there for like 20 minutes most of the guys just wanted to go back and go back to playing CS go and for me I was like screw it let’s leave this call

So we all ended up leaving and afterwards we ended up just playing our game until one of my friends ended up saying yo Bubba there’s one girl in like the general chat that like wants to talk to you and that’s when I end up going to

Like the chat that they have in Discord like you know like those side panel like for chats and stuff I ended up clicking on General and seeing what was being told and basically this girl thought I was cute in my profile picture and wanted to know if it was actually me so

She ended up telling me to go into a general call and that’s what I did I ended up joining General she ended up joining a general call as well and she told me to turn on my camera now I never turned on my camera but this girl

Actually seemed like a legit woman and when I looked through her socials on Discord it seemed like an actual girl so I ended up basically turning on my camera and I’m like yo like what’s going on yeah I’m real and she was amazed and then that’s when I told her to turn on

Her camera but she ended up leaving the call I didn’t know what was supposed to happen after that I don’t know if that means I won the eating Discord stuff I I really don’t understand but I ended up leaving going back to the other call with the boys and told them what

Happened they ended up laughing just making fun of me and honestly I’m not going to lie to you I could care last so from there I ended up just basically you know just playing the rest of the night with the boys and hanging out now it

Wasn’t until 8:00 p.m. I want to say where things ended up being really weird because I remember I was just on my phone just you know playing some like Pokémon go I think on my phone to be honest with you I know that sounds cringe but even to this day I still play

Pokémon go and basically when I was playing Pokémon go I ended up getting a notification on my phone from Discord and it was the girl that I talked to earlier that ended up adding me now when she added me I thought oh what does this girl want and basically I ended up going

To see what she wanted and I added her back and she wanted to get freaky that night how do I know this because when a girl starts a conversation with hey I thought you were really cute and I couldn’t stop thinking about you yeah chances are she wanted some so at that

Point I’m like nah like this is weird like this is like online like you know like what am I supposed to do like I don’t even know this girl in person I don’t know even what she looks like so I ended up telling her oh like that’s cool

But like I don’t even know what you look like she ended up sending a photo of herself and it was the same photo that was on her social medias but I’m going to be honest with you I wasn’t convinced I’m not that fooled easily on the

Internet like I am a smart internet user and if you guys aren’t smart internet users you should not be on the internet but for me I was a smart user and I decided to be like okay cool you look good I guess and just played along with

It now me and her we were talking back and forth about like you know life and stuff before we got into anything out of pocket I would say or anything to do with the devil’s Tango but I’m not going to lie to you that night we ended up

Talking till like 1:00 in the morning and I had school the next day so I ended up telling her listen like I got to go to bed but we can talk again tomorrow she ended up sending like you know like the sad face that like most girls send

When they’re not really sad but pretend to be sad and basically said oh like okay and one thing led to another yeah the next morning when I woke up she messaged me instantly once she saw that my thing was online now at this moment when she’s texting me I ended up saying

Like you know good morning back to her and stuff and me and her we kept talking back and forth throughout the whole day even at school some of the boys started realizing that I was on my phone way more than they usually was and they ended up getting suspicious and when the

Boys were suspicious I’m not going to lie to you they ended up coming up to me asking me questions but I ended up just showing them the conversation saying nothing happened and all they ended up telling me was oh like dude that girl is so into you and my question was how like

She barely knows me we barely spoke she only knows what I sound like what I look like and that’s it she doesn’t know much about me anything else anyways from there I ended up telling the guys to basically like let’s not be weird about this like nothing’s going to happen I

Don’t do the whole online dating thing but all the guys end up shrugging and walking away and that’s when later on that night well this is where things get really bad because I remember later that night I was in my room just you know on my computer just hanging out playing

With my headphones on playing a game I think I was playing OverWatch I’m not really sure to be honest and when I was playing I remember out of nowhere I Got a notification it was this girl that messaged me now I ignored it I didn’t

Even look at the message and I just kept you know doing my thing but then afterwards I remember I ended up getting another message and another one and another one and another one to the point where I was getting spam DM by this girl now I don’t know why she was obsessed

With me at this time I wasn’t a YouTuber I wasn’t anything special I wasn’t known for the devil’s Tango I was just a basic dude but I ended up getting another notification and then afterwards she started calling me she started calling me and you know the when the Discord

Ringtone goes off it kind of gives me PTSD so I have to like instantly go answer it and when I answer I remember her camera was instantly on and she was not wearing anything and by anything I mean she was literally not wearing anything on Discord now at this point I

Was freaking out I’m like yo like what in the world like bro what and then that’s when she ended up playing with her cherries on camera and this was a legit Girl by the way like this was not fake at all because she was saying my

Name she was moaning it she was doing all that weird stuff that most girls should not do and then right as I told her like yo okay you need to relax I’m not going to lie to you I was bricked but I told her to relax and you know

Maybe stop cuz you know this is really awkward especially on my computer and then afterwards I remember I ended up hearing footsteps coming down from the stairs and I’m like yo like what in the world like someone’s coming downstairs I knew it was my mom definitely cuz my mom

Always checks in on me super late at night and when I heard my mom coming down the stairs I ended up telling her to like you know leave like just go like stop and then instead of ending the call on time my mom ends up walking in seeing

A girl’s cherries being jiggled on my screen and then afterwards that’s not even the worst part when I was trying to explain to my mom that it was a video this girl ended up panning her camera to her meatloaf and ended up telling me put

It in babba please put it in me my mom had a lot of questions a lot of questions cuz the fact that this video ends up saying my name did not please my mother whatsoever and let’s just say I ended up hanging up the call blocking

Her instantly and I had to sit down with my mom for 20 minutes explaining how online dating is scary love Minecraft you guys may know this because I always put it in the background of the stories I tell on this channel and even though the game is built really good and

Honestly all of us love it to this day I got to admit one thing thing the Minecraft Community is the most weirdest community on the internet and today’s story is explaining how I figured that out except the hard way yo what is going on you guys my name is Bubba and welcome

Back to another insane story so today’s story takes place back when I was in high school uh this is when Minecraft was really pushing out there I think it was around 2016 and honestly at that time I was only 15 years old and me being 15 honestly I’m not going to lie I

Was pretty out there and I would do a lot of the time go out and do the devil’s Tango and even though I only played Minecraft once in a while with friends it was never my main priority until one day I remember I entered inside my classroom and I saw a girl on

Her laptop it was a gaming laptop so it was really odd to see a girl playing on a gaming laptop so I remember I decided to walk up to her and kind of see what she’s doing and when I looked over I realized that she was playing Minecraft

I don’t know it was pretty odd seeing her have a really cool gaming laptop but at the same time though playing Minecraft on it like who buys like a $3,000 laptop just to play Minecraft that’s like me buying a super awesome Mega PC just to play Among Us like it

Just didn’t make sense to me so I remember remember I decided to walk up to her and say oh like what other games do you play on this thing I remember she looked at me she kind of looked at me pretty awkwardly and said oh um I don’t

Know I I play like um like VR chat when I’m bored okay what else oh also play Roblox okay what else and I remember when I asked her the third time she kind of just froze and said nothing else I remember I looked at her thinking there’s no way this girl only plays

Three games on this $33,000 laptop like everyone out there in the comments right now please tell me you guys play more games than just those like seriously there’s got to be more to you guys than this but at the same time I remember I said oh well Minecraft’s pretty cool I

Guess and I remember when I told her I played Minecraft she freaked out like no joke she was having like the time of her life she kept bringing up how she was like number one player in like Hunger Games she was really good at playing the game and she was talking about something

About Pixelmon that was trying to be developed I have no idea this was way back when but me obviously I only knew the basics of Minecraft at that time I didn’t know about the servers or anything I kind of just played the survival aspect of it cuz that was the

Only fun part of it I feel like back then for me but then afterwards she started talking about how people were playing cops and robbers which I have no idea what that is either but then afterwards I remember she ended up telling me Oh like one time we we should

Play together uh sure if you want to play Survival is what I told her and she ended up asking me the question of oh like well how many times did you beat the Ender Dragon uh is what I ended up saying cuz I won’t lie to you at that

Time I never beat the Ender Dragon and for all the people saying that I still haven’t beat the Ender Dragon I have okay I’ve only beaten it twice so far but at the same time though like you got understand I play a lot more games than just Minecraft all right anyways I

Remember she was basically geeking out and telling me how we should like you know Bas play together and that she want to come over to basically play Minecraft I told her I would only play Survival cuz I don’t feel like downloading a bunch of mod packs and getting a virus

On my computer well that was my excuse but in reality I just didn’t know how to install it and she was okay with it so I remember when the day was over basically after school I remember she ended up basically hanging out with me and we

Ended up walking over to my house when we got to my house I remember my mom looked at me and she found it pretty odd that I had a chick over cuz I never tell my mom when I have girls over just not really a good idea in my opinion but

Then she ended up telling me okay Bubba go to the living room I ended up saying okay and I ended up going to the living room and sitting down with her when we sat in the living room I remember she opened her laptop and she was just

Showing me around her world that she’d be already in hardcore and I thought that was cool even though I never played hardcore mode nor did I understand it at that time so I remember what I decided to do was I basically ended up telling

Her oh well let’s go to my room and look at my you know account and then she ended up basically going on my Minecraft account downstairs in my room that was you know basically a basement and she ended up basically hopping on my PC and saw that I had like a full-on gaming

Setup and she was in awe apparently her parents didn’t allow her to have a gaming setup because you know she wanted a computer for you know gaming but she only got a laptop cuz her parents wanted her to focus on school more than video games little did they know that they

Literally got her a gaming laptop but I don’t know I guess that’s her parents issue but I remember she ended up hopping on my gaming setup and I’m not going to lie to you it’s like she just went Wet like no joke she was so amazed

By my gaming setup she was like really just like shook she was like oh my goodness like you have a fullon like TW monitor gaming setup oh my is that your PC it like lights up oh my goodness you’re so cool uh yeah I guess is what I

Ended up telling her but then things got really more Awkward because right after she ended up hopping on my PC and just kept playing on it and me I got to the point where I just sat on my bed literally going on my phone snapping people after like 5 minutes later I

Remember she was playing hardcore survival cuz that’s the only game mode like she actually enjoys playing other than mod packs and then she sat down with me and said oh like I’m waiting for the time to turn day um what are you doing oh nothing just on snap and then

Afterwards she ended up basically telling me Oh like if you want you want to play together so me and her we decided to hop on game together and hop into a world together and start a whole new survival world and this was normal survival not hardcore cuz I told her I’m

Not good at it and basically me and her we started like doing the whole Minecraft thing that everyone’s supposed to do you know we built houses we built wood but the weird thing was was that in game when we played together in game she was being really flirtatious and

Apparently my player’s eyes GLW brighter than glowstone I I have no idea and to be honest I didn’t want to question it but afterwards I remember when she was flirting with me a lot in game I remember I looked at her in person and tried to talk to her but then when she

Looked at me in person she wouldn’t flirt with me she would just be Bland as hell and basically really awkward so at that point I realized that this girl was only able to flirt with me through Minecraft so I remember me and her we basically flirted over Minecraft and one

Thing led to another and I won’t lie this was really awkward cuz we were literally sitting in the same room I literally told her oh like you’re really hot as well after she gave me like some sort of compliment and at that point I don’t know what happened or what this

Girl was thinking but she looked at me in person and I looked at her in person as well or like in IRL I should probably say and she decided to literally just start making out with me yep and if you guys are probably thinking do we make

Out in uh in real life no we made out in game I remember I ended up telling her like like over the microphone basically oh like why don’t we just like do this in real life and she said that like you know she wants to but she doesn’t know

How to so I basically gave her kissing lessons I guess in person I don’t it’s really awkward how the story went but honestly to be fair this is a Minecraft freak so I’m not complaining we ended up basically turning off our computers and basically start start making out IRL and

We ended up doing the devil’s Tango IRL as well and this girl she was super like awkward cuz when we would do it she would basically start yelling out words like ender pearl inside me I I I don’t know I I I I didn’t know what to think

And I’m stuttering cuz I don’t know how in the world this even happened but in my mind honestly I was still getting the devil’s Tango so I’m not complaining right but at the same time though I don’t know it just became so awkward to the point where she started making

Minecraft references like I’m sorry she said my Blaze Rod was outstanding like what are you expecting to do with my eggplant bro sorry anyways going on I remember like after 10 minutes cuz that’s how long she wanted to go for she basically ended up stopping and saying

Okay we should take a break and take a nap you want a nap after 10 minutes of me doing the deil’s Tango yeah you got to be trolling anyways one thing led to another I ended up basically telling her how it’s getting late and she should

Head home AKA it was only 4:30 but still it was getting late in my eyes or in our Minecraft world as well and she ended up basically packing her things and saying that she had an awesome time and how she wants to do it again yeah no there’s no

Way I’m letting her do it again with me no way dude unless I’m want to hear about how amazing my Blaze Rod is I just don’t think it’s a good idea anyways I remember afterwards my mom ended up basically opening the door for her and she ended up leaving but right before

She left she ended up basically blowing me a kiss and I remember my mom just looks at me super awkwardly saying uh is she okay yeah Mom yeah she’s just um she she she’s she’s mental is what I ended up telling her and my mom basically tapped my back saying hey it’s always

Good to do chity and she ended up basically going to the kitchen to make me a grilled cheese sandwich I’m not going to lie I never devoured a grilled cheese sandwich so fast okay I don’t understand why people lie about things like don’t get me wrong I can see why

Guys lie about their height knowing that not every guy’s 6ot but at the same time though like lying about your age is one of the most scariest things ever and I’m not going to lie to you this story has a lot of it and I just want to say that

This story hopefully won’t get me arrested cuz let’s just say it was all figured out but all I’m going to say is is make sure you guys do leave a like And subscribe and let’s get straight into this yo what is going on you guys my name is Bubba and welcome back to

Another insane story so this story takes place back when I was in high school I remember it was my senior year I was was in grade 12 and I was basically going on to becoming a fullon adult it’s kind of weird turning into an adult cuz you have

To go through like main cycles of things gang ready for your future and well I don’t know me becoming a YouTuber was never really planned until you guys let that happen seriously thank you for that by the way but going on I remember I really had no idea what I wanted to do

So what I resulted to was just hanging out with women and talking to them yes that’s literally all I would do all the time back in high school I would always just go out five chicks and do the devil’s Tango like all the time no seriously like it’s bad how many times

I’ve done it but then I remember basically I had a friend on Discord that I used to talk to all the time back when I was in high school and we’ve been friends throughout like all of high school and there was one time where I

Remember he invited me to a game to play and that was fortnite I remember we were playing fortnite and basically there was this one girl that was like basically like really good friends with him and one thing led to another I ended up playing fortnite with them now I think

We all know fortnite it’s one of the more casual games that like literally everyone would play but basically I remember me and this girl after that one fortnite game my buddy had to leave and it was just me and her and to not make things awkward I decided to try to talk

To her and stuff try to be friends with her cuz my friends also friends with her and one thing I found really odd is that it’s weird how she was friends with my friend even though they don’t really know much about each other like for

Example when I asked her so like are you ready for graduation she’d be like oh yeah like finishing up uh the exams wait what it’s still the beginning of the year is what I said and I remember I asked her oh like what grade 12 classes

Are you taking all the ones that I just need and stuff wait what I don’t know let’s just say she didn’t seem like she was an actual grade 12 student something just fell off but remember as I would talk to her more and more she started

Like kind of like making up things on the spot and then I remember I asked her where she ended up living I know this is a question that you usually shouldn’t ask anyone as friends with you on the internet cuz you know that’s an invasion

Of privacy but I just decided to ask her to see if she was even from around here and apparently she didn’t live that far from me so I remember I ended up telling her oh like you should come like hang out with like me and like the other guys

Sometime you know just to hang out and stuff she ended up talking to me saying oh like maybe I I don’t know about that and then one thing led to another she had to go and then she left but before she left she ended up messaged me on

Discord her Snapchat and that’s when I added her from there now when I added her on Snapchat I’m not going to lie Snapchat is one of the more sketchiest things on the planet like I know it’s the most common platform to ever go on and don’t get me wrong you guys can add

Me on Snapchat if you want but the main thing is is that Snapchat is a very sketchy platform when it comes to while meeting new people cuz I think it’s the most common thing that everyone uses now like when you walk up to a girl you

Don’t ask her for her number you ask her for her Snapchat so I remember when this girl gave me her Snapchat I remember I added her back and everything and I ended up snapping her saying oh like what’s up trying to be casual and stuff and she ended up messing me back saying

Oh like nothing you sound super cute what do you look like so me being the dumb guy I was I ended up sending her like a side like selfie basically you know the one where you only just send like half of your face that every e boy

Does basically on the internet and I sent her one of those and she saw my jawline I guess fell in love with it to be honest I have no like idea but at the same time though one thing I will say is that every time she would snap me back

It’d be a photo of like a piece of her hair not even like her full-on face I think the most was like maybe like 3% of her forehead so either this girl had a massive forehead that she was hiding or this girl was just not who she was I

Remember the next day I went up to my buddy at school and I ended up talking to him about this girl I ended up saying yo like this girl she actually like kind of lives close to us and like maybe we should just like meet up with her and

Then my buddy ends up saying dude like I don’t really know man like I kind of just met her online like I don’t really know if we should like get to know her and stuff she’s kind of just cool to just hang out with and talk to you know

But then I started asking questions cuz me being a curious guy I am I always get curious when it comes to things like getting to know people and stuff like one thing I’ll say is that if you ever meet me in real life I will talk to you

I will generally want to know who you are and be friends with you so I remember ended up getting curious I was curious as Curious George can I say that I’m Brown it’s okay right no but basically I ended up saying okay yo so like do you not want to meet up with

This girl or not I remember he looked at me and then he finalized saying honestly bro you can go hang out with her but like I think I’m just going to stick to us being online friends and then that’s when I started questioning why obviously that’s like the question for basically

Everything I do in every video but basically I ended up saying why and then he ended up giving me an answer that was kind of weird he ended up telling me the thing is the reason I don’t want to like meet up with her is because we kind of

Like online dated for like a bit but like I wasn’t like into it anymore cuz like I’d rather hang out with a girl in real life than on the internet and he has a point I mean eating is the most dumbest thing on the planet but me being

The guy was I remember I ended up going on my phone going on Snapchat and actually messaging this girl saying hey yo just curious like you dated my friend I don’t want to make things awkward but like do you want to like maybe hang out sometime yes I pulled out the do you

Want a hang out question cuz obviously I want to know who this girl is and it’s never bad to make actual new friends I remember this girl was like freaking out as I sent her that and I remember she ended up snapping me back saying oh like

I don’t know like school’s been super busy and stuff and made up some excuses and stuff that most teenagers do nowadays when they want to get out of something so I remember I ended up saying okay whatever and I ended up moving on now this is where the story

Gets actually pretty funny I remember the next day I went to the mall with me and my friends we ended up going with the guy that introduced me to the girl in the first place and this other buddy of mine when we were walking around the

Mall I remember me and him we ended up going to a store called H&M it’s a very casual clothing store that most guys go to when they don’t want to spend over like $500 on a t-shirt or a jacket or something and I remember as we were

Walking around there was one girl that I recognized somewhat but not because of her face because of her hair her hair was the exact same color as the girl as the one I was snapping and honestly it was kind of odd cuz when I snapped her right in that moment I realized that

This girl was also going on her phone the same time I snapped back like you know that feeling where like you snap someone and then they go on their phone they snap back and they kind of have like the same background at that point we were doing that me and this girl I

Snapped her she snapped me on the perfect timing as well and basically every time she would take a photo and send it to me this girl would get off her phone so that’s when I knew yo bro this girl is the girl like I I just

Decided to go with my gut and I remember I walked past her to kind of like identify her and then afterwards I remember as a joke I ended up sending a photo of that girl specifically to the chick that I was snapping on my phone

And when I did I remember the girl open the snap turns around and her face turns red like cherry red like tomato red it was like she just figured out like we just exposed her or something I have no idea but as she was panicking I remember

She ended up basically running out of the store like literally sprinting out of the store and my buddy looked at me saying yo like why is that girl running out and I said bro we got to go now so I ended up basically grabbing his wrist

And we ran outside and when we ran up to her and I’m not going to lie she could have run pretty far and when we walked up to her that’s when we realized she was wearing a middle school hoodie like you know the ones that you get like at

The end of the year that like basically say like what year you graduated Middle School from yeah she was wearing one of those for this exact year we were in I remember I looked at her and I’m like wait are you in middle school and that’s

When I looked at my friend and said dude there is no way you dated an underage kid online and then I remember this girl started crying and she just said don’t tell my parents and all this really dramatic stuff and I remember my buddy that was beside me was really upset and

He wasn’t upset at the girl he was upset at me as if he knew he was dating an underage chick at that point I was grossed out I’m like dude why are you getting mad at me when you literally are the one dating underage chick and he

Ended up telling me dude I told you like I knew this was going to be bad like there was no point of us trying to meet her like you Lally set me up and I said it was all out of coincidence but to the day he will never believe me on that and

Honestly I’m happy he didn’t cuz let’s just say later on in the future this guy ends up being a full-on pedo and that’s a story for a different time when I fullon exposed him to our entire school but you know what like I said earlier that’s a story for another time anyways

Guys that’s basically for today’s story make sure do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you haven’t already and don’t lie about your age just don’t do it anyways like I always say I more embarrassing stories peace out guys

This video, titled ‘Dating SUS E-Girls Over ROBLOX! (FULL STORY)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-01-09 17:00:53. It has garnered 6336 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:19 or 2839 seconds.

#story #storytime #minecraft

Doing it with E-Girls GONE SUS (FULL STORY) Dating SUS E-Girls Over The Internet! (FULL STORY) My SUS Roblox GIRLFRIEND *GONE WRONG* (STORYTIME)




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    Leashable Boats in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release! Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 1: Leashable Boats and More! Introduction Minecraft enthusiasts, get ready for some exciting updates! The first pre-release for Minecraft 1.21 has arrived, bringing a host of new features to the game. One of the standout additions is the introduction of leashable boats, revolutionizing transportation in the Minecraft world. Portals In this pre-release, players can expect to see significant updates to portals. These changes promise to enhance the gameplay experience and open up new possibilities for exploration and adventure. Gameplay The gameplay in Minecraft 1.21 Pre-release 1 has been fine-tuned to provide a more immersive and engaging… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating Ultraman Geed Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating Ultraman Geed Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the New Ultraman Geed Portal For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to dive into a new adventure, the Ultraman Geed portal offers an exciting opportunity to explore a unique world within the game. Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing addition to the Minecraft universe. Discovering the Ultraman Geed Portal The Ultraman Geed portal introduces players to a realm filled with thrilling challenges and hidden treasures. By stepping through this portal, Minecraft adventurers can embark on a quest unlike any other, encountering new landscapes and obstacles along the way. Features of the Ultraman Geed Portal Within the Ultraman… Read More

  • Crafting Dreams: Minecraft’s Endless Schemes!

    Crafting Dreams: Minecraft's Endless Schemes! Of course, my friend, I’ll do it with glee, Just hit that button, and you’ll soon see, The latest updates, the coolest trends, In the world of Minecraft, where fun never ends. Read More

  • Snowy Shenanigans in Minecraft!

    Snowy Shenanigans in Minecraft! Minecraft: A Student-Friendly World of Creativity and Fun! Exploring Minecraft’s Unique Features Minecraft is a popular sandbox game that allows players to unleash their creativity in a virtual world made up of blocks. From building elaborate structures to exploring vast landscapes, the possibilities are endless in this digital realm. One of the standout features of Minecraft is its educational potential. With a focus on providing child-friendly content, Minecraft offers a safe and engaging environment for young players to learn and have fun. The game encourages problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration, making it a valuable tool for educators and parents alike…. Read More

  • Project Atlas

    Project Atlas・So you are wondering who are we? ・We are Project Atlas and we came to you with a new server full of surprises and a lot of new events. ・We are offering to join us and experience a big variety of game modes that only we can serve you. ・Join To Server To Start Exploring. =================================== Java IP: Discord: Store: Read More

  • LunarCraft – vanilla, whitelist

    LunarCraft Season 2 – HermitCraft-like, SMP Server Who Are We? LunarCraft is a community-oriented survival SMP server inspired by HermitCraft. We aim to provide a mostly vanilla experience with common SMP plugins. Our server has a small to medium-sized community that mainly communicates on Discord. Players must be above 16 years old and display maturity. Key Features: Player Oriented Economy Anti-Grief Protection Anti-Cheats Small, Tight-knit Playerbase Responsive Staff Team Welcoming Community Dynmap Why LunarCraft? Our server runs 24/7 on a high-quality, dedicated server to ensure a lag-free multiplayer experience. We have experienced moderators and a welcoming community. The server is… Read More

  • NuCraft

    “Welcome to NuCraft! A new Minecraft adventure awaits you. Explore, build, battle, and make friends in our friendly community. Join us for an unforgettable journey in the world of NuCraft. Let’s craft a new world together!”Basic Quality of Life /homes/rtp/lands claim/pvp Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – R.I.P. My Last Eye of Ender 😭🔥

    Minecraft Memes - R.I.P. My Last Eye of Ender 😭🔥“Guess I’ll have to resort to throwing potatoes at the Ender Dragon now 😂” Read More

  • Hitman slays Jeff & Jigsaw in Minecraft! 🔥😂

    Hitman slays Jeff & Jigsaw in Minecraft! 🔥😂 Looks like Hitman is expanding his resume to include virtual reality assassinations. Watch out, Steve from Minecraft, you might be next on his hit list! #gamerproblems 😂🎮 Read More

  • EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Ep 3

    EPIC FAILS in Minecraft Ep 3 Welcome to the Exciting World of Minecraft! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft! Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds and survival skills are put to the test. In this episode, players will discover new challenges, exciting features, and endless possibilities. Exploring New Horizons As players venture into uncharted territories, they will encounter a myriad of biomes, each with its own unique characteristics. From lush forests to scorching deserts, the world of Minecraft is teeming with life and surprises. Keep an eye out for rare resources and hidden treasures as you navigate… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Everything Turns Upside Down in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Everything Turns Upside Down in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “HER ŞEY TERSİNE DÖNDÜ BEBEK İŞÇİ MİLYONER OLDU! 😱 -Minecraft”. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and adventures that await you in the world of Minecraft. Imagine a world where everything is turned upside down, where baby workers become millionaires, and where the only limit is your imagination. This is the kind of excitement and creativity that you can experience on Minewind… Read More

  • Trading Shenanigans in Tinker World SMP

    Trading Shenanigans in Tinker World SMP Welcome to Tinker World SMP! Decorating the Villager Trading Hall In the latest stream archive from Music Free Gaming on May 30, 2024, viewers were treated to an exciting session of decorating the villager trading hall in the Tinker World SMP Minecraft server. The focus was on enhancing the trading experience for players and creating a visually appealing space for interactions with villagers. Enhancing the Trading Experience The villager trading hall serves as a central hub for players to engage in trading with villagers, exchanging resources and items to progress in the game. By decorating the hall, Music Free… Read More

  • Ultimate Crossplay Fun in Minecraft EP 3 – Anyone Can Join Now!

    Ultimate Crossplay Fun in Minecraft EP 3 - Anyone Can Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft anybody can join crossplay on java & bedrock EP 3’, was uploaded by Quality Viral on 2024-05-09 02:45:12. It has garnered 1489 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:20 or 18260 seconds. _____________________________________ thanks for watching Discord ______________________________________ [ #minecraft #gaming #vr #live ] ______________________________________ Join the channel to get access to perks ______________________________________ I live stream on Twitch ______________________________________ ​ Read More

  • Spooky Minecraft Glitch: SKETCH SK Yo!?

    Spooky Minecraft Glitch: SKETCH SK Yo!?Video Information This video, titled ‘Yo!!? Minecraft’s spooky glitch #minecraft #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by SKETCH SK on 2024-01-05 13:58:29. It has garnered 139 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Baby Zombie Abandoned in Minecraft City! – Minecraft Animation” #Minecraft #MonsterSchool

    "Baby Zombie Abandoned in Minecraft City! - Minecraft Animation" #Minecraft #MonsterSchoolVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School. A Poor Baby Zombie In Minecraft City. Minecraft Animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Craft MC on 2024-04-21 12:00:28. It has garnered 28195 views and 1396 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Read More

  • Unreal SWORD Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO Challenge – EPIC Parody

    Unreal SWORD Build Battle In Minecraft - NOOB VS PRO Challenge - EPIC ParodyVideo Information This video, titled ‘SWORD Build Battle In Minecraft – NOOB VS PRO CHALLENGE – Maizen Mizen Mazien Parody’, was uploaded by Adventure Craft on 2024-05-06 08:45:01. It has garnered 7041 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds. In this hilarious video, JJ and Mikey go head-to-head in a building competition to see who can create the best sword in Minecraft. Watch as the two friends work against the clock to gather materials and craft their weapons, all while trash-talking and bantering with each other. Who will emerge victorious in this epic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge: NO Touching Colors! #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge: NO Touching Colors! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 3 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-04-26 00:49:29. It has garnered 29189 views and 2127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 Mi Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More


    🚪😱 INSANE MINECRAFT MEME ANIMATION! #MPPOOMVideo Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #doorsbutmemes #animation #doorsbutepic #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #memes’, was uploaded by MP:POOM. on 2024-03-25 10:25:58. It has garnered 4343 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Mining Secrets Revealed! Leo Axenos Minecraft Madness! #anomalismp

    Insane Mining Secrets Revealed! Leo Axenos Minecraft Madness! #anomalismpVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINING MINING SENDIRI~ UHUY~【Leo Axenos / Minecraft】#anomalismp’, was uploaded by Leo Axenos Ch.『 Re:Memories 』 on 2024-05-28 16:25:55. It has garnered 5186 views and 896 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:34 or 11314 seconds. ————————————————– —————— Support me here: 🐯 🐯 For Collaboration and Business Inquiries: 📧 [email protected] ————————————– ————————— My Rules / Regulations on Live Streaming: 🐯 Hello bro, you can clip me, OK? Don’t discuss things which is not polite 🐯 Don’t be OOT, discuss politics and SARA 🐯 Don’t discuss other Vtubers/Streamers unless I discuss it first ————————-… Read More

  • Legend Nipun’s mind blowing surprise! 🤯🥶 #shorts

    Legend Nipun's mind blowing surprise! 🤯🥶 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wait for it… 🤯🥶 #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-01-11 07:30:09. It has garnered 22 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- Wait for it… 🤯🥶 #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts NipunLegend NipunLegendShorts YouTube Trending Shorts YouTube Shorts Gaming Gamer Wait… Read More

  • Bongo Cat Takes Over Minecraft with NeonNinja!

    Bongo Cat Takes Over Minecraft with NeonNinja!Video Information This video, titled ‘Bongo Cat Lets Go – Minecraft Note Blocks’, was uploaded by NeonNinja on 2024-01-16 06:00:05. It has garnered 765 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. Enjoy this loop of Bongo Cat Lets Go on Minecraft note blocks! Comment if you want me to do the entire song! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #noteblock #bongocat #letsgo #memes Read More

  • Hardcore world

    Hardcore worldhardcore Minecraft survival don’t die there’s a way to be revived if you do die it takes a totem and some blocks you will figure it out if you hack/x-ray If you’re caught you will get banned discord is for something else feel free to join If u do see anyone hacking or x-raying say the server ip – Read More

  • MCSnips Modded Whitelist 1.18.2

    Welcome to Citizen Snips Season 2 Beta! Embark on the ultimate Minecraft journey at MCSnips- where creativity meets adventure in a world filled with endless possibilities! Dynamic Trees: Explore lush forests teeming with life as trees sway in the breeze and grow dynamically right before your eyes! Create Mod: Unleash your inner engineer and build incredible machines with the power of Create! Biomes o’ Plenty: Prepare to be mesmerized by a world of breathtaking beauty and diversity! MCSnips offers a vibrant community of fellow adventurers, ready to embark on epic quests, collaborate on massive builds, and forge lifelong friendships. Join… Read More

  • [⭐] FreedomCraft | City Roleplay | Business Ownership | Political Careers | Custom Map

    [⭐] FreedomCraft | City Roleplay | Business Ownership | Political Careers | Custom MapWelcome to FreedomCraft!Server IP: freedomcraft.xyzOverviewFreedomCraft is an American-themed city roleplay server where players can own businesses, run for mayor, and experience a bustling city life with a twist of adventure.Connect with any version from 1.20.1 to 1.20.6 and dive into a modern American setting with custom features and a meticulously designed custom map for all players to explore and enjoy.Why Join FreedomCraft?Realistic city roleplay experienceOwn and manage businessesRun for mayor and influence your cityConnect with any version from 1.20.1 to 1.20.6Modern American setting with custom featuresDetailed custom map for immersive gameplayJoin Our Community!Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Why Minecraft trolling abilities are unbeatable!

    Why can’t Minecraft be like other games and have an “easy” mode where diamonds just fall from the sky? Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal! 🔥😂

    Hotter than a Nether portal! 🔥😂 When you’ve been waiting for the end in Minecraft for so long that you start to question if it even exists…🤣 #minecraftstruggles #endlesswaiting #minecraftmystery Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience the Ultimate Fusion on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of creative fusions like the ones featured in the YouTube video “¿Como se vería TOM y MINECRAFT Fusionados? 😱 Dibujando Fusiones”? If so, then you’ll love the unique and exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server. Immerse yourself in a community where creativity knows no bounds and where you can bring your wildest fusions to life in a virtual world like no other. With a diverse range of players and endless possibilities for exploration and creation, Minewind offers an experience unlike any other Minecraft server. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and unleash your… Read More

  • Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game

    Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic World of Huntercraft Step into a world teeming with monsters and mutants in Huntercraft, an offline survival game for Android devices. As a hunter, your mission is to navigate through the dangers of this open-world environment, filled with opportunities and threats. Game Features With a plethora of activities to engage in, Huntercraft offers players the chance to fight enemies, save survivors, complete quests, and develop their skills. Explore cubic locations and immerse yourself in the various game modes, such as taking on the challenge of killing 100 zombies within a time limit or rescuing survivors… Read More

  • Insane Bunny Magic in Cozy Minecraft Adventure!

    Insane Bunny Magic in Cozy Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cozy Minecraft w/ Friends pt 3’, was uploaded by Magic Bunny Boo on 2024-05-03 04:03:24. It has garnered 18 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:27 or 11427 seconds. Read More

  • Building Ultimate Trading Hall in Hardcore!

    Building Ultimate Trading Hall in Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building The BIGGEST Trading Hall In HARDCORE’, was uploaded by JgamerYT on 2024-04-21 17:05:12. It has garnered 231 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:09 or 7269 seconds. Like and sub for more Minecraft Hardcore LIVE!!! 💬______Discord Server______💬 I hope you enjoyed this stream and TY for 3K subs!! ALSO NEW MEMBERSHIPS BECOME ONE IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT ME Read More

  • “DroNio: Creepers EXPLODE TWICE in Minecraft?!” #viral #minecraft

    "DroNio: Creepers EXPLODE TWICE in Minecraft?!" #viral #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘В Minecraft даже криперы получают наказание – взрываются снова. #viral #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-09 14:45:00. It has garnered 2075 views and 279 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Create Water Path with BOLT in Minecraft

    Unbelievable! Create Water Path with BOLT in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘easy way to make a path on water #minecraft build #BOLT #minecraft short #like and subscribe’, was uploaded by BOLT on 2024-04-10 05:03:30. It has garnered 8477 views and 323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More


    "🤯 INSANE MINECRAFT SNAP MOMENT!" #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🗣❗️#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-20 13:00:43. It has garnered 5652 views and 95 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Tags (ignore): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo #subscribe #minecraftlive #skywars #bedwars #eggwars #cubecraft #texturepack #zeqa #server Texture packs FULL FPS | 1.8, rushing, zonecraft, the best pvp servers, shaders, texture Texture pack for pvp | 1.8 – 1.14, no lag, non-premium minecraft, staff wanted, how to get a premium minecraft account, autoclick, account draw, optifine layer, optifine layer draw, non-premium skywars, liveTop… Read More