Bagel_Squadron – Battling our demons in the nether! (Minecraft PS4) Almost At 65 subs! :O

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I need to change my house at the beep to push black satin it everybody as you see its I love food and corporal nice cheery man you got chocolate squadron we got no but squatchin we got cookies quite interesting Oh everyone’s got six diamonds but that’s he goes with me

Why does nobody organize their chests and fathers I don’t have a chest let me have a surprise for you to be the girl I’m over here organizing relaunch chance cuz he doesn’t do it well I try to stay organized more stacks Vice thanks mmm now we just got to get some more

Upsetting and so you guys can make up any tools to use yours to know which material what I need these sex I don’t know I like to surprise though I like the throw on my world I went to the nether right and I saw this thing

And it’s called black stone yeah yeah we need cobblestone though that’ll protect us from the gas oh I’m using Kostas from my house okay okay why do we struggle with baby because you guys don’t get the food from your farm you should shake this Lucas why don’t you replant I have that power

Beast yeah do you have potatoes on you yeah I’m coming up yeah come replay I have seven big materials you want to find something right yeah wait wait wait for us wait for us everyone are you there but actually the image of my livestream make sure no he’s

Not talking you don’t like up trees can I use your map I don’t have anybody of them out no so there’s not kill doesn’t icky hey stop looking at people as smell Fukami mmm yo drop me your potatoes actually are you planting them I just make sure

You didn’t take those diets oh oh this is fast take about any saddles now have two horses I stocked up the [ __ ] up the past Oh Oh slow that is not slow what do you mean but as effective back I don’t never switch up on my baby grew you check this

Out up I don’t want it sat in a big-girl bed right this one might be slower but it has okay I can hear you I can hear Dmitri okay I could hear you guys that’s I just check my laser on quick when I don’t I I feel bad how Dean attacked her and

Then did his investigation what what you say maybe you later okay what did I do let’s bring it down a notch I’m going to nail a good die die die die die die die die but I guess is for you control each other like 24/7 he’s just cause we’re friends kind of Yeah mmm clapping Lorraine I think there might be some down here we got to go to like why 15 I’m Cranston where do I go shut my coordinates again it’s in the city yeah they’re turned off well make back with it won’t let me [ __ ] with my settings yeah it’s so weird

Seeing like regular fire and fire she’s dangerous I can’t see my coordinates so I don’t know how far down I my behind you what the [ __ ] John that’s weird let’s jump off I know you didn’t oh my god we could go down there they won’t attack us but we have to work

Oh hmm come over here what if there’s a another way over here oh I have a beautiful take yourself numb me joking no I mean I appreciate the support by this perfect bro where’d you go guard me okay where’d you go you just call this your mat please oh

I felt diamonds same brick like it don’t you mean Chuck you probably going dark that’s right day oh it’s just a girl oh this is perfect we’re fine we’re fine don’t even stress [ __ ] it do you really know how to pick them in a pig Lane it’s Halen’s it’s Hammond oh sure

Back up back up I got you I got you let’s smoke pygmy section didn’t we go into a crimson forest on that one afternoon was like another right the ways of the nether it’s degree yeah there’s ancient debris I mining so much dude this looks nice I like the

Sound of it when you’re breaking you know I don’t ah I don’t even know where I am now why are you down here I’m a balloon get flogged you need blocks or something nope yo really we went all this way and there’s no neither I nor a freaking bat

No no what’d you get up here okay you mean get down here no take me there’s a baby taking environment ah I didn’t make a composter [ __ ] do it now I’m gonna do a pickaxe dude I got a hit back yeah there’s so much I’m so dramatic

With my title oh I see bath saw it might be I found a mob spawner what kind Sambi there’s more up there I’m intrigued as to what wonders I could find more skin do you guys have melons you I got I got diamond white summer to gold

For summer to name coach cliff [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my god oh my god oh my god there’s like ten of em go [ __ ] go [ __ ] go [ __ ] go faster This bridge is where I tell them I can’t have my time night okay I did it I did it oh whoa Jesus Christ I like pressed my inventory at like 30 seconds later scared the hell out of me I have to Netflix enable oh wait where are you give me coordinates coordinates

Give me recorded analogous ok I see I see oh you lyin eyes oh I see you’re right yo can you watch my back no if I could build over all right [ __ ] neither is gonna get that blue forest hey camera back be careful I’ll watch your back hangout – it may be long way but we don’t do it mmm oh [ __ ] sure didn’t make that ass clap you know oh yeah and the iron-on you know unfortunately dude oh what the [ __ ] I need to make a new sword I got to make a new pickaxe any teeth telephone

Receiver emoji telephone telephone receiver Oh Yugi telephone receiver our routine telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receivers emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver and mobile telephone receiver G telephone receiver emoji telephone receivers the wrong G telephone receiver emoji tornado receiver emoji telephone receiver now me I got –

I got two of them I mean what do I could use gold nuggets this is dated pair Oh mo Zhi couch and lamp this is how we search for a video cassette emoji film projector Mike Allen Wow wonderful Romano’s is my keys man if you just say

Okay why can’t they hear me ww that’s smart guys you know the you know the letter W mm-hmm yeah you the way to spell it is just W oh [ __ ] I’m buddy I’m gonna die you have no armor Bo let’s hope let’s go back my shuffling right there’s nothing here anyway I’m gonna

Collect all these blocks and I mean she should spot the break you’re not a singer a singer not a singing like fortress or anything like that emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver a long time now I

Don’t know some troll this was trolling receiver I hate people like this for like that ass to say just say no G telephone receiver of the telephone receiver MOT telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver Muji telephone receiver emoji telephone receiver stop telephone receiver emoji

Telephone receiver and my phone telephone or a motif okay start bro I don’t want this for my stream no more that’s just mad annoying I just have text-to-speech on into like alright I’ll put it back they know I don’t have it like I don’t get the point

Of that what’s going on big good you haven’t seen me playing the [ __ ] game don’t invite me to you to you to my my load to turn on my client your what not your what my client [ __ ] is that never mind brother first thing that comes into mind is you hacking buddy

Au revoir finally holy [ __ ] he’s muted I know you’re muted homie you can’t imagine your mixes Mike don’t call me home I call him it yes ain’t care would you go mining big crunching yeah you know this was a sad old oh oh oh [ __ ] oh

My god I’ll be honest well I want to find something yeah it’s done And touch me like that again all right yo I’m mad at you dude come anyways there I got the wrong with less you I don’t know where to go taking this again we’re trying something yo Rev on can you unmute yourself bad ass I need to string matching hey dude

Look at them look at them look at them all the faculty faculty become a fight oh oh my god they’re just attacking us norine soon I mean let me I have six ender pearls dude damn how much stringy was there what damn bro Kearney Oh Santa Frank’s g mm don’ts Oh

What do you go Brodsky this is waiting for us to get out right – so [ __ ] [ __ ] is this wait I don’t know words oh it’s bad dude you’re so fast oh oh my god quit dodging my arse you little [ __ ] it’s all the way over there now oh I

Mean I mean I’m angry I’m angry five seven nine LOB’s there when i come and sit on your snapchat thing oh there’s a pig oh my soul let’s get [ __ ] out [ __ ] let’s pick them are you okay who said I’m on style man no I didn’t say that you’re so dumb don’t put

What know what I bet I think I said well this is a quarter is gonna be sale yeah what do we go yeah I wasn’t from here that’s for sure oh [ __ ] yo I’m actually confused is over there oh yeah oh wait no that’s where we came from I hear something

Oh he’s up there’s more okay look good he’s AXI like to meet you over here what’s this oh I think I found it kill me up here look I’m above you oh I was hit you was it you know there’s not that it goes over here this way

Damn bro we’re really lies we shouldn’t have come I remember any of this oh wait I found it I think wait it’s familiar yeah that looks familiar oh hang out here guessed that a Cheetos damn it dude I don’t have I don’t have the [ __ ] to fight you

You good over there I don’t have a sword leave me alone oh dude do you have a night yeah oh I see I see Oh here we’re fine we’re fine I haven’t approached one take oh we didn’t have their see told you just to take the wheel I think it’s best we get out of here Dimitri making plays yo Ravana you gotta fix your audio cuz you know your mic is just ass that’s

What’s wrong with it you saw that you saw that that was waging war in the face but you can’t hear him in the stream dude why why are you guys taking my [ __ ] from my house dude get off my horse I’ll get you ass off my horse

What you want the food you want to go with the fake everyone can you get off my horse press I don’t get why it’s a pet peeve of mine why do people go in my house bro bo-riffic get off my horse dude you’re so annoying rayvon you literally piss me off got

Powers mmm I’m about to kick this kid I’m being deadly ice like three seconds to get off my horse one literally just get off my horse rewind just just shift get off my horse road if you don’t get off my horse sound literally gonna kick you then does that mean we have to

Reload the game Lucas kick no I’m gonna kick can not anyone else Lucas count to three can I kick on oh no dos cuatro alright I’m kicking in yeah you dance duty yeah get on my horse minute Oh he wasn’t playing around at all no I was

I but just don’t kill my horse for a clappy cheeks don’t you know I’m about to switch my houses blue might just change it you see the you see the Bob’s bro we didn’t bring any saplings or we can’t get home I’m the host this party right

Oh I wasn’t being serious I left my crafting table in the [ __ ] gotta go back through it no other keeper I got new armor nice or baby damn bro my arrow went far yo Ravana why are you muted dude I’m confused it why shall thy cheeks be muted

Hey what’s okay it’s a stroller Dimitri organized a oh yeah which ones or any the farm levels [Applause] No Oh I was gonna try and write one of those things today plus an offer oh you’re gonna make a fish yeah I like go fishing do you found out dude I have so many bows to like you’re in some [ __ ] Raju just waited your righteous way to do a chant

One you’re right although of standstill I’m trying to take a picture please well [ __ ] is completely looking like yo my cake that looks high but wise Ask around I feel like you get is that let’s get the scoop hey what’s good what’s good this weather diamond sword and I still clap news in its insanity an enchanted sword and a shield and I can still collapse geez bro why are my arms like this

I don’t wanna fix their frickin mic would mediate oh my god bro stop looking through my chest literally I need my skin is meant to be like that I looked in my freakin of share settings for recording and then I had on my audio but it wasn’t my party’s over

I can’t hear you and I’m streaming I said I went into my video in broadcast settings and then I did all that but I forgot to go in my party settings and so look at this game and it matches your backplane your cape dude oh god I’ve

Been playing Minecraft for a week no I’m already calling [ __ ] back bling are you kidding me Oh get on my face [ __ ] – dude what’s wrong with my vocabulary dude everyone slept me there’s King oh It’s not worth pissing their ages thank you for just on the mic dude I went from being stacked on food to having absolutely nothing I wanna try this head and seek meppen lady yeah alright make sure y’all like me I don’t play caddy cake I hear just mmm she may get more no wait Ramon you can invite miss aching I’m learning in the world oh uh oh what’s that you don’t want to play you’re gonna play by yourself and Dmitry and I are going on Oh No

Yeah every talk to me did you I’m sorry I didn’t mean it so that you know why we didn’t ask I guess shut up no no it should be like downloaded join it should just be I guess they’re in here already with the fire big brain present is she talk my

[ __ ] thank you wait till Nova don’t race again I’ll beat your ass with my word you said that yesterday oh god it’s Preston you guys know Preston is right who’s the King at parkour that’s the difficulty we actually had in seeker was any we’re setting in my Hey

Yeah it’s real quick [ __ ] y’all playing on a [ __ ] crap gonna peel this I don’t like ha yeah bro this is like it’s – it’s so easy that I fell wait what did I get nothing no I got a like a block oh that’s currency then you got currency for being

I got one wait if you guys are getting cold I don’t get some fire cuz to get armor and like all right all right guys let’s each take the seats go to a specific number and then we let somebody else go okay peachy I think the first thing I’m

Never getting now you guys go again uh movies you fat-ass [ __ ] all right beats just rusty though since yesterday now I’m gonna Oscar we’ll get our own call I like it oh yeah come on please move like 40 heads wait hurry up I’m trying to go to the next one

[ __ ] hey Lucas I think you’re gonna hate this dude bro on Ninja Warrior up in this [ __ ] I’m creating sticker was handy setting in my head then you can’t do it huh no I can’t come over here [ __ ] oh this is hard no no like the

Difficulty I know it is hard like I can hit my god itis I’ve done so stupid are you going through that way what do you mean is another way oh [ __ ] someone like my stream oh wait that’s me oh my god I’m gonna eat somebody’s

[ __ ] no way I could do the hard work but not the easy one oh my lord All we have to do parkour to get the fire yeah let’s play let’s play chunky junior high hey I was doing it we can’t all be we’re all hiders – I didn’t even get to pick my rule oh my god Oh what DK oh [ __ ] Oh No nice to meet you

Definitely have a clay um I’m hiding somebody no way can you be one of these not what do mean other people brothers no one you know like these bop people or whatever what can they find you are you on you know the random people that be

Like walking and stuff oh my god I can’t find a good hiding spots but you help me all you I didn’t download it this thing so I can only you can see there is a little [ __ ] let’s go let’s go help me i jeopardized by cameraman Peggy Amy vamanos vamanos there’s nothing back

Here come on exactly years of Secrets Beast I don’t think it’s any of us dude coz we ought to be hiding wait guys I’m literally like I I was just a library community spot Oscar Oscar – Oscar Oscar come back the library I don’t know where you get it sounding head of sketchy

Should I charge no I just done this I just felt a spot through this lag is ridiculous I’m going back at my stuff you like come over there and like jump up there you can make that yeah I’m scared shitless dude bro come here why’s it my way guys committee wait

Where’d the stickers just felt like funny even the hiders wait where are you guys are you guys oh yeah the hiders yeah there’s more seekers now people are getting pig that’s why Oh are we supposed to die instead where we supposed to download the problem like scared

Oh my god Sikandar clearly in 17 18 19 yeah now the hide-and-seek thing had said that there was 20 hiders and then there was one seeker but now there’s four seekers and then yeah altogether that was 21 I’m in the library and I can’t find against apartheid I know

There’s no point in hiding there’s 70 seconds left either way so it’s fine I’ll be the seeker next time nobody here that’s Gary Lucas being right here in lecture hall find a hiding spot Oh Lucas Yuri huh wait who is in the library does anybody know I’ll go back to my

Thang [ __ ] signature signature where can you get up there yeah you’re not catching me you’re not catching me can I hit you there has been again I can I catch oh man I said numbers popped up on my screen I thought it was when you guys

Let’s go yeah you see all these people I think one of the box of like just my interest my gosh hey you got a million oh my god that one I got the creamy cream oh [ __ ] let’s go you said I got the creamy cream though

Why are you guys getting cold armor get the blame ice cream is this the house yeah are you talking about let’s go mega mall or we got depressed in March Gary’s let’s go Preston’s match okay well let you know when will let you know when we’re ready

No it drops me at a certain time no no no you come out where we’re very calm on that we tell you well why can’t I jump on soon [ __ ] [Applause] yo dude I’m just laughing there’s no way out I’m about to leave this map digitized I

Literally can’t even get out that are you at Oh Demetri yeah open the oh my god holy [ __ ] wait for me if I don’t look Oscar what did you get dancer here there’s mom’s too [ __ ] big 20 [ __ ] stores yeah surely make that ass clap no no I

See something wrong I hate oh yeah I don’t know the song I don’t you saying round oh shoot Duan Rosa I put some ice on your copyright damn right the monetize [ __ ] are you guys kissing he yes we’re going first or second floor that’s all I need

There’s a second there’s a second floor [ __ ] left that [ __ ] would be me doubt that beats nobody’s gonna get you already killed in is that food-themed are you in a clothing store there’s nothing nasty nothing okay you guys ran past me like you guys went into the store looked at me and left

Literally I’m in you all right bet you left him it was you Lucas oh [ __ ] yeah you guys literally ran past me I’m not doing that shitty rap again hell no no too big for one person vanya you mics me cheater you’re the seeker again stop

Fiji’s Petri did you wait am I gonna lose my paper damn it waiter till we’re ready okay ready oh my god can I return oh this game is garbage this [ __ ] is so laggy let’s go it’s not for me it’s not as I guess it was oh no every time I

Take a sharp turn hello get out here [Applause] yeah I find a secret door uh it took my paper away I don’t even know but just more hiders way to eat that’s why I mean I know you guys not see these people don’t know because we didn’t download

Our shows oh yeah yeah I’m gonna get I’m gonna get the rest it like Stan they like chilling hold on watch wait I’ll sure I’ll say come here alright let’s watch him swing a tear guys lol wait very guys yo you’re the booth where I was hiding Demetri

I’m not gonna show be stoked is definitely likes to be a seeker you guys not see this thing see this you not see this iPhone this don’t get on you seriously not see this thing right here yeah this sword up everything in circles All right honesty I got a waiver about what are the map did you get I got like you fight monsters and [ __ ] they’re like giant monsters I don’t know it’s like an arena type thing you’re gonna try that No what’s that been working you’re talking about whose credit card is in now oh I found a hiding spot I’m just like funny nice it for like feature [ __ ] just in case are you guys seriously looking for a hiding spot right now yo oh no when I saw you dumbass I know you

Don’t alright here you little cleat clacking okay alright wait copy great right before you guys click something now I’m your damn mic down don’t press it don’t press [ __ ] man which one have we not ready did that yeah anyway I wonder who built this some

Tiger damn bro I built this man oh yeah no I play a player play I would do this one yeah hold on that’s the easy one no different one that one’s over there oh the other one yeah you didn’t do this when you thought oh hey this map is boring real this one

Was ass I’d even play it yet until today it’s not bad dude they just got to put more match all you think that you’re so cool Oscar how long you mean a minute which one the park holding on you I guess I got a Steve in the game

The price for this is it’s unknown guys and I’ll get to those I can do [ __ ] I got to the fourth says the one all the way at the back of the line yeah yeah do you see me I just did it I did it they

[ __ ] you up almost did oh you got to keep running though you can’t like stand please you wish you could hit me on fine what oh oh you guys are really some parkour master song wow you couldn’t do the simplest one yesterday just like yeah boy

Wait what to say let you win cuz I felt bad feed oh well we’re not Dustin yeah Wow is everyone still gonna father look at this no I don’t there’s no way now I’m gonna shut up hold on people actually do this yeah come over here first because I’m tired of waiting for

You waited like I’ve made it there before you I mean if you want I’m clear like the best leg up parkour gang like the world just run the top of it just under the back that’s what made their alright yeah do this do this you thought I was better make it alright

I’m gonna do this first the time y’all ready y’all ready now I’m gonna do you know I’ll do it again no problem no problem you know I think [ __ ] like stand back and observe you guys do you think I think that like learned no look it’s neck you know yes I can

Tonto Malo did you get Yoda up for laughing again Bro once I get up there I’ll show you guys what the prize is they’re concentrating oh maybe maybe it’s not the map that’s rusted ass head shut up hold on a second let’s let’s talk about this again Ramones behind me he’s pretending hold on everybody should know do you [Laughter]

Oh yeah what are you on on your head Good that’s good god way back to where I’m at please are you a John I can’t see I can’t I’ll stand back all right come on oh I see you think you have to start right there hold on hold on so close on you have to start right here

In the back I’m only God no no I’ll be up there I want some nachos you want some no I’m gonna literally just cut my [ __ ] penis off I swear to god biess you say some [ __ ] and I’ll kick you when you finally make the one job you did you

Forget to jump to oh yeah I see why am I so ah just like once you hear the footsteps on the thing just John shut up shut up behind you oh my god did we cheat you know I say I’ll kill you yeah I bet you would not even

Already will pass it like no he was a [ __ ] [ __ ] you I’ll show you so you all right all right all right oh my god oh my [ __ ] God my god this is gonna take us like a it’s gonna take you an hour to do the other one it pretty no it’s not I swear to god I’ll

Be the one win okay she must be dance for your dumb ass big-ass gnosis no yo Dmitri hey what are you talking about wait hold on I got this along along oh my god hi sisters are my on TV with a [ __ ] cleaver how was that gay if I’m

Cutting up my own bakery you know I will I will son of a [ __ ] whoa let’s just get off is the Parkwood making you mad I don’t be doing doing doing I don’t care [ __ ] just can’t do it it’s making noise just made the [ __ ] jump

I’ll ever make it what are you on about I mean you see make it so I know dude that’s that’s where I fell to Lucas I should stop how do they expect you to do that if you guys want to get up like give up and I go to Oscars park where

You guys oh yes finally holy shows two guys I want to see what’s the unknown as far just a dragon II need some answers I’m done with that [ __ ] it’s worth wait Oscar Oscar show me show me so am i doing it’s not me dumbass well

I’m gonna play my own row this is so stupid I saw it so you need to stand in this corner Oscar it’s not your Park our world do you need me just gonna like bust a nut like dude I wouldn’t laugh I know you would a bust

The [ __ ] out of my way this is so annoying this is Ike this is [ __ ] gay Preston is game that’s us laughing and then you have you [ __ ] know where you live yeah I’ll make it like it’s nothing get on with you oh my god my [ __ ] nothing you said something

About Chinese mm used Oh what your race is my racing it’s my word is my Rocky’s oh he’s right How much right third person dude American I’m not oh yeah cranking yeah I got like see you or like the edges yeah those like their plan all along because I want to get the unknown gift but we ain’t gonna get that known gift I believe in Oscar I think he’s gonna be

The one to be it to be honest I’m gonna just go [ __ ] my Chinese food oh my god like I’m knowing people just what this is sorry [Applause] Now talking to my dude you want to die and do this any more okay God bro how are you gonna make that let me observe this real quick casually walking over there’s another thing I know we got so just got the tippy-top and once you fall you can there’s no

Like yeah yeah once again just awesome let’s go to your world I’m not giving a thing I am serious come on alright alright last three more runs three more runs all right you can ask okay I’m colorblind nice color blind can’t see red I see air those materials in my

House and it was like it’s like summer around Christmastime Logan pool any other pools all right you know what my last one and then I’m done yeah I was told that this was close as hell in this summer around Christmas time I was hot as [ __ ] in my cold – room

And then I was like in my room walking home on my way to work oh yeah it’s like go to your world start off your dinghy guys I have let’s see what I have I have spiral parkour Skyblock TNT Wars where I had like a whole British accent for a

Minute whoa that was that was a British or whatever okay you said mate then you started anything a whole bunch of stuff I thought I thought can you cheat yeah hello oh my guys that we are leading guys but oh [ __ ] I have to be viewers let’s go

Lucas what a coincidence that you got on your medium high and then got quite huh are you in your world yeah I’m already part going though what’s happening baby good Lucas if you want to make that scary side account look scary you should what’s called out of us profile picture stick attract the

We’re on about Oh your profile picture yo are you guys joining a well almost like to show that you I don’t see your theme I’m here I don’t see yang oh my god this part feels so easy way don’t start inviting your song I don’t see your thing open your world

Oh man look it’s already almost time alright bet that sounded really successful let’s go back no should I keep yo give me sugar Lucas come on what let’s go fast why I’m fine damn right realize I got this far already Jesus bro Lucas and I have done this [ __ ] like so many times

Whoo we’re literally waiting here so are you gonna join or what I’m joining the other do it already no I’m waiting for his let’s get back here Oh I’m gonna fine here what I did it go to food just like that don’t worry about it boy pussy’s without Demetri we’re

Starting without the mattress let’s get me Oscar I got panda mmm yummy and I used to work out that’s why you told me She’s gonna catch up to you I was not to bring you on your ass right now then we’ll be right on top of your asses yeah you’re gonna pulling them he’s gonna be pulling your asses out with tweezers to pluck it out your ass Hayes now I’m like great longline I don’t even

Know you’re probably gonna pass tonight anyway I can’t do this I’m already on the third one wait should we oh yeah I just went to the wrong place dude Lucas and I can complete this [ __ ] like easy I mean how do you know what he don’t know are we trying or we’re gonna

Let’s do this let’s do this together shoot Oh Seymour give the dream wait sure am i right no you don’t just like you turn around my name is blur what I’m a blur you can’t see me I can’t get fast enough I know vivanco like I’m not getting enough

Momentum I’m good enough to do it it’s just like I’m looking like oh okay look it I’m on the hey bill right and then I stay there and it lags me off I just stand there it was that remark hacking my [ __ ] awesome I’m about wanna go happen again track is my [ __ ]

Rocky’s hacking my ps4 and is making me back oh not a bird soo what the [ __ ] Oh bro it’s like I get stuck and then I slow down for my face people oh I finally if I can go faster oh my god I did not just fall my fat juicy ass burn

I hit this pole the juggies the juggies holy Sh everyone just disappeared just right what did I say I’m Tripta not sure if I’m gonna catch up and catch it is it although again way he’s acting out cocky like cuz I’m not give me a sec I’ll catch up to you

I’m just gonna die there we go please time I made it did you skip yes like the love a junkie look you looking to see it’s not you I was gonna look but I was like nah I’m a I wish function my chicken my chicken my chicken

I know I know this Chinese place that’s even better I’m stupid I’m not perfect bro I’m not getting in this move myself oh well I’m about to just what the [ __ ] like I’m hitting it perfect whoa concentrating my ass off right now I’m not playing oh why can I do this

Yesterday but I can’t do it right now he said whoa he’s genuinely surprised Oscar which one you are now I don’t know I like oh yeah I’m an idiot I’m at the arms I’m so stupid I got the top I can’t do poppies once only to meet

You we find that funny mm-hmm you know [ __ ] this bamboo [ __ ] we won actually got past that bamboo yeah I see you got a first try every oh my god I’m gonna die you should uh you know beat your ass for saying that [ __ ] no no no no oh my god just

Won’t I be here that it’s this water this water oh I mean the slaughtering or the water the water how far are you what this I have no idea dude I’m like in the game zone right now like what does it look like I was telling the other

Underwater thing wait I forgot what you have to do here go around to the side of the map oh no checkpoint oh I’m at the pillars but oh you’re mine I got it oh whoa what did you experience reputation Oh don’t say goodbye to my pieces

Are you Bubba to the oh oh that either I swear if you’re making that one they’re just trash oh now that you apologize to me or let you do it oh shut the hell up I own this Beach I just did the pumpkin one one I just did a pumpkin number one

Go can you guys actually Oh I was on it but it took me on what I don’t remember this is gonna go back to the eye I don’t remember happy to jump on this thing though I generally don’t remember this level I just just thought I didn’t think that

You do yeah I’m real real I’m looking pretty ahead of me if I can do it a second time oh my god oh I’m gonna I’m nothing I’m worthless I didn’t die oh my god I just didn’t yet why is there a zombie oh you did it again

Well this is so gay author where you right now Oscars of [ __ ] I didn’t chop man [ __ ] god yeah that’s stupid who was that yeah can you see blown away by already want to see your name though oh really yeah well not for long Oscar what level you want to sit down

Them biome oh this one would be Swiss [ __ ] I want you look at that it is where is it oh I can he’s very ones that you won’t have to try it tell him to try it he’s not afraid of around the halls I don’t need a [ __ ] [Laughter]

No way I caught a Trayvon so fast no I let you yeah it’s so much time no I Danny look at the time I can I do this I can I do this you said that yesterday and I beat you oh maybe you’re right maybe I am garbage

Somewhere I think that’s not okay oh sorry bro Lucas and I are done with this [ __ ] we literally already finished oh no you didn’t hear finish and we literally already finished the other star gasps what do you mean but you guys started way before me yeah you’re look garbage you guys didn’t

Wait for the meat really actually are you talking about I waved for you at the freakin snow your ass your ass your ass I got a I got a rink a 17 minutes bro dude listen oh I completely [ __ ] again with my eyes closed no no 17 minutes and

52 seconds and it took us like 42 the first time I got a ring [ __ ] makes me want to [ __ ] my life I’ll just stop at the courts fine Imma hit em once I’m a head of one so that’s it it’s gonna get me banned from the party but I don’t care oh I’m trying and not hollering his [ __ ] today their pure alpha male material bro I’ve literally hey I think I’m close to finishing you know you’re nowhere near I literally

Can’t even do this with him here you’re gonna keep stopping oh my [ __ ] god he makes me want to kill myself mmm like that’s not even funny like actually I think that’s funny huh bro I’m literally about to do come on girl no he let me treat you

Oh my god oh my god oh my god you guys got to admit I got way better than yesterday though yeah I lied yeah everybody don’t even know where the [ __ ] I am anymore I’m look I try to meet we’re gonna everybody some believe I like this one

Right here it’s so easy oh [ __ ] okay oh do I met one hard see you later thought ass go I’m gonna get off in a second what I’m tired of doing parkour oh this is boring it’s too easy you want to do oh [ __ ] I just go back to playing regularly

Run there oh it’s like that hard one was fun no I couldn’t stop laughing but where’s the checkpoint right they don’t put checkpoints on easy runs buddy stupid right you let it that ass on street running [ __ ] I’m busting your ass I said his name tag

Wait I’m gonna jump in I won’t remind to figure this happen so I did it look but it’ll stop clean Oh Lucas dude I’m gonna kick this dude do you kick them I can’t I can’t kick in I can’t keep all right well touch me don’t alright help you out dude you you’re

Welcome oh I saw everyone touch day do you think it’s not about so angry yeah rest your whole game is this the one that I didn’t complete yesterday oh thank you wait Lucas I wanted to figure it out by himself dude don’t worry about it don’t worry

You’re not oh that’s how you experience kinetic energy huh all right that’s how you experience kinetic energy oh don’t have to restart oh yeah guys I have to get on yeah why oh sorry I see take forever oh I gotta finishes dude run in the morning with you I’m on in the

Mornings like all the time don’t jump alright I have stuff I got to do in the morning I’m barely on the morning here no what the [ __ ] how’d you get over here but [ __ ] me tree what men just send me off don’t forget nobody just hit me

Off the thing and oh he’s over hit me off meet you your ass is mine yeah you can’t get up here can’t catch me oh wait what do you know right why do I have to or when yeah why Weinstein so this is good world real quick I’m

Just before now no someone say morning or night whatever whatever works you’re not or you’re no I am okay let’s do something about it am I really a bucket bro you think you’re funny where I’m literally speedrunning this [ __ ] right now oh yes I’m gonna redo this whole thing

And I’m gonna catch up to you thoughts stop tell me right now you let me embarrass you or you want to get off like right now oh my god there we go see you oh yay oh now he’s gay oh how did you do this what the [ __ ] a lot of these

Are easy once you get to hang it love a speed running out baby oh okay maybe I’m not a speaker I’m a maze runner please All right so you guys gonna go hmm yeah whatever worst I’m good for now we can do it oh I just want to kill my flavor my kuchi oh wait who’s Ewing I have two viewers what is that I’m dealing 100 yours all right I almost stopped streaming how

Long did I scream for I don’t know nice chill I have three viewers dude I don’t know if I want to end it actually I got it almost that I’m almost at 65 subs

This video, titled ‘Battling our demons in the nether! (Minecraft PS4) Almost At 65 subs! :O’, was uploaded by Bagel_Squadron on 2020-07-14 04:54:30. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:05 or 8105 seconds.

17 year old guy with a big heart On the road to becoming a great gaming channel! All support is needed and appreciated! Giving back to the community by spreading good vibes! Id love to become well known on YouTube to accomplish my goals and provide better content!

  • 1300+ Iron/Hour: Minecraft 1.21+ Farm Tutorial

    1300+ Iron/Hour: Minecraft 1.21+ Farm Tutorial Minecraft Iron Farm Tutorial: Gather 1300+ Iron Per Hour! Welcome to the ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm tutorial! In this guide, you will learn how to construct a highly efficient Iron farm that can yield over 1300 iron per hour from iron golems. This farm is perfect for Minecraft Survival mode and works for versions 1.16 to 1.21. Farm Details Farm Performance: 1300+ Iron Per Hour Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.21 Platforms: Java Edition (Confirmed) | Bedrock Edition (Compatibility not confirmed) Original Design By: Voltrox Step-by-Step Guide Follow these steps to build your own high-yield Iron farm… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

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  • Jazzy Campfire: Minecraft’s Smooth Jazz Radio 🎷

    Jazzy Campfire: Minecraft's Smooth Jazz Radio 🎷 Welcome to Smooth Jazz Radio, where Minecraft vibes flow, With camping jazz ambiance, let your worries go. The crackling campfire, the evening sounds so serene, In this peaceful world, let your mind be clean. Immerse yourself in jazz, as you explore Minecraft’s land, Let the music guide you, with a gentle hand. Relax, unwind, let the rhythms take control, In this tranquil setting, let your spirit unfold. Subscribe for more vibes, share your favorite moments too, Let the music soothe you, in all that you do. Camping jazz and Minecraft, a perfect blend, In this world of relaxation, let… Read More

  • Potion Commotion: Crafting an Infested Notion!

    Potion Commotion: Crafting an Infested Notion! In Minecraft’s world, a new potion is found, Infested with bugs, it’s sure to astound. Mix it up in a still, with a rock so rare, Watch as the effects, fill the air. PopcornRazer’s got the scoop, in rhyme and in jest, Bringing you updates, with a fun-filled zest. Subscribe to the channel, for more Minecraft delight, Join the community, in this gaming flight. Twitch and Twitter, Instagram too, Follow along, for the latest brew. Shorts and TikTok, for quick, fun clips, Don’t miss a beat, on those Minecraft trips. Support the channel, with a like and a share,… Read More

  • Crafty Dad: Study Stealth in Minecraft

    Crafty Dad: Study Stealth in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. Funny and humorous, his content shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, morning and night. With original videos every day, a treat for the eyes, No need for pirated content, just follow the wise. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, the one and only, Bringing laughter and joy, never lonely. So dive into the world of MC animations, Filled with fun and laughter, no limitations. Subscribe now and join the fun, In Fangkuaixuan’s world, happiness is never done! Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Gamer Girlfriend

    Jackbhaiya's Gamer Girlfriend Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Introduction to GamerFleet GamerFleet, a popular Minecraft gaming community, has been captivating audiences with its engaging content and entertaining gameplay. Led by prominent figures like Jackbhaiya, AnshuBisht, OcTogamerZz, and more, GamerFleet has become a household name in the gaming world. Jackbhaiya Ki GF One of the trending topics within the GamerFleet community is "Jackbhaiya Ki GF." This intriguing storyline has caught the attention of fans, leading to a surge in views and discussions across various platforms. The FleetSMP Experience The FleetSMP server offers a unique gaming experience, where players like Jackbhaiya and his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Racetrack Race!

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  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

    Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance In Minecraft 1.21, health and damage are key, Which mob reigns supreme, let’s take a look and see. The Ender Dragon, with the most health by far, A whopping 200 hit points, a true superstar. But when it comes to damage, the Wither takes the lead, With a devastating 12 hearts, it’s a force to heed. With cheats, you can boost your health to 1024, But without them, 20 hearts is all you’ll score. In battle, your damage can reach up to 19, But surviving a hit, only 10 hearts can glean. So be wise in your fights, and… Read More

  • Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun!

    Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I’ll show you a flag design that truly jives. A caterpillar flag, easy to make, With colors and patterns that will surely take. Start with a green flag, a canvas so bright, Add a white creeper pattern, a true delight. Green diagonal divisions, left and right, Creating a design that’s out of sight. A green diamond, a light gray border too, Each step carefully crafted just for you. For insect shops and banners, this design is key, Bringing a touch of Minecraft artistry. If you enjoyed this tutorial, give it a… Read More

  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

    Minecraft: Back to Basics Exploring the Vanilla Minecraft Experience Today, Minecraft enthusiasts are embarking on a journey back to the roots of the game – the vanilla experience in a fresh, untouched world. The decision to start anew stems from the frustration and longing for the simplicity of the game without the added complexities of mods like Vein Miner. Embracing the Pure Essence of Minecraft Returning to the vanilla version of Minecraft allows players to rediscover the core elements that make the game so captivating. Without the crutch of mods, every block mined, every structure built, and every adventure embarked upon feels more… Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW Monuments in Modded Minecraft!!

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  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

    Minecraft's Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks EditionVideo Information This video, titled ’35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better!’, was uploaded by Dr. Bonks on 2024-08-16 20:00:07. It has garnered 212932 views and 3122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds. Thank you for watching: 35 Textures That Would Make Minecraft Better! Make sure to like and subscribe! Resource Packs:… Read More

  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

    Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Over Smart Zombies: Survival Challenge in Minecraft Telugu | GMK GAMER’, was uploaded by GMK GAMER on 2024-05-11 03:30:07. It has garnered 18448 views and 1213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:13 or 973 seconds. ✔ Follow Me On Insta : ✔Join My discord : gmkgamer minecraft gmkgamer minecraft telugu Telugu Minecraft _______________________________________________________ My PC Specs : Monitor – Asus 27 inch 144hz 2k Processor – AMD Ryzen 7 5800x Graphic card – NVIDIA RTX 3080Ti Motherboard – Gigabyte B550 Aorus Pro Ac RAM – 32GB (16+16) Corsair Vengeance… Read More

  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

    Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy)’, was uploaded by Quick Fix on 2024-03-15 13:00:33. It has garnered 12 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. How To Make Sensor Nuke in Minecraft (Easy) In this video I will show you how to make a working nuke in minecraft also how to make a nuke in minecraft pocket edition. Watch video till the end and learn how to make a nuke in minecraft no mods and how to make a nuke in minecraft. Create a Sensor Nuke… Read More

  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

    Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won't believe it! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, de van fizika #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #vicces #kovix’, was uploaded by kovix on 2024-07-22 11:43:07. It has garnered 106890 views and 4197 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Minecraft but with physics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftmoment #shorts #funny #kovix inspiration: The server was provided by Woodcraft 💙 this is a minecraft smp, which is an abbreviation of survival multiplayer, this is a server where there is no bedwars minecraft game in Hungarian, I am Hun Hungarian, so this is mc in Hungarian, mc Hun, Hungarian server woodcraft is… Read More

  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

    Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXELMON SIÊU CẤP *TẬP CUỐI | LỘC CHINH PHỤC ARCEUS TỐI THƯỢNG VÀ CHIA TAY TẤT CẢ POKEMON❗’, was uploaded by Lộc Zutaki on 2024-08-19 02:00:13. It has garnered 447526 views and 10839 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:50 or 3230 seconds. ✔️MINECRAFT PIXELMON SUPERIOR *FINAL EPISODE | LOC CONQUERS THE SUPREME ARCEUS AND SAY GOODBYE TO ALL POKEMON❗ 📺Hello everyone, I’m Loc and I’m just a new Youtuber so I hope you can guide me and help me enthusiastically. 💒If you like the video, don’t hesitate to click the like button… Read More

  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

Bagel_Squadron – Battling our demons in the nether! (Minecraft PS4) Almost At 65 subs! :O