Beat Minecraft in One Night!? Insane Gaming Quest!

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Up stop following me are you talking to us or you talking to our subscribers I’m talking to my sister and girlfriend who are following me oh who made the I don’t think we’re live hang on says we’re live are we live okay we’re live I need are you just sharing your whole

Screen yeah you’re not sharing the Minecraft window it wouldn’t let me now sorry j it wouldn’t let you Jacob is uh bad this we’re trying out something new what’s up hi I’m the moai head uh it’s me hi I’m the Moi it’s me that’s oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh no oh

No no no he can’t be here not him no he can’t be here it’s all right once we move into the uh once we move into the uh real server uh the Discord chat integration we not be showing Captain’s Log star date 2023 get out of the way Jolie I’m doing a

Monologue Jolie get out of the way I’m doing a monologue I’m supposed to be so cool stop trying to punch me so that I don’t hear yeah if someone else on another stream can help me with the the the values the what the the values oh Jolie

Died how do you die in the lobby there was a hole and oh the factions PvP map isn’t on yeah that one’s not running right Now supposed to teleport you back to the start but did it did it did do that but first you have to die oh yes I know of at least one other way that it’s possible to die in the lobby oh my God wait how that’s this sounds like achievements are there custom

Achievements can you make those uh not without a mod but that doesn’t rule it out one custom achievement die in the lobby exactly yeah uh for everybody who’s watching this is the lobby of our it’s it’s not the AV cable Club Minecraft server but it is the Minecraft server

That I run this Lobby was created by the conium for us and there is a ton of Easter eggs here I don’t know how many of the people who have played on This Server have found them can I can I can I do one since um you want to go into the

Lost Woods yeah I do I’m waiting on Lucas to join us because we’re supposed to have the five members of the club here yeah go check that out hey Jacob can you you turn your mic down just a sco the [ __ ] is a sco okay how’s

That I don’t know I’m not listening but it was it just like just a little bit uh too loud so if you just turned it down a little bit you should be good uh if anyone’s in chat tell us should Jacob be louder should Jacob be quieter or you know great but also

Probably terrible what’s that a bot that like we have the Discord integration for the game chat if we could have the YouTube chat show up oh my God it’s I guarantee you that exists I guarantee you someone has made that oh I guarantee you that and I guarantee it’s a bad idea yes

1,000 any more of a bad idea than showing the stream chat in the video frame like we sometimes do already how the [ __ ] do I do the Lost Woods game God damn it it’s like um there’s well you get lost in the woods I found the ending of something

Um by climbing down a huge uh by climbing down a huge ladder and it said you win that’s where if the if the um factions portal is supposed to teleport you back out and if you you don’t just die on impact then it’s supposed to let you climb back out there I

See so the the plan is for those who are watching and let me open yes please summarize for our viewers what we’re doing so the premise is we’re going to try and play all of Minecraft in one cting we going all ofra we’re going to we’re going to try to I

Guess what we’re going to do is beat the Ender Dragon I guess I think that’s what we’re going for yeah um but you know there’s other things we can try to do along the way you know defeat the Wither defeat you know various other things play the game have fun um yeah we’re

Not I mean we like Minecraft I’ve probably played more Minecraft more than any other game I’ve ever played which is saying a lot because I’ve played a lot of Team portraits too but scary thing to think about yeah uh that is probably also true for me but um I’m not like AED toilet

Gabe I’m not a uh I’m not a speedrunner by any means um yeah none of us are we just [ __ ] around on Creative Maps a lot there is a creative map on here that has probably hundreds if not thousands of man hours put into it wow that that

Is the uh the world for my RPG what about woman and non-binary hours those uh those actually count as more um I think there’s a conversion factor there somewhere I mean do we want guys want to wait on Lucas or do we want to start you ship keeps going up and

Down they’re waiting for us to start yeah we should start should see uh once Lucas gets done uh trimming his life wife’s trees as it were got Him nothing bad ever happens to the cities okay um so we’re over in the so oh I’m not permitted to interact with Chest where are you I’m up no Ian stop head is burning to death I’m grilling myself I didn’t say is it I didn’t know it was I guess it’s somehow Poss how did you get back up there right here oh from from here I assume

Yeah yeah we tried to make it so that you couldn’t get back up to after after you leave this is where new players normally spawn oh I see okay yeah no I’m to be possible to get back there afterwards but obvious at parkour yeah I have made Ninja Warrior

Courses in Minecraft before Oh hell yeah I just think the the error message of that’s not finished you are not you were not permitted to interact with chest is very funny all right so are we going into a brand new fresh World Emily we will be uh I wanted to kind of

Have some fun with it and see if the chat had any suggestions for the seed we were going to use we had two viewers along with probably the rest of us I know I’m having the stream open to watch the chat though I could probably have it

But um I think it’s just us watching it right now yeah Chad give us your [Laughter] seed give us your sweet sweet seed Jolie’s just sitting over here just H disappointed will it let me do that oh so let’s look at Jolie skin Jolie skin is just the default Alex with a

Cape he has a Moy head wait when Lucas gets on Ian is a moai head there we go Ian or Emily made a skin of just herself which is really cute and when Lucas gets on um his skin will get us demonetized so yeah what

What what do you guys know what my skin is those watching chat you guys see how awesome cool my skin is can anybody guess who it is you are the lion from The Wizard of Oz dressed up like the blue Power Ranger you’re um uh furry McDaniels furry McDaniels okay I’ll just

Go to my Microsoft account real quick and change my tag on Minecraft to furry McDaniels are y’all ready for our epic Minecraft adventure I’ve been ready let’s [ __ ] go damn it this world is unavailable at the moment please contact the server St I haven’t generated it yet uh Hey server

Staff can you get this can you get the soo warning with the dedicated Wham yeah can you dedicate moam to the soo I’m looking for the seed in the server. properties so that I can and uh so that I can do umum suggestion of making the seed just

The word the word seed would that work oh God I’m going down the hole Jacob I don’t blame you you know there’s hole you all just jumped down the hole again I didn’t try to I making content I was trying to look down the hole very carefully and I think someone pushed

Me stop trying to push me down the hole well I woke up this morning and there was a hole death [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] F [ __ ] [ __ ] F anyway does anybody have any seeds for us to make on our Minecraft map while we wait for Lucas I just I just started

Using the word seed perfect is that going to uh it’s going to take a few seconds to generate I’m going to go through this lost wood again try to beat It all right uh I was doing funny things on my screen realized that nobody can see it last words let’s Go [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ve I’ve forgotten completely how to do it’s very funny to watch you uh Jacob from the from the outside of this cuz I we could just see you teleporting around it’s so hard I’m assuming it’s the same as like the actual game it’s very hard ah

Oh okay I found this what what happens when we get to this part I don’t know oh hey it’s that thing all right well it’s funny because until you go down there you can see through it and hold on I’m gonna look and see how far Jacob made it I keep getting set

Backwards it’s okay it’s I don’t even think that g that they that I know the route through this I may have at one point should just be the same as um as what it is in the in the game in the Ocarina God damn it I’m watch I’m watching from overhead and Laughing where do I go God damn it God damn it that was the same route you took last time you’re doing great Sweetie how did I end up back here anyway is the server is the is the map started yes well let me let me look at the console oh [ __ ] wait I’m in the museum you mean the construction project the construction Z the yeah I’m in The Warp

Zone we’ll meet us back over by that weird wooden Archway Rudy you’re in the chalk Zone let’s go oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dibs what oh [ __ ] oh what ums did we spawn right next to a ruin portal shotgun screw you guys I have a

Hat I [ __ ] no no no no no you piece of shoe a piece of okay whoa look at that look at that thing whoa a Savania oh we’re near okay so we’re in a Plains near a jungle a desert and a savannah oh that’s huge uh did Julie come with us

Yeah yes uh where do we go where do we want to start do we want to start here near this portal or do we want this is the Portal’s huge um that’s [ __ ] fantastic yeah a Cave System that’s down here uh we’re gonna need to get a hold of some

Coal pretty soon um yeah I’m I’m doubting I’m doubting you have treecapitator uh no I did not put I did not put any of our convenience mods on this map oh damn it’s going to this is going to be brutal uh this is well if we’re doing a speedrun you know we’re

Going to do it Faithfully no tree capitator no h no no teleport commands yeah we’re not dream we’re Gamers we’re also not groomers so that’s true uh well I groom myself oh you heard it here first folks Ian’s uh anyway yeah well I also do that but huh what

H must chop rocks Julie where are you where’d you go Julie’s over there hanging out down the street there’s pumpkin jie found oh my God I found coal and rocks hold on hold on I’m I’m there’s a lot of coal I’m just mining coal digging up them coal baby digging up that coal

Yeah where did you find it it’s in the cave it’s not a very big Cave System I I will add it’s uh no it’s not but it’s enough that we might be able to start digging well I I got digging and I found two veins of

Coal great um there’s also actually I I just realized that from that chest I got from the ruined portal I have 10 pieces of iron well like 10 my noing gets noing gets little little little tiny okay well I have enough I’m gonna go make a furnace up here okay go for it

Um what okay so you have 10 iron nuggets I have 10 iron nougats yes that oh that’s equivalent to one ingot yeah um save that we should use it to get um shears I think is is should be our first priority so we can sleep so we

Don’t get Phantoms what’ you find Jolie found coal oh how’s he doing how’s he doing uh he’s not speaking oh God no not Cole uh who who picked up that chest at the beginning I I did here I’ll I’ll drop it put it put it down next to the

Workbench over there so we can start dropping stuff into it all right um here I’ll drop this wooden pickaxe um I’m going to put the iron nuggets in there please be nice okay um all right please be nice to the Nuggets all right so yeah we need to we

Need to get more iron there’s also I just realized there’s a there’s a mountain sort of landscape up to the South no the the Southwest can somebody can somebody drop some of that coal in the chest also oh [ __ ] I’m the one who has the coal [ __ ] F Brown sheep and brine

Bft there it is there’s the first one I can’t believe it was you and not Lucas yeah you’re right that made the first Brown something meem the first color monosyllabic word okay so are we going to build a house or just use Panic boxes I would I’m fine with building a

House hey guys I found I found a hole I found lava if I’m going to do this I just spend the first night mining yeah we need to start doing the sooner we find more iron the better yeah I’m I’m looking for it um but if

Somebody wants to start on a panic box we can I I can’t I also found lava y’all lava y’all it’s very you underground or okay I’m underground welcome to the underground how are your balls if you want to look arounds okay I did find a very large

Cave System good oh sh you did yes where where you at Dog uh let me find my way back I’m trying to find iron and I can’t find any all I’m finding is coal and copper that’s a good still good that’s a good name for a um a small business send

The coordinates of the cave system hold up hold up hold up I got a pretty good coal vein right here oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah massive throbbing coal B yeah so vascular with coal I don’t know if that picked up but Jolie audibly gagged up in the other

Room there’s one of those like Mesa Biomes over there ready is it a black m no it’s it’s a brown Mesa Brown Mesa is there water is there water anywhere okay I need it’s already almost night time y’all I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming you

Are I’m I am on my way I Can Go the Distance here this is my kingdom come don’t swords for everyone nice I forgot about swords welcome to the under now it’s in my head yes it is I’m gathering seeds I’m I already I already have a bunch of seeds oh hell

Yeah if somebody wants to start a farm um I need to make torches so I can start mining yes I want to do farm stuff so okay I there’s that thing and there’s those things okay all right all right from my from my from my Venture into the

Underground I have found four iron ingots or ore ingots or or I have or like if you found inot then that means you found a spawner no I’m not that cool crying obsidian doesn’t like you can’t make a portal with that right I don’t think so

No right next to water so uh where are you guys I’m I’m near the crafting area oh here’s a cave sorry we have 11 where is water Where’s my water Where’s my son uh anyway we have 11 pieces of naturally occurring obsidian up here so yeah that’s a great start that’s enough to

Make a portal as soon as we get a diamond pickaxe is it I thought we needed just one more I thought it was 12 uh okay guys I got I got the equivalent of five I have five copper in iron ingots we need a bucket a bucket where are I’m by the

Original I’m by the original place we were building wewh no we’re on normal okay you still haven’t shown us where this cave is I I know y’all weren’t here I’m also already hungry I’m gonna make a bucket and shears sure and bucket are in the chest I don’t

Where’s the chest is it above me probably where are you jie where are you house in the house is over by the portal what house it’s under the portal if you paid attention rather than just running off and doing your own [ __ ] I am helping if you ever actually listen

To me then maybe you would understand but you don’t okay you just don’t I know I saw a sheep there’s a brown sheep over here there’s two there’s two white guys over here sorry that there’s two white sheep over here how could you white milk white oh I got I got four

Pieces of wool that’ll be helpful eat you pieces of [ __ ] eat give me more wool I don’t know if I want to hit F3 in the middle of stream so everybody can see all my juicy analytics or game info game politics I mean just don’t leave it on

Obviously here I marked it with some torches I see thank you marked what with some torches the the cave I went in he patted it and pricked it and marked it with a torch I don’t know if yall got my sick reference to uh patty cake I did thank

You okay yeah this is a pretty sizable cave okay Julie I cleared out an area now do we want to put a house here or do we want to put a farm here not going outside jie it’s okay there’s no monsters nearby there’s no skeleton nearby probably

Underground did you come and get one of the stone swords that I made you lied to me Jacob oh he is yeah jelly does have a skleton right at her door now if I if I hey why is there a crafting table on top of this

Mountain cuz I put it there Sandy one yeah there’s uh coal inside that little mouth right there give me your food sick I love that all of these sheep are walking around in the desert where they can’t eat any grass and get more wool there’s a dripstone cave down here a

Little farther I don’t have any food I’m about to start I’m about to start gonna go murder pigs if you uh what I did don’t murder them all yeah don’t kill them all I I was gonna work on a farm when it’s daylight because I’m scared Al can you eat

Pumpkins uh you can make pumpkin pie but you can’t I don’t have wheat or sugar yeah exactly you can’t eat a pumpkin the easiest thing for us going to be bread is that Lucas yo ho ho and hary mes my Friend welcome to the underground yeah welcome welcome how are your vaults uh get we haven’t we’re live huh we haven’t we haven’t really started we haven’t really started too much yet um we’re still in the early stages we made a lot of progress we’re Gathering materials and resources and

Panicle meour and materials I’m down in the caves mining right now um yeah I’m gonna I’m joining Emily because the the surface is too scary I’m in a different cave how how how can I join go to our regular go to our regular server and if

You don’t know what it is someone will have to give you someone will have to DM you the uh URL so that we don’t say it out loud it uh understandable it says outdated client uh you got to up your date 1.2.2 um even if I mean the our the the

Server requires you to be linked to our Discord in order to do anything on it so even if somebody else did join it they wouldn’t be able to do anything and they wouldn’t be able to get to where we are anyway because we’re in a secret level fair enough in the

Underground yeah I’ve already got 20 I’ve already got 25 raw iron God damn Emily uh make that 30 something I just got 15 wool that’s enough for five beds yes it is and we’re going to put all of them right next to each other so

We can sleep in one giant bed like a big happy family big B making this Panic hole bigger then I I can make us a legit house or a hole no a I can make a hobbit hole we got a cool magma NightLight life is all about ho aren’t we vaguely speedrunning

Yeah cuz I want to make a house that’s my favorite part of the game it’s my favorite part of the game is to make house we know well [ __ ] it’s not auto updating uh sorry on the regular Minecraft launcher in order to update I believe you have to hit like

Play and they’ll be like oh well you up actually uh if your you have to make sure that your launcher profile is set to the one called latest release oh yep I have Iris and sodium for 1.20.1 that that’ll do it oh yeah yeah so I did update sodium because uh shaders are

Amazing I’m currently playing on the on the workstation computer that I built for my stepdad a few years ago I’m have no shaders I’m on vanilla Minecraft with vanilla look all shaders have a really nice computer now I do I’m just lazy and I don’t I haven’t played

Minecraft that much cuz work is abysmal I have a mid computer and I think shaders would make it [ __ ] itself no your computer is part of my old computer so it should be fine yeah yeah which is quite old now yeah it’s actually part of um my the

First gaming PC that I ever built for myself in 2012 oh good I I I in it’s all right great I I spawned into a house already so I I don’t know where every is you’re you’re in you’re probably in the standard survival map yeah go to Lobby yeah I’m a

Gun does someone have a bucket the bucket is in the chest next to all the the the furnace and crafting table no it ain’t oh well I lied someone has it can you dye a bed or do you have to diee the wool and you

Have to die the wool you either die a bed or live long enough to see your yourself become the sheets that’s what they told me did someone get me a bucket so I can start a f here I have a bucket I’m trying to get back up to y’all I can see somebody’s

Name tag overhead but I that might be me because I I’m coming out of the mine too it’s actually Ian is there do you see me do you see my name below you uh side a little bit oh I don’t because I don’t know if my okay

Can you come and like dig down here because I don’t know if my pickaxe has enough durability left to get back to the surface yeah I have 54 raw iron and no idea where I came in from holy [ __ ] oh I just heard your pickaxe break yep

Uh I’ve got a wooden one but it doesn’t have much either oh mine just broke [ __ ] okay how hey how do I get to the lobby uh do SL Lobby um here all right I I put 12 of my iron that I needed in there um Emily I’m making a pickaxe don’t

Worry oh you’re like right over me yeah okay I think I can get back out okay yeah I’ve hit dirt so I think I’m close to the surface right hey Jolie how are we doing on food I’m a hungry boy I need a bucket okay

Fine here I’ve got a bucket I just got back it’s in the chest uh above the obsidian pillar no no the other the chest over okay we’re over here this is our base of operation now welcome okay we’ve colonized this whole place someone’s gonna have to show

Lucas where the portal was too because it’s kind of inconspicuous oh that’s true it should be Emily because I’ve already forgotten where it is yeah I’m gonna hop out for a second oh okay oh my God I forgot about that oh the skin Luc it’s over here Lucas thank you

I am proud of my skin through this wooden thing a word here we go look at this beautiful landscape chat that I just found did you add any tags to the the stream Ian yes I did what tags for noticing what were they again don’t worry about

It okay I haven’t seen anybody else join and it Mak me sad it’s because no nobody watches our YouTube videos there’s some seeds in the um in the chest too Julie and some bone not doing this a delicious bone B bones let me see your I think I might

Have Emily oh I’m I’m curious to see if Emily can delegate out or if she can be our minor oh oh God I just saw Lucas Lucas don’t look behind me don’t don’t come towards me Lucas Lucas towards me Lucas no there’s four beds in the chest everyone pick your pick your

Bed no my nickname is now Ian that’s crazy my nickname is now Jacob everyone go pick your bed uh mine is the blue one oo my nickname is now Lucas um I’m gonna go with oring bed let me see your bed did you make oh where where are they in the

Chest oh [ __ ] I didn’t see that we need to we need to move the uh the chest to the house no I’m I complete side tangent there’s a bamboo forest nearby oh Lucas did you see my new skin by the way what oh nice wait hang on hang on ow nice my

Ears you can get those pumpkins and start growing as pumpkins Jolie yes aw whoa whoa whoa okay I think I plan on making a uh on trying to find another cave system and Mining here in a bit oh uh that’s a good idea never mind I thought there was one

Up in in the Sand Mountain but there’s not I found where there’s some cows we need to find diamonds we need to uh it would probably be good to get two people mining uh just for defense um I can help we need to get diamonds we need to get like an enchantment table

When we can actually if if two people want to do that while somebody else tries to find a village I can go look for the village I mean I’m I’m the person streaming so what do we what do we want the person streaming to do I think that would be the most interesting

Thing to watch is to go look for uh Village uh I can go with you if you want that sounds like fun okay uh where’ the chest go in the house I don’t I want to I want to make us a proper house too bad no no

No all right well let me at least go in here and we put down a bed God damn it I knew it I knew we had that one on there [Laughter] somewhere okay where is house house is underneath our Bruin portal yeah that sick god dog doing every time I try to teabag

Somebody sticky keys turns on you gotta like uninstall it or whatever yeah you have to disable the keyboard shortcut em I took some of the iron everybody make sure everybody gets an iron pickaxe and an iron sword before we make anything else yes yes oh uh three

Beds which one is whose uh Lucas pick one out of the chest yeah I got yellow I’m I’m the video cable I’m the blue one I’m orange I got to be red oh God this is why we need a proper house this is too damn small uh how I’m having

Fun yeah we’re all just one big happy family in here I will murder where did the bed go what the dog doing I put I put the I put the red bed down and then it disappeared because Emily walked over it and then Jolie put the bed down where my bed

Was I still see it in your hand yeah you still got it in your hand oh it’s in your it’s in your Shield hand Maybe no it’s oh go okay it was it was not in my inventory oh make sure to right click it so you can respawn there oh of course of

Course okay um are we fooding it up I’m fooding it up because I’m at one hunger point but I’ll give some food out God I’m so used to the oh I’m at two um yeah there’s some thank you it’s Sun’s already going down God damn I forgot anyone need a

Chop um I’m good I made some earlier but I’m Gonna Be Low eventually later have we got a farm started now I’m working on it yes I cleared out a space of grass up towards the South up towards the South up towards the South all right um

Lucas’s DND world where he made the map sideways on purpose and then immediately regretted it what like east facing up yes yes that’s how a lot of old Maps were made yes okay but it’s not an old map it’s a new one it’s one that I made n months

Ago we have the technology now I’m not old what are you gonna do when I’m not own what are you gonna do when the Earth’s magnetic poles reverse in a few hundred thousand years and then South is North and North is South uh die I guess sorry I’m plugging my phone in so

I can watch the stre DM chat I was about to say nobody better be in my [ __ ] bed sweet dreams are made of these who am I to okay I’m gonna I’ll be right back oh hello Bud murder murder mermaid mermaid murder murder mer so Joie if you go towards the

Jungle there’s some cows if you want that because we’re going to need leather but I’m going to but I’m going to go to the Jungle real quick to get some of this delicious bamboo where is the farm some exploded what happened sorry everything’s fine I

I scared a creeper you scared a cre the the bamboo is over here in the gingle bamboo grows really freaking quick so I don’t need to grab that much yeah is this is bamboo the same thing as sugarcane no no it used to be but it’s well no it used to be

Reads um I found the ocean wow right beyond the bamboo forest there is an ocean so who wants to go mining sounded like you you did Emily yeah but I said I’ll do it oh Lucas you want to do it sure get up in there Lucas go for it

[ __ ] of iron coming out um I put some of the iron already into the chest in the house yeah and there’s more being made so everybody should get an iron pickaxe possibly I’m gonna make a stone pickaxe too as a spare yeah what I usually do is keep uh

A couple of the previous step pickaxe for mining like Stone and stuff and then I’ll do like stone for stone and then iron for um actual ore okay I’m G to go off to the Mount well I’m gonna I’m not going to go very far until I have food

To survive out that far yeah I think that’s smart so I’m going to go help mine a little bit I’m going to go towards the mountains see what I can find out there make bone meal I use some on the crops that were there already I know but uh how do you

Make it oh you just craft put Bones on a crafting table Yeah okay or you just put it in your inventory you just put a bone down and you make three bone meal you just break bones another reason why Steve is a literal God bone thrusher you you can Crush

Bones I mean I do when I like eat chicken wings but like like that that is a that very much is a thing like you can you can smush up a bone real good well but like a femur yes know oh people have broken femurs before Jacob I know they’ve broken their own

Femur but I I promy you can do it I know people used to like make bone knives Jacob go ahead and try to break your own femur okay do you like the way the feels on your body I believe the SCP Foundation has developed a device that just that does just [Laughter]

That shout out to the femur breaker like shout out from the femur breaker shout out because of the femur breaker there’s not really any cave entrances of note here in the mountains we need to focus on getting we need to focus on getting a steady source

Of food because I don’t think we can go mining until we can actually have enough food to stay down there for a long time you guys aren’t going to believe what I just saw on my peripheral and I’m running to right now what did you just no a desert temple

Don’t blow it up I know how to deal with these I am an experienced Minecraft later uh guys I [ __ ] up you’re just all you’re GNA hear if I [ __ ] up is oh [ __ ] and then an explosion oh [ __ ] okay I’m gonna look around the

Desert real quick hope they can see or I really hope that the viewers can hear the vine booms I think they can should if they’re hearing the Stream audio [ __ ] well what we can what we guys what we can do is we can make this uh desert this desert temple our house okay

Where’s the mine we have a few I think somebody actually built that house right over the entrance that I dug into it earlier oh my God it’s a parrot there’s a parrot over here how do I tame it Parrot uh seeds I thing okay my house oh it’s gone there it

Is oh okay all right now to do some skilled Minecrafter gaml did you know that you used to be able to kill parrots by feeding them cookies what yes no that’s awful real life well in Minecraft uh you used to be able to feed them any food and then um someone was

Like Hey if you feed a parrot of cookie in real life it’ll die and the in order to stop people from feeding real life parrots real life cookies the developers of Minecraft made it so that if you feed a Minecraft parrot a cookie it dies and then people were like hey

That’s kind of [ __ ] up and they were like you know what you know what that’s fair and they took it out I’m feeding this thing a [ __ ] ton of seeds it’s not I said I think I don’t know if it’s right it’s working it’s just making a bunch of

Clouds it’s not your friend yet I lost it there it is all right yes all right let’s see what we got here we got bones and gunpowder and sand I got two books I got lure two and feather falling two three emeralds oh the Temple that was kind of nice job all right a little underwhelming but we’ll work with it who’s got did you get any bones there oh plenty I got like 24 okay get your sweet bippy back here so we can make some bread yeah I got two

Don’t make bread out of Bones I will you can’t stop me we’re not making we just need to grow this [ __ ] out of this Farm fair is what I have go make it grow I’m gathering um oh [ __ ] there’s melons over here guys you goton hey Joy have you got that

Bucket I have a bucket and the hoe If you have it that’s not a nice thing to call Ian I have a wooden one I don’t have a a stone one okay I’ll I’ve got enough left over I’m not going into the mine until we get some

More uh food sources cuz I’m almost at low hunger already oh we’re in during the melon age don’t worry about it bring me the melons all right I’m about to start breading and frying I got some eggs too I don’t know if they made any jumping eggs can make chickens Jacob

Come over here and give me your bones I’m going to the house oh you’re there come over here Jacob let me see your bones what is what is with everybody asking me about my bones here Emily there’s bones behind you how are your bones Jacob are they are they healthy my bones are

Pretty healthy I what color are um I don’t know normal color I assume good good good I mean we’ll we’ll find out I mean have you have you checked you guys are scaring me I mean if it’s been a while you should probably check take off your [Laughter]

Bones Jacob are you whoa how many how many bones how many bones do you have uh I assume 206 ho that’s like a lot of bones dude that’s a lot you know that there’s Starving Children who don’t have any bones are you good are you good I can’t I can’t finish

That if uh if we wanted to actually stay up tonight and find some skeletons and kill them that’ll get us a lot more of these too okay look at my bird what’s his name um his name is Daryl what’s your name little bird what’s your

Name so red I like your parrot this is [ __ ] cool I’ve never had a Minecraft parrot before I love it poab beans oh yes hell yeah oh the melons right sit the down how many seeds should we melon uh guys do you know where place I can put

This what what where did you get a horse over there P where did you get a horse one of the things I also find I nected to tell you was uh horse armor and a saddle nice why did you purposefully neglect to tell us that did I say purposely I meant

Unintentionally yeah is there a place I can store this can I store this with the she Julie just make you’re you’re doing it I guess oh that’s a pretty bird jie here’s six melon seeds yay okay and then who does anyone need F zombie with a uh yeah I’m a low hunger

Okay here’s I’ve got who who’s lower you know what I’ll just give you Bothel here Emily there’s seven melons for you J which one are you here’s seven melons for you Fe me the melons melon I need food I am defending us about 20 minutes ago did I already say

That I made that joke about 20 minutes ago Jolie stop taking all my melons jie needs to eat too you no dunce beautiful man with your Supple Supple bones I need a shield real bad well I have good news there’s plenty of free around Andy of oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] who’s got a

Skelly you want these bones uh Lucas look up oh thank you Jacob oh we’re rocking yeah but you get like a lot yeah uh if somebody wants who whoever got the those melon seeds uh should totally plant them in this new corner of the farm I just I think they

Have been oh are these melons there’s pum and melons I thought I thought those were pumpkins there’s both now they look the same until they create East I thought you said waast I understand that reference good job I’m proud oh my god dude was that a [ __ ] SpongeBob uh dude I’ve seen SpongeBob

Before okay we’re already like 45 minutes in and yeah speed Runners we are not but we’re doing well I think so we’re doing good I mean a true speed would the game already but we’re speed running in comparison we’re speed running in our own time Hawai speed rning I’m cooking some

Salmon right now how do you oh [ __ ] we can that’s right we can do fishing I forgot that there’s a fishing part of this game yes and we have a bunch of string yes because I am a good boy who got us all string who’s a good boy I’m a good

Boy let’s never do that again oh God where are you where are you guys thank you where are you guys okay we need to close the door time we go in that house okay hang on have we found any uh I found one and then it killed

Me did you return the favor help yeah help where you got some a carrot oh yeah that was that’s huge now we can breed pigs and horses actually um if anybody finds potatoes that’s going to be bigie drops a potato planting the carrot I have planted the carrot we need more

Wood I can go chopping wood I just need food to regain my health there’s food in the chest there’s five salmon and four melon I believe is there a crafting table around the farm I’ve got aider I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m gonna die where I’m coming I’m

Coming oh the skeleton was helping you out thank you yeah boy boy I have eight bread and if anybody finds any more bone meal um use it to grow more wheat until we find potatoes that’s going to be our primary food source hate fighting spiders why are there hit boxes like

This I’m going to go look for we’re I’m looking for wood but also monsters do we have any feathers laying around maybe yeah gravel there’s one gravel and one murdered here put two feathers in here I murdered a chicken earlier on oh who’s going to win who’s going to win I

Got two skeletons fighting at it who will be the Victor who will win this epic battle of the archers that one W oh [ __ ] here’s a and now he’s also dead as a a creeper I don’t here are what the [ __ ] ey of the spider no I thought I thought Lucas was

Singing like but I’m a creep but it was I’m a creeper ah see I’m explosive wait is eye of the spider an actual like Captain sparkle song no oh no it’s a parody that was made by uh like a 12-year-old oh great I’ll have to show you all later cuz it’s it’s

Incredible it’s you know other cringe videos that I like it’s of course it’s on that same level I I would never be able to do it justice so I won’t sing it for you I am about to be ready to start mining as soon as I find enough bone meal to really start

Uh turnning out bread consistently I heard that okay I I need like 1.5 more bars of Health uh because I’m I’m not regenerating oh that’s not good hey Jacob do you have any food oh [ __ ] there’s a witch there’s a witch there’s a witch there’s a witch uh where nope

Nope bye later have fun where at uh toward the jungle I killed it oh you killed it I killed it with my hands and um hold on one sec I’m trying to get this last block of wood there because I’m not a Monster who leaves floating trees uh two

Spider probably just some Gunpowder H actually to be honest probably just some Gunpowder okay um is there a dedicated mine or just just go there’s a there’s a path like directly below the house somebody covered up but it leads straight down into a dripstone cave I got more wood

Okay uh my old friend have you got any food no I don’t actually hey Jer my old friend have you got any food come out here salmon salmon can somebody make a door or have another door for the cave entrance oh my God uh i’ I’ve got some wood I can make a

Door okay if somebody wants to give me some food I can go out with my horse and look for a village yeah take your horse on a date you going to kiss your horse you going to have a loving beautiful relationship with your horse I regret my actions

You wiener this is not the cave I thought it was um do you remember where that was that no cuz I didn’t actually see you leave Emma it’s over here oh yeah talking about yeah I’m trying to get the bird inside so I can like make it

Sit and I can’t get it inside while it’s not did you died good thing we’re not playing hard card cuz at we’ all be [ __ ] already well two of us would already be dead did somebody get my stuff down there okay careful jaob I didn’t get it Jacob I didn’t get

It have video evidence that I didn’t get it I don’t get it Julie you good it sounds like she’s going to get a snack in the other room okay oh [ __ ] I don’t have any torches I’m an idiot I’ll go make some torches uh I’ll be right back

In I have 45 but if you want to get some more that would be a good idea yeah I’ll I’ll just make some of my own so you don’t have to pass me a torch every three minutes Jolie get back on we’re having an adventure here’s some torches I made some

I’m headed down trying to find that dripstone cave again faces path Sy here some more Iron and I miss you a baby zombie riding a chicken oh nice baby zombie baby zombie r chicken baby zie shout out to per grip hey Jacob where are you I want to show you my new sword I just made uh I’m son of I’m in the underground yeah the those baby zombies

Are are rough um I used to watch why do they have more Health than the grownup zombies they have the same amount I think they’re just harder to hit yeah also uh Riders have like I think it’s a combination of the health is anybody else coming with me or

What’s going on I’m I’m mining a little bit right now just so um to help so we can wait on food once I get food my primary goal right now is finding diamonds I’m just helping to get more iron cuz I know we’re going to need

It found an end oh nice kill it kill it kill it kill it kill it I do not have the resources to take on an end yet just um get two get under uh two blocks and then it can’t hit you well I’ve got another baby zombie coming at me

Now see it coming at you that’s a grown up zombie Catra yeah we I need I need help I need more people like at your location like at your location or just yeah I’m gonna get killed if I don’t I have no armor and for we have enough iron to get almost everybody

Suited up with armor you’re probably right that that really needs to be something we should have done I mean all I to be fair all I’m wearing is a gold helmet that I found I’ve already used up most of the food that I came down here with and I’m lost

Helmet that I just found no no I’m not lost when I say blow get ready to blow blow him not me what is that what’s that uh Adam West Batman scene where he like I’ll I’ll if I see you Batman I’ll blow you get blowing Joker

Oh oh no it’s get pounding it was just like it’s just like Batman if I see you I’ll pound you myself get pounding Joker screams incredible funny I promise yeah D was that a mother [ __ ] Batman reference dude I’ve seen Batman like once I know what Batman is it’s a pretty good

Landar oh [ __ ] uh em is this the Enderman that killed you uh an end did not kill me uh well here’s a other Ender I wasn’t killed by an Ender I was killed by a creeper how do you fish in Minecraft you oh like that never mind I figured it

Out and now I have a Cod piece oh yeah you had you had us for a minute there yeah there ain’t no way I’m giving up my vampire powers hey Jolie okay I’m staring at this Enderman why are you staring at it to get him to I’m trying to tempt him

To come get me but he’s not he’s not teleporting at me they don’t come and get you unless you look at them in their eyes look right in his eyes I’m I’m looking away look at my kiss I’m look I’m looking at him I’m looking away oh [ __ ] he teleported go oh no

Oh there he is his mouth is wide open he’s mad he’s not teleporting he’s just J he’s just jiggling at me well run up and hit him I don’t I don’t want to make him that mad show him what for oh yeah come here come

Here here I’m G get you I’m Gonna Get You fishing rod has like a different texture now does it cool yeah it used to just be a stick now it’s like differ hello lapis the car lapis lazuli the the crystal gem from Steven Universe no no Jacob no

No oh but but but Stephen Universe this is not step’s Universe this is mine this is our universe now it’s Ian Universe how about the Crystal Gems of My Universe are like uming I don’t know this is stupid you good Ian Indian food Ian you good yeah I’m great got

Him he dropped nothing he dropped nothing great freaking a delicious liquid death right now oh is that is that the is that the like non-alcoholic drink that looks like an alcoholic drink yeah it’s like it’s sparkling water that is in a can that kind of looks like beer it’s like a badass cool

Can um I didn’t know they did flavors but I’m drinking one right now called convicted melon good oh [ __ ] that’s like three zombies there might be a spawner near here Emily where are you in a deep slate cave oh nice God I need I need to get mine I’m going to take

Some of those I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die don’t die that’s a Skelly boy yeah [ __ ] you won’t cry through that lava all right Sun’s going down uh I caught seven edible fish God I need to find that again hang on I just

Located a really huge cave at Deep FL level and then like eight zombies came out of the hole at me did you perish no I I didn’t die which is good because I don’t know how I’m to getting back to where I started but I am now out of

Food unless I throw this crafting table down down here and make something I can cook this meat with I see you I guess you see me I see I’m of you I’m proud of you for using an eyes I forgot what it’s like to have to like cook food manually in this

Game on the Cobble Monon server I’ve constructed a complex series of Hoppers so I can just like put [ __ ] into a chest and then later I will have food that’s awesome yeah it’s [ __ ] great we should we should stream cobon at some point we should it’d be fun yeah I I

Mean I can’t Pokemon battle any of you because all of my Pokemon are currently around level 60 well we can like make another server map and start from there or we could do what I want to do is like we make gyms and have one of us

Like train Pokemon and go to all the gyms of the people in the club Crystal gyms the crystal the crystal are they here to save the day going I’m back up to full health but I have very little resources left oh God Lucas can you get my

Stuff I think I have to have found a spawner there are so many zombies here I don’t know chcken I just I was I was walking around in the mines and like I thought there was nothing above me and then all of a sudden this creeper dropped in from [ __ ] I don’t

Knowwhere just end it just ended my existence I thought you said Idaho for a second actually I heard the same thing I this creeper Just Dropped In from Idaho and I think I was okay I was over here where the [ __ ] oh okay I see got it yes I saw what happened

Now okay it came from up here and I didn’t see that this cave was here get [ __ ] creeper in other news I’m back to full health and no hunger creeper oh man NOP so we back in the mine go got our pickaxe swinging yeah from side to side side to

Side side side to side uh is Obsidian water on top or lava on top water on top of la lava but the lava has to be stationary yeah to be a lava source block to get technical oh great Heavens can’t you um can’t you make more lava source box now

With dripstone is is that a thing yes okay if you put if you get dripstone oh no where where were you I’ll go with you way the [ __ ] hold on oh boy don’t even it was it was down the main cave and there’s I have don’t even

Ian there’s no there’s we don’t have a snowballs chance in hell of finding that again uh well I where is this the main cave yeah okay yeah Jacob and I are both down here we have no idea where EML was she’s she was all the way down in deep slate so

She was pretty far yeah I had just found a really promising cave but I think I see y’all I want to know where Jolie went so I might mute my mic is bil is bil back on no she still AFK Lu is over here Emily yeah no I’m trying to find just

Let me let me look around I’m gonna try and find where I was sure I would also like to know where you are so that we can get to where you were again yeah and I don’t I I don’t know um I should have been leaving a trail of

Like if somebody had like those clay blocks from the Mesa those make really good trail markers oh true torches well the problem is we sort of put our torches all over everywhere yeah somebody you got any spare torches no I didn’t bring any torches well then we’re

[ __ ] I got 33 torches y’all hold on I’m coming to the rescue that’s not a torch that better than zero did you just throw them down here no hold on here you are and you can just drop the whole stack you know you don’t have to okay so I want the Torches for

Myself God I need I need armor we all need armor seriously oh God yeah I just realized I am a bare naked lady yeah that’s why we’ve been getting killed so much on the other man I did find gold great oh that’s good oh I have been

Secretly mining pretty deep uh I might be getting lost though not going to lie uh I’m already lost I don’t know where I am um I’m trying to follow M with a Str of torches let me get no I have I have torches don’t worry about me but you’re not leaving a

Trail I’m G to find it again and then I’m GNA post the coordinates oh all right smart oh [ __ ] baby zombie there was a big cave that I came into that splits in two Direction this might have been it because there are torches here so somebody’s been

Here oh hey Ian was you oh hey how did how do we get at how do we get at oh buddy don’t ask me okay I think I I’m just GNA go up yeah we’ve all been so spoiled it’s true got keeping inventory on death is it changes is the way the

Game functions it really does oh I’m more the big thing that’s happening with me is that I don’t have a warp home function oh I don’t have that on cobon um at least I don’t think I do cobon has the blossom homes plugin which is the same thing as the

Home function in Essentials oh how do I set a home how do I get same way set home FL home here [ __ ] I got to do that how did that would save me so much time on the minecart system okay please I I got it um you got it please let there be

Diamonds exposed somewhere in this gigantic deep plate cave expose your diamonds expose them to me raise your dongers where is my oh my God what the oh there it is thought my pickaxe despawn okay so you found it yes I actually just saw you [ __ ] where’d you go hold on 21- 36- all

Right um if any of you guys get a bucket with some lava in it uh I can show Lucas how to do the trick to get infinite lava oh [ __ ] oh zonies be after me yeah there’s a billion of them down here I swear there must be a

Spawner uh have anything I can leave trail with I do not think so anybody nobody has any spare wool we used it all on the beds right yeah I only harvested enough to make the beds yeah I’m trying to think what we could use as Trail markers since we

Don’t have our usual tool kit yeah I use red red the last time IED vanilla oh we lost one jie I don’t know [ __ ] [ __ ] get away from me yeah we did lose Julie and there’s an end staring right at me I didn’t look at him but he’s there yeah he’s just

Ving always watching wasowski flowey no well that is uh that is two diamonds that’s enough for a sword and an enchanting table but not a pickaxe which is what we really need I did just make everybody a suit of armor or almost an entire suit of armor

That’s in a chest nice okay um I’ll I’ll text about it okay yeah that’s right chat you don’t get to know our personal [ __ ] [ __ ] you if you think that you know me I have bad for you you don’t know what I got cuz I’ll kill you I I will

Say though uh after making everybody Su to armor Sand’s health helmets uh Sans helmets s helmets no no um without all those suits armor we have like um five iron left that’s okay I have a bunch now yeah I’ve got a bunch if I away go away holy [ __ ] why are there

So many of you who needs torches when you turn your brightness all the way the way up God remember when Minecraft had like plus two 100% I know where it is now it’s okay okay I’m I’m still struggling because I don’t I don’t know how to get back

Up uh pickaxe I can go get us some uh terracotta that wouldn’t be and some pie terra cotta pie H terra cotta pie banana banana banana banana terracotta banana banana banana terracotta pie that’d be a really that’d be a really funny um thing if they added yeah if they made terracotta

Pie I mean have you seen the uh that cursed Minecraft mod set where somebody made a mod that let you make meat armor yes meat armor I heard an explosion it was uh well it wasn’t me it was a creeper oh God okay I fell onto some dripstone and almost

Died holy [ __ ] God damn it fire I just I just had an egg that I just had one of the the chicken the eggs that makes like four chickens at once and I missed you missed I like I missed the the coup I was supposed to get

Onto oh but it it made them all out and I had to try to get them back in oh jeez just let him be let him be free range chickens speaking well I don’t the the size of the CPE is very small so Julie comes on

In a second um might be good to make a bigger CPE for the chickens uh the FDA would not appr approve of our uh a sedan perhaps for the chicken well that means it has to have four doors then um that’s actually you know that’s actually why Chicken cops only ever have two

[Laughter] doors okay I need I think I need to find you all now I have think I see I see your I see your name tag yeah I’m atus 16 oh I see someone’s name tag Lucas stop moving oh that’s youal that’s more diamonds holy [ __ ] Emily you already found them diamonds I

Have five and I just found two more on the ceiling right over where I died oh we’re in the nether now baby I’m going to go well y’all do that I’m going to do a quick look around for a village okay do that be safe oh [ __ ] this horse is slow as

Balls now that I’m actually like on a actually on it for a longer amount of time I’m realizing this horse is slow oh faster than walking I’m oh God this skeleton is going to kill me Lucas help oh where are you I don’t know oh no

Oh no no I freaked out and through my sword oh no no it’s gone I’ll save you by pressing Q oh I I see you hold on oh [ __ ] there’s two no it was you okay I need armor really bad when I get back up there do you have permission

To pick my stuff up I’m going to try to not grab your stuff I’m going to try to guard it here okayga 38 3090 was what it was uh 90 yeah where the [ __ ] is the cave entrance 373 86 okay well I happened to find a village it wasn’t that

Hard nice yay it’s a little desert village a little desert community I’m going to seal all you should I pillage them or should I actually just keep them alive I mean we have to trade with them don’t we yeah I mean we don’t have to have to

But no I think it’s it’s more important that we get to uh trade with piglins using gold let see what you’re saying they don’t have a lot of occupations in this desert I will say make some occupation blocks I’ll have to use some of our own Iron and stuff like that

Babbe I wish getting a job was that easy He Man sister if you could just like craft a Fletching table I need two oh my God I forgot they added camels what what there’s a camel in this Village he’s just chilling oh he’s getting up oh God I I heard this

Horrible low Grumble noise oh my God I can ride him nice I don’t know if he’s going to like that oh my God oh my God you can ride camels oh [ __ ] dog this Village is actually pretty big now that I look at it all right well I’m

I’m heading downstairs with Ian because I just got killed by it’s okay it happens I am so far away from yall now but I need to try to find my way back I’m trying to find more gold right now because piglins you’re so far away can you feel the snake bite under your

Veins don’t know that song Oh vood Vo okay where are we going I’m 2262 okay I think we’re what what did I say earlier uh and no it’s in the chatga 383 90 I also just learned that you don’t need to tame a camel to ride a camel

Really nope I also just found another desert temple another Shirley Temple a Shirley Temple I hardly know surely not don’t call me shirely when is M when are Minecraft mods going to add the the Shirley Temple we have the desert temple we’ve got the underwater temple we got the Forest Temple we’ve got

The we get the Temple of Time okay we’ve got [ __ ] netive [ __ ] no this looks familiar there’s a glow squid over here okay okay I found it I found it I found found found found found found found found it found he found he found he found can one of y’all put the

Coordinates that you’re at in the game chat so I can try and find my way back to where y’all are at yes oh I died in World at 32391 [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean like put it put it I’m not going to remember that

Put it in the chat don’t just say it out loud uh yep peep up I’m um up I guess I’ll I’ll head back to town to our base okay Ian where did you go I’m at 31 2977 I’m trying to find a I don’t have oh hey JR I have

Not so uh update Jr we’re trying to play Minecraft in one sitting uh so far uh We’ve we we finally found diamonds but Emily Ian and Lucas are all basically lost in the underground so we’re play they’re basically playing undertale again we’re playing undertale again and I’m up here on the surface

Looking for surface things cuz that’s really what I’m good at um I did find a village but the village uh I’m I’m just I’m bringing your stuff up now thank you cuz I’m getting chased by a skeleton down into the mines so down the Min B grief

Dog do I need to deliver y’all’s armor I don’t know how much there is good about G this grief um this is bding grief this this is the bad place this is poor grief God this I don’t know gold Jacob can I have my armor please the armor is in this chestet

Be be go Fu yes yes very good thank you uh Julia Rose uh Jr you are you’re currently watching Jacob on stream yeah you’re watching my screen no no pink beds because there is not a uh we haven’t made p a a cable yeah Jr blowing up the chat we

Appreciate it my my view of the chat was not showing Jr for a second but now I see it how the [ __ ] did we get down here I don’t know I just keep walking in circles this is insanity did I ever tell you the definition of insanity tell me

Ren insanity is doing the same [ __ ] thing over and over again and expecting [ __ ] to change wow R that’s really deep I can’t do a Stimpy voice wow man I can’t do one either you were so confident I love that you were like I [ __ ] got this and

Then you immediately didn’t but that’s okay it’s a hard voice I most of Billy West’s voices are difficult Billy West is great uh yeah we well we didn’t meet him we saw him at a distance he was on the other side of the room from us and we

Heard him talk for a while along with John deio and Lauren Tom Lauren Tom yes yes they were they seemed like chill people they were very funny I mean naturally very funny um I mean they’ve been doing that stuff for a long long long time oh it’s

True this that definitely was not their first convention either no well that’s they talked a lot about that about like you know they’ve been to several conventions although it was a very small one so yeah it’s it’s nice that they went to a relatively smaller convention granted it wasn’t like all of

The futureama cast but it was some of the big names you know he had Billy West who’s a handful of the voices on that show yeah Billy West one of the most established voice actors of all time I forgot that he was the red Eminem that’s my favorite role of

His really it’s so obvious yeah I just think it’s funny it’s so obvious um did I did I find the exit is this it yes oh Lucas did you find the exit cuz I just found my way back down to where you were great I was I found I found dirt I don’t

Know that dirt dirt into wine turn that dirt into wine I don’t have anything in my inventory I’m just impale myself on this Spike uh I’m I am going to how take an stuff to the communal chest over here how how how did how did how did how did how did

Gabe do that oh cuz he’s an admin nice here you go thank you H are y’all still at the coordinates you sent earlier no we leave um what else did you have some some of these and I iron pickax um uh this one maybe maybe prob not no no bow well I got

Back oh we don’t have a um Anvil no we don’t no okay well this is the cave we were did y getan did you you lose your armor oh yeah I guess oh [ __ ] did you not pick it up Lucas no I don’t I don’t

Have any armor look in that chest off to the side of the bed this way oh well [ __ ] back down to the mines uh did did you lose it what we we’ve got some iron going on I I was trying to get back down and get my stuff

And I couldn’t find it so Lucas picked it up I see name tags way over there where the [ __ ] are y’all in at the house they’re back at the house that doesn’t help me I’m trying to get closer to where I can see all names uh 17

7151 I can see you I just don’t know how to get there oh I have two monitors Jr I’m like directly below you all where the [ __ ] is the exit does anybody want to help the person with nine diamonds find her way home I put the thing in the chat I don’t

Know where you are I can’t come to you and you back I don’t know anything about the cave I’m directly below most of you like I can see you I just can’t figure out how the [ __ ] to get back I’m not supposed to dig straight down I wait

Come come get some armor and you and I will both go uh no I already I already lost my armor that’s not mine then get some more yeah I don’t have any armor yet because I haven’t been up there to get any where did you

Will I have no food and I’m about to die I coming for you can’t help you coming for you I don’t know what you expect me to do hate the organization of all of these chests what organization I’m trying to make the top chest the valuable stuff okay and the bottom chest chaft

But I’m G to start that’s why I want a proper house no oh my bird like I’ve been telling you guys from the start I want to buy my I want to make a house I want to buy my own house you’ll never be able to buy your

Own house Jacob okay Emily Emily died [ __ ] okay okay where okay Emily Where Were You There negative one 39 98 or com five minutes to get back there y’all where’s all the armor it’s in the uh chest next to the beds behind you okay God I wish I had the coordinates

HUD data pack at least yeah wait and are you going in the uh in the other entrance I don’t know where I’m going I’m just holding the best way to do it is just going to be to go to the you have do you have another pickax

No I have I have nothing not a I have one okay I guess I’m digging down we are J did did you find did you find negative 198 yes I’m protecting y well damn I can’t get back up I don’t have a pickaxe uh [ __ ] I don’t have a pickaxe either oh I

Found your stuff okay well uh well get it and bring it up I guess did you just dig straight down really yes okay well if I do that I’m going to die um here okay here um stop pushing whoa I didn’t know there was a hole there okay yes Jacob broke rule

One to save the diamonds don’t talk about B now you just did it okay okay guys okay okay if you fall down the hole if you fall down the hole there was Jacob there was a bucket of water in that I know if you guys fall down the hole

Right now there’s there’s your water okay give me the rest of my stuff back okay I didn’t I my inventory is full enough I didn’t get any all of it so here’s that okay and then here’s the other stuff I have so that that I can hop down nine diamonds um

Okay yeah this really need we need ath marker and this I’m going to continue to uh make animals I was trying to do farming stuff and get the house homed up but how’s the farm now now I have to get now I have to get back up I don’t know if Jie’s gonna

Join us again that’s okay we can here we can we can do this I’ll do I’ll do this I’ll do it the long way yeah that’s what I like if I had had a pickaxe with enough durability I was just going to say [ __ ] dig a hole

Straight back out why you bring a crafting table and just use stone tools I did bring a crafting table it got blown up oh I see I brought a spare pickaxe too it got blown up ah I see actually it was more like by the do you

Have all the gold that I collected yes okay good I’m a dwarf and I hoard gold I apologize I no I just I had like 30 something gold so I wanted to make sure we didn’t lose that I have it’s 19 on me okay we have our diamonds

Hoay great I’m gonna start going back to my my task throw that in There put the spare raw iron in there raw gold in there the iron there that are we no here’s some wood okay wooden sword what happened here okay after that I need we we need an ax to uh to properly take stuff from melons and pumpkins yeah no you can just break them

With your hands oh okay yeah um I’m making what I was doing is I’m I’m making what I’m sorry we’re I’m making um occupation blocks for the village great uh they have a priest already oh that’s that’s big um they don’t have a librarian um but we need to get leather

To do that so if you one of you guys wants to get bring the cows home sure I can try um I suck a challenge y’all hot water challenge y’all y’all ever seen that video no the hot water challenge I know what the ice bucket challenge is the hot water

Challenge video is is just that it’s this girl like boiling a pot of water on her stove and then she throws it on her brother absolute B Insanity uh yeah were you all aware that there is a block of gold underneath this obsidian what I was not well the pig are

Going to love that [ __ ] love what what what Jesus okay does does anybody have Flint if I have two flint I can get a um Donald Duck I can’t believe you would say that I saw one FL in the I made it into I made it into an

Arrow what did you make one Arrow one piece of FL I made four shut up I’m going to make you in four hey Ian do you y’all still need armor what Ian do you still need armor yeah okay I’m making some armor thank you I’ll try not to lose it this

Time I found a flint okay I need two I need two for my master I need a I need a flint and steel are you guys about to already go back to the nether a [ __ ] we’re about to go into The Nether yeah bud we got nine

Diamond not I guess but like we need somebody to go after M so because we need all diamond diamond diamond no don’t I don’t think we’re going to find that much diamonds in one sitting I think we’re going to have to make do with iron armor

And at least one gold piece each because we got to have something to appease the piglins oh if you wear gold armor do they not [ __ ] with you as long as you have at least one piece of gold armor on they are not hostile to you unless they see you mining gold Oh

Weird all right I got your damn plant damn it oh oh I let Emily have one of those hold on what piece of armor did you not make earlier helmet yeah yeah I was going to go to the village and help give them some jobs so they’re not mooching off their

Parents some of us have jobs and are mooching off our parents why not both yeah speaking of I be right back because I’m gonna get a food nice y have yall have fun um let’s let’s wait till we can all get to the nether

I’m gon to go off for a second to get the village that’s a that’s a pit God this horse is so slow okay why do I okay have iron okay making a hat for myself putting hat in my inventory Scoopy whoopity poop skippity skippity skippity Skiby

Bu I do you know the weirdest thing is I don’t know if I’ve actually heard the original song I’m not sure what the original song where the guy goes skib Bop like it’s there’s not much to it dog like is like what the what’s the original song because it’s been remixed so

Much like how what’s the original I I wouldn’t think that it’s that important to research well it’s important to me than you can research it all right I believe in you so that’s that I’m going to put a I’m on low hunger I just put a bunch more bone meal

Down over here and harvested some more wheat oh wheat I thought you said weed by the way that’s thought you said oh okay so update still need an axe to break open the pumpkin to get pumpkin seeds oh wait we don’t we don’t need more pumpkins do we I don’t think

So we only really really need the pumpkins for like if we wanted like make pumpkin pie right yeah but also like Iron Golems well then yeah let’s put some [ __ ] Iron Golems up uh Emily Jacob are y’all in a place to uh as sleep I can steal a bed from a villager

Okay I’ll have to run back to the house let’s do it you coming oh yep I was checking chat hiya Jacob I was in bed it’s Ian stream you’re not oh [ __ ] Ian’s off getting food well son of a GTH Brooks it should be on 50% sleeping anyway okay there we

Go here we go that’s not a mod that’s just a Minecraft setting thanks bud really appreciate it freaking husk almost ate my buns okay iron is still going this is done uh the copper is done ah shoot h fine uh it means you get a on a full hit you get a

Wider oh oh words are hard so when you do your fully charged attack you actually can hit multiple enemies with a hit but with sweeping Edge you can hit I think more and it does more damage you guys still there yes jcob I found another ruined portal ow my butts your

Buns oh no your buns garbanzo buns uh what is bamboo for um you can make bamboo boats bamboo blocks now uh you can make scaffolding with it originally is what people were using it mostly for okay rabbit stew that’s not a bad trade looking sugar egg oh

Sor okay so I’ve got occupations in the village damn good good okay what does the farmer have [ __ ] [ __ ] oh God we need potatoes and beef root are his what he wants to trade we need potatoes and masses there’s no farms in the village actually that

Sucks I gave them a farm but because I have a farmer now but he’s not doing anything um so I will head back home now I’m going wait for Ian to come back and we’ll get ready to go into The Nether I did find did I say I found another ruined

Portal I think so oh oh who just licked who just licked somebody just [ __ ] licked oh my [ __ ] god [ __ ] love I hate that one it’s so funny though oh [ __ ] a brick get out of here don’t do it Jacob don’t do what don’t say it I’m back

Yay let’s go all right hold on hold on hold on hold on Ian wait wait wait wait wait guys I’m coming back I have stuff that’ll help us in our journey okay I found more gold I found a gold axe if somebody wants to have that

And I also found a a a chest plate a gold chest plate I still only have 13 pieces of 13 loaves of bread more in the chest do we need that many for the nether hold on yeah I would want each of us to have a stack at least well hold on let

Me well that’s a lot of grinding and waiting well the idea is cuz like let alone diamond we need to get netherite [ __ ] we don’t need netherite it would no we’ll be fine with iron I mean it would be nice but that’s a pain in the ass dude we only have four more

Hours whoa uh someone took all the Wheats from the chest yeah I turned it all into bread bread uh I took half that bread that’s right there’s a uh there’s a protection for gold chest piece in here yes I found that and this Fortune 2 a golden

Axe for hey do I prefer the axe over the uh I prefer the axe over the sword honestly really but fortune on an axe is not great like that lets you look like congratulations you get more wood I wish that does it actually give you more wood I assume so

Fortune Jacob okay Jacob just killed a [ __ ] ton of chickens I killed two now I killed another it’s this sucks because when you put in this in such tight spaces Jacob this is why I prefer the axe because the axe deals damage to a single Target there you

Go I learn new things every day uh the sword has a broad sweep so it it damages multiple targets yeah good against uh uh good against crowd of zombies and [ __ ] like that yeah we we have got to get a bigger Farm going or more bone meal or something to get more

Food oh well here’s some more wheat it’s over here there’s here’s another 13 bread are there any more seeds over there there’s a lot of there was a lot of seeds in the chest yeah I just took all of them golden chest plates I’m just trying

To figure out what the best way is for us to get a bunch of food food quickly without standing here and idling yeah well we can have somebody do that while people grind for more diamonds we can take a little bit to do stuff cuz once we get to the nether I

Mean what are we going to need to get in the nether we need to find blaze rods we need blaze rods but we also can go there for the netherite stuff so we need diamonds to do that I have I will be amazed if we find one piece of netherite

In this entire night I would not yeah that’s not happening straight up uh Jacob show me what you were talking about earlier about the drip Stone okay so I need okay I’ll show you one I have 16 blocks of drip ststone here all right um I’m going to need

Cauldron and a bucket of lava oh okay do you have a bucket of lava uh there’s a bucket in here and we can go down to get some lava got a bucket we have a bucket other bucket okay there’s actually there should be one lava block up here somewhere nobody if they didn’t

Take it already yeah there’s one lava block over here beep beep all right so then um give me the dripstone the baby can jump over fences no they got out because I was no I literally just watched one jump over a fence okay my bad um it’s not the drip

Stone you need the pointed drip Stone the stalagmites the statites yes I got I got that so watch I’m showing Lucas this thing so what about pointed dripstone shut up and there’s our Monty Python reference for the night quota fulfilled damn it all right uh I need that

Bucket all right is it is it going to freak out if I just like drop it on the floor here here you go I’m just going to do this because make my life easier so need oh my God I’m not permitted to use a lava bucket Emily what is the [ __ ] permission for

That uh I’ll show you in a second so basically Lucas what’s going to happen is I’m going to put that lava on top of that and it’s going to drip through this dripstone into this cauldron and it’ll keep making you can harvest the lava out of this cauldron with a bucket and

You’ll just get infinite lava source blocks try it’s very very slow it’s not um a fast thing but you can see that the drip you see do you see the Stag Tite is dripping lava now yeah so it’ll slowly fill up that cauldron with lava okay I thought this was for

Obsidian and [ __ ] well you can use once you have a lava source block you can make more obsidian yep okay okay I’m going to make some arrows Jacob what did you do with those feathers set from the chicken they’re they’re in here one second okay they’re

Up on the top shelf now thank you now they’re in my inventory okay give we also need books we need to get a cow Farm going I should have been doing that you’re right oh [ __ ] I have no idea where to find cows I know I know where they are I

Just need to get f get Phantoms if I don’t sleep pretty soon oh you’re right oh do we have the half half I said 50 is the I mean I didn’t I don’t feel bad about changing the settings in the core Minecraft server it’s not a plug or anything oh no

Wait I G to do right I need wood for a for fences be right back if anybody is sitting on more bones in their inventory from killing skeletons I just got two you should be them hope Chad is still having fun with our extended periods of

Silence uh I don’t know I really don’t know who’s watching right now uh Jr should be still in they they didn’t say that they were leaving so Jr likes to say we appreciate that um zonum was here earlier but that was a hours ago I think he’s a

Work that’s not a chest that’s a crafting table all right right let’s go find some cows go towards the jungle there were plenty over there so the village that you found didn’t have any um potatoes no it was a it’s um it’s a desert village which I don’t

Know if they actually get Farms that spawn in those do you mind if I take this horse and go look for another one yeah I mean I mean I don’t mind you can take it that’s that’s what I meant like uh yeah I do mind out of this what you wrestled Jacob’s

Horse it won’t come out of the gate the horse is back you have to jump over the gate whoa it is majestic to watch yeah love a horse I’ll love your horse don’t I’m gonna love a horse be right back I’m gonna love your Horse I don’t Jolie no Jolie’s not on our our chat maybe maybe you can hear her through my mic which would be really funny I didn’t well my stream isn’t going through Discord it’s go my my audio is going straight to the people’s ears melons melons that might be the sixth time

We’ve made that joke tonight I don’t know what that is it’s just like one of those sound bites stuck in my head oh it’s it’s a reference to Leon that’s why I was saying it oh you’re right you’re right and I’m left Left Behind whoa oh do you remember those like Christian

T-shirts that said well they said a lot of things um I was thinking specifically of get right or get left noing if you if you don’t accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior then you will get left behind in the Rapture I’ve never I’ve never seen that

It’s clever I I love it I I think it’s a clever saying I heard I I I saw this thing I wanted to do more research on that basically was saying that the whole idea of the Rapture were started by this crazy dude in America or something and like the

1800s yeah well it’s not textual um the con the like modern conception of the Rapture is not a it’s not in the Bibble a you dare question the word of Jimmy um okay let’s I’m going to try to make some more sugar cane do I just throw it down next to some water

Yeah okay oh [ __ ] is that a dungeon oh welcome to the dungeon yeah hang on it’s like exposed in the side of this um oh that’s nuts are you sure it’s not like a jungle temple or something I don’t think so cuz I’m in the desert oh yeah then it’s

A uh what do we need bamboo for uh oh [ __ ] well we have bamboo back at home we just need to plant it uh again it can make like wood blocks you can make like have bamboo at home you have blocks you can make out of it you can make

Scaffolding which is to help like build stuff because it’s easy to pick up in junk um there’s are you collecting sheep and cows right now yes okay awesome you’re doing the Lord’s work thank you I’m doing Noah’s work actually I was trying to find some

Cows but I couldn’t I found two which is all we need based on Noah what the SP um I mean that’s good if we wanted to XP farm but we did you already walk away I’m slowly walking towards home with cows and sheep that’s all right you’re like I said you’re

Doing good stuff I wanted to know what these weird boxes were hanging from the tree those are cocoa seeds kid for chocolate I punch them and knock them down yeah if they’re dark brown yeah if they’re like a dark brown color basically um dark brown you can grow

Cocoa seeds on the side of um Jungle wood jungle wood oh look at that but really the only thing you can really use coco seeds for is cookies and brown dye I can’t believe we’ve made it this far without making our insane Inspector Gadget references I have I made one before you got

Yeah for making brown Dy in Minecraft I’m smarter than you are so I should get to do the review my sources tell me that he has quite possibly Emily are you okay yes that’s for later that’s why because water and iur with it horse stupid horse this is your code for horse yeah

That’s a that’s a combination to the horse you just locked the horse up with a bike lock I found sugar can hey look at this Mr Krabs put in a new kitty Ride quality SpongeBob references only happen here dailies and mental G thank you thank you thank you wait can’t wait for our podcast to come out called Spun uhuh SP sponge Rock bats sponge Globs are plentiful e yes I’ve made more cows I have I have and we’ll we’ll make them like Noah where two can make an entire new Farm where there’s no in breiding issues they’re going to jump out of

This no they won’t yes they will no they won’t just put an extra Fence Lake right here jaob I I specifically extended this area of the of this level so that you could put the cows down here next to the Sheep it’s okay I didn’t communicate that I oh

This is huge dog yes cuz I actually like having the animal spaced out differently instead of these monstrosities here Jacob it’s they’re pixels shut up actually Jacob I can’t shut up I have ever I can’t shut anything I have no arms all right so we we’re grinding up food

We’re grinding up food and we need leather for books but we also need an enchantment table so we’ll need more obsidian but I think we have we’ll get both of those at the same time actually if we we’ll get food and books yes I’m going to uh start mining this gravel so

That uh we can have Flint on God we we should have somebody go mine down for more diamonds on God really there are four in the chest or there were that’s enough to make an enchantment table and for somebody else to have a sword but we need we need we

All need to have diamond pickaxes and a sword why do we all need Diamond Pickaxes uh I would think the only thing you need a diamond pickaxe for really is mining obsidian I don’t the big issue is I’m really worried that we really are going to need like

At least diamond armor and Enchanted stuff before going to the end because the end is incredibly different than how it used to be yeah armor is what I’m not a pickaxe I’m saying diamond armor yes pickaxe no now we only really need one of those and we’ve used it for what we

Need which is Obsidian mining yeah the Ender Dragon is really not that hard I solute it well it’s not just the Ender Dragon it’s all the other stuff there there like the skull the End Dragon the Ender Dragon these nuts on your face oh anyway um yeah good sweet I’m GNA take this

Opportunity I’m up on the plateaus just to look around on the M take a cookie and eat it you monster I found while I was at the store today uh holiday nog flavored uh Chessmen the um Pepper Farm cookies oh okay I forgot those existed because I

Thought I thought they were just cookies that were shaped like pieces of from chess yeah well they are um they’re little they’re little like rectangle cookies and they have pictures of Chessmen but the holiday ones have holiday designs for example this one has a bell wow it smells like

Eggnog God you’re making me God I a little nibble I’m not prepared to go back to work on Monday I feel you man me neither that’s why I’m going on Tuesday well I have to get to work probably around 6:30 in the morning H wow because we’re doing a pilot build and

[ __ ] hit the fan bad bad [ __ ] hit the fan something messed up and I need to help Jacob it feels like [ __ ] is constantly hitting the fan at your workplace yeah maybe you should move the [ __ ] away from the fan maybe you should ask your boss if he’s constantly

Fatalize things in order to make people work faster artificially no it’s not it’s not well I mean it’s probably not as bad as people make it out to be but it is you know it’s not the issue is never is the the issue is is that we’re already

Behind on our build schedule and like um we just found out that all of these production Parts have all the same defect what I found a I found a ruined portal that’s got a chest with a blast protection three gold helmet nice uh a golden apple sharpness four Golden Axe nice and

16 golden carrots God damn I just found an abandoned M shaft in the Mesa which is pretty common to see in the Mesa biome you said nice uh we’re playing mft right now um M oh you want to see M shaft okay now it’s weird I thought it was Funny oh [ __ ] yes sh say oh get get all the um mine cart cracks so I’m I’m I’m picking those up as I go but I just found a mine cart an abandoned mine cart actually I’m going to pick that up mine cart a that had a few beetroots beetroot

Seeds in it you want [ __ ] beetroot ingredients beef fruit beef fruit I thought you should not ask about the secret ingredients I was just curious about all the armed guards grun dun Dar guards shut the hell up what the [ __ ] is going on oh bunch a bunch of artists

Referencing things we know what do you expect of artists making art that’s nice no it’s nothing don’t reward me take the reward back I don’t deserve this I didn’t work hard enough anyway Lucas uh there’s an episode of f drama where they go to the slurm

Factory and it’s a parody of um Wonka Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory okay and instead of Oompa Loompas they have gruna Lunas ah I see yes it’s very funny don’t question it just laugh it just says Jack says supposed to go this this yes I know that’s

Fire you’ve been assigned to titter gently how was that uh how do we feel about that solid solid uh solid six out of 10 R Lucas is titters on um on the chat please uh I say a solid six out of 10 on titters um it was kind of it was kind of

Flat um didn’t really have a whole lot of um emotion through it yeah I think of like like a high like a higher pitched higher you need to you uh Lucas you need to you need to add a like a perkiness to it you know yeah like a like a

Squeaky yeah Molly perco set oh um didn’t we go to high school with [Laughter] her what a good what a good name is that a is that a is that is that a drag queen name Molly peret I really hope it is that that has to be the best joke I’ve ever

Made no one was even talking about my shitty jokes when Ian said something titters what did you say about my tits well I said that you were a little flat and you needed to add some perkiness to it like a boob I’m G be straight up with you I didn’t put that together

God damn it there was a good titter thank you Lucas you’re finally working on it oh [ __ ] I wasn’t trying uh hold on was it like a was that it oh no [ __ ] God [ __ ] damn it um didn’t even try uh Emily are you still here where’s my

Horse at the course posted a few minutes ago did you leave my horse there yes because I couldn’t continue with it like I told you what I I I zoned out what did you do with my horse that’s my horse I told you that’s my

Horse I put it in a box and left it at those coordinates because I r i hit an ocean biome and couldn’t keep exploring in this Direction with it I put it in a box and I also put a that was our only uh a poison creating machine in the

Box and it to to a device that detects whether a Quantum particle decayed or not thank you there it is so what we’re trying to say is your horse might be dead but no one can prove it your horse is simultaneously alive and dead y’all can all go suck a big old caterpillar

Dick have a leather Farm working uh it’s slow going but yeah we we are not we are not um again as we have said several times we are not speed Runners yeah this this is the grind real speed Runner would have beaten this game like three times over by now it’s

True however we do now have beetroots that’s SC I also have for some reason I have two golden apples can’t beat that I don’t know how what the [ __ ] oh I I look up and there’s just a a a a a Spire of gravel you found my gravel stone

Fire sick night fail reference bro thanks dog I was I tried to get it in before you I also found a total of B basically a stack and a half of rail and a powered rail melon more melon Seeds um got a mine silly little mine cart uh get a miny crafter okay with yeah this is the grindy bit now but I still think somebody should go down and get diamonds and I’m wondering if that person’s going to have to be me it’s going to have to be you

Cuz G be you I think every single person here hates mining they already got you nine diamonds we need more I assure you it would make our lives easier if we had more if somebody can help maintain the farm I can go mine for diamonds what do

You think I’ve been doing this entire day um tittering gently titering gently yes’ been tittering gently sitting on my thumb over here like hello thinking been rocking and a rolling rocking and a reeling bararan if we if Joey can maintain that farm and the rest if somebody else can join me in

Trying to find another Village so that we can get some potatoes which will really get the farm where we need it hell yeah or we could kill a [ __ ] ton of zombies yeah because I’m already like I’m at like I’m like 3,000 blocks away from Spawn now and I still Haven Village

I’m gonna go dig a hole what uh direction did you go Emily South South okay I’ll go north with the two of you that are still at home mind sleeping so that we don’t die oh oh we need three people to sleep now yeah thanks

Jie join the chat join the chat join the chat jie doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to do oh she’s she’s being chased by a baby zombie and losing oh [ __ ] where I’m on my way know where I’m going so that you know that it wasn’t Jacob who be boxed

It has been it has been zero days since Lucas beat boxed what was it was Lucas or was it who was it it was not me I wasn’t beatboxing I said From Misery to happiness today oh hey look a a spawner y’ I just found in the desert no

It’s a zombie spawner where the [ __ ] it was you know that big desert spire thing yeah it’s just just a cave that I found exposed yeah I found some discs and there’s just a zombie spawner and I got a did you suck them no I didn’t suck I didn’t suck at I

I didn’t suck at my titters you didn’t suck the discs oh boy all right well sucking okay we got I got over the I got anything funnier and I couldn’t this has been this has been a moment with the AV cable Club truly it has certainly been

One of the moments of all time truly they were maybe Minecraft is somebody maybe sugarcane is just growing up a lot slower than I thought it does it does not grow very fast it grows pretty slow yeah really I thought it grew pretty fast cut it down and then

Just keep planting more yeah yeah every every time one of them grows a block knock it off and put it down on the ground again yeah I’m going south I’m in a a jungle took me a second to get uh new chunk floated in there there’s a panda yeah they added camels and

Pandas and uh AR armados really where are armadillos I haven’t seen a single one they haven’t put oh that’s in the mob boat which I still think’s a piece of [ __ ] yeah it’s Jacob yes that cauldron is full of lava what do we do with it uh we can make a bucket store

That bucket and get more lava yeah drink it I can’t can’t man digging up a hole baby digging up a hole Yeah I it’s the internet here or what but I am suddenly having trouble waiting for parts of the map to load in I had a little bit of that like a lot

Earlier oh I’m looking at the server TPS and it’s a straight 20 so it’s not bad not go that way okay so because like I’m I’m headed south right now so like if we’re if we’re going in two opposite directions at the same time did you say you’re going south cuz that’s

Where I went sorry uh late um other the other South otherwise known as North anti South oh God South in the land of Traders rattlesnakes and I’m going to get shot right away come away right away come away we’ll all go down to Dixie away away each Dixie boy must understand that

He is my big never mind away oh away I want to make it clear that Jacob is not singing Dixie I’m singing the union parody of the Dixie song exactly we’re not racists say RAC whatuh R what huh huh huh what no you no really St what the the rats you said it

Boomhower God you did you ever see the the the clip did you ever did you ever see the clip Lucas where um Hank Hill of all people was like against the NRA and basically schooling his friends on it and it was really funny it’s like

Dale the NRA is a is a is a Washington DC based organization do you really want to support Washington now that’s a think really good heill thank you that’s a thinker Peggy that’s the recipe for mustard gas we were actually worried that was happening at

Work um they were cleaning a lot of the bathrooms recently for visitors and like um during what the heck what do you mean I’m charging you right now can you guys still hear me yeah okay well um we were they were cleaning the bathrooms and then somebody said like oh yeah they’re

They’re they’re using vinegar and like they’re not using vinegar and bleach together are they that’s not mustard no that’s chlorine yeah well luckily they found out they weren’t they were just using a really gross room spray does it make like chlorine gas CU yes it makes just chlorine gas

Okay which is that dissipates fairly quickly though yeah it’s still toxic just throw some sodium in there and you’ll you’ll end up with a room full of salt you’ll be fine chlorine gas don’t breathe this for some reason that started like the beginning of some slam poetry session on chlorine gas talked about

Cleaning stuff with chlorine tetrafluoride before oh yeah that’s that’s an industrial it is used as an industrial cleaner it shouldn’t be it it’s no it’s not not an industrial cleaner it’s like a molecular cleaner this think think about this if anybody here is a chemist I think about that molecule chlorine

Tetrafluoride that um chlorine Florine that is the two most negatively charged atoms in the universe in a bond with each other that is a molecule that by all the laws of God and man should not be allowed to exist and it really doesn’t want to exist it will burn almost

Anything it isn’t that the isn’t that the molecule that like it like you shoot it out of a syringe and it catches fire out of the syringe uh you can shoot it up in the air and like birds will spontaneously combust um it can set fire to Stone it can set fire to

Glass it can set fire to aesus wow oh boy there’s another parrot should I get a second parrot you should get jolia parrot you should get jolia I have a second parrot now I don’t know if I can transfer ownership of parrot okay well I’m about to have I

Think struck out on this direction Ian I am 5,000 blocks away and I have not found anything uh where is uh spawn I’m just going by roughly z0 I fig that once I get there I’ll know about where we’re at well the thing is is like

We spawned within view of the um of that nether portal yeah so I just passed negative a th000 uh Z and I just now got out of that jungle okay I would cross a couple oceans into a plain biome now at about the positive 5,000

And I have not found so much as even an abandoned Village let alone a real one wow I am I’m so sorry Oscar Lara thank you for showing up yes we’re playing Minecraft I’m sorry I’m in too Focus digging a hole looking it would have been a better

Idea for me to put the YouTube chat into the stream yeah we’ve been busy sorry um I’ve got the chat in front of me but uh on my phone on the desk so I’m not currently looking at it I’ve just been too busy digging holes but I did finally get to deep

Slate which is good there is a pretty big deep slate cave below our spawn point um but I already looked around it and found probably most of the easy to find diamonds well see one of the thing one of the things they’ve edited since um with the latest update is that diamonds don’t

Spawn next to air as much yeah I found a lot of them next to air yeah but that means there’s a lot oh what I just found a uh abandoned M shaft up in the Deep slate you said shaft again AB oh my shaft it’s is so dusty and

Dark you have abandoned my shaft there are spider in my sha I’m really happy we don’t have a huge amount of German fans no little German boy don’t watch the AV cable Club I can’t help it just so funny have you heard that German accent it’s so

Real oh [ __ ] M god let’s play Channel and is full of uh bad jokeing I will not this record it is scratched that dude was Hungarian Emily close enough and spam pretty explicitly well no it’s Austria that had a problem with Hungary I guess yeah or Austria had a problem with Germany yeah

Yeah it was Austria Hungary at one point okay is anyone else close to a bed no my parrot just died oh how did the BL up it got blowned up that’s rude well you need to get some parrot armor oh oh thank God what uh stupid stupid mob can they

Include what’s a stupid mob that they can’t include in this game yeah uh that we can craft into um parrot armor uh armadillos yeah clearly me make a good point uh actually locusts I would say locusts locusts Loki Locust Potter that’ be a fun mod except it wouldn’t be have just

Random swarms of locust yo that’s a mod we should make we should make the the seven plagues of Egypt mod Lucas that should be your um your Twitter handle Potter Locust Potter yeah great I think I found your new Discord nickname that’s that’s pretty good honestly it’s pretty good yeah it’s not

Bad um hey Jacob what you got to SEC I’ve got two buckets full of lava I need you to tell me what to do with them um I’m in a hole put your hand in it I’m about about back I turned around I’m about back put it in your hole spawn

Area I’m currently in an underground abandoned M shaft I found some cave I found diamond I found diamond excellent hey uh those of you who are out Mining and uh not crafting like me and Jolie uh we could use some more um uh we could use some more what the

[ __ ] coal is it called coal yeah coal yeah yeah when back um so that’s another thing that if somebody wanted to go do is find seaweed because if you can Farm seaweed you can or kelp you can make kelp blocks and then like make like um like charcoal kelp blocks or

Something and they’re a pretty good fuel source um what oh something like that I know Richard did it my my buddy Richard who plays a lot more Minecraft than me and probably would have this game beat by now well we’ve only been playing for three hours you know like that Minecraft is a

Complex game mcra is complex I’ve got a Minecraft I see Minecraft I see craft I mine it walk into the walk into the lava you idiot like what up I get a big [ __ ] if you guys want to communicate with Julie I don’t know if she’ll join the chat but

You can you can probably talk to her through the Minecraft chat yo I just got 10 Dam diamonds holy [ __ ] from one vein no no church 12 hang on I have to find the horse Peter the horse is here what oh get out of here

No I don’t I don’t like the way it’s staring at me Peter hey uh is that your wife can Jolie hear us um I don’t think she can unless she’s watching is Julie with us right now she’s with us in spirit she is Spirited with us in spirit and in pixels Spirited

Away wait a second before I ask this question is can you can you breed pigs with carrots yes yes Oh I thought you breed them with potatoes that’s why we’re looking for potatoes po good food they I was looking for potatoes because they’re like the most efficient source of food for farming

Yeah you just you just take some potatoes bake them up solid food Sol Food instead of like you know however many bread how many ever wheat it is for bread you just yeah you just one potato turns into um a baked potato which does the

Exact same as bread you don’t you do go through more coal that way or oh that’s what we can do with the lava is use it as uh fuel in oh you’re right yeah that’s we can burn it as fuel for our journey yes no way yeah yeah um one

Bucket of um Lava does like a 100 blocks or 100 items in the furnace okay [ __ ] good I’m going to come up to the surface before I lose these 10 diamonds but I did find a nice deep slate area to get into sick uh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m being attacked by

Sorry Oscar we’re going to turn you into if the first thing that’s going to happen if this channel ever blows up is we’re going to make you into a marketable plush that’s the first thing we’re going to do with if we get like 10,000 subscribers or 100,000 will get enough

Money will make a marketable plush no I’m GNA die [ __ ] no yeah that’s the other thing you need good armor for drown are [ __ ] op they St so bad oh oh good everybody par pardon me I got to go to the bathroom real quick so everybody will look at the

Beds what what look at the beds what okay well you right you going to survive I don’t know I don’t know if I’m going to survive but I’m going to go and pick up my [ __ ] see y’all in four hours I don’t have I had a [ __ ] ton of

Food and some other stuff and my armor D armor we got to turn off on keep [ __ ] when you die cuz I don’t know if any of us knew this I don’t know if our viewers knew this we’re um bad at video games yeah kind of not good

Uh video games and very impatient yeah yeah farming some cows nice how many brought the horse back uh right now looks like we’ve got one two three four adult cows and two or three baby ones nice and I’m back welcome again to forget the you can breed the chickens as well you don’t

Have to wait for them to lay eggs oh that’s true and the and the Sheep will make food as well part of my ignorance how do you heal horses give them Apple oh it’s apples there’s a there’s a few apples in one of the chests in the

House I think they can eat like any kind of food I tried to what do you just right click on them because yeah I tried that with a carrot and I just mounted it you mounted the carrot yes than on stream demonti double demon I hate Wario King up Mount Wario I hope

Not I hope it drill Daisy oh yeah that’s the point uh to get charcoal you will you need to cook in a fur furnace um you just put wooden planks or wooden logs in a furnace yeah with more wooden logs or you can mean you can cook it

With whatever it just do we need charcoal for something that not to my know does that coal doesn’t do um no I mean we we have I mean I oh yeah we do need more coal do we or are we low on coal we’re low on coal I mean we have

Other sources but I can go like mine for coal but I got more diamonds and I got a lava we’ve been so I don’t see any coal in the chest we’ve been so caught up on getting diamonds that for once we live in a world where coal didn’t

Exist did you ever wasn’t that a Simpsons bit of just like a very old soul I can’t oh man I wish this world didn’t have stupid old zinc well let me show you what what happened with a world without zinc yeah sorry Timmy the firing pin for that gun it’s zinc

No isn’t sorry is there what isn’t there like isn’t zinc one of the things that’s like in vitamins too like in very small quantities yes yeah vitamin z but um I think I’ve seen that what were you zing race you to bed Lucas no no I’m goingon to be in bed

Jacob no I win Oh yay I got in bed okay let’s get out speaking of Mount Wario we should do that next week what the the Mario Kart the Mario Kart Masters tournament I I I can’t call it Mario Kart tour anymore because that’s Yes it is um yeah I know someone on YouTube did it already but yeah at least the first half of it because I don’t think we can do all 96 in one stream I think we can well like okay the average like we did this match the average race in Mario

Kart it takes about three to four minutes per track yeah sum are longer summer shorter 4 minutes times 48 tracks is 192 so that’s a little over three hours yeah so six hours good God I’m gonna be wiped the [ __ ] out exactly it’ll it’s it’s it’s

Like it’s like the it’s like the race uh to Lon the L man race it’s an endurance race over just it’s not just speed but it’s endurance we could call it the mar the LA Mario Kart race does any does anybody else here know what I’m referencing when I say the

Lon I’ve I’ve heard of it yeah it’s uh so um it’s a race in France where it’s like it’s like a 24-hour race yeah has anyone got Flint Lucas was trying to get more I only need one uh I got you fam give me give me like two

Minutes I want to at least see what our nether spawn looks like what is what are you using the Flint for flint and steel oh of course Bill flint and steel I did not have sexual congregations with that steel why did a giant gravel Obelisk just materialize in the front

Yard we don’t talk about that yeah well I’m talking about it it’s it’s not it’s not police are G to come for you uh here we go it’s not like it’s the shape and grow Park that no one acknowledges or speaks about I don’t know what you’re talking about like yo what is

That you know the one that adits the faint red light and a weird low pitched hum nope I’ve never I’ve never seen it I don’t know what you’re talking about I found big dripstone not dripstone big deep slate it’s just a Lie by big dripstone

To get you to buy more to get you to buy useless appliances and pastes to get you to drip more Stone plaque is a lie created by the dental industry yikes embrace your cavities random gold Mak chocolate ship cookies random gold d a sheep pink oh

Boy good news is that our NE spawn appears to be in a isolated cave where there’s not a whole lot of a chance of anything attacking you right away okay well well I found a well nice a desert well yes it’s dry oh there’s a thing underwater have we got leather

Yet um we have cows got some rotten flesh I just need one leather to uh to make the book for the enchantment table bobbled deep SL do oh damn Jacob what Jacob just found uh I’m I’m looking at your stream right now I see you uh do you want to say it

Out loud I found diamonds found diamond hella diamonds we never did that before diamonds like three or four of them I think I’ve got five diamonds eat them Diamond I eat them eat them eat the diamond it your face you put it in your face crunch crunchy boy crunch [ __ ] punch man

Those diamonds guys I can’t focus right now I almost died with five [Laughter] Diamonds the rock you know why you almost died it’s because you didn’t need the diamonds crunchy boy eat him eat him I’m trying to find my way home it’s the only way don’t you me with your $30

Haircut oh God you’re never going to find your way home if you don’t eat the diamonds eat them right now your you can’t use rabbit hides to make books can you you got to get three rabbit hides to make a leather I have three rabbit hides well

Then would you like to make a wallet how do you arrange them I don’t know actually to be honest with you I don’t know it’s four you need four rabbit hides God damn it okay okay but I don’t know how many people saw yeah that came in clutch with the shield right There I still have my hat so for those who are just joining us now on stream this gold helmet that I’ve got I got like the first thing cuz this the ruined portal that we have our house sitting on or actually under um that was that’s where we spawned

Basically we spawned within 50 blocks of that and I ran in and grabbed all the stuff and I have this hat it’s also an an an Unbreaking one helmet too for gold so it’s pretty okay that’s pretty neat eat no get back here I don’t want that no I don’t want

That give me butter give me chicken nuggets give me butter give me death give me chicken tend give me the pepper Give me the give me the Jacob do you remember that [ __ ] the chicken tendy cofy pasta vaguely I know send a lot of cofy pastas

To me Ian that’s true no the one I memorized in high school no I don’t remember give give me chicken tendies be they crispy or from Wendy’s that one yes chunks of chicken I will toss into spicy mustard sauce what was the god there was remember that period of time where the

Fast food Giants were all like making chicken tenders chicken sandwiches well they were not just their chicken were like they all made their own signature chicken tender sauces and they were all exactly the same all the same but they also made like I mean they’ve had the chicken sandwich Wars

But before that there was like Wendy’s had chicken tenders McDonald’s had chicken tenders oh yeah the chicken selects or whatever yeah um and then there’s other places that already have those so it was kind of like I don’t I don’t remember Wendy’s ever having them they had them because I

Ate them W has nuggets that aren’t bad but Wendy’s has also the nugs but they they had chicken tenders for a hot minute Wendy’s does also have also the nugs yes um Wendy’s has good nugs they’re okay I I am I still prefer McDonald’s nugs really Dino nuggies or Dino nuggies

Or Star nuggies everybody the the chat oh yeah fair enough you weren’t talking to me um but yeah so um I prefer the McDonald’s nuggets especially when they’re like hot like hot and fresh do you remember when they did the spicy nuggets no I actually don’t I never had

McDonald’s spicy nugs they were very very shortlived they were great did you ever have the SES the S sesan sauce that they had of course I did you know how into Rick and mor I was are you gonna be more into it now that Justin rolland’s gone from the show

I’m tempted I honestly am tempted but also show is cringe uh guys I just got uh there is there is um 49 coal in the chest in the house wonderful a my stuff is gone no yeah it’s straight up not here yeah rip the the drown that killed me is also gone

So swings and roundabouts I guess but like swings and rimble dimble dood as they say in Scotland Jo Emily are you okay they don’t say that no one has ever said that are you okay Emily here here uh jie oh J’s not on where’d she go jol’s over by the farm

Probably I know she’s going to work on our storage go to work two to the left oh can we get a cartoon Bonk sound effect what the yes that’s not what I thought that one would be okay and one of I think in our it’s not the

Uh okay so I’ve got us more diamonds which will be useful that’s not a fortress I’m not going in that oh you’re in the you’re in the nether I I guess I should go in there you find a for murder all you got to do is get one

Blaze Rod no you got to get how many is it seven uh what to do what to make to make enough uh eyes vendor uh I think the general knowledge is eight but the nether spawn sucks ass um here I’ll I’ll help with it um let me get I need more

Food take this are you in the nether I’m coming okay just a second um I’m getting another pickaxe just because um we’re GNA we’re probably going to want to that that’s good um oh another that useful Oscar says uh they used to love the the crown shaped BK nuggies

Oh oh yeah that that was good [ __ ] do you remember when uh when a new terrible transphobic book series movie was coming out and they would change them into lightning shapes vaguely I don’t remember that but I believe that it happened ah dude yeah all right I have a gold helmet on is

That all I really need remember uh in the lightning shaped nugget and then everyone around me [Laughter] shrunk all right so I don’t know um I didn’t see the Bastion that triggered that achievement it just it was around like where are you I’m at the portal

Okay I’m going to recommend that we just dig a tunnel like up because this cave doesn’t hardly go anywhere or sideways oh God here you do one side my brain is broken you said Bastion and now I’ve got that stupid [ __ ] don’t mention OverWatch here you should have been Mercy yeah you

Should have picked Mercy you should have been any kind of support we ended up losing and it’s all your fault you should learn how this game works should have been helping [ __ ] this way maybe help you we’re at 60 something I I forget how the nether uh blocks

Strangely I I don’t know how they what direction what direction are we even going east I think if we keep going this way we have to eventually hit something uh I found lava watch out oh hello there funny bun man yo they got lava in the nether

Now should we all be in the nether or is it more helpful for the rest of us to be out here y’ keep keep uh like building up resources found anything in the nether yet let me let me try something else I’m just going to delete this

Source block and keep digging okay I’m going to try something else real quick I found quartz I found another I thought that was gold earlier and then it turns out that was just my sh you by the way another quartz great way to get XP

Yep I don’t know how um the chunks load in the nether in terms of like the size and oh I got it I got out I I hit a warped Forest it looks like nice you don’t know how the chungus works what going to work team work what’s GNA work team Work Now That We’re Men we have facial hair I don’t well you’re not a man I know I changed my Underwear what the [ __ ] was that what this [ __ ] noise where are you I’m I’m looking out into the large expanse of lava oceans trying to look for kind of noise was it it’s like a could possibly have been a piglin frute I hope not well so good thing

About the Warped Forest Emily this is where Endermen spawn in the nether it’s true so we might be able to get some pearls here I was looking for pigin I brought 26 gold um we either have to go I think the what people say is you’re supposed to go

East and west to find temples or fortresses they it’s if it’s still the same as it used to be they spawn like every few hundred blocks along lines going north and south so you need to go east and west looks like possibly a Bastion Ren out there Nerf Bastion all righty

And go go sit in the corner I’m the only one in this call who’s never played OverWatch Lucas have you played OverWatch I have not played OverWatch I I thought you were in OverWatch when it came out uh no I I didn’t have the computer for it damn it’s not good now

Fungus it looked like a really fun game it it was enjoyable when it first came out it had it always had balancing issues but it had promise was the big thing it had promise I think the biggest issue with OverWatch is that fundamentally the way they designed it it was impossible to simultaneously

Balance it for professional players and for casuals and when they decided from the beginning that they wanted it to be an esport they prioritized balancing it for the top level of play and that left the majority of the player base just in a really shitty spot that makes a lot of

Sense that’s a really hard thing to do for any game um yeah I mean that that even happens for like Team Fortress too but like also in the competitive realm they Team Fortress 2 wasn’t intended to be an ort from the from its conception in fact like like the competitive pf2

Scene is honestly pretty small compared to like Starcraft or OverWatch yeah you’re right or League of Legends God help I would love to see competitive Team Fortress 2 at least Theory crafting on it because like who is the best class so there isn’t really a best class there’s a best utilization for

It um I honestly think think that with Team Fortress 2 the way that it’s designed like my favorite competitive format is Highlander just 9v9 one of every class yeah that’s that is a very good format um I know that um see one of the more popular form is 6v6 which is

What just like two Scouts Two Soldiers a medic and a heavy H one of the things that um one of the servers that I play on has a lot of competitive players and I occasionally go on to casual and my main surprisingly as of late has been

Heavy um mean heavy is good heavy weapons guy in casual is terrifying when you know how to play him right because his full name heavy weapons guy because [ __ ] that’s no he has an actual name doesn’t he it’s like it’s his nickname is Misha I know that his family calls

Him Misha and yes I know TF2 lore don’t at me um I knew you knew that’s why I asked he he I know his nickname is Misha like his dad fought with the white army during the Russian revolutions um but what was I so oh yeah the thing

About being where did you go by the way Jacob I am heading east what are your coordinates oh [ __ ] 3547 okay hold hold on this might actually be good another no I got two two piglins just showed up nice I’m gonna see if I can get them to give me

Tiies thanks for dip there is a a golden axe with 4 in the in the communal chest I’m going to that go for it it’s going to break really quickly but yeah is it gold weapons break insanely fast I they have very low durability but they are very easy they

Get like if you enchant a gold item or tool it is crazy powerful yeah that’s what I use them for they’re really strong when Enchanted they’re really weak though so you don’t you if you make like a gold pickaxe only use it for mining ore yeah

Cuz you can get a really high odds of getting like you know Fortune three mining or what uh mininger C St do what okay Jacob where are you I’m trying to find you again you ran off I’m fighting a um magma cube right now so give me a second that’s not funny thank

You hey it occurred to me the other night that those lava lamps that are in my basement aren’t actually lava lamps what oh my God yeah that part of the building is below the grade so they’re magma lamps all right okay good night everybody um so Emily I’m currently at 450x 49z

I’m trying to Head East well can you stay where you are so I can try and find you okay to move okay I mean you can see some of the Torches I hopefully Left Behind along with some of my nether netherite Bridges or nether Netherrack Netherrack positive

49z yeah both are now I’m sitting at 400 X3 easy all right okay well here’s our original I have brought kelp here’s our original tunnel I found some God NE gives me the heie jees down here and fight like a man you [ __ ] coward what are you talking about there’s a

[ __ ] [ __ ] gas who’s shooting balls at me and he disappeared where’d he go balls balls I’ve got no Jr we are not talking about Mesa Collins no Misha Team Fortress 2 first name talking about Misha Colin there you are Emily do not talk about Misha no not since uh the Mish apocalypse

I’m trying to find do been trying to head east and also desperately trying not to hit any of these Pigman I think we’re going to have to go this way one of the piglins gave me some leather earlier that’s [ __ ] up that’s nice of him that’s also a little [ __ ]

Up oh you made a staircase that’s what I’m saying dude show me this Google show me this man’s balls whoa we’re gonna have to Bridge I think two stacks of neack in here uh can you keep an eye out for gas Jacob yeah um just be wary where we’re

About to go the Crimson Forest is where you’re going to get a lot of piglins and the like are you wearing gold armor yeah okay then we shouldn’t have anything well we’re also going to see the giant pigs oh the hoglins that’s the name yes

Do you know you can breed those yes I just haven’t tried it yet because they’re scary yeah the hogland is the most compatible Minecraft mob with humans oh my [ __ ] god you’re wrong it’s um is it the guardian yes what do you think is the mo I’m not gonna ask that question never

Mind insane of you did you Tes Jacob no I have but I have like seven left okay yeah we just need to make sure we can find our way back back oh got to know got breedable okay yikes so I throw my cards on your table how demonetized do you think we

Would get if if I read the Vaporeon copy pasta word for word um moderately demonetized moderate to severely oh God oh God oh God what oh hog one holy [ __ ] yo that thing hit hard that thing hits [ __ ] hard they they don’t [ __ ] around and he also walked over a one

Block gap which was I did not appreciate that if we run into more of those just like let’s just try to cross the Crimson Forest as quick as we can and not stop for those again if we can help it but do leave a pth through here I

Might start leaving it as some of this Cobblestone that I’ve got so we can see it from a distance here let’s just walk down you know what pisses me off as if we ever get like a if we end up somebody ends up going the West Direction and there’s one just

Right next to our spawn well the we were in the middle of an underground nether cave when we when the portal showed up yeah I’m also not sure how much longer the battery on this headset’s going to last do you not have it plugged up no oh

Because the cable for it like 2T long do you have is it like a universal like USBC it’s micro if you feel you want to drive 110 miles and come give me one no quick [ __ ] where’ you go I’m over here that doesn’t help okay um let’s let’s go this way

Yeah okay if anybody needs arrows I got them is this Soul Sand yeah uh I’m going to put them in the top chest over here here hell go go for it there we go I do it I’m leaving a trail of cobblestone behind now Emily cuz we are candy piece of Candie of

Cand make some sins for meie C I don’t know I don’t know if Lucas is the person to ask for sins he’s a pastor’s kid yikes my last name I didn’t say what your last name was I didn’t say we’ve already said it yeah who put

This button over the door thank you oh that was me okay you’re going on a tangent oh God what wait we all do that we do that constantly I am also almost out of food I have 13 bread six chicken and some melons left there’s plent of mels I actually have three raw

Beef so if I have something I can cook these with quick there there is plenty of food uh we got bread we got Cod we got chicken over here in the in the community house bottom chest we are in another dimension right now oh this is y’all chat this is

[ __ ] spooky look at that hang on that’s crazy oh God oh [ __ ] that’s oh I just heard an explosion oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] good luck oh did you do that job yes yo watch out it’s the you

Know did you get pure from it no I got gunpowder no potions of invisibility or whatever it is it’s regeneration G TI are regeneration it’s one of the strongest ones pretty good one of the strongest potions my potions are too strong for your Trav potion seller I’m telling you I’m going into

Battle what must I tell you to get you to Ser me your strongest potions what is it you’re a a Charlotte with no respect for Knights you’re a rascal a rascal no respect for anything why respect Knights when my potions can do anything you can God damn I’m about I’m about to just

Go turn like around and try the West Direction cuz every now I would recommend that we actually turn say again Emily try where are you did you finish this and go across to this other Island yeah I’m over I’m over up um I’m coming back your pieces of candy

I took a detour and looked over yeah you’re you’re over yeah you’re over here yeah um what do I need what do I need for what do you need for beetroot yeah beet soup oh you need six beetroots in a bowl I just fished up a bowl actually wait a bowl yeah

Wow no you need sticks for a bowl is it sticks it’s three sticks in a V that makes a bowl a wood bowl okay I don’t know how I’m going to turn north Emily right with here Lakes give you a good view but yeah

We could well is that North or is that I mean we could also look South yeah North or South is what I mean God what we could do um if I go back and get a saddle we can get one of those little dudes and you can ride in the

Lava Lakes on those dudes we have an extra sdle the Striders yes I have never done that there’s another Crimson Forest to the South does that have a saddle ises that a saddle on it holy [ __ ] that one has a saddle on it good that one has a saddle on it but

It’s got a Zombie Pigman on him that one what Strider there’s a Strider with a saddle on him but he’s got a zombie pigment on it but you also need a fishing rod or a fishing rod with a fungus on the top of it to

Steer uh sorry JR says you you have to ride him like a horsey Oscar says steal it you have to do it cat says do I don’t want to steal it because if I hit this Zombie Pigmen you know what’s going to happen all the zombie pigmen within the

Loaded chunks near me are going to swarm to my position okay Jacob named Lucas Potter also says take it for your own Jacob know where you went Jacob I’m I’m oh I see you it’s really hard to see you against the lava I just I wish we I wish you could

Just make a lava boat where is the dude oh yeah but you also you need to get a a fishing rod with the with a fungus on it to steer they’re like pigs if you’re fishing Rod has fungus on it you should throw it away Burger King foot get

That yeah God I’m just tired of looking at nether Fung it turns out that might be what you we could look to the West instead like start at our home and go west yeah start back at the entrance another G yeah it’s behind you okay come on oh hell yeah so I have

13 pumpkin pies nice P pin I’m gonna here and stick in the chest who up pumpkin they P right now E bro who up pumping the K right now Ian let’s not get demonetized that’s so funny though can you eat a tropical fish no in Minecraft no oh then what’s the point of it all yes you can munched and crunched on it off is it no let me try bartering with him real quick all right what do we

Need what do we need I need a medic bag uh crying of obsidian medic so what I there is something you can make with crying obsidian it’s called like a beacon or something basically you can make like a a block that can act as a respawn Point

Inside the Nether and End oh a respawn anchor yeah it’s it gets four charges what is the recipe for that I’ve never made one uh Jacob you were wrong about three sticks what how in a vshape is it not three plank blocks in a vshape yeah three planks oh well still

You you got yourself a bow it should make multiple bows yeah yeah yeah yeahoo I will say the get back to that bridge go up the the tree go up the what there’s nether rack staircase up a tree oh uh what were you saying about beetroot uh beetroot soup is one of the

I will say is one of the most insufficient uh in INE extremely inefficient inefficient food sources in the game is it because you can only hold one in an item slot at a time yeah they don’t and every time you eat one you still have the bowl which only Stacks to like

16 okay then I’ll I’ll stop making them then um yeah I don’t beetroot honestly it’s it’s it’s a cool flavor what you can do is you can get a bunch of beetroot and then we can trade it to a farmer in the village for emeralds ever found a

Village we found one if we ever found a village with a farmer I he has a farmer I put a farming thing in it he just didn’t have pumpkins or potatoes find a village with potatoes Potatoes [ __ ] where did you go I was fighting the gas I was trying to see where it died so I can grab any loot but it might have just gone into some lava uh there’s an ex orb over here but I don’t see a it might have also fallen into the fire which

Then it would have uh burned up S into the Flames okay here’s our warped Forest how get over Here yeah I wish we you may ask yourself well how did I get here my brother in Christ you were behind the wheel of a large automobile LGE automobile okay I was just I was just seeing if this went around it goes into a wall so we may have to dig to

The there we are did we not leave it I thought you left a trail of torches all the way back to where we came out yeah no you’re thinking of the Trail of Tears um let’s why am I not the freezon we might get demonetized today we’re just talking about the this

Who is it scorpion that made the song Cherokee uh or is that wasn’t it Kid Rock or Keith Urban or somebody who made a song about I’m an Indian man yeah oh uh an Indian Outlaw by yeah that oh that thing yeah if yall if our viewers want

To hear maybe the worst song ever ever written um like ideologically uh let’s see who did that Tim mcra oh that’s why I know Tim MC thanks Tim so when you think Tim mcra I hope you think my favorite song the one we dance to All Night Long

The moon like a spot on the Lake Wood flake that is one thing that makes me sad about about um like Tim mcra is the person who they they use his song for the Predator’s go horn the lake that’s 80 miles from Santa Fe oh

No well what are what are we doing out there by the lake we’re parked parking Park pared out by the lake if you’re wondering where I parked I’m pared out by the lake L where I’m by the lake I’m really happy Jolie isn’t here cuz Jolie adamantly hates that song

She so do I the whole point is for you to hate it it’s the only good country song Don’t at me Lucas what there’s plenty of other good country music such as yes there is a lot of good Cy music out there C did you just say C mus did you say Cy

Music I mean you have a whole playlist Ian I know you do that’s the [ __ ] country music that slaps yeah I like that’s I like I say I like actual country music not alcoholic party anthems with a twang that pass for country music these days no you’re right and you should say

It Ian when I when I stand slightly to the profile of your avatar uh your the when you’re holding out an item like that it makes your arm look like a 3D [Laughter] nose that’s awesome this is the stupidest Minecraft skin that I have this is worse than the

Among Us drip I’m grab I’m to grab some glow stone dog do it glow stone is pretty useful when it comes to yeah when we get if we ever find a [ __ ] Blaze spawner well I know that there’s actually there’s a um there’s a brewing stand at that Village oh

But there’s no blaze rods for yeah [ __ ] there’s a Pillager whoa [ __ ] there’s a Pillager oh they might need help well well we’re in another dimension yeah we’re in another dimension This was aad oh God sorry I ACD opened the door when I was trying to

Eat uh the thing it’s okay I don’t have a weapon I’m peaceful I’m just G to keep going through this wall here yeah we’re so low on wood that’s what I should be doing this lake is where I pared parked by the lakeo oh where is it did

All Lucas you have an arrow in your ass and it looks like arrow in your butt God above Emily I don’t know okay it’s gone it looks like a tail I don’t know if we’re gonna find ourselves a goddamn Fortress anytime soon we have to I just found one oh God

Damn it all right coming coming coming coming cominging coming cominging cominging coming you stay the [ __ ] away from me you little gas [ __ ] oh do we not have an air horn no we Do oh we have a boat Horn okay Emily where are you Emily did you find the bridge no I have fought a gas I’m just trying to find the bridge I think it was the same gas hold on okay I’m coming I found the hole everybody seen the leprechaun say hey it’s me it look like a leprechaun to

Me all you got to do is look a bar treat Emily where did you go I love that video em r over here I ran like a little [ __ ] I’m at the end of that yeah I’m right here where is the Fortress uh look face the end of the bridge uhhuh 10

O’clock I can’t see it is your render distance up I think I can just see I can just see the edge of the walkway I just need to is the gas down yes I ran like a little [ __ ] right before I got blasted into the lava God this is

Precarious yes it is I [ __ ] hate this [ __ ] dog I [ __ ] hate it okay um I need more food I got hit earlier here where did you get oh that’s bread I thought those were potatoes was you little [ __ ] where do you see it straight ahead from me yeah let’s go this

Way do you see it now um yes yes I do damn your render distance must be down dog cuz I saw that from all the way back in that work Forest I’m going to leave a trail back yes do that um hopefully we don’t have a home command no we don’t

I and it’s really showing me how much of a spoiled rotten [ __ ] when it comes to Minecraft I’ve become of course I spend most of my time in creative mode so I don’t know what I expected see the there’s another gas down there watch out the thing about

This game is that it’s a game and like if you’re not having fun what’s the point of playing it yeah that’s valid I mean I and I don’t I don’t think that losing your [ __ ] every time you die is that fun controvers out huh there’s a gas down

There in the lava right there watch out watch out watch out oh it’s the piglin with the steel chair and I do not have AOW I’m just going to leave him be for now think saw me yes yes he did com all right I have one little judgy I

Don’t know how terrible The Fortress is okay hold on I’m going to put a markers on this as our entrance all right marker I have [ __ ] I have only six arrows left Jacob come on back through the the real world um we got plenty of arrows

I’m making them right now um are you going that way Emily do you want to split up or no uh no I’m just trying to see how much of this is exposed and if we get lucky and find a blaz spawner there’s a big gap here and ay ch ch the Lion’s

Blaz I think we got another skeleton just spawned us no Balloon Shop no I’m making I’m making a I’m making a a walkway it’s the walkway k k is in the chat I’m so glad you made it I’m I’m here where you’re watching Emily Through The Eyes of Jacob Emily

Where’d you go I’m back at the back at the four-way intersection getting owned by a skeleton oh If he if he drops any arrows let me have some he dropped two arrows there’s a bow over here that I want okay but I have to drop something I

Found I found a staircase that goes inside of the temple or the yeah or these what do I call it a temple it’s a fortress oh this one doesn’t go anywhere yeah that’s a big fat dead end my sword isn’t doing that hard either what we really need is we need like

A we need like a uh we need we need a Jolie is is hilarious Jolie is hilarious SP I mean I coming coming coming coming coming coming coming come back to that fourway coming come back to that fourway I don’t know if I remember the way hang on I

Have no torches I I really wish I could see what the hell’s happening right now where did you go where did you go where did you go where did you go I went to the left there you are turn around this be Roo uh yeah uh the left side is beetroot you want

Beetroot you want [ __ ] I have three arrows well then this is where uh did you you fought a Magma Cube earlier right yeah I have a magma let go make some fck we just need a few Blaze we get resistance yo who up magman they cream

Right now I have a bow that’s almost broken and two arrows I fixis did you just oh God I think I hit the zombie pig by accident Jes yeah well it’s been nice knowing you good news is I’m in an isolated area where they’re not all going

To be able to reach me but I can’t help you Jacob I’m low did you get any no I killed one there’s one sitting in there that’s my last Arrow I’m out of arrows too do you have any no I I’ve got some bread once I heal up I’m just going to

Leroy try and take out the that are is there a farm chest okay backt track back back back back back I have two okay I can I can head back I think you’re boned Emily I think we need to get the I think we

Need to get back uh hold on cover me for a second 3484 oh God every time I walk anywhere near the chicken Coupe I just pick up two full stat there’s a friend up there where did how did we get in here how did we get this way I think we were

Out on an area that was exposed like this no a bridge made well that bridge we made after Crossing it this direction I think no this isn’t the way we came in and you have some Pigmen that I’m going to let you deal with is there anything valuable you have that you want

Me to take um yeah but I’m just going to keep running okay where the [ __ ] is the uh I think I know which how I usually did we cross to the other side we may have I think it’s I I think I know which way it is it’s this way over

Here yeah it’s over here oh cool Blaze is over here yeah once we get far enough away from the Pigman they should stop being aggressive damn all right watch a gas to [ __ ] blown a hole in the fridge that’s nice that they made the zombie Pigman not as debilitating as

They used to be they’re not they’re not aggro anymore either we’re far enough away from that yeah they they’re not as fast they’re not as um they hit hard though they do I watched them I watched like six of them pick apart a skeleton like a piranha

Like a school of piranha the other day when it accidentally shot one uh the zombie pigman um if you hit one then they all all of them in a certain radius get aggro to you and it’s a big yeah never mind never mind I got

It’s a big it’s a big radius and um they’re slower than they used to be oh [ __ ] what there are three count them three hoglins blocking our way let’s go down and over Here is this the same Crimson Forest that we came out in when we dug through the yes this is our Bridge there’s just three hogins now I can make a run for it yeah um that might be the best approach Leroy Jenkins oh I’m so dead God

Get [ __ ] off the side of the cliff Kobe [ __ ] it no I had our only Blaze Ro I fell like 80 block like 40 60 blocks yeah he literally he just [ __ ] Spart a nose kicked you off the side of well I got back with something but not the blaz

Rod hey everybody get back to where you we know where to go for yeah but did you wait did you die in the lava no I died on a a a tree but I’m pretty sure some so your shit’s at least recoverable yes but you have to go down and I think

There’s some piglins who may have picked up my stuff stuff cuz they’re notorious for doing that I can suit back up and get stuff we can go back over uh we can get a lot more arrows which will be useful yeah can you grow a single jungle sapling yes okay great

Great can we take a uh a vote vot on being bad in video games and turning keep inventory on I vote Yes No we have to play this the right way New York prly abstains New York abstains don’t think we’re playing it the wrong way because again that’s not

Uh that’s that’s just a buil-in game rule it’s not a cheat code or a Plugin or anything did somebody bring how not going to be mad at you chat you you decide would it would we be bad Gamers for turning on cheat codes it’s not a cheat

Code would we chat would we be bad Gamers for adjusting the settings mid game this is a cheat code this is not a mid game this is a great game uh Oscar says turn it on that’s one out of maybe three viewers that’s 100% of vot so far Jr JR

Says JR says no but I think they mean yes I’m fine with having it turned off we can Lucas says he got us arrows so I got I got hella arrows in the chest I’m I’m making just a couple of necessary tools Luc got a stack of arrows the um the Mega Man

Thing what that that Tik Tock of the like really terrible rapper the guy’s like beating the [ __ ] out of the um directory at the mall the guy runs up and it’s like why are you doing that and he’s like J EZ ain’t dropped yet bro and he’s like don’t

Worry Mega Man drops January 7th and then he starts running down the hallway like in the most exaggerated way you’ve ever seen he’s just rapping like not honestly not the worst bars I’ve ever heard but pretty [ __ ] he’s also got like a Mega Man hand on yeah he’s got a Mega Man arm

Cannon what hang on I’ll I’ll dredge it up so you can watch it because you’ll you would love it I need more food what’s our food s bottom chest over here at the house it has bread pumpkin P odd chicken I have one apple scratch that I have zero app

I’m going to take this one golden apple as a as a oopsy doopsy I need a runny run I think I’m good let me get a couple stacks of cobblestone just Jacob can you look at the melon sign so chat can see it melon sign melon sign where’s the melons it’s

Over where jelly is making stuff tell me it’s James bter James bter Who you gonna call okay she’s editing okay she’s okay so we got Pumpkins who is James backer I’m I missed that completely what is it’s a sign on the where the James Baxter is a world renowned animator who’s worked on many great animation movies animated movies such as Beauty and the Beast and other Disney products he’s an amazing 2D animator um and the reference she’s

Making here is that in Adventure Time he showed up as a guest animator where all he animated was a horse that said his name in a horse voice and rode around on a beach ball I’m sorry a horse voice he goes like it’s it’s the actual animator he goes James

Backer that’s what a sounds like hilarious also Jolie has over here uh Beat It wheat and wheat byproducts we have cows uh we actually have enough leather I saw Jolie had enough leather so we can start making uh enchantment table but em [ __ ] em if you want to go back into NE we

Can to the bathroom IRL and head de so I’m going to have to go off mic for a few minutes while I charge it okay okay we will we will find some other way to uh I might go solo into The Nether Lucas how many arrows do you have

Do you just have that one stack or did you have like a lot uh come with chicken C come with cuz I want to take two stacks cuz those hoglins suck ass um where did you I took a stack of arrows okay I oh I actually I do have it

In my inventory here we go whoops yeah there we go now I have two stacks okay I have a cross it’s very low uh make a crossbow do I know how to make a trip you can make a crossbow yeah I y’all I fished up a trip hook the other

Day or the other day uh earlier yeah it’s in the chest I saw that but I don’t I don’t know uh the significance of that oh okay um you need it to make a crossbow oh yeah don’t even trip hook you need an iron some string and Wood oh I actually need stick crossbow now crossbows they’re pros and cons they fire slower but they hit harder yeah I prefer using a crossbow honestly I prefer the bow usually just because of the faster fire rate but in Long Distance the crossbow also shoot straighter you know what I miss the old

Minecraft crossbow or the old Minecraft bow I mean the one where you could just like hold down right click and just fire out a huge stream of arrows oh so like you could multi-shot basically when did you start playing Minecraft around 1.7 beta I think okay

Yeah I think that was like right around when they changed the bow but if you go back and play like earlier betas you know you know what would be really fun to show on a stream our the first creative map me my sister and a bunch of her friends played creative

On that would be cool and just two it cuz it’s very big oh I’m [ __ ] up [ __ ] fck we learn you freaking pricks okay I’ve cut down two giant jungle trees so we should have enough wood [ __ ] you [ __ ] oh it was a baby one still [ __ ] you those

Suck what oh yeah wasn’t he the one um Oscar wasn’t he the one who animated the bit where stepen fuses back with himself talking about Steven Universe cuz that was like a beautiful piece of Animation it was a little um you could tell it was different because

It like when you can tell James back’s animation starts um because like the flow and the frame rate just get a lot better all of a sudden with James Baxter’s animation when he shows up all right Mar the frame rate welc Marge where are we we we’re in undertale we’re in

Minecraft Minecraft what’s that that’s a really thanks I love doing impressions welcome to the underground I also like doing impressions but I’m not nearly as good as me at impressions well just got to practice well I do practice and I’m still [ __ ] practice practice practice practice and practice oh [ __ ] there’s a a

Pillager oh [ __ ] die I’m lagging here we go nice you got him voluntary Exile you say what the [ __ ] is that so you get that when you pick up so you probably noticed that once you killed the Villager you get his Banner but now you also have a um an

Effect on you that says um bad Omen bad Omen so yeah uh Lucas an hour and 40 minutes yeah don’t walk near a village while you have that drink milk to reset it if you want but do not and I repeat do not go near a village with that active because if you

Do you will start a raid and it will suck that [ __ ] doesn’t make any sense to me like why do the villagers hate it when you have killed a Pillager they the villagers don’t the villagers don’t hate you the illagers put like a bounty on your head I guess and like they’ll kill

You they’ll like follow you around now okay so I got some blaze rods I’m now wandering the the the Fortress looking for the Nether wart yes because we need that Betsy is my crossbow I did not name it that Minecraft makes all crossbows Betsy oh [ __ ] yes [ __ ] your father [ __ ] your father

[ __ ] your father little bowl of seeds for me oh yeah so is anything done up on the surface level um just more farming more I mean you can if you drink a thing of milk so you don’t have that effect but you can go and trade with the

Villagers and if you level them up you can get some decent stuff the big thing is we should get a villager that has a li who’s a librarian and then get mending books traded from him okay where’s the village I don’t I don’t have the omen that’s Ian um so the

Um he’s towards the desert but not towards the big desert Spire okay so he’s like he’s in as sorry as someone who knows nothing about how Minecraft Works May I just say what is going on what so so not me the chat um so for those of us who are just joining us

Those of you who are just joining us um we’re attempting to beat Minecraft in one night and this entails um we have to go to two alternate uh Dimensions through portals we collect uh well right now we’re trying to collect some blaze powder so we can uh create eyes of

End then use to unlock the second portal uh my game is glitching the [ __ ] out hang on there we go I’m basically farming blazes right now to get blaze rods for both um Brewing but Al more importantly The Eyes of Ender because that’s how you find the the last portal you need which

Is an end portal which is only found within a stronghold yeah and the strongholds uh you and me and Julie but is not I think Emily Emily might be here she just might not be able to hear us oh possi charging your answer my question my headset she also said something in the

Chat shut up shut up okay I’m just going to run back now with the three blaze rods I have along with the other [ __ ] okay uh we should probably try to fight some uh ender men some Enders of men well if you guys want to go into the nether portal we’re

We’re close to a warped Forest which is where they spawn more naturally but you can also just wait like outside and there’s one just sitting up here where I’m at in the nether cuz they also just show up in the nether Yeah yeah um I would say if you don’t know anything about Minecraft just like Vibe just let wash over you oh [ __ ] I guess I’m fighting an Enderman now I accidentally looked at him in his eyes look get pearls working on it where’d he go he may don’t [ __ ] the end he that

Enderman may have like spawned into to like fire or something and got himself dead I’m back [ __ ] how was your snack what did you snack bunch of bunch of crackers how was your snack what did you get for a snack got end may have like gone into

Like a fire or something cuz I don’t know where he went okay I think I’m going to need to disconnect my I’m I’m having trouble sound fine you sound fine on Discord my voice fine okay um weird is your Minecraft kind of glitching yeah it’s just desyncing here we go hello

What anyone else see the AV cable Club in the chat what no that was [ __ ] awesome just popped up and said a cable whated we’re not playing on AED oh when you join on this this chat on this world oh I see oh yeah when you join the

World it does give you a big old like old a club welcome to the a cable Club there we go uh Ian don’t forget your parrot is still in the house uh well because if if I let it out then it might die and I I just don’t think I can handle that

Again that’s fair is it where did it go it’s it’s on the steps back there right over here oh there it is you just left the game Ian no I didn’t it says you did said left the game I’m [ __ ] I’m right here I told you woman I’m right here is

Like pushing me around am I Lucas is opening chest I’m I’m not anymore there it goes now I disconnected a no holy [ __ ] I’m back stuck in the ground all right into these chests I have blaze rods some Diamond horse armor Nether wart and for some reason iron

Boots oh wait a minute did I did that thing [ __ ] kick off my iron boots well are you are you no longer wearing the iron boots no I did I still have but when I first died it’d be really funny if like when you get hit by

Those things it does it like knocks you off your feet and your shoes stay put and you go flying okay so we have Okay so we’ve got some blaze rods we’re going to probably need to get more eventually but I know how to do that um I’m going to start a

Little farm or maybe I can get jie too or yeah shoes off he’s dead yeah um where the hell why am I in the okay what happened what’s going on what’s going on you okay Ian Ian yes can you not hear me anymore no we can hear

You can you hear us well you’ll notice that yeah I can hear you you’ll notice that I’m now in the lobby uh and I don’t know why kick me out try that again weird very very weird very nice very nice my wife very nice my wife anyway uh

Let’s hey um uh JR says to stop being so funny you have to stop being funny funny I don’t have DSL you have xinity don’t you I don’t have I don’t have dial up internet I don’t have Xfinity what do you what do you

Have well all I got right now is one a dozen starving craz [Laughter] weasel okay I’ll take that sorry everybody box and I open up the lid and the J out they immediately latch out of my face and start biting me all over just going

Nuts no I updated my well I didn’t my roommates uh updated the internet so it’s uh Verizon uh 5G home WiFi so it’s like a it’s a cube that sits in the corner of the house and it picks up 5G signals and converts that to Wi-Fi um and then you don’t have a

Direct conne no I don’t yeah well it’s the only thing that I have so uh you know it hasn’t problem uh but you know it might be raining or something all right stop um stop what Emily was opening and closing the door ferociously okay so with the

Button yeah I I put that button there because I accidentally made one and I just was like h well I’ll just put it here yeah now people well could replace door with an iron door that only that’s not necessary it’s not like hardcore where the zombies can break the door down

Yeah James backer so we do got to start um getting Isa Ender so if if you guys want me to go back and get more blaze rods I can go do that what is the purpose what is the purpose of blaze rods you need it to make

Um you need them to make blaze powder which you mix with a ender pearl and maybe a spider eye to make an Eye of Ender not a spider eye just blaze rods and a blaze powder and a Eye of Ender blaze powder and a no blaze powder and an ender pearl and that

Makes an Eye of Ender which then you can shoot up into the air and it will guide you to where there is a um a stronghold it’ll go right over the end the end portal which then we’ll use and some of them may break in the process of going to find the end

Um but it is a sacrifice that I am willing to make but then eventually you get to the end portal you need some to fill in the rest of the portal and then you can go to the end and then once you’re in the end you can’t leave until you defeat the Ender

Dragon or die or die but then you have to get back to the end yeah then we’d have to make beds in the stronghold wherever it is located which is it’s at least a thousand blocks away from the spawn point I think we should probably do that

And then we should cuz it’s getting it’s approaching late um yeah I mean I still have energy um but like I can go so somebody can go start killing Endermen I can go get more blaze powder blaze rods from the end of the nether yeah do you think I should

Fight them in the ne well we’re sleeping through this night so yeah um we can do it in the nether if you guys can want to go through the Warped Forest um why don’t do it in the nether if somebody wants to go and look for diamonds we could still use more

Diamonds or we could just rock with iron armor and enchant the [ __ ] out of it okay what direction do I go in the nether to get to the warp Tor yeah are you in the nether yes okay I’m coming in we back in the mine okay pickax side to

Side hi Julie welcome back you quiet if you go through this double you’ll go into the you have no armor Ian no I don’t how fun it’s just Enderman yeah but it would help to have like a shield um but yeah so I’m going to go get more blaze rods or attempt

To okay I’ve got it’s this Crimson Forest I got to work at cuz those hoglands they suck major bony donkey ball they just they just suck they’re they’re just they’re they’re so hard why they got to be why do they got to be so hard you free sloppy you good

Ian you need some of our sponsor gfuel uh today’s stream is sponsored by uh oh we lost someone we lost someone oh where’s yeah left wall though who left it’s me I’m here Jolie hello Emily Emily is charging her headset we have all five of us still

Here I love I love looking at the chat window or hitting tab to see all the names we have because it’s U me who looks like a little teddy bear Jolie looks like Jolie Emily looks like Emily but then Lucas is just a vaguely flesh colored mass and

Then Ian looks like a like a steel gray yeah it’s cuz I’m a I’m a Moy head yeah you mean the the thing in the in game player with uhhuh yeah ow where are yall in the nether right now did you go back to the oh hi

There mister no I’m in the nether at the moment did you go back out towards the Fortress yes I stuck my head out of the part out of the passage that we made and immediately got like smacked in the face by a hoglin I hope you liked my signs the

Signs are are very funny strong contributions to the streams Jolie yeah it’s good in the shadows sh I almost beat up that Blaze with a piece of bread shout out to Lindsay Buckingham who she stillare she still is she’s still bucking him that’s the dude oh you’re right the the guy

From Lindsay still is guy there were there’s more than one guy in the band but yeah that was kind of the problem huh yeah I mean yeah oh follow me sheeps sheepies sweet little sheepies this away this away for the sheepies shrimpies shrimpies Lucas how do you feel about

Shrimpies I don’t remember the correct response that’s okay uh how many frms do you have to eat before SK did we use up all the diamonds do we not have it’s in the it’s in the chest parallel to the beds okay I was worried for a second

There Jacob you didn’t tell anybody that no I didn’t that’s on me I’m a dumb you’re not a dumb I’m very dumb we’re not sponsored but it’s still funny hi I’m very ugly I’m ugly and I’m proud is that what he’s calling it oh there’s a little wart Farm down

Here yeah I made a wart Farm what any uh any Sword in the Stone fans here I was thinking Over the Garden Wall myself that’s a wart oh you’re you right I was thinking of Halo like like a warthog get in the war hog get the war hog there’s a throwback for you

Jacob what I’m sorry I’m too busy what’s the throwback get in the war hog get in the war hog were you there I don’t know if you were there for that was that Halo that time that we all [ __ ] played Halo system link I was not there for that and

Uh like yeah it was like it was 4v2 of the two people who knew what were doing versus the four that didn’t and it was a blood bath it was hilarious at one point we were all shouting like we we found a warthog which is a vehicle and we’re like get in

The warthog and we turned the corner after all getting in it and just getting one shotted by a dude with a rocket [Laughter] launcher uh that would be a fun thing to do maybe get a St at the Ed [ __ ] store and play like Halo 3 land

Party yes we could also maybe not over maybe not on stream but we could just play it I mean we Halo Master Chief Collection is on um steam that’s true Jacob and I have played that before please let the weat grow don’t pick it early

Please pick it if you pick it early then nothing saying you only get back to seeds that you no I’m saying let it all grow first and then I’ll get it all oh I [ __ ] up why because I [ __ ] up big time yo it bothers me when it’s not all done at the

Same time okay long as we’ve got some other source of food we got plenty of yeah I was going to say we need have you checked the Smoke House which one’s the Smoke House the little one the little one okay the little one in between the beats and the

Gords all right okay what are you smoking you smoking we Got we got to find some sense of urgency I’m trying I’m out here uh killing Piggies not meaning to I got my ass kicked three times by the same Enderman so okay um what what needs happen right what are we looking for and how can I do it we are

Getting so that we can yeah somebody needs to go to that warped forest and get end pears yeah I I I need somebody to come to the nether fortress real quick cuz I pissed off the Ender the pigs and um I don’t know where that is well Emily does and Emily can show

You but I’m in the middle of something in a completely different area I’m setting the enchantment room up looking at strategies to fight end put yourself under a two block High thing and just let them try to come to you that’s true water stand in a large

FL of water and yeah but they just teleport away and you can’t really get their drops cover yourself in oil Stand in the Rain oil floats on water fly I mean that’s basic physics yeah that sounds good to me you said it you know what else floats on water a

Duck are you a witch I am running I’m sprinting sprinting oh there I go rip okay all right I’m okay h struggling over here or my my internet is one of the two probably your internet it might be me it might be the sins that I’ve committed in a past

Life oh yeah they they do catch up to one as such there it goes again because I can’t open this [ __ ] chest love G gaming gaming raise your hand raise your hands if you’re a real gamer Raise Your Glass if you are wrong in all the right ways all the right ways

Oh I’m getting [ __ ] exhausted though no I’m I could do this all day check it out all right i’ I’ve got 12 blaze rods on me I am running back that’s good enough getting sloppy all over these melon slices and now I’m going to go home and I’m going home pay my

Taxes all right and now we guess we got to start grinding Enderman oh there’s Jacob yeah you have a diamond sword dude yes all right I needed it for this you cannot afford his diamond sword okay I mean even if I could he’s got a patent okay okay 13 blaze rods two

Gold swords mag another Magma Cream uh and a piece of leather oh got some uh some cocoa beans uh Jolie should we put the cocoa beans with the other uh agricultural products yeah uh what did that come off of Coco trees okay next time it’s night y’all uh we don’t sleep poor

Favor I got a are we looking for Ender boys we are we’re ender man hunting we could maybe go into the desert s wasn’t it wasn’t it didn’t we find a warp Forest earlier that had a shitload of end in it they spawn in the Warped

Forest so if you want to go to the nether we can I’m just taking a break cuz I tired of seeing red blocks I want to see what J’s making it’s kind of a pain to fight them in the warp Forest just cuz like it’s not very flat

No I mean we can wait for day and I can I can maybe run over to the village and try to trade um I need beets I need beets to trade be by Dre no that’s the one um Jacob you’re the you’re the beat boxer oh do we you’re the human beat box

Do we have enough I do we have paper enough to make one book so I can make a a a a book A A Podium thing for the Librarian we have suar yes uh it’s in the like seven uh Leathers yeah I think there’s a bunch out there too there’s enough sugar cane we need to start people want people start want to make an enchantment room or an enchant area we need that I have

One already oh damn well I wish I had my 20 levels I had before I died hey I just found two poison spider spawners oh do cave spiders don’t really drop anything huge but uh they could be useful as as XP Farms I might go to the Nether and like start mining nether

Quartz because that stuff also makes a lot of XP fast uh dang it I went and got myself poisoned Jacob W yes the enchantment room down here cool and shot okay um D I forgot what I was going to say where’s the enchantment Whoa We Are

That’s a lot gold we yeah we need to start putting bookshelves on that yeah I only made the one for the table itself I didn’t make any of the also what we do is here let’s make this our valuables chest we also have a lure sweeping Edge and feather falling

Books we can make put onto an anvil uh we are a little low on iron for that though so we’re going to need to go iron farming or iron mining yeah oh yeah I uh I came up with a new entry for your super zero thing oh excellent tell me it’s the

Adventures of it’s the adventures of low iron man oh hang on guys I stood up too [Laughter] fast I’m trying to think what I want to do I’m going to grab some leather from always Smoke House and um dude you smoke that house dude nice oh World guard no

Defined regions here I guess we have World G World guard on now what did it say World guard no defined regions oh it’s doing that on every time I touch a chest in now oh God what do you have in your hand leather is a leather a world guard bind or

Something hold on where’s leather I I have some I’m about to make books I guess because um leather isn’t something you ever like use in your hand they made that a tool bind for World guard what is World guard it’s a server plugin that can Define it’s it’s how I made the meat

Wood Village caption on the other server it lets you define regions of the map as like they can be owned by specific people so that other people can’t edit them so in like the creative worlds you can claim your own regions so that people don’t uh edit them while

You’re not there and then admins we we use it to claim the spawn regions around the map so that people don’t build too close to the spawn and you can also set it so that like mobs can’t damage you in that region at least um server admins can do

That so that’s the uh spawn protection that we have not in Cobble though that’s a that’s a bucket thing fair enough did we turn on keep inventory I did sick all right back to the nether back at it again in at uh magma creams oh yeah where’s that Magma Cream

I have one up here I thought I had two oh no I had another one and I died that’s right I have one well leave leave the one that you have aest somewhere I something in my inventory earlier that I thought was magma cream but I think it was actually a fire

Charge oh what do you want they’re very similar which is weird because they’re not similar at all but my brain does the same thing where it’s like oh yeah how’s it going okay [ __ ] PS1 what we need to do okay so right now we need to what we biggest

Needs right now we need an anvil so we can enchant books and then get what we want on things more selectively so we need more iron we also need to go kill Enderman for their eyes and I would recommend also someone mining for diamonds okay what are you doing right

Now um I can go mining um it is about to be night so I was going to go hunt for Enderman okay we could do that since we’re not sleeping tonight uh I’m I’m just following Jacob and and assisting in whatever I’m about to make some potions I’ve made another uh fire

Resistance first uhhuh good one where did where was that magma cream at it’s in this valuables chest parallel to the beds we keep saying magma we might have an easier time in the desert Lucas just because you can see mobs from a farther distance I didn’t hear

You we keep saying magma Crum we should be saying magma balls is all I was I was gonna say not saying it nope big nope nope you’ve never used magma cream on your [Laughter] balls did I run too fast for you Lucas uh no I got a little distracted sorry

I’m a coming I’m a coming yeah what do you use fire charges for you can load them into um dispensers and they’ll shoot fire Oh They’ll shoot a fire charge they’ll shoot a fire sounds they’ll shoot that sounds like a very Nar I’m sorry okay I have I have three eight

Minute fire resistance potions nice nice whoa what is what is that this this freaky dude just just gave me like a weird sadus condition what is that H oh yeah he gave you like oh the with h no it’s the husks in the desert oh I husk inert

We now return to this episode of the husks in the desert sounds like [ __ ] I heard that boom everything’s fine do Endermen spawn in the desert I feel like they do I think everything spawns in the desert right believe so yeah it’s just the desert I know that husks spawn in the

Desert which are variant of zombies um oh I found an end you need help or you got him um I no I need help I’m sorry I’m I’m being swarmed where where are you are you closer to the town [ __ ] uh no where are you where are

You where where where you yes I’m closer to the town I’m uh heading towards the sand temple so that I can uh not have all them attack me all the the same time [ __ ] je [ __ ] hell dude where is that Enderman let me kick his

Ass let me over here let me eat his ass oh there he is uh arrows will not work on them uh go copy that they will just teleport out of the way no pearl on that boy God damn what is my render distance this boy got my distance is maxed

Out all right I’m up to five up to five up to five what yeah uh up to five simultaneous players up to five [ __ ] give it up to five bees [ __ ] uh five ender pearls six you might have an easier time in another biome I just don’t

Know I just don’t we could just go around like the Savannah or something we can also XP grind on these FS what the [ __ ] was that what was that uh oh Emily Emily huh what the [ __ ] was that you’re good uh I mean we’re good we were

In the same place I just don’t know where that what oh I think there it goes again I don’t know what’s happening it’s a sound bite on the soundboard is it how many explosion sound effects do we have one more since I added that five seconds ago yeah

Giving everybody a goddamn heart attack with that Emily I’m like what’s happening I’m in the same room as you damn I need to find these eyes of end but we also need to bulk up our resources before we go to the the end CU we need arrows we need an ass ton of

Beds we need beds and we need arrows we need as many arrows as humanly possible now I can buy some at the Village but I need emerals yeah did the village have a Fletcher I added a Fletcher um where did you go I running around being crazy damn it job I was

Trying to help you with whatever you’re doing so well I mean oh [ __ ] okay I head back to the desert temple I guess um if this map works the same as the main survival map if we find a Fletcher then we can trade them sticks for emeralds okay I will say that

Fletcher uh that that was not his starting trade you can get arrows out of him though one Emerald is a 16 arrows oh well we have three emeralds we get more we just have to trade the right things yeah or go mining find oh

Those are hard I don’t know if we have a mountain biome nearby to really get that done but um I can do that when morning comes oh I was waiting for it I wasn’t going to start it I was waiting for it jealous is the night when the morning comes but it always

Comes [Laughter] yeah it Always lordy I’m just thinking about a [ __ ] be’s version of morning comes now no but the Beast come a good woman I found a bee that [ __ ] same sound cuz of devils the devils in the beils woo The [Laughter] Beetles I mean some people so whoa is that hiter I think I’m going

To let Ian get the um I think I’m GNA oh I have an arrow in my head I think I’m going to let Ian get the ender pearls because they seem to be doing decent at it but how many you got so far seven decent at

It I’ve got do I have all of our iron I did not mean to do that did you get any more blaze rods Jacob I have there are 12 sitting in our valuables chest oh no well Jolie Joey I should have wared you we are our uh our house blew

Up what that one was real blew up oh son of a [ __ ] did you kill my parrot no the parrot’s fine one [Laughter] Emily godam I ain’t fixing [Laughter] that get away from h f no my cauldron oh my God oh my God Jacob just yelled so loud

His mic clipped out my cauldron yeah no I’m looking I’m looking at the Carnage on the stream and that’s rough there’s another cauldron at the basement Jacob you can use that one that was for water why that one’s for water that’s exactly what I we have this

Weird thing in the family where every time we say the word water our voice drops by an octave that just made me think of U whatever the [ __ ] we’re talking about when we say the word Brown in a funny way not like Mike P did beans the funny thing about Brown

Okay yes that exactly it does remind me of the beans thing as well I know what that is yeah St Bugg it bro let me get the rotten flesh if there’s any other rotten flesh I can give it to the um can we Shear all of

These sheep and get just a bunch of I was asking for shears but no one ever oh I’m sorry okay some in the chest you did ask me for that yeah shears are it’s literally two IR yeah I I got them here for you Jolie Y thank you sorry you you asked me for that like 30 minutes ago it’s I’m gonna start building bombs in my garage oh bombs you want it it’s yours my friend if you have the money sorry link can’t what is it I can’t give I give credits come back when you’re a little

Richer Richard A Little Richard come back when Little Richard how the [ __ ] do I get out of here I’m trapped in the nether our Kelly’s here everyone’s got a gun I don’t know what’s going on mom come pick me up I’m scared I’m off to be a diplomat at the

Village I need as much beats as possible all right uh just make sure you don’t make good choices we’ll be here for you wait Jacob did you did you take the rotten flesh I did I have 61 if I there’s any more anywhere else I’ll take them okay where where’ you go where’d

You go I’m on my horse what well then where oh with the diamond armor okay hiya good thank you who’s got the shears I do because I’m about to use them when I don’t get distracted brown brown Brown bricks Brown sheep we are playing Minecraft Minecraft okay mining

Cter Ian you’re uh Ian you’re over here in the nether yeah okay I’m um I’m going to leave and come back cuz the Enderman stopped spawning for me maybe you’ll have better luck okay do you need them yeah I got seven no I need the wool actually

Oh I am going to start building explosives with it what kind of explosives I can have the shears back so I can keep getting you wo uh beds explosive beds it’s right there they okay do we have any any pearls I thought you had seven

Yeah are mine the only ones I I haven’t gotten any others is the most wonderful thing about pearls is that mine are the only ones uh there’s a villager out here and and uh oh God he’s about to shoot me a Pillager not for long I hardly yeah they’re near my

Barn and they have things get a crossbow oh how many of them are there hey Jolie if you want uh there’s I have a villager out here who will take 18 wool for an emerald uh I just gave it all to Emily oh we need the wool to make beds huh

What so we can make a bunch of bombs for the Ender Dragon is that how that works now yeah what did you what did you think we were gonna do oh okay I got more arrows for our cause but we need I needing the question beds

Are the beds are the most effective way to kill the End Dragon all it has if it flies toward you it flies through and breaks the bed which explodes and Deals a massive amount of Dage to it um Jolie if you can we a [ __ ] ton of

Beds Jolie if you can we need production of beets so I can trade to the farmer villager I’m doing my best on the beets that’s fine um but also wo if we trade wool to a villager we can do that the Fletcher is almost up to another level

Um but I need another couple emeralds to get him up uh if anybody wants to hunt rabbits we can get rabbits from The Butcher and rotten flesh to the rabbit meat or rabbit hide a rabbit meat a raw rabbit okay I I cooked all of mine where are the beetroots over

Here beat it where they were I I am I’m I am beating quite rapidly that’s all the luckily we’re in a desert so maybe I can get more like desert rabbits rabbits are all over deserts oh [ __ ] uh this piglin is firing at me how do I make him

Stop uh are you wearing gold armor no wear gold armor oh [ __ ] I didn’t Pig just came through the nether portal oh no that’s where he went [ __ ] yeah I was kicked his ass so hard he was just he was standing it was kind of scary turned into a he just

Turned into a zombie piglin that’s what happens well he’s chill now he’s got his crossbow out but he’s not firing we have a name tag I don’t name tags are pretty it’s true well we found a lot of Dungeons and [ __ ] I don’t know we found Saddles I could go look for Barry

Treasure that’s one thing I can do is go look into ocean and look for Barry treasure and pirate ships we don’t need one but I just think it’d be funny to put a name tag on on our zombie pigman well I know that Berry treasure can have

Diamonds we have enough diamonds I think what we need is blaze rods and ender pearls so we can finish this I got seven Lucas are you in the nether right now I am y’all should I still have all those fire resistance potions if you need to farm more

Blazes I don’t think we need any more blaze rods I think we’re just trying to get another um ender pearls cuz I only have five blade powder and I’m not oh no there’s 12 blaze rods in the in one of the chests oh I just saw them oh yeah un I was about

To say unless there’s another yellow stick item uh you never know they put the gas powered stick in Minecraft what are we gonna do with all with 16 golden carots make make night five of us why do we need golden carrots we don’t we just have 16 of them because I

Found them in a ruined portal while I was out exploring going to use some Diamond no I won’t I’ll just get a ironck I’m going to go mining for coal so I can trade to the villagers sure Ian are you still over here in the nether yes okay whoa what is this blue

Stuff isn’t it neat it is what the [ __ ] is it oh no the warp Forest that’s where the Ender will spawn oh the the blue stuff is where Enderman spawn yes yeah okay I’m I guess I have to go make gold armor and [ __ ] so that the pigin stop messing with

Me we need to make a bigger beet Farm Jolie can you expand your beet Farm okay let me let me do the thing I’m doing and then I will Jacob why don’t you the well then I don’t want to take Jolie’s job we’re a union

Plant I don’t want to get filed I don’t want a grievance filed on me that was a very good joke I Am pro Union by the way I was just making a bad joke hell yeah [ __ ] better be although you’re not immune to propaganda no no one is British people

Like British people be like I’m going to take a propaganda at at your um breasts that way pretty horses piece of candy piece of candy Jacob don’t eat the horses did you I don’t know if I showed y all this video but there was a video talking about this French dude who like

Had an insatiable appetite for horses no well maybe he he just whatever he like his mouth was are you talking about terrari yes that yeah that was [ __ ] thate St cold eat he ate a baby yeah he ate a baby in a hospital real yes what are you

Talking what he was a dude who ate like who had like a really big stomach he he had some yeah he had like three or four unfortunate medical conditions that all kind of contributed to him having a completely insatiable appetite for things that were not

Food um he had like uh a larger than average mouth hyperactive stomach acid uh no sort of trigger in his brain to make him feel full uh and some sort of [ __ ] that was like there like his esophagus was super open yeah so he you can look down his mouth

Into his stomach oh yeah a and um he they like put him into a hospital tell me you could look down his mouth all the way to his [ __ ] I mean the human tube they call them all right the beats are expanding the beats are expanding the

Issue is is that the farmer right now will only take beets and potatoes and we only have one of those crops I was about to say tell me if you add potatoes cuz I will start yeah no we have not found any potatoes kill more zombies is um where’s the gold oh oh

Well so let’s try that again can you go ahead and leave the pearls that you do have here I don’t have any cuz I just died I turn keep inventory on um well I did I don’t know what to tell you wait do do you not have do we lose

All of the ones that you had on you like all seven no no I put those SS in are in the are in the bot yeah I had two more oh Jr whack yo we should go to Waffle House after this let’s all convene at a waffle house

That’s equidistant to all of our locations I wonder if that exists all right see you guys in never mind I was about to dox this see you guys it would be in the middle of East Bumble [ __ ] nowhere yeah it would and I mean there probably is one

In East Bumble [ __ ] yeah if there’s next to an interstate do zombie piglins attack you no only if you hit them all the ones within a certain radius Converge on your location yeah you’ll know because you’ll hear a bunch of angly like noises all the way

Home there to save us time I’m G to go ahead and make the into eyes and go as far as I can and mark the location that I reach okay trying to remember where we had a cave in y we did it did you get

One uh I didn’t get any okay I think we’re just looking for one more because I’m holding three right now there’s no guarantee of how many of them we need um it’s it’s luck bab oh yeah you’re right the minimum is 12 to put in the portal no the maximum that

You need is 12 yeah some of the oh [ __ ] here’s two of them here’s two of them right now oh [ __ ] okay there’s a little hole Hollow in that back wall mhm did you light one on fire yeah I knocked it into the lava on accident that’s [ __ ] awesome dude

That’s pretty Bas of you got it you got it yeah got a pearl [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hey me too nice all right we got them ladies and gentlemen we got him yeah if you stand in here they can’t hit you oh nice that’s pretty good yeah was it

Cool I really made NE yes and then if you go over here like around the lava there’s a Crimson Forest where is it over over that way those are very spooky cuz those you get hoglins which will [ __ ] your [ __ ] up as we have seen on this stream yep they

Basically just look like giant pigs hey whoa hey whoa you can’t get up there you won’t like me worms Oh the cats yeah yeah they probably would we have kittens and they were just cleared by the vet that they don’t have anything they can give to our older cat Jasper and so they

Are integrating into being all the way outside not outside of like of the office still less than a year old no she’s a year old she’s one and a half not an old cat that’s a new cat that cat still got the warranty on

It how uh how do I get back oh there’s the C are you got Cobblestone I contributed I have an ender pearl now too y you got Cobble on Stone I helped I’m I’m trying to get a bunch of coal so we can trade with the Villagers oh no no no no no

No Ian you you all right do you need help I’m fine just getting shot by a pigman oh let me let me see if I can run to you quickly no I got I got it are all of Y I’m not okay are there enough people other than me on the surface who

Can sleep um I am underground I can try to find my way up but it might be a bit are you are you coming back to the coming back to the surf this no I’m fighting more uh Endermen oh do we do we need more pearls I mean more is always

Better okay you never know how many eyes are going to be filled yeah yeah and you said the maximum we might need is 12 yeah cuz the portal has is a four sides with three little chunks of on each end that will need an eye and

You charge it so we we use those you use those to open the portal but you also use them to find the Portal yeah that’s what I’m doing right now is trying to find it yeah okay okay yeah so the Eye of Ender you like throw it into the air and

It flies off in a random direction or well it flies off in the direction of the ender portal and then it has a random chance to shatter huh okay yeah I’ve lost two so far out of the seven and they’re still going in the same direction is essentially do West from Spawn

Okay they spawn in really weird ways like the um yeah the ne foress from the origin and somewhere somewhere yeah like in a circle 600 blocks from Spawn isn’t that the minimum or is that like where they end up yeah well I’m about yeah that’s the 700x and they’re

Still going in the same direction okay interesting I think it can go up to 1100 I’m just trying to find oh and when we get to the Fortress there also be a hopefully will be a [ __ ] ton of books in there so yes which you should grab and then we

Can use to build up the enchantment table we probably need to start XP grinding if we want to get actually decent gear or we can half pass it maybe so okay I’m like I’m not too worried about my weapons because I’m just gonna kill the dragon with

Beds All I Need You Still you still need arrows to shoot the beacons we need we need enough arrows to destroy the beacons and we need good armor that’s the main thing some of the beacons are going to be covered by uh iron grates too so we need we need to remember to

Bring dirt and pickaxes yeah but we might we could have somebody go through some of the towers and look for an elytra that’s not in that’s not on the in the ne no it’s in the end or yeah no it’s in the end but it’s

Like it’s in the C cities which are way out beyond the main end area I didn’t think we would go that far in this stream yeah I don’t know how much it would I mean it would definitely help but like trying to balance that with

Um like time cuz this is around when we usually stop streaming yeah I know yeah I don’t I don’t know how much green power I have left in me personally that is why trying to find I’m trying to get us I’m waiting I’m while I’m looking for these I’m

Hopefully waiting for some beats to grow so I can trade more emeralds for the villagers so we can get more arrows oh great um uh oh is it underwater yes what well no I don’t know all I know is that the Eyes of Ender have led me right to the edge of the

Ocean it’s across the water at least they can be under the water water yeah I mean yeah let me try going out to this is that a chest no okay I have four more rotten flesh for you Jacob great he only takes it an increments of 32 which

Suck I mean it’s functionally useless other than that yeah there is a there was like a data pack we had on these servers where you could cook the Le that into leather that would be awesome um but we don’t have that cuz that is not vanilla minc raft

Eating in Cobble um you can use rotten flesh to make mulch for your berries my Beres There’s there are so many berries didn’t that get added in the last update it did and I’ve been I’ve been farming so I’ve been farming absolute Berry good night thank You but I found some emeralds nice just like Sonic Hedgehog Sonic Albert Hedgehog just like Sonic damn it nope that’s not dumb what was it what is it that’s Vines growing on the side of the stone Wall like that for some reason are brighter colored than the other Vines how Jolie how’s our beets looking got it how many beats I need they’re in increments of 28 I think or 26 for a single Emerald yeah are the Beats are the Beats sick is there anything else you need um I’ve

Been looking for coal but if you also get me a [ __ ] ton of wool I can trade him for that I think wool will be a little bit easier it’s 18 wool per Emerald okay well I will can you breed more villagers and then I can make another Fletcher I just need more

Um I need more Flint I can make some multiple Fletchers and then have them cuz hopefully I’ll get one which will give me full um sticks for uh sticks it will give you what give if I give him sticks then he’ll give me emeralds oh [ __ ] you can edit signs [ __ ] whoops

What don’t worry about it I will worry about it God y’all I have been following the Eyes of Ender West for 1700 blocks and they still have not deviated at all well there’s there’s a certain radius like inside like close close to the spawn where it can’t

Be so hopefully you’re on the edge of of that now never mind I feel Luc I’m also hitting a wall what do you need do we want to come back another time or do we want to actually no we’re finishing this we’re doing this man we’re making

It happen what do you need it for oh you’re doing you’re doing it you’re doing it okay we better make it happen fast I’m doing the best I can I’m getting arrows Emily’s working on finding the damn portal we can’t do [ __ ] without that portal that’s true

We got this chat um suck me off no no uh soup us up give us a uh give me that give me that wool I’m going to go to the Village encouragement give us some encouragement there’s no one on the chat God damn it chat giv up on

Us H chat why you forsaken me you can go to your item menu and click it and drag it off to the side and but I will take this in your mind foren me your thoughts in your sauce forsaken me and your bees for [ __ ] me

I was really hoping to find diamonds in these desert temples but I think they spawn a lot more than they used to hit damn there we go I I couldn’t get out of the the chicken pit because there were too many chickens they kept pushing

Me off the ledge that’s why I made the chicken volcano you ever made a chicken bomb yeah I ever on each other I don’t know if the chicken bomb still works actually I don’t think so I think that got well like they changed something with the physics engine in a newer version that

That uh broke it yeah I like the octopus bombs because you could make a sphere oh the squid bombs are my favorite yeah they actually uh I actually like got people kicked off to the server for moving too quickly with those one time okay my correction it’s 15 beats per um

Minute okay 15 beats per Emerald um 15 BPM okay all right 15 beats per Emily oh you don’t have a job well we’re going to change that real quick we’re going to have Fletchers for days for Days go oh [ __ ] Jolie you hella extended the bee farm I did the Bee Farm the no I could find bees if anybody has any clo clay I know we really don’t have any clay but clay would go for a dude what happened to you

It’s around um they would go for a dude God damn it there are them around if you find clay like raw clay I can sell it to the Mason now we this a toolsmith wants four iron per [ __ ] you Know [ __ ] yes all right I’ve i’ I’ve figured out our problems I just got a Fletcher that spawned in that takes sticks he rabbit that Tak dicks sticks pemon dick dicks it just sounds like you’re saying dicks on this end it really does well good for you you’re wrong 32 dicks for one

Emerald 32 two dicks per square inch all right what the Dagon for also we can also give them Flint okay yeah okay I know what I can do now I’m I will be off I have many arrows for us mini arrows min listen one Emerald for 16 arrows that is

Probably the best deal of all the villagers that’s good pck pot Jack why would you do that to my pot okay where the [ __ ] are you shut the [ __ ] up Kyle shut the [ __ ] up Kyle I’m chilling up on stage who the [ __ ] are you [ __ ] it is that the trumpet guy

Yeah the guy that looks like a slightly worse Paul Simon he looks like if Paul Simon and Danny deito did the fusion did somebody say they need bookshelves yes did you find a stronghold did you not see the achievement flash up a minute ago no I was

Busy h good job how many eyeballs do we have left four okay I am holding on to four and I just found two more pearls in the uh in in a chest in here I haven’t found the portal block yet okay so we have one shot one opportunity do

Not to blow to to go do not lose your chance to blow Ivan you are losing chance to blow now Ivan I know that you are fan of blowing if you’d like to blow you should do it you can blow me if you have no interest in Blowing what is

Wrong why have you lost your interest in Blowing um the the the the port the I know it has like a all small chance of getting like overr but but the the thing is is that the Eyes of Ender Point towards a portal that’s what I was saying like it’s it’s got

A it wouldn’t have me here if there wasn’t probably and that Ro has like lava in it Jolie I accidentally let some sheep I’m sorry kill him I’m about to sheep meat can put the mutton with you will I was just about to say that I may have to burn some more eyes

To get a better read on where the room is where the [ __ ] wouldn’t it portals are usually at the lowest point of those that’s what I’m thinking I couldn’t see where it went a [ __ ] wall they do that might have better like going back to the surface and I’m throwing it Jacob

What I’m trying to get us more arrows by trading with villagers gotcha just curious that’s I’m basically just trying to farm arrows for us right now seeing how the beat production’s doing better I got bone meal but not enough yeah we haven’t been killing a lot of skeletons recently and compost isn’t really

Efficient yeah there’s more way down off this WI I didn’t realize that fishing experience I think in a rare chance you could get a Bott enchanting from fishing if you want to if you guys want to make an anvil there’s a lure two book oh yeah really need to get more

Iron getting a sh of puffer fish those make water breathing potions which would be good if we wanted to do a freaking underwater Monument oh yeah um I mean we could come back if people like this we could do a damn it you win it we’re making this happen

Saying once we do this we can come back and do an underwater Monument which isn’t that hard we can fight the Wither which is very hard which is very hard honestly and then maybe then we can also find a um oh what is it the [ __ ] the Mansion a mansion but we can

Also go and try to find a um God words uh the the the under dark the deep dark oh the skull the yeah we could try to kill we could kill the warden what does it give you it gives you a single block of um of skull generator God

Minecraft hey I’m kind of Minecrafting now do you mind crafting I I actually don’t M crafting I would do it oh yeah what’s uh what’s the sit rep uh I’m I’m down to one eye left o No boys and girls that’s not good that’s no good what’s what’s your uh what’s your coordinates right now Emily 1886 223 X want be rude I want to be rude to Minecraft for making it hard to find the damn portal [ __ ] you Minecraft Jacob you should find uh a picture of uh the Hope Diamond and put it on the stream in the middle of the screen

Where all the are you doing it no I’m busy trying to get this game finished you should get that the [ __ ] picture of you with the neck pillow put put on the [ __ ] Mario Kart one you should put a picture of Benjamin Franklin in the top right and pretend like it’s your face

Cam what do you think I look like Benjamin Franklin no that’s funny is there no is there no fed no is there no so I found the portal room great oh it’s not connected to any other room in the stronghold oh my God

Good it I I had to dig into it through a cave nearby oh get pranked we we got pranked okay um I have one eye left and there’s one in here so we need 10 more 10 more we have seven so we need three three more pears I have two pearls on

Hand we need one more PE Richard give us the Peril you guys won’t believe how many arrows I got how many arrows you got you Ron poil now I’ve got you won’t believe what it does 10 stacks and some change scrambles an egg while it’s still inside its Shell is this right way no I’m not I almost I almost got lost in the desert y’all I almost died Moses no that was Jesus for 40 days and 40 nights uh no Moses the Israelites in the desert for 40 years yeah but he didn’t get lost yes he did did he get

Lost sent some huge thing he sent some people into the City and like some of them stayed and some of them came back because they were scared and then died that that’s a different story that’s while they were walking around in the desert but yeah

Oops uh I just know the and then a little bit after it oh no wait wait wait so the hold on the scam back through my Bible knowledge uh the Bible the B yeah because don’t I’m I’m pretty sure there was a a chrisan superhero named Bible man there’s Bible man got

It uh you got the Ender PE thingy yeah okay let’s let’s get out of here so [ __ ] pearled up right now you wouldn’t believe it B can doing the things the Bible tells them to do Live respect women nope that’s what the Bible says I’m kidding see that’s where I differ theologically because I the Bible doesn’t tell you to do anything no that’s fair oh okay there we go I got scared for a second I came back through the portal and everything was black couldn’t see

Anything also I can’t feel anything either but that’s not as catchy as having ants in your eyes so that goes by the wayside sometimes was doomed to fall what does that mean it means that I broke through a cave wall and a bunch of gravel fell

Down out of nowhere and pushed me off a cliff oh [ __ ] did you lose your items [ __ ] push me no I didn’t because keep inventory is on oh I don’t think it is it worked for me do we have to turn it on individually no it’s server

Wide well anyway I’ve got two more ender pearls so uh how wide is server yeah bring it on oh no we can oh how did you get back oh cuz you died look I’m we’re doing it I put two of these the other eight I know where the

Uh the coordinates of the portal are so let’s fill this chest up with beds um okay how many have the Sheep regrown enough that we can Shear them all again I just sheared them so okay I’m trading as much as I can to get arrows but I

I’ll be back in a second where is where is the wall in the Smoke House I just took all the wool because I’m trading it don’t take don’t take no we need that for beds I need it for emeralds here take it you can get you can trade other

Stuff for arrows we have enough arrows no we don’t uh two stacks for each of us is going to be fine yeah we’re not using them to kill the dragon we only need like maybe a stack a piece should be enough yeah any more than that is just gravy well I’m getting us

Gravy no more gravy Jacob not with our wool you I’m not using the wool I’m using sticks okay using dicks I’m making money the I’m making money using the oldest profession known to man did you take all the wood or is there still some in here there’s other

Wood I just use the ugly kind that we don’t use yeah well there’s enough wood in here for me to make more beds out of I got 64 and Six Beats Jacob’s trading a whole bundle sticks I don’t know if he cares about the Beats anymore I really want to bring this

Camel to y’all it’s so cool bring camel bring me a camel bring camel Mr Sandman bring me a camel I need a smoke just right now sorry oh [ __ ] H [ __ ] her up this prices that’s weird you TR no he’s he’s upped the amount of sticks for what I’ve made a surplus is

What I’ve done on him well beat his ass kill him read a new better Fletcher what kind of a name is Fletcher anyway I know so stupid it’s the name of a person that makes arrows it’s not a it’s not a first name okay so I believe that it takes a

Maximum of 15 beds to kill the Ender Dragon um I’ve got 29 we ought to be fine yeah are you gonna bring all of those with you uh I think we should split them up I mean I could be in charge of delivering the payload if y’all can deal with the healing

Tes yeah or we we all need to do that first so everybody should have a bow that is not awful yeah and some arrows I think Ians right a stack each of arrows should be enough because there’s only what like 13 beacons yeah is it 13 it’s a

Circle all these squares make a circle all these squares make a circle what else do we need I’m almost done getting arrows apparently get yourself uh get yourself the best armor you can manage if we’ve got spare diamonds then maybe we can make some diamond armor Get Yourself a Merry Little

Christmas maybe Jacko Lanterns have a spirit bre right oh yeah there what there are pumpkins but they obscure your vision really bad and it hard to play game when can’t see game we’re already bad at game this is true it may be worth it to not constantly be getting attacked by

Enderman I mean just don’t look that’s G to be really hard to do when you’re dealing with a dragon just look up we need um we need as much food as we can get from the farm I can try y to complain about meat what I said I don’t want to hear

Y’all complaining about meat cuz I’ve been making so much meat long as we have enough to maintain I’m gonna make us some potions okay what is um um oh we got a [ __ ] ton of melon yeah somebody could somebody make some glistering melons while I do

That so we can get healing potions up uh I’ll do that there should be this furnace should probably have to glass yes and that will let me make some more bottles I’m going to leave the fire resistance potions here if I haven’t already no I left them in here who found

Who got an instant health potion or did somebody make that earlier I oh a witch dropped it oh a witch dropped [Laughter] it why did you say it like John melany oh witch Dro so I was going around town one day and this witch just walked up to

Me you know and he dropped and she dropped a an instant healing potion you know after I beat the [ __ ] out of her I thinking the woman I was thinking the other way around or he’s like and I knew that no one was ever going to believe me when I said where I

Got this so I said the only thing that came to my mind which was a witch dropped it now I know what you’re thinking John that’s ridiculous and you’d be right but it worked they believe oh a witch dropped it yeah of course famously slippery fingered witches

Need some more coal if someone has it I have seven and there’s 18 in this chest I can get you a a bucket of lava yeah we can make a hopper but I want to I’m gonna try to look for some more iron real quick so I can get us copper

Yeah what about the hopper where did that come from you can when you have you know what however many you know a lava bucket does a hundred units of whatever yeah so you don’t want to waste it so you use a hopper to fill it up we have infinite lava I mean

True we have slow infinite lava all right so actually okay how am I going to cook with this put it in the furnace how do you expect me to cook does that work look I told you what I want and I want lava okay now lava seared chicken coming up it

Up all right all right look it up I’m doing it pepp where did iow dust oh there’s 15 coal just sitting in this uh chest as you tell put this up we can find it I’m going to look I got an anvil okay I’m looking at so you w to

Pop those enchanted books I’m looking at about 30 beds in here Jacob why haven’t you got got us any arrows I swear to God where’s the arrows dude I’m ready for shooting you where’s the arrows no I’m not going to tell you where the arrows are well they’re not in any of these

Chests so they are Ian I swear to God where did you put my arrows want to this 2 a. where are my arrows I’m just shuffling off with a with a suspiciously Arrow shaped throat okay I have enough um XP to do two level 30 enchantments I can do a couple books

With God do we not have that many bookshelves no do the no we don’t no did you not did you not come back with all the bookshelves no because I don’t have a silk touch I could get books but what’s fine we’ll just rebuild them I

Died before I could do that I wanted to find the Portal room first Jolie how much leather do you have about to get more okay yeah go grab this sugared cane all right paper and I’ll grab leather we’ll start making books I’m going to start loading this

Other chest up with potions I have enough I’ve made six healing two potions great are they um are they drinkies or splashes drinkies I don’t what is the ingredient make splash gun powder uh gun powder does you have to do that before you add the glow stone or does it matter it

Doesn’t matter I don’t think I’ve got 64 and 23 sugar can we need more leather for books J’s getting it I actually have to go to the potty real quick so I’ll be right back now what other types of I personally want a speed potion to get out of the way of the

Dragon I also can make strength potions I don’t think we need night vision really no I got paper what is the uh oh do we [ __ ] do we have mushrooms no we have um I think we have one of those Nether mushrooms if somebody can find brown

Mushrooms probably from the ne yeah in mine crap um if we can get just one is all I need or maybe two uh we can get invisibility potions good stop five or six mushrooms or just one ask you kind of a weird question could stop at five or six doors or just

One I am queen of the ocean the waves part the water is warm we never did get a um a a [ __ ] uh gas TI did we no I don’t think so oh that’s not my bed why does it say two out of three when I’m the only one who’s asleep

I don’t know is somebody else asleep I don’t think so so many chest opening noises yeah because I don’t know where anything is I just have to keep opening [ __ ] until I find it yeah I’m doing the same thing is there Netherrack in my spam chest you don’t know what Netherrack native it’s

Basically why is there Netherrack in my spam chest can you imagine if you could go to the ham dimension well we gotest that’s true and then um uh uh knockoff Garfield would show up gar what’s what’s what no what’s that fool’s name um the other AR I’m y’all read Heath Cliff No welcome

Back we’re talking about Heath Cliff y’all read that [ __ ] no yeah no uh it’s insane it’s um it doesn’t make sense uh it doesn’t function the way that like uh a comic strip should like it it really feels like an AI is generating it but it’s very

Clearly not like it’s it’s being drawn by a guy hey jie how much leather do you have I got 12 I think that’s a personal question and definitely would get us demonetized that kind funny thanks I know I could count on you you ever need someone to point out

How kind of funny something is I can I can do that leave it do we have any wood left for bookshelves or no I have one who sold it all I’m holding nine Acacia planks and that might be it oh no there’s 10 in this is still only going to get us

Eight bookshelves which I think you need 15 15 to get 30 level 30 what do we need more of leather yeah or books can we just go kill all the cows we’re about done yeah is that all right Julie there your cows give me a sword well maybe maybe keep two have best

Friends give me a sword I ran out of Sword use your sword I ran out of it I got plenty of wool though I got so much wool you have three bags full uh I got a a box I’m [ __ ] killing it with the nursery rhyme references tonight really

Are thank you I’m glad somebody noticed yeah I I don’t honestly know whether potions of invisibility will work against Enderman I think they do well if we think that they do then if somebody feels like running back into The Nether and finding at least one brown mushroom prer

To I brought a lot back unless I died I might have actually died with all those yeah let me see what’s going on let’s see what’s shaking down in the nether let’s see what’s chatting I ran out of lava that’s what you’re called ay was that one of the finest chip shops

In all of Wigan oh Lord not the Wigan kebab and the smack bar P wet the Bobby what’s that mate what’s PE what’s Peet is the water from mus good as gravy that’s wi [ __ ] sucks it’s the water I died Jee just moist your chips up a bit you

Died oh I thought I died I have a half a heart left I fell off a one block wide Bridge try wigg Keb to get me a sword get cows I’m looking around for any other cows in the wild muring them there’s a smack po it are you okay Ian I

Think I think we’ve lost Ian it’s got that crunch it’s what it’s there’s no pee it’s just wet but you could taste the pee H see I’m really curious to actually try that but I also I am so desperate to eat that it sounds you know where that is

Can we go to Wiggum and get no cuz it got shut down oh but are there other places in that area that still make it probably I would hope that you can get a Wigan Kebab somewhere in Wigan I I know someone who’s had one oh

Yeah I don’t know about smack bar and PE wet though but don’t you go doing it so get a smack for 40p what’s that b w so is the smack the fried potato yes a smack is a butter Barm cake no that no the smack is the potato

God [ __ ] damn it hey look how much inventory I don’t have that’s bizarre is it just for admins for some reason oh hey this is it’s a game rule it applies to everybody well the rules have never applied to me I found another broken nether

Portal all we need now is a bunch of books so that you can make your enchantment tables yeah and I don’t want to die because if I die I’m losing all these beautiful 33 levels yeah so just get your get your [ __ ] and get back here I have two more

Leather for my wild cows I found but only two there is not a lot of cows Ian are you okay Ian where did Ian go what I died you left the game you have to let no I did oh yeah I did okay yeah you were also cutting out a little bit

On this end here I died Jacob you have to let go no I’m not letting go Minecraft friend [Laughter] lock we’ll do a a a cobon friend lock the the issue with it is like there’s no like generated Gems or anything that’s true there’s no story y’all I I got to be a

Quitter we’re about end y’all like the only thing we’re we’re ready to go the only thing we’re waiting on is Jacob to make his books and then we know where the portal is like if you want I can just start enchanting stuff at less

Value I mean yeah we can do that we can just head over I got to get my [ __ ] back no I’m not going to get it Jolie how much leather do you have eight you have eight yes okay hand it to me you canz like I don’t know what lure

Is good for at this point yeah if we’re just if we’re just all we need is combat enchantments we’re just we’re killing the golden it is to kill the Ender Dragon anything that doesn’t go towards that we don’t need to be doing you’re right no you’re absolutely right I didn’t get the

Mushrooms I the invisibility potions would be nice but you need any more not a huge deal we probably don’t need them as long as we’ve got good armor I’m really mostly great about getting mobbed by end while trying to kill the dragon yeah it’s really not as bad as you might

Think I’ve never done it before so like it’s been a long time but yeah how do you can someone say oh actually I could probably look it up never mind um trying to look up how to make a crossbow I almost had it trip wire hook sticks and iron oh okay

Oh I need something else I can use as furnace fuel pain are we completely out of coal we have 18 there’s 18 and I have 16 on my inventory here I’ll just 18 naked cowboys and the showers at Ram ran Lucas is over here eight he’s

Naked I’m put my my weapons and [ __ ] in the in the chest I’m I’m falling asleep can’t put the End Dragon need man you got to put your clothes on so you get up in that Dragon should I level 30 my crossbow or my bow doesn’t matter to me or 20 whatever you

Want I am I am very happy to have helped you guys get to this point if I help yes are you are you fighting the Ender Dragon or not we are we’re are are you going to fight it in an hour or are you going to fight it in four

Minutes we’re going to fight it time 1228 what I’ve already got a SW I’ve got a half I’m going to load up on arrows and de bombs and then we can like I’m ready to set off I have a sword I have a crossbow I have 15 pumpkin pies and I have

124 arrows and that’s all I need and my bed and that’s all I need oh I I could stand some more food um how much food Jolie’s got a lot in her smok house which we should all get into okay uh I’m going to a whip leave everything here

Except I’m taking my sword two stacks of arrows everyone take your beds so we can um respawn in the stronghold along with all of the other beds that I’m about to take exactly okay what if you die with 30 BS inory everybody grab two uh splash potions of

Healing and if you want a speed potion get one of those they last for eight minutes and I’m going to grab a [ __ ] ton of beds and then a God hell yeah Lucas Crack have a cookie I didn’t hear any of that no I didn’t either because it wasn’t meant for you I heard crack that have a cookie crack crack a to crack a tower we’re all we’re all dying man all right I think I’m good a bunch of blocks to get to the

Tops of the towers yeah I’ve shlo of cobblestone here I’ve got a fair bit of that on me uh you’re right what do you have to do to make a jackal Lantern um is it just put a table I think let’s find out nope that makes pumpkin seeds does anybody want this protection

For uh chest plate golden AR uh gold chest plate yeah I’ll take it I don’t have any armor oh it’s a Jacko Lantern and a torch lucky I have one torch left no that’s a oh you have to make a carved pumpkin [ __ ] you do that what can you not make a carv

Pumpkin I think you hit it with Shears yeah it’s if I could get like a sword and a shield here I’ll I’ll help you with that yeah you’re more than welcome too because I’m gonna take I’m gonna take a pumpkin mask in case I think I need it um I’m pretty sure I can still

See enough to be effective through one of those but we’ll see I don’t have to worry about Creepers coming up from behind or anything yeah you right click the pumpkin with shears to here Julie I’m getting you a she okay okay well who’s got shears Billy what are you uploading Babies what’s what what’s St focused here sorry there’s Babies hey jie jie where are you at the door here come over here oh okay I’ll come to you do you have the shears they’re in the barn uh with the gourds I she oh okay thank you f it’s F it’s F okay

Oh we need to get these potions yeah I already uh there’s I said everybody grab two well I’ve got I’ve got a lot of stuff also I have the red bed for some reason yeah cuz we’re going to sleep in the stronghold I have my orange bed

Someone else was the red bed my gray bed’s gone so I think I grabbed the gray one I’m ready okay I am ready okay you I have seven levels so I’m going to really quickly enchant I guess my armor or my bow hell yeah and then what where are we

Going west right yeah I’ll I’ll take you all there once we’re ready to set off okay I I posted the coordinates in the game chat a while back I need I can head over there with a horse well the rest of us will take just

As long I wish there was a way I wish I could get yall all horses and or more than one person can ride a horse we have to cross water so actually um take some of the spare wood while we’re while I’m doing this and make boat

Because we have to cross water okay two people can fit in one boat okay okay well we still need some boats okay I should be good now do we enough do we have enough boats do we have I have arrows I have boats I have healing potions I have the golden

Apples that we can use for food and regen great idea let’s [ __ ] go box for let go ayoy that’s we need who else who else has a bunch of beds I have no beds except for my own I have 12 okay so you and I will be the ones in charge of the

Explosives [ __ ] yeah all right okay where where is everybody we’re at the house but I think Ian’s already heading to the West okay did you find the from earlier yeah they’re on no have we somebody else got a boat I don’t have I have three boats on me okay let’s go

Jie I can’t see the coordinates because I’ve died too many time or I got 1897 191 yeah yeah 1897 so we’re going to go this way for a little bit and eventually we’re going to come to like an ocean with a huge tall cliff on our left gotcha over that mountain in the

Distance over the mountain back my I can’t believe we’re doing this watch us so hard watch us just get our asses handed to us no we’re going to do great next time on a cable Club wait I’m lost where did the go there we go well you shouldn’t have gotten ahead of

Me oh no it’s it’s not that it’s just like um we can take refuge in this little cave over here with our beds that we’ve got or we can keep going okay yeah we’re not stopping okay just keep running just keep Running Y all still there yeah I think I’m way ahead of

Y’all you must be because I don’t see you I see the other three behind me you think you know but you have no idea zombie meie there’s a big old cave down here got to go around uh has anybody got torches I have 20 on me I don’t know

Where y all are well you got separated from us should I find you guys or just head over to the site just keep going Jacob okay you’re the one who has the boat so don’t get too far ahead of us oh my God okay just get to the water running

Long as you don’t stop they won’t explode on you it’s true everybody still here yeah I ran out of belly I ran out of food I I mean I have food but I began hungering H yeah you had a hunger that only hand yes H the water okay I found the

Wer what is your x coordinate right now my x coordinate is uh 930 okay we shouldn’t be too far behind youga 1930 no 930 okay 897 and I don’t see you what’s your Z my Z is oh it’s like 2 oh you’re way off course yeah okay

Okay I’ll I’ll I’ll come meet y’all at like 190 something I just fell into a hole hang on where’s everyone else top great content great content love yall it’s gonna be great oh yeah this is awesome it’s gonna be great yeah it’s going to be [ __ ] awesome 1897 okay I am

At 181 191 is on the Z I can’t see [ __ ] CU I’m out of torches and I fell in a hole right Emily where we’re we’re digging down towards you there [ __ ] where did that [ __ ] there yeah I have a pickaxe I have no shovel I don’t need no stinking shovels

Oh it’s one thing we never found I’m actually surprised we didn’t a geode uh oh go Shiny Pokemon yay chat up if we actually have anybody watching okay Lucas where are you at I I kept running towards the water don’t get separated is this the same body of water down here that I

Saw hi Lucas I see you you see me you said you’re about 191 yeah I see Lucas do you see Jolie and I not yet we’re at the edge of the water uh 225 Z 97X 957 so you were at where I was originally there he is spider on us there’s me

There you guys are that’s exactly where I was and then you told me I was off course but okay well okay don’t don’t go running off ahead of us now all right now you you lead the way I’m I’m glitching through hopefully I won’t desync okay should be going this way

Slightly whoa that’s too far whoa what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] jungle Cliff yeah the cliff over there that’s I thought I saw emeralds earlier and then it turned out it was just Vines that’s beautiful man God I now I kind of want to continue on this this like map around the

Island are you there Jolie are you riding on my boat Majesty oh there’s ja is that an island oh no it’s connected that’s still dope as hell though yeah it is really cool you could probably slice it off got enough DNT and just T DNT what is down down no Trails nice

Drink this is giving me nice it’s giving me um sea of Thieves a little bit a look a little bit honestly that does kind of remind me of like Canon Cove or um not canon Cove uh maybe Canon Cove fan and Cove Cove for Co 1760 82 okay we

Are this is not quite we’re going to turn around and are we where’s Lucas I’m right behind you okay we’re going to turn around and head back this way there is a specific part of the shoreline I’m looking for that was a bit of an easy walk up onto

Stone this looks pretty easy right here uh that’ll get us where we need to go yeah this looks like the place all right oh we done it oh you have the boat now we’ve landed on Omaha Beach who’s got the knockback sword uh I do I have a stupid sword I have a

Knockback two looting two Smite four sweeping Edge three Unbreaking three sword holy I have a uh you’re gonna be you’re going to be the one who kills end for us okay okay I got the ship fart we need to go in this forest biome is the ship

Fart huh I got the [ __ ] fart what creeper oh man creeper all right keep going this way um to find some diamonds to we’re over the stronghold now but um there will be somewhere around here there is a tunnel or we can just dig another one down on those coordinates

Because that’s the coordinates of the portal space is it in the rock or is it in the biome the tunnel yeah I think it was in the grass but I’m not sure it would be a it’s going to be a 2 by two opening in the ground what’s the coordinates let’s just

Dig straight down well be careful because when you you do that well not straight if you dig straight down you’re likely going to hit a Cave System first it’s really deep in which one of us which one of us brought the eyes vendor oh [ __ ] not me God damn [Laughter] it oh my

God you know what my digity is no more at this point okay in make us all Invincible okay I am right over the portal I am right over the portal here there we go all right okay but we will hit a cave believe we did well I have one iron pick left at

Half capacity I have a diamond pick get us get us down there you could just make a spiral dug earlier but yeah um well we’re gonna if we go down right away we’re going to immediately hit water is the other thing oh you’re right I mean I

Can we can look for a bit um wish we had Tre citator cuz then we could really I know I dug a tunnel it was somewhere in the forest you’re right because that’s where the ender eyes initially uh I reached I reached the edge of this rock

And the um and that was where the Eyes of Ender turned around so it would have been in this forest and I believe it was on like a flat clearing that I went down were you up on the hill or closer to the Rocks closer to the rocks

Was it through this cave right here found it yeah where the um dunk I can’t see my coordinates while typing negative 1886 and 249 oh y’all I just found like oh how many one two three four 12 glistening melons found where there’s a nether portal

Here oh oh [ __ ] well we already have all the healing potions we need Ian turn around Ian turn around it’s on the Rocks her her tunnel’s on the Rocks okay I gota find 1886 what 249 it’s over in the Rock Beach uh negative I see you 1886

249 Julie do you know where the Rock Beach is I’m working on it okay there you are over here get all this stuff off my screen okay all right we’re [ __ ] doing this oh are we going in okay let’s go we’re going In now this tunnel doesn’t lead into the stronghold itself or it does but it doesn’t lead into the portal room um it leads into another part of the stronghold and um I was trying to dig another tunnel out to the surface from the portal room which

Is not connected to the rest of the stronghold when I died that fair is dumb all right hold on before you go too far sorry I have to recover from getting sick bus yeah there’s a library right here nice all right guide the way Emily I don’t know at this point um I

Think it was somewhere in this direction but it has to go through a cave so I have the coordinates 197 1897 191 so we’re at 1880 so it’s in this direction no it’s not it’s the direction it’s in this direction yeah it’s off you you went through you went into this

Chest yes I did okay so uh uh hang on 215 1890 we’re almost there there’s a cave over here where there’s a cave entrance over here too I this is looking familiar just slow down and let me figure this out do we lus him Lucas you here bud um I’m here

Bu physically or or mentally or one of one of the other uh I don’t I’m not is you you go back at the how close are we uh 160 we’re too far uh what’s your what’s your quarts right now hold on I’m getting parallel with it

1877 okay so if I’m I’m going to dig through this wall and we should hit it Lucas yeah where’d you go [ __ ] where did and Lucas go I went to try to find Lucas but I okay I see Ian’s name okay this way oh [ __ ] I fell down the

Ho I fell down this is not it Z we might be below staircase here yall just did y’all just did this there’s a there’s a piece right here but I can’t tell what it what it is I don’t have a pickaxe oh that’s a silver

Fish great did you what was the Z AIS on that negative oh yeah we were we were we below it yeah I found it I got it yay all right oh my God it really is disconnected from everything yeah it’s not connected to any other part of the stronghold let’s go let’s go

Boys we whoa who whoa whoa everybody stop stop stop stop stop I know what oh God we’re on an island whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa we uh we hey guys we totally forgot to set our respawn anchors in the Overworld we sure did we did all right well I have um

Don’t turn around go get off this bridge go oh get onto the get onto the mainland okay I see him her okay uh we need to get rid of the beacon yep okay uh how do we get rid of the beacon shoot him shoot him oh very good

Shot God I’m [ __ ] killing it today y’all somebody’s got to deal with the ones in the bars um where’s the dragon itself I don’t know oh there it is what oh there’s an Enderman help help help I’m on it if stop running stop running no it’s

Get why did you tell me to stop running because I couldn’t oh oh this is bad who else still here fck I’m teleporting back in sounds good make sure you resp your items nobody else is nobody else’s inventory is being kept and what is this cloud of purple [ __ ] on the ground it’s

The dragon breath it’ll hurt you oh the dragon is actually here it’s just hovering over the exit portal it does that okay who all is not here me jie I can’t see this is what I was worried about I can’t look more than 5T in any direction without pissing an ender

Off oh my God if I am if I am um hit a beacon and I’m right up close to Emily be careful it it might uh it explod definitely okay um I hear the noises like they’re pissed off at me but the dragon itself just

Like Eed me off a cliff or something and I have no idea what it did there’s inventory and I don’t know who it is I don’t know has like string and eggs I mean I’ll pick it up cuz I mean might be better than did anybody else die or was it just

You and me it was just me and I didn’t keep any of my stuff so okay here are are all the beacons down no not like there’s just one left where is it oh it’s up there oh [ __ ] this is so high up got it

Nice got it all right I’ll stop where is where is the dragoning it run where is the Dragon okay we got to climb for that one I’ll get it around where is the [ __ ] dragon I can’t I don’t see it anywhere do you have shaders on yes oh

It might be really dark without the shaders I’m I turned them off okay I can see it now it’s oh it’s like flying out of my render distance and disappearing it does that sometimes cuz it it makes a fog yeah no it’s no it’s not that it’s

Like it’s it’s just ding after it goes a very short distance away from my screen it just completely disappeared fly at me this is what you do isn’t it I think it’s changed I okay I I shot it with an arrow and the arrow just lit on fire and fell

Yeah the arrows don’t do [ __ ] okay then what are we supposed to do about it does it not fly bir stuff anymore no I don’t think it does what the [ __ ] I mean it’s an Ender Dragon so I understand why it’s not taking damage this is this has worked every

Other oh just saw it damage it’s taking damage from something it’s is it in ible while it uses the breath attack uh yes I think so that sounds definitely not flying through the map and hitting the beds like I thought it would whoa where are you at Jacob I just was

Coming down the last Tower don’t know what to do I can’t damage it we we exploded all of the um the crystals right yeah all the beacons are down okay but I can’t it’s not going after the you have to you have to blow up the BS yeah well normally it’s supposed to

Fly through it and there we go except it doesn’t look like Dage uh whose inventory is this I’m going him get y all juice oh I’m not I would I’m on the other side of the map you hit it with a sword I think while it yeah that are all over the

Place you got the yeah you should be able to like one or two shot insta jib by all these if I don’t stop if I stop running for like two seconds fair enough like that that’s okay it’s you know it’ just be like that if you um you know what you

On when yes we started the server well it’s working for me but it’s not working for anybody else yep very strange the is I can’t see it like if it goes more than 20 block walk away from me disappears Jacob living a [ __ ] MLG pro right

Now and he’s just [ __ ] killing it I need help now though cuz I have a bunch of Endy man on me yeah we all do there’s no one around to help turn around and face your fears young man how many are behind me I don’t know where you are three I’m going to

Die we we’ve all died like four times whoa hey we’re we’re chopping up that Health block on the Ender Dragon though yeah I land if I can get it to land I can bad bomb it God damn it this [ __ ] crossbow it’s just one oh okay my well no it my

Crossbow I was trying to raise my shield and my crossbow just kept retrying to reload MH and now I have to figure out where my inventory is and because it of course did not save Fair Dragon knows the Ender Dragon knows I’ve got enough beds left to kill it if

I can find it Emily come pick up this uh this cool stuff over here that fell on the ground I my inventory is oh [ __ ] that jie come pick up this cool [ __ ] that’s oh there he is oh God [ __ ] I have no idea where my stuff went there it

Is okay well I guess uh my inventory was woo we did it Luke is by inal game design what L what killed you uh I I used the bed at the Ender Dragon okay yeah all right [ __ ] well that’s pretty neat yeah Jacob jump in the portal so you can watch the

Credits isn’t there like a conversation yes there is okay yay we bad at video game we but we did it anyway all right well and time uh thanks for watching everyone this was a nightmare um but it was a fun nightmare uh I hope you enjoyed our

Stream I hope that you join us for the next one where we for probably a little bit less time than this one took uh like comment subscribe send a DM to G fuel on Twitter and tell them that you want them to sponsor us because I they’ve stopped responding to our

DMS um make sure to uh tell your friends and loved ones that you love them spay and neuter your pets uh go outside And drink your drugs oh whoa whoa who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa it work a million others touch a poison ivy plant and then touch your genitals what no good night night everybody good night should I stop streaming yes please

This video, titled ‘The Quest to beat Minecraft In One Night /// AV Cable Club’, was uploaded by AV Cable Club on 2023-11-26 06:24:35. It has garnered 44 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 06:56:53 or 25013 seconds.

#minecraft #skibiditoilet #blackfriday #smallbusinesssaturday #youtuber #gaming join us as we try desperately to beat Minecraft from scratch in one night! It’ll be fun for us, at least. Tell us in the comments which YouTubers are better than us so we can put them in the microwave

  • KinKi Kids’ Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab?

    KinKi Kids' Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab? In KinKi-Socialist Minecraft, KinKi Kids-15 shines bright, Broadcasting news in Swedish, keeping it tight. With Channel AW by its side, the duo takes flight, Delivering updates with all their might. From Primetime quizzes to real money in sight, The channels’ logos gleam, a beacon of light. But when it’s time to close, the vignettes take flight, Based on Japanese YouTubers, a comedic delight. Failures and mishaps, a humorous sight, Different variations, each one just right. Weekdays, weekends, and holidays in sight, KinKi Kids-15 ends the day, with rhymes so bright. Read More

  • Pyramid Brawl: All The Mods 9 – Ep. 33

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  • 1300+ Iron/Hour: Minecraft 1.21+ Farm Tutorial

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Flag Challenge

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  • Surviving Hell Rock: Minecraft Series 1.21

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  • Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 – TLR’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

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  • Jackbhaiya’s Gamer Girlfriend

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Wild Ride

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  • Can’t Get Blaze Rods on Peaceful Mode?!

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  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

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    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

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  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

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  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

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  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

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  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

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  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP!!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More