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today beautiful people I upgraded Spider-Man to Venom here’s how I did it here’s a chest of Spider-Man challenges if we’re able to defeat everything inside of this chest will be able to evolve into Venom and then eventually Ultimate Spider Venom be sure you guys stick until the end to see that Bo spoter spoter spoter spoter my Spidey senses are tingling boys so our first ability is just web shooters which I think I could use in order to wiggle my way around the entire Minecraft world bro this looks so weird why is my doing the worm we can also use special webbing wao we created a web cage and I forgot to mention that our damage is through the roof and we can also increase our skill levels so as we continue to kill more mobs and bosses we’ll be able to level up and then eventually once we hit the max level we’ll evolve into Venom combat mode allows me to use both of my fists at once instead of just one singular fist what’s up witch you want to get double fisted I feel bad our next ability is called a kick back flip who oh my God that was awesome can I do it again no okay it looks like I can only do one kick back flip never mind I lied it just takes a little bit to recharge I just realized too we have a bunch of different special types of webs what is this one do oh my goodness oh it’s a web grenade it toots out a tiny web that just explodes into a massive web cage we can also do a roundhouse kick what bro we turn into Jackie Tan let’s try it again I’m about to kick This Witch in the kneecap sadly it doesn’t do that much damage oh wait if I get close enough it does 10 damage that’s insane we can kick everything to death today with my foot let’s try to use a sweep kick all right it was kind of effective it only did 10 attack damage so we need to figure out a way to freeze the creeper oh wait a second okay I use another one of my special webbing it was the electrification webbing it does 10 attack damage and it also sticks to the creature that you shoot at and then it just electrocutes it that’s pretty epic and then my special ability is one called Web barrage where I just shoot out webs they do so much damage okay how do I can I can I stop it okay cool that was awesome special weaping oh what okay all right that special weapon does nothing special webon oh fire webs I think I could also use poison webs yeah look it works and then last but not least I think these might be electrification webs once again oh no they’re icy webs wait that’s insane so it slows down anything that it hits for right now let’s try to use the web grenade there we go now that it’s trapped we can go in with a kick back flip yes sweep kick roundhouse kick excuse me sir I’m trying to wiggle so that I could quickly turn into venom eventually oh my goodness wait I think I figured out how to use it this is so broken I could just wiggle everywhere this dude has no idea what’s happening right now and neither do I kick this is the last of the MS boys let’s use our web barrage oh we’re back up into a corner hopefully this works that barely did any damage we desperately need to upgrade into the Venom Suit I’m just going to try to kick everything to death this suit doesn’t have really any cool abilities other than kicks we’re taking a beating right now I’m just going back and forth between my roundhouse kick and my sweep kick roundhouse sweep back flip okay let’s try to lock them all in one single place which that actually work and then we could use our ultimate ability web barrage yes it’s doing so much damage this is the last one we kicked him in the shin wait guys what’s happening oh that’s why I felt kind of weird I think it’s time to munch on some mobs Venom is bigger can jump higher and has a ton of the same abilities as Spider-Man we can wiggle I don’t know why this looks so funny where let’s see how much damage we can do okay so we do 10 attack damage per actual hit with our Venom claw but we also have tons of brand new abilities one of them being tentacle choke okay anything that touches my tentacle literally starts to die what about uh arm blades yep that looks good we do a little bit more damage and we could also cause bleeding in anything that we touch one of my abilities is literally just called tongue oh right right that was amazing look at [Laughter] [Music] it bioorganic energy blast not enough energy stored how do I store energy wa okay I didn’t figure out how to use that ability but I can use Arm grab in order to pull anything towards me and I could also bite them by the way if any of you guys want to try this out for yourself I’ll leave a download link to the mod that I’m using in the description of this video it was just recently updated so that’s why there’s a ton of brand new abilities and also new super Pursuits next up is the Wither boss we need to use one of our abilities called flight creation so that we’re actually able to go and do damage to it wait the wings look so much better than they used to oh this is insane wa all of my tentacles just attacked wait a second I actually might be able to use my entanglement ability yes I can where’ the Wither boss go I can tickle it let me tickle you it’s down into melee mode boys oh this is over that wasn’t even close of a battle Bop Venom’s looking kind of spooky right now boys and Bessie’s looking kind of delicious don’t worry Bessie I’m not going to eat you I was just thinking about it next up we have a mantis well that was fast what about a criminal w Wait a second I just got smaller and wait I turned back into normal I always forget the criminal is able to steal the armor that you’re wearing and it could also steal any item that I’m holding as well it’s a politician boys we’re going to need to take him out he’s throwing all of the items in his belly give me back my items all right we managed to get them all back oh my goodness that was the bioorganic energy blast so I think it may work like black panther suit where I may able to absorb any energy and then I could just unleash it we could also try to use our entanglement with our special ability that normally does the most amount of damage that’s insane it’s literally just like a giant laser finally we killed it that giant foot looking snake did not want to die last up we have to defeat the Robo Warrior then we’ll unlock the brand new special Venom Spider-Man suit does this thing make bouncy noises whenever I hit it I completely forgot about that I thought this battle was going to be serious but no I’m going to give you tickles I’m literally using my tongue to lick him we’re slicing and dicing him boys yes boom in your face wait I just transformed back to normal maybe Bessie knows why I didn’t transform into Venom Spider-Man Bessie what’s going oh what just happened wait do you guys see this right now it worked it actually did so it looks like we still have the abilities of Spider-Man but we also have combined the abilities of Venom we could still tentacle choke I have to test this out let’s spawn in some Runners we do the most damage just did 20 damage in one single punch okay let’s try spawning in some spitters and then let’s try out uh tentacle choke it still works we also have a Venom Shard ability so we could throw out A Shard that just slices anything in front of me that just came out of my hand since we are still Spider-Man we could use a roundhouse kick or a Spider-Man slingshot wa we just did the what no way that ability is sick we literally shoot webs forward and come in kicking and wiggling and then if I want to sneak up on some unsuspecting Jedi I can just transform back to normal can I still use my abilities wait I can that’s a little bit too overpowered can I still use my tactical choke okay it transforms me back to normal Venom Shard oh my gosh he just deflected that back between my eyeballs sorry bud you don’t stand a chance I am ultimate Venom Spider-Man and I have the ability to roll epic taking a nice little dip in the pond over there bud not today I’m going to add in some Sith Masters and then we’re going to use venoms ultimate ability area of entanglement oh my God that is crazy we can tickle them all to death and they’re all literally stunned psycho Steve stands no chance oh wait I can go combat mode and look at my claws that is terrifying the last challenge we have is Lady Cella oh my goodness bro this is crazy okay wait we didn’t use an ability called symbios rage I think it just might make me even more powerful and then we could use all of Venom’s abilities once again we can choke anything and then I think I can throw a Shard immediately after I just realized to I can break blocks super easily honestly this wasn’t much of a fight it’s not your fault you were fighting a Venom Spider-Man [Music] God whoa my body’s shrinking I’m getting tidy I have turned into a blob I am now squishy squishy squish squish squishy squish squish so I’ve actually been turned into a symbiote which I can then use to become venom the only problem is I need 10 more symbiotes and then I can combine them together in this symbiote chamber then I’ll be able to mutate them into the different types of Elemental Venoms the only problem is I don’t know where to find the more blob creatures like myself when I find them though I can put them in these empty tubes wait do you guys hear that somebody’s coming from the sky I see it over there look at it oh my gosh it just crashed down right over there let’s wait our way and see what it was oh this is perfect it’s a bunch more symbiotes hello my brethren I need you to get inside of this tube so that we can combine our power together and turn into Elemental Venom there’s three we’ll get four five there’s another meteor that just came down over in the distance this little symbiote is so cute it’s just wiggling its tail Let’s Wiggle our way over to the explosion wait no they’re all drowning get inside of my tubes tube tube tube yes I think we have 10 in total now now the only thing left to do is put them all in this chest and then Bessie will combine B them together to create a Mega Tube filled with all of the Symbiotes let’s see if it actually worked there’s a Venom symbiote right in the center Bessie if I had lips right now I would kiss you right on the face let’s put down the Venom symbiote inside it worked symbiotes are extraterrestrial parasites that envelop their hosts creating a parasitic bond with their mind which they can influence feeding on their host emotions symbiots will often cause their host to do terrifying Feats in order to feed off their adrenaline and pheno fenamin phen I am not a scientist so we can either reject it or we can mutate it which is how we make the elemental Venom let’s do it wait a second it just turned green I wonder what type of Venom this is Let’s test it out in 3 2 1 my little symbiote is glowing wait a second what’s that sound that sounds a little bit too scary W what’s going on oh I just turned into a giant green Venom this has to be the poison Venom let’s test out some of my new abilities W I can just spit out balls of acidic goo oh that’s disgusting I can also throw out little tiny poisonous meatballs if I’m able to beat all of the poison challenges then I’ll be able to upgrade into lightning then fire then air and then the mystery Elemental venoma stick until the end to see what that is our first challenge are cave spiders what happens if I just punch the cave spider do they just die I am so strong that I can just crush them with one fist let’s try shooting it with my acid spit oh oh my gosh that is effective that spoter just got melted alive our next challenge is zombie pigman what’s up guys how’s it going I think I just bit him W I didn’t realize I had more than those abilities I can jump super high and then I also have this like tickle ability that holds them down while I run around and just punch them I feel like I am way too overpowered and we’re only the first Elemental Venom one witch two Witch three witch four witch Five Witches how many witches does it take to defeat a Venom I think they’re all just damaging themselves I’m not even affected by poison since my entire body is already poisonous poison me eat poison me PS can the witches get poisoned too I don’t know if this is working could you guys just stop throwing potions at me for 2 seconds I am not even affected they’re trying to throw poison at me but I am poison I am unfazed lurking Terror what is that thing and where did that crawl out of oh that thing is disgusting I wish I had a flamethrower right now I would burn that thing alive what I can try is my ultimate ability so every single Venom will have their own special attack that does insane amounts of damage let’s test it out in 3 2 1 what I just ate it alive I took it and I crunched it with my mouth that probably did not taste good this is the final challenge if I can beat this giant overgrown Fern then I’ll be able to upgrade into the next Elemental Venom hi how you doing what the heck did you just lick me I’m going to spit at you it doesn’t seem super affected I think it also might be resistant to poison what about poison Me bows no that didn’t work either can I bite you I’m going take a chop out of your body this giant plant has more protection than I thought when it goes into this cocoon stage I’m not able to hit it what am I going to do it opened up again let’s try to eat it in one single bite that seemed to do the trick so now if I go back over to this symbiot chamber and right click on it I should be able to mutate my body into the next element oh yes guys we did it I’ve now morphed into lightning Venom well let’s see what lightning Venom is able to do oh my gosh I could do that I think that should be enough to stop anything in my path I could also shoot out these Symbio shards it’s almost like Batman’s Batarang except it’s made out of a symbiote welcome everybody to my pool party thanks for coming Joe Jimmy Jeff John and jeffina you guys are looking awfully nice today in your bathing suits it would be a real shame if a lightning storm came and destroyed you all oh my gosh this is the most overpowered Venom yet this is my jacuzzi of death lightning lightning Ling I am destroying my pond but it’s so worth it this is insane die 360 lightning it adds extra power to the lightning Let’s test out some of my other abilities one is called a symbiote Wave Wait I just shot out a little ball of electricity right at the sea Viper it was nowhere near as cool as my thunder attack how is this thing still walking around I guess we’re going to have to get our hands dirty come here we’re throwing hands with the SE Viper the sea Viper is a little bit stronger than I thought die I accidentally electrocuted myself but it was worth it it supercharged the lightning and we destroyed the sea Viper what else does Bessie have for us that is a really tiny looking creature did you just bite my th nail do you want to die lightning venom does not appreciate you biting me thank you is that a whale what kind of whale is that I’m so sorry whale we’re going to have to electrocute you lightning venom does not like whales he’s more of a turtle guy I guess wait what the whale just turned into a dragon nah this is not happening not today I’m going to go see if I can CHP it come here oh I choed it and look I electrocuted it too oh I think I just blew up myself let’s try out our ultimate attack lightning storm oh my goodness did you guys just see that let’s try it again that is deadly I don’t know how this thing is still surviving yo my dude what did you do what did you eat for breakfast this morning your entire body is like 80% water so you should be electrified by now oh yep he’s dead I got him he dropped a lot of fish the next element is fire let’s try this out we’ll hit mutate in 3 2 one oh yes we have become fire Venom I am about to burn everything in sight I really want to figure out what the final Venom is so we need to move through the fire challenges Blaze Blaze Blaze Blaze Blaze hey guys how’s it going yeah I think I just ate all of your Fireballs as fire Venom I don’t take any fire damage I can just stay land in this lava block forever I wonder if my fire is more powerful than their fire I hear them taking damage oh my gosh wait I’m killing blazes with fire they say never to Fight Fire with Fire but it seems to be working rather well in my scenario no we just burned all the blazes he what the flip is that are those cats N I stand corrected that is not anything close to a cat I think I may need to get my eyes checked this is a good opportunity to test out one of our more powerful new moves the tickle ability this is like a super version of our previous tickle ability it reaches longer and it tickles harder and it was also super effective against all of those bugs oh wait a second I can throw fire meatballs yes fire meatballs fire meatballs I don’t actually know if these do any damage I’ve never had a meatball throwing at me so I don’t know if it actually hurts if you have comment down below and let me know because I have no clue but what I do know is that the giant zombie burned to death as he was trying to kick me that’s why you don’t mess with fire Venom our next challenge is also made up of fire it’s the caoi what other abilities do I have whoa oh my God I just pulled you and you flew can I do other cool things as oh I just sliced the kyobi and now it’s bleeding oh I just punted the Cobi yo fire Venom’s actually way more powerful than I thought he’s kind of a Savage and then obviously I can use my flamethrower ability where I just summon in Flames from my mouth I’m like Charizard and Venom combin together also I just realized that I’m the same color as Carnage but I don’t really have many Carnage abilities make sure you guys leave a like if you want me to play as Carnage in a future video but for now we will use the power of fire Venom to Flame this dude to death I can also try my tickle ability my fire T ability oh that is a beautiful combo that the caoi was not able to survive oh my gosh it’s a giant bug call the Exterminator ASAP see we got bug infestation now that we completed all of the fire Venom challenges we can upgrade to air Venom 3 2 1 Let’s mutate oh why did my face just become so much scarier it looks like I haven’t slept in 9,000 Years also white venom is commonly referred to as antivenom except today I don’t think we’re playing as antivenom oh my goodness nope this is definitely air Venom we just made wings and we can now fly all around the other Venoms were not able to move like this what else can we do we could charge up an attack oh wait a second we could just like spawn in a gust of wind wait that’s crazy we need to test this out I have found a Tyrannosaurus Rex this will be our first test subject for air Venom 3 2 1 and that didn’t really do anything let’s try it out again in 3 2 one oh it’s starting to do damage now you really have to charge this up we’re also able to make a shield ability so it seems like air Venom is a little bit more on the defensive side oh we can also just summon in a gust of air that I think confuses any mobs that it hits wait what air venom has the ability to spawn in webs so if we want to we could just wiggle everywhere that we go wiggle wiggle wiggle die boom Another ability is web cocoon which traps the mobs wherever they’re standing that way I can go in and do major damage we did it we actually took down the T-Rex at the end of this video make sure you guys comment down below your favorite Elemental Venom hello what the heck what in the Star Wars are you do you want to be my friend do all right you want to fight are you dead that was it he’ barely even put up a fight oh my gosh it’s the flipping attack helicopter okay we’re going to need our wings back we’re going to have to figure out a way to bite it midair I’m going to use my shield to defend myself from the Rockets and the bullets oh we can use our tickle ability yes we’re tickling it to death we’re on top of the helicopter we’re taking it down yes it just exploded that is the last thing you should have done now your death will be long I will make it painful now the Wither can’t even get away from me oh never mind I ran out of wings this is awkward don’t worry puppies I literally just pulled him in with my web I’m latched onto him and the best part is I have my wings back oh it is over for the Wither sorry about that puppies uh you guys can just kind of like take a seat I know I don’t look normal but it is I spec bro Jack your dad yeah I don’t know if they recognize me guys we did it we can upgrade from Air Venom into the mystery Venom all right here we go let’s mutate did I just turn purple how is this the best Venom our first challenge is against a bunch of creepers let’s test out my first ability what did I just spawn in a rocket from my mouth oh my gosh yes I did we are exploding the creepers what else do I have oh that is crazy I can summon in a nuclear beam from my chest I’ve kind of turned into Iron Man Venom with a skeleton with skeleton hey how’s everybody doing today let’s also test out my brand new special ability oo I have a nuke in my chest this is basically God Venom our next challenge is just a Wither boss are you kidding me I could just shoot it with a rocket and wait a second it also has all of the abilities of the other Venoms so I can fly and then I can shoot it with a nuke I possibly missed my nuke what other abilities do I have I just took a bite out of the Wither boss nuke I continue to miss all of my nukes why am I so bad oh I just nailed it another one of my new abilities is called camouflage where I can just go invisible as long as I stay still the Wither boss can’t see me and then I can sneak up on it and shoot a nuke at it I think we got him the final challenge of the day is Lady sella hi lady where’d you go lady oh my God oh my gosh I have some tricks up my sleeve too look at that look at that yeah I’m going I’m I’m going to tickle you to death I don’t know if that was effective what about arm blades die oh come here come here she keeps teleporting when in doubt nuke it out how did you just survive a nuclear explosion to the face yo this lady is kind of crazy excuse me lady I’m going to need you to chill oh yeah she’s definitely dead [Music] yo Bessie what’s up with this purple [Music] block my gosh wait a second are you wait this is a is this a troll I’m going to test it out ladies and gentlemen uh make sure you’re subscribed or else I don’t think it’ll work let’s do this in three 2 one baby b oh my gosh bro I thought I was getting strangled wait a second did it work I still have my hand oh I’m a little blob what the heck just happened besti you didn’t tell me that it was actually going to work okay ladies and gentlemen the next order of business is to find other simbiote baby Venom blobs like myself if I can do that and find enough of them I will be able to morph all of them together to turn into venom I hear a meteor Everybody Take Cover wait a second oh I think I’ve seen this before okay let’s go track that down that actually might be the Symbiotes I also just noticed too that I’m like really really fast and I also have like a double jump feature this is so weird okay it seems like this is where the meteor exploded um is there only okay there’s a couple other symbiotes wait this is weird look I actually have like a symbiote awareness where I can see things through blocks okay now I do have some tubes with me so I can bring them back and I can put us all in the Symbio chamber to morph together into Venom this is so weird I’m literally just like collecting my cousins okay now we’re all going to go morph together whoo whoo my symbiot senses are tingling hopefully I didn’t miss any okay here we have our Symbio chamber now I believe I just put the symbiot it’s in there there we go there it is okay so I’ve put all of them in there and it looks so weird now all I have to do I believe is just eject it into my body it says it’s been ejected but something’s different about this one okay now if it worked and I learned transformation correctly we should be able to hit this Y what did I just do guys I think it worked I have combined the Symbiotes to become venom okay before I can evolve into Carnage and then antivenom which is like the god version of Venom I have to defeat just a few challenges by the way ladies and gentlemen if you guys do want to see another episode where I try to beat Minecraft as God Venom I need you guys to go ahead and leave tons of support by dropping likees I need you guys to drop likes like like ginormous nuclear boms just explod it you see these fighs right here I’m going to show you guys yep just do that to the like button just take your string and slap it I’m actually way too overpowered okay let’s see if creepers can explode me even a little why did the creepers all come apart I’m honestly getting super excited I played as Carnage and also antivenom before and some of their abilities are crazy overpowered punch you wait a second these are the first guys that I can’t kill in One Singular Venom punch that’s okay though I’m not really too concerned because you guys are just splashing me with potions now if I can defeat all of these challenges and become Carnage I should unlock so many brand new abilities like one of them is actually just to turn my hands into ginormous battle axes let’s just go ahead on a rampage here look at my Fist of Fury I am sending the mobs to outer space what just happened why did they go up like a volcano okay we’re going to we’re going to slice you slice you and slice you Venom already is super overpowered what you say what’s what’s up what’s going on with that with the sword I don’t want the sword anymore that was weird okay we officially are on to the Enderman these guys have 40 Health let’s see if I can do a crit that does 40 okay so a critical hit does 27 with this sword it does 33 Venom is so overpowered I actually cannot wait to try and defeat Mobzilla as God Venom okay next up we have Iron Golems each one of these bad boys has 100 health and I’m doing 33 per hit maybe 34 no it’s literally it’s just 33 over and over again with my regular fist too I can spam it venom has Fists of Fury and I can just keep smashing let’s go the last challenge before I can evolve into Carnage is my old friend big boy zombie you have met a match your own size he’s a little bit bigger than me I’ll give him that he’s got ginormous shoulders but he does not have the power of Venom this is so much fun he’s going to get up uh just a couple times but do not worry I will punch him back down each and every time stay down buddy stay down don’t you do it just just eat a cookie and stay down just take a nap boy zomb asaurus just you really got to stop getting up every time without fail you get back up and I will punish you for it but ladies and gentlemen every single Venom challenge has been completed so I should be able to use the simbiote chamber in order to evolve into Carnage let’s see if this worked no way that is so cool I have other abilities as well look at this I can use my symbiote to like create a ginormous symbiote Shield I can leap yes I don’t even break my legs either before I get too carried away let’s make sure that we’re still fighting through these challenges so that I can become antivenom we got leaf leaf has been chopped what are these Kingpin oh my gosh armored thugs they have guns unfortunately for them my entire body can just absorb these for days what else do we have something called entanglement yes yes I became the Tickle Monster let’s go you guys are standing no chance this is crazy let’s go okay another building that we have is arm blades yes ginormous battle axes I believe these do even more damage than my normal punches yes they definitely do I’m definitely going to need this against Mobzilla another ability I want to test out is arm grab what okay all right I think I grabbed him I didn’t okay he did not appreciate me grabbing him what about a bite can I bite you I definitely bit him and he started teleporting oh he did not like that let’s Shield while all these things are attacking me yes and now Tickle Monster is back oh no he did not like the Tickle Monster I don’t even know where I am can can somebody unblind me please I’m getting attacked okay there we go I wish I could use my like symbiotic awareness in order to see when I’m blinded but apparent I can’t uh okay I’m just going to have to focus my senses I’m actually I’m just going to LEAP into the air that was probably not the best timing but I think it worked okay we’re going for the arm blades and we’re just going to slice this dude hey where’d he go buddy oh hey buddy how you doing yes oh I killed him let’s go and I leap away this is just too easy wait did I kill him oh my gosh I didn’t he faked me out okay now I killed him now we leap away is it working did I I don’t think I leap Leed away I’m a little bit worried about the caoi uh since I don’t know how uh symbiotes do against fire I think that is one of my only weaknesses so let’s take care of this guy pretty quickly let’s use our ginormous hammer and we’ll take care of this guy just like I take care of cookies extremely fast what about a water dragon oh this is an actual boss fight don’t worry buddy I’m going to tickle you too wait a second the Tickle Monster ability does barely any damage against this water dragon he’s sounding off his alarms I’m going to use my shield ability that’s right you can’t hit me when I’m shielding let’s use our tentacle choke oh that is so cool I use my left arm to literally like lock this thing in one single place when he’s in the water he does way more damage so I need to take care of this guy fast I’m going to bite you I bit him yes I bit him to death Carnage is an absolute Savage there’s only two more challenges before I evolve again into God Venom okay we have this guy he’s chopping with his sword this is okay now I’m really hoping that God venom has access to some sort of a ranged ability cuz at the moment right now Carnage can’t really go super fast or that far unless I use my mega leap and it’s really difficult to hit things from far away like I think that dude just dipped he said I’m not dealing with a ginormous red monster so I’m going to leave what a pleb the final challenge we have is a criminal stay back oh wait wait the other dude’s back too okay I’m going to keep smashing you I don’t want this thing to get close if it steals my Symbio Powers I am so dead okay let’s use my my tickle ability you stay back or I will tickle oh my go she’s stealing my items yes it’s working it is working yo did I get him oh I definitely got him I thought I thought we dealt with you buddy get back I’m going to get my arm blades you asked for it come here come here I need to use my LEAP my Lea just didn’t work he’s running for his life we’re coming in we’re going to land right on top of this dude’s head I see you yes got him now I can evolve into Antietam here goes nothing y bro I’m so ugly that’s okay though I am massive I have huge muscles and I’m thick wait a second it seems like part of me was left behind it’s is that is that the the the Venom part so honestly that kind of makes sense for those of you guys that did not know Anti-Venom and Venom are actually related now Venom is unique in that it has all of the normal abilities of Venom but has insane healing powers as well let’s go ahead and test those out so the first challenge is literally just bombs I have an ability called healing I’m going to use it right now it’s AC um and I literally don’t think I can take damage it looks like it’s reloaded again I’m going to activate it um yeah these things are supposed to blow me up but they can my body just literally keeps surrounding itself with more symbiotes let’s try out a T-Rex let’s see if it can do any damage to me nothing absolutely nothing now I also have a brand new ability called a symbiote Shard which is an awesome ranged ability we have web cocoon which locks mobs if I can hit them another ability called flight creation which looks so cool this is easily my favorite ability the wings on this guy look so sick okay we’re just going to take this dude out it’s honestly I feel bad for the T-Rex this is going to be way too simple I could just Spam The Healing ability I just keep using it over and over again and I take no damage what about a a very ugly dinosaur never mind we’re not that that wasn’t even worth it what about a super cool bug this bug is boxing me we’re going to yeah that’s right take that bug how about a Wither boss let’s see if this can do any damage and no no no you stay back you stay away from all of my dogs uh I need to use my wings ASAP there we go there we go oh my gosh I’m taking this thing down we just keep going up this is so easy antivenom is so much stronger than the other two doggies no I know you guys can still sniff that it’s me but we’re about to fight something a tad bit bigger let’s go with a Robo Warrior okay this thing is actually really difficult to hit but as long as I keep spamming my healing ability I think there’s literally no chance that I die the only thing that might be able to kill me is Mobzilla so be sure to stick around for that battle another ability that I have is uh a web sling I think this just allows me to be like Spider-Man look at me go I’m a wiggle man I’m a part of The Wiggles now okay I’m getting a little bit carried away let’s use web cocoon to lock this guy in its place and then we’re going to use tickle ability but it’s it’s on steroids now the tickle ability goes everywhere now unfortunately I did lose out on my really cool battle axe arms I think that might be an ability only for Carnage but as long as I have my healing ability and also my really cool ginormous wings of amazingness uh I’m not really that mad I’m going to lock myself down with a couple webs just so I can’t get hit back super far this is totally working just as I expected Robo Warrior you have been turned into scrap nuts all right sweet the final challenge we have is Mothra I’m honestly not even worried I can turn into a giant butterfly myself look at me look how beautiful I am I will tickle you in the skies oh my bro I look so disgusting but at the same time I’m so overpowered supposedly inside my robot Rodney has made me some presents before I go try to battle Mobzilla uh I’m I’m a little big for my front door so we’re just going to have to wiggle ourselves in oh hey Rodney long time no see do you have oh Rodney has some cookies for me let’s go he said there’s some more in the chest sweet Don’t Mind If I Do looks like we have some more over wait a second there’s none in this chest are you Ry why do you do this jokes on you I can’t die Bessie the next chance you get I want you to take Rodney right make him a little rocket ship and send him as far as you can maybe like into the sun let’s go ahead and grab our Global alert device and we can head over to the city to try and defeat Mobzilla we made it ladies and gentlemen here’s Mobzilla okay let’s see if I can withstand a hit I’m going to activate my healing ability to start we’re just going to move in oh no no no no no no no oh my gosh bro even with my healing ability and activated uh yeah it just I just got demolished this is bad ladies and gentlemen this is really bad well if I shoot you with webs how about I just I fired out of web did you like it oh wait a second I just realized Bessie upgraded my hammer to the Royal Guardian Sword let’s see if I can do any damage with this bad boy oh my gosh yes I’m actually able to push it back let’s go yo but I take so much damage I need to keep using my healing ability and also my flight that’ll be able to let me get really really close without getting hit I just have to watch out for the ginormous Fireballs too I am destroying so much of my city it’ll be worth it though okay web cocoon I really don’t think that does anything I have my arm blades out so I have three blades working for me right now and it’s doing such a great job okay healing ability has been and activated again there we go we’re actually able to throw around Mobzilla let’s go for a tickle I don’t think I’m going to get close in order to tickle momzilla or can’t we just be friends buddy I’ll tickle you you can shoot me with fireballs and we can have a grand old time do I even attempt to web swing I’m going to do it who Dowing it yes oh I’m dead I’m dead if I swing into him again I honestly don’t think Carnage or Venom would have been able to withstand a fight against Mobzilla the only reason I haven’t died yet is because antivenom has crazy healing abilities I’ve almost pushed Mobzilla all the way out of the city that is how powerful God anti venom is we only need like two more hits one more hit should do the trick let’s go come on on we can do this did I do it one more come on yo I almost just died there I’m using a web swing ability I’m going right for him it worked antivenom defeats [Music] Mobzilla so even though I am Venom ladies and gentlemen I still have to do the basic Minecraft things like punch trees I’m also going to need food Venom is technically speaking like two people combined into one right now I’m the host body but I’ve actually combined myself with a symbiote parasite from outer space so technically now I’m like part alien that is what gives me all of my amazing abilities but that does mean I need to eat for two separate people now also I forgot to mention in the intro that every single time I gain 10 levels I’ll get access to brand new abilities So eventually I should be able to get like wings and maybe even unlock some special abilities like my tickle ability where I could just like spawn in a bunch of tentacles and I start tickling things around me it does a lot of damage and is extremely effective now I really don’t think I’ll need weapons because I have these blades made out of my symbiotic arms the one thing I do have to worry about though is fire and also like sonic waves uh Venom is extremely weak to any sort of fire or like loud sounds so uh yeah I got to be careful creeper explosions could just destroy my entire body I also have a couple other abilities that I haven’t tested we have a symbiote Shard which just farts out this thing it’s like a knife but yeah as you can see one punch from this ginormous Hulk Spider-Man creature and you’re pretty much dead that’s right you’re dead boy I also still do have the ability to transform back I don’t know exactly why I would do that I still do have some abilities because Venom is still technically like a part of my body as you can see there’s a Creeper down there that is just one of my many abilities that’s I believe called symbiotic awareness I was really hoping that Venom would be strong enough to Mine Blocks but unfortunately he is not he is weak Boy so we’re just going to have to mine down ourselves I’m very curious if a creeper could do a lot of damage to me uh no we figured out the the answer is no and just like that I also stumbled across iron so we don’t have to worry about the new nether update and uh I don’t know if that helps us or hurts us but we are able to spam click okay can I can I fit out of here oh waa I could just climb right out that is sick okay we should have enough to get a furnace going so I can actually feed both of my my my host body and also my Venom body and we can go ahead and grab this iron you would think that Venom would be able to see in the dark I kind of can by you know being able to see the mobs but I can’t really see like how to get to them oh sweet we got ourselves some Flint so we can make a flint and steel um another one of my abilities is a leap okay that just didn’t work I can cuss myself do I have a double jump ability I I kind of do it’s just my body is too thick to get out of here never mind okay what is happening can we just uh can we use my sticky body in order to jump our way out of here please why am I okay I’m just going to use my gravel to build like a normal human being there we go I am so smart 10 out of 10 the IQ that my IQ sometimes 10 out of 10 if I pull on my arm blades do I mine quicker uh no negatory I do not what is that what okay this symbiotic awareness is kind of creeping me out a little bit wait is that an Enderman hold on I think it might be that’s an Enderman this is perfect yes it is what’s up buddy you’re wait wait wow that is how powerful I am that’s crazy I just combusted the creeper look at their bodies just go they just go Boop and they’re dead I really need to find that Enderman though you see I can’t pull the dream tactic and just go to the nether to trade with the piglins we’re going to have to actually legitimately kill the Enderman now I hit the Enderman so like he should come back to fight me right waa okay this is sweet we have a ravine I honestly don’t know why why why am I going after iron I literally I don’t even need it what is this is this an ore I have elected box site I legitimately have no idea what that does my primary goal should be to get to level 10 every single time that I I I I get 10 more levels I will unlock brand new abilities and some of the abilities that I don’t have are actually going to be super useful Venom I’m literally never going to get tired of that let’s go ahead and try our leap ability I forgot how overpower that is if I can combine that with my wings when I officially become level 10 uh yeah I’ll be able to get get around this world so fast oh I see some things I will hit you with my I think that’s a blade do these wait these Just Bounce Off me wait a second I’m literally too powerful I don’t even need to use my shield I’m so sorry yeah you’re just you should probably just run no like seriously I will kill you you I’m going to use my arm blad I’m just going to slice you I just slice that dude okay I can also absorb hits from pretty much any anything bro that creeper did nothing I am Venom but like I feel way more powerful than just Venom these Minecraft Mobs do not stand a chance and B po bro chill you guys got to stop it don’t you dare that’s right stop coming near me I can see you guys you guys are lighting up red I can see you coming from a mile away dude stop you it doesn’t even do anything you just blew up your body for nothing these creepers man they’re going nuts I hear you zombie give me one sec I need to see what aluminum does it does nothing great okay let’s go ahead we’ll craft ourselves an iron pick and also I feel like I should have a sword I think that my damage multiplies because obviously Venom is really powerful but Venom with the sword is even more powerful that’s how this works right I mean I guess I won’t know until I fight something that’s a little bit stronger than these simplon mobs that are just plebs pleb [Music] aurus trash actually I’m going to keep killing mobs we’re almost level 10 kill you baby zombie okay you you definitely dead I don’t like you at all oh we got somebody coming out of the Woodworks wait where are you coming from is that the Ravine but you will make me level 10 boom boom now I can upgrade W it worked this is sick hold on I got to try this out yo this is op so venom has been upgraded uh now the next order of business should be to get to the nether but we should also take time to appreciate that oh I’m going to die no no no no no no no no no what I just I fell down to the ground so gracefully that was really unexpected actually I just dude I thought I was dead well this Pig’s dead though can confirm that let’s go for a leap o I love it bacon Parker bacon bacon o I want some fried chicken wait I got to be careful not to jump in there myself turn you to Fried Chicken get over here fried chicken I want some KFC give me KFC Hold Up Wait I can wait I can break blocks really fast wait am I how am I how do I do that wait what can I break stone whoa okay uh I think I actually upgraded myself to the point where yo I can break blocks so fast with a pickaxe it’s like instant that’s overpowered next order of business we need to find a lava pool la lava lava no okay I was going to I take no fall damage that’s actually so overpowered let’s use my beautiful butterfly Venom wings and we will fly around until we find the lava lava down there I don’t don’t think so I have a new ability as well called web cocoon okay I think I actually just like I just sharded on him I feel like I just disrespected his entire family so I have to kill the them I guess that’s the only reputable thing to do when you accidentally poop on somebody else and we move on we’re soaring flying going to kill everything that I see cuz we are Venom slicing you slicing her we don’t discriminate we slice everything zombie down below slice you too don’t worry I will come for you I see you no no no no no escaping no escaping what is this place you got here this place is kind of nice I like don’t you dare I slapped him so hard that he turned back to a normal zombie yes lava pool we have done it just have to make sure to not fall in it down we go no no dude that actually that does so much damage to Venom okay so if I fall in the nether into it’s like some lava pit I’m pretty much dead and just like that we have completed the portal I’m so good at Minecraft ladies and gentlemen okay here we go I can just fit my massive thick body in there no way we spawned directly in a fortress like that is crazy just have to worry about the hot lava down there I need pigs do you have pig sir no he did not have pig sir you know where pigs are okay you’re dead oh wait a second I don’t even need pigs I need this sweet we got one it’s a one hit ko. and it seems like they’re right up there okay let’s use our uh what do I want to use here do uh flight creation okay we’re we’re going to fly directly on top of them and we’re just going to kill kill him kill him kill him I’m going to die I’m lit going to fall dude I’m upside down okay no am am I no I’m not am I upside I can’t tell I literally have no idea what’s happening I need to destroy all this area we got to make sure stop flipping me upside down I’m like stuck bro my body was sticking to the ceiling this is going to be the most crucial part of the entire video okay we have four blaze rods that’s actually really really really good we will kill you you dead do die thank you now I should be able to web swing over oh God no oh no what have I done I need to I need I need to crawl crawl Jack crawl this is terrible this is actually terrible so yeah I uh I somehow died as Venom but that’s okay cuz I made it back to the Nether and all I have to do is figure out where the Fortress was and also obviously not jump into the lava if you know that wasn’t self-explanatory enough don’t know why my mind thought that web swinging in the nether was a good idea but it did and it wasn’t is this a fortress what is it this oh my gosh I think it is this time we’re going to be smart and we’re going to use our wings there we go now we’re using our brains and we have ourselves lots and lots of blazes boom Blaze spawner we are back in business ladies and gentlemen never mind bro okay okay fire is bad fire is terrible even though I don’t have full hunger though uh Venom still has crazy regen so I don’t have to worry about dying unless I take lots more fire damage please don’t hit me I’m going to try my tickle ability this normally does a lot of damage perfect I also just figured out too that venom does not really care what he eats so I can eat rotten flesh if I really have to well I have 10 blaze rods which I should be able to turn into 20 blaze powder uh if that’s not enough I honestly don’t know if I you know if I’m going to be able to beat the game but that should be enough now I just want to get lots and lots of rotten flesh and I can also use these swords in order to multiply my damage so it’s kind of a win-win well I think that should be good now let’s use our ginormous Wings to figure out how to get out of this awful place oh my my gosh I just found diamonds too there are chests everywhere here and we finally found the portal so now all I have to do is get some ender pearls oh what’s up baby oh get you butt over here no no no no wait come back I see you over here it looks so weird it has red eyes okay we got one ender pearl I guess that’s a good start oh spotted another one all right hopefully that should be enough we have 13 ender pearls that should give us 13 eyes of the Ender and now we can officially make our way to the end looks like we’re going this way boys this is amazing I can just fly over here we can do another little test one oh yeah it’s still in this direction we got a long ways to go wait a second do I have to cross this ocean hopefully it’s not too far okay it seems like we got some land over here oh no wait a second where did that just okay so it’s this way is it really under the ocean yep it’s right down there all right here we go uh it seems like Venom can actually breathe underwater which is kind of cool oh yeah I see silverfish dude we’re literally right on top of the portal and it just got really dark uh let’s plug this up we’ll break this with my bare Fist and it’s a good thing we got a lot of eyes of the Ender because we barely have any in here there we go okay this is it let’s see how fast we can beat the ender dragon as Venom I feel really bad for the Ender Dragon uh it has no idea what’s coming I can fly too okay first of all I’m going to try to kill it without actually breaking any of the end crystals bro bro I do so much damage this is sick let’s try to use my special ability dude oh my gosh it’s doing a ton of damage back to me I actually need to be careful if it hits me like four times I’m dead stop get get your dragon butt away from me there’s actually a lot of end crystals okay hopefully I don’t die when I do that nope we’re good so I can crawl up all of them why is it exploding let’s use my oh gosh I don’t really know what to use right now uh okay that was bad why is it that there’s so many more end crystals than I remember I think that might be all of them now all I have to do is just follow it oh my gosh it’s faster than me no this is so cool though okay can I hit it with a Sy Shard oh my gosh it goes straight through it I’m just going to have to use brute muscle strength which is honestly really effective I could also use my Whirlwind ability there we go we do a little wiggle and I should be able to hit while I’m wiggling it’s just slightly difficult to control that’s fine though we can also try a leave I can’t even see what did I just do well seems like this is the most effective method we’re just going to drag it down and we’re going to punch what is it my stuff’s here I can grab a sword hey back it up you see I don’t have really any range attack so I just have to wait for the Ender Dragon to come down or I just have to keep going up there we go there we go yes oh wait there is a crystal still oh I got to get this don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die oh gosh yes come on we can do this yo yes my sword broke on the last final hit this was [Music] epic [Music] all right Beck another day at block Labs dude I want from us yeah I don’t really know Bessie kind of just sent me here she said that I’ll get my normal payment of cookies and that I should do whatever you guys need uh sure I mean I I don’t know what he wants from me he he seemed pretty like freaked out I don’t know why but like he seemed like he needed our help Dr Panic seemed kind of panicked interesting interesting mhm so I guess another day at block Labs hey uh wait Panic bot did you contact hey over here here why why are you shot why you shooting him no what the Dr Benning are you okay yo now you have a wait wait Who whoo whoo wo explain to us what is happening like the relax relax why do you need both of us I was messing up with Sy wait what huhuh and something broke wait and it got out what got out wait R this is not good do you know what a symbiote is uh I I know it has something to do with Venom right oh my gosh yes it’s possible he released Venom uh no no oh my gosh calm down Dr Panic it’s going to be okay calm down calm down Dr Panic I’m guessing we got to go through the port oh no Beck I don’t think you’ve been there have you wait where does the portal lead we got to go into the new city it it’s Dr panic’s second lap yo relax Dr he’s destroying his own we’re going to okay we’re here all right we we got to go okay let’s go let’s go let’s go I’ve never seen this seems pretty nervous don’t panic Panic Dr pic all right let’s do this what the heck happened here ra your Labs on fire uh talk to Dr Panic man like he what did you do Dr panic I feel like all you do is make us clean up your mess what is wrong with you man Dr Panic has no words he’s literally just panicking he he’s literally living up to his name relax relax relax going to be okay calm down Venom I don’t even see Venom I feel like he’s lying to us I don’t any signs of Venom yeah there’s literally just fire wait there there’s uh there’s two chests here with our names on it wait should we check this out all right yeah I’ll check out the left one wait Spider-Man wait iron spider I have iron spider and some chicken but more importantly iron spider wait hold on I have wait are we going to be like the Spider-Man meme are we going to be twinning dude we’re going to be pointing at each other okay okay ready let’s go ahead and put on our suits in 3 2 1 and here Spiderman yo wait do we look the same wait no we’re different wait we look a little different you look like the Tom Holland version I look like the Comic version oh yeah I’m the MCU version dude this this is uh this is pretty nice but hey we’re twinning though very similar ability W dude I got some hops now I could dunk over Shaquille O’Neal if I wanted oh my go dude I can finally dunk I can finally crazy wait I just got so many abilities Dr Panic give us these suits I have no idea he said something about you know Venom destroying his City or like oh he said he was experimenting with symbiotes or something right and and like oh that’s what Venom is made out of Venom is a symbiote wait wa wait that that that makes a lot of sense like look at his lap it was on fire wait yeah wait he just punched us wait he’s he’s looking over here he’s looking over in the distance you good Dr Dr Panic what’s up do you see that you see Venom wait wait wait Dr Panic stay stay back stay back come back come back yo yo we do not want you to die man maybe this is why you need our help we got you we got you wait that’s Venom he wasn’t kidding right you know we got to take him down we have to defeat the crime uh I mean we have our abilities our iron spider abilities I’ve never been iron spidery before have you uh only like once or twice I’m kind of a professional iron spider lead it lead the way man lead the way we got to take him down no DOD pic get back get back get back dude all right all right Venom you’re I’m trying to punch all right I’m punching him I’m punching him I’m going to use my busting out my Waldos we’re going to wdo this man oh he doesn’t stand a chance there there’s two of us just one of him go oh dude this is going to be easy trick easy not the hole D I’m coming to get you oh my dude we also have special weon I got CAU I got CAU I’m stuck help me I got you I got you I hit him back I bought you some time don’t worry oh my gosh okay I think the suits are protecting us a lot cuz like I thought I would have died usually yeah looks like his health pops up on the screen too we’re doing a pretty good amount of damage him trying to run away oh he trapped me I’m going to use my oh gosh wait I’m going to bind him I’m going to bind him wait wait I’m going to use my web to get out of here uh I’m going to use my special oh gosh I’m wiggling away my special webing once again hey Venom back away back away right now I’m flying in don’t worry I’m using my web shooters watch out watch out what is it do pic he got Dr just died oh gosh what we I got to use my special weaping oh I got him I got him I B he tried flying away wait wait I’m going to try to latch on I missed I missed wait I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying oh where is he going oh I’m trying to latch on to him but he goes Super you have like seven webs shooting out of you oh my God wait I’m pulling but like it’s not going to him we got to keep up with him I have wings so I should be able to fly after him okay okay oh no how do you let go of your webs man I have like seven different shift hit shift click I’m right on his tail okay okay ow dude I had like six different webs out where’s he at where’s he at he’s on top of this building dude he just SP in a bunch of Pigman iude oh my gosh wait yeah I’m I’m up here with him I need your back up I’m coming I’m coming him with the roundhouse kick I’m here I’m here I’m here he’s trapping me him back off back up oh oh he got me my armor taken beating I’m punching him I’m punching him right in the kidney I’m going to use my uh I’m going to use my special web on it oh I missed I got his uh Pigman I got his Pigman brute on accident Pigman are fighting him all right let’s use they’re fighting back okay I defeated all the Pigman it’s just us and Venom some good work wait who is that right there is that Dr Panic where is Dr panic I thought he died Dr panic’s back I thought Dr pan oh he’s running away wait wait wa we don’t have time for this uh okay okay time to use our web shooters and get out of here oh no no where is he did you find him uh uh he ran away man I’m com oh he’s flying away he’s stuck in his own webs he’s stuck in his own webs look at him look at his big ID can’t get away oh he’s down here now hey get down here he’s dangling get down here I’m going to use my roundhouse kick on him he’s like a nice piece a juicy steak that’s stuck on his own webs what a scrub I’m dying I’m dying yeah I need to run away my armor is taking a beating oh wait let me check my armor oh crap my durability is going down he’s just flying away I’m only about at half durability we need to make sure that we keep track of him wait I I think I think Venom’s going on top of that giant building wait I’m going to try to I’m trying to scale it this thing is crazy big though okay I’m jumping up I made it to the building like right across to it okay uh I’ll try my best to get there oh okay yeah I’m right across he’s on top of the giant building dude I’m trying that thing is super high up um I’m going to try to shoot another web I’m waiting for you on like the building next to it just so that we don’t go in without each other really high up okay I’m going to try to go onto the smaller ones okay yeah that’s what I did just like climb up the the tiny buildings and then you can get to the top one I’m just going to scope them out yep I’m going to go to that one right there there we go I’m so high up I literally can’t even see you oh no I see you down there to panic right now wait where are you right now see me up here oh you’re on that one okay uh let’s see if we can get to the building he’s on all right he’s on that one right from here yeah we should be able to sneak attack Venom I don’t see him anymore though oh he’s not uh I’m going to try to get on top still wait uh my my Spidey senses are going off though he might okay I’m going to try to scale the wall oh gosh wait I think I see him wait I think that’s him he was behind you wait was he behind you I don’t know I’m looking around there’s my Spidey senses show that there’s something on this on this roof but I don’t know what it is I I need to I need to practice my web shooter skills it takes a while to get the hang up oh man he’s up in the clouds right oh I see him I see him coming down oh wait wait I I think he’s trying to Target us both like he’s trying to separate us or something I’m looking up here there’s a mutant zombie up here I think he may have spawned this in oh no oh he’s up here with me he’s spawning in Ms go oh gosh okay I’m going to try to get up there it’s I’m running down I’m waiting for you okay okay might take a while I’m trying to get up there I’m going to see if I can find you okay I’m there I’m coming woo I’m here I’m here wait there’s a giant creeper up here yeah we need to take them down I’m trying to creeper first all right uh I think he’s all the way up on the next level right there’s something up here it’s a giant mutant zombie that’s up here I’m coming I’m coming Dr Panic turned into Vision wait what oh so that’s what he was he was Vision yeah he’s literally he’s he’s firing some sort of laser from his gem all right I’m here I’m here oh there’s a mutant zombie right oh there’s vom up here too I’m going to fight the the mutant zombie we need to also keep I’ll I’ll get the zombie horde I’ll get the zombie H while you get going change my web let’s try this one oh god dude oh I’m sorry I think I accidentally hit you all right um let’s see I’m going to use dude where is Venom I’m going to try to shoot him with the binding web while he’s flying around oh there he is he’s back he got me oh no oh he’s got me too bro my armor is literally if I get hit any more I might die all right I’m going to try to fly back up my entire screen is shaking I am terrified right now this is bad I’m trying to come up all right I’m almost there you good I’m just going to go I’m just I’m just going to run around in circles I’m going to try to keep him distracted because if my armor takes more of a beating I might just lose my iron spiders d i I feel like I feel like you’ve been taking most of the damage this entire time where is he where’s Venom now uh he’s right near the mutant zombie he’s coming up behind you watch out wait behind me I think so oh I see him I see him you see him watch out watch out I’m hitting him I’m hitting him wait I’m oh I almost binded him for a quick second oh gosh where is he Dr pan oh he’s on me now Dr Panic just gave me a new suit I can’t switch out though I need to get venom did I get him oh wait wa wait I almost binded him for a quick second Venom I’m going to switch up my webs let’s try this one all all right oh Swit my as well oh man he’s using too many abilities he’s just spamming abilities I am now invisible he’s trying to fly trying fly away I am hiding why you’re hiding I’m scared okay I was hiding so that I can switch out my armor he can’t see me now okay sweet maybe we should bring him to low ground cuz it seems like wait Dr Panic just gave me a new set of armor I know he gave me one too if you I don’t know if you have a cloak ability but I just I cloaked myself and then I just switched out my armor oh he stabbed me inside of his b oh gosh wait uh be do you think we bring him to low ground we could try I’m going to try to attach a web to him okay attach a web to him and bring him low ground I’m going to try to web down here there we go right he just keeps flying around he’s like an oversized bat that’s what he looks like okay so I’m going to be down by the parking lot right beside the uh the building okay got it I’m going to try to attach we to him I got him I got him I got him you got him you got him I’m going to try to L down the middle you guys right there he keeps stabbing me where you at I’m fighting I’m fighting hold on I’m trying to bring him down he’s literally on top of me wait wait oh we’re falling we’re falling you are come on down where you at paring lot right now we’re almost down to the bottom I’m going to try to pull him out of the window pull them out pull him out where come here you big idiot come here you big idiot Dr Panic follow me come on down dummy oh we we’re falling we’re falling we’re fighting midair oh gosh okay we fell where are you um I’m at the parking lot I’m at the parking lot okay I’m going to try to fling myself around you okay okay I’m right beside the building I think I see I see I see I see he should be right behind me oh he’s right there he’s right there oh okay we have to finish fin take him down hopefully we can what happened to oh God okay let’s try to use our abilities on him we’re going to activate insta kill mode let should do the trick all dude let’s do it let’s do it in mode as well come on dude he’s glitching out heavily he’s turning back into his my yo dude that was all you you were going crazy with the midair fights against Venom that was sick we finally did it it was a good thing we brought him down to you I don’t think we could have done it without all of us I mean he would dude I I feel like he was trying to Lear us like separately that’s what it seemed like honestly he wanted us to just fight one-on-one yeah I mean that’s his best chance but I I think that’s all we need to do today right Dr Panic can we go back home now you made us clean up your mess and this is what we deserve a big payment after this I didn’t even realize this is what I was getting into today dude I I swear you had the most epic fight ever like you you said you were midair right you were midair fighting Venom you were falling down yeah I was trying to bring him down to you and then he was literally on top of me I I I I can’t believe how strong he was when I played as Venom I swear I kept dying so many times all right I guess the job is done and I give you most of the credit I give you most of credit back you went crazy we couldn’t have done it without both of us honestly you were a good distraction and Dr Panic playing as Vision yeah honestly what I think that’s wait Dr pic you’re your lab you’re you’re you’re destroying your own lab I guess he doesn’t care it’s his lab so it makes sense yeah it’s already destroyed anyways I guess we uh we need to put our suits back and I guess so think I’ll put both of my suits back go back home yeah they need some repairs anyway I I just want to say thanks for helping out today cuz uh Dr Panic was panicking he was like please we need we need more than you right now all right next time we’ll have to get together the whole team of Avengers oh dude that would be so dope I guess we can go back to block lives now let’s do it I made it I am back oh my gosh I’m so happy to be back that was terrifying that was actually really fun though I’m not going to lie we both played as iron spider that was quite a wait I forgot I broke dude you were panicking so much you started shooting your own lap what was that all about you literally did this like like an hour ago oh my goodness I got two broken I mean hey back it’s all his fault though you know yeah that’s okay I I just want my money man that’s all I want I want want my cookies he w w w w w we helped you today we helped you today put that gun down what did you say U I mean I mean I’m so sorry that what he’s eating all your cookies back he is he really eating all my cookies is he I’m going to have a STD word with you later get your butt over here hop h I’m in I’m trying I’m in I’m in

This video, titled ‘Upgrading SPIDER MAN to VENOM in MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-03-30 18:14:49. It has garnered 40914 views and 1155 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:28 or 3868 seconds.


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  • Monarchia

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  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafty Crafting: 5 Sizzling Minecraft Hacks

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  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

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  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

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  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

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  • Insane Gamer vs Smart Zombies: Epic Minecraft Telugu Survival

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  • Unleash Chaos: Instant Sensor Nuke in Minecraft

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  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

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  • Uncover Ultimate Arceus Location! Goodbye Pokemon! 😮

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  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

    Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - FULL MOVIEVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 2.5 Days In Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]’, was uploaded by Sunny on 2024-09-01 21:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Okay bro. It’s time to be serious na. Im back now- Like im really back i have said it before but i mean it now. Yall ready for this grind … Read More

  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More