Becoming The Animal king In Hardcore Minecraft!

Video Information

What’s going on guys it’s boy oh good good coming at you with another video that quality content guys today we’re gonna be playing some hardcore delicious hardcore let’s jump into it first of all guys i want to say in the last video we slayed the game on a lot of mobs also

A lot of bosses and one boss in particular that it didn’t count towards the monsters hunted because yeah the iron golem hit him last okay i i fought the wither but i had an iron goal and beat him up and then i wanted to last hit it and i

Didn’t get the last hit and then i was like wait but it’s my iron golem does it actually work but then you guys commented on the video saying no that’s not how it works so you gotta last hit him so now i’m gonna go do that

After of course we’re going to go over here and collect from all of our farmers guys we gotta start all of our auto farmers real quick because we need to get emeralds for the panda palace because you guys really want the panda palace all right potato farm

Grab emeralds out of here you guys aren’t leaving potatoes laying around i see you guys are uh actually taking care of your property i say yeah very proud that ravinger is so loud you’re done with trading with me huh alrighty 16 emeralds not too shabby ooh this guy’s loaded up

That’s it oh hey he’s already ready to buy more my mans loves potatoes man these guys are omega clutch are you ready to buy more yes you are every time i stop he wants to buy more dude these guys are literally a slot machine they’re just throwing money at

Me yeah i’m already up to over almost a stock and a half a lot of monies already now we need to go to the the council the paper farmers all right and then down wait hold on idea i usually don’t do this we do have this giant

Sugar cane farm that i don’t really do anything with i mean it’s not an auto farmer anyways so i’m like i don’t really touch it this is just more paper boys or paper means more more emerald emeralds means bigger poo poo powers for my panda okay let’s turn

This into paper and give it to the council uh council that’s what we’re here for i was like thinking i was like oh gosh what are you doing in my territory better leave the council alone got some pit pair how much y’all buying today i just forgot to start on this guy

Because it gives me the discount because i’ve changed him from a zombie dang it i could have made more money is he holding a flower that pink tulip my man’s likes flowers all right so now we’re i mean that’s almost two stacks almost two stackery news right there guys we’re making progress okay

Here let me turn these all into blocks how much do you guys think how many blocks should i should i stop at before we start working on the palace you guys keep commenting saying that you want the palace but if we just don’t got the blocks for it

Guys look at that though stacking six it’s not too shabby so what i want to do though real quick is i want to go slay the game on the wither and get this achievement out of the way all right then probably gonna work on a couple other ones breed all the animals

Easy let’s go to the end if you guys remember a long time ago i tried doing the wither farms where it’s like it suffocates and takes cramming damage i’ve realized due to thorough testing okay this time uh that i did it wrong coming back at it i could never write my sword

Actually can’t i because i’m tooing it i didn’t need to farm some nether right now i do know guys okay let’s uh oh wow i gotta fill all that in hold on i need some blocks so now let’s go down there real quick plug up all that crap

The last time i made it so that the t was centered you need to make it so the back block is the one that’s centered apparently so that has to be there then these have to be there i forgot all we’ll be back i forgot my soul’s handed heads back at him baby

That’s whole saying that i had like a stack of soul saying you’re just gonna act like i didn’t have that i placed it somewhere i mean it it exists dude did i throw it away i mean that’s the most me thing i’ve ever seen but like you can’t help but to hate

Yourself sometimes you know as far as breeding all the animals go obviously i’ve bred cows i don’t think i’ve bred pigs i’ve bred sheep hats i have not also there’s an achievement for cats but i don’t think you get it through breeding i need a little bit of

Soul sandorino what’s up dog you trying to catch the clapping eat i mean i guess if i’m already back in the old world i might as well just upgrade my sword did you sword pickaxe then armor or should i just do armor well now armor i change out all the time

Right yeah i’m not too worried about armor yet we do sword we do peak i am i am thank you ma’am there it is boys there it is everyone keeps telling me to go do netherride stuff now i got another right sword okay i’ll do i’ll do another right farmer all

Right guys i swear it i’ll figure it out and i’ll do it yeah we back at it baby this should be totally fine now if i mess this up again i cry i mean i’ll just abandon my my end again i mean i already got what i need in here

Then my farmer which would suck to have to lose and he’ll eventually find it and just feed off of it here we go let’s see it okay yes baby this is what we needed it feels so good right now oh and see now i can just farm my other

Stars i mean i could do that again if i wanted to i mean i’m not going to you guys because we have other stuff we got to do in this video okay maybe we do one more real quick just because that felt nice all right dude all right cool

All right let’s go we’re done here now i’m gonna pop uh these potatoes and the smell or in the cooker all right next up on the list like i said i’m gonna try to get the breeding one out of the way i think one of the hardest animals to breed is

Supposed to be like is it horses don’t they eat like golden here you know what horses can do golden carrots i know i think donkeys need golden carrots too oh it’s nuggies that’s right with the carrots it’s nuggies even better dude easy my horse outside bucky everyone knows and loves bucky all

Right he has a girlfriend that we haven’t built them a house yet but they have it trust me they’ll have a house they’re still living with the sheep bucky over here absolute stallion and him and his girlfriend are finally getting it going oh my gosh it’s a 7 out of 19. i’ve done

Wolves i’ve done cows i’ve done sheeps eggs are actually potatoes here let me see if i can real quick get some potatoes back before they all cook otherwise i’m gonna have to go to the farm and i don’t want to go all the way over there do the auto sponsor

So fast dude this is the fastest best invention ever there we go that should be enough two piggies right there these are our local piggies they’re called open range piggies come on buddy indeed yes yes so we’re currently at seven i’ve never bred a pig in this game i’ve i don’t think i’ve

Ever yeah you know nineteen now baby easy peasy okay we actually need two flowers i think we need to breed bees right i wanna say i’ve bred my bees i want to say i have yeah oh baby i’m hearing the bees there’s actually two hours right now stop dude

You got oh they smell the flower they want the flower no okay you get one someone else get out here right now you like that you like that flower probably gonna do though is focus on getting all the ones that are the easiest and the closest right now so

Like after this we’ll probably do rabbit because we’re like right next to a desert by them that shouldn’t be too bad at least i’m keeping them outside right like i’m keeping them out here oh yes oh please please no is it because you need another flower there it is give

Me a bed base it’s so little okay you guys you guys do your thing i’m gonna let you be get it let you be all right 9 out of 19. i know i need rabbit i’ve seen a couple comments every now and then that i abandoned a rabbit okay a little while ago

He’s doing fine uh rabbits you could give them carrots as well as like dandelions or something like that right well actually i need the golden carrots because i need donkeys donkeys right they do that they do golden carrots like horses also i’m gonna take bucky all right i’m gonna

Take him with me because although yes he’s a taken man all right he’s he’s got his whammon i’m gonna have to make a mule if you guys don’t know how that works uh it’s a horse and a donkey just say if i have a horse with me at

All times it’s a lot easier that way so whatever bucky’s girlfriend doesn’t know okay there’s usually like a school of bunnies you know there’s just a group of them all the time the chosen one come here come here come stop i can’t oh i got him wait can i

Attract them with having a carrot out oh wow did i let both of them bro easy mode damn no there there oh it’s so little it just melts your heart we’re at 10 out of 19 now i actually i think i know where donkeys are i remember there being at least one

Behind this mountain bust out some golden carrots right they only take golden carrots well i would only feed bucky a golden carrot anyways you know he’s uh haha you are still here actually is there actually another one or no no there’s not all alone no longer though no longer so the trick

Here though is i know i have to tame it i did a little research all right research boy yeah tame the dunk yes guys i already know you guys are gonna be typing f in the comments section for scratches donk i didn’t do anything to scratch his donk in the one block

Series love me donkey you’re stubborn to scratch dude maybe you are donk you’re done okay he’s done now one lucky your turn ah i’m already almost out of these i actually need more golden carrots now it’s a mule well see donk was a mule okay not a donkey

That’s a donkey which scratch called hey i’m head home real quick because now i need to get more freaking golden carrots i mean okay bucky’s retired for a reason that’s because elytra’s in business now i don’t think i need carrots for anything else golden carrot i know i need hay bales

For the alpaca easy clap now let’s go meet back up with bucky yeah oh no it’s about to be night time now bucky can survive the night he’s all right we’re going to go to sleep actually while it’s night time you know what i can do i gotta go to the nether

And i gotta breed some things in here i mean it’s like it’s like that type of like sunset you where you’re like i don’t wanna hang out over here and wait for it to turn night time we gotta go to the nether anyways i need to

Breed striders these bad boys but i need a blue fungus for the striders and then i need red fungi for the uh other thing the hoax there’s usually always hogs right here oh whoa whoa the lag baby calm down okay well here’s the oh yeah that’s right my blue mushrooms that are

Right here perfect do i need these or the hoggy boys does the game know that i need some boars or what dude okay there’s two down here oh ow calm chill chill chill chill chill chit-chat chill dog bam oh bam no you guys are too separated aren’t you

They doing the nasty they’re doing it all right we’re leaving i count yes i counted right here right next to the secret under lava base baby that’s right no no come back bro come back i don’t have a saddle yes yes yes yes yes yes smell it smell it

How’s that mushroom smell yes you and you easy you should be chilling now okay this should be 13. beautiful i think we’re done in the nether then go rendezvous with bucky but i gotta sleep first i think all right bucky i’m on my way i swear is it i did

Realize an issue though i’m gonna need to get two donkeys and the odds of finding two donkeys in one spot are slim right okay donk you’re just not gonna look after mule hmm i don’t think i don’t think they’re they’re a fit parent bucky i’m just saying i don’t like them bucky

You know it’s been real it’s been fun it’s kind of been real fun but i’m gonna need to borrow that and i’m gonna mule up and it might be the biggest mistake of my life because it’s incredibly slow the odds of me finding two donkeys together

You know i always find them in singles apparently oh finally no more desert hold on the power of optifine but for real though finally dude i’ve been running for far too long on this slope now i need to somehow get all the way up that mountain brick yeah i need

To somehow cross this you know what if donk drowns it’s not on me oh no we’re a sinking ship oh this is it i’m gonna tow you into land now i got a parkour on a donkey i know you’re not you’re not a horse and you’re not nor near as cool but

Gotta get up there palpate where’d it go beautiful your good friend what oh no i fed him all of my this one’s not tamed wait why didn’t he show hearts anyways i’m confusion oh easy now oh i do have my gold on me oh we’re legends we don’t even know it

But we’re in legends room yeah there it is okay uh now that i’m done with donkey’s been fun been real but it has not been real fun all right see you later pal so cats um there’s a village out this way usually this village just has cats okay but i need fish

Isn’t it tame every cat breed right what the achievement is tame all cat variants i’ve tamed two and i don’t even know which ones it is okay you’re fine no you’re fine i had to bust out the lead easy okay now we just need another one

Of you what my lead bro how dare how dare you no no i double clicked it okay come on i don’t even know where the cats are in my village this really the only cat right now this is my life i have a big brain idea okay we tame him real quick

Like 99 certain that i have a cat at my village oh wait yeah i do have a cat you know what i have a cat sitting on my bed i actually think it’s an all black cat too mr kitty he misses kitty and yes i know

What you’re doing on my bed you’re lucky i can’t sleep up there anymore you know it’s just a cat room whatever oh my gosh the kittens following me now oh it’s the cute oh my heart okay so i need ocelots which i’m gonna need a lot of rockets for i’m

Also gonna need mooshrooms we have one mushroom alpacas here i come alpacas i want to say we’re up on one of these mountains up out in this acacia forest this is where i got my boy at they eat hay bales right are you memeing me right now it appears

They need to be tamed just i only need to go get more hay bales again and then back to the all pack i need to tame them i gotta remember which one i tamed i’m not trying to i’m not trying to feed everyone out here

Only afford to feed the ones i take oh all right tame drive my lead beautiful easy what the heck dude what the why did he run at mock speed at that one so now we’re at 16 out of 19 already holy crap we’re blowing through this now i need to

Fly to the jungle though oh issues that the jungle’s just so far oh wait village hold on oh and they got stonks oh yes because i’m running low apparently and i didn’t even know it while i’m getting these stonks i just realized another cat not saying that that’s the achievement

I’m going for right now fine you’re fast dude you’re a fast kitty i know it’s just like give me fishy let me panty kitty what oh no get me in a bed there’s another cat i don’t think i have that one either another day another cat to hunt

Okay where’s that cat at oh this one oh there’s three different cats here easy dude didn’t you want to run for me this cat is so nice i see the cat there it is it’s on the well hold on he’s getting away swooping in oh he’s chilling we’re chilling we’re

Chilling dog we’re chilling he ate two easy no he hit all my fish don’t worry i’ll be coming back for you though i’m gonna be coming back i swear is it this is a pretty big village oh man i never got the did i ever get the coordinates of the super village you

Guys remember the city that i found a while ago i just have to find that cat again it was over here there he is dude he’s still over here okay okay there it is easy okay hey it didn’t go up apparently i have that cat and he ate like all my

Fish so i’m offended by minecraft thank you back on it jungle time oh another pit stop oh wait is this the city i found it i found it again it’s two villages put together this might have double the cats also has stones i do not have an orange

Cat where’d he go i lost him oh there he is i lost him in the villager hat yeah that’s right that’s right what are you gonna do about it nothing exactly five out of eleven not too bad not too bad i already have one of those

I guess that’s it for this village no other cats back on track again actually don’t even remember the jungle being this far away but i mean there’s another jungle to the south so another village i feel like this has just turned into a giant cat hunt wow

This is a village on an island okay i’ve never seen this it’s an all white cat dang it dude i’ve never seen this before in my entire time of playing minecraft it’s a village on an island which first of all really cool second of all i think i’ve gone way too

Far i don’t think i have uh i think i’ve passed the jungle somehow but also look it’s like over a coral reef food this is so sick they also don’t have the cats that i need so i’m gonna have to leave oh another village okay never mind okay they got an orange cat

And what is that a greek i don’t have this like 99 certain i don’t have this cat it looks all white but it’s gray one gets stuck in a corner somewhere yes it counted coming up on yet another village this acacia forest has just given

Oh man i think it’s an acacia city boys i think oh my gosh there’s so much so much hay bales here i don’t i like i’m tired of collecting them the case village has got to be my least favorite though they’re always a mess siamese cat don’t need that okay tuxedo cat i

Didn’t have tuxedo cat all right he’s busy and now we’re leaving oh yeah temple remnants remnant broken temple i don’t normally find these that often because i would say a good majority of my world is explored and that’s how i already know that i’ve gone

Way too far for the jungle this is this is another double villager dude look how big this thing is but where the cat’s at oh yeah yeah then we got a gray one have i gotten this i don’t i don’t know you’re fine you’re fine oh it’s the cat

That makes that sound okay come on i’m taking you you’ll be you’ll be quiet all right okay all i need from you that right on in here all right now you’re just gonna that was a cat that i did not have yes we’re at eight out of 11

Now that’s not too far off actually and there’s definitely another cat here hopefully it doesn’t want too much fish though okay maybe i lied maybe there’s just not another cat here well i’m giving up all hope on these cats here i need a fox dude that’s what i

Need i need foxes we’re them berries bro okay here’s some berries okay this should be enough to back over there where the the foxies are there fox is somewhere over here dude the wolves better not have done anything where are they at oh here i see one here

We got one i’m gonna put them on a lead i don’t want the lead i just need one more you punk dude oh i hate this fox he took my lead stop drop it come on take that take that instead please just take that instead take the berry instead dude i cannot find

Another fox for the life of me right now and it’s triggering foxes yep i knew it dude stop wow okay another right op hey fox let’s go get going come on bud oh great that’s what i wanted oh no you punk are you sleeping no not anymore you’re not come on

Okay give me my lead give me my lead no kid take that take it okay did that count yes we need two more things now ocelots and mooshrooms another village okay give me the cats i well how many cats do i need i need yeah three okay okay so these cats i

Have a black cat i have the brown one that’s just another tuxedo cat i mean you guys got some variety here that’s not the br i know i need the calico looking one i i googled them and apparently i also need the snow you lion dog stop stop bro oh yep there

It is okay so now i need the calico and i need the persian cat i’m seeing a little bit on the okay yes finally i know where we are i know this this iceberg like like the way it’s set up i was like that looks familiar the very first

Ocelot we ever found was over here we bust out the lead and get it ready very first one was over here well i remember i asked you guys if i could tame it and then i was disappointed with the comment section response which was no you cannot tame an ocelot and that

Made me i just said um nonetheless there he is he’s still hanging out come on buddy we gotta go find you a soul mate or at least a baby mama one of the other or baby daddy whatever it is what are the odds of ocelots even spawning like what’s the

Spawn ratio for these things aren’t they supposed to be omega cool cats that like don’t spawn all the time oh my gosh that’s a ravine okay cat we’re not going that way i might have to throw him on a boat and take him over to because there’s like a giant jungle

Right next to us this is literally the only ocelot i’ve ever seen in this world so hey man you might just be a lonely guy you know i mean it happens we’ll take him over to the mainland i’m come in the boat there it is literally need this guy and then we need

Mushrooms and then we’re just done with breeding you’re fine buddy no more i think i have a bed somewhere over here too because this is where we left our parrot we’re not left but he just couldn’t keep up you know he’s he’s weak okay kitty i’m gonna leave you

Here okay that’s my parrot see i told you guys i i knew it i’m come kitty where are you i’m gonna get lost and cry where are you kitty come here you’re too fast hey keep up with you dude you’re too fast and also it’s now it’s

About to be nighttime bro trust me you don’t want to be out here alone can they do it in the boat asking for my cats let’s see it see you there it is in the boat easy peasy did that work no it didn’t oh there he goes

Oh okay they were just they were very slow all right beautiful now we only need mushrooms and we need to also find two more cats right two more which they just need wheat then i’ll leave some of that in there and then dump off a bunch of trash pretty much

Mushrooms shouldn’t be too hard because i know where a mooshroom biome is and it’s actually not that far and i i could take the super portal but there’s villages on the way so i’m just gonna fly there you know i’m kind of disappointed in myself i totally forgot i had a jungle

Actually pretty close to my spawn i’ve never been through this jungle i just i found it like when we were doing the treasure chest video and i forgot about it wow look at this super spruce jungle tree oh i almost died but i do know there’s a village right over here

On the other side of it i think maybe i’ve been boozled myself it’s just more oh oh there it is okay beautiful please have the cats that i need and i will spare everybody also i left the fish at home and now i need fishies okay village there’s your cats huh is

That a cat uh no that’s the the palish white but they’re kind of not white enough me a persian cat come on village what did i say i’m only gonna spare you if you have at least one of the cats that i need all right well new village i guess

Should be another one not too far from here but i don’t know if this is the one that i did the raid at oh no this isn’t okay different village i was worried for a second oh i didn’t want to have to deal with that right now i might get these

That’s an orange cat dang it do you terrible this village is garbage and now this one is this the one that i did the raid at no this is also a different village guys see a snow white kitty calico booping in going in for it got him easy

One more how did i end up doing this achievement i wanted to do furious cocktail but i guess i’m not doing that i’m doing the cats although this one did give me the calico so i will spare everyone and next village oh wait what this one’s

Is this the one i thought it was further than this nonetheless you guys got cats wait this is the cat guys this is the one yes oh i have owned all the kitties there is i’m done with fish and we’re going to the mooshroom biome that should be right over here

Come on oop there’s a group right here okay you and you you’re the ones give me this achievement really new dude i’m addicted to doing achievements i’m not gonna lie that’s me for this episode guys comment down below what next achievements what what achievements next let me know comment down below but for

Now guys most recent videos popping up on screen go check them out if y’all haven’t already i will see you in the next one

This video, titled ‘Becoming The Animal king In Hardcore Minecraft!’, was uploaded by PaulGG on 2020-07-26 16:20:41. It has garnered 265494 views and 8572 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:30 or 1290 seconds.

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    Finnonthebulk - Craziest Combo 💥💥💥Video Information bro I don’t have strength either bro I don’t care if I die I don’t I don’t have any Gap so This video, titled ‘Insane combo 😨😨😨’, was uploaded by Finnonthebulk on 2024-03-24 15:12:24. It has garnered 19 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Insane combo 😨😨😨 Live everyday: #minecraft #minecraftmemes #funny #gaming #twitch #english #smp Tags: brawlhalla gameplay,brawlhalla gameplay no commentary,brawlhalla combos,Insane combo 😨😨😨,insane combo,minecraft house tutorial,minecraft music,minecraft 100 days,minecraft challenges,minecraft challenges survival,minecraft challenge games,combo,pvp,minecraft pvp texture pack,minecraft pvp tips,minecraft pvp montage Read More

  • Unbelievable Journey to The Nether! 💥 JyanJian returns! 👀

    Unbelievable Journey to The Nether! 💥 JyanJian returns! 👀Video Information [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] woohoo hello hello good morning evening hello good morning good afternoon good evening hello everybody let me go ahead [Music] and we’re live we’re live not yes in Minecraft wait where’s my Minecraft tab yeah live in Minecraft too o let me put that there it is all right wooo yippe all righty but hello hello I know what I forgot I forgot to set… Read More

  • 🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraft

    🔥 Epic Showdown: Steve vs Lava Pit Trap! 🤣 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] [Music] you no no no no no no no no y This video, titled ‘Will Steve rescue Alex Or Pomni Pass Lava Pit Trap? | Challenge! Funny Animation #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Shiba Toons on 2024-01-05 13:33:27. It has garnered 67529 views and 1745 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Will Steve rescue Alex Or Pomni Pass Lava Pit Trap? | Challenge! Funny Animation #shorts #minecraft We’d like to bring funny animation cartoon movie and laughter time to the audience the most. #ShibaToons #monsterschool #steve #alex #minecraft #minecraftshorts… Read More

  • Becoming a Minecraft Billionaire with Meetislive!

    Becoming a Minecraft Billionaire with Meetislive!Video Information क्या हालचाल मेरे शेरो काफी दिनों के बाद मिथ लाइफ ये वाला वीडियो आ गया है तो मैं आ चुका हूं मेरे जबी वर्सेस प्लेयर वाला वीडियो वापस ये शायद से एंड होगा इस वाले चैप्टर में हम पूरा पूरा मतलब ये मोड ही हम खत्म कर डालेंगे तो देखो मैंने काफी ज्यादा ग्राइंडिंग करने के बाद इतने सारे रोटन फ्लेश इकट्ठे कर लिए जिनको नहीं पता वो उनको मैं बता देता हूं इसमें क्या होता है हमारे हमको जॉम्बीज को मारना होता है जॉम्बीज को मार के हमें वो रोटन फ्लेश मिलता है रोटन फ्लेश को हमें… Read More

  • EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱

    EPIC VALORANT FUN 🎮 Hindi Gameplay 😱Video Information ओ हेलो हेलो या बल गया बल गया मार मार बटरी मार मार हेलो हेलो हेलो अरे आवा हा य आ म माइक सेटिंग कर सेटिंग करना सेटिंग कर [संगीत] डिकोड बोला सर [संगीत] बोला ममी ब कर मेरा तो मन भी नहीं कर रहा खेलने का क्या क्या खेलने [संगीत] का बोल बोल मु सेटिंग कर स्पिक माइक चज [संगीत] ली माइक माइक रो रो सिलेक्ट कर इनपुट आउटपुट स्पीकर माइक कर बो हेलो हेलो बोलत हेलो हेलो ठीक हां रु भाई रुक रुक रुक रुक देख रहा भाई कर र है हां कट कर कट कर… Read More

  • Brennyn Sabar Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Datapack Voice Chat Java 1.20.6 18+

    Welcome to Brennyn Sabar Minecraft Server! If you’re a dedicated Minecrafter looking for a long-term experience with a tight-knit community, look no further! Our server features a custom datapack called Foundation, adding new items, biomes, and dimensions to the game. Join our server in New Jersey for a vanilla Minecraft experience with no major game-changing plugins or alterations. We’re currently on version 1.20.6 and will be updating to 1.21 soon. Server Details: 6-8 active members, looking to double Running Fabric with Simple Voice Chat, SquareMap, and No Chat Reports mods Hosted on dedicated hardware for optimal performance How to Join:… Read More

  • ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)

    ShogunMC (BRAND NEW MAP!)BRAND NEW MAP!ShogunMCfree ranksdonator ranksNew mapmcmmoeconomysurvivalquestsdiscordcratesgreat staffgreat communityCome join our great community, we just had a map reset and are ready for new players! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spicy Disc Rankings”

    Minecraft Memes - "Spicy Disc Rankings"I guess you could say this meme is a solid diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft’s Lunar Adventure

    Moon Mining Madness: Minecraft's Lunar Adventure Ram’s journey to the moon, a tale so grand, A cinematic adventure, across the land. With beats and rhymes, the story we tell, Of India’s mission, Chandrayaan 5, oh so swell. The news reporter, with rhymes so tight, Crafting Minecraft updates, shining bright. In every line, the truth takes flight, In every verse, the story ignites. Ram’s mission to the moon, a historic feat, With ISRO’s pride, the journey complete. From Earth to space, a daring leap, In every rhyme, the story we keep. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth… Read More

  • 0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft

    0.00000000007% Hot SpongeBob Luck in Minecraft When you finally find a rare Sponge in Minecraft and realize it’s only a 0.00000000007% chance, you start questioning your life choices. Like, was it really worth spending hours searching for a virtual cleaning tool? #minecraftprobs #spongebobminecraftpants Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery

    Ultimate Minecraft Note Block Trickery Minecraft Note Block Cover: Kobo Kanaeru – Entah Exploring the creative world of Minecraft, a talented content creator has crafted a mesmerizing note block cover of Kobo Kanaeru’s “Entah.” Using tools like Capcut for video editing, Pixellab for thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4, this artist has brought a musical masterpiece to life within the game. Tools of the Trade The intricate process of creating a note block cover involves meticulous attention to detail. With Capcut for seamless video editing, Pixellab for eye-catching thumbnails, and Minecraft Java version 1.20.4 for the gameplay itself, the artist has skillfully combined these… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2

    EPIC Skyblock ATTEMPT with CaptainSparklez 2Video Information hello everybody and welcome back to every single Minecraft mod that’s ever existed in the history of the entirety of the universe brought to you by the like button and also our server hosting sponsor where we’ve been able to generate resources as we sleep and work on air conditioning problems water leakage water leaking everywhere water just gets everywhere that it shouldn’t be and is uh it’s fun sorry that’s a bit of a rant um oh God I I hit my macro and I started just picking stuff up um anyway today I figured we could… Read More

  • Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PE

    Unleashing Forbidden Insanecraft in Minecraft PEVideo Information what’s up guys welcome back to another video today we have a really cool mod this is called the insane craft pack and basically adds a bunch of random stuff so like we can have like a bunch of animals we got a bunch of like weapons uh Vehicles a lot of cool things so if you guys enjoyed this video smash the like button right now let’s aim for maybe two likes also if you’re new to the channel hit the Subscribe button and turn on those notifications so you don’t miss a video so let’s jump… Read More

  • Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!

    Ultimate HD Earth Bending in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HD Earth Bending in Minecraft with Factions, Distant Horizons, Shaders’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:59:43. It has garnered 16 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:32 or 152 seconds. Java & Bedrock, Latest Versions Server ip: Discord Invite: Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!

    EPIC Gamer DESTROYS Minecraft Pixel Art in 3 SECONDS!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts’, was uploaded by GREAT GAMER 2 on 2023-12-10 06:15:35. It has garnered 4392 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. MINECRAFT PIXEL ART|#shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial @GamerFleet @yashgamer2.o764 Minecraft is a 3D sandbox game created by Swedish game developer Markus “Notch” Persson. It is maintained by Mojang Studios, a part of Xbox Game Studios, which in turn is part of Microsoft. From its creation, Minecraft was developed almost exclusively by Notch until Jens “Jeb” Bergensten started working with him and has since become head of its development…. Read More

  • 🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW – Join in!

    🚨INSANE Minecraft SMP 2024 LIVE NOW - Join in!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2024🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC SMP’, was uploaded by Gaming4LiFeYT on 2024-02-11 00:32:24. It has garnered 4416 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:15 or 6015 seconds. MINECRAFT LIVE SMP 2023🥰 JOIN MY MINECRAFT PUBLIC TIRO SMP Tiro = Noob and Our Journey is Tiro To Piro Hey!👐 This is Subham Kumar I Welcome You To Our Gaming4LiFeYT Channel🙏🥰 –––——————————————————————————————————–––– Support Me On:) ►Discord : ►Facebook : ►Instagram: ►Gpay/PhonePe/Paytm : gaming4lifeyt@ybl ►Join to get perks: »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My Gear😀 »»Laptop : »»Keyboard : »»Mouse »»Phone… Read More

  • Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadness

    Rise and Shine in Minecraft! 🌅🐦 #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-06-13 07:13:20. It has garnered 73 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. 🌅 Early Bird Minecraft | Minecraft ⛏️#Minecraft #GamingLiveStream #EarlyBirdMinecraft #LiveStream 🚀 Join us for Early Bird Minecraft where we kickstart the day with epic mining and crafting adventures! Explore new terrains, uncover hidden treasures, and build amazing structures as the sun rises. Don’t miss the fun and creativity of early morning gameplay! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷

    EPIC Minecraft Pixel Art with Techno Gamerz 🍷Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT SATISFACTION 🥺 Pixel🎨Art OF TECHNO GAMERZ 🍷#minecraft #shorts @TechnoGamerzOfficial’, was uploaded by VIALLITY on 2024-05-01 08:02:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “HELLO GUYS” Minecraft Satisfying Pixel Art #shorts #minecraftpe #pixelart Prepare to be mesmerized as we unleash the … Read More

  • EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice – Minecraft Animation

    EPIC Battle of Fire vs Ice - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster school Two brothers battle of fire and ice minecraft animation #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Sqisik MC on 2024-03-22 13:15:05. It has garnered 13219 views and 509 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson – We’re Back!

    Minecraft Madness with Yu Q. Wilson - We're Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT HERO SERVER】WE ARE SO BACK 【NIJISANJI EN | Yu Q. Wilson】’, was uploaded by Yu Q. Wilson 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-06-04 16:38:15. It has garnered 15907 views and 1165 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:09 or 12249 seconds. 【SUPPORT THE STREAM】 #nijisanji #nijisanji_en ★☆★ 【Chat Rules】 Don’t spam or troll. Don’t bring up other streamers unless I mention them first. Keep the comments relevant to the stream. Refrain chatting with others viewers. Please get along with each others and use block if needed. Let’s have a fun stream together! Guidance for… Read More

  • Moonbat smp

    Moonbat smpMoonbat SMP is a survival multiplayer server running on 1.20.1 that has all the latest features and more to come such as brewery, and chestshop (currently broken) Read More

  • Bifrost SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Events, HermitCraft-like, 1.20.6, 16+

    “I’m providing refuge in a stronghold built by our ancestors. But if the garrison falls our only escape will be the Bifrost.” We invite you to join us across the rainbow bridge to Bifrost SMP! Update and World expansion for 1.21 Coming Soon! Bifrost SMP is a community of Minecraft enthusiasts created by a group of friends in December of 2021 to foster our love of Minecraft and a vanilla play style! Our Community: Bifrost SMP is a community-driven server – any major decisions and changes are suggested and polled by our members. We enjoy various activities together, from impromptu… Read More

  • TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly Community

    TreasuryCraft | 1.20.6 | Economy | Rank System | Custom Plugins | Custom Gear | Friendly CommunityTreasuryCraft is a brand-new Minecraft Economy server, releasing on Friday, 21st of June 2024. We can’t wait for you to join!What is Economy?Economy is a gamemode that revolves around making money in order to rank up within the server, unlocking new perks as you do so. Just like regular Minecraft, you’re free to go out into the world and build, mine, farmor do anything of your choice, selling items you don’t need in order to make money.Once you’ve progressed enough, you can create townswhere your land is protected. What you do with your town is up to you: whether you… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Flaming Torch-tastic!

    Minecraft Memes - Flaming Torch-tastic!Looks like this meme is really lighting up the charts! Read More

  • Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21!

    Mastering Ender Tower: Level Up in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, the Ender Experience Tower shines, A place to level up and enchant, a true goldmine. Gather materials, do your homework, and build with care, Soon you’ll be the master, with tools beyond compare. Redstone mechanisms, a collector to create, Skip if you wish, focus on the Tower’s fate. From zero to enchanting master, a journey so grand, With each level gained, you’ll rule the land. So subscribe, like, and share, spread the word around, Let’s dive into Minecraft, where adventure is found. From weapons to armor, and creatures to explore, In this blocky world, there’s always… Read More

  • Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥

    Shulker sent me spicy meme drop! 🔥 Looks like even Shulkers are getting in on the meme game now! Watch out for those surprise airdrops, you never know what you might get! #memeception #minecraftmemevasion Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft Trading Glitch Guide Minecraft Trading Duplication Glitch Tutorial (Multiplayer) – Java 1.21 Are you looking to gain an edge in your Minecraft multiplayer experience? Look no further! This comprehensive tutorial will guide you through the steps of a working Minecraft Java 1.21 duplication glitch. By mastering these techniques, you’ll be able to duplicate items efficiently through the trade GUI, giving you a significant advantage on your server. First Duplicate Items Glitch One of the key techniques in duplicating items in Minecraft Java 1.21 involves manipulating trade packets. By carefully timing your trades and utilizing specific methods, you can duplicate items seamlessly. This… Read More

  • Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft!

    Mind-Reading Mobs in Minecraft! Minecraft Telepathy Monsters! Part 4 In the latest installment of Minecraft Telepathy Monsters, 656 members are embarking on the Telepathy challenge. This unique challenge tests the bond between players as they try to synchronize their actions in the game. The challenge involves placing the same block at the exact same time, showcasing the players’ ability to communicate and coordinate effectively. Testing Telepathic Abilities The Telepathy challenge pushes players to rely on their intuition and understanding of their partner’s actions. By attempting to place the same block simultaneously, players demonstrate their telepathic connection within the game. This challenge not only… Read More

Becoming The Animal king In Hardcore Minecraft!