Bedrock Survival: Building Cinderella’s Castle

Video Information

Hello everybody and welcome to CR animal gaming thank you guys so very much for joining up today uh we’re going to continue working on the let me make sure this music isn’t too loud here all right I think that’s a little bit better um anyway we’re going to be

Continuing to work on the C Castle today I got a lot um prepared for today so we have a lot to get done um but if you guys do like the video make sure to drop a like subscribe if you’re new would like to see more content like this uh

Let me know what you guys think in the comments last week if you guys remember I was having some issues with the iron farm um so what I ended up doing is I put some chains over the top of the iron bars cuz I swear I saw some of them

Spawn on top of the iron bars which I honestly didn’t think that that that was possible um but then I also put a whole bunch of leaves um we’ll go out here I’ll kind of show you a little bit real quick it does seem to be working I mean

There’s a couple more details I want to invest into this iron farm over here but because we had the uh Farmers come in over here um the workstations kind of messed with the iron farm spawn uh spots and stuff like that I tried putting in a

Bell I tried doing all that kind of stuff but for whatever reason it just wasn’t working so anyway um I did put some lights like underneath here you can’t really see them very much and the leaves that I used was a mixture between the dark oak

And uh the regular oak leaves and see we have some like cats spawning down here which kind of sucks but whatever uh but anyway uh which is kind of cool cuz these leaves they look very similar to each other um but they just kind of have like a different pattern so I figured

That kind of gave it a little bit more of a a different appeal rather than just it being kind of straight I don’t know uh but anyway let’s go ahead and go over to the castle try to get some of this figured out um if you guys remember last

Week we kind of ended on this Tower which we found out that uh it’s going to be a little bit more of a pain well I actually got through there that’s hilarious anyway it’s going to be a lot more of a pain than I thought it was going to be um

But this this is the the outline for the next uh couple of towers and I don’t know if you guys noticed but like I I usually put the walls like right between these sections right here it did not look right it looked really like wonky it looked like it was going like this

And then just like straight ac across like that cuz that’s the destination that we needed it to go to match the other side um so that’s what I ended up doing hey hubans how’s it going how how’s your Monday so far all right so like that’s the the end

Of that I did have to clean up this Pond that we had right here but I’m planning on doing maybe another Pond kind of over here a little bit a little bit nicer one basically moving this one that’s like over here um really nice looking one

Like that over here and then maybe have water going down the the hill here like kind of like a little river and then do a waterfall off the edge here I feel like that would be I don’t know kind of a really good uh extension to the castle I don’t know we’ll find

Out all right so let’s go ahead and get started I don’t I don’t know what to do about this this Tower right here so you know what maybe we’ll we’ll get the easy ones done first and then work on this one right here because this one if you

Guys remember I was talking about has these like two extended Circle Towers like right here and right here and then it kind of has like this like Peak that kind of comes out like this direction so I’m going to have to you know we’ll have to give some some good

Brainstorms to how we’re going to figure that out anyway I got to grab my stuff I thought I already put it over here all right grab all my traded materials you like waterfalls well hopefully I can make it look really nice for you once we get to that point if we

Have time today maybe that’s what we’ll work on is getting this Pond figured out cuz I don’t think we’re going to be able to keep this Pond inside the castle oh the fact that like okay the fact that I thought that the castle was

Going to be the size of this all the way over to there and it’s extended that much further out blows my mind and the fact that I wanted it to only go to this limit right here and it’s already gone off that much I mean it’s just crazy how

Big this Castle ended up being compared to what I thought it was going to be you like fortnite why don’t you ever join up on fortnite or rocket League wait move a game to Saturday next week I I have my daughter uh I have my daughter this weekend sorry

Bro that’s the reason why I can’t do streams on the weekend most of the time oh man why does it have to rain is it like nighttime raining or is it just raining Raining no it is just raining raining all right let’s get our materials out mostly what we need Is all of this at least to start off and then we’ll get to the other stuff here see I feel like Lego fortnite’s actually really good um but we’ve been just having issues with people like blowing up each other’s stuff and just being kind of childish jerks it’s kind of the

Issue that we’ve been having um maybe it’s not as fun to watch because I’m still trying to figure it out um so once I get it figured out hopefully it’ll be a little bit better I don’t know maybe you’ll be like oh okay this is kind of fun to watch now that

Kimal knows how the game actually is played all right so I have to go up to 160 with these Battle Royale is not your thing well what what do you like on the fortnite platform do you like anything on the fortnite platform platform CU I know you mostly just join

Up on The Fall Guys stream which the whole membership thing is not really going to affect fall guys at all fall guys is just for everybody so I know a couple people are kind of irritated about my update on the the membership deal and frankly I just need the memberships

To be worth it you know for people to buy them and hopefully I can actually make a living off of this ch Channel you hate you hate shooting games okay well so far I mean we only have the one technically and I try to keep it to

Only one because it really messes with me like when I was playing Apex which I do like Apex like it was a fun game but uh it was messing with me when it came to like my fortnite play or the fact that I was like trying to build to

Protect myself on apex and got myself killed a couple times plus like a lot of shooter games like you have to like learn all the guns and the attachments and everything it’s like if you have more than one that you’re got all that brain power working on oh my

Gosh I can get so overwhelming that’s kind of part of the reason why Call of Duty is so diff difficult is because there’s so much of a variety of guns that you could pick up and fortnite’s getting about as bad but at least I understand fortnite because

I’ve spent that time on it so I get like the gist of how it all works or whatever is multiverses still around I thought that it it’s like gone or something I thought that they like ended it or something like that platform fighting games like bralla

I don’t think you ever joined up on bralla did you have you ever played bralla you’ve heard of it but you haven’t played it well I mean if you like multiverses then you’ll like brala because it’s very similar or like Smash Brothers there is a really cool like the

Mechanics in the game is pretty interesting the way that it works um which is a little bit different I guess than uh Smash Brothers and multiverses but I mean once you figure it out I liked it but like lately all the all the people that join up are people

That are just like so good at the game and I can’t get people to stay because like they’re just getting dominated by this like one person that like seems like they’re cheating because they’re so good at the game so that kind of makes it a little bit worse

But like I would get get people to join in for like a couple games and then they’re like okay I’m out I’m done like you got to give it a chance you’ve only been playing for like 30 minutes they’re like we don’t care Plus another hard thing with braal

Is like once people join up it’s like one of those things at least on Fall Guys I can keep people interacting on the the stream but on brala if for whatever reason people just leave the the stream and then I’m just you know I’m trying to figure out if I need

To go all the way down with this or not oh my gosh there’s a Creeper down there how that creeper I guess there’s maybe some dark spots right here I have this stupid crossbow because I cannot find maybe I could try to hit both of them just die there we

Go I cannot find my bow and arrow though I have no idea where it is yeah I think we need to go all the way up with this I mean eventually we’re going to have to anyway I just all the materials it’s crazy about of materials why were they depressing if

You don’t mind me asking I mean I always like feedback you got to remember I like feedback you know as long as it’s constructive you know and it’s something that might possibly help the streams to get better what about it made it depressing I’m not sure if I’m going to

Have to go back here let’s just not do that for now yeah multiverses was pretty fun game though it was a pretty fun game kind of sad that it kind of went away oh it was like sad to see that nobody was playing that’s something you can’t

Really yeah you can’t really avoid and that’s part of the reason why I stopped um streaming it I mean that’s kind of part of the problem you know if I can’t get people to play then I don’t necessarily want to keep playing that game cuz then what’s what’s the point if

People aren’t joining up I know a lot of people are really irritated about this whole membership thing that I um you know up upgraded basically for the members but it’s like I only have three members right now so it’s not like it’s going to be that much of an effect you

Know for a while it’s going to take a while before it even seems like a big Deal but I figure if people are paying me to to have have a membership they should be the ones playing the game with me right for the most part but they’re not going to be always around there’s always going to be times where there’s no members in the the

Lobby or whatever give other people opportunities to Play All right how much materials have we use just to get this Tower up Here we still have a ways to go up as Well you got to do homework all right well good luck with that hopefully uh you get it done quickly all right So yeah I probably should stock up on some more materials before we go up on this one it’s like not over there okay we already went through all of that is crazy we sure there’s a way to just do them all very quickly all right I don’t know is there somebody else

Here make yourself known no I’m just kidding welcome to the stream glad to have you guys here wrong one okay so we have to go all the way up to 160 with this probably should put a light in There before we start having mobs spaw in here right of course I didn’t make it can I make the jump I hit the sidewall oh my gosh I hit it again how can you can you walk past this or what that’s interesting it keeps hitting me on this right here right rather

Than there we Go oh I swear I switched it it’s weird so we have to go all the way up to 160 and then we can start working on the next stage of these I don’t have come on okay so I need to go get some more pill pillars apparently I think the pillars where

Were the pillars at there they are hey notabot how’s it going how’s your Monday or is it still Monday for you trying to think your yeah your Monday just started right like it’s early Monday or can’t remember oh it’s Tuesday for you okay I wasn’t

Sure I don’t know the way the time works on the world kind of confuses me sometimes all right 155 five more steps to go and then we could start working on the actual tower part so what do you got planned for this week anything fun or exciting I’m 15 and hours cheese so if it’s Tuesday 15 hours ahead so it’s like really early early morning

Then I think you told me once that it was like my stream start at like 4:00 in the morning for you or something something like that okay I swear I switched it’s the second time that’s happened or my buttons not working or what brand new controller already

Broken this is kind of a fun song Right now it kind of reminds me of uh Honey I Shrunk the Kids like the very beginning intro Part if you know what I’m talking about anyway all right now we get to do the fun stuff which I think we’ll drop a couple of these don’t really need I swear every time I put one of these down though like I always lose them oh what I don’t need bones where

Did I even get those bones from Okay I’m going to put all my tools in here that I don’t Need keeping my maps maybe I don’t know let’s just empty it all that’s smooth trying to think like how much stuff we should need okay and then once we get to the point where we can’t yeah where we need the copper stuff then we’ll start switching that Over you’re still on holiday man that’s lucky Dude oh 7:30 a.m. is not too bad I guess all the scam Minecraft videos oh no I hate scam videos oh man anything to do with scammy like trly I’m just not that kind of person like I really hate that kind of crap drives me nuts all right I think I’m going to

Start with this one I want cuz I we can pretty much get this one entirely done cuz it has no copper whatsoever I just cannot remember for the life of me cuz it basically is the same one as this one over here I hate they got rid of the

Bouncy mechanic that pisses me off oh well all right so goes up like that out from the Center okay let’s get that done first and then see if we can land up here yes we did it all right so Center goes out like that and like that um you know I would love for people to like the video but it it’s kind of like one of those like double-edged

Swords okay cuz like there’s people out there that if you ask too much they don’t do it if you don’t ask at all they don’t do it um I don’t know what it is is about the the stigma or whatever it is that you want to call it between hitting the

Like button on a video like even like some of my biggest supporters for whatever reason will not like some of my videos and I don’t get it I don’t get it at all it’s like if you don’t like the video tell me why at least give me that

So I can maybe try to make it better or something I’m always trying to get better content out there for you guys but it all depends on the day you know it depends on the day depends on the person not to say that that’s a bad idea

Like I don’t think it’s a bad idea to ask for people to like the video I’m just saying it’s issues I’ve had in the past with it okay so this goes like that I think I put one of these like that hey I how’s your Monday

Going thanks NADA B I appreciate it I appreciate every like that I get you know likes watch time those are the important things to keep pushing the videos out in front of more people and stuff like that so I really do appreciate without you guys I wouldn’t be where I’m at

So okay put that there just got off work well hopefully it was a easy day for you I don’t know why when that song hit like it made me need to like pop my ears that was weird lights in here do I play Five Nights at Freddy’s no I have not played that

Before I’m not like huge on playing like scary games I mean not that I I mean I like scary movies and stuff like that I mean I wouldn’t mind watching the movie and stuff like that but um when it comes to like playing scary games and streaming it

Like there’s just there’s a lot less people out there that actually like scary stuff versus liking scary stuff plus I got a lot of kids that watch my content and I would hate to hear something in the comments it’s like I had a nightmare last night because of

Your stream or something like that that would break my heart and it’s not like it’s that scary I mean it’s not really that scary but to some people it is you know like that’s the thing to some people I mean heck like I’m trying to remember some of the

Things that like I would have nightmares about and one of the things was like my parents tried to get me out to go on a roller coaster when I was little and uh I never went on the roller coaster but that night I had a nightmare about being

On the roller coaster and of course it went bad but it really wasn’t even as bad as I mean this is my little kid brain making up stuff but uh you know it scared the crap out of me though I remember waking up screaming just because and it wasn’t like the

Roller coaster like even like crashed or anything it was just literally being on the roller coaster that scared me like that’s all it was now as an adult I love roller coasters like I absolutely love roller coasters but you know everybody got their time things that scared them once upon a time wait

What less dogs to worry about what do you mean less less dogs to worry about like cuz it was snowing like you just didn’t have as many people come in or whatever I was like what is that have anything to do with am I missing some messages here

Here yeah pretty much like Final Destination but with like no death like it was literally the most PG nightmare that you could ever have like it seriously was like so PG like it really wasn’t even even that scary but for a kid you know it was it

Was scary to me at the time if that makes sense like it was seriously like just me going up and down on the roller coaster like it was literally just me riding the roller coaster like I didn’t die I didn’t like it didn’t crash it didn’t like it was just

Simple and it scared the Living Daylights out of me I don’t know how to explain that okay now I got to figure out how how do I do this next part oh I didn’t even do this next part I didn’t even finish this I just realized that okay this is supposed to have

Like spots like this that is hilarious okay we’re have to figure out the center part it’s like no wonder it looks weird okay simple as that I think I could have figured that out on my own over there okay done but while we’re here we’ll figure out what this next step is

Here to go in we got two one two three four five six six s okay seven high oh crap almost nail or almost landed it seven High okay like I guess we do need these here anyway I don’t know if you guys saw the uh rocket League video that I posted

Today I’m doing a new um I don’t know I’m hoping that this works out so far I haven’t really gotten that many views or likes on the video yet but I’m doing like best shots and then um the next video for tomorrow is going to be called

Weirdest and I am using Weird Al music so it’s basically going to be the same song as today’s video I know I’m kind of giving you guys spoilers um I don’t know why I just jumped off there I guess I do need to go to

Bed but uh so what I’m planning on doing it hopefully it works out you know hopefully people like it or whatever but I’m like going to be doing like best and weirdest or you know some of the you know awkward shots or whatever that were made on Rocket league and then uh use

Weird ow Weird Al’s version of the same song I don’t know I think it’ be I think it’s funny I think it’s hilarious all right it placed I hate when it does that why does it do that H it’s like I’m literally trying to go there for some reason it’s

Like sorry I’m trying to figure out how to actually do it on purpose so I’m always doing it on accident I think it was only three right then two there we go before we forget let’s go ahead and get these put in wait what you’re said that the green edit style

For I don’t even know what that is oh it lags out the that style lags out your switch that sucks see that’s a thing like okay so my daughter for whatever reason likes scary stuff and her thing is like uh I don’t know if you guys even heard for

This I mean I guess it’s kind of a popular thing did I just place yes it did again but I don’t know if you have ever heard of siren head cuz apparently she’s she kind of is obsessed with siren head or has been and then she’d get mad

Because she has nightmares about it and she’s like she it’s my worst nightmare siren head and I’m like why do you keep watching videos and spend your time looking at that kind of stuff if it’s giving you nightmares eventually I just took away her adult YouTube because she couldn’t

She she basically was like I can’t help it like whenever I’m on there I just want to watch it but I don’t want to and I’m like well then I’ll just take it away completely and come on why does it do that I swear like I’m not trying to place it right

There like it goes underneath but now she’s like she kind of wants her adult YouTube back again but I’m like remember like you kept watching stuff that you don’t or shouldn’t like it’s tough being a parent sometimes I swear at least she’s pretty understanding about most things that I

You know tell her I got to do whatever take away this take away that she’s pretty understanding 1 2 3 4 5 six 7 hey Allstar how’s it going your diamond too nice they really make you grind for it then huh if you’re only going up by like a small percentage all right see you later Izzy I don’t know if you’ve left already but we’ll see you later thanks for joining up for a

Bit I wonder how long it would take to actually get to Unreal then I mean you would literally have to be like winning almost every game game okay so now we’re on to this part I believe I did a Full wrap around with the half slabs I think that’s what I did let’s go look cuz we’re basically making it the same as this yeah Yeah that’s pretty much what I did two blocks up there okay wait a minute one more thing yeah okay sorry I had to double check hey VBS how’s it going you had no school today nice it took you five hours to get to Diamond 2 that is

Crazy I don’t know how I’d be able to help you though like what what is it that you think that I could do to Help cuz I’m really I have no idea what I would be able to do to help You Why is there music I don’t know cuz I feel like uh it was really boring like extremely boring without the music I figure this will help a little bit did I I did two blocks like this right oh and then I put a layer I got okay now I

Remember I know the music is not the best music I get that um but it is copyright free pretty much the only music I can use so please bear with the music some of it’s okay you know it’s definitely not the best but it’s better than nothing okay so there’s that completely

Done and then basically line this whole thing with half slabs this kind of helps like with a couple things one mobs won’t spawn up here and then plus I could put some light underneath it and it’ll help brighten it up a little bit so like right Here right here cuz the best thing is when the Castle’s all lit up when it’s nighttime it’s so cool looking especially when it doesn’t have like a lot of visible lights it’s like there’s some parts that have like the in rods and stuff like that but it’s not as

Noticeable and then there’s a whole bunch more light that you can’t even see I love it all right this Tower is done let’s go now we can try to land on this one oh shoot all right so this one this one’s identical to the other

One right over on the other side of this one um except for it doesn’t have those like small towers that come off of it or whatever that we were talking about earlier so this one’s a little bit easier it’s going to be identical to can’t even see it I think it’s that

No not that one is it that one no it’s not that one those two towers are the same it’s one of the ones that are over there with just the the peak I think it’s in the middle hey Rapster how’s it going a raer raer I can’t remember

I think it’s raer Rafer right raftar hey welcome back I haven’t seen you for a minute how have you been oh the is it the Vault glitch where like you can get hit in with a car is that is that the glitch you’re talking about or if like somebody smashes you into it

Or something but it has to be a friend right or is it a different glitch I know I’m trying to get all the outside stuff done before I start working on the interior honestly the interior is going to be way more involved it’s going to be crazy like the

The interior is going to be way harder than this outer part and I’m trying to figure out the materials that I’m going to need I know that the ballroom I want to do a glass uh floor that has like a reflection on it um I think that would

Be pretty cool for the for the Ballroom um just cuz it kind of was like that in the in the cartoon um but yeah I’ve been I’ve been looking at uh pictures and other stuff to try to figure out what I’m going to need for the for the interior it’s going to be insane but eventually we’ll get

There it’s kind of crazy to think that this is actually kind of the easy part except for the fact that I’ve been spending hours trading for quarts and stuff not just trading for quarts but also getting emeralds from raids and stuff like that the raid

Farm is like a must have like in your world though it’s so good plus you get so many totem of undying that uh yeah it’s it’s worth it this song is so weird Okay D it’s over okay I was I was going to remove it from my favorite cuz like this is just Weird oh I like this one I think I remember this one there’s so many mobs down there I think I did that hopefully I got this right build a 24 stacked raid Farm what’s a 24 stacked raid Farm yeah I’ve been I’ve been working hard you know trying to get get subscribers

And stuff like that it’s been a it’s been a hard road but we’re getting there swear I’m always gaining some and losing some every day it’s like lose three gain 10 which is not terrible there a little bit of light on this situation here oh I’m out of pillars come

On I think I just did that okay oh that’s the wrong block okay all right I’m going to have to go get some Pillars hey da how’s it going you’re back welcome back nice to have you there are monsters nearby what the heck go to this one then hello hello hello sorry I didn’t respond quick enough 24 villagers and a Pillager Outpost with all four spawning spots I mean I could show you what raid

Farm I got I mean I don’t remember is that on Java or is that on Bedrock because on Java like there’s only one spawn spot or yeah on Bedrock is that what I said okay I think I need kind of worried that I might be running out of materials here

Soon but we got one Tower done we got this Tower pretty much built this one’s going to be a pain in the butt but we’ll get there okay okay I’m pretty sure I got that right yeah we just land up here okay one full layer I got that and then it’s the windows

Windows go all the way up with this okay should to get rid of all these extra blocks that I don’t need so I don’t get confused all right I think I got it all he Swift o Tech how’s it going welcome back you are here welcome back okay if I remember right this

This sorry I know that this is like a lot of spinning around and stuff so I’m sorry if it’s making anybody dizzy it’s like it’s either that or I work like really really slow and then it’s like ah am I not getting enough done quick enough I don’t know

I watched some some other streamers though that they’re operating so fast that it’s like you can hardly even see what they’re doing I’m trying to make it like kind of in the middle so how’s the whole last month been since you’ve been gone then so with this 24 stack villager farm

Or whatever or uh raid Farm do you get more rates or like higher rates then with that many villagers not sure what the the upside to having it is versus like a regular one so I mean I could fly over and show you my the one that I got

Either way it’s definitely one of those musthave things like I swear it’s worth it cuz it’s so easy all you have to do is sit there with a looting three sword and gather up all the stuff you know so easy I follow silent whisper actually I think he’s a really good YouTuber

Okay oh wait a minute uh that’s the wrong spot that’s right and that’s the wrong spot too what is going on right there I got lost oh shoot I thought I was crouched we made the trip down here for nothing uh let’s see here uh my guardian farm that I have

Right now is pretty good I mean it’s very simple and I mean it doesn’t have anything to do with the nether or anything like that I mean if you really need that many drops I mean I have more sea lanterns than I could ever use I swear and I had to

Actually turn it off because it was so productive like I actually have it like so it’s only doing a very small amount of um Guardians because it was doing so well and honestly mine’s probably one of the easiest uh Guardian Farms that I’ve ever seen out there really it’s super

Easy you don’t have to drain anything you know you could just build it as is you don’t even have to have a collection system like I have and it works really well if you want I could fly over there and show it to you real quick if you want me

To yeah and that’s another thing like mine does not create a lot of lag it doesn’t lag at all cuz I like in in my base cuz that’s where my actual base is like where all my stuff is for the most part other than the fact that I have stuff everywhere

Um I have like lots of different farms in there and if I like I have a creeper Farm I have a bamboo Farm a Kel Farm uh I guess there’s kind of I don’t know if I did I take out the cactus farm

I don’t know if I I don’t know if I took out the cactus farm what quartz Farm I don’t have a quartz Farm um what I’m what I do to get my quartz is I go to my RAID Farm that’s right over here and then I do my raids

Get my emeralds and then I come here to my prison where all my prisoners are working and I trade um my emeralds for quartz right here so that’s how that works and actually probably should get some right now cuz we are running low anyway so I

Might as well so this is how I get my quartz plus this doubles up as a iron farm which I could technically trade my iron to the villagers in here um cuz the inside part is um all the other villagers that do like a what is this one armor no

Toolsmith so I can actually trade I could use okay so another thing is like when you do a raid you get the hero of the village uh effect or whatever it’s called which lowers the rates of which you can get emeralds so I could actually

Go do a raid come back here and then trade my iron for like two for every Emerald rather than than four and get a lot more emeralds that way as well and all of these guys in here trade for iron and with the iron farm going I mean you could I

Mean I’ve used a lot of my iron already but down here you know this is full this is getting full and then where did I put my shulker box yeah I put a whole a whole shulker box of iron blocks in my Ender Chest just to have

It but it’s starting to load up again the one thing I got to figure out I need to do like some um shepher like some Shepherd villagers or whatever and get the red dye as a trade cuz I have so many of those poppies I have no idea what to do with

Them okay I don’t really have a farming District that’s the thing like um I’ve realized over the years is if you put all your stuff in one spot it really that’s what causes a lot of lag and issues like that if you have like a whole bunch of farms in the same

Spot so that’s that’s the reason why I kind of split it up a little bit and put it in different areas the unfortunate part is you have to be in that area for it to work um that’s the unfortunate part but I’ve been spreading it out a little bit

So it’s not so uh congested but I do like having at least a couple in the same area that’s why I like moving the farm um over here is cuz right now while we’re doing these trades the farmers are still actually being productive and we’re getting like uh carrots and

Wheat that we could trade um but I don’t think that the the Sheep F or the wool Farm is close enough I’m not sure but the Farms that I have in this area are my iron farm wool Farm uh farm farm of like wheat and carrots and pumpkins and watermelon

Um and a technically a tree farm technically I mean you still I mean it’s not like an automatic one like the other ones but wait what I only build some of the most efficient Farms what hurts though what’s a battering Farm I don’t know what a battering

Farm why why does uh looking at my iron farm make you want to die bartering so you’re you’re talking about like uh like just like a trading Hall cuz the reason why I made my iron farm the way that it is is cuz um my nephew my nephew wanted to build a

Prison and I was like okay that’s cool but what’s what what a prison you know if it doesn’t actually produce something right so we built this prison and I was like well why don’t we build an iron farm on top of it I feel like it’s pretty productive I

Mean it’s productive enough for me anyway it does at least four Iron Golems um in rotation has up to the potential of having four Iron Golems I don’t know feels like it works out pretty good and then my farm that are down here I think we did this a couple episodes

Ago and then I have the the wool Farm is over here we have uh one of each color and then it all goes in here pretty productive I mean I’m not in this area a lot but I have it all marked out out put my cats over

Here and then the tree farm is down here which I have like the ability to do like dark oak this one’s for like Oak and uh not Spruce the the white one what’s the birch and then this down here is for like uh doing um warped

Stem that kind of thing I don’t know and this right here is like really really cool because um underneath the Moss here is a whole bunch of uh whole bunch of Hoppers and it just collects all the all the stuff and puts it into uh the chest for you so you

Don’t have to even sit around collecting saplings or anything that is one thing I don’t have is a is a gold Farm I do not have a gold Farm yet I haven’t quite figured out how to do it because I can’t seem to one get above uh bedrock in the

Nether um I know that there’s ways to do it but I haven’t had a chance to to really kind of get it figured out hasn’t been a huge priority to me Either okay see if I can actually see over oh yeah I don’t have that okay let’s go look over here hey foxing how’s it going you got your account back what happened to it all right so this goes up one two and it has this right here here

Okay so let’s go get our copper now this is an interesting song emotional mess is what it’s called that’s Hilarious all right I think all we need is Stairs slabs there we go okay make sure we actually had enough can I make the memberships $2 oh I already inputed it so like it’s already been put in I try to make it as affordable as possible I feel like $3 I mean that’s only a dollar for every 10

Days feel like it was pretty affordable and it’s like the most common I guess for the tier one or the lowest tier um membership I do apologize for everybody who can’t get a membership like it’s not I’m not out to to get anybody or you

Know not make it so people can join in and stuff it’s not my intention but most YouTubers the reason why they cannect actually continue doing what they’re doing is cuz they actually have you know members and that’s what I got to get eventually and it has to be

Worthwhile right but at least now it’s like if you get a membership you’ll know that you’ll have a lot more game time rather than just joining in almost like a subscriber like I wanted to give a little bit extra to the to the members because they’re actually paying to join

In kind of makes sense if you really think about it I know that it it’s not the greatest thing if you if you uh can’t afford it or not able to get it but maybe eventually you can I don’t know if it’s worth it I try to make it worth it you

Know right now we only have three members on the channel so even even now it’s like you won’t really see or feel the effects of it until a while from now it’s not like you’re not going to be able to join in and stuff and I can’t imagine the members

Actually are like they the entire stream you know what I mean all right music is dead I think I’m we’re going try to go to the next page so I think I still have some on the other page oh I’m putting music on myself again I know it’s not the best

Music but it is something makes it a little less blah you know like when it’s just me talking it’s just a little blah in my opinion I don’t know maybe some people like the silence I know it helps me out a little bit to be honest

Most of the time when I’m playing like Minecraft on my own I’m like watching a movie or doing something at the same time okay well unfortunately I can’t do song request cuz I have to keep it copyright free but believe me I would be listening to a lot different music if I

Could but this is what YouTube has to offer for their copyri right free music I do need to go through it a little bit more and pick ones that are good I mean this one’s actually not too bad this one’s probably one I would keep some of them are just weird and

Awful what did I vote for for the mob vote I think I had my daughter actually help me pick it and I think we actually picked the penguin but I’m kind of glad that uh no no she picked the crab I think and I don’t know what the crab would have

Dropped but I like the fact that the armadillo um is giving us wolf armor which is pretty awesome makes wolves a little bit more uh like desirable or something why does it do that cuz now if you have like a pack of wolves with you and they’re all like

Armored up like they’ll last a lot longer and feel like they’re going to be way worth it almost out of sea lanterns huh I don’t know what did you vote for wait what I won’t have school tomorrow either wherever I’m living at their 45 mile per hour oh there’s 45 mph

Winds I don’t know my weather where I live is like been so mild like it’s finally kind of gotten a little cold but like literally it’s been one of the warmest Winters we’ve had in like a long time it’s been really weird not even that much rain no snow not even

Ice it it’s been crazy this song kind of reminds me of like an 80s movie or something something that they play on in an 80s film I think I’ve used this song in some other my some other of my videos some of my other videos man I kind of said that

Weird some of my other videos I’ve used this song these towers are so freaking complicated crab should have won do you know what the crab would have uh dropped I have no idea what the crab would have dropped or if it would have been like I don’t know I think that’s

That’s what my daughter chose was the crab all right now that we got that done I got to remember how did the next part you stayed up till 3:00 a.m. were were you were you staying up to try to get a win on Fall Guys or you

Just happen to get a win on Fall Guys while staying up till 3:00 a.m. all right so two blocks middle has a window and pillars on the sides okay okay and Pillar it’s like place It I should raid people’s streams I don’t know what really how to like I mean other than like telling you guys to raise the stream and raid the stream like how does that like really affect the stream here like cuz like you can’t see what’s going on but it is fun I

Suppose like I really want to I just don’t know how and I only want to like raid people that I actually really support like I I wouldn’t want to like raid somebody that I’m like wait a minute I found out he’s like a bad person or something or just somebody that I don’t

Really like does that make sense I don’t know like I feel like I’m not making sense okay pillars goes all the way up trying to think here I think it’s right there I mean I mean okay so this is my dilemma when it comes to

Raids as much as it is fun to like be you know discovered by people and you know have that really cool uh Vibe going sometimes it’s actually more hurtful than you think to have a raid and I’m going to explain why because if people raid you for like let’s say 5

Minutes or maybe even less than 5 minutes like let’s say they don’t even stay for very long it actually drops your average view time down which could actually hurt your channel and as fun as raids are like I’m not trying to really you know take away

From from raids in general cuz I feel like if they’re done in the positive way it’s still a positive you know it’s a good way to discover other people help spread the the love kind of deal but if if your subscribers are only staying for a small amount of time

It could actually do more harm than good to that person’s Channel and so I guess that’s kind of where I’m like you know I don’t want people to only go for like two seconds drop their average view time down to like you know from 10 minutes to 3

Minutes and all of a sudden YouTube’s not pushing their their Channel out to new people because of a raid so it’s like I don’t know it’s like it’s a double-edged sword really if you really think about it and again I’m not trying to like be negative about it I’m just that’s

Reality that’s how it is unfortunately so if I was to raid somebody I would pretty much try to tell everybody to to watch the video for for a while because I would hate to drop somebody’s view time down I think the best thing to do rather than raiding somebody is just trying to

Do shout outs be like hey check out this person’s Channel you know if you like it then you know maybe you’ll stick around or whatever tell maybe tell the reason why I don’t know maybe I should do something more like that I’m so busy though like if you guys

Have any channels that you guys think I should shout out or whatever let me know I’ll check them out and get back to you guys uh do I use mods like in my world no I’ve had some people use hacks on this world a little bit um but everything that I’ve built

I’ve done on 100% survival like 100% no cheats no hacks no nothing survival but I know that there have been people and that’s kind of part of the reason why I um don’t have people join up on my Minecraft world anymore it’s cuz people were using hacks and uh

Deleting stuff they would delete entire chunks of my projects they would uh delete my entire inventory out of my hands like my like there would be like a time where I’m like all of a sudden I’m working and then like I have nothing in my inventory like this whole thing is

Just in empty completely empty I think I lost all my armor like all this was gone all you know everything on my person was just deleted that was the last straw I was like I’ve worked hard to get my netherite armor I mean this was before

Even you know the new update with the netherite armor but I was like no I can’t I can’t do this no more it’s like nope not going to deal with it cuz I couldn’t get it back it was very depressing okay so now the next step I need to get some more materials

Okay Stone Cutters are so awesome I wish that there was Lumber Mills like I feel like Lumber Mills would be so good to be able to do stuff basically the same stuff with uh Lumber or wood that you can with the stone be so cool okay why is this not oh this is

Smooth oh tell me I haven’t used Smooth hope hopefully I didn’t use any smooth Stone it just has a different texture okay got to remind myself how to do this so I don’t do it wrong okay so one above that which I did already half SL was all the way around the outside of

That two full wrap arounds with the stairs okay and then one two I can’t see okay so that’s one two two three four five one two two 3 4 five before I go up I need to get my gold and stuff too time to play fall guys all

Right now we need to find Lego fortnite hackers no no thank you we already have people already disrupting the stream enough as it is when it comes to Lego fortnite uh where’s some in rod where’s my in rods it’s like I just need one there we go this is some interesting

Music yeah today is just Minecraft today yeah honestly I woke up really wanting to play fortnite I was kind of like uh it’s Monday but I mean I’m I did spend a lot lot of time last night trying to get today’s live stream prepared and everything and I was excited to get this

Done but when I woke up I was like man I really want to play minecra or uh fortnite days be like that sometimes but when I post my schedule I try to keep to it speaking of though I did make a mistake on the schedule uh

Just so you guys know people uh that are here um I do have to pick up my daughter this Friday so instead of noon to 6 for the joinable fortnite Friday stream it’s going to be from noon to 4:00 so we are going to lose at least two hours on that

Stream so I do apologize for that I just completely forgot to change that I was like oh you know it’s going to be the same as last week but then I realized oh wait a minute I got to pick up my daughter this week so that’s the reason for that so I do

Apologize I am considering on reposting it because I don’t feel like a lot of people even saw it yet so there we go oh those are flight duration 3es I was like what in the world this music is so interesting oh my gosh oh man

I was like well that was quick it’s like a 4 second song I think that’s another one of my small ones I have those saved for like making edited videos I think that’s why I have it on my favorites list put some light in here cuz we want lots of

Light you’re playing Minecraft what are you doing on your world different songs from the thing is you got to look up copyright free music and some of it is like it’s copyright free but you still have to like put on their like link to their video and stuff so

It’s like it all depends you know like you have to really go through the music trust me it’s harder than you think they do have a huge Library especially on the part partnership uh library and you could buy a license like they they have license from like 99 cents to I mean

I’ve seen some in there for thousands of dollars like crazy like they obviously do not want anybody using their music on anything um because it’s not even like the greatest music it’s just like not any music that you would even know probably and the license to buy it is

Like thousands of dollars to be able to use it it’s like what are you doing that’s so dumb it’s like it’s better to get your music out There but I do not have any money to spend on licens music I think once you buy the license though you basically own it to be able to use on any of your videos I think I don’t think it’s a one time deal all right so now we got that outer

Part done now it’s oh switch this to one Two two three four why does this look like it’s already in the center no it’s not four one two three four five almost flew off there for a second this one’s kind of a good one has potential done please jeez two three two three and done

Sor I got these numbers in my head I got to try to focus up for just a minute and then I’ll ReChat again so just give me a second one Two wait a minute did I screw up one two three oh come on dude one yeah that needs to go up by one dang it okay it’s all right we’re going to fix it on this one see this is the reason why I got to focus so I screw up like

That then I have to redo the whole thing which I don’t feel like I okay one two two one two three one two three four which we’re just going to leave that There put in another one see I like this kind of music feel like this isn’t too bad but I like kind of like just regular rock type music 80s 7s type Rock maybe 90s on Twitch uh you can’t no it’ll mute you I’ve had it mute me I mean unless

They’ve changed it recently um twitch twitch will just mute it completely like they’ll just completely mute your video or at least the part that has copyright stuff you could barely hear the music he you just got to tell me so I don’t I I can’t hear what’s going on I could hear it

But I don’t know exactly what’s going on on your guys’s end is that a lot better I didn’t want it to be like overpowering though you know okay now I’m trying to remember how I did this I think this middle one was like that I want to say I did

This I might have to go look at it real quick so once we get like one side done we’ll got it figured out trust me I know the struggle with the keybinds like the worst is when I when I was playing Lego fortnite I was trying to use the same buttons as

Minecraft because it’s very similar you know it’s not the same game but very similar and uh yeah that was a struggle okay one below okay I think I got it at least I got this part right and this goes like that this isn’t too bad right put another sea lantern in

Here oh crap now I can’t remember dang okay this one I think I did different so that’s why I was oh come on like want to land up there dang it oh why is this so difficult like I literally just need to crash in that one spot now this will

Work okay so that’s a half slab Above This step by one okay one half slab all right we’re going to go up the other way hey logo how’s it going oo woo there you go you got your free one for today how’s your Monday going put your Crosshair where you want

To land I’ll try that next time all right maybe that’s my problem is I’m like too focused on where I’m trying to land rather than the Crosshair okay so one above and that we just got to fix this one above and that okay two sides Done you want me to say that it’s like I read it and I’m like okay I mean I don’t know what to think about that I feel like there might be a deeper meaning to it though like I don’t know is there something like that I don’t know about that

Phrase cuz I don’t want to say it and then it have like an alternate meaning that I’m not aware of it’s like that I do not want to do especially if it’s like anti-semitic or hate whatever fueled it’s like no hate no discrimination on this channel at least not for me can’t

Control some of the people that are in here Though [Applause] see some of this music’s not too bad I mean maybe you guys are like oh my gosh I hate this whatever but for me I mean it’s not that bad something you have one stack of diamonds let’s go at least they made diamonds a little bit more useful now

I always wanted to be on like a YouTuber or content creator type Minecraft world where there’s like a huge shopping district where you could actually like you know buy and sell things from other players that would been so fun we tried to do that with Helix craft

But too many people were like they were like speedrunners like they got bored because we like beat eat the Ender Dragon they’re like okay let’s go to the next world it’s like dude I haven’t even built my house yet let alone anything else and you just want to go on the next

World like what the heck it’s like just cuz the Ender Dragon’s dead does not mean the game is over that’s the be beautiful thing about Minecraft man it’s like this Tower looks so much bigger than this Tower next to it that is crazy it’s looking pretty good though

Right and we’ll have the walls connecting it it’ll look good it’ll look fine so now we’re on to the hard one part of me wants to just do the roof and then just kind of work after the fact and get this done I don’t know this is going to be a pain though

Either way you cut it it’s going to be a pain let me pull up my picture here real quick let’s see here where’s my castle stuff Castle Give me one second guys sorry okay so the tower goes below below the bottom part this is going to be a challenge I wish you guys could see like what I’m looking at so you can get an idea what we’re going to have to try to figure out I wish I had better

Angles this one’s a pretty good angle okay well let’s just get started and see what happens cuz I think what I’m going to have to do is build the Tower up you know build the roof up like you’re supposed to or like we’re supposed to here and then build the

Towers around it would probably be the best even though it’s going to use up more Materials bark why do you guys want me to make animal Noises either way you got your free one for today the only reason why I haven’t said what the vovs wanted me to say is cuz I feel like it’s kind of Weird I don’t know if there’s like a second meaning the point of those worlds is Mega bases oh like uh you’re talking about the yeah I mean I I like making Mega bases I don’t like making small builds like I’ve gotten to the point where big builds

Are I don’t know like the challenge I’m looking for guess that’s the reason why I’m doing this I suppose oh jeez okay so once I can land on here I’m just going to build it up and then we’re going to build the towers around it hopefully let’s see

Here might have to get some more materials here in a second this song I’ve used quite a few times on my videos I like this one oh come on knew it And I need more hey Adriana how’s it going how’s your Monday so far yeah I need more sea lanterns already I probably should just grab some real quick so this Tower practically is the same as the one that we just did except for it’s going to have those

Towers and the weird roof on the top all right see you later logo logo this one’s kind of crazy it’s like talk about high energy holy cow makes me feel like I need to work faster [Applause] why does it seem like a lot of music nowadays like has like a siren in

It like why do we need a siren like whether it’s a police siren ambulance siren like what is Sirens why are they they becoming popular do not get it like I’ll be like listening to music in the car and all a sudden I’ll hear a siren in the song and

I’ll be like looking around like oh is there a police officer like behind me or you know like do I need to pull over like what’s the Deal siren beat like is that a thing that is true having ender chest and Jer boxes are so nice to have that is the worst part about starting a new world is having to go get that stuff plus they’re just making it harder and harder I

Swear which is kind of a good thing I mean you can’t really be mad about it cuz if the game was just it never got harder then it would probably get stale pretty quickly it’s still annoying though I honestly don’t know why netherite armor had to get more become more

Difficult like I thought that it was already pretty difficult can I just yes there we go yeah I’ve been thinking about it honestly I don’t know do I be honest uh yes I I think having mods is really important having more mods and things like that I’ve been having

Problems with certain mod lately and it’s been kind of stressful to be honest so it’s like I just want to make sure that whoever is the next mod not going to have that same problem and so I’m kind of nervous about it I guess I could always take a risk but

Again it’s like I take the risk give it to somebody and then take it away because they didn’t do a good enough job and then now you’re dealing with the drama of that not a huge person when it comes to drama Like I definitely don’t want to like hurt somebody’s feelings just because oh I don’t know it’s like more like it’s their fault you know if I take it away it’s because of something they did but a lot of these people lately it seems like they don’t want to take

Accountability for what they do or something I don’t know if that’s fair enough for me to say I don’t know this one two three four five see I don’t I don’t want to mod like Allstar I want to mod more like Javier or Maddie or Izzy would be a good

Example of a good mod of course iron Wolf’s a good mod But wait I did do the right thing okay okay I’m going to run out of these blocks so that’s the thing like yeah like you need to realize like if you’re going to be mod like the thing that I really want from mods is that one I I

Want support I want people to support me as a as the streamer um you know if you have a disagreement with me you know don’t argue with me on on the channel or something I don’t know figure out a way to communicate with me elsewhere or something or if there’s something that

You think I could do better sure that’s constructive but I definitely don’t want people fighting with um with other subscribers you know like it needs to be a welcom welcoming environment um and it’s not all about you you know what I mean like I don’t even make this Channel all about

Me let alone try to make it all about one of you like I try to make it as a Community thing you know like I want everybody to have a good time not just a few unfortunately you can’t make everybody happy sometimes it just does not work

But I try to go with the majority of people right what what does the majority want and I know that like uh as an example and again I’m not trying to call out anybody but the example is like last Friday somebody let’s just call it that

If you know you know but somebody was like arguing that it wasn’t fair that I was doing a vote when it came to the mashup thing for uh Friday’s mashup stream and uh the bottom line is I I went off whatever the majority of people wanted

Not off of what one person or a few people wanted and the majority of people wanted a certain thing that wasn’t the same as the what that person wanted you know and it’s like well you know if I can make five people happy and it makes

One person not happy I feel like that’s a win I don’t know you can tell me if I if you think I’m wrong but no matter what it’s like I can’t make everybody happy I just can’t it’s not going to happen would I be allowed to commit a

Villager abuse Ow like what in the world is wrong with you dude reminds me of a a video I watched the other day it was a or it was yesterday actually somebody made a video as a Minecraft video and it was like I can’t remember I think it was an

Iron golem that killed a a dog and it was like the iron wolf killed or the not Iron Wolf the Iron Golem killed John Wick’s dog and like it was like John Wick basically was taking out like all the villagers and like completely destroying the entire Village it was

Crazy yeah let’s go to bed real quick but like it was like Overkill too it was like the whole place was on fire the whole like I know I said Iron Wolf on accident Iron Golem and a wolf there’s you know it mixed up in my brain there for a

Second but anyway it was it was a good video though okay do I have this right yeah not looking forward to getting this other part of the tower done cuz I don’t know what to do and it’s so confusing okay and I’m going to need more blocks okay

Another thing that really sucks to not have early game is an elytra like having an elytra to me is like a musthave thing is that enough maybe I don’t know we’ll see that was the last of my music I think I’m going through trying to get some

More put on my uh favorite list though wait a minute do I have another page I do have another page sorry I got to double check to make sure none of it needs to have something mentioned in the title here real quick or in the description I

Mean it’s like some some music it’s like it’s copyright or it’s copyright free but you have to still put their link or Whatever there we go ASA bug has it going this good thing to have on your video listening YouTube music and putting them on your videos yeah I figured like having music is better than not right again it’s not the best music but it’s something better than just plan Minecraft building

It’s like I know a lot of this I’m going to be building over but I feel like this is going to be the easiest way to do this hopefully famous last one words Though there’s a lot of sea lanterns on here it’s like I might have to go back to my base and actually get some more eventually here I brought a whole Sher box of sea lanterns and I think we’ve we’re down to like three stacks or something

I what do you guys think of my last uh Minecraft short um honestly I feel like the one thing I could have improved on was my shakiness like it seemed like my you know like when I was flying around I was kind of shaky so I need to work on that

But other than that I felt like it was a pretty good video for how simple it [Applause] was the worst part is like when I’m moving around when I’m flying it’s all you know my joystick is just so not very smooth to begin with and I don’t know how to make it smooth cuz it’s you know it’s like barely move it and it’s like jolts it’s not

Like I mean I had to like really go slow on my joystick for [Applause] that [Applause] traveled 500 blocks to find the most incomplete ruined portal were you like trying to find that or like was that just what you found after traveling 500 blocks all right thanks for letting me

Know Adriana I really do appreciate you I really do I see you in my streams like mostly every day and I I really do appreciate you one two one two one two three let’s not mess up this last one one two three 4 oh do I still have the gold on me yes

Okay one two three four Five all right’s the peak of that one [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] this almost has like a Transylvania type vibe to it [Applause] all right sorry I’m like counting in my head just so you guys know that’s the reason I’m being quiet I mean I could do it out loud but I mean do you really want to hear me count I don’t know maybe you do I’ve used this song quite a bit too

This is is a pretty good one I think I’m going have to go get some more sea lanterns because I don’t think I have enough the music didn’t want to count out loud yeah that either which wait what which chapter 5 POI should I should you build oh like

So you’re going to build like a like a fortnite POI is that what you’re talking about just make sure I’m on the same page here that would be fun to build a Minecraft fortnite uh POI POI point of interest trying to think which one I would Do h I don’t know I’m trying to think of them all to be honest to be hon like me and uh Iron Wolf and Raiders were even talking about this the other day is like we don’t really have like a favorite favorite place to land even like we’re just don’t really have

Anything specific that we like more than others you know what I mean so I can’t even think it’d be fun to do like one of the the cities like uh hazy or or uh what’s the one with the train station going through it the one with the SMG I can’t remember

What it’s called now all right see you later Adriana thanks for joining up again I really do appreciate you oh I hate tail tag tail tag is the worst I don’t know what it is like about like me but like I cannot grab things very well I I don’t know what I’m doing

Like my timing is off or what but tail tag is the worst or it’s like the one that you have to like hold on to the penguin for long periods of time I can’t remember which one that one’s called but that one I suck at too cuz

Like I can’t never catch up with people and it’s like don’t they go slower than you like I swear that they’re supposed to go slower than you but I don’t know life is hard yeah that’s really what I was looking at that’s crazy that it knew that that’s where I wanted it

Another like kind of techno type Song E This one’s really weird though it’s very 80s like you know weird makes your ears feel weird kind of thing I don’t know I’m tempted to pass it to be honest I like 80s music so don’t get me wrong but some’s messing with Me all right almost done with the easy part actually make a pretty good time though we’ve got three towers done well this one’s got a ways to go but I’m dreading it man I’m dreading it cuz it’s not going to be easy I know it’s not going to be easy come on

No I’m out keep going over here okay is that all the copper I have left I mean I do have some oxidizing okay I got these that’s good so I have all this copper out here and then I was smelting some over here I don’t know how much I have left I think

I took it all out that’s what’s on the ground right now took all that out okay so I have a little bit more copper in here okay hey Javier how’s it going no worries glad to see you hopefully your day is going pretty good though

Oh there you go that one’s a good one to build yeah I like that that’s a good idea do that one okay um oh I was like what did I do wrong here I did half slabs rather than full slabs I was like okay so now that we got this one

Built we got to figure out these towers that are going to go on the side it needs to be kind of visible from this angle I really don’t know this is going to be tough I got to pull up my picture hey Zach how’s your day

Going you want to be a stormchaser when you grow up that would be that’ be fun okay pulling up the pictures here again Okay so there’s like a none of these are really good angles so Maybe so the gold roof is a little bit Lower I’m not looking forward to this okay let’s see here kind of need to look at it from a far way away [Applause] Here okay so this center [Applause] part [Applause] [Applause] okay think think think needs to be kind of back behind this wall piece sorry guys this going to take me just a second maybe right here and this is just going to be like a simple 5 by Circle oh crap drop one no Okay so if I did one right

There exact opposite would be like right here going inward right okay I was able to do that now I need to move it over needs to be like right here maybe He so move this back one still don’t feel like this is the right spot for it but let’s try to see if we can get a view on it real quick from up above or something okay towers are going to come out the side maybe if we go up

Here that doesn’t look right it maybe needs to be the tow need to be a little bit bigger let’s look at what the next size is six I think would be 7 be too big this kind of not really okay try something else here told you this part’s going to be kind of

Complicated so I do apologize not going to try to going to try not to ignore you guys or anything I just have to give this some thought I wasn’t sure if we were going to be able to get to this or not today and it’s the one thing I didn’t

Have planned cuz I knew I had to have this built before I can actually plan it out I think this has probably been one of my more frustrating ones to do just cuz we are dealing with like a angle rather than a a right angle it’s more of like a

Straight off angle kind of deal or a diagonal angle is that correct where do I put more Rockets think I put some over here somewhere didn’t I I swear I did where the heck guess not fine okay so I guess my thought process is wanted look like it needed to go kind

Of out more to the sides so I’m thinking maybe if we have this angle kind of going this way and we do four or whoa kind of has a bad language do we do seven though is what I’m Thinking I mean this kind of bleeped out I guess okay so let’s look at this one I don’t know why I go all the way around the other way yeah I think that’s going to be good that’ll go off on that side right there perfect okay so I think this will work

Okay so we went kind of straight in the middle of this one over Here I do like this song though it’s actually pretty good all right take these pieces out so we can kind of really see the shape yeah I think that’ll work okay right so now on to the next stage we’re actually getting this thing built it says clean but it’s like it almost

Doesn’t bleep it out very well jeez jeez this guy cuss a lot apparently okay so the top okay let’s see here So there’s like this spot sorry I’m analyzing the picture here real quick there’s a spot like right here that it looks like it has like this like lip that comes off I think it’s yeah it’s right Here but I don’t know I mean I guess it would give it some kind of like texture around this outer part Here I really hope that I’m where I want it to be Here of course I can’t reach it dang it it’s like oh come on so I might as well make some lemonade while I’m down here jeez it’s already night time that’s the one question I do have though is like if I actually played the music that I want to listen to I wonder

If you guys would actually like it cuz I like I don’t know I like older type music wonder if I can do this there we go how am I going to get up Here so it’s kind of like this goes around the outside of this section has like a little bit of like a lip or something I don’t know I I like a lot of 80s music ’90s pop um I don’t know I I like listening to so many different types of music

Though like I probably like everything that you like but then I like everything that you don’t like like I like listening I mean if I could I would listen to you know music that actually has cussing in it cuz a lot of the music that I actually listen to has

Cussing in it Eminem pink you know lots of different artists but I like stuff way back from like you know Backstreet Boys insync um Britney Spears Christina agilera okay how am I supposed to get this out here being a pain there we go but I even like stuff like

Uh honestly I’m I’m I struggle with like knowing what the artist name is versus like the song like what the titles are and stuff a lot of it like I just know it I like this one though 90s was good I really like I really like

The 80s too A lot of the music people make fun of nowadays like I actually really like the80s music I like this song too what did I just do no just tell me that I oh I did the same thing I did last time dang it just tell me that I can’t

I like the lyrics of this song Though oh you don’t have the dimension well that’s the thing like what I usually do when it comes to like getting dimensions of things is I look at pictures and I start in one spot and then go from there like cuz when I started this I didn’t really go

Off of one spot I mean I did at the very beginning right here and I thought that I was doing well thought I was doing well and then I had to rebuild it but the bottom line is like start on a corner and then build out from there and make sure that that

Dimension is the dimension that you want to keep once you start building it that’s my advice on that cuz it can get really really difficult if you have to go back and reshape something that I Can’t I like this song too guide oh please tell me I have enough it’s going to be like one Shy and Ruthless okay y first part kind of done and I just fell let’s take a look at it again just kind of make sure it’s looking right uh it all depends like you have to create your own dimensions for whatever a block is with whatever build that you’re

Building cuz it could change you know it could be different for whatever it is that you’re building but as long as it’s consistent then you’re not going to have a Problem now I’m thinking if I should do a pillar on this probably okay let’s grab stuff Let’s do stairs and probably G to need some half slabs as Well hey hex how’s it going and we’re already this High might as well go up and we might actually get away with putting in a light in here brighten it up a little bit dang it yeah I’m just going to leave That okay I guess the next part is to figure out how high this needs to go [Applause] and this might change right here cuz I don’t think there’s a window in that section so let’s take a look at it Again yeah it looks like there’s like no window coming in this is so complicated this kind of goes that way I set the [Applause] when all right so the Windows like at least two blocks above this and then there’s a window so let’s just go and do the two blocks and then for this one I think we’re just going to have to do the half slab Windows like that

Oops it’s like do I put a window on this side why not right I guess Then the next part is where this part right here like forms into this next section that’s going to be even more challenging I don’t know if we’re going to be able to get to that today might have to wait till tomorrow or not tomorrow next [Applause] week

Yeah I I played OverWatch and uh Apex a couple times it didn’t really get as many views and watch time I mean I know that I can’t just go into anything and just expect lots of views lots of lots of watch time but it was pretty low

Again they were really fun games but I feel like a lot of people were just joining up and then not watching the stream which I can’t really afford to do that all right so now that we got the windows in here let’s take take a look at what it looks like hopefully it’s

Somewhat yeah it looks pretty good and then we have to put a roof on the top yeah I got stuff on me okay so for this I feel like we’re going to go up one more level all right and then we have to do our dang it do anything fall

Okay I don’t know why it does that okay so we still want a sharp Peak but this peak needs to be like maybe the top of it needs to be right there so we got like one two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 let’s go

10 one two well okay the first first layer needs to be just stairs so let’s not count that but we have 10 levels to go up this would make it nine we still yeah okay so one two three four five six seven seven and Nine all right actually be half half of that right one two three four four and [Applause] nine I think we can Do one more like This so one two three going up by eight Two [Applause] let’s [Applause] do yeah it’s a little bit shorter right we’ll only know when we actually get this whole thing built up if it looks right though you’re playing fortnite with your cousins to get any uh get any wins so far did you know someone built a m wait built Minecraft in

Minecraft I did not know that I know that they’ve bued some really crazy components and computers and calculators and all that kind of stuff but that’s crazy do we want to do it like that no de hoping this will look right just kind of like coming up with

This on my own you know like just on the spot here and Moment of Truth see what it looks like it looks pretty good I’m pretty excited about that okay honestly the roof the roof I don’t know something something is not right with the roof can’t quite see it with the clouds

Though what is wrong with it something about this right here is really bulky it just seems really bulky maybe if I take this off it’ll be a little bit better okay see what that looks like I don’t know something about it just doesn’t seem Right what if we do this instead I’ll is rocket League um Sid swipe is that uh mobile only or cuz I think that’s for mobile devices only isn’t it I mean correct me if I’m wrong so I I haven’t been able to like I haven’t seen it in my uh shop or anything on [Applause] Xbox I know why does it look Weird it looks kind of weird right like I don’t know something about it just doesn’t feel right okay I think I kind of an idea maybe my raise this up one thisd I know it hurts okay that is fixed see what it looks like so we can’t really go any higher

Cuz we can’t can’t have it any higher than than this over here yeah it looks a lot better there we go has that like sharp Peak that we’re looking for all right that Tower is done now we can get the other one done I got

About 30 minutes left see if we can get this done fast make sure I have enough materials looks like it oops I’m like taking out everything oh I forgot that I have to do the bottom section there too honestly I’m kind of cheating a little bit just cuz I’m like not

Really putting in all the blocks that need to be put In okay I have to go down the bottom and fix that but that’s all Right hey how’s it going extenson how’s it going he DD Dubs you hate Grove Street Racing for now on he timed he said he said that he doesn’t care about your score why would he not care about your score that doesn’t make any sense but you didn’t you didn’t like do any oh man there’s lightning I got to get out of

Here you didn’t do anything to like upset him oh glad that you’re feeling better dude sorry I didn’t read your message I’m glad you’re feeling better face full of payment just to make a Statement he said to focus on Grand have you seen the movie by the way like I really like the movie the movie is so good Grand Turismo the movie never realized that Gran Turismo was like that realistic well I’m sorry that you had a a rough time with him I mean it is

Possible that he’s just having a rough day I mean is this like his normal attitude about things or it’s a really good movie it just came out I can’t remember what platform it’s on it’s either Netflix or Max I think but I’m not 100% sure on that one so one two

From the top of this one I’m just saying if he’s if he doesn’t normally act that way he might just be having a bad day you have to remember us us content creators like we’re just regular people you know we have bad days just as much as anybody else

And yeah it might be unprofessional to have a bad day on stream you know sometimes when I’m having a really really bad day I cancel my stream because I don’t want to have an issue like that but I try not to you I try not to cancel my streams obviously

But sometimes it’s better to not have a stream if you’re having that bad a day I don’t know what to tell you on that one I don’t know the the streamer very well but I’m just saying if he’s if that’s not his normal Mo you know like that’s not his normal

Attitude it might just be the fact that he’s just having a bad day okay what do I feel like yeah I have to go up one more anyway music is gone apparently let’s see here one more window you had a vomite sandwich for breakfast why does ve Vite sound really

Gross I’m pretty sure that it’s not even close to what I think it is but like I don’t even know if we have that in the states what how would you describe a vomite sandwich no no I’m not saying that he he said that he had a bad day I’m just

Saying he might be having a bad day and maybe he didn’t say it you know maybe he’s trying to hide it I don’t know I’m I’m just saying hypotheticals here just saying hypotheticals if you’ve joined his stream many times before and he never acted that way before like it this is like

Completely not in his character if that makes sense like like if you heard me like let’s say hypothetically if you if you heard me start cussing a whole bunch like that’s not like me I don’t cuss I don’t like using bad language you would think something’s up something’s wrong is what I’m

Saying so he’s 30 and he’s acting like an eight-year-old see that ve veggie e might vegim might okay but I’m just saying like like like I’m saying if that’s not how he normally acts like if he acts different most of the time it’s not that you knew or didn’t

Know he he was having a bad day I would if it was me and like it was like let’s say it was a streamer that I’m used to seeing a lot of the time and all honestly he’s like being rude when he’s not normally being rude and stuff like

That I would just be like dude are you are you okay like are you having a bad day like what’s going on you know like that’s how I would react because I’m like this is just not like you to be like this but again I don’t know I don’t know the streamer that

You’re talking about so and if you’ve been following him for a really long time I mean you could you should have an idea of kind of how he acts normally you know just throwing that out there you know does he do a lot of just racing videos in general like Grand or Gran

Turismo or yeah so you’ve known him for a year as yummy as fairy bread what’s fairy bread yeah if Nick a yeah if Nick a30 started swearing you’d be like dude what is going on with you today like that would be out of his character for Sure exactly okay now I got to try to figure out what I did on this over here but yeah that’s EX exactly my point you know we’re all human we’re all just people you know and we’re prone to making mistakes unfortunately for us though like when we make mistakes it

Costs us you know it cost us subscribers like I would hate to to have a bad day and then find out that one of my subscribers left because he was so pissed off at me or whatever like that would that would break my heart honestly cuz one I would know it was my

Fault but you know two it’s just I would hate to lose a subscriber over me being a a jerk or something okay so two then one one two three yeah three and then another three that’s what it is okay cuz I can’t go any taller than

That and it’s hard you know it’s hard cuz it’s like whenever you lose a subscriber because you don’t know why like today I lost like three subscribers I think or over the last two days I’ve lost like three subscribers and I don’t know why like I

Don’t know if it’s oh they didn’t like my rocket League video posted today um you know who knows XYZ could be anything any reason but yet I still don’t know you know I have no idea what uh what causes people to leave all I do is keep looking forward

To the future and hopefully we find people that want to stick around that’s what you got to do okay yeah you know and that’s another thing you know when when you don’t expect that kind of response and then you get that kind of response it could be very heartbreaking

And I can understand that and I can understand your anger and frustration like I feel like you have the right to feel the way that you feel and I’m not trying to excuse him in any way cuz technically he is still in the wrong no matter what cuz you just don’t treat

Your subscribers that way it’s like the only way that I would really treat my subscriber or somebody that is in my stream poorly is if they’re really being absolute jerks to everybody in the chat or something and I’d be like dude you need to knock it

Off but I’d still do it in a nice way or at least the nicest way possible we’ve had those issues before can I reach it all from here yeah I can let’s go all right so now we go up to like one above that oh hiccup well this

Didn’t end up being as bad as I thought it was going to be I really feel like this next step though cuz and I don’t know how these are going to mold in I think they connect or something I don’t know but the next step of this which I

Don’t know if we have enough time to really get started on it um so we might have to wait until next week to start this section just because it’s going to be a project and I don’t want to start it and then be in the middle of it cuz once you

Get your thought process into it just kind of makes it a little bit more complicated to stop in the middle but before we get on to the next thing we got to check this out and see what it looks like hopefully it looks good yeah yeah that looks pretty good

Why does it look like it’s off though like the measurements are off or something no no that looks good The Two Towers on the sides all right and so like I said the on the other side of this on the other side of this part it’s like there’s like a peak that

Goes like straight back you know just like straight back like this and then connects to this like White Tower that connects to both of these or it’s like not it’s more like a wall it’s like a white type wall that kind of meets up at the center of these three points like do

You see the gold points you know like there’s this one this one and this one it’s like they all meet like right in the middle right here and then they all kind of form together it’s going to be it’s going to be complicated it’s going to be complicated but I really do appreciate

You guys joining in I do have a little bit of time but so I’m not like rushing out of here in any way shape or form when they tried normal milk people didn’t like it you know I’ve been told that I’ve been told that American chocolate is really waxy and

A lot of Americans like they’ll either travel like to up to Canada I guess Canada has really good chocolate up there sliming yourself into a wall yeah pretty much yeah kinetic energy oh is that the running into a wall kind of deal I mean it’s kind of realistic you know it’s kind of

Realistic we still do need to have this go down a little bit of a ways on the bottom here I guess we could work on that for a little bit before I have to go get that kind of squared away but it’s it’s like the wall right

Here is only going to go so high and it’s going to be about the same height as the wall that’s over Here so about that High pretty much matches up with that I still need to do these walls over here but they’re so big it’s like going to take up so much materials and I’ve already like I mean I went through a almost two shulker boxes this one was pretty much

Full we replaced it with all my extra crap that I had on me and then this one was full all the way Full and we have less than a third left I still have a little bit of uh of pillars let me see here actually have a lot of pillars in here oh I need some more some more of these okay so I think we just need to go down

Just a little bit like basically to the bottom of this section right here uh in rocket racing I think I’m only like gold two I will remember yeah nobody’s perfect to everything that’s true that is true they can have a they can have talent and still get second place lower

Just accept the way the first place person yeah exactly that’s called being a a good sport you know there’s people out there that are not very good at being good sports at things good uh being a good winner and being a good loser I think I was talking about that the other

Day and at the end of the day I mean it really all comes down to the fact that these are just video games at least this is what you know what we’re talking about here for the channel right it’s like no need to be upset for losing a video video

Game it’s not going to kill you or anything you know you’re still alive not sure how far down we have to actually take this I think I think down to this bottom section but let’s go that far for now I guess so I’m going to have to figure out this section

Right here and if I want to demolish it or just leave it I don’t know eventually when I start working on the interior I think that’s what’s going to kind of solve that problem when we figure out what we’re going to do with the inside of it

But I’m not 100% sure how far we have to go with this please answer you sorry what should you what should you do for your next fortnite video um I don’t know okay so I guess I have a question for you one the question is is

What where do you see your channel going and like what’s your ultimate goal for what your channel is going to be doing because if you’re trying to create just fortnite content and getting discovered are you going to be doing live streams eventually like or do you live

Stream on any other platform other than YouTube anything like that because it all depends if you’re just wanting to get discovered then what I would do is try to focus on shorts and if you have any really good games that you know you could extend out

You know and make it into a full video sure but people’s um attention span is really low and something to focus on with your um videos if you’re going to actually make like fullon videos is to cut out as much boring time that doesn’t have anything to do with the actual story of

The video and just cut it all out only put the action Parts in keep it keep it entertaining cuz it only takes about three to 5 Seconds of boring time in your video to get people to lose interest and I know that doesn’t seem like a lot cuz it isn’t it really isn’t

But that’s about how how much attention people have typically but that’s my advice and you could record I mean I don’t know what you’re recording on either but you could record five hours of game play and only have maybe one or two videos come out of

It you know and I’m talking about like shorts or even like you know five minute videos or something like that cap Cut’s really good I wish it was a little less expensive for the membership but cap Cut’s really good well I mean the tags thumbnails all

That stuff is really good for like the videos but for shorts it’s about keeping the retention of the viewer and the only way to get uh more views more likes all that stuff is to keep the retention of the viewer my problem is is that I like making videos that I

Like and they’re not necessarily liked by the people that are watching them like today’s video for instance it’s a minute long video it’s like well it’s little bit less than a minute long does it have action in it all the time sure does this is the music pretty good yeah

But I use I chose the music based off the next video that I’m posting for tomorrow next next uh or tomorrow video is a the weirdest shots from the rocket League stream stream of last week and I decided to use Weird Al version of the song that I played today to make that

Video for tomorrow and it’s supposed to be really funny that’s my opinion though but to get people to actually watch it and and to continue watching it without knowing that’s that’s my biggest problem is that they don’t know they don’t get it they don’t get the

Joke um a lot of them are going Best Shot you know but and I even put it in the title like best shots with subscribers from different ranks like people of different ranks join up on my streams some people get that some people are like those are really crappy shots

Blah blah blah it’s like yeah but they’re not bad they’re the best that we had in the Stream you know we’re not we’re not all Grand Champs you know we’re not making Grand champ content we’re making content that has to do with the viewers of my

Channel so it’s kind of like one of those who knows anyway I am running out of time though thanks for joining up today we did get a lot done um I feel really accomplished today I’m glad that we were able to figure out those two towers on this one right here

I feel like it looks really good comparative to the the picture that I’m going off of as well we got all three of of course it decides to start raining come on but we got these all these towers done for this side eventually we’re going to get the walls put in uh

To the inside of this section right here uh all the walls that go all the way around and then we can start working our way in towards the center of the building get it all figured out and then we can start working on interior it’s coming up very soon I’m excited uh there

Is a lot to do though there’s a lot to do I do need to get a lot more trading done uh for some more quartz cuz I’m already getting really really low I still have a whole bunch of emeralds but um but yeah we got to get these walls

Put in I was going to put some texture in here and stuff like that but I didn’t have any time eventually I do want to get some texture put in but it is kind of cool that it’s just white you know it does look kind of nice it’s not too

Bad but man this Castle is huge and then we still need to work on getting this side over here figured out and uh put in as well but anyway if you guys haven’t already make sure to drop a like on the video it definitely helps support the

Channel and the stream so thank you guys so very much for doing that hopefully we’ll see you guys tomorrow for fortnite mashup uh we’re going to be playing Lego fortnite rocket racing and Battle Royale if you guys would like to join in every hour we’re going to be switching up and

Uh you guys can let me know and vote for the game that’s going to be played for the the next hour um it went really well last week and I’m really excited to play that for tomorrow but until then have a good one we’ll see you later bye for

This video, titled ‘Chilling and Building Cinderella’s CASTLE Part 19 Bedrock Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by coranimal Gaming on 2024-01-09 19:08:14. It has garnered 70 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:26 or 14006 seconds.

Thank you for Joining the Live Stream and the coranimal Gaming Channel. I hope you enjoy the video or have fun in game with coranimal and other coranimal Gaming subscribers. Make sure to like the video and subscribe to show your support.

All I ask is that you hit the like button and if you are new Subscribe to show your support.

Canon in D Major by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

Bounce Ball by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

If you would like to make a donation to help support the channel the link to mt CashApp is$Coranimal a link is also available in the community section here on my YouTube page.

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  • Experience Nostalgia on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Minecraft: In Search of the Cow

    Minecraft: In Search of the Cow Minecraft: In Search of the Cow in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in the world of Minecraft with S5João as he searches for a cow in this thrilling gameplay video. Join the adventure, explore the vast landscapes, and uncover the mysteries that await in this popular sandbox game. Exploration and Adventure Await With Minecraft’s endless possibilities, players like S5João can immerse themselves in a world of creativity and exploration. From building magnificent structures to surviving the dangers of the wilderness, every moment in Minecraft is filled with excitement and wonder. Building and Survival One of the key aspects… Read More

  • Ultimate Hoglin Farm: 220k/HR!

    Ultimate Hoglin Farm: 220k/HR! Minecraft Ultimate Hoglin Farm 1.20+ – A Game-Changing Creation! The Ultimate Hoglin Farm: A Game-Changer HardShipYT has unveiled a groundbreaking creation in the Minecraft universe – the Ultimate Hoglin Farm! This farm boasts an impressive performance of over 220,000 items per hour, making it a must-have for any serious Minecraft player. Features and Specifications The Ultimate Hoglin Farm operates in a fully automatic mode, ensuring efficiency and convenience for players. Compatible with versions 1.16 to 1.20.2, this farm is a versatile addition to any Minecraft world. While it is available for Java Edition, Bedrock Edition users will have to… Read More

  • “INSANE vs PERFECT Minecraft Door Chests 😨” #minecraft #shorts

    "INSANE vs  PERFECT Minecraft Door Chests 😨" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏n ‏le This video, titled ‘Minecraft Perfect Door😨 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Gaming Chests on 2024-01-07 04:21:24. It has garnered 2323 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! We were OUTNUMBER3D in Club House SMP Ep.25

    UNBELIEVABLE! We were OUTNUMBER3D in Club House SMP Ep.25Video Information [Music] welcome back it’s that time again time to play Minecraft on the clubhouse s smpp server in this episode I want to start off by showing you some modifications that I’ve made to the nether portal near my base let’s slip out the uh back door here and fly over near our iron farm where you can see the nether portal is looking just a little bit different than it did before uh the first thing I did was I took the old portal down and I increased the size so now it is is it 4X… Read More

  • ZS’SKAYR – EPIC Minecraft Hacks: 3 Insane Builds 1.21 🔥

    ZS'SKAYR - EPIC Minecraft Hacks: 3 Insane Builds 1.21 🔥Video Information three new Mini build hacks for Minecraft 121 This video, titled ‘Epic Minecraft Hack: 3 Mini Builds 1.21🔥’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-08 13:23:25. It has garnered 1470 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Epic Minecraft Hack: 3 Mini Builds 1.21🔥 link in description:- search title:- minecraft, minecraft build hacks, testing minecraft build hacks, what to build in minecraft, minecraft build battle, minecraft build hacks 1.19, minecraft build tricks, minecraft build tutorial, minecraft secret builds, minecraft phone, mini builds minecraft, minecraft bedrock edition, minecraft but, minecraft build ideas, minecraft… Read More

  • Explosive Minecraft Town Destruction by Mr Beast – Insane Wealth Exposed!

    Explosive Minecraft Town Destruction by Mr Beast - Insane Wealth Exposed!Video Information going to be detonating one 50 times bigger Steve somehow you survived the last creeper this one I’m not quite sure you’re going to survive oh we don’t believe Steve’s going to make it oh heck no even though this is 50 times bigger it has 200 times the TNT bye Steve okay let’s head in the bunker by Steve let send Steve into the abyss and just so you know how big this creeper is Steve is actually taller than me we’re in the green zone this is going to be a massive explosion it’s getting closer… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Beldroth: Minecraft Trials!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Beldroth: Minecraft Trials!Video Information L man if I’m going to be honesto a whole new realm of knowledge down the forest foraging for sounds that I can rhyme with orange look I’m a simple gatherer among a world of hunters not about chasing clout I’d rather gaze at clouds and feel the Comfort uhoh on the trending tab hope this won’t be ending bad checking analytics is like working in a forensic lab oh Lord life’s getting hard I’m too young for a credit card and I crushed the very first time I drove my parents car tear drops we’ve made friends… Read More


    DARK HIDEAWAY: I PRANKED CRISTIANO RONALDO IN MINECRAFTVideo Information e um ferro [ __ ] que pariu Ué quem botou uma tocha aqui foi Biel ué essa luz aqui veio da onde veio lá de baixo né mai vontade de jogar também pô c é verdade mano Tomara que acabe logo a reforma aí para tu poder jogar né aí a gente já vem tudo nesse mundo aqui embaixo mesmo os caras já cava o caro por aqui salve Hermione das quebradas bem-vindo hermion voltei depois de tanto tempo para falar chupa Inglaterra foi da Inglaterra que o Brasil ganhou foi aí sim hein cara aí sim… Read More

  • Double life smp

    Double life smpA small, one-world server that has the unique feature of the life counter. Each player on the server has a soul mate (which is randomly assigned) Read More

  • Diversity SMP: 10YearOldMap, TimedRanks, ItemEconomy, No Map Resets, DynMap, 1.20.X

    Welcome to DiversityMC! The local time is 2:15 AM as of writing. We have been around for 10 years on the original map without any resets. Experience our rich history and lore. Server Details: Currently, we offer SMP and SMPNG (New Generation) for a fresh start in an untouched world. Connect to SMPNG using /server smpng and return to the original map with /server smp. Chat is synced across all servers, including our creative server. Join Us: IP: Discord: Join our Discord Website: Visit our website Read More

  • Blockhead Odyssey Minecraft Survival

    Blockhead Odyssey Minecraft SurvivalWelcome to “Blockhead Odyssey,” a captivating Minecraft server that fuels your imagination and brings players of all ages together in a realm of limitless creativity and exploration. Our enchanting world is enriched by a selection of unique plugins, transforming your gameplay into an extraordinary adventure.Unveil the magic of Slimefun, a captivating plugin that infuses crafting and resource gathering with enchantment. Discover hidden recipes, craft remarkable items, and embark on a journey where science meets magic. From imaginative machines to charming contraptions, Slimefun adds depth to your building endeavors.Experience the excitement of PyroMining, a plugin that turns mining into an explosive… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 40 minutes of Minecraft wisdom

    Minecraft Memes - 40 minutes of Minecraft wisdomWho would have thought watching a 40-minute video essay about Minecraft memes could be so enlightening? I mean, I’ve learned more about pixelated blocks than I ever thought possible! #MemeScore540insights Read More

  • Crafty Grading: Teacher’s Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft

    Crafty Grading: Teacher's Exam Paper Raid in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Our favorite news reporter, crafting rhymes like a dream. From teachers marking exams to trees being chopped, Every update delivered, never a flop. With humor and wit, in every line, Cube Xuan’s channel, a treasure to find. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Each video a joy, never a trap. So leap into the verse, with beats that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, shining bright. With rhymes that spin and stories that sing, Cube Xuan’s channel, the true gaming king. Read More

  • Don’t stress, just craft #minecraft

    Don't stress, just craft #minecraft When you’re trying to play Brawl Stars but end up getting distracted by Minecraft memes instead. Priorities, am I right? #gamerproblems Read More

  • Take Control of Your Luck in Minecraft – Join Minewind Server Now!

    Take Control of Your Luck in Minecraft - Join Minewind Server Now! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about a fantastic Minecraft server that you absolutely need to check out – Minewind. Have you ever watched a Minecraft AMA video like the one titled “Minecraft AMA, Şansımı Siz Kontrol Ediyorsunuz🍀” and felt inspired to jump into the game yourself? Well, Minewind is the perfect place for you to unleash your creativity and test your luck! With a wide range of game modes and challenges like Minecraft Manhunt and Minecraft Hardcore, Minewind offers an… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation Challenge! The Ever-Changing World of Minecraft: Aha Moments Await! Embark on a journey through the dynamic world of Minecraft where subtle changes unfold before your eyes. In this engaging quiz experience, players are challenged to spot the one altered element amidst a sea of familiarity. It’s a brain teaser and a visual delight rolled into one! Test Your Observation Skills As you immerse yourself in the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, keep a keen eye out for the shifting details that set each scene apart. The challenge lies in detecting the single modification that sets the stage for your “Aha!” moment…. Read More

  • Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane! Fire Mario Survives 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information on day one I spawned into the glowing Ancient Forest as fire Mario wooo I must have eaten the fireflow to get all this fire power also explains why I have really bad heartburn I’ve only got 10 hearts and they’re all burning but I was distracted from my heartburn by a loud buzzing noise I looked up and saw a giant mosquito hovering above me hey you got 10 Hearts do you bet there’s a lot of blood in those hearts and sucking blood just happens to be my specialty the name’s Mazy Mazy mbor pleased to… Read More

  • Unleash Your True Power

    Unleash Your True PowerVideo Information अगर आप नेदर राइट का आर्मरर लावा में जंप कर जाओगे तो आपको थोड़ा टाइम लग सकता है मरने में और अगर तुम लकी रहे तो तुम जिंदा भी बच सकते हो लेकिन क्या इससे प्रूफ हो जाता है कि माट का सबसे स्ट्रांगेस्ट मटेरियल नेदर राइट ही है तो आओ ना टेस्ट ही कर लेते हैं तो चलो सबसे पहले इसे लावा में फेंकते हैं यहां पर तो ये बच जाता है लेकिन यहां लेकिन अब इसे हम फायर में फेंकें यानी कि आग में खैर ये तो यहां भी बच गया शायद ये टी एनटी में… Read More

  • EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2

    EPIC 3-Star ManTreKs Conquers Desert Village in Guardian Tales 4-2Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] who are these is that all you’ve got [Music] does that pay to be nice or [Applause] [Music] something [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] that you can raise your head depend our skill please report the battle by tomorrow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sh sh sh [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we don’t have time to all Futures can be changed [Music] [Applause] [Music] depends on our [Music] skill [Music] [Music] [Music] walk [Music] w [Music]… Read More


    INSANE NAMALSK ONLINE STREAM! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘НОВОГОДНИЙ СТРИМ NAMALSK ONLINE | QUEST’, was uploaded by Saprano Production on 2024-01-02 22:52:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Happy New Year! Donat – #minecraft #minecraft #trolling trap #challenge … Read More

  • 48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!

    48 Hour Kitathon Stream: Insane FinaleE!Video Information okay watch storm remember we don’t want to just die of um Whatchamacallit cuz last time the only reason I pretty much died was because of Zone and panic there’s another Med kit here if anyone wants to take it but I’ve got three so we got one each right now I’ve got six uh Shields I need some who’s got good amount of AR ammo just asking I don’t know I should be streaming are are we all good for ammo oh yeah okay after we do that we go all the way up here after we… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRAL

    INSANE Minecraft Challenge in Pure Hindi 🔥🔥 | VIRALVideo Information माफ्ट पर आज मुझे सिर्फ शुद्ध हिंदी का प्रयोग करना है आज का हमारा लक्ष्य होने वाला है हीरे प्राप्त करना मुझे यहां पे स् नहीं नहीं पैदा कर दिया गया है और सामने एक गांव है कुछ लड़कियां नहीं लकड़ियां तोड़कर अपनी कारीगरी मेस तैयार कर लेते हैं ये मेरी जुबान आज इतना क्यों फिसल रही है ये गई मेरी कुल्हाड़ी और ये बन गई मेरी कुदाल मेरे भोजन का बंदोबस्त भी हो गया है इस लोहे के राक्षस को मारकर लोहे की कुदाल बना लेता हूं डाम हीरे तो अंडे के काम आएगी निकल तेरी भैंस… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him Walk

    Unbelievable: Bee Shark Sighting! Watch Him WalkVideo Information This video, titled ‘he just walk’, was uploaded by beelåhaj🐝🦈 on 2024-05-09 14:25:21. It has garnered 100 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #mrbeast #minecraft #pubgmobile #art #anime #asmr #music #memes #sigma #edit #education #roblox #respect #trending #trendingshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts #youtube #youtuber #ytshorts #upsc #usa #india #instagram #islam #omletarcade #onepiece #online #pubg #pakistan #podcast #attitude #animals #army #amazing #animation #artist #subscribe #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #song #status #shortsviral #shots #dance #drawing #dog #diy #funny #freefire #fyp #foryou #food #funnyvideo #fypシ #fortnite #fun #football #gaming #gameplay #games #game #garenafreefire #gamingvideos… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS – Join NOW!

    EPIC Minecraft LIVE with VIEWERS - Join NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft with VIEWERS JOIN !!!!!!’, was uploaded by DeepCrafted on 2024-03-26 13:31:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SUBSCRIBE IGN: DeepCrafted #Minecraft #minecraftjava #hypixel #minemen #viral #live #DeepCrafted TAGS: lunar client, … Read More


    Insane: RANKED BEDWARS player DESTROYED!Video Information I challenged this toxic ranked bedwar player to a fireball fight you’ll never guess what happened were you alive when Marth Luther King was I don’t think so you’re not winning this by the [Music] way no no no no no no way all right bro I’m locking in what I’m going to do is I’m going to okay bro thanks for watching subscribe for more Minecraft videos This video, titled ‘I DESTROYED this RANKED BEDWARS player!’, was uploaded by mxrlw on 2024-01-14 20:36:59. It has garnered 6205 views and 140 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Bloom SMP Semi-vanilla SMP Survival English Java Bedrock Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP: Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti-griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded but includes gameplay enhancing plugins. Please keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone, our mod team will keep an eye out. Website: Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Spice up Minecraft for fun!”

    Forget diamonds, my favorite thing to mine in Minecraft is memes! Read More

  • Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness

    Speedcraft Showdown: Formula 1 vs. Roblox Sports Car Madness Join the fun, hit subscribe and like, On Flash_Playz, where gaming takes flight. Minecraft, Roblox, and sports cars too, Adventures await, for me and you. Craft and build in blocks of Minecraft, Roblox worlds, where fun is unmatched. Racing fast in Asphalt’s delight, High-speed thrills, day and night. Subscribe now, join the gaming crew, Flash_Playz awaits, with fun anew. Rhyming news and updates galore, In the gaming world, we’ll explore. Read More

  • “Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Crafting a spicy meme, just like my diamonds" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft but then realize you’ve been playing on peaceful mode the whole time. #rookieerror #minecraftfail 😂🤦‍♂️🔷 Read More

  • Naimarra’s Mischievous Farewell

    Naimarra's Mischievous Farewell The Minecraft Segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” Introduction to the Minecraft Segment The Minecraft segment in “Final Goodbyes || D&D Animatic (Voiced)” offers a unique and creative twist to the overall narrative. It showcases the versatility of Minecraft as a platform for storytelling and collaboration. Collaboration on the Beneath SMP Server The animatic was created for the Beneath SMP Server, highlighting the collaborative efforts of the creators involved. The teamwork and creativity displayed in this segment are a testament to the vibrant Minecraft community. Character Voices and Storytelling The voices of Jack and Mikir, portrayed by… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Are you ready for an exhilarating experience like no other? Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and embark on a journey full of excitement, challenges, and endless possibilities! With a vibrant community of players from around the world, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Explore vast landscapes, build incredible structures, and engage in thrilling PvP battles with other players. The possibilities are endless on Minewind,… Read More

  • Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! – Chill Survival – Ep. 15

    Building a Massive Stone Bridge in Minecraft! - Chill Survival - Ep. 15 Minecraft Adventures: Searching for Drowned in the Vast River Biome! Exploring the Sea and Unveiling Mysteries In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling adventure in search of the elusive Drowned. As she navigates the serene waters of the sea, a sense of wonder fills the air. The underwater ruins beckon, hinting at hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. With each dive, a new mystery unfolds, leading Meikyan deeper into the heart of the ocean. Encountering the Drowned and Unraveling Their Secrets As Meikyan delves into the river biome, the Drowned emerge from the depths, their haunting… Read More