Benjaman in Minecraft: Looting Trial Chambers!

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WEA live yeah so I went into a creative world copy of a copy of this world and uh I found some trial Chambers nearby so we’re going to go there and we’re going to raid them uh yeah and raid I mean take all the copper out and then um beside that I’ll do a couple other just like General maintenance things I guess I don’t know let’s check out the sniffers we have plenty of food we have plenty of armor and tools oh yeah I put bamboo in this little bit here and uh I put bambo on the trap doors let’s check out the sniffers yeah the LA every time I come here they reset I should fix [Music] some I believe don’t follow me yes okay all right we have some stuff in the museum still to do so do we have any more of these no I get way more of these than I do the other plant and I don’t know what to think about it Ain that right sniffle and sniffy where’s the other one oh was over there okay I was thinking about making uh I mean I have a spot for for these that is not in the Jurassic Park uh that should always be loaded and uh we should always have uh Mortals plans and whatnot coming in I check on the CH are no joke in Java oh yeah I I don’t know he’s still here good good good yeah there’s two and they’re not all too far away they’re like 100 blocks in that direction I believe 200 blocks something like that so I’ll do those two and that will probably take most of the stream recently made the switch from Bedrock to Java and if I could switch back is it that much better or or different I showed that off right the pink trees here I think so on stream I forgot to share is in the Discord server what happened to on the series voice I changed it I want to turn it off but I don’t know how to do that on the the PlayStation 5 there Siri matured after five years finally I know her balls dropped she went through purty oh yeah I also wanted to do uh so I have a new area planned out for more Doom stuff it’s a small area it’s over here I uh I buff these mountains a little bit we can do like a little Doom Dark Ages area over here maybe even back uh here as well this area I think it’ll be pretty neat I wanted I want to do uh want to add like two more of these buildings over in this bit here one here and then take this path out and put one there we’ll do that later today though oh and I have a a sign for it says dog that goes here same for cat that goes in the other one I might do those two and then I want to build a couple of those mushrooms over in this side and uh the moral spikes as well and then we should be done Java is a okay movement is smooth and it just feels perfect for me downsides are just you got to open three Franks just for quarts yeah I mean switching from the old uh Legacy console to to bedrock was pretty jarring so and I believe the old Legacy console was more similar to Java I like this bridge this path here not so much I mean this little bit here I think is fine but I think this should just be path blocks and have another building here and then like one over here somewhere where you have like a horse table next to it anyway uh that’s not what I are they here or oh there’s a whole bunch of pedal from Clips okay let’s do this in the sa place oh we can get those we can get a little taste of those bed if we stay here though when it gets night although this entire swamp is lit up are the PS5 now yes this is the PS5 it’s still the PS4 edition but we are on the PS5 and it runs so much smoother a lot less uh lag spikes like every time I go here there’s like a big giant lag Spike that doesn’t happen anymore also I have found inspiration to work on this I have to make the hole a little bigger and I think I have to move all these chests to do so but the death is good the death is good maybe it can go a little deeper still but yeah I want to have a layer here I think where the classic Battlefront 2 map and then a layer here a little lower around like Bedrock that layer old ped rock with like another like little city bit and then have like a highway kind of like yeah when you see these chests and I have like a entrance here with like a highway kind of like spiraling down all the way to the bottom and then along the highway have like a couple small buildings here and there and like occasional Landing platform I think that’ll be a good plan and now we can keep this hill here is that a new type of dog no we already have that one I’m still keeping an eye out for the jungle dog which that is not but no luck yeah all these chests are filled with blocks by the way Cobble there’s so much sorted except for like the last row here this little Stone all the Deep slate all the die right I have so much stuff now diamonds from it oh yeah this is most of the ores I got I took some back to the temple not too shabby I think a lot less copper than I would have hoped but yeah yeah see if they dropped any stuff skirts the most useful item in the game all right we need more of these if you want to do Trail Chambers we need this we need more arrows let’s get the regular protection chest plate or maybe projectile we’ll go projectile protection should we go with like just a regular sword might might be a good idea is that your original 10 plus year Minecraft world yeah has it been 10 years on there uh I think it’s seven whenever uh updated quatic came out right a little before that so however long ago that was need more arrows also a couple more uh Sher boxes here we’ll do this when 1.13 came out fat prob when everything changed for Mk what was uh 13 was that update aquatic or was that Cas and cliffs no what was was that update was the B of color or end update can’t believe it’s been so long I know right update aquatic still feels like last year maybe not last year aquatic update yeah that was what got me back into Minecraft right seeing those snapshots with the you trid and stuff I have to put a little water pool here wait let me get some water I’m going to feel like I’m I forgot put something here and like oh my God I’m I lost another Sher box okay water pool cuz I keep running over to the little water over there uh we’ll do it over here no crap this a waterfall yeah I have a pretty good plan now for for utapao I think yeah I have to make the the hole a little bigger maybe go with Like A Perfect Circle but honestly whatever ever yeah I think we’re pretty pretty good on it now I’m going to put the waterfall back cuz I do like it there I’m going to put it back a little higher though place oh there was okay I didn’t see the water all those enchantments on your tools I know so much netherite I believe I have a couple stuff that’s yeah I still want to make more shovels like three more but uh I keep forgetting how’s my elytra might be good if we grab a different one speed pickaxe is still fine I think we don’t need these two I don’t think I still struggle on making netherite tools it took me 20 minutes on the smithing tablee until I realized that I needed a netherite upgrade to all the netherite I have is from before that so if I want to have any more netherite tools I have to go and find uh those templates where is the I had a stack of name tag somewhere let me put the sniffer X they this [ __ ] let me add the SNS in here uh did I put them in one of these no I had n oh yeah no there’s name tags here but they’re unnamed h that is full we’re good on Rockets it’s not again they’re not that far that’s one full inventory or H bar right there yeah more arrows and then we’ll grab the B om effect is in a bottle now I know I know it’s so nice I put the water pool here so that I don’t have to run to that little thing I want to make that Tower shorter little stubbier cuz it pokes out a little bit too much oh yeah I did up those Maps sure [Music] box we’ll grab that many I’m not going to use these yet and then we’ll keep one in our inventory let me grab uh the some of these and just give these a name banana man uh no what is a good name still a pain that now we got to wait another year for some random World Generation update I know I feel the next update might be end I have a feeling a gut feeling that the next update is going to be an end update call the hunch uh Panorama okay oh now we can put those anywhere I want to have these somewhere for uh for just like charge creepers so I still have yet part three probably cuz I still have yet to um get any of those Pickin heads and I’m thinking of making a a little thing for that let’s see if we can find any of those bogged actually we can I forgot to grab arrows great I thought this was a little swamp that somewhere else then that was over this direction y went into a Trails chamber with only iron armor and I was destroyed in two seconds went into the update with no knowledge yeah I went into this one with minimal knowledge too see if there’s any B that spawn regular Skelly cuz they spawn in these little SW this is the smallest [ __ ] swamp ever you are not who I want fast leaves hey there’s new bugs are you referring to the leaves cuz I did that on purpose I kind of like these more where was that big swamp there was like a decently all right there was a decently sized swamp somewhere we can turn this entire Spruce Forest into a hell inv faded area honestly oh did you see the gym yet no you haven’t you have not seen the gym look gym says right there can pump some iron pump some iron a nice a nice Jin swamp look at this swamp there some not one over here right no yeah part of me feels like I should have probably made a new world a couple years ago was there one over here D A lot has changed since I’ve been gone indeed You’ seen the nether Hub right XP it’s a try you worked on the nether too yeah so I was thinking of making this here into like a sniffer area like a big giant sniffer Farm I should just sleep wa did you see this little cave for these guys oh and I fixed this area too it’s it’s actually nice looking now with a hang station we have a little market we have a guy getting fruit thrown at him we have a guillotine of course the fishes are still broken in mind craft they’re always broken they never will be fixed let’s uh the pull up the screenshots with the TR Chambers oh yeah there was also the giant uh ancient city the [ __ ] ball Tor notor I didn’t put that in okay coordinates 688 – 4 1234 – 364 – 400 that one’s really close minus 2 – 7 70 although this is a broken one yeah we’ll do those two I think there’ll be plenty chocolate bar yeah I’ll show you the nether I also put the demons in ow I want to do a little more here it’s not finished but it’s really nice frogs right that’s really nice I love this y and then there’s the Fortress that was over here I still have to put in some more plants what are you doing up there buddy cuz this bit over here is why up this it’s not done yet must be a pain in the ass to catch those blazes oh yeah no that that was not fun I mean it was kind of fun but not like yay yeah this p is not done yet I want to have like a glass tube over here might be better if we grab um Smite I like I have a Smite sword that might be better cuz most pretty much all the mops except for the uh the wind thing is a uh what you call it did I have arrows over here no bunch of Bones no arrows we have plenty to do the plants at least let me grab the uh Smite sword maybe I mean we don’t need this Smite I’m going to put Smite like this maybe is that a good way of doing it I don’t know let’s just put them next to each other now guest can spawn in here which is why I put those cages in there a little Banner on this back you come over here you too I want you to get swallowed by those Froggies also look you can put the banners on the on the shields ain’t that nice come on eat the thing and there you go all right I wanted to let’s put this in here too I’m going to forget I put those name tags in here I’m like why is there name tags here right I want to grab arrows which we didn’t do I make a giant glass frog over uh over there right you there’s is the tunnel that goes to the netherite mine the end of the door so I want to have I want to have continue I want to have the tunnel there go like with like the spine or like a tail like on the roof there’s a bunch of nether in here from Min out this was the old nether area I mind out way too big of an area yeah arrows did I put the thing in the did I put it away there’s nothing cps4 NE yeah I should I really should have reset the nether before I ported it to bedrock I didn’t do that all right want you random junk I mean this is for if I die in the Nether and I quickly need to grab my [ __ ] back oh hey arrows okay do score and then near those two uh Trail Chambers is also a um wait is said L that’s 1 2 3 4 wow is that even at the thing I don’t know if you mine straight down over here we might not even hit the the trial chamber and the other one was a little closer these are the only two fully complete ones that I found – 364 minus 400 something like that wait where where did the text go huh the only Trail chamber I found was like 2,000 blocks away from spw really okay let’s go to the minus minus one first let’s see what you have Don’t Hug the Doom Hunter buddy not fair safe I think we should be good with stuff but yeah there’s a giant area over um at the old like Legacy World border that I haven’t been to since uh Cas and Cliff sport one so if I go there there should be a bunch of trial Chambers there they’re pretty common structures TR Chambers this way oh all right it was already in the water over here somewhere is this new world generation no this is all old stuff but uh I see the cut off this is you you’ll see the world border L clear if we go down here there should a trial chamber give or take I think if we go like more into that direction there is like a line of snow right at the B World border I’m gesturing in my hands like you can see them how we’re going to do a let’s see oh it’s raining if this is a thunderstorm I’m going to cry okay we’ll go mine over here uh here’s what we want to do actually we don’t need the elytra right now the water might be good to have actually nor of arrows so we’re going to put put those in the chest and then we use the steak we don’t need that sword actually CU we have yeah remember impatient reptide is in that box hello cow cow kiss your Shield yeah I mean you can just just with uh Unbreaking a mending can you put I don’t think you can put thorns on it but you can try also look at this the Diamonds the colorcoded of course you dropped the copper Ingot I’ve been farming drown for copper way too much don’t have to do that anymore with these STW Chambers all right we’re going to go down over here at this log there can put this on there yes we can is this a this is not a thunderstorm is it would have had a thunder by no yeah uh wait might be quicker if we do something like this here uh like this and then mine down that way cuz then we immediately have a that we have a water elevator okay I’ve seen this game before hello and everything smiling face with sunglasses indeed oh I should have brought torches that’s fine we’ll grab them we’ll grab them torches this is dark as [ __ ] boom we don’t need that many of these cuz there’s those lights those lamps uh we’ll grab all of them anyway why not oh that’s not what I wanted to do so we’re going to have to go down quite far I believe there’s only like one or two rooms that are cut off by games watched a new VD of anak ninja yesterday where he played hvv in BF 2015 damn people still play that hey there’s like empty dots now with the air bubbles instead of uh just like nothing there see that that’s weird oh and there’s like a little noise as well when they pop he had to wait a long time in lobby before it started grinning face I think there was a cave noise I hope there was a cave noise oh that was not thing yet how low was this one uh this one is actually pretty low never mind I’m going go lower there it is see this that is the trail chamber we are here okay let’s see where this goes this is right in the center of a giant ass room of course here do this all right let’s see torches I can’t see [ __ ] oh this is flooded room okay nice so this is the way in Let’s uh screenshot the quarts so these you can trim and and they get brighter I’m not ever going to use those lamps cuz the state at which I want them they uh uh do not give off much light so these these are the ones they’ll give us uh a new weapon I’m still going to use torches anyway all right here we go I think he lives in the Philippines now with some chicken CID really is this a baby zombie spawner that’ be wild oh I fell down I think it is wow oh my in is already full oh my God stop stop it so much junk oh my God so all these once all the enemies are done shoot drop a little key or loot or anything oh yeah this one dropped chicken how nice is that hey uh there’s more enemies over here somewhere I just ran straight to all the items I just dropped need picked up bread more bread wow okay let’s dump a bunch of [ __ ] in uh oh hey that’s nice wait I thought these were not supposed to drop their uh their armor we grab that with us too why not and these have stuff in them as well oh there was a key in that one I still here a skeleton somewhere don’t I right I still hear a Skelly so these reset after half an hour and if you use those ominous bottles uh you get better stuff from them you get ominous keys so some of these pots have um wait how did I break them just a second ago and they actually like dropped stuff yeah here’s one of the different patterns man these things are my inventory up so quick all right I saw a door somewhere over here uh so much junk yeah I don’t think we actually needed to bring more arrows with us all that’s a new mob the face of the new mob all right let’s see in those walkways if there’s anything up there I’m going to use those for a Mario Kart build cuz Mario Kart is school where’s that ladder here right where’s the door over here I thought it was a door over here somewhere we don’t have the key for that one you have like ones with like orange in them that those are used for those are the big boy ones here’s the door aha aha very nice take those Arrows with us as well oh okay those are waxed H that’s weird the snow room I’m not ready for the snow room okay I’m going to uh yeah we don’t need that bread or chicken or this honestly and I definitely picked up way too many arrows let’s put all the stuff all the loot oh the bed we should place down so that’s one of the three music discs wait where did I put the thing in right here right yeah let’s put the bed over here okay honestly one of these is probably enough for like a whole ass stream actually I should keep those keys on me oh keep that keep that here all right I don’t want to break any of these or I want to break as little of these as possible because they’re really nice actually I could just grab uh let’s do that actually oh I almost fell off let’s grab the frost Walker boats which are also leather so that we can actually walk on those who would have thought that we were actually going to use leather boots for this now look at my armor actually looks pretty decent Oh I thought it was a Oh no a potion what is this is this one of the new ones no just speed lame yeah we should we should be able to welcome this with the letter [Music] boots what’s in here snowballs I love snowy balls maybe we should drink an ominous bottle on honestly look at all this copper though oh we go there’s one so these are also reliant on your game difficulty too so if this was easy for example we wouldn’t uh another key right wow how many bows yeah I thought these skele these mobs didn’t drop their uh stuff but I guess that’s wrong let’s put a little bows in here yeah I’m going to cut this thing for all its copper so these chests are supposed to be empty by the way oh we back at the water room yeah we just made giant Circle great sh that one we can’t open anymore so what oh yeah the frost Walker boots I forgot about that uh stone tools really really game I can put these back on a door is the orange ones right we can open this one armor oh we got the armor template nice I don’t think that is that is huge wow there’s two of those that is huge for one of for like the regular wow where did I put the other omous bottles I think I still kept those in the thing right whatever okay we’re going to open this one too you actually see the loot in there don’t you you see Diamonds oh that was underwhelming I mean we just got super lucky with already two out of the six things I want from this so honestly I can’t complain so I believe there can’t be actually any actual like H th UPS in here oh I’m I’m low on health chicken would you look at that where was that oh down there okay where’s that the battle droid voice another key that’s either a cave or it’s another uh what’s this about just a random bit of Parkour we’ve already been in this one right yeah right yeah I don’t think these reset if those reset they would be way too overpowered instant Health Green potions we’ll take those we’ll take those I’ll never use them they’ll be dumped in the chest and never be seen again but uh you know there might know wait was that no was okay so there’s room up there that we can go [Music] into this is some wonky generation yeah I want to turn all of these into uh like my own custom dungeon right it’s a new mob I should not have fallen down all right what’s that speed again generation another key Brad we are saved our hunger is quenched eggs why is there eggs in there water okay what is this weakness okay let’s put okay going with the ice rods look at that wow let’s grab all these delicious potions that I’m never going to use in my entire life yummy okay and that shoker is full that’s an ominous one I feel like this room kind of messed up in its generation we can open that one we can open this one too hell yeah music disc let’s go nope okay we already have that one damn it well Two Is Better Than One is anything else over here I think we got everything here let’s scrap the water no this is a different place a it no that’s the same never mind yeah I’m going to have to gut these at some later date cuz I’m not doing that today we are now back here yeah I believe these should reset any moment from now is anything in there in the Water Area worth looking for have I been over here yet yes okay we’ve yet to see the new skeleton let me just grab those anyway cuz why not right H we’ll keep that in there uh what I was going to do uh okay and there’s a bunch of stuff under water that we have you had to go that’s the ominous one so how do we get in that room with the ladder yeah guting this thing is going to be really fun this can’t be the entire thing right I remember this thing being giant we can do it again but now ominous this time sure why not [ __ ] it right oh no wait no those more this way so let’s hold out on that then yeah this is what I mean it’s not fully I thought this one wasn’t broken though cuz this is like half a room that’s a shame this looks like a door it ain’t though okay I’m just mining this out now yeah I thought this one was not glitched apparently it is I’m just going to take the copper out all the tough blocks I don’t care have so much tough from mining look how much copper you get from this structure it’s immense I will never have to mine for copper ore ever again gold we can Trav to the other one are these all waxed yes sir that’s how I like it no I like it I don’t like it waxed all the way trimmed I like I like my copper trimmed not waxed is this just a cave there could be more of the structure over here that did generate but doesn’t look like it no yeah I found a bunch of the really bad where it’s like four halves of like a room and that’s it at least this has one of those key bits up there so now if I get a second person in this world they can open those up right so if I had let’s say a second account right for Co-Op stuff I could use that man have you ever had it your nut hurts extremely by barely touching it got me worried like crazy flush I have yeah and make sure that they’re not Tangled Up in some weird way cuz you don’t want that I’m probably going to use a bunch of copper in uh oop let’s check up there you have I was thinking cancer immediately no I just sit weird for a little bit at least if I sit weird for a little bit I tend to get it maybe this cancer I don’t know tend to get it like I have it all the time I rarely have it I’ve had it maybe like twice in the last like 5 years but still been three days though look if you have it a lot maybe check it but here what do you drop me boo maybe too much edging smiling face with sunglasses you’re not edging to uh to Battlefront YouTubers are you could you imagine Jesus no edging to Minecraft only ah I mean there’s a bunch of material I should not be engaging in that kind of stuff I mean you can find that you can find Minecraft [ __ ] like that on [ __ ] YouTube kids so I mean why are you on YouTube kids to you know fill your stick I don’t know but um to each your own I guess what was that nothing yeah I don’t think these reset and if they do they’ll be pretty neat they honestly should reset and like every real life week they reset real life week you spend in game they reset you know why not it’s so annoying that some of these are wax and some are not I consciously made that noise I like the noise of mining copper it’s nice yeah I have to check this one out again in the um I know what you call it cuz I feel like it generated there differently anyway that is everything yeah I believe they’ve reset so we can do it again Yahoo yeah they have that’s so weird that these are just baby zombie spawners I can hit by poison somehow what did that do [ __ ] all wow wait no there’s more that way no never mind oh okay yeah let’s uh I’m going to take those doors with me oh did it drop oh my God I think one of the skeletons dropped down didn’t it oh where did you come from what did they drop what did they drop chicken and bread sick that’s exactly what I wanted fan flabber testic sh I had done with my sword I think yeah so we have one of the three new copper trims or uh decorated pot Shard things sick sick I’ll put the copper in here this is just like from one like half generated room yeah we are good on copper for the rest of uh the month going think when these gr out too in a bit but first oh leg Spike let’s go to this room and fight these mobs once again sick aim how did you what chicken oh I hate it when it just gives you food it’s the most useless [ __ ] ever I could honestly go through this with through this one with the chest this one hasn’t reset yet oh it just did a key I like those keys they’re really nice looking I am definitely going to use those keys as like Keys make like little item filters for them yeah well I know for a fact that the other one which is further away should be 100% Untouched by the [ __ ] so I’m going to take my bed with me I think we have to remember that is the way back out Oh I thought it was like a whole row of them lame yeah you know what let me let’s just go to the other one the other one I found I’m going to take all these grates out cuz I like the way they look they one fell up there no and bonus points of these are all waxed which they are nice then I don’t have to wax them myself oh hey that’s another new one fan flipping flopping flap yeah okay just checking I can’t believe we got two of those already let’s just immediately put those in the music box so this is one of the nice ones right here it’s going to reset like any minute these spawners in this room I love how you can do that the Torches yeah they did they have reset I wonder if those give you better loot too with um ominous stuff probably H those regular spawns probably do that too got so many keys have I been over here I don’t think so I don’t think I’ve been over here okay what is the point of this little bit all right boom boom boom okay let’s keep the keys on us keep the keys on you yeah this is a new room I think what is this poison let me take all those out immediately snowballs great I mind enough copper for now I think what’s that oh that’s a key opportunity this is ominous key but this is not crossbow damn that’s lame poison more poison wonderful as a pet me would always say okay f is also not that bad honestly to collect a bit of oh this one is also not opened sometimes those are really nice and other times they’re not not at all there I’m think I’m going to stop ining those I mean there’s probably only like two left but whatever let’s get up on the second floor oh H oh Golden Apple I don’t have any Keys anymore oh no let’s M up over here husks potato Jesus damn I got a lot of [ __ ] XP from this even notice can you shoot these guys I don’t know I don’t think so did he just go through the copper grates there’s a baby zombie somewhere there who said he just ran out of keys not this guy cuz I have [Music] more I have yet to see any of the new potions in these it’s nice having a bunch of Po so that I don’t have to brew myself that’s very nice I’m pretty sure there’s couple more rooms let’s not do that with chicken copper yeah there supp like one or two more rooms maybe attached to this one I have to load up that copy yeah there’s so much XP in this weakness yeah we can dump those in there we’re going to get so many arrows at the end of this it’s going to be crazy bro crazy I say boom you going in there with the rest of the scum h this where we came from right yes oh I did not mean to do that is that a flame bow that’s crazy more chicken right okay I did not mean to do that that’s fine going to do this real quick all right let’s get out of here let’s check one more time if there’s perhaps something at the water room but I doubt it oh that’s so annoying yeah let’s go to the other one stream anything over here we might want to take with us that not really though yeah for the next one I’m not going to use any of the keys I think then I only use them till I uh so many potions Jesus I brought five with me right I can always use this one I feel like I lost the Sher box all right was also where was that these let’s take the food with us why not was there anything behind this no right no this is also a really weird room I feel like this is honestly just again another chunk that’s not loaded in properly hello maybe not yeah let’s check down here real quick for anything yeah the bubbles have a different noise it’s going to throw me off let’s get out of here let’s get out of here there’s probably more rooms we didn’t find it’s such a weird noise I thought it was there was always a noise for that but it was different completely different let’s see if there’s any um pillagers that spawn up here while we were under under ground I mean if they were they they’re gone long gone all right elytra let’s actually grab the uh a trident for this go to the other one which was somewhere I don’t remember me check let me check that’s Discord 600 minus 1200 no 600 1200 okay that is this way complete opposite direction this is a pretty sizeable little island ain’t it Pake yeah this one seems from the from the picture I took a lot bigger all right what over here yeah I’m pretty sure there’s one in this field too that’s like messed up all right the jungle temple I completely tore out I think think that was what this was pretty certain now that is kind of spooky yeah this one was right under the water maybe not actually no 688 1 2 34 bro oh these all broke too over here somewhere uh we just s down damn you Skelly it’s so odd that those do that cuz not all of them have done that going to plant I’m going to replant them all oh no there was like I was floating too I believe well Ain floating anymore let’s plant the field back it’s the least I can do what’s that Skelly looking at I was looking at the baby I was looking at the baby not the baby you monster okay put the flowers back nice big field of sunflowers all right let’s let’s put a little pillar up there we go little torch on it oh that’s annoying why you not going away I believe somewhere around this area was a village on the coast this should land us somewhere like the main hall I believe I did not account for that see if there’s any diamond or over here no but a creeper is we can dump some stuff in the lava let’s not dump our uh or triing in there which we don’t need anymore bada boom okay the coal can go as well we’ll place it down that coal ore has done nothing wrong to us so we shall respect its existence for some P ass [ __ ] reason okay y okay over here creepers oh that’s a creeper spawner ain’t it or did they just spawn in here oh yeah the main hall we’re [Music] back we are back okay that’s actually a far better spot to uh end up in okay let’s dump all the stuff we don’t need in here scaffolding to I think sure we haven’t used it for anything that can go and that can go as well we have to remember we put it in there though so we will remember that all right oh there’s a oh that’s a slime oh okay that’s a slime spawner I was wondering what I thought I thought it was like a creeper spaw creepers in there that was something the new new uh I can’t talk potion effects when you get killed you get slimed a key oh hey my favorite mob hello everybody we just uh hopped in yeah there’s a geode in this [ __ ] that’s hilarious that’s honestly probably why there is regular mob spawning in this one give me those bricks there’s there’s one more Pottery shirt that I want from this place that I hope I can get from this place that’s kind of messed up though cuz I’m pretty sure that uh oh I meant to ignite those candles not mine them what oh was there yeah so we’re not going to open up any of the the things in this one so yeah did that mess up with the uh oh a new room bamboo It’s So Random so where’s those husks all right I died you have to check that geod we got an ominous no there’s no ominous bottle how disappointing okay I was hoping no was an ominous bottle but uh nope okay can we dump anything in here that we don’t need yes we do let’s place the bat down over at the waterfall where do you come from put that in there oh it’s night okay well sleep the last comment M go left is [ __ ] wild though let’s go watch this Minecraft stream great let’s check out this uh this water room cuz I have a feeling what is usually supposed to cuz there’s a room with beds there and then there’s a room with what you call it attached to it this one is different is this another room wait no what it’s just a big Solid box of okay big salt box of okay they probably think it’s about going to the edge of the map yeah did it did not okay that is super lucky wow three blocks off and it would have why can’t I place anything here oh I shouldn’t have broken that that was cool that was a half generated white bed did okay whatever too late it’s too late yeah there’s mob spawning in this one just um not supposed to happen isn’t that what they mean by edging just to the edge of maps and trying to survive edging is nothing more than a Minecraft term that everybody uses like that of course Herobrine skeletons you shall be destroyed cre get edged chamber yeah I think this one messed up a little bit with because um there’s a geod that spawned in it and I think that might have oh I have slowness on okay I was wondering why I was so slow so I’m not going to open any of these up in this dungeon the new mob I love this new mob it’s great the wind Blaze where did he go here edging in Battlefront 2 is pretty nice too yeah especially when teammates spawn on you and are confused so hot I thought creepers weren’t supposed to spawn in the trial no we also had slime spawn in here as well it’s just a bit glitched I want to open those so bad but I am not going to I want to conduct a little experiment is there any others in here like there maybe be really funny there’s like a mop spawner over here this is a really nice Arena you know that will probably be tough as hell in uh in regular gameplay with like a ominous thing on this bottle one we have them we can use one but I’m not going to not yet there a Little Star Wars quote for you yeah this seems to be like the ultimate loot room that’s crazy all right let’s check these for potions lingering potion of poison I don’t Brew my own potions all the potions I have is from looting structures I’m not going to pick any of these up fire tches some torches down since mops can spawn in this one okay next structure last time I I was on the edge of a map for a long time and my sister entered the room did you help out to join the game oh do this nice and opened up just like your sister was when you were not into gaming ah what a shame let’s put all this away we got a lot of junk this time yeah these have so much copper in them and it’s really nice I was the I thought there was um thing wow that wasn’t a thing though what is he talking about your mom so far I like this generating more than the other one bamboo planks that is the one last one we needed there we go we have another addition to our Museum scaffolding no way we did not get that oh my God that’s crazy we did not just get the best music disc in all of video gaming history from a [ __ ] Clay Pot okay okay wait wait wait we have to wa I’m panicking we have to play this right now right now right here boom I love this music disc so much it’s a really nice progression in it in it this is the right one right no no it’s the wrong one oh I got so excited for nothing [Music] thing this is the music box [Music] version no I thought this oh my God [Music] sadness damn it wait oh that’s the blue one oh we this one is nice though I really don’t like this one but it’s nice still I guess I don’t know it’s very minecrafty though I could see this play in the Minecraft movie all right s like Montage where Jack Black is making a Minecraft house I censored myself told myself next time I’ll ban myself poke it helps the chat thing that popped up was like half cut off so even my TV is censoring you he look at the another one those I love the bamboo hanging signs I mean it’s nice right the opening is weird that is nothing new for a music disc so yeah the light blue one if a light blue one pops out out of something I’m going to I’m going to kick somebody I’m going to kick somebody in the nuts CU there a squirrel that’s somebody is a squirrel that’s a squirrel noise yes yes now this means there’s a room back here I think yes which room is this though I don’t know we’re back here again yay okay would be really funny if we open if we break another one of those pots and it is the light blue disc could you imagine get all excited about about something and isn’t the right thing and then wow that’ll be hilarious perfect comedic value this seems like a big one it’s a very angular one actually with a tree an axe sticks something over here though all that for one of those really look at this tree tree did did we take so long that one respawn no or do we just never trigger it I think we never triggered it oh diamond yeah we never Target it I love how those poison arrows look what is this efficiency why are you going over there a single bottle a single bottle wow where did we come from oh we came from there where do he come from where did we go where did we come from Cut Joe no we did not come from there we came from the water how do we not what oh that’s right yeah okay is there a thing in here wait there is a little secret room is there one in there too no how disappointment okay we already open that hey hey hacken I don’t know what that means I think I saw a uh a door up on the stop level didn’t I yeah be something no useless door man why you like that door we already went here yeah okay I feel like there’s a lot less uh sponge in this one we haven’t gone everywhere yet let’s go this way have we gone back there yet I don’t think so I’m so used to having my elytra equipped all the time let’s check over here no we have not we have not okay put all that in there for now that not whatever okay when we die we respawn immediately near here that seems like another of those yes that sound like a Wither wait did I pick up those worlds or did how many days played do you have on your 10year world I don’t know I think you can check now can you can’t you stray yeah I think that’s a feature now I’m pretty sure how did you get over here I love the herb skellies we have yet to see the uh the green ones I once took an entire day to farm just those skeletons oh they’re over here bread it’s in the settings just activate days played I kind of don’t want to know is it in here or is it somewhere else oh yeah how many that’s a lot of days ain’t [Laughter] it yeah this is another giant loot room Jesus I mean I have 4,000 hours in Minecraft so I’m going to keep the D plate on it’s pretty small over there so yeah this is a giant ass loot room is this the entire thing though have we been everywhere now feel like there’s like some secret over there oh we don’t have elyra on this let me check if there’s a secret 14k almost I’ve been close to 14K for in a for a while subscribers see if there’s anything over here little secret I think so if I was a Minecraft death I would have put a little secret over here there isn’t any how disappointing those are Frost Walker boots I feel like we’ve done everything out in this one was that a mop it’s a slime this one was really small again I thought this was a really big one I mean this is a very nice like L-shaped one I feel that we can turn into a classic Doom level really easily water I’ll take that out thank you we only got one key yeah there was barely any spawners here I mean there’s two in this room that’s weird that’s crazy I mean we have enough keys to open all the ones up that we want to open up but I’m not going to do that open other ones up that we want to open up did I lose another I’m going to leave those stuff blocks here I think we’ll be back trial Chambers are no joke in Java it’s in the settings just activate days played we almost 14k low the butt [ __ ] up must be counting every day played as one even if only played few minutes otherwise those would be 38 years I’m surprised the yeah now Minecraft Days Every update I half expect it to corrupt the world same I mean this started out as PS4 edition world yeah I’m terrified every update that the world corrupts and breaks it happened once actually but I made a backup or copy of it so I could just continue playing in the copy which was super lucky right should we go through this one this one in particular again but with the ominous bottle I feel like we should see how much more of a difference it makes I think that would be to realistic they made they there’s different potion noises too or XP noises oh I didn’t mean to do that get Corner banged another key I like how this room looks but if we’re going to do this one again my hard of difficulty I am going to take all those greates out come over here [ __ ] haha chicken just what I wanted thank you I take all these out and then we’ll drink an omous bottle and then we’ll get our our our cave busted in cave our caves and cliffs cleaved oh wait I didn’t even noce this one I probably stepped on one of these yeah I have to go make that uh Sky Garden map now now that I have a bunch of these crates where did they put the bottles again in one of the shers right that I hopefully picked up yes okay we just put a random trap door over there pressure plate I mean let me take those out too yeah we can totally turn this into a classic Doom map though one of them have to play through classic doom again see which Maps would fit or we just just hollow out this entire structure we should have a good idea on which Maps work days plate yeah I don’t think it counts the days um pre Bedrock though so it would be a lot higher even I completely forgot they add of that I heard they added that and I was like oh that’s cool this slit I’m going to fall into I’m I’m predicting it right here right now oh okay get spawn cam [ __ ] oh y’all bread thank you so aggressive these copper traps are really nice too are these waxed yes they are nice and waxed just look how we all like them we like our copper wax don’t we this looks odd what was that about okay we get all the trap doors I think so I am going to put all these items in dispensers wait where’s that Sher now uhoh oh it’s over here still you know I’ve lost a couple Sher boxes to me just forgetting about them I don’t want to do that again okay spooky noise all right we’ll do a bad two cuz I feeling bad yeah this projectile should help us out with the mobs all right ominous bottle wait have you been up there yet wait it might just be an entire part of the structure we have not been to okay we have been here there’s a ladder over there Ben jeez okay cheesus so many cheeses okay uh yeah let’s drink the bad Omen I think we are good to go and if we die we respawn literally right here somewhere not that far away oh oops you should all reset you made me hungry chicken yay those spawners with slimes are so annoying it wouldn’t get up here no oh oops I didn’t mean to do that of the shovel I keep breaking those blocks oh okay key yay another key a baked [ __ ] potato wow that’s some the worst [ __ ] ever Jesus is there a chest over here somewhere I don’t know there has to be one here this Barrel will do [ __ ] Christ that’s terrible all right I’m not you know what I’m so offended by that baked potato [ __ ] you wow okay let’s go and drink the OM oh hello yeah this being in a slime Chuck is is totally not super annoying let’s make these old like little baby slimes so they don’t [ __ ] mess with us okay right where to start should we start in this room here I think we should start in this room here let’s start in this room here no we’ll make our way through now that’s spooky oh they have the the the the the the armor oh they all turn blue and stuff spam swing more baked potatoes I mean I can say it’s already harder though come here buddy I think that guy died on the I believe there were only twoo oh no wait there three steak wow that’s lame as [ __ ] so how long does this effect last okay we have to hurry a little bit Next Room let’s do this we’re going to get spaned by [ __ ] slimes oh [ __ ] right there’s potions and stuff that drop down he yeah oh that’s a cool potion effect I like that oh the old drop swords oh [ __ ] yeah this is a lot more difficult a golden carrot really there’s an ominous key there we go that’s what I wanted I saw the new potion effect by way that cop are all these baby we have to kill all these [ __ ] babies oh those have new noises too we have to kill all these [ __ ] babies don’t we no we don’t what a mass what a mess Mass what a mass whoa all right this room I love that they have those armor Trims on that’s so not worth it oh they just hoed right on me where do you come from I don’t think you can um is there a Hosk spawn over here somewhere probably don’t know where it is though but uh hey you know maybe it’s the one over here still probably can’t believe that one dropped with a spawn in with a diamond sword that’s crazy boom all right there are more rooms I believe so or did did this room yeah yeah this room over here we haven’t even been to this room I don’t think this room is going to be tough yeah yeah you can shoot these guys right I don’t know I should use looting on those guys you know I like these guys they’re really fun yeah there were two of these rooms steak now let’s check if there’s something up here this different different room apparently nope take down here nope yeah I think the loot is in these is better too with the ominous bottles and there’s also this room here I think this is the last room then let’s not do that baked potatoes nope there’s this room too I forgot about this room yeah let’s check if those keys uh give better stuff now now that we have the uh Omen effect I don’t think so uh we can drop the carrot sick okay so that doesn’t matter is there any other rooms I don’t believe so I think that was everything yeah this is where we got so excited about the the music disc that ended up being the wrong one let’s open this one up too waste of time I’s see if the first room has um been reset perhaps no I think it’s done I think it’s done so we have two of these ominous trial Keys let’s see I don’t want to use these yet my cheap ass [ __ ] [ __ ] okay did you already open this no yeah I don’t think those the loot in those is better than I feel like there has to be another room somewhere but I know there isn’t what do that this was ridiculous though this bit I’m going to fill those in immediately with normal blocks that’s pretty tough all right let’s see oh hello that is not what you want to see when you go up a ladder I believe it’s started in this room right oh we we missed the book pretty sure if you get the book it’s the good book okay whatever be really funny we got that enchant before the Benjamin Hy new Legend I’m in the middle of date night otherwise I’d stay around for longer but wanted to pop in and say hello grinning face with big eyes thumbs up medium light skin tone house oh wait there’s a spawn over here too what you’re on a date why why you why you watching Minecraft [Laughter] now I appreciate you hoing in oh now in my steak always a good time okay yeah we just open this one right yeah is there no spawners left wait the other room like this cuz we quick quick oh 16 minutes left as I don’t have to hurry at all right over here no okay H oh what it didn’t do the key oh was sneaking okay we’ll wait again we’ll wait again was that a shield I don’t think that works we picked up the okay yeah that can go in there I think we are done with this structure oh wait no it’s the same room wait all right yeah I did this I mined this out that was like 2 minutes ago dementia I’m joob Iden you know what we have two of the key let’s open one let’s treat ourselves let’s open that one sure let’s open a box little mystery box on opening oh we got a trophy oh we have it we have the disc nice that’s the one I was I was I was going on about earlier we have it I can die happy now good thing I treated myself to some wonderful we have we have the good one we just we earlier we got the the other one it’s just the the music box jingle and I was so disappointed when I realized it was just the music box jingle but this time this time it is the right one okay let me clear this inventory out a little bit what a disaster what a disaster of an inventory okay uh yeah that’s nice we have the disc we have it boom all right yeah we got this one earlier we have all the discs I would like to get two of this one but beers can’t be choosers wait where did I put it oh date night wtf M go Ezra is a wonderful guy wonderful streamer I’ve been watching him for the last uh couple weeks months they’ve been streaming for the last couple weeks been doing videos for a while I was so disappointed when I put the other one in and then do this yeah those spawners are going to reset in the middle of this song [Music] there’s a nice progression in it okay 72 oh we have 18 of those [ __ ] [Music] things we have the one thing I wanted the most so you know we can not do any of the any more of these and I’ll be fine I was na I was I was talking to the best part yeah just surprised he has time to drop in while in the middle of a [Laughter] [Music] day oh okay [Music] [Music] I mean come on come on [Music] oh it’s already over we have to play that in um what you call it the [Music] Disco we made a disco room is especially for that stuff oh the mostely Cantina would be a good spot for that yeah yes now we’re talking what the hell was that let’s play it again [Music] stupid [Music] chicken yeah I have to farm those ominous [Music] bottles good thing we we we used one of these cuz I wouldn’t be jamming out I’ll be on my way back which I’m still going to do but still [Music] whatever all right we can take the potions out of the [Music] thing we almost had both armor trims almost I’m not going to use it but whatever so many of these too [Music] where’s the H those trap doors are [Music] nice what do I two buckets [Music] oh wait we can [Music] uh put the bread in there in the value box we have to copy this one I have two of it at [Music] least I doubt they’re going to reset if they do though I’m going to run I’m going to Sprint through the entire dungeon so they’re all activated [Music] cuz I think they reset every 40 minutes 30 minutes and then the bottle was 40 minutes I believe how many I mean every Minecraft day is 20 minutes right so 13,000 29 * 20 and that’s excluding nights which most of the time are skipped but nights are 10 minutes I can die happy now I mean it’ll be nice if we got a second one of it now so quiet I don’t think these are going to reset H so quiet and Eerie spooky and [Music] stinky let’s check the uh yeah I was going to do that let’s check the G good the H oh that’s where that is I don’t have a key in my inventory this that’s actually really nice that’s right in the center of that thing [Music] oh you know what you should do you should trap you should make like little boxes with those and put like a mob in there and they just walk around and they keep making the little noise the little jingle yeah I don’t think they’re going to respawn that’s unfortunate truly unfortunate yeah I have to test around with these things cuz I’m pretty sure that uh a co-op player AKA a second guy right can open these up again you know cuz then I’ll just ask my sister to go in and then like hey yo here’s buch of keys go open up all these all these boxes that’s the most cheaty ass [ __ ] [ __ ] but if that’s the case you could do that right it would definitely cut your time in half of having to uh to run around finding these things yeah this can will stay here we’ll take the obsidian with us all right yeah boom pow okay yeah we didn’t use all the shers yeah the thing is about to run out let’s head back yeah this is right in the slime chunk it’s so funny right the bones I have a bone to pick with you you know see Hostile Mobs with the armor patterns with the armor Trims on looks really nice they should just have that normally you know like any skeleton that spawns in the jungle has uh one of the patterns on that you can only find in the jungle biome Etc that will be pretty nice right uh let’s get all the trap doors from here now there’s also a giant ancient city over here or close to this one I believe so we could do that too but I ain’t got no time for that oh yeah that that is not as deep as I thought it was that’s what she said yeah this room is a little different than the other one yeah there weren’t that many spawners in this one let’s take the doors too H it ran out if there was any rooms and we missed one tough [ __ ] that’s goofy okay let’s take all the copper out of uh this room why why not what was that block by the way oh that’s annoying yeah I love those copper bulbs they’re really nice wait there I’m not going to do the entire room I think it’s way too much that’s weird that’s a weird little corner now I was also going to do a little bit of world uh over just general World stuff so let’s do that did I look in these chests yeah what we can do we can do this boom boom and now it Stacks with the others it’s that simple damn it eat the chicken okay so quiet now with without the the poo poo NOS so much copper honestly now nobody has any excuse to complain about not having enough copper that’s weird so glitched out okay that’s really odd oh hey that’s some mro stuff seriously the one torch I put over here the spawners have reset we’ll do all the spawners one more time what’s this a little secret it is a little secret wow a little secret I did not expect that in one of these there’s a bunch of torches let me find one I’m fine cuz I already know what’s going to happen lucky no lucky yes I guess I have decided I am going to te this entire room down what was that I’m going to put this water out what is this this R rol that’s a nice little secret room yeah what is that about oh maybe maybe this is one of those glitch structures after all copper ore will never go wrong with that could be we’ll do that real quick that sounds like huge though that now imagine a creeper blows all this up a creeper comes along that blows up all of the right over here you have been freed from all of all of your copper room how does it feel ow don’t spawn don’t spawn don’t spawn okay good hello there hello there Jedi gamer love this stream mate hey thank you don’t forget to like and subscrible N you don’t have to how has your day been hope you’ve had a good Sunday now it would be really funny if we got super lucky with one of these and we get uh the heavy core really quick but we have to do more omness trials and I’m not going to do anymore like nice thank you I’m going to be uh uploading a bunch of Battlefront videos next week probably a challenge run of uh the Battlefront 2 campaign the pandemic one oh yeah the day counter does count okay it’s not static tough bricks sounds really disgusting not what I would expect a brick to sound like right and that’s the entire room I think one door one door more door so much cop cop so much cup cup lame ass lame ass [ __ ] Jesus okay uh we got the all the new music discs one of the new armor oh we forgot this little bit here okay there we have done isn’t our room boom no more copper left in this entire room we’ll leave the little tree here cuz it’s a cute little thing okay in the little secret room as well let’s grab the copper again okay let’s head to back uh kind of we’ll do the we’ll do the spawners again wait this not an ominous event oh over there get over here maybe because we have done an ominous event this just will forever respond with better gear on now I don’t know let’s check I think they do now maybe it’s glitch who knows bread I love those key textures man they’re so nice all right let’s go uh do a couple more of these spawners maybe we should ignore this big room over here too late yeah I think they’ll just spawn with armor on now since we’ve done the one of the bottles what oh I’m going yeah that works too really cool if you drop that Armor man oh God with those trims they don’t though really wish they did oh this big has a little diamond sword and everything what does this spawner do a potato that guy’s neck snapped oh whoops key no damn you your punch bow another potato do they drop the no just a regular slowness that slime spawner is cracked though I don’t like that espe not an area like this yeah this would be this would make for a really good uh like Adventure Map kind of thingy let’s not put that torch on top of the all right turn this into a a classic Doom map that’ll be so nice yeah they sound way too much like a like a Wither stop doing that hiy thank you very much potatoes wait did one drop there no that’ be so cool if they dropped that armor with the trim on why don’t you do that it’s going to be a a total mess to clean these shers up I have to make uh I have to add a little room to the storage for just just copper I think a little chest where’s the ladder up there’s a l up over here get on this one right now yeah I really like how they look with the armor the armor turns that looks so nice I don’t think I’ve seen them with um bread damn that was the motherload right there come here buddy another key oh yeah they do spawn IR around okay yeah I’m going to have I’m going to totally use those keys for like uh little Redstone doors well they don’t drop uh a bunch of bows anymore that’s nice so slow yeah let’s go back home that is such a doom looking texture this our structure reminds me of like a doom level honestly should we take these doors too ah why not we’re going to tear everything out anyway we might as well the good doors the beautiful doors beautiful doors oh hey we haven’t been here oh this is a pattern on it too yeah right yeah okay let’s check this out then oh no we have been here no no we haven’t oh man if I knew this before could have used this with the ominous thing oh well oh well that’s whatever this room is a mess weakness oh another key how did this happen oh I heard a thing I heard a thing potatoes again how wonderful I am not using another om’s bottle today key yes I feel like there should drop more than just one lonely key almost feels insulting what’s this little secret little secret little secrety yes yes all right now let’s back home I totally thought we already did everything okay can I get rid of the bread I think we can nope we can’t okay I’ll grab these copper blocks thank you oh no what is this what was that about right free copper indeed there’s so much copper in these where did I put all the almonds bottles I don’t know well whatever okay we have five Sher boxes with us we have dude I hate the dark thingy when you go like below minus 12 that’s not a thing though any you know how to get rid of it or do you just mean the dark um Sky BLX like Sky Block or something grab all that otherwi I don’t know what you’re talking about we got all the all three of the new music discs which is honestly all I care about we’ll come back to these to tear all the copper out and to turn these into uh little into our own custom dungeons this one in particular is really good uh let’s put this back we don’t have to put that back yet but whatever all right random crossbow we got we going back home we’ll add the uh potery shirts to the what’s our random stair we add the pottery shirts to the what you call it C Door we can use this what did I hit oh a random sheep I’m sorry sheep poor sheep oh yeah if there’s anything I ever got back there we’ll come back so yeah now in this area there’s also really big uh ancient city that I haven’t explored so that’s nice let’s go back giant jungle join jungle temple I saw them all pop this time oh I saw those too but whatever we are almost back home we are home all right let’s see where we can put the copper we can put we can take the tians out put those elsewhere those shirts are so nice so much copper so much put the potions let’s see I’m going to be so confused in like 5 years from now when I see those name Tes like why did I put what why is there a name tag with the name Panorama that’s a lot of those keys actually probably could have uh used them all but whatever we’ll be back we got a lot of diamonds well not a lot a lot but you know decent chunk this is going to be an absolute disaster to put back in the chests but I’m here for it okay I mean I I have no choice but to take care of this disaster put all the food in uh oh these things too Breeze rods that sounds pretty cool breeze Rod who’s rod these are slowness four arrows which is really goofy we got so much junk it’s funny you know they put all these empty chests in those structures right because oh well Inventory management and then half the loot is like eight different food items you know like thanks let’s getb the pottery shirts we can keep we can put the put the pots the pots over here yes okay yeah the cers to go elsewhere I mean these are all just Trident believe one of I mean these are all fill with honey bottles cuz keep one of each for the museum seven andan these are all really nice nice banners or things oh wait there’s also Banner pattern need one of those those should probably stay in the Ender Chest for now what us to be over here let me check what did I put in the Ender Chest at the beginning of the stream we’ve been streaming for a while oh okay never mind nothing important wow perfect stick and a half that’s probably the worst block you can miss place like that H fantastic okay it’s not too bad uh yeah this is a disaster of unmitigated proportion let’s STI all that food put it somewhere over here I think sure let’s see if there’s any empty spots for the bubes nope this so full I have to expand this storage room oh he we can put the bottles here very nice so many bottles yeah I’m probably just going [Music] to I know where the tough can go three stacks of that that’s not too bad all the [Music] potions now this is almost all waxed it’s all waxed yeah it’s all waxed okay we have a lot of arrows too where did I put all that here is this a wise place to put all that no who cares huh do back in that one Sher box where did this come from h put in here yeah all I know where we’re going to put all that rest of that junk actually all right I have a bunch of obsidian over at the yeah that’s right a [ __ ] ton of it oh we should do this we should do this wait wait wait I’m not waiting here’s what we should do I have an idea boom boom boom all three of the new music discs actually that won’t work never mind [Music] such a different [Music] vibe put a bunch in [Music] there ‘s SP the bones here who cares who cares [Music] a cat little babby little babby little baby cat that was that music disc it’s nice that they did that but at the same time this is the better one far better yeah Relic and precipice are very similar [Music] [Music] I like it so [Music] much why did I put all those bones earlier all right there’s a bunch of bones in the music disc [Music] the music this box oh we can put the Blaze the I the ice Blaze stuff here that’s a good spot for it same thing with the keys don’t question it it makes sense yeah it would be nice if we got like at least a stack of those piglin heads maybe two stacks so then we can put one stack at the arena and then one in the museum one head in the museum and then the other stack in his chest to rot it’s so [Music] nice and we didn’t even take all the PO out of dungeon [Music] either we might have Ro has have [Music] [Music] uh yeah [Music] so let’s go to the museum I’m going to accidentally throw one of these potions yeah uh [Music] [Music] take the chests okay we should still be able to hear that from the the Brewing area yeah the most underused Brewing area in the history of Minecraft right here oh my God this all just regeneration I should really use some potions made you think that speed [Music] poison I didn’t put a brewing stand down I mean I know why I didn’t do a brewing stand down cuz all right all the regen goes in here [Music] [Music] six slowness potion poison poison that’s a lot of poison [Music] too and weakness uh let’s put a different chest down for all the negative effects [Music] boom all right that’s uh that looks pretty good and these were slow arrows let’s put them in there too why not should do with all the tipped arrows [Music] honestly and then these in the museum let’s check them this [Music] chest don’t crash the game please okay that’s still [Music] good that song is really long that’s what she [Music] said yeah just the copper now that’s good that’s of good stuff let’s put this one actually in Jurassic Park why not you know why not put the chests back okay I have to get more of this stuff cuz I want to use it a lot of that for something oh yeah all the food uh we’re going to dump it somewhere over here I believe but there’s no space here space don’t pull oh no wait no no no no we were not going to dump it all there we’re going to dump it in a more civilized place literally there’s villagers there did I put stuff in here yeah all right I put the S FRS there let’s put those back in the other chest so how do we duplicate this copper of course what a surprise I mean it’s orange I was going to put the Torches away that’s the food box which is stuffed so I hate having an uneven number of things wait what where’s the food box oh it’s over here can we put anything in here actually look it’s so stuffed it’s so much food yeah let’s put that in Jurassic Park hello there this looks like a fitting place to dump that dump the water bucket there too have fun drinking that water bucket or something uh yeah cuz this has an automated disco what did other s sound like again oh that was that one yeah we’ll put in the Disco and then that’s that okay that’s really annoying me though whatever we’ll keep it there I love the rain in Minecraft I love it that sounds different when flying all right let’s put some let’s put these in the museum so yeah piglin head yeah there’s a bunch of 3×3 paintings which is the only size I didn’t test out yet right no never mind there’s like six of them yeah we have all the armor patterns there’s two per thing here at least I believe yeah so let’s take [Music] uh and I want to put all three of these on one I think although let’s see maybe the axe makes sense with one of these this one oh we can’t wait there we go oh we need a crafting table did I not have a crafting table here really wait that’s stupid my God okay the wolf boom the axe chop the tree and these two go really well together so let’s put the fishing rod let’s put the wheat over in this one get the the human face and the wheat together damn it what did it pick up I don’t know yeah and then the fishing rod can go with the uh this one wait I was going to put all three of I should listen to to myself that’s so stupid okay let’s take the axe off this one again damn it the tree and the dog although now whatever who cares definitely like this one the least I think was something like this right oh craft it then yeah that’s nice all right complete waste of time okay okay I’m going to end the stream here yeah what I want to do by the way is have like a painting here where you can like jump through and then you end up in the back rooms this place already kind of looks like the back rooms right probably with like a painting that goes over here I like a 4×4 painting probably this one this one is pretty ominous yeah there’s a bunch of 3×3 paintings let’s try a couple of those oh there item frames silly me that’s new that’s so also new that’s a new one I’m probably going to take that zombie out there’s five I believe there was six that one is also really nice for like a back rooms like entrance or this one one of these is going to be a back room’s entrance I know that yeah why not that’s the owl I think that’s all six yeah a little bit of re distribution we can have uh a bunch of paintings I mean all these can in the middle Waller can be taken out there should be plenty for these three rooms P for for plenty and then for now we will just put the flower here just the roast nothing else honestly that’s totally some kind of [ __ ] some art gallery would do so you know it’s not all too far off yeah they’re nice I like the new paintings sure can go in there let’s see if there’s a Pillager Patrol that spawns there should be one they pretty much always spawn at evening I have to do something on this roof it’s a horse I can’t believe it we we haven’t even found fought a single one of the swamp skellies one isn’t grown wait is it not getting dark oh it’s getting day never mind I am stupid see I remember there being a a swamp wait is that the no oh he’s over here okay he’s still here he’s a good oh we can use uh copper in here too now right I don’t know how that looks with the emerald but I think it would look pretty good yeah they don’t ever go outside these [ __ ] that’s a lot of black wool by the way I’m going take that thank you you have no say buddy we running out of that because I’m doing a bunch of pixel art okay there were more pillagers here I think there’s one in this sh which I killed already let me think I remember there being a bunch yeah let’s do one final thing over here because uh n let’s just end the stream I think yeah we using a bunch of black wool in here roof B man number one Yahoo that’s way too much of a artificial Edge right there okay I’m gonna stream here I’m tired I’m a tired it’s really late it’s 11: it is 11: look at the little frog look at little frog over there cheers I’m going to buy I’m going to buy now stream end woof take the armor off and then swap to the pimp look um a pimp the B pimp look at me being a pimp yeah yeah yeah I’m a pimp I am a pimped pimped [Music] out bimp your man okay I’m stre bye bye oh U um I’m probably going to do Battlefront stream tomorrow four and a half hours B your pimp out

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival! Looting trial chambers?!’, was uploaded by The Benjaman on 2024-07-07 21:13:39. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:21:34 or 15694 seconds.

Welcome to The Benjaman Youtube Channel! Mainly do Minecraft and star wars related videos and streams, with the occasional horror game sprinkled in. So if that sounds good consider subscribing, you wont regret it. And if you want to support the Channel directly, make my day and send me superchat.

  • Ultimate Minecraft Texture Pack Review!

    Ultimate Minecraft Texture Pack Review! Exploring Minecraft Texture Packs: Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is through texture packs. Among the recommended options is the Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 pack, known for its detailed textures and improved visuals. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft texture packs and how they can elevate your gameplay. What is the Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 Texture Pack? The Faithful 32×32 MCPE 1.21 texture pack is designed to maintain the original look and feel of Minecraft while enhancing the overall resolution and clarity… Read More

  • Field of Luck: 15 Ways to Magnetize Good Fortune

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  • Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Madness Unleashed!

    Farm Frenzy: Minecraft Madness Unleashed! Welcome back to my Minecraft show, Where amazing farms continue to grow. No redstone needed, just pure skill, To boost our resources, a mighty thrill. String and emerald farm, a sight to behold, Efficient and fast, a treasure to hold. Gather the materials, construct with care, Watch as the farm produces, beyond compare. Next up, an AFK stone farm we create, For endless stone, no need to wait. Gather the resources, build with ease, AFK setup ensures a steady breeze. Efficiency and automation, our goals in mind, To conquer Minecraft, one step at a time. Stay tuned for more… Read More

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  • OP Swords, One Lucky Block: Telugu Minecraft Madness!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Superflat Challenge!

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  • Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight?

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  • The New Minecraft is Insane!

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  • Crafty Courtyard: Modern House Build Made Simple

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  • Can’t Speak Russian in Minecraft! 😱

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  • Unbelievable Random Fov Challenge in Minecraft Bedwars!

    Unbelievable Random Fov Challenge in Minecraft Bedwars!Video Information This video, titled ‘Random Fov Challenge! | Minecraft Bedwars’, was uploaded by Dirtrider79MC on 2024-07-09 02:09:51. It has garnered 54 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:47 or 887 seconds. Hey guys! This challenge was really fun and i think this was the longest ive ever edited a video XD .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙click here*̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ . ༓~texture pack(s) ~༓ pastelic v3 rose gold: Pastelic Collection [128x] Pastel PvP Texture Packs Release (FPS Friendly) ♡ pastelic v1 purple: Pastelic Collection [128x] Pastel PvP Texture Packs Release (FPS Friendly) ♡ ୨⎯ s o c i a l m e… Read More

  • Unearthing Minecraft’s First Entity – Insane Discovery!

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    DOUBLE YOUR MONEY IN GERMA! + URA DO KONCAVideo Information This video, titled ‘1€= +10 MIN, 6€= +1 URA DO KONCA EVENT! (FS22, GTA 5, ETS2, RL, MINECRAFT, VALORANT, CS:GO2) [SLO]#7’, was uploaded by GERMA on 2024-07-18 07:01:52. It has garnered 2683 views and 243 likes. The duration of the video is 11:50:58 or 42658 seconds. #paradajzuci #mislimnate #roadto20k #farmingsimulator22 #farming #farmingsimulator22mods #farmingsimulator22multiplyer #multiplayer ================================= ============================================== THANKS EVERYONE FOR AMAZING SUPPORT! PLEASE LIKE👍 AND THE BELL 🔔 ⬇️DON’T FORGET TO⬇️ ╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ================================================= =================== THANKS EVERYONE FOR THE DONATIONS, DONATIONS ARE NOT OBLIGATORY, THEY ARE VOLUNTARY, BUT ALL MONEY FROM DONATIONS GOES BACK TO YOUTUBE AND VIDEOS… Read More

  • Insane Island Showdown: 100 Players in Minecraft Hunger Games!

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  • “Mind-Controlled Zombie Girl in Minecraft School!” #clickbait #animation

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  • DupeSte4lzs

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  • Stinky SMP Modded Java 1.20.1 Origins No Resets.

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Timey-wimey Minecraft Madness”

    Looks like this meme can handle the pressure of time travel and still score a solid 39! Read More

  • Mine Stan’s Dear Steve: A Rhyme Parody

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  • Creeper Showdown: Pro vs Noob!

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  • Crafting a Sneaky Red Bed in Minecraft

    Crafting a Sneaky Red Bed in Minecraft Exploring Minecraft Building Ideas Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and construction. From simple houses to intricate castles, players can let their imagination run wild in this virtual world. One popular building idea that players often explore is creating unique beds, such as the red bed. Building a Red Bed in Minecraft To build a red bed in Minecraft, players will need three blocks of wool and three wooden planks. The wool can be dyed red using red dye, which can be obtained from red flowers like poppies. Once the materials are gathered,… Read More

  • Orange City Minecraft Tour

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  • INSANE: Surviving 1,000 Days in Minecraft – Shuckle Shack

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  • From Human to Caine’s Sister in Minecraft!

    From Human to Caine's Sister in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘From HUMAN to CAINE’s SISTER in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by PrincessHana on 2024-01-28 23:00:26. It has garnered 1087285 views and 12246 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:01 or 1261 seconds. 🌼 Subscribe to the channel my daisies!! 🌼 What’s up my doki doki daisies!? I’m Princess Hana and welcome to my video! Today, PrincessHana finds Caine’s magic cane, and accidentally turns herself into his sister! As she transforms, she becomes more and more like a girl Caine. Will she ever turn back to normal? Watch until the end to find out! ADC… Read More

  • “Unbelievable MC RTX 4090 in Realistic Nabi Gaming! 😲🔥” #minecraftmods

    "Unbelievable MC RTX 4090 in Realistic Nabi Gaming! 😲🔥" #minecraftmodsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic MC RTX 4090 😍😍🤤 #minecraft #minecraftmods’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-19 19:24:26. It has garnered 18 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hacks You Have to See!

    Insane Minecraft Hacks You Have to See!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hacks You Need to Try!”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-07-15 07:48:04. It has garnered 84 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a suggested description for a Minecraft Shorts video designed to go viral on YouTube: — 🔥 Welcome to my Minecraft Shorts! 🔥 In this video, we dive into [brief summary of content, e.g., epic builds, crazy hacks, or insane moments]! Watch as I [specific highlight, e.g., create a massive castle in under a minute, showcase unbelievable redstone… Read More

  • Insane Gold Farm Build in Hardcore Minecraft 1.20

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  • Talking Doge beefs with Minecraft egg on cliff!

    Talking Doge beefs with Minecraft egg on cliff!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beefing with my minecraft egg but she can talk ew’, was uploaded by Doge cliff vods on 2024-06-11 06:21:20. It has garnered 5710 views and 286 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:36 or 8316 seconds. Follow Tubbo on: TWITTER – INSTAGRAM – DISCORD – TWITCH – Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! INSANE Minecraft Kingdoms Episode 1 ft. thijsSVG

    UNBELIEVABLE! INSANE Minecraft Kingdoms Episode 1 ft. thijsSVGVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kingdoms Minecraft #1 (ft.thijsSVG)’, was uploaded by DynoGG25 on 2024-03-16 16:02:13. It has garnered 49 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:01:48 or 18108 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Reaction: First Time Playing Hardcore Minecraft! 😱

    Insane Reaction: First Time Playing Hardcore Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘PLAYING HARDCORE FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER – Minecraft Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-06-07 20:54:22. It has garnered 1272 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:13 or 7213 seconds. Watch the Longform stream here: ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and… Read More

  • INSANE XD HUMOR: Spongebob Terror Shorts

    INSANE XD HUMOR: Spongebob Terror ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘xd #humor #terror #shorts #bobesponja’, was uploaded by Force on 2024-07-06 05:24:16. It has garnered 13198 views and 198 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Hello everyone, I hope you are all doing well 😀 #roblox #humor #minecraft #spongebob #terror Read More

  • mcfox

    mcfox狐狸伺服 | | 1.20.x | 友善生存 伺服器IP: Java: PE: Port: 19132 (最新版) Open the Minecraft launcher, next click the “Play” button, then select “Multiplayer” from the main menu. Click the “Add Server” button to open the server information form then copy & paste the IP Address in the “Server Address” box then press click on “Done” button. Once the connection to the server is verified by Mojang session servers and is available, the connection icon will turn green and you can click on the “Join Server” button to play on 狐狸伺服| Read More

  • DysonSphere Modded

    The Dyson Sphere Modpack Created by SphereMC Enjoy a blend of mods including Create & Addons, Mekanism, Gregtech+Space Addon, new building materials, decor, Valkyrien Skies, Eureka ships, and airships! Server Whitelist-only server with a fantastic community and engaging modded experience using our blend of mods. Simple and quick whitelist process! Updated modpack ⭐ What Sets This Modpack Apart? Introducing The Dyson Sphere modpack. Built on Minecraft 1.20.1, inspired by ‘All the Mods 9’, trimmed for gameplay and performance optimization. Ideal for adventurers and tech enthusiasts with modded biomes, magic, technology like Create and its addons, Clockwork: Create x Valkyrien Skies…. Read More

  • Mystic_Isles

    Mystic_IslesWelcome to Mystic Isles! We are currently only a Factions server, we WILL be adding more game modes in the future. ACTIVE: FactionsComing Soon: SkyblockComing Soon: SurvivalComing Soon: PrisonVersions: 1.10-1.21 Read More

  • Planting Doubt: Minecraft’s Wayward Route

    Planting Doubt: Minecraft's Wayward Route In the world of Minecraft, plants take a twist, Carnivorous species, they can’t resist. But wait, is this right, or is it all wrong? Let’s dive in deep, and sing a new song. Check out Carnivorous Plants Sydney, they know the deal, With online stores and facts that are real. Happy Growing, they say with a smile, Join the community, stay for a while. The FlyTrap Garden, Calafornia_Carnivores too, Carnivorous Corner, Predatory Plants, all in view. Succulent FlyTraps, Josh’s Carnivorous Plants, Subscribe to them all, take a chance. Got questions about plants that eat meat? Join the Q&A, it’s… Read More

  • Minecraft Floating Head x Trolling face 🔥🤣 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Floating Head x Trolling face 🔥🤣 #minecraft #memes When you’re trying to build a house in Minecraft but end up with a floating head instead, just blame it on the trolling face emoji for causing chaos! 🤣 #minecraftfails #trollingemoji Read More


    EPIC PSG STATUE BUILD CHALLENGE Minecraft: Messi PSG Statue Build Challenge Embark on an epic journey in the world of Minecraft with the Messi PSG Statue Build Challenge! Join the fun as players face off in a battle of creativity and skill to see who can construct the most impressive statue of the legendary football player Lionel Messi. Noob vs Pro vs Hacker vs God Witness the clash of different skill levels as noobs, pros, hackers, and gods showcase their building prowess in this exciting challenge. From beginners to expert players, everyone has a chance to shine and demonstrate their unique building styles. Building… Read More

  • Insane Goose Beats Impossible Modpack With Zero // Ep. 18 – Falling Sky, Rising Power

    Insane Goose Beats Impossible Modpack With Zero // Ep. 18 - Falling Sky, Rising PowerVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft’s Hardest Modpack With Nothing // Episode 18 – Sky Falling, Power Rising’, was uploaded by Neurotic Goose on 2024-06-14 18:00:12. It has garnered 41578 views and 3988 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. In this eighteenth episode of the series I solve the space-trash problem using a neon blue goose-juice powered rotary impeller, automate photosynthetic degeneracy – or possibly fertilization – by feeding an exclusively vegetarian diet to plants, create ever-more-powerful magic boxes, and vomit rainbows all over the floor. GT – New Horizons is an intricately designed… Read More

  • MASTER MINECRAFT: 6 Mind-Blowing Tricks! MUST TRY! 🔥

    MASTER MINECRAFT: 6 Mind-Blowing Tricks! MUST TRY! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT TOP 6 MOST EPIC TRICKS | THAT YOU SHOULD TRY IT || MINECRAFT HINDI’, was uploaded by GamerHit on 2024-03-06 13:02:58. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. MINECRAFT TOP 6 MOST EPIC TRICKS | THAT YOU SHOULD TRY IT || MINECRAFT HINDI #minecraft #tipsandtricks #minecrafthindi #tips #minecraftupdate #mineccraftupcomingmods #minecraftmods #minecraftpe #minecraftsurvival #minecraftseeds #technogamerz #yessmartypie #gamerfleet about : GamerHit is a YouTube channel, where you will find gaming videos in Hindi, l hope this video was Useful and you liked it, if you did… Read More