Hello everyone and welcome back to the one the only better Minecraft and this is a mod pack where you play in a better Minecraft scenario a more optimized Minecraft or however you might word it this mod pack is supposed to give you a better Minecraft experience a enjoyable Minecraft experience a more advanced Minecraft experience a vanilla Plus Pack that really enhances your overall gameplay rod in Minecraft and this seed right now uh is well I’ll leave it down into the description because man you look at some stuff around here it is wonderful take a look at all the stuff We have here we have like a dungeon off from the side here we have a repurposed end structure but for a village we have a ship off the distance that is really really cool we have a like I don’t even know like an Aztec like a Mayan pyramid Off in the distance as well and we even have like a rundown Village or actually I don’t know if it’s run down before where I am it looks like a rundown Village but then again that looks like a normal village as well so I don’t know I Could be seeing things because I’m very far away as you can tell so you know it’s really really hard to see and not to mention there’s some volcanic activity off in the distance so that’s always very cool to see as well and the biome in general is just so amazing oh And speaking of Aztec Pyramids apparently there’s another pyramid behind the dungeon it’s just stuff around here you come to see that but I just wanted to tell you that the seed is going to be in the description so if you want to view this this seed then go Ahead aside from that let’s get right into this mod pack right now the biomes are very plentiful as they contain various different biomes from old bombs ago re-fabricated and terrestria along with other minor biomods and additional plant life to regular biomes as well and not to mention bio makeover adds in a Whole bunch of different revamps and tweaks to the I guess trees and structure of the regular vanilla biomes as you can see on the screen right now there are some examples of some of the biomes that you might find within your world such as trash red biomes like the Redwood forests the Cypress Woods and a bunch of other biomes within the distance as you can see there and of course along with all of this there’s also new trees such as the ones shown here the cinnamon wood and the Avo avocado tree and these are given to us Via the cultural delight and expanded Delight along with this your world is alive this is because immersive weathering and seasons your world very interesting as immersive weathering adds in a variety of different weathering effects such as iron bars being corroded not to mention Seasons as in well seasonal variants to Your Minecraft world including different coloring to the leaves different atmosphere a different feeling overall within each of your biomes throughout each of the seasons here are more examples of the biomes and terrain generation that you might experience when playing better Minecraft thank you This structure is in better Minecraft will keep you occupied as you explore around the world there are very many structures within this mod pack and the main reason for this is the vast majority of dungeon mods repurposed structures if illeger mods just just so many mods regarding structures and the Repurpose structures are basically structures that are similar enough to vanilla Minecraft structures but are reused in a different way such as desert pyramids being used as planes pyramids Ocean Pyramids snowy pyramids along with illager towers that are like snowy Elder Tower dark oak Elder Tower Spruce Elijah Tower there are just so many different variants of the vanilla structures and along with this of course you have the massive dungeons the massive Temple the massive like Town structure along with illager camps that will definitely give you some decent loot if not give you a decent fight when you run into these Structures in your world there are also bosses the bosses of mass destructions exist within the Overworld Nether and End so make sure to go ahead and find these structures to encounter a new boss added to the game and yes there are some slight visual structures like the Balloon in the sky to give you a sense that the world is very vast and it really gives you that immersive experience within your Minecraft worlds in addition all of the young structures are in here so this is a Young’s mine shaft and if you’re not familiar with Youngs they’re basically like structures Around your world that are very improved from the vanilla counterparts such as witch Huts mine shafts dungeons desert temples Ocean Monuments and even strongholds are improved vastly make sure to check out the new Young instructors and explore your world see your heart’s content because there is a Lot to find and discover of course just like in almost every mod pack there are new mobs and there are new variants to certain mobs within Minecraft in better Minecraft there are new cows sheeps pigs chickens especially based off of the Minecraft Earth mobs and one mob in Particular the wolf basically has a whole lot more stuff to it you can add armor dog beds dog bowls leashes and leads that are dyable just to add more aesthetic to your dog and just make it more protected from any harm or danger there are also mods such as duckling Ecologics Goodall and naturalist that adds more mobs in order to make your Minecraft world feel more alive whether they’re as small as butterflies and fireflies to massive mobs such as rhinos seals Etc they add more to your game in order to give you more interaction with new Wildlife that can keep you company Or keep you full whichever route you go of course there are some Hostile Mobs which most of them are in other dimensions but Adventure Z does give you some new hostile foes that you can face within your Overworld Nether or end experiences there are also Goblin Traders in the end of world and Nether and the rest of the mobs you will learn in the dimension section which by the way there are four New Dimensions five if you count the Bumble Zone the first one we’re taking a mild look at is the Twilight Force which has a set of bosses such as the Naga that you see right now the most basic of bosses and you have to fight the bosses in a certain order there’s around seven bosses with a couple of mini bosses along the way and so you start with this guy right here The Naga move your way towards the Lich The Minnow shroom the Hydra Etc there are countless things to find within the Twilight Forest but let’s move on to the next Dimension the Aether is 12 years old feeling old yet well the Paradise Lost Dimension is a dimension very Similar to that of the Aether it replaces a lot of the different names and stuff given to the Aether mobs and the Aether blocks originally and that is because they also want to straight away from directly copying off of Aether I really like this idea because at least This way they’re making their own unique mod very similar to that of the aether mod and in general it is one of the most fascinating looking mods in Minecraft as it is a dimension mod that takes place in the sky of course and they’re making Their mod very similar to that of a very historic mod but also keeping the distance away and making their mod very unique to themselves and their ideal goal there’s me bosses structures and other things added in the future but for now they don’t really have much to it Aside from slimes bunnies and birds but in the future this mod will be an amazing part of better Minecraft let’s go even further beyond beyond the skies this is Eden ring you are currently on the Ring of a blue gas giant because of some strange gravitational anomalies the The area around the star has a bit of a atmosphere therefore you can breathe perfectly fine along the Ring of one of the blue gas giants this is a bit of a Sci-Fi mod where obviously you’re on a very interesting place within the Minecraft space and in general there Isn’t really much to say about this Dimension there are 12 new biomes but there is only one Mob Of course that little mob is very cute so if you do find it make sure to keep it as a pet because it is basically the equivalent Of an axolotl but in space unless when I last thought of course what is that mob well you gotta go find that out for yourself this is from the same creators as better end and better nether which are two very amazing mods so that will Give an idea as to how good the Eden ring Dimension will be but for now it is in beta and it is underworks from outer space to deep below the Earth the deeper darker Dimension also known as the other side is a dimension where if you activate the Portal within the ancient city using a warden’s heart you can travel to this scary Dimension it is very dark in here of course and the entire mod and dimension itself is based on the deep dark there are Phantoms skulk worms and skulk-based enemies that are either added or yet to come within this Dimension its structure is very similar to that of the nether but it’s very dark and gloomy in comparison to it rumor has it that you could also find the previous home to the warden within this Dimension get to exploring this scary Dimension and make sure to be very well prepared Before heading in to the other side the nether has been revamped entirely with new biomes and such from better Nether along with fruit trees more piglin structures and there’s even a pigland village rumor has it that you can even fish within the nether that’s right you can actually catch fish within the Nether Adventure Z also does have some mobs dedicated to the nether as well there is a boss of mass destruction here and in general the nether has more worthwhile things to find and explore within its Newfound life we are coming towards the end of the video so let’s go Over the end Dimension first of course let’s go over the better stronghold the Young’s bitter stronghold improves the stronghold and adds more chests more rooms and overall it revamps the look of a stronghold now the Ender Dragon itself hasn’t really changed that much there are some new fantasy towers and a Dedicated bar to the actual towers that have like the iron bars originally there and not to mention the center where the portal is does have a different look as well there are some oars on the main island here but you can also find these ores within the outer end on the other End you can find another boss of mass destruction new biomes new Mobs oars and countless different little things here and there the end city is revamped as well and the end is a much prettier place because of the better end mod to conclude this video I would like to say Thank you guys so much for watching make sure to subscribe for more Modpack reviews but there are a lot of mods in this mod pack that I have not gone over such as the additional food baby variants to certain mobs more Axolotl variants new blocks new furniture villager variants new mechanics new Overlays The Way Stone Mod and just so many other additional features that they have added into this mod pack you can even pick up chess spawners in your hands along with other mobs and carry them around not in an inventory just right in front of you with both of your Hands overall thing thank you guys so much for watching this mod pack review once again make sure to subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next video take care and good bye Video Information
This video, titled ‘Better MC Modpack 1.19 Review (FABRIC Better Minecraft 1.19 Modpack)’, was uploaded by Topothetop on 2023-02-20 09:23:25. It has garnered 72048 views and 781 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:14 or 794 seconds.
Better MC Modpack 1.19 Review (FABRIC Better Minecraft 1.19 Modpack)
This is the Better MC modpack 1.19, also known as the Better Minecraft modpack for 1.19, which is a modpack that aims to improve minecraft through vanilla plus mods. The better minecraft modpack, made by Lunar Studios and sharkie, are their take on mincraft vanilla plus, and could be the best minecraft modpack. Subscribe for more Better Minecraft content!
THIS IS THE BETTER MINECRAFT FABRIC MODPACK! This is not the forge version of better mc/better minecraft.
(Also I know I said I’d put the better minecraft world seed in here, but apparently, it doesn’t work so oof)
0:00 Better Minecraft Introduction 1:47 Biomes 3:47 Structures 5:57 Animals/Mobs 7:26 Twilight Forest 7:58 Paradise Lost/Aether 9:01 Eden Ring 10:10 Otherside 11:00 Nether 11:32 The End 12:28 Conclusion
The Better Minecraft Modpack Creator | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_rqYJKLbTjZ294DT9FG3xg
Better MC 1.19 (Better Minecraft 1.19) | https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/better-mc-fabric
More Videos👍: Minecraft LOTR Ep 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1G-LB_SN-Q Hexxit 2 Ep 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgpWQ3LXuWI The Classic Pack Ep 1 | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EZNx6-ZFX8 RLCraft With Parasites | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wxki_BjpQM
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Minecraft Texture Packs That I Use Mate4 Holsten Texture Pack | https://youtu.be/h4bae1PQus0
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Tags | better minecraft modpack,better minecraft,better minecraft modpack review,better minecraft mod,better mc,better mc modpack,better mc 1.19,better mc 1.19 modpack,better mc modpack 1.19,better minecraft 1.19,better miencraft modpack 1.19,better minecraft 1.19 modpack,better minecraft for 1.19,better mc for 1.19,1.19 modpacks,1.19 modpack,minecraft modpack 1.19,minecraft 1.19 modpacks,new 1.19 modpack,better mc modpack review,better mc review,minecraft