Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

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man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s what it seems like we walk unless you set up I don’t think you is oh so now you think I’m not set up let me yeah I don’t think we can party at your crib brother you got a giant hole in your ceiling man don’t worry about the hole in my ceiling that’s like me going to your house and talk about the water in the backyard oh man oh oh oh my gosh are you okay dude ah I can’t party nothing oh oh don’t hit cuz you hurt no oh man who did that we got to call somebody man that that some dude hit you and then just kept driving that way a dude hit me I thought I got hit by a lion I don’t know what’s going on man he hit you with a whole bus that’s crazy action we we got to go get his insurance information or something man hit with a bust oh hold up I’m about to come up on a meal hey I think I can walk a little better let’s go get them oh so now we talking about money all of a sudden your legs work I’m about to get me a meal look at him he he he running hard for that money oh man like bro hit me in the middle of the road I still got three hearts missing about to eat this crazy oh look that dude that’s he’s dancing bro I know I’m not getting emoted on bro hey we got to handle this right now this bro thinks this is some fortnite Hey Hey sir sir hello I’m going need you to come out the shower real quick he I’m trying to take a shower sir you taking an outdoor shower you about crazy as I could as I could possibly law said don’t do this I just got home I’m just trying to clean up a little bit oh no we know you just got home on the way home you almost made some road kill all right you hit my brother right here I’m hurt look ah my back a whole track career happening be a professional basketball player football player now he can’t do none of that both his legs Oh my legs bro I that sir you should just Pi a career but I’m sorry to hear that a different no n hold up you’re not going to talk to me with that dirty suit on bro I just saw you driving you can’t drive you hit me and I’m about to get 100 Mil I took a shower what do you mean dirty suits I a see no water come from there what’s up listen buddy all all this argument ain’t going to do nothing you going to go in that house you going to find your insurance papers you going to bring it back out here because we are settling this in court yeah I don’t got to say nothing to him I think I can do that for you I’ll be right back yeah yeah go on in way to be a smart man let’s go we need that insurance you see how expensive his suit is man we we about to make a bajillion dollars and look he he’s clearly just now moving in this a new neighbor hold up bro I think you’re overdoing it on the suit now I feel like he’s wore that suit 500 days in a row I bet no man I I tell you I’ll tell you with the quickness anybody who can afford a glass shower like this like this they got RI shower bro come on man n man he hits you I’m I’m going enjoy all of what we’ve earned today bro now if they lower any money I get because of you fooling around Man action he’s kind of kind of a weird guy he’s looking at us through the window he just walked off man I’m done playing these G bro come on my money I need my money come on where’s my insurance car where’s your insurance car mother and a teacher a patience there you are friends finally dang bro got me messed up well hold on hold on let’s let’s not run off so quickly I just noticed while we were here hey hold on but sir at sir sir you too grown for that sir sir I just noticed uh you seem like you’re you’re new to the neighborhood just now moving in is that correct I am I just moved in about two days ago and still bring in some like belongings would you care to help uh well no but uh outside of that I just I wanted to know what brings you to uh St Ender because you’re kind of a no offense an odd looking fellow it’s a it’s a nice looking your city I like the atmosphere here like the atmosphere of St Andre City Town in Minecraft it’s beautiful it’s got a nice charm D nice charm bro the school is abandoned you across the street from an old high school this is the charm doesn’t look like I have children well you know what Fair Play I Don’t Like to assume everything that somebody has so when your kids come into town I don’t know kids but I can see your mother didn’t teach your patience but she taught you matters man your mother didn’t teach you how to drive hold up bro I’m about to get on you in that suit to tight you clearly ain’t know what to tell we got keep that insurance money hold them back hold him back hold him back grab the an grab the an oh come on man y’ y’all know y’all know y had to hold me back all right sir well uh welcome to to the neighborhood our insurance will be in touch with your insurance very soon you have a nice rest of your night wait friend I didn’t touch your names uh my my my name’s Joe Jackson and this my my name is court on Tuesday court on Tuesday and Joe Jackson I suppose Ali seeing you to very soon what’s your name it’s super important you remember the court on Tuesday name yeah won’t get your name I guess so my name you can call me Jeff did he say Jeff or chipped I’m I don’t know but he’s walking away bro like we didn’t get he going to shut the door about to take his car for a test ride bro I’m done with this I wouldn’t touch that action I wouldn’t touch that dude did you notice anything odd about him bro all right I’m not going to lie this is weird but I don’t think he had a face and I a want to say nothing but look look over your right shoulder right shoulder that’s about over here oh shoot yeah let’s get off his oh my gosh yeah that guy that guy was dressed kind of funky didn’t maybe he had a mask on or a morph suit bro who’s coming into town with a morph suit that’s why you can’t drive bro man at least cut some holes around the Eyes Part wrong with him you know what you’re probably right that’s probably why he couldn’t see mhm so is we still having this party or what because I’m just saying I’m going to have to be in a wheelchair for the party yeah we definitely going to still do this party just real quick what missing person called police if found oh no hold up people gone missing I ain’t even never seen her I’m pretty sure that’s one of the news reporter ladies what oh heck no they’re probably just going to run reruns of her broadcast then until she’s back so that means incorrect false news is going to be going around the town I can’t trust nothing can’t trust people driving can’t trust the news going to be old news it’s going to be old news we just getting like last week’s weather report it’s all good we ain’t going to know when it’s raining or nothing yeah good we don’t need to know that yeah that’s right them Jordans already messed up after he done hit you with the car so hard I never seen nothing like that before you see the crease on my big left toe that’s kind of crazy dude it’s like you got hit by a truck I’m saying we going to keep it going I think oh skunk skunk in the road skunk in the road watch watch watch watch out watch out let’s let’s go around the left go left oh my go why is trying to chase another one missing person call police if found that’s that is the police what the hold up they got the police missing okay I don’t know what’s new in town or something but it’s it’s kind of dangerous they uh they stole a cop and a reporter those are pretty important people good thing they don’t want influencers or YouTubers or nothing like that man yeah you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying there we go man they be too loud like oh man easy easy never getting kidnapped easy all right let’s go ahead and head on in so look I uh oh okay uh ignore this I haven’t cleaned up for a hot minute I was doing some uh some redecorating I’m just moving my couches around that’s all that’s all I I think I left him at the front door by mistake oops let’s put that back down little couch here it’s okay we’re going to watch TV upstairs anyway we don’t got to worry about the couches hey this guy’s uh Insurance what the action have you read this insurance card uh-uh I just picked it up dude this does not say blockco or block Farm look what it says no bro he’s got to be using that huh ritual basement cover up invoice what is this I think he hand the wrong paper mushy look at this wait I forgot mushy can’t read oh oops Yeah thanks mushy my bad my bad ritual basement cover this has to be the wrong paper but what ritual basement cover up invoice what does that even mean those words don’t even sound like they should be used together it don’t make a whole lot of sense to me oh wait a minute whose dog is this what the yo there’s a new dog do got some some odd visitors in here man all right I guess uh I guess you can hang oh my gosh must you trying to fight the dog that wasn’t me wait I punched it ow I didn’t even punch it relax relax relax oh my gosh it’s jumping down the stairs for me the dog why you got a wild dog trying to bite me hey don’t come up them stairs and stay out of my house man rabbit dogs up in my crib who bro I got bit in the ankle I got hit by a car I don’t think I’ll feel like moving today you might be having the worst day ever experienced in human history the only way this could possibly get worse is if you broke bro I’m having a worse week than Aiden Ross bro this is ridiculous right about now they doing me they doing me dirty all right man well let’s just head upstairs and hang out on the couch we can watch TV for a bit I needed that soup oh hold up I’m feeling a little better like I’m rejuvenated look at you mus let’s go mushy out here saving lives and fixing ankles saving lives fixing ankles man what you doing up here we about to watch the news it’s going to be old it it ain’t going to be a problem man I got block flicks and uh Red Blocks and a couple other shows that we can watch just it’s pretty easy man yeah let’s watch some Red Blocks bro I heard they got that new movie do not enter the house at the middle of the night too got it wait a minute what the emergency news broadcast oh my gosh we was about to get to a good movie hey look action it’s it’s it’s an old rerun of the Newsom yo see I told you she was here wait a minute kidnapp they coming with me oh my gosh action action she just got kidnapped on live TV yo oh my gosh I’ve never seen nothing like that is that what’s been happening oh dude okay yeah nobody’s safe they kidnapping every grocery store workers ain’t safe nobody’s safe dude this is crazy wait a minute I can hear I hear a car or something outside who’s driving around this late at night oh heck no bro hey come on we got to put a curfew on them tell them to go inside let them know they could get kidnapped it’s dangerous out here go see where was that car noise coming from huh I don’t see nobody in the carac hey look look look look look it’s a neighbor oh shoot why you going to Drifting or little qu AAC and then leave you going to let him do that this your block dude ain’t that a little odd though dude it’s like it’s like 2:00 in the morning and this dude is driving around almost patrolling the city yeah like almost outside of everybody’s house it’s almost scary to go outside with somebody doing stuff like that and he said he moved to St Ender a known haunted town because he liked the Ambiance hold that paper out again yeah yeah you should probably probably look at this ritual basement cover up inv voice hold up I’m getting a little suspicious of him maybe we don’t even need to take him to court we can go find out what’s going on ourselves I think we should call the cops first I don’t really know if I want to get involved with potential kidnapping oh my gosh okay you go call the cop I’m going to go think of something how about that all right well let’s let’s just let’s hold let’s just do it let’s just do it real quick let’s let’s exhaust all options all options just in case just down real quick 91 1 ringing good thing s a weekend right I’m saying let him know everything say in the police department H can we help oh hello hey it’s the police AC sir uh Mr cop sir we want to report uh a potential suspect in the kidnapping case hey you’re not supposed to be in here what the what are you talking about you’re not no don’t give who what the what’s going on on your phone oh my gosh dude it just abruptly hung up did you hear that n yo there was a disturbance whose voice did that sound like though it was kind of deep I knew it it was that neighbor dude this neighbor guy he just kidnap the police this is the guy behind all the kidnappings kidnapping the newswoman police officers left and right patrolling town maybe he wasn’t trying to hit me he was trying to scoop me exactly bro he was going to put you in the little chest and box you up oh no I’m not getting boxed up and I’m not let none of our neighbors get boxed up either we got to get to the bottom of this okay let’s go scope the place out let’s go check out his house and let’s just spy on him for a little bit and see if we can see anything suspicious we need to get some proof for the police all right bet get some proof watch out for that skunk wait who do we call if the police got kidnapped the feds oh you’re right you think SJ can get involved and maybe help this dude he doesn’t take cases like this he likes that like Minecraft and worlds bro he says something about the seeds to save the seeds first like what does that mean let’s stay off the streets and just kind of kind of get over and spy o smart cuz he’s not going to be driving in the grass especially not next to the school exactly not in that fancy truck either with that fancy suit on oh speaking of fancy truck and suit look there he is he’s sitting on top of the chest is he going inside no he’s looking through his stuff right now this guy is so suspect I’m going to be looking through his stuff later too yeah look we just went inside actually let’s case his house uhhuh he’s got blinds up though blocking most of the windows okay so it looks like he got a secret to hide the first thing when I moved into St Ender was it put up blinds yeah that’s an odd first choice to add to your house man I would have gotten a proper bed or something or maybe got an indoor shower right sitting outside this dude’s got some odd decision- making to me that screams kidnapper outdoor shower kidnapper don’t run too fast now he can hear footsteps oh you’re right you’re right oh you know what that mask is probably blocking his ears you’re right you’re right we might be good hold on let me let me just do a little test just make sure that he can’t hear nothing yeah best bird noise here we go oh oh oh okay okay his ears do work where where did I put my milk and bread bread that’s that’s my ritual tool the ritual tool is milk and bread got so close we can hear them okay yo if we’re going in this back door we got to do it right all right now usually I can kick this thing down but luckily I got a toothpick on me hold up unless I forgot to get mil come back to the store lockpicking oh man you’re a professional lock picker that’s crazy all right make sure there’s a corner you can hide at at all times we got to be yo mush’s coming with us on the adventure this is sick no mushy this is so dangerous oh boy I guess he’s already halfway here with us we might as well keep him all right well let me let me look around the corner nothing suspect if you see a basement point it out that’s an area of Interest I got to see it for myself you’re right you’re right or a crazy scary attic or anything odd uh-huh taking a look we need we need a code word for just in case you run into them or something crazy all right there’s uh it seems like there’s a upstairs and there’s this floor so this is floor one floor two so just say the number if you see him what floor okay all right I’m looking I’m looking D this guy got a lot eggs I was just about to say that bro eggs and pickles man see eggs that sounds like the meal of a kidnapper should be enough kind of B inside wait hold up there’s nothing up here there he’s he’s not up here there’s no bed up here what there must be a bed on the first floor we didn’t see a room how is this guy moving in and he has no furniture inside his house this is so odd blinds and no bed telling you that’s a bad combination let’s all let’s all kind of split up a little bit and take a look around all right bet mushy you case the first four stay by stay by the back entrance make sure he doesn’t come in me and action will look around the rest of the spot all right the the code signal is uh boy ah crap mush she doesn’t talk well if mus just make a lot of noise yeah there we go mush she set it down all right sweet now at least we know we’re safe up here I’m going to see if there’s any secrets okay what are you doing in my ass here wait a minute did you hear that mush get spotted oh no no he spotted mush wait a minute no no no hey hey let go of my mushroom w a sword put that sword down down you’re going to make a great offering a great offering what are you talking about leave my mushroom alone y you’re coming with me now what the where did mushy just go hold up like that I thought he about to walk outside okay okay oh I just I just sent you to the shadow real the shadow real n listen here buddy I’m taking this torch listen here give me back my mushroom give me back my musom you gave us a wrong wo okay okay okay wo wo W he’s got a sword he’s got a sword chill and by the way this is that block C- card this this is uh a ritual basement coverup invoice what you giving us what you up to oh can I uh can I can I have that back I still need to pay that all but do you still have like your insurance cuz I really need that I’m about to get a mill off you I’ll find that for you a little bit uh just can I have that back real quick insurance but I guess I can this guy got a weapon man I need that insurance man I’m trying to come up bro oh my gosh listen bu listen here he’s yeah he’s priorities I don’t care what did you do with my Mushroom Man where did he go your mushroom is with my master now your master indeed and who is that some might not say his man I love the sand do you want know that is what I just asked you I suppose I’ll tell you his name is Slender you may have heard of him oh my gosh I knew it he looks like Slender oh my gosh he’s a slender Fanboy I’m gone I’m gone I’m gone what you’re just going to leave I mess with Slender I I don’t like okay well hold on let’s uh let’s chill just a little bit right like the whole knife thing I think is just we bit unnecessary out here good luck what do you mean good luck help me help me okay man man hey you know what I got to do to him you breaking my ass uh okay I’m in the basement I’m in the basement whoa there’s a basement whoa you girl here at L some cookies yeah so instead of cookies I got berries and I know I might seem like the dude that was just in your crib but I actually do sell cookies and um I heard there was somebody in here is that true yeah there’s a man just wed into my basement going walking in the forest and sacrif is this your base oh my gosh oh my gosh come down here come down here come down here look look at this hey yo oh now there’s a mix of so much stuff going on bro look like chemistry or ritual and acid this is this is the ritual stuff he was talking about look I finally met him all these years of stalking him in the forest and sacrificing Town spoke to him and he finally appeared to me he came to tell me to continue my work he told me it’s feeding his power he told me his name Slenderman he wasn’t lying action action what so something tells me you’re not here to give me your old stat and you w it into my basement yeah this whole thing might have been a little bit of a mistake but look man I can’t have you stealing my mushroom and I for sure cannot have you stealing towns folk you sent all these people to some place called The Shadow realm be correct oh no I ain’t trying to go to no Shadow realm man I’m just trying to go back home no let me make this simple for you you have one of two choices the right choice will spare one of you the wrong choice will end one of you three you’re going say milker bread milker bre oh wait wait w w w w let’s talk about it let’s talk about it let’s talk about it all right let’s talk yeah yeah a little break um okay got a t second discussion time okay hold on okay so there’s a lot of different kinds of bread they got wheat they got plain they got the soy same thing with milk though we got soy we got almond how do you they got different percentages too of the milk too like you know what I’m saying you got the slim milk you know what I’m saying you got 2% milk mean what’s the other 98% if it’s not milk I’m saying bro like I don’t want that in my body and then like if you do 1% is that 99% let’s go with the bread yeah exactly let’s both go with the bread because at least if we’re both wrong then we both get sent to the shadow realm together you see what I’m saying yeah we’re going to be right cuz it’s bread bro get that bread get that bread no way anybody would choose milk yeah we got this we got this listen Mr slender fool what oh shoot don’t be doing that oh my gosh Corner we should probably not call this dude slender fool I mean he’s a little thick this more like a thick man I already insulted by your cosplay comments earlier I mean you do look like you’re in Cosplay this isn’t the coste this is my skin sorry that uh you don’t got ears or mouth or eyes but I think we want to go with bread yeah we picked bread we both pick bread together well unfortunately for you too that’s the wrong choice mil is doing what is save you from the shadow room what now how was we supposed to know that that don’t even make sense why does milk do it you had a 50/50 chance you guys just really should not gamble I don’t think anybody should gamble right right teaching the kids positive teach the posi on this hey you two are very broke there in football hey man just cuz my parlays ain’t hitting doesn’t mean you can talk about that good luck to you gentlemen what the parls W what the heck wa where are they this isn’t your normal St Ender City what the heck is this we’re in some kind of platform and then oh no I’m breaking this I’m breaking all this no no no no no no no this is our only way back back we don’t know that’s going to take us back this could keep us trapped now how you going to say you know everything about this and I don’t know man what I don’t know either but I wouldn’t just start touching stuff what if it had Voodoo dust it’s in my inventory it’s in my inventory you see it’s not mine you just going to run like that I I’m a little I got to understand we got to be familiar with the grounds there’s mushrooms out here do you see these big mushrooms yeah that got mushies got to be around here somewhere do you guys hear those voices out there oh there’s people talking there’s a book oh read that you can’t hide he can see you huh oh snap I don’t like that distance the first page the first page that’s about hold up we got to come find out where those voices are coming from bro yeah let’s take a look around hello hello hello over here over here oh yo there’s people in cages oh he mush mush mush’s here is that a cop yo Put the gun down come on you should have been used that how you get kidnapped that’s the cop that’s the cop action that’s the guy from the photo it is you got the mic on that’s the lady you’re the news lady please please just get us out of here I don’t know I don’t know how we got here okay we got to try to get him out action oh my gosh my hands aren’t strong enough to break Bars by itself oh I’m sorry I’m not strong enough for this I thought you had that Mike Tyson punch man the punch don’t mean I can rip through iron I got an idea we got to get them out of these iron cages let’s make some pickaxes oh we could craft it you’re smart but what why are we using stuff in this Dimension man he sent us to a different realm what other options do we have man you’re right all right I’m going to mine this one open Don’t You Worry copper actually never mind you should be second uh mushy I got you first yeah get your get your mushroom all right let’s go the news is important he’s coming soon who’s coming he’s coming soon are you talking about the neighbor guy that kidnapped you with the morph suit on what the neighbor guy there there’s there’s a very tall and kind of lanky body stalking us tall and lanky body stalking not the same height as us are you sure was he like our height or are we talking like some LeBron James like almost seven-footer type of deal no like like tall you guys are just average oh thanks okay uh what why is y’all backing up y scared look up there oh hold up that is the big man that was a slender fella oh no oh no oh no uh-uh every man for them everyone for thems you just going to leave us with slim thick dude in a suit like that mhm man he going to hit us with Michael Jackson moves and then we going to disappear I am not exit in this world like that dude all right what do we know about slender in the shadow realm anybody got any information any ideas y’all two been here the longest I’ve been stuck in a cage the entire time there isn’t much exploring to do out here all right so you ain’t helpful what about you police you train for situations like this I was passed out I hold up hold up wait a minute where did you get them clean shoes from my boy uhoh about to run that hold up give me them shoes hold on a second we can’t be fighting we got to work together y’all we got to work together we got to work together wait but y’all been here long enough y’all haven’t seen any transportation y’all had to saw when this mushroom got here right there is there is something I don’t remember which direction it was but they just kind of appeared out of thin air that might have been us no no no beforehand beforehand when when that the the mushroom thing sorry about that um came here I just I I I don’t I don’t know she’s clearly in a State of Shock mushy when you appeared on this planet or wherever we are did you pop into a circle that kind of looked like this oh not remaking it I’m just I’m just showing an example did it look like this mushy oh yeah yep mush’s not in yes that’s a clear I think that’s the key I think that’s the key something about this circle is got to do how would we act wa another thing I know about slender you said you found a book up there bro slender the eight pages me and hoop just had to deal with them in St Ender slender and the eight pages does that mean there’s more books around here that we have to find possibly all right well there’s five of us and there’s one slim thick fella I think if we stick together we’ll probably be okay right let’s just move uh let’s just move like L block said Real G’s move in silence like lasagna she going to be real quiet with it hey man I’m not going to lie I’m not the most quiet person in the world I could actually talk all day matter of fact how you doing today it was a bad day for me I got to uh I got to sue somebody you feel me yeah I almost lost my pet mushroom and lost my boy and then we lost two people that we have no idea about hey speaking of which we don’t know each other we should do some team bonding exercises what are you talking about mushy what’s wrong what’s wrong oh there’s a page over here good looks mushy okay to him at action how you a he RI your eyes out bro n it didn’t he ripped your eyes rips your eyes actually you going to lose both your eyeballs in a minute you going to need prescription he was right up there man he’s gone oh well it seems like y’all are scared for nothing then because I walked up here and grabbed the book okay okay look I I personally am not handling this well okay we’re in a whole different Universe there’s a slender D I’m hyperventilating oh shoot hold up hold up we get his back you good ow ow ow ow you going punch me in the throat man I got to make sure my my bro good man you do that to slender when he pops up next look you got a gun right how many bullets you got 14 okay you trained with that oh uh the the the force told me never to shoot if I’m dazed I’m dazed okay throw the gun out you don’t need that he said don’t shoot if he’s days the force what are you Anakin Skywalker he was pointing all at me too I’m like dang bro hold up yeah I mean how how strong is this thing anyway we firing like oh dang waa who all right this kind of cool man pow po p hold up wait he said we got 14 bullets right uh more like oh shoot oh shoot I’m going shoot for what shoot what am I shooting that oh oh ohy I’m so sorry BWW BWW did you shoot it okay move boys move Bo move boys keep running this way keep run get away from away from AC action I think you should take this you got way better aim than me you’ve been playing block of Duty oh yeah bro I’ll be taking you left me with like two shots there there’s something in here something in here this little building oh another book oh what does it say what does it say he follows you oh heck no follows well no duh he follows you he’s been following speaker speak speak speaker speaker speak of the follower speak of the follower red tie red tie long arm black suit black suit let me just confirm real quick wi oh shoot go run y’ there’s no way out go go hey look for these pages I think I see another one right here this another book there another book grab it grab it eggs banana strawberry hold up wait a minute what eggs banana strawberries milk water steaks chicken no there’s no way like a protein shake list there’s no way there’s no way I promise you eggs SP strawberry milk water steak chicken pork loins salt pepper Costco trip. this is not a page somebody left a grocery list in here which y’all which y’all did this that’s mine that’s mine I’m sorry y oh look at you oh oh oh wait a minute it was probably Slender’s grocery I’m I’m going what up oh yeah Slenderman’s chased the police slender don’t like the police go action use your gun use your gun oh yeah yeah I got you all right hey slender get off the police I got something bow go go you distra I’m getting this book you can’t run all right well what are we supposed to do problem I got you you owe me them shoes when you done running keep running keep running look okay how many pages you got on you uh I got 1 2 3 4 what do you got I gave my two to you and one of them was yours there’s no way we only have four pages hey you’re holding the page TOS what do he got five I found another one he’s always watching he’s always watching he’s always watching he’s always watching he’s always watch he always watch he always watch oh no what are you an Auctioneer this is crazy open it the second page oh yep got to get he’s always watching he’s always watching he’s always watching I can’t do that man you you got some ad lib skills you should start a rap career you think so yeah man it probably be wildly successful you should call yourself your boy action man about to pop out the shadow real let y’all know where the books we find another book what there where who’s there oh shoot he popped up right front SL Slender Man’s oh oh I’m stuck at com help me don’t leave me don’t leave me got youum I might have get my cion find another page go over here we go over here we go over here we go over here another page so find the book locate the book ah I see something over here over here over here over here yes all right let’s see no one leaves no one gets out he is not real he’s not real he’s not real he is not real he is not real you better I found a book too I found a book too don’t touch him don’t let him T you run hide he claims your soul hey I got one page how many is that I got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eggs cheese bacon lettuce tomatoes ham potatoes I got seven pages eight pages we got eight pages wait so remember how you said not to touch the uh circle at the beginning that took us here yeah what if we go back up there and try to throw the eight pages on it uh I don’t think that dude will be too happy about it oh move move I’m going yeah you can go that way I’m going up mushy hurry up mus hurry up bu you in the back you got to move faster than that he’s jumping he’s he’s got the Hops bro oh how did he get up here that fast to Y all distracted I got I got I got a bullet yo you hit mush you hit mush no that’s my last bullet get in the circle get in the circle get in the circle throw the pages Down 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 oh man just wait a second oh look it’s him who got the gun I do hey use it on him fact I got we got buddy I I wouldn’t do that listen here drop your weapon you’re not scary do you know where we just came from bro we just came out your Shadow realm what’s good yeah we defeated your master give us a sword let me ask you this did you bullet him I I scared him off like he he he didn’t want no smoke for real that’s what he definitely brazed his ankle or something he’s definitely not playing basketball again that’s a torn ACL mhm all that hype for nothing do enough best bullets do nothing to me I don’t care if them bullets do nothing I’m about to put one on you man so them bullets do nothing to let ask you a question you drink that milk Dr that milk we Ain drinking nothing you’re not going to advertise your milk out here man I’m not going for it bro all right dab and here has some bread we don’t want your bread we don’t want your hand outs get in the middle of the circle buddy get in the middle get in the middle and drop your sword now there’s five of us one of you my grocery list in there what your grocery this dude is crazy get in the middle of the circle did you find my grocery list hey man it’s kind of mean not to give somebody back the grocery list for real all right fine he can have one page back he’ll be stuck in there forever either way even get the groceries they don’t even realize what what did you label your grocery list as which page is it I got the seventh the sixth the eight something like something like protein sh yeah it was his seventh page here you go here I I’ll to you the grocery list you can go PI right who took who took one of the pieces it’s okay complete the circle okay sh him send him go send him yes yes yes he fell for the old grocery can’t believe that yeah let’s get rid of this oh my gosh yo um is it can you get a report of all of this and let everybody know what’s going on you this will be such a crazy story so excited I need you to alert all the forces we need back up in this town we need a lot of police here all right on it let’s go perfect well we got one less neighbor in St Ender now o gone put him in the shadow realm and I’m so happy to have you back I thought I lost you forever little buddy I thought it was over look at him all excited let’s get up out this basement I still get weird Vibes down here yeah stuffy in here and all kind of gross and smells like Slender Man whatever that means must she make the jump there we go all right let’s head back home you want to still have that party night uh you know I’m a little tired now yeah me too oh wao wao almost hit again can’t drive or something what is up with people in this town stacking up build tyon just for my kids kids think through it maybe you could be my Bo I’m more than my show on you me but I you I rather do

This video, titled ‘Do NOT let it catch you… (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by YaBoiAction on 2024-05-10 21:08:00. It has garnered 30232 views and 1428 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:28 or 1888 seconds.

Do NOT let it catch you… (Minecraft)

In this Minecraft video, we explore the shadow realm of Saint Ender City where a mysterious neighbor worships Slenderman. Watch out for the dangers that lurk in the shadows! If you are new welcome to the channel and subscribe to be a part of the NxTLvLUnited!

W/ @mistazel:

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– Social Media Links – Twitter: @YaBoiAction Instagram: @YaBoiAction TikTok: @ActionOfficial

Intro Music:

Hope you all enjoy! subscribe for more dope content! Also share with your friends & drop a like so we can expand our channel!

The Like goal for this video is 3,000 likes! I know we can do this!!

#NxTLvLUnited #SaintEnderCity #MinecraftSaintEnderCity

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  • Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13

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  • Spectre SMP- Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Hermitcraft-esque, 1.21, Mature, Community

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  • Minecraft: The Mind-Bending Edition!

    Minecraft: The Mind-Bending Edition! When you hear a creeper hissing but it’s just your hallucinations acting up again. Read More

  • Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games

    Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Fleet SMP Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players like GamerFleet and Fleet SMP come together to showcase their skills, entertain audiences, and create unforgettable moments. The Fleet SMP Universe Within the Fleet SMP universe, players like FleetBhai, DevBhai, and Lilyvill SMP navigate through challenges, build magnificent structures, and engage in epic battles. The end of Fleet SMP marked a significant chapter in this virtual world, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what comes next. Jackbhaiya’s Mental Case… Read More

  • Sneaky Wizard in Minecraft Siege Battle!

    Sneaky Wizard in Minecraft Siege Battle! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Discover the World of Minecraft Step into the shoes of a blocky character and explore a world teeming with resources, creatures, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. From lush forests to treacherous caves, Minecraft offers a diverse range of biomes to traverse and conquer. Build Your Dreams With a variety of… Read More

  • SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft’s BIGGEST firefly!

    SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft's BIGGEST firefly!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building Minecraft’s LARGEST firefly’, was uploaded by CringyGull on 2024-08-22 11:22:05. It has garnered 8676 views and 652 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:23 or 7103 seconds. In this stream, i’m continuing in my main Hardcore world, come and vibe with me! If you donate $20USD, I’ll sing a song on either the guitar or ukulele, your choice 😀 You can donate via sending a Super Chat 🙂 If you prefer to use Twitch: Wanna play Minecraft with your friends for a discounted price of 25% off? Head to and use… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Unveiled!

    Minecraft's Darkest Secret Unveiled!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Cave: Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Revealed!’, was uploaded by Vidvid on 2024-08-13 15:34:41. It has garnered 17 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Cursed Cave, Minecraft Horror, Minecraft Story, Minecraft Mystery, Scary Minecraft, Minecraft Lore, Short Horror Story, Minecraft Secrets, Minecraft Exploration, Creepy Minecraft, Minecraft Shorts, Horror Gaming, Minecraft Myths, Spooky Minecraft, Gaming Horror Read More