Biggest Minecraft Mod Surprise! 1.1K Road | CrazyBeaver

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W w H W W Hello hi welcome back to another live stream I don’t know and my sister just came through the door what perfect timing Okay Right I’m back sorry um so what we’re going to do today and yes hello o and Bug hello o timer now I see yep any I’m back on for 4 I think I have no clue um 4 minutes pre Neo intro thank you made it myself I had no help all of

It was made by me yay um gosp chat on screen yes I know I’ve I’ve I’ve upgraded no didn’t I’ve been upgraded I’m not a s man I promise you but anyways we’re going to go on the doc mod I was going to say universe for a

Second cuz that’s what dmu sounds for I think dark mod universe I don’t know but we’re going on the server what we’re going to do we’re going to get well I haven’t done anything on here so good stream this is going to be a good stream because I have

No clue what I’m doing I may get trolled by stuff cuz that’s what that always happens after time I go live on this but I don’t know I’m just hoping it lets me on the server cuz when I joined it didn’t say it w

Me be do you have any Arron I have but I haven’t got a lot uh I have but not lot sorry so we’re going to get comfortable I am in pain so if you want to know why just say why are you in pain Beaver please tell us that just sounds

Like you’re like a very poor child and you want to just want answers but you guys are not poor you guys are amazing why am I lagging I don’t know we leave as that um Okay cool so what we’re going to do today we’re going to get some

Stuff but we can do we’ll do that after we’ve uh dropped my mouth oops I need to get a bigger desk I’ve really got a small I’ve only got a small desk and that can fit my keyboard and I’ve got a little bit of mouse like

My mouse space like I’ve got I don’t know so if I want to like look I have to kind of like lift my mouse like for a split second I don’t why are you pain Bieber please tell us so um let’s just say that my floor Tils have decided to

Be nonsticky when when this happened so I I think I was running or walking in my house I think I was running cuz I was stupid um and I didn’t realize there was a floor tole that was slippery when you like use what would you say like

Like if you kind of put your foot down first I guess it kind of slides so what I what happened to me that I almost did the splits and also I think explaining my SP explaining my ankle Yeah so basically I couldn’t walk for about a few days CU of my ankle cuz

It bloody hurt so it’s all right now it still hurts but isn’t painful as before I think yesterday I could not even get out of bed of how painful it is when I when I try to put pressure on it it killed so ah so that’s the top that’s a

Top tip for you do not run in your house if you have loose tiles cuz then you will maybe break your ankle I thought I broke my ankle I’m like okay that’s the first time I’ve ever broken a bone cuz I’ve never broken a bone before in my

Life I’m not even lying I never broken a bone and I’m kind of surprised of how clumsy I am uh but anyways back to the stream um no okay no mod online that’s good I’m just hoping that who was it Alec that’s it Alec it doesn’t show

Up okay well I’ll say I’ll laugh how I say that he shows up anyways um so what we need to do we’re going to go to our test store uh so why you name jeez stop I don’t if I should turn off particles I don’t know um but someone’s

Making me a new interior which is absolutely awesome cuz maybe just maybe I might sell this Tardis I don’t know yes yes yes yes yes yes what what who are you it just it doesn’t like from I have but not a lot who are you when I have your name you’re not even

Thingy oh Z TP accept I don’t know who this person is hello I’ll give you three here you go I’ve only got three do you want archon bottles I don’t know what he said thanks no problem okay that is already you needed one you needed two oh parch

Huh why didn’t need that for oh did he wanted to make a key nope what did he need that for you can leave my tus Now by whatever anyways um well I’m not going to land cuz this person’s here so I want to know where he wants to know

Where I am crafting table uh over here sorry wait a Minute over here here here I don’t is it privated you can’t private you can’t private crafting tables I don’t think you can what’s this glass balls I gave you three and I’ve got 12 I got like twice as that thank you no problem why do you

Need a thing for you can use archon energy Aron bottle of archon energy to make keys make a tardis key unless you need something else oh unless you need a cube you need nine of those wait give me he gave me three and he gave me nine more but I

Think he made an Aron Cube oh well more more more bottles that’s good that’s fine why am I not sprinting we got a partially filled bottle Aron don’t know why he came that to me um even know I’m going to use it I’m going to use it just to empty empty out even

To do anything that’s fine 22 that is fine okay so uh we’re going to go to EST the store I don’t know where I was last time I think I was in the nether know okay cool we’ve still got the thing saved here I wasn’t sure lock it so we

Got our Tardis store here it’s currently closed I’m just getting the resource it’s taking forever and there a Dar hello I remember when I got your plunger I don’t have a say a knife um I don’t have my uh thingy oh well so we’re going to stay there what we

Need to do we’re going need to I don’t know what we need we need a lot of stuff we need a lot of stuff I don’t know how much we need uh uh uh um I we need more dragon breath I only got three have how much do we have we have

Three so if I want so four so I need so I I should need able to get five nether stars in total and use four of Them but I’m going to need I need well if I get that then I’ll just need two more wither skulls off to the nether we’re going to get some with we’re going to get some nether Stars actually let no oh so I can get that later so I

Don’t know why I came here then okay let’s go to spawn go to the nether have fun and then I’m going to need some fire reses cuz blazes cuz they’re going to take forever they’re going to kill me I’m going to burn and I’ve made some strength potions cuz I want to know

What you Ed for blaze powder and it gives you strength I like okay it’s cool we’ll we’ll make We’ll add that to our collection of potions so we did that’s still there cool that’s fine okay uh let’s go to the nether shall we I’ve got my remote yes put the book away like

That uh we haven’t landed land I dare you cool okay so let’s go unlock this this OD terrain awesome there’s a creeper always that scared me but I realized creepers and explode cuz they’ve turned off explosions on here I am lagging as hell not the stream don’t worry Crouch cool close that

No this one Okay cool so what we’re going to do we’re going to open not open we’re going to drink this there we go what is that oh I thought a mob I was like what is what mob is that okay so have this been upgraded I think

So um so now oh I don’t have myus wonder wonder why it was so dark my phone turned off now I can’t see your beautiful chats okay uh I’m missing comments aren’t I no okay he where the skeletons o o no don’t go after him no come after

Me me right yes come after me come after me I am wor right can I can you two drop two skulls one each please no that’s not going to happen Okay I we my I my golden helmet cuz if I wasn’t then I would be in

Trouble no no no I thought that was a hologram no I didn’t see that he joined Jesus I just looked and I just saw him Jesus Christ no we’re not doing this no I just want to get some stuff I need with the SK please don’t do this yeah you see me come

On come on come on there we go boom as I just as I saw WG skin I was like I thought that was a hologram to be honest cuz Holograms don’t show name tags yeah it’s gone now wild this in Halloween you could have done in Halloween but it’s

Christmas should be joyful oh quick quick quick quick quick okay uh W do can you me nice and give me two with SKS please don’t tell anyone you gave it to me yeah die die how you you taking so much damage Jesus Christ I at full health there’s some with skulls keep

Going with the skulls I call with the skeletons come over here I want your head come on come on okay yep I saw that I saw oh hello oh hello there we go oh crap I don’t like you Co nope don’t kill it don’t kill it don’t

Kill it don’t kill it don’t kill it don’t kill it don’t kill it don’t kill it you killed it I just said don’t kill it oh there’s two here I’m going to go run past you there we go just make sure you’re still catching me cuz I want your skulls I want your

Skulls yeah all this this drop okay oh you dropped it okay where’d he go okay I need one more I need one more one more one more one more come on you got to love on you a SK where the skelet sh give me your head I need one more oh

Crap okay there you go I need to make sure that you guys are still chasing me I see you okay your head was just your head was just a bit turned my ankle hurts man it’s twisting I can’t put can’t put it can’t straighten

It right I need one more W dog if you’re so nice can you give me one more skull just one that be very nice or drop one look like always even dropped one so it look like I killed it make sure this Blaze kills the skull no okay how many

BL I got seven I need more more blades what the better it’s like that mini Bobby brownies when she has carrots it’s like dirt the dirtier the better but she says it with a British accent I mean she is British so no I just seeing you no I’m dead yep I died oh

No uh back cool no no no no wait why did you freeze why did you stop running oh yeah I don’t have thingy I don’t have thingy I don’t have thingy thingy thingy thingy go go go go drink drink drink okay cool um I go right there yeah oh

Crap okay um the what going over there I see you I see you I need you I need your head Game Stop freezing on me my God come to me I want you to kill me this is jump scares why do I just see Snows not funny die die give me your head man I want your head give me your head that’s right you do yes okay cool I I I yes okay this is fine them dropped hello I want can you give me a r skull please good

C I said the skulls not why’ you give me salls I said skulls not balls that’s a difference all right how long do we have left with a thing I don’t know but I know snowb is a weakness to thing how you don’t like it you don’t like

It die I don’t think he going to die from her yep I S it what’s these going oh there a lot there Loads yep come after me come after me okay one do you drop one hit I don’t like keep putting that up they’re can’t thick they’re Too Tall or wild can you give me a jillion heads please I thought something happened I just turned around I saw a piece of that

Missing you do not see me don’t say you do what how did I die from that uh H my heart did drop for a second so kind of like ailan thingies please there’s not in here oh my God can you spawn um um this dude straight up turned to

A why are you off to me why you off me I I swear oo you attack you if you attack them you What there’s a hog in there oh God no why did why were there an oud why are they attacking me oh God there’s a baby one in there W dog is being mean if I can get in there no I cannot why are you here D don’t be spawn in NE

Hello um I’m going to run run run go go you do not see me you do not see me go go go can I have like thingies please I need one more skull can I kill both of them no okay there the we getting over there hello why is your neck

Back what is that what is that what was that what’s that what’s that what is oh my God I’m unstoppable you cannot take me alive oh this oh wild dog is so nice oh my God I think wild dog my favorite stuff you cannot touch me you cannot

Oh maybe he can maybe he can do damage my heart going down I’m being attacked what how did you fit how did you fit go away go oh I need is a bad mistake look look at the look at the subtitles oh this is this is evil oh this is

Unfair I want a wither skeleton I want a with skeleton head not this how why why why why why Tardis Tardis Tardis spawn Tardis in Tardis cool I don’t have any other potions wild dog’s fighting them go wild dog you can do it there the blaz right there well

I’m going to get some more potions more potions that’s too any subtitles M okay cool okay right let’s get some potions cuz I need more I don’t have I don’t oh I don’t have the thing no more a I need go in here oh W gave me an OP

Potion see this is why I like this is why I love the stuff on here they’re so nice uh there we go just put this in here boom boom boom boom bam uh convert these into this there we go half of this goes into here the other half goes into

Here like that bom bada boom and then we get out okay uh I need to make more potions actually uh press that now we wait now we actually we P the stuff away while we wait which is good which is a good thing okay uh got Nuggets in here nuggets more

Blue nope you you oh and Bones I need one more um skull I’ve got too much coal this is too much uh snow balls I don’t know I guess they’re going junk cuz they’re not I don’t know and you in here food in here there we

Go Can wild dog give me like a lot of skulls and not tell anyone are you no okay you’re okay you’re almost F you’re almost F cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool I need to make a Wither Skeleton Farm but I don’t know how to make one that’s the

Issue I don’t know how to make one right let’s head out let’s head out shall we okay okay uh it’s locks as always there’s wild dog drink a potion this wasn’t was this was this Stone Brits I swear this was Cobblestone wait what I swear this was

Cobblestone what’s this why is there a Jo Gap this was Cobblestone what okay I is this like my own little for or something I mean I’ll take it um okay we’re have to wait for the next light clear cuz um thing just do that uh okay um so hello wild dog um oh

Okay it looks ugly now it looks ugly I don’t like it I like it I like when it’s stone bricks hello it’s locked sorry well at least at least I can see out here then that’s B um this is a Rand okay cool can you make

This pack stone bricks it was much nicer it looks ugly I don’t like Cobblestone it’s too ugly can I have with SK please can you spawn in a bunch of w SK right here just there just there so I can get a lot I know it’s cheating but who would know no

One would know only me going to be your power okay um right where the next lag glue want to be an update who’s this oh it’s wild you like the show can I been update that would be cool just do have like a little test subject oh 12 okay we’re going back in

Time we could do that with the Talis we Talis can go back in time So how how old don’t kill him I’m going to save him I’m just no I’m going to kill these oh there quite a lot here cool cool cool cool don’t you dare kill them I said don’t kill them you killed them no no no no no no

No go go go go go go go go sucker sucker okay we’re wait for the next my clear skull that’s Co I want skulls why are you pigin my sometimes my phone to be a pain cuz it is a pain I want thingy skulls bunch of skull spaed

Here H know I want your skulls please my Tod is is jumping my T is alive yeah I’m should get too close go go how did you get into my tallest when it’s lot kill kill you ungrateful and my T’s gone cool with my food half a heart half a heart quick

Quick quick half a help eat okay cool right I need more with this SK why is my Tardis there how do you have the key to my Tardis I got the key what this is unfair well I stole my t i you you give me something in return ak8 with skulls

What I mean wither skulls I mean a lot Jing uh R skeletons where are they skeletons R skeletons show up the power of God spawn I’ll actually cry if that happened I just I didn’t I shouldn’t I should I should not speak I should not speak what is that that’s a

Cyber what’s it called again a cyber it’s called a cyber I call it a cyber rat but I’m not sure little cyber a strap sitting on it I want to go out there but I’m not going to get attacked by it you having fun there wild you having

Fun there is your hair 3D oh no it’s not it look 3D I like how I like I don’t have a I need to I like I don’t have a um resource pack to make it 3D I need to place the skulls you’re ugly it’s a robot

Obviously I know why my tus is right there I kill this what do you get out of this it’s fast why are you fast stop Jesus Christ oh you from it Oh I thought it’s iron can I have skulls please I want skulls I want skulls what’s going over

There all that damage my yeah BR my heart yeah what’s that what what’s that de why are you give me a debug stick to me it’s a like M stick this doesn’t do anything oh it it does it creates boxes I don’t want this this is not a debug stick you just

Named it a debug stick if it was a debug stick it will be um it’ll be in purple I think is that how it works I don’t know attacking me for a second I was going to cry no no no no no sword sword sword skulls I want skulls yeah come to me

Come to me I’m your worst nightmare come to me come to me o that was too close skull skulls give me skulls no Al those skulls right let’s go over here hello you pesty things you’re too close you’re too close you’re too close too close Man Too Close you’re too close get

Away hi um welcome to Mr crazy beavers thing did you none of you drop skulls man I still got five I need I need a stack I need I need a stack of uh skulls man my God but I wish I an awesome person named begins with W ends with

G get in the thing my God I’m using my bti I mean I’ve one that my guy just floated that wasn’t there when I looked there like second ago hello can you give me a thingy please you’ll be so kind okay do you want me to go in your this why the

Netherrack can I go in your tardus Netherrack I’ll take it how many 16 19 I’ll take all of this is your thing no it’s locked sound I wanted to see if he updated your upgraded your thing with the skulls with the skeletons i’ be do that the

Ne I got a stack and 35 when wild went into oh that’s maybe why what happened was that there or did Wild do that what happened don’t know Cool did no I don’t my T is just glowing no don’t I can can you give me skulls if you are such a nice person right can you give me skulls can you give me 60 skulls wither skulls please didn’t notice that he’s huge is he wait wait wait wait

What oh yeah he’s massive thought that was him I didn’t know he was massive I’m getting targeted at I thought that was a normal size go away I’m at your low Health oh crap I thought that was his normal side I just floating my God I’m blind I might

Have to get my eyes checked go away I’m on one heart I’m on one heart why is it me it’s a giant me I need to kill this W I can’t see my skin it’s me how did you how did you change the size how did you do

That it’s me can I have this in my TARDIS I was my saw this it’s a hologram actually is it a hologram what am I looking at what am I looking at it’s a hologram how do you change the size it’s a hologram I know who the hell is

That I need to think that is I don’t know any of the mods bit shocking crap who’s that ah I’m on fear big bug big dra oh was that you oh okay that’s red I don’t know the rest of their name that’s red I know they got I

Know they got red in their name why do I like dt10 but it’s not who’s that is that dt10 I can’t be T10 the green hair was me the original nose was John 1T 1 WTC okay who’s that I need Matt who the [ __ ] Matt I’m I’m

Sorry I had to swear who’s Matt I know Beav swore I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to swear I’m sorry please forgive me I need wither skulls man they’re not even spawning in I don’t know who that is I’m being attacked wild dog I’m being attacked I can’t see how did you

What I died no no no I can’t see CU there’s a skeleton in the way crap um this isn’t guest the staff I we can just get these with the skulls with skeletons oh I don’t have I haven’t drank the thing I don’t drink the thing hang on hang on hang

On me just quickly do this hang on now hang on hang on hang on let me just quickly do this yep I know that’s going to happen and then drink that’s not drink last drink oh crap who’s that uh hello I don’t need to cuz um W dog lone drop us let go

Um where the flip did you come from my guy I’m dead Don’t You Dare die I thought I say that’s heroBrine but it’s not yeah drop skulls please I beg you drop skulls drop skulls I’ll be happy I’ll be more than happy who’s that I don’t know these are just

Thingies uh it’s it’s a may you not recognize makes me dead I’m so sorry skull yes they came from the right right Steve I know skeletons come over here I want your skull I want your skull that’s Alex I know I’ve been playing Minecraft for more than crap how long have I been

Playing Minecraft for NOP no you do not see me you do not see me you do not see me go go go ha ha you’re slow you’re slow okay cool just don’t get too close to them dead dead dead let skull oh we got two more oh two skeletons Dr the skull

What we can even get two more we can get two more how do you not know a from I do know a from Minecraft but don’t forget you they’ve added new skins now like new default skins we get two more skulls no dis AIT a I get two more oh who’s that who

Is that do is guest the stuff Who the hell’s that does it show who’s that no sad watch did no Alec Alec no no no no no no no no no no no no no don’t ask if you need help oh thanks a lot he’s

Gone okay fine I mean he at least he Le me alone for a bit is that what well someone’s been in my house I think I should contact a mod J my beloved I know for sure it wasn’t me cuz I don’t know where you

In this world um he kept his Tardis here is this Tardis still uh still locked I was just checking oh God what are you ask what do you what you asking what oh oh someone’s griefed someone’s house is that slow just made me did what confusion

Confusion right I need let’s try and get two more wither skeleton heads come on come on come on come on oh there’s more there cool that was a lot we got aut with Farm oh my god oh yes Dr one okay we need one more

We need one more we need one more go away we need one more come on one more come on be come on please be H please be nice die one over there but I don’t think it’s going to drop it you’re going to go in 30

Seconds um no I just have a text to glitch and my house looks grief oh your house looks oh you thought your house was grief but no I don’t know okay we need one more skull we need one more skull I why my T is there no don’t these

P i I whacked him to th that be nice or does someone want to sell me a skull I know have them and I don’t have the diamonds I don’t have the diamonds to afford uh okay this is fine this is fine a mod needs to take them out of your inventory

You’ll be no cuz then I would have leave end the stream and not join back I swear to God if mod takes out my inventory I will end leave end the Stream and not stream on this again cuz that’s just unfair I I’ve got 2 minutes I’ll your

Ties for my scull nah I’ll do a donation thing if you want my tarus you have to donate a lot of money just saying can you come after me and I’ve got the hog after me as well why is the B so fast oh baby hog you smell like are you after

Me oh I’m I hit you how did you get me from that side I need to kill you it’s unfair unfair unfair yep ah Jesus Christ Scar the life out of me hello he scared me might be still what happened oh like what happened what happened I got scared well Ser died oh

Did it did it actually it did how what oh um it’s a reset why didn’t they mention it don’t just do it okay I guess we’re going to wait about a while the out want to stop it yeah restart anyways oh I guess we’ll do the waiting

Game actually it depends can nor take I don’t know how long it will take though did they put in the thing yeah no at 153 and short news okay okay I’ll be right back and I’ll read all the messages that there is I’ll be right Back Oh W I Pap wow Wow W W W Oh Okay I’m back I’m sorry that I went AFK for a very long time so what have I missed um is it respond in chat how do you oh did it did not see that why you spammed on Discord will Q spill and please start playing real question

What’s 9 plus 10 19 I pass math shush um is a server reset new world I hope not oh if it is and I just wasted all my time for I re oh going to cry I had enough time to make Ramen nice awesome love ramen I know AI right cool

We’re back is the server online is the server online now no it’s not online I’ve been AFK for like 10 minutes you are oh God this take a while um it’s still not on yet uh we might have to go on a creative world that’s not good D oh

No okay um then what should we do then while we wait who was the first person to log out it was the first person it was passive passive shark then wild dog then Bailey then bad then scii I think then Tia then me and then it didn’t then they didn’t then

It didn’t look out it didn’t bring up the um the other 10 the other nine people or the other 10 people that didn’t look out uh well my phone’s going to die oh crap I need to see your chats okay quick quick quick it’s on 3% quick quick quick I’m speed running my

Phone charging there we go um while said there was a problem up building this new spawn are they actually doing a reset oh actually I was first oh wa oh you’re still online no I said I said I logged out if you go on DM the dark to

Dmu said I looked out if I try and connect you I say nope sorry you cannot you’re stupid I’ll cry for that she said That yeah I’m going to connect okay cool uh Echo doodle tell us the story as you build I didn’t know a story okay we going a world maybe I can build my own thing I tried to make a separate world for a skeleton F did not work um we’re

Going here cuz that’s what I was doing on no know you’re still online your internet is working look you’re streaming right now as you have internet oh I think we on the server then yeah I’m still online I’m still live I’m still alive I’m here but no I the

Server reading World data I said I I know I said this before but um what happen if the the world data got corrupted would it be unable to read the world data is that how we corrupt world or if that’s how you get World corrupted because it can’t read the world data I

Don’t know I’m not I don’t work for Mojang I could do I’m looking for a job hey look update is it it can’t be they they can’t have released it um I’ll be surprised if they actually did I don’t think they have it is depending on how cop it is

Minecraft is pretty good oh me upad as in not crashing the world but still it’s messed up I don’t think what update 69 is out bu uh Alec stop lying stop telling BS stop lying come on so if you load your cup the world they won’t work as I used to

Basically that’s all we were trying to say I’ll be chocked if uh update 69 was out but I don’t think it is don’t think is Al don’t lie don’t Lie oh yeah I was I was trying to do the uh the thingy the skeleton skeleton what is going Farm on this world I kind of lost where I am uh TP me uh me to Z 4 L uh 0 40 can you put uh

What oh wait no no no no no no no can you do this execute run oh wait no I know the way you can teleport yourself to a different dimension using commands trying to think I think it is wrong TP t eute in nothing and then run and then TP at

Self uh this 04 Z thank you bug you’re amazing why is that night time oh it is four that was correct cuz normally I know cuz this isn’t the uh new version CU if it’s the new version four you’ll be in the ground I think I’m another one

Place wait I could do this I’ll just put my new instead of figuring out the oh um I need to kill myself in in Minecraft obviously cuz I think it take me kill is they going to take me there we go there there we are we made it where are we

Then oh is spawn okay that’s fine um e PE s so this is the world where I do builds that I kind of added ages ago to light MAG Car so that’s the tallest inter you have now that’s what I built well I didn’t add the lamps I need to add the

Lamps it looks cool did a Christmas tree uh someone gave me the interial for me to use but um they’re building me a they’re building me a new one or they’re building a new one for me but it’ll be empty so I can decorate it myself which

Is absolutely awesome so thank you to ghost for doing that um I think somewhere over there I’m building my own interior I don’t know why but these got like shops that I was going to use but um didn’t work this it’s for this it’s like a diamond per

Item uh here you got the automatic brewing station and you got a one n enter enter one I think it’s called Next store um this right I’m going to explain I took this from dmu cuz it wasn’t work wasn’t working so I wanted to see if I

Could f fix it but I can’t cuz I’m not the best up I tried to use this first to see cuz it’s basically the same thing as that but it’s like tripled so I couldn’t figure out how to fix it so I just left it here I I

Was too lazy to destroy actually I could destroy it I could have destroyed it but using worlded it I couldn’t fix it so and also I try to use something Sim like this I try to use like YouTube to search something like this I like how to

Make a shop that when it runs out of stock it blocks the thingy or whatever but no doesn’t come up I think whoever built this is that is their own design they didn’t use the tutorial so I was asking who made this so I can ask for

Help so what will your house look like the castle I was going to build this as my like as my base I was to build my base but I didn’t want to cuz it require a lot of stuff um because you got this inside you got farm

And you got like a downstairs here well it’ll be better cuz this then stop the bedro so like storage here um what else I I think I built some bedrock and I kind of transferred it to Java um got like a little house here doesn’t really go anywhere go up to here

Uh what else get out to the house my God you can go in the tower that goes up to here um doesn’t go anywhere you can go up here this doesn’t really go anywhere it’s just like a peeking point I don’t know why you go over here and then up

This Secret stairs you can go up to that other Tower up there doesn’t lead anywhere unfortunately uh if you go in here you got you’re into that massive room you got like a window um here you got another thing if you if you do go up on there you got you

Can either go up higher or you can stop and then you can go there I think to put my Tardis there that’ll be cool um so and you like the upstairs if I can get up there there maybe I don’t know but I remember a friend of mine on

Bedrock built this and this was their base and I was like oh that’s cool but they built it out of Blackstone does Black Stone exist yeah it does I’m stupid but yeah um did you turn your heads on and dmu so your tires will summon in New World I

Did no cuz not a thing that’s not hads isn’t a thing on dmu that’s not that’s not even a thing let’s just check if it’s online cuz has is hostile action displacement system and the tires will go away if it feels it feels like it’s in danger still why is not

Online oh I could stop streaming I could stop streaming but I don’t want too I don’t want to uh can I fix can I help him fix the server please I know what to do I don’t really it’s a thing no it’s not yeah bro

It’s a secret control for just for D how come I never knew about it how come I never knew about it and I’ve been playing dmu since actually when did I start actually know my my swd team account shows how long I’ve been on I

Have to sign in I think when I lo register I think that’s when I signed in like when I first joined that’s when I signed in onto the thing or maybe I’ve I’ve been a member since 2012 oh no I about to say um I’ve joined

I’ve joined I’ve made an count on the 20 2022 okay so not that long not that long wouldn’t lie to you like never like ever that’s the point when the world is is in danger it resets it will go to the new world that’s the point I think it only

Came out on update 67 how come I never knew about this what I don’t have a thing I don’t believe you I don’t believe you w bit I don’t believe you um what’s my inventory oh I’ve got stuff oh I’ve got the um the the

Rank actually let me go into store uh de store you can get the 2013 dark mod exterior even though you can get that in the comium panel anyways got the fidg exor which you can get in the comunion panel anyways [ __ ] X you can’t get hologram You Can

Craft um how about swd oh this just like good stuff it’s a secret you have to you have to pay 100 quid just to see what it is cuz it’s a secret oh my God beta access what’s that oh do you get access to the beta server no you don’t

Uh you got the SL SL Mount SL title uh I know that I think I don’t know which one it is but I think if you donate or buy something you can get the you can access the private server I don’t think that’s a thing anymore I don’t know don’t get the don’t

Exist anymore I’m not I don’t have money beta server don’t exists at the moment but in Discord you get sneak peek like always like the next update I don’t want to I want it to I want it to be a secret I is it online nope what can we do what can we

Do I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do um I don’t know what I do guys my ankle my ankle ow ow ow ow okay I’m fine don’t worry um I don’t know what to do I want to know why this W GL Farm isn’t

Working hello Ollie hello I hate beta access I had that and then got VIP plus and it was too annoying to switch between the two rank test to join bet to un existed tell your a story of how you learned of dmu DM uh make a t in cretive cretive or

Just make a just make the inside a police box you don’t have a you don’t have to switch what so make the interior look like a police box why I don’t know what it looks like in the I don’t know what I don’t know what a police pleas Poli box looks like

On the inside anyways cuz they don’t exist in the UK and I never seen one before it wouldn’t let me join the server without switching oh can someone tell me um why does swi skeleton farm w’t work I’ve followed the tutorial of how it supposed to go and it’s still not

Working oh let me be let me back in the bacon what yes make it a po police box I’m not making interior that that is a police box cuz I I don’t know what I think let me go and Google uh police box it does it come the tus no what’s inside what’s

Inside uh inside all it is is a table and a chair that that’s all it is that’s all it is it’s a table and a chair I’m not making that just I’m not making just a room a white room with a table and a chair you have never seen a police box

Go to York there’s a few there I don’t live in York I live in the UK well York is in UK I don’t live nowhere near York uh it’s a phone box but blue they’re just talking about Tardis basically so this is the Wither farm that I did that I followed the

Tutorial and the the wow skeleton are still not spawning they said to cover the entire Fortress with buttons or any like buttons or um pressure plates so the so the with SC don’t spawn they spawn here are you serious I going have to I have to put buttons there are you serious

Okay my game IO game game there we go oh can I go in Creative please can I stop being in thing I’m sing spectator oh my God I hate this I hate this game watch game mode creative no Jesus Christ that took forever um I got stuff on me right I don’t want

You spawning here I want you guys to spawn somewhere else are you in F5 I was and my head was seethrough that means I was still in spectator I don’t want you guys spawning here I want you guys spawn in the uh thing uh this this this I’m not sure how

Much I have to they said to cover the entire Nether Fortress with buttons or what not are you afraid of buttons uh you don’t need the buttons on the nether where only spawn on the Fortress they probably just walked up okay then so if I do this put it to

Peaceful right okay uh SC spectator again there Farm over here okay we’ll watch it we’ll watch it go so we’ll go here uh put uh we put on hard CU that’s what the server is on and then we’ll go creative just so I know it will take some time but I nor

I was like here for about 5 10 minutes and none of them are spawning I don’t know why um have you done anything to your target interior since the pokon thing I haven’t watched in a few lives um I’ve made a store unless using that one if not then

I’ve made a store a Minecraft store enemies don’t spawn that close yeah but I’ve covered the entire Fortress with buttons and that that should show that they only spawn here and this is the nether fortress I don’t know I know what I’m doing wrong I’m anything wrong I don’t know

What car in the top do anything cuz I know they like to spawn on top of Fortress destroyed unless I miss the place then um oh you forgot the price for stuff yet uh yeah I have the game makes a check so it doesn’t spawn an enemy right in your

Face so you tell me I should go far away and then put it to hard I don’t know I don’t know anymore I don’t see any though like I spent like maybe an hour just placing these buttons all over the Fortress like even all over but no no luck stting Rend though

I’ll try and go find just go off somewhere in the Fortress not inside the room or go out of F3 not too far but not right outside not but not right inside room it’s hard cuz you don’t have you don’t change the name of the lives or oh yeah okay so I’ll

Go I I shouldn’t be too close in the room or too far watch should be rer distance we do this break that uh go this way and this way what are you guys saying Ser all right uh just go somewhere in the Fortress not inside the room and go out of F3

Okay so I’m not in F3 I’m not in right inside of the room I’m going to just walk a bit we go back should we go this go back to the room if there’s no skeletons we just head back onto I forg which way I came this way I

Forgot ni B don’t you care I’m saying this now if says if it’s a new reset I’m ending stream what crap is it here oh crap I don’t know where the thing is oh no okay kind of worked I mean it kind of work I need to place More I need to place more wither roses but has this worked oh it did oh okay maybe we can do that that then oh okay I didn’t know that okay cool and also don’t forget the server has um lag clear so hopefully well I don’t know how to get I

Don’t know how to get um thingy wether I don’t you can get with Roes in the server I think it’s impossible you keep expecting to end the stream maybe I should become the DM stream mod no you’re not taking my spot okay I’m just hoping wild dog isn’t

Online you probably meant to stand in that pocket to kill them yeah where that little pocket is that’s where you kill them and there a Hoppers to collect the items right let’s head on okay I died I knew you I knew you lying I knew you was lying to me

Alec I never you can’t do that you can’t I’m going here I’m going here I’m going here I’m going here go away go away go away go away go away go away oh they can still why is every single door open Jesus Christ no with is impossible on dmu it’s a m

Grief yeah cuz it requires explosions hello you drop the skull drop skull I can’t go out I’m stuck I was going to reset but they temporally restored it due to an error while uploading good old raid to that’s right once they once the like goes I’m

Gone run run run run run okay wild dogs time are still here well I need to get my I don’t have any more potions okay cool place that there cool just go back through there don’t attack me okay we just need one more potion well one no one more skull okay

Fine all game don’t do to me game respond thank you cool right let’s get some more potions because I need more Tardis please no no I need need to go here you’re not having my Tardis never right do your magic there we go they removed T sorry hm I wonder how I

Got my own how do I have my own T I beg the um the staff to give it to me cuz I want it I did um right let’s we need one more um skull Tardis please no never if you donate a lot of money then yes I would do it but

No no I’m joking don’t don’t don’t don’t give me your money if I doing like a charity stream then you can but as I’m not don’t cuz I don’t want you spending your money just for you to have my test I got too many um things do need

Swords my weapon sword is almost full I don’t think that’s what’s supposed to happen right let’s put that in there there we go cool um com now no no no no how about 50 sound it’s going to take a lot of money than that 50 quids not to do

Anything oh four diamond blocks I meant in real life o oh I didn’t realize we’ll make more craft them together or melt them down CRA what together usion confusion okay let’s go out out out are we out yeah we’re out bur on fire drink drink drink drink drink cool

Now you guys can’t attack me you pieces of poop right can I have your head please can you guys come after me thank you this is make sure that they’re still got the eyes on me cuz I’m so gorgeous and then we attack I need one more skeleton head one

More thank you what did I say it was that simple yay we got nine with SKS whoop okay so now 400 for what the Tardis you’ll have to donate like 500 quids for the Tardis it’s a lot of money I spent a lot of time on

This okay right we need Soul Sand we’re going to spawn in the weather three times one two three one two three yeah with us three times can we use Souls Souls Souls whatever the thing is can you use this hey I’m Jing I’m joking uh wrong

Room wrong room we need to go in here can you use Soul soil to spawn in the Wither I could do that on Monday okay can someone tell me can you use um soul on this oh you can okay don’t want that question all right I was going to sound it has got

Explosions oh you serious oh few I thought I was going to kill the uh with I was going to cry come on there we go I wasn’t close enough I was going to cry I was like oh no I just wasted three skulls oh I’m happy well you’re dead how am I

Dead to this please no why are you teleport why you want to request to come here no cool three more two more to go this this this this I’m going to spawn in the Wither two two times just so you know confused like what’s going on that’s that’s the second

One try score down my whatever okay die die die I want you Dead die I want you dead I don’t want you here I want your star can I help killing the Wither no I’m fine that’s fighting the W no I’m fine that’s is why I got this a with wither

Suffocator that’s why I’ve got that’s why that’s why I’ve got this that’s cuz I don’t need help cuz it suffocates itself and I still get the star I don’t know right we’re going to spawn them with that one more time I’m just making sure I still got one with a skore left

If not I will cry I do awesome okay so we no wrong one I keep forgetting to to go right okay right Spa with one more time my phone’s not working it’s not skipping the chat it’s not like updating the chat so glad M fix that overlay next update what

Overlay boom boom there we go this and boom boom and Moment of Truth boom right this is the last time I don’t have sound on what I do but I I’ve turned on my Sound okay cool boom bam be the wether unch charge creeper overly oh I don’t know I didn’t know that wasn’t overly oh someone heard like the gong like when the weather spawns in and they someone thought it was their Tardis cool sorry that was me okay cool got three with NOP three

Nether Stars I I like call them with with liar I have proof I have proof Alec and you know uh so we’re going to take leave one there we can make five no you owe me one t no I don’t um so we can make five tesses you are oh

My God but we need a lot of things for it though need a lot of things I’m going to cry anyways nobody have no proof Alex can you shush please can you shush I thought you was a nice person you don’t seem nice to me you you hate me why do

You hate me what we’re done uh I can put these potions away I don’t really need boom boom there we go okay soul the soul SW can go back I don’t need you I guess we’ll put the uh glass bottle KN in here don’t know

Why okay we’re going to need a lot of archon energy like a lot I might have to make a room just full of those I’ve got enough room over there do I have enough room over here no not really uh I’ll buy one I get dark mod okay can’t believe you’re silencing a

Woman I feel oh you’re a woman oh I’m so sorry I didn’t know sorry I’m sorry I didn’t no okay um wow we got six and two so we need dragon breath but we can’t get dragon breath if when the dragon’s dead so we need someone needs to spawn in either I

Have to spawn in the dragon or someone else spawns in the dragon so we can get um dragon’s breath but uh yeah uh let’s go see see how as your changes I’m I’m going to cry well am I supposed to know that you the woman if I if you

Didn’t tell me if you told me ago I wouldn’t I wouldn’t tell you to sh I need to get the spawn spawn how do you make a crystal make an in Crystal and Crystal you get a gas I don’t have a gas here I need four gas here I don’t have gas here

Though I don’t have gas here so I can’t really make crystals meiz cool oh I see now you truly sence men is a Alec please stop you’re making me feel bad I don’t like this targeting me thing I’m sorry okay uh don’t we need dragon’s breath for something

Else here yeah so we need five of these to make core we need five archon cubes this is going to be expensive this is unfair I’m just hoping there still like this there’s like smoke some like dragon breath particles somewhere in the end uh the end

Portal right go to the end I just realized about the uh bxs what’s this clue three AB L jokes NOP you do not see me you do not see me go away you do not see me oh the dragon is here can you shoot your particle at me please where’ it go

T where did the dragon go I just saw the dragon where did it go what the dragon was here where did it go why is there a chest it’s locked was that a glitch or something with the dragon or the dragon just straight up just disappeared it’s

Gone um I need dragon breath I don’t have the resources to make crystals um does that mean only men are deserving of shushes no no one no one no one deserve shush I was just saying shush cuz I’m getting I’m getting irritated where did the dragon go what confusion I need dragon’s

Breath where did that go where did where did she go cuz apparently uh the Ender Dragon is a girl her name’s Gwen don’t believe me I call Google actually I could be that could be turn Li where the flip is the dragon I’m going to cry now I have two

Dragon bre in my inventory I need five or more well I’ve got seven cuz that’s half of the glass balls I have wow so beautiful I don’t like it this to stay still that’s trippy that’s trippy where is the Dragon gone Dragon Dr disappear appear it evaporated

Um I don’t know what to do now then unless we go to the one of the N cities I think I remember last time when we went to the n city um there was like dragon’s breath there and like died like so many times from it maybe we go

There I mean I think someone spawned in Dragon so many times there’s so many portals bre before thing sees me okay I don’t know what to do now I’m I’m going need loads um I need a lot of archon energy bottle of archon ener to make

Aron cubes and I need five of those that’s that’s 40 bottle of archon energy I need nine of them and I I need 40 of them to make five archon cubes oh my God why is it so much um I don’t know what to do now what the

Thing oh okay I say what Advent happened that’s not fair cuz the server been offline um okay well no sign of wild dog which is a good sign um technically we have six if I’m selling this tardus but this one’s already made so technically we have six

Tes and I need six tesses four in the store and no that’s eight then never mind I saying then I got four in the store four in the window still but four in the window still isn’t for sale you know what no no no no no no no

No no I was joking no I’m going to cry don’t Alec I’m going to cry link I mean fluid link what yeah I’m going sell this tus cuz I don’t even use it it’s just there um I need uh I don’t know what to do um what can we

Do I’ve been streaming for almost two hours one of the like first hour was me trying to get W go the now the other half the other hour almost the other hours I don’t know you seem to be annoying adct today I’ve been annoying Alec what I didn’t do

Anything I’m tring to I’m trying to have fun streaming what you want about right uh I don’t know what I need this is unfair I don’t know what I need I need a lot of stuff I basically need all of these I could do as we got I could do

Two t well three tarit and two plants I could do that uh CU yeah Noe yeah so like three of them is Tes and two of them are the plants we could do that but we need a lot of uh oh drunk CU that’s what I don’t like about and um dragon

Breath does anyone have dragons bre there uh yeah maybe I’ll take three taluses and two plants no you’re not no Alex I don’t want your one cuz I know you like oh I’ll give you I’ll give you the dragon’s breath for a TARDIS no I know what you’re like no you’re

Annoying me you know you can say you can have a bunch of the tanks all go that one once right yeah know I could yeah I’m I I that’s actually I might as well do that but I need a lot of um dragons breath and you can’t craft it I just

Just double check you can’t craft it so I’m going lot of dragon breath I’ll give you for free no strings attach promise promise okay um I mean we need why do you make an AR tank arch tank need glass bucket and Ste we need three four five we need five okay

I don’t have a lot I don’t have a lot of stuff oh maybe you smell this might help um someone said I do in chat who yeah with Alec Alec uh how much do you need a lot need a lot uh I need a call

I need coal there we go I need what else do we need bucket and glass okay we haven’t got a lot of glass I have two I’ll TP to you you’re not tping to me you can stay there I’m fine um we need bucket bucket but I’m not sure I don’t

Want to use the bucket and then I lost the bucket I come to you I don’t trust you I come to you um a new glass bottle of okay hello what’s WR with your face you want yes yes yes I want it and follow me this isn’t

Follow the Leader why is your tet so empty I’m scared what why are you giving me seeds I don’t want seeds thank you though thanks Jesus okay um we need more we’re going need more really more dragons breath um so we got five oh we have five basically that’s three IRS though nearly

Shes uh you use bucket it’s an empty bucket in so I will lose tius now there’s your payment no you said no strings attached no okay you can have you can have a bank then I’m not giving you my tardus I’m not giving you my Tardis I’m going to need

More uh okay that’s smelting it’s not a string but you said no string you look you look right right I’ll give you for free that’s my proof you said you will give it for free you can okay you can have your thing back okay we haven’t seen wild dog

Yet you can have a back I’m not giving you my Tardis that’s for sure um wait for this oh it’s done y exactly it’s called tus three right you can have it back I’m I’m teleporting back to you here you go accept my TP request accept it

Accept this is why I don’t like this is why I don’t like trading with people I’m going to need a lot of iron this is unfair uh put you in there we need five I how much we should put I need to get more iron I need to smell some glass do I

Have any glass um I have a St of iron you’re going to you’re going to be like no strings attached and then you give it to me like oh now your now your payment is your Tardis no I’m accept my TP except here you can have it have

It have it now they’re after me this is unfair this is bullying Run no no no no Jesus here you go all right here you go here you go I don’t want your Ingot you’re going to cost me you’re going to cost me here’s your in here’s your things here’s your things I don’t want it here it take it I don’t want

This how did you get in die die die take your thing I don’t want it where’s a chest do you have a chest that’s unlocked yes you do here take it I don’t want it you want to C me my God okay um I need to smell some

Sand yeah still do thing uh have another furnace I’m cry while we wait for that to smell into that but you kept the iron oh did I oh I don’t want it I can’t see no cuz they’re going to refuse it you can keep the dragon per no you

Said I will have to pay my Tardis and I’m not thank you I’m putting this where are we are Tardis have your thing back you’re going to cost me you’re going to cost me and I got seeds I don’t really want seeds there I give it back my

God you’re want to cost me and I don’t want if going to cost me uh okay takeing forever could that wasn’t in in in the Tardis I need more sand let’s go to a desert let’s go to a desert desert uh I don’t know we’re going to go to a random quads

Boom boom bo Cool I have to wait 30 seconds I have to make more fluid links does anyone know a mod that shows armor as a stack what wait I have 18 dragons PR you can actually keep it if you want are you sure cuz as when you say that you’re

Like oh now you have to pay me whatever AKA your Tardis cuz I know what you’re like Alec I don’t like it right so we got 2 3 4 we can make three so we need two four six okay we need six glass there we three more uh this we need buckets got

One we need more yeah you can actually keep the 18 dragon breath for free now nothing okay two three four boom boom boom cool no I it’s the other way around I TP to you I don’t like people in my tarders cuz I know you want to

Leave I know you want to leave what is this what room is this you’re taking the piss where am I where is your console room I’m I’m lost where where where’s your thing where’s your your thing it’s there no it’s not where is your console oh it’s

There I don’t want this your I hate you I hate you take it now you’re taking the piss I’m not getting I don’t want anything from G now you’re taking the piss okay um the room of the stuff thank you I only have two I’m afraid and you

Refused it yeah cuz you asked you told me that I had to pay for my I had if I wanted it I have to pay my Tardis I’m not paying my Tardis for two dragon breath what else do I need that’s it that’s all I

Need there we go three now let’s make a room cuz you’re going to make me hey just to have it so that’s not happening and do I have I don’t have a lot I only have stone I do not a lot I might have to throw all over this

Classic Stone cuz this is actually ridiculous too much too much you all right we need I need to make a room I might make one More I need to go mining mining you you do know there’s a dragon in the end right go to the end portal in the Nether and go west in your Tas it’s there what go to the end portal in the nether how am I supposed to find it in the nether huh

I can’t find it if it’s in the Nether um I need to see where I rematerialize rematerialize I hate you hate when that happens where are we in the middle of the ocean I need s I need s give me Sor what’s in thisor what

Oh I have to go all the way down to the bottom just to get out of flight mode this is unreal Jesus so I meant go into the portal in the end and go west from there how am I supposed to know which use F3 okay um this this this this boom

Boom flight mode go up you can land on the meet I couldn’t oh I could have what’s in this me right Land There we go right uh where’s my thing pickax I need my pickaxe right what’s in this me to right whatever it is I may not have

It I’m not having that I’ve got too much I got too much of that actually do I have too much of that if I have little I will have it this was open it’s closed cool okay um do I have okay I got a lot I don’t need it

Okay cool I don’t need it we’re not doing this again no not doing this again no no no all right there is sand it this way yes sand awesome there’s a lot of sand why Bean here this this is this it own Island

It I don’t think it is oh it is oh maybe we can use this as our base no cuz I don’t want to get a base and then they do a server reset I just wasted my entire time no I’m fine thank you cool all right let’s let’s go out I need a

Shovel give me shovel cool Shel out hello get me I need shovel bo bo Boom yeah W don’t don’t don’t forget the um Advent uh item the Advent item you don’t waste any time you having fun so reset don’t happen I one of the mod they said it it doesn’t happen yes it does it does happen that’s a lie it does happen that’s that’s

Concerning why do did you do this did you put this here I’m going to destroy it cuz I don’t like it next year is reset when’s next year what 2024 what January 2024 I don’t know if it is have long um uh but I don’t know if it

Happens cuz I’m not pro so oh I know it will research it just depends when they do it cool why is the blocks breaking can you stop please I know I know you did this stop crap boom boom cool what what are what was that what do you mean

Whoops well at least there’s sand and Sandstone what is this what was that that was a bomb Jesus Christ um sand give me sand give me sand here been attacked by what what hit me show yourself anyways I’m going back to my tus I I’ve got too much

Sand to much sand is good sand Nitro 9 where hell’s Nitro 9 yeah the real reset is on the new new’s day if if he tried to roll back but he forgot the stone okay so we’re going to need to get some more we need a lot of spruce actually

Cobone really L to R underground Underground underground like that and Har is underground cool this underground please underground okay it’s not going to me on the ground this is rude this is rude take me on the ground this this this this this this this this this this this this boom boom there we

Go I have to wait four seconds cool let’s see let’s see rematerialize cool where are we right the the lines on the screen looks like this is not stone look like some time of Space Rock but it is Stone this looks weird I need to repair this anyways Lo cool

Hello okay let’s go mining that’s lava uh diamonds emeralds actually I’ll take that cuz I need I need emeralds I need emeralds any diamonds here no cool what a wild door a joke oh more iron this is what members see without full bright that’s scary okay let’s just get this get this

Get this boom boom and boom any diamonds you okay nothing here okay let’s get some Stone we need a lot a lot of stone I lot of stone but guys if you’re new make sure you subscribe much appreciated and if you’re not new and you’re an awesome person and you’re just

Returning and make sure you share the channel That be much appreciated because I do want to try and gr a big community on this channel and don’t forget to leave a like as well before you go cuz all your support really means well to me that’s fine okay let’s Walk This Way um

I don’t see see that um anyway let’s go this way um go this way we need a lot of stone I just up Stone a lot what’s my thing on 59 3 2 1 90 cool I was just waiting for him to come back out oh flip off I don’t like

You he’s got okay my to is rotated it move is it rotate moved cuz it was here I remember I know my memory is bad but isn’t that bad oh we’re in a ravine oh cool right jump jump there is more iron more IR uh I need breath I need lots of it

Though I think here I thought that was I thought that zombie only had half a head I was going to freak out Jesus Christ why are you here okay is my tardus cuz my tardus was yeah here it moved that’s good to know how me you can’t get

To me because you smell don’t know why you smell CU you’re green you know why your green CU smell okay cool cool anyo let’s my back hurts why is my back hurt back stop hurting um okay oh if we used no if we use the fortune do we get more than one

Thingy uh uh you uh I need to go I need to get more Spruce actually uh put you away put you there got me got got a meet right okay uh forun here boom oh yeah got two okay cool right um we’re going to need thingy why don’t night vision I just

Realized why do I have night vision I don’t need night vision I’m perfectly fine I can see properly cool okay fine um that one W dog as you’re such a nice staff and I love you forever no homo I’m already taken sorry um I don’t know how

Actually I don’t know how hard you are so could you give me all of the flu links please can I I’m too lazy to craftting and you’re my favorite stuff cuz you’re the only person that actually interact with me why is it daytime Oh no I got night vision on how

Long do I have it for okay so I was like why is it day time oh no got night vision never mind uh I need I need my I need thingy why I saw my thing de dematerializing stop it I want to plant my I want thingies

Spruce my back hurts why maybe I’m slouching too much ow okay either I broke my back or I’ve dislocated it one of them okay where did you take me I don’t like I looked around I just saw smoke it by the campfire I don’t want to

Walk jeez why are you why are you up jeez sit down Jesus Christ okay I just take damage cool fine my to is spinning okay Uh this uh this this this cool actually I just stay there I don’t have an axxe i is gone I need an axe where did my Tallis go why is it keep doing that I can’t get out my Tardis actually while I’m here I want double check on

This I I just I just want to know if wild put a secret in this and I just haven’t been bothered to look for it wild put a secret in this is underneath the campfire I don’t see anything can I get out nope obviously obviously he’s in flight

Mode yeah cuz I can’t use it ah we’re have to wait till he gets out of flight mode now we wait why is it locked my to is trying to kill me why am I up here I mean thanks I mean that’s good uh ah what hit

Me there’s no way my tet just did just hurt my what was that why why did the tree disappear and then reappear for a split second all I’m trying to do is get logs man Jesus Christ can I just have peace mining this tree I’ll be very happy make I’m not missing any

Comments oh my God man okay well let’s drop down this tree we’ll go back into the Tardis and then Happy Days let’s stop wait for the thing and then we carry on chop the tree chop the tree where’s W he’s staring at me somewhere in the distance that I can’t find

Him where is my Tardis Tardis come back to me I love you okay we’re at the top and then oh it’s there yes I see you I see you you Imile why so laggy boom boom boom boom bam t Co here we have a wild person called wild dog I don’t know is it raining yeah it is why is it thunder this is not good why is the thunder Thunder actually not see that I might get copyrighted I have one more something please can I have that back thank you

This a t is doing lightning strikes is this this kind of this is like this one episode where there’s lightning uh there’s lightning right that’s coming from the Tardis and I think that the Tardis was standing on top of like the thing and it was going to rip the thing open

Cool right anyways my T is causing problems i s I just saw him I’m seeing things man I’m seeing things I’m going mental I’m going crazy maybe that’s why I’m called Mr crazy beaver look at me I’m crazy look at my eyes look you still can’t see it cuz I

Got a hat on but you know what I mean um put this away cool put this away cool I need to make another room cool um okay we need to make another room but I didn’t know what room hi I see you he just bro my door but he didn’t

You want me to come into your TARDIS not yes she no you me to come in your T okay I guess that’s yes what a beautiful interior what do you want what do you want busy why there so laggy in here all a sudden ow is your tus

Okay why is it doing lightning strikes and you don’t even have potion effects on this I don’t like it you a custom head that’s not fair I want that ow are you going to keep doing that if I go too close to your console I think your Tardis is now

Functioning May maybe I’m lagging cuz there’s so much smoke coming from this you you give me it okay I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m leaving oh I you gave me it oh you’re so Cy this is why I love wild dog my wild dog my favorite staff

On here seriously thank you wild dog now can you give me like a stack of I’m joking I’m joking um can you give me a stack of uh Withers skulls please that’ be very nice I’m I’m joking wild wild you don’t have to you can if you want but you don’t have to

Okay um oh yeah Spruce that’s why went before to make another hallway make another heway I need uh stairs house work Jesus uh Harry who’s har Harry you one could Harry cool okay um why is my thing like this why is it okay fine we could put one here or one one

Here actually we do we’ll do um One Like We Do section on each size yeah we do that where’s my spruce logs oh I got them I thought I didn’t collect them they only got me a stack in 23 I swear they got me more oh wg’s

Gone oh okay well b w dog thank you for I don’t know being nice boom boom boom boom crap uh this give it we get some cobal cuz we need some Cobal okay uh this this this this this cool oh we need uh some Cobble some classic give me some give me the original Cobble I don’t want the classic one the classic one looks ugly I’m sorry uh do that then that then break that which I forget forgot to

Achieve and we’re going to need just cut these I’m just keeping ey on the player list now in case wild dog comes back one two three there we go it’s four not three I’m stupid Boom boom cool someone getting dragon breath dragon breath I want dragon’s breath we put Stone here which goes up four two three four and this and that and then this this there this this break which we’re not going to receive this this and this

CIO and then we strip all of this cuz we don’t want it regular like so like that boom we’re going to need some more dark oak stairs oh my God actually I need to make some more stairs or Spruce uh why have to bck open this and

This and then this Bo boom boom there we go and then there cool and actually we’re going to need uh two four six we need six of these yeah that’s fine okay uh so this this this this boom boom boom boom I need two more more crap

Get to home there we go go to home Mak sure that wild dog onl very skeptical I need two more dark oak stairs we’re going in here no I don’t pathetic and then give me this we’re making this we’re making one of each and then the room is going to go

On this side this this there we go one so four 5 six 7 5 six s this uh there we go cool almost done well we need to do the other side as well this this this and this cool and I have to do this on the side this this

And this this this this right there this on this side this this this this and then break these and that and then that and then break this side because what to do it there we go and then this this this need three more that do three more of those Spruce NOP stone brick

Slabs my neck hurts why run uh this there we go all that and that and then we do this boom boom boom boom cool when we do this on the same side and then we’ll add the room full of Aron fuel tanks so one two three four that that okay

And this this this this this this this this I can’t it go down this this cool okay so now we need to bu these in there should be four yeah need four of them St brick four 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 we need 10 cool need some more

Slabs bless me my off uh I know if I need to make more make more give me that there we go make more of this there we Go and make more of this need 16 Mak six we do that that’s that’s fine no still sign of uh wild dog okay this this this this is it raining in my TARDIS per why is it raining why is it raining in my test why is it raining my test oh okay well let’s Okay weird a weird glitch

Then my foot is stuck it’s because [ __ ] summoned it yeah cuz wild dog’s being let’s just say trolling me break that break that cool this this this this this this this boom boom cool this and this and this this that boom beam up we go break these we don’t need them they’re

Just for support uh that do that do the roof this is this one two four boom boom boom boom and boom and then we skip all of this this cool jesz CH we stre for 3 hours oh my God okay so we’ve extended the hallways like one hallway longer by each side

Make sure that wild uh put all of this away uh you you you you now you put you in here there we go okay um I’m not sure what I should make this room out of I don’t Spruce CU I don’t really have a lot left uh what could we

Use what could we use I don’t know good question what could we use what could we use what we use uh uh uh uh I don’t know I like I like like a f I was thinking like like something like Cobblestone something like that um you going set like a Fu room Fu

Minecraft uh we don’t really have to make it a big one we do okay the design I like we do this one it’s not big or do a 5x five by four room break this break this break this cool slap no Okay okay right still no sign of um thingy wild

Dog um so what we do I need a lot of Cobble uh does anyone does anyone does anyone have cob stone that they don’t need I need to know I want to know if you have stuff you don’t want I’ll swap you for terot biome I don’t know if I can find one

I know there’s one near the be Farm if you go to spawn um I don’t know where I can find one I don’t know I can find one uh I think some stuff okay um what we’ll do we’ll make the floor out of Oak uh Oak oy oy oky doie oy dokyo okay

Stop all right let’s make a room it’s going to be all the way down here so we’re going to make a 5x 5×4 so cuz all the rooms they go in by one nope they don’t I wonder why why did I do that I didn’t know why did I do

That think I did it to that oh what we’ll do that then like that and then we go out one more and then that’s when we do this thing oh no we can’t do a 5x five cuz this is that we to do like like a 4×4 that Mak sense like a 4x4x4

I mean we could just do that so this this this this this this this this this this that’s like I run and we have like a wall around it right cool okay we need a lot more spru actually no I’m not using Spruce as the walls

Stupid uh I guess I have to go to a cave and find cobblestone all right okay fine that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine fine fine fine de materialize and then go down where are we are we back where we were uh let’s get out let’s get out SW my sword cool

Okay are we where we were before no we’re not okay that’s I mean that’s good okay more Redstone that’s good need more Redstone anyways any more diamonds I want any diamonds I want to show themselves okay more iron we’ll take that boom boom and boom cool get quite a lot of

Cobble not sure how much we need though enough to make a wall well we’re going to we’re going to like texture the wall so isn’t just Cobblestone have like stone stone bricks uh and the side like that I want make it look nice I want to make it look like it’s like a

Fu creeper there more Redstone wait for the thing to do it Y Cool there we go okay actually there stuff the block I need is here so that’s fine not sure how much we need yeah L gold not diamonds I want gold boom boom how do you clean land you

Can’t you have to put science in property of your name that’s how you claim land okay give me give me give me give me what if I’m missing comments I’ll get the as soon as possible okay cool more iron give me iron can I have diamonds please oh you burn ah

[ __ ] and more Redstone there more wor than diamonds oh it’s my Tardis there’s a tardis here it’s mine right might one more to make a stack of Cobble okay now it’s not a stack of Cobble um oh it’s diamonds oh let me use my silt touch

Actually uh use the let me just do this okay so this is my silk touch yeah there was only one that it’s disappointing that’s disappointing I don’t like it now there some more crystalling in while we’re here I didn’t have got any crystaline we get some there we go get some more

Redstone more crystalline I’m not don’t know if we’ve got crystaline if we don’t then it’s good I got it if I do then there only one Diamond that’s so disappointing where do this go why do you have potion effects po okay nope oh got a baby zombie no leave me

Alone no leave me alone you cannot catch me die sucker okay let’s go back to the test have I been over here I think I have I’m I don’t know where I’ve been I’ve been here I’ve been here uh okay I guess that’s see okay we’ll go back uh okay okay cool

Oh okay we’ve got some stuff I don’t know why it’s raining why you rain okay um we’re going to need one more or two more Bruce logs no sign of um wild dog I got lots of stuff on me right uh place you there place you there I

Any I do not a lot though you there you there uh you you you you uh at you uh there we go place okay cool H how been live for almost 3 hours what too long it’s too long and now have to like find a way that’s one oopsy okay I’ll do another

One and then that should be fine okay one more no I don’t want it that way might be better we get a water bucket and do it that way app that’s e we’ll do that do I have a water bucket yes I do cool okay I have to destroy that block

Destroy give me thank you I want to do that there we go that’s all I wanted to do and just do that so really looks nice cool so now we’re going to build a wall and then we’re going to texture this that well first be out Cobblestone and then we’ll text off this

This boom boom we really need these Corners can I see them okay no cool okay so we need to make these this four blocks tool one two three four I don’t think I’ve got enough Cobble anyway have enough Cobble come on I just have enough not enough okay so now what we

Need to do we’re going have to texture these we got andite we got Stone if I can get down okay I don’t got a lot of stone actually much stone do I have a stack and 11 I need to that’s classic but St in

22 make sure I’ve got if I got any other Stone cool that’s fine oh yeah we’re going to use some Stone to make stone bricks actually actually we use six of these there we go cool right and now we just do the building game I don’t know this looks ugly I hate this

All right well we have to mess around with this we do like this this this this this uh this this this this this this this something like that I don’t know what I’m going for but it’s something uh andite andite and and and Youone like that I hope that looks fine the roof I just realized the roof a no sign of thingy no sign of WG yet need to the roof okay this is what it’s going to look like we have like uh things like I don’t know can you put no you can’t

I like can you put stuff there put like one here and one here I have like shells yeah okay okay right I need to make barrels barrels then can we make barrels we have signs we can use do we have a lantern we do actually really need a

Lantern it makes it look nice um okay uh okay put the water bucket back put the wood back don’t need it put you back guess put one of these back and put you back there we go I guess we use dark oak for this I’m Spruce we got too much of it so

We need a barrel so we’re going to need to do this I don’t know how many barrels we need we’ll make two I need shell we need um thingy Spruce we need more Spruce are you serious uh this six I don’t think I don’t think we need six but we’ll see

Just to make sure put your away put your away put your away give me cool oh God W dogs oh no I’m in the wrong room am I missing comments uh no I’m not okay cool okay so I’d like uh do this do this do this I like do

That uh how we supposed to do this actually break that give me that can I go to the other side I can’t reach the other side oh no yeah I can’t reach that it’s too far it’s too far no tanks on um I put this in break these break break break cool cuz

Uh I’ll build out with this just we can do that break this there we got the block I the block no what’s the block G hello oh you’re back to normal yay wild isn’t corrupted Yay right um I don’t know where the uh and went it’s disappeared oh unless the lag clear it that would make sense I need to do that and then behave me I always behave I know to go in here uh I just I need one give me one

Cool and this and then this and then that and then boom and then this this call this that this private this private okay cool I need to go up there give me me let’s do that can to do this I need to make sure I don’t want it to face this

Way how can I do this oh we can do that that there we go Cobblestone coal break that and then do that that I we chesting these like that that that I guess we could add one here I can add one here yeah boy my anle hurts that’s like my

Like I think that’s been on going on all day like my anle hurts okay you can’t okay cool uh have I haven’t have I prived something that I haven’t done I still got the I forgot I had those I think I private all of these no I haven’t apparently that could have been

Bad I’m not private all of these so you’re saying that this was unlocked all this time what what what I haven’t priv it this bit oh no don’t do this to me I was just building the thing did you dare crash don’t you dare reset or restart or whatever the word is

Is please don’t I beg you why do I need to restart it when I did that like an hour ago there’s no need why what’s the point oh I don’t know I might end the stream anyway so I’ve been streaming for 3 hours uh uh should I end the

Stream I don’t think coming back online oh don’t do this to me oh okay um I’m not sure if I should end the stream or not I’ve been stre for 3 hours which is a very long time um but yeah uh I’m not sure how long it will take for them

To up up well bring the server back up uh okay yeah I don’t know what I’m going to do now cuz the server’s down I didn’t know how long going to take to bring it back up um yeah um I’ll go fig out how they that’s how they did the drop sound

Up I don’t know that’s what I think I could be wrong um but yeah I might end the stream actually cuz I’ve been streaming for 3 hours and I I’m in pain still I’ve been in pain throughout the stream okay don’t don’t ask questions um yeah okay cool uh yeah I’m going to

Yeah I’m going to sign off now I’ve been streaming for 3 hours and it’s currently 7:40 in the evening um but I’m going to end it here hope you guys enjoyed if you’re new make sure you click that subscribe button next to my channel name

Down below so you don’t miss out any of the videos and live streams I do on this channel it’ll be mostly live streams cuz I’m still editing this one video that I done in November um but yeah leave a like that’ be awesome please share the Channel with

Your friends and family that’d be much appreciated cuz I do want to try and grow a big community and that’s only going to happen if you help me out by sharing the channel um but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed I may stream maybe tomorrow or some other day not sure

When uh but I will see you guys in the next live stream or video whichever comes first all right behave be nice to people and I’ll see you next time good A a

This video, titled ‘WEEWOO WEEWOO! | Road to 1.1K | Minecraft Java [Dalek Mod]’, was uploaded by Mr CrazyBeaver on 2023-12-15 19:52:43. It has garnered 33 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:12:46 or 11566 seconds.

Today, I want to try and build a house then hopefully a town/base or gather materials to build stuff for my TARDIS! Who knows what will happen in today’s stream

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=TAGS= minecraft java doctor who dalek mod minecraft survival tardis minecraft server minecraft java server

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  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

    Minecraft's Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Players build and explore, using blocks to gain. From towering castles to intricate designs, Every creation is unique, every detail shines. With each click and each tap, a masterpiece forms, As players craft and shape, in the digital storms. The satisfaction is real, as structures take flight, In the world of Minecraft, where imagination takes flight. So dive into the game, let your creativity soar, In Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and so much more. Experience the joy, the thrill, the delight, In the most satisfying video, where creativity takes flight. Read More

  • “Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years” #minecraftmemes

    "Enderman: from noob to pro in 98 years" #minecraftmemes Enderman age 1: accidentally looks at a player and runs away screaming Pro enderman age 99: teleports behind you "Nothing personal, kid." Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun

    Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun The Magic of Minecraft Unleashed by AI Exploring the world of Minecraft through the lens of AI can be a fascinating journey. Let’s delve into the realm of creativity and innovation that AI brings to this beloved game. Unleashing Creativity with Invideo AI With the help of Invideo AI, Minecraft enthusiasts can now experience a whole new level of creativity. The AI-generated video showcases the magic of Minecraft in stunning 1080 resolution, bringing the game to life in ways never seen before. Enhanced Visuals and Immersive Gameplay By harnessing the power of AI, players can expect enhanced visuals and… Read More

  • Outrageous New Outro for Let’s Plays!

    Outrageous New Outro for Let's Plays! Exciting Adventures Await with Mad Red Panda in Minecraft! Join Mad Red Panda on thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft with their brand-new outro for the channel! Get ready to embark on magical journeys and experience enchanting moments like never before. Whether it’s casting spells, playing games, or exploring new worlds, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. What to Expect: Stay tuned for exciting content every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as Mad Red Panda takes you on a whimsical ride through the Minecraft universe. From building magnificent structures to battling fierce creatures, there’s never a dull moment in… Read More

  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

    Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft SMP is Getting SUS’, was uploaded by MxZed on 2024-06-07 16:00:52. It has garnered 2625 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:42 or 2262 seconds. ►For Access To The Exclusive Discord, Monthly Exclusive Videos, Early Access To Videos, Uncensored Versions Of Videos, To Support Me And Much More Join My Patreon: ► Join My Discord server here: ►My YouTube Channels • Main Channel: • Extra Gaming Content: • Non Gaming Channel: • Solo Gaming Channel: • VOD’s Chanel: ► Where I Stream:… Read More

  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

    Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28’, was uploaded by Whistler on 2024-06-16 12:00:56. It has garnered 900 views and 45 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:11 or 1871 seconds. CUSTOM NETHER PORTAL CAVE! – Minecraft Hardcore Ep 28 In this video, I build a giant custom cave for my spawn nether portal with a volcano theme. I hope you enjoy! Whistler Socials: Twitter: Instagram: Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😳Minecraft Water Logic…#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Квайт on 2024-06-12 11:01:00. It has garnered 12008 views and 415 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

    BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack - Nightmares Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Horror Of The Night Modpack – Live Stream’, was uploaded by BeezeeBox on 2024-03-01 14:29:36. It has garnered 37 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:52:41 or 6761 seconds. Join me, BeezeeBox and JaroksPlayz in this live stream as we delve into the terrifying realm of ‘Horror of the Night’ Minecraft modpack. Brace yourself for heart-pounding scares, eerie encounters, and nerve-wracking adventures as we navigate this Minecraft horror mod! Gather your courage and join the stream for an unforgettable experience filled with screams, suspense, and survival against all odds. Dare… Read More

  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

    🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Royal x Mr Aabid on 2024-02-26 11:05:45. It has garnered 256 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Aaj ka tazaa khabar 🤣🤣#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortsviral #viralshorts Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18,… Read More

  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

    Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft - Only HE Knows Recipes!Video Information This video, titled ‘8 Billion People Worldwide Transmigrated into Minecraft, but ONLY HE Knows the CRAFTING RECIPES’, was uploaded by Monkey Manhwa Recap on 2024-06-16 12:45:28. It has garnered 13609 views and 474 likes. The duration of the video is 10:42:17 or 38537 seconds. Eight Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft Simultaneously. On the First Day of Transmigration, While Everyone Else Starved and Slept on the Grass, This Man Lived in a Mansion, Leisurely Eating Meat. All Because He Had Been a 10-Year Veteran Minecraft Player on Earth #animerecap #manhwaedit #anime #animerecommendations #animerecommendations #manhwareccomendation #manhwaedit #manga #animerecap #mangaunboxing #mangacollection… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:- Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: Website: Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: Live on Kick: MERCH: Discord: Read More

  • Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map – RedFriendGaming

    Unveiling the 15th Anniversary Minecraft Map - RedFriendGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing the new 15th anniversary Minecraft Map!’, was uploaded by RedFriendGaming on 2024-05-28 23:58:00. It has garnered 45 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:33 or 16953 seconds. Today I play the new 15th anniversary Minecraft map! Subscribe and you can experience this too. Read More