BingusPlays – Minecraft Hive with viewers! (Playing cs’s, new people friendly!)

Video Information

Foreign Oh we love spinny cat All right I think that’s enough of spinny cow at the moment hello uh ocean gaming hello hi fellow cob dark hello um uh purple guy hello Ringo hello hyper uh hello uh Deluxe uh guys super hello cast hello Crick uh there’s so many of you guys actually here at the moment uh

By the way Lambs if you’re still here my friend appreciate the donor my guy I really really do no give the kitty back no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you know what maybe just for a

Second there you go there you go you had it for a second right let me see if I can uh go on to here go on to this and bang oh hello um but how are you guys doing I hope you guys are having a great day and there

Are just some thank you ocean gaming I appreciate that my guy I really really do um I I hope you enjoy the stream my friend hello tadoo uh I have been uh I’ve been a while it’s been a while since I’ve been here oh welcome back uh

Um Larry welcome back my friend I hope you’re having a great day I was Gusty I know you are um I also know your Rosalind so uh uh bingo super sorry I haven’t been here a lot of school that’s perfectly fine don’t worry about it um great puggies yes Bingo you look

Slightly different now what do you mean I look perfectly fine I’ve just I’ve just seen some things guys I’ve seen some I’ve seen some things I’ve seen the glories of java that’s what I’ve seen right guys I’ve decided today uh I’m gonna start it off a bit differently instead of doing a

Normal SkyWars Op game to start off with we’re gonna go into a game of death run I know I’m breaking tradition I’m breaking I’m breaking to the tradition here but uh that next game is going to be uh sky was op so um I love Oakley welcome to destroy my

Friends nice to see you back by the way Oakley all right let me uh quickly invite people my friends us first and then I’m going to uh put the code on screen for you guys it’s snowing yes it is snowing look I I it’s snowing guys it’s it’s snowing I know some people

Don’t like flair recline but I love the client because like it can do this um it’s okay I’ve had some personal things going on but it’s also now that’s perfectly fine uh but I read it it’s fine if you’re not here my friend it’s fine if you’re not here I’m I’m only

Here for your guys entertainment if you have nothing else to do um no I know I know I know why uh remember the threat I made about scissors scissors are a huge threat and they need to be removed from the earth entirely uh now but like you were a lot

Went full on you ain’t got an option you’re going back in that final oh man to be fair Oakley I did say when you like I think when you did say you were leaving I did say in the chat like you will be back that I guarantee you

You’ll be back and lo and behold right I’m gonna put the code uh on the screen so guys uh codes on screen so I’m gonna just put that in chat as well uh everyone’s uh more than welcome to hop into any of the games we do um where’s the red violets are blue

People like you belong in a zoo don’t be sad I’ll be there not in a cage it reminds me like the birthday songs and like um like there was always like these birthday songs as a kid you used to sing to like your brothers or something that that’s what I remember

Bingo as soon as I get the money I’m donating I appreciate that purple guy I appreciate that it’s like I I can’t say exactly how much I made last week um that’s what I can’t say at all but um it was it was it was it was a good amount

And I appreciate it I appreciate it right uh I’m gonna put the code in chat myself actually because I don’t think anyone else is gonna do that so uh CES EU underscore uh D4 by the way guys how was your weekend as I wasn’t here the

Entire weekend so I just wanna I just want to know guys how was your weekend I think YouTube Broke YouTube uh it’s fine uh hello Norman welcome to the stream explain full detail how much money you made yeah I would do that if YouTube uh wouldn’t uh kill me but they would kill

Me if I if I even mentioned a number it did all right okay yeah for some reason YouTube chat is just a little bit weird it’s a little bit weird but uh we moved um roses are red violets are blue top of my bad and that makes bingas mad

Uh to be fair they’re not they’re not too bad they’re probably like I don’t know they’re not they’re not a bottom table team so I suppose that’s something uh that’s why I haven’t done any more war crimes yet that I know of anyway that I know of uh hyper that I know of

Uh bingas made three dollars and 12 cents true Andrea oh man right by the way guys I just want to uh mention you guys should definitely uh help Oakley get to uh get his watch out because I remember I was in uh the same uh predicament as Oakley and uh I highly

Advise you know just giving them the watch out you know even if you’re not uh you know watching stream just have it on in the background you know it helps them out a lot um what are them eyes I see everything Norman I see into your soul my friend

I see into your soul my friends um um fashion you’re in an Alex skin by the way uh just just so you know um thank you Hive I will uh I will pin that actually it’s better than the code I have uh okay if you go then just start

Shooting I’ll stay there I mean that’s fair enough I suppose um my gosh I I got nethered trying to join who would have seen that one coming cup dog uh what’s the yes is this this is a death run CS with no death so basically you’re running away from what

I don’t know maybe my hopes and dreams but you know I don’t know Avery welcome to this stream I hope you’re having a great day it’s only the check it was real Avery either but how are you doing Avery how are you doing uh you pinned

The wrong one I pinned Big G’s no right well I’m going to re-pin that uh Avery how are you doing uh because what is going on with your frames is good like it’s confusing my head uh while you won’t believe the uh the Java stream I’m gonna be doing on Thursday then because

Uh the frames there are uh amazing no no you ping the right message true and real I definitely pinned the right message there uh running away from the Bings is uh hopefully again top four I know it ain’t gonna happen I know it ain’t gonna happen but you know at least

I’m a loyal supporter um I know through one I can’t stay but hi and yeah you got money now let’s go let’s put like it’s perfectly fine you can’t stay I’m just here for your guys entertainment if you know you have nothing better to do uh your stream is

Like a higher frames per second uh like that looks like you use AI up skater and it makes the video end faster because of how much offer yet so no I just I just upgraded the streams FPS by 20. so that’s what I did I decided you know

What might as well no leap cooldown no see if I did a no lead cooldown you guys are gonna get kicked by the antichi and if you guys don’t believe me ask anyone in chat because it’s probably happened to them uh right game settings uh desk

By the way guys after this game we’re gonna go into a game of uh op uh SkyWars so if you want to hop into that you’re more than welcome to uh by the way guys we’re going to be starting about 30 seconds so code’s on screen it’s also uh

Pinned in the YouTube chat um hello hello Dave welcome to the stream mate how are you um hello hello uh Selwyn games welcome to stream hope you’re having a great day instant leap is a horrible game anyway that is true uh it’s so smooth mate

Trust me you want to see the Java stream on Thursday because um that’s that’s different but guys look spinny uh fingers get first place in aldono bet bet all right bet guys gotta let me get first place guys I need the money I need the money guys oh man

Um Bingo I’m trying to get unbanned from hive why’d you get banned again uh roses are red violets are blue bullies like you belong in the zoo don’t be afraid because I will be there not on the cage but laughing at you I feel like that I feel like I’m missing

A rhyme in there uh bingas why do you have big big bull in your face well I’m sorry if you have a problem with big balls in my face I you know you yeah that’s disgraceful for judging me oh no I’ve just seen some things I’ve

Seen some things uh them big balls true unreal excuse me watch uh nothing cup duck nothing uh I’m getting hunted by government I’m making a book called my uncle’s a chance oh God each set our own exactly things rethink what you just said no I did think it

Through I did think it through and I thought it was very funny no longer a BG Street nah it’s PG I’m not saying anything like bad it’s just you know anyone who gets the joke will get anyone who doesn’t get the joke wrong you know what I mean all right

Anyway guys we’re going to start um oh man now see anyone who doesn’t get the joke’s not going to get it anyway so it’s fine um football’s obviously exactly so yeah it could be it can it could be footballs you know but no it’s just you know it’s those

Halloween um sweets you get you know you know that you know the you know those eyeballs you know there’s eyeballs you get like I forgot what they’re made out of are they made out of marshmallow what they’re made of because I think they have jelly in the middle don’t they uh

Hibbings hello epic MC welcome to this stream hope you’re having a great day my friend right I’m gonna win this game guys I’m gonna win I need I need the money guys whoever’s beside me you’re really costing me the money again Mr Krabs here mate uh bing balls hello

Mr Apple bear welcome to the stream I hope you’re having a great day my friend I’m saving sleep I’m saving it I’m using it for this bit here because this will get me further there we go there we go you remember my old name that’s that’s amazing that’s amazing I think only a

Few people actually remember it which is kind of sad to be fair let’s go first place let’s go bingo Can I uh put a link in chat for Norman real quick uh depends where the link is um yes I did I have another cartoon with

Me a cartoon with Me Oh I thought you said cartoon um by the way guys I do want to mention something so as you know I did Ping my Discord server about the whole membership gifting thing but um uh the the way that works apparently is if you switch off donating like gifted

Members and then turn it back on it works so that that’s for some reason how it works don’t ask me uh just so in the future why are you being mean I’m not mean what do you mean um are you throwing a cup duck I don’t

Know you might be talking to me I don’t know why I thought about it today let’s go thank you Norman for the two pounds you know Norman you’re you’re a man of your word mate you’re a man of your word thank you for that thank you for the two

Powerful friend I appreciate that I really do um right I’m fifth let’s go let’s go all right uh who do we still have by the way oh cup dog cup dog that’s very unfortunate that is very very unfortunate also you look very very pale are you are you feeling okay cup dog are

You feeling okay it’s okay oh I’ll go oh God’s gone uh bingos plays uh we can play some Bingo says right after we do this game of SkyWars op because I did promise I’ll do that as well that’s not OP that’s so that’s a popular game we don’t want that right

SkyWars custom server yes um how many people have donated quite a few to be fair quite a few I think my highest donors at the moment have come from I think yeah I think Lambs is the highest don’t know at the moment and then it’s Jess and then I think it’s

Brad so yeah I know I have a virus on my PC but it seems to be just selling my data which is fine uh so you have like one of those um uh what’s it called it’s like a Bitcoin mine or something I don’t know uh right

Uh let’s see invite play invite friend in vital so guys if you wanna hop into the game and you’re my friends this you can join via there by the way guys uh anyone who’s a member of the channel a tier 2 member and I haven’t accepted

Your friend request yet uh let me know let me know because uh I know some of you guys done usernames are different than your um uh then your YouTube name so it’s kind of difficult to figure that one out so if I haven’t done it yet let me know

I donated a whopping mine is a hundred pounds HPC is taking tax from me right access mode codes right guys if you want to hop into the game now uh codes on screen uh someone just put that in chat as well that’d be great um oh yeah gifted is tier two that’s a

Double yeah it is it is it is um I’m a streamer a black stream for the next three hours I must stay uh I must say join Bingo stream and leave this stream in the background is that just for the watch out by the way Oakley

Um I know you have been taking a little bit of a break so you might want to check your 365 days watch hours just to see how many you’re going to be losing as well because you want to average that out because every 365 days um

That that’s that’s all that counts uh so anything like longer than a year ago the stream doesn’t count towards your watch time so um you might want to check that out right um everyone see has our chaos uh yeah Bingo as soon as I get a PlayStation Plus I.E back on The High

Ground let’s go let’s go my friend let’s go uh thank you for the code I’ll pin that right I came back as spoiled Rich card card you committed war crimes already you’re committing war crimes that already I forgot that existed yeah you’re gonna have to check that out Oakley because

That’s what I had to do um because I was losing actually 300 watch hours a week before I uh got monetized so I got lucky I got lucky I had to do massive streams to actually get there but um I got there it was it was really persistence that really got

Uh got me the monetization uh console is charging to use a game online is is a crime I mean to be fair you can’t really complain the company owns the owns the Xbox and Playstation you kind of um you kind of paid for it so um yeah

All right time for daily streams that have actually for six hours things on my skin please uh let me have a look at your skin uh where are you uh Gusty metal what kind of skin is that I’m kind of confused it reminds me of some kind of

Kind of animal is that Enderman I don’t think so like the eyes are blue but um reminds me of something else uh pay forge a good to pay Seven quid a month yes yes that that’s how consoles work that’s also how I run my Minecraft as

Well because I I have Game Pass I don’t even own Minecraft I just got off Game Pass so uh I’m fine with it though it’s it’s good I’m fine with because I get more games out of that so um right today I’ll donate miners life savings yes I donate all my life savings

To HPC goes it reminds me of some kind of animals and Enderman my favorite kind of animal of course true and real I mean to be from my favorite kind of and uh but no animal is actually a um it’s actually um this this tree right there

That’s not a tree it’s a bush please don’t judge judge me right I have to pay 10 US dollars for one month of bingas I mean not for mushrooms for Minecraft probably but not for my streams I don’t I don’t charge you guys to watch you’re not going to join stream stream right

And there’s gonna be like a paywall that’s never gonna happen that’s never gonna happen uh if you think hard enough it’s a tree I mean yeah if I think hard enough it’s a tree right that’s definitely a tree it’ll eventually be a tree uh because you’ve got to drop the OBS settings this

Is like bleach for my eyes no no my my my my my OBS settings are staying the same I could increase it by 10 again but you see if I did that it would cause the stream to um well let’s just say I would not have a good time

Pay to watch let’s Go why am I grinding Lifeboat prison I’ve never been a fan of the prison game modes like I played once maybe on like Pixel Gun 3D but that’s about it uh yeah three pounds per second I’ll read my Minecraft chat um

So dumb hey is that like a YouTuber I have no idea who that is ah right guys we’re going to start so if you guys didn’t get into this game you do want to hop into any of the other games we do uh you guys can but uh we’re

Gonna start this one I’m gonna win guys I’m gonna win look at look at this face guys look at this face uh you have some big balls my man cheers for that Norman cheers for that oh man for uh just for the note by the way guys

Uh what’s on my face is actually um the the Halloween Suites you know the eyeballs uh hello zoomed welcome to the stream friend nice to see you um I’ll put my bomb Man Poor nightbot my ball didn’t do nothing dear an eyeball didn’t do nothing right all right

Let’s see can I actually get some like a chest plate and some leggings because if I don’t I have two armor bars and that’s yeah okay thank you uh I like it when they uh swing about I know when they swing to and through you know when you

Can tie them in a knot and tie them in a bow and you can swing them across your shoulder and uh I don’t know something two and three I don’t know um pineapple does not belong on Pizza true and real my friend true and Royal you know you deserve a Nobel Prize just

For saying that uh right where’s my chest plate I need a chest plate apart from the chain one I have because that’s not really gonna help um because how dare you steal shorky’s eyes no Shorkey allowed me uh pineapple is the perfect pizza topping you know Avery

You have to disagree with you there have to disagree with you and you know what it’s not true pineapple will never ever belong on pizza and I I will fight anyone who disagrees with me um see I just don’t get it like okay hear me out on this hear me out on this

Right hear me out okay pineapple is a it’s a it’s a juicy fruit all right it’s a juicy fruit pizza is supposed to be Savory if you if you put if you put pineapple on Pizza I can’t just defeat the whole purpose of pizza hence why Italians don’t like her either

I’ll just take this sword by the way thank you uh being as big as yeah what is it you gotta disagree with me I’m right I will definitely try uh what sauce do you put on pizza tomato I put tomato and pizza but that that’s literally a pizza topping and it’s sauce

It’s sauce it’s yours it’s not a it’s not really a food it’s a sauce um someone spawn killed he’s spawn killing uh oh right yeah I should probably uh yeah uh who which one was it jiren yeah guys don’t be spawn killing me that’s uh

That’s a very bad thing to do that’s a very very bad thing to do um yeah sorry for whoever got spawn killed by the way um Gog is goat true and real true and real that they are spawn camping yellow zakaya did um I did kick him

Um yeah I I think it’s kind of a well-known that it’s already a high rule not to be uh spawn camping people so I don’t yeah I think that’s kind of a known rule um I got spawn killed I think uh I think you did uh I think you did yeah wait was

That you it was yeah but they got kicked so it’s all right um I do apologize for that I started a black stream um a black screen uh stream fair enough I only spawn camp on Wednesdays I only spawn camp on uh days that RC is playing with me because the

Man killed my cow and that’s something I will never forgive him for um he got me out of the round it’s not fair there’s no there’s not really much I can do at the moment now though Apple that’s the thing if if I could bring you

Back to life I could I would but uh I can’t but uh I can only apologize for that foreign I can’t believe you you would attack me like that I’m gonna sue you for that I’m suing you for that this goggles calling me um me we and I stream The Losers

God I can’t believe you do that I can’t believe this by the way guys I do have a video coming up for members um like um well I I say four members it’s it’s a it’s a video that members are going to be a part of

So uh just uh stay tuned guys stay tuned because I do want my members to be part of this uh video also uh Pepsi I’m going to kill you just just for using a Nemo my friend the audacity to use a Nemo and the audacity to how how I don’t know how

You play with your lag Pepsi I don’t know how you can like wouldn’t I just lag on your end like I don’t how does this work how how does this work how are you good at PVP but you can still lag what um you make videos yes yes I do

But how do you PVP Pepsi with your with your kind of lag I don’t get it I genuinely don’t get it it makes no sense to me uh bro I hate Nemos yeah I don’t use Nemo’s Nemo’s are kind of the like the one item I’d never use

Um every time I get one I just throw it in the void uh my stream’s only been up up for three minutes and it’s way better way better than yours totally true and real Oakley true and real right don’t question uh the 70 year old Scottish man

Now to be fair I did think the guy was um Asian for like a stream so I I did forget I heard his voice before right and I I just I just asked him like straight up do you from the Asia region because like someone with that much lag

You think they wouldn’t they weren’t from uh like Europe right but um no apparently apparent apparently apparently uh Pepsi is so it’s a bit weird for me bellofash the only reason I’m killing is because um I want to prepare 1v1 with people um I’m not living He said I’m anti-go and

Has been rude overall fair enough being is how does beans fly beans fly by um gravity is it gravity pushes the beans up and then when gravity pushes the beans up uh the beans fly and then the beans go start a new civil civilization and this new civilization

Uh is as good as ours yep the end I hope you enjoyed that story um never knew how you’ve made beans fly true and real uh please go live but what if I don’t want to uh some people are from Africa and they have uh to play Bad penguin any

Region that is true actually that is true I hope they do add more regions eventually um me when me when me went true anyway hello blurry um now I think is rolling the lobby for real thank you for your thank you for all your stuff my friend I I appreciate it

Although I have no idea what I’m gonna do with all this I appreciated that hello fash either one um I enjoy the story you’re welcome you’re welcome I’ve always had bad internet so I’ve learned how to get two hits with One lag by predictions by that movement fair

Enough I mean to be fair though I I I also predict that’s the the antivirus not the antivirus um the um are you okay uh the hives anti-cheat will come after you eventually Pepsi um being a sorry I’m late I was gonna edit it’s fine Gabe you don’t have to be

Here I’m just here for people’s Vibes when they’re balls but how’s your day been how’s your day been um I’m South African that’s very cool I actually know quite a few South Africans uh I actually had this one South African friend right that we used to play with

Um his internet was really bad but he’s such a chill dude honestly um I need to be our top chatter I mean to be I think you’re you’re kind of rivaling Shorkie at the moment shorkies actually I think now my top chatter so um yeah you’re kind of rivaling uh Shorkie though right

How much do we have listen listen okay I have two minutes left in this game two minutes uh hello Big G Big G I want to try something I want to try something can I can I try and kill the Big G I’m gonna try and kill the Big G Ain’t

No Way guys ain’t no way guys I can’t oh God he just he just froze the man just froze man just froze on me oh okay big G okay I’m sorry Big G I’m sorry all right you you I’m sorry Big G I’m sorry it was a misunderstanding

You know okay okay maybe you deserve that uh Pepsi maybe you deserve that um I’ll fight you try me um uh does why I get 171 ping am I because you’re from a different region or maybe just Wi-Fi is horrible I mean the the Ping I have right now is 47. uh

That’s because I have pretty good internet I’m not I’m not connected to an Ethernet and um I’m from Europe so I found them wait have to go try to find my backup codes my files because uh silly old me got logged out of my Discord let’s go

Are you trying to kill me you are trying to kill me I can’t believe this my opinion is just inconsistent that’s all I know same same here to be fair my ping is always inconsistent but I I do my best I do my best I just hope whenever my ping is

Inconsistent it’s not a PVP game mode 47 is my favorite number is it really is it really are you just saying that for some whatever reason uh free shop we could do a game of free shop after we get after we do a game of bingo says uh because

That was the game I did decide we’re going to do next but yeah we could do that after my ping is 18 to 32 doesn’t go higher unless my Wi-Fi’s crashing that’s fair enough that’s fair enough to be fair I might I might I might start using an ethernet whoops

Although guys I do want to get a better uh computer too um so that that that’s the plan really that’s the plan and then and then high quality streams for the rest of the threat for the rest of all time yep mostly because this computer’s falling

Apart and I’m not even joking this the the the the bit that holds like the bit of the keyboard together right it’s literally coming up so I don’t know how long it is before this thing explodes but um let’s hope not today uh but if

You have a PC it helps your ping a lot that is true right guys we’re gonna hop into a game of bingo says if you do want to hop into this game you’re more than welcome to guys like Sean run from 70 ping to two ping wait pint

Gamma what a pint where’s my point Sean’s getting two pints ain’t that awake or where’s mine uh thing is I might send you a POV of me trying to play hive my lag all right um Pepsi uh what is um uh currently on 32 ping which is good

For me throwing off I think because I’m live it’s a bit higher for me but um I think normally it does hover around 35 to 40 either way so right guys I’m gonna invite everyone of my friends first and then I’m going to do the code so if you want to hop into

The game you’re more than welcome to uh what about murder mystery um we could do a game of murder mystery eventually but uh right now we’re gonna do a game of bingo says and then we’re gonna do a game of free shop and then after that we’ll discuss that later

Right access mode code so guys if you don’t hop into the game codes on screen right now uh someone just put that in chat as well that’d be great uh we can look at Oak’s Channel I feel like I think it’s a stream wasn’t it it’s got a fingers arrays VR equals I

Will play Minecraft yeah I’m not gonna rate I’m not gonna raid Oakley yet anyway but I already do have someone in mind who I do want to read there is someone in mind who I do want to read already mostly because there are close to 1 000

Subscribers and I do want to help them out uh that is if they’re still live which I have no idea if they are um I’m gonna have to look this up actually um actually I’ll look it up later I’ll look it up later uh right if I just go

Back on stream that’d be great there we go um Now read me I’ll play Minecraft you copyrighted strike Oakley for this for real wait wait a minute I can hear my stream on your stream okay you know you yeah okay you know it’s gonna come off in like one of my notifications telling

Me to copyright you right that’s one of the things about being monetized is YouTube notifies you when someone’s using your content so I have a feeling I’m gonna get a notification relatively soon do you like it it’s amazing Oakley it’s amazing um if I had good ping I could beat you I

Mean it I mean you might be able to if I had better ping I mean as well I could probably be a few more people uh you should copyright okay I’m not gonna do that I’m not gonna do that no no no it won’t let me turn the volume off

No it will send me a notification but I can dismiss it I can dismiss it the options I get right is I can ask see I can either ask Oakley to take it down which um to be fair would have to do I could either have it copyrighted or I

Can leave it obviously I’m Gonna Leave it I’m not gonna I’m not gonna copyright Oakley I’m not mean but I’m just saying I could hello Noob nuggets welcome to the streamer friend it’s been a while since I’ve seen you my friend um if I was from EU I would actually be

Able to time uh be able to time my jump resets I mean that’s the same a meal like Asia region whenever I’m playing with like tsg or maybe like in a region whatever I’m playing with uh bozos but you know Corey wrote for the point no no I’m not

Doing that uh y’all I typed out uh all of that out sent it to bingas and you couldn’t do anything stop slacking Gabe is for real my best mod for real for real uh me share of me sheriff sheriff sheriff multiple sheriffs Sheriff shark I typed out Gog is more

Important don’t forget about the rules I am not going to forget don’t worry right set roles uh obviously I need to be murderer because I’m going to be murdering people uh plus you’re gonna be the second murderer and Gabe uh maybe yeah I’ll make you share

Right so we have two murderers uh the two murderers is purely down to people running away if people run away or just decide not to play the game uh they will be murdered yep they they will be murdered very brutally so you should definitely hop into the game guys and every player as

You should be um but yeah if you guys do want to hop into the game you’re more than welcome to isabinga says it is uh bingo says yes um if you want to hop into the game uh by the way guys if you don’t know what uh bingo says is it’s literally Simon

Says apart from Simon has changed to bingas so uh I would copyright it and make an exposed video no no see if I want like I’ve had many copyright things like especially when I was doing the Let It Go uh thing you know like when I hit

700 subscribers I think and when I started saying Let It Go people uploaded that on their channels I could have done something with that but I didn’t because why would I it’s funny I got kicked uh I can wait an extra 30 seconds but that’s

That’s the um that’s about as all I can wait uh ghost I already have a sheriff but thank you um I’m joining you all right my friend yeah I can wait another 30 seconds that’s about it uh because we have been waiting for quite a while I joined a

Sharpness server and I got a 19 hit combo and a Java play that’s amazing mate I know what to do I’ll just mute your stream and listen to It’s Your my PlayStation speaking of consoles guys did you guys know there is two people that have watched this channel on their

Nintendo Wii and somebody has somebody somehow has watched my stream on their Samson smart Bridge or it was a smart fridge of some sort I don’t know if it was something I don’t know if they even exists but it was a smart Bridge of some sort right

So two people have watched me on a Nintendo when someone’s watch me on a smart Bridge I watch you on my Smart Watch that’s amazing that’s amazing oh man I mean yeah doesn’t everyone do that my lifelong dream is to play on a hive and this is a smart fridge

Me magic magic true unreal right guys um if you guys didn’t get into this game you can always get into the next one but I am gonna start let me change the map real quick and then I’ll click the start button so that uh preset say presets

Bing says and three two one go so uh someone gonna be watching you on a Nintendo DS next true and then I click office you know it’s fine we just go to Middle Point on this uh there’s no syncs on this map all right guys to the middle guys to the

Middle I saw you on my watch let’s go um all right guys just just hop over to the middle guys hop over to the middle let’s come over here um right bingas says stand on the grass in front of me I’ll just uh do slash dirt to be fair as

Well just because uh you know I’m not I’m not killing anyone yet I just want you guys to be here um now it was a second of joining rep yeah I tried to wait as long as I could uh Pepsi I just don’t want people getting bored you know I’m not even

Lying I’ve watched my Nintendo DS I see I want to do that like I want to watch streams of Nintendo DS but I can’t because obviously it doesn’t exist anymore but I do watch people my VR headset I do watch people on VR uh guys enjoy my stream and leave it in the

Background I totally have videos of permission to say it’s 100 okay I can get you copyrighted for that don’t say that again man oh man um right bingis bingis says by the way uh my other murderer now permission to kill anyone who’s not right in front of me Binga says look at me

Uh things are jail broke my oh you Jailbreaker okay fair enough okay everyone’s looking at me good chicken okay you do have the bike I was just checking just checking uh bingas says coach I think it says Crouch watching this on an airport security monitor funny thing actually right I was

I was waiting in the airport ready to go to like ready to fly to Bristol you know because I’ll see in family um there was this airport screen you know you know there’s like little airport screens that like show you adverts like in the middle of the

Airport someone hacked into that and was playing no there wasn’t it wasn’t playing they were watching Minecraft YouTube on that on that screen able to join myself to be fair it was good entertainment uh vinger says follow me so I can steal your videos and be fine

Nah nah they’ll be don’t be stealing anything from me and I can’t buy tier 2 membership because I have another type of cars that’s unfortunate my friend but I appreciate the thought my friend like I really appreciate the thought now people I want I want you to think why

What what’s wrong like come on guys look guys I want you to see something I want you to see something right what are they doing what are they doing what are they doing okay go kill that person and uh you too I I apologize come here I apologize but

Um yeah right bingis says uncrouch oh God I think it says uncrouched but whoever the new sheriff is remember you should not be killing me uh they’re gonna hop in a Teleport a true unreal um right right okay bingis says stay fingers says stay stay there stay there all right stay all right

Last last one through the teller Porter dies last one through the teleporter dies guys the last one if your last one here I am going to slap I’m gonna up to you you’re gonna die you would die like you you would you would instantly die okay fine

Fine fine fine bingas if you don’t wait no not if you don’t uh last one through the teleporter dies um oh hello Jess welcome to this stream smart people smart you guys are smart you guys are smart all right you guys are smart right bingas says um lineup

I think it says lineup how long do we have 48 seconds uh bonjour hello Tamaki welcome to the stream bro does not believe I’m watching him in a small Nokia now mate you’re watching me from uh the uh Spurs Stadium massive TV screen by the way okay um

Our pain has begun again just say uh did you see the screenshots I sent yesterday I did not no I’ll have a look at that Lingus says look at me Bingo says pray fingers says run yeah you should you should start running you should start running because if you

Don’t start running I’m gonna start stabbing I’m going to start stabbing either way but um that’s unfortunate ggs oh man I watch you from the um the contact point of the International Space Station like daily honestly that is based that is based right GG’s guys ggs

Right we’ll hop into a game of treasures free shop now because I did say I was gonna do that too right bro doesn’t believe oh yeah wait bro doesn’t believe I’m watching him from a mirror based true and real by the way guys I just want to promote this now I will be

Doing uh a Java High pick stream on Thursday um it is a bit different I know that but any of you guys who might be interested in that and a smoother stream experience as well might I add um I highly advice hopping in because it’s going to be high Vibes even if you

Can’t play it would mean a lot if you guys were there so just saying um streams on top yeah I’ll be doing on YouTube this time though it’ll be on YouTube um so that that will be the difference in this I will be uh instead of doing it

On Twitch I will be doing it on YouTube so that’s what I’m saying all right confirm game settings up to Max and uh yeah I think I think now I can do the code so guys if you wanna hop into the game code is on screen um I don’t have money to pay

Um in for your launcher because I don’t have a PC I know but you know it’s just a bit different you know it’s a bit different anyone who does have Java can play you know um but it’s just gonna be high Vibes either way it’s not gonna be a constant thing it’s

Gonna be like once every week but you know something different and I’m enjoying it recently sir um right but yeah that’s the code guys there’s a Code uh right hey bingas what ring would I wait where the hell would I go into if a Hot Pocket if I had a Hot

Pocket for breakfast uh a lot the the deepest um I watch all the Chipmunk movies over the weekend you remind me how good they are oh man I spent most of the game looking for her was cup Doc in a sink I’m out on Thursday so it’s perfectly fine Gabe

Don’t worry about it uh bro doesn’t believe I’m watching him on a contact lens what’s the code uh code’s on screen as long as if one of my mod Scouts you can put that in chat as well that’d be great um no you’re gonna talk about axo and the

Code no way axos in the code does that mean axles and stream can’t believe it guys can’t believe that Axel is actually here can’t believe it guys uh uh what is axo and the code uh because yes it’s gonna it’s gonna it’s gonna summon a wild caketon 100 guys uh thank

You for the code I’ll pin there the reason I’m pinning uh Gabe’s by the way is because I had slash CS in it as well uh because you know anyone who’s new doesn’t know how to do that so but yeah thank you for the codes guys I appreciate that your eyes are

Rather big what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean we’re we’re fine guys we’re fine I just had whatever he had and um yeah it was delicious you know it was KFC guys have some KFC it’s actually really good but um yeah man

The thing is I said in my POV what is uh of what it’s like to have my pink I’ll have a look at it later then uh show Kim bingas have large balls true and real true and real me and Sharky were true and real mate I didn’t notice your eyes my bad

All right I need to set up I’m I’m slouching the best kind of hurting you know how long have I been live for about uh about 40 something minutes that’s good that’s good Gabe your skin is just as amazing as the last time I saw it

I still don’t know what that is on your head though what is it is that like is that what is that is that tell me what that is all right please don’t tell me that’s like cat ears or something okay that that’s probably better that’s probably better well you have a ski mask

On there it’s goggles it looked like cat ears from my from my angle right I think we both agree I’m I’m hilarious right debatable debatable right no I am not I am not saying that purple guy I will not say the forbidden words

You know I am not I am not some sort of uh like I don’t know femboy e-boy kind of thing I would never say that I would never say that well to be fair I might say if I was paid to do it but I just that’s probably

The only time I’d ever do it that’s probably the only time I’d ever do it but um apart from that no that’s just not worth it it’s not worth it uh come on cup dog hello CVO welcome to stream my friends nice to see you I hope you’re having a

Great day uh bingas hates Slovenian people wouldn’t I say that I have a clever Bingo set you probably do actually I think on Twitch I did say it I think one of my first streams uh after this game you should check if you should check if you want just so you understand

My pain I might I might uh uh right uh right I have a clip of bingas say that that’s something I would say that is something I would say because it’s funny hello dolphin by the way welcome to the stream um I have a clip of yeah you’re saying

Uh what other requirements to actually be friends bingas um okay before right before the requirements was uh just being streamed normally and I’d eventually accept you but uh since at my friend list uh now has multiple invites I can’t accept uh the only way to befriended now is if I

Ever do like a tournament of some sort within the stream or if you get the tier 2 membership that is the only ways I’m going to be accepting the final question now um because I just have too many and I can’t accept them all um but yeah

That that is the only way from now on also Avery you’re still on the stream I actually didn’t think you were going to be here that long you you’re far too famous to be here Avery you’re far too famous one in my English accent um warning my

English has an accent now Does this does it just does it really um no I mean in Discord I meant oh and Discord right yeah you could just send me a friend request I’ll accept that um well as long as your name isn’t suspicious of course but um

Yeah I normally accept a Discord friend requests um yeah it does sound like um wait yes it does I sound so Arabic now fair enough I mean that is where you’re from so I mean uh right um guys yeah we’re gonna start so guys if you guys didn’t get into this game and

You don’t hop into any of the future ones you guys can be very very cool if you did um I have a very rare a real tier 2 membership that means you can only hand me like for some reason by the way guys on that point of memberships I don’t

Know why but I think YouTube has a glitched out for my channel that the only way like gifted memberships work like if you want to claim it is if you have to turn gifted memberships off and on again I don’t know why that is but it just it is the way it is

It’s weird but um I don’t know maybe it’s a maybe maybe it’s a bug that’s going to be fixed relatively soon I hope um because that is just a bit of a pain I have tier 12 membership now aren’t add me oh man see I did I did keep the

Membership simple i i i i there’s two different types of memberships and I did keep it simple I I didn’t um I didn’t want to add like multiple memberships like some other people have but um yeah I do the price range um as what um as basically what the

Content you get so if you get like few content of course you’re not gonna be paying that much but um yeah right we’re gonna we’re gonna do Wellness guys we’re gonna do well I’m not from memberships guys I know enough for memberships we’re we’re gonna we’re gonna talk about the game

Guys I have tier four of like four billion um I just had a friend request all right I’ll accept that in a minute then my friend all right I have to turn on and off my accent true and real yet you definitely have to do that where

I’m gonna die instantly aren’t I I’m gonna get off this I’m gonna get off this shop and I’m gonna walk out that door and for some reason I’m gonna get a shot that’s what’s gonna happen I’m gonna get like a full like full American vibes ah well I’ll just go over here

And gaple now just before I go over here and get probably slapped by two people at once epic clutch Big G what did you do what did you do Big G what did you do right then I’m actually in Middle people are still buying stuff ah right who’s that

So we have tattoo and we have Shorkie and we have Pepsi Pepsi I don’t want to fight you yeah your ping is gonna get me killed mate your Ping’s gonna get me killed I really don’t want to fight you it’s it’s near impossible to win against you Pepsi I can’t lie

Because I I really can’t put you on a combo you can put me in a comma but I can’t put you in a combo that’s the um that’s the problem that’s why I don’t want to fight you you’re Ping’s just that bad um right I’m going to uh just restock actually

Yeah there’s no point ending the game now you know I’m gonna at least give myself a little bit of time to enjoy the game before you know I get murdered all right let’s see if I can just grab a few more things before you actually you know go out there again

I think the only way to kill Pepsi really is if you’re at a range it’s it’s very very hard to kill Pepsi in a combo because well to be fair when you lag right your chat is glitched well that that’s kind of why I’m kind of like you

Know talking to myself at the moment because I know the chat’s not working at the moment that is another reason why um YouTube’s a bit wonky at the moment guys because uh YouTube channels for some reason breaks randomly it’s not my fault it’s YouTube’s fault but um yeah um oh God it’s Pepsi

Uh right hopefully YouTube fixes itself now all right we’re just waiting for YouTube chat to fix itself I suppose hopefully that doesn’t take too long because uh you know we we we like having a YouTube chat if you want to talk to me at the moment

By the way why YouTube Just fixes itself um you can talk to me via the Minecraft chat hey Gabe Gabe are you are you here to murder me yes you are yes you are indeed right the trick about using a bow is people always go in the exact same place so um

Like after they shoot their bow they’re always turning the left or right so never never uh shoot a bow directly at them because you’ll never get that hit you’ll never ever get that hit hello tattoo so why isn’t this chat working hold on I’ll reset it again

YouTube’s just really failing me at the moment YouTube is really failing me all right there we go YouTube’s working again I can see in the corner of my eye I could see it in the corner of my eye it’s okay oh God I’m getting double themed oh no oh no

I know this isn’t intentional but I quite literally I I unable to touch the ground hey guys don’t mind me I’m just gonna steal your Bridge oh God all right there we go YouTube start working again um right Gog e yes finally CR I know it took so long um

I got cake because when I spammed pearls too many times yeah that’s that’s the wood uh woodpecker um thing yeah it happens when you know you go into blocks uh hello hello uh Moses welcome to stream friends nice to see you I hope you’re having a great day come on chadu Gigi’s right

Um I don’t believe what happened Gabe plays the Boombox and I shot my Pearl so I um purled into a Boombox and died that’s amazing that’s actually amazing uh do I ever have to pay with membership no you don’t have no no that’s never going to be a thing there’s never gonna

Be a thing um if like see if I did that right that that just wouldn’t be fun for me like the whole the whole point why why I stream is because I enjoy talking to people I enjoy talking to you guys um if I if I had like members only then

I mean I’d be quite lonely in my opinion the only only a member only thing I’ll probably do is for videos a bit of that that kind of thing maybe I’ll do some member only streams too uh but that’s um those will be far and few in between not

Uh not ever a full-time thing um that’s a one hour let’s go uh did you see Oak stream I did yes I did Oak’s been here the entire time all right okay I don’t think I’m gonna win this but you know I can definitely try I can definitely try reminder after this to

Check my my ping that’s perfectly fine um as long as it’s not a huge clip if it’s if it’s a huge clip I’m not gonna look at it yet oh hello Gabe Gabe’s helping me out because they I Gabe knows that I can’t win this alone okay I gave a slightly embarrassing I’ve

Never seen you get comboed like that before sure is it is about time I prove to you that I am the superior spur of supporter my friend not you I I am the superior spur supporter always will be always have been I feel like Shorkie is not going to take that sitting down

Come here Sharky come here buddy come on buddy come on buddy come on buddy come on well um hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey who did that who did actually that works I’ll take that um I ended because I got bored of listening to nothing so yeah that’s one

Hour closer fair enough my friend fair enough um people are screwing up biggest when were you uh try when will you try a new stream time because uh people off school now people only have school in North America at the moment uh and some parts of Asia

Uh I’m a European streamer so the um it doesn’t affect me it doesn’t affect me I I know I know a lot of you guys well probably like maybe a quarter of you guys are from America but um I’m a European streamer and we don’t go back until September so um I’m not

Going to be trying a new stream time until around that time uh bingis please stop uh being European for in the USA yeah I’m not gonna I’m not gonna change my stream time because there’s really no point in me doing that I’m an EU streamer but uh eventually when it comes

Around to me going back to school um of course I’m gonna have to change okay but like you should probably not only appeal to EU viewers yeah that’s difficult to do uh bozos okay think about think about this way right think about this way um if right uh Shorkie can I just talk

To my chat for a second while um yeah you you can get you can prepare yourself by the way I’m just I just need to talk to my chat real quick um so like that’d be difficult to do because you think about it right there’s

A lot of people going live and they let your half the day already if I went live then I would I would be in a bit of bother with um you know with that and also because a huge amount of my viewers are also from

Asia so if I went live late then it would uh it would mean that I’d get less views in a way so I do try to be as fast possible but um yeah there’s really nothing I can do about the whole time zones if I if I

Could stream at a time that I made it so I could um you know be at live at a great time for everyone around the world I would but um unfortunately there is only a maximum of two regions I can really be live for so um yeah that’s about it that’s about it

Really uh anyway hello are you ready Sharky you ready there we go right let’s go oh it’s a kilometer no I see I am a European streamer um but um of course anyone from any Region’s welcome it’s just I can’t be live for everyone at once

Um I probably could if I did two streams in a day but at the same time I’m I’m still in school myself so it’s gonna be um it’s gonna be difficult to do that as well right anyway I mean my I stream on N A

But my n a presented just 45 my n a percentage is 54 that is um it is a huge chunk but you would see that quite a few North American people are still here uh so it it is a bit of um it is a bit

Annoying but um this this time is the best time I can stream especially since I’m European so if I stream at a later time I’d probably be yeah it wouldn’t it wouldn’t work out well for me okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay sure okay buddy okay Shorkie okay

Shorkie okay shocky who is the better spur supporter here we we will find out next time on Dragon Ball Z the trick question you’re going to find out now is chalky apparently GG show key I thought Bingo was from Antarctica true and real um right

Why do you uh why do you release Bo then jump uh what do you mean what do you mean I’m gonna go so that’s probably fine to Mark you have a great day um Right Bingo gets Moody when he’s tired that’s true actually that is true like

Any anyone who’s been in like the 12-hour stream would know how insane I was getting uh I’m multitasking let’s go it’s 7 A.M for Americas and it works better for everyone else because it’s not that is true actually it is actually a very early time for anyone like in North

America at the moment uh well apart from if you’re in the east coast but um it does it does help because that means people aren’t going to be in school anyway it’s going to be early so they won’t be in school with either way my logic is that you have to consider the

Hive live Community is limited so limiting yourself to a single region of that audience will limit your growth I don’t see what you mean by that bozos though I mean you stream on Purely North America don’t you so I mean I I stream on Purely EU um so I’m doing nothing nothing

Different than what you do my friend um but uh yeah right yeah I I do the same as you do my friend it’s um yeah it’s the same right uh let’s go into a game guys I’ll do a game of hide and seek why not uh

Back in my day I just streamed 12 hours a day got a bit of everyone that is true actually that’s true if you’re shooting 12 hours a day you can get better for everyone but um my logic is I I want to stream it to my

Stream time where I’m not going to be you know conflicting with other streamers I’m not going to be stealing any viewers I’m not going to be um tired I’m also not going to be um you know really bad at the game because my ping um now I changed my stream time every

Couple days I stream at 11 1379 that depends on how much free time you have though I don’t have a lot of free time I don’t I have I have this time in the day where i’m free but I do have things I need to do um without being babysitting without

Being a schoolwork or just like other work in general um obviously I have to have my dinner as well it’s yeah I don’t I don’t want that conflicting so and besides I’m very happy with my stream time at the moment I mean we have 27 people here at the moment I’m very happy

Um anywho um so guys if you want to hop into the game uh I’ve just invited over my friends list I’m going to invite people with the code as well how do you invite people I’m just gonna put it on screen but if someone just put that in

The chat as well that’d be great um anyway I’m gonna just drop that subject now uh right issue with changing stream time works well it’s long wait change the stream time won’t work once it’s no longer summer to be honest works well summer yeah it works well for summer well yeah that’s understandable

Last two weeks I was putting 14 hour days and still streamed every day because I’m psychopathic yeah see I’m just I don’t know me maybe I’ll maybe have something to do with my age guys maybe I may aren’t just not as maybe I was not as willing to do you know different

Stream times maybe I’m not willing to do with long streams maybe I’m just getting too old guys I’m getting too old no it has nothing to do with that I I just like my stream time and I’ll keep it that way whenever it comes to um when

I go back to school in September though I will be um I will I will be changing my stream times to around about five to six pm BST because that is when I’ll be home from school uh so that would be about six hours late no not five hours later from

What I normally do now so um either way like whatever you think about I’m gonna be I’m Gonna Be Live for multiple regions eventually it says right now I’m happy doing what I do um Right Bingo you better retire in that for real you’re too old for five past 15 for real

50 years later Vegas still shooting I hope I hope to be doing that I hope to be doing that I’ll pin the code yes point to that I hope to be uh string 50 years from now obviously it’s not going to be a job of mine it’s gonna be a

Hobby but um having that hobby there like and you know being live for 50 years that would be that would be a um that would be an accomplishment um right fingers remember to check the clip ah yes I should probably do that so who is this person who is this person uh

Right set map um prep yet maybe maybe you sound like you’re old believe it or not I’m only 17. I’m only 17. uh people have said I’ve sounded 23 some people have sounded like oh I said I’m like in my 30s which I find hard to believe to be fair

Um no one’s ever said I sounded young though I mean maybe when I was um maybe not 11 but that was a long time ago uh bingo sat streaming at 67 true unreal you’re not 48. no man I am actually 73. that is my that is my year that I was born okay

Let me let me let me rephrase that I am 72 years old guys I was born back in the 1950s so yeah that’s that’s how old I am yeah 100 I’m just here I just woke up welcome to the stream Katie isn’t it it’s necessary that you’re always in the

Second half the uh half of the stream I thought your minus 637 I wish um I thought you were 423 years old um right out all do I sound Jess I don’t know how old you sound because I haven’t talked to you in about a year or two um

Mash is older than you is 18 years to be fair I do turn 18 this year so I don’t know Bingo you sound like you’re on oh is that a good thing was that a bad I mean okay of course it’s a bad thing but like truthfully right

Is is that like a is that a compliment was it a is that an insult some people are still some people have different opinions oh man you should check the clip before the quality dies even more compressed beyond God knows what I’ll have a look

At it later all right I did say I’ll have a look at it later you may think come on stero is but I’m I’m way more than you think some guy from a gym commercial I mean that’s probably true before um 18 is basically 59 internet Wasteland true uh it’s called being tired

I mean people can be tired I mean it feels up to me I’d still be sleeping right now but uh no um oh man guys I also had it I had a very funny uh stream idea from maybe twitch so you you know the way obviously I’m turning 18

This year right and obviously I don’t want to affect the PG friendliness of my um YouTube streams I was thinking maybe on Twitch I could do something a type of a type of stream idea right a type of stream idea which may involve the amount of times

Um me losing a game to maybe me drinking a very very um funny substance so um it’s not a substance so it’s a drink I’m really digging myself a hole here aren’t I uh no it’s a drink but um I I was that was my thought that that

Was that was my thought all right that was my thought so um I want to know what you guys think because that could be a very funny stream idea you know every time I lose a game on the hive I have to take I have to take a shot how

About that so do you guys do you guys like that kind of twitch idea that sounds interesting bro you made me you made it sound like you’re about to strip why would I do that why why would I do that uh remember to accept my friend request I’ll make sure to do that

Yeah I’d probably watch that uh we should do a collab with Adele juice I would I would 100 do that 100 dude I should do more people to be fair that would be that’ll be a very funny stream idea to do with multiple people

Um sounds fun if it was in my time zone to be fair to be fair like I wouldn’t I wouldn’t drink during the mornings or like midday so I’ll be real with you or probably be in the later half of the day so just saying anyway guys we’re gonna

Start the game so guys if you didn’t get into this game and you do want to hop into the next ones I’m going to be doing a few more CSS so don’t you worry um right you want multiple people’s stream okay well that’s interesting um

I thought he was going to say every time I lose a game I swear but no no no no no we’re not doing that no no um Bingo say a PG curse word blippity floppity get off my property I’m going to kill all your all you uh blocks e

All right now Tom’s commit genocide come here I’m going to kill every single or whatever yeah come here it’s inevitable mate it’s inevitable you can’t win this you you cannot win this my friend that’s not Fiji of course it’s PG what do you mean bad being a swearing yeah all right come here

Come here buddy come here buddy thank you um by the way uh in flexing I was eating caffeine Burgers I’m honestly I want a KFC right now I really want a KFC I might get one to be fair actually no I want a chippy when is the chippy open

I can’t say on the stream because you guys will know exactly what chippy I’m going to but um I um if I go to a chippy now I have one down the road from this sir I can say that because if you live in Britain you have a chippy down the

Road from you it’s a guarantee uh what is a chippy a chippy is a fish and chips and uh honestly a chippy is beautiful I always I always recommend getting the chippy you get you get some chips you put some salt and vinegar on that you get maybe

Like a burger maybe some maybe if you want a fish I’m not a big fan of fish moccasin myself but um you know like I’ve heard the fish are good you can get like a battered sausage honestly like it’s beautiful it’s beautiful um chippy honestly I want to chip it I

Want to chip it gives me an idea should I just put up like a picture of a chippy on screen just to talk to you guys a little little bit more I I apologize my friend this is um oh man hello Avery do you have YouTube

Rank I think you do don’t you surely surely I think you do um Right Bingo I’m going to hit uh I’m going Bingo’s going to hit me for that one I don’t like fish and chips to be fair right I’m not a big fan of fish but

I’m a big fan of chips uh so from the chippy I would normally get a cheeseburger and I’ll also get um I’ll also get some chips so I’m not a big fan of fish myself but I’ll always I’ll always get the chip um they should be down the road from me

Puts the whole salt and water on my chips and I die every bite yeah but it’s a chip in chip it’s a chippy by the way we have literally two and a half minutes to find a stare so oh there’s the stair never mind found him found him guys don’t

Worry about it found him someone cut them off cut him off cut them off cut them off cut them off so someone go around cut them off right um yeah there it is guys come on is someone around that way no okay that’s fine uh ggs bro the chips are white that’s so

Much salt if Avery doesn’t have YouTube rank I want something true um I got Bing glitch I don’t know pinkish is amazing pink glitch is amazing I haven’t I’ve had it twice and every time I get pink glitch I always see how long my game lasts before it dies um

Right we are going to go into the next game so we did a game of hide and seek we haven’t done a game of SG yes that’s um that’s something um what uh what game do you guys want to do your being is if you want to end the

Stream please raid Prime Strat I’m not ending yet I’m not ending yet my friend um I’ve only been live for an hour so um right bingo hunt Ops g s g okay we’ll do again vote uh Ops G we could do a camera Bingo one later to be fair um

Yeah we’ll do a game of bingo hunting later how about that I can promise you that I’ll promise you that just ran uh for the whole game and it got first somehow let’s go see I normally like doing that right that’s my that’s my go-to thing to do in hindsight

I like I like being the um like on the uh on the offensive right I like being on the offensive I I like to attack The Seekers but um it never goes well I wish I had a YouTube channel and get all all of dream Subs I mean to be fair

I think any anyone who does YouTube wishes to have that kind of Fame I mean any anyone who like anyone would love that kind of Fame to be fair because it means like you can do entertainment for a living like honestly if I could do entertainment for a living I would um

But uh what’s holding me back is what I have to work with I mean you guys know what kind of um kind of laptop I’m working with at the moment so um it’s holding me back from whatever I can do because I definitely do have I

Definitely do have the act for the in for entertainment but I don’t have what I don’t have is the specs I don’t have that uh during the view count though that would be money for life that would be that would be like you could put you

Could put that away if you want but I wouldn’t the frame the fame of being called ugly okay not that part not that part well to be fair I think a lot of you guys have already done that already um hi hello Bondo welcome to the story

My friend hope you’re having a great uh Tuesday it is Tuesday right guys it’s Tuesday um you really wouldn’t I don’t want like nine-year-old girls simping for my Minecraft skin or something that is fair because that’s one thing that’s not great you don’t you don’t want anyone

Who is probably under the age of well what depends what your age is to prefer like for me I don’t want anyone under the age of probably why do I am 17. I’m turning 18 this year so anyone basically under the age of 17. it would

Be a little bit concerning but uh yeah that’s one of the uh that’s one of the bad things I suppose but luckily I haven’t had to deal with that so it’s fine right access mode code so guys if you want to hop into the game code is on

Screen if someone just put that in chat as well uh during with a casual 30 million to be fair though like he does well he does well you can’t you can’t say the guy um hasn’t earned his uh earned his following he does well uh but yeah

Do you remember me of course I do my friend I remembered you when you got onto the stream I think you were here last time I was streaming it might be the last time it might have been the time before but I do remember you my

Friend I do remind you I do remember you uh but how are you my friend I just found out I’ve got covered great Oakley it must have been that’s the consequences of YouTube copyright oh no but okay okay think about it this way right I I do hope you hear better

Soon right I do hope you get better soon however however this does mean you have a lot of free time so I’m just saying that’s good for your watch hours isn’t it it means you don’t have to come out your room my friend it means you don’t

Have to come out it means you don’t have to um come out your room which means you can focus on your streams as well because you obviously gonna have nothing really like else to do so you might as well you might as well really um oh well that’s interesting

Why did my chat get toxic all of a sudden what happened what happened um I placed up in the video uh maybe you should fight um forms people like Charmers and straight and Marvel it’s like Rita maybe maybe um what do you have in a meltdown right it’s a PG stream please also

Swearing yeah I mean even if you censor yourself anyone with a brain cell like brain cells higher than two uh is gonna figure out that that’s a swear so yeah don’t don’t be swearing um I think scarf does not like cover not sure though no no I mean yeah it’s not

Bad to be fair I probably had covered like three times and I haven’t even noticed um a PG Bing is you know you’re not PG of course I’m PG well to be found I’m probably like and I’m like 13 plus to be fair probably 13 plus I mean that’s what you have to

Be to watch YouTube streams anyway so yeah yeah it’s basically 13 plus either way she can’t you can’t be underneath the age of 13 to watch YouTube stream and if you are congratulations you are indeed now 13 years old so yeah uh half PG half non-pg I mean it’s only it’s only non-pg

For anyone who um gets the joke which most people probably won’t um um you’re 17 I am 17 yes um right uh well yeah I guess I have a lot of free time 15 hour streams here we come let’s go um right please tell me you’re lying or being

Sarcastic for what what oh 11 right yeah yeah obviously games being sarcastic um if I was to guess Gabe’s age I think Gabe is around 15 16. I I’m assuming that’s your age I’m assuming judging judging by how I know you and obviously because I don’t think I’ve ever actually heard what your

Age is but that’s my guess that’s my guess um if you’re under 13 you’re now 13 because we said so exactly um it’s YouTube to us it’s u2tos yeah 2017 yeah fair enough then fair enough I was about right then I was about right you’re a little bit older than what I thought

Um right guys I’m gonna do the preset and then I’m gonna start so picture presets opsg confirm and start guys if you didn’t get into this game you can always get to the next one right I’m full I’m foreign ducky years amazing rocks don’t have your ages they do they have fossils

Which you can you can age so yeah right right I’m gonna steal this stuff and now I’m gonna go on a murder spray I’m gonna kill everyone well I’m gonna try and kill as many people as I can because for some reason people in this game don’t want me dead

Any other streamer would you know like be dead but uh no not me I’m 69 years old well my friend I am now officially 420 years old so I am now older than you and more funny so oh man uh but yeah right I’m gonna just hop up here

Let’s see what I can do with this uh arrows grab that as well but what if you what if all the Earth to sub to you you get 500 5000 million uh isn’t isn’t the world’s population like eight eight billion just out of curiosity

Um what did you say uh son I don’t know yeah okay oh man see I go I got my hearing aids in like 300 years ago so you know I’m hearing you perfectly fine mate realize I’m gonna just uh grab some of that close enough close enough close

Enough you’re telling me I’ve been aging this whole time oh no oh no Rocky’s old five thousand million is five billion I know but like it’s 8 billion so it wouldn’t that be 8 000 million wouldn’t it right um right uh I need to see this if you want

Yeah I already read that um I got hi guy hi friends it’s like a South Park reference mate um let’s give you toilet gets two billion views in a month one-fourth of the entire board population yeah but if you think about it right their views are coming from repeated

Watches from basically anyone who is between the ages of I don’t know probably probably three and twelve 12 is being generous but uh you know those repeat views is probably what’s getting them like the high view count but because obviously like anyone within that age range is going to watch the

Things again they’re going to watch it repeatedly because you know they love it anyone our age is probably not going to do that I mean how many how many of you guys have watched The Hive stream and not hype stream High video more than twice

I bet I bet a lot of you guys haven’t um but yeah I love toilets with human heads too unreal that’s the most stupid video that could go viral I mean fair enough to the people who made it like they’re making they’re making a lot of money but it’s just

Yeah I mean you’re appealing to that kind of audience what are you really going to get and always going to know you I mean like you can’t really interact with your audience can you like that that’s the entire like fun part of being a content creator you get to interact with your audience

A content creator like that doesn’t get to do that that’s what I don’t find like how people can do that like it’s just not entertaining for yourself and you know uh why do you stream because I find talking to you guys a very fun thing to do

Honestly it’s very fun I I love it and obviously because my chat ball leaves me half the time um well these Trends nowadays exactly hello uh welcome to the stream I should probably focus more on my chat at the moment um they won’t earn as much as expected

Though as it’s short and tick dogs honestly you’ve got a point actually do you have a point uh who’s behind me by the way okay we could talk about this Gabe I’m sorry Gabe whatever I did in the past I apologize I apologize Gabe I didn’t mean

It I didn’t mean it it was a simple misunderstanding Gabe it was it was a misunderstanding um right I’m gonna just uh take this and that and I’m going I’m going to run away I will see you later Gabe oh you wanted to give me armor

I well I have armor but I appreciate it I appreciate it well so that person in chat is extremely susma extremely sus I mean that’s that’s that’s interesting right there uh or even is that who is that in chat um bro give me the Minecraft tip to start YouTube um

I think I’ve gone through this before hold on uh hello Sonic welcome to the stream and yeah welcome to stream as well uh who’s us I mean uh right the long-term views get like 50 million that is true as well um yeah like if you do want any advice

On how to start YouTube um I’d say join a community like a community like this where people get to know you and then you can start um doing like stuff on YouTube because uh if you already have people who know you and you know like they’ll probably come and watch you um

Then you’ll have a good start just like Caitlin did just like Caitlin did because Kate and was very well known in the community still is so um obviously Caitlin had that star that she needed so um yeah it’s it’s yeah it’s good good to have that uh upload security toilet

Reactions I mean that that’ll get you views as well that’ll get I’ll give you views as well um right his success once I actually start doing that guys it guys you want to see skibby toilet um I mean skippity toilet uh reactions you guys want that I mean I

Could do that for you I could do that for you get getting Hive YouTube Red with Scooby-Doo toilet guys hey guys you want to talk about uh real estate I feel offended you just you just it locked me out mate no let’s give any toilet versus Annoying Orange Minecraft battles rematch uh why

Don’t you make vids about your toilet I should honestly do that guys yeah me and my toilet like me and my toilet The Adventures of Taco Bell guys uh I’m head well I don’t think you’re gonna have much combat in this game then oh you want to fight me okay I didn’t

Know if you were coming to have like be friends with me or you were coming here to kill me but now I see what you really want to do okay you’re actually getting really good with your jump reset forward and it’s genuinely terrifying but you know what

Jump recess don’t matter when you have a campfire and a bow foreign I’m still going to shoot you never mind maybe maybe my bow shots are just not as good as they used to be never mind no it’s like that DOC game you know what you know when everyone like you know

That dog game right you have to shoot the uh shoot the Ducks right and then like that that dog like brings him up and like shows it to you I don’t know what that game’s cool but it reminds me of that uh me and Cub Doug are having a

Friendly War what do you mean by friendly or Right Toyota reviews would be uh Bank views true and real duck hunt oh yeah it was duck hunt yeah yeah it was that I did that kill the duck not by something against ducks guys nightbot has something against ducks alright uh just FYI uh

Nightbot really wants docs to die so if you’re a duck or you like ducks uh you might not like knifeball because I I agree with nightball okay Pepsi now not this time Pepsi not this time this time I’m getting the kill this time I’m getting the kill Pepsi this time I will

Never mind never mind hey guys since I’m getting 2V1 tick can someone help me with uh this uh two if you want to make it like a 1v1 1v1v1 please Big G attack attack Big G attack get on Big G get him Big G Go Big G Go

Big G get him get him Big G IG oh my can you give me a rank I’m not giving anyone a rank at the moment um I’m not messing with Big G are you sure I mean come on it’s not that scary it’s not that scary what do you mean

Big G I have another one for you I have another Big G he tried to kill me big Jayla I’m a fan of Gog right I have Gog emojis in my chat he tried to shoot a bow at me I think you should kill him Gog is good

I can’t I can’t believe you try to kill a Gog member uh fingers give me the fingers wrong I wish I could do that also he said uh gog’s mother is um a very bad word no see he’s saying yes he said yes look

He saw him not his head you saw him not his head you saw him not his head oh man poor Pepsi Man Poor Pepsi oh man okay okay okay hey hey Gabe no no no no no no no no no I mean to be fair Gabe has already always been anti-gog I

Mean that’s that’s kind of a that’s kind of a given that’s a given I’m not gonna I’m not gonna make Big G fight game though that’s that’s I don’t want I don’t want Big G to die I don’t want Big G dying Big G Can’t Take on

Gabe I know I know that uh uh poor gog’s mother what did she do I don’t know I don’t know but apparent apparently Pepsi uh thought something different okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh you’re not you’re not you’re not chasing me down I may have hit the wrong person I

I may I may have hit the wrong person I’m just gonna just carefully line this up okay that wasn’t even directed at you that wasn’t even directed at you I will agree to no longer dislike Gog if you no longer shove it down my throat shake hands not fair enough

Huh well that’s interesting guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys how long do you think mods will notice how long do you think mods until mods notice I don’t know it’s been about 15 seconds so far I don’t

Know maybe not be a little while but um [Laughter] hahaha oh my God oh man Mod’s amazing I’m voting I mean I have so many mods right I have so many I have so many oh my God that’s actually insane how long it took ain’t no way

I mean well I was shaking onto Big G oh man right I’m getting a bit tired guys so I’m gonna do the final game of today’s right I’m gonna do the final game we’ve been alive for about an hour and a half I’ll do a final game that’ll

Probably bring us up to around an hour and 40. so I’ll do this next game and then I’ll end off what what do you guys want the last game to be what do you guys want the last oh wait no I said Bingo bingas hun didn’t I well like was

It yeah it was Bingo song wasn’t it that was uh murder mystery game wasn’t it Manhunt yeah I’m gonna hunt you guys down wait oh wait you see you’re saying Manhunt as in like SG like you guys hunt me down or the other way around

Um which one do you mean gay which one do you mean like you guys hunt me down or I hunt you guys down I’ll do about either or foreign hunt as in bingo hunt you hunt us down we hunt you you know what since we haven’t done

Since we haven’t done that like since you guys haven’t Hunted Me Down in like probably half a year I’m gonna do it I’m gonna do it it’s been half a year since I’ve done this one I literally have a preset for it but um yeah guys if you want to hop into this

Final game uh of the stream uh you guys are hunting me down I’m going I’m going to run for my life and you you guys have to try and kill me um there is no reward by the way for this um there is there is none no reward but um

And it was a fun game to do either or time to get banned again from here to cheat true and real right guys code is now going on screen so guys if you don’t hop into the game uh codes on screen uh someone can also put that in chat as

Well uh yeah be very very fun if you hop in remember guys uh I will be doing a Java High pixel stream on Thursday and I guarantee you that that stream is actually going to be higher quality than the Bedrock ones we do because for some reason right Bedrock is very laggy

Compared to Java I’ve I’ve noticed that so um yeah you’re gonna have a better experience on Java but um you should let me hop in for it guys it’ll mean a lot to me if you guys are there because um you know I like the reaching out to

Newer communities and like the higher view count we have the you know the better the string will be so I’m going to join just not hunt Bingo fair enough fair enough I’ll probably put the string page up today to be fair yeah I’ll do that

Also means I got to use a gun because uh Hypixel has this game called um I think uh what was it it’s the Blocking Dead how’s the Blocking Dead so um yeah I got to use a gun and so so the rest of you guys we get to shoot some

Things uh I made my toe blade how did you manage to do that bingis when you set my front request off the stream I will my friend I will don’t worry right so guys you have about a minute to hop into this game uh code is pinned in the

YouTube chat it’s also on screen this is a game of uh really so you guys are hunting me down uh so merge presets save presets bingo hunt there we go there we go uh yeah I’m going to join just not hunt Bingo fair enough uh right game settings uh there is one

Thing I do want to do loose settings enable armor I’m enabling armor however I’m not going to use this armor uh the armor is purely uh for you guys to use uh just so you guys don’t end up you know killing each other um my name is poopy oh you’re the person

In chat ah you’re you’re that person right okay okay yeah you’re the you’re the person that was writing those things in chat weren’t you you were killed by herobrine that’s a bit unfortunate but I can’t find one but yeah um one girl why do we have to kill you

Though why can’t we just live life because I said no um no armor I’ve got a preset by the way Bingo I’ve got a preset as well I already I already use it um I made it like half a year ago around my skin of course if you just come over here I’ll

Read it for you armor makes it less skilled yeah but then people are gonna complain that they died that’s the problem people are gonna complain that they died and I don’t want people complaining that they’re dead um and again pretty much they really shouldn’t be dead also also prevents people from you know

Killing each other like on purpose um skin issue for real because no it has happened in the past where people have um just talked to different people and preventing them from playing the game so that’s why you’re you’re only Australia stream either way but I don’t want to

Leave people on a bad experience um right how many people do we have we have quite a few people I suppose right guys it is time to start the game so if you guys didn’t get into this game I do apologize but um yeah anywho good luck

To you guys good luck question who is uh wait I’m sorry I’m sorry perhapsody uh who is uh the one in the Stream that has the most subscribers be smart about it there are quite a few you guys who have roundabouts are hun like what that 1 000

Subscribers I know I know a few you guys do but I wouldn’t be able to tell I wouldn’t be able to tell you but um I think Avery I think Avery of course I mean I think Avery’s still in chat so I think yeah I think Avery

It’s just a hunch it’s nightbot oh what to be fair that and I was not a person though is it who who in the Stream yet who nightbot is not a person though so nightball can’t be identified as a who so Avery um neighbor as a person I bought a bot so

Oh God this is not good is it I’m gonna do a cha-cha real smooth on you guys shout out real smooth I’m going this way oh God this is not gonna go well this will not go well at all no no no no no it’s okay it’s okay I will I will just

Do the Cha Cha Slide and go backwards made you guys look oh man oh man I love doing that no one expects it no one expects it but they’ll expect it now so I’m not gonna do it again right sure he’s doing a smart thing he’s going

On the side but I’m not gonna allow him to get that um hit on me right by the way don’t can I just like snap my uh snap my view back if I press V I can yeah I can do that thing is I think someone’s chasing you

I I said something bad on Twitter I said something bad I said something bad on Twitter um I don’t think so big G nah that just that Bell chasing me dad what do you mean also is this thing still up here I hope it is because I’m going in this direction um

Come on come on please please please be here please be here I can’t find it I can’t find it it’s okay though because now now I have The High Ground Anakin what are you gonna do about that oh no please please don’t please don’t kill me please please don’t do that

I have so much to live for oh gosh oh no oh God ggs ggs ggs right um right okay yeah ggs guys that was that was that was funny that was funny I forwarded your Twitter too fingers thank you I appreciate that all right guys it is the

End of the stream I appreciate you guys all for hopping in uh we are gonna read some of that guys um now is the person I want to read still live because I know they’re very close to 1K so I want to see by the way

I do plan on reading Cascade by the way that’s the um that’s the person I want to raid but I don’t think cascade’s still live um so I don’t think I’m gonna get the chance I don’t think I’m gonna get the chance to raid Cascade that’s unfortunate I did want to raid Cascade

But um I suppose not uh anyway let me find someone else for us to read then actually I want to do a channel redirect one time next year I’m gonna do a channel redirect I would normally do it uh but I just can’t uh right now because

I don’t have it you know on Cascade is live but it’s AFK right fingers before you end the live can you I I’m not I can’t say that because I’m gonna get exposed on a hive YouTuber thing but before I love all my chat my chat is all

Loved by me because they’re all my friend but uh anyway who am I gonna raid then who am I gonna read someone new hopefully someone knew um right you know I’ll rage that person’s a Spanish I can’t read them that’s also Spanish can’t read them um

Do you say cup dogs mod for this guy so I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna raid this person mod for this person so it definitely knew so guys thank you all for being here it’s been an amazing stream uh I will see you guys again on Thursday for

The high pixel stream uh it’s up to you guys whether you hop in or not I really appreciate if you did um but yeah thank you guys all for being here it’s been an amazing stream and I will see you guys later have a great

Rest of your day guys I’m gonna be on Java for the rest of day on high picks or just FYI if anyone if anyone’s on but have a great day and I will see you guys later bye guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive with viewers! (Playing cs’s, new people friendly!)’, was uploaded by BingusPlays on 2023-08-16 03:29:11. It has garnered 314 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:06 or 5886 seconds.

𝗜𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 This stream, we are playing hive minigames. To join, go into Minecraft and go to Featured Servers. Go to Hive and go to the EU region. Do /cs and the code. (/cs EU_code) 𝗥𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 1. No Spamming 2. Don’t say Racist things 3. No Politics 4. Don’t ask for Mod 5. Don’t be Toxic 6. No swearing 7. No ban evading 8. Be aware there are children here 9. Be respectful to all mods and viewers 10. Have a great time 😀 𝗟𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘀 Discord: Flarial client: 𝗘𝘅𝘁𝗿𝗮 𝗦𝘁𝘂𝗳𝗳 In this stream we are playing CS on Hive Anyone is more then welcome to join the custom games we do we have more then enough spots so come join the fun!

Alternate titles

Minecraft Minecraft bedrock Among Us Bedwars PVP Hyperlands SMP SMP with viewers Hive Skywars Bedwars Just build UFC Survival games Hypixel Overwatch Mineplex Java Minecraft Java Minecraft Bedrock Bedrock Basically me dying on the inside Hope you all enjoy the stream!

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    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – follow all of these or i will kick you • tik tok – • Instagram – _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More


    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: Discord (with mods and texutre pack): #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 👕 Buy EYmerch: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram 💗 patreon 🐤 twitter 📖 reddit 👕 my shop ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide… Read More

  • Greystone MS Prison

    Greystone MS Prison* Greystone MSP * – Custom enchants,prison,no op classic prison server, community, voting, parkour, dungeons, custom mobs join Come join and give it a go were trying to build a big community here! Read More

  • NormalSMP – smp

    IP = Dive into a true survival experience with a twist! NormalSMP is a community-focused Minecraft server where players of all skill levels can enjoy a balanced, engaging survival world. Why Choose NormalSMP? Community-Driven: Join a friendly, active community that values teamwork, creativity, and fair play. Land Claims: Protect your creations with our land claim system to keep them safe. Balanced Economy: Earn, trade, and spend in our player-driven economy. Donator Ranks: Support the server and unlock exclusive perks with four unique ranks. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve, the Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve, the Minecraft ChadLooks like Steve is really owning his identity crisis in Minecraft! Read More

  • Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra’s Muscular Universe!

    Reverse Reversal: Efe and Esra's Muscular Universe! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of Efekan and Esra, their story unfolds. A twist of fate, everything reversed, Mucular they became, their adventure dispersed. With a laugh and a grin, they faced the unknown, In this pixelated world, their skills were shown. Building and crafting, their talents on display, In this virtual realm, they found their own way. So join in the fun, subscribe and stay tuned, For more Minecraft adventures, under the moon. Kare Kafa’s channel, a place to be, For gaming and laughter, for all to see. Read More

  • “Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!” #shorts #minecraft #memes

    "Top 10 Minecraft Traps That Will Make You Sizzle!" #shorts #minecraft #memes “Who knew that falling into a pit of lava was actually a surprise party in disguise? Thanks, Minecraft!” Read More

  • Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong

    Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth Wukong Transforming Minecraft into Black Myth: Wukong with Forge (1.20.1) Are you ready for a wild ride in Minecraft? Look no further than this Mod Pack that promises to take your gaming experience to the next level. If you’re intrigued, drop a comment below to let us know! About the Mod Pack: This Mod Pack is designed to immerse you in the world of Black Myth: Wukong within the Minecraft universe. Get ready for an adventure like never before! For more updates and sneak peeks, check out their Instagram here. Download the Mod Pack here and get ready to dive… Read More

  • Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every Move

    Ultimate Build Battle Challenge: Chat Controls My Every MoveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build Battle, but Chat Controls me’, was uploaded by switzknight on 2024-09-14 06:39:12. It has garnered 54 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:00 or 3540 seconds. This was Fun Join the Discord #minecraft #buildbattle #hypixel Read More

  • My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!

    My One Block Map RUINED by Enderman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Enderman’s Destroyed my one block map’, was uploaded by AKTI GAMER on 2024-09-23 12:15:39. It has garnered 432 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraft #minecraftbutimineablockeveryday minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft 100 days, minecraft game, minecraft house, minecraft hardcore, minecraft civilization, minecraft horror, minecraft new update, minecraft movie, minecraft story mode, minecraft apk download, minecraft apk, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft ambience, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft addons, minecraft april fools, a minecraft song, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trending

    Insane GameSphere Trick Shots! Watch now #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dop2:throw the ball into the basket #trending #dop2 #dop2solutions #dop2level1 #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by GameSphere on 2024-09-06 13:20:25. It has garnered 1704 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. I found most🤯 rarest block in creative mod …. …. …. …. #trending #minecraftgameplay #rarestbuild #minecraft #minecraftvideos #minecraftgaming …. …. …. …. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft 100 days challenge minecraft but challenge minecraft hardcore 100 days challenge minecraft 365 days minecraft 100 days minecraft hardcore 100 days hardcore minecraft 100 days minecraft i survived 100 days 365 days… Read More

  • Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft Survival

    Ep.8: Insane Loot & Epic Builds – Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival – S2E8 – “Looting 20 End Cities + Building A Super Smelting Room + Potion Room”‘, was uploaded by JzayIsLost on 2024-01-14 01:00:13. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:45 or 1065 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: TikTok: Twitch: 2nd Channel: Shorts Channel: Discord: Cashapp:$JzayIsLost Paypal: Streamlabs: Snapchat: josecarrasco121 Business Email: [email protected] #jzayislost Read More

  • Unlock secrets on Rank SMP – New #1 Minecraft Server!

    Unlock secrets on Rank SMP - New #1 Minecraft Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Big Server! | Rank SMP’, was uploaded by Rank SMP on 2024-09-01 19:10:20. It has garnered 111 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. JOIN RIGHT NEOW (link in comments for now) #strengthsmp #lifestealsmp #clownpierce Words for the algorithm, ignore. Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in… Read More

  • Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!

    Shocking MOMO Calls JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-14 20:00:27. It has garnered 18253 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:01 or 1801 seconds. How Scary MOMO Called JJ and Mikey at Night in Minecraft ? – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • LIVE NOW: xRohat’s EPIC Minecraft Stream!

    LIVE NOW: xRohat's EPIC Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 xRohat [Minecraft] Livestream vom 12.1.2024 [Part 8]’, was uploaded by xRohat – VODs on 2024-01-16 19:00:00. It has garnered 346 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:58 or 3598 seconds. 『📅』Livestream Replay (VOD) by xRohat 『🎬』Rohat’s Social Media: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ YouTube ► Highlights ► VODs ► Instagram ► Discord ► Twitter ► TikTok ► ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬SOCIALS▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 『📂』Information about the VOD – If a part is cut and/or has no sound, it is because Rohat has something to do with copyright music in the heard background. We… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Bluey’s Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11

    Unbelievable! Bluey's Epic Adventure in Minecraft 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Bluey Plays Minecraft 11’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-08-08 09:00:07. It has garnered 1173 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:34 or 3634 seconds. Bluey Plays Minecraft 11. Bluey, Bingo, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! The “Bluey Play” channel is not related to the official Bluey Youtube channel! This is a fan channel. Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!

    DREAM IS GAME! Ultimate Minecraft RPG Mod Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Epic fight RPG mod /best mod/@DREAMISGAME’, was uploaded by DREAM IS GAME on 2024-09-15 05:54:41. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:06 or 366 seconds. Tags:- quota movement, quota, quota andolon, quota protest, quota news, quota andolon 2024, mugdho, quota news today, quota reform movement, anti quota movement, mir mogdho, mir mugdho, bangladesh quota movement, quota reform movement in bangladesh, bangladesh job quotas, anti quota protests, mugdho bup, mogdho, quota reform, quota movement bangladesh, quota reform movement 2024, bangladesh job quota protest, mir mugdho news, mir… Read More

  • Galactic Network

    Galactic NetworkWelcome! So we tried to make it most lower ping server if you want you can invite your friends too and play with them and we try our best to make this server best and lagg free and in future we will add more things in our server so for more updates join our dc server. Thanks you Read More

  • MegatronCraft SMP Vanilla Whitelisted Survival 1.21

    Welcome to Our Vanilla Minecraft Community! Join our close-knit, welcoming community on our vanilla survival server running Minecraft 1.21. Contribute to our new world and help shape our shared story with your impressive builds, redstone contraptions, and exploration. What We’re Seeking We’re looking for dedicated players who thrive in a lasting community. Whether you’re a redstone master, creative builder, or enjoy survival gameplay, come join us in crafting something remarkable. How to Join Apply through our Discord server at to become a part of our community. Chat with us, stay updated on server events, and let’s build something amazing… Read More

  • The server is under maintenance

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RIP mob vote outrage

    Looks like the mobs are the real winners in this election – they’ve got a score of 176! Read More

BingusPlays – Minecraft Hive with viewers! (Playing cs’s, new people friendly!)