Bionic Exposes Minecraft’s Scariest Myths

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I’ve been researching the scariest Minecraft myths to exist and my one goal today oh my gosh my iron golems have always been a protector of the villagers but what if I told you by abusing and manipulating their coded behaviors we could turn one into a blood thirsty kill this confuses

Me so much cuz literally a Golem’s one and only job is to protect the villagers and yet we’re about to make one kill the villagers which makes no sense okay well obviously we got to find Village we spawn in a pretty good biome oh my gosh there it is we’re just so lucky

Ironically enough why oh okay never mind I was going to say like why is there no like Iron Golem but here’s the thing this one spawned with the village so I don’t think this is going to work I think we need to summon one in a very

Like unorthodox way perfect so we’re on the Iron Golems wiki page and I guess if we just scroll all the way down there should be yes creation we all know how to build these things you use a carve pumpkin it also looks like you can use a

Jack a lantern I actually didn’t know that I don’t think it matters and then this one’s just yeah regular pumpkin however it says right here the pumpkin may be placed by the player a dispenser or an Enderman but it must be placed last and according to the proof it looks

Like an Enderman needs to be used now that’s going to be a little tricky cuz yeah if we grab our carve pumpkin go like this bam B Boop place this bad boy right here summon the Enderman come on go go go pick up the the thingy yeah

This might take forever and it’s also extremely Rand yo I have a genius idea let’s grab our glass go ahead and place our t-shaped thing like that cuz yeah if you guys didn’t know you can summon a Golem even if you build it upside down

So off you go come on lad as you guys realize just cuz you summon it upside down doesn’t mean it’s going to spawn upside down but this one should at least if our Enderman does it right boom there you go Enderman right here and uh I

Guess now we wait maybe we should break some of these blocks so that hey hey guy bro was actually just what wait what what um that worked and the Golem did he just walk upside down wait he’s not named dinner bone dude it actually worked what are you looking at you

Looking at the sky he was looking up at the sky or down at the sky dude okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this is kind of going a little fast I I thought it was going to be a little bit more difficult I feel like N I didn’t

Mean to hurt you all right there you go we dropped them head first he took damage wait what Golems don’t take damage well of course they don’t take fall damage but he’s not landing on his feet okay that is so weird I didn’t know that is that a behavior that’s in

Vanilla Minecraft like I think we actually just broke the game anyways you can give that a try yourself see if a Golem upside down one at least takes damage to fall damage and it looks like yeah he’s working pretty normal yeah I mean he’s doing the his job okay I don’t

Think he killed the zombie but it looks like yeah he’s not he’s not angry about anything okay I do kind of feel bad so there you go let’s repair him all good now yeah he’s not attacking the villagers yet okay now we just got to find the behaviors perfect yeah after

Reading this it looks like this right here this big image of a Golem handing a flower is one of its main like behaviors so we got to get this Golem to offer a villager a poppy so in that case U I think I just have to put one really

Close to it okay that did not work maybe if we give it a poppy hey there you go take it do do you want it he is not picking up the poppy okay where’s the other Golem yeah we got two other golems right here I mean it might be a rumor

But I think they offer them more to like kids come on don’t you want to offer a kid a a poppy oh my gosh look oh wow the kid does not want your poppy bro oops okay it works we probably just need to spawn a bunch of villagers in front of a

Golem and that’s how you end up doing it a man I kind of feel bad he’s he’s just oh never mind I was going to take the poppy myself whatever whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my God what is going on what is going on wait oh my

Gosh did we just bug him out look at that it’s because he’s upside down oh my goodness he keeps dropping the poppy um are you good bro that chicken just pushed him and he’s just so focus on the poppy wait dude I’ve never seen a Golem

Do this before hold on I I I I want to bug this guy out I don’t know if this is a good idea but I’m going to drop a whole freaking stack yo yo what is going on oh my gosh I think he’s infinitely in

A loop wait what if we just like maybe abruptly like summon a villager right there oh oh oh he tries to offer it to him yo oh my God but he’s confused the Villager isn’t even paying attention to him dude he’s like chasing him okay that’s kind of creepy dude leave him

Alone leave the Villager alone bro hold on I’m going to steal this poppy from him yo he’s not giving it to me oh my gosh there you go yo yo what what did he just do yo what was that yo what was was that we got him

Angry we got him angry oh my gosh we actually got a Golem angry okay I’m back on the wiki as with most of passive and neutral mobs Iron Golems can be leashed ending with the iron golem cannot break free from fence leads if that’s the case

Gamers let’s grab a lead I don’t know if this is a good idea so I didn’t even know oh my gosh you actually can lead this guy what and wait does he take fall damage why if I grab this guy and like maybe unleash yeah he doesn’t take any

Damage that is so weird I don’t know if you guys know where I’m going with this but because he’s leashed which is really funny you would think an iron golem can just break out of one so if the Golem can’t break free and we get villagers

Killed with him being helpless yo wait a second oh my gosh the Golem is noticing what is going on though why is the Golem acting all weird look at him he’s why why is he doing that he’s like inching towards the zombie it’s working it’s working it’s working oh my gosh

What the that was not the same hold on do I do that again do I do I do it do I can’t I can’t even talkop holy crap okay I’m doing it again I’m doing it again okay come on it literally looks like the zombie is scared and worried about the

Golem okay yeah it looked like he was going to attack him and he just didn’t all right what if I go like that huh forget about the Golem now there you go there you go I got it I got it I got it

I got it yes yes yes come on oh my yo yo what oh my gosh when is he going to stop dude did you see those particles those are what comes out of villagers I don’t even know if I want to let them loose but I’m going to there you go okay well

I’m going to let him go ahead and just take on these freaking guys and for the final test if we scroll down to attacking nowhere in this part of the article or the wiki says anything about the Golem attacking a villager cuz I mean let’s face it that’s impossible

Right except if you scroll all the way down here this may look a little confusing at first but it’s pretty easy to understand we have the list of mobs and then whether or not the Golem actively will attack the mob and whether that mob will attack the Golem back for

Example a blaze yes the Golem does attack blazes but the blazes don’t attack the Golems so now that we understand that we are really just focused on one single mob specifically right here the Villager an iron golem retaliates against a villager who accidentally damages it by setting off a

Firework yeah so there’s proof that it is possible for a Golem to attack a villager there you go him right in the uh top part yep now that we have our little Contraption we just got to give ourselves bat Omen for literally .1 second and there you go it’s raid time

Dude I can never trust a nitwit again if you know you know but there you go they’re all panicking with their stupid sweat let’s kill all the Raiders me and the final one B oh there you go okay okay oh my gosh firework firework oh I spawned more villagers come on this has

To work this has to work oh my God oh my God oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh wait wait yeah yeah yeah that worked that worked that worked yo another one just hit him dude dude dude dude oh you guys are in trouble are you

Guys in trouble do I drop him do I drop him yo the villagers look so terrified though why is he still raging hello oh my gosh um maybe we should like back up or something he’s not attacking the villagers yet the wiki literally said he

Would I’m so confused wao oh my God wait what yo I heard some villager dying it doesn’t even show up what we got an actual villager head I mean I knew all the skulls are technically in the game but did he kill the Villager to get it okay hold on a

Second um that is really weird I can put one on my head what the heck why does it dude I have no idea why it does that what if I just place it down bro it’s actually a block yo what wait what the oh my God where did the

Enderman go the end’s right here wait hold on a second I swear I just saw it over here is it that one the Enderman just stole the Villager head as if trying to hide it from us oh no in the past weeks I’ve discovered Minecraft’s worlds are not truly infinite there’s a

Hard quarted World border that stops you from going past 30 million blocks what could the game be trying to hide and so by abusing and corrupting World files I’ve been able to break and go beyond the world border for the first time in history this is part three and so far

The journey has been terrifying part one is where we first broke through the Border appearing as if we were warned not to continue and in part two this happened my god dude there’s no villagers here why do I do open why do doors open yo dude why did it get so

Dark oh what does this lead to I actually don’t know is that actually just going down straight to the void or is cuz we don’t see anything I don’t think the game wants us to be in a cave I don’t think the game wants us to be 30

Million blocks out that is a really good point yo yo yo yo yo I saw that I saw that it’s happening again no no look around bro I got two totems in my hand right now bro ain’t no way I’m about to die here bro it literally just it’s gone now what

The holy crap it says footsteps a boat place down a boat a boat a boat H did you catch it oh did did you catch it dying did you catch it we killed it I got to I got to show you the footage bro I got to show you the footage you

Already know dude all right part three yeah part three yo yo yo yo yo relax dude come on you’re a little I thought something happened bro chill man yo I just loged on bro chill chill I know we’re good we’re good dude we’re good all right are we going to do this

We’re going to do this bro let’s dive deeper Beyond The Border baby let’s go yo we just so we keep track we’re at at 30, 2,658 that’s our Z so if we continue this way it keeps going up so we’re 2,600 blocks exactly past the world

Border bro are we going to get to 40 million today I don’t know I don’t think that is that even possible dude can you even get to 40 million I mean we could probably try and find out maybe the deeper we go like the quicker the numbers go up because they can’t compute

Anymore does that makes sense I wonder yo what if yeah what if we could like abuse some sort of glitch like if the server starts lagging or or something I have no idea High key like we should probably travel a little bit smarter isn’t there y yo yo yo come here come

Here what where’d you go yeah bro I’m walking on the leaves and look I can still see the green color do you see that wait what oh I never even noticed that you wait all the particles are fine even though everything is like yeah oh wao and everything is growing really fast

Too I guess that’s the tick rate I didn’t change it I still don’t understand why like some blocks are not affected like this bamboo for examp ex po like what is this in the tree even bro I don’t know that’s like the the jungle leaves hold on wait I swear oh my

Gosh I keep forgetting I can’t fly bro yeah yeah yeah like wait let me see if I can go into creative hold on game on Creative no it doesn’t work yeah oh my God and it’s turning night time I got it I got it I got it I got it let’s go

Let’s go yeah let’s go pyro mode baby what is that that red Stu over there what is that I think that’s one of the new structures yeah yeah yeah yeah what what what do you mean new structure yeah no that’s that’s in Minecraft but it’s like

Kind of a doooo structure it’s one that you can like brush what yeah there’s like suspicious gravel I don’t see Yo wait yeah there’s a sussy gravel right here hold on you can do tried this before what what are you break no no no no no oh okay chill

Chill chill dude you right click it oh right click it yeah see and the item comes out of it yeah what just came out I guess just I don’t know was it clay I didn’t really get anything I have no idea hold on wait for me bro hold on

Hold on there’s a village oh my gosh there’s a village bro I I I don’t want to go near you remember what happened last time right like doors opening and closing oh my gosh that’s right no way this one’s also haunted too right chill chill chill CH chill you got to prot me

I got you fam I got you yeah no it’s been red is that a redstone torch it is right it is it is a redstone torch wait none of the other torches yeah yeah yeah it’s doing the same thing it’s doing the same thing it’s doing the same thing

Wait the door opens I didn’t even he Village like that oh my God door Creeks it said door Creeks yeah and it opened how come it didn’t door Creeks what bro there’s more Redstone the red the Torches are changing again bro oh my gosh hold on a second yeah yeah yeah I

Have a soul torch dude that was happening last time go no no no yeah I literally see it in the sound Bell Rings okay yeah I dude I I can hear it I can see it whenever the door creaks when they when they close and open oh well the villagers I guess

They’re still here oh there a chest liger to C what what oh my God that’s not normal right I don’t think that’s normal bro is is it crying obsidian crying nah that that doesn’t happen that’s not that’s not a thing you place it you you

Do it you do it you do it that is not a thing bro what who is cutting wait who who is cutting onions that’s an advancement that wasn’t happening before though like I’ve I’m pretty sure I’ve like I don’t know if I’ve ever placed crying UPS actually now

That I realized is this like a new or like because we’re so far beyond the Border I think the particles are bu like some some like features that never made it like in the normal world does that make sense I have no idea the chest looks normal also when did it turn daytime

Bro yeah I mean actually I I that’s a good thing I didn’t really like it being night time I’m not going to lie dude I think the particles are just bugging I mean it must be right like you know we’re in an invalid position we’re quite literally yeah we’re 3,500 80 Blocks

Deep into Beyond The Border do I break it like me yeah okay okay uh how about I don’t want to be the only one you take that ready ready okay I’m ready I’m I’m breaking this one all right yeah yeah you go you go you go bre I swear if I

Get jump scared or something bro chill chill okay oh okay okay yo yo yo who what what you didn’t see that why did it look like the block was still placed for a second yo that was weird hold on hold on what are you saying look at the

Particles look at the particles I’m going to break it 3 2 1 and then hold on they they fall wait I swear it summoned them and get them okay chill bro chill chill you’re just trying to gas slide me at this point shut up I’m not dude all

Right let’s just keep going yeah we know all the villages past the world border are completely like haunted can you give me a spy glass oh yeah wait I want a spy glass too I didn’t even think of that we don’t have like a dude I just hate how

Everything like is so quiet I know like we haven’t been in a grass land for while we did we did so theoretically we should be good other than the fact that there are doors closing and opening randomly yeah do you think that was supposed to stop just cuz we killed some

Wait what place down a normal door place down a normal door like with nothing attached to it pleas down now wait I swear if this opens I’m quitting bro I’m telling you right now it’s not opening that was you that was you so what does that mean for The Villages like they’re actually

Possessed cuz why wouldn’t it chill chill chill chill don’t yo some type of bug bro invisible villagers no no no no you did that you did that you did oh it’s actually doing itself chill chill chill chill chill chill chill go go go no I’m out I’m out

I’m out I’m out I’m in a p see you bro no no no I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I thought we were good I thought we were good I thought we were good where’d you go liger I’m here I’m here I’m here

Dud don’t leave my side bro oh yo cherry blossom yeah cherry cherry cherry yo we oh my God have colors yeah it is colorful oh my God yo I’m actually so happy to see this much color again bro look at that yo oh my God it looks

Beautiful I know dude it actually looks beautiful holy crap yo I okay never mind that’s probably you dude no I just saw footsteps bottom right but like I I thought I was yeah that’s me that’s me that’s me okay okay okay dude watch out there’s like so many little like random

Caves and stuff you want to go inside one where are you we could um where you at where you at oh oh you’re here you’re here should we just go inside this one dude last time we went in a cave bro that did not work out

True but this is a cherry blossom cave so it must be beautiful bro I no no no I I can’t stand the torch is changing I can’t stand the torch is changing oh what is up with that even like why does that happen I don’t know maybe the game

Doesn’t know which is it maybe cuz like they’re the same dude wait ID and it’s like scrolling through oh yeah well that’s what I think too like maybe he just doesn’t know which torch I’m placing cuz I’m placing a soul one yeah see yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so what are

The things are there like torches candles I’m way ahead of you bro hold on okay okay we’re good it’s not changing oh you just place the second one right yeah yeah yeah yeah oh they automatically light up I don’t even have to like yeah what what happened was oh that was you

Happed did you do that no wait no I you didn’t do that no I didn’t do that I thought you did that I didn’t do that you didn’t extinguish him liger how would I have how would I extinguish them I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of no I’m not doing oh

My God bro bro bro bro bro we got to get out I’m actually not doing this I’m actually not doing this dude you literally like how what how would I have what that I’m getting out of here bro no no no no no no no no no no no

No no no no I don’t know what’s going on but I I’m just running I can’t see you lava I’m out I’m out I’m out the cherry blossom bro oh my God that low key also look beautiful bro I felt like in I was in an anime me for a second dny liger

What’s going on I’m blinded why is everything blue dude I can’t see cuz of the pedals where are you I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know F everywhere oh there’s Fu everywhere please please tell me where you are chill no no no no no no

No no I don’t like these I don’t like these blossoms I see I see a name tag I see a name tag I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming oh my God I’m trying to go inside the cave dude right over here bro I went

Inside the cave oh I see you I see you I’m behind you I’m behind you I’m here I’m here oh my God why is it still dude why is it still happening in the cave I know why is it still happening in the cave these are the cherry blossom

Particles bro no I know I know I know I know I know be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful be careful myself off maybe yeah yeah why oh oh to stop the particles from coming yeah like it kind of reduced them a bit did it do we dig straight Down yo I’m digging straight down bro dude please be careful does it even get better down there no it bro the particles are following us keep going keep going I’ll give you I’ll drop you blocks okay I think it’s kind of getting reduced yo I can’t even see you this is

The weirdest thing ever I can’t even see you oh my God yeah bro there’s [ __ ] everywhere I actually dude okay okay okay bro it’s not stopping it’s literally not stopping okay I’m I’ll drop you blocks I’ll drop you blocks I’m dropping you oak logs what yo I’m stuck I’m coming I’m

Coming I’m coming chill oh where are you I see you you’re good bro what just happened what was that yeah dude I don’t know what happened a gravel just like a gravel just spawned in where did the gravel go dude I swear this grav what don’t move what is

That what is that what is that what is that please please please oh my God I caught it oh my God I actually caught it I was dude yo we didn’t kill it we didn’t kill it we didn’t kill what the the flipping thing that was chasing me

Yeah I just saw ity I just saw one there’s no way wait it just stopped it just stopped it just stopped it just stopped I’m getting out of oh okay that’s just that’s just that was wait the fog is still here thoughful that’s what happened last time remember the fog shows up whenever

Invalid is around chill place on a boat place down a boat place down a boat a bunch of boat here here here here here here no I mean it’s just easier if I place him okay sorry oh my God okay I’m stupid bro I keep S as many as you can

Bro hasn’t done anything weird like pick me up though sure you saw like the same thing you didn’t see it wait I didn’t trigger it did you push me see bro I just heard it I just heard it you didn’t see it no bro the sound was enough it

I’m actually I’m actually beyond the border with the most blind person dog it was right there liger I was behind the oak log how was I supposed to see it oh yeah dog okay let’s just let’s just stick together just just just just stick yeah yeah yeah I’m going to be glued

Onto you bro do that yes glue yourself to me bro honestly at this point you have to protect me I have never been so terrified of this biome by the way like what oh my god oh no no no the sun’s going down too bro oh and we’re still

Stuck in here and we’re still stuck in here bro no oh my God again no no no no I don’t like this bro please please please please please glass glass glass glass glass glass oh yeah that’s smart that’s smart that’s oh my God why are the particles still here yeah bro that

That’s what happened last time too we dug down remember follow you yo wait a second you see what I mean though like we can see through them with glass we can see through them with glass liger so if if an entity shows up we can see it

Yes dude yeah yeah break everything then break everything make like a glass box around us no yeah yeah yeah here here here here help help help help uh shovel shovel shovel shovel I don’t know why I threw I can yeah whatever oh my gosh that is actually so big brain dude I’m

So terrified like I feel like there’s actually something bro there’s so many cherry blossoms all over bro bro the fog was a different color before though is it cuz it was night time um I think maybe it’s cuz wear in like a really bright tra oh oh it stopped yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah oh chill chill chill why you going out there’s still fog do we just chill here then oh bro broo I didn’t see this time I didn’t see it this time where was it saw I saw it it looks like some type of Enderman oh

Was that an Enderman hold on I got to check bro he’s gone now it’s gone me did I see an Enderman I haven’t seen one yo spawn an Enderman right now okay summon Ender okay dude it doesn’t work it doesn’t work we can’t summon anything use a spawn egg searching for invalid summon

Please oh yeah spawn egg maybe cuz you know oh dude that’s not it that’s actually not okay it is it isn’t it isn’t it looks like it though it’s another three block tall it had just wide eyes yeah what the heck I’m killing it oh my God the grass block quite a bit

Of damage to me okay I got it wao wo wo yeah that’s so weird do we just keep moving yeah we have to but if the fog is here that means it’s around isn’t it yeah but bro we can’t just stop moving then it’s going to follow us regardless or maybe

We can get out of here yeah I say we get out of here hold on maybe we should sleep put down like two beds you want to yeah maybe the fog will go away too yo what what what what what what I was looking at you the whole time what happened

Hello the fog is still here yo talk to me lier what liger oh my God watch out watch out oh my God watch out we got this wait Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat hold on hold on hold on we can’t look at it we can’t

Look at it in its eyes yeah yeah yeah just look down just look down yo place a boat I dude it can’t it can’t right you can’t place down a boat I placed it I placed it I placed it don’t look I’m I’m I’m trying to push it oh my God it’s

Right in front of us oh my God it’s right in front of us should I try to hit it yeah it’s it’s just looking at me bro oh my God look at the feet I hit it bro we we got close to it yo we got

Close to it it’s not getting into the boat anymore bro it it didn’t even let me place a boat does he have artificial intelligence or something bro I don’t know oh the F cleared does that mean it’s gone for now I mean we didn’t kill it that’s for sure unless I just one

Shot him somehow dude what is that mob oh there’s a bunch of pillagers here bro a bunch what there like 100 Li I thought mobs didn’t spawn out here oh that’s oh my goodness sing R what do I’m running I’m running I’m going bionic oh my God

There is so many there’s so many bro there y I got I got you I got you I got you yeah I got you go go crazy go crazy yeah oh my God I can’t hit you though I can’t hit you all right all right all right that’s all that’s all you that’s

All you that’s all you dude I literally can’t hit you bro my voice is gone G cuz I one shot all right oh my it just doesn’t stop bro it just does not stop all right I got him I got him I got him oh bro I swear that just moved I swear

That just moved oh look look look look look look wait what it’s shifting it’s shifting Direction bro oh my god dude that scared me so bad liger wait no I know no bro there’s too many we they just keep spawning I’m I’m dipping out of here bro I’m I’m dipping where where

Where are you where are you I’m under you I’m under you bro they just don’t stop I don’t think there’s a point in trying to kill them wait why what is going on I don’t know are you okay do you need healings no no I’m good I’m

Good I have like 48 golden apples bro I’m good all hold on hold on hold on it might say wait blocks whoa wait huh hold on yo just you yeah yeah you keep taking care of them you keep taking care of them I’m trying to figure out

Why blocks block placed hold on hold on does it block place I think I killed them all liger something is placing these blocks you’re lying what do you mean something’s BL block placed block placed what do you mean it says block placed in the sounds every time I broke

It I broke you come break it you come break it oh I broke I broke BR can you can I broke I broke okay I’m leaving one I’m leaving one I I I’m just scaring at the sound yeah yeah there’s something around I I just turned on hit

Boxes oh wait that’s what do you see what nothing dude what is going on oh there’s another only the Pillager oh my gosh you have like 40 bajillion arrows I’m so sorry what I swear okay I don’t know if I saw it bro mind is just

Playing things I I I think I just saw it again bro but without the fog it doesn’t make any sense The Entity no yeah it was right here I saw it I think I I don’t know what I saw bro maybe my mind is playing games on me I don’t know dude it

Doesn’t stop that is not normal there don’t we have like the raid effect or what whatever it’s called I oh Oh you mean bad Omen yeah wait so maybe villagers spawn now right oh bro bro bro bro bro it’s on my head it’s on my head it’s on my head

It’s on my head it’s on my head oh my God it’s it’s my head it’s on my head take it off I took it off I took it off I took it off wait what I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know bro

There’s too many there’s too many no get out get out get out get out oh they just keeping what is this where are you where are you where are you oh I’m here I’m here I’m here there’s one left there’s one left I

Got you I got you I got you oh my God bro there’s a bunch of pumpkins down that way too where this way where did you go I’m on top of the The Ice right now dude wait mobs are spawning what whoa what was that yo yo

What I just saw something fly across the sky that yeah it was me it was me I accidentally threw like an end was that you oh okay yeah there’s goats with no horns yo what the yo is that normal get back bro lier why would you do thato yo I

Don’t like goats bro only like sheep wait that was really weird bro whatever flew past you was probably me it was my end pear that was you yeah I think so I saw it looked so odd no I don’t want to go near the Cherry stuff again please

Yo no wait that go has horns oh my God yeah wait yeah no but something is really off about them what do you mean goat Rams go hold on dude ring the snow it’s like just smashing its head on the hold on hold on hold on I got an idea yeah yeah yeah

Yeah I’m going to go like this is it trying to go towards something what is it doing dude why does it keep just smashing its head on the freaking wall yo it’s actually tweaking it’s actually tweaking clear his PA maybe he’s trying to go somewhere do we follow it is he

Trying to go into the cave what bro what are those sounds it’s going like oh whoa liger no look at this one what what what was that I don’t like this bro I don’t like this at all I don’t like this at all this is actually really creepy

This is actually really creepy mobs went from never spawning to now spawning and wanting to just bash their heads in and then the the pillagers like what they’re on the they’re on the cherry blossom trees there’s goats over here were they there before I don’t think so right they

Just started spawning and bro the pillagers don’t stop okay dude we should get out of here we should just get out of here bro I don’t like this at all what the heck is that one doing bro what like we’re 4,300 blocks holy crap we might actually

Make it to 5K bro we might actually make it to 5K you just have to like be careful like do you need anything right now do you need like heals or anything no bro I got everything I got totems I got enchanted golden apples okay dude I wish

Yo what wait yeah fish and and Squids yeah but they were there before too always yeah it also bro it’s turning nine times super quick yeah my sky is like glitching too are you seeing that where like look if you hold on come here

Wait let me come to you if you like look to the right a bit like this if you go like that the sky turns like red for a second if you go like that you see that I think that’s I think that’s cuz of the sun bro

Right is it yeah I I think yo what what where’d you go where’d you go no villagers no villagers wait we got the bad Omen effect so does it like start a raid no it doesn’t it doesn’t dude dude hold on hold on bro what looks off about this Village One Clue

Red yeah the to oh the what the puppies bro what nah no this isn’t normal is it is it a path oh no it’s everywhere bro bro why is there so many poppies I don’t like it at all it’s actually like kind of like no like no bro dude yeah the game is

Getting laggier as we’re going out I just I really hope we can like just continue this all right I’m peing even my pears like they dropped super Low oh my God bro we’re 5,100 blocks I didn’t even I didn’t even realize we made it to 5K bro that’s crazy yeah that’s actually crazy why did it start raining bro it did not rain one once it did not rain once it could be normal bro it could be normal you think

So I mean I hope so I don’t know I hope it’s normal yo I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this like biome I don’t like the rain bro broo there fog there fog there fog it just came it just it just came okay be careful be careful

Be careful be careful be careful you know what that means you know what that means something something around yeah I’m getting the boats ready I’m getting boats ready oh my God why is it snowing here what do you mean yeah wait what what is this hold on is that normal oh

Growth tiger yeah what the Bro chill where are you where are you yeah hold on dude I don’t like that where are you I’m coming back I’m coming back tiger I can’t even see your name tag because of all the fog dude and the snow oh I hear

Steps I hear steps yo yo yo oh my God okay yo stay close please bro I don’t have creative I’m going to die oh my God what what what is that what is that what is that chill chill chill chill chill what is that what is that what is

That what is that what is that they’re the they’re they’re evoker Fang chill y I’m fine I’m fine oh you’re in Creative you’re in Creative bro what is going on hold on I think they’re not spawning on the Rocks why do they do damage hold on test

It oh yeah they do they do they do they do okay okay okay be careful be careful be careful be careful bro this is so loud be careful be careful be careful dud get on the Rocks get on the Rocks bro we’re good we’re good just as long

As you stay on the Rocks we’re fine I don’t like this bro dude I think we’re safe you just have to be careful wait do you hear that what it’s like this I hear what thumping sound it’s like a but it’s being like masked out by all

Of this like Fang stuff whatever it is do you hear that the base like footsteps yeah like I just heard it I just you just heard that like like the footsteps right right there right there yes bro I think it’s getting closer bro chill chill chill what do you mean

What’s getting closer I don’t know bro the the base the thumb wait it stopped oh I hear a few really yeah wait why would oh yeah but now you hear like the thumb more clearly listen I’m listening you hate that it’s super faint I just heard it D let’s keep

Going yo there’s snow here wait what is going on bro on the snow on the snow it doesn’t like yeah it didn’t spawn yeah it stopped it stopped yeah it’s every everywh oh my God they’re everywhere everywhere I’m I’m stuck I’m stuck oh my God my God something’s dying going holy

Crap get in get in get in block it off block it off what is going on what is going on I don’t like that sound I don’t like that sound I don’t like that sound Please please hello yo St he’s there still there I see him I at him right now he’s right there bro bro what do we do bro we’re we make a run for it end the PO out oh bro bro bro bro bro bro bro n no no no no no noer

How many over there what do we do bro what do we do bro what do we do how do we get out of this ah okay okay okay okay I I think I figured something out I have idea right now because like we’re like inside of blocks right they can’t

Properly see us but as soon as like this block is broken oh wait never never mind just keep it like that keep it like that so the sky the sky is changing color too do you notice that oh my God it looks so scary Red Bro it looks so scary like

That but it’s like blue red purple what do we do here bro I don’t know I don’t know bro I don’t know I I don’t know I don’t know do we have maybe break out and then end up hope what’s taking damage that’s taking closer that’s getting closer that’s getting closer

That’s getting closer what is it though bro bro let’s get out of here okay okay dude dude what do we do we’re good right chill chill chill what is that what is that what is that what is my’s following us what the even taking damage I don’t

Understand oh my God I don’t know it just says something it says something bro what do we do what do we do what do we do oh my God the fog is still there too bro oh it stopped the dying stopped the dying stopped dud what do we do do

We just make a run for it do we where could we go maybe is that you oh my God that’s you dude I think we might have to just make a run for it I mean we’re we’re surrounded like what do what else do we

Do want to make a r for it out there bro like I mean we could end the PO but wait creative why don’t you just make like a nether portal and then we we do the nether portal STP like you know travel a lot of blocks that makes sense right you are a

Genius how have we not how have we not tried to go through the dude and we found like three okay I know I know okay okay okay okay liger I’m not going to lie dude do you have lighting or something like I don’t like this at all

It’s just okay even if they turn into Redstone torches bro screw it okay ready yeah okay should I go first since I’m in creative mode are we going to be Inus 30 million nether no I think it divides the cord so we won’t be wait are we outside the

Border in the nether too no no let’s see just just go bro just go okay okay okay I’ll go first I’ll go first I’m in Creative bro just be careful all right uh hold on hold on hold on just oh my God what the dude that’s freaking me out

Kill him wait okay actually yeah oh yeah you have strength okay yeah oh my God there’s another one bro what is going on just go just go yo y you have credit bro chill I know I know hold on just in case dude oh yeah true

True true smart there you go all right I said it I said it you got yours okay all wish me luck wish me luck fler it just said you left the game hello yo I did not leave the game wait it said you left the game do I go in yes

Or no hold on just wait wait don’t do it yet it said you left the game I didn’t purposely leave dude I have the weirdest error on me I’m going in I’m going in log off if anything happens okay okay I’m going in I’m going in I’m going in what what

Bro my whole screen it just says die die die die die I can’t click on anything me show me show me show me show me screen right now screenshot right now

This video, titled ‘I Caught Minecraft’s Most Scary Myths’, was uploaded by Bionic on 2024-02-25 16:30:11. It has garnered 1486102 views and 30915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:21 or 2421 seconds.

I Caught Minecraft’s Most Scary Myths

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  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

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  • Giltory SMP

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

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  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

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  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

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  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

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  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

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  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

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  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

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  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More