Blastedfoot – 🔴Chilling out in Minecraft : Live stream

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I don’t care for any of these skins except for the heirloom like all these skins suck Fair [ __ ] are you hopping in no I’m just totally just gonna sit here and do nothing the entire time I mean that’s up to you you can stop yeah I’m not gonna stop you

Hey beans are you just sitting there the entire time just waiting to see if I go live yep that’s what those two are doing 100 what those two are doing like God it hasn’t even it hasn’t even been a minute sorry I can’t hear you because Apex is loud what’d you say rabbit

I said what the [ __ ] is going on right get used to it you know what Fair but I’m also probably never gonna get used to it sure we’re gonna be here every stream we made him laugh once now they’re just gonna stick with you forever oh God

They’re gonna see the chaos that is my life yeah don’t worry about it mathematics is mathematics I want to load up my stream yeah yeah yes [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] happy but you will never be as big as that fan back there haha seriously just do not careful oh one of

It I actually do like that skin for uh Rising there for one division oh is this a wait do they have like costume themes going on right now oh I don’t think this is a Halloween event yet no these are totally Halloween skins they usually do a closer

Oh maybe they’re starting early I mean how long is the event that they’re doing for 13 days so it’s going to be ending at the start of October it wouldn’t make sense we have also one more event planned for Apex can you ready the [ __ ] up I was looking at the skins

Ready the [ __ ] up then look at the Skins no yes full octane I will go full Octane on your ass this game okay they have Egyptian theme going on for the event I didn’t see any I didn’t see anything that would make me think of Egyptian though but then again

I’m thinking more mythology like I was looking for Anubis Osiris Horus uh what are you waiting for let’s do this oh uh yeah like uh them different mythology they’re making skins on different mythologies with the characters like I would love to see an Aries skin on uh Rampart or

When do you guys celebrate Halloween I’m the jump Master try to keep off I really wanna know how about that oh okay so same time for us Capital City back oh we have that place back again rampart’s POI is gone for now I think we’re gonna need turn Apex down

Or turn you up because I’ve got to turn you down yesterday yeah hang on yo somebody just look near me somebody just zip near [ __ ] hurry the [ __ ] up okay do you have a gun yes I have a wingy there we go where’d you hear him I don’t know anymore

Because I heard him I went looking for him I went I wasn’t looking for the fight I ain’t gonna lie even though your ass is not wasn’t here this is what I’m talking about of course you did yo I heard uh there’s a Valk off that way

You heard that zip over there yep I did stop find me a shoddy I mean something other than Rampage we got people close I have a 301 as well close enough to smell the teardrops I mean we can take I mean we have full control over construction but I don’t

Think we wait what’s this over here I see something purple above you second floor got it one across the way over there yeah that’s the person do you want me to you want to jump head over you want your pad over uh hang on let me Shield up and get up

To you if we want if we’re gonna go over there nope [ __ ] well [ __ ] never mind no they’re they’re coming they they have a rampage that just absolutely [ __ ] wrecked my ass didn’t need that pound dude push yourself second floor here blue nice Excel I won’t jump that up

Okay does she have anything good on her no just the purple Shields and I I just matched those oh there we go I want that more bro where is my goddamn shotty it’s getting no shoddy I guess not uh okay uh you can I need a shotgun though bad okay

Because I do not want this 301. okay do you want to go over to where those guys are fighting or we’re gonna have to let me know when you’re ready to push I’ll take control let’s try to take control over garage but I don’t think we can [ __ ] my wife line me

Question so it’s a refund that’s revive that’s revive okay go ping it down here I need it I need it I need it peaking gold uh it’s gonna be the one I’m going in right now uh Jake bro save okay I’m taking those purples that you had

Yeah oh the one I cracked yeah are you sure hang on is there anything better I have so many uh my kids money or batteries is not even funny okay yeah I got double digit threat whoa what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] I thought that was an enemy honest

Uh Jake do you need a do you want a Digi do you want a did you say it I already got one that [ __ ] spider scared the [ __ ] out of me let’s get it he’s so nice to run fast Sorry by the way I’m actually trying to

Ignore it ignore you ignore you guys I’m just focusing on this killing over here Evac I already got one yeah it’s part of it’s part of the event here the spider there you see the green light that’s that’s the respawn that we did was it oh yeah it is I thought someone

Was Reviving over there I was like I’m gonna get [ __ ] kill hungry here yo let’s let’s just Edge this [ __ ] it’s gonna be edgeless oh bro we can actually [ __ ] blend it in the dark here I see nothing [ __ ] one time I’d be more or less worried about over here that’s where I’m

About to die but I am just making sure because we do we have about 50 meters no 161 meters or 46 meters to of like well 161 that wasn’t a perfect thing but um we have that much room to play with like until they’re at this ring okay so it’s

Going to Epi do we want to make our way over there yeah there ain’t [ __ ] anybody over here there’s there’s not there’s nothing there’s eight squads left honestly I honestly think them mostly everybody landed over here uh I think I missed your jump pad go [ __ ] yourself oh I want to hit that

Zip God damn it I know you did technically this is not a new map but just a uh bringing back of older stuff yeah so this is the seasons three of one of the best maps in the game which is uh world’s Edge that’s a good good it’s space map

Oh it’s the best like world’s Edge is the best map in the game like the only one that kind of tops it is um sure storm point I love I love fighting the Prowlers but I only like storm point for three uh trios if we’re playing Duos I [ __ ] hate it

Ain’t far if you’re scared uh no I got too much stuff for the Flatline oh you want bloody yeah I got so much for it thank you this is the one in the few pois that has not changed over here we’re already inside the ring gotta hop

Up here oh we got people close underneath us here back’s coming in got another one under hide I hit her for a lot I don’t think she healed it yet but I’m really low now oh yeah I’ll take that around my Moby oh they have met little broke all things here sniper

I think they got the res though or the no they don’t no they don’t know well they actually probably did oh [ __ ] can’t hit from the house dodging my shoes pop those two and get in here and grab these play this rock but don’t go for further

Than the rock I stole the mobile respawn that the guy had on him so uh but they might have they might just go for a thing I want them to because we would hear them or they may have already had a mobile on them I don’t know why you would carry two mobiles

Maybe that’s all you find which way are we going because they’re the people I was getting shot from her over here I want to play this I want to play this but I want to know uh I don’t want it I I win I got a purple

Bag out that I’m going to go grab this back as much heavy ammo and I’m just gonna hold it on before you uh I can use that right now actually oh you can um 60. drop it like top 40 . Shields players there where yeah you hear him you hear him to

Our right yeah they’re on the other side just fall back okay dude if you need it I need it I have nothing damn it no if I go in like that you know I have jump pad no you have to [ __ ] say something we got company people you gotta [ __ ] say

Something because you played for how many years and I don’t communicate when I have jump pads bro [ __ ] communicate I didn’t jump hat up like every 10 seconds you know this I actually do know that I do know that fact so why the [ __ ] no I’m not talking to

You I’m talking to Sharky oh you [ __ ] just communicate God damn it I have I have my stream open I don’t know what your key said uh fun fact that it’s good man or tislerp and uh noodles in Japan oh yeah no that is definitely something

It’s weird in Japan it’s it’s uh good manners but over here that’s a very yes because we take from England which [ __ ] the birds I I hate most of them so what’s up nice but this is uh sex foreign no Sharky uh they’ll just pop up with a random

Math question and be like what what’s the answer to this question oh if there’s Channel points in here it’d be amazing trees on fire why is everybody going over here oh God this is I haven’t played here in a long [ __ ] time what’s up what’s up beans

Above you above you above you oh like way above me I’m going for that oh [ __ ] on me [ __ ] dropping I didn’t even know I’ve got one right here we made I do damn it damn it what died yeah no that was like I didn’t even think everybody was gonna

Land there I’m like okay sounds bad right yeah I probably do that winter you [ __ ] get up back here I’m just looking here but we’ll get in [ __ ] me God damn it also I would probably steal your phone and dunk it in a toilet I would I 100 Wood thanks Bean

Rebel will never meant that I’m awesome but no I’ve said it multiple times the [ __ ] that I’m awesome yeah what the [ __ ] have you ever said it multiple times when you get like a shitload of kills in Apex because we need you to frag the [ __ ] out

Oh these skins in here are so cool I mean I would rather use shot call more than me because like I said The Meta is not aggressive enough for me to shot call anymore okay that’s a [ __ ] sick p2020 skin I have both streams open now dual streaming

I wish I could read the chat though uh mmdccxv I really wish I could actually watch your [ __ ] uh chat walk because I decided to hold up on my switch and see if that would work why don’t you just worry about your own stream because like you’re seeking into so much uh

Stuff also you should be able to just open My Stream and like hit like just pause it so I’m the jumper I mean I have both open and one of the my phone’s on mobile data right now so I’m not eating the Wi-Fi I’m the jump Master because I just need to chat

I’m the Joker baby I really don’t know if I want to land there no Nate no this is your people [ __ ] everybody’s Landing screw it we got that I don’t remember this poi also if you’re hungry you should go get some food oh mozambique’s on the ground oh dude

Yo I got a dummy okay go we man weak man we man we man here on a Loba level rising Global Rising me nice play bro we clean up get a [ __ ] away from the dead box God damn it no you have to raise me inside it come over the Lobo

Okay or not because they both have white Shields right yeah they only have white here actually I’m just gonna take the Rampage right now yo where’s that Mozambique at I still had him oh you you still have it okay fine I’ll go pick up if you want to you want it bro here’s

Yours I sure nothing does me better than an lmg did you pick up the light ammo all right no uh is it inside is it did it literally get inside the Box uh it was I don’t think she even picked it up yet or if she did she hardly used it

This was a house that I started at I didn’t explore the down part okay I didn’t know that oh do I want that over the bosan no I don’t want that over the low Zone Mozambique here one of the best voice lines ever I’m a zombie out here

Uh I think it’s a 301 over here so we have a ring console we have a ring console over here actually you see it I was gonna say it’s like the house next door if I need I I didn’t know if I needed oh thank God a bag more light in here

I need a backpack Champions out I know I know [ __ ] life story right at this point this is this is our career in Apex he spent 30 minutes looking for a single [ __ ] bag foreign Check your map that’s gonna care uh being that you got on a plus [ __ ] Oh I thought you were in a fight nope just cargo it’s got a vault key in it um closest one is right over here no let’s just go for it the closest one you said is over there yeah

You should be able to get over this dude no I didn’t really care bro okay oh hey here’s back I already have one now don’t worry okay I’ve been here mates yeah people have been here I just hope that they didn’t open this up hell yeah nope still closed putting down Shields what

Charging Shields gonna try to get this open okay it’s open I’m putting down another Shield behind you I picked up the shields okay I’ll grab my gold Helm then I was trying to leave it for you uh sorry no I got it I got I got it wanna just head out

You don’t need it guys they get no Shields I mean I turned and [ __ ] burned that [ __ ] yeah I mean I hope I’m glad that we were able to help you with your math work tap traffic you don’t really know how to have straight it’s just literally letting go of your

W key hit D and then flick your goddamn wrist oh locksmith definitely sorry crack that [ __ ] I’m pushing this that they’re inside there inside you know what [ __ ] you up right back here Epic okay nice get up come on come on come on all right

Oh yeah go back and I got gold shield let’s go all right I’ll go back and gold uh knock down Shield actually sorry and I have also gold helmet they don’t you don’t have gold Shields all right knock down Shield yeah I have gold knocked out oh I’m

Talking about uh armor yeah no okay I just got a good amount of [ __ ] here actually um yo Jake there’s a stack of syringes here if you need notice our ammo look like none of them had anything I need [ __ ] okay I can hit this again apparently

Yeah it doesn’t it’s not a whisper thing okay I need uh it’s close we can go now or kill here whatever second syringes here I don’t know how many syringes you have oh I got two stacks I don’t but I have no medcast I [ __ ] up also Sharky I would say uh uh oh it’s my favorite gun in Apex

Spitfire Spitfire right now it kind of just feels like [ __ ] I’m not gonna lie like it feels really fun to play with well the problem is is like if you’re talking about like weapons you like competitively I’ve seen you use more or less the 30 30 repeater more or the

Um r99 soft alternator here Daddy back no spitty is fun speed is just a spraying boards and also I was gonna say about uh the locksmith thing is because you’ll be able to get more loot by being Master Locksmith than the little bit of chum change from just pickpocketing somebody this They got rid of the fact that she puts it away oh I’m playing so [ __ ] much by just hitting that over and over again if you need extra I have like [ __ ] eight stacks on me uh I’ll take one um all right further out see the movement you see the movement yeah yeah

Wait that’s a mirage that might be fake might be do we want to push into that no we are full we have full [ __ ] let’s go that’s something okay fighting behind us sound like in front of us ultimate accelerant here yeah I don’t need I don’t need I don’t need it since

I have gold Helm you know here I’m gonna put uh Sheila down here get back I’m pushing up towards this I’m just hugging the wall though scouting a little bit one more minute rabbit are you right behind this rock close closer I’d be behind him see him hit him up

Not good grab them go back yep I did mid-range oh 3 times yeah I did it I dropped it okay we’re gonna head out real soon that was that Mirage but sir robot’s dead it looks like okay okay hang on we’ll give us a jump

Pad I need you to just strike this [ __ ] down below okay we got I know we have people coming up behind us damn you see him jumping jumping jumping again okay oh you pushed down go check Oh see it’s easy we’re just getting shot from there

Right here we can’t we don’t have the fighting capability for this we’re gonna need a push forwards though I know yeah four other squads remaining yeah yeah We’re gonna need to push forward but we might be able to do it over here there’s a good mystery after 10 or less players uh it goes mystery after at nine players technically but I think it deals it’s ten things close plenty of time to jam I mean this is actually the

One thing I really wish apparently in uh Pro play and something that they need to add into normals is that in Pro play they got rid of the fact that it goes to uh yeah we might be able to get to the other buildings I can jump at us if we need

Now we should be able to run just run across here things close for 30 seconds let’s turn it up mates let’s get here I think I can’t hold yeah I can’t hold it okay um we could maybe jump head up that way to go over there

We could try but the other Squad would Heroes right 10 seconds Rings nearby get that wow I hit the [ __ ] I fit the [ __ ] tree God damn it okay I’m gonna be a little bit behind you gotta crouching camera somebody has a creeper okay there’s no Squad up here okay

We had somebody over here we’re just barely inside this ring it looks like he’s a knock he’s a knock he’s a knock uh I’m gonna try to go for it up there losing the shields let’s do it Knitting the floor sometimes where I wish I was playing I I forgot to tell you that so my friend um Devin when he was playing with his friends who were in Australia they all agree that they hate all these boys our uh excuses voice lines like with a passion because it’s not obviously Uh this should be a respawn thing it is actually that reminds me underneath us yeah yeah I heard I hear it here we don’t need it anymore I would rather deploy it listen for doors because there’s a door here there’s a door right underneath us Nothing there right here right here she’s going inside watch this story over there jinx you said like way out from you gotta remember delay like you said it then I said it I’m pretty sure you both said at the same time but delay Ed yeah quiet I didn’t want the shield I was

Crouched for a reason okay okay so they can’t use that door they have to obviously they have to come here yes I am uh who’s your favorite and Apex uh who do you think right here riding Falcon right here totally couldn’t be the character I’m playing right now or anything over here

They have Reds I don’t Know uh Bangalore bolt on us he’s gonna have to go down here foreign though [ __ ] that’s just a [ __ ] ending yeah to be honest we had so much coverage compared to us yeah well they they saw that that was gonna be the only piece of cover or anything exchanger things stranger

Things is cool uh I haven’t seen the newest season or at least seen it fully but I definitely should how strange of you not to watch it I’m gonna punch you in the Goddamn face oh my God did winter say that they were gonna go

Do anything or no no I I said hell I’m gonna go to dinner I’ll be back and then winter went into Rogue company and they’re not here but now I will say my favorite Legend is uh Rampart here Rampart don’t tune into my stream do not tune in [ __ ] what was

Messaging winter right now World Edge Burns you’re good I’m good those are friends fault you’re committed you already want big what I got the Need for Speed I already what what oh wow what what the button and I mean I love how we share the same brains though after the goddamn time

Sometimes sometimes there’s times where it’s just like yeah it’s just like oh God there’s there’s times where it’s like yeah that’s cool and then there’s times to like bro why are we we even hanging out too much we’ve been hanging out too much that’s why I should have probably pop

Shield out there but whatever ah dude it doesn’t matter [ __ ] happens I don’t think Sheila would have made too much of a difference not not without us having to dodge bengalty I mean is the reason why I would rather play Watson or Rampart I mean I feel like Boston’s just better

Than Rampart by far just because you can just deny enemy Bangalore Fair we should check that out because Bank no nobody’s going to stop playing Bangalore like everybody everybody’s gonna be copying what the pros do and at least one character that the pros are using and that’s gonna be banging 100 of the

Time I mean a bank smoke went down to one smoke I think Bangalore would actually be balanced more yeah I picked it up um Hey Jake I had the p2020 in them Mozambique oh you’re gonna have a fun game I found an alternator oh so it’s 30 30 repeater and uh re45

This season in the Crafter remember landing at this point [ __ ] spider again uh I’m actually gonna swap off to the r301 for a beamer no I won’t hello my baby hello my honey hello my rag doll found me a Hemlock I’m happy all you see is the Doom Slayer come out of nowhere

Just wreck everybody’s faces yeah I’m good oh there’s an arthro one in the bottom floor here if you want it with like two stacks of ammo uh I think we’re gonna pick this uh triple with the car triple car yup three cars it just it did it’s just a gun that

Fires three cars at once yeah there’s light ammo for the car if you need it I don’t know how much light you’re looking at right now uh uh zero are you going heavy here I gotta have your part right now I need that ammo actually I mean if you’re running a heavy I’ll

Switch off to it yeah I’m running I’m running a Hemlock from uh Cara 99 car I feel like cars just better than the 99 yeah I mean okay actually it depends on what character you’re playing because you’re playing Rampart it would be 99 or a car sorry but if you’re playing Horizon r99

100 .99 is just way better on Horizon just because of the um laser thing giving the better hip fire laughs ah Fair I mean by far you should just be using alternator just because disruptive rounds are a [ __ ] thing I feel like the alternator is just not as accurate

Or can’t feel as much damage without that oh no it does it does amazing damages to be honest you just have to yeah I could use that you have to just be more accurate of a player where the r because it has a slower rate

Of fire so you can ease you’re not going to One Clip somebody unless you’re actually tracking was our ghost oh I can use that actually uh this reminds me of June 2016. it’s definitely got the lighting and everything and the lighting and the um the mechanical and the aesthetic the

Aesthetic I mean listen to the announcer he calls it a scare package no I’m just going to jump past through this a little bit more distance oh I’m flying that was a perfect bounce iron cream coming up from there don’t go over there yeah there’s a redeploy tower

Dibs alter oh you said that was an ulti uh sure no there’s light ammo there there’s a light down there I’ll go for the lp as well you sure disadvantage I would say the alternator has just I say with the uh card you need to be more close range than you do with

Anything else okay they’re still fighting they’re fighting oh my god dude you need grenade uh I’m sitting at four okay I got four as well okay so I think we’re good on grenade uh light ammo so hang on so light ammo the ammo type doesn’t dictate weapon type unless it’s sniper

Or shotgun which then it will dictate weapon type so what you’re at so do you ammo for light can be on lmgs ARS or pistols same thing with heavy and same thing with um energy granted they actually did make one weapon that did take heavy ammo that was

A pistol take sniper ammo now but it was more of a close range sniper rifle anyways it feels weird having both shots open at least no offense but you only have to focus on one if anything basically where are we going I don’t know where we’re going uh I’m thinking about just

We swing a left here and then go into the other one uh let’s hang on hold back you can see oh it’s one over here I forgot I hit the uh map console no lagging oh good yo cartoon jumper you must always take jump pads when they’re lying there somebody use this one

That’s a rip yeah no actually I’m saying but yeah so Jake about the uh Pro play in Apex something I really would love to see added we have something good here where Pathfinder okay uh one of the things I would love to see added into just pubs

In general and even in ranked is the fact that you can see how many people up are up constantly oh so it’s never a mystery oh okay it’s never a mystery in uh competitive play because it it just makes it so that you just know I’m hitting this

Yo we’re at dorting factory aren’t we [ __ ] oh God this is I forgot that this existed I’m miss wearing Factory dude I’m gonna ammo actually yeah I I have two do you really need one I’m pumped no I have I have a phoenix kit and oh you’re talking about that up there

The volcano I still get up here on this jump pad yes I can maybe no the you can’t get on that lip anymore it just pushes you off ugh nope I didn’t go high enough 10 seconds dude that box is purple oh we got gold death box as well

Two Golds holy [ __ ] did you know I need that Digi I picked it up there’s another Optics Here Close Range I’ll keep my Blues we’re all outside the ring and it’s moving this is Magnus Jordan’s here come on get a package coming in war feel that hype yeah

Uh can you just view this care package it’s off of this way in this guy yep care package over there okay it’s an All-Star go behind us uh Gibraltar what’s going on I’m probably not gonna wear anything for this Halloween but at some point I’d like to make my own

Costumes maybe do cosplay kind of stuff it’s the only time of the year that you can wear cosplay and not feel like a weirdo no you’re so weirdo I’m just talking your world oh hey Bondo still can’t have strife no just it’s going near to learn it’s like the only movement that you

Absolutely need to learn uh enemy over this way look at that Blanca over there no idea all right how old too yeah remember remember to play for that Shield that Shield swap right now oh good because I have no [ __ ] sights on a goddamn hemlock I’m going pure irons on this [ __ ]

Defending our backs yeah we are fighting off in our backline way out there that’s what I was afraid Sam if you can take the shot take the shot if not don’t worry about it I’m looking to marinate this if I have to well that’s a Sheila

Yes that that uh a tending [ __ ] sound yeah that’s a Sheila [ __ ] off let’s get back in the building running over there like I said I have no sides for God damn hemlock uh Evac Tower I’m taking it out any diggers get a package over there that would be huge this game actually

They have a heat they’re popping heat shields why okay why does this thing now want to hit now did they mess with the triple take no okay I’m playing a wee bit more aggressive here maybe I’m not used to it three times you’re not really oh you’re going in that’s what I thought

Red point two three yep I kind of aware of that [ __ ] ing no he got Reds after shooting me I was looking for the rampart I didn’t see him because I’m like oh okay get the kill there we give I’m about to [ __ ] I’m gonna drive with a Winter’s place at

This point and smack them also I don’t think I have my Rampart set on to favorites I do not no I have mindset the favorites that’s why I’m just cycling through like every [ __ ] skin legendary skin uh how do I how do can I see that I’m

Used to seeing the enemies from really far away honestly rabbit here um is sometimes really blind to him he’s right in front of him oh yeah no well actually that’s not true because if I’m shotgunning I do not miss for some reason when I pull on that AR

And close range I’m always looking for if you’re shotgunning you’re right on top of the [ __ ] enemy I never miss them I actually know where everybody is at that point but the problem is like if I’m running like an AR and I pull that out for a close range

Engagement I’m always going to be looking further out than what I should be I shouldn’t have pushed up with you no I was hoping to get the pick on the uh Team coming out of his own but I think they all died just died the storm which was a problem

Yeah it does go invis about nine yeah I thought Purdue was a change but I guess not I mean we could look at land in capital city again go to construction back over to garage and then try to fight but I don’t think it’s a good idea I mean we can cook

All right let’s do it okay uh where’s construction at the uh actual building side of construction okay what’s the most kills I’ve ever gotten in a single match I think it’s been like nine that night I dropped uh the 2K badge with you and uh

Was you and Mitch I think I dropped 14 kills okay I got signed from behind I got time from behind this one’s free that’s not good oh [ __ ] you saw me did you see how great it was I tried to go first I know I know are you listening I would

Have actually blocked the door a little bit better I didn’t think he was actually gonna push in I got sniped from behind slouch is unlucky on the push for me because I’m like oh okay you got the knock I’m going to go for the second kill

I mean we did say we wanted to play more aggressive get a knock get it get the kill yeah it [ __ ] sucks when it gets sniped from behind oh God I hate I hate taking a snap around in the ass you know that was a long bow too so he unloaded into me

How many times did he get shot I got shot four times by a sniper the game doesn’t tell you what their highest kill game does it no you just have to remember oh no it does highest kills was nine oh where does it uh in the stat stuff

All right then I can actually go check and see what my highest kills her because like I said I think it was 14 on that night where I dropped 2K that’s a dead body in the lava there oh that’s a Marvin oh yeah Jake by the way if you’re

Wondering why the Mozambique sounds so weird it was definitely because of the suppressor you should hear a wingman Elite with a suppressor I hear anything that wingman Elite with the suppressor just sounded [ __ ] weird what are you waiting for let’s do this what shirt am I wearing uh it’s from junjito the puppet

Oh did you see last night your Pokemon video got 66 views uh I thought I saw it this morning I had more yeah I got 66 I was looking at him like Jesus Christ bro I can’t get a single more view on that video eventually explanation

It’s at 69 let’s go oh my God [ __ ] screenshot that [ __ ] uh I have a screenshot for uh jump you jump you jump you jump you jump just jump just jump [ __ ] I’m the Joe Master where’s EP where’s happy where’s happy no we won’t buy it [ __ ] I love this

Beer go check that out yo just go Skyhook so I’ve got a screenshot for when I had 400 420 uh views total now I’ve got a screenshot for 69 views on one video Landing crossover yeah I think we just got a dude landing on my ass girls tonight

I mean let’s put the ditchy is all tonight together thank you for saying sniper thank you what’s up oh [ __ ] you cheating piece of [ __ ] here hey I’m gonna grab the Sun yeah I’m grabbing the sun though okay around the sun no I’m going back up with the sniper did you okay whatever

You guys are [ __ ] cheaters you’re really starting to [ __ ] piss me off there goes the champion moving over this one here looks good got it I don’t blame them okay we picked up that Nemesis by the way okay all right do you need the energy down for it anybody need energy ammo

Uh yeah pick up a little bit more that’s just 40 rounds I I totally forgot about it that Minecraft stream got a lot of [ __ ] views on it but come on it’s 69 and 420. you have to be super excited about that no 100 bro

Got it fine I really want a shotgun but I know right now in Duos that’s just the dumbest thing I could pick up here Nemesis shots off that way kind of remember yeah it’s like over that way they sound good ah [ __ ] it I’m gonna let’s hit up the Crafters crafting stuff

I don’t see it oh no I just lost side of it there it is let’s get on that get our package over there let’s get on that Prowler and bow truck bow truck should be landing actually on us it’s really hurt people off that way but might be hearing anything you want this

Chloe you want this boat shirt oh uh is that up on the building yeah it’s gonna be up when you’re on the building [ __ ] yeah I’ll take that take that over my Mosey you gotta just Mosey on over here uh I have a thermal side on here if you want thermal what

Well yeah I’ll take it and a purple laser set I need okay there you go so I’m going to be fully kitted when um we have to fight a bang I’m gonna put my shields in I think I’m actually gonna have two as well Oh my God I’m not gonna get used to this anytime soon oh yeah the fact that that’s a thing though or you’re still upset it just all right yeah [ __ ] no I’m in the only safe spot for me speaking of bang it’s bang Pathfinder here you shot me all right bro bro Good luck don’t take those or no I’m sorry what also did you DC Bondo no I did not so I guess he just left after I server muted him Maybe nobody needs to hear me oh what’s your favorite pizza pepperoni I prefer sausages more of course you do you do not see me

Right right right your ass off gently down the stream gently on the Stream True Sharky this is like uh being in the middle of the ocean being circled by sharks yep there’s nothing you can do because they are looking for you and the mat and the map lighting is

Actually helping you camouflage them to be honest Kirk rand’s worst friend they’re crafting and then just don’t use it anyway this is boring can you you can’t return to here nope can’t even throw down my ample I can feel it I can’t use Sheila no they they will literally hear anything

Uh they just crafted up to purples yeah I mean you could have probably taken them out once you saw him starting craft if you think about it one minute and the Rings close all right let’s just work out no they could be crafting a bag or helmet actually yeah

Yeah they could be trying to bait you out you remember what Shields they were out everything’s pretty close uh Bengal or was that Blues okay damn where’s BINA uh they went to get some food a little a while ago I know I was like damn

‘s nearby and I got 30 seconds on the clock easy oh winter got dc’d yeah that was by me they’re not here okay so maybe that will turn make the when they come back be like oh [ __ ] these guys have been here for a while or winter just passed out again like

They did last night’s close okay I don’t know where Winter was like yeah I fell asleep but uh he’s like sorry bro I’m like dude if you’re tired you’re tired but if you if they’re falling asleep now again because they’ve been gone for over I

Think an hour now no I’ve been gone I was they weren’t here when I got back at seven so I’ll probably wait till Zone fully closes and then get you up that’s fine because I want to make sure they’re as gone as possible that’s fine you don’t yeah that’s fine

You know what I’m saying like if Winter’s been gone for two hours like a minimum of two hours so they probably fell asleep at seven so if that’s the case winter is going to [ __ ] up their uh sleep schedule okay we should be good start getting you up now looking around yep

Nothing they’re gone and he’s here of course do I have a gun I can use I got a gun I might not be able to [ __ ] use it holy [ __ ] dodging my shoes hold on are they honest giving my Shields a recharge I don’t care I don’t see them far out

How do you make a play for something we can maybe circle around the zone we’re gonna have to I’m they’re not looking at me they’re looking at you so I’m just going to head down here mates I have this way continuing to move let’s go let’s go

Let’s go oh I really want this actually do I know Breaking Bad yeah I had no Breaking Bad it’s a good show yeah I feel like I said I did feel bad for having to do that to my uncle but [ __ ] foreign it’s fine to get mad but it’s not fun to

Just yell at everything uh South Park I still know South Park I don’t really care for South Park as much rabbit like South Park oh I remember my friend’s grandma she’s the biggest [ __ ] in the whole way roach’s biggest [ __ ] is there a little [ __ ] [ __ ] who all the boys and girls

Every time that pops up because every day my friend uh I actually had a friend named Kyle and he watched all the park so every time we talked about South Park that was the first thing you would see shake your body right now work work work banana make it all the time

I don’t even want to know what this looks like on your screen looks like a [ __ ] um oh boy [ __ ] we might need to go up that way all right jump out up in like 73 do you have an Opex helmet actually [ __ ] it no I don’t

I’m running on scraps uh wait maybe oh you want to use that okay Rampart my part right there I’m running Granite trials no I’m not oh my God I fell down the [ __ ] house [ __ ] same now God damn it okay we gotta go through we gotta go through

This way wait no we don’t yeah yeah yeah yeah jump head down for you should have been our balloon just play this corner I only have I only have whites dude you’re dealing with any semi-decent Shields yeah oh my God you have enemies on you what the [ __ ] to do that one down

Push you yep God I [ __ ] hate raid smelly piece of [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] off not worrying about her right now try to get at this team she ran off behind zone so she’s gotta be so she has her ability she has her ability because the teammates up here

She’s still I downed him yeah both of them where is he nope that wraith just died up here okay what now I’m trying to get it because it has purple for me lose it I Don’t Need You Down knock knock They’re too purple where where I can’t ping him for some reason okay okay you got one over here He already got here oh it’s awesome these guys it’s awesome these guys yep cool I know why The Wraith denied herself she had a [ __ ] Prowler oh yeah I’m not pushing that I’m pushing over here I was able to [ __ ] chill swap disruptively I’ve disrupted they have Destructor God [ __ ] damn it Lucky you win God we ran out our [ __ ] that’s us all for that but yeah it’s what up bro well since winter’s not joining do you want to go do something else uh three [ __ ] kills oh I was going check to see how much uh what my highest kill game was

Oh highest kill game was 13. yeah for me nine and yeah I know Family Guy I know pretty much ever all of um yeah I might just say [ __ ] it right now I don’t know I’m yeah my highest kill games this season was Nine Kills yeah you have the same amount Knox

Yeah more knocks me you have way less teammates survived holy [ __ ] well yeah because you play a lot of lifeline I have more assists teammates hi Bean yeah it’s up to you do you want to go do something else or do you want to keep playing this I’m you have no winter I’m

Cool it’s still playing this I’ll [ __ ] message winter like [ __ ] get on they are on why they’re they’re showing that they’re online dude they’re offline on Steam oh you back yet yeah they showed them playing real company and I’m like okay oh you’re you’re a good Bean oh I see something really quick

Oh then I the Nemesis does not feel like it got nerfed at all uh sucky games also Sharky uh in here it shows you what weapons are all for what ammo type [ __ ] dude this is so slow actually so like all these are the light ammo weapons so

You have the Scout Spitfire uh 301 r99 alternator p2020 and the re45 these are all the shotguns in the game uh rabbit you’re being summoned by a bean what that’s all the snipers heavy ammo energy these are all the weapons that are either in the crafter or or not the crafter um

Yeah so this one you can’t get in the Battle Royale all right more used to and Nessie oh what the hell ah yes thank you are they hard-boiled yo the Nexus just you’ll feel [ __ ] busted dude Hey Jake can you go grab red armor and a purple no

Please said random armor in a purple or gold your choice I don’t even go through a magazine what the [ __ ] Danny feels so bad dear this isn’t my first time why is it like they they sent me nerfed it doesn’t feel nervous wait how bad is the um lift on Horizons you know

Uh uh I ain’t hitting [ __ ] [ __ ] guess what the sun is a massive thinking that’s against the gigantic nuclear furnace where hydrogen built to lose healing temperature that means that breeze the sun is half the sun is not the place where we could live but here

On Earth if you know life without the light it gives tell me [ __ ] off oh happier birthday yeah so Jake go up on that really quick Sparky weight I don’t wow that inaccuracy I’m down this thing is really really so that’s inaccurate does it affect the alternator the same way

Because alternator has the best hip fire of all guns still that’s fine yeah that inaccuracy uh Nerf actually kind of hurts a little bit I mean it doesn’t hurt anything wrong okay give me a sec Uh we’ll do gold bolt that oh yeah do I need a site yeah why not things not even like slowing me down anymore oh Danny feels so bad dear laughs if you shut down that’s not a shotgun I mean I basically killed you with one it’s a cat in the Box

Here I come back I do I do like the addition of Whole Bowl uh a lot here in the game still just because sliding around just gives you uh cooldowns no they don’t have that sadly why not that’s stupid I don’t know so it doesn’t really slow you the black

Hole doesn’t slow you down not much anymore let’s still pull you honestly it didn’t even feel like it really did if anything has slowed me down like a little bit hang on I’m gonna grab some vulpixels why would you apologize for being in a good mood I’ll make I want grappling hook up more faster good hold oh yeah uh so hang on uh ultimate is up here in a second do you mind waiting because I’m gonna hit you at like max range and see if it actually pulls you okay oh yeah just throw it down oh right

No no no no no go back towards the blue boxes go back towards the blue boxes oh there’s ones yep just stay away our colorbond mode on it really doesn’t pull didn’t electric still works uh I don’t I do like the fact that shower caps are still in the game but I just

Loved them you have an intruder what do I woohoo oh no man I feel heavy metal and I’m content I’m needles all right so Horizon in my opinion there’s a random jump head here are you finally back holy [ __ ] they live what the [ __ ] yeah they’re here they’re they finally showed back up

Oh my God can you stop getting like a little school girl no [ __ ] off rabbit you were being asked to know where they live no uh reread logic oh well they’re being asked to know where you live all right Jake how about that Winters in our party already oh yeah

We can actually play trios yep let me make sure I’m on Rampart so I don’t play Pathfinder by accident dude I’ve been playing a lot of octane here I think octane actually if you want to play a skirmisher octane’s the best one to go right now like honestly well octane’s just good

Well it’s not even that like octane’s utility and everything else was overshadowed by every other screen recorder you’re good but right now every skirmisher got [ __ ] uh uh the only shut up you don’t need to no this is this is like a we’re just playing Apex so we’re kind of not really

Going to be joking around as much we still will like the [ __ ] idiots in this call together but not like it’s obviously like the Minecraft or uh Pokemon where we were just absolute idiots also make rabbit feel insecure now my penis over here does it [ __ ]

I always I always joke that I have two inches but I’m doubling it up I’m multiplying it I’m the jump Master yeah could be worse with someone else to be honest it’s not even that free anymore if we’re streaming we can’t really say a lot of [ __ ] what

Like you got to realize when you’re streaming a lot of stuff you can joke about is gone like my humor is actually really really dark but I I clean it up when Jake’s stream where I’m streaming like I can’t actually joke like how I normally would joke I love this part

Yeah if I say you say the same crap if I say the same crap that I said last night at the card shop I would probably get banned here and I’ll probably give Jake banned find and use a REV shell and become its Target what or become a

Target that’s a new type of grenade yeah so it so it’s a part of the event but it’s only trios that had the event yep interesting I crashed all three lights down Susie a minute there’s a dock right here am I all right you’re dead dude that was

Hilarious I can’t believe I [ __ ] hit that Godlike grenade it’s a long shot to the race you said all three were here for it didn’t you yeah I cried I cracked her out but I think we’re out dip dude oh that was hilarious what just oh they landed and all three of

Them are now dead oh wait I think he’s over here he’s over here thank you for the P20 that’s not that’s the different Squad I think I want 100 . I know that I’m trying to fight doesn’t matter yeah no sweat when they had better Shields one right there one right there foreign

Don’t care I only had a p2020 and I was I’m just happy I hit that dog like Nate I hit all three of them and broke all three okay I was like wait a minute is being leaving again gosh how did I get negative points for soul rifle what boom I’m back

I don’t know dude I I’m going to smile my ass off because I got that [ __ ] three-man Aid I ain’t happy now three man they go boom means back let’s go I think they sprinted and then sprinted back they needed a workout hang on let me catch their breath before they type

That was all caps locks that was rushed too foreign Can You Feel the speed yeah baby let’s go over there I’m bored here I already ate it sorry no more SpongeBob mac and cheese for you I hate it I got hungry and the store is all out oh I bounced myself

All right finally a goddamn shotgun nope I have a shoddy but I’m using it right now of course you do get me in Optics here mid-range squad’s not in the ring it’s here you go here there you go winter well what kind of mac and cheese the

Crafter I’m off to the next train on your map if you could play if you could go play any game what would be any game like it’s actually alive again like like even if it got the servers got shut down all right God damn it I’m far away from you

I’m coming I’m coming oh God fall back please nah are they up on top of the building I’m inside you’re in your building okay did winter just crack someone with a p2020 okay scratch that down the [ __ ] [Applause] Under the Stairs one right here Rampart got one

No I can’t beat out on Eva I can’t be there God damn it into any game oh like like actually go and live it I probably would actually have to go well are we going izakai here yeah I think so I I would probably have

To go into my Minecraft 100 I could do anything I want Warframe space ninjas let’s go I’m on a Warframe kick right now actually actually hang on why Warframe would not destiny because honestly I think warframe’s universe is cooler I really like Destiny’s universe but I think Warframe is just cooler

Okay actually so if we’re going into like something that isn’t Minecraft or anything like that I would rather be in the Halo Universe but I would rather if I could hopefully be in the Spartans because I’m not I’m [ __ ] grunt or anything else like that is just and fodder

If you’re gonna be someone [ __ ] run if you’re gonna be a grunt like an actual grunt like you’re just like low pretty good no you gotta remember the grand Uprising almost worked in the Halo Universe though I would be terrified of flood uh that depends I would I would have 100

Activated the [ __ ] halo rings I would have activated that [ __ ] no I don’t know why not it actually makes a lot of sense to activate it I mean it makes a lot of sense but you’re thinking of no because in the Lord the Halo range is

Copy all the DNA except for the floods so when you activate the Halo ring the DNA of every species is copied and then reproduced that’s how the creators May remade the universe and repopulated it oh yeah I would love there’s like a couple of games that

Would be kind of nice to go like actually be a part of the universe if we got more into it like League of Legends the universe would actually make it like 100 yes legal Legos would 100 be very cool to go into or even World of Warcraft Can You Feel the speed yeah

Baby I’m just making sure I’m not I’m not missing anybody in my stream what do you need Bean Ultra kill humanity is dead blood is fuel hell is full that reminds me of a game what where is it where is it like hell

No uh no more room in hell it was a fork shooter well the quote that I just said was there ain’t [ __ ] in there sorry game loads me right now that’s good inside the next train somebody asked me how long ago hey Gregory how are you doing today

Okay where’s that gold uh how long do I think I’m gonna be streaming do you like it fired now oh so basically not not long because your ass is old [ __ ] please I would stay up until [ __ ] tomorrow you would [ __ ] you would [ __ ] and complain like I stayed up too late

I missed day one raid because I stayed up too late no I missed day one raid because I was [ __ ] help trying to do it for winter dude I so like how me me and uh be an astro like what the [ __ ] did Jake go and

We both went I think he went to sleep like your ass was gone and we’re like he’s probably passed out on his desk no I just lay down a little bit and I just passed the [ __ ] out yeah cause you said you were going to go

Lay down and we’re like oh okay bro I did like like a you dare me to yeah I think Jake has worked a while so I don’t think that’s a good idea yeah I do have worked well but it’s later in the day so of course was worse just stay up until until

I should get done oh yeah so we have 15 minutes left yep no I’m not ending in 15 minutes people people I have no sight to fight dude [ __ ] okay I’m on my way take foreign [Applause] I’m healing oh yeah Winter’s got one under them

Rabbit I am healing up right now Up on the Roof I need to I need to as well we got people landing on us holy [ __ ] yo they [ __ ] just yeah grab it I’m moving back too slow uh there’s one behind me wow of course

I mean we got no uh support do we nope I need to go for these or just let you guys time out automatic all right here’s the same battle okay oh no yeah no I was talking about just like literally landing at time off time out I mean we were

I really just don’t feel like playing support but [ __ ] it uh that stupid [ __ ] grenade right now is just [ __ ] what is it it tracks you yeah is there any way to destroy it yeah you can shoot it okay that’s what did so much damage to me yeah I probably would oh um

Yeah I’m glad I’m not in school yeah you know if you don’t die in this thing you live how’s that for a bit of encouragement I can make a very dark joke but I don’t I’m a [ __ ] oh sometimes I think I need help yeah well it’s kind of worrying but

No I’m happy I graduated already well then again like I I don’t think we ever had no because my senior year we had somebody bring um all right if you insist well yeah I forgot to tell you about that oh we weren’t talking at the time yeah some idiot brought a BB gun

2kr uh winter my senior year and they didn’t think anything of it they didn’t think it was a bad thing or anything like that they were just like why what’s the problem like bro some people are idiots dude I still find it funny though so after Winter’s class

Graduated we stopped getting all the bomb threats like like we had like two bomb threats I don’t blame you I do not blame you honestly at that point I would seriously be like I’m not coming in because of all this [ __ ] going on well I would actually so I would actually uh

See if they couldn’t do like online stuff because most schools still have it set up oh I got the grenade what the [ __ ] never mind I won’t take um winter you want a longbow um yeah check him up oh no that’s [ __ ] ridiculous like you you’re still in top five movies

Definitely one of those things like yeah yeah I still would go with spirit away and uh Blade Runner because it’s just amazing movies um oh does somebody need skull piercer I’ve just picked up school piercings now I don’t need it right now winter should be able to use it it’s winter muted

Yeah probably yes like always this this [ __ ] is always muted oh top five movies and games oh um top five movies and games yes hey uh welcome back come back we got people here why because Shield E4 they’re Rising someone over here I hope you die there’s people down here

Dumb [ __ ] I know you’re trying to have Jake grab the good [ __ ] no I was telling him to drop it right there that’s one sad enemy actually go back in with winter which is actually in a better position I’m throwing this in there Twitter do you have multi I’m a better [ __ ] Rampart

See outside I think we came outside he’s about his about his Bob he’s running he’s running uh 36 questions taking care of this Rampart I’m watching this apparently I’m now kill leader yeah keep it up yeah things up taking it up no I’m not coming let’s hit that shot did we get three of the three yeah we got two of the three okay but they had a Lifeline so they can res

No I killed the lifeline no they can re they can craft I still I still think that should just be no matter what thing anymore I I like the idea of just making it no matter what thing and supports just getting a five second res

Give me that and I think the port would actually be picked up more they really should be picking them more seriously that’s that’s bad what uh the school’s not taking it seriously shots the problem is that they won’t until somebody actually gets hurt it’s the same thing with anything else

Though it’s like oh nobody got hurt okay great we we won’t change [ __ ] remember this is this is this is like public [ __ ] so it’s um even if it’s private actually they they wouldn’t care about private schools the only thing you have to worry about on private school is uh the disease rate

You’re more likely to give a catch a virus or something that wasn’t taken care of because most of the people there are not um immunized by the way how long for your ulti yeah okay there oh I got blues charge Sentinel kind of in myish Direction come on come on together nice oh

Yeah someone grab that please yep just gonna use it well push yes I think next thing ain’t close I need to have the ammo bad guys I got none uh yo who needs bat hang on hang on hang on hang on I need a bat I don’t

I heavily mean oh my God that’s where the [ __ ] hell they are It’s puked out [ __ ] fast I need a snack actually respond over that way Hang on I’m gonna I need another bat I need a stack actually I I literally just vomited bats doubt was [ __ ] hilarious ultimately I wanna actually drop it dude I was just like man why is all my [ __ ] ammo space I’m like oh um yo who needs the best my bad guys No get off that buddy get off that dog you absolutely should be worried about that like that’s [ __ ] ridiculous the the only thing you can do is keep your head play like if [ __ ] like that happens again just and and you go into lockdown or whatever the [ __ ] it is

Keep your head down and remember three things you have three choices hide which is what they’re going to try to have you do which is always the worst idea they they know classrooms fighting oh where the [ __ ] do you come from where are you she’s cracked

I know this squad is fighting from range you have gold knock Ed Pleasant took it [Applause] all right I’ll show you got me pushing pushing oh my god oh he found where everybody was again every every time I need to switch my [ __ ] my [ __ ] because

Every time I try to use my ability well yeah because like I said everybody knows the classroom is filled and it just doesn’t work I mean if you guys I know I know one school district you might want to pull up Jake’s string so you can actually just read the chat with us

I don’t have dual monitors doing this on my switch the hell do you do that how do you pull up the chat oh easy you just hit live chat yeah I hope I have Jake’s stream on my on my switch and my stream on my phone but yeah no so it’s um

Uh also say uh for me the main rule is like for being in wall is oh it’s a first run then hide then if need to fight no no so the best order is hide first because you wanna because you’re not gonna have time hang on you’re not gonna

Have time to run if the fucker’s near yes that’s why you then go if you hide you can run run I win I worked at Amazon and this was the first thing they taught us is you hide first you run second because if they’re right

On top of you you need to run or you ha you fight and it’s always a better option to fight if you if you have a clear shot on them you take it because if they you have a clear shot on him they have a clear count on you

Also I hope any any windows that you have in your room or classroom can be broken easily time to turn crap into gold again it’s only if you can absolutely just know for a fact you can get away from him like it’s a fight or flight thing well if they have a weapon

Right there at you go for the fight even if you lose it’s better to try to fight than run because even if you go if if you are the one getting killed at least you’ve bought time for other people I love what I do I guess I’m the jump Master brought to

Me eventually you’re thinking you might actually be a threat uh pepper sauce or plastic straws sorry for thinking you might actually be a threat I think I still like plastic just because most of the paper straws just dissolve in the drink now like I actually would run an honest

Straw but if I had to choose them to have to keep plastic still I don’t they haven’t designed paper straws well enough well they’re not going to be designed well enough no that’s why I’m kind of I kind of think we should just go go back to just no straws I mean you

Could develop Lids that are don’t take straws and I mean the problem is though it’s like you’re still using the same amount of plastic it doesn’t matter paper cups are even worse for the environment because you can’t burn them you burn those that’s doing [ __ ] to the ozone oh the wax wow yeah

Oh hello hello another person where are you on my way bro back and [ __ ] Jake watch this door watch the store yeah throwing grenade in there you [ __ ] the grenade hit me on accident yeah cause you [ __ ] ran in front of me yeah I’m trying to see if I can’t

Destroy this Watson [ __ ] okay do you want me to do you want me to uh disable it and then uh push me [ __ ] coming back I don’t want I don’t want I don’t want kill full download another one it’s a 1v1 it’s a 1v1 yeah man though forgot they can’t uh remember that

There’s nothing you can do in that situation yeah sorry guys I’m out bye guys yeah just just rezos just craft us yeah there’s nothing you can do in that situation your better bet is to just wait for somebody who’s more trained basically if you’re uh anything no no hang on hang on they’re

Asking you if uh they have hostage oh has also sausage yeah you can’t do [ __ ] no there’s no if you know you’re being held off you need to just be quiet well okay so the thing is there’s there’s multiple things you can do if you start it depends you have to read

The person and know what they’re like actually look at their body language if they’re if they’re freaking out just talk to them but if they’re calm cool and Collective they know what they’re doing you just got up thank you man well yeah but like I said this comes

Down to knowing how the person is because if you can talk to them distract him enough or one of your the other people because most times somebody who’s freaking out and have a weapon is to Tunnel Vision on the thing that they’re talking to and most of the time the people who are

Just freaking out and took hostages which is majority of the time unless it’s a bank robbery uh then you’re going to have a better chance because they don’t want to shoot anybody oh I’m trying to remain as calm as possible yeah you’re gonna have a gun pointing at

You you just need to chill out only half the squads left you start freaking out other people are going to start freaking out and he’s going to freak out and panic and then yeah that’s just a whole mess that nobody wants to clean up um I don’t remember I’ve seen Mall Cop too

I’ve watched both I don’t care so if you had to choose probably honestly just one actually wait no hold on uh Tyler Mall Cop one or two oh I forgot to say one of my talking about video games were shark uh mine are definitely a number one Titanfall

Um God [ __ ] Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby I love that game um Battle Born that was a very good game and uh Call of Duty Black Ops 3. oh my God Jake did you ever say you’re my favorite uh top five games uh the definitely Ultra kill and um

Uh what else of all time I would say but Ultra kill still be alive this feels amazing I need to play that more you get back into it but I’m waiting and I heard the developer trying to add in a controller support for the game so I’m waiting for that

Because if you remember right I was using the game as aim trainer and I don’t really play on Mouse and key anymore I’ll play on it for um Team Fortress and uh valerian I know I know you liked uh Titanfall oh yeah I love Titanfall actually did you ever play the campaign

Uh still started it but never finished that’s your next stream don’t play go finish the campaign yeah winter we’re being crafted I’m not gonna be able to get you up on getting out of here as soon as I get you up I’m off the next ring on your map S

I save the day and what all right fair enough okay thank you round two what I need to apologize you’re all good ah we’re here we go oh let’s have a shitload of a life experience at this point so we’re always down to just talk now you no need to apologize for asking

Questions no I blasted here the oldest of those three uh winter she’s the middle and I’m the youngest but we’re still all in our 20s what the [ __ ] yeah glass is old as [ __ ] okay trying to make your way over that way Burning Tree what

I can only see the pink for Burning Tree oh no over this way picked up some heat shields let’s go this way sound good Mozambique here I’m gonna try that for you I want the termite here thank you I don’t think anybody I don’t think anybody here is old enough for that bro

Except for just S3 fair enough he’s Pizza he’s good Peacekeeper here is it blue cheese no only you like blue cheese and you’re wrong winter don’t you like blue cheese platy Emma your body with a flattie so instead of battery with the fatty or baddie give me them okay a spider

Yeah it’s just part of the event yes I had the cargo ball for eight damage and it just didn’t oh my God can I [ __ ] find some medical supplies please uh can I find ammo for our shotgun honestly no it just gets to you when you’re in school for a while and you

Keep hearing about it caring about what yeah yeah yeah well it’s like I said remember when we were in high school like we both like our school had a bomb threat a month remember that was pretty bad wasn’t it oh dude I had a laugh though I when like

I was saying when you got when your class left the bomb threat stopped we we have the occasional dude when we threw up at school like I said the guy who brought a BB gun to school thinking it was nothing of it he didn’t think he didn’t do anything wrong he thought was

Would be funny I was like bro yeah no you can’t do that no you want that Prowler no I don’t wanna represent here it’s like a shooting stars it’s like it’s like a winter sun it just gets to you I mean don’t be afraid the the likelihood of anything really

Really bad happening is slim to none but it still can happen your your chances are never zero that’s what I’m saying I mean I’ll say this right now if you’re kind to everybody you have nothing to worry about yeah I mean if you’re actually kind to all your classmates you have nothing to

Worry about because usually they’ll warn you before they do it and that’s when you go warn a teacher oh [ __ ] it at this point I just want you to put down your [ __ ] Lifeline thing so I can heal I should just drop that yeah yeah well you just got it do you want

That three times yes I do oh yeah no holy hell how am I good at writing my ass off if people are if people would just be kinder to each other you’re like yeah I’m Bullying happens and everything else that’s when people think they have to go

Grab and cause harm to the people causing harm to them that’s what I’m saying if you’re just kind you won’t really have to worry too much That’s a life advantage excuse me for a second one third one flag two frog no hits you don’t understand to cover so that should be a fusy vantage uh he’s on the roof Down below outside yep thank you 45 seconds good yeah we need a run okay are we where are we running to I don’t know I got to go walk on on me [Applause] what was that the skulls the skulls wait do we want to go back and go under the rail

We’re gonna have to we’re actually gonna have to but we have to run fast like right here right now so we’re good honestly we could even just run around to the other side if we wanted to because at least then we have some cover to play with well over there we had none

And we shouldn’t have anybody back behind us we have we have a single Duo Squad they have a chiropractor wouldn’t close oh he saw us yeah I’m not pushing forwards foreign [Applause] For you mates [ __ ] they’re all landing on us uh give me one second I’m gonna go get some ibuprofen and some more water so I’ll be right back Honestly though the most prevalent thing about school shootings is just I guess preventing them there’s a really good adverb well like I

Said if you are defined what hang on what do you need oh wait for me and I’ll finish what I thought if you’re just a kind in not like being an [ __ ] to anybody and you see somebody else getting bullied you need to say something because then

I mean there’s more that can be done by the school for bullying to try to prevent this because most nine times out of ten it’s going to be somebody getting bullied that’s going to go and choose to shoot up the school over somebody with a mental problem going to the school

So if if teachers would do a little bit more to try to prevent bullying instead of just being like I know for our school district I’m going in Winters if you said somebody was bullying to you it was automatic three days suspension but it never fix the problem they just came

Back from three days of suspension pissed off foreign so what were you going to say I am trying to remember I know I know your memories as long as you’re non-existent but um oh easy well the reason why is you’re just in the way you’re considered collateral damage to the person that’s Orange

For some people it’s they want to see uh they want to see other people hurt like they do that is true but also it would be so my driving instructor is was a retired cop and he also said that most of the shootings he went on is for people who

Felt like they were disrespected so they pulled out the gun to show dominance so like one of the uh shootings that he got called out too this guy shot at this lady when she honked the car so he because he was standing out in the

Middle of the road and she wanted to go around him so she honked once thank you the guy blew her off and then she honked again and he felt disrespected in front of his friends so he killed her it’s just how life is um some people have no respect for life

They don’t have any respect for anybody else but themselves yeah 100 oh hell there’s even people out there who just don’t even understand the apathy of somebody else’s life if anything would actually be scared more when I’m at my house because you’re more likely to get hurt better than anywhere else because

I can’t blame him either but like I said I would be more afraid of just being in my house because they if let’s say my mom and dad left and the guys thought this was a good house to go and steal stuff thrown up still there it I’m more likely to get

Hurt harm or even kill them instead of a pool well being in your own house is more like people are going after you for something it’s basically a break-in gone wrong is how people usually die but like I said it’s because they usually go oh everybody left from the house they

Didn’t scout out properly and I mean actually if uh I’m more afraid of going to the Guard Shop anymore because the other night Taylor was uh threatened to be killed again like there is a reason why my pistol’s in my backpack every time I go to the car shop now

Like I cannot trust somebody when I’m coming out of a place that I enjoy playing card games at not to kill me uh this winter here yeah Winter’s here okay winter was just standing right outside my building oh I don’t want the evil oh God I’m I’m sorry sorry about that

Isn’t being in Australia or is that somebody else I know Sharky is definitely I’m actually if you I mean yeah the bean was in Australia it would go how brutal is the uh no guns uh gun policy is over there because I mean the other day I was

Reading something where they had a robbery that wasn’t gonna gun related through those schools the only other way you’re going to give somebody half at a bank is what they haven’t got okay I guess I’m throwing skulls at everybody by the way I have no [ __ ] range Weapon by the way huh

Be an itch it’s just one of those things like just chilling out calming down and um just paying attention to your surroundings don’t be afraid to go to school use your school as a way to figure out is this a safe place or is this a place where I’m

Going to have to be on highlights no matter what that’s going to just have to be how it is from now on the end of them you’re going to get a sense of paranoia also so like that’s just going to be another big thing uh here you can actually you need

This uh no I can use that bag what uh yeah yeah no it’s a gold knockdown now that I need um you shouldn’t be but if you if you feel like you need to be in for a sense of security then go for it yeah whatever helps you feel more secure that’s important

But for how things are right now because if you feel if you feel you’re secure you can be more calm and everything I would actually bring to life Gengar Sharky ass if there was one Pokemon you could bring to life what would it be and I was like ginker I love that purple

Bastard for unknown reasons Vaporeon why would you go unknown no no for unknown reason Vaporeon I know the exact reason because I sent him the goddamn Tick Tock about it gussing [ __ ] he is she is oh it’s all good oh you’re good do we need to repeat what we said I mean

I hope not I mean you can always scroll back like a minute or two and figure out what we said if you need to you know what I’m trying to think of like my Pokemon I feel like I would go Swampert I I want a Gengar and I know and the

Reason being is usually try to haunt people but um which are this is for you bro so with swamperts or um gengar’s usually just uh one of want to harm people but they also want to prank everybody so it’s one of those like little fuzzy things that kind of hurt somebody in the

Long run though if you think about it I still I still think the Gengar would be fun to have around because they’re already dead so if you keep because if you ever think Pokemon or pet you no longer have to worry about your pet still gotta get Pokemon food though

Yeah take your time take your time Bean can you open these that’s [ __ ] what this look over here guess what you can’t open this it wasn’t there like a time that you could yeah but they got rid of it oh is it with the train I think so

Is that that was a tick wasn’t it oh maybe her uh winter stem Stomp and feet stem stomp stemper Stomper is a stepper starter okay the only reason I went do you know the lore behind Charizard me I would not want no I’m asking um because me turkey

Oh I can explain you the uh one more behind Charizard it’s also a very scary I don’t know if this got redacted uh uh but Charizards are very territorial uh Pokemon so meaning if you even step foot in their territory it’s you would rather hope a hippopotamus in your life got you

Because they will burn you alive lowly while also fleeing your body around oh yeah they’re they’re very territorial creatures it’s the same with uh how um God what’s the cactus Pokemon not carnivine not oh no Hector no the evolved form of that I don’t remember well there the Wells Fargo character uh

Is it’s Laura’s is that it’s waiting and looking for when people are by themselves who come up and kill them and then eat them no but I don’t think you’re gonna do something at range with that shotgun and me right here far out I’m not I’m not that far from you guys hi

Far enough that if you get in a fight we can’t really get to you easily I just want to be three like like I said five five Titans no big deal three people no big deal but yeah no so like uh like Pokemon lore can get very dark especially like if you

Look at Jigglypuff square if they cannot put somebody to sleep or if they just not acknowledging the uh scene then Jake Lee puff will sing until they die same thing with um with how the people are figured out that uh you bone is just charmanders that didn’t

Have their tail ignited by their mother so they wear their mother’s goal and become a ground type instead we circled back to here I know we did hey you know what’s funny that wasn’t my plan but the ring just forced us back here oh God this is a terrible ring it really is

Uh I would say I understand every language because there’s too many there’s too many times when uh hey they’re shooting at you yeah I see that there’s too many times when uh another language would be good to know I don’t think you’re doing [ __ ] with that

Shotgun oh no I’m not but I just think it’s funny you want to shoot at me again oh people come here we might be getting the language is written it would be nice as well can you just defeat the tongue that way better put one for 56. he has Birds

Trail from a bad Maggie why does that thing [ __ ] go around corners [Applause] [Applause] oh [ __ ] okay hip [ __ ] she’s going gold she’s local well they’re gonna push us anyways yeah well we had a rose so yeah someone definitely be a pushed they’re gonna push the knock

Oh God I think that’s actually enough apart for me bro you’re playing this for like three hours he had a couple good games well we had a really good game tonight what are you heading off into uh I have no idea I’m solomion I’m still gonna be in chat with you again

Like normal I mean I really have to let my phone battery charge though skin so I can’t really be streaming and having two chats up I mean personally it’s uh winter do you want to play league or you want to play more uh Jake um

Not right now DOTA is way too focusy I would rather yeah at least get a contract done okay that’ll probably head into Minecraft that’s why my switchers died oh you’re good it died on me all right well I’m gonna peace out of the stream and then we can go play DotA

Switch died so there’s no point in me being in that chat room all right see you later oh yeah I’m probably still gonna stay in unless you are truly just done I want to go do some not even play oh hi cat also Bean if you if you’re tired go go to sleep

Don’t feel like you have to stay yeah none of us are forcing you want to take that back Jake might be yeah for all we know there’s a there’s money involved you know it yeah I’m loading it up at this point we should just start a [ __ ] podcast stream Jake you and me

And just call it the three idiots and enjoy invite winter always yeah winter is just invited they’re not included they’re just invited they’re just invited but but it’s always going to be a guaranteed invite to Winter yep but this way winter can turn it down if they wanted

No go go get some sleep don’t feel bad make sure your mind is rested and it would good good sleeping means good mental health you see you gotta just sleep the normal number that your body can handle and don’t don’t believe that any of that eight hours [ __ ]

Yeah it’s actually [ __ ] you you just need to sleep until your body’s just like hey I’m sleeping till you feel well well rested like when your body wakes up on its own that’s when you know you’re well rested well there are times I’m waiting for Minecraft to load up mine shaft Minecraft

I don’t know we don’t need the last one at all there’s there’s the there’s a mods already out there for them yeah oh yeah oh one two three four five six seven eight wow yeah no anymore you want to watch me play Minecraft low uh why I watch him fail at making what

He wants to do in Old body yeah yeah live as a doom Slayer on Minecraft Steve oh easy it makes Minecraft Steve welcome man I did catch uh yeat the bear last night you missed it I wish taunt still counted his stuns here in fact it’s funny if fear does though

I call BS and oh no it’s true when I use um you’re on glitch at work yeah he got he got a deep bear he did a bear for you foreign I’m pulling up real quick Yeah Sharkey Sharkey can contest for me yeah turkey’s a eyewitness God what is the switch load so long I think it’s that long it’s it’s still long there you go eat the bear uh you probably can’t see it because my face oh I’ll put sorry I’ll get rid of my face

I’ll remove it please do eat the bear I really don’t want to deal with the anti-mage a lot of good bears who isn’t fighting that’s pretty good yeah very good typing what an [ __ ] yeah leave them uh yeah display yeah right now Mason we’re coming off of uh Apex and they’re playing DotA got Apex was such a [ __ ] [ __ ] tonight

Yeah it’s a new event sorry I hate the new event with the passion I mean yeah it’s not ranked but I don’t feel like playing ranked without [ __ ] matchmaking is I was gonna say maybe they fixed it nope still the same matchmaking they’re not they’re not planning on

Fixing the matchmaking until next season well Bean don’t feel like you have to stay up just to watch me get some sleep Don’t force yourself to stay up sweet good okay I don’t rely oh I can make it be a beer why why why would you feel bad oh [ __ ]

Forgot about the ugly muck where’s your ugly mug trust me if I could remove my face I would this just be Spider-Man and uh actually no that that comic for Spider-Man okay look at like some of the old comic in like any of the arrows like the one I’m talking about Spider-Man Actually

Removed the villain’s face gruesome oh yeah very it’s hit or miss with uh Apex we prefer Titanfall way more but oh yeah I would I mean I was streaming it earlier today and I would rather just play Titanfall I mean it sounds like we might be getting Titanfall 3 but who knows

If we’re talking about like br’s I personally like words on a lot more now than I do Apex just because it’s more casual oh for one definitely go with ADHD that’s like not even that bad yes it can make life harder sometimes but really not all that bad and I know from experience

Um schizophrenias oh not good oh I got like none of these items okay all right I don’t laugh if you would have hurt yourself And honestly part of me thinks I do have schizophrenia did that hurt Oh no you’re not a burp is not supposed to hurt father I will admit I don’t have severe ADHD but I still do have ADHD everybody has a form of Av ADHD some of the severe some is not but everybody has some I need sticks that like when people say oh I have ADHD it’s uh more or less very severe ADHD is what they’re talking about so do keep that in mind we’re missing bottom okay then oh [ __ ] I don’t want to leave they were looking

For First Blood so if I TP up there I’m [ __ ] Gonna Wanna like one of the three of us are gonna get killed I mean we’re yeah I’m we’re putting pressure on the tower yeah I’m just gonna kill you up Hunter live in your favorite movie or living in your favorite video game

Which are your favorite video games [ __ ] Halo no it’s Halo 2. 0 [ __ ] you no what’s wrong with Halo 2 you don’t like competitive halos I was just never a fan of that one it was very well like I said it’s competitive it was the best competitive Halo

There was no Randomness oh I mean I’m thinking a single player so I don’t think rabbit can really join me oh that rope looks so much better yeah no most of the time would just me me and him killing each other I’d create Arena I own 100 oh I’ve done that before

I wish I still had that world but that was amazing world yeah so the thing is is like I personally would love um I love okay have a good night running around being a dick have a good night Bean over here uh does this okay I’m playing poke

But it doesn’t push the thing down like the other rope did when did I oh I’m just gonna do that they’re level three to R2 dude I’m looking at grabbing uh it says bye By e oh there’s gonna be a faster way of getting this found out okay I have 120 damage nuke now Let’s see we are taking over multiple Farms here yeah also I don’t think a PVP oh [ __ ] just go oh trees [ __ ] me I’m dead I gotta Puff

A fluffy puff yeah back home saying if me and Jake would actually be in the same server I would be focusing way too much on the potions because I love automating the potion brewing and just brewing potions in the game also like there’ll be nothing done I think we should try to uh

Make a mod pack that had potion stuff in it all right but the only problem with doing the more potions the mod you’re talking about is also gave all those potions to the um with as well which was not fun yeah they probably can ain’t doing that I’m not doing I’m not

Changing tick speed they probably can just choose from the variety of potions as well they do changing tick speed is for uh Noobs our people are just impatient yeah but it’s no fun when you change the tick speed to like one besides there’s so much stuff in here

That I could actually increase the growth speed that it doesn’t even matter I’m dead dude you should be able to get the I don’t know where he went oh he’s right behind you get a hundred dollars each time you just there you get when you get rejected

Some so it’s like uh some deals and Etc so you get a jack uh eject ejected this is Among Us yeah yes this is now oh if it’s a hundred dollars for any time that I get rejected I’ll just talk to every girl yep same four

I mean I mean if that was the case I would not even have to worry about working for how many jobs I’ve been rejected from oh God I’m not wrong right I would be a millionaire I mean I think the worst one I got rejected from was a uh was the Best Buy

And like how the [ __ ] did that happen come to find out it was just because I was male diversity hires you ready to call oh that slow down water bucket what all right hold on a second what oh need to fix the door just go

I should be able to live no damn it I don’t know why you worry about the door that one is uh so the animals don’t get them okay and so the cat doesn’t get locked out sure that one’s that one’s uh just wrong like I said if we can fear them into a

Taunt that’s what I want but it just seems like we’re not hitting the fear timing and we miss out on our Bounty room by the way so Bounty Hunter’s been around here you need to play art again oh yep right behind me right behind me you know I’ve played so many of those

Like survival like games like rust and that it kind of just doesn’t appeal me he’s done why I hate bun I hit bloodhounds well the thing is like if you want to play Arc I would rather wait just for Arc two and then play that oh that’s horseshit yeah you’re dead

We’re on a level six so be careful doing light that’s also three bought there’s been three bot he hasn’t been [ __ ] top helping out the invoker the invokers doing everything by himself that looks really good though now if you’re talking about Arc or you’re talking about like Arc and it’s

Purest form or just argu in general to friends because you play like on a public server you’re going to be in for a fun time if you’re playing in a private server just with friends you’re it’s just gonna be a different game it’s like the same way in Rust though

It’s like if you’re playing by yourself or with friends it’s just a different story playing Arc With Friends I don’t have he’s oh do we have dagger do we have dagger no we got him I need to take off this [ __ ] screen effect oh let’s see you have the CTV effect on

Don’t you yep yeah that effect is uh you can save it 100 it sucks no I mean uh there’s no way to disable it no yeah no no you have to wait until we get out and then turn it off I mean if if your your eyes should adjust to it

But it might be just too late no I hate the [ __ ] the [ __ ] screen shape that happens every five seconds oh oh yeah that’s in your options it should be a shake screen on on disables I could never really interest me to be honest best paper airplane any piece of origami

I’m sorry I could take the time to make origami and everything and like learn how to do that make the best paper airplane oh that’d be amazing but if you think about it a paper airplane is origami listen we don’t need these five head meta moves here shut the [ __ ] up

I’m not wrong that that’s the that’s the worst part is I’m not [ __ ] wrong although the best paper airplane or the one that I favored the most uh because I had it like this paper airplane book um it was actually a paper airplane that was actually just a circle

I know that one yes oh it’s so cool I love that one I remember getting that book from the Scholastic Book Fair dude apparently this classic book fair is no longer going to be a [ __ ] thing you see her zombie you can go away oh it’s a villager zombie

And it’s a farmer you stay here and farm night crops okay She’s Not Gonna Wanna fight oh you should have taunted I mean it’d be nice she already has what is that oh die right now immediately maelstrom uh I’m just I’m just pressuring here nah back back back bounty the rgg

We’ve lost every lane dude I’m sorry but living forever is not not on my way you never want that you you never want that people who think they want that was here are kind of actually not realizing you’re going to watch all your friends die you’re gonna watch all your friends die

You’re gonna live past Humanity because you’ll live through the uh heat death of the song oh yeah the sun exploding yeah because the sun is a mess I think it doesn’t get sector can’t take nuclear fairness yep it is I really like that don’t you just love

It when your position five doesn’t buy warrants uh what is the thing for conjure block there’s many things less I’m actually going to mute myself in Discord so I can yeah you don’t need to Jake I don’t have your stream um on if I can’t hear your dog

Yeah but I’m just letting you guys kind of focus into DotA no we don’t really need to I want to [ __ ] die here I needed Armor All right okay yeah no Jake we’re not we’re not even trying to focus on dodo we’re just trying to play for fun geez

I mean it’s already a lost game it’s [ __ ] 15-5 and we’re on the [ __ ] receiving end of the five so what you’re saying is you’re getting butt [ __ ] gotcha I know that would be more enjoyable okay Sharky I have a question for you now uh if you could have any superpower

Magical ability what would be and why Bounty is here nope he’s not wow I was called up now I missed called when Bounty was here I’m dead now oh maybe not yeah no soundtrack shapeshifting okay yeah because you would shape-shift into only a shark most likely

No for me it would actually have to be infinite uh basically the Flash’s power which is infinite speed infinite stamina as long as I have the fuel and the food in me um and for that reason just because I wouldn’t I would save so much money on Gap

Uh you’re going with the economic reasoning okay now what reasoning for the [ __ ] win dude or what flight no infinite speed infinite stamina basically the Flash’s power so as long as you have the food in you to work on your metabolism so fast you can run forever

For me it’s always got to be uh telepathy or not I would find that telekinesis I would find that boring what telekinesis yeah why moving stuff with your mind come on I would be boring that would get boring I could fly I grab onto a [ __ ] rock and I just um Deadpool a fun fact or something like nine like like 80 of people who fix shape-shifting as their superpower are probably queer no actually Winter is right here it’s just more of a it’s a psychological thing and it is actually one of those things of like it’s just because they don’t

Care for how their body looks now if you actually specify on what it was you wanted to shave shift into like if let’s say you wanted to go shipped into a just the the whole Animal Kingdom it could be because you watched uh [ __ ] Teen Titans when you were a kid and you

Like Beast Boy but if you just say shape shifting and go oh I want to shape shift it’s it could be just the fact that you hate how you actually look no what you’re actually finally said something smart it’s shape-shifting oh shut up no it’s it’s a psychological thing

[ __ ] Sykes have used this in it for a while now like oh if you had to pick anything what would it be foreign damage if you actually say you could summon any weapon uh play the psychologists think it’s uh you have some aggression that you don’t want to have done yet or if

You say you have uh Infinite Strength it would be you will want Power oh [ __ ] I’m dead for that but I think she’s dead too oh well what would you want if you wanted your power to be invisibility oh um you’re depressed God damn it what the [ __ ] is this bastard because if you’re invisible you’re you’re invisible to the world you hate the world around

You you are depressed if you’re saying if you say you want to be super intelligent you hate the fact that you have a learning disability I mean Fair though right God I can still smoke gunpowder on my [ __ ] clothes just getting a whiff of it every few seconds like This skeleton needs to go away what the [ __ ] are you doing Oh my [ __ ] God I almost I’m dying to neutrals okay that was the skeleton oh my God this guy’s kind of being a [ __ ] I can’t do anything right here foreign oh my God I called that I try to reload damn it oh my God you need to go away oh foreign Ty

Um the ability that means you’re subconscious you are oh what’s the word I’m looking for here self-conscious yeah thank you sorry I do not want to anger you but thing writing you is an [ __ ] yeah no the biggest thing is like uh you’re self-conscious and you think everybody’s talking about you or

Thinking bad about you so you care about what other people think I think the best one actually would have to be um if you want your powers to be like the Hulk it means you acknowledge that you have anger issues but you don’t want to confront them okay Bob okay um neither mother

Because I really don’t care about GTA I don’t care about money like you think we needed to survive but I would I would if I was rich I would be [ __ ] four oh three on that [ __ ] that there’s deficient which are they’re going to be on you I can’t get up to you

We need to get over there although it’s a bit with being rich you could actually support people that you care about oh yeah like the only nice thing about that would be I could probably I could retire my mom early basically which would be like the biggest thing I

Would want is to do is just be able to retire my mom like super super early but like I said I would be like the poorest rich person ever like my wealth would be going to a lot of people just who needed the cash more than I did

Thanks guys pay attention to the [ __ ] map this dude went to do a camp instead of fight like I have a [ __ ] okay with that one is it the person that you actually care about or is it the or is it just so somebody you also have to factor in

Sexuality here because there are people out there homosexuality is that they do not care about anybody sexually and there are people who don’t feel romantic feelings so those people would rather be alone I actually would rather be alone but if I can find somebody that I can actually

Connect with on a very emotional level sure I’ll I would rather be with them but there’s you’re probably not going to find that nowadays okay so for as girlfriend you’re more or less saying somebody you care about okay that was me um I would say I would like to have

Somebody I care about but that would be the only reason you would have a girlfriend to be honest I mean if you’re looking for a quick lay just go to [ __ ] uh Vegas that’s just legal yeah but it weighs a Vegas or Nebraska I don’t [ __ ] remember

One of them you can actually window shopping there’s like there’s I mean you got the Bunny Ranch that’s literally a legal brothel so I’m good without that no you’re dead bro what is that stun I love how it’s always just random questions we have popping up here this

Is why I’m saying we should just do a podcast at this point like on one of your days off the three of us just get together just do a podcast I mean that’s basically what this is it really is at this point I don’t need that I need that

I mean the biggest thing you Mason is like I want you to think about it this way would you rather be alone or would you actually have a girlfriend that you cared about be alone you should die yep she didn’t get far that was the bkb pop too

Yo winter follow me let’s go down I always say I want I do want someone to be with simply because um you never want to be alone like it’s human nature not to want to be alone and I want to go out and do things but I

Don’t do them on my by myself I need somebody there to do it with oh remember what I like why I have so many games and play so many different games Jake is because I only they’re they’re hanging out with my friends yeah like there’s very few games that I say I

Actually want and it’s one of them is definitely Boulder’s Gate I really really want to play Baldur’s Gate but that’s just like 60 [ __ ] dollars I do not have thanks bro for me to say I actually really want to play a game that doesn’t have any of my friends really playing it

Is saying something also because hey Sharkey that is an oxymora because if you say that you’re bad at everything then you’re bad at being bad yep you failed the one thing you’re supposed to be good at god dammit turkey you had one job that’s done on one hour said Dad

Yeah both supports but that’s kind of one of the weird dilemmas of just like the what is it like yes also equals no or no yes yes at the same time yeah so it’s like at this point know me so what you’re saying is no means yes

For what you just said so when you so when you’re like oh are you good at this you say no that means also yeah because if you’re saying you’re bad at everything that means you’re bad at bad so that means you’re good at that as well so you’re just gonna constant Loop

Of purgatory that you’re not getting out of here oh [ __ ] you’re in a living Purgatory how does that make you feel purgatory purgatory you said purgatory porgador oh hey winter guess what I found my [ __ ] uh sweatshirt pocket by the way what a casing wow 45-2 so it was definitely mine

Just landed in your pocket perfectly we need to go fight I guess oh God this will take forever okay Ducker I have no Mana if you could add or take away any law what would be oh easy all the gun control laws and if I had to add one everybody would

Have to be airing somewhere something to protect themselves you would see crime rate go down immediately there is actually one there’s one city in Texas where it is by log you have to be carrying and the crime rate over there is almost negative like you still have a few

Crimes being committed but usually the criminals don’t do it because they know everybody’s carrying they’re they don’t want to risk themselves getting killed I have indifferences on that I agree with what that is but I still don’t like guns being around I you know what that is fine Jake there

Are people out there like that but I’m saying a way to protect yourself if you have like let’s say a taser and I mean an actual [ __ ] taser something that’s going to be effective at 20 [ __ ] feet I would rather somebody be carrying that if they don’t feel comfortable with it

If you’re staying oh [ __ ] off bye dude okay I’m gonna move no I won’t well no it comes down to Jake on that one it’s like yeah you’re gonna have people who are going to be like I don’t like guns I don’t like guns and it’s because

Guns have been painted as a bad picture when in reality if we didn’t have them we would be in a constant state of fear because look at England look at yeah actually you know what England is a good example they ban guns and yet their crime rate is hot and murders and

Everything else is higher than the United States but they don’t have guns once again like I said indifferent about that I agree I understand it but I still don’t like guns being around again I mean it also can be come down to the fact that you haven’t hired one and

Don’t know it becomes baby okay but I understand gun safety actually very well yeah no no uh the best thing I was ever taught by uh the guy who taught us from the Boy Scouts was ex-military and he taught me how to fire a rifle and he first told me

You do not point that Barrel at anything you’re not ready to delete off this world oh I understand that I know booger herk off the bang switch do the rifle we fired though had no safety oh hi Bounty Hunter I do like also how he said if you’re uh there there were

Real weird people in the west so for instance I am right hand dominant but I’m left eye dominant basically if I was firing a rifle I would have to either learn how to shoot left-handed which wouldn’t be that much of a problem or I would have to

Uh learn to shoot with my right eye or I get a stock that is curved so let’s put on my right shoulder but it goes over to my left eye have you seen actually one of those stocks winter no it’s [ __ ] just oh I saw it on a double barrel

Oh they break automatically look but it it does happen where somebody like I used to be right eye dominant but then I trained my left eye more and so I became left eye dominant and my right eye isn’t really that dominant anymore I mean it’s actually more dominant at

Close like if I’m looking at somebody like very close to me so if I’m shooting a pistol at like 15 feet screen dot narrator narrator off sorry about that but if I’m if I’m using a rifle and it’s longer range I would rather use my left it’s such a weird trade-off

Because if you do that little Diamond trick that they say to figure out what your dominant eye is I I will pull straight down to the middle because my my eyes are just yeah what looking for one’s looking close this is why I like a bow and arrow more

Than anything else I’m tracked by the way foreign yeah GG that’s [ __ ] that’s what I’ve dude I I don’t I agree with like what Logan says doted for me has just fallen off at this point it’s still fun game to play but it’s just I don’t know

I think it’s just because it just sucks guess what I just got a message what you up for something from Logan of course I’m gonna tell I’m sure league and like when he gets home Logan does not care for TFT I would rather play TFT with you winter it was

Just bought just the two of us just being idiots building dumb [ __ ] trying out dumb [ __ ] yeah avoid you need a token for oh dude I needed a token for our vanquishers uh I’m [ __ ] dodging everything we have a PA we do dude you can’t say that these guys got [ __ ] Top Lane

Two and nine definitely Oh my man one thing again can I save you baby one of these guys I’m buying them back Uh best game back to its prime I gotta heal yeah GG I actually do think it’s GG here or maybe not holy [ __ ] because while I really do hate fortnite um well okay you’re talking about like anything any everybody’s probably going to choose and take bring your game back to its prime like that’s gonna be a no-brainer brainer personally for me if I could

Choosably bring a game back to its prime I would love to bring back um I think I know what you’re gonna say I’m actually gonna have to go with um battleborn yeah it never really had a chance like it had a decent start but when OverWatch came out it killed the game

It’s Prime only lasted like a few weeks but I would rather have that game come back and actually have a chance of at life 100 percent Either that or uh I’m going back to defend I’m dead dude for a while I have it on my steam Library what was it oh um all right if I actually had to choose a game that was not going to die and I actually had a really longer prime prime

Time I would actually have to go with uh about all right that game died out but that’s just because the skill core was way too high it had a very high school floor and a fuel ceiling that infinite skill ceiling actually kind of killed the game did you read chat buzzy

Yeah I I know what he was going for that looks as far as for me going back like any game to bring back this Prime what would I say I would probably say something like maybe destiny I think it’s kind of falling off from what its prime was

Well that’s just because it felt like the I agree with like a lot of people upset the developers feel like they gave up when we both know that’s not the case it’s just that it’s very hard game from the get-go I want to say that

Can go eat a dick I I wouldn’t say that and the reason why I was Furious when I figured out what was going on okay that’s fine to be furious and everything but you can’t really say it was a bad game from the start I would

Say when it hit Destiny 2 it’s when it really hit its prime especially when it went free but the problem is is that they were trying to keep too many people in too many communities happy holy [ __ ] why was I stunned that long there there is nothing I can do

Now this is game but yeah no backtrack I’m saying is like Destiny 2 when it was Prime they were doing everything so they kept PVP the same but added in something really really good for the game which is um no more light like disadvantage when

I went free to play which was a very huge thing for PVP um I do remember that that was a good idea the Gambit went to straight up just uh gamma Prime became the major thing but they took away the perk system which they really need to bring back with like

Oh when I go into game of prime I want to be this and then you’re queued up as that and then everybody else gets every error you you’re going up with people who are queued up as other things for gamma Prime that could fix Gambit um PVE has always been their main focus

I I will admit but when it came down to it when you’re trying to keep three communities happy PVE Gambit and PVP you’re not going to do well that’s like a big problem you’re just not going to do well and you’re always going to focus on PVE more because

If you want to make if you want to make PVP better and still make PVE fun you’re going to have to make every weapon craftable that’s just how it is every weapon has to be craftable also sorry Sharky I’m just like sorting everything I can’t save you bro pop your blade Mill

It wasn’t up ah we’re almost done here then I can have the official craft uh working area oh I try no it was the game once they got those early kills in the Top Lane and a vote forgot phone but yeah so if you want to make PVP

Better it’s like I said you need to make crafting weapons more available Thank you and make sure it doesn’t break the game but make every weapon craftable because if you can’t have every weapon craftable then you’re just going to see PVP fall or in my opinion if they really wanted to they could just remove PVP from the game make it its own separate game

And have it be like hey you can equip whatever [ __ ] gun you want with whatever perks you know and the biggest question here right now is being better uh Sharkey do you even know anything for Destiny that is a good point because we could be just talking random

Stuff and you have no idea what you’re talking about what’s your what’s your problem TFT we can do hyper World why are we waiting for Logan to do what hyper roll no the hell is that it is playing twice as fast that’s horrifying oh it’s fun as [ __ ]

Yeah that’s what I’m saying um I understand that he doesn’t know but it’s uh like I’m still gonna go talk about this with uh it’s um it’s Destiny 2. wait what the game they think I’ve quit games too many times for ranked hang on let me read this as you can see uh

I have a really bad number of hours into the game you guys can really see that or not no most of my hours in W2 are just been in PMP uh I’ve also done like a lot of tournaments for PVP and Destiny 2. it

Was one of the games I was hoping that a pro scene would have been a thing but let’s see how many hours do you have in the game uh I can actually go look and just tell you I mean I did more on Battlenet so steam wouldn’t really show

I think I broke like oh yeah I probably have double D hours because of Battlenet yeah like we’re not Factory I have under a thousand hours in Destiny 2. on Steam but I had two thousand dollars like about 4 000 on Battlenet alone because I was playing it since 2016 and

Once they moved it over to this I mean once they made the game free to play PVP just felt kind of boring oh there you go uh would you I don’t know what I would compare to but would you have would you want uh one dollar

For every hour in a video game that you played oh [ __ ] yeah easy let me let me pull up all four of my [ __ ] accounts for DOTA alone does that include DOTA one oh god um holy [ __ ] dude I would be uh I would be the richest person in the goddamn world

Because I’ve been gaming since I was three I’m 20 I’m 23 almost 24 now I’ve been gaming for over 20 years I would be a rich [ __ ] but what would you compare it with like it has if or or okay so one dollar for every video game

You have played or one or one penny for every step you’ve taken in your life oh you definitely go with the steps you’ve taken you would unless you were very lazy and also wanted your parents to hold you wheelchair oh yeah you got you gotta factor in a

Lot of things like what was your life as a kid you know were you always asking your parents to pick you up were you doing you know and then when you hit your teenage years where you when you got home did you actually just sit in your uh

Sit in your War uh room and do nothing or like I would actually take the penny for every step you’ve taken because I was in Boy Scouts I’ve I’ve hiked for [ __ ] ever God I hit it what Boy Scouts it was it was actually fun uh the

Problem is is I agree with what my dad said if I would have gotten into the truth with his Lieutenant with uh his Lieutenant was uh hosting when he was a firefighter I probably would have still been in Boy Scouts and got my Eagle Scout um

But because I because I went to a church instead and it was the church where my grandparents went yeah no it was that was the worst mistake of my life um it it kind of went downhill in my opinion and I don’t want to stay it was because of what I was doing

It was because the troop leader didn’t give a [ __ ] about anybody but his uh his kids so if you weren’t his his actual kid you weren’t getting any badges like he was apparently the youngest Eagle Scout and we all said yeah [ __ ] you you were and he was his

Scout leader it’s like Gap [ __ ] you actually gave him a lot of patches that he probably didn’t earn yeah that stuff sucks I hate it when people are glorified because they’re related to the person oh yeah 100 like I hate it and it’s because like um

Like like you have so many people going oh my God I want to I want to make sure my kids doing this I want to make sure my kids doing that and I’m just thinking myself I would rather not you know like if um it’s just one of those things of like do

You want to deal with um do all this or do you want to be actually nice and actually help out everybody hi winter you got any what would you rather for uh Sharkey here oh actually there’s an easy one so this one has actually been said a lot so Sharky would you rather

Commit the crime but that crime would never be committed again so you have to commit that crime and so it doesn’t matter what crime it is and it can be any all the crimes in the world by the way uh or would you rather help every homeless person

I mean ending their hunger and ending everything so basically you’re ending world hunger there too I would go with the homeless people yeah but also the other one isn’t that because bad but if you have to commit the crime but everybody knows that if you commit that crime you’re you’re helping them it

Would be different good [ __ ] actually I don’t want that I’m gonna use OCTA strategist or sure yeah I’m gonna go Bank workers oh they gave apples SAS kid or brat kid now sassy kid or bratty kid yeah I know um it wouldn’t matter if they’re my kid

They will be they would be both and my mother would beat my assport no matter how old I get I would go with the sassy I like I said what happened for me it wouldn’t matter well I feel like the brat kid would just be somebody who’s like

They want to get their way no matter what but assassin kid’s someone who’s just like they say things but don’t always necessarily mean it and sometimes they’re actually pretty nice oh I can agree with you SAS does not necessarily mean bad like I said I would no matter what if

It’s my kid it would be both 100 and my ass would be beat my mom could be like 90 and she would still pick on like be like [ __ ] it here’s something to throw at you from raising your kid like this get all the Hispanic moms throwing their slippers at you

I’m also Hispanic if she was Hispanic it might end she’s Danish foreign I’ve said it once I’ll say it again I got the word world’s worst texture I am Sicilian and I’m Dane like it is it’s not a good it’s not a good company I can [ __ ] put in here I don’t

Know thanks to another player’s report we’ve issued a penalty for a player sabotaging the team in one of your recent games oh that is here was that you but first I thought they meant they [ __ ] reported me and then said thanks for using the report system guys I can’t play ranked though

And for some reason I can’t play ranked Um spoiled definitely well once we can surrender Logan I would probably surrender and go play I would rather spoil a kid um who is grateful about being spoiled then have somebody who is ungrateful ungrateful for what they have yeah agreeable what can I say I was trying to figure

Out what the hell you guys were talking about but I was lost airplane TF2 we we tried our game of DOTA but it’s nah nah it’s a not for me Fam INE one of my friends wow all these are ass okay yep that one’s way better what [ __ ] well and they unfriended you

Yeah I mean when was the last time you played with them I think do you think kid on the side road is a crime or 100 you I don’t know some there’s some places that that’s not a crime what [ __ ] Jamaica No Yes actually actually you called it on the second one

Sorry I [ __ ] up the first time I gotta gotta name a more authoritarian country right oh God I hate this so much I don’t even know these people oh that’s my sister’s friend yeah is that dude we hung out with her a little bit there but he stopped hanging out

With us oh nowhere I haven’t seen him I haven’t seen those two together in a while and I’m I’m by I play Valerian very sparingly but it’s like every time I’m on she’s always saying I look like a new group of people yeah I know 100 I’m like how many

[ __ ] people do you know that play this game like holy [ __ ] oh yeah like literally remember I remember how I was introduced to you [ __ ] I I got in with uh no it was I I met zombie first and then I meant all you guys through zombie

No I meant I see through zombie then I met all of you through icy oh and all these friendships are actually one of the best I’ve ever had I mean it’s sad to say this but like I haven’t been able to hang out with uh Devin for a while

And then it’s been like one of my closest friends you know hang on I was gonna say do you even talk to icy no no not after the [ __ ] she pulled on [ __ ] Jordan well actually I wouldn’t even say it’s more of Jordan’s fault on that one actually

So she she actually asked um asked him what what he thought about marriage and he was openly honest and he [ __ ] up but now I see became a [ __ ] okay was a [ __ ] yeah I agree with that I mean personally I do not care for IC I

I’ve never really have she she became the best way to put it she was she was like chill and then like the next day she wasn’t it was like what the [ __ ] is it is it that time already for you like [ __ ] but it felt like it was every other week

With her I just kind of hated the fact that she kept always changing her name I hate it when people do that but at the same time I can understand but it was like every other week I’ve never backed never what I’m Never Gonna Let You Down I’m Never Gonna Give You Up That wasn’t me the [ __ ] that was 100 that [ __ ] can we like disable that or something uh you can actually mute it doesn’t go through your guys’s stuff nope nope how do you disable that there’s a thing you can turn the volume down I don’t know if that does it for the

Server or just for you I’m pretty sure it’s just for you so you can turn it all the way down is it in my settings no oh soundboard here we go menu yeah just turn yeah it’s in the audio settings yeah you can turn it completely off

Actually do it and then I’ll test it yeah it’s down I hear nothing good what huh I really need to go take a shower before we play league I still smell like gunpowder and it’s starting to bother me well okay you gotta realize I went through like [ __ ] 60 rounds today on

My 45 alone and my uncle went through uh I think he went through 34 my dad went through 50. and we’re all near each other and we had other people [ __ ] firing their weapon as well near us so it’s I’m gonna smell like [ __ ] gunpowder for a while

I don’t know because I don’t watch them I actually grabbing my mouth dude oh you do yeah I go for it tomorrow in the morning oh uh what are you talking about something I would know uh Nikki 30 Mickey 30. the k30 I don’t know anything about that one I don’t care for

Um both fortnite creators uh especially if they’re family friendly like I would rather have somebody actually say what was on their mind like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] like that um imagine it’s personally me because I to be honest with you for somebody at his age not to like

Not swear it just feels weird and sounds weird I mean I I applaud the dude for it 100 I will applaud the dude for it um you gotta understand we are the weird ones not him oh yeah 100 were the weird ones but at the same time I do understand where uh oh

Like why he doesn’t want to be friends with one other dude for not for swearing it is just kind of again just a weird feeling so how much item does this get me that’s a lot of iron sorry uh Logan I’m playing this out I know winter left but I’m playing this

[ __ ] out yeah and sorry I grew up with like Markiplier and stuff so yeah same so it’s one of those it’s one of those things like we are not going to like go oh Nick a30 cool I mean yeah I I watch Ninja but I watched ninja because

He was a Halo Halo 5 competitor competitor player and you guys are talking to some really [ __ ] old farts yeah at this point yeah I mean you do you right like whatever’s making you money and being family friendly is making you a lot of money

Keep it up like I’m not gonna be like oh this dude’s family friendly I’m not gonna watch him no that’s not the case I just personally don’t care for that content it just sounds weird and everything else to me and drop a [ __ ] English

Yeah so I can die here I need to be way more careful about what I play here okay I might live I might die what will you do when you reach 40 years old be questioning how the [ __ ] I live this long I was about to say I was 100 about to

Say like [ __ ] I live that long yeah I thought something would do me in like my [ __ ] Lifestyle the amount of people I’ve pissed off and so on and so forth like there’s a [ __ ] list of reasons why I could [ __ ] die in the distance Chicago what do you mean people

You pissed off oh no remember I live in near I live in [ __ ] Tacoma area dumbass I live near Chicago so unless I checked Tacoma wasn’t [ __ ] New Orleans because we have like a 90 out of three hundred thousand all right no it’s it’s it’s bad it’s [ __ ] bad down here now

I mean I still find it funny that the other um what was it like last month we there was a [ __ ] murder that happened in my neighborhood and they’re like oh what happened you know and the guys didn’t even [ __ ] live down here one the dude who was killed was lived in Renton

You guys the other two lived in Seattle and I’m like why the [ __ ] are they down here everybody was like oh it was probably a party and yada yada me and my dad think it was a drug deal gone bad for more likely you you don’t kill

Somebody you don’t come all the way for a party I was gonna say I take that back actually uh apparently Tacoma has 843 violent crimes per 100 000. the rest of Washington is 294. uh-huh the national rate is 388. what do you mean Mason yeah no Tacoma is bad

Um dude don’t check Seattle’s yeah I’d rather not I used to live up there and I’m just like like me and my dad I both agreed if we’re going to Seattle we are Terry I am carrier I don’t care particularly bad area yeah probably like Scottish [ __ ] is Oakland A

It’s under it’s right next to fur Crest it’s east of Union City Police yeah okay that is I know where that is yeah no Oakland is bad oh yeah what you told me were a university place and where for a Crest was oh [ __ ] I know where exactly

Where that is just East above dude like Washington State went to hell [ __ ] really quickly um due to the fact of the law that a governor passed where a cop can’t do anything unless they witness the violent crime yeah meaning also you can’t pull somebody over anymore my two cousins that are

Cops told me if I if license lights and siren go on don’t pull over just keep driving they can’t chase you here in Washington state they cannot chase you that is against the law for them well in all fairness pretty much Nationwide if the if a Chase becomes

Dangerous to the public they’re just gonna abandon it you almost always get away they’re not gonna chase you you go so fast driving that way it’s so reckless and dangerous usually usually though stop and there’s a reason why there’s troubles on the engines you know that right

If a bike is going that fast they nine times out of ten they lose control by their shovel they’ll stop eventually and the cop doesn’t have to give them a ticket because there’s a reason why they’re scoop shovels on the engine but yeah yeah I don’t know if winter even has

Minecraft finally time but you gotta support I got a jungle my bad that’s fine he beat me too I wasn’t paying dungeon I’m changing the Smite before I even [ __ ] please don’t have attention oh Mason we were we were playing Apex together earlier well I think they might be meaning like

Minecraft or something ah I don’t even have that [ __ ] installed on this PC bro you only really care if like you’re there’s PVP for Minecraft yeah I mean if we if we like I said I really want to play Boulder’s Gate and I’m definitely if I

Get it going to be live streaming it and if you get it it’ll be really good to play together I just like D and D I mean that’s something else I would I need to ask uh Devin about was like doing online Discord d and d and we just

Get a small group together just apply it like winter wants to do it I want to do it if we can get like maybe you just to play it and then [ __ ] somehow talk Logan into it there we go we have five people oh you meant every game because I

Already have the game and I still don’t want to play it well boulders I want to put well that’s because you’re not you’re not into DND oh by the way by the way Logan do you remember how I told you I was going to go through my uh wishlist and take off

The stuff I’m not like actually wanting to play anymore I went from 25 items down to nine so uh you remember how you’re saying it’s very rare for you to find something that I’ll on my wishlist that you were looking at yeah you ain’t finding [ __ ] on my way

God damn you went through a lot of [ __ ] names oh that was uh because that was the name yeah no we do we do play together a lot because it was the it’s just right now they’re playing um Legends or whatever yeah personal Advocate and I don’t play that

Oh oh uh is it still on there or did it go away there was an old name that I had because my my friends kept saying oh we can’t find you we can’t find you so I changed it is it still there I wonder I’m looking right now hang on oh it’s no

It’s no longer there Spell correctly and camel case oh my God I did I did it because everybody was like oh we can’t find you we can’t find it we can’t find you and I’m like okay hang on give me like I was like hang on hold my beer

Remember carrot he was streaming what’s up oh no dude that’s like the CL not even that bad I don’t give a [ __ ] t-shirt man usually musk games that we play are playing together oh there’s a little [ __ ] boy yeah so Mason if you ever watching anything I am I’m only streaming with

Them anymore like you might catch me playing like Titanfall or something like that it’s just nothing and yes Jake I pulled turned on I turned on uh down so I can actually hear you and so you can keep muted okay I went the wrong ability first right now I’m looking for some

Protentium well I mean I I had uh Authority instead so it just became a different thing I should I probably should have started q but I didn’t think he started traps first I don’t know many um I don’t need that thing spawning oh he’s not gonna be able to go back my

Favorite element on the periodic table of elements I should put that in the Triangle I’m so dumb that’s an interesting one well that’s nasty oh easy Nitro can you play with can I play with one of you um you’re probably better basking rabid right now because like I said I’m playing in a

Single player world I just feel like chilling out I don’t know how far I’ll get into this world but yeah probably not me because I’m I play more League Legends and DotA so mobas we play weird stuff Mobile’s not fun for most people okay I didn’t say that there was a hole there

Most people I mean you have people like um Jake and uh Michael who really don’t care for him or unless it’s like very specific some people no you’re actually exactly that [ __ ] so many of you oh God it’s fun you know like 300 matches and [ __ ] a weekend bro come

On ew that sounds like hell yeah [ __ ] no there were times I wanted to you play Minecraft on this uh switch not really Actually I don’t even have it for the switch I hope we didn’t take this [ __ ] he took both shuttles while I was waiting oh my God there’s plenty more Silverfish

Go away what the [ __ ] is he made of I hear him they’re in the walls I think actually they are literally in the wall diamond pick Platinum ah potentium oh [ __ ] yo he’s bought oh he backed with me they’re better not be doing dragon they probably are yeah and then I’ll be

Honest usually um go yeah we need to go we need to go we need to go wait is that vid yeah uh usually I’m playing like single player stuff if I’m not playing Apex with them no no I if you if you still want to pick me up Boulder’s Gate I’m

Down to play with you see that’s the thing I have no problem with buying you but my issue is that if I buy it that means I gotta play it no it’s up to you no no like that’s the only reason I still I still need to go through all my

Games on my computer and just get rid of some at this point uh just play Warhammer 3 because uh I’m having a problem with the um I mean if we have a group to play boulder Escape together it might pick it up as well with the the g-force now [ __ ]

It’s not working right anymore oh you have Michael you will have me and you definitely have me at the at some point um and if Logan wants to play it then yeah like we would have four people to play boulder skate that might be more more of myself

No like Michael has it and has actually been able to play it I have multiple friends that play Boulder’s Gate like we we will have a group to play Boulder’s Gate if you want to play it with people Logan I was gonna say I’d be a little more convinced to do that than

Just I mean I I know winter wants to try it out too like but winter has them he needs to just say [ __ ] it I want this and get it ah [ __ ] me I’m actually [ __ ] dead here bro because electricity like anything anymore and I’m like what

Like you keep saying you’re making great money on tips but you you keep saying like you can’t justify funds for something you absolutely want I’m doing well how are you doing today hear him oh [ __ ] I want to deal with this music guy yeah that’s 100 on me I feel so bad for

It for that bunch of cocaine what the [ __ ] because I think my laner is [ __ ] bad for a dude [ __ ] run how did he get out yeah get out I mean it’s kind of like going back over to that Jake it’s kind of like a how

Remnant 2 was like it was a good game but I I don’t think it’s gonna hit with everybody but there’s Boulder’s Gate definitely winning game of the year like that [ __ ] [ __ ] is such a good game they got that [ __ ] we backed yeah I still haven’t come in it bort bortor

What the [ __ ] is bort work I mean Remnant could be Remnant could be in the running for but the problem is it’s like I don’t see it beating the older’s gay no it’s it’s not when you have like 300 000 overwhelmingly positive reviews you can pretty much guess what’s gonna

Happen well it’s the same way with like how deep rock is deep rock is like the most uh uh highly reviewed game ever on Steam but it comes down to like I [ __ ] don’t care for the review system anymore because most of the reviews are just so

Old like a lot of the problems that people [ __ ] about have been fixed foreign oh if you do I probably would play it more I know I have Michael and Devin who also play it I mean I’ve been meaning to hang out with Devin more but I keep

Getting pulled away for other stuff but Devin also says he wants to play um oh with my Max though I mean Devin’s been playing a lot player Of us kind of been meaning to try the game out but there’s a lot of games that we have a lot of people that are going to be playing Boulder Escape what Deep Rock yeah I mean that that I mean it’s fun it’s a great horde game

But other than that I don’t recommend it like ah yeah I’m gonna have to flash this no Fun’s about to die that’s fun and you may still die yeah I got my that my whole goal was to lainer out yeah sorry man I felt good he he I don’t know why he

Stayed bottom like drags out up he was actually attracted weird I’ve had thoughts about getting a tattoo don’t do a jig there’s a lot of problems with the ink in the skin almost there I mean go to a reliable place I understand that you might not care but

Uh let’s be honest you don’t want to get sick constantly you stole my blue [ __ ] I got sick constantly that’s better than how I am right now I’m not getting sick at all and then my immune system’s gonna fail when I do get sick oh [ __ ] you win this what are they doing

You better get that oh look at all these oars I was gonna lose my mind if you didn’t okay I thought I thought she was gonna go wide oh [ __ ] Jaime oh I’m dead bro but I got I that’s that was an old game that was an ulti that was an ulti

Wait what the [ __ ] we might you guys actually might win this but now one tattoo that I thought was to get uh on my shoulder here uh the kanji foreign and then have underneath it around it Say Never Never Knows Best you used it earlier yeah well okay like I mean if you

Something like that meaningful to you I mean look at my sister got like oh [ __ ] I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I can’t I’m dead I was paying attention I was not paying attention Oh yeah if I was actually paying attention you can sold this [ __ ] what’s up just died trying to get back off here soon oh now we need to back off okay well this is a bad time to be here poison does not actually kill me for I’m stunned still you’re fun random

These guys are [ __ ] you gotta be kidding me he’s gonna live okay that uh hurt wait can we get dragon out I wanted you guys to keep pushing Tower I can take drag by myself I would rather just get dragged and guaranteed drag because he’s up I have X

He doesn’t have Flash it’s got sharpness oh that’s a lot of damage he thought he could kill me don’t mark because I [ __ ] murdered him that’s why two Health don’t you dare [ __ ] Smite this I’m not going to but now I’m thinking about it I swear I have I’m not a jungler but

Instincts like don’t you [ __ ] dare insult that [ __ ] okay I don’t want to hear it if I already told you let’s go murder a Witcher I’m gonna murder you oh God no okay you typed it I was being nice oh God the [ __ ] we have three of them

I could use uh I could there we go make out session right now I have a free [ __ ] bot I don’t know what the [ __ ] they’re talking about but [ __ ] listen uh oh with my big stick to come give you some loving I don’t know about that a makeout session

Oh my God rabbit what the [ __ ] all right that’s just a bolt making him back off right now dude I do not need this [ __ ] why the [ __ ] is he bottom I have no idea what the [ __ ] they’re talking about Blanc was on that I was

Like who the [ __ ] how did they have three people on credit for I need those I don’t need that okay don’t die but I’m coming I might not have a choice I got hit with too much run okay well if they’re gonna overpush I’m just gonna we got over here uh two bundles

Take that red programming puzzle piece what is this uh used by a programmers when writing programs for that to a drone or network API I’ll take it I’ll take it either keep these pieces unfortunately I gave Mastery my [ __ ] big [ __ ] just going to deafen right now what is this

Wait so what does this do when placed on miles per spawner the spawner agitator will prevent the spawner spawned entities from despawning when the player leaves the area additionally a spawner will keep spawning while the player is not in the area okay that’s actually really good osmium foreign I could really go back and forth with that one well no [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m gonna deafen him for that comment or go nothing for that um but no I could honestly go back and forth between either going under the sea or going into space I’d probably go into space for a day

There’s not much to see out there but it’d be cool help do some scientific research ow uh maybe not tonight but probably probably again tomorrow cause I’m sure once rabbit’s done with DOTA he’s probably gonna head off for a night um because for him it’s like midnight right now

I’m currently just farming uh potentium so I can actually make some stuff and get some stuff started uh I would like to get into the create mod though tonight maybe get some automation going foreign gonna have fun tomorrow yes sorry Mason if you’re looking forward to seeing us playing again tonight but

Thank you foreign cool but now I should be able to go and make uh some more mystical agriculture stuff go ahead and tear that down all right that creates a light source cool so apparently I have no potential Mommy yeah I’ll have to set up a date when I

Want when I’m gonna do that because I don’t think foreign real quick I mean the old the next really big game that I want to play is the sea of stars but I couldn’t wait with that yeah so I might play Doom Eternal next now granted that’ll probably be like

Uh Monday or something or started on Monday foreign foreign oh absolutely yeah Howard spawner okay I don’t know I definitely got a lot of stuff planned um it’s just getting around to actually playing it and it’s obviously balancing between work and playing video games as well as taking care of stuff in life

Hmm life stuff sucks copper alloying I don’t really need that now you just have copper um all right what was it that was gonna make once again right now it’s just kind of random so I don’t exactly know if I am or not I mean to be honest today at work was

Just kind of boring so you rabbit oh they’re all I’m on death of myself oh I’m the only one here never mind yay we have courts meaning we are a step closer to getting closest to automation uh do I have any Hopper pots no it does not look like it okay

I should have also looked for if we have any foreign cool then we can take our terracotta a couple bricks as well as a hopper make a pot it’s a terracotta and the hopper to create the hopper buttoning pot two I know yeah I had a bunch of this there it is

Uh I don’t want to exactly break that foreign I may have broken the hoe rip okay then let’s go ahead and make that bam and Bam make a tier three go ahead and throw that in there and then that will grow very very slowly awesome and soon enough we will have

Some nether quartz crystals so we don’t have to worry about automation of that I can go ahead and get rid of that just kind of clearing out what’s all in here oh oh you give a random thing another bronze I don’t need bronzeed I mean yeah we’ve made sales at GameStop um

Nothing too grandiose mainly just people picking up their pre-orders for um Mortal Kombat one just got I really hope this skeleton is not down here primarily it was pretty boring today usually the uh weekdays are pretty slow it’s the weekends that really suck ass Foreign automatic spellcaster okay spell prism okay I think I already have one of these so what does this charm do they’ve actually oh I haven’t noticed that they’ve gotten thicker usually places go with dinner because it is actually a thing that businesses do where they’ll leave the price the

Same but they’ll try to go thinner and thinner okay foreign thicker and thicker that’s pretty good okay so how do we make this wand that’s actually pretty cheap oh half a millimeter I mean I guess it’s better than nothing but still nothing foreign things okay

And so I’m kind of just seeing what this is doing okay Pizza Pizza hunts laughs it’s all good I just find it funny dude this has I think I fought this guy before not in this world but in previous worlds foreign they all do different things okay

You know about the glyphs or good there well I’m thinking about making um one of these charms to uh get one of these guys and then having them set or especially the star uh funnel and having this guy kind of organize my farm uh so that way I can automate it and

Not have to worry about it but honestly right now I’m just kind of reading up on what this is doing because I mean this is all for armor which I do need to make the last two pieces of my armor but I don’t know I have 12 diamonds

Also I’m working on a storage system as well fine storage is a really nice mod we got four so I guess we can start with that uh I need 18. um I also need to get three silicone which you get by smoking nether quartz I will also need to look at getting into

Or get a generator foreign let me do that then first make sure I have the resources actually make it what we are going to do instead let’s go into in uh real uh we’re gonna go into industrial four going we need to start by making the pitiful generator which requires

Two iron bars one gold four Cobblestone a furnace and a pitiful uh machine frame which is four iron blocks uh four wood in one block of redstone one two three four five six seven eight nine for that if that uh I don’t need all these

And what else did I need I need some iron bars and uh iron bars Cobblestone and gold dude I ever see some iron bars so I don’t have to yeah make some I don’t think so but that’s fine let me easily make that make the pitiful generator

And just place that down for now then we need to get the fuel extractor or fluid extractor which we can go ahead and bookmark that the latex processing unit and then we’re going to need what where is it oh no it should be that

So I think these are the only two that I need which means we need another pitiful we need shoe more oh right okay so I need to make the uh few fluid extractor first um which is going to be another one of one two three four two three four foreign

Where’s my Redstone at I know I picked up a bunch of it no offense I’m taking the Japan Royal because I really like Japan actually I only need uh two of those I’m sorry you’re asking me to choose between a playset is pretty interesting versus a place that I really want to go

To I think it’s that way yeah interesting more like deadly fair enough okay so now with the fluid extractor what it does is if I put a log here as you’ll see it starts to break and what this is going to do is gather one latex every what five six seconds

What it can also hang on actually before like it’s too far in let’s go ahead and set this there uh I’m hoping this works okay here we go we can power this up and this will start to extract far quicker and then I I don’t remember if it’s a hundred mil

Buckets or if it’s a thousand I think it’s a hundred for every one bucket foreign We do not have any better crafting tables uh a couple words but not too much like arigato is mean thank you um but to be formal you should say arigato gozaimasu uh you of course have the generic baka uh utsava mean meaning shut up I don’t know if I don’t think I’m pronouncing

That right but to say that I could speak like fluently no I can’t foreign oh my God okay so it must be a thousand for one mil for one bucket also out of any curiosity how do you think the bass is coming along I mean I’ll definitely do some more stuff down here

With this being more of my working area standing well you shouldn’t Pat me on the back too much uh I don’t need to make that right now because I do not want to waste the an ender pearl Okay um Enchanting guide what Um I don’t know how to make any origami but I know I still have it but there’s a special paper used for making origami and I think I still have a little bit of it but it’s like buried in my chest in my closet here

Uh what else do I need for the latex processing you make another pitiful then I need a bucket of water and a bucket of latex another block of redstone so I’m gonna need meaning to or redstone unless hang on oh that’s a tier five um that’s it here three never mind

Yeah I can easily make that uh I need one seed foreign okay then let’s go ahead and make another uh botany pot for that we can make another Hopper as well oh I need to make the actually I should have a bunch of pots in here should I not because I stole a

Bunch so do I still have it out here foreign what’s Steve doing I mean Steve’s just being a horse here this is Steve the horse I don’t know how well this is gonna show up on camera oh this this is just my uh being a little greedy little [ __ ] trophy uh but

Hang on oh I got rid of it okay is this I got a little origami uh statue of the thing I don’t know if that’s gonna show up right thank you there’s a there’s a flower pots go ahead pick up my seeds uh I need to get one more dirt

And that will start growing foreign so that should be Redstone started and can be automated but I’ll probably still have to go down and eventually grab some more redstone it’s only a little bit more latex another bronze seed what the hell stop giving me prawn seeds also how are you doing today Aiden

Rather not use my last regular furnace cool so right now all I have to wait for is that and actually I feel that long day for you uh so far my uh I myself am doing pretty well just enjoying playing some Minecraft at the moment doesn’t that suck you like net you take

Uh six hours sleep and you’re like oh I should feel so rested in everything and it’s just like I’m absolutely drained oh come on you’re almost done foreign so now we can take that that will have some power generation okay uh horse you are really nice to have around but oh thank you

I think I actually have one fluid pipe because there’s randomly yeah I have one fluid uh no and I really don’t have any interest in the game what did I hit oh here we go I could imagine uh this is from the right not gonna work like that are you I need

The actual wrench for pipes also I need a second fluid extractor because I need water yeah I need this oh I can use bones uh no right now what I’m building is a production into latex which I got mystery reward okay um which will allow me to get into all of industrial uh

Before going but getting latex will allow me to start to get tiny dry rubber which can be used to make dry rubber um and I’m going to be using this obviously to make plastic um allowing me to make one is it Oh where is it I need I need to get that eventually well no that’s the flute Placer I don’t do that uh it’ll allow me to make the bioreactor as well as the biofuel generator uh what the bioreactor does is allows me to take seeds and plants and I think

Even like uh animal byproducts uh to make biofuel I guess in which the biofuel generator will take that uh yeah I’ll take that biofuel and allow me to make uh RF energy Ah I think those are broken so I’m just gonna stick those there but it’s a pretty nice way to Um get some decent uh energy especially when you have like the botany pots here and you can use like wheat seeds and weed and stuff yeah yeah it’s a good source of energy and everything I mean make sure it’s daytime let me actually put my phone on charger real quick

Yeah we have a decent decent Farm going out here um that if I were to actually get the plant collector we would basically be able to like Harvest this entire area and have infinite fuel with the only thing restraining us being uh the usage of how much energy we are

Like using and everything because I’m also trying to get into refined storage so we can have a better uh storage system but it does take a little bit also I’m trying to collect as much of this as possible [Applause] right to a stack of corn seeds Jesus

So now this will be uh this will be pretty good energy source I’m surprised I don’t see a lot of people using anyways oh foreign Minecraft just in general right now I have so much corn going because I am making a bunch of uh straw here which is just a careful process

Actually hang on can I hand let me see if I can fill up laughs can I put that in there ah there we go that’s how you do it oh that’s beautiful uh yes there are some casual structures in here um because this is just all the mods nine

Also this staircase does look really good uh but yeah it has like a bunch of the stuff and everything it’s got some dungeons it’s got a bunch of a bunch of different Villages I’m gonna assume it has Yang’s better um and dungeon mod laughs foreign

If only uh Sony could play nice with uh Microsoft got six let’s go it’s looking pretty good oh right I was going to be making that wrench thank you okay that took all the fuel out good okay that’s working cool yeah no they they’ve always got a battle

And everything I mean I understand having competition between companies it is an important thing to the economy and everything and I also understand consoles having their own exclusives but in my opinion for a long while now Microsoft has been trying to play ball with Sony

And Sony just does not want to work at all with Microsoft or even Nintendo kind of organized this a little bit also with the my I guess with the Bedrock stuff I guess there is a bit of uh not necessarily bickering but uh console limitations compared to like something like PC

Which is what I’m currently playing on uh sure let’s show that horse armor in there I’m literally going to be destroying that for diamonds okay so I need to make another fuel uh fluid extractor oh hey you too have a good night and thank you for

Subbing uh I know it didn’t pop up saying that itself but I do appreciate it I don’t know why it doesn’t always show up oh this one was okay oh never mind I didn’t even make the furnace well I guess that guy got an extra furnace uh one two three four

I didn’t need six I I need more redstone it shouldn’t be that it’s just YouTube’s and honestly this is on YouTube’s side it just sometimes does not want to show up like saying who has and has not subscribed ah I’m just like that seems kind of weird

Like it will show how many subscribers I actually have and be accurate but it doesn’t show who is and it’s not it’s weird and then of course going through uh uh stream elements it goes based on what YouTube says and if YouTube doesn’t show it up guess what

It doesn’t show up in uh stream elements that’s not right I need this oh cool actually I need one more iron all right that could also be it foreign that actually makes a lot of sense if that was a okay so we’re gonna go ahead and do that uh do I still have

No we don’t okay foreign actually I don’t care about you zombie you go away oh I’m gonna need individually watch this armor right laughs should be seeing from here you’re not the right thing are you I just made that pointlessly well actually not Point Let’s see also you have a good night sorry I need this

Which means I need okay we have dried rubber let’s go go ahead and throw all that in there foreign which even still if I want this to work properly you need this to be up one more block oh this is going to be a process and a half

Okay that should hold it for a little while uh but I think that uses a half a bucket per how much I think it uses one per every oh God I heard something moving behind me and I looked behind me and see this thing moving and I freaked the [ __ ] out

Okay so I need the fluid collector okay that’s easy enough to make that in fact I think I still might have some iron nuggets here foreign make that so I can make the pitiful I still need more wood is that not it oh it’s iron never mind I’m forgetting which ones need what

Should have all the buckets that we need because I have like a crap ton of buckets yeah that work foreign and then all we need to do is oh right I need to craft that into the rubber and then smelt that that should then become one plastic

So then I need to wait for two more Which it is a one it’s a one-tenth a bucket versus half a bucket it also should look at pipes oh these are expensive foreign Pipes that are not as expensive I mean to be honest it’s not that bad Just hoping for it to be a little less expensive than what it is foreign stuff here okay I mean that’s like I said that’s not too bad it’s just threaten not have to spend all that iron on that okay let me actually Mark that so we can keep that up and everything okay

And we have everything that we need to make this go ahead and place that either with or not here if they are like that do you have a wrench that looks like a no uh you know very little feel on you ooh but you have a lot of RF okay

We’re gonna have to do this at some point yeah all that power’s gone unfortunate hmm did I put that wrench on my back here nope I put in here do you burn that it’s good foreign so now you are filling up with power you’re collecting water and you’re putting water in here

So as long as I have a block right here uh block of wood specifically this will continue to make tiny dry rubber oh but I don’t want to make the fluid Placer conveyor belts never made those I still haven’t finished this although it’s asking me to kill stuff so

Yeah that’s not gonna be started for a while I don’t very much appreciate having you on my base ah Foreign Foreign is that Mickey okay I light this area up so that we don’t have to deal with more mob sounds uh where’s the hole I kind of forgot that hole is still there God damn it where’s the hole again it’s over here Okay hopefully that guy will despawn soon though oh right you stripped the wood before you break it oh okay that works for me and then I can finally have this set to uh RF stuff just gonna refresh this real quick uh I should go ahead and make that backpack foreign

Not have leather I should have some leather there it is one two three four one two three four and they just throw that anywhere at this point because that completes that oh my God some extra torches now technically I already have a backpack gun being that I have this one can I

Oh yeah I have a thing for a crafter on a stick that’s left for a bundle awesome that will work out I don’t okay what is it what does it do oh it does double the inventory space oh you can go to Gold I probably can go to Diamond as well

Um which if it does go up to Diamond I don’t want to do that right now yeah okay but I mean oh that’s a lot of intuitive space that is beautiful uh so this is the sophisticated backpack man which I thought I had an upgrade for you laughs I guess I don’t

Oh I have the upgrade base [Applause] oh that’s actually pretty useful except it’s not because I don’t really mean worry about that this however I need the melon oh God that’s expensive that’s actually very useful damn I don’t even worry about that one will be very useful here shortly

So we’re gonna Mark that Mark that so is this thing that I could hold 128 items in one slot oh my God that’s like amazing oh but that’s expensive as hell Okay so I technically already have melon suits somewhere why did the music get all tranquil A thank you foreign must have just turned morning okay then we can do Ingle into growth I have to hit this tiny little stem oh well that worked out oh welcome back I won’t lie I thought you kind of passed out even though you’re in Australia so far I’ll say all they’ve really

Missed is I was built I built this part which automatically collects water this guy who turns the latex that has gotten from here and uses water to make dried rubber in which I can then take the dried rubber to make actual Rubber and crafting stuff I’ve also gone ahead and now made myself

A backpack which then I upgraded to an iron and then a gold and right now I’m looking at also it says I have something that’s a lot of good stuff I’m looking at making an uh feeding upgrade which will automatically feed me whenever I need help or whenever I’m hungry

It’ll be pretty nice once once I get all going also I don’t know why the music is all tranquil right now but I’ll take it it’s nice and I do believe it is worth using an ender pearl for this there we go so now I should be able to just place

That in there that should be on or off then if I just go ahead like throw all my bread in here also nice thing about this backpack is even though I have that backpack on I still also have this one for my crafting table and stuff that I can carry around

Um let me see real quick I want to see how efficient this is feeding me oh my God that’ll keep that’ll keep me uh alive much better uh yeah what question do you have foreign I mean crime is pretty big around here like it’s way bigger than what it probably should be

Oh weird foreign so now with this ah you can put an upgrade in here and that’s what these are for you can put a crafting table into a a thing okay so sophisticated chest is basically um the alternative to iron iron chests uh my biggest question would be our things

Oh hey lucky lucky how’s it going um are things as deadly as what people say they are like are you scared of say a snake biting you any given day or spiders or anything attacking you that’s good but here you’re doing well gotcha okay I’ll see you go there

I’m gonna assume you mean you’re sad and how come you’re sad if you don’t mind me asking oh think oh I’m sorry [ __ ] cancer cancer [ __ ] sucks did she just get diagnosed with cancer or is it been known for a little while Dan I’m sorry to hear about that as well uh okay

I I mean either way it still really [ __ ] sucks because I mean I understand how people feel when they find out that they have cancer I mean has she started getting treatment for it or are they still discussing about what to do foreign what to do okay

I mean hopefully it won’t be anything that’s too extreme and that they can deal with the uh cancer with less severe treatment options options but I do honestly wish you the best of luck or wish your sister the best of luck uh I’m I’m sorry I don’t quite

Understand what you’re saying with that one also I’m just filling this up because I don’t need a random hold that leads to nowhere oh no problem also sorry I know you guys can’t really see anything but well I hope if anything oh yeah nope absolutely no problem

I mean I haven’t ever had anybody go through cancer so I don’t know how it feels to be somebody on that end myself but I can understand how people feel when it comes down to something like that especially when it’s uh someone very close to you such as a family member

But I hope if anything uh your time is spent here in my stream at least cheers you up a little bit yes absolutely I hope that she gets better as well okay there’s that blocked up I kind of feel like blocking this up but at the same time it’s not really worth it

Because I usually make this my main entrance down to my minds but uh it’s raining it’s gross foreign [Applause] I don’t know I don’t I guess I understand why people don’t like the rain but yeah it’s calming I like it I mean Minecraft rain I will admit gets annoying

Mainly because it’s so loud but that was kind of creepy just to see two Endermen there uh I still I think I’m gonna make this like a secondary storage area where I can just like throw a bunch of stuff or Server area for refined storage because I do want under here to be used for uh for like doing like underground work so I’m probably like mine into here and stuff and like transfer wires and everything through there okay oh that was my backpack feeding me uh that’s actually gonna be quite nice

Need four beat cages I would love to get into this oh God that’s a lot of resources and actually one of the biggest things I want for productive bees is the this stuff for potentium or Prosperity not pretensium okay it is a pretty cool mod that involves a

Lot of like breeding for bees and stuff also I was just about to say breeding for Pokemon wrong game entirely um foreign okay take care it was nice getting to meet you lucky I hope uh things go well for your sister but yeah I want to eventually make this low

To get the B you need to block okay that’s easy enough and then you need to bring another quartz to it another quartz nest uh what’s my favorite candy they are really hard to find okay typical answer probably something like kitkats or Reese’s or um Butterfingers Butterfingers is a good one as well

But one of my favorite candies is a candy called Atomic Fireballs they are [ __ ] delicious hotter actually so where Atomic or Warheads are very sour uh Atomic Fireballs were very hot also just to me just to see what this does give me a stick does this just automatically oh interesting

All right I still need to upgrade this don’t I because this is just max Mana yeah I still want to upgrade that oh my God I had so many of those uh where did I put here we go I’ll need to find a spot for everything but for now this will do

Um and is this a yes it is doesn’t eat the infusion it just needs this and then no Source needed so what we’ll go and do is one two three one two three four five oh never mind I thought this was an upgrade um it might sound very stereotypical

But obviously I would think of like an arid aired kind of wasteland with a few trees and kind of the nice like Sun setty color in the background with like the different animals like I have like what cheetahs and Kangaroos and elephants and stuff like that just kind of your stereotypical like

Design of it oh here we go that’s a little bit cheaper to make let me actually make that real quick I guess in the same sense uh what’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think like the US and everything Foreign these together um yeah that’s pretty true Um oh Harvest Moon is rising oh [ __ ] I broke one of the stairs [Applause] [Applause] oh everything broke in this area that oh did this grow tall have I been cutting them too early I don’t know [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I mean yeah he definitely is obviously from another continent um [Applause]

If you’re like you’re more or less asking like what I think you would sound like I don’t know maybe like I don’t know I don’t really know Netherland accent too much oh I hate this so much oh this isn’t harvesting right because I need to be looking from the top for some reason

Still doesn’t want to harvest right I just don’t know why this is harvesting weird well it’s the hardest I’ve ever laughed um give me funny uh animal videos and that’s usually the hardest thing that I’ll ever laugh at um and when I laugh that hard it’s literally like you think I’m gonna

Pass out I’ll even get to the point that I get light-headed [Applause] foreign [Applause] makes sense to be fair you have kind just met me [Applause] or do you mean like you never knew that someone could laugh so hard that they almost pass out so let me say it’s not fun

Oh someone broke my crops God damn it [Applause] oh okay [Applause] yeah no uh I would like funny animals you can stay out there in fact um I’m I’m very much an animal person now we can take five hours to do this uh sorry for all the annoying chopping but foreign yes

Part of I don’t think it’s part of corn Delight this Farmer’s Delight yeah Farmer’s Delight which is a mod that adds in a bunch of uh food items it could bring one thing back to life are we talking about like a dead person or are we talking about like an instinct animal foreign

Walking around and I’m hoping it’s not inside my face anything even fiction oh if we can’t even fiction Foreign there’s a lot of good animals also yes I am going to fill in down here as well I got the Rope for it right might as well also sorry I know I take a long time to think um it’s also because I’m kind of focusing on this as well

I don’t know some uh I don’t know I’d bring back the Megalodon Megalodon’s actually really cool creature also bringing dragons to life would be fun if not dangerous but you came to die no way the person who has their entire life based around uh sharks would bring back a shark that

Were one of the biggest sharks nah would have never thought about that sorry don’t make me don’t mean to be making fun or anything but nah that doesn’t work it was the other rope maybe but I don’t like that at the Rope so what do you think of the stairway now

That’s actually finished maybe a little too much rope but I still like it I’m not the greatest when it comes to designing stuff I do wish I wish I had a better way of doing the lighting so I might actually get some lanterns and everything to put in here

Put those on change and like dangle them down I’m still probably gonna take and turn this into like a storage area but I felt like for now put all the Rope here and everything um for up here it’s definitely going to take some work uh I need some andersite for the floor

I don’t know I think I have some good ideas for here but it’s just going to take some time andersite no uh it’s the same thing it’s the same as um hang on uh yeah it’s the stuff here is this material oh yeah Dory and Granite oh I can poke cosmetic armor

That’s pretty cool technically yes but the sun has yet to rise is currently 4 30. I do not know how to use that I am I should probably head off but I’m also insane I think that’s more than five hour difference it’s more like a nine hour difference well

I think you’re ahead of me actually because is it uh it should be uh is it Wednesday for you okay so you’re ahead of me right now uh meaning at six seven eight oh God that guy scared me uh you’re about 15 hours ahead I didn’t expect just a random villager

To spawn right in front of me also sorry I’m just looking to see what uh trinkets I can put in here or seeing if there’s anything of great value foreign glowing bread so nutritious wait this is what is some uh coin of Fortune draws in items in XP this stuff

Right the charm belt but I have yet to get one of these also where’s the zombie that sounds close let’s see if it’s outside making sure it’s not down here okay foreign there we go go with him also a year about all done uh do I have the resources need to make

These things he definitely should that’s expensive oh that hurts so that’s pretty cheap and and everything else is sheep except that diamond okay that’s gonna really hurt I don’t have enough gold wrap all that I have uh smelt that down I should still have enough for what I need to do are you

A tier three you oh my God you’re tier four okay that’s fine meaning I will still need to go and collect some gold I have enough for what I need to do now but I’ll need to get some more gold later foreign Uh I threw all the Redstone I had in here right yeah okay I need two of those actually I don’t think I needed a cobblestone I think I need that two of them right yep okay foreign we need to put that like that uh I need 12. three three nine

Do I have just like one random plank uh can I use that hoping I can okay that works oh yeah nice I will say I heavily appreciate what you guys have done for me yeah soon enough we’ll be at 50. thank you I know I’m not always the most entertaining

Oh right uh let me open my backpack okay so there’s the biofuel generator now we need to make the bioreactor which I have the I do have the plastic and you get a couple slime balls a couple bricks and one sugar yeah foreign two slime balls um I don’t think I have

If I ever feel sleepy I know what to do yes chug down energy drinks until you no longer feel sleepy the Jitters are just a side effect that is not what I want I want that should be everything but yeah I’ll be honest it takes a lot for me to feel sleepy actually

Exactly sleep is just a distraction okay so what I’m going to do what was that one two three four five six seven oh okay um I’m not entirely sure where I broke into but the zombies are that way oh I’m right here okay yeah slightly right although it’s funny that was actually

Where I was gonna stop gonna stop like breaking into Um hey man how’s it going I will come and murder you here in a bit okay man let’s let’s do this uh I like how I have a slightly oh you you gonna come over here nope why did you [ __ ] drop an ax Drop down a light source every once in a while uh have you ever saw listened to this song Devil Ride um it doesn’t ring a bell but I will admit I have listened to a lot of songs that I don’t necessarily know the names to uh also let me just do this

Um we would go bam new York cool yeah oh okay uh I haven’t heard anything from that band I know you said that you liked them okay there we go foreign there we go oh so it’s oh okay I think I looked it up and there is a band as well look like

But that may be just like a coincidence as well okay put on AOE and we’re gonna do also let me just light this up around here foreign for there to actually be uh bands with the same name as uh genres I will say one of my favorite genres of music that isn’t um

Something I grew up with uh is break core it’s a much more popular genre but one that I really enjoy what’s break Corps uh you know what hang on I have a soundtrack of a game that I can go ahead and play here we go please don’t be too loud make sure

You’re down as far as possible I just don’t quite loud and I want it to be loud enough that you can hear it but it’s not overbearing but this is from the game neon white [Applause] perfect good foreign [Applause] I I’ll probably say uh a lot of the songs that you’ll probably asked if I’ve heard I will most likely say no to

Um either because either I may have heard it without knowing the name of the song or just genuinely just have not heard of it I will say a lot of my a lot of the music I’ve heard of um dvrst may have actually heard the band

Nope but it’s one of the first songs that comes up for them foreign that is another thing is I don’t really listen to hip-hop that much hip-hop slash trap sorry I grew up on uh I grew up mainly on like punk rock music I mean I’ve gotten more into rap

Recently than I have before but it’s still very picky about it foreign there’s a lot of them there I wish my uh Magic could come back faster [Applause] Also let’s go ahead and remove these remove that and remove that foreign also here let me uh take and Perfect girl I’m once again I’m gonna assume no but there are a lot of songs that like come to mind that are like based around the same theme of like a girl uh is the band The mercs m-a-r-e-u-x okay yeah I definitely haven’t heard of it but

I got all I got a few of those pulled up that you uh asked about so I can go give those a listen maybe later I will say I cannot promise that I will uh like him or anything like that but I’ll at least give them a listen [Applause] oh what are these

It’s not After Dark Uh Mr Kitty Okay yeah uh once again haven’t heard of it but definitely give it a listen it’s definitely a lot of music out in the world [Applause] I wonder if I can do a 3X3 area if I just put like another one on [Applause] let’s try that real quick put another amplitude

Two of them do a three by three but it uses up a lot more Mana which is understandable oh it’ll be nice to get my Mana regen and everything back or get out up yeah once again uh I haven’t heard of any of that but definitely give it a

Listen to because you never know sometimes we find music that never heard of an interest you not by K or bike by k s l v not I’m gonna assuming you mean not by somebody else but oh it comes with the overripe pin for uh Remnant because I was looking up that

And actually looking up that one it rolled up the uh closed eyes by the uh yeah that closed eyes one [Applause] you know I could probably go and make a hammer and do this a lot faster but that also requires require s using other resources also if you’re wondering what I’m doing

I’m making a area so I can start make using uh it doesn’t have it doesn’t have to be necessarily the same genre if it’s good music it’s good music oh look at that that lines up perfectly I should probably go ahead and remove these then bad habit Uh I’ll go ahead and listen to the ones that you’ve already suggested right now uh before adding on anymore okay Laughs cute foreign means are you enjoying the music that I have playing or nah because I can I can turn it off if you don’t care for it no I want I want helium it’s getting a bit weird then this one will be really weird but yeah yeah it it gets weird

Yeah I’ll go ahead and turn off then but I will admit I do like tripping music as well I think just music that uses uh different sounds and everything okay but that clears out the area here probably go ahead and make a staircase for here even though it’s like underneath my stairs but

Um go ahead and throw these here okay so this does need water that’s fine it’s going to need energy which will come from this itself okay I know I need um as I am not too concerned about latex anymore I will go ahead or at least not for now [ __ ]

Oh I forgot that he still had the amplitude [ __ ] uh it could have been worse let’s just say that okay that is fine go ahead and break all this then uh I don’t need that I don’t need the latex I do need to pitiful generator as a star any power conduits so uh

Pipes a gas pipe interesting um I’m sorry no no fam I’m not doing that not at this very moment go ahead and use my Universal pipe but I am not doing that uh giving a bucket yeah the seven hour mark even though I should have probably been

In bed like a long time ago okay we’re gonna go ahead and break back here foreign have I ever been sad it’s it’s been a long time I will admit like to be truly sad I mean I’ve gotten depressed and everything do you okay I’m gonna regret this

Okay you hold your inventory right ah thank goodness uh but no it’s been a while since I’ve actually been like truly sad I usually try to live as happy of a life as possible but I understand that that’s not always the easiest let me make sure that’s over here

Okay so what I’m gonna do go ahead and make an infinite water source here and just fill up my backpack again here then going to take [Applause] okay I have trapped myself foreign I’m trying to think the of the last time I’ve been sad actually um it was several years ago

But there was a point in time in which I got very depressed uh to the point that it actually started to affect my job um and the person that I was I was dating a person at a time and I think I started dating in person right then and there um foreign

Like not into it at the time okay so you are not flowing over honestly I can’t say that there was anything in particular that made that had gotten me sad it was just I kind of just became sad making biofuel okay so this should now foreign this should now be pretty much be

Self-sustaining so I can go ahead and break that go ahead and do that okay cool so this all looks like it’s running well that’s generating its power that’s staying full and that’s thing full okay yeah we should be good so essentially so I can explain the process

Of what’s going on here real quick um so this is feeding the corn seeds that are the corn kettles that we have into here um if I were to put more different seeds and everything into here the efficiency would go better but what this is done creating is the uh

Biofuel which is coming over here but it’s also combining that with the water here from the uh fluid collector and that’s all just going into here and making biofuel the biofuel is then going into here in which is taking and making the uh I guess in this case Fe but it’s basically

The same thing RF whatever and then cycling some of that RF energy back into the system here both for the fluid collector and bioreactor essentially making itself a complete circuit um that can now sustain RF energy or I guess in this case Fe energy I can then go ahead

Uh I do want to type that in over this way oh we are in the age of energy let’s go so now this whole storage system we have can now be sorted I would like to at least finish this before ending the night let’s see I don’t need that I don’t need

That I don’t need that like that so now it is time to make the controller also we can maybe hook that up as well sorry Steve you have to go just for a little bit uh I will say that I am in Illinois I will not say exactly where I am

Uh simply for privacy reasons but yes I am in Illinois uh silicone did I make I did not right I didn’t make that or did I make that I did make that never mind uh I need to make three of those also once again let me take this i l l i

Oh and something something something something I don’t know it’s so weird to spell i-l-l-i-n-o-i-s here I’ll type it out real quick uh oh oh is sorry there you go where is no not that one ER perfect yes that is what I want oh yes that’s perfect

Oh and I can do two at once how come you gonna stalk me beautiful oh okay so this will be the first made will be the first stress test of the game or for the energy source here and this is holding up just fine uh fuel B a bit of an issue though

But I think I know how I can handle that can I black this thing oop did not want to do that oh okay here we go uh getting there can I take and like add this how does this work sounds outstanding foreign This Sorry I’m just kind of looking at this to see if um There’s a way to like Blacklist or whitelist things but it kind of looks like at the moment there is not oh okay this system is eventually gonna run out simply for the fact that this thing is not fast enough nor efficient enough but for now but for now it is fine

With that being said Go ahead and make our system Uh I do need to make oh right anemic this okay that’s not as bad as what it could be um Where are my slime balls and string also I need a diamond actually they don’t need silicone do we need another silicone [ __ ] foreign I need two of those I need one of you actually um at find storage oh no I need this which means I need another okay so I need another diamond

And actually another silicone uh uh because I want this to at least be able to do some storage so that’s 12. a lot okay I think right now because I’m definitely going to want to get the what is it that’s a 16 that’s a 64. I want to be

Able to do a 16k storage Drive which requires improved processors um and that’s just going to be a lot of parts so at the very least right now I’m just gonna get to a point and that actually requires improved as well that’s going to be a lot of gold

A lot of gold a lot of redstone a lot of everything okay then I’m just going to get the control going up today I’ll get it filled up with energy and then call that it I don’t want to be up too much longer [Applause] let me craft that yeah what’s up

Yeah I’ll go ahead and listen to those songs like I said I will go ahead and listen to him I cannot promise that I will like them okay so you will hold your energy good good good but yeah so definitely go ahead and listen to them awesome so you’ll create your biofuel

You’ll run your energy you’ll keep filling up water okay So eventually this will fill up um that thing is there prepared for later but we are on our way you gave me six oh yeah no I’d need uh a lot more than six okay I’ll bet you need to make you cool

But that will be a start for a later day and that is energy production I’ll probably also uh go and make like some of these with the hopping botany pots and everything maybe something similar to this with the wheat but make like a little farm down there and just basically have where

There’s constantly uh resources coming in for the bio generator here or bioreactor but otherwise that will end it for tonight it’s nice having you around Sharkey as always but you have a good I guess I guess for you actually technically it would be have a good night

So I will talk to you later

This video, titled ‘🔴Chilling out in Minecraft : Live stream’, was uploaded by Blastedfoot on 2023-09-20 12:20:16. It has garnered 110 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 07:37:41 or 27461 seconds.

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    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

Blastedfoot – 🔴Chilling out in Minecraft : Live stream