Blissolic – This Minecraft Group Doxxes Streamers…

Video Information

Hypixel bedwars a notorious game mode played by thousands on a daily basis since its month of release in January of 2017 the game mode has held a consistent number of players and has been home to many different content creators alongside many different ideas a game that includes such a vast number of

Content creators is bound to have people follow the want to ruin the experience for others those people have a name stream snipers and this is the rise and fall of hypixel’s largest sniper group Hypixel SS [Applause] Hypixel SS began with two players who were once infamously recognized across the network Charlie and Zach Charlie was an individual who wished at one point to be a part of the Hypixel staff team and Zach was ironically a very skilled player that participated in many ranked bedwars tournaments neither Charlie nor

Zach ever saw any form of large success on the YouTube channels that they created over the years however this led them to turn to other illegitimate methods in an attempt to gain Fame Charlie was a good friend of man’s the owner of The Vape hat Cline and this

Formed the original idea Charlie and Zach decided that they’d use this connection and snipe YouTubers and streamers bedw War Games obviously while cheating with the Vape hat client they in turn advertised the client to their slowly growing viewer base and it was rumored that man was providing them with

Payment for their endorsement three other members joined forces with Charlie and Zach heex Mo and JC the group of them sparked the inevitable creation of the Hypixel SS YouTube channel and on the 17th of February 2021 they posted their first video sniping and trolling Sammy green the video rapidly caught the

Attention of many members of the Hypixel community and many mixed opinions were shared in the comments some members expressing their disapproval for this type of content whereas others were vastly ENT entertained with this new style regardless this provided Hypixel SS with exactly what they wanted popularity if it be negative or positive

Individuals on all ends of the community were talking about Hypixel SS the new insane sniper group that was here to torment the bedwars YouTubers Sammy green was not the only YouTuber who encountered Hypixel SS another popular streamer Hannah XX Rose was also sniped but unlike Sammy green Hannah chose to

Take matters into her own hands and began striking down the videos that Hypixel SS posted sniping her this angered many of Hypixel SS’s fans and they began to involve thems within the situation doxing Hannah harassing her her Discord server and so on Charlie and Zach continued to irritate Hannah

Repeatedly sniping her nicknaming her and generally causing Havoc wherever she went this went on for weeks on end gaining Hypixel SS’s Fame and attention but at the cost of Hannah’s annoyance to follow up this situation commentary channels such as SI Striker and Laser penguin made videos discussing Hypixel

SS but the pair of them shed very different standpoints while six Striker went on to say things and honestly it’s very crazy the kind of content he makes and it’s kind of hilarious cuz a lot of people do support and watch a lot of videos laser penguin took a much more

Neutral approach and even interview Charlie now I’m here to just interview him I’m not here to tell you how to feel or think you can hate him you can love him I don’t really care you form your own opinion that’s the point of this interview to give a different

Perspective has any of your content that you’ve made involving the Hypixel asss group taken a mental toll on you or has backfired in any way um honestly I think I’m going to be the outlier here but as a Creator I think I’m one of the few

That the Hypixel SS Community like is a fan of but this wasn’t the end of commentary channels being involved in the situation sarcastic remarks were made regularly about six striker in Hypixel SS’s videos and their fans even went on to dock six Striker due to his lack of support in comparison laser

Penguin due to this interview was able to build a somewhat friendly relationship with the Hypixel SS audience and he was left unharmed a friend of Lego maestros called name brand who also made Hypixel news content didn’t hold back his opinions when he covered Hypixel SS in his video for the

Purpose of this video I interviewed name brand so he’d be able to explain his exact involvement and how we dealt with them so how were you involved with Hypixel SS I’m aware they doxed you and harassed you and you were very against them but then at a at Point you were

Seen advertising The Vape client alongside them what happened for you to make that sudden switch and how did it affect you and your audience you know I was kind of I was fed up with doing the Hypixel news at that point anyways um you know we we used to have a few

Hypixel SS and I back when I was doing Hypixel news um obviously that has since changed you know but if I was doing the Hypixel news I felt like you know I couldn’t support something like that um when in reality like off camera you know off recording I really didn’t care um so

You know when my time came and I decided I was quitting the news um High pixel SS actually reached out and offered me a vape partnership and you know they told me how much they were going to pay me kind of how things went down you know on

Their side of things cuz you know they were already currently doing it and you agreed to do it and ever since then we kind of you know Labs kind of I would say trolled the internet like deep fake and be getting hacked things so it’s a

Good time obviously I assume you can of disclose like well I mean you can you said that they were paying you for you like endorsing Vape correct yeah yeah they were paying me understood okay and was there any other reason like if it wasn’t for the money would you have

Switched regardless if they would just came to you and said would you like to be a part of this or would you say you just did it for the you know financial side of things um I mean I would say it was definitely a mix of both I would say

More so on the financial side of things than anything but I mean at the end of the day I kind of got to know them and they really were just a bunch of trolls on the internet that that were funny you know I mean I thought most of the stuff

That they did was funny so other YouTubers in the community also became targets of Hypixel SS one night when the YouTuber tryhard was streaming bedw Wars he was sniped by the group knowing what had happened after he was sniped try hard deleted his stream VOD however it was too late Hypixel SS

Somehow obtained his footage and then created false subtitles in a possible attempt to ruin try hard’s reputation tryhard later made a video in response to this in which he said the following I want to say these guys I don’t have a problem with their content at all the

Stream sniping part of it is like good content you know stream sniping streamers YouTubers whatever that right there I don’t have an issue with at all I think it’s fine I think it’s funny content too even them cheating against and like stream sniping and cheating like it’s whatever like you know it’s

It’s it’s not really a big deal the only thing that I have an issue with is them fabricating stuff and like slandering content creators me included for literally no reason at all I’m going to show you what they did in this video that some stupid people choose to believe like they’re actually idiots

People don’t do their research they don’t think it’s super annoying but that’s what I’m going to talk about in this video let me give you some context I spoke with try hard to see how he dealt with his side of the situation okay so I mean I see a lot of YouTubers

That have been uploading videos about the situation they’re all saying like oh Tri hard responded in a bad way or Tri made a mistake responding to them and all that stuff but like they they don’t really know the full context behind the situation or what happened even after

The videos or what I was trying to do even recording those like not a lot of people ask me so they uploaded their video stream sniping me and in there they put caption saying I was slurring doing it saying these words whatever and honestly it would not have bugged me but

People actually believed it like some of my audience believed it they they said oh you imagine being homophobic over a bedwar game this and that and then they said I deleted the also a lot of people were saying I delet the VOD because of them sniping me but at the time I didn’t

Know who they were so I that was not the reason I delete the VOD back then back then I just usually delete any vods that I have on Twitch most of the time some like after stream sometimes I delet it sometimes I wouldn’t anyways I responded with that video I even complimented him

By saying I think their videos are fine sniping people cheating against them getting their reaction I I thought it was fine yeah I was just clearing up the slurring part so after that video dropped they received a good amount of backlash for it too which is not like

What my intention was I just wanted to clear out my situation with it because people were coming at me over their videos so I just cleared up that one part that was fake I don’t see how that was a bad way to respond or what else

Were they saying they were saying I made a mistake responding and feeding into them even though they’ made videos on you know bigger creators compared to them I’m not giving them much attention for the moment like I didn’t really that’s another reason why I made the video

Uh yeah after that video dropped they ended up losing their Vape sponsorship and they also received a bunch of negative feedback yeah which I I wasn’t the cause of that think they were just tired of the controversy so they dropped him I don’t really know people thought I

Did that yeah I saw yeah they thought I I was the one that caused that I mean I didn’t have any ties to be that’s their own decision I don’t have like I don’t see how I would I would have caused that I didn’t work with them yeah the

Argument that people make that I fed into them or I they won because they got my attention I mean I I don’t know I you can say that sure but at the same time I was just trying to like clear up stuff for people that watch me specifically

And I mean yeah I think that’s pretty much all I have to say about that that’s what I wish I could say in in these videos that people make about it again I reiterate this their content is fine even if it’s toxic like sniping people cheating against them trying to get a

Reaction that’s that’s a completely chill video to me but the part that where they come in and start saying oh the creators did this and that and they they were slurring and have no evidence about it hypix LSS eventually moved on from going after individual streamers

They very soon fixated on a new and upcoming group a group that was supposedly at this point in time the best bedwars team they created this image for themselves after they dominated the Hypixel bedwar fors tournament their group consisted of four individuals loox Bombi dog cat Watt and

Wolf but the type of attention they received wasn’t all positive because it caught the eyes of Hypixel SS and very quickly the group became a new Target to their Snipes not only that but Hypixel SS did some arguably positive things for the community they exposed wolf for

Cheating on an ALT within the Hypixel tournament and even went on to infamously expose loox for faking his hacker series just as Hypixel SS’s growth was reaching an all-time high where they were sniping many many different content creators such as speculate potato and try hard they all

Of a sudden seemed to make a switch up until this point Hypixel SS had only ever used the Vape client within their videos but all of a sudden this changed drastically in Hypixel SS’s new videos they were seen using the rise client a client made for much more blatant

Cheating use they slowly unlisted all their videos and removed Vape from them entirely as Triad mentioned in his interview many people assumed that he was responsible for Vape possibly deciding to no longer be associated with h pix LSS but this was disproved completely as tryhard had no connection

With Vape client whatsoever using this new client Hypixel SS began targeting other cheaters on the network sniping their games and ruining their stats to get them off the server cheaters were being given a run for their money as they attempted to beat Charlie and his group but they were proved obsolete in

Comparison to the rise CL around the time the hypix ls hit 30,000 subscribers some people may have noticed that they changed their name they were now going under the Alias of bedwars ss this we found out later was due to Hypixel choosing to step in and send Hypixel SS

A lawsuit stating that they were not allowed to use Hypixel in their name as it was ruining their brand Hypixel SS did go on to do some notable Feats such as obtain a win streak of 1,800 in Hypixel bedwar obviously cheating their way there and eventually getting banned

They also exposed an admin known as cesa for being corrupt and a moderator known as QT J the group also inevitably branched out to other servers such as mindan club and tubet however they only continue cheating on these servers for a short period of time till the group

Eventually one by one stopped uploading while no solid explanation as to why they quit was given it was likely to focus on College and so on and with that was the fall of Hypixel SS one of the most infamous sniper groups to ever exist on Hypixel before I end off this

Video I would like to give a shout out to waffles MC and swo as the majority of the information was collected from their videos if you enjoy this video it’d be greatly appreciated if you drop a sub on the channel as this video has been in

The works for a while now have an awesome day ladies and gents and this has Beam bolic with the rise and fall of Hypixel SS

This video, titled ‘This Minecraft Group Doxxes Streamers…’, was uploaded by Blissolic on 2023-10-06 18:00:03. It has garnered 15365 views and 1066 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:21 or 801 seconds.

A once very popular Minecraft group that became infamously known for sniping notorious streamers such as Hannahxxrose and Tryhard. They completed noteable feats such as achieving an 1800 winstreak in Hypixel Bedwars and arguably benefited the community by exposing Luvonox for faking his hacker vs. videos. As of their final upload in September of 2022 the group have been marked as, for the most part, in-active, but what happened to them? Any discussion of sensitive topics in this video were made for educational purposes only.

Credits: Editor: @NineTakes Content Inspiration: @WafflezMC @SwoopFRFX Thumbnail: @jordanhypixel


Links: Discord – NameMC:

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    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: Wiki: Discord: Map: About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More