Blitzheart – POTIONS TOWER and WITHER BATTLE || Minecraft Survival – First Light

Video Information

Hello hello everyone and welcome on back to first light in last week’s episode we constructed this wonderful little treasure room you can see behind me and we completed the adventure guild’s interior as well as doing a bunch of other little tasks around town such as fixing up the chimney on our

Pastor’s house right next to our church in today’s episode i am thinking now that our adventure guild is finally finished we could head further out into the wanderwoods and start adding builds out in that area of town so these here are our wanderwoods it is the wonderful dark oak forest i have been

Constructing and planning up here to the north of town and just up that little path right there i am thinking of building a potions tower something right here just like this i would just love to see a big tower poking out amongst the trees out here i think it’s

Gonna be such a lovely addition to the area as well as this episode i am thinking after we finish constructing our potions tower we finally complete a quest i have been waiting to do for way way too long today we are going to be defeating the wither and knocking that one off our

Little makeshift board here i think that’s gonna be so so good and it’s gonna be such a great opportunity to finally have access to a beacon which is gonna help so so much in some of the projects i have coming for future episodes such as our quarry build and the valley

Of gold out that way if it was loaded up this one right here is also gonna be a pretty big terraforming heavy project and i think having a beacon available for constructing those two is gonna be a massive help so today out here back over in the woods behind the guild right there

I am thinking we start building a potions tower all right everyone i have gathered up some resources i’ve got a bit of a crazy palette going on here there’s gonna be quite a few blocks i haven’t really used before and i’m just gonna start setting out my little workstation here

And scattering things throughout my barrels because these are both full boxes but i’m thinking a black stone base with maybe a little bit of obsidian we’re gonna be bringing in i think some blue for our rooves and a very very dark oak and spruce heavy body for our tower

So first thing i’m actually gonna do is tear up this cobblestone and start laying out our foundations and there you have it i think that tower base is coming along rather well i’m thinking something just like this bringing in that pop of the black stone for down here in the

Lower section of our potions tower with this wonderful texture palette and gradient kind of going from this polished black stone up to the blackstone brick up to the regular blackstone then into a little splash of that basil there that’s super cute and then i think we

Widen out this door i’m thinking it a tiny bit offset i think a three wide would be too much but i also feel like that tiny little one wasn’t quite enough so maybe coming in here with something just like that with a little bit of those upside down stairs

And then some dark oak trap doors and these little doors here on the front oh let me replace that just like that i think that is really really cute yeah i really like that i really hope this tower turns out how i have it planned in my mind’s eye and i think

Next we grab a bit more of our dark oak logs and we start planning out some more of the framework here all right and then i am thinking i want to start bringing up some pillars here to create a bit of a lower first segment here on the tower so

Maybe i bring them up i leave a gap and then have a flower box and then a three high window above the window in a beam maybe about that high just like that for these first sections here how does that look it’s so nice having all these

Roof trees here that i can jump back onto to look at yeah i think that’s going to be a pretty good height for this first segment of the tower here so i’m just going to repeat that all the way around so then we have the base of our

Framework and now i want to immediately go into framing out our roof here which i’m thinking i’d do something different and start our roof from down here which means i might not even need these corner blocks so then start it with our roof maybe something like this

And i’m gonna try a roof shape that we don’t even have in town yet oh this is gonna be a pretty tall tower i hope it’s not too crazy i guess we’ll have to wait and see so bringing that across one up one out one across one

Maybe in one up one in one cross one out one up one up one out one and in one right maybe something just like that could be really really cute and fun hang on let me do the other side and then we can step back and take a look at it

All right and what do we think i actually think that’s pretty cute kind of it’s a little bit funky but i mean the wonder woods is a funky place so it kind of works it kind of makes sense i think i’m just gonna repeat that one all the way around

And we’ll kind of have this first little tier of roof here at the potions tower and stepping back here to look at it that is coming out pretty cute there’s still a lot of work left to go here but i always like checking on my builds throughout the process to

Make sure there’s no changes i need to made that are easiest made when there is less of the build actually completed and i think that roof is really rather cute so then we’re gonna be adding in our next segment grabbing some more of these logs and bringing some dark oak stairs around

Just like this i think that’ll be the perfect foundation to bring up this next little segment of our tower which i think i want to take up by 12. this is going to be quite a big tower but i think it’s going to be really really cute

So just starting to bring these up that’s one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. and then i’m going to repeat that all the way around and then i am thinking we make this top section of the tower a bit bigger again so it’ll allow us to have a

Bit more flare up here make it seem a bit more magical and whimsical which is exactly what we’re going for so i’m just gonna start bringing out this outer edge and now that we have a base here looking something like this and we’re just gonna start bringing in some frame

Here for another set of windows which i want two high windows which means a block a window a window a block the frame so then three across and then repeating that one all the way around and now that we have done that we’re gonna be bringing up our roof which

Is gonna mean we have to knock out all of these corners again and with that all done we are just going to be grabbing our dark oak stairs and repeating basically exactly the same roof pattern we use down there on that lower segment so coming in with our dark oak

Stairs and just connecting all these bits of our roof together now we should have something looking pretty cool all right let’s step back or fly back and take a look and there it is it’s it’s so cute i really really love how that looks it’s a bit tall it’s maybe a little excessive

But cute excessive right i’m thinking if i wrap it in bushes and have some kind of similar other builds poking up out of the woods not towers like this but buildings with tall pointy bits or spires or things of that type it might end up looking

Really really cute but that is what i am thinking for our potions tower here the next step is gonna be getting back over there and blocking everything out and i’ve just been blocking this one in with some spruce planks and our warped wood and let’s take a

Fly back and see how it’s looking there it is that is a wonderful little potions tower well not done there’s a lot of detailing that i still need to do here but that is basically what we are gonna be working with today i think that’s so so cute i love the

Color palette i think it fits the wonder woods perfectly there’s just a bunch of details obviously still missing i want to texture up those blue sections and i am almost thinking to make this a little bit more mystical did i bring any oh

I did i would love to add a pop of the obsidian along the base down here and i would really love as well to tie in a bit of the crying obsidian but i don’t think i have enough for everything i want to accomplish here with this build

I only have the three pieces so i think it is time for a brief intermission where we head off to the nether and do some bartering so i have grabbed basically as much gold as i had to spare which is not all that much i am gonna need to do

Quite a bit more gold gathering soon and i have swapped out my jazz jeans for just some gold leggings i had laying around and let’s head on into the nether all right running along one of our many random hell bridges around here i am trying to look around for a piglet here

But i just do not know where these guys could be hiding i don’t think they spawn very frequently in this seoul place there’s a bunch of zombie pig men down there it’s the crimson forests isn’t it that are supposed to be really nifty for it i might just go for a fly

See what eye can i spy oh there’s one alright coming in hot here with some gold what do you reckon i need crying obsidian that’s all i want from you please please please oh well you know that can go towards the potion tower stocks i’m not too mad about it come on

I’m gonna need quite a bit of crying obsidian i might have the funds for this if he keeps giving me crap how rude a book oh soul speed too i’m not mad i’m not mad uh but i am slowly but surely going broke there are probably better ways to get crying obsidian

Yes yes yes yes all right three more pieces i would love to get i think i’m gonna need at least 15. i feel like this is a build where i will need 15 crying obsidian oh we’re at four i don’t know if 26 gold is going to get

Me all the way to 15. i’m really hoping here please please oh spectral arrows that’s kind of cool i don’t know if i had any of those yet but i’m i’m still just here for the crying obsidian please oh i thought they were never right they’re just nether bricks he’s really

Throwing bricks at me sir please please crying obsidian i need i need it for the build for the build sir I don’t have the money for this where’d it go hello hello is anybody out there oh he led me to his friend hello hello trades all around please crying obsidian oh fire charges crying obsidian pretty pretty please guys i only have four pieces i need like 15. wow please please please please

Pretty pretty please oh no this is it we might not get enough i spent all my money on this i’m i’m broke now four crying obsidian all right well that mission was a bit of a fail i definitely did not have enough gold to get the 15 crying

Obsidian i had in my mind’s eye around 15 at least but i’m all out of gold and we only got four from that which is really upsetting but i think i’m gonna go try and gather up some more gold and then come back to this one finish getting enough crying obsidian

For today’s build and then i will show you the finished piece all right everyone the shaders are on and i have brought you up here onto the roof of our little clerics tower here in town so that you get a wonderful view of the now finished potions tower are you ready to

Have a look and there it is i just love how this one has come out i think the leaves the dark oak leaves i wrapped all the way around it right at the end really help tie the build into the wander woods and i just adore how this one has turned out

Some of my other favorite things on the exterior that little point up the top with the anvil the iron bar the little bit of prismarine wall i really really love all the detail i brought in on those blue roofs with the dark prismarine the trapdoors the buttons

It just feels so intricate and like a lot of time was put into it which is true i did i always spend way too long detailing but it’s so worth it because they just look so fun and interesting as well one of my other favorite things here is that little connecting piece

Between our two main sections of the tower with that little piece of crying obsidian blackstone and obsidian right through there to help tie the foundation of the tower further up into it and i just really really love it so flying on down here let’s go look at the build up close

This forest is still very much a work in progress piece i will be customizing a lot of the trees and stuff at a much later date but for now i’ve just been doing some ground work so walking up this little path here to the potions tower i’ve just brought in a

Bunch of bushes and extra detail and this is our tower and on the inside i have fully decked this one out this is our interior here in the base of the tower and what i have done here is i’ve done a main potion storage wall so this is

Every single type of potion in the game i had to do a bunch of brewing to get these ones sorted out here for our item frames but we are missing two so this one here is displaying a mundane potion because that one would be the potion of the

Turtle master which requires a turtle shell that we don’t have so as well here on our ingredients barrels these two sticks are my two missing ingredients which are the rabbit’s feet for the potion of leaping up there and the hurdle shell for the potion of the turtlemaster right there

Otherwise we just have a bunch of potion ingredients stocked away in here every single ingredient to make all of these potions is either here or at other points around the tower all with item frames so anything you see here without an item frame on it is empty and decorative

But moving up the tower now out of our storage into the first little brewing area so this is a tiny little area of the tower that i kind of filled with life we’ve got a little kind of cauldron sink area as well as a tiny brewery we store our gas tears magma

Cream and sugar here we have this double layered little netherwart farm and then we just have a bunch of fun blocks hanging around we have this tiny weeping vine farm that they all hang down from here i just think this one is so so cute and moving up the tower as well i

Detailed all this area just with more clutter and bits and pieces that i think tie really well into the whole theme of the tower it’s very busy it’s very messy but i think it’s also just very very fun and super cute to look at and up here at the top the main event

This is our main brewery and what will be my main potion brewing area from now on here in the series i really really love how this one’s come out we have some purple and brown carpets scattered on the floor a little purple bed as i always do i have hung a clock up

Above my bed we have empty bottle storage water bottle storage we have more ingredients here as well as an infinite water source for filling up our water bottles which i have already used quite a bit and really really love having here and just over here as well i’ve done this

Big reading section this book corner area where we’ve just got a bunch of books stacked on top of each other more herbs and plants scattered all around and just here on this main lectern is my potion recipe book that i spent a little bit writing up copyright the potions tower first light 2021

And in here we have an index of all the different potion types as well as recipes for every single potion and it’s just got all the little netherwart puffer fish and then if you want to say water breathing plus you’ve got your redstone dust and all that so all the

Recipes for all the potions are at my fingertips up here in the tower and of course the main brewery right here with six brewing stands we’ve got our glowstone dust our redstone dust and our gun powder up there so that we are able to customize all of our potions by either

Making them level two uh longer duration or making them splash potions there which i really really love but this is it this is the interior of our finished potions tower oh though this place does have one more tiny secret so flying up here above the town

Having a quick look over just because i can over here at the potions tower while i was building it i thought it would be super convenient to also be able to fly over and land on the roof and get straight into the top of the tower so what i have done

Here is you can actually do this and come on in to the inside of this little piece here where you can drop straight down into the top of the potions tower from above which is such such a tiny little pointless detail but it’s actually been nifty a few times to have it up

There and be able to access in here without having to land and then climb the tower and now that our potions tower is all done i think it’s time to start preparing to fight the weather which is something i’ve been wanting to do in this world for

Way too long and now that our potions tower is here i think we should brew up a few potions to help us out on the upcoming battle and then take him on alright so going into this with a fight here i am preparing four different types of potions simply because i can

Now that i have this whole tower set up for it i am thinking first off some splash potions of healing too as well as some strength two potions some long duration swiftness potions and some regen two potions so we are just beginning to brew all of those

Up here nothing too crazy about it and i am really hoping that this goes well and we win this fight and i am finally able to have a beacon because i cannot believe i do not have a beacon yet but we are about to pretty soon if i just keep brewing up

These potions and get myself prepared i am also thinking that we make a sword for this battle all right and finally we’re just gonna make our healing potions splash and we have three strength two three swiftness eight which i think i’ll only bring one of those ones

And three region two potions ah this is if we don’t win this battle i’m gonna be genuinely shocked i’m thinking i might have to make up a few diamond swords here for this one just so that i can have enough trial and error in terms of getting the right enchantments for

This one here there we are that might not be too shabby let me just pop the diamonds back in the stash and then oh wait let me see if i have any more here in the chest just a standard one i think we’ll leave that let’s head down into the enchanting room

And see what we can come up with all right here we are in the enchanting room let’s get enchanting grab some lapis out of the trusty lapis barrel knock back do we even want knock back on a wither slaying sword i don’t think we do but i did bring my enchanting box

So let me oh it’s knocked back on the book too but i can just do this to re-roll the enchantments and then see what we get on the sword unbreaking i’ll give that a try sweeping edge okay okay that’s a good start oh smite four that’s the one all right

There it is oh just smite four okay i think we just got another sword or smite four again wait won’t that be smite five there it is and on breaking three okay well i already had on breaking is spite five a thing i guess we’re

Gonna find out i guess we find out right now actually let’s head over here and see it is a thing awesome okay all right might want one of these as well and putting these pieces here together adding mending to our sword how’s it looking this is it all right the wither slayer

Beautiful and then upgrading it to netherright there we go all right i’m feeling pretty prepared to take on the weather i will see you guys at the battleground oh and before i forget i totally would have left these down here if i didn’t remember to go get them

I’m going to need these one and two and you know what i might need this as well there we go and here we are i thought about doing this one underground but i didn’t want it to be too easy for us because we did come rather prepared i don’t really know what i’m

Going into because it has been more than a year since i have even tried to fight a wither at all in minecraft you can see just beyond the horizon there the church and the nether tower so we are out this way from town oh and it is getting

Dark so i might actually go sleep before we head into this battle okay my inventory is basically sorted and i think we get this show on the road so just like this with our soul sand and our skulls one two three okay okay okay with the time all right

Let’s do this oh what’s he doing oh is there like a boom or something i’m getting back i’m scared okay boom and murder time he’s murdering the sheep get off the sheets yeah absolute devil oh gosh oh goodness okay maybe maybe i should have drank some of my potions going into this

Instead of being a fool what was i thinking okay it’s fun okay there we go my aim is true mostly because i’m just tanking this little does he know i am in fact a tank oh gosh okay okay we’re digging a hole we’re digging a large hole yes uh very nice

This is why i did not do this near town this absolute maniac get off me get is that that’s not within range oh gosh oh gosh oh goodness oh gosh i’m getting low okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay yes that’s very lovely

Yes that’s great oh i don’t know if i came prepared for this this is not what i thought it would be please please please don’t please don’t please don’t okay are we on the money now oh he’s also on the money okay that’s great good for you with us sir good for

You with us huh good for you with us sir get off me for the people of first light all right uh easy that that wasn’t even remotely difficult but i didn’t panic not even not even once all right there it is another star we did it we’ve defeated the wither we’ve

Done some uh abstract terraforming out here ah i am so so happy to have finally done that i was so scared of doing that for so long because i i was afraid i didn’t want to lose it i can’t i can’t have more than 800 hours in a world and

Lose the weather fight but we didn’t we won and now we have this wonderful netherstar our trophy ready to take back to town here we are at the first light quest board ready to knock our first quest off the board and boom gosh that feels good doesn’t it

Okay and grabbing some of that and now crafting this up i think this is the recipe there it is a beacon okay now we just need to get enough stuff to power this bad boy up as the last part of today’s episode let’s head on into the vault and see if i

Am quite rich enough i am not sure that i am but i think we have a solid start right here all right let’s see i might need to do some research into how much of this i’m gonna need for a fully powered beacon but then we can get this one up and running

And bringing the shaders back while we finish off today’s episode i just wanted to say thank you all so so much for sticking it through to the end i have had an absolute blast with today’s work i love the potion tower can we see it from here

I don’t think it’s loaded in i think you would be able to see the top of it but we are coming out here to set up our beacon for today which this if you didn’t already know is the site of a project i have been thinking about for this town

For a very very long time we are gonna finally be starting on our valley of gold next episode which is my pretty big nothing too fancy farm project it’s going to be a big wheat field out here i’m thinking windmills silos maybe a farmhouse i guess we’ll have to

See what i come up with for that one when next episode comes along but first i’m gonna finish building up this beacon and getting this all set up here and there we go i think that is our pyramid all constructed let’s pop on our beacon awesome oh my gosh we have accomplished

So much in today’s episode hang on let me get this one started up with some haste 2 and i think i am ready to start construction for next episode i hope you guys are just as excited as i am but thanks again so so much for coming along for today’s episode i have

Had so much fun we built the potions tower we defeated the wither we have set up this beacon here ready to start for next week’s episode if you haven’t already don’t forget to leave a like comment subscribe let me know what your favorite thing about today’s episode was

Let me know what you’re excited to see next and i will see you in the next one bye bye [Laughter] catches later you

This video, titled ‘POTIONS TOWER and WITHER BATTLE || Minecraft Survival – First Light’, was uploaded by Blitzheart on 2021-04-25 19:34:59. It has garnered 509 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:46 or 1786 seconds.

POTIONS TOWER and WITHER BATTLE || Minecraft Survival – First Light

Hello hello everyone! 😀

Today’s episode might be my favorite one yet – not only do we build the first piece of our Wander Woods forest project to the north of town, the Potions Tower, we also get geared up and finally defeat the Wither Boss! With a brief intermission to barter in the Nether, some potion brewing, and beacon-making thrown in between – we accomplished a LOT today, and I’m so excited to keep adding more to the world!

Let me know what your favorite thing about today’s episode is, any tutorials you’d like from me, or anything you’d like to see added to First Light next!

Thanks so so much for watching c:


We have a lil discord! Come by, share builds, and hang out!

Music thanks to Epidemic Sound

Shaders: ProjectLuma Texture Packs: Jerm’s Better Leaves Add-on


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    GAMING TREND ALERT! Craziest Minecraft Edits Ever #sahuplaysVideo Information This video, titled ‘ᴛʀᴇɴᴅ 📈 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays’, was uploaded by SahuPlays on 2024-07-10 04:00:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MINECRAFT EDIT #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #edit #sahuplays Tags minecraft poppy playtime poppy playtime … Read More

  • EPIC Portal Tsunami vs Doomsday Bunker Maizen

    EPIC Portal Tsunami vs Doomsday Bunker MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Epic PORTAL TSUNAMI vs JJ and Mikey Doomsday Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-10 17:00:37. It has garnered 82903 views and 535 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:15 or 3615 seconds. Epic PORTAL TSUNAMI vs JJ and Mikey Doomsday Bunker – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We… Read More

  • INSANE DJ B2B SET at Tomorrowland Minecraft 2024

    INSANE DJ B2B SET at Tomorrowland Minecraft 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘DJ Isaac B2B TNT – Tomorrowland Minecraft Edition 2024 (Weekend 1) FAN MADE’, was uploaded by The Game Boys Events on 2024-09-13 01:00:06. It has garnered 1642 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:19 or 3379 seconds. Follow TheGameBOYS: -Main Channel:… -Facebook: -Instagram: -Twitter: * This is not an official event * None of the real djs participate in the event, the event is only done for fun, we are not generating monetary income with it. *Esto no es un evento oficial* Ninguno de los djs reales… Read More

  • Duplexia

    DuplexiaThis is Duplexia, a small survival server, with some customized survival aspects. From custom enchantments, ranks, full on land customization, and custom world generation, we hope you find your home here with us. Duplexia gotten its start back in Oct, 14, 2018 as Atheran, and sadly has been down due to the owner not being be available for the server. We promise moving forward, no matter what, the server will stay online, and talk with the community on new or returning features. We’re a non pay to win server. We only accept donations, in the aspect that you will only… Read More

  • Amaterasu SMP Semi-Vanilla Cross-platform 1.21 Nations PVP

    Welcome to Amaterasu! We are a Vanilla SMP Nations/Factions Server with Java and Bedrock support. Come mine, build, grow, and lead a nation or join one. Whether you progress through peace or find yourself warring for world domination, Amaterasu welcomes you! We offer nations, which are countries you can join or start, allowing you to wage war on other nations. Interested in community and peace but still want to make your own nation? The “kingdom” option awaits you! War cannot be waged against kingdoms, and members are safe against involuntary PVP. Join our Discord server to begin your journey:… Read More

  • Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance

    Healthy Craft: Minecraft 1.21 Health vs. Damage Dance In Minecraft 1.21, health and damage are key, Which mob reigns supreme, let’s take a look and see. The Ender Dragon, with the most health by far, A whopping 200 hit points, a true superstar. But when it comes to damage, the Wither takes the lead, With a devastating 12 hearts, it’s a force to heed. With cheats, you can boost your health to 1024, But without them, 20 hearts is all you’ll score. In battle, your damage can reach up to 19, But surviving a hit, only 10 hearts can glean. So be wise in your fights, and… Read More

  • Always dying in Minecraft 😂

    Always dying in Minecraft 😂 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to accidentally set it on fire with a misplaced torch. Siempre pasa 💀 #minecraftproblems” Read More

  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

    Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9 Minecraft All The Mods 9 (ATM9) | Mystical Agriculture & Mob Seeds Farming Join the Minecraft adventure with ChevyCoolWithIt on Twitch as he delves into the world of All The Mods 9 (ATM9) and explores the fascinating realm of Mystical Agriculture. In this VOD, witness the mastery of farming mob seeds and learn the best strategies for resource gathering and seed automation. Exploring Mystical Agriculture Delve into the mystical world of agriculture in Minecraft with the Mystical Agriculture mod. This innovative mod allows players to grow resources like never before, including mob seeds that can yield powerful rewards. Discover… Read More

  • Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on Minecraft

    Painful Mole People Encounter in The End on MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Mole people, Episode 26: Exploring the End’, was uploaded by Splash O’Pain on 2024-08-29 23:58:24. It has garnered 30 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:25 or 7645 seconds. We have one in-game day to find all the resources we might need before we dig ourselves down to Deepslate depth where we will stay. Forever. Is it possible to finish the game without ever seeing the sun again? Follow us to find out! I am doing this challenge together with: @CaptainCrumbs @ArtySun27 #minecraft #livestream #Minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Exploring All Secret Bases in Minecraft

    Exploring All Secret Bases in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skiddzie on 2024-08-30 00:03:49. It has garnered 567453 views and 9941 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:28 or 2308 seconds. Testing Every Secret Base in Minecraft My Editor 🎥 Offstagevitor 👨‍💻 Friends in video 💪 Doni 💛 Creccent 💜 Kiply 💗 if ur reading this i hope you have an awesome day! thanks for watching 😀 Transcript Read More

  • Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+

    Insane Lava Bucket Carry in Minecraft Skywars 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘Lava bucket carries! Minecraft Skywars 1.20+ (cubecraft)’, was uploaded by ThatGenosMain on 2024-06-12 11:32:51. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:38 or 158 seconds. Hi guys, My first vid pls dont judge 🙂 . . minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • 10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!

    10 Insane Tricks to Make Minecraft Wii U Run Like a Dream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Forgotten Minecraft Wii U Edition Runs Extremely Smoothly’, was uploaded by CombatCompany on 2024-09-20 13:12:08. It has garnered 457 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. In this episode, the host appreciates the clean and smooth interface of a game on the Wii U. They explore a cave, attempt PvP combat against a spider, and discuss the drawbacks of the console’s button design. 00:00 First Impressions and Interface 00:08 Exploring the Cave 00:16 Combat and Controls Read More

  • INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥

    INSANE NEW Shader in Minecraft PE!! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poggy’s Luminous Dreams Shader | Deferred Pack | Minecraft PE | #2’, was uploaded by CoveredMC on 2024-08-30 12:14:10. It has garnered 6393 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. Poggy’s Luminous Dreams v0.6.0.1 | Deferred Pack Link of This Shader Embark on an otherworldly odyssey with “Luminous Dreams”: a visionary Deferred Renderer Pack (or Shader) meticulously crafted for the luminous realm of Minecraft Bedrock Edition’s 1.20.80 (Beta/Preview), powered by the revolutionary Render Dragon Engine. This shader transcends the limits of ordinary visuals, weaving an intricate tapestry that… Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!” #minecraft

    "INSANE MINECRAFT TRICK: Spot a Mob in 10 Seconds!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIND A MOB IN 10 SECONDS! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny’, was uploaded by Pillager on 2024-07-07 19:21:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftshorts 360 #minecraft 666 #minecraft ost #minecraft war #minecraft zoo #minecraft 0.0.0 #minecraft 2024 #minecraft … Read More

  • Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯

    Epic Cat vs Human Minecraft Battle OHIO Challenge! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Akimbo on 2024-04-30 19:00:17. It has garnered 206237 views and 7213 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Catnap💜 vs Miss Delight👩‍🦰 (OHIO Challenge in Minecraft) Wait For It…🤯 #minecraft #shorts Read More

  • SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZ

    SHOCKING: YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas by ZpinZVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built YOUR Hive Bedwars Defense Ideas’, was uploaded by ZpinZ on 2024-05-06 21:30:04. It has garnered 7188 views and 610 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:54 or 474 seconds. Today, I play a new mini game called Bedwars on the Minecraft Bedrock Server: Hive, to see if I can win a game with all my viewers bed defense ideas! Watch until the end to see some funny moments and insane fights. Make sure to like and subscribe for more content just like this. Timestamps: 0:00 – Intro 0:16 – Defense 1 2:05… Read More

  • Summoning Sigma’s Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraft

    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • MCRIS KL – Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥

    MCRIS KL - Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘تحميل افضل ثلاث مابات PVP لماين كرافت الجوال اصدار 1.21 | Minecraft 🔥😎’, was uploaded by MCRIS KL on 2024-09-15 09:48:40. It has garnered 296 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:13 or 493 seconds. Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, my dear follower. If you like the clip, click the subscribe button and activate the bell. Also, like and leave a nice comment, as you appreciate my effort in making the clips. Thank you very much. _____ Map download link:افضل+ثلاث+مابات+PVP+من _____________________________ Link to my Discord server… Read More

  • Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in Minecraft

    Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 THE CHURCH OF SCRUNKLE 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-08-29 02:52:34. It has garnered 3151 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:51 or 16131 seconds. 『Streamlabs Donations』 Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK] 【1ST STEP GOODS】 Mi★ 『NIJISANJI EN “ILUNA” DEBUT!』 『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 ミ★ 『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers 『My socials』 ミ★… Read More

  • Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Let’s Explore the World Together~ [Mira Meridia | Virtual Idol}’, was uploaded by Mira Meridia on 2024-07-09 09:17:20. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:37 or 8797 seconds. ☆ Thumbnail – Mira Meridia ☆ Game – Minecraft ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Hashtags ・#envtuber ・GENERAL: #MiraMeridia ・ART: #Merillustrate ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Stream Resources ・Model Momma: @shiro31010 on Twitter ・Shonkey: ・Overlays: ・Schedule: ・Mira Emotes: ・Shonkey Emotes: ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Chat Rules ・Be respectful to other viewers, my mods/staff, and myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Notch’s Secret Feature in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Notch's Secret Feature in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch Never Added This to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-09-22 21:03:00. It has garnered 66331 views and 6718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC… Read More

Blitzheart – POTIONS TOWER and WITHER BATTLE || Minecraft Survival – First Light