💥Crazy Minecraft ASMR with Nene Amano!🌟

Video Information

For Dad her dad who dad you my angel It’s hi jums good morning good good afternoon yeah um today I’d like to post on good evening I’m let me fix my camera a fix camera a good news is your death I missed you hi JS good evening thank you for coming I missing

Of you have a good day did you have an amazing day no you didn’t because now now it’s amazing day because now you see me so now it’s amazing yeah no you cute I missed you I Z death is more I mean you di Minecraft and stuff right it was all right but

It’s better now right that’s better now good yesterday was very rough everything’s going to be okay let here now it’s your the de thank you big love thank you so much welcome new members thank you for spreading the gospel of Welcome to no no no small love only big love thank you for

The thank you very much you take got better 104 104% that’s a big 4,14 I can read I can read oh my God number again you like my hair today thank you so thank you for the feeling sick all days of I’m not ding a lot that’s why oh I hope you feel

Better but I’m happy that you’re here now just know that I love you N I love you too thank you so much then my pretty nails oh do you like my nails do you like my nails you do SS cute those are Stars and Hearts clacking against each other and

Wings powerful clicks you love that sound it’s One Nails you love them quick quick nice nails thank you then the nails like the cling no eye cter see they show I want you black they’re the cutest sounds like Dungeons and Dragons speaking of that I got a video

Today I found the perfect video for myself some how to play Dungeons and Dragons alone you can play it alone apparently you could do solo campaigns where like the dice decide everything for you or something I was like oh my God it’s perfect yeah apparently you can play it

Al so you should look it up if you’re interested but I was like oh my God that’s perfect for me the for introverts exactly it’s kind of lonely I’ll be fine speaking of that you should check it out yeah the video has like a million views I’m like my

People My People speaking of that speaking of that so like speaking of being alone so I got Uber Eats I got Dany eats delivered to me today right and like basically I went downstairs to go get it and Grandpa D she was like is that your friend I was like

What and Granda she was like oh waiting in the car I was like that’s my operat driver not my friend H the floid is my friend yeah it’s funny it’s like great joke Grandpa yeah great is my friend it’s my best friend the mysterious friend who always brings food and leaves

Exactly guys so thank you for the thank you thank you thank you Granda really P my like he wants to me that friends but it’s okay yeah I call anyone who brings me food my friend exactly thank you br for bringing me food yeah you’re ascending good I like you to even more

Yeah with me maybe Grandpa tells you want some food maybe let just mute up your game play you’re like the only one who here for the gameplay probably not the only one but very that’s like the opposite um to every everyone else no judgment though I’m here for the

Vibes and the game start not yet oh my God you hear the booming outside rare right someone has their be booming it’s like what the heck I’m Hest participation to this 10 season bre no other purpose of real for real trust me thank you thank you it’s not touching them

Like why is there an absolutely gorgeous angel and my ear can up enough no you be right here stay right here stay right here oh yeah my recording went well no need for help exactly it took a couple of hours but I finished it yeah good night see you

Tomorrow be there for b g okay otherwise I will end you I be be there be there and watch my B’s K or El watch me play this K you’ll miss it I miss kill you’re stuck here I’m scared don’t be scared and I’m excited for tomorrow have mercy

On him that he’s only Ino you’re right but I know he’ll be there so it’s joke per no never how is not worth it I see have cute viewers here no no no they think that they’re threatened to stay but actually they will to stay yeah mhm was told someone wanted to change

The Mortal cat collab to balers Skate 3 I wonder who that was that was me sorry Shu said no the it’s so good to see you youve really been a blessing to me I love you so much I love you too thank you Thank you thank you thank you thank you for the super CH exactly they want to stay the chain for fashion that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying thank you Lex today I learned that the average person electricity in the United States in 1981 was 0.069 kilowatt htz really it was that’s

My making the bu number go away really thank you love really for real are you actually to onet on the onet video yeah it was I was really your going to be good the more you know is it true though will we play real DND yeah I like to play DND one

Time I think it’s a little hard to set up though if we don’t have someone this in experienced dungon master I guess yeah so maybe I’ll just play alone then I can become the dungeon master I’m going to be the greatest dungeon master ever yeah yeah it’s like a box kit exactly

For solo players yeah I’d be the best do Master I don’t even know what a doge Master does but I’m ready you’ll love to see that I’ll make wor with it you feel like dang I love this yeah I’m a great campaign exact get lost in my n that’s Spirit

Yeah I’ll be spending so many hours in character creater let’s do it let’s do it yeah I want to master your don’t you yeah I’ll be a fun T you master everyone will die let me the preset Camp means are 100% worth it it’s still good you

Literally just need to set someone as DM and it tell them oh that’s not bad brain dead DM people tells me go and I go I’ll look into that though preset campaign no words no brain see this by the way yeah people tell me what do easy but yeah today I recorded something

I think I think I think we might have um another Premiere next week maybe good evening welcome welcome welcome welcome we might have another Premiere next week potentially did the recording go well yeah it was so much fun I want to tell you what it is my original song PRS as well tast

Like liquid death I te man I need to get sponsored tastes like that hi welcome yum it’s really good right really really yumy spons busy week no rest for my that’s right that’s right resting is for scrubs but totally understandable if you have um control of your life and actually have a life

Outside of streaming her your job yeah but I’m I’m a bu different yeah I’m bu different you know so I have an aunt who lives close to me and my grandma was like why don’t you go see her why don’t you go see her after you came back and my answer is

Literally Grandma I lost control of my life but like in the best way POS like I didn’t know how to respond I didn’t know how to respond I’m like how do I respond to this cuz I don’t have any excuses yeah it’s my fault that I didn’t go see

My hand but like I’m just so focused on streaming maybe I should say I’m a career focused woman or something like that right like I’m a career focused woman and I don’t have time to waste or something like that it’s not wasted time though sorry Grandma I’m G me married to

The job exactly mhm yeah I do use noran why making pting at 3:00 a.m. then al control my life yeah sorry Grandma I’m on the sigma female gret I have to get to my webinar gr exactly h no don’t take my py power I don’t want to I don’t want

W yeah yum pudding delicious delicious but actually I might be taking a couple of days off in the beginning of November because it’s Grandma D’s birthday and she wants to go on like a couple of day trips yeah so maybe a couple of days off I don’t know I might

Have to I’m being forced do it no time to Vlog yeah it’s fine have fun with your grand I gu so I gu so you deserve it but I want be with you guys your own hell exactly have fun with your grandma Yeah for Grandma D

Okay I just I just tweet at you guys probably probably a couple of days in November that’s it so but in regards to the break after that I don’t think I’ll have a break for a while yeah so like November you can expect maybe a couple of days of break and then

There’s not going to be any break after that yeah yeah you don’t have to wait for me long it’ll be like Max 3 to 4 days yeah nonstop minute November yeah no day off for Thanksgiving I’ll be here nonstop n November not stop n November yeah yeah I’m glad you’re taking a few

Days off don’t worry how take care of myself oh boy oh man Thanksgiving with n yeah yeah I’ll be here for Thanksgiving and also I’ll be here for Christmas and New Year’s and Valentine’s Day and everything else yeah C almost get days off no no no I mean if you have

To thank you for the N months excited for St in November look forward to it thank you you need a day off right yeah sday I have do on Friday come back I’ll wait for you to come back yeah if you have to it’s okay make

Sure you come say be okay you’ll need these off good feel free if you need to do something though you’re allowed to I give you make sure you come back home again taking these off work for none you already did yeah that’ll be a promise I know it

I know it no matter what Bing po this you you they are incable what up November gives me energy good good good good good good save that video for Dan my head’s 247 minute my head is 247 jumps always jumps yeah by the way I think that I’m aiming

To move into a new apartment I haven’t I’ve only searched a little bit um I haven’t decided or anything like that but I’m trying to aim around February so we’ll see hopefully around February is what I’m aiming so good luck thank you so maybe I have

To take a a day off one day off but maybe to move my stuff but it should shouldn’t be too hard yeah happy Hunting thank you I’ll take my time lovely n Lely jumps Lely jumps seven rooms from my plushy one plushy room no deal at least that’s something than I was

Expecting yeah I some movers that I’ll be knocked out in like 3 hours I want them to touch my stuff like my plushies I have so many Plushies now I’m moving yeah yeah I can shower when I want and no one can stop me that’s a freedom oh baby hi

Welcome yeah I’m going to live close to my grandparents and always get your friends help you move there you know I’ve come to the conclusion I have zero friends here I have I have two but like I don’t know I don’t know it’s just I don’t

Know yeah I don’t feel that close to them I guess to is more than me but at least I have you guys no matter what yeah two two we friend surprises even when is great you’re right please make some friends in then it but I need I have some

Friends I need to see you guys though you my friends exactly you’re awesome so all your friends are in a different town I feel you pain friends are for NDS they are yeah relatable yeah I don’t really have friends yeah I think you’re right making friends as an adult is very difficult

But I’m okay with that because I have you guys and that’s all I need I also have the Kawai girls as well as my friends but they’re like internet friends right M see yeah I’m looking board GI friends that’s awesome yeah online friends don’t count that’s what old people say for sure

So you yeah didn’t see you talk to my friends for years now I guess I don’t have any left in fact yeah it’s really hard to maintain friendships right but yeah I don’t have anyone here I can ask for help I guess I guess my grandma grandpa and brother can

Help I hav been like 18 coers they one for in the grave down at least you have me and I have you yeah everybody else always working better than nothing yeah I like but like if online friends don’t count friendless you’re not friendless okay I see this a

Lot though when you have online friends right but I will always be your friend I’ll be I’ll be whatever you need me to be because I’m here for you no matter what I just want you to know that you’re not alone keep yeah I be a f I just can’t be your

Boyer you need a cardian angel I’m here for you I’m not I’ll be RI will you be my tax accountant no thanks for always being there of course yeah I can’t be your Bri driver can’t the won’t be my friend yeah you’re too sweet for us to deserve you deserve me you always

Do always you always deserve me very confident any be my financial ader it’s great having you here thanks for you do of course thank you for being here for me I love you too I know you yeah the cloud friend outline you can make friends in lot of cloudas

Too yeah big love love you Jones yeah so don’t worry about that and like I’m not like I really I don’t really need to talk to people like I don’t really need to um yeah I don’t really need to be with people in order to feel like all complete I guess does

That make sense like real life people yeah I just need you guys that’s it like real people you guys are real too but you know what I mean right yeah mm you totally deserve me yeah m I can be your physics Professor do you get that you’re real

Yeah I like being by myself too this know what I mean yeah so so so online online yeah I see my friends in person a few times a year I guess that’s going to be like what I do do yeah cuz I can see my friends in

Japan at least hopefully once a year but that’s kind of all that I need I don’t need a constant stream of people yeah I’m real angel Mel thank you for the super CH been a little rough recently then there ASR as much needed LOL thanks for

Loving us D big love to you big love to you Ma Mr melon thank you thank you St voice is too good for ASMR thank you so much thank you thank you thank you I think I found my all life’s calling is to be streamer yeah streamer with soft voice but I can

Do nons soft voice too but I’m not going to do that now yeah my soft natural voice is good for ASMR I guess yeah Yeah not Myer voice yeah I’m also really good at M voice is good for anything honestly I scared myself today because I was recording something and I’m like why am I so good at this I don’t understand like I should not be I have no right to

Be as good as this as I am like I know that’s weird to say is myself humble Queen natural skill no like you’ll see when it comes out were you crying like a baby no no no no but it was kind of like a baby right God’s chosen

Yeah look forward to it man I can’t believe how like perfect and amazing I am wish I had that confidence wait okay it makes me so really conceited but like I was so good at it I was like why why can’t I do this yeah God’s favorite voice actors K wa to

You look forward to it probably next week God’s favorite princess yeah as God’s favorite vtu thank you you’re more talented than you think to but time you realize like you’ll see is it talent I don’t know I don’t know you’ll see you have to be the judge of

That I don’t know if it’s something practical thank you it’s not the record it’s not cursed audio you got to land the short time thank you I’m welcome yeah Z death my obious tal no you see guys it’s not that amazing like I I recorded it and I was like why

Am I so good purpose yeah feel amazing I to get BL away be proud CH you deserve it okay and got I’m being the best thing yeah I’m still it thank you I’ll be proud it’s real I did that first try exactly exactly I was like first

Try it’s okay okay P yourself in the back when you na something you’re right no it won’t be me as an out back I’m back now hum I need to be God’s favorite my chair my side it was totally faced the wrong way I almost broke my chair stand yeah

No no all I need to do is be CL the most favorite yeah is it CH okay that’s something really rude to say with female no I’m just kidding n you’re sitting on the chair is the chair okay is the chair okay though yes the chair is okay chair takes

Priority the chair does have padding actually yeah the chair is lucky the chair is in heaven yeah I ask myself that every day are you G to First some someone calls your hands chubby okay what I’ve learned being a vtuber it’s really hard for me but sometimes sometimes when people say

Something they just say it they get you angry even if it’s not true yeah and they know that it’s outrageous enough to potentially get a reaction out of you so that’s why they say it yeah what and something that I struggle with is um when someone says something ridiculous

Like that I want to clap back however I’ve I’m learning it’s still work in progress of learning the best course of action is to just ignore it and then it’s just out of sight out of mind you don’t even have to talk about it you don’t even have to acknowledge it and

That person doesn’t get a twisted satisfaction of getting their stupid comment picked up yeah can get one guide my guy yeah I see nothing no more your mom jokes occasionally your mom jokes yeah dunal exactly yeah my seweet Burns Have Eyes been fire right yeah you like the plushy

I’m so glad it arrived post a picture yeah it’s like harder to ignore than it sounds we can clap back occasionally your voice is very smoothing thank you it’s very smoothing I’m glad yeah I have no enemies I don’t play yeah okay we can have an occasional

Roast but yeah I’m getting better at that yeah and don’t respond to the rude comments because they want they want a reaction from you so the best course of action is I see nothing and move on yeah she is cute cute to thank you you can slay your enemies without saying a word

Exactly exactly exactly mhm you can go B and move on yeah there’s times there’s times when like I don’t really know that something is happening but maybe like someone else has seen it in the community right and they tell me and then I’m like oh fruit I should say something but I realized

That that’s not a good course of action it really isn’t because it’s probably like one person saying it and their opinion literally does matter so I’ve made mistakes in the past but I don’t want to I I don’t want to do that anymore basically there was this one guy who said

Something don’t even give it it the time of dat yeah don’t give the bad person a d yeah exactly it’s just one gu if they can’t say it you directly their opinion doesn’t matter exactly and even sometimes they say it directly still doesn’t matter yeah yeah but I’m I’m getting better at

That I know that that’s one of my weaknesses that I’m working on yeah exactly yeah mhm even if you’re right you can’t make stop making them being wrong yeah cuz they have their own opinion that they’re going to like parade until the end of time yeah some people just don’t know

How to waste their time it’s true yeah it’s not worth the tomale exactly exactly so so so that people be wrong sometimes they’re a loud they can live in their wrongness yeah your heart so pigmented B hot actually proud of your efforts though so yeah it’s hard though it’s hard though because it’s

It’s I feel like it’s harder than it looks right like it’s harder than it looks like you think it’s easy but it’s not so so so working on that streaming yeah not just like ignoring things that you know it’s not the truth yeah he takes a lot to be the bigger

Person in this situation exactly yeah I can do it yeah we’re still human intense exactly yeah well in the first place people shouldn’t waste their time being me but that’s just how the world works yeah people are just dumb yeah me too me too me Meo me Meo

Meo me kind a good kind of D I agree same yeah a good kind of D you’re also in the same to same yeah yeah like like preium jumy yeah help you Twitter is insane yeah we can all be DP together that sounds good yeah BR d a jump yeah only J

Yeah it’s it’s called X now you’re right it’s not Twitter love you too me being dumb is fun good it’s it’s a good good D I miss the bird no tter bir I heard I heard that have to factor authentification or whatever you have to um verify your phone number or something life is easy when D just ignore yeah that’s so dumb that’s so stupid I I feel like everyone should be able to get the two Factor authentification

Right why would they pay all that that’s so dumb yeah big love thank you to they excuse to steal your phone number exactly stupid X yeah that’s a thing yeah two Factor they’re paying toofa I’m I’m pretty sure I saw that but I might be wrong

Yeah yeah it’s like a staple of security exactly it’s a standard why would they be it they are I better get a oh a oneon-one call with Mr muskrat oh SMS one also you can do email one no sorry I play the mic didn’t I Mr muskrat stream like at Diablo

4 sorry come here Mr musat Mr muskrat um stream Diablo 4 to Twitter or something like that looky M emails you first mobile authenticator what’s a that’s for your trade is he a good streamer though Mr muskrat we have muskrats are real yeah he’s like I’ll just do whatever I

Want I didn’t lot yes they are muskrats are real hold on really muskrat ew it’s like a be the Muskrat is a mediumsized semi-aquatic rodent native to North America and an introduced species as part of Europe Asia and South America the Muskrat is filmed in Wetlands over a

Wide range of climates inh habitats it has an important fact on the Ecology of the wetlands and is a resource of food and fur for humans people people eat them ew y y’all didn’t know about muskrat yeah I didn’t know about a muskrat so weird paper exactly people eat everything you’re

Right people do eat everything be play chicken nuggets through McDonald’s that’s like wow wow that’s like wow be chicken nuggets that’s like pinku or whatever how am I doing today I’m doing really good I feel accomplished because I got a recording done in a couple of hours bu is really fry

Really the pink Loop tastes good people eat rocks you’re right get her CL the W bird so we can say happy birthday to Grandma and she it’s cute I think she would like L the most yeah I feel like I showed it to her before but you probably doesn’t

Remember when the pillow came in I showed her I was like this is my this is my fans yeah I’m welcome welcome welcome I was like these are fans yeah she would not like the new pillow Grandma hi Grandma grandma that’s she on stream when I already had her on stream

Actually she’s playing the pi yeah really really really I’ll show you keep we’re going to hear that in a lot in a little bit when playing Minecraft Minecraft man I really regress from a year ago it took me 1 minute 45 to start the stream and now I make you guys wait for

5 minutes plus on the waving screen I think in the beginning I was like oh my God G I have to start the stream now I I’ll make you guys wait for 5 minutes I’m sorry I’m sorry that was two years ago two years ago oh my God that’s a

Long time ago worth the wait good all right behind skills yeah she’s amazing yeah yeah yeah I built up right yeah I need to Dy sleep I slept like 9 hours today and it was amazing cuz yesterday I honestly yesterday I was feeling sleepy the whole day like

Remember during stream I was like I don’t know why I just feel sleeping yesterday D I was like iess I need to sleep I had so many purple dipl right it’s been here today upop jump it will tomorrow tomorrow we’re gonna play B skin all day we going a

Baby we got to City let’s go we’re going to B so hard yeah it’s okay today right yeah it’s good Minecraft we got Minecraft tonight it’s been so long right the shift will be so quick I’ll be good soon by you want to see the gate yeah I can’t wait

Yeah under hor feels long to me I love the city I’m so excited G wave is going to destroy everything yeah yeah I can’t defeat Gale any more closes or is like satiated or something I’m so excited I can put hearts look see I can they added this to you

Too look look look look see on the side of the comment bar not going make that’s me ah you can disable it on the browser really quickly Quicky quick you see it click click that’s for you love yous 12 hours of sleep that’s a good accident yeah you clicking

It J thank you thank you so much thank you you click click click quick spam it spam it spam spam it I dare you I dare you I dare you I dare you spam it I allow you Auto clicker that’s not fair all right J I double do thereare you are you ready

To play Minecraft by the way is the sound too loud the music or is it perfect ready sound good good are you ready to mind the CFT the music is good okay good they so good let’s destroy another ecosystem do I still have the god Powers we’ll find out let’s

Go so today I be in oopsy I don’t know if she is on the server but my my kaai she is playing Minecraft right now too but I chose a complete wrong day to play like with ASMR because like if it wasn’t ASMR I could do a spontaneous collab with her

But it’s ASMR so yeah she yeah she’s making me Minecraft so it’s not planned at all I I don’t even yeah like can play with ASMR this cam one year ago the ecosystem around you’re good idea I’ll put Alex all around yeah your PS5 arrived yesterday I I say you

Should you should start B this G three since I’m pretty head yeah true one year ago right Toc this is not by the way oh my God it’s become one of my favorite games too game where am I I still do not a new expansion where am I wait where’s my items

I got robed what no jump Slayers there’s a bit of a whole back wait I didn’t cause the roll back starting from zero there let me get a weapon this is from the server of September last year oh spider spider yum Yumm yum what the yeah what is a r back so

Um there was an incident that happened uh recording life and they had to put back the server so it wouldn’t be part of our life anymore yeah a man I can’t believe everything you pay you guys buil this gone yeah they’re still there really I maybe just in the wrong location

Yeah it went on fire that’s cool have pixel art s maybe I should completed that or something I have to finish it that’s intense right I have no idea where I am though this is literally survival mode me the list this scold’s still up I guess I have to fix

It I don’t know how to do pixel art of Minecraft yes she’s doing her oh the pixel art I got pink I got pink okay I have to figure out where I am okay guys how do I make things how do I make things e a thank you thank you pink one like

Mcraft stick a stick I how do I make a sword first item pink I’m gaming you beat Minecraft guys it’s me I see pink yeah it’s me crafting PCH how do I make a crafting PCH I don’t think that we want we want ah crafting table it’s the night

Time don’t worry there’s no zombies yet mother me I a great person not here yet it’s okay we can still go yes you okay okay okay okay okay no hold on yet better cook bury yourself fine for now Camp C there wasn’t a recipe B at first

Really yeah we can make a f I’m crafting oh my God I have no idea where we are though behind me I know it looks like she’s not online I don’t know is creative mod different I don’t know so as you guys can see before Cloud moves on help me in

Minecraft I had literally nothing it looks like where’s my desk maybe there’ll be some BL right protect me is invisible as me there’s so many of them where’s my Stu the cl cl pieces what you me my stff I know where we are exactly Bey safe you know maybe it’s

Here don’t worry we’re going to get there EV got don’t worry we’ll get there eventually maybe it’s this way yeah Are We There Yet we made it but I don’t know if this is it surv when never first play this game everyone told me it’s a horror game you go

Are you Ser in the right world yeah is this not the right one what is this wrong I can check I assume it’s right too is only one I thought hold on I’ll ask wait did the right it took be the right one mcraft oh it’s different I’m on like the different version

Okay I have to reopen Minecraft wait did this happen when did this happen when did this happen server’s looking not yet what was that what was that a horror server I don’t know that was so scary I get the mo 1.20 one still do this well it would have been fun if like

I was able to get there you know like if I was able to find it somehow but I guess not 1.2.1 no no not that long it would have been fun to get all the way over there maybe my stuff’s right we’ll see 1 2 one okay see the newest version is 1.2.2

1.2.1 I’m downloading it okay here we go okay hold on I have to put in the server thing wait add server server address it’s a secret it’s a secret okay I got it Anonymous player who is that who is that please sh no no I would love to have a Minecraft server with

Jumps made it I made it stuff but it’s not the jump Slayer how do I typee messages I see thanks for kill the server oh I look like a jump all my good stuff is going I look like a jump at least I have a pink bed pink no problem girl you

Cute maybe it’s at my house okay I got to find my house this is not a hard see like just go away time for Creative let me let me implode the ecosystem please I need to zombie fishy Cai this is the wrong room but we have to go through the portal I think

Please management may I please ruin the ecosystem thank you portal to Resource world no portal to Resource world no I don’t know where I am there was a portal I feel like that’s the office right it’s cute this should be the portal B B you brought me to my house God our hero that Benji I still got the donkey these are donkey Lama D lama lama just flew away our hero oh yeah try to go upstairs the blood on your love is quite cute thank you your quiet love is cute thank you PTY

One more time can I please have the Tort god of Minecraft is that the teleport please God God please please God God come what I need this is is a is is a protection charm from God is it dinner or is it used to protect us from all the evils in the world maybe both I’m going to put my

Armor back on oh my God that was crazy Divine puffer fish puffer fish the God of destruction probably both e I’m positioning the mic a little bit better I’m not going to eat it got to get my armor on so I don’t get it bad bad again bad situation I want to

Get a good situation yeah the puff definitely knows gravity magic I should eat it isn’t bad for you oh it’s stuff from JS but not everything oh it’s Cy oh the sa sa sa it’s still there yeah not everything is there though I’m guys that’s me and that you so it

Together you’re free oh no it’s not finished it’s okay it’s okay my house is not a death trap it is beautiful it’s not finished though it was you guys should have seen it when it was finished or did I touch a bed no I don’t think so we should do

That it was really nice right I’m so sad it’s gone ah nice yeah my house in the cloud exactly did it young thank you so much um so glad I’ll make that position worth it thank you so much for this ASMR on the tangles you’re officially my number one favorite

Me life now thank you so much I make it worth it promise to make your yeah I’ll continue to prove to be best fival jumping into water see on my LL I welcome my love I jum yes the llama’s just n’s amazing super fantastic Cloud Bas based a li we

B based on what based on the paste I level up for real for real on God God look at the carrot see that’s me that’s me but it’s supposed to have didn’t it have clo ears on it right I’m pretty sure it did I’m pretty sure it did it did right

So it’s not finished H they had it after is your H still chicken hello chicken hello chicken hi chcken hello ticken chicken it hurt you the C food on the brain yeah I love hi welcome hello hello hello it does Cactus is downstairs skinny whose is this chicken din speculation apocalypse thank like

Apocalypse got supply room really how do I get inside oh perfect wow Qui CL Supply destructive this is clip space oh really oh the design of world is amazing it’s co oh oh Ste it no diamond 15 it’s mine now it’s not likeing e okay

I use it then I give this one I’ll give you a use sword yeah I don’t need it I’m peaceful well I need this pickaxe fair trade yeah I give use one yeah and I don’t have a bow so I’ll just give them a used uh a used

Arrow yeah the iron sword is prices now I thought that it’s about to break it PR that’s cookie wow Equivalent Exchange I’m now so powerful get all the diamonds too yay the big wall from my face remember first diamond no hesitation all of them should I put a

Back Sur this is a cloud base so it’s okay right no oh it’s a map of course it’s good is good is good how do I en chant St is just how you make the the the swords oh no it’s not what ours is yours it’s basically like robbing your child

Lapis I don’t think we have that that’s okay I like to make you oh it’s craphy lapis and experience points okay a SM template going on I can take whatever I want M okay thank you jump I can steal all your stuff too okay thank you so I think

I’m D now is it night time oh I’ll take all of your stuff bed welome the super n phone sleeps okay I’m awak I’m awake them Lake I can defend myself my house looks so dark compared to here okay I don’t see that you like the stream thank you so

Much oh I’m going nextore a little bit eggs look Js X I eat egg Al does anyone not like eggs egg does anyone not like B what happened Benji died how God died God is dead how what is that he’s friendly what is this that is your B

Hostile I was like how could God have died that’s how I thought God died I don’t know how to get inors he’s trying to live his best life I need to be faster how you go down how do I go down no how I have to go get my stuff

God what was that I know everyone died what how do i chat how do i chat what Happ the Raptor the Raptor the great the the plake just another Wednesday I need to call my people are calling for me um um where’s the house again wrong way

Okay I got chicken what did a chicken die I execute the wrong command sorry wow Beni wow did all the cows die oh my God what the whole server got D snapped Dave’s pet where do we go where do how do we find Dave’s bed is it here no

No goodbye my sweet s ch no moment of silence for Dave’s bed oh God now we got to get inside to get everything I can’t believe what the heck man aw thank you thank you how do I go down how do I go down again how do I go down oh I made

It we have to get I’m going to borrow this side oh I don’t have it I’ll give you a used helmet oh wait yeah take it use the helmet do I need the helmet I might need the helmet I might want to make it Diamond here’s some uh rotten

Fles wait here’s a flow is a flower for you l di a clock oh that’s cool cool cloes I give them rotten flesh they died I’m going to go I need to go check on the llamas it’s perfect replacement isn’t it I’ll take I’ll take the side we have to make a

Memorial is not a Christmas tree oh my God Christmas yeah we lesson you remembered maybe you’re using it for something yeah no the LA let’s go upstairs my did you have a name for the bed did you have a name for the pet and the Pet’s lost yeah all all the cows

Chickens my three llamas de goken animals B you did nothing wrong nothing I I actually everything I can’t be don’t worry guys I will recreate the ecosystem in one simple step if I I can never get out of here I’m the savior of this universe yeah how do I throw

It how do I throw it it’s not alive it’s dead oh light oh my God I can’t that’s so funny it’s all over again exactly oh my gosh it’s just sleeping guys give it a second wait come what and we have to put one leash and inot as well let me suon

Those please call Tin here good night to I be happy 3 a.m. jump good night good night here lies the Colum call named um um I’m getting closer name after date prank wait sorry sorry oh my God wait how do I get her how do I get how do I

Oh I need to put please I got SL by oh great I can I believe I can fly oh wait how do I get back down I can back down I didn’t okay okay I Benji Le okay Benji oh he did it thank you so much

G2 he di to the flower now yeah he Li they still yeah I would have gotten killed for sure again she’s back you you like the name good llamas you got my llas love you too good night I love you to my llas good even thank you foring guys D the died

Dny the cat hi welcome a cat named Daddy yeah not the real one the cat D to know the cat then you come back on your Bas um at the Cai one at the co That’s where he was right that I scare you when I use a ladder don’t worry I got it got this i got this i got this what a disaster hello y i friends yeah that to be the friend fan I struggled really hard with that lad easy wa I going to put this

Here this is the original leash of G the entities near the kaai B survived okay cool there’s a cat here okay cool being later how do I throw things again okay yes yeah maybe it would have been better to roll back the server instead of respawning everything the lumber friends are

Alive did I have a dony did I he’s a ll now my Don is now a Lama yeah that’s okay let’s see let’s see so apparently then these near the p survived let’s go check it out oh it’s going to disappear oh shoot I love you too good night Sal sh sh sh

Sh oh true she has been building stuff the original of G the the I just woke up and I wanted to see you you’re in luck I’m right here D thank God from stealing from cloud otherwise I wouldn’t be alive right now yeah thanks cloud in Minecraft and in real

Life you sustaining my existence D thank you I’m alive because of you I’m keeping this Prett can still any time can I have one gum please can I have a a piece of gum can we cook the chicken yes we can chicken sad yeah it’s can you go get some do that’s

Final I’ll than I got the chicken why does it still look raw can that all of them no she isn’t this looks like some not chicken I’m the chicken Slayer I have to eat anyways the grand that run off her gum run after her give it to me give it me

Oh okay we have to there’s not much time actually okay there might be more in your house okay thank you what do you think is better maybe get the chest plate or the leggings with the B but boies boots I got it cover me with Diamonds oh baby

Baby yeah cover me with diamonds in Minecraft Bo with the fur the fur that play put these boot away my mro skin is cute right now I’m FY shoes maybe I’ll get the leggings Okay legs legs look at my boots I look like a superhero super I look like I’m drowning in blue for some reason I’m super jum oh zombie zombie zomie zie zombie zombie I’m super jump I can do anything yes oh [Applause] I live the beach I’m super I

Lived I can do anything except breathe underwater this this a villager’s house there’s nothing okay let’s go to the kaai home base the the the the can see more valuable than that oh I see a bur bling is it that way I don’t know it’s this

Way let’s go check if jny Theo is alive carrot pumpkin potato memory of showes hopes and dreams no no she’s fine still she’s fine te up Shu chin y f for be is Happ is that the yes I’m alive yeah I can’t es I can’t escape I can’t

Es the BL way is only affected my house and the stuff around me is this sabotage yeah I guess cuz they’re not loaded they didn’t get affected weird F the calories are perfect right now right this is a hot it’s a map so you’re telling me that like all

This area is unexplored we should go see it what’s this doesn’t go anywhere what’s this oh no not here lovely I’m going to take a step there is no place where D right you guys take a stretch too ready and stretch you did you did good

My back you get a pop I didn’t pop today I didn’t pop today back go pop never mind I’m going to convince and good think that’s King a PO it’s a chur oh no it’s still under construction is it hello sorry for the mess someone be oh this is the castle

Oh where’s the church is it not here anymore not my’s Castle oh what’s that are the church is near I don’t think the church exist anymore cor oh is it Minecraft it’s a pyramid it’s just a pyramid this is Minecraft a desert temple it’s Minecraft that looks pretty cool so good good good

Condition it looks cool I the pressure plate at the bottom doesn’t think cool where is that is it down here just be careful in it when you say it does something cool does that mean that it mes up just down in the middle okay possibly only one way to find out you

Do I like to see yeah yeah yeah so really it’s gone I wanted to go boom I want to go boom so this is like a common Minecraft thing I guess in this Temple is it oh but it goes down pretty far oh it’s finished it’s coming in the desert oh really

I I want to see it it’s okay how do I get outside come on then this is Minecraft you got to be sa you got to be resourceful you got to use your sand sand is that going to touch grass no I’m going to touch sand I’m lost the Mich Michel

Michael I’m lost a got this like I did it I did it take take it y y y this is so cool I don’t think I’ve ever been in this area before I’m fish fish fish fish fish fish fish F face I got the face I got the face I got the face

I like fish today today I ate for Lun I had I had Panera I had a salad and the sandwich and then I had four for dinner so um there was no face B gave one egg to Benji don’t B them I’ll breakfast cuz I woke up

Late yeah what did you guys have you eat fish egg it’s a bunny it’s a bunny I want it a bunny a bunny a bunny I want the Bon my guardian cheese BN yes three crackers I didn’t really didn’t really have an appetite fish every Friday yum it died I SP you for anybody I don’t want to be too demanding at least I got her pet back wow this is so cool I’ve never been to this area before

Just sleep that’s right oh there’s a cave yeah you’re feeling better good I hope you feel better soon my dummy is good I’m good I’m feeling great like I said yesterday it just a little bit drowsy but today I’m really good thanks for the ASMR you’re welcome

I hope you enjoy the G ASMR wow so pretty wow what is that that’s cool go downstairs but I don’t have a ladder it looks dangerous oh that’s a r is that die will I die there jump no this area looks dangerous it really does I need to get out of

Here actually I don’t even know how to get back home not if you had in the water but I can’t sacrifice my diamond sword it’s from cloud otherwise I totally do it I need speed oh yeah hi welcome creep creep creep amazing year many more years thank you [Applause] thank you I live

Beach I live Beach yeah I don’t want to break the more gift sword this one I stole but let’s count it as a gift oh there’s a SP there’s a Sporter there’s a SP sp sp I left me don’t get lost now I’m kind of lost I’m still living I don’t know where

To go go I think it’s that way okay good night see me I made it I’m going to get this guy hey jump want to fight yeah that’s what I thought the safe Zone yeah we got to get to the safe Zone you want to fight jump yeah that’s what I

Thought that’s what I thought I’m so strong the do B is partners partners that poers poers but they’re like PA CU like she works at a Dog Cafe chcken it’s alive it’s c that makes sense yeah chicken chicken hunt I love h she is not a dog she works at a

Dog L wi my little my bird is so cute I see Hi l hi what are you doing what are you doing good boy good boy good boy hello what are you doing good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy hello what you do good good goody hi what are you

Doing oh the oh no come back come back come back Mr Mel thank you good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy hi is watching n a bed a good boy you a good boy Bast um Bast that’s your favorite

Channel you’re going to be the goodest boy Inno you’re good boy you’re you’re a good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy good boy good voice thank you so thank you I love you I cute please you’re I than cute thank you oh yeah I this you stuck you

Stuck you way to door no yeah no you oh yeah speaking of deep voice next week I was thinking of doing a deep voice only stream but not ASMR just like a regular stream cuz I’ve never done that before yeah I’ve never done that before like as say I guess so yeah sounds

Good maybe next week if not next week then in the in the future soon you like n he’s n he’s still n whose house is this I feel like I’m breing someone’s house in is it deep stream yeah stre let’s do it is this yeah oh ghost we better get out of there

Yeah is there a special occasion for using deep boys only no I just inspired by the F game a scary I don’t I don’t think I should go in here this is not Cloud’s house yeah I only enter Cloud houses yeah don’t like oh my God there’s a big on top of there

Yeah I’m breaking it under I didn’t go in I didn’t go in no no no save the pig how you want I’m me to talk like this whole stream yeah you know that that kind of voice is kind of hard to pull off maybe the whole stream that

Beat us but if I say diabetes then I think I can I can pull it off like that yeah you know yeah ye great G Miss Molly it’s a pig I don’t want to kill it good night how did H can we bring the pig with us hello pink oink oink oh

Oink oh oh oink bark bark bark barkk boy boy I sounded like oaka from AA really oh how’ you eat that in front of him o for me oh no oh no oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry no wonder why didn’t like me yeah this is epic Gaming right here yeah EP

Gaming are they right I’m right Weist like like like I know this house this is this is breaking it ENT yeah we go that way good piggy good pigy no Pi only boy I mean you’re a big big man yeah big man big strong man yeah yeah yeah look at those

Muscles yeah look at those muscles yeah you’re a big strong man strong p M yeah you’re a big fluffy Cloud so J please e no no no I think you’re all strong everyone’s strong yeah big and fluffy things like what is the gym and sleep

Okay got to get that rating up to good not just okay yeah big and fluffy neurons activated really condensation like when water drips off of the water bottle condensation yeah yeah you can be yourself and relax I completely agree you don’t have to be big and strong for

Me you just have to be yourself yeah no condensation yeah that’s why you’re covered in the water very condensation okay guys I don’t think physics Works in Minecraft yeah you should listen while you’re working out yeah pump that iron yeah pump it why is this look see why is it still

Up even though the trees does not how it works in real life it doesn’t work like that why is it stuck like that Isaac Newton’s malting see how dare you make one of the fathers of uh gravity so angry they’re taking their time real come are so fluffy so oh FL FL me

It’s a leaf Cloud this is a strange Cloud I’ve never seen one like it the father gravity yeah it’s him he like so like is like he created gravity he created gravity he created gravity oh it’s falling see he made this pH yeah discover normal created normal create created

Gravity like actually like made gravity like a thing it’s amazing he made physics yeah you remember see he created gravity magic because he loved his horse exactly he made it I didn’t create gravity I learned gravity magic to make you guys float yeah because I love you so

Much yeah and he created the Fig news as well people just floated around before him exactly it all makes sense now he invented you were there right science Rules yeah he created gra magic he loves apples it’s kind of wild thank you n you’re welcome I got you be I got

You I’m destroying the ecosystem I got oh can we cook the salon I’m going to cook we have to cook CL take that to the testest next week exactly this isn’t saving it no I that and then it will be safe yes I left those trees floating in midair Isaac Newton I

Second I got it gravity isn’t real you know what it doesn’t matter what’s real or not real in this earth it’s cuz I have clal that doesn’t even matter actually if you don’t think about things too deeply then nothing really matters yeah life hack yeah M nothing really matters mind

Hacks yeah I’m J hempty nice let us empty your heads together I met her yeah and you matter too the only that matters is only thing that matters is yeah turn off brain achieve enlightenment brain off yeah you have to exctly jum there see you tomorrow jump see you tomorrow jum

Yeah no brain only big love hi welcome it sounds like a cold yes just empty the brain head only head empty only big love yeah it kind of makes me feel better about things you know it it’s not good to overthink things too much yeah this called that’s real big love it’s

Not a cult we’re not a cult guys I’m not toxified as a religion yet not a by the way become Rock oh yum don’t worry the pig’s not around I can eat nice thought the best knle nice nice nice looks like a ball over here oh no oh no oh no oh

No where’ he go no no no no where’s my stuff oh no I can’t lo I can’t lose stuff then I got gifted by GL good thank you T brain and big love in my heart I’m happy thank you thank you I be happy I’m so glad you I still zero

Deaths th is dangerous T night this is th I had no idea maybe no that’s hi T where is where where is my stuff I wonder the cor T not the original te I feel like it’s close to here no I think I lost all of my stuff this might be a

Resting res pce maybe hold on sorry my my my Japanese my keyboard’s in Japanese when it does that it types A whole bunch of letters when I do WD hi welcome it’s annoying time for God God are you there I got it’s R items yeah I don’t know where they are

No it was not here it was in like a grassy area I’m going to by them me there’s a big there is that the big we have to find Isaac Newton’s Stree and then we should be able to find it no this looks different you’re I need but I need

My what the cow girl do it I’m trying to put my items in Minecraft I lost them they should be around CH this is so different take your pockets I have wondered I have wondered I have one piece of dirt I’m ready to go the church wait wasn’t there really oh

My God it’s there my it Wonder time to was cloes I’m so s very useful Wonder yeah it’s the church this the back we should go on the front hi hello please don’t attack me this is the Church of it’s still not finished yet oh man it’s not finished a

Am Wonder to be perfect for a I don’t think I’m going to find my items a man this way I don’t think we’re going to it’s okay at least try to mang down okay let’s try go back there do I pay for you to premium of course I do so should

You it’s only 13.99 a month or something like that and you can watch videos on mobile with no ad and even close your phone and watch it perfect for ASMR no ads baby yeah it’s really worth it indeed g g to hi you close CLE so it’s making another count toi again no

Baby I don’t know how to run in this game just keep jumping and running see good night good night please rest well me too hungry to run oh I’m starving I’m starving I’m starving my items my items yeah it’s definitely worth it wor did you see YouTube can give you

Advice on Twitter yeah I was going to post a video at them I’ll do it after stream um I’ll spoil it so I don’t know if you know but I I posted a video one day that was like it’s like a Persona uh for video and it’s like cool story bro

Cool story bro but did I ask I was going to quote retweet it with that it’s that too sassy cuz I literally didn’t ask I didn’t say how to get a viral video make it viral you jump yeah let see how stupid yeah I just think it’s a matter

Of that it’s okay I don’t think our weapons are going to be that just do it I didn’t ask how to do this you responded they may have spond oh man it’s okay um I’ll re I’ll get them one day oh they’re they’re probably this way they’re around here but it’s probably gone

Oh that’s probably where my sorry a man yeah it’s okay it’s a better my XP a man I’m sorry that ha CPS I’m sorry I lost your diamond sword I’m sorry they despawn th always still be around you think so there’s more Cloud on Ro bases to Rack

Okay we can get more than but I feel bad oh man man do I have RGB lights in my room no I do not my computer’s RGB though see happens the look is still bloody let’s go let’s go thank you thank You thank you thank you thank you thank you hello One Premium subscription please thank you thank you very much oh I totally Miss so many thank you hello One Premium subscri please thank you thank you thank you and thank you for the speculations and thank you and

Than sorry it looks like I miss some donations I see them now sorry for the mix up thank you it’s okay we can rebuild I’m distracted I am I’m distracted by cute jumps let’s screw this game I’m finished this camera is okay it’s all right I’m finished it’s okay it’s all right it’s

Fine see that’s my way I’m just upset I lost my items I really your as musroom thank you it’s l honestly like it was pretty fun I like the chaos I’m distracting and exciting Good s you I have to accept my losses before playing again exactly I have to accept

The fact that I lost all my items I yeah there’s other games to play with this environment yeah yeah yeah have you have this ever happened to you guys that like you’re playing a game but like um yeah I always have a time time the you you’re playing a game and then

You like die and then all your progress is lost we like you know like you lose all your stuff and you’re like I don’t want to play this anymore happen to oh boy I want to play that I should play that on the stream yeah do something to play for a while

Exactly you have that involing did you get over it on the very same server really yeah or when you forget to save yeah back when you accident manually save and then you accidentally turn off the console yeah it’s like you didn’t save and then you turn it off and it’s like

Ah and every W up going back to the my% of the time right I went back an hour later Walen gate is easy maybe if you like the game enough exactly like a cyber punk I was able to start again remember cuz my save was deleted

Yeah the lava funnel sucked up all your netherite GE Oh no just like the best gear in the game right don’t think about it don’t think about it yeah it’s frustrating right to do with old games you go back and you’re like oh was I do it

Again oh God you know the most painful game ever Final Fantasy 102 there was they got rid of the map for some reason you couldn’t see where you were going even though it was the same exact fruity map world as Final Fantasy 10 they reused it they Reus the map for Final Fantasy

102 which was dumb which was fine but then they got rid of like the actual map you know what I mean why did they do that yeah like so they use the same environment as the first one but then they just got rid of the map I was like

What relaxing blue anime goes back with more tingles let’s go I’m so glad you said my hair is blue cuz it’s you got to get real man that game bundle is rough you know it’s like for Final Fantasy 10 tier they gave you like the game bundle and they’re

Like oh baby so K Final Fantasy 10 and Final Fantasy 10 2 is bundled in this bundle how lucky are you oh my God you’re so lucky that you get two games bundled into one you’re not lucky you’re not lucky they just gave you one of the worst experiences of your

Life bundled into a game thanks for making content thank you so much I’m so glad you do my some more you got the was bundling is the only way that you get 10 to downloaded and they can report to their higher ups look how many we we got

Downloaded of 10 oh my God we’re amazing it’s so unfair wow look look how whoops we got so many downloads of them too be inflating those stats exactly silly Square Unix silly Square Unix hi welcome so yeah Gams are silly you know games are silly you like Tex

To terrible opinion but I still love you at least I got his better cames afterward probably I guess so yeah it wasn’t worth it people were locked out of idence until they could beat the super bosses that’s stinks depend if feel like what came after true chilly but

Fun it’s okay if I don’t play cyber Punk there’s still boxs honestly the DLC of cyber Punk was me so far for me I think we’re going to take a little break from cyberp Punk but I think I’d rather uh get the ending with or Johnny the you know like the secret

Ending or whatever maybe rather get that first yeah oh there’s new ending DLC really it does seem matter I was working hard to get there yeah I’m a little busy playing BS and so yeah the breaks are nice it’s just like oh yeah this game exist let’s try

It out I also speaking of games that I haven’t finished yet I need to finish um yeah cuz I want me I wonder if we’re almost done with it I would like to finish that not7 it’s scary I have to play hard games this month though it’s been a

While not armor cor armor cor is dropped armor cor is dropped yeah yeah just taking a little break the DLC was okay at least it wasn’t bad Starfield dropped I spent like $90 on Starfield and it wasn’t worth it yeah it’s your favorite Resident Evil game scary but I should try to finish

It $90 it was so expensive M yeah oh you got for Ragnarok ragnor yeah I don’t like space guy it was $90 it was like 80 probably way too much they got Southern Accents yeah if you got a Southern accent you know that it ain’t be scary yeah I literally just watched a

Compilation of cut scene comparisons between cyber Punk and Starfield meaning cyber buunk is better fragor the Forgotten cousin ragn what a lame God we a lame God yeah classic B raag starfields on that ancient engine up there they make everything on wow I guess it’s like the um the theory

Of like if it works it works kind of thing I’m never play Fallout I want to play you know I was on the phone with uh Papa tensi one day and he said that my brother was so scared of Dead Space the game that I played but you know like

Honestly Dead Space is pretty fun I didn’t think I didn’t think it was that scary yeah the brother tensy was really scared of Dead Space apparently yeah Fall Out New Vegas under her plade yeah is this SC for you yes yes it’s a lot more action right I think

It was this SP one that I played maybe I should try to play that alien game again I haven’t played a horror game in a while I used to play a lot of them actually you guys like my screams right alien isolation yeah yeah I still have the heart

Monitor yeah they first scary games in movies yeah I scream so much there see then she screams yeah it should be fun May should play again yeah I the audio design you know a game I didn’t like the one you guys said was spooky but it was just old you’re like

No it’s spooky but it was just old uh what is it called again um I forget amnesia amnesia it was just old and dark Amnesia darkest descent yeah it was dark and old and that’s it yeah the endless Castle G and his screams leave me so conflicted

I mean they’re cute but you’re scared so I don’t know how to feel just except the cuteness that’s all you need yeah off to bed for you good night see you I me yeah I’m need to the bunker oh God I like that one look at the new Boomers it was scary

Back in the day okay back in the day it was scary oh my little bo so is really really scary yeah heading to bed soon good night did you guys the beginning of the stream this is the end of the stream but thank you so much for coming it’s goodia the bunker the

Bunker what remains of added FL Flint oh I should look that up no I’m sorry jump please watch L if you would like we got some good Minecraft Shenanigans y t you have to say bye I don’t want to say bye I don’t want to say by Tippy TOS watching a immediately thank

You thank you thank you yeah it seems a lot of people get sick when the seasons change right I hope you feel better I get sick with the season CH so I’ll be like this for a week but I’m glad I have you time like

In the past you call me just my feeling unw watching you gives me so much energy and happiness sending lot of things in love for all did thank you so much thank you I here actually I think I have a little bit of allergy from The Season’s changing just a little bit

Sniffy just a little bit sniffly just a little bit but it’s not so bad thank you I’m here to yeah I’m always R yeah always always yeah I’ll get less sign it’s not too bad at all so I’m not allergic to you no you’re my life you’re my light you’re

My everything of course I’m not allergic to you I love you Chums better not be allergic to me yeah love your Chums no no not the Jes otherwise why would I be with you every day jumps love you I’m allergic to a l coming in this streams this week has

Been kind of late but I’m I’m glad because because I’m not glad because light streams but I’m glad because I was able to preserve my voice after 48 Hours of streams yeah so that’s pretty good yeah I’ll continue to preserve my voice for you so

Not than thank you for the 13 months you so love love you too yeah better take some time to recover now exactly I do still stream lot yeah I’ll be I’ll be known as a YouTuber who never leaves her chat alone ever like never ever ever

Ever you’re stuck yeah you can’t push me away I’ll be here every day everything oh boy oh F even when you’re asleep yes St you’re M oh you hope me do that okay oh baby happy to be here really yes that’s SC let hly yeah this is the best place to be

Stuck I know it this is the ultimate place to be St yeah every already is so exciting with you thank I play Starfield no would rather be with you here anyways I know it I know it w w always on the Mind jumps always on the M Li light light J on the

M light love you by the way do like the um uh ASMR gaming streams once a week are they still nice do you still like them so technically two some mushrooms a week but this one’s a lot more casual than the the KU 100 one you really like them

You do you love them it’s comfy they’re good okay good you love them comy the day yes you really like them you love them yeah good definitely love them love them good I really love your heart eyes eyes a lot thank you casual jump yeah you’re feeling a lot better

Good I always hope you feel good you’re all right hi PR you like them to good I like you watch I I pressed Heart true it’s a good middle point during the week H the back why you I’m so excited to spend tomorrow yeah they’re really relaxing good we do on next week too yeah it’s going to be insane all day po SK three to much b y pick up City we’re going to the city

Yeah this long gaming session tomorrow so yeah pop it whenever you can it’s the best yeah it’s definitely going to be SE right oh yeah I was just thinking of like triggers different triggers but um I think so something that I’m going to try out in the future uh with management is

I’m going to release a uh like an ASMR track um on like I think it’s called like download site or something like that and like it’s going to have like different track names with different triggers so you can choose the one that you you want and it’s going to be like

Yeah DL site yeah and like you can just play the one that you want to hear kind of thing yeah and also it’s going to be really cheap like 1,000 yen cuz that’s what they price them kind of thing yeah sounds nice it should be good

Yeah so so so it should be like 1,000 yen for like a lot of tracks unless she did $10 for the whole pack for the whole pack it’s like a really affordable one got to collect to what yeah right oh not just triggers also speaking that’s like $7 burger box yeah

But I I have to think about what triggers I want to do and stuff and it’ll be on the K 100 So also uh there’s a lot of people who buy ASMR on that site so it might help with people uh knowing my channel the teer trigger oh baby wow gamer tear trigger oh man yeah all my put e my voice back oh baby yeah good idea for the

Outreach that’s teror right such a powerful trigger baby my voice is worth more than Burgers I know it it’s worth more than Shake Shack oops hi tager but yeah so I think about a lot of triggers yeah can we request can I get the running across the room playing the recorded trigger

Please why I just squish it s what that was what on ah I see it’s the instruction manual for my wireless microphone system I was organizing my stuff today and this fell out I got you I hope that wasn’t too loud I tried to be quiet that’s the best trigger in the base perfect I’m awake now it wasn’t that loud right thank you for giving the coin to your B could it run even louder it wasn’t too bad oh the zipper I know where I put my recorder Keys now it’s just in a holer to without any time jeez thank you for giving a CO de your pod yeah squeaky floor all before and out exactly

Almost do you know about when you’ll release the ASMR pack like by the end of the year sometime at the start of next I don’t know I think maybe by the end of this year but I don’t know or if by the end of this year I’m

Able to to figure out my apartment situation wait until I move so I can record the trickers with ease cuz right now it’s really hard to record ASMR yeah because I’m basically living with my grandparents and my brother and the only time that they’re quiet is now

But then I have the risk of waking them all up with triggers potentially if they can hear I don’t know what to what extent they can hear but I just makes me nervous I’m like I’m destroying the piece of this family like the recorder yeah you’re going to leave brother teny

B he Lonesome he’ll be fine yeah sound per I’m not going to install them here if I’m going to move out release it now okay let’s make it now yeah r on the walls in your house or something I do but the walls were thin I even have

Soundproofing but I feel like it’s not good enough yeah oh yeah so there’s one time when I was playing Baler skate until like 4:00 in the morning and like Grandpa Deni the next day he was like oh yeah I saw your light on I was like they’re way

Yeah nothing can you the sound in exactly in the walls are did they’re aware they’re conscious yeah true the K not is super sensitive and so is this one yeah Dano busted what’s he doing at 4:00 a.m. sorry grandpa I was te I was G I’m sorry I’m

Sorry see I got busted I’ve been found out that I’m a gamer in the late hours of the morning yeah I was paying the bills Grandpa it’s my job jeez acceptable reason to be up at 4:00 a.m. right I’m doing it again it’s 11:28 p.m. you understand Grandpa the Mind

Flares you have a similar issue cuz you’re watching my streams I’m sorry but I’m not sorry yeah like you were small teny sorry grandpa I was ging exactly I feel like I’m small tensy again and then the dinner’s ready can I just f for myself what if I don’t want any dinner right

Now it’s 3 p.m. Grandma I don’t want to eat dinner right now yeah Grandpa Dan use a camper but he doesn’t stay up until 400 p.m. 4: a.m. Grandpa working go to your room okay yeah they go to sleep early they’re old respectfully they’re respect Leal your

Mom eets dinner at 3:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m. yeah exactly like we don’t eat dinner at that time respectfully Grandma you’re old I we respect that all right I think I’ll get ready for bed so then I can get up with a decent amount of sleep and and we can game a long hours

Tomorrow thank you so much for watching yeah he CHS get to see to you too I hope you had fun today I did it was fun it was good it’s good it’s good thank you you had fun good see you tomorrow I’ll rest well thank you for

Streaming today it’s my pleasure such a relaxing time good I look forward to the baling tomorrow yeah a lot of fun good GL job bye-bye we had fun good it was fun right I spending time with you me too love you see you tomorrow are you ready for TV thank you so much thank you so much for the big thank you thank you thank you you’re so tiny have a very good sleep I miss you so much already I love you I love you too thank you thank you and you thank you thank you thank you so much I really

Appreciate your support thank you I I love you forever did you get it did you get it you got it you got it good good good good good you got it good two times take it take it than it you got It I hope you have a good night S love you love you see you good night miss you love you de love you too love you see you see you super CHP see you in New love you too good night byebye byebye love you sleep well see you later love you byebye see you byebye can I see you tomorrow see

You later allat there you there love you love you good night see you rest well love you CH see you’re jump bye bye but not bye see you tomorrow it’s never goodbye I miss Chad I miss Chad I no I I love you I love you I hope you have a good

Night you can see me tell more love you s love you too see you tomorrow I love you too when so goodful thank you for the com tonight yeah we got this Ling case oh baby let me go get my degree meet you I love you very much

Forever take you and see you later love you f let’s B tomorrow let’s go and love for every don’t see you tomor I’m so glad you left good love you too see you again jump catch you tomorrow okay catch you on the in the

Ball see you see you I love you too jump thanks for the comfy time cheer day I love you too love you too I get cter every single day no you hi me I love you too I get some good sleep you can see the hearts I can see them

Too love you see tomorrow thank you for the ASMR day I love you too see you have a good night um see you I st I want the B I am the B see with you the sweetest soul and existence jump I love you I love you too jump

As well thank you for this be good love we’re going to bald together oh baby balding oh my wow wow love you J see you right the camer de you have the best night good have more best nights forever love you M more more efficient than

Bat you think that bat feels nicer if you’re B don’t C my out no love you see you love you CHS see you love you byebye I me see you see you see you see see see see see good night see James you’re a jump love you

This video, titled ‘【ASMR/3Dio】Minecraft ASMR With Intimate Whispers😳’, was uploaded by Nene Amano Ch. 天野寧々【kawaii】 on 2023-10-12 03:55:52. It has garnered 17365 views and 1171 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:55 or 12475 seconds.

#VTuber #ENVTuber #nenetan ☁️Donation Link!☁️ https://streamlabs.com/Neneamano Special alert sounds for $1, $10, $39, $50, $60, $100, $104, $150, $200, and $1000 donations!

☁️Become a memeber and support Tenshi!!☁️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu1INzefw3R7M9-3QEHYmMQ/join

☁️Oppai Mousepad, Acrylic Stand, and more! Official Merch!☁️ https://booth.pm/en/search/Nene%20Amano

☁️Twitter☁️ https://twitter.com/amanene_kawaii ✰┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈✰ ଘ(❁•̀ 3 •́)━☆*✲⋆[Chat Rules]☆*✲⋆ Let’s make this a fun and enjoyable place for everyone! ε(*´・ω・)з If rules are not followed, your comment may get deleted/muted.

1. No spoilers! They are my worst enemy! 2. Please be nice to other people watching. Don’t spam or troll. 3. Please understand that I try to respond to every comment, but it’s not possible for me to ​engage with every comment. Don’t take it personally if I don’t read your comment out loud!

4. If you see spam or trolling, don’t engage with it. Just block, report, and ignore it. Tenshi will take care of getting rid of them. ଘ(˵╹-╹)━☆ 5. Please keep the conversation relevant to the stream content. Asking me questions is ok, just make sure they are appropriate! 6. Please don’t cross the line with overly inappropriate/sensitive/sexual comments

7. I will only listen to backseating when I need help, and will ask for help if needed. Please keep in mind I may not listen to advice because I want to try for myself. 8. Please don’t talk about other streamers unless I engage the conversation myself. 9. I don’t do shout outs/saying name requests outside of superchats/donations.

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【Isla Coleman 👸 アイラ・コールマン】 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuaDidGk4HNLOnQE9wzMMeQ Twitter: https://twitter.com/isla_kawaii

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  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

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  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More