🔥 INSANE! Building a BLAZE CAKE FACTORY in Minecraft! 😱

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Over the last 700 in-game days I’ve moved to a new area made a huge Distribution Center a giant processing Factory a power station and more we even killed the dragon with a flamethrower and if I’m honest I absolutely love how this area is coming together so much so

That today we’re going to continue to expand by adding a brand new Factory right over here and that’s going to be a factory for blaze cakes to feed our power station now we don’t really need the blaze cakes yet I mean our power station is currently only running one of

The four steam engines as you can see three of them are turned off it’s only being fed by lava which means it’s running at half power and we’re not even using half of that power so yeah we don’t really need blaze cakes right now but I want to make sure we’re prepped

For the future and what is going on with these tanks that’s weird must have been something to do with updating but yes that’s a side note the pack has actually been updated on curse Forge it has all the new mods that I’ve been using such as create Deco and way stones but

Alongside that I also updated to the latest version of create and all the additional mods and things and yeah I guess that’s what’s caused this so when you do update be sure to check things out and make sure things are still working what’s weird is it hasn’t done

Anything to the ones up there but all the empty ones over here had gone weird I think that’s got them all fixed and who knows what else has been broken right now where were we oh yes blaze cakes so to get blaze cakes it really is

Quite a process so to make the cake itself we need to put lava into a blaze cake base then to make the bases we need eggs sugar and Cinder flow so eggs that’s nice and easy we’ll just Jam a bunch of chickens into a hole sugar is a

Little bit more difficult but we have options via either honey or sugar cane and it looks like Milling sugarcane might be the best bet but getting the nether for the cinder flower that’s a little bit more tricky because well we just need to crush nether which is fine

We’ve got plenty of nether at the moment but we want this to be sustainable but in my perfect world we can make renewable Netherrack so we do actually have a mod which adds recipes and we have two options we can either squirt potion of healing on top of cobblestone

But to make that we need glistering melon slices and to make make that we need well a melon farm and a much better gold Farm than the one we’ve currently got so that’s quite difficult and the other option is to mix andesite with netherwater in a heated Bowl but in

Order to do that we’re going to need a Nether wart farm and we’re going to need a much better source of and theight than the current one I mean this Farm up here just kind of drip feeds it but then to make a more efficient and ofite farm we

Need lots of Flint which isn’t a problem we need lots of gravel that’s not really a problem and we need lots and lots of lava which yeah that could be a problem because we’re using this lava currently for the power plant and I know this is to make different fuel for the power

Plant and so on but we’re going to need lava for lots of things in this area a third option for getting Cinder flower is of course just to grind up all the nether we’ve already got but that’s not sustainable so in short we’re going to

Need a few Farms today we need an egg Farm a sugar farm an andesite Farm a netherwart farm a Netherrack farm and more lava to feed the whole thing and then eventually we’ll have a blaze cake farm and my plan is to try and fit all

Of that in here in probably a couple of buildings let’s see how far we can get with this today but with the amount of farms and things we need to build there’s every chance this could turn into into a two-part episode now with our great big list of farms in mind I

Think the first thing we should probably do is sort out the lava situation so with that I think we need to make an infinite lava pit and it’s probably going to make sense to do that down here underneath the power plant where we’ve also got a bit of an opened out area but

We do actually need to open this area out a lot more I need to be able to reach under this whole area too because we’re going to need Delivery Systems and so on we might end up with more delivery trucks so before we can even make a

Start on the Lava Pits I need to do a whole lot more digging down here short while later we now have a much bigger area down here and this is of course still directly below the power plant but it means we’ve actually got space to sort of move more vehicles

Around and get resources where we need them which would be nice and as you can see we’ve got a bunch of exposed pipes and shafts from things that are already being powered there’s a bunch of stations in here so yeah there are things we need to be aware of now we

Need a lava pit and to make an infinite lava source we need it to be at least 10,000 blocks or 10,000 blocks source es of lava in one big hole so I’ve done a bit of maths and I’ve worked out that if I do a hole this size which is 20x 20

Each layer is going to be 400 Source blocks and that means we need 25 layers to get 10,000 blocks but instead of doing this by hand because that would take absolutely forever I think we’re just going to make a whole bunch of drills and do it that way which means I

Need to strip a whole lot of wood for andesite casings I need a whole bunch of andesite alloy and I’m going to need lots of iron sheets and it turns out I just need iron ingots not sheets whoops but I’ve managed to make a stack and 14

So far I just need a whole lot more andesite allo and I reckon if we make 100 drills we can just drop it four times and that will give us what we need I don’t really fancy making 400 if I’m honest so I’ve dug out the first hole

And we’re just going to repeat this all over so we place down 100 drills add a few chests on the back glue it all together then we’ll add a rope pulley there we’ll attach it to this and look at that down we go and we just got to do

This four times and we should have a big enough pit for our lava looks like we might have a lush cave down there and then to bring it back up we’ll just stick a couple of cogs in and then attach a belt and we just got to do this two more

Times whoops I appeared to be unal living a whole bunch of fish all right well we have our hole we just need to tidy it up a little bit and fill in these other holes that we don’t need this is where the grappling Hook’s going to come in very handy what is that Thing flutter well it didn’t drop anything H there we go we now have a solid pit that’s good let’s use the grappling to get ourselves out love that thing so now we just need to pump a whole bunch of lava into here and for that we’re going to need a hose

Pulley but we do actually already have one in our bag which is good and we’re going to need a whole bunch of pipes and this and we’ll need a hand crank as well just to make sure it’s sort of down a little bit I guess so let’s put the hose

Pulley there we’ll lower that down a little bit then we need to feed into that I think that’s how this works we should just be able to do that from here oh slight spillage it’s okay everything’s fine so we just need to put this pipe in the right place and we

Should be good and yep there we go there’s some lava oh Ley bendy man’s a bit angry you’re about to get angrier oh he’s gone it’s probably not a good thing spiders are running away from the lava as well but in theory that should now just gradually fill up and

Over time this will tell me sort of well it’ll tell me if it’s going to be an Infinite Source or not but currently obviously it’s not but if we just let that do its thing it’s going to fill up this whole pit and eventually we’ll have an infinite lava source which is going

To be exceedingly useful to us in future so it is pulling the lava from these tanks at the moment which is the same lava that the power station uses but we’ve got plenty in back up here so hopefully this will actually hold up while we’re doing this and of course our

Lava train is still going to be heading over here and dropping off a load more lava every sort of well 10 minutes or so I think so hopefully our power won’t completely drain out but I guess we’ll see but it’s filling up nice and quickly it’s already doing the second layer and

This appears to have reached its limit for now which means we need to wait for more trains to come in so we should probably make a start on the actual Factory it’s raining isn’t it of course it’s raining it’s always raining but both of these have been drained into the

Hole and the power plant still has its spare tank here so we’re all good looks like the sun’s going down though so we should be able to get rid of this rain good stuff so what we need to do is work out how we’re going to fit all of these

Farms in we’ve got a great big list of farms and not a great big amount of space but even so I don’t think I want to build the Farms first I think I want to get a building down cuz I’ve kind of got an idea in my head of how this is going

To work cuz of course this building does need to feed into this one with the blaze cakes so if we put the main Blaze cake production line here and then maybe have a secondary building which to be honest it’s probably just going to be a sugarcane farm I reckon we can probably

Fit everything else in one building so let’s do our usual we’ll grab some blocks we’ll get a platform down and then we’ll just try and build something that kind of fits in with the area I guess and in saying that actually because because we now have the create

Deco mod we actually have access to some sort of different shades of brick which look pretty cool and I’m quite Keen to play around with some of these Dean bricks and we’ve even got Mossy bricks look at this and to make those we need bricks which is fairly easy and we need

Okam which I’m hoping we’ve got some of in storage but it turns out if not there’s literally a patch just over there so I’m going to get a few bits together for this building I think we’ll probably put in some kind of semi Automated machine in there just for

Making these Dean bricks and I’ll meet you back here when we’re ready to start building I think I’ve gathered what I need and in here I’ve built a small Contraption which is going to make all the other sort of different brick blocks for us so at the moment I want Dean

Bricks so I’ve just put some ocam in there but I can also load this up with other things there we go look you see it firing whenever some bricks come in but what I can actually do is load this up with whatever kind of block I want so if

We look at all these different ones here to make them it’s just the Block in the middle that’s different so depending what we put into this draw here depends on what block we get out around the back it’s very simple there’s just an arm here that’s collecting the bricks from

Over there and it’s is putting bricks into this slot which then fills up all of them cuz they’re connected and this one says no bricks but it’s also taking whatever’s in here and putting it in the middle which as I say in this case is oam because we’re never going to need

These bricks in absolutely huge amounts I shouldn’t think so uh yeah this should work nicely for us but enough about that let’s get a big foundation down stick down a building and then see how many of these Farms we can jam inside and to be honest when it comes to making the

Andite I might actually do that upstairs there we can probably make a better job of it potentially but who knows we’ll see what space we have first so I think a couple of platforms like that should do the trick we’ll have sugarcane over this side because we’re going to need

Quite a lot of space for that I think and then on the other side we’ll have pretty much everything else i’ imagine so we do need to go stock up on a few more building blocks I think pallet wise we’re going to be using some Acacia like

This at the bottom we’re probably going to use a little bit of limestone at the top on this side of the building and on the other side we’ll use Dean bricks and maybe some Spruce or something maybe a nice deep sleep roof because we’ve got quite a lot of Mangrove roofs around

Here at the moment who knows let’s just grab some blocks put on some music and see what we end up with and don’t panic I will put some supports on the on El so know I have seen your Messages and a short while later I’ve got quite a cool looking building there I think I like that and there should be enough space in there to get the smaller Farms that we need hopefully but the only way we’re going to find out is when we start

Jamming them in I guess but before we do that I want to stick down the secondary building here which is going to be for our sugar cane so let’s see what we can Do Well I’m pretty pleased with those at least for now I think they’re going to do the job nicely and they really do fit in with the area and I have to say I’m loving these train holes they make great chimneys they make really good sort of fluid tank type things and with the

Create Deco railings underneath as well they have a nice bit of support I just really like how this all looks although I appear to be missing some of my roof I’m sure I textured that there we go a cheeky reload and it’s all come back

Good job but as I was saying we’ve done the easy bit we’ve got the buildings up I still need to do some texturing on the top of this one but we’ll get to that later I really want to make a start on these Farms cuz the sooner we get them

Producing the more stuff we’re going to have to work with when we actually get to making the blaze Cake Factory itself so this building here is primarily going to be for sugar cane but I’ve also got a small shed at the back here for the easiest of the Farms eggs and for this

We’re just going to knock out a bit of the wo there we will put some drawers there eventually but for now we’ll just have a hopper we’re going to have a floor of Hoppers we’ll Chuck some carpet on top of those just so the chickens don’t get stuck in them then we’ll just

Wall off a good chunk of this as well and we’ll just a great big window on the back now we just need a whole bunch of eggs but I think we’ve got at least a stack maybe a bit more than a stack back home and this is one of the examples

When having these way stones saves me 10 minutes of recording time cuz I can just hop here and go grab them those things are literally a game Cher so uh 74 eggs H do so I think we’ll just stand here and do this and hopefully we’ll get a decent amount of

Chickens so from 70 something eggs we’ve got about 10 chickens that’s not a lot of chickens we’re going to want more than that so we’ll just wait for them to to grow up and then we’ll kind of just keep recycling the eggs around I guess until there’s a decent amount in there

So we’ll just stick a drawer on the outside here and that will fill up with eggs and then later on we’ll worry about how we get them over to the other Factory but for now that’s fine first Farm done easy peasy for the next one

Not so easy peasy so next up we need a sugarcane farm and ideally I kind of want two floors to this farm so I don’t really know how that’s going to work out for space but I think the first thing to do will be to rip out this floor here so

At least the bottom floor is sort of down bit and hopefully that will give us enough space to get a second floor of sugarcane in and then we’re going to have to figure out device to harvest it all but I reckon I reckon we might be

Able to sort of have a Gantry maybe in the middle of the room that then does both sides I don’t know we’ll have to see but let’s just do what we know we can do first and sort out this first floor so that’s the bottom layer of the

Farm in I just need to work out how I’m actually going to harvest it now because now I think of it I don’t think we can actually have a rad here because we need somewhere for the Harvester to actually Park so let’s quickly get something built up do we have any Harvesters six

We might need a few more than that and maybe a Gantry shaft is going to be our best bet here so if we had a Gantry shaft at this height and then we need one of these we’ll stick the Gantry chassis on there with a barrel for

Storage and then we can just stick the Harvesters to the front of this I think although we’re going to need some temporary blocks at the back here just got to made a few more Harvesters cuz we’re going to need some for the second floor as well

And I think we can pretty much just glue that together now but I don’t want these blocks here ideally if we glue that to that and then just GL all the Harvesters together that should be good power’s going to be interesting I guess we’re going to have to sort of come in from

The outside around this area maybe we should figure this out first before we work out how the second floor is going to go so if we put a couple of chain drives in here what I need to do is get a sequenced gear shift which I don’t

Think we have any of okay we can make one and let me think about this we’re actually going to need to knock all this back another block so we could literally just do that and then power the gear shift there and then we’re going to have

To put all the red St bits to make it work over here but that should be okay we can just use panels on the other side of the wall to hide it but what we want it to do is to go probably about 12 M or

So in each Direction and then wait for another Redstone pulse and then we’ll set something up so that when it gets back here it just goes off again and then it should just go backward the boards the whole time although thinking about it it would make more sense to put

This on the other side let’s just block that up again and move over here so we’ll put the sequence gear shift there we’ll just set this up again and it’s nice to see my chickens are grown up so I think what we’re going to need are

Some Redstone bits and Bobs let’s see if we can figure this out what we need to do is basically give off a pulse every time this gets home basically so if we were to put one of these down the bottom here and glue that to that put the

Receiver on there you can see that’s getting a redstone signal now and then then observers maybe do we have any we’ve got a few so we’ll check for a change there we’ll send that signal up and then we need to send that signal into here so do they have a pulse delay

Thing pulse extender pulse repeater I think maybe a pulse repeater is what we want and what do I need brass Redstone and some kind of block so that was Redstone uh brass sheets and some blocks grab some Redstone as well we’re going to be needing that so if we put the

Pulse repeater there set that to a couple of seconds so 40 ticks is that getting a signal going to power that that’s the question let’s have find out no no it’s not that’s okay not a problem it just means we have to do that instead but that should now trigger this

2 seconds after it arrives back at least that’s the hope so let’s give that thing some power we need to go around the back here Dig Down behind these barrels and find a power cable to connect to GL I covered that lava pit that could have

Been dangerous I think if we just dig a little hole across here this should connect us up nicely so this thing should have power now if we just give this a jump start so do that that should wait 2 seconds and then spin wow that’s

Fast okay so it works but it might be a bit fast I think we can proper slow this down though I think it only needs to fire maybe once a minute that should be more than enough we also need put a storage interface on this and I reckon

We can just stick one there and then glue that together so that exit over here we’ll put something on the other side to actually take that out I guess so I guess once again for now we could literally just have a drawer shoot and another storage interface also really

Want to slow this thing down so let’s head underground and sort that out so let’s just break this here and if we just do this and there we go that’s going much slower now so that’s a much better speed let’s see if the interfaces connect so it looks like it does connect

It’s just done another run and the barrel is now empty and it definitely harvested some stuff so I guess that works so let’s see about getting a second level on here shall we what I want to know is can you put gantries opposite each other you can

Aha well this could make things easier let’s just see if the top one’s going to move as well it is well that’s going to make this nice and easy then I’ll bring you back in once the job’s done and there we go I think we’re just about

Done this thing setting off we’ve got everything connected although I should probably rotate that a bit so it looks a little bit more connected maybe but everything’s harvesting it’s all unloading and we’re getting lots of sugar canane this is good let’s just rotate this beam slightly there we go

That makes more sense slightly so we’re halfway to the second resource we need we’ve got our sugar cane we just need to convert it into sugar but we’ll do that in the next building and let’s see how our eggs are doing we’ve got 56 not bad

Nowhere near good enough I guess we need more chickens let’s chuckle these in there and we’ll most likely be back to fill that up even more a bit later now if we check our lists we’ve done the eggs we’ve done the sugar cane and the lava pit I think is actually reached its

Max now let’s have a quick look okay so yep bottomless Supply excellent although I have put this tank here and this should be taking lava out of here but it’s not H that’s weird so I’ve just broken and replaced this let’s lower it down again and well see what happens it

Doesn’t say it’s bottomless anymore and it’s taking it out what is your problem let’s just pump all that back in yeah apparently Suddenly It’s not a bottomless Supply anymore so let’s just pump a little bit more in so there’s definitely something bugged out with this because it fills till it says it’s

Infinite and as soon as I pump something out it’s it’s not infinite anymore so I think I need to somehow add a few extra blocks in and I’ve done a little bit of research and basically I need to mess around with the config here we’ve gone to create then server then fluids and

I’ve just turned on Phil infinite because what was happening is it would get to be a bottomless pit and any extra lava coming in was just getting voided but then as soon as we went to pump it would take a block and then it wouldn’t be infinite anymore and even just adding

A few extra blocks around the edge didn’t seem to work so we’re just going to pump a whole load more lava in here and hopefully that’ll do the trick and that is continuing to fill up now so hopefully when that’s finished we’ll actually have infinite lava what a weird

Bug hopefully that fixes it so I guess that means we can’t take off the lava pit yet but we can at least make a start on these other things but we’re only 2 and 1 half farms in and we’re already 20 minutes into the episode so the chances

Of us getting all of this done uh looking pretty slim so I’m going to focus on everything that we need apart from the Netherrack we might just bypass that and use a little bit of our storage for now and that way we can just focus on getting the sugar the cinder flow The

Blaze cake bases and of course the blaze cakes themselves so if we save upstairs for making Netherrack we need to think about Cinder flower in fact before we even do that we need to think about power so let’s get some power up here so I’ve got power up here and for cinder

Flower if we’re going to be bringing that in from upstairs I think this makes the most sense cuz then we can just feed it directly in so if we do it like this for now we can manually collect some Netherrack and put it in there and then

That will turn it into Cinder flower down here and we’ve also got a chute going into the back there so once we get the farm running up here we can also send down more Netherrack but we’ve got a couple of other things to consider because if this is creating Cinder flow

We have to bear in mind we haven’t actually made sugar yet instead we just have sugar cane but I have an easy solution for this and that is just going to be to use a millstone with a bit of poker down here and a gearbox set

To Vertical we can power that as well stick another shoot in and a box to get the sugarcane into but of course at the moment the sugar cane is all the way over there but of course that just means we need lots of spruce trim I think

That’s going to be the best way to connect these two bits without cluttering up outside here because I’m going to need this space for something else so let’s just get all these connected together and I guess while we’re here we might as well hook up the

Eggs as well and then to make sure all of this is going to play nicely together let’s stick a draw controll in thinking about it we’re also going to need to link these together then if we swap out the normal shoot we had here for a Smart

Shoot make sure it’s only going to grab sugar cane and then put a draw controller slave there then that’s going to produce loads of sugar for us look at that wonderful right I’m going to quickly run off and grab a little bit of Netherrack just so we can

Lock this drawer as well as Cinder Flower so if we put loads of nether in there what have we got 1 and a half thousand that’s going to make us lots and lots of Cinder flow certainly more than enough to get us started so we have Cinder flow we have sugar and well we’ve got eggs

Over there as well and it should all be connected to the system so what we need to do now is to make some Blaze cake bases which I reckon we can do over here it should be fairly straightforward and then we need to pump lava into those to

Make blaze cakes and then send them off into the power plant and we’re going to be sending them over via this tunnel here we’re probably just going to use trims again to be honest keeps things nice and simple I almost got hit by a train that means we’re going to need a

Part up there from the inside but that’s easy enough and just stick a bunch of spruce trims in here it should be simple as that really and that’s where we’re going to store our blaze cakes and now we have an end goal we can probably work

Out what to do with the rest of this here and I reckon this can be pretty straightforward actually so if we set up a bunch of funnels here to only remove one item at a time set those to filter by Cinder flow sugar and eggs and then

If we actually put the slave controller back that gives us everything we need that’s all the ingredients and we’re going to need to get power over here so maybe we should do that underground a little bit so that’s going to give us power over here for the mechanical arm

And of course we’re going to need power for this as well so let’s set the arm to take from those three deposit into there and just hang that upside down then that’s going to want a cog right there oh and we’re going to set this to forced

Round robin as well just to make sure we always end up with an even amount of ingredients in there then we need to get some power to this thing up here as well guess it’s going to have to be a gearbox so that should do it and there we go our

First Blaze cake let’s just set the filter for those Blaze cake base I should say and now what we need to do is fill these with lava and I don’t think I have any spouts at the moment but we’re going to need tanks and pipes and mechanical pumps as well anyway but how

Do we make a spout oh that’s easy not that I have any kelp on me I still don’t have a kelp Farm one of these days I swear I’ll make one but for now we’re just going to steal some from the ocean oh we already had some in our smoker

That’s handy sometimes past beard Stone can actually be useful right there’s our spell so we can literally just dump that around here somewhere and then we’re going to get some pipes in and I do like the idea of there being a little storage of lava in this room we’re going to need

A pump there and then we need to power that so let’s maybe grab the power from there send it over this way Chuck in a gearbox set that to vertical and that way and a cog wonderful well that was nice and easy but I should probably think about getting all this hooked up

As well actually there we go so that’s all the the cakes coming we just need to sort out the lava situation speaking of which how’s this pit coming along well it’s certainly looking a lot more full let’s see if it works as an actual infinite lava pit now well it’s taken a

Whole bunch of trial and error I don’t actually know what the problem was we have filled it up an extra couple of levels but I was still having the same issue I’ve just broken and replaced this a few times and now it does seem to be working it still says it’s a bottomless

Supply and it’s pumping out lava into this tank so yeah definitely working now but that means all we have to do now is connect up this tank to the lava source oh look at that that’s some pretty good placement in my opinion now look at that we’re getting lava we’re getting blaze

Cakes we’re making a mess of the blaze cakes but we’re getting them and there we go we’re now collecting all the blaze cakes they’re going into that box there let’s grab some keys so we can see how many we’ve got so we’re up to 66 already

That’s not bad and if we put some upgrades on these drawers we should be able to store loads of sugar and Cinder flour as well as the uh sugarcane and eggs of course but I need to make some of those I think we’ve got a few

Diamonds over here that should do it yep still got 56 let’s take most of those and I need some sticks so if we use those upgrades many sticks and a couple of diamonds in each one eight upgrades that should be enough for now so we’ll stick that on there oh we’re not doing

Too bad over 300 eggs one on there one on there one there too and you never know we might need one on the blaze cakes as well now I think I just want to make this downstairs area look nice it it just doesn’t at the moment not even

Slightly very short while and a few blocks later I think we’ve tied things up a little bit we’ve just got some safety fences up got a few GDs in to hold things on and we’ve covered up some of the storage drawers that just looked

A bit out of place I’ve also added in a few extra windows around the back here so you can actually see the trains go past which is quite nice and a bit of lighting of course but I have left this area blank because of course we do still

Need to be making and aite bringing that over here and then turning that into Netherrack which means we’re going to need some kind of a drop off area for that so that’s what we’ll be using the space over there for and on the outside I forgot to mention but you may have

Noticed earlier I do actually have a couple of sort of brackety type things holding up the monal now really quite difficult to do not sold on them so if you got any ideas do let me know but at least it’s not free floating and these shipping containers can still go through

And something else that was pointed out to me is you can actually put two signals on a railway line and it looks much better no idea what the second one does but it looks cool so I have upgraded all of those as well and they’re looking pretty good although the

Blaze Cake Factory is technically working I still have to manually feed it with nether which means we need an andesite source much better one than the one we’ve currently got and we’ll probably sort that by building another Factory over here making andesite using the gravel flint and lava send that

Round via a truck I guess to a delivery system over here and then we can make the Netherrack upstairs which will make this a fully self- sustaining Blaze cake Farm without me having to manually load it up with Netherrack every now and then but sadly that’s going to have to wait

For the next episode cuz we’re all out of time here I hope you’ve enjoyed it and I’ll see you on the next one byebye now

This video, titled ‘I built a BLAZE CAKE FACTORY in Minecraft Create Mod!’, was uploaded by Mr Beardstone on 2024-01-14 13:15:00. It has garnered 113630 views and 6266 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:51 or 1671 seconds.

I built a Blaze Cake Farm, but in order to do that we had to jump a lot of hurdles! So we also made an infinite lava source, a sugar cane farm, an egg farm and more – and crammed them into 2 new factory designs in Minecrafts create mod. Good times!

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#minecraft #createmod #create #letsplay #episode31 #letsplay #survival

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl

    Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl In the world of Minecraft, a love story unfolds, Mutant Villager and Zombie Girl, their tale foretold. With stunning builds and mods, their journey takes flight, Facing challenges and battles, their love burning bright. From heartfelt scenes to hilarious surprises, This video is packed with thrilling rises. Will they live happily ever after, or face despair? Share your thoughts in the comments, show you care. Maxi playz here, bringing chaos and fun, Gaming adventures for everyone. Subscribe, hit the bell, join the fan, In the world of Minecraft, let’s make a grand stand. Read More

  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

    Risky Business in Minecraft's Dangerous Dunes Minecraft: Rush of Kings Episode 6 – Dangerous Dunes Introduction In the sixth episode of Rush of Kings Minecraft, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the treacherous terrain of Dangerous Dunes. The episode features gameplay with ScrumpeyB0ttle, WaterB0ttle, and Thekillerkreeper as they navigate challenges and obstacles in this original board game recreated in Minecraft. Gameplay Highlights The episode kicks off with a captivating cutscene setting the stage for the adventure ahead. As the game progresses, players take turns strategically maneuvering through the game board, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. From ScrumpeyB0ttle’s decisive moves to WaterB0ttle’s calculated… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Unite!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Unite! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious video titled “Jackbhaiya funny 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts” that had us in stitches. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting server like Minewind to experience even more fun and laughter? With a thriving community and endless possibilities for creativity and adventure, Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just… Read More

  • Secret Storage Shenanigans | HC Survival Ep 9

    Secret Storage Shenanigans | HC Survival Ep 9 Welcome to Minecraft Hardcore Season Two Episode Nine! In this exciting episode of Minecraft Hardcore, the player embarks on the task of building a storage room to organize all their blocks efficiently. Alongside this project, they also focus on enchanting their diamond tools and armor to enhance their survival skills in the game. Building a Storage Room The construction of a storage room is a crucial aspect of any Minecraft player’s journey. It provides a designated space to store and categorize various blocks, items, and resources collected throughout the game. With a well-organized storage room, players can easily access… Read More

  • Barely Surviving in Minecraft

    Barely Surviving in Minecraft Minecraft: Half A Heart Challenge Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Half A Heart Challenge! In this intense gameplay mode, players must navigate the blocky landscapes with only half a heart of health, adding an extra layer of difficulty and excitement to the game. The Challenge With just half a heart to spare, every move becomes crucial in Minecraft. Players must carefully strategize their actions, avoiding enemies and environmental hazards to stay alive. One wrong step could mean the end of the game, making each decision a matter of life and death. Survival… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft 1.21.2 PC Download Guide

    Ultimate Minecraft 1.21.2 PC Download Guide Exploring Minecraft 1.21.2 Snapshot on PC Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft 1.21.2 on your PC? In this snapshot version, players can experience new features and updates that add excitement to their gameplay. Let’s explore how to download Minecraft 1.21.2 on PC and what this snapshot has to offer. Enabling the Snapshot Version To access Minecraft 1.21.2, players need to enable the snapshot version on their PC. By doing so, they can enjoy the latest updates and features before the official release. This snapshot version provides a sneak peek into what’s to come in Minecraft…. Read More

  • Crafty Morning: Epic Tree House Build

    Crafty Morning: Epic Tree House Build Good morning, gamers, rise and shine, Join me in Minecraft, where we’ll design, A tree house so grand, reaching for the sky, With shaders so bright, let’s give it a try. The seed is “GoodMorning,” a perfect start, To craft our world, a work of art. Embrace the day with joy and glee, As we build together, you and me. So grab your tools, let’s get to work, In this pixelated world, where creativity lurks. With each block placed, a story unfolds, In this virtual realm, where adventure molds. Let’s climb to the top, see the view so clear,… Read More

  • Surviving Hardcore Minecraft Challenge!

    Surviving Hardcore Minecraft Challenge! Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft Embark on an epic journey as our fearless gamer attempts to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft. Join the adventure as they face challenges, gather resources, and explore the vast world of Minecraft. Day 0: The Beginning As the sun rises on day 0, our gamer spawns into the world of Minecraft. Armed with nothing but their wits, they begin their quest for survival. With the clock ticking, every decision counts as they navigate the dangerous terrain and gather essential resources. Day 8: Building Shelter By day 8, our gamer has managed to… Read More

  • Free Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock

    Free Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock The Exciting World of Minecraft Bedrock Hack Clients For avid Minecraft players looking to enhance their gaming experience, the 1.21.30 Hack Client for Minecraft Bedrock is a game-changer. This versatile mod works seamlessly with Windows Mobile, MCPE, and iOS devices, offering a wide range of features and functionalities. Unleash Your Creativity with Nitro Lite The Nitro Lite version of this hack client provides players with a plethora of tools to explore and create within the Minecraft universe. From cheat codes to texture packs and shader mods, Nitro Lite opens up a world of possibilities for gamers looking to push… Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life

    Crafting Love: From Blocks to Rings in Minecraft Life In Minecraft, a life from child to adult, Growing up, getting married, it’s a result. The journey is long, with adventures to find, In the pixelated world, let your imagination unwind. Join Team Smoothie, for more fun and delight, With Oops Hiha and Yummie, the future is bright. Explore new realms, with Super Ngao in tow, Minecraft stories to share, let the creativity flow. Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe, To Super Ngao’s channel, where Minecraft vibes thrive. For updates and news, stay tuned in, To the world of Minecraft, where the fun begins. Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the opportunity to explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join a community of like-minded gamers and embark on epic adventures together. With unique features and regular updates, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So why wait? Join the fun today by entering the Minewind server… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

  • Join RogueX – Altairon Academy Now!

    Join RogueX - Altairon Academy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Altairon Arcane Academy | เปิดรับสมัครนักเรียนและศาสตราจารณ์📢’, was uploaded by RogueX on 2024-10-01 17:30:49. It has garnered 58 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. #minecraftpe #minecraftstory #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #hogwarts #wizard #harrypotter Read More

  • EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!

    EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘*LIVE* MAKING MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER(HOUSE BUILD BY MarchiWORX)’, was uploaded by 200PumpShotgun on 2024-06-13 12:33:23. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:31 or 12331 seconds. Hey guys, in this live me and my brother world in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL! Dont forget to like and subscribe :D! IGNORE TAGS fortnite item shop, fortnite event, fortnite live, fortnite season 3 chapter 2, fortnite season 4, fortnite cars, fortnite montage, fortnite song, fortnite aquaman, fortnite apple, fortnite animation, fortnite aimbot, fortnite aquaman challenges, fortnite asmr, fortnite… Read More


    DUPE on DONUTSMP 2024 - LINK in COMMENTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to dupe on DONUTSMP Working 2024 DONUTSMP DUPE LINK IN COMMENTS 1’, was uploaded by gmas1 on 2024-08-11 14:53:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mod links : Download in coments TAGS IGNORE ) In this video I Showcase a Minecraft PaperMC Dupe Glitch that might work on … Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide – EP. 3 – Making EPIC Progress!!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide - EP. 3 - Making EPIC Progress!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lets Play – DRP’s Flat World Survival Guide Episode 3 – Making Progress!!’, was uploaded by Gobspitt on 2024-01-08 17:00:03. It has garnered 86 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:33 or 1533 seconds. Welcome to the Flat World Survival Guide! A MineCraft series using a modpack created by DanRobzProbz. This is a Java Modpack. Visit DanRobzProbz’s showcase at: https://youtu.be/3pHNQJJ04DE?feature=shared Download DRP’s modpack here; https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/flat-world-survival-guide Find me at: Facebook – Gobspitt Games Twitter – @gobspitt Instagram – @gobspitt Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/gobspitt Discord – https://discord.gg/k8pyQqsw3w Support me by becoming a Patreon… Read More

  • QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMP

    QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Little Nightmare 2 Now- Working In Sand City in Hideout SMP with Queen Elsa’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-04-18 18:06:07. It has garnered 5099 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:18 or 13998 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to QUEEEN ELSA channel ! 🌟 #minecraft #minecraftpublicserver Hey there, gamers! I’m Srishti Mishra. Join me as we dive into epic adventures, tackle challenging quests, and share some laughs along the way! 🎮✨ What to Expect: 🔥 Live gameplay of the latest releases and classic favorites 💬 Interactive chats and community fun 🎉… Read More

  • Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!

    Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by MrToggle on 2024-04-28 04:45:27. It has garnered 1811 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:21 or 1101 seconds. I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek Minecraft… In this video, I challenged my friends to Minecraft hide and seek, but with a TWIST!!! We are tiny… We created a custom modpack and maps that made this video possible. Make sure to check out our other Minecraft challenge/manhunt videos. Also, possible a hardcore Mincraft manhunt or something… Read More

  • Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus Block

    Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus BlockVideo Information This video, titled ‘CIRNO GAMING LUNES ! SKY PAPUS BLOCK’, was uploaded by Dizzy Tohou VT on 2024-10-01 02:48:36. It has garnered 231 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:53 or 8393 seconds. #vtuber #indonesia #japan #jap #japanese #vtube #hololive #holo #genshin #touhouproject #minecraft #mine #craft #minecraftevent #gmod #cirno #touhou #touhouindonesia #tohotuber #virtualtuber #chile #memes #gaming #streaming #streamer #gaming #shaders #vt #vrchat #asmr Read More


    🔥I AM GODLY OP IN THIS LIFESTEAL SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥’, was uploaded by Blazeonix on 2024-07-04 10:30:00. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:00 or 420 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥 FireMC Server IP – play.firemc.fun Port – 19132 (Java/Bedrock/Pocket) Game – Minecraft IGN – Blazeonix Music – Crock Pot Indian Fusion Make Sure to Like the video and subscribe to the channel💖 Tags Ignore: Tags Ignore: minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft memes,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft but challenge,shorts minecraft,types… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLive

    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT MONDAYS: Yumiko Neko Takes on the Mines!🔥 #NekoVLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT MONDAYS】 – EP 9: THE CHILDREN YEARN FOR THE MINES【YUMIKO NEKO|GACHAVSTARS】 #NekoVLive’, was uploaded by Neko Yumiko ch on 2024-06-10 13:21:37. It has garnered 92 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:53 or 7853 seconds. “H-hey! its not as though i LIKE you!.. but come hangout anyway?” buy me a ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/nekoyumiko (i wont eat ur toes if u do :3) ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ °• ♡ •° ❀⊱┄┄┄┄⊰❀ The Cutest kitty in GEN 1 of GachaVstars …YES I SAID THE CUTEST! join the discord!! https://discord.gg/hVHvHrSqUt °• ♡ •° Vtuber mama! @lilkisses Tags:… Read More

  • RLFactions Season 1 PVP MODDED FACTIONS

    RLFactions Season 1 Beginning Soon! Experience a blend of RLCraft survival challenges with faction-based gameplay on RLFactions! Immerse yourself in a world where you can fight through dungeons one minute and defend your base from dragon-riding players the next. Join us for a competitive and challenging survival experience. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/z3ZEaCcFFG Enhance your survival skills and engage in faction warfare to ensure your survival in this vibrant and competitive environment. Building and strategizing are key to success on RLFactions. Are you ready for the ultimate challenge? Join now and test your survival skills! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This ain’t the full Minecraft update!

    Minecraft Memes - This ain't the full Minecraft update!Well, looks like this meme is mining for upvotes in the update department! Read More

  • “Blaze it up in Minecraft!” #minecraftmemes

    "Blaze it up in Minecraft!" #minecraftmemes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂🎮 #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming #minecrafthacks #technogamerz #memes #meme Read More

  • Soul Juice in Minecraft

    Soul Juice in Minecraft Minecraft: The Essence of Souls Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks come alive, and adventures await at every turn. In the realm of Minecraft, players delve into a universe where imagination reigns supreme and possibilities are endless. Let’s explore the essence of souls in this captivating game. Meet 方块轩: The Minecraft Creator 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is a creator known for his child-friendly content that focuses on humor and joy. As a dedicated Minecraft animator, 方块轩’s channel is a hub of original and entertaining videos that aim to spread happiness… Read More

  • Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial

    Ultimate TNT Cannon Ship Tutorial Welcome to the Modern Beta Battle Ship Tutorial! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft battleships and TNT cannons? Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newbie looking to up your game, this tutorial is a must-watch before you step foot on the battlefield. Let’s explore the exciting features and events that await you on the server! Server ID: play.modernbeta.org Before you embark on your Minecraft battleship adventure, make sure to join the server at play.modernbeta.org. This is where the action happens, and where you’ll find fellow players ready to engage in epic battles and build… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!

    Ultimate Minecraft Transformation with Create Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Started the World I Always Wanted with Minecraft Create Mod and Ars Nouveau!’, was uploaded by Throlash on 2024-09-08 14:00:07. It has garnered 23441 views and 755 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:36 or 2376 seconds. Welcome to Season 2 of my Create Mod series with Ars Nouveau – Minecraft Create: Nations! 👉 Subscribe for more of this series! https://www.youtube.com/@Throlash?sub_confirmation=1 In this series we’ll be building a beautiful world, with big and small nations plopped all over the place, each with their own lore and purpose! I’m combining the automation a movement… Read More

  • Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on Girls

    Breaking the Law: Minecraft Pranks on GirlsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Doing illegal things to women (in Minecraft).’, was uploaded by Wrld on 2024-02-14 22:43:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video I attempt to get a girlfriend in Minecraft because I can’t get one in real life. I have felt alone for years happy Valentines … Read More

  • “Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!” #minecraft #clickbait

    "Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scar Gets Destroyed in 6b6t (2 logs) #minecraft #anarchy #cpvp #hypixel #6b6t #anarchy1’, was uploaded by MUDL on 2024-09-27 02:00:20. It has garnered 674 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Tesseract- https://discord.gg/tesseract Anarchy Free Kits- https://discord.gg/freekits Get 6b6t tier tested- https://discord.gg/j4PyA3DaDJ tags – Minecrafe Anarchy Tags Minecraft Anarchy Anarchy Server Minecraft Chaos No Rules Minecraft Minecraft PvP Minecraft Base Building Minecraft Griefing Minecraft Raiding Anarchy Survival Anarchy Factions Anarchy Minecraft Server Minecraft Hacked Client Minecraft Exploits Minecraft Anarchy Tips Anarchy Minecraft Hacks Minecraft Free-for-All Minecraft Wild West… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay – EP21: Gheilath

    🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay - EP21: GheilathVideo Information This video, titled ‘ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend (CTM Map) – Episode 21: Gheilath’, was uploaded by Anistuffs – The Indian Let’s Player on 2024-03-11 12:31:01. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:41 or 7901 seconds. 🔻Open video description for more information🔻 ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend is a large open world CTM map for Minecraft 1.15.2, made by Lylac, the mapmaker formerly known as BenplayerX, as the second entry in their CTM series ChaosKraft. Check out the map: https://ctmrepository.com/index.php?action=viewMap&id=229 Minecraft is a sandbox videogame developed by Mojang that lets… Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀

    🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new public smp ip port 🥶| 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | @Not_Barkeep’, was uploaded by Bar_keep_brO 0.2 on 2024-03-18 09:30:07. It has garnered 1751 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:02 or 422 seconds. minecraft brand new public smp || for java + poket + pojav || 1.19+ free to join || 24/7 online minecraft free public SMP || for java + pe + pojav || 1.19+ 24/7 || free Best smp server mcpe 💗 1.20+ Survival Smp java + mcpe 24/7 ✅ free to… Read More

  • EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia – LIVE🔴

    EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia - LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt – EP10 | (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-07-26 20:53:31. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:16 or 14656 seconds. Welcome to the tenth episode of the advancement series! Today, we’ll be trying to get even more advancements so make sure to come join and have some fun!!! LINKS: Check out the whole list of advancements I have to complete and make suggestions for ones I should complete (may be outdated) – https://blazeandcaves-advancements.fandom.com/wiki/Advancement_Categories Read More


    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZuzuYTClips – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNCxF3lLjAs – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!

    INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-01 13:01:01. It has garnered 1412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have… Read More