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Hello citizens of the internet welcome to the dad’s guide to Minecraft fire Tamers smpp well today we are going to be looking at building the barracks and we are going to also hatch a dragon um I was able to breed red back here with frostbite squishy cats dragon and uh

Yeah so I got an egg I got an egg um it’s a frost dragon egg but um I think if we put it in water it becomes a water dragon egg so we’re going to test that out as well and the barracks the barracks we’re going to build back over

Here it’s going to be quite glorious so we will do that in a moment um maybe we’ll add one more building to the thing too or well maybe maybe more than one we’ll see we’ll see so if that sounds like a plan and then let’s get started

Okay so I moved red out of um their little play pen over here and I replaced all the Netherrack with water so same kind of deal we should be able to place this down in the center and uh click on it and hopefully we get a water dragon

Although that uh didn’t change that didn’t change so oh wait oh there we go see the water popping up there now I think that means that it’s going to be a water dragon um it senses the water around there and it’s changing so oh look yeah and the Egg changed so I think

We’ll be able to get our blue dragon out of this after all and then we’ll have storm so we’ll have red and storm and those names red and storm have a significance to me that is true that I will share that with you in a little bit

Uh maybe not this episode maybe not the episode after after that but once I build that secret back there in the mountains it has a name too that is very important and a clue so uh stay tuned for that so until then let’s go ahead and get that Barracks built right away

Okay here we are we have our little handy dandy Tower over here our Tower of joy and fun we need to get a block of iron which I think we I usually carry blocks of iron on me I do yep okay so we’re going

To have a block of iron and we need this tool right here and we need wood do I have wood in my backpack that’s the trick I don’t but I have logs so we need those two should do it all right over here there we go and we come around like

We do with our U shape we put our little build tool the top we put our iron block in the middle and then we get a Barracks now we can add Barracks Towers to this um as we upgrade it which um are also good so we’ll do that too but I’m going

To get some sleep okay let’s go over and figure out where this is going to be oh and it’s raining ah I hate when it starts raining right when I wake up because um that means our Builders won’t work until it’s done raining which means I usually have to sleep again before it’s Done that’s come over Here and I think I’m going to put it right in here so we’ll we’ll move right over this way go and we’ll see where this goes right along here or let’s look at the map and see if we’re centered oh I’m really zoomed out over here

Okay you see as I’ve been I’ve been upgrading the uh Towers it just sucks up more and more land so I’m taking over I’m taking over everything um that is right off of here straight down I think that looks pretty good okay you can even go a little bit further

This way which I might do no I want to keep that much landed as possible so you know this is this is how I do things right I just talk out loud and figure this out throw this down this build tool I got Barracks want to go to

Spruce level five let’s go check this out um you know for some reason I was thinking it was going to be really impressive that was going to be huge and just crazy big but um yeah not feeling that maybe we should look the alternative real quick and just see what

That looks like because uh I’m sure this is fine not how do you get in here is this it nope where’s the entrance to the barracks oh wait hold on a second um is that the very top Part was it underground this whole way that would be weird it looks cool but I literally don’t see any oh right here’s the entrance ah so it’s a little bit right there all right and we want to swing this Around let’s go back over here and see what it looks like yeah that is that’s much more impressive much more impressive why did it make it so low in the ground that is super super odd yeah I like this let me put a little stairs going up into that

Looks good locks way up there though okay um let’s go ahead and and take a step back just take a look at it real quick of course this would be much more impressive up on top of a hill um but I think this is going to do absolutely

Fine as is right here all right so we just need to go here build there we are all right now let’s see here build options anything weird nope lots of dirt I bet she just going to have to build up dirt until we uh doesn’t make any sense though I don’t

Know what that’s for we’ll see what this looks like when it’s done it might be really weird but that’s okay we’ll get Charles working on this one oh but look at this I guess that took me long enough that uh we had baby dragon hatch let’s go check it out oh

Look at you you are so beautiful in blue with the green eyes I will cherish you and I will call you storm forever and ever so we will have red and storm awesome awesome awesome okay I’ll wait until it stops raining and then we’ll get building there we are

Perfect you sit down for now thank you I did Saddle Up storm over here I do need to give her a name tag and oh they just look so cute I’m going to keep on getting more and more of these dragons more and more until we have them all my Pokemon

We’re going to catch them all we’re going to catch them all let’s go on up here and see the progress that Charles has made so far and we can see why um he needed all that dirt uh when I flew over I saw this earlier um but because I have it raised

Up one level which this will eventually be Stone down here um the earlier levels it’s going to be dirt um not really a problem um all I’ll do is I’ll just keep on leveling this up and it will become um Stone here eventually so not a big deal you can see

There’s two there’s like a um I guess like construction uh markers within construction markers here and that is the signify that this actually right here is a separate structure this is a tower so we can level this up um once we level this up um or get this completed

Then we can have Charles work on this right here you can see they they built a block already I can actually have Tenley work on this but I have her upgrading the warehouse right now so as we go to level two then we’ll be able to get

Another Tower and so on and so on so we’ll just keep on doing that until we get everything all built up and I think we’ll go ahead and um we’ll see how crazy it gets but if we can get to level four UPG upgrades on the barracks and

The towers then I think that’ll be good for uh the episode so we’ll keep that working keep that going and um make sure that tenley’s moving along here with the uh the storage of the warehouse uh cuz I I thought it’d be good to upgrade this as well since we’re

Getting into more complicated builds and we need more storage and there’s Charles with the level one done okay so let’s go ahead and we will upgrade the tower um right now get this going here Charles building and then we’ll do the same thing then we’ll have uh

Charles then work on this as well the barracks so we’ll have this going second uh actually let’s look to see what so rain Spruce PL planks well we should have those we should have plenty of spruce logs uh ladder should be fine actually all of this looks pretty good right

Now yeah I think we’re good even the grind Stone I think we’re fine with we’ll we’ll double check that real quick so it just one grind Stone yeah okay so that’s way Charles should upgrade the tower and then the building itself and the way the barracks work it’s a

Little bit different than the guard towers for each Tower uh the level of that Tower is one guard so we’ll be able to have um when we level that up to level five um five guards uh per Tower and then we can do four Towers so I

Think we can do four Towers I think it’s 20 guards total right here and there we are level two all right and uh let’s just keep this party rolling with Charles here Barrack’s getting bigger looking more like a castle it’s nice options we’ll need blue wool for sure but I think car

Pumpkin and wooden gate how do I make a wooden gate crafted by mechanics Hut oh I can’t do this upgrade yet I don’t have a mechanics Hut oh oh oh oh we’re going to have to do that we’re going to have to that’s that’s probably the building remember at

The beginning I said there was going to be a building that we’re going to build that maybe I didn’t know about well that’s it mechanics Hut cuz we’re going to need a gate to upgrade this further so um yeah let’s go figure out how to do

That real quick all right it says we need a block of redstone not a problem but it says we need to do research in University so let’s go to university and see what we need for that because I don’t think that is one of the things maybe it was requiring a Barracks first

Before we could start building it here we go mechanics Hut all right what do we need for that uh level three blacksmith Hut okay got that and we need um 64 Redstone Dust okay so cool let’s go ahead and do that real quick all right here we

Go okay cool we’ll get that going and then we can do the gate which is necessary for the next upgrade perfect perfect perfect okay then think we should probably go breed some more cows and get some stakes and then we can do that one that increases the size of the

Village uh because we are going to run into a cap here pretty soon of 25 villagers and um yeah we need to get more guards going uh we we’ll probably get a mechanic going so yeah we’ll need more okay we should now have enough for upgrading our Outpost here

Uh to get 25% or 25 more civilians okay cool um oh it looks like we have a one more slot here we can get three researchers going but um actually I need to not do that um just running those two guys in the background right there while I’m

Doing other things is been enough so I think that’s good if they actually sped up the amount of research like you could get two people working on one thing of research and cut the time in half that’d be one thing but um yeah we’re good we’re good for

Now okay Tenley is done with the upgrade to the warehouse as well which is good because it was a it was hard to get in here and do stuff but look how much bigger it is in the inside really nice and you can put like little markers up there for what you

Have in these little areas if you want uh but something you can do at level three um but you can also do a level four obviously is in here you have the option where is it to uh sort and we can go ahead and sort everything that’s in here I

Think rack upgrade requires Warehouse level five okay so I guess that’s something later on we can do do sort Warehouse stock sorted okay see I wonder how it decided what the sort kind of interesting huh must have its own logic like I wouldn’t put those things together necessarily but uh you know

What that’s that it works for them it’s good by me yeah it’s very interesting what they decide to kind of put together like why would you put copper blocks in here like that I I don’t know not sure actually um I spent a lot of time in here just sorting stuff

So hitting that and just letting them to kind of do whatever they want like I can just throw all the stuff in here when I get it and just hit sort and that works that’ll be great so we’ll keep that going I’m just going to stay around here

For 30 more minutes till we get the Outpost going and then we’re going to put the uh mechanics Hut down here which you know why am I waiting for that actually yeah that’s that’s a good question DG why are you waiting for that uh we can actually do that right now I

Think cuz I think I was waiting for that upgrade to take place and see it just know the game just knows when I’m getting ready to build something it starts raining um let’s go in my backpack here uh there’s the mechanics Hut okay it doesn’t have the

Warning anymore when I click on it so let’s go ahead and put this down I think we need there’s a couple other buildings we’re actually going to have first um not first as well is what I mean having a hard time to speaking right now uh we

Have like a stone smelter that’s going to go in here so somewhere and since I put that house and this guard Tower back here I think I’m going to have to put that over on this side so I think what I’ll do is I’ll put the mechanics Hut

Over here near this building and then maybe I’ll build off of it to Encompass this as well I’ve been trying to figure out how I want to do that so maybe what I do is upgrade this and then I use that as a design element for this as well uh

So we’ll probably have to move our dragons here pretty quick but let’s go ahead and throw this down use the building tool building tool not an inventory all right there you are nice if I could pull that out without having to worry about that but here we go use

Building tool and mechanic all right and we’re going to go to missed it missing it there we go back up here all right the level one is not too big let’s spin this till we find the front is that the front where is the door to this

Thing this like one of those deals where it like build it underneath the ground okay here’s is this the front I guess that’s the front weird oh yeah there’s the door all right we’ll move you back this way we’ll move you this way too far that way maybe yes

Um yeah this is going to work it’ll be fine it’ll be fine so let’s go ahead and bump this up to level five and see what that looks like lot a brick like that that’s a pretty cool design right there yeah you know I think I like

Having it up raised up one now here’s the the problem with that uh early on this is why I upgrade right right away um hold on if we do this so that’s still dirt at that point in time that’s still dirt that’s still dirt so it’s going to make a dirt platform

Until mainly level four and then it switches everything over um and I I think I’m okay with that all right so let’s go back to level one all right and we’ll hit uh build and now I’m going to need to figure out where that thing is or restart really

Quick which I think I might restart let’s go ahead and get um red and storm out of here just park them over here for now I swear between rain and raids my villagers work 25% of the time ah man we need a weather control mod on here or

Something but I did restart and here we are uh there is the everything showing up again uh so let’s go ahead and we’ll get uh building options and we going to do uh let’s do Charles uh build building okay and he should start working on this

Soon yay all right we just got the up Outpost I’m having I’m having a hard time saying Outpost today The Outpost we just got the Outpost how about that fantastic thank you tongue for you know doing your job that’s fantastic all right so we can um now have 25 more of

Our population we should go see how many like how many beds we have available to us um once we upgrade the houses to level four we’ll have four beds in each one of those which will be good all right let’s go check to see if we’ve made any progress on the mechanics

Hut out here I don’t think tenley’s finished her build either which is kind of weird cuz it’s a really simple build uh he has all these available to him he’s just um he just is waiting I think until he has enough inventory space yeah she should be finishing really

Soon we might get her working on the cers Huts because uh that allows the couriers to carry more items at once um yeah I mean he’s he’s slowly knocking this out I guess I mean it looks fast when he’s doing that but he doesn’t seem to hold very much

Inventory um hopefully we can get Charles leveled up here let’s see what his stuff is so he has a adaptability 36 um and I’m not sure what the other thing that is a required element there but he’s he actually puts them down relatively quick doesn’t seem to be the

Issue and this is right here this is the dirt it’ll eventually be turned into stone that’s good okay tley just finished the fishing Hut over there okay that’s good now let’s go up and get the Courier’s Huts improved on we’ll see if there’s anything special we need need for

Those all right Charles just finished the mechanics Hut to level one so we’ll get him working on the next big thing all right cool cool cool cool and let’s get some bricks going here so we can get our stuff going and then we’ll go check it out and get him

Upgrading nice nice nice okay this is that downstairs area right here ah working working in the shadows of the underground I like it stuff over here oh there’s another entrance on that side that’s good to know all right let’s do build options and plane spru planks not a

Problem not a problem anything weird in here um I don’t think so we’ll have to watch that on this double cross I’m not sure we have double cross we have tons from previous build so we’ll see but I was working on the upgrade go yep Charles don’t go too far away

You’re going to be working here in a second all right build options uh poppies no problem inside stairs I might have to make um L extra I think we have plenty of that Hopper might have to make that that’s a lot of smooth Stone probably have to make

That redstone lamp I will have to make and the to torch name tag I’ll have to make we’ll have to check on that Cobblestone extra for sure oh and the detector rail we’ll have to do that one too all right well we’ll see what he needs let’s go ahead and upgrade that

Building uh building Charles manage Workers um oh Bailey grainfield is only a 12 on knowledge as primary yeah I think I’m GNA have to get those enchanted books I I really would like uh BBE I think her name was uh let’s see what is it BBE all right she’s here look at that okay let’s get her

Down working on mechanics Hut or working in the mechanics Hut uh as Charles works on the mechanics Hut it’s funny that it’s putting Bailey up first I think it’s because Phoebe’s overall stats are so good U that it’s saying you know even though this is like

Your your best person for the job uh you probably could use use her for something better but we’re going to go ahead and hire her because that is crazy look at that all right let’s go ahead and recall her here nice goggles Phoebe love it all right um ass

Recipes all right um so we definitely want some of those uh so we’ll just go have we’ll put these in they’re already in there that’s good what can she learn so we could teach her Redstone stuff which we probably should do right um let’s do torches uh where’s this what is

It cool all right I think we can do something like this let’s double check this so if we go here teach recipe look on it here maybe nope that did not work um how do we do this This yeah it doesn’t work like that does it um let’s see so this is Stone iron and that so Stone pressure plate these things so I have to go to each one of those individually or is there a way to add this I just wish I

Knew ah did that do it oh that’s how you do it that’s how you do it you hit the plus sign okay so then we can go down here I thought I thought you could do something like that and we’re going to do redstone lamp click on this and hit

Plus done nice let’s do all the rails too do a rail all right I’m not sure what else we need um other than to get those supplies to her and then she can craft them which is what we want to do so we need a stone pressure plate and glow

Stone okay um let’s go here there this those and see if she starts working on That doing something hopefully that works okay just turn on kids will be born because we can also use that to start getting some more colonist without having to buy them uh but we will need to build a school and I think we’ll do that next time for sure but let’s go

Ahead and uh keep tally working on stuff while we uh upgrade the mechanic all the way to the next level all right I thought what we could do is we could make a post box um because we can use that to request items from the Warehouse

Ourselves and we can put stuff in there uh and have it do stuff so in order to make a post bux let’s go ahead and confer all of these here we’re going to need a bunch of chests we’re going to make a couple of these so do that like

That um and then you do your wood like on either side like this there we go and then your build tool right here like that and it get a post box we’re two of those like I said cuz we’re going to have one here that our main base and I

Think we should probably put it right here I think it’ll be fine uh right there okay and the way this works is we click on here and we can actually request the number that we want so for example if we want uh let’s type it in here um okay we want a gate

And in order to do this um we I think we can put here we want a couple stacks I think so the max size we can get is uh five by 4 so that would be 20 Um oh look we have a new child too that’s pretty awesome first one yay um we want some wooden gates we want some wooden gates here and um maybe some iron gates too while we just getting up the advancements as we speak here um so let’s do we another new child too

We’re going to have to get the school going before too long so let’s request 20 and 20 and see if we can get that okay so we’ll do uh request and request cool and we’ll see if our little mechanic over here will actually make those for us that will be

Awesome while we having kids left in right so we definitely need to get that school going um next episode and once Charles is done we’re going to go ahead and uh upgrade that um Barracks uh to where we uh need it to be and then

We’ll call this episode to an end okay I think we got something in our mailbox here so if we go to the uh inventory screen and we click inventory right here uh we got our Iron Gate so Auto places Parts the max size is 5×4 which needs to stack which needs a

Stack of 20 okay we got 20 and let’s go and see if we can put a gate up we can do one right here uh let’s see this 1 2 3 4 by three that would totally work um we can also do over maybe here this would be a good

Place for it let’s double check to see how big this opening is we need to close it a little bit if it’s too big see 1 2 3 four five one two three four perfect perfect perfect so we just need to close this off okay there we go let’s go ahead and try

This oh look at that that is good so I think we just tap it it goes up oh that is awesome tap again it goes down and our villagers can use this too which is good they can go in and out um that is fantastic so we’re going to make more of

These and we’re going to close off all of our entranceways with Gates like this and I think the iron will be good uh for now I was going to do cre create uh Gates before this um the the advantage that create would be that the uh barbarians the stuff can’t break these

Gates um which they can in this so I think they’ll try to come to the gates and break them so we’ll have to defend these Gates when we have our Barbarian attacks H I just had a two group raid we had somebody die over here it was my

Fisherman H I don’t know what they were doing out of their bed but the these Gates they do not stand up very well it was a two group raid with two captains and they came running right through here and basically just went right through so I think I am going to

Change these the outside gates to be definitely create Gates uh just to give me a little bit more time to get over to where they are and to stop them myself um and I noticed too that the um the Woodgate was done so I am going to

Put the wood gate on the keep up here and uh then we’re going to do create Gates on the outsides and then we’ll do maybe like maybe we’ll have sections of the city and those will be sealed off with um other Gates I’m not sure yet we’ll

Figure that one out all right let’s go ahead and put the this wooden gate down and see what it looks like uh truth be told I like the other ones better steel ones better I guess I can leave that up uh yeah I’ll leave that there for now I’ll leave it

Up and I was working on the exterior of our create area back here and trying to make it match this building as is right now even though we will upgrade this you know what it’s harder to do than it looks I’ve been uh struggling a little

Bit with the design of this thing but uh we’ll get there we’ll get there it’ll be fine and we’ll do the interior and uh make it so it’s easy to come in here but look at all this clay I mean that is has a ridiculous amount of clay so the

Automatic clay block maker is working really well and uh we’re still getting tons and tons of uh good old quartz there um I moved a lot of the nether quartz inside and look at that U just perfect for trades okay well it looks like Tenley needs actually an orchid and

I don’t know where a swamp is I was looking at the map and I could not find uh anywhere that I’ve actually found a swamp yet there’s a whole bunch that I haven’t explored um but yeah no swamp so we installed on here a while ago a a mod

Called Nature’s compass and to make one of these we need to make a compass first so we do this like that with the Redstone in the middle a compass and then if you put wood not logs but wood around I think it’s like this once again

If I got it wrong you know I just have to move those around oh there we go Nature’s compass that’s perfect and this should point us towards uh different types of biomes so we need to find a look here and then we can do let’s see

We want to swamp swamp Okay the compass should point in the direction of there and we also have found swamp coordinates there a coordinates up there distance 23,000 so it’s that direction so if we get red we should be able to fly that way and go find ourselves a swamp and get those

Orchids uh where are you Red I always leave them right down here let’s go see if we can find it it should be coming up on it here think the dragon is the way to fly definitely flying in style here oh there’s a cyclops watch out of that

Guy he do some serious damage oh and those are those those birds that throw their feathers at you be pretty rough too let’s go over here I think I’m going to park red right here we’ll go to sleep and I’ll look for those flowers I think I see them over there

Yep that’s a Hydra be careful of that thing maybe we should get it if we can how tough this thing is this may be one of those things where it’s like you can’t kill it with a bow and arrow uh and it just keeps on dividing heads at that point in time that

Wouldn’t be good see if we can get a couple more of these uh Flowers yeah has a whole bunch of more heads now so I think I just I compounded the problem look at that that [Laughter] guy yeah I I I did not do that one right I made the Hydra like crazy look at that oh my goodness yeah we’re going to stay away from that for now I think you maybe you have to use your sword or something like I can’t remember exactly what it is

But I thought one of them made that the heads multip multiply and I thought it was the um I thought it was actually the sword that did that but it might actually be the bow home sweet home look at this place it is coming along I think it’s looking

Glorious okay Charles Charles Charles just finished the upgrades to the barracks look at this this is the back right here um this took in an incredibly long time I I know I’m sting like a broken record on that but um as you go up in levels with these mine Colony builds they take

Forever and uh this one especially takes a long time uh because not only do you have the main Barracks that you have to upgrade you have to upgrade each one of these towers so it’s like each one of these towers there’s four Towers right now uh upgraded them what four times and

Then this four times that’s 16 upgr you’re you’re a busy you’re a busy guy right there Charles you certainly are but this is this is what it looks like uh let me see if I can get rid of some of this tape that’s in here um nothing

Too special I think this is supposed to work but it it doesn’t so I can probably figure out how to get that to work uh this will raise and lower this if you have a redstone signal going to it uh but for some reason it’s just not um connecting

Properly down here we have store rooms I’m guessing um in in a single bed see like it’s not it’s not 100% it’s kind of it’s kind of janky it’s kind of janky and then we have a um store room right here that has right now um some blocks of

Gold there’s no way to get into it um so if I put a button here I can go in there and clear that out a little bit I think I might fix this up a little bit cuz it it does like I don’t think this is right

I don’t know I don’t know it’s hard to tell but uh yeah so these things will put these beds in uh for the different amount of guards here they come going to bed um and then we have some stuff down here little bedroom this always is missing ladders for whatever reason so I

End up having to build that back up again we have bunk beds right here if we continue to go up here we have our little out Tower check out things that are going on around here this is the main Barracks control area another bunk room right here

Um like I think this is probably supposed to be a walkway going through I I don’t know um so I think I’m going to I think I’m actually going to try to fix this up just a little bit cuz it it it is looking kind of weird like I think if

We put like um see what we have available here with our stuff um I think I want to do trap doors across the top of these so we can put this this the other thing that’s not working 100% is uh this crafting table right here it um like doesn’t work 100%

Like see now it’s working perfect it’s weird um yeah that’s probably good bring this out again do that see it disappears like that um it’s kind of strange but it’s I guess not a big deal so we’ll put a trap door going across there one going

Across there and this may not be how it’s designed um but uh maybe that just kind of makes sense and maybe we should put walls right here too I think I have walls yep and when when he upgrades uh to five um then it’ll also he’ll get rid of all the

Stuff that doesn’t work right any this gives us a ton of guards so so I’ve been turning all of these guys in here uh into Knights and then I have a couple Druids that are around in these towers and then also archers uh so as I keep on leveling this up I think

I’m going to keep on doing knights in here and then if we do another Barracks or something around I might do archers but I think for now that is going to bring us to the end of today’s episode so if you enjoy what you see you like

See more from the dad sky in the future you know what to do click click that like button smash subscribe button and press that notification bell all right next time um we are going to concentrate down here in this area and I can zoom in really quick and show you kind of where

We’re at um I’ve been extending the wall around while they’re building things uh almost have I going say almost 3/4 of the way around uh maybe maybe a little bit less but you know it’s close um but this area right here I move the cows and the sheep

In here and I moved the chickens from that hole over here as well we’re going to make the professions that raise the cows and the sheep and the the chickens and pigs if I can find some pigs I haven’t seen any around but we’ll bring

Them in here and we’ll get all of those farming professions going there’s also a farming profession for rabbits like like my feet my fuzzy little feet um but I also have not seen any rabbits around either uh haven’t found any deserts so we might try to figure out how to

Capture things uh I think we have a mod on here that allows us to move animals around easier um so if I can figure that out I’ll do that uh and then we’ll go get some pigs and some rabbits and then we’ll get those professions going down

Here and it’ll be just a glorious little build day for us but until next time this has been dad’s guide bye for now Work

This video, titled ‘FireTamers SMP – Ep 14: Breeding Dragons and Building Barracks’, was uploaded by Dad’s Guide on 2023-12-12 08:00:12. It has garnered 94 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:45 or 2505 seconds.

Welcome to FireTamers SMP a modded Minecraft server centered around Minecolonies, Create, Tinkers Construct, Ice and Fire, and many other popular Minecraft Mods. In the fourteenth episode I was able to breed Red with Nubberslaw’s dragon and get another dragon egg! I also add a Barracks to protect and expand our land to the North. Long live Dadlandia! But while we are building the Barracks we realize it requires a Mechanic’s Hut to upgrade to level three.

#Minecraft #Modded #DadsGuide #MineColonies #Create #InceandFire #LetsPlay #HowTo

——————————————————- SOCIAL MEDIA: Threads: @dadsguidemc Twitch: dadsguidemc

MUSIC: Background: Folk Round by Kevin MacLeod (Available on Youtube) Outro: Black Moons by The 126ers (Available on Youtube)

ABOUT ME: ● I go by Anthony, or Dad. ● I plan on creating videos several times a week ● I mainly do Minecraft Survival Let’s Plays, but will also do update videos and tutorials ● I live in the Pacific North West ● I have 3 kids, with the oldest starting Minecraft in 2010

COMPUTER SPECS: ● Processor: i7-9700 Processor (3.0GHz, up to 4.70GHz with Turbo Boost, 8 core, 12MB Cache) ● Memory: 16 GB DDR4 2666MHz ● Hard Drive: 512GB SSD PCIe ● Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 6GB

SAFETY DISCLAIMER: I never add viewers to any personal accounts, such as Discord. Please be wary of anyone who may you add on Discord, Skype, or any other instant messaging programs! Also never comment your personal contact information on this or any other channel. Please be safe online!

TERMS OF USE: Please do not download this video and post it on other websites. Thank You. 請不要下載此視頻並將其發佈在其他網站上。謝謝。

  • 5 Insane Farms in Hardcore Minecraft

    5 Insane Farms in Hardcore Minecraft The Ultimate End Farm Challenge in Minecraft Hardcore In the latest episode of Minecraft Hardcore, TRONY takes on the daunting task of creating 5 different farms for the ultimate end farm in hardcore mode. This ambitious project promises to push the limits of his skills and creativity as he strives to achieve incredible results. Building a Legacy: 5 Different Farms TRONY’s journey begins with the construction of a variety of farms essential for the ultimate end farm. From crop farms to animal farms, each plays a crucial role in sustaining his resources and ensuring the success of his grand… Read More

  • Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible?

    Rendering Minecraft on Android: Is it Possible? The World of Minecraft Rendering on Mobile Devices Introduction In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. Rendering Minecraft on mobile devices has become a popular trend, allowing users to bring their virtual creations to life in stunning detail. Modeling The process begins with meticulous modeling, where players craft intricate structures and landscapes using tools like Prisma3D and Nomad Sculpt. These apps provide a platform for users to unleash their imagination and design unique creations. Rendering Once the modeling phase is complete, it’s time to bring these creations to life through rendering. By… Read More

  • Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations!

    Ultimate Mob Armor: 50k+ Combinations! Minecraft Marketplace Map Review: MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP Introduction MOB ARMOR [DX] By LOGDOTZIP is a Minecraft Marketplace map that offers over 50,000 armor combinations for players to explore. Priced at 830 mine coins, this map promises an exciting adventure filled with unique and powerful armors. Exploring the Map Upon entering the map, players are greeted with a captivating environment, setting the stage for the epic quest ahead. The map features a variety of armor sets, each with its own special abilities and designs. From the menacing Spider Armor to the fiery Blaze Armor, players have the opportunity… Read More

  • Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft

    Water Pit Wonders: Time Travel with Minecraft In ancient times, I traveled with Minecraft in hand, Dug a water pit, infinite water at my command. Block by block, I built my world so grand, Every adventure, every challenge, I withstand. With each update, new features to explore, In this pixelated world, I always want more. From crafting to mining, my skills I hone, In this virtual realm, I am never alone. So join me in this journey, let’s play and create, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no need to wait. Dig deep, build high, let your imagination fly, With Minecraft by your side, reach for the sky. Read More

  • DIY Ship Building with Addon! Mhafy’s Tricks

    DIY Ship Building with Addon! Mhafy's Tricks Mhafy’s Ship Addon: Build Your Own Ship in Minecraft! Are you ready to set sail in the world of Minecraft with your very own custom-built ship? Look no further than the Mhafy’s Ship Addon! In this exciting Minecraft addon, players can craft and customize their own ships to explore the vast oceans and embark on epic adventures. Features of Mhafy’s Ship Addon: With Mhafy’s Ship Addon, players can: Build Custom Ships: Design and construct your own unique ships using a variety of materials and components. Explore the Seas: Sail across the oceans, discover new lands, and conquer the high… Read More

  • Minecraft Music Mod Tutorial

    Minecraft Music Mod Tutorial Dodawanie Muzyki do Minecraft #2 [Poradnik] Nowy Mod Minecraft enthusiasts are constantly looking for ways to enhance their gaming experience, and one popular method is by adding custom music to the game. In this guide, players can learn how to incorporate their own sounds into Minecraft with the help of a new mod. Mod Information The mod in question, created by Jaqbtor, allows players to customize the sound effects in Minecraft to their liking. By using the Sound Pack Creator, gamers can add their own music and audio files seamlessly into the game. For those interested in trying out… Read More

  • Crafty Base Building in Minecraft

    Crafty Base Building in Minecraft Minecraft Day 2: Making a Base Setting Up for Success In the world of Minecraft, our intrepid player is back at it again, this time focusing on securing a base. After a previous mishap that resulted in a blown-up base, it’s time to start fresh and build something more durable. The plan? Head into the woods, gather resources, and create a temporary shelter. Gathering Resources The first task at hand is to gather wood and stone to kickstart the base-building process. Chopping down trees, collecting saplings for future planting, and scouting the area for potential resources are all part… Read More

  • Crafting a Minecraft Milestone: 15th Anniversary Map Madness!

    Crafting a Minecraft Milestone: 15th Anniversary Map Madness! In the world of Minecraft, a journey we embark, 15 years of adventure, a celebration to mark. Join us on this map, part one of the tale, Where creativity and fun never fail. Subscribe to Fanatic Gamerz, the channel to see, Minecraft videos filled with glee. From building to exploring, the fun never ends, With Kartik as our guide, we’ll make new friends. Join the Discord, join the fun, With Fanatic Isop, we’re number one. Instagram, Threads, and email too, Stay connected, we’re here for you. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, With Fanatic Gamerz, let… Read More

  • AK-47 in Minecraft: Horror Mods Reloaded

    AK-47 in Minecraft: Horror Mods Reloaded In the world of Minecraft, horrors await, With AK-47 in hand, I face my fate. Herobrine’s eyes, glowing with fright, The Rake’s claws, ready to strike in the night. Siren Head’s wails, chilling to the bone, Mimic Dweller’s disguises, all on their own. But with my trusty gun, I stand tall, Ready to fight, ready to brawl. Will bullets be enough to save the day? Or will these monsters have the final say? Tune in to see, the horror unfold, In Minecraft’s world, where stories are told. Read More

  • 3D Minecraft Thumbnail: Banaye Swag Wala | Hindi Mein

    3D Minecraft Thumbnail: Banaye Swag Wala | Hindi Mein In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. Creating 3D thumbnails, a work of art, Capturing attention right from the start. With a laptop in hand and IQOO 7 Legend by my side, I craft thumbnails with passion, taking it in stride. From gameplay recordings to headphones that sing, Every detail matters, every little thing. So join me on this journey, let’s dive right in, Creating thumbnails that make you grin. With Minecraft as our canvas, the possibilities are vast, Let’s make magic together, let’s have a blast. So hit… Read More

  • EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!

    EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Raythal Gaming on 2024-01-16 12:45:04. It has garnered 2586 views and 174 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. MINECRAFT ANIMATION | STEVE ALEX VS PILLAGER | #minecraft This is a minecraft animation | In this vedio pillagers raid on a village and Steve and Alex save the village | Insta- https://www.instagram.com/raythal_gaming?igsh=MWNqc3U5Nnkyd2Iwcg== Discord- https://discord.com/invite/m6vU577xt9 Love you so much guys | please support me | ‎#minecraft  #bgmi ‎#TechnoGamerzOfficial  ‎#GamerFleet  ‎#AnshuBisht  Minecraft Survival series| minecraft world | Minecraft Gameplay Minecraft Survival… Read More

  • The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursed

    The Pankalo: ¡Lo que ves te sorprenderá!🤯 #cursedVideo Information This video, titled ‘No tiene sentido🧐 #minecraft #humor #minecraftmemes #cursed’, was uploaded by The Pankalo on 2024-01-13 23:51:56. It has garnered 16017 views and 1442 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!

    Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Asur SMP Live Grind…[Minecraft Live survival ]’, was uploaded by Asholic Gaming on 2024-01-08 04:10:36. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:36 or 2736 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip ASHOLIC GAMING: https://profile.turnip.gg/wrYneCvFjCXeL3AVA Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!, Become a… Read More

  • Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!

    Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!Video Information This video, titled ‘How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER KOALA Dimension In Minecraft’, was uploaded by MelonCraft – Minecraft on 2024-04-06 08:00:10. It has garnered 432 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:11 or 191 seconds. How To Make A Portal To The ZOONOMALY MONSTER KOALA Dimension In Minecraft Hello, I’m Melon Noob. Like and subscribe to watch interesting videos on this channel. #minecraft #portal #meloncraft #melonnoob #minecraftnoob #minecraftportal #noob #zoonomaly #mcpe #addon #addonmcpe Read More

  • You won’t believe what happened on a normal day

    You won't believe what happened on a normal dayVideo Information This video, titled ‘normal day ft. futureclient.net’, was uploaded by Ownedme on 2024-06-15 08:47:24. It has garnered 413 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. crystal pvp, minecraft, pvp, drdonut, cpvp, minecraft pvp, donut smp, crystal, donutsmp, smp, crystal pvp montage, marlow, minecraft hardcore, tier 1, marlowww, minecraft crystal pvp, minecraft smp, marlow crystal pvp, drdonutt, itzrealme, donut, end crystal, dr donut, vanilla pvp, survive hardcore, hardcore, best minecraft player, crystal pvp guide, vanilla crystal pvp, clownpierce, rasplin, respawn anchor, vanilla crystal pvp montage, live, livestream, golfeh, lurrn, tier list, 1.20,… Read More


    INSANE LUCK?! OPENING 100 GRINDING CRATES FAST! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘OPENING 100’S OF GRINDING CRATES! (MINECRAFT FACTIONS)’, was uploaded by Beadle on 2024-04-11 22:00:28. It has garnered 90 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Crate opening video on minecraft factions. —————————————————————————- IP: play.Cosmicpvptest.com DISCORD: https://discord.gg/znjqTD3aam STORE: https://buy.cosmicpvptest.com WEB: www.Cosmicpvptest.com MORE: solo.to/Cosmicpvptest.com —————————————————————————- Tell your mom hi for me. 😘 Enjoy the video? Hit the like button and subscribe with post notifications. SUBSCRIBE TO ME NOW! @RealBeadle If you are a sub i love you and you are cool. periot. 😊 MY SOCIALS: @RealBeadle on SnapChat, Twitter, and… Read More

  • Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!

    Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Type Soul Is Boring’, was uploaded by Note on 2024-05-02 01:07:51. It has garnered 1377 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. Like and Subscribe if you want more Minecraft, Roblox, or Anime Content. Comment for things you want to see or tell me what I can do better. The quality of this video could have been better. I understand that and wish to continue to improve; any feedback is helpful. Intro by https://www.youtube.com/@UC2C_I9VpCe3UVmH3NRT9hUA Intro song – Croosh Anymore Outro song- Suzume by Nanoka Hara ▬▬▬▬▬ Background Songs… Read More

  • RageStorm SMP

    RageStorm SMPJoin the RageStorm SMP today! Do ‘kits when you join. Defend your self and build a team. There is /tpa . Lifesteal included rs.mcpro.io:41515 Read More

  • Bloom SMP – Semi-vanilla | SMP Survival | English | Java & Bedrock | Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP = play.bloomsmp.net Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded, but contains gameplay-enhancing plugins. Keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone. Website: https://bloomsmp.net Discord: https://discord.gg/bloomsmp Read More

  • Nu Towny – Java & Bedrock Crossplay: Towny, Jobs, Quests, Dungeons, Economy, AdvancedEnchantments

    🌍 Welcome to **Nu Towny**! 🌍Experience a brand new take on the classic Towny survival with a twist. In **Nu Towny**, we’ve taken the traditional Minecraft gameplay and enhanced it with unique features, custom plugins, and a player-driven economy.Java/Bedrock/Console IP: Bedrock/Console Port: 25565⭐ ** AdvancedEnchantments **: Custom enchants, Enchanter & Tinkerer.🏡 **Towny **: Start your own town or join an existing one. Make friends, build your dream home, and create a thriving community with players from around the world.💰 **Economy**: Our server features a balanced and player-driven economy. Trade, barter, or set up your own shop to become the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ping: You call that spice?

    Looks like the only thing getting a workout here is the ping! Read More

  • City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali’s Arresting Adventure!

    City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali's Arresting Adventure! In the city of Minecraft, chaos did reign, Efekan and Ali, the police, to detain. Arresting everyone, causing quite a stir, Their antics and pranks, oh how they were a blur. With laughter and fun, they filled up the screen, Their adventures wild, like a crazy dream. Subscribers tuned in, for each new episode, Their support, like a bridge, helping them to unload. Kare Kafa, the narrator, with a twinkle in his eye, Describing the action, as the story flew by. In Turkish, he spoke, for all to enjoy, The essence of gaming, like a favorite toy. So let’s… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Game That Ruins Lives 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft: The Game That Ruins Lives 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you’ve died for the 100th time in Minecraft and you’re just sitting there like “I didn’t sign up for this much stress when I started playing with blocks” 💀 #minecraftstruggles #respawnplease Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?間違い探し(かんたん)118 #shorts #マインクラフト #マイクラ #minecraft15 #マインクラフトでマイクイズ”. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it does spark a sense of curiosity and exploration that aligns perfectly with the experience offered on Minewind. Imagine a world where things are constantly changing, where every corner holds a new surprise, just like in the video. That’s the kind of dynamic and engaging environment you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar!

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft | Creative Flight & Blood Altar! Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATIVE FLIGHT & THE BLOOD ALTAR! Embark on an exciting journey with Nik and Isaac in Minecraft Encrypted_, where creative flight and the mysterious Blood Altar await in this modded questing survival adventure! Unleashing Creative Flight One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft Encrypted_ is the ability to soar through the skies with creative flight. Imagine the freedom of exploring vast landscapes from a bird’s eye view, uncovering hidden treasures and secret locations with ease. The Blood Altar Delve into the depths of the Blood Altar, a place shrouded in mystery and ancient power. What… Read More

  • 🌙☄️ Unbelievable Secrets Unearthed in Auri Lunami Ch. – MINECRAFT

    🌙☄️ Unbelievable Secrets Unearthed in Auri Lunami Ch. - MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Under Ground【MINECRAFT】’, was uploaded by Auri Lunami Ch. 🌙☄️ on 2024-05-30 06:20:54. It has garnered 418 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:27 or 7707 seconds. 🌙☄️Hello my sweet Mothies. I’m your chaotic space witch ready to show you some magic!🌙☄️ ⭐Donations: https://streamlabs.com/cherrypieishere ⭐Throne: https://throne.com/aurilunami/wishlist !NO DONATION REFUNDS! Please be sure to check how much you want to donate. Thank you ^-^ ⭐Discord: https://discord.gg/RUJkS6GRhQ ⭐Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuriLunami ⭐Follow me on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@aurilunami 🌌〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜🌌 🪐TAGS🪐 General: #AuriLunami Memes: #Aurimeme FanArt: #Aurti FanName: #Mothies Oshi mark: 🌙☄️ 🌟DA RULES🌟 1…. Read More

  • Minecraft: Shark Cheat Upgrade

    Minecraft: Shark Cheat UpgradeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated with //UPGRADE in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-01-25 20:00:15. It has garnered 69152 views and 3812 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:46 or 1126 seconds. Today I Cheated with //UPGRADE in Minecraft! The //Upgrade Mod in Minecraft is so insanely powerful! What should we do in the next Minecraft build battle? BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVwQQvz8O_0aeFDBVcdhpg/join Merch – https://www.09sharkboy.com Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/1GtTBWj Join My Discord – https://discord.gg/shark My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here… Read More

  • Explore the Insane Realistic Minecraft World! 🤯 #TGC_Dark

    Explore the Insane Realistic Minecraft World! 🤯 #TGC_DarkVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic world | #minecraft #trending #shorts #TGC_Dark’, was uploaded by TGC_Dark on 2024-04-30 11:15:51. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable NEW END in Lucky’s Den SMP!

    Unbelievable NEW END in Lucky's Den SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 The NEW END Has Arrived – LuckySMP’, was uploaded by Lucky’s Den on 2024-03-23 20:04:29. It has garnered 105 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:22 or 13462 seconds. Hello There! In Today’s Stream, we play through some Minecraft on a small SMP called LuckySMP. The whole SMP is NOT modded, so anyone can join! If you’re interested, feel free to ask about it in the chat. Today, the End Biome will be arriving to the SMP, it’s been a long awaited dimension and everyone is super excited for it…. Read More

  • “Ultimate Invincibility Hack on LifeSteal SMP” #clickbait

    "Ultimate Invincibility Hack on LifeSteal SMP" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO BECOME INVINCIBLE ON THE LIFESTEAL SMP #lifesteal #minecraft #smp #gaming #mc’, was uploaded by Not Length on 2024-04-12 12:26:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. IP: play.minehaven.fun discord: discord.gg/minehaven Version: 1.19+. Read More

  • 🔥EPIC 3-Game Randomizer: Pokemon, Minecraft & Mario🤯

    🔥EPIC 3-Game Randomizer: Pokemon, Minecraft & Mario🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘The FASTEST 3 Game Randomizer Yet – Combining Pokemon, Minecraft & Super Mario 64’, was uploaded by 360Chrism on 2024-02-06 12:49:36. It has garnered 16730 views and 517 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:19 or 2779 seconds. I combined Pokemon Red, Super Mario 64 and Minecraft into 1 interconnected Randomizer. If you want to try Archipelago Multi-world Rando yourself check it out here: https://archipelago.gg/ Check out my other Archipelago videos here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFfCl8cCZEdDFlfsf2oIPOU8w1mzAJzXf ► Twitch Live Stream http://www.twitch.tv/360chrism ► Twitter https://twitter.com/360Chrism ► Instagram http://instagram.com/360chrism ► Discord https://discord.gg/0aepYFV7dmOVACP8 ► Spotify https://open.spotify.com/artist/2HGgl5h0ubK5YBQarMOHRf?si=AlwspsUQRu-xBa6-3cwk2g ►TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@360chrism Want to… Read More

  • Join the RajaButt94 Fan Base Meetup Now! #FreeFire #Minecraft

    Join the RajaButt94 Fan Base Meetup Now! #FreeFire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘@rajabbutt94 fan base and Meetup #freefire #freefireememes #freefirebooyah #minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by 𝐂ʜɪᴋɪ☜ᶠᶠ on 2024-04-12 14:07:13. It has garnered 414 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • Unstop & Gwen Take Over Minecraft! 😱 #ClutchMoments

    Unstop & Gwen Take Over Minecraft! 😱 #ClutchMomentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘LoL #minecraft #clutch #shorts’, was uploaded by Unstop & Gwen on 2024-05-04 20:05:00. It has garnered 7717 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #minecraft #bedrock #art #4k #building #gaming #funny #trending #snapshot #edit #colors #minecraftnews #tutorial #clutch #viral #dream #cubecraft #meme #memes #strategy #hypixel #survival #subscribe #like #minecraftshorts #shorts #shortvideo #game #pvp #belike #letsplay #tiktok #cringe #fake #vs #music #thumbnail #boy #girl #mlg #editing #falling #running #insane #crazy #minecraftmemes #viralvideo #video #viralshorts #likeforlikes Read More

  • Unbelievable Nova gameplay on Hypixel #shorts

    Unbelievable Nova gameplay on Hypixel #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Most Satisfying Game? #hypixel #shorts’, was uploaded by Nova on 2024-02-20 23:21:49. It has garnered 6638 views and 262 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. idk what to put here… #phonk #2sayt #trainerdario #shorts _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft #minemenclub #hypixelbedwars #bedwars #minecraftpvp #hypixelbridge #minecraftbedwars #hypixelskyblock _________________________________________________________________________ (dont read) Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4, vape v4 crack, vape cracked, vape free download, vape lite, vape lite cracked, free vape crack, minecraft, minecraft pvp, pvp, 1.7.10, fps boost, fps boost 2020,… Read More

  • BurstMC

    BurstMCBurstMC is a newly created minecraft Hardcore server with insane features! – Grind playtime levels – Conquer the leaderboards – Build your army – Become unstoppable Join today! play.burstmc.net Read More

  • Brabantia factions roleplay addons bedrock economy sports league youtube lore gods

    Welcome to a New Kind of Factions Immerse yourself in a world of kingdoms and lore like never before. With 8 unique kingdoms each bound by a special ring, your ambitions shape the story of this immersive RP experience. Example of Story and Lore: Discover the tales of rings bestowed upon races, shaping their destinies in mysterious ways. From kings of man to elves and dwarfs, each ring carries a unique power and significance. A World of Mystery and Intrigue Uncover the secrets of the last mortal ring, a creation of light and dark that binds a half-orc to a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Friends: The Ultimate Minecraft Squad

    Minecraft Memes - Friends: The Ultimate Minecraft SquadIt looks like this meme’s got enough friends to start its own Minecraft server! Read More

  • Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem!

    Herobrine Joins the Mob: Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, where mobs roam free, Herobrine entered the evil mafia, you see. The city called out to him, a scary turn indeed, Cooperating with the mob, planting fear like a seed. The storyline twists, the plot thickens fast, As Herobrine’s presence makes the city aghast. But fear not, dear viewers, for the hero will rise, To face the evil mafia with courage in his eyes. Subscribe to the channel, don’t miss a beat, For Minecraft news in rhymes, oh so neat. Join the Discord, be part of the fun, As we spin tales of adventure… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Mess!

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Mess! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More