🔥EPIC Dragon Lord takes over SMP!🐲 Minecraft Livestream!

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Hi everyone uh it’s my mic working I think it is do give me a moment I am uh trying to get myself to be added on this SMP real quick um let me just sign in with Google here I don’t think yeah no shouldn’t be taken my Google so yeah how’s everyone

Doing I should be able to load in on the SMP let me just quickly see multiplayer should be on oh my God the hell not able to join what is this what why can’t I that’s weird well it’s good that you’re good it’s weird that I can’t uh let me just Quickly keep getting this ever okay see if it works again okay let me quickly give Um oh I really just did that sorry for the issues guys I’m just uh that’s my name there we go let me connect bro maybe a direct connect hold on let me try and directly connect to the server might work oh wait that’s right I need the uh port

Number I uh I can’t join on non-ported servers dude hey Dragon you feeling better yes I am feeling a little bit better it’s still a bit hazy but for the rest I’m kind of good just trying to get this figured out here uh can’t join the server because uh issues right

Now so hi welcome to the stream it’s just me you my beautiful nothing screen CU I’m not ring the IP obviously I mean all right let’s see if he gave the port number no he’s it’s going to take a moment hold on also I’m trying to like uh so CU I

Got a new mic right I think some of you guys who have been in the streams more often maybe Nicholas and OU e you might realize more than others um is I got a new mic uh I used it in the last streams I think forager I don’t know if I used it

In the Stream before that uh since the 26th basically so I don’t know if I did a stream uh on the 26th itself maybe the Christmas Stream Christmas stream could be possible that I had it on the Christmas stream that is also possible um but yeah it’s

Uh new mic and I’m still trying to like figure out where to put it because I can keep it like this far which I feel like this is fine like to hear me and for me not to sound too hot cuz if I move it

Closer and I move it closer then I have to talk less loud because it’s uh well you know it’s right in my face and it’s a bit difficult to uh well you know talk louder and not break your guys’s ears so there’s that so let me know what you guys think which is

Better uh really close to the mouth or uh about this far away let me see H he gave me the port number I’m about to start streaming myself mind if I join you uh hold on let me quickly edit this doop doop all now I should be able to connect to that or

Not uh sure but I think the server is not on again let’s see if turnos if I got added to the servers yep oh my God continue with ad blocker yo what’s up dragon yo Frisk fres um all let me see so is the server

On it is online so let me grab this real quick boop boop and then Boop and then let’s see all right unknown host I doubt it buddy I doubt it it’s probably still uh so you’re also joining my server nice yes yes I am it uh I can’t connect though that’s the

Only issue right now I don’t know a there we go frisky frice I do have 1.2.2 but it said something weird ah there we go sweet okay let me hop over let me close this because I don’t want that on might be a bit laggy in the beginning

Guys sorry about that H let me get Minecraft in here there we go see did that capture Minecraft yep yes sir all right there we go I am going to run my Minecraft like this uh should be fine on the stream’s end see how it feels I need to Up the

Volume a little cuz I don’t like it that it’s only only at five oh no no hey that’s not fair mad gamer skills oh crap there’s another one leave me alone leave me alone crap that’s a dead end e thing there’s no door all hold on let me get uh let me get

Safe real quick don’t know whose basis is I’m sorry I’m taking cover there we go I made say connection reset if it does keep uh reconnecting yes it’s what I did bet where you want to do this idiot server uh sure let me join uh let me join my good

Friend here yo what’s up dragon yo yo um I’m just quickly trying to like figure everything out so uh can hi to the stream I think there’s like three or four people watching yo what’s up idiots let’s see hey yo my Discord audio is not coming Through okay there should come through now yo can you say something real quick hi how’s it going hey that should be good yo what’s up Sage okay so I actually still need to make the announcement uh I haven’t done that yet yeah I got uh got the notify me

Bot for that stuff because I’m too lazy to keep uh I I have the bot mine just takes forever to send the announcement I’m going to open up a beautiful bottle of Coca coca coca coca Coca-Cola I had to I had to slightly alter my thumbnail when I saw you were

Streaming yo what’s up frisky um okay so I don’t know if um my mic picks you up as well if you talk uh okay can can can you guys hear me can you guys hear me it does okay that’s weird um let me just turn down you on Discord

Um okay where’s my announcement CH I do have you at 200% to be fair because I have you 200% as well but my headphones are pretty good at not leaking audio Yeah I had you pretty loud earlier because I uh I should probably get a better headset next event investment in

Invent um uh I’m going to send the coordinates in chat for you yeah yeah just uh figuring everything out real quick there you go no comment all right I see I see so this was a community house let me just uh oh full set of iron armor I’ll take [Laughter]

It don’t know who left this here but uh I’ll take it um hey uh I was planning on doing some stuff before for this stream I was going to start in like 30 minutes but then I decided to start early for you uh okay so say you can hear me okay so my

Stream is up and good yo I’m not too choppy or anything like that right Sage I don’t know on Discord you’re fine for me at least I don’t know if there’s anybody still in the chat watching they’ll probably agree though bro I need I need like

Bro I used to to be able to get off on streaming alone I say get off I meant get away yeah with streaming alone but I can’t do it anymore because like back then I used to actually have viewers now it’s like you know I let my channel flip

So just one of those things um so I need a streaming buddy so that I always have something to talk about or else streams are just boring yo blue what’s up I mostly stream on my own nowadays you know like SEO sing yeah at least you always have

Someone in your chat yeah that is true it’s kind of that’s uh that’s why I like streaming and having an audience even if it’s just like someone I know I should never have stopped YouTube to be honest n too like I I noticed it too like I had

A lot of viewers who stayed in the streams and then I stopped for like two days and they were gone and just evaporated here’s the thing back when I had a sort of I don’t even know if I could call it a schedule but like back when I used to stream every Monday

Wednesday and Friday like my viewers used to actually be concurrent like consistent too right but then I like stop stream then I would like stream like once a week and then like once a month and then I kind of just stop and that’s when my viewer rate just kind of

Limited or you i’ also uh gather the potatoes from that farm and then just replant like one or two lines yeah yeah yeah I’m just uh chopping down a tree don’t know whose tree but it’s by now yoink a war is gonna break out um the

Tree by the way uh if you want a base with me Ryan Spectrum that’s cool we’re planning on practically doing a mega base yeah I was like should I just be like a a peaceful war god or you know should I just team with someone I was

Like I considering my options hey EU welcome to the stream I like Minecraft obviously I we have a lot of crap already done for the base like we have like the main area design and like the Japanese thematic of course one of my mates just uh entered the stream with

Their uh with their real name and that’s how we discovered dragon’s real identity exactly well it’s one of the people I met online amazing dude funny too bit unhinged but you know who [Laughter] isn’t fair enough ain’t that right misto we’ve been tricked neat dragon is

Daddy for real I should probably pull up your stream chat you could I mean I can’t pull up yours or my entire PC will crash I really need to get like that’s why I’m saving up I’m uh what are you running right now by the way we’re

Talking about PCS yeah I’m I’m still running the same uh graph uh processor I5 3470 uh uh generation oh I oh I don’t know I literally do not know it’s like uh it’s old though it’s from I think this PC is from 2008 so uh you can kind of take like

A but it’s uh it runs with like 1650 at the max but I’ve got a 970 in there instead so but I’m I’m that’s not bad yeah I hit the limit though it’s the processor is the issue it’s uh at this point the upgrade is needed here’s the

Thing I’m currently running a 10 I think well I don’t want to I don’t want to get an upgrade because it’s like if I get something better then I might as well get a better graphics card cuz the 970 and the I5 they run together to their

Maximum you know even if I overclock them so I kind of want to like see if I can get uh I want to know what’s been tempting lately what up gaming laptops oh yeah they’re they’re they’re kind of getting cheap aren’t they I can’t join this on bck can no

This is a Java server SLE sharp five Mr Ian Winters go dox him quickly I am joking YouTube please do not demonetize me for saying that yeah don’t say that I already barely make money you’re willing to tr uh travel a couple thousand blocks I’m good

Dude I’m uh I’m I don’t want to leech off of too many people oh um I completely skip get a dragon rif will you do it yo I would lowkey just marry this Dragon bro exactly bro who needs a woman okay okay okay now we need to R

Our viewers are G to get worried bro don’t worry I’ve already made this joke with futuristic these guys know they [Laughter] know H but yeah no um I don’t know what you mean Dragon they’re like heyo what what here comes the unhinged stuff

In my chat in my chat Sage said um I can relate to knowing unhinged people yeah I know knowing me is like that but come on Sage you don’t got to do me like that by the way I literally have like all my specs just laid out on display cuz I’ve

Got my cords on so if you guys wanted to know right there 970 [Laughter] Nvidia yeah I I’m I’m sorry I just can’t run Nvidia anymore nah that’s it’s still my favorite it’s becoming less and less worth it hey what’s up dragon you we’re going to just park the boat right there

Seems like it’s a good spot how’s it going I got at bread uh follow me I got eight bread I’m still not used to this call me call me Jesus Christ Incarnation I’ve got bread I just don’t have wine ooh uh I think I ate bread for now is

Fine though I’ll take a few carrots that’s always nice like a little bit there’s also some potatoes in a smok over here um sweet Invidia equals no viia BR to be honest that’s relatable though because like Nvidia l in Nvidia graphics card can [ __ ] out so easily o be Christ

Without the fish we have a literal ocean around us I’m Jesus Christ but um I don’t turn water into wine I turn bread into more bread I don’t know if he crashed or if I’m just tripping maybe I crashed am I the one who crashed did I crash oh he’s Jesus oh

I’m you were floating you were you were a I’m looking at your stream and I see it I was just like oh was this me or was that him you know all right watch I just logged out of the server and for you I’m still there so I think it might be

You me oh yeah no like if you sometimes your character is still like standing there okay there I mean I’m fine I have no lag I don’t know how it looks on stream on stream you look this this is six my I definitely had a slight connection problem for a second there

Stuff just disconnected and reconnected no friski has the worst Wi-Fi out of us three by one bar we’re better the thing me me and me and frisky are on the same Wi-Fi router oh wait is that your brother or um uh no no frisky is my

Nephew I take care of ah I see I see he he’s literally in the room next to me right now leeching off of me uh you remember how I said I got a bigger computer box for myself I gave him the old one for christm I see I see hey bro

That’s all was I I was thinking I’d give away my PC to like um either like one of my siblings who doesn’t have a PC cuz it’s not a bad PC don’t get me wrong and for the games that they play like Counter Strike count strike I mean

Here’s the thing fy’s fy’s like specs are very similar to mine at the moment he is running a 560 instead of a 580 um let’s see he has a seventh gen i5 and he’s running DDR3 with about 12 gabes of ram it’s not bad just like it’s not too

Far off of mine obviously DDR for is a little bit better but like got to do with what you got to do yeah M Moody I’m sorry bro I start stream streaming so late today my um I I told uh six about like 3 4 hours ago that I was going to stream

In an hour and then um in the end my sister came over and we just started playing uh Phase 10 or whatever the game’s called and time just seemed to pass by in a moment like how we’re just running not doing anything yeah I don’t I don’t

Know what do you want I’m I’m pretty good I’m gonna grab some pretty good at PVP you know I’ll take care of the mobs if you want to mine you know I’m not gonna mind uh yeah yesterday was a cluster F if you get what I’m saying

Yes I I noticed I was watching I was like dang these guys need help I’m on my way I love how you did the staircase to go up faster and then also one to go down faster good stuff oh no that was R oh dis yeah no cuz it’s uh faster to just

Go down a normal one unless you uh damn yall teaming and me and O just on on our own I mean I was thinking of being on my own but now I’m already here you know and I don’t well well you’re saying we’re teaming but you and on are on your

Own think about it like this if you and Onie are together you’re not on your own you’re also teaming hey I just got Stone uh don’t worry guys I’ll be on my own I’m just going to steal all the gold and iron from SE sp’s mine I’m Grand

Theft let’s see n I’ll get you those diamonds over there um unless you want me to not grab them I don’t know if you’re like saving them I usually find diamonds mark them down and then I’m just like go ahead feel free all right there’s no mobs here

At all it’s like one spider in the distance it’s just vibing I’m home alone so I’m watching uh will till oh you’re going to stream SEO good game Ian you’re going to like uh SEO you’re also going to hate it but that’s only if you like good

That’s only if you have skill issue like me bro I raged like me in Minecraft yeah I I raged on stream on SEO good luck dragon I’m already like you more maybe here’s the thing bro Dragon will be your favorite soon enough I’m being surrounded oh no he’s pulling us

Out dang it that’s one oh crap that’s a creeper just going to block blow up yeah that’s what I thought b a server lag not goinge I’m joking yeah I’ll confront frisky about that to server dang I mean it is alteros to be fair always had always had that like

Little thing remember when we did the skybound smpp and uh we were mining blocks but they weren’t Mining and then all of a sudden just like seven blocks disappeared oh was good times good times all right let’s see sorry boys I’m a bit focused bro found diamonds yeah I

Literally just went into uh six and spectrum’s mine and I have three diamonds on me pretty sweet but I don’t know if I’m uh I don’t know I literally went down there after Ryan died a bunch of times and then I like got 26 diamonds yeah I noticed like

Yesterday like you went down and then I just saw like a herd of mobs like a horde sorry not a herd it’s not cheap you didn’t see [ __ ] no no a herd is like a herd of cattle or whatever it’s called like a herd of sheep or FL Could you actually

See at that I I don’t remember yeah started working dude like even um like you had like seven zombies on you dead ass and like two of them were full iron armor cuz they just picked up y iron armor I just sat there like these [Laughter]

Boys okay in Ian’s word they needed Papa D I’m joking it’s a bad joke already hat think yeah yeah all right well got some lapis for you I’m just Ving just got a decent amount of lap I’m just yo dragon is going heavy on those ads my guy am

I bro I have it on automated I don’t even do that stuff anymore more it’s just YouTube chooses it for me now I don’t know yeah but what do you have it on high low medium uh should be medium balanced I think or whatever it’s

Called look I don’t get a I don’t get donations for drinking water okay okay okay okay that’s fair enough that’s fair enough [Laughter] Papa has to make his money sorry I I I got to make money somehow Dragon don’t talk about that 400 bucks oh what the hell what the [ __ ] yo

What the hell I’m getting hit by like invisible [ __ ] what the [ __ ] bro I’m just watching you yeah yo that zombie was not close to enough to hit me I don’t you didn’t set your spawn no nope nope I didn’t you’re pulling in Spectrum yesterday I’m pulling a u in

Spectrum that was weird what the hell I looked around I was like where’s this zombie hitting me from excuse me what H well I don’t think I have wood oh I said what I’m going go focus on the road yeah you probably don’t want to drive and listen to me at the same

Time it’s not a one two three one two three one two three not a good idea I don’t know why I just made a crafting table but now there’s an extra crafting table at spawn no puries guys I did just [Laughter] service that’s good this way I’m like One Carpet short

Bro yeah y see if you can grab like four string over there oh you’re right next to the Mob by the way oh yeah delay I have it on a low Laten but I can’t uh okay so the pillow should be in the corner for a villager spawner right uh I think so

Yeah not quite certain mob farm broke Oopsy Daisy wasn’t me didn’t do it let’s see did you work in the first place no JK uh let’s see you already looted that sunken ship I’m assuming right uh red yeah yeah I was like oh I should do the

Hermit life you know just get a home somewhere on a hill just like peacefully live my uh my Minecraft days and then joining on War I need like I need like uh here do you watch hermitcraft I used to I don’t do it anymore though what about you uh I never watched hermitcraft

I never yes the watermelon muncher uh no comment I am indeed playing Minecraft I never um I never really watched a lot of the like Minecraft series when I was like younger I used to watch a lot of sunde but that was about it and uh I

Think the the person who got me into Minecraft was uh sky sky does mcraft I think is frisky got me into Minecraft I used to never play games like this I mean I got Minecraft pretty early on like when it released but I I didn’t

Play it a lot back then cuz I just I only mined and built but like you know Roblox was pretty much my life back then bro holy 2014 [Laughter] Roblox all right let’s see here’s all my loot all these zombies that justy also got me into Roblox good game God

Dang boys let me get my loot first dog I forgot that the skeletons have like I’m getting like hit from afar forgot they got super PES br oh no no baby zie my shield broke no dragon have you ever played Pokemon growing up yes uh actually my first ever

Console that I got was from my brother and was a Game Boy advanced um and the first ever game I got for it was uh the original Pokemon Fire Red was pretty fun it’s crazy dragon’s a nerd exactly bro I knew all the [ __ ] cheat codes for that

Game well I say cheat codes but more or less just like ways to become like busted fast in the game dang skeletons do so much damage I’ve not played Minecraft in a solid minute at least not like base Minecraft I played modded and you judged me yesterday I

Mean I don’t suck at pppp as much but did you set your spawn yeah yeah I did I did I don’t suck at PVP either God dang it there’s three skeletons I you play Minecraft for long I get bored nowadays they stopped playing Minecraft for almost what’s it been since skybound

Season 2 bro SK I think we did that in like March right dude skybound season 2 like I think we all kind of died out on skybound and then skybound well I didn’t really have a choice my streaming stopped working yeah I I mean I was

Skybound 2 like I I I think I joined one stream maybe did one stream and that’s it yeah I did like I did like three videos I even edited the third I just think I never released it yeah bro I remember skybound U was just the main character when he made remember that

Time he made a cult yeah Cult of like whatever it was like the The Voice the yo it’s a zombie diamonds I usually say this for people who want to play Minecraft if you want to stay more interested in in Minecraft play it with friends yeah it’s it’s

Gonna be the most devoted you’re gonna be to it if you have like a bad computer I recommend like even if you have like a if you have a computer that can run like say like four mods even like that bad just run one mod it changes the entire

Game and if you can then play that with friends for example a turnos is a good side to host most uh servers on for free even modded ones cuz what I used to do a lot is when I got bored of Minecraft I would just mod the

Game also six maybe want to add life steel to the server we go to the end life steel so that’s a little more interative I don’t think you can do that with fewer players I mean need like a full roster of players to do that and I

Don’t know how many people are going to like it if uh on top of the fact that eventually you just permanently get off it’s just like yeah I think this is one of the zombies that either killed you guys cuz he had a shield and my shield

Broke I’ll take it thanks for the shield bucko and a fully functioning iron sword oh my God W I got my stuff back finally holy moly is this on uh on what uh difficulty is this by the way could be on hard if I’m not mistaken yeah I thought so felt like it

Was all right I think I lost my axe do you think we’re going to play it on medium medium normal you mean no we’re hardcore Gamers I mean if this was on Hardcore by now we’d all be already kicked off of the server maybe not like frisky and Oni

But like all the rest of us they they bead okay yeah it’s the damage oh here’s a thing over here I’ve like I haven’t used mods in a while but I’ve noticed when I use mods I can play for like months on a singular world yeah

Yeah I think like burnout is like a big thing for example when I asked Dragon earlier uh when do we do Sky bouncy dude that’s the last time I played Minecraft before yesterday cuz it’s like I genuinely just got burnt out for Minecraft like you can

Only take the game so much yeah the thing is like with Sky bound season one is like we hit like the moment we started like focusing on the villagers and just progressing and just like finishing the game after that like we didn’t have anything and we just started making

Stuff up kind of like what those cringy smps did like we had a cult we had War tried we we tried it didn’t end up working out but yeah we I mean we never continued it that’s thing it was also like a lot like we

Went from like a lot of players at one time to like less and less players over time so it was also like you know it was starting to get more boring for E it made sense he was balancing Out YouTube with school and that type of stuff same

For Dragon like it just comes down to the fact that balancing was an issue for all of us and we genuinely just didn’t have the time to do everything yeah and the moments of we had to ourselves we didn’t just want to invest back into Minecraft yeah we had like I think at

The time I was riding like one of my bigger whiffs as well brisy said he died 40 34 times already I don’t have a counter bro someone on stream can count for me I’m good I think you’re on like two right now no I’m on like four at the least

Four five six maybe even I don’t know not count you died that many times Jesus Christ yeah it was a fully uh there were like two religion is a no no topic my bad guys my bad religion is a no no topic it’s YouTube accommodation stuff oh yeah they’re like new things where

You can sometimes say like and then other times you [Laughter] can’t the thing is what I hate about oh no I’m going to get demonetized if I say hate it’s more of like me trying to match up with people instead of like you know me

Forcing what I know what I believe on to others it’s like I try to just stay neutral on everything I’m not a very religious person either so I don’t want to be viewed as as someone who’s religious yeah yeah yeah I mean whatever floats your boat

Right if you if it helps you it helps you and also people I know get really really mad at me saying stuff like you know gz also double e i uh I did use a lot of dragon types when I was playing Pokemon dragon types used to be so good in the early

Gens you know and I that I’ve like played SEO and I’ve died a lot to those bosses it really doesn’t make me mad when I die in another game anymore it’s like H yeah well you live and you learn um also I have like an extra set

Of iron armor that’s like half broken where do you want me to put that there anywhere I can that just put it wherever you want gotcha I don’t know if you guys had like organization going on so I’m going to just check where I see an iron sword in there I’m going to

Put just Boop ask me why I died or what just don’t question me I didn’t even notice all right well uh first things first let’s do uh that there we go that’s a bit better and then uh to go get some string so that I can make some more wool gotcha

Gotcha BR am I really am I really this stupid am I really this stupid happens I’m genuinely this stupid chat only got enough for one wool block not two so I guess we’re going back um I can check your deaths on turn well the thing is we can check our deaths by just

Coming in here uh where’s game statistics there we go it’s just an extra little Shield all right check game statistics later I know it’s summer I just don’t know exactly where it is made some diamond tools for myself with the diamonds I found all right you want me to follow go off some

More spiders all right I’m going to I’m going to explore a bit just go in a direction you are I guess I don’t want to I am what you guess I don’t really want outright team with someone like but being we’re not necessarily teaming we’re just all basing in a general

Location so that we can have one Mega structure by everyone building together yeah just want like for aesthetic reasons in general I just want like a little cottage home and I think I just found the perfect spot for it I literally went to the right of your

Base and there’s just like a little little bit of a mountain is and I think I’m just going to make like a harbor here I think that would look nice oh excuse me Pardon Me Oh happens happens the human body and its reactions am I right

Guys y wait until you’re 40 say that again God not going to be as positive anymore I know a lot I shouldn’t have killed all the cows oh well too bad they’re already dead oh this could become like a nice little mine I think and then we could have like

A little Harbor right there and then little C or maybe right here a little Harbor that works too and then little cottage home right here on a little there’s a really dope location over here yeah I think I’ll build right here I think this will work

Fine and then I’m not too far away from you guys too so it’s like you know accessible y you guys want to know some backwards stuff did you know Dragon never once uh watched one of my uh videos did you know he actually hated my content he only watches my stream to be

A good friend and and and that’s some reverse type stuff because even though I don’t like dragon’s content I watch all of his videos no I’m just missing I do watch I I do watch all of your videos though I do that for everyone yeah yeah I mean I

Just don’t watch a lot of what ifs anymore and I think that was like I don’t know I stopped watching what ifs when I started making what ifs basically the only what ifs I still watched were like Noah and uh what’s his name carthus Dojo those two were the only two that I

Still watch goed oh yeah 100% I need to find a sheep bro I remember were like oh we’re doing like a I don’t know if it’s cancelled cuz like you guys were planning on doing like a big modded smpp kind of yeah we’re planning on doing

Like a big Naruto thing but like half the People canceled out and they were like no it’s not worth putting all that time in investment into yeah getting the mods ready for just half of the people yeah because I remember like you asked me like hey

Dragon you want to join that cuz carthus Dojo is going to be in it and I know like you’re a big fan I was like 100% s dog wait what uh like you said didn’t you say carthu was in that or something uh yeah he was he was gonna be but then

He was one of the people who canceled out due to problems um yeah right right aami uh welcome to dragon’s chat guy oh welcome or girl I don’t know uh welcome to my channel um if you’re disabled that’s fine too we got Spectrum over here oh always welcome everyone’s

Welcome in my chat I like YouTube I’m new too what’s up welcome welcome oh that’s good though I mean that means my Channel’s being at least promoted again I had a had a few I think for like a few streams uh my impression rate was Zero

Fres let’s see it for a sec but okay oh and we have another new person hey three new people all at the same time no maybe they’re friends and they just came here together knows welcome welcome tell me if you see a sheep that you can

Off I will come out hundreds of blocks to get one piece of uh no I’m kind of in like a snowy biome no watch watch Dragon make a giant ice castle bro do you wait no that’s copyrighted you know what I was gonna actually I do

Need the quartz to that so that I can go um so that I can go grab some snow because snow is going to be a big building block for me there you go just dropped in the three digits I’m always alone me too buddies me too 69 447 so close I’m always alone

Too well not always bro really are you g to start singing something in the rain that’s copyrighted oh no no no because there’s a parody to that that always gets used to Batman I’m not going to finish it with the with the Batman videos it’s always so good so it’s hilarious I love

It dude can’t have can’t have anything in Detroit like you can’t have anything in Gotham exactly can’t have anything in Goth o pretty good cave Some Coal some copper Iron Coal yeah something make a ground base and then floors uh uh okay we’re going to get copyrighted if I continue singing

This the floor is glass or dig a hole in a mountain I wish I had friend that watched my streams yeah I bet you do I uh I notic yesterday the only people who watch frisky streams are his boyfriends his many many boyfriends dang hey you know he’s playing it smart you

Know he’s getting many boyfriends so that many boyfriends will watch his stream yeah that reminds me of what dragon does what do I do you’re futuristic are lovers aren’t you oh No Just best friends he has a girlfriend I don’t know why I said that so disappointed am I secretly not

Straight well it wouldn’t be a secret but wait what what Dragon not straight term make a video quick quick quick clickbait clickbait this you have mod clip it clip it to me I’m posting this right now on my in hell yeah I’m putting it on Tik Tok too dragon lord

Exposed I want to make uh I just want to make a little yo Dragon were you around when that kid tried to cancel me a few years back uh wait wasn’t that the guy who made a video on you who was like oh this guy is so mean just he practically

Said six mon to Expos cancellation made like three videos about me bro and it wasn’t even about me it was about gratify which called him called him a really racist thing I’m not gratify yeah I think that he has a channel go cancel him that was that was

Something that like happened a lot back then too also someone subscribed thank you ninja place for the subscribble welcome okay okay know I’m not I’m not responding to that last comment look at your chat you can’t laugh right now you can’t laugh right oh I yeah I did not uh I wasn’t reading

Yeah I’m not gonna personally respond to that feel free to take the risk of responding to that I I did not read that Um fast enough oh JK okay okay bro you don’t know how hard I was I was holding in that laugh bro I was trying to be a good person but then I ended up laughing at anyways the moment I saw a just came my brain just went

It’s okay to do it now bro I was thinking of like the the Among Us streams of back then with like how many times people like confused you gratifying YK anime and I was not looking at Chad I was laughing about that and then there that just drops right there like that’s that’s

Uh interesting please tell more oh God all right let me let me make a crafting table I should be able to get villagers in here now I suck at building so we’re just going to make something that I saw on YouTube like three years ago [Laughter] valid all right right there right there

And I think it’s one more up but I wouldn’t know so we’re just going to try dang I really got a flint dang all right just do that that there you go I don’t know I think that’s too high I think it needs to be two and that’s

It might just be need to be two uh but three kind of looks better though in my opinion let’s just try three should work out she’s going to Boop there you go I need more oak wood I se this Shue might have to go back to spawn and just get a

Lot of oak wood make a [ __ ] uh Japanese dragon house or something you know I’m I’m really bad at building uh sorry I can’t see that are you old is that what you asked me dragon is very old yes uh to anyone who doesn’t know dragon actually 37 back in my day

Boys ah Sage got the clip Sage send it to me send it to me send it to me welcome um zathan Studios welcome BR the Hispanic really mcra look for Minecraft build training bro bro I remember that one time I cover dragon’s entire house and Di right wait what wait hold on

Didn’t like my basement in the original skybound was made out of bird poop di right H I don’t remember someone got triggered about that wasn’t it you it was me that’s why I kept covering your house in in di you just didn’t want to see it

Anymore all let’s see I think yeah I might have to just make my way back to spawn and use the farm over there I could get some Stone whilst I’m just vibing I’m not good at building uh I’m not really there’s nothing really that I’m particularly good at in my

Minecraft I have average PVP skills Dragon small PP confirmed what what uh I covered my house with diamonds when I was 8 years old with creative of course bro too many times used to be the move back in the day bro yeah that was just

Like the power move bro and if it was on Survival it was even more of a power move dude I remember um bro what was that server called again dude I used to go on to crack servers of Minecraft like I don’t know if I think all of us

Did yeah yeah like uh cuz you had the main servers like uh uh like I don’t know if Hypixel existed got a do dragon like that yes I 100% do I’ve been trying to catch Dragon lacking on this topic since uh we met three years ago oh yeah we’ve known each

Other for three years now bro yep yep it’s uh been a while it’s like a God damn yeah I remember like um why K like introduced us I’m pretty sure yeah or like I messaged him like hey what’s up he’s like I’m in a server

With one of my friends right now I want you to meet him and I’m like okay and he’s like yo this is my friend Dragon he’s also a YouTuber and then he goes Dragon this is six the guy that just got like 200 subscribers in like three days and you were like

What yeah cuz then uh like after like two or so weeks you you had like hit like 800 or 700 subs and I just came to you I was like you’re growing pretty fast bro I remember I remember a few months after that I hit like I think it

Was like 5K and then I then it was like 200 Subs away from being on a similar sub level to Noah and then I remember hitting Noah’s sub count and he messaged me like he I see you surpass me in subscribers congratulations the thing is uh

The funny thing would was that I told Noah I’m going to surpass you in Subs before you start making the new type of content that you’re going to make right I don’t think it’s going to happen because in like two months he’s probably going to release uh his vids like I

Think he said end of J maybe he’ll surpass me in subs or now oh what he’s making is going to be Top Class content bro like I I’ve been I I have like in the video I’m about to the post here in January I have almost 30 hours of editing into that

Video yeah it’s because it’s a Dungeons and Dragons video I played subnotica yeah Dungeons and Dragons yeah oh is it the one that you told me about uh no that’s that one is not coming properly until New Year all right gotcha gotcha we’re we’re not done with

The preed that yet so when we finish that up yes but right now now we are about to start a uh so what we’re about to post are one that’s kind of like just uh this crazy thing happened in my session type series or like session Recaps kind of

For the uh D and that Ryan is hosting and then the actual full form content uh thing that we’ll be posting is actually something by my friend Chimera it’s practically he has us all playing as demigods no we don’t gain any additional capabilities that’s just the Thematic ISM and story behind

It um practically that’s like the fully edited one I’m working on right now and it’s like I have so much time into editing this stuff but like sorry I’m uh the quality of that’s going to go up now that I can record my own OBS again and I don’t have to rely on

Ryan I just uh I just killed the creeper via skeleton and got him dis trying to get more music discs you know um but yeah bro hopefully that takes off maybe I can finally hit 20K your channel looks cool I’m considering subscribing subscribe to Dragon he’s

Awesome can you make me laugh with you no no we we just laugh the only the only way you can laugh is if you don’t have have lung cancer specifically too far uh a little yeah I thought it was funny just love that have a very dark

Sense of humor I almost got canceled on multiple occasions I just loved it too dark or too far excuse me this is me we’re talking about I usually don’t restrain myself crap it started raining can someone sleep please yeah I’ll you should have taken a bed with you probably should have

H yeah I’m sorry that I don’t read chat a lot by the way guys I just kind of focus okay I’m subbing nice hunnel Vision nice you’re welcome Dragon thanks bro welcome bro go thanks bro it’s still raining what the [ __ ] hey yo language oh sorry excuse me sorry

That’s $1 to charity Mister sorry Captain America uh I’m actually going to start doing that I spoke about this yesterday in stream um I’m gonna practically do like a swear jar thing where it’s like I’m gonna have like a link in my description anyone who streams with me

If they cuss they have to pay a dollar to charity all remind me to never play Securo with you cuz I’ll go broke Wheels [Laughter] yeah I’ve seen your SE streams that’s probably [Laughter] true oh dog what you say I said the f word the big [Laughter]

Bad so yeah no um yeah I do want to do the Among Us streams again that thing is I pinged uh everyone in the server bro I only got like four people that were interested um um I had Ryan come up uh I don’t know if you came up can’t

Quite remember I’d be fully willing to play it again yeah I pinged at everyone in my in me and Noah’s server and it’s like here’s the thing I haven’t gotten used to checking the new server yet yeah it’s like I don’t like see every I just

Looked at it I was like dang I don’t have enough players the thing is I don’t want to like you could totally DM me for it then uh me Sage kisy ation cuz I think we 100% get on cuz I think I said like I don’t want to be

With like a I want at least a minimum of eight people sole reason it’s more fun like you can play with two imposters if you have like eight nine people you know and then yo you’re not gonna you’re not going to rage me and unfriend me again

Right if I I expose you who me bro I remember I made you so mad one stream bro that you didn’t talk to me for a week when was this I’m like trying to remember it was near when we stopped playing Among Us Together uh cuz like every time you

Would be imposter I just be like it’s draggon and they’ be like what and then I’m like oh this time it’s because he he’s always with Noah right and like oh wait but Noah’s dead it’s like bro I remember that’s the that’s the one that

Like made you just fre out like no no no no no wait wait wait cuz I remember this and I think it’s still in one of my videos it’s uh there’s this game where you know you remember I need friends by any chance yeah yeah so you remember when um

Uh he had killed Noah and I just reported it I was an impostor partner I was just like it’s him and then someone literally I think either you or YK was like m Dragon might be BR braining this and I’m like just vote him out just V wello the thing is

We knew you so well at that point yeah here’s the thing none of us are stupid enough to go after like none of us were stupid enough to go after Noah in that moment we you cuz Noah was just so much worse at the game the the thing was like

We were all like pretty bad at the game but at the same time some of sometimes Rose what’s up um you’re growing pretty fast want to be friends yeah that’s exactly how and dragon became friends yeah yeah wait sorry what BR friski a few minutes earlier said you’re growing

Pretty fast want to be friends I’m 90% sure he’s referencing the moment we met probably dude and then um I remember like we had a lot of talks about just YouTube and like what could be done better and you I think you helped help me a lot with like my thumbnails and I

Think I even asked you once about like something about a story where it’s like hey I think this could go better like what do you think and then you told me something and I changed that and that single change and I’m not lying cuz I think that was for the KooKoo what if

Cuz that’s one of the what ifes that you watched I think if I remember correctly yeah I did I I think I asked you something for I was like should I do this every single what if like period I’ve seen everything on your channel they’re just that good

No they’re really not 90% of them are like very questionable true very true very true especially some of the Demon Slayer ones some of the Demon Slayer ones have like accurate mechanics but like when it comes to the story I’m like would that character really act like that yeah the

Thing is like uh as I like reviewed it that’s the thing though with the kokoo one I think it was more like that was that was definitely I think for a what if like that you need to give more like as a fan your expectations need to allow the person

Making it to have more freedom on how they write a character because in the context you want to use kokoso as Tano’s father you don’t want him to just be his biological father and nothing else why is Wednesday’s cousin Sunday talking to me right now what why is Wednesday C in Sunday

Talking to me right now I’m confused I’m trying to figure it out why is there six views and zero likes CU I’m not interested um yo I haven’t even checked mine I have like 15 views I I don’t think I have any likes either quickly sage like the video

Quickly everyone like the video help it boost forward totally we must gain new viewers exactly Execute order the thing is like what I there’s something I dislike about YouTube and it’s their algorithm cuz it’s like you sometimes have games that are so good but they don’t get boosted because right now they

Know like oh that game’s not popping off right now and then you have stuff like for example Minecraft usually will always do decently well I mean I made a Minecraft video like randomly like what was it like uh half maybe a year ago about the Demon Slayer mod just simply anime Minecraft

Got like a thousand views in one day I was like what how bro I don’t make this type of content it’s good stuff though it’s good stuff live stream the thing with like it’s really hard to start like a YouTube channel it’s it it is and it

Isn’t it just depends on what type of content you want to make if you want to do more gaming related content you’re going to have to struggle a lot more than someone who for example does WH ifs and I’m going to be quite honest with that I think maybe six will agree with

Me on that it’s kind of because of the saturation of the community it’s like just there isn’t enough what if content to be people so Thrive so much more and mostly because of like text to speech as well I think text to speech saturated the community so much that people just

Want real voices that’s the like if you search up a wh if now nine out of 10 what ifs will probably be text to speech will probably be a story that they didn’t even write that they just honest stole text to speech wh ifs more recently aren’t wh ifs they’re literally just fanfic

Readings with TT s yeah that’s just a way of manipulating a already existing fandom kind of yeah that’s what I wanted to say cuz it’s like uh as of late I just see like a what if pop by and then I just look at it and it’s just like

It’s a fanfic that they stole from like whatpad or fanfic.com and they theying be like yeah they put like zero effort into it and uh yeah those get like millions of views sometimes so there’s there’s actually a few that get a lot of views it’s crazy dude the most popular

What if is DBZ that’s not necessarily true when you’re your thing about the biggest what if YouTubers yes the biggest what if YouTubers make DBZ content but in terms of the most viewed overall what it’s actually Naruto by far cuz I think the highest fuse on a

Singular Dragon Ball Z what if that I’ve seen is like almost 2.5 million but I know there’s a Naruto wh if out there that has over 10 million views and here’s the thing especially with other bigger channels starting to do what if content uh like I can give you one major

Example of this everyone here probably knows who the aagi is yep they started doing Naruto continent obviously that’s huge yeah I mean obviously they’re also going to have a massive following on that too because well they’re the aagi just uh you know it just depends where you start they consistently get

Over 200k views their views are there just a matter of time before they start breaching Millions because they’re they have such high quality the imagi is what we the celestials wish they could be yeah that’s actually good true in terms of what ifs I can tell you

Now the two most popular what if communities are definitely Naruto and my hero 100% my hair is just like Dragon Ball’s close don’t get me wrong but like it’s limited in the amount of people that make consistent content for it let’s see the most popular yeah hold on oh you’re were

Reading my chat okay I see my tooth is coming at hello eam sakamaki plus uh plus Ultra it shall be done okay y’all can dislike too yeah cam I think you I think I think you already said that that you were new to the channel earlier welcome I’m not tripping right that

Person was already in the chat before no all right I don’t know what I should make the walls uh yeah they were earlier could do this but sorry if we take a while to reply we’re so deep in our own conversations that we don’t always yeah it happens that is 100% are

Bad but we will reply eventually eventually just terms of what if quality DB is easiest in terms of story I think it’s the easiest to edit really but in terms of like how like versatile a what if story is like to be honest Dragon Ball’s very limiting in

What you can do yeah like dragon ball is going to be really repetitive over time can I sleep oh yeah you can sleep in my opinion the thing is there’s only so much you can do yeah sure you can do different like Concepts or like different abilities different

Capabilities but every story is going to unfold similarly Without You drastically changing the like character’s personalities and that’s not really what a wh if is about you’re supposed to go over what’s already there and how you can alter what’s already there like for example something as easy as Naruto not

Being the Ninetales completely changes everything in Naruto like there’s an in Naruto version of this if you watch through the war Arc stuff you probably know uh if you like Min or Kus sticking around also changes a lot for example if you’ve seen the Naruto movie where we see the alternate

Timeline where Mino still alive like there’s just so much you can change about Naruto with the smallest changes and his personality will just change because his personality is very determined by his experiences and capabilities so that versus that versus something like Dragon Ball Goku will

Always be the way he is unless you do something very early on or have a good reason for grandpa Gohan for him not hitting his head like here here’s the thing Goku hits his head is 90% of his person yeah Goku’s ethics come from AER if you

Avoider you could probably still have a Goku that kills his opponents with no hesitation but it would probably still be less I think Goku would it probably still be similar the only difference is he wouldn’t spare people like Frieza that’s literally the only difference so you’re skipping over the future Trunk

Versus Frieza and cold fight and that’s practically it like you’re not making that much of a difference either way uh let me see real quick I’m from Brazil I’m training my English I’m assuming well welcome yeah English is what they said so assuming they meant English so

Welcome I don’t even see that one it’s a bit up um the filler Arc the great ninja war a popular idea I’ve seen in the DBZ section what if Goku was sent to different planets yeah that I can understand having a lot of like being really vague but then it also comes down

To a lot of assumption like you can’t make an accurate what is off of a concept like that because you don’t know for a fact what will happen who will show up when they will show up how it will be altered like that’s you will never be able to determine that on

Something like what if Goku landed on another planet CU at that point let’s say he lands on namk that changes everything we’re probably like depending on if he accidentally lands there or if he’s actually sent there there’s a 90% chance he never gets involved with the Sans or Vegeta if he

Gets sent there on purpose of course the Sans are still going to come try and find him that’s going to end up happening um you have some story elements in like oh now there’s also the problem of like the nameless nean AKA Kami and King Piccolo yo what’s up

Nebula but it’s like that’s still pretty iffy if you get what I’m saying just quickly do this there’s Thunder yo Ed one bro I’m gonna mute my stream uh for this so that no one hears this uh and I quote Ted uh Ted one uh

[ __ ] you thunder you can suck my dick I I didn’t have my stream mut I muted my stream for that bro I wasn’t I had to mute it I’m not I’m not taking the Flack for saying that I gave you ample warning enough speed uh look no one know noticed okay

Uh I didn’t say anything don’t report us to YouTube please report him not me Titanfall 2 is PE I don’t play Titanfall so I wouldn’t be able to give an opinion on that I love that game it’s good game good story I think it oh I know what I’m streaming yep how’d you

Know just ACH oh you’re a mindreader I see get out of your Skelly bobber Dragon turning into an anime character confirmed I am yo I’m not sure if anyone here has been here long enough to remember this but after me and dragon met every year

On his birthday I would make a what if a character was was the dragon lord and I do an entire uh like deep dive on my knowledge of dragon if he was Bor an as said character yeah and it was really fun the only sad part is they were all one shot

So I never got to finish one yeah it was kind of I love the the one where it was my her acadamia cuz you I think you made me either the zth studios don’t do this to me you can’t clip that my career will be ruined oh wait I don’t have a career

Never mind by the way hello Claire uh I’m assuming hard is Claire the person I knew I haven’t heard from CLA in a while what’s up what’s up how what’s your friend Channel Dragon uh my my channel is six M Jonathan uh should be in my Des description I never

I don’t think I ever took you out of my description bro you want to know why you never took me off cuz I am the best friend lamest reaction in the world I’m sorry I um it’s me nothing much just playing I never I don’t think I ever called you my

Best friend I always saw you as a brother bro we used to actually reference that a lot like um in skybound yeah where people would ask us questions and like back then we had that entire stupid thing where people were trying to ship Youtubers with each other

And then we’re like bro we’re like we’re like brothers no yeah exactly bro oh my god do you remember the Noah X Dragon I don’t remember who started that but I swear to it was it was Karma it was Karma h i remember someone someone in my

Community actually shipped me with K I was like no she’s a child yeah she’s a child bro like Dragon I get me okay like Dragon isn’t really open about stuff like like his personal stuff so it’s like if you don’t know Dragon’s Age I get that but like karma is openly 13 or

She was at the time she’s now 15 but like yeah she was openly she was very open about her age like everyone knew her age I never uh lied about that I was like this is how old I am yeah but at the time no one really

Actually knew it mostly because most of my viewers were just weird yeah I never I don’t think like with uh most of like the community is like I just there was a lot of weirdos be quite honest there really was just true there there were PE

Like the reason like why I kind of took a big step back from what ifs like when I first started is cuz I got a lot of DMS from people that like like proper weirdos that’s all I can say just proper weirdos just like coming into my DMs being like hey like

Your voice so how old are you want to meet up and it’s just stuff like that it’s like I’m not interested bro I I hate like BR I think you know this I don’t take Community suggestions for what if and that’s a really big thing in the what if Community is you YouTubers

Not taking uh suggestions that’s not because we’re trying to be mean or anything guys there’s actually a good reason for that uh if we were to show you because we had like a lot of us used to have like chats in our servers where it’s like oh what if

Suggestions a lot of us used to take suggestions and we’d have it like in our DMS but like the weird stuff people would just ask us to do the nonsensical stuff and people would fight if you didn’t do their what if bro like they they try to stop start a fight with you

Bro and it’s like bro I just don’t want to do this the amount of times where like I think this was a person in your server as well they asked me to do like wh ifs where I basically made like isuku a fanboy and then made him like oh

Vampire yeah probably and then made him like a herum with like all of the people and that was it that was the what if just him being a fan booy and then just a Herm like I just ignored that just was like nope guys if you want if you want

To be a good what if YouTuber if you want like actual consistent views as a what if YouTuber I’m going to tell you how to get them right cut get high quality pngs from PNG servers they’re all over the Internet you can find them anywhere join a thumbnail server right have people help

You come up with thumbnails search up tutorials figure out how to make cool gfx like thumbnails when you got that down and you got like the practically all the PNG stuff done you learn how to edit record Herm videos just do what if Naruto had a Herm what

If Goku had a her if isuku had a heram don’t ever go sexual literally just make it so that they’re polyamorous in terms of relationship pull have to make that’s the thing it’s it’s literally just polyamorous romance people will eat it up cuz people want the harm stuff but

They don’t want the sexual stuff which is why all the sexual Chann Chan aren’t getting views but a lot of harm stuff still is getting views it’s because of that exact reason exactly cuz look at like the old like I’m sorry that I’m calling someone out here but Rogue X

Right made uh he he I’m pretty sure he did videos where it’s it actually went into that sexual territory I don’t think Rogue did on his Narto videos no I I remember like one where it was like uh sure it’s Rogue might be oh could be

Like one of those like uh copies cuz didn’t he have like three or four copies yeah Ramy yeah might have been I thought it was I don’t know I remember like a Naruto one where it was like uh ex tamari or something and it’s like it got

Bad it was bad that’s all I know that was bad that’s why I stopped uh watching that channel uh damn 6ot broone bro I’m not going to go into details but I have a pretty bad relationship with my actual brothers and my sisters and my family I

Know so when I call someone a brother that’s that’s that’s better than like friendship bro I didn’t get rzone here’s the thing me and dragon were actually very close and you know I don’t really tend to have romantical interest in anyone who’s not Le Nation exactly

Sorry I have to copy your voice so anyone who doesn’t know in my community there’s been a very long ongoing inside joke about uh one of my friends lention uh and that we have a weird relationship uh we don’t it’s just a joke but we play it out 90% of the

Time black screen of death why do I hear Call of Duty sounds what lention color question mark I’m not going to comment the better the like if you you don’t comment I can’t get in trouble so I would prefer if you don’t exactly that’s why I’m not you let’s see I’m

Going to quickly kill this zombie I’m just going to make a little cottage home nothing too big nothing too fancy you know I am going to need more dirt cuz this is not equalized let’s see uh I lost my tooth oh dang [Laughter] sell it on the black why are you like

This yeah this is why dragon has seven restraining orders against them wait I do 60 Diamonds by me yes yes Chad I have I have seven restraining orders against dragon and he still doesn’t leave me alone to anyone taking that seriously it’s not serious because I know there’s at least one person sorry

I’m just uh just give him now tax and is for a price I suck you suck Sor uh they won’t even understand that I don’t even know if you still remember that what uh we were it was like one of the Among Us streams um I think maybe

Was Minecraft and we were talking about um CU they were doing that whole wait no yeah it was Minecraft was that shipping moment like when they and um yeah they shipped us together and I was like I suck he suck we suck I don’t know if you remember that

We had a good laugh about it I think it rings B but it’s old dude it’s old like you yeah Mr 37y [Laughter] old sorry about my friend Dragon uh he’s having age pains he’s been having a lot of lower back Gramps yep y my back

Y all right I’m G do this get rid of this real quick because this doesn’t need to be here yet this can just be one big wall the Wall of China kind of racist Dragon bro I talked about politics in my chat okay in my stream okay like damn bro

Scumbag ah good stuff dude yo Lizzy welcome to the stream ah I need Coca-Cola yo Chad keep keep Dragon busy bro because I know he can’t do the same for you guys I’ll be right back ouch he makes a valid argument he makes a valid point I mean excuse me it’s okay

I’ve been kind of focused on talking and I wasn’t really paying attention to chats let me see what did I miss up on yeah I have a friend who I like literally see as if he wasn’t here I wouldn’t be here that’s all you got to know uh I Dragon

Um after stream still want to give you dang don’t give me Christmas gifts I don’t need anything and then yeah hi Lizzy again who closed it I is there a black screen I didn’t ignore you I just said I’ll message you okay it’s all good I think you should open your

Eyes let me give you present damn come on I never get to give you hi okay give me a sec chat I need to watch Dragon stream back apparently there’s black screen um for Big W Big W is having black screen I was get Big W and uh double e

Uh yes so we have uh little nicknames so we have entity unknown we call that guy the EU Federation and Bully anyway um and we have like email email who’s double e then Big W but I always get you guys confused cuz Big W you have like a blue

Profile picture and double e as a blue profile picture and that just confuses my brain cell my singular brain cell that I still have I’m playing Minecraft by the way oo nice don’t know why you put a mushroom in there it’s there’s some hidden meaning all right let’s see right there should be

Fine should be good I’m gonna need a lot of space why are you acting so suspicious you didn’t say anything what you’re acting so suspicious when I said hey yo what’s up and then it’s was like you didn’t even say anything oh cuz I yes chat I just went back and

Watched like the entire point of the bathroom from Dragon it was just like an emotional speech about a friend of his and then like okay I’ll let you give me a present damn yeah it’s like dang no I said no you don’t got to give me a present that’s

Wait did I say yeah or no I meant to say no it doesn’t matter bro top shifted so quickly dude’s paranoid I am paranoid he’s like have parano he’s talking about me on the stream ah dragon has paranoia no I’m gonna have to go back again I don’t have right here’s the

Thing dragon has a lot of dragon has a lot of dirt on me bro so I need to monitor what he says how do I have a lot of dirt on oh wait a minute I’ve been on I I’ve been on your streams bro uh wait wasn’t there yeah I’m not GNA say

Anything for both our sakes that’s probably best if you don’t you’re just as bad as I am for both our sakes look Mutual destruction or M Mutual uh living you know it’s uh a pretty easy Choice exactly all right a six should I make this over here smaller do you think I

Should just let it I think I should let it hit in but I feel like that will just mess it up for the roof design that I’m going for bro Dragon got that like [ __ ] Minecraft C uh bad word sorry uh he got that Minecraft cabin aesthetic going

Like he’s on his first day of Minecraft and he just discovered Sprucewood exactly that’s basically me he hasn’t discovered the furnace yet yo new to the stream furnace right there who do you think I am bro bro bro bro you were in here earlier I know that for a

Fact uh didn’t know you played Minecraft I did a few streams on it in the past I mean Big W literally you just changed the studio part to gaming bro we’re not stupid who me no this get in your chat he’s like oh I’m new I bet you would it’s literally

Just [ __ ] wait a minute Studios and he just changed the studios to gaming and Chang his profile yo new to the I just opened the channel it’s the same channel yo you’re really paranoid hold on a minute we need to talk about this for a moment what what

Do you just open what are you talking about you just open everybody’s Channel who enters your stream no I I double checked cuz when I said you were just in here he said no so I opened just a double check it’s the same channel bro paranoia I’m joking no I just don’t want

To be wrong yeah that is also valid uh let’s see I’m what if YouTuber I can’t be wrong bro yeah yeah yeah and I’m the actually I’m an X what if YouTuber so I can be wrong now yeah EX exactly join the club let’s see this man really just hit

Me with that no clue what you’re talking about no clue what you’re talk must have been the wind the wind damn bro mying Skyrim now have you ever actually streamed Skyrim yeah I have but I think I was there actually yeah I did a doing mage build

But I haven’t continued on it rage is probably mad about that he loved watching this he named like everything he named the horse he named my boy he like he did everything I think I should turn the shaders off the rain on sh on these shaders are

Thick God damn boy it’s no there’s no meaning to it gotcha Liz feel like oh stting me I I can see people trying to quote and clip me please so um I um I didn’t oopsie I now realize why chat was so delayed I had to scroll down

On chat cuz apparently my chat was stuck on a single dude’s like thing it’s just been slowly passing by great I’m such a good YouTuber guys such a quality and what if YouTub the dragon lord bro somebody actually put me like you know when that whole it’s still

Popular but like the whole like I need to send you something someone sent me an edit a very long time ago but it’s on my other hard drive so I’ll have to transfer everything my old hard drive to this one where it’s like a top 10 what ifers

Thing wait yeah I remember that and and they had me at like number I I think it was number one there was also one there was a what if video where it’s like uh like what if YouTubers that I wouldn’t want to fight and it was like six my Stu

Bro this boy comes in the range of you you’re dead BR it was weave it was that he was like bro I wouldn’t want to fight s he’s like this is how defeat what if YouTubers uh six it’s impossible uh if you get within uh get within

Hearing distance of him he will give you third degree burns you’re not even safe on a tropical island any audio device will will be within his range even C shells do not trust anything do not trust and that’s back when I was really toxic I remember that cuz I actually

Laughed at that bro we Dragon friend if you’re in bro just call me sick stop call call just call six like the number what Quirk would you if it’s a mha quirk and you’re asking which one would I want I would 100% want overhaul which one am

I more likely to have based on myself probably Miracles Quirk I have very very powerful legs I don’t even know what I would have low key I’d have like what I would want I do I do spin sty ta one though bro dude I would like my legs are like my Saving

Grace I’d want anything electricity related loky though just being able to power have Elden P CU logic if if I can make my own Quirk I actually at some point was planning on doing a bunch of series if I was in series because I have like a

Bunch of OC’s based on myself uh The Quirk I came up with myself is actually called buildup and practically it allows me it’s it’s kind of bouncing off of the concept of twin strike the ability of that one kiding class 1B practically I’m able to touch something and either double or half its

Momentum or power so practically I could touch like my feet a certain number of times and every time I touch it my like power that I’m about to you know burst out of my foot to Leap Forward would double that that’s the basic concept somebody had uh asked me once if I would

Do a um uh what if where it’s like me and this back to the other CH bro he switched back still saying picture Big G hello I think I’m trying to understand discon it’s my exceeds my mind’s uh capacity tends to happen tends to happen skill Grand Pacer test is an

Arobic level capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues the so somebody had asked me if I could do a Demon Slayer wh if where it’s me and Demon Slayer right and yeah with that I was like huh how would I do that cuz

Like so I would be born in the Demon Slayer universe and I was like you know it would be kind of boring if I was like I thought about I was like What if I just like start out like uzui in China but instead of like what you call like

Um in like a ninja family or anything I’m in like a sect like different so it’s like cuz that whole like thing of like oh breathing Styles it’s like would that have like transferred over to other countries as well or was that just only Japan like we don’t really know I think

It just comes down to if other countries had a demon problem or not yeah I mean pretty sure it was only in Japan that there were demons cuz because when it comes down to it way like obviously the way breathing Styles came about as well as as a counterbalance to Demons

Yi kind of like he was the counterbalance so yeah so it’s like I was kind of thinking more like if there were similar problems at other places in the world which I assume there probably would be then most likely yeah I was thinking more like oh I’m like from like

A sect or something right grew up there got like the martial arts and then somehow like arrived in Japan and then learned a breathing style made my own breathing art you know something like that like a derivative n that’s the fake dragon lord you inter you see me in Dragon

Streaming nice enjoy now I can officially say four big guys in the server together four big guys it nope not continuing it and it’s copyrighted so oh is it I I think so even if it’s not someone could just as well go to that video Mark more than

5 Seconds of claiming on behalf of bro that’s so like uh that’s why we very careful not to go over five seconds of a song you know Master ugu right the or Sensei ugu or the the the dude who makes like all the videos where he

Reacts and does that and then makes the memes and stuff right yeah he got claimed for his song bro PewDiePie got claimed on on his own song yeah so many like every single song PewDiePie has made he’s been claimed on and it’s like on behalf of PewDiePie is like bro I am

PewDiePie well that’s why it’s like um because I I I set so on stream on is like bro bro bro bro bro that’s how always happen this man says I was washing my mouth how could I switch back I never said who switched I don’t I never said

Anything you exposed yourself my friend um not making a comment look either six is paranoid or this guy’s doing either way it’s funny nonetheless to me okay so Emoji is too small for me now I just need to make like the chamber what does that is that two hearts on like

Piano what is that I’m actually trying to like see what that is scrap uh scrap that I want to have the ability to anything uh I think about will happen but with super bad side effects to balance it huh and what’s the point yeah it’s like

Oh okay h i will gain super strength okay side effect is that you’re super weak could you imagine it’s like the most counterproductive power cuz like what if the thing like what if the negative side effect you become just you just become a glass Cannon yeah what if it just like

Balances out like you’re so strong that it breaks your bones yeah or could you imagine like I become insanely Rich right like I will become insanely rich and then the counter but then you lose all youry yeah the counter thing is that you need to pay 100% taxes from now on

On anything you do or something like and you get no choice you’re now a slave to the economy like you know that could happen you don’t know like bro we’ve been at this for like an hour and a half that’s not even very long actually that’s not

Long anybody who’s watched of my subn got everything done that I wanted to do at this point it just comes down to patience and waiting for the villagers to breed you know in my hero Academia how only heroes are allowed to use their Quirk what about military in my hero you

Think they would get similar training to Heroes to use these their quirks I think they’d probably have more advanced training anything I think it would be less General training I think I think it would be more General training and less unique training cuz like places like you obviously focus on individual student

Quirks but I think like in a military they just be like oh this is how to counter quirks if you have this type of Quirk you can use it in this way but it’s like not oh your Quirk can do this I think they’ll like have more of like

The basic knowledge like oh what’s an emitter type stuff like that you know where it’s like also if they cuz obviously you’re a soldier in war you know you’re if like or you’re a soldier and if there’s war you know there’s that the heroes be minimal I think there’d be minimal

Benefit to joining the military though because I think they want the more powerful quirks to be in the front line so it’s like you wouldn’t really see a lot of people getting promotions all too often so it’s like people with more powerful quirks just isn’t that like the the one lady right

The the American hero the lady that Tripes yeah stars and she’s not technically a part of the military she used to be but like she does like she stopped being uh being a part of the military yeah I mean I think like at that rate it’s like you did you did see

Her like use her Quirk with her Brethren so it’s like I think it’s also that they learn how to use their quirks alongside normal people who still use here’s the thing her quk got more powerful after leaving the military so I think in her leaving the military got gave her enough time to

Work on her individual Quirk and worry less about like everything the military has as well cuz like in the military even if you have a quirk you’re probably learning how to disarm other people with quirks even if you don’t have one yeah or if you have a weak work welcome uh

Flames Fox welcome to the stream so would they have uh Quirk license I think they’ll I don’t think they would be allowed to use their quirk in public unless it’s like like not for like normal like if there’s a real bad situation I think they would probably be

Able to to use their quir kind of similar to Heroes but probably with more restrictions now like I don’t see uh probably I think it’s like if it’s not a military situation you can’t get yeah if it’s not like you know cuz that’s like a real life thing it’s like uh like

Someone who’s a part of the army can’t just you know shoot someone in public because they had a gun and then get away with it because it’s like a cop can get away with that because that’s their job they’re supposed to stop people like that you’re in the military you’re

Supposed to be fighting Wards you’re not supposed to be shooting people without none of your concern if and especially if you’re not on active duty if let’s say like you’re um you’re on your break or cuz they give you I’m pretty sure in the military they like depends on what

Military but I think over here it’s like you can have like a break for like two months with pay I wonder if you can get a quirk license or like okay well it’s a hero license specifically but I wonder if there’s like a version of a hero

License which nonh hero going use cuz like we see the hero license give you the authority to use your quirk in public but like what about police officers yeah I mean most of the do they also have to get a specific license or do they just get to get one have have we

Even seen any police officers with quirks I think most we’ve seen mutation types but that’s about it yeah I mean depending on the mutation it wouldn’t add that much strength right the thing is mutation types can have benefits so we wouldn’t really know for example toyami is a mutation Tye yeah

Yeah and he has black shadow so I was like maybe maybe not I think one Higher would be the yeah I mean we wouldn’t know 100% of course I like how we’re just talking at this point like I’m not really doing anything in Minecraft I’m just running back and oh I’m building my

House what do you think what C do you think I would have dog is my message go yes it is I just take a while to reply because I’m looking between two chats yeah do you see me now yes I do um so I

Take a while to what per do I think you would have I think you’d have marshmallow [Laughter] manipulation bro wait wait till you see what he’s goingon to reply to this bro you’re gonna laugh I’m already laughing all right let me the context behind that is because he looks like the

He looks like the the dude from Ghostbusters the marshmallow man the ghost a police offer used her quick uh got in trouble oh in the my Heria vigilante Vigilantes a a police officer used to require God in trouble y I’ve always been confused about this doesn’t happen in America

Though hey nebula sorry I was uh I’m [ __ ] shed now oh well look I was reading chat he baited me he baited 100% 100% thing is like even on the psychro streams I haven’t really been like flagged for um my cursing well it doesn’t come down to

Being flagged the [ __ ] that I the reason I keep like telling people like heo calm down on the language and why I try to do it myself is cu like technically speaking I try to keep my channel family friendly yeah marshmallow manipulation sad now I’m curious what Quirk would I

Have frisky your name is frisky fries what do you think you’d have you’d have fries physiology bro and on top of that being a mutation type you’d have Midnight’s Quirk as well so that you can mess with people who feel lust towards you because you’re frisky get [Laughter]

It bro to anyone who doesn’t know this frisky’s name on csgo is hentai pedop potato oh no because he tried translating it to Japanese using Google translate oh Quality quality all right let’s see I think it’s right question would the president get in trouble for using their quirk in public probably I

Mean no one go watch the original Sky bound streams not that the Queen’s dead it it feels kind of weird when people mention the fact that I used to call her a vampire I still don’t think she did I think she went into hibernation and she

Going to come back as one of her grandkids grandkids bro that’s just the entire Royal Family practically practically what uh what happened in the Netflix show Ragnarok with the Titans that kind of just that oh yeah yeah yeah or that one dude from the eternals movie where

He just pretends to be his own son so that you could stay a Bollywood actor interesting 100% good stuff it’s not that name anymore it’s kinky F now bro I I actually wait your computer name is still hintai P potato though I know cuz I set it

Up though what Quirk you uh oh yeah so what do you what Quirk do you think I would have actually six bro Dragon if we’re talking about the U from YouTube probably Dragon physiology similar to the lady dragon or what’s her name something Dragon oh I don’t even

Know the I know who you’re talking Dron lady Dragon Lady dragon dragon lady yeah um probably something like that maybe something to do with Skyrim shouts I don’t know that’s just you but I genuinely think if you had to have him like any type of superpower it would be

Telekinesis cuz it would just enable you to be as lazy as you want that’s true you know me well I do know you all bro telekinesis is like in like fights and stuff like if you have telekinesis and you have a Mastery over it to the point where you

Can like move multiple objects at the same time just like bro here’s the thing you can do so much with telekinesis that people don’t think about you can give yourself super Str with telekinesis like there’s a lesser version of tactile telekinesis known as tactile Tel

And a very famous user of this is super boy more specifically leather jacket super boy one of the stronger variants and the original Super Boy um he has tacked out telekinesis and he was able to replicate almost all of Superman’s powers without actually having any of

Them he got them later on but at first he practically just had tactile telekinesis and as of more recently he’s been doing stuff like psionic manipulation with them just compacting the force of his Tech into the air to create stuff like energy beams it’s crazy like telekinesis is such a

Versatile ability I think the most versatile user of telekinesis I’ve ever seen a psylock from Marvel like the thing that I also see a lot is like people kind of like underestimate how busted telek is why is everyone asking me what Quirk they have now yo what’s up anime K yes everybody

Asking Ryan you would have you would have a stalo physiology going to go sleep now have fun all right Big G sleep well oh first you just got on CF I mean president it depends what their quirks is if this quir bro a quirk that like I know what Obama’s Quirk is it’s

Drone strike well I’m not American you can’t I can’t get in trouble for say would trumps be building aall no I would say something but I do not want to get strike bro you’re the one that made that your entire personality you can’t blame me for mentioning

It bro who is zathan Studios and zathan gaming flame Fox I I feel like it’s you I don’t know I have that iny feeling you know oh now you’re being paranoid yes six I want a unironic answer for what bro nebula I don’t know what type

Of abilities you like most of most of my assumption from what abilities people would have is because uh is by the way they think about other abilities and how to use them I’ve never really seen that from you so I wouldn’t be able to judge

That at all same for Ryan it’s just like y’all don’t talk about pow as much so I can’t really gauge what type of ability you would have building my home it no longer is forget that I can never forget that Ryan you literally ined into my brain that that’s you I’m

Barely used to calling you Ryan at this point oh a is he’s he’s here 6 I’m g go to bed see you tomorrow and the loing into see the was an accident okay uh good [Laughter] nighty bro I always called AO AO that’s AO for me

Bro and let me guess he doesn’t care when you do it but when I do it he me I don’t know I called him Ryan for a while just didn’t feel right so it’s still AO to me now it’s like if I he ever starts calling me Jonathan I will go back to

Calling him AO just always because you’re using your real name doesn’t mean everyone else is exactly bro if I was going to give someone an electric type CK I’d want them to suffer so I just give them Karis bro um do a do a Dobby bro electric type Quirk but their body can’t

Handle it so they literally every time they use it they just that’s literally what common Aries is no but I mean like can’t handle it at all like even if they go like a small amount of volts it’s like you know those shocks you get at

The like place slids it’s like you can use it it’s just very painful okay you know anybody here gone down like a plastic slide in their youth and it just sparked and anyone go down like a plastic slide while wearing shorts or steel slid that you know that like

Little static you feel just that constantly they feel that constantly you ever you ever go down a really big slide and your shirts start lifting up and your [ __ ] back just gets destroyed ah dude we went to um if I talk about abilities I would go on nonstop about

There’s there so many ways to apply an ability core memory unlock if I can spam I know bro give me the this i’ I’ve already cussed so many times in this stream same with dragon that it’s like there’s no point plus I didn’t really do anything

Important yet what are you doing me what are you doing Ryan oh Trump will turn into a wall Titan from Attack on Titans it’s actually you know what yeah wall TI wait oh yeah the the oh because of the wall yeah I mean we like it’s not even it’s

Just a colossal Titan for like 20 of them like that’s just wall bro Ryan why are you joining the ocean we’re planning on doing something with the water under the base how would one person have that many channels I have that many channels I have that many channels too like literally

Just any email you have can turn into a YouTube channel like and it’s not difficult to make turn into just one YouTube channel it can turn into 10 you can make 10 different accounts on one email exactly so like and the thing is I have like six emails that I use the

Parkour Quirk that six made forever go was pretty cool I really like the concept of making a like parkour Focus series one that I did was just giving someone practically superhuman capabilities and then using bakugo so using bakugo and isuku and then just change their personality so that have

Like parkour artists cuz like I had so much fun with that I’m trying to think of the game there’s a game I used to play that was Mir Edge Mirror’s Edge yep you said parkour I instantly thought Mirror’s Edge M Edge and Vector are the two you always think

About those are just the parkour games and kind of Assassin’s Creed kind of Mir Edge was good I actually based my entire thing for the isuku and um uh isuku and bakugo’s personalities off of one Persona and two there is a YouTube channel called Storer who are about

Parkour it’s St o r r o r uh go check them out they’re awesome at this point I might stop streaming in a bit because like I’m not doing anything I’ll probably stay in VC though yeah I’m just building my house but I just finished building the roof

Just gota yeah I end off stuff on my end uh yeah see you losers all right see you mate not you yeah yeah yeah all right I think oh but that kind of what if I oh yeah but that works like this that’s right I can just do

That oh but that’s going to hang low kind of looks bad but at the same time I don’t want to don’t want flat flat bad okay all right I end my stream good stuff oh ouch H why did I build it so tall I’m just hurting myself okay it did

Work such just us guys and uh six is obviously still VC so I have this question for you yeah go ahead what are you actually planning on doing for the server uh on This Server do you mean on what on This Server uh no real idea yet I’m probably

Going to try and stay peaceful but we’ll have to see how that goes right just enjoy the game because I haven’t played Minecraft in a long while and modded is different I played the this is more of a casual server for most of us for example me and Spectrum are here

Just uh like past time we’ve actually been setting up a uh create world since we really wanted to do that and we’re just looking for other people who might want to join us at this point yeah uh I don’t know about create cuz I can’t

Really run that all too well it really I don’t know create is like one and only mod that really just messes with my system for some reason that’s weird it’s not that bad usually there’s also a few Doctor Who mods he wants to check

Out I want to try and do one a jitu kaon uh one but I’m still thinking about it cuz I we downloaded a pack that was like 150 mods but it was really yo question are there any Spider-Man 2 fans in here and when I say Spider-Man 2 I do mean uh the

Game so if there are any people here who really like that game let me know haven’t played it so I want know uh wait hold on asking put in chat I like sper productive also I want to see Spider-Man love I thought he meant live as in live

Stream and then I I looked at it again and meant live oh Lord uh no I’m going to live on my own I like to live on my own just gonna make a little base but doesn’t mean I’m not going to help you guys experim to Yo Zan

How do you like the fact that Spider-Man 2 lost the game awards to Boulders gate the superior game this server is not open to the public like static no I’m mrone I didn’t I didn’t even know what to call this SMP so I just went with the a friends is no

There is no name for it I just call it Minecraft with friends yeah so that’s what I decided to um a friends you haven’t finished it yet too bad it lost game of the year didn’t get anything at game awards like anything at all like a lot of people argue it should have

Gotten directory I didn’t play Al I didn’t finish Allen wake 2 so I don’t know I got bored of it and then it’s like people were arguing it should have got it should have gotten voice actor No it should not have um people were arguing that it should have gotten art

No Hi-Fi Rush should have gotten art like I think art should not have gone to alen Wi it should have gone to highi rush that game’s art is incredible Lizzy says my phone died and I’m charging it now bro Boulders gate won like four five things

Because it got the voice actor it got best multiplayer it got uh got best RPG it got best community support and it got game of the year I think Boulders Gate 3 deserve that one 100% a lot of people are argue will argue argue me on that but like you can

Say what you want I don’t care balers Gate 3 100% deserve the game of the awards the G the game of the year and obviously it didn’t deserve all the Ws because there were still like Shooters there were ongoing games which wellers get is not there were a lot of

Different game types that go into something like the game awards I think it won everything it should have won except multiplayer I genuinely think other games on the multiplayer list should have won cuz there were just so much games that were better as multiplayer games I’m not saying they’re

Better games than Boulders gate but as a like mult multiplayer game they were created with the intention of being multiplayer games yeah I got a music Boulder skate just has multiplayer meoi let’s see I don’t know I like it it’s like a little C can you stop switching channels bro

Disorientating too bad Spider-Man 2 still failed the game awards bro it it didn’t get a singular award bro hey man why does this streamer not it’s not even me the streamer and bro it’s literally a streamer’s job to talk bro come on yeah that is true I’m just letting you talk

Because what you’re saying is valid deser all the rewards I got it genuinely did like Boulders gate was so good have you played Boulders gate yet my phone is the reason no um I I am I am planning on getting it yeah we should me and Ryan play together

We’re actually gonna later this year or early next year like around end of February start of March we’re gonna start a playthrough that we stream I don’t know if I can stream it that’s the sad part well I’ll be the only one streaming it between me and Ryan so a got you

Gotcha that’s a creeper some tasteful silence every few seconds not really I but I’ve gone with every main like path practically I’ve done durge I’ve done custom character I’ve done every origin character gotten appropriate endings for practically every single romance what happened by the way I went

Into my creeper I went into my basement it was a creeper and let me guess you didn’t set your spawn nope I don’t even have a bed bro I just all grab one h i I’m already back yeah delay be hdden hard hey yo it

Looks kind of dope though I need to add windows and some decorations are you planning on streaming Ryan that’s the question I I play I played way too much Boulder skate my house my house Ryan plays way too much Boulders gate Ryan has almost a thousand hours

Bro the game’s been out for like a few months like it’s like three months and this man has almost a thousand hours oh you’re gonna stream nice better change that mindset to a grind set bucko I remember when I tried doing YouTube nebula you did do YouTube your what are actually pretty

Good have any of you seen kichi world’s Mightiest Disciple it’s not kichi Mightiest Disciple it’s Kenichi world’s Mightiest Disciple you uncultured swine and yes yes I have that was a bit aggressive if if you had just called it Kenichi might’s discip in front of Zeus he would have ripped you apart he loves

That anime I have not seen that anime bro I will send Dragon a screenshot of Ryan’s hours right now so that he could put it on stream just to prove Ryan R all right do it do it do it all right let’s see all right I need

To I’m just going to make a quick doorway right here it’s all Good wait why am I getting Stone I need coal is down here no I got 30 hours at most oh Ryan you’re dead no I’m sending this I’m sending this to you all right give me a moment I’ll send it in a bit um here we go got

It all right so at most he had 30 hours he said let’s see let’s quickly get safe and sound in the base and then uh check it out also let me put some torches down cuz uh don’t want that to happen again what happened here this is this is from literally the the

Screenshot I’m about to send you is from Ryan’s DMS that he sent me um and this is from a month ago okay so this was when the game was out for two months what the hell okay hold on uh I can go on the Steam and get his current hours oh yeah go

Ahead I’ll wait I’ll wait we’ll uh we’ll do a comparison since that was a month ago right huh what am I going to do for stairs just like and then there you go works just works my girlfriend broke up with me last week sucks dude sucks I get that

Though how do you check someone else’s hours just go to the game uh on their profile yeah but I can’t find the game on his profile wait don’t I have Ryan hold on let me see friends don’t I have Ryan on Steam yeah right here Ryan let’s see view

Profile oh no information given he’s good he’s good I still have another screenshot he sent about a week hold on hold on let’s see playtime where’s balder’s gate okay so uh oh I think did he hide the play time he might have hidden [Laughter] it game stats Ryan did you hide

It I can’t see the game stats H found it I can’t see the game hours it’s kind of sad doesn’t show hours damn let me just go get the one from a week ago I think this one might also be from a month ago actually need to double check yeah

Playtime past two weeks zero hours I don’t believe that that’s kind Of Ryan sh I don’t know how to unhide I have a confession to say to all of you oh my God would that happen to be that you have three accounts in this 588 hours 588 hours D dang okay I can’t judge I have I have I have 10,000 hours on on

Skyrim almost 10 I’m currently on 9 something th000 hours on Skyrim he stream until you hit 10K yeah know I I haven’t played Skyrim in a while though on the bright side I hit uh 225 bench hey yo nebula keep grinding brother brother brother he brother brother

I love double ease response nebula keep your head up high King and keep forging it in life separately ah all right I have a confession to say to all of you if you sub that’s all you said I’m not subbing hell [Laughter] no can’t can’t open a thingy right now

But uh let’s see how long have I been streaming Minecraft for 2 hours I think I might end my stream here as well and uh just go edit or do some other stuff built my house I uh not done with it but I think that’s for the next

Stream decoration I don’t really like doing that so my next stream I need to line out the entirety of the parameter for the base yeah I need to to figure out how I’m going to do the internals tomorrow is going to be my last stream

For the week when me you and Spectrum do a 38 stream and practically after that I’m just gonna edit videos just finish off the D and D video so that I can get that posted in January have you dragon have you played Dragon Ball Xeno first 2 I have on Xbox

Once I think me and spect were’re playing earlier today yeah um I I I don’t know how to play the game so it’s it’s pretty easy here is the confession expensive dragon come to base all right let me just come over you’re coming over a that’s not what I

Said and you know it to so the truth is just get to it dude we already know like you have like four different accounts don’t worry about it bro he’s gonna say like something crazy like 19 drop you by 20 Subs right now bro exactly he’s like Ayo Dragon so the

Thing is I’m actually I’m actually Mr Beast all along and then all of a sudden Mr Beast verified comes in and it’s just like and because you are such a jerk screw you you’re not getting $20,000 or because you are such a jerk I’m telling my entire fan base to cancel

You some [ __ ] somehow I think that would make you more more popular G no no one wants to collab with anyone bro Loki you especially Dragon he’s very known for being uncollaborative yeah I uh I tried to do a collab with one person that person dress up to be Prince

Of what ifs and it died no no one mean he also tried he also tried collabing with Noah that never happened oh we got far we just never got to it we never got to recording or finishing the entire story I guess taco taco taco taco very man

Youit wow look at that I like how Ryan’s putting up all this stuff that’s just G to get destroyed in due time very manly cooler cooler yes very manly cooler for a base here but yeah know um so that’s what you wanted to show me the pink

Base I don’t think anyone cares yeah you could have won $100,000 but no sorry yeah no I don’t think Dragon C I’m poor I’m so used to being poor that if you give him that much money I’m so used to being poor you give me that amount of

Money I’ll just evaporate I’ll just spontaneously combust bro bro he would literally have an aneurysm CU he wouldn’t he wouldn’t be able to comprehend what he could do with this money because he’s never even fraction of bro all you’d hear is just it’s all you’re he like Rick and

Morty style [ __ ] brain burst on the side of the wall exactly bro I’ll turn into a pickle uh it was me Barry you remember that date you don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t that always gets demonetized don’t finish oh 100% no I just love it it was

Me Barry for all the 11 viewers who was watching what do you mean 11 there are four people there were four people at the same time most for me on OBS it said there were 12 and now there’s eight bro there two viewers my guy yeah valid

Valid this is my streams I I think uh yeah yeah I think just went up to four no oh oh oh bro if I ever hit 10K bro I got you have like seven accounts we we really don’t care if we remember you or not we’re probably going to try and pull

This [ __ ] again tomorrow and then we’re going to tell you the same stuff also I think I might need to age restrict tomorrow’s 3 idiot stream probably because I like bro I can’t myself in horror style games bro Ryan stop breaking all my chests my barrels where watching you

Ryan six tell me and I’ll kill organized in a very bad way I I’ll literally I’ll literally stab him to death right now if you just tell me to he won’t stand a chance we both noticed oh God Ryan I’m sorry but I have to do this do it Dragon do it Execute

Order 69 he’s not even fighting back it’s kind of it’s kind of match he’s waiting for a stream to catch up Hunter Hunter is a good series I got no there are a lot of what if on left the game there are a lot of there are a lot

Of what if on Hunter Hunter you’re just not looking in the right places you have a debt you have a debt to be paid nah bro a bro dragon’s poor not indebted he’s poor not broke people he’s one HP dog he’s literally one HP he

Joined back I hit him but he’s just gone now can you like stuff oh can you like stuff stop can you like stop uh no the [ __ ] is this doing dog my my little cousin K get k no my little cousin just tried to enter my room I’m like the [ __ ] is happening

The Bro Dragon so poor that he lives with family confirmed no uh my dad needs to go get an MRI tomorrow oh what’s wrong uh don’t know yet that’s why he’s getting bro but um I was so stressed like earlier this year I think it was

Like five six months ago now my dad had a heart attack bro and and the hospital called me and I just had like I got his girlfriend on a plane cuz he was on in a different city and I just had to get her there as quickly as possible cuz I can’t

Just go on planes without clearance because like I have a bunch of medical issues so I was like I need to have a doctor check me out before I can go onto a plane so I was like I’m just going to get her there and then like moments

Later my grandma called me and tried to convince me that he didn’t have a heart attack just had a panic attack and like she convinced everyone except me I was like bro I his emergency contact they called me first MH I know you’re lying and I I’m still not talking to my

Grandma bro cuz that’s [ __ ] like now don’t do that to me espe don’t try to Gaslight me into telling me that I was wrong about something I know for a fact yeah no my dad um you I think I told you before that my dad already battled can

ERS once right yeah and so now he’s getting another MRI now the thing is he was fine he uh oh do I hit him again he’s like right here he’s like running away and stuff okay I’ll leave him be so it’s like oh my dad was uh needs

To get an MRI but the thing is he can’t drive um oh so there so driving in yeah so my sister’s why don’t you have a driver’s license Dragon cuz I don’t cost money I don’t know here’s the thing I own multiple cars I drive everywhere but I don’t have a

License so I am going to end this stream did I ruin the stream yes yes you did you should have ended the stream the moment you said that yes yes you did by just leave not dude he would he would have gone to bed or like B like the rest

Of the day would have just been like oh my God I ruin I ruined the stream bro why am I like this you didn’t ruin the stre you don’t have to apologize we’re just messing around nice stream six I’ll check out your channel yeah thanks yeah if you

Want to see quality what if it’s it’s over there yeah yeah definitely not over here the only good what if I have is Coco Sho that’s it and even that one is like very questionable what the [ __ ] nah all right okay what if what if what

If L he had Gojo’s Powers come on that one was go and he gives me the same items as the other ones that I of like two of them and are you perhaps making them the same profession you know you can just uh switch like you can break the thing and

Unless you’re on Bedrock because if you’re on Bedrock that doesn’t work that trick that you have on Java or if you just break the thing and place it down again you know yeah sadly it doesn’t yeah it’s gonna start doing it soon because Bedrock has been doing a lot of parody stuff yeah

Yeah yeah but yeah I am going to end the stream here guys so uh see you losers see you guys

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, A friends SMP | livestream’, was uploaded by The Dragon Lord on 2023-12-28 23:00:18. It has garnered 172 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:07 or 8647 seconds.

check out my discord : https://discord.gg/CZ2SEJBD2D : Consider checking out my roblox group: https://web.roblox.com/groups/8215282/The-Dragon-Lord-Official-Fan-group#!/about it has a nice shirt in it as well you should check it out.

-consider checking out my friends- : claire : https://www.instagram.com/greenheart1410/ : NoahStorys : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC902LW2rPCqYEHH6xPqE6zQ : SixMysta : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUzGF_u9pA_rWLOJJieXLqA : mephisto : https://youtube.com/@Mephistopheleswhatifs8376

Music used in this video. All the music present in this livestream/Vod belongs to their respective owners.

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-track used in intro and outro-

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  • “Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!” #minecraft

    "Ultimate Mini Base Guide in Minecraft!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Modern Mini Base Build Guide in Minecraft!! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingvideos’, was uploaded by Shured Gaming on 2024-01-16 02:07:49. It has garnered 2551 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Modern Mini Base Build Ideas, build a house. Give your woof a place with style! Build Idea Guide. Easy Design Build Guide in Minecraft!! A Build guide for Minecraft! #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftbuildideas #minecraftmemes #minecraftbuild #gaming #game #gamingvideos #minecraftuniverse #minecraftupdate #minecraftnews #minecraftfacts #shorts #gamingshorts #minecraftmyths #new #minecraftmyths #minecraft #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsvideo #shortsyoutube #hopefullyviral #gameplay #gamer #gamers #gamingcommunity #gaminglife… Read More

  • Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in Minecraft

    Shizo Madness: My Name Revealed in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What is my name? Minecraft’, was uploaded by Praxis Thea on 2024-01-13 16:00:28. It has garnered 185 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Who is your MINECRAFT character? JIQILE DIY WORLD XBOX EDITION Allay Alex Baby Horse Baker Camel Knight Cat Chicken Cluckshroom Cow Creeper Crystal Knight Diamond Steve Diver Explorer Donkey with Chests Dyed Cat Dyed Sheep Dyed Horned Sheep Elder Guardian Enderman Final Shadow Man Ghast Golden Knight Golem Horse Horse Breeder Iron Iron Golem Iron Puppet Killer Rabbit Llama Moobloom Mooshroom Ocelot Piglin Piglin… Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle – Xzino Craft

    Secrets of Minecraft Warped vs All Mob Battle - Xzino CraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-04-25 19:00:05. It has garnered 911 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:58 or 298 seconds. What Most People Don’t Know About minecraft warped vs all mob fight minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft… Read More

  • Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!

    Jamesy Trapped on ONE CHUNK with SCARY MOBS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-06-08 13:45:03. It has garnered 3991 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:35 or 3275 seconds. Locked on ONE CHUNK But We’re SCARY MOBS! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3qPTTV-3FUsiezeJrQUl4Q/join Follow Gracie! – https://www.youtube.com/@GracieWinsMC?sub_confirmation=1 Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirl

    SHOCKING! Found spooky music disc in Minecraft! 🐝🎮 #gamergirlVideo Information This video, titled ‘We found a scary music disc! 🎶 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #gamergirl #stream’, was uploaded by Bee Batch Gaming on 2024-04-13 18:00:01. It has garnered 468 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!

    EPIC OMG! Hargrave101 BACK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘My OFFICIAL Return To Minecraft’, was uploaded by Hargrave101 on 2024-07-06 03:10:55. It has garnered 46 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. #Minecraft #prisons #HCF #Factions #funny My Discord: hargrave101 Aires: https://discord.gg/aires-network ▬▬▬▬ IGNORE EXTRA TAGS ▬▬▬▬ minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,vexedmc.com,play.vexedmc.com,hypixel,livestream,mc,,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024

    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

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