🔥EPIC Minecraft survival & Lego Fortnite – MUST SEE!!🔥

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Always do it on my own so I got to get through it and the only thing I know is to love what I’m doing never give up never slow till I finally prove it never listen to the nose I just want to keep moving keep my head up when I act head

Up that’s a fact never looking back I’mma keep myself on track keep my head up staying strong always moving on feel I don’t belong tell my thoughts to move along push myself to be the best die with no regrets live with every breath see my message St to spread and I had so

Many dreams then you hit your team life ain’t really what it seems try to find out what it means always do it on my own so I got to get through it and the only thing I know always to love what I’m doing never give up never slow till I

Finally prove it never listen to the nose I just want to keep moving yeah I put out all the s it’s my only medicine yeah everything I do I’m just being genuine yeah I’m sick of being screwed feel my own adrenaline yeah I do just

What I do and I hope you let me in let me in yeah I’m grateful oh yeah able oh yeah I’m stable oh yes no oh yes you know me I have only a p I’m lonely but damn I’m going I don’t want no fake love I want

The real stuff everybody listen up cuz I’ll only say it once I’mma show you all the path if you want it bad I’m going to show you where it’s at yeah how you can get it back yeah cuz I ain’t never done I’ll be number one working hard until I

Get just what I want yeah rise just like the sun yeah F sorry I got to listen to this this is a good one damn that’s a freaking good song dude that’s a good one I think I might be my pick from now on yo what up guys also you’re also you’re

You’re what up guys how you guys doing uh yeah I can I can Rel yeah I just had you for dinner Taco but anyway yes I can relate to that uh very much so but anyway what’s up guys yo yo yo yo yo um yeah I was just

Watching your boy zangus uh he’s still uh he’s still streaming Tekken right now on in back back ground uh but anyway what’s going on guys what’s up are you guys ready for some Minecraft and then later some Lego fortnite oh yeah we’re going to do a

Call yeah we’re going to be in the VC and the uh the the exclusive private one originally I wanted to make this members only but then you know I realized you know I didn’t really plan this so I mean well I did but I didn’t plan for it to be a members only

Stream so anyway that y y blah blah blah any all that stuff um yo Funko Master hell yeah I can add you on that um yeah just uh just post your uh yeah when we’re about to get ready for uh for fortnite yeah I’ll uh I’ll add you

Then yeah just post uh post that and then in the in the uh I don’t know if you have Discord but um if not that’s fine you just post it in chat uh you’re the July Warrior the you’re you’re the Fourth of July wait fourth of wait they don’t have

Fourth of the July Fourth of July in your country what do you mean yes my name is Frank I am the Frank the Tank AKA actually yeah that’s my username Frank the Tank come to think of it that’s that’s what it is can Java players join cuz I don’t

Think so no you have to have uh have to have Bedrock Java is PC exclusive um also did you read the rules in the description because there are requirements to uh join the uh server just asking because other people call you it oh yeah um yeah you can just

You can call me Frank you can call me um I I prefer not Frankie but that’s that’s fine you can call me that too if you want to um either one is fine fine you love Minecraft because I can mine my mom my mom oh all right well you know what okay all

Right so yeah I’m just gonna you know quickly go over the rules and all that stuff um yeah just just look at the description for that you know and stuff like that if you want to join just kidding hold your horses all right I’ll fine um anyway I’m going to

Go ahead and boot this up yeah Minecraft for Windows yeah we had to uh we had to start a new uh Minecraft server um because the other one kind of got a little messed up um anyway Fourth of July is coming this December 25 let’s go I wish it was July

Um being if I’m being honest today I had to run three miles in the pouring rain so yeah that was fun but anyway I’m super stoked I ready to get this thing going I’m going to change screens let’s get this party started and also let’s make sure there’s sound okay there’s sound that’s

Good all right that’s good yeah it rains where I live yeah it’s been a bit of a crappy day but I mean the temperature was pretty good enough to run outside in the in in the first day of winter so that’s good I’m honestly starting to think that you

Know no it’s just the cycle of the Sun never mind oh you’re heading off already Funko Master a damn damn your name is so cool um anyway um have a good one thanks for hopping in yo purple guy 16 what up dude what’s up how you

Doing damn right we need to cook we need to cook something big all right which one was it I think it was the the frankster zest I think that was it yeah that was it I think so yo thanks for the shout outs Matt yeah I want to I wanted to play

More of that uh Lego fortnite because I hear it’s pretty good later can you play changed what do you mean by that mean like voice mod or um something else what do you mean or do you want me to use my my uh I haven’t used my um what’s it called I forgot

Uh vtuber thing is that what you mean oh great there’re zombies ow oh wait whose house is this by the way was this a diving dock cool looks like something’s cooking in there it’s hard it cost money what cost money also guys how’s my mic are you serious am I going to die

Here I dare you to you dare me to dive off I think it’ll be fine yeah let’s do that I wonder what’s down there probably just water I’m guessing right is there a random door here that was exciting yo we get a we got a zangus raid coming everybody yo welcome in

Raiders I kind of suspected that was coming yo Austin what up yeah I’m just getting things started just checking things out yo yo yo zangus in the house everybody guys um SP uh guys spam uh zango’s uh Link in chat and also um those of you who haven’t definitely go support my friend

There um also zangus has his own emote as well on the channel there you go zangus love everybody well welcome to the residential weirdo I think I also remember Austin as well I think so yo time what up what up time dude I really need to change my avatar

Also I need to like get out of this you know what I’ll just go and kill myself and then the process I’ll uh I’ll start uh inviting you guys as well those of you that want to join um but um as a reminder guys before asking

If you can join or not um read please read the description it has a list of all the rules and also as a reminder zangus is in charge of the rules and the Banning and all that stuff the rule breaking and all that stuff so he’s he’s

The one in Char charge about that stuff so eat the salmon I just want to get back up here fast it’s fine I’m just mostly I’m just going to stand right here for a second okay there we go all right do I need to is start inviting okay uh just finished down Ling

Minecraft again need to finish my house on my flying Island yo do you definitely do um you’re debating streaming my perspective but I play most Minecraft on my switch light so uh yeah I figured that I was actually thinking about like doing a m a Minecraft colle lab with you

Too but then I was like uh oh right you can’t damn this fov is ex is disgusting also um let me show you the music that we were all listening to before this stream is starting head up that’s a fact never looking back I’mma keep myself on track keep my head up staying

Um yes I do remember buggy absolutely do um ABS dad sassad dasad yo what up also um if you’re new welcome in um I hope you enjoy this I will I will say this though um before if you are thinking about oh hi I guess zangus and timer in already I

Didn’t have have to invite them well anyway um yeah if you’re thinking about asking whether or not you can join the server um please read the description first because there are a list of rules and requirements to do so um and uh zangus is also the going to be the one

That’s in charg of all that stuff so um if you want to join you can also ask him to but yes please read the description first uh but anyway other than that yeah welcome to the Frank uh Frank’s weird squad or what is it called again the weird gamer

Squad um anyway I hope you enjoy your stay here um we’re all pretty good here oh you’re basic B okay oh okay yeah you see all this changing of names guys it’s really got me confused of course random or AKA tacos done it so many times I’ve just grown

Used to it but YouTube hates you damn well you know what you’ve been a friend for a long time so you know what um I I I guess that’s you meet the requirements you can join if you want to um oh what happened to the other be all right I guess YouTube just

Doesn’t like him uh but anyway so it be the last thing okay I’m just going to quickly remember the last thing I was working on was my house oh what’s up Zenus I tiet I’m in your house honestly I think my house could probably do with like a downsize actually to be honest

Wait yeah I remember buggy but I don’t remember him getting terminated though yeah we’re playing Bedrock I have both versions I have the uh I have Java and Bedrock but Bedrock seems to be the best choice yeah right I still need to make a roof and also I was making some windows

And whatnot and I want to get rid of that nasty looking well not that nasty fine also wasn’t I the first one to get diamonds and this new server do I even have an axe yeah let’s just break out this thing here so anyway what are the um guys you

Want to get on VC hang on going get that up so we can communicate better so that might kick you out of the game for just just a minute we Wii U addition Edition is better uh I don’t think so I actually played the uh like Xbox

360 version of the game it didn’t seem like it offered too much to be honest all right I’m going to go into the VC the party chat that one um let me just quickly check okay that’s that’s a random hi hi Frank hello G to quickly check who has permission

This time you do I need to change my server profile oh my God all right yeah everything looks good all right okay there we go you want to accept this uh slandering of the old uh console versions C I mean like you know I I mean I I

Don’t have anything against it but it’s just outdated honestly oh you know like that if I just made this whole thing a window you could all peer into my soul all right that looks good uh more windows would be nice yo Tam Kum yo welcome in dude

Welcome into the stream um yes um I’ll let I’ll let zangus explain that um could you hop on the VC zangus and explain that but yeah um yeah before asking whether or not you can join or not um please read the description it has all the uh requirements and stuff

Like that um yeah basically yeah this is a new server that we’re starting we had to stop playing our old one because of stuff that went down and so you know just had to make some stuff like that but anyway yeah welcome to the weird gamer Squad dude um I hope you enjoy

Your stay here yo what up chunky what up chunky oh you’re going to stream your perspective wait how are you going to do that oh you’ll join once you’re home awesome let’s go you have to be a regular viewer and supporter yeah um but we are going to play some uh

Lego fortnite later on um if you’re if you’re uh up for that down for that that will be pretty much open to everyone oh jeez what the hell um yes you can join yeah yo dude thank you so much for the sub who subbed Tam Kum also I’m sorry if

I’m betraying that but anyway yeah welcome uh yeah thank you so much dude I’m gonna go see what zangus is doing my bro zangus over here yeah it’s really nice too because um in this new server we uh we got spawned around a bunch of cherry blossom trees which is really

Nice um Tam Kum um sure yeah but yeah this uh server is exclusive only though um you know I would say like the best thing best way to say best thing to say is you know just wait till we you know get to know you a little bit and you know who

We can trust and all that stuff the server but yeah I can add you as a friend absolutely on here uh game I’m guessing it’s the same as your name there all right there we go oh you have me on Roblox oh nice also I can’t remember um are you new white

Latex wait a minute minute anyway I mean if you are yeah welcome oh that’s uh that’s Taco okaya random oh Taco are you the one doing that giant bomb yo Majestic yeah you couldn’t see chat before because initially I had this set to a members only stream where you at

Zangus why can’t I jump over that um but anyway wait what’s going on over here ow ah I missed that jump no yo Jack what is this Frank when’s the next Pikmin 2 stream oh Pikmin 2 is over I streamed that years ago you must be uh thinking about Pikmin

4 or just being funny okay so time you’re over there making some making a little house I see all right okay see what I have why am I muted oh there we go ah there’s his zangus hello hello guys how’s it going all right what do you guys suppose

I should I should make my walls out of make them out of stone actually no normal wood planks I would recommend the bottom or something or the roof to be uh stone bricks and stone stone stone brick St and then the the walls out of the wood yeah just plank just normal wooden

Planks yeah and the then just have and then have like Corners as like wooden like actual wood for the oak wait okay hang on a minute I think my brain just farted I seem to have forgotten what the wooden planks are where do I get I’m an idiot you just

From a tree you turned in you get some locks and then you just turn them into planks okay wa wait Frank where are you oh I’m over here by where my uh where the construction of my house is going hold on I want you I want you to

See I want you to see my skin real quick oh okay hang on let me uh all right I’m just yeah I’m just over here um bottom foot of my house here nice don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t say it don’t say to what is your H Zenus what is your

Skin look really nice yo can you invite me too uh clean rain4 95127 all right all right we’re GNA have a new new uh new player in the game guys basic be wait where where Franky I’m setting her in front of my uh house where is your house uh it’s pretty

Close to where yours is it’s the the one in the mountain 495 check it check it out Frank check it out oh you’re Santa Claus nice I love it I was kind of hoping like I hope I hope someone’s going to be festive in here because obviously I didn’t come prepared for

That yeah before I started my stream I was like hang on let me finish up adding adding uh basic B here hold up I’m going to change my uh profile picture to be festive I uh I need to I got my perspective popping off now too

Yeah it’s really nice I liked it all right let me know when you accepted it and then I can invite you into the game okay okay okay all right I need to grab all my stuff oh God Elizabeth you’re so funny I’m just like this basic Zelda

Girl or something here yeah you can’t really see it when I have armor on but it’s all right it’s whatever okay um what sort of wooden plank should I have Taco uh Oak planks Oak planks yeah you should build your walls out of obsidian I would love to but I don’t

Want it to all look the same color though cuz it seems a little Bland yeah that is kind of bland that’s a bland actually I have some polished dite I don’t know I was thinking actually making my floor the polished diyite but I don’t know where to get more so until

I get more of that I guess it’s just going to be have to be the stone I guess it would also take forever to uh to get all materials you need don’t need this beef leather jerky get that out of here oh yo Frank how do

You accept I have no idea dude I have no idea how you accept the friend re um I think you uh if you’re playing on Nintendo I do believe that it’s like it’ll give you like a message or you go look at bottom left I think and you’ll

Just see like yeah Majestic that’s that’s kind of why I just decided you know last minute just make it instead of members only just have subscribers only you know so yeah so we kind of have a little balanc and then everyone can chat so all right well you know wait I

Literally just went out and got three two two logs I’m an idiot I need more than That let me post in my Discord that I have my perspective going on oh oh yeah let me watch I want I I want to see both perspectives I need to see all the perspectives hell yeah right now my perspective is just looking at uh looking at my door but

Hold up where did you post it zangus uh I’m not going to self-promote it on uh I’m not going to self-promote it on Frank’s thing because I’m kind of I don’t want to steal viewers okay so it’s on my Discord posted and you can like go to my Channel or

Whatever and it’s there but yeah I I like like going back why can’t I jump um I like going back and rewatching like the others perspective I usually do that after stream yeah it’s fun especially when sometimes the two streamers like um um like stream one separate video at a

Time you know I’ll I’ll let zangus explain yeah I recommend reading the description first um but yeah we just we just met you so I don’t I don’t know I mean at least at least get to know the people for like a month or so yeah actually you know what um you

Should ask zangus if you can join or not honestly I my judgment’s not too good when it comes to this stuff so the problem being is that like people trolling and like doing stuff and stealing things and whatever I don’t know that’s kind of why we made it a rule

To you know you got to be like someone that’s like a regular or something like that this world very exclusive yeah it has nothing to do with you or anything we just got personal it’s just ation yeah we just got to get to know you that’s

All um and what was I doing oh yeah I was going to I was going to change the thumbnail of the Tekken I say we could you know give him a trial run I mean if he breaks any rules you know we can you know then we can ban him or

Whatnot I don’t know it’s a slippery slope cuz like cuz and then we’ve said no to people in the first stream before so it’s not really fair to them yeah okay I guess that’s true I’m man I’m glad I have you here zangus yeah zangus zangus and Matt are

The most wise people in this in in stream no cap I appreciate that I got Wise by making a lot of mistakes in between all that oh my bet perf um yeah hold on I want to change the oh yeah last time we last time I was

Like in a call like on stream I just fell asleep man oh I know yeah I remember that I I [Laughter] know I just fell asleep I was is dead asleep but yeah I do kind of feel bad about it but you know that’s what happens when people

Ruin things you have to uh help not helping that right now my whole room is just darkness um good thing I got some Coca-Cola you got to remember though random you’re you’re a big part of that so yeah I know when Z was saying all the

Stuff about feeling and all that I was just looking at my phone like feeling like I was sweating bullets oh okay cuz I was trying to do it on my uh sorry Taco but yeah you’re just um we just got through explaining but yeah nothing nothing personal but

Yeah what zangus just explained yeah we we got to get to know you first at least for a month yeah at least for a month that’s part of the requirements I think yeah or at least at least a couple weeks I would even be more lenient at least like be around be

A regular in chat or like showing up or lurking for like two weeks at least or a couple weeks yeah yeah that that’s that’s where I would be more lenient about it we see you here for a little while and then we could give you that trial run maybe a little earlier yeah

Exactly that’s that’s as far as my way goes yo Sonic F loaded let’s go what’s going on man what’s going on son Jack Jack is a w I just got that awesome thumbnail that JX made me for the Tekken stream now is this kind of went into this stream to

Make this stream a little slow for the first 10 minutes but totally worth it oh D is you’re just now moving from that exact spot yeah so this is the house I built I have a dirt roof right now just because it’s supposed to be glass a glass roof and I haven’t

Gotten okay so this is diorite okay well I need I found a whole bunch of diorite let’s go but you don’t want to die right no I don’t that’s not what I meant see you did there I just I want to make my floor out of polished diyite and I just found

An overabundance of right here oh I need wood too they to look very good in my house oh yeah especially when you smelt it yeah when Majestic Queen when we do our like uh dead by daylight collabs I always go back and rewatch uh like when it was a

Three-way collab and like a double collab or whatever I always go back and rewatch your guys’ streams too because it’s funny and and kind of cool watching others perspectives on things yeah I wish I had my perspective for that other time where I was Finding like

A ton of Diamonds oh yeah that’d been dope you know sometimes I’m glad I never stream stuff because if any of you guys saw my perspect perspective on anything we would have video evidence of thievery yeah lot more stuff later with other members oh Lord Peter Griffin wait is Peter Griffin

Oh yeah Peter Griffin is in fortnite yeah yeah fornite yusty gaming what’s up to fortnite how long how long is this season’s battle pass going for cuz I need to get level 70 to get Peter Still yeah oh yeah Zenus I think uh they added John Wicks back I know I just see

A I just realized that like I just stopped picking up the dite a while ago cuz my inventory is full yeah honestly I don’t really care about like Minecraft anymore I just care about uh getting kills on a Roblox game so I can so I can just become part of the leaderboard

Okay can this freaking pink stuff go away there we go what’s what’s the pink stuff Frank oh that’s that was a from the cherry blossom trees have you guys played fortnite I’ll update it and now and I haven’t played in years yeah we’re going to later on

After this yeah I want to play some Lego fortnite yeah we need to play more of that we should also try playing like um like squads yeah though I just kind of yeah man I might need to eat something soon I have an eat and my stomach is

Starting to go crazy oh you’re talking about in real life or the game life oh yeah honestly I don’t know why but whenever I try to eat something I just always eat halfway through and I just can never finish it I don’t know why yeah crusty you can join Lego fortnite

Absolutely also metal pipe yeah we all heard it what the hell is this I got clay I don’t know I feel like Minecraft streams might be kind of boring on my end because I like to mine a lot and strip mine and stuff and well that’s basically what I’m doing Z’s

Whole that’s not boring no Zeno’s whole stream is just gonna be him mining straight through a blocks of stone he’s mining his own business dude I’m just chilling I mean I I’m just doing what I want here what I want to do is work on my house me

Too you know before this stream I was just listening to old Minecraft music that was just so nostalgic also I might be doing a v-bucks giveaway too since I recently got paid by YouTube so which again is technically which is technically all of your money so you know it’s my way of

Giving back so well Tech hopefully I can of that yo clean rain Yes you finally figured it out let’s go we got clean rain basic B yeah actually actually you know what I should actually say that um actually it’s most of in Talk’s money because he was just

Donating and super chatting and member gifting out the ass yesterday freaking $111 of it insane dude’s amazing um my chests are so disorganized speaking of Chess how am I going to get out of this pet I just made some for myself we don’t need a wooden that annoying thing

So I’m just starting to realize how much how much stuff I did in m in the old Minecraft you’re spend my credit card on fog guys you need realize I’m not made of money oh yeah Frank is not made of money he probably only gets paid $100 per payche

From YouTube or whatever yeah that’s what it was 160 I was actually right yeah wow what do I want to do I’m I’m like at a loss here build a secret base but I don’t really care I mean I mean that’s what I did on that one one Community stream that Frank

Still hasn’t figured out I mean I’m completely fine because I get I get a check each month anyways um for my disability so that’s basically what I live on yeah so I’ll be fine well I think I got enough uh di right for now now I just need to

Literally die so get out of this hole good news is okay that works when I do get a PCN get Minecraft on it I’m G create a Minecraft server where it’s just yeah it’s kind of like it’s kind Lego fortnite is a little bit like uh kind of like Roblox and

Minecraft put together kind of I don’t know well no it’s more like Roblox fortnite and Minecraft put together yeah I mean they even copied fortnite’s no Minecraft’s weapons Joseph Russ what up I recommend reading the requirements and stuff for the uh description Joseph but you have been here for uh you have

Been here many times before so um I think we can give you a trial run Joseph but yes um I re I highly recommend our uh reading the description for all the rules and stuff like that and then after you’ve read that um then I’ll add you

Okay just I just want you to understand the rules and stuff like that so you don’t get banned for something you don’t know what happened man I got 12 likes on my first stream I think that’s pretty good oh hello yeah that’s pretty good hello basic B let me get Frank’s

Chat here pulled up cuz my chat show okay you’ve read them all right yeah cuz I don’t want you to end up getting banned for something you don’t understand so um yeah um what’s your uh what’s your user we’ll get you in here by the way if anyone wants to just

Lurk on another tab in my perspective that would be very helpful just because I I need the hours to get partner yeah I’ve been doing it’s a it’s a long grind I’m just starting yeah you’re just starting out so you’ll probably just end up driving yourself crazy just thinking like get me

Partner right away so like you know just don’t worry about it for now honestly otherwise you’ll just go insane but we need to get you there though yeah absolutely I don’t know for the moment I’m just really excited just to finally be able to stream on you

Absolutely that hype will keep me going for a while be yeah yeah hopefully I’ll be Russ Ryder 4 um how old am I oh please don’t ask that I’m 29 next year I’m going to be 30 and I’m not looking forward to it yeah we’ll just

Say that my fake real age is 25 okay we’ll go with that he his real age is 24 no 25 cuz that’s my favorite number okay 25 25 25 and looking looking good Frank is one year younger than me if no my age I am AO

Foo that’s not really a h that’s saying it um okay Russ Ryder I mean let’s get you in here Russ Frank want to know something that would be cool yeah that I create like a or you create like a server where everyone just has these cool abilities oh yeah like for a different

Person like each person has their unique ability does power one I don’t know all I to uh hey zangus what’s up do you have something I can use to smelt this diyite since I don’t have one Frank I think you can like put wood and put wood and Oak or

And I could just build one I’m an idiot why don’t I just build one myself oh darn it dang it these spiders you know what I’m just going to fall down here there we go it works spiders are I am going to break the one rule of Minecraft and I’m going

To dig shight down Z how could you nice well hey the man knows something we don’t so I mean the what he’s GNA dig straight into a lava pool I swear we’ll see okay the Russy Rusty B Ry Ry I want some Diamond wait you would be

Up here I’m an idiot I got one Diamond I don’t think I have any diamonds in this world yet um could someone make a day please I my I’m like oh look at that diamond thank you we should do should we should do Christmas karaoke karaoke that should we that

Should be its own stream where’re it’s just karoke it’s name is just K and we’re just all singing random songs or whatever I’m not a good singer me neither my singing dead not good singer either yeah I’m not a good singer at all either I’m a good rapper I can rap pretty well

Singing being [Laughter] lazy like give me give me an a popular Eminem song and I could do the whole thing perfectly dude if I could Shady bro if I could I would probably add that to the opening starting soon stream thingy an Eminem song No Z is singing an Eminem

Song maybe that’s what we could do we could have zangus rap for me and then we could make that to the intros every outro has to be a Different freestyle rap also Frank why is why is there more people boosting your server somebody boost my server I want

More emotes I ran out of I don’t really promote it I mean I guess I should technically but I I’ve only Bo boosting two servers right now Frank’s normal server and his members one but once I am able to boo uh boost uh like reboost other servers I’ll definitely boost yours

Zus yeah I just need I just need the first level boost so I get like uh I gu like double the amount of emotes actually I think I can start a new do new okay oh wait uh zanga what’s your uh server again uh hold on let me just drop it in

The should I drop it I’ll drop it here I don’t think Frank will mind yeah it’s fine just drop it there U let me grab the you’re go make some food all well thank you latex also enjoy your food what you doing what you doing uh

Clean there we go anybody wants to join my Discord uh it’s right there in Frankle get out my uh crusty furnace here I found diamonds I found diamonds on stream with the first half hour of my first Minecraft stream GG’s y nice hey technically I was the first one to find

Diamonds in the server remember yeah you are I mean I noticed that because I was looking at his inventory and I just saw a diamond pickax why isn’t this uh turning into uh polish diorite I have it setting in the furnace is it night time hold on wait a minute was that

I huh hello can you hear me oh you don’t you don’t put it in the furnace why do I always keep thinking that you have to put the DI right in the furnace to cook it to get polished di for did you wait did you post your link

In Frank’s uh stream yeah I did oh I got find I thought you posted wait oh you need still need to accept the friend thing I would pin it but it’s it’s difficult for me to pin stuff with that uh oh my God it’s gone it’s gone yeah it’s gone people be

Talking too much they I just paste it again that’s no what we do okay all right I’m hoping two stacks of 64 plus 40 would be enough for this but I honestly I don’t know I’m trying to get 20 people in my Discord again some people left I was kind of sad about It oh y Matthew what up we were just talking about you heyy uh freaky what’s going on in the Minecraft world oh you know just chilling working on my house getting rid of this pink stuff nothing sus there how many hours is it for oh I

Found more diamonds oh of course you did boed your server Z it’s a FR just joking they’re all yours your your server has been boosted hey I know why don’t we point zangus our official diamond armor and equipment manager stuff all these diamonds are one you can be our you can be our

Chauffeur 11 diamonds there was a five vein and a six vein that’s amazing inter yeah I’m I’m going to make I’m going to appoint Zango he’s going to be in charge of the diamonds yep so what if someone’s like trying to make like full diamond like some diamond

Armor and zangu comes and tells them they have to share yeah if yall want diamonds from me it’s it’s taxed when you find diamonds you got to give me uh 10% more than what I gave you so if I get if one Diamond I’m going have to give you

One Diamond Back Frank you know Steve is in Smash yes I know also my axe broke oh I have another one dude I need a better axe do I keep going I seem to be on a heater right now yes cuz I’m kind of tempted to go get

Some obsidian and make a portal but I thought we were taking things slow you know Frank one thing I’m very glad about is that well my friends from school haven’t found like any of your YouTube stuff don’t take that offensively he is he is the worst thing

Possible I mean I had to end a whole group chat because he kept on spamming weird stuff and stuff that we generally didn’t like no I don’t take offense to that now yeah he probably Speed Run getting he probably Speed Run getting banned too though okay uh what is your username for

Okay you got in though I think didn’t you I think I saw you in there yeah there you are yeah I see Russ um wait so does that mean I can add more emotes now this yeah I think you can add more emotes or is it like three boost that

You need to do that let me see yeah you need three boost to do it still awesome thank you very much thank you thank you okay yeah I just hold up let delete that message see so Frankie are you tearing down your house in Minecraft or what are you doing

Oh I’m tearing I’m I’m breaking up the floor so I can have my floor be polished di right FR know whenever I get PC I going make a server where any that anyone in your server can join it’s just going to be a replica of a like not exact replica

Of the world but she’s going to be a replica of all the continents oh cool yeah that’ll be a difficult thing to make oh no I think there’s like worlds they can download for it oh like world seeds and stuff yeah that you can download well like worlds that were

Actually made by people that you can Download Yo welcome back to latex I hope you have some good food so is Frankie building something new here uh there yeah I’m building I’m building my house a [ __ ] I’m basic I guess you could say I’m building the uh the FL are the structure currently I’m going to have I want to

Have uh pressure plates right in front of my I want to have pressure plates where you can automatically like open the door eventually o i can get the PC game passes and Xbox PC game passes nice who here has Xbox and PC so I can

Give them a game pass for it I do not me okay Frank let me figure out how to gift it to you and I will one sec I found more diamonds no you don’t need to though I mean I’m good no I am I will now I want

To get some on my own maybe I should stop building the house for now Diamond I have a onrack mine so I’m just going to continue to build my house okay oh even more diamonds the damn SAS is just on a Roll okay Frank let me this oh they fall from a high place that’s not Fun oo that’s stuff I um you can do whatever you want Russ I mean just don’t break any of the rules and you know just you can do whatever you want rank there is a code for if you want to Joseph you could you know do exploring and find out

What’s out there if you want to I mean just just a suggestion of something to do I guess just uh no griefing no uh stealing people’s stuff no breaking people’s houses uh no rushing to any of the main things like the ender dragon fight wither fight stuff like that we’re going

To be doing that as it’s own stream and uh yeah that’s about it pretty much yep uh no crazy uh signs we don’t want any you posting any signs of anything like racist homophobic or anything like that yeah that yeah no none of that yeah

When I think of that stuff I think of someone feel free to make Willie to build a giant Willie if you want if that’s your kind of humor that’s stuff like that’s fine the little meme or some pixel art or something a little Among Us uh pixel art thing that’s fine like

Stuff like that you could do Mimi stuff like that but nothing like yeah yeah I would eventually like to make some pixel art in this world but this just a lot of work that look really nice too much work you need to find exact blocks you place them in the exact

Location so much yeah and have to Yo JX what up oh JX says he wants a he might want a gift for a Game Pass Frank could I have the game pass code I like to play with you on Xbox I sent you a Xbox PC code in the in your

DMs oh okay all right JX is saying he wants to have it I think I’ll just give it to him honestly because I don’t need it yeah yeah you can give it to him I don’t know which one this is let me check let me check which one this

Is yeah is a really good candidate for that I should probably do that to do a giveaway or something cuz I uh I have YouTube premium a lot of times and a couple other services that give me like uh I found more diamonds okay I sent to

Jack okay that’s it I’m gonna go mine for some diamonds myself uh it’s a three month Frank Naruto running to the sunset a it’s for the code is for three months of okay I have a question how do I um I think I assume I just make a pressure plate first of

All I have 16 diamonds already but how do the pressure plates connect to your doors do you just like place them in front of it or something yeah you just place in front of them and whenever like a it’s half a block or something or 25%

Of a block and you can’t you can’t really place it like right next to when it’s when you’re behind it you just it takes up time I’m inspiring people are like n he has way too many diamonds hold up hold up too many too many I’m about have a full

Yeah I just thought i’ nonchalantly just do this too I didn’t think I’d really get this much right now I forgot how to make a chest are you kidding me bro speed running full diamond armor I’m going to go north I’ve been live streaming only 40 minutes on my end

Too so like let me see how much Diamond you have 40 full armor and less than an hour is that the stream you’re welcome oh my God Z you better have full diamond armor by the by the time by the time Frank switches to a

Fortnite at this rate I will oh my God bro 16 diamonds he’s going to speed on full diamond armor he only needs like a eight more yeah I want the to hey does anybody want some dirt I have 14 dirt oh thank you I want some diamonds

Dirt is the best thing for making houses you can make a dirt Shacks that’s true dirt why would you want dirt anything you can make anything out of dirt even glass dirt just so though I mean it makes things look ugly though yeah it just makes them look like dirt

Hey Frank have you ever beaten the Ender Dragon in this game well no technically not I mean I did help defeat it one time but I don’t think I contributed a lot too much all I did I all I did was die no Frank you need to start like a

Survival world where it’s just you and you’re just playing like and you just beat the ender dragon all by St well piss okay well I dragon fight but we all just stood there and protected him from the Enderman and he F the dragon oh my God yeah me I remember the end dragon

Fight uh of the last thing where everything went wrong and that’s my fault I am sorry uh and um Zenus and Frank were just kind of like no like zangus and Frank were just kind of watching just kind of hitting from time to time and then me and time

Are just we just kind of caring for real for real not I was doing [ __ ] I had destroyed a couple crystals and I was fighting the dragon too and I was sniping him oh yeah so me Z and time were just caring hey Frank did anyone see that basic B was

Asking for wood oh no I wasn’t um oh well I don’t know I have any I remember that um you had made a comment about me uh basic be is clean rain and I had a stack of diamonds in my chest I just didn’t have time to get

Ready oh oh yeah know I’m starting to think that dude what the hell is wrong with me anyway okay what was I doing at the furnace again I forgot uh about that cuz I had fortune 3 in the other world oh right iron honestly all the other world stuff is kind of my

Fault there is one thing you can res the Ender Dragon but just won’t ever be the same all right well while that iron is uh smelting um hey zangus can you teleport me to you if I were to ever be like [Laughter] I just need something to do while my iron is

Smelting it won’t I want you guys to never UNAM from uh Frank’s world if it is it’s it’s turning him into ignant iron IGN I can’t say that yeah it only does that if you’re near it it won’t like it stop if you’re like Far Away really are you serious also chunky just

Said he was joining let’s go chunky chuner the Chun I lost all my sound boards so I literally have to stand next to this thing otherwise it won’t smelt the iron hold on hold ones smelting will suspend if a player moves far enough away from the furnace yeah oh well that’s

Stupid I was like am I tripping I remember that being a fundamental of Minecraft I’m not tripping it is a fact know what you could you could be a little bit away like I think it’s like a 50 block radius or something but you can’t be like terribly far away Frank

Frank yo Chucky balling Frank I want you to prom me something anything I want you to promise me that if I ever start content creating like Minecraft and stuff I don’t never don’t unban me from uh the world or all the Minecraft streams cuz I will be I will

Be like a I will be a wo and uh what’s his name uh F of that world you well no we’re not going to ban you from Minecraft stream is but you’re banned from playing them no like unban never unban me from like the Minecraft world if I ever start content creating

Cuz I will be the woo and spoke of that world yeah okay and if you ever watch if you watch their videos you know hello hello anyway um all viewers want to see my home oh where’s your home at why is chunky B’s name Chey why am I the Feer wait

Wait yeah yo chunky what up chunky like my milk last night Diamond you’re gonna head out crusty where you at R I think which direction are you in okay oh my God this sandwich bread is rock all rest yeah I got 21 Diamonds oh my God damn you’re going be diamond armor right

Now in 45 minutes and the first 10 minutes I was changing a thumbnail that’s amazing he’s speed he’s this man is is speed running more faster than dream speed running faster than dream I’m trying to find you guys oh there you are it’s this is the dream speedr running

Music copyright I kind of want to play it right now oh my God hold up let me check let me check I will look it up right now I don’t think it is I’m looking it up speaking of dream has anyone seen that really long video he made explaining all the controversies

And stuff uh no I just SE like I just sat and watched it today and it gave me a way different perspective on dream Joseph Joseph your home is just a bot just a door y I want to see that house so bad but I don’t want to leave the

Spot his house is just a a walk-in closet yo what don’t feel good hello I found an uncopyright version of dream speed running music do you want me to send it to Frank so he can play it I’m here okay is it copyrighted it says un not Copyright it shouldn’t be copyright if it copyright I’m doing them there’s a creeper in my house so what do we say about a king zus 24-hour Minecraft just all I do is mine for diamonds for 24 hours I think you got do that on Twitch or something

But I see a granny I said hey girl let me get that Fanny yeah girl let me rock the world yeah I see a baby is that chunky what’s that noise I just why does it sound like a French person is talking damn it I have to go all the way back come

On oh God I found where the warden spawns I found the warden area way no way this for reference but I’m absolutely watch zus Z I’m betting that you are going to accidentally summon him and get absolutely demolished yeaha like like a mom with a belt whenever her remember her kid doesn’t do

What he Says okay I finally have an axe I’m definitely going to spawn this thing and die I’m definitely going oh you want to live with me Russ my house isn’t finished yet but I’m still working on itep if you want to Russ you can um build the roof oh there’s iron here yeah Russ

Calls dibs he wants to live with me wait can I just break all this and get a ton of experience oh God I spawned him I definitely spawned him you going to run hey Frank do you want to uh play Roblox soon uh probably not going to play Roblox during this

Stream um however I pretty much I’m on Roblox pretty much 24/7 anyway on stat grinding simulator a lot of times mostly AFK oh God I’m scared did I run out of pickaxes already oh my Lord dude zangus was sweating so hard in teken earlier yeah that was really fun I enjoyed that a lot I do say that I’m glad you can finally stream Frank three wool on two of three wood plank into to

Bed yeah yeah I know that being able to I need to make some more torches real quick the music is Eerie yeah I am hey I finally got the Santa stat also if you haven’t played that game you probably don’t don’t know what I’m talking

About yeah I’m playing no are you in a like a cave or underground generally right now oh I thought you were about to say is he is he in LA or something no matter what if you’re ever playing Minecraft and you’re underground oh I see so

Time’s down there by the beach babes I see what you’re talking about now La okay all right why am I just finding b bir dude get this [ __ ] Birch out of here I don’t want it e Birch Birch is disgusting I know what’s all right whoever uses Birch

They I don’t know how how can you use bir I think it’s okay I think bir hey Frank I have the wood for the roof bir like a primary like wood oh this isn’t I’m not gathering this wood for the roof I’m gonna change the I’m gon to change

This the sides Birch one used like a secondary can look really good cuz I don’t know why I mean the the cherry blossom was is pretty and all but it just looks too much like it looks too pink I don’t know yeah cherry blossom whenever you use it for like a house or

Something it just looks kind of too it stands out like a little too much yeah yeah J Blossom is not the best idea for a secret base I wish you I wish you I wish like that they just made it to where you could die like any wood you

Die like you would have one wood you can die and then like you still have different types of I forgot what you said the roof should be um I think the worst it should probably uh Frank you know my uh first house I like that one good house I made

In the old Minecraft world try doing the roof like that it’s just yeah you use for it yeah like the wood and how I designed like the roof of it try trying doing that on the roof and it’ll probably look a lot better wait what what material did you use for your roof

Um I think it was like Stone oh Stone okay stone for like the front parts and edges and then uh yeah yeah maybe I should just kep strip mining I’ve not found diamonds make sure it’s like y King Funko yeah just use stone for the roof yeah that’s

Fine I’m sorry but it just looks kind of bland with all this I know it’s not like a a shoe that needs to pop out and stand out it’s like it’s just kind of like there Oh like floating see this is really that’s really cool I haven’t been in the I haven’t played check everyone leave alone Frank want to know something that would be cool what like every day when you’re not streaming or something like like uh what’s the final day of the of a

Week what’s it called again uh Saturday Saturday like like Saturday or something like you just you just pick a random like series and you go on the disc and just stream it there like a random game series is that what you mean no like no like an anime or show and you just

Stream in the Discord since you can’t get copyrighted if you’re streaming something in the Discord no you can’t a random anime watch on no he said random so you know what I might pick something else is good watching it and it’s literally embedded into my brain all I can think

Of is I promise I won’t put on Girls Bravo although I might what Girls Bravo actually you know what I’m actually might put on High School DxD or maybe something else different oh Lord I’m talking about the uncensored version of it too yeah no oh God I found more

Diamonds I need more planks Frank you need to be okay let’s make a pressure plate I need to be nerfed bro this is crazy I mean Frank hasn’t even hasn’t seen evangelene so I guess that’s a recommendation for a random anime yeah or just or to be too clarify here guys more

Diamonds to clarify yeah you are leaving it all up to me on which anime randomly gets picked right actually I think I think zangu should decide because leaving you to decide which anime is like trying to it’s like giving a taller the decision between uh a knife and going to their

Parents oh God okay where are the pressure plates at I think zangu should decide the anime hey Zang what are they called are they pressure plates or yeah they I I got I got enough for diamond armor full diamond armor and an Hour full diamond armor hour oh my

God and that was with me messing around for 10 minutes as well I don’t need to waste my iron on a pressure plate I’m the next Minecraft stream they’re gonna go into The Nether and Z gonna pop out with full NE come nether right now so I might get it

First damn I people in my perspective it says damn okay well this is an issue my uh my door is elevated above the ground so that’s a bit well I can there we go I’ll give you someone Frank want to see my room sure yeah punch the punch the zombie yeah just a

Minute let me finish room right now CU if I do they’ll be like why is it so dirty and why is there why is there stacks the plates on each other on every shelf and why is the thanks for for giving back that’s my room all right let me go

And see your room really fast hang on more diamonds come on you’re getting gold watch He’s G by the end of this stream he’s gonna have full enchanted diamond armor have a whole house made of diamonds Jesus you don’t have anything in your house like it’s walk-in closet

I Z’s just finding diamond should be just a Meme here like there just like a gift just fighting diamonds angit edit the you know I do know how to make a gift so um yeah just make just put like an avatar of a poke of zangus and just

Have it with a diamond pickaxe just mining endless diamonds I have 28 Diamonds oh my God oh my oh my God what how would you guys feel if I just threw them in the [ __ ] lava right now I would be so mad I would be so mad that’s a waste of diamonds right

There them you jumping after them like no please come back more di Diamond I would join the world and then jump into those diamonds hold them out and give them back to you then leave more diamonds Frank would go into creative and give me the diamonds back and

Nots I’m g go I’ll be right back all right so we’re at ex I’m at exactly the hour mark of my stream and make a diamond sword diamond armor Russ I kind of feel bad about this because your little house inside my house here is literally a closet like a walk-in closet

So wait I’m gonna oh no that’s not true no one loves you uh-uh oh well you might be a bad boy that’s true you’re not ugly dude I feel so bad dude Joseph no dude ju just sleep with me you know just sleep with sleep with me in my

Bed don’t say nobody love you just sleep with me hey oh I just realized how that could sound so horribly wrong oops well you know what it’s fine we don’t have to sleep in the same bed but we can you know have our like separate beds beside

Each other you know we can have a wall Santa Claus is dripped out in the full diamond armor with a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe I’m scared God Santa are you going to give me diamonds for Christmas I was waiting for someone to say that hey give me some Diamond you

Are Sant Claus chunky po okay so now we have Auto doors the buob community is in a depression right now should probably give somebody this iron armor who’s the new person they could probably use this iron armor it works yes I have like Zero armor I I

Have I have two gold IR you don’t have to open the door it just opens by itself now that is so cool it show off my cap though all right just need to finish the uh the wall here and also that was within the first hour by the way I

Swear is given enough time like there was there’s no rules for like getting op stuff he would probably be he’d probably have Max stuff he’ probably have a whole mansion full of netherite and then he’d probably have a second Mansion full of diamonds he’d probably have a third

Mansion Just for the fun of it have 20 more Mansions just I’m glad you’re happy I’m glad you’re happy Joseph I guess now I get obsidian you know get the portal see what our portal spawns looking like cuz the ne’s a whole thing to itself like we got to see if we

Get lucky with a with a spawn of a fortress and whatever I’m going to do some traveling here the first world though I’m going to do a little bit of travel in here actually wait can’t you like copy like two World by getting the same food

Actually you know what I think I’m GNA go find um like not like the buildings but you find cave cuz I kind of feel like actually I want to make I don’t know if that would be a good idea but I I want to find some uh some other types of materials like

That uh red stone not red stone red stone oh not red stone it’s those polished uh marble I don’t know oh diorite I think it’s called no not diorite it’s like red I think I got some in my chest of that one stuff not nearly I know you’re talking about um we need

Lapis not like badly but we need a we should lapis yeah you do kind need that um let me go to Nature yeah I got no idea I know what you’re talking about though think the okay I survived let’s go take the red brick get some more iron

Here no I just need a shovel and some uh a shovel and a ax just okay oh yeah Frank I post I sent a message in the chat for a party chat and stuff um of theow on food Joseph um I don’t really have a lot of food

Yeah nothing I’m just going of running around yeah I’ll be back to the house in a little bit I’m just looking for some stuff wait a minute I have a question how do you guys know I was asleep in the the last time we were in a ex stream

Fall oh God I I think the warden spawned oh yeah he dead he did he did he did he did he did he did he did he Did I’m going back to last can anybody can anybody teleport to me I don’t want to lose my spot if I die here okay I’ll go I’m scared does anybody have coal I need coal bad armor dang it I need some Co tooo I got Co oh thank you thank

You I have coal if you want some I didn’t bring just brought what I I have oneck yeah want some coal this is the spot where I’ve been finding all the all the um diamonds by the way in this area oh yeah I need to finish I accidentally did a full 360

Instead of going further So Right Back start I need to go check out Russ’s signs I need to I have a question for you what is it how did you guys know I was or I don’t know oh [ __ ] did you guys know I was sleeping the last time we were in the

Call First a that’s so much better I like the happy oh God I’m running I don’t want is she behind me I swear oh God is he behind me I hear him um I think he’s right behind me I’m scared that’s what they call a fart [Applause]

Scared you’ll be fine you have diamond armor Two Shots you with Diamond Armor wait are you fighting the Ved more diamonds z what are you doing got more diamonds yo dangus okay can somebody teleport me to zangus please oh my were you the warden zangus okay new rule if you find

Diamonds in my server you have to give me at least 20% that’s so mean oh my hey Frank us you 20% of D’s you mean nuts you can 20% of it’s just pure chaos I swear you have 20% of the [Laughter] shaft 20% of me my I feel like there’s diamonds here

Somewhere yeah I feel myut under my gut bro I swear I do not have um X-ray on right now I swear I oh my God I can turn on the sound board volume oh my God I’m GNA do that perk of streaming can you teleport me to you I TP you

There’s diamonds right behind this hold oh another oh God you’re in here with this thing oh God yeah oh God you’re in this thing does anyone else have a diamond pickaxe yet or was I the first no I was the first was the first to discover Diamond

Pickaxes yes I was did you get obsidian when you had it or no no there some there some gold me no but I’m not going to lie but I’m a little bit scared someone should have b a crafting table I I have one I have one too oh yeah I need I might

Just okay I’m back I’m I need uh three more diamonds and then I have all the tools Chuy in lava ch Matt you’re still lurking that’s awesome it told me I had zero viewers what the heck that’s weird oh damn dude I put on the house the Frank owes me

Rent that’s actually if anybody owes anybody rant you owe me rant Joseph cuz technically it’s my house I built it with my own two Hands wait who’s Joseph Russ Russ got blown up by a creep Russ is not having a good time right now I just keep on seeing a lot of struggle I think I think you guys should teleport rush you guys you can have a better time with having fun with the warden I’m

Scared I was giving him a hug and they hit me Z good for you wait you gave your a diamond what you can’t you cheater it’s not real oh it’s just a chat thing okay I thought you actually did yo white hat I’m just chilling tonight Chucky teleport to me and stop

Me from mining the obsidian yeah I’ll help you my my half Beaten Down Stone one yeah yeah wait how much do I have how much obsidian do I have some how much do I need for the portal I think 10 or 11 oh I have 14 get a few extra just get

A few extra I need a diamond I need I’ll give you sorry I’m no you can’t have mine I’ll give you my diamond pickaxe for three stacks of coal this go on I have coal Dam that was a one time offer offer expired oh no white latex says literally nobody

Is talking because Frank is being so boring what what do you mean so I guess I’m boring well you’re not boring you’re that’s kind of that is kind I don’t know I’m tempted for the timeout button for that one me too but maybe not for long maybe for like 2 minutes but like

Yeah we don’t say the b word around here Frankie is everything but B oh God the he just yeah this is uh yeah this is Minecraft if anything is boring it’s probably gonna be my first actually I don’t want to say that be [ __ ] before boring yeah I’m just trying to stay away

From that sound I’m scared the warden is literally like he he’s I am the War I I know I’m I’m going to put a skin I yeah white latex um just to let you know there’s a bunch of people talking here so I don’t know what the [ __ ]

You’re talking about dude it’s it’s most of the people that actually talk are in this go finally I W found one diamond on me chunk is like when you find these diamonds I’m here bro it’s not me a long to get this diamond for a pickax I wonder where that hole was that

I found where I found those diamonds before I wonder where it be I think I see a wi I find if I find three more diamonds anything after that I’ll give to Frank oh thank you and I’ll steal it from please new recipe unlocked let’s go let’s go I killed a

Witch where are we going victory to Conquest wait did we just do a circle I think we did we did we did like an oval cuz he went up uh I guess you can go down here I don’t think there’s any torches down here yet yo zangus can you make a day I

Got you yeah I’m kind of ah I died down there a while ago I’m back up here again so where you at in my block Bud oh yeah I see oh God oh God he’s spawning he’s spawning on my ass I heard him I hear him he’s creeping

He’s creeping around he wants to touch my no no s findt yo welcome back diamond in there I found iron yo thank you so much for the lur Joseph you done playing for tonight the warden wants to touch don’t leave me here what are you more diamonds more

Diamonds of course uh what your what’s your coordinates my master didn’t work you get for the yeah just know I’m a looking um zangus what’s what’s your coordinates at my coordinates are negative d e z n u TS what oh I get it yeah he’s at the bested around me

Diamond to Nerf me bro I’m too broken yeah where’s the where’s the writer for this story we need we need NF you yo they forgot that Frank was the main character they gave me all the [ __ ] Powers H’s GNA be the antagonist of anything probably be me for some

Reason like the saama beat bro yo chy just changed literally Gojo from [ __ ] jiujitsu kaisen yeah I’m Gojo I’m Gojo y why Mo what the [ __ ] what oh it’s my cousin I found a snowy biome snow biome by do it again bro I need to I need to find where this location

Is come here that means if we if we take it if we take into account the time I wasted theil for my second I got full diamond tools and armor within an hour Jesus it’s not funny it’s not just not Fair I’m watching murder an end I am wearing an end skin this get him I’ll lose hey he dropped the Pearl he and I got a pearl just kill my brother I’m not going to fight I just killed their brother and I took his ball sack just a single ball sack

He I probably do that probably do that a little brother older brother experience CH [ __ ] where’s the for this story some gold here I need to make an iron pick yo yo I’m just going to flex on you guys real quick where where is everybody hold

On I just going to flex I got I got them Diamond H I got them Diamond being like to Mega you’re sing your down to the deepest pits of hell left the game for a bit need we need the MC to come up with like how do I do the teleport command

Diamond I forgot how to check my inventory I’m so [ __ ] I’m need you I’m G need you to type in slash Nerf Z I’m trying I’m trying to figure out how to tell I’m so glad I streamed my perspective this is crazy I Need video proof of this yeah

You all right you’re gotta go eat something all right have a good dinner trying to figure out how to teleport this game sucks found cave I I thought I found this we found it up the same oh God it’s the warden oh God he’s right next to me oh my

God chill chill chill to kill him Frank have you heard of the CT of the Lamb game we need like Z the we like steal from him and I’m dead the strongest man in the world by far died no I don’t know how to do the teleport command I you dop user and

Then not there’s monsters I would have stolen all your to myself well there’s no point to do it now and the zombie dropped a carrot let’s go the zombie dropped the carrot are you going to suck on it oh my God stop hitting me stop sming my ass let me get my torches

Oh put my iron armor in the chest that’s peasant armor that’s that’s hey can I get that [ __ ] these enemies for like a get my sloppy seconds those enemies the other I’ve already got one second you know what I mean oh my God I’m getting smacked up my diamond armor durability

Come on bro don’t do this to me armor time like what is what is happening hold on time set day where is it o weather clear let me go in your basement I live here now respawn set okay cool dang isz the the pink bat is my Nintendo spawn and

Then I spawn right outside of the my house and the red bad Yeah wait who’s still in the cave I want to go back yeah I’m broke I can’t I would like to go back there too I can’t afford a sword I have a stick I hold on oh let’s go I’m King myself uh where’s we have Mr Minecraft

Beast right here can someone please tell teleport me back to that place can I get your iron armor oh I I already have enough in the in the furnace wait actually let me grab those three I need enough iron pickax though grab the seven that that SM right there

Okay I’ll add the two I have make make an iron pickaxe want to see me H I’m GNA grab one piece of this I’m going to grab one piece of this just to have an extra shield ready sh’s probably bro if england is 5 hours ahead

Of us why can’t they just tell us when Frank is going to stream Oh work all right from here on out if I if I find any diamonds I will trade diamonds for coal I’m Des is anybody still back in that cave where I was before you’re if anybody’s still down there can you teleport me to there please okay getting armored I’m not

Anymore Dam none of us are there D I did I did take down the coordinates though that’s A I have the the screenshot of the coordinates on the Um well that was a very successful run Joseph are you still are you in there still I hate my life dud I don’t see him on the server anymore yo thanks for the lurk mat no I think he left yeah oh that was nice A hi Hi friend all right that’s it

I’m just going to go back to building my house so wait um you need I need to find enough diamonds for at least one God dang it I have 29 coal so what could that get me for diamond oh nothing right now I have no extra I made the

Hoe dude you made the hoe I got them Diamond hoes bro call a young thank you matth now can beat the stick hi Dad no look I’ll just walking with my me me and my dad are in a nice show together what if I look at your dad in

The face zus I have an urge to uh throw a feather at you for some reason hi you know you know what I’m going to do to your dad my dad’s beating me domestic violence domestic violence I’m a gamer I killed you he killed you and he just

Looked at the spot where he killed you like what have I done I’ve killed my child I regret what I did he even drop a pearl what a waste of a human being he no he died and then like repented for his sins all right so I’m gonna imagine yeah that

Would all right I’m looking for d for cows and pigs now no no more diamonds for you y’all should have let me cook I probably could have the next hour I could had full everything for Frank and then youg Daddy Y thank you zangus Frank definitely but still I know

You would kep it for yourself no no no no so Frank would get the diamonds and then he would have to repay them at a later date how would you guys feel if I got a whole another like set sorts of diamonds and then I just I

Was like guys guys I have a whole set of diamonds I put them in a chest I put these diamonds and you guys look in the chest and it’s just an entire double chest full of diamond host yeah it has a bit of a delay on it Joseph yeah I will kill

You murder you I will turn off thing and I will kill you your Bas and then people have to look for it and the first person to find it wins you know what it’s one Diamond I think I’m GNA look for I think I’m actually G to look you’re all right

Joseph I mean it wasn’t really that much of a Spam I’m going to look I’m going to look for oh I think I just killed a baby do monkey B mistake I thought it was an adult I feel bad I we don’t kill babies on the stream

Even though I did that you want to except yeah we’re we’re just chilling tonight Joseph but you is anybody working on my end it says I have nobody watching did you just get bored of Minecraft Joseph is that it that happens a lot watching I’m finding every sing ore

I’m finding gold I’m finding iron I’m finding everything yeah it says you have no one on your thing but I’m watching you would yell cheese makesense we do play other games on this channel too if you’re interested in those yeah you drowning oh dang it

I need this coal for Des yeah I need to find coal before I do any more Diamond hunts cuz if not it’s going to be yeah we’re gonna play Lego some Lego fortnite laterite diamond ah I think I might fall asleep again don’t worry I have some sugar with

Me I can I can do you realize that sugar is just a meth what you need is aine I need I need fun is legal M no one can change my mind about that I need the stuff that I need the stuff that my teacher put in

The Coco that one time that made us all go yeah probably in about another 30 minutes of this and I’m probably going to go and play and play some Lego fortnite how do you like Lego fortnite also Frank I have one question how did you guys know I was asleep last time

That cuz you got yeah you just kind of got like super tired and then just went quiet so yeah it was kind of obvious mhm oh yeah yeah I’m never going to forget the time that JX literally fell asleep on a call on me we were in a call for like several

Hours and all of a sudden I just hear snoring Jack snores confirmed yep he does he’s a loud snorer SN yeah I snore like a Grizzly bearling I’m not surprised I fell asleep in that the only one that doesn’t snore Joseph I’m I’m going to keep your

Little house thing here I’m just going to kind of build around it boys I’m tired I’m going to keep it there I’m kind of tired I’m waiting for the day that someone else gets like says they’re tired and they just go and they just start dude imagine if I just did a

Stream amazing but I don’t have any yes Elizabeth uh Jack snores very heavily so what are we thinking sleep stream we’re doing a zangu sleep stream I’ll SLE with you yo hello yo I guess buy me buy me dinner first you technically zangus I did help

You I did help you buy dinner one time remember so technically I already have me at least oh yeah I contributed yeah he helped me with this stupid grocery fee delivery fee thing that I thought I had enough for but I didn’t so technically you did buy me dinner so hurt you know

I’m all right you head to bed all right have a good night the server you out of here chunk I’m not gonna leave but stay all right um how many how many cold do you want for um I’m still I think J changed it cuz I’m cheek defeat on this how much atast

Diamonds can you change my name [ __ ] Frank we need to do another podcast yeah I I’m going to I’m going to schedule one for the end of the year one p a year W there will be more than one podcast a year trust me more than one podcast a year massive

W’s it it should be one I saw you cancell the Pikmin for stream why no I didn’t cancel it I just couldn’t do it yesterday I was too exhausted why are we listening to the Wii music why can’t I jump Frank I’mma go to the street I fell asleep in I’m G just

See dud I can’t jump I died in a snow oh I froze to death that’s what happened oh wait you were in a snow area again I don’t want to play that one all right I think I might go and play some uh Lego fortnite guys I think I’m going

To switch games fornite now no I want to get some diamonds [Laughter] first finally have a reason to stay awake Frank I’m leaving and I can’t put myself in the chest well anyway I’ll probably be playing this more on my PlayStation now so I can stream it but

Uh that means when I join on my Nintendo account I won’t have all this op stuff I think um I think if he changes it from like a realm to like a normal world and changes it back to a realm or something you get all your stuff again wait shouldn’t it

Save anyway though I don’t get it like why would it save that that play even even though I’m on the same Microsoft account it counts the Nintendo account and the PlayStation account a separate account B difference was so you got to put it in a chest right yeah but I’ll probably be playing

This more on my uh Playstation so I can uh stream it anyway so I don’t think I’m really going to worry about it I might do a disc stream of Minecraft sometime I think you know uh just like a Discord thing I might do a Discord just a Discord stream tomorrow

Night 50 I’ll notify you all in in the in the the Discord server before I uh start streaming on Discord though yeah Frank a cool thing for like Discord is like whenever like you decide to like cancel a stream you just do like something on Discord just to keep us entertained or

Something yeah and and for Saturday just do like we watch a random anime episodes or like watch or we watch an anime episode of what Z zangus chooses because Frank we can anime stuff all right let’s get to the uh epic poo poo well uh the stream will be ending on

My end then because if I switch the fortnite and even if I want to stream my perspective of the Lego has to be a separate stream too hang on hang on before I before you end your stream let me leave a like on it first I I was your third like zangus and

Frank I was your first like well that was pretty successful uh Minecraft for me yeah he the same time a day ler after I had all that Roo uh my yeah I connected it back okay there we go someone hacked my account when I got the 10,000 Robo a day

Later I was so mad having technical difficulties yeah but now yeah but I’m working to I’m actually working with another hacker to find out who hacked my account yeah okay we’re back good all right before we get started though I’m GNA do some uh v-bucks giveaway um yeah

But I’ll have to pay him mon I’ll have to pay him monthly in order to keep my account have some vbucks please PETA please if they don’t add a Lois Lan skin into fortnite I’m going to be so mad I’m gonna go up to Epic Games punch the

Person that owns it and tell them so anyway how this is going to work is um I think we should do like maybe like a little competition or some kind of like uh hang on all right I have an idea I did you Frank oh my God is that Eminem from

Fortnite oh my God it’s m oh from fortnite um let me join Frank the lobby fornite yeah me too want to play some Squad before we do fornite Frank apparently in fortnite you have changed genders and uh ethnicities you might want to want to change your um

Party my my a my cing button for like pressing a my a button just feels so mushy just it just feels so weird it doesn’t like tap fast I sent you a friend request Joseph um what how do I do that all snaps me that’s me your party wait that’s you

Yeah that’s that’s Me your name is so different than uh than on uh what you call it yo there’s there’s chunky chunky chunky the goat all right we all in all wait one sec give me one sec Frank I’m waiting for my epic friends to to appear because for some reason on Nintendo they don’t

Appear and it’s so and it’s so mean I’m going to sue fortnite you’re so mean should I start another stream from my perspective um yeah if you want to okay Frank I’m I’m saying a join request or never mind all right I’m in I’m I’m in the

Lobby hey Zango so how should I do this like uh for a v-bucks giveaway um like who wins maybe uh put all names on a wheel on a wheel website Orel oh I have one of those hang on a minute all right let me get that okay the wheel of Misfortune All Rights um yeah wait Frank if you go to like that profile thing like if you go to settings in the profile and then go down to privacy I’m PE eyes I’m I’m himothy I’m himothy forite I’m cool or Whatever fortnite battle pass fortnite battle pass you just got box in a match streamlabs W lines right there okay I’m G start looking for SAS right now I’m going just go through all my skins with for if I can remember I think it’s under wedgets

Yeah maybe yeah I think the wheel I need to make some thumbnails for fortnite and for Minecraft and stuff I’ll be playing that a I help you with that I can’t equip SAS I don’t have any funds to like pay anybody thumbnail Frank did you pray

Today that’s fine i’ be cool doing it it’s like you’re the homie so did you pray today did you what is that wedget uh spin Wheel this is I said why am I just hearing breathing in my ear okay k z M zangus that the skin you’re wearing just describes you in every way cool dude seriously who’s doing that I think yeah that’s why I said got Christmas present pilot uh all right I’m

Going to put okay not Tex please don’t y gamer what’s up all right so I’m going to put in all the names and whoever wins the uh spin uh the the Wheeling the spin wheel hey uh gets the uh v-bucks giveaway is anyone having that problem with Frankie Shannon wears buffering

Sometimes buffering on my screen at times should be working now I’m not going to be surprised I would do it infinite luck the infinite glitch I have an infinite luck glitch it’s my fault I gave him all the good luck you transferred the good luck to

Zen how could you oh you’re playing with us gamer cool nice don’t worry there’s advantage of this tomorrow he’s gonna have the worst luck ever put Taco oh yeah let me premise my welcome to fornite stream on Frank’s world I mean and uh Frank’s doing to spin the wheel

Real quick we’re gonna win some v-bucks possibly okay I’m gonna change that pink foran go there anybody else to win I got to pull up my stream too I had to share this on I win the Buddy Hol wait a minute zangus what skin are you wearing I’m wearing the the Jonesy

Something I don’t oh on Frank’s uh stream it looks like it looks like there’s an &em skin but I don’t see Joseph I’m going to add you too uh let’s see I’m nervous I want to win I want anybody else to win are you playing this

Two time oh that’s right you are I really don’t care if I win I just I’m probably going to get money this Christmas and I’m probably going to be grinding the battle pass a lot all right okay I got four names Zang Taco Joseph and time anybody else that wants on the

Wheel can I join if I win I’m going to buy gifting and I’ll give someone a random skin hey oh that is so nice can I get in Frank oh chk yeah all right oh daily gifts for the Quest for the free stuff I did all right give you a specific ryoku ten

Kai [Laughter] Zenus what’s your favorite anime uh Y hak show uh cool gamer cool you want you want to get into all right let me add you am I behind there’s only two names on the Wheel for me yeah I think it be oh I just updated It we got Jose chunk wait wait how much are we playing for here what’s the what’s I’m gonna add it here in just a minute yeah how much v-bucks are we getting uh let me see what what are the options oh my God I have I’m going to

Buy everything in the it okay it’s going to be 5,000 v-bucks geez fair price oh yeah fair price now remember all this money that I am I’m I’m going to be buying this with or is money that I got from you from you guys donating mostly mostly

Mg do you want a lot donations yeah actually um with tags this mat should be roughly uh a low price of $80 I for real know do you want to separate that in two cuz maybe yeah I think that be fair yeah maybe that’s a good idea that way there could be two

Winners yeah TCM boy you got dances who’s TCM boy yeah let’s give two people a chance here cuz uh cuz with 1500 you can get something really cool and then if it’s 2,500 2,500 you got something really cool and then the battle pass too for two

People yeah wait how would I do the battle pass no no I’m saying that that’s what they can afford a regular okay like so the high the lowest it goes to that regard is 2,800 so that’d be a little bit more expensive but I that’s that’s okay I’m completely fine with that all

Right an arena for spinning I mean this is all the money that I got from YouTube so zis um check your DM real quick I want to see if you think this is good okay hang on I got okay all right I’m gonna change the luck

Ratio I want you all to have the same equal chance so all right I’m gonna set you all to five watch him accidentally like rig it he’s accidentally I could rig it yeah I could he’s all right to prove that I’m not rigging it I’m just setting them all to

Five hang on let me hide this to prove that I’m not rigging it I’m just GNA set you all to five so you all have the same luck okay all right hey Frank you should put me about one up that’ be pretty cool no youal just have it all at

One yeah it makes it even crazier cuz the chunks the chunks are bigger so you’ll know you’ll know how bad it is yeah that’s true anyway I should definitely put be put one up because look at my dance moves I be dancing I’m the best dancer

All right so we’re gonna do two spins um there’ll be two potential winners um you’ll get uh of course the same person could win twice so you’d get all of it I guess no but anyway let’s do this let’s see who wins all right the first spin so

Hang yo V grubs it’s going really good I’m doing a spin wheel to see who wins uh this giveaway wait all right here it goes guys here’s the first spin oh I feel so I feel like I’m drained now I’m so nervous I want this I feel drained right now cool gamer gets

The first one let’s go all right let’s do the second one see who wins the next one are you ready okay let’s see two let’s go I’m scared I Really Gonna Be oh zangus you get it I told you you got the second one let’s go oh my God

Heite I swear to God he has infinite luck cool gamer almost got the second one too all right me time told you guys he has infinite luck I’m all right if we ever need a shiny hunt just go to Z his in Lu will drawing the

Shinies wait how do I gift this don’t worry I’m really good at shiny hunting you the wait I think I can do a digital code right yeah all this using my voice a bunch is making me tired about the B for me damn the jiujitsu KA and stuff

Left the shop though damn it BR that’s pain yeah know I hope they bring you back to like celebrate fordon stuff’ll probably get like get whatever whatever you all right I’m gonna have to uh DM mute you on Discord if you have Discord if not um I think do

That tool gamer do you have Discord that would make things easier if you did can my friend get the the what Renegade Waiter em why is it always the people that come last the ones that get the prize up oh man all right here someone else to win as well so it’s crazy how stuff online like a renegade Raider fortnite account can cost like thousands of dollars or like hundreds of dollars or something that’s

Wild anyone Z I just heard that in the chat hey Frank can I get the please I don’t know what that is uh hang on when G away it’s only like 200 no it’s only like $1,000 for at lowest okay so I guess the things changed a little bit

Because there’s no gift card for 2,800 so and it’s the gift card thing is a lot cheaper on Amazon so it’s just GNA be 5,000 per I’m going in your squad Jesus I’m fine with that no he doesn’t deserve that much money yes I’m with Zenus in time

Wait if if the other if the other Christmas person goes to the other Squad then it’s goingon to be the it’s going to be the best Squad ever time me that’s please wait Frank you can you if you want to make it easier for uh for my

Thing you could have you could have just paypaled and I I could uh just get it on here myself up to you no I’ll just do the gift card thing that’s fine I mean this is just as easy Fair how do you redeem it you redeem it

On like the Epic uh website or whatever I think yeah I think so it it’ll show on here once I pay for it all right add to cart did I want the um uh plot plot twist Frank uh Frank sends me the v-bucks uh gift card code and then I do

My own wheel on my stream to get more subscribers than [Laughter] myself I love fortnite too much I wouldn’t do it oh I my like Robux probably I’d do that no wait which skin should I wear which skin should I wear I wish I want the Buddy Holly thing

Because I think 200 pumping someone and then doing the Weezer RI is very funny oh my God I’m gonna be a snow globe I’m being a snow globe I’m a snow glob wait that’s not digital imagine getting a like imagine killing like 15 people and then you just do the

Buddy Holly RI that’s not a you got six people I I want to kill somebody and then do Bad Romance dude my head my head hurt I’m going die days dies say that this is a digital redeemable thing I don’t know here we’re going to spend most of this fortnite

Thing just figure out how to redeem the v-bucks and gift it vbucks yeah dude hang on I’ll figure this out I think that’s something we should Frank I think that’s something we should do for like a next stream like you like get the v-bucks and then you bring them to next

Room then you can actually get it did you already purchase it no not yet cuz it wasn’t right yeah that’s what I was saying maybe it’ be easier for me on my end cuz I think once you redeem it you can only redeem it on the PC and I don’t have a PC

Oh I’ll be right back one sec is this digital though yo 5,000 v-bucks would be insane for me dude you know I really think that they should make GIF in this stuff a lot easier you know straight v-bucks I swear to God they should have

That like I’m G look it up on my end just just to see how it is like what get like an item to I’m looking at this I’m I’ve went over to Walmart actually so I um I’ll just uh post it in chat I don’t think it’s

Uh okay apparently I can’t post that in chat it’s too long um but yeah apparently yeah I don’t know if it’s uh fortnite v-bucks digital redeem code I think that might be it you should say it out loud I found it on Amazon too yes supported devices Playstation Xbox Nintendo switch PC

Mobile why do I why do I come back from the bathro through M so want to cry yeah why is it cheaper on Amazon how much is it on the on the shop $37 and then it’s 32 on Amazon what that’s amazingly funny it’s a scam I I’m

Telling you it’s a scam bro why why why is there an upch charge to get it from the you would think it’ be the opposite yeah why is it more to get it from where it’s from bro that makes no sense go to fortnite.com vbucks to redeem it I

Know okay guys you know what let’s play a game and then we’ll try to sort out this later yeah yes let’s just play all right yeah there have to be a way to freaking like digitally redeem look at my look at my dance moves ooh ooh my dance moves

Yeah let’s just go ahead and play now cuz I don’t yeah we’ll have to figure this out later is everybody seeing my dance Wheels look how good I am at dancing you’re kind of behind me I don’t know it’s so weird it only lets you order the physical

Card yeah that’s stupid yeah that’s stupid I mean I I mean if you did that for me on my end I wouldn’t really care I I take it yeah I’ll do that for your end for sure you hold the you should hold a title of the one who has infinite

Luck wait if you buy it by ep wait if you buy it by epic games you get you get it for $37 and then if you buy it from Amazon Choice then you get it for 32 what yeah that’s weird I’m telling you the Amazon one is a scam

It’s probably some random person trying to scam people no that’s not scam he I’m DM you this one for me for my end so you have it easier and then uh you could figure out how to do it the easiest or best way for the other person all

Right um where’s my m i I keep forgetting that changed up the they changed the layout of uh of how this works I was so so confused I always get confused with uh with Discord now I know the new layout is so whack I like it but it’s

Just I I just get confused sometimes I don’t expect it like I’ll go into Discord I’ll be like oh yeah it changed I know I forgot that something in the okay so we got four Nintendo players and three and one Xbox player yeah but see that’s not a digital thing though

So like I don’t get it why like why isn’t it just like a digital download because that doesn’t it’s so stupid why can’t you just gift the currency like seriously I don’t know that’s so dumb mad whack let’s do this is there a way to gift v-bucks to your

Friends yeah I believe it’s just gift cards and stu okay here we go well you can’t gift ingame vbucks you can give them another way that Avenue involves buying a real life gift card okay never mind uh for a certain amount of v-bucks these gift cards can be found at Major

Retailers like Target sadly I don’t live with any 40 miles of any Walmart 20 miles of any Walmart Frank just uh insta carts two gift cardsget can you even insta card a gift card that seems like it would be a little sussy yeah I guess what I could do is

Order them and then I guess I’ll I’ll let you use the redeem GI CS that arrive here I guess remind you if I ever go dead silent that means someone has either broke into into my house or I just fell asleep all right wait this you

Guys oh I have this nice of a house in this world what I don’t I don’t remember this you know what we should say said go for this uh fortnite thing to where we make it to the frost PLS and actually kill like like get materials from there

I’m gonna head out I’ll talk later all right you’re gonna head out yeah all right good night all right what happened to my stuff bro where am I you know I’m just going to go ahead and do that and just order them and then whenever they arrive I’ll just uh glad

You have him um cool gamer do you uh do you have Discord yeah you can either you either just send them to your place and just give us a code or just send it directly to our place either one yeah I’ll just do it that way it’s it’s

Fine all right yeah I’m just going to go ahead buy them yeah when it comes to v-bucks uh I don’t I don’t mind waiting because the shop always changes so probably be something that I want more um when you finally uh give me the code then you know

Now my one my one fear re phobia comes to life in this game fornite okay so that’s good it has Prime shipping that’s what’s up uh but let me just check see why is there a modern house here talking about my house what’s this have anything Rhymes after Christmas need a

Gift sooner send an Amazon gift card instantly by email or text text message yeah but that’s a straight up Amazon gift card I mean I’m living in your house now okay yeah that wouldn’t be the same thing that wouldn’t be the v-bucks gift card that’ just be an Amazon gift card

Yeah it doesn’t say when it little arrive it just says arrives after Christmas well you know what I’m just going to go ahead and order the damn thing yeah anything ordered right now I would expect to to come after Christmas anyway so yeah all right I’m just going to buy two

Of them place order well you actually saved a little bit too by uh doing it on Amazon doing it in the store would have been a little more expensive okay it looks like it’s going to come on December 28 I placed the order ooh wood wood wood

I see wood wood so that’s only I see wood and I take oh so that’s how you make that so next Thursday next Thursday is when they’re going to when they’re supposed to come here you will never me you big all right I’ll DM it to you the

Codes to to both of you on throwing it balls at me on uh on Discord in your DMs whenever they arrive good thank you I honestly think though that freaking the damn developers of fortnite should just make it so you can just do it directly like I mean in the game or

Something like that’s so stupid anyway yeah you should you should be able to just gift it it’s pretty it’s pretty stupid yo that’s a very nice house whose house is this oh that’s my house oh very nice I want to make a better house oh yeah oh remember if you’re

Going to kill animals for meat H them first before you kill them cuz then then they do their other drop oh yeah oh yeah that’s right all my [ __ ] is was was taken away from me oh that’s nice they also oh wait no wait no all my stuff is still

There it’s just way down there also unfortunately but they patched the glitch for you to fix stuff by putting them in a chest and breaking it oh damn that sucks it’s epic they’re an epic piece of [ __ ] so why would they ever do anything that’s simple exactly I mean seriously

They do that for um what’s it called a robu where you can just like buy a redeemable redeemable digital code I don’t know why they don’t just do do either that or have it in game whatever long sword hey yo but yeah gamer uh gamer cool you’ll have it by

Uh you have it by Thursday it’ll be a nice little late Christmas gift yep man I got the best dance moves also I just realized that I not want anything if I didn’t say give the idea to do two of them cuz I was the second

Winner I really wish we just not said anything I mean you still got 5,000 though which was the original amount yeah yeah so technically you didn’t lose anything I just also gained something I know that’s why I didn’t W you both are you’re both are G or

You and gamer are both going to get 5,000 what the hell no I I got it off of my luck and they got it off the fact that they’re cool okay I just got to travel all the way down here to get my lost backpack Z look behind you look behind

You okay I’m looking behind me whats okay do you see my profile wait on Frank stream I’m just no glow okay look look look look Frank change the stream name to cool people click on this stream for fors and night oh I don’t know change itting no my emote Budd ch

Yeah I’m not going to do that now you took my em buddy drawing my cat until he turns into a piece of bread what Elizabeth he’s a he’s a funny girl oh look at this it’s raining in Lego fortnite just like it uh on me all day Today in a b damn it I have to travel across the entire map be because of a certain someone caused me to die all the way across the map and drag me to God apparently Heaven hey Frank you’re going opposite yeah cuz there needs to be a

Freaking mini map dude [ __ ] FR look look at the map and look which way you’re going yeah I know yeah I really can’t wait for them to update this game this game’s going to be so great with some updates one suggestion mini map please yeah but sadly this part of the

Game is probably going to end because of because it’s a collab and stuff doubt it I wonder who was it that uh drugg me to Across the game map and caused me to my [ __ ] who was that again I wonder yeah I kind of Wonder it was

Probably time well whoever it was is going to going to get some uh is going to get some Frankie weirdness unexpected in his bed tonight I’m going through the footage of that video it was time it was definitely not me no it was no it wasn’t I know who it

Was it was you dude I am going to [ __ ] unleash the Unholy off spring of the dark frankster onto said random Frank can you hear me what’s up I can hear you it was you actually no I’m looking oh you changed your opinion it was definitely you all right now I just

Need to travel all the way back to where I can make a house the [ __ ] F fantastic FR I’m not that type of guy please no I swear to God if I [ __ ] die yeah maybe don’t don’t maybe try not to travel for your stuff at night it’s a bad

Idea well you know what may maybe to try not traveling across the map without anybody helping you also that that since that glitch was fixed that sucks because all my equipment is like completely damaged so I’m starting to think that was it was this even worth

It maybe oh hey skeleton good Lord I have a long ways to go these skeletons look mighty fine guess Frank magnetically attracted uh to rain today I guess so I’m going to collect a bunch of materials I make I got to make charms in this world too charms are so good

I hey if anybody wants to see someone dancing just go into zang’s house okay I’m going to die from cold that’s great that’s fabulous I’m down did they make did they fix it to where beds make it day faster no [ __ ] come look at my dance

Moves okay well I’m just going to go out and um does anyone have a spare axe or anything like that I can go and collect some stuff nope I’m incredibly po I’m my stuff back because I don’t know what the heck happened to it yo bombing extra yo what’s

Up welcome to the weird gamer Squad I hope you enjoy the stream we’re playing some Lego fortnite right now we just did a pretty big giveaway um with the uh Spinning Wheel of Fortune that was with that wheel right there the prize was v-bucks but yeah we’re just chilling

We’re just chilling you got some sick Mo sick some sick moves over here you damn monkey of a skeleton get over here beat his ass skeleton beat his ass cuz he he he [ __ ] me with my random [ __ ] me with my stuff that’s just floating oh popping chicken backpack I’m

Going to take it from you cuz you you you you owe me in pun punitive damages there’s another there’s another called bomb version of the game you know so I just basically have to wait until it’s like but yo zangus do you have any like any spare like materials

Or like an extra like ham or ax or something I actually have no idea cuz I’ve been playing so many different Lego worlds I don’t know what I have in this world oh P you know what I going punch you well I’m sorry you can’t have this stuff back okay

Fine get him get him skeleton get him get him get him get him jump him jump him oh come here you know what I’m going to I’m going to seek refuge in zango’s house because I can’t build a house of my own yet you you could be my roommate if you

Want freaking I have nothing I’ll tell you one I did just collect a [ __ ] of materials I could probably make you stu yeah that would be nice if you could do that thank you Frank come here um thank you bom yeah I want to build me a house but

Sadly I can’t yet so I’m going to get these bones if I do not get my materials back by the next two seconds I will summon Jesus no I will summon hey give why my house broken wait why’s my house broken I’m going to eat it I’m eating it y who wait who

Broke part of my house I’m eating your stuff I’m eating your what is that anyway you eat your raspberry check that out yummy wait what the what the hell who broke part of my house I saw a few like moners earlier yeah Monsters uh monster did that yeah I

Think so let me on the monsters h yeah well it wasn’t me it was definitely I’m literally in a cave how the hell would I do that let me let me fix I will Frank every second I will something all right looks like it’s finally becoming day so I’m

Going to go back and get my backpack I put that I follow you then I follow you I put that in the wrong spot no don’t follow me No apparently I’m going the wrong way I got to fix my freaking house I make a sword random I swear if you take my stuff I’m going to beat you with my pillow we should have the same rules for Minecraft and uh and and this you already stole my stuff Frank I’m

Stealing your stuff no I didn’t steal your stuff it went into my gut there’s a difference this was a monster because way too sure sure buddy sure Buckaroo sure can you hear me yeah I can hear you okay I want to ask you something shoot so what’s happening with that

Emote oh yeah I’m still looking uh still looking to hire somebody okay just tell me when you need help oh Frank come here beat you stay away from me I’m going to steal your stuff Frank no you do not stole listen I do not steal your stuff I

Ate it there’s a difference okay you ate my stuff poop it out right now I can’t he he did he didn’t steal your stuff you permanently borrowed it yes myor that’s not how it works yes it does oh God oh God I did not mean to do that oh God hold on

Um floor give back my stuff give it back nuh not until you give me my stuff back that’s rude all right well okay from the stuff I didn’t eat I’ll give back you oh you these spers can deal with you byebye kill him spiders murder him okay bye Frank you know I’m

I should have just left it the way it was why why did I do this yo B boming um if you want to join us you can uh I got a sword oh a chest okay I think we’re safe all right hang on o some corn I love watching me some

Corn on the on websites hey yo I’m talking about watching people cck what what are you thinking huh I can’t how do I fix my floor and my whatever okay there you go all right give me back my stuff okay we got wait did that sheep just poop out

Wool okay so we got drop I think that sheep pooped at wool yo thank you Majestic Queen ah this so annoying also I just realized is your head a Christmas tree nuh it’s my head is better than yours cuz I am him I’m himy cuz through all Heaven and Earth I alone and

Thethy yo M the gamer what’s going on you missed a big giveaway Mew I don’t know if you play fortnite but you missed a big giveaway from the spin wheel there was two winners zangus and gamer cool still salty about that but GG’s don’t be salty it’s just life Welcome to the

Salty oh God that SpongeBob reference yeah what’s the opposite of Life all right now I need to get back to my do the place where I can build and I’m going to build it has to be fair you got sheep following you random but yo what up new

Gamer also uh you’re a member now too you were gifted a member by him dog where’s the yellow floors I can’t find them zangus you’re 130 M away from me I’m closing in I’m trying to fix my floor but it’s not working out too well incoming Frank

Alert why why why can’t ah this is so annoying um breaking a part of it that I don’t want to break Zen we have some gifts for you I’m scared okay so they brought a brute all the way over here night love you see you in the morning zingus I think you’re just

Breaking your house a bit more yeah I think I’m making it worse yeah is there like blueprints for like whole houses that you can start building or yes yeah there is where my house looks so stupid now what’s happening it’s all because of one single thing that happened to the

Floor yeah and I accidentally made it worse cuz I accidentally broke part of it I didn’t want to okay we need to unlock more blueprints I need keep on upgrading the village the reason I was able to make this place is cuz I had upgraded it or Village

Area what do I need what am I missing for resources I need 40 Granite wait total cost 187 granite and 59 wood where the hell do I get Granite may I sleep may I sleep in your house I’m assuming I get granite in the

Mine bro why is this s on why can’t I just go into the blueprints again and fix this part of the house I don’t understand why they don’t just let me do that apparently it’s just I guess they need to update this game again and Myck bro great that’s

Awesome know what Frank want to know a category of like gaming you should really get into what’s that like fighting do someone steal stuff from my thing what thing for I was I was making a bunch of these things and now they’re all gone I don’t know yeah half half of my

Heart’s missing it’s okay I’m not starving yet don’t worry don’t worry guys speed win why is there a ritual Circle here oh my crafting VES there okay okay so I can make another good pickaxe okay good thank God that was marble I Granite oh yeah Frank so the

Last time we did a fortnite Lego Stream but we uh finished doing the Lego part I contined playing it and I made a Japan building but not in like the survival mode it just nice yeah Frank so you need every tool no I’m still good right now but I

Will be need a new pickaxe soon I thought you need every no I got my I got my stuff back okay cool yeah I forcefully gave I forcefully made him give my stuff back in know for his stuff um oh well there’s my other eggs even though technically there is two things

That you’re never going to get back and those I ate don’t worry I’ll make I’ll make you I’ll make worth of what you took from me he’ll come back to you very soon he’s going to make you regurgitate them yeah it does get confusing that’s

True I will not make him rate them I’ll just something different I’ll make I’ll make him experience aent uh I need marble and silk bread okay do we have the machine to make marble yet but you dare have to come oh my God enemies die oh marble you need to go into

The wait what which one’s Marvel oh Marvel’s from the cave let me there’s nothing all right I’m I’m going to forget about my floor for a second cuz if not I’m going to absolutely lose my mind the hell out of me um let me hey Frank want to go looking for some

Roots no I’m trying to find granite right now cuz I want to build that house uh-uh we’re going to go look for br oh I have that too well I might have to go do something else here pretty soon otherwise I’ll starve to death did they did they update it can

You stack more it used to be you can only stack 30 things at once yeah they updated I noticed that too that’s pretty though I am honored one oh I’m hungry oh I got to get out of here imagine yeah I’m sorry if that was P where’s where’s the imagine being hungry

Couldn’t be me could never be me wait I do wait I do have grit wait get stop talking to me you stupid MPC yo what’s the dog what am I going to eat I have a lot of this material already wait what do I need what do I

Need what do I need eat this chicken thigh here let’s get cooking here okay so I got I need silk thread that’s it that’s all I need let’s go oh my God I’m about to be op in this game too zangus I got silk rad I’ll give to you if you

Want I can make some Frank come here come here come here hang on I got to eat before I all right let me just I want some barbecue chicken H’s Y come to me Frank come here hang on I’m cooking here D what should we do with this

Straight back yo hold up let friend cook bro uh I don’t know who’s is it I don’t know it’s some’s backpack I say we hide it open Friendly cranes 269 backpack wait who’s that friendly hey Frank I might be able to make you some health charms and then you’ll have more Health

You’ll have more Hearts yeah that would be good I don’t know who that is and the best part about the health charms is if you die and you lose your backpack you don’t drop the health charm so when you get your go to get your stuff back you still have have that that

Amount of he um zangus you seem to be missing some Legos in your floor I really want to fix it but I’m not good with this building yet can we look can me and Frank live in your house uh Frank can but you can’t why why though I don’t want to have to

Live outside this house is big enough for two people but not not three people that’s to much then why random why do you have a bubble on your head why is every MPC in the world in my house get out of here you [ __ ] because they like

You they want a piece of that zangus action man so bad thisy I just to make sure they stay in here I will make no you’re not going to live with me with that attitude by the way Frank you can stack the health charms so you can have three

And have a ton of Hearts nice I don’t have any though zus it’s because every single one of these NPCs are on an adventure with someone yeah uh Matt says the NPCs want that zesty zangus action yeah hell they do I have stay here all night just dancing

And you cannot get rid of me oh yeah SL B what this isn’t Minecraft I know how to get you out I’ll time you out in Frank’s chat if you don’t get out [Laughter] of abuse my admin powers Z you’re going to use your admin

Powers canel Frank I have 2 4 6 8 nine Hearts now nice do so that you have nine Hearts too thank you I’m in the process so what do you need what tools do you need Frank I need a new pickaxe my the one I have is about to

Go uh okay I could do I can do that for you what the hell are those NPCs doing digging up your house floor yo gaming um sure yeah you can join us uh we we do have a few rules just really no griefing other players or No Stealing yeah no stealing

Their stuff you have a sword do you have a SW I’m going to live in your house right now bro but other than that um law um welcome to the weird gamer Squad um I hope hope you enjoy the stream um if you do uh be sure to uh smash that like

Button um helps out the algorithm and stuff and helps get get get helps YouTube to notice us so Frank Frank want to know something that would be funny for a short wait Frank remember that short IDE come over here come over here to this corner Frank cuz there’s so many NPCs

Oh don’t mind me just just get out of here bro this is a private meeting I’m a Christmas tree don’t worry all right Frank take how do you drop stuff again oh you just go to Tab and click on it take that take that take that take that not really

Private because we can just see it into YouTube random what are you doing up there I’m a Christmas tree I Ain doing nothing I’m all the way across the map you that’s a Christmas tree I don’t know what you guys are saying it’s a Christmas tree you got all that stuff rank

Yeah now equipped uh equipped all three and you’ll have a ton of Hearts yep I did hey thank you zangus wait how can you that I wait how can you do that favoritism favoritism favoritism need a share need a share zangus I can make I can make one I can make one

For one person I have enough to make one more for one person wait what’s what do you need to make it you need those shells that those creatures drop those Circle creatures you mean this one silk and then you need marble which marble you find in caves and then silk you uh

You need SP this okay all right so I’m going to drop it in this corner here and whoever grabs it first cuz I only can make one more for somebody all right I’m going to mine some more Granite cuz it’s what I need yes I need though I mean didn’t even see

It do you guys need upgraded tools I can make everybody upgraded tools if they need it well I never got the heal I never got it you must be tripping man you must be tripping yeah I can use some upgraded tool myself we all could use some

Up Frank Frank you’re at the same level as me you have all the op stuff as me except uh the only thing I have more of is food that’s about it ah who needs food okay what else come on someone give me a hug Zug so do you guys do need the

Tools I can make you guys tool to I already got it I don’t need anything from you oh wow where’s the machine that makes tools at I feel betrayed I everyone be aware of Z’s house it’s very dangerous well I have all that stuff in my house if you need to borrow anything

Okay like the Mach that do that stuff may I have some tools you want some tools I I already have a long sword and the good stuff I just need myself a bow uh what what about what about you you need all you need everything wait do you need all the good

Like all the upgraded tools all of them I don’t know just give me an Axe and pickaxe and I’m good I’m going give you the long sword too though okay all right uh come to this corner uh it just makes it easier to make sure that you get stuff uh drop five wood

Drop drop okay okay thank you all right we’re all pretty equal level here except me and Frank have way more Health than everyone El so what if I just go in the mind and get way more Health what if I go grind and get way more Health than

You I’m going to make extra tools for myself just to have on me so if my stuff breaks I have extras yeah that’s oh yeah the far commands don’t work because I don’t have uh avat stream avatars on zus I’m found where where I’m going to live in your

House wait what you’re not oh wait are you GNA yeah that’d be kind of funny actually maybe I make the best out of a worst situation and I put like just a little bit of the floor back but and then dig out like the bottom and you live in like a

Basement I live in the basement cuz this is a commas 4 for Stacks how do I upgrade it no I’m the I’m the abandoned Christmas tree I’ll figure out how to fix that eventually but for now I don’t really care as long as the walls are still good

I don’t really care too much cuz the walls were broken too I just walk in that was no I’m going just make a whole house and just have it where I can just build a base now I’m just going to live there and the rest of the top of it is just

Going to be for decoration my what machine do I need to up finally done being cooked and beaten oh uh well the crafting bench and then you need to upgrade the crafting bench I I have the upgraded version if not you can’t make the better tools I’m hungry it’s saying that I can

Upgrade the tal it says it’s King Ang’s Village even though that’s pretty funny nice just because I was the one that made this little post thing that’s why that’s good this is my Village it may be your world but this is my Village oh hey I have the whole

World he got how dare you opportunity dare I’m that’s a really good movie Con Air wait how do I place down soil you uh take your random you take your face and you plant it in the ground okay we don’t need to be growing other randoms one is

Enough I mean if one can end a whole if one can cause ends of anything then two could probably end the world oh no did you need for the thing that you wanted to make I am infinitely strong if I ever reply myself and make myself I can I got

Eight wood I will become I will become God because I’m him I’m him I’m the one that can see John Cena oh you want John Cena okay KSI okay KSI nuhi nuh don’t you dare compare me to I I am not it my name is him Timothy D

Him I really don’t want these I’m gonna get rid of these pickaxes I don’t want this peasant pickaxe bro this [ __ ] is just talking like he’s God or something can I why am I op in every sandbox team that we play I swear this we can’t Frank we

Should make it a vlog that he can’t get op until like the third stream of it he we need to make that law somebody I would probably be op too but I’m really slow who’s backpack crossbow yet wait actually yeah why does this chicken want to flee from me who

Friendly crane who is that I have no idea but this chicken won’t let me kill him their backp you know I have a question why would a chicken want to run for me when I’m trying to kill it with a sword I mean if we’re being real a

Crossbow now he had a where did you get a crossbow I got it myself ow give me the rest P now I’m the first I’m the cross oh okay apparent I can’t pick up meat but I show the meat zangus are you the strongest because you are zangus or

Are you zangus because you’re the strongest I’m zangus because I’m the strongest oh my God hi now I got me some more yeah that’s the weaker words Yo La did you ever get into the game I got a crossbow now bro what did I just get shot by a crossbow

No someone’s over here cooking an egg hey yo I’m taking on your arrows don’t make me [ __ ] exact Revenge did you get it cuz I’m holding an egg yeah we need more uh we need more grills we need more granet too yeah why are all the NPCs in your

House cuz all are there so they all go there to do [ __ ] all right I’m going to collect some material here Z I’m going to build a house right on top of your house please don’t but what happens thing is I will do that if you don’t let me in your

Basement I got to like fix the basement somehow or make it worse or something okay make it worse okay please don’t not you let me do it the way I want to do it okay well for now I’m going just sit in this basement until you fix till you

Make it the way you just sitting there rubbing that puppy hey yo hey why you looking at me hey yo Mega pause on that I forgot I was you look weird I’m scared I’m leaving I forgot I was stream to I’m I’m a axe you I’m a bone you Frank I’m bone

You hey yo you’re going to Bone are you ready to get bed I’m on buy him dinner first I’d rather not get boned there there’s another object in the way what object is in the way what the hell Frank Frank I’m going to lead you to the Big Snowy Mountains where

You’re going to get boned by 10 more men no I’m going to build a house and hide in it Frank I will easily create another a certain event that I like create don’t make him don’t make him release the dark frankster oh y please don’t I need to meet him we don’t we

Dark oh you want a dark frankster you want a dark frankster Franky no you use mus for slurp things also I really want to unlock the glider there’s a glider and there’s the you know the little um like plunger gun thing that lets you like move faster

It’s in this game too remember you’re warned I’m going to bring out the dark frankster FR I’m doing most of the work on your house NE start doing your house more wow like I like I like how kids actually no I shouldn’t say that I honored one

Frank I’m here I’m just here farming materials yeah me and Frank are working on Frank why am I doing your house for you it doesn’t matter what Sandbox game we play I’m always just here mining things he’s always going to be mining things thing is I swear within before the before the first

Two streams of something then you are then you are banned for two days wow how about how about it’s a rule whenever we play a new Sandbox game I can’t play for the first two days cuz and then you guys will be at the exact

Same level as me when I finally get in there for the first time you guys and just pathetic you really needed two days to catch up with me you like that one like I’m about kill I’m about to kill one of those things that I can make somebody else another

Charm Frank I’m done doing your work for you I’m leaving oh by the way you guys want if you guys want those charms easily usually in caves those things that drop uh the rare material you need for the charms are usually random how can you make your own

Charms yes Frank yes you need me I can make my own how do I sound I’m not for you using me for labor you’re using me for free labor and I am and I am not standing about it you meanie I’m leaving child labor all right what do you need

He’s using me for child labor I’m leaving you you need you need a you need shells you need shells uh marble and and silk H it’s not working I have marble I had shells random stole it and usually in caves a lot what was the other

Thing uh sh sh marble and string or I mean silk silk silk silk okay I have silk I have I have marble I just need the shell all right I have one shell so wait were you the one that got the one charm or no or you need three still no it

Wasn’t me I it was stolen oh damn rip a riping a dip and a skip oh I see you zangus I’m coming to you zangus I’m lost actually that sounds wrong wait no wait pause pause on that hold on I was about to shout you I was sounds

Bad yeah wait I thought about that hi zangus I I don’t want to try to do a women’s voice I thought about it for a second but I’m not all right there we go don’t wor I’m just mining gr because I’m cuz too scary out there

And it’s too scary out there you want to hear something scary do you made a staircase up here just for you to steal my materials I did all that to do a staircase up here all that effort just for you to steal the materials from up

Here okay let’s use a real scary voice here how dare you steal my materials Ang how dare you steal the materials that I was stealing from you that’s not fair oh wait I’m starving to death wait hold on imagine imagine starving to death could never be me imagine not having all right how’s

This sound how does the evil AI too much imagine not having all right how’s this sound my a broke no not good enough are you emoting on [Applause] me stop okay I’m done I’m here can I have the one shell please I stole most of zish is marbles

And I’m proud of it yeah make him give me back my marble then he have your show all right where that actually scared theck out scared the absolute [ __ ] out of yo whyo oh thanks for the arrows I kill him oh that’s actually giving me the chills I hate it okay

Byebye come here you [ __ ] call me that I don’t like it did you just assume my gender to be a woman canceled canel canel canel canel on Twitter cancel on Twitter cancel can can we’re canceling you we’re canceling you you’re done we need tog the thing so we can start getting like obsidian

Tools you’re done you’re done wait was this chest taken already how it wasn’t even a ladder here before time if you don’t stop following me I will commit I will commit terrorism if you don’t stop make me [ __ ] make me did you justum going to come for you I did with trouble in

Paradise can I’m posting this on Twitter you’re going to get cancelled you mean X you mean X both you mean X hey we don’t call it that real ones don’t call it X I know yeah if you guys don’t stop if you don’t stop trying to kill me I’m

Going to disturb all of you so bad all right all right never mind new plan new plan if you get Frank to stop using that voice you can have the shank please stop doing that it hurts it hurts my feelings stop doing that stop this turn into a horror stream what is

Happen it hurts my feeling that’s a oh I love that voice the with it’s time to juice people out there mysterious juice I got something stop every time I get to things just know I will ranky if you don’t stop I’mma call the police on you you know I I

D that voice you sound amazing y Frank if you don’t stop I’ll I’ll hit you up with 10 beautiful anime wfus it wasn’t one of the the dark if you stop that’s an awesome 10 anime waifus come to real life they really really want to be with

You well if you want I can sound like Donald Trump my myor Frank this is You I have too much Granite stop so much Frank I can’t even I love doing child labor for Frank yes do all my work I shall always save you stop no I’m committing AR where’s the bomb I’ve Enslaved the taco of popping chicken you like my

Chicken hey y he said he liked my chicken hey yo I pull off now you say it where the hell is that stupid all right The Voice one that every wants to kill the most I cuz I love being annoying yes I did it I made him I made

Him stop I did it I get the Marvel let’s go but yo welcome into the game um I noticed someone recently joined nuh it was me I’m W I’m a w man not you I’m leaving my pole there up I’m actually going to find you in real life and kill

You all right hey yo I mean you can’t really find me unless you dox me I’m a hacker test me time I know a better hacker than you oh I also know a better hacker a cousin I have a cousin that’s a really good hacker don’t forget I know we both live

In the same same city and I can easily get kind of scary no it’s not it’s not as long as time is the one threatening me it’s not oh wow Dam you said you’re not even a threat I don’t mind it’s because he doesn’t know me yet I don’t really care

Who you are you can be God I just don’t care God that’s a little egotistical how do I place a roof he’s an anist of course I am zangus how did you manage to place a roof on this house uh I please come help us no you don’t deserve it no I’m too

Busy getting rich I’m too busy getting rich bro if I don’t deserve it you don’t deserve this house zus me and Frank we can easily destroy this house right here with your bed no don’t destroy this house I’m trying to build it here that house not that house that

House is perfectly fine it’s the best house here it’s better than Zeno’s house y why haters and a hate yep for real all right I think I’m going to leave the cave for now I got a bunch of materials dude how do I get up there do

I like need to build something else to get up there or something or what here why does animation take so long the animation to get out of the cave took way too long I like this house very nice oh have enough resources damn it Zenus I’mma live in your

Roof what the hell wait how did you get on the roof oh go to the bag build way over there yeah it’ probably be easier to live in the roof than the than the basement yeah but I’m living in Frank’s house though because I’m the one helping

Him build it if he doesn’t let me build his house I’m going to destroy all the parts I built for him oh Dam why did I expion wait why is my house being shaken what’s happening to my house what the hell what all right I I already crafted

The heart what why is there shaking is God coming to kill us actually I would I don’t even question him because he’d probably want to kill me for the all the Despicable malicious things I’ve done not even he could could do uh I need to make some more chest just cuz I don’t

Finally time it’s really easy for you to lose those hearts if you just die to a brute and now I can just swoop in and take that heart no you can’t cuz you don’t drop Health you don’t drop Health items than God thank God oh man perfect perfect perfect plan how

Dare you ruin it I’m committing I’m committing arson do it to yourself Yo guys we made it to 17 likes as well yo guys thank you so much W W’s in chat big dubs big dubs W thank you guys so much yeah I hope you guys are all fun

And I do want to apologize to some of you that I might have missed in chat so I do want apologize for that if I do I can’t like our drama we’re still we’re struggling to build one part okay okay there we go okay bye I ran out of

Granite okay what does this need oh I don’t have enough resources I need oh yellow Gable what the heck is a yellow Gable the hell is a yellow Gable sounds like a no want to know what it sounds like to me gay gay oh apparently I’m starving do I need more granite or

Something sounds breedable though Where Are You Frank if it’s breedable an egg that’s just like cooking in this or something and it’s just not doing anything here you go Frank I’ll give you some stuff who who was I giving the shell to again me me than give it to random no

Problem I don’t need anymore I need to make more wood planks too you any wooden planks planks wooden Franks wooden Franks you need you need wooden Franks what are you gonna do with the wooden Franks though everything know your business you get so invested in building and you forget you have to

Eat I need to go collect wood I’m not a wood no you guys want to go you guys want to go get burnt alive prefer not to get burnt alive I love getting burnt alive inside me hey okay that sounds sus I am not sus I am certified not sus

What’s to day oh you’re destroying your own house okay here’s your wood I’m trying to fix the floor here this feel like a big b I should have just kept it I have the floor fixed but it was just the wrong block day just comes in and destroys all of our hard

Work yo I think I’m going to have to find another cave cuz this one seems a bit used up has already used because he’s such a sweat AB sandbox games he’s such a sweat zus why are you sweat in Z sandbox games you know I I I

Just realized I kept trying to do the Sprint from Minecraft okay I am starving I’m gonna head off to find another cave oh yeah one the uh uh time you’re heading towards a different cave oh guy over there I really think that they really need to add and update

Like a mini map refreshing I really think they one that got in this in this world no no no I have lots of food like the food that’s like me I am food I am food for for for people weird people if you want if you are weird and

Want me if you are if you want me then I am going then I’m calling law enforcement on you yeah I hope you guys are all enjoying I hope you guys are having fun okay let me zangus is the the master of sandbox cave I want to be

Nasty oh uh I found a new cave Frank I’m heading to I think this is the cave I think no over here you see me is so relaxing yeah I know do I need to put a foundation first before I do that I really wish I could just hit

Square and fix it like why is that not a thing I don’t know yeah it’s right here um or there should be a cave yeah okay I’m going go to uh the camp now all right well thank you for showing me this here you’re welcome um floor floor floor where are the floor

There is a foundation this is let me try to just no if this the one thing that this uh soundbox game is lacking is more uh things to build with like if it was has like stuff like Minecraft to build stuff with then this would be out of 10 even

Better than Minecraft wait a minute this is the exact same cave what huh wait is it yeah that’s weird it’s clearly a different cave though but it’s apparently it’s the same my my home is what you do to my home can you not walk in there while I’m trying to fix

It okay so I found it okay well random found another cave and it’s clearly a different cave because it’s in a completely different location from where our B oh my God base is this girl Jessica oh my God I think this is seriously bugged because that’s the

Exact same cave oh my God Jessica she’s so good at whatever no it’s literally the same might the entire layout of the cave is exactly the same yeah sometimes that’s the thing welcome welcome back white latex welcome back what you what you been up

To my te czy what I’m about to so how am I going to get more oh my God it’s a furry if the uh caves are the same wait can I put two of these here so then I guess I just I can’t finish my house because there’s no more Granite

There’s no more caves actually Frank I have a I have a lot I have 508 grounded so I use that to who’s taking my meat oh [ __ ] it’s already night that’s a very serious bug in this game it needs to be fixed like like how how are you supposed to get more Granite

Then if someone takes my meat again I’m going to punch them do not you took my meat uh I just want to see the uh lights with my uh oh you just went to see the lights with your family nice you left it in my house to be fair

This is my house and it was me and my girl nuh this is sharing is caring yeah you shared it with me thank you contributing to being in my house I here by claim this part of your house the part with the campfire no yes well I can’t finish building my

House because there’s no more Granite Frank I’ll help you finish it don’t worry I literally have like aund I have 150 Granite Frank just come to my house okay I’m here I can I have a few Granite I have 58 Granite that’s kind of stupid I think they need to fix

That yeah caves are like in our connected sometimes it’s kind of weird I don’t know no that wasn’t connected that was literally the same layout no like it’ll literally leave a cave and exit the same cave like miles away it’s weird that is weird actually the floor is kind of fixed yeah

It’s kind of fixed why are you saying hi to YouTube White latex also uh in the CH in in that chest in the corner Frank the stuff is that you oh I accidentally hit your build sorry Frank I don’t know how to like fix this exactly to make it like uh Frank

Actually how are we G to get out of here okay come on I jump on yeah that work too a little f a little for place there Frank I’m about to finish your house oh well thank you you’re welcome oh you know what I have a goofy ass

Floor you know what it’s better than no floor and I seem crazy about to say also I really want some lights some like actual lights how do I make better lights I’m saying all this because I’m bored not because I’m mentally insane Bri what the hell come here come

Here come up to your roof of the house wait I thought I thought you were wait I thought you wanted to play this latex Frank your house is now finished because of me I will I will gladly take 20 billion v-bucks I that how much watch time do you need to

Get monetized again uh it used to be 4,000 but now you can do it at 3,000 and 500 subscribers nice nice nice um oh I was asking if you wanted to play this with us all right I put the shell in the chest just grab mean because you said

You’re bored or I don’t know maybe you want to do something also you missed the I don’t I don’t even know if you do you even play uh fortnite I don’t even know that uh so how do I upgrade this I need I need granite slabs okay okay I need wood

Planks no you don’t yeah we uh I play a variety of games on this channel so yeah if there’s something you’re interested in um I’m sure that there’s uh probably a game that I play that you are there’s something oh Roblox yeah Frank Frank plays Roblox now

He didn’t used he used to not play it but um uh his sister no my cousin my cousin yeah it took me took me like a second to realize that your cousins I told him to play Roblox so he just kind of played it on stream I do want to play

Honestly you know I actually I do want to play more Blox Roots at some point yeah um they had new updates Frank I can’t really uh like Bully you in blocks anymore because I’m not max level anymore I miss bully you I can’t bully you no because I’m

Really high level in that now by the way what happened to that account that you were like max level ha oh that sucks yeah but me and you piss off who you working with I’m working with a hacker right now to figure out who hacked my account and

Then we’re going to hack and then hack it back if what if I just do this it’s a sleep stream technically I’m sleeping in Lego fortnite and this is the entire stream white latex do have you played block RS before it’s a it’s a really amazing

Game bre I’m where do you want to sleep Frank well as soon as I get my bed made I’ll let you know soon as I find where my beds are Furniture can I sleep in your house sure yeah okay I’m going to sleep right next

To the door wait what kind of wood do I need for that it says I need planks oh I only got four I think oh we need wool yeah I hate hackers too you doing you got addicted to breaking bones too yeah I want to get back into grinding on

Block I’ve been grinding on a game that’s a stat grinding simulator wait white L is that is that where you know me from is from stat grinding simulator hey I got some I got some lurkers now that’s what’s up that’s cool I’m about to upgrade our village in a

Second here whenever there’s granite slabs they’re so slow so then we unlock more all my oh stacking simulator it’s a game that I’m addicted to right now it’s a button G I need to get more it’s on Roblox all my fellas all my fellas I’m honestly probably going to

Take a break from it for a while because there’s not much more I can do until there’s more updates well I’m going to be right back I think I I got to take a whiz minus the Khalifa Frank you should play uh Roblox sorcerer Battleground with me that’s a

Game you should really play with me I’m not really into that game right now though oh yeah but still do try it though it’s like strong as Battlegrounds but except I won’t have commands to absolutely one try you I’m 29 hey zis what was the what was the crafting recipe for the hard

Things oh my God I still need one more damn piece of wood all right now this reques planks my oh that’s fun there’s literally a wall between us yeah you know a funny troll if I was like if I was like oh oh wait hold on I just noticed I

Forgot to plug my mic back in my end of my stream you know it’ be super funny if I just troll was like well if you want to hear my audio whatsoever come through and watch my perspective damn I just need like a [ __ ] crap ton of wood damn

It yeah you always need wood and stuff wood is like the coal of this game we lost somebody we lost Dingle oh I’m starving hey it’s daytime so how much of this stuff do I need to upgrade yeah I apologize there’s been so much name changing that it’s

Just wait did somebody else upgrade this what oh no what happened to all my my uh what call it okay I just need to go like chop down a bunch of wood oh oh no I can’t upgrade this hold up let me get dang I was getting that for Frank’s house I am

Buggy you want me to call you a buggy you’re taking all the stuff anyone have that wood does anyone have that wood from the caves I’m actually getting some right now the N Night R nut rout yeah I’m getting some uh okay who not rare though

Yeah I’m just going to pre prefer to you as from your previous name too yo biggest birds yo hello how you doing yeah whenever someone could bring me like a like a stack of that wood that would be very helpful okay if not I’ll go get it myself who’s

Biggest birds I know this you’re a mod so I must know you I’m the biggest bud I’m the biggest bud I’m the you well regardless um get wolf from the Sheep No how do you like make yo panila I like the seats how do you what how do you make

Wool for like the sofas um oh I don’t know probably something upgradeable probably another construction thing that we don’t have yet oh you’re sucking candy canes nice who has the nut wood whatever Who who has that who was it yeah Frank also I’m I’ve been decorating your house oh well thanks do you have the nut do you have any nut no why do you keep on walking into me why do you not have it why I mean actually

Wait oh yeah I know I don’t have any I’m about to just go back in the cave uh I need to find another cave Dam it I used it without thinking about it when I needed it for something more important didn’t you say you were getting some now who said

That me it was me I’m not rare to get though oh oh my do you need uh a stack like 30 how do you do a roll a roll just press X or I’m not on controller oh but I have no idea yeah I honestly don’t know how you would

Play a game like this on controller if I’m being completely honest Frank I’ve been playing this on controller for the whole day I don’t know how you wouldn’t play this on controller that’s a op yeah yeah okay well maybe I need to because I want to attempt to fight this

Thing but I can’t do any Dodges because there’s no buttons to why are you attempting to fight it’s a giant thing that I first need to get away from so I can uh switch to a controller go away if you go far away from it it’ll despawn

Oh no it’s chasing me it hasn’t despawned actually the button’s triangle for me we require assistance right now oh I found a hoe oh wait is my second pickaxe about to bring damn that thing attacks you man we require assistance immediately um I’m I’m busy um sure um sure yeah maybe later though Um oh God they really need to make that item Auto stack like this is so annoying all mys yeah maybe off stream or something like that oh snowberry shake that sounds good just it always Frank unlocked it even though I did it so mean Frank get all the credit for everything that

Streamer well Frank you should say Your Spawn at your bed though really quick over here well this cave has a ton of resources right here that I found right now go to your bed and just assign bed to yourself oh my pickaxe broke okay I

Need to get when you go to that monster just immediately as soon as you get your stuff run yeah that’s the idea did I Mark what happens if we turn this into Frank’s Village though uh you’ll mess up like everything you’ll have to start from scratch with the

Update how many years have I had this channel well I’ve been streaming for about I’ve been streaming since 2018 but I’ve had this channel since uh 2015 Frank’s been streaming since the dawn of time yeah a very long time this was the what was it the8 year anniversary live yeah I’ve been through a lot of different experiences Oh I thought that was buildings it’s not buildings

Okay sometimes I feel like that yeah un streaming 1999 I probably I I probably would have started uh YouTube a lot earlier cuz actually I originally started uh my first YouTube channel back in 2013 well so if it’s 2020 more than 2013 so yeah over 10 years yeah my very

First upload that I ever uploaded I was still in high school so uh wait where’s yo we got everyone here okay let’s go come and prank come on let’s go design your house wait where’s my house what do we need more marble slabs okay I can do that I do I’m already doing

That so do you like why you play in here yeah I do we got some swage now I was going to add some of that stuff anyway but I need to I need to make planks we need put I’mma put a fuse no recipe assigned what the hell sign recipe

Yeah but yeah it’s been a while I have a huge passion for streaming and I always will and plus I enjoy uh hanging out with you guys I like streaming because it gives me friends to play games with so this is my M and house no stealing from us you may look

Inside of our you may look at what stuff we have but no stealing and Z’s that I think I started streaming Scarlet back technically it’s been over year it’s year now of your village so legally you cannot steal from us so H you’ve almost been with this channel

Long enough Matt where you can get only fans from me he yes I said it I do have only fans wait you do yeah yes I do like your own like like like your own content mhm oh [ __ ] okay where do I sign up well I mean you have to you have to

Be a loyal loyal fan on my channel for at least a year to sign up for that well I’ve been I I think I’m I’m just about making a year here yo we time want live in our and want to live in Me Mine in Frank’s

House okay cool um oh apparently I can’t take the planks because my my stuff is full how do you make wool fabric from uh got you got to put the lime and the coconut bro mixed it all together what huh we go to sleep while this stuff what

Is bro saying I just hear Ling fabric get us two levels just like that bro Oh you mean me did I have a girlfriend uh yeah I did hey yo I did not consent I did not no me no go see what zangus is cooking up over

Here I’m cooking up a second upgrade for a place you you built a stone breaker yeah oh wait you can make a granite slap cool this dude is emoting on my freaking did you make me embarrassed no Zang is leaving his cake out what the also I appreciate the workers I need

I need them 3,000 hours so I can get you know partner honestly I think I’m probably about ready to probably end the stream guys I’m getting a little tired to be honest yeah br I have a question is there a way you can make it where I

Can play on the this world without you being on it I have no idea yeah there is you can give him a key like you gave me oh I’ve been I’ve been um but yeah I think the keys are just going to go to the absolute Trusted well here’s the thing though uh couldn’t if uh since I have a key um when you exit I can join they can join my game and join into yours still and continue for a little bit think that’s possible okay I think we should test that out

Though what game would you like to play on Roblox though I don’t know though I’m getting kind of tired God who has food who has food who has food I was hoping we get some regular fortnite at some point too but uh yeah I was yeah kind yeah why don’t we play a

Little bit of regular fortnite yeah let’s do that oh strongest Battlegrounds I don’t know I’m I’m not quite into that game exactly how much of this do I need to upgrade 20 okay yeah let’s do a regular game of fortnite before I end off yeah one one

Game all four of us the best Squad ever yeah let’s do that I upgraded the level seven already so what happened we’re playing regular fortnite yeah okay I was done with the the marble thing dang it wow I unlocked a crazy Co towel rack for

Us oh I leveled up I’ve reached level 11 nice nice oh me too well not level um I reached the level 16 I’ll tell you what white latex oh yeah I love to play doors absolutely after I do uh after we uh play a game of reg

Fortnite yeah I’ll play some doors with you absolutely it’s been a while since i’ played That okay which one for me though it’s 9:36 so yeah so I’m trying to I’m trying to but I I’ve been up since I’ve been up since 3:00 a.m. and once this stream ends I’m I’m going to go to sleep same y not doing anything after just going to

Sleep is it zero build is that it all right yeah zero yeah zero build oh okay build damn you really do have a Christmas tree for AE yeah I’ve only ever beaten doors one time I don’t know whether or not I would beat it tonight but January 6th not quite a year

Yet what the heck yeah give me a second here this last thing in the world and then I’m gonna I I love how my skin just went goes from being a little cute and then just go straight to emo for some reason or something like that why did we go back

In the Lego thing oh my God you broke the gang Frank I chose zero build right here and you guys went back to Lego somehow yeah we did that’s crazy the hell all right I’m almost done with the last thing that I wanted to do here it

Went back to Lego again what the hell uh do you want me after I’m done doing this last thing to just uh for me to try I think everyone has to go back to Lobby oh yeah I think so yeah in the lobby oh I just got a

Juicer juicer I love doing that I love doing that to people who pay for it strawberry snake shakes we can make really good health items now and stuff that wait heat resistance and stamina regeneration o yeah I like that a lot uh I’m just getting more and more op

Over here know what Frank if you ever Unbound me from the Minecraft world you need to make a rule where never to leave me alone in that world no what I’ll probably do is just barricade you in a hole in the ground and leave you there

Frank I will the only way you can truly get rid of me from the Minecraft world and barricade me I will is by bed rock and you need to do that through cheats if you use cheats then I’m then I’m calling every single Minecrafter on

You by the way I’m going to play the stream on my laptop and I’m going to play doors also I want you to listen to my messages okay um guys is that Freddy so what’s new so we have a jumbo Lodge now a detached garage um I made the juer which was new

Say want to play some more Lego fortnite tomorrow so we just can continue making Villages okay let me quit so we can play some good G for the so that’s the best song it’s the best song 2023 yep if actually I wish I had Chun Lee so

I can make Frank simp out of his mind Hey I Love T looks like a demon have you seen the emo version of sticky on your D for the Wizler wait I got to hide as a snowman near oh yeah so when we play regular uh

What call we need to go over here for me hold up let me just find I love sky you are so Sky be my Phantom ta I unlock anything on the battle pass at all that I can get wow I need one more level for some v-bucks uh my v-bucks for a random

Emote let’s be want vbucks so I can have enough for the next I’m be S I hate that you have to load the whole emotes for each single person now to so annoying I sasuka SAS nice oh I need the Naro characters I want them

Too yeah I spent a whole I spent the whole time looking for a single fit and I just decided oh [ __ ] it I’m just G to be SAS so we got a demon we got Goku we got Sasuke we got Frank Frank’s 7 enough yeah hell yeah yeah oh cool that is

Goku I almost want to change to Goku black wait if Goku black says the word black in his name doesn’t that mean he has the rights to say the say the nword like black Frieza N I wouldn’t still do it and even if he does because he he just called

Black because you know he’s evil no no actually no if he says the N word Twitter Twitter and forchan they will gather up to to cancel him he’ll be canceled from life I know forchan from something else yeah every time I see like videos of forchan It’s Always them winning a

Battle against anyone like the government or something no I mean there’s some other things on forchan that I’ve seenan that could never be me yeah forchan I think they’re unbeatable forchan is unbeatable unless you get all of Twitter to Rally up to cancel Oh you mean you mean X only no it’s

Twitter it’s always been the you’re so you’re so Phantom tax oh this is Cool have you not seen the normal have you not seen the normal map thank the bus driver who the [ __ ] calls it X exactly yeah like who calls it X it’s Twitter yeah who the hell calls it X only the only reason why it’s called like that is because El must have so

Many exes that’s funny my right you are my special dude why do I still have this [ __ ] banana umbrella dude I I have the I have the same banana umbrella Frank I want cooler than a stupid banana umbrella Frank does the banana umbrella have a crown on it yes it does

Honestly we’re using the same we’re using the same umbrella why I win theb from Frank when the jisen skin was still there yeah I imag get Yugi toori skin but I didn’t get the the one I didn’t get mat to get the variant where he went into the jujuu high school or

Whatever I need looks alone I’m going to go join him going to join Frank why are we landing at two separate places I know I’m just running across the Alps so I need to hide fromus as a snow okay hello Bob cratch it and once

You do that we need to straight up kill him I I got a blue weapon already okay I I am him no demanding things in chat nope if you demand get the only time I would the only time I can de I will demand things is for Community per per purposes no no

Demanding things yeah the only time I would demand you to stop demanding yeah I could never demand something even if I do that just for me of perfect uh purposes give me blue a thank you okay I need the Snowman thing how do I I’m start I’m about to start doing

Unspeakable things first everyone okay Frank we need to go to the others let’s go yeah we do uh do you guys have a snowman I found one I found one okay have this for now where where’s krus away it’ll be like your getaway thing and once you’re once you hide from

Him I think you got to straight up kill him you sneaky po this Guys near Krampus and oh oh my God I have to go to the exact other side of the map where’s his pres though wait where get the quest Ang no I need to do it near his

Present talking about D oh yes do it harder wait where’s this present uh it’s over here oh come with me come with me come with me and then once we do that we just need to straight up kill him over here all I have is a banana to

Whack people with where his present go oh shoot Frank where are you oh there you are okay just keep going CA in a door frame hey wait where where is this present over here over here ah oh God he’s hang me hard hey yo hey yo hey yo okay where right here I

Think they should be they should have been who is that let’s go me to you guys oh don’t hit me that hard D where the heck is this yes okay I’ll find them uh time protect zangus I just got here who the heck is eating me who’s that yeah don’t kill him

Don’t kill him I need him alive I need him alive go go where the hell pres I do why do we need that ass hat alive that’s trying to murder me I need no time that was supposed to be part of his quest time you’re supposed to kill him part of his quest

Oh it’s sorry he was attack just run man are you serious okay Zen only a fellow anime character is on this motorcycle shotgun oh my God all that effort nothing I feel that that’s racist z g this this motorcycle only you are life is all about patience yeah oh

That is racist I like it it’s not racist he’s just a f character Z get on get on okay bye-bye you guys you guys can get into circle on your own bye bro I will destroy that motorcycle once I get near you nuh good luck catching up to it yeah good luck

Hard it’s hard like my Dad wait let me organize my hot bar my hot bar is crazy right now know you should try doing a match and try doing jerks Frank remember that the YouTube short idea I gave you about like the fortnite training stuff yeah we should try doing that and

Then like after this match we should try do that I need to travel an SUV wait I completely forgot what it was we were going to do uh it was it basically one of us gets on a train and there’s like another person white LX white lightex white

LX oh zangus get over here right now or else I’m going to suck ass wait do I need to do any of these presents Maybe no I think we should try doing that in a different game because Granda be destroying everything okay well I need to travel on

An SUV so I’m just going to drive around a little bit okay all right I need to go 1,000 me that’s kind I’ll just drive 500 and back I took the rocket League car oh the one that I made so big and chunky I’m talking about watermelon right oh I found a

Present oh my car down me for Everything what the hell you’re inside of a present box yeah there’s present nuh he isn’t I said so there’s somebody over there good luck good luck watch shoot him and get or he Som going to get boxed like the fish in that’s I have a question was that an

NPC I don’t think so I think it was cuz I know I can only kill NPCs oh God my car okay Frank here I got a car I’m not going to leave you like these losers let’s go yeah baby let’s go zangus get over here sorry okay there we go let’s Go the best part wait go fast Z I think this car is a little bit damaged maybe maybe oh yeah you guys C me [ __ ] my rocket don’t call us don’t call us B I ran it out of fuel don’t call us [ __ ] no don’t call us [ __ ] you [ __ ]

Actually no I don’t like people what what if I use the entire I love this car so much those cars are cool they’re way too wait I thought cars were just props we couldn’t actually drive them what the hell no that was baby because back then in the OG we

Couldn’t drive any cars only car why’ you do that I want the experience you know I have to wonder I don’t think this car was uh was can I destroy everything now here’s a bike I don’t think this bik I’m stealing it now yeah baby I found their bike it’s my bike now

Thees does it feel good does it let’s go Sol this game without them let’s go then if they die let’s just taunt them Let’s uh let’s do a pacifist round nobody has any kills and we try to win by killing them in good idea okay but yeah let’s starty doing a

Pacifist I don’t know about this one already somebody so can’t really be frank yeah that’s right [ __ ] yeah I already murdered somebody I’m not very nice I have no kills this game as the maybe everybody is uh just kind of uh Sleeping I guess I don’t know oh yeah shot

At that’s that’s I like I like getting shot at because that means I can shoot back well now I have a kill what’s matter fellas charging up my energy Faz Faz is it just me or these enemies are these guys are just going down pretty easily yeah box hey Z get on hey

Yo take it personally than getting yeah bye by wait where should we go actually hold on we’re going to go to people where it show how many how many people how tell me I’ve killed three five all together we’ve at this point I just want to

Say me and Frank are the only ones with kills him go better gun D look I can do a 360 or whatever I can just I don’t play fortnite too I can’t oh shoot I got my I got to go with my fellow wait Frank shooting people Frank are you shooting people

That’s very bad you shouldn’t be too many times wait let me gety motorcycle nuh-uh you stole my motorcycle first oh I just found it there uh you’re the one that St it steal you have committed a deadly you are going you’re are going to a oh that’s a pretty place over

There yeah take my congratulations now dead yeah you’re going down my friend yo boy I leveled up let’s go wait where the guy where where the people oh there there was onead nice good teamworking your Gap from the r give me that give me that potion right

Now I need it I haven’t had this entire I just realized I haven’t had Shield this entire game I should probably okay fine then I’m going have to do it I need a big also speak join not on my Christian server he’s not even Christian how do you know I’m not

Christian you want to see me Rage time I destroyed your vehicle I don’t care was out of gas oh my oh my oh my God my give me your so we’ve killed about what 11 people all together yeah well I have no kills I’m full on paist I got two kills okay thanks for the reminder

Majestic Queen also thanks for lurking by the way thank you so much much love I got the are you random I something that will provide us chicken man’s over that way okay now we can see uh the future storm you’re welcome oh cool I need to heal I almost I almost

Wait let’s go after the people with medallions let’s go you’re misspelling the word lur it’s l r k who tomato tomato wait we shot oh I’m getting shot at hey buddy oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh you oh [ __ ] I’m down I’m down run are we all down

Run oh shoot it’s just K oh my God woman di to a woman I can’t believe we all died to a woman I am dead oh damn she sacko I can’t believe it I lost oh God God God God go Goku go go go M them M them use your forbidden

On them a damn hey at least we play second nice yeah yo we were so we were so close all right yeah I’m GNA wrap up stream pretty soon but some people want to see me play some doors so I’m going to I’m going to do that so

Want to do try doing the James Bond thing that I told you about the James Bond what now the thing where we uh jump where one of us jumps over the like remember that idea oh yeah yeah want to try doing that yeah maybe next time I’m going to be ending soon

Anyway so I’m just going to play a bit of Roblox and our doors okay well but yeah I had a blast today I’ll probably do like a private or private a Discord stream of Minecraft um tomorrow night I think I might do that just chill in there and just play

Some Minecraft get some stuff done be back I need to do something real quick all righty oh my God Frank my dog scared me right my camera is still not working hang on might have to uh might have to do that can you hear me yeah we can yeah I

Can hear you I returned wait my camera isn’t working oh yeah Frank Ray my oh there I am okay we’re back yep all right um it is uh make sure to listen to my messages I’m hopping into the game uh usually takes a bit for you yeah yeah

Frank you see my avatar the one with the wheel on its head the wheel on its head oh yeah do you like it uh yeah it looks kind of goofy but yeah I like it I guess yeah that looks like a pirate wheel oh hello time how dare Street you meanie oh

Nice Avatar by the way kind of looks like the same in uh fortnite wait what happened he called me from the street meanie hello oh who’s this who’s this cat was uh was uh was zangus gonna join there’s sound is it just only four people yeah it’s only four people now

Yeah only four people can yeah that’s right yeah yeah who’s this shark I call D on on a spot H how how about we how how about we do it like this to make it fair you guys do the doors and then after you guys done are done with doors couple tries

You guys join me for a natural disaster okay all right true but I’m not hearing any sound is wait I grind some blocks for I went yeah probably a good idea all right let’s go into this one guys yeah let’s do this okay yeah I hear a

Sound oh it’s a little low though isn’t it we got to have it a little higher yeah this might get a bit confusing though maybe I might want to mute myself until you guys are done cuz and then if I’m playing a different game on my stream then I might get a little

Confusing this call yeah I want to make sure I have that fairly loud so I can hear the things or what if I do some meme game while I wait like do like a r or something that would be funny yeah I’m must start a Roblox

Stream I I never thought I’d see the day okay so your name is uh shark namon okay who’s name wait I don’t I don’t wait wait wait wait no I want to go back wait not gonna lie that one YouTube short that I did when I was playing

Broken buns where I said something about Jack that was freaking hilarious bro my game is still loading ah yeah so is mine what’s going on did Roblox take a dump I wonder this is weird I never I see the day where the Roblox subscription thing is right next to my

Name all righty then well let’s retry this then yeah retry try yeah let’s rejoin me throughout Heaven and Earth alone am the honored one yo this stream has gotten 141 uh views too so far nice uh Frank tell me when you’re in the private server I’m in it let’s choose a

Different door this time maybe that might be better I don’t know for some no no no what happened bro I can’t for some reason at one at this part of my on the screen that I’m very used to I of making my character look around it doesn’t work for some reason

Hopefully works when uh that’s weird we go into the yeah hopefully it works we when we go into the thing yeah how’s the uh okay oh there we go oh finally okay I’m not going to forget to buy this time uh I’mma buy a lot I’m going buy

Some actually should I buy lock Pi or uh I’m going to get both I’m about a a a lock a lock pick and a light and a and a flashlight okay yeah I’m all good right now also hang on is is this game a little too loud who’s shark oh that’s uh that’s that’s buggy AK white light um white latex okay Frank time when before the

Seeka chase I want you guys to tell me which way left and right is cuz I have difficulty with that all right okay and then when we’re uh doing it I just want you to tell me which door to which way to go to so you’re going to

Say I make it to Door 50 yeah let’s not die this time you know how much Roo I’ve spent on stat grinding simulator gas how much gas 200 billion 20,000 that’s a little high don’t look no I think that’s average I’ve spent about 7,000 I was I was kind of

Close seven BR all that all that Robo could be put into block Roots I know it I know I know I know damn it I know but I can’t help why you calling us bum heads oh V they make you go faster I yeah perfect for speeduns that crouching t uh Crouching Tiger

Hidden Dragon uh probably you to how get to my own stream here oh God I almost died there that would have been where’s everyone all right going immediately wait what door was it shoot does anybody the door oh thank God it’s 17 yo why Mo still for one sec time stay one sec

Wait what time stay still for one second okay why what you want wait why why can’t I post at my stay still stay perfectly still don’t move at all what is happening my discord’s glitching I’m trying to trying to everybody on Discord and it’s just

Not oh it did it twice I don’t want to do that I want to do it twice I’m cheing this one all right I’m going to look up some meme Roblox games and see what I caners what if I search up some some streamers that I like or whatever

Michelle look at me look behind you oh you’re glitch with the painting okay that’s weird my painting no see blocks first swps up if I type in player what is this oh my play what you found all I’m going to say is get Z you don’t want to go down that

Rabbit hole you don’t you’re going to find some pretty pretty odd things right I’m going raise the volume a little bit here what is this survive I show speed the killer okay you know I just realiz Frank stand perfectly still for one second awesome you know you have no

Face I I show spe you know you know if you just if you wanted to uh you wanted to you know I’m actually I’m actually terrified here Z you’re regret your life if you do what you’re doing right now I’m just going to say that right now about admin okay well I’m doing

It oh how do I exit this I forgot how to control stuff in Roblox on the console I know it’s like select or something so like I got a l more guys I have one of the best items in the game what is it all right how do I start

Like the game and join for free ad free admin for just liking the game dang oh I found the vitamins Game Pass how do I start the game though I just want to start wait wait stop stop stop guys look look what I got oh I got

Nice okay tell me which way left and right want wait time use that on seek and tell me before that tell me which way left and right is I’m I thought this is a survival game why why am I not surviving I say we have to go right left

Or straight I speed wait tell me which way left and right is though this is left and this is right left and right left right okay whenever tell me whichever the right door is by tell me left and right okay all right get ready I’m not

Using the Cross by the way so if I die too bad I thought I was supposed to survive I shall see where is he and is there like no music or anything on this right thanks I feel raise left somebody taking a p what is this game why it sound like someone’s taking

A piss oh my God oh my God I almost didn’t make it who has who has bandaids oh my God oh my God I’m so glad I had vitamins if I didn’t I would be dead for the creepy seek music yeah wait guys if we

Just use the cross on seek then we just can get through them easy peasy yeah that’s what I’m going to do oh yeah I don’t understand this is called survive I show speed but I show speed where is he oh I show bro this damn Discord you know I have a suggestion um

S ghost what are you ready to kill uh no figure type in high school type in high school uh dang type in high school oh Lord up you’re going use okay is this supposed to what the hell something happened figure is our Bane for real last time we fought figure it only one

Person survived I’m in speed’s closet what the the hell so is this supposed to be the new house you bought the Mansion yeah me wait guys wait for very disappointed I have not seen I show speed once how is this surv okay this sucks I’m yeah there’s a lot of ones that suck

Okay what’s up 44 okay when we’re at door 50 wait for time and he’s practically our secret weapon all right sorry for stay for a little bit anime character I kind of want to type in anime role play and see what happens we’re almost in door 50 guys and when

We’re at door 50 just use the crucifix his name is the of all Frank’s episodes he’s a nice fella yeah he’s a nice fell that casually rips our face out yeah oh I got some compliments okay time are you ready to exercise him yeah can you actually exercise him

Though okay everyone just let time kill figure is that even possible just guys just stand still and let time kill bigger can you even kill him though yeah only kill him with a holy bomb but that thing was a April exclusive wait wait what are you going to use the cross

On I figure it will paral Li but not for too long I would just I would just save it for something that we really need it saved for yeah bro Roblox crashed my stream ended oh damn oh sh okay screw it I used it I had to it was too close

Well I’m going to delete that stream because there’s no point yeah what the hell well I don’t have anymore that’s so weird Let Me Wait I don’t think I have YouTube Studio on this phone I need to download That bro YouTube thumbnailer oh I do have YouTube Studio on here content I think we have all the books don’t we now no we’re missing one more okay I think it’s up here with me I found it okay I don’t have the uh the puzzle page so um look at

Me FR your face is so beautiful oh thank you I’m going to suck maybe I do some rocket League while for you guys I got the paper who’s going to open it uh me I’m just okay I’ll tell you what what it is okay okay what’s the code okay the code is

Seven eight okay eight huh 2 Z 7820 let me say you again 7 8 2 0 6 that’s the close all right let’s go yeah baby let’s go yeah we did it the G oh I another cool got it no turn that music probably cop yo hello Aaron what’s up Aaron how you

Doing We made it guys I swear watches all just die to a zek next thing don’t worry I got a okay oh you’re new well uh welcome to the weird gamer Squad Aaron um guys uh let’s show some love to uh Aaron in chat he’s new hello Aaron

Now tell me what type of woman do you like I don’t know if you want to ask that straight away but yeah we’re just chill decide on if I want to be their best old friend though yeah it probably did yeah we’re just chilling yeah okay

Nothing okay so I have it on streamer safe mode so so now the streamer uh anything copyright won’t play on uh all right all right oh I thought this was the SE thing no that’s no seek we there is another seek thing but yeah that’s a little

Ahead okay at like door 75 or something I think so yeah oh I hate this one oh shoot I swear to God okay find a li um but Aaron um you should read the uh the description it lists all the games that we play here um

On this channel and stuff I also have a Discord server where we hang out and stuff too um but yeah welcome welcome I hope you uh enjoy oh I almost died nobody told me that you guys found the the level Frank do you have ROBLOX Roo’s

Revive oh no yeah I got some left okay I don’t really like having to use it that early on though but oh well I’m saving mine for like yeah I have some Ro I don’t know why I just whenever I see your avatar I just think of a man

Just I’m actually supposed to have dragon wings but I guess for some reason in doors I don’t and also I look more stumpy in this too for some reason your in your face though it just looks so funny what that I’m supposed to look like a vampire I don’t know if I doing

This might have removed it eyeball coming actually wait there could be a crucifix in this room I don’t want to leave anybody behind nobody yeah we did uh we played some Minecraft today got some stuff done in there and zangus was was just really lucky with the

Diamonds we uh played some fortnite um did some v-bucks giveaway and that’s was coming later we did a a spin wheel thingy I can’t show you right now mouse cursor is in the game okay so I think this is again time you’re just going to immediately stun him okay all right I’m

Going do some rocket League while I wait for you guys right right I was too fast for my own good I don’t even know where the hell I was going I’m dead see now this is where a good spot would have been to yeah Tom I thought you had another

Crucifix this is doing me darn it I died to see darn it of course I did hey guys wait wait wait wait wait wait for the next Pokemon schol stream so we can uh do more Union Circle blueberry quests yeah why is it 30 Robux because it likes you very much well apparently I’m dead so I made it to Door 76 that’s the closest I’ve made it so far I think if I had two more Robux I would have been with you guys oh I’m so sorry hey I be door 50 let’s go but yeah Aon

Um yeah I do I play a variety of different games um lots of stuff that you might be interested in as well we do a lot of community stuff as well on the Discord and all that stuff but yeah we’re pretty you know you know we can get pretty weird sometimes as well

Yeah we’re just a bunch of Goofs mhm also I’ve been up since 3:00 a.m. what is that room man if I could revive more than once I would certainly pay more Roo to do so right now cuz I should not have died to him I don’t know I think I got

All turned around I think I might might have been going backwards I think I don’t know I was too fast for my own good also I don’t know why but every time when the seek starts it’s like it puts me right in front of the wall and I can’t go forward I

Know wait I also have a cute little doggy down there my Dogg or your name is Turtle it was not n yeah she has her own uh members only emote too yeah there’s going to be more coming oh no oh hell no I’m not dealing with you rush come here Rush Oh Come

A oh you get him I got I was not yeah baby let’s go he’s probably the most annoying one of the most annoying enemies in this game well I know something that would be really funny is just the Roblox doors g m or thing but everyone just has infinite crucifixes that’s

That would be cheating one person is just like halting no it’d be really but it still be funny because one person is just keeping seek at Bay keeping him from killing them and then they’re gradually just slowly moving and then see can’t do anything cuz it’s stunned yeah I agree that would

Definitely be funny that would be hacking and then all they won’t even have to hide for a rushan Ambush they would just have to look towards them and they be got halted then bigger would just be halted for the entire thing so just you two are still alive yeah they’re they’re they’re the

Only ones left the only one and I can I can still revive actually until we get to Door 9 of course what door are they on Roku tankai ooh spooky spooky spooky oh yeah let me show you yeah the little spin wheel that I have and now I

If any of us die here shark for me we cannot revive we die with so basically the two PE so the first two people the first person to die was the vampire dragon person oh time what did you step on he stepped on his mewing the second person to die

On was that it oh oh God that was close oh [ __ ] I I survived that oh thank you I all right always be close to a closet I’m I’m going to I’m going to freak out like I’m just going to I’m going to completely freak out if you

Guys actually beat this I’m going to lose my [ __ ] what door what door are you guys on we’re in oo actually okay so are we going do Frank will we do another round of doors I don’t know I’m getting kind of tired I might just uh play a little bit of what zangus

Wanted us to wanted me to play might Jo on that for a little bit first and I’ll things up yeah Frank I had a old plan that two people would get uh 100 gold and if they made it out from the uh seek thing they would both uh buy

Or seek and thing they would both buy I beat this Doors game on a live stream once so you know what my what’s what’s the shortest ever stream that you did uh probably I don’t think I’ve ever done a stream under an hour um the very first

Stream I ever did was like an hour and 30 minutes I know I did it probably probably just oh time just died um probably just uh under an hour and 10 minutes maybe I don’t know I mean it’s it’s been a while I think my my very my very first

Uh stream that I streamed that was really long 8 hours was uh when I was playing Link’s Awakening remake wait how did boy kill you I wasn’t in the back in room 94 for too long and and shark left me and the door shut on me my longest stream I’d say I’ve ever

Done was Resident Evil Village for the Halloween special that I did a year ago I think it was a year ago I played through the entire game yeah the Roblox game with rainbow friend dude I actually I went I went back and replayed like through the original um the first chapter and then

The second chap rapor and I beat it really easily that’s cool side the Frank will never beat doors ever again LOL if he does then I’ll be [ __ ] for four hours out of complete shock oh no shark shark died yeah I’ll play a little bit of that

Also if Elizabeth wants to I might go a little longer if we uh do rainbow friend you can’t play rainbow friends on Console right uh no but I think you might no I think I could probably I don’t know can I think there’s a way you can by

Inviting I think or if you join my I don’t know if you can where you go I go what you see I see I think there is a way you can I don’t remember I Googled it yeah I’ve seen how far you made it yeah there’s my beautiful

Wings that’s what I’m supposed to look like you made it to Door 97 sweet have you ever beat it before though I one oh Frankie hi Frankie hi probably hav’t play this in forever but sure yeah rap my different Avatar my what it’s kind of creepy if

I’m being honest you have no face what the hell just happened to me um bro that so scary I just see this man eyes turn white for second he dis disappears like what the hell guys I was far away from the map for some reason oh no guys I wonder where the

Volcano is you guys know where it is you once got into an argument on uh if doors or rainbow friends is better just went on for an hour and 30 minutes damn I mean they’re all they’re both great games so I mean I don’t think one is better than

The other I think they’re equally okay Vol well apparently I died because as soon as the game started I my I don’t know what the hell happened but my body just flung out of the map look Frank I’m in the volcano oh my God he’s in the volcano

Oh yeah yep you are I’m in heaven so y I didn’t even get a fair start just died instantly what the hell happened though I mean Hello Sky wait who’s uh Skyy I still haven’t died surprise normally people di already I didn’t get a chance and Naked and Afraid oh how am my

God oh my God few glass pain is holding this whole building up oh you’re Skyy ah okay yeah me and time did it no sweat we’re so good can anyone explain to me what happened to me last game I don’t know the game just said no streaming and decided to send you to

Jesus apparently you hear me yeah I even the night was even Confused executed Jared disappeared rank when you disappeared into the abyss EX jar just looked at me like I don’t know what the hell happened I’m going to get away from the outer side of the uh the the platform I’m going to go inside the building I think I’ll be safe

Here oh no it’s a sandstorm it’s a sandstorm we’re GNA die #l boo well I think I’m safe inside stay inside the walls you’ll be safe yeah let’s all stand on my head oh look at this shoty heyo Frank come here I’m not moving because

Of what happened to me last time I’m too afraid I’m gonna stay right here walked once and immediately died like could never be me I have an idea random why don’t you go stand out there in the [Applause] sandstorm can you please stoping hey this is my banana Surfer I

Bought for $1 billion I’m not trying to take anything I’m just I’m just alsoo the banana I don’t know what happened to the surfbort but it’s it’s not really there anymore well what the hell Frank I was touched once by a surfboard and immed was turned into bacon [ __ ] oh well that sounds

Good mq the Royal lurker I’m studing how are you sending constant invites while playing hey sh hey Mom oh well I think the building’s gone I’m not safe anymore darn it oh I’m dead never mind and a erated the building and now I’m standing on some

Random dude’s F head oh he down people’s head especially especially when they tell me to hop off wait did we all die yeah we only three people survived dude why does that invite keep popping off like 20 30 times or have you already joined please please please please

Please oh my oh my God so far I’ve been through two natural disasters the first one I didn’t even get to experience because some anomaly happened oh my oh my oh my God second one I think I’m getting troll wait time I want to be in I want to be with you no

Than that sounds ominous oh where are you Time oh Dead all okay I don’t know what happened there I think they changed this game to make it more nor more evil I’m glad I wasn’t with you wait what the how did I that was supposed to be blood thing spun a lot well oh yeah I guess that makes

Sense well good luck hopefully you don’t Drown yeah be dring it back and forth I think this game is broken guys I just fell off the place you’re not supposed to and died again yeah maybe there is some recent update to this game and it just screwed it up oh hi time oh my oh my oh my oh my

God level 100 yeah is making me me wait I was kind of writing you there for a second okay that’s cool only one surv only one hey Frank does it grip oh H yeah Frank stand still perfectly still yeah I don’t appreciate theing who is trolling You someone on on Rocket League

Oh they joined and just constantly spam me in invites and then just like dribble the ball around they’re obviously like a like a really skilled player that’s just toying with me oh that’s always fun how do I leave a party I don’t remember how to do that oh there’s one o

Just turn off the game yeah yeah this stream’s getting deleted too that was terrible oh I see my eyeball uh tsunami get higher ground that never even works cuz the The Bu building just okay apparently I can’t climb this yeah oh I didn’t know I thought you were

Still playing doors that’s why I was on we ended up all dying yeah everyone died yeah let me I guess I’ll make a second attempt at this Roblox stream here it comes guys get ready P I think I’ve tried like three stream this will be the third stream I try and

Two of them were completely terrible ah that was easy actually will this building survive the tsunami I wonder oh someone just through into pudd pieces still in touch though let me delete this for I’m Dragon tune 32 I’m on top of the house I’m a vampire dragon oh there

Hello yes the first time baby I’ve ever survived a tsunami let’s go okay yeah the very first game I we I joined in some weird anomaly happens zus and I just went flying out of the map for some reason I was gone it’s prison do we attempt to stream this

Again kind having bad luck here um I’m so laggy oh no don’t go in there Frank no Frank I’m in prison let’s go I’m safe in prison no you’re not I could be he could be though I need to free you now oh I can’t escape no you can’t well you can

Actually it’s okay I got a little toilet over here I’m all wait is that a toilet or a sink oh I’m not good ah get me out of here are you no I’m still in the here I’m still standing I’m going to drown I’m going to somebody in here is called d dumb

Dumpster interesting imagine I’m dead maybe the water won’t get in all another Ro stre Frank where are you I’m in prison I know but what out I have no idea it doesn’t say anything oh there you are here you are run safe go yeah I made it baby

Hey first time I survived a flood I sa you friend play more Five Nights at Freddy’s I save you time I might one day I love being in factories that’s where my dad sends me hey yo okay now I’m ready all right all let’s Roblox it up where are you guys I

Want to get I want to buy the balloon so heyab girl what’s good how does Moon how does this person someone already died how I don’t know I just see some one HP and they jump and die what is this employee of the year who the [ __ ] is this who the [ __ ] who

The [ __ ] are you hey fire what’s good baby girl it penetrates very well fire in a factory how that’s me you’re standing on Z is yeah I know oh oh hi sang if you if you look up my stream my perspective right now I got a nice angle here what’s up

Sang Hey yo that look kind of Susy oh oh God no oh oh that’s look hot that looks hot like me idea oh God I remember this what’s the best way to survive this just stay away from the fire no look at your stream hang obvious but it spreads like I don’t know

What’s the pattern of it spread uh it spreads very fast wait Z what’s your username oh never mind I think we’ll be safe on the tree depends a tree during a fire doesn’t seem like seems to be working out for us so far yeah as long as it doesn’t spread

Over here I think we’re [Applause] good say ABN G wait wait why does it say AB that’s what I used to go by before King zangus but your name in here is King zangus but on there it says ab and gaming Ro Roblox name I don’t know that I might just do

The rainbow friends after this oh let’s goow friend hey Frank we already played some doors so yeah I’ll be wrapping up I think we should stay away from the guy you know you Rachel you’re so right you’re so right oh somebody died over here you’re so right hey go you’re so right you’re

So big and strong I’m so much taller than this person what the he BR come sit with me in time oh blard oh I’m going to get with Kaden over here yeah I think I’ll chill with this uh chick over here he’s an olive oh this game’s pretty warm hey than I really

[Applause] nice plus this game is way so loud hold on there’s no need for this SK into this SL is a wall no what is happening hey y hold on hold you know I just realized something did I ever put in my spine I don’t think I did wait man me

Check oh yep I have a sp oh thanks you’re gonna have to move a bit it’s getting too crumped in [Applause] [Laughter] here I’m looking out my ass I have a nice uh nice view here hey Sur about two in a row can we do three in a

Row somebody died in the lobby how how hey yo look at that goofy walk look at that goofy ass walk Dam she tall as hell wait where damn shy you looking I love it when they’re big I love it and I love it when it grips

Hey hey the start and things are already being destroyed did you pray today hey I got a baby girl in the whip with me hold up are you good at you pulling girls I got that SK some Millie B died oh [ __ ] it’s that’s not good well

Stay out of the buildings how did I survive that I don’t know oh my God you’re so what are you going to go head out Majestic all right have a good one thanks for the lur get some good rest when you do I was say this half broken car oh

No this is half broken oh my God this what I’m doing right now playing survive the natural disaster I was right there oh I just got hit hit oh God have a good night I don’t know why but whenever I see something get destroyed it’s just so satisfying oh something

Happened to me oh oops well I’m dead I think me and I died I got bro what I just see this man get touched by a by a I’m not sure what it hit me but I fell in the ocean these people are getting killed by little pieces of

Rock where’s that tall lady is that tall lady still here oh we got the candy can lady Hold Up Wait wait come back I see you if I jumped if I can make it back over there and he was good though what good with you yes I can yes I Wait I’m getting kind of sleepy none of us feel is the tall lady still here or no probably nobody survived that I don’t know I think I might end the stream here guys I’m getting tired yeah I am too is that a cockroach a cockroach what’s that a it’s another blizzardon

Inate yeah I think after this one I think I might just wrap thingss up I’m tired d I got a good raid Target you could do if you want no I’m just too tired I’m just going to pack it up Z you dangus where are you where are

You I’m on top of this girl with the wings you’re so St wait what’s the disaster right now th thunderstorm so stay indoors everyone get under the I’m inside go under the stairs time oh that’s the [ __ ] Crouch Frank why are you looking at me like that con 4K con 4K con 4K con 4K oh God oh God damn

It I’m waiting until he notices I’m not there I just want [ __ ] FL bruck you’re stuck look at that look at that Roblox booty oh yeah I love Roblox booty Roblox booty is the best especially I se it I just want a why didn’t I say

Under why do I haveone dies to this I’m going to be so surprised yes yeah baby I think time died I think I don’t know I died yeah damn imagine dying oh my God it’s SAS damn this girl has no face but she does look kind of good still I don’t

Know how I just went flying away all right I love clapping sas’s cheeks hey yo I mean by that is the cheeks on his face what were you thinking huh wait what yeah I’d like to play rainbow friends at least once but I’m too tired I need to wrap things

Up well Frank now you know how I feel every day when I’m at school yeah I’ve been there well anyway um thank you guys uh so much for hanging out with me tonight also thanks for the 18 likes guys thank you so much yeah I’m just

Tired I don’t know I tried to stream I try to stream Roblox and Rocket league right now and both of them one I got and the game crashed on the other I don’t know maybe maybe I should just end and delete this yeah all right well thank you all so

Much I had a wonderful time as always um there’s not going to be a stream tomorrow or uh Sunday or Monday Monday is going to be Christmas day so um don’t look why I said in chatry Christmas I will be streaming crowd control next Tuesday and uh Wednesday

Scarlet and uh play this Thursday I be getting back into uh Pikman also I think there was a few other things too that I wanted to do I’ll talk about later but anyway thank you guys so much have a good night everybody um thank you I hope you guys

Enjoyed the stream um have a wonderful night get some good rest by byebye Massive shout out to uh my to zangus if you’re not subed to him go support him what the hell is that all right peace wait a minute where’s my shout out man yo shout out to random

Guys do it myself I had to do it myself there’s a lot of shout outs there’s also some in the description like uh long time uh long time uh Frank fans lunar 994 and there’s few others Frank I hope that I am in the description of long time Frank I don’t

Know but anyway peace out guys

This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft survival and lego fortnite and Roblox later | (Pls read Description)’, was uploaded by FranksGamingEpisodes on 2023-12-23 05:32:42. It has garnered 165 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:58 or 19738 seconds.

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eligibility to join the server you must be a loyal fan of the channel and have been subscribed for at least 2 months and been active in chat for every stream or at least making your presents known for a !lurk and been active in the discord community and helped out by clicking the like button for every stream.

Server Rule no griefing of any players and any stealing other things they have gathered/created its polite to ask for something first we will be happy to help and give you things and help you and no demanding things like going to beat the endor dragon unless we are all ready too and I’m there/no rushing the game if you break these rules you will be permanently banned it will not be tolerated and asking to be back in will not help you

my mods will be watching you so play nice and follow the rules and everything will be fun for everyone


artist credit for thumbnail vito grubic https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwgOzNlAdoThONiK05JTCVw

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stream rules 1# you must respect one another

2# Deliberate spam will result in a time out repeated spam will get you banned for 2 days

3# i do allow self promotion you most consult me or one of the mods

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break any rules more than three times and you will be permanently banned from the channel and if you use alts to get around a ban or a time out you will be banned immediately. (exception 9# No racism Rule will Not have 3 chances)


– Community – Games #1 Fall Guys #2 Pokemon SV #3 pokemon SS #4 pokemon Unite #5 Jackbox #6 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe #7 Super Smash Bros Ultimate #8 Humon fall flat #9 Roblox #10 Mario party super stars #11 Among US #12 Project playtime #13 Dead by Daylight #14 Gmod #15 Left 4 dead 2 #16 Minecraft

Shoutout: I-am-Agathokakological https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClYgSnNGDlzEdCs-ewm4DTw

Shoutout: Majestic-Queen77 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZcq2KCHJxlsyBgWXZ3wvBg

Shoutout: Astro Cat Gaming https://www.youtube.com/@astrocatgaming77

Shoutout Spiteri_19 https://www.twitch.tv/spiteri_19

shoutout Konner4life https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9Y_GCOj2bOsCJUuILncuoA

shoutout Feelgood https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYBVksUUmKOJ67H6s1GlK1A

shoutout Matt https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfZLGudg6ilyfTuzMOn8eFQ

shoutout Luner994 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJt7lMp6IA6yxZaB84SV8aA

Shoutout Dark_Night https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJRoTG3BtvfvRqY8LK6X60Q

(Jax) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdke_jbvnv8LtD8jg70qglw (Jax kirkpatrick) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCPIDb1SxwpAa3tQ1ernOpA [jax’s extras] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCca8f1wK0BZS_9Kr3rlIwHA

Shoutout DemonInTheDark https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcmN4iuVC0tJZm1vxR9bYLA

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

    Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained Exploring the World of Minecraft Anarchy Servers What is Minecraft Anarchy? Minecraft Anarchy is a unique form of gameplay within the Minecraft universe where there are no rules. Players have the freedom to build, destroy, and engage in conflicts with one another without any restrictions. It offers a truly chaotic and unpredictable gaming experience. Server Spotlight: Strad One of the servers that embodies the essence of Minecraft Anarchy is Strad. Here, players delve into a world where creativity knows no bounds, and the only limit is their imagination. It’s a place where alliances are formed and broken, where epic… Read More

  • Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired

    Only Cute Girls & Ugly Guys Hired Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. Players are immersed in a blocky world where they can build, explore, and survive in a variety of different environments. Let’s delve into some of the key features that make Minecraft such a beloved game. Endless Possibilities with Building One of the standout features of Minecraft is its building mechanics. Players have the freedom to construct anything their imagination can conjure up, from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s block-based… Read More

  • Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft

    Uncovering Secrets: Nether Fortress in Minecraft The Mystery of the Nether Fortress in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey through the vast world of Minecraft as our protagonist stumbles upon a mysterious Nether Fortress. Join in on the adventure as we uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic structure. Exploring the Unknown As our brave explorer delves deeper into the Nether, they come across the imposing Nether Fortress. Towering spires and dark corridors beckon, promising untold treasures and dangers. Armed with only their wits and a trusty pickaxe, our hero ventures forth. Unraveling the Secrets Within the fortress, our adventurer encounters a labyrinth of twisting… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed!

    Minecraft Map Madness: Review #1 Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, a map review is due, For the anniversary, let’s see what’s new. Exploring the realms, with blocks and mobs, 15 years of crafting, no time for sobs. Asele’s channel, bringing the scoop, With a cloak in hand, ready to loop. Nerkin and Matzncraft, in the mix, Celebrating Minecraft, with tricks and kicks. An anniversary card, a creeper cloak, In the world of Minecraft, it’s no joke. Twitch streams and updates, all in sight, Minecraft’s 15 years, shining bright. So dive into the game, with joy and cheer, Minecraft’s anniversary, let’s all be near. Asele’s… Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop

    EPIC Pixelmon Mod Shenanigans! ft. xNoofunk & Kartoncoop Minecraft Pixelmon Mod Adventure: Finding Legendary Pokémon! Welcome to the second episode of the thrilling Pixelmon adventure! In this episode, Noofunk, Kartonkopp, and our protagonist delve into the Minecraft Mod Pixelmon, adding Pokémon to the game. Excitement ensues as they discover their first legendary Pokémon! Join us on this incredible journey filled with exciting moments. Don’t forget to like the video and leave a comment to share your thoughts with us! Social Links: Twitch (Livestreams) TikTok (Short Clips) YouTube Kanal (Videos und Shorts): @FasteinVince Discord (Streamer Discord Server) Follow along to not miss out on exciting moments and engage… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Meets Exam Eve In the world of Minecraft, I’m the news reporter in rhyme, Crafting updates with humor, each one a good time. From new mobs to blocks, I’ll keep you in the know, With a spin and a grin, I’ll make sure it’s a show. So leap into the verse, where the truth takes wing, In every pulsing line, let the story sing. I’ll keep it fierce and funny, engaging and light, With Minecraft facts to share, each one a delight. From Cube Xuan to Classroom Series, I’ll keep you entertained, With rhymes that ignite, each update explained. So follow along,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Funny Chai Wala 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by Adi Bhai Gamer on 2024-05-29 06:30:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Funny Chai Wala #shortsvoice credit @NOTYOURTYPE video credit @LEGENDDEVILS minecraft minecraft funny … Read More

  • Garrettmc Network

    Garrettmc NetworkHello and welcome to the Garrettmc network :). We have a variety of games to choose from, we have Minigames, Murder-Mystery, Skyblock, Classic smp, Smp, factions, creative, and an anarchy server as well. We know that the server wasn’t the best in the past and we are actively working toward making a higher quality server experience. We hope to see you on the server :), have a good day. 🙂 mc.garrettmc.org Read More

  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

    Hark, Brave Adventurers! Charged Creeper is an SMP server that launched in March of 2024. We offer a captivating survival experience with: Features: Lite RPG experience with Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Quests, and more Excellent QoL with Player Warps, Homes, Land Claiming, and more Voting system with rewards Player-owned economy Multi-platform play with different MC versions Informative Discord channel with Discord-to-Minecraft chatting Custom Help menu available 24/7 Join Us: Visit our Website or join our Discord Channel. Java IP: mc.chargedcreeper.com Bedrock Port: 25566 Welcome! We eagerly await new faces in our server and extend our warmest welcome to all. Feel free… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

    Lebonbon must have some serious Minecraft skills if they’re scoring a 94 on meme creation! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

    Minecraft's Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine In the world of Minecraft, where blocks collide, Sad moments unfold, tears cannot hide. Players build and create, their dreams taking flight, But sometimes it crumbles, in the dark of the night. Heartbreak in pixels, a tale to be told, In the land of creativity, where stories unfold. But fear not, dear players, for hope still remains, In the realm of Minecraft, where joy always reigns. So watch the full video, subscribe with glee, For more Minecraft shorts, come and see. Trappedsynth’s channel, a place to explore, In the world of gaming, where dreams soar. Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

    Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, that’s a bruh moment in Minecraft. Just remember, always bring a bucket of water with you! Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Beacon Cream XI Portal Embark on a journey to the world of Minecraft with UzeMing as he crafts a unique portal known as the Beacon Cream XI. This portal, inspired by the character Beacon Cream from Roblox and Minecraft, challenges players to explore new realms and unleash their creativity. Materials Needed To construct the Beacon Cream XI portal, UzeMing gathers obsidian, flint, steel, beacons, and Redstone blocks. These materials form the foundation of the portal, allowing players to delve into a world of adventure and mystery. Building the Portal With meticulous precision, UzeMing assembles the materials… Read More

  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

    Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft: Exploring the Exciting World of Bedwars Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the popular game mode, Bedwars. Join the excitement as players strategize, build, and battle their way to victory in this competitive multiplayer experience. What is Bedwars? In Bedwars, players are tasked with protecting their bed while attempting to destroy the beds of other teams. It’s a race against time as teams gather resources, fortify their defenses, and engage in intense PvP combat. The last team with their bed intact wins the game. Key Features of Bedwars: Teamwork: Collaboration is essential in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

    Minecraft PE Update 1.21 - New Features & Download!Video Information तो जी हां भाइयों और बहनों वह घड़ी आ चुकी जिसका आपको बेसब्र से इंतेजार था आपके अलावा आपकी मौसी को आपके मौसा को आपके रिश्तेदारों को आपके पड़ोसी को आपके बगल वाले चाय वाले को आपके सामने वाले पानीपुरी वाले ठेले वाले भैया को किसी को भी इस घड़ी का इंतजार नहीं था आपको घड़ी का इंतजार था तो आप एकदम सही वीडियो में आए हो आज मैं आपको देने वाला हूं माफ्ट का 1.21 का नया अपडेट और सुनने में आ रहा है कि मोंग वालों ने इसमें भाई ऐसी चीजें ऐड कि है ना कि… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!

    The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!Video Information This video, titled ‘Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Skyblock’, was uploaded by Julius Laguna on 2024-05-26 01:49:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Discord is now going smoothly. Links https://discord.gg/dB85sqEJTH (Community discord server) https://discord.gg/P7uKMQBtXt (Prototype community discord server) https://discord.gg/penguingg (Official SB737 Server) https://discord.gg/dRsZQHWU3A (Chillax(Branchoff of the Oficial SB737 Server)) https://discord.gg/jVHSxfknyW (Official Julius Laguna SMP discord server) https://discord.gg/psa6NqquMF (Unofficial Julius Laguna SMP discord server(Any branchoffs will need to be aprooved by the owner.)) —————————————– Minecraft Weekends at 2:30 PM EST: Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Survival Weekends at 8:30 AM EST:… Read More

  • Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shorts

    Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information easy tree in [Music] mcraft so baby do it right do me right we can go all time we can move fast when you put your body on mind and like to be one of those nights but we don’t turn off the lights want to see body on mind and [Music] This video, titled ‘Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-12 12:49:21. It has garnered 1388 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts link in description:-https://www.youtube.com/@ZSSKAYR67 search… Read More

  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

    Mega Money Hack in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information जब रील दिन में बनाएंगे ना तो ज्यादा व्यूज आएंगे ठीक है वन टू थ गो मोटी चैन मोटा पैसा दिखा दो कोई भी मेरे जैसा This video, titled ‘Moti chain mota Paisa #gamerfleet @GamerFleet #minecraft #shorts #short #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by BuddysScout on 2024-07-05 03:20:00. It has garnered 9726 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic… Read More

  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

    WAR for VICTORY in Hive LiveVideo Information bum bum bum welcome to the stream everyone let me just set the things up enjoy the B if you if you know what I mean I’ll see you guys in [Music] L welcome welcome Chatters sorry I have to Ping the Discord cuz I’m a Goofy Goober all right chat welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome let me uh yeah sub guys we got to win all right let me do a few more things and we’ll just get right into it [Music] let’s do it guys let’s start welcome everyone welcome to the stream hello Norman hello… Read More


    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More

  • Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in Minecraft

    Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found Gaint husk 😱 #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-05 12:10:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gaming

    Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gamingVideo Information [ਸੰਗੀਤ] ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨ ਕਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨੀ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਉਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨਹੀਂ ੱਕ ਮੇਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੀ ਅੱਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੈਰੀ ਕਖ ਨੀ ਗੇਮ ਘੁੰਮਦੀ ਆ ਬੈਠੇ ਫੋਨ ਚੱਕ ਨੀ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜੱਗ ਨੀ ਲਾਈ ਲੱਗ ਨੀ ਲੱਗੀ ਕਈਆਂ ਦੇਆ ਉੱਤੇ ਤਾਕ ਅੱਗ ਨੀ ਥਾਂ ਕੌੜਾ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਸਵਾ ਪੁੱਛੀ ਜਰਾ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਚੱਲੇ ਥਾਂ ਥਾਂ ਜੱਟ ਤਾਂ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਮੱਲੀ ਬੈਠਾ ਥਾਂ ਅੱਗੇ ਕੱਢਿਆ ਭੁਲੇਖੇ ਕਈ… Read More

  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP go.iping.fr This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More