πŸ”₯Join Us on FriendsWithMatt’s EPIC Minecraft Server LIVE NOW!

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Matt from Friends ofm mat.com yes I am going live to show you my Minecraft uh server anyway before I get to this Minecraft server oh bacon flake in the chat in the building what’s going on Ruth what’s going on space kitty what’s going on bird what’s going on alal one

Um friends I got to talk to you’all about something wait is it seriously that lagging or did I not hit am I not actually live oh no here it goes it’s turning on it’s turning on all right cool friends friends friends friends friends in the building I got to brag about something

First just cuz I got to brag okay sometimes just need a brag so before we go play Minecraft I wanted to show this off what this is is my first brand deal this is my first brand deal this is a free product I can’t open it and show

You because tomorrow I have the day off of work and tomorrow I’ll be filming an unboxing so I have to Keep It In The Box I’m not going to tell you which one this is I kind of already gave a hint in my short and in my video about like what

Brand deals I got but anyway I got two brand deals I have another product coming in the mail within the next few days okay friends with Matt is a business now and I’m getting free products from companies so that I can make videos about them so you’ll find

Out what this is um probably tomorrow because no wait wait wait I think this is the one actually that’s going to take me like a week to film a commercial I have one other product yeah this is this is this is definitely the one I think

That’s going to take like a week to film a commercial I have one other product coming that is going to take one day to film a commercial because it’s a more simple product anyway I’m just bragging I got two brand deals let’s freaking go I’m a business now this is the brand but

If you’re tuning into this live stream then you are friends with Matt you already know what it is so anyway uh thanks for letting me brag I cannot be more excited can’t stop smiling you guys have no idea no no no no no I’m going to

Keep talking to you for a second like this you have no idea what’s up bird I see you bird I see you bird you have no idea my whole life dreaming of being a YouTuber you dream about the brand deals you’re going to get now the two brand

Deals I’ve got are small they’re not necessarily like they are cool products I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t a cool product but uh growing up I always dreamed of companies actually wanting to do business with me because my YouTube channel and friends friends friends friends with Matt has reached that point

So we are all upgrading just because of this so anyway stay tuned in the next few days in the next week you should see two videos on my YouTube channel that are straight up advertisements because I now have brand deals in the building okay now let’s get some Minecraft baby let’s

Get to some Minecraft yes I am dual streaming vertical and hor horizontal at the same time yes I am going to yes I am going to play Minecraft what’s up we got uh cop panda in the building let me see Coop panda in the building oh I forgot to bring up the

Vertical live streams chat uhoh is that a Wither return you died H who summoned a Wither um who summoned a Wither wait someone is flying what is that anybody anybody who’s just watching the stream do you even recognize what that was what was that yo we got 11

People tuning in let’s go can somebody please rewind the stream and put in the comments what that was and then I got to show you what edgert worked on and I got to show you guys the little notes that edgert left me if you don’t know who

Edgert is I will explain in a moment but you need to give me a second so I can pull up my vertical live stream chat because I know I know I’m dual streaming we don’t want the people watching the vertical live stream to feel left out I

Don’t want them to be saying stuff in the chat and I don’t notice so if you’re tuning in to the vertical Liv stream first of all you’re friends with Matt second of all I’m pulling up the chat no I have not been looking at the chat in

The vertical live stream I’m pulling up the chat okay friends I got two live streams going on at the same time so that means I have two separate chats going on at the same time meanwhile I got people in the Discord sending me messages right now and I got people on

Minecraft itself sending me messages right now yes I am getting a little bit popular what’s up game fun game fun in the vertical chat in the building Lindsay Buffington drummer in the building lindsy Buffington drummer is in the vertical chat building she’s one of the people that would always watch my

Horizontal streams for like ages now when I started vertical live streaming dual streaming by the way dual streaming I’m streaming vertical and horizontal two different live streams both on YouTube at the same time man how do you become somebody that great I do have to give gopex the credit for that gopex is

In the horizontal chat he is the one that taught me how to do that so despite what you’ll say about gopex he did he is the one that uh sent me the video to learn how to do that so that’s nice bird I’m not going to join prob if I was

Invited on switch but mufford has issues and no I’m not pinning this on him but I do not like playing on computer well that’s too bad B wait bird I thought you were bird I’m so confused how you’re not in the building on this like bird that doesn’t make sense to me

How you wouldn’t be allowed on my server if you were on there yesterday yesterday you’re saying that we have to add you as a friend or something cuz I know that’s and that makes sense you’re saying that you can’t though because earlier today I know for

A fact I added you on the white list and now you’re saying anyway you should put the other chat on like the top right are you talking about the top right of the live stream I have a Mac right next to me and that’s where the uh the chats are here

You guys want to see no no no no I’ll show you another time right now now I need to get to the Discord chat I have to get to the man I got so many chats going on you guys don’t even know how many chats I have going on but I love it

I love it I can’t get enough of it yo yo yo in the building we got muffer and space kitty in the Discord chat everybody’s invited how y’all doing um I actually need to cut keep talking to the uh live stream so so I might I don’t know if you guys are

Talking I’m about to talk talk talk talk talk talk talk do you want me to leave this or you guys just okay here I am I’m gonna talk talk talk talk talk talk so friends friends friends as you guys know my server has been absolute chaos since

It started the good kind of chaos with a little of the bad kind of chaos um so I met this friend edgert I had never met edgert in my life until I opened up my own server and he just randomly joined and then we became friends and Edgar’s

One of the loyal ones he’s one of the good ones well Edgar and I decided that we would um go build a house elsewhere away from the main city um I still want to work on the main city but I’m not going to right now anyway edgert is in a

Totally different time zone for me so long story short he was working on our new location all day today and now he’s not going to be able to tune in right now because he’s actually asleep right now it’s like the middle of the night so let’s put it this way while I

Was at work and he was home from school he built this house pretty cool sign he made Edgars um pretty cool sign but he left me these notes it’s so funny because this morning I was on with Edgar like early this morning I had to get on my

Server and I was on with Edgar and I was showing Edgar like yes this is where I want to build my house and so he made that house he said I could live in it with him until I make my own right next to his we’re going to be neighbors but

Look at this he left me these little signs oh muffer wants to come of course you can buddy um anyway U look at these little signs he left me this is so adorable it said it’s kind of hard to see because it’s night time friends with

Matt if you get back I will build a house for you I will build a house you can live in it there if you want it’s too late for me if you come back cuz he had to go to bed and we have mending Trader in the village

Downhill when you need it so I don’t know what that is but it’s something he like trapped a Traer or something or he’s he’s got a villager down there that’s like useful for trading stuff or something like that um anyway I think that’s adorable Edgar’s really cool I’m

Really glad he’s a part of this and now let’s go check out his house I have literally never seen this I have literally never been in here he did this while I was at work but I love it already I’m gonna build my house right next to his I think we’ll see we’ll

See wow super cool he’s got all the gizmos all the gadgets let’s see oh he’s cut Cherry saplings and Cherry logs anyway that’s pretty cool he’s got the furnaces going let’s see I think I need to throw some stuff in the furnace oh I have to go get more coal oh man I

Got to get more coal but yo I got 37 diamonds in the building my goodness I got 37 diamonds in the building oh wow so this is his chest with tons of stuff that’s pretty cool what is this edert has been up to quite a

Bit so um wait what was I going to do um I don’t really need the iron helmet pretty much friends I don’t even have a house right now I don’t even have a place I don’t even know where to go but I freaking love this Log Cabin look

At this KingSize bed he made that is so cool um uh smash TNT said where’s the stronghold this is this has become somewhat of a hide and seek type of server all right so um now we got muffer and space kitty in the building space kitty you there space

Kitty uh do you want to show me your house yeah sure okay um I’m going to teleport to you in a second but I’ve got a friend named fake YT in the chat and fake YT you just got a new subscriber I just subscribed to you I

Like your little um Channel page with the cats the cat wearing sunglasses well I just subbed you bro I just subbed you bro anybody that’s a subscriber of mine I will gladly subscribe to your channel if you’re a YouTuber and you’re trying to get subs I would gladly subscribe and I will like

And comment on all your stuff so anyway now I got to teleport to space kitty yo what’s up who’s that is that Joe is that Joe King Austin plays kid Austin plays kid Austin the Canadian right yes the Canadian um cool we got a Canadian in the building kid Austin

Plays so kid kid Austin plays I heard um you might have uh taken a few things that didn’t belong to you but you gave them back I I could glass that’s it okay um where’s space kitty are you there oh I just died space kitty I want

To get on a private chat with you so that we can you can show me your house I’m going to go I’m going to call you uh privately okay all right sweet rain what’s the server ALS what I also uh rain are you on Discord we will have to add you on the

White list rain what’s your MC username I think I recognize way rain all right you’re here space kitty um I tried to send you a Teleport request I’ll just teleport myself to you I guess wait I might only be able to show your um I mean show my house because my battery is

About to die are you in your H oh are we in your house right now I’m here I’m behind you oh okay should I know watch out I got it I got it I got it I have who there’s no no no there’s a creeper did he just ruin your house no

What is with all these dude what is with all these bad guys outside of your house or stairs or whatever jeez theise we just got like raided is this the entrance to your house yeah okay that’s super cool dude what is going on all right so this is your house I’m live

Streaming um rain I’m joining your server right now wait you have to you you have to be on the white list uh that frogo Matt H Matt how are you told me about your coworker oh I don’t know if I want to froggy don’t froggy let’s not talk about

My job while I’m live that’s between that’s between you and me wait whoa whoa whoa whoa space kitty is this your house yeah it’s a cast you made this yeah when did you make you made this on your iPhone no on my Nintendo switch it took

Me like 3 days this is all I’ve been working on on are you kidding me muffer needs to see this I’m going to I’m going to T I’m going to TPA muffer TPA here dude mufford has got to see this this took me like the whole time I was on the

Server oh my goodness my goal is 100 SCS yeah okay this is super cool this is super cool I actually just remembered I have a chat I need to do with froggy I’ve got to do a chat with froggy okay muffer muffer this is space kitties all right I’m gonna uh space

Kitty this is so cool I got to talk to froggy though cuz me and her have a a scheduled conversation okay yeah well oh that frogo froggy Froggers oh hello there she is let me turn my Minecraft volume down um going there we go also I want to fix

Something on OBS I can’t focus hang on on a second just fixing something guys just fixing something wait whoops not that I’m going to go there that’s good that that’s good wait what why am I not in the center of the camera now I’m in the center okay froggy

Froggy Froggers now I can focus what’s up how you doing good what’s wrong you sound sad I’m not sad oh okay sorry sorry I have the sniffles today you got the sniffles I have the sniffles sniffle sniffly sniffers did you watch Scooby-Doo no you never watch Scooby-Doo

Ever no my friend’s begging me to watch it so the next time I go to her house I’m probably going to watch it with her which Scooby Do just the regular oh sweet good the only good one all right good good good well not the only there’s actually is quite a few different

Scooby-Do and a lot of them are good yeah I’m currently playing VR chat with my friend so so you’re on Discord I’m on Minecraft and Discord you’re on VR chat are you with Penelope no with somebody else with a VR friend of mine oh no does

Penelope not have VR oh she does she’s she does she’s not uh it’s too Li allowed to be allowed to get on right now sucker I don’t know if anyone’s watching this live stream but like look at this amazing amount of coal I found I need

Some coal really bad sadly like my phone glitched and like I can’t get into my phone right now so it’s like oh you need to wait five minutes before you can get back into your YouTube account and it’s like stop it oh my goodness wait I just got lost stop doing that um

Today today like during class I was just randomly going Doby is a free elf I don’t know why I just Doby Doby is a free elf Doby a sock Doby got a sock from Harry Potter um Doby is my least least favorite character in all of Harry

Potter do you like Doby I hope I didn’t just make you sad hello froggy Froggers no froggy Froggers I think froggy Froggers disconnected hello froggy Froggers can you hear me hello yeah I can hear you okay I couldn’t hear you I don’t know if you were responding I can hear you now

Okay yeah I had my V chat mic on so you can hear me that’s my bad oh okay so L okay so listen listen listen listen I love him I love him he he’s precious he is a precious he’s just a precious guy who just wants some socks he’s just a

Precious guy that wants some socks what’s wrong with that uh well he also wants to stop Harry Potter from coming to Hogwarts did you forget about that why is my pickaxe taking forever I haven’t watched Harry Potter in a while I’ve just been focusing on Star Wars

Because I need to finish I need to be able to watch uh Ahsoka I need to rewatch The bad batch so I can watch the new episodes that are coming out I have to re-watch the Mandalorian and I have to catch up well I don’t have to rewatch The bad bat to

Catch catch up on the bad Batch hello oh no I lost froggy Froggers again oh my goodness now I died oh well okay hold on I’m gonna switch over to my phone real quick all right all right I’ll look at the I’ll look at the uh I found EG bases but I hope you have a good luck

With your journey I’m going to quit wait quit what wait what no no no no no fake YT fake YT don’t quit are you serious are you still here please don’t quit please the mean comments you got to learn how to Relish in the mean comments

I love it when people hate on my YouTube videos and I mean it I really like it I like and I can tell you good reasons why what’s up Nelly Rose that’s Ruth oh hello found it LOL I have um Nelly Rose now that you found it

We’ll know who messes it up if it messes up so what’s up froggy Froggers what are y’all playing in VR chat I’m just waiting her for her to invite me right now we were doing um speaking Minecraft we found this like Minecraft world she has some minecft

World we were building we were we made a cave we found a cave we were building uh down there we were building like a house and there was a wall with the door so we can like do each other’s houses yeah we were doing and then Herr died and then

She just messaged me like hey uh invi you and she still cousin so I think she’s AFK right now we see oh SP is on I haven’t played a space so how do I join the server says Rogue Reaper also I’m new to this stream is lit let’s go Rogue Reaper in the

Building uh um join my Discord uh it’s called friends with Matt and yes um sorry fake YT I’m talking to two people at once and I’m talking to the most important girl on the planet her name is Froggy Froggers and if anybody has a frogging problem with froggy I will frog

You up is that weird froggy did I take get too far froggy froggy no froggy froggy I don’t know if you can hear me but I can’t hear you we might have to end this call cuz you keep cutting out then you know what I’m saying wait

There’s a kitty I want a kitty oh that’s right I need to go to the village and get the kitty can I live at your base once I join maybe uh maybe this isn’t my base it’s a friend who said I can live here until I make my own house next to

Him okay just for you Matt oh really thanks you’re going to you’re going to keep doing it just for me bro don’t give up I just discovered your YouTube channel fake YT now I’m a subscriber now I can write I will only write nice comments I’ll write as many nice

Comments as it takes to keep you on board staying on YouTube I should probably get my bed down from this tree this is where I’ve been living by the way you think that’s my house no that’s Edgar’s house this is where I’ve been living like Tarzan basically this is my bed this is where I live I should probably move it should probably not

Live there I’m just going to place my bed outside of EG I’ll just live here for now okay so now this is officially where I live um for now Edgar will understand he said I could do that King Joe in the building all hell King Joe the one true king of the

Friends with Matt Channel um having that title does not have any benefits whatsoever it’s just a title and we got Rogue Reaper I’m confused let’s see let me check the Discord let’s check the Discord who’s sending me messages also Froggy’s mute so I’m gonna have to say goodbye bye froggy I don’t

Know if you can hear me um go to the friends with Matt Discord we go to General Austin maybe didn’t check have the time Rogue I don’t see you but Rogue I don’t see you in the Discord Bro can you TP me please I just want to get a blossom tree King Joe let’s go yeah I TP you bro wait why is it not working TPA here oh it’s cuz he’s not space kitty he’s Alone movie there you go and there’s my Empire I look over okay

So what am I doing here’s what I’m going to do I know what I need to do Matt’s temporary living situation I’m homeless basically in real life and in this do not mess With no seriously don’t there that’s good remember yo I’m going go ahead and get offer today to wake up early also did give smash permission to have my old house as I’m moving away okay Ty muffer uh that means where’s rogue rogue Reaper I don’t know if

You’re still here but if you just join a Discord or add me on Discord and then I’ll have to Whit list you into the server so oh that’s steak let’s go I got cooked mutton in the building friends friends friends you know what I kind of want to do honestly

I’m sorry y’all I got to take a short break from Minecraft so I can do a couple races and pod racing I’ll be honest with you I don’t just play Minecraft I also like playing Star Wars Episode One racer but while I’m doing this I want to get on a chat with

Someone froggy oh the froggy is sad that I got off the chat I’ll call her again froggy Froggers froggy Froggers answer the call Froggy I’m calling her where’s froggy rer I put my username in the Whit list Channel I’m here oh okay whoops what’s up froggy froggy hello yo what’s

Up you keep a you keep accidentally muting yourself I do my bad that’s my bad all right yo what’s your MC username did you see the new video I posted I posted wait what we’re watch we’re gonna watch it on the live stream then right

Now I just let me just add this guy you’re playing Star Wars now I’m gonna play Star Wars for a little bit you know me froggy I love my pod racing um I would play other okay let me just one second sorry let me Focus add okay wait that player does not exist

What whitelist add it says you don’t exist what do you play on weird uh Rogue Reaper Bedrock on PC question mark on on switch oh on PC okay then I don’t know why it’s not working what am I doing what are you doing froggy Bedrock users yeah I put

The I put the I put the period on there I’m sorry for one second I put the period on there maybe just try regular okay I’ll try regular thank you froggy for being so patient wh less add no not that that player does not exist again still said player doesn’t

Exist um I’m going to try one more time and then that might kind of be the end of it honestly sorry Rogue if it doesn’t work have them friend you um this guy just said why do you have Whit list anyway all right I give up because he

Does sorry I give up I gotta go for now that’s right froggy that’s it’s because I do um all right so I disconnect for now I mean I can only do so much you know what I’m saying now I’m going to do pod racing and talk to little froggy

Froggers so what do what do we want to talk about now what’s the word on the Street froggy on hold on hold on hold on on okay sorry uh no was talking about by the way I’m waiting for her to accept my invite but she’s been taking like minut saying that she sends me one but I don’t see it but you don’t see it

I’m friends friends friends if you’re tuning into the live stream and you’re wondering what I’m doing I am trying to set lap records in the building let’s go wait who’s calling me oh man I have to pause the game I bet that’s froggy calling me who’s calling me who’s that is gopex no

Uh froggy can you still hear me is she on mute no no froggy no froggy can you hear me okay hello hello um that’s my bad I had to fix something on my end well I also got a call oh did you hang up and then I got a call from someone else

Probably yeah oh okay cuz I guess so I could fix it oh and I immediately got a phone call like right as you hung up friend I’m going to drop my channel into my uh server I have a wait you have oh your uh Discord server the the official froggy Froggers server

Nice is there a way you could turn your mic up yes there is a way I can do that oh please do you’re a little quiet also I need to turn pod racing down but is that any better uh it’s hard to tell it’s hard to tell because I’m doing pod racing which

Is just so loud like I don’t but yes it it it’s good enough let me turn pod racing way down it’s wait how do I even there’s like no way to turn pod racing down it’s so annoying yeah yeah there is remember you go into the settings the sound set than yeah but

It doesn’t affect anything when I turn oh we got Megan Stone in the building sup Ty Ty the guy when I do that well of course now it crashed this is such an old game I wonder if I I might just mute pod R well half of it is the sound effects

The sound effects are so good you turn the volume down in it though and it doesn’t affect anything at all that’s really weird it’s so loud all right settings hold On all right I’m just gonna because you and I are on a phone call I’m just gonna mute the I can mute the sound I can’t turn it down though yeah so now the only sound I hear is nice soft beat that I’m playing some music and froggy

Froggers the most froggy of all Froggies so what are you all doing on uh VR chat uh we were just gonna go I don’t know yet she still has she AFK she text me need to go and you’re going to be going to sleep soon

Yes so I have to text her when she comes back have to go soon a it’s okay we’re how big when I get home from violin nice how often do you do violin is do you practice every day I try but I can’t always on Mondays I have orchestra like at 6 like

Yeah oh that’s right like when I first met you I think you were didn’t you have a solo in your Orchestra oh no I think Froggy Went mute again froggy Froggers I don’t know if you can hear me froggy Froggers but you’re muted okay I can hear some rumbling on

Froggy side oh now I can hear you again is happening what is Happ yeah what just happened what just what just happened oh my gosh I’m so bad at this uh hold on I have an app that I can turn on Okay can you still hear me okay yeah I can hear

You okay I went to an app that leaves that keeps my phone from turning off okay um froggy I’m doing terrible in pod racing like I literally can’t stop crashing I don’t know what it is come on I’m just not warmed up I’m just getting warmed up friends if anybody’s watching

This I’m just getting warmed up and I try to push myself to drive through all the small little cracks in turbo speed oh no my Turbo thrusters just caught on fire I’m repairing no no no this is crashed repair it as fast as you can repair it do you know the spell

Rapero yes did you play the Harry Potter game something something the legacy of Hogwarts I played a little bit I played a little bit with my friend but we never finished it yeah it’s very it’s kind of annoying like the cutcenes are fun at first but there’s so many cutcenes and

Then they’re like it’s like repetitive it gets annoying yeah cut scenes are like they all have the same idea to them it’s like oh go do this or go do that or find this or find that oh here’s an important point but we’re going to make

The tiniest cut scene and make you spend 20 minutes on a story and have eight cut scenes in between and it’s like stop it I want to play the game I want to play that’s right uh I wish they had a way to like turn down the cut scenes and Hogwarts

Legacy it it does it does ruin the game basically like it’s actually cool because they’re thinking oh we’re going to make it feel like you’re in the movie well they failed because they don’t have any of the characters from the movie movie yeah did that not piss you off

Also imy grer wasn’t in the movie Ron Weasley’s older brothers I wanted to go I wanted to interact with the Weasley family like the actual Weasley family they have one Weasley in the game and it’s not even a real weasle yeah I wanted to like when I

Played I wanted to go like really bad because I because like listen listen I’m listening I’m listening listen I’m listening I’m listen when she went when she went when she corrected wrong with like the leosa thing I’m gonna say I after that she became my favorite character I don’t know why wait who

Which one Hermione don’t question my morals my morals Hermione don’t don’t question my morals I don’t I’m confused what liking Hermione has to do with morals is it immoral to like Hermione IM grer my favorite character is when she like corrected Ron I don’t know why but she became my favorite character right

After that moment I’m not kidding in the first movie I was like you talking about the first movie yeah right when okay yeah saw and and everybody how is that the part that means you like her like uh you know what part made me like love Hermione is when she’s like um we

Could we could what I don’t know she’s we could die or Worse be expelled so funny like all she cares about is Hogwarts she’s like we could either die uh we can either go through the life-threatening situation and possibly die or we could fail our test

Next week like what do you want to do come on it’s from God Le not God saw yeah my friend had a Harry Potter theme birthday a few years ago and fake fake what wands wands yeah and there’s like a little booklet with I love spells it’s like somewhere in my

Room I need to find it but I have I still have it somewhere and it’s like it’s just like a lot of fun like I was watching the movie Once I was watching the movies and I just was like I was I was chilling with head wig and the Phoenix and head

Twig and I love all the Harry Potter memes are so good you’re uh you’re a wizard hairy and it’s like you’re a lizard hairy You’re a hairy wizard har GD um wait so which one which Harry Potter is your favorite movie hello oh no I lost froggy Froggers again

She probably got like she probably got like mauled by a bear you know she froggy lives in a zoo that’s where she got her name froggy from it’s from the zoo she lives in froggy Froggers we’re waiting for you I do very much live in a zoo I live I do

Very much live in a zoo um with your two brothers yes I sounds like you’re getting a phone call I’m not it’s my phone my my cord’s being buggy um oh it keeps like charging not charging charging not charging cord that’s like you plug one part into the

Phone cord and that it like stays there and then there’s this like part that like magnetics to the part that like goes into the plot and it like unplugs like really easily oh my gosh so annoying that is annoying though um I was having an issue with my

Computer charger that had that and it so it was because the little like silver piece at the very end of the charger was like getting a little Wiggly and I noticed like okay um so then froggy I realized it was like getting loose anyway the little metal

Piece boom I love sorry if anyone’s watching the live stream for some reason I love doing that jump and crashing in that rock I have a dream that one day I will do that jump and go over that rock okay so back to froggy anyway I ended up

Ripping on accident I ended up ripping out that little metal piece are we doing um wait F Oh I thought you were doing Miley Cyrus USA it’s a party in the USA you’re seeing Katy Perry as you’re talking I’m your girls were Unforgettable da Dukes bikinis on

Top um so are we doing karaoke is that what this just turned into I found a really for me and my friends yeah what is it where is it did you just throw up froggy what’s wrong no Okay so one of my friend statuses on VR chat right now

Is drowning and poison and that is a big group but that’s a big um joke and it made me scream because that’s our inside joke and put it on V was like stop it don’t do that stop it stop it stop it what is that from are you going to

Explain to us how you got that in inside joke it’s an inside joke nobody gets up with us what that’s not fair you could explain it and no one’s going to laugh because we won’t get it I’m drowning on poison this sounds like something an alcoholic would

Say froggy Froggers we lost you again you’re on mute froggy Frogg a un mute I’m I just quiet for some reason I just got really quiet you just got uncomfortable um last year he he wore a sweatshirt all the time that said I’m Ching poison help me or

Something like that and that just came our inside joke whenever he would wear it he we would just go no you’re drowning in Poison he got where did you get where does one acquire a sweatshirt like this and why would why would why would he buy that

Sweatshirt no he he made it he he oh he made it my dad thing that’s even worse dad has this thing called a cricket where you can like make stickers to like put on clothes and stuff and he has too so he made one for that we he just made his own sweatshirt

Interesting last year so he just kind of did it and then he just wore it all the time what color was it it it was black sweatshirt and then it had like a on the back it jic waist and then it said like caution and then on the it said I’m drowning

And oh no uh if anyone’s tuning in this live stream by the way this will be my last race and then I’m going to bounce I mean not bounce I’m going to go back on Minecraft I mean cuz that’s like what this thumbnail is is

Minecraft oh yes um so wait I forgot how much experience do you have in rec room do you have any suggestions for like a community game I don’t do community games I don’t do games I just chill in my dorm and listen to music the whole time I don’t

And make cookies and cakes no that’s oh you’re talking about yeah yeah yeah in your recck room dorm you just chill in the dorm with other people sometimes I no yeah I sometimes go into the rec seter but that’s I don’t that like ruins the whole point of the game no point of

The game oh my goodness you’re going to be so lonely in college when you live in a dorm you’re just going to be like in your dorm all the time point or maybe you won’t maybe you’ll finally wait you’re probably going to do college at home onine

Online my uh my cousin who’s now a professional touring comedian was homeschooled like I was telling you and he has this he’s got this whole joke bit he does where he’s like um now you could be homeschooled all growing up and then you can actually do College online at

Home and then you can work remotely at home and have all your food delivered to you and he’s the comedian so I don’t know how to say it the funny way he does but like that’s his joke is like technically someone and someone you got

To know in our crazy messed up world you got to know someone probably is doing this has been like homeschooled and then do college at home and then they get a job working remote at home and they just never leave their home my private lesson teacher for my

Violin um one of her kids actually did home school throughout the last years of high school and then into college so and into college yeah but like are they involved in extra curcular activities outside of being homeschooled because like there’s nothing wrong with being homeschooled and that doesn’t mean you won’t be

Social like my cousins they were homeschooled but they were super involved at their Church which was huge and they were always playing sports like in leagues and like private leagues and stuff so they they were always around other kids it’s not like they were just

At home all day but you know she she graduated already she’s not oh she did no yeah she’s not in colle anymore but I might get homecho yeah I heard but like but you’ll still have stuff you’ll do right like are you still going to be a part of an

Orchestra um I don’t know yet I might do like half year like in the public school and then a half um out of it just because like my brother’s had a b experience in the same school that I’m going to next and I’m having a bad

Experience now and I’m going to be with all the same kids in the same school and a lot of us are gonna have the same classes yeah and they’re gonna and they’re gonna try to encourage um even though my brother get some some kids and then he’s oh they’re

Gonna put you in the class with your bully so they can um encourage you to get like like thank you I don’t think that’s true I don’t yeah I don’t think that’s how schools function but guess what you probably will get put in class with those very

Kids you not interested in being in a class with but you know what made me so jealous with my cousins they were always okay think about this think about unorganized like public school is my cousins one they learned more than I ever did in their little homeschooling

Two they were done with school every day by like 12 or 1 p.m. and they were and then there’s no like way or traffic to get home they’re already at home can you imagine being done with school at like one every day you just like doing like

Five hours of school instead of like a million I did homeschool over Co and it was like the worst and the best experience it was the best were they making you do Zoom calls though sorry sorry you just finished your thought I’m sorry I interrupted you

You’re fine no don’t worry about it I did uh home school like half one year like a quarter of one year because of Co like when lockdown started we did the rest of the year uh school and then we had to zoom and stuff like that yeah and

Then the year after that I did full year home school and it was the best and worst experience it was the best because I got to be at home I didn’t have to be that so and after school whenever my friend Piper got off the bus I could

Like I literally went just over to her house I’m like Fridays and we just wait for her to get off the bus and just what can you like bike or walk to her house how do you get her you just your mom would just drop you off literally walk it’s like a minute

Walk she’s literally really she’s like wait did you say Piper or Penelope uh sucks for p you have a friend named Piper yeah the one I ride the bus with and she’s the one I sit in the same seat with and she’s the one uh she she she’s the one

Uh who on the bus and she’s the one that uh um she gives me Wi-Fi on the bus every day what let’s go she’s got the hot spot yeah I don’t she’s got the hot spot you don’t have a hot spot no I might be getting an iPad for my

Birthday though which is nice so I can do anim stff that’s pretty cool all right froggy well this has been a great talk I’m going to get on Minecraft and therefore I’m going to get on my discord’s Minecraft chat thing but you’re welcome to join but uh what up Dark Side

Simp dark side smpp I’m I’m pretty sure that doesn’t stand for simp hey froggy real fast before you go I want to hear your definition of a Simp oh oh that oh how do you define a simp a simp how do I like tell what one is or like like a description of one um I don’t know Define it or would give a yeah give it a description of one that’s better describe a simp to you

In fact I might make this a game every time you come on froggy I’m going to have a list of words that I want to hear your definition of but it’ll be all fun words not like boring words okay but okay tell us okay I actually there a couple in my school so

That like to s for random people which kind of gross yeah but it’s fine uh Bally so a simp would be somebody it’s so hard to explain okay so basically for me a simp is somebody that like finds someone that they like like have a and they like have a big crush on

Them like they have a big Crush that they like they would do like anything they would like do anything to be with them or do something with them like umle there’s this kid at my school who is a simp one of my uh good okay that that makes sense that’s a good

Definition froggy are you still there can you hear froggy yeah I can hear you now hello hello hello what is the uh what is the uh Adele song Hello I tried a thousand time or I’ve called I’ve called a thousand times to tell you I’m sorry for everything that I’ve done I’m

Adding this guy named Gumball let’s see did it add what is with this whole player doesn’t why so I don’t understand why every time I try to add somebody to the white list it says that person doesn’t exist I tried adding because they don’t exist maybe he doesn’t exist I’m just a

Figment of your imagination that’s um that’s strange because I never imagined I’d talk to a frog person but I am Gumball I’ve tried adding you Gumball his name is Gumball it’s pretty cool name isn’t it his username The Amazing World of Gumball We love that oh that oh

It did it did work Gumball it worked toe I st my toe um okay you always stub your toe my goodness um not right now smash TNT fine fine whatever no not right now why is he saying please man Matt no I’ll come to you how about that

Teleport friends with Matt to dot okay froggy I’m going to go to the uh I’m gonna go to the I’m gonna go to the other Discord chat Gumball join my Discord and you’ll find out how to get the IP and stuff yeah you need to go to bed Matt can you

Add at M shine so I can so I can play on it to talk in chat yes are you still on a call with froggy I’m getting off that call right now bye froggy you’re amazing froggy don’t ever change unless you’re changing for the better it says she’s talking but she’s

Not talking talking so I’m just going to hang up now have a good night’s sleep all right back over to the friends with Matt group chat what’s up Austin plays in the building hello hey what’s up the Villager I didn’t know it was that ITI

And I got a men villager and they don’t care wait did you find The Mending villager that um what’s his name did earlier can I have your head that player does not exist yeah kill me no I just made a villager and for some reason also I’m trying to add maybe

Didn’t check or have the time huh um okay so now I’m adding someone oh Vanessa in the building van Vanessa let’s go Vanessa in the building she’s back baby yo I’m trying to wait who am I adding at mine at mine interesting username all right so

Atma wait no no no I go wh list add add M shine at wait where is it how are you well how about you at M shine I wonder if wait wait no no control a control copy I wonder if I need to put a period before it the player does not

Exist okay I’ll try with a period and then I bet it exists at Ma shine still that player does not exist so Roots at Ma shine does not exist anyway whoa this is interesting what are all these signs please take one there is a bread Thief warning if need bread if need

Bread go to community Farm oh sweet wait so what there’s a bunch of community farms and they made a lot of HS when you were gone really whoa wait wait I think there’s like uh there’s F beside the someone fix the mob farm there’s a there’s a farm beside the mob

Farm that’s fully glue yeah that’s pretty cool but wait so are the farms in the big donut uh they’re outside of it the B like there’s one by the mob farm uh one by like you come in and where are you right now I’m walking on the path from the from the spawn

Point are the forms in the big donut uh oh who’s wait that’s someone’s Discord replying rep playing is it just you and me oh it’s Rogue Reaper what’s up Rogue Reaper yeah we just got a new person in the group chat but he’s not talking for some reason oh yes you’ve definitely got

A new person oh it’s goex in the building look at that um what’s your favorite game to play yo I’m gonna do a private chat with you Austin hang up from here and let’s do a private chat okay I click here join call yo yo yo in

The building is that you in front of me what wait who’s this in front of me that’s is that that’s smash there’s a community Farm over there like behind take me to the community Farm I want to see this this sounds awesome it’s over here it’s fully grown if you want

Some um I have food I might take some just for the heck of it then it’ll it’ll keep growing then right and he whoa this is so cool oh my goodness did someone wait did someone fix my house for me yeah your house blew up and but a guy fixed

It oh people are so nice this is why I turned on white list is so that only people is there a way I can join your site yes please Vanessa um what’s your Minecraft username okay smash TNT I guess I could show you my new private location since

You were willing to build all this farm so cool look at my does my house yes your health your house where’s your house your house it’s in construction but it doesn’t look good do we need to work on it should we work on it today which house is it it’s in construction

Is down there oh look in your oh yes before I do that uh smash TNT has been asking me to um to go look in my house he’s asking me this about earlier today and I I didn’t do it cuz I had to go to work so so I promised him I

Would so I’m going to go look at my house now who who rebuilt my house um NE or something so nice of them except then someone put that dirt there friends with Matt house come in please I definitely didn’t write come in please uh there is

Bread there’s a bread Thief Among Us I love these bread Thief signs it’s so funny Matt’s house oh who did this who is this hi Matt I took some glass kid Austin plays I took some glass I think someone blew up your home I can’t use chat

Though this is so funny frog for Matt and Matt only a from TY all right smash T oh it’s emeralds oh thanks dude um smash TNT I guess I’ll show you the new secret location I guess I owe it to you I kind of have to now cuz you you so nice whoa

Someone like really worked on my house oh this so cool um what’s his name his name he he starts with an s he is not online but it’s like no wait he is online it’s smash TNT oh who Nelly rosie no V yeah he fixed your house so cool oh

My goodness all right all right I gotta go I’m gonna kill myself so I can respawn and now I guess I’ll summon uh Slash TPA here smash wow my house is so cool uhoh whoops whoops wrong place oh no wait oh no smash I’m not even kidding I

Lost it now be dude I’m not even kidding I lost it I don’t know if you can hear me oh Ruth did Ruth you are amazing Vanessa Pacific Weevil 43 okay I got to add Pacific whitelist add. Pacific Weille 43 with capital W also Vanessa have you not joined our Discord server yet why is it always saying that player doesn’t exist Austin kid Austin plays what am I do oh wait she spells it with a weird e okay hang on Vanessa also Vanessa you need to join

Our you need to join our uh Discord it’s a lot easier that way let me go I gotta pull up this live stream I’m doing right now kid aesome Place why why why is it every time I try to add someone it’s like that person doesn’t exist are they

The ones spelling it wrong you might miss on the like you might uh a capital or something or like a lower case and put a capital or they might be spelling along and have so the lowercase and all that really matters that much my goodness I’m pretty sure it

Does well in this case she uses like a weird e so let’s see if this works whoa whoa whoa what is that some strange looking things and the whatever It better work this time I’m G be pissed oh my gosh I copied and pasted it out

Of trying to add someone uh Vanessa you need to check you need to check check your spelling I literally copied and pasted it straight out of your message and it still said you don’t exist so did you do this right with all the correct did you do it right with all the correct

Capitalizations and all that I’m sure she did she’s probably going to be like yes obviously di dead I would cars I would double check I’m just kidding I’m not trying to make fun of you I’m just saying uh I’m getting sick of trying to add people and it doesn’t say it says

They don’t exist so like what’s with that I’m everybody like is hiding the base because everyone’s stealing wait be right back oh my gosh all right it says that player does not exist again um smash you want to get on Discord what’s up are you back I’m back

Yeah um well now I need to go find the eder’s house I don’t have Discord smash you need to get Discord Vanessa maybe you have to add me on friends list I guess I could try that okay I mean are you Java question mark or like I’m getting so frustrated with this Whole I’m getting frustrated with this whole adding people yeah and then it just doesn’t work how do I add a friend no she’s not on Java so that’s how that’s the problem then there is no such thing as like friends on this Java thing I can I can

Have friends because I’m oh can can you do it or can is there a way that you could I Vanessa if she’s on Luna I could add her well did you hear that Vanessa are you on Luna Luna like a lunar client yeah I’m trying to find the Discord

Melon man so we’ve got melon King Jr and now we’ve got melon man thank you so much what is there was CH so yeah um I’m confused I’m not even sure what to do now because so many people got so many things going I kind of just want to

Find my home I don’t know where I have no idea in what direction to go so you know what I’m just going to go to my other house that people people made for me people are so awesome yeah let’s see who’s calling on Discord who’s this oh how do you that was

Goex he made a uh profile picture with me and I have red hair in it somehow no I’m not on Luna so how do we get Vanessa in the building then I don’t understand I don’t think she can why she plays on Bedrock are you playing on a Nintendo

Switch because there are very specific instructions if you’re playing on Nintendo switch how what the cave did I oh I do need coal this is a cool server but it’s like it’s just a stealing and vading not not ging but stealing kind of you know well

That’s why we did the white list so the stealing should stop technically no I’m on iPad my God he probably doesn’t have multiplayer no he probably doesn’t have mul well yeah no my nephews wait wait wait wait wait the wait the uh if if vanessa has

My if vanessa has my IP address and all that can she like still try to get in Vanessa Vanessa where’s the IP I don’t know where the all right hang on Vanessa I want to try something I go to this one okay how many people in total have you

Added to the server I’m not sure Go’s profile picture says please unban me that is pretty funny okay how do I put on Do Not Disturb so I don’t get phone calls anymore it’s in the settings and I think that my settings user settings I wouldn’t go I mean you I

Wouldn’t I probably wouldn’t show your screen and your settings but oh really I don’t know if it says anything bad well I don’t I don’t I don’t do anything bad thanks for the heads up but I I don’t I don’t do bad stuff anyway I mean

Actually of course I do bad stuff but I don’t do it on the computer that I live stream on like it might like show your email or something I don’t know oh well my email is but I don’t know I’ll just give you a heads up

Thank you sir thank you sir I’m going to teleport to TP friends with Matt 2. smash wait what no smash is right there wait Ruth aren’t you smash oh my goodness Ruth if you want to get to EG’s base I’m at at waiting for you what’s which oh are you are you Nelly

Rosie oh my goodness I just got to go to Nelly Rosie that’s right I’m sorry I’m sorry I forgot I got confused TP friends with Matt 2 dot Nelly Rosie there we are Nelly Rosie in the building thank you Nelly Rosie um also I thought I had a bed did

Someone destroy my bed out here no no one doing there we are um oh no Nelly Rosie died I think she killed herself on purpose to get back to the main city all right so Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa um Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa Vanessa join new server here’s the IP and and here’s the

Port can you send me the IP and see if I can join uh the yeah I mean is there like are you totally certain you spilled your name right like why how I don’t understand why someone playing on an iPad would have like a different you know what I mean like why

Just cuz they’re on an iPad I don’t know why my nephews were able to join are you to she’s totally sure she spiled it right wait do you know how to make titles like admin is you or something do you know how to do that on Discord

Servers uh yeah but I’m not making anyone an admin okay I was just wondering why or do you want me to make a title for you that only you get to have but it doesn’t have any powers no uh yeah kind of um I just

Wondered cuz I want to have a war as the Canadian you want to roll as the Canadian well guess what Austin plays I will give you that role right now it doesn’t do anything it’s just the Canadian um okay so where do I go channels and rolls there’s only one roll right now

And it’s Matt and it’s me okay how do I make a new roll channels and rolls browse channels customize Um okay maybe I don’t know how to make a new role I don’t see it on here just what Ping do you want customize options where’s just basic new role see this is why I have muffer muffer knows how to do everything I don’t know how to do

Anything um like shouldn’t I be able to just go to the rolls page just be like create a new role yeah something like that create category create channel create event I don’t see create roll server settings where’s rolls now oh rolls there we go oh there’s a bunch of rolls oh okay create

Rooll new rooll what do you want it to say the Canadian just the Canadian what color do you want I don’t know red red that’s my favorite color if you can get red and white that would be really good wait can there be two colors wait why is it not oh yeah okay

Red wait so I think it’s just red do you want an image next to your roll should I do a Canadian flag I’m G to can I do that I’m going to download the maple Canadian flag this is kind of hilarious yeah the maple leaf or should

I do maple syrup or something funny uh uh I don’t know I think I’ll just do the Canadian Leaf that’s funny enough I love how much you love Canada you just want to represent Canada don’t you yeah Oh Canada I’m only going to do this if you can sing me Canada national

Anthem right now go I’m putting you on the spot go what is [Laughter] It sorry you don’t have to do that anymore way to go but it won’t let me give you a picture unless I boost the server okay all right view server as roll wait so where permissions none n sorry I’m not giving you any power this role doesn’t come along with

Any power no power just the r uh links and require generated link roll linking a connection or app requires members to connect their accounts before being added to the role no I don’t really care about that add members I’ll do that in a second let me hit save changes so

Permission I want to kind of want to read this view channels manage roles nope create Expressions allows members to add custom emoji stickers let me know if any of these interest you view audit log can you share your screen I don’t want it manage web hooks manage Server

Create invite allows members to invite new people to the server well I think that’s already here I’ll I’ll give you that just in case we make this private manage nicknames kick members ban members timeout members embed links attach file well a lot of this stuff that they’re like

Giving is already something that’s just allowed in general so the one bit of power I have given you is not a big deal it’s the ability to invite new people but that means in case we make it like private because I don’t whatever then um you can

Invite your friends at least now I’m G to add a member you’re Austin plays right yeah all right Austin plays you are officially the Canadian you are our designated Canadian that is so funny sh that was totally necessary wait show up up yeah you tell me if it

Worked I may have to get of it um I’m trying to White list Canadian says R build Canadian it worked yeah I it says M like click my name it say so you’re happy you’re satisfied yeah all right good if you’re satisfied then I guess I’m satisfied too now I’m

Trying to add this Vanessa girl again I really want Vanessa to be able to get like come play with us but every time I try to add you Vanessa it says you don’t exist and I don’t understand why I think it’s cuz she has like a strange character you know what I mean

Character I’m talking about like text character I’m trying again that player does not exist oh my goodness so frustrating um I don’t know what to say I don’t know what to do let me Google it Vanessa I guess I’ll Google it I’m trying to whitelist someone on my Minecraft server

And it keeps saying that player doesn’t exist this happens when you don’t enable white listing in the settings but may still appear afterwards if you’ve ensured the configuration is correct then disregard this error and proceed to add players to the list um that would involve me going to my

History oh no everyone can see my internet history you can all see what I’ve been up to oh a little Pinterest um nothing literally nothing exciting at all I have a second computer to do all the wait so let me just try adding you here oh sweet Vanessa we have another we

Have another shot at this okay Vanessa we have another shot at this maybe I should be adding players on here anyway or wait is this is this a way to add player can I how do I add players wait create player no these settings do not imply in

Game to set a player as admin please follow this guy wait so no that isn’t ban false wait can I just can I just add her like this assigned to user roll none create I don’t get it I like that there’s no delay between your voice because I

Don’t yeah because we’re on a Discord yeah that annoys so many people people I don’t blame you hi Vanessa I’m working on it I’ll Google it I’ll do whatever I have to let’s see players but how do I just add a player I just want to add a player

Wait wait try Vanessa try now try joining now because it looks like I might have added you try joining now so what might have to happen Austin place is that I when I add people to the white list I might just have to add them on the actual website

Itself kind of annoying but if that makes sense and make sure you have the both the IP and the port I’m assuming Vanessa knows what that means but let me see console the other thing Austin plays is is that wait you are not whitelisted on this server who just tried to get in

Whoa now I whoa dude on the console I can see who’s trying to get into the server wait there she is Pacific weave Weevil hey I found you but it whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you do not have a period in front of your name according to

This let me try I think I already tried that though adding her had it still says player does not exist oh my goodness but I can see on the actual website where she tried because you were not whitelisted I don’t understand this is D okay this is like actually pissing me

Off Austin plays I’m copying her username right out of the code of the server like the coding where it shows that she’s trying to log in and I try to add her to the white list and it still doesn’t add her to the white list

Well let me see where is the white list on here do we have a like an Community Anvil or anything like that a community what Anvil an anvil there’s an anvil in the second floor of edt’s house do you need me to teleport you there I’ll teleport

You to the Anvil just I’m almost to it one second okay thanks all right there it is so TP here um kid Austin plays whoa there you go this is a cool house yeah just check out the outside of it the outside of it really cool okay let me go shock bite

Help how to add people to the white list on the website navigate to data find server Whit list okay navigate to data where would that be files backup oh is this like one of the few backups I have can I do that no backup in progress how do we get

One going in progress whatever um where’s data is it in the no it can’t be in the console how would you spell Ziggy I wonder Ziggy zi g g e okay where’s that’s My wireless get wireless clear files config files FTP file access now we’re talking files FTP file access I got to type in my computer password can I pick a spy glass whoa whoa whoa whoa don’t take anything from Edgar’s house that’s because this is Edgar’s house it’s his stuff who move

Who did you move his bed I did I have never been here this my first time being all right now I’m looking for whitelist Whit list Jon is that what it’s saying to go to server whiteless Json all right server wait I’m Already There whiteless Jon no

That can’t be it can I cut down one of the SP trees uh not don’t do it near the house please will you just like go somewhere a little bit away from the house he has two spuce trees I’m going to cut down one and I’ll replant it all

Right you better replant it you’re going to be in big trouble Mr Canadian yeah that’s my name for not forood the Canadian the Canadian the Canadian just the Canadian server Whit list Json file edit oh whoa whoa whoa edit but also real fast I don’t see Server Whit list whatever maybe they’ve

Changed it since they made that edit it’s loading Vanessa I’m trying again I had to go so I can get back to my base okay Vanessa I’m still working on it but I guess you could see that because I am live all right so now I can see everyone who’s

Whitelisted I’m confused whoa this does not look like a good way to try going about it yeah I don’t think that’s going to work I don’t know how to touch this um wait I was watching your scream your your screen sh you know what simp um

Simp stands for simp yeah it stands for super intense Minecraft play Super what super intense Minecraft player that’s what s super intense Minecraft player interesting I’m flying at the moment huh oh my goodness okay can you please make a Discord on your iPad no I’m talking to

Vanessa if you want you can look in general chat but like is this C is that c um don’t H looking at but that’s know that’s the thing Austin plays I want people to join the server but I am getting a little frustrated because I’ve spent basically this entire live stream

Just just trying to help people join the server like I actually want to no no no no oh good water I just want to play Minecraft now and it’s because you don’t want some random person coming in with like with um like a client or something and just ruining the whole

Server yeah or grieving whatever they call it apparently griefing Griefing all right where’s that salmon okay I will try oh thank you Vanessa we might have a new friend in the building G what whatever you drown yeah it’s cuz I’m trying to I’m hunting oopsie oopsie wait whoa whoa whoa where did I I keep setting my respawn point but it

Doesn’t I thought I know for a fact I set my respawn Point why am I Matt TP to me TP friends with Matt 2 do smash whoa there’s a rainbow um what’s up yo yo yo whoa look at this my goodness what is this place did you build a house in

Here this is pretty cool it’s unlooted but no ship what does that mean a ship I don’t know I’m in the um I’m in the end I think there the Nether oh my gosh I’m getting destroyed by an Enderman I just died is he at your base

Or are you were you at his base um can you email me do you have do you have Email no oh man I’m trying to help this Vanessa person get in but I don’t know if she’s going to be able to she doesn’t have Discord she doesn’t have email she might be too young to be playing any she’s old enough to play Minecraft she’s old enough to get on this

Server but I don’t think she has a way to get on this server no do you have any uh leads or anything like that I have one lead can I I’ll yeah I’ll teleport to you I’m miss my house see my house good oh vaness wait this is your house

Oh so cool dude let’s go you make some diamond armor you have so many diamonds but you still got no boots and an iron chest plate yeah I’m waiting for my iron chest plate to be destroyed I’m um hidden identity dibs please do not build

Here I’m planning to make a home here oh I love that that’s so cool and muff’s given up on this house that he has over here it’s The Hobbit hole if anyone touches this some people like took over it because someone said they claim the property first then yeah muffer well

Muff’s okay with that this is such a cool house I took his diamonds because the other guy was trying to take it and I know oh that’s why muffer did tell me about that he’s like kid Austin plays I caught him taking my D but he said he

Said you killed him and then you gave the diamonds back no i r a bunch of signs cuz I realized it was him and I thought it was some guy that stole his house I’m going to make a bunch of wooden stairs and actually add stairs to

That little thing right there that we were just at Vanessa I can watch okay Vanessa um I promise I will figure out the problem when I’m not live so you can play with us it makes me mad that I can’t figure it out but I sort of want to enjoy

Minecraft myself now thanks for tuning in you our friends with M you are the Canadian you understand Austin Austin plays the Canadian uh so um Austin earlier you were asking me I think what’s my favorite game oh yeah what’s your favorite game to play favorite game will you tell me your favorite game

First is it Minecraft yeah see I think that’s kind of going to be my answer but uh you know that’s like generic so let’s let’s do a game Austin let’s play what’s your favorite game not including Minecraft now you have to go first what I already ran out of stairs

Um how did I already run out of stairs probably either Roblox or fortnite Roblox that’s how I feel about Roo I’m sorry I’m sorry a no I don’t no I play it there are are some parts of Roblox that’s fun you know what I mean like obviously Roblox is so huge you can’t like say I don’t like Roblox like this is not fun but like

Then you haven’t found the right Roblox game but the pretty much the only Roblox game I really thoroughly enjoyed and I keep in mind I have not played very many of them was fortnite in Roblox like that too I like no I think what did you say I would like

Just get every I would kill everybody I had like 300 kills in that in the fortnite Roblox yeah there’s so many versions though so like this tunnel leads to main city dude people have really gone all out in this server this is so cool I can’t believe this is my

Server like I haven’t done any work basically I I I did build my house but then everyone else made it way cooler um so it feels like I just haven’t done hey you know what you can teach me how do I get all this wheat and turn it into

Hay I want to get all this wheat and turn it into hay barrels and just make a bunch of hay it’s the it’s you fill the full crafting table with wheat you fill the whole crafting table with wheat and it’ll turn into like a hay block yeah nals

One all right I hope no one Minds that I’m taking all this wheat I want to make a bunch of hay block hay barrels for decoration I know people will probably end up taking them but I think that’s a cool decoration you’re G to get robed in

Like five seconds if do that I’m gonna get what you’re going to get lobbed what’s Ved lobbed so I can’t what’s that lobbed lobbed robbed oh yeah you’re so funny you’re just a little kid like how old are you you’re 10 10 right 10 um I’m just going to be

Like okay I’m back all right sweet let’s go sheepy who’s sheepy God the Sheep your dad your dad D is named sheepy no it’s a sheep it’s a sheep what your dad is a sheep I’m just kidding dude I’m just kidding where where am I going to place

This hay just to be decorated I kind of want to I’ll put it over here just boink boink boink man’s doing 360s I’m SC if you want you can me trying to get the sheep in look at this guy let me see let’s see what

Let’s see what this kid is up to you don’t have any shaders bro get some shaders bro look at your sheep you have all netherite no it’s diamond diamond Enchanted it’s all enchanted diamond no it’s not di wait why is it purple oh you’re telling me that you do have

Shader what why is your diamond purple it’s a texture pack oh that’s pretty cool of these things yeah I just just stopped watching by the way so I’m not watching but uh that is cool yeah it’s pretty cool I’m G spend half a year doing

This wait why won’t it oh there we go I just want to make a bunch of hey fast with him yeah but they get disconnected the leads in this game stink I got to turn the music back on if you hold out if you hold out uh you hold out uh

What I’m doing is I’m just sprinting and because I’m out the you L to come to me so it’s like it’s actually really friend CU he just I’m just pulling him across everything I’ve already got 64 I don’t understand how he gets stuck he just kind of pulls

What could I just like eat I just eat that the reason the sheeper anything probably got stuck is probably didn’t have whe oh well I did not have wheat in my hand probably one Reas get over here this guy made like an island like look I’m building hay

Stacks how do you what oh there we go boink wait boom baby hey stacks on Hast stacks on Hast Stacks I have we I’m Jing my sheep my sheep stuck in the like an [ __ ] portal where are you taking it you bringing it all the way to the dut it’s

It’s in the donut right now oh you’re already in the donut I see you what’s up you see me beautiful look at my beautiful sheep oh you got your sheep let’s go have you named them are you going to name it I don’t know but I’m going to breed him

Can we call him sheepy the Sheep sweet sheepy the sheep in the building this is a Sweet Farm oh thank you thank you for planning all that Nelly Rose friends with Matt made an achievement let’s go it’s night time time to go hide up in my nice fancy

House that everyone built for me so lucky have the best friends ever oh but I kind of also want to go to my other house okay what’s up I’m back I didn’t even know you were gone oh I don’t want to kill the sheep sheep get down

Here the pathway I why did he why do 360s whoa now I just found another house that I hadn’t even found before there’s one on the side of the cliff where I came from that’s where I was that’s where the one I was just looking at

What why is it not working for me to I need to set I need to set Edgar’s house as my home again oh campfire I’m taking that even though I’m taking it from the the noob thing you know what in the one of these Noob chests I might just put the

Iron in one of these Noob chests I’m going to put my iron helmet someone else can have it that’s my that’s my donation to charity for today nice yeah that’s nice I’ll put in my white wool I guess I’ll give them an I’ll put in an iron

Pickaxe is there no hacking rule time my I don’t see one on Discord no hacking well we don’t really want people to hack but why do you it’s okay you can tell me do you use x-ray or anything like that no I don’t are you sure you can tell me if you

Want I don’t we got Paul Phillips in the building Paul Phillips is in the building uh some most people that like some people use X-ray and H CL I just wanted to yeah um I definitely know for a fact people are x-raying in this server because the this the the rate at which

They find diamonds is impossible there was the guy that gave you 30 diamonds and he was new to the server right right right but that’s the thing is here’s the thing Austin and I’m not trying to if someone’s cheating a lot we’ll have to ban them just because

We’ll have to but I’m not really that mad if someone’s just using X-ray and then like getting all this gear real quick so they can like speed up the process you know what I mean like if they’re nice I mean but to me like doesn’t necessarily matter to well tell me why

Netherite is a big issue because I don’t understand why would netherite be a big issue is there like a limited amount people can just get like full but if you think about it why you know what I mean like think about it is that really that big of a deal if they

Have like all this crazy armor and then what is it cuz they’re going to kill anybody they what they not going to kill anybody they’re just GNA sit there they better not kill anybody you know what I mean like if we’re doing a server that like pretty much like I guess we will

Have some PVP eventually but right now we don’t have PVP I mean well we do have PVP but you just don’t want to people yeah you guys will kill each other but I like to play around with people because after the people and he Rock people and they like basically like spam

Hit too much I have netherite scraps someone gave me their netherite scraps what do I even do with that I only have one of them you need four of them and four gold to make a netherite inot four of those and five have tons of

Gold well I guess I don’t have so much gold anymore I used to have tons of gold because I I like hoarding gold in this game and I do not have a reason as to why I just like it it’s just how it is do you have any

Pets pets yeah oh thank you for my that’s the one thing I wanted to do was go get a kitty I want a kitty cat I need to go get I’ve got I was I was getting salmon thank you you just reminded me I was in the process of getting

Salmon so I could go get a kitty cat wait do you have any pets like IO oh no I used to but I don’t right now um once you do what do you have AO and a cat a gecko that’s pretty awesome what’s your cat’s name wait what’s what’s your both

Of their names your cat’s name is what Ziggy is the gecko and Max is the cat oh Max yeah Max I thought you said Matt I was like what what are the odds no not Matt apparently not mat okay I’m gonna go dump a bunch of

My okay I got I have kidnapped the Sheep it’s nice um who’s saying chill bro random loser chill bro he admitted he’s a loser yeah random loser random loser is saying chill bro I don’t see who he’s saying chill bro to I know I’m new and I just want to

Join bro want to open PVP I’m I’m probably one of the best pvpers not to be likeing anything I might be one of how is it possible for a Canadian to be good at killing people you’re Canadian you guys are too nice to be killing people all right I live it’s

No I see shootings every day what you see shootings every day there’s been shootings in uh my middle school what shootings in your middle school yeah no way what what do you live in the ghetto where do you live are you being serious you see shootings I don’t see shootings but I

Heard shootings and I see I I mean to be fair dude a break like someone break into a shed break into a school but and you witnessed it yeah to be fair I live in a nice neighborhood and like just recently I live I liveed two blocks away from

McDonald’s and just recently someone was shot and killed in the parking lot the guy goes up to someone in his car kills him shoots him through the window though and then takes all his stuff doesn’t even steal the car and then just runs but oh my God the

Sh um I need to ask Nelly Rose Nelly Rose can you guide me back to Edgar’s place why does the Sheep why the sheeps are this one just wants the Sheep just wants to face yeah why does every sheep want to just spin around on leads you think it’s a glitch like look

At this look at this guy he stands still I know what you’re talking about I know you’re talking about because last night I was trying to lead a cow back to the big donut and it kept spinning around I know and now cheat I got my second Che here too so we’re

Going to have a farm it’s going to be aw Farm you have to pay 17 17 diamonds to use it no you don’t D my sheep who’s wait what happened to your sheep I SC to sh it Oh I thought you were saying another player that would suck if you go all the

Way over there some it’s some other person shot my sheep I would shoot them back in Minecraft I would help you oh yeah yeah thanks for thanks for specifying do wait so you have do you live you don’t live in like a crappy neighborhood do you no we have like yeah

You live in a nice decent neighborhood it’s a good neighborhood like you’re not the richest not the richest in the city but like it’s pretty decent if we have one it’s mostly two story houses we we have like I think three three story houses on the box it’s not rich

Neighborhood they do give up really good candy in hallowen know oh that’s all that matters isn’t it what are we talking like fullsize candy bars full full size Kit Kats like you literally get stacked if you oh you get stacked I like that you get stacked on Halloween

Let’s go dude I’m coming to your neighborhood on Halloween let’s get stacked let’s get lit with some candy okay um you want to hear something lame yeah actually I didn’t I don’t know if I should be saying this on the live stream I don’t mind telling you but

People in the live stream always get pissed when I say this um I am doing a challenge called the uh shirtless reveal challenge it’s something for YouTubers or anyone any guys I guess girls could do it but it’s normal for guys to do it no no I’m trying to get a six-pack of

Abs and then I’m going to do a video where I just literally show off my abs it’s for all the ladies it’s at care uh it is going to get me subscribers so oh yeah no wait the reason I brought that up is cuz we were talking about eating candy I can’t eat

Candy is what I’m trying to say I’ve had to give up candy and Bre bread can you imagine that how much of your diet is bread most of it yeah imagine not eating bread can you even imagine that like a sandwich in my lunch what’s for breakfast over there in

Canada Donuts rightly mostly I have cereal or something I just have do you have mini weats you guys have mini yeah mini weats are great you get the Frosted ones oh yeah I do if well I’m not allowed to eat Mini Wheats either because it’s pure carbs

Iast sometimes I have like raisin toast raisin toast what’s a unique cereal we have you guys have Vector probably which one vector that doesn’t sound familiar is it chocolate no it’s healthy no uh not that I know of but I’m more familiar with the unhealthy cereals oh Cheerios fro Loops yeah

Cheerios Cocoa Puffs Frosted Flakes Lucky Charms do you have Lucky Charms yes I do oh thank goodness I was about to freak out Canada what are you doing is Vector a Canadian cereal uh I don’t think uh we have what’s it called I forgot what cereal it’s called but yeah well

I just found the coolest like waterfall on a mountain yeah what and there pigs everywhere I got to kill all these pigs F Canada is one of the most um beautiful cities ever but Canada is not a city most beautiful country my God same thing same thing where um the most beautiful like

City Country in one of the most beautiful countri whe but where I live it’s just white or brown is it flat where you live basically it’s just it’s either white on Monday or it’s brown or it’s raining it’s not it’s just it’s not Nic but interesting but what you just

Described it’s always raining isn’t that like all of Canada I’m just kidding I’m sorry I’m being mean yeah it is like all of Canada I I used to live somewhere where uh it it would rain every um six days a week I think six days a week but

Everybody on a neighborhood would always get and have umbrella FL on the playground it’s like daily daily You’ pretend they were lightsabers I don’t know I was four four or three I was young yeah now you’re old yeah now you’re already turning into an old man now i’ rather play hockey street

Hockey then let’s go street hockey with the do you ever play street hockey with the umbrella no it doesn’t it doesn’t really I mean it snows more than it rains here but like how is this is this just outside of your house right now is it

Just pure snow um outside of my house um if I have a look out the window I would see my fo yard only snow I would see my road that would be brown and I would see my neighbor’s house that would be C snow so yeah my

Goodness the snow drift though like I see a snow drift that was 3 feet tall a snow what a snow drift that’s what is a snow drift that’s 3 feet tall it’s like a big area where the snow it’s like caught kind of and it like goes into one spot and it just

Packs up like a lot I know say and it was three feet tall yeah so that’s just like a and of course I jumped in it because and then and then what happened you just like it’s like jumping in a pool but it’s snow instead it’s like jumping in a pool

But when you’re Canadian minus 20 is like hot what oh my goodness Canadians it’s like I live minus 10 like I would go out with like I probably would go with no kod minus 10 um I’m gonna have to do a conversion please forgive me I’m a stupid American

I have to do a conversion minus 10 Celsius to what’s the calculation again for minus Celsius to Fahrenheit you do like some you like multiply think to multiply something and then you add something I’m almost to a stopping point where I can pause and then I’m going to

Go look it up thank you Nelly Rose Nelly Rose is amazing that’s Ruth in the building so this is now spash TNT’s house smash yeah muff’s house muff’s going to move I think he’s going to move over near where we are he wants to be by a cherry blossom trees muff’s really

Into Japanese culture oh yeah the cherry blossom trees are not like home to Japan but they’re like really popular in Japan like super duper popular so it’s it’s not totally a Japanese thing but it’s kind of Japanese thing kind of I’m gonna I have to go

Shower but I’ll be like 10 minutes all right peace bro peace you want to stay in here you can’t I’m just gon to all right then I can’t get up these stairs well everybody that was Austin plays he’s one of our neighbors and the friends with

Matt realm Ty so much now how now how do I set home here I am bunking at Edgar’s house for the time being I should probably get my bunk bed and just take it N I kind of like it where it is wait maybe it’s not able to go there because it’s

Like like for some reason when I respawn point it just like doesn’t work where’s Nelly Rose where did she go oh also I forgot did uh did this finish I should have put I think I had food in there didn’t I I didn’t have food in

There I got a bunch of coold though so I can mine my own stuff also how is my iron not dead yet I can make diamond shoes I’ll make a diamond chest plate got to get some diamond shoes how do I set home set home successfully set a new home called

Home all right but if I set got to go by no Nelly um let me see friends I have a question and this applies to both YouTube chats I just set a home does that apply to everyone or just me because I’m the one who said it just you okay

Cool sweet in the building what time is it it’s 10 o’clock already oh no if you want one for everyone you can do set warp interesting now I need to go to my other home let me see what happens if I do TP

Back do you have to do it in one word no you do it in two words teleported me to back wait can I do TP like spawn point could not find the players spawn there’s no such thing anyway Mark Vince rodri oh Mark Vince Rodriguez and

There’s like a t in there sorry that I keep switching it’s Nelly again on another account let’s go Nelly in the building uh Nelly how do I how do I spawn back to the respawn respawn Point how do I like take away my respawn point

I guess just call me Mark oh so you’re not Nelly so you’re you’ve been a guy this whole time I’ve been imagining you as a girl that’s cool at least we know now wait Mark could be a girl I’ve met a girl named Marky before but Mark didn’t

Say his name is Marky he said it’s Mark so it’s probably a dude uh I think I might be going to bed I mean I might be going to bed in real life I switch family accounts a lot okay I’m a girl oh oh so you are a girl all right Marky

It is one time I went on a date with a girl named Marky well it wasn’t really a date we went to a school dance together so not really a date if you think about it I’m spilling my username Letters by later okay I think I’m getting off any

Anyway um I’ve been live streaming every day for a long time I’m kind of at the point where I’m like ready to take a break at mchine I tried adding at mchine but I think I’m having Whit list air problems I need to research the whole white list thing it’s not finding any

Players yeah oh I believe you I believe you but I think my white list is having serious issues so I might even look into that now Edgard has the coolest house of all the houses I wonder if he would mind if I put like

A nice is that GNA burn his house down I hope it doesn’t I’m G to delete this just in case it does wait no now I don’t have a fireplace whatever Al righty then I’m GNA sign off this has not been the most exciting live stream

Ever I’m still learning how to run a server and live stream because I spent like feels like I didn’t even get to do what I wanted to I’m not complaining I’m just I am complaining but it’s like I want people to be able to join my live

Stream I mean my server but I don’t want to spend the live stream trying to help people connect to my Minecraft server that’s why like I almost want to ignore the YouTube chat but I can’t ignore the YouTube chat because that’s how you get followers you know what I’m

Saying so I’m still learning how to do this I don’t really know what I’m doing I don’t really know what I’m doing I’m F I’m trying to figure it out as it go so as of right now it doesn’t really matter because I again if you if you didn’t

Know yet I got a brand deal this is a free product that just showed up in the mail tomorrow I have no work I will be filming a commercial that’s that for now I just want to go to bed I’m tired like crashing like hardcore so good night

This video, titled ‘My new minecraft server is LIVE’, was uploaded by FriendsWithMatt on 2024-02-29 04:14:24. It has garnered 113 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:19 or 7759 seconds.

HOW TO JOIN read below… The official FriendsWithMatt Minecraft server is now up and live! Server Version: 1.20.4 ( latest version )

My new discord: https://discord.gg/FESxdGFA9r

For Java players: Open up the latest version of Minecraft Click the Multiplayer tab Click Add new Server Put in the IP address: Save and join!

For Bedrock / Windows / Pocket Edition players Open up the latest version of Minecraft Navigate to the Server tab Scroll down and click Add Server Set the name to Whatever you’d like Set the Server Address to IP is this: and the Port: 25570 Save and join!

We hope y’all have a great time playing with each other in this new world! Have fun and Mine on!

Got 3 minutes to spare? Please consider giving $2 to support my content creation Paypal = mattbrodersen777 Venmo = FriendsWithMatt Cash App = FriendsWithMatt Zelle = [email protected]

WHAT IS MINECRAFT? An introduction to a blocky sandbox game. Minecraft is a game made up of blocks, creatures, and community. You can survive the night or build a work of art – the choice is all yours. But if the thought of exploring a vast new world all on your own feels overwhelming, then fear not! Let’s explore what Minecraft is all about!

WHAT IS THE GOAL OF MINECRAFT? Minecraft has no set goal and can be played however you’d like! This is why it’s sometimes called a “sandbox game” – there are lots of things for you to do, and lots of ways that you can play. If you like being creative, then you can use the blocks to build things from your imagination. If you’re feeling brave, you can explore the world and face daring challenges. Blocks can be broken, crafted, placed to reshape the landscape, or used to build fantastical creations. Creatures can be battled or befriended, depending on how you play. The world of Minecraft allows for epic adventures, quiet meditations, and everything in between. You can even share your creations with other players, or play in community worlds!

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the story of a Minecraft world where players could never do anything right Minecraft if there were NO RULES the story about a Minecraft world where rules didn’t exist Minecraft but it’s SUPER FAST the story of a Minecraft world where everything is insanely fast Minecraft but players NEVER make MISTAKES the story about a Minecraft world where players have to never make mistakes Minecraft but you can ONLY GO UP Minecraft if buried treasure could ACTUALLY be found the story of a world where buried treasure could actually be found.. What happens INSIDE an enchanting table the story of what goes on inside a Minecraft enchanting table What happens INSIDE a furnace the story of what goes on inside a Minecraft furnace: In addition to these game modes, there’s also unique content created by the Minecraft community in the form of hand-crafted worlds, mini-games, mash-up packs, adventure maps, and much more. This content can be found in Bedrock Edition at Minecraft Marketplace or via the subscription service Realms Plus, as well as Java Realms (Java Edition

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Video Editor Russell Discord: /ssundee Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun Subscribe Download the album! /Levelup-i Roblox Hero Battles Thanks for watching! We play Weird Strict Dad from Roblox in Modded Among Us I Found Minecraft’s Most Scary Seeds (Real?) Thank you, Jellie for being you and bringing so much joy to me and the world. You will always be in my heart and the Queen of Minecraft. I appreciate you all and the support you have shown me and my family with the passing of Jellie. Minecraft, But Your Color = Your Money Minecraft, But Your Color = Your Money SUBSCRIBE to join the Cyborg Army MY CHANNELS @Bionic Reacts @Bonc @Danny Bionic Friends in video @Ligeriscool @SkiddziePlays @QuiffYT @Kiply Izzy channel coming soon

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    Mace Breaks Minecraft: Game Theory's Lore In the world of Minecraft, a mace has appeared, With scaling damage, it’s something to be feared. But could Steve survive such a powerful tool? Let’s dive in deep, let’s not play the fool. The mace is unique, with mechanics so grand, But could it break the world, could it change the land? We’ll crunch the numbers, we’ll do the math, To see if Steve can survive its wrath. With LoreFi music playing in the background, We’ll explore Minecraft, where adventures abound. From high jumps to broken blocks, We’ll uncover the truth, no need for talks. So join us… Read More

  • Insane! Every 10 subs = 1 anime mod on Minecraft

    Insane! Every 10 subs = 1 anime mod on MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every 10 subs off this video= 1 anime mod on Minecraft series’, was uploaded by That random anime guy on 2024-04-20 15:32:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Reyvadin Towny

    Reyvadin TownyWe are a server that has relaunched after a 4 year pause. We offer a chill experience, most of us like to take it slow and enjoy the game rather than speedrun, but we dont mind people that want to take it a little more competitive πŸ™‚ mcsrvorg.reyvadin.com Read More

  • Duce’s SMP – vanilla whitelist 18+

    About Us We have been playing together since 2013, originally inspired by MindCrack. Most of us are in our mid-20s, but we welcome players of all ages, including those in their 40s. Our Play Style We have a somewhat slow and community-based play style, similar to MindCrack or HermitCraft. Main Village We started our adventure on Saturday and have already built a main village. We are looking for players who enjoy working on large community builds like nether hubs, town halls, and mini-games. Join Our Community If you are interested, please apply on our Discord server: https://discord.gg/MvEM9NzfHt Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Aquaman in Minecraft be like…

    Aquaman’s got some tough competition in the aquatic superhero world now – watch out, Minecraft! Read More

  • Craft, Build, Steal: Join LifeSteal Smp 1.21.80 with Daosao Gamers

    Craft, Build, Steal: Join LifeSteal Smp 1.21.80 with Daosao Gamers In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Join our LifeSteal SMP, where fun never wanes. Crafting and building, in Java and MCPE, Come join Daosao Gamers, where the fun’s always free. Explore new worlds, with friends by your side, In this epic SMP, let your creativity glide. From building to mining, the possibilities are vast, Join us now, and let the adventure last. Follow us on Instagram, for more gaming delight, With music by Kevin Macleod, setting the mood right. Disclaimer: just for fun, no harm in sight, Join the fun, subscribe now, and let your gaming take… Read More

  • “Hotter than a lava pit πŸ”₯” #minecraft #memes

    "Hotter than a lava pit πŸ”₯" #minecraft #memes When you’re playing Minecraft and your friend says they won’t give you any diamonds, so you start crying like a baby πŸ˜‚ #minecraft #minecraftmemes #humor Read More

  • Vampires Attack Kerem and His Family in Minecraft!

    Vampires Attack Kerem and His Family in Minecraft! Vampires Attack Kerem and His Family in Minecraft! In a thrilling Minecraft video, Kerem Komiser and his family find themselves under attack by vampires, leading to a transformation into vampires themselves. As the entire city turns into vampires, a fierce battle ensues as Efekan and Alperen struggle to resist the transformation. Will Efekan and Alperen be able to overcome these vampires? The Battle Against Vampires The video showcases a dramatic showdown as Kerem Komiser and his family face off against the vampire attackers. With the city engulfed in chaos, the struggle for survival intensifies as Efekan and Alperen fight… Read More

  • Wheel Chooses My Skywars Victories Pt. 2

    Wheel Chooses My Skywars Victories Pt. 2 The Wheel Picks How I Win Skywars Pt: 2 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Skywars is a popular PvP minigame where players battle it out on floating islands, gathering resources and fighting to be the last one standing. In this thrilling sequel, our protagonist takes on the challenge of letting fate decide their strategy through a spinning wheel. Let’s dive into the action-packed world of Skywars! The Wheel of Destiny Our daring player, inspired by @H4510YT, introduces a unique twist to their Skywars gameplay by using a spinning wheel to determine their next move. From choosing weapons to… Read More

  • Survive Zombie Apocalypse in Rainbow Minecraft Houses

    Survive Zombie Apocalypse in Rainbow Minecraft HousesVideo Information This video, titled ‘SURVIVAL IN RAINBOW HOUSES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-09-09 11:00:08. It has garnered 253 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:31 or 1651 seconds. SURVIVAL IN RAINBOW HOUSES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Cursed Villager in Minecraft

    Surviving the Cursed Villager in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Survived The Cursed Villager in Minecraft..’, was uploaded by RageElixir – Minecraft on 2024-05-31 16:00:22. It has garnered 264173 views and 3457 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:38 or 3938 seconds. Day 9 – We Survived The Cursed Villager in Minecraft.. w/ @Darkomode Subscribe if you ENJOYED the video! ❀️ #Minecraft #RageElixir Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Control My Reality in Diamond Wind – Minecraft #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE: Control My Reality in Diamond Wind - Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: But You Control My Reality #shorts’, was uploaded by DIAMOND WIND on 2024-09-05 12:09:14. It has garnered 512 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. #shorts Alexa real, stevee, axol, sus, tn ice, elements x, bebu, mc addon PLEASE SUBSCRIBE MY SECOND CHANNEL https://www.instagram.com/dhiraj_yt_oo7/ Discord Server link πŸ–‡οΈπŸ–‡οΈ https://discord.com/invite/KJSKh3H6 Thanks For Watching Minecraft is an open-koworld survival game. Uniquely, it does not follow a storyline; rather it presents each player with the challenge of simply existing in the blocky wilderness alongside a wide array of livestock and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Troll Face Build Hack! 😈πŸ”₯ #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft Troll Face Build Hack! 😈πŸ”₯ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT βœ…||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-08-10 12:39:15. It has garnered 10407 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. MINECRAFT BUILD HACK TROLL FACE 😈 EDIT βœ… 🌟Social Media🌟 πŸ“· Instagram: https://opener.one/insta/ezbpl3 Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos… Read More

  • Minecraft Parkour Madness: Insane Uv Ansh Gameplay

    Minecraft Parkour Madness: Insane Uv Ansh GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘mincraft parkour #viral #trending #minecraft #mcpe #uvanshgaming’, was uploaded by Uv ansh gaming on 2024-05-31 12:18:59. It has garnered 6723 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing,… Read More

  • Insane Sleep Challenge on Mega Beds in Minecraft!

    Insane Sleep Challenge on Mega Beds in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ Sleep on the Longest Beds in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Maizen Studio on 2024-07-24 19:00:36. It has garnered 6254 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:17 or 1037 seconds. Mikey and JJ Sleep on the Longest Beds in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Family! Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure with Solacian Allie!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure with Solacian Allie!Video Information This video, titled ‘Lets Play: Minecraft “Expanded Horizons” [3]’, was uploaded by Solacian Allie on 2024-04-29 20:58:21. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:10 or 2830 seconds. I try out VR for the first time but swiftly abandon it because of stuttering, lower FPS, and other annoyances. However, I increase the render distance to take in more of the world and discover additional settlements. Despite encountering some technical difficulties, I manage to expand my home further. Read More

  • Insane: 50 Iron Golems vs Wither! Boss Battle in Tamil

    Insane: 50 Iron Golems vs Wither! Boss Battle in TamilVideo Information This video, titled ‘”50 Iron Golems vs Wither in Minecraft : Ultimate Boss Battle” | Episode – 16 in Tamil’, was uploaded by YBS Tamil Gaming on 2024-08-16 07:55:38. It has garnered 119 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:02 or 662 seconds. Vanakam Nanbargalee Welcome to YBS Tamil Gaming where the blocky landscapes of Minecraft come alive with adventure, creativity, and endless possibilities! Join us on a journey through vast pixelated realms as we build, explore, and conquer together. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or just starting your blocky adventure, our channel is… Read More

  • INSANE!! Viewer Carries Me in CRACKED Minecraft BedWars!

    INSANE!! Viewer Carries Me in CRACKED Minecraft BedWars!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Viewer Carried Me In CRACKED Minecraft BedWars’, was uploaded by Yamura on 2024-09-01 09:27:28. It has garnered 305 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:15 or 555 seconds. One of my subscribers and viewers played Cracked Minecraft Java Bedwars with me he used TLauncher A Viewer Carried Me In CRACKED Minecraft BedWars he could even godbridge #hypixel #bedwars #fyp #crackedminecraft #minecraft 0:00 bedwars 5:08 duels 9:01 outro ════════════════════════════════════════ πŸ€” FAQ: – obs – Davinci Resolve ════════════════════════════════════════ πŸ”Ž Minecraft Settings: – FOV: 85 – Sens: 66% – DPI: 1600 ════════════════════════════════════════ πŸ–±οΈ… Read More

  • Wild Hunt SMP

    Wild Hunt SMPJoin the Wild Hunt SMP where adventure and community come together. Experience a player-based economy, discover custom enchants, master new skills, and take on various jobs. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, there’s something for everyone. wildhunt.minecraftservers.xyz:2533 Read More

  • DiplomaticaMC SMP Towny Earth Map Geopolitics Building Politics Non-P2W 1:500 Gold Economy

    Server Information Server IP: diplomaticamc.com Discord server: Join our Discord server Version: 1.20.4+ About DiplomaticaMC DiplomaticaMC is a survival Minecraft server featuring a custom earth map. Engage in geopolitics, form alliances, build your dream city, and more! Every block on the map counts for 450 meters in real life. The economy runs on the gold ingot standard, and creating towns and countries via Towny is the way to go! Custom Staff-Built Dungeons (COMING SOON!) Explore custom staff-built dungeons for a unique experience with opportunities to obtain rare items and unique tools. Support Us Support the server by purchasing rank subscriptions… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Beard or grin in Minecraft?

    Minecraft Memes - Beard or grin in Minecraft?Why did the Creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! Read More

  • My Minecraft crib after a makeover πŸ”₯

    My Minecraft crib after a makeover πŸ”₯ “When I decorate my Minecraft house, it goes from a dirt hut to a dirt hut with a flower pot inside. #upgrade” πŸ˜‚πŸŒΌ #minecraftdecoratingstruggles Read More

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Storage System

    Minecraft's Sneaky Storage System The Ultimate Automatic Remote Storage System in Minecraft Imagine a storage system in Minecraft that can be accessed remotely through a redstone mailbox. That’s exactly what Tronbyte has achieved in survival mode, showcasing an incredible feat of engineering and creativity in the game. Innovative Redstone Mailbox Access Tronbyte’s creation allows players to access their storage remotely, making inventory management a breeze. By incorporating redstone mechanics, they have revolutionized the way players interact with their items in the game. Effort and Dedication The process of building this automatic remote storage system was no easy task. Tronbyte dedicated over 30 hours… Read More

  • Lara’s EPIC Dance Tutorial Challenge! #anime #magic

    Lara's EPIC Dance Tutorial Challenge! #anime #magicVideo Information This video, titled ‘#dance #tutorial #challenge #anime #magic #minecraft #trend #trending’, was uploaded by Lara on 2024-04-24 22:23:42. It has garnered 22 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Shark Tests Minecraft Myths

    Shark Tests Minecraft MythsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft’s Scariest Myths Caught on Camera…’, was uploaded by Shark on 2024-08-17 18:00:07. It has garnered 67212 views and 2613 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:35 or 2555 seconds. Testing Minecraft’s Scariest Myths Caught on Camera… BECOME A MEMBER TODAY! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQVwQQvz8O_0aeFDBVcdhpg/join Merch – https://www.09sharkboy.com Subscribe! – http://bit.ly/1GtTBWj Join My Discord – https://discord.gg/shark My Socials Twitter – @09sharkboy Snapchat – TheLifeOfShark Instagram – @09sharkboy Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/SharkMerch Additional music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! πŸ‘† https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/tutm3h/ #Minecraft The Funniest Minecraft Video Ever with New Funny Mods makes Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane NEW WORMS ADDON in MCPE! πŸ› Only for Tremors Update πŸ”₯

    Insane NEW WORMS ADDON in MCPE! πŸ› Only for Tremors Update πŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘WORMS ADDON UPDATE in Minecraft PE Tremors Addon’, was uploaded by Another on 2024-05-12 11:28:17. It has garnered 13833 views and 315 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. link – https://mcpedl.com/tremors-addon/ WORMS ADDON UPDATE in Minecraft PE Tremors Addon Read More

  • Unbelievable sky survival in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable sky survival in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘”Sky Chunk Saga: Surviving the Limitless Skies of Minecraft in an Epic Adventure!”‘, was uploaded by NR GAMER 24 on 2024-02-11 14:08:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to the immersive world of Minecraft Sky Chunk Survival, an extraordinary adventure set in a vast expanse of floating … Read More

  • Waterdrinker’s Shocking Slavery Confession!

    Waterdrinker's Shocking Slavery Confession!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slavery :3’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-12 15:00:19. It has garnered 1607 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. #viral #minecraft #shorts β™‘ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine minecraft, minecraft seeds, minecraft server, minecraft… Read More

  • LuluBelleMC – INSANE Minecraft Mods & Packs (1.20.1, 1.21, 1.19.2)

    LuluBelleMC - INSANE Minecraft Mods & Packs (1.20.1, 1.21, 1.19.2)Video Information This video, titled ‘TOP 35 New Minecraft Mods and Data Packs Of The Week! (1.20.1, 1.21, 1.19.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-08-20 11:30:22. It has garnered 43564 views and 1594 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:12 or 1812 seconds. TOP 35 New Minecraft Mods and Data Packs Of The Week! (1.20.1, 1.21, 1.19.2) Join my channel membership to get more Useful contents : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCNeJZw6-NQz4oUEBHMaEhA/join 00:00 -Wither Spawn Animation 1.20.6 β€”β€” 1.20.1 (Forge) https://modrinth.com/mod/wither-spawn-animation 01:04 -TaCZ: Leawind’s Third Person Compat 1.20.1 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tacz-leawinds-third-person-compat 01:56 -All Titles Apostle 1.20.1 β€”β€” 1.19.2 (Forge) https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/all-titles-apostle 02:55 -Redstone Cascade 1.20.1… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Luffy Saves Naruto in Minecraft Crossover!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Luffy Saves Naruto in Minecraft Crossover!Video Information This video, titled ‘LUFFY ENDS UP IN SAVING NARUTO!!!! UNEXPECTED CROSSOVER IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by ChaosIQ on 2024-08-05 04:30:22. It has garnered 3034 views and 108 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. LUFFY ENDS UP IN SAVING NARUTO!!!! UNEXPECTED CROSSOVER IN MINECRAFT HASHTAGS: #minecraftfunny #minecrafthighlights #minecraftlive #minecraftmeme #minecraftpe #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #trending #trendingshorts #viral #viralshort #minecraft #minecraftanimation #anime #animerecap #animelaststand #animedefenders #animeenglishdubepisodes1-12 #animedub #animevsreddit #animelaststandtierlist #animesongs #animethighs #animerecapsus #animereactionmashup #animelaststandcodes #animereactto #animeedits #animeand #animeandchill #animeandnotsochill #animeandtheircrush #animeandmanga #animeandwhattheyareknownfor #animeandchardonnay #animeandreddit #animeandyouthoughtthereisneveragirlonline #animeandroidgames #animeandmangareviews #animeandgodmeme #animeandchristianity #animeandroidgirl TAGS: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft… Read More