🔴LIVE – Unleashing Ultimate Parkour Skills on MCC Island🏝️

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Yo we are live what is up chat how is everyone doing today how we all doing welcome to the stream everyone I thought I thought that was somebody for a second no welcome everyone hello no what did I just open do not mean to open

That no what am I oh oh that’s why that’s why oh I pressed the wrong button that’s why okay yo what’s up yo what’s up ahed welcome to the stream I’m watching you when I have a math exam in did you say 12 and a half

Hours or is that one and a half hours that’s crazy to be honest you probably should go study um I I would recommend studying if I’m being honest but hey you do you if you want to stop by the stream and watch for a little bit I’d appreciate it but

You know you you can uh go study if you want yo space brownies I don’t think we’ve interacted no I don’t think I don’t think I’ve interacted with space brownies yet I know we played in uh fruit wars together but I don’t think we I don’t think we

Really have you know interacted I don’t think we’ve actually even talked oh yeah but yeah I am becoming the the parkour uh Warrior today chat the parkour warrior king the king of Parkour Warrior I know you know Owen is or Dustin would probably say they’re the

Parkour uh Warrior but or the king of Parkour but uh no I am I am the king of Parkour chat and we’re going to we’re going to prove to them today that I am or just prove to everybody I don’t really care I don’t really care if it’s

You know who I’m proving it to I just want to you know be good at parkour because I like Minecraft Parkour anyways anyways anyways let’s let’s just get into It but yeah how’s everyone doing today I I I keep forgetting man to tweet out my streams I probably should start doing that cuz like every everybody gets the YouTube notification but not everybody’s on YouTube you know so it’s like people that are on Twitter the people that are

Checking Twitter I got to you know I should probably be sending the notification to them but you know that’s whatever uh today might be a shorter stream to be honest I don’t know depending on if I have uh certain things to do oh shoot almost died there no we’re good we’re

Good yo what’s up Madness welcome to the stream hope you’re having a great day thank you for stopping by top 10 expert compilation what the what the heck was that A I hit my head on something there I don’t even know what I hit it on oh I think I hit on The oh rip cord scores the top 10 or scores the top 10 x comination how’s it going King it’s going great how are you doing Madness oh no why did I jump why did I jump that okay now I jump it now I jump this

One oh why did I jump that I’m an idiot okay wait here here here and then what am I doing why did I not know why did I oh I’m an idiot Okay jump here and then if I could actually make the jump I would jump

There you know what whatever man I’m I just I’m struggling right now what is what is happening I don’t know what’s happening to be honest I hate the moving blocks ones yeah whatever I dude I’m good just got some food nice I don’t want to do these moving

Block ones man okay I don’t know what the heck just happened there wow that was so that was all that was an alltime cell all yeah that was that was an alltime sell by me guys the right path is just easier bro I don’t even know I don’t

Even know why I go left sometimes to be honest because I am a righty so I feel like going right would be better but whatever I have gotten better at parkour though it’s just that right now I decided that I’m not you know showing my true potential I’ve I’ve been able to get

Into like the top a couple top five situations actually okay what do we have here this is easy and then my render distance doesn’t go too far but that looks like oh it’s that one whatever okay I guess I guess we can pull that off yo ahed welcome thank you

For being a channel member I appreciate it or I should say thank you for uh re uh reinstating your channel membership very much appreciated thank you let’s go dude I love it when somebody becomes a channel member oh my gosh it’s so cool you know it’s it’s funny I just

It’s funny how like nobody knows what channel members are anyways like everybody’s like so used to like twitch’s uh sub the twitch idea of subscribers that nobody even knows what channel members are it’s kind of funny what the heck okay wait are you supposed to you’re supposed to run over

This are you not okay wa and then you jump oh okay I thought you were able To yeah I kind of sold that what the he but thank you am man I appreciate it a lot what the heck was that okay wait no no no if I go this way it’s easier I think yeah okay there we go that was easy and these ones I’m not able to to

Do quick I just kind of uh shift by them they’re pretty simple and this one’s also pretty easy um watch I’m going to say that I’m going to fail on this jump here okay never mind let’s go how long have you been playing Java

Uh oh no wrong way I’m an idiot uh I’ve been playing Java for about three months now before that I’ve been a I’ve been a Bedrock player for a while but I’ve been playing I think yeah I think around uh three or four months maybe like three and a half oh let

Go I get there fifth I’ll take it I’ll take it oh I hate these I hate the flower beds man they’re so the follow beds are so annoying cuz their hit boxes are so weird it’s like the hit their hit boxes are just gross I don’t I don’t

Like it oh was that I went the wrong way didn’t I oh I almost just sold there okay we’re good no okay okay this is this is the easiest one I think out of the out of the variations of that uh that like level right there they’re pretty pretty easy

It’s it’s the other variations that are hard and then this is decently hard but not that hard okay we’re good and then this is this is very easy cuz you just go in the middle I’m getting I’m getting used to the parkour Warrior strats these ones I

Kind of struggle on because of the I I just never like expect like some of the head hitters to happen like is there okay there is there’s one right there but we’re good I think okay yeah and then another one of these interesting oh this is the easier one I think though

Cuz you go to the end here and then you’re able to just go right here yep easy what is this what is this oh wait no I think I’ve done this one before yeah those are slime blocks for some reason oh shoot oh shoot I sold I I had

First place there but I sold okay we we got that and then jump here let’s jump here no was I too early and no I’m going to die now yeah no it’s over it’s yeah it’s over no cuz I I can complete this one too this one’s so easy a that’s annoying

Whatever oh you’re challenge yo I didn’t know you had one in the game I I which one was it wait I could probably go back and find your skin right also my uh right click is not working I need a I need a new mouse badly what bro oh I

Hate it when my right click doesn’t work yeah only 3 months your first mcci stream is 4 months ago yeah so it was like four four four four and a half or it’s going to be 4 and half soon oh the the train one’s actually pretty easy I’m not

Saying like it’s like you know it’s a bad thing Madness but I I like the train one it’s the part the jumps are satisfying though it’s not like an easy like easy it’s just kind of like you get it over and done with it’s it’s pretty satisfying yeah this one yeah this this

One’s pretty cool I think I’m I think I yeah I’m pretty sure yeah I found the most ideal route that one I actually got confused about the other day okay now my right click wants to work cuz uh okay there we go now we can queue into a

Game cuz um I forget I don’t know what I was going to say how did I get back to the start that’s interesting I hate the Martian Mars and Madness sces they always grief me Yeah oh yeah Mar wait Martian made a course too that’s cool to be honest some of the harder ones I know IMT imtg made a bunch of them one of the harder ones though is uh Nery n nuke made some pretty hard ones too I think nuke has two in the game

Well no one of them’s home yo what’s up cat pul or one of them’s uh pretty hard oh I suck dude oh and I probably could have made that welcome to the stream cat P how you doing thank you for stopping by I appreciate

It yeah I I I those are so easy dude but I always time them wrong oh I wasn’t even looking I was looking at chat okay we we’ll take that we’ll take we’ll take the actually no we will not take the 11th that is kind of trash you know

What it’s fine we’re going to we’re going to get it back also if you haven’t already make sure to drop a like Down Below on the stream as I’d really appreciate it it helps me out a lot thank you okay let’s do this oh this is easy okay this is

These don’t even have the uh what’s it called the barriers cuz I swear every single time I see it now oh my gosh I don’t know what happened to my voice there every single time I see it now uh I see it with a barrier so

That’s kind of cool to see it without a barrier uh and then this is yeah this is oh okay well I guess I’m not going to make that jump that’s pretty easy and there we go you want a party sure why not uh I mean if you’re down to play

Some Parkour Warrior I guess we could party if you want to play like another game I guess I guess we could play another game too but I’m trying to you know grind some Parkour Warrior oh oh oh oh and I suck wow okay

And I can’t get up so I have to die wow how did I miss that jump bro this is one of the easiest courses I’m actually selling right now wait is this the second to last one I can’t remember no it wasn’t okay no oh Nuuk challenge wow speak of Nery that’s

Crazy no oh I was just ah I could have probably saved myself there but I was making sure I didn’t lose a heart oh this is one of the hard this is one of the harder variations of this one cuz yeah you have to get right to the edge cuz it’s

Uh whatever you call those things slabs why am I not why am I not crouching to the edge there oh there we go okay and then that’s pretty easy nice let’s go what how did I not make That there we go and I’m going to die oh wow that’s sad that’s tragic wait wait no yeah we will not be able to get there in time that’s tragic so Sad okay yo okay capul are you uh are you online we can we can party right now if you want let’s see I guess I could I guess I could check all right there you go uh I’ll invite you to my party all right I’m going go get water real quick

Actually okay we’ll queue into a game but I’mma go get water real quick be right back chat for okay oh I thought the lobby was at three for a second I was about to say no way it didn’t fill up while I was gone it’s kind of sad how the parkour

Warrior lobbies have kind of fallen off I remember when they used to fill up like that and then now uh now now they don’t really sadly it’s very sad to see but I guess that’s what happens when you know like a new game comes around and then uh and then everybody uh you

Know I guess everyone’s just kind of gone I don’t know what I’m trying to say I guess everyone’s just kind of like you know gone back to playing Sky bout or whatever yeah mcci has kind of like I guess yeah I don’t I don’t know if fallen off is the right uh terminology

I’d want to use Madness but I guess that probably is the closest thing you could say to it um yeah it used it used to be averaging like close to like around like a thou uh a th like what 15500 I was going to say 1,500 but 1500 sounds better uh it used

To average around like 1,500 now it averages around like what like 900 is players so it’s like right around a, so I guess it has like dropped off like by a couple hundred not even like a few hundred which is kind of sad to see to be honest but

Uh may maybe I think mcci can uh you know have a comeback though if they have meltdown and rsr uh get added oh I think it could actually I think it could actually compete with Hypixel cuz rocket SLE Rush yeah it isn’t the most popular game mode but it’s still a very unique

And very fun game mode to play and also meltdown I feel like meltdown might be a game changer to be honest because meltdown is is going to be very fun depending on what kind of like changes they want to add to it yeah a lot of people have stopped

Like playing a lot uh what’s it called I was supposed to say hight tail not hight tail hoplight has uh taken uh some of the players away from MCC Island uh especially a lot of the you know UHC type players I guess or former UHC players like you know like X

Shatter um grun ninja you know they’ve all stopped like streaming MCC Island because I remember shatter used to stream MCC Island all the time just sky battle and now all he streams is hoplight which there’s nothing wrong with it but I’m just saying you know it’s it’s MCC Island’s gotten its

Players taken away by some competition so they just got to they just got to figure out you know their own little like place you know just like I I don’t know if they want to dominat to be honest like Hypixel like Hypixel kind of was just

Like yeah let’s add every game mode like ever to our server and just dominates the market and everybody was like okay we’ll just do it because we like certain game modes MCC Island’s like hey we have these unique game modes come play on our server you know what I mean so this like

A kind of like a different uh different uh I don’t know you call it marketing scheme I guess and then hoplight just like yeah you like UHC or you used to play UHC come play on our server now which is basically you know new updated UHC with uh with modded

Items now which is cool it’s yeah I guess it is just different markets at the end of the day oh shoot I almost just died there a couple times I think no what am I doing I sold he we can still clutch up yeah we’re good now we’re good I almost

Sold uh has been pretty lag Yeah the Sero actually like crazy whenever it passes H passin well yeah and again I realized this the other day MCC Island if you’re on the main island like the main Hub still technically says open Beta so they still really I mean their player account is literally capped

At 3,000 same with hoplight so like and even though hoplight I think has had an official release now mcci hasn’t really had an official release I guess cuz if you still call it open Beta it technically isn’t released but uh you know I I guess they’re still working on

It but once they get enough like funding um you know from whatever the KNX crew should be able to kill it with mcci yeah Hypixel is pretty crazy with like everything they do like they’re just they’re they’re they’re yeah they’re insane what am I doing how did I how did I sell

That there we go no I actually sold so hard dude I hit I used the head hitter oh I’m an idiot because you just gota you just gotta yeah you gotta do that oh there we go but I am not the best at this no yeah

Yeah turns out I am not that good at those ones let’s go cat P this they get so many players 24/7 yeah Hypixel I think you’re talking about High right yeah yeah Hypixel is insane they get they average like what like 30,000 24/7 around they like that’s insane they average around like

30,000 and I think their their lowest dip is like I don’t even know their lowest dip is probably I think their low dip is like 20 something, probably 24,000 which is crazy considering that’s your lowest dip I mean yeah no that at that point there’s really no way to compete with

Hypixel they just they just have so many different like aspects as a server Al together it’s just almost impossible okay I don’t know why I’m failing those jumps so I’m trying to practice them it’s fine oh this one this one’s pretty hard to be honest you go to well I say that and

Then I do it oh this one though I I can’t get the last jump dude that’s that’s the I actually could have won one time in parkour Warrior if I was able to do this but I wasn’t able to get the last jump cuz the last jump you to

Like can tort your entire like character’s body I don’t even think yeah you can’t even do do it uh normally I think you have to do it with momentum which is crazy because you’re going straight and then you have to Swerve totally to the left or something like that it’s pretty

Insane oh my gosh dude GG yo what’s up Asus Chromebook welcome to the stream hope you’re having a great day thank you for stopping by appreciate it I have actually zero I probably should have one though by now uh but I sadly have zero parkour uh Survivor

WIS did you oh let’s go fourth place nice yeah what did I get here I think I got like eighth or ninth eighth place I’ll take it I’ll take eighth dude I’m just thinking like when I participate in ocean games I don’t I don’t know if every anybody’s going to

Really know about my grinding on parkour Warrior but dude oh if we get if we get a parkour Warrior last for ocean games dude oh we might be cooking cuz ARA is nasty at uh par or Warrior and then I foret yeah I think I think the rest of

Our team’s also pretty good too so if I if the lowest person on our team’s getting like my placement like eighth or ninth dude oh we might cook so I’m I I don’t actually who oh what is the game order for ocean games your team also hopes for parkour

Warrior last yeah I think most wait who’s on your way I I’ll check it right now what team are you on Madness I forget I’m I’m G look because I forget the game order all right I’m G look real quick though before no discord’s lagging where is it nope is it Teams ah oh wait oh yeah here you are yeah team man with raft yeah uh you’re the pink team interesting yeah uh for me we are the thinkers with Aerodactyl Kuba babblin sorry for mispronouncing their name I know I know who they are I just I don’t know how to pronounce their name

And then bmh and then me and then oh where is it uh game order there it is but I I’ll look at that later I can’t look at I now dude I did I did used to play ranked fortnite on stream it’s crazy don’t don’t don’t go back and look at those

Streams though I am probably going to private most of them yeah this this I don’t like those streams to be honest no what am I doing oh Mas in my uh game yo you is also pretty good at parkour all right then we yeah we will cook what am

I doing what is that selling dude that was that was D1 selling right there what the heck oh my god dude holy crap I cannot do these levels for the life of me I’m actually getting so mad at myself just because I know I can do so much better yet I’m failing

Like dude I’m like selling so hard oh my gosh now I’m at one heart that’s wild it’s I can’t do those dude I can’t do those ones fast I’m just I’m just not I’m not able to do them fast cuz I’m able because I always over jump or something like

That wow and then now I’m dead yeah okay that’s I actually hate dude oh my gosh are you serious oh and this was the easiest one ever dude oh you do is go in the middle BR what is that no way I got oh I didn’t get last somehow okay whatever

Man oh and den is in our game dude den and masy are both cracked Den almost won uh one shot the other day if you haven’t seen that stream uh go check out the VOD Yeah no my my over jumps are so bad to the point where I’m not able really to recover the thumbnails like well yeah no I I I’ve gotten better at thumbnails you I like the way I do my thumbnails it’s like it’s it’s my Minecraft uh skin and

Then I don’t know doing some it’s like it’s basically like a Mr Beast thumbnail except for it’s my Minecraft skin making it making a reaction and not an actual like human face I find it kind of Cool also I I really like the fact that a lot more like you know uh what’s it called people that you know I guess bigger creators are playing in these smaller mcci tournaments you know like uh what’s it called cgn you know cgn just had its biggest outing with uh Ajax Jack

Cass uh Toral who else I’m forgetting like everybody in the tournament oh no AJ wasn’t part of it sorry or he was he made the teams and everything back that and also uh what’s it called got a lot of people to sign up for it but uh no yeah but Ajax was one

Of the commentators along with do uh who else was in it why am I blanking right now oh Twiggy Mighty yeah most of the or three out of or two out of four the strikers were in it cuz I think milk was probably working on one

Shot or something like that uh but cgn happened yeah the other week it was pretty cool cool and then ocean games too ocean game or ocean games uh charity is happening and that has a lot of bigger creators in it than than usual so that’s that’s really cool to See I hate these stairs jumps man they’re so annoying this this one’s pretty easy cuz it’s just kind of like you just kind of pre jump and then oh I why did I I was about to show you guys how to do it and now I’m feeling it okay okay so you come

Around pre jump and then yeah it’s it’s pretty easy but as as you can see you can get it wrong you can get the timing wrong sometimes yeah it’s pretty easy oh I hate these dude I cannot do ladder jumps for the life of me oh they’re so

Annoying especially I don’t even know how to do I don’t even know how oh that’s how you do that one so annoying oh something happened to masi probably a glitch okay oh my wrist is stting dude I need one of those uh what are they called the things like you put it like

In front of your keyboard to soften it soften your wrist so like your wrist isn’t like bending against the table and you get like carpal tunnel dude I need one of those was so bad probably going to get one for Christmas to be Honest like dude oh my wrist just like kills sometimes and then a new mouse hopefully I’ll get around Christmas either Christmas or like in early January or something like that cuz dude I kind of I kind of want to start doing well in uh Minecraft events you know like fruit

Wars and Crown Quest I want I want to do you know not like I don’t want to do like an sarch or anything like that but I want to I want to I want to do good for my standards you I want I want to be able

To have standards for myself not like too crazy to the point where it’s like I hate myself if I you know get anything below that but just so I like you know feel I don’t know a sense of accomplishment I guess it’s kind of Complicating but I feel like right now not it’s not really equipment I guess it might be but for the most part I think it’s just my overall skill is holding me back but uh having a bad Mouse doesn’t help because my mouse is kind of trash right now to be honest

Why didn’t I go there no not c not cat B okay wait oh I almost messed that up I think it’s mostly inexperience holding you back yeah I guess that that probably also is true to some extent oh my gosh bro it’s it’s those it’s those last part it’s the wait okay it’s the uh what are these things called the Cobblestone fence I think these are

Dude yeah these things I hate these things so much okay am last okay yeah better Hardware does help too but yeah it might be it might just be my uh inexperience your right Madness I I will I will try my best though you know but yeah I do want to get to the

Point where I am comfortable with uh playing in Fruit Wars and uh Crown quests cuz you know I I think it is inexperience not just with like the event but also just with Minecraft you know because I haven’t been the longest playing Java player you I’ve been a I’ve

Been a long Minecraft player just not on Java hey we’ll say Fourth oh oh you’re joking dude are you actually serious wow and I just sold that cuz now I will probably lose like two or three hearts depending on what the next two levels are but that was sad I should not have done that oh and that too I guess

Okay that’s pretty easy oh I almost missed that okay and then these are pretty easy too you just go yeah yeah okay what are we lose two hearts I I kind of called it but it’s fine we’ll take it know it’s not like I’m dying or anything oh my

Gosh n that’s what I’m talking about over jumping it’s like I get I get too comfortable don’t shift and then just end up over jumping like that right there but this is probably because there’s slabs here man these are dumb there we go oh no this okay wait no that’s not

That hard mind I thought that was going to be a lot harder than it was what the heck no why did I go that way I’m an idiot why did I go that way I’m so stupid oh could have gone I could have gone the other way and maybe finished

With like one heart left yo what’s up barbecue welcome to the stream thank you for stun by did you get a chance to watch uh Sol War POV I have not I know solar is really good though so I probably will go and watch uh Mo a

Lot of people’s povs in uh Block Wars Origins cuz it’s a very very competitive event I feel like I could learn some things to be honest I think I need to jump and do Dojo with you someday and teach you the best way to do all the maps I’m not the fastest

But I know the good routes and stuff yeah that that probably uh would be cool and also would help me out yeah I I don’t know the routes that’s the thing I don’t play mcci enough to know the routes really but I I

Know I know how to do like I I think 90% it jumps I only I only just started playing events and yeah experience is super important yep it’s true yeah cuz I went into Fruit Wars not knowing like anything to be honest it kind of I don’t

Know it it exceeded my expectations in some parts and then you know of course didn’t exceed my expectations in other parts like I I dude to be honest I for sure thought there was going to be like a survival games and that we were going

To have to like go full PVP but the fact that there wasn’t kind of threw me off so then we were having to you know do certain things in other PVP games and then the gold game was kind of cool to be honest so it was like yeah

It’s just experience at that point cuz even if even though Madness you had experienced in you know the past playing past fruit Wars you know you still didn’t really expect a couple of things to happen so yeah it really is all about experience n oh and I almost just so the best M

Player in all of them all Minecraft oh a good day Sol War yeah I mean yeah that makes sense a lot of a lot of uh Origins players are really good at certain things you know or like they’re really good at they like you know harness a certain

Craft like some of them like do PVP and are PVP mains you know others are parkour Mains and then that’s that’s really cool though it’s like you know a b it’s a bunch of like really uh I wouldn’t say sweaty but just really good Minecraft players coming together and they’re all

Good at their own like aspects of the game when they’re coming together and teaming together and that’s what’s cool about it you know I guess I guess other Minecraft events are like that but it’s more like you know like the Creator events are just more like um just

Players coming together and teaming but for Origins the more sweaty events it’s kind of cool because it is like uh I don’t know I don’t know how did I say it again I don’t know I I’m not thinking straight today but it’s like you know the sweaty your plays coming

Together I guess and like joining forces is kind of cool anyways uh oh I do not know I do not know the most ideal route for this one man this one kind of annoys me to be honest why am I going so slow up the Water the last R Wars I played was in April though yeah no that makes sense R wars did have a huge overhaul like I said so it made sense that you didn’t know a lot of the stuff that happen but also it just was overall an unexpected experience for most

People but you know I guess that’s good cuz it’s like yeah it might have change it changed for the better but it also you know still had some flaws but it it it did it did did good was a good event what the heck what the heck what am I doing I am

Selling right now on these water levels holy oh no I do yeah I do not make this I sadly come right short I come up six I’ll take six right outside the top five sadly but I’ll take it you know it’s good okay bro is my right click really

Not wanting to work again okay there we go I thought that was I thought that was shun for a second chat when it was like what is it the shadow Mass 555 I thought should doing 666 and I I was like nope it’s not oh I haven’t seen this one in a

While this is one of the OG levels is it not dude I haven’t wait let’s see if I can do this I remember struggling at the oh okay wait maybe I can’t do this I remember struggling at this though when I first uh played parkour Warrior can I really not do

That am I really this bad chat okay wait no I can’t do it let’s see can I wow never mind this is actually really easy just I might be one of the slower people at it but hey that was yeah that was like I think maybe the first parkour

Level I think I’ve ever played on mcci cuz I remember that I remember that level being very hard when I first played cuz you know I was new to Java and wasn’t really good at all it’s kind of funny okay anyway anyways where was the order oh the game order oh parkour

Survivor is third Chad for it’s it’s third for uh ocean games that’s pretty good sky battle was first okay that’s good pvp’s out of the way you get to your side is last though I think I think arel can do really well though and carry us hopefully All right we have we take fourth there what the heck am I doing and okay wow we we are selling right now but hey I do that a lot so it’s not that big of a surprise okay then we get the four block jump in everybody knows that I I feel

Like that’s the one that actually might be the one jump that everybody knows like that four block jump I swear I see everybody do it what the heck okay that was not possible why did I why did I try that I don’t know why I thought that was going to

Work you really are you serious are you serious right now are you are you really going to throw this hard on this this is so easy why why am I actually so bad Oh dude what no way that I’m not making making that jump oh my gosh there’s I don’t know why I thought it was going to be such a casual jump I should have smashed the space bar there but I didn’t okay never mind this is pretty

Easy you should be able to take this the four block jumps okay we’re good good I swear Manus was in RI Court thumbnail for fruit Wars well I use the uh team uh picture the team uh announcement picture you know the one that they put on Twitter I

Used that one because I sadly didn’t have time to make a uh to make a thumbnail that I usually do with Minecraft skins and also uh wlee didn’t put on his uh skin yet his uh skin that Madness made the scuffed ones so uh we actually weren’t I actually wasn’t able

To get us all in the scuffed fruit Wars skins uh you know the green grapes um ones so yeah that didn’t work out so I just used the the team uh uh what do you whatever you call it team announcement picture so yeah everybody technically was in that

Thumbnail oh let’s go you’re only doing Park so you going do some other games uh maybe I’ll probably do some ho wall maybe I just I just felt like doing parkour Survivor currently because you know trying to get good at parkour and I like parkour ah but we can do we can do

Some hole in the wall or some sky or some battle box I don’t know if I want to do sky battle today I don’t I don’t really feel like doing sky battle today what the that was that not was that not like okay whatever you know I

Got I got to stop risking it that was just a terrible jump I don’t know what I was doing I got I got to stop risking it all the time chat are you serious right now dude and oh the that ending right there is so easy too oh that’s so

Annoying you got this cat pull let’s see spectate where you right here you got that let’s go nice good Job yeah you got that you got that this this is going to be hard though this moving parkour no wait you’re goated wait you’re actually goated oh no no no you got it it’s okay I had a friend that used to say the first seven parkour Warriors don’t matter that that makes

Sense actually no not really I don’t wait no that doesn’t really make much sense wait you mean the first seven leaps 1 two three four five six well that would make sense yeah first seven leaps don’t really matter but the last one I guess yeah it does let’s go catp who’s it catp

Versus uh Z Dragon oh Z Dragon struggling off the bat oh yeah this is pretty easy this is just like one second switches it’s pretty easy and that oh actually oh no but the ending yeah the ending is decently difficult I think let’s let’s try it oh okay never

Mind I guess I should probably get some practice in with this cuz this is how I died uh one of the other rounds okay and then and then we can go here oh no we don’t want to go there no no oh that was

A cell okay where do we want to go oh we want to go around okay and we want to go there there yo let’s go GG’s catp GG all right we can do you do we can do one more game of uh I’ll take 10th I guess we can do one

More game of Parkour Warrior and then I’ll then we can do some hole in wall if you want I had another friend who used to saying that the first eight games of MCC don’t matter I mean you’re not wrong but H I guess that also would probably

Be highly contrasted I feel like a lot of people would uh you know disagree but uh yeah I I feel like a better one would be I used to have a friend that said the first four games of MCC don’t matter cuz it’s it’s really the first four anything

After that kind of does Matter all right all right let’s get it let’s get it no ow is has gone offline sag do we know anybody in this chat or in not this chat do we know anybody in this Lobby no I don’t think I Do okay I don’t know why I just did that that was a really dumb idea yeah I just had a feeling that I was going to make that jump to that sand block and I just I absolutely was not going to do it I don’t know why I thought I was

Going to do that apparently cgn is doing a review stream for MCC well no it’s uh it’s the VOD review stream I didn’t know I forgot it was going to happen today so I forgot to uh sign up for it and uh say that I could

Be there I ended up planning my own stream and I kind of feel bad now but I’m going to try to going to try to do as much MCC Central things as possible because I I haven’t been that active with it uh lately I guess I am one of

The more active members but I feel like I haven’t been as active as I should be lately but maybe maybe you guys will see me a lot more on MCC well you probably no yeah you will you guys will see me a lot more on MCC Central

Soon so look look out for that and also if you haven’t already what are you doing go subscribe to MCC Central you know go go go let them know that uh rip cord sent you you don’t have to but you know you could Oh I thought this was in

A in the littlewood for a second but no I don’t think yeah no that’s not Martin maybe maybe it could be Martin next I don’t Know For no what am I doing selling that’s what I’m doing absolutely Selling oh okay okay we clutch we clutch we clutch okay and then we got this nope okay never mind we don’t got it never mind we do got it we do got it oh no no no no no no no I have to first try this I have to first try this come

On oh no catp you’re Stuck okay okay no oh oh we cannot be doing that no I was so close okay wait wait I think I think it’s left here right yeah I feel like yeah it is okay it is interesting I also keep that in mind are you joking oh that’s that’s a

Win that’s a win if I don’t miss that jump cuz where was I I was where was I I was right here oh that is that is a win if I don’t if I don’t miss that jump o oof man are you serious you got this cat PF I know

You’re on one heart you probably don’t got this but hey clutch up I believe no look at that you it’s it’s okay you got this your clutch let’s go oh oh oh dude is him all right we can we can leave ah let’s see what what should we play um

You know what Let’s do let’s do a game or two of hole in the wall I haven’t played hole in the wall in a in a little little while why Not you know I was thinking guys you know I was thinking chat I I was thinking the other day before I went to bed uh that I should have named this stream or I should start a series of streams on Mondays called movement Monday days where I just practice my

Movement whether that be on my own on like my own creative world and just making up jumps or something like that or like I practice like a certain jump or maybe I make like a parkour gaunt Lance or maybe I just do movement on MCC Island like I was thinking of making

That like a stream series but I feel like I don’t know I feel like that might be uh what’s the word maybe a little bit too like you know I don’t know I don’t think people would really enjoy that much but maybe maybe they would I know you see the new battle

Box update with two people per K yeah I did see that that’s pretty cool uh you know at least now we can have two Bowers two healers if needed that’s pretty cool it does get a little bit complicating cuz or it gets a little op cuz sometimes people can have two iron

Swords if there’s that you know I forget the what map it is but that one map with the iron sword I think it’s the Christmas map is it not it’s either the Christmas map or one of the ones like similar to it but uh they have the iron sword and two people

Can now get the iron sword kit which is pretty crazy okay it is Santa SL yeah dude oh I hate this super speed one oh thank God it’s gone okay but yeah that one uh that that one kit might cause a little bit of problems can we stop

Getting the same uh same uh modifiers please I actually hate this I actually hate the super speed so bad like can I can I get something else please okay that’s that’s not that bad could be worse oh I’m an idiot wait what oh shoot and the walls are glitching for me

Chat was my right click not working my right click was not working I could have sabotaged that person no I could not see the wall I literally couldn’t see the wall bro okay whatever I guess I guess I guess we’ll take fourth why not all

Right we’ll do another game of ho in the wall and then we can do uh battle box I know it is we I feel I I feel you too it is weird having uh only three or not three only e cuz like getting like a sixth or like seventh place in home in

The wall felt good before cuz it was lobbies of what 16 or 24 but now getting sixth or an eighth feels just uh doesn’t feel right or it it you know it’s it doesn’t feel good cuz you’re getting like what second or last or maybe even

Last and it’s like it used to actually be a good placement now it’s just not the walls are not loading because you’re using OptiFine yeah that’s what I thought that’s uh that’s cuz once I started using OptiFine I realized that and then like everybody else was telling

Me no it’s not the reason it’s probably because of my PC or something like that I was like to be honest my PC was able to handle it fine before I got op toine and I used OptiFine or I’ve been using OptiFine for like 3 months now so like

The first like month I had my PC and Minecraft uh Java I was you know the walls were okay for me but yeah that makes sense does it uh is it affected if you have lunar like are people affected like uh I am right now if they have lunar cuz I don’t think

I’ I’ve seen anything bad on lunar yet maybe there has been like a couple bad reports oh what what is that can I say something the hole in the wall scoring is so broken man why am I why am I getting 170 coins for placing second last like I don’t really feel

Like I don’t know I just don’t really feel like that’s like you know anything to brag about or whatever all right let’s let’s do some battle box oh L wi’s good okay maybe maybe I’ll get lunar I know I haven’t decided I might get I might decide to start doing lunar

Rather than uh rather than uh OptiFine that’s weird fifth place or above 10 times yeah that’s not really much to be honest in a hole in the wall Lobby I don’t know why they should probably change that it should probably be like top three or something like that now

That it’s only has uh you know eight or 10 players or whatever it is it’s called H law expert yeah no that is that is not true that is not an achievement that whole in the wall expert or that people that are getting you know fifth or whatever above 10

Times that’s not it’s not it does not add up that’s what I’ll say it doesn’t add up it should probably be third or above like maybe 10 or 12 times I don’t know then it can be whole no wall expert all right what do I want what is

This punch One Quick Charge one uh I’ll take I’ll take the Quick Charge one the punch one could be good but it’s like what map is this yeah I don’t think the punch really affect anything especially since there’s like no Lava or water it’s just kind of like or I guess there is

Water but not really much I think the Quick Charge really helps here because you know once if you’re able to like shoot and then get ducked down and then get back out of the train and then shoot it should be good but the multishot here also is nice cuz

Sometimes there’s like multiple enemies on top of the train oh oh no way you missed that buddy no way you missed that that that is sad that is sad I’m sorry but there’s no way that guy misses that oh what okay I think I think that’s just

Cuz I was playing that bad that guy’s Dead come on teammate clutch up one more crossbow shot and then a crit and he’s dead oh he’s he’s kind of good he’s playing as smart oh let’s go nice come on catp I didn’t know it was catp yes clutch one in one in

Nice that was clutch that is the definition of clutch right there can we get some claps in the Chat oh oh that’s a cheeky little shot oh but they got me fair enough all right closing on actually I’ll put pressure on wool oh teammate yep GG’s Oh shoot no oh they’re one shot nice teammate okay okay and this is where my health spark comes in that was well played well played no I could shoot oh oh I could have helped oh my teamate there oh easy I’m the crossbow Master right now chat holy crap I

Cooked let’s go baby first place and second individual I will take that how many Kill how many kills we have three I will take that cat pul number one individual let’s go baby look at that dynamic duo right there dynamic duo that’s actually that’s actually crazy we actually went off holy crap

Holy we went nuts remember guys if you haven’t already make sure to leave a like down below on the stream as I’d really appreciate it and helps out a ton but dude oh wow okay are we going to go uh we going to get another first

Place let’s see what map we got here okay okay I don’t I’m not the I’m not the biggest fan of this map actually I will take that kit I like this kit though I like the Sharpshooter kit the uh crossbow with the uh quick charge and the harming orb because the

Harming orbs to be honest are actually really useful probably the most useful they ever are on this map um just because I feel like they just work well with the tunnel aspect of it so okay I did not mean to do that but yeah haunted

Alice used to be a special cuz he was and four crosss and now three other Maps having yeah I did I actually I agree with you I did really like uh holy crap I just got absolutely pelted but I did I did really like uh haunted house for

That when it had it sad that they uh ended up did end up getting rid of it ow I don’t know how that orb hit me bro oh shoot oh they they were either AFK or they just lagged out yo what’s up F Blazer you down to play MC side with me

Right now right now I’m down yo what’s up typhoon welcome to the Stream hope you’re having a great day thank you for stopping by can I join your party um I guess I guess right now we could Blazer if you want to hop on we can s we

Can run some uh rounds of battle box if you want I’m going to fix my own I’ll hop on all right we can uh I can play a little bit after stream not a lot but I can play a little bit if you want to uh but yeah right now uh

Ow right now we’re doing some battle box so if you can get on we can run some squads okay oh where is this team bro oh there you go okay oh I did not mean to uh miss my shot there I don’t know how I missed my shot there invite you uh I

Cannot do that currently uh you can request an invite I think somehow I forget you figure it out out sorry but yeah you figure that out um yeah right now I’m in a game so I can’t invite you yo what’s up snowy stick welcome to the stream thank you for stopping by

Hope you’re having a great day I ain’t got long anyways all right that’s fair no but if you if you ever uh want to oh shoot bro why is why is everyone adding me back right now if you ever want to uh what’s it called you know

Play uh Blazer just let me know man can request it from someone yeah all right give me a sec oh these guys are actually a bunch of idiots oh wow these guys are actually dumb I was dumb for running into that I don’t know why I did that I guess I did

Get a kill out of it though but these guys are I don’t know what their tactic is they’re just kind of running all over the place also chat if you uh didn’t already know um wait I don’t know what I was trying to say oh I was going to say also chat

If you uh don’t know you know I have uh Channel memberships now so if you ever want to be uh consider becoming a member I think I have it at $11 or $2 maybe it’s $4 I don’t know something like that a month and uh yeah consider becoming a

Member uh because it helps out the channel a lot and uh you get some exclusive perks that are actually pretty cool not going to lie all right send you the invite you’re on now all right uh add me Man or send me a friend request and uh we can run

Squads I just I just like how I always get sidetracked on my uh parkour Warrior streams like you know I always go from playing parkour Warrior to then playing a round of sky battle then to 10 rounds of sky battle then to like you know hole in the wall or Dino ball

Oh oh wait oh never mind we’re already friends I forget when did I when did I add you I forget all right send you the invite all right we can run it yo thank you ahed I appreciate it JoJo slices let’s go yo JoJo in the chat with the gifted

Member yo welcome to uh welcome to the uh I don’t know what we call it the rip rip cord army or something like that yo welcome JoJo n yeah true JoJo did deserve it let’s go that’s crazy okay wait oh I should probably try my best not to throw

Ah it’s all fine I I I I do do a little bit of throwing uh you know sometimes that’s hype is JoJo slices AFK currently no way no way JoJo slices just got gifted a member in his AFK bruh that is a bruh moment right now oh

Really oh I I feel like that’s weird I don’t I don’t know if I like that I feel like uh I feel like it has to give it to somebody in stream right isn’t that how um let’s see I can be the healer if you

Want I can be the healer but isn’t that how um isn’t that how uh twitch Works where when you gift uh Subs on Twitch doesn’t it gift it to somebody in chat that’s kind of weird but that yeah that would make sense JoJo does uh tune into my

Streams a lot so that would make sense that uh it’s gifted to your most active like I guess subscriber that watches your streams that makes sense but I I feel like that’s kind of a weird mechanic for gifts to somebody’s offline cuz I feel like it’s going to be kind of

Surprising next time JoJo tunes into one of my streams that uh JoJo has a you know has a has a member badge next to him it’s going to be kind of funny it’s going to be a little bit explaining to do though okay where once the next time

This guy Peaks his head he’s dead oh okay this is just a bing battle right now let me get a oh how did I that not hit yo is this guy stream sniping I swear he was in my other game bro I swear that guy was just in my our

Parkour Warrior Games was he not yo typhoon carrying right now oh no I had that shot that would have been mine I got a sub gift from someone oh okay so maybe maybe it is a mechanic I don’t know I’m I’m kind of Clueless I guess that’s that’s my bad I thought I

Thought it was uh that is only online people that’s cool though cuz it is kind of surprising shout me out please nah I don’t really do shout outs sorry Hive plays and uh you know I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t like you know not spam but just not like you know constantly

Bombard uh somebody in chat you know we’re just trying to have fun we’re just trying to Chiller how did I know hit that oh they thought they were slick oh okay oh teammate teammate help oh I have swiftness we’re good oh I don’t know why my bad Blazer oh oh and I

Suck yeah you got that dude why is everybody so much better if you than I am I am actually trash at PVP right now bro holy crap actually awful yo let’s go typhoon typhoon’s carrying right now six kills that wild oh wa yo we got nominal in our

Wait wait wait oh never mind I I’ll say hi to him after I did not know we had nominal gravy in our lobby that’s that’s sick dude also uh I have heals guys if you need heals oh oh and I’m out of arrows okay yep okay that’s all the heals I have go

In with blazer nice all right and then yep we’re going right nice nice no why can not there we go I was about to say I don’t know why that the thing popped up seven kills is crazy oh no there goes nominal seven kills is actually insane

You aced again how many kills tyon typhoon had seven that’s that’s wild seven is actually nuts yo chat we’re actually so close to 10 likes on the Stream if we get two or three I don’t even know what’s at now but we could get uh a couple more likes on the

Stream I’d really appreciate it oh qu charge 2 isn’t is insane oh my gosh that’s actually broken I really appreciate it helps out the stream a lot and uh yeah uh I like it when the numbers go up dude yeah I I to be honest I actually

Might go hard as well the Sharpshooter on this map Quick Charge 2 is wild though typhoon you are pretty crazy okay uh I guess pickaxe would make sense if I off handed or I could just Not yeah or I could just do this n that was a dumb idea that was a very dumb idea I just sold I don’t know why I tried to do that never mind maybe I don’t go crazy with uh with Sharpshooter embarrassing yo what’s go Blazer nice GG

Pink we’re actually going crazy right now like we’re actually we’re actually the Squad well I’m not not really I I if I somehow am the last one left uh yeah no we’re kind of cooked guys but hey fact that like I’m not and that like you guys

Are cooking is one making me look good and two n bro no no do not do not come after me bro do not no stop it no no no no no teammate teammate teammate someone bro oh I think I had two on me dang a we

Got this you guys clutch up oh 31 yeah you guys got that nice dude we are actually we are actually so good oh my gosh are we actually we’re the Dream Team bro dude guys the only reason I actually suck is cuz PVP is not my

Strong suit I am a lot better at movements even though I’m very inconsistent when it comes to movement I’m still a lot better it’s just that I am very bad at PVP like dude I don’t know what it is I think once I get a good Mouse though I

Should be able to do pretty Well I do not know who boas is cat I do not know that is I’m guessing they’re probably one of the better uh battle box players but I don’t know who that is sadly I can train you on PVP T maybe actually that’d be pretty cool but I’ve

Had a lot of people ask me to train on PVP I just don’t have much time to do uh you know like one-on-one training but I I would be down though to get better at PVP did that bounce off of you I think it did oh and I just sold I just

Sold they just pickaxed me I sold that shot I should have waited oh if I knew they were pickaxing me I would have waited and timed it right but I thought they were going to crit me out with a a sword so I rushed the shot oh that’s annoying

Let’s go Team clutches up again dude we’re actually so good what is that we’re six for six all right let’s go nine for nine boys go nine for nine team five kills dude Blazer is is the goat Blazer and TI Go and cat pul is not bad at

All it’s just getting slightly over shadowed right now but you know catp could be the goat too and I the only one who could not be so you guys are just the carries you know okay one more person K this battle box game otherwise I don’t know I’m going to do

Something hey I’ll take the fourth place though I will take the fourth place look at me we’re twins is like I can’t tell which one’s which exactly that’s the whole point dude identicals uh uh yeah I guess I’ll take this one I guess the the wooden ones

Have some uh what’s it called it they have they have some cool little trinkets with them but I don’t think what’s the what does a wooden sword do does it do like four attack damage I think it does right four and then Stone does like six

Right Stone does six so I think it’s I think it’s worth it to always go Stone over wooden unless the items surrounding wood are a lot better then maybe but I don’t think the items surrounding wooden are that good to be honest in these kits also I don’t know why I just

Dropped down there holy crap I sold oh somebody’s below us that’s always the best to know oh laser oh got him ah no I tried to no we’re not going 9 for nine I just realized that sad yeah this team is this team is very good dude our nine for nine would would

Have been crazy ah no we going we’re going to we’re going to go 8 n we’re going to go eight for nine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine you know it’s it’s not perfect but it’s it’s close Enough blame it on the map yeah true well nice easy chat let’s go nice team I think I think I I actually think thing I saved us there by rushing the wool real quick and then uh put the pressure on them and then we ended up you know drawing them out getting them

And then we finish off nicely ow oh was a c oh that was a crossbow shot I think right no that wasn’t whatever it was it did a lot of damage all right I’m putting pressure on wool again GG eight for nine let’s go team got that Easy easy all right well that’s going to for this stream guys I sadly have to go and go do real life stuff but thank you guys so much for watching I appreciate it thank you for uh the team of f Blazer typhoon and Cat both uh really fun

Playing with you guys and hopefully you can squat up sometime uh soon because uh actually really good squad to be honest uh but anyways thank you everyone so much for watching make sure to leave a like down well make sure to become a member if you uh want to because I

Really appreciate it helps out a lot and subscribe for uh more streams in the future but anyways peace out bye everybody bye peace uh uh go do your homework or go uh I don’t know eat a snack or

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE – 🏝️Becoming the 👑KING👑of Parkour Warrior on MCC Island🏝️’, was uploaded by Ripcord on 2023-12-12 11:55:29. It has garnered 72 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:26 or 5366 seconds.

Hey, welcome to the stream! I’m probably streaming Minecraft or some other game right now, so if you enjoy make sure to leave a like and subscribe with the notification bell on to make sure you don’t miss another stream in the future! Also this is a PG stream, (for the most part) so make sure to be respectful to others in chat and have a great time.

BECOME A MEMBER TODAY: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCms_w5fT8RjjiiMspAjkHPA/join

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I make MCC videos that are based on Minecraft Championship, the monthly Minecraft Tournament hosted by the Noxcrew and organized by Scott Smajor. It involves streamers and YouTubers like Tommyinnit, Dream, Subpoena, Illumina, fruitberries, GoergeNotFound, Quig, PeteZahHutt, Karl Jaobs, Hbomb, and many more! So go watch those videos on my channel if you’re interested.

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  • Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it’s LIT!

    Minecraft Meme: 🔥🔥🔥 Oh no, it's LIT! When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and fall into a pit of lava, but at least you can say you went out in style with this meme. #minecraftfail #hotstuff Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 6 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 Welcome to Episode 6 of the Minecraft series on Spanish Boost Gaming! In this episode, viewers will continue to explore, gather resources, and build new structures while practicing Spanish through comprehensible input. The host speaks slowly and clearly, making it easier for Spanish learners to follow along and pick up new vocabulary while immersing themselves in the Minecraft world. Whether you’re a beginner or intermediate learner, this episode is perfect for improving your Spanish listening skills while having fun with this beloved game. Watch as exciting adventures unfold and new creations are crafted,… Read More

  • Mall wizard’s hilarious antics in Minecraft!

    Mall wizard's hilarious antics in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘little green mall wizard #minecraft #memes #xd #funnymeme #humor’, was uploaded by Juano Games on 2024-07-11 14:38:46. It has garnered 569 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Anniversary Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HARDCORE 1.21 – FIVE YEAR ANNIVERSARY STREAM!! – DAY 3’, was uploaded by Robotic Crafter on 2024-06-22 20:56:41. It has garnered 33 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:30 or 10050 seconds. Join my Discord server: https://discord.gg/Q6x79ZBaY8 Sub to my friend from real life! TheGrayEmerald: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUD4DHrZx8LnL88SE5O8t4Q My sister’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_0BNR29GPjHQsUxKzqfzog Tweet me! https://twitter.com/Robotic_Crafter Follow me! https://www.instagram.com/robotic_crafter/ Read with me: https://www.wattpad.com/user/Robotic_Crafter Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Amarkiastory Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Robotic_Crafter/ Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/dallastwister?si=ed388774326143ec Outro made with Panzoid (Outro came with music) NOTE: This video and its content is intended/directed towards a “general audience” or “family-friendly”, which is… Read More

  • Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel – The Minecraft Prodigy

    Unraveling the Mystery of DeadPixel - The Minecraft ProdigyVideo Information This video, titled ‘How He Became a Minecraft Legend’, was uploaded by DeadPixel on 2024-09-27 18:42:36. It has garnered 260 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:24 or 1464 seconds. We talk about FitMC and how he became a Minecraft Legend. From 2b2t to QSMP FitMC has seen and done a ton in the Minecraft world! twitch.tv/deadpixel685 If you enjoyed this video make sure to subscribe for more! – – – – – – – – #fitmc #minecraft #2b2t fitmc, minecraft, minecraft youtuber, 2b2t, qsmp, 2b2t historian, anarchy server, fitmc 2b2t, fit 2b2t, fit… Read More

  • Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshorts

    Insane new gaming trend: baby villager vs killer pillager! 🎮 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘sigma baby villager | pillager is good | they kill villager to survive# minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by New Generation of gaming on 2024-05-10 17:37:18. It has garnered 4251 views and 75 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival House Build!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59’, was uploaded by Freezn Gamer on 2024-04-17 04:53:26. It has garnered 312 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:52 or 652 seconds. Minecraft: How To Build a Survival Forest House || Freezn Gamer || #minecraft #survival #ep59 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC65rezUIhHUhdzGxCQyHGLQ/join Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/freezn.gamer_96?utm_medium=copy_link Discord- discord.gg/6DugZAcfYH Facebook- facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078205758862 Twitter – twitter.com/GamerFreezn Pc Specification processor- Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-8145U CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.11 GHz ram-4.00 GB Graphics-Intel Hd 620 product-laptop ——————– ——————— 😅Please Ignore… Read More

  • Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!

    Max Fox: EPIC Modded Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Age of Engineering: Old but Gold Modded Minecraft’, was uploaded by Max Fox on 2024-07-29 02:26:54. It has garnered 167 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 07:20:23 or 26423 seconds. Well, what do we have here? A pixellated Fox on an adventure in the world of Minecraft, but this time not in just any old world. We’ll be diving into Age of Engineering, an expert mode tech-focused modpack with a couple extras! Modpack: Age of Engineering (davqvist) Additional mods: Realistic Terrain Generation FastLeafDecay Diet Hoppers MoseTweaks Texture pack: Sphax 64k Follow… Read More

  • 🌴 PinkpalmPuff’s Preppy Beach Love💖

    🌴 PinkpalmPuff's Preppy Beach Love💖Video Information This video, titled ‘#preppy #viral #aesthetic #happy #love #beach #subscribe #blowup #like #onthisday #viral #shots’, was uploaded by I♥️PinkpalmPuff on 2024-07-09 22:10:24. It has garnered 10 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. #aphmau #minecraft #minecraftfunny #minecraftmods #minecraftaphmau #aphmaupranks #aphmauminecraftpranks #aphmaugaming #aphmaugames #aphmauplayingas #normaniwildside #normaicardi #cardiwildside #wildsidemusicvideo #normaninewmusic #normanimotivation #cardiup #normanicardileak #normanilive #music #webdev #appdevelopment #lesson #tutorial #bertrandchameroy #fabienroussel #jeans #lfi #lorrainsénéchal #mohamedbouhafsi #nfp #alliances #dbillions #kidssongs #songsforkids #kidsvideos #sing-alongsongs #dance #daysoftheweek #gracescorner #letterd #letterrecognition #dsound #learning #6×1 #seisaum #cruzeiro #notíciascruzeiro #seisaum #notíciasdocruzeiro #gremio #cruzeirogremio #gremiocruzeiro #cruzeiroxgremio #cruzeirogremiogols #crazyfrogaxelf #crazyfrogdance #crazyfrogcover… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shorts

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Builds you MUST SEE! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Best Survival Builds so far! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ChillCraftSounds on 2024-02-16 22:00:00. It has garnered 196 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. A snapshot in to our little survival world. My 4 best builds so far! Enjoy 🙂 Song: Today Is The Day – Mark July Read More

  • Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!

    Insane Bollywood Dance Duel ft. Minecraft Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘#hindisong #bollywood #song #dance #funny #duet #music #bhojpurimusic #sasbahunokjhok #minecraft’, was uploaded by TJ Viral Shorts on 2024-10-02 01:27:57. It has garnered 507 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Stack of Grass Modded Australia Survival Whitelist Towny City Rewards

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2 In 1.20.1, Stack of Grass Season 2 is a small server hosted in Australia focusing on socializing and world building. What Makes Us Different? Player Base: Whitelisted and preferably 18+, creating a chill ambiance. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” experience with mods like “Ars Nouveau” and “Mystical Agriculture” for enhanced building and adventuring. The Commands: Players have access to useful commands like /home and Waystones. The In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community building through town creation. The Server Life: Admins add scripted Dungeons with rewards, regular events,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Falling in Minecraft? More like plummeting!"Falling in Minecraft be like “Oops, I guess I’ll just respawn and try not to embarrass myself again!” Read More

  • “Herobrine’s Hot Date Night” 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Herobrine's Hot Date Night" 🔥 #minecraftmemes When you spend so much time playing Minecraft that even Herobrine is like, “Dude, take a break.” #minecraftaddict #herobrineconcerned Read More

  • Sonic’s Yellow Portal in Minecraft

    Sonic's Yellow Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Exploring the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the secrets of the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? Join the adventure as we explore this exciting feature in the game! What is the Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal? The Super Yellow Shin Sonic Portal is a unique portal in Minecraft that allows players to travel to a special dimension filled with new challenges and rewards. By following specific steps and crafting the portal correctly, players can unlock this hidden gem in the game. How to Create the Super… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic gameplay experience, Minewind offers players the opportunity to explore, build, and survive in a vast virtual world. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just starting out, Minewind has something for everyone. Join a community of like-minded gamers and embark on epic adventures together. With unique features and regular updates, you’ll never run out of things to do on Minewind. So why wait? Join the fun today by entering the Minewind server… Read More

  • Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG!

    Scheming Cobble Generator: NO LAG! Minecraft Create: NO LAG Cobble Generator Minecraft enthusiasts are always on the lookout for innovative ways to enhance their gameplay experience. One such exciting addition to the Minecraft world is the NO LAG Cobble Generator created using Minecraft Create. This new schematic promises to revolutionize the way players generate cobblestone in the game. What is Minecraft Create? Minecraft Create is a mod that introduces a variety of mechanical elements to the game, allowing players to automate tasks and create complex contraptions. With the NO LAG Cobble Generator, players can now efficiently produce cobblestone without experiencing any lag, ensuring a… Read More

  • Join RogueX – Altairon Academy Now!

    Join RogueX - Altairon Academy Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Altairon Arcane Academy | เปิดรับสมัครนักเรียนและศาสตราจารณ์📢’, was uploaded by RogueX on 2024-10-01 17:30:49. It has garnered 58 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:16 or 76 seconds. #minecraftpe #minecraftstory #minecraftbuilding #minecraft #hogwarts #wizard #harrypotter Read More

  • EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!

    EPIC 200 Pump Shotgun Minecraft House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘*LIVE* MAKING MY HOUSE IN MINECRAFT WITH MY LITTLE BROTHER(HOUSE BUILD BY MarchiWORX)’, was uploaded by 200PumpShotgun on 2024-06-13 12:33:23. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:31 or 12331 seconds. Hey guys, in this live me and my brother world in MINECRAFT SURVIVAL! Dont forget to like and subscribe :D! IGNORE TAGS fortnite item shop, fortnite event, fortnite live, fortnite season 3 chapter 2, fortnite season 4, fortnite cars, fortnite montage, fortnite song, fortnite aquaman, fortnite apple, fortnite animation, fortnite aimbot, fortnite aquaman challenges, fortnite asmr, fortnite… Read More


    DUPE on DONUTSMP 2024 - LINK in COMMENTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to dupe on DONUTSMP Working 2024 DONUTSMP DUPE LINK IN COMMENTS 1’, was uploaded by gmas1 on 2024-08-11 14:53:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Mod links : Download in coments TAGS IGNORE ) In this video I Showcase a Minecraft PaperMC Dupe Glitch that might work on … Read More

  • The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide – EP. 3 – Making EPIC Progress!!

    The Ultimate Minecraft Survival Guide - EP. 3 - Making EPIC Progress!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Lets Play – DRP’s Flat World Survival Guide Episode 3 – Making Progress!!’, was uploaded by Gobspitt on 2024-01-08 17:00:03. It has garnered 86 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:33 or 1533 seconds. Welcome to the Flat World Survival Guide! A MineCraft series using a modpack created by DanRobzProbz. This is a Java Modpack. Visit DanRobzProbz’s showcase at: https://youtu.be/3pHNQJJ04DE?feature=shared Download DRP’s modpack here; https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/flat-world-survival-guide Find me at: Facebook – Gobspitt Games Twitter – @gobspitt Instagram – @gobspitt Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/gobspitt Discord – https://discord.gg/k8pyQqsw3w Support me by becoming a Patreon… Read More

  • QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMP

    QUEEN ELSA Faces Shizo Nightmare in Sand City Hideout SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Little Nightmare 2 Now- Working In Sand City in Hideout SMP with Queen Elsa’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-04-18 18:06:07. It has garnered 5099 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:18 or 13998 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to QUEEEN ELSA channel ! 🌟 #minecraft #minecraftpublicserver Hey there, gamers! I’m Srishti Mishra. Join me as we dive into epic adventures, tackle challenging quests, and share some laughs along the way! 🎮✨ What to Expect: 🔥 Live gameplay of the latest releases and classic favorites 💬 Interactive chats and community fun 🎉… Read More

  • Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!

    Insane Tiny Hide and Seek Challenge in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by MrToggle on 2024-04-28 04:45:27. It has garnered 1811 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:21 or 1101 seconds. I Challenged my Friends to TINY Hide and Seek Minecraft… In this video, I challenged my friends to Minecraft hide and seek, but with a TWIST!!! We are tiny… We created a custom modpack and maps that made this video possible. Make sure to check out our other Minecraft challenge/manhunt videos. Also, possible a hardcore Mincraft manhunt or something… Read More

  • Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus Block

    Insane Cirno Gaming Monday with Sky Papus BlockVideo Information This video, titled ‘CIRNO GAMING LUNES ! SKY PAPUS BLOCK’, was uploaded by Dizzy Tohou VT on 2024-10-01 02:48:36. It has garnered 231 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:53 or 8393 seconds. #vtuber #indonesia #japan #jap #japanese #vtube #hololive #holo #genshin #touhouproject #minecraft #mine #craft #minecraftevent #gmod #cirno #touhou #touhouindonesia #tohotuber #virtualtuber #chile #memes #gaming #streaming #streamer #gaming #shaders #vt #vrchat #asmr Read More


    🔥I AM GODLY OP IN THIS LIFESTEAL SMP!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥’, was uploaded by Blazeonix on 2024-07-04 10:30:00. It has garnered 161 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:00 or 420 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #viral #trending I Became OVERPOWERED In This LifeSteal Minecraft SMP🔥 FireMC Server IP – play.firemc.fun Port – 19132 (Java/Bedrock/Pocket) Game – Minecraft IGN – Blazeonix Music – Crock Pot Indian Fusion Make Sure to Like the video and subscribe to the channel💖 Tags Ignore: Tags Ignore: minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,minecraft facts,minecraft memes,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft but challenge,shorts minecraft,types… Read More