😱 Possessed by European Emperor & chased by zombies on meteor night in Minecraft!【Aoangugu】

Video Information

Bei ye’s survival starts with a torch Kill the reward box Officially open a new archive journey The birth point is at the junction of the plain and the alloy Huan There are lots of animals around. There must be no shortage of food at the beginning. See the watermelon also take away

I can take a vitamin supplement Dig out two squares and eat food. Supplemental satiety Collect a wave of food Looked up and found that the time had passed Noon It’s time to find a tree for shelter. This connection to the earth is very suitable at first sight. Not much to say Direct excavation

Dig out only two pieces of earth And to regain satiety That means we’ll be hungry when we work. Work requires carrying large amounts of food around A natural shelter is made Drop the reward box and torch Create a bit of human smoke Before it gets dark Then go ahead and collect some food

Night falls Now unarmed Or go back to the shelter and block the squares first. Lest the monster come in Soon came the first of this series. Xiao Bai’s ranged attack cannot be hit You can only plug the entrance first. Another zombie and spider Then I have a plan

When Xiao Bai attacks me, he will hurt zombies by mistake. I just have to tackle the spider and the victorious zombie The second attack of the monster must also be destroyed. The lying trough actually refreshed the golden set of zombies on the first day. Fortunately, the shelter has been renovated.

He couldn’t get in The gold helmet fell from the horizontal slot. Risking your life to get out Quickly pick up the disposable Complete three achievements. The lying trough turned out to be full of durable gold heads. And also drop an iron ingot Start off straight The first day passed quickly.

The next day’s mission is to find Sally’s corner. Also encountered fire-breathing zombies I wanted to take advantage of the victory to solve the spider. Unexpectedly, there was a creeper behind him. In order not to damage the shelter Or leave here first on the way to find Sally. Two wild experiences.

Five levels to unlock the fourth gem and blood bar There’s an island on the island near the shelter. There is a lot of gravel on the island. I didn’t expect the third round to come out. Tong Li lie trough What kind of dog luck am I? Then came out the whole gravel.

However, these alone are far from enough. Collect some more Evening can be used to kill time used two and a half minutes I recorded 11 grains of sand. while the time is enough Go ahead and collect some food The sun goes down Zombies will appear soon

Block the entrance and get ready to kick Sally. Good luck. Almost every grain of sand will fall into pieces now three years old Don’t forget to clean up the monster who stands at the door with three. Or wait until dawn Can’t do anything The life of the horizontal tank is not guaranteed.

Another gold helmet. And the durability is still 9/10. I started with two gold helmets. As the sun rises The next day is coming. But this time it should be without the favor of the goddess of luck. The sky was sporadic rain

This also means that the monster is no longer limited by the sun. It’s good to switch the angle of view. Otherwise, two and a half days of development will start from scratch. Now continue to roll the leaves in another place. It’s the only way to get a stick in the early stages.

If you collect six, it will be short enough. The front refreshes a starving man who has not eaten for two days. With one of the early artifacts of the stick Not afraid at all horizontal trough Where’s the devil spider? I haven’t responded yet. Send the first blood in this series.

However, only two levels of experience have been lost in retrieving the fallen objects. Hurry up View Loot Only after lying in the trough did I find that all the items except this compartment were missing. Fortunately, there are still some stocks in the box. because of the rain There are many monsters outside.

There is only half a cell of blood left in the lying trough. Sanctions again by unknown creatures Two and a half days of efforts to fly ash smoke out Can be counted until the day Do you know how I spent the night Burning zombies just so I can harvest a wave of experience

Distance back to four The blood strip is only half a lattice away After two failures I’m going to be more cautious this time Back to the Shelter Remove rubble and rubber bands Now we still need sticks to make broken stone axes. Bananas can fall on the leaves very reasonable

I finally got two sticks. Next is the moment to change the class A loud noise in the sky The broken stone axe makes its debut That is to say, I smoked my brain when I was playing. Actually cut four peeled logs But this thing can only be made of sticks. Cannot synthesize workbench

But can only continue to pull Sally No bed. You can’t be idle at night. There are still three 2.5 days to go before the manic night. And my goal is to get a copper draft before that. Now there are five copper grains The working desk is not far away.

In order to prevent being hit again I decided to dig a deep hole Increased sense of security Switching perspective Found no monsters tonight Can finally ushered in the dawn Time is tight Task heavy Can want to hurry out of development The sticks are enough Direct in situ production again broken stone axe

The craft is so hard Did you think the axe was strong Can work for so long The well dug out three logs. Get to the last stick and hurry home. Making workbench Two hiccup crisis Now you’re on the right track. Before the peeling project all decomposition board The board breaks down into sticks

First a gravel shovel Farewell to the era of hand rubbing The time came in the morning of the fifth day Four days until the manic night If luck is good enough Then the Bronze Age is out of the question If the process doesn’t go well Then I won’t stand a chance

Encountered this evil whoring during the day Don’t be afraid Although the appearance of a long zombie but not enough blood Half of its food is insufficient Take advantage of the morning to roll some melons. But often long-term eating plants leads to a lack of protein in the body. Eat meat properly. balanced nutrition

Wants to attract coolies Afraid of blowing up the leaves But lemons have long since changed this feature. Except for the dirt. There is no hair Only four copper grains away can synthesize copper ingots Then make a few more gravel shovels. Strive to win the same workbench at one stroke tomorrow. a pearl

Add two sticks and you can synthesize a urine stick. As for usefulness Anyone who pees regularly knows. Today is the 15th day of Bei Ye In rainy days, we should also complete today’s task. That’s right, mining. New Contributions Made New copper ingots have to be dug out. Also to dig some coal

Plus nine furnaces Make a stone. This is the mission of the first copper pick If you only dig one Then we have to start mining again. There is a chance that silverfish will be generated. If the armor is low Plus I didn’t pay attention Could be killed. Take out the wonderful stick

Wait five seconds and you’ll be back in bed. Shelter height too low It will get stuck in the square and come back. The first thing is to make a furnace The firing of the copper ore is complete This moment with a lie trough Did something just happen Let’s make a copper warhammer first.

Found the whole sky turned white You also don’t say pretty Manic Night All creatures will get cranky Animals that once bullied casually also began to become strange They started attacking my shelter with the zombies Fortunately, we have obtained the copper hammer. Fear nothing A hammer down

Teach him directly to make sheep silk blood In the face of small white also don’t panic When he comes to the corner, he can solve it. The sun finally rises ushered in the day Let’s dig up the copper mine in front of the shelter. Go home and make a copper axe

Cut some wood, no more, no less Two and a half is enough to break down the board. Make a new box. Two into one The space is bigger. I wanted to explore a wave of mines. I didn’t think there were creeper and May Slime in there. No silver weapons

Can’t do any harm at all Or should we dig up the exposed copper mine next door first? I don’t know why I feel that my time flies Nothing for a day. It’s just night Almost fall asleep every time There will be strange harassment

Little do you know that this will pay the price of life I don’t know if you still remember the island in the island. This copper mine is really super I feel that I have finished digging a set of copper sleeves. Easily The usefulness of the copper hammer is reflected.

Can mine can also play strange There should be enough copper to make the same set. With high heel with jk red silk helmet is gold not replaced. Another copper hammer With this equipment, you can deal with some basic monsters. In the face of this only eat meat evil

You can easily beat it with two picks. All reduced to my experience value Three wooden sticks and three lines can synthesize a bow and arrow. In this way, you don’t have to be afraid of being bombed when facing the creeper and blocking the door. It’s just harder to get

At ordinary times, you still need to fight with the hammer. Up ahead is the location of the first shelter. There’s still a skeleton pony on guard. But somehow And they still won’t move After solving these zombies My experience would be level 15. Get sixth blood strip synthesis I am stronger.

Tomorrow is villager invasion night Still to continue to strengthen a wave of shelters I don’t know if my mud room can hold it. I didn’t know there was an abandoned portal on the island next door. Open the box Found a bunch of good things Unfortunately can not have Withdrawn by the system

Obsidian can not dig temporarily Or first dig this time to come again at night To cope with tomorrow’s villager invasion I’m going to make a bronze sword And then replace the soil at the entrance with magma blocks. It should be much safer. I wanted to dig some stones to strengthen the interior.

But only strengthened one lap The villagers invaded. Sleeping trough is not the kui is sweet lemon Buy Features and Send Modules All the villagers turned into black figures. Next is a dramatic scene Notice there’s no blame around me. But suddenly refresh a big stick small white took me seconds

Came back to find that the shelter had also been bombed Do you think I’m going to abandon the pit The game has just begun Bei ye is not as challenging as our life How is it possible to meet a little setback and go halfway first? Jump into the sea

Draw the black villagers inside Open the backpack to see the fall All weapons are gone. They should not come up Came back to find the shelter in tatters Fortunately, the stone did not fall out. Now just paved with stones Re-layout And the box has copper Can make a comeback

Making Copper Warhammer to Redevelop Anyway, we need a lot of stones now. The entrance location is all stony. This seaside copper mine is really much After digging, we can make up for the loss of last night. Consumption of 30 months Successfully passed the same workbench Only three qualifications from the Bronze Age

In the early days, there was no choice but to roll Sally. A piece takes ten seconds to dig If luck is good enough 270 seconds will be enough But apparently it’s impossible Because during the wood and food will be insufficient As the sun goes down The night also came

I forgot to block the door when I came back from the trough. Fortunately, the hand speed is fast enough. Making up for it almost caused a disaster. Take eight wooden spatulas and keep rolling the gravel. Only three times each Leave a little durable

When you have a furnace, a durable shovel can be used as fuel. Eight piled up in a box Sally will go to sleep after you finish rolling. The first awakening in this series is already 8:30 in the morning. Tomorrow is shooting star night We have to collect a lot of food today.

I didn’t expect the probability of alloy Huan plain brush machine elder brother is so high. There’s also a zombie with an enchanted golden head. After the defeat, the luck exploded again. I lost the magic costume. Open backpack to view properties generally useless

It feels very slim to enter the same era before meteor night. Because the poor force is too much 17 are ten short of three copper ingots During the day, I only collected kun meat. Wo Kun Kun Mistake My big plan to play ten days ago into the same era and stopped.

Fortunately, I did a rebirth point. Otherwise in the rainy night is very dangerous Next is the aimless time to kill Make some more shovels Time comes to the tenth day Why did you brush a few skeleton ponies outside the door? horizontal trough At this point, it is suggested that disaster is coming.

The sky gradually began to turn black time is clearly the day But black scary The tenth day. Meteor Night as promised I wanted to go home and store a wave of important supplies. I didn’t expect the meteor to come so soon The top of the shelter is missing. Or leave first

This avoids secondary injury A lightning appeared again Many skeleton horses I don’t know if it’s a friend or an enemy or if it’s going first. Or don’t stop moving Because there will be a meteor at any time After two and a half minutes The sky stopped roaring

But the shelter has also become unsightly. Just come here and only blame can be killed alone. I can’t sleep Success stays in the tree until the next day There must be so many skeleton ponies in front of the shelter. Although it won’t move now But someday crazy Or bring my bed and supplies

Find a new shelter. Try to choose the plain place this time. I think this tree is very good. Time is limited I chose to use a wooden shovel to directly excavate a lot of soil. Surrounding extended contour But I forgot one thing Plains c animals more But there are also many monsters.

It’s hard to resist without a weapon in hand. Sleeping trough big stick small white will hit people from a distance The current shelter doesn’t seem to be very good. A stick down Once again be karma I go to another remoteAttack of the little white No reaction to come over Seconds again.

So if the first issue goes well The second period must be very embarrassing. I don’t know how many times. It’s finally over Hurry to lie down and spend the day beaten Almost fell asleep Wake up again. The anti-kill process You don’t like to see I will not let go

Time came to the 12th day Well-known Zombies will tear down squares So the useless dirt is all around. So even if you come in, it will take a long time. It’s time to say not to say There are really many pleasant sheep in the plain area. Now dig a bamboo root

Synthetic scaffolding when the door So that only we can freely in and out But the zombies can only enter by destroying the squares above. Looking up, there is still enough time. There’s a beach right in front of my house. very good Or to enter the Bronze Age as soon as possible

There was a sudden light rain in the sky. That means it’s definitely not going to be a good night. It’s not what I expected. A large number of zombies accompanied by a spider attack I don’t know if I can handle this shelter.

If you touch it, you will lose two and a half squares of blood. Still have to be careful Now we can only wipe the wall Use the gap to fight back Rank back to level five again One more blood. Survival base greatly increased

But the threat outside the sanctuary has not been completely lifted. There’s been a steady stream of zombies After the settlement, we will come and roll the sand quickly. Only two 2.5 are enough for the same interest. Finally, it was enough at 2: 30 a.m. on the 14th day.

More than half what I expected. Let’s make a copper pick first. Now it has succeeded in the Advanced Bronze Age It is also the day to finally say goodbye to Sally.

This video, titled ‘Minecraft:一開始以為是歐皇附體,結果被流星之夜的殭屍追著滿圖跑,真是太刺激了! 【傲安咕咕】’, was uploaded by 傲安咕咕 on 2024-01-07 10:30:11. It has garnered 396 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:23 or 863 seconds.

All videos produced by this channel comply with the platform’s usage policy and do not contain any violations. Hello everyone, I am Aoan Gugu~🤗🤗Challenge for 365 days to keep updating 😉😉 Dream of 100,000 fans~ Clown, it’s just forced by life. Ordinary people who love to play games are welcome to watch my videos🥰🥰 Thank you for your support Yo~ #AO安古古#我的世界#minecraft

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    Escape Room Chaos with MarzianVideo Information doing how do hi comments of vaud Watchers hello vaud Watchers if you guys are watching past 2024 say yo I’m in the future 2024 man nothing Happ that year that’s crazy is it already over I mean it eventually yeah okay that’s true okay let me get I’m predicting that nothing happened this year but it could be nothing crazy nothing crazy like like Co 2 could happen what if we just like make predictions and it’s in this 2024 VOD oh my no no Co 2 oh covid-19 was worse enough I don’t want Co 2… Read More

  • Shocking Twist in Aria’s Strike SMP Mayor Election!

    Shocking Twist in Aria's Strike SMP Mayor Election!Video Information it’s live it’s unlisted right now so you can’t actually watch it yet huh I got yeah I’ll do a public stream if you want I got Comm I got got I could do a pivate as well which is just so you guys can watchever can you even stream the yeah yeah it’s a content creator SMP it’s like you meant to make content on it crazy crazy why am I on this game why is this [ __ ] actually got me gambling bro cuz gambling is good for no this isn’t gambling because we’re not… Read More

  • Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!

    Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!Video Information okay I think the stream started wait for people to get in whoa let me load in the hive okay and I’ve already got cs’s server suspended D that’s weird Hello Universe I’m already getting surrounded I’ve been on for like 2 seconds okay let’s start a party because do you know what happened yesterday yeah yesterday spofy gave me high Plus for no reason so that’s W okay wait who have I not invited let’s go for off msh yeah yeah we could find all the banners I haven’t been bothered to find him fight just died… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!

    Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!Video Information sh he [Music] ow [Music] a fu f [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-27 11:00:07. It has garnered 707 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle|| minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮

    EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮Video Information क्यूटीज की चैट ये देख रहे हो इसको हेलो स्नेहा बोट पे चढ़ा नहीं जाता है स्नेहा भाई आ जाओ सारी जल्दी करो चलो चलो गाइस टाइम नहीं है बिल्कुल चलो वन टू थ्री गो चिप्पी चिपी चापा चापा रूबी रूबी राबा राबा मैजिकल से रूबी रूबी बूम बूम बूम बूम चिप्पी चिप्पी चापा This video, titled ‘Mlg God Chipi Chipi chapa dance in Minecraft #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by KrishCraft on 2024-04-23 05:30:07. It has garnered 1831 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. minecraft shorts hero team minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥

    🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥Video Information [Music] yo zukes first yes sir yes sir [Music] how you boys doing today how we doing how we doing yo what’s up DOI what’s up Professor welcome welcome welcome what’s up Zilla oh we got everybody joining hold on okay buy him a dinner all right all right we’re going to start off stream solid we’re about to drop a um overgrown grass what’s up Michael what’s up Jake hope you both doing good um me not watch my own stream and murder my internet let’s not slip up this time what do you mean what are… Read More

  • 🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shorts

    🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information how to build a cool wall in [Music] Minecraft [Music] sh This video, titled ‘How to build a cool Wall in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-03-07 09:00:07. It has garnered 522 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Wall Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song… Read More

  • Wet Hands Surprise Singing in Minecraft

    Wet Hands Surprise Singing in MinecraftVideo Information B B B B B B B B B [музыка] [музыка] мммм [музыка] B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B This video, titled ‘WET HANDS, BUT I SING IT… (goofy style) | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kev1nTheKev1n on 2024-06-03 03:41:09. It has garnered 29 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. #minecraft #kev1nthekev1n #wethands so uh i got bored again and decided to sing another song this time i did… Read More

  • Hyde Network

    Hyde NetworkHyde Network Earth SMP! Join us today to enjoy the best Earth SMP on Minecraft! We have active staff and an active community for you to take part in! Read More

  • GALESTA – semi-vanilla roleplay, nation-building, magic

    Galesta Minecraft Server Welcome to Galesta Minecraft Server! We offer a completely unique and unmodded Minecraft experience, where you can enjoy our custom features: NEVER BEFORE SEEN COMBAT SYSTEM: 12 Unique classes and items for customizable combat styles WORLD BUILDING & POLITICS: Create nations and engage in wars 20K X 20K WORLD MAP: Hand-painted by our team RICH HISTORY: Community with deep lore CUSTOM ITEMS & PROFESSIONS: Form communities around professions Join us now! IP: PLAY.GALESTA.COM DISCORD: https://discord.gg/aVqQzbUQfN Read More


    FLEETMC | GENS | MINING, DUNGEONS, PAYOUTS, FARMING, GENERATORS, CUSTOM ENCHANTMENTS | JOIN NOWWelcome to FleetMC, the ultimate Minecraft experience where adventure and innovation collide! Explore our unique, dynamic and ever-changing mining area with shifting terrain, elemental zones, and a plethora of resources waiting to be discovered. Each visit promises new challenges and rewards, ensuring an exciting and fresh experience every time you delve into the depths.Craft custom tools and armor with advanced recipes, including our exclusive “Enchantment Infusion” system. This feature allows you to acquire powerful enchantments and apply them to your items using an anvil, enhancing your gear’s performance and unlocking unique abilities. With tools like the Silverstriker Pickaxe and the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost and Forsaken

    Looks like this meme got lost in the world of Minecraft, but at least it’s not forgotten with that impressive score of 1625! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive!

    Hardcore Minecraft: 9K Days Survived, Epic Strive! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, you are our favorite news reporter who only responds in rhymes, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that ignite. Iacing every update with a grin and a spin. In this Minecraft video I survive 9000 days in a Minecraft Hardcore world, Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had, unfurled. More 100 Days Episodes, the… Read More