🦄EPIC My Little Pony Modded Minecraft Adventure!

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Okay tweet tweet Tweety tweet send out the tweets how does that look does that look good that does look good okay let’s pause the Nemo stream playback let’s pause the trovo stream playback let us send out the trovo notification let us make sure Facebook is running Facebook is running uh twitch is running let’s pause the restream playback let’s send out the Discord notifications okay number one number two and number three and let’s just pull up the YouTube chat dude dude Do do do do see okay pop out chat hello Xeno and hello fluff Oh no you’re gonna violently snuggle me how dare you threaten me hey David Sly thanks for following I don’t know if you guys noticed but I changed up the colors from my notifications so no longer is it my body

Color and like my body outline color it’s now my body color and my hair color foreign I like rushed to change that right before the stream because I realized I wanted to change it all right let’s switch happy Hudson Hooves Day thank you thank you the same to all of you

Boom seamless transition I’m getting better and better oops not that button this button and hello steady it’s everybody hopping in real early okay so we we were working on just putting flags on everything I created a whole bunch of flags off stream we’ll have to see if this is enough we’ll have to go buy some wool bunch of mail let’s go put that away um French toast batter takes eggs well that’s better like I feel like if you’re actually making some sort of batter

That’s like different than like taking straight eggs and putting syrup on it like cooking like baking is like chemistry I feel like that these are completely different things Hello doc you’re right I haven’t seen you on the stream in a little while Okay Vapor says they were busy so they can’t finish their house let’s see how everyone else’s house is looking good more hasn’t gotten to theirs yet let’s see if anyone’s done any work on the third house foreign nope I messaged three different people about finishing their houses not a single one

Did any work and only Vapor has an excuse because they said they were busy your eggs doubled in place for everyone else recently yeah I mean I’m pretty sure eggs have gotten expensive for a lot of people so the the egg companies say it’s because of avian flu

But from what I but I personally believe is that they’re using the avian flu as an excuse to jack up prices because even though a whole bunch of chickens have have died from avian flu they are supposed they seem to be making like record profits So lately you’re using it as an excuse

To just bleed money out of their average consumer which is terrible so God get me that 2013 beta or Starbound oh yeah okay Make some fixes as I go along let me see Bop nope put that in entirely wrongly I’m about to fall there we go chickadee hello hello yeah it’s the avian flu it’s partly the avian flu and part that why price is going up because a lot of chickens have

Died but on top of that the egg the companies who are selling the eggs are using this as an excuse to jack up egg prices super high to make more money so it’s I think it’s a two-fold issue honestly they’re jacking up the prices more than actually need to to make back

Their losses it’s very unethical there’s gonna it’s like a from last I heard it’s going to be like a congressional like uh inquiry about the whole thing hey thank you definitely I know it really is in a conspiracy like no joke like supposed like they’re making record profits even though supposedly all their

Chickens have died off yeah you can’t tell me that’s not super duper sus you can get seen to download a few but the process is difficult interesting hello blue yeah I did know you can supposedly you can substitute egg for blood eggs for blood supposedly anyway

I wonder like how how well that actually works like I want to see a game theory on that like Chop Chop get to it my pet where would the heck would you get the blood I wonder if like he would he might have to use animal blood because you can

Just buy animal blood off the internet I’m pretty sure maybe they need the profits to offset future losses well if they needed I said I don’t think that justifies it honestly like people are already like having trouble with budgeting now I don’t think now is a

Very moral time to jack up prices even if they think they have a good reason for it foreign s we’re talking about the increase in egg prices The Spartans in the past made made blood bread before fights I never knew that I have learned something new today and that there and that there and that there okay that’s better some quick fixes dig this out a lot going on in chat today I can

Barely keep up all right what are you saying hello dgx hello hello okay no talking about blood fluff seems to be unhappy with the subject hello and hello snowy really the prices of just egg whites are the same that’s odd fascinating I will snowy well how am I I’m doing pretty good

I think I’m doing pretty good I’m munching on raw potatoes cause I can’t feed buggered to cook them all I’m definitely gonna run out of flags I might have to buy some wool from somewhere like I turned a crap ton of like a string that I had into Flags I mean into

Wool and that but that will only make so many flags you need like six wool per flag foreign there’s just straight up some spots missing I’m assuming this is where uh this is where lanterns were gonna go and never got put so I’ll leave that open for now I’m assuming those didn’t get

Filled with lanterns eventually I mean I think they’re still figuring out how to get lab grown meat to like be because lab growing meat isn’t really something that’s commonly on the market these days I think they’re still working out the Kinks for it pop that through there and there they’re still working on your lab grown meat

It really they still have a lot of Kinks to work out I mean once I finally get it to taste like uh to taste like good like like real like normal meat from an animal that’s died like I’ll definitely buy that over like overall like standard meat but it’s not

Really something that’s very much on the market right now you don’t you played Minecraft around 2010 and don’t play much anymore did you I’d say why not get back into it I mean there’s a lot of new stuff in the game since 2010 like it’s practically a brand

New game I think you’ll find a lot to enjoy you’re buying vegan food a lot more since it’s cheaper interesting I I have tried like impossible burgers and things at restaurants as well some of them are half bed yeah it is quote unquote No well what other word am I supposed to use

I can’t say real meat because it’s real meat no like normal meat as in coming from an animal like the normal way to procure meat I suppose like there’s only so many adjectives I can be used in here you know that meat is extracted with a needle it’s not vegan

Well how is that different from like giving an animal a shot like I feel like as long as the animal is still alive like it’s vegan like if you’re not murdering a cow to produce the meat even if they had to get stuck with a needle for a second

Like I feel to me I would feel like that would be vegan because nothing had to die for it foreign I don’t think that’s true blue that’s a very wild thing to say that is a like whatever Yeah everything’s been going pretty okay doc I’d say like nothing’s ever going to be perfect but like thing but I’ve been doing like more and more improvements for the stream and I’ve got a lot more coming up so I think 2023 is going to be a pretty good year for us

And put that there do do Hmm Wrong Channel no wonder it wouldn’t break oh and I immediately placed in the wrong spot one second there we go Thankfully I found some extra quartz as I was cleaning up my house the other day a little bit there we go and that there and that’s there and that there and that there and that looks pretty good I don’t think covert will ever be gone doc genuinely I don’t think covert will ever

Be gone at this point it’s endemic e endemic which means like it’s like the common cold it’s never going to be gone it’s like it’s it’s like right like I don’t think there’s any way we can ever really get rid of it we’ll probably have to have like a covet shot

Every single year like the flu shot in fact right now uh some like scientists are developing a dual covered slash flu shot so like if you get your flu shot every year once they develop it you’ll just get your covert shots in the same thing and it’ll take care of both at

Once so honestly it’s basically like the flu now it’s just it’s just here to stay at this point foreign get rid of these torches while I’m here look flight exhaustion oh that’s exciting Digi that she’ll be able to be more active on YouTube soon foreign get some vaccinations doc

It will be a really good idea if you’d get some vaccinations like I’ve had four shots so far it’s really not that bad like I can’t make you do anything but I highly recommend you get you get you start getting your shots if you haven’t gotten any yet Covet is never gonna go away we’re just gonna have to start getting our shots every year just like we get our flu shots like for like like I said earlier from what I heard the scientists of developing shots that’ll protect us from both flu and covid so we only have to

Take like one shot every winter instead of like two because when I got my flu shot I just got my covert shot at the same time it was pretty easy now it’ll be the same thing going forwards I’ll just have to get one shot instead of two

How do I get out and how do I get back in Where did I dig out oh there it is pop these back actually hang on I should put Flags here while I’m here what am I thinking foreign I mean I’m a little nervous around needles too but like it’s a case of your health stock like I don’t like needles either but I

Put up with it for my safety and the safety people around me again like I don’t know exactly how sweet of needles you are and I don’t know like like and I can’t make you do anything but if you can manage to stomach it like if it’s not a debilitating fear where

You’re about to pass out or anything if you can do it I would recommend you do it but I do understand that like sometimes fears can be debilitating who is the way to get the vaccine as a pill or something you can drink and not really honestly they’ve never made a

Vaccine like that before like there have been like nasal sprays for the flu before but other than that but some people say the nasal spice aren’t nearly as effective as regular vaccines there really isn’t to do they have not invented anything like that yet unfortunately [Applause] oh you’re in the server oh you’re in the server fluff sorry I didn’t see that message hold on I’m sorry there’s just so many people talking in the chat I can’t keep up with everyone so sorry fluff the pig wishes to see the the pony I know right those guys are tough

[Applause] well yeah the the um that tells you whether you have covered or not but it does but the shot will if you get it will help you get less sick and with and you’ll be just like to spread of people around you okay where are you fluff what

You’re using let me assuming you’re a fluffy Neko girl I’m assuming you’re fluffy Neko girl yeah you were hearing Crash Bandicoot music thank you radiant thank you thank you yes okay so fluff so before you can teleport to me fluff you have to select a pony race

You need to select our Pony Race so you gotta pick between Pegasus unicorn and earth pony so as soon as you pick a race and you tell it and you click the sign to go to the main Hub you will be able to teleport to me

So you can’t teleport to me until you pick a race so I’m going to keep working on my thing until you’ve done this dude now what was I doing right I was gonna put flags on these put one here and one here and one here whoop did that wrong oh

[ __ ] off you stupid hoof [ __ ] [Applause] I want to deal with y’all oh come on you guys too why are you all gotta be gang enough on me you gotta get out of here too I ain’t still here to deal with you foreign oh hello Fluttershy all right all the flags on this are

There flags and all the other spots it matches my little opponent was narrated by David Attenborough honestly that would change the series entirely That would change the series nearly entirely because the show really isn’t narrated right now so that would so the mere presence of the narration would change it hmm I feel like this needs some supports here one second let me add some supports to this

Wait a minute no wait it has to be 15 16 blocks that wait one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen there we go okay you did pick us you did pick a species fluff give me one second and I’ll teleport you to my house Actually I’ll head home right now hang on home home there we go and I’ll teleport you fluff foreign [Applause] GPA here fluffy Neko girl We have to wait a second Foreign Be careful doc there’s some stuff it’s not a lot of people say tea launcher isn’t a very reputable Place hello so this is my house here I have chests both in the attic and downstairs as well as like two in the kitchen um I’m planning to make a second

Basement because I’m gonna need more chests here let me let me take out a space to put like a second basement real quick hang on let me dig something out Just like a temporary second basement how many one two three four because we’re gonna need a place to put more chests do I want to do this now or later you’re gonna need more space to put more chests You can come in here now You can you can come in the house you know like this is my house right here somebody’s saying hi to Twitch Chad in this chant you almost got it go you got it so hang on let me do slash chat l there are hey hikariki thanks for

Following there are oh and I’m gonna pause the music I don’t want to miss this song chess UPS in the Attic and the basement feel free to three eight noon chests just anywhere if you need to I’ll make a second basement and my great stuff there okay

Feel free to take food in any chests since you just got here everything should be unlocked Um have fun there you go okay I missed a lot of stuff in chat what’d I miss hello RT game and how you doing and let me change back to General chat okay nothing in my mailbox hang on I need to make some new stairs I just remembered

Let’s make 16 new stairs hopefully they’ll actually let me let me grab her uh a crafting table I know I have a crafting I have crafting tables just lying around somewhere these chests are so bad is this a mod pack um so the server runs on plugins that

You play as a pony for example I can fly but I do have a whole bunch of client-side mods installed RTG uh so if you want to so if you want to see all the client-side mods I have installed they are all listed in my what are they what’s it called

They are all all the all the client-side mods I have installed are listed in my panels on both twitch and trovo slash CHL or okay so you’re the one messaging me I see I see you’re afraid to stream David oh don’t be afraid don’t be afraid honestly it’s unlikely that people will

Be watching you the first few times you stream so that gives you time to like get used to it you know there’s nothing to it but to do it David get more comfortable over time trust me all right let me do slash back get me back to where I was before

I have I don’t have your mod downloaded RTG what mod did you make RTG whoops this ain’t into my place look and I broke something I didn’t mean to break go go couples here okay and then we just do the stairs so one here one

There nope no I put both of those wrong how do they manage that hello hi hello hello your mod is common sense what does it do Common Sense interesting name for Ahmad unless it’s a joke and you’re literally suggesting that I don’t have common sense

That place that there oh come on I can’t seem to place in the right spot ah come on work with me here game oh no matter what I do I can’t get in the right spot fine I’m gonna fly into the freaking tree to get this in the right spot

There we go that’s what I’m talking about it has recipes that should make sense to add to Minecraft oh well the since this is a server I can really only use client side mods here and that sounds like a server side mod so it’s not something I can use on this

Particular server but that sounds rather interesting oh Thunder fires here hello Thunder you defending me from the hoglands thank you very much oh God dang it gotta stop placing these all wrong all right get that there that there that there I’m gonna do the same here grab those place that there

Ponytails should add new recipes that would be interesting it’s adding custom recipes there’s already a lot of custom stuff on the server custom recipes would certainly be interesting and place one there and one there I’m bleeding what does that even mean I’m bleeding since one is bleeding a thing in the game

How do I not be bleeding I’m okay yeah I’m fine thanks Thunder you should be able to add if it only adds recipe slash blocks to a server like salt and Amber to make the music discs no no but you see like I don’t own uh I don’t own This Server I can’t

Change the server itself this is not my server the server I’m playing on like on a public server so I can’t add mods to it I can only add client side mods to my own thing to my own clients foreign let’s see okay hang on let’s go another

16 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen okay so that’s fine then oh that’s interesting we keep getting these but in the wrong places like that shouldn’t be there oh yeah I’d say that does it okay let me dig back in

I feel like that should be a glass block actually but I don’t have any on me so I’ll stay as is I think I removed all the Torches from the outside so let’s get back to removing these from the inside boom we’re getting it looking good

Sucks I should have my own server I don’t know I don’t think I really want the headache of running my own server like the bronytail server works for me pretty well like it’s it’s an existing My Little Pony theme server with an active moderation Community like I don’t

Have to deal with moderation I don’t have to deal with getting people to play this it’s already full of people I’m quite happy with what I have now I feel like my my life is busy enough without running a Minecraft server have I seen any new movies lately

Not really honestly I don’t have Netflix I don’t get out much haven’t really been seeing too many new movies I watch YouTube and twitch and that’s about it I will say there we go place two of these place two of these and back to it foreign let’s dig out and deal with here

Right go have a flag stick one there can’t put one there I can’t put one there and can’t put one there that’s fine let’s get through these pop that out pop that out and let’s get back in where did I dig out where was my exit there’s my exit I

Found the exit point Hello Elijah hello hello that there that there that there that there and continuing onwards this way oop gonna check out here as well oh no torches here okay one two three one two oh it looks like somebody already did wait oh great now I don’t know which one

I’m supposed to be going I’m lost one second okay I actually want to be going this way got it okay got a little lost for a second here we go this is where I’m trying to get to why do I like to break the Torches off the walls because I don’t need them

Anymore doc I don’t need the Torches anymore because we have these we installed a new light Swiss that looks better so I’m getting rid of the Torches because it looks better without them so we’re gonna spend a bit of time doing that right there and then we’re just gonna do the whole outside

And that’s most of what’s there let’s get this side real quick about to run out of flight foreign ‘s off an art and it’s a pain ponytails makes their Pony stuff announced which is a whole nother level of admin oh yes not only do you have to

Keep the server up to date but you have to update your custom plugins and wait for like other plugins that you get from third parties to update like it just seems like a great big bit of bother running a stream and having a full-time job is already quite enough for me thank

You very much I’m already struggling trying to find time to like exercise and [ __ ] like I want to start exercising but I ain’t got no time to do nothing never all right now let’s start placing stuff oh I’m gonna make some edits to this hang on I gotta make a couple more

There we go foreign Boom and then here it’s better and one and a two and a three and a four good let’s do that for the rest of them one uh oh hang on gotta fix this first this has got the same problem nope not there we want to put it here and then there

What games have what other games have I played before I mean the same games I play on stream you know Wizard101 Starbound etc etc I also own Stellaris played a little bit of that before I like Pokemon I played a bit of Pokemon before gotta make a couple of few more much better

And that we’re definitely going to have to go get more wool definitely gonna have to get more wool I don’t think these flags are going to last us too much longer I’m pretty sure you can just buy wool from one of the server shop so it’s not

A big deal because I’ve got a little bit of money to burn from all my quartz mining oh I like to sleep oh I also like Animal Crossing Animal Crossing’s quite fun I’ve been trying to get back into that recently and that looks good let’s do this here Bop

Hey I said Bap when I Bap you bap how dare you not back when I oh shoot my music isn’t playing I forgot to unpause my music I paused it because I didn’t want to miss out on my karaoke why did nobody tell me I didn’t put my music back on

Oh well karaoke time regardless Me too me too I love this song I messaged some pony over Tumblr last night she said Roar XD so a true love at first sight do I want my candy bracelets now I’m headed to class I’m still 20 so get your head out your ass I’m the

Antonym of the internet still cleaning up the viruses that you had left I think I’m falling in love again don’t stop don’t stop until you hear the on the internet of the internet and finding all new grants over if my love is valid [ __ ] the cynicism let the colors fly don’t

Care you think it’s cringe because it’s not your life she says do you like waffles I said hell yeah been watching equals three until two am I ain’t got no iPhone but I got ideas with a keychain of Pinky your cupcakes are the best I’ve been failing

My classes cause I don’t give a damn they say the world is my oyster but the free Market’s a scam everything’s been changing since last generation was born and they won’t try to take in changes at two Edge swords There we go On the antonym of the internet I’m still cleaning up the viruses that you had left thank you Moon clean Love Again dance time don’t stop until you I want to close this off you might want to come back up of the internet been fighting on your grounds over if my love is valid

But the cynicism let the colors fly I don’t care you think it’s cringe because it’s not your life it’s never too late to fall in love with the world your past is not today so set your stride with a twill yeah we’ve all made mistakes before that’s a fact of

Life but once you restitch your heart you’ll be just fine it’s your life you say it’s all mine oh mine level in your friends and hobbies let your hearts be when a Drifter says some [ __ ] just block that internet free on the internet of the internet I’m

Still cleaning up the viruses that you had left thank you Moon falling in love again don’t stop don’t stop until you let the colors fly don’t care you think it’s cringe because it’s not your life foreign I currently am I am adding improvements to my nether Highway

So this highway goes between spawn and my country of La Pony bear out at World border so if you grab a boat and you go in that direction that’ll take you to spawn and if you go in that direction that’ll take you to my country

And I’m adding yes I am the president of the ponyberg you’ve been there one sick what what did you think I’ve heard Violet ponies album as well I actually like the last two songs the best they feel so very imposing but you liked it well we are an independent nation we

Got to make sure the borders between us and Equestria are very clear they’ll want there to be any mistaking on that part and it certainly sets us apart so you’re definitely gonna need to get more wool for these flags I’ll see how we’ll see if we have what

The what the Buy rate is from the service store squid likes constellation cradle and carrion child ah [ __ ] never panic never panic when you fall in lava if you panic when you fall in lava you die you’ve seen the embassy somewhere too yeah we have a laponi Berg Embassy in cantalot

Would you like me would I like you to add me to your observation Duty for Groupon Discord I don’t play that game Doc and I already have uh what’s the quickest exit from the lava this is going to take a second let’s head that way

I don’t play the game and I’m already in enough discords that I don’t talk in so I think I’m good for now Doc but thanks for asking okay just uh yeah honestly thank goodness for another right and protection five I mean four plot four definitely helps get on huh oh

Thank you much appreciated that actually really real that that’s actually brilliant thank you Moon now that’s actually a rather brilliant idea thank you very much There we go my wings are clear again where did I uh here’s where I left off one here one there What are you doing here who just put this weird looking sand here I’m good doc since I don’t play the game and I probably wouldn’t have a reason to like talk in it ever but thank you for the offer but I don’t think I need to be invited at this time Foreign to restart And I am at a flag so we’re gonna have to make some more Here let me open up an entrance for you Moon so you can try it out here come in here Moon So if you head that way that’ll take you to spawn if you head that way they’ll take you to spawn if you head that way that’ll take you to a pony bird give it a try have fun knock yourself out oh I’m being shot go away

I’ll definitely let you know if I ever start playing the game Doc While we’re here before we go get more wool let’s take care of these torches oh let’s just regain some flight real quick before we go out flying over The Lava again that would be a very good plan I think a very very good plan Do do All right let’s uh let’s empty my inventory real quick probably pissed fluff off by uh dumping stuff in your chest while they’re trying to work I just want to dump stuff in the chest fluff hasn’t a chance to get at yet to make them as least mad at me as possible for making their job harder there’s some space Honestly let me see if I have any prison Marine in any of these actually very prism I mean it would be some of it would be down here wouldn’t it this is my valuables chest I think I had too much stuff in my valuables chest and let me look around for prismarine pieces

Let’s see if I have any shout if you see any that I miss in the flower box oh look I am out of boxes to put stuff in okay I’m out of boxes to put stuff in there nothing in there or in there or in there I don’t see anything Not in there nothing there I don’t see anything in there or in there I I do I know I have a problem that’s why fluff is here fluff is here to fix the problem we’ll have to join the service specifically to fix the problem look I’ll build a second basement

Fluffle helped me sweat things down it’ll be fine everything’s okay all I need is more storage and everything will be fine See look at fluff being very diligent fluff doing the Lord’s work I’m actually fluff doing Celestia’s work Foreign like no prismarine I guess I just like don’t have oh there’s a little bit of prismarine might have to go looking for more oh there’s a handful more I need more than just these crystals I need like the triangle shapey ones oh there’s a whole bunch more

I still don’t see the kind that like I really need to make some all right we’ll focus on that later right now let’s go to spawn actually let me grab some more potatoes and then go to spawn I’m gonna end up on that hoarding show

No no no no it’s fine it’s fine look look it’s only a problem if it’s unorganized and fluff is going to organize it so it’s not going to be a problem anymore well that’s not right I meant to go to spawn ah well whatever Oh you’ll be right back okay see you in a minute doc What were you playing radiant how you doing Here We Go slash spawn should have enough time now there we go [Applause] thank you oh are these new I like how that looks Boop ponyville’s a bit laggy so hang on hang in there with the drop frames for a second where’s the shop I know it’s around here somewhere Oh it’s time Minecraft in your Discord server so that by one of the mods on your channel cool I hope you had fun you’ll label the chest in order of quantity cool cool like at some for all the extra chests you’re placing down at some points I will be making a second

Layer of basement and I’ll just move everything down there chest by chest I know where is the service store it’s around here somewhere I’m just not good at directions victim of protagonist syndrome oh there it is okay they must sell wool here somewhere it’s gonna sell wool here somewhere

No way they don’t right like they’ve got to have wool here somewhere here we go where’s the white wall is there a crafting table around here that I can use really super shop doesn’t have a crafting table got all these anvils one of these buildings has to have a crafting table Something around here has to have a crafting table there we go hang on I have sticks in here let me grab some sticks All right let’s buy more wool until we went on a stick so honestly we’re gonna need a lot more banners so let’s buy a crap ton of wool pop Leicester item amounts will be compiled based on item type example diary and granual Shear chest if they can all fit in one gotcha

That’s I think that’s sort of how I did it the last time I tried to organize the chests you can probably see like some organization was attempted at some point once upon a time before I ruined it again by a bit more I’m just gonna buy a whole

Bunch more wool it stinks the banders only stack up to 16 like that seems a little silly to me that they only stack up to 16. I can only fit so many in my inventory all right let’s do that we open up this box real quick

Put away some stuff that we don’t need right now foreign let’s make more banners okay we got white Bandits now we just got to turn these into the pony Burger banners foreign we’ll see how far this gets us let’s head back slash back hopefully this will take us

Right back to where we were in the nether finally exceeds one chest space a larger item amount will get its own category makes sense to me hello Skye how you doing uh give me one second all right can do that thankfully it’s really easy to convert banners

Why why am I being hit I’m a little busy do you mind I’m trying to work here sir do you mind I’m sharing Minds now because he’s dead pop that there pop that oh no no no no no this is all wrong this is all wrong hang on I gotta fix this

I’m gonna have to grab more stairs I have more stairs in this box there we go I’m gonna need more stairs than that let’s make some more Ah they ought to do it foreign block there we go okay that and then one here nope that’s not right there we go there and I should do this on the other side make it a little easier hang on now hang on I gotta dig into here to do that

There we go that’s better No why could I never Place anything where I want to place it why does placement rules have to be so specific there we go fix it fix it now we just gotta do here We’ll hang on let me silence the role play chat ah what’s the command for hiding chat I’m trying to remember ah hi thank you slash mute there we go is that like you have to read new channels every time you join the server new ninja channel does not persist

Um every time you log in so every time I join a server I’d have to mute role play a little bit annoying but not the worst thing ever but that way we in that way the chat’s a little more clear yeah I’m glad you agree with me Moon Baby All right oh I don’t think I left myself with a way bye whoops oh nope that’s the wrong spot perfect now let’s take a step back oh this is my favorite part of the bridge like look at this fortunately a little bit of pop in from the flags but I guess they’re technically entities or something oh no I never put Flags here yikes oh of course not because that’s oh not like look at this like you can’t tell me that this isn’t gorgeous this is my favorite part of the bridge like man that looks good exhaustion got me there Thank you squid thank you thank you And Boppity Bop okay as we travel down let’s get rid of these torches To you again Okay let’s check out here real quick now we can back that should there be something there I know let me count this real quick one two three four five six oh wait Mr Skellington I’m trying to count here go away Mr Skellington one two three four five six seven eight

Nine 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ah shoot there should be one here oh we’re gonna need more quartz we’re gonna have to go grab more quartz whoa uh okay as you count again one two one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty four and

Fifteen sixteen I think hang on one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve Thirty Four Hundred okay perfect yep we got the right count the factory was built in survival is really something well it helps that I can fly the ability to fly really helps Wouldn’t really be able to see that but hang on the only thing you’d be able to see would be the top of this there’s a gift for me in the Pony bag I’ll go take a look thanks Skye is it quartz I hope it’s cool it’s cool

To be helpful oh go away Mrs Skellington hang on home home I’m sure I’ll fly and I’ll fall into lava plenty of times with or without you spotting me but I do always appreciate being a little like the lift at the lava would you like come here to get right

Skye said I had mail hello hello I’m afraid I don’t know how to pronounce your name but tell them I’m glad to have you please accept this gift so Skyler can have control of the pony bird ah hang on a second now that this has strings attached to if

I accept this is that I don’t I’m not giving you control of the pony bird excuse you did this seems like a like a trap like I accept this and then you have some sort of nope what even is it nope nope not not falling for it not falling for it

I’ve read enough fairy stories you know what happens if I take that all right let’s go mine some quartz because we do need more quartz but yeah Moon I would appreciate a little bit of help just in case I fall in lava again uh one two three Now that’s not right I don’t think hang on Nope that’s not right I know I’m gonna have to actually dig in here to place this properly ah goodness gracious I hate how hard it is just place things where the heck I want them there now I gotta put all this freaking Netherrack back oh hang on

Are you sure it was like this oh done and of course I placed it wrong anyway hey everything I do goes terribly and let me try to actually just stick my face in there this has to work right now there we go perfect and then one two okay so that’s all I

Would really be able to be seen the rest of it doesn’t really matter we’ll have to get more quartz though gonna go on a quartz hunt in a second All right we’re going on a quartz hunt Foreign Here we go here is some more quotes foreign pickaxe is too powerful actually there’s a whole bunch around here looks like I haven’t had a chance to raid this yet because I have definitely decimated some areas of like quartz Do do one second I need some water I need to take a big cup of water hmm that was more like eight gobs I definitely needed that this is where it’s a good idea to have a giant bottle of water next to you while you’re streaming hydration is very important

Gotta be more quartz around there somewhere I’m the quartz Hunter you hear the crocodile hunter I’m the quartz Hunter not nearly as exciting especially since it’s an inanimate walk still I laid claim to the title you have a bottle um you have a sweet liter bottle of iced tea

Uh please tell me it’s at least decaffeinated you love to stream two moon flitter but unfortunately your Internet isn’t good enough ah you’ll be able to get better internet someday there’s an existing Pony Community who that you could join there’s quite a few Pony streamers out there we all end up

Raiding each other I’m sure we’d be happy to have you once your internet improves just make sure when you start whenever you start streaming to tag your streams with the pony or else we won’t be able to find you oh it’s homemade iced tea really yummy oh

Yeah that makes my life 10 times easier thanks Skye saving me a whole freaking bunch of time geez yeah that that’s that’s that’s going to help out significantly thank you Skye now I have now given the pony brick to you no there was no agreement there was no agreement

If you’re gonna be like that and then you can have it back you can have it back if you’re gonna be like that there was no agreement made I will suffer in and Ling now if the condition I’ll put it in your mailbox if the if the condition is I’m

Gonna go put it in your mailbox if a condition of of taking this course means you get a pony Berg no like no absolutely no I’m putting this in your mailbox I absolutely refuse grumbled Rumble Rumble I definitely need the courts but it comes with oh I can have it okay foreign

Still trying to do a mutiny apparently no takes these backsies okay should you construct an auto composer for my wheat seed storage issue uh no because I might need those seeds someday I can’t explain how but I still might like you never know okay all right let’s grab some of these out then

So I can start using them classic quarter talk no I like I might need them like who knows when I might need several double chests full of wheat seeds okay you never know you can’t be sure of these things all right you’re only referring to the shulker boxes I still might need them

I still might need them someday just just put the shulk of boxes in the chest to wherever you put the rest of the seeds look I might need them okay I don’t have to justify myself to you guys I have managed to get myself lost oh there it is okay

I was like where the [ __ ] am I for a minute here we go let’s continue on this once I rest for a second is there a way to get choker boxes yes there is fluff Circle boxes are made from shulker shells which you get by killing shulkers which

Are a mob in the end so absolutely there are ways to to make shulka boxes Celestia has joined the game why is Boss music playing foreign directly in lava or something place that place that without going to the end is there a market for them ah probably people

Almost certainly sell sure I will be willing to sell shulker boxes like I can buy some if you need me to fluff probably in fact there might be a few empty ones just hanging about I can probably buy more off somebody if you need more but I would take a look

Around first because I’m sure I have some empty or partially empty ones just hanging about so you could just move this in a little closer to the Earth and kill everyone no so this you can move the Sun a little bit closer to Equestria and kill everyone entirely different Uh one yeah you gotta be careful about semantics let me just make sure yeah there’s no use in digging down okay and let’s okay there we go that’s there so let me gain some more flight real quick oh Shepherd’s online man we are getting like everyone on the server tonight one

Two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight nine ten now all we need is Derpy to get online and we’ve got basically the whole server one two three four well not literally the whole server but like you know what

I mean one two three four five six seven eight nine ten hello evil snake how you doing there we go that looks better oh I got a craft some more stairs Whoops I did not mean to make that many stairs what the [ __ ] That was a mistake I’m sure oops I’m sure I’ll use them someday whoops it’s fine I’ll use them someday don’t even worry about it I’ll have a project another project with quartz eventually and I’m sure I’ll use a whole bunch of them now don’t even worry about it I placed it wrong why am I so bad there we go that there I have to dig in to put this in there we go place that and play set and there we go you’re doing great despite the fact that you can’t sleep no empty struggle box

Was found just one with unsorted items uh Just let me know if you end up neat do you need choker boxes fluff I thought I saw I had a couple hanging around hang on let me take a look around real quick I swear we thought I had some just laying around Yeah here we go here’s two three Four yeah here’s at least four from upstairs here here’s at least four I found upstairs one two three four I might have more around I hope you’re able to get to sleep soon snake I hope you like getting too tired foreign There I think it looks better without it and but and pop also buck and pop but but and then one here and then one there and then we grab a next stack and we put one there and one there and then we don’t get shot by the skeleton that’s very important Foreign I saw you on the Minecraft server yeah there you are you are still on the Minecraft server good to see you in chat as well have fun lurking nothing wrong with some good lurks whoop flight exhaustion gets me every time foreign make sure I got both sides for

Everything I didn’t I know I’d forget one I knew I’d forget one I’m just that incompetent I knew I’d forget one whoa jump scare thank you Mr Skellington keeping me on my toes hurt hello hello yes I couldn’t go live at my normal time because I had my first singing lessons today

So my singing homework is to try to practice using like my abdominal muscles because apparently it helps if you like sing from like your if you like breathe from like your stomach instead of like breathing from like your chest so that’s something I have to work on like getting used to those muscles

Like working those muscles out a bit oh I’m about to fall there we go the chokers greatly Aid in multi-chess categories I’ll have to see if we have more or buy more you might I’m sure you’ll just find more just laying around as you go through You need to get a strong singing bone see your face because like you they will my singing teacher wants me to like take to like breathe using my stomach and muscles and like not like my chest muscle so like I gotta like unlearn 24 years of breathing to sing better

We’ll figure it out it was just the first lesson but it’s something I gotta practice reminds you you were breathing from my stomach from meditation maybe it’s not too different because I think that does mean that like reading from your thumb you can take bigger and better breaths

And that’s like the whole point or at least a lot of the point so it’s probably the same idea or vocal I will defect they’re directing lightning through his stomach Being less than snowy I want to eventually release some some song covers on my channel just for fun but I want to actually know I can sound good so yeah Tuesdays I’m starting singing lessons I had my first one today we’re going to have so I’m gonna

Starting off slow but we’re going to get better and better you just wait from the diaphragm that’s what you learned from a speech class yeah the good old dire fragile you can never go wrong using your dire fragile yes I am perverts really giving you guys psychic damage I sound amazing now you can’t wait to hear how I sound after the lessons oh thank you snowy that’s very sweet all right back to it let’s keep getting what are these torches we don’t need Look I’m back outside we go jokes on me you don’t have a brain for me to damage shoot I’ll get them next time oh hey this must be where I stopped last time wait oh my God I went backwards I think I went the wrong way

I went that way instead of that way wait what no wait maybe this was which way am I supposed to be going that way okay it was going the right way I was just stupid about it I need a few more brain cells can anyone lend me some I know they’re in short

Supply these days hello Lululemon enjoyer no you can’t little me any me that’s fair Do do Do do do do do do do do do do no brain cells in chat sounds about right no brain cells in the hive mind that is chat standard procedure ah here we go do do do do do do do do do do do do

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do Foreign There we go Oh hang on long block you remember seeing the store Lululemon and thinking it said luja Moon you hear that chat she thinks we is stupid no no so individual chat members may be intelligent but when Chad forms the hive of mine the IQ drastically drops like individual chat members can be big

Range Chad as a whole just suddenly becomes like doodoo brain that is how it works that is the rules of streaming There’s a law of the universe it cannot be broken just as soon as the hive mind forms IQ drops drastically right now we’re a small enough channel that the hive mind only forms rarely very rarely I mind buzz buzz look you can’t do it yeah when there’s enough people in chat

Chat’s basically a hive mind I feel like that’s a pretty good analogy for it squid says they probably single-handedly bring Chan IQ down by 30 points maybe more oh ah okay let me check outside here real quick oh I think this is where I stopped last time

Because we ran out of quartz I think this is where we stopped I have to check the VOD to be sure but we can be sure anyway just by traveling along it so I think I made more um way more Flags than I ended up needing which is fine not a huge deal

Let’s fly back along and make sure everything’s in order yeah all this looks good Chickadee Chickadee chick everything checks out so far thank you all right let’s get back in okay book a lot more quartz than I’m into we are the chat lower your Shields and surrender your ships we will add your

Turn biological and technological distinctiveness to our own you will be assimilated resistance is futile yeah what a good reference Lulu claims they bring the chats at you down my 50 points well none of us one of us one of us you’d be so silly chat you’re so silly

Who is a silly chat who is you is yeah this looks good we might be done except for close to the entrance ah boat Pop that back place this back one two three whoop I almost fell did you see that I almost ran out of flight and plunged to the ground again not that I don’t do that often I’m just that bad at um keeping an eye on my flight okay

The chest of larger streamers can be legitimately terrifying sometimes exactly well like that’s what you see the true Hive Minds you have no idea how those big streamers read any messages like when like when there’s like like a handful of people talking in chat at the same time there’s like five people

Sending messages at the same time in my chat like I I immediately start to struggle okay this is good just checking it real quick you gotta be sure we can’t have anything less than perfection here’s the first turn I’m gonna be suffering when they get 5K

Viewers I’d be lucky to get 5K viewers that would certainly be interesting it’s a torch in here I believe yeah so that’s someone’s base so that’s why there’s no Flags there that’s check it’s still someone’s base okay we’re good there let’s get back in foreign exit somewhere I just made it

There it is uh which way is the right way pretty sure I need to go this way oh no I’m headed the wrong direction this is the correct way get that off the screen ah let’s go ahead and take a look around here real quick that’s good let’s make sure we don’t fall

Foreign ER technically and they get a decent number of viewers I don’t actually know what their viewer average is but you know maluminous does a bit more than Pony stuff oh this is in the wrong spot yikes biggest Pony stream world record you’d like to know what it is

I don’t think ponies like like streaming wasn’t as huge a thing as it is today like when the baloney fandom was like at its height like the Golden Age of Bronies has passed thankfully there’s still like a lot of people who while they’re not like like crazy Bronies anymore like they’re not

Like super super into ponies they still will watch a pony streamer for like Nostalgia so I feel like there is like a bigger Market out there to reach well look at that looks like everything but the beginning is done all right let’s head back actually let’s go to spawn real quick

Because I want to see if I can just buy lanterns from there directly hook me up with that chat filter mods and videos of Minecraft chat doesn’t get filled with the role play chats etc etc uh maybe I mean if I remember to turn off like to mute the role play chat at

The beginning of each stream it’s not a huge deal it’s weird I swim at music is a little louder than it was last time but I think it’s at the same volume it was previously like seven percent maybe it’s all in my head let me see if they stir out if they sell

Things here it is louder is it too loud because I don’t know what changed I swear I have it at the same volume Yeah I think I do have a handful of viewers who just aren’t Bronies or I think I’ve definitely gotten some some furry viewers I’ve definitely gotten some furry viewers especially since I’ve like become part of like a furry Discord Community that’s run by the person who’s making my live 2D model this song

Especially feels very loud Like I don’t I don’t know what’s different I swear the sound is the same like it’s almost too loud like does anyone think this song is too loud if I turn it down by one percent There I’ll turn it back up after not really because you’re so comfortable to my ears I really don’t know what’s different All right there’s gonna be a prismarine lamp around here somewhere hello Kenneth seriously why is this volume so much louder than the others I’m losing it oh hang on I gotta turn off role play too uh There we go that’s better It’s like the guitar is like blasting my ears there we go let’s start with that we can always get more later Kenneth Do you know I don’t know why it seems so much louder Hang on one two three four five let’s put it here one two three four five whoop broke too many It’s just a guitar that feels like it’s too loud there’s a downside of getting music from YouTube random volume I know right can I try to talk Spanish okay let me turn it back up to seven there we go I don’t know a lot of Spanish I know

What I don’t know what Tanya let me let me think for a second ah I don’t know I don’t know a lot of Spanish I’m too nervous whatever the Spotify actually balanced sound better than YouTube no idea so what you’re listening to right now I’m actually no longer directly using a YouTube playlist

Um what I did is I I used a as uh what’s it called a browser plug-in to rip the songs off of YouTube into like MKV or like formats and then I used a converter to convert those into mp3s and I put the mp3s into this program I downloaded

Called media monkey and I can control media monkey from my stream deck so now I can actually play and pause the music’s music from my stream deck without tabbing out because apparently doesn’t seem to be a compatible mods for like YouTube now I have all these and I’m putting them somewhere Foreign this will do let me take one more look at the inside and then we’ll head back to the beginning drop down how was my Valentine’s Day uh pretty good honestly I mean I basically just stayed home all day I had the day off from work

I mostly stayed home I went for my first singing lesson and I made some slight changes to the colors of the notifications I before the colors were my body color and like my body color outline and I changed it to my body color and my hair color which I think looks a lot

Better All right let’s get back along and try not to get lost this time I’m constantly getting turned around I swear this time I’m not going to get turned around no getting turned around no getting turned around we are going to go the correct way the whole time and not get lost

I’m not gonna be a silly stupid poopy horse watch I’m gonna do this correctly We’re not gonna get turned around and go the wrong way Dude dude oh dear now I can’t see okay now I can see we’re going so fast the game can’t can’t load into chunks okay let’s give it a second to load so I don’t get lost again oh okay okay so we hit the wall so now we turn and go this way Oh no I can’t see where am I I was going this way right Wait what where am I okay I’m going this way apparently I can’t see because it won’t load in the chunks okay I’ve hit this wall so I probably have to turn and go this way look oh there’s another boat here okay yep I’m definitely going the right way Theoretically the glass makes it a scenic route but like I literally can’t see where I’m going and I literally can’t see where I’m going I can’t stop to look at Chad or get confused I’ll get confused and lost if I stop to look at chat

Can you like Loan in the chunks so I can see where I’m going Like I’m doing the best I can but this is very disorienting like look no there’s less people on the server I swear it usually like loads in a lot better I think we’re where we need to be anyway can I stop get out of the boat I’m

Hitting the get out of the boat button you remember using YouTube downloaded back in the day when diversity engine use Kenneth got chocolates and then you squish mellow yes out running the draw distance okay here’s where it got snow it stopped one two three four five six

Oh let’s put these in the off hand like a smart Pony one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five six someone’s loading up their automatic solid with two thousand Hoppers so this serve is dying right now

From the chat looks like it’s smolder Oh yeah look at those ticks per second geez that is that explains a lot look at that that’s supposed to be 20. that’s that’s not great it’s half of what it should be oh boy one two three four five six you predict you’ll need 10 more shulka boxes hmm

I might have one View foreign boxes hello pony man hello hello uh here’s one let me see are you upstairs or downstairs you’re downstairs I see your name uh here’s one for a start let me see if I can find more just see if there’s any lying about

Nothing there nothing oh you already cleaned that out searching for shulka boxes never know if you just have some lying around nothing there nothing there nothing there nope no shulk of boxes there nothing there nothing there nothing there scream at me in the chat oh these are but these are full of glass

Scream at me in the chat if I miss any oh I just straight up have blocks of quartz here two random blocks of ports I don’t see any there I don’t see any there that rain’s a little bit loud let me hello Christopher was that a human in a pony world uh yeah

Pony man so in my settings if I go to Mons and then I go to where is it come on I’m gonna mine Little Pony and I go to settings I have Pony level at both so while it’s set to this players that have the mod downloaded will have and have

Uploaded a pony skin will look like ponies and players have not uploaded a pony skin will look like regular humans that way I can see someone’s main skin whether they’re human or pony I don’t see uh nothing in there nothing in there I don’t see any in here I don’t see any

In there uh these are full of partially full of beet boot seeds I can probably empty attempt to empty this one and give you this one as a start foreign let me check the downstairs boxes you can set them all to force people with a human skin and your Pony yes so

If I do mods and I set it here I can just I can use fluff as an example so the mod has um has a list of of like of like basic skins it can set people to here I have this so let’s watch fluffy so if I go into Mars

If I go to ponies only and I go back fluffy Neko is now uh I don’t know what this is a background point I don’t know what Pony they are but the mod has a list of skins of like basic skins it can use if you have it set to that for people

Who haven’t uploaded the skin yet and then I just go back to well no wait wait wait not that button basically has the stage mod has its own default skins similar to you know Steve and Alex skins but it has a whole list I thought it was a glitch at first nope hmm

Shulker boxes shulker boxes do I not have more shulker boxes why not have more just laying around I don’t know maybe I don’t choker boxes I don’t see any there or in there or there or there or in there okay how many more did you say you need like eight

Any Pony have some foreign as long as you get randomly assigned to generic shop Pony number four oh these these chests have just gone these chests are just gone the kitchen chests have just disappeared um it’s going to put these in here make your life ever so slightly more difficult

Because I’m a terrible person making your life actually do I have boats I must have boats in some of these chests let me find to see if I can pull out all the boats there’s a boat I’ve got to have boats all over here foreign votes I’ve got a cousin

Dude let’s check upstairs real quick sounds like fluff is already upstairs So you know I did unlock my personal chest downstairs I mean I did unlock my personal chest by my bed in case there’s anything you want to yank out of there I did unlock my personal chest by my bed down there foreign belts I just want to yank out all the boats I want to grab some potatoes while I’m here as well my pile is running low Did I put my shocker box in your chest somewhere like a silly horse my personal chest won’t be sorted yet okay okay I think I put away something I didn’t mean to put away by accident oh well I want to dump all these spare Flags in your chest as well if we do curse me out at your leisure foreign box with all the stuff I was using away somewhere like an idiot

Alexa gets no longer in my inventory well I guess I don’t need it everything that was in it like I didn’t need to use anymore because like I’m only doing the lanterns right now aren’t I so it’s kind of whatever okay now I just gotta get back in

Okay where was I I was here one two three four five six hello wedges good to see you one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four five

Six one two three four five six one two three four five six one two three four Oh I gotta grab a piece of glass to fix that hang on I gotta grab a piece of glass to fix that ain’t right why is it broken I got a broken glass now you have to wait 30 seconds before I can fly back I’ll grab some more potatoes while I’m here

Oh so message me I’m Why did I come here oh wait get more potatoes that’s why I came here foreign disco destroys your equestrian economy by snapping thousands of bits into existence to pay for a teapot he would though he would he would do that okay let’s keep going one two let’s fly

One two three four five six one two three four hang on let’s play let’s fix this yay yay lesbian ponies with weapons time Foreign With the afternoon joining this text from you I’m sorry we grew up a night getting family with each other I miss you it’s magic staring at the mirror gonna Smile Smile gonna be late we got plans time to start a [ __ ] liar Riot I’m so tired of keeping myself in a box

And I just really don’t care put your Hooves in there tonight I love you with every pony we’re gonna set the street to light [ __ ] in I’m tired of being scared so let’s get out and [ __ ] up Equestria [ __ ] the mandated monarchy so our world now gotta go fast Oh you’re gonna get cut we ain’t got time by your bigoted right this is your new warning shot I know you’re not hot this course is the consequence of the hatred you but you need some laughter the world is on fire and we’re at the center of it all

We make out till the sun sets and we’re too quiet till we get dead and I just really don’t care put your clothes in there tonight I wanna fall in love with Everypony we’re gonna set the Streets Alive I will now I don’t know what the future holds Alex

We’ll figure it all out in time And I just really don’t care put your Hooves In the Air Tonight I wanna fall in love with every pony I’m gonna set the street tonight Foreign do I want you to convert the unused gold iron into nuggets you can just make the armor of its need and you have a chest full of enchanted books well eventually fluff I want to grind my rip uh they are causing questions between them and the Crystal Empire What’s the word I’m looking for no what’s the word what’s the word obligation do I want foreign two three four five six did I know the actual flight Discord wasn’t Breaking Bad John Delancey I’m not entirely surprised by that do I want I’m still trying to figure out foreign foreign It’s kind of Okay hang on let me give me a second to be chat uh I was just finishing Picard season two since season three is starting soon Delancey is excellent in it cool I’m glad you enjoyed that it’s kind of funny other funny snake Dragon talking and talking about drugs and

Being serious and Breaking Bad uh I think it was gonna do something with the armor fluff I think I wanted to grind my I think I wanted to grind up my repair stats left so I’d say just leave it how it is for now one sec I got a check check the and

Hang on I gotta make sure the two treaties don’t conflict foreign okay Foreign do you have a book A book and quill I like to there was a non-damaged armors do you recycle those uh yeah sure why not what you’re what’s your lines called The book slides it does we’re on ice slides on the ice this hang on let me see how do they word the original treaty Equestrian Alliance Union okay packed for nints of the defense of the Crystal Empire in cooperation with the the equestrian hang on a second the equestrian Okay how did I wear this I gotta capitalize these one second defense of the Crystal Empire in cooperation cooperation should be capitalized should width be capitalized maybe I don’t know okay and then we’re gonna do enter enter this VT generally not okay friendship is useless yikes why are you saying that for

This treaty that will work with the in the equestrian ah no I didn’t mean to do that long button hang on I accident there we go two the if it comes under the pyre is the aggressor in in the conflict has no well also not attack making peace treaty while listening to

Animal Crossing music yes such a vibe hello bunny B just woke up it’s raining right now your engine is very great to watch the stream that’s good the title of the document where everything capitalized except for of in with okay hang on four of in width oh the these should probably be capitalized

There we go we’ll also aggressor uh it’s not the word State I don’t think what’s the word I’m looking for ah uh it’s like category it’s like it’s like categorization something like that of their being the aggressor of their categorization as aggressor class I want to save a Godless of the fact of

Them being the aggressor or not regardless if the there we go okay I like this Minecraft rather than patient servers are down again oh I don’t think I’d want to imagine that that’s a nailer look at this a rather weird thing to just randomly say in my chat okay how’s this sound

Okay so my original treaty with the CIS says non-aggression pact and mutual defense agreement between the pony burger and the Confederacy of independent states this treaty certifies at leponiburg in the Confederacy of independent states will never attack each other in addition if either state is attacked by an

Aggressor unprovoked the other will come to their defense however if the conflict is one of aggression by either State the other has no obligation interfere on the side of the aggressor signed me and and the leader of the Confederacy and this says pack for the fans of the Crystal

Empire in cooperation with the equestrian Alliance Union this treaty certifies that the pony bird will work together with your question Alliance Union to defend the Crystal Empire if it comes under attack from an aggressor if the Crystal Empire is the aggressor in the conflict the pony Brook has no

Obligation to assist the pointy book will also not attack any other states on behalf of the Crystal Empire regardless if the state isn’t aggressive against the empire hey let me hang on let me ask them well the Eau defends in return if we are attacked because like

It’s a good thing to know honestly Uh Lions Union will defend La Pony Burke if foreign Okay oh I didn’t mean to do a four pages darn it next okay back to three good signs okay you sign first on page three then hand it back to me for me to sign foreign I think that’s a fair treaty and the treaties don’t conflict with each other

You know I feel like that is a fair treaty and the two treaties do not conflict with each other because even though they says I will not attack the Confederacy directly that specifically says that I want to attack him famously directly defending Crystal Empire from the Confederacy is not attacking the

Confederacy so the two treaties do not conflict and it keeps us out of any wars of aggression we will only enter Wars of defense and I have two theoretical allies that will defend me if I come under attack like I think that’s a very fair treaty what kind of government is

The pony Burger democracy then we just make sure nothing has changed that credentials Empire cooperation phaser Visalia Pony bear we’ll work together the equestrian Alliance Union okay hang on how do we rate this foreign s Of ah there we go e-a-u treaty then ought to do it Do you have a a second book so I can make you a copy who’s this princess levaria uh she’s part of the Eau the equestrian Alliance or whatever let me see if I can find one one sick

I gotta make a copy of this that’s the value right there let’s not talk about anything too inappropriate death inhaler and then let’s try and not bring up like topics that aren’t really on topic I only gotta find a book huh Fluff did you already sort my books I need a book in quill did you already stored on my books I mean I can make another book I have paper lying around everywhere I’m sure we got yeah here’s some paper we just need some leather and a quill and some ink

Leather quill and ink that’s glowing not quite what we need books unswitted okay I’ll keep looking a leather with a quill and an ink foreign It’s gonna be here somewhere right there’s no way I don’t have just ink lying around somewhere or some leather whoops oh boy this could take a minute leather Quail ink feather have I let me scream at me if I passed some yes definitely I know it’s called that it’s

A very random thing to say you know oh does this have anything written in it oh that’s something I probably want to hang on to well I can make a leather out of these Okay so now I just need Now I just need ink and a feather they’ve got to have ink and a feather around here somewhere now God having kind of oh look someone new just joined the server you see that I’m gonna have ink and a feather here somewhere ink and a feather ink and a feather Inc and a feather and can a feather yes that’s a nailer I I know this

Feathers are sorted can you grab me one then because I think the chest that you sorted are locked so if you could grab me one foreign I would be appreciative just gotta find ink how about we drop the subject of succubuses oh there’s some ink just need a feather

If you sorted all the feathers I appreciate you if you could grab one because the chests you’ve sorted are locked and I found some we’re good let’s make a copy I keep the originals and let’s go back There you go thank you for your patience see now look we have two treaties there that don’t inflict with each other one two three four five six and now I can finally think one two three four five one two three four five six look I think we got some pretty good

Treaties here you know like it keeps us out of Wars of aggression we’ll only enter Wars or defense so the two like don’t conflict and we have allies that’ll come to our Aid in time of attack one two three four five six hey that’s perfect foreign I don’t have to worry about that

Like the cold war was literally a war of passive aggression nobody is outright hurting each other in those Wars so nothing not something I gotta be worried about okay that’s another I think that’s enough about succubuses like nobody is talking about succubuses except for you they’re kind of off topic and it’s not

Really something I’m interested in talking about so how about we drop the subject I might have to go back to the shop and buy more which is fine I might have to time you out for a minute man if you don’t listen to me this time because I already told you

Once to please please drop the subject foreign grab some more lanterns [Applause] can you get a timeout as well give me one second Thank you Nah I was thinking about it Thrifty I was thinking about it but like time out to like show up like look like it it shows me how many timeouts you’ve gotten total so I don’t want a mod to like actually think you’ve gotten a real time out and give you like

A harsher a harsh punishment for something so I I thought about it like like if they get if it didn’t keep track of how many times you’ve been timed out before I probably would have but since it does keep track I don’t want you to have anything on your permanent switch

Records on my channel so I’m very sorry gerpsy just get back in chats already in trouble what was I doing what was I good what did I come here to do right okay I was gonna buy stuff I got so distracted I’m sorry derpsy I’m sorry to tease you like

That I was genuinely considering if I don’t want to put something on your permanent record foreign I was you were just I just saw you we grab some more lanterns real quick definitely should Jam you out for 999 plus times whatever shall we do with you It don’t say time you out Oh can I get back in pretty please what’s going on here yeah I have to dig back in all the way over here oh no we don’t have to dig it back and I can just go in the normal way let me drop off some of these extra boats

Clearly people have been using this because boats are missing which is nice ah oh here we go okay put these here get bring that back up place okay just gonna match the lanterns just keeps the permanent record on all of us I mean when I cook on someone in the chat

It tells me how many timeouts they’ve received on my channel before like if I click on the meal who just popped up it says 21 messages the old timeout zero bands yeah a permanent record of mod actions hello and hello Emil Pony craft yeah basically shulka box is depleted any

One in chat willing to sell some Whoops we gotta go slash chat Global my bad I know stevia stripsy oh you derpsy was asking you didn’t know stevius derpsy was not asking me if I knew Sidious derpste was asking stevieus you didn’t know Hey look a comma makes all yeah exactly he forgot the comma Akama makes all the difference like you didn’t know comma stevius means that you’re addressing steadius you didn’t know no comes tedious would be asking you didn’t know who studious is commas are very important chat remember that do do

Do do do do do do do do do Hikari Kitty just put a comma and nothing else in the chat very mysterious Whoops one too many and there we go so now all we’re gonna do is dig out and break all the Torches Replace these blocks I place these four and now we’re just gonna break all the Torches comments on their own are dangerous why am I have my interests tell me serious what’s so dangerous about a little comma what’s the real Karma gonna get up to all in its Lonesome huh We’re just having a discussion about Commons Emil oh or are you just putting a question mark well like because just because we’re talking about punctuation and not because you’re actually questioning what’s going on it’s like how sodium by itself is dangerous to eat and also chloride but

Together they’re just normal salts I see what about a semicolon what are they used on uh semicolons are used to like join two sentences together Semicolons you use to join two related sentences together without any additional words And they’ve also end up line markers and programming that’s funny thank you heart nice to get a program mistake sometimes feral undomesticated commas you never want to get bit by a rabbit comma that never ends well Foreign Break the last of these torches All right let’s fly back to the beginning real quick I just want to shove one in this corner just to light things up whoops darn falling Mimi put in the wrong spot I’ll put one here as well just to light things up ah all right I think the the main Frick I’ve fallen The main highway is done now all we gotta do is the emergency exits The game reminds me constantly that my wings are getting tired they’re about to fall out of the sky but I don’t even notice like I’m I’m very bad at noticing these things I always forget and then just straight up plummet from the sky usually comedically into some lava The highway Saga is coming to an end we’re certainly getting there you Okay so let’s take a boat over to the beginning and then think about where to put emergency exits because I feel like we want to do it from Spawn forwards like every 2 000 blocks and 2 000 blocks will be easier to count um well like from Spawn great I can’t see anything

The chunks aren’t loading the ticks are 17 it’s supposed to be 20 but that’s not that bad Foreign And we go this way we There we go the chunks are finally loading maybe I spoke too soon it’s sort of keeping up with me like you guys can’t tell me that after all the work we put in this ain’t a sick-ass Highway you can’t the only thing we gotta fixed is oh is Celestia still online

God damn it I should have asked when Celestia was actually online so so the person who owns this area is Celestia they claim this area after it had been partially built I needed to ask them to unclaim it so that I can make it match the rest of the highway because I can’t

Currently break or place blocks in it gosh Danga I should have asked them when they were online earlier I totally forgot I’ll have to bug them on Discord #could be three wide and three tall look it just that would take more blue eyes shush no no no no no this is fine this

Is totally fine this is fine okay oh the boat is above at the bottom somebody rolled the boat down the stairs interestingly enough that’s a new one okay so let’s find 2 000 blocks in One Direction foreign emergency exits It’s fine 2 000 blocks this area is just zigzagging a lot here we go let’s find 2 000 blocks in this direction 200 300 400 500 600 actually how many blocks total does this go I should measure this hang on Seems like it only goes about 900 blocks actually It’s actually only a thousand blocks in One Direction so two thousand might be a bit much I have to look so where do I want to put emergency exits Did I see the new 1.20 tweet oh Minecraft 1.20 and let me go take a look uh Minecraft 1.20 a new biome on its way 1.20 the cherry blossom biome hide under the white canopy stroll along the Pink Carpet blocks and utilize the cherry tree for a brand new wood set yo

Pink wood oh that’s so cute that’s a beautiful biome looks like she has flowers on the ground and there’s beautiful leaves and wood that that’s such an aesthetic that’s such an aesthetic that’s exciting so F3 so we’re only a 13 000 blocks out in One Direction one thousand blocks in another

So how so how far apart should we put emergency exits because you can travel from one side to the other very quick Actually let me go back to the beginning real quick I’m actually going to time whoa I’m spinning I’m gonna time how long it takes for me to get to one from one side to the under under ideal conditions hold on I’m gonna do a timer there’s gonna be a timer on my computer

Right there’s gonna be a timer program of some sort or I can just Google timer hang on timer you want a heart window that’ll be perfect for your toilet build add toilets to Minecraft all right let me drag this timer over here No no no no no Not that kind of timer stopwatch that’s what I’m looking for a stopwatch okay I started it it’s gonna be a little bit off it’s gonna be off for like three seconds four seconds okay we’ll remove four seconds from the final time let’s see how long it takes us to get

From one side to the other turn go turn go thankfully most of the chunks seem to have remained loaded from the first time I zoomed through it turn and turn and turn and turn and almost exactly a minute like uh like we got like a minute it took a minute and three seconds

Like that that took only a minute and three seconds to get from one side to the other so if travel is that fast maybe we don’t need emergency exits after all like if travel from one side to the other only takes like literally a minute does this kind of speed running maybe maybe

Yeah like if you can give him one into the other that fast I don’t think we actually need emergency exits because you can get through it pretty quick emergency exits might ruin the aesthetic anyway so I’m gonna call this project done Leo guys can’t tell me this didn’t turn out magnificently

So the next thing I gotta do is make a new basement make a second basement to put all these new chests in that the fluff is making we put just one right in the middle I’ll think about it emergency exits every three blocks are right oh gosh oh gosh

Wait what oh [ __ ] I got turned around which way am I going uh this way something’s wrong with my V stream it’s not showing me Twitch assist which is connected but I can barely see it I’m sorry if I’ve missed a whole bunch of twitch messages

Hey what where am I where am I going this way you see my mic stand like blocks the twitch messages so I keep checking the restream chat but the restream chat isn’t showing me the twitch messages so I keep having to move my head to C what about the Workhorse so I’ve been

Working very hard on this while we’re the project completing horse you’ve been using it so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirty four and fifteen sixteen we need 16 boats let’s do cinematic mode for this

Do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do I’m just gonna casually make your life harder by adding these to a chest no need to thank me just straight up breaking some of my barrels huh foreign let me just look again just make sure I don’t have any boats in any of these before I go making more it’s looking for boats

Ah there are my bales it’s an aesthetic I’ll have you know my caps lockers and why is my caps lock always on why is my caps lock always on that’s a lot of Chess it is a lot of chests hmm and I’ll end up putting that back later once I

That’s something I’ll deal with later so what I’m going to do is make a basement which means I’m going to end up digging down here so that means I need to clear out and get rid of these chests back here I’m gonna clear out these chests foreign

Gonna do boats I was gonna do boats and then I got distracted I was absolutely about to do boats and then I got distracted so we’re changing this cupboard under the stairs into a staircase eventually I’m going to go down actually we’ll leave these here so people can actually use the staircase

And I think we’re safe to break these yes just want one of a couple of these to make this look good probably we’ll see we’ll figure it out foreign have I ever been to the Nexus no I don’t think I have surprise I’ve never had a reason why am I always yelling

Um I have noise canceling headphones on so I can’t hear myself and I’m autistic and so I’m I’m just a very shouty person in general I’m just a very shouty person in general I’m very loud I’m not good at being quiet and I can’t hear myself because of my noise canceling headphones

Do I have any more Spruce stairs anywhere foreign I should grab a torch I’m so there’s gonna be a torch just there we go just shove this in my off hand real quick oh spoof stairs in my inventory immediately where’d you even get those did you give them to me thank you

Yeah this is gonna be in the way hold on there we go that’s a little better making basement number two to move all the new chests you’re creating okay so we’re this is going to be four deep one two three we gotta go down one more level yeah so the one two three

One two three four so this is gonna be the floor so let’s make the let’s start making the floor foreign [Applause] I think I need to turn down the volume it’s actually loud hold on Why is it so loud I turned it down to five percent no it’s it feels so loud now I have it at like two percent and that’s better it’s so weird okay which one gems I see you got them all in there you’re gonna have to unlock these by the

Way Neko Iggy by the way you need to and punch each chest and sign or foreign there you go okay now we get back to digging clearly we want to dig this out I will want some actually here we might want to redo this I want to fill that with something else foreign

Yeah because that should be the wall there I’ve gotta have some see I wonder if you sorted all the wood already let me just grab whatever I find in these chests left Grab those grab that that’s pretty useful Spruce Wood unsorted okay whoops so I’m sure you can find a whole bunch of wood just laying about there we go Birch that’s what I need we did have we did move spruce so Spruce is around here somewhere

I’m sure I’ll find it if I need it I’m sure if I can find it if I need more I grabbed some spoos from somewhere so that’ll do it I think let me dig all this out real quick ah thank you Spruce logs so what I’m gonna do here

Yeah I’m gonna leave that like that but I’m gonna put a couple logs here no I’m not I think it looked better before foreign yeah this is fine but I’m gonna keep digging it out though hello Chai Thai because I’m not a um yeah I’m not an affiliate because I’m

Streaming at you on YouTube at the same time as I’m streaming on Twitch and if I’m an affiliate it would not allow it but I appreciate wholeheartedly your wish to donate to me through bits I do have alternative donation locations in my twitch panels but I hope if it’s

Fine if you don’t want to donate there but I wholeheartedly appreciate the thought it is unfortunate that um that I can’t that I am unable to um get affiliate someday we’ll get there I mean we probably won’t get there because I actually can’t sign up for it

You guys it’s fine I’m gonna aim I’m aiming for partner on YouTube Mine increased to 123. I keep missing chats I keep my my thing is like directly in the way I’m gonna move my computer screen oh he meant the Caps locks when you’re asking about you can go without chokers it’s not critical yeah because nobody can chat said anything about being able

To sell some I don’t know man my caps lock activates all by itself all the time who wouldn’t want to be chained to streaming live only on Twitch or streamy twitch Bezos affiliate program with that fluffy I do agree with you putting the Redstone in the gems chest I think that’s a pretty good call

Jack Oak I wonder if I have dark oak lying around anywhere foreign what is this should offer I receive all the way you’ve got you receive cookies made from the wheat no fine print Trust ah yeah sure why not yeah sure I didn’t read page 100 what’s page 100.

Do I have to click through 100 pages heart you’re such a meanie pants making me click through 100 pages that’s such a meanie pants I want it to be known now you use they them for me because you don’t want to assume my gender uh I do use she her but I really

Appreciate that Emil I do appreciate that I do use she her major if you’re trying to see there’s no fine print of this I knew there wouldn’t be fine print on it you had to specifically tell me to go to page 100 so the prank didn’t count the

Prank didn’t count because you had to tell me to go to page 100. but yeah I don’t know if there’s any wheat in any of these chests uh everything’s unlocked feel free to look through good luck finding them good luck finding the wheat my wheat in any of that mess

Have fun with that I gotta find some more wood while I’m at it let me find all my uh I have more Spruce not quite what I need right now though foreign oh there’s some dark oak there we go we can strip some of this dark oak down

What else can we find better to be safe than summer yeah I get that Emil that’s fine that’s fine good luck solving my wheat scavenger hunt riddle it’s not even a widow it’s just good luck trying to find any I wish you the best of luck

Why do we have so why do I have so much dark oak do I need something ah I’m not actually sure hang on I’m gonna dump some wood in oops oh you’re talking the heart let’s grab some of these I should put these tweeties in my chest tweeties they’re treaties man like I

Didn’t just W my R’s there I did that was hmm you’re already found three sticks good for you ah what don’t I need in my inventory right now I don’t think I have any reason I would need all this spruce okay now all we gotta do is find

More Birchwood we’re gonna look for Birchwood I gotta have more Birchwood somewhere right gotta have more Birchwood somewhere which would Birchwood Birchwood you shall return shortly with cookies Coolio if I pass it if I miss any Birchwood like not just signs but like actual Birchwood if I miss any just just start

Screaming at me just start yelling in the chat about how my stupid doo-doo poopy head of a horse if I pass any and don’t grab it oh yeah that’ll do it that that’ll definitely do it yeah we’re good now why are people declaring war on the server oh boy

See that’s why these treaties are important that foreign Foreign at least this section of it and we made more stairs so we can do this no not that no stop placing it in the wrong spot there we go and we should probably dig out more of this as well there we go couple of these

Strip them and then we’ll dig this way do do there we go now let’s start putting these down Hey Cody Thanks for liking the Stream uh that that that that actually let’s let’s just straight up put it oh there there we go I like that how did I do upstairs I see I can do it the same way again excuse me okay dig that out again

We’re making good progress this will look nice once you get the second basement done with this basement going to be for more storage even more storage fluff is making all the chests upstairs we’re just going to move them downstairs chest by chest do I have an opinion on best villain oh

I like hot villain women so maybe chrysalis or luna I don’t have any super strong opinions on this there there there Whoa whoops didn’t mean to switch those well okay I’m not even toy being weird there my inventory being really weird there foreign not much inventory space put it in my mailbox foreign I can’t seem to place things right today no no yes there we go okay how tall is this up here

It is only two blocks tall okay okay I’ll go see when I can yep yep totally gonna do that yep oh hi Christopher little guy’s already exploring down here look at him go whoop hang on I gotta fix this this looks terrible I gotta fix this Oh yay antonym for’s back who do

Do do do do That how does a blocky Pony how goes a blocky Pony versus a blocky world I’d say it’s going pretty well Nicholas messy inventory moment oh yes It’s 4 27 in the afternoon 20 missed texts from you I’m sorry we grew up all night getting friendly with each other I miss you it’s magic staring at the mirror gonna Smile Smile don’t be late we got plans time to start a [ __ ] riot Riot I’m so tired of keeping myself

In a box and I just really don’t care put your Hooves in there tonight I wanna fall in love with Everypony we’re gonna set the street to light and I’m tired of being scared so let’s get out and [ __ ] up Equestria [ __ ] the maintain a monarchy I will now go fast Step off oh you’re gonna get cut we ain’t got time for your bigoted right this is your new warning shot and no you’re not hot this was the consequence of the hatred you but there’s some laughter the world is on fire and we’re at the center of it all

We’ll make it out till the sun sets and would you climb till we get dead and I just really don’t care put your Hooves In the Air Tonight I want to fall in love with Everypony we’re gonna set the streets to light everything’s so [ __ ] in I’m tired of

Being scared so let’s get out and [ __ ] up hello Chris we’re not quite done building here so you be careful buddy okay mwah I don’t know what the future holds we’ll figure it all out in time oh I gotta get rid of some of this Stone And I just really don’t care about your hub’s in there tonight never fall in love with every pony we’re gonna set the street to light everything’s so [ __ ] in I’m tired of being scared so let’s get out and [ __ ] up Equestria [ __ ] the mandator monarchy I will now

Uh well now yes you do earn bits from mining that is going to change soon though because right now you’ll you have like so many different professions you can be part of you can tell I messed up there when I like when I made the floor above but

They’re going to change how you make money soon they’re going to remove professions and then you’ll just sell stuff to service stores directly but that change isn’t happening quite yet so for now yes you do make money mining stone English plus you equals Mexican talk English you’re talking

Pretty good English far as I can tell to me you seem to be talking some pretty good English what was I doing digging that’s what I was doing Christopher is just running around the new basement he’s a curious fella curious little guy face surprise says basically the current economy is extremely overpowered and

Needs Nerfs ah let me the top person currently only has 4 million I mean 4 million is a lot but it’s not like they have it in the tens of millions or anything I mean 4 million means you can basically buy anything ever so maybe there’s op I’m not good at figuring out

What exactly is absurd amounts of money in this economy 4 million [ __ ] more than you’ll ever need okay I’ll take your word for it Okay so that’s the edge of that I think yeah that’s the edge of that so then we start digging in this direction yes then we start digging in this direction foreign and it’s all this gravel in the way I do not like all this gravel in the way

Look I don’t think that block needed to be broken foreign to the growing mess hello solar Moon clipses hello hello nice to see you in chat she can’t sleep we just play more Super Mario Galaxy 2 that is a classic since you can’t sleep though hope you can get some rest soon

I’ve just embraced the chess monster it’s just it’s just there okay it’s like fluff is fluff’s gonna fix it fluff’s gonna be a miracle worker and fix it why are my eyebrows so high up hey solar come on you never ask a lady why her eyebrows are so high up

Like how dare you like seriously you should know by now you never ask a lady why her eyebrows are so high up so uncoot of you have you ever played Genji impact I have not I have never played against chip impact before ah I forgive you solar I forgive you you are forgiven

You’ll Play if you remember what you put your Wii Remote uh oh you can’t sleep can’t find your Wii Remote what a terrible night this is shaping up to be for you utterly tragic found it yay look immediately I have inventory space you probably use some of the stuff I have on me

Out Flora just created your story sorting all the plants in storage thank you fluff honestly get yourself a Fluff fluffs are so good at what they do whoops you still have a CRT TV man that thing must be old amazing it still works when we finally got rid of our CRT TV

It’s because it literally started smoking that’s when we finally upgraded to an HD to like a wide screen we had we still had a square TV I mean this was a great many years ago but that’s why we finally switched over 2017 was six years ago hey don’t say

That that sentence causes psychic damage don’t say that like that sentence is a Cognito hazard oh you got a CRT TV recently it’s gone you’ll find it eventually okay okay 20 second damage so I’m assuming you bought it used are they are they really still making CRTs there’s no way though

That feel when 2011 was 48 years ago okay that’s not quite how it works the genius I don’t think that’s quite how it works whoop and back to local chat I dug a hole in the ground where I didn’t want to very embarrassing causing more problems with my quality Cobble

Uh let’s fill in some of this use up this birch wood let’s actually fill this in foreign There we go that’s looking good You have an original okay Emil says you have an original NES you guys see our T just for that squid says it’s a company in China that still makes crit is completely funny by the smash Malik Community really what kind of room am I making oh I am making a second storage basement

These don’t require them category yet we sorted an over wood floor you’ve got it fluff makes sense I’m just making a second basement because I need more storage space I have a hoarding problem there’s only a hoarding problem if you can’t keep it organized and fluff is sword in the organization problem

From here on out I will once the organization is done I swear I will actually put things where they go everything will have a place and everything will be okay it’s not a problem if there’s if you have a solution ready to go hey let’s get all this dark oak wood on

The ground I’m gonna make a third baseman of storage maybe we’ll see if it’s needed we’ll see what happens we will see maybe I’ll need it I’ll make more as it as I run out of space I’ll make more I’ll just make more basements as I run out of space

Oh I think I put down the wrong word there no long spot I’ll make another basement floor if it turns out I need it getting to light this up after because right now we definitely could have some mobs spawning in here all right let’s get all this stripped whoops very satisfying noises

Like what a nice crunchy noise that is like I’m telling you like that this is some ASMR [ __ ] right here like I have to like hang on let me pause the music listen to this like you can’t tell me that’s not some ASMR [ __ ] like let’s just Savor this for a minute

Like let’s say we’re in this for a minute like you can’t tell me that’s not some good stuff best sound effect in the game let me tell you okay music back good night David have a good sleep since you have a European CRT TV it’s capped at 50 hertz huh

I must have does that happen I don’t think that would have any effects on gameplay or anything yeah cause European CRTs do run at like a different rate or whatever I think I saw that in a Tom Scott video foreign I’ll put lanterns down here in a second we’ll get to it we’ll get to putting some lanterns down here it’ll happen eventually we’ll get to the lanterns eventually you think walking on Amethyst sounds a bit better that’s a good point the amethyst sound is nice too it really depends on your preferences When you’re done you dig with a tunnel we have Amethyst in gems thank you fluffy Foreign [Applause] don’t mind me it’s it’s like nine o’clock at night I am out of inventory space time to give you more problems to deal with oh not that I’m keeping that foreign how has my day been it’s been pretty cool it’s been good had my first singing lesson today

It just I was nervous because I didn’t know what to expect but like it was pretty simple I didn’t have anything to worry about other than that I stayed home had a pretty normal day I adjusted the colors of my alerts now instead of being my my

Uh my skin color and like my outline color the now my skin color and my hair color which I think stands out a bit better and hello highways Happy Valentine’s Day to you too you know us ponies we call it Hearts and Hooves Day a little bit of culture for you

If you didn’t already know that where is the edge of the room it can’t be far I’m gonna drink a little more water I haven’t taken a gulp in a while I’m a bit thirsty hold on let me chug for a second foreign there we go hydration I have accidentally created a penis

Don’t you hate it when you when you’re mining things out and you ignore the gravel and you accidentally create a penis it happens to the best of us oh there’s the edge of the rum I already killed it don’t worry about it I already destroyed the penis

I already destroyed it don’t worry about it you have your your eyes don’t have to see it it is gone I have removed it from existence go translate Pig with disease in Latin I’ve decided to not do that because I don’t know what that’s gonna be accidental penis creation is a real

Problem in today’s climate I know right it happens far too often these days unintentional [ __ ] appearances man you just can’t escape him these days what is our world coming to oh full inventory translated not safe for work result yeah I figured I figured when you’re on the internet for long

Enough you start detecting these things foreign yeah I figured it was something not safe for work I I think I’m good I think I can live without knowing what the translation is I think I can live without knowing what the translation is the Wii remote you still love that the

Wii remote has a speaker on it oh yeah I forgot about that the Wii was very well designed honestly like no wonder it sold so well absolutely iconic whoops gonna make some more real quick let’s see if 20 does it 20 does do it okay let’s fill in the

Last of the dark oak and then we’re gonna grab some lanterns for the top to like light the place up so we don’t need those twitches and a we’re good also going to want to grab a door like a we’re going to want to find a what’s it called

An oak door if you can’t find one we can make one some lanterns in an oak door okay basement is finished a handful of lanterns and an oak door we gotta have some around there somewhere right foreign turns in an oak door lanterns or an oak door

Oh there’s a spruce door I don’t need a spruce door though I mean I have Oakwood I could just make a door let me eat some potatoes real quick foreign just gotta find some lanterns I know I gotta have lanterns around here somewhere no way I don’t have lanterns around here

Somewhere there’s some might need a couple more oh if yay thank you thank you let’s see if that’s when the one I need how many do I need one two three four five six seven eight nine I think I need two more I’m sure I can find them

Fine I I’m gonna see if I can find any upstairs foreign I don’t know what you mean by that death inhaler I’m not quite sure what you mean by that sentence and I’m at this point I’m not sure I want to know what that sentence means gonna have some round here

Somewhere we’ve gotta have it somewhere more I’ve got to be here somewhere hold on oh there we go that’s a crap ton of lanterns we’re good to go old one done in Mario Galaxy 2 man you’re fast you’re faster meal good job double tassing with the stream and such okay one here

Oh not there let’s put one here one here one there uh actually that should go there actually and then no I like it there I think there is better I changed my mind I’m allowed to change my mind okay it’s my ding dang house

There we go I can get rid of all these floor torches foreign on this I feel like the door should open the other way hold on there we go put in a couple chests does this look like a proper closet let me check okay the light level is fine

I don’t know if I like that hang on Yeah I like that a little better yeah I like this better okay okay now we’re going to find a whole bunch of chests hey look at Christopher checking out the new um look at Christopher running around hang on and look I’m gonna make sure I unlock these

Let’s go around find all the chests and bells I can that I’ve left lying around there’s a couple barrels chests or barrels that’s what I’m looking for just some loose chests or loose barrels I can always make more but it’d be nice to like just find some just lying about Oh you’re holding some thank you oh and you have I just want to feel the downstairs Let me see if there’s any upstairs and let me put these back these are meant to be here I’ll have you now actually let’s only have one any more than one just looks unnatural there we go unlock chest foreign good to see you barrels and chests barrels and chests

We’re keeping an eye on for a bit oh there’s a couple barrels and chests if you listen to No stallion Skies the music is relaxing at times I’ll keep that in mind I’ll take that recommendation under advisement there’s oh there’s that’s a crap ton of chest it’s okay man Skye

Oh no me no man’s Sky the game yeah the server does that automatically the server does that it turns man into stallion for you know the role play and all that we’re all horses here hey except for you you’re clearly a human which is fine humans are accepted I’m not speciesist

No common man’s Sky no mayor Sky it would be no man’s sky in the pony worlds a half human you’re a cat girl ah I see I see all right let’s start placing these couple barrels and then the chests two two Barrel on the end here

Look at this on your head I can see cat ears oh let me take a look oh yeah I do see you have like a little kitty cat ears look you can barely see them do you have a tail I don’t see a tail you must be hiding it

Kind of tucked into your waistband or something all right let’s put this here tail is hidden I see I see foreign There we go and a couple here and to here your Pony sauna is a bat Pony meal cool if you Join This Server you could be a bat Pony there’s a bat Pony species you eat a lot of fruit if you’re a bat Pony let me give up let me make some Bales

Real quick I just need to find some I just gotta find some what’s that what am I call it they’re half slabs I just need to find some wood half slabs of any type should I have some oh there we go found some just need to make a couple bales easy

Let’s make four to start with is to have a few more ah I feel like this impedes travel honestly so let’s do it the way I had it yeah that looks good and one here and one here and one here okay honestly why don’t I just straight up put a barrel here

Just a little cheeky Barrel in the corner why not we gotta make sure we unlock everything so that these can be used unlock slash unlock but it’s gonna go in a big circle oh we still haven’t done the chest in the center although I’m realizing going to unlock oh all the downstairs chests

Wasn’t trying to hit the Oklahoma silly game and unlock you join if your monitor wasn’t broken uh-huh well I hope you’re able to join us someday it’s a very fun server Do do Okay one last thing we gotta get the chest in the center of the room so what does it look like upstairs okay there is two blocks of space two blocks of space one two so two two two two two two hey this looks just like upstairs okay let’s unlock

Fluffy make sure to slash unlock everything or else I can’t get to any of my stuff definitely a whole bunch of chests that are still locked upstairs foreign you got it Okay so I fully built the basement is there anything that I can run around to help you look for like can I is there anything like I can even check the upstairs chest is there anything that I can run around and look for so you can sort

Like give me an object or five to run around and like find for you no thank you death and nailer let me help just no need but I I don’t have anything else to do Oh this ended up looking different than upstairs look at that yeah I think this is definitely a better use for this space which I thought of that you still miss the Wii Shop Channel rest in peace rest in peace everything should be unlocked here and ready for storage ma’am woman

Yeah let me yank all my coal out of these furnaces I wonder if I have Netherwood anywhere totally not car oh so these are Hearts cookies totally not cardboard cookies basement cookies super exclusive cookies 100 totally organic cookies and don’t tell Twilight about these cookies lovely well I’ll shove it into a chest and there’s someone out in fluff can sort it later

Probably end up in a special chest of named items or something Twilight has a sweet tooth maybe maybe on This Server you actually still have Super Mario 64 on Wii Virtual Console oh cool speaking of virtual consoles did you know that of all things a Smurf Wii game

Gave the people who worked on Dolphin the most trouble because of all things the Smurf movie Wii game was actually specifically designed so that it could not be played on the Dolphin Emulator like they specifically designed it so it could so that it would detect when it

Was being run on the emulator and just not run who you I uh uh put it away okay good it worked all right are you sure I can’t I’m running out of things to do on stream I use it’s funny sure that game was trash anyway oh they managed to like break the

Whatever in the end they managed to figure it out they managed to get past the um the anti-emulator coding but it’s just so weird that they specifically designed it to not work with that emulator Um trolls weapons are armor got it tools weapons or armor I’m on it I’m on it I’m on it I’m on a tools weapons armor tools weapons armor okay tools weapons armor tools not that that’s a banner Um a lot of things to do beat the weather honestly I found that when you can fly beating the weather is actually pretty inconsequential I’m not picking him up hold on okay going back for more I found that beating the weather is pretty easy when you can fly Hello little Pip I wondered if you were gonna get on you’ve been looking forward to see it to her hanging out in Minecraft like all week and hello hybrid if you have a few emulators installed on your Wii thanks to Homebrew oh cool I’ve never really tried to get into that

Stuff so good for you okay tool maybe we started getting tools weapons armor tools weapons armor tools weapons armor tools weapons and armor tools weapons armor ah It’s a spy glass a tool all right foreign tools weapons and armor no you can do Homebrew on a week it’s unstopping you from doing home boo on a Wii Boy when my chest is gone it’s fine glass is a tool okay spy glass is a tool spy glass is a tool

Um it’s okay hello Chris look at him staring out the window cute little fella oh it’s too late for you to get on Minecraft that stinks maybe next time tools weapons and armor I feel like I’m not paying attention to what’s actually in the chest tools weapons armor I don’t see anything

In here oh flintston steals whoa antonym here we go foreign My candy bracelets now I’m headed to class I’m still 20 so get your head out your ass I’m the antonym of the internet still cleaning up the viruses that you had left I think I’m falling in love again don’t stop don’t stop until you hear the on the antonym of the internet been

Fighting on you grants over if my love is valid [ __ ] the cynicism let the colors fly don’t care you think it’s cringe because it’s not your life do you like waffles I said hell yeah been watching equals three until two am I ain’t got no iPhone I got a DS with a

Keychain of Pinky her cupcakes are the best I’ve been failing my classes cause I don’t give a damn they say the world is my oyster but the free Market’s a scam everything’s been changing since last generation was born and they will try to take in changes it to Edge swords

So then music after the silent background what you guys couldn’t see the previous song let me turn the music back up then Seven percent I’m the antonym of the internet I’m still cleaning up the viruses that you had left I think I’m falling in love again turn it down to six percent Maybe on the internet of the internet I’ve been fighting our new Grands over if my love is valid [ __ ] the cynicism let the

Colors fly I don’t care you think it’s cringe because it’s not you’re alive antonym for peers so it probably was too quiet before it’s just it’s just so annoying like some songs are too loud some songs are too quiet Let me do four percent I feel like four percent is a good middle ground your friends and hobbies let your heart speak when your Drifter says some [ __ ] just block that internet free a week still cleaning up their viruses they you had left I think I’m falling in love again

Don’t stop don’t stop until you my caps locks on again on you grounds over if my love is valid color slide I don’t care you think it’s cringe because it’s not you’re alive foreign foreign Golden apples in these chests I’m gonna go looking for golden apples foreign oh there’s a couple chests I need those oh a head’s chest my head’s Barrel oh I can help sort that I saw some heads earlier grab a couple heads out of here I can help sort that okay

Heads for the head chest are these heads I can sell I can look for heads Heads is something I can look for foreign Oh there’s one I don’t know that’s something else that’s a unique item s so head all there we go you can go upstairs heading out to bed thank you for the stream for playing if we need to meet you each other today oh thanks for staying for so long Ace have

A great night have a great sleep let’s do slash unlock there we go punch and let’s check the rest of these for stuffs for other tools or heads or apples or boats there’s an apple tools heads apples boats whatever foreign all right I was gonna make more boats

Wasn’t I that’s something I can do tools heads apples boats that’s a special item so I won’t take that scream at me in the chat if I miss if I miss something because I didn’t pay attention because I’m very good at not paying attention you could say I’m a

Champion of not paying attention let me look for some glass bottles too because I do want to refill the potion stands I kind of Left Behind actually I was going to make a new potion stand at some point wasn’t there like a blaze rod around here somewhere

I think I saw a blaze rod at some point there we go and I think I need some cobblestone it’s Cobblestone downstairs should look for empty bottles though I can’t get too sidetracked empty there’s another Empty Bottle to Furby running up and down and up and down these stairs today Those are some heads that’s I’m gonna count that as a head as well foreign I’m just going in circles aren’t I Dude potatoes General food hey casinality thanks for following you are five My Little Pony OC sent me on the way too many Pokemon once I bet that I already are now I do know you said that a while ago and then I got distracted before I could actually answer it

I only have the one My Little Pony OC I keep her I keep it very simple I’m looking for anymore my brain has entirely stopped cease to function my brain is entirely ceased to function oh look a golden apple foreign I want to take the Halloween cupcakes I think those are probably special items I want to hang on to foreign actually these feel special these will go with some special stuff in a special stuffed chest I did want to make some more boats I should make those boats I wanted to make

When I wanted to make the boats I also need some cobbley Stone where can I find some cobbly Stone I know I can find some cobbly Stone dances I’ve put a whole bunch in the chest foreign ceased to function I can no longer pay attention to anything

There we go new brewing stand to replace I could have sworn I was missing a brewing stand at some point where did this brewing stand come from did I make one and forget about it whatever I guess I have an extra brewing stand now yeah Furniture that’ll go in there okay

But the Brewing scene in the furniture chest that makes sense uh armor stand probably will also go on the furniture chest oh I can find furniture I can do that that’s a thing I can do I can look for furniture your sleep schedule is completely destroyed again

This special stuff chest is very special they only have an Ender Chest yes it is quite full of stuff I need less stuff in my smell my chests uh these teas can go in the heads uh area these can go with the other heads

What was I what did I come up here to look for I don’t know what was it oh Furniture that’s what I came up here to look for my head just to stop function entirely oh this is where all the leather was I was looking for that earlier looking for the earlier in the Stream and it was right there Couch’s Furniture definitely crafting

Tables man I have so many crafting tables I just keep making new crafting tables when I forget where my old one is or just don’t bring it with me on something furniture it is getting pretty close to my bedtime I’ll get off when I want to get off my

Parents aren’t home at all this week I get to stay up as late as I want then again I probably do want to get up for to be able to stream tomorrow so it might not be the worst idea to get off kind of soonish oh no wouldn’t be the worst idea ever

I’ll think about it Oh there’s some glass bottles happened Chinese food trying to fake it but you’re so Griffin just won’t help come alone in a feather-bound hill I beside myself I’m a victim of protagonist syndrome syndrome protagonist syndrome I just won’t help falling alone in a feather-bound hill I’ll beside myself I’m a victim of

Protagonist syndrome Uh what was it looking for right I want to find some wood I want to make boats I need to make boats so I gotta figure out where I put there’s wood there we go let’s make some boats real quick hey I know right I could stay up until

11. oh even 11 30. one two three oh one two three lean sixty four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen oh okay this chest isn’t labeled which means I can dump [ __ ] into it which is awesome okay I need to fill four bottles foreign Furniture as well as his fairness What was it gonna do okay wait I was gonna put these some uh in the nether the boats go and then the boats go in the nether can you tell I’m like losing I’m slowly losing it can you tell my brain is beginning to see functioning because of how late it is this

Okay that’s better welcome back blue welcome back my brain is slowly seizing the function oh a boat someone someone rolled the boat all the way out do I need help we’re currently organizing my stuff blue we actually finished the uh we actually finished the Whatchamacallit the highway we actually finished the entire Highway

Like lights and all I decided not to do emergency exits because I timed how long it takes to get from one side to the other and at Max speeds you can actually get there in one minute laughs I think I just need some sleep a little

Bit of sleep is that a Titan wall well it’s not meant to keep out Titan solar Moon Clips but it is just that big here let me give a flyer man so you can get the idea of the size of the place since it seems like you’ve never seen it before

Tell you like that we built this well over a year ago and it took just so long like this took a stream after stream after stream to get all the wood for it and together so much wood and then we had to build the dang thing like this took four freaking ever

You have Micah from PS4 so you don’t know if you’ll be able to join um the server is compatible with bedlock the most recent version of bedlock so you might be able to join but I don’t know how that works here we go full view of the pony burger at night

Isn’t she beautiful let me land on my roof so you can get a good view dropped a few frames there Let me let’s get let’s get a nice cinematic View what’s the difference between Java and Bedrock they’re just different versions of the game Java is PC only Bedrock does have PC versions but it’s also what is used everywhere else the games also play a little bit differently

Look you can’t tell me that this isn’t like oh I’m just so proud of what we’ve made here can I see Blue’s house from here I can I can see Blue’s house from here a little bit laggy I wonder if someone has a whole bunch of item frames or something

It’s only really laggy when I like fly that’s going to be Brewing okay I can’t shove random things in there anymore ah this isn’t labeled I can show random things in here Bedrock got that pointing bugs that is your house yeah this is a remix of This Day Aria foreign

This chest is brewing stuff okay put that in there oh I saw some gas tears over here I can put in I can put the oh and hang on that’s a potato chest so I can take these baked potatoes and put them in the potato chest I’m helping

Dude oh I know that’s that’s not I I fell for that once already Beyond Is that harder to see I can stack that with my stuff upstairs I think I have harder to see up here yeah I can stack that with these foreign I can’t wait till we get the new bookcases I can I can probably put these books into new bookcases actually I can I can

Exchange this for one of the brand new bookcases in the new version in 1.20 when it comes out and when the survey gets updated Potatoes be careful with Sasha and I can like I can like I can like put all of these treaty books and stuff like into here or I can have like or I can like I have even more bookshelves down here I can I can put things

So I can just pull the books out whenever I want oh that’s a seed chest and I can bring down a whole bunch of seeds from upstairs I have so many seeds upstairs let’s find all the seeds hi Christopher are you just standing on that bill now I just

Need Nautilus shells well what I have to find a place I’d want to put one of those underwater breeding thing in my bailey Bobs we’re gonna come up here for seeds my brain is melting as we speak my brain is just completely just slowly melting as we speak

I should be getting ready for bed but I’m not I’m being a very dumb horse right now by not getting ready for bed Um why did I not find those string earlier when did I get those I would have used those for wool I swear I searched this whole place oh here we go whole bunch of seeds oh I might actually have room for all this boom I’ma throw some seeds at you okay I’m

Gonna throw some seeds at you whoa what the hell what what just happened I just got kicked off the server I just got freaking kicked I just got heated from the server Body and Soul Like I just got eated from the server Body and Soul fine I guess I’ll put the seeds directly in the seed chest if I have to and that fits almost perfectly still have a few left though I wonder if everybody got yeaded because a lot of people are gone

12-hour stream POG ever thought of being an Alicorn and I’m there you are oh join and left something weird is going on with this server oh fluff what’s wrong is he giving you an error message and I both seem to have been the server crash I don’t know hmm well I was

And she can’t wait what error message are you getting trouble rejoining one no what of course someone had to join the server right as well as I’m asking for help for No One’s Gonna See my dang messages I missed a whole bunch of chat messages as

Well that’s how out of it I am why is there a zombie mode everywhere you go even on top of the wall you could hear them unclear as day um there was probably an actual zombie outside of the wall as for in here you’re just seeing Christopher running around

The new book shows you can put for actual books on at cedious wait well I can’t then stream now oh well well oh well I guess we’re going to be here forever oh well how you doing Raiders what were you playing you have a pet zombie excuse you

Christopher’s not a pet Christopher is my son way to go there he is Christopher is my son thank you very much Christopher is my son he’s got his own bedroom he’s not a pet good night Hikari you got banned what the hell I know you weren’t trying to be mean I’m

Being silly hello British trialing hello jellyless what were you guys streaming and while I was foreign no I’ll fix it fluff I’ll fix it contact admins oh geez all right I’m going to dive into the ponytails Discord did you defeat Polly yet that’ll be in a couple streams solar that’ll be a couple

Streams solar oh dear okay time to put out some fires ah all right hang on okay gotta hop into the ponytails Discord hey fluff what was your full username actually I can just look it up and chat hang on ah where is it uh urgent support I guess oh

Did you were you able to join fluff what happened what do you mean what the [ __ ] yeah the server says you you connected multiple times what are you seeing on your end fluff does it actually say you’re banned like what specific message are you getting you only attempted to rejoin once that’s

So weird well when you try to join what specific message are you getting how’s my night going it’s going okay but fluff was helping me sort my chest and seems to have been banned or something we’re trying to sort it out things are a bit wacko right now

Like I would like I am very a sleepy horse trying to sort out some whack on this that’s how it’s going like here one put a put a screenshot in the Discord maybe if you can Do do do do do do do Foreign Fluff I can’t believe I got fluffed banned by throwing them some seeds these seeds are dangerous seeds are dangerous man never touch seeds Christopher they’re dangerous not sure why it’s still awake it’s almost 4 a.m go to bed like I should be going to bed and I’m not but it’s not

Like it’s 4 a.m here fluff are you still here like can you I need to know if it’s you okay hello fluff sounds like a seedy situation I know right no it’s fine it’s fine but that wasn’t a bad joke that was pretty good actually foreign More or less as long as you’re not making dirty jokes or about or directed towards me like I’d say General dirty jokes are allowed just don’t direct them at me giving them your seed that that’s I I’d say that that’s all right I just don’t want dirty jokes directed at me or

About me necessarily but General jokes like that I think are okay well well that’s on the border because I don’t know what fluff is okay with that because it would be about giving fluff if it doesn’t involve another real person I’d say like like if it doesn’t involve another real person

Said screenshot okay let me see what you got fluff uh try me starting your client fluff I think you need you’re supposed to join you need to be part of the server I think I guess it’s just being weird fluff try restarting your Minecraft client entirely to the best of my knowledge solar

Um you’d have to be part of the Minecraft server you’d have to connect your account for it to work properly I’m only 90 sure about that though So it’s hello Christian Colvin hello hello just restart your Minecraft client fluff and see if that fixes it Whoa what I swear I saw another person first did you guys see that like I swim I saw another player for half a second I like did you did you guys see that my day has been okay Ashley did nobody see what looked like another player up here

In front of me for a second did nobody else see that oh that was fluff coming and joining and leaving I was just literally standing on the spot where they were so it looked like it was okay freaked myself out for nothing my basement or maybe my basement is haunted who knows

Yeah my basement is haunted by the ghost of fluff maybe it was Herobrine yeah now you have a completely different error uh send a screenshot fluff okay another wall it’s it’s the waterfall.yml thing again Legend says fluff still bombs the basement to this day hang on

Let me ask for help in the Discord sent in Discord I see it hang on let me ask Discord hey something weird Is going on with my friend fluff French fluff hang on uh what’s the username again fluffy Neko girl99 is Neko girl 99. typing [ __ ] in the Discord fluffy backspace that so it’s all one word they were helping me sort my chests so I threw them several of seeds fluffs ghost twin

So I threw them civil stacks of seeds and suddenly we were both kicked from the server I got a Siege but was able to rejoin hello fidget we’re having technical difficulties fluff can’t get on the server I’m sending a complaint in the Discord you would error message but was

Able to rejoin the server fluff however comma such a cute voice is even cuter when you’re riding really Weird I don’t know what thank you for telling me solar I’ll fix it don’t worry I’ll give you the wall manually don’t worry I’ll give you the loan manually there we go fixed it you should be all set to go solar it’s not Minecraft shooting without technical difficulties okay back to complaining on

The ponytail sir has been unable to join first it acts she was banned then it gave her and error message then a second error message Man she still can’t join I know she’s ironing tried to restart her client this all just happened any idea what’s going on okay upload a file upload this one first and this one I hopefully someone will be able to help us out there we go

Okay I sent it to the Discord we’ll see if we’re able to get any help from that Oh okay Rainbow Dash says they know what happens okay that Rainbow Dash is dming me about what’s going on we’ll get this sorted out in a second fluff Okay I got a message fluff was temporary 10 server because connections sir issues not sure why it hit you okay Danny Shepard is also saying something apparently the server also doesn’t like one of the mods you have installed fluff it’s likely the issues come from a mod they have installed

Gonna talk to the server when This Server doesn’t know what the mod wants so fluff I’d say clear out your mods folder entirely Dash is saying clear up or Forge Fords like to do that too Okay fluff I’ll DM you everything I’m being given I’ll damn you all the info I’m being given foreign there you are Okay so here’s one awesome see what time their server be a five minute tampering if they join and leave along quick succession so that’s what the band part is about okay ah sniffing up sniff again save as just create a whole random freaking name That’s all the information I have love says they Well fluff is currently helping me sort my chest tedious and currently several of my chests are locked so Foreign Do do At first you got kicked for first you got kicked for connection issues it seems fluff and then for some reason it was being weird I’d say just try to rejoin a little later okay hang on Shepard has something to say let’s see what they’re saying dude Singing to music cause I don’t want people to get bored of the stream cause I got none to do right now I’m just gonna fly in circles so you guys have something to look at well I hope we get another answer running out of dude Yay cinematic flying because I have no idea what else to do because fluff can’t get on the server oh darn it not that button Tapped Out by mistake what which oh I need the shift button that’s it running out of stuff to do I don’t have anything else to build

I am waiting on a doo doo doo key jingling stream POG what time is it for me right now it’s 10 o’clock P.M I should be getting ready for bed but I don’t want to leave before I get this sorted out for fluff Cinematic flying it is what if you launch Minecraft without your overwolf app maybe see if that works we’re gonna find out do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do flying around while we wait Cinema flying with shaders hope this is enjoyable

Look at all the shiny things key jingling stream Yeah so Shepherd says a purely vanilla client should work fine the pony big is so nice it is it is when I go AFK is the designated via time Psy yay EST buddies let’s go over here fluff um the so David Shepherd says of completely vanilla Cline should work so

Worst comes to worse try just reinstalling vanilla Minecraft like just just reinstall it on like a brand new or like if you’re playing 1.13.2 do a fresh installation somewhere for like doing you know for like 1.12 and not 1.12 1.13 4.3 if you’re running through 0.3 try doing an installation

For point two and see if that lets you join that way you know it’s a clean vanilla install you found a parasite what is what does parasite mean does that mean you figured out what’s wrong or does there a tick on your body I’m very concerned you just found a tick

On your body yay key jingling exactly blue yes just just watch the pretty stuff oh I’m gonna fall a virus was hiding in your Minecraft folder oh [ __ ] that that might be the problem how did it even get there holy cow yeah eat that thing fast hopefully you

Can rejoin now jeez hopefully that was the problem look at all the pretty shaders you initiated a total scan WOW well let’s see if we can get back into the server watch the pretty pony flying around look we’re going under Lantern pass am I going to turn around and go under

Lantern pass again isn’t it beautiful everything is fine now we’re gonna go around lilacs’s Alicorns whoops got caught in the Vines for a second I’m gonna go between under the legs this is actually kind of fun go around the crane buzz in the tower I gotta say all the stream and lingo

Like POG and let’s go oh oh sorry sorry thank you serious thank you let’s go let’s go this is so poggers the colors are so poggers and [ __ ] you can only say pogger so many times you know let’s go buzz Emerald’s house and the windmill the process wiped your configs oh yes

Yeah let’s [ __ ] good totally not stalling this is so cool and dramatic whoop hang on so can you get on or not you have yet to find the limit of how many times progress can be said well you clearly say it so many times when people

Get start getting tired of it being said he was so sure I was gonna die right there nah I don’t even worry about it boy what are these doing here why are they be random torches here we maybe do not have random torches here it ruins the aesthetic there’s no mob spawning here

Foreign let’s go for a fly along the river this is actually pretty cool I’m not a half bad cinematic camera worker what’s a server IP again oh gee I wonder what the server IP could possibly be it’s not as if it’s both on the screen and in the description there is no

Possible way for you for anybody to know what the IP is there is no possible way for any Pony to know what the server IP is what a tragedy oh no absolutely crazy but like what’s the point of literally having this like if if even fluff can’t

See it what’s the point like I get it if like there you are like I have the IP on my screen do I have to label it as the IP hold on If this doesn’t fix like this I’m doing the best I can here people hopefully they’ll get people to stop asking you can end up you should add a button to your stream deck that makes a huge Arrow appear pointing to it but like I get if like random new people to the Stream

Maybe a Divine boom like I created if like random like people who just aren’t very observant but even you fluff even you a two fluff okay hang on let me re-adjust this so it looks so it doesn’t conflict with that perfect that’ll do like if that doesn’t work I don’t know

What the [ __ ] I’m supposed to do like genuinely if I I don’t know what else I could possibly do although the big red arrow might be a good idea big red arrow button might be something to look into you gotta Point squid glad to see you’re back squid I mean now glad

To see your back fluff glad we figured that out I really should get to um I might not be able to stream maybe I still could I’m trying to if I get up at six a.m I can still stream tomorrow the flying cinematically is actually kind of fun this is a little bit

Addicting and I’m gonna try to hit the button in third person mode hang on I did it okay do it again I gotta hit the button in third person mode nope long button okay there nope that’s that’s still the wrong button okay I did it I did it okay

I’m doing everything in third personal because I’m a badass okay where is there a torch chest I don’t know I’m just gonna shove stuff in here okay well you do that I’m gonna take these these golden apples do I have any other golden apples Minecraft hard we gotta do everything in

Third person okay hang on okay I got it gotta get the other button we’re gonna put these apples in in the in my thing in the thingy down below I don’t nope wrong button wait wait I almost got it this is just links I go to to entertain

My stream when I have nothing going on now I almost had it got it so we’re gonna go put these golden apples in the um because we have a chest at the the golden apple chest is slightly empty okay [ __ ] it no not that button

There we go now I can freaking see again we’re gonna go deep underground for those of you who haven’t seen this before this goes all the way down to bedrock this is our emergency bunker we’re gonna take a minute that’s all the way down at the new bedrock

A cat is stuck on Fluffy’s leg oh I’m at the bottom okay Cato wants tuna this is the bunker for anyone who has oop I got a minimize Discord this is a book or for anyone who hasn’t what a great Entertainer I am I know I know I’m just literally the best

Ah where if I need to get more golden carrots hopefully I have a whole bunch of gold lying around to fill that because somebody borrowed some of the carrots these Chester unlocks people are allowed to take from them but I do have to refill them now

Okay I need a stack and a little bit of golden apples I need two stacks of golden carrots I need a whole bunch of pumpkin pies I eat a [ __ ] ton of cooked rabbit but like that’s just normal foreign Up than going down because I can fly up but I can’t fly down for some reason but hey we have somewhere to go over there if we ever get bombed by a nuke foreign guys I’m I’m literally my brain feels like it’s melting out of my ears I cannot focus properly anymore

So I feel like since we’ve got I got fluffed back on this server I’m gonna have to call it here because my my brain is just stopped functioning entirely my I I cannot focus I’m gonna have to call it here and I’m just gonna collapse on my microphone at this rate I’m just

Gonna start babbling nonsense Sleepytime horse gave cattle some tuna yay yeah I’m I’m I don’t know if I’ll be able to stream tomorrow or not I’ll do my best but it depends if I’m able to set up for tomorrow’s stream tonight or tomorrow morning I’ll do my best though

But yeah I gotta get ready to go bye guys say bye good people on the server better yeah I’m like this close to like crossing my eyes and just collapsing I gotta get out of here geez 16 people online on the server no one says good night oh there we go

All right let’s get out of here we had one person say good night nope there we go all right yeah I I need I am brain is not working Brain is not working but um bye everybody whenever the next dream is it’ll definitely be a Starbound stream so so please join me whenever you can next bye everybody bye

This video, titled ‘Bronytales Minecraft Server: My Little Pony Modded Minecraft #57 [Full Stream]’, was uploaded by PassionateAboutPonies on 2023-02-15 05:01:52. It has garnered 195 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 04:54:07 or 17647 seconds.

Today I’ll be putting finishing touches on the Nether Highway, such as flags and emergency exits. ============================== Server: bronytales.com

Resource Pack: https://love-tolerance.com/ Shader: https://www.bslshaders.com/

Mods: Mine Little Pony: https://minelittlepony-mod.com/ Presence Footsteps: https://github.com/Sollace/Presence-Footsteps/releases HDSkins: https://github.com/MineLittlePony/HDSkins/releases Lamb Dynamic Lights: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lambdynamiclights Lithium: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lithium Sodium: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sodium Phosphor: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/phosphor Mod Menu: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/modmenu Better Dropped Items: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-dropped-items Illuminations: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/illuminations Iris Shaders: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/irisshaders Mambience: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mambience Logical Zoom: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/logical-zoom Lazy DFU: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lazydfu Xaeros Minimap (Fair Play Edition): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/xaeros-minimap-fair-play-edition No Chat Reports: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/no-chat-reports Technopig: https://www.9minecraft.net/technopig-mod/ Drip Sounds: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/dripsounds-fabric Charmonium: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/charmonium Visuality: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/visuality Cave Dust: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cave-dust Make Bubbles Pop: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/make-bubbles-pop Smooth Swapping: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/smooth-swapping Better End Sky: https://modrinth.com/mod/better-end-sky 3D Skin Layers: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/skin-layers-3d Axolotl Bucket Fix: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/axolotl-bucket-fix Beehive Tooltips: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/beehivetooltips Better Biome Blend: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-biome-blend Chat Up: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/chat-up Farsight: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/farsight-fabric Tool Stats: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tool-stats Better Sodium Video Settings Button: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/better-sodium-video-settings-button

Streaming Music Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhE9Y0g_Mp_xXqpiCxN9Z4fzH9DCfJ3Bp ============================== Bronytales Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhE9Y0g_Mp_yTLKz-_k4cEs7nr9fbUC_s ============================== Join my Discord server to talk about the streams, or just to meet like-minded people: https://discord.gg/FEzBunDdzS

Follow my Twitter too if you want: https://twitter.com/PegasisWhovian

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

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  • Unbossable Mob in Minecraft!

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  • Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Madness: Animation Extravaganza!

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  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

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  • Minecraft’s Wacky Industrial Zone

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  • “Piggy Pag’s Ultimate Minecraft Magic Wand 🐷✨” #minecraft #shorts #gaming

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  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

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  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

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  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

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  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

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    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

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  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

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  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

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  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

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  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

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  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

    Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 2 🔥FACTORY BUILD START IN SMP | 🔥GG SMP |🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | !insta @tanuj_gg’, was uploaded by GALAXY GAMING on 2024-02-26 20:04:28. It has garnered 62 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:59 or 14879 seconds. ============================================================================= ⚜ If All of Enjoying the Stream? Make sure You Like & Share the Video and Do not forget to Subscribe the Channel ⚜ ============================================================================= Top Donation ❤ 🔰Info Gamer Shiv: 💲166.51, 🔰Anuj Roy: $87.83, 🔰REB SANJU: $81.37, 🔰Dibya Dash: $65.29, 🔰Ustaad JoKeR GaMinG: $64.41, 🔰Manjot Singh 99.9%: $47.49, 🔰Ajay sbj: $46.89, 🔰Kulnoor… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! https://www.patreon.com/Thunder103093 My… Read More

  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

    🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘How to become poor on this Minecraft Smp’, was uploaded by Bartol on 2024-07-21 07:10:46. It has garnered 2255 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space (@eiaz.yt on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

    10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi's Minecraft Adventure! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】anyone got any red flags | #Fantasia_SEA’, was uploaded by Mofutari Megumi Ch. もふ多里 恵美 on 2024-09-07 15:12:18. It has garnered 82 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:55 or 8695 seconds. -: ❁ :- 『NEW COVER RELEASE』 – ≪ Giga – Ch4nge ⨠ https://youtu.be/hvUaGxMCD1w -: ❁ :- 『Memberships』 Join memberships to get access to emotes, badges, and exclusive members-only content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_DgDtYIP4mBTZxCSnDeFg/join -: ❁ :- 『Support Me』 https://streamelements.com/mofutarimegumi-8249/tip https://ko-fi.com/mofutarimegumi ※ Tips are voluntary and nonrefundable ! Please make sure you’re prioritizing yourself first and foremost! ※ Majority of the funds will… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

    EPIC SHIZO REALMS - Thagnogs vs ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms With Viewers Episode 5’, was uploaded by THAGNOGS on 2024-05-04 19:28:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Bedrock Realm that anyone can join! The code / link to the realm is in the description below. Read rules before joining … Read More

  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/RPM Watch: http://ncs.lnk.to/RPMAT/youtube Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/094 Watch: http://ncs.lnk.to/094AT/youtube Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Cereb… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: https://discord.gg/9vNqQk5Xzx Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Haters Gonna Criticize

    Minecraft Memes - Haters Gonna CriticizeWow, that meme must be criti-seeming pretty good with a score of 105! Read More

  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

    Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1 In Minecraft, I craft my D&D world with glee, Nature is Dicey, a place for you and me. Building block by block, a tale to unfold, Adventure awaits, in stories untold. With Tabletop Audio as my soundtrack, I dive into creativity, never looking back. Join me on this journey, as we create and explore, In this Homebrew world, where magic galore. Stick around for the ride, it’s bound to be grand, As we shape this world, with a steady hand. ANemeanLioness, the name I go by, Creating wonders in Minecraft, reaching for the sky. Read More