🦘 LIVING with GANGAROOS in Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft 🦘

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I want to know all the things you believe your highs and lows and every everything in between when you P me goes that’s where I want to be right here you with me tell me what want to something baby don’t leave me hanging giving you all my

Loveing but how am I supposed to know if you feel the same way or if you want me to St baby just give me something how am I supposed to know How am I supposed to know how am I supposed to Know it’s not too late to tell me how you feel we’ve got all day so show me What um I don’t know what kind of music this is we can turn this off we can turn this off it’s EDM it’s EDM it’s EDM I just want to start this stream off with with something I found sounds like the music they play when you walking into to church did it

Really hold on let me See what the EDM Playlist y listen how am I supposed to Know She like a knockoff Ariana Grande she’s like she’s legit like a knockoff Ariana Grande The Way She hit that note she like let me fix my light I only got one light I forgot to charge my other light there we go how we feeling how we feeling today

How we feeling today yeah I want to start this stream up I want to start the stream up with something I thought was absolutely hilarious if um if y’all didn’t have nothing better to do I just uh oh my gosh I want y’all to see something that I was

Watching not too long ago right before I started started this I I want y’all to I want y’all to see something I found absolutely hilarious okay it’s how am I supposed to know but you looked it up that’s going to be the first copyright strike we get uh of this game this uh

This live I want y’all to see like I want y’all to watch this with me cuz I think this is absolutely hilarious these okay wait wait wait wait wait wait I wasn’t ready this is I wasn’t ready I wasn’t ready this is probably these animals kicks are incredibly powerful generating a force

Of more than 220 Look right in the tummy right in his tummy yo kangaroos are hold on look he fa hold on hold on hold On yeah he he’s like hold on he said hold on he said hold on boy so blame Equinox for the copyright yeah yeah we just yeah we just blame Equinox we’ll blame Equinox bro kangar oh kangaroos are hilarious bro the funniest hold on let me see I got to see this the fight

Between the kangaroo and the boxer was an intense one the kangaroo used powerful legs to deliver powerful kicks and punches to the Box the boxer tried to use its Superior reach and strength to land of it own but the kangaroo was to Quicken the kangaroo catch up its Relentless

Attack eventually boxer was unable to keep up with the kangaroo’s Speed and Agility easy bro Kang landed a powerful punch knocked the boxer out and the Kang look at his head look at that look at his head why his head look like the look at the look at the ref look at the

[Laughter] ref look at the ref gangar Roos yo yo yo yo yo yo y hop in Jump hop in Garo all right all right let’s get back to business let’s get back to business actually actually I kind of messed up on the title I messed up on the Title oh wait I don’t know why this did I don’t know if y’all seen this this live stream it kept saying I was um ah I didn’t mean to do that it’s apparently I scheduled a live stream and I don’t know why uh I don’t know why this like that

Delete I never schedule I never schedule a live stream I probably got hacked till I would get folded by that kangaroo what you be saying what you be saying uh danger you better you better something before you get fold F what you be saying folded like a omelet you better split

Like a I forgot I forgot how it go I forgot how it go I forgot how it go why can’t I okay I gotta fix this I gotta fix this uh all right so look check it out we gonna be playing we gonna be playing you know what I’m saying tonight we

Gonna be playing fortnite Roblox we gonna be playing we gonna be playing we gonna be playing what else we gonna be playing Minecraft we F to be playing everything tonight gang garoo we going to be playing everything garoo y’all like that y better scramble you better what is it you better scramble

You better scramble like an egg before you get folded like an omelette Minecraft Etc oh wait let me put that at the let me put this in the back end put this in the back end we live garoo fortnite Roblox Minecraft Etc yeah all right you see this how be

Knowing if y’ if y’all like the video you see how it say two likes right here it say two likes right here y’all y’all see that I be I be it shows me right here it shows me when y’all leave it shows me everything it shows me how long

Y’all stay stay in chat I see everything all right I see everything this how I make mods I make the mods over here I can like watch this danger is no longer a mod no I’m playing I’m playing danger I’m playing danger I’m playing all you can you can stay in M

For now you can stay in M for now you can stay in M for now JK JK JK JK JK element op JK element op P better scramble like a egg before you get folded like a omelette all right all right all right we playing first what we playing

First oh y’all know what I was supposed to set up the oh I supposed to set up this mod I forgot to set up this mod we’ll do it tomorrow we’ll do it tomorrow we’ll do it tomorrow we’ll do it tomorrow maybe unless Mimi hop in

Chat and help me out cuz I really don’t know what to do uh what was I G to do show y’all my library look we going to go through my library and we G to see uh See if we want to play any suggestions we going go

A a to a to a to A to Z take M away why would I why would I do that Mimi why would I do that all right all right all right all right all right so as you can see we got quite a collection of games so I don’t discriminate against

Games we got quite a collection escape from school what is this I did I did add quite a few games to to to to the to the playlist I never finished this game hide and seek I think that was a boo boo game we downloaded juice Galaxy this look pretty

Cool what you mean I don’t need you Mimi oh Mimi did you see that game I sent to the game suggestions the only up the only uh what’s it called it was only uh damn what’s it called only up with friends I should play what I should play what crack house

Rowers who the hell who the hell is that world boss yeah I downloaded I downloaded quite a few games quite a few games mostly free games because you know we balling on the budget in case y’all didn’t know in case y’all didn’t know check me out in case y didn’t know

There’s a donation Link in the description I’m just putting that out there just putting that out there I feel like I feel like I’m not looking at 62 games wait did I not play Garden of bamb band five I did didn’t I there’s no way I played four then went

To five no because it started right after am I no cuz V just a v is five IV is four or V is five so yeah you try to play wait try to play what try to play what try to play what which one which one I hope you not talk about dead

Signal I hope that’s not the game you talking about because it ain’t okay H low key I highkey want to play among us but that’s just me that’s just me man let me go ahead and warm up man you said there is no five there is no five wait what are you

Talking about that’s not a game I’m confu oh there isn’t a five of guard of B are you serious because I’m genuinely confused right now there really isn’t what wait what wait there isn’t a five coming soon how did how did six come out before five strange activities

All right uh now seven that’s already on my wish list guarding the b b seven because I do want to see how it continues I’m sorry I’m hooked now okay sorry I’m hooked now can’t help it left for dead to is only 99 cent guys what’s that made

Quit I don’t know y’all I be on here I’mma tell y’all how I pick games to play y’all I go here I go to new releases and then I try to find what’s free I try to find no I try to play games that’s like

New so you know I can be first on the Block and we can play only up but not tonight oh that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool yeah I was just I was just joking I suck at that game isard go ahead get it going ultimate Gizzy has turned All right all right all right eliminate enemies with SMGs easy I got Crown I do have a crown on me all right all right all right let’s get it busting let’s get it bus uh wait do I not have a team do I have a

Team how do I see if I have a team y’all uh you said did the Dono go through no way you donated bro no way you donated bro stop it cuz I’ll cry I’ll cry on stream wait oh I went to squads and I put no field who do I think I

Am I’m about to die y’all oh Lord I’m going to get cooked like a potato I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared y’all I’m scared I’m playing I’m playing I’m playing squads by myself solo squads where did they go I’m de they chasing me woo woo hey you’re B Easy Squad Squad easy Squad white Squad white Squad white easy easy dubs easy dubs easy dubs got a suppressor on it I’ll take it I take it wait this one what is that nethan all right all all right all right all right y’all see me though y’all see me though whoa

Whoa where’s this damn I don’t I don’t know if the the Dono went through bro I’m might have to check I’m might have to make sure I turn on a uh a sound for that I thought I did but I guess not not wait whoa oh I’m a bot I forgot you

Can’t cancel the I’m a bot I am a literal bot nugget bro I’m the Omega Bot Man and there people on me you’re weird you’re weird sit down sit down sit down sit down I see you I see you sit down sit down please sit down who’s

Next Who’s Next who’s next yeah you can join me brother I’m scared sit down that’s three who’s next thank you hey my boy where you going my boy appreciate that my boy where yall Fourth Man at uh wait I can’t get up ah you coming for your man you’re not coming for your

Man oh I’m dead I’m about to go out in the saddest way woo you’re weird you’re weird I would like for you to sit down I would like for you to sit down oh not another team I can’t do this please please please you said it did go through hold on bro

I’m going to make sure it pop up on the screen I’m going to make sure it pop up on the screen bro I got to I got to figure out how to make the sound work but if you donated bro I believe you I appreciate it man anything is is I’ll

Take it I really appreciate it man it’s it’s it’s hard keeping up with all these games to entertain you you guys with I know I seen somebody uh coming over here towards me guys I need to get me a sniper that is the only way I’ll feel safe

They don’t want no smoke with the ultimate Gizzy y’all see me ultimate Gizzy man I am the one and only Gizzy I’m the Gizzy nater I’m the Gizzy Ru he ran up on me he he he he left he was too scared of the Gizzy all right let’s let’s start moving

Around let’s start moving around man wait is that Snipes Snipes I see Snipes give me the D give me the dam where you give me a what the all I wanted to do was pick up the sniper and keep it going fortnite set me

Up hold on let me see let me see let me see let me see I forgot how to do it I forgot I forgot how to set it up Mimi I don’t know why it don’t like why it doesn’t pop up I hate that man bro sturdy what’s going on sturdy what’s

Going on sturdy how do I make it I want it to pop up and I want it to make noise when it does I’m so mad danger you’re a w man’s danger donated $3 y’all we he get W danger in the chat he donated three I’m I’m trying to Danger

I’m trying to figure out how to make it so that it pops up but I don’t know how to do it yes you need help yes I don’t know how to make it pop up share your screen up stop clicking it help you telling you I’m not a friend I don’t know what

It is let me see go to was it scene layout scene seeing what layout oh the scene layout that thing there and then you put the uh let’s see if you got it what wait wait wait hold on and then you put um this this the scene selector no no

You definitely put mini feed mini feed then you put that right y’all uhuh do you save it then you save it and then there it is and now I can replay it there you go money for fun thank you so much Mimi w w w thank you so much you so much

Later all right just in case y’all missed it uh just in case y’all missed it one more time one more time sh yeah hey chill out with the nail why you wait why you do the nails bro why you why you do the nails bro why

You all right so I set it up I set up up so now now any donation it it will be heard it will be seen and we probably going to get a copyright on it man but it’s all right uh uh yo uh me IDK bro are you still in

Chat cuz you can you can you can add me you can add me ah it’s a bot it’s a bot it’s funny I hear Equinox in the background but uh I don’t see him in chat um uh yeah it’s because he’s playing VR he’s so cool he’s so cool sturdy I

Already got two mods I don’t uh as of right now I do not need any more mods in the chat but I will keep it in mind that you would like to be a mod I need my other light to charge cuz I don’t want to turn my ring light up too

Bright we doing squads no feel cool [ __ ] wait wait wait me me I don’t know me IDK say he want to play yeah that’s true let me see let me add him let me add him I don’t even know where to go okay right here let me message him come join money for

Fun MIM money for fun thank you Mimi uh Mimi can you tell sturdy I said hello I don’t know what when did this start I don’t I don’t know why it started but it it has started yeah I want some more skins I’m not going to cap I want all the Dragon

Ball Z characters it’s like the only anime I know a lot about yeah they don’t come back a lot either I thought about getting Goku black but I don’t know I’ll get them all I’ll get them all monkey then the then the shron the shimron uh you dig you

Dig wait what is this this is a glider wait can I Glide down in this like the space pod like you wouldn’t see me you would just see oh no I think you’re I think you’re like are on top of it you hold it oh you on a that’s trash never

Mind never mind either you stand on it or you hold it from the bottom I don’t know which one is it would it would have been dope or maybe you do right that I don’t know it doesn’t show how the glider Works speaking of stone I wonder how is

No I don’t want go black you black is L he was kind of op for real but he he got destroyed in the end cuz Vegeta hurt his feelings I haven’t watched any Dragon Ball oh I I need to watch some no it’s it’s it’s it’s cool it’s whatever

No h been on one piece finish one piece First still good 600 episodes of that to finish I like this one D all the they they got my boy my boy back in the shop wait I don’t got the chili cheese dog why don’t I got the chili cheese dog wait do I have the chili cheese dog

Backpack oh yeah you do I got multiple glizzies I can put on my bike mustard mustard and ketchup mustard pickles relish onions tomatoes yo this is the Omega Gizzy no way I didn’t even know that I thought I was the Omega Gizzy but not really I don’t even know my true power

I’ve only been fighting in half power I gotta it’s time for me to show the world my ultimate form now oh my God the chili cheese dog all right he Tak it too long let’s ready up all right come on man chili cheese dogs are delicious I’ll go to Sonic

Right now and get me a chili cheese dog oh yes I get the the one footer and see how far I can get it down my they’re pretty good uh um yeah so like I was like I was saying guys uh no I’m I’ll invite him back I’ll invite him [Laughter]

Back bro bro is a bot you’re a bot bro um disclaimer that was for uh joke purposes I don’t actually do that what buzzies yeah yeah I don’t deep throwes what [ __ ] [ __ ] where you need help brother yeah how do I get more stars stars leveling up level up how do I yeah

Uh winning games really and Quest I think quest G you XP too open play Lego fortnite yeah available in Lego fortnite they do got some challenges in Lego fortnite I think Lego Lego fortnite gives you level ups I don’t even think you have to get XP for

Lego fortnite I think it just levels you up instantly it says visit all name locations I don’t know what that means uh name locations hold on where’s that Quest at wait deal damage to opponents while on a train 500 that’s it travel distance while on train yo these are easy

How am I supposed to get XP by playing Roblox uh you going to ready up my boy uh it says checking for updates bro you’re what so come on game please don’t worry take your time it’s not like we live or anything no I’m kidding I’m kidding you can just buy stars with

V-bucks oh yeah that too you can also do that but that’s kind of a scam so I don’t do that oh my God they got the main you can’t see in the item shop 13,000 how much is they want me to pay 90 bucks for the entire the entire uh thing you said

Do reactions what you want me to react to what you want me to react to who is this who is this is this one of your friends yeah I think so yeah it is okay what you want me to react to stur don’t why is it not letting me ready up holy

Bro I’m still not ready up I think I have to leave and join back all right hello welcome back there it goes now it works yeah and yo I really I really stream like every day for real is that crazy yeah I need to Max wi bro come on bro

Don’t do it bro I need to Max this is my ultra ego I need to Max wi bro all right all right all right hold on I have to do something real quick all right we good let’s get it you said bird newest murder mystery 2

Video you said I got a copyright for playing Drake how you know how you know how you know I got a Copyright money for fun oh I don’t know probably I’m sure I got a copyright I need more bullets I need more bullets but it’s like but it’s like you know what I’m saying I be wantan to play music and stuff it’s just a little snippet it’s just a little

Snippet if they want to give me a copyright for that little snippet then it is what it is there ain’t nothing I can do about that I didn’t ping right there really did I going I don’t know I do not remember pinging there how much yall want to bet we get a

Dub with me no bro you can play bills bro if you’re good at bills then no bills should be like literally a cakewalk wow should say knock when he plays builds he is SW sweaty bro I’ve seen you guys you can hear his like you can hear his like Keys

Clacking in the background from like how hard he’s playing the game oh my God I thought that just killed someone with a victory crown that fast that’s absolutely insane oh there’s another guy I’ve got no gun where where at over here I’m going get him the team with me then

I’m going to kill him sorry I killed him already did you pray today did you pray a oh that Skin’s kind of rare I didn’t’t seen that skin in a minute dang all up on my loot bruh huh what what me I would never oh do you need minis I have a mini

I’ll take it oh I just watched him get B bro oh I think prepare to me the the what the glitzer let’s coold that’s what I like to see all right all right there’s that teammate all we need to Res him yeah scopes on this all right three times

Nice oh there’s two people spectating me you nervous no I’m emoting on them why are there so many people with Victory crowns lot of people catching doves around here dog every person we’ve killed so far this game has had Victory crowns this where all the victors

Landed bro what are you doing over here man my bad my finger slipped it’s kind of crazy this music Playing you can buy big pots from this vending machine right here I usually do that actually I have no shotgun ammo come on please have shotgun ammo why I think the train’s coming our way I need that I need that train I don’t think going to get to it

In time I think it’s going to pass before we even get there hey yo I was about to cry why do I keep canceling I keep canceling my big pots bro I keep forgetting you can’t cancel it yeah it’s kind of annoying how they added that it’s it’s really the train’s

Coming I’m going to get on it wait where are you how’d you even get over there I have a Mobility what the hell is that supposed to me I’m on it uh I have the little grapple thing there’s a bounty uh where where did that Bounty come from

Man nothing better than I already have all right I guess I’m going to take a stop at Peter Griffins and I’ll be coming back your guys’ way I want to catch this bounty how do I know where the Bounty at I think it shows like a yellow circle

On the map or something I don’t know that might be uh medallions though he just ran him over oh my gosh why am I going to the storm no turn around turn around all right all right all right this works all right I’m coming back that way oh all the loot oh

How many big pots is there oh there’s like four big pots here take the minis bro what you got going on over there no my loots there you go again no don’t fall off the train don’t fall off the train oh my God random all right the train’s coming back your

Way there nowhere near me what are you talking about dude be there in a second you should just wait at the railway how do I get to the railway the blue marker it’s going to be over there in a minute oh no the door with The Medallion is coming my

Way please no I don’t want to die you said the what with The Medallion the team with The Medallion yeah that’s what I like to see that’s not what I like to see cuz that means I’m going to die no no no away no why is the train slowing why is the train

Slowing no keep going this guy’s right here keep going there’s guys bro what are you what do you have going on bro oh my God there’s like four guys here oh they noticed me they noticed me where are you I’m heading to the the railway now I made it past him I’ll be

Fine I need to ride that train bro it’s how dangerous funny bro it’s always like he’s always has something going on no matter what game it is he’s always going through it oh I can hack the the chest again stand in front of the train and it’ll

Just like push you up on top of it I don’t believe that you just you don’t believe that or do I don’t well it does no cuz why you chuckle bro I’ll do it myself to show You see okay okay okay what’s this thing I don’t like every time this is the chest you hack it and then you stay up here for a while and it gives you loot why can’t we dve a train oh my gosh oh there’s a loot oh my

Gosh oh nice very nice loot I think I hear people I think this is uh when we die is the train going to stop here uh I think it just slows down here oh let me get down going die there goes all the loot right off the side

Oh we can hack the chest again no way where’s our teammate H uh they’re at the water oh we probably need to get off we’re about to leave the Zone but but my challenge we’re going to go into the storm ah whatever maybe if we time it if we just follow

This we can time it to where to where we get more loot from the hack chest yeah maybe dear fortnite please give us actual stamina thank you know if you guys in uh I don’t know if you guys in chat noticed but uh I haven’t like actually Vaped in like two

Weeks now W that’s a w right there all like at all that is a w thanks man I couldn’t have done it without you guys yeah always calling me a l man well that was mainly Equinox not me oh people in front of us people in front

Of us oh we got guys at least four of them I can see Vegeta with his big head hit him one 10 oh knock one oh my aim is horrible today what I need to reload I need to reload I’m reloading right now hit him 110 nice

Nice pushing up push pushing up pushing up I miss flanking flanking we have teammate here guys over by the mountain can’t hit my shots at all nice me neither literally non-existent I might as well just stop shooting I got purple Snipes now so I’m happy oh they’re against a bot that’s

What they’ve been doing over here oh my gosh where’s the real guy I don’t know I just sniped like a trillion people oh they all dead I thought there was more people it did Mimi it did it actually did like it was tough oh I’m getting shot at what are you

Doing wait where are you right here right here over there knock nice it did help cuz like at first it was just like I don’t think I was I don’t think I wanted to really Vape I just wanted like nicotine oh there person what you doing here over here too

What are you doing here weirdo all you have was fruits and vegetables so yeah once I got over like the the nicotine I was like yo this is actually like nothing I’m scared what are these noises oh I swear I saw another guy oh maybe that’s the guy I killed when he was

Running out this way did that guy no yeah that guy died instantly how many bodies you got uh two yeah you shouldn’t have set that all out I’m not going to lie to you you should have set that all out sorry I’m sorry yeah next time just

Keep it to yourself bro let me don’t believe me stream oh we got a rift right here I didn’t even notice that people people people oh guys is that the Monopoly man why where’s my help thank you there you’re Weird I se you practicing earlier bro bro bro he just ran me over bro what a weird man stop it bro stop it stop it yeah you deserve to be dead what oh two HP running people over is is czy 2p I’m on 2 Hp I’m hiding in the trees

I think it’s people by me come on I’m still in a little range maybe I’ll get some heals from this crap If I Stay Alive I got to get my aim right now if I get shot once by someone with a sniper I’m dead scrub scrub is wait who’s just said

That did I just hear who I think I did h i My hey your windows tab bro play the game who just came up please tell me that was you he said play the game uh what huh no Lee just hopped in uh the Discord okay what is this flowerry Riz what oh Fizz oh yeah you you pop it like a

Champagne actually let me hold that you know we popping champag like we wear the championship F more more more uh oh we got to go oh it makes you bouncy too man it’s so strange dang he’s already all the way over there I should probably I should

Probably put both my headsets on so I can actually hear stuff oh I got a pretty decent load out mod stuff a that good but I feel pretty pretty pretty uh pretty uh solid I’m sliding all over this damn snowman you want to get

In yeah oh uh you might not want to uh don’t don’t get in here don’t worry about it okay pych you should never wait is there people with medallions near us yeah all around us actually we’re in a really bad position let’s go let’s go let’s go man

Get us out of here everybody got The High Ground on us all right all right oh oh oh oh oh oh on top of the [Laughter] mountain so uh I think everybody left has medallions besides us that’s all right that’s what I like to see we just in a really bad

Spot everybody else has high ground yeah I could get high ground well they have to come here though that’s the thing oh that’s true that is true very True right here time to Bush Camp no way you build different oh they didn’t stay still long enough it’s really hard it’s really hard to measure the drop from when they’re above you like I haven’t I haven’t figured that out yet yeah me neither it’s going to take a while to get used

To is that still in zone there’s no way it is I mean I’m just chilling on a port body look at where your friend is why you bro oops I broke the bush you’re a random you are literally a random that’s actually Karma I tried to

Break your Porta party and broke my bll Bush oh they’re they’re not in ring they’re not in ring they got to come down but they’re going to come down on your friend oh he’s fine he dies he dies doesn’t matter look at this look at

This oh my God they have a whole team on him he’s got a whole team on him what this drop is crazy he got sniped he got sniped he’s he’s horos scoping brother they’ll never hit me oh this down drop is insane it’s absolutely horrible oh wait which way I didn’t even

See the shine I didn’t even see the glare oh well Storm’s going to push down anyway we got to go they shot my rock see problem is this position they’re going to come right down on me how did you get over there yo you’re not going to pause that

Pause you said some snipers don’t glare that’s crazy bro it’s they don’t have a scope on them they don’t glare well if they don’t have the uh oh my God if it if it has three or or ah I can’t even think straight if ah I’m

Going to die I got you brother all right time to take some of this what pause all right all right brother Auto sniper shots bro if only I could hit my shots for once oh my gosh oh my gosh it’s five oh we’re done or at least I’m done

They got high ground on us I’m going up I’m pushing I’m pushing a where there somebody behind snip R from behind I keep trying to kill him bro I’m missing bro pause SL you folded you you should have been killed that man bro bro bro

It’s not my oh the resing the resing the resing this man shot his whole clips of shotgun and bro he wasn’t that’s why I should have kept the pump bro I should have kept the pump they had high ground it’s not fair it’s not fair where’s our

Team oh wait our teammate’s still alive yeah he about ta Le shut up oh my gosh what does he do here L grapple hook I’m going to bribe him I’m going to bribe him I’m bribing I’m bribing why you why are you trolling bro I’m bribing wait it’s four it’s four them oh

The squads never mind I threw bro I threw I’m sorry I threw that you right what uh we didn’t have ground I think that was our issue yeah it it was the bad spot but you know what I’m saying it’s a really bad spot they had

High ground on us all around and they all had medallions e so uh I say they were hacking yo me I don’t know me IDK come join brother hey your friend left us we suck bro we must suck who’s vo text Ex me it’s a good thing he was on the mic

Cuz if he was on the mic he would have started yelling probably would have thrown his controller in his wall that’s what I like that’s the kind of teammate I need oh okay okay okay okay you said what huh you said what Le what happened bro what did you

Say bro yo I seear you digging something can I get a bite bro you you’re weird what I’m weird I just want to bite your food can I get Phantom tax on you he sound he sound like one of them guy can I get a hug where’s my hug at that

Sounded nasty when he said that where my hug at can I get a bite right I bet you danger one of those guys in school that pull out the piece of paper anytime he see somebody with snacks yo that’s crazy that’s crazy I forgot all about that don’t you dare no snacks

Out oh you got some Takis yo cuz I don’t cuz I don’t care about Nathan I don’t care about this paper I’m not taking notes give me some snacks give me some did you guys know oh let me get a PE did you guys know that a pack of kangaroos is called a

Mob oh God damn I’m not surprised Them [ __ ] be on timing bro hey this he’s a higher level than me I want to fight a Kangaroo I don’t absolutely folded that that [ __ ] bro this going to buckle your knees in bro I’mma put that on my bucket list it’s going to be a baby kangaroo though like it’s not going to be a full grown one oh that’s [ __ ] up fa fight

Right you going what the [ __ ] he’s going to be like a teenage kangaroo like not fully grown but not too small not too big baby but you be seeing them videos of like the kangaroos like choking out the dogs and trying to drown them and [ __ ] you said wait what I need more

Bullets I need more bull the kangaroos they be drowning dogs and [ __ ] no way kangaroos do not drown dogs bro bro you think I’m no I’m being so dead ass if you look up kangaroo drowning dog bro I mean it it didn’t actually happened but

It had the dog in a choke hold and a water bro it was trying to push it down dead kangaroo I never go to Australia bro I just I can’t they got the kangaroos they got the big ass spiders all the big bugs nasty snakes snakes uh the weird creatures the weird Creatures what else reptiles they got like every type of reptile oh I did not mean to jump excuse me of course you can talk on the mic why you why you being weird bro no way you got [ __ ] hot dogs hanging from your hot dog that is crazy I’m I’m I’m the

Ultimate Gizzy all right y’all think I be playing yeah talk on the mic I only bully you a little bit what the [ __ ] I’m just kidding he got them tight ass skinny jeans on bro they call me gzz yuck they call you gzz hey uh it’s quite a bit quite a few people

Here yeah just a little bit people landed here yo it’s what’s going on my bush Camp what’s up I need a gun I’m going to pick up all these nades and just launch them at somebody all all right maybe I can do something with this I can make this work

Bro I swear to God I swear bro no way you died these Goku Skins are actually terrible oh my God he’s down already no way you died you just about to carry us bro you said he was about to carry us I’m not feeling carry what a scrub what a

Scrub I feel I feel quite the opposite of Carri why can’t I get up here be back break it down break it down break it down they have no idea what’s coming for them oh they already got the boss all right all right I say ah Goku oh my God oh my God

Uh why do he have a Mystic Mystic shotgun already he killed the boss already you guys are scrubs hey yo that one count uh I’m going to say that was lag that killed us yeah that was weird if you ask me they’re hacking yeah yeah I call

Hacks yeah I can see the aot literally this Goku is walking on anything in this path what you got going on uh Le you doing today uh uh at some point I’mma deing and then I’mma edit up this video that I’m cooking for tomorrow but why

Death uh because I don’t know how to multitask they all have S sweaty skins on oh my God they’re all sag I really wasn’t even going to join why hold on wait I was going to be like [ __ ] it let me let me tune in that guy is level 200

Cuz like bro I’m so bad with multitasking and once I’m off task bro it’s hard for me to Zone back in the squad is sweaty am I the only one that didn’t ready up oh did you go the lobby no oh no because uh voy said he’ll be right

Back oh well I went in the lobby wow uh you see see what happen was what the hell bro stop bro it’s my cat ha chill chill I need to get a cat bro no funny I I want a cat but I want to get a

Cat and a dog at the same time oh so they could grow up and live together just go with the dog happy family yeah just go with the dog yeah people be hating on cats bro cats really lowkey like raw they cool as [ __ ] on me them

[ __ ] is hard like if you if you get you a good cat now now some cats I ain’t gonna lie they just minister to societies like I’m sorry but I’ve never encountered a cat like that if you get one of them like them silver silver or black cats them Jes or

Like green them [ __ ] cool as you right black cats black and gray cats are wow I’m back I was doing something oh where are you now yes I was I was feeding my dogs feeding your dogs number 15 Burg King foot lettuce oh my gosh there’s nothing

Wrong with it what kind of dog you got I got German shepherd and a weenie dog you got German shepherd and a what and a weie dog a weie dog oh weenie dog a German out here get him out of here get him out of here hold on hey if

You want to talk about dogs I got I did not CH what do you want me to do German Sher is crazy you you the feds I’m me the feds you gota be yeah my dog’s better what kind of dog you got I got king corso oh yeah that’s what I want

Yeah can you can I have a k Coro and a cat grow up together though I feel like that’s a bad combination a cat probably get eaten as a snack but SL much better dog or cats I love them both the same but if you have to choose which

One’s better if you have to choose which is better the dogs only bite your hands off while they’re puppies what do you mean choose like life or death like what kind of choice do I have like what are the options uh yeah life or death like

If I had a cat in front of me and a dog in front of me which one would I pick to live yeah I kill them both bro what dog don’t kill them both so you would the cats to be dinner that’s that’s for next time the dog is

Going to help you find more dinner yo well yo I I I like your what’s called what you like my what the the you know the spider game 157 16 say you like the spider game yeah but way the keep on getting bigger I don’t know what it’s

Called huh it was it the what it was it called what’s it called what’s it called what’s it called oh you want to L on the train this guy you just recently uploaded on W yeah yeah you said you said you know why the spider keeps

Getting bigger a wooo yeah why oh you’re asking why does the spider keep getting bigger yeah why do you why do you feel like the spider keeps getting bigger um I don’t know that’s why I’m asking you no I’m just I’m just wondering like what’s your thoughts on

It like why do you feel like the spider is getting bigger he’s getting more and more depressed no I’m I’m I’m talking to somebody on fortnite my boy damn geted maybe ital wait is he talking depression and every time it gets bigger he just trying to trying to deny the fact that

You’re iness I don’t know okay not land TR okay okay okay I’m getting hit by the train there’s people here oh there’s someone okay he’s right here he’s right here beat him beat him beat him SC before you get oh de I can’t do anything yall playing any

Lethal tonight bro do you play anything else go play fortnite bro right now I’m playing uh bers G bers G I know you’re playing Boulders gay bro I know of course slim bro chill I’m right here man you play something other than fortnite random ass games that you buy

So how you going how you going how you going how you going how you going to say do I play something else other than fortnite in random games in random games means that I played multiple games different games that that was kind of a

L statement that was bad now I you can I give you another chance if you want to cook up bro shut the [ __ ] up his re is still on the train yeah he’s a dead man what on the train show right here on the map it shows right

There in the bush wait yeah no bro your card is I’m wait is that no it’s not that would be funny as second the train could carry your reboot card away that’d be fun I mean it was earlier yeah I thought you died on the train bro I seen your car on the

Train just cred your reard just keeps moving why am I not getting any Shield can we talking my good good good that mean get on fortnite it’s not there it’s showing on the map leave rings on your forehead it don’t leave rings on my forehead it’s not a it’s not there no

Was justop I just got three notifications at once Lee what you looking at oh you got Muses be keep looking it’s going to be thereit oh you been hanging around there some there with a medallion tummy bro hey uh people right here dog iito uhit that’s how you speak Spanish you got to

Keep saying a a lot you you see all right let me stop let me stop so you see you got to throw a uh uh your right did you say your your reain is Lally on the train it’s still on the train no way yes it is bro I told you

Danger always has something no it is not coming back wait no bro what is my luck I need to start editing soon damn but I also this Chinese cap I was defin just thinking about a pizza cuz a pizza oh we had some of that for din Papa John’s johg you’re a nasty

Man I don’t know what you mean there’s no way wait your go-to is Domino’s is it you you don’t have you have no room to talk no my go-to isn’t Domino’s what is it my goto well I got a little joint around the corner you know it be the

Little joints in the hood like in a you know what I’m saying you always got the good piece of joints in the hood around the corner but that’s your go that’s my goto if not that I go to Pizza Hut before I go to Papa John’s

What you guys are insane maybe I just had a bad good piz only bad bro stop it bro go get that big box go get the box with the pasta the wings the cheese bread and two pizzas bro stop it that box will do justice what I’m not going

To lie I think I think I had Papa John’s and I think it was better than pizza it was like barbecue chicken wait I’m coming I think I can get your reboot all right you worried about his reboot I’m alive you you alive I’m dead bro I’m literally dead

Bro I swear to God my ping use some of that Faz use some of that uh that that fizzy crap it’ll make you bouncy are you all you oh [ __ ] bro why I swear to God why you need to you need to get out of there

Y there you go wait boy how’d you how’d you get over here so fast oh my gosh um dead teleportation get on my level actually get on my level how’d you get over here um you’re literally like nowhere near me he injected his cheats little [ __ ] hacking yeah man you’re good right you

Surv your fight ice s bro the 1.5 we should try build mode y playing against bots yeah please let play playing against bots I’m not playing build bro y’all can play Bill have fun have fun what do you mean have okay SL not only is he playing against B playing that’s

Crazy what insane in the membrane no my aim is terrible worst that can happen if we play builds I get I get demolished um most of the game is going to be like uh no build until you get to the end the end is when it’s going to be hard no bro

It’s not happen but I can also build so but I cannot I cannot build well it’s easy just press Circle right just press hide behind my builds press Circle right and then you just start placing things it’s easy oh yeah it’s easy it’s easy it’s easy you right yeah you just L

Randomly press press L2 and L1 right right right right right right yeah I’m right I’m not going to lie I’m S as [ __ ] bro damn people pulling up people two Ste I knock one one of them bro I literally jumped over here bro bro running people over is O bro for

Iwear oh Lord bro I I almost died because of my lag why can’t I blow this car up you all right I’m trying to blow him up this is just a hate G I swear like they’re targeting me and me only oh my God no oh I’m getting shot in the butt going

Uh y I’m I’m coming slim I think yeah you’re you’re you’re all right right I don’t know where I’m getting shot from oh shoot oh I can see him swi where you at wow s d how are you okay how are you alive I suggest you not run that shotgun

It’s pretty bad no don’t pump is reload the pump is op bro I bited him but he left it’s not it takes so long to reload you have to hit head shot every time if you want to be good with it he’s going to come back and try to I

Got five kills already slim I got five kills hey you got two pushing up on y right here right here right here right here you op op like this I like what we’re doing here I like what’s going on oh oh come on bro chill bro yeah CH

Watch out chill chill out it’s it’s not that serious good team you got a guy down there guy down there I see him I see him oh there’s two there’s one there there’s one in the building over there and he’s literally so low he’s on life

Support no way I think I take fall damage the building in the middle over there there’s a guy in there bro I have no I have no I have no IDE right here in the middle right here in the middle they must be teammates they must be teammates cuz the other

Dude R there too bro how you there’s another guy over there no sniper right here yo you take that you take that you take that oh snap he had end game loot take that all right go ahead and drop your pump for that purple one right

There go ahead and drop it wait I thought I I did just pick it up didn’t I did you yeah but you have two shotguns in your inventory oh oh oh oh I’m a bot I’m a bot sorry they should like just automatically know I don’t want two shotguns in my

Inventory all right yo this do you take sniper I need I need sniper ammo oh right here sniper ammo yeah you need sniper ammo bad oh with your sniper real quick right there slime all right you got the good sniper you got the good sniper or the

Good scope I mean they’ll still see your glare but it’s the it’s the good scope do you got like some white heels you said do I have white heels a med kit white heels like a med kit I I could I could borrow borrow yeah well not really borrowing it

You’re not getting I feel like it’s not much borrowing going on but that’s just me though storm storm oh we do have to go huh oh Medallion team is to our right yeah try to get this snipe off when they least expect it bro I didn’t beamed every single kid I

Swear yeah I’m I’m I’m playing butt this game I’m not going to cap yeah mean too this like my first battle Battle Royale game on he’s a bot he’s a bot he’s not real yeah this my first game too he’s an AI wait then who’s this over here by me

Where fish jumping out water oh yo this storm quick I’m good dead take those impulses you’re fighting over there yeah I Ked someone just one do you know how to use impulses uh yeah sure if you uh if you turn around them on people people people people people

Wait 121 on yeah nice he’s sniping me he’s sniping me he’s a bot how many is over there three or four he’s a bot 56 hit him 56 he no he he’s a is it not showing the scope on your uh thing for me I think he yeah he’s

Cracked pushing up to you he’s oh my God bro how did he see me Slim he he I got sniped I got sned not my proudest moment what no what that was even a sniper that was an AR what back to damn no ready upo ready

Upan told me to tell you not not even to ask you but to tell you he said when he hops on Discord go ahead and change your your stream to say finals finals that’s what he said yes I got some he said he wanted to play with you and I

Oh yeah when you say this oh he he just said it oh I I uh I was on the phone I muted up so you didn’t hear it all right I’m back um we could have won that builds like I I would have like this Ro bro it’s cold I just found

Out I had a super rare skin the other day what is that R what is that rare skin oh my God I think it’s like purple vort Vortex or something like that dark Vortex it’s an XBox exclusive oh nice SL people are selling them for $1,000 so do you like what your on

Raisin canes do you like it raisin canes I go there occasionally do you think it’s occasionally i’ rather I rather go to uh Zach be nasty that’s AB Z way better than ra zap the only reason I I work there bro Z is [ __ ] disgusting slap though I will

Say that bro of course where’s that place going Zach P I’ve never heard of it Lee of course if you work somewhere like of course you’re going to think the food is nasty yeah works as X food is nasty he doesn’t work as XP he used 400 700 ping hey that’s a w

Job I can’t even lie that was my first job that was back in junior year of high school my first job was Steak and Shake he said a w job he said that’s a w job you said what’s that you don’t know you don’t know what Steak and Shake is yeah

I don’t think we have one of those we have a Bojangles Bojangles hey Bojangles slap Jangles is good and go there get me the where unusual at no where I’m saying like where he stay what like the East the West yeah he on the East was talking about

Bojangles oh wow yeah cuz Florida Florida was the first place I had Bojangles let’s got rich cuz nobody no I just found the day Bojangles originated for North Carolina I didn’t even know that oh yeah no no yeah he in one of the Carolinas the north the north the nor oh

Yeah he he in North Carolina he he almost uh he neighbors with seven damnn you just dock seven that’s crazy Rivals Rivals you said I docked them yeah you do them bro we was talking about it the other day in chat while I was watching we’re doing

The whole uh a whole debate on it yeah we was debating about it remember people remember I said nobody wants to go to South Carolina when the last Carolina’s got trash roads you know when the last time you heard somebody say guys let’s go on vacation in South Carolina let’s

Go that’s [ __ ] up hey we people people I love the 80 I love the 712 P oh yeah 712 ping very exquis would you like extra shedar with that ping did you pray it I think the vault’s down here oh no yuck people coming people coming people coming people coming yeah they’re coming

Right here pause all right he’s dead me I stole your that’s crazy I’m get I 165 someone in the head SC before you get folded like anet where’s he at I sh one person ready my where are my shots going getting carried by what do you mean get

Teabag the SN right here for you PTV by the way yo you just killed banana py I need some ammo bro there a purp he on the roof he’s a bot you’re a literal bot did you play oh my gun to reload that whole time good cuz you about to

Steal my kill like a bot hey peely’s missing why is bro still missing they a found him yet oh oh let me let me hold that sniper who’s shooting at me over there dead yo there yo slim yo there’s a purple sniper oh appreciate it appreciate it appreciate no don’t take

That I already called it bro he’s been trying to give it to me the whole game what are you talking about brother I know I’ve been saying for like the past like three minutes or three hours where’s it at where’s it at where is it

At he took it bro I swear to God did you find it oh yeah bro I said yo Slim do you want the sniper he have like hey danger yeah don’t go down don’t go down why what what I do what did I do I think Slim’s under this villain

Orc oh I found your sniper that’s that’s not a sniper I it was a purple when I trying to give you but no no no I saw it I ped it I pinged it it’s all good you pinged it all how’ you ping it if it wasn’t there funny

Guy funny person funnyy oh I found it it’s l right here yo what the flip oh he just he said what the flip what the flip like like what like a little like a little uhhuh like what GM shake a little GM shake shake what what the

Heck I would but like I can’t hey you ain’t no way of course I’m super sleepy I went to bet like like what 80 mil hour oh one damn damn like a.m. pm. p.m. no PM crazy I had I think it was an energy drink or I took an iron pill but

Something gave me energy and I couldn’t go to sleep you right I should go get an energy drink pull off a 24-hour stream uh I did not say that I got pre-work what if I take like four scoops of it oh God so you can be itching I’m definitely going to be

Itching yeah let’s go let’s go a lavish layer so like yeah how long you think it would take like if I just stop paying my my rent bills and stuff and I just like went full time in YouTube for them to like EV me it takes them a minute like you can’t

Just evict people it takes a minute to evict somebody yeah I would say maybe 30 days not even cuz paperwork it’ll be more like 60 days 30 maybe 60 to 90 days cuz they got to take the paperwork to court they’re gon send know what saying and after send

Notice it get a time and then the sheriff gonna have to come and Stu that’s quite a Lee what are you think never mind sometimes I rather just not ask I would love to have a beautiful schedule with YouTube and have it cool today but it’s not going to be

Congruent if I continue maybe I just quit bro my friends right they’re popping fireworks in the restroom A Miss feeling on the oh my God what kind of what kind of idiotic school do you go to Bro to be honest people do same not attend school I go what’s the plan for

Today record five they take toilet paper rolls record too I need to record this other other they like popping Tech but if my energy don’t pick up go to bed early n g n g well I mean going to bed early let’s define it as for

A I was to stay up that L that was that was yeah that was O I couldn’t go to sleep I was up like I was being productive though but I was up anyone want theic or no respect that yeah I’ll take it I got you yo where’s all my shield all my

Shield gone feel what a funny man what a funny person funny man I think that’s views such a pro prosperous time and then maybe I just won’t go to work at all all I see I see right just waiting for that time bro waiting for

That time where the heck did I put my phone I just want you know to buy a new computer phone I had your stream up on it and I lost my phone so I don’t even know if it’s still playing or not not not much just $6,000 that’s that’s not much don’t

Go in the storm I just need this 6,000 live I might a little late not asking for a lot at all bro don’t go in St slim gaming do not go into the storm yo you see my thumbnail my good I like thil was fire thank you yo so where’s the wait

Are we hitting the Vault oh that’s no way well M did the Garfield for me wait it created the Garfield Dr The Medallion you go the hey no way it again I got to come here and come all the way back I’m I want to die told you we

Trying to go for you know I’ll give The Medallion bright color thumbnails right right here I’m trying I’m trying right here game it’s so hard to find your stuff now The Medallion me oh that’s crazy what are you guys doing and it actually goes with it too like it has like like a

Little Neon blend with it within his eyes and Shadow as well aich FY auto shotgun you know what Auto shotguns are SL that [ __ ] was actually kind of cool do do you like do you like them what your favorite weapon look me this how my

YouTube I like I can’t uh so like if I don’t really be seeing y know why let me get on all right I’m hitting the Vault I’m hitting the Vault what why did you change where it’s at why is says SE on it oh no se I

Don’t I don’t know what the what the hell this is I’m not going to lie that’s just there heels you want YouTube why you look like that that’s why it look like that I don’t have a subscription oh I did this on purpose uh so when I go to

Videos there’s nothing on the side I can’t even see comments stuff it’s because like I been I feel like I’ve been by by watching [ __ ] so like you know I’ve been trying to get back on my [ __ ] so like I don’t have no distractions what’s next recommended I

Can’t even go to my my subscription page to look at [ __ ] so like I’m really just trying to H ining talk about focusing I’ll still bring it back for you I’ll still bring it back for this thing do come clutch though cuz like I do find myself looking

At like I go to the the subscription page and cuz like I know I don’t watch some [ __ ] or like I go to YouTube home to see what they some [ __ ] will pop up like since I just have it cut off it’s kind of help bro Danger’s about to die bro

Danger okay uh well sound is actually it’s like really good my freaking background but I I’m background my title just leave I more Bandages be okay uh seven said Garfield is the most disturbing game of 2024 Slim do you got motion he said do I have motion have motion you got motion like I don’t know I got all with the disturbing secret the last Monday Garfield n teach me teach me how do I get

Motion is that like the word that kids use now y take the one that ising at the top is something that says disturbing like a disturbing secret it says a game with a disturbing secret and then Dash last the last do you know do you know what

Motion I say make a blend like mix in like what you have and disturbing secret easy um Garfield Garfield uh yeah D you’re good wait Equinox like a horror game with a disturbance you could just say like you could be like like Garfield has a disturbing secret or something like just

Something in between the lines just using theing but make it uh as you as you can I’m coming I’m coming you see I I changed the title I changed the title of my video from yesterday so many times work I my clickr rate is still pretty high I

Said 10% uh it’s a little wowow I’m seeing big spiders again to a big spider I need all are you good what the [ __ ] is this uh if the car has black smoke coming out of it does that mean it’s working this is crazy you know what after the video I

Figured out the whole story of that game car took and watching everything all over again I was like oh I got it all right I’ll just leave a park there I what nobody but yeah I didn’t I didn’t finish watching yo Slim I got you a sniper where that but they said that

That that that uh that code I got it’s some secret code that if you do something is supposed to give you like some kind of what danger it’s in my inventory I’m bring I don’t know all right hop in hop in hop in hop in Equinox said he did not like the

Stream that’s kind of crazy this man you got four people watching you but only three likes only three likes wow that mean that mean that mean me I don’t uh IDK didn’t like my stream oh oh hold on that might have been me that might have been what do you mean did you

Like the stream me IDK you said he didn’t why why you so quiet oh now it’s five and five people watching you it equals only only only on only on Thursdays that’s all I have to say you only like my stream on Thursdays what that’s kind of crazy

Brother ask you do reactions forever in a day now I don’t know what he wants me to react to re that sound that sound like a uh copyright you ask me copyright you gota be careful that’s how they deleted my [ __ ] Bro say that’s exactly how you watch somebody else’s video and

They took it off yeah they were sending me videos to react to and and it was yeah bro guys I have 15 minis ask me if you need he actually got copyright strike I have sixes not even seven seconds my [ __ ] I have 15 yeah took the

Whole stream down while he was on so yeah did you know like it tell you your stream ended no I just started seeing Cappy I was seeing his chats he said he said wait what what happened what where did his stream go and I’m still looking over I’m like oh yeah nothing happened

And that [ __ ] just gone it’s not even there fcking the boss Peter Griffin I want to kill Peter all right why okay I think that’s absurd though I’m not going to lie for something that’s less than 7 Seconds they rejected my pill like I’m not wait for me I’m right here let that

Go still bro we getting sniped that we’re getting sniped that a to fight Peter Griffin okay I’m not editing I’m recording there I’m lagging like crazy he r as get as don’t lag don’t lag bro what cuz you did sure just upload so you don’t have to bust out a video just what

What what are you trying to have your upload schedule they’re different they different they’re different when you can when I can cuz I knowing me if I put on a schedule I’m going myself each both each other yo revive me revive me may you need a little stress I got

Okay like last time I was put I was recording video staying up to the next day to edit to get it uploaded every other day you had a bit more of here’s my relax schedule right that not doing reaction 30 because I can get a potential copyright strike like a

Actual strike and it will shut down my stream and everything I’ve done up to this point would have been for nothing I can’t do reaction 30y like Lee I don’t know if you know Lee they stopped his stream they ended his stream because he was doing a reaction that’s crazy up until Tuesday

To upload your next that that’s pretty do do you like this you said do I what do you like to swear like off stream to swear yeah like off stream yeah I cuss a lot bro why is that funny [Laughter] why was that funny bro I thought it was pretty

Funny like got me slapping my knee right there that’s how funny it was did you do you do you swear it was so funny my cheeks were clenched only on Saturdays yeah I’m telling your parents um no all right it’s all right I’m going to report

You to epic games for cussing yeah we can’t we can’t have this kind of kind of activity going on here man who returns to the lobby how dare they no simple go number I may have to be I have to say my video content is for everybody my

Live streams is for people inside other countries bro I’m going just have to uh our live streams oh yeah I heard your videos are for something and your live streams are for people in other countries no yeah watch his videos yeah bro because the people who watch yeah

Exactly the people who join into my live streams they’re always like they’re from like turkey or like they’re from like the Caribbeans or some other place and I never get any any people from like the US it was only like one person I got from the US but uh I think I’m going

Just have to do more timing for people in the other country but then again like I would love to do that again but my schedule cuz I I I I get off in the morning now that [ __ ] sucks bro like I I would I wouldn’t be mad if I if I did

The morning ones but it’s like [ __ ] man like how long are you g to keep that schedule so oh my gosh that’s the thing so as far as priorities me looking at the list of priorities um I haven’t been uh up to date with keeping my family and friends as priority so this

Is me trying to do that me working s days on 7 Days uh off it’s not really for YouTube because I would be way more consistent if I work like three I mean four to 5 days a week and just kept going but with the 7 days off I’m able

To go visit my family so that’s the Dilemma like I’m able to go visit them to go take flights and see them for a little bit but it’s not a good congruent of of Both Worlds at all at all what I might like what I don’t know until until

Like unless I find another job or I’m able to talk to my my manager and I could get like a 4 days 4 days on and 3 days off then I’ll probably take that cuz I really don’t want to I don’t want to go back to doing five days I would

Rather do like a 4 days on four uh 3 days off so I can still go visit my family for at least 3 days and then for uh the four days out of the week I can still be consistent with YouTube and when I don’t visit my family then I have

Three days days off so I can focus on that too so just need to see how I can go about it for real just need to see man you got a lot yeah yeah would you would you would you guys rather work like two 20 hour shifts uh H 20 hour shift that’s

Actually crazy that’s not possible hell no no h it’s very possible I thought about it I said I would rather have a two a two-day work week where you just you just die well I guess you only get four hours in between huh well no and then you really no

Actually like you’re going to have to catch up and sleep like for like one day you’re going to sleep then you got 4 no you’re not you’re not going to sleep okay they don’t have to be let’s say you work Monday then you off then you work Wednesday and then you just off

You w want to work like that no I don’t know I just want I don’t want to work anymore at all I don’t want to work at all right we all know that I just I want to full time not to say I don’t want to work but like [ __ ] I want

To work in this [ __ ] bro I want to get on time and I will wake up happily every day if I could do this every day and just get paid man when when you can when you can not if say if I said if yeah you say

If did he say if you said you said something along the lines of oh you said if you can or something like that but yeah you know we going to get this though bro we we we close enough bro you got to you gota wait till s back in

Chat s editing he ain’t com to H yet n he said he said he about to go he was he was just laying down he said he going to get up shower and then he going to come hop in here and you believed him that’s

Crazy see is it so hard for look and this is why like look why should I not believe him but it’s the fact that he keep doing this [ __ ] over and over it’s like [ __ ] bro if seven gave us a different reason why not would to believe him then we

Wouldn’t have his conversation okay fair enough yeah I need to start yeah fair enough maybe maybe that’s why I’m getting so mad cuz I keep believing this [ __ ] and he just keep holding you just got to believe that so’s goingon to be seven damn that’s a crazy statement

Though that’s a crazy statement it’s true it’s true yeah it is it is damn dang I ain’t gonna lie I just ate some food now I feel like super energized it’s crazy okay you know got to love what the what the food uh does to the mind and body I’m going to cook

Me a steak on some M damn the Chinese place they Clos at 8 oh my gosh hold on donees wait but I I don’t want the last minute food though I can’t trust me they gonna say you got to pick it up bro it’s dead ass right

Across the street for me I just don’t feel like it’s kind of crazy if you don’t call people just let them know be like I am right across the street just make the food I’ll come get it leave it leave it outside on front door you don’t

Think it’s bad to have like the the the closing food come play with me yo come play not Chinese no that’s when you get the ex mm oh you right oh my God love late night food when about to close go ahead and pack that food up for me real quick

I got a I got a spare $20 bill I’ve been saving inside my wallet that I cuz I don’t use my money bro that [ __ ] going straight to this it’s coming in handy oh I just tell my husband I want to go to uh ghetto rice and go get me some food I

Should that’s what we call it cuz like it’s a CH restaurant it’s in the hood and it’s so good and he’s like you know he time like you know my is actually black he said you could tell when chin people are black I was like why would

You tell me that I didn’t even ask that but okay the dude at the restaurant said that that’s crazy I’ve been going there since I was like 16 so y’all got juicy crab out there Mimi yeah we do I don’t like I’ve never been to Juicy crab do

Cap juicy crab and Jacksonville that’s too expensive man that [ __ ] too expensive it is really expensive C it’s not that expensive for crabs even fill me up that well I mean Fair got the boou too about say you’re not just getting crab you get the sausage the

Potatoes the you know the corn the cfish you get all that in a bag and they sauce no they food it’s the sauce is good it’s like juicy crab is good but I want somewhere else that was down here I think like on Wednesdays they have like all you could eat for like

$50 scared of all you can eat wait do they still bring it to you or yeah no they still do like the crowd boil bags and everything but you could just keep oh that’s [ __ ] valid damn yeah I’ll take that any day I’m trying to tell you

Funny bro I can’t I can’t do like buffets no more bro golden car ruining me like I see little [ __ ] [ __ ] cing and [ __ ] over the snacks that [ __ ] had me pissed off where the [ __ ] is your parents at bro where your parents at you for you to be coughing and over the

[ __ ] food my [ __ ] people like to sit there and touch food their hands and stuff and what establishments are y’all going Golden Coral golden I’ve never seen that a Golden Coral and I’ve been there many many times n you attention you paying attention I’m paying attention I’m always I’m always paying attention if

You see bro I’m trying to tell you it be them little kids that you know after like a night out or some like a little event and they their parents they already eating and [ __ ] the kids they go to get some snacks they cing over all

The [ __ ] snacks put in their hands on [ __ ] putting it back like I’m not trying to touch that [ __ ] my little [ __ ] get bro get some manners damn I wasn’t doing that when I was young please do you guys have a western sizzling what’s that what’s a westernland who said that I’ve never

Heard that where that danger oh oh no I’ve never heard of Western in siand a western siing what the [ __ ] wait I thought he was on the East Coast that’s what I said I was like wait a second that doesn’t add up Western sizzling just buff but hear him out it

Better be a good Buffet oh this looks like a yeah this is a white Buffet this is this doesn’t look uh this doesn’t look interracial this doesn’t look inter racial danger I don’t know hey Lee what’s going on with your green screen my boy my green screen what you mean it’s

Hanging out back there that you don’t use chill chill but I haven’t been doing any VR small VR like and then when it’s time for VR I just I unhook it and put it right across but there yeah that’s why I keep it there this man love his robes I’m telling you

That’s his thing I wait for the pink one with the fur oh my gosh that [ __ ] it’s going to be a beautiful time beautiful Time it’s in a world area of town who is Pokemon boss is this you is this you danger he talking about his slaps danger are you but they’re racist aren’t they they’re racist like it’s like a cracker bell isn’t it no way I ain’t gonna lie I love CRA bar I hate

Cracker Barrel and I I one time I went there one time when I was inside Georgia bro all I was the only black it was me and my three Bros bro I was the only ones inside there they they was looking at me crazy I walked the [ __ ] out bro I

Was scared okay okay look right we have to talk real quick come on man while you goo Barrel right the waiters everybody is you know white and in a back straight black people be cooking the food Realo cocko bear is definitely RAC establishment all right cracking oh Western sizzling that’s probably when

It was like sizzling like you know you know how like one of the to trying to tell you bro that [ __ ] crazy cracker barell the reason I hate cracker barell though is cuz my family goes every like every time we went down south to like Memphis Mississippi the

First restaurant we’ll go to as soon as we all get together cracker Bell crack every time cck Bell I’m I’m goddamn tired of cck Bell so good though that’s so good yo yo danger what man out of all the fool places though let’s be oh see that’s crazy danger he

Said yep it’s a racist establishment but um oh God out of all the food places that that’s like for the morning time you know you got like IHOP you got uh Waffle House Denny’s which one y’all think is the top I’ll take Waffle House over over IHOP I

Ain’t going to cap oh my gosh get the [ __ ] out of here I know I love IHOP I ain’t going to lie look what like um house the atmosphere I’m good off of rather go to IHOP no no no Waffle House I only there one time bro that [ __ ] is

Ghetto as [ __ ] I I don’t think I’ve ever eaten at Waffle House I just go get my food or I call it I call it in and then I just go pick it up like the food is good I just I just couldn’t like being in

There that [ __ ] was so bad n cuz like I only had it one time it was when me and this female you know it was one of them them Vibes we went to a hotel and [ __ ] and she was like she like I want some I

Want some Waffle House I’m like bro okay [ __ ] it we went over there bro uh uh uh we we grabbed our our Waffle House I mean yeah we grabbed our Waffle House went back to the hotel we eating and [ __ ] and we did our little thing right I

Started feeling my stomach I’m like yo what the [ __ ] is that why why I feel like somebody grabbing my [ __ ] twisting it and just like yanking my [ __ ] out and I’m look I’m thinking about it I’m like yo the ladies that was in there they sure did look pretty grimy bro they just

Look [ __ ] they just look like they was on some some greasy ghetto [ __ ] and they [ __ ] up my food bro no like when I say like I I genuinely have my [ __ ] [ __ ] up it was bad I’m never having Waffle House again like that was the

First and last time and never again bro it was just so ghetto [ __ ] like people was outside smoking cigarettes and [ __ ] yes that’s how you know you had a good Waffle House if the cook if the cook is not outside smoking a cigarette I am not going in that establishment stop oh my

Gosh what they just said rip your toilet bro the only that’s crazy CRA the only thing I get from WAFF house is that breakfast bowl and it’s so delicious their breakfast I don’t know I don’t really like breakfast so what I don’t do that I hate breakfast I don’t

Know what my life would be without breakfast I skip breakfast every day yeah I skip breakfast but I love it exposive I cook breakfast at night oh you’re one of those you’re those I’m one of those I cook it any time of the day I don’t care I love

Breakfast I do not like breakfast if there isn’t a traditional bar fight at Waffle House it’s not a good Waffle House that’s that’s the truth that’s the truth that’s the truth they not about to start shooting then you ain’t at the right house look I need I need my hold

On let me make sure let make sure stream can see it too oh Lord stream check me out check me out if I pull out to Waffle House right wait I can’t switch my scenes oh dummy yep yep cuz he forgot that he need to take that thing off

Damn look look oh wait uh I gotta put back okay put scenes back on they just said the way you could eat and get entertainment at the same time EXA look to parking lot safely if I pull if I pull out to Waffle House in in the

The the cook not outside like this with a cigarette right but that’s not even enough right I got to pull up and if I don’t see him do one of these and flick it like I want him to flick his cigarette for like half like I don’t want that if he flick his

Cigarette when it’s only half left like if he just sit there shake his head and flick it I know that food is about to slap BR I know it’s about to be so delicious I know it’s about [ __ ] about spitting his [ __ ] [ __ ] no the extra seasoning it now come on he spitting

[ __ ] Bro hell emem who’s a real Slim [ __ ] spitting your fries he’s not gon to spit in it your food said he said with the 80y old smoking smoker we yes yes danger understand listen when I lived in Florida around my apartment I had everything you could ask for that was

24/7 I had a waffle house down the street not too close not too close too close yeah it was a nice little stretch down the street it was a down it was down the street with no street lights but you know go down the street bus a

Right boom Waffle House you got uh 24-hour Mickey D’s look you you go down this way I got uh Water Burger come on bro like I was good them drumk KN that’s how I be that’s how I be I got like what around here we got Taco Bell Burger King

Uh Wendy KFC uh popey um what else got we got about two McDonald’s actually around us um I don’t know you I don’t know if you had Miami Subs I know that’s not everything everybody have one no I see that yeah that’s that’s Miami thing we got PUO I

Got all the food around me I just don’t like going one time we had a homeless dude pull up at the Waffle House one time and and he was ring in a tiny bike and I’m sorry but it was so hilarious a tiny what the [ __ ] bro pull

Up in one of them you know the the kids bikes you the little kids bikes oh my gosh y y with the little bell damn D be honest when you saw what you think about a honey bun bro no this is before honey bun this had to be before the Honey Buns

Ever I don’t get that reference he said yeah no cuz uh D always talking about warming up honey buns and then throwing them at at homeless people what the [ __ ] he he he doesn’t do it but he talks about it he wants to really bad and I can see it

I can see it that’s actually crazy yeah he said NOS before the Honey Bunch why is it a trend can we talk about why that’s a trend what is wrong with this generation hurting people and Mak that train danger could we start this game and and and people can still

Join or no it’s called raise a Peter ra raise a what raise a Peter what Peter Peter Griffin a ped Peter a p all right we gotta play we got [Laughter] play that’s crazy I mean I I wouldn’t raise one personally but I guess you know why are we raising a grown

Man lot question you remember Vanos I remember when Vanos they was making the Pedo Bear uh that was when the Pedo Bear uh thingy first dropped I don’t know if used to watch those bro they used to make a lot of Vanos videos with it I don’t know what you’re talking about bro

There was a you don’t know the Pedo Bear song no no what y don’t know the Pedo Bear song that’s crazy I don’t think I want to know weird sus Grandma let me let me I my YouTube been long how does this sound Ohio now want some Bojangles oh my God I

Used to love Bojangles they got rid of it I I go to Bojangles right now hungry Teletubbies what H damn the Chinese food is right around the corner if I just did you call the order before it closed it’s WS no bro I got 30 minutes still well I got 20

Minutes now if you don’t go call them and oh my God I told y y’all be not bro if you don’t call him and get the food cuz you talking about his food for like a whole week [ __ ] but then I got one more day

Like I could get it tomorrow [ __ ] but I didn’t even cook for tonight wait what you mean wait what you talking about Le huh what was you talking about when you said look at this man practicing Oh I thought you were playing a Rocket Race I’m not going to lie wow I

Seen a car and I’m like I’m like no way this man practicing Rocket Race without us you know game by a pack stabber okay oh this okay so this this is a song I I I I like Li two girls they make me okay okay okay okay okay okay no no cut

Cut it out this is the old YouTube telling me I never heard of this y’all heard of this bro you know I’m going be honest with you if I would have heard that song I would have cut it off instantly no this if you hear the tunes

Of it if you hear the tunes of said leave what yeah yeah as a young and I didn’t even understand what he was saying I just heard this song I’m like oh like this is a this is exactly why parents nowadays have to watch what their kids be

Listening to on YouTube because said nowadays this [ __ ] came out in 2009 this was the old YouTube I can only speak about me as a parent I can’t see by everybody else okay bro why am I lagging all right enough of this game yo I don’t know I told them games

Be like that bro Roblox low key be killing my PC bro I don’t know what it is I’m not gonna play Roblox kills your PC and fortnite takes mine completely out I don’t understand like it’s Roblox slim slim look at look I’m not going to play but look you tell me you

Never seen this beard before especially on video Never are you serious I’ve seen it I’m go ahead and stop watching that’s freaking weird I’ve SE bro oh my gosh yeah you’re trying to Y trying me like I’m on some weird [ __ ] bro it was just it was one of those

Things back in the day bro kind of weird but not being disgusting oh my God I’m gonna do like like two seconds never mind no no no because they gonna hear it I’m good yeah that’s why I just exited then I’ll just go ahead and you know put that down yo

How I turn my Graphics down if you turn it down it’s gonna look like Kaka there’s no way I’m tired of I’m tired of I’m tired of it laging you guys are’t that’s only on certain games it’s not every game you said slap battles that’s a fun Roblox game

Slap battles besides the lyric this yo this [ __ ] actually okay look no I’m sorry bro cuz I I remember listening to this when I was younger bro like this [ __ ] like you got to take out what he’s saying it’s it’s a jam bro I’m not going

To lie this [ __ ] is a Bop but we had to know though like of course I never bro it’s just okay yeah let me I see if I need to update my damn graphics card CA I’m having Photoshop issues now yeah how do I how do I update my

Graphics card can I do that while I’m streaming or no no cuz it’s gonna cut down the whole thing D how you ever updated that that thing is scary your whole screen go black like you don’t broke the screen no I never updated my card see look at the comments I quote

Myself singing this quietly to myself at the grocery store yesterday is this I feel like I belong in jail since I find it so catchy the song you never want to get caught accidentally singing to yourself bro this [ __ ] is I wish this wasn’t such enough of that them comments is weird

Dang he’s still going you don’t even know damn I remember this me back in 2009 it was yeah see this why he still going with the weird comments you never updated your graphics drivers no never not since I bought my PC you def yeah you definitely need to

Update your graphics card when you get a chance how often are you supposed to update it well mine whenever there’s an update for Windows usually mine is uh my graphics card got to be updated but I don’t know what’s going on with it now like I just updated it recently

Yeah it says up to date I don’t know what’s going on with mine uncult cause now freaking Photoshop is not working destruction um Quality maybe that’s why it’s doing that because I remember putting on per oh I did put my computer on performance that makes sense

Why don’t it tell me though it didn’t tell me like I never got a notification that my graphics card needed to be updated what you got n video or you got um Nidia you said I don’t know me where you be pronouncing words be killing me man okay let me tell y’all

Once again disclaimer I know icla I’m going to say it how I want to say it and if it’s wrong I’m sorry for you and that’s the end of that that’s America for you right there man it’s not even danger I literally say things wrong

It’s not on purpose and then it’s like I can’t say right so then what’s the point of sitting here keep trying just just know right I heard you fair enough I will learn how to say what is it Nidia Nidia yeah it’s Nidia it’s just n like the letter

Nvidia yeah I’m gonna say Nidia Nidia there’s not even another I in between the n and V I’m not going to lie I’m going to be a person who just looks at the word and like okay sound that out for what Le and then the other day you

Said something else okay I said leely I said leely myad my said is leely definely danger said not Nvidia oh this man is on Roblox whoa no no not even even whoa you got Minecraft le of course he does wait Mimi you still got your thing I would cuz look if y

Really trying to hop on I had to find a receipt I meant to get that to you hold up my phone now yo cuz seven said that he’ll buy it bro I’ll be down a see this what I be talking about I need I don’t want to

Play Minecraft with you guys because you guys suck no look MIM we got you look we even like that’s what look Mimi you can still build like you just you know no but I have to sit up here and craft stuff like what look Mimi did you did

You or did you not enjoy playing the uh the fortnite fortnite uh Lego thing did you or did you am my creative area so you saying you didn’t like playing with us that’s I did not because y’all destroyed stuff oh I forgot damn never mind I’ll

Take that back you just reminded me I can’t play with slim you just remind Lego’s fortnite was completely different do that yeah that was just a troll like that was literally the whole game was a troll Minecraft I take Minecraft serious cuz I want a mansion see but always do that survival

Thing what was it called survival island or whatever oh yeah no we got to actually record that though like that got to be a series we do the guys the guys that could be the guys Lally two churches slim you know you can hold right Mouse to move your camera around

Right fre churches wait really all right I’m be sleeping in my car tomorrow oh this is my grandma early in the morning damn so usually I have to wait so when I wait I go get my blanket in my car and let her do what she got to

Do while I sleep oh danger you’re a w Man’s brother parkour parkour so me Mei that Minecraft video bro that could literally be like a the guys video unless like where you plan on putting that on your Channel or something I had no plans on doing nothing I just want to

Play it for fun okay money for fun um but yeah we could we could definitely make that into like a the guys video what what we would do I mean cuz like no lie ah [ __ ] why am I I’m not I don’t know what we could do to make it easier

On everybody we could all just stream it and after streaming it it could be made into a complete video for the guys cuz then it’ll be easier for all the all the recordings and stuff to be collected as opposed to taking this camera and this audio file and then this camera and that

No no that’s that’s doing too much okay bro move your the way brother and then you know got make sure we have proper proper bit rate and stuff huh what you trying to say me me I say no I said cuz you’re the one who be taking everybody stuff and putting it together

I like you’re the exper 100 days content I spent a 100 Days with this cow on an island 100 Days with the guys on Minecraft uh uh um on the GU Island on surviv on the gu Island yeah yeah yeah no we can’t we can’t even put that we

Can’t even put that we when we do something like for the guys we got to make something like extra clickable and the guys isn’t clickable yet bro that comes in time that kind of sounds kind of like my feelings right it do like it’s the reality G sometimes we need that

Reality who said so that was kind of that was kind of rough [ __ ] [ __ ] not clicking to see the guys jcole told me to be delusional that’s all I’m saying yo where’s my receipt oh that look like the Pedo Bear right there um what’s up I don’t think I have it no

Way yeah I can’t find my computer I just spent like $600 worth of okay thank you did I die was I not supposed to touch the floor the floor is hot lava yo I finally I finally bought a bed bro I have a bed coming in the next week so

I’m going finally have a bed did you buy the uh the box and a bed what you call it the bed box so I got I got the bed frame and then I got like a a 12 in uh I even got a bed frame you better than me

Already I don’t I don’t need a bed frame bro D that’s crazy what do you need a bed frame for I say I I just got one cuz I wanted my bed to sit higher that was it I don’t want my bed higher I been putting like sh box it I

Got I got box springs underneath but that’s it yeah that’s why I have m your box spring is on the floor my box spring is on the floor and then my match is on top yall ghetto couldn’t be me that’s not ghetto that’s me bought your mattress about to

Say somebody get Le that’s crazy to me this actually wild when I think about it bro cuz like my my friend she was telling me she’s like yo Olli like you realize like you’ve been living there for nine months now I’m like damn it’s

Been 9 months I have not had a bed that [ __ ] is crazy like that it’s it’s hard it’s hard for us men to get furniture yeah I realized that like I I don’t think y’all like think about like that kind of stuff cuz in your head you

Got a place to sleep or a place to eat you you don’t need all simple very simp the gay guys they got it bro the the gay guys they they got it hands down but like us n g that’s why like I’m actually the only reason I’m getting [ __ ] now is

Because of the the female that I started to talk to again like she was like she was like there’s no way you don’t got [ __ ] in your place I’m like damn take man just a the woman’s t m yeah cuz we not concerned about it bro it’s only

It’s really be the the females that care it’s locked it would have locked by itself anyway we we all we I’m in guys right now I’m not in chat with danger I’m a bot bro no way I stepped on that I need to okay let me let me let me

Te let me see if I can multitask actually cuz I you can all you got to do is uh just do it bro that’s not that’s not know my brain don’t usually work like that Yu I love it here we going to take over the year for another year it’s your

Besty Miss Miss Westy don’t try to test me it’s going to get messy it’s going to get messy so just bless me see yeah that that D do it do it what yeah exactly and then and then when Slim do something like that it’s just like oh okay let me not

Edit actually wait what yeah and get on him about what the that’s the hottest verse of 2024 you almost said 2023 should stay in 2023 no cuz it it it was released we heard it back in 2023 but Kanye didn’t dro the album yet so technically the verse of 2024 wait

Know you know what I realized that might not work for me it would work for I already had it you sure this is it’s just me I used it one my already what y’all talk about okay hold on let me see none of your business don’t worry about

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah chill chill chill secret secrets are no fun it’s fun for us not for you money for fun money for fun no let’s see yeah that’s Northwest that’s Northwest verse she the future her and a uh Adonis you see you see and that’s exactly why I should have stayed

Over there in 2023 that foolishness what do you mean no you got to you got to actually hear it she actually sna for real no no cuz you said that about Adonis cuz Adonis snapped too he if he wasn’t streaming if he wasn’t streaming fresh pair

Ofs my my yeah cuz I won’t be my camera back oh he said he said you know which what you want hey I don’t care which one you want hey he said you can take whatever I don’t care what you do come stop basuda not Basuda um so like seven text me this about an hour ago am am I am I tripping to say um wa let me ah here we go once again wait wait danger what were you danger what are you talking about in at 10 o’ I’m tuning off I’m I’m hitting a slim oh

That call that’s actually crazy just get ready to call you cuz now the gang’s all here I forgot what Z what who calling zier I’m not calling it’s not 10 o’ for me uh I forgot slim you don’t you don’t have work tonight tomorrow no what’s up

Le you was talking crap about me playing Obby and look at slim Wait playing what hold on when I was playing that Garfield game like it took Lee to coach me to get through the OB yeah I I’ve literally been on this one part for like at least 10 minutes

Now said you gotta look what is this game I would hop on wait is this this is Roblox it’s parkour parkour parkour jump into you got to you you got to a wait how how far are you are you pretty far in like can I still join oh

Yeah I’m pretty far I think I think I’m about to win why didn’t you tell me to join parkour I’m sorry I’m sorry parkour that’s some bull I’m I’m the I’m the OG I suck that you OG at everything right you know no no no just I got platforming and I got racing

Those what the [ __ ] is that oh my God I got a gun oh he got that move from Spawn so you can shoot hell no I want to shoot his ass from right here he said you’re still in the beginning he said he’s at stage

23 Equinox that that was such C you know Equinox said he was going to leave cuz he had something to do this [ __ ] is on Roblox now see as soon as you ho that said that ear he said that earlier when I first started playing cuz I said

Something in uh my my my server and he hopped in chat and said he got to do something he’ll be right bike oh my bad my bad my bad G I ain’t mean to come for your top like that my bad you definitely yeah man sorry I got your back hey

Seven how come I kc7 what is Lee doing I don’t know but I hope it was picture of me just took a picture of you he definitely just took oh M I still got your camera off from yesterday there we go there we go there we go no I

Appreciate hey yo wait y’all remember this rug I know all of y’all owned this rug I know all of y’all owned this rug oh I didn’t it was at my elementary school though EV everybody owned this rug every okay you you’ve encountered this rug yeah you defitely it was like

The ones that the one that was at the school though it was like the puzzled one though it was like puzzle pie puzle wait Lee you was telling the truth when about seven oh wait yeah thought I was being so serious no yeah I was being so

Serious bro he said seven want to play the finals oh that sound he played it yesterday dang that’s crazy to me hold on I gotta turn slim how how long you on tonight how long you on tonight I’m up till I’m not you know what I’m saying oh

Wow damn I got a I should have been on my hey Le did you look at that d game I told you about the finals no you tell me bro s just hop in chat and just think he run the place bro just say hello I can’t

Find it oh say hello to somebody oh yeah wait I was looking at it yesterday wait what what happened cuz I know I was I didn’t look it up that’s I was like did you look it up cuz I saw one person play it what’s bar Hatchet this dude I just

Subscribed to he playing a lot of games that I like Dam a visual novel oh see this is why I gota turn off this [ __ ] again bro I gotta read I got to read it I it’s not for you slim I’m not playing this game I got don’t worry about

It that’s why she was talking to me that’s why she was talking to me you know what yeah but maybe I was interested in it Lee no no no no no it’s all good oh never mind o yeah I’ve never seen a squirt this before in my life

That’s uh you say you never seen a squirt what what did you say squirt I said score I said score ohore three out of 100 oh amazing 10 out of 10 book danger said he loved it nobody’s looking for it and everybody played it I don’t know what that’s supposed to

Mean but somebody maybe there was only like maybe there was a big creator that played it and oh yeah but then the rest of the people I mean no cuz that team I remember now the team the team uh uh set City whatever he only got like 81 Subs

But he got like 1.3k for his uh for the radi yeah so it’s like but I don’t see nobody you know what I’mma play it I’m play it just look at the game see if you enjoy it yeah like cuz if it look like it’s something that you enjoy [ __ ] it

Anyways yeah I’m just GNA play anyway cuz that’s the one I want to record look valid it looks valid it’s really colorful I don’t know am my only person who get like oh the game’s colorful I got to play it yeah you said you at stage 23 only

Get that way with anime that’s the only way wait colorful when did you get in here it’s a lot of games I you know regret playing because oh it’s colorful colorful yeah I downloaded a colorful game earlier it’s called like squish something squishy something are we going to try that that

Other that you know mic you know we could try that or like the other racing game that’s free to this another one that re was playing it’s called like something cart something it’s like it’s like Mario Kart but for PC got it I got it I got I know

I got that not you guard in the door I never played it I just downloaded I added it to my library I’m going rebirth it see this it was easy no equinox when did you join bro like seven we could we could have been playing something else um what was about say

Uh was about to say to you um I was about to say was it something about Mimi or I don’t remember what I was going to say saying I forgot ain’t no way I need some memory memory guys look what I made I’m show you what

I this is what I stayed up in the morning making I guess after noon I can’t really say morning it’s your besti Miss Miss Westy yeah oh I seen him he did he did he showed me that I didn’t know you yo I need one I need a banner I need a cool

Banner he asked me to make it yep dang I I could do it and I did it charged that’s that’s valid bro I’m not going to lie I ain’t gonna lie I did it I was like I should have charged but it’s cool you definitely should have

Charged oh look best Miss Miss Westy yeah might Bann Messi is gonna get messy is suchar all right copyright stri coming in a couple seconds watch wait what you mean what you mean chill chill chill chill chill chill chill oh okay copyright strike I really don’t like copyright strike you

Know that’s a Nate Lee thank you that’s crazy this is my alter eego should I play that don’t play it who whoa D she trying to set you up slim go ahead play it we played it earlier I’ve been no y’all been playing it on every stream I

Haven’t gotten a strike for it it’s too it’s too short for the account C right really like if you play a song for like 10 seconds but if you play the whole thing that’s a difference cap that’s cap that’s cap that’s cap I’m sorry I’m sorry maybe it’s like

Two or five seconds I’m sorry I said 10 I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m I’m mistaking [ __ ] I wish that was the case [ __ ] it’s no way what did you play like what what what what did you play bro it was the same I think Equinox bro Equinox

Sent it inside one of the meme thingies too it was that what’s that actor name that actor that played as bro it’s like the the newer version of getting [ __ ] uh Brick Road yes yes yes the new version of I can’t think this hold on hold on hold on what’s this

Actor’s name bro cuz I’m pretty sure Equinox sent this [ __ ] in chat too uh let me see let me see I don’t know this [ __ ] name yeah here it is Equinox this unspoken RZ send it to send it send it so I can oh hold on I’m GNA send it I’m gonna

Send it cuz like my what’s baby what’s yes that’s what it was oh you play FL FL rer you play FL Rider oh man I don’t know FL hey man that man hey don’t play the floor Rider his name is Florida I sent the I sent the link inside the thingy is this

[ __ ] go to bed bro go to bed bro said the m m go to bed I talking about and Freddy’s you said what oh yeah from F oh it’s crazy you said from Five Nights at Freddy’s as that’s that’s like the first that’s crazy he from Ain he

From the the uh the uh the uh Le his name is in the meme J Hon oh oops why would you play that song and think he wasn’t going to get a copyright strike I didn’t I didn’t know I didn’t even know I bro I didn’t know I

Didn’t know whole it was just an instrumental I thought it was just an instrumental bro I thought it was bro I it was it was still only 7 seconds I’m like oh let me get off this this is going to be copyright once I started hearing a song I’m like

Okay I got music take this off 7 Seconds my [ __ ] nothing get you copyright straight ridiculous guess it wasn’t your lucky number huh don’t do it don’t do it I can’t turn my camera back on I can’t turn my camera back on if you do

I my hands right it’s at the it’s on my I’ve seen it in seven eyes no I seen it in seven eyes seven I won’t be able to turn my camera back on please oh [ __ ] it’s 804 the Chinese spot oh he from Hunger Games you didn’t

Want bro I bro I didn’t even have dinner for tonight I didn’t BR you’re a bot no you’re a bot yeah you’re a bot like yeah I’m not I’m not even GNA feel bad for you what is that for he trying to hop on

Finals okay I got two hours in me I got two hours in me before I start start editing and then I’m probably Mimi I don’t know if you’re gonna be up but at 2: am I’mma probably stream I’m why would you stream at 2: a.m just start

Stream at 2 A.M I’ll do it too just start right now mean that’ll be four o’ for you oh to stream what it’s called it’s called comfy late just do just do a variety stream bro I can’t do I can’t do with y’all at 2 I’m I’m watching I’m I’m

GNA play uh [ __ ] Mario bro I need to finish Mario Let It Go bro make a video of it let it go let it go bro let it go what you mean let it go I got to make a video out it’s like seven with Spiderman

Bro bro you’re tripping I get I get a 100 plus views every single time I I know that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool I get that I get that he he just violated you with you that with that one no I didn’t no I

Didn’t no I didn’t cuz he’s de plays off camera for the side quest who does that 100% bro Mario it’s not bad though like I’m not even bro it’s a good game you you tripping wait so when are you going to stream you say tomorrow whoa he said today no he said

Tomorrow no no no he changed it he said Saturday but he said no I’m busy on Saturday so I’m gonna do it on Friday I heard he wasn’t busy on Saturday so I definitely think he said Saturday I’m a little confused so which one is it Saturday and then it’s going to be

Sunday it’s definitely Saturday Monday and then Tuesday oh no next Saturday oh no maybe next Friday no CH you know he got streer y’all know he got streamer you know you know he got streamer you know did y’all do that no he just left he left be back why you leave I don’t

Know dang should I record I kind of want to to I want to play that game I got that uh what you call it that Russian roulette game too oh oh you got it yeah I did you know what I meant to set up me me I would

Stream only way up with friends I would stream it yeah I would too y’all y’all y’all think that’s a good idea that would be cool as y know y know y’all don’t be liking my suggestions so I’ll be Trend lightly that’s not true did now play one on Rober with you

Yes most of the games you suggest I play with you but y’ but y’all don’t be wan to make them y’ own game mean y own videos y’all just be like I’ll play with you but I’m not going to record but I want them to get different

Perspectives no no you know what it is you know what it is you know what it is Slim you’re the one that that has like you and I we have the most of the of a variety Channel bro like you and I we’re most mostly variety but mimi7 every bro

They they have like an area to where not to say like they’re they’re like completely niched down but like they have a niche area you and I we’re we don’t have that much of a niche bro like anything and everything kind of goes on the channel let’s be real I don’t care

You know I remember when I first started this YouTube stuff and somebody I’m not going to say no name but somebody was really heavy on like niching down all right copyright strikey um what was gonna say I don’t think I don’t even know what my Niche is

Anymore it was horrible is a n what is a niche a is nothing but a not even to just say hor like so Mimi what you’ve been playing it’s just been like not even to say I’m trying to see how to word it cuz it’s been more

Story yeah story based so like mainly it’s story based whether it’s mixing with horror disturbing or like something that that’s just like a good story like that’s your Niche with uh seven he he’s mostly with within like the horror Niche like he he does dable inside of other

Genres and stuff too but it’s still horror so is Zer and so is Tamara um slim we can’t really say that you that you’re inside a niche like I’m just going to play whatever I feel like I’m I’m my Niche I’m the niche slim slim G me that’s my

Niche I’m not okay so like look I’m not gonna say like I Niche down I just play what I want to play at this point but what I like to play is story Adventure dark games so yeah valid like I enjoyed Garfield even though it irked my [ __ ]

Nerves it was why the [ __ ] did it turn to a platformer game bro that [ __ ] that [ __ ] is wild I think it was just supposed to just [ __ ] with your head so bad cuz it was like what the [ __ ] what am I doing and I guess that’s was like

To make you feel like I guess what the hell is going on be like okay you know like a good psychological game like it makes you it makes you like kind like what the [ __ ] so I think that’s where they was going with that with all different little mini games that was

Like random play that that was a good ass game it was but it was it it was wait I kind of want to dig into the lore of that game a little bit and I kind of want to go back and get the endings but to go through another hour or

Two what are you gonna do with those strawberries eat them I’m gonna eat them e e that’s nasty that’s nasty what eating strawberries is nasty no the frozen ones they be tast like water those are strictly meant for for for I use them for my smoothies yeah

But I don’t want to make all right I’ll make a smoothie I’ll make a smoothie he to make a smoothie bro yes yeah he did wayth ingredi I can still hear you yes I am in my kitchen making a smoothie this Man D says smoothie on stream that’s good content you should make uh you should make good content oh bring your camera with oh you can’t you can’t bring you he bring he can unplug the smoothie and put it into the yeah bring the blender hold

On I got you G oh no that’s crazy BR bring he r a blend he’s make this ain’t that carpet on the floor hold on oh he did say I missed that danger said that since seven is here now they can debate whether North South Carolina

Is better but seven is a bot and seven is definitely even though I’m on the finals right now it’s kind of crazy right right right crazy is it it’s like it’s his way of the highway you know what I’m saying it definitely is not even not even cuz like now you’re on his

Way and it’s still the highway it’s just High say he G say y’all didn’t get on fast enough chat I I don’t know if they can see hold on hold on hold on let me go ahead and uh let me help him out change the intermission change the

Inter inter how you know how you know how you know how you know know my core is short as hell Mimi what did you what were you talking about when you said Lee you doing a lot of talking but a jump on what were you talking about oh with

Fortnite when you was talking all that crap about how he was he was not doing good I was like all that talking you doing but I see you want you know I put it not work in population one in VR I do the ra shooting bro I I don’t got to worry about

I need to record no I need to do like a live stream of population one or something bro that game is so fun I say if you enjoy playing it you should it’s just I had to set it up and [ __ ] bro that that just be a little frustrating

Sometimes late night want to stream you could late night I be doing cozy games so that’s what I do not get off of here I go um my bed and play cozy games before I go to bed do it on stream bro if Tamar was here we and we bro we could

Have had Tamara we could have tried one of them them four players thingies the uh the puzzle game the escape room thingy oh I know that was so much fun yeah you missed that SL you missed that was fun as hell um was it we were here you’re excluded you’re excluded from

That one G that was funny wait why am I I with this conversation I don’t know why uh I don’t know if I should record like this look at my face is it frozen slim what’s Frozen the strawberry the strawberries yeah oh they still gonna chop up they

Said you I know no no yeah of course it will but wait Lee I got a question what’s up it’s the fact that he on the Flor a little child it’s crazy why am I huh why am I excluded you don’t like puzzle games we

All know that look at look at him doing his a little just curious um no honestly it’s no no no the only way that it’s not even just saying that you’re excluded it’s the fact that um we already had the people there and you weren’t there oh that’s crazy so it was

Already decided it’s a it’s literally a four- player game if there was no no no no there are there are other ones and then then you could play uh Vanos and they play this game called uh escape room and if we if we got it’s cool bro

It’s I want to try something nasty ass smoothie about to make you about make a nasty smoothie bro I’m no like it’s gonna be good I’m sorry you tripping got the mangoes I got the pineapples I’m you me at the mango that’s that’s why I’m sure making smoothies oh mangoes is

[ __ ] delicious now just eating raw raw dog and mangoes though is weird because mango is such a chewy fruit like it’s so chewy yeah what do you mean I love mango like it’s delicious but like y don’t eat it with salt pepper and vinegar no I just that’s thatan man that’s

That you never catch me doing that though how you put salt and pepper on a fruit that’s what they do yeah you put in a cup and you shake oh my God yeah yeah n it’s good it’s so so good but on cucumbers though doing that to cucumbers

Oh my [ __ ] gosh that [ __ ] is fire huh doing what of cucumbers putah what’s some with some vinegar and then uh uh some other [ __ ] that my sister be doing with the spice put the with it oh my gosh no put some tahen and some lime on itz but you never had the

The the mango with that on it the tahim and and the lime that’s good mango yeah mango yeah I’ve had just about every fruit with tahen hold on pepp yogurt is that is that is that zero zero sugar Greek yogurt what is that bro yep yep yep oh okay okay he on timeing

Danger danger been saying you need ice for the longest I need ice why do I need ice the if you got if you got the frozen fruit you don’t need it you don’t need ice but I’m not gonna lie if you had some ice cream ew he got milk I gotta

Use milk I gotta use milk cuz I don’t have fruit juice why you can’t use no almond milk or nothing different like why you got reg milk your all I got this is all I got you got to use got titty milk in your hey shut up man leave me alone got

Titty milk in his fridge bro who does that I’m need you to get some other milk other than that that’s disgusting you don’t got no babies in there bro what Rick say what Rick Ross say he said do they squeeze it from the Almond of the peanut like cuz where does almond what

Is almond I already told you what almond milk is I already told you milk so it’s it’s water basically but it’s still good it’s better than milk it tastes way better than milk and not not even just a taste but it’s healthier too like come on yeah

All I likeed and all that I’m not going to go through that but yo I remember seeing this I mean well he making it smoothie I’m not going to say it I’m not yeah it’s lot I can say right now I’m just not do you care do you care no bro

I okay so the last time I had cowo I mean I still drink it from occasions but like I Haven seen this video where there was milking a cow and then the cow puss got mixed in with the milk my [ __ ] that [ __ ] was nasty as [ __ ] it look so

Delicious that’s that’s the thing that like definitely is like yeah I can’t do cow milk no more it’s because of that right there that [ __ ] is so n y worry about the wrong man regardless of the fact even if we say that even if even if

I say that that didn’t happen bro Omen milk is still better regardless I’m going to keep it a b what you mean extra flavor that’s disgusting and the fact that she WR that I know you joking me that’s disgusting bro just think about how much stuff we eat that we shouldn’t eat like

Come on oh I think about it all the time all the time we really not supposed to be eating mil meat we not supposed to be drinking another creature’s milk we’re not we’re not mean we’re not supposed to be eat meat well why aren’t we supposed

To eat meat what what forms of meat like included it’s really red meats what do you mean Oh you mean like fish fish the human body the human body really has a hard time with meat but I don’t think we talk about that enough but which meat

Though mostly rare are are you going vegans you I’m not I would never that’s why he drinking [ __ ] cow puss milk he doesn’t care now vegetarian maybe like never I’d never be a vegetarian but if I were to do itarian I would definitely be pescatarian I can do pescatarian yeah

That’s valid I can do pescatarian that’s easy I would but I want to get bigger first bro I need to gain some I be worried about that because don’t they say you can’t have too much uh fish because of mercury like so it depends what type of

Fish so there’s fish withow low counts of mercury and stuff one one that has high counts of mercury I’m pretty sure that’s [ __ ] uh what’s that fish called tilapia tilapia yeah that has a lot of mercury in it it does I love I stop eating it I stopped eating out they

Said like it’s not a good one to um eat because it’s a bottom Fe fish that’s what my mom Bott Fe and then they havean so that mean don’t eat shrimp that mean y don’t eat shrimp did he just bring out a bag of shrimp oh no those were those were the

Fruits but now I don’t know if that’s just a Caribbean thing because I only heard my mom and grandma talk about about them being bottom feeder fish I don’t know really cuz my mom said the same thing to me she’s like we don’t eat it in the house it might be a Caribbean

Thing bro I’m not going to lie cuz everybody else when they talk about tilapia and [ __ ] be like yeah tilapia is good but then when I hear from like Caribbean households they like yeah they we say we say the same [ __ ] we say the same [ __ ] it might be a Caribbean thing then

Yeah but I will I lowkey because I know I never used to have it because of my mom saying that but I might just try it a little bit because like I’ve been find like I’ve been doing some research and it’s not bad uh it’s not bad to have

It’s just like so what the hell CU you know they have their own processing of food of what and and [ __ ] and it’s not like we’re actually eating that anyways cuz we’re not eating like their their uh their tracks and like just KN I took my boat too far I was for

For like three months straight I was eating 5,000 calories a day four to 5,000 calories a day damn like like wait from what was it just what was the high counts of calorie like what that you was had like what was it it was dirty bokan

Like like what do you mean exact like how did I get to that much that many calories yeah wasn’t like were you eating a lot or was it just the the food that you were eating most of it was mass gainer oh oh my gosh I need my protein powders [ __ ] you

Right d [ __ ] be so expensive though what you’re talking about no MK Gainer MK Gainer it’s not that expensive bro mask Gainer is way different than protein like protein cool and all but Mass Gainer is going to give you what you’re looking for it’s uh so every time I got

To spend 50 bucks bro bro no I didn’t I didn’t spend $50 on no MK Gainer I spent $50 on like two big ass bags I bought it online and each each Shake I would make is it was 25 200 calories so really well was it 25 yeah

Was cap how much how much did it cost no no that’s cap how much did it cost I don’t remember bro I haven’t bought it in so long you can look it up it’s called like mutant I mean now yeah cuz that’s what look the ones that because I

Have the mask G and then I have the the regular uh body armor bodybuilder that I be using I use two different types and both of them are like it’s cheaper for for the regular kind but the body MK one that I be looking at that [ __ ] is like

50 bucks bro and that’s like the the big container that would last me a month it would last me I’m talking about a bag bro it’s a big bag I think he’s six foot something I’m oh you see how tall am I I’m 6’1 6’2 oh I’m the I think I’m the second

Tallest in the group I’m think because yeah I’m 6’4 so yeah I think me and Tam are competing for the shortest wait oh yeah I was Z never mind hold on no no I wasn’t even trying to I wasn’t even trying to G the way that

Came out the way that came out sound like you was you know I was just trying to remember because I was like I’m like didn’t didn’t Tamara say that she was near Zer height but like I don’t think so I think Z said he was like 56 5 seven like

Five 5 seven maybe that man is he’s five five stop it and we all know it him cause ter Ser is 57 no he’s not 5’5 bro slim is talking he’s chatting I’m just chatting bro are you mixing up your yo slim what what did you [ __ ] up

The Smoothie no it was too hard it was too hard [ __ ] don’t know how to make smoothies for real I’ll cook it up for you it’s the mango and the pineapples bro with strawberries and Banas you still supposed to know how to do I can’t make smoothies my smoo come

Out like ice cream no with strawberries and bananas bro is it’s way different bro bro I used to work at Smoothie King I know how this [ __ ] work bro I’m a Smoothie King said than I he short bro he is not 5’5 that’s C rer is 5’11 well wait I think I

S he’s probably 57 I he’s five seven I’m pretty sure he like five I think him him and seren are probably the same height but I’m saying though I just want to say this real quick y know y look it’s one thing if seven got a deal with some or

Something but like you see how he came in and just left he doesn’t tell us anything I actually kicked him I kicked him out oh and he still did just didn’t come him to come back yeah to go off death to tell him to the load finals but

He didn’t come back so I text him but he probably on a phone or something who knows he’s probably on the phone let’s be honest yeah tell him he come back on he can’t say nothing about um Le Z no more about being L boys and all that stuff

Because he on that phone too the fact that he trying to figure out why I be getting on he be like see leave get on me for no reason like no no no can I get on him too like damn you see me you see me I’m no

Way this is okay okay I a got make I just realiz like did you already have dinner you’re not going to need pizza after this I’m not going to lie you you made a big portion so what happens what happens when I eat a smoothie

Right I get full like I feel so full and like an hour later I’m completely empty bro unless I like started putting like protein in my uh CZ I started it’s good to eat something with it I’m not gonna lie eating something with the Smoothie bro that really that set you up like

That set you up real the other day I made sausage egg eggs with like nothing I put eggs it was like veggies on my eggs sausage and strawberry banana smoothie I I I really didn’t eat the rest of that day valid I’m be hitting bro I’m really try

Cut down to like one day you said what go ahead goad goad day okay okay okay you tripping now no no no no like a like a fasting type thing I was going to say cuz look look for m- I’m trying to do 168 and within that eight within that

Eight I’ll eat like one big meal like I’m a snack don’t get me wrong I eat a sandwich I’m not trying to starve myself but I do need to be at a calorie deficit right now in the process that I’m at that’s why I started doing calasthetic workouts what is a calorie

Deficit uh I know what it is but it’s just something star to me pretty much I mean it’s strategic starvation but it’s the same bro it goes both ways because if you’re trying to gain weight you have to you have to go in a calorie Surplus like you force feed

I had to force feed myself the first when I started bulking I had to literally just sit at a table cuz I mostly did it when I was in the middle of the ocean so I would literally just sit there way past hours and like force

Myself to finish all the food on my tray like people would legit come and put extra food on my tray and like cheer me on to finish it because everybody knew I wanted to bulk I could show you a picture of how I look before my bulk and

After like I may still look like a skinny guy but I I put on so much weight bro I think just don’t be no jokes bro I put on 30 like 35 40 lbs in my bulk I was one I was 130 when I started my bulk

I ended my bulk at like like damn near touching 180 but usually 175 170 it said 130 what the [ __ ] I was a little guy bro I was a little guy I’mma tell you how my weight went right I was 100 pounds when I joined boot

Camp no okay more like a 12 115 when I left boot camp I was 150 then oh you were pretty small I stopped working out I stopped working out I was just you know going to work whatever lost all that boot camp weight went back down to like 120 and then that

Was just where I was at and then I bed and that’s when I got all the way up to my weight now which is like 175 180 yeah so now but with that mass gainer what happens is you know when you bulk and you when you dirty bulk and all

That mass gainer it goes straight to the gut before it gets anywhere else dir bulk sounds crazy that’s why you got to make sure you do them them ab workouts I didn’t do ab ab ABS wasn’t a part of my workout plan at all I didn’t do cardio or ABS straight powerlifting

That’s all did oh I see I see but that’s the thing cuz look look I’m not going to lie I feel like the schedule that I had I’m still trying to get back on track with it but uh I already have it I have it already written down set in stone

Like how it’s supposed to be and so for Tuesday through through Friday that’s weight training while I I work on like the main core [ __ ] like squats bench press power power cleans uh Etc and then from Saturday to Monday that’s where I do ad workout like I don’t do ad

Workouts on my weightlifting days but Saturday through Sunday I do ad workouts and Monday too bro but like you you need it though I’m not going to lie that should be helping but also for the fact that like to to ease it from from um the

Weight training days I do my bulk but from that Saturday to Monday where I’m doing my abs calisthetics and like running and [ __ ] I only have a smoothie uh oatmeal and some nuts for breakfast and then I just have like a salad and nuts throughout the day that’s exactly I

Eat I get a smoothie and and some oatmeal that’s exactly what I eat like for if I do eat breakfast that’s my breakfast everybody here so we can have the guys what you call it you said y’ just chatting anyway y’all just chatting so talking you said we i 511 so I’m

Catching up I’ve got some growing years still D are year short that’s what the a CD is for what the ice makes his smoother oh okay slim give me a smoothie give me a smoothie check oh yeah I did it already my fault I should have I

Should have put it in a clear glass I’m sorry that is not a smoothie what the [ __ ] is that bro stop it bro you didn’t put enough milk smooth this a smoothie bro what are you talking about this is a smoothie Let Me Wait do you still have

That fork with you yeah mix it like oh you don’t never mind I wanted to see how loose it is that [ __ ] look thick as [ __ ] it is I like I I like you got think about it I have th I have Frozen mangoes and frozen pineapples bro it was bound

To be thick n if you had enough milk bro can we stop pause please that n that’s crazy Mimi you you you get your bread get your butter knife knife put it in the bread slap that balone not all you talking about making a balone sandwich look good I’m pushing 200 and

511 yo that’s decent have y’all heard of what balone and bonga what’s the difference the hell is look it up there’s bonga and there’s balone and bonga is so much better than balone wait is it is it basically the same [ __ ] uh I think like honestly I think

Baloney has like that red strip around it and bonga doesn’t but it tastes differently for some reason [ __ ] it’s the same thing but it tastes different like belonga tastes like fancy you watching me right now that’s I don’t I hate Oscar Meer brand I hate it bro what you say why you

Why you hang little bro it’s my nephew he he called to talk talk smack about my smoothie a longer refers to the city Italy what what game you want me to play Nephew Roblox of course bro I just got done playing Roblox I can’t play something

Else so in the other sense it’s the same name it’s just Boney taste weird so anyway Oscar buyers is baloney because it’s fake it tastes nasty and then bonga I can’t play Call of Duty mobile neph yo they have they haveone streaming they have uh [ __ ] cereal what the [ __ ] is this

Okay now you’re getting kind of weird thisan bro it’s like a but it’s not inside milk though it’s not inside milk it’s like chatting too much he chatting too what is that what y’all looking up balong B I’m seeing a Lota is b o l o g n a b o

L o g n a that’s baloney yeah it’s baloney it’s baloney because that’s what I say I say balagna like just to be funny though wait this a country what but that’s what I was saying it like but some if you pick up some meat some meat say bonga some say

Balone I’ve never seen it say balone wait wait wait I just realized seen realiz oh wait here he go here he go go ahead realiz cuz this is actually how you this is this is definitely baloney I I didn’t I was I didn’t catch on that first but

Like cuz like you was saying belonga and I was looking for the word I was I was looking for like the other word that looks similar to like baloney it’s B it’s bonga wait is it no in at it it’s just have you ever heard pronoun as bonga have you ever heard somebody

Pronoun that way I’ve never seen bonga no they all say baloney they the same thing say why do Americans say baloney instead of bonga it’s I’m telling you oh so you yeah you can literally Google it it’s it’s literally to it’s it’s the same thing

But the N the N is after the G how is it bonga so people call it balone like b a l o n e y baloney but it’s spelled b o l o g n a I hate this world I really don’t even want to talk about it for real

My head just started hurt I know I just I don’t I just can’t I just and that’s how you said up here y’all said up here on a whole thing like wait what’s the difference CZ like why’ you do that why’ you do that that’s not even about that’s kind

Of crazy how you just finessed us for real I’m I’m GNA end stream I want to stream no more I want I don’t even want to stream no more like that’s crazy CA I’m sitting here I’m typing I’m I’m spelling it different ways I put it on stream the trying to

Find the difference between the meats I’mma show you I’mma show you you got Le looking like the thinking man statue I’m I’m genuinely I’m on a YouTube video right now that’s that’s I’m trying to see what how they pronounce it balone and bologna which one’s right bologna

And balone come from few forms that may or may not daily meat it’s the same thing no what I’ve never seen Bel is it’s the way they pronounce it that’s what I’m saying so it’s not on the package it’s not on the package but I’m not gonna lie I’ve had

Balong and balone and it tastes different but wait why do we huh you’ve never never had a package you never had a package that said baloney b a l o n e y okay when you buy baloney right what brand are you buying most likely asamer all right

That’s why I said I’ve had balone gun and I’ve had baloney baloney is Oscar May why you saying balone is the end silent I don’t know that’s how supposed to be pronounced cuz I say blogna just to be funny but that’s if you actually sound it out it’s blogna like that’s how you

So you know it’s not American right you know it’s not American right you know where is americ right I don’t know where you guys well bonga is is actually supposed to be Italians I’m cooking right now I’m cooking right now it’s like a fora salami but balone comes from Oscar

Myers for some reason owns baloney no they don’t own balone but for I don’t if it was a song or something they did but that’s when we start calling it balone we’ve never gone to the store and saw baloney nowhere on a package but American we call it

Baloney so guys you guys want to play Minecraft or you want D I broke D to D like i’ been put in the spelling okay what is it what is it what is it let me see let me see what he talking about let me see what he talking about

Okay go ahead wait hold on wait go ahead go ahead you want to stress on the middle syllable on the low syllable wait wait wait I can’t hear it I can’t hear it I got go go back go back a few second go back to say it oh okay okay okay

Never mind never mind I want to hear it I’m here go ahead go ahead go ahead I have to turn it up the middle syllable on the low syllable bolog bolog bolog sense it’s still not makes more sense this makes sense it’s and it’s also not blogna

Either B like what what the what were you saying balong she said bong the danger said they the same meat just different Origins no no no no well okay you know I give you that makes that makes sense that makes sense it just depends on where

It’s coming from you have like but like from behind a deli like they cut it for you it’s going to taste different than you know the one you buy in the pack that make sense cuz it’s how it depends on how it’s seasoned and you know tender two

And whatnot because like okay the one I had has had like the seasoning inside of like the meat like that and then like I think the one that you buy like in a pat just just like some sliced meat it is low key fire slic meat like when you

Look at it you’ll see it like like the osam Myers one is just like really sliced and then like the real one has like the I don’t know what you call those like I don’t know if it’s pepper corns or whatever it is inside of the oh

Yeah oh that’s why I said one is baloney and and the other is bolognia bolog there you go yeah yeah you can say it cuz I’m not say it no more I’m not no more I’m not say I’m not speaking English no more you guys can have all of

That you guys think you’re funny I can’t understand so you see you see slim you see what he doing you slim you see what seven doing what we’re on his time in we’re on his time in wow that’s crazy cuz I was I was just I was just sitting

In the lobby of the finals for like I made a whole smoothie on stream while sitting in the lobby crazy youal you sure did and yep and we then we got it we ran off on this entire tangent on about freaking sandwich meat of baloney and then and then by back by

Time he comes here doing this as if then he comes back his let me ask y something uh how would y’all feel if I told you I was helping my uncle set up my cousin PC I don’t care uncle was sick what’s that mean we don’t care what do he say I don’t

Care like you coming up with all these excuses this is nothing new selfish selfish black people n nah I thought his computer was already set up you still setting up his computer that’s crazy yeah yeah I told something wrong with it but I’m Parry the plat did you fix

It cuz it would went back to the store it was supposed to all right I’m ready go I’m on Minecraft so would you like to play Minecraft that’s tough no no thank you sir uh lee you playing Minecraft too play some Minecraft slim yeah let’s play some Minecraft that’s what I’m

Talking about brother yeah in in the words of the great Michael Jackson bro don’t kick me bro I can’t turn my camera back on I say I’ll be back or something like that and and and the great words of Michael Jackson it don’t matter to me

Hey what say how did he get those vocals bro how much y’all think he paid for those vocals a lot he not talking about you seven he he was not talking about you whoa calm down I I didn’t think he was talking about me Lee oh okay okay I’m glad

You with your nasty 70s pop mustache okay okay wow the honey is we getting on a okay so uh okay don’t worry about it I’m might to play uh Roblox he was just on Roblox I’m I’m might to level up on dragon Soul I couldn’t even do it for my fa this [ __ ] is so [ __ ] dumb my fa y’all got issues like why am I here please you know ask us up that all the time is like why do I join this discords that’s a great question

Hi no does brownie NOA be in her own Universe yeah she sure do I’m about to be on that Tamara V timeing soon it’s okay about say y’all not g y’all only gonna hear from me like once a week for real on me you know that’s all right

That’s C that’s C coming from slim though but it is absolute check this out check this out damn where is it I’m just saying when I once I get this first one mlie view y just never going to see me again I’m be honest you’re never going to see okay

That’s the end of this friendship then let’s go ahead and pack this up he wait you hit a Millie you gone I say I say once I hit a Millie I’mma just uh stop making YouTube what does that even mean like what does that even mean making YouTube

Videos man what what does that mean are you going to be a streamer at least then like what what does that mean no no I’m done like I’m done I’ve accomplished greatness I’m good I forgot your camera I was about to kick you please don’t kick me cuz there’s

No wait are we talk a million views or a million Subs both doesn’t matter I get either one of them I’m done you just don’t post for mons I don’t I don’t care if slim camera can’t come back on I’m about to kick him bro chill seven I invited you can you join

Uh seven can you let me boot up seven boot up boot up boot up yeah you know seven I didn’t got no invite we know you I invited you multiple times oh I just got it calm down wow calm down wow getting a little I don’t know snippy over

Here my Chinese food cuz I’m tripping like a a cap a lot they cook my cats and cook my do going to school and I’m giving hugs what you mean what you mean I’m hearing how a million you know subscribers and Views stop being on here

So what’s the point what’s the point we could just go ahead and end this right now no we got to get there though like we got to get there though you know that’s that’s why we’re here I’m be for real I ain’t gonna s up on you I’m

Leaching off y’all I’m let’s go you you see you see how they switch that wasn’t even me that wasn’t even me freestyling no no no no no no no you already said I think yeah I’ll never he have to change retire those be the ones that

Really start to switch up though the one to one the seven that like what you just said you those be the ones that really switch up wait what seven say he said seven switch up he said he me me I I I’ll never switch up on you those be the

Ones that set you up for real yeah no yeah that’s crazy you didn’t hear yeah you you said the right sentence but you you weren’t getting the right you know Mimi I will never switch up on you you know what I’m saying he said y’all on

The other hand take it a leave bit oh that’s crazy wow everybody else you know slime gaming and papa ISAC I mean I I ain’t gonna know yall that point wa a second hold on let’s look at let’s just dissect Le’s character really fast can we do that d goe let’s go ahead

Let’s do we talk about that or let’s talk about there’s nothing to talk about I’m just drippy what can I say uh okay are you come on man you some haters got married biggest I’m not g to talk about it you know man she was like my mom do you need

A third player like huh e he need some need s wait danger danger you play this you play finals yeah he told you that a long time ago but you didn’t listen we were supposed to play together nevered never did dang I’m keep a he he

Did not forget bro he told he told me that that you were bad bro he said you’re not a good at first- person shooter that’s why he didn’t want to play with you why did you put on bankit you don’t like B let’s go no no no no

Yes we do like slim a slim said he hate Bank Mimi said she level up faster and the other one and I guess I grown accustom to play I just want y are y’all watching the stream right now no are you watching we playing a good one

No I know you’re not it’s cool you talking to me am I watching it I’m definitely watching it I know I wanted to show I wanted to watch I wanted to show uh seven something but you know what cool I’ll watch it bro it’s whatever bro you about to stick your don’t go

Anywhere this is this is for for uh for you hold on oh my God Le give it up just like just run away no don’t what I got to no something for real let me show you something what he does this all the time my [ __ ] lagging whoa where you guys I’m

Right here oh you right here yo my [ __ ] lagging whoa uh this is for you right here uh dang is it not there anymore yeah I’m happy it’s not keep going SL keep moving don’t even watch him so nobody going to help me at one I’m too

I’m too in why mym wait my sensitivity is hella low I’m not going to lie yo my [ __ ] is [ __ ] up wait I got I got my editing software open [ __ ] oh my gosh right so nobody helped me at one I’m trying to fix my sensitivity give me one second

Please oh yeah SL you about to die oh my gosh wait why is the sensitivity in hundreds what does that mean I got to close my editing software bro this is bad for Ben this is what I get no no wait wait wait no I wasn’t no wait he was trying

To show me something then out the way just I’m focused up now I’m focused up I got I got yeah actually hold on I’m about I’m about to te up I got my sensitivity up now come on come on come on I’m going to two let’s go to two let’s go to

Two Okay okay yeah I’m teing up now yo my [ __ ] was lagging like crazy well on Graphics cars I tell you we’re do well yeah fair enough yeah yeah I’m I’mma update mine after this if it needs a update it might not even need an

Update guys I I got my computer back in like I forgot oh we got C right up here too it’s like July September damn play the finals I might go record because what else am I going to do so you don’t like us that’s crazy uh I mean damn

Huh player game go ahead finish guys listen when we get this the thing is right above us I know it’s right there bro I’m scared so we got to be quick with it we got to be quick with it I got you some get on top of it open it and

Get on top of it get on top of it I’m right here I’m right here you’re not on top of it get on top of it I don’t know how to play um oh let me get it let me get let me get it let me get it it’s too late it’s too

Late go playay how do you play what Russian Roulette why didn’t slim let me get it you never played Russian Roulette I I play rushing before that’s crazy that’s crazy that is freaking crazy I’m going to die it’s fun it’s a fun game what do you mean what did you play it

With I hope not with a gun I’m going to get this five b everybody survive people already over maybe with drinks they busting that was me that was me that was me I didn’t see your name they depit they going crazy at D though get this five go oh one floor

Down that’s that thingy let me okay wait two of them my sensitivity is weird bro why can’t it just be like normal numbers oh my gosh why is my [ __ ] lagging bro what the hell slim I’m trying to revive you but like y Su that’s all he said that’s

Crazy he said he said I played Russia roulette I lost five friends that day that’s crazy okay no one got me I’m depositing I’m depositing I’m depositing let’s get it let’s get it I had to leave I was about to die somebody got 15 bands

They coming over to D they going to D they going to d That’s funny going to hold on I wait where you at seven where you at seven I’m posted at this five band over y I killed them good [ __ ] okay y y’all just y’all just do y thing over there no

No he right there he invisible he invisible I’ll be over here don’t worry about me oh my gosh he’s coming to get me Le he’s coming to get me Slim I’m dead I’m dead I’m over here at this I to tell y i spawned over here man 16 B you had 16 b

Y oh my gosh once again y’all fold it I made that a sound y’all fold it where are they going are they going to a no way that was funny the way you exploded [ __ ] that’s crazy where they going I think they going to B they going to B they going to

B got to be going to B all right no he’s right there I just saw him he’s at B he’s at B all right let’s get comms up let’s get CS up let’s get CS up all right I’m in there I’m in there where y’all at where yall at where y’all

At coming to you coming to you this dude has 19 bands on I’m on you Le I’m on you Le I got him I got him oh right right there right right here in front of us right here in front of us to the left to

The left to the left right here got him got him got him purple purple here purple here purple here oh my God he’s invisible he’s coming up to the coins he’s coming up to the coin he’s invisible he’s right there he’s right there right there right there Cowboy

Guy oh oh oh who is that Lee Lee got the Jes I was trying bro I was trying got the Jes I want to get a bigger chair so I can sit here Indian style my chair that’s crazy I haven’t sat Indian you mean like crisscross applesauce go to se go to se

Go to go to se hey who this five right here who this five right here be doing that oh [ __ ] I didn’t even peep that I didn’t even PE that okay on me on me on me finish that finish that finish that there’s 10 bands right below y’all right

Below y’all got you got you I’m trying to get there trying to get there right here on me on me on me on me right here right here he coming to D he coming to D everybody on the roof everybody on the roof got you got you got you bro I’m

Going to die they right here they right here they right here they’re going they’re going to six they’re going to six oh my gosh right here right here yo no no no no no Lee back up it’s is that you Le I’m dead that’s seven no that’s seven seven back up

SE you’re weird you’re weirdin there somebody over here bro being weird right here on me on me on you got him got him got him wait bro who has the money oh my God no way no way no way seven speak where are you I just came out of life what do you

Want me to do you was right next to me you didn’t you die yes I did that was Lee next to you Lee said that was you next to me I just came out the life y’all are strange no no no you you was next to me you was but

I don’t know when you died elimin come on come on seven seven 6K above us 6K above us damn oh they just took get why don’t you revive Lee where I where Le at no no no I got you I got you oh never mind I got you I got you got

Seven I got you I got him I got him I got him oh oh you’re me too oh I I thought you were small so one of us needs to heal someone one of us needs to I jump down jump down and he got away oh my gosh no he

Didn’t there Vault available for ourry team damn don’t even it’s all I got 6 seconds you okay fair enough no no no I want you right next to me cuz appreciate it cuz what you got issues bro we got to go get bro we lost just so yall

Know what no like it’s GG’s it’s GG’s it didn’t even go through the window bro it was supposed to go through the window to break it what’s a good first job I think I need be looking for one a good first job um I would say fast go to McDonald’s

Stay the rest of your life oh no lie like if you work at McDonald’s and you able to like move up it is a really good job don’t settle for McDonald’s I’m saying like I’m not saying that’s a good first like my first job I always worked in a

Retail yeah retail is valid like the clothing store is on yeah but like don’t work at like like like a Ross or nothing like that like try to work at Best why not Best Buy is your first job that’s kind of crazy it was stayed there for

Five years that’s kind of crazy crazy I I what best bu first job I would say the best the best first job internship bro find an intern find a place that you actually want to go no that ass I mean if if you genuinely need money that’s

Different but if you need like a first job and like you can make a little bit of money learn something that you’re really trying to learn become an intern somewhere even if you have to work fre for a little bit you’re going to get paid soon afterwards that [ __ ] is the

Best way bro I’m not going to lie that was like my first actual actual job getting something being yeah I just had to I just had to do six months work for interning so I guess but I was still getting paid so yeah cuz I’m don’t pay I pay you a

Whole lot but you know and you could you don’t even have it doesn’t have to be official bro like the first interim job job I had was at a a real estate brokerage I just called them up I was say hey I’m interested blah blah blah do

You guys need any help with anything and that’s the bro you can just start off with that and that can happen inside multiple different career Pathways see if they need help with anything if you don’t need the money now if you need the money that’s different that’s a

Different story than than just find something else but nine times out of 10 you shouldn’t truly need the money you may want it but you don’t most of Y you don’t really need the money let’s be real everybody money you do it everybody need that big guo look at this man seven

Seven what’s that what you doing with your fingers oh my God why he making that face too like what what why he what the fox say no Mimi no no please no I got kids what are you guys talking about don’t tell me they still watch no no M that’s

Old no they don’t but when they did boy but when they did how did they find that how was that song still alive that’s what I’m saying I was young when that [ __ ] came out okay my kids are I was like one about to go to high school I

Was like a freshman when that song came out I’m not going to lie your kids are not cultured just a buck with you put them on I’m about to drop a banger video that will Rel to them bro bro put them on Tom and Jerry crazy my kids are very

Cultured okay they they watch more yeah they do they like watching it it ain’t hard to get your kids culted like it’s not hard really let’s not let’s not push all the way inside let’s not push all the way inside let’s like uh be on the outside for real this quick cash though

So you kind of did Slim slim no way you just did that to me bro bro bro you threw the you threw that explosive [ __ ] and it [ __ ] me up it did oh my gosh I’m going to die there’s one coming there’s one coming you know what’s the funniest

Thing is I’m saying all right I’m going to die or jump oh my God oh my God why did my jump jump I didn’t jump on my jump pad she looking for him because I got a license yesterday and between gas and insurance I’m y oh my gosh

Yep live boy you said your game what his Game just crashed I’m leaving then I’m leaving I’m leaving yeah let’s back out let’s back out back out yeah I Ain lie bills be billing what’s the name of that game this you do I just had to pay rent

Bro like damn oh me they I just bought my bed and [ __ ] bro I spent like I just spent like 700 bucks bro 700 that [ __ ] was ridiculous I spent like I spent like 2,000 on my bed bro yeah cuz you got to as you bed bro I didn’t I didn’t I

Didn’t cop that [ __ ] [ __ ] no was CRA no it was just the mattress like the mattress I laid it I laid in every mattress in that mattress store and that was the one that spoke to me so I bought it I put it on credit and I’m going tell you something

Uhuh it was worth all I’m saying is I put it on credit that’s what you’re talking about that’s what you’re talking about he’s talking about how how he okay fair enough this I bought my bed um King SI mattress bro 2K change your supped to change your mattress like I

Think was it every five years something like that who changing their mattress every five years this what it is I’m look it up I’m G tell you no it’s supposed to be around that around that time for real that’s gross especially if you don’t have a mattress protector and

This that in the third but do y’all use y’all use native they say every eight years native for what they got a lot of a lot of different stuff the body wash I was just looking at BR I was just buying new body wash yesterday I wasn’t sure if

Native was good or not cuz like it smelled kind of me I bought it it was so great you know good no it’s the other one I like I think it’s was it o OLS or something like that I don’t know find it I got native I got native

Body wash I went to Walmart today I got native body wash I got native um get that good match seven where you at cuz I’m in the lobby waiting for oh blim so I cuz I was going to uh buy like I was going to spend like two bands or so

Cuz I was going to give me a temper Pita like that that’s the one I was going to cop uh but like I was speaking to my friend I’m like yeah I’m about to get this this out in the third and she like Oli no what the [ __ ] like bro you’re

Just inside your apartment right now you’re you’re doing too much I’m like hold on she said no you shouldn’t get it until until you buy your own place I’m like okay you’re exposing your name to the stream nice Ali Ali Lee it’s close godam it’s close your name is Ali a nickname

That’s my that’s my ni that’s my other nickname that’s my other yeah his nickname it’s not my full name g what’s your uh what’s your government oh you know I never told you my government that’s crazy I don’t think I I can tell you I know it I know it

Y’all know yall chill chill chill so I only bully you a little Le I use Dove and Old Spice I’m using that bathro and Body Work N the D be good for my face that [ __ ] that [ __ ] oh please don’t say that do not tell me you put freaking

Soap on your face you’re going to trigger me please just let’s not talk about face I put soap on my face yeah my go you see how smooth I got to clean I got to clean my face look look at my face what you talking Tri me I got my own facial bar

For my face I I get I have body wash and facial bar yes oh no I don’t use the same one from my no I don’t use the same bar no I don’t do that is that what your I don’t use bar I don’t use a bar so

Okay okay okay okay when you wash your face are you using soap made for your face or you using body wash and was I am using one soap on my entire body wait what soap is that what soap is that wait God men are ridiculous the same the same

Bar that you use for your face you use for your bog I don’t use a bar oh my God I use bar mean I just bought a um a uh Ser that leave it I just don’t understand like it’s not that serious my skin nine

Times out of 10 I might have like a pimple or something no it’s not that it’s not that Ser it’s not that serious for women yeah for women yes for women yes I for it’s not it’s not as delicate it’s sensitive it’s not it’s not about

Oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God get and y’all left me where are you at no way no way he just did that to me no way he just did that to me it’s not that serious you can you can literally for me I’ve never had

That problem where like my soap made me break out or anything I literally just get in the shower not it’s just not good for your skin you’re clogging your pores how listen listen but listen there’s pores all over my entire body what’s the difference between the pores in my face

And the pores in my neck because sometimes the so that you have have other mess your skin see that’s good that’s fine that works oh brother it’s funny because I heard that that stuff is bad for you who really knows what’s good and what’s not this man what’s bad for you what’s

Bad for you what he just said Ser Ser the Ser SE Surfacers what’s that what’s call no no some people some people who have acne say that that is bad because it doesn’t work for them acne acne stuff you don’t have acne is a different situation can’t help with hacking I’m

Not a doctor nice one I can tell you that you should be cleaning your face with at least a facial cleans and bar to keep your pors clean keep your skin healthy when you get older and your skin looks like Kaka don’t say I a tell you look at me look at nice

Mimi I ain’t going to be looking like no damn Kaka how old am I how old do I look I know and how old do you act you know gu want we need not going to kill them okay right right no it doesn’t kill them it doesn’t

Kill him it just puts you in a very hard predicament I was tagging bro from the back Paws hey yo behind you behind you say he do prehistoric what is prehistoric steal I’m stealing I’m stealing protect me seven why are you down there I’m I’m fighting for my life

What you mean d I think about that that’s not even funny talk about the GU streaming in their 60s would be hilarious that’s crazy down here I got you I got you don’t revive don’t revive I will not be one of those was it going to help I don’t have

I have turrets let me die I don’t I have heals I have turrets oh my gosh life is crazy right now see like that that uh that content house is like stay alive stay alive stay alive I’m almost here I’m almost here don’t die don’t die don’t die cool e d pict

That life is strange good game W game we lost we’re about to lose got oh my gosh it’s two times though slim yeah you 20,000 on this they got 10K you only got to get 20,000 on this you only got to get 20,000 why I thought it was 30 it’s

Definitely 20 b it is better banket is better banket is better yeah b b cuz you play longer listen listen listen Linda listen Linda it’s okay we got this seven stop running light bro you’re not a light player oh I know what you I know

What you could C play as uh at the thingy slim just get get you a little Bob you lost me already isn’t that the thing from from uh from Incredibles isn’t that the you want me to be yeah yeah be you’re dis get you a facial wash hold

On wait and then get you some um toner yo dang don’t D oh I got the box who’s going to protect me right bro I’m it’s two people behind I couldn’t they literally were shooting at you where are you I just killed them I’m running oh okay okay

Okay okay that’s what I’m saying I was I killed the two people behind you dang going to see right I love that I stream so much cuz I always got receipts bro you a mask before yeah mask are good why to do um facials oh yeah I

Do I do the mask I do the mask mask are really good I don’t I don’t do like the the green one like the green I just do like the clear one you just put on your face oh the one I peel off yeah yeah yeah

I like those too you had a mud clean they clean they clean I don’t do mud hey the mud Max you feeling they F to blow it up from underneath us no cap that’s like all really when it comes my face I put big [ __ ] coming big [ __ ]

Coming supposedly if you put cucumbers on your eyes you hydrate your under eyes so that’s why get the what you call it bags what the how did he just kill me from underneath of the sledgehammer how how he he hit the ceiling and kill me with a sledgehammer C of course by the

End of the Cucumbers getting eaten appreciate appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it uhhuh where’s the money where’s the money they’re still in they’re steal in they’re still in where’s the money oh up top up top way boy uhuh my boy oh my gosh I’m so close to dying

What the [ __ ] was happening bro whole lot of nothing you guys are hilarious shoot The Man Behind you he’s not on your team this why this why I hate this this game the buildings keep breaking and it’s just chaos bro and look at the other team not doing [ __ ] again bro it’s

Always the same though bro I hate this game mode I hate this game mode your last year in school danger I think danger danger you’re a junior right he said this year is going to be tortured School why like I think like his next sh why am I getting shot

From behind we just spawn oh he said he has pre triy yeah I don’t understand those languages am I getting you little [ __ ] oh my God woo the language GG’s GG’s GG’s bro GG’s I’m might to get on fortnite precalculus in Tri I don’t get that this a’t it bro no

Bro run it again run it again he B it bro please Bank it with bank it bro please uh oh Spotify Spotify real quick make sure my headphones are not too loud goes to the top when they play this game right don’t let it be don’t let Z

Get on here no I can’t I can’t play with Z on stream I cannot play this game with Z on stream yeah it’s over with uh we ain’t going to talk about it we ain’t going talk he is so loud oh yeah I’m tell you in

Discord I had him turn all the way down cuz he he be like in his mouth like in his mic eating it the good thing about that is z don’t know how to fix his Noise Gate so say he didn’t know to be too loud he just it it just turns

Off but on his stream on his recordings they don’t be like that but boy and sound like sound he laugh like it sound like you pieces of it like uh okay that’s be like that’s what it sound like oh no yeah all you hear that first loud and

He it’s nothing else it’s nothing else we run another one let’s let’s go run another one run another one we just warming up we haven’t played this game for real they’ve been evolving we haven’t fact they’ve been playing this for hours on and just oh did stone stone

Go to Navy already I don’t think so work and cuz he posted something he said he just got his GD yeah I saw that but then I haven’t heard from him so I don’t know if he had started his you know I seen him not too long ago

He was in chat not too long ago though oh another one DJ K s you don’t run to around like medium oh okay he I here streaming the other night okay mind his business bro what you say slim he talking to you Slim why your person looks so short did you buy a pink hoodie he did actual what did you say I said you

Don’t want to run like medium or heavy no I don’t want to run medium you your business I’m not going to lie I heard that I just I heard it but you know I’m going ignore it because he don’t understand what I’m trying to do here I don’t

Understand and TST oh what’s this game see look bro you got down bro we can’t move that fast and look how you just left on that elevator without us and they over there exploding you cu come on why my thing blow up oh my God he’s up there with a slay

Hammer my bad I was back over there uh emoting you know having a good time they on you SL I know I know a body he called a body oh this is so running around with swords no way no way no way where’s my team here uh every time you play a game

It’s always where’s my team I should have hit I should have picked up you uh slim my bad it’s all good it’s cool but doesn’t want a s you want to what I want to watch you he want to see what you do in other words because you don’t help him so

What it’s people line him up line him up I got Sentry right here I got Sentry dropping gas dropping gas they must be super low they got a um yeah D voice L up line him up seven finish him finish him finish him got you got you got

You did y’all get the did y’all get the the the I didn’t get the money I didn’t get the money no I don’t even know where it’s at I got it I got you Le I got you okay never mind Gone Gone G hold on right here wait deposit right here to

The right to the left I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead he’s chasing you with a knife he’s chasing you with a blade oh I got him I got him I got him I got him deposit deposit I promise I I can’t I can’t even

Shoot bro I I never get to shoot my gun bro got prti aim oh whoa me no I wasn’t being funny I got you I I was practicing my aiming if I if I don’t even get the chance to shoot Oh I thought you like you can’t shoot like

You can’t shoot like you having a hard time shoo oh no I said y don’t even get the chance to shoot oh I’m sorry I missed that [ __ ] shoo me from the back I turn around I try to aim and I’m dead I literally thought you said you

Can’t I was like you shoot me from the back what the heck I’m over here at two bro I’m at this five band I’m at the Five band I’m with slim I’m with slim gaming I got it I got it I got it booted up in here right now and bro trying to

Swi me are you with me are you with me seven that [ __ ] was C go to D go to D go to D you know you know uh I’m right here right here SL because y’all be screaming y poor chat got to hear you screaming that

Ear bro I had it all set [ __ ] way SE that a who hacks on this that same old that hacks on I’m mad your friend must be a really good hacker be hacking every freaking game oh this the man that just lights me

Up I’m at I’m at four hold on we got to get upstair eight we got to get upair eight come on le le le BR doesn’t ra I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming he never rages I don’t I do not ra they’re in here they’re in here’re in here I’m

Coming I’m coming I’m coming it’s a big dude up there with a hammer where you at where you at he’s he was at the top I don’t know how to get over there to that side no way way sorry way that was that was such

Bot activ at that dummy I got to get these eight bands deposited cuz I’m coming got it entire bits and pieces I’m trying to get to oh Lord danger where do you meet these people come on drop down come in this room scared I’m going to four no way I’m

Getting gas out right now wait wait why he didn’t let you finish depositing before he left that’s what I’m saying man that’s he I’m glad I’m glad I’m glad you understand Mimi I’m glad you understand meimi you I got I got you Lee I got you

Lee never mind Lee I’m not with you I am not with you at all crazy inside inside it was it Slim Boy I was whitly I was whitly he just died what but how did he die bro he right there go get him go get him that D got

10 bands on him bro we got got he got 15 we got to get him got to get him he crossed me bro he crossed me my ankles he’s over this way over this way behind me behind me behind me he’s going to see he’s going to see he going to see he’s

Going to push keep pushing keep pushing forward wait don’t leave me don’t leave me don’t leave me okay I thought you going to hit the Ellie I don’t know which way he at I’m sure of it what the [ __ ] they at D they at D they at D let’s go let’s go

My gosh it’s too late he deposited yeah he did damn that’s a waste that was a waste hey you know I saw one team they literally C all deposits the whole time and that’s how they won Le I’m with you I’m with you y should do the same camp at

Deposits that’s kind of crazy mhm think about it though think about it got to do I mean it’s not a bad idea though no [ __ ] way seven please thank you just kill that [ __ ] oh my gosh 70 70 oh snap by S I got y I got y’ oh I was

Trying to bring Lee back I got one of your whole life he’s just built different when itology gu S I mean yeah I ain’t going to lie I wish I was built like that like I got a Cod bro bro let me I thought I was good with techn I

Tried to tried to code something that’s a different language completely I am not built that type of Life go get seven if you got your thingy I ain’t got we got to pick up each other first if we both die like pick me up and I’ll pick up seven I’m

Good oh my gosh this money oh the dude with 10 BS I’m right behind him where you at where you at where you at where where you on a all right all right get there get there get there get there everybody’s over here I’m dead yeah he

Cuz he going get popped he going to get popped one way the other one way why did I not blow up get it he’s going to O oh my God so fast no lie like when no I’m not saying so so when I um first went to college I

Had Des I can’t do anything right now I can’t do anything right now I trying to you I was trying to heal you oh I’m sorry I was trying to heal you I was just I was just stressing bro I didn’t cool we cool we got to get this

Sho from Top let’s go get this let’s go get these Six B I’m go to six head right over here they on the roof they on the roof keep going keep going keep going keep going just push to the Six B I’m die easy they kind of C but at the same

Time like once you understand language cuz it’s kind of simple it’s like you understand there so much money in here it’s a problem when you don’t yo this [ __ ] I’m at six b i at Six B oh my God so much Mone bro they got like 10 band on them I

Know bro I know bro is it pink is it pink no not pink so we good damn you should have gave me some of there was so much money there bro come on come on yeah yeah good though y got it go let you want to go to one you want

To go to one and get the money yep heavy all right come on let’s go let’s go okay be quick be quick be quick oh my God bro you got a bro you got I see you y good yeah come on get in here rning let me get some let me get

Some let me get some damn bro up you got you got you got little why you why you in Cloak seven oh this is this this [ __ ] got 16 B Ono we got to go to B we got to go to B we got to go

To B we can either we can get these eight band and deposit or we can like no no let’s go deposit let’s go deposit let’s go deposit think about how go to seven have all this money if he was cloaked nobody would see him seven you don’t have the

Clo seven wait wait you don’t want to go to a I feel like nobody at a bro just go all right oh they coming they coming they coming cuz they coming they coming got he got it he got it he got it he got it

He got it he got it he got it he no it’s not it’s not no pink pink aead oh my god oh man you need a th you need th one kill get one kill one kill we got to a we got a deposit we got a

Deposit right now get that money go deposit go deposit right behind us [ __ ] way you’re weird you’re weird buddy what are you doing what are you doing what are you doing GG’s oh wait you didn’t get it no he didn’t he you just need bro we just need one we just need one

No got enough money but he got I know I got to I got to get there disappear got 20 what the [ __ ] right there hold up let me go to B right quick no a is right there right right I’m I’m about to deposit the B oh no no

No bring it back down bring her back down don’t worry guys we won we won thank thank you me you got it thank you I’m not going lie I I did not carry my weight at all bro I told y I told y’all be was right there it was right in

Front of us really I thought it was gone one and nine that’s crazy I’m not learning all that code exactly it’s too much I want to SL update his driver fix it stream being fuzzy My Stream is fuzzy I think it’s the game sometime yeah it was a little

Fuzzy at first I think I think it’s my bit rate I got to figure out it’s the game well you fa I let me know cuz uh yeah I had a my my stream was fine until YouTube told me my bit rate was too high and now ever since then it’s been

Fuzzy what what do you have your bit rate at now if you had it you have your I don’t even know let me cut it on CU okay so 5,000 is the base that’s where it should be at where it should be okay decent I told you six just to put it up

A bit more but like five should be like the bare minimum and I shouldn’t be too much either the fuzzy the more fuzzy it is that’s the lower your bit rate that’s too low and the more if it’s choppy and it’s freezing up that mean it’s too high

So putting that 5K should should be the best route if if anything pass that is too choppy cuz I’m able to stream at certain things I’m able to stream at 10K and it’s smooth but if it’s like if it’s too much in my computer it’s going to be

Choppy that’s what I’m thinking I think some games be kind of heavy like like finals like the finals is really strong even five b should work on the finals though no lie it might a little bit I was looking at something I was looking at something how do I carry my weight in

Finals that happens to me all the time though I like I got a kangaroo hoodie funny enough that’s funny right honestly you got to have like a like one of those Beast graphics cards to sit up here and play some of the games on a PC and to be able to

Stream know uh $6,000 computer 6000 six bands so I got a computer I’m like y ready to play I’m ready I’m good counting down a day actually they said they only have one more left so I don’t even know if they’re going to make the

Comp let me check it wait I thought they just why do they lie cuz they don’t like you oh um so oh they they okay I think they bringing another computer all gaming PC I got my hoodie so either I’m going to build a computer and then I’m about to have everybody help

Me or I’m buying one already built like me that was a good game that was that was good that was good that I told like for do do you see why I run would I run no no no I do I do I do I’m messing with

You I was going to build M but I got afraid cuz I know was it the the motherboard and them pins and stuff I didn’t want to [ __ ] up I would never build my own PC ever I want to I will have it built no I want to they are expensives I

Want to build it my I want to be I want to make that into a video why yeah mine’s going to be unboxing my already built PC sounds great for me that’s what I should have did when I got mine building building my PC from the ground

Up cuz I get this $6,000 computer oh I’m having a whole video about it but what happens when if you try if you press the power button and something don’t work then you don’t know which component it is you don’t know who to say Lee that was kind of

Crazy do it again Lee do it again no I’m good what did I miss him dancing again no the camera like I need me a 4090 always foolishness I need to get on timing [ __ ] I’m lacking let me try this AK again let see this one has I don’t know which gun

I I yeah this one has a 4090 in it dang it man oh but all they have a 4090 so what’s the difference you got a 4090 me no the one I want to buy has a 4090 but oh the CPU has is Intel I don’t want no Intel CP what what

Else the Ry ryz AMD the CPU oh I AMD CPUs is official crazy y’all crazy I’ll never get a rizing you crazy and what’s crazy is I don’t even care for computers enough I just know like I don’t know I just just Intel has always been my thing that’s kind of

Crazy at first I was like that too I was like yeah you know Intel Intel is good but behind us oh my God purple I I have a raising but my graphics CS also AMD my graphics card like I wish I would have got here you go

Here you go oh raisin you got a raisin for your graphics cart yo yeah I do I do fact all right y’all have a good night I’m depositing I’m depositing I’m depositing I’m right here with Le I’m right here with Lee all right we right here with you nice whole time whole time I don’t know I think it’s 34 don’t don’t don’t quote me I don’t know how do you ask about about your PC let’s see my PC old though so it definitely need to be updated let’s see it’s I have a seven I don’t have a nine I have a

Seven why is it taking so long right there right there right there how much round do I have oh see yeah I only have 16 I need to update that I want to have at least 30 did the guy die yeah yes I’m going to

Die come pick this up oh I got you I got you I got you come over here 7 s seven come that’s me that need the health I got both you I got but seven got to take it he got to take it so you could dip but see no he

Going bro C we we we at we we okay yeah yeah tripping the one I has um it has a 4090 and 64 around that’s a beast okay yeah good fair enough I know what I be doing and then it has the um ryzen let me not say

Raisin because you know what they’re going to say no it’s not the wrong having a raisin there’s nothing wrong with having a raisin no how we going to get to these five bands how do I get to the five b there’s somebody up there people up there there’s people up

There that’s yeah that’s why I want that one cuz like think about we have to edit and then record and stream you need that 60 bro why are you sniping me from across the map what does that get you other than just a kill right there I

Should just go ahead upgrade my Ram and be fine I want to I dead I don’t think ram cost that much money no yeah it’s not that expensive for some D get 64s get some 32s oh you said fives n fives is crazy going to

Slap you but if you going to buy Ram in this day and age why would you get ddr4 guys I’m at four I think I got four okay look look look I’m be honest right y’all can judge me when I bu I’m looking at does it have LED lights or not in it

What got sniped from across the map not that’s what I’m saying bro is sniping bro he’s weird he’s weird like if it don’t look pretty I don’t want it in my computer that’s kind of crazy well I’m being honest that’s why I they up here getting

The money they up here get wait seven wait you don’t have no Health give me that money I got seven beeses on me and we need to go oh you talking about the yes you know I’m talking about the corser cuz I have everything in corser right

Now and uh ra and gosh this n just I’m going to die oh no yeah that’s the one I like I want to get the white on guys where Y at bro behind you oh okay let me I I’m I’m looking at is uh was it the next the

Next PCS that’s one to have like the we need to deposit we need to deposit there’s people up here there PC and you can sit up there and put like your own videos and stuff on you’re weird you’re weird oh my God s oh my God what did I do you was right

Behind me what happened that’s my coins look at my coins I might have to do that but let me look at Amazon now look helping me oh yeah the ones that have screens inside of yeah yeah yeah that’s the one I want WR one he to the right he to the right

Right there I got him I got him I got him I told you danger I just want you to look SL oh never mind oh my bro why I’m not lie there’s too many people over there y tripping bro 10 B over here my [ __ ] there’s too many

People bro we have the same amount of Health this one on use liquid cooling the new one that I want to get no way they took that they got that’s the one thing I hate about these computers they overheat it’ be a done freaking deal that’s yeah oh I would love to have

Liquid koola that was that was 12 bands Lee only got to empty it out your that’s part I’m scared of there with you dead and like no you I had 12 on them imagine like you you could overclock your I would lost on me they would have had [ __ ] 18 bands

N you see think about himself SL I was I thinking about my why would I do that that just sounds dumb that it’s going to be I’m boxing my already built computer how am I going to protect him when there’s three different groups there he wasn’t running he should have

Ran it’s not it’s not protecting at that point bro it’s running you need to [ __ ] run what are you talk I just got the 10 B I need to help fighting there was no running I needed to fight fighting fighting three crew you I had

The money I didn’t have the money yet I needed assistance with the fight CU oh my gosh cuz oh Sam pH them tweaking and slum what is this what kind of chip ass this is green is this finished chip s what did I just witness you said what time guacamole chip s seven

Seven that’s good bro we lost purple got it yeah he died see that that’s what would have happened that’s what that’s the same that would have happened but that was just like sure bro whatever videos on how to build PCS I want to build one so freaking bad but I

Said I’m afraid I mess up something NY did yall say that this the last one I didn’t say that oh I I was going to stream it purple F win bro you stream yep about you streaming tomorrow you don’t want to be up there bro okay too

Late why would you bring I thought you bro why not I got my turn up here you got a turn up here you got a turn I know matter purple got it bro GG’s though all right let me leave so I can make my thumbnail let me go ahead and record my

Own game they already playing the music yeah they are playing the music they playing that outro music [ __ ] how works oh they they depositing right now I once you kind of got de is not that bad do you guys put thermal paste on your um look already have

Whatever they put on there they they they they got that they did that when you’re when you’re putting on your CP your GPU I mean your CP you have to put on thermal Pace all right time to go back to fortnite that’s what we doing iard a lot of people do that but I don’t know if it benefits it it’s just so it knows if it’s overheat or not I think something like thatting like you really don’t have a choice you have

To I do want to start waking up at 4:00. am again bro I kind of miss my my my old schedule I’m need you to pick a scar you won’t stick to it bro it’s bro I it’s cuz I don’t live near my goddamn family that’s the complication of

It I have never heard of that though and I’m wondering maybe should have been doing that at least like once a year checking put some face I think like once you put it on it that’s just it it’s done unless you change it out again he’s talking about putting thermal paste on

The CPUs he said like he was like he was saying he um is that something you every it’s only I never hear changing out yeah only hey you never know somebody out there is like I’ve been changing mine out unless there there’s always people like that there’s always going to be

Weird people come on like ah I want a water cooler system so bad got me on Amazon shopping for PC parts for a computer that I’m not going to build yo I cannot go ahead go ahead [ __ ] me some stuff bro please please I know you got that money man you got that

Big B who got thaty you got thaty on you man let’s be real I’m on Brokey BR you got that you got that Tessy in the garage you know yeah to save me some gas I mean and maintenance like yeah yeah that’s

Why I got I got some gas for you I got a um I got a zip I got a QP you know we already know this we already know this plug shamess plug shamess plug guys I’m not like that shame you don’t look you you don’t use your own product so we

Respect that we know that you don’t do it but you definitely you know you got the 10 Crack amendments you you if I wanted to update my my computer to 64 right I have to update like my I’m myp you think I’m a dealer bro she’s she’s asking about

Something I just want to hear Mimi opinion if she think I’m a dealer or not it’s like I was saying right my CPU and all that stuff too I don’t know I don’t know how it is I don’t know how it is when you upgrade your

RAM I’m I’m sure there me you just need to do the restart you just need to restart yeah cuz with ram you don’t you don’t need to update your drivers or anything no no your workload workload seven is what oh seven you watching my stream I want to show you

Something uh yeah motherboards I don’t know either that’s why you got to go to somebody and build it look at look at what D my motherboard is [ __ ] on my other PC I think that’s said don’t break the pins oh yeah you see you know what that’s why

Pre-built look at that danger send donation with the Dono shout out to Danger with with the 75 bits money for fun 75 bits you turn this I thought somebody just got a donut I was about to say hold on who monetized coming live from the coming

Live from the three coming live from the three two times y think cop stri for that nope sit up here and just go buy another computer no test your log test your log all right guys the best finals ler that’s why I’m naming it that’s what you since y’all are technically

Streaming right now I’m just gonna go and record uh best finals trios wow on this game mommy what is that emoji I forgot y’all told me I forgot what it mean yeah what does that mean like Stone no it’s uh I forgot I forgot I know it doesn’t mean money for

Fun he exp to me they explained it to me before Lee and what generation did you you grow up in I’m a millennial you are not a millennial stop it I just learned today that some just G bro what if I was born if I was born just three years

Earlier I’m 20 yeah I’m 27 bro you got to be 27 VI Millennial I’m 27 what year was you born I’m not gen Z what year was you born yeah what year was you born if you 27 if you’re 27 right now right now okay D 1998 that’s C

You’re I was you’re still wrong 1997 yeah 9797 it’s 1997 I was just capping bro so when is your birthday when is your birthday 14 1997 that’s because my sister was born in 97 she’s still 26 and her birthday is in March okay I’m turning 27 I was just

Playing bro I’m tur you’re not a millennial I’m Bo like understand you want to be part of my generation so bad but you are not Millennial it’s okay bro gen Z bro if birthday if the year of your birthday comes anything after two it’s kind of crazy to me

Bro hear that you’re genz to though yeah he is yeah exactly so what do you what do you chat they say are from 1998 from 1980s to 1994 1996 oh it’s 199 19967 I’m a I’m looking it up right now I’m looking at pictures and they’re saying that it’s different one says from

Uh 198 1994 and another one says from 1 to 1995 the New Gen Alpha there’s a gen Alpha yes that’s bro that’s the new M looking at bro that that’s the you know the the Ohio [ __ ] made only in Ohio that’s gen Alpha [ __ ] bro that’s not

Even gen Z and like all the extra [ __ ] bro it just be that cring [ __ ] Bro gen Alpha is nasty Equinox is Gen Alpha Equinox yeah happy in my chat is Jen Al no he they genen Z but it’s like bro they’re not they’re basically J Alpha

Wait what is J Alpha though like oh yeah kids 11 11 and younger I didn’t even know they had a new IP iPad iPad uh I IP IP yeah that’s gen Alpa right there [ __ ] on their on their little iPads kicking their feet burping with the big on it the on excuse me

Excuse me talking about my kids I need you I aming bring it down some my kids have done nothing to you y’all watching my stream Y watching my watch my watch watch My Stream y’all this how the kids be On on me exactly that’s definitely not my kid okay bro you got to cough you got a cough in like like y’all lucky y’all lucky I can’t disconnect you matter of fact I can do something no don’t disconnect me wait chill chill chill chill they got they got like 50 different positions

They like this yo oh my gosh got Mt quiet in here didn’t it right um it definitely did start it up start it up bro start it up that’s not funny Mimi it was hilarious to me wait how did you how did you do that it didn’t say he was muted

CA you know that’s how your kid muted my kids don’t be like that no I promise you notation Z is called lineals that’s weird the lineals that’s nasty that’s weird I’m not claiming that that’s weird that’s nasty oh so Millennials are millennials I never knew that

Millennials are what SL slum bro if you say start it up one more time we’re having a conversation I started the stream bro we’re having a conversation we I can converse and play at the same time we we’re we’re on bro we’re on seven timeing remember slim we

Already said this we’re on seven timeing all right so generation Alpha are children who are born between 2010 and 2025 okay so what what where does Lee rank Lee what year was you born he’s gen Z I’m gen Z man yeah man tell differ about techology know about like the internet

Before it was high speed me and no only thing about like high speed and like latest technology no that’s cap what that’s cap y’all grew up with consider J I don’t know I didn’t know bro I had the fat computers in my [ __ ] I knew about this slow

Wifi that’s how that’s how they explain it like like Millennials grew up when internet just started and gen Z grew up like with the internet that’s gen Alpha no no by 2010 the internet was already good my boy we had that’s all we had Myspace kick Facebook the the Divine come on bro

We had everything by then the social the social media age would be considered chin we had we had Zwinky Club Penguin come on bro the dud V Club Penguin oh slim you I’m I’m unlocking some Court memory I was on DVDs I was on the DVD

Computers bro I I don’t know what y talking about you guys remember Fusion fall [ __ ] I had a flip we didn’t even have iPhones when I was younger yet bro I down no that’s gen Alpha bro I don’t I don’t I don’t I remember when the I remember when the

IPod a phone element you did not have a Razer phone you didn’t have a Razor phone dud on my life I had a Razer phone stop it stop it on me I had a razor flip stop stop stop look I’m going Sol I’m going solve this I’m going Sol this for

Everybody I’m going solve it right where’s my team he is right there was razor phones back then but iPhones did come out during your generation too [ __ ] I’m sorry how is he so close I don’t get that how is he so fast as a looking like

Choy he said he said um dang just said this is going to be last generation of parents that that grew up without phones that’s kind of crazy I didn’t get a phone I I didn’t get my first phone like n it’s not your fault it’s the game that game we doing that

Crap oh man why we up here why we up here what we no it’s you got to change your bit rate probably I think it’s too late now we just talking about that oh time to go time go time go time go time

Go no you to cut it off cut it back on CU that’s what happened with z and Z was like what the heck yeah it’s like certain games that do this yeah cuz cuz danger said my stream get fuzzy on this yeah it’s just certain

Games that’s why I’m G to go spend like 10 band on my next PC bro listen this is what this is what they said okay seven come back around so Millennials live through 911 remember what Amazon only sold books which I do and also the first ration

That know childhood both no way this game is not balanced you disconnected cuz your game was Fuzzy bro that’s AIT are you serious yeah y’all know my streamer anxiety stop it bro without who who without phones I know because B I grew up my mom had a

Phone no cell phon he meant to say like cell phones like oh no I mean my mom had a cell phone n they all had that phone where they had to pull out the antenna cuz but it’s a cell phone is it not that’s not a cell phone that was a a m

It was called that was a mobile device C pH it was called a cell phone stop it that was a mobile device mobile that was called a cell phone bro uh Zer hello what’s up how are you where you s I swear tired you just got on smartphone okay seven what is your

Bit rate what is your bit rate what is your bit rate way I just left the game he doesn’t know no you set it up okay so you set it up in streamlabs or obs pull up your open your stream live right now open your screen share screen

Share you be doing this at the wrong times bro I promise money for fun it’s at 3,000 you said what was it was it blurry or was it choppy was it was it blurry was it Choy it was choppy so so your [ __ ] need to go down even lower bro wait

What put it put it to like put it to like [ __ ] what I don’t know two two B hold on let me if it’s blurry it needs to go up if it’s choppy that means it’s too to much it’s too much it’s too high what zero no don’t do that come on at

All hold that was an accident I mean do like try like 2,000 to 2500 hold on let me look at your stream first is it still up or did you no he took it down he took it down try try like 20 2,000 to 2500 maybe like

2,250 who trying to catch this smoking stumble guys right right quick though that’s not even download on my D phones and attendant are bricks not phones that’s crazy yeah exactly those are not cell phones you know what generation I can’t deal with y’ generation you guys are annoying money tell them

MIM tell them Mimi we can’t if you didn’t grow up with look look look so this is where the cut off is from like gen Z to Millennial if you didn’t grow up with VHS tapes wait wait stop I know I know Le hold on hold on just hold on just hold

On are you trying to go back on stream so we can have turn your camera on turn your camera on this is perfect the guy’s um talk you know oh my God I was getting ready to record a video let’s just talk about it let’s just talk about it guy

Stinks M I’m thinking about I’m thinking about us I had to I was thinking about us think about me I M a blanket man okay so got no blanket was explain something and then there’s no way it’s you know he it seem happen a lot with you it happens a lot with you

Be careful calm down bro that conf LE calm down you know you’re my brother well Jamal we get the nine yeah don’t don’t pull out a nine Lee all right so so let’s talk about uh uh how do I how we start this you just start conversa and that’s the whole point you

Just have conversation thank you do we not do an intro do we are you on stream no I’m recording this why are you not on stream you’re just streaming stop it turn your stream back on C go cut the stream back on but I wanted to do this

Go cut the stream back on and just show Discord that’s do oh look at him he’s losing it he’s losing it he’s losing it slim you’re showing yourself twice I know okay so let’s talk let’s talk about it um I’m now let’s chat bro who’s move

Your camera if if you’re gonna be on here or no or you gonna is it is it like getting to you low key but it’s fine because like you’re looking at yourself right now like that looks so n you looking at so what are we considering JZ excuse Me I could should I unmute all y’all are JZ all of y’all are JZ okay all of us and MIM what are you I’m a millennial now what I was saying was the separation from Young gen Z and the class of generation uh gen Z that’s mixed with Millennials if they did not

Grow up with [ __ ] VHS tapes or or you know having flip phone or whatever else there’s a there’s a part of gen gen Z that had that [ __ ] if you were not a part of that that’s not the part that I’m claiming bro cuz there’s a big

Discrepancy from the first half of jenzy and then the second half I feel like just because it was in the home does not make you Millennial it’s not wait what just it the same things that we did what does that mean so because if you if you saw a

VHS that don’t make you like you close to Millennials no I didn’t have cable we had antennas and VH antenna anten okay but that that doesn’t make you a millennial I didn’t say that I didn’t say that I said that I said there’s a big discrepancy of gen Z that that mixes

With Millennials and then there’s the second phase talking about you talking about you talking about the beginning part of j z yeah that’s the that’s what they call they call y’all the older older j z that’s what they call something like that it’s the older generation of J I’ll take it like old

Gen is not the same I wouldn’t but you know I can’t be a part of the Gen Z that that just be on that crack crack [ __ ] we was born you know me and slim was born in the 90s I’m a 90s baby that’s all I care about Lee was born 200

And 81 born between 1981 1996 age 23 to 38 is considered a millennial what differences what what what have you gone through that I have not me what did you just say the between it say it says anyone between 1981 and 1996 is consider dang it bro I told you three

Years man anyone born from 1987 onward is part of a new generation of Lee it’s just it’s just the times we grew up in man it’s just everything was just the same you know that don’t mean you’re you know like we Bor me Slim me Slim we were

Born in the 90s you that’s a couple years before there was no difference rug by time you were four years old I was a two-y old that was on the same timing I get what you’re saying and I completely hear you but like I said I’m considered a old older

Generation like they be consider a young generation of Millennials so I’ve gone through things differently than what they go through and they’ll be more closer to um to gen Z than they would be older Millennial Lee what year you was born Lee look mad comfy we was born in 200 and

And there there’s more you know what’s crazy the both of y y are more gen Z than than than me bro let’s be real y played [ __ ] Club Penguin y’all played those online gen Z computer games that I’ve never touched you know what I play

The DVD I played the DVD put it inside insert inside the computer games I didn’t play that online [ __ ] so you telling me when you was in school and you was in computer class and you was in computer CL class you never played the coolmath.com you ain’t play the the the

The the Box the Box Head shooting game stop it bro you played that bro you played it that was stop it no it wasn’t different bro you played that bro play y’ played the club playing with online games bro I didn’t Z speak of gen Z wait I just saw something that that

Goes to what he saying I said I was continue me it says older JY members share why it’s embarrassing to be in this generation I just feel so so uncool at times I’m it’s I’m telling you I think that’s what the difference that you have the younger

Generation Z and you have a older generation that’s more on millennial timing because it’s so close to Millennials I do be feeling like I’m old that’s why I be asking that’s why I be asking chat like what are y’all talking about like uh what be call you like

Gazing you know what I’m saying or or what’s what’s what’s the other he I had early J late JY yeah it’s more like oh yeah glaz bro that [ __ ] was slap right now that’s kind of crazy or like the Emoji that that ston bro chill that stone Emoji no

Z Focus up bro what’s wrong with saying glaz donut see that’s that gen shitzy he said I want a Glazer that’s glaz donut exactly bro that gen Z bro but it’s like it’s like it’s like for me I feel like I’m not old but I am at the same

Time yeah same here same here slim you 25 you you basically that’s what I say I’m basically 30 I might as well be 30 at this point yeah uh me I’m still on why am I agreeing with that because that’s crazy that you that you basically are 30 at 25 that’s crazy that’s

Actually that’s crazy I’m still on the younger side of the 20s you know slam you you’re in the middle I mean this year you’re you’re in the middle too no no 25 is the middle what does glaz you’re turning 25 in the next what does glazing mean I

Put it I put a definition at the in the beginning of my uh one of my videos I remember Le how Lee how old you is 27 stop lying your life Lee you how old are you his face turning rare bro he like he like 21 he was born in

2002 you’re the same age as my little brother oh I know what a meat writer is I’m meat Rider yeah meat riding that’s what I put it in my Mario Kart video the beginning of my Mario Kart video Yeah teach us teach us some uh teach us some

Lingo danger keep us hit man yeah because I don’t know that stuff said keep us h it’s kind of like Duke Dennis like how y’all feel about Duke Dennis who’s that he’s from South Carolina we we all we know all the [ __ ] that they talk about it’s just that we

We use it as ironic these [ __ ] really be saying Riz and [ __ ] they really be saying gach and shut like they be saying this [ __ ] like I don’t know what none of that stuff mean sh we just be chatting about joking around with these [ __ ] really

Be saying inside school I was on the phone I was on the phone with my niece and nephew and they was literally like my nephew talk about y’all was at school the other day and this girl had a gat I’m like oh a gat like that’s how you describe

It what is that toilet yeah like they be like you’re so SK toilet not answering me what was the question that’s what it is yeah ass you know that’s crazy oh you want to know what y mean yeah CZ I like look this stuff is like she has a bodacious curvage

Personality she got that Anita Mar Wing go my cousin was like he rised up so many girls at school I was like I was like dude nobody says that in a sentence bro you know but they they actually they actually like we joke about it but they actually be using it they actually

That’s sad yo I’m about to go rer up right there like oh my gosh I would yo that so bro you got R you got that sounds so weird that sounds so weird I suck at me he’s like Mom I’m the Riz Master what let’s go back in my day we

Say spit game we used to go spit game you know said back in yeah oh my gosh stop licking your lips cuz what you to play this on 90 now some of these some of these stuff I don’t even know what they are D just say seven it’s a 90s I just noticed

Something there’s not a red symbol next to your name cuz it’s a red next to his record button exactly it’s definitely not a red symbol next to his name on YouTube like I don’t know like he’s streaming yeah now you streaming to it down and it go back up that’s crazy you

Can’t keep doing that so my question is right why does it even matter like what’s the difference between early gen Z and Jin Z like what do you mean y want to do a 90 has nothing to do with me because I’m a millennial I’m G stay out of this y

Want to do uh 90s um show uh a 90s cartoons tier list I’m a win oh you said tier list I don’t even know you said you g win that’s crazy that’s crazy I thought I thought we was gonna do like some trivia or something oh no I lost I don’t do trivia

I’m I’m a cook I’m a that’s is there is there are there free trivia games hold on hold on hold on hold on wait isn’t it one in this thing like got in trivia game is it a trivia I’m Lu how we can do caho with the uh with the

Viewers sometimes that [ __ ] would be firah viewers yeah I used to love trivia I want to see if there’s any free trivas on a big difference yeah me I’m newer I’m $10 stting on OG Xbox whoa they tripping hold on we not doing let see it’s definitely a big difference

Between between the the older geny and the younger gen Z definitely yes I I think I think the older gen Z is kind of more like on millennial time you have to go on YouTube for that though like older J D is what 90 97 98

99 uh shoot it’s up it’s up until 2 I would say I would say I would say 2003 Max no but that didn’t even get risky over there because I’m not gonna lie that how old is the older gen it says the um the older gen would be like

26 that’s me no that that’s just one year that’s c i turn 26 this year is what I’m saying C that like that like from 26 and like you know so that mean 98 that mean 97 998 is what they mean by early gen they mean 90 9722 that’s what it mean no

Like the oldest the oldest like the oldest gen Z right now the oldest so is so is 98 is the oldest yeah so where does it stop when does when does the next one’s well I mean okay let’s think of age let’s say age wise somebody right now6 20 20 to 21

Like I would I’m at the I think I’m I would say 20 W be pushing it I be like that’s middle one I wouldn’t even I wouldn’t say y’all anywhere near me I would say middle y to too cuz like bro oh well he 20 okay never

Mind what about no what about noina how he turning 20 yeah he’s mid y between The Young and the old young but no noina he’s with but I’m saying though like thinking of of how he is as a person though I’m saying you guys can be mature but I’m saying like

Your age R will put you in the middle because you know both sides I guess fair enough I mean no I see what you mean though because it’s like I guess because like you know you know you get the younger generation like what this stuff

That they do let me see what what did uh if we’re gonna come like let’s say let’s say let’s say the the span of Cartoon Network that’s a great way to to say it to say what we’ve watched on Cartoon Network okay okay as far as that’s concern do y’all remember original Cartoon

Network I remember the original Cartoon Network oh [ __ ] I was what was the original Cartoon Network wait what do you mean by original like the name that’s what I’m saying yeah I don’t I don’t know when it first started no I think that was are you asking like what

Was the name of the network itself like the actual Channel no it was called Cartoon Network okay so what you was different so when started when it first started it was just like uh Maron of like a couple cartoons they they have see what I’m

Saying question a Time spot no I said do you remember carto Network like the network like the actual Network like when it first started but I’m saying what show was R what I remember that was so long ago I I actually that up I remember but it was like it it wasn’t a

Full Channel at that point it was just like like a Time spot if I’m not mistaken what do you mean a Time spot what do that even meaning because it was it was on if I’m not mistaken it was on a Turner Network whatever it was way

Back when it wasn’t like like it took a while before it became CaRu Network see the kids are part of gen Z that have not watched Boomerang that’s that’s definitely low TI low tier gen gen Z that’s the that’s the Gen Z side that’s that’s just not there

No boang was lit first SC oh me that that Dr was that jumping that exact I was right it was um it was founded in 1992 when it and it was on the that Turner Network they used to have that back now how what type of question was

That if you said on 1992 how was I how how was we supposed to see no I was saying I was like I cuz I just wanted to see if y’all ever watch I’m trying to figure out this here thing where y’all fall at wait no oh so this is the OG

This is when cartoon no no no we yeah we felt I’ve seen this sh your screen I’m not saying you have look at this hold on yeah my my Wi-Fi is on some boo boo stuff right now bro uh so it’s this right here let me

See I’ve seen this this was back when uh thing was coming out this was this was around the time like like you you see all these older shows with like Speed Racer and [ __ ] Speed Racer was not on in in this time it was on throughout this

Time bro like the old school Speed Racer and whatnot and so looking at these cartoons oh what’s the what’s the the cat the cat [ __ ] uh C dog Thundercat Thundercat no no that was on a d swim actually never mind you know what matter

Of fact it was like it was yeah you see how the pictures are the first ones that was airing was Fred Flintstone it was Betty bu um what I saw I remember this moose this moose over on the left side remember that moose that all of that

Stuff that that was on Boom was on Boomerang was like the stuff that you oh I don’t know where I used to watch PP no I used to have the VHS that’s no no I didn’t was on TV I used to watch poey it was on Cartoon Network yeah for a brief

Time okay so where else was it on because like this might have been where I was watching popey on papey it was on something else too I remember what it was but I know was morning like like you know early morning type of networks whatever I don’t know where that would

Have been but I remember this character but yeah you know I I remember this [ __ ] ain’t gonna lie though that Cartoon Network in that era was mid I’m not gonna lie you saying that this this Cartoon Network was fire yeah yeah yeah yeah 04 to to 2010 that wow wait wait wait wait

Wait was it that was it no it wasn’t stop it we had everything you need this is the 04 to 10 we look we got we got on oh wait no it said 92 but I can tell you I can tell you I can tell you I can tell

You you don’t even need to go bike you don’t need to go bikeing oh my God CU we had we had we had Team Titans we had courage we had F friend we had Total Drama Island stop it you not you’re not messing with them bro Flap Jack hold on

Wait wait wait go to that picture on the right Flapjack never mind go back go back no you keep clicking on the wrong things bil and Mandy come on Dexter we was cooking Johnny Johnny Test we had it we was cooking so look so go up go up

Go up so and my 19963 was what Dexter okay okay okay hold on wait wait wait let me see this picture we were cooking we were cooking look at what was on there K County dog stop oh there we go okay okay okay okay okay okay wait I

Didn’t know those cartoons was that old I didn’t know those cartoon y got cow chicken Johnny Bravo okay okay but I feel like I feel like those not that old Billy and Mandy too got bil got cour y got SE Jack okay okay amambo okay okay okay okay okay okay

Okay okay I didn’t real I didn’t Pi the Johnny I didn’t know it was that I get yeah these are older ones that went to went to Boomarang I guess not go to Boomerang Dex chicken Calvin chicken went to Boom now now it’s courage never went to the boomerang

Stop it bro that’s where I watched it you did not watch you did not watch c c dog on Boomerang brother how this that is how we know you young CU if you watch start watching like Adventure Time Regular Show child yeah yeah that’s that’s like after that how

You gonna tell me why I watch bro you did not see c k dog on Boomerang brother it just show Boomerang on a logo it just said that what year did it go to that’s how I know you’re young that’s how I know you’re young do used to give me nightmares K

Usep was that cat I can’t remember the cat’s name cat was [ __ ] cat dog no no no she talk the skinny the skinny little cat on there yeah no that episode where the thing was just like floating the thing just floating like no like car dog gave me

Nightmares I’mma say like this this age this this age here probably watch chowder Flapjack stop it you got you got my hold on stop right there stop right there stop you got my partner was a monkey you got class of see stop it we was cooking B the rest of

This stuff I didn’t watch Bon showing all the good ones I promise there was more there’s definitely more there it was that much I watched from there where’s Total Drama Island everybody love that uh this had have been 10 now this this this this peak

Right here that was a good Peak that was a good peek the first three the first the first three that’s it this one right here this one right here oh my gosh what is that I know stop it stop it watch the crap out I watch the crap yes my partner was the

Monkey was lit bro I used to love that show rest okay okay I I watch the little uncle Universe was good now wait wait wait y’all can we talk about how Powerpuff Girls is at number four and it was no I think it’s a newer version I think it’s a newer version cuz

If you scroll up that don’t belong there that scroll up Scroll up Scroll up Scroll up Scroll up Scroll up Scroll it’s a different version it’s a new version it’s like i’mna lie I’m not gonna lie in the past few months I’ve been watching this [ __ ] I’ve been is

That that [ __ ] is ass but like i’ be going to sleep to it KO like that what is it kind of we fight to you are my best friend KO that’s [ __ ] Clarence Clarance I didn’t like I didn’t like clar stupid now this I am not watching none of that

Stuff I am not watching n that stuff what shows are they dropping right now cartoonetwork Cartoon Network no you missed it all s you was recording and you just you you were gone how you leave your own video which is crazy which is crazy no warning either bro just every time no

Warning trigger question trigger question right Teen Titans Teen Titans Go I will watch them I watch them for two different reasons can’t really is actually like it’s funny they got funny music like I will chuckle it’s meant to be comedic team I’m sitting there like

This I think that DC has a habit of making like their shows too freaking serious and it and it loses like I’m not going to lie T was it was too serious I te Titans with a Sprinkle a Teen Titans Go Ninjago no no no Teen

Titans did not need that that that they had comedic relief here and there but you didn’t need that in Teen Titans it was it was good Teen Titans didn’t have enough comedic Teen Titans wasn’t even I mean the OG te time was good but if I

Had to choose like a superhero like a serious superhero show it uh to me I was choosing Young Justice I don’t know what that is I didn’t even watch I didn’t watch talk about a lot though in elementary bro [ __ ] was talking about that [ __ ] heavily I never

Watched what was the uh static shock y’all ever watched that oh I freaking love static shock yeah he was see uh that sh used to put me to sleep exactly I just like the intro I remember the int oh you know what which which was the Batman bat the like the

Yes Batman Beyond Batman Beyond was raw yes y know that’s really Bruce Wayne’s son yep yeah how you know meim me Disney cause no not even Disney hold on yeah used to watch on my um steam is Harley oh disy I love Harley Quinn like okay

Okay the force of evil no no when they stop doing this on Disney Murphy Law stop Ito oh my God Kim Possible oh my oh my God days they said was what wait family oh my gosh this was New School wait I can’t what you say how you SE oh go

Seven that’s the emperor Groove new school lead come on oh oh oops wrong thing um yeah my friend said uh Kim Possible wasn’t um top five uh old Disney shows in his list it wasn’t his he wasn’t even my top one top five it’s just I don’t know it was

Like top 10 maybe no I ain’t gonna lie I used to love Kim Possible I used to watch the hell out of this is my favorite show I’m G make I’m G make a video about this soon kick Basi was my [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] that [ __ ]

Broish I used to watch Fish Hook no funny I used to watch I didn’t watch that either and that one is Wander Over Yonder with the with the Wand Over Yonder Disney niod niod I never watched kick Bowski though that’s crazy I did watch Ki

I did okay valid that’s what got me SK for real that was [ __ ] did y’all watch did y watch Nick I didn’t get I didn’t get I was older but Nick Tunes was lit Nickelodeon all the all the other than what is that what is that this is early this is

Early okay that was that that was before me that was me damn it won’t let me zoom in I can’t zoom in properly bro you need to zoom out oh there we go there we go I can’t see Nathan I can’t see Nathan hold on I can’t see Nathan at all

Now what happened no no I can’t turn my camera home what happen why would you do that oh I can’t wow okay never mind did that worked it’s so hard to look at it are you I am still streaming yeah I’m still streaming okay so okay it still work then wow you know

What your pictures is sucking like like we can’t figure out nothing is what do I what do I need to type in got let let me type yeah you got it D it’s killing St anyways why didn’t you look up Nickelodeon Through The Years say I

Don’t remember what I typed in bro you said Generations Generations like Sonic Generations Sonic X what was the best Sonic game that you ever played hero I’ll keep it a Heroes Sonic games Sonic that came out in 2006 I think I only played Sonic

Beast bro and that [ __ ] was not it Le I about I remember I wanted that game so bad like I was I know it look cool as [ __ ] bro it looks so [ __ ] cool though I was just like there’s no way this [ __ ] a that J was whack when he couldn’t

Run that [ __ ] was so bad I didn’t even had the game for myself I just played at my cousin’s place I think that [ __ ] was so bad Sonic a got nothing on spiral never played no lies D are better than that though let’s be real I’ve never played a spiral or Crash Bandicoot

What you’re a nasty human being how are you a gamer how you say you never play what Sonic Underground a spiral or or a Crash Bandicoot game that’s you never play Crash Bandicoot that’s kind of disgusting at least watched it you at least watch used to play Crash bico when I was

Yay I watch the show no you at least watched somebody played or something right yeah yeah you know 2017 the um no I lied I did I didn’t play a full walkth through but I’ve played the game before but a spiral game I’ve never played a spiral game other than

That I used to love spiral you know that one game where you gotta put your little the little toy on top of the portal and it goes into the game come on Skylanders yeah and they had Sparro on there oh yeah I love that love that yeah yeah he’s he’s a

Skylander what I didn’t realize that that’s the only time I’ve played with Sparro the character that’s crazy any game no Skylander I didn’t know that was his play Skylander but you didn’t but you didn’t play spal like the whole Skylanders was spirro me me me the first

Time I’ve got a console was an Xbox 360 and the first game I’ve ever got was uh Naruto uh wait your first console was 36 say l say less cuz that means you’re a Microsoft kid that’s different that’s different Naro first the first game was Naruto RZ OFA

Ninja that’s the game where your first console a 360 I don’t know that man you missed a lot bro yeah yeah you did yeah you did miss you missed the PS2 the PS1 GameCube orbox my first console was a Nintendo uh super Super Nintendo my first now that was a beautiful gaming

Console my first console was the nintend 64 oh that that was some good games boy it depend on your household too cuz like I’m the gamer in my family but my brother he was the one that had to decide what games we had and that’s

That’s the thing if if we I have a gamer in my family which is my cousin he he had it all but he lived far away from me I just couldn’t play those games I was riding my bike through my neighb you know those kids off stranger things how

They be linking up with their friends and stuff on their bike that’s what I was doing rid my bike with my friends leaving in their yard Pizza in the basement started playing games like for real for real like consuming four days of video game and until I was like eighth

Grade original Xbox solid that’s why I played uh that7 golden ey I never had no we had the original Xbox but that [ __ ] was up in the attic bro we never touched that [ __ ] what I still have I still have I never wanted to play on that bro

Nothing nothing on there enticed me we used to bootle games like we used to burn I used to have Burnout Paradise too oh welcome to the Burnout Paradise where the grasses green and the girls are pretty so y’all never play y never take me home the for speeds on the old play

PS2 I had on a PSP hat it I hated it wait Did y’ play on the Dreamcast or is that just that was the first game I ever played that was the best system I’m so mad that they folded on that have you ever played um nightclub Midnight Club dou um Midnight

Club PSP PSP e it was on the PSP was on was real big yeah PP real big hey y’all talk about y talk about what about what about death Jam fight for New York oh that was good that was good that was good there’s no you know how many times

I’ve done that story mode bike to bike to bike in the same night I didn’t care look matter fact matter of fact danger just so you know I have the original no no no no we don’t that don’t count that don’t count original V the Vita I wan well no

No the pp and I had the V is that the P that’s the old school you know what you do oldo is this J what is let me see let me see let me see hey you just unlock memories on I got one for you

This play the games and play on Myan I promise I want to do that I had that bro I had a VTE I had a VTE I got one for you though Mimi you missed out on this one I’m not going to lie you know that you know that

Thing that you when you did that Spider-Man video and thing the Spider-Man joystick bro oh no that’s what I’m looking up right now but I was looking up the SpongeBob one I had I had that he had so many different ones too oh my God on here cuz y’all don’t play y y’

Didn’t go what I’m saying the joystick days was fire though I’m I’m not going to lie bro it it was this it was joysticks with the joysticks that’s crazy pause nasty it was this I think my cousin had that this bro I wasn’t a that much because that’s

Nasty that’s nasty that’s a little too um come on bro stop stop we’re kids D we were kids it was amazing to play no but that’s remember my cousin she had this SpongeBob toy and it’s like it’s it was so nasty bro I remember she pushed it

And then and then it would make like some type of sound hold on we had the Spiderman one too see bro this one yes no look no real [ __ ] I’ve had this in my notes for the longest I’m going to buy VTEC I’m going to make a

Video about it sometime on my channel I’m G to play I got to play games I have to yo I’m about to go spend some money thanks a lot about yo get your get the VTEC for your kids bro on VTE for the kids really my kids will be having this

Cultured cultured this is cultured see me talking about okay that’s that’s solid the dream Dreamcast that’s solid I can’t I can’t say nothing about that game uh game this is cultured yeah I ain’t gonna lie Dreamcast took up a lot of my my adolescence I’m not gonna cap this is

Culture at least at least put them with the PS2 not the PS1 they had a PS2 and then they upgraded to a PS3 and now they had a PS4 I looked at that I looked at that second console I definitely thought that was a PS1 I’m not gonna lie I forgot that’s

What I look that’s a Dreamcast yeah that the original oh we had this I never played on this [ __ ] that’s crazy it was so many good games that came out for the Dreamcast Dreamcast was they hads they had had it was a game on a memory card too play you know

What’s I want to play was Dam real big I think I think we had we went through the the portable games moment when we had like the game boys and The Game Boy colors the Game Boy oh my gosh yeah had Tony Hawk on I had Tony

Hawk I remember having the Mario the the Mario BR drawing on on on the GameCube everybody had the handhelds the game boys was great and I was only playing Pokemon games like how I got so caught up playing Pokemon no I I had Game Boy Advance I a

Game Boy Advance me the Robinson me the Robinson you’re I I had I had the original game boy had the Game Boy Advance I had with the Pokemon girls and I was going to school with the little girl cut off fingers the ass hat and I was we used to had to go

Run the track and I was like you know like seven No nasty I’ll buy right now I used to have I used to have the I used to have the ash little the blue with the white collar shirt I used to wear that to school with my book bag on and my little

Ash hat oh my God no I used to had to you know how I used to have the gloves with the cut off fingers I used to have those too I used to be like you really run through this the holes do Naro runs

Too bro I see wasn’t you I bet you was I wasn’t seven years this [ __ ] was going through the holes like this there’s no way you that there’s no way you one of them yeah he was yeah he was the only time I brought I only BR gave into school when

A DS came up though that that was everybody was hopping on DS tree froge frog said it was called a tree frog what was that a tree frog I remember the tree fog Le you I think they in school though who it was a show called my gym partn a

Monkey oh the little computer games my gym partner is a monkey monkey monkey monkey oh I remember I remember he used to wear the [ __ ] hat and [ __ ] too yeah I remember or or foster home foster home okay what about um The Secret Saturdays huh I know when I bring

When I bring that up nobody knows that show y play like uh that was a cartoon I up this last time I remember this yes I remember this I remember this I never watch CRA what you said Pokemon cards oh The Jump games we used to those are the DD

Games put Bad Boys in that was I want see if this somebody said that we used to trade Pokemon I used hey I used to collect Pokemon cards I had a whole binder in it seven do we have to play Pokemon so I could compete do we need to compete I my

Pokemon cards guys I’m talking about the game I’m not a I just got the cards because I’m a fan but play Yu-Gi-Oh I gave it to my little cousin I we have the I’m Not Gon lie I never I never care for Yu-Gi-Oh never play Bakugan battle Bakugan I used to love

Bakugan and I had it on I play I didn’t play Starfall on wi Starfall you used to play Fun Brain I used to play Starfall I used to play this no you never played this I played that yeah I played that I play CU It came it came on the actual computer it

Was like one of the computer computer yeah bro this [ __ ] was the OG for real this was on the fat computers bro cor memories look up Fusion fall there’s no way you never played Fusion fall Fusion fall was it familiar bro that game used to be so I used to be in

There oh yeah this at gen zit this that early gen G [ __ ] for sure dude I used to be in there every day with the my character had the omni tricks I just level up got a wh and kindergarten I never played online games play that oh

Who’s this guy from bro what show is he from I tried yeah that’s Al is this [ __ ] not this [ __ ] that’s that’s a I can tell y see find probably never played was it was in this was in this [ __ ] you talking about wizard Wizard 101 I us see that commercial all the

Timez one all the time bro I promise they used to have this thing called my C Coke Studio that was my Coke Studio oh yeah I remember Wizard 101 I do I do D said I play I remember that hold on one of these type of games wait

What’s yeah I’m say dang my [ __ ] [ __ ] up fuzzy it’s trying it’s trying it’s trying let get up let him get up let him get up is it still fried it’s still fried it’s hold on let me let me see if this work that’s Yu-Gi-Oh bro that’s not

Pokemon bro that’s Yu-Gi-Oh like this that was the only online game I ever played you’ve triggered my trap Card wait what’s the name of this game that look kind of familiar it’s called M you had to collect you collect the co Coca-Cola like caps and stuff and you

Would go on there and be able to buy stuff and decorate your own it was like that was it habo Hotel type stuff it look famar I about that either it looked like a they had this was a um hobo Hotel you can have like rooms and stuff and Decor other people

Stuff I don’t know one y never play play Zwinky what Zwinky spell it z w i n k y y’all never play Zwinky no oh I used to love Zwinky you used to play I know it’s this other online game that’s like it’s like a mix of like looking realistic and

Something like Club Penguins and [ __ ] what’s the name of that game because it used to be comperes for it I know y’all played it I know y play Fusion fall now I would this man there’s no way those servers are still alive no they definitely did they could they are all

Dead oh my gosh just G me Brain Blast oh my gosh I just gave me a Brain Blast let look at this me a Brain Blast bro didn say it’s basically it’s basically two servers one is the original game as it is the other is the academy update the

One there’s one other I play called retribution retro is z in here like I mean I see him but is in here no he definely he probably he probably playing a game he joined said he was tired and that was it get him out of here he’s playing the finals

Yo y know look y know how like how I’m trying to do like more of like the the 2000 shows and stuff like trying to do like Adventure Time and now like Tom and Jerry and what not cool cool cool right I have a older Channel called the

Average 2000s baby and I’m thinking about it bro I have no problem with going back and making my channel where I only play Old 2000 games and it would be a big category for people that that want to see that [ __ ] too I would assume and

Talk about um dude it’s a dude he be eating off playing retro games but you can talk about 2000 stuff like you know that fever dream we all used to have Brandy M westers you know remember that Brandy and Mr Whiskers was my was my cut

I’m about yo I’m might have cook the [ __ ] up I’m not gonna lie that fever dream you know we always this Lelo and Stitch oh yeah y probably haven’t played this Lilo and Stitch game bro oh I definitely used to play a I definitely did not I had a game was on

Though computer I forgot about Mr whis CU that was an awesome freaking show it was you to play this one where like you had to do get the sandwiches for Lilo and Stitch it was the Disney games bro yes yes yes yes yeah yeah I used to yeah

I used to play then is we sweet like a Zack and Cody yeah hold on what’s that game to the left what’s that game for that picture I used to play that too I used to play the hell out of that like Toontown or something like that town

Yes I think that’s the game I’m thinking yeah I played that I never played it bro because one on I just seen somebody I just seen somebody don’t even get me started with that no hero took over for a long time Pop tropical was it my little sister used to play that

[ __ ] bro they they just entered the servers like a couple days ago for pop Tropa oh isn’t this the bacon game bacon I think is it no no this not the game I remember there was this game that you would bake hold on Old 2000 game uh

Baking cakes and you have to do the different colors and [ __ ] I know right there right there yeah these these shames now I still play them games now fire bro I’m not going to lie you guys are BR go Club Penguin nasty nasty the greatest I’ve never played that game

Other game I’m thinking of no that’s not that’s not Club Penguin can you still play that real I think I think they close them shits no actually I think I see n it’s still up I remember this Mr Mosby I remember this game I remember this game

They [ __ ] up with this one game I I had played uh it was an American Dragon Jake Long game o what a game oh my God yeah flash gam was a computer it was a computer game bro flash games used to [ __ ] slap I’m not gonna

Lie hey hear me y’all guys oh my gosh Sims Sims S I li S sim had me in a choke hole for a minute do y’all remember a show called um Shing Showdown yes okay look I’mma take y’all off y little you know flash games right Lee

You probably don’t know what that is how did you guys ever play the original Grand Theft Auto original y i remember this it’s grunk [ __ ] I mean I said grunk that’s crazy that’s I play never play you about [ __ ] where was like it look kind of 2D Mimi

Yes yes the original Grand Theft very first one it was so bad it was so bad it was so bad yeah that [ __ ] was disgusting bro that [ __ ] was so bad and then they had and then they had then I think it like the next one was like they was in

British version of it was so badon Lon oh I remember cuz then you changed inside the other the other characters and yo I used to cook in this game bro I remember this [ __ ] I used to play this at school my friends and try to see who who who who got the most

American dragon from the e to the yeah me the oldest one that I played that I’ve really enjoyed was Vice City Vice City was fun as [ __ ] city was even the oldest that’s what a game I’ll show you guys this is the first old that I played this

Is the very first Grand Theft Auto that’s why when the everybody got when they got popular because that was a third one of the installment there was the first one was Grand Theft Grand it was like London or something like that and it was like and then this is like the one everybody

Knows do y’all used to watch something which one was GTA 3 which one was that GTA 3 is the first one that took place in New York I don’t remember which I don’t what I’ll show you have you ever played a game I mean not played a game

Have you ever used to watch something called my friend Martin hear me out uh my friend martin3 I never played GTA 3 you’ve never played GTA 3 look at up Le I’m that this dude is playing okay I’m getting let me go ahead and leave that this dude is

Playing Club Penguin bro no way no no no just look up my friend Martin oh that yeah that you ever seen that oh wait Mark let me see oh do you ever do you remember that’s a movie right that’s a movie right we watched school yeah we used to watch it

At school and at the end at the end he was like Martin I got something to tell you and Martin was like I hated that he walked through that door and got bust I hate bro I remember remember I I was like yo there’s no way I I remember D I

Used to like that show I mean that movie hate that movie at the end I’m like no way they they I’m not gonna lie I felt like it was a cliffhanger that’s why I I didn’t think days at school used to be dude I used to be in there I remember when when

Martin walked through that door I said he’s going to be fine right like you know like it wasn’t real life uh what what other show it and we used to watch The Polar Express too that BR how I get to the club actually on it this man is actually ain’t nobody on the

Servers what you GNA do that [ __ ] is empty oh my God the room is not available you can’t do nothing because it’s empty the servers are gone you nasty bro well if he could do that I might can play fusionall oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my god oh I remember this

Too The Impossible game oh yeah with the oh oh that that was fine go dance y there’s a SpongeBob Burger G to play all the time matter of fact this this is online this is an actual Ser Y no hold on hold on Young impossible game I remember I used to

Play that [ __ ] heavily if if if he can play Fusion if he can play that I might can play Fusion ball no no seven seven I know you played this slim you might have played this too I don’t know I did I know you touch this

Game yeah I played that before this [ __ ] was so fire to me bro oh my gosh I used to love Koss that that [ __ ] was really [ __ ] oh my gosh might be downloading I might be downloading a virus but I don’t care bro don’t do it bro don’t do it bro

It’s not worth a virus I want to play Fusion fall oh I forgot I gotta play those oh the the emulators I’m start that’s what I’m saying bro I’m about to start doing that on the channel bro I’m G play the but I’m GNA do like the same

Way I do my other videos like that’s why look that’s why I’m trying to do my Mario wonder I’m not going to do it like as series and stuff it’s gonna be like the entire Mario Wonder game in 58 minutes like that’s I’m going to do all

The games slide Cooper in in 45 minutes that’s bro I’m going to do it the same way like I’mma stream it take the pieces and I’m I’m going edit into some some some fire [ __ ] man let me go to Dreamcast ROMs let’s see what they got JoJo bizar is a

WR remember oh Crazy Taxi it’s like Sonic emeralds or something I tried to play this on my computer but my computer could not handle this bro I remember this um I I remember that was a Sonic game that started off with um he was Finding like a water creature yeah Sonic

Adventure that’s what it was oh ra the rumble oh my God I let game Lucha Lucha Lucha jet grind radio classic M Lucha Scrabble love that one trying to see is there so there’s no trivia on bro so I looked up trivia all the trivia games you got to pay for I’m

Not paying for [ __ ] they got me [ __ ] up on I want to play oh you on Steam so bubble league is this it Bobble League oh no I want to play some I want to play some bro I want to play some Lucha this man I should have been a definitely

That was a good that was a good show oh what is This was oh my gosh it’s a plushy R2 Network tier list you want to play some quick Uno Uno the phone no it’s on Discord bro no it’s not that’s not Uno that’s

Not Uno hold on let me do this let me do this Cartoon Network tier list uh what is this what is this show what is right let see y’all never made my Ste I put it back in the Frid y seen a y’all ever seen a show called

What’s going on Noah y was G make called Two Stupid Dogs sound familiar yes sound familiar stupid dog I let that show would where would y’all put it uh I gotta see what it looked like I gotta see what it looked like I’m gonna put in

Never watched I’m I liked it I really liked it I’m might do this tear list I’m probably G it’s this hold up bro what is this did you know if you press Windows R and put a is this golf danger look you gonna be a new inviting I’m

Inviting invite I’m not playing that you are join what the two stupid look like put Gumball Gumball is uh tier a whatever the top is yeah yeah give me a second give me a second It’s s I don’t know what this is but 16 definitely

Might have to go go back down oh I see I I used to watch Two Stupid Dogs I used to watch that yeah I’m putting this here okay wow that’s crazy don’t care that’s C mediocre no I wouldn’t even give it C I wouldn’t even give it c

N you tripping 16 was just something to watch after Total Drama Island that’s it a pup good it was good it was it was it was something to watch no okay wait a pup name mediocre appreciate you all it was this when they were younger though yeah it was not

Hitting new subscri W man W appreciate you gang Where Are You Scooby okay all right so I’m G put it in mediocre Adventure Time yeah ter that’s ter get out of here would it be a why would it be a why great I just never connected with the

Show I have to see what else what else is competing with that for me to say s I guess what I say keep it keep it in s go ahead how many S as many as you want something called is that oh I know that familiar put that is this what is

This bad that is bad that is bad thatall come on S easy easy S easy s what what what so you’re saying that you’re saying that Gumball is better Adventure Time you sound crazy Gumball was literally the Family Guy of Cartoon Network bro if Gumball Gumball was an inch away from

Adult Swim bro it was literally an inch away from Adult Swim Gumball was an amazing yes it was great what are you what you’re saying it’s better than Adventure Time that’s what you say I don’t I don’t want to be a part I say Adventure Time

Was great I say venture time was great I didn’t say time was even at so okay what I don’t know what Atomic Betty is anybody know I’m not helping with this no more I’m not helping are you serious I’m not help come back no bro there no way it’s no way you gonna

Easily throw venture time o s tier and then try to throw Gumball and great cuz you know what comes with Adventure Time it’s the fact that Adventure Time it provides nothing besides comedy well my bad it comes it provides comedy and it also has life lessons and [ __ ] that

Gumball can never compare to stop it Gumball have life lessons stop it stop it stop stop stop telling stories now you’re chatting right now bro you’re chatting you’re speak time speaking facts bro compared to Adventure Time you tell me that Gumball had life lessons compared to Adventure why you compar we

Don’t have to compare them you don’t have to compare them the only reason I’m comparing them wait wait wait wait wa wait only reason why I’m comparing it is because slim said all the way down time is inside a and then you said Gumball is at s that

Doesn’t make sense we’ll come back we’ll come back tell I’m tell you I’mma tell you I’m hold I’mma tell you I’mma tell you I didn’t even didn’t watch I didn’t watch Adventure Time enough to even even like judge it thoroughly okay at first I was just chatting but I let

You because I know how many people love Adventure Time why y why yall ignoring me why yall ignoring us the fu we not discussion we’re gonna come back to these Baby Looney Tunes mediocre mediocre it was it was it it was mediocre everybody it’s a beautiful compared to Reg Looney Tunes just

Something to watch it was just something to watch thank you danger W that was that was what y talk about if it was Batman any superhero [ __ ] it did not watch a by the way Batman what the Brave and the Bold I go ahead put everything okay between great and good that’s it

That’s all OG OG hold on OG you could put that in good at least no OG no OG B is between great and good Bon I would put the OG B in the same place as Adventure Time you can’t do that I’m sorry why not what are you talking about

Bro Adventure Time didn’t just come through and Gobble all these shows up bro stop it Adventure Time was not that good it was not that good you love this show I get it but it did not eat these alive numb Li don’t lie what numbers what

Numbers okay I’m put I’m gon put this here because I didn’t even watch this can’t wait you going too fast Camp low good great good great good great but come on put in good put it in good bro that’s good CZ how can you put

No no you see yourp wait stop your top is Adventure Time right so nothing’s going to compare to Adventure no oh my God was s CH was s was definitely s there’s no there’s no debate about chowder Chow was s PL okay I’m G skip these so y saying that

Adventure Time doesn’t go to S but chowder does I never said Adventure Time doesn’t go to S I didn’t have a problem I didn’t have a problem with Adventure Time until you tried to put no I didn’t have a problem with Adventure Time until you tried to put Gumball underneath it

And that’s cap bro it started cuz you already said hey I said s yes y both said no it’s said great it’s said great I will all right if Adventure Time if Gumball is is great then Adventure Time is just great Regular Show was definitely s Regular

Show we don’t even got to discuss Regular Show Clarence bad never watched I never watched CL for real put in D yeah put it back I’mma do I’mma do never watch put it never watch for real fair enough a lot of people hasn’t yeah okay now the show it had a

Nice little run but y’all did not y’all did not really love that show and it didn’t have any longevity okay we loved it but it had no longevity amazing was amazing but MIM I’m be real I I wouldn’t put it in I wouldn’t put it

Up there with any of them cartoons I put it in I put it in mediocre but it’s definitely not trash put what is this what is this put meat now put meatball and what is this cuz what the [ __ ] is that oh oh yeah they had a show about

That mediocre mediocre mediocre put mediocre I agree with that K door great not s I’ll say great I’ll say great that’s s that’s s that’s a that’s s c name k door CL trash bottom goes straight to S though that’s all I know okay so that’s great or S great bro

Great bro that’s crazy that’s crazy okay y’all go ahead yeah I’m done see if zier was a part of this we would have like a tiebreaker yeah but you know majority win majority rule is s even though it gave me nightmares what’s your what’s your say Med mediocre I loved cow chicken but

It was you know what I’m saying like I love c chicken I love cow chicken where would you put it me where would you put c chicken it would be ass you think so oh [ __ ] no oh no c chicken was a little sussy

Baka you see so I was like I’m not given a p that devil you telling me that the devil man on chicken came on we watched that thing like we look for every episode yes only reason the only reason I wouldn’t say s is because I don’t think hang with like power girls

Or what’s what’s the name rumpy and skill skin or whatever that them [ __ ] are trumping that [ __ ] any day that that little [ __ ] but I did like cow and chicken though we can I love cow chicken I chick Dexter laboratory we can easily we can easily

Go through the S and the a tiers like right now now I got to make my own ter list I’m not going to lie yeah that’s really what needs to happen and we got yeah CU where you finding stuff at just look up put the link put the link in the

Chat compare how we gonna finish oh so oh so we gonna make our own okay yeah let’s I want to finish this one I want to finish this one no let’s not finish this one because we can’t agree on nothing yeah that’s too hard I real fast

What we should do is make our make ours and then compare car Network Maker watch I have nothing but s’s inside your [ __ ] bro I can no I I already seen all my s’s no I’m I my I know my SES why the freak did

I paste oh freak I’m pting are you doing I’m pasting it my I’m pasting it copy okay I got make are we on the same one we not even on the same one hold on is this the same one you I’ll put a link your chat I’ll put Link in your chat one

Second whenever he sends it where do I go in the the god chat I got it I’m gonna put it I’m gonna put it in um his okay okay well cause I don’t know I don’t know because it’s two of them right here oner

I put in your in there so you can do it to danger if you want to oh no never mind never mind never mind the other one different okay all right all right all right bet this going to be too easy I can go through and all I’m I’m going start off

With my s’s just to make life easy boom boom excuse me oh my goodness come on too easy boom Oh Generator X easy on Boom um I just want to get all my s’s out the way just so everything is easier y’all gonna look at my

Uh oh I’m filling up that this yeah this [ __ ] get filled the [ __ ] up what s your s’s n not my uh oh Captain Planet hold on Samurai Jack a good portion of those you haven’t watched yeah then then there there’s a there’s there’s two two rolls for never

Watched and what is this where is Regular Show Two Stupid Dogs yeah where is Regular Show not here I just put it in B that’s crazy Titan I’mma put that in great oh there go Regular Show s okay wait is in here yeah this is nasty

Bro I got too many s’s bro I got too many s’s I already knew it I already knew it thr everything S no I’m not throwing everything in s I’m throwing the shows that deserve to be in S and S okay guys listen don’t get mixed up

But there are two Powerpuff Girls on here one was the and the other one was that spin-off one that they did the revamp so don’t get I’m putting that never watched IND labat oh my God Lee you know what you should do a c now on Infinity train that was

Good I haven’t watched it yet I haven’t watched it I need to watch it watch it I watch all yo cuz a lady a lady I met at the gym she told me about it bro I I I need to watch that hold on let me put that on my thingy right

Now actually OG teen Tian I know it’s good Teen Titans go why they got so many damn Ben T in here they not have to add all Ben they really didn’t oh oh my gosh all right it’s starting to get tough now it’s starting to get tough now I have no more sence

What is this I have no Duck Dodgers lowkey hold on Yo squirrel boy was lowkey my my my my my she Johnny T super that J used to put me to sleep no way Johnny Tess put you to sleep stop why so why is it so me Justice Leagues

Like can we just not put yeah that’s what I’m saying all that her just put one what’s new Scooby I don’t know these shows now Generator X you know what actually did like I’ll put it I’ll put it I’ll put that oh that’s got to go here was it chop I remember that oh this [ __ ] is s teror see only got got three right now

You only got three and evil what is that I got seven I got seven s tiers the [ __ ] is grim and evil that was good what I know I don’t know what that is evil I don’t know what that is let me look it up because it’s not it doesn’t show me

Anything it’s just like word it was like a spin off show of a grim and evil like remember the bear had the brain on his head and the Brain in his sto I think in the stomach in the stomach would talk to the brain oh it was this [ __ ] no I never

Watched those I I like the original B girls is is the right one cuz I can’t tell it’s the one with the with the original logo with the with the I really didn’t like clearance I’m not going to cap I used to watch it but I didn’t

Really clly with a Chance like weasel that [ __ ] is I remember that I Am Weasel that [ __ ] is so oh yeah I remember that Cow and Chicken uh oh I Ain I ain’t gonna lie though I used to I used to watch the hell out of city train is

Here all these all these random shows I’m not putting them in there Johnny Bravo like the show okay like did y’all watch Green Lantern like what is that I I watch of itan different oh it’s [Laughter] different I am yeah I remember that League of super hero I remember this

Show bro The Moxy Show did y’all watch that okay what that like back in my day and I don’t even know what that was show did they not have oh this just cartoon was Tom and Jerry on on on uh it was it was they don’t have it

On here though I don’t know where to put crypto at cuz I used to watch it but I don’t know if I loved it some I can’t tell like what it is superj oh gosh I know where to put that Flapjack easy mediocre that is crazy even universe okay I’mma put Steph

Universe and Adventure Tom in the same vicinity I’m not gonna lie I’m like placing stuff right now I have to go back and actually that’s what I’m saying I’m might I’m G have to skim through one more time everything [ __ ] nasty okay there’s only one Powerpuff Girls show wait why SE one

I’m not sure what that is somebody I can’t really I got reg yeah I got regular show up here Regular Show that’s a s tier let me put that Lucha there’s nothing used to watch that I used to watch the hell out Lucha Lucha ain’t G lie I used to

Watch Totally Spies I used to watch that totally Spies oh my God was so that was amazing that was that the two the two spy thingies no girls three girls was three girls black girl one girl with blonde hair and the other one she had um red

Hair and she green the cramp twins did y’all watch that c I don’t want to put that up there no the who you said cramp twins oh I don’t know what none of this other stuff is though robot boy put wait where’s where’s where’s where’s

Invader Z oh my God all all card to nwork that’s Nickelodeon we gonna do next okay okay okay all right all right all right all right let see my fault my fault my fault my fault I was going to have a con I remember I’m not

Going to lie y’all I don’t seven seven what’s his name of the show and it’s it looks like mad and it has that little brown [ __ ] I can’t see the name of it you know that you know that right I know I know what the show is but wait what

You talking about you like and like a lello haircut yes he’s like a [ __ ] this this like a coffee a coffee [ __ ] nut or something like what is that talking what talking a bean a coffee nut is it’s called like SK Sil solvers oh problem solvers that’s what it’s called

Problem why do I remember Juniper I’ve never seen that before the Nickelodeon um oh these are n I’m not gonna lie after this I’m I’m hopping off I got to do my editing oh come on just one more superhero Static shot all right let me look at Lee Lee

Let me see your S no don’t show him don’t show him yet don’t show him yet oh you already showing his screen already sh you showing it though whole time I’m pretty much done for real all these other shows can can die yo I remember this is another like Uncle Grandpa type

Of game I me Ste Universe let me make sure I miss let me make sure I didn’t miss anything big mind your partner was a monkey come on bro I love that show I’m done I’m I’m I’m going over MRA in the right order yeah I’m going over one more did y’all

Put robot boy in there no I did I did I did think I did hey everybody y did y’all put Uncle Grandpa in there hero hero 108 bro that [ __ ] oh my gosh that orange I can’t remember it I think I know but I’m not sure like I

Don’t know used to give me 10 was pretty damn good did y did y did y’all put uncle grandpa where’s that at did y’ use it did y’all use it yeah let me put it on there I’m put it as uh we agreed on something guys no that’s

Total Drama Rama that’s not oh Total Drama Island okay wait did y’all do Clone Wars y’all do Clone Wars no because I didn’t watch that that gave me a headache too what where’s Clone Wars Star Wars the Clone Wars with the one with Anakin before he became oh they didn’t watch

It all right anything anything that didn’t make the cut is it because it didn’t make the cut oh Titans I didn’t do Team Titans yet hold on hero 808 why does that look familiar Li they both go inside the same Terr for me I’m not gonna lie vior and Valentino oh y’all

Probably didn’t watch that actually see some of these look familiar but I can’t like recall com coming you we’re gonna find dude I love that think I’m good I think I’ve done everything I think I got all I need yeah yeah I think I’m good I would

Put um think I I think I am but I’m not sure I would put Craig the creek s there but did y’all put Ninjago see that’s that did just hear what he said did you just hear what said wait what did he say oh I said love he said Craig of the

Creek would go in EST y’all probably don’t even know what that is I do know what it is I just wasn’t watching it no listen oh oh my God they have good oh my God this if you watch a show that has a story like Gravity Falls like it connects to each

Episode that’s cra watch what I watched part of CRA Creek ain’t [ __ ] connect I didn’t really I didn’t really like it the first couple done are we done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I don’t want to add anything else everything at below this is what is who want to share

First I’ll share first I’ll share first that I’m looking at your stream now that D said bro y hear seven why do I hear Minecraft dude CRA CR is a slap bro you all right guys guys let’s R I’m still waiting for season five to drop all right here uhhuh next year I

Got Gumball chowder Mandy Team Titans courage Ed and Eddie Ben 10 Regular Show that’s my that’s okay that’s nice that’s nice oh never mind this dude got kids next door and great bro cause cause it was a great show but it was just great it was great like that’s okay going you

Can see the you got FAL home Kids Next Door Johnny Tess Dexter Johnny you know what I’m saying Total Drama Island come on S come on team Titans go even though is newer it’s it’s a it’s a banger and then of course scoobydoo okay now good Okay good I got I see that I see that I got keev llo Adventure Time he heard that that tightness in his throat uh clasa 3000 Cow and Chicken mucha Lucha Flapjack the reason I put Flapjack in good is because it used to creep me out like it used to it used to

Creep it was kind of creepy it was a creepy show for a child uh Powerpuff Girls I don’t know if y’all remember squirrel boy but I used to love that show for real for real I I do but I remember I don’t remember it all the

Time static shock my partner is a monkey come on now uh mediocre I got 16 chop sucky chugs Two Stupid Dogs Co what’s that Loki Loco I am I Am Weasel that should have been in bad I I used to watch it I used to watch

It watch it I couldn’t I couldn’t give to wait I did not mean to put a a h whatever I don’t care anymore uh Totally Spies uh Stevens Universe never care for it for real Uncle Grandpa like come on uh and Clone Wars bad I Got A Pup Named

Scooby-Doo I don’t remember doing this I don’t I don’t it doesn’t deserve to be there I’ll put it in mediocre uh Baby Looney Tunes didn’t really care for it Clarence hated that show and then there’s matter yeah the rest of them don’t matter all

Right just doing SD SD you want me to go next or you want to go no I me me go go next all right all right all right so my class right yours is kind of like not even kinda it’s kind of it is great like you

Got some hits up there so I got share it I gotta share 2000 oh you good you good you good you good okay okay Kids Next Door Cow and Chicken Dex laboratory K Cy dog and Eddie Eva con carne um the bill Grand vent of bilam Andy um Johnny Bravo

Flapjack you you were pretty you were pretty generous with the S tier no I wasn’t this these are like like I was like really in love with like I can watch right now ex Uncle Grandpa Totally Spies I actually I actually love Grandpa and I can watch it right now over and

Over again it was one grandp he did a he did a he did a crossover episode with somebody and he was and he had a list of of the next cartoon characters he was going to oh yeah I remember that yeah okay Samurai Jackson I’m sure y’all know

About SW cats but that was who don’t know about SWAT C am I watching the wrong one I’m watching the wrong one hold on okay there it is wait what all I didn’t put that in my list I didn’t even put that in my list I know what that is

Mimi okay so they my great two super dog Gumball Adventure Time uh puffy about say I Am Weasel we um we bear bears uh St Universe Teen Titans and T Titans Go and then um Robos that one was funny I remember that one you got valid valid

Valid valid valid okay so good Batman Beyond cap laslo Duck Dodgers Dodgers was freaking good um imaginary F that was that was good GI test was good Mike Mike that was pretty good I don’t even know that see watching that Looney tun I didn’t even see that but that Looney Tunes is

Actually good hold up no that was actually really good that’s why I I I didn’t see that wait where’s that I didn’t see that Looney the Looney Tunes that one was good it was that was I pr to watch that one over the classic one so yeah that was grill cheese grill

Cheese that one was really good um sheep in the city was good static shock was good and then um whatever I there you go that was good it was good it wasn’t great to Drama Island the first the first season was good yeah like after that it kind of

Start like die me I was like okay now Dragon ass so not to action yeah yeah yeah I want to see yours after this danger um okay so for mediocre Co like was it Yoko Garfield Show partner good through uh what you call it St care for it space coast I

Used to watch it but it was all right boy mediocre Mt I would watch Matt but it had hiden M dayss and then I did watch it at summer camp Island that was pretty good but it wasn’t like good enough to be good it was the hell is

That I used watch I watch Like heart to network me got benen in the D that’s kind of crazy to me I don’t care for Benton uh the naked whatever you call it naked is didn’t like that one baby L Tunes it was all right it was really bad

Benon I did not like it it was annoying Clarance no it’s Clarence Creek no TW um the cramp twins garbage Justice League garbage Time Squad I don’t know if y saw Time Squad I seen that yeah garbage okay all right can I go I want no Lee go next

And we’re gonna save me for last you wanna go last sure enough go ahead Le this man got and what is that that’s crazy I can’t believe like that was the music it was now come on about I about to say a fat hour Things song by accident e go

Ahead uh scroll up my boy so there only need to drop it in um in Discord so he can see it only needed to be three in s not everything is Peak you know you have to really have your your categories of like what’s really up there and

What’s okay well what’s really great so you know first off Adventure Time Peak animation Peak storyline Peak morale uh morale Boost Plus 100 umage then you got Billy and Mandy Billy this this this could have been interchange with something else in but I would I would much rather watch Billy Manny than

Adventure Time me too hands down yeah yeah have fair enough sure you can have your opinions anywh who so for great Gumball Gumball is a pretty damn good show and it goes in great great is not saying it’s bad it’s just really good it’s just not s well we we know that

Great isn’t saying it’s bad but come on right okay yeah you know that’s why child is also inside there all are are valid and it’s because like like how what would I say the difference at these two it’s the it’s the the combinations of effects that

Have had it’s had on my life these haven’t had much of effect of my life if it had a bigger effect I’d put it in s tier that it just it just hasn’t actually okay okay okay now now now now we can be cool we can kind of lowkey be

Cool we kind of cool you know what okay now you kind of lost me now you lost me now you lost me now you lost me now you lost me okay so now that that kind of makes more sense as far as effects that to my life cuz I wanted to cook more

Because of chower flap jab that just that was just one of the things you know that [ __ ] that was you don’t forget that show [ __ ] trauma reg show why yeah but you just SW you just swap flat ja with Billy and Mandy bro what Flapjack with Regular Show what are you

Doing no okay no this is his this is his this is his I keep it in Great it did not have an effect on my life let me um this is his this is it was a great show but it did not affect me as such as no

No what is going on here you’re pretty generous with the there we go huh you’re pretty generous with the greats oh yeah for sure because like uh if they weren’t GNA go inside s they were definitely going to go inside the greats wait till y’all see mine so goes

Inside there first SE the first Ben 10 this one I didn’t watch anything else after it but this [ __ ] was actually FID like the like the only Ben I watch like you know I watch it when he got a little old Al I watch it when he got a little

Old watch yeah um George jungle bro this just had good memories Good Vibes that’s all Kid Next Door I honestly I would put it in mediocre but like I’ll leave it at B um only because I have not watched it yet I know that this is a good show so you

Watch why you put it in never watched in instead of put on even make I’ve seen CS of it it didn’t make the cut at all see now we know I me I know I know what the show I know what the show is I’ve seen

Clips of it so I can’t say I’ve never watched it at all um mad this this gave me a great image of uh of creative chaos so that that you know that can stay in B that’s a good show Teen Ti go in they both inside the same category

Universe the same all this mediocre [ __ ] you know it’s just it was decent Doug Dodgers that that was good not going inside B though nah that would have never happened this is where it should belong this is where it should be opposed to uh some people’s thoughts uh but yeah

That’s it you know all the Ben all the Batman’s never watched never wanted to watch you you know what they’re they’re missing did y’all to watch that one Looney Tunes where they were like superpowered and and Bugs Bunny name was like Ace bunny know I’m talking about I

Don’t remember that no what do you talking hold on let me let me find it is that n dck no yeah Le done come on seven bro just just show your just show your list bro just show your list bro this right here don’t recall they got an anime

One were they were superheroes Oh see lie I remember this [ __ ] lunatics that’s what it’s lunatics unleash this wasn’t on Cartoon Network this is on the other this is on the other channel bro this was not on Cartoon Network I thought it was oh yeah you’re right because it was still owned by uh Warner

Brothers at that point yeah but this this good about I would have put this in a best anime main character I know say a descendant of bugs bu didn’t know it was in the future yeah all of them are kids yeah they’re their kids I thought this was the regular Looney

Tunes spirit I thought this was them anime of all time so guys why you trying to hide it bro we can see it already scroll down right like just check me all right okay I’m show you were y’all were so generous with the S tiers all of these all of these shows

Were good like hits bro like I could watch them if they did a marathon matter of fact let me tell you why I have these because the other night when I was just chilling my bed uh Cartoon Network played all of these Christmas specials and I sat there and watched each one of

Them this one where where that girl princess got powerp girl powers and she put everybody on the naughty list this one where they was going up against um winter green you know like the X-Men Christmas people you know this one where they told those crazy stories but

Regular Show this is this was that’s no this was like yeah like curs the CI dog chower B the first Benton Samurai Jack all these shows meant something to me I can see that one great an an Titans the Class of 3000 Johnny Bravo symbiotic Titan I didn’t see nobody had that up

There but it was good Infinity train Krypto Scooby-Doo Mr Incorporated it because it was a different take it was dark oh that’s the newest one I didn’t see that one I thought okay a darker version of it yeah static shock Steven Universe Adventure Time generator re that I thought generator re was better

Than I didn’t see that one what’s New Scooby-Doo Gumball Batman Beyond now good genx was better than Ben I agree Camp laslo Teen Titans Go Shon Showdown Young Justice I these Total Drama Island my gym partner a monkey Flapjack Duck Dodgers c chicken Looney Tunes the Looney tun show that

One where they was like living in the house I used to watch the hell show show and bus bugs had a girl you know what I’m saying and Daffy had that crazy girl uh no it was the opposite actually 16 mediocre somebody Gonna Hate Me Baby Looney Tunes Co

Co um Garfield Uncle Grandpa bad I ain’t going to lie I didn’t change the only changes I made this was from the previous list because it won’t let me refresh but Johnny Test this was weird I this used to put me to sleep this used to put me to sleep

This used to put me to sleep and the only reason this isn’t bad is because I actually watched this you know as an adult I re-watched it and if y’all watch it you know the second go around when you actually know what’s going on it is

Completely bad like it’s a French show I I did whole time I’m thinking it’s an American show it’s French it’s just because it’s French is bad no some parts were like like why they were mid talking it just cut off and go to the next scene like mid

Convo it was a it was an editing ER and then I’ve never seen girls in the wrong tear just resend it resend it but um hold on y’all danger S one too dude Infinity Le where did you put the creek where did you put the creek I

Didn’t put it on the list at all but if I had to put it somewhere mediocre yeah go ahead exy page y go ahead please nasty all right let me look at dangerous so let pull his up on your screen I’m I’m G have to save it because it’s too

Small a p name Scooby scoby what am I okay who now who if I had to vote who had the best s tier wait let me let me look at mimies again before I give my vote Mimi where was Regular Show on your s tier was it

S the best stop it regular show was s tier Regular Show was s Mimi got the best um Mimi got a best s tier thank you thank you wait wait wait wait let me see Mimi s tier again hold up this man slim got oh no Lego Lego Ninjago on S tier

Okay so this is this is this is dangerous this is dangerous so TI he got Flapjack Gumball time chowder okay all right as long as as long as as long as you have Gumball next to Adventure Time I will accept that um look at CRA of the

Creek bro CRA is that show what is that show go back to his s go back to his this is his S screen yes stream my bad I’m on seven stream my bad Cricket the creek Cricket the creek was was such a good show oh man I sto watching

Garfield wait he put the new wait slim what happened what what’ I do oh okay my fault um okay he got the garfi new he said he grew up watching this though that’s nasty I understand I understand that I understand that was inity Infinity like Adventure Time univers

Time I Think I think whatever you grew up on that’s why it’s gonna be S tier yeah yeah sonic was good sonicom was good I had to I’ve never even heard of that what is that it was actually really good it was Johnny Tess I ain’t gonna lie I

Used to love Johnny Tess let me tell you something huh Sonic Boom is nothing compared to the net the Netflix Sonic Sonic no Sonic Underground I liked yeah underground is that what it’s called no way no way watch think it siblings or something like that I but all the Netflix song

Really good watch with chos bro movie is that the movie is that is that the movie no there a show there’s a show nasty nasty the movies are good the show disgusting okay you know so it’s uni Kitty was actually pretty good what was pretty good where is I’m his his mediocre okay

Hold on his great were Stephen Universe future even know that was a thing Cod name kid valid my partner is a monkey valid we bear bears there’s no way you enjoyed that show but okay that show good that was good they taught me about weird bro y’all weird good Johnny Bravo

Great okay valid Steven Universe okay te Titans Team Titans great Universe drama what is this what is this you’re lying you’re disgusting the new po off girls’s other where’s to toal Island hit me out he’s a little he’s a little younger than us he’s a little younger than

Us hard on him yeah no no no he got total drop on island the adult version in s so I respect it if he gonna do that I respect yeah so Sonic I didn’t know what that was Ed Eddie and great that’s kind of

Crazy what is this is that on my list I didn’t oh that’s the uh that that’s that I Y it’s called is it He-Man is this a new He-Man yeah but is this new new he that’s a new one a new one whatever that’s the new one that’s the original

No that’s the new one no that’s not the original stop it that’s one man the Masters of the Universe that’s the new one they just released that one not so long ago like years back but still not so long ago you said steepen universe is

A tier stop it Milo bro okay um so for his uh B tier Got A Pup Named Scooby-Doo you know what’s crazy I used to watch this a lot that’s what I used to watch A Pup Named scoobydoo a lot I I don’t I just don’t think I remember the

Connection I had with it wasn’t good enough it wasn’t Batman don’t know what that is CL didn’t know that was even a thing it’s nasty as [ __ ] to have father on for imaginary friends and B but but but all right cool but what but what but what

But the we bear bears and great St great hey you know what I feel like me and D on the same timing some man never got no reboot yes it did you said why never a reboot oh Dad okay what what wait cloudy would chance to meatballs is 202 a show

Is a show oh you thought it was a movie no these are all shows you probably thought it was Billy and Mandy is up in a tier oh he thought it was the movie okay fair enough I respect that then wait where where do you have Billy and Mandy he has it in

B oh okay okay a tier that’s even still that’s crazy but okay what’s Scooby-Doo that’s Co Batman I’ve never seen these Batman shows OK KO don’t know what that is is we baby bear baby bear I’m not watching that one what is that Uncle Grandpa okay pop Puff Girls okay that’s

Val I’ll give you that the original original OG is there that’s crazy the original I’ll give him that I’ll give him that you can have that cuz you can put po girls anywhere between s to b he got the he got the he don’t don’t he got

The the newer one he got the newer one in a yeah the newer po girls no way yeah he do right there you’re kind of disgusting you’re kind of you’re nasty you’re kind of at the but think said be supposed to be swapped he said he did say he did say it supposed

To be swapped he did say that he did say that he did say okay okay okay okay okay sorry sorry sorry danger sorry danger sorry okay okay so uh okay whatever Victor Valentino whatever that is what the I don’t even know oh that’s the uh I

Saw that one that was weird League okay that’s valid crypto okay that’s valid Young Justice is oh I’m sorry I’m not gonna say anything another Justice League okay Looney tun Justice League Unlimited yeah okay Justice League just Superman okay uh B sure look where C is at I’m sorry I’m

So sorry wow wow okay let let’s hold on hold on Apple you apple and onion okay hear me that’s nasty we got to think we got to think about how old he is we got to think about it he’s younger he’s younger he’s younger these these these

Are his cartoons the ones he have over now yeah he’s hit with a few of the older ones but we got to we got to give him a little Grace yeah yeah Mighty mag sword nasty I didn’t what even is this it’s a nasty show that’s what it is that show nasty

As [ __ ] okay that was a weird show minutes long what is that I didn’t even realize that one that’s the newer Ben 10 the one now never I want to see his never watched I want to see his never watched godamn God dang Generator Rex he’s

Never you never seen 16 Cow and Chicken much what what it took me a while to find that show again bro took me a while do you remember when Ben 10 and Generator Rex got that crossover C last he never seen before it’s crazy go happened Ben 10 and and Generator re got

The the crossover episode I’m just crazy that was so much oh my God you know what I did used to watch this evil show but I thought was on Billy and Bandy they had their own show right Mimi you say what it was like a spin Nast

They was like two brothers and they both were mechanics yeah yeah you never seen Kim BL bro he’s Young G A young all right now let me what we we doing this Nick this Nick one I ain’t doing Nickelodeon bro I ain’t doing i c

Y yeah he’s SC watch I’m doing my anime one now you about do an anime that’s you lost that’s where you lost he look no I thought you was gone I’m not I’m not sharing my screen for this one no why not [ __ ] it m gonna have like Naruto and mediocre or something

Like that I’m not even about to do one yeah don’t do it cuz it’s just GNA take you off can I do one can I do one can I do one yeah do one do one make a video on it I’m a slim stop I will I sure will make a

Video on it and have explanations and then that video is GNA go like I’m G be yeah I’m gonna do it cuz I know yall I’ll be the one to dislike will sure will I sure will so if you guys ever I will dislike the [ __ ] out of it

Bro I’ll put a link in there yourself what I’m just saying like like I mean okay me just I want you to be real now like no no I’m gonna I’m gonna be real it’s not it’s a whole lot it’s like it’s I would say it’s I watched more animes

Than what’s on here so it’s gonna be hard to kind of pick from what they got e what e where’s Dragon Ball Z I don’t see Dragon Ball Z I gotta be on the same time Lee Slim let me just clarify this with you you have not watched Dragon Ball Z okay yes

I have you you’ve watched Dragon Ball Z Kai there’s a difference no I watch every Dragon Ball Z there is every every single one every single one every single one if you want to do trivia we can yeah this is bad good ones but it’s like it’s a lot of them like

H I just feel like I just feel like try to disrespect me dog and I really don’t appre got D’s game in here that that compared to like okay this one’s good this one got let me see it’s a let me get oh all right guys I’m done I’m done

With my list no way nobody wants to watch that hold on let me show y’all let me show y’all real quick let me show y i I appreciate that Nar no no wait wait let me show you let me show you let me show you all right there it is guys there’s my

List okay okay slim let me test you let me test you real quick bro you fa you fa to Google something then qu me on something you just have to Google you’re gonna try to trivia you’re gonna ask me a trivia no ask off the top of your Dome

Since you know so well stop Googling ask me something off the off the top of your head okay who killed Frieza who killed Frieza Goku I think I can’t tell which one it is first one wrong already okay what are you talking about who didn’t kill Frieza didn’t kill Frieza what you talking

About who else killed Frieza fronks that’s what I thought he came back from K Frieza yes he did he came back from the future that is not that is not TR fight yes that is because F that’s okay just cap cap cap cap cap cap cap cap cap cap

Cap okay I’m just gonna be quiet now because I don’t know Dragon Ball you don’t you want you want to see you want to see slim stop it you want to see look look look go watch some more animates come back who killed Frieza Goku right there instantly go ahead though what you

Going to show me hey Frieza and Dragon Ball serious was killed stop it bro that’s not the original Frieza that’s Robo Frieza that’s when he came back with cooler you you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re you’re lost you’re lost you’re lost how is he already robotic freezer stop it he didn’t

Because he’ never died he was floating off in space he could survive exactly exactly exactly that was after he already got blown to Smither rings by the Spirit Bomb stop it wait can we can we can we can we talk about this about it says excuse me excuse me okay it says

The first time he was killed by who TR Trump and Dragon Ball Z second time he was killed by Goku where you seeing that at where are you seeing that at right there Mimi he don’t know first and foremost no Spirit Bomb Goku Frieza was like I am the the strongest in the

Universe and he threw that you know he tried to sneak Goku from the back and then Goku said you idiot and he threw it back but Frieza never died bro he was trunks came trunks came to save Goku from dying because he needed him to stay

Alive to fight cell did we not forget that no well not to fight cell but to fight the Androids to fight the Androids same thing Android sell all of them you you get it though okay so okay so all right I’ll give you that one but defeated it because I’m thinking you

Just mean defeat it when you said kill so you mean you mean sliced in half okay you no okay okay but of course my first instance when you’re talking about who’s the first person to encounter freezer and win against him that’s Goku but now you’re saying you’re saying

That he floated off and then okay that’s that’s later on but originally everyone thought Frieza was dead but but you say you watch Dragon Ball Z I watched every I’m not talking about I’m not talking about from from when we were first watching where everybody thought he was dead I’m

Talking about as grown-ups who watched the show who killed him that’s what I’m asking you slim bro where okay but until until until was found and put back together but who put him back together his brother right cooler right no his dad Cooler’s not even Canon oh whatever whoever put him

Back together until he got put back together bro you did not know Frieza was stop it bro Frieza you thought Frieza was turned to dust oh my gosh right now you said what when when Goku first defeated Frieza you instantly thought that he was GNA come back again

No basket you thought he was smoked turkey CZ okay who who beat s who who beat s Gohan so good father son whatever you want to call it iconic moment okay um let me see who who who defeated marjin Buu hold on I gotta think Li I I applaud you for knowing

This much to be honest with you because I got everything wrong at this margin Bo margin Bo fat boo no you talk Kido that’s what I’m saying you got you gotta you got you gotta be specific that’s a million Boos who kill it’s only who killed Kido who who eradicated him from the

Planet oh my gosh this is so this is on that was Goku okay now who is who is Kid bu now who is Kid bu now yeah and what like what do you mean now who is he you talking about this talk that black guy this is good yeah what’s his name

Black this D said black boo bro his name is oo bro chill I remember I remember o o o um what was the reason what was the reason Gohan turned Super Saiyan 2 what was the reason Gohan turned Super Saiyan 2 yes that’s a good one I did watch this one was

It who fire force it’s it’s when Goku it’s when Goku died it was not just do just do the that’s not why he turns just do the trivia bro yeah let’s do the trivia Cheng bro but it’s okay because you watched this and then came and asked me questions I’ve never seen this

Before there go there go one the question bro okay bro come on bro come on bro come on bro you know this answer yes I know this answer I don’t know this answer I don’t know M do you do you know this do you know this she said she don’t know she too

Much Dragon Ball what’s the name of boom’s dad uh isn’t it I think it’s I’m probably wrong but is it Dr brief correct cuz her name her name is Bulma brief and trunks’s name is trunks briefs you know is a play on underwear yeah all right here go who’s the

Strongest human in Dragon Ball Z timeline Master no cause T’s not human right T is human roshi I know he he you know what I’m saying he get his little power up but it it cool off I’m not gonna say it’s between Krillin and UB I think I

Don’t know who UB is Krillin um I would say Killin I would say come through but like Master roshi got that transformation is it second hold on hey hey mute that mute that mute that video I don’t know is all right here it go what’s Vegeta’s most powerful

Blaster got a gun no who no no no no no Final Flash Final Flash Final Flash Final Flash I was about to say bro all right here you go boom Max I’m G just say 200 on the way to fight Frieza for the first

Time I think it was 150 I think it was 150 I think it was too because I remember the five and the zero but I don’t remember the one for real it’s either 50 or 150 but I know it definitely wants was King’s Kai I forgot

King Kai it was 10 times the normal gravity on Kai right yeah he went toza it wasn’t that high yet I don’t think it’s 100 100 I don’t remember yeah it wasn’t that high yet he he hit higher numbers on later on who created Cell this is easy I’m

Guessing I’m gonna say Dr Foo we I said I was guessing I know this one bro because I feel like I feel like you watched this recently and that’s why you know more bro I’m Dragon Ball Z me I’m a I’m a I know who it

Is I watch it recently you have I I’ll guarantee you watched it more recently than I have uh I Dr uh guo it’s it’s zro sir it’s Dr jro Android but I’m right right yeah you’re right come on bro I just got to think bro this a long time

Ago wait what what is the name of the adoptive grandfather uh that’s uh Gohan his name was Gohan know like all the easy stuff what what nobody oh Dron balls Dron Ball Z let me count them what they mean wait that’s confusing how many dragon balls are there in the Dragon Ball Z

Saga oh wait the entire okay entire it’s 14 I say yeah it’s 14 it’s 14 yeah 14 NE what you talking about the ones on neic and the ones on Earth yeah that’s that’s how I would count it I thought they was asking how many sagas were there in Dragon Ball

Z but yeah it’s only they only went to Namek and Earth they ain’t go nowhere else oh danger you’ve been giving me answers this whole time I should have been looking okay easy easy easy Pera Oho he come on no cuz you cuz you thought since I started off bad I was

Gonna keep stopping bro uh what is it uh bubbles it’s bubbles okay come on bro like I said bro I just had to think okay which jacket ball was worn by Kid Gohan was it three or was it four I feel like it was three like it was four it

Was four okay okay okay bro come on bro let’s check sure we right yeah check it check four it’s the four okay okay okay okay look at me I’m on timing okay oh I don’t know if you know this don’t know this one oh Dragon Ball Z

Uh fun it’s between two of them is FUNimation or or is thinking funny like fun come on man and what time frame one training what wait and wait what is the time frame of one training inside the hyperbolic oh I remember this I remember this I remember this they explained this

Oo o oh I know what it is I think it’s one year seven days am I wrong I also go the same thing I feel like one year if not no way one year is one day it’s one year four days yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right

You’re right it is one year one day it is one year one day cuz they said that if you stay in there for any longer than one day then there equivalent till four or five like you know however long you stay in there he’s right and if you stay

In there for more than two days the door will disappear damn yeah so yeah he’s right it’s one year one day wait so you can stay in there for two years is what they saying yeah and they come on there two days later what is the wait what is the

Complete power version of BU called complete power um is it super no it’s not super is it I think it Super K was the strongest super B was just when he absorbed Gohan like okay I don’t know I don’t know if yall know this one planet

Uh I thought it was called Planet Vegeta but could Planet Vegeta their Planet their Planet blew up and then they went to Planet Vegeta oh okay then I don’t know I don’t know I don’t remember uh sadala I’m guessing I I was say that was what is it seven that’s tough that’s it

For real yeah that’s I thought yeah because I I just know Planet Vegeta wasn’t the original Planet who was Vegeta’s accomplice when he first arrived on Earth Nappa oh yep some nasty work what is tian’s Ultimate Kai attack the tribe Bean oh yeah trian what is the name of frieza’s dad King f I almost said King Frieza but I know it’s not I feel like that’s too easy I think it’sing I’ll say I’m G say King Frost I even know I don’t think that’s right but King Frost what is it seven King cold okay yeah okay Goku learn Instant

Transmission from which oh I remember it was the little aliens uh not King Kai not neek uh da done a yard rat I was say I want to say it’s y r go ahead it’s Planet yard rad come on bro you try to you tried to you tried to

Disrespect me and I understand it’s okay we had we had a bit of a confusion at the beginning but it’s okay name this who is gogeta’s opponent in Dragon Ball Z Gogeta Gogeta Gogeta oh it wasn’t s it wasn’t kibo it wasn’t Omega shimron because Omega shimron was uh they put easy EAS

Yeah uh when does Future Trunks first unlock Super Saiyan 1 oh was it I don’t think it was with Andrew I don’t know this one with Vegeta that’s a guess I’m just guessing I don’t I’m g go with um Goan he didn’t know and Vegeta was like you didn’t know you you

Are Mimi that’s tough the guess wait what she say she said with Gohan that’s right yeah Gohan told to go super thought Gohan got merked and then he turned super saian when he saw his body Dam see I knew I knew it was something

With Gohan cuz he was very en TI to him see I I know something if we would have counted that if we would have counted that though I feel like I still got like a 90 all right Naruto’s next come on let’s all right uh I’ll catch youall

Later mean you want to do that for real you do that for real with me no because I know you gonna win I was just joking come on now no I want to see y’all do it I want to see y’all do it I want to see

Y’all do it I can step with this you could step by yourself on that I don’t remember names half the damn time on one piece trivia yeah I know one piece but I’m not gonna say I know every name by heart so I’m be honest like that’s me any

Anime you know who Kobe is yeah Kobe’s the boy from The First beginning where he saved him and I mean I could go off that but remember my friend said uh what they said talking about uh I’m not going to make it past uh Luffy coming out they

Just said do they said one piece hold on give me a second let me do let me do this real quick I’m G do this one with you let me step all right let’s see let me step real quick Mimi cap I want some Taco

Bell I had Taco I haven’t had Taco Bell in so long I kind of know this front back I’m a try I’m a try I’m G try wait what y’all doing Naruto what’s the purpose of the kosty uh to what what no no hold on hold on y’all real quick I’m

Going to go I’m going to go get some Taco Bell if I go to AFK because I’m G I’m Gonna Keep streaming if I go to AFK can y’all just pull me back yeah appreciate appreciate it appreciate it but it won’t oh so they can still hear us though but it won’t be

To see your screen oh true um I think it’s C I think it’s C but I’m not sure Hey Mimi you got it you got it yeah y’all lost me boy you got it Mimi I watch a lot of animes I just I’m just not good with all the the technical

Stuff about it what’s name of Sasuke’s father oh I do not know I know this one I think it’s I think it’s I think I’m wrong but I think it’s D it’s C no no no it’s not D it’s not D come on me uh a the okay

S a hater bro you see can’t let me be great who joined aasi after I do not know this one so let’s uh uh you don’t know it wait hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on who join after his death um it’s not I mean it technically it’s

To it’s not Toby but it’s uh I mean see but how wait it was B it was Toby all right Mimi we uh we’re cooked okay wait wait wait what happened what you mean why we’re cook we’re cook we’re cook we’re cook whose eyes is this this is

Gar it’s gar we’re done we’re done with that we’re done with that okay do the one piece one then the one piece one the one piece that’s what danger said he wanted do the one piece one who came out the Barrel in the first episode ly that’s crazy stop

It he did come out the barrel yeah but look how you go do like the easiest question come on now who who Who’s the chef on the going Mary if she okay let me stop let me stop right here let me stop right here if they ask anything about him and him well

To be honest who who I can’t see your your mouse who uh was the back I I know his name Brook but and I’m on Frankie part but I told you bro I ain’t never going for okay okay let me see boom who’s the first draw hat to be

Shown in the anime um it would have been zaro no no no no no actually was Nami but I mean if you GNA count technically it’s Luffy but I mean okay wasn’t a first Straw Hat who was first who was the first Straw Hat to be shown

In the anime I mean technically Luffy because he is the first Straw Hat talking about the crew crew wise is Nami she was the first to be shown yes she was the first to be shown it’s Nami right like when Luffy got off that Marine ship with Kobe remember she was

In there she was trying to steal up the uh the map it’s Nami he said he said thank you I I’m see that’s why one piece is so long I forgot it to go what’s the name of the straw Hat’s first ship the Goan Mary yeah that was easy too

Easy me me let me answer these questions not you okay how many berries did uh this was the this is all on Park bro this is like okay danger can you get it danger how many berries did Nam have to gather for our long 10 million I think

It’s 10 million berries no 100 million it was too much and she had like 60 and she was like all I gota do is go on one more job it’s D it’s D know I I’m already know okay let’s see one which start does oh um oh my God I okay it’s definitely

Not D cuz he just got that sword and that do go in his mouth um [ __ ] I do not know the name I think it’s it’s either a or b she sweet say w I didn’t know that one that was that one’s hard I didn’t know he had

Named his swords oh yeah they all have Names World Sanji born he was born in I think it’s a I don’t know this one either yeah it’s a it’s a I know he want to go to like the the ocean part oh because you didn’t get to that part yet so you don’t

Know I know he want to go see the the world see is the name of Brooks old crew um oh I think it was a I don’t know danger I think it’s a no it was C okay I didn’t know that one I really didn’t care for their name

I just know was a sad ass story who’s the first warlord at the sea to be introduced oh mihawk mihawk technically that was mihawk was it mihawk yeah it was no rockodile no it was crocodile it was mihawk it was mihawk it was mihawk mihawk was a say crocodile I think it

Was mihawk it was mihawk remember mihawk had uh struck struck Zoro down in the chest I I didn’t know they consider him one yeah he was a he was a warlord at that point who defeated Miss Double fingers on a Bast oh I do not freaking remember I don’t remember that I don’t

Remember I’m gonna say um Nami at the last moment alab like that that was so quick who’s a oh that’s easy that’s easy that’s easy when I found this out when I H when I found this out you and let me tell you how I found this

Out my homeboy had a picture of Ace right with Ace hat off and he was like who who is this I was like that’s Ace that’s that’s Luffy brother you know what I’m saying that’s when he put He he grabbed a marker and just put the little mustache and I

Said yeah and then and then somebody it was a theory about this um this tattoo about this mean Ace this mean Sabo C that’s true it’s true I just thought he spelled Ace wrong no because I mean I’m telling you the anime but because um you know when they was young stabo

Technically was dead so that’s when he put the S there and crossed it out for Sabo nice because he lost a brother you know o the Buster call if I’m not wrong I believe it’s it’s either C or D it’s C or D you gotta choose one and that’s

Messed up that you said he’s a donut now that’s crazy I think it’s D I’m g go D you said B is golden I don’t think it’s golden you could be right though I could be wrong oh T got that he says golden people be saying that about nii too that

J be making me mad what’s the name oh um I don’t even know who this is I think it’s D I think it’s a gleen glean fruit I’m not good at fruit names so I he says the glint glint fruit I would never got that one I don’t know none the fruit

Names all right how many new Fishman Pires did Luffy defeat using conqueror’s hockey I do not remember the actual number of them um I’mma say C know new Fishman this D that b okay B well you got that danger oh he might be a bigger fan than

You I told you he know I’m not good at small details who took over Chopper body and punk has it oh my God I do not remember who took over it let’s see what D got what you gotta say yeah I thought it was Frankie I thought it was

Frankie danger must be on one what name did Luffy use in the Gladiator fights in oh um oh c but I think it I think it was spelled D no but it was Lucy yeah that that that seems like a Luffy thing that he would do yeah it was it was

Weird which of these sources are acquired in log toown Oh um I think it was was this the place was this the place they went to it it was either before the grand line or after where Zoro sticked his hand out and the sword just yeah that was um that was before they went to the the grand line

I I’ve done the rest of this is past what I’ve seen oh yeah uh I forgot name of that one I thought it was the third though what three what threee grows on the grown mared oh that’s the umine because that’s I want to get I

Want to get my tattoo like that on my arm just like now me the uh what it was a a windmill who says fools who don’t respect the p are doomed to repeat it Frankie I don’t think I ever heard Robin yeah I remember that M since

Everybody this is the beat that I’m using for my wait wait remember he’s streaming still I can mute him on my end right uh yeah Ser mute you got two seconds you server mut him no server de and slam no Ser def not work you oh wait yeah you’re

Right they still be hearing that’s why I said I don’t do was to enrich the lives of our residents I mean we’re the ones that are being entertained time goes fast when you’re having fun Yeah oh all right we back back at it like a crack addict um yeah the songs you know anime songs be hitting I just don’t want him to get no wait what’s this your oh I didn’t see your anime list hold on can I open that browser your anime list is

Crazy did you see D’s anime list no I’m about to though hold on I was um so let’s see uh uh I can’t agree all this so his top his s is Attack on Titans um one punch man that’s all I needed to hear uh bleach Death Note Tokyo Ghoul Dragon

Ball Z and one piece I ain’t going to lie me me I’m about to be up all night this video got to go out tomorrow I got I’m have to record and try get this video out um a what you got uh Demon Slayer jutu kazen Hunter Hunter that’s crazy that that’s

A JoJo is a class assassination is a I’ve never seen berserk so I can’t judge that one my Academia is a I I’ll give you my her Academia I have never seen uh Neon Genesis so I can’t judge that one Pokemon should have been D spy family should have been

C Seven Deadly S I say that was a b and you haven’t watched all of those animes oh you said you dropped that’s crazy you need to watch more animes you’re not cultured yet what is Lee doing I only got jjk song on my list I’m

A big fan of jjk my hero is good the phandom ruins it no the Phantom is terrible from what I heard like they complain so much about how the anime is not the same as the books and he’s a crybaby on the anime and in the books he’s not I’m

Like he not he not even a crybaby on the anime he really he really uh I think people judge too hard on that one cuz it’s really good that’s that’s what happened with Attack on Titan that’s why it took so long because everybody didn’t like how how the the manga ended or something

Like that so he had to redo it I’m I’m G do I’m doing my list still I got so many animes I watch it’s really hard to put them all on the list oh my gosh you thought about like how many you actually watched I’m G be

So mad if I didn’t save my finance at Freddy’s um oh black suer was good too on part two uh audio oh my gosh I don’t like they like stuff like that I was afraid my audio was gonna be messed up when I was um editing I was so

Afraid yeah I did saved it yo we got to like I’m G to have an anime day like I think I’m G do a video on anime just got to figure out how and like you said this might be it me talking about my list of anime I like your list explain

It you know what I’m saying I think you guys would be very shock what my tier list looks like and it it’s going to be so funny when you guys see it definitely it’s going to shock Y’all I actually love that one uh Naruto I don’t know which one this one is let me see no you know what no no no because I want to show you my list oh dang I watch too many animes this is hard like to put them on a list like this this is

O this is hard I have never watched this one I need to remember to start doing my intros oh this Mimi I’m tripping this gonna be an easy edit I did two nights in one about say like it a GNA take that long I thought I still gotta record

Though that’s a 30 minute video I’m I’m Gucci oh this was yeah what is oh um I’mma H that here oh my God I love this one that was that okay look I’m not this was really good uhuh Uh dang bro I’m two subs away from from from 1280 bro I just want to see 1300 I want to see I just want to see 300 I want 1500 by the end of I want to see, 1500 about end this month dang you want to see my list so far

Stop no stop stop okay what’s that first one one piece my hero Academia what’s chainsaw man L chainsaw man I do too Demon Slayer Naruto Hunter Hunter what’s that hell’s Paradise which you probably don’t about that either assassination classroom no it’s I it’s not that I didn’t SE up I

Just can’t see it because it’s too I have on little hold on let me move it to this let see no it’s just small okay there that’s better I think if I zoom in on mine uh what is the pink um I think it’s called no game

Something I for the other part of it but it’s not it’s it was on Netflix it’s really good Tokyo Avengers I don’t know what’s next to Tokyo Avengers fruit basket okay that’s all your s dond King I’mma be real with I stopped watching that after that one episode where he met

Another dude and he wanted his um it just felt like a Pokemon type of thing me come on always say I’m do my own thing yeah Chas man on that oh it was a different one that I had to send you that I did that had chainsaw man cuz

That wouldn’t have no good ones chainsaw man yes chainsaw man’s s tier like if you into dark anime cha man other than yeah she is weird eox what’s cooking Z be never stting us she just be here let me see um stting too look Naruto and baruto are my a um you call

It reincarnate a slime I don’t know why that’s in that’s s juu kaen technically I wouldn’t even put it a but it’s not b so it’s kind of just stuck like it’ be like a minus you thisg are not good to you it’s good but it’s it would from my

Personal list it’s not high on there I’m still going though because I have so many of them Dragon Ball Z and a d yeah I mean I wasn’t crazy about it out of C where is Black Clover no Black Clover said a no you put black no I ain’t

Talking about Black Clover I’m talking about something that’s not mainstream like black Butler at a SE oh you know what I start watching it and it was all right but I couldn’t really get into it so that was my thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah put that a yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah let’s see this one here actually Soul Eater so eater is a c it’s a a well yeah up Dragon Ball Dragon Ball super no no this is definitely a what is that what what what was that did you just put

Out a a what did I put at the a I put uh the aristocrats um other worldly Adventures that’s the E guy ohop actually no but you but you about to put death not at a a I mean s i no I definitely I’m putting it you at least you know you

Know what type of timing I’m on def not is definitely a s I have a quick question yes it’s unrelated though so um I tried to order something on Amazon but XYZ you know this that and the third I won’t be able to be here when it’s here it’s not

Ordered just yet like I was getting ready to uh the date that it would come is on the 16th is there any way that y’all know where I can like schedule it later like I want to schedule it like a week l later is there any way that I can

Have you done that before I’ve never a small item you can have put in a locker for you they have like Lockers near you but other than that but other than that LE just why don’t you just wait on it what is it is it big I’m not gonna be

Here no order like next Sunday yeah like wait to order it with my whole cart that that I’m doing right now there’s some discounts and [ __ ] I don’t want to wait cuz that [ __ ] may not bro you may be able to call them do show me your cart right now why why

Do I have to show you my cart why he gota show you his cart now y’all got me feeling bad I just wanted to see what was in I want to be nosy there’s a doo in there oh my gosh like you know he’s still on stream right

Or we gonna act like that’s just not it Lee said the f word so it doesn’t matter Mimi who said the f word you no I didn’t when we were playing the finals o eaters a a that’s crazy yeah so eater is a a because of the last so eer so eater

Could have been a s no listen listen real quick Equinox I thought I thought Knox was gon he said he was gonna do stuff to the server he said he’s gonna make it better he’s gonna make it look better that’s why I gave him mod but I know I know y’all like this

Conversation they having so I want y’all to be able to listen listen to it no I watched the first episode of season 2 and turned it off immediately full metal acist I’ll put haven’t watched yet cuz y told me give a Brotherhood no that’s Brotherhood I

Haven’t watched it so for me instead of GR in it then I might as well just go ahead and if you like dark anime and you telling you man so me is that that first that first one you can’t push it down to like that Sunday or something

Oh oh you want me to add a hundred more dollars oh I didn’t even notice that I didn’t even notice that I’m looking like the date I’m like oh okay just push down like wait why why would they charge you for a later date oh wait that’s sooner not no that’s sooner that’s

Sooner um and I looked it up and I I seen it said that you can try to reschedule it but like I’m too scared to to order it why don’t you call over the phone and let and talk to them before you do it that’s what I would do just just call

Them did y’all do an anime uh uh thing I’m working now I’m just working on mine this because for my video I’m gonna do I’m gonna do a video saying debate me Equinox said is Naruto and S atast okay so Naruto first yeah old G

Naruto is definitely not a s it’s a a it’s not an S TI shatin can be an S tier yeah shtin is s yall tripping bro it’s not it’s just a bunch of episodes with literally little to no context like it’s literally nothing for a million episodes

And then I can I can chat a little bit about Naruto just a little bit I’m I’m not going to argue with a person who thought Goku kills Frieza so you know stop it we’re not gonna do that got the best stop it okay okay to in my defense

I have not finished watching bleach so I’m not going to judge it I ain’t gonna Li it’s kind of like a c or something it all that I seen bleach when they went into the soul society and they quit you know I’m in Katie server and they don’t even talk here that’s

Crazy spy family D no Mimi that jump was kind of good I love SP I’m not your uncle let me look at um don’t kick me oh Mimi Mimi Mimi drop a short 12 more I’m gonna drop a short later that’s when it gets good why would

You stop bless I got I gotta go back I gotta go back I gotta go back that that’s where it get good didn’t Le say he he did say that but I don’t know he doing two is for him is for a the Cyber punk I’m not putting that on my list

Because I feel like that’s not an anime even though it was good I’m not consider not an anime it is it w anime a year not this year though but the year that it came out oh I didn’t like this let’s see what else is on here I’m cyk is not

An anime danger said it’s a cartoon they said that’s thank you they said that’s a show thank you thank you that is not an anime and I’m notna put it on there if crunchy roll can put if crunchy roll can put it as uh anime of the year then it is

Deemed anime I I don’t I don’t think crunchy roll had made that decision on their own I’m sure it was dollars and cents that helped that decision come about so we’re not going to talk about that um what is this one son’s I can’t tell what the heck they are oh oh I

Ain’t gonna lie this definitely an E I forgot the name of this one but it’s that one on Netflix where like they have to fight the human beings oh can you see it now oh record of Ragnarok that was definitely an e garbage anime um let’s see I’m not

I if I had my old St Pokemon cards y’all wouldn’t stand a chance Pokemon’s definitely F you you hockey shoot I know I watched it a long time ago but I don’t know so that’s G to be a haven’t watched just because I rewatch it Equinox said what

Ring did you give one punch man you don’t want to know the answer to that y’all just gonna have to wait have to wait are you gonna show them Mimi are you gonna show it I’ll show them I’ll show them when I get done all right have

To wait y have to wait this man got Minecraft I can tell you exactly why I pick all this I’m I’m gonna probably go I’ll probably post my I’m just because I don’t got it you don’t you don’t have the Xbox thingy thing no I don’t got it on my

Um I don’t got it on my thing on your computer you know I don’t have I don’t have Minecraft I got Minecraft on my PlayStation the PlayStation Edition not but you can’t crossplay on what you call that that me I’m sure it’s way it is it be telling

Me to sign into something but it won’t like a Microsoft account but it won’t let me every time I try to it won’t it just won’t let me dead M death play that’s a really good one the strongest Sage with the weakest Crest is a good one let me go

Ahead and put this stuff on the timeline there’s no way see this what I be talking about bro oh danger Equinox have y’all watch a Persona uh five anime how y’all feel about garoo I made that up today and I feel like it’s cold and I feel like it’s terrible that’s

What you about to call your community if you do I SAR to God going on you know how people say what’s going on Gango Gangi I’m like what’s going on with my kangaroos because you ever seen a kangaroo they bro but as Equinox what do y’all want to

Be called like just no no no it’s not it’s not what it’s not just a you know what I’m saying it’s just a it’s a thing it’s a saying like a greeting it’s a thing what’s up jimmies that’s what I’m talking about why can’t you say that

Never mind bro I don’t know y trying trap me in a box y trying to trap me in a box and I’m a I’m a peacock bro you gotta let me spread my wings and fly do we do we really thank you danger that’s what I’m talking about I want to go

Watch anime nobody else nobody else that thank you D I like you’re not a season man when it comes to anime I’m not a what a seasoned man when it comes to anime a seasoned you’re a slim gim not a peacock you better stop disrespecting my

Top why would you say that because I do be watching and I know I be giving Slice of Life poop but I there are some Slice of Life that I’ve seen y I violated him yo that’s crazy how yall do me as how you say man I be

On timeing with this anime so I can’t call y’all my Garo I can’t say what up Garo I can’t say that chat no what’s up Jimmy too many animes there way too many animes all right now watch I’m get okay I’m done for right now I’m G get garoo

Merch and y’all gonna be like oh my God y’all didn’t y’all wasn’t here at the beginning of the stream when I was watching kangaroos fight each other I was you ever seen the vide of the dude he’s like Mom they’re in the backyard fighting kangaroos beating the [ __ ] out

Of each other oh you should have seen that one where the kangaroo had a dog yeah yeah that dude came over that’s what I watched earlier on stream gez all right all right dangel say he cool with it that’s all that matter 15 War is crazy danger W man Equinox said I’m a

Slim gym that’s all I will ever be that’s I feel like danger slapped me in the in my forehead not danger uh Equinox all right seven no Xbox but brownie is at 360 I pressed the wrong button close out everything you done with it you done it might

Save I was done and and I don’t know if it’s Gonna Save because I pressed the wrong button no you’re done you’re out of there yeah after that I’m just Equinox Equinox is the name of a gy oh it’s save did it save it’s a gym where famous people go

All right all right all right ready now I got it back up all right Feast huh Nar and you got Naruto and a yeah I mean and shap S there it is that’s perfect shap shatin was better than than the first one it was more AC

It was more meat to it I couldn’t I couldn’t now maybe maybe my on Naruto doesn’t really matter because I didn’t watch the entire thing so that’s fair but it’s so boring to me like it’s so boring to watch now shatin I was like eyes glued to the TV all right all right

Okay cool that’s cool to hear I mean I could have put Naruto under one piece I could have put as a a you you know I’m being fair I just said you know Hunter Hunter S let me let me look at the rest I think I

Have I think I have a solid s tier from what they gave me they give me a whole lot Hunter that’s pretty good I liked it it kept me you know on edge I want to see the what happened next so it got there I’m G watch one full anime just so

I can talk to yall about my Academia I agree with you know that’s a controversial one there that’s that one I knew it’s not for everybody if you like it you like it if you don’t you just I seen my hair but only had one good no my fa one

Season one good two was good three four and five and then what season are they on now the last season I thought this last season was really good equino oh white punch where’s one punch at he ain’t playing no game he really want me to answer that question well definitely a’t s

Oh oh I’m sorry fight me on that one one punch is not s slim Squad slim Nation I think one punch would be generously a b but hold on hold on hold on hold on cuz look at that deter now go back down to that deter right

Quick way no way okay so be fair right I wasn’t really sure which Dragon Ball that was I was okay okay so my question is was there any other dragon balls or it was I just didn’t know which these okay okay okay okay okay really

Know so I just kind of like okay it’s not my favorite I don’t know what they to put to put Dragon Ball in D any Dragon Ball below C is crazy but okay um okay so but that one back to my a wow my a

Yes right let me see things that y I’m well you said you SE Shaman K I like Shaman K that was good Naruto bro is a j kaen would be a minus it wouldn’t be eight it be eight minus damn um no it was good I just the story kind of me I

Ain never seen that a damn out life you know for your you know people who’s watching at home right now yeah I mean it’s just the story line get away from it AA got killed technically I would have gave it a s but it belongs in

A if you guys know I Che skills another world then you know AR umacon if you know you know somebody’s like if you know you know that the whole series is fire but not I haven’t had Taco so long I’m so happy you saw about the other day and I

Had it too I kind of Taco Bell now did eat it right in my face oh I didn’t tell you my Taco Bell is disgusting so we should be happy good good we they had the um the soft taco they fried it in old oil or something it tastes like old

Oil everything was disgusting what e the slimmies let me see um give me the slimmies under the slim Nation they don’t even have a lot of my animes that I watch though oh I didn’t put them on there yeah it’s too many animes on here

To go through but if you know you know that’s all I can say B let me see that y yeah y’all don’t know n these animes I’m sure said y y’all not you know Season anime watches there was this one anime I’ve seen a

Clip of and I I wish I watched it but it was Chinese anime and the caption was like nobody really talks about Chinese anime or something like that I watched one I watch one I can’t say like I know a lot of them because like you said

Nobody talks about them but I’ve watched one it was pretty good so are they genu are they generally like just not good no I think you just have to find them like you popping you know what I’m saying they not out there for real for

Real I would say that I don’t think it’s like it’s not promoted as much as like Japanese animes are there’s some good ones though they they have some a different different style technique oh my gosh hold on there’s actually one that’s um think I think the language is in Mandarin it’s

Called scissor 7 bro fire ass uh Chinese anime that [ __ ] is like I which one I’m watching right now shoot I don’t know I’m trying to right now I’m I’m I’m currently trying to multitask and edit right now without deafening you guys oh

You can do it I do it all the time s just deafen us that’s kind of crazy you though me me we all can’t be me it’s okay I’m probably I’m probably gonna wrap this one up how long we been seven hours this man only saved for for two

Two extra hours that’s what you mean two extra hours you mean for two extra hours Oh you mean because I usually get off at 11 I mean I usually start streaming at like 11: yeah and then go to sleep you know have you seen this uh Marsh marshala marshala whatever

Country yes yes never mind are you streaming oh you are streaming I am streaming what’s this One new OPM game January 1st do you even know what OPM is Slim no of course you don’t Optimus Prim I’m with him Optimus Prime opening presents what’s OPM pathetic Equinox come on drug it’s a drug it’s a drug bro no it’s not he just

Said new OPM game yeah yes it’s a drug game duh like you know the trippy type [ __ ] you got opms yeah oh my gosh I want to watch this one day how much how much is crunchy rooll do I get a free trial I think they do have a free trial to be

Honest with you I do a 30-day free trial and I watch as many animations as I can within that 30day free trial and then I’m if you don’t use some illegal websites come onally you know I could I could put I could hook you up I love one two three

Movies that’s what I’m watching my on right now I gotta find some more good like dark animes I’m all tapped out any watch.to okay okay send that send that send that link to me uh in in uh the Discord in the server I know I watched

All of this didn’t I hot i s satim I’m guessing is that one punch man how you say his name satama solos Goku stop it okay stop it he does I’ve seen many videos on it but we gota think about the fact that Goku gets stronger the more he gets his

More he get beat on yeah but I mean I hate to sit there and say one punch man’s called one punch man for a reason I’ve seen him punch people that didn’t that didn’t that didn’t die though after one punch though huh SE I’ve seen him fight people like

Without winning in the first punch oh that was a dream yeah I’m about to say he was dreaming he was he was dreaming and and hoping that that he could fight somebody that that can actually keep up with him so in the entire series of that show he has never encounter an opponent

That can take more than one of his punches no that sounds like stupid you sure I’m not sure because like the last battle for season one he PL I don’t remember it he oh yeah he was doing this right yeah he he just he plucked yeah you didn’t punch him that’s

Right that [ __ ] got he got [ __ ] up that’s such a good show that sounds like it’s a stupid show though I mean no trust me it’s it’s other stuff around it not not just around one punch bro like it makes it’s comedy it’s action like it’s I’ve SE I’ve seen I’ve seen bits

And pieces but you know but to to every opponent cuz at least we know what Goku like he’s going to lose like Goku is going to lose like off rip Goku got to get beat on yeah he’s see some of some of those I hate those like I a lie it

Parts of one piece that be pissing me off I’m like he be getting his ass beat for so [ __ ] long like come on too long lie like I hate watching I hate when they do that they be getting beat on so you can watch them

You know get tore down and all of a sudden they power up like we could have did all of that with all this it’s stupid okay I got a question about uh how you say it again sa satama sat uhhuh satama does he can he like does he have

Super speed like is he really fast bro he has everything he he just can’t fly or anything now he can’t fly he can’t fly it makes up for it from his super strength that but he could just jump dummy far can he jump to spaceace um yeah he did danger when you

Get to cake Island you gonna be like ah this is the season she was talking about that was so annoying so if but he doesn’t have like Goku can instant just use Instant Transmission and not get hit by him what if he use ultra Instinct what danger don’t speak

Blasphemy to me right now wait what danger say oh no I did see that no I did see that I did see that me and Lee saw that and I got pissed when I saw one when they redoing one piece remember we saw the little uh trailer for it how

They they going to read one piece and they said the people who did supposed to animated oh damn but but they doing they doing um One Piece romance Dawn that’s a different story yeah that’s a completely different story I got I gotta learn how to speak

Anime one of these days I’ll learn how to speak anime you know what you got to do you have to find your anime like my husband didn’t like anime until he found his when he found his that’s his anime I remember Lee was helping me one day but

Then he just started responding so it’s cool yeah what what do you like what type of stuff do you like no no no leh had asked me what type of normal shows do I like to watch and I said like police shows cartel shows I gave you a

Legit list okay okay that you said that afterwards you said that afterwards you be I answered your question and then and then you stopped responding you can scoll I promise you I I I’ll pull it up right now you heard my feelings um let me see I’ll pull it up right now action

Police it’s one I’m thinking but I I didn’t watch it so I don’t want to say come on now I’m not watching that garbage what about um receipts uh detective detective would you watch something like that DET I I don’t know what that is what does it say

What does it say read it out loud okay ooh uh bet let us put you on game what type of human shows you like man laughing emoji come on now I’m not watching that garbage that was not that clearly wasn’t for that message that had to be for a previous message no that’s

The only God look you started the conversation you said this is the conversation this is how the conversation started look this is the whole conversation where it started guys period period period I’mma start watching anime with a kissing emoji and then seven put cap then I put o bet

Let’s put you on game what type of human shows do you like and then you put a laugh Emoji come on now I’m not watching that garbage shake my and then seven say shake my head and Lee fell for it yeah [ __ ] out of here okay but then I

Went on to explain the type of shows I watched yeah and at that point I was not gonna help you anymore no nobody believe you after that so anyway like like like danger said danger said Death Note will be a good one for you but I don’t know

If he G take long for it I don’t know I don’t know cuz it’s it’s a long show it’s likeo no it’s not long it’s just that you have to be tuned in and I don’t know you anemy of of a do getting choked out or something then I

Get you in R that’s you shut up I saying because it’s a slow start I don’t know I think he would he would cut off because it’s it’s it’s that story build up that’s gonna take him right off the no if I’m if I’m if if I’m bored

Enough I’ll watch a show even if it’s not good okay so look if you watch Death Note right watch Death Note don’t you cut on Netflix and watch no Netflix Death Note just trust me Do’s a Death Note on Netflix it’s it’s their version well I

Think I think actually def no is on Netflix but they have like they live action don’t watch that do yourself a favor and don’t watch that no I’m here to watch anime yeah right yeah all right I’m I’m telling you everybody they they want take the cheap way out of it then like

Yeah wasted your time like bleach I didn’t watch that Netflix uh bleach thing cuz I I figured that was going to be garbage what if I just watch like the first and last episode of every season I almost kicked you God yeah if you want to watch One Piece

You can watch the one piece live action I heard that was butt who told you that exactly exactly you made you made up that story I didn’t make that up I hav heard it everybody said one piece is the only anime live action I like yeah I don’t think some can get

Into one piece it’s too much for him canot get into one piece what you mean I actually used to watch One Piece on a do swim well tsunami every Saturday night did you watch it or it watched you no I watched it I used to watch it with my uh my

Brother me and my brother used to watch bleach one piece like said that you don’t have attention span for that I’m telling you damn that’s crazy bro why don’t y’all believe me for what reason would I have to lie about this now no it’s not that watching a thousand

Episodes that’s a different kind of One Piece no I would never watch that I might as well go back and and try to watch Naruto again Naruto got that many episodes Nar got that many episodes G down one piece is different and I couldn’t even make it through

Naruto true I’m watching One Piece anime all right y’all what what is he saying what happened do that what happened hey Lee can I ask you a question what’s up oh God Lee who killed U Frieza I don’t know you know why because he didn’t care

To begin with what do you mean you don’t know Lee I said I told y like I I watched Dragon Ball but like I wasn’t like I wasn’t heavily into it bro that wasn’t me see I’m not one piece Ain got I not one piece one punch man got me

Like that I cannot sit up there and read that Mong what’s uh what’s your what’s your comfort anime my comfort anime the one me me the one the one that you could be like this is my reasoning for being here what wait what me Full Metal Alchemist what do you mean like

Reasoning to be in here like like right like what does that even mean likeu him to the anime world you wouldn’t be an anime fan if you didn’t see this oh so it it was either it was through Naruto or Soul Eaters those two for oh that’s a

Good one that’s a good one no way all just watch anime watch me yeah so e it’s Dr ball of course um mine would definitely be a Death Note yeah that’s why I like a lot I watch a lot of dark animes you know yeah I mean what’s

His name Lou you know he I tried watching that when you got robots I’m out I don’t want to watch Transformers if I had to rank if I had to rank those three people who had the whole world thing out of Aaron Lou and light Louch got the job done the only

Person who didn’t was was light he died he he got merked like got the work done at that point like the work was had already been done he was upkeeping stop it y act like I’m sorry I’m not talking to y’all y’all act like loose got um um

Y like watch anime is like he was destined to do a college and and if Aaron would be number one if all he needed was it’s just a Caron not that Ser it Attack on Titans oh okay let me mute up wait can he hear us and still talk I

He can’t hear us he can still talk it’s crazy no he can’t um but if Aaron would have mased the entire 100 probably if he would have anime is is a cartoon in a different language that’s all let the people who surviv wait stop stop stop

Stop stop stop slum I’m still in your chat Equinox just said what you just said that’s crazy I know you can hear me anime is a cartoon just in a different language what else is it I’m I’m literally about to disconnect you how is that disrespectful it’s a

Cartoon it’s an animation oh brother it’s not an animation not real oh my God oh my God oh bother bro there’s no way there’s no way y’all about to debate this it is a people look look look look look look look when we going back to the S TI that

Was inside your your let’s say your cartoon shows for instance let’s say somebody just disrespecting the [ __ ] out of whatever show it is right how how you how you like are you just going to take it as is like how how you I just don’t understand what else do you call it

Other than a cartoon anime anime an animation what’s a cartoon no oh my gosh what what what does anime stand for what does anime stand for’s he’s taking the word anime and saying Okay cartoon no Mei basically it is literally a cartoon it is a what what’s Family Guy guy is a

Cartoon mean he’s basically you remember that one thing where Z was like uh basically the same where Z said Avatar is an anime okay it’s basically that same conversation it’s a cartoon so what what is anime what is anime anime is Anime is that what you’re about to say without

Using the word anime what word would you use to describe what anime is if I had to it’s Japanese a cartoon in a different language no it’s not see you’re going off of what the word is a cartoon is something that you put out that’s animated for kids it don’t have

To be cartoon Family Guy so what is Family Guy Family Guy is adult animation so what’s it’s that’s a cartoon oh my God okay me just you putting yourself through this just let bro no no no no no no no it’s not that I got it it’s not that I got it I

Understand no I understand you guys are I understand you guys are fans I get that you know understand you guys love it but you’re saying you’re literally saying anime is a it’s a cartoon you said it’s Japanese I said what’s anime seven said Japanese what that’s the

That’s the language got we got listen listen listen best way they qu anime is an adaption based off of a book best way to put it how how you doing Z let me just how you doing Z so if there’s a cartoon based off a book does

That make it an anime so that mean that mean that mean avatar the Last airer is Anime then right it’s not an anime y anwers going top on top of each other is that can you hear me no it’s not no it’s not yeah he can hear you he just doing

Today see y’all cause y’ y’all y’all dis y y’ like y’all not trying to admit that that’s what I said if he want if he Aon me too Lee let me tell you I I have Mimi and slam I’m tell you m I can hear

You but no he muted us so he can’t hear us 16 minutes long with two nights like yeah yeah yeah you should do that because he can’t hear nothing now yeah yeah yeah what do you want slim why you why you mute me I didn’t mute you as then server mute

You I muted you like yeah but I can stillar I can read your lips though yeah but I was still hearing you so it was kind of like disrespectful I understand it’s not a cartoon I’m I’m done talking about that with you uh you you didn’t

Because you because you said when I said what’s anime and you said Japanese so you know you got it but uh that’s crazy what’s anime Japanese danger you just had to realize that there are some people who just gonna call it cartoons I’m reading his what he said you know

What Mimi did you stop stop what’s anime Japanese I’m not letting that go bro I’m not letting that go Japanese still with it all right so listen um who killed Goku right mean who killed fre this video I’m over here tripping like this video 30 minutes long

BR this video only 16 minutes long bro I can edit this a cartoon isn’t for children just cuz it’s a a cartoon doesn’t mean it’s for children what happened I I missed this this editing session you know I haven’t started editing my video yet oh oh you took one for the ones that

That you ever okay okay okay okay copy the ones that you for this five night Fred first foremost bro the Garfield game I recorded I recorded my face cam I’m I’mma tell y I’mma tell y’all why y’all losing this I’mma tell y’ why y’all losing this conversation because

Anime fans will never admit that it’s just a cartoon in a different language so since cartoons are for children then Family Guy which is a cartoon it’s all cartoons I’m not dises respected what anime is I’m not saying like anime is cool but it is a cartoon I’m not a bot

The only people that will argue this are anime fans everybody else will see it the way I see it you can’t just say anime isn’t a cartoon because it’s it’s it’s anime it’s from a different country it’s a cartoon bro it’s a a Japanese cartoon a cartoon is more kid so okay

Okay Equinox and danger Equinox and danger What would you it’s not disrespecting the culture it’s not disrespect in the culture Family Guy isn’t isn’t is it’s Family Guy anime it’s a cartoon anime is not a cartoon so what’s Family Guy what’s Family Guy what’s family gu is not for children

What’s South Park is South Park anime Mimi no wait Mimi that I’m not reading that Mimi I’m not reading that Mimi I’m not reading that Mimi I’m not reading I’m not reading that I’m not reading that I’m not reading that like I like I like I get it I get I get

What y’all know I’m saying y’all love y’all love y’all some anime I love y’all look all right look I’ll read it I’ll read it I’ll read it I’ll read it I’ll read it I’ll read it I’ll read it I’ll read it I I’ll entertain it I’ll entertain it I’ll entertain

It let me see can y’all see though I don’t know if y’all can see it no y’all can’t see it y’all can’t see it y’all can’t see it I I I I I I see I’ll see I’ll see I’ll see English dictionary defined the word as a Japanese style of Motion

Picture animation y’all going to try to okay and a cartoon is used as the model or study for painting but is now associated with what can please tell me where please tell me where does this make sense they’re both Motion Picture animation Disney movies are Motion Picture animation is

It anime okay let me see uh hold on anime are Japanese animated Productions that come in all formats such as television such as Dragon Ball and yashu I used to watch that too okay a cartoon is a form of two-dimensional illustration visual art somebody who’s an anime fan created this but okay while

The specific definition has changed over time modern usage refers to typically non-realistic or semi-realistic drawings or so anim is realistic anime is realistic right anime is realistic there is no difference between an anime and a cartoon there’s nothing anime is realistic y’all lucky yall lucky I got people living underneath me listen

There’s no difference there’s no difference anime is not is not real anime whatever this cartoon is is just as realistic as soft Park okay let me see I’mma keep reading I’mma keep reading I’mma keep reading though distinct facial inspections why R physical character physical features characters on the whole

Lar characters usually have features that are much closer in reality anime concentrates mostly on life issues and things tied close to human emotions and has more violent sexual things cartoons are generally made to make people laugh that you can’t just say like a cartoon is only made to

Do that and you can’t just say an anime is only made to do this like like I’m not I’m not like honestly honestly guys I’m I’m really not trying to disrespect the culture and this could just be me like this could just be me being a bot it could just be

Me being a bot it everything is wrong bro but there is if you if if you weren’t an anime fan like me let’s see cartoons however approximate uh reality a little more and carry traces of day-to-day life in them but they just said they just say anime

Was used to for realistic stuff they just say anime was used to realistic stuff right then fin Japanese style Motion Picture animation d the facial expressions is what makes an anime techniques anime and cartoons both use traditional animation also considered a form of no because I’m genuinely interested

Y’all I’m really I’m not even trying to argue it anymore I’m genu I genuinely want to understand what what I just did I want to know what I just did okay Death Note bleach and one piece are examples of famous anime shows Mickey Mouse Donald Duck Bugs Bunny and Superman our example of Cartoons I’mma while anime in Japan refers to all animated Productions just like just like how we Americans call cartoons cartoons but okay uh English dictionaries Define the word as Japanese style emotion picture where anime is said to have been derived from the French term other claims was uses abbreviation Japan wait what Japan

Japanimation okay cartoons on the other hand was initially using models 34 painting bro somebody who’s an anime fan created this but like I get it I get it I get it I understand what’s being said but um but they they they they they stretching bro like they really can’t

Just you can’t you can’t just say the only Japanese style of Motion Picture animation so cartoons are just every everybody else style of motion picture I’m going to leave it alone I’m going to leave it alone like I get it I get it so for for the anime fans for the

Anime fans I’ll leave it alone I’ll leave it alone uh just so y’all know I’m always I’m always the one watching my lives I’m the very first person to watch my live all the time I get what’s being said do I agree with it no but I don’t want to disrespect the

Culture for real I didn’t I didn’t mean I didn’t mean you know what I’m saying wait uh let’s agree to disagree that’s fair that’s fair I see there’s a no this is good I never thought this deep before on what separates a cartoon from an anime there are the same I guess the

Animation style is the only difference and I can give you that and that’s that like my original argument was that it’s just Japanese cartoons like that’s how I but I’ll leave it alone I’ll leave it alone we can we can just agree to disagree Mimi can we be friends again

Can you be friends again Mimi I don’t I don’t can we can we be friends again Mimi I I see I see you guys side and I also see don’t come on me hold on I gotta get back in chat think so Mimi MIM don’t do me like

That M it was um don’t do me like that M it was it was the L house the loud house no it wasn’t oh it was his friend wasn’t it it was his friend his black friend had two dads of course it was a black friend I was just G to

Start singing I to start singing me me come back you can’t blame me at all oh me I I’ll leave it alone I get I get what y’ was saying though like after reading it I understand what was being said but like you said we just going to

Have to agree to disagree just just agree disagree yeah that’s fair that’s fair that’s fair I ain’t going to copy uh s and a half I was how I end up here for extra 30 minutes it was the anime the anime com the anime y to fly when you are you at

Tom you guys you want to have an anime day in the Discord mean well I can we can stream it and like I can cut the theater on M Oh you mean like how we had a movie day yeah and then like your subscribers can jump in there we can all watch anime

Together danger danger you to make that a video no danger I’m not I’m not making that a video reason the reason why I didn’t want to watch that Barack Obama movie because you were too scared that’s fine no it’s because I have a confession to make you gay [Laughter] D just said

What no I’m gonna make an anime video and and I know I’m G figure it out though wait somebody pull them back I’m G to pull him back come on bro tell us why you a like the Barack Obama movie uh why am I here why are any of us here who summoned

Me question from my I want I want to hear why you didn’t watch it with us but what I was going to say was uh I have high hopes for society crumbling and that whole movie the concept of that movie I honestly can’t wait for it to happen in real life

What what wait can we talk about this wait before you get off stream can we talk about this I I kind of agree but differently the whole the whole concept of society crumbling and and and you know social standards don’t mean anything anymore and you know we all got to start from

The ground up like caveman I’m so ready for it sounds crazy social stands what social standards do you want to be gone seven you don’t want that bro the concept of uh Godzilla a a hierarchy you know the middle rich poor class it’s always good

Um uh I want all of us to like how can I put this you ever seen like a postapocalyptic world but not like okay okay okay like not like zombies or like I’m talking about like where we won’t have to we don’t have to we can just you talking about

Like the perfect be aarch there’s always bear there always going to be a always going to be somebody who yeah who’s always going to be be up and want to uh be dominant like it’s just within in and blood to some deg human nature it’s human nature it’s nature it’s not even

Human nature it’s just nature basically like bird box but without the the whatever the virus or whatever that’s I’m ready for that okay so gonna be killing each other still okay let me let me tell you what I’m waiting for there are two my fault this is the second

Thing before you get into it second I’m ready for is the space age you know I want to live in a time where and and where like we’re on like Star Wars like where we’re exploring space like space exploration so a company in real life

What does that have to do with with the with the social construct being destroyed hold on let me let me let me answer Danger real quick no to answer your question about the Illuminati no I don’t believe I don’t believe that’s the Illuminati but Kevin Hart believes in

Illuminati what do you mean I believe I believe are very I believe they are very rich powerful people that can make stuff happen what what they say what they say on that movie the evil cabal I don’t believe there’s an evil cabal what’s the people off

Batman oh know I have no idea it’s on Gotham Knights I don’t remember they’re a bunch of owls the the court of owls that those people the rich people people in Gotham who control that’s definitely Illuminati um Mr said he met the Illuminati probably did but but but to

Answer your to go back to to go back to your question mean your statement uh seven I don’t truly believe you want that yeah I do I I believe you want a reset and in the way but I don’t believe you wanted to go back to like caveman

Ugab Booga no electricity no Wi-Fi no cars where you got to walk everywhere bro we’re not our bodies aren’t even genetic genetically ready for something like that to happen within a a night of one explosion or something okay so so so this is so look I can agree to a point the

Whole you know society and social standards okay that’s a little bit much but I am ready and I keep telling y this for for the robot age okay I’m ready for money to disappear and become something different oh so basically you want everything to turn to our robot okay

Cool I’m ready for the world to be like WALL-E the movie WALL-E oh see that’s what agree Wally I’m not talking about but but I’m not talking about yeah see that’s basically you talking about where we live on the ship in space no we don’t

Have to be on the ship in space but hey what’s the name of that show just a a self fishing world that you see like the people in they didn’t have to work they didn’t have to they just sat on the now granted we could do more the world the

World of Wall-E wasn’t a world they were on a boat in space yeah I get I’m I’m just saying we don’t have to be in space though I want the I want the world wrong like you know um I want life to be fat people in chairs can’t use your legs

We don’t have to be like that life okay all right so uh have y’all seen uh the orfield the what you talk you talking about the dude that made the popcorn shut up all right then sowhere I think it’s about go to bed it was nice being up with you guys for this

Long no no okay so the Orville was made by the dude who created Family Guy right and it’s supposed to be like uh Star Trek and stuff like that right but it was some things that they said now was like I could see that happening so they

Didn’t have like uh I can’t say they have money but they have money it’s what basically everything’s based off of Merit so you got what you got because of what you did or how or you work you know what I’m saying so I can see Society going to something like that where like

For instance um you pick a job that you want to work and as long as you work this job like you’re fed taken care of whatever whatever because that’s like that’s kind of where where we’re going to end up going with the robots C or or

I want time I want life to be like that one movie where they had the time on their wrist oh no hell no what is wrong with you dark you are dark I don’t want to see how long I live on my on my arm bro that’s basically that’s basically

Telling you to live your life to the fullest and that’s how much time you got left and you got to use each credit that you use is with arm bro that’s sick hey hey SL I told you going to have a different currency you know that’s the

Currency our life hey our time that’s crazy imagine bro you just trying to feed your kids I mean time is the biggest currency is that wrong the new start with the knowledge we have yeah like no I saw a video of two I can’t see it talking to each other and the stuff

Was talking was talking yeah um two AIS what is that two AIS oh no I saw a video of two AI talking to each other and they talking about taking over the human race it’s not it’s not really it’s really not hard it’s not a hard concept it’s not

Hard I’m gonna beon you guys it’s gonna happen one way or the other like for instance when you say the apocalypse is going to happen it doesn’t mean that it’s what you see in the movies like where it’s like third and the apocalypse is the end of the world as you know it

You can have apocalypse every 10 years because it’s the world has changed when we had first got internet it was the end of not having Internet before y 2K shut down shut down all the phone towers and watch what this world turns into we are done we are done but I

Saying but I was saying like like yes in a way it can go one or two ways it can go I Robot it can go uh Terminator way or it can go like I don’t know if y’all seen um I want to say like uh Detroit

The game Detroit but not to that full extent where you do have ai that’s walking around and interacting with you and are doing a lot of the work I would love or like heard you heard about the robot uh that that [ __ ] up uh somebody inside Elon

Mus uh yeah my husband was tell me about that he was like Elon mus AI I feel I ain’t gonna lie that AI was rushed so I I expected that wait what happened what the AI do oh beat somebody up see a video see put it stabbed a hole

Through his hand or some [ __ ] I think y want to see a video that I thought was real hold up am ionna get copyight stri the robot that killed itself are you talking about that no it was it was a dude it was a robot they was like

Throwing him around and stuff I thought this was so real you thought they were shooting him and stuff yeah they were shooting him and stuff and then he took the he took they was making him shoot the robot dog and he took the shotgun he

Shot at one of them and then he pushed them yeah I thought this was real I know what you talking about bro I saw this I said bro we’re done we’re let me show you let me show you this video I thought I I know what he

Talking you know I can’t find no video or don’t die from nuclear warfare then is robots I don’t know why people instantly think like robots are GNA just kill us all I don’t think yeah I’m like it doesn’t it doesn’t I why people instantly go to that thought cuz they

Watch what Billy said destroy us all destroy us does this does this have music on it does it have music on it no it’s just Uh okay look I’m be honest with y’all y’all gotta stop watching so many so many vide is not back back checking your credit I mean like I didn’t see I didn’t see this on not talking about what he said I saw a robot that used AI to kill a Roman

Scientist and Ed satellite and was trying to repair itself so y got start you I seen this on Instagram I thought yo this is hilarious bro oh yeah cuz they maybe play with on robots a every little bit of it yeah see when you doing stuff like that I was

Like bro these dudes are sick oh they they doing that all the time they do it all the time that’s they do be doing that oh [ __ ] that was crispy bro I want the robots to take our jobs that’ll be the perfect world Imagine they actually move like they don’t move this smooth Bro it’s the I was like bro I was like bro this robot so at first I was like this robot’s accurate but he’s dumb I seen this on Instagram and I was like oh my God we’re done have y’all watched uh like the Boston Dynamics show they robots No Lie

They be doing that c robots have you watch do you watch Mark Rober I don’t know hold on danger bro why anytime people talk about robots the first thing we think they gonna do is just take over bro has your phone taken over anything in your house thus far we

Live with So Many Robots now oh [ __ ] yo he yo he on timing he scared he’s scared we got we got we got so much we have so many robots around us already that has done nothing to us why do we instant about yes my no this video is

Fire you he just toos what the [ __ ] was that allow that why would they give a robot a gun that’s fake bro it’s not a real robot no but they said he supposed to be trying to make like robot solders stuff in you know just imagine though imagine

If robots can go to Wars for us instead of humans exactly how many let me show Y what I thought was real this one right here shut up I thought this was real why is keep doing that bro that’s crazy and this the part where I was like

Okay this I said this is the part they showed and I was like oh Oh Wait what ah what was that movie that came out earlier the D why you skip away like that bro that’s funny what the [ __ ] he gone look at him going it’s a good video I like that dude I like all their videos I don’t subscribe to them though but I’ve seen

They made one about Spiderman being realistic this one right here yeah I don’t think y’all want to see that slim you might get smooth one it’s too it’s too gory yeah chill out El must better make sure there’s an off switch I’m not trying to only one making AI he’s he’s

Not even the first I’m like on El if you ask me Google have a whole AI That’s like almost staying there human I didn’t see the trailer BR they just dropped a new trailer they said they dropping an AI phone they didn’t see that trailer nope

Bro Look up the trailer go go need to check out it doesn’t really show it but it said it said the new generation of phone 2024 it didn’t show [ __ ] but they said they dropping an AI phone talk about Google has AI Google has been an AI Google itself has the biggest AI

Google’s search engine is a AI about to say I’ll buy it I’ll buy it I told y’all I’m buying everything what are you talking about I just believe I believe that there’s a world where technology can take over and humans can just live y’all know the first female

Robot what’s her name Sophia who has a citizenship here who walks around that’s been going on you remember that I remember Sophia tell about why do we need that listen to me just imagine a world where nobody has to work nobody has to you know what I’m saying there’s no rich people there’s

Well I’m sure there’s going to be some sort of there GNA be some sort of but but just a imine world where you don’t have to wake up every day and go work a horrible job just to pay bills imagine there’s no bills go ahead I’m moving to

New York where’s your fulfillment what do you mean where’s your fulfillment what you’re doing right now you can just live live you can literally just do whatever you want you’re not happy working at a job are you saying that working there’s limitations wait hold on

Hold on hold on hold on to doing what you want and and just having fun oh my gosh okay okay stop stop stop everybody just stop right if we did not if we weren’t told from Young that we had to work what the hell would you be doing we would we

Exactly people don’t know people don’t know and that’s the problem you would just live your life you would just live your life you would just do you had to do the live yes you oh my God okay that’s my cap you would if you never

Heard the word work a job if you never heard the word job you would never think oh I got to go do something to earn an income you would never think that no you just do something you want to do so yeah I’m not gonna lie I’m thinking yeah it’s

It’s way more complex than y saying with that it’s way more complex cuz as far as like our deeper our deeper meanings and whatnot bro it comes to to having fulfillment it comes to having enjoyment good can working a job job okay look look look look y’all saying this look

There’s a reason why we have to have certain structures without structure not to say working jobs and [ __ ] and like there’s a difference of saying like with school and what not in the third but if you just go through life without any type of structure and you don’t know

What’s going on nobody tells you what to do you don’t know what’s going to happen you don’t know where you want to go more than likely most people are going to be lost we’re not saying we’re not saying there will be there will be no structure we are saying there’s a world where

Humans do not have have to slave away in in in in the worst of jobs like trash is taken care of by robots everything is I I don’t know what’s like the worst jobs you can think of I’m just the reason why I’m saying this cuz y saying this as if

As if there’s history and proof behind it we’ve never experienced that ever inside our inside history of humans let’s let’s do it but at the same time but at the same time like there’s jobs that require robots to be used that have humans behind them it just means that

You have an easier way of doing things like for instance um work at the warehouse right instead of him cling up on that thing uh cran and picking up all that stuff and potentially dying you know there’s a robot that can do that for him and that spares him from doing

So much other hard work like eventually yes we may end up going to a point where the robots are doing more for us than we are doing for ourselves and at that point you probably will find fulfillment in other ways but knowing that you don’t

Have to go and work in everyday job and sweat and you know cry and go crazy those are those are two different things cuz Mimi I we talked about this before like I agree with the fact of like robots are are going to like uh take majority of jobs at some point that’s

That’s just going to happen as far as seen I haven’t seen somebody behind the register at Walmart in so long that’s not atart with with um okay because look we’re saying that when we’re saying uh the replacement of jobs and that it will make things easier which is true but

Like the other side of it is the fact that there’re still needs to be something done afterwards because if we’re just saying that there’s no more jobs people aren’t not just going to know what to do a lot of people are dumb people are dumb as [ __ ] and I get that

People people are going to have to learn what to do with free time because people have never experienced free time but think about how we always say when we retire what if when we retire is right now what would you be doing you you may sit there and say I

Want to travel the world and and and you know they don’t know because they never thought they have a chance like to be honest Our Generations don’t have a 41 a retirement you know guaranteed to us like the like gener before us so to be

Able to sit there and have a robot and tell us that hey you get to actually have a retirement what the hell would we do what would you because all we know right now is that we know we can’t retire Lee if you didn’t have to go to

Work what would you do on a daily basis daily basis I I’d have a routine of going to the gym doing mu Thai um creating videos as well as cooking food bro that’s I already have the the written routine of what I like to do

That [ __ ] is down down in uh in the that’s what I’m saying that’s what you would be doing but that’s what you would be doing imagine imagine outside outside of I wouldn’t I mean I definitely would be doing M Tha or something and learning

The piano but as far as it goes um when it comes to that like just to say like the deep end of [ __ ] like if this were to actually happen we have to think about the maass majority of people and how how not not to say everybody would

But think about the number of people who who would now be inside a predicament where they don’t have as much fulfillment quote unquote enjoyment do XYZ do you think it would be surprising if there’s more killings or if there’s more people who would who would just Rob

For fun or just do XYZ there’s a lot of that could go so let me tell you let me tell you right and think about like this this is why we have this generation millennials z x all that whatever all of that stuff right we are a generation

That grew up during the internet we understand the possibility of not of doing less now the older generation they they they don’t understand that they know just working working working we’re we will be able to adapt faster that is why we have little bits of Internet My Generation started first internet your

Generation start seeing social media and all that other stuff now this generation Alpha only knows that they can do everything on the internet because they’re learning slowly how to cope without having to do stuff we are learning now that you don’t have to work a regular job you can make money other

Ways H H wink wink majority other people let’s be honest and this this sounds really dark but like the older generation before us are probably not going to be here to see that and it sounds really [ __ ] up but let’s be honest yeah I I get I get that part but

But then also again like I think like yall seeing a posit like we have to see both sides the negative is also the fact that yeah because because we are right now finish this part real real quick so the the instance where uh we now have more opportunity we more have more ways

To get information XYZ um for one off rip a a plethora of information does not make things better that’s just one thing um but the more you informed you are of course that can make it better uh long the longevity of and whatnot but the

Thing is uh the other flip side of it as far as Fin and fulfillment most people are not going to do that it’s going to be a majority of people if they don’t have to work do this at a third they’re not going to want to go to the gym

They’re not going to do this and that they’re going to be mainly consuming as well so there’s going to be a a big mass of people that’s simply consuming and they don’t have to do anything else that’s not going to be productive at all

Going to be W it’s going to be w it’s another it’s another um like not going to lie like there’s positives and negatives but there okay I got you s one second but after like there’s two options it could be the positive where Utopia everything is fine we’re living

Our life and then there’s the other one where we go stupid that’s literally like a possibility I forgot what movie it was but they literally were so stupid they couldn’t take care of theyel the robots literally I’m not gonna Li when I say Utopia you know what I

Mean like I no I know what you mean by that I’m just saying like it’s always going to like people are dumb that’s the point I’m emphasizing people are like y really y yall being really optimistic about how people would reacted that would have happened I’m I’mma tell you

I’m be realistic I’m be realistic if my side of what the world look like if you guys play cyber Punk that is most realistic of what a future would look like for us there would still be violence there would still be gangs there would still you know we just have

More technology like that’s be honest it’s never going to be that future Utopia like the jet jet Jetson and whatever that’s not going to happen it’ll be more like cyber punks where there’s levels to this [ __ ] there’s people who are working for business companies and are doing well then you

People who are in Islam who’s not doing good that is the most realistic way that our future will go with robots yes they will be doing more but we will also have access to other things and you know able to do whatever why did seven come in

Here and then deaf it he came in here ring the bell and then deaf it that’s crazy but say something he couldn’t speak when he wanted to so he had to death oh how does it feel you know how does it feel no it was no leh had said that there’s going

To be more I was I was just going you said there was going to be more crime people still need a fulfillment I mean I don’t believe that robots are going to take every single job that’s impossible there are still going to be jobs where

Human need to do like for my job for instance right when I first first started working in the office my very first day I sat in a meeting um to uh about this excuse me about this software that can um so I don’t know if I ever told

You what I do but pretty much what I do at my job is they send me a set of plans and I go through and make sure all the measurements are correct make sure that this building can be built correctly and that it has everything that it needs and

Pretty much the AI was supposed to do that job for me the AI was incapable of catching everything that that that building required to be built so there’s going to be things that humans have to do cuz I mean I mean until technology can do it but I just believe that the world

Would be a better place if technology could do the majority of things agreed it’s it’s just I think I have the image in my head of the grass isn’t always greener on the other side cuz we can we can make different we could definitely make arguments as far

As like uh how how it has been previously and people saying oh yeah the world would be better when there’s uh internet and when that gets here and you know it’ll be great this that in a third and uh I can like like let’s say I’m the

Person that’s against it like no it’s going to be bad this that in the third XYZ it’s not even the fact that it’s going to be bad I’m not completely saying that it’s going to be different and it’s not going to have an image that we expect like they would have never

Thought that with us getting internet and information the plethora information that we would be that we’ start to uh lower our attention span that we would uh not want to do XYZ like there’s there’s uh its own problems for every situation there’s going to be another issue that that arises from from us

Getting to a different era of things it’s just going to be something there always has to be something I could agree with that that’s of course I definitely because like you said internet we had the black web we have uh scams we have all type of viruses and I I’m saying

Like that’s why I said like realistically I would say if from anything I’ve seen cyber Punk would be realistically the way that our future looks having augmentations and robots and stuff like that but still having a slum and still having like a better class I’m just saying that so nasty me

Because I know you you would be one of the people to to get your that’s that’s nasty that is so nasty they just said his brain hurt I’ll tell youan she gonna get cybernetic eyes and [ __ ] like nah bro that’s nasty you know it I have little pieces like this you

Know I don’t know what it’s doing but I know it’s doing something yes I do it I don’t know I don’t know why people because I I believe it’s just human instinct and like leave like the way you think is completely understandable because it’s human instinct to fear the

Unknown and especially in things we don’t understand or things we can’t see uh what’s it a foreseeable future on but me I I just I TR I trust technology I trust it is Lee still here Lee are you still here I’m listen I’m editing uh but I just I just

Believe I I just believe that I don’t know I see I do I do lean more towards the positive like just imagine like you don’t got to drive your car you don’t gotta you know what I’m saying like I just see an automatic world because in reality every

Every time we like when it comes to business when it comes to doing something the one thing we try to do is automate it we try to automate everything it’s human instinct so just imagine if we could get a robot put it in a position to do something and

Automate it it’s essentially the same thing look I’mma tell y’all right now when that first real self-driving car come out on me I don’t care I’m going into de that debt I just paid off not too long ago I’m getting it by I’m I’m telling you real quick yeah I’ll be the

First one on the Block like I ain’t driving I’m in the back seat chilling yes would you do the brain CH I would do I would do a brain until until you get I would do the brain chip I won’t be number one I may be number one million T

Do that right what’s the brain chip like I don’t even know what it is and I said I’ll do it that’s how much I trust technology oh cause um I was reading up on it to see what it does but like helping people who are paralyzed help

People who can’t see see like helping with a lot of these different uh brain diseases that we have that we have no cure for that’s supposed to bridge that Gap and fix it like a like a chip that can go in there and and kill a brain tumor without me having to do

Chemo a chip AIP a chip can slide in my head and then it go it the the wires go down my spine and fix my spine and now I can stand up out my wheelchair a chip like that stop it that’s the kind of world I want I want that I’m trying to

Tell you that’s a beautiful thought okay look okay okay look Tesla is not a full self-driving car let let okay let me explain this there are levels to this [ __ ] there is levels to this [ __ ] do not get confused Tesla is maybe a level one self-driving car it is not fully

Autonomous a level one means that you still need to have somebody behind the well just in case because the computer is not ready yet to take over the cart full autonomous if you look him up full level four full autonomous you are in a back seat the seats are laying down you

Are not touch there’s no stering wheel there’s nothing that’s what I want that’s oh my gosh bro I have my Lin of BMW I saw it’s such a it’s such a beautiful thought danger say he didn’t know it could do all of that but that’s what that’s the kind of stuff I think

About when it when I think of the future technology I don’t think a robot is is going to get angry and want to kill all humans I don’t is it a possibility sure I think we should all practice like treating people with respect so uh treat

The robotss with respect if you use chat GP uh please use etiquette like uh thank you very much I appreciate that I’m g go to chat GPT and say I’m GNA go to chat GPT and say what give me a list of things that would piss off the robot race in the

Future I’m G make make sure stay on good I man I chat gbt all the time you’re so awesome I appreciate it like oh thank you Mimi yeah yeah remember remember me a suck up to me sounds like a suck up to me remember me well Le in

Your in your case in your instance you might wantan to you know what I’m saying get on the robot’s good side because it sound like you pretty worried about him no I didn’t say worried I just I just think of both sides you know I know the

Possibilities but I I I do understand what you saying like uh I don’t I was oh what I was going to say is that more crime and more like uh killings and stuff like that I don’t believe that it would go up I in fact believe I in fact believe

That it will go down because what most crimes are happening because it’s like property because somebody needs something like I I’m gonna go I’m gonna go rob the bank I’m going to go steal from the store I’m going to go rob this person I’m going to break into this

Person house because I need what they have but in the in in the world that we’re referencing like where robots are handling things and we can just exist I don’t see a need for me to want to break into somebody’s house or harm someone else to have what they

Have I I got I got a opinion on that one I’m listening I lost it D it was it was L right okay okay it came right back just like that so that goes with being said I saw a video a long time ago and they said that that

Goes with the country that you stay in and it sounds crazy but listen they said if you stay in a country who are who’s going to help you like what’s that thing called the Ubi un basic basic income where you get a said paycheck because you cannot work then the crime rate

Doesn’t have a reason to get worse because everybody’s taking care of but if you stay in a country where they don’t provide that well then also has to do with also has to do with culture that too that too so like another there’s there’s so many other uh

Uh factors that that can play into it and it’s just like the idea of of Economics you like it’s just understand not not to just like betic about it but it’s the it’s a different uh things behind it that’s like a question that would be asked why would rich people

Commit crime uh the main reason like now to say the opposite it wouldn’t be because of poverty more than likely if there’s somebody Rich let’s say it’s a rich kid a rich teenager or something or or like somebody in their 20s and like they’re growing up or whatever they

Don’t understand life more than likely they’re com committing crime out of boredom this is true so if we’re going to if we’re going to bring up the factor of of uh we’re we’re being inside a society where we don’t have have to do XYZ and that we’re we’re fine MoneyWise

It brings in the flip side other people commit crime not because they need to but because they want so so so so you talking about The Purge we gotta add The Purge into this now you trying to tell me that I’m not going lie I’m not going

Li fulfilling life have a Pur I just watched The Purge the other day and when The Purge first came out I hear me out I never disagree with that movie I never disagree with that movie you crazy as hell just one day just one day it’s just one day it’s just one

Day one day you don’t live no more too that’s fine I’m not gonna be complaining that’s crazy yeah I guess you won’t be complaining because you won’t be here H that’s what I’m saying you gotta worry you got too much worrying that’s actually crazy bro I I I believe

I so here’s the thing I never saw anything wrong with it but another thing I saw when I when they first thoughted the idea of The Purge I I can see that actually becoming a real thing maybe no time soon but in the future because there’s no more Earth to Earth what we

Got is what we got and the population our population worldwide is just going up and up and up and up wait wait oh I got conver I got questions and conversations we can have because because we can talk about the ways you know there’s always the conspiracy that they’re putting stuff in

The food stuff in the air stuff in this you know and you know unal living us slowly but what if that formula no longer is working my brain is fried what if it’s not working what if uh you know what if we’re becoming immune to having the same things pumped

In our system over and over again what do you mean by that where we going with this yeah think about it so if you you if okay let’s say that there is they’re putting something in the water right let’s say Okay flu shot and you get the flu shot all the time don’t

You know that your body will start getting immun immune to it yeah immune to the flu or to the shock no I’m saying I’m saying I’m saying like like okay that’s that’s an example but like they saying that they’re putting stuff in there to make us stop being fertile

Right what end up happening after a while doing that the opposite going to start happening because your body’s GNA fight to do what it’s supposed to do now you have people who’s extra fertile that’s going on a lot right well no not right now but I I can see people

Starting to have like five six seven eight kids and stuff but I mean um damn it I thought was say oh so what you think about like back in the olden days right like way way back then they used to have like those Coliseum fights and stuff like that do you think

That was technically like The Purge yeah yeah think about it was a former release it was a former release to some so why would that not be something that probably come back to instead of having quote unquote a purge to let them just run free see now now we’re talking now we’re

Talking too slow though it probably would because think about it you don’t know how often is going to happen and people and some people who want to salvage dominance or some people who have you know those type of tendencies that want to do that just just because they have a outlet like I

Mean that’s something that you know I’m not a president government whatever to think about whatever but I’m just saying like if rules my bad oh no go ahead because like think about Mortal Combat all that kind of stuff is like I mean people who have a blood lust but that that but again

Like that also comes with rules and and uh B you know again humans humans they want to defy that there’s gonna be no I’m just saying like like I mean I don’t know how it all works out but I’m saying that’s like something that is close that

Could happen yeah just that sounds more realistic and then um what do you guys think about smart cities now that’s what I want right there smart cities you talk about like what they talk about doing in uh what is it Israel where they putting the walls

In and oh trust me I already signed up for it that’s what we need I’mma be back I’m horrible this is not doing good for my multitasking I’m not gonna lie I’m getting in tune with the conversation and I’m stopping it’s like we about to get off anyway he gota go to bed

Yeah I’m go ahead wrap thisam up anyway I done did a full work shift on this but yeah smart cities smart cities that’s why that’s why I stopped talking I just switched to my iPad because it’s it’s not helping me do no good trying to edit

This video thanks we dist I do what I do I’ll be back because we having good conversations in and they can’t and they trying to edit and they want to join conversation I let I let go anime talk we we we we agreed to disagree now we don’t talked about so

Much more seven you came in here and you was ringing Bells but then you you deing again all right that happened all right I said you came in here you ringing Bells but then you deafened again CU I was about to ask Mimi about that little I seen something on Instagram

About some 10 feet aliens and Miami Mall oh you gotta love Florida gotta love the the one it’s like what yeah if aliens are gonna go anywhere it has to be Florida I definitely agreee definitely Jacksonville CA why not if they if they come to Miami they comeing for the beach

That’s about it they try to go on vacation Florida swamp puppies Florida man search Florida man what they say search uh Florida man in your birthday and see what happens see what happened on that day what they say if you search real oh wait you talking about the 10

Feet aliens in Florida I’m not gonna lie I’m Googling it and it’s all over you you know this kind of stuff be happening all the time but we don’t really be caring for real I thought he was I’m I’m like oh it’s probably one Instagram videos like no like if you

Search it every news Outlet is pretty much talking about it I put aliens in and didn’t it say aliens in Miami Mall what the heck click on it there’s a video supposedly I don’t see no aliens okay share your screen so I can look it says

Like it like they said it’s a shadow figure you you see I think you see it you know what I I’ll tell y’all a story after you watch this and then I’ll let you know bro you can’t see Nathan now why didn’t one of these police officers pull out they phone

Talking about this thing they showing right here that there no I want to see what the police officer caught on their body cam footage or something they not gonna show you that they not gonna show you they not g show you that the government gonna the government about the you want me be

Honest with you be honest with you what is it what I’m tell you what the heck only in days oh yeah okay they going they going to try and push like it’s nothing uh th% bleed that’s true yeah they they G put it under spaceships land in Florida and

Miami I kid you not like we were driving it was it was one day like on like oh y’all see those lights in the sky I was like what are you talking about I went outside we literally saw like we was driving everybody 95 stopped and they

Drove and like and you saw them Ling somewhere down here so yeah I definitely yeah it wouldn’t Shock Me Area 51 is real guys listen if they take me out all you got to do is go to area seven seven they can’t take you out no more because they had they exposed

The aliens was were real they they no more just listen me if they find me and take me out just go get my reboot is that that’s not real no that’s not real that’s definitely not real I about say Mimi if um if they take me out go to

Area 51 get my reboot hard danger for your Reboot that’s what I like to hear I mean I don’t I don’t have a reason to not believe that there was an alien there I just don’t like the fact that it’s blurry like I could make a video like that you know what I’m saying but it’s on something blurry but

Then yeah like anytime anytime it’s aliens there always something blurry yeah but it’s too for me it’s way too much freaking like news outlets about it like come on now that’s too much y’all know y going to start a conspiracy theory with all these people covering

It I’m I’m GNA do I’m GNA do a video about it I’m make a video in the morning Serenity talk about ain’t y’all sleepy yet hell no Ser why you not even in here yeah why you not in here crazy like that’s crazy that’s kind of crazy

No but I I am going to end this stream I ain’t going cap I’mma end this stream so we can go ahead do it again tomorrow for Saturday Night Live SNL what he say what Kanye Say SNL in the whole cast tell him yey said they can kiss my

Ass we don’t broke danger we what we broke danger broke look danger at the end of the day don’t worry about it just enjoy life to the fullest and whatever happens happens you can’t control it so just enjoy life hotel room damn J my brain hurts look man oh I know

You was working brownie I know I know I know this all started with the anime and then we went into what what happened after the anime what what all have we talk I have no idea so much danger told me to clip that that clip that and make

It a video of me calling anime a cartoon I oh yeah you get so many dislikes oh we clout clout though I can just see the I can just see like if we get the right amount of traction I can see the arguments in the uh comments

Already oh my gosh you know if you want to deal with that go ahead I’m get everybody that was born in 1994 is turning 30 that’s true that is true my brother did just turn 30 don’t worry slim give it three more years four relax brother how old are you

Again 2 oh you born in ’98 my fault I thought you was born in 97 I can’t unthink the things I thk don’t worry about it bro just sleep on it say just yeah just just don’t let it go ain’t that big of a deal we we we’ll

Revisit this again yeah yeah definitely let go us talking about conspiracy theories you know like yeah that’s definitely something you’re not gonna think about at night while you laying your head down on that pillow talk about D oh that’s crazy no what I’m F to do is

Go watch Under the Dome if y’all haven’t seen that I think I think it’s a good watch um it’s real you seen it before I like it I’m I’m like low good cause I just want to know like I just want to know what’s gonna happen you

Never you didn’t finish it I I got I got I think I finished season one but I definitely didn’t finish it I just started season two and I fell asleep on episode one so uh I’m gonna go watch it again I’m GNA go rewatch

It but yeah let me go ahead wrap up wrap up the chat wrap up the chat I’m done I’m done with this all right y’all you want to show y’all already gave me death no what else cuz I watch I watch like real shows Reacher Reacher is that is that like a real

Show okay is it reached is it reached or Reacher Reacher I bet oh man I had on top chat this whole time whoops all right y’ but look I’mma check it out I might danger I don’t know why you trying to get me cancelled I might I

Might clip that moment when I started the whole anime argument I might do it but I don’t know I I don’t know I might I just know it’s not going to go good it’s not going to go that’s the type of video I would have to post I’m not

Responding to no comments nothing like I’m not responding to nothing I would not I will literally get cancelled so many dislikes on the video but and there’s no way I’ll be able to show my face at dream con so I can see the comments now that’s what I’m saying like oh

Yo I might make that video like just a troll like I might make like a one minute video just a troll I’mma have the title be why anime and cartoons are the same thing oh man but no I’mma go ahead wrap this stream up man Danger trying to get me

Cancelled uh appreciate y’all for stopping by man hopefully you left a like hopefully you left a like if you chilling in the chat don’t forget to leave that like uh we G we gonna be right back at this tomorrow probably not as long I’m not g to cap I’m not GNA cap

It’s probably not going to be another eight hour stream but we are going to do more gameplaying uh we we started doing a lot of chatting but I’m GNA do a lot more gamling so I’ll catch y’all in the next one appreciate y’all love y’all peace wait wait wait

Danger I forgot how to do it all right all I’m going I’m going I’m going

This video, titled ‘WE 🦘 LIVE 🦘 GANGAROOS 🦘 HOP 🦘 IN 🦘Fortnite, Roblox, Minecraft, ETC.’, was uploaded by Slim Gamey on 2024-01-06 09:02:03. It has garnered 63 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 08:11:28 or 29488 seconds.

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/slimgamey/tip

🔥 DaGuyz 🔥 @MimixLotus @7even_i @itstamaraaatv @KCivvi ​⁠ @miylotheweirdo @xxzyairxxgaming @Moltanics @snowyflamereacts140 @papaxlee

Join the community discord chat: https://discord.gg/D36gzMyhs5

Catch Me Live On Twitch Friday & Saturdays 7pm CST https://www.twitch.tv/slim_gamey

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@thereal_p.vibez

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thereal_p.v..

⭐ Equipment I Use ⭐ – Canon 90D Camera: https://amzn.to/45skYgp

– Dell Curved Gaming Monitor: https://amzn.to/3RhMDg7

– Blue Yeti Microphone: https://amzn.to/3qQVp9Y

– Microphone Stand: https://amzn.to/44BydtT

– Saramonic Mini Shotgun Microphone: https://amzn.to/45rG3b5

– Ring Light: https://amzn.to/3YTr8Uz

– Green Screen: https://amzn.to/3YTk2zm

– Backdrop Stand: https://amzn.to/3OZkeZm

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  • Bamboo Farm Shenanigans

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures!

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  • Minecraft Logic: Physics on Vacation

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  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

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  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

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  • Minecraft meme on fire!

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  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

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  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

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  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

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  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

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  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

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  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

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  • Mikey & JJ Transform into T-Rex in Minecraft Attack!

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  • Building EPIC PandaLand in 1 Block – EP. 5 #Minecraft

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  • Fabelized

    FabelizedWelcome to Fabelized, your ultimate destination for all things Minecraft! Dive into a world of endless possibilities and unleash your creativity with our vast collection of exclusive items, skins, and accessories. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting your adventure, Fabelized has everything you need to elevate your Minecraft experience to new heights. Explore our meticulously curated selection of skins, ranging from fierce warriors to adorable creatures, and find the perfect look to express your unique style. Enhance your gameplay with our premium plugins, and texture packs, designed to immerse you in stunning new worlds and enhance every aspect… Read More

  • Aether Earth – Semi-Vanilla Factions SMP PVP

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  • AND Factions

    AND FactionsServer launches on July 10th, 4pm CET!OGFactions is a server dedicated to bringing back the nostalgic feel of classic faction servers. Where items are actually valuable, and players must grind to achieve them – there’s absolutely ZERO way to buy any kind of in-game advantage.The server is run by 2 seasoned MCPVP veterans who are committed to prioritizing gameplay and fun above all else.Discord: https://discord.gg/gCXuvCA4rh Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Which one have you tried tho? 🔥

    I’ve tried them all, and let me tell you, I still can’t figure out how to mine diamonds without accidentally falling in lava every time! Read More

  • Brick by Brick: Minecraft Cherry Blossom Garden 21260 Review

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

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  • Survival Minecraft Server Sneak Peek: MineCity

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  • Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds!

    Join Minewind: Where Starter Houses Become Epic Builds! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to enhance your building skills and create stunning structures in the world of Minecraft? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building talents. Imagine taking the skills you learned from tutorials like “How To Build A Starter House In Minecraft” and applying them in a dynamic multiplayer environment. On Minewind, you can collaborate with other players, participate in building competitions, and explore a vast world filled with unique creations. Join us at Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What’s New?

    Minecraft PS3 in 2024: What's New? Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024: A Look at the Exclusive Features Minecraft PS3 Edition, launched in 2014, holds a special place in the hearts of many players. Despite no longer receiving updates, this edition continues to offer a unique gaming experience. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft PS3 Edition in 2024 and explore its exclusive features. Exploring the Game Upon entering the game, players are greeted with the familiar interface of Minecraft PS3 Edition. The last update, version 1.13, sets the stage for a nostalgic journey through this beloved edition. Players can customize their experience by choosing from… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Bom magic tips! 😵😵 #viral #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mincraft Bom magic😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending’, was uploaded by NF Mincraft Tips on 2024-01-14 13:11:20. It has garnered 2466 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Mincraft Bom magik😵😱।‌ #minecraft #viral #shorts #nf Minecraft tips #trending Read More

  • Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft Seeds

    Ninja7087 vs Haunted Minecraft SeedsVideo Information हेलो हेलो हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू अनदर वीडियो और आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर मैं आ चुका हूं रर सीट ट्राई करने एज यू नो आज की वीडियो का टाइटल तो पढ़ ही लिया होगा तुम लोगों ने तभी तो वीडियो लगाई होगी तुम लोगों ने तो आज की इस वीडियो के अंदर सॉरी वो थोड़ा एरर आ गया था और मैं बोल रहा था कि आज हम लोग टेस्ट करने वाले माफ्ट हरर सीड्स व माफ्ट के अंदर सो लेट स्टार्ट और इस वीडियो में एंड तक बने रहना और मैं तुम्ह एक ऐसा सीड भी… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

    Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱Video Information [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer… Read More

  • Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viral

    Mind-blowing Aether and Twilight Forest..? 🌳😱 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘ESSE VÍDEO É PRA VOCÊ :AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST🌳 🤔🤔😆 #shorts #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Slinky_ J.E on 2024-01-15 16:32:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU: AETHER & TWILIGHT FOREST #shorts #viral #minecraft #modsminecraft. Read More

  • HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥

    HoneyPuu joins me in a wild Minecraft adventure!😱🔥Video Information Minecraft wir haben Minecraft Chat gehen wir gerne rein so ich war hier im Haus W geh das habe mich erstmal bedient dass ich nicht verrecke me ich komme auf den Server und sofort B be me wichtig aber ich werde ganz normal anfangen ich werde mir von von von kein irgendwas holen geh den Talk ja ich w irwohl kommen muss jetzt V drücken hallo hallo hallo B aber Luft hallo hörst du mich war hallo hört mich nicht muss in die Gruppe kommen oh kracht hallo hörst du mich ja hörst du mich gut den ist… Read More

  • Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!

    Insane Mods To Boost 1.20.4 Minecraft Survival!Video Information what’s up everyone it’s JT GT here and I am back hopefully for a while school and work has been a lot but I’m here to bring you guys 10 mods because I felt like I haven’t done mods in a while and let’s just get right into the first mod so as I’m walk into the area for the first mod uh my world got corrupt I tried to fix it for 2 months and I could not get it to work so sadly I had to go through and I’m just rebuilding everything but it seems… Read More

  • Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlock

    Kiara conquers Minecraft in 1 day! Sheep everywhere!!! #MythOneBlockVideo Information [Music] feel it rush through me [Music] we feel it R feel it through me [Music] [Music] oh honey [Music] in there you know to kind of be like yo serious [ __ ] being in Japan at that time right like people weren’t messing around you know that’s the vibe that I got wait sorry I think I need to do a quick intro cuz I just switched to the gaming uh screen go for it K you guys may have already been seeing me on on K’s stream I was just you know chilling and uh… Read More