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Who’s waiting for my stream to start you awake are you awake make this loud as possible wake up it’s time for streams uh I just need to uh oh no mail that’s okay that’s okay okay so war crimes let’s do war crimes and by war crimes I mean obvious

Viously uh villager trading Halls cuz war crimes are important genuinely though war crimes important not sensible but important uh not sensible Sensible is not the word I should probably use it’s fine it’s fine I’m having a weird day and I’ve just and I’ve just realized that this probably needs to be

A SE seate Village which means it needs to be 32 blocks away I think hi everybody uh it’s just literally the evil penguin has just uh just waved hi I’m here um so from what I understand I did do like an itsy bitsy bit of reading and

It needs to be 32 blocks away from this otherwise it’s the same Village so I need to turn I I need to pull all this down um so let’s start with uh with fixing what I did wrong um this needs to be about I think

32 blocks away and it it just isn’t it just isn’t um so Hi how are you doing wake up no want let’s go sleep no wakes wakes fullness now please how am I I am so much better than I have been recently which is understandable cuz I have not thrown up uh

Once uh in two days so that’s good everybody take a drink have I solved that oh you talking about my Twitter post uh no I’m very angry with them so probably not the the place to basically they’re going oh you owe us money I’m like no I didn’t live there

And they’re like but we think you did so we opened a SE I know you said that you moved out but we opened a separate account saying that you still live there and you owe us money and I’m like but I moved out and they’re just like yeah but we

Don’t we we don’t want to believe that even though the account you had with us is closed so uh yeah no Angry do you prefer Egypt mythology or Greek mythology I am an I’ve always been an Egypt mythology kind of person uh so much so that when I was very small my mom

Um uh took me to instead of like anything like going to watch a show or anything I got taken to the British museum to look at the mummies when I was uh when I was uh when I was 12 I think I was like a proper Egypt’s

Nerd a stream on your birthday happy birthday but you know you got you got a 4 in seven chance that I’m going to stream on your birthday stre four days a week uh happy birthday hope it gets I hope it get resolved too the couple it’s not 32

Blocks away from that Village up there where the breeding is happening so I’m saying it needs to be further away you know it’s not that it’s not that Cub didn’t like Cub hasn’t seen it Cub said he’d stopped by at some point um to help

Me out uh but uh it’s got to be 32 blocks away I think I’m like pretty sure how to make a copper lamp uh Cry tears always works as far as I’m aware where’ my bed go there it is sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep crying makes things magically appear so

Long as yeah crying crying crying makes things magically appear as long as there is another person who cares about you crying uh that’s just how it do oh no green why oh lag into Joel’s base love the Avatar today I’m feeling I’m feeling so much better oh we can recipe

Unlock okay uh we’re doing that we’re doing that I didn’t know that was a thing woohoo I know I can see everything I can see into the future a little bit more concerning than I’d like it to be if I’m being honest glad you’re feeling better I am so much

Better you have no idea it’s like it’s that slight Euphoria when you feel like you’re uh okay and you haven’t been okay for a while there’s the lag Spike what crimes are we committing uh we we are making a villager trading Hall so uh kidnapping and um unlawful

Imprisonment uh those sorts of crimes that’s the crime uh but I got to take this down and we got to move it further away from that Village and I think Cub’s got a village as well in his own house I think that thing there is a village so we got to

Move it Clos to my base and into the my favorites those villagers deserved it I think they did how goes plotting to throw over throw the administrator oh I’ve got I’m busy I’m doing a capitalism I’m doing a capitalism I’m busy um geek can many topics has

Resubscribed for for for 32 months half a stack of months indeed can Russia tip 420 says always happy to C catch a Cleo stream glad you’re feeling better got cont conjunct that is conjunctivitis I do know what conjunctivitis is and I do know how to say it I just don’t know why

That was a word that I could not say it’s fine um I hope it I hope it passes quickly as well and MJ fellows gifted a sub thank you so much you guys are awesome most of the time we’re doing a capitalism and a and a crime well actually multiple crimes in a

Capitalism that’s what we’re doing everybody sted up straight crack your backs it’s very important that your backs go Crunch and we got a hyp train yeah uh thank you CH and canar Rashia gifted a sub thank you so much words are hard to be honestly words words are my thing I don’t have

Skills so words the the thing I can do his word I can word pretty Dam good if I’m being perfectly honest may your personal business over no no no no no that’s not a crime that’s legitimate business opportunities uh you word too well I word pretty good actually as right

Zippy and and an satsu I got there in the end resubscribe for 7 months and MJ fellows gifted four Subs to the community thank you very much okay so right let’s like how do you know the center of a village or how do you know where a village is to get away

From a village you know so it’s like it’s got to be like 32 blocks so is it 32 blocks diagonal or just 32 blocks cuz like right so like I want I’m at 267 math nine 299 blocks in this direction I need to be at

299 and we can move over a bit okay so 299 that’s f fine oh maybe maybe I was okay maybe I was okay let’s just go a little bit further away anyway it’s fine maybe I was fine maybe maybe I just need to take chop down some trees

Okay feel stupid now I feel very stupid it’s fine huffle POG cheed Bitties thank you very very much um okay so this is an acceptable position and then and then we go off a cliff uh I mean is is is oh okay so this seems to be acceptable position if that’s

Cubs farm over there we’re we’re at least 32 blocks there I think we’re good ain’t it 100 blocks okay or is that bedroon okay guys you tell me how many how much distance do I need to be away from a village you know what everyone’s online and ask

People can tip 333 thank you very much any chuck with villager claim job block or B is considered a village you need one chunk separate between Village chunks 32 blocks from any Village block well that’s easily enough that’s that okay so we’re go we’re golden pretty much we’re

Golden that seems good right let’s let’s just get rid of some trees 32 I like how nobody’s answer my question everyone’s busy everyone’s busy and that’s okay okay there there are people that are saying things like I don’t need I don’t need like the the explanation I just

Need the number okay I should be pretty good where I’m at that’s all fine that’s fine that’s fine if I’m fine here then I’m fine here and I’m okay with that it’s just it’s just I just need to know I just need to know the number I’m good I’m

Good oh I’ve got a bigan I don’t like the bigan trees the bigamy trees oh do you want to see um the new armor poser hang on hang on hang on hang on do you want to see the new armor poser stuff that that they’ve changed to make it easier to armor stand

With i’ I I spent some time this week talking to developers and I was just like you need to do this and you need to do this and you need to do this and they were just like yep on it got it let’s go and it’s great it’s it’s it’s great

It’s so much so much better or actually not better it’s the same it’s just easier to work with so like the functionality is identical but it’s so much easier to work with okay let’s go right so have an armstand right shift right click Boop brings it up it says click

And scroll it has a clear screen so you can see exactly what’s happening to the thing um show arms and then you can put things in like let’s put it this in to its hand and it’s now got new buttons down here uh so align block uh align held item so

It plays flat on the surface so if I click that it’s going to be everything’s going to be flat on the surface uh and now make it uh visible again so we’re going to get rid of that okay and it’s got It’s like I say exactly same functionality it’s just

Faster um show arms yes uh if I give you torch again and then if I shift uh so it goes upright on the surface look like I say was exactly the same as the other one as as the the book but it’s just faster and then I can uh show

Arms no gravity and then I can just click and scroll up and down I can move the arms and then like change the axes and uh what else can I do um yeah it does it with tools it does it with blocks and it does it with the

Items it also has so if I wanted this pose again it has the save current pose so if I was doing a dress and I have like several things for doing a dress um so for example like let’s do test and save and then I can get out of this I can do

That shift and right click and then I can go into poses and use my test and then apply it and it does it like this fck it’s so simple and just it’s just it’s just a game Cher on how fast I can do things now

Um and it’s like it’s a it’s a very visual interface so like I think I think I’m good does it copy gravity I don’t no let’s have a look cuz I did say no gravity on the other one yeah it’s got no gravity on it I

Believe uh yeah it’s got no gravity on it it copies the gravity which is uh something that the other book didn’t do but like I am so pleased that armor standing has come so far like the dress is six poses um I can get away with three if I’m doing a

Very complicated dress then it’s six different poses but uh you know in general it’s fine what mod this is uh armor poser it’s a fabric mod um but like I say it’s basically taking the book and making it um easier for the other Hermits to get into so you

Know I’m not saying anything but I have I’ve been bugging like when it first came on the server cuz X is in touch with the uh the developers of it and that’s a big thing and they were just like I want to make it better Cleo you what how can I

Help um because X saw that I was using the uh I was using the book still um and then he was just like do you want to talk to the devs and I’m like yes yes this is what I need I need I need like so for example the the things that are

Different um so I asked them to put click and scroll here um because otherwise people are not going to know that you need to click in and scroll and that makes it easier cuz I thought I had I thought I had to talk type in numbers which is ridiculous which is

Ridiculous you know I thought I had to do that but now I can scroll I can scroll up and down um this is no longer grade out so I can see what I’m doing um you got the rotation there the poses they completely redid so all the regular poses are here

They can’t be overwritten but you’ve got like loads and loads of like different things here that you can overwrite um you can search for a specific one so if I was if I was Arab best oh well it’s not going to do that one because I don’t

Think it’s called that in here arabesque oh it is did I spell it wrong I did I spelled it wrong it’s fine um and then it’s got all the things that that like swapping the main head swap main hand and head upil a total fabrication it never happened it never

Happened this one was invented by a writer hello cup I’m assuming it’s SC scar maybe it’s a madeup t i seebri I see you never happened it never happened this one was invented by a writer see you where are you Cleo where are you I’m like I’m trying there you are hello

Hello hey how’s it going thank you that was like the weirdest thing you could have led with I appreciate that Cleo I heard you were committing crimes today in I am it’s War crime day let’s go War crime you know you know what that means anytime anytime somebody asked you

Say this it’s a madeup tale it’s a total fabrication it never happen it never happen this one was invented by a writer so I don’t know what I’m doing as you know cuz we’ve discussed this yeah yeah um but I I have figured out a place where we could put the villager trading

Hall which is Fant 32 blocks away from any villager trading thing and I think that’s important yeah okay so are you are you thinking taking the guys from the top of the mountain down here like down yes yes perfect cuz like I don’t want to do like a huge

Railway uh yeah yeah yeah I’ve lost my place it’s over here this is where I know you could you could uh I don’t know how serious you are about committing crimes but you could take out the guys at spawn I mean or let let let’s say let’s say you

Hire somebody who just happens to come across this uh for a he’ll do it for free or the person would hypothetically do it for free hypothetically do it for free steal from Spawn yeah yeah does Doc does doc doc not want those anymore we got to take

Them out we got to reduce legs Cleo we got lag spikes Galore here man well okay then well since I’ll take them out and then when somebody ask I just say it’s a made up t total fabrication I need that I I need that I need a copy of

That if we’re going to do this oh I can get you one I can get you one yeah okay yeah high five I’m I’m in I I don’t know what I’m doing but I’m definitely definitely in we can take them from Spawn and bring them here they’re already they’re already like

Triggered aren’t they they’ve already like got the stuff in them yeah yeah have to do any work you got you got a monopoly on these books so you got to protect your investment right you got to protect your permits validity can’t be having anybody going don’t you have like a villager trading Hall

Already no I don’t I have I have no such thing you have no such thing like honestly I think there’s so many villages around that my my permit might be useless but I’m happy to murder all their villagers is all I’m saying yeah get out the a let’s kill him let’s kill

Them okay so what should I what what should I be doing so this is sort of like the place I was planning on putting them in like a little cubby hole okay yeah I mean you can do like a like a one by are we put them in one by

Two you think yeah war crimes we’re doing war crimes Cub okay yeah yeah one by two so you yeah you just want to make a one by two area and then like a block separating them and then one by two and then block separating all right

I can do that do do you need do you need help getting them from thing from the village or should I make a place to store them whilst we get them or um yeah I mean I I can just how far is it actually it’s pretty far isn’t it

It’s pretty far couple hundred blocks okay yeah I mean I mean it’s lot like iron’s a problem so train tracks aren’t going to be an issue right yeah that’s that’s pretty easy yeah I think I think I can handle that if you want to build up the okay

I’ll build I’ll build a wall and a door cuz that that’s what’s important walls and doors per okay perfect yeah I’ll get the real started yeah okay fabulous thank you Cub I appreciate you I want you to know that sure sure it’s nice not being alone when you’re committing crimes it’s good to

Have an alibi I’m pretty sure doc wants those villagers for something but you know what sucks to be thank you Avery for the raid it’s appreciate it oh ah Cub is a good person to have on board when you’re committing crimes because he can do the thing where it’s

Just he just looks at dogs and goes doc dogs he looks at Doc and goes it was lagging so we just moved them out of spawn um you can borrow them from Cleo I guess and he’ll say it with such a straight face that doc won’t know how to deal with it perfect

Crimes what’s my favorite animal oh I know those questions those those are those are those are capture questions you’re not going to take my information I mean probably not okay let’s let’s get let’s get some cell oh we’re calling them cells let’s get some cells done right since Cub is doing this I

Need to I need to make like mandatory evil cells evil villain cells so we’re going to Boop them this way And right so if we’re doing is it 2 by two cells like that we’re doing thought of them as efficiency apartments well oh what if dog wants Villages he can start a war over them that’s what we’re after I sent ether a mail today my mailbox is up and

Working actually what I said was uh thank you for making my mailbox have some Redstone I think that’s I think I think to Etho that’s probably like like a a sign of friendship okay we got this guys we got this we’re good people committing war crimes okay we’re fine we’re fine this

This looks good this is a legitimate business okay do we need light in there I don’t think that we do oh this tree needs to go this tree needs to go come on that’s what good people do commit war crimes okay so if that’s the start of things um right if that’s

There oh we need we need to I need to like do steps and by steps I mean I need to just have like this this is fine this is fine this is fine iron bars or not that’s the question like that obviously I am I’m going to go sleep because thank you

Scar go I was like I’m going to go sleep because no one is and Scar does the thing which is good okay like how many villagers do I need is a question it is better not to have some mob spawns in it yes but my question really is

Um like if I put the doors here or if like what should I make the doors out of cuz zombies can knock down doors right so if zombies can knock down doors like so like we can make it like a Crouch door but that’s baby zombie not not baby zombie thce proof

Fence gates I guess it is fence gates thinking about it yeah you’re probably right iron with a button no I hate iron doors they make me sad cuz I can’t use them okay all right so we’ll just do the backwards door trick I don’t don’t know what that is

Every was just like oh yeah you could just be competent at the game and I’m like no that’s just not likely it’s not statistically likely or any way shape or form place the door sideways the zombies will think it’s open so they don’t try and bake

It that seems like Wizardry and uh we don’t do witchcraft on these streams only Reg reg crimes like murder and kidnapping okay I only do legally mandated witchcraft can’t prove Things no not fences fence gates give me and so I should be able to just Boop these open and then Crouch and then Boop them closed okay so like zombo’s not able to get in that’s fine look at me I’m competent we know it’s aive but you

Don’t have to say anything you could just not just a thought unless I invite them in why would I do that why would I do that and then okay me answering work emails I am competent me receiving work emails no I’m not I am just fun I am just barely

Literate it’s just how my work like I used to work as a teacher and like teachers like forget how to teach when they’re teaching adults and it drives driv me spare it drives me absolutely spare you know like adults of people too I’ve not Ved in a while like since

The start of season 10 to be honest um I don’t know how many of these things I’ll need but this is like a good starting thing we can just push it out further at the back if we need to we’re constantly playing music discs be a bit too far in the war crimes

Probably okay does the floor need to be flat does the does the floor like so for example does it need to be um does it need to be here does the floor need here they need to think they can pass to their workstation but surely their workstation should be here and they

Should be here okay so how many books was on your per permit quite a few quite a few slab should be okay I mean I’m I’m going to I’m going to like if that’s there like there the the thing will go you know what I’m just going to I’m just

Going to we’re going to do it this way because then we can put stuff on it and then it’s just easier in the long run yes I did got get all the s books but that includes Swift sneak there is a way for me to not have to get Swift sneak

Um I can just take it off the permit and give it to someone else uh but like I’d like to try and do Swift sneak like at the beginning like just see how it works why the slab floor in the first place just so no mobs spawn in here like

Just as like an extra um thing and also that makes me taller than them so I can look down on them like the scum they are etc etc bad vill and montages uh you know how it is we like being evil on This Server what am I saying on This Server

We just like being evil oh V HUD is on uh okay done Swift sneak collecting make for an interesting video chaotic but interesting yeah I don’t I don’t oh I don’t want to trap them on a work like like let’s give them the ability to sit down and move about a little bit

Okay that bit is done let’s do let’s do cells like that I guess and then we can take out the wood here each way oh we’re going to take out this all of this wood aren’t we thinking about thinking about it use your brain Cleo

Cleo is a bad guy not a bad guy pretty much a bad guy um okay give me Spruce slabs it’s time to do crime in the neighborhood I spoke to beef today and I said How’s your house beef and he just went it’s fine and then he looked at me was it

You who did my tra yes yes it was I I enjoy my crimes you know if you’re not going to enjoy your crimes why bother Okay so we’ve got a few cells I guess we’re calling them right so their thing is going to be do do I do I

Need to do that to them cubicles no the Stalls it’s fine it’s fine oh uh thank you hang on Sunstar girl who has resubscribed for 29 months Viking flower we who has gifted six Subs to the community thank you mad humph has resubscribed for 34 months main Steve

Has resubscribed for 33 months mli has cheered bites and magnam D has cheered Cleo biddy says Cleo is the best chaos Cleo is the best Cleo chaos Cleo is the the most enjoyable Cleo I feel um for a given value of enjoyable so like if I were to put

Like maybe not a fence gate up here could they move out of that I’m I’m very confused like this is the stuff that I need to ask Cub this is the stuff that I need to ask Cub what’s the danger zone what’s the danger zone is does it have a

Highway I mean that’s fair that’s fair dying on a magma boach after being attacked act okay trapo over the head works but surely Um so like that would work too like surely okay so we can just we can just okay so this is like a fully functionally sealed unit effectively okay so uh nbrs say CH bitty says don’t worry that’s just Mumbo emper entering his base fair if you have them standing on honey

Block they won’t be able to jump over the workstation yeah I guess guess that makes sense all right phase one I guess is phase one is done uh let’s go see how Cubs doing the cells give hmp Wakefield blly me I’m not that inhumane am

I I am I want you all to know that I am oh everyone sit up straight crack your backs it’s very important is Doc online Doc is not online this is fine everybody take a drink you are thirsty even if you don’t know you are neb cheered Bitties and said don’t

Don’t worry that’s Mumbo end oh no I did that already but I don’t think I didn’t call you neb and I apologize for that like if I were Cub with rails where would I be how are we going to do this Cub oh it’s actually a lot longer than I thought it was

Blockwise now Ren’s moved out who’s going to fix this crater outside his house or his old house I suppose hey Ren just passing but hello I don’t know if he’s okay hello hello right hello just have to panic turn off the music like I wasn’t stopping turn off

The music the microphone I wasn’t stopping the microphone was off you’re good I was just going to where you going what you doing war crimes doing what you doing what you doing what you doing war crimes war crimes I’m listening we might be involved in some kidnapping right

Now uh kidnapping of what maybe some villagers Ooh it was Cub’s idea I’ve got some in here but these are mine yeah we’re not we we’re interested in the ones that are fully functional okay so Cub said he was going to get rails and we’re going to move them from dogs uh sorry the spawn cuz

We’re lag busting that’s what we’re doing apparently oh this is called lag busting this is definitely not villager yo King no it’s definitely not villager yo King and um yep yep yep yep yep yep yep we haven’t said anything to Doc we’re just taking them for my books of course no uh

It’s lag busting it’s lag busting absolutely I don’t books I don’t know where Cub is right now but I’m just going over here speaking of lag busting I need to come do some Jank busting I promised hpn I’d clean this up last week I forgot whoops that’s so much lag

Ren so much lag from those 14 chests oh my goodness yeah um I I yed like six of these f from here oh the other day which trades did you get o o awkward oh this is awkward this is very awkward yeah I’m just I’m just uh I’m

Oh has Cub already been and got them I mean when was the last time you spoke to Cub like 15 minutes ago he either got them or he killed them hang on hang on hang on oh no these are the ones we taking these ones oh you’re

Not taking the breed the no you’re taking the good ones of course we’re taking the good ones oo these are good ones these are very good ones yeah so so noisy hold on they are noisy creatures down this one’s got a mending book we could just take that and I can start

Selling it it’s fine ending oh is this is this your permit yeah my permit is s books oh then you you can yink every St I mean that then you have license to Y ink as far as I’m concerned we’ve not spoken to Doc but I’m assuming it’s fine cuz if he wanted

Them he would have taken them already right I guess this is how War where you going to Y him to where you going to Y just like just between mine and and and Cub’s base oh in the no man’s land between the cub and the Cleo between the cub and the

Cleo nice are you setting up something cool or you just shoving them in a hole at the moment we’re just shoving them in a hole but the plan is to do something cool with them later villagers have tough lives in this game they do it it does make me feel slightly

Bad yeah but they also have to like lift their noses to eat which I think must be very awkward that’s yeah there is TR traa there there is trauma there we understand there’s lots of trauma there yeah but this is good this is good so what books have you got mending

Loting I’ve got dep yes aqua affinity yes um silk touch uh don’t have sweeping Edge Unbreaking I believe is mine um believe protection is mine Fortune is mine feather falling feather falling look at the good stuff I got the S TI books oh there’s rails there’s rails here hang on Rails

Too oh there’s already rails I think this is Cub I think this is Cub I think I know this has been here for ages has it I or at least oh wait hold on maybe not these are unpowered though yeah but which is interesting I don’t you know I

Mean makes me wonder if it was cup or not it’s just all it requires is a to torch this feels like oh hold on this is okay this is curious where does this go now oh it’s going to it’s going towards the base it is going toward the neighborhood that is

True uh yep y there we go yep yep wow Cub did this fast you saw him 15 minutes ago well it was about how long have we been streaming I’ve been streaming about 45 minutes and he came in in the first 50 so maybe half an hour ago okay CU not messing around

No he wants those villagers jeez what does he get out of this deal cuz he doesn’t um he can he can use the the I mean he’s already got villagers he just gets I think he just gets to annoy dock um oh okay I see is that he just

Wants to annoy do I see I mean you know that’s why I would like if somebody said you want to annoy dog and I went yeah we’re going to steal his village I go yeah yep Freez oh my goodness like 3 hours ago when I vlogged off this

Was not here and now there is a giant circle of been half an hour Ren my God false is doing something force is doing epic Circle things which is going to look amazing but it’s going to make me feel very inadequate there he is I think I mean is the base of the

Epic circle thing this this is going to be wild is going to be M enormous cob what are you doing by the way I’m just tagging along no feel free feel free tell me you can tell me to leave if you wish no no I’m streaming you’re quite welcome to tag

Along you’re quite welcome to video it cuz I’m not oh my God look at this myth he’s building using our hello Cub fan hey how’s it going dude weird Flex real weird Flex have you run out of blocks I ran out of blocks so I just started using

Iron yeah you’re doing really well this is so fast oh thank you go thank you dude you did this so fast like I’m impressed like are you are you okay I had the iron to to make the rails so that and you had the gold as well which is the bigger

Flex yeah yeah yeah do you have the Redstone cuz I don’t have any cuz I gave my last lot to Etho um I just got to make um torches levers levers oh levers well I could do that do you want me to go back and

Torches do you want me to go back and do make a whole bunch of levers and just turn on the rails yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s the next step so yeah if you can okay I will go do that yeah that does sound like a good plan you can you can

Help R if you like I mean the neighborhood just looking pretty pretty every day it’s it’s so it’s so amazing you know yeah it’s just uh [Laughter] yeah so starting to uh you know oh lag oh I get to Ting along your your tinger Tings now my my tinger Tings Ting

Tingy tingy tingy Ting oh the the great the great the greates are amazing they’re the best best block in the game no doubt facts the sound the look just everything space space Block in the game okay oh we got double Tings double Ting Tings double tingting oh you’re talking about downstairs no

You have to move all of this base when you’re in this base on The Ting Tings you must Ting so please start tinging you must Ting you must Ting oh you’re downstairs okay ting please why do I have enforce the rules of your base I didn’t make the

Rules of your you made the rules of my base have have some have some Le the rules of your base have some levers and join in the fun we’re not tinging get tinging tinging tinging okay let’s I need I need to leave make a sign outside your base

It says uh for those who shalt enter thou must Ting sure R I’ll do that on camera just for you okay I’ve got levers let’s go okay let’s start turning this law there’s a lot to turn on over here I’m not sure I have the energy I mean long day I

Do oh you go up there I’ll start doing this bit I guess oh wait this is this isn’t going to work is it what I need to come from the other side I don’t know what that means Ren I don’t know what any of this

Means I need to get on top of the Rails I need to get on top of the Rails it’ll be fine I do enjoy the fact that we just got red and started committing war crimes doesn’t take much does it okay right we’ll go back down hang off the block switch the

Button hang off the block Swit the button are we going to have to stand at like different chunks away I don’t know if this requires two they’re all three maybe maybe might be three I mean those are on right yeah these are on okay cool if they are red they’re on although these

Don’t really look on but I think they are on just just just in case just in case I mean couble tell us they’ll stop won’t they and couble tell us off yeah c will be like do you even Redstone and I’ll go no and I’ll go sometimes oh I missed that

One what is false up to out here I don’t know false is is Magic it’s going to be massive I I love how have you noticed in this neighborhood like I built a tower mhm clearly someone was uh felt challenged by my tower so they built a bigger Tower what you mean the

Compensat there yeah now there’s the Ultra Mega Tower coming up next which is going to be this if this is the base of the tower my God this thing’s going to be well I don’t necessarily think it’s a tower um she did say that she was planning on doing like like smaller than

Before so it might just be a dome or it might be like a collective ooh like build like little things I don’t know fal’s bases have like lowkey been my favorite bases in homercraft false is just too talented for their own good their bases are so good the season seven

Base the like the hex the oh yeah the hexagons yeah absolutely the hexagonal one man that that base was so awesome just so cool like don’t tell her I ever said that cuz she wouldn’t believe you anyway yeah it’s fine we can praise false out of false EO

Range as is tradition as is tradition o this is we’re missing this is not going to work over here oh wait this is the downhill it’s it’s coming in this direction so this downhill will work fine yesh oh good okay this is a long stretch I really should be working on my

Storage base you can go and work on your storage base it’s fine this is more [Laughter] fun getting in trouble with Doc is more fun you’re correct cuz what’s Doc going to do I had nothing to do with this what’s Doc going to do though he’s he’s going to shout

He’s going to he’s going to complain and we’re going to laugh he’s going to complain I mean has he been back here recently not since like day one I think think like like since he moved out he keeps on say a decapitated skull over here yeah I mean zombies all right I

Mean it’ll still B it’s going all right I think we’re getting there we’re nearly done uh how like we may have missed one or two so okay that’s fine uh I guess we’ll get there when it gets there do we need to load the rails what do you mean like if they’re

Going all the way there do we need to load the rails person oh um yeah we’ll have to follow the person yeah we have to like have somebody run behind them or C behind them yep do we need to load the chunky bits yep have to do that okay well if

Like we send out two cards at a time mhm should work shopping district popping off already e is it everywhere buildings well that doesn’t mean anything that just means people are going yeah I’m just this is where I live now is just a door yeah that sounds about like building behind

It and a poop okay this is the fun bit now trying to get these idiots into mine carts C noise though Cub Pro Cub Pro I mean this is true these ones we don’t turn on still ready right so we just put just put oh hang in

CLE what uh what books do you have you have the S tier books right I have the S tier books yes so mending do you want me to go get the permit so we know which ones we’re stealing that’s probably wise yes sure sure I’ll go grab my permit I’ll get

Some of this going okay cool I could just yint them all but could do that won’t because I’m ethical apparently let’s do mending is definitely in mending is definitely in this is correct Ming’s in oh could Juna voice group oh no no no no no no

No ethical war crimes it’s a good it’s a good name it’s a good name Thani is subscribe for 30 months thank you I I could have rode a cart there but then I’d be all the way out look ethical war crimes I suspect they are not reading chat that’s

Fine oh wait and if they haven’t done it by the time I get back then it’s fine it would help find unpowered rails you are correct I have no idea how Cub managed to do this so quickly it’s genius Cub is a criminal mastermind I want that to be said

I believe he used magic he used something I don’t know what okay let’s take a take a a food break oh there’s the lag there we go I love the fact that he’s like no I’m not going to destroy the wheat crop I will bridge over it bless you Cub bless

You Cub is a madman and a genius a genius madman he uses speedrunner Powers I believe it I believe it okay right so we’ve got o Lots okay boot myself down get myself iron which I already have get myself a mine cart All right so come on off we go here we go let’s see how fast we go like the problem is that this is the down bit so oh no it works just chill now this is fine okay this might be a problem this is going to be an issue no it’s

Not this is where it becomes a problem oh cop’s just better red better redst than everyone let’s get out of the voice chat how long’s it been since I traveled across server in car a long time a very long time I am shocked yeah like when Ren made the

Transit system is the last time I did this thought it was Joel or Joel maybe yeah Mr Beans the beans the beans Cleo he comes with the m how you doing it’s good to see you I’m doing fine did you get my mail trying to get some last minute trades in you sent me mail I sent you mail okay okay I’ll have to check it out looks like you’ll

Never have to uh buy a mending book on the server ever again Etho by the number of mending books you’re Ying over there Etho these aren’t mending books Ren I think we may have to do your uh method methodology the the Jank method okay doth so I’ve got got uh efficiency

Respiration silk touch death Strider Soul speed protection looting mending Unbreaking sharpness feather falling Fortune Swift sneak affinity and aqua affinity so all okay all of the above all of them ow oh look out it happens every time all right there we go all right mending boy e any more mending for you

Before this one gets yed I’m fresh out of uh the emeralds that’s it oh you hate to see it all right we ready we are ready I guess yeah send them do you want me to go with him see you to your new master yeah I’ll go I’ll go with him I’ll see

You in a bit I’m treat him well Cleo I will I’m falling right behind I got H they’re free okay this is this is like this is the only way to travel is that cup oh that was lag okay cool let’s just hope they sleep hands up everybody what a ride it’s pretty

Good I hope we haven’t missed any rails so far so good yeah very efficient hi Beast bye beast beef beef we’re on the rail can’t we can’t stop we’ll see you in a minute be see you in a minute I can just hear I can feel beef

In my soul going what what what’s going on oh that one’s that one’s un powered but you can just get over it oh you can just okay I I’ll power I’ll power it I’ll power okay okay imagine being like in a cell for life and then you get one roller coaster ride

And then you’re imprisoned forever again no no no no no I mean he’s out was he supposed to be out I ejected him out yeah oh okay cool yeah so what now so now we need to give him a workstation so he needs a lecturn he needs

Lecturn uh I don’t uh which I have which you have fabulous okay so what do we do we just put it down somewhere so we probably want to are you going to like you want them like in here like in the yeah like in the little slots okay so we need to

Just give him a little oh it’s it’s just it’s just shunting him just shove them in shove them in CLE shove them in shove them in before he starts walking everywhere okay now put the thing down in front of him and then and then we’ll put a thing above him there we go

Excellent look I’ve got a mending Book trade I spent so long working for that yeah man that was a grind a lot we did spent a lot of time doing that one she man I also need to probably figure out a villager um a villager farm of something like

So I can get emeralds so I mean we could work out something I got a little villager farm with some emeralds so I mean yeah we could work at maybe I could Supply you if you if I could use this as well oh yeah I assumed you were going to use it

Anyway other people will probably do it the same a little bit but yeah yeah that that feels that feels fair that feels reasonable you help me with the war primes yeah I can I can give you a lot of emeralds yeah I got a lot of extra Emerald blocks andu

Excellent okay so that’s Ming guys should we do a few more yeah I’m I’ve got like so many that I need to do so it’s going to take a while okay um but yeah I can probably do it alone if you’ve got other stuff to get on with

But I do have some stuff I do have some stuff all you go you go and I’ll figure stuff out I’ll figure stuff out okay yeah yeah just make sure like this block here is placed down break that whenever they yeah they come in yeah there I’ll

Give you I’ll give you that there you go that’s all right I’ve got I’ve got stuff we’re good okay you you head off I will go get some LEC turns and thank you so much I appreciate you uh for giving me the ideas for war crimes yeah yeah this is great this is

Great and I will give I will give you back all the rails once I’m done okay sweet yeah cool that’s cool okay I’ll catch you later thank you very much CU yeah good luck good luck I’m going to need it he’s going to be so mad oh here

I’ll give you the mine carts back too want these for sure thank you one and that one there you go thank you very much this is going to be great it’s going to be a great hole it’s going to be great ah so much crime okay so let’s get the blocks

Right right so you know what why why am I doing it like this we’re doing it this way rails but not the iron blocks honestly uh Hypno is letting me raid his iron farm I’m good on iron I don’t need to worry about the iron and neither does

Cub oh hang on we need to um we’ll do that in a minute uh we need uh to do workstations and stuff don’t we you doc did tell you to be more efficient in episode one so you just heeding in his voice this is true I’m

Exactly doing that that is a thing that is happening um uh let’s I mean I can make lecturn lecturn are easy lecturn are easy I should have somewhere yeah I’ve got like a bunch of sugarcane sugarcane is fine so boop boop and I’ve got enough leather because Tango exists to’s make books

Books and then I can make bookshelves and then I can make LEC turns like so let’s get the mine cart just take worksh well I didn’t think of that did I what’ you take me for competent no no no no not competency that is for other people Let’s go

Team I can’t emancipate and take the workstations that’s just not how it works okay cool at least I caught up with it go we’re giving them fresh workstations not tainted by the the the the hords of captivity honestly I like the idea of doing like an ethical uh little Minecraft

Village um where like like we keep them in one by one cells now but later you know there’s there later on we’ll we’ll we’ll get them free range hey beef bye beef he’s just watching through the window is that Etho can’t tell organic free range Lo Librarians mostly because I want to see

If it’s like I like the idea of the challenge of it grass-fed grass-fed grass finish be it’s for their safety charge more diamonds if you call it organic I just what’s this this is looting looting is one of mine isn’t it yes get in get in the

Thing why is he not going in the thing why is he not going in the thing please explain this to me I need rails okay I can do that if there is fine I will make a crafting bench oh lag is really bad here oh

No and then if I just do this and push there we go where did that other one go where did that other one go that’s going to be a problem to me there it is whoops that other one is gone what what other one what other one the one you just got

What right push him out follow follow follow there we go off po oh the m M cart okay I was just sort of like what are you talking about I don’t know the Assumption was the cart got to the end okay that’s fine oh we don’t get to yell at Beef on

The way out am I kidding napping villagers we’re taking them to a special safe house where we keep them we lay get them to lay low and then oh no we’re we’re we’re on we’re literally on an overground Railway we’re going to leave them in

Like tiny cells for a bit and then we’re going to try and free I’m going to try and free range them I think that’s what I’m going to do we’re going to free range Farm them and then see how it goes oh Beast built another a a a quartz Barn that

FS reverse Great Escape The Barn could be a little bit more ready maybe nethery I will leave that to iscal imagine having to track down the right villager for the right books wasn’t doc going to murderize them I don’t know what doc was planning to do with them but I’m stealing

Them this is such like this is just chill I’m I’m just really happy that I’m just getting uh I’m getting things done give them unique more Peds different I mean that would work in the village I guess ah you little oh well I guess you’re going there then go on back back back

Back in get in get in get in no I don’t want to talk to you go away where’s the other one what the heck heck he’s over there well you got to move back at some point mate you can’t get out get on the other bench get on the other

Bench I am literally about to get Pistons mate oh use water does that work like why isn’t there we go you my friend you suck what were you Looting of course of course you were of course you were he’s the one that stood in the doorway waiting for

Me we don’t like the Looting one too bad they aren’t scared of you like other zombies they’d run on their own I mean this is true this is true Okay so we’ve got looting we’ve got mending uh there is a silk touch villager up there replace that block with a gate or

It will happen again what will happen again I’m just going suffocating in the block explain why cuz the reason why that happened is he got out didn’t wait here and just ran back so so what you’re saying is put a slab here instead right that’s fine that’s fine I’ll

Do well they’re going eventually Badger they’re going to be free ra so you know also this area just has me and cub in it so they shouldn’t be uh they shouldn’t even be visible really unless I’m on the server so all good we’re all good this fine Artic works I’ve just realized I’m

Watching Cleo’s list of rescue mission to liberate innocent minorities from an oppressive regime and certain oh let’s not do that let’s not do that mikon tips uh and said new to the stream hope you’re having a good day just a friendly reminder make sure you drink water and take a walk later today

If you haven’t already 1 it’s 9900 p.m. but I appreciate the sentiment thank you very very much I enjoy having you here hi why free range again since you were nice and merciful I’m not like here here’s the thing the difference between mercy and being a good person is like I hold grudges

Um but only to people that have wronged me the villagers haven’t well that last Villager has wronged me um So that last villager might have to go in in the lava pit but all I’m saying we’ve got a grudge against unbre is all I’m saying isn’t that yeah but like to say it that I have grudges against villagers I don’t have a grudge against a villager why would I wish them

Harm who built PR uh Perry was built by stress I doubt the free range villagers meeting a dozen or so will really C cause that much lag yeah I D it okay all right oh I’m [Applause] outside right okay right what do I need depth Strider aqua affinity efficiency and resp do I

Have efficiency and respiration efficiency respiration yes I do yes I do okay let’s let’s take the ones I need first and do it that way so boop boop and then Boop and then boop boop and every time every time there we go and that will be around here somewhere

Who was gem calling out there probably skis it sounded like it was skis and we know that this one always comes out to here can feel my first gray hair forming welcome to the world gem okay all right buddy off you pop I’m behind you like literally imp on

Okay had the great same amount of gray hair since I was 16 I have gray hair but then I I I was I you know I’m from the 1900s so you know why don’t you take multiple Villages each ride uh because they cuz it’s sort of set up

For us one per ride and it’s difficult so like this is new and uh they get turfed out I remember the 20th century the null or void has resubscribed for 3 months uh thank you very much I’m not reading out that because ages ear in it and

Uh I know like since you were 12 isn’t I’ve read it out now got my first gray hair at 12 also it’s fine you’re not 12 now it’s fine um I need to dye my hair a little bit uh it’s been a while since it was Ginger

And I I I like it when it’s Ginger didn’t have one Greg hair got three kids boom was one of them called Greg cuz it feels like one of them should have been called [Laughter] Greg not the hair the child old enough to remember still be hey buddy well that one’s gone

Um if if you wouldn’t mind stepping into the just any hole I don’t care bro just any hole any hole any hole anyhoo anyhoo anyhoo anyhoo anyhoo boop boop don’t stop don’t test me bro you’re fine so you are efficiency and respiration sweet okay it’s fine it’s fine

Come on let’s go find where that mine cart ended up that one can live looting three is on borrowed time right Greg is the only hair I have left that isn’t gray I’m in danger we’ll get to meet looting three this I get just so annoyed by looting three oh there it isk

You right so I now have uh respiration uh uh looting mending and Unbreaking I think looting three lives to be an example for his skin you know what Badger I’m not saying no I’m just saying I might want to consider to not war crime the villagers until I’ve got backup Villages

Is all I’m saying the best punishment flen 3 is to be forever were imprisoned you know what you did tangle him above a lava pit the villagers dangle and by that do I mean can you leash a villager I don’t think you can hey water how you

Doing it’s good to see you on the stream it’sit water Munch friend of the stream you can’t meet your villager yeah it’s fair miss you too H um put a villager in a cage above lava yes are they at the post office or as I pointed out to Pearl earlier today the poget

Office cuz the S is broken s is broken y my hands are working very well I have the best hands they can’t do like intimate gestures or anything but you know it’s it works for now ow hang on there’s a fortune 3 here there’s a second fortune 3 there’s a second fortune 3

Everybody didn’t realize I have hands I have hands a um what do I want to steal now Unbreaking is probably good uh I can I can Rel log this is fine okay let’s let’s get uh good old prote 4 uh in into the mine cart turn that off so it doesn’t go roll

Away I’m learning right so and you go there like so and then Boop that there and then hello sir why don’t you accept poop okay fine we’ll do it at speed all right rocket speed go turn off this one oh that works right understood X wants to relog I just did

Relog I relogged see right here we go team I’m following Mr Krabs I don’t actually I’ve never seen SpongeBob really so what crimes have been committed war crimes uh currently theft of property but technically kidnapping because uh oh uh they’re trying to pinpoint the lag basic basically whenever someone uh

Certain people log in there is a massive lag Spike very often they’re trying to figure out who’s causing the problems are we committing crimes always I see somebody over here hi bye is that a Cleo hi bye hi Cleo no I’ve got to go follow him oh EO right

Okay that’s fine what are you guys watching you she’s got her sword what I hate you so much what happened oh I stood in front of it I hate him so much if I lose this villager because of E though we’re having a grudge okay we’re having a

Grudge I don’t want a grudge we’re having a grudge if I lose this villager now we can add batt hope that raid counting I yeah they can they can shoot from the boat he’s out he’s out he’s out hi buddy right um oh that hole okay

That’s what you want oh no no pick a different hole pick a different hole pick a different hole you got choices here buddy but you get the choice thank you for choosing your your forever home oh we’re playing are we right gotcha all right let’s go let’s go yell at

Etho let’s go yell at Etho let’s go yell at EO let’s go yell at EO wish you stop asking just pick holes like that never I didn’t make the system red I just have to live in it everybody take a drink you are thirsty beasts it’s freedom of choice if you let

Them pick their forever hole is she working on this not sure I hate hold up hold up hold up there are you taking the communal villagers out of the Villager Hall they we’re lag busting scar oh we’re taking them from Spawn to where they’re safe is that what they

Call it these days yes mhm okay I and that’s exactly what we’re doing okay so hypothetically I could go into Tango’s chess and lag bust out some honey I think that is a perfectly legitimate way of lag busting kascar I will help you do that

Quite happy okay okay good if I need if I need something it’s just lag busting okay you know scar you mentioned you might want villagers and I think Cleo has some that you could lag bust I could lag bust the the villagers for Cleo oh

No no my my Cub has seen to my Villages they come pre lag busted also I’m sorry I broke your pants um Cleo you exploded my pants I was just telling EO my pants were about a moment from exploding what you done that’s what that click was I broke your legs I’m sorry

Oh how can you expose a man like this CLE that’s I mean honestly like he kind of exposes himself uh if you look at him I don’t have any protection now and the whole I was literally okay you you really done me wrong here Cleo because I

Was going to go use those villager trading Halls now that Green’s got his mending and my packed of not getting Mendy or using villager trading Halls until Grant got his mending book now he’s got his mending book I can use those said things and now the villagers

Are gone and you stole my pant or you broke my pants yes all the villagers are gone although I do have a lot of diamonds would you like me to get you some pants Diamonds Are a diam it do and I’m more into the enchants Cleo well like the thing is the books

Here’s me going to send you a package through the mail system whoa what’s that oh what do you have oh what do you have I have books yes to your books makes sense that she’s getting the villagers now yeah yeah she’s trying to hoard them she she’s got her capitalist hat on

She’s like yeah how many villages how many villages are currently on This Server right now like this is pretty much worthless as far as I can tell well it’s not worthless if you use that sword like you did on my pants on the villagers that are not yours

Not that I would condone you know Murder of villagers but you know I’m just saying been telling my chat control of I’m going to ethically do villager trading once I’ve moved them all it’s going to be a project and uh therefore can charge more for enchants for organic

Freerange villagers I like that I like that villagers who roam naturally like copper do you have do you have problems seeing copper Aging in a field do any of you have this issue I do I I have a lot of people around here that just age their copper out in the

Open and not in sit there’s nothing unethical about it right Cleo just annoying probably like oh my God just put your copper away I’m tired looking annoying yes okay I find it interesting you know you you see grass all the time every once in a while you see some copper it’s nice

It’s free range they’re just out there aging and Plumping like the Minecraft Gods intended that’s right you got a rip in it I see what it is well I do have billboard space for your uh your um your businesses when you’re ready just what was that again sorry my

Bra space it’s just over there it’s massive for advertising for advertising yeah do you see those Billboards car I don’t see a bill so confused what what are we talking about massive I see a monolith like what I’m confused yeah space as an advertising agent I I should

Warn you your billboard is not very visible it’s uh well it’s not a billboard yet space for a billboard is what I’m saying oh space for a billboard okay okay I you know what I’ll let you use it for free is there is there like a support structure for the Billard confused about

This cuz I could just say there’s a billboard right here CLE that you can use for free as well I mean imaginary things we talking about saying actual billboard no no it’s not an actual billboard it’s space for rent it’s up high it’s prime location you can see it

From miles away is this like Wonder Woman Wonder give me a moment Wonder Woman’s plane that’s invisible like I’m so confused right now look what I’m saying is if you want to advertise your businesses put it on the monolith that’s all I’m saying okay so we are talking

About the monol I understand now okay okay that’s that’s a good amount of surface area there it is a lot you can do like banners coming yeah like total permission from the neighborhood I’m the minister of trash i’ I’ve decided that it needs brightening up oh that’s wonderful you know I I got

To tell you I don’t know if you do freelance jobs outside the neighborhood but I got a fishy problem next door could use that trash taken out you should smell the smell of the fish when you fish out 9,000 fish out of the sea he’s not he’s not putting them back in

The sea putting them in a in a in a corner and it stinks the a high Minecraft heaven up there I mean Tech I’m just in the neighborhood but uh I mean I’m I’m happy to extend my reach as far as time will you know I can only

Just impose fines really uhhuh and uh and and then take his stuff if he doesn’t pay the fines that’s that’s it I give him I give him a hard time family um I did have a question for you Cleo oh gosh yes more go on oh no it’s a good thing it’s a

Good thing it’s an important thing I have a present coming to you in the mail system yay because you came to my base I forgot what stream day it was to get heads then there were chaos somebody died and you never got the heads that I was going to

Give you so keep an eye on the mail we’re in the mail they’re on the way all right awesome that’s good I left something for you in your mailbox but I didn’t send it to you it was a while ago it was a Valentine’s Day yeah oh you did find it

Good good you my storage it was like everyone who had a mailbox got a got a um got a Sher box that day which was I was going all around the server are you my secret Valentine you really want to know who his admirer was oh it was an Admire it

Was it was just he had a mailbox and I did it there was a little bit of admiring oh okay E I only did I only did it to two other people so okay I’m in good company then fine we go mhm can’t remember can we see where the villagers are I

Mean it’s not difficult to find SC why do people keep saying that I don’t know maybe the rail stops and then there’s more of like a man manual like process there might be a secret door for all I know I mean it’s not very special but sure you can go and see the

Villagers I’m not fussed by this I was going to ask you Cleo Co Cleo there was a bit of a scuffle with your mailbox as I understand oh don’t worry about it it’s fine how important is it that it gets it’s not that important at all I will work around

It it’s all good you’re all good NE is it that’s like a neat formation anyway what is he looking at I heard that your mailbox was backwards CLE is that true it is but it’s fine it’s fine my instructions were to place the wiring towards the water yes and there

Was water on both sides so I took it yes honestly that’s on Pearl cuz I showed her where it was and I said I want it facing this way and you know what so right I’ll just build my um post office around it it’s

Cool okay if it’s a big issue I can flip it it’s not an issue don’t worry about it okay okay what is a big issue is that the S on the post office looks like a g I noticed that as well it’s it’s a you can’t look at it from a certain angle

You have to look at it from a low angle you can’t see it’s it’s a Puget it’s the poget office facts did you want to come and look at the V from using aoid oh never mind I’m not going to do it no can’t do it

What do you will you talk about angles it reminded me of Jimmy and I doing valley girl talk I was like oh my god get my good angle oh my God what are you talking about like that’s so extra sorry that was the best impression of like

Ever I know that was so accurate oh my gosh Jimmy we need you we need you to hear this is Jimmy with me can you heit us again hit us again Cleo hit us again okay what do you want me to say like like valley girl just like oh my God are

You serious right now oh like the sounding cups the best oh oh my God you don’t know they’re just so huge and massive and we like big things I could never look at Cleo the same way anymore it really surprised me quite honestly yeah I might have to put

That in the scroll as as an interesting factoid C does the valley girl accent very well at that best thought of Cleo this well put together you know educated type of person and then she does the V girl thing the funniest thing funniest moment to ever pull that out was when I was

Teaching uh 11y olds and they they just told me I wasn’t cool so I pulled that out and just proved that they were right so and they was like never do that again oh my God so cring trying to get a laugh at they all just face palm oh no oh they

Cringed so hard it was great like just making children cringe is the funniest thing in the world that’s hilarious No Cap No Cap what does that even mean like it’s short for means no lies but I don’t I thought it was like no like exclamation like I’m

Not going to capitalize this I’m going to keep it low key but apparently that’s not the case as far as I thought it was like a short form of Kappa isn’t it is it like the twitch character the twitch thing isn’t it no cap I thought it was

Like No Cap I’m like like no capital letters here boom bam but what do I know I don’t get all I don’t get got to be the Kappa thing right I genuinely think it means no lie think that’s what it means no lies do people say it for real

Or is it just people making fun of it oh it’s short for no capping which is hiding the truth that’s that makes me so confused I are you putting a cap over the lie or what I don’t know it’s it’s you I’m just going to say no caps

Mid I always thought it was the Kappa thing like it’s like saying no jokes no jokes you know this is for real I think it is no laughing at this this is yeah but I don’t think it’s Kappa CU I’ve seen them WR I’ve seen the genzies in

The wild write it down um and it’s capap not Kap it’s not Kap oh okay okay so like that’s interesting I’ve never seen one in the wild I don’t as I said I don’t get out often no no I don’t I don’t see children in the world anymore

Fortunately Cleo is is Robin Hood real or is it just a just a that’s made up that’s made up so is it catches you off guard when you think something’s fake and it’s real I was like oh that’s neat like I mean like I’ve been to Sherwood

Forest and there is a tree called Robin Hood’s tree there that I looked at it’s just massive it’s about 600 years old so like they Sherwood Forest exists it does have Robin Hood’s tree um but Robin Hood himself was actually uh used to uh sell clothing and he didn’t wear green clothing he

Wore red clothing as was the fashion in the time that throws off the whole Disney movie I’m sorry but Disney being like honestly if you want me to talk about Disney being historically accurate we’re going to talk about POC hontas and I don’t want to do that today I know I

Know I you know all the history of this C uh of like you can tell I know like I’m British Capital capitalist hat off for this one what robbing from the rich and giv it to the I I don’t know what you want from me I’m British sometimes we know I

Was just curious like you know sometimes like like uh you know the like Robin Hood you know maybe there was like a real character that was based on like The Lone Ranger there’s a really interesting story behind that so I was just curious if if Robin Hood was real

You know you’re British you’re Authority on these things so I was just curious I feel like he was just trying to justify his stealing you know well like for his ego make him feel better lag busting well basically it was a story that was TI to like something like a

Catalog um so yeah like they they did the stories and like and then he wore the red tights oh you know it it was that sort of thing it was early uh did it I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know SC I wonder if he slayed those red

Tights so I’m just I mean he’s Robin Hood so he’s going to slay in a metaphorical sense those tights and the guards that with the gold true true he’s sling everything mhm no big true No Cap No Cap have you ever seen someone like make up a new

Word I’ve seen people people try to make up new words to get Smash words together just to try to be cool yeah I I make up more words by accident a lot talking to bebs and he kind of froze and I go did I just make up a word he’s

Like mhm mhm mhm yeah you you you um shove words together a lot as well I do I do my brain my brain is a mysterious land of mystery this is true this is true is very true No Cap but so the one the one slang thing I

Don’t get and it’s always annoyed me is the pagers never was a fan of that one were you guys I didn’t understand it it was it was another thing that I used to make the kids cringe it was very funny do people actually say that though out loud

I have heard 11-year-olds say it out loud which means it probably was cool at one point but now is no longer cool that’s usually how you can tell well well Cleo BBS explained what it was when we were in that cave in the first life Series right did he did but I can’t

Remember how he explained it it’s like it’s like I remember the moment you you you got consumed by a by a by a tree at one point but I don’t remember what he how he explained what it was badly do you remember the tree that almost killed you yes I’ve never been

Allowed to forget it that was a classic moment I used our one diamond on a record that’s where that’s where chaos scar was born chaos scar has always been there just had to just needed a moment to let loose just take off his pants and just get

Wild and be free be free true I mean you’ve got you you’ve got half the pants off so you know this is your fault if I catch on for fire clue and I don’t have my fire protection pants I’m going to come to you with a with a Stern

With a Stern letter in the mail a sternly worded letter please send me stly word please send me all your stly worded letters and I will give you a letter that explains why it’s not my fault and why you should take care of your clothing

Better it’s fair cuz in a I think think I could win yes I love Stitch Etho what Stitch hi love you e you knew that was coming we all knew that was I honestly don’t know what it is this guy right here I love him is the music it’s as in Lilo and

Oh Lilo and Stitch yes Stitch is that Disney yeah Etho furiously looking it up on his on his computer let’s get the Google out here uh yeah uh filmed in 1996 uhhuh wait no filmed scar Stitch came out in the 2000s there’s actually an as much as I

Despise this creature a lot like pandas I will say that um there’s an interesting story behind stitch in it’s in its like creation and stuff like that and when Stitch was so successful at the studio at the time Disney was in such disarray similar to today in kind of the

Tail end of of CEOs of the company we usually encounter this this scenario right same with Eisner now with Iger and they had the successful moment with um Stitch and then they decided to basically like shut down that part of the studio and get rid of everybody oh my goodness

Cleo was risky for a second that was a risky one yeah yeah he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming this way it was an interesting story oh boy so I would syrup I appear there why to talk about maple syrup I can’t talk about Disney cuz he won’t take three

Hours it was a quick story and interesting tale at that it just it just shows parallels right history Rhymes it’s never exactly but it Rhymes in the end I kind of like butchered that but you probably got the point so I buy Costco syrup apparently that’s bad no

It’s good Mr I mean if you like it there’s nothing bad with it right okay that’s fine I mean I’m British I he gone um Cleo is it the one that comes in the the fake like a jug you know it looks like a moonshine jug yeah

Perfect all right good it’s massive I don’t need that much syrup but it’s cheap but it’ll last you a good while it it will and it and I can’t like I don’t know the good stuff Etho so um that is the good stuff if you look at if you go

C if you go and you look at the back of your container you’ll notice that it is pure maple syrup there’s nothing in it that’s not from Pure Maple does it say 100% pure maple syrup and a gr on it and it does say 100% pure

Yes and CLE is a teacher she knows all about a grades so she I mean I was looking at it and was like I have no idea what that means but I’m assuming that means it’s goodh mhm so some kind of label trickery happening I think I’m sorry for backing

Up scar that’s not my intention it’s just what happens when I tell the truth I’m sorry about this Wherever I Go these guys appear and I hate them so freaking much like everywhere I had three patrols show up yesterday and it is look at them

I just hate them I hate their faces so much everybody complains about Phantoms these are the real the real guys oh sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry you have a water bucket for the man no I’m sorry hold on there’s one more over here

Oh he’s in a boat I guess I’ll leave him there oh he’s been he’s got his crossbow on Etho for a while now I feel bad right now and I I knew this like a little while AG but the person I forgot the person’s name and I

Feel bad but the person who created fresh animations it’s just a genius like look at those eyes I don’t have fresh animations cuz I’ve not been able to make it work so if you can help me scar I will bring the Delights of fresh animation bring me the Delights scar I

Need the Delights of these things whoa oh he like tried in I was like how is that ah ah you miss one yeah I know okay he’s dead he’s gone jeez okay can we address the fact that grien like yeah he’s not time traveled into us and disappeared he’s not come

Back dude it was like the DeLorean coming at us at 85 miles an hour 84 80 it sounds like you had something important to say I mean I think did have something important to say either that or he was just logging out for the night and decided to make it

Funny it’s very entirely green you might have had to use the bathroom you could have been in a hurry that’s true it could have been yeah like guys guys guys I need to use the okay Spike oh he got it wow he’s like like trapping like a tra monitoring things he’s tring

Spikes just need to put a load of spikes around SP what’s this big circle thing this is false I don’t know what the circle thing I think this is the the the outline of her base this season I really want to feels like a

Battle I I don’t know if she is she says she’s building low to the ground this season um she’s not building like a mega base but she’s building like I don’t know she’s keeping it real No Cap I died a little inside scar there just a little [Laughter]

Bit oh God if we keep using these words the kids will think they’re uncool and they’ll find and they’ll just get we’ll safe we’ll be good they’ll find something else like that was part of the reason why I did it to the kids at school use their slang against them because they were

Just horrible monsters they it was just a case of they wouldn’t use like actual what they started using it in like their essays and stuff and it’s just sort of like I’ve got to make their essays yeah I made them rewrite them it’s not a big

Deal as it sounds but it’s just sort of like I think it was you slaying in an essay though these they were 11 Etho the fact that they’re writing essays at all is is quite impressive okay I am worried about green I’m still worried like he just came like

It was like he needed something very important and then just disappeared I mean he does that sometimes because it’s funny that’s true it’s funny gosh I just have to to just the urge to break the scaffolding I’m I’m doing everything I can and I won’t do it I won’t do it but

It’s strong I’ll let you know you know what I don’t blame you and if falce was here falce was online I would say do it but she isn’t so C are you an anti scaffolder I hate scaffolding it’s the worst there we go oh we’re forming a

Coalition and I love it Coalition in a Cults okay yeah we could be a cult I love a good cult I feel like permacraft hasn’t had a good cult yet this season can we be a frat instead or something like that something cooler cult though a frat is like I don’t know like

I mean wear shirts around like it gets frat frat is more like pants off is fine scar you know oh okay yeah C is more like rules and I don’t know I I I I don’t know kind of going on his side here I feel like a a frat might be a

Cult as well is just that’s my nature like I start qu I question things too much and people get mad so if like I’m an Ault like I’m going to be questioning like why we’re all in this particular clothes why are we all just eating these like

This particular type of bread you why you never be in an actual Cults CU you ask too many questions yeah you can’t you can’t be fully brainwashed if you’re asking questions CLE don’t forget the leader role you know also oh yeah scar could definitely be the lead leader of a

Cult I could I could be your second like like the person who does all the Dirty Work the pants off rule going already got I only wear pants and boots I’m very neglected as it is you know for for for an outage for an for for a walker you you two are Walkers

Um how often do you wear your shoes down by the way walking like in real life yeah you know walking like you know when wear down PA of shoes uh I I go through about par like like the trainers that I tend to wear these days I where about yeah

Whatever the British word is for what you put on your feet like from from purchase day to the day you’re like this is disgusting I need to throw it away how long do you keep them for I I replace them like every year or so okay

Really yeah I mean I I wear trainers and they wear I usually buy the cheapest shoes ever like Walmart shoes not unsurprising and and they last a good two years I would say I mean are you wearing shoes like with proper souls or are you wearing trainers with like rubber SS because I

Wear trainers sorry sneakers sneakers get something okay I’m still a little confused about the whole trainers thing so they’re sneakers sneakers I guess is how people like yeah like running shoes like running shoes yeah yeah that’s what trainers are like that’s what sneakers are in the UK they’re trainers trainers okay

Interesting you don’t say sneakers no it’s not a thing we say Okay interesting now okay I should say though I am Canadian and we’re not allowed to wear shoes in the house here so I don’t wear shoes the house wear them out as quickly as I don’t I don’t wear shoes in

The house I barely wear socks okay so that’s not the issue maybe the cheap stuff is like you youi what is he doing all right I’m back wow man I am curious now scar do you wear shoes in the house okay question slippers well I currently 90% of my life

I wear monins but um how old do you think this shoe is what shoe oh yeah I got a little I was pointing on the stream for for for stream CH how how old do you think this shoe is well moccas last got a good Soul

Oh this say pretty good shape still yeah yeah yeah see yeah you’re just curious I me I mean it’s not like you’re wearing them out so probably a while I’m just curious if people can guess how old my shoes are like those look like obviously special case with you but

Like for an average person I’d say those are three months old the the second one the orange one yeah I don’t know what’s going on these are 12 years old uhhuh I mean these are eight I mean it makes sense that you like you’re wearing them somebody was

Blown away that those shoes were 12 years old because like I’d like to buy these and I’m like uh I bought these 12 years ago and they’re like no even if they don’t wear out in that time scar I am worried about like the mycelium that’s growing in the soul no

No really good really good can I can I teach you guys no definitely good no smell whatsoever I don’t have stinky feet unlike my brother who is like we we almost think we need one time to put him in a hospital because he smelled so bad

But um no I don’t I don’t smell I mean like surely that comes from the not walking and not sweating as much in your shoes part that’s true but but they do they do get scuffed and I want to say to people if you have scuffed shoes and you

Like to keep some you like to keep it clean No Cap um getting like just an alcohol prep pad like just like a little Al alcohol pad and giving like a little rub down on your shoes you’ll get rid of all the scuffs instantaneous and it’s a a go-to

Too if you want to you know get rid of the scuffs Pro tip works on trainers too I don’t know what a trainer is I I wouldn’t recommend rubbing alcohol on your personal trainer but you know teach their own I mean you don’t know my personal trainer it’s fine

Um I don’t know if you have a germaphobe but like and this person might be touching you maybe it is a good idea to spray him down a little bit you’re a very special person scar I want you to know that just want I’m a strong believer if

It’s not worn out don’t replace it you know unless you want something better same same exactly exactly I can’t replace so many things like my goxlr I hate it I want it I just I’ve never wanted something to dive more in my life than my goxlr but it works and I can’t replace

It until I feel like I’ve like it’s like I can’t can’t replace something that works right okay yeah well I think the exception is if you know something better is out there then I know no you could get a lot of value out of it then

You can replace it you’re talking to me into getting the roadter duo aren’t you sure if you think it’ll be an improvement if you think it’s going to improve your videos and like that’s a work expense that’s a this is the other side scar if you ever have it break on you

Then you have a backup still cuz you still Go That’s My Philosophy with my computer because I’m planning on replacing my computer in like Q3 or Q4 um because I’m watching leaks in hopes of like getting my computer when some new components come out and I’m hoping this computer stays just good enough

That in case the other one had a had a malfunction I could whip this other computer together until instead of driving this computer into the ground yeah I that’s I’ve just swapped out mine I just got a new one um I’ve seen a lot of people make fun of myself set up in

Your chat scar um what they say what’s wrong with your setup in my defense all right so I got my mic in a so upset what’s going on going I have my M being held by a Kleenex box right now okay think about it that’s fine think

About it everybody you got the tissues in the Box to absorb sound and the tissue box acts as like a sound absorber instead of being like right connected to the desk you have that buffer area so it’s almost better than a mic stand no it’s not no as somebody who used to uh

Have a mic on the desk with a towel under it it’s not it just isn’t not a towel a Kleenex box so there’s it’s like a very flimsy cardboard holding it up so so more reverberation is what you’re saying so it’s more vibration doesn’t travel up it very well to the microphone

But you’re saying the vibration does travel up it you got got the kleenex in it as well as like a a little I’ve actually been thinking putting like an elastic band over the mic with a Kleenex so it acts like as a pop filter cuz I I

Noticed my peas are getting a little poppy you got more problems than your peas you could just buy a pop filter Etho can I get you can I get you a microphone can we send you a mic stand is that okay how would I send it to like

Canada and you could pick it up at the Canada office yeah can care of Etho care of Canada so the challenge with me I don’t like buying onl right I don’t like buying stuff online I want to go to the store see it and buy it but they never

Have that kind of stuff here no they don’t you have to get that kind of stuff online yes that’s why you have friends in the business to say I need to replace this stuff what’s worked for you right but you still got to order it on online and like have it delivered and

I mean this is true but I I could see if you live some rule sometimes they take packages to weird places like one time it got taken to a weed shop and that that was awkward but I still feel like the bike stand would be great great investment eth though

What kind of microphone do you use right now I have a audio tech Nika 2035 okay okay so that easily mountable microphone I mean the Cenex Box is doing a great job dude I I’ll tell you this e though when I got a microphone stand I had something in my head but it

Disappeared no capat but it was a great it made such a difference when I first got when I first got like the the boom mic boom arms just such a difference what’s it going to do though different so microphone arm will cut down in itself vibrations and then you know you

Can also get like I don’t know I hear people bump their desk and it just vibrates right through that arm yeah I hear that yeah but it’s not here’s my desk bump I don’t think how do I know how do I know how do I know can you hear it

Even yes I didn’t hear it I can hear it is it loud It’s muffled but it’s there we go I didn’t hear it okay that’s pretty good that’s that’s a oneup for the kleenex box honestly the chat’s going he’s got his microphone it’s microphone came out in 2008 it is an old

Mic I need a new mic probably I don’t how old your keyboard Etho why do you bring up the keyboard I don’t know the keyboard the keyboard’s fine I’ve learned to adjust to the space bar being broken okay but boy let me tell you when I was

So much where are you when I was doing decked out I was accidentally jumping all the time through that cuz my space bar broke Jing decked out it broke during decked out and everyone was making fun of me cuz I kept missing these jumps it’s like guys my

Space bar is broken here I’m doing the best I can but i’ I’ve learned to adjust to it it’s like very like I touch it and I jump like this is a touch I’m not pressing the T down I’m just touching the space this what what is

Wrong I don’t even have to click it I just have to hover my thumb over it and I I jump the spring on it is like way out of whack now can I send you a keyboard we’re not allowed to send in anything got more keyboards I like this

Keyboard because I’ve used it for forever and I know exactly where the keys are I mean the keys are in the same place in all keyboards Etho no no that’s a no that’s not true Oh Come Oh I’ve been I’ve been to an events Cleo where I I

Just I I don’t feel myself I I it’s just bad it it’s really bad oh we have to where are Cleo can you tell them where we’re at where are we um no cap hold on hold on got more these guys thanks Hypno for the raid I appreciate

That hi Hypno the other thing is you buy a new keyboard and you got the click Clocky clicky Clocky you know I I picked this keyboard because it’s quiet you know I’m just if you order it online you don’t know you don’t know if it’s going

To be a quiet one come on guys we need to go get BDubs he’s coming I went to Best Buy the other day everybody and let me tell you it’s a sad State of Affairs over there nowadays it’s my goodness we’re not nagging e though we’re neing e though there about the

World that’s how I feel about you scar had nothing going for him they just they wouldn’t help me I needed help they just had five people St who is he’s having an old man Rand about life right now oh I thought it was about Best Buy employees for some reason

It was what’s the best B what’s the best B you go to their website oh there’s all these keyboards available and then you go to the store oh you got to order them online you know what I’m I’m GNA agree with Etho there’s something really

Annoying not that I go to retail but my parents went to get some stuff at Home Depot and everything there was like a big sign order online we’ve got why did we end up here H Ren he should be in the clown train he look he’s got the suspenders everything

You just need a ballroom the hat and everything where’s Shenanigans what’s going on in my neighborhood EO tell him about your keyboard Etha I’ve had this keyboard for quite a long time okay it admittedly is getting near its end of its life tell him about the space ball still get tell him about

The space bar okay so my space bar like during decked out my space bar broke so that like the spring doesn’t go down anymore and I just like tap it and I jump so if I hover my thumb over my space bar I’ll accidentally jump all the

Time oh here he comes but I’ve kind of gotten used to it now so it’s not like I’m not accidentally jumping as much anymore so I think it’s fine hi in fact it might be an improvement cuz I don’t need to expand as much mechanical energy to beps we’ve learned great things today

About Etho that you need to help him with help him overcome first un unmute he doesn’t want to know it’s too much he doesn’t even want to know it’s too much traa hello hello I think he’s having audio issues h no oh no no never never okay we’ve learned things BDubs

Okay Etho doesn’t use a mic arm or anything he uses a Kleenex box that delicately balances his microphone and his pop filter is going with a elastic band it’s never tipped over or anything right second mhm he doesn’t have a space key okay e though I have a space I have

A space intervention time okay come onine tell the story you hit the you hit the trigger underneath the key no no no no okay so like during deck out my space bar broke where spring doesn’t really go down anymore right it’s like it’s like a solid object now the space bar right but

If I tap it like if I just hover my thumb over it I accidentally jump sometimes mhm but I’ve gotten used to it now so I you know I don’t have to press it down anymore it just works when I so it’s like it’s almost easier once you get

Used to it I want to see this so badly can can you cap read to me what the what the brand of your keyboard is it might not exist anymore but I believe it’s a Ben Q Ben Q keyboard okay Ben oh no it is a Logitech it’s a Logitech oh

Wait I I did get a new one actually when did you get a new one well it was probably a few years ago but this is newish yeah probably good 10 years you can replace it a good Christmas would have been a great time for a new keyboard little Christmas you

Know just a couple months ago straight after deck out oh I did so what in deck out how about a little self treat new keyboard yes this man one decked out with a broken keyboard so I got like a that actually makes me feel terrible like

A 2in resting pad for your palm you know on it nice a lot of keyboards now they’re like half an inch you know you got and then you got this big jump up want to ask him about all the other equipment on his on his desk right

Now and I’m terrified that I’m going to find the answer the microphone is in a Kleenex box did I hear this correctly this is correct correct correct I think this is actually genius okay and everyone’s ragging on me for it your voice your voice s it’s shock mount

Exactly it’s a free it’s a shocking Mount is what it is you you put tissue in the bottom of it it absorbs any sound right yes and I’m thinking I’ll I’m going to put a tissue over the mic and that’ll work with my pop fer I wrap it around that’s

Amazing SC I put kex box under my microphone no good no no no good you okay you have to get the right kind of Kleenex box not like just any all right so what kind of Kleenex box is it can I just say real quickly what’s the deal with Kleenex brand smelling like

Chlorine it’s gross I don’t know that’s personal problem I assume like chlorine yeah smells like this chemical smell to it don’t like it they don’t smell like chlorine here so might just be a us thing might be well you know in the UK you guys don’t put as much Shenanigans

In your things as we do here in America’s Got an and eth’s got an okay and 22.3 DB one chance 16 bit 4,000 44 100 are my settings you don’t know your settings if you ever lost them mine are written on my Kleenex box okay okay that was pretty good as there we

Go okay I’ve got to get like geez it’s not a crash X was redoing the server so X restarted the server it was just the perfect moment ah there we go that was awkward that was the perfectly cut screen moment for me it was like written on a tissue box and we’re

Gone and it’s not just a random Kleenex box I I got one that matches my desk it’s the same color it looks good is there an emotional attachment to this kenix box was it given to you byal it’s been with me for a while chat Define a while when we were

In the world in Between Worlds between the server was down um I usually when I completed a Kleenex box used throw it away how long have you had the kleenex box oh I would say since I got my new mic which I think was 2008 probably four

Or 5 years at least at this point do you just put kleenexes in the box I’m sure it’s really crumply it’s okay to lie e though yeah so the kleenex works as like an insulator right so it absorbs sound mhm genius yep B if you can’t agree with this listen I’ve got a

Grandpa can agree with anything when the underwear starts to detach from the elastic he Staples it to back together instead of so this this is nothing to me is is this B’s problem with yes anding is this just is this just what it is yes

And I have a grandpa this is this isn’t me being cheap I I’ll spend money if I can improve things but how am I going to improve the kleenex box it’s just too good better a clean Xbox oh my God it’s a clean Xbox we did the test Scar and I

Heard your thumping on your desk way more than you heard mine they both that sound the same to me they’re both here’s the thing what you know we need to go to The Unofficial Elgato spokesman impulse SV who should be sponsored by Elgato because he’s sold them thousands of

Products they they show him no love and no care and he will help help Etho pick out a great mic stand sure let’s go eth I have a question were these kleenexes the original kleenexes were they straight up kleenexes or do they smell like Pine SL strawberries they are not the scented

Type no sir no sir yeah that makes me sick I have a huge problem with scented tissues especially scented toilet paper like what is going on I don’t want a scented butt I don’t want a scented butt either I agree I have something to add but you’re not

Going to enjoy it you’re not going to enjoy it okay go on okay they make scented sanitary Tails Oh see now combine it with blood this an area and think about how it smells it’s not good exactly it’s like a deodorizer except it isn’t it just mixes with the

Blood it creates a unique pleasantries a unique cocktail of unpleasantries that is a great way to describe this particular conversation right now actually I’m glad I could bring you down to earth gentlemen oh we’re all just relating you know relating with Etho here we’ve all

Got our our Kleenex box in our lives you know I’m trying to think what’s my Kleenex box your for one thing well my mom has been telling me I need to get rid of these marasin they’re they’re AF fright and you’ve said no ium yeah yeah I have a lucky pair of

Underwear that has frayed in the below bit oh you just need to get a staple gun to speak to bdb’s Grandad that’s right yeah so so it’s basically more like a mini skirt right think about it this way so like the you know the you know the

Bit that goes around the Dance Floor like that bit the part where the legs are supposed to come together that’s gone yeah that’s gone that’s good that’s good but but you know I’ve I’ve literally had this per underwear since I was 18 and I I can’t

Ed oh my goodness okay R like now this isn’t an intervention why I I I’m not sure I want to get into this into the why it was uh sentimental value how do we say a lucky pair of underwear oh I understand oh bless you that’s so

Cute I that’s all I have SC come over this way come over this way come over this way I don’t want to know anything about his underwear I don’t ether the chat wants to know about your headphones they do what about them yeah what’s what’s the deal with them they’re

Retired see like once things get too far gone I am sensible I will retire them so what you now I just have earbuds that I I use okay rayon promo BBS bre on these leaves out of my yard oh let’s go let’s go I got my R right

Here oh I missed it I missed it d uh dab if someone if you were to tell somebody what your job was and they walked into your office they said oh so you’re not taking it seriously it’s just like a side thing I’m working right now

What are you talking about this is my job half halfhearted you know tissue box like somebody really wants to go pro they’ve got all the stands all the lights you know the room glows specific color see that’s the thing that’s the thing about YouTube like that that stuff

Comes later you got to get your videos working well before any of that I think exactly which you’re on your way you’re only like 12 years in you’ll get there eventually get figured out yeah do you at least have a decked out uh desk map for your keyboard Etha I was

Debating on getting one of those actually but then when I was actually thinking about ordering it it was out already I mean do you have a mouse I don’t we can we get a special order from T for this he won the game I have a

Mouse pad but I don’t think it makes a difference it stops Gunk getting in your mouse the whole of the I have cats Gunk kits in there anyway you disappoint me I keep my desk very clean it tango I’ll have you know I currently have my Decked Out desk mat

Here and it is delightful um one pro tip everybody Pro tip mentioned the alcohol prep pads for your shoes to clean off scuffs if you get blood on things the alcohol wipe also will take blood off I was cut badly and I got blood on my

Brand new uh Tango desat and got it cleaned up perfectly with an alcohol white Pro tip for you how did you cut yourself don’t want to talk about it wheel can be dangerous things oh okay fair enough I I P I pinched my my hand

In in the in the break and was a whole thing and did you get the maple syrup juice out of your chair wheels that took I’m not joking an hour to map syrup what I had a maple syrup accident how’ you have oh right in what

Wait what it’s a a maple syrup accident where he took the syrup and tipped it over and poured it right onto the ground no not the ground that would have actually been the easier that would have solved a lot of problems well I was having a debate Cleo about how that’s

Actually a great question Cleo would do you put um honey on your uh on your eggs oh boy no here we go okay well I’m not even going to get into it but I was having a debate about honey and syrup yeah anyway yeah don’t don’t make started on this breakfast rant again

Scar yeah I’m not going on my breakfast rant but I I I was looking at the maple syrup and I just opened the cap and I just like looked inside because it was weird because it was like is this empty or not and then did you just pour it all over

Yourself yeah it it poured down like my self it got onto my wheels and hand RS which the hand RS obviously is what you need to use to push the chair did it get on it got on the wheels so the wheels stuck to the ground and tracked dirt and

Stickiness all over oh no it it was quite a tragedy I’ll say I tried honey on eggs it was great just saying really I’m not a big fan of eggs in general but you know it was good hey as I said CLE not I like scr EGS and that’s everybody

Like them I mean they taste of egg which is the problem I mean I’ll eat them it’s like I don’t know that’s where you add the honey and it’ll transform your life clue does anybody not like cheese any of you do any of you not like cheese I know

Somebody and they were a love cheese I love cheese cheese is great cheese is good I don’t like it too sharp I don’t like Shar oh the more mature the better yeah you like that stank no I don’t like the stanky stuff I don’t like I don’t

Like blue cheese I don’t like blue cheese blue cheese is grim yeah not blue but like a nice fine line of like squishy yucky cheese and and and sharp you know there’s a very fine line of deliciousness in the center of that have you guys ever tried cheese in a

Tube we are Americans VBS and I that has happened once in our life or you talking about like cheese whz you talking about the spray cheese or cheese whiz or like is this actually like toothpaste you squeeze it and roll kind of I went to

Sweden once mhm and they s yeah now you get like toothpaste in a tube right yeah yeah we’ve got that you get cheese in a toothpaste tube with bits of bacon in it we’ve got got that that’s a added bonus right there that exists in the UK it’s called Primula Primula Primula cheese

That sounds yucky I think I might have avoided that aisle for the last 10 years you know what to be honest if you if you uh boil up some macaroni noodles and spray some of that in there and and spin it around I bet that’s pretty good you

Just do that and then you just question All Your Life Choices you it’s macaroni and cheese I supposed to be in a tube outrageous well I can say as somebody who has Swedish people in my family Sweden people in their food not good theyes you know cars Volvos are

Nice cars and they brought a portable Furniture to the basses but one thing they didn’t have was food yeah Swedish fish you know that’s redeemable but other than that isn’t it isn’t it the isn’t it the stank fish isn’t it the stank fish in Sweden that they get they call it no no

No they don’t know what it’s called but it’s just sort of like there there there’s in in the Nordic countries there is a specific kind of stank fermented fish that’s in cans sir struming yeah that’s the one song yeah thring I’d try it though would I mean

Would you guys try it I’d try it oh no no no I’ve seen people vomit from the smell never absolutely not I’d give it a bash fermented fish is off the off the table for me no yeah yeah no thank you all right I’m on my own then fermented fish alone and I’m

I’m good it was oh was it bad how did it go can you describe the experience it was probably the worst thing I’ve ever tasted is there any sourness to it what does it taste like I think it was fermented fish anyway but yeah it’s it’s really strong and really not

Good don’t know how to explain it right one thing I need to from it to to people who might know why does Hershey’s chocolate taste like that I know the answer do not do not take our Depression era chocolate andish vomit it literally tastes like

Baby PW yeah it tastes like sick is what I hear the Brit and I I think that’s correct I think that’s correct I’ve heard it’s a genetic thing they sour the milk before they use it no some people taste it different than others and to some people based on their jeans it

Tastes it tastes like baby vomit and wax that’s all I can taste of it yep that’s such a good description of it actually smells like that yeah you monsters I’m you all into Mr Mr febles or whatever what what’s going on here cpr’s people cpr’s cpr’s all the way has

Anyone have one of those Mr beasty bars or whatever he talks so highly of them but I’ve never had one my kids have had it uh best best chocolate they’ve ever had wow do you think they were ly from a a seven and NY old so they I don’t I

Don’t give them much stock because of their hatred towards cats but that’s right all right I’m going to I’m going to lay it on you guys the best chocolate M well very good for its price anyway stop it Hawaiian Sun hazelnut chocolate stuff interestings it is very good like high

Quality chocolate actually is that fruity chocolate it fruity not fruity oh if you have like um I don’t know what what it is but it’s it’s like uh Pink pink berry chocolate the chocolate is pink it tastes so fruity and it’s just delicious if you can get pink chocolate it’s great thoughts on

Turkish delight Is that real or is that just from no no it’s it’s genuinely real it’s jelly and sugar basically it’s jelly it’s it’s jelly wrapped in chocolate okay it’s jelly it should be jelly wrapped in icing sugar the chocolate was an add-on after the War interesting after the war after the war

Do you guys get do you guys get fish flavored crisps in in the the northern Americas do we get fish flavored crisps what we do prawn crackers oh but that’s just that’s okay there’s prawn crackers and there’s also prawn cocktail which is the best flavor and PRN cocktail you

Guys get prawn cocktail crisps I don’t know what supposed to taste like shrimps chips that taste like shrimps oh he got mad at me earlier for here it comes uh oh this is great SC there’s a big alert on the screen what is that is they coming from me impulse has

They at least D I think there’s at least three of us that haven’t slept for a while hey you guys you know there’s this thing yeah you can do s like hashtag rule yeah yeah we know this be a problem oh my God wait wait let us let

Us know when you don’t need anym come on he he set the status mod for him that was sweet okay thanks Dad yeah okay nice that doesn’t mean you can’t sleep just it means that it just shouts at you we were at um I think we’re currently at Jello covered in

Chocolate we and then question do it’s thicker than jell it’s thicker than Jello thicker than jell it’s thicker than Jell-O yeah okay you can feel the bite good good job inventing with that yeah good good job I mean it’s not very nice I don’t recommend it but if you want to feel

Like a Victorian near a child go nuts sure sure sure yeah all right Ruby chocolate that’s the one well done current show you’re watching Cleo uh I’m watching lessons in chemistry right now okay good mom m mom likes that too EA what are you watching I just feel bad

Nothing at the moment that’s one way to make someone feel uh during the day during work hours I’ve got during 911 Reno 911 up on the other computer or other screen now that and sometimes s my audio comes through my mic so keep it keep a distance has that problem too you know

If you mute your m a little naughty okay you know if you mute your mic what about what about BDubs at night uh BDubs at night right now I’m struggling at night um I was doing Comedians in Cars again and then I’m going through disenchanted which I’m not

Enjoying so much it’s okay yeah it’s almost like I gave you through a TV shows the other day to watch it’s okay um R what’s your uh okay that’s what this whole thing was about I got to buy Apple TV to watch those the sales I told

You you get the fre you get week three that’s what I did for listry you think I’m going to remember to shut it off there’s no way no just watch the show I I’ve already I’ve I I watched lessons in chemistry and then I just shut it

Down rent dog what are you working on the office again no lovely that’s lovely which one now when you do the office do you go like through the whole Seasons or do you like stop at certain ones cuz you didn’t like the later ones which one R I

Go through I can’t skip anything got to go from beginning to end and then it’s Brooklyn 99 afterwards Super Fan episodes the Super Fan wait what is this oh my goodness you have to watch the Super episode all the seasons are re-released with a bunch of cut scenes what so an

Episode that’s like 20 some minutes is now like 40 something minutes oh yeah there’s a lot of extra footage tons of extra you just stole another four years from my life bebs yes yes dang it do do you think they added my favorite uh deleted scene is where Michael explains

How he went hunting once there’s like a that is it’s in there yeah that is the funniest deleted scene like Michael have you ever been hunting and he goes on a story about how they wounded the deer and had to back the truck over it and

Like but why did you ask right yeah when he was firing that guy oh my God personally I think they should have stopped the whole thing when Michael left that was kind of it right like he was the he was the the rug that tied the

Room together in that shot I gave up after five to be honest yeah that’s fair season 4 there are some really good episodes the Fun Run or the jobs Fair he’s like I’m looking for a migraine work like what also had a bunch of good ones yeah it’s true I should doing another

Rewatch the office at some point go to did every year that and Lord of the Rings we’re not talking these must be watched every year I agree we’re not talking about Lord of the Rings any rested development fans yes L been recommended but not watched oh it’s good it’s very good the

Last seasons were not great but um well they did like one 10 years later that was very different is super chopped up and stuff yeah not great yeah it’s super choppy the later stuff yeah and very discombobulated also it’s very hard to follow what the heck is going on

Right I think it was like wasn’t there like something really genius about it though it all tied together at the end for some re yeah it was like some some super clever writers thing but like like you couldn’t follow it right show off mhm Cleo you never

Watched the British office either no I don’t like I don’t I I don’t like Ricky ja you don’t like Ricky ja okay well what about Michael Scott um Steve Carell uh I don’t have Netflix oh sure you’re not missing much to be honest I mean I used to have Netflix but you

Know it’s like I got rid of it I got rid of Disney plus the only thing I’m working around the only thing I’m working on right now is um that’s fair Prime like they they’ve got some actual good shows on Prime so what’s on Prime uh my favorite is marvelous Mrs

Masel which is really funny so would recommend do you get a lot of ads on there now I saw there were ads on there and I you know what Mr basos you can keep your shows nope I don’t get ads we get ads here in America isn’t that crazy like we used to

Get TV for free and now we’re paying for TV and it still has commercials isn’t that interesting how that happens mhm they got us oh I’m dropping cable I’m dropping cable and that’s what the inter that’s what YouTube’s for surely to fill up the show on now you

Have to get 20 different situation Services all with their own commercial I just I’m at I’m at the point where I just like I drop one service pick up the next one drop one watch everything and then smart and then you’re just playing for one at the time one at a time Kitty

Stop it I just watch YouTube these days I mostly watch YouTube YouTube red and you’re you’re flying oh it’s not red anymore or whatever it’s called oh here we go what is it called they put you in the I don’t know what is it now premium YouTube premium that’s the one does he

Know he’s muted ah do you think premium probably not okay should we pop him with a bow go on it’s too laggy Hawkeye is not happy this season get him get him isuma fixed it apparently really fixed it yep what did he so he did some kind of magic some kind of technological

Magic he’s looking into a chunk loader issue as well right now uhoh not ours no oh okay that’s the only chunk loader I know of yours is like temporary chunk loaders though isn’t it eth what’s that yours your your chunk loaders are like temporary on the on the minecart they’re temporary yeah yeah

Only when needed yeah hi I like these roads around here by the way this is really nice that’s false yeah FAL did these roads they’re also me that’s nice we’re enjoy we’re enjoying the uh the advantages of a a gated community I guess what are you

Saying we’re not allow here I I’m I’m not saying we don’t I’m saying we don’t have any Gates oh there you go Isco hi now it’s working I’m uh I’m lag busting I’m spark profiling I’m sorry that I can’t talk oh I see that that’s okay

Well we’re talking enough for all of us to be honest we’ve been talking about Turkish to light and Underpants you haven’t missed much E I mean when I got up I don’t know scar why is that could you rephrase that please it’s sorry never mind I’m just I’m going

To go over here okay I always Goodbye Oh can I see your villagers by the way yeah like you know where they are come on you don’t show him to me I asked do you want to go on the rail do you want to go on the rail he probably

Has I’d love to go on the rail she happening was he waiting for her no he was helping I’ve been waiting for clear this whole time and went off to do stuff that would be funny though come on scar let’s let’s go by rail sorry C come

On everybody we’re going by rail okay let’s go I’ve only got three mine carts so can you make more no we have to do a full rail I beat you oh there was a lag Spike BDubs goes by horse here I go uh sorry Etho you’re going to have to use

The uh come on E not this way ether wrong way e wait just the guy the wrong wait bye R we’re going we’re going to race scar we’re going to race there’s your iron oh he’s faster here we go uh oh CLE I’m in the way scar has bad Omen scar has bad

Omen Uhoh oh he stopped thank goodness do you have a in your top right there oh the guy with the axes yes yes I just completely drew a blank on that one okay don’t go any further scar please stop I will get this is the okay

I will get a bucket so I can’t go see The Villages not just yet let me get a bucket I’ve got cows it’s fine okay okay okay I’ll come with you that was terrifying you the milk uh well the cows wa here for the milk well

You can go down to the cows if you like you can come into this place this is fine heart attacks courtesy of scar did you just rip it open okay buckets Buck okay okay yeah yeah yeah you ripped up the floor oh no yeah just to check just to be

Safe you never know that’s great yeah that’s cool we we owed you we owed you a good set of something so oh it was wonderful is there an utter around yeah hit still didn’t get all my scaffolding back that I made but oh it’s trash it needs to be burnt

Anyway that we created um we’re anti we’re anti scaffolding yeah in thisat really okay oh okay eat those big and frats it’s like Med Medieval Times Like ignoring technology and stuff that’s cool scaffolding is one of the are you a scaffolder big time really I’m not

Decoration I’m talking use use I use it on everything it’s legitimately one of the best blocks in the game yes I hate it so much what causes this toide like I feel like some people just are so different it’s well well I think it’s an intelligence thing because people thatting of

Thereof I’m going to die put me out gonna die scar scar don’t don’t okay you got so close to the horse don’t screw around hey I have Precision accuracy and I shot your head not your horse with this leg scar with this leg can’t kill anybody with this leg don’t screw [Laughter]

Around he just threw the bucket on okay can I go see yes now you can now you can you’ve drunk milk you’re allowed okay nice oh eo’s taking your mine cart though oh I’ll just walk it walk it walk it walk it walk it wa hold on in one second Ren you know

Ren if you’re a big fan of scaffolding you’ll be able to come right back up that’s oh these scaffolders jeez [Laughter] Louise it’s like hurting cats nobody you know exactly or at least a hitchon post I’ll something thank you thank you where in the world is this going red have you

Gotten your stone yet yeah yeah but I’m not doing that I’m saving that it was bigger than my my mega base last that’s what she said um oh is this is this is this the villagers yeah saving it from a lot oh is this it later this is it for

The moment I’m going to free range them at some point how the heck are one supposed to get through here how are one supposed to get through here this is a confuser even for me that is a confuser What’s happen with this mine card it is dude I’m going to come here

It turs out the villagers it turs people out apparently whoa cool cool Etho invented a new dance the mine cart Shuffle the minecart Shuffle needs a shift key when you have the Minecraft Shuffle goodbye carts they gone they gone this is this is your villager area at the moment yes I see a

12 mening that’s lovely that’s nice that is nice this is a money maker right here no he had trouble oh no is he breeding right now is that what happened no I think he’s uh he’s being mean to me I think is what he’s doing you think do is no cuz he wanted

Night time for the villagers I think those are own CLE do you want me to kill him I always want you to kill people scar whether you should or not oh no not Etho not Etho do yes not EO he’s in a loop aop loop do we know where he is so

We could laugh at him yeah we should go take a look do you know where he’s at I don’t know where he is could be thousands of block away to be frank what how you don’t be sad I wasn’t going to kill giving me emeralds that’s my pants he’s

Wearing so uh you can go and abuse doc I need to actually do this before wow I guess we’re not cool enough I mean you can help me if you wish but I don’t say we have to do be productive Cleo that’s I know I’ve only spent two hours talking to you

Guys I do actually have to go push some snow you’re the one who got me all procrastinating you’re the one who late there’s not there’s not many hours of sunshine left here why you like this scar why don’t you want me to be happy what oh sometimes you wanted to

Stop the mine cart just in case this isn’t set up right you know the other end I have a mine cart to get home uh sure well I’m going home via mine cart as well but you can have that one have no means of getting home you

Can only go in how what yes okay cool cool PBS yeah now that eo’s gone yeah let’s go clean a little weird chug chug chug CH D but weird on why is your one faster than my one I don’t know uh we need a mine cart system Ren around the neighborhood

Yeah yeah we do particularly to like you know the corales end of the neighborhood cuz it’s a long way friend I’m having difficulties we do need some proper Transport Systems around here maybe like a subway system would be oh Subway would be nice Subway would be great oh put a

Tube in this thing oh got hang on hang oh no uhoh you need to stop you’re taking my mic out with you [Laughter] no this has gone terrify Mon Mon Mon gone terribly have they gone we lost them all we’ve lost them all oh they gone look at them they

Look they’re going up the roller coaster I’ve got to go get them back now they got stuck halfway up oh God okay fine absolute chaos but yes we need a subway subway would be good yes this is a lot of Wheat by the way that suddenly I have the hay bale

Permit oh you do have the ha hay bale permit hot guy trying to snipe scar why why you do this to me did ask Ren to help that is true well I’m going to Yeet myself this way thank you sop for the two 200 blies and says thanks for comedic

Entertainment and blocks ruin me has subscribed welcome to the hord if you look to your left and to your right you’ll see there are no exits what what are oh they just seeds ah X never change here we go Zoom is up after his bedtime telling me doc has 100 in a

Hole Yeah my have handful isn’t going to be a problem I don’t think okay huh right now we should be fine there we go shout out to your to my mods are great uh Bazinga be bitty says love these streams great stop that’s Ren I did not leave the gates

Open for the love of Pete I’m blaming scar for this cuz it’s probably Scar’s fault green came back he often does I’m trying I’m trying to ignore people right now how are we doing everybody this is past my stream time and I’m still going to be doing these things so I might as

Well keep on going um who’s bamboo beef I think anyone’s bamboo beef I always mean to beef yesterday he found I told him today and it it got a lovely hearty that was you just vibing in a mine cart y it’s just how we roll here already catch I’m not usually

Streaming this late so that might be a reason to pay attention to it I am doing better I’m doing great at the moment I I I I’m not doing 100% but I do feel so much better here we go okay right what do I have right so fortune and

Loyalty I don’t have loyalty and I have a fortune feather falling four you good sir you’re coming on a magical carpet ride with me it’s a magical mystical [Applause] tour and We we put one down we take this away and then and then we dump a mine cart here Hey where’s the other mineart there it is let’s go we’re coming behind you friend please sleep please sleep please sleep thank you Joe word of warning to anyone thinking

You try the mods patience when you get banned you can’t watch either yep got to go cook a squash like you see squash means something different here in the UK but I understand you mean G kind of squash but enjoy your squash JT the Minecraft rail St is is definitely just

Chill it’s to keep them from moving I think uh the uh the the thing the rail the uh Magma Cube I think it’s to try and stop them pathing but like I say I want to try free range villagers um so that shouldn’t be an issue villagers lives lives of really

Roller coasters between prison CS like I say I want to try free range villagers because I just feel better about that being a thing oh that’s a lag Spike honestly I don’t think 12 villagers is going to be the problem of the lag not when Doc’s got 100 in a

Hole vich mod is so good thank you uh it is done by the uh estimable mother Lyra who is awesome and kind and generous it’s worth doing the whole V i’ I mean I’ve done Villages like in C Five I was the first person to get mending that was when mending was just added and I didn’t know what the heck that was so no sir no let’s close those ones I know they can’t get out from there but still the question is where did he go sir

Sir oh hi you get to choose your hole you’ve chosen that one good good good good well I mean I don’t care you pick one pick one okay cool well chosen enjoy your the rest of your life what do you have you have feather falling and efficient 5 sir

Sir you are a God among men off we go that guy was perhaps the easiest one so far absolutely he was very good he gets a gold star it’s always fun to make the villagers their own homes and give them like little names and stories and decorate their homes to make them

Actually live in yeah I mean I want a free range Village so that when we get like raids and stuff and uh there’s no problems effic that’s why he’s efficiency 5 yeah I mean you know that efficiency 5 is expensive yeah but when CB’s providing all your emeralds not a

Problem have to Wrangle villagers again this later with SE I don’t know if they’re going to be over writing trades um but I guess we’ll see don’t get on the line piggy do you know what we do to Pork the gets on the line eat it Zumo only just dismantled his pump

King and melon farm into a spawn chunks yeah I’m getting rid of the villagers in the spawn chunks partly because of lag uh and mostly because cob told me to so Village napping is only okay if you give them hole in Elon like I feel like

I should name the villagers so like name them like after their tra after the whatever their trade is so mending should be like fix a Joe you know stuff like that and like efficiency should be all I don’t know and only slightly because you only

Slightly because I did not want to to do all the work in villagers I just renamed them after the best book trade but you you see how that’s dehumanizing right and feather falling should be worly Co hi Joe hi Cleo how are you I’m all right

How are you good seems like you got some pretty hot feet there on account of the magma uh-huh might want to watch those toes I’m good oh that seems like a phone oh yeah sorry that was my alert to remind me to wake up from my nap I think I

Might be getting sick Oh yeah I’ve just got out of that myself so I understand it’s not great I hope you feel better No [Applause] TI okay get you are you only moving the book ones yeah yeah okay cool cuz I really only need the lapis one I I really only need the book ones gotta and if I say I’m moving them out for for lag purposes it’s not true but I’m going to

Say it anyway yeah well we are supposed to be does I’ll see you later if you press shift you won’t take damage on I know bye Joe thank you fure Featherstone Hall oh I like that that’s that’s good I’ll never remember it but uh never gladed to be in a long-distant

Relationship when there’s viruses honestly like the last few days I have been really very sick in a there was definitely some kind of virus but I’m not sure if it was exacerbated by my feeling completely run down efficiency should be steeve from accounting I like it I like

It glad he learned his lessons about mouth flapping in first person puppets are creepy i w feeling so like I’m in that I’m in that period of time between feeling ill and when you’re feeling mostly better but you you remember how sick you were so you just feel so much

Better you know it’s it’s at that point where it’s just sort of like yeah no this is this is this is just how it works I feel like I’m probably going to need more villager places nothing like that first day feeling like I say I don’t think I’m

100% but I think I’m getting there and this is this is going to work for me was that an arrow a scar shooting at me was that an arrow it felt like that was an arrow chronic illnesses are like that yeah like I’m in the middle of a a flare

Up I’m not going to go into too many details because that’s private uh but uh um I’m in the middle of a flare up well I’m just getting over a flare up and pick a side any side I’ll push you this one um but yeah I just kind of got over a flare

Up you get in a hole or I’ll put you in a hole perfect chosen Tada and now don’t you need to grab the fortune guy thought you already did looting not Fortune yeah I’ll I’ll get all of them don’t worry don’t worry they’ll all get them I’m just picking like the best ones

That way if doc murders them whilst I’m in the process then um like a a flare up is something my spoony mates talk about like my chronic condition is chronic in the time that it is not that it’s constant but that it’s reoccurring that’s what where my chronic condition is there are times

Where I don’t suffer from it at all but when I have a flare up I suffer from it so a lot of the time I’m perfectly fine but when I’m not perfectly fine I’m oh piggy you’re risking things piggy um but yeah no when I do have a flare up I

Have to be careful is all I’m saying really I see what you did there orabi tiger can I Rush chip by says you don’t need to grab the fortune guy oh you cheered bites for that okay yeah thank you got something like that I do you

Realize how great it is to be healthy when you know what it’s like not to be healthy like don’t get me wrong I don’t think my thing like here’s the thing a lot of people who have chronic conditions have a chronic conditions in the it’s all the time mine is simply I’m

Going to deal with it the rest of my life you know So I don’t like to compare it to people who have like other chronic conditions because I feel like I get a lot of leeway in mine um so I don’t so calling it a chronic condition kind of bothers me a little bit because I feel like I’m

Taking away from other people with more serious issues so you know which is probably not true but you know it’s just the way life is it’s just how we feel about things sometimes okay when conic flareups use rubbling oil alongside with hot baths really depends on what you should what your chronic condition

Is what are you fair okay I’m going to take the Unbreaking guy next cuz that is one that I think I will use a lot yeah yours is 100% the time and they never yeah I get you I trust me I get you mine is very much when it’s bad it’s really

Bad okay my friend I’m going to ye you into the wall for a second don’t mind me thank you here we go pip is broken at the moment but let’s move on to something else because a lot of people don’t come here for this they come here to get away from this and

Everyone put your hands in the air put your hands in there like you just don’t care and say it with Me it’s the larian shuffle on Rails yay escapism I’ve got to get rid of all the rails as well cam ran says hands up hands up yay I do like myself a roller coaster and we go oh lean back and then and then it’s a flat it’s a flat this is

The worst roller coaster skap him is only way I live yay yay not traa woohoo hope you’re feeling better I am so much better at the moment I’m not 100% but I am just riding on the Bliss that is not feeling like I want to die and not having my insides turn themselves

Inside out from every orifice escapism is how I found hermitcraft a year ago glad to be here glad to have you like honestly like I still don’t know how I got quite this lucky to have everyone on This Server kind of have your back um like I feel let’s call it

Blessed although I don’t quite believe in that sort of stuff no it’s escaped the mine car has Escapist I’ll take that so would you like to pick a hole any hole pick a hole any hole this one this one thank you it’s appreciated that you were there

So readily and you didn’t fight with me cuz fighting is bad but now you’re going to have to get back in your hole coming for the background noises well I so that’s fair it’s consistently good regardless of topic honestly the topics are the best and you have Unbreaking projectile

Protection and lure which is not one of mine so I can’t use that personally okay let’s find out what happened to that mine cart More here about sounds like you got a very good and supporting community in Herra I mean like any kind of group we have our ups and downs but most like for the most part the Hermits are incredibly accepting and caring um and you know it’s it’s like they’re supportive but not invasive you

Know no caps Shield I supect everyone who wants the lure enchant will all already fish it up I suspect you are correct uh from the few interactions on Twitter I’ve had yeah yeah I need to speak to Gan about The Mending enchant the thing that we need to

Do it’s great to see all the interactions between people and that’s just stuff the stuff on cam like honestly the stuff off camera is usually uh either very similar or not that I mean that conversation we had um just on the planes a a minute ago um

That’s fairly standard Fair um for all of us isan bites thank you very very much I’m not going to take his mending book um he’s asked me to do something in relation to it so I need to do a thing with grian when we’re both online cuz me and G

Don’t like we don’t overlap he’s either on very early or very late and I never seem to sort of overlap with him okay so what are you you’re a toolsmith don’t want you okay um depth strier is depth Strider one of mine it is sir you are one of mine sorry

Kitty I moved and I shocked my kitty everybody take a drink you are thirsty so am I okay right let’s I need to do some work with my tools a bit boop boop and then we eat from afar there we go where’s my C their car I am aware that I might start

Needing um to put in more cells in a minute get some sleeps get some sleeps enjoy have a good evening God the hydrates always want me to take a honestly like I don’t drink enough so having them there helps a bunch like we’re just chilling now I’m good Cameron self-promote yeah yeah cam

Is allowed to promote because I keep on telling them they should the mods do a bang up job so does cam cam is responsible for all of my overlay stuff I mean not like the vtuber and everything but all like the the the bits at the top of the screen you know

That sort of stuff stretches are great for un shrimping yourself yeah speaking of which stretch the hi rate the outfit really with those early 80s outfits I mean like if you Google 8s outfit I mean like the thing that this was based off on is probably on that

List it’s your first time streaming Cleo hi welcome the dairy is bad no dairy’s Cool D is cool thank you BDubs knew I could count on you I was questioning for a second your lactose intolerant yeah so C that’s not stopped them oh Jesus hi scar Raiders thank you for comaling down

We’re just chilling doing our Minecraft things uh just be warned all caps gets deleted and so is more than five raid emotes hey um if you’re you’re asking a a serious question right now now is not the time you might have to ask it again later thank you for coming over scar go

Take care of yourself go eat your food drink your drinks and there is the rage noise coming in nope oh every time every every time okay pick a hole you’ve picked this one sir sir sir the salad bar is not open today uh please please get in to your hole your pre-designated

Hole what are we up to the gz’s crime move move move oh I hate these things so much you just okay you sir you come here what are you you’re depth straight up like I don’t need you a whole lot come on move place the Lecter fight come into the

Hole you were nearly there you were nearly there you were nearly there you were nearly there I will end you sir so if I place the lecton you think he’s going to come over to it so if I push him can I push him over oh I can there we

Go okay thank you whoever suggested this um okay everyone breathe everybody breathe when are you pasting a new video when it’s done okay I’m going to have to probably make some more um uh what we call we’re not calling cells are we containment units containment Units let okay let’s go find where the other mine cart is it’s probably on that flat B safety Cubbies villager safety holes fun pods workstations cubicles like the plan is to make them free range at some point I don’t know when that’s going to be or how it’s going to

Be or going to happen here we go and then we’re going to name them things like uh a loyalty enchantment could be named your buddy Fred cuz he’s loyal you see love my V my vtuber was designed by Kish Doodles and it was the 3D part of

It was done by mother Lyra they are both awesome do recommend links are down in the description so I have two of these this one this outfit and then another outfit I’ve been trying to think about um what I’m going to do like outfit wise

This season and I think I might just be myself which is uh info panels that’s what they’re called Steve from accounting is efficiency yes call call who call my friend Barry the hand tracking is so world I have hands all the better to hold you with my dear

Etc x3d v m and myself I say they’re both honestly I was so pleased when they both agreed to do like I chose Kish because had done some fan art of me and I was just like that’s how I see zombie Cleo um in my head that’s how I see me

And then um so I was really excited to get like the Design Concepts from Kish and then I was just I then I was with Lyra and it was like like Lyra cuz I I’d already spoken to Kish before I was I was like pretty convinced that they were

Going to say yes but when Lyra said yes I was just giddy I was giddy um so yeah like me me and Kish had already said we need to work together and was just like absolutely we do do I have sweeping Edge I do not so I’m not

Taking sweeping Edge I’ve got silk touch uh do I have aqua affinity a aqua affinity I do have aqua affinity aqua affinity is is coup’s goal no that’s not right okay it is a very good V I agree it is the best for it cuz it is

Mine and that’s just how this works like if you don’t think the thing that repres presents you as the best then what are you doing with your life okay we’ll try that one again I’m sorry bro I am sorry bro that’s going to hurt me in the future is

It you don’t get to talk to anyone don’t you dare okay we do it from here there we go let’s go get this one hi Joe hi I’m sorry bro is far I do feel bad about that one that one probably should have taken a bit

More care with him off you go my friend don’t discust me with your friends rigging the model to work with tracking is Quite a feat especially this c yeah like like Lyra is like a professional which is why I went with Lyra very talented would recommend in the future

I’m going to mute myself so I’m not on hot mic um like setting things up suggested lra for a reason yeah cam showed me Lyra stuff and I was just like o I’d like to try that and then I did also Lyra is a great person they are

Lovely would the Avatar never glitch off like a filter would it seems like no because what’s happening right now and I can explain this because I’m on a magical carpet ride um is that I have uh a camera that’s connected to to a output source which is which is the vtuber

Model so the camera controls the vtuber model the vtuber model is what is captured so um on the on a program and then that’s put into my thing so there is a level between camera and thing so it’s not a filter I mean if it if if if I walk away it loses

Tracking so and my hands have their own separate camera which is around my neck about here had no idea that the Avatar like the Avatar is me I’m controlling the avatar look I can put my hand up here go um that’s me that’s me model also has funny it does have

Funny eyes I’ve not got the program sorted out because I’m still working in chaos office connect avatars were vtubers uh the tuber part suggests um video so if you weren’t in video it wasn’t technically a vtuber but it was a virtual Avatar oh hi oh you are a snot in you

Go oh you you think you’re smart do you clever huh think you’re clever you’re not clever we can do this the hard way all the hard way in fact there’s just the hard way there we go I hate you aqua affinity you specifically suck where’s BDubs what’s wrong with BDubs what’s wrong with

BDubs what times of crimes are we committing theft kind of crimes in the fact that they’re technically illegal but shouldn’t be I mean technically we are um kidnapping but in an underground railroad kind of sense just tried to MLG in a snow biome and the water instantly froze yep what

Are the odds quite high if you’re in a snow biome actually someone on my fiance visa Discord earlier asked can we work illegally I mean yes you are physically able to but if you’re caught oh that’s going to go bad for you we lag busting yeah sure it’s Rosaria has sub subscribed

Welcome to The Horde if you look to your left and to your right you’ll see there are no exits there is cake today actually there’s ice cream today doesn’t happen very often but today I bought ice cream true story going to eat it after this uh because I

Can we homing to a better place in the future like I do want to try this whole like free range thing no cap what flavor ice cream um I got Hazelnut and chocolate where’s the ice cream God I hope it’s in the freezer if it’s not in the freezer I got a problem

Okay right what do I need sweeping Edge silk touch I’ve got a silk touch one up there so that doesn’t bother me um Fortune I guess I guess we’re doing fortune next okay we take this away from you thank you sir sir you’re being difficult now I

Have to do this so I don’t hurt you have you tried not being difficult sir there we go thank you for your cooperation you should trade one all the way up since each Giza can have three or four book trades like honestly these have been traded with

Plenty this is this is these particular villagers not a problem what’s your favorite on mint ice cream oh I love mint mint Cho chip ice cream is one of the best flavors I do like hazelnut as a flavor but only with something else usually chocolate I like coffee ice cream I

Don’t like coffee like I have um too many T like I have more than average amount of taste buds and now people say people call that being a super taster it’s horrible because bitter flavors you just taste too much uh um so like things like coffeee are foul things like brussel sprouts are

Vile you know so you have to um you have to be reasonable with it you know it just it’s just oh it’s just nasty just nasty do you like pistachio ice cream pickles can’t eat pickles anything sour or bitter flavor it’s like it’s not fun I don’t like it it

Um like can’t eat lemons like like you know how people just eat lemons like raw from like their drinks of coke can’t do that tastes vile um onions are okay so long as they have been left to rest a little bit um but yeah no like that whole thing

Is because I’m technically called a super taster just means I can taste lots of things what it really means is that I can’t eat a lot of things because they taste FL there is a hole for you sir right over here no no no no no no no no no no no ow

Didn’t even know that was possible right let’s get Criming come on Sir like sir crime we’re criming today thank you for criming appropriately you do need to get back a little bit sir thank you appreciated you my friend are one of my favorites fortune favors the brave me I’m brave so the sour beans are like here’s

The thing sour jelly beans specifically aren’t sour they’re sweet it’s just an experience for me like sour jelly beans is just sit tric acid if if it gets too sour then I don’t like it but you know uh it is what it is we live in a world we live in a

Society is this the Community Village or say Center or just for clear this is I have S tier books um so in order to sell s TI books I’m taking I’m seizing the means of production as it were this is legal I’m vertically integrating there is some integration going on truly British

Yeah I’m doing war crimes let’s make another two7 at the back here um magma blocks like these 12 isn’t going to be an issue on the hermitcraft server not when other people have hundreds it’s not war crimes it’s j regular crimes I didn’t say war crimes we’re liberating what’s your favorite type of

Quisine uh I’m a big fan of Chinese food I likes me some Chinese food okay and then it’s down here oh maybe not it’s for you sir sorry sir you get to stay in the luxury apartments okay got two more probably got more than two to be

Fair probably got another four but we’ll figure it out giving Villagers houses jobs like I say I’m planning to free range them it’ll be fine problem with one block thick walls is one lightning strike can turn up to Five Witches I guess what we’ll have to do is

Put in some lightning rods I can do that in fact I can do that now okay buy singular piece of wheat in my magical mystal Wheat Field let’s go get some copper uh lightning rods we’ll put them in granted we don’t have a lot of weather on the server cuz people sleep it

Off so you know how it do doy be pretty shocking if it happened yeah I mean it would be very rare but you know rare doesn’t mean anything uh copper oh I got a lot of crud let’s get rid of the crud okay lightning rods let’s do six of them I’ll do that

When when we go back wether can happen with people AFK people are unlikely to AFK over there the only person who is likely to is Cub but you know he knows the villagers are there my Engineering Building look hey thank you I I really am I do like the fact

Like I do like the multi- level kind of it my server’s villager trading Hall got hit through a wall it sucked yeah that does suck everybody take a drink you are thirsty so am I what the chances at thunderstorms before you get back from minimal very

Minimal I use a texture pack that makes the rain look nicer and sound better the rain I don’t like the look of so I have like like I have the I have weather turned off swap ministers with X no cuz I’m not making a community trading Farm I’m

Making a Cleo trading Farm cuz I have St BS clam likes the rain clam can like the rain this quite it is quite a mine cart Journey yes the fact that Cub got this done within half an hour is truly impressing where’s the hand of your avatar oh it’s picking up the microphone

It’s picking up the microphone there you go I just moved it off to one side and now I’m going to move the tracker to one side okay I don’t have sweeping Edge do do have silk touch Infinity is mine sharpness is mine let’s get I know that there is a silk touch

Book down the hall I do like in Cubs thing if I needed it um so let’s get infinity Boop it twist it pop it lock it Boop it Boop okay we’ll go far there we go thanking you sir thanking you kindly off we go oh he’s going to be a way away from

Me I think oh he’s he’s close enough he’s close enough everybody put your hands up and say we we’re wearing the athletic wearing you dangler let’s get and the first thing that hits my Let’s get physical physical going to get physical let’s get into physical let me

Hear your body songs that not about what people think most people think they are um do you have plans for Mega base yet no I’m not doing Mega bases Mega bases are old old news boring done what one isn’t what no it’s about adult things yes the

So let’s get physical is not about working out really sir how dare you oh this is going to be bad it was used to yeah it was all used in most Jazz asiz scenes etc etc we’re not going to talk about it I don’t know who L Jam which is just

Hands I’m sorry why are these pigs fast I don’t think they can cross Rail lines Mega bases are out getting a llama to spit at you so you get pushed into magma blocks in like there there’s there’s someone that I watch on YouTube um who just listens to old songs

And it’s like oh they were talking about other things you sir were very kind I appreciate you the infinity person has been my favorite so far that’s a good boy yeah a lot of old songs don’t hold up as well as you’d think they would is there a reason for that signal

Mud block to be different yeah I didn’t have uh bricks in my hand at the time no like honestly I think Mega bases are like I think we’ve gotten out of out of the the feeling for it like it’s like we just want to do stuff and not have it last 78 episodes

We just want to do a thing and then do another thing and then do another thing so for example my Village like I’ve done one house it’s not finished yet but when it’s finished I’ll move on to the next thing it’s not that it’s a stale meta it’s

Just that we’re bored we want to do cool stuff and not be limited by the got to finish my mega base like old school goth or industrial I don’t actually listen to a lot of music um music doesn’t seem to affect me the way it does most of the most people like

I like Qui and I would 100% rather sit in silence than than anything else and arra raided thank you very much for coming over it’s appreciated I like yeah music is requir in the 5,000 other thoughts I can’t focus with music on I just can’t um if I’m doing something mindless

And repetitive like what I’m doing now if I wasn’t streaming i’ I I could listen to like a TV show or a movie or something not a teacher anymore an ex teacher that likes quiet I have t like when I had um ringing in my ears not tinitus because like I

Mean not like proper tinitus um when I had ringing in my ears I uh I can understand why it would make you cry cuz it made me cry and only had it for three days cuz I had an ear infection you know uh like having an ear infection not

Fun did that turn on it did not there we go good evening sir I will be your rescue vehicle tonight or maybe not doc put seems to have put you on a path block okay this is going to be fine sir this is going to be fine I’m going to I’m

Going to ask you to come through this way oh no um through there you know what bro I’m for it I get you thank you sir I appreciate you I get it I get it I’ve got a lot of respect for you sir not that I’m going to stop you from uh

Going on a journey into the outer Wilds respect a chancer I do I do like enough respect uh I have a lot of respect for you guy I want decided to go free range early we’ll get there we’ll all get there sir so anatha thank you for the

Eight uh 18mon resub hi raiding with loves thank you very much it’s very much appreciated he saw his chance he took it I would have done it as well I mean I can’t I can’t blame him does carpet even work I’ve tried it for killing par thing no luck

Um I think it has to be on top of a fence post but honestly wrong person wrong person to ask I am not the person you want to talk to when it comes to uh Minecraft mechanics like honestly I I am like not the person you want to talk to about building or

The person I am for Minecraft is if you want to talk about armor STS that’s the person I am in Minecraft you know I’m that person also spoke to the people of the armor Posen mod and they said that doing a slider for sizes shouldn’t be that too much of

A difficult ask so we might be able to expand and contract The Entity things in game so using the entity stuff so armor poser is good armor poser is a fabric mod so if your server isn’t running fabric uh you can’t use it but it is a v

Good they added a ton they added all the things that I said that they should add and you know are you in there already bro bro you see what I’m doing here you can’t okay it’s having a moment yeah thank you you are appreciated uh I will not add it the

Patron server because of the fabric issue everybody would need to install Fabric and I am not explaining fabric to everybody no offense I am not explaining how to do a fabric client to everybody on my server I respect push too much to do that I mean it’s not that a fabric server is

Difficult cuz it’s not it’s quite easy in fact it’s just there are 80 people and making and hiding that beside something they can’t activate immediately is a bit of an issue you know okay the book does the job well enough at the moment yeah yay Mr bisco developed armor poser

For Forge and fabric at the same time uh I don’t know what that means cuz my patrons only run we we don’t run anything on our client specifically but my server admin is pushp the person who first made the book for my server so you

Know it’s kind of like oh also Mr bisco hi when are you going to end when you are going to end the stream you should go and make chaos everywhere I don’t have the time or the energy for isn’t fabric server compatible with vanilla clients nope very impressed with them what the

Mod is great I just show I showed it off earlier in the Stream like one of the first things I did I have gone on for a very very long time this is now Hour 4 of a 2hour stream uh but we’re blaming Scar and Etho for that

Okay very tired but the mod is is superb and I’m so pleased that all the things that I said could you do this and this were added in with like no questions no questions I mean there was a little bit of a why at the at the click and scroll

But I don’t think it was a a kind of we’re not going to it is just sort of like didn’t think that would be needed but okay and there shy hi and the other half of the AR mod and they are good and and I shall

Have to try and remember to VIP you uh at some point but I’m not going to do it now I’m I’m too focused on the villagers villagers need doing oh yeah this this happened this was a thing oh separate Forge and fabric versions we’re partners in crime okay that makes

More sense that makes more sense to me now um okay who we got we got silk touch I do not own sweeping Edge the sweeping Edge is not mine on my tear so I’m Gonna Leave You here sir Um human trafficking you can Too okay Pap just this one this is the last one marcore our played sour oh now I get to eat a sour Jelly Bean thank you don’t know how many times I wish the data pack could have a better UI in than the book now it do

Well the data pack doesn’t but the mod does 3 two 1 thank you Mara I’m quite hungry actually oop this is the last One sir to freedom for me but you know also eventually for you tells me I need this in Minecraft and I’m forced to make it that makes sense honestly what I want when uh 20.5 comes out is to have the scale on the armor stands um so you can shrink them

Down really small and you can make them really big because like having giant objects is going to be like so good for like advertising and um statue work because like making statues will be so much easier what’s my favorite pizza topping I’m a pepperoni person um

Free to work for eternity in the trading Hall uh but they they also get their own place eventually giant armor stands fake blocks this is true honestly making a regular sized block a Minecraft oh that leads to puzzles that leads to puzzles okay making like getting a block on a Minecraft head and

Then making it so it’s the size of a regular block means you you can do jumping puzzles oh my God oh my God that’ll be so cool that’ll be so cool isan has gifted five Subs to the community thank you thank you feel like the bees are too big in

Vanilla yep like the entity SC sizeer like if you had a mod for it could now scale them clear excited about jumping puzzles well I’m not going to do them but I can I can do them like other people can invent them and I can have things where you just fall through

Holes trading wh more like trading hell I mean you’re not wrong you’re not wrong and now the worst part happens oh no no no no nope just stop and out you go thank you rude sir sir in you go and once you’re in you know what happens and then I come

In and then just this one down why didn’t I do this before and then what I do is I do this and there you go we have a silk touch excellent excellent choices everybody you suggested it probably did you know I’m not I’m not saying you

Didn’t I’m just saying that like I’m not going to remember that okay okay right let’s start with uh fixing this place up making sure that the horrible things that you said were going to happen don’t happen happen uh which involves spawn proofing chaos time no I don’t have

Chaos energy in me right now I have I got my job done I did it adequately and now I get paid or rather I I get to to to do other things with my life okay Let’s uh how am I going to do this why didn’t I bring the hay Bell box

Here that’s interesting uh oh isan gifted five Subs to the community thank you that’s really nice of you twice didn’t you do that a little while ago thank you thank you so much that’s so nice of you and Halo storm has subscribed Welcome to The Horde look to

Your left and to your right you’ll see there are no exits why are you looking for exits what could you possibly need exits for you’re trying to get away oh no no that won’t do that won’t do at all I love seeing the hands during the

Welcome speech I tend to talk with my hands but you know we okay let’s put on some copper rods so if I if I do lightning rods up here and then just do a sort of similar thing on either side is that good enough do I have to care

More cuz I don’t think I can I don’t think I can care more guys cam gift is a sub to Mr bisco thank you thank you honey it’s appreciated cam is my other half for those of you who don’t know ch ch we got ourselves a hop train

Hop train training all the H to be awesome it’s a tough job but someone has to do it wow wow I felt that in my soul cam what little I have of one okay Cam is definitely blessed I go that far like this is enough right this is

Enough and isan gifted 10 Subs to the commun wow thank you and Helo storm gifted five Subs to the community my goodness guys thank you oh we doing is this what we’re doing is this what we’re doing whil clean Cleo cleans up is either of these empty you’re kind

Of empty like I’ll take you with me we’ll put like the rails and stuff let’s let’s let’s put like things in the other chests like my flowers and stuff let’s put those in the other chest oh my Gideon uh PUK gifted a sub to her media

And mad hump gifted five Subs to the community thank you guys might be nice I don’t I don’t trust this this this feels wrong an evil and Sinister I like it quite a lot actually all right let’s do this let’s clean up let’s get stuff back for Cub cuz Cub

Deserves it for everything he’s done for us cuz he’s done like so much like what tool does lever is lever axes no it’s just anything gotcha Blues Clues yeah yeah this is a thing I’ve also got a door of the Explorer bit emote as well cuz I am a child but not

One of my own era let’s be honest or isn’t a tool thre go why you know what I’ll get rid of the blocks later right now we’re just we’re just doing this cuz this is on my own property I can clean it up after stream have I just left a whole bunch

Of I have I have oh that annoys me so much do I have any in the water I don’t actually that’s amazing I went too fast I dug too deep long live the Redstone torches unfortunately they’re just levers leave your AAS no why you got to be no why

A few lost rails is whatever I mean yeah but might end up being quite a lot of lost rail I don’t like losing rails cuz they’re not technically mine the levers are mine so you know they’re whatever but you know the rails are technically cups and this bridge probably should be fixed as

Well why do we need to collect the rails to hide evidence of our crime oh jeez hi skis hi we’re just cleaning up evidences of crime here H uh me me and uh Cub mostly me at this point but Cub did all the railway networks uh we have uh stolen dog’s

Villagers so uh sh we’re doing crime you’re not the only one committing crimes there are rails in the water oh no whatever will I do I don’t have enough rails there’s not enough iron in the world for us to suffer these swings and arrows of Outrageous Fortune villager trafficking be

Wild my plan is to rescue said villagers okay that’s the plan they’re going to be free range villagers never done it before never seen it done before but I’m going to do it I don’t know how I’m going to do it but I am okay let’s get rid of this

Bridge turning into Ren dog like Ren isn’t the only theater kid guys I’m a theater kid too cuz I don’t I don’t do it as much as renders gem has done free R well then you understand rescue more like under ownership look I’m the one with the book trades

Okay I’ve got to make it profitable I don’t like Queen of trash at all I mean it’s it’s whatever you know h i mean queen of trash is fine I don’t like there are other things I could be more bothered about like Ren being in charge for one which is not

Whatever like I’ll be honest I don’t tend to pay attention to people’s videos when they do villager trading cuz it Doesn’t interest me because they’re making money off it and I’m not but now I’m the one that gets to make the money I also probably should speak to Cub

About getting the book trades that I do not have we’ll leave that there as a secret surprise that we’ll get to later I’m not going to get to it I’m just going to leave it there like honestly like so many people just mess with beef at this point it’s becoming a neighborhood

Tradition he didn’t get all the signs I did for him yesterday either w w should wax them probably just don’t have the energy at the moment mainly escal I mean honestly uh escal is just pure troll I am only part roll um you can’t not mess with the honestly I

Mess with false first and then I mess with beef um but I guess we’ll see if false actually notices and then I mess with jeev so I mean he will just blame iscal at this point it’s like it’s not it’s not fair but it’s true part but honestly when I get into

Gremlin mode I just I am just oh Cub why Cub why why let’s get rid of this more okay let’s just get rid of this as we’re go right beef just rolls with it and then bam Pay Pack I mean yeah like honestly uh beef is pretty chill about most things

Um I like hanging out with beef beef beef is has got my sense of humor um but he’s he’s he’s less bitingly sarcastic he’s more observationally sarcastic I think that’s a fair assessment of where our our paths differ log I booped out the screen we’re nearly there guys we’re nearly there I mean

Like like him and skis have a very similar uh sense of humor and me and beef have a very similar sense of humor actually I think me and skis have a very similar sense of humor as well but he’s a bit nicer about things do the levers not count as evidence they

Do but I’ll get to them when I get to them let’s just get rid of all the all the rail tracks oh I have got to how many rails did he use how many rails must a man walk down before you can call him a conductor the answer is at least one

More going to lose all the levers I I don’t care about the levers I made them from sticks I don’t care about the lever okay that’s all of them okay we we’ll take the levers out you know what we’ll take the levers out and what we’ll do is we will simply

Uh I’m going to try and keep all the books though so I mean I don’t need this mine cart so I’ll take the mine cart out six and so make bones but sticks and stones may power my rails but wood would never hurt me H interesting should put TNT on some

They’re all powered on so no oh no I think I don’t I don’t I don’t think I will I don’t I don’t think I will good sir I sense some people are breaking the rules and the mods say just typed rules in chat oh better read the rules if you don’t know the

Rules and before you say most of them are common sense you’d be surprised at how many times we’ve had to tell people stop it for those reasons which is why they rules how far did you guys move them I mean I want to say not far but comparatively probably a relatively large distance

Health and safety find common sense is not all common hence the rules the Big Book of Rules it’s not really that big to be fair it’s just people have tried my patience more times than I can count and and then said well it wasn’t in the

Rules oh no it’s going to be now the first rule is don’t be a dick but let’s make this explicit shall we there’s things like do not drink on bleach bottles yeah are you feeling better I am feeling so much better than I have been in these last few

Days it’s we’re at that point of just like Euphoria because you feel so much better after being really sick I really love your V thank you mother Lara and Kish Doodles couldn’t have done it without them they are the MVPs MVPs of my face my

Face I like that I can just follow the the the trail of rail Lyra streams often uh she streams model making um yeah go go sub to Lyra if you’re interested in models or uh D and D of any kind Common Sense meant anything we not

Lead a law and prison service to be Fair you tried convincing ether of getting a vtu why would you need a vtuber doesn’t stream IR Christian make a model no it’s fine for one there is a a top limits to the screen um my hair kind of hits the top sometimes so the hat would not fit on

Unless I made my model smaller and then what’s the point of a model this computer stiff this year as old you thinking someone can spend thousands on a YouTuber yeah it’s not going to happen like what would he use it for and why like genuinely speaking I’m like

That doesn’t seem like something that ether would use oh this is on my property I’m done now we’ll figure stuff out like it’s it’s like it’s like saying like I was going to try and making a thing and then I a reference and I was

Just like no too tired I’m too tired I was trying I was trying to metaphor and it ended badly let’s give cup a shy box let’s put the rails in it oh let’s sleep sleep got a sheep mailing it oh it’s Cub on the mail system I don’t think cubs on the mail

System let’s go see where my stamps are I sent one to Ether already that’s in a video uh let’s have a look at my stamps let’s look at my stamp collection yeah no uh it’s it’s me Etho impulse Scar and Zed currently I love how straightforward you are in what I mean

Like I don’t know how to take that uh I mean I don’t I don’t un like I I know it’s not an insult but it’s just sort of like what do you mean by straightforward you know straight yeah means you chill and honest

Yeah like I try to be but I don’t try to be like is this a sort of like I’m straightforward no mate you’re just rude there’s there’s a difference at least when I’m rude it’s funny I do not be around well I try not to but like that’s just that’s just on

Hermitcraft these people are my friends in real life I’m I am a mess uh like 90% of the time fourth right yeah I can understand that oh he’s he’s awake oh no I think that might just be a la Hey Cub hey hey hey hey I did it I did it

You got it I got it they’re all there apart from sweeping Edge left sweeping Edge behind cuz uh awesome thank you so much for your help I appreciate it yeah I’m glad you got it make sure you get make sure it’s all lit up and everything so everything’s locked up with uh like

Things that zombies can’t dig down I’ve put uh lightning rods up so I think we’re good you’re the only zombie going into that place what you’re saying yeah and I don’t bite unless they ask me to at which point nice awesome you know we got to do the respect thing um but yeah

I am planning at some point to make them free range like doing a little village en closed just so you know okay yeah yeah um perfect yeah doing organic villages awesome yeah I I can bring over some emeralds too uh later on but that would be brilliant I’m going to go to

Bed okay yeah well great Tres thank you thank you so much I couldn’t have done it without your rails like genuinely the rails meant everything yeah yeah that’s that’s good and also because you said just steal them from Doc that was the Smart Choice well done

Yeah he’s not going to need them anymore no and so many people have seen me steal them and they know what it’s for so it’s cool mhm it’s cool sweet what is this is that a oh this a fireworks star do you I don’t know if you heard some

Explosions earlier I’m making a firework explosive firework machine oh did you get explosive fireworks or did you obtain works oh sweet that’s so good I traded mumo for it yeah so that pry good that’s brilliant okay well I’m going to go and okay just just collapse cuz this

Stream has gone from for 4 and a half hours and I normally stop after 2 so thank you very much I will see you later bye-bye all right see you Cleo bye bye I’m so tired now we’ll get back to my base we’ll we we actually we’ll swing by oh I

Need to get torches I feel like I need to light it up a little bit more just to be on the safe side um so we’ll do that before we’ll go anywhere hermit permit trade tree be so cool to see cam they seem to be pushing if they’re pushing you know the

Drill better safe than needing potions and grapples yeah I I’ve had a good stream i’ i’ I felt accomplished accomplished um which I don’t often feel actually uh so that was nice I don’t have sticks anymore though hi I’m Cleo doubt doubt I Cleo make torches torches

Torches we did some good criming today guys you cried real real nice you crammed real good Sunshine real real good I I’m talking like that that’s weird that’s that’s a weir talko boop boop boop boop boop boop boop oop boop boop boop I think that’s everything

Maybe just spaming me old torches me old torches meow torches got a lot of spamming with me old torches let’s just light up everything in here just to make sure it be done and then up on top up on top I said up on top up on top up up on

Top up on top there we go everything should be swarm proof I think I cleaned the track for my sliding door today I wouldn’t have if I wasn’t body okay weird but sure I’ll take it okay let’s take all this stuff back C will bring me uh emeralds tomorrow I can get

Started on my glad I came in with Scar’s raid this was super chill and fun enjoy your ice cream I will although it is very late so I might not get ice cream I might just talk to cam instead it’s just how it goes sometimes so this is this is oh yeah

Okay thank you for being awesome and for being arriving here you are super cool and ooh well the vtuber model is messing up now because my phone is now officially overheating so um uh let me let me let me let me uh check let me check who is right oh we’re

Gonna we’re going to send you to I’ve not been able to raid scribble in so long to um rocks is the best and they are so nice and kind and generous and they are a non-binary plus Dragon be kind be cool and this is going to terrify them and they’re going to get

Really overwhelmed and flustered I need you to be nice everybody be nice be kind be gentle okay I’ll see you lot later bye-bye bye

This video, titled ‘🌈 Help me commit crimes! In Minecraft! 🌈 – Feb 26, 2024’, was uploaded by ZombieCleo Streams on 2024-03-22 12:00:41. It has garnered 1216 views and 69 likes. The duration of the video is 04:35:43 or 16543 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/zombiecleo

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

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  • Ultimate Minecraft PE Safehouse Tour!

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

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  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

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  • Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 – Ticket Tightrope

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  • Mr. Disappointment’s Epic Fortnite Fail

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

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  • Real Life Minecraft Pranks

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  • DreamZone

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  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft Hack: Trollin’ & Rollin’ #lit #trollface

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  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

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  • Insane Minecraft Mods – Must Try Now! 🤯

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  • Real GHOST Found in Minecraft!!

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  • EXTREME family gaming! Hardcore S23-Ep.2

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  • Creepy Echo in the Cave, What Happens Next?!

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  • 🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶

    🔥 INSANE Cold Hand Strafes by Arrwie! 🤚🥶Video Information This video, titled ‘Cold Hand Strafes 🥶🤚’, was uploaded by Arrwie on 2024-06-13 18:25:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This Minecraft Montage is Another Level… that person was ht3 !!! (dont take the title seriously) !!! Thanks for watching and i hope … Read More

  • Herobrine kills mei mei in devil face?! #meme #viral

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  • From Monsters to Mermaids: Insane Minecraft Transformation!

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  • 🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #Shorts

    🔥 INSANE Minecraft Bedrock Build Hacks! #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || viral minecraft hacks #short #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spidey_Gaming on 2024-02-16 02:02:50. It has garnered 3241 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. minecraft build hacks bedrock edition || minecraft hacks and tricks || viral minecraft hacks MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. @AnshuBisht @GamerFleet @YesSmartyPie @TechnoGamerzOfficial @ezio18rip #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS @ANSHUBISHT @GAMERFLEET @YESSMARTY PIE @TECHNOGAMERZOFFICIAL @EZIO18RIP MINECRAFT VIRAL TIK TOK HACKS #VIRAL #MINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSHORTS #MINECRAFTPE #TIKTOKHACKS. 1. testing viral minecraft hacks 2. minecraft hacks… Read More

  • Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed – MUST WATCH!!

    Secret Creepypasta Map Revealed - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Có Thể Bạn Chưa Biết Bí Ẩn Này Trong Minecraft Creepypasta/ Tấm Bản Bí Ẩn Hãy Xem Đến Cuối Video Nhé’, was uploaded by Mkay MC on 2024-04-10 05:03:42. It has garnered 14151 views and 345 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello Hello Everyone I’m Mkay Chan You May Not Know In Minecraft You May Not Know This Mystery In Minecraft Creepypasta #minecraft #creepypasta #shortsfeed #shorts #creepypastaminecraft #minecraftcreepypasta #viralvideo #gaming #nubigamer #creepypasta #mcpe #minecraftshorts #viralvideo #dotmc #gaming #bigsharkofficial #shortsfeed #subscribe #gaming #bigsharkofficial #viralminecraftshort herobrine,minecraft herobrine,herobrine minecraft,help herobrine shorts,epic herobrine,herobrine… Read More

  • Potato-Network

    Potato-NetworkWelcome to PotatoSMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Experience! PotatoSMP is not just a server; it’s a vibrant community where players come together to create, explore, and embark on epic adventures! Immerse yourself in a custom 6k map, teeming with wonders and challenges. play.potato-smp.net Read More

  • ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+Bedrock

    ☀️ Shaded SMP Survival NEW! Custom Fish & Gear Weekly Challenges Skills Events Optional PvP NO Whitelist/Resets 1.20-1.21+ Java+BedrockServer IP: play.shaded.gg Discord: https://discord.gg/XsqPJgjTeR Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Unforgettable Minecraft Adventure Awaits at Shaded Discover amazing features and benefits: 🐟 NEW! Fishing Log. Experience fishing with custom textures for each fish. Check it out! 🦞 NEW! Lobster Pots. Dive into lobster fishing for a bountiful catch. ⚔️ NEW! PvP Arena. Test your skills in exhilarating PvP battles. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention. Build and protect your creations hassle-free. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, and More. Immerse yourself in a thriving Minecraft economy. 🌟 Free Ranks, Kits, and Perks. Earn rewards and stand out with free ranks and perks. 🗺️… Read More

  • Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | Survival

    Furventures | 1.20.6 | Quests | Factions | SurvivalNew serverstill a work in progress, but feel free to join, explore, and complete the quests waiting for you!Team up with your friends or strangers using the ImprovedFactions plugin.Trade with other players using TheGoldEconomy system.Furry and LGBTQ friendly!Join our Discord server to chat with us, and access the more private vanilla survival server: discord.com/invite/2mssBcrQYT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition”

    Minecraft Memes - "Pop tarts: The Minecraft Edition"That’s just the periodic table of Mine-crafting elements! Read More

  • Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft’s Ultimate Farm Build

    Crafting Iron Dreams: Minecraft's Ultimate Farm Build In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Millat Gamerz is here, with iron farms to explain. Building the ultimate, with skill and with flair, Crafting a masterpiece, beyond compare. Subscribe to the channel, for more gaming delight, With Millat Gamerz, every episode takes flight. From GTA to Minecraft, the adventures unfold, With rhymes and with humor, the stories are told. So leap into the verse, where gaming meets art, With Millat Gamerz, it’s a journey to start. Join the fun, join the hype, join the game, And let the rhymes of Minecraft, ignite the flame. Read More

  • SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS!

    SPAWN Scary mob + ALL Memes = HILARIOUS! When you combine SPAWN with ALL memes, you get a cat taking a nap during a poopy playtime in Minecraft. Now that’s a scary sight! #catnap #poopyplaytime #scaryminecraft Read More

  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

    British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft! American Independence Day Celebration in Minecraft Bedwars On July 4th, Americans across the country celebrate their independence in various ways. Some enjoy fireworks, barbecues, and parades, while others take a more unconventional approach by dominating Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars! This year, join the fun and show off your patriotic spirit in the virtual world. Dominate Europeans in Minecraft Bedwars What better way to celebrate American Independence Day than by engaging in some friendly competition in Minecraft Bedwars? Gather your friends, team up, and show those Europeans who’s boss in this exciting game mode. Whether you’re building defenses, collecting resources,… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • 🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨

    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cottage-witch Added Mods: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/easy-villagers… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

    Daring Minecraft Horror Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Horror Mod in My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by GamerWolf on 2024-03-24 03:26:30. It has garnered 118 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:52 or 7492 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Go follow my kick – https://kick.com/gamerwolf-gaming Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: lajnie.gameshare.pl version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: https://discord.gg/PB5cRAj7 … Read More