04AM – 🔴ECHOING VOID DLC – FULL Playthrough: New Missions, BOSS Fight & Free Content in Minecraft Dungeons

Video Information

Oh huh yo what’s up guys can you hear me i think we are ready to start the live stream guys seriously i can’t wait to check out this dlc this is gonna be a crazy adventure so let me just quickly double check if the update applied

Oh yes it did return all the eyes of ender to the stronghold all right it is time to get rid of my loading screen where is it here we go bam guys let’s get right to it so um we are on the map right now

So um here i am in the base camp actually for some reason my cosmetics my hero cape was disabled so right now it’s just red we also have the birthday cape we have the endermite pet right here guys oh i can’t wait to check everything out anyways let’s uh first

Equip a nice cape that fits very well with my gear actually this is not bad right the birthday cape it’s pink maybe we should just go for an endish style cape so how are you guys doing this morning we’re gonna do a live stream for a full playthrough

Of um the echoing void the ndlc and minecraft dangers really looking forward to this one i’ve been making a lot of those teaser videos as you guys know to spread the news and right now we actually have a map right here with um these eyes so we’re gonna have to search

For the under eyes at all these different levels so um in total we’re gonna have to collect six of them before we can open up the stronghold so i am really really looking uh forward to um to finding that level because it’s gonna take some time so we have the stronghold level I’m ready for it guys i am all ready for it this is gonna be sick guys so these are the andersons they’re taking the pearls so we’re gonna have to search for them let’s go let’s go let’s go so it looks like we’re gonna have to search for these first and whoa

Look at all the loot right here man that is sick so we already find a new type of what’s that new piece of armor i think it’s a new piece of armor anyways i think we should get started because we have a lot to do on this live stream today

Return all the eyes of ender to the stronghold so actually what i want to do is try and get those as quick as possible so i’m going to put on some speed ring gear um of course we want to get to the stronghold level as quick as possible right

I think we have everything right now see if i have some better boots nope we don’t so um if i want to get these as quick as possible we’re gonna of course change the difficulty let’s start off with uh the sony’s one we’re gonna do this on apocalypse level seven plus twenty

Everyone who is currently playing max gamer yo what’s up bro welcome to the stream what thanks for tuning in it’s already 258 people and wow my camera just died let me just uh fix that for a second of wicked witches i thought will be unstoppable but tread carefully

The swamp is home to many horrors all right here we go again let’s go guys so what we’re gonna have to search through these levels um to get the eyes guys so that’s the first thing we’re gonna have to do and then we can activate the portal in the stronghold

So we need six eyes we’re just gonna start speedrunning our way through this level search very quickly i think they’re gonna be hidden somewhere if you have an idea if you have a clue let me know in the comments of course it’s gonna be difficult to read them

Because people are spamming in there but um man where with the first iv getting annoyed a little bit right here the update is out right now yes i read some people who just joined the chat uh we have to search for the eyes in them in these levels guys

Six eyes of ender and um then we can open up the stronghold oh vindicators rate captains wow this is a big party right here guys that’s why i suggested to do this on a lower difficulty look at that we actually found two batters right there and the skeletons that was pretty evil

I’m just gonna ignore the banners for now i’m just gonna check every nook and cranny okay the game says we have to go to the other direction so i’m gonna have to check out this one first wow i’m updating now nice bro yes it’s live it’s live

For the people who just joined once again we are just playing this level because we need the eyes and um i’m just speedrunning through the level to quickly gather those so we can finally get to uh the echoing void dlc missions and then of course afterwards after defeating the heart of ender we’re

Also gonna deal with the gauntlet of gills i think it’s gonna be really nice to check out that level so let me first see this place i think maybe the eyes are just at the very end of the mission right that would make sense there’s a redstone golem right here another wow

So many red captains what the hell is going on right here i predicted the cave dlc oh that would have been cool indeed oh we have a golden chest right there that’s nice let’s get it for seconds you just have to roll onto this one boom there we go

Evocation ropes guys by the way the ropes the new ropes i think they’re gonna be so nice on this dlc i think we’re gonna have some very awesome new enchantments definitely new build material of course i will showcase them in the coming days as well

Of course if you’re oh i just press the button on my stream deck to get the the like and subscribe if you’re new to the channel make sure to do that because we’re gonna stream for a couple hours of today it’s gonna be a busy day i barely slept because we were

Playing on the smp yesterday so we have a cave system right here let’s double check this one as well because you never know it might be in here i actually just opened it already so uh gg yep yep yep it’s forum yes ultimate for one dollar only

Sour dip what do you mean is it purely on the xbox store or the play store that would be nice wow we find so many treasures let’s get up here though i don’t think we’ll be able to find um the eyes in the secret location i think we just have to

Take down the bosses and they will drop them pretty much so let’s see what’s going to happen right here truth seeker escape the swamp did we find an i we didn’t find an eye guys but um what do you guys think i am not sure we checked on every place right

Supply is no more and it’ll be a long time i’m not sure will we get an eye at the very end of this mission or do we actually have to search you went past it what do you mean i went past it try the secret room at the end i actually did that

Oh the ver that one it’s for the it’s for the secret rooms guys oh wait a second we’re gonna check out the shorter level oh wow we actually screwed up right there it’s cool it’s cool uh we kissed peter and everything okay let’s just first do this creeper was

Because i am almost certain that we’ll be able to find it in that um in that hat guys we should be able to find it right there already 500 people watching wow guys welcome very much appreciate if you can hit that like button for a second

Helps me out a lot we’re gonna do a very long stream today it’s gonna take like um hours probably to finish the entire thing but right now we will have a confirmation where we can find those eyes so if it’s right here in this thing oh

This one is changed right now so indeed this is the one which we talked about right right now it’s different do we have to do something wait a second wait a second look at this this is new guys this is new for sure look at this sweet baby jesus yeah man we’re just

Gonna have to search right here exactly right here this is the place where we’re gonna find our very first ender eye wow man this is cool so it’s definitely not the secret locations it’s just a side branch of the level we have an enderman right here coming up okay

Where is he everybody is so excited man me too this is so nice so okay we killed this one we opened up a gate the gate is right there okay so right now we have to go this way and we have the cave guys this is the cave

To of course the ender sense i think i can hear secrets the secret is gonna be right there probably if you’re doing this as well right now make sure to do it on a lower difficulty i think it’s definitely better atonians thanks bro have a good day

Everyone that is so nice to share this with the community and of course for supporting the channel dude you are the best big love nice so that is some extra kashish we can use to upgrade uh the minecraft smp a little bit more to get even better performance on it i

Mean we already upped it to 12 gigabytes but um i think the stability is pretty good right now it’s pretty smooth nice and smooth discord nitro what do you mean the script nitro oh yeah we can definitely do that as well man i’m gonna take this piston we

Actually first oh there are two different sides which we can use man wait a second this brings us to another one okay pistons pistons pistons by the way for the people who just tuned in uh we are purely in the um creeper boots this is inside a cave which we found near

The ender manhattan pretty much which was showcased in the earlier teasers so make sure to also go to this very location if you’re looking for those eyes of course they’re probably going to be side branches side branches of the regular levels um not search for the very last um room and

We found it guys gg we found it it’s right here this is giving the understand battle man you can probably tell by my eyes that i’m still pretty sleepy because um oh sharpness thorns oh this guy is scary we almost took him down though oh arch

Where is he okay of course the thorns is taking me down come on babies you heal me up a little bit right now i should be able to take him down just get to me oh he just dropped me something firebrand and of course the eye of ender

You picked up the eye of ender we get it we get it be careful yes i am careful i’m trying hard i’m i’m playing like my life depends on it guys i see a chest right there though but it’s not popping up this is weird stuff

But we found the first eye so that means we can go back ah it’s right there sweets all right so we found a unique this is nice man and we actually entered at this very location okay that’s cool that’s really cool that’s it just to complete the level because i don’t wanna

Accidentally lose the eye maybe you can skip it but um i just want to go to the ends we have speed ring here so it’s all cool let’s go guys bro it just it just came out oh yes it did it did if you have suggestions guys if you

Already defeated the eventual heart of ender let us know in the comments no just kidding no spoilers and of course i think nobody is gonna be ready by now let’s uh quickly deal with this bad boy maybe we have some extra loot nope but uh speed running is definitely the best way

To get all those eyes quickly oh guys look at that another unique popped up a whispering spear of course all the items which you find right now i mean even though we’re playing this on a lower difficulty we get those uniques a lot easier faster and they have a

Chance of having the new enchantments built in as well so it’s actually really awesome that we first have to do these levels because then of course you get the different loot tables of all the different levels and um in the end you will have a chance of finding those

Sweet new uniques and with the sweet new enchantments so um we’ll just skip these skeletal horsemen they usually don’t drop really nice stuff for him is it out for switch um i thought they were going to um roll it on um all the different platforms starting at 10 a.m central europe time

So right now it is 10 42 so it should be live for like at least half an hour but for some platforms it might take a little bit longer but guys wow already 669 people watching that’s um very much appreciated salute by the way guys this is the final dlc for um

Minecraft dungeons for the storyline of the orb of dominance so this is gonna be a hell of an adventure this is gonna be sick man i mean we already found the first one right there uh we could go back to the sluggish one but let’s just first check out the pumpkin postures right

I’m gonna go for apocalypse level seven plus twenty right here it’s 1 44 am where i am oh or 1 44 p.m maybe jeez you delete enemies i know right yes we’re doing this on 20 so um it’s it’s still a high apocalypse level

One of the highest but um i have the max gear right okay so um we have to go that way let’s uh how about going this way i think that would make sense right we have a pretty big generation at the very start this is unusual this is unusual so it might pop

Up just right here come on where are you okay there’s nothing right here i’m sad i have to wait for the correct version what do you mean i wish i could buy the game oh the cracked version do it i definitely recommend you to just

Save up a little bit of money if you are still pretty young what i did when i was young when i was uh maybe your age i don’t know um i was watching my parents cars and also the cars of people in the neighborhood and um we got some

Euros or dollars from those and um that allowed me to buy legos when i was young so oh wait a sec this is looking a little bit weird it’s probably not gonna be right here washing cars helping at the garden that are like really good ways to

Get your hands on some cash if you’re a little bit young or maybe wait for your birthday oh it didn’t of course it’s going to take a while baby so we don’t have anything right here i am very curious how the generation is going to be like

Of course we want to take the secret guys we want to take the secrets wow these guys are so fast let me just delete them for a second did you find an eye yes good stuff i already found an eye we’re on our search on the hunt for a second eye right now

So you just have to keep an eye open on the map at all times because these are the side branches i think i find another one guys yes yes yes this should be it this should be look at it it’s pretty small is it this is it this

It looks new it definitely looks new i haven’t seen this gate event like ever so um we also have this grassy roof red stream is so look what’s laggy but you mean is there a lag on the stream if you guys experience any lag let me know

Let me know in the in the comments lagging is it lagging because of youtube or is it lagging because of me is there like frame rate lag or it’s just maybe your your internet no it’s fine for me no lag okay some people have lag some people don’t

What’s this what the hell is this this is new to me guys wait a second they’re like holes in the grounds this is not normal this is not normal what is this place looks pretty cool if you ask me it’s gonna take a while to get all the

Eyes of ender yes i know right oh it’s an enderman guys that means we are there we are there where is it where is he i saw another one did we actually kill him oh second one yes here we go here we go let’s get that second eye guys

We press the button there’s probably gonna be another button right there we just have to go this way makes sense there is the exit entrance actually boys sweet baby jesus we can try and skip to the main menu after we found this one i think it would work

I mean it’s it’s pretty early in the level right it’s definitely worth skipping this one as attempt frenzied and critical hits oh yeah oh nightmares bite we picked up an eye of ender okay let me just get up here take this chest and actually oh wait a second we’re

Gonna have to do a roll right here oh man seriously here we go so what do you guys think should i skip or should i stay be careful those are some and janet anderson yes i know i know i i’m just gonna skip the level guys it’s worth it we know

It’s pretty early in this in this level so um i think it will work most people said skip let’s see yes we found it two to six guys this is gonna save us a lot of time this little gamble next up we’re gonna do cacti canyon so we will be able to

Get to that stronghold level asap for him i need some brains yeah these are some big brain plays guys we’re saving so much time by just skipping these levels big brain plays the big brain plays all right here we go third eye of ender did you try pokemon unite atoniums bro

Seriously i played all night uh united this night actually i have a nintendo switch and i barely touch it because um oh wait a second let me just deal with these guys for a second i played pokemon unite at like 2 a.m yesterday and i really enjoyed wow look at the

Damage these guys are doing they’re trying to kill me right here i played pokemon unite man i actually really enjoyed if you want to add me um i’m gonna share my well actually just comment on this live stream i’ll share my in-game username right there it’s a really awesome game

You guys should try it as well if you have a switch it’s a free to play moba on a switch and um i used to love pokemon when i was younger i even played pokemon go with my bicycle i was just cycling at the park catching abras all day oh man that was

So much fun i think we already found this location guys yes this one definitely looks fresh to me pokemon unite is bark yeah guys unite team unite this is definitely new oh wait a second i hear the chest yes it’s right there we are so so good at finding these secrets

The mercenary armor nothing too fancy but of course we will already get some wait a second we need a key okay this is interesting we need two keys even when are you using your knights i actually play with um slow bro a lot i am

I play tanki mode and um i can simply destroy i can carry my team and destroy enemies i play with the telekinesis so i can stun lock my enemies i also play with the serve so i can constantly um knock them back especially those cats guys they are super annoying

They do a lot of damage they can’t constantly dash but if you just stun lock them they are so easy to take down and i also like to play uh with the the electric kit the electro buzz uh type of guy uh it’s a new pokemon so

I don’t know the name it’s azure layla or something crystal oh yeah crystal man crystal is fantastic i will get him for free after seven days so i’m just gonna wait for that i mean if you play every day you get some rewards and um i am definitely gonna get crystal

And play with him i also played him on the free the free day and it was really really fun okay we have the blue key right there that’s the name guys thank you thank you um i also really like gengar um i think charmander charizard is cool

Uh for using his ultimate and dealing with big packs of uh enemies but at the same time he’s pretty squishy then also um really like the bird with a bird with um but what does he have he’s like he has like food in his mouth every time after a couple hits then um

He can heal himself i think it is it’s it’s pretty fun i mean all characters are fun actually i used to play league of legends i used to play dota you guys don’t even know what dota is probably from warcraft 3 it’s from back in the days it’s like from 15 years ago

I am an old man i am an old man i have a suggestion can you make a video of showing how to get the eyes i can i can definitely do that but at the same time you if you just watch the stream uh you will know exactly where the eyes are

So pretty much um to get the eyes what you need to do is spit right through the level and um then you’re gonna search for uh side branches in the mission so uh pathways that lead to the sides and then um these will pretty much lead you to um the new

Secret areas where of course you have to do these events what where’s my key ah it fell off with the fall damage but um that will allow you to get your hands on those eyes very quickly and easy the ultimate dlc bundle is super nice

Yeah i bet it’s cool if you don’t have the dlcs uh i already bought every single dlc so it’s not really cool to see that um it’s reduced price right now and we don’t really get anything in return as early backers of uh the game okay binding eyes lining eyes

Here we go okay we picked up an eye of enter guys let me just quickly take the chest as well we’re getting through almost 800 people watching wow this is nuts this is nuts so i’m gonna quickly return to the camp right now we should have um three eyes of enders already

For them did they fix dynamo in the quaver um i don’t know what mission are we playing this is actually um the cacti kenny which we just did so first off we went for the one with the creeper boots then we also went for the one on the pumpkin postures

Was it cacti canyon thinks oh man we just go too fast i i simply couldn’t see it so let’s just go back to the one with on the soggy cave right we actually missed this one my first live stream i’m joined so happy to be here

Kian welcome bro welcome i get to go bye max gamer see you next time bro of course uh good luck finding those eyes of ender on your own but um if you re-watch the stream you’ll be able to know exactly exactly where they are for him

I can’t play the new dlc i’m on vacation dudes enjoy vacation what are you worrying about you’re probably lying in the sun with uh with a nice ice cold uh drink near the swimming pool and just had some very awesome breakfast which you didn’t have to make yourself

That’s vacation bro vacation is the real deal we all love vacation i can’t wait for my next vacation i mean i wanted to go uh camping and fishing in the in the southern part of my country i live in belgium and we had some floods with uh with so much rain

Like heavy rainfall and oh guys we’re talking too much i actually almost skipped i actually almost skipped it right here it’s it’s on the sides this on them on the the circuit swap you have to go to this side and you will be able to find it right here but um

I was saying vacation is awesome just um don’t go camping where there is too much rain it’s not nice the river’s literally fluted uh houses collapsed it’s it’s actually pretty scary a big disaster in my country for him i think it would be cool to get a skin cape especially the early

Backers exactly my thoughts bro me too i also think so um we got the hero cape early on right now they are really releasing the ultimate edition with the hero k pretty much i mean they are re-releasing the hero cape with the ultimate edition so we just press the buttons right

Okay this is a combination do we just press everything okay this is this is interesting so we have a puzzle guys um right here we’re gonna have to do something i think we’re gonna have to go with the smallest ones okay wait wait wait wait wait wait

I think we’re just gonna have to quickly press them so we first press this then we press this wait a second it doesn’t work like that we just have to press only one button oh my god what the hell okay that was bad that was really bad

Are there more buttons which we can press i don’t think so so all buttons get red if we click him only this one so we’re gonna have to quickly roll on top of it but i am not allowed to roll again so i think we’re gonna have to press another button

Okay okay okay it works like this so we first press this button and then another one yes exactly like that okay i think we can make the jump like this oh no we cannot i think we just have to enable everything and then it will stay press in order exactly

So uh first this one no no no no first this one then this one and then okay then it’s gonna be that one okay okay now we have it now we have it there we go guys gg quickly go through so you have to press every single one of them

In order to pass through i think it would be cool if you could just enable only one and then make the jump as well i’ll definitely make a video for this as well guys so you will be able to check it out yourselves in only a couple seconds

So we have a gate event right here 845 people watching the channel guys that’s really awesome welcome to the live stream so uh if you’re interested in more minecraft and minecraft dangerous you should definitely subscribe guys seriously i make videos on a daily basis it’s kind of my full-time job right now

Making them every single day and probably in the coming days i’m gonna have no life at all i’m not gonna sleep i’m just gonna keep showcasing every single new item from dlc all right here we go blight eye you guys know that with oh with new dlcs popping up i always

Make two to three videos just to get everything out as quick as possible here we go we find another eye of ender so we can skip this one return to camp i like trains rule benny i also like trains man very good how about you donate mink

What’s a mink man i have no clue where the mink is so we have four to six eyes of ender and we have another one where the desert temple all right sweet apocalypse little seven plus twenty blight eye is not pog it’s like a ferret oh cool what is streamy up in

What form yes hopefully not an idiot nice name by the way i will definitely make it go live afterwards i will also include um the live chats so you can follow with the live chat as well i always do that so you guys can um follow the entire adventure

After it’s um done with the live all right why are we even fighting these mobs man just want to get to that eye as quickly as possible i can’t wait to see the first levels i mean we’re struggling to get there i mean not really struggling but

We first have to get all those eyes we already have four to six so um it’s not gonna take much longer guys it’s uh it’s 11 a.m so we started streaming like 20 minutes ago we already have four eyes so that’s uh one eye every five minutes

It’s not too bad right with some trial and error included so um i think we’re doing well right here let’s quickly check if we can find the secret chest of course of course if the map spawns like this you won’t be able to find it but at

Least we found something else right here oh we failed but that’s cool this is even faster actually gg all right now we have to double check we don’t make any mistakes we don’t want to go to a side bridge i mean we do want to go to a sideways we

Don’t want to go to the main objective the next eye is going to be annoying because of the vindicators okay interesting vindicators vindicators indicators are not really my best friends i can assure you that i have a bad feeling about this it feels like we’re already pretty far in the level guys

Did we skip it if we already did um the playthrough of this level somebody said with the vindicators is it further level or is it um is it like a little bit back at the level nader love the gang oh yeah boy they better nayland but i live in belgium

What if you stole the orb of dominance as a weapon or artifact that would be really cool that would be really cool man somebody should make a mod for that is it out yes it is out i’m searching for the eyes of ender right now

So we’re gonna have to go that way then we’re gonna go this way we finally lost love guys so we have a little temple right there or not take a look at the other dimensions tab for the map um other dimensions map wait a second other dimensions we don’t have other

Dimensions right here you mean in the main mission tab the echoing ford is definitely going to be on the main level because you have to open a stronghold right there wait a second wait a second i see something on the side i see something on the sides

This is gonna be it oh man it’s very well tucked away look at this oh we have some new traps spiky traps okay this is interesting let’s be careful for those traps as well i use dyno plus a fireball thrower oh yes that’s a really nice combo man

All right here we go we’re almost there rs01 welcome as new member to um the channel bro very much appreciated for supporting uh the channel of course you won’t regret it with all the awesome exclusive perks you’re gonna get your hands on so um yes welcome to the family

What just happened right there i get hit by something really bad or maybe i was just super low in hp it wasn’t focused on the chat for a second let’s kill the other man there’s another one what killed me man that was a pretty hard hit right there another lost love okay

Thank you very much sweet all right oh man these narrow pathways are kind of annoying especially with them with a spear guys okay we have a mystery armor right there look at the level design right here guys i really like these just take care of these bad boys and here we go

Oh man so many traps i am a little bit afraid okay we have some buttons we can press these take the chest come on strength potion this is definitely going to be very welcome for killing the inner sense oh come on let’s get through so many traps guys

This is the death chamber for sure ouch okay thank god we have enough hp for this so we’re gonna have to search for a key i think the key is gonna be right here there we go if you have not uploaded a heart you oh you have not uploaded

Hardcore video in some time yes that is entirely correct why because i was so busy guys with both making the smp the minecraft survival server which is out right now by the way 1.70.1 server for the community um it’s a vanilla experience with 1.18 caves it took us

Months to make that i mean uh eurobranking did a very good job on building the spawn we made some minecraft dungeons gear a custom texture pack for the server and of course also all the news which i posted all those teasers in the past days about the echoing void dlc we just had

To get that out um before of course the hardcore survival series everybody wanted to know about that so um it had priority okay this is a little bit scary oh that’s a fill roll right there that’s another field roll right there oh boy let me just quickly do that here we go

I’m gonna take that chest first nice we’ve got some thief armor oh we actually managed to survive that that was funky too many traps guys guys no spamming in the chat i’m actually forced to put some people in timeout right now Yo drov what’s up man we have many people celebrating our lives chat very awesome we are actually at 931 people watching right now oh that is fantastic seriously that’s almost 1 000 viewers i actually peaked 900 cured viewers in um uh the flames of the nether dlc live

Stream that was crazy and what um the hidden devs dlc we only got like five or six hundred viewers and right now at the very beginning we’re not even in the levels yet guys we’re almost at one thousand gg the youtube algorithm loves me right now

Very much appreciate it and oh yeah of course we were standing in the void right there so we’re gonna have to be a little bit careful this guy’s evil he’s almost dead already though look at that truth seeker oh sweet alright here we go another eye of ender let’s return to the camp

Oh man one more one more we’re getting there by the way for the people who are new in the live stream make sure to subscribe and of course like the video it helps me out big time very much appreciate it of course we’re uh doing our best to get to 100k uh subscribers

One more eye one more eye the final one is gonna be fine on the high block calls so uh let’s check it out all right to enter the smp actually you have to go to the whitelist application form so um if you go to my channel uh search for smp

You will find a uh announcement trader pretty much a trailer which i made to showcase the spawn and of course what happens if you enter uh the world the real world and right there in the description you will be able to find that form it’s a google form you just

Write down your information your username and then we can whitelist you to the server clearly we don’t have any moderators online uh in the chat i think they’re all playing the echoing for dlc level themselves so of course we cannot me for that sometimes they can just leave the link

Very quickly or if you if you want to help the community just quickly find it in the in the description and share it right here that would be very much appreciated while you’re doing the dlc gameplay i am doing the dlc gameplay you just don’t know yet bro we’re searching the

Eyes of the enders uh the under eyes and um those will allow us to open up the portal in the stronghold so this is the very last eye which we need so then the party is only getting started so this is just the preps guys the preparation for

The full battle okay nice we have a key event these are my favorites so you don’t have to fight endless waves of maps but of course if this difficulty they shoot so fast and attack so quickly so it’s not very easy to escort this key but we did it we did it gg

Oh lightnings that’s a little bit scary but uh we got through guys right now we’re gonna quickly run to that um underground cave system there we go by the way guys how awesome would it be if we could get our hands on uh a and dlc update in uh official minecraft

I already made a theory video about this and the funny thing is right now bigger youtubers are all also posting this and theory which i uh already shared like weeks ago in a video i think this video already has like 40 000 views where i share my thoughts

About um 1.19 possibly being an update i think it would be very awesome because all the levels which you’re going to see in this live stream they are very new very fresh they have new blocks guys nothing we’ve seen in the regular minecraft before i mean if you look at the nether

Update or another dlc in minecraft dungeons it covers all the things which were already present in minecraft of course the hidden depth dlc was the aquatic update so um i am really looking forward to seeing uh 1.19 being an end update with all the information which we have right here with the ender

Scent oh man that’s gonna be so nice and of course the vengeful heart of ender the boss we’re gonna deal with at the very end uh that one should also be a new boss in minecraft when you defeat next anderson give me its brains

I will do that bro i will do that um wait a second i have a feeling we actually oh we found another unique as i have a feeling we kind of missed these gates we’re quickly rushing through this level so we might have missed it um i’m a little bit scared right now

We don’t want to go too far right i think we missed it guys where is it the eye was behind you okay the ice behind me good i think it’s outside right in the exterior because we actually skipped that we went through them through the gates to go underground

That the well actually so it has to be behind me indeed go back it’s in the chef’s room okay thanks bro nice madrid nine shout out to you bro very much appreciated you share this with me the chef’s room oh yeah right there thanks man i was already wondering we had to go

Back because we didn’t find the eye remember this ambiguous remember this if you’re going to this place yourself and oh we need a key as well where’s that key okay so i think the key is going to be in this area oh look at that this is like the kitchen they have been

Creative with this guys i have to be honest i have to be honest if this is closed i hear something can we go up here no we cannot oh we have a lever right there you can just do it on default yeah but i like to do it on apocalypse

We have another lever oh man these are sneaky these are sneaky they’re just gonna keep searching for levels levers oh the chest is right here that’s exactly the humming sound which we were looking for final lever oh sweet boys and look at that 995. can we reach 1000 cookie reviews

Yes gg guys big love to you and of course congrats to the community you guys are the best 1 000 co-current viewers this is a high score guys literally i when i look at bigger channels with like i don’t know um four or five hundred thousand subscribers they get like 500 concurrent

Viewers and right now i feel like a boss man i feel like a boss i just doubled their concurrent viewers no but of course it’s all because of you guys as well and of course the big hype around um the echoing void you’ll see i think this one is going to be so

Much fun to check out with this final eye we finally have the accessibility to the gates to the portal oh man so we need one more one more lever oh it’s right here gg hey i only have 11 viewers per video dude um we’ve all been there um rem i

I remember my first days i was sweating my ass off literally for making new videos every single day and um i barely got any viewers but um if you just keep it up man this is golden advice for every one of you would like to start youtube start streaming whatever

Just believe in yourself that is what you always should do don’t think you’re lesser than others always just push out content make sure it’s good you are behind it let’s say you you fully commit to what you’re doing and of course you’re proud of what you’re making and even though your friends at

School or other people are going to say like hey dude your channel sucks i also got that many times hell i even get it today just believe in yourself keep going and in the end you will succeed no matter what no matter how many people are trash talking

Believe in yourself follow your dreams and you can you can make it happen i want to see the pink vex oh yes i want to see two man it’s going to be an artifact we should be able to find pretty soon okay ravenous eye here we go

We are whooping his ass up right now oh man here we go eye of enter guys return to camp in the end ah this is the big event guys so um right now let’s quickly check out the things we have we have some items with new achievements right oh

Look at this levitation shot after rolling your next attack will cause the target to levitate briefly this is actually really cool i want to try this out but not right now then we also have dipping poison when use a health potion you are given a quiver of poison arrows wow guys

Oh what’s this ambush attacks all mobs they are not actively targeting you deal increase damage this is really interesting because we’re gonna have a uh artifact that will allow us to go into stealth mode we also have void strike attacking a target applies a damage multiplier rises tele

To max level then it is removed oh boy this is literally what i was talking about a little bit earlier so the void strike the more you attack a certain target it will actually start dealing more and more damage up to 600 percent that is madness

Okay for armor we also want to see if we find some new ones quickly then we’re going to start the mission guys um no armor enchantments yet no armor enchantments yet this is bad this is a shame let me just quickly go to the village merchant

See if we can find some oh we find one right here let me just buy it so i can show it to you guys that’s cool so this one is a shadow blast leaving shadow form triggers a powerful blast that damages nearby mobs four block loss radius oh

Boy we’re gonna have assassin builds guys another item right here with a new enchantment this is the final one and then we’re gonna go to the to the level guys mob’s defeated wild and shadow from grand extra souls guys we’re gonna have a soul shadow build

With sneak attacks oh this is gonna be so much fun guys let’s go to the strongholds let’s go to the stronghold it is right here i’m also going to put it on my lower difficulty let’s say uh actually we should go for the full experience right or slightly lower slightly lower because of

Course we want to get through them quite quickly so i will be able to show you all the levels in a decent amount of time as well yo the shadowblast is great speedrun armor right i think it sounds pretty cool yeah we could definitely make some speedrun synergy

Gear with it so i’m gonna quickly take my good arm or the best armor guys and then we’re gonna take my torment quiver as well and this one yeah i think we’ll have plenty of souls um let’s also go with that going off weakening so guys right now it happens

We are in the stronghold eyes of ender missing six so yes we’re gonna deliver every single one of them do you still like legos oh dude i love legos legos are the best that’s why i love minecraft and minecraft dungeons it’s just because legos are so nostalgic and right now we’re literally playing

With legos all the time really it’s just virtual legos all right we have a lot of bad guys right here some scary music as well who doesn’t like lego i know right so we have a gate we cannot open this one looks like a pretty huge area guys

Wow eyes of end are missing this is definitely going to the core to the center of the map imagine we can just find the portal right here at the start i think that’s not gonna happen but it would be pretty fancy all right i’m just gonna check every nook and cranny

Guys we don’t want to miss any secrets because we also have a secret level and this one is probably going to be tucked away in the stronghold mission right oh yeah those silverfish i definitely saw them okay we can’t go this way interesting so we have another cave uh another gate right here

I think we’re gonna have to search for levers what do you guys think would make sense right so this goes down we already use this pathway oops the stronghold i think is not a free to play level i think you’re gonna have to pay for it so all the gates are closed

We don’t know yet how to open them so i think we’re just gonna have to progress through the rest of the mission we didn’t check out uh that part though oh silverfish raiding from the ceiling guys silverfish shower oh man it’s 2 am for me just don’t oh that’s uh

That’s i guess time to go to bed or maybe just uh if you have the balls time for an all-nighter man i pulled an almighty yesterday i wasn’t happy about it i was so tired i am still extremely tired i’m getting old guys i used to be able to pull all nighters

All the time i could just sometimes skip the night or skip two nights and then take like four or five hours sleep and then i was perfectly okay with it okay so right here we have a gate and um we have a button okay i think this button and this button

Will of course open the two sides oh wait a second we just opened the main gate i’m quickly gonna double check if we also open the other ones it’s easier said than done without speed ring gear really so this one goes this way can you play some more minecraft i definitely will

I definitely will oh i see some amethyst right there guys okay these gates are still closed but look at that right there we actually have some amethyst this is also new from um of course the caves and cliffs updates so i think it’s pretty cool they’re also adding this

But we cannot go to the sides for some reason maybe we can use it um go through that through the main gate that would be nice also look at this garden in the middle guys i think it’s beautiful so of course if you’re just checking in the stronghold is the very first level

We had to um unlock this by pretty much oh well i think we can already play in it if we don’t have any of the eyes but oh the portal is right there guys we’re gonna have to deliver all those eyes at this place and i think if we deliver

All the eyes also the gates will open and that would be like uh the challenge at this very level and the side branches of this level are probably gonna have the the secret level i think the end wells is the secret level and then the main level of course ugh

He’s probably the best minecraft dungeons video person beast gaming thanks bro oh guys this is interesting this is probably going to be some kind of mini boss right travel to the ends are you sure oh we have to decide if we want to travel right now

Um let’s not yet do that let’s not yet do that i’m gonna i’m gonna keep the tension in this stream guys actually i wanna search for the secrets or not i think the secret is gonna be hidden in this place right or do you guys want to go to the end

Straight away do you let me know in the comments let me go low in the comments should we travel or should we stay if we if we travel of course we will go to the first mission but if we actually need to find a secret level right here

Then um we’re gonna have a problem right we’re gonna have to get back later go to the end go to the end everybody wants to watch me to go to the end all right guys let’s do this let’s do this confirm here we go secrets first some people say secrets

First but everybody wants me to to go to the end oh man let’s go guys let’s go far from home and surrounded by the endless void you must defend yourself against the creatures drawn to your power if you want to make it out alive you’ll need to go further into the unknown

Just uh promoting my socks yes i love my socks it took me so much time to make these um let me just share a link i’m not really sure if it’s gonna work no it’s not working but in the description you can find a merge store link

I’ll i’ll share it later but right now we’re gonna focus on at the ends let’s go let’s go oh yeah boys i am hyped sucks for him sucks i i i really suck at this game guys that’s why i made this socks yes i have a problem with this i have this beloved

New pet right the endermites it’s not showing up ah now it is nice guy spy helper do you like the final balls um we’re actually not there yet dudes don’t say anything about it but thanks for tuning in bro my beloved member we’re gonna search for uh the secret if

If there is like a secret right here that would be nice but they set three levels maybe the the stronghold is like um a level everyone can play what do you guys think okay we have a gate right here is something i’m gonna have to search right here

I guess we’re gonna have to go to the other side then can you please upload a video on how to find the panda plateau i already did that dude uh secret mission patna plateau just google that it will find mine i just started the stronghold level nice

Bro you will get here very soon these guys are tough plus 100 subscribers gg guys we just hit another 100 extra subscribers on the live stream that is so nice just get a notification right here i have this um this live notification account lamp pretty much right next to me

And every time when uh when it’s a plus 100 it’s like it’s it’s really cool to watch it change every every single time when i’m making videos when i’m editing it’s it’s definitely encouraging you come on guys it’s over right oh we have a button right here makes sense

Okay taking a lot of fall damage right here that’s that’s interesting so we’re gonna have to go to the northeast i’m actually going southwest first to check out this area okay we have another gate event get old guys gang of weakening tournament quaffer what’s this burning brew a spicy sip that will set

You a flame damages enemies that get too close okay look at that oh this is pretty cool actually nice oh actually i should have used the burning brew right look at this i actually really like this this is a cool brew guys they should also add this to the regular dlc

Uh to the regular maid level friend have you watching your vids for a long time you’re my favorite youtuber ever thanks bro very much appreciate it so um yeah we’re of course gonna make a lot more content for uh the echoing for dlc i’m gonna start making videos right after the stream

But we have a lot more to do right here so uh let’s focus on first killing the vengeful heart of ender oh one of the enemies just fell down oh a hunter’s promise okay i wish i found a unique exclusive to the echo avoid dlc but still it’s really cool to already

Find unique right here we actually didn’t check out how many secrets we have in this map guys four secrets ten chests to be found okay so there is a lot of stuff it’s probably hidden oh we have this evil worm guys did you see it right there did you see it

If you didn’t go back 10 seconds because um it was right there it’s creeping it’s creeping around for him there is no secret level what do you mean there is no secret level they said there was one secret level or is the the gondola of gills the secret level

Okay if that’s the case we don’t have to make a secret level video that’s already good news because then i have more room to stream guys if there is no secret level i have definitely more room to stream i can stream all day man i can stream all day if you guys are

Up for that i am there to clown oh the world was there once again all right let’s go to the northeast northwest sorry i think we’re first gonna have to um enable something else where watch bless the snare links oh yes watchlings blessling slayerlings that’s exactly the names of these new mobs

We made a video about that earlier but of course right now we can see him in action so all the videos which i made in the past days are slowly becoming irrelevant right now i mean they are still relevant because the theory crafting is really cool

Oh this is nice guys look at this we have a little geyser little um spa where we can uh just chill a little bit right the might stay just how big is the boss um i don’t know i think it’s gonna be pretty big i guess we’ll find out pretty soon right

My real name is yannick yannick it’s a french name even in the northern parts of europe um even women can be called yannick i think it’s extremely weird but nevertheless pretty cool though i would never call my daughter yannick though not even my son yannick jr imagine that it would be so cheesy

Yo can i have a shout out burger craft gaming oh yeah man here you go oh we found a backstabber that’s a new weapon in this dlc let’s check it out so we have all items the backstabber extra damage to unsuspecting enemies so this my friends is the built-in channels we saw earlier

Where is it man backstabber is gonna be sick as enchantments against um look at this attack some mobs are attacked not actively getting targeting you do you increase damage 45 so this is a 15 bonus damage um i think if you put this on a two-hander guys with

A lot of bass damage oh man the backstab is gonna hit like a trick frib is a girl caught in 4k confirmed oh yes i am i am a girl secretly you you can see that right i’m a little girl i’m a lady no no no let’s not go that way guys

Let’s not do it um we have to search for something the button is right there sweets come on open it up did we miss another button i think we did it’s gonna be right here near the geyser then this would be the perfect place for secret rides guys where is the button

I’m keeping my eyes open oh i hear some secret noises find the key we had another platform right here this is not it’s this is not it either come on where is it hmm all right let me just quickly equip some speed ring gear i wanna fight this a little bit faster

Are more oh man we have so much armor with this so have to search for one of those yellow buttons i thought we already fought oh wait a second we didn’t go to this place yet let’s see if we can deal with them with this featuring gear that would be nice

Of course if we have a problem we’re just gonna switch out items this is definitely going a lot faster but oh boy we are pretty squishy though up the stairs yeah i think we’re up the stairs right now as long as we focus with our deathcap mushroom we could take him down pretty

Fast good to know you’re a lady yeah yeah keep the joke up guys oh we have a nice pool right here i found a key i found a key there was a key on my back i didn’t even see actually had a key man lol so let’s just get back to this place

Use the key on the door there we go you find the end city interesting interesting so the endermites are just suiciding right there nice so two stairs and two balconies blah blah blah yeah yeah drift sanjavi of course man shout out to you i hear some creepy noises that was

Actually the creeping noise of minecraft if you’re inside the caves another minecraft sound right here man the voice design is really awesome look at this place by the way this is the void lava looks beautiful if this can actually go to the official end that would be so nice i’m gonna have to

Work on my theory crafting video i’m gonna have to make another one guys seriously share all this information with you guys and of course also with the minecraft community because we’re the minecraft dungeons gang rights but the minecraft players who is playing minecraft as well

Type um type gg in the chat if you’re also playing minecraft i wanna know that because um of course if you enjoy both games it would be awesome to have that theory becoming reality right type gg in the chat if you if you like both games gg

Whoa we can have a spam of course with with 1 000 people watching wow gg that’s uh that’s big pog all right thanks guys can i have a shout out dripped there you go man shout out to you thanks for the little donation you did right there very much appreciate it

All right yeah that’s enough gg thanks though thanks though guys so there is a big gang of both minecraft and minecraft dungeons peoples we love both games right and once again really really thanks james for that um for that little donation right there here’s some scary noises wait a second

I heard my dog guys this is not okay my dog is also barking in the background let me quickly check if the door is wait a second first kill this guy oh i think it’s over guys give me one second All right here we go my dog was barking i think somebody was near the door but uh they didn’t actually enter so it’s all good guys no home jacking just yet we’re safe we want to go up there guys we want to go up there oh we have an understand let’s dodge

These attacks because we are in speedrun gear right now first deal oh what the hell is going on right here first kill the blast links because of course they can deal damage from afar or we find an obsidian claymore oh that was scary oh this is this is scary guys i have to

Heal up a little bit with my radiance the other set is smashing the ground like crazy now we can deal some damage and go for it again look at that damn mercenary armor here we go so we can go this way reds this is the wrong way we have to go this way

Do we roll down oh we do cool okay we have oh guys we have a gate right there i i don’t want to check it out just yet though i’m gonna check out this place too he did you were talking about me or about the andersons

Because he did yes he did oh look at that another backstabber right there swedes oh okay it’s gonna be difficult to pick up that stuff right do we have to go down here oh this looks interesting i think there’s gonna be another chest right there

Or not i think it’s outside of the map yeah we cannot roll there okay that’s cool let’s get uh let’s get inside guys the end city we’re still in the end wells right now explore the end city okay so this is an end city interesting

I’m curious how the end while uh the end um the broken how was it called again the broken broken something anyways i found some shulkers it was already the first circle right there so that means we can probably get our hands on some shulker gear as well okay this is mysterious stuff guys

Oh okay this is the levitating interesting oh enchanted choker with deflect was just one you missed a new another enchantment on your bow it’s new yeah i already saw it bro oh look at that my friend or mite is just chilling right there there is something guys there is

Something which we have to find right here there is a secret i don’t know where it is but this is closed oh seriously these chokers they just keep popping up reflect deflect they have two times deflects um can you make a video about transferring minecraft dungeons to a different computer i can

I can i can do that i guess do we have to keep killing these bad boys i think they just respawn free is a lady and he’s a man i guess he’s a drag queen oh that’s uh that’s very original man so um if you have already been to this

Level do you know what i have to do exactly because we have to get through that gate ashoka keeps respawning i think we have to do something with the shocker because it keeps respawning it keeps respawning okay shoot at me bro yes yes yes yes yes look at this

Brain guys big brain gg i figured it out myself oh that was actually pretty straightforward if you ask me i mean he kept respawning right but if you if you don’t know what it is it can be extremely frustrating it can be extremely frustrating but i really like these puzzles honestly

Shulkers are so cool still 1 000 people watching guys i cannot believe this really if you um if you’re new to the channel though make sure to subscribe because a lot more is coming your way i’d love to have your board guys there we go just open the second one

Let’s see if we can find some chests right here this is another shocker no no no no no no no interesting guys i really love the level design so far and of course also these little sherlock puzzles come on come to me choker projectile yes and enable this one so we have to

Enable it four times right there’s gonna be different chokers another one right here okay yeah yeah follow me projectile no no no no follow the path the sounds they make it serious but do it yes yes yes yes yes yes come to papa there we go i’m gonna take another one

Nice we just need one more right now yes look at that nice this is cool man this is really cool but we we still have so much more to do with this level oh wait a second we’re just going to another level another floor this is so epic

This is so epic man all the level differences i think this chest oh no nevermind i thought we had to go that way but it doesn’t work that way so um we can go to this secret area it has to be something right yeah guys if you if you would ask if

It’s worth getting your hands on the equine void dlc i would say yes this is by far literally by far the coolest dlc i found so far i really really dig this one there are a lot of bad guys right here not a lot of treasure though

We’re gonna have to search for those secrets another time but um they’re pretty well tucked away in this level i have to say that oh another gate event there’s a shocker on top of it so i’m not sure if we have to do something else with the projectile or we just have

To kill it it has deflect rights guys no spamming for uh shout outs etc everyone watching the video say your gender of course you can do that if you if you don’t want to though um they just don’t but um i’m actually pretty curious how many

Women we have how many women do we have in the in the live stream right now let’s let’s make a poll guys i think this is actually pretty cool idea because i already have like 95 male what is your gender what is your i’m gonna make a poll what is your gender

I’m gonna add something interesting guys man ask your community here we go what’s your gender guys fifty percent or element right here oh no no no no this is not good guys they’re taking over the world right here fifty percent is enderman oh wait wait we actually skipped a big

Area i think we first need to get the key so many endermen in the chat guys this is us this is real sus i think we have to go to another floor because right there we have something which we cannot access from here this is interesting

For him we are watching you yeah i assume so it’s scary oh we can go all the way up here this is nice oh the floor is falling we have a little event right here sweet when the enderman it says oh yeah man let’s let’s quickly end the poll

Oh wait a second i’m getting killed and paul yeah here we go i am endermites gg so 55 was enderman 42 was man and only one percent was woman so um guys let’s um let’s just respect the women for a second i really appreciate it we also had some

Women in the live stream oh wait a second these guys were just hiding a little bit reject immunity humanity become enderman yes it’s a new army if it’s forming guys enchanted endermites this is interesting we found some electra’s gg let me just quickly go to um the chat section right here

And share my discords 5 000 members right here and then we got discord gg slash 4am official i’m gonna pin this one so everybody who wants to join the discord just check out the link right there we have an awesome community with almost 5 000 members

And um the link should work let me just double check it for a second yes it works okay perfect so guys it is time to take the electra right grants the ability to blast off and glide here we go look at that oh this is so cool guys

Look at that where we roll we have these wings man this is beautiful glorious let’s take the fireworks so right now we can glide around so we have to go this way oh that was scary these guys have um oh i found some chorus fruits thanks that is very much appreciated

These guys had electrified so they were hitting me really bad for him i have a question is the sport striker plus spain cycle still working i am not sure actually okay so we have a secret right here an edge ship an end ship it has to be some loot right here

You want to find some secrets guys nothing okay this is disappointing we’re just gonna land right on top of them to deal the damage okay maybe we have to press a certain thing to drop down a little bit faster nope i’m gonna go to the sides first oh look

At that we found a bigger end ship right now this one looks pretty cool guys look at this place wow just wow where is the eyes of ender you have to search in the basic levels they are shown on the mini map on the main map menu what’s this okay that’s weird

Ah okay okay okay we’re inside the ship right now it looks like we’re wearing another ship a little bit funky sour tip gaming learn to fly yeah man i still need my flying license right i don’t have one don’t tell mojang i don’t have a flying license

And there’s bow okay so we have one chest popping up right here mercenary armor oh man i want some exclusive dlc exclusive uniques that would be so nice it’s like this spot oh yeah baby some loot you can actually just skip this right you can go to

The other area i’m gonna check out this one right here oh oh oh oh oh no not it in the fort not in the fort liquids okay we have an angry enderman guys here we go another mercenary armor man the blastlings they’re so badass really almost 1100 people watching guys can i

Just take a moment for a second to thank you personally and oh wow my camera died once again i’m not really sure what’s happening with my batteries but um of course before i want to thank you i want to i want you to see me all right ready all right all right

Yes f in a chat indeed so um let me just quickly disable and re-enable my cam there’s nothing wrong with the battery for some reason it shuts off every single time right there it’s back gg so uh guys big thanks for being here you guys are the best community

A youtuber can wish for really we’re literally 1050 people watching live right now almost one thousand one hundreds and what the hell just happened i heard a sound atonians two euros thanks bro where are you from i am from italy by the way oh you are from italy um i was getting

Wrecked right there by the way but you are from italy my girlfriend is also from italy man um i would like to say big thanks and of course um i am from belgium so um there you have it i love italian food man we cook pasta almost every day pasta scampi pasta

Oh man my girlfriend her favorite food is pasta vongole because she loves the clams she really loves that but i am more of a shrimp man i love the scampi the gambas but i also really like spanish food so if you’re from spain the paella and the video

Oh man those are my favorite dishes if you don’t want no know what it is a paella oh man it’s like a big dish with rice and seafood and of course also chicken and chorizo it’s it’s literally the best man right now i’m getting hungry because of it i haven’t

Had breakfast yet it’s like uh midday almost but i probably gonna skip breakfast because i just want to keep streaming from portugal next to spain nice man i actually just got a gym from a portico my mother gave it as a as a gift it definitely looks really nice actually

Never been to portugal it’s always because spain is just a little bit closer for me but it’s so big i always just go to spain there is so much still for us to see but i guess uh portico is also definitely worth checking out long live the chorizo nice man

Como estas hey and um i also really love the cerveza the san miguel and so um always when i go to spain it’s like una cerveza con embasso freya a beer in a cold class if i pronounce it right of course i might have made some arrows right there

Oh these guys are a little bit scary oh with the poison clouds man that was scary i almost died okay many other minds incoming do you watch like avecina i i haven’t i don’t know what it is bro sorry i’m not that familiar my father by the way is flying to um

To italy today to milan he’s uh he’s an artist he makes a he’s a sculptor he makes uh scopes statues all kinds of source south africa oh man south africa is nice do you also speak uh south africans spook awesome and heisbach those are like words i know

Because they are very similar to uh the things we use in dutch oh we’re actually outside of the map that was weird guys that was super weird okay so we have to press some buttons right here wait a seconds the dogs sabotage the m dogs

Okay we can do that we can definitely do that netherlands yeah man i was born in the netherlands i really love it still I’m half german i couldn’t tag my friends i also know a little bit of german bratwurst with bona calfs uh chocolate sana in english i almost forget the english words man hot chocolate with the with cream on it it’s really nice with whipped cream right hello from vietnam oh man i’ve been to

Vietnam um oh i forgot to say hello in vietnamese but um the pow bowls the and all the soup you guys have i it was literally the best trip i ever had vietnam is such a beautiful country guys man i i went to the caves we did underwater cave diving we did

Um exploration of the jungle we went to ha long bay which is pretty much the place where they uh shot king kong the movie man it was beautiful if you go there on a vacation you should take a boat and go there for like one or two nights

It’s it’s the best experience i’ve ever had and the chefs right there they make the best food man vietnam is so underrated and it’s so cheap to go there actually as you european um it’s it’s it’s the best place is for you have a gaming chair i am a gaming chair guys

I am i am not a person i’m actually a gaming chair but um the poll which we had like a couple minutes ago also had a result that 50 people i mean 50 percent of of all the people we’re watching right now are um are endermen copy mana copy

What’s that bro agus iran what’s that are you also vietnamese or which language is that oh what’s this it’s an end and bath okay i don’t think we should go in there don’t think we should go in here cross the car is forest all right yes yes yes this is exactly

What we needed to do oh bro this is too much too much hopping around from a to b We found a secret obsidian chest nice the starless knight guys a new weapon this is really cool excess damage hits nearby mobs gg this one isn’t very powerful but um for him a man what for him is a man a woman an element and a chair yes gg but guys seriously the starless

Knights it’s haunted by oh very powerful combo excess damage hits nearby mobs i want to try this one out though maybe we put some enchantments on it as well while we’re at it right put gravity so we suck in all the enemy mobs oh we should put exploding as well

Gravity exploding and um maybe chains it’s it’s not the best combo i know but it will look really cool it will look really cool for him is a pokemon yes i am actually uh i was born in a pokeball and then um pikachu is also my uncle

I just wanted to say that i just want to clear the confusion about me so i’m not just a chair but i’m also a pokemon okay great now guys it’s getting a little bit scared because we only have one more life left um we wanna make sure that we don’t die

Right here so i’m gonna switch my gear if of course the enderman gets back we’re first gonna take care of him okay we need our fighters bindings asap okay here we go here we go need to heal up guys if we don’t heal up okay here we go i’m a little bit scared

Right now we’re losing lives because of this featuring gear but i think with this gear it will be just fine pikachu is your uncle yes don’t tell him though he doesn’t know it for him are you malaccas malacca is greece greece right malacca it’s like get dammit or something

Malacca and we went to a greek restaurant and he kept saying this it was pretty funny king lava you’re my favorite youtuber oh king lama you are my favorite llama bro i love you too guys there is so much stuff going on right here we did find the secret obsidian chest right

That’s something we barely found any other chests but this is such a long level if you ask me 1000 people still watching wow guys very much appreciate okay right here we have to go it’s finished it’s finished here’s the voice it’s pretty scary it brings us closer to the end so um

We’re going to the final level right now guys oh i can’t wait to see the vengeful heart of ender we’re gonna have to focus a little bit with the gear we’re not allowed to die multiple times with that that’s just stupid mistakes right there right we died two

Times because of the speed ring gear right now i’m gonna focus with the wither armor it’s gonna make it a little bit easier a bit more doable let’s say let’s also check out this place maybe we have a chance of finding some new dlc exclusive items actually uh where is

My armor with them yes the luck of the sea voy touch blades right there boys applied rising damage multiplier oh boy shulker armor deflect enemy projectiles take less damage when swarmed take less damage when swarmed so that means you will um of course the more enemies around you will take less damage

I’m inspired by you with your h hardcore playthrough any tips hey sarah how are you um actually yeah just take your time for the hardcore survival series it is pretty difficult to pull those levels off and an entertainer’s garb okay that’s pretty cool 30 positive status effect duration wow

That is actually not that bad defensive sure fabulous absolutely that guys no but sarah um take your time be careful with it because it’s a pretty it’s a pretty tough challenge to go hardcore i like how he ignores the uniques what do you mean yeah

The uniques are cool and all but um the uniques aren’t um very nice because we are currently only looking for the exclusives for the dlc but oh wait a second this but it’s actually not that bad let’s just buy it you have that’s a good point right there that’s a good

Travis i agree with you we don’t always want to uh ignore these bad boys right oh this one has look of the sea final shout and chilling i’m actually gonna buy it maybe we can give it away somewhere glow growing this one as well um two enchantments are good but the third

One is bad all right let’s do another re-roll on the luxury merchants fighters bindings guys i am getting a little bit lucky right here so um we have critical hits we have radians we have swirling sharpness i might just buy this one because we also have the gravity

Gravity swirling and radiance it’s not that bad i can i can give it away in a future event or something let me just quickly get rid of all these items so we have some more inventory right and then we’re going to start with the final level so i’m just going to quickly clear

Up my eventually so many items man we’re going to see those emeralds rolling in like crazy still 1 000 people watching guys don’t leave the stream just yet i mean we’re gonna do the final level in a second i know we are in the base for a second

But um we wanna make sure we are prepared right okay that’s enough let’s go to the all tap get rid of these bad boys 999 oh we’re dropping our viewers it’s cool it’s cool i’m gonna take my time guys i’m not gonna rush things and oh we actually also found a shadow crossbow

Chance to shadow form on kills this my friends is extremely cool this is extremely cool so if we kill something we have a chance of going in sneak mode and with this weapon we can actually deal extra damage on unsuspecting enemies so if you are going in sleek mode

You will always do bonus damage that is really nice you saw which the emerald armor you were gonna give away really did i no it’s it’s right there it’s right there opel armor luck of the sea chilling rush final shout is definitely here herobrine king i am

Late aren’t i hello herobrine what’s up bro you’ve probably been playing on the s p for pretty long yesterday so that’s why you’re a little bit late right but um the echoing for dlc so far is really really cool uh let me take my wither armor guys

We’re gonna check out the final level right now other dimensions this is gonna be nice so we have the end wilds we still have to find quite some things right here two unknown rewards um also if you are going to the default difficulty you will finally

You will have a higher chance of course of finding those items right now it’s five in total if you go to this one it’s three adventures probably oh wait a second adventure is probably gonna be four of them you right now you have a 50 chance of finding an end

Uh dlc uh items so that is definitely your best odds for finding those i think i’m gonna start farming on adventure mode for these artifacts and of course if we go to the broken citadel the final level we have the card right there if we go to

The default it has a 33 chance yes we definitely want to farm that on all that difficulty oh boys this is interesting let’s uh crank it up to apocalypse level 23 right i think that’s a good one to start up with if the boss was an ender dragon well it’s gonna be

The vengeful heart of ender we’re gonna check him out right now guys i can’t wait to see you him bravely seek out the enemy that lurks here and bring an end to this madness guys i have a little treat for a second give me a moment give me a moment hello hello

Now we start the evil don’t we welcome to the ends the echoing for dlc you guys have been waiting for this right oh babies babies babies i love this so uh there you had it there you had it so pretty epic sounds right oh but i love that voice changer

It’s so much fun by the way if you can’t hear me right now just let me know in the chat because i keep messing with these things and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t yeah i should do a pole man that’s a good idea people can guess where i was born

That’s a really good idea let me let me put a pull in let me put a pull in where was i born awesome the community here we go guys i am very curious who can respond to this with the right answer i know the answer to that oh yes not everybody knows

50 people 50 of the people says i was born in the end by the way herobrine the previous poll and wow we just feel bad right here the previous poll i asked people what my gender was am i a man am i a woman or am i an enderman and 50

Thought i was the enderman oh man we’re having such a great day guys seriously i love this okay so we have a place to check out right here but actually i i wanted to first explore the rest really we skipped so much of the level so herobrine you still uh didn’t reply

Or maybe you did and i i i simply couldn’t see it because we have like a thousand viewers right now um how was your experience in the the s p have you still played a little bit did you get your hands on some more light tress

Because that was our plan right we want to have dominance on the server with the alitrez for him what’s the most favorite game in your life actually i have two favorites minecraft and um skyrim i really love skyrim and those cars starve is also one of my favorite games actually i

Really like survival games and adventurous to games for him what’s an snp survival multiplayer world pretty much in minecraft so we have an smp everybody will be able to join that one of course you have to whitelist yourself get whitelisted with the application form it’s um of course at the announcement video

Which i shared a couple days ago just uh google foreign smp you will find it yourself you can apply for uh for the server you can join the vanilla experience 80 plus camera players skyrim dude i love skyrim so let’s try and get up there

Right we have to be a little bit careful for the underlings you shoot this guy who’s boss right smb is sip without the eye that’s that’s a good one bro okay so these things are actually plants right in my teasers i thought they were like some kind of device

Which i had to use to um to navigate yourself through the level would have been would have been um interesting though i want to check out this area as well i mean we don’t want to skip everything oh we have some bad guys in here some some illagers

Wait a second herobrine i think you already replied right probably you said lol right there i need to go to the toilet i’ll be back yes don’t worry about it lovely i didn’t get an electron because i didn’t have iron to do something i’m making an iron farm right now okay

That is really nice man we need an ira farm near a base right we should also start working on that um mob spawner we have guys we have two zombie spotters and one spider spawner like underneath our base i think there’s gonna be a secret right here

Give it to me baby give it to me where is it yeah oh void touch blades really awesome they’re a warm where’s the worm guys i didn’t see a word where is the worm where is i it we saw everything right now let’s get back up

Guys we’re so close to the boss i can’t wait to see him i can’t wait to see him this is the end of the orb of dominance story oh look at that look at that we fight the big guy right there it’s not the biggest one voice science terminator i know right

It’s a pretty scary one love your content thanks bro very much appreciate it’s blockbreaker32 i love you guys too i love you guys too of course that’s why i’m making videos every single day to just keep you posted update you with the latest news for minecraft and minecraft dungeons

Show you the glitches show you the best armor and weapons it takes a lot of time to do this research so it would be very much appreciated if you could just hit that like button for a second um on the live stream so let me see how many secrets and um

Chess we can find right here so we have seven secrets seven chests to open wow why are we not finding any secrets and the chest in general oh we have a royal guard right here that’s interesting okay let me let me end the poll by the way because most of you guys probably

Already uh replied so um most people say that i was born in the netherlands no in the end then the netherlands and then belgium well i have to be honest guys i was born in belgium so you all lose you all lose maybe some people of course who voted belgium

They they win but um i’m just kidding i was born in the netherlands but the end would have been cool as well right imagine me streaming from the end right now actually i have a very good idea for for the stream i won’t be able to do it right now though but um

Imagine being my background an end portal or something oh it just knocked them back really bad into the abyss walking around on these areas doesn’t feel as scary as in the regular minecraft though if you have the void underneath you’re gonna be really really scared right rubber eyes pop out of his chest

Yes if i open my shirt guys you don’t want to see it i have all those eyes covering my body but i of course i’m not going to open my shirts or stream that would be a little bit uh wrong wouldn’t it be i don’t wanna show you my under eyes

In my country the end people would say i am i’m a watchling but um i really like to be a uh snarling as well actually how awesome would it be to be in enderling with both snarling and watching powers man uh-oh we just fell down um actually we have a lot more to

Explore to the north east so i’m actually gonna try and check out that right there or maybe we have to use the the gates and then we can get upstairs that would also make sense he is enderman i am hero brian fri if you were born in the end you can

Teleport anywhere um yeah maybe that would be nice man just go on holidays without having to worry about um taking flights etc man oh that would be so nice oh my god this is scary this is really scary we don’t want to die we don’t want to die

We might have to use all our lives for the final boss right you never know maybe he’s super overpowered okay what i’m going to do is take other artifacts this is going to make it a little bit easier no speed ring here anymore wow there’s damage though

Sheesh four am links oh yeah we have we need to make four am links a thing man that would be so nice all right here we go gone stress is stressful business guys i think we managed to take care of every single one of them gg i want to take this chest though

Wow okay we have different levels oh i destroyed the whoa look at the zoom in of the camera okay we should have used all right um oh wait wait wait wait what’s happening right here this is not good there is like void liquid all over the

Place for him did you watch the euro cup um actually i did and um i we voted for italy because of course um my my stepdad stepdad no that’s not my stepdad it’s the father of my girlfriend um he um he’s italian of course my girlfriend is also italian so uh we

At first we’re voting for belgium uh belgium actually did a pretty good job in the in the euro cup but italy won and i think they definitely deserved it because they were such an awesome team guys they did so well viva italia man everything is zoomed in so much it’s

It’s it’s a little bit odd to be honest frame links would take over minecraft dungeons yeah man for sure i can hear the humming of a secret chess guys it’s around here somewhere they beat portugal i think portico didn’t do a really good job

Um ronaldo is a nice player but it was a little bit salty about it for not making a goal but i think he did his best he’s a good player i think all countries they they push themselves to the limits quite but of course the best always win guys

That’s just how it is the best always win one thousand 1073 people watching guys big thanks for watching seriously this is the best community we are getting to 1 100 rights we are very close to the end boss the vengeful heart of ender and this guy

Is probably gonna sound like an evil boy dutch is holland oh yes so we have a little altar right there i think this is where it’s about to go down guys he has a chair so he’s born from the factory oh the theories right here they are next level

So i was i was born in the factory because i’m a chair i am also an enderling i was born in the ends pikachu is my uncle but he doesn’t know about it i’m also a woman but nobody knows and yeah i think that’s it guys i mean there’s more there’s more maybe

Keep the theories coming in the comment section i’d love to hear them most of it is accurate though it’s it’s almost entirely accurate everyone join the discord oh yes it’s in the description guys in the it’s a pinned comment in a live stream make sure to check it out

This is so funny you are the heart of ender i am i am the ender of the heart does that make sense am the ender of the heart you have the heart of ender and you have the ender to the heart okay that makes no sense okay i smell evil man

We’re getting closer and closer to the vengeful hearts the vein to the vengeful ender of hard guys let’s make it even more confusing who else has a hardcore world i don’t but i plan on making one for minecraft you guys love my hardcore survival series right in minecraft dungeons

I think i should also start doing that in the in the regular minecraft because i finally learned to use a shield in the game maybe i will have a chance to getting it to uh to the ender dragon a live stream hardcore world i think that would be really nice actually

Oh boy two endermen two endermen let’s try and summon them at the very same spot come boys here we go here we go here we go okay we destroyed one of them this guy of course we need to roll bam gg here we go guys okay

We press this button fly to the citadel okay we have to do something right here this is interesting right now we can go up oh this is such a big castle guys i am an ender woman chair srs oh yeah man uh just keep them coming

The fish for heart of 4am they’re oh that’s the original man that’s original the vengeful heart of thorium there of the foreigner chair right i think i already visited this place whoa it looks beautiful though let’s check it out no i didn’t i didn’t visit this place

Yet i didn’t visit this place yet how can i how can i let’s go to this where there’s no secret right here this is disappointing it would be really cool though if there was a secret up there but uh there’s nothing there’s nothing an ender woman chair he’s a 3 am boogie man

Oh yes 3am spooky man frame i got voice strike on my fighters bindings nice man that’s really cool okay so right now we want to get up there i think this is the end guys this is literally the end where do we go where do we go where do we go this way

No no no no never mind let’s do that again no no no not in avoid block liquids okay we’re gonna have to fly this way interesting interesting ahmed what’s disappointing man been there already i haven’t been here but uh yeah that’s some stream delay i guess i thought delay was

Off by the way but this is another checkpoint guys oh the ender that how they call again the snare legs look at how they walk they are so cute they’re like i cannot really um mimic them because of course i don’t have such beautiful arms and legs

Oh we have the board popping up once again guys and 1100 viewers oh welcome guys welcome to the streams the vengeful heart of ender is near what did what’s the worm doing right here um i don’t know i think it’s just um environmental beauty he’s just uh snooping around here and there

Or maybe this worm is actually going to convert into the vengeful hearts like right in front of us guys i am almost certain i’m gonna call it right now if if he pops up it’s gonna be the small worm and in front of our faces he’s gonna eat

The orb of dominance or or take it or something and then it’s gonna make this slim worm a big guy i think that’s what’s gonna happen it’s gonna make the small worm a big man okay so we don’t have anything right here i really like the houses though i really like the houses

The dlc seems epic can’t wait to play it myself oh yeah man it’s so much fun i think it’s really cool but um we didn’t have a lot of success with finding the secrets in the chest look at this two to nine two to seven so i think we’re gonna have to

Try a little bit harder next time with our next playthrough right here we’ll find some emeralds not very interesting i found out laura about 4am’s origins his mother is a factory her brother is a pokemon factory his father is the enemy half man Oh man that’s beautiful that’s beautiful that’s just beautiful oh look at those blastlings they’re enchanted with bonus shots growing and ricochet oh this is scary man this is scary i’m gonna have to use multiple abilities oh that was scary look at my hp right now oh we’re getting we’re gonna die we’re

Gonna die we actually died because of the falling damage that was scary man these um these shulkers they’re not my big friends not my best friends my potion was on cooldown so we couldn’t do anything but uh yeah the shulkers are scary man especially in combination with these bad boys

Well we’re gonna have to step up the game a little bit we still have two lives so it will be just fine but uh yeah we’re gonna have to keep our guard up a little bit before you may the 4am spirit would be with you thanks bro

Yeah own son all right pig’s got a new level oh yes it’s actually a free level bro everybody can play this at all this guy i’m actually gonna put him out of his misery we can shoot through walls with the the quiver right so we have to go that way

I think we’re gonna have to go to the northeast then to trigger something for him how to unlock the gun of gills it’s a secret level i heard so it’s gonna be hidden somewhere i’m gonna have to make a video about that pretty soon we haven’t covered it yet so i don’t know

Where it is uh we’re gonna cover this after the vengeful heart of ender of course all right all right all right no no no no no we just flew right into this projectile but guys come on shoot already yes yes here we go come on shoot shoot okay the projectiles aren’t moving

Upstairs for some reason i have to open this they’re simply not moving upstairs how am i supposed to get through how am i supposed to get through come on boy yeah okay this is a bug mojag fix it please asap all right let’s get to the next gate

Because we also have a um choker right here right yes yes yes yes yes look at that look at that there we go oh yeah i forgot freedom is also part clock i am part clock guys i didn’t even know that that’s such a relief actually because i am so

Worried about time every every time every time i’m worried about the time oh wow look at that place look at that place can we actually fly that let’s try this no this is not working that’s a shame it would have been so cool if we could just dash to that area man i

Can’t wait to see that see the because he’s 4am yes exactly because i’m for him i’m worried about the time if a cutlass just keep fighting these cutlasses i’m not a big fan of those four em they’re pokey clock woman chairling yes i think that pretty much sums up what i am

In one word so guys what about a new poll what about a new poll we should do a new poll right kill the shulkers is the good gaming chat what do you mean this gaming chair which i’m using right now this is a really good one it’s an ak racing

It’s uh it’s it’s pretty good it’s an old one but um i plan on making if i’m if i ever get rich guys i’m gonna buy a gaming chair with uh with my own logo on it mark my words it’s gonna make me look like real boss rights maybe it’s just a waste

Of money i don’t know so we want to get through this how how do we get through this they’re clearly two gates i don’t know man wait a second oh big brain guys big brain the button was just right behind it oh enderman ciao amigo sorry but um

It’s just business it’s not personal are you guys ready for the vengeful hearts of ender i am for him is the ultimate gaming chair he can transform into anything like an autobot right out of bots roll out we’re getting closer and closer right now and we actually have another event

Right there i want to check it out oh this is annoying this is really annoying with that citadel in front of us okay okay okay we have we have another shooker how can i see he’s actually trying to hit me yes yes yes open up the gates sweet

Frame always wakes up it’s for him always it’s always for him somewhere in the world so it’s it’s 100 accurate guys i really like these uh these zones where you have to take the chests so another button right here bye bye blastlings enderman enderman actually i should have just used my uh

My luck of the sea armor right every time when i picked up a chest oh guys look at what we just found right here a call of the void bow oh man this is so cool the unique for rent let me check it out let me check it out for a second

This is so cool applies rising damage multiplier and chance for errors to explode wow this is so cool we have new enchantments on it we have dynamo over charge and also the levitation shots wow i’m definitely gonna make a sick build with this one it looks really cool

Gg guys parker’s in the chat minecraft dangerous 2 will be about to strike for him the gaming chair of dominance yeah man oh that would be the best storyline that would be the best rate i would pay for that game man i would pay 100

Oh the snake is right here the big guy oh i’m getting hammered right here this is not good i’m getting hammered let’s take some stealth for a second oh wait a second we already clicked on an enemy but um we’re getting so close to this boss i mean

Just this guy’s showing up once again don’t you agree with my theory i’m actually gonna make a new poll don’t you agree with my theory what will it be like um so i’m gonna what will the boss be like another’s another worm the worm we just saw getting thick there we go

Oh wait a second we don’t want to get killed enter why can i not delete this one yes ask your community so will it be another worm so we saw the worm a couple times right will it be this worm or will it be another one i’m very

Curious i think it’s gonna be the worm it’s just gonna get thick guys it’s gonna get thick i am sure of it there’s only one worm yeah you don’t know maybe it’s just this little brother a little sister dashing to him say like hey antonio you are going to be attacked

Foreign isn’t coming it could be something like that but it could also be this firm just running away like a and then of course when we get closer he’s just gonna take the orb of dominance or a shard of it and he’s becoming extremely powerful the warmer is the broken heart of ender

Yes the vengeful heart of ender okay we already used the other portal right but then we have another one right there it’s it’s so confusing to see all these things on the map let’s just follow the objective i guess man it’s so scary if you get levitated you also cannot use

A potion or artifacts all right where are you amigo yes yes yes yes yes go shoot that stuff to me no way no way no no way don’t tell me this doesn’t work don’t tell me this doesn’t work so the projectiles aren’t going upstairs guys the projectors aren’t going upstairs

He’s a snake you must trust me look at that every time it’s it’s getting deleted the button I don’t know guys there is something about this off there’s something off maybe we have another way how we can trigger this so we have another choker right here but this projectile doesn’t go far enough i am not sure this is exactly what it does right kill the shulker

Maybe it’s a snowball i don’t think so the choker should pop up right here right you’re not doing it right what do you mean you’re not doing it right zach how how do i do it let me know the other one behind you this one there is another one right there

They both get destroyed at the stairs man did you fight the worm already no no we’re gonna fight the worm any time right now guys but there is something wrong with the with the shulkers the projectiles simply don’t get upstairs they get destroyed right here what’s happening

See maybe the thing to follow the dots they’re glowing when the choker shoots the thing one hit and the other unlocked the door oh wait a second wait a second this one was following me for a pretty long time guys let’s let’s try this one there’s one of the shockers probably

Come on shoot no no not the snowball yes here we go so we have multiple chokers yes yes yes this is it this is it this is it we got it we got it you should get up by hit and then use another one whoa wait a second just let from one yes

And the other came up to you in the air what the hell are you saying man so i have to kill one okay okay i have to kill this guy so i kill this guy the enchanted one it will respawn in the air you say right this

Actually went to the top so it works maybe just collided in a wrong way what the hell here we go here we go see it goes up and up and up but then it stops yes here we go oh my god bugs my favorite yes we finally managed to get through

Guys so let me also just quickly disable the pole let’s edit right here the worm is getting thick guys snake worm whatever you want to call it fourier turns demon mode because his clock changes and time hurts let’s not hope that’s gonna happen so we have another portal right here

What’s this what’s this okay this is just treasure oh if our teleportation ropes guys roll to teleport 50 soul gathering this is so cool you got this give me more content dude look at this imagine multirole on this armor man it would be so epic and this is just a normal one

Acrobat right here look at this 45 cooldown electrified guys oh boy this is so badass i love this new piece of armor look at this man this is super cool okay i’m gonna quickly swap gear swap gear because otherwise we’re gonna die right here but that was so nice that was so nice

Now we’re gonna deal with the problems of the voids okay we have another set coming up oh get old son we used our crossbow right there gg with a multi shot with the the torment quiver it’s like a trick gg all right so um these are these are like the final mobs

After this the worm is there i think no spoilers in the chat if you already killed him but man i can’t wait to see him okay we’re getting knocked up in the air for a second we’re gonna be extra careful we only have two lives left you missed it obsidian chest really oh

Dude dude dude bring me back bring me back to it i missed it up city chest guys i’m gonna check it out in a second let me first clear this room because of course it’s a it ends there’s an end to it but uh tell me where the secret obsidian chest is

Yeah i know there is one tell me where because we have the key we have to bring the key somewhere and also check if we have if we have a chest right here that would be nice oh get the wrecked sons get rigged go back to place where you find the

Teleporting armor okay okay that’s a good idea i’m gonna do that um we cannot open this that’s weird check the mini-map oh it’s is it just that chest really did i miss that very chest that’s so lame man how can i miss it let me just also press these buttons for seconds

Okay this opens up everything that’s good oh guys we’re getting so close right now i can sense evil evil is near look down on a minimap yes i know guys don’t worry about it we’re gonna take oh we just fell down that was savage okay let’s just get it right now i also

Want to check out the the top the bottom right it’s actually top right so the obsidium chest was around here right you guys said oh it’s right there so we have to do something i assume i have to go to this place no how did you guys get there is like a

Roll jump or something use your luck of the sea for him oh yeah i should i should armor lack of the sea that’s a good idea so the armor is right oh we have to just walk back that’s it that’s it just have to walk back oh my god

I want to see the boss yeah me too man i’m really looking forward to that boss fight so how did we get there i assume we take that one oh man it’s so far away all right let me just quickly use this featuring gear or more that’s a long walk guys

We have to get all the way back to that very location it’s cool we’re almost there speaking gear is the best no no no this is not it how did how did you get there guys you have the platforms which you can jump on i assume

I already tried to drop down right here right it didn’t work power cap is 300 really that would be nice and i want to figure out how we can get to this zone oh wait a second we see this yeah yeah yeah arch ouch ouch it took a lot of damage right here

Uh arbor armor armor armor where’s my armor oh right in time we’re here we are here 1 150 people watching right now oh i bet you guys can’t wait to see the heart of the ender the vengeful heart of ender okay guys um my artifacts my armor sorry

Let’s put my speech ring gear at the very beginning and let’s also take the cake armor come on yes doom crossbow gg alright i’d like to see what this is where’s my armor my wither armor okay it’s right there so we find a dupe crossbow with levitation shots refreshments

Exploding in wild rage it’s not that bad but it’s not a fantastic role let’s say we’ve seen better i think right now we need to use some kind of thing to get back to the mainlands uh what uh this is a problem guys i think we’re stranded i think we’re stranded

So we get to this one oh we can use this oh i think i i have a problem right now i flew out of the map guys i flew out of the map okay that was interesting prim is live yes i am very very live very much alive

Thank god i’m still alive as well two lives left though okay let’s quickly check out this oh we felt that once again let’s quickly take the right artifacts because the boss is near guys we want to have maximum souls when we get there wow we get teleported pretty far back

1150 people watching this can you believe it oh man here we go i think we’re gonna have more treasure waiting for us right here of course guys after the vengeful heart of enter the stream is not over we’re going to continue playing we’re going to check out the um the god of

Gills free mission it’s a secret mission but first i can have to find it somewhere but i’m sure it’s not going to be very difficult it’s probably going to be marked on the map somewhere and it’s not going to be on the holland peaks because otherwise

Of course it would be impossible to get it for the people who don’t have the holland peaks dlc and it’s actually an introduction level to it so um yeah all right guys here we go to the boss onto the boss can we get 1000 likes can we get 1

200 watchers that would be so crazy 1 200 watch links guys seriously now we’re in the theme 200 watch links that would be real pog uh-oh yes it feels like we’re getting really really close right now this is like a final bridge to the bus i’m gonna save my souls for the real

Deal guys try to keep my artifacts and on cooldown at all times because if we have bad luck then a very strong enchant mob is going to pop in okay this is the final one probably there we go teleportation ropes once again sweet well let me just drink some water

Quickly because i am dehydrated guys foreign intensifies oh yes friends oh yes travis can we find a chest right here so now oh we see the worm again find a heavy crossbow okay just use all my artifacts screw this oh the worm is back you guys oh no no

No no no no it’s it’s right here it’s right here mark my words Are you guys ready when you guys ready here we go he’s making great this this shape though i didn’t expect it to have legs as well this is super cool all right let me not go with it oh what’s happening right here look at this a different health bar as well

What’s this okay we get damaged if we go to the portals we can one shot it if we want to right now it’s protected i think with this health bar that well that’s what it means oh dude seriously i cannot go into that void bath right oh

Don’t look at that okay we got quite some damage already this is it guys this is it oh it’s pulling me in it’s pulling in dealing even more void damage right here we need to heal up quickly oh he actually killed me right there okay we have to be extremely careful for

That pooling because it’s dangerous we only have one life left oh we cannot stretch this battle for too long guys if we have an opportunity oh yes we took a nice one right there at least three hours yeah guys well i’ve been streaming for two and a half hours right here

Let’s stay away from the voodoo oh he’s dragging me in he’s pulling again big time here he is there he is get out of the pool boy is it gonna be one round or two rounds we don’t know about that so i i don’t know guys

Get to me boy i’m not using my uh my dynamo i mean not my torment quiver it’s 2p oh we actually killed him gg gg 4am wins the game Oh yes guys that was pretty interesting to see right and oh we just found a fireball thrower as unique i am really happy i think this was the coolest dlc yet i mean this was a crazy adventure guys big thanks for being here i mean we are

Going to continue the stream of course but that was the boss fight we can even do it another time later in the stream but um i also want to focus on uh checking out um the gail sanctum i mean the kill sanctum the gauntlet of gaels the gauntlet come

Out of kills is it called like that i think so gg we added the mission With the heart of ender defeated the overworld was finally and truly free from the herb’s influence But even as this story ends is a hero’s work ever done as long as adventures await heroes will answer the call yes yes we are the king guys we dealt with the heart of ender ah i feel like a boss right now gg well played so um right now guys of course we’re

Gonna do the gauntlet of gales mission tasty bone that’s all we get for completing this oh look at that we actually did something at the blacksmith power level 251 shadow walk okay nice we have a regular sword 249. okay this one has double prospector so that’s cool and

This one also had some pretty interesting enchantments but guys now it is time of course to go for the new secret mission and um we should be able to find it somewhere right um so this one still says we need to find a certain item so of course it’s the first level

On the other dimensions we have these two bad boys and the gauntlet of gales is going to be in the island realms oh it’s not a secret mission it just pops up just like that all right let’s go for it is the end dlc free no it’s not free

It’s um it’s paid content but the gauntlet of gills the mission which we’re gonna play right now is entirely free so guys definitely make sure to um check it out it’s uh near the howling peaks dlc and um you can just access it without a problem

Or will you find yourself blown away by the challenge interesting all right let me just quickly check something be right back guys wow man so many people watching right now it’s insane very much appreciated i loved you guys i was just uh checking some things but uh we are still

Down to clown and ready to party this is gonna be an annoying level guys enchanters are never a good thing the entirely new gauntlet of gayle’s mission you can check it out yourselves once again it is entirely free only the ndlc of course is paid content but um like you already

Saw right there it’s definitely worth it’s definitely worth your bucks guys super awesome dlc i can’t wait to farm for those items myself already find quite some uniques actually i feel like there will be a redstone golem uprising that was a lot of redstone golem in the earthquake scene

Also the pigs that ran away from the pork likes ruben from the minecraft story mode dude that’s a nice theory right there guys remember this comment maybe it’s gonna be the future of minecraft engines i gotta go but i’ll stay in the stream travis big thanks bro how is the stronghold mission only

Available with the dcc because it’s a it’s paid content amigo it’s it’s the first level of the dlc here we go so we have to go to the top right well let’s go to the south eastern a lot of bad guys right here yeah we need

To stack up our dynamo a little bit for you how are you hey excellent great what’s up man how are you doing do you know when the dlc is available in germany oh we just found some highland armor guys the dlc should be available in germany right now

I have every dlc except for the ends oh man then the decision has been made right you should get your hands on it i personally think the season pass and the ultimate edition of course oh that was scary uh will be the best ways

To uh to get all the dlcs if you love minecraft dungeons wow we almost get killed by that pack of creepers right there looks like many people are abandoning the stream because they’re like oh foreign stopped playing the mdlc guys don’t worry about it after the gauntlet of gaels after we’ve

Completed this one we are definitely gonna check out the uh ant missions once again because i want to get my hands on all that loot as quick as possible we’re going to do some speed training some speedrun gear farming and the mdlc to get all those uniques on

Stream i think that’s going to be really awesome i want to stream all day guys seriously i’m gonna i’m gonna make pizza as lunch as breakfast pretty much brunch that is and um we’re gonna do some nice events and maybe tomorrow we should also do some streams for the s p right

I’m just getting the final difficulty of the main game any tips on weapons such because i’m having trouble knowing what i’m doing and i’m power level 61. i suggest you to always pick up the highest power level items big thanks by the way for your long message

Um always pick up the highest power level items and try to swap them with your current gear because actually the more high power level items you have of course will increase your average power level and that will make you simply stronger in the game if you have low power level items with

Good enchantments it’s nice but it’s definitely worth getting rid of them if the power level is a big difference especially for armor um the higher the power level is the more hp you will have so it’s very important to always make sure that power level of your armor

Is very high because that one pretty much determines your survivability of course in combination with your artifacts and enchantments to get a perfect build but um in general just the very basic is get nice bass hp so um the base damage of the mobs doesn’t hurt you that much want to have

A glance on your legend build i’m going to make a build very soon bro for sure so we have two pillar events right here i personally don’t really like them because they keep knocking you out and you have to get back in again oh that zombie good old man

Yes i think it’s almost over frame i was at camp at camp were you camping or did you have a camp with a scouting or something that’s really nice man what are your theories of the future of minecraft dungeons i think well i don’t think i am i already know what

They are doing with minecraft dungeons but it’s confidential i mean they gave me a little teaser but um we’re gonna talk about that when of course the information goes public right but um i think the future is bright for minecraft dungeons i think after all these dlcs are gonna do a new

Approach and um it’s definitely gonna be interesting to see what uh what different kind of thing that you’re gonna do i mean it has to be interesting for the free players as well right we don’t always want to focus on paid content that simply doesn’t work i mean

People like to buy the dlcs but some people simply don’t have money for it so you want to make it interesting for both parties oh we’re getting ambushed right here like crazy it’s scary man definitely use those uh torment quaver errors right now use overcharge enchantment you can up for them it’s op

Yes i know over overcharge supercharged and dynamo or growing either one of those actually if you can get all four on a gilded item that would be sick man okay so this one is close up that means we’re gonna have to do another puzzle uh with the wind guys it’s happening

With the wind i’m sure of that um yes we’re gonna just press the buttons enough there we go battle rope or ender rope i think the battle rope is nice the ender rope isn’t that very interesting as it’s it’s only good for speed raiding but the the enchantment it gives

Burns enemies nearby it’s it’s not really good for for speedrunning because you will trigger the enemies they will turn hostile even quicker and then pretty much start chasing you down and for speed training it’s not nice but with the battle rope you have more artifact damage more base damage with your attacks

So um you can annihilate big packs of mobs especially if you’re going for hybrid melee damage and artifact damage build really in the update they made cut scenes for flames of the nether what do you mean in the cutscenes oh boy this is scary wow man there’s patron um and if could you

Please not spam the flag if if people spam things i i have to mute them unfortunately i don’t allow spammers in here i think all the moderators are also playing the dlc right now of course we cannot play the brights we cannot blame them what did you guys

Think of the eventual heart of ender i think it was a really nice one all right i think there’s gonna be more treasure right here nothing okay this is an event summoning in some enemies so it should be something right after we destroy them wow it’s already 29 degrees celsius in

My room because the door is closed man i’m so glad i have a shirt on right now voice over cinematics intro when loading the levels in dlc four letter of the flames okay giant philip johansen thanks bro for sharing the vengeful heart of anders inside for him yes

I i took his soul so right now i am playing with his powers right i’m dominating everyone oh here we go guys get that sweet loot get that sweet freedom are there any new skins i think so we should check them out actually um after we finish the gondola of gil’s mission

It’s actually nice to wear these sunglasses for a second because i didn’t have much sleep and um my eyes burn when i look at the screen it burns okay this is a pretty long level but i’m not really sure if i like it that much i mean it’s pretty much a

Howling peaks dlc level right a lot of pistons right here what do you guys think of it so far it’s like live for him oh yes for sure man i’m gonna jump down right here because i think we will have a secret chest down there i’m almost certain of it

Nice sunnies max collins thanks for tuning in in the livestream max very much appreciate it okay there is nothing right here that’s disappointing but there should be something in that next room it looks like a mini boss room maybe it’s even the final room already who knows

It would be really nice though if this room actually always spawns a little bit differently oh boys it’s big it’s evil it’s coming or not there’s nothing okay yeah we have we have the the squall golems so we have to activate some triggers right here yeah yeah here they come here they come

We have to push every button in the corners probably that’s number one down second one right there get owned ah okay it’s open already oh that was a that was a stupid event just two squall cones for that entire room i think they should have made it a

Little bit bigger for you crit sucks now because of the foot strike being broken what do you mean foot strike is broken david mania david what’s what’s broken about it is it opie let me know that would be so nice what do you see is this this is the the

Gauntlet of gayle’s free mission uh which is to be found near um the howling peaks dlc actually it’s a free level every single one of you guys can access it so definitely make sure to check it out if you’re playing this is the new free mission indeed

What’s with the voice right guys so i see some people saying it it’s open or broken broken is not always a good thing right broken up builds broken xp farms i’m actually very curious if they still allow us to farm xp in a crazy way which you already did in

The hidden devs dlc i assume they don’t wanna fix it because then of course people are going to be more um tempted to buy the dlc to just get that broken xp form if you don’t know this video yet just type in broken xp form hidden devs dlc

And you will find mine it’s it’s it’s insane it will allow you to literally get hundreds and hundreds of enchanted points in just a couple minutes oh this is a big cave guys and big gates okay we’re gonna spawn in some bad guys i’m gonna press all the buttons okay i

Start to like this level right now it’s interesting there is more and more coming every single time i woke up at the exact time i’m supposed to just watch this perfect bro just perfect you’re watching this with breakfast breakfast that’s the way to go man breakfast live stream with 4am

Man there are so many buttons i wonder if we missed some didn’t miss this one for sure another one right there another one right there oh we opened it i think we’re not it definitely sounded like it well oh okay we just got blocked out tournament paper bam oh that was savage

I think this is gonna be the last one i played the dlc nice hero brian what are your thoughts about it so far we barely made that roll yes looks like it’s open right now 771 people watching like almost half of what we had with um we had two 1250

We’re dealing with the boss wow man almost 1 300 viewers it’s definitely a top high score for me with the the the flames of the nether dlc we had uh 900 concurrent peak viewers and uh right now one thousand two hundred fifty plus ish man that was crazy

Okay so i’m just gonna quickly check out this place all right now it’s getting a little bit too dark for me my eyes have restored in their powers the cam just killed once again oh my god man there is something terribly wrong with the the batteries there’s something terribly wrong let me

Just double check once again the cam doesn’t like me guys it’s overheating i think it’s in a different setting 4k or something i think the end is breaking my my setup guys it’s just uh disturbing everything all the connections that would be very logical answer to uh the problems

By the way if there are some problems with my audio also let me know because i used to have big issues when recording a couple days ago so my voice started glitching out and you could always where you’re like 4 a.m what’s up guys that wasn’t very healthy

So i had to re-record a 20-minute video three times and of course that’s the edited part three times the entire recording was like two hours so it took me six hours to do the recording and then start editing guys seriously that was there was true horrors

Anyways if you enjoyed the stream so far please uh hit that like button would be very much appreciated and of course um it helps both me and other people to find out uh about the stream because um people wanna know exactly what’s going on right oh

We take this platform no we are too late okay we’re too late the end is breaking your devices because it’s the end on your devices oh yes man oh this is evil man this is evil it’s actually bugging out a little bit how is the the frame rate on the stream

By the way because on my stream it’s it’s it’s super laggy what the hell is going on looks so weird is it working fine for you guys because um i get some errors pretty bad not to me she gonna wait right here yes here we go there we go

It’s good for me okay that’s good to hear man oh here we go here we go we managed to get to the other side gg that was a pretty hectic puzzle it is vengeful if there will be a main boss in the flames of the nether i want withers

Or the wildfire blaze like a shard of the orb inside the soul sand patch and it turns into the wither oh that would be really cool it’s lagging a bit but it’s okay uh we dropped 0.3 frame rates so far if the if the quality is getting too bad

Guys just let me know because i might have to uh change some settings but i don’t want to mess with it too much because it might crash the stream and that would be horrible i think we’re just gonna sit tight get through this main level and then

Afterwards of course we’re gonna do more and dlc stuff mania are you sure it’s not your internet connection you got this oh yeah man i have i get this sebastian come on where’s the boss here we go look at that guys we showed him who is the real boss rat

Boom chakalaka boom boom here we go nice and just keep fighting nice treasure guys i think this is the end of the of the level we have some treasures right here what an obsidian chest and a golden chest okay let’s let’s put on our armor right here right our

Sweet tooth oh my god oh my god i wanted to have a unique that uh did it happen ah there we go highlight armor that’s more like it that’s more like it this one also has a new one the shadow search maps defeated while in shadowfarm grand extras souls

Also the lack of the sea lightning focus gate speed after dodge i think this is not that bad guys we can make a pretty cool piece of armor with it of course um there are better pieces but nevertheless though this was a pretty nice level what do you guys think of um the

Gauntlet of gaels i’m actually going to put a poll what is your opinion about gauntlets of gills wow meh and as extra option not my kind of cookie here we go it’s actually purple because i two times said meh and not my kind of cookie so it’s like two times a bad thing

But the wow is is yeah of course this wow guys i think it’s wow i think it’s really cool because we get this level four free right oh this is what we’ve been waiting for the shadow shifter the shadow shifter grants you shadow form which allows you to stay out of sight

Oh man look at this we’re gonna use this artifact we’re gonna make a shadow build right now um let me quickly take we’re gonna make a shadow build guys and we’re gonna go back to the nether i mean the ends health potion cylinder by li 30 positive

Status yeah we already saw this one we want to have uniques guys oh baby swirling thundering or so this one and then of course um actually i’m just gonna buy it guys screw this i’m a rich man i can’t afford it restock okay that was oh

The vexes guys we found the purple vexes this is really good why is your camp like that um never done godlove is it good yes the gauntlet of kills was really fun um my camp is like this because it’s a mod um i actually made a video about it uh

It’s called tiger camp so we’re gonna check out this uh this vex enchant as well let’s do a couple restocks oh man i’m getting poorer and poorer with this oh nimble armor with the surprise gift okay this is not fantastic this is interesting shadow walker uh i’m not gonna do

Another roll it’s too too expensive guys too expensive but i do want to check out the mystery merchants who knows maybe we can get some unique side of this right cream or more nah screw this i’m not gonna waste all my money at the lottery guys

It’s a bad idea but um we have a new range i actually wanna go with that new artifact as well so we have the shadow shifter we’re gonna try it out right now guys um also the vexing chant there are more artifacts which we can

Find but uh this is already a good start right um we also have that ranged weapon right here um call of the void we’re gonna put levitation shots with fall damage overcharge or ricochet i think that we have a chance to make it ricochet to other mobs

They can also get the levitation and the gravity maybe even i’m just gonna do a little bit of experimenting right here that’s gonna be nice right and as armor we already found this armor with the roll to teleport multi-role multirole look of the sea i know where we’re going with this guys

I like the dlc so far here breaking you ask while i was busy all right yeah that’s good man i really love it research chilling shadow search mobs defeated while in shadows form get extras souls 50 soul gathering should we go with guys let me know uh either shadow search

Mob’s defeated well and shut up from get extra souls or with a multi-role because then of course we can roll the teleport all the time i think that would be really cool right i think i think motorola is going to be a little bit more powerful

But if you think i should go with the shadow search that could be interesting as well with the artifacts oliver stent thank you so much for the great videos you have really helped me to get back into this game thanks bro very much appreciate it i

Love you guys every single one of you motorola multirole yes i knew it notre rule is gonna be the better pick right here so what we’re gonna oh i look so funky right now we also have a little another mites um we’re gonna mix things up a little bit with the new artifacts

And of course we want to also use a new weapon right so we have the new dagger extra damage on unsuspecting enemies i don’t think it’s very interesting let’s upgrade some things by the way oh this is so cool this is so cool let me upgrade some

Things which we’re not going to use right now so we have the claymore what else do we have um i don’t know i think we should actually get rid of most items but guys the teleporting right here is super cool look at how many times we can do this this is so nice

Go to the end dlc of course we’re gonna go to the dlc i think we should first go to the stronghold mission or well there is like a lot of loot dropping right here i think we should go to adventure difficulty so we can narrow down the options or apocalypse i don’t know

Let’s uh travel to the other dimensions the end wells because there’s still an artifact which we haven’t seen if we change from apocalypse to default we actually also have a chance of finding that armor which is the shulker armor so we already saw all the artifacts i think we should go on

Default because then um we have the highest chance of finding this one and of course the armor as well it’s gonna be a little lower difficulty guys but i want to find that piece of armor we already have the luck of the sea built in right here

So this is gonna be really interesting the skins look at the new skins yes i promised that i promised to look at the new skins let’s do that first then i’m going to quickly hop into that level so right now we have the vex right there

Here aesthetics look at that the vex is flying right there but change skin we have this kid right here guys demon for him yes yes so we have i made this skit for my hardcore survival series right with the the headband but if we scroll down we

Should be able to find the voice this is lord forza skin by the way he’s also probably playing right now oh look at this we have this guy with them the ender stuff on his head and then we also have this one oh this one looks evil guys

This one looks evil actually pretty cool if you’re wearing that armor right this is actually the best one of the two we have more of course we have a lot more but this one is really nice so if you’re playing the echoing void dlc with the skins

I think that one is the best but um i’m just going to rock my own skin guys of course i am 4m i need my 4m skin i just found a new enchantment boy jack yes nice man there are many new enchantments with jack hopster youtube you’re my favorite minecraft dungeons

Youtuber for him thanks bro i think i’m also one of the only ones active right now the only one streaming the the echoing for dlc so we’re gonna check out the island trails down to the other dimensions and we’re gonna go to the end wiles adventure mode here we go

By the way once again a big shout out to antoniums for his donation to the channel it’s very much appreciated if you’re still watching do it really i am very thankful for it it definitely helps me to um upgrade things like the the minecraft server

And work on my setup let’s say and of course uh realizing my dreams so of course if you’re interested in supporting the channel a little bit more you can always check out the link in the description uh to become a member you actually get exclusive perks for the channel i’m actually gonna

Put it in them in the chat right now so you guys will be able to check it out um let me just open it in a new tab for a second damn there you go but of course this is always i think if you really want to do it if you can miss

The money otherwise i’d say just to already help me out big time with the liking and subscribing but um guys did you see that ambush right there that teleports this is so cool we can literally teleport every single time i think we should make a roll build or something

And then that we can um speed right with this roll builds maybe we can even teleport to the other side of this or nuts i don’t know we also want to summon in the effects army okay this doesn’t work i think we’re gonna have to go up a little bit in the height

Yes this is gonna be it’s what okay we did fall down right there that’s weird man i’m gonna try to get on top of it using this portal no what’s wrong with it i think the role doesn’t work as we want it to work exactly

There has to be some way to get there guys i’m gonna quickly switch my items artifacts and also the feather it doesn’t work maybe we should even use other gear i think we should use a different kind of gear wait a second it was close right i think you need an

Electra yeah maybe maybe we can fly back a little bit to see if that works so let’s get back to this one so right now we cannot enable it because we need more souls but uh the second one oh wait guys the vexes let’s summon them in right now

So this is exactly what they look like i think it’s really cool look at that oh man they’re so cool hammering those bad guys yeah i think we’re too far for an electric to be honest but i really really dig the rolling man look at this not sure if the teleport is that

Powerful but it’s definitely a lot of fun to to dash through the battle from a to b we still can’t activate the soul uh pendants oh guys look at this if i see an enemy if you actually roll towards them and instantly attack them that actually counts as

A sneak attack i think or not it looked like it right life joey sunda what’s up man you called my name okay right now we are invisible this is nice this is really nice okay let’s enable the vexes here they come protect me in battle okay just afk right now 6900 viewers oh

Yeah man yeah we have the worm right there as well oh there are a lot of bad guys they’re all falling down what the hell are they doing okay too bad you cannot teleport this is actually not really teleporting you it’s just making you invisible with a roll i mean mojang

Fix this i want to teleport to this location that would be so cool i think it’s simply not possible you’re not going to complete this it’s impossible enderman pro bro i already completed it amigo it’s a it’s a really nice boss fight i’m going to do it again actually

Okay let me just get a chest okay we need uh we need the key guys i think i know where the key is whoops whoops whoops oh man this is so much fun to teleporting oh look at that the teleport what i actually could teleport it all the way back

How did that happen man oh i used to i used the platform okay i use the platform that makes sense it’s actually a lot quicker so let’s just take this one okay so we have a secret chest oh that was cool pretty well hidden secret right there

What is this uh this is the echoing void you’ll see my friends right now we’re trying out some new artifacts and new enchantments it’s a lot of fun we’re gonna we’re gonna take out the heart of ender once again after this level we’re gonna do the final boss oh man it

Was so much fun to take him down a really really sick challenge actually i want to try it with some new enchantments though what do you think about that wait a second how did we get there ah here we go finally dlc available in indonesia nice man enjoy the game

4am do you know the voice track enchantments oh yes i do looks really cool currently playing with some new role enchantments i really dig it man right after this um stream i’m actually also going to make a video for you guys to get to all the eyes of ender pretty

Much which you need in order to get to the end dlc levels because they’re hidden in the basic levels we actually did this at the very start of the stream but man i can’t wait to show you exactly how you can get there very quick and easy

There’s probably gonna be a video during my uh my break and i’m gonna take a lunch and then afterwards we can always do more streams right speed run for some gear i think that would be really nice free business free when you get that minecraft dangerous pack and all the

Other dlcs of course if then it’s not free because you paid for it but um this is included in the ultimate edition and also in the season pass bundle pretty much let me just teleport past these bad boys oh this is scary i can’t hear a chest guys oh nice

Oh okay that was weird we just fell straight through the map oh it old son oh what’s this i think it’s done all right let’s get to the objective i’m gonna buy the next season pass for him i think there’s not gonna be next season pass maybe there will be but um

Not for a while i assume maybe they’re gonna announce something on the minecraft alive minecon pretty much but um we’ll just have to wait about that i mean this one just got released man we don’t want to rush it all right let’s go hit me

Bam open up the gates by the way can you have prospector on armor and bow now um i don’t think so that would be funky right that would be pretty funky we’re getting closer to the bus guys we are getting closer and closer oh levitation is real

Okay we need to open up this bad boy as well so that means the next shulker where is he i think he was in the center right yes yes yes come to papi cap to papi do you like llamas for him oh yes i do i do

This is so cool i know right this is such an awesome level i love the new dlc all the new mobs and okay this guy is shooting a projectile to me come on trigger it there we go should be another one right here yep okay two more to activate

I think we’re gonna just use the same shulkers i’m eating nando’s right now for him nice man can i join the s p please of course man you should um use the the application form if you use that one you’ll be able to get access right write an application um

On on the announcement video of the smp you will find uh find it in the description if you use it then you can uh join the server the ip address by the way is played.4amofficial.com oh yeah here we come here we come would you say the dlc is worth it the

Vlog frog oh yes man it’s um it’s definitely worth it i think it’s the best deal so far so far that’s best dlc yet that’s what i wanted to say but um yeah it’s it’s so much fun i mean look at the enchantments which i have right now i mean everybody can access

These enchantments right it’s um oh threat increased right now playing on adventure mode just to try and get as much of those items as possible because right now the loot table is in my favor but um yeah it’s a really cool dlc you should get your hands on it

If you if you don’t own any deals easier just buy the season pass bundle you will get all the dlcs for a reduced price just twenty dollars for six dlcs guys and we just found some shulker armor sweet here we go shulker armor mobs target two more deflect enemy projectiles and take

Less damage when swarmed we also have the shadow blast right here leaving shadowfork triggers a powerful blast that deals damage to nearby mobs really really awesome stuff wow man we’ve been streaming for over three hours already next level it’s getting pretty hot in my room as well i don’t have any ventilation

Do you have to buy it or does it come automatically this one uh you have to buy this is a season pass material but uh the three ones of course like the the condos of gill’s mission which we showed as entirely free okay so we have night mode enabled right

Now this is gonna be pretty scary red okay we have to enable this one choker here we come sweet there’s gonna be more loot waiting for us some m’s nothing too fancy but we have another room right there guys how do we get there oh this is scary guys look at the jump

Did did you see already complete the asian hunt guides oh that’s nice man that’s really awesome yeah we have some new ancient hot mobs by the way um so for both the hidden devs dlc and um the echoing void dlc i think that’s really awesome oh guys seriously just a wooden chest

That’s not nice but we should check out the asian hunt mobs pretty soon as well not sure if we can do that in this live stream but maybe in the live stream a little bit later today because we wanna get some lunch guys two asian two ocean ancient hand mops

And two ant asian hens thanks lord force thanks for sharing yeah that sounds really cool gilded items from both dlcs are gonna be very awesome to get your hands on okay let’s just get upstairs right now i’m gonna finish this level asap actually i don’t really feel like

Searching for items anymore i have bad luck with the loot but we can always re-roll the vendors right okay we wanna yes get the stroker projectile right here come at me shook her shoot no we got wet right here oh that is so typical friend make a pull about what dlc bosses

Hardest to do a video about wrecking bosses and mini bosses oh i can definitely do that i’m gonna make i’m gonna make a pull after this level that’s a really good idea there we come nice i think these dlcs have asian mob oh yes lord first just said that in the chat

It does have dlc mobs in the asian hands what do you guys think by the way if you already killed um the vengeful heart of ander which boss do you think is harder the the arc illager itself the archie or um the vengeful heart of ender [Applause]

All right here we go learn to fly oh yeah guys we’re gonna learn to fly oh we’re we were flying right there right this was so buggy extremely buggy we have an end ship right here we can enter it this is nice oh man it’s so dark with the nightmare modes

Okay this is a different one in comparison with the one we already saw earlier i think that’s cool they they make different kind of generations oh swift striker amigos oh i sincerely hope this one is gonna have three enchantments two of them oh it’s cool but uh this one sometimes strikes twice

Oh boy that is really cool a dagger that can assassinate enemies and sometimes strike twice as well we’re gonna make some very interesting uh belts with this for sure okay we have the electron the ship 2g so we’re gonna try the boss on the highest apocalypse right this is just adventure mode

I’ll try to rush to that place i might have a secret right here no secrets just a tree on an island not impressed guys not impressed okay we’ve got the supplies right there so that means we’re getting closer oh okay i really like this void teleport guys

Okay we’ve got one more to take care of one more beacon or one more sabotage the end dogs navigate to the floating aisles is okay we get the key right there what the hell we have multiple keys okay this is interesting we haven’t seen this event yet

Also here with chests this one is behind the cage oh poor poor little babies what was that voice i don’t know i didn’t hear any strange voices it’s the heart of ender a second wait a second there was a there was an enter there was a key right there right

Where did it go i think um the game is messing with me a little bit the game is definitely messing around with me wait a second oh wow what what what i have a keyring oh there are so many keys wait a second there is an entrance right there

I cannot go to it though that key is right there oh man they are trolling me these keys you should try and turn off that sounds yeah yes just try and turn it off there we go is this also a fake key no way now i’m seriously getting troll right here

What the hell is going on guys the game hates me what oh man this is such a big area that’s why okay okay okay i’m getting it i’m getting it interesting just have to get all the way to the end right here oh we actually have a key on our back right now

This is interesting you got all aisles all eyes nice man all aisles here we go okay i think we’re good right now yeah try to catch me with my void teleport man gg here we go also don’t know how to do this with discord without the link please help what do you mean

I do have the dlc but still loading like every update what are some people having trouble with uh launching the dlc or what’s up i’m gonna quickly check the size right here because you never know maybe there’s some treasure hidden i love the treasure oh a secret gate another time

I love these places it’s so much more evil though with the with the nightmare mode activated it’s extremely dark right now i actually really like to uh to walk around these parts with the with the darkness can we find something right here the big scissor oh we’re gonna go

All the way up this is interesting okay okay what’s this what’s this wow look at this place it’s like a throne man we’re going up even higher right now look at this place if you look closely to your skids it looks like like a pillager me do i look like a

Pillager no man you didn’t say that i don’t look like a pillager i’m a nice guy remember i’m a chair i’m a woman i’m an enderman i’m all those things combined okay this is weird right now this is getting really weird we have to go upright i mean we went all

The way up there was really nothing right there we do have the the gate all the way to the bottom okay we cannot do that oh we felt out all the way i think this is the highest platform but there has to be something right i think we missed something and really

The darkness doesn’t help oh no no there is a button right there there is a button we have to do something oh we just found it we just found it this is like a tree growing right here this is really cool i think we found an obsidian chest i really think we did

Backstabber oh oh oh the floor is dying how can the floor die it’s just falling down this is such a long room i don’t think there’s going to be nothing special up here there has to be something i really dig this place oh boy it just keeps going seriously just a golden chest

No way you’re not kidding me this is just the golden chest room there’s gonna be more man oh yeah there’s another event right there yes after this after this event we’re gonna find an obsidian chest i’m almost certain of it give it to me i heard another one popping up yes okay

This is just the way back right guess no i wanted to have an obsidian chest two golden chests it’s not that bad but i don’t know let me just make this screen a little bit smaller What the hell okay this is not the right one did we get some more package laws no it’s all fine it’s all fine all right here we go let’s get to the finish line guys and deal with the vengeful heart of ender one more time

Oh this is evil stuff oh wait a second what’s happening oh that was scary so you cannot really survive that i guess what that was the sickest fall damage i just took right there okay it’s two times inconveniences okay they’re just literally webbing me in this liquid

It’s not very friendly red we have to get to another place yes we we have to use the escalator i think this one right here no i don’t think it’s it’s the thing i want to take so we’re going to go this way you hear the zombies walking around

Their voices are so epic okay so we have another chest right there this one looks a little bit strange it’s like high up and oh guys look at that we just found an obsidian chest how do we get there though i wonder how we can get there i think i already know how

So we have a platform right there with yes yes yes yes yes yes i see something there is a platform somewhere some kind of piston thing which i have to use oh it’s right there guys it’s right there oh seriously no no no no no i didn’t just fall all the way

Down here okay this is actually not that bad because this is actually doing the trick for me right now there we go for him you go you a baguette i’m not a begins but thanks though i love baguettes baguettes with uh some saucy song etc that would be really awesome

Let’s be a little bit careful for this avoid liquid guys with all the lightning enter the portal yeah baby we’re getting there gg that’s it what is your discord server sold to the end my discord server sold my descriptor is not sold man the discord isn’t a top it’s in the it’s

A pinned comment right there what if quite busy be oh quite busy b that would be definitely interesting wait i find more lord to foreign his mom is a factory his uncle is a pokemon factory his odd bakery his dad is enema and half man

That’s a good one bro that’s a good one we found quite some things this time no crazy uniques though but um really looking forward to checking out oh some extra loot guys really looking forward to checking out that final level once more so let me just um go with that final armor

For the heist apocalypse plus um we’re gonna take this bow the kong of weakening and the deathcap mushroom rights 251 power level i could do it of course this on the apocalypse go to the other dimensions the broken citadel oh this is going to be challenging guys

Apocalypse level 7 plus 25 are you guys ready for it alright navigate to the outer world oh that was scary guys oh no with the elite right we actually flew all the way down of the map that’s not good oh oh oh taking a lot of damage right here

What we have two times the gun of weakening right now okay that’s definitely not intentional let me just quickly change that to the torment quiver artifacts okay we have to wait for it to be on cooldown it’s cool it’s cool the cooldown is cool guys

Okay we have to go that way wow there’s still a lot to explore right there so that means oh a lot of secrets 11 chests nice but we want to focus on that vengeful heart of ender the one and only oh that was brutal man that was really brutal

They erect me you forgot to pull oh yes you forgot to pull with the bosses let me let me put put that in the video right now and what the hell is that guy doing right there so guys the poll which boss i will i will give my own answers soon

Which boss is the hardest or is the most difficult in minecraft archie arch illager plus heart of heart vengeful parts of ender then of course we also have the creeper creeping winter balls three balls we have i think those are the most difficult ones now like peaks boss wasn’t that

Difficult right let’s just uh go with these flames with another didn’t have a ball so rip i think these are the most difficult bosses so let me know which one you think is uh it’s really hard by the way guys if you just tuned in on the live stream we’re playing on the

Highest apocalypse plus difficulty right now doing this on apocalypse level seven plus 25 and we are going to take down don’t knock me down boys that’s not gonna happen i’m gonna get you right back and the knockback is real on these kids are these fellas for him the boss is

Called the jig light combination i know but i’m just making it a little bit easier for you guys not everybody knows that oh we have some links right here some snare links what is your discord dude it’s in the top right it’s in um it’s a pinned comment that’s my discord

It’s called the forum community it’s also in the description so if you want to check it out it’s right there french part of ender here i come boys oh this is scary too many enemies too many images illusionary coming oh oh he knocked me off he knocked me off thank god

This doesn’t ruin life ouch here we go where is he i think he’s still alive let’s see anything dropping that was scary guys that was scary i have to admit it we’re going to check out if we can find some precious loot ooh heavy crossbow nice hey terrius odied what’s up bro welcome

To the livestream how are you doing man can you make a tutorial of how to fight all the eyes of ander after this stream yes yes that’s definitely what i’m planning to do so let me just say at the poll for a second because um i think most of you guys

Agree with that the vengeful heart of ender is a pretty strong difficult boss but i still think the arc elijah itself if you do it in the highest apocalypse difficulty is a little bit more scary with the lasers i mean the lasers steal tons and tons of damage rights

Many people vote for archie as well so yes that’s good i’m doing fine uh terrorists i’m just uh streaming the final boss once again oh get older nice we get a nice fire right here hey minnie break on youtube what’s up man welcome to this live stream

We’re getting pretty close to the boss right now is there some secrets right here of weakening there we go oh these are some tough cookies guys these are some tough cookies he spawned at the wrong place in the wrong time boys at that point when i used my arrows he spot right there

Which level of this dlc this is actually the final level we’re gonna deal with the boss the vengeful heart of ender in a second so um yes if you don’t want to get spoiled make sure to turn it off or just get spoiled i don’t know

What does the god of weakening do it actually increases your damage by 300 and also reduces the damage of the enemies so they become both weaker and deal yeah they become weaker pretty much they deal less damage and you deal more damage to them so it’s the perfect combination if you

Have a dynamo quiver a dynamic torment quiver aero combo with a multi shot which you always have on the winter’s touch and of course use um the arrows on them oh man it just deals so much damage you just wipe them off the face of the earth really

For i really wish this adventure is not over yet oh yes it’s not man the adventure is gonna keep going not only on this um minecraft dungeons because of course the developers definitely plan on releasing more content but um also on the channel i mean this is just the beginning we’re

Constantly making new videos every single day and of course also um have a minecraft server you guys should definitely check it out by the way um i should share that video at the end of this one but um man i can’t wait to see all the new things that are in store for

Minecraft dungeons after the echo revoir dlc and of course uh from minecraft as well because it’s very possible that we’re actually gonna get our hands on the um and dlc update in minecraft 1.19 let’s say and wow my camera just died once again let me fix that

My camera is definitely crying for for some new batteries and of course also for me to get lunch all right we’re back we have a lot of treasure right here guys to everybody who just joined the stream by the way we are taking down the vengeful hearts of ender so um

If you haven’t played yet make sure to um of course um turn it off at the very boss fight or of course if you want to get spoiled then just join along with the adventure it’s gonna be an epic battle for sure and of course after this live stream i

Am going to share with you guys where you can find all those eyes i already did this uh so the video will be back on demand to the live stream but afterwards you can um you can also find a video on how to find all the eyes of ender

For the echoing void dlc stronghold activation pretty much freya what are the pros of streaming on youtube versus twitch um i think i personally think that um the twitch uh gaming audience is uh it’s nice and all and of course you will get nice amount of viewers if you are

Making great content but it’s also a very saturated market so if you’re new to uh streaming i personally think it would be very interesting to to start streaming i for example don’t stream a lot and we actually hit over 1 200 viewers at the same time

On this very channel with six and a half thousand um subscribers so um if you are starting with streaming i think it’s it’s it’s very possible that you get discovered on youtube a lot easier because of course the market is less saturated but the audience is also very different

I mean i have a friend who streams on twitch and he also has i mean he only has a couple subscribers or followers then it’s called of course and he only started this a couple months ago and it’s a pretty small channel but he gets donations all the time and on youtube it’s

Entirely different people don’t really donate things on on a regular basis it’s a it’s an entirely different community but of course that’s not very important i mean i i just stream for fun i want to show you guys exactly what’s up with the echoing ford dlc

I make my videos my videos are monetized and of course with the monetization this is actually the only way how i make money with my my channel right now so if i get a lot of views i can get some money out of it which is

Which is really nice but of course it’s all trying to help you people uh to achieve certain things in the game or of course make it a little bit fun or entertaining but uh in general yeah that’s the the big difference is i think that people

On on twitch they only stream so they only stream and of course they also put their videos on later on but the discovery for that is really bad and um on youtube the discovery is a lot easier i mean if you make a nice video

If it gets a lot of views it will go viral literally so then if you if you have some monetization it will um allow you to make a little bit of money of it i mean i put monetization on because of course my content is entirely free for

Every single one of you guys to watch but it does take a lot of time to make as well i mean it’s it’s literally a full-time job right now i don’t have time to make logos etc i’m actually a graphic designer as as as job but it’s um

It’s literally something i don’t have much time for lately so it’s most of the times youtube and um yeah lord force i would say the opposite there is no way to find people streaming on youtube only for people who make a lot of videos on youtube who get a good audience or stream

I don’t agree with that because new people they get an audience pretty quickly i saw youtubers with 1 000 subscribers getting hundreds and hundreds of concurrent viewers which is something that doesn’t happen on twitch at all and i don’t watch a lot of content of other

Creators but i i saw that many times and yeah in general just people who start streaming on youtube they they get discovered quicker in my opinion because um there aren’t many people streaming and i’m probably the first person who streams uh minecraft dungeons maybe there’s some very small channels as well

But um people they just google uh minecraft dungeons equine void dlc and everybody will find my channel right now because of course i already also made that’s what large four says i already made a lot of content for the acquaintance dlc so that indeed makes my channel a little bit more easy to

Discover but at the same time i don’t know if you want to start streaming you could try twitch a bit in both ways of course just go for consistency you wanna stream like every two three times two three times a week at least and keep that up every single week try

To stick to your schedule stick to your timetable and then it would work you’re like i don’t need sleep i need content yes i’m always creating more content for you guys i almost don’t sleep really so um we’re gonna have to activate this door let me see

What i missed okay i missed this one okay this is interesting there we go okay we have filed a new call of the vote guys really really nice bow let’s check out the enchantments so we have a power level 250 okay it doesn’t have any new enchantments applies rising damage to multiplier

Critical hits guys critical hit on my bow is this normal no way you guys are seeing this right i found a bow with critical hit is this possible is that new um we literally critical hit on my bow right here yes it’s normal did you read the patch notes okay

Apparently critical hit is now possible for bose i think it’s pretty cool it’s really cool nice over charge plus critical hit that would be pretty pretty brutal guys nice all right i’m definitely gonna make a video about the patch notes soon i i didn’t read any of them because um i

Just wanted to start streaming right at the bats but it’s always cool to be amazed by new things right that’s exactly what happened right there find a critical hit on the bow was like what i like it though i really like it it will be interesting

So we have a 25 chance to deal triple the damage wait a second we have to get up there what’s this why is it marking this location wait a second we did something wrong right here no no no no no no no no no no no no we’re not gonna do

This we’re not gonna do it it’s not gonna go all the way back i think there’s nothing wrong with the gps guys i’m just gonna go this way do you like my name xx bbq xx i used to make names with the x as well my my

World of warcraft name used to be x bloodfangx but um i think it’s it’s fun for a while but after some time it gets old really get owned guys get owned so we’ll probably find some more treasure right here it would be nicer that this is also gonna be

Oh no just a golden chest it’s cool rim armor that’s not cool bam there we go oh don’t get too close to the plant don’t get too close to the plants fred do you remember me raider hey what’s up man oh oh get them down asap

The gps is just recalculating the gps is having some major issues for sure i think another problem with my cam guys my batteries right they just keep dying i don’t know why because i have three batteries so i’m charging them one by one right now every time when they go down but um

Maybe it’s overheating because i have a certain setting set up in my in my camera right now which might be causing this issue yeah i think the gps is definitely extremely confusing right here so we use this one we get to the other side and then we use this one

Wait wait wait wait wait we’ve cleared this entire place right have i been walking circles or what this is very strange okay okay i just have to click that button that was it that was it okay i just forgot to click the button stupid things guys

For him go to starla’s night weapon what do you mean firebear okay mikkofu so bad yes here we go here we go explore the citadel oh these guys have wood strikers enchantment that’s cool bam i can also strike pretty pretty hard guys for you how much health

Do you have in minecraft dangerous i have i let’s see um 1.8 million 1.8 million hp and we right here have the the blast links oh man i am so hungry i want to get this boss down oh i wanna eat my pizza my pizza lunch french philippines that would be nice

Levitation shot oh this is not good guys oh come on keep hitting them uh oh oh of course the drop killed me it’s so brutal you cannot use potions you can’t use potions when you get levitated so with the levitation shot i knew it was a big problem so we’re gonna have to

Be extremely careful right there whoa no no no no not again man i might have to be extremely careful right here with the snares oh man they wanna get me killed really bad i’m gonna die again i’m gonna die again i’m not kidding you look at my hp right now

Okay okay okay we made it we managed to get through we’re gonna have to go this way frame are you gonna do the games thing what do you mean the game’s thing levitation is so evil man there has to be an enchantment with reduced fall damage i think there is

But we’ll see about that it’s environmental damage right from the holland peaks maybe there’s something right here what’s your favorite dlc oh herobrine one more eye to go nice man my favorite dlc yet is i think this one actually because the design is so amazing and i’m really really looking forward to an

Dlc update i mean an ant update to uh minecraft dungeons that would make so much sense right now okay this guy just shoot upstairs man okay this is not the right one then i guess keep finding some buggy things with these wait a second we have to get stunned go in the air

And now it should hit me again right i don’t know it’s not working let’s try another side oh yeah we’re gonna try this shulker here he comes here he comes here he comes come on yes yes come on come on come on come on come on gg shulkers

My favorite is this one and the jungle dlc i also like the jungle dlc it was the environment was beautiful beautiful the level design etc but uh my problem with the jungle dlc is that the armor and the weapons they are so bad i mean you’re playing the dlc and everything

Is just not useful so why would you play it to get bad armor which you cannot really use in the end guys do you want to try to kill one hit kill the the vegetable heart of ender i think that would be interesting to see if you can actually take him down with

Only one shot do you guys agree or not should we should we go the regular fight or should we cheese kill him it’s worth knowing that it can’t work right and i’m back right here do it yes i agree oh no no no i accidentally put the banner

I took a banner make it even more difficult all right may the force be with me man the levitation is real as well i wonder yeah one tap we’re gonna try one tap guys let’s try and run away from the shocker boxes she’s the heart of ender

Yes we’re gonna do that we’re just gonna torment quiver dynamo this bad boy that’s a good idea guys we want to see if it’s possible so we better start rolling right maps keep coming i’m just going to rush to the end really rush through the ends oh that’s so cheesy

Graphic better than before update with the new dlc what do you mean the graphics are exactly the same man uh-oh come on i’m stunned i am stunned this is so buggy the levitation can’t really bug out people be careful with it guys i was about to get killed right there

Striker got buffed really another time sponge striker was already op man i have to go soon don’t worry uh ben plays we’re almost there we’re gonna take down the boss in a second he’s right there new event arena battle all right let’s use the dynamo while we can right there he goes

I think we took care of everybody yep there we the go is really killing me man open the gates i hear some evil voices guys some evil sounds we’re almost there we’re about to go down no raid captains man no raid captains arch oh this body could enchant it as well

That’s extremely scary so in order to open up the gates i think we need that key right i think to the side we have a chance of finding the key let’s let’s first check out this side because it seems like a shorter less long um approach to him

We’ll see it’s either going to be the left or the right oh i think the key is right here actually yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s in the it’s in the rear right where’s the button i don’t see the button oh never mind there’s no button okay guys

Oh you’re german are you a germander man oh that was so bad that was so bad oh wait a second where did my key go okay it’s still on my back for some reason it didn’t display for seconds this is it guys battle across the bridge okay we’re gonna have to survive these

Boss fights i mean this uh this bridge fights then we will deal with the bus strength potion always comes in handy tension intensifies guys almost there gangnam oh slayer crossbow really really awesome we’re going in guys we’re going in oh man these are so dealing so much damage it’s scary

I don’t want to get killed right now 18 to 20 stacks 20 to 20. here we go here we go The vengeful heart of ender i am coming for you okay okay it doesn’t work emoji glasses off it doesn’t work guys we cannot run it kill him apparently he might actually destroy me right now did i lose my stacks i think i did i think i lost my stacks

I keep losing my stacks with the torment quiver oh this is bad stuff stay away from the voodoo he’s coming for me right now uh-oh he’s doing this again there we go what i couldn’t attack him man this is scary uh oh i’m actually getting killed right now heating up quickly

Okay it doesn’t do a lot of damage guys whoo no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no don’t pull me in he’s coming again no i don’t know he’s tweaking this event again man this guy has zero chill

All right now it’s time 1v1 me come on the arrows the arrows Victory sweet victory guys ah that was really nice gg well played i hope you guys enjoyed this battle i am the boss now at range it’s actually a lot easier to do it you don’t have to go on him don’t get too close and then it works this is the second time we’re

Cleaning this boss right now but this time on the highest apocalypse plus difficulty it was a lot of fun i was a little bit scared for that um event with um the portals which popped up multiple times but it is definitely a lot of fun oh

Look at that boys we just gotta handle some stalwart gear surprise gift it’s not fantastic but it’s actually not that bad as well potion use boost defense it’s one of my favorite um chapman’s guys really i think i also use it no i don’t use it on this one but potion

Barrier is it’s fantastic With the heart of ender defeated the overworld I love this ending even as this story ends is a hero’s ever done as long as adventures await heroes will answer the call listen to that guys it’s not over yet it’s not over yet the pig’s face yeah man hey yo you killed my brother

The egg was like hey yo you killed my brother all right oh so we’ve been streaming for what four hours and 30 minutes already this is the second time i’m getting the tasty bone but guys it was so much fun streaming this for you guys seriously

If you are new to the channel make sure to um subscribe because there is so much more coming your way i just want to thank every single one of you guys for being an awesome member to this community i mean um for both minecraft and minecraft dungeons the discord is also in the

Description so make sure to check it out it um is really nice to be able to share this awesome experience with you and of course there’s gonna be a lot more on the discord every time when i go on a premiere when i post a new video

It’s in the discord of course um i will try to make a video asap for uh the six eyes of ender so some of you guys are still struggling with those so of course in order to activate the echoing void dlc you need to go to the stronghold you’re

Gonna have to deliver six eyes of ender i will make a video for it right now and of course if you want to re-watch this stream the four hour plus long stream you can just check it out right there looks like it’s so easy to you man i guess oh yes um

It was fun it was it was pretty challenging boss i have to be honest with that if you have not the best gear let’s say it’s definitely going to be a lot more difficult but i still think the weather armor which i currently have is one of my favorite pieces of armor i

Don’t know it just it just works like a charm the fighters bindings that work like a charm it’s very awesome to hear yourself quickly then of course also the winter’s touch which i’m using supercharged roll charge don’t doesn’t even need roll charge it needs um

What else does it need it needs power or something overcharged could be very cool as well but um dynamo is definitely doing the job right here with the combination of the torment quiver of course the deathcap mushroom the very best very best artifact in the entire game

And the gong of weakening is just so nice to nuke down tough mobs nuke bosses mini bosses pretty much so i think this loadout will definitely work if you’re having some trouble with the equine void dlc go with um this piece of armor or just in general those

Three enchantments i think they work really well of course uh the witch’s touch with the these enchantments but of course the reason why we’re taking the winter stretch is for it to fire three arrows when charged and that’s why the road charge is pretty interesting you can always after rolling

Instantly shoot those three arrows with maximum damage of course and it will supercharge the arrows at the same time so we do a lot of damage and with dynamo you guys know that it’s it hits like a trackman so um there you have it that was my boat

That was uh the adventure for the equine void dlc i really enjoyed um streaming once again um i’m definitely gonna try and do another stream a sabbat right now it’s 4am out i mean it’s almost 3pm already and um i haven’t had breakfast yet so

I am going to get my hands on that right now i’m going to start making videos right after that so guys big thanks i love every single one of you i’ll see you in the next live stream or video

This video, titled ‘🔴ECHOING VOID DLC – FULL Playthrough: New Missions, BOSS Fight & Free Content in Minecraft Dungeons’, was uploaded by 04AM on 2021-07-28 13:17:08. It has garnered 215082 views and 4827 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:41 or 15401 seconds.

The Echoing Void DLC just dropped for Minecraft Dungeons. In this livestream, I will do a full playthrough / walkthrough of the entire Echoing Void DLC Update, from paid to free content. I will beat the Vengeful Heart of Ender and check out all new missions, including the Gauntlet of Gales free level. Are you ready?

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#04AM #minecraftdungeons #minecraft

  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

    Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell In the depths of hell, I journeyed anew, With Minecraft news, all rhymed and true. No changes to vanilla, just mods for fun, Exploring the nether, under the sun. I faced off with mobs, in a blaze of fire, Searching for fortresses, my heart’s desire. Endermen angered, pigmen attacked, But I survived, my skills intact. With Nanachi by my side, a skin so fine, I braved the dangers, in the nether’s spine. Now back in the overworld, safe and sound, Reflecting on adventures, that I found. So here’s the tale, of my Minecraft quest, In rhymes and rhythms, I… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft’s Triangular House Quick Fix

    Tri-Wood Tricks: Minecraft's Triangular House Quick Fix In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re building a house with triangular vibes. Wooden planks arranged in a unique way, Creating a structure that’s sure to stay. With each block placed, a story unfolds, A home for our character, brave and bold. In this virtual world, the possibilities are endless, With each design choice, our creativity transcends. So grab your tools and let’s get to work, Crafting a home that’s sure to perk, Up the spirits of all who pass by, In this Minecraft world, where dreams can fly high. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of creative Minecraft building tutorials like the one you just watched on how to build a Strawberry Hot Air Balloon? If so, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. With a focus on survival gameplay and an emphasis on player interaction, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your building skills and creativity. Join players from around the world on Minewind and explore a vast open world filled with endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work!

    Sneaky Minecraft Build Hacks Guaranteed to Work! Exploring Minecraft Build Hacks with Unspeakable Unspeakable Minecraft Build Hacks have been taking the gaming world by storm, offering players innovative ways to create and customize their virtual worlds. From intricate structures to hidden passages, these hacks provide endless possibilities for Minecraft enthusiasts. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Build Hacks Unspeakable’s latest video showcases some of the most creative and mind-boggling build hacks in Minecraft. Players can now push the boundaries of their imagination and construct awe-inspiring creations that defy the limits of the game. Breaking New Ground with Minecraft 1.20 Build Hacks With the release of Minecraft 1.20, players… Read More

  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

    Minecraft* "2WEEKS" World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure In Minecraft world, a tour so quick, With bridges, farms, and structures slick. From nether portals to pirate taverns, Each creation, a gamer’s haven. The narrator spins a tale so fine, Describing each detail, line by line. From crafting tables to storage chests, Every element put to the test. A potion-themed home, from bottom to top, With furnaces, maps, and tools to swap. A bed in a glass room, transparent and bright, A personal space, a gamer’s delight. So take this tour, in rhymes so clear, In Minecraft world, there’s nothing to fear. Explore, create, and let your story… Read More

  • Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival

    Diamonds & Enchanting Table | Hardcore Survival Exploring Diamonds and Enchanting in Minecraft Hardcore Season 2 Episode 5 Finding Diamonds and Crafting an Enchanting Table In this episode of Minecraft Hardcore Season 2, annihlillyate embarks on a quest to mine his very first diamonds. After a successful live stream mining session, he uncovers the precious gems and sets his sights on crafting a diamond pickaxe and an enchanting table. Discovering Diamonds Venturing into the depths of his mineshaft, annihlillyate stumbles upon a vein of diamonds. With careful precision, he mines the diamonds, earning the coveted advancement and securing enough gems to craft an enchanting table. Crafting… Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper Hotline Bling “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit

    Dream Clutches in Minecraft Edit Minecraft: Exploring Dream’s Clutches in My Ordinary Life Edit Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as you delve into the world of Dream’s Clutches in the latest gameplay edit. Join the excitement as you navigate through challenging obstacles, engage in pixel-perfect jumps, and test your gaming skills in this trending Minecraft short. Unleash Your Gaming Potential Immerse yourself in the GamerLife experience as you tackle the ParkourChallenge, BlockJumping, and various obstacles that await you in this Minecraft Adventure. With each level presenting a new challenge, you’ll find yourself on the edge of your seat, eager to conquer the next… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!

    Uncover the Secret Tunnel in Zombie Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-23 11:00:11. It has garnered 501 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:49 or 2089 seconds. CHOOSE A STRANGE TUNNEL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Sly Water Gun Prank Goes Viral

    Sly Water Gun Prank Goes ViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘अमायरा ने मारी पिचकारी 🧟‍♀️👹#viral #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by Mind Roar on 2024-03-25 15:30:04. It has garnered 14235 views and 158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. animation 🧟‍♀️🙀#viral #bhoot #youtubeshorts #movie cartoon funny anime shorts cute adorable vtuber minecraft sankat mochan vlog majewali kahani majedar kahani game minecraft maizen sisters maizen zenichi mikey maizen jj viral minecraft minecraft anime story mikey ghost clean scary myghostfriend cute movie/anime fyp dsand #shorts entertainment like movie anime susie bob spooky animated likes girl game caine skibidi toilet skibidi toilets jax and pomni… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Chair Hack! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft’s CRAZIEST REALISTIC CHAIR Hack! #shorts”‘, was uploaded by MHDGamingK on 2024-05-01 11:10:50. It has garnered 430 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!

    Terrifying Modpack in Minecraft?! 2 Crazy Players React!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft Modpack Played by 2 Goofy Goobers’, was uploaded by Taz_ on 2024-03-20 20:00:17. It has garnered 77 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:56 or 1556 seconds. Me and my good friend @Min1bin play the horror modpack “Fear Nightfall” we got pretty silly with it so I hope you enjoy. Discord: https://discord.gg/gc25Nyyvwp Twitch: https://twitch.tv/tazgirl_ Modpack download: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fear-nightfall Don’t scroll any further it’s just algo spam: Me and My best friend Minbin played a mod that’s really funny and hilarious. It makes Minecraft really challenging and hard which made… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOW

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft English Lessons! Sign up NOWVideo Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:00. It has garnered 747 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson at the link” #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17

    Ultimate Minecraft Brick House: Insane Build Hacks by Rafli Nagara17Video Information This video, titled ‘Selesaikan Rumah Bata Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by Rafli Nagara17 on 2024-06-02 14:36:27. It has garnered 7957 views and 147 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:17 or 7997 seconds. Join Membersip Nase : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw/join skin minecraft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_UHQ06CBhlsT7icJ7zs0ca53xxPb1LoJ/view?usp=sharing Donate saweria: https://saweria.co/RafliNagaraa17 socialBuzz : https://sociabuzz.com/rafli-adytian_-/donate cara register minecraft: https://youtu.be/x5NNMS9b8kA Social media🌎 Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCu11GsbDeSftT5b1AqL7rw instagram : https://www.instagram.com/rafli_nagara17/ tik tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@raflinagara17 Discord : https://discord.gg/wRan8ZxpPK Nightdbot !discord !ig !donate !info !kodiam !mentionname hi hello Minecraft Survival Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM5DczGW60oIaCzJmajQz7zr7f4mRcXc5 Medieval Music – Cobblestone Village https://youtu.be/PlPZAHsGqOg?si=poiAN5XphqRC_nBn 🎞T a g Minecraft survival series indonesia Minecraft map showcase indonesia Minecraft… Read More

  • Beefton’s Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!

    Beefton's Insane Hive Livestream | Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Hive Live | Playing With Viewers | Open Parties | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Beefton on 2024-07-03 10:26:04. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:10 or 6490 seconds. hi i uh i uh yeah tags VVVV #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #hivebedrock #mcpelive #hivepvp #minecraftpvp #hivepvp hive pack folder,pack folder mcpe,cranexe pack folder,minecraft hive pack folder,mcpe pack folder,hive pack folder 16x,hive pack folder mcpe,best the hive texture packs,hive texture pack,pack folder hive,levitating,hive montage,pack folder,pvp texture pack mcpe,best pvp texture pack bedrock,best pvp texture… Read More

  • Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!

    Shad LOCKED ON ANIME FIGHTER in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FIGHTER FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Shad on 2024-04-28 17:00:19. It has garnered 88571 views and 1260 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:34 or 1294 seconds. Today, Shad is LOCKED ON ONE ANIME FANGIRL ONLY CHUNK as a NINJA in Minecraft!! Will Shad be able to take out the anime fighter fangirls? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Cash Nico Maizen Kory Koryin Omz Dash AyoDenTV Aphmau Friend Wally Techycraft Andycraft Noah & more! #minecraft #minecraftmods #Shad Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in Minecraft

    UNBELIEVABLE: Starting A World in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-05 12:44:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • The Lush Sanctuary

    The Lush SanctuaryThe Lush Sanctuary supports older versions and newer versions of minecraft with crossplay enabled. our server supports lgbtq+ community play.thelushsanctuary.com Read More

  • Trading Post Modded Whitelist

    ABOUT THE TRADING POST Originally launched in September of 2022, The Trading Post was created to coincide with Kevin’s new online persona of “The Wandering Trader.” The Minecraft server aims to bring together a community of builders, redstoners, and more. It is open to the public but still maintains a close-knit feel from Kevin’s streaming origins. Come join us at www.thetradingpost.live! Read More

  • All The Mods 9 To The Skys 1.0.7

    Want to join a consistently updated modded Minecraft server with no whitelist? Look no further than the All the Mods 9 to the Sky server! We have a great community of players, and we’re always looking for more people to join us. Come play and enjoy your time! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Undertale meets Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - Undertale meets Minecraft madnessIf Undertale had Minecraft logic, breaking blocks would only anger the villagers and cause them to attack you with flowers instead of swords. Read More

  • Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on Minewind

    Breaking News: x59 Glam Fails on MinewindVideo Information This video, titled ‘/glam STILL doesn’t work on minewind.’, was uploaded by x59 on 2024-07-06 09:27:38. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Fix it already please Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 44 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 44 is here, Wood challenge 365, no need for fear. The seed is 5723307720831805568, Join the channel, become a creator’s mate. In the Irish lands, prophecies unfold, Enigmatic characters, stories untold. Greetings to TikTok, @kazzu_026, @tomas_deja_de_leerelmapa, let the rhymes mix. On Twitch and TikTok, the Irish gamer shines, Crafting Minecraft news with rhymes that align. Join the Discord, join the fun, In the world of gaming, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipdrama 😂🎮 Read More

  • Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness

    Minecraft Prank: Morphing Mod Madness Minecraft Speedrun Race with a Twist! Jet and his friend Fred are gearing up for an epic Minecraft Speedrun Race. Little does Fred know, Jet has a sneaky plan up his sleeve – he’s using the Morphing Mod to gain an advantage! The Morphing Mod: A Game-Changer The Morphing Mod in Minecraft allows players to transform into different creatures, giving them unique abilities and advantages. Jet’s decision to use this mod adds an exciting twist to the traditional speedrun race. Will Fred Discover Jet’s Secret? As the race progresses, Fred starts to notice Jet’s unusual behavior and suspects that… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Epic Amusement Park Build

    Minecraft's Epic Amusement Park Build The Deadliest Ferris Wheel in Minecraft Building a Deadly Carnival In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one player decided to take things up a notch by creating the deadliest Ferris wheel ever seen. The goal? To challenge server mates to ride for their lives or face certain death. Creating the Ferris Wheel The player, armed with a vision and a knack for redstone contraptions, set out to build a fully automated Ferris wheel. By utilizing flying machine technology, inspired by Il mango’s design, they were able to construct a working Ferris wheel that players could… Read More

  • Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)

    Terrifying Minecraft Prank on Friend! (Tagalog)Video Information This video, titled ‘Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog)’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-06-13 10:02:03. It has garnered 61551 views and 1931 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:15 or 1875 seconds. MINECRAFT:Using Scary Builds to fool My Friend in Minecraft! (Tagalog) Today, Yasi informed CeeGee about the controversial Dump site that has been talk of the town lately because of the fear it may contaminate the water system and may cause the spreading or viruses and toxins among the nearby villages. Since based on the forecast, there will be an expected… Read More

  • Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & Mikey

    Prison Escape Challenge: NOOB vs PRO feat. Maizen & MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: Prison Escape Challenge in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen & Mikey | Friends on 2024-05-28 07:50:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. We have a competition again! Today we will find out which of us is the better prison builder! After construction, we have a … Read More

  • Bowser’s Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT Shorts

    Bowser's Car in Minecraft?!! | NICO2DSCRAFT ShortsVideo Information 我的车不再有用了。你对他做了什么? 我只在上面放了一点熔岩,但 你为什么要这么做呢?因为它看起来 很漂亮。你疯了。就像我的 车加了熔岩后看起来会更好一样。 This video, titled ‘EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts’, was uploaded by NICO2DSCRAFT on 2024-06-06 20:30:01. It has garnered 10794 views and 411 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. EL CARRO DE BOWSER PERO EN MINECRAFT | Shorts #minecraft #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #nico2ds #Nico2dscraft Read More

  • 🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥

    🔥ULTIMATE Nether Minecraft conquest!🔥Video Information huh [Music] [Music] okay oh no [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no yeah This video, titled ‘Conquering the Nether dimension in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by 👇TAP THE LINK👇 on 2024-03-13 05:41:12. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More


    🤑 SENORGIRAFFE: INSANE QUICK RICHES SOTW (OP) 🤑Video Information yo what is up guys my name is Senor giraffe and we are here again for a brand new prison series on giraffe. lucky. net now this is the third season on minlucky and they have added quite a few things one of the biggest things is payout so I know a lot of you guys when you grinded did want to possibly get rewarded and they’ve added that if we type SL lb or leaderboards you will see they have highest ranks top blocks mind top tokens top gems top rubies all this stuff right here and… Read More

  • Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340

    Join our CRAZY Minecraft server NOW! ⛏️ | Stream 340Video Information so hallo und herzlich willkommen zu diesem Stream ich h es geht euch allen gut und heute bin ich natürlich wieder für euch live am 15.062024 um 11:13 uh und 49 Sekunden herzlich willkommen hi FIS the bubble hi Lias und hi Lucky Juno herzlich Willkommen an Euch alle drei schön dass Ihr da seid ich hoffe es geht euch gut zu spät kann man das nicht nennen weil am Ende haben wir zwar 11 Uhr ausgemacht ja aber das heißt nicht dass es so fix ist kann ich mitspielen du kannst mitspielen ja du müsstest halt auf… Read More

  • 🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #Hindi

    🔥Dark SMP Minecraft LIVE 24/7 Season 1! Join Now #HindiVideo Information तो गाइस आ गया [संगीत] मैं लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे गेमर लो लाइक लाइक कर दो लाइक कर दो जल्दी जल्दी यो किंग इज बैक अबे कौन है किंग हेलो लाइक करके आ जाओ सारे बंदे नए हो तो चैनल पर सब्सक्राइब मार दो अ डिकोड जा रहा रुद्र गेमिंग वाटी आय ओपी गेमर आय बहुत सारे मड आ रहे स्म [संगीत] में लाइक करके आ जाओ स्काई लेजेंड गेमिंग एफफ लाइक करो इतने सारे मोड्स ज्यादा ही हो रहा है मेरा शंकर किंग कौन से एमपी अबे एसएमपी बोलो एसएमपी हमारा न्यू डार्क एसम पी… Read More