100 Avatars Hunt Ronann in Deadliest Minecraft Tourney

Video Information

Imagine being dropped into a dangerous Minecraft server where everybody holds the powers of One of a Kind abilities to help them survive well today me and 100 other players will be battling out in a giant Minecraft Battle Royale on my quest will I be able to survive till the

Very end and who will I meet along the way well I was about to find out in Minecraft’s hardest challenge I quickly ran to middle and managed to obtain some basic items and then I started running as fast as I could from the chaos behind me as players were already gaming extra

Hearts yes air air team yes we’re air we’re air we’re air wait what have you got what have you got are you not air I’m air and then proceeded to find a player named yes Luke who is an air bender like me so we stuck together looking for targets for some easy hearts

And some custom structures but after a quick boat Journey we got exactly what we were looking for as we had spotted a custom Village right in front of us oh there’s something here there’s something here Luke look Luke Oh my days is there somebody here but we soon realized that

We weren’t the only players in this Village as Luke had spotted some enemy players and seizing the opportunity of some early Hearts we took our chance me me oh you got to sort of stop running got him there’s more people there’s more people who’s that no we’re friendly we’re friendly

We’re friendly chill chill chill chill chill all right listen listen listen listen chill chill y you guys we we need some food though I ain’t going to cap wait yo listen can you guys do SL withdraw one for me and withdraw a heart for us is that all

Right is that going to be okay or we going to have to fight you for a heart I guess you’re going to die I wouldn’t I wouldn’t expect you to run wait SL withdraw Hearts otherwise going be quite a short event for you okay withdraw it right out right out

Right out stop withdraw as many as you can you don’t one swing and you’re dead give me no give me more I know you can withdraw more hey drop more I know you can drop more don’t make me do this please I don’t want to kill someone please don’t

Make me do this please don’t need to kill me just drop a heart man I dropped your heart already I promise I have more hunger Sprint than you why does that take work you don’t want to do this oh God yeah drop it drop it drop it stop right

There stop right there if you move out all I’m going to kill you if you move a single inch okay and another One and another One I I can’t withraw anymore Oh my days we have four Hearts okay and now one 2 3 4 we have four extra Hearts this is insane look look looke bro many look I have four Hearts I have three nice okay right so after successfully robbing a player out

Of four Hearts I met back up with Luke and we went out first to get as far away from cornicopia as possible and to meet up with our teammates yeah Airship oh air it’s up in the sky y it’s got It’s got a ladder it’s got a ladder no it

Doesn’t does it only have a ladder leading up to a certain point I think we can still go to it we can try but we need to get we get wait you want to make we can make like a hang on hang on hang on let’s make some pickaxes and make

Some shovels and then we can get snow yeah but there’s like custom mobs in there isn’t it after heavy consideration we decided not to loot the structure as we were only a team of two and we knew there could be deadly mobs inside but then we spotted yet another Village and

It held deadly custom mobs and hostile players oh oh yo yo let’s custom mobs let’s cust the mobs we got to be careful we got to be super careful there’s people there’s people there’s people oh I’m being hereit I’m being here do we

Kill do we kill no wait no yo we we we we’re just going to pass along all right you guys you guys do your thing we’ll do our thing you guys got to get out before we kill okay this is our like yeah yeah yeah we’re going away we’re going away

Fortunately we avoided the Hostile players who had heavy gear and after finishing up looting The Village Luke and I decided decided to split up and meet our original teammates who we had planned to play the event with and I decided to meet my teammates back at the

Airship me and Luke had found moments ago in the hopes that we could loot it and get all of its valuable resources oh it’s me you guys here yo y yo yo yo yo morning hello right you see that massive air ship yeah I okay wait have you got have you guys

Got wood you have 40 wood okay listen we need to get we need to build up to it okay let we need to get like Cobblestone or I’m improvising by the way I have four hearts you’re going to you’re going to help us up there ER so after scaling

Up to the Airship we were able to get the useful materials that would help us later on such as bookshelves and even some diamonds oh I got a diamond let’s go are you bro what there somethingone above us right yeah there’s a big big a lot of nothing after looting the Airship

From all its valuables we set off into the ocean in the hopes that we could find a cave but instead we found something quite interesting wait you can cave with this yo wait there’s a massive cave here okay get all this iron yeah that’s right we could just mine from the

Side of the map and we used this to our full advantage but then the server had to restart and my teammates had somehow spawned back in the Airship while I was still in the cave and by the time I had got into them they were at a different

Structure oh there’s a massive ship okay I think this is where my teammates are yo this is sick this has to have some good loot on it yo guys guys guys I’m here what the hell wait there anvils here frog frog get the anvils frog frog

Get the Anvil bro oh oh there’s a mob there’s a mob there’s a mob there’s a mob careful careful careful we soon realized however that this ship was guarded we deadly mobs so we decided not to risk it and so we sailed to the shore and decided it was finally time to go

Mining also at this time RTI and arrow had to leave so me and frog were by ourselves and so we decided to split up for more efficient mining oh yes oh careful careful careful the drip Zone oh diamonds yes get this get the iron as

Well we’re going to need iron we need we need to get 39 blocks bro you might be wondering why we need 13 iron blocks and well this is because in order to unlock our third and fourth air abilities we would have to craft the Scrolls at the

Center of the map in order for us to become as powerful as possible I think if we get that and full diamond today that’s a Good oh I need to make another Pickaxe oh my God I’m too hot Oh my days what just happened and as we just finished Mining and managing to get full diamond armor and enough iron blocks for one scroll me and frog farmer were hoping to meet up at a nearby Village yo yo wait whoa whoa whoa chill chill

Chill let’s whoa whoa whoa whoa why you fighting why can’t I chill chill why are you guys fighting us whoa whoa whoa whoa qus qus qus let’s spe all chill chill chill why are you attacking frog because he’s in full diamondo he was literally shooting his abilities at us earlier bro

What doesn’t do damage look doesn’t damage doesn’t they hit us off the tree us there’s a we see a guy pull up in the water so you were planning on killing him obviously okay in compensation you have to give us coal okay what about okay if you guys give us some diamonds

I’ll I have 25 yeah I’ll give you two diamonds for 10 coal how about that oh sorry sorry four diamonds for 20 wait can you explain how the second ability works of course he doesn’t know how you [ __ ] uh you hold right click and you let fortunately these players were that

Hostile as they had only gone after a solo for understandable reasons but we knew that we had to stay on track and that we couldn’t get distracted by these players and so I collected all the sand I needed to create a scroll four glass bottles however as me and frog were

Heading to Middle to unlock my third ability we came across some new players and this was a perfect opportunity for some hearts all right listen listen listen listen listen listen we do not want to kill you okay no if you run away I’m just going to Bow you I have a power

Three bow okay we are not trying to kill you guys all we want is your heart doesn’t you have to kill us to withdraw three and it drop then it withdraws three hearts and also if you kill us you only get one heart okay okay okay how

About you give us both a heart each and we let you despite these players being resistant we managed to obtain a heart from one of them but the other refused so we did the only actionable thing just I think we just I was about to say I think we just let them however

As there was a witness to what we had done this would cause problems later on in the event pry hard though you know what I mean without any delay we eventually made it to the middle and since the scroll was glitched to craft we went around looking for even more

Hearts and we successfully did once again and it was starting to become routine at this point but shortly afterwards I was given the scroll and had unlocked my third ability oh frog wait what does this do think it would say if it was at first I didn’t really understand how to use

The Ability and to be honest I only truly understood it near the end of the event so after hanging around middle for a while it was time to collect more Hearts I’m half heart oh my God no oh my God I actually know was half heart there

You go yep now drop us the heart okay fine that’s fine you can go on your way now and we won’t bother you for most of EV okay okay now drop it now drop another one frog and I then decided that we needed to set up a base where we

Could store our Loot and so we decided to build it into a mountain near spawn and whilst I’m building our base I would really appreciate it if you liked subscribed or even commented on this video as it would really help me out a Lot what we didn’t know is that at the time we had set up closely to a deadly team and this would cause problems later on in the event as for now though I had to log off for the night which ended day one all right new day as day two started

I instantly ran to a nearby Village that I had saw the day before and lucky enough it was unlooted so I grabbed all of its food dude everything’s been restocked let go okay we have so much loot from this Village I think we should just head back

To my however as I was on my journey to my base oh wait what let see players yo yo yo yo oh right SI can you give me a heart please you just yeah I just have thank you yeah I’ll give you a hit you I’ll actually be nice

So what do you want what do you want oh a f if you have any fooding um take this this you can cook them oh my God thank you all rights here all right see you in a b and then not even 30 seconds later okay I

Can see a name tag on the ground right here I think I’m going to head down to him yo yo j j j j j don’t kill no listen listen listen listen listen listen listen I’m not going to kill you okay but I do need something for you and I can actually

Trade for it but it might be a little bit worse on your side okay I’ll give you an efficiency one diamond pickaxe for or I could just kill you I’ll take yeah yeah yeah s all right thanks R thank you my boy Hey listen it’s nothing personal against you

It’s just I I’m just trying to get after a while me and frog finally met up at our base planning to go to spawn as we heard that there was a player who knew the coordinates to an ancient city where we could get tons of XP by mining skull

And this would be perfect for our new enchantment table that Arty had crafted when I was logged off oh what the hell wait why is this floor not here anymore right what’s good yo yo yo I’m I’m asking have you got like CS to an ancient city yeah I oh you do okay

Can you send those CS over you know what I’m going to do it with all payment okay I just want you trust oh okay that that sounds good whilst we were at middle frog and I decided to grind for our last abilities and frog has mind all the iron yesterday

However as we were about to unlock them we were given an offer by an interesting team which would change the course of our event how about we just WIP their entire team it’s easy as that I’m down to help you guys like kill their team

But you guys got to like but you guys got to like give us someone in return though if we kill them we’ll give you the hearts that they would have given you I got the B bending skull what yeah buy another one as well

Oh my God wait what did you just what I can’t does it give you an exra ability is that the anyways I was actually going to I was actually going to go meet with Neo’s team about killing buckas if you guys want to join us you’re more than

Welcome yeah I’m these players explained that they wanted to kill a hord of players mainly a player named buckas later on in the event but they would need our help so we agreed however this would turn out to be a terrible decision as for now though me and frog were eager

To test out our newly found abilities hey frog come wait what just happened oh my God oh my I’m tempted to take that Lit Loki bro I wanted to trade ability and just dies one one shot uhhuh oh [ __ ] oh my oh oh my God my oh

My God oh my God so many players my go okay I think we get out of it before we cause more damage where is he be let’s get out of here before we cause any more damage we got what we came for let’s just get out

Of it wait you can boost oh my God hold up no surely which one’s that with is that with the that’s the third one oh my God that’s okay is actually op wait no Sur Oh my days no way after understanding our abilities and realizing just how

Strong we had now become we headed back to our base where artti had found the deadly team neighboring who I mentioned earlier going I break it so we’re trapping all get the off the table we’re taking that one wait no we can actually come back with this when we get level the

C look look look look yeah yeah okay following this Arrow finally logged back on and since we were all together we decided to head out to the ancient city that hamuda had given us the coordinates to to improve our armor and acquire more levels for enchanting wait for me to come down I’m

Going to stay up and then place the water so we can like get up yeah yeah okay okay uh C count is 160 so it’s probably around her oh okay it’s can I have some oh oh careful come here come here come here when we find we

Reached the city we decided to split up so that we could loot it more efficiently however this would again prove to be a very terrible decision loot it loot it oh no oh no no no everyone split up just split up and don’t die l oh okay they can definitely spawn they can

Definitely spawn oh my God oh my God then as I was grinding out some XP erun had died to a warden after only a few minutes of coming back on the server and I couldn’t help but feel like this was my fault as I had brought everybody

Down here as this happened frog and arti didn’t want to stay in the city anymore as they F that they would have a similar fate to arrow and Surly afterwards I would do the same so we returned back to our Base unfortunately we didn’t have any time to grieve Arrow’s death as when we got back to our base there was an announcement explaining that the nether had been opened and so me and frog entered whilst artti stayed back to grind for his abilities the nether save our coordinates to this this nether

Portal oran’s main goal for the nether was to get blaze rods for potions which would be handy for later on and to not stay long and shortly after entering we spotted a fortress however we weren’t alone I think I saw name tag yeah I see name tags it’s golden night it’s gold

Night it’s gold night oh I don’t think they’re going to be friendly oh yes oh my God we just where’s the spawner where the spawner we need to find the other part of this we see other spawner yeah uh no kids these players didn’t want us to

Use their Blaze spawner and as other team started showing up frog and I knew that we would have to find a different Fortress and lucky for us a few hundred blocks away we had found exactly what we were looking for that’s are so Bold yes there’s a blaz SP here as Well it’s going to it you got it I’m going to go explore the other bit of the structure you stay here all listen I’m just letting you guys know that we’re on the other side of the structure and that we’re chill all right all right byebye

Okay I have seven now I’m going to just go let’s let’s just break it as we had gotten all the blaze rods we needed there was there was no good reason for us to stay in the nether anymore and we were only a team of two and we could

Easily get jumped by dangerous players so we headed back to our base and decided that we should do some exploring where are was a once we stumbled upon middle frog told me that he’d been secretly working on a legendary weapon the Jets hooks which was a dual wielded weapon

That gives you reach however he was missing an item named tokens but we didn’t know how to get them the announcement given a few minutes later gave us a pretty good idea oh wait Avatar bosses were spawned all around the map and we assumed that this

Is how we get tokens so we really needed these to craft a legendary weapon although we had to be quick as other players might try and steal them off us oh frog frog it’s here frog frog Frog we got it we got it oh no we didn’t bro I thought we got it it’s still like y it’s just it’s just burning down my arm there’s a player yeah as we were fighting the boss however a deadly team appeared from the forest but fortunately they agreed to

Help us kill the boss and we split out the tokens a lot of damage okay just kill the boss kill the boss kill the boss it’s focused on me you guys can kill it I’ll just let it Focus me quick P we need to get this oh my God that did

A lot of damage Oh my days do you guys want to split them out do you guys want to split them out whoever gets sure all right there you mhm okay I’m running away oh no okay oh no quick it’s so close it’s de is it dead it’s dead

Nice who got it tokens who got the tokens I didn’t get them Oh’s got them got them okay P how many can you them up yeah I got two so we should okay can you after successfully obtaining one of the three tokens we needed frog and I went

To another Village in the hopes that there would be a boss and not too many players yo yo yo yo wait do you guys want to we split the loot then right do you guys want to split the loot Yeah yo yo yo this is stuff bro this our stuff bro it’s our tokens bro it’s our tokens it’s our tokens wait buus how much damage does this do by the way I don’t know how much no no I ability actually don’t know how much it does I’m

Testing on no no no how much does it do D there’s so much oh that sounds wait who got them who got them got n x got them x s them out right now only it’s only one okay think we can buy we can we can give you

Guys hearts I’ll give you guys hearts how about that after a while of negotiating we finally made a deal with these two players where we would give them two hearts and 49 blocks for one token Dr okay oh we need to go we need to go

We need to go we need to go however as we were doing the trade another Avatar boss spawned are there people here Yello yo yo yo yo this is stuff tokens we need two tokens this is kind of our stuff what okay my defense all your honor that

Does not seem favorable for us well that’s just that does damage yeah so can we have the two tokens then yeah wait you’re an earbender yeah I’ll test it on you as well just so you know all right just just so we’re clear just so we’re

Clear we get two tokens you guys get the rest of the tokens okay you know what that does sound really these players were clearly scared of our abilities and our power so they agreed to let us have two tokens if we killed the boss but me and frog weren’t sure that they would

Keep their promise oh get it get it get it get it oh yo yo yo what just get it get it get it my god he has Health oh great great oh yeah oh holy that’s jump scared me where is he where is he where is he on it’s on me

Now it’s on me now you guys can kill it oh so you’re doing this and as expected these players broke the promise they’re killing us frog kill them frog kill them they’re killing us fro kill them oh what the I forgot yeah thank you oh xq wait this we left you the

Other X we left you with the other one why did you come here oh yeah yeah they’re leaving they’re leaving it’s fine it’s fine yeah it only has like two of those B for yes got it oh no oh no oh no no okay it’s it’s about to die it’s about to die

About to die yes yes wait no nice oh wait that was a chicken and finally we were able to defeat the boss and go to spawn to craft a legendary weapon got it two tokens nice wait you get two wait so you can make it right you have everything right

Yeah yeah let’s let’s let’s go let’s go let’s go straight away let’s go straight away yeah is is that it no that it yes I see it I see it I see it oh my God bro it’s St oh yes oh my days get it okay that’s just the moment oh yeah

Right two stacks okay this time I have all the ingredients yes oh my god oh let’s go oh what the [ __ ] oh wait hang on how far the reach how far is the reach oh wait did that do damage to you yeah wait wait give me this give me this SW okay send there send there oh my God we could finally rest for the day and head back to our base is

What we thought but little did we know that there was going to be one last Avatar boss and if we managed to kill it and obtain three tokens I would be able to craft a legendary pet if there’s no one here then like I really hope we got

Three from the as we got to the Village frog and I realized there were way too many people here and so we decided to go to the separate one that not many of these players knew about in the hopes that we could get all of the tokens so

You know we’ll just go to the one right FR let’s just go to the other one we’re all this together and just as we had saw our theory was correct oh it’s how many is it on is it on half yet uh almost Is it half now yeah it’s like one for come on onal healed what the hell we got it how many three three with a bit of blck the boss dropped three tokens meaning that I could craft the legendary pet at spawn we got that Dragon one with yeah yeah yeah we can we Can 3 x tokens get it get it okay oh my God oh my jez that’s that’s fck what the oh okay wait how do I despawn this thing obtaining this legendary flying pet would give me a huge advantage over other players and I also realized it was

Customizable so I could ch it to whatever I wanted and this was the perfect end to an extremely good day so me frog and artti all logged off ready for the challenges ahead of us yo new day oh my God as the final day started

My team all traveled to meet up back at our base but me and frog got a little sidetracked when we came across this Castle oh that’s a new table it’s the crafting table base I think yeah it’s this crafting table base what the hell we had stumbled upon

Almost an entire city full of crafting tables oh my they have so many craft why did you guys have so many craft uh I wonder why did you guys Farm them yourselves or are they no definitely not they’re building half of them half of them a shut this guy not

Any the said like all right what building materials do we need we just had a whole lot of craft said how much were like eight double where where where did Ben go basically do I live this following this me frog and decided to head back to our base and

Decided that we should put the blaze rods from the nether to some use so we brewed some swiftness potions however we didn’t have any sugar so we all split up and went out exploring in the hopes to find some sugar cane let’s just go around looking for

Sugar hello hello um I just stumbled upon your Bas look have you guys got sugarcane no we actually don’t do actually not oh that’s actually [ __ ] sick actually fly yeah I can fly that’s kind of cool I know all right I’ll be on my way just let me know if you have a

Sugar can and I can buy it off you okay oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God this close encounter reminded me that there was Death Around Every Corner surely afterwards though I was able to find some sugarcane but as I was

Traveling back to Aran frog I saw buckas and his team so I hoped that they didn’t hear about what soggy the player from earlier and I had planned um guys going to go past don’t mind me hello oh wait we both have one that’s that’s not good

For you Rona what I can air punch you oh you’re actually going to try and kill me H we could we definitely good so Buck’s team is in fact hostile and they are chasing me okay I’ve got to get away I’ve got to get actually I was able to

Get away from buckas and his team safely but this would not be the end of our conflicts for now though I headed back to our base and brewed the swiftness potions just as we had finished Brewing the potions we were approached by a player named mind of Neo and he

Explained that he needed our help against the air nation and he wanted me to betray them as I was an air bender myself so we agreed and soon met up with everyone I think that’s somewhere over here yeah they are yo what’s going on here hello hello hello

Hello enemies enemies oh no oh yeah 74 Roden 100% could trust him there’s no doubt he’s a good guy where is he at right behind yo great towering over me just like in real life anyways listen listen so Neo called all of us together cuz the

Air venders are planing to strike and we need to form a massive big big Alliance to be able to take these bad boys down are you in on it good air venders good air venders yeah yeah yeah that’s what we are are you down to are you down to

Be with us yeah yeah let’s go all right game the plan was for everybody here to wait inside the houses whilst Neo Lord over the air nation and so we can Ambush them go go go go go go go go go see low

He’s low he’s low get get J get J get J Jo low Jo slow get don’t let them Escape don’t let them Escape yo look Al’s slow Al’s slow Al’s slow Al’s really low TJ come TJ TJ how you looking not so good no you don’t get

To run away no by oh no you help me stronger get J get J get Jen yes nice far get yes ni’s go bro don’t let him Escape don’t let him Escape stop running oh like what is this bad team I got him I got him I got him let’s go

Let’s go hey guys okay kill we need we need heart yeah go buck go buck go buck y don’t take the heart bro what’s up Buck remember how you chased me on that mountain earlier I no he didn’t he chased me but I had a boat so on fck oh

Oh wait go to Z go to kopia go to kopia go go go go go just as we thought the fighting was over the end demension opened giving us access to the dragon EG which my team wanted and this was also an opportunity to eliminate more air Benders

Byebye oh my God oh my God oh my God go go however the end was looking a little unusual not the end what the hell what is this Look a little bit low though got this XA guy bro he’s falling he’s falling he’s got oh my God oh my my my dude I was so close to falling off y they’re killing the End Dragon they’re killing the ender dragon yo yo yo yo I got you I got you I

Got you you’re so lucky no you’re just unlucky J get no J you couldn’t go over there it’s not safe get bro get but when you guys to the V oh oh My oh oh Oh my days Oh my days be you have no idea what I just did I was I was I was gone I was in for the void and I just P get it get it yeah we got it we

Got it we got it we got it we got it as the Ender Dragon died my teammate tried to fight for it at the top of the map however it eventually started falling down and it was unclear who was going to get the egg but then it duplicated and

Two players managed to get a hold of one and so I left the end as there wasn’t really a purpose of me being there anymore and me and frog met up with one of the players who had obtained an egg C you have the egg right you have

The egg right yes I do I as we were talking with these players I realized that RTI had died when we were battling the air nation and I didn’t even notice until now and it was to one of Buck’s teammates which left me and frog in a

Team of two and we couldn’t team with these players as they were in a team of four already so me and frog decided to meet up with two players named ZFS and Farin yo yo yo yo yo what’s up yo far who we fighting I don’t I don’t know everyone

Everyone wants to kill me ah so this is not what I signed up for when meeting up with these players they explained that the server wanted to hunt them down as they killed many innocent players just like we had so in order for our chances of survival to be higher we

Teamed up and decided to head back to cornicopia in search for a player by the name of bch Clips who also had a special gift for me once we got there I got to find B yo I’m confused giving me this legendary Boomerang would inreased my chance of

Winning this event as it helped me prepare for the final battle as the Border had slowly started moving in so all the players would be pushed together and forced to fight each other until there was only one team remaining get up here of the hunting

Team so don’t kill me either as a team our priority was to make sure that we had a good position and that we stuck together oh NE get no get this guy SP what he doing I hit him you no I dropped my sword oh get offu where did you get

Off I killed one nice killed one yo as long as we keep control of mid we should be good if we if we keep him we’re fine unfortunately though amidst all the fighting our newly recruited teammate bch was eliminated by MOS which was an entity that spawned from mind of Neo’s

Staff but we had no time to sorrow his death we need to go we need help him we need to help him bro no be died no you don’t got to go up my you don’t got to go up are you sure oh what watch out watch out

Watch out wait they’re above us they’re above us they’re above us they’re above us hit them off hit them off P it by himself got me are we together Stay Together there open open get Neo what how is he got that bro Neo has like a flying

Thing yeah I don’t know he the only one oh get to the bottom get to the bottom get to the bottom guys z z every however that the power in the center of the map would start crumbling this meaning that we’d all have to ensure safety by getting to the

Bottom get out get out get out run run run run run oh oh No get out of here R yo go up go up wait get by himself yo Stay Together where’s that where’s that don’t don’t let him off through the tower getting chased by get I’m good I’m good no I’m not everyone the mother wants to fight Me yo go away Neo oh this water no neo we can’t do this that’ be so funny right help help help help help me help me help me wait you want to go on this place I just SP around we can go underneath this place wait yeah hold on wait if we go

Underneath and wait down that’s that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying let’s just do that come here come here come here yes oh my Lord bra R what is this hting my brain many players have died since the beginning of this battle and it was

Starting to come down to two teams one of them being mine and another one being a team who’ been preserving the resources this entire time which gave them a huge advantage over us oh they’re going to do the thing they’re going to do the thing wait just bow them bow them

They use their abilities they Fumbles kill kill XA let’s go we we got we got we got get get him fin moments I looked back at all the innocent players I had killed on my journey and realized that it was now my turn to experience what it felt like which ended my journey in this Event

This video, titled ‘Hunted by 100 Avatars in Minecraft’s Deadliest Tournament’, was uploaded by Ronann on 2024-03-08 18:00:32. It has garnered 7826 views and 186 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:20 or 2180 seconds.

100 Players Simulate Elemental Battle Royale in Minecraft

Information: In this social experiment, 100 players will be trying to hunt me down in the Deadliest Avatar Tournament, where players can use their different abilities to survive. This is similar to hunger games/battle royale but it is based around ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender.’ Will I be able to be the last one standing? Wait till the very end to find out!

Editing: Ronan & Draip

Event by: Mindofneo & Phytor events 100 Players: By SpeedSilver

#minecraft #100players #deadliesttournament

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    Cheating with a YouTuber in Minecraft! I Cheated With //YOUTUBER in Minecraft Build Battle! Join the excitement as Matthew Beem, also known as MBeem10, takes on a thrilling Minecraft Build Battle with a special guest, //YOUTUBER. The competition is intense, the laughs are plenty, and the creativity is off the charts. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and see what unfolds! Building Bonds in Minecraft Building battles in Minecraft are not just about constructing structures; they are about building bonds and creating memorable moments. When Matthew Beem teamed up with //YOUTUBER, the synergy between them was palpable. The collaboration led to a unique and… Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on Ocean Farm in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on Ocean Farm in Minecraft Hardcore The Epic Journey of Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft’s Only Ocean World Embark on a thrilling adventure as you witness the incredible feat of surviving 100 days in Minecraft’s hardcore mode in an ocean-only world. In this challenging environment, players must navigate the vast ocean, gather essential resources, and overcome numerous obstacles to emerge victorious. Day 01-10: The Journey Begins As the sun rises on the first day, our intrepid player sets foot in this unique world. With limited supplies, they quickly learn to adapt, crafting tools and securing a small farm to sustain themselves. Each passing day brings… Read More

  • Unspeakable’s 100-Day Minecraft Survival Spree

    Unspeakable's 100-Day Minecraft Survival Spree In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Unspeakable’s adventures are like a dream. From noob to pro, in 100 days he’ll rise, Building, exploring, surviving the highs. With surprises in store, and challenges to face, Each episode brings a new pace. From secrets to hacks, and myths to bust, Unspeakable’s journey is a must. So join the fun, and hit that subscribe, For more gaming content that will revive. Minecraft fans, rejoice and cheer, For Unspeakable’s adventures are always near. Read More

  • 1 Year in Prehistoric Minecraft

    1 Year in Prehistoric Minecraft Surviving a Prehistoric Apocalypse in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in Minecraft as you and your friend attempt to survive in a Prehistoric Apocalypse for 100 days. With dinosaurs roaming the land and stone age civilization tools at your disposal, the challenge is set to test your survival skills to the limit. Can you create a player settlement and a DNA cloning lab to outlast the dangers of a Jurassic world for a year? Features of the Prehistoric Apocalypse Mod Immerse yourself in a world where every dinosaur poses a threat to your existence. The updated dinosaur prehistoric… Read More

  • Jackbhaiya’s Epic Moment: Gamerfleet Delight!

    Jackbhaiya's Epic Moment: Gamerfleet Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Jackbhaiya’s moment, pure delight. Fleetbhai and Anshu, in the spotlight, Crafting stories, funny and bright. Lilyville streams, with laughter and fun, Gamerfleet’s journey, just begun. TNT gods and funny fights, Bob vs Jack, in epic sights. Anshu’s verse, a work of art, Not just gaming, but a story’s heart. Fleetbhai’s innocence, a charming sight, In the world of Minecraft, everything’s right. So join the fun, in this gaming land, With rhymes and jokes, we’ll take a stand. Gamerfleet’s world, a place so grand, In Minecraft’s realm, we’ll make our stand. Read More

  • Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft

    Surviving Zombie Apocalypse in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft: Zombies, Survival, and More! Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky universe of Minecraft, where danger lurks around every corner and survival is key. Explore vast landscapes, build magnificent structures, and face off against hordes of zombies in this popular sandbox game. Survival Mode: A Test of Skill and Strategy In Minecraft’s Survival mode, players must gather resources, craft tools, and build shelters to survive the harsh environment. From mining for precious ores to farming for food, every decision counts in this challenging game mode. Be prepared to fend off hostile mobs, including… Read More

  • Random Items in Minecraft AMA – Atilla Gives Away Surprises

    Random Items in Minecraft AMA - Atilla Gives Away Surprises Minecraft: Exploring the World of Random Item Generators 📋 Delve into the exciting world of Minecraft with the popular video series ‘Minecraft AMA Like Rastgele Eşya Veriyor 📋’. Each day at 15:00, viewers are treated to a new episode filled with thrilling adventures and unexpected surprises. By subscribing to the channel, fans can stay up to date with the latest videos and support the content creator. Discovering New Horizons Join the host as they navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, encountering a variety of challenges and obstacles along the way. From exploring hidden caves to battling fierce mobs,… Read More

  • The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft

    The Ultimate Dragon Shenanigans in Ablecraft The First Dragon Of Ablecraft On the 24th of July, a monumental event took place in the world of Ablecraft – the first ender dragon was defeated! This epic feat was captured during a Twitch livestream, showcasing the thrilling moment when the dragon met its demise. Supporting the Streamer For those who enjoyed the content and want to support the streamer, there is an option to donate via the provided link: Donate to Clevprof. Every contribution helps in creating more exciting gaming experiences for the audience. Connect on Social Media To stay updated on future streams and gaming adventures,… Read More

  • Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again!

    Diving into the Depths of Scary Minecraft Mods Again! Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Mods: A Deep Dive into the Depths of the Internet Welcome to Profly’s channel! In this video, we delve into the realm of unknown, terrifying modifications for the game Minecraft. Profly has curated 7 distinct mods to uncover their quality and why they lurk at the bottom of the ratings list. So, sit back, brew a cup of tea, and enjoy the video! Mod Showcase: Here’s a breakdown of the spine-chilling mods featured in the video: The Fake Player Starting off the journey into horror mods, The Fake Player introduces a sense of unease and mystery…. Read More

  • AdriMark’s EPIC Roller Coaster on Minecraft SMP!

    AdriMark's EPIC Roller Coaster on Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Building A Roller Coaster On My Minecraft Realm! Anyone Can Join! SMP VOD [3]’, was uploaded by AdriMark on 2024-09-16 05:24:59. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:20 or 7880 seconds. Playing on my Minecraft Bedrock realm! Anyone can join, just join our discord and ask! These streams serve as a Let’s Play where you can watch as we fill the world with builds and even make some yourself. Today’s goal is to finish building the creeper coaster and gather resources for our next big build, the… Read More

  • Chaos Unleashed: Terrifying Moments #5

    Chaos Unleashed: Terrifying Moments #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Terrifying Creepy Chaos Moments #5 #minecraft #gaming #scary’, was uploaded by CreativeRaccoonGamer on 2024-07-16 22:57:46. It has garnered 514 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Terrifying moments that happened in my horrifying Minecraft series called Creepy Chaos. These clips are from Creepy Chaos EP5 Make sure to check out the full videos on my channel! @CreativeRaccoonGamer #minecraftgaming #cavedwellers #minecraftgameplay #minecraftvideos #nightdweller #goatman #horrorgaming #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #scaryminecraft #horrorshorts #minecraftscary #scaryshorts #minecrafting #minecrafthorror #herobrine #minecraftherobrine #herobrineshort #cartooncat #terrifying #horrify #horrifying #modedminecraft #mods #scarymoment #fromthefog #themanfromthefog #minecraftmods #cavedweller #nightdwellers #creepy… Read More

  • Shocking RIP Ag0bi L? The Chat’s Reaction Revealed

    Shocking RIP Ag0bi L? The Chat's Reaction RevealedVideo Information This video, titled ‘R.I.P Ag0bi L(録画できてなかったからチャットだけ晒す’, was uploaded by くたさん on 2024-09-29 17:40:47. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:13 or 73 seconds. RIP Ag0bi I wonder how it feels now after losing to the small fry. Losing to the athletes…w texture packs, minecraft bedrock texture packs, mcbe texture packs, minecraft bedrock edition texture pack, mcpe texture pack, minecraft pocket edition texture pack, texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate… Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD HACK 🌟 || AxySpy #shorts

    🔥 EPIC MINECRAFT BUILD HACK 🌟 || AxySpy #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅||AxySpy||#shorts #mcpe #viral’, was uploaded by Axy Spy on 2024-04-22 14:07:19. It has garnered 487 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. MINECRAFT MINI BUILD HACK ✅ 🌟Social Media🌟 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axyspy/ Hey Everyone It’s AxySpy And Welcome To AxySpy YouTube Channel. On This Channel You Will Get To See Minecraft Related Content.This Channel Will Entertain You Completely. In Future You Will Also Get To See Other Content On This Channel. I Work Very Hard To Make Videos And I Am Asking For One… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Raid Farm Tutorial – BEAST X ANIME! 😱🔥 #viral

    EPIC Minecraft Raid Farm Tutorial - BEAST X ANIME! 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft raid farm tutorial for pe 1.20+ #viral #trending #minecarft’, was uploaded by BEAST X ANIME on 2024-01-08 12:51:09. It has garnered 1126 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:42 or 222 seconds. Minecraft raid farm tutorial for pe 1.20+ #viral #trending #minecarft credit – voltrax Read More


    SILVER'S EPIC ADVENTURE IN THE FIERY NETHER! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘THE FIERY NETHER! – Silver & Friends Play Minecraft Part 9’, was uploaded by Silver The Hedgehog on 2024-08-19 21:30:18. It has garnered 7046 views and 365 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:41 or 7061 seconds. Thumbnail by JerseyL0ad1ng: https://www.instagram.com/jerseyl0ad1ng 💙Support The Channel💙 Make sure to subscribe and ring the bell so you never miss a new video or live stream: @SilverTheHedgehogYT Becoming a member and get access to exclusive perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBYlY63xhWjwGQtp6opx1yQ/join If you’re feeling generous, feel free to donate to the channel! All donations are appreciated: https://streamlabs.com/silverthehedgehog12 Buy channel merch here: https://www.futuristicmarket.shop… Read More

  • 24/7 SMP Mini Games & Subscriber Interaction!

    24/7 SMP Mini Games & Subscriber Interaction!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-04-24 18:56:51. It has garnered 84 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:34 or 4234 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More

  • Shocking twist in Minecraft SMP anniversary! The end of Schnozz?

    Shocking twist in Minecraft SMP anniversary! The end of Schnozz?Video Information This video, titled ‘The End Of Minecraft? | Minecraft SMP 1 Year Anniversary!! |Live|’, was uploaded by Schnozz on 2024-05-08 04:04:44. It has garnered 162 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:29 or 7529 seconds. #minecraft #smp #minigames #multiplayer #minecraftsmp #trending #enderdragon #newupdate #schnozz #stream #live #ps5 #1080p #eastereggs #secrets #letsplay #livestream #youtubegamingminecraft #youtubeshorts #youtubegaming #schnozz #schnozzminecraft #multiplayer Read More

  • Intense Lobotomy Kaisen Showdown | Steve vs Herobrine

    Intense Lobotomy Kaisen Showdown | Steve vs HerobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lobotomy Kaisen goofy Edit 2 | Steve vs Herobrine #fyp #minecraft #shorts #fypシ #meme #herobrine’, was uploaded by RixPiee on 2024-03-03 00:17:13. It has garnered 16584 views and 795 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. well I had many problem when rendering that why u may notice some problem is lighting and other stuff. excuse me on that, I’ll try to improve on that area 🙂 so this is a series of monster school , where u can feel safe because theres no cringy trends or skibidi rizz ohio stuff…. Read More

  • Atoq semi-vanilla SMP whitelist 1.19.3

    Atoq – Private SMP for Content Creators ⏰ 1.5+ years old world ✨ Events and polls ✅ Whitelist + Application 👥 Active community and staff 🌌 In-game voice chat, art, and music maker mods 📖 Lore 🔍 Java v1.19.3 🦇 Custom origins and beliefs Join us on Discord! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Fans: The Builders vs The Griefers”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft Fans: The Builders vs The Griefers"One type of Minecraft fan builds elaborate structures, gathers resources, and defeats enemies. The other type just punches trees and walks around aimlessly. Read More

  • Diamond Delight: New Mining Method & Iron Giant Farm in Minecraft 1.21!

    Diamond Delight: New Mining Method & Iron Giant Farm in Minecraft 1.21! In Minecraft 1.21, Xiyu’s on the scene, Crafting new mining methods, with diamonds so keen. Building Iron Giant Farms, with a grin and a spin, Every update shared, in rhymes that win. From constructing beehive farms to brewing potions so fine, Implementing Silverfish Mining Method, results in line. The essence of gaming, brought to new heights, In every episode, Xiyu ignites. So subscribe and share, support the channel’s flow, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity glows. Xiyu’s the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in rhymes that gleam. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #minecraftmemes #shorts #short Read More

  • Narfu Lumina Complex: Insane Minecraft CTM Map!

    Narfu Lumina Complex: Insane Minecraft CTM Map! The Mysterious Lumina Complex: A Steampunk Adventure in Minecraft Step into the world of Lumina Complex, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. In this Minecraft CTM map created by Link2012 and Mowse, players are transported to a 1900’s steampunk facility that was once home to inventors, scientists, and visionaries ahead of their time. Unraveling the Mystery The story of Lumina Complex is one of enigma and curiosity. What led to the downfall of this innovative establishment? Why did its inhabitants vanish without a trace? As players explore the ruins of Lumina Complex, they are tasked with uncovering the… Read More

  • Forgotten Minecraft Modpacks

    Forgotten Minecraft Modpacks Exploring Ancient Minecraft Modpacks Minecraft’s modding community has been a vibrant part of the game since its inception. Countless modpacks have been created over the years, offering players new ways to experience the game. In this article, we will delve into 10 more ancient Minecraft modpacks that may have slipped your mind. Voltz One of the classic modpacks, Voltz, brings a unique blend of technology and warfare to Minecraft. Players can dive into the world of missiles, electricity, and more as they navigate this exciting modpack. Agrarian Skies For those looking for a challenge, Agrarian Skies is the perfect… Read More

  • Insane M500 Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge! 🔥 #Shorts #MCPE

    Insane M500 Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge! 🔥 #Shorts #MCPEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixelart shout out 12 #minecraft #shorts #best #art #challenge #mcpe’, was uploaded by MAD M500 on 2024-07-14 15:30:07. It has garnered 578 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. 43934football player,football,guess the football player,quiz football,football players,guess football player,football quiz,quiz football 2022,quiz football 2023,can you guess the football player,guess the player,total football quiz,football shorts,girl football player,voice football player,quiz football players,high school football,female football players,expensive football player,11 year old football player,uva football players shotgamers react minecraft fails,minecraft,minecraft fails that will make you laugh,gamers react 200 iq minecraft plays,craziest minecraft clips,luckiest… Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Facts

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft FactsVideo Information This video, titled ’43 Fantastic Minecraft Facts’, was uploaded by theOasis on 2024-07-30 16:30:00. It has garnered 41173 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:36 or 516 seconds. These are 43 Amazing Minecraft facts I am sure you didn’t know! Please subscribe if you enjoyed the video its my first one! 🙂 Subscribers when uploaded: 0 #minecraft #facts #illegal Read More


    INSANE BUNGALOWS on ANARCHY SERVERS - EPIC MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft anarchy servers be like.’, was uploaded by Bungalows on 2024-09-17 09:12:09. It has garnered 535 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. Minecraft anarchy servers be crazy. Subscribe? Read More

  • Funkin Style Gamerz: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic 😈

    Funkin Style Gamerz: Mind-Blowing Minecraft Logic 😈Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft logic 🤯😈 troll face #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #trollface #sigma’, was uploaded by funkin style gamerz on 2024-05-31 12:30:15. It has garnered 2436 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Minecraft logic 🤯😈 troll face #shorts #minecraft #ytshorts #trollface #sigma INSTAGRAM- https://www.instagram.com/funkin_style_gamerz?igsh=MTR1dzZkNGpwcncwcg== || Don’t forget to subscribe, like, comment and share for more amazing shorts. || {Thanks for watch this short} funkin style gamerz shorts minecraft minecraft shorts techno gamerz yes smarty pie smarty pie Gamerfleet minecraft logic minecraft memes minecraft speedrun minecraft no logic cursed minecraft minecraft… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Wroughtnaut vs Corrupted Champion! 🕷️🦋 #minecraftbattle

    Epic Showdown: Wroughtnaut vs Corrupted Champion! 🕷️🦋 #minecraftbattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘Spider Moth Dweller vs Corrupted Champion | Minecraft Mob Battle #minecraft #mods #mobbattle’, was uploaded by Glorious Wroughtnaut on 2024-03-19 00:10:30. It has garnered 303 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. 2 scary Minecraft creatures are facing off against each other. Which one will come out on top? Read More

  • TV Woman, Camera Woman, Speaker Woman with JayJay & Mikey! Minecraft Mayhem

    TV Woman, Camera Woman, Speaker Woman with JayJay & Mikey! Minecraft MayhemVideo Information This video, titled ‘What TV WOMAN and CAMERA WOMAN and SPEAKER WOMAN did with JJ and MIKEY ?! Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JayJay and Mikey Fun on 2024-08-01 10:30:19. It has garnered 2190 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:02 or 1922 seconds. What TV WOMAN and CAMERA WOMAN and SPEAKER WOMAN did with JJ and MIKEY ?! Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality,… Read More

  • Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live – Hindi & Java + Pe!

    Ultimate 24/7 Minecraft SMP Live - Hindi & Java + Pe!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi || Java + Pe’, was uploaded by JIT SUBHA GAMING on 2024-02-20 14:18:51. It has garnered 1455 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 08:49:52 or 31792 seconds. Minecraft Live || 24/7 Minecraft Smp || Minecraft Live Hindi #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live hindi minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to… Read More

  • GAMING BABA steals rare armor from Granny’s house! 😱🎮 #Minecraft

    GAMING BABA steals rare armor from Granny's house! 😱🎮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft theif armor in granny house || Minecraft || Gamingbaba’, was uploaded by GAMING BABA on 2024-07-29 02:42:55. It has garnered 992 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:03 or 783 seconds. Minecraft thief armor in granny house || minecraft || Gamingbaba Information: Ram Ram My name is Krish and I am known on YOU TUBE as GAMINGBABA. Videos are only for your entertainment, so watch our full video. And if you like the video, then like the video. If you are new on Chennal then subscribe to Chennal, share our video… Read More

  • Insane Oak House Build in Minecraft – MUST SEE!

    Insane Oak House Build in Minecraft - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build Oak House in minecraft || Easy Turtorial’, was uploaded by MyBros Play on 2024-02-18 13:00:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey with us in our latest video! Join My Bros Play as we dive deep into the mysterious … Read More

  • CivSMP – smp, realms

    Fun and Active SMP Realm Looking for an SMP that incorporates classic Minecraft but with an element of Role-playing? Look no further than Civilisation SMP 🏰 This is the SMP where you join or create a Civilisation and simulate medieval times. Once in a Civilisation, you can build cool things in your land, ally yourself with other Civilisations, and trade. Under certain regulations, you can start a WAR! Your base was griefed? Those are grounds for war. ⚔️. Strategize carefully to ensure your Civilisation is at the top! Be ready for competitions and server events! Enjoy elements of classic Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft movie clip is lit! 🔥

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft movie clip is lit! 🔥If the meme’s score is 932, does that mean it’s rated E for everyone? Read More

  • Crafty Teaser: Minecraft’s Tease, My Problem Unleashed

    Crafty Teaser: Minecraft's Tease, My Problem Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, a teaser was dropped, But some fans were not impressed, their excitement flopped. The visuals were lacking, the story unclear, Leaving many players feeling quite drear. But fear not, dear viewers, for there’s still hope, Perhaps the final product will help us cope. Let’s wait and see what the movie will bring, And hope it’s a hit that will make our hearts sing. So stay tuned for updates, and keep your eyes peeled, For the Minecraft movie may yet be revealed. And in the meantime, let’s keep the hype alive, And hope that the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Lava Edition

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftbreakups #boom #relationshipgoals Read More

  • Witchy Havellama in Minecraft

    Witchy Havellama in Minecraft Welcome to the Enchanting World of Minecraft Witch Cottage! Embark on a magical journey as we delve into the enchanting realm of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds. In this episode, we follow along as our intrepid player builds a cozy witch cottage nestled deep in the woods, a haven for all things mystical and magical. 🌿🔮 Gathering Resources and Setting the Scene Our adventure begins with the gathering of essential resources to bring this witchy abode to life. From collecting wood for the cottage’s structure to mining for precious ores to adorn it with, every step is crucial… Read More

  • Editor Challenges Me to Fail

    Editor Challenges Me to Fail Minecraft Speedpaint Challenge: 5 Day Challenge If you want to see YOUR character as the subject of the next Minecraft Speedpaint, make sure to SUBSCRIBE and COMMENT a link to your character! 💖 New Videos Every Friday*! Overview In this video, the content creator takes on the challenge of speedpainting while simultaneously completing a random Minecraft challenge within the game’s constraints of 5 in-game days. Subscribe to the channel to receive notifications for future posts and like the video if you enjoy this series! Support A special thank you is extended to all the patreon supporters, whose names are… Read More