100 Days as Zombies in Minecraft – Maizen Zombie Apocalypse!

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Mikey’s not feeling well so I’ve come to visit him is he sick I brought his favorite cake that should cheer him up Mikey Mikey I’m visiting H he’s not responding are you okay I’m letting myself in h uh Mikey H that is Mikey right I heard you were under the weather so I brought you a Cake how bad is it h I’m exhausted I get so tired during the day but at night I can’t sleep a wink oh Mikey I think you’re undergoing zombification really JJ that’s crazy talk what are you saying I’ll look in the mirror huh huh h no what I’m a Zombie

That’s crazy why what happened to you oh man I’m starving this cake is for me yeah thanks I love cake yeah um H ew why does it taste so bad what’s wrong with it oh I see yeah you can’t eat this cake because you’re a zombie you might only be able to eat

Rotten meats here try this what rotten meat yeah I’ll try wow it’s delicious I’ve never eaten anything this yummy YY what well I’m glad you like that but why are you turning into a zombie I’m sure I’ll be fine I’m feeling better already oh what’s that there’s a

Notebook over here what’s it say um let’s see zombification takes 100 days to lose your sense of self what does that mean well I think it means you only have 100 days before you completely turn into a zombie no that means you’ll stop being Mikey you’ll lose your mind oh that’s

Terrible no I want to stay being me I need to find a cure okay hot hot hot hot hot ouch huh it burns because you’re a zombie now the sunlight Burns you we really need to find you a cure Mikey and fast hm Mikey is turning into a zombie

We only have 100 days to find a cure before he’s gone a day two I’m thinking of making some changes to the Village to help you get around what kind of changes well first if I build a cover over the walkways then you can walk around the village

Without getting burned now you should be able to walk in the shade to protect you from the Sun you’re right oh yep I’ll spend today making shade for you to walk in so thoughtful phew all done oh awesome the walkways go all over the village now even as a zombie you can

Walk around during the day wo thank you JJ sure today I built covered areas for Mikey life will be a bit easier for him while we look for the Cure day 10 Welcome to my laboratory wow it’s finally ready yeah it’s time for our first experiment I’m going to cure these zombie villagers first this potion okay and golden apples oh we have a few potions now the first step is to throw the potions at the zombies yeah here it

Goes oh and then what yes okay after the potion I feed them golden apples like so wo okay if my calculations are correct it will take some time for them to revert from being zombies back into normal villagers now we just have to wait and See oh he’s been cured wow it worked and I think it will cure the other two as well oh another one W they’re all cured wow so awesome as I suspected The Cure works then it’ll work for me too yeah let’s find out first yep apply the potion now eat this Golden Apple

Okay huh all right well how long will it take let’s just wait and see how much longer we’ve been waiting for 10 days yep but still nothing it’s possible The Cure we tested might not work for your type of zombification what then I’m going to

Stay a zombie and lose my mind no way we have no choice we’ll have to try another method here we are we’re going to start our research on zombie Cures ah I see JJ JJ it’s already day 99 I’m going to lose my mind tomorrow huh hey oh of course right okay Mikey I figured it out really Mikey the main thing is you were cursed by a mutant zombie what so we simply have to slay

The mutant zombie to break the curse then you’ll be back to normal got it let’s go find that zombie yeah let’s go okay time to Gear Up mutant zombies are no joke oh pull that lever this lever 3 2 1 huh perfect this is my hidden chest it’s

Where I keep all of my special equipment wo yeah sorry I don’t have any extra gear I’ll take care of the zombie that’s so awesome I’m geared up here I’ll share my golden apples with you thanks all right you ready yep we don’t have much time hurry yeah let’s

Go here we are at the mutant Zombie’s base wow apparently the mutant Zombie is at the top of this Tower it’s so tall H what could be inside let’s start climbing it’s already night on day 99 there’s no time to waste come on okay uh what there’s no door how are we supposed

To climb up there there’s nothing H I don’t see a way in plus there’s a lava moat not good there’s no way hey hang on what there’s a button huh hey want to press it yeah all right click wo tricky a secret entrance we can get in through here Mikey yep Sweet

Let’s break into the mutant zombie secret hideout oops woohoo made it you next Mikey coming you got this I’m in that was close W good job we managed to break into the tower Hideout through the secret entrance the zombie should be at the top we’re going up

There to slay the mutant zombie and break Mikey’s curse where’s the way up uh this must be the only way up the core of the tower is filled with water oh to make our way up yeah we’ll have to swim to the top let’s go

Wow okay here goes I feel like it’s a long way up so it might take a while to swim all the way is that the top yeah sweet W what do you see it hm there’s a house for who well we made it yep uh since there’s a house up here I’m

Thinking that the mutant zombie must live inside totally you ready Mikey I’m good to go okay we’re busting in 3 2 1 go wa there he is that’s him leave it to me I have my laser rifle will it be enough I can beat him yeah w i Fus so fast goodbye mutant

Zombie nice job that means the curse should be Broken oh oh huh huh oh Mikey I’m back to normal really wow the mutant zombies curse is broken Mikey is back to normal nice is it day 100 already huh and I’m not a zombie it’s morning Sunrise we made it day 100 oh wow it’s day 100 I’m

Really glad that you’re not a zombie anymore Mikey me too I’m not a Mindless zombie thanks to you a now that I’m back to normal that cake should taste good again yep all right oh H yes fun epti that’s terrible cake tastes awful huh Mikey huh look at this Village

Oh it’s strange there’s no one around I think it might be a zombie village a zombie village but it’s empty this place is more like a ghost town H oh huh what’s that there’s something weird over there is it a church h yeah I don’t know something about it is really off I

Wonder if there are any people living inside anyone home h Huh we should check inside for survivors oh it’s barricaded let’s break it sure on it nice work smashing yes breaking into the off limits area in 3 2 1 let’s go huh what waa hang on JJ uh-oh

Mikey get out what’s wrong what’s in there we have to go Mikey get in the house with me what’s going on huh JJ what wait is something wrong Mikey um I’m about to tell you something but promise me you won’t freak out okay you don’t look so good uh

JJ see what that’s me you’re a zombie what how did I get zombified now what do we do wait so does this mean I got infected somehow you must have I guess we need to find a cure before I lose my mind right we have to find a cure but

First I have a question huh what’s this those are coordinates is it a map 15,000 15,000 hold on Mikey should we go to those coordinates yeah it might be the clue to finding the cure for my zombification that weirdo in the church was probably the one who destroyed the

Village that must be it let’s let go time to find myself a cure come on JJ here we go faster hurry up I’m coming uh uh-oh uh just a second Mikey what’s wrong ow hold on that’s not good you were burning I’m aware I was on fire

Because I’m a Zombie huh what it burns can we wait until night time to leave yeah that’s a good idea we’ll wait till night thanks I don’t have much health uh-oh the fire’s out what a relief let’s just lie low until nightfalls since zombies burn in the daylight let’s Wait let’s get started it’s dark out now it’s night yep let’s head out let’s eat first oh thanks you gathered some carrots I was getting hungry we can take as much as we want wow I can jump so high it’s so dark I can’t really see anything you actually for some reason I

Can See Clearly at night right now but I can hardly see anything do you think it’s because I’m a zombie huh yes we made it to the Village we actually made it let’s pick up some supplies from here since the last Village was cleared out good call what do we find it’s weird

That none of the villagers are running from me I think maybe it recognizes that I’m a well- behaved little zombie yeah or maybe he thinks you’re cute I’d be surprised if that’s true what a nice Village full of nice villagers oh huh there are a bunch of

Iron items in here that’s awesome grab them all right let’s take a breather while we’re here huh wait what there’s a swarm of zombies getting ready to attack the village come help me slow down Mikey what do you mean there’s a bunch of zombies help help me wa there are so

Many this is bad villagers are being attacked hey I’m headed your way I could really use a weapon check it out Mikey it looks like I have some kind of battle mode what’s that watch 3 2 1 poof what the wow apparently I can turn

Into a mutant zombie but I have no idea how strong I am that you it is come over here the villagers need savings rescue them you got this they’re going down W it looks like mutant zombies are super athletic that’s useful Mikey look wa what a trip I see

Something strange over there that’s suspicious we found a clue hold on is that some kind of Tower yeah JJ it must have a hint for your cure yeah the location of that Tower matches up exactly with our coordinates it must be where we needed to go all along nice

I’ll bet we find the Cure inside but it’s surrounded by zombies I’ll take care of them so they don’t attack you Mikey it’ll be safe but they’ll still try to get to you all right transform wa you transformed again that’s incredible so powerful I’m strong uh try not to get

In the way when I’m attacking Mikey otherwise you’ll be squished I’ll be careful let’s go um what’s this zombie laboratory what really this massive Tower seems to be a zombie laboratory it’s a skyscraper the entrance is all sealed up it’s off limits H iron doors are tough to open it’s tight hey Mikey

Look over here there’s a small opening but it’s way too small to fit through what now JJ I won’t fit right now but watch this yeah Tada wow I can fit through the hole if I’m this small you think I’m not sure maybe I don’t know

I’ll Crouch W I made it in that’s amazing wo I’m in let me in oh there’s the latch open thank you nice yes what’s up there yeah let’s check it out but it looks like there’s some lava parkour we have to do first okay be careful let’s go wao

Wo yes jump come on uh-oh I can’t use that shortcut close one yes yes I’m climbing the ladder let’s go come on Mikey all right huh what’s next hang on are those zombies zombies uh-oh they see you they think I’m here to fight them stop it

Leave it to me ouchie ouchy taada it’s fighting time oh no help me huh instakill wow thank you done you mutant zombies are unstoppable hey a chest open it open oh wow it looks like we need these mine carts to ascend I’ll go back to my baby mode and hop in

Cute can you hit the button no problem I guess I’m too short to reach oh thanks yep that must be the top wo see anything treasure is it the Cure this doesn’t look like the top floor look at this open diamond swords wo there are also golden apples in a fire starter what’s

With this stuff oh hey Mikey I think the next floor is the top looks like it how do we get up up I don’t see any stairs oh got it Mikey what how this is a TNT cannon this is how we get up there oh I

See It’ll damage us when we use it but I guess that’s what the golden apples are for be careful pushing the button will launch you up I think the Cure is on the top floor yeah I bet you’re right I’m counting on it 3 2 1 is this going to be

Dangerous will I make It oh JJ what’s up there H let’s see there’s a cage here with a zombie inside something feels wrong look over here Mikey do you see this lever a lever what’s it for it might be the key to getting me cured should I pull it I’m going to pull it 3 2

1 uh-oh the zombie looks like he’s suffering from Poison how huh huh what oh hang on it’s a mutant zombie Mikey this is the boss what now can we beat it well I can transform too oh wow JJ help me huh was that really a one hit KO

Woohoo we won that was easy good job Mikey hold on a sec look out what the W attack I know it’s weakness what’s that Mikey ouch hang on Mikey run away save me set it on fire mutant zombies can’t regenerate if they’re on fire oh I get

It nice awesome oh it’s gone we won yeah except that I’m still a mutant zombie who wants to turn back to normal right oh hang on Mikey what the Cure we beat the boss but we haven’t found a cure like I thought we would what about that chest oh what’s

Inside I’ll check 3 2 1 open oh huh fantastic wait could this potion be the Cure what drink it down fast let’s turn you back huh can I really go from zombie to human again finally I’ll drink it and see what happens all right 3 2

1 huh wow hey wonderful you’re back to normal I’m a human again yay well then to sum it up a strange zombie bit me and I start started turning into a zombie too luckily I was able to take the Cure and return to normal if you enjoyed watching today’s

Video please make sure to like And subscribe thank you bye hello there so here we are right now we’re on an island where big crowds of zombies are said to live huh wait hey what here’s the troubling thing every day that we’re on the island the zombies get a little bit

Tougher after 90 days the zombies will be really powerful on top of that it said that we’ll die in 100 days days no way it’s not true yep it said that we’ll die after 100 days no matter what but I want to see if we can live longer can we

Do it I say we give it a shot for the first 90 days we’ll gather supplies and build security then we’ll survive for 100 days or more I’m in awesome first we should set up a base okay it looks like it’s starting to rain yeah it is stay

Along the path oh what’s that huh oh oh oh a building yeah there’s something there I was told there were a lot of zombies on this island but I haven’t met a single one yet who knows maybe there aren’t any yeah wait Mikey aren’t those

Zombies well this is bad run run run run they’re everywhere yeah you’re right let’s get inside okay this looks like a door perfect is closed those were zombies right yeah a lot wow zombies what’s that sound I hear something uh no they’re entering this isn’t good so many

Yeah they’ve come in this is bad we should Escape if we close the door we should be fine zombies can’t break doors but there’s so many we’re completely cornered huh if we just we have to fight them it’s just one we’ll be able to defeat it nice one we can defeat just

One okay let’s defeat it boom good job oh that was close so many what a bad situation I know it’s just our first day but we can survive for 100 days for sure let’s survive then I guess the only thing we can do is spend the night in

Here why don’t we take a look around there’s a roof a roof h h weird setup JJ huh what’s that oh wait a sec so many that’s a staggering number of zombies oh no what’s with the number of zombies too many if we wait until morning the zombies will all burn

Up in the sunlight let’s wait in this house until it’s safe to go back outside sounds good good morning the zombies are burning burning W yeah they are we somehow survived is it safe to go out let’s look sure G survivor he’s hiding in the shade run

Run run run Mikey let’s use this home as our base for a while in the meantime we can gather wood and other supplies okay check it out I made a wooden axe I’ll chop this tree awesome I’m chopping wood huh woohoo wo you chopped It Down Sweet our main goal is to collect

Resources and fortify the base sure day two we chopped down a tree and collected wood what’s this a chest what do you think’s inside awesome fishing rods oh great let’s go fishing yeah we’re fishing oh is that a fish yeah I caught one hey me too pick it up nice a fish

Why don’t we do some more fishing sure let’s make this what a field we can make the field for us to plow okay this way we’ll be able to secure food let’s keep going now our field is complete we planted wheed here too I can’t wait to watch it grow awesome day

Four we discovered an abandoned building and searched around until we found some fishing rods then we went fishing we were short on food so we decided to make a field hey iron nice let’s take it we need lots of iron yeah day 11 in order to strengthen our security we collected some iron

We still need more iron oh iron bars on it there was a place where Mikey and I discovered a ton of iron bars and so we decided to collect them all together we’ll need lots so Mikey we’ve got fences and stuff we have tons now it’s

Time to turn our base into a huh zombies came while we were gone you need to make sure that zombies can’t get in they can’t be defeated by sunlight anymore so in order to stop them from getting in we’ll have to use this fence to strengthen our security

Let’s go like that we’ll do our best to make it strong no matter how tiresome the job is let’s do it day 14 we collected a whole lot of iron and fences we’re going to use them to reinforce our Base by surrounding it with a fence and strengthening our

Security look at this fence that was a lot of work yeah it was but now our house is completely surrounded let’s go inside awesome don’t you think it’s super safe in here mostly because the house is surrounded with an iron fence awesome let’s have a look now we can

Have fun here at night cuz the zombies won’t come in there’s no way zombies will get through to our house sweet these premises are 100% safe it’s safe huh it’s not safe there are zombies why is it here not there are so many of them run away hold on a second Mikey I

Know how how there’s probably a dark spot inside the fence the zombies can spawn in dark spots so that’s why yeah there we go got him Mikey we need to crush the spots where they’re growing by placing torches in every shadowy area good thinking let’s place them okay I don’t

Want any more zombies spawning inside here right day 21 we finally finished surrounding our entire base with iron bars unfortunately there were dark spots where zombies spawned so we’re using torches to light up those areas and stop them from spawning Altogether a Great Harvest and also great and look over here we’ve been able to gather a whole bunch of chickens and cows we won’t have to worry about not having enough food ever again let’s harvest the crops day 55 we worked really hard to make our field and Ranch

Bigger day 60 we built the best security we made a big field and a big Ranch and we’re getting by without any problems at all but still there’s something we’re forgetting Mikey I’ve been thinking lately we’ve been surviving on this island really easily but there’s something that we’re both forgetting

Really remember day 90 is when they gain a ton of power right now we’re on day 60 so that only gives us 30 days left to prepare wait but it’ll be a breeze won’t it no Mikey if we don’t prepare enough we’ll be in big trouble especially when

It comes to day 100 good point W what diamond found it day 62 we went on an adventure to find resources to strengthen our defenses and we found diamond diamond so much Diamond woohoo oh yeah day 63 today we continued searching for more diamond oh check it out we just found a lot more yep there’s

So much keep going this is what we’ve come to we finally upgraded to complete diamond armor sets we can survive for Sure we finally arrived here day 100 it’s finally happening but are we really supposed to die JJ well let’s try our best and not give up for today I made a whole bunch of TNT let’s put this in a dispenser to strengthen our security wo we’re [Applause]

Ready look it’s some kind of mutant zombie no way yes yes look at the numbers remember Mikey we’re going to survive no matter what it takes are you sure there’s too many of them it knocked me down hurry back Mikey Now’s the Time to use our special technique okay I’ll

Push the button I pushed it is the lava going yep I pushed it I pushed it great work Now’s the Time to activate the TN coming okay yes wait are you kidding me Mikey it’s too dangerous I’ll shoot it but run we won’t make it there’s no Escape you’re joking

I need to launch another load of TNT ouch wa can I activate it yeah and hurry there I did it nice send more more like that more what more good job you nailed it no the floor’s missing be careful huh okay great now hit the switch again on

It come on come on come on you’re doing a great job Mikey I can’t see anything nice huh I dropped down don’t worry I can take this one out all on my own there we go the Sun is up we survived it’s daytime we did it the 100 days are over

That was really tough so we were able to survive to the end we wondered what we face on day 100 we never would have guessed mutant zombies but on this zombie field Island we survived past 100 days did you find find this video interesting don’t forget to like And

Subscribe thank you now it’s time to go nice another wonderful morning time to start the day let’s step outside H what hang on what’s going on huh everywhere I look there are freaky looking zombies Gathering what’s happening seriously this looks really bad I better grab some weapons what is

This about those freaky zombies are everywhere whoa what’s their deal they’re just hanging out around my house I definitely need to grab some weapons I want to defend myself okay here we go down the Hatch I need to hop across my secret lava security yes this is the place where I keep my Armory open all right the armor comes first let’s gear up I have a full set of diamond armor On next up let’s check the chest here’s where I keep my weapons let’s see I’ll need my Tesla gun and a laser rifle some ammo some obsidian too not to mention a whole bunch of TNT also I’ll need my diamond pickaxe golden apples and a flint and steel I

Should bring enough for Mikey too I bet all of this will be enough for both of us okay now I’m all loaded up let’s eliminate the zombie outbreak before it gets out of hand I’ll take care of this unfortunately I can’t really see what’s going on from down here so I’ll

Need to climb up a little all right this should do it woohoo pew pew PE you’re going down all right got one there we go awesome they’re going down one by one but there are still so many zombies Left who knows how long this will take

There’s no end to them it’s going to be hard defending this place all by myself uh-oh I totally forgot about Mikey that’s his house over there right is he doing okay I need to make a break for it here I go whoops shoot uh-oh they’re following me I better get

To his house right away please be safe Mike key H he’s still asleep Mikey get up hurry up Mikey come on wake up Bing oh JJ what’s up something terrible has happened Mikey whatever you do don’t go outside it’s not safe I promise H what are you talking about huh no

Way well that’s what I was trying to tell you there are zombies outside yikes there are mutant zombies everywhere why I don’t know Mikey but it’s okay I brought you some equipment take this armor oh thanks some weapons thanks I’m scared TNT flint and steel and some

Obsidian oops be careful right I also brought ammo thanks okay Mikey we have to work together to slay those zombies are you with me right thanks for the weapons and armor it should be a piece of cake to stop them all well I couldn’t do much alone but

Together we can do it we have access to your roof right yep cool they look tough let’s go we got this hang on easy as pie yikes uh there’s too many of them but it’s easy just blast them keep fighting Mikey get them use your laser rifle okay yes it’s

Working we’re actually beating them nice playay them all these guys are really tough there’s no end to them is there I guess no there are more behind us hang on Mikey they’re endless they’re so many they just keep coming ouch I’ve got an idea Mikey we have to use our backup plan

There’s too many to take down by hand what are we going to do follow me coming this way to your house okay waa all right for our backup plan yeah we’ll start by using some obsidian look like this oh H let’s take this off why come on there everything here we’re going to

Cover it up once the base is done see here uh and over here huh like this huh not bad are you building us a shelter oh you figured it out that’s right of course build a shelter to keep us safe no problem you’re on the right track but

Mikey staying in the shelter won’t solve our zombie problem we’re going to do one more thing outside I guess we can’t hide forever now what the answer to that Mikey is right here TNT oh we have lots of TNT let’s use it to make a massive explosion

Sure with a big enough explosion we can wipe out all the mutant zombies in one go nice obsidian is strong so we can survive the explosion from inside the shelter Wow Let’s go yeah there’s more than I thought wo let’s start building over here build upward okay to escape for the

Moment now what now we build from here leaving a trail of TNT behind us just like this oo yep by placing all of these explosives together like this mhmm it’ll combine into one massive explosive now we need to make a fuse to finish it off just lay

Out a path of TNT to make it oops wo you’re under attack let’s work together okay thanks we can rig it so that we can set off the giant explosive from inside the shelter yep all right we need to start getting higher oops higher shoot lead it over this

Way okay I made it I’m Out Of Reach uh how are you doing Mikey coming over here Mikey taada nice made it so now there we’re done so sweet if we light this block it’ll set off the fuse and ignite the giant block of TNT for a massive explosion is it safe I’m scared it’s fine Mikey probably let’s go I’ll light it ready yep 3 2

1 okay did it work wa wo hold on let’s seal it up oh I’m scared the hole is closed off that was dangerous wa I’m scared huh is it over it finished exploding huh I wonder what it looks like outside what’ll we do if the mutants zombie survived is it

Safe let’s see okay I wonder did we get them all is it safe that explosion was long it must look crazy outside I’m worried huh is it bad huh huh [Applause] oh wow wow it’s crazy out here but I think we got them all we did it well then let’s

Get started once night falls the zombie horde will arise our goal is to protect this house let’s get building what a zombie horde we need security measures let’s do it yeah well on that note we’re going to build eight security measures to defend ourselves eight really yep we

Need to start building our first security measure will be Spike trips in lava H taada look take this oh thanks this is a spike trap cool I think we should build it a good distance away from the house we can put them down just like this these traps go directly on the

Ground oh these are impressive yeah that should do it this will keep us safe here’s how the spike traps work as long as you’re holding on to a copy of the master key you’re going to be fine fine but if you’re not oh wow see that out of

Nowhere spikes stick into your feet seriously check it out that’s amazing when the zombies walk across this line they’ll be absolutely helpless in our Mighty trap so strong now then Mikey our mission is to protect the whole entire house so we’ll need to surround everything with a lava fil moat let’s

Start digging wow just like that great nice work now for the lava okay looking good H perfect super perfect this moat nothing will get through here yeah wo the spikes and the lava make an incredible defense nothing can cross lava and the spikes will hurt way too much the zombies don’t

Stand a chance sweet would you look at that this trap is really something awesome okay now we’ll make a pitfall trap hm a pitfall trap we’re going to be using these eggs but for now we just need to dig a big hole in the ground let’s do it got it let’s get digging

There’s lots to do this trap is going to be huge dig dig go on hurry let’s make this hole as deep as we can just like this all right sure H that should be deep enough oh that looks pretty good this is one deep hole yeah we’ll seal up the top layer

With this recovering it yeah let’s go but it’s not a trap well we’re going to place these eggs inside of the blocks on top what are you talking about yeah just like that time for the eggs these eggs will make us the ultimate pitfall trap oh thanks now then yes what are you

Doing you’re just covering it with snow blocks you think so Mikey drop your your key for a second sure now walk over there no I’m stuck here it looks like you’re trapped can you please let me out number three let’s dispose of the zombies that fall into the pitfall trap

What trapping zombies is the first thing we have to do but finding a way to properly dispose of them is just as important yeah but how here’s the plan we’re going to replace everything in here with glass blocks how’s this good now that we’ve installed all this

Glass we can observe the zombes behavior at any time wo Cool nice that should just about do it m okay now then right we’re going to set up some special dispensers special dispensers what makes them special you can’t tell no idea a normal dispenser only has one hole but this dispenser has three holes how you mention it I think

You’re right having the extra two holes means that these special dispensers can launch their ammo at three times the speed of a regular dispenser no way that’s incredible all right then that should do it yeah that’s it Mikey huh look awesome you can see it better from this side

Ready oh wow see each special dispenser launches three arrows at once that’s really something does it have infinite ammo yep it can fire forever W unbelievable now when the zombies fall into our pitfall trap they’ll be completely exterminated this security Rock security system number three zombie disposal unit is finally complete it’s

Finished four a secret passage there’s nothing wrong with walking through a door like this but yeah but what won’t the zombies just follow us straight inside you’re totally right if we enter through the front door the zombies are definitely going to follow us inside I

Think our next step should be to build a secret passage into the house let’s do it first things first we should probably start building the tunnel from somewhere around here sure sweet H let’s see if we connect it somewhere along here we can stop by and

Clear out the zombies that fell in the hole oh true after clearing them out we can continue to the house I see nice we’ll put the tunnel Here okay let’s go keep on digging I can’t wait to see the rest of our security measures oh it connected we’re through we can make a nice set of stairs here there great wao sweet it’s done mhm the entrance still isn’t hidden yet I want to make a true secret

Entrance right that looks about right is it clear it out first and then we’ll add Pistons sure we have to set the Pistons up around here and here I need to make sure it reaches this side the repeaters go up here and the red stone dust connects it all together just like this Okay all Right now we cover it with snow blocks wow that’s awesome and now for the Final Touch huh the lever nice when you pull this lever the Pistons seal off the secret passage wo now we’ll Place some sand on top of the sealed pistons and on

Top of that we’ll add some snow oh just like that now the zombies won’t be able to locate our hidden entrance it’s invisible that’s how you make a secret passage when you open it this happens wow cool guess that means our eight security measures are finished all done now we

Just have to wait for the zombies let’s do it all right looks like the night is come already wait a minute that’s a lot of zombies seriously yep now I’m going to draw them towards us let’s do this thing huh are you kidding is this safe I’ll try and

Get them to notice me time to use our security measures yeah our security measures will wipe them all out wow there’s so many wo they’re fall following me it’s a zombie parade ouch uh-oh I’ve been hit you good I’ll be fine because this place is equipped with

Traps yeah nice watch this well bring it on zombies how’s it look I have some time to eat it worked W look at that wow amazing hang on a sec they’re breaking through make them cross it again sure wait what about the pitfall trap drop them down there oh wa more zombies just

Spawned seriously this isn’t good but the traps are catching most of them Mikey stay further back right around here W they’re falling in it’s working that’s incredible got him I want more to drop in even more they keep spawning I think they’re spawning faster and faster

What do we do wait Mikey try not to fall in the Mikey this is bad I’m coming to save you Mikey oh no the zombies got you they actually got me I’m dead check out the automatic arrows Mikey come look at this that’s awesome it works sweet it’s working not for these

Two nice job now it’s finally working well Mikey the zombies are going down but we’re getting caught in the crossfire we we be fine oh it’s hitting us oh ouch that hurts we’re definitely getting caught in the middle let’s just exterminate the rest of the zombies

Let’s do it punch that zombie into the arrows I’m on it nice job now dash through while it’s clear I can make it yes almost ouch that hurts ouchie that was rough what’s the plan hold on a sec wait when did they get here things are getting bad real fast well hang on

They’re in it’s time to gear up wao look at that stay on we made it out good job our house is completely on fire our last resort was a bit much so fiery yeah this got messy so we beat the zombies yep but it looks like some of

Them are still trying to follow us no big deal

This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Survive 100 Days as Zombies in Minecraft – Maizen Zombie Apocalypse’, was uploaded by Maizen – JayJay and Mikey on 2023-11-27 19:30:06. It has garnered 10960 views and 101 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:11 or 3071 seconds.

Thanks for watching my friends! If you like this videos, please like and write me an interesting comment so that I have a good mood!

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

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  • Minecraft Memes – Borders in minecraft be like: “No escape, just build!”

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  • Minecraft Chaos Live Stream

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  • “If you mine, I’ll grind” 🔥 #minecraft #memes

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  • Boy Love in Minecraft Animation Part 4

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  • Controlling Me in Minecraft AMA

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  • Sky-high Shenanigans: End of Days S7 VODS

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  • “Insane Cliff Mansion Build in Minecraft!” #minecraft #building

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  • Minecraft 1.20.1 Mods – Ultimate Survival RPG!

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  • Ultimate Chaos: Join Tubbo’s Epic Minecraft Server Raids!

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  • Unbelievable: Reaching 100 Subs LIVE with Wolfurian!

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  • Star SMP

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  • The Atlas Project Bedrock Server – smp

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  • Minecraft Memes – What in the blocky world is this trailer

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  • Jack Black serenades Endermen?! 🔥😂

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  • Creating BoBoiBoy Lightning Portal in Minecraft PE

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  • The Ultimate Minecraft TARDIS Showcase

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  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Adventure: Exploring New Dimensions!

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  • Catching Scary Mob in Minecraft

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  • Insane Mansion Build ➤ Minecraft Tutorial!

    Insane Mansion Build ➤ Minecraft Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: How to Build A Brick Mansion | Tutorial’, was uploaded by Dojidoshi on 2024-08-18 19:42:58. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hey guys, I build things in Minecraft. In this video I built a brick mansion in minecraft creative mode. Learn the art of bricklaying … Read More

  • Insane twist in Minecraft survival with Amanozako

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  • “Sahadat VS Herobrine in Epic Minecraft Battle!” #clickbait #viral

    "Sahadat VS Herobrine in Epic Minecraft Battle!" #clickbait #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Herobrine mod for Minecraft #youtubeshorts #shortsviral #tranding #gaming’, was uploaded by Sahadat on 2024-02-29 03:56:32. It has garnered 4630 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Gaming Gods Clash in Epic Minecraft Showdown!

    Gaming Gods Clash in Epic Minecraft Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Twitch-Stream VOD vom 09.09.2024 💎 Minecraft Towns and Thaumaturgy’, was uploaded by Gamestorming on 2024-09-12 14:00:53. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:43:48 or 9828 seconds. This is a livestream description XD —————————————————————— We play Minecraft with over 100 mods that we put together ourselves. The project, which we lovingly named “Towns and Thaumaturgy”, includes a completely new generation of values, many new structures such as cities, towers, dungeons and much more. Also new animals, monsters, bosses, etc. Of course, we didn’t shy away from new… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT TWITCH LOL MOMENTVideo Information This video, titled ‘NARRATOR #minecraft #twitch #funny #shorts #funnyvideos’, was uploaded by FreshWindd on 2024-05-30 20:35:57. It has garnered 23 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. want more dumb moments go check out my twitch channel at @freshwindd Read More

  • Unlock Your Mind: Minecraft Block Telepathy!

    Unlock Your Mind: Minecraft Block Telepathy!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BLOCK TELEPATHY – 3’, was uploaded by DanielYT on 2024-07-31 18:24:02. It has garnered 448 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Trying to guess which block he’s guessing I’m guessing he’s guessing… EPIC MUSIC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f27kZ4Pe9ok by Jules Gaia Him: https://www.youtube.com/@coolboythenoble #minecraft #pvp #duels #training #coop #gaming #blocktelepathy #minigames #minecraftminigames #fun #comedy Read More

  • 1 Block Base Speedrun in Minecraft 😱 #shorts

    1 Block Base Speedrun in Minecraft 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Smallest Bases at Every Age In Minecraft😁😂🥱 (World’s Smallest Violinist)-#shorts’, was uploaded by Hyper Gaming on 2024-02-28 12:30:03. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. : Video Titel Smallest Bases at Every Age In Minecraft😁😂🥱 (World’s Smallest Violinist)-#shorts :Most viral video https://youtube.com/shorts/j4nGRT-NRXg?feature=share :Keywords minecraft Minecraft movie minecraft 100 days minecraft house minecraft video minecraft jj and mikey minecraft song minecraft shorts minecraft techno gamerz minecraft game minecraft house tutorial minecraft Minecraft minecraft creepypasta minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2023 minecraft animation movie minecraft apk… Read More

  • PurePixel

    PurePixelPurepixel pixelmon 1.16.5 9.1.11 -battlepass -Dexrewards -gts -jobs -crates -shops -gyms -evtrain and more!! would love to see you there!!! discord:https://discord.gg/f6vVTqnDcK server ip: Read More