100 Days in Mega Pokemon Minecraft Challenge! Duos Cobblemon Rivalry!

Video Information

Me and my friend are going to spend 100 days in Minecraft kobon to determine who’s the best every 10 days we’re going to fight and the winner gets to catch a random mega Pokémon we’ll have our final battle on day 100 but first I have some

Goals to accomplish I want to catch some of the most powerful Pokémon in the game evolve them and get them high level I want to get a Mega Charizard X and of course I want to beat my friend Cappy on day 100 will I be able to accomplish all

These goals watch until the end to find out and before I knew it it was time to pick our starters what do I want I don’t know what I want going I might have to do this go Charmander I Choose You I choose you no you choose Charmander

After we had picked our starters it was time to have our first Rival Battle let’s have a Rival Battle no you’re done I don’t care that I don’t have to type ADV I chunked your H easy easy easy let’s go look at that death animation that’s so after ID won the starter

Battle and taunted Cappy a little bit our journey had begun we immediately went to the nearby Village and ended up competing for its resources my guy’s got that dog in him this is my Village actually my Village like you should kind of get out of the way oh dude wait hold

On you made a mistake here I got to head start I’m haveall no no no wait wait no you get yes give me those apricorns I’m going to I’m going to catch them all bro I’m going to catch them all after stealing the apricorns from Cappy I

Found this Butterfree and I figured that Charmander would be able to take him out because he’s super effective dude I was actually planning on catching that guys that’s super unfortunate he paralyzed me what is he this and I’m confused he killed me he killed me I’m going to kill

Him so you can’t get him how your wins where you have them Charmander had now fainted so the next thing I needed to do was craft a healing machine Mankey is not in this video because our schedules like conflict so happy is actually my friend from high school and he’s been

Playing for like 12 years Pokemon so this is going to be a a test of my abilities for sure I got an upgrade and you don’t what did you get I got iron finally some coal I have not found any I’ve been looking forever I’m sure Santa

Will give it to you for Christmas this year Charmander recovered from fainting are you supposed to train somebody when you haven’t trained yourself while bantering with Cappy I had finally collected enough resources to build a healing machine okay Charmander is full health now I I think I’m just going to

Pack up and go to the surface try and get some Pokéballs and some levels on Charming but I’m super effective and I got to burn and I got to burn come on after reaching the surface on the morning of day two it only took Charmander a couple battles to reach

Level 16 and become a charmeleon I can evolve Charmander he’s a charmeleon out let’s go you see the achievement how’s it going for you it’s actually going great is it actually really great Poké Balls let’s go on the evening of day two I had found a yellow apricorn tree and

Made some pokeballs I had only been working on Charmeleon at this point so I figured that he needed a friend what another Kakuna I’m I’m finding like all this lowl stuff I need to find like a cool Pokémon C preferably not a bell sprout leveling pretty quickly oo do I

Want to get a Magikarp okay if this doesn’t one shot it I might catch a Magikarp you know we’re doing it I’m catching it day three was a pretty lucky day not only because I caught Magikarp on the first try but because I found an item that would really help my team on

The Battle of day 10 I just caught a Pokémon I I made a new friend that’s something you’ve never done before make a new friend no that’s wait are we not friends no dude like well I me kind of like your mom ooh your mom pays

Me to hang out with you after finding a Thunderstone and taking out an iron golem it was now the evening of day three and I ventured through the desert and found a cool Pokémon to catch I level guy oh no no I got I got knocked

Out by him but I’m just going to keep healing the Brava evolves into Flygon which is a pretty cool dragon type so I figured I might as well get it just at least just for now um so I’m going to try and catch this thing hopefully I can

No oh no don’t suffocate don’t suffocate okay ooh oh no it’s Health reset that’s so annoying dude what are you catching I’m it’s a good Pokemon I don’t think I’m going to be able to catch it honestly oh yes wait wait this this could work this could work come on

Please catch please catch come on come on please three let’s go and by day four the Bravo was finally mine but before I could level my Pokémon anymore I had found another member of my team finally I was like kind of annoyed because all of my Pokémon on my team are like

Repeats from like my other 100 days but this Pokemon let’s just say it can uh it can give me what I want it can give me what I want let’s just uh try and catch it real quick come on come on baby 1 2 3 4 things were looking really good for me

And while I had Charmeleon and four Pokémon on my team Cappy was catching up quick you evolved your uh your Treo finally all right guys I just mut it from CPP if you look here I did get a thunderstone this Eevee I could make into a jolon like right now if I wanted

To I think I want to wait a little bit just to make sure there’s no other electric types that I want but I think I might just get a jolon that would definitely be a permanent member of my team it’s my favorite EV Evolution it’s just as day four progressed I continue

To look for cool Pokémon and explore the PLS I’m picking up steam I’m picking up you are you I just want to be your it reminds me of you actually oh so does this lechon actually sismic just doesn’t shower I shower I shower lot Happy’s the

Type of guy who doesn’t wash his hands after he goes to the bathroom like to not wash my hands and then touch all your doors while Cappy and I were making fun of each other I had ran through the PLS and found this elect kid drag isn’t that your what’s your favorite Pokemon

Cppy that’s my favorite Pokemon I’m going to I’m going to get a drag just to flex on you that I have one you I actually I know where they spawn I’m not going to tell you where they they they spawn in the swamp biome that’s where they spawn no your silence

Tells me that’s right is that a shiny grimer is that shiny or is that like an alolan after catching a Le day five was coming to an end and I found an alolan grimer dude I don’t know if I have any Pokéballs please don’t catch catch the

Shiny Pokémon oh wait I made this wait okay I’m good I’m good good please please grimer if this isn’t a shiny I’m going to be so annoyed I bet you there’s just green grimers is that and that’s like a thing I caught it I would have

Gotten an achievement if it was so it was not a shiny I just caught a grimer for no reason yes let’s go but hey my my team’s filling out now though it’s it’s uh it’s coming along it’s fing fing out just like your shirt like the size of a bean

Bag after getting absolutely roasted by Cappy on the morning of day six I found a shelder I I really like cler I might have to do I might have to catch I’m also going to be filling out my team with like mega Pokémon so like I don’t

Know I don’t know once I had caught shelder I found a swamp biome and Cappy just happened to be there too what are you looking for win I’m nothing nothing hey after helping Cappy get his stuff back I found a crow Gunk which is a fighting poison type and decided that I

Would also add it to my team I was catching so many Pokémon at this point that I wasn’t really leveling the current guys that I had this would be my last catch for a while just so I could focus on winning the Battle of day 10

This is the last Pokémon I’m going to catch um until uh and then I’m just going to level everything up and figure out what I’m going to actually use but I got some cool stuff here I got some cool stuff here let’s try and use this how

Many Pokémon do you have I have like eight I’m not going to lie I have like eight you have eight yeah dude I’m stacked I’m stacked up on Pokemon I their levels are questionable but everything else is pretty good their levels are questionable they’re not the strongest guys ever I don’t think mine

Are either now that I caught more than six Pokemon shelder and Kow Gunk were in the PC so I had to craft one to take them out my highest level Pokemon is 22 no it’s 32 stop lying it’s 32 all right nice I’m going to take grimer out because it’s

Just a regular grimer for shelder put Crow gunk in I I I I might just put him in for Magikarp right now I think I think that’s what I’m going to do on the morning of day seven I’d finally decided that I would evolve my Eevee into jolon

2 one Eevee seems ready to evolve yes and he let’s look at his moves let’s see what he learned um o Thunder Wave that’s going to be useful Thunders shock that’s going to be useful what is baby doll eyes lowers your target attack stat I’ll probably just put slash in for this I

Actually have a pretty well-rounded team which is nice come on no the dog doesn’t love me it’s like your parents oh at least you love me right C right yeah I do ooh Thunder Fang as night fell on day seven my team was looking pretty

Good for the Battle of day 10 so I decided to get them higher level by grinding in the swamp Cappy was also in the swamp and found a fully evolved Goodra what dude I don’t think I can catch it though that’s insane yeah he just took out my guys I can’t catch him

That’s insane do like no damage to this thing come on please yes yes oh that’s got to be crazy XP one of my Pokemon just turn just took out a level 38 no way how high are you guys at the start of day eight my Charmeleon took out a

Level 38 Digger speed and got a ton of levels dude this is your warm welcome Cobble 100 is let’s go like this okay that seems like a decent move set for that guy I’m just doing some leveling you might actually beat me you might actually beat me dude you sound like

Such a nerd when you thought in general no no no you’re you’re not a nerd you’re just you’re just cool in your own unique way I like how I’m making fun of you being a nerd and I’m literally a Pokemon Minecraft like yeah he’s just a little

Weird this wall Poney is level 34 and my uh my jolon or my um oops did you hear that did you hear that you have a jolon no my my uh my executor I meant I was fighting this L Poney and I accidentally mentioned that I had a jolon to Cappy

Luckily there wasn’t much time for him to prepare for it but it was kind of annoying that I leaked my Pokémon what it is time for our first battle of the 100 days oh no dude so we have to start going back time to battle on day nine it

Was finally time for Cappy and I to go back to the village and do our final preparations for the Battle of day 10 who is going to catch the first mega I’m going to build some Poke Balls I’m also going to do my move poison jab Revenge

Ah that’s pretty good I had collected a ton of apricorns on the way back to make Pokeballs and after refining our moves it was time to battle you better be ready you better be ready hey ooh that’s a good that’s a good tip match up for me actually thank you my

Team started off pretty strong in the battle as shelder is super effective against hoooot let’s go shelder no you get destroyed already how did wait how did you do that oh I got confused you confused me even though I had the typ match up Cappy had

Confused me and taken out my shelter I was kind of annoyed so it was time to send a message on I told you I had a jol on light work light work let’s see what else you got let’s see what else she got oh a drill bur I’m throwing this guy out

Cappy had a drill bur which counters my jolon so I switched Bravo to counter him back on me you’re literally setting up on me that’s fine that’s fine we’re going to do one of these sand I missed let’s use this that does like nothing to you oh Cappy had gotten my

Pokemon low because I used a bad move so I switch it up a little bit you know that’s a lot of damage that was a lot of damage let’s go I had taken out drill bur and I was super excited this battle was a lot closer than I ever expected I didn’t

Know if I was going to have to use it oh no now my like attack and defense is like all low but that’s fine after Cappy took out my guy I immediately switched in krunk not going to be happy you snarl come on Kow Gunk oh no you would you oh

Oh oh wait what that was super effective against you that did nothing while krunk was able to do some good damage he was no match for Golduck psychic typing just going to hit you with one of these it’ll just hit you with one of these the goat jolon free XP free XP luckily

For me jolon was able to clean everything up but Cappy had switched to starter grow violet oh no say hello to my little friend this is not good I I actually like this match up a lot for some reason it just oh oh get wrecked even though Cappy had switched out

Charmeleon was still able to do a ton of damage you’re you’re like baiting me into like staying in this is not good you use rest and woke up how’d you wake up first turn you added a chesto berry oh you’re using the berries you’re using the berries the berries got added in the

Last update but it’s not going to even matter and it was that easy Cappy was down to his last Pokemon flamethrower flamethrower baby oh I probably shouldn’t have said flamethrower this is your last guy though it has to be come on please please Charmeleon let’s go do

You have anything left I had won the first battle with ease jolon and Charmeleon were definitely MVPs of that fight and my entire team got a bunch of levels please do something good please do something no way Alam now I have to actually catch it though and the cherry

On top was that the random Mega Pokemon that I got to catch was an Alakazam let’s try low kick he won’t die you’re like rooting for me a thank you dude your skin totally looks like the Cookie Monster anyways it does not anyways yeah okay big bird I’m about to

Catch this guy look at this look at how low he is come on please Alakazam please I’m jumping on on the Pokéball please come on no yes he doesn’t want to be with you catch come on Alex Z after using a ton of pokeballs I had caught it

Let’s actually go I’m taking that right out of the PC no way there’s actually no way you what I’m going I’m going right to training you’re going right to training I’m actually going to train up this time I was just messing around I wanted to give you the first win you’re

Just playing you were just playing last time even though I had won pretty easily on day 10 as day 11 kicked off I plan what I wanted to do in the next 10 days b b Braava crunk and wait oh wait hold on I don’t know why I just realized this

But Charmeleon got enough levels in the battle against Cappy that he could become a Charizard he learned a ton of new moves and I could also fly on him rard X already that model is so sick I can fly on him tappy tap oh that hurt we

Don’t we don’t talk about the fact I just died from falling wait did you just die from Fall damage I did you it it doesn’t even it doesn’t even matter to me because uh something uh something really good happened what bro after getting Charizard to Mega Evolve I took

To the skies to find a better place to train up my Pokémon I didn’t know I’d be able to do this this is sick no did you get your Charizard no no no no no anyway guys so as I was saying the plan for today is to evolve not only V braa and

Krun and get our Charizard which we’ve already gotten but I want to level up Alex Kazam because Mega Alakazam is super powerful and probably work towards getting a Cloister I don’t know how far off it is I think I need a water stone so after finishing up

My plan while walking through the forest I’d found another plains biome this battle doesn’t care the St battle totally counts does not count I found it too you found what nothing and nothing wait you found what wait oh no you found the thing that makes dragapult

No I’m trying to catch him now he is so hard to catch Cappy’s favorite Pokemon is the pseudo legendary Pokemon called dragapult it is literally one of the fastest and most overpowered Pokemon in the game in just my luck he had just found it in the swamp biome game it’s

Like broken it has like insane speed that’s that’s going to be a big threat for us to like have to take down mil tanks are so tanky as day 11 turned into day 12 I kept taking out Pokémon in the plains biome and found this runed portal

I’m training harder for this next 10 days than any other going down there’s been like one 10 days you’re like this one is going to be the hardest one ever you don’t have much to beat there jolan’s just such a cool Pokemon he’s my favorite Evolution like one of my

Favorite Pokemon but like oh all of my Pokemon were leveling up really quickly and jolon learned the move discharge Mega Charizard was steamrolling anything it came up against and and I decided to fly him all the way to the desert biome so I could fight some grass types cuz

Surprisingly there’s a lot of grass types in the desert biome for whatever reason uh with Charizard uh so I can get him up in some levels oh what is that what is that on the afternoon of day 12 I found the Pokémon great Tusk it’s a massive Pokémon that’s the Paradox form

Of dawn fan great Tusk I might actually try and catch this thing what what did you find I’m not going to tell you I’m not going to tell you oh I I just did a ton of damage to it actually I might not be able to catch

This come on please no oh yes it’s meant to be it’s meant to be it’s so meant to be after it hung on with just one HP I knew I had to catch it come on I got down to 1 HP Aro doesn’t have that dog in him have that dog in him

Oh that was so cringe that was so cringe dude this guy’s at 1 HP and I still can’t take him out this is ridiculous he must be like insanely powerful what he just instantly breaks out come on please please and as day 12 came to an end

Great tusk was finally mine Pokemon go did you get him evolved did you get your uh what’s the guy you’re working on again we got Mega septile BR no I guess we’re kind of even I have two megas and you have one yeah throwing it in my face I just

Had to flex that a little bit as day 13 kicked off I kept leveling up my Pokémon in the desert there were a ton of the Pokémon maracus that were really easy to take out but super high level and it allowed me to get my Crow Gunk into a

Tox croak o I just found something good I think this has got to go on the team what’ you find what’ you find I don’t know tell me what yes sir another Evolution do you have like a better team now not lie your team last time was uh look at all these

Cows dude it reminds me of what you look like in real life I continue to level up and joke around with Cappy for all of day 13 and when I arrived in the snow biome on day 14 I decided that I would switch great Tusk in and put him on my

Team I really meant it guys he is low IQ I heard that I did take my headset off hey you’re supposed to take your headset off what I didn’t though cuz I’m smart oh the weather outside is right let it’s sow let it sow what you can do like both

Like the male and female parts to like oh the weather outside is right but the fire is so delightful there weren’t much Pokémon to train up against during the daytime but on the night of day 14 I was finding a lot of Stant lers you didn’t get cold like seis

I’m on the naughty list what’s that supposed to mean I’m just I’m the bad boy tonight will be the night that I fall for you how did you know all over again you know they have a a new term for uh e girls um it’s ey ladies I ey

Ladies not s ooh that’s good good move guys I just muted from Kathy I just got the move uh agility that raises my speed stat sharply on jolon if I could get one of those off I could be able to be as fast as dragapult and then maybe do some

Sort of damage to him as I continue to level up I thought about the fact that Cappy was going to have a draga I was thinking of all types of ways to counter Cappy and on the morning of day 15 I wandered into the cherry blossom biome I

Think I think we’re just going to switch him out forvo just at least for right now and then we can get another evolution in these 10 days which will be cool just to just to make it more fun I’m fighting goblins you know what goblins are yeah

I’ve hung out with you before man like go nuts I I I didn’t even mean I didn’t even mean to I didn’t even mean to see you’re just not even smart enough to to notice that there’s going to be a joke it’s my sixth sense to sense these nut

Jokes and like avoid them once I had arrived in the Cherry Blossom biome I found a Gastly and decided that I would try and catch it this and try and get a Gengar I’m like blanking oh no no no bro I had accidentally taken out

The Pokemon I wanted to catch but I get another chance to catch another cool Pokemon on the morning of day 16 I found an iron Thorns which is another one of the new Paradox Pokémon and decided that I’d catch it on iron Thorns let’s go I

Caught it no did you catch it no yes sir do I want oh huge okay it’s an electric rock type I realized that iron Thorns was five levels above the level cap for the Battle of day 20 and decided that I just evolve my V braa into a Flygon for

The battle instead ooh oh a Milo to this do I want that I might just catch this because it’s cool and then and then uh see if I want on my team later please please let’s go let’s go all right we’re just going to keep that guy in the PC

For now we might want to use him though later once I had caught malotic I would use the rest of day 16 and most of day 17 to level up the Bravo and get my Fly Gone Pokemon are like at least level 45 um I think maybe I’ll go like mine a

Little bit if there’s like a cave down here and then I think it’s going to be time to battle I’m feeling like really confident in my team especially cuz I won last time so I thought that was a Sunstone I just got a fire stone that’s actually sweet this another fire stone

That’ be crazy I found another Firestone for day 18 inventure deeper into the mines for day 19 I was actually mainly looking for diamonds because diamonds are used to craft an XP share which would help all of my Pokemon become higher level just got diamonds no wa you

Found diamonds yeah I have to go mining I’ve been focusing on this next 10 days I just found found two more diamonds let’s go dude you’re going to have so many XP shares I need to get on that in the next 10 days that’s time bro dude

It’s time for the Battle of day 20 soon enough day 19 had ran out and it was finally day 20 I was pretty confident for this next battle because I got a ton of levels over the past 10 days and all of my new team members were looking

Pretty solid all right the winner gets to catch AA let’s go let’s go let’s battle oh that was the thing that I was just going crazy about not good one shot one shot come on come on great test land a quick one shot on arbach I think I’m

Super effective did you oh oh you would you would Cappy switched out his Pokemon against Great Tusk and Pidgeot was immune to his attack it takes up the entire battle Arena knockoff did that much to you well I guess I’m a normal type so that would make sense normal type is weak against

Dark type no it’s not it’s weak against fighting I thought it was weak against both dark and normal you’re a noob I guess I am n hey you have to have the type chart up I don’t have it up while great tusk was able to do a lot of

Damage against Pidgeot Pidgeot had the move Roost which allows him to recover his HP because of this I had to switch Swit jolon in so we could do some super effective damage you’re just going to ro spam me oh no GG’s GG’s how’s that roof spam working out

For you all right you’re switching oh wait you’re ground type oh you should be immune to that once again Cappy had switched out to save his Pokemon and at this point in the battle I was kind of getting annoyed cuz I couldn’t really make much progress in taking down his

Team that was a little much for damage for me I’m not too happy let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s do this come on oh no I took out your great T took out my great test all that matters wait what oh wait oh you have earth power wait I’m

That was stup is weak to ground bro that was so stupid of me maybe you do need the type just as I thought I was doing some good damage with great Tusk I made a bad switch and Cappy one- shot my Pokémon honestly this start wasn’t

Really looking that good for me but I was going to do my very best to make a comeback guy it does like nothing I thought that was going to do more I forgot why would you put in our box oh no I forgot nice switch nice

Switch Cappy had slipped up and let me one shot his Arbok now we were neck and neck definitely do wait that’s definitely what you’re doing you are dragon type wait your speed is 145 wait what I don’t know is there a dragon type move coming in dude I

Quickly learned that Mega septile is Extreme overpowered so the only person that I could switch in against him would have to be Mega Charizard it’ be good though but like that’s kind of annoying I don’t think this is not very good for me is it not yes yes wait am I faster I

Have to be faster there’s like no way I’m not faster okay sweet you are faster darkcloak oh that’s Dragon P’s pre-evolution okay that’s not Dragon I was finally able to defeat Cappy’s Pidgeot with my mega Charizard and luckily for me darkcloak wasn’t a draga yet no damage to you GG wait I missed

How did wait you killed me what let’s go wait what did you use Charizard down you vanished and then you used some like cloak move even though Charizard was now out of the game he did really well for me and Alakazam was able to finish the

Job oh it does OB oh you evolved your guy thank it oh please be faster I have to be faster let’s go wait one shot me no way Flygon had his second one shot of this battle and things were starting to look really good for me the thing to remember about these

Battles though is that absolutely anything can happen like right come on Alazan please no oh how are you faster than me you did so much damage to me all right come on jolon jolon has to clut this up or I lost this isn’t going to do

Enough so I have to wait no wait guys I just m it from cppy um septi ability is lightning rod Mega septile only ability it can get is lightning rod which means that these lightning type moves are not going to do anything so I have to Quick

Attack and just my luck septile had a special ability where none of my electric type moves could damage him I had to use Quick attack which doesn’t do that much damage oh I lost no that was it let’s see what mega Pokémon you’re going to get no let’s go dude no way bro

I had lost and to add insult to injury Cappy had got a Mega Metagross from winning which is one of the most powerful Megas in the game no no doesn’t even matter now that I got Prime Gale Lewis on my team you’re going to lose every battle like the Walmart

Meme is going to destroy you in every battle I was really annoyed that I had lost and I was more motivated than ever to come back on day 30 and take the W I decided that I needed to replan my strategy shot while I like him he’s a

Cool Pokémon we might see him later I’m going to put in malotic a super tanky Pokémon and I’m starting to realize that if my Pokémon aren’t faster than happies it’s probably just worth having tanky Pokémon that I know are going to go last and then uh I’m going to get some levels

On everything and I’m going to go mining maybe try and get some items on my Pokémon immediately after I’d made my plan for the next 10 days I stumbled across a Tyrantrum Tyrantrum is a really powerful fossil Pokémon that spawns in the wild and cobon because well I guess

There aren’t fossils in theame game yet I decided that I would catch him but I’d already used him in my past 100 days so I didn’t know if I really wanted to use him this a cool Pokémon this shouldn’t kill it tell me what Pokemon you found

Did it counter to Gil come on come on please I might actually use this over Flygon we have brought out that Meme at least three times dude we need like a meme of the video section where we just like the meme of this video like link the video in the bottom the

Bottom guys we’re like guys after you watch this like don’t watch any more of my videos just go watch like all these like random mes wait wait wait wait wait no way as day 21 turned into day 22 I had encountered a wild Sylveon sylveon’s

A super good fairy type so I had to catch it up I might actually have to get that crazy I’ve had like two crazy encounters like in like a very short amount of time come on all righty all righty should I just put that straight

On my team ah dude I I don’t know I’m not finding like anything good to train against right now all these Pokémon by me are like level 20 actually great tusk was good but I really like silveon it would be really cool to have two eveve

Illusions on my team all right all right let’s just do this for now let’s just do this for now it really only took me 2 days to switch my team around so I decided that I would go mining and try and get some more diamonds guys I just m

It from Cappy I am looking oh that’s actually convenient I’m looking for diamonds right now ooh more so I can build an XP share and I’m also just like trying to get some ores uh just so I can like build stuff in general oh no wait are you’re definitely it’s funny how

We’re like both trying to get XP shares right now by the morning of day 23 I had enough diamonds to where I could craft two XP shares I still don’t have all the resources to craft it because we have to go to the nether to get glow stone so I

Continued to level my Pokémon and ventured into the jungle biome your mom yes oh oh oh Ro of the video what oh a am five P an annihilate yo do I want that Midway through day 23 I had found an annihilate annihilate was added in the previous generation and seemed like

A pretty cool guy so I decided to catch it little did I know at this point he is extremely overpowered and would become a core member of my team oh let’s go let’s go dude I’m actually catching so many cool Pokémon I don’t even know what I

Want to use now I have like so much variety that it’s like I don’t know quick side note here I was so lucky in these past 3 days that it made it extremely hard for me to pick between my Pokemon and make a team I was trying to

Use Pokemon that I’d never used before so that’s why I threw a lot of guys in the PC this guy actually might be insanely good and he’s a ghost type sorry for changing my team around so much guys I need to get out of here oh

No oh dude I I almost one shot a Pokemon with my after I caught annihilate I thought that had to be the end of my luck but no on day 24 I had caught Heracross as well good to like train up and then maybe if I get mega Heracross I

Could just switch it out but I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know we we’ll have to see wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute guys I just need it from C I don’t know what my luck is but this Pokemon evolves into Thorn which is like

A super tanky like grass Steel type I believe I might just catch this just in case I want to get it there for later I I’ve literally like encountered so many good Pokemon that it’s like actually ridiculous at this point I know guys I know I need to stop catching and start

Training a little bit but uh I promise this will be the last one for a little while no no you know in high school seismic nickname was moto moto so from from Madagascar no it’s out of love it’s out of love I would go home and cry like every

Single day because of you cppy you’re just such a bully gold achieved go achieved you’re like yeah that was the whole point I’ve caught like way too many Pokémon today I need to like actually like level stuff up with my new goal to get all of my Pokémon up to

Level 60 I kept leveling for the rest of day 25 Thunder’s not very accurate but I kind of want to have it thunder let’s go my Pokemon’s move sets are going to be so good I’m going to hit the level capop in like the next 10 minutes no you’re not I am you’re

Most definitely lying the best training spot in the game so you’ve thought about you’ve like thought about the fact that T-Rexes can’t scratch their belly butt you’re telling you thought about better question you thought about that it’s almost like how many times have you thought about the Roman Empire today and

If you tell me zero then you’re just weird it it’s like 9 in the morning man I just woke up you found a level 60 what’ you find what Pokémon what Pokémon nothing nothing nothing as day 25 turned into Day 26 six I was a little bit concerned about the levels on Cappy’s

Pokémon while Charizard and the Gang were leveling up pretty quickly the exploring that I did for the last few days definitely set me back a little bit miloti and Sylveon to 55 but I want to get annihilate up all the way because I did a little bit more research into

Annihilate and he’s like a really really broken Pokemon dude no I accidentally killed it let’s go wait what was it what was it what was it what was it I’m going to try to find another one so I’m not EXC oh a gold block I found a gold block

Might as well take that there’s like a ridiculous amount of cherry blossom biome I don’t know what’s burning oh no buffal on I’ll save you I’ll save you Vector Despicable Me too why your mind just she said you’re a cool guy that’s like one of the lines in the movie The

Sun was starting to rise and I was just one-shotting everything in my path annihilate also had a lot of good moves for me to put on wish come true this all I want for Christmas is you a thank you so much you want me for Christmas of course this

Thing is taking out my whole team thing is insane please catch please catch what are you catching dude you’re going to have to see when I actually finally catch it I might have a toxic Pokemon too no wait do you have a toxic spikes

Slayer no no I say we ban that I say I say we just ban toxic Spike for the daytime of Day 26 I really had just leveled my Pokémon up in the desert against maractus as it came to an end I decided that I would go to the swamp

Biome and I found a nobat why not why not throw a Pokéball at it see if it’ll catch ooh a Crobat Crobat could be good too because of how fast they are I caught the Noibat that’s actually kind of cool I might take out this Crobat

Though for XP the Battle of day 30 I’m just going to obliterate you dude I’m going to destroy you actually again a Wen bullpit I swiftly got bored of the swamp and went to the ice biome for the daytime of day 27 I kept trash talking

With Cappy and I found all sorts of cool Pokémon Mr MIM remember like on like day one where I was like Hey the Charmander rise of the sigma setiles become a giga Chad so G Chad do your Pokemon even Mew I don’t think they do I got an evolution and it’s

Absolutely beautiful absolutely beautiful the snow biome had really served me well and caus the annihilate to get to level 60 even though I did like the ice biome I wanted to go back to the desert for my other guys because they were super effective so I had spent

The entire night on day 27 to get there could you change out your starter yeah if you want to change if you don’t want yeah your starter I guess you could change it out for another Mega but like come on dude you can’t you can’t can’t betray your starter like that that just

Messed up no no no I’m not on it I’m not you’re just a bad you’re just a bad trainer look at all the spoons on Alakazam all the spoons on them so many spoons do you borrow them every time you have to eat do I borrow them every time I have

To eat yeah actually I borrow it and I don’t clean it off and I just put it back on so they like have peanut butter and stuff all over them and everything you’re saying sayam like you have Alakazam used like his psychic powers to like here comes the airplane on every

Meal making him feed you no he likes it he likes it I that’s weird that’s even worse that’s so he likes feeding you that’s weird you’re a weird Pokemon trainer here THS but I can’t I can’t fit it airplane good good it wasn’t meant to be I just named it

Airplane airplane that Alex airplane it’s the weirdest name oh no that’s bad I got to think of names for mine did you name it Sparky no why did you name it Sparky Cappy and I had so many laughs during day 28 that it really just

Flew by I was grinding a lot and getting close to the max level on all my Pokémon and I also named a few of my guys what should I name my drag uh trash trash trash brief intermission guys if you’d like to play cobon for yourself Cappy

And I play on a server called caland it’s really the best out there and there’s a ton of information about it in the Discord Link in the description you can join the server using the IP on screen and don’t forget to use code seismic for 15% off in the item shop as

It helps me make lots more videos like these airplane leveled up as day 28 turned into day 29 all of my Pokémon except for malotic were getting really close to the level cap I decided to replace him with the iron Thorns that I had previously caught because iron Thorns is the Paradox form

Of Tyranitar which is a pseudo legendary for character development Cy guess what it’s time to battle dude okay let’s do it I’m going to get my revenge all right let’s both head back to base we’ll do our moves and then you’re going down you were going down Cappy and I made our way

Back to base on day 29 and I was honestly feeling really confident for the Battle of day 30 all the guys that I had caught in the last 10 days to get revenge on Cappy looked pretty solid and had really well-rounded move sets insane

Move set just go Bo boom are you uh you ready ready to fight Cy I’m ready I crafted some Pokéballs in case I got aega and it was finally time to battle 3 2 1 go oh oh no h you’re only level 50 oh no oh I like this I like this all

Right let’s do this I let off with iron thorns and set up electric terrain which allowed me to do massive damage with thunder Fang oh no I dude I am like uh let’s go for this this is going to hurt this is going to hurt you come on yes

What’ you use use home or something yes let’s go for this darmanitan um let’s do one of these oh you knocked him out and he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead de he’s dead the battle seemed to be going in the right direction for me but Cappy had

Caught some new Pokemon of his own St no no no no no no no looking us up and day now he’s like faster than your Alakazam no he’s not let’s I don’t know what to do all right I put in my annihilate and it was time to test him out and let’s

Just say he didn’t disappoint let’s go I I knew you were about to use belly drum I knew you about to use belly drum that’s bad that’s that’s actually so good that I took him out bro there’s the drol and there he is this is my first time in the 100 days

Having to go against Cappy’s Dragon pool and let’s just say he would become a bit of a problem for most of this 100 days no okay okay that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine oh okay he lived he that’s fine that is fine that is fine that’s

Fine he tanked it he’s really tanky come on please be faster what how are you faster let’s go uh use U-turn so you can switch out not only did dragapult chew through two of my most powerful Pokemon he used U-turn so he could switch out and live to fight another day that’s not

Good at all that is good that is good good for me cuz he’s a villain you hit Mega M he’s a villain come on tank oh that tickles oh my gosh did nothing let’s uh come on this has got to do big damage against you let’s do this oh what’s that

What’s that oh what’ you use energy ball even though Sylveon took septile down Mega Metagross was absolutely insane and one shot my Sylveon fine come on Charizard come on Charizard you’re my only hope here I’m not keeping him in on that no I was losing really badly at

This point and Mega Charizard was the only one I could see clutching up this battle please no no please oh you Flinch you flch yes so bad my gosh no let’s go big damage come on survive bro dang that did a lot what’ you use on me I use dragonarts please Charizard

Please Charizard let go he’s dead Charizard had done everything he could to get me back in the game and with Alakazam low Sparky the jolon was my only chance at winning I don’t have earthquake yes yes I got the paralysis off no you got the paralysis dude you might win

Actually dude I don’t have earthquake all right come on please oh that’s good damage that’s good damage you’re paralyzed you’re paralyzed Gil Le what’s Gil Le going to do against Sparky alakazam’s sidekick was too weak to take down Metagross so the only thing I could do was Bank on a paralysis increase my

Defense and recover my health be paralyzed please please please no no let’s go no I lost and unfortunately for me Metagross wasn’t paralyzed and Cappy won with just 20 hp left got beill no this is like the worst one in the whole wait no be drill’s good Beed

Drill’s good you should definitely use it yes let’s go Cappy had got a mega be drill from winning and easily caught it I had lost two times in a row now and it was apparent to me that I needed some counters for Cappy’s dragon types and of

Course Mega Metagross let’s go go go time train time let’s go I can’t believe it’s day 31 already and I destroyed you for two of the battles as day 31 kicked off I I was now more motivated than ever to formulate a good plan and beat cppy

I’m going to use a theor because it has so many resistances and as long as I can take out Metagross because it has Hammer arm and and darmanitan I can tank out all of Cappy’s Pokemon hopefully that’ll be like the wall that I can set up with

So that’s the plan there jolon has all electric type moves Alakazam has all psychic types and Sylveon has fa type moves which makes it kind of hard because they have no coverage for anybody who goes against them I had added y to the team and as day 31 turned

Into day 32 IID ran to the ice biome to start leveling up I was also keeping my eye out for a good ice type Pokemon that could counter some of Cappy’s dragon types I’m just training up big chungus is getting some reps is he really your Gaston dude that thing is so annoying

It’s super tanky yeah cringe cringe all your Pok CR all my Pokemon are just that good you saying the level cap is again on this one like maybe 65 um yeah yeah let’s do 65 let’s do 65 dude I can’t believe I lost twice in a

Row I need to get revenge this is like The Comeback Story I mean I’ve actually been close like uh the like the last battles no you were close it was only I only had one left yeah okay that’s true that’s true you just have to get a little better skill issue slight skill

Issue slight skill issue yeah on day 32 I was able to get a lot of levels but to be honest I found absolutely no cool Pokémon that I wanted to catch now that it was day 33 I decided that I would just commit to leveling up my Pokémon

And I found a really good spot where the ples biome met the snow I found a ditto you kind of did no yes dude I I’m going to copy your Charizard no let’s go I got to catch this guy guys I just meet it from Cappy I’m going to try and get this

Guy up some levels I mean since you lost so bad the last two battles I lost by like one HP Cappy kept teasing me about losing and we continue to joke around and have fun together satle do you know what a satle is am I walking into like a

De nut joke no what’s a satle it’s not a Dez nut Jo I was like I was like it’s from the new generation it’s like a giant like ice Pokemon you have nothing for an ice type uh I maybe I shouldn’t have told him that wait I’m just going

To get a super fast ice type so I can uh why don’t I just do that or like a super bulk one like an avalo oh that would be bad for me and then your only counter that is like darmanitan which is like horrible anyway cuz you try and B drum

And just get one Shot no he’s good don’t even worry about it I’ve got I continued to level up in the plains biome and I found this Rune portal but it didn’t really have much in it I need to give Charizard a villain Master V I’ll call him it’s what you

Look like so like I’m calling it kind of goes hand in hand vector vector let’s go okay that’s exactly what I needed that’s exactly what I’ve been trying to get this entire time as day 33 turned into day 34 my Ferro seed finally turned into a Ferrothorn even though Ferrothorn is

Relatively weak compared to Cappy’s super powerful Pokemon his typing makes him resistant to almost everything I have some obsidian you have any yeah I I actually have been mining some cuz I’ve been preparing to go no wait I have flint and steel this is almost perfect

Hey a misclick it was a misc I know it seems kind of random but Midway through day 34 Cappy and I got really bored and decided that we would come back to the village and go to the nether oh oh to be the first one oh actually you can be the

You can die you can die in the w w w wo okay it’s safe it’s safe is it see the sacrifices I make for you if you knock me in lava hey W no as soon as I got to the nether I immediately ran to go find some glow

Stone so I could use it to make XP shares guys I just m it from Cappy I I need to go find a ocean Monument to make the XP shares anyway but it’s just good to get that glowstone o Dude I found a Char Cadet you know what that is yeah I

Know i’ I’ve had an armor before well at least that’s good that you found it going to get some blaze rods and then we could eventually go to the end you went to the nether yeah already I explored the nether for all of day 35 and honestly

There wasn’t really much there that I haven’t already seen I went back to the Overworld and now it was the morning of Day 36 and I’m on the nether roof let’s go actually I am I got gyro ball on Anni cool move I need to figure out how to

Grow some berries and put them on my team that thing’s massive oh yeah hippon you’re spirit animal let’s start using this guy a little bit more we do need to get him up in levels dude buffal on are so tanky what is a buffal on again it’s like you

Know like porus oh oh it’s like you’re out of the nether now not right now oh they spawn in there yeah oh I didn’t know that you have wait you haven’t seen a buff BL as Day 36 progressed I focused on getting theor up to the level of the

Rest of my Pokémon because I was so close to winning the last battle I figured it was the only change that I needed to make to win M from Cappy I’m going to put this on this guy fine I’m catching that I’m going to look that up

And see if it’s good cuz I I think I’ve seen it in like competitive Pokemon after giving the miracle seed I found a theor to boost his grass type attacks I found an esoa and decided to catch it he’s getting to where he needs to be

He’s getting to it’s super rainy on the outside I know I know I’m in the rain right now oh my God you’re not in the ne anymore how did the weather clear that’s so crazy guys what happened finally finally my guy’s one-shotting people which guy I can’t tell you is it oh is

It something I don’t know about you’re going to be the very worst I going to be the best I’m going to be the very best no I’m going to be the very best that’s why I’m training my Pokémons that’s why you’re losing so much no I’m not losing I learning tactical losing tactical

Losing tactical loss it was a tactical loss it was to build up your confidence just te it down in the final battle it was now day 37 and for these past few days I’d been doing a lot of exploring so for the next 3 days before the battle

The only thing to do was to make sure my levels were higher than Cappy’s says jellan is level 67 actually yes where are you right now I’m at the ocean that’s not is that what I think it is oh my gosh this is one of my Pokémon yo yo

I don’t know how much I can hit this come on please catch just catch just catch it’s meant to it’s meant to come on you know it’s meant okay maybe it’s not I stumbled across a Larvesta which is actually one of my favorite Pokemon but I couldn’t really use it against

Cappy’s team because of the amount of counters he had for it um because all the megas and drag are so fast you literally have four Pokemon that I can’t outspeed with anything getting close on levels I have faith in my level 62 that took two shots to take out of

Miraculus oh no day 37 had turned into day 38 and I was pretty confident in all of my Pokemon’s abilities uh well maybe except for Sparky he just wasn’t doing the damage he needed to nonetheless the Battle of day 40 was approaching rapidly and my Pokemon were getting really high

Level for real talk I think I got to say Gio dude I think it’s like really op you should get one I should get one it’s it’s op I already have one on my team it’s like level 100 you dude oh no way you should definitely keep it I will I

Will it’s good I’m telling you it’s good boom yes sir I’ve been one-shotting Stu you do you like Snorlax just cuz he sleeps all the time your mom like has to get the Snorlax flute out to wake you up in the morning as I start my days to wake you

Up to wake me up that’s actually that’s so FD I need to have faith in my Pokemon you know you know jolon you’ve been with me since like the first 10 days he might be faster than Metagross but I think he has a bad nature oh no yeah he has he

Has lower speed nature so yeah he’s uh yeah he’s really unlucky you have the worst Natures possible and like it just makes your Pokemon like so much worse I know my speed Natures on both of my sweepers are just terrible I may I may have to take out airplane and Sparky later

On airplane Air Play so weird you were the one that named him that no yeah I can’t even onot a miraculus with my jolon I love jolon it’s like one of my favorite all-time favorite Pokemon actually but like he might have to uh he’s just terrible he might have to head out here soon maybe

If you could actually win a mega you could like replace him as day 38 neared its end I was creeping towards level 65 on all my Pokémon and I also decided that that I would name my annihilate should I name him I’m going to name him Mike just

Mike so Random is that a Oh I thought it was a Dratini one of these guys one shot I don’t even one shot that I don’t know I don’t know how confident I am going to this battle I should be okay though I came with a name for my

Drago B what is it what I’m the king that’s his name from Nick a30 yeah we’re making like so many weird references nobody be like some somebody everybody knows3 somebody get it somebody will get it it is time to battle I’m ready I’m ready I need to get my revenge and soon

Enough it was time to head back to base for the battle I had just barely lost the last two battles and I was getting kind of sick of it I had to get revenge here in stop Cappy’s win streak Cappy you ready to fight where you at where

You at all right three 2 1 go iron thorn us iron Thorns I caught Cappy had caught a new Pokemon on his team iron thorns and my Anil had a four times effective move so I was off to a pretty good start I’m four times effective you didn’t know

That didn’t know that didn’t know that dude oh no please tank yes oh come on please hit oh yes my momentum kept rolling and annihilate was doing really good annihilate is actually such a good Pokemon use this guy oh bro come on let’s go g there’s no I tank it there’s

No way I tank it let’s go using Phantom Force there’s like nothing I can do probably all right all right it’s fine oh no he’s dead he didn’t tank it let’s go all right all right all right come on Sparky let’s go come on all right see what we got here

Please yes yes I got you paralyzed Sparky the jolon had paralyzed dragapult but it cost him almost all of his health all right all right all right I could do this dude I can’t believe go for this come on no yes let’s go took me out okay

It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I decided to lower dragapults accuracy and switch to Alakazam this was actually great because I was able to set up against Cappy’s team and I thought I was going to get a pretty easy win a light screen airplane you have to hang on please hang

On please hang on yes no dude wait my attack is so high now dude I can’t believe I got paralyzed no way okay I’m just going to do this again no I’m going to have four times I’m going have four times dude airplane is actually good airplane you’ve been terrible this

Entire time but um you are uh you missed no no I missed I missed no and just when I thought things were going my way everything was swept away from me with only three Pokémon left I needed a miracle to win that’s nuts that’s nuts you know what you know

What it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine yes I didn’t think I’d one shot you there I didn’t think I’d one shot you there that’s good no dude yeah wow wow Wow Come on Vector tank it Vector tank it please are you psychic against you Charizard kind of got crushed by

Metagross but I did have my secret weapon of Ferrothorn still in my party oh wait this is good this is good this is good what do you use wait don’t I have anything for this I have to switch wait you don’t have anything I have to switch I thought you would have Hammer

Arm on this let’s actually go D oh wait I do I forgot but I already am locked into switching out bro actually yes yes come on theform come on big Damage Big damage no yes yes let’s go the it wasn’t even very effective and there was my

Miracle I was able to set up with Ferrothorn while Cappy didn’t realize he had a super effective move and I One Shot darmanitan dude your IQ is like my I rubbing off on me please hit no please please oh oh okay that does good that does good wait Hammer did like nothing

To you I get to kill you this time I’m killing you this time hold on what if I come on please hang in there yes yes no way please yes I’m dead yes how am my last guy big chungus no Ferrothorn had done amazing and now Cappy and I were both on our

Last Pokemon we just had our tanky guys left so we were like stalling each other out for like 10 minutes straight pickle dude I did nothing to you what all your stats like rose up dude this is so close come on please please it’s like we’re both both like stalling each other out

Oh dude I win I won dude please please please please no my accuracy keeps falling Miss I see one hit one hit please let’s go please and finally I had gotten my revenge and won the Battle of day 40 while I did win I still had a lot

Of work to do because I felt like I got lucky for most of the battle D except for luy yeah let’s see what Mega I’m going to get dude I hope you get something terrible please don’t get anything good oh Mega Pidgeot you know I’ll take that that’s actually not that

Bad that’s not that good why is it like te- posing no no that that’s not bad that’s not bad I’ll take it I’ll take it I got a Mega Pidgeot from beating Cappy and little did I know he was pretty powerful he would actually end up being

One of my best Pokemon in the later battles of this 100 days wait no no way first try let’s actually go anyways go go go go go I had caught Pidgeot and now it was day 41 I decided that I would put him on my team and try and exploit his

AB abilities his tailwind and that makes my Pokemon faster than cies for all four turns I’ve been like really struggling against his Pokemon because they’re all like significantly faster than me so this should this should be good um I might be able to do some damage that way

Oh you’re getting XP shares oh I should do that I should do that no why I remind you thank you for thank you for telling me that that was so helpful of you I’m flying on my mega Pidge right now that’s an advantage I have I can fly you can’t

I don’t have anything I can can fly on oh no no no no no no yeah what were you doing on your Mega Pidgeot you mean falling off him hey I’m going that’s so funny that you were bragging about it are you stuff in your face I’m eating pizza right now bro oh

Mean I didn’t mean it’s okay Pooky bear no you’re not my Pooky Bear right now why I’m taking Vengeance you just beat me I know you can only be my Pooky bear when I’m winning for most of day 41 I was just going through different strategies in my head head in exploring

With Pidgeot and by the night time I decided to settle into the ice biome kidding nothing just tell me nothing what all right no you you don’t have to know you’ll find out Cy how does it feel to be the the second best Pokemon trainer in this world you won one battle

You can’t that I me I I kind of destroyed your team like dude you’re getting destroyed the next time you need you need to start trying or something we want to make the level cap like 70 70 sounds good since we have to build our houses too right we’re going to build

Our houses today uh like near day 50 we’re going to run back and we’re going to build houses like around the arena and stuff my house is going to be better than yours of course no what did you find I uh I found like exactly what I

Was I’ve been looking for it was now day 42 and I had found a weevil Weevil is a super fast ice type so it would be pretty good against Cappy’s Pokémon it was also dark type which counters metago so it was pretty much a perfect member

For my team going to be such a good uh tight match up all righty actually I might try and level this guy up a little bit let’s go I caught the avalue did you actually let’s go I have some I have some decent moves on this guy I think

All right all right I think that’s a good move set for him there we go that was good that did good this guy’s not bad this is the true test of if it’s good it can’t even one shot a wor deer oh no bro even though I put Sparky the

Jolty on in the PC I would end up using him a little bit later on in the 100 days megga Mewtwo what dude that’s my dream Pokemon if you got a mega Mewtwo yes the issue is even if I get a Mega Mewtwo from winning a battle all your Pokemon are

Still faster than mine let’s just get some levels on this guy and then after that I’m going to try and get everything else up to level what is this thing had dude I need to find some lapis some lapis why oh you’re trying to make XP

Shares oh I need to do that you know I should do that right now I’m doing that before I do anything else I’m going to find an ocean Monument so I can make Tey shars that’s what I’m doing on the morning of day 43 I had found an ocean

Monument and I harvested the sea lantern so I could make an XP share this would help me level up a lot faster than cppy and is just what I needed at this stage of the game come on come on come on where’ my boat go it’s like land right

Over here what is this thing what is that thing all righty all righty dude this avalue I caught is so good it has like the perfect nature I just found an aval should I catch one too avalo versus aval use it against on the night of day

43 I did fly back to the ice biome but then on the morning of day 44 I decided to go back to the desert for no no no no no dude no no no no what I bet you that was like purposeful and you’re just like messing with me

Dude I fell while I was trying to get out of the Cav guys I just moved it from cppy I think I can make some XP shares now this is actually sick this actually sick what’s on the bottom I was the bottom oh iron wait I didn’t grab any

Glow stone while I was in the nether really no way I have some I have some you’d have to you’d have to give me something what do you want for some cloes your septile or your dragon actually have drag no that’s off the table for sure

Why why if you take me to the end you have stuff for the end I do actually you do okay uh deal deal deal all right deal I did I do not want to go get some glowstone right now I’m not going to lie after getting those XP shares and making

A deal with Cappy I figured that I’d test out my megga Pidgeot make a video on it 100 100 days in Lego fortnite I don’t know maybe we should play maybe later down the line I’ll make a 100 days in Lego fortnite video they say it’s like going to be the competitor to

Minecraft Minecraft’s so good no Minecraft’s the goat might go in this Forest uh eh I think I’m just going to keep leveling in the plains biome here as much as I possibly can I’m glad we got that Weevil that’s actually that’s going to be like super good and uh yeah

I’m going to try and get everything to level level 70 I think we’re going to go back and build our houses P ooh I just got three level I I shouldn’t tell you that I shouldn’t tell you what level my what you get as day 44 turned into day

45 I was getting levels extremely fast because of my new XP shares Cappy and I decided that we wouldn’t level up for too much longer and we would go back to our village and build our houses I I was like sniffling sniffing the mic no like

Sniffling like I was crying oh like you were crying yeah no I I’m so used to hearing you like cry over just like random stuff I just like don’t even realize rler so ski no everybody just clicks off the video instantly they’re just like that’s it that’s it listen you’re the one that

Started it I did I did start it I’m sorry you started it dude it’s are you just always on Tik Tok no I’m not I actually I don’t even have on it I should make a Tik Tok and post like highlights of like when we play together

Or something it be funny moments all right all right we’re getting closer oh yes yes sir guys I just muted from Cappy I just got weave out of level seven that’s sweet guys I just mean it from Cappy all my Pokémon are like at the level Max which is pretty good don’t

Know if they’re going to be able to do well hopefully they will hopefully Tailwind will carry and I’ll just be able to sweep his team Cy do you want to uh head back to base and start uh building our houses let me head back in that direction on Charizard and I will

See you there Cappy and I had arrived back at our village on day 46 and decided to finalize our trade all right here all right all right I will I will you go what it’s I’m not going to be able to break it and get enough

Oh my bad my bad there you go go all right yeah do you want to do you want to build our bases build our houses I’m I think you have to build right next to the nether portal why it looks terrible that’s the whole point you made it kind

Of ugly just like you oh I spent all of day 47 building my house and on the morning of day 48 I had finished I put like close to finishing M dude my house is nice bro look at this dud did you put no effort into yours this I got like

Leaves I got everything I’m just to find like cool new Pokemon uh should I fight this I’m going to fight I’m getting I’m getting my Charizard to level 70 right now while you uh take forever building your house I’m eating Christmas cookies right now in real life bro are you

Kidding me oh yeah we’ve talked about this what did the doctor [Laughter] say no you’re jealous I have Christmas cooking and you don’t if you let me win I I will bring you Christmas cookies in real life oh yeah let you win you guys hear that I will drive to your house

Right now he needs the charity okay okay no no I I was just saying like you know I had already hit the level cap for the next battle with all of my Pokémon so all there was left to do was explore and try and find some cool stuff to catch

Catch that I could maybe use to defeat Cappy we’ll just have to see yeah sorry I’m focusing on my house this is going to be so much better than yours crappy Cappy dude now I’m the Cookie Monster and now I’m crappy Cappy crappy C cuz that’s what your house is bro crappy

Dude I am not known for my Minecraft building I’m not going to lie guys I just m it from cppy this Shroomish here evolves into a brail if I got like a Pokemon that could put Cappy’s Pokemon to sleep and set up that could maybe help me ooh wait hold on wait that’s

That’s actually sick that’s actually sick I continued to venture through the forest on day 48 and I ended up finding some really cool stuff damage it I have to just catch it I found a chest you found a oh like the starter Pokemon not like it’s going to be any good but I

Guess I guess I’ll catch it my gastron is so weak to grasp you forgot isn’t it is that a shiny that’s a shiny that’s a shiny Pidgey wait I literally found a shiny you a shiny I literally found a shiny not only had I found the starter

Pokemon chest bin but I found a shiny Pidgey as well oh he he’s going to get away he’s going to get away if I don’t catch it here I got to run oh I got it I it perfect let’s just oh no I I I caught

The chest spin but uh I’m now I’m trying to catch the Pidgey and I fell in a hole come on first try first try way you actually did get a shiny I think this was the first shiny I’ve ever caught in kobon so I was pretty happy about it

Could I make my Pidgeot shiny because they’re the same Evolution line I don’t think that I I feel like that’s in the rules I feel like don’t think that’s in the rules I feel like that’s that’s totally in the rules van go holds not even a candle to my house it’s like some

Like abstract like slightly like messed up slightly messed up you haven’t even seen it yet yet what do you mean I’m just inferring from like I think it’s the best house in Minecraft I’ve ever seen I’ve seen your uh Spanish presentations dude they’re they’re slightly messed up so how does that have

Anything to do with same kind of thing like everything you do just kind mess up all fine I said I think you could do it I can do it I can do it I just want to I just want to see the shiny though

As I kill it you kill it as I faint it okay I just made it shiny I just made it shiny I just I have to bro I CAU sh shiny nah n if you catch a shiny okay if you catch a shiny this like low level

That you’re not going to use you can make your dragon P shiny okay dude look shiny Pidgeot flying flying into the distance I’m doing the T POS right now oh wait this is actually let’s see let’s see what there is here I continue to fly on Pidgeot and explore and on the

Evening of day 49 I’d found a mushroom Island there honestly wasn’t really much here but it it was a pretty cool find so I thought I’d include it bro it’s time to battle wait wait catch catch catch no I have to run away from it I’m running

Away from it it’s fine soon enough it was day 50 and it was time for Cappy and I to head back for a battle what is this bro let’s go dude it’s so good this is trash look at this wait wait come here come here come here oh my gosh I didn’t

Even realize that what is that wait it doesn’t look that bad it’s big but it’s not that good I’m not going to lie it’s you didn’t even do the fullo you do the floor dude know wait you the basement there like a hole down here got in the

Basement I have so much good stuff you don’t have a bed you don’t have a bed do you I do I do wait let me see your house is automatically worse because you don’t have a bed well I do have a bed I do have a bed

Wait you can’t steal my bed what are you what are you talking about what are you talking about um yeah I put my bed down over here it’s pretty nice after we checked out each other ‘s houses it was time to prepare for the Battle of day 50 this

Battle is so important because it’s the halfway point of the 100 days and kind of serves as a progress check now that I had Mega Pidgeot and Weevil I was feeling pretty confident and I meticulously planned my strategy around using them hopefully I’ll get the jump

On speed and he won’t be expecting us 3 2 1 go all right o Dar man all right all right all right okay this is fine this is fine shiny Pidgeot is kind of let’s go for one of these oh oh OHS good bro Pidgeot was a lot more

Powerful than I ever realized and he easily one- shot darmanitan giving me a strong lead yeah is he is he though what if I uh what if I let’s actually throw this in let’s see how this goes come on yes okay no I thought you would switch out

Thought you would switch out no okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I thought how did I not kill you there let’s go how did I not how did I not kill you Cappy’s new Pokémon avalo was actually pretty good and I could tell that he’s been preparing for my team psychic take

Him out that’s good that’s good let’s do this thing let’s not do this thing let’s do this thing let’s do this thing let’s go oh you are you like Dragon Dance I switched into my Pidgeot because he’s a normal type thinking that I would be immune to dragapults attack but cppy set

Up on me kill oh yes okay perfect perfect quick one of these oh that Chun you he’s actually Pidgeot not only did a ton of damage to dragapult but he set up Tailwind so the rest of my Pokémon would be faster for a few turns it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine come

On please Flinch please Flinch no ohce come on oh no and the Tailwind is gone oh you used it you used it to stop the Tailwind CU you knew I’d have to like attack it through its tankiness go for one of these oh let’s go he’s out he’s

Out there goes mega Charizard Cappy countered my t Tailwind with gastron and now we were about even what this it’s a weevil a weeo yeah oh oh he double counters me uh-oh yep how does it feel I’m going to use this what do I want to

Do here I could uh let’s just let’s just go for this do I want to do I want to risk this I might be able to take you out with this I don’t know though it’s fine it’s fine let’s try it yes yes let’s go let’s go faster than me I’m

Just better I’m just better Weevil has the move ice Shard which always moves first so I was easily able to take out dragul if you don’t oneshot me I’m good ooh this is a close battle this is a close battle even though I had done a bunch of damage to Metagross with Weevil

He still one shot me in the back I got this in the back come on tank it tank it tank it yes yes did did nothing let’s actually go okay this is perfect this is perfect oh you use a reflect that’s not good no you’re setting up now yes sir

Alakazam was able to set up on Metagross with a couple calm minds and things were looking good I think I’m you recover guess what buddy guess what no I’m maxing out I’m maxing out you’re you’re increasing my you’re increasing your defense though which is kind of annoying

Oh my gosh he’s so tanky oh oh oh I think I’m done now that Alakazam was fully powered up there was nothing that Cappy could do let’s go for one of these yes oh my gosh I might actually win this I won I won I had won the Battle of day

50 and I was over the moon after losing pretty badly on day 20 and 30 and feeling like I only got lucky with my win on day 40 this was huge for me this is Mega Steelix all I just need to catch this guy I got this I need to train up

My guys higher next time I got a mega steelix for winning but I would never really end up using it in the 100 days because Cappy had so many counters for it I kind of want to throw it out I kind of want to throw it out ow ow you think

You can ride it I got to check if I can ride it oh I can ride it I said I’m like inside of it I’m like inside of it magically I forgot who won da you won who won you won I did win I did win it

Was a good battle it was close it was close maybe it was not close I had two Pokemon left after I bragged to Cappy a little bit about winning it was now day 51 in time to plan out what I would do for the next 10 days when I I just want

To I just want to start this 10 days off by saying uh I can’t believe you let me walk around the nether looking for a MAG mortar on the roof when you knew they didn’t spawn I forgot about that I can’t believe you you were like you’re you’re

Probably just in the wrong biome dude you should keep looking I can’t believe you what I the I figured you were I figured you were just the wrong the plan for today I think my team did pretty well in the last battle I didn’t get to

Set up KND with Pidgeot which was kind of annoying cuz that was like my whole gimmick I’m going to check my PC and see if there’s any Pokemon that I want to train up or switch out like make my team better and more balanced but I have my

Three megas were only allowed three it was now day 52 and because I had one with my team I didn’t really want to switch anybody out for now I decided that I would explore in a new direction that I hadn’t been before and I would

Try and get my Pokémon to the level cap for the next battle I play Pokemon go do you remember that song when I wake up I grab my phone I’m how do you know the lyrics to it I only know like the main chorus how do you know like the actual

Lyrics did uh dude come on can you can you call yourself a Pokémon YouTuber if you don’t know all the lyrics of Pokémon go uh what so so what’s the level cap for today uh I think it’s 75 on the night of day 52 Alakazam was already

Level 75 and the rest of my Pokemon were making pretty big progress wait hold on I see you um turn turn up what yeah I see you bro turn left turn left uh yeah little bit little bit more left okay that just uh looks like ples to me no

Back back back a little bit right look a little bit up look a little bit up okay I am not there that that’s messed up man what do you mean I am still just stuck in the planes biome right now um are you yes I am I don’t how many times have you

Won uh three times more times than than you have by one by one oh I’m going to turn it around oh the starter Battle counts though so you just said it doesn’t count since when it counts now for the rest of day 53 I just flew around on Charizard

While messing around with Cappy and I finally stumbled across an ocean biome I hadn’t really spent a lot of time here before so there were a couple new Pokémon for me to discover like animation mess up is he just like teos through the air he just deposes through

The air it’s efficient look at this look at this he just like creates like a wind behind him like just like when you fart off the back of them like it just like like speed boost it’s actually my farts that are like me along it’s a speed boost

Oo bless you thank you do a Pik Pikachu no that is weird guys I just made it from Captain uh ruky evolves into corite which is like a really cool flying and Steel type um I probably won’t use it on the evening of day 54 I found a ruk and

Decided to catch it I would end up evolving and using him in some of the later battles of the 100 days he has high defenses he’s slow I don’t I’m going to try to catch don’t think I’m going to use him right now but I it’s cool to catch cool to have just

Need it from Cappy I’m going to try and like do this speedrunner nether portal here you got some lava what are you doing with that are you muted oh I was muted sorry sorry about that I was oh I might need to get this I might need to get this actually

And finally after I made my portal I went back to the nether eventually though I hope it happens you wish that wishing and wishing wish guys I just made it from C this is a Gligar um I guess I could try and catch it hopefully this is one shot ooh that’s

Kind of tank let’s go I don’t know if I’m going to use that Pokemon but it’s just good to have I’m just I’m like catching just a bunch of pool Pokemon I find it was now day 55 and I had caught a Gligar I would also continue to fly

Around on Pidgeot go to the end here soon we find something cool oh there go first destination yeah maybe if we go to the end here soon we can both find something cool all right sounds good no no no no pigot don’t die oh no oh n

Because I had died in the nether I ended up back at base for day 56 I wanted to prank Cappy a little bit so I decided to make a pastra block a pastra block basically lets the Pokémon in your PC roam around which will fool Cappy into

Thinking that he can catch Pokémon that are already mine about the pasture blocks I just need some wood right now so I’m collecting some I think three pieces is enough three pieces I don’t know if un peasant’s good or not but I kind of just want to catch it this

Because I got a little bit sidetracked and caught that un pheasant but soon enough I finished setting up the pasture block shiny Pidge yeah I have my Melo melodic out I have my uh larest out I haven’t really explored the cherry blossom biome there might be like something only spawns in I’ve explored

It and I didn’t find anything cool unfortunately yeah o a cutie fly I’m going to catch this cutie maybe Frank PE fly just like you oh that’s Riz right there everyone’s going learn from this I got to be studied you have to be studied for your R day 56 faded and almost all

Of my Pokémon were level 75 even though my team hadn’t changed at all since the last battle I was feeling really strong and ready for it he’s texting his girlfriend he’s texting me right now good morning beautiful your phone buzzes your phone buzzes you responded please catch catch catch catch before you can’t

See what I’m catching you can’t see what I’m catching why you as Cappy had come back back to the village for us to go to the end I found a Makita and caught it I’m leaving it I’m leaving it okay let’s uh let’s take this guy out before you

Can catch it guys just me it from Cappy my Tyrantrum right here he’s going to think it’s like actually wild he’s going to be hilarious and then probably like he’ll probably see like my Larvesta and like stuff put in the past and they’ll be like trying again oh come on bro come

On you coming there’s something in the The Base what do you mean oh what no way no that’s yours no I hate you bro you’re right no way D oh they’re both yours oh my god dude Heracross is one of my favorite Pokemon I know that’s why I put it out I was

Flexing you had so much hope going towards that on day 57 Cappy and I set off to go to the end it was kind of a far walk for Cappy and we didn’t really fight many Pokemon on our way there so I cut out most of the journey what is it

It’s right over here I think it’s right over there oh I can see it I can see it from up here oh oh what what we just sound like the underground World dream taught me that one oh I made it how’d you get down there so fast oh oh oh

That’s crazy that’s crazy I was crazy once I’m going to find it before you do I already started putting them in I did them all in dude do we have to fight the Ender Dragon uh we are so prepared to fight the Ender Dragon dude we are not prepared on the

Morning of day 59 we arrived in the end and started to fight the dragon it really didn’t take us too long to take him down every single one of these it’s just so un I definitely got the last hit wait what no you got it all righty dude

Should we have an end battle or should we go back home let’s have an end battle I didn’t include a lot of the Dragon Battle because it was also kind of boring so now it was the end of day 59 and I had picked my moves and it was

Time for Cy and I to fight d 1 go oh Abal even though I was coming off of a two- win streak I was feeling kind of nervous for this battle because I know that Cappy was looking for Revenge all right let’s oh oh dang oh dude at the

Beginning Alakazam was kind of trash now he’s actually like doing well for some reason avalo and septile were really weak against Alakazam allowing me to get a big lead on Cappy airplane I’m the k oh no okay let’s try for this yeah yeah you’re definitely going to take me out

With that yeah let’s do let’s do one of these let’s do one of these of course you switched switch big chungus ooh that was good damage that was good damage um what type even are you uh let’s just go for another one of these please don’t one

Shot me of course of course you recovered dude I did nothing to you wait let’s actually go wait I’m faster though I’m faster did I get like a crit there let’s go Weevil not only only took out gastrodon but he did a ton of damage to Metagross oh okay okay all right all

Right dang you dude I’m actually I’m actually doing good I think I lose this you think you lose this lose this again I can’t lose another battle wait would it be would it be three losses in a row be quiet be quiet you haven’t won yet

You haven’t won yet you haven’t won yet three yeah you haven’t won yet though okay okay all right let’s just go for go for one of these what are you switching to of course do you have flash fire okay okay um let’s let’s go for this this for

This oh oh you FL no way I Flinch you’re getting so lucky luck what is my luck for some reason when I would use Charizard I would always Flinch Cappy’s Pokemon and it was kind of hilarious your speed and your attack R like one shot me if I’m not careful here let’s go

For come on let’s go he’s gone bro all righty all right I’m going to do this I’m going to do this dragapult had set up and one- shot my Charizard so the only thing I could do is send in Pidgeot come on I would be I would be good

Please he’s going to take it no yes yes I got the Tailwind off I got the Tailwind off that might be it that that’s got to be GG’s that’s got to be I’m going to be faster than you for four turns what do you have left what do you

Have left just this just that come on her come on oh it did like nothing to you okay okay all right let’s see what I have for medag I oh I I should be good I should be right uh let’s go for this let’s go for this let’s throw one of

These at him come on let’s go wait is that everything and once again I had won the battle oh no I’m sorry I’m sorry you’re actually done the next battle though I need something to get a four win streak good good this is good we had come back

To base to see what my random Mega Pokemon would be and I got a mega Gyarados what is whiskers uh let’s see if I can catch this um you accidentally take him out I might accidentally take him out if I use that actually ice moves should yeah that

Shouldn’t do a lot I I just got two hit by it you that might not be good oh no no ooh ooh ooh don’t cat oh am I going to get it yes no you got it after I caught mega Gyarados it was now day 61

And I had a three- win streak Cappy was now more motivated than ever to get revenge so I decided that I’d switch up my team a little bit to surprise him on the Battle of day seven not going to Happ all right all right guys I just

Muted from Cy uh my plan for today uh as you can see my team looks a uh a little bit different than normal I need to go back and get my PC but my team looks a little bit different than normal I got rid of Pidgeot just for now just for now

I know he’s a Shiny Mega Pidgeot test out Gyarados that means that I can’t have omega so I put in rooky for my flying type he’s going to be Ste flying I actually need to win this next battle yeah if you don’t win that’d be pretty

Terrible for you I got my dragon thanks for pointing that out you’re welcome oh I’m ready to evolve one of my one of my new guys are you’re not worried about it I’m I stand there unfazed and he stands there face dude nobody’s made a seismic edit yet CU

You’re just not that guy dude I got to I got to ask the I’m going to mute guys it from Cappy that’s a beon after reviewing my plan on day 61 I had found a beon which evolves into the pseudo legendary salamance no no want to know what it was

What was it it was a beon Oh no matter if I used him or not I wanted to catch him and I ended up killing him luckily for me that I’d get another chance here pretty soon fine it’s fine I have such good movement in Minecraft like I just

Like you know what I mean you know if only it translated to real Life hey that was me you’ve seen me move I move like Majestic like like have you ever seen like Rayquaza move how he just like like so like a so fluid through the sky that’s what I move like in real life it’s just like I make that sound effect too dud I move

Like Greninja I’m agile Greninja you move like a geod dude this could be good that I think we’ll go for that I think we’ll go for that that guy might be pretty that guy might be pretty powerful I ran through the forest for the rest of

Day 61 and Gyarados had some pretty good moves for me to put on them o I just found this uh Rune portal o wait actually this could be good this could be good on the morning of day 62 I had went to the ice biome and I found a rune

Portal I got something useful out of it for once and I got frost Walker boots which would later help me level up in the ocean I maybe we’re going to get some new Pokemon got to train them up so yeah let’s go guys I just read it from

Cappy um oh it’s massive that thing’s massive Corvin night’s huge it didn’t take long for my corvis wire to evolve into a Corvin knite Wing um that’s really it maybe metal sound I just evolved one of my Pokemon he’s a he’s a beast he’s an animal what did you get

It’s a it’s Gyarados actually scar of using the Gyarados on your team yeah yeah yeah remember the mega Gyarados that I literally like just got I’m using it cuz it’s so good OG Kanto I’m just OG like that OG OG fortnite dude OG fortnite was so fun it just me it from

Cppy I just learned bra bir day 62 was a really productive day for leveling up my corvite and Gyarados so I decided that I’d go explore the cherry blossom biome during the night time one of our 100 days but we actually talked about like imagine we like 2v2 like our other like

YouTube Friends well what kind of YouTubers are we like arch nemesises with like fortnite YouTubers Roblox Roblox versus Minecraft Roblox versus Minecraft youtubers boxing match 3v3 I would win phantom phantom T I kind of want to catch this just so I can make just so I can make a phantom pack

Joke what even is that it’s like when you just like steal food from your friend or something like the Phantom is that what that is I found a fanp with a move that could burn my Pokémon so I figured that I’d catch it just in case I

Need to use it against Cappy later on you just burned me burned does like half like half the other Pokemons in my set which is kind of kind of crazy so I might actually have to I don’t know what it evolves though you had an item that I

Don’t know how to get let’s go I got the Pokemon I wanted not that what is this oh wait wait wait wait no way wait wait and on the morning of day 63 I found a shell gone which is the middle stage evolution of salamance I had

Accidentally taken out the bigon that I had encountered a few days prior so I was sure to be careful with this one first try Cappy first try what did you get I got a good Pokemon I’m not going to tell you RI is like the fastest

Pokemon in all of all of can you imagine if you just got that that’ be insane that would be nuts so crazy if I just got that it’s not like I have it randomly spawned in oh my gosh no way it spawned in guys it’s totally legit it’s

Level 100 dude is that is that a Lugia that just spawned in in front of me is that a master ball that just spawned in my hands no way no way is that guy good I don’t know if he’s good I might catch this I I like how I just like gasp every

Time I see a Pokemon that I think is like semi decent oh what is this I continueed to find a lot of new Pokemon so I continued to catch them remember when I used Tik Tok iPad kid combo remember when I used to bring my iPad to

Uh bio and like I just watch Tik Tok yes you remember that that’s so bad ooh there’s this I’ve deleted Tik Tok for a while now it here’s the issue with Tik Tok for me it just gets in the way of the grind grind everybody’s like what

Are you talking about you barely upload yeah you barely upload anyway see how that does while running around with Gyarados on day 64 I found a surfetch a later Gen Pokemon I think it’s pretty good I think it is I’m going to check like right this guy’s like a bulky attacker what P

Spting Jolly nature o he does have a actually kind of cool move set with those bug type moves I might I’ll keep this in here and we’ll see we’ll see what I do I got to hit the level cap this time I was underleveled the last

Battle where you oh yeah you were you were super underleveled you like four or five level I know I got to train hard this Time like the rocky Montage you know while I was making some good progress on Gyarados levels while I ran around exploring cornite wasn’t even level 60 yet if I wanted to be able to use him on the Battle of Day 70 I had to grind you know what I’m looking forward to next

Semester what we need some snow days dude I I’m not in a snowy place for college I am that’s so unfair dude what is your favorite thing to do on a snow day I mean besides just sit in your room and play M play Minecraft oh that was that was going to

Be my first option um probably like pour water on the road I’m just get I got to make a Char like 11 you got that so fast and you got a SE Style by like close to that too so Mak yeah I was a little bit behind you I

Had a bad start I had a bad start oh oh yeah you did you lost the day 10 battle I did you throwing that in my face yeah just uh what happened 20 and 30 I actually don’t remember I need to go to a desert you need to go to a desert some

Dessert dude you know it’s you know that there’s a difference between desert and dessert right I’d spent all of day 65 grinding levels in the ocean biome and on the morning of day 66 I found this Heracross and thought I might as well just catch another one you’re evil I I

Should I use a Heracross if I get a Moxy Heracross I might have to but I’d have to use Tailwind with it because it’s slow let’s go I caught it I caught it you got it yeah nice you know Thorn has don’t you are you putting him back in

Your team he was never off it you just never get to him I got to get these final levels my Pokémon are strong right now after I named my thorn I found a badlands biome and day 67 and 68 sped by what if I just never told you like when it’s about to

Be time like never so like you’re just completely unprepared cuz like I I do the timer guys like that would be something that you would do to be honest just to get that little Edge yeah you need it you’ve been cheating the whole time what is this between the mag

Mortars on the nether roof you cheating wait wait on oh I was trying to like break that cactus that thing just died in front of my eyes anyways anyways anyways what were you say wait I can’t must be Cappy but you cap way more than

Me crappy C it’s time bro it’s time to battle dude I got like that last level in like just the perfect time I was pretty far away from base so day 69 was just spent traveling back to the village for a battle I did collect some

Apricorns and got lots of balls just in case I needed to catch aega is this something that you caught what is it oh my gosh you did am I dude you find all the cool Pokemon arvesta yeah I would have caugh that I know that’s why I put

It out dude I’m winning I’m winning dude let’s battle let’s do it let’s just do it let’s get it over let’s go enough anticipation and we were off it was finally Day 70 and I was excited to test out my new team members didn’t register

In my mind um probably just do this to him let’s just try this come on T no way you survived oh you that’s super effective against me I know oh you had extreme speed as well that’s a that’s actually a cool Pokemon that you decided

So much damage to me so fast let’s try this oh you’re faster no dude that’s already bad for me that you took him out even though Cappy had switched in an Arcanine on his team Alakazam was able to take him out the battle was going well for me and I switched in Mega

Charizard your only your only counter to my uh to my chariz no it’s not your only counter bro no you Flinch let’s go come on no way let’s actually go oh you have one HP and once again Charizard was the luckiest Pokémon in the whole wide world getting another Flinch actually

Garbage actually garbage what is this yes let’s go Vector it’s actually such garbage oh iron THS um all right all right come on Gyarados tank it wait you missed yes yes you missed come on I knew you’re going to use Like a Rock move instead of an electric move now I can

Just uh wait oh wait you resist water because you’re half electric right yes no electric doesn’t resist water oh oh yes he got got recoil recoil damage my first impression of Mega Gyarados was pretty good as he almost one shot iron Thorns while this was great I just

Couldn’t stop thinking about how much more powerful Mega Pidgeot was when I had him on my team yeah that’s let’s go come on oh wait did we both Miss oh no I miss oh oh I guess you’re going to hit me first so I should probably use this

No he’s on 3% out collap no clap annihilate did just what I needed him to do against dragon but unfortunately faint to something maybe I don’t know what do I have for this guy you still have I do have bad Bo I do have Charizard I just do this dude this is

Not looking good easy easy oh yes wait oh I the fact the fact that I flinched so many times actually messed me up so bad it’s awesome it’s awesome Metagross had taken out my Charizard and now it was down to two Pokémon it was time to see my brand new Corvin knite

Was a good replacement for my previous team you do more more to me than I do to you let’s try this come on come onite defense oh that did good damage Hammer arm oh you use Hammer um your speed fell though that’s good let’s just keep going

For this are you faster than me now oh you are F oh I didn’t a all right um this is just going to do the most damage I think come on oh yeah you took him out okay he’s down dude this is bad I might

I might lose this and before I knew it I was down to my last Pokemon if he couldn’t clutch this Cappy would get another Mega what if I my speed fell though um this is going to be like the only thing I missed oh no you missed you

Missed bro i’ I’ve messed up so I’ve messed up so many attacks oh my gosh dude I’m slower than you I think now too my speed fell wait did I I think I lost wait are you slower than me now I might be come on still be faster let’s go is

That it no yeah that’s everything bro and just like that my three win streak came to an end to make things worse Cappy got a Sharpedo which is a really powerful Mega Sharpedo that’s actually pretty good I am happy with that break break don’t catch Sharpedo sharpedo’s fast that’s actually going to

Be kind of annoying let’s go first sh first shot actually no I’m be trying to win you’re going to be trying to not lose it was now day 71 and because Cappy had beat me with ease I needed to rework my strategy the last battle and Mega Metagross was really the hardest Pokemon

For me to go up against so I think I’m going to kind of build my team around countering that and Sharpedo could put jolon in because uh electric would be super effective against Sharpedo I made a whole plan with the viewers there I was muted for like ever oh yeah what’s

Your plan it’s uh so basically what I’m going to do is I’m going to use uh a mil tank and a uh uh a Zumer mhm uh and Lon okay okay I’m grinding too after planning for all of day 71 I went to the desert biome on the morning of Day 72

And Cappy was also there this is my territory get out of here this is this is where I farm you’re going to see like what Pokemon I’m using I actually need to like to like fly away yeah yeah get out of here this is my spot dude what is that what

Oh oh my God wait no actually this is insane hold on I might need to catch this what did you find nothing you tell me no I can’t why trying to think of what you would be like oh my gosh over there’s so many iron Thorns oh is it is

It that Dragon thing with the small head I bet you it is I bet you it is yeah how did you know dude it is a Lightning Dragon I put Sparky back on my team to deal with Cappy’s Mega Sharpedo but his levels are really low if I wanted to use

Him I was going to have to grind a lot of XP Gyarados and going and playing without the without Omega it would probably be best if I did put Weevil in because Weevil can counter like all the dragon types because he’s an ice type and uh Cappy could very well have three

Dragon types on his team while I contemplated putting Weevil on my team on the morning of day 73 I found this coffin Ghost type Pokemon and decided to try and catch it so he does have an ice move actually so maybe we’ll we’ll see if we can counter him but like if he

Decides to go with three dragon types we’re going to have to switch our other guys did you plot in no one shot no I didn’t think about the fact that’s Ghost type as well I just found like a really cool Ghost type uh Pokemon going to try

To catch it he’s like walking with his hands it was like really cool oh a coffin guy yeah you know I think I know what you’re talking about yeah have you seen one yet yeah I have seen one oo this could be imagine I catch that okay

If you could beat like any Pokémon in real life like you can’t choose a legendary or anything why can’t I choose a legendary I’m I’m is that just not fun cuz it’s just like Norm legendary definitely You’ probably be like a ratat or like a

Ratat dude I i’ just be like a a Mega Charizard EX like the pokeemon remember the Pokemon cards have like y’s on it yeah Mega Charizard Y dude I used to have a really big like Pokemon card collection I still have it you do yeah dude I have like a mega Charizard it’s

Like do you actually yeah Mega Charizard X I think yeah like whereabouts in your house is it exactly where where is that where where in your house is it is it like somewhere in the basement if you notice I’m disappear it wasn’t me it wasn’t you it was somebody else in my

House cuz if you guys don’t know uh Cappy actually lives in my basement in real life so he’s just down there a ton so okay that’s not true at all jolon and Weevil are burning oh you have jolon back on your team as I was talking to

Cappy on day 73 I accidentally told him that I had jolon back on the team it wasn’t that big of an issue but it was just kind of stupid of me I am so bad at it two different C I accidentally almost told him like all my Pokemon there I

Think I kind of saved it but Weevil been following me like this entire time like I know it’s a glitch but like it’s it just feels like it’s meant to be it feels like he’s meant to be on my team even though Weevil wasn’t in my party

There was some weird glitch where he was still following me around I decided that it must be a sign that he should be on my team and I switched him in for corvite because not going to lie he was kind of terrible in the last battle what

Is it yeah why would I tell you that so I can just because you told me like you have a shell gone doesn’t mean I need to tell you yes I caught it yes is yes you should tell them about that OG Minecraft Youtuber both Cappy and I used

To watch as a kid his name is Sundy right and every time like in his Pixelmon videos something good would happen you just go yes and then like yes every time I win in like Showdown against cppy o iron for doesn’t I’m just like it happens like all the time I’m

Just like like yes what is this that’s that’s that’s the whole joke that’s why I found a miner what what what I it’s it’s literally called a miner a minor oh a minor dude my dragon p is actually so fast it really you know what his speed

Stat is right now what’s it speed stat yes uh 300 297 2 97 insanely fast I just like checking the speed that’s some all my Pokémon like am I even close to that it was now the evening of day 74 and I’d worked over to the swamp biome I decided to go

In and see what I could find because I hadn’t really been there much in this 100 days otherwise the level cap for the next battle was level 90 but my Pokémon were not even close Cappy was bragging about how good his Pokémon were and how

High level they were so I needed to make sure that I had equivalent if not better levels for the Battle of day 80 he would dude it took me like actually 30 days to find a Trey did it really yes better get started now for the Battle of day

100 I just pull up like a level 100 Dragon Bol Eevee trained perfect speed nature is all like try hard Pro players my Adventures through the swamp turned out to be boring cuz I couldn’t really see the Pokémon through the trees and I kept getting stuck in Water by the morning of

Day 75 I had pivoted right back to the desert biome and kept leveling up once I beat miy a few more times beat you a few few times uh what we could do is we could do a video where uh I 2v one you’re not good enough to like I take

You out right beat you last one I take you out I just beat you no no no no no I am I’m I that was a fluke okay here’s what I do here’s what I do I take you out I don’t heal then I go against miy

Where I take miy I don’t heal and I go against you that’s not possible have special way that I win it’s called SL game mode creative um it’s totally fair it’s totally fair know it sounds about right bu a sand sandrew is like there’s some Pokémon that are just like gen one

Pokemon that nobody ever catches no one like no one catches no one catches a sand slash like someone will catch like a Doug Trio or like a I don’t even know but no one catches sand slash one of these days I’m going to have to catch S

I think he’s hated on I think he he’s not as bad as people make him out to be are you a are you a sand slash Enthusiast or you like are you are you pro sand slash honestly I think it’s kind of a cool looking Pokemon drag

Looks like like a fish like a he just looks weird he just looks weird he looks like a j like a phantom he’s menacing Phantom I just want I hate that so much I just want to be your Sigma as day 75 came to an end I

Realized I wasn’t getting the levels I needed to in the jungle SL desert biome so I went to go farm in the ocean with my Frost Walker boots once again I’ll probably have to go to an ocean in a second can’t hear how’s that no reason it’s on the training Arc train the

Villain Arc let’s go you’re going to lose this has gone by so fast I know it actually has I remember when my Charizard was little Charmander back in the old days back in the old days D now he’s just a Charizard but he still sucks no he’s like wipes

That like half your team every time dude your septi has been one shot by my Alakazam like four times dude what move do you even one shot him with just psychic it’s not even like like super effective at all Sparky was able to one-hot every water type Pokémon that

Came his way and he was able to get levels faster than ever before 70 I’m proud of you that’s that’s a big milestone I know let’s go yeah it’s so cool it doesn’t melt everyone’s going to be so confused by that he’s hack promise guys I only cheat when the camera’s

Off you heard that here first he cheat that’s the only reason he’s even one at all it’s not like you could see the commands if I used them did you see the commands you’re off you’re off I I’ve seen them all I’ve seen them all you seen them all you have screenshots or

You’re actually such a cheater by the start of day 77 Sparky had made some massive progress with catching up with the rest of the pack and some of my other Pokemon hit Level 90 I still had a lot more work to do but we were making

Progress I like Steel type I like Steel type steel just reminds me of my like chiseled ABS steel ABS in real life stop the C I beat you twice in a row I’m day 20 and day 30 actually I don’t don’t remember losing now you’re going to lose

All the rest of the time no all I do is win win win are we tied are we tied in the total 100 100 days we might be no I think you’ve won a couple more than me well yeah you’ve won one more than me I

You won four I’ve won three okay okay dude copy bar is like the best animal of all time much the same thing a it’s a beaver what’s difference the beaver’s got like a special tail Cy bar has no tail are you a beaver a beaver olist I

Am in Biology class are you actually I got a 97 in it it’s light work did you actually yeah see all that tutoring I did for you in in high school bio I’m not going to lie day 77 into day 78 was really boring as I was just power

Leveling my Pokemon in the ocean biome but I saw this jellyfish and thought I’d include it because it seemed pretty rare it’s going to be that battle day 80 after leveling my Pokémon as much as I could I had to go home on day 79 to make

It home for the Battle of day 80 everything was pretty high level except for Sparky I was a little bit nervous that he might not do too well but I decided that I would just have faith in all my Pokemon and go for it the last battle winning streak starts now just

Crazy that that actually happened oh combos combos comos all right anyways let’s battle let’s duel oh oh H that’s kind of annoying and the Battle of day 80 was off and I started off with a really bad matchup it was getting late in the 100 days so Cappy and I were

Getting really competitive and I wanted to make sure I won here so he didn’t get a win streak let’s do one of these do one of these what what are you putting in oh Sharpedo you did some really good damage to me wait you’re probably going

To be fast come on take it take it take it please no no my go shot Sparky and it was like not super effective no my jolon who had been training up for the last 10 days got got completely destroyed by a water type

Move I was kind of annoyed so I sent in Gyarados to get him some Revenge out all right all right come on Gary o why did I do that come on come on come on come on actually why did I do that that was such

A bad idea poison F yes bro yes he got poisoned all right all right F fine let’s go okay let’s just uh just keep doing this wait you’re you’re low anyway I could just I could probably just beef through you it’s fine come on yes oh no

It wasn’t even very but I one shot you okay who do I use here Okay oh I attempted to set up with Dragon Dance on Gyarados but I thought this septile might be faster so I switched Charizard back it you really thought I was going to let that happen kill him finish him no yes he’s barely alive has done so goodard with the clut

What did you say mega mind has done yes he’s gone ooh what should I do against let’s go against good old uh let’s go we got the wee yeah let’s go Weevil um Let’s do let’s do this nice no Weevil was really my only option against Metagross

So I decided I’d just take the damage and let him go let’s go Metagross is op come on come on please yes what what is that how did you T that okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine let’s go let’s go for one of these come on dude I a I should have

Known I should have gotten a different count Metagross was running through my entire team but I was finally able to whittle him down I needed a way to hit Metagross first and hard and the only way that I could see me doing that in the future was using Pidgeot with

Tailwind good choice on your part choice on my I think you still get one shot let go no your guys that might be it yeah that’s definitely it you’re not outspeeding me and you’re poisoned unless you like miss you Miss hold on hold on just in case I’m going to try if

You miss wait thank yes yes he’s still in there please don’t die to poison please don’t die to poison 2p 2 Hp in a dream am I faster though oh no I’m definitely not faster than Aran I let’s try though let’s go just as fast as my hope

With Gyarados came it went out the way window I lost in bad Cappy had a ton of Pokémon left and essentially crushed my entire team dude got destroyed I had three left I think I’m going to go back to like my old team or something because

That was that was crazy dude I need to make a comeback and oh and to make matters worse Cappy got a mega Latos I was now at my lowest point in this entire 100 days not only had I lost two times in a row but now Cappy has a

Legendary mega Pokémon I was going to have to go back to my most trusted Pokemon and work harder than I have in any other 100 days to come out on top no turn around what’s up what did you do to my house oh oh um

Yeah I need some wood I need I need wood I need wood bro there’s a tree right there where I I couldn’t find any trees so I I had so like you’re the worst Pokemon player of all time and you’re bro I actually can’t believe you destroyed my house

Why that’s messed up day 81 was off and while I had a big task ahead of me I had a really simple plan for the next 10 days and G and Gary but before that I won using this team this combination of Pokemon so I think that I’m just going

To use the same exact Pokemon that I had before there’s a saying don’t fix it if it’s not broke I tried to like change my team when it was doing well which was a really bad idea you uh you got a plan for today or you just uh I do you just

Like floating down the river here I had my secret weapon ready for you on the last day I didn’t even have to use it you were you were talking about and I just got something that makes it even better did you yeah I did so many buffal

On buffal lons are like my main source of XP right now so you’re just like farming in the PLS no why would you why would you it’s almost like that’s where they spawn Merry Christmas to everyone I’m actually like almost forced to hang out with you today why I’m trapped in my house

I got like 2T of snow snow Yeah we we both have so much snow at our houses that like we can’t really leave so fortunate for you otherwise I wouldn’t be playing with you otherwise you wouldn’t be doing this otherwise you’d be like yeah your last resort I’m

Like your last off I messed around in the plains biome next to base for all of day 81 and I decided that I would go to a different location on Pidgeot on day 82 why do I keep doing that you’re actually you drown if you swim on

Gyarados yeah yeah he doesn’t like give you mouth to mouth underwater to like keep you going why would you just think of that you know like in the Pokemon movies and stuff like that like that never happens in the Pokemon what do you what do you

Mean I mean like they can go underwater for like extended periods of time like on their their special Pokemon you gr ninja just giving mouth to mouth catch them under water yeah how are they supposed to get their oxygen you know they just nobody asked that

Question guys I just meet it from Cathy there’s like nothing in this jungle I cannot find anything dude I just caught a luxray did you actually yeah I might have to use it on your Pidgeot yeah yeah I’m sure is one of my like favorite Pokémon uh so the level

Cap for today is what 95 95 and then the last 10 days will be 100 will be 100 I actually lost to my dad by5 points in fantasy football looks like you’re going to be be taking all kinds of loss after you just lost a battle to me

No one’s even going to remember that I lost the last he lost all nine other battles but he’s going to win the last one imagine imagine I have 100 days like that I’m like just wait guys I’ll win eventually everybody’s done after like day 30 cuz you lost everything I’m just

Losing everything I just forgot to put my XP shares on my PO Ricky mistake rickyy you wasted all this time without your XP shares I did as day 82 carried on I decided to switch from the jungle to the desert biome because I needed more XP to get my Ferrothorn and Pidgeot

Up to the same level as the rest of my guys well I mean we don’t know if I’m stuck in my chair it’s not like I’ve tried to get up ooh there’s like a big tower over here tilted tow big tower tilted Towers tilted Towers dude remember OG fortnite

Together I carried you I was I was good I was like um I was like like ninja so good I had to reboot you like eight times D my hate for cherry pies I was at a pie eating contest in middle school and they gave me a cherry pie and I like

Ate so much of it that I like almost threw up and that’s probably why I just like can’t even eat it anymore 10 years ago on new years’s I was in like Elementary Middle School I can’t remember 10 years ago you were a little

Kid 10 years ago yeah I was wow I was a little young for my age back then you know I ate like a bunch of cotton candy and I just bared everywhere we were doing like the Dizzy Sports Challenge from Dude Perfect where like you have to

Spin around like catch a football oh did not did not work didn’t catch the football no no I I caught the football I just also barfed everywhere now it was day 83 and slowly but surely my levels were increasing these few days were a massive grind but when I saw Cappy in

The desert I was able to let off some steam oh dude that’s cheating you can’t I’ll let you I’ll let you TP back all right guys I just muted from Cappy I want to make some items for my Pokémon I already have Miracle seed for my thorn I kind of

Want something that’s going to improve the power of like the dark knite moves on Weevil laser Fang has like a higher Flinch chance so we might just put that on something actually quick side note remember that item razor Fang because it would end up being decently overpowered

In day 100 that will make uh fire type moves more powerful but the issue is is that I have the mega charizardite on Charizard um so I won’t be able to make that and there isn’t really any other items that I can use on these Pokemon after realizing my options with items

Were pretty limited on day 83 it was now day 84 like like every time it comes into battle we just go the den because it name it name is so weird it’s just it’s just a weird Pokemon everything’s like level 40 in the uh sand the it

Takes forever to level up oh guys it just made it from tappy uh Weevil is now level 95 so I’m going to take the XP share off of him well I had gotten my first Pokemon to level 95 Pidgeot and Ferrothorn were still in the 80s also

Going to eventually need to get some pokeballs uh to make sure I can catch whatever mega Pokémon just me from cppy uh my levels are coming along pretty well Pidgeot is still Level 82 which is which is pretty low so I’m going to have

To get him up sup guys back at it again with another Minecraft video we’re going to be I’m about to lose again I don’t know today we’re going to be absolutely embarrassing Cappy in Pokemon I don’t know if anybody would watch do you think people would watch if

I was that cringe there got to be somebody who would be like I mean they’re watching right now no no no I’m not I’m not cringe right right sure thanks whatever helps you sleep at night Pooky guys I think the next 100 days I may do Pixelmon uh just despite

It up a little bit let me know if you guys want me to do Pixelmon or any other mods or any other different Pokémon games or Minecraft games in general it was now day 85 and feror was really close to level 95 and so was the rest of

My Pokemon except for Pidgeot I decided to just fight with him and put the XP shares on the rest of my Pokemon so I could get leveled Faster maybe that’s why you were so bad at Spanish I just you just can’t do anything you have to roll your arts in Spanish yes you did bro I didn’t pay enough attention it’s like the one language that you actually like have to roll your ours in remember when we would play showdown

At lunch dude we’re losers speak for yourself man you still play Pokemon at least I moved on slightly do you want to have a snowball fight today today day 85 turned into day 86 and my Pokémon were inching along as Pokémon get higher level it takes more

And more XP to get them leveled up so this process was slow and grueling drilling happy in the face we we live like he no no ice balls okay I’m going to use like a ice Shard on do want to build a snowman company is over to of course you

Actually know like all the lines how do you know it all exposed dude I haven’t seen the second one you spoiled it Olaf kicked the bucket make a joke and like the viewers are watching and they’re just out of the loop and we’re just like laughing about it if I’m

Better than Cappy um write in the comments uh W seismic d w Cappy W Cappy right uh right fappy um fix his nose in the comment write seismic smells in the comments no no wait do do I smell can you smell me or like am I I can smell you from my

House shoot edor cut that part out for day 88 in the first part of day 89 I just leveled like I previously was so I decided that I’d cut a lot of it out soon enough it was time for Cappy and I to battle and I was more ready than ever

I had lost two times in a row and with a team full of my most trusted Pokémon I was ready to take revenge and win the Battle of day 90 how the rain looks oh wait wait cppy it’s time to battle is it time to battle my alarm just went off

Dude let’s all let’s both go back to base and do our moves and stuff and then let’s battle I’m going to name him what should I name him should I name him let’s name him Bob evil deserves a name and so does pidot H what should I name

My Pidgeot Flappy Bird all right you ready to lose now I’m ready to win man I’m to win this is day 90 it’s this is The Battle Before day 100 this is like a critical battle let’s do it let’s go after naming my Pokémon and doing their

Moves it was time to battle perfect this is exactly what I wanted um go for one of these this is a good match up for me I I I quite I quite like this match up oh d i I thought you were going to switch Flappy Bird the Pidgeot

Absolutely destroyed septile giving me a good start you see Pidgeot has an ability so his move hurricane never misses and does a ton of damage why you one shot me the Pidgeot no way shoot this is not going well this is a great start this is amazing after I had one-hot two of

Cappy’s Pokemon I realized that I had massively underestimated Pidgeot and should have never had him leave the team this just skill it’s just skill yeah I’m definitely going to switch to something come on please hang on please no yes let’s go I don’t like I don’t like

Metagross I like him a lot actually dude Metagross is like the the biggest problem on your team and I just can’t seem to get a Pokemon that can take him out other than Charizard and I just wa yeah now that Charizard had died to Metagross I had to put Weevil in to try

And get a little bit of damage oh I was nervous I’m in so much trouble actually really he got a lot of good damage off though I did I did dude I’m nervous I got to win this battle I realized that I needed to leave both annihilate and

Pidgeot to the very end so I could set up tailwind and sweep the rest of Cappy’s Pokémon even though he might not be the best guy for the job against Metagross I had to put Alakazam it see this oh my gosh oh let’s go you’re trying to set up and it doesn’t even

Matter good this is not good dude I haven’t even used my secret weapon actually no I can’t get through Metagross Metagross is so overpowered he you know what it’s fine it’s fine bro you should have attacked you done some damage at least you were trying to do

Like some sneaky setup and it just lost you I know I know please please take okay I’m not going to even one shot you if I if I flapy bird your time to shine your time to shine who you set up a Tailwind no no no my Pidgeot had done some good damage

Against Metagross and also set up a Tailwind which meant that nihilate would be faster than any one of Cappy’s Pokémon for four turns oh oh no yes yes uhoh this is not good this is good this is good put him in dud ooh annihilate easily one shot Glade and now Cappy and

I only had one Pokémon left okay let me think about this in a good way you just have to survive Mike please survive no my last Pokemon oh no wait you might you might win is this your last Pokémon no it is your last Pokemon Pokemon if feror

Clutches this up for me I would not only stop Cappy’s two win streak but I would win the Battle of day 90 giving me an extreme amount of confidence for the Battle of day 100 do some big damage I tanked you oh no way I don’t

Win hey okay that did nothing yes that’s it I had won the Battle of day 90 and I was so caught up in this that I totally forgot that I was about to get a Mega No Way mega dude dude this is rigged there’s no way paralyze it first please

Don’t one shot me okay sweet sweet sweet and in an insane Stroke of Luck I got a mega Mewtwo day 90 was just awesome it set me up perfectly for the Battle of day 100 and gave me an amazing new team member do you remember when you were

Chopping down my house because you wanted to no I I don’t remember that hey you summon lightning on top of my house after all that excitement it was now day 91 and I needed to make sure my plan was decently solid so I would win on day 100

Um my plan is to also get Mewtwo pretty powerful I replaced him for Alakazam because I just know he’s a powerful Pokemon so Cappy what’s your uh what’s your plan for today how did it feel to lose in the last battle how did it feel to lose I’m not even worried about it

You’re not worried really you I just I made some bad mistakes but uh you’re about to see my secet weapon in the next battle and you’re going to lose I flew around on Pidgeot to find a good place to level and now it was day 9 too no

That’s too insulting I cut that part out what just just because it’s insulting he the editor cut out Ed Ed Ed keep that part in oh guys if I didn’t say it already I know it’s like past day 90 now but I forgot to say it uh I’d really appreciate if you guys

Would subscribe helps me make more videos that are hopefully good like this one hopefully this one’s good what uh what biome are you in right now where you where you hanging out in a cherry blossom biome right now really really I am what do you what do

You find in there oh Mewtwo just like jumped out of his pokeball and I I just like Panic this is so big do you have a Mewtwo do you have a meww I don’t think so I don’t think so dude I still did not get a Pokemon that

I can fly on in this whole 100 days you’re so fast on foot that you just like you just make it there like instantly oh I’m like Batman you’re like Superman no I like I I I feel like I feel like that kind of encapsulates our our relation like Batman Superman no you

Just like live in a cave and talk to nobody and are single and I just have like a hot wife so I don’t I don’t live in a cave man what the heck it’s literally Batman the bat cave is like his defining feature as night fell on

Day 92 I was getting closer to the level cap on both phorn and annihilate I wanted to get those two Pokémon and Weevil to level 100 first and foremost because they were super effective against the most stuff the Mewtwo and work on him uh while I get everything

Else up and see if I can get some good levels on Mewtwo didn’t they add fireflies into this game wait did wait they did I’ve never seen a firefly in Minecraft I’m going to go find an ice biome guys and I will be back wait what

What what C level 60 and level 63 annihilate my annihilate like duplicated and it’s following me you know that glitch where like I was in the snow biome on day 93 and decided that I would test out Mewtwo you know if water look this nice in real life I would definitely shower

More cut that part out got a mouth full of plastic that’s an amazing story cppy screw you yeah with Cappy I have to cut out like every other joke guys just they’re they’re they’re just so bad guys I just m from Cappy um the ice biome is

Doing me pretty well actually um once I can finally get these last guys they’re all level 99 um the three that the XP share is on two 100 I am going to try and get Pidgeot up and Charizard up and I think I’m just going to continue using

Mewtwo because he is like the the lowest level relatively else I think we’re just going to try and get the levels mess around a little bit maybe see if there’s any new Pokémon at all that we’re going to find in these last days and what what annihilate just learned like a ton of

Moves I think once Pokemon some Pokémon when they hit level 100 they learn like all the uh TM and hm moves uh on the coband server so I think annihilate is one of them so that’s uh it’s actually pretty crazy I I might want to might want to put that would be

Nice protile or something annihilate pad reached level 100 and unlocked a ton of moves little did I know it now ice punch would be a very very critical move to have in the Battle of day 100 cppy Cappy let me tell you this let me tell you

This I pick this dandelion for you yeah yeah I procrastinate edit editing so much your viewers definitely know they they they’ve come to notice no no no I just haven’t been able to record because uh maky and I schedules have been like so different um he he’s

Working on his own videos his own content so he doesn’t have much time to record and then I’m in school too so I don’t have much time either so it’s just hard to match it up so that’s why I had Cappy step in here a little bit and uh

Hopefully you guys hopefully you guys like him like personally I don’t but like I wish he wasn’t here but like Dy I’m just kidding I like I like how I’m like hey hey relax you’re you’re so insulting in the videos they’re going to hate you and say say I wish I didn’t

Exist no I’m kidding I’m kidding you know I love you I love you c as Day 94 turned into day 95 I kept leveling with my Pokemon and put the XP shares on Charizard and Pidgeot at this point like half of my team was already level 100 so

I was feeling extremely confident in my mind I thought day 100 would be a breeze but it ended up being a very very close battle you’re yawning are you bored playing with me really yep wow that’s so insulting it was meant to be it was meant to be you

Like purposefully yawn so I feel that exactly it was a fake yawn like a dude I’m going to go to sleep I’m going to go to sleep in two turns cuz you g that was bad the Pokemon jokes are just amazing Pixelmon has so much more stuff than

Cobon while the I don’t like the models as well Pixelmon has so much more stuff to explore and custom structures that actually have like Pokemon trainers in them and gyms and like bosses and legendaries spawn randomly and like all this different stuff that that’ll be

Super fun can you go low can I go low yeah I don’t you go with your voice no can you go hi was that good is that good that pretty good that was pretty good I had been grinding for a very long time now and it was the afternoon of day 97 Charizard

Was one level away from being level 100 and Flappy Bird my pidot was really close as well Mewtwo was kind of lagging behind but it wasn’t a big deal because it was only by a few levels you know oh let’s go guys just Charizard is now level 100 Mewtwo 95 we’re uh that’s

Exactly what happened what’s up you just got a Pokemon to 100 no no no I’m actually I’m actually not leveling Pokemon at all I’m just getting items right now okay I see yeah so you’re going to come in with like level 90 Pokemon yeah they’re all going to have

Like the best items in the game to make good oh yeah there’s only a limited amount of items you can craft in this game yeah I know because I checked you checked you were like full on try Harding you checked like every single item that you could Poss how do I meet

You Cathy we”ve known each other for a long time was it okay it was like freshman year freshman year of high school of high school C and I are in the same class right and yeah um our class was just happened to be pretty boring or I guess

We were kind of kind of rebellious pun me in the face I did not punch you in the face but you have punched me so many times in our friendship no we we would we would like both KCK each other like I kick the back of your chair and then you

Kick me that’s how he became you just annoyed me as much as you possibly could anyways imagine like uh like yeah imagine like a little cart someone could like Drive in but it didn’t have a motor and it was pretty lightweight and I pushed happy in it but like to get him

Speed you know trying to be a good friend right but um instead of pushing forward I pushed down and he just like gak knifed into the air and his slammed on my tailbone and then you just started punching me until you were your knuckles were bleeding hey don’t say I that was not

True it’s so true you you were in a sling oh oh oh and you still punched me I don’t remember oh I I do remember that now as the Battle of day 100 was less than a day away I got my Pidgeot up to level 100 and Cappy and I milk the last

Little bit of laughs and jokes out of this 100 days and like like on the fourth period announcements you have to be like completely quiet like came on and we were yeah and we were looking directly at each other and we just could not stop laughing and like when you’re

When you’re laughing and you know you’re not supposed to be laughing it makes it like a hundred times funnier cuz the other person you’re watching the other person try not to laugh start cracking up cppy starts cracking up I see cppy crack up at me I start laughing by the

End of it it’s like a 30-second Evolution everybody’s staring at us I’m just like full on crying like not crying but like I have like tears in my eyes from laughing so hard got like I’m surprised we did not get like the attention from that our teacher was not

A very nice English teacher I’m just thinking about the part where I could see your face in the reflection of his bald head what you didn’t know that Cappy it’s time to battle this is this is the best way to end off the 100 days it’s time to

Battle let’s go Cappy and I made it back to base and I went over the final moves that I was going to use on my Pokemon Flappy’s going to have the same stuff Flappy Bird uh Bob has some pretty cool stuff uh spiky pretty cool stuff and uh

We did the moves on this guy so this is a really good move set so I think we’re looking all good I’m going to put my items such as like Miracle seed on my Pokemon and then I think I’m ready to battle and soon enough it was time for

The first battle of day 100 all the hardship all the Pokémon caught all the leveling and everything else that we did in these 100 days led up to this one battle o Metagross all right all right guys did you from cppy I have nothing that’s super effective against him with

Uh with spiky but if he uses Hammer arm on spiky uh Metagross will actually lose speed so then I can kill Metagross um so I think I might keep him in let’s go oh oh what’ you use oh oh that does good damage what’ you use on me for some

Reason Cappy didn’t use Hammer arm straight away and it allowed me to get more chip damage off on Metagross I like this a lot oh no way you survived just just do this all right yeah I knew you’re going to take me out there’s nothing I could do there yes okay let’s

Uh this not good this is not good I think this is phenomenal I’m actually quite a fan of of what just unraveled there um who do we want let’s go for this let’s go for this come on Charizard oh you switch you switch you got a switch going okay that’s good

Damage that’s good damage happy had switched out to Sharpedo and char didn’t do too much damage to him please no you’re faster let’s go oh I should have known that I should have known that let’s go that’s so good for me that’s fine that’s fine oh no now that

Charizard had fainted it was the perfect opportunity to put in the MVP of this entire 100 days Flappy Bird the Pidgeon oh no oh no it’s up to you let’s see come [Applause] on a th punch ready for you you should have switched even though Pidgeot got

Taken out he did all he needed to do and he set up Tailwind okay please switch no no no no yes no I tried to predict a switch from Cappy and he didn’t end up doing it meaning that my annihilate got one shot this battle was not going good it’s fine

It’s fine it’s fine oh no come on that was really good by you uh okay come on please take please take please take that was a good switch that did really good damage that that was kind of annoying I won lie let’s go your Mewtwo is so low the move

Ancient power has a really low chance of boosting all of my stats so I decided to use it against Arcanine I tried to get the stat boost but it didn’t end up working oh you have extreme speed Weevil is my only chance and he has like he has

Like two more Pokémon left so he has to surv survive whatever he puts up here so I don’t know this isn’t going to be good I don’t know if we can do this please no and to my dismay I got absolutely destroyed on the first battle of day 100

Luckily for me the Battle of day 100 is best two out of three unluckily for me if I lose this next battle I lose the entire thing I think I have to set up annihilate but Tailwind that’s what I have to so maybe maybe we sacrifice Bob

Instead of theor and see how it out for us let’s let’s actually try that I’m ready to battle you’re just killing the go he was annoying me in the last battle if I don’t win this everything’s over I lost everything if I don’t win this I

Have I have to win I have to win oh no not again just as I expected Cappy had let off with Metagross and Weil’s only job was to just do as much damage as he possibly could Metagross sweep his team again let’s try for this please oh oh yes yes yes I don’t

Know why I hadn’t tried the move beat up before but it was actually stronger than Assurance because I have a razorclaw and Weevil and beat up hits multiple times I also had a super high chance of making the opponent Flinch using this move of course you sarch I burned you I burned

You that’s so bad wait that’s actually so good wait wait are you a physical attacker no way dude that’s actually so let’s go let’s go come on no damage that that tickles that tickles that does nothing this is this is awesome and CE again Charizard’s Insane luck wouldn’t

Fail me and I got a burn on Sharpedo one of these oh you switch what are you switching to oh Arcanine come on good good damage I missed okay I guess we’re both getting bad luck um that’s so annoying let’s go a I don’t know what to

Even switch come on please tank please tank okay we’re good we’re good we’re good and and you got recoil and you got recoil him yeah I did come on please Flinch this oh yes that did not do well come on please please tank no yes okay

No and you’re just going to be faster no matter what is it time come on Flappy Bird oh no I need you now I sent out Pidgeot to finish up Arcanine but I realized that if I wanted to sweep the entirety of Cappy’s team with Tailwind I

Had to wait until the end of the battle wait your extreme speed didn’t even uh did it did you even try extreme speed I didn’t use it I thought I’d be faster than you let’s go come on I’m in so much trouble come on um oh no he switches out come on please

Please yes oh that does nothing and you got recoil and you got recoil Metagross could easily one- shot Pidgeot so I had to put in feror to try and take him out go for this oh please take yes please kill him no no he’s dead yes no he’s

Dead all right he’s down okay okay yeah I’m just taking him no explosion today you’re not risking it I knew it you were up too after Sharpedo had finished off feror I put in meww all right this this will be easy I better be faster okay if I wasn’t faster there I

Would have been like no I would have cried but I’m still going to attack you come on oh yes oh that’s good damage damage wait is that half no no I’m good I’m good I think I’m good I’ll hang on I should hang on yes let’s go meww let’s

Go Mewtwo Mewtwo had done everything he could and now was down to my two best Pokémon Mike the annihilate and Happy Bird the Pidgeot no wait I used Dragon Dance this might not be good he’s just realizing that now oh this might not be good this could be really bad this could

Be really bad you don’t say just as fast as I was winning the battle I started to lose it I needed a miracle if I wanted to win this battle oh I forgot you had this guy yes what are you going to do yes

Come on I I have to win this would you use ta tank yes oh no wait what you use Phantom Force you van okay you did the same exact thing I did yes let’s go I mean let’s go wait wait you’re faster though you can’t hit me I’m going to hit

You as soon as the next turn starts dragapult had a ghost type move coming straight for annihilate so I had to switch to Pidgeot no no way that’s he’s immune that’s a crazy switch now I’m the king that was actually such a good switch guys I just

Need it from Cappy if this doesn’t one shot I lose the entire thing if it does I win that’s where we’re at right now I think so I I guess here goes nothing come on please please please please please yes he’s surved no yes is that

Everything this might be it that’s it no that might be it though yes wait I one hit tank one hit no you can’t survive a hit yes that’s it no and once again Pidgeot proved why he was the MVP of this 100 days and clutch

The battle for me I was still in the game and I had one last shot to win this entire thing present for you for uh for the final battle of day 100 so uh here you go the dine the dine you know I I actually uh I actually got a a present

For you uh oh you did oh my God I definitely thought about it before you were thinking of me a all right all right now but now you’re going to lose that that’s that’s so of you to do that all dude you’re going down you are going down come on ooh and

The deciding Battle of day 100 commenced just as I expected cppy once again LED with Metagross damage then Assurance so I think I might use it and also I have a claw razor claw on me that helps it helps make the opponent Flinch come on dude that move did unfortunately for me

Beat up matched with the razor claw never made Metagross Flinch I forgot that you okay no no that’s fine that’s fine dude I I was muted for a second but um that move is insane uh that I had there okay like come on now you switched in the Sharpedo in the Sharpedo

I decided to try and switch in Pidgeot to set up Tailwind once again but this was a big mistake I’ll be I’ll be here’s the MVP o what that did a lot of damage what you use oh liquidation okay that makes sense it’s fine it’s fine

Um I think I can just kill you here wait what wait how are you faster no which is a priority move no I had no idea that Cappy had the move Aqua Jet which always goes first and he took out my Pidgeot I was in some serious trouble why did I do

That I should just put in ther no let’s go wait okay hold on let’s go with me too see what we can do here no oh that was such a noob move why did I do that why did I do that let’s get some damage

In let’s get some damage in I meww okay that’s worth use Aqua Jet dude look at how big look at how big Mewtwo is and I still can’t Rite it it is really big let’s do it let’s just throw one of these in oh yes oh oh wait you still

Kill me though you still kill me that’s fine it’s fine fine well we’re going to sack we’re going to sack Mewtwo it’s fine it’s fine Mewtwo had done well and now is time to put in Charizard let’s see okay come on come on Charizard oh P

What was that I had dragon pul on him that did a bunch of damage a lot of damage that’s that’s a lot of damage that’s a lot of damage we talked about that so much oh no and you’re faster you’re faster dragapult was about to take out Charizard so I decided to

Switch to Ferrothorn oh that does nothing so resistant to you there’s not much you can really do with that guy okay I knew it Arcanine Arcanine no Gade oh oh oh my gosh you got wre dude Gade takes so much damage damage he’s like a

Glass Cannon yeah he is I can’t I keep forgetting I can’t switch him into stuff there there’s no other way unless he tanks the fighting Ty move no he’s done no Glade would have one- shot feror so I had to sack Charizard if I even wanted a

Small chance at winning this battle ooh I was stressing about that I was stressing about I thought that was over let’s just go for oh than Metagross wait oh no I’m not oh I was thinking oh I thought I was thinking I with the Fatal mistake of letting Pidgeot die let

Metagross one-hot my annihilate is this your last guy wait wait no no I could clutch this I could clutch this maybe for the win no h for the win no that’s everything dude you beat me I fought my hardest but I lost the battle of day 100 even though I lost I

Didn’t really care the fun Cappy and I had the Pokémon we caught and the adventures we did were what make challenges like these worthwhile really appreciate it if you would subscribe uh thank you to Cappy for uh doing this video with me I put his channel down in

The description really cool guy even though he beat me thank you guys for watching and uh I’ll see you all later bye oh Dan L

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 DAYS in MEGA POKEMON Minecraft Against my Rival! (Duos Cobblemon)’, was uploaded by Seismic on 2024-01-03 13:00:05. It has garnered 129717 views and 2374 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:05 or 8765 seconds.

We spent 100 days playing with Mega Pokémon in Minecraft pixelmon! Cappy and I spent 100 days in pokemon minecraft and had a rival battle every 10 days! Cappy is my rival! Today mankey and I spent 100 days in new cobblemon update and battled to the death every 10 days! Mankey is my rival! Legendary 100 days pixelmon

This is a Minecraft 100 days FULL MOVIE!! 1000 days in hardcore Minecraft pokemon. 100 days pokemon nuzzlock the full movie!

Thank you Cappy for playing! His channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Cappyone


Ip: play.cobbleland.com USE CODE: SEISMIC For 15 percent off in the shop!!! Cobbleland Discord: https://discord.gg/CNYSa6Vpvt USE: /warp seismic to build in our town!

My discord server https://discord.gg/p4c3TdZTvn

My Twitter: https://twitter.com/Seismicplayz

Pixelmon, Cobblemon, 100 Days,

#cobblemon #pokemon #100days #minecraft #pixelmon #episode1

current subs… like 38k or something im too lazy to check

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  • Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF

    Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF “Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 10: panicking and running in circles. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 20: calmly strategizing and building a staircase to freedom. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 50: calling my grandkids for help because I can’t figure out how to jump.” Read More

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/evildragonx1. Read More

  • OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmau

    OMG!! Is My Inner Demon Noi Finally Revealed?!? #aphmauVideo Information This video, titled ‘#short Is this My Inner Demon Noi coming out??? #aphmau #minecraft #roleplay’, was uploaded by Ori_Moon on 2024-03-31 14:36:00. It has garnered 44 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Fruit Circus in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Digital Circus ADDON in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Fruit Clips on 2024-05-28 12:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. In this video, I will show mod in my Minecraft world. If you’re interested in minecraft, then you’ll love this video! This mod lets you … Read More

  • EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55

    EPIC April Fools Minecraft pranks by DonPianta55Video Information This video, titled ‘April Fools Day Minecraft #minecraft #youtubegaming #shorts’, was uploaded by DonPianta55 on 2024-04-02 23:48:38. It has garnered 1621 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:43 or 10003 seconds. Become a part of Don’s Crew⬇️ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaB0-gpDobPMhK8FFGc19iQ/join Join the Discord discord.gg/mhfHSspBk8 Read More

  • Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!

    Loser Baby Gets Groomed by Duke Rancid?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Groomer Baby — Hazbin Hotel Loser Baby Parody’, was uploaded by Duke Rancid on 2024-06-17 13:28:45. It has garnered 27 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:52 or 172 seconds. My friend and I spent way longer on this than we honestly should have. We were originally gonna do a Minecraft parody and then I was like, wait I have an idea. Read More

  • DreamZone

    DreamZonegreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfvgreuihfbdvnjerdfhogbvnerdo8iuvfjywhbedvnywuibfv Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP – Java 1.20.4 – Age 18+ – Whitelist – Hermitcraft-like – LGBTQ+ Friendly – Community-focused – 5+ Years Running!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ Hey! Thanks for checking out Project Nebula! ▶ Nebula Photo Album! ▶ Dynmap ▶ Discord ▶ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-driven Minecraft server focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment for all players. We value diversity, transparency, respect, and commitment to the Vanilla Minecraft experience. ▶ What’s new on Project Nebula? 1.21 update coming soon! Successful Emu Freedom Fest event Opening of the Cobblestonewall Inn ▶ Applications If you’re interested in joining our server, apply through our Discord channel. We have a thorough whitelist process to ensure a friendly… Read More

  • Island PVP

    Island PVPCreate your island and upgrade to become the island top!You can use a boat to stalk your enemies with stealth!Or take them head-on when they least expect it!If you leave your chests unlocked, they can be raided! So make sure to strategically build your storage area! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not a Noob: logged 1287 hrs in Minecraft

    “1287 hours in Minecraft? That’s just the warm-up! Ain’t nobody got time for a score of 9, we’re aiming for a perfect 10, baby!” Read More

  • Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft!

    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More