100 Days Living with AI Socrates in Minecraft

Video Information

I survived 100 days in Minecraft while taking orders from an AI of Socrates I describe what’s going on in the game and Socrates tells me what he wants to do if this doesn’t make any sense just subscribe and you should magically understand before I hop into the video I

Just want to say thank you all so much for 6,000 subscribers and thank you all so much for the amazing comments you’ve been leaving before the journey even begins Socrates names our world he names our world the world of wisdom we spawn by a cave which I crawl out of

Immediately and then see a village Socrates behaves like any gamer and decides to loot The Village immediately stocking up on food and hay bales after stealing all of the villagers food I asked Socrates what he would like to do next he decides building a house would

Be a good first move but before we can build the house I gather up some wood and stone so I can make tools bright and early day one I craft some stone tools and cut down some trees around town Socrates says he wants his house to be

Made out of wood he also describes how he wants it to look he says he wants a box-shaped house with Windows and a pointed roof I’m terrible at building things in Minecraft so I’m really glad he picked something simple I begin construction on his house at the

Outskirts of town Socrates says he wants to live far away from the villagers because he doesn’t want to be lazy I think he just doesn’t want to hear H every 5 seconds on the morning of day two I grabbed the bed and chest out of the abandoned house I’ve been sleeping

In because Socrates epic crib is almost done I try to make that steep roof he was talking about even though it’s raining harder than press X to Shan simulator Heavy Rain jokes aside I finish the house it’s got a cool tall roof windows and since I’m a man of

Luxury a front door and a side door I pass out after working so hard on this midh house and when I wake up Socrates is looming over me telling me to go mining I decide to ignore the cave we spawned in and head towards a nearby

Ravine I mine up all sorts of things in the cave like coal copper iron and a lot of fall damage I mine a bit more and then drop head first into Monster Land I thought I was a beast with my stone sword but a witch zombie and spider Trio

Humbled me immediately and I get my first embarrassing death of the game for those of you wondering why I’m not on hardcore mode it’s because I just died on day four for literally no reason and then I die again after getting sniped off a waterfall and blown up by a

Creeper I’m not good at video games this time I decide to craft a sword to retrieve my stuff instead of charging blindly into the cave like I’m about to solo every mob in the game with my bare hands I used the parkour around until the mobs lose me and grab my stuff

Tactic which worked until I got domed by a Duo of skeleton Troopers who dropped Shifty shafts I never even played fortnite I just kind of shoehorned that joke I cry myself to sleep and wake up day four with a Vengeance I enact my rage on those two skeletons and get my

Stuff back I also sealed off a part of the cave I deemed too scary for me to explore right now I meant to come back here later but completely forgot about it I grabbed more coal iron and some la before getting scared by another skeleton and making my way back home I

Got a measly hul of minerals and I start smelting up my iron right away on day five I craft an iron sword an iron pick and decide oh what the heck I’ll even make an entire suit of iron armor I mean I have so much iron it’s like it’s in my

Blood well technically it’s in everybody’s blood but I mean you guys know now that I’m well equipped I head back into the cave SL Ravine thing and continue mining Socrates told me to do this by the way I get a lot of redstone which is funny because I never us

Redstone once in the entirety of the 100 Days with this iron armor and sword I easily battle through the monsters that used to give me nightmares I also attacked the only Friendly Creeper who was just chilling but it’s all good because I found diamonds I NAB up my six

Diamonds with a Cheeto eating grin on my face then I use the safest method of cave evacuation dig straight up and build a pillar of stone to the surface I make it back home as the moon begins to rise and sleep soundly cuddling with my

Diamonds on day seven I waste a ton of time just smelting my iron and asking Socrates what he wants to do next Socrates says he wants to build some animal pins and a farm to gain a steady supply of food he also says that these things should be built next to his house

Which is annoying because he’s surrounded by Hills I spend some time visualizing where I could put his animal pins and farmland before starting the grueling process of flattening out the hills surrounding his house I spin the next few days just digging dirt you know I probably didn’t have to level this

Entire area out so low but past l Ox didn’t know that this took a long time in fact I’d argue I spent most of the series flattening things out I’m joking of course to get enough wood to build my animal pens I went to the forest to make

The onler Proud by chopping down every tree in sight also this villager thinks he lives in my house but I bet he’ll leave eventually on day 13 I finally begin construction on my Farmland except it’s not a Farmland Socrates wants a wooden structure around his crops with

Enough Windows to let sunlight in so basically a wooden Greenhouse construction continues on day 14 and I realize oak wood isn’t really the look I’m going for I’d rather use Birch I make the general shape of the building and start working on the roof before bed

I put in the glass for the first window of the building but on day 15 tragedy struck I was continuing construction as per usual when I noticed an intruder in my Greenhouse while trying to tell him to leave I accidentally looked him in the eyes and he rips me apart when I go

For Revenge the Enderman just teleports away I take out my frustration on an innocent wandering Trader for those sweet leads day 18 I fill the greenhouse with water and begin tilling the soil so I can plant some crops I spend the next two days just messing around with the

Design of the greenhouse I couldn’t decide which Windows looked good until eventually I realized none of it looks good so who cares but on day 20 I finished the greenhouse it’s a decent starting farm and it keeps the crops safe afterward I started on the animal pins by just building a huge Square

Fence in the morning the local farmers came to check out my animal pins they hated it I tell them it’s not finished and Socrates didn’t just want a big fenced in area he wants a big fencon area with chicken CS Pig pins and even a

Big barn for the cows and sheep I have no idea how to make those things so I just start building and hope it doesn’t look terrible I kept hearing a baby zombie making baby zombie noises but I had no idea where he was eventually I figured out he was squatting in my attic

So I helped him find a new home the grave I spend the next few days finishing up the chicken coops and pig pins before I started building my barn I remembered I saw some acacia trees in the distance and I thought it’s the closest thing to Red Wood in the game so

I went and gathered a bunch days 25 to 31 were just spent farming wood working on the barn rinsing and repeating until the barn was finished but on day 29 the animal enclosures were done you see I got my chicken coops right here and my

Pig pins over here and then right in the middle is this big barn this is probably the most I’ve ever built for my animals in m Minecraft usually I start with a big Fen in area and well actually that’s it just a big fence anyway I didn’t

Build this for nothing so let’s go get some animals these little piggies went into my farm and these big cows followed in the morning I had a quick Harvest and then planted whatever seeds I had I also recruited some sheep to my animal roster before finishing up the lineup with some

Chickens I also admired my little house surrounded by animals and crops but there’s no time to admire what I’ve built remember I’m taking orders from Socrates this playthrough and Socrates says he wants to explore for more wisdom so I leave our little quaint Village and immediately stumble across an ocean

Temple I get scared by the Guardians and continue our adventure onward I land my vessel at a birch forest and luckily find some spruce trees right after Spruce is my second favorite wood type so I harvest a bunch of it before continuing my journey I also am too

Scared to sleep in the forest so I build straight up and sleep above the trees on the morning of day 34 I look around for anything cool and don’t find much so I just keep sailing hoping to find something worth writing in the script eventually I find myself in a tundra

Biome with snow all around I see some ice spikes in the distance and think wow that’d be really cool to ex Village I loot the tundra Village for all they have yoing their Bell lanterns and anything that isn’t nailed down all this looting makes me tired and I sleep like

A baby after stealing all I could from the smaller Tundra Village I mooved move on to the bigger Tundra Village to steal even more things I grab up all the Villager workstations I can along with some blast furnaces I also take these lanterns to decorate my own village

Eventually on Day 36 I find a tigga village and give them the Lenox special get it the Luton Knox it’s it’s like lonox but I Loot and then I take the stuff from the village and then they don’t have it anymore and I have it and

They don’t and I have it and they don’t day 37 is the day I start feeling homesick and Socrates agrees that we’ve done enough exploring but before I begin the long Trek home I tame a cat I never see this cat again it doesn’t follow me

On the Long Boat ride home I miss this cat the next day I just keep on keeping on as I slowly but surely make my way back to my Village I run across a huge abandoned nether portal that was kind of cool then I notice a nearby Village that

Has way too many unattended hay bales for my liking so I do my Good Samaritan duty of taking them all on day 37 we finally arrive home I parade through the village with my pockets filled with loot and Socrates says he’d like to upgrade his house next Socrates says he wants a

Stone Cottage with some wood thrown into the mix he says it should be two stories and have a basement so it’s probably going to take me a while I spend some time pondering how I’m going to build this as my Minecraft building expertise extends as far as a rectangle with a

Stair roof I start tearing down my little Shack before it becomes night and I have to sleep with no walls it was a cold night that night right as I wake up on day 38 I get to flattening out more dirt I need space for the Big Stone

Cottage I’m going to build I also fill in some of the lake behind my house so I have more room to build on I also utilize some TNT to save me some time Excavating I probably should have done more of this instead of wasting iron on Stone shovels Socrates says it’s all

Chill if we enlist the help of the villagers so I can finally exploit the villagers with lucrative trades normally I would be doing this on day one but remember I try to only do things that Socrates tells me to do but if you want to see me try 100 days on Hardcore or

Maybe with mods go ahead and leave a comment before I go to bed I lure some villagers into a house with no exit so I could make trades with them without them escaping the villagers want to keep being Farmers but I need toolsmiths and Fletchers so I destroy any farming

Equipment and brainwash them to think only about tools and fletchings fletchings Fletchling is a Pokémon unfortunately my tool Smith decides to be the worst ever and starts selling me diamond hose instead of anything useful on day 40 I sell a bunch of sticks to my

FX leer and buy as many Diamond hes as I can for my toolsmith I’m not going to use them but I got to level him up somehow almost forgot I have dirt to mine so I keep smacking those little blocks with my shovel it’s day 40 and

I’m still using a stone shovel kind of embarrassing but on day 401 I go from Stone to diamond with a few trades with my toolsmith and this machine gun shovel mines dirt like nobody’s business which is good if I had to only use Stone shovels I’d probably still be building

My house by day 100 when day 42 rolls around I realized this diamond shovel got me too excited and I’ve mined so much dirt it’s almost broken day 43 was a dirt day I only dug dirt and place dirt really riveting content here ludox so I’m at about a week of preparing to

Build this house I’d say it’s about time I actually start building it so I begin placing Down the Walls I want to use stone bricks and Spruce Wood to make this house look nice unfortunately this means they have to wait for the stone to smelt and for the spruce trees to grow

Cut down spruce trees wait for my stone bricks to smelt rinse and repeat for 2 weeks I also spend a bunch of days messing up the roof a bunch to the tower attached to my house before I realized I just built it wrong next time I’m just

Going to watch a build tutorial but on day 61 my house is finally built a nice Spruce frame with a super cool tower on the side on the other side I have a stable for my horse I don’t have one yet but I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to live

There here’s my living room it’s where all my pets will go that I don’t have yet but I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to live there here’s the bedroom no literally it’s just a bed in a room here’s the basement full of unorganized chests here’s the inside of that cool

Side tower that was supposed to be a Wizard’s Tower but I gave up on the roof and it’s not even big enough for a full enchantment table set up so it’s really just pitiful speaking of enchantment table setups we’re going to need a lot of books so I breed some cows to

Slaughter whenever I feel like it I also craft a diamond pickaxe because according to Socrates it’s mining time as the Sun starts to set I hop into the Ravine and start spelunking I also trick a zombie into falling to its Doom but after that I heard the familiar sound of

An Enderman I see this as a perfect opportunity to get revenge on him for making a fool out of me earlier when I try and fight him he just wipes the floor with me again 26 levels down the drain just going to sleep this L off I

Start off day 63 by getting blown up by a creeper and then running back to get my stuff the second my sword is in my inventory I charge at the Enderman who is stuck in a corner and get my Revenge but while fighting a skeleton with an

Enchanted bow a creeper sneaks up on me and kills me for the third time in like 10 minutes I continue mining picking up all sorts of minerals until I start hearing like 50 zombies I get on a Ledge and start swinging at the top of their heads when I realize more zombies just

Keep coming using my Supreme deduction ability I think there must be a spawner nearby so I navigate carefully around and low and behold there’s a spawner in this cave it’s supposed to be like there’s a snake in my boot like Toy Story But I block off the entrance to

The spawner and loot the room I find a saddle in a name tag but nothing too cool other than that I’m too scared to leave the room because of all the zombies so I just dig straight up until I reach the surface I come out of the

Dungeon on the morning of day 65 barely watching the sunset I think I meant Sunrise I get a horse to use my new saddle on and go make some obsidian with a water bucket I then spend a long time mining the obsidian because obsidian takes so long to mine bet you’ve never

Heard that one before I also introduced my horse to its stable look how happy he is in there I also Harvest a big Harvest from my cool Harvest Room nothing happened to this day I just saw an iron golem hole out of flow thought it was

Kind of cool day 67 marks the beginning of the next Socrates build project a town hall for the villagers this should be a place for the villagers to trade gather talk and just well I live in I’m going to move all the villagers into the

Town hall I think it just make think but before that I put my asymmetric enchanting table down I chopped down some trees and begin demolishing the villagers homes I begin laying down dirt to make some flat land to build this town hall on I’m pretty sure Mining and

Placing dirt alone has made up like 40 days on day 69 I continued demolishing the town just so I can build a terrible looking building where houses and marketplaces once stood but on the next day I’m already starting construction on the town hall look at me not taking 10

Days to prepare to build something on day 71 I already have the base down for the town hall at this rate I might finish it before the 100 Days Are Over I spent a couple days building the roof of the building while taking trips to the

Forest to help get rid of that tree infestation they have out there I tried to make a clock design in the town hall but it’s not the right dimensions so I opt to build a clock tower right next to the town hall instead on the morning of

Day 76 I start tearing down any buildings that might be in the way of this clock tower it must be built as Socrates commands I spend the next few days working on the clock tower and I accidentally fell off the top there’s 25 levels down the drain and one more

Reason why I’m not playing on Hardcore on day 80 I finally finished the Clock Tower and it looks well to be honest not good but hey it’s a learning experience I’m sure I’ll have more Minecraft videos up on the channel and one day when I’m a

Building Pro I can look back at this and have a laugh but right now all I can do is cry we’re getting into the final stretch of this 100 days so I decide I’m tired of having stone tools yes I have a stone sword on day 81 I throw some

Windows in the town hall and get serious on trading with these villagers they will get me full diamond gear in the next few days or I’ll destroy more than just their houses on day 82 I start filling in the dirt around the village just to make it look a bit better when

Suddenly I noticed some pillagers in the distance finally some action in this boring series I’ll deal with them in just one second and the Iron Golem kills them all anyway I keep trading with the Villagers like Socrates told me to and I buy some maps from the cartographers

Only to realize Herobrine is in my world on my map like seriously what is this supposed to be I don’t don’t have any other copies of this map like Google says I’m actually kind of scared I spend the last few days just trading with the Villagers until they all decide to give

Me diamond tools and diamond armor then Socrates wants me to make some minor improvements to the Village because we don’t have any more time for a good build so I do what I’ve been doing for the past 100 days and flatten out some dirt and level out the land on day 97 I

Continue making small improvements to the Village I make a nice neat path leading from the town hall to my house I even add in some lamp posts with lanterns to illuminate the busy streets of the world of wisdom on day 98 I decide to help repair the Guardians of

The Village I know I could Farm them for iron but there’s like 10 of them and I’ve grown attached to them at this point I wake up on day 99 with a mission you remember that cat I tamed back in the tigga village that never made it home well these villagers keep spawning

Cats and Socrates wants one so I will make it my mission to find one today I spend almost all day searching for a cat only to find a wolf the wolf didn’t want to get tamed so I went back to the Village only to run into my Nemesis the

Same Enderman who keeps bothering me but he’s no match for me with my diamond gear and I even end up finding a cat afterwards the cat runs for me for like 5 minutes before I just decide to chase it down and force feed it some fish

Before I head to bed with my pet I realize this Villager has been living with me for like 90 days and I never gave him his own bed since he refuses to go to the town hall with the other villagers I give them a place to sleep I

Go to bed this night knowing my 100 days in Minecraft with Socrates is finally over I made it to 100 days in Minecraft while taking orders from an AI I didn’t end up getting too much built or done but I still think it was a pretty interesting experience if you enjoyed

The video go ahead and subscribe to see what other games I can use AI in to make a more interesting playthrough thank you all so much for watching and I will see you in the next One

This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days With AI Socrates In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Ludoknox on 2023-11-03 20:00:15. It has garnered 5489 views and 321 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:00 or 1140 seconds.

In this episode of AI Plays Ludoknox takes orders from an AI Socrates to see how he will survive 100 days in Minecraft.

Music in Intro & Outro: We Shop Song by @ludandschlattsmusicalempor6746

Shoutout to Je4nz on Planet Minecraft for the Socrates skin!

0:00 Intro 0:24 100 Days With Socrates 18:49 End Screen (Subscribe)

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    Ultimate Battle: Kuang3461 takes on PliantTuba40609Video Information This video, titled ‘Kuang3461 vs PliantTuba40609’, was uploaded by Kuang3461 on 2024-09-28 10:19:27. It has garnered 499 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. legend vs legend @pliant5937 #minecraftpvp #pvp #minecraft #hypixel tags : xWqter,Ozan12,DatPigmaster,Vrysed,Czeoh,Khxqs,zyn,F5,Aluzay,Chayn,,Budhism,Budhism Yeet,cameron,cameronisgey123,chiekooo,Curt,CurtPlayzMC,Czeoh,D3MoNiqK,DocPenguinPlayz,Dreacho,egirlresort,eKowz,El Windo,FaastPvP,Phenzyy,flexazert,GGL1TCHB0Y,Glitch,harmfuldillon1,IDontWantToDiie,IDontWantToDie,JavaJar,KingSlme,KingSlime,KingSlmeMC12345,LOLTooka,Tooka,JuiceyPlayz123,M0DIFIER,numb,DripAcquired,OhSad,Pj772,Raidse,xraidse,RyanguyYT,setinal,Setinals,Swimfan72,xSwedeachu,tachy,ItsTachy,Oreologist,VelqtePvP,Unrusting,Wicholaloo,Bichomaloo,Wichomaloo,Wqrro,xBlyqt,xernah,asitkiller,asit,babelv,littleschitt,babyylevel,Fipzi,DesiredWolf,Desired,DesiredWolfy,HeyItzKillerMC,xWilliqm7w7,NigerianRacks,Aweigs,ShElD0nMC,SheldonMC,audi,Audimatics,FriteQc,kuxiz,kuxizYT,Patinal,EJUKAD,bll9,SoyMaGames,Talkey,xTalkey,TalkeyVI,Taquillo,xTaquillo,iMwaaT,ReachIsToggled,Pedalvael,Pedalvael7654,RareChernobyl,XsLightningsX,wsot,zDksss,Shappel,TinchoCR,CustomKB,yunghesu,mgnarsha,Leqked,wxlked,Drqgs,NotEnsar,ItsTreathz,Void2Stepping,Tybze,reaqxrs,pumpd,Daequaqn,FoulDrip,LeoMaster60MC,Trysten,Trystennnnnn,TecnoRod,P0TIONSTATUS,POTI0NSTATUS,P0TI0NSTATUS,PotionStatus,tookyouregirl,fullsendegirl,EGIRLSLAYER2,ShortyNO,HoneyJae,HcneyJae,BirdoCalled,Fazed,TheFazedUltra04,ClownTap,Rememory,Rememoryyy,StopPotting,PackPorted,PackBundle,Cashanovva,sleepwalkinqqq,SilverBlood,xJqsh,xWqki,iiTaliyah,ChxmpVI,ChaqsXP,RestartFU,RoyaleXI,SharpnessXII,recoist,Hulcuh,Huncho,xvqle,Fifoka,Fifoka45,Fifoka46,FifokaBlinds,Strqfx,TDBClient,Lyreoz,Peaqhy,UknowPManchi,Manchi,PManchi,Medic,W10GANGZ,Skind,Sosa,Snipez,1400,1500,400,300,bedrock texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani client,coffee client,cnd client,cnd,eclipse client,eternium,eternium client,infernus client,moon client,nitr0,nitr0 client,quadrix,quadrix client,strike… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Guess Baby’s Age in Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Guess Baby's Age in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Sypher gamer on 2024-02-08 06:30:07. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:36 or 5556 seconds. Certainly! Crafting adventures and building dreams in the pixelated world of Minecraft! 🌍🎮 Join me, [SYPHER GAMER]on an epic live streaming journey as we dive into the endless possibilities of this sandbox masterpiece. 🔨 *Title: [AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)]* 🌟 Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Live! | [SYPHER GAMER] 🕹️ *Gameplay Highlights:* 🏰 Embark on a quest to create breathtaking… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!

    Barnava Gaming - 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live: Epic gameplay, challenges, and memes on our 24/7 server! || Live Minecraft 😱🔥’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-04-09 05:42:49. It has garnered 194 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:31 or 4771 seconds. 🔴Minecraft Live: Epic gameplay, challenges, and memes on our 24/7 server! || Live Minecraft 😱🔥 #survivalhouseminecraft #virel #episode2 #Minecrafttutorial 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=wq2igapqk7lx&utm_content=o22km2w ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCau4Rs-tvAtE23sjFFfKkcA/join ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: https://discord.gg/crBXKxqdTJ 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/barnavagr/ I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe… Read More

  • Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13

    Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13Video Information This video, titled ‘Birchwood still Growing! Minecraft Bedrock Members Season 2- Session 13’, was uploaded by Skyhurricane on 2024-05-29 03:46:56. It has garnered 93 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:45 or 16065 seconds. We continue more land development at Birchwood, aiming to make it a seat of power in the world! We have 3 Minecraft Bedrock 24 hour servers! More info below: *Freedom Server- Just simply join our discord (type in verification how you found the discord and we’ll get you verified) and then the IP address and port are pinned in the… Read More

  • My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱

    My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘[Once Human] Rumahku jadi rumah Minecraft :O【Verin Varenya | VTUBER ID】’, was uploaded by Verin Varenya Ch. on 2024-07-21 07:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SEA PVE-20 Send me coffee Local: https://trakteer.id/verinvarenya International: https://sociabuzz.com/verinvarenya … Read More

  • Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft game

    Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Jujutsu Kaisen as Jogo. (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Xerlios on 2024-07-30 14:00:50. It has garnered 1448 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. Join me on the ultimate Minecraft adventure as we explore the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with the formidable character Jogo! Together, we will face off against the toughest creatures in Minecraft using this incredible mod inspired by Jujutsu Kaisen. Alt account: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCALjcwpktfn8AxBXIe9WiIA Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/xerlioss-sorcery-fight Discord server: https://discord.gg/Sbfh4yq8VP Kinetic Hosting Code Xerlios for a discount: https://billing.kinetichosting.net/aff.php?aff=847 Tags: #game #gameat #jujutsukaisen #minecraft Read More

  • Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie Apocalypse

    Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie ApocalypseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa 2. Zombie Apocalypse #peppapig #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Mushroom Rain on 2024-08-24 07:59:49. It has garnered 3062167 views and 43462 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Spectre SMP- Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Hermitcraft-esque, 1.21, Mature, Community

    Spectre SMP – Join Us for Collaborative Minecraft Fun! Spectre SMP is a vanilla 1.21 SMP inspired by Hermitcraft. We offer a friendly community for friends to play Minecraft together and create amazing projects! What We Offer: Established, friendly community for collaboration Long-term world to spark creativity Diamond-based economy with emphasis on generosity We are looking for: Builders and redstoners Players who interact well with others Dedicated minds with impressive goals Active community members for meetings and discussions Server Specifications: Fabric 1.21 hosted in Europe Performance mods and minor recipe changes Faster minecarts and Simple Voice Chat Mail Mod, /nick,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Blink in Minecraft, RIP”

    “Don’t blink in Minecraft, or else you’ll end up like a mob in creative mode – non-existent!” Read More

  • Void Voyage: Minecraft’s 3-Year Tour

    Void Voyage: Minecraft's 3-Year Tour In the void I travel, after three years in Minecraft, Exploring new mods, with skills to outlast. You can find me on RuTube, Zen, and Twitch, Sharing Minecraft news, with a playful pitch. Join me on Discord, Viber, and more, For updates and fun, like never before. I’m ClaDiamond, your guide in this game, Crafting rhymes and stories, never the same. Read More

  • Minecraft: The Mind-Bending Edition!

    Minecraft: The Mind-Bending Edition! When you hear a creeper hissing but it’s just your hallucinations acting up again. Read More

  • Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games

    Jackbhaiya Goes Crazy Playing Games Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet and Fleet SMP Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players like GamerFleet and Fleet SMP come together to showcase their skills, entertain audiences, and create unforgettable moments. The Fleet SMP Universe Within the Fleet SMP universe, players like FleetBhai, DevBhai, and Lilyvill SMP navigate through challenges, build magnificent structures, and engage in epic battles. The end of Fleet SMP marked a significant chapter in this virtual world, leaving fans eagerly anticipating what comes next. Jackbhaiya’s Mental Case… Read More

  • Sneaky Wizard in Minecraft Siege Battle!

    Sneaky Wizard in Minecraft Siege Battle! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a world where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment filled with endless possibilities. Discover the World of Minecraft Step into the shoes of a blocky character and explore a world teeming with resources, creatures, and mysteries waiting to be uncovered. From lush forests to treacherous caves, Minecraft offers a diverse range of biomes to traverse and conquer. Build Your Dreams With a variety of… Read More

  • SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft’s BIGGEST firefly!

    SHOCKING: CringyGull unleashes Minecraft's BIGGEST firefly!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building Minecraft’s LARGEST firefly’, was uploaded by CringyGull on 2024-08-22 11:22:05. It has garnered 8676 views and 652 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:23 or 7103 seconds. In this stream, i’m continuing in my main Hardcore world, come and vibe with me! If you donate $20USD, I’ll sing a song on either the guitar or ukulele, your choice 😀 You can donate via sending a Super Chat 🙂 If you prefer to use Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/cringygull Wanna play Minecraft with your friends for a discounted price of 25% off? Head to https://bisecthosting.com/Cringy and use… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Unveiled!

    Minecraft's Darkest Secret Unveiled!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Cave: Minecraft’s Darkest Secret Revealed!’, was uploaded by Vidvid on 2024-08-13 15:34:41. It has garnered 17 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:00 or 120 seconds. Cursed Cave, Minecraft Horror, Minecraft Story, Minecraft Mystery, Scary Minecraft, Minecraft Lore, Short Horror Story, Minecraft Secrets, Minecraft Exploration, Creepy Minecraft, Minecraft Shorts, Horror Gaming, Minecraft Myths, Spooky Minecraft, Gaming Horror Read More

  • INSANE! Minecraft AutoClicker 4k!?

    INSANE! Minecraft AutoClicker 4k!?Video Information This video, titled ‘IM BACK! | Best Free Minecraft AutoClicker? | Akira Clicker | 4k’, was uploaded by TheAdam on 2024-10-02 14:27:48. It has garnered 263 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Download@theghostakira @ https://akiraghost.com Wanna buy MFA Accounts for cheap? https://discord.gg/mk58w3Um or dm notcrafting Get VaultCord for 10% off with my code “TheAdamYT” if you want to protect your server. My Discord: https://discord.gg/5BXSRKEb9d Tags / Ignore cheat montage best free alts accounts alt account gen generator thealtening the altening mcleaks leaks leak how to get free alts gameplay ranked… Read More

  • Emily’s Sheep Goes Rogue! | Minecraft Survival #6

    Emily's Sheep Goes Rogue! | Minecraft Survival #6Video Information This video, titled ‘My Sheep Is A Menace…| Survival Minecraft #6’, was uploaded by Emily’s Wrld on 2024-03-01 06:56:02. It has garnered 2222 views and 151 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:44 or 1964 seconds. Please subscribe if haven’t yet and like the video if you liked the video! It really helps out with the channel 🙂 Other places you can find me: TikTok: @em1lys.wrld Instagram: @em1lys_wrld Read More

  • Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viral

    Insane Minecraft jumps at Paithan RG! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft jumping park #viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Paithan RG on 2024-08-22 09:20:04. It has garnered 2170 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #minecraft, #minecraftmod, #minecraftanimation, #minecraftmyanmar, #minecraftchallenge, #minecraftbut, #minecraftroleplay, #minecrafttagalog, #minecraftsmp, #minecraftbuilding, #minecraftmanhunt, #minecraft_khmer, #minecraft100days, #minecrafthindi Read More

  • Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraft

    Ultimate Castle Guide! Build a Starter Base 🏰 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple medieval Castle, for a starter base. #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-07-31 03:13:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts minecraft but minecraft memes minecraft meme memes funny memes meme tiktok funny … Read More

  • SHOCKING! Risu Reveals Mistakes on Twitter

    SHOCKING! Risu Reveals Mistakes on TwitterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Alasan Risu Kenapa Gaikutan Minecraft Hardcore.. “Kesalahan Melihat Twitter”‘, was uploaded by heikira on 2024-05-20 06:06:30. It has garnered 17505 views and 866 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:54 or 174 seconds. www Source 【M.M.M.】Monday Morning Malas : Welcome back Monday【Ayunda Risu】 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnlkH1Atfyo Talents @AyundaRisu #hololive #holoid #holoid03 #ayundarisu #holoen #holojp #vtuber #minecraft Read More

  • Dima’s Insane Minecraft Adventure!

    Dima's Insane Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft MMORPG Experience’, was uploaded by Dima on 2024-08-03 16:21:18. It has garnered 99482 views and 4892 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:17 or 617 seconds. Wynncraft mana usage can be quite a feat to overcome for me The BEST Minecraft Server You’ve Never Heard Of thumbnail by the brilliant https://x.com/meaniezucchini 🎵 Sounds ───────────────── ❱ Mice on Venus by C418 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdOD0fZs_XU ❱ Other music in this video provided by Fesliyan Studios under a Commercial License https://www.fesliyanstudios.com/ ✨ Extras ────────────────── ❱❱❱ Wynncraft IP: play.wynncraft.com ❱❱❱ SUPPORT THE CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8RHHyzHoXI3dB5zkebJuAg/join 🎭 Socials ────────────────── ❱… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viral

    UNBELIEVABLE! Building a Hindu Temple in Minecraft 😱🔥 #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Vickey Gamerz on 2024-01-12 16:20:24. It has garnered 3244 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #minecraftshorts #hindutemple #hindu #viral #shorts I Made A Hindu Temple 🤩🚩 || Minecraft Video #viral #shorts I made i sanatani temple in Minecraft i make a Hindu temple in Minecraft Minecraft But I made a Hindu temple Minecraft Jai shree ram temple #hashtags 🔦 #minecraft #minecraftfree #minecraftshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraft #minecraftvideo EQUIPMENTS ⚙️:- DEVICE :- OPPO… Read More

  • TheImladrisConclave SMP Modded Survival Whitelist

    Coming Soon! The Imladris Conclave – Survival Minecraft Server | 1.21 | MMOcore + MythicMobs Hey, Minecraft adventurers! We’re excited to share more details about our upcoming server, The Imladris Conclave! If you’re looking for a fresh, immersive survival experience with RPG elements and challenging gameplay, this is the server for you. We’re a small but passionate community looking for more players to join us in this grand adventure. What Makes Us Different: New Crops & Fishing Mechanics – We’ve added brand-new crops and overhauled fishing mechanics Expanded Copper Uses – Tired of copper just sitting in your chests? We’ve… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Movie Leaked Glimpses!I guess even in the Minecraft movie, leaked content can’t escape the post-credits scene! Read More

  • Rail Ride Rhythm: Minecraft Longplay Joyride

    Rail Ride Rhythm: Minecraft Longplay Joyride In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Join me on a rail ride, like a thrilling dream. No commentary needed, just the game in its glory, Crafting, building, exploring, that’s the Minecraft story. Follow me on Instagram, for more gaming delight, And on Facebook too, where we share our gaming might. Subscribe to my channel, for more videos to see, Craft Game Official, where we play with glee. So leap into the verse, where the story takes flight, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity ignites. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through time, In… Read More