100 Days of Hell in Hardcore Minecraft!

Video Information

Happy holidays everyone it’s the last video of 2023 so I figured let’s get into the season and spend 100 days in a winter wonderland the only problem is I’m not alone what I’ve installed a bunch of spooky mods and you know how badly I do with scary stuff so this one’s going to

Be fun not going to lie I’m panicking a bit right now what even and hey it might be a little late for the holidays but I’ve made two new brand new knit sweater designs both really representing the channel and probably the thing I most excited about a collaboration with Kyo Market to make

Scented candles that seem like the 100 Days videos you want to check them out they’re both available right now on the store or link down there in the description but now let’s get started and hope I don’t freeze my butt off day one and the start of this one is going

To be a little bit different different because I decided to make it even harder on myself I’m not only freezing to death I can’t punch trees with my fists so I grabbed myself a little bit of gravel getting some raw pieces bashing those off a rock and then heading over to

Where I could find some trees breaking leaves and getting very lucky with an early drop oh oh stick stick okay one two that’s the wrong knife I made the wrong knife okay so we had to reset a little bit there breaking more leaves hoping for a stick drop getting another

Piece of flint and crafting up the correct knife this time using that to cut a little bit of grass to get plant fiber to be able to make a flint axe to actually be able to chop some trees and I need to hurry that box in the corner

That’s me being immune to the temperature and that’s only going to last another 60 seconds at best so I killed a few sheep that I could find around both for food as well as wool because I’m going to need a lot of that making myself a wooden pickaxe and

Digging into the mountain trying to get a space that I’d be able to heat up relatively quickly or I’m going to freeze to death oh and you don’t get cobblestone you get rocks that you need to craft into Cobblestone first but I crafted that and then into a furnace

Using that and cooking up the meat to be able to generate the heat that I would need so that I can survive here I used the time I still had where I wouldn’t freeze going up for a bit more coal and getting some lucky finds no shot so I grabbed the waist

Stone killed another sheep that I had found here and then killed a snow cow thinking that it might drop me beef but just drops snow I mean I guess the name should be a bit of a giveaway but I was able to craft myself up the thing that I

Was going to depend on a lot in early game a campfire this constantly generates heat so I won’t freeze and I think my friends here enjoyed the warm temperatures as well you friendly you’re not going to try to eat me but with that done I grabbed myself some wooden ad

Door sealing myself in and as the climate clemency cleared try saying that three times fast you can see that little snowflake get used to saying it I’m going to freeze a lot in this playthrough the next morning I crafted up a few torches and it’s time to test

How far out I can go I ran across the river making it all of 30 blocks and was immediately freezing to death but we need things like sand because I need to drink water or to or else I don’t regenerate health so I grabbed three blocks ran my way back home taking m

Multiple ticks of freezing damage along the way and taking a few seconds to defrost so that’s something I’m going to need to keep in mind but that allowed me to smelt up enough glass for three bottles which allows me to drink water even though it’s potentially slightly

Toxic but as I was breaking the ice for water I saw a few items trapped in the ice and while the diamond was exciting what I was really excited for was the the leather chest plate I crafted myself up a second campfire thinking that I

Need more than one place to be able to warm up so I can actually go out and explore I tried testing One Direction and then kind of chickened out and headed back just going for across the river digging out a little pit into the side of the Hill here getting the

Campfire placed down and seeing what it would take to keep warm and it basically needs a roof and a mostly enclosed space with that done I did a little bit of mining downwards and a little bit more exploring outwards just trying to see what exists around here and what I could

Potentially use to build a better kit cuz if I only can make it about 50 blocks in One Direction it’s going to be a very long 100 days but I headed out punching any grass I could find trying to get both seeds and plant fibers so I

Could be able to craft up more stuff but it turns out I wasn’t alone here hello there well that’s a Pillager oh no I headed in the opposite direction and I found what I was looking for some flax which I can break to eventually craft up

A plant that I can craft into string and then wool I killed build a few of the chickens that I found here and then ran back to my campfires freezing my butt off oh my goodness I can make it so much further and if right now you’re thinking

Wow this is a really lucky run he’s getting everything he needs well allow me to quickly show you the seven times where I died without that man this is hard come on I’m in the close space this is too easy it kind of defeats the purpose I’m not going to lie no

Nope no and I wanted to take a second to thank this video’s sponsor red magic and their brand new red magic 9 Pro the red magic 9 Pro is a phone but not like other things you would see it’s focused on gaming with a bunch of features that

Really suit those of you who you know have games on your phone whether that’s a completely borderless and uninterrupted screen because the selfie camera and the fingerprint sensor are hidden underneath the super high rate of resolution the RGB everywhere or the shoulder Triggers on the sides that you

Can map to hit any space in any game to add a whole new level of control it’s powered by a dedicated Snapdragon 8 Generation 3 processor and 16 gigs of the fastest Ram you can put in a phone and the 11 layer cooling system will keep your phone cool despite all of the

Gaming that you’re doing and if you’re thinking oh great this will last like 20 minutes at full power right no it has a 6500 milliamp battery and with the game control features you can optimize for power performance or to save the battery when you’re out and about and only have

A few minutes that you want a game everything you have is integrated into the game Space on the phone with all of the settings and profiles set up for you so it makes things super easy I’ve been using this a lot to game with my kids or

To get some gaming in whenever I don’t get to be at my PC it’s really easy to jump into my realm with my daughter and yes she uses that much lava she’s going to be perfect for an anarchy server at some point in time in the future but

This thing is fast responsive and it looks really unique I love the All Glass flatb and just the presentation of it and the little RGB on it is just wonderful you can customize it to make it look like just yours and it’s definitely going to stand out against

Any other phone this phone just launched and it’s available right now so if you want to grab it use the link that I have down in the pinned comments once again thank you so much to Red magic for sponsoring this video and let’s get back into the action but I headed back out

Onto the Frozen River off to the left so I didn’t get shot by pillagers finding a few ruined structures right here that look like there’s some version of a witch hut I had to constantly Dodge back into the little alve I had made with the campfire heading off a little bit to

Explore that and running back and forth and back and forth so I don’t die but I eventually found a whole bunch of sweet berries which is huge it’s a nice early game food source that will allow me to just quickly spam just enough food to stay healed but the temperature the

Temperature is really getting to me right now I saw that over by where there was the pillagers there was a campfire there too so I figured it was maybe worth the risk grabbing a few of the hay bales and warming up by the campfire here allowing me to expand out the

Furthest that I’ve been and look at the map that’s maybe a grand total of 100 blocks but right now that is a major accomplishment and I was just grabbing myself some water to celebrate when I got jumped what’s going on what’s going on what’s going on oh one of

Those oh that’s a problem extricating myself from that situation I ran back to my little hole in the wall that I don’t feel confident calling a house just yet trying to figure figure out what I could do for food and then working my way up towards better armor I had a whole bunch

Of mushrooms so I dug a small area in the back finding a big Co vein that I Min out turning that space into a little dark growing area for some mushroom it’s going to be slow but it might be something then I saw a little message in

The chat you feel like something is chasing you and oh I am I am not alone what does that mean I’ll tell you what that means that means I’m scared scared I don’t feel comfortable in this situation why did I do this to myself but I kind of refused to go outside for

A little while that morning staying inside and expanding out the mushroom area so I was planting both but eventually I realized I needed to I made myself another campfire and headed off to where there was a patch of sand nearby putting the campfire down underneath the tree and thankfully that

Provides enough ambient warmth underneath the leaves that it will stop me from freezing to death I used being a little bit closer to better explore out the those sunken ruin areas getting a little bit of Glowstone from a block here and that will be useful because I

Can’t go to the nether in this pack I was also lucky enough to go find some salmon berries which is an even better fuel source than the sweet berries that I have and being able to now Hopscotch from campfire to campfire is making it that I can venture out and stay out a

Little bit longer I actually made my way all the way down to what feels like a fork in the river on this side seeing some animals that I would have to come back for later stopping over at the campfire and then returning and exploring those ruins a little bit

Further and a little bit more Inland from the riverbank finding a chest with some pretty interesting loot inside the extra water bottles are definitely going to be great the glow stone is useful and I’m freezing to death again oh god oh no I need to run to some fire if it wasn’t

Clear these early days in this pack are punishing and if you don’t have some setup you will likely freeze to death believe me I did it several times but just as punishing as it can be every now and then you get lucky oh here we Go but I ran back home with my additional loot in toe thawing myself out while crafting up a water purifier which would allow me to drink water that’s no longer Dirty River water it purifies things go figure but as I cooked up some purified water bottles I

Was looking out just trying to get a sense of what the mobs look like this pack has quite a bit in it so I’m not sure what’s going to take priority and there’s some interesting mobs that are definitely going to be a problem if I don’t keep on them every night case in

Point that graveyard mob right across the street that thing is cursed and corrupted and will hunt me down I made myself up a little bit of bread and some better weapons dealing with a few normal skeletons which are honestly pretty scary oh a Summoner and now you see why I can’t stay inside

The mobs persist they don’t burn in the daylight so if I’m not taking care of the threats around me they will be always present but with the two iron I had collected I crafted up some shears and headed over and sheared the sheep that was close by right now I’m mainly

Hanging around the Sheep just trying to get more wool from them but the weather had different ideas so I ran back into and blocked up my house for right now making sure that I was fully hydrated fully fed and fully spooked by the noises that I was hearing here oh I

Don’t like that I don’t like that at all but I used the time of staying mostly indoors to run across the street the river to my other base putting a door on that as well mining down a little bit more to the point where the campfire was no longer helping me and

Then running back home to get a quick nap the next morning I ran back across the river again to Shear the Sheep getting enough blocks of wool that I was finally able to craft my first pair of real thermal armor oh there we go that’s something

And with some W pants I crafted up a boat threw that down on the river and it was time to zoom I’m covering way more ground right now but it also feels like I’m potentially freezing a little bit faster maybe being in the boat makes me considered as in water which will make

Me freeze I’m not sure but now we had a much further out Waypoint with a campfire there and I was able to fight all of the animals well fight Slaughter all of the animals here for feathers meat and other things which I desperately needed but I’m more mobble

I’m more able and agile I’m shearing the Sheep whenever I see them again thinking I should really get them a little bit closer to the base but I don’t really have a way to do that just yet so I’m moving from campfire to campfire Up and Down the River seeing what’s really

Around here and getting an idea from my area instead of this tiny pocket that I had been surviving in so far it’s probably the least I’ve traveled in any of my 100 days to date minus maybe the one chunk world where I didn’t have the option to travel so this definitely is a

New and interesting experience for me I was once again freezing to death heading back into the house munching down on salmon berries and guzzling river water before heading out a little bit later in the night thinking maybe I can find some more sweet berries but what I really

Needed was a few bones that I could use to craft up some crops and the next morning I think I got more than what I had wished For well that’s massive see that’s my first few pieces of dark metal if I want to embrace the spooky and become a little bit more akin to the mobs that we’re going to see in this pack that’s going to be extremely essential for some of the higher tier upgrades but I

Finally had a piece of wheat that I had grown up so I headed across the river to lure the Sheep back over towards my house getting it a little bit closer so I could Shear it more frequently and get myself what I need so I won’t freeze I

Did end up with four pieces of wool which would allow me to make a pair of wool boots and now I’m in full wool and leather armor and I’m finally at least moderately protected from the elements with this I can Sail Out and cover far more ground I was sailing to just check

And see what my range was and it was already Maybe double or better what I had previously I made my way all the way over to a swamp area which I thought had a ton of wheat in it and I was super excited but it was just reads that broke

Into nothing so I boated back over the other way finding some more flax seeds and a giant mushroom which I was able to break up to get a few more brown mushrooms which would allow me to make some stews down the road I also swung and passed by this interesting dungeon

Looking structure and it was up on the surface so the spawner wasn’t too high of a light level to be able to spawn anything which wasn’t easy break grabbing and looting everything out of the chests here which is a bit more food some Redstone and some Gunpowder all

Good finds there was also some bones just kind of sitting on the floor and some emeralds if I wanted to do some capitalism but being in full armor meant that at least in the daytime I can be out as long as I visit a campfire every

Now and then I can safely explore this area and I can finally actually start venturing out into the wild world but it’s not going to protect me from any mobs so nighttime is super dangerous so I started cooking some rotten flesh which would allow me to turn that into

Leather so I’d be able to craft up some better armor and survive the metal armors would all conduct the cold a little bit better and pull heat away from me leather is basically the best I can do for a long while but as I was taking my notes a blue moon Rose which

Meant that I was a little bit luckier if I happen to kill any mobs right now I’d basically have an extra looting level if I opened any chests I’d find better things but unfortunately the cold was going to prevent me from doing either of

Those and I had to call it a night early the following morning I am zooming my way in ice boating covering as much ground as possible in whatever little stints and excursions I can go out in I found some stone brick ruins around here and like any good Minecrafter

Immediately demolished and dug into anything that I found that was interesting seeing some potential base locations that looked pretty cool that mountain would be sick to base into but as I headed down the river I found a second waystone which was huge working my way back over and finding a whole

Herd of sheep over the mountain here which is going to allow me to get a whole lot more wool but I headed over that and Beyond trying to push my limits seeing just how far I could go with Way Stone in hand I felt I could even warp

Home if necessary make this a oneway trip so I just continued pushing finding a sunken ship here another wayist Stone and some massive come UPS Oh mama that helmet has thermal tuning it’s basically an insulation enchant which greatly increases my range even further now I’m going to be able to go out and explore and actually conquer this world instead of just jumping from campfire to campfire I looted the remainder of a

Chest got robbed by a seagull which is the worst mob I am so glad it was not part of the mob vote I would have killed it but I made my way to where the buried treasure was and this is going to be a problem if I started getting into the

Water I’m going to start freezing to death so I had to very carefully mine my way down block up the water around me to drain it and then headed down to where the chest was itself unfortunately it was exposed to water I was off by one so

I had to get a little splashy but it was definitely worth it Oh my goodness there’s so much stuff with my pockets very full I continued a very long walk over the mountains through the woods to my hole in the wall I go but as I stepped out onto the ice I was reminded oh yeah this is a spooky mod pack the following

Morning there were some very festive zombies and a few skeletons chilling out on the river that I had to deal with and clear but I needed to increase my storage size as I had collected far too much treasure and didn’t really have a place to put it I made sure to keep

Myself hydrated while chopping down trees because a healthy supply of wood is going to keep me alive both in shelter as well as fuel charcoal is probably my best bet I’m not going to be able to go mining for some time but basically sticking on the surface I saw

A fur tree over here which looks basically like a Christmas tree and this feels thematically appropriate so I spent a good portion of the day just chopping that down and the thermal tuning helmet came in clutch here cuz it’s more than enough time to fully chop

This down and I have more than a stack full of wood so I’m pretty set on supplies for the near future once I decide to actually move out of the hole in the wall base I’m actually going to have the materials to build a base a proper structure to survive in and

That’s going to be nice so I was feeling emboldened I was feeling like I had a really good shot so I decided to go over and take on that Pillager that had Blinded Me oh my God I did not think that through oh my God I did not think that

Through I thought I could just take him I canot take him I’m not going to lie that’s a little bit embarrassing I spent the rest of the day just kind of in the house licking my wounds eating fish and drinking water shame so much shame so

The next morning I grabbed some food and water and I remembered that I had left my boat down the river when I went on my little Excursion a few days ago so I ran down the river to go get it I know I could have just crafted another but this

Boat is mine there are many like it but this one is mine but instead of heading home directly I figured I’m already out here I’m on the ice I got my boat let’s do a little bit of exploring I sailed around finding a staircase down to a zombie Crypt underground which I know

Could have a whole bunch of loot but my normal strategy of using water won’t work down there in these temperatures so I marked it and then continued looking around finding a little snowy bridge and then a ruined nether portal and like I said I can’t go to the nether in this

Mod pack so this is my only shot I was really hoping for a bit of lava right here that would have been huge but I struck out there was however a nearby structure a pretty wellb built out one that had a few zombies guard guarding it around the area but some really decent

Supplies within there was some cakes a little bit of food water some campfires storage space this seemed like the perfect opportunity to potentially take up residence here maybe wonder why the house is abandoned who had put it here in the first place and why there was so

Much stuff up in the attic but those are all questions that I can ask myself later after I had basically moved in I headed over to check out the tower close by here finding a few spawners that I had to mine my way around and checking

Out what everything was in the chests it was a whole bunch of food and a few weapons arrows and ammunition definitely stuff that would come in useful I fought my way through all of the levels breaking spawners whenever I could but I heard that Telltale crack of armor

Breaking and it turns out my boots had really disappeared they only have about 13 durability to them so I’m not surprised even a remotely basic fight is probably enough to ruin them so I grabbed whatever I could out of the chest right here fighting a zombie with

The door and breaking my sword on their face but there were more of the eyes in the darkness just staring out and watching at me so I ran into the nearby house and decided to sleep here next morning I thought let’s do a little bit more checking in the area

There was what looked like a potentially ruined portal right outside of the base it had a bunch of crying obsidian so if I need that for the future that’s where I’ll get it but without my boots I’m starting to freeze to death almost immediately and being outside again

Again almost like if you step on snow it’s cold I hid in the fireplace making myself a simple pair of basic leather boots hoping that that would do the trick and using a bit of the leather that I found here to craft myself up a canteen one of these holds five drinks

Of water so it’s much more inventory efficient I headed into the woods finding another structure of this little area and it turned out to be some sort of Armory there’s a bunch of blast furnaces coal iron and some armor hid hidden inside and while the first floor

Was very freezing the second was a little bit more temperate with some food and supplies hidden inside there and the attic I grabbed whatever I could out of the chests and then saw amazingly lava in the furnace directly out front of the structure I immediately made myself a bucket and grabbed that

This is going to carry me through this 100 days kicking or Screaming most likely both let’s be honest but with a whole bunch in my pocket right now I dropped off a bunch of stuff in the chests there at the house and then sailed my way over trying to ice boat

For a bit and then having to run over the mountain and thankfully whenever you’re freezing you can just hold a bucket of lava and be warm be perfectly fine actually not burst into flames or anything Minecraft makes so much sense but I made my way over the mountain over

Towards my hole in the wall and slept there and believe me when I say it this lava is going to make me survive oh my goodness it does work if I hold lava I’m fine which is a weird sentence but with way better temperature controls way better in the way of

Maintaining fluids I headed over towards the house popped on another waist Stone here which immediately makes a marker for myself and then just took a look around what was here trying to see what was in the area there was this ruin structure relatively close nearby that basically just had a whole bunch of

Rotten flesh and a hoe inside that can be turned into Leather So it’s useful and I went over and just double checked that the ruin portal didn’t have anything but I did see the very top of a Pillager Outpost off in the distance so I went to head over to there checking

Out all of the contents of the chest on the roof there and leaving the golems and other mobs to kind of fend for themselves because I didn’t want to die they were really hurting me oh no they’re following me I was able to give all the pillagers

The slip running back towards what is becoming my new home and doing a little bit of inventory management it’s going to take a while to organize everything as these things are very messy and there is a ton in this mod pack we haven’t even gotten into cooking yet y’all it’s

About to get really complex but that night I just wanted to see what roughly would spawn it was snowing so snow layers were accumulating everywhere and it was spooky it was quiet too quiet a lot of Enderman the next morning I took a bit of the iron that I had been

Hoarding to this point making myself a sword and pickaxe and smelting up some wood into coal to be able to make a whole bunch of torches because it’s time to head over and take on the Crips I know they’re called bath houses or something in the actual I just love

Calling them the Crips because it feels like that it definitely works now there’s a whole bunch of zombies here they’re a lot smarter they’re a lot harder to fight and I need to be very very careful because I need to also manage temperature on top of everything

Else but I was able to clear the zombies in the very first room breaking the spawner here in the center of the house and then mining down the pillars for andesite because Stone turns into the rocks and blocking off all of the downward staircases for right now and

The loot was already wonderful but the Vibes weren’t exactly great oh what was that so I headed down a little bit deeper trying to work towards one of the first spawners get it disabled but I immediately got Overrun what is that wait what did they turn into what can I not use lava to kill zombies oh no it took a few seconds outside to catch my breath recover and think you know what maybe this was not a good idea but I needed what was down there I just

Got forced back down into the fight I ended up actually noping my way out and blocking that off heading down an entirely separate staircase thinking maybe I could find another area that’s not connected to the lava zombies that I just made and lucky for me I was able to

Find some isolated tunnels that I was able to slowly work my way through block off and break any spawners that I found there’s a bunch of iron armor some name tags other loot some potatoes and food and that I’m not going to find anywhere out in the wild right now but there was

A ton of zombies and if left unchecked they’ll multiply so I kind of had to push my luck so I dug my way through to towards where the zombies were a little one by one tunnel so I had to deal with the kids but I was able to keep all of

The adults especially specifically the lava ones away from direct contact and work my way through burning them all down the magma zombie dropped magma blocks which is going to come in very handy as it’s going to allow me to heat up areas with just passive heat generation and having it in my inventory

Would allow me to keep myself a bit warmer but I was able to check out some areas down here which had potions and other ingredients that I would need to get but I had to come back for that as I was out of both water and food and I had

To run my way back up to the surface just barely dodging a creeper jumping in the boat and heading back towards the house I inadvertently trapped a door zombie in the boat bashing them down and then a corpse that turned into a skeleton heading inside and not thinking

About my roommate while going to sleep the following morning I’m just piling books up on the table I’m dealing with my roommate they forgot to pay rent and maybe they give me a pearl they didn’t but that grass block will be useful I boed my way back over towards the zombie

Crips and it’s time to go at this again I’m being a little bit smarter I’m not making lava Zombies by dumping lava on their heads but I’m just fighting my way through slowly and meticulously getting from chest to chest and spawner to spawner and it was going well until it

Wasn’t just a few zombies around the corner in a way I wasn’t expecting and I was pincered between two groups getting bounced back and forth and with very little armor I’m at a heart and a half and I just blocked myself up they can dig though so I need to be careful I

Continued blocking my way up and then just started mining away from them hoping that I could outpace them and I was able to with a little bit of luck kind of run circles around them making my way to another tunnel that was not a zombie infested up another set of stairs

That was thankfully open still and then up to the surface and that was a very close call that was almost super bad whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that what was that oh no oh I don’t like it ah no

No and as if if that wasn’t spooky enough as I made my way back home a Blood Moon started to rise now as much as I would love to not deal with this stay inside the house that is a loser’s proposition if enough mobs accumulate around me they’re going to be able to

Dig in towards me they’re going to be able to climb on top of each other to come find me so instead I headed out grabbing some dark metal pieces from the mobs that I was fighting and just feeling a little overwhelmed thankfully we’re not not at that point yet and a

Nightmare stalker would basically kill me in one hit so I was able to kill it through the door very carefully because that is the only way to survive right now I cleared a few more mobs seeing another set of glowing eyes which freaked me out at first and then

Realized he was trapped in a boat so I was able to bop that one down without too much trouble but more mobs kept running in there’s these giant corrupted corpses these monsters that would climb up out of the ground void creepers that multiply when you hit them for the first

Time but the children the children were probably the scariest thing I utilized my tactical boating wherever possible fighting a few more copies of the born in chaos mob accidentally getting cursed by one of them which was another jump scare waiting to happen but I have to be

Very careful here using a lava bucket whenever I can to warm myself back up while fighting throughout the whole night and I did have to fight through the whole night all the way into the morning where I thought maybe I can cure myself myself I made myself a bucket had

To fight for one of the Juggernaut mobs killing them for some more supplies and then went to go milk one of the snow cows and it turns out they give powdered snow so that freezes you almost instantly upon holding it so I wasn’t able to deal with the

Curse the jump scare happened and thankfully I knew what was going to happen here having remembered Horror Island so I was able to fight off all of the ghosts get a few spirits and seeing a very Lively guest right outside of my home they had cantaloupe which is huge

For me that is a really powerful food source well drink Source well kind of both source and it’s going to be very hard to grow it in this climate so I bought their entire stock everything I could afford that is extremely useful that is going to make survivability a lot more manageable and

I figured let’s take a look at what exactly I have in the way of supplies to be able to work up to some better armor so I could actually survive a fight or two and speaking of survival the best way to do that was to consolidate resources so I headed over towards the

Tower to pick up all the seeds and food and different crops that were over here this Tower was stocked for a Siege from the looks of it so there’s quite a bit of food and I’m just going to need to make an environment where I’d be able to

Actually grow it I grabbed a few of the bricks from the upper level here which I would be able to use to turn into a cooking surface heading over to the Armory building and consolidating all of the supplies out of that as well filling my pockets and heading back trying to organize food

From blocks from Treasure and just have some semblance of organization in this base the next morning I ice booed my way over towards the Crips heading back down to collect a little bit more Loot and trying to get to that potion room I had seen thankfully not as many zombies had

Spawned this time around and I was was able to get in there grabbing a whole bunch of Soul Sand a brewing stand but unfortunately no Nether wart in the chests and that’s going to be a problem cuz I can’t go to the nether but as I mined all that up and started heading

Towards other chests oh the loot was good today oh yes that’s massive oh and with hobron jump scaring me whenever felt like it I also had to worry about the zombies that were underneath me because they were starting to dig up if I fell down into that mob I

Was almost certainly dead but I also couldn’t just leave them there so I dug down to see kind of roughly where they were and then headed out and around through another staircase trying to get behind them and block them off to be able to take out the mob without having

To worry about dropping down into them I did eventually find The Horde staying back keeping my distance using an axe to crit every everybody out and H kind of getting pinched in a corner at one point in time I actually had to run through all of the zombies getting down to about

Half health and just booking it oh I saw you I saw you again but it was getting late I was getting cold and I really needed to get home did they steal my stairs but I couldn’t sleep I mean I wonder why and I had to head outside and fight that

Nightmare stalker that was just outside my base and thankfully I was able to take it out without too much trouble the next day I’m just doing a little bit of work around the house it’s starting to snow a lot more which means that we have quite a bit to deal with

And the ice here the holes in the lake are going to be a problem with my ice boating if I just continue to let them be so I broke all of the grass so that that would start to freeze over putting water in and through this area freezing

To death while doing it but fixing all the water knowing that it would freeze over and I’d have a safe Runway again but I cleaned out more of the different areas around here and just cleared the Shrubbery so that I didn’t have to worry about as much actually just a little

Behind the scenes I broke my mod pack right here for a little bit which is why you’re seeing things like floating grass I tried a different optimization mod which turned off one of my mods which uh from here till the rest of the 100 days I had so many crashes it was insanely

Frustrating but we’ll it’ll get fixed in a little bit the next morning all of those stairs that had disappeared I thought it was cuz of Herobrine it was because I broke the mods I ran over towards the Armory building near the house grabbing a whole bunch of stairs

From there to repair the damage to the roof so that it was actually covered and I wouldn’t have snow piling up right in front of my house from there I was just recouping on water putting down torches to fix the glitch ground that was in front of the base and making myself a

Brand new water purifier so I could once again purify water here at home but we are are halfway through spring at this point and at some point in time especially in the later Seasons we’re not going to be able to grow food anymore so I have to start working on

That now if I’m going to survive the winter so I started working on building a little Greenhouse structure that I can cover up warm up inside and grow crops in safely and as I was continually freezing and running inside I noticed that my hat was almost broken oh my

Goodness I just realized that would have been deast dating I’m pretty sure thermal tuning is the only reason why I am still alive but I’m also thinking we probably need to represent appropriately making a blue beanie just like my friend with that productive day behind me the

Following day I’m continuing to work on the greenhouse area I set up all of the logs used fur planks for all of the walls considering you know that feels a little bit more festive and then thought why don’t I go with snow for the roof you can actually craft snow into snow

Bricks which are better for insulation and they’re insanely cheap there are literally infinite resources as far as the eye can see so I set up a very simple pitched roof made out of the snow blocks on top of this little Greenhouse I basically have to offhand the lava

Though to not constantly be freezing to death which is extremely dangerous while building because right click if you’re not careful or if you run out of blocks puts the lava down at your feet and believe me I did that quite a few times but honestly that was a simple day just

Doing a little bit of building making myself like a little Igloo a little greenhouse and one nice calm day in this very scary spring well maybe we do another day cuz day 20 I’m heading out collecting sand for glass so that I can set up Windows for the greenhouse and

Fully contain it so that way it will keep all the warmth possible in I’m heading around to all the different beaches that I could find and I remembered oh I had a whole bunch of sand so I warped over to the hole in the wall that I had left previously first

Grabbing a whole bunch of wood I needed a bunch more Spruce to continue the trimming around the structure to make sure that it all really kind of fit together and then heading out looking for sand I knew I had left some somewhere I actually ended up over at

That witch hut that I had abandoned some 20 odd days ago finding the resident trapped inside and making sure to do a little survey with my axe you know asking them some questions but with the additional Spruce on hand I was able to finish the building and set myself on

Fire just like I told you I did several several times and that was another relatively straightforward day the following day I’m just trying to wrap that up putting in really nice decorative versions of all of the window panes getting them all into place putting down some water and water

Logging some stairs so it would be impossible for that to freeze tilling the ground and starting to plant a whole bunch of seeds so that I can get everything going I also put down some magma blocks here I’m pretty sure based based off of what I read with the mod

That that will help with the growing and we’re going to put some campfires on there as well to make sure everything stays warm inside of the building and I had a guest come by to comment on my work go away go away no no no no no no no no

No get that out of here but I did a quick test to make sure that building would retain heat thankfully it does and then dropped the last campfire up on the upper floor of my house to make sure I would no longer be freezing when I Slept all right get back Here a I was ready to fight what we do for a fight oh I’m going to regret that aren’t I I am almost certainly going to regret that I started by purifying a little bit of water making myself some new wool boots which will help me maintain heat a

Little bit better and then thought it’s time to actually start eating well bread is only going to get me so far but I need to make a cooking pot for that first I made a stove dropping that down which will now heat the bottom floor of

This house 100% of the time and then I need to head out searching for some clay oh go I hate it I hate it I hate it yes I do Panic paus whenever I get jump scared it just helps hey if you could stop time and you got scared you do it

Too okay but I eventually found a few clay blocks able to get that home to make the bricks that would allow me to make a cooking pot and I could start into the actual proper foods that exist in this mod I made myself a pan and while it would be useful for bashing

People if Rapunzel taught me anything I’m mainly just going to use it for cooking boring I know get out of here Nope oh I hate it oh and then the giggling over here is a problem too I busted down Herobrine’s signs I am not having this and decided to use it to keep track of the days without spooky I’ll go back and edit that whenever it happens to change off

Of zero and you know how I said I was going to regret saying that I was overdue for a fight a Blood Moon rose and a whole bunch of mobs are going to start spawning in my area and worse yet it started to snow so I wasn’t going to

Be able to stand out here without holding that lava bucket in my off hand now it’s not entirely bad some of the dark metal and really Bor in chaos mobs were spawning and I needed the supplies from there if I wanted to progress in this pack but the eyes the eyes eyes are

What you have to be careful about especially in the snow they move fast when you can’t see them where’ you go I saw you oh come on I saw you but I fought through a good portion of the night only set myself on fire once directly out front of my house

And I’m going to burn this place down if I’m not careful but once I was out of water and at half health I just kind of camped in side and hoped the blood moon would pass it was still early in this 100 days so that’s a viable strategy but

It will not stay that way for forever day 23 I increased the gooey size a little bit I meant to do that at the start of the video so sorry if you had to squint to see what I was doing at the very beginning but it’s time to get into

Proper cooking first I turned some of the bread into toast because you can do that and then I grabbed a whole bunch of bone meal from all of the mobs that I had been fighting to go out and grow the crops every everything is slower here in

The Eternal winter but even more so when stuff is out of season at least in Spring and some of the later Seasons crops just won’t grow they’re going to break so I need to stockpile food now and stockpiling food probably includes food with legs so I started making

Myself another structure just some very simple wooden posts and some snow walls around which would contain the mobs inside trying to set up a very simple roof of wood that I could lure mobs over to here and I think Herobrine was excited with my determination to survive

This 100 days he kind of came and told me so oh God but through the rest of the day I got the animal pen basically set up had to deal with a few eyes that were chasing me in the darkness oh that’s concerning but when I went to go sleep I couldn’t monsters

Were nearby so I did a little bit more fighting finding a sheep just kind of chilling out here by a tree and leading that back towards the pen my very first real animal and since I was already out I just kept going through the night despite whatever would

Happen oh come on getting to Pig’s home right as it rolled over to day 25 where I wanted to continue this and just see if I could stockpile and start setting up a proper Farm as we were approaching summer I found two chickens and then a third getting them all leads and getting

Them stuck in accidentally burning one to death with the lava you know as you do but I was quickly able to replace them starting to breed animals together so that I could start working on some high protein diet but I remembered seeing some cows over by the Pillager

Outpost so I ran off in that direction leading all of the cows and then having to run away from all the pillagers of crossbows does this make me a cattle wrestler I think it might technically make me a a cattle wrestler but I was

Able to get most of the cows in at the cost of one of my sheep burn calling it a night as we moved into the final day of spring here I’m first just trying to take care of all of the animals I’m purifying some water so that I can drink

A little bit more may myself a second canteen to be able to double up on my water supply and then warped over to the hole just grabbing the final bit of supplies from over there as I pretty sure this is one of the last times I used the waist Stones as they’re about

To get way more expensive but I stopped piled all of my food over on one side of the house and I really have a decent bit but not enough to last me 75 days so I’m going to need to act fast during summer but it was as I was doing all of this

Organization that I noticed something about the house I’d been living in for the past few weeks wait a second wait a second oh there’s something down here oh there’s something down here oh that was almost really bad and there’s beehives I wonder protection three oh that’s so

Good that’s so good how did I not notice this I just going put that back I can’t I can’t believe I didn’t notice that I’ve been living here for 25 days well 20 days took me a while to find this place but that’s massive as I headed out

I wanted to make sure that the greenhouse would actually work well and I was concerned that the snow roof might not be considered an actual insulating block by all of the mods I’m not sure how well they work together so I built a quick interior roof for that and then

Right to end the season perfectly a super Harvest Moon rose that meant all crops would triple their yields which was huge for me trying to stockpile so I grabbed all of the bones that I had converted all of that to bone meal and then spent quite a while just growing

All of the crops I had carrots potatoes and wheat they were all slightly out of season but thankfully with bone meal you can force the growth at least right now oh and with jump scares aside I just exhausted my entire supply of bone meal went in to drop that off and then fought

Off a few mobs around the base seeing multiple pairs of glowing eyes and being afraid if it was Nightmare stalkers or skeletons or raccoons and I have way too many mods with glowing eyes in this pack oh it’s a thing isn’t it but I kept kiting mobs around on the ice for a

Little while dealing with those directly around my base before heading upstairs and calling it a night as we moved into our second season and with that it was the start of our first season change we’re going to have three of these every 25 days and each one comes with new

Rules and additions to the world so let me in the past explain okay welcome to summer so I fixed the mod pack the like the stairs are back now and that’s all good but it’s going to be a little bit warmer there’s going to be a little bit more Daylight like

Days are slightly longer and most importantly our food can grow so we need to do everything we can to grow all of this as much as possible as quickly as possible cuz if we don’t stockpile food for the winter we are most likely going

To die so this is going to be tricky and we need to get to work so we have a lot to do but I figured the first thing I need to do is defend myself a little bit better and I crafted up a staff of infinite arrows this will allow me to

Have range combat without the very very limited bow shots I currently can do I grabbed myself a little bit of water bred up the animals slaughtered a few and took them inside chopping that up into Hamburg ERS and then seeing what I can cook with that including some very

Nice beef stew which is going to feed me immensely better than what I could previously I converted some of the milk into bottles and I use that to make some stuffed baked potatoes as well so I’m going to be eating good and with that in my pocket let’s actually go out and

Exploring it’s a little bit warmer so I don’t need to worry about holding my lava bucket all the time especially not out in the daytime I made my way over to a nice little bricked ruined building that I found seeing some treasure in a few of the spots but the bookcases were

Nice that was the main thing I wanted to grab but this is part of what I’m looking for these are these small little wild melons which you can go out and grab and they are an excellent food and drink Source down the road so I’m going

To make sure to grab all of those and they happen to be by a grave which are just kind of sitting here I mean I had to open it you know I had to open it nearby that grave was a signpost which is pointing off to a nearby Village and

A spooky looking pumpkin which I pushed the big red button and broke it oh no no no no oh no so this is pumpkin jack and it’s one of the bosses of born in chaos and I didn’t know that okay I never dealt with that back on the Shipwreck

Island so I have to be very careful here because damage is pretty good and as the sun is starting to go down I’m starting to freeze so I had to deal with the floating pumpkins that would just slowly drift towards me as well as as the horsemen themselves and when you do

Enough damage to knock them off their horse yeah it turns into two bosses instead of one so I’m just trying to out heal the incoming damage at this point between the horse the lightning and the explosions I use all my food I accidentally even put my lava down which

Was causing me to start freezing to death having to run around and bucket that back up and thank goodness I made a staff of infinite arrows before this fight cuz there is no way I can take it on in melee I ended up setting myself on

Fire just to avoid freezing using a gold Apple to regenerate that Health back considering I couldn’t because I was almost out of water as well eventually I did enough damage to the boss that I knocked their head off and they kept coming at me it’s literally the Headless

Horseman’s origin story that you have to deal with right now so I was able to kill the body through critting it out enough and then eventually with great effort take out the head that dropped a soul saber a fail lamp and a staff of pumpkins three amazing artifacts which

Are going to be so useful I cleaned up all of the little straggler mobs that had gathered around throughout all this fight and plopped down the sleeping bag to just take a nap here in the woods the following day I took stock of my spoils

The enemy so oh my goodness this is so powerful that is genuinely so powerful okay we need to get home so I ran back home accidentally stuck my flask down in the ice and then checked out what the pumpkin staff would do it’s basically portable bombs I found a few pieces of

Mutton sitting on the ground which told me that a wolf was somewhere nearby most likely but I headed into the house set myself on fire again because of course I did and dropped off the fail lamp and a few other supplies in the structure proper I purified my water up grabbed

Myself some leads and headed back to grab two more sheep that I had seen camping out behind my house the white on white with the snow makes them so hard to find so I’m grabbing them as soon as I can getting them into the pen took a

Decent bit of effort and there were a few escapes that I needed to eliminate getting those sheep inside the pen was a bit of a hassle and without any guarantee that I’d be able to find more passively spawning mobs anywhere close by I actually spent the time and effort to secure and move

Everybody back into the pen it’s like that three River Crossing problem as just everybody would keep escaping as soon as I brought new mobs in oh no I don’t have time for you right now but finally with great effort I was done look I’m not going to talk about

How moving animals cost me an entire Minecraft day you try it okay it’s not easy but I head back over the following morning in the direction that I just fought pumpkin head thinking I’ll continue along and head over to the village that I was pointed towards to

See what was available over there I saw the Watchtower first going and grabbing a little bit of food and supplies out of the chest inside checking inside the Cobblestone pile under it because of course you check underneath the pile underneath the tower that didn’t have

Much so I headed over to the village and I love these better Village mods which just make this feel a lot more alive like a true and proper City and there’s a lot of structures here and most importantly some replacement iron which I can pop on to fix my broken armor set

I registered and renamed the waist Stone just so that would be a little bit easier to identify and then checked in with all of the villagers and funny enough all of the villager names that you see on screen are supporters of the channel either YouTube members patrons

Or twitch Subs if you want to join their ranks I auto update that list for every hundred days that I do so everybody gets to be featured here but I grabbed the enchanted book out of the back of one of the tents it was only protection one but

It’s still Protection One grabbing a whole bunch of the wool here which I can turn into additional armor and checking out a nether portal that had bisected a house and I don’t know about you but this upper level just screamed secret door to me and thankfully I was right I

Might not have opened it in the way that they expected but I definitely opened it there’s a bunch of ingots on the walls and some diamonds and emeralds as well but honestly I was excited about the Pistons themselves because I don’t know of a way to get slime blocks at all in

This mod pack the following day with my pockets full of spoils from the village itself I ran all the way back over towards home seeing a few mobs along the way that I wanted to collect but I had some other things I needed to get first

I crafted up a few barrels and just other things because my food supply was starting to outp that single storage container which is definitely a good sign for long-term survival I planted all of the sweet berries that I had so that I could be growing those up throughout the seasons and then spent

Some time with the animals to make sure that I had more animals I then did a little bit of organizing up on the upper level moving things around getting that desk stuck into the AL Cove so I can set up a very basic enchanting setup inside this space there’s already a few

Bookcases here and it was just the right size but I ran out of time that night heading into the following day you’re just stuck in the window here for like ever you’re just chilling you’re my neighbor you’re my friend I need a name for my B friend

Right here please leave a name down in the comments cuz they’re just Windows XB right there is just chilling that’s not a good name I need a better name give me a better name but I took some time getting some leather to once again repair my helmet before that

Broke because I will die and then I found a protection 3 book from the pile and put that on the helmet as well I also crafted up some new wool boots as you do and these just don’t take the beating that this mod pack Tails but I

Took out the fell lamp and jumped on a very demonic horse to go riding out and exploring the area now being able to move much faster not needing to worry about my own hunger and thirst while on the move my range is greatly extended I

Headed down to what is the edge of the world at this point or at least the Known World finding another Cottage over here with some less than friendly owners Tona of Illusion I don’t know what that’ll give me with a suddenly recently abandoned house I went and did some exploring I

Grabbed all of the potion ingredients which are so useful including the Brewing sand itself trying to figure out the sound of the Villager down in the basement and I did eventually find find them hello friend be free Brian be free oh don’t mind my hell spawn horse be free Brian be

Free I think Brian likes a cell but I marked off the location for right now jumping back on the horse and just continuing South wanting to push out into the wild blue yonder to see what else I could find I made my way into a

Little bit of a little C sack of ice surrounded by Woods on all sides and things looked a little spooky ow ow oh those are wither roses thinking that that’s probably an interesting place to go explore I had myself a little naps out on the lake and then headed out the following

Morning oh I don’t like that oh I really don’t like that but I tried my best to power through the Whispers to grab this Nether wart block it it is probably my only chance at getting Nether wart at all in this entire 100 days there were two by the

Tree and that is huge I made my way through the brambles and the somewhat corrupted Woods to another armorer structure where I was able to get a whole bunch of iron and some cooked food and now that I had a bundle I’m able to hold a bunch of disperate things

Together and be far more efficient on my inventory even though it is very very full I grabbed everything I could find useful that I could fit in my pockets marked the location for later that I’d be able to come back and complete looting spoiler alert I don’t think I do

And headed out through the woods to fight a few murder clowns and check out their very spooky Carriage nearby to that was another house that was another model maybe they were working off the same designs as what they had here and this time I knew to go check the

Basement I looted everything useful from here getting a whole bunch of different food and supplies of some upgraded tools and weapons and then heading down getting a whole bunch of gold and some additional TNT and it makes me so nervous thinking that I was living on top of that when I wasn’t paying

Attention back at my original copy of this house but I continued through the evening finding another block sign post pointing me at another Village and heading off in that direction holding lava to keep myself from freezing to death I got to a somewhat open field and

Had to fight my way through a bunch of mobs zombies were chasing me there were the ghosts and spirits and a few nightmares stalkers which with this sword and a little bit of knockback I’m able to kite my way around and not take a hit from unless I get a little

Careless but I made my way to the Village opened up a door and kicked a child out of their bed day 32 I jumped on the fell horse and rode them back towards my base I done a pretty much Perfect Circle The Village I had been pointed to was

Actually the village that was down close to my home I I spent some time emptying out all of my pockets into the already very full chests organization is going to be a bit of a beast here I put a backpack mod in the final mod pack for

You all to use but I wanted to limit myself I always make storage a bit too easy and I figure making myself make hard choices would keep this one interesting but I tried to increase my storage a little bit by just dropping another chest on the pile as you do and

Then spent a bit more time out in the garden using bone meal to rapid grow some tomatoes so I could start looking into some pastas and additional foods which will feed me even better I started with some kebabs just because that was the easiest thing I could make without

Cooking setting a whole bunch of tomatoes to turn into sauce overnight while I called it and woke up the following morning to start seeing how I could make even more Foods I would have to grind up wheat into dough and then turn that into wet dough to be able to

Make the noodles that I want for the pasta but I can do that with a millstone which is going to be a lot easier to get to I headed out trying to find some andesite which is going to be a little bit difficult actually because I think with create it mainly spawns underground

And if you remember if you break stone or any of the blocks it doesn’t drop the block it drops rocks of that flavor so I headed down into these zombie ruins thinking maybe there’s some andesite Exposed on the walls they use that as a decorative block but it was all the

Polished variant so none of that would work so instead I just started digging into the side of a mountain but once I had gotten maybe 10 15 blocks in okay maybe that’s a bit of a strike as well and I’m going to have to take this a

Different way I headed over towards the gravel area where there was some giant pits down into the ground a lot of exposed Stone and maybe that would be a way that I could find some andesite relatively quickly and unfortunately not until I started looking underneath the water and seeing some down there now

Getting into the water in this mod pack isn’t exactly smart you’ll take a lot of cold damage very quickly but I’m holding a bucket of lava and logic works like that okay and I didn’t even find andesite I found some diorite down there which I was able to craft up into diate

Blocks and then combine that with Cobblestone to craft andesite did you know that you could Craft andesite You Can Craft it I don’t know why you ever would unless you’re using the create mod but I did that night as I was heading home I dealt with a few of the pigs

Around base just slaughtering them for pork chops and dealing with a few Phantoms that were killing me and annoying me as they had spawned on the full moon but I was able to make my way home take a quick nap and the following morning it’s time to get into the create

Mod or at least the little bit that I actually can without Nether access you’ll never get access to blaze burners which mean mixers won’t work which means you’ll never hit the Bronze Age if somebody makes a mod that allows that to work without the nether please let me

Know and I will add it to this pack but I stripped up some wood made the andesite casings and then made myself a millstone having to set it up outside because there’s no room in the house it’s actually kind of cramped right now and it’s only going to get worse as I do

More storage I made myself a water wheel and set up a very basic space where the water was just running underneath it because I’m pretty sure it’s going to freeze if I try to do anything more interesting than that but I set that up with a few gear transitions just trying

To have it be the slightest bit faster than what it is currently setting up the millstone and dropping some wheat into that so that I could get some dough as it cooked overnight while it did the grinding I did some grinding finding a few mobs surrounding the house and

Making sure to clear them out as I’m not letting too many spawn they hit a critical mass they’re going to start hoarding and swarming on my base and I don’t want that on the morning of day 35 as I was just continuing to slay mobs

Around the house I found a few blocks of salt I didn’t even realize that this would be here and it was part of another separate food mod that I added and the two actually work together which is awesome and you’re going to see some really cool foods that you can make for

Yourself with this but I headed home repaired and replaced my wool boots and spent some time converting all of that ground flour into wet dough which I then took inside and chopped into noodles which I could then combine with the tomato sauce and some raw meats that I

Was able to collect either from mobs in the wild or from the ones here in the pen by the house to bake either spaghetti and meatballs or spaghetti and bacon bits which is going to be great I crafted up a whole bunch of shears eight pairs because there’s a recipe in

The pack that allows you to take the Nether wart block and eight pairs of shears and get one Nether wart it’s a big resource investment but it is the only way to get it since you can never really get to the grindstones with that I headed over to

The greenhouse harvested my very first and potentially only melon planting a few sugar cane by hiding some flooded water underneath the walls of the house and that was a productive day I’m a much better chef and our Greenhouse is starting to actually come along pretty

Nicely Day 36 I jumped on the horse and started heading off in a new direction to go explore around the world that’s the main way I’m going to be able to get new supplies and resources is from looting other structures either abandoned or soon to be abandoned once

The inhabitants are killed at my blade I found another illusioner house which had another bundle hidden inside which was great a whole bunch of emeralds in the attic and a graveyard nearby which I was able to loot for a bunch of amethyst cobwebs and leather there’s also a lot

Of Bones and bone meal is super important for this cooking so you know I’m collecting all of that I headed out to the point where I was on top of a frozen ocean ice as far as the eye could see once I crossed that I made my way

Into some slightly spooky woods to an even larger version of the graveyard Guillotine and all I checked out a few of the graves here the exposed ones at least at least getting some Redstone and other supplies including some really good foods but as it turned night there

Were far more zombies here gee I wonder where they came from couldn’t be attached to the exposed Graves at all right but I actually figured out that I had potentially lost one of my canteens along the way so I went and jumped over the hill slept in my sleeping bag so

Fewer mobs would be spawning cleared out the stragglers around my spawn point not knowing where anything had gone and I’m filling the canteen just up off of random slightly blood colored water in the river with that I went and explored finding a bunch of anvils over at the

Guillotine I mean I guess that is the Minecraft version getting a few more Nether wart blocks which were used for decoration here but are really big wins for me and some of the higher tier higher class Graves definitely had some useful loot inside but I really have to

Be careful because with all of these different types and so many items in my inventory item management and bucket SA safety are Paramount import whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh wait oh my God I’m so stupid so I wasn’t insanely stupid those totems do pop at

Half Health instead of full I had no idea about that so that was a bit of a jump scare but I’m way under Max Health at this point because I don’t have food and water to be able to fully restock and the water’s a bit further away so I

Just continued with my looting grabbing whatever I could once it started to snow however that was my signal to get out I’m freezing to death just standing here and it took the entire night holding the lava bucket in my hands at all times just to make it back home which I

Couldn’t even sleep because there was Nightmare stalkers prowling around the premises and a whole bunch more mobs to deal with and all of them swarming and attacking me is one thing here I’m just constantly walking away in the periphery is a whole Another come on but eventually I was able to clear out all of the mobs and make my way inside to get some rest the following morning I ended up purif finding a bit more water realizing where I had left that canteen oh that’s where it was I left it here

Killing an Enderman outside of my Greenhouse before going inside and finding that my Nether wart had fully grown now I could really ramp up on production of this so that was huge once inside I was looking into other things that I could craft with all of the supplies that I had specifically looking

Into the dark armors and the nightmare armor set it’s basically Ally an upgraded higher tier version of leather so it’ll provide the same insulation levels that we would have in other armors but give me a whole bunch more survivability and some really cool skills the only problem is it needed a

Nightmare skull and a whole bunch of dark metal I took two piles over towards the armor smelting that up into two ingots and getting my first piece oh that looks awesome and if I’m going to want more there’s no more sleeping through the night for me right

Now I’m going to have to go out and fight all of these mobs I spent time searching around mainly looking for the ones that had dark metal potential drops but fighting anything really that got a little bit too close at one point in time I did get jump scared by an armor

Break sound effect thinking oh no I’m in danger now but thankfully it was a pair of boots not my helmet so I was okay the following day I warped back made myself up a a diamond pickaxe finally and then headed over towards the ruined nether portal and it’s time for everybody’s favorite

Joke but with four pieces of obsidian and a whole bunch of bookcases that I had been collecting over time I was finally able to make myself an enchanting setup now it’s not Max tier but it’s something and with no ability to wear higher tier armor and having to

Keep to the insulating ones I’m going to have to rely on enchantments to make up the difference that I’m not just going to get ganked by a nightmare socer without warning I repaired up my beanie so that I’d be able to retain the thermal tuning enchantment and then made

Myself a whole bunch of bottles and start brewing myself up some apple cider this did require harvesting honey from all of the beehives around the house either on the ground or built into the roof but the bees were kind of too frozen solid to notice which allowed me

To have a lot more sugar so I could be able to brew this up and they basically act like golden apples without the Regeneration but that’s still huge day 40 if we’re going to do more enchanting we’re going to need lapis which means it’s finally time to go caving I’ve been

Sticking to the surface because I know a lot of mobs will spawn down here in the dark that are extremely dangerous to me especially in a weakened state so I have to play this one very carefully I went around mining up a few pieces of lapis and getting what I thought was the

Diamond block but it spawn this cool little glowy guy just look at him he’s so cute but I made my way down into the deep slate layers because not only lapis was going to be useful but some Diamond would be great too just so I could be

Able to craft up a few better pieces of gear I did get visited by a goblin Traer and oh my goodness if I had some books this would be so nice but I mining up lapis fighting any of the mobs that approach the minor zombies are nice

Because they do drop metals when you kill them so that comes in handy but as soon as I started getting a little bit comfortable with the zombies the centipedes started attacking ow half a heart I was a half a heart I hate the poison effect it is so scary

But I grabbed a bit more lapis heading over towards that little skull dungeon breaking the spawner so that no mobs would spawn and then very careful breaking the shrier so that no Warden would spawn can you imagine me fighting a warden right now I looted through all

Of the chests getting some okay supplies here fighting off a few other skeletons and then seeing a structure off in the distance made of deep slate tiles it’s not something I’m going to be able to fight right now but it is something we’re going to want to explore later oh come

On I need food ow not good good not good not good not good not good not good I actually had to end up using the water to climb up as the walking pathway was covered in skeletons and with no water in my canteen meaning I couldn’t drink I

Couldn’t really heal so I was very close to death at this point that’s why you started seeing that totem on the hot bar just in case but I slowly made my way inside took a quick nap and the following morning we’re kind of in recovery mode for a bit I spent the

First couple minutes of the day just restocking on food and supplies before heading back down underwater fighting off a few of the more basic mobs and using my bow not remembering that I had a staff of magic arrows I don’t know how I forgot that in the time but there was

Another millipede and I was not having that not without some better armor so I ran upstairs and crafted myself up some nightmare boots a second piece of my really cool armor set I couldn’t make the others without even more dark metal so I figured let’s take the the lapis

That we already have before going underground and do some basic enchanting getting protection three on the chest plate and some very basic protection enchants on the pants and some upgrades to the bow itself I’m mainly going with that right now just cuz it has burst damage because of the power enchantments

And I don’t want to die I dug my way into the slightly skulk ified dungeon focusing first on the shrier as I was starting to accumulate strikes thinking I’d just tank whatever SP on but the creeper decided to help me out a little bit and take out both I looted the

Chests here before looking down seeing a crypt or study or experimentation Chambers this was another of the graveyard structures and it’s a mod that I know I keep getting into but haven’t completed but oh do I just love The Vibes down in these structures filled with Crypts and tombs and traps it’s

Wonderful chef’s kiss 10 of 10 no notes and that’s mainly because the the loot is amazing but I worked my way through all of these tombs getting anything useful from inside that’s mainly amethyst emeralds and the dark metal ingots that are here oh another God Appo after be careful with the pillagers

That are around here mainly so they don’t overwhelm as they do pretty significant damage and there are four spawners right there I just ran my way into that room throwing down torches on everything and then starting to break them heading from one area and wing and

Chamber to the next grabbing all of the supplies and working my way through putting down torches as I go I made it to another gate that was blocked off that they couldn’t come out but I could swing through cleared mobs in this immediate area and then took care of the

Spawners on the other side but did I mention I just love the puzzles and secrets in this space don’t be the fo costum juice rung and everything will be gone but as my pockets started getting completely full and both bundles were full there is nothing else I could get

Out of here this is more than a single trip I marked the catacombs and then started heading back through the caves making my way up to the house freezing to death along the way cuz it happened to be snowing outside and then spending far too long organizing everything into

The inventories here and dropping everything off to the point where it didn’t all fit so I went out grabbed a few logs came home and made some chests and then reorganized the entire house I broke all of the chest so I could turn them sideways doubling up on inventory

Space which required me digging into the roof it required me reorganizing everything it was a mess I took the whole night and I just stress manic cleaned the entire house I was finally organized until I have so much loot that it won’t even fit into these chests

Which is inevitable but I’m going to just say that we’re done for now okay okay but the following day I was just finishing that up I spent a little bit more time organizing all of the food heading over to the greenhouse and taking care of the crops first the

Nether wart and then growing a whole bunch of cabbage cuz I wanted to make myself some cheeseburgers which would allow me to have some really cool properties associated with the food that I’m eating on top of it just feeding me I spent most of the day just kind of

Re-upping on my food supplies and cooking and organizing everything until the nightmare stalkers started to attack in the evening I took an onion was able to grow that with a whole lot of bone meal getting over two stacks relatively quickly but in doing that and being so

Focused on food I made the mistake of missing one of the eyes what The you know I’m going to be honest I don’t normally need to censor or edit around myself in videos I think this might be the first time that genuinely scared me like genuinely scared me but once I was able to calm down mainly by leaving the game paused and walking away I headed

Back to breed up all of the animals and get myself a whole bunch of buckets of milk now I can’t use my sword for killing the mobs because I need raw meat so have to use an axe but maybe it’s quicker that way I dealt with a few

Zombies that were around the house and then the next morning I’m converting all of the milk into milk bottles all of the meat into ground patties I started cooking those up I’m getting more milk and converting it and I’m crafting myself up some cheeseburgers and this is

Really cool this is a food that will not only feed me but it gives me strength when I eat it cheese burgers make you powerful okay they’re wonderful and tell me what’s your favorite burger what’s your favorite burger place leave me a comment right now I just want to know

Where get Burger but I spent some more time organizing all of the food over towards the side where the cooking actually happened taking the potion ingredients and putting them over on the side of the house where the potion brewing happened things are finally a little bit more logistically making

Sense but I headed over getting even more wood chopping down an entire Christmas tree because I’m going to need more chests it is inevitable the following day I repaired my beanie again and it is starting to get expensive but it is so so important jumping on the

Fell horse and then heading over towards the village I grabbed some Netherrack from around there which I could use to be able to start some fires in a very controlled way and then saw this kind of dark well off in the distance it was guarded by these bugs which dropped Fire

Light powder there’s a whole bunch of lava in here this is huge turns out though there’s also a chest where inside there was some fire light power magma cream and Nether wart I genuinely didn’t know this was here that’s why I added the recipe for the Nether wart blocks so

This is possible without it or maybe there’s also some dark metal ores down in the bottom underneath the lava so that’s some free upgrades right there I looked around on the mini map a little bit seeing another one of them just a ways off and when I looked in the chest

There it was huge blaze powder oh that’s huge I genuinely did not think it would be possible to get into potion brewing in this pack I at one point considered adding a blaze rod recipe just like I had done for nether wart but you know what I I kind of

Stepped away from it I walked back on it and thought it’ll be more interesting if we can get it a different way and then it’s just there this is wonderful I spent the whole night kind of celebratory fighting mobs trying to get more dark metal and looking for nightmare stalkers actually seeking them

Out because if I can get a a nightmare stalker skull I can complete this armor set and I will look amazing but we’re actually starting to get towards the end of summer we kind of blew through the season it flew by which I mean that is how summer normally feels right I threw

The blaze powder into the potion brewing stand so I’d actually be able to craft some things up and figured why don’t I go ahead and do that right away I first crafted up some dark metal heading over to the blast furnace to smelt that I

Don’t know why I didn’t move it to my house I just kind of like having it be like this special moment where I go over and get it but my sword is very near broken so I stashed it into an item frame making myself a very basic Diamond

Sword for right now completing all of the bookshelves needed and getting some enchanting on that trying to get looting so I’d be able to get even more dark metal at some point but I grabbed all of the books that I had and instead of having them in piles organized them into

A chest so I’d actually be able to see what everything was spent some time organizing the inventory and again just searching for looting I got looting two in a book and then thought let’s just head out and just fight mobs no looting or nothing and see if we can get just

Enough to repair the sword and I kind of struck out on mobs that spawn dark metal instead seeing the boss wolf a mob I never actually seen before and this one will spawn in additional wolves it bites a lot harder it does some really significant damage but when you kill it

You get a bunch of these really cool claw items but I spent the night fighting all of mobs just trying to collect dark metal I was actually getting more seeds of chaos than anything right now but I do need those two stay tuned but it was when the

Superior bone colar appeared that I started having a problem ow my helmet no my helmet having my helmet broken is honestly bad if I wasn’t holding lava right now I would almost certainly immediately be freezing to death I spent some time just trying to bow down the

Bone collar just using golden apples to regenerate and tank the damage eventually getting a few seeds of chaos and an orb that’s something I say that because it’s about to be fall which means we’re start getting into much colder temperatures it’s going to start to get bad y’all I ran home dropped off

All of the loot and just crafted myself up a diamond helmet as long as I’m going to be freezing I might as well be protected from Mob attacks just trying to do something I made a few golden apples so that I’d be able to regen a

Little bit more and then brewed up some potions of ice resistance with these I basically it’s the same as fire resistance but for cold haha so this will give me an emergency out if I happen to be out and I lose my lava or if I’m not holding it that I can just

Tank Cal damage I fought more mobs that evening being able to recoup a little bit more in dark metal and get myself a little bit closer towards my nightmare helmet and then I had a nightmare stock ER attack and I have to say without knockback and being able to kite around

The nightmare soccers getting attacked by them is pretty terrifying I brought throughout the whole night killed several of them and a whole bunch more mobs but no luck the following morning I headed home did a little bit of organizing and then did some enchanting I first Enchanted the sword just for

Sharpness and then Enchanted the book getting another looting two so I’m able to put looting two on the sword itself and then another looting two book on the souls saber meaning no matter what but I’m going to be getting enhanced drops at this point I was able to craft up

Another pile of dark metal and another bone handle which let me craft another Soul saber which meant I could repair my original one I Enchanted that getting Unbreaking then I was able to combine them to get a repaired one I headed over to the armor to blast up another dark

Metal Ingot heading back to home and then crafting myself up a pair of night Mir pants and I’m now 3/4 of the way done to this really cool armor set that I want and we just about ready to enter the season where I’m going to really

Need it after that I took some inventory and stock on the crops that I had what would grow in Autumn versus what is going to start wilting now in summer I spent some time and a lot of the bone meal that I had mainly trying to collect

More Tomatoes as they would be one of the primary crops that would no longer grow and despite standing next to the campfires I was still freezing in the greenhouse I spent some time organizing all of my water spending some more time the following morning doing some cooking seeing that I can make Deluxe

Cheeseburgers that would give you even more strength and nourishment so I headed out to all the animals did a lot more breeding did a lot more killing a lot more chopping some cooking some burgering some baconing some milking some cooking and made myself some epic meals oh come on you’re inside but I

Grew up a ton more cabbage making myself a ton of the deluxe cheeseburgers and then some bacon sandwiches on top of it because I had some extra bacon and who doesn’t love bacon I Enchanted up the nightmare pants with some basic protection organized my inventory and

Called it a night as we start to wind down in summer and with the final day here and my last chance of being able to travel without having to worry about the cold as much I wanted to go out and see what I could find I headed off in a New

Direction trying to find something new doubling back and around finding what I can only describe as a little witch Village at one point passing by that heading to another little Rune castle and some crops here at basically the edge of the world the Traer here had some interesting trades which could have

Been nice if I had the supplies but I’m mainly looting the storage room so I have enough food for winter it’s not their fault that they did poor planning I dealt with this really interesting spiny shell crab who had some cool armor drops but I grabbed all of the hay bales

And wheat and bread from here all of the potatoes and carrots because they will not be growing come one day from now I continued down along the coastline looking for any sugar cane that I could find on any of the beaches that had generated before the water had Frozen

And Once I had as much as I could I headed over the river through the woods over the mountains and back to my house I go end of the season tomorrow it is fall and things are about to get a whole lot colder so let’s hope we prepared

Well you stay out there and while there were things I could prepare for like food and shelter there are things I didn’t even know were coming so how do you prepare for the end of the world and that end of the world would be slow cold

And take its time because it’s time for a new season welcome to Autumn so Autumn comes with a few new rules for this challenge first there’s going to be way more blood moons mobs are going to be much more aggressive and intelligent the zombie awareness mod was kicked on in

The background but also instead of growing slowly out of season crops well I’ll show you in a little bit the first thing I noticed was there was now catfish in the pond directly outside of my house so I spent a little time fishing and by fishing I mean shooting

Arrows down into the lake and the splashes while really cool were kind of surprising I forgot they were in here I did a little bit of organizing of my food seeing what would grow in which season things like potatoes and carrots and wheat were no longer available I

Could make a lot of cabbage like a whole lot of cabbage if I wanted to but I gathered up the sugarcane as that would no longer grow and went into the greenhouse so I grabbed a whole bunch of seeds and went back to plant it even

Some of the stuff that was out of season and I found out and this is what I mentioned instead of growing slow it breaks okay so that changes up the dynamic a little bit now it’s no longer a matter of using a whole lot of bone

Meal I can’t even use that it will break so if something isn’t set to grow in Autumn specifically I can’t get any more of it at my house and you know how I mentioned that there’s going to be more blood moons so literally the first night of

Autumn and the worst possible version of this midnight event occurred I’m immediately jumped by Nightmare stalkers far more zombies and like I said they are far more intelligent now than they had been in the past and well there was other things to worry about that was Herobrine ah you’re trapped in the snow

I’m going to get you now I hit the point where I’m no longer scared of the ghost I’m more mad at it and want to kill it but you’ve seen every horror movie that will likely not end well I’ve brought a whole bunch of mobs around the house especially in the

Field directly behind because I’m trying to save up seeds of chaos and dark metal both for recipes that I can unlock kind of in the late game that allow me to get a lot more really cool stuff but it’s going to take putting myself at risk

Doing a lot more fighting at night so I powered through the night I one point kiting around multiple nightmare stalkers some of them still invisible on the river with some of the giant zombies and everything else and my bone collar staff is awesome and I can summon the

Kids to help but it doesn’t work on the ice so I need to go to the land which just gets me close enough that all the mobs aggro and I have more chasing me and it’s just this really difficult Loop and that continues all the way through

Into the morning where there was a ton of mobs here and I basically needed to fight my way out but I also wanted to make sure to collect everything I could and I literally spent half the day just fighting any mobs that I saw clearing them out of this area because they’re

Going to stay here if I don’t and they can summon more mobs and it would just be this giant horde that would be waiting for me whenever I left the safety of my home for however little it would still be safe safe I eventually made my way back and I’m starting to

Look into what I can make to be more efficient with water hydration has been a big problem carrying around three water skins is only about 25 drinks and water seems to go down much faster in this season so I’m looking and there’s a bunch of different juice options here

But it required me to make a juicing press which was a bunch of pistons and some Hoppers that I had to combine which then I could take the cantaloupe that I bought from the wandering Trader back in Spring combine that with bottles and the press to get a whole bunch of cantaloupe

Juice which is wonderful it’s something that heals both hydration and saturation so it kind of does the roll of both but it does get a little tricky cuz then I can’t use my burgers for strength it’s complicated but I’m going to need a whole bunch more bottles so I headed out

To a little bit of sand close to the house mining all of that up and kind of freezing the knights are far less forgiving now there are way too many things to glowing eyes in this mod pack I think I’ve said that a couple times at this point and this was definitely a

Pack that was kind of against the norm of what I build for myself but if you enjoy this if you enjoy me doing something a little different please let me know in the comments I always love to do these videos but I want to make something that is kind of always unique

You don’t know what my next one is going to be but as I was out that night fighting against more mobs I was killing more nightmare stalkers and I finally got something I’ve been waiting for for a while a the skull I got the skull

Oh oh oh I’m so excited I got the skull okay okay okay okay okay okay we got to go do something with this I immediately ran back home I first took the time to make myself a whole bunch more juice going to look weird I am drinking a lot

Of juice in this video working through the night and into the morning crafting myself up the final piece of my armor set oh I look awesome look at me so now I finally look as spooky as this video has been which is awesome for me I spent some time

Enchanting that first getting some basic protection on it and I’m all glowy and purple and spooky and it’s wonderful and I thought with a full armor set now I could head down into the Crips to go do a little bit more looting for more supplies now that I have this set that

Makes me faster in the dark running around those Crips and evading the pillagers would be a whole lot easier now the smarter zombies did make just getting to the Crips a lot more complicated so yeah having the full armor set meant I got a Bonus to all of

My dark metal my kind of corrupted items so now I summon three kids instead of two my swords will last longer do more damage my armor is more proficient it’s just fully committing to the Dark Arts really benefits you there’s absolutely no downside I signed no contract for my

Soul I’m going to be totally totally totally fine oh wait do I get a spare one because I’m wearing the oh that makes it so much better so I kept powering my way through the Crips down here setting all of the pillagers Ablaze and getting jump scared by Herobine

Pretty often oh no but being down here always makes me wonder what were they working towards what was the plan the goal why are they set up down here deep in the earth almost like they’re trying to awaken something Death Shall cleanse the world don’t like

That I I don’t I really don’t like that I continued working my way around the crypts finding a maze where I went through finding some really cool books including a protection 4 One and as I was reading these books about a puzzle here one shaft leads to death the other

To Great reward I accidentally threw my sword nope Oh my God I almost lost my sword I thought I was going to drop a torch but in the barrels here was I mean it wasn’t great loot there’s a bunch of enchanted books some diamonds some other things like that a diamond chest plate but I have

The dark metal one so it’s kind of it’s kind of outclassed right now I’ve made my way back up and around into the main area and continued fighting through finding even more diamonds and some tipped arrows inside of the end of a ruined Corridor right nearby but as I

Continued through this area now that I know that these piles have loot in them I went back in Mind through some of the other ones I was surprised by Nathan the goblin who had a few trades for me that I just wish I could have done I did

Trade some of the raw gold to get even more gold ingots that was a decent Roi but as I was looting these Crips right here I I found potentially the biggest thing I ever could have oh my God that’s huge that’s an insulation book that’s Awesome oh my God another two thermal tuning books it’s like underwear it’s amazing but with that on my nightmare armor I’d finally be able to go out and weather the storm survive in the snow in the evening and I could really really try to conquer this winter I kept

Pushing through the CPS reading more books and lore accounts from a world long since dead and decayed and they spoke about things that would happen for centuries to come and puzzles behind the books not sure what that was supposed to be but with my pockets more than overflowing more than I could ever

Potentially carry I started fighting the cultist as I headed back up and out winding through the Deep slate Caverns then the stone and making my way back up to the surface as it was Pitch Black spending a good portion of the evening just dropping everything off and taking

Those thermal tuning books and storing them in my pocket I’m going to want them really soon I to fight some mobs around the house as I wasn’t allowed to sleep in the evening and the following morning after adding thermal protection to all of my armor I just kind of stood out in

The snow for a while to see what would even happen and I was fine I was doing wonderful so much so that I kind of forgot to keep paying attention wo wo wo Wo so that was just a nightmare soccer out in the middle of the day now everything persists into the following morning not just the vanilla mobs not just simple basic things like zombies and skeletons everything is out all day that’s new but I wanted to get back to

Work so I was breeding up all of the animals milking them making more milk bottles which I would then eventually turn into more things at first I thought I could drink the milk bottles for hydration but that doesn’t actually work all it does is cure you of one potion

Effect kind of like an absorption effect so that was unfortunate I just wiped those away so I resorted to making more melon juice and I purified some water storing it into the chests as a backup and an emergency down the road I then did a little bit more enchanting

Combining books that I could throw together on my bow and seeing what I could do to put more things onto my armor the Thorns was a little bit too expensive so I had to save that for later but I was able to add it to the nightmare mask so if anything’s going to

Be attacking me it’s going to be taking damage I spent the night fighting zombies on the river behind the house and around to just try to maintain some sort of safe perimeter around my space yelling at the demon child who was constantly harassing me get out of here

Herobine leave me be but I’m also like I said just trying to stockpile seeds of chaos and dark metal I still want more I want to commit further to the deep dark arts oh what do you want from me what do you want from me I did have a

Little bit of a problem with the Supreme bone caller who just shoot so fast they’re constantly holding you back so I had to use a bow to really take them out which I got a death totem that definitely seems interesting it’s another way to avert death at the cost

Of maybe just a small part of my soul that’ll be fine nothing to worry about there day 56 I felt like my home was probably pretty secure and I’d gotten some decent loot but I wanted to venture out further and in a direction I hadn’t

Been in yet with a lot of thermal tuning I can just go for some distance and I’m holding the death totem in my hand now because I don’t need to worry about keeping myself warm just just alive I found and looted this witches Village I don’t know how else to better describe

It it was a bunch of buildings and nice little coven Circle coven that was the word that I was looking for but that’s fine I continued heading off to the West finding and looting a few Graves getting some okay stuff out of here mainly wheat which I can’t grow anymore so all of

That is useful but as I got to the ocean at the edge of what I would consider safe yeah you’re going to see why I didn’t keep going what is that now against my better judgment I did break through the ice shooting arrows down into the water to try to kill

Whatever this thing is with all of this teeth doing uh damage but it seemed to be mostly fine like it was unbothered by all of my shots and almost as if to double down yet another Blood Moon Rose just a few days after the last oh No so I’m pretty far out from home at this point I don’t have an out or an escape so I’m just kind of dancing around out on the ice hoping that mobs aren’t spawning too close to me and getting occasionally jumped scared by mobs in the distance get out of here Herobrine oh

Eyes eyes eyes every now and then Herobrine would jump scare me which would take me off of a nightmare stalker who would then bite me and blind allowed a whole Lots tole me because I didn’t know where I was going and I ended up just kind of walking around in

Circles so I fought for quite a while before eventually it was starting to get a little much and I was feeling overwhelmed I’m starting to run low on juice so I started working my way back home fighting off more nightmare soccers sticking mainly to the ice so mobs wouldn’t spawn before eventually getting

Relatively close to the house which did allow a lot more mobs to start spawning directly in front which I had to fight through a good portion of the evening and into the morning where I was actually all the way over by the pillagers so I had to then run and kite

Around them who were all shooting me my kids were doing a ton of work just attacking all of them but a Wandering Traer had spawned dragon tail and they didn’t have a lot they’re trying to sell me cockroach Parts which I didn’t think I was interested in but there was more

Cantaloupe and I’m going to want more juice so I ran back home grabbed all of the emeralds I possibly could headed back over doing a lot more trading and I was dealing with some crashes right now which is why you constantly see me like logging back in it is fixed for the mod

Pack it was because of that thing that I did that the mods were wrong but I also grabbed this weapon template for 50 emeralds a Rapier pattern and it made me think that it would allow me to just make a cool sword of some kind but it

Was just like this Tic Tac Toe board with not a lot on it I absolutely got scammed there so I made an armor table and put that down thinking okay maybe now I can make a thing out of this but it just didn’t work no matter what I did

Where I put the pattern in it didn’t work I totally got scammed out of a ton of emeralds right there so I took out my aggression by mashing some potatoes well making a mortar and pestle and then a whole bunch of potatoes and mashing them and getting a whole lot more food which

Is not like in a bowl or anything it’s just piles of mashed potatoes that you eat Stephen is an absolute Savage but I couldn’t sleep so I spent the night just fighting zombies around the house eventually getting to the point where my bed was usable and the following morning

Finished making all of the mashed potatoes and like I said look at this it’s just a pile of mashed potatoes that you’re just eating with your hands that’s so gross it’s so disturbing but it was snowing like all get out and the snow was now accumulating a lot higher than

It had been previously to the point where the little area around my house that wasn’t torched up was starting to be too tall which meant I couldn’t get out and over unless I dug up so I spent some time just kind of cleaning and manicuring the snow around the house

Trying to kind of measure it and see how far we were going to get buried but I didn’t want to just sit around at home and see what would happen here spoiler I’m going to get buried so I headed out in another Direction just trying to see

What I could do with getting a little bit different things and having the snowfall happening somewhere else I can’t sleep to make it go away right now and I just don’t want it at home I eventually made my way to a frost Wizard’s House they immediately froze me

But I was prepared for this at this point I’ve been dealing with frostbite since day one of the scenario old man you got nothing on me after murdering them and sleeping in their house getting another bundle for my troubles which greatly increased my storage capacity I headed out the following morning finding

A very weird and putrid looking zombie it’s basically a boomer from The Last of Us and that’s that’s gross but I headed out finding another copy of the house that I had taken out residence in and there was a protection 4 book just sitting in the chest right here which is

Huge there’s also a whole bunch of pumpkins nearby and they grow in Autumn but I was having trouble with getting them to grow back at my house I don’t know if temperature or something else was wrong so I harvested all of them up so I could have them finding a another

Illusioner and getting them all rapidly murdered really letting my kids do the work finding another bundle so I could store even more Andrew was released from the basement as I continued on in my direction killing a gator so I wouldn’t get nomed on and then finding somebody waiting for me out on the

Ice he’s just standing there menacingly on my way along the coast I was out grabbing any sugar cane that I could find since everything was frozen it it did generate which was useful but I couldn’t grow anymore cuz it was out of season but as I headed into the

Village activating the waist Stone so I’d be able to potentially warp back and forth even though it is so expensive on levels to do so another Super blood moon Rose and I felt slightly obligated to defend the village as I had kind of brought this on them so cue the combat Montage Oh my God that scared me with the village protected I did a little bit more exploring of the area finding these blocks that look like snow but not quite and it turns out it was salt it was more the salt that I had found over by my

Home so I mined all of that up dealt with a few stragglers around here and then just put on a podcast and started heading home I found some cantaloupes on the Beach and a giant Pumpkin Charlie Brown which I spent some time to mine up running back through the snow dealing

With Herobrine popping up behind me oh and then actually using the bridges instead of running on the ice you know just to mix things up but I headed back home dropped off everything I had collected recouping on my melon juice and starting to having to compress food

Down I done a pretty decent job stockpiling for the winter I had a lot of different ingredients and recipes that I could potentially Buy in too but there are a few key things that I’m missing for a lot of different recipes which is going to continue making things

Complicated and as we get deeper into Autumn and we start having to think about the last 25 days of this video where it’s only going to get worse day 61 I had actually taken a decent bit of damage in the previous few Blood Moons so my armor wasn’t looking great and I

Desperately needed some better enchants so I could be taking less damage so I spent a good portion of the morning just kind of enchanting books and repairing all of my nightmare armor thankfully it worked with just the leather and I didn’t need dark metal so I had a pretty

Good supply of that and I was able to keep things topped up once that was all taken care of I took care of the mobs a little bit breeding up a few more before just seeing what else was around there was a bunch of snow blocks here and I

Was actually concerned with the poor visibility that you have during the storms that maybe this Ravine would be a bad idea and I would be able to fall down into it so I spent a whole bunch of time with the snow manicuring a cover for this to just cap it off so I

Wouldn’t have to worry about it and that I didn’t have to worry about falling in thankfully there was a ton of raw materials around that I could just take the snow and move it somewhere else to do exactly what I wanted I just have to be careful that a creeper didn’t spawn

On this and blow the ground up under me and then send me down to my death I ca this off with a nice little snow wall blocking the other part of the cave on the side closest to my home home so OSHA would be fine dealing with a few of the

Mobs that were spawning around my base who were starting to concern me with the noises they were Making I don’t like that sound but it wasn’t just the mobs who were fighting me that had me concerned there were some other things that were happening that I just couldn’t get my head around and you ever have that moment where something happens and you’re not sure what it is

But you’re sure it’s not good for you oh why are you Smiling but the next morning I just cleared out the remaining mobs around the base and somehow I had gotten stinky I had flies just constantly around me I’m not sure what that was but I did know that I wanted to keep going it was a nice day the weather was somewhat

Relaxing so I had headed out finding a skeleton horse just chilling on a hill and then going off to loot a nearby dungeon that was up above ground so the spawner was nothing to worry about oh my goodness I added down the river finding another one of those dark Wells so I

Broke that to find the chest with a bunch of coal and magma and magma blocks inside so that’s a pretty nice win and I’m checking the map seeing another one of the pumpkins where I thought you know what I’ve killed this boss before and way less powerful gear so let’s maybe

Get another Souls saber as a backup fighting the headless horsemen this time around like I said with a much better armor set much better weapons was a little bit more forgiving and the fact that I had a bow I was feeling pretty good the kids were doing a good chunk of

The work and I could just run around tank and take care of all of the mobs I was taking some pretty significant damage to my armor in the moment so I had to be careful about that but I was able to through a good portion of the

Day honestly fighting my way through all of the phases of the boss eventually killing the body first and working my way through all of the explosions to be able to go kill the head which was actually floating up too high for my kids to do any damage that’s really

Funny for me as a parent of very short children but I don’t know I just found that kind of hilarious I’m not going to lie but this was a night of a harvest moon so I wanted to get home as quickly as possible and take advantage of that I

Ran back to the house fighting my way through a whole bunch of mobs as I was approaching from a slightly different angle than normal getting into the house and then having to pause my recording for a second and whenever I mention OBS pausing you know something’s about to go

Wrong I had paused recording oh I hate doing that well you missed me farming cabbage yeah I had farmed cabbage for the whole night I basically used a good portion of the bone meal that I had collected so you missed it it was kind of boring anyway I would have cut it to

Like a little too second clip so it’s probably the least destructive version of losing any footage that I’ve ever had in any of my videos but I’m running around fighting a few of the mobs that had spawned around the base like I said just trying to maintain some concept of

A perimeter cuz if I don’t it’s going to get bad I spent some time clearing out all of the mobs as I had way too many and I wanted to make sure that all of the meat would be available so I could cook that into more and better Foods I

Also combined all of the salt to make more salt blocks or at least I tried to you can’t actually turn it back into block form which is unfortunate but I’m doing more tours around the house and it turns out I might need to change the locks why are you inside my house get

Out of my house I spent the rest of the day doing just a bit of enchanting trying to put a bunch of different things on books I’m really hoping for Unbreaking so that I can make the armor and tools that I have at this point survive through the remainder of these

100 days I don’t want to be back down into basic leather in Winter cuz mobs are going to be far more dangerous then but I only got a few Unbreaking one books it was a bit unfortunate but at least it’s something I tried getting backstabbing which sounds amazing but it

Doesn’t go on to swords I’m not 100% sure what that even goes on to actually if you could let me know in the comments please but I’m only two seeds of chaos away from the crafting recipe that I really really want to do that involves those so I headed out in the evening

Trying to find more and all I got was Herobrine smiling at me from the distance I don’t like how he’s smiling now I really really don’t like how he’s smiling now when somebody’s smiling at you and you don’t know why it is always concerning it is always scary it’s like

Somebody saying hey I have plans for you that’s never good but I fought mobs through the rest of the night and unfortunately didn’t get any more seeds of chaos so I’m just trying to look and see what I can do with with everything that I had collected in my inventory

Especially the rotten flesh turns out I can make really good dirt oh Straw wild rice oh okay that might actually be useful so I actually thought I had seen some of this at some point in time so I ran all the way back over towards the village looking around and going through things finding Chief and if you know my community if you’re on my

Server which by the way come join my community Minecraft server leg. we have an awesome space there there’s one person in my community who’s obsessed with dirt but Chief was just Hing his way around as I went and awoken the copper golems in this space just having

A whole bunch more mobs I you know what as much as I love the LA I do think the copper Golem might have won it could have been fun all right you got me Golem enjoyers you win it could have been fun but eventually I found a spot where all

The fancy dirt was where I was able to collect it and get everything together so now that I had that I wanted to make more it was barely enough to fill the greenhouse and I saw that I needed to make more straw which I actually needed

To take the knife that I had made the bad knife all the way back on day one and I headed out and I’m using that to chop down grass now there’s not a lot of grass around so I actually had to head out pretty far which meant I was in mob

Spawning territory which meant I was constantly getting attacked by nightmares stalkers but this actually kind of worked for me cuz like I said I want more seeds of chaos but I spent the whole night out fighting mobs and collecting straw and then heading back home where I was able to craft up about

20 of the really fancy dirt which I went out and I put outside in the greenhouse mainly cuz I’m not sure if this is going to freeze or turn into regular dirt if I put it outside but I also put a whole bunch of that around one of the Torches

Which was thawed and was not frozen over right now so it would probably be safe safe from getting snowed on in some way while that kind of fermented for lack of a better word I went out doing a little bit more exploring and finding another dungeon with an Easter basket inside Easter

Basket oh very loud a bunny a chocolate bunny I’m sorry bunny oh look they went away but as I got a little bit late I realized I had headed out without my sleeping bag but despite that Phantoms were starting to spawn and I actually kind of wanted some Phantom

Membranes or some of the drops that you can get from them cuz there’s a possibility if I get really lucky I can craft an elytra which would honestly be super cool to fly around this space I have a ton of gunpowder so I wouldn’t be

Able to go far but it’ be nice but I’m running around fighting off more mobs and then continuing along in this direction finding another of the witches areas another of the kind of coven circles fing all of the witches around here where I could get a whole bunch

More bottles which was awesome for my juice production and a whole lot more experience from killing mobs which is good because I want to get back up above level 30 so I could try to get some Unbreaking three bus I kept fighting the whole night ending up with a witch’s hat

In the morning so I’m part of the coven now digging around around the central cauldron finding a chest underneath grabbing a waist Stone and then jumping on my horse and continuing out I got to the point where we met another frozen ocean and there was a village right here

Kind of nestled into the coast I registered on the waystone which would cost me five levels to get back home pretty expensive considering I’m trying to save up but I just kind of checked what was around the village looted the chests stole from all the villagers you

Know the usual Minecraft thing but as I was checking the woods nearby and surrounding the area I found a Dark Tower now I’d seen this before over on the Shipwreck Island so I knew how it would work you can’t really mine in here the spawners actually fight back so you

Have to be careful about that whenever you’re mining them you’re poison you’re blinded so you have to do it when you know you’re really safe too and I started fighting my way spiraling up all of the towers and there’s quite a bit in here handling this on my own basically

Required going up getting to the point where I can mine something and then having to come back down to the main floor to heal but that all started to fall apart at about the halfway Point what the heck need to come back for this a little bit better

Equipped it’s going to be expensive but might actually make sense to use the waist stone for a change yeah let’s use the waist stone for a change five levels that’s expensive worth it so since I was out of almost anything to drink and I had earned a whole bunch of levels from the

Tower I worked back which put me at level 29 it kind of sucked to be under 30 but we’ll make it work mainly because I can go around and fight mobs all night since I can’t sleep for some reason and I’m just prevented from sleeping through

The night and I have to spend all night fighting everything next morning I saw a whole bunch of bombs just through the window off doing their thing as I made myself some more melon juice so I’d be hydrated and more able and capable to take on the tower once I headed back I

Dealt with all of the mobs that were around made myself a new knife and chopped off some beef to make some burgers did a little bit of Milling to make more spaghetti and made myself a whole bunch more pasta and honestly that kind of took all day the burgers are

Nice and being able to get strength is good but nourishment and saturation effects will be able to allow me to stay out longer because I’ll need to eat less and I just need to worry about hydration the only problem was as I started finishing that up a super blood moon

Rose oh well that’s a problem so there’s going to be quite a few mobs around here and all the snow has kind of hit a perfect level where it’s now spawnable again so that is about to get really bad and this specific blood moon seemed to be almost exclusively zombies or at

Least a lot of zombies spawned and then the zombie calling reinforcement mechanics started to really work and then it started to really really really snowball very quickly I was setting myself on fire from hitting the mobs and then they would hit me so I had to occasionally use my water bucket to help

Kind of fix myself but that made me colder so I to balance and then hold the lava bucket then try not to use that and waste that or use it on the zombies cuz then it’ll make more fire zombies and it was just this chaotic just kiting back

And forth on the ice then I had a different problem they were drowned underneath me and they were breaking the ground under me trying to get me to fall into the water with them this is a problem this is there’s my bucket they keep trying to throw me under the

Ice look at this this is so much oh my God what do I even do with this so as the blood moon started to set I killed a few of the zombies that were above water but a lot of them had fallen down into the water underneath the ice

And they were just slowly digging slowly spawning more and it was becoming to the point where I couldn’t go down there I couldn’t take care of it there’s still a ton of mobs up on the surface and things hit a critical point look at everything trapped under the lake oh there’s my Apple

Okay that was a lot look at this you know what I should do I wonder if hold on there’s something I’ve really been using meaning to use in this pack for a while so one of the mods I had allowed you to make custom snowballs which could

Be very fun and what them you could just stick a stick a TNT in a snowball and I’m thinking when am I ever going to use this now now is when I’m going to use this oh these are these don’t stack okay let’s see what they

Do o ow ow and that last explosion was extremely unfortunate because that broke my nightmare helmet which was a problem I no longer had the full set I had most of the utility to be able to make it but just losing that and the enchance on it

Was a bit of a setback you know what’s way more of a setback once those zombies made it to land oh my God what am I supposed to do here so this feels like a bad situation right this feels like the moment where things take a turn and I’m kind of

Nervous I’m trying to run the math on if I can kill the Zombies faster than they’re spawning reinforcements and if that’s even possible to do I did a lot of Sword swinging throughout the whole night I quickly slept to avoid Darkness so more wouldn’t spawn and in the

Morning I’m starting to hear very scary sounds so the first thing I’m going to need to be able to deal with this is better armor right I had gotten the last seed of chaos I needed in the previous night to finally make some progress here you can turn diamonds into netherite coins with

Four seeds of chaos surrounding them four coins is turns into netherite scrap which is one Ingot which is what I needed to be able to work towards a dark metal chest plate I crafted up a diamond version made the netherite Ingot first did a bit of enchanting on the diamond

Chest plate just to get that ready to go then set up with all of the books and dealt with uh someone who had made it inside oh my god I didn’t even notice what’s up I have a child sitting down for dinner I kind of want to leave you there

But I kept throwing TNT into the lake and it’s doing basically nothing okay this is this is going to going to get so much worse it’s only going to continue getting worse so I headed over towards the armorer first blasting up some dark metal so that I could work towards a

Plate I used the smithing table that was inside there to upgrade my chest plate to netherite and then once I had all of the dark metal made a dark metal plate which I can then put on the chest plate to protect me even more does this suck

Losing a bit of thermal tuning yes absolutely but we need to be able to tank damage this is getting worse oh with all of this I’d forgotten about Herobrine I’m not going to lie we’re going to go to sleep before it gets too much worse oh I can’t sleep with my kid

Here oh I’m sorry child oh they’re just here at the door so there was now mobs close enough to the house at all times that I couldn’t sleep they’re breaking their way into the door if I leave it open they just start running inside the chairs work to kind

Of trap them which is not what I intended at all but this is kind of a problem they made their way up and around I blocked off the door and reached outside open and just started wailing on all of the adults that were outside you could think that they were

All here for autographs but the kids were able to make their way inside and that was a bit of a problem I tried to sleep so that they would spawn fewer copies of themselves and I just can’t and the noises downstairs make me think that they’re about to break in and this

Had me in a really weird situation that I didn’t hear my wife walking up to try to get my attention oh my God you scared [Laughter] me you scared the out of me you hi what’s up are you telling to him no this a video oh but that spook

Was enough to kind of bring me back to my senses and I’m not going to be able to deal with that horde from the door so I headed up to the attic carved a hole in the roof and tried to take stock of the situation oh my

God the only problem was standing on the roof was freezing me to death and the mobs they can pillar they can help each other like the zombies in World War Z to climb over the walls once they’re in Mass I’m not going to lie I’m panicking a bit right now what

Even what do I do here what do I even get off the roof this house is done it’s done there’s no way I’m ever going to be able to return here so I left I jumped on my fail horse I took whatever I could in my pockets

And I ran hoping that maybe there would be a way I could recover the house and what I had left inside but the first thing I needed to do was survive I ran over to the Village because that was the only other place I could think of of

Potentially surviving just hiding one of the houses and trying to realize where I was kind of at oh my God what do I even begin to do in this situation oh oh it warmed up oh thank goodness okay it stop snowing and stand outside now we need our stuff I need the

Lava bucket if nothing else so I banked everything in a chest here and then thought let’s go back let’s take a look let’s try to see where it’s at that and the lack of thermal tuning is very apparent oh wait I have the lava bucket in my

Hands I was so panicked and so scared I didn’t see it in my inventory and I was sure I had lost it that’s a little less bad it’s still not great cuz we basically have to offhand this thing to survive lagundo and losing things that are obviously in his inventory name him

More iconic Duo I’m blind sometimes so I slowly crept in towards the house trying to sneak through the horde hoping that maybe they had dispersed they didn’t have a scent on me and I’d be able to try to get in and get some of my stuff I

Dealt with a few of the mobs that were right out front of the door running in and blocking it up right behind me I wanted to take no chances I ran into the chests as they started breaking down the doors and I could hear them starting to

Dig to spawn more friends inside the house grabbing a whole bunch of food anything else I could carry I compress down iron emeralds anything valuable and then it was time to go my first thought was to try to fight my way back out the front door that was just not going to

Work they were far too many zombies around so I made my way back up to the attic level climbing through that little hole in the roof and then jumping down throwing a pearl off in a direction summoning my horse and just seeing zombies overrunning the entire building

And I felt like that was it I was kind of reset I mean I’m setting myself on fire again with the lava yes it’s business as usual but at the same time it feels like a massive massive problem hi uh I’m taking this I only have 5 days before it’s winter and I

Need those supplies I need that structure or else I’m going to die but trying to think about what I’m going to do I just I dropped everything off and I took a breath if the house wasn’t safe maybe if I could find supplies or equipment anything it would be out and

About in places I hadn’t looted yet so I spent almost all of my levels warping out to the very far Village that had the Dark Tower right next to it that I had been on right before that just zombie overrunning of my main base I worked my

Way up to levels this time bringing torches so I can light up what’s behind me and fighting up to each of the individual spawners you have to be extremely careful when breaking these because it puts you in such a vulnerable state and also I’m high enough up and

Without thermal tuning I’m taking cold damage so now I need to be much more Vigilant on keeping my temperatures up as well where before I could just focus on fighting I got up to the point where the vexes were spawning and this started to become a problem so I offhanded the

Totem in order to keep myself from an really inadvertent ganking from behind and would switch to the bucket whenever I started getting cold Downing melon juice as much as I could to keep my health up to full because thirst was going down so fast with every bit of

Damage but at one point there was far too many mobs to deal with and I was getting kind of overwhelmed so I ran out I only had two hearts to my name I’m starting to run out of melon juice at this point so I just ran over to the

Coast and I’m using that one water bottle that I have to just drink a little bit of water while hiding and sleeping in a house here so I don’t have food I don’t have shelter I don’t even have water right now I’m really kind of on the back foot as we’re approaching

The most dangerous season of this 100 days but I made my way up to the very top of the tower and defeating a bone callar and is something that I’ve done a few times but it is in confined spaces thankfully though I can summon a whole

Ton of children to try to help take it down a mob of children to help fight off this one Summoner and I was lucky enough enough to claim victory that got me a whole bunch more iron some other supplies a ton of golden apples gold but

Seeds of chaos so I could work up to maybe some more netherite oh that is so perfect I needed that staff of magic arrows oh nice so then I headed up one more floor and then there was one of the Supreme bone callers it’s backto back boss

Fights and I was thankfully able to just power through this one as well and the the imps the bone collar they don’t turn into fire monsters of themselves so using my lava bucket a little more offensively on top of defensively from the elements definitely helped get them

Kids heck yeah but I spent the time looting all of the towers working my way down seeing a kind of a little depressed like inset little base that had been set up with a few witches and pillagers inside there’s a little bit of loot here

Which had food but I’m out of water so I’m eating the golden apples to recover my health because that’s the only way I can heal right now so with two and 1 half hearts and a dream I’m heading in getting a few sweet berries after

Setting a witch on fire with a bucket of lava my life is weird how is that a sentence I just said but I ended up drinking some more ocean water which does hydrate you apparently using the wayist stone to warp back to the village and just as I did a Blood Moon

Rose oh no now I can’t afford to lose the village as well and I don’t have the benefit of all of the ground being spawn proofed from the snow that had been falling around that structure for the last 70 odd days so I had to go out and

Fight and fight I did just trying to keep everything I could away I’m staying away from the village so that’s not being marked as a potential area to it attack I’m just running around on the river kiing mobs fighting through everything I possibly can there were drown spawning now and they were

Continuously trying to break the ice underneath me but at least now I had a little bit of experience dealing with that and I was able to stay away and go to the coasts whenever possible to recover I had to tank a lot of this with very little damage because I didn’t have

A way to heal I didn’t have food or water that could actually help me fully recover so I had to be very careful but I was able to power through the following morning I just tried to see what I had I was able to make a whole

Bunch of more melon juice based off of everything that I had saved from the village but going from six chests filled with loot down to a single one I can’t lie it was a bit of a downgrade but I was very close to another piece of dark

Metal armor I was only three seeds of chaos away so the blood moons had at least come in handy for something as well as taking on the tower and getting all the loot from there but there is no way that I’m going to be able to survive

Winter just crashing on the couch of a few villagers I need to go and retake my home that is the only way I’m going to survive it’s where all my supplies are that’s it it’s that or freeze to death in the winter because I am not strong

Enough to make it through so I approached from the south and just started fighting my way through attacking early enough in the day that more mobs weren’t spawning and being lucky enough that a lot of the ones who had actually made their way into the house were trapped on the chairs zombies

Apparently don’t know how to stand up once from a seated position but I was lucky enough to power through all of those and then it was just the lake that I had to deal with fighting and making sure to attack anyone as soon as they started digging which cancels the

Spawning process and allows me to actually gain some ground with really aggressive just pushing for it making sure to never right click with that lava bucket when I’m underwater cuz that is game over as well I was able to finally secure a beach head getting the doors

Down repairing the door over at the greenhouse house and emulating some of the Cabbage that I had but I harvested the rest including the Nether wart and my fancy dirt was ready to go but we’ll use that in a minute but I done it I’d somehow recovered the house through just

2 or 3 days of poking at it near continuously I was able to regain ground but I needed to be ready because this could potentially go bad again and with only 2 days left in Autumn I needed to be smart about what I was going to spend

My time on first I ran all the way back to the Village to just recollect a lot of my loot sailing back over towards the house to make myself a whole bunch more juice to organize inventory and to take care of all of the animals I was in the

Process of just breeding those up so I could get another generation set and in the bank when um let’s just roll the Clip oh my God oh my God oh my God so with that colossal mess up I just went out in the evening and just fought mobs I didn’t want to be anywhere near my house in the darkness I couldn’t sleep in my house for some reason so instead of risking more

Zombies spawning around the structure itself more mobs spawning and overwhelming that location I went out to the Wild and fought them on their Turf it might not be the smartest thing long term but in the short term it felt like the only way because I still had a lot

Of prep work to do to be ready for winter and the following morning the final day of autumn it was time to do all of that I spent time organizing all of the seeds moving all of the seeds off to their own chest so I can better keep

And consolidate all of the food that I had to have that ready for whatever I’m going to need to eat for the winter and I’m not hibernating either I have a whole bunch of work that I’m going to need to do and as I was heading down

Into the Crips to grab a little bit more I did luck out and get two more seeds of chaos oh nice but I went down getting a little bit turned around and actually ending up in a different direction finding another kind of skulk ified dungeon breaking through the spawner and

Setting off the shrier twice I mean I don’t really want to deal with a warden here so we’re going to have to take that carefully I was able to walk away with a golden apple a whole bunch of gunpowder and a bunch of zombies underground but I

Need diamonds if I’m going to make another piece of diamond armor that I could then upgrade through netherite to dark metal but those diamonds were right next to an interesting new structure but as I was off mining I was reminded oh yeah this is the spooky 100 days [Applause]

Hul it had been just long enough and with the zombie horde I for forgot that Herobrine was in the game My God but I kept pushing through to diamond ore and eventually found this really interesting deep slate structure buried here it was some okay chests I’m

Not going to lie but it was covered in bone blocks on all sides and the most interesting thing about it were probably the wither skeletons that were just chilling here and calling this place home I did spend some time just poking around the outside coordinates of the

Space seeing what chests I could find that were somewhat defenseless I found a meding pickaxe which is really nice and the water is helping me keep the wither skeletons away and since I’m deep enough I don’t need to always hold my lava bucket to keep me warm but I Mark the

Coordinates for later just saving this off because it’s the end of the season and I really should start winter the harshest time in this entire 100 days at home the last thing I want to do is be stuck out in a cave and freeze to death

Before I can make it through the door so I made my way up to the surface inside banked everything and took one last deep breath right that’s the end of Autumn winter is going to be the hardest yet let’s see how it goes and I couldn’t

Have got in at a better time because welcome to Winter this season’s going to be a lot more difficult than anything else firstly it’s always snowing which means mobs can always spawn and it’s always cold even with a lava bucket in my hand I’m going to start taking

Freezing damage after only a few seconds but with the new higher spawns I had quite a bit to deal with right around home but just when I thought I had a handle on everything that was happening around my house the Snowman started to attack yes that’s a real thing that’s

Going to start happening now in Winter snowman raids wait wait Frosty rosty why wait okay that’s genuinely annoying uh kids oh my boots no just frosty have a Glock wait why does Frosty have a gun oh my God I need boots I need shoes hold on so I ran into really

Quickly and made myself a pair of diamond boots and when I went back outside and was continuing to fight The Horde it just took a few seconds for the absurdity of this situation to dawn on me wait what wait wait Frosty Frosty why wait Frosty with the

Glock what what is going on why is does this world just keep getting weirder oh no do I see that right confused by the Challenger surroundings and decides to leave oh okay I saw red text and I thought for a second it might be a super blood moon or

Something so remember what I just said there about a super blood moon because I absolutely jingle myself just just wait and see but I made myself a little bit more juice crafted up a replacement diamond helmet and started doing a little bit of enchanting on all of that

Just trying to make sure that that was upgraded I had to deal with a few eyes around me which constantly are scary and then went out searching for my final seed of chaos which I could use to make enough netherite to make another dark metal plate to upgrade another piece of

My armor thankfully there was a bone callar right behind the house who dropped most of what I needed the the Flies are just disturbing honestly but they’re also chilling around now despite it being very very cold had had a wering Traer friend who spawned in at one point

Apparently cuz there was just a llama chilling here but the zombies had almost certainly eaten them so I headed back home Enchanted up my diamond armor took a quick nap and the following morning we have more work to do I went through all of the books that I had to try to see

What would be a priority to put on and in place and ran over towards the village to go pick up a few of the things that I had left here I was also looking to see if they were getting into the holiday spirit they’re supposed to start putting

Up like Christmas decorations and other things as soon as the winter season starts maybe it’s too early and it’s just an entire neighborhood of people who are not that house and wait until the last minute it’s entirely possible but there’s supposed to be some fun holiday decorations that appear in here over the

Next couple days I just wanted to come see if it was going to happen but it looks like maybe not yet so we’ll we’ll have to we’ll have to check back in at a later date it is snowing pretty bad so we’re going to head over before it gets

Too bad in that area I haven’t seen a single mob one raccoon and a couple donkeys that’s it that’s all we’ve seen are those mules nope it’s donkeys so the only thing that survives winter is donkeys and raccoons and birds apparently okay oh so yeah it turns out all of the

Animals despawned when winter started so I feel a little less bad about burning them all to death with a bucket of lava but it does mean that I’m going to have no more protein to be able to harvest up plus I also need to take care of the

Snow around the house I just need to shovel the driveway and make sure everything is good so I’m not going to get buried here so I went to take all of that and then all of the super nice dirt and replace the Farmland that existed inside the greenhouse this will

Hopefully allow plants to grow a lot faster even though it’s the middle of winter and they might not grow at all I’m not entirely sure I can really only grow cabbage at this point too so oh boy but I was just a few pieces short so I

Went inside to grab all of the recipe and ingredients that I needed but I was out of straw so the next morning I grabbed a knife headed into the nearby woods and in fighting off the mobs was taking care of the last little bits of grass here in the forest and it’s really

Only what existed underneath the trees and hadn’t been snowed on everything else was gone I was setting myself on fire a lot with that lava bucket in my off hand way more than I’m even showing in the video I kept cutting away from it cuz I was worried it would get

Repetitive and I would look stupid but I’m pretty sure I already look pretty stupid which to be fair that that’s just being accurate how I felt in the moment I crafted up the remaining dirt just getting that ready in place and then immediately had to do more shoveling

Around the house being very careful to not set my house on fire with the lava but using that to break up the Snowballs I upgraded my pick with Fortune 1 and this whole time i’ had been hearing footsteps and I’m thinking something’s in the house or around the house maybe

It’s one of the ghosts so I dug into the basement oh my God it’s it’s a cockroach and thankfully the Cockroach was the problem so with the fortune pickaxe I was about to head down into the mines to get more diamonds but super blood moon you see how I jinxed myself

Oh no so I ran back up to the surface and then had to fight mobs all night at this point you’ve seen me deal with the super blood moon several several times and the snow is piled high enough that it’s weird I know that if I go to a spot

Where mobs can spawn suddenly a ton of mobs are going to spawn right there cuz there’s so many limited spaces oh my God but in general it’s just a matter of playing this safe oh boy oh no oh whoa okay oh my God I don’t know why the super blood

Moon seem to spawn just exclusively zombies maybe I changed something or or misconfigured something or it might be the fact that as soon as the zombies spawn they start making thousands more zombies oh no okay children nope kids aren’t working why are you so fast but this time instead of going in

The house to hold up give them a Consolidated Target that they can just kind of pile into and just eventually overwhelm the defenses of I kept on the move I kept running around I was picking off zombies one by one trying to make sure that I was careful enough to take

Out the ones that were AGG gring around and I did okay I survived through the night into the following morning where I was mainly on cleanup Duty the kids were doing a lot of work as far as taking out a few of the zombies and I’m using the

Staff of magic arrows to be able to fight everything from range but that did not stop from another massive horde of zombies and drowns from being underneath the ice doing a little bit of repairing to that ice over the last couple days had bought me some time but it was still

Going to be a problem so I crafted up a few more TNT snowballs and just started yeting those Into The Horde which kind of broke a few of them out and then a lot of zombies were chasing me but I can’t just stay out here fighting on the lake for for forever I

Do eventually need to be able to do something else so I did make my way into the house at one point just securing myself off making a little bit of a quick access going and grabbing the dark metal that I needed and some ender pearls and getting up onto the roof oh my

God look at all of this why are they on fire what do I even do what do I even do they’re everywhere so I pearled away and I thought you know what I I’ll come back to this hopefully maybe I can try to secure another Beach head give the

Hordes time to disperse and I’d be able to come in and secure the house later just like I had did maybe some 10 15 odd days ago I’m back roomy thanks but the good news is as soon as I started in the village the following day I had an idea

Golems that would be smart let’s use Golems oh this could be brilliant so I ran back towards the house right away pearling in and then onto the roof a lot of zombies were kind of trapped on the lower floor inside but since I had left they were no longer

Consolidating I took all of the iron that I had from the entire 100 days and a few pumpkins and just saw so many zombies outside and started spawning Golems thinking you know what maybe this will do the trick maybe this can clear The Horde and yes it actually started to work it’s

Working um who knew having an a robot army would be really good for fighting or making it you know slightly better odd than 100 to one making it like 20 to one that is much more manageable oh every time soon as I start to forget about Herobrine in the pack

Honestly this is kind of working I mean the problem is they’re trapped in the bottom of the lake and that was honestly really promising having some backup being able secure the lake being able to actually take out a bunch of the zombies or let the zombies be taken out by my Creations

While I focus on fighting things like nightmare stalkers that they would never engage with or shoveling up all of the snow around the base so that I won’t get completely buried that’s working that’s an even and fair trade-off and it’s doing pretty good the only problem is I

Couldn’t sleep cuz there was still mobs all around the house so on the morning of day 81 I’m just clearing out a few Dr that I saw underneath the ice in one area that the Golems couldn’t get to and just a few stragglers around the base

Letting the Golems go off and do their work in the lake unimpeded the giggling continued to horrifying effect but the one thing I wanted to do was make sure that the Golems were actually protecting relatively close to the house they had wandered out pretty far at this point so

I went over and grabbed some leads leading them back to the house and tying them to the pole directly outside after that I went and I got got some sand so I could craft up some more bottles so I’d be able to increase my food stores even

Further but I was out of some other essential supplies we need more diamonds you see I had all of the seeds of chaos to make netherite but I didn’t have any diamonds so I made a grindstone and I ground off the enchantments from a spare diamond pickaxe that I had first

Getting silk touch which I thought might be nice but I’m really rolling for Fortune I want to try to get something thing where I can get more diamonds more reliably and all I got was silk touch so I headed down into the mines with that thinking I’ll collect whatever ores I

Can find bring them together and then Fortune them at a later date I headed over towards the ruins that I hadn’t fully explored and I spent some time before going into them so it already rolled over to the next day as I was out finding a whole bunch of diamond ore

Going caving getting visited by a new Goblin friend oh hey whisper Sun what you got for me oh if only I had a dragon head those goblins are a lot of fun but I actually experienced something down here that I never have before I’m hot I’m on fire

It’s cuz I’m too close to Too Much lava and considering how long and how frequently I had Frozen it was really interesting to experience kind of a different sensation I fought a whole bunch of the diamond termites which was able to get me some shards that could be

Crafted into a diamond collecting all of the ores and just holding those for the future there’s a whole bunch of creepers that I had to deal with down here but it this is kind of old hat considering the horde that was waiting underneath the lake above my head hopefully they don’t

Dig down to me that would honestly be pretty bad but I grabbed a few diamonds from a minor skeleton continuing to run around checking through all of the caves and at one point digging up and into what I can only describe as kind of a lush abandoned M shaft I went to go

Check the mine carts and it was time for some holiday cheer present hard of the sea okay I continued around the M shaft finding some lapis ore and some additional Diamond all of that would come in handy and then a rascal okay we got to find them again

Because if we do they might give us a fortune pick so I found the Rascal again at the end of this m shaft and I tagged them and it’s only now one more time that I need to do it but I searched the entire M shaft quite well I got a whole

Bunch of golden apples lapis Redstone more Christmas presents I dug into an area with a ton of gold ore and when I unwrapped one of my presents a new idea popped into my head I hadn’t thought about beating the game until exactly this moment I don’t know if it’s even

Possible given how few eyes or Blaze routs we have but we might want to consider it so that is a potential out or a potential finale for this video I hadn’t even thought about it because I don’t know if we have enough eyes that we’re going to be able to fight the

Dragon but that would honestly be pretty cool but I continued running around exploring all of the caves fighting any Diamond Termite I could find and making very sure to not set off skull shers to summon the skull I’ve already Fought The Horde I don’t need to do that again but

Once I collected everything from the Lush M shaft area I headed back over through the caves fought some ghosts and mind my way up to to the surface I’m going to have to go back to those ruins again at some point in the future but I’m kind of out of pocket space right

Now I just kind of rabbit hole down so I fought through a whole bunch of mobs running back to the house on my seed and I once again can’t sleep I don’t know why I will know why soon and I do figure it out but I just spent the evening

Dropping off and organizing my inventory seeing a bunch of dark metal mobs out around the house and after a little bit of cooking making sure I’m not going to fight Undead hordes on an stomach I was out of melon juice so I needed to Resort back to just the water cantens to make

Sure I would stay hydrated doing a little bit of fighting on my front porch before heading out I had seen a few melons out in the field thankfully they hadn’t frozen over and turned into ice cubes so I was able to go out and collect those I continued searching out

Seeing if any more would have generated if I had any shot at just getting the supplies I needed to continue through I found another dark well and the loot inside was promising oh a blaze rod okay wait seriously is that the first Blaze Rod I’ve ever gotten so I went

Back and I checked all the other Blaze anything I had received previously was powder so that was kind of convenient there’s also an apple tree right here which I was able to harvest and then an orange tree but I was too busy being harassed by the birds who stole one of

My golden apples and despite my best efforts I was unable to kill them before they ate it I hate these seagulls but there’s a bunch more melons here which I was able to pick up finding another house and being harassed by the birds another get away from my golden apples

But I check through the loot inside the Armor’s house just getting a little bit of chicken and iron not really a lot and then a Blood Moon Rose and if the birds wouldn’t have been bad enough we’re going to have more problems soon these serious is stole all my

Apples oh I hate those birds as I was running back all of a sudden a bunch of blocks underneath me turned into fell soil mainly just water was turning into this kind of like almost a magma block I ended up down into a ravine where I was

Trapped by a couple different mobs and was able to thankfully fight my way out of running back on the river and just trying to get home there’s more of that fell soil right here which made me think oh no was there some sort of corruption or something growing but I actually just

Updated the mob and that was my horse doing that so I could kind of walk on water which is honestly pretty metal but I fought mobs throughout the night mainly to get up more dark metal pieces so I could upgrade my armor a bit further being a little careless with a

Few nightmare stalkers along the way oh my God Golems help Golems help Golems help Golems help Golems help and that was honestly pretty closed without the Golems to distract or do some damage there I might have been a goner cuz I’m too busy holding a lava bucket instead of a totem because I

Can’t freeze to death before dying to death being stabbed to death something like that but the following morning once the blood moon had set I cashed in all of the resources just collecting everything and getting some of the chest to almost overflowing so the chest monster starting to rise there’s very

Little I can do here but I was able to craft up a few additional eyes which which brought me to a total of seven beating the game is actually potentially possible here and I converted all of the melons I had collected into a ton more juice so I’d be able to stay hydrated

For quite a while I disenchanted and reenchanted the pickaxe finally getting what I wanted Fortune 2 I will take it that is good enough and with that I plopped down all of the ores and mined that up for more resources also upgrading my chest PL plate along the way so I converted

Half of the diamonds into netherite coins and I stored off the rest of the seeds of chaos because I didn’t have enough to make any more coins I smelted that up to make another netherite Ingot and then I also upgraded my nightmare pants with some Unbreaking because that

Has thermal tuning on them and I don’t think I can afford to upgrade those or remove that when I’m in the middle of winter I headed over towards the armor nearby to smelt up the three dark metal piles that would allow me to make the three dark metal ingots which when I ran

Back home combined that with the netherite Ingot and a whole bunch of the dark leather was another plate which I made a smithing table over here so I could do the final step of it and went ahead and upgraded my boots from Diamond to netherite and then netherite to dark

Metal so I’m a lot more durable now I can take a whole lot more damage I just can’t sleep for some reason so I ran out up to the attic and threw down a sleeping bag there and finally was able to take a nap the next morning though as

Soon as I stepped outside another snowman raid started this time a tier two so something tells me I had done something to upset everybody just a little bit earlier a ton more of the Snowman appeared now there were two new types one’s with presents where if you

Let them get a little bit too close they would explode and add a whole ton of snow everywhere and these other ones that would make me blind or drunk when they hit me with certain projectiles the real problem with this however was the snow end were far more efficient at

Killing my Golems than the zombies were since they had ranged attacks and they would actually be aggressive at the Golem where skeletons weren’t no no don’t do it Frosty with a Glock but I was able to power through defeating this raid getting a nice pretty little advancement and a decent

Bit of loot which I finally had a chance to actually dig into and see what it does okay tier 2 snowman prison ice ice oh what was that tame an animal what did it just give me an advancement I think it did Ice coal I guess I’m on the naughty list and

I hate to say it but that hord raid the snowmen they took the whole day like it was already starting to become night by the time that that was over so I thought let me go inside and craft myself up some better armor I made myself a new

Nightmare helmet and I did some enchanting on that to get protection on it as well ditching the diamond helmet for now and liking being able to have some higher efficiency on all of my dark magic weapons and tools the problem is that giggling was around the house somewhere around the house and those

Eyes got stronger throughout these hun days and if one caught me right now it would put me almost at a onot kill so I needed to try to find it and I spent the evening searching around eventually making eye contact and being able to go

To bed day 87 and this world is just becoming a mess this is a mess just look at this this is a mess all right we need a shovel we need to clean up here so I made myself a brand new iron shovel and just spent some time shoveling snow out around the

House I actually shoveled until it broke and that barely made a dent in the whole space I covered like half of the front yard and it was completely covered again I converted a bunch of that snow into blocks which I was then able to just store a little bit more efficiently and

Looked in the little area that I had made to cover the ravine There’s a Zombie chilling there and I’m thinking maybe this is the mob that wasn’t letting me sleep so I just blasted them with the staff and then boxed it back up heading deep underground because I had

Some exploring to do I hadn’t fully gone and explored that dark ruin that I had found some 20 odd days ago right before it turned into winter and I really wanted to I’d only poked around the edges but it was time to dive in and really explore the core of this space

I’m staying careful and alert because wither skeletons would really mess me up I’m not really in the best of armor and they do a decent bit of damage but the loot was consant to the reward oh that’s awesome I was finding a lot of diamond tools in here a lot of

Gold string leads and some enchanted diamond armor which would be nice if I wasn’t already in some dark magic wizard robes I opened up another chest grabbed some golden apples and then started bridging around the structure having a mermaid a trident at me from a small

Little bit of water in the pond oh my God that jump scare aside I continued looting chests using the staff of magic arrows to take out any wither skeletons that I had and getting to a central chest which was oh so worth it yo that was a god

Apple that’s massive and you know what they say loot so nice you get it twice oh my God another one and another one that’s massive massive okay are we down a bundle oh no did I leave a bundle behind somewhere so I spent some time going back searching

Through all the chests I had already looted trying to find that pouch the bundle had quite a bit in it it had one of the god apples I had just found I couldn’t afford to lose that so I retrace my steps going through all of the chests in the earlier structure

Minding my way back and I was finding a whole lot of new stuff new tools new diamonds knew a bunch of everything else but I went back and I checked the footage and I found what I was looking for there you are look I actually looked at the video

Because I really really didn’t want to lose that I rarely do that I rarely review the footage live but this is a situation where it desperately made sense I’ve been more time fighting wither skeletons around this area seeing now snowman just wandering freely down in the caves as well and I’m assuming

Maybe because it’s winter they’re going to be much more aggressive I did end up getting a wither skeleton skull I have no idea what I could possibly do with that having another visit from a goblin traiter who I accidentally got exploded but having spent multiple days underground at this point I’m really

Worried what the snow looks like up by my house so I ran up the water up through the stone and continued moving around and yeah you can barely tell I shoveled anything here I spent some time organizing the inventory dropping all of the books in the appropriate chests so

That you could all have it when the World download comes around good luck surviving this it’s only going to get worse I cannot believe we have four God apples another 11 diamonds we are so stocked oh it feels good those are going to come in very handy believe me believe me this ends

With a bang so it was kind of sad that my entire Golem Army that had helped me reclaim this space had just been obliterated by a few snowmen but I made sure to repair my final Golem so that they would actually survive the night fighting off a few mobs to make sure

Everything was clear and then once again having to resign myself to the attic for any rest day 89 pardon me for getting sentimental for just a moment but I wanted to make sure to make myself a nice little tick chicken AKA turkey feast throw it on the table and be

Thankful so it might be almost the end of the year IRL well in game but it is just or it was just Thanksgiving so Happy Thanksgiving everybody but returning back to the work and winter and holiday decorations I made myself some glow lights in a bunch of different colors some red white blue

And purple and I went around to all of the leaves in the tree that was directly outside of my house in the little bit of a canopy that was left and made my home a little bit more festive love to see it look at that it’s beautiful I mean it’s

Covered in snow but it’s beautiful it’s nice little holiday Moment we really do need to do something about all of thisnow so I thought let’s actually invest in some proper snow clearing tools I made myself a diamond shovel went up and Enchanted it to get efficiency I also got silk touch which means I was going to get snow layers

Instead instead of the Snowballs which meant I could maybe actually do something with this right here I used the snow blocks to actually repair the kind of coast line between the lake and the coast so that way it wasn’t just a straight meter drop as soon as you got

To ice and that was going to come in handy because I wouldn’t want to get trapped there as a Blood Moon rose that evening oh no oh no oh no okay and at this point I was a bit of an old soul I kind of knew how I needed to get through

This night I knew what I needed to do I just didn’t know everything I would find a chicken but it turns out not all of my Golems had died actually a few of them had wandered back into the woods and I had no idea there was a decent bit of

Mobs here and I was able to move around a little bit Kite from place to place but the just intense amount of snow was somewhat safeguarding me from the dark magic of the Blood Moon as these two hazards that were both trying to kill me were kind of conflicting for who would

Get the honor and the weather was winning right now I paused my recording I just fought zombies all night and you didn’t get to see it I just noticed that it was pause cuz my family needed me so I fought zombies all night and keeping this video and

Having all of the scenario that you just watched last week still on that drive it filled up and I only noticed in the morning my God this is so it’s like too deep it’s genuinely two blocks deep I would be buried if this is normal

Snow but I went ahead and banked all of the loot including all of the TNT snowballs that I had made that you didn’t get to see using a dark Metal Ingot to repair my chest plate to make sure that it would survive the remainder of this 100 days and the snow at this

Point is taller than me it is fully over two blocks and gaining so much so that I can only really enter and exit the area on my horse from very specific angles as the fil horse cannot jump but I made my way over to the Village to kind of give

Them time to be loaded to potentially do some holiday decorating in their area really setting up the copper golems and H okay I feel bad about this oh I’m so sorry sorry oh please stop burning okay I feel bad they’re so excited to push buttons oh you zoom in my friend really no

Decorations up at all disappointed Village could thought you would have done something by now but apparently they weren’t feeling very festive I mean I know it’s because they’re in unloaded chunks and they don’t actually get to do anything when they’re not in loaded chunks but I’m going to rag on them they

Didn’t put up their holiday lights and I’m going to make fun of them for it I spent some time stealing whatever money I could find as well as dealing with a few mobs that were around and was kind of like a slightly bit of a guardian

Angel Grinch I steal and I keep them alive so yeah we’ll call that an even trade hi roomy and the following morning I wasn’t the only one who had a problem with the fact that this Village wasn’t feeling festive at all as a new cold snap horde triggered right here now

There’s another New Mob here the golems that had kind of a lightning route on top that would strike light lightning down on you so that is kind of scary does a decent bit of damage but at some point The Horde just kind of got confused and stopped I did end up

Clipping the Iron Golem which would have almost certainly been a problem ice saddle lightning transporter I don’t know what that means another of something I already had ice what does this do oh makes lightning I guess I uh I should have guessed that so wait is this how I can trigger it

Manually it is so I resummoned a confused horde kind of accidentally just summoning them and fighting them off with magic arrows and not really a lot of backup the drunken effect is probably the worst thing out of all of this but the Snowballs with rocks in them and the rate at those

Would be fired I’m just constantly tanking hits as I’m trying to move forward towards those snowmen and that’s costing me a lot of durability damage on my armor and I’m not really noticing it in the moment but it is going to become a problem as things are about to break

But I fought through the day slicing up some Snowman and clearing a tier one horde getting an advancement I had cleared the tier two a few days prior and I finally got some blocks to really set the holiday mood candy canes okay we have to go use that so I booked

It back home going to my loot room the loot chests and spending some time dropping off and organizing all of my inventory and it is overflowing I have done a significant amount of murder through this 100 days but the following morning we’re making the place look a little bit more thematically festive and

This is going to come out right before Christmas so happy holidays everyone it’s not perfect but it kind of works I spent a little bit more time cleaning up Snow and then was riding out and along on the fell horse because I’m starting to run out of melons again and I really

Need to hope that I can find some in chunks that were previously loaded and that they hadn’t been replaced by snow I found a few patches here or there before heading out and finding some very interesting looking pigs but the problem that I had is that they were standing on

A metric ton of powdered snow and I’m not kidding this is powdered snow six blocks deep and it’s everywhere genuinely everywhere and no matter what I could do it took so much effort to just get back on to land that beach is a death trap it also was the fact that now

There was Ice that was starting to spawn that would break underneath my feet so great I can get trapped underneath the lake without any drown and if I go to even remotely touch the coast I sink down 6 M and almost freeze to death it’s just a massive amount of powdered snow

No I did see a m shaft across the way but there was nothing but powdered snow underneath it so I couldn’t get close to it it was really a problem so I had to Pearl up and over the mountain Landing in you gued it even more powdered snow

But I did eventually make my way towards Solid Ground fin ing two of the Haunted pumpkins that I had fought a few times a new dark well which had a significant number of blaze rods and blaze powder in it more than I would need to beat the

Game we can beat the game I I never planned to be able to beat the game I thought I’d just have to freeze to death we we can beat the game that’s honestly pretty hype so with a potential new end game situation ready for me I marked off

The location of the pumpkins and noticed that there was an igloo nearby so I checked out what was around here moved around the Redstone took a quick nap and then went downstairs to go check what was going on the following morning it’s basically just a slightly upgraded

Version I thought that this would maybe be some sort of dungeon or something like that so I just broke down walls so that everybody could sit have a conversation leaving them to their own devices and then going out getting stuck in the fence temporarily there was a

Village nearby and I wanted to register that way Stone so I rode over there on the fell horse checking around and then just started running down a river finding another dungeon off in the distance and continuing off through the woods looping back around and through to

Make my way back to the house from here I kind of just took stock of everything that I had crafted up a whole bunch more Eyes of Ender and I had over 12 a bunch of pearls and some backup blaze rods this was doable it’s doable this is actually doable we’re

Actually going to beat the game I didn’t think that that would be possible in this mod pack genuinely I didn’t even know the blaze powder was in the fountains that’s why I added the recipe and then once I found it we never used it cuz I thought this was cooler so yeah

Sometimes it’s not the adventure you set out to make for yourself but it’s the one that you find along the way I spent some time repairing all of my armor specifically my pants as another Blood Moon Rose because you can’t have a major step forward without a few setbacks oh my God that’s

Huge and then from here that’s 28 26 okay okay I need to put these on we need to preserve these so I fought mobs throughout the whole night mainly to try to earn up the levels to be able to combine those two pairs of pans so I

Could get everything set up and I’d have thermal tuning pants that would have enough durability to actually survive the remaining 10 days or so there was a decent bit of mobs the nightmare stalkers were really my main problem and the creepers that would explode and blind me in the middle of the forest

Allowing other mobs to sneak up and attack me as well but I was doing okay just managing spawns making sure to kite around and avoiding staying in one place for far too long as the zombie kind of pylon mechanic and horde mechanics were something that I’ve kind of learned at

This point and you keep unloading them as you keep running to fight new Mobs they never really get to spawn spawn an overwhelming number so the morning of Day 94 I’m feeling pretty good I have everything set up I just spent some time organizing my inventory bringing along

Enough juice that I can make the whole trip setting up my fell horse packing the eyes in my pocket and bringing along the Anvil to fully repair my pants as soon as I have the experience to do so with that I grab my sleeping bag and there’s time to head

Out I need to stop doing that I really need to stop doing that you know before we go why don’t we just upset it for a little bit why not why not poke the bear or the disembodied ghost in the machine if we’re going to go beat the game we

Might as well do it and make sure that our biggest fan in this world is fully aware of what we’re about to do okay that was a new look uh do I can I light it again I really want to try to hit him okay let’s just let that go shall we it’s

Agitate cuz why not actually we’re going to need to let that burn so that it won’t snow over and with that little bit of poking the bear I made myself some backup juice of another type packed my bags stored everything and was ready to venture out

But I’ll do that in the morning but when I went to sleep I still couldn’t so I spent a little bit of time looking around seeing if there was maybe a mob chopped under my house but there’s one in the chair oh my God that was it and on the

Morning of day 95 it was time to go all right all right is my horse making this oh my horse is making this when did that start happening is that cuz I updated it actually was I I mean I know I like making lore reasons for everything that happens in these

Videos but yes that was actually because I updated the mob and that was actually perfect timing because it had something else that it unlocked and I was very excited for it but I continued following eyes along waiting until it would curve and twist and turn and I got to the

Point where it started to indicate or it started kind of double back on itself I found a nearby exposed cave so I spent the time breaking the spawners checking what was in here seeing if there’s any potential loot there’s a massive cave system which made me think okay maybe

The stronghold is down here and I don’t need to mine down into it I could just find part of it exposed in the Rock and the caves were big enough that I could throw an eye and have it fly up in here and it basically was the same as doing

It on the surface except I was maybe a little more vertically close to where I needed to go good to see as always Austin how you doing but I continued along in the caves from kind of moving from eye to eye and massive cave to massive cave mining through the walls to

Get from one to another I had a mini map mod and I was able to kind of look around this a little bit and once the eyes started pointing down it was only about a 10 block mining down from the cave that I was in to make my way into

The stronghold and at this point I had the 26 levels that I needed so I thought let’s combine the pants now before I risk them breaking in the end from too much damage from the dragon with that started navigating the stronghold and for once my inability to find the Portal

Right away let me find some new friends hello buddy thank you for the book you know you hold on to that for me for right now okay you chill so here we are the final 5 days of this video and I’m about to go beat the dragon in a world that I

Never intended for this to be possible I did run around the stronghold a little bit see if there’s any other loot here but at some point you just kind of have to light the portal and go oh do I really want to do this right now oh

Man I’m going to be completely honest when I started this playthrough this was not something that I imagined was possible I thought this is going to be man versus elements not man versus dragon screw it the ends wintery 2 this is Amazing I never thought I’d beat the game this is Awesome that took a whole day but it was worth it we did the impossible so the following morning I woke up with endstone in my hand and I was never supposed to get that in this adventure there was so many things that I thought would be locked and impossible without

The Nether and I wanted to kind of rub my victory in Herobrine’s face no Shrine for you I took care of a few mobs around my house and then admired the impressive snow coverage the snow is officially taller than me now [Laughter] uh I see you and I thought you know what

If we’re finishing the game let’s finish the game fully I crafted up a tier three snowman globe and decided to take on The Horde once again and tier three operates very similar to the previous two with two new additions as was the tradition first is these purple snowmen who can

Teleport around and actually drop chorus fruit when you kill them to allow you to teleport as well and I didn’t know it at the time but that was going to be massive that was actually going to unlock a true final encounter for this 100 days but I’m not going to lie I was

Taking a decent bit of damage and a whole lot of weather to my home no no get the fire away from my house not one the Thunder Golems for lack of a better term to burn down my house I had to kind of jump from one spot to another to

Another the sludge on the ground slowing and freezing me even with a lava bucket in my hand is immensely frustrating but I’m getting a ton of presentence from this and I’m fighting My Way Through The Horde as best I can but it is costing me a ton of

Durability oh my God my house is covered in snow back off rosty what broke oh no my helmet oh no not both of these at once not both of these at once but despite both a cold snap horde and a super blood moon at the

Same time I went out I ventured and I fought I was able to take out the horde clearing everything yes and earning myself a hoorde breaker title once that was done I had enough children and enough ammunition in my pocket and kind of fever in my belly that I was able to

Fight through the remainder of the mobs that were spawning the cold snap horde having covered anything that was left spawnable with so much snow that this blood moon was relatively quiet at least compared to some of the previous so as the undead began to burn on day 98 I’m

Thinking we have one final major accomplishment we can do first I repaired up my chest plate so that that would would be good to go made and Enchanted A New Nightmare helmet repaired my dark metal boots so I’m in full armor because I’m going to need it

For the fight that’s about to come I tried to see if I could repair my soul saber but I didn’t have the dark metal to do it and I’m also out of juice so I’m down to just water we’re coming full circle here and I’m down to my final bit

Of supplies just as the days are starting to run out but you know how I said that chorus fruit would be key to unlocking a final boss fight for this video well as I was recording this there was an update to the born in chaos mod which added this new

Transmogrification flask which you can use to unlock kind of a final boss of the born in chaos mod and if I can defeat that considering I’ve defeated the cord I’ve defeated Blood Moons I’ve defeated the dragon I’ve defeated the nightmare soccers that are attacking me and they’ve become just like another mob

Instead of an end of the world scenario I think that that would be a fantastic ending so I fought through the night trying to see if I could get just enough dark metal to repair my sword trying to be very conservative with when I used it only getting the killing blows

For looting and unfortunately I didn’t have enough when I returned home on day 99 Herobine had relit the shrine and I wasn’t having any of that that was off I had turned that off maybe I actually think we’ve hit the maximum height the snow’s allowed to accumulate

To in a lot of places cuz it’s just not going any further look at it perfectly smooth two blocks up over there oh my God okay but having exhausted all of my resources I filled some cens ran into the house set myself on fire with the lava for one last time

For posterity and prepared for a final battle I have apple juice okay that’s good to know we’ll keep that for the fight itself how did I forget about that genuinely how did I forget about that but I crafted up some additional High tier High restoration foods and use some of the candy cane

Blocks from the tier three h i just completed to finish the decorations out in front of the home and with my pocket and my belly full my home fully decorated my armor equipped as best as it could be I made myself a new sleeping bag and slept in the home one final time

On the morning of day 100 to end this thing with a climactic final battle I rode out on my fell horse a final time leaving my home to be ready for you all once you get the World download I headed out through the woods through powdered snow and freezing nearly to death making

My way to the igloo and making right on something that I should have done some time ago my friend you deserve better oh I could have gotten a cactus as much as this lava bucket has kept me alive for these 100 days the amount of damage it’s caused is

Irreparable but it was time to unlock a final boss I went out stealed myself Drew out the transmogrification flask and used it on the Evil Pumpkin unlocking Lord pumpkin head now this fight stays or at least starts somewhat similar to the previous pumpkin head fight that we’ve had you have the

Headless horsemen throwing pumpkins all around at you and you need to kind of crowd control and do boss damage the only problem is they’re much stronger and because of that I’m not holding my lava bucket I’m holding the totem which means I also have to contend with freezing damage they’re also faster

Taller hit harder so I had to Pearl into the tree a few times eating and chugging God apples using three before I’d barely done 10% of the boss’s Health just standing in the tree to try to hurt them oh problem get them kids I eventually started getting an

Idea of the boss’s attack patterns they would run at you do a few swings set you off with this fire effect in the top right hand corner and then right away letting that tick you down and continue to do damage I was also pearling away

Using range as best as I could to try to not get meleed by the boss and make the most out of the additional health and resistance I had from the god apples but staying hydrated was difficult and once I got to the point where that restoration and those extra Hearts were

Being knocked off of me I wasn’t feeling great at one point in time I even got the zombie doctor advancement which meant I was fighting for the better part of the day but I’m sitting here eating cabbage rolls having a bunch of snowballs and just throwing them at the

Flying exploding pumpkins that were chasing me but as it starts moving into the night I’m starting to make progress it is slow it is painful it is meticulous and I have to hold a lava bucket in my hand to avoid fire damage which means if I’m going to take lethal

Damage I’m going to need to hot swap to that totem at the last possible second I’ve exhausted all of my apples all of my golden apples my totem pops and I’m sitting here thinking this might be more than I can chew I’m I’m sitting in half less than optimal armor I only have

Protection two maybe this boss is too much for me but no I made my way into the igloo itself thinking a little bit of shelter would probably do me good using the carpets to block out the exits and swinging through the window at Lord pumpkin head the problem was they throw

Bombs at me so I would occasionally explode and take a whole bunch of damage so I thought very similar to when you’re fighting the zombies in the blood moon you can’t just hold yourself up in one location you have to be mobile you have to be active you have to be proactive

You can’t just bunker down and hope it’ll go your way so I pearled back out fighting mobs trying to take care of all of the floating exploding pumpkins and fighting Lord pumpkin head in the field using the trees to block my Escape running over some of the smaller entry

Points as they were well over three blocks tall the thing I didn’t know is that pumpkin effect you see in the top right if you happen to drop below half Health when you have that active and that’s the last of my adventure here in the Frozen Wilds don’t

Worry I’ll be punished for my failure my next adventure you could say it’s a bit of damnation

This video, titled ‘100 Days in Haunted Winter in Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Legundo on 2023-12-21 21:00:22. It has garnered 120889 views and 4543 likes. The duration of the video is 03:18:36 or 11916 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days against Herobrine in From the Fog, and this is what happened…

I’m stuck in a frozen apocalypse, and I am not alone… I installed a ton fo spooky mods and put together an ever-increasing and ever-chillier winter horror land. Happy Holidays!!

Check out the RedMagic 9 Pro: https://bit.ly/49VzYpL

If you like the video, leave a comment or a like! It helps a TON!

Modpack is going to take some work on this one, it took a TON of manual work, so getting it into a good state is gonna take time.

Edited by @S1erra107 and @MUDCAT.

🌟Become a Patron to help me make awesome content – and to download this world! https://patreon.com/Legundo

Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8hNLyX7ZIj59YZET9blxpw/join

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    INSANE Minecraft 100 Days Challenge in 2024Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new’, was uploaded by Minecraft 100 Days / I Survived 100 Days on 2024-01-11 15:00:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft / 100 Days / New Minecraft 100 Days 2024【MINECRAFT, 100 DAYS, 2024】minecraft 100 days new #minecraft … Read More

  • rice cake

    rice cake欢迎来到糕点服!这是一个创新和充满乐趣的《我的世界》无规则生电服务器,让你能够在无限创造的世界中探索创造。在这里,你可以尽情发挥想象力,体验红石科技带来的乐趣和挑战。 特色功能: 无限自由创造:在糕点服中,没有限制和规则约束。你可以自由建造、采集和探索。创造你自己的梦想之城或想象不同的红石装置,将创意发挥到极限。 经济体系:糕点服还通过引入一个经济体系增添了更多的挑战和互动。你可以收集和出售资源,参与市场交易,建立经济帝国。 社区互动:我们拥有一个友好而活跃的社区,与其他玩家分享你的创造,并参与社区活动和竞赛。与全球玩家一起探索和合作,构建令人惊叹的项目。 优化的服务器性能:我们致力于确保服务器的稳定性和流畅性,以提供良好的游戏体验。拥有强大的服务器和专业的技术团队,我们将确保你在服务器中有最佳的游戏体验。 加入糕点服,探索创新的红石技术和无限的创造力!从最简单的红石装置到复杂的自动化系统,你可以打造自己的想法,并与其他玩家分享。无论你是红石技术的专家还是pvp大佬,都能在这里找到乐趣和挑战。加入我们的社区,一起开启全新的服务器冒险旅程吧! kook频道:https://kook.top/50DQC9 discord暂无 另外我们的服务器是互通服可以使用基岩版客户端游玩只需要把端口改成48888即可(基岩版最新版同步速度很慢) 另外我们的网易服务器也在调试阶段很快就会上线! 欢迎游玩 new42499704.cn:55555 Read More

  • LanderYT SMP Semi-vanilla 1.20.1 LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to Season 5 of the LanderYT SMP! Our SMP offers a chance to play survival without being bothered by other players. No property damage is allowed, and PvP can only occur with mutual agreement. We have been open for 10 months and are resetting for 1.21 in 5 weeks. Our SMP is inspired by Hermitcraft, providing a similar experience to a public player base. We have a shopping district for active players to build shops and make a profit. The server runs on donation money, so there’s no guarantee it will last the season, but we’re doing our best…. Read More

  • 1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server

    1997 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server🔳 The Cube Minecraft Adventure Server 🔳🔲 {Skyblock} {Escape} {Java 1.19}🔳 Ip: Cube.mchosting.pro 🌐🔲 – DescriptionAn adventure map skyblock server based on the 1997 movie The Cube. 🎬Game modes include..🔳 – CubeExplore the cube, avoid the traps and successfully reach the edge. The exit will spawn on a random side. Can you beat the cube?🔳 – SkyblockBuild your island, expand your land and collect new materials to enhance your island.Economy for your Skyblock island is gained through completing the cube. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Block-breaking blunder!

    Minecraft Memes - Block-breaking blunder!Looks like this meme didn’t even pass the “Minecraft Memes 101” class! Read More

  • Insane Water Tricks in Minecraft

    Insane Water Tricks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wind Charges + Water is just Weird #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bandoffel on 2024-07-02 17:10:04. It has garnered 2095 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. I really enjoyed making this short and I hope you like it too🎉. nah the boost is fun. Music is from: Ronald Kah Link to his music: ronaldkah.de Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design – Minecraft Madness!

    Crafting Chaos: Hardcore Home Design - Minecraft Madness! In Episode 4, we dive into the scene, Crafting an epic base, oh so keen. Exploring new biomes, finding the spot just right, Gathering resources, shining so bright. Designing a base, both stylish and secure, Tips for Hardcore mode, making builds endure. Join me in this journey, let creativity soar, Transforming our beginnings, into something more. Like and subscribe, if you’re feeling the vibe, Comment with your ideas, let’s take this ride. Minecraft Hardcore, a world to explore, In every rhyme and line, let’s build some more. Read More