100 Days on Superflat Minecraft – EPIC Survival Story!

Video Information

Super flat is a game mode on Minecraft that a lot of you probably know for those of you that have no idea what super flat is I got you imagine a wall that only consists of four layers A Bedrock Layer Two dirt layers and a grass layer smack yourself some

Villagers around the W and there you go you got yourself a super flat wol I’ve been wanting to play super flat for a very long time and I got some crazy builds I want to make in super flat but I’ve never started a world because I

Didn’t want to go through the early game but today we shall make a change to that join me as I survive my first 100 days on a brand new super flat Vault this VA will be insane so make sure you’re witnessing the making anyways I’m going

To leave you guys sit back and relax and if you haven’t subscribed yet hit the Subscribe button down below we are officially on day Zero of the 100 days on super flat and we are not playing on the latest Minecraft update we went all the way back to Minecraft 1.8 because we

Had to capture a specific mop you cannot get in the latest Minecraft update we are talking about rabbits rabbits cannot spawn after Minecraft 1.8 in Plains biomes and if you don’t know super flat bols only consist of these Plains biomes so the first thing we had to do in this

Brand new super flat Bard that’s on 1.8 is to look for rabbits and trap them because this is an old update of Minecraft you can actually not trap rabbits inside of boats so we actually have to physically trap them inside of a cage I had a pretty good bolt spawn

Because I spawned right next to a village this Village didn’t had that many items but I got myself some iron armor did you know that getting Cobblestone is actually hard in the early game of super flat yeah that’s that’s actually crazy I collected some Cobblestone and then I made myself some

Stone tools for the early game in super flat your biggest enemy are slimes these guys can get you killed really quickly one of the main reasons I decided not to play hardcore is because of these guys after playing 100 days on super flat I can say that I probably died about 10

Times because of these slimes if they trap you in a corner you’re pretty much dead after collecting some food I decided to make a slime block I have no idea why I did that but it was time for me to go look for rabbits but then I

Realized I don’t even have wood to be able to trap these guys in so I decided to break all of the farms and steal as much of O locks as I can while collecting wood I almost died a couple of times these slimes are just insan say

Just take a look at the amount of damage they give you and let me tell you something diamond armor doesn’t even make that big of a difference while collecting wood I came across the first rabbit I was so happy and when I got closer even more rabbits decided to

Spawn in now luckily on this version of Minecraft rabbits aren’t that scared of you say they will follow you pretty fast I got them all towards me away from the village and then I decided to trap them inside of a fin skate and just like that I already had four rabbits trapped now

There are actually more variations of Rapids so I decided to trap more of them so I had to stay longer in 1.8 night time in super flat is super dangerous so I stole myself some wool blocks from these lamps to craft myself a bed but I

Didn’t want to waste my day so I decided to collect Cobblestone for the rest of the night one thing led to another and I was in the middle of nowhere fighting mobs and animals I almost died so I decided to make a bed and go to sleep yeah that’s much easier said than

Actually done we officially made it to day one and look at that we found oursel a black rabbit at this moment I officially had two variations of rabbits and I was super happy but not done I took the two rabbits and brought them all the way to the cage I had made

Earlier once they arrived to the cage I officially had six rabbits and for some reason I decided to breed them and uh yeah that won’t end well a lot of the days in this world were actually live stream and there was a guy in chat pressuring me to build a dirt house and

Uh I did yes just a small dirt house it wasn’t that anything special uh to be honest I I didn’t even want to do this but yeah MN takes care of his fans since I already had a house and a rabbit bin I decided to make my base right over here

I placed some not bit and I got myself a small storage system yeah the small storage system consisted of one chest like literally one chest the rest of the day consisted of me just going around killing innocent animals and fighting off slimes I also came across some rabbits but these kind of rabbits

Already had so I decided to kill them yeah I probably killed like a dozen of rabbits after killing about 100 animals the sun was falling and I decided to sleep because I do not want to fight mobs the good thing about all of this is that I won’t probably need to get myself

Some food anytime soon day number two and the hunt for rabbits is still going on not going to lie I got bored from hanging around at the same town so I decided to go on a little adventure and yeah I know this is super flat there there’s literally nothing but flatness

Around me but yeah Adventures are still Adventures luckily after running around for a while I came across a small town in this town I came across a blacksmith and this blacksmith had nine pieces of obsidian Oak saplings and iron helmet the only way to get saplings in this

Version of Minecraft is to find them in blacksmith so I got pretty lucky I also came across a second blacksmith and this one had a bunch of iron ingots and some iron armor yeah I tried to pose for you guys but this villager kept interrupting me with the iron ingots that I just

Found in this blacksmith I decided to create myself two buckets so that we can get water I mean you can already guess that the only way to get water in super flat in this version of Minecraft is by finding them in villages now you might ask yourself why I’m always talking

About this version of Minecraft well in the later version of Minecraft we got the wanding trader and the wanding trader actually gives you a bunch of stuff you can’t get in classic super flat with classic super flat being super flat from the early m game but I guess

The newer Super Flat is also classic yeah something like that I was also lucky enough to come across other blacks smitth and this one had a diamond and five obsidians we just got our first diamond of the series just your plain diamond is probably the rarest thing in

Super Flats you can only get it from structures at this point I traveled for 100 blocks and I didn’t come across any animals now I had this idea in mind you see the rabbits I have right over here are actually inside of the wall spawn

And I was thinking that maybe we got too much rabbits right over here and because of that mobs do not spawn around the world so uh I decided to yeah I decided to kill them and would you look at that after killing the innocent rabbits a bunch of animals decided to spawn around

Me after killing a bunch of them I came across a new type of rabbit we got the white rabbits I took the White Rabbit to the other rabbits and one guy decided to run away but luckily we trapped him back inside of the cage and and as the sun

Was falling I decided to go to sleep because I did not want to fight any more mobs the first half of day number three was exactly as day number two I just went around everywhere and I tried to find the rabbit I also found new villagers and I got myself some loot but

Nothing that special now back at my base my inventory was starting to have some problems as you can see everything we have is in one single chest so I decided to do some upgrading and sorting but nothing that special now while I was waiting on new rabbits to spawn I

Decided to actually prepare for the second mob after we get our rabbits we can actually move on to the second Minecraft update and that’s the 1.7 update in 1.7 axles were not biom dependent mobs you were able to spawn exol everywhere all you needed was Stone

Water and darkness in 1 17 you had to make a dark room where the ground is made out of stone and everything else water and then you would be able to get X lotos after that version Mojang decided to remove the future so that’s why we can’t go to 1.20 yet to prepare

For the 1.7 update I decided to create a hole fill it up with water and make the base out of stone stone doesn’t naturally spawn in super flat so the only way to get it is by melting Cobblestone or creating a special stone generator we don’t have access to silk

Touch so the only way to get stone is by mining a bunch of cobblestone and melting it so that’s what I did for the rest of of the day on day number four I had enough Cobblestone to fill the project but first I had to wait until everything is melted into stone while

The cobblestone was melting I decided to work on the pit and boy oh boy working with water in this Minecraft version is annoying I actually forgot how Minecraft water worked back in the day I almost died a couple of times because coming out of water is so slow when the

Cobblestone was finally done cooking I decided to place down the stone layer on the bottom after finishing the stone floor I de decided to finish this thing off by placing a dirt roof on top yes all of that took an entire day to build I I promise you I’m not slow it’s the

Stone day number five spoiler alert final day in Minecraft 1.8 day number five in a nutshell I went around and I killed a bunch of mobs looking for rabbits I came across a bunch of rabbits but not the right rabbits I kid you not I wasted the entire Days running around

The town looking for rabbits but every single time when I came across one are already had that timee that’s when me and my Chad decided to stop the search for rabbits we had three types of rabbits those were enough so as the sun was falling down I went to sleep and I

Woke up in Minecraft 1.7 day number six we are in the beautiful version of Minecraft 1.17 I was paranoid that my rabbits were going to disappear so the first thing I did was create a bunch of boats and trap all of them into boats would you look at

That they organized bys perfect the next thing I did is I went to my pit and I checked if ex spawned in and we had a bunch of glow squits spawning in and the glow SIDS kept spawning in there was no sides of X lotos while I was waiting on

Aotos to spawn I decided to create another Pool so I can place the exors that I capture from the dark hole the initial build was small because I didn’t think I was going to capture a bunch of a well little does mugin know he’s going

To have a bunch of them as soon as I was done with the X lles I went in my dark room and I had three yellow xal spawning in I captured the three x Lal and I dropped them off inside of the water pool as the rabbits the X lles also got

A bunch of variants of them and I wanted to capture every single type of variant there’s only one variant that is hard to get and that’s the blue exal you actually have to breed exal to get a blue one you can’t get a blue one from just natural spawning not long after the

Yellow ones the pink exal decided to spawn spawn in now at this point a bunch of AAL started to spawn in we also get the white AAL and we got a bunch of yellow and pink ones and besides the AAL we got a bunch of glow squids day seven

Was pretty much the same as day six I just killed a bunch of glowing squids and I captured a bunch of axotal during the day I also captured the brown axotal and as you can see we had a bunch of them at this point we had captured the three different rabbits of course

They’re more variants but three variants is enough for me and I also had a bunch of axelos look at all of the different types I had completed the first two quests in this world capture the rabbits and capture the axelos it was time for me to go to the latest Minecraft update

1.20 here I come we made it to Minecraft 1.20 and pretty much the day was almost over I collected a bunch of wood and as the sun was falling down I decided to go to sleep they day number eight the first morning on the latest Minecraft update I

Started today by creating a tree farm I was done getting wood from Villages I also came across an Enderman and I decided to fight him because I I do have de wishes but luckily we did not die and I was also lucky to get my first ender

Pearl the rest of the day I actually decided to go around and explore the world with the Minecraft version where we were on we were able to get not only villagers but also strong holds M shafts and Pillager outposts because we also started in a very old Minecraft version

Villagers actually had gravel ground getting gravel in one 20 super flat is not possible in the Overworld because villagers do not spawn with these gravel grounds anymore the only way you can get gravel in the latest super flat walls is by actually going to the Nether and

Digging it out or trading it with the big Lings so I was kind of Lucky with that we were able to get easy flint and steals not long after that I came across my first new Minecraft village why am I saying new this is like not new but you

Know what I mean new for me because I was in the old Minecraft of course the first thing I did was steal all of their Hail bills because why do these villagers need this stuff I also stole a bunch of the villagers workstations and

To be honest I have no idea why I did that I came across a church so we were able to get ourselves some Brewing stands that’s very nice and of course Island Golems can also spawn now from Villages so we had easy access to iron as I finished looting The Village I

Realized that I was far from my base and the sun was falling down luckily I was able to find my way back home without getting into any trouble well at least the zombies that were around my base I should light it up day number nine well

At least the first half of day number nine I lost the first half because I was live streaming and I forgot to hit the record button luckily we didn’t do anything that special all I I did was collect a bunch of wood and I just broke

Down the village I wanted to get rid of the entire Village but there were villagers running around the village so I crafted some boats and I decided to trap them at my base traveling with villagers inside of boats actually takes a lot of time so that took an entire day

In total I captured three villagers and I went to sleep because I was scared that zombies were going to kill the villagers as you can see the villagers didn’t have any walls around them so zombies could easily go and get them on day number 10 I went and I captured one

More villager so that I have four villagers at my base I chose four villagers so that I can make two different villager breeders to get a bunch of other villagers after bringing all four villagers to my base I made sure they were safe so I built walls and

A roof around them at this point I was also getting annoyed from all of the mobs that were around my base so I decided to light it up a little bit but of course I barely had any torches so I couldn’t do that much of light lighting

With the Villagers being safe at my base I decided it was time to start destroying the village the reason I destroyed the village is because I need materials like Cobblestone and of course it’s right next to my base and I don’t want to have any villagers next to me

Little did I know this was going to take a long time since I got a bunch of wood from The Villages I decided to upgrade my chest room this was an insane investment because I was finally organized the chest setup is still small but it was definitely enough for what I

Had I also turned some of the wood into charcoal so I had more torches to light up the base and to finish the day off I decided to break down some more buildings I did not want to waste any more night times we were already at day

10 and we like did basically nothing so uh yeah we got to work overtime all I did on day 11 was break down a bunch of houses I broke down the church that gave me like a bunch of cobblestone and I also broke down some houses that me main

Gave me Cobblestone the wood from these houses was pretty limited the majority of wood I would get from the houses was like stairs and wooden planks i’ rather just get wooden logs and yeah again we worked overtime because we did not want to waste any more days day 12 was

Exactly the same as day 11 I was getting so bored I was just watching movies in the background while I was breaking the village I mean what can I say the grind is real now I got to admit it was raining so hard and I hate rain so I

Went to sleep on day 12 yeah uh the grind is not real day 13 started out as day 12 I just broke down the village but I got so bored that I did something else because I had so much wood I decided to start a farm I made myself cages for

Cows chicken cheps and pigs was there a reason for me to do this nope there were literally enough animals around me and I got like a bunch of food the only reason I did this is because I got bored I went out and I found myself a bunch of sheeps

And pigs I put carrots in one hand and wheat on another and I decided to bring them all over to the base once I brought them over to the base I realized that I had a bunch of them and they were pretty loud so I uh yeah I killed all of them

Except two of every animal I’m a horrible person I know don’t blame me I went out again and I tried to find cows and chickens but I didn’t come across any of them during night time I just continued breaking down the village I also got bored of that so I went back to

My base and I broke down the dark room I wanted to turn the dark room into a pool for my ex lles because I got a bunch of them and the small pool they have isn’t big enough while turning the dark room into a normal pool a lot of zombies fell

In and they drowned and they turned into drowned zombies on day 14 I had a pool filled with drowned zombies and while killing the drowns I actually got myself three pieces of coer ingots and these ingots actually came useful later on there were some spots inside of the pool

That didn’t have have any water so I started by fixing that after fixing those water spots it was time to bring the exal over to the pool for some reason I decided to make a lava pit for garbage even though I didn’t have any garbage I guess I just did it because I

Wanted to do something different there have been plenty of moments during the 100 days that I was just bored and I did some stupid stuff after making the garbage bin I finally went out and I collected all of the X lles and I moved them inside of the big water pool now

They get themselves some more space to swim around with all of the exos in the big pool I decided to clean up the base a little bit I got bit of these small dirt house because honestly I do not need that I also used some smooth stone

Slabs I got from the village to make the lava pit a little bit nicer and I plac down some iron bars on top of it so that I don’t fall inside of the lava pit right next to it I also plac down a water source just so that I have water

If for some reason the big water pool dis disappears and the small water pool yeah that one can go I used fences to make a big cage for the villagers until this point they were all locked in in this dirt wall and I know they hate their life so let’s give them some

Freedom inside of Defense Gates I mean I don’t think you can call that freedom too but whatever as the stone was falling down all of the villagers were safe inside of their cage I also used up some torches to light up the base so we

Can have no mobs around us I had a bunch of wool from all of the sheep I killed so I got myself a bunch of BS and I placed them all down so our villagers could sleep and of course give us some more villagers I also traveled to our

Neighbor Village and I stole all of their food so our villagers can have enough of food to breed I had more than enough of food our villagers are going to be well fed right before day 15 I was able to kill another Enderman and this guy also dropped an ender pearl we

Already have two day 15 I found myself some chickens and I brought them over to the base I had to look so much before I finally F myself cows I also took them over and I brought them to the base we officially had sheep cows chickens and

Pigs captured I was really happy our villagers were well fed and as you can see they started to breed some more villagers I’ve been distracted for a while so I went back and I started to destroy the village and yeah this lasted an entire day day 16 in a nutshell can

You guess what I did I I I broke down the village again yeah uh boring okay some interesting things happened this day well as you can see Iron Golems finally spawn in around my villagers so now we have access to iron yeah I know that’s not a lot of iron and it’s not

Automatic but hey iron is iron I also got a visit from our friend w d t but he didn’t have anything that special and yeah I didn’t have any emeralds anyway so I couldn’t trade with this guy I killed the innocent Traer and I took his

Llamas with me and I made sure they’re safe I hope they don’t killed himself the spitting is getting out of hands for the rest of the night I just killed some more iron golems and I broke down the village oh yeah also killed some Endermans and I got pretty lucky again I

Got myself another ender pearl oh and another one I I totally forgot about this guy we got three Ender Pearls at this moment I did had another one but I have no idea where I placed it oh wait I just realized I accidentally used it on my stream yeah that was an stupid

Accident there were three things that happened on day 17 first I broke down the village as I usually do and I also regularly went to my villagers to kill iron golems that spawned in so I got myself a good amount of iron I repeated those two things pretty much for the

Entire day during night time I just tried to kill as many Endermans as I could I ended up killing about eight Endermans and I got two ender pearls those rates are lower than the other ones but hey I got lucky before right before the next day started I was able

To kill some more Endermen and I had eight at the moment because super flat is flat you only need 13 pieces of eyes of enders you only need to throw one to know in which direction you should run you’re guaranteed to find the one in the direction you’re running because it’s

Not underground day 18 was exactly as day 17 I broke down the village I killed a bunch of iron golems and at night time I went and I got myself some more ender pearls this night was pretty bad I didn’t come across that many Endermen so

I got myself two pieces of Ender Pearls and we already got 10 that’s really good we only needed three more to get to the end but yeah before that we first have to go to the nether day 19 same as day 17 and 18 except this day something

Happened during night time I was killing Enderman and a lot of creepers decided to blow things up so I tried to fix the ground and as you can see I died because of baby zombies now you would think I would learn from this and not go over

There again but no I went back over there and uh I died again from the same zombies uh not once but actually three times yeah three times after dying multiple of times I finally was able to get all of my stuff back on day 20 it’s day 20 and

We’re still running around with no armor bad tools no progression at all if I wanted to have a good 100 days I was going to have to put some more work into myself so on day 20 I just went full focus on breaking down the village I

Wanted to finish this part I was grinding so hard I broke down the entire Village and I killed so many iron golems on this day during night time I also killed some more Endermen and I got myself some more ender pearls the only thing that was stopping me right now

From going to the end is a visit in the Nether and of course some armor and uh some weapons that can be good too breaking down the village was very successful we got ourself a bunch of cobblestone as you can see and we also got ourself a bunch of wood day 21 22

And 23 were unfortunately not recorded because I started to live stream and of course I forgot to hit the record button now luckily we didn’t do anything that special all we did is discover the map because of the version of Minecraft we are on we’re not only going to find

Villagers on the map anymore we’re also going to find M shaft Asian portals and outposts of those villagers and of course I can’t forget about the stronghold day 24 was the same as the other three days I went around and I looted a bunch of villagers besides

Villagers I also came across some Asian portals they didn’t have anything that special but I did find some M shafts that had berries and now we have access to glowing berries after looting a couple of villages I came across something special when I was looking forward I saw something at the sky yes

We found the stronghold the stronghold in super flat as you can see spawns on the top of the ground it’s really crazy just take a look at that right next to the stronghold there was a village and a Outpost for pillagers because it’s daytime and no Hostile Mobs can spawn

Underneath the ground all of the mobs that were able to spawn spawned at the Pillager Outpost there were plenty of pillagers Around The Outpost so I made sure I didn’t go close to it I just realized I forgot to tell you guys something important as you can see in my

Hot bar I have a diamond axe and a diamond pickaxe those first three days that weren’t recorded but live streamed I got myself a Fletcher villager and a toolsmith villager I traded a bunch of sticks to get emeralds and then I used those emeralds to trade myself a diamond

Axe and a diamond pickaxe I’ll show you guys that when we are back at the base hey hey editing MN here as you can see the first three days weren’t recorded because I was live streaming and I forgot to hit the record button now almost all of the 100 days were

Actually live streamed on this YouTube channel I’m planning on live streaming almost every single day in the super flat world so if you’re interested in watching those live streams I would highly recommend you to hit that subscribe button down below and and go check out my Discord over at the Discord

You can claim yourself an OG rank before I hit 100,000 Subs on YouTube over at the Discord you can be notified when I’m live streaming or when I’m making a new video so yeah don’t forget hit the Subscribe button down below if you aren’t yet subscribed and join the

Discord to claim your OG rank anyways let’s go back to the video at this point night time was already here and my inventory was pretty full so I wrote down the coordinates for the end portal and I made my way back to my base when I

Made it back back to my base it was almost daytime soone decided to sleep for that last minute day 25 was a very productive day I started out by organizing all of the stuff I got from the trip earlier and as you can see we

Got a bunch of food now I got to let you know all of that food is not for me it’s all for the villagers because we need a bunch of them my goal at the moment was trying to get diamond armor and the rest of my diamond tools as you can see we

Already have a small setup going on from the days that weren’t recorded now the first traes are easy you can use emeralds to get hose but the later traits actually require iron now luckily we got Iron Golems spawning around our villagers and we can kill those Iron

Golems to get iron and then trade that iron for emeralds but of course our main source to get emeralds at the moment is just to trade sticks for emeralds and sticks of course require a bunch of wood so I had to farm a bunch of wood but or

Tree farm is actually getting bigger and bigger I was able to get a bunch of sticks and trade those for emeralds and then I took those emeralds to get myself a diamond shovel all I to get now is a diamond sword and diamond armor on Day

26 I finally decided to get myself a automatic iron farm I got a very sketchy link from a viewer in chat and he sent me a schematic of a iron farm that was simple to make so I decided to download it and uh to import it into Minecraft

Yeah I wouldn’t recommend you doing that I use SL Medica it’s a mod that I use almost all the time that gives you the Hologram of the build you want to build built in survival so building this thing was really easy while I was working on

The farm itself I regularly went to the villagers to kill iron golems that spawned around them once I trapped a zombie down in the farm all I had to do now was get villagers inside of it I know like Medica makes it hard to follow what happens around me so here’s the

Whole without L Medica on of course I’m Moren and I always mess up with something simple and I forgot to place down an important part on the top and that made me ruin the entire Farm luckily finishing it wasn’t that bad but I lost a lot of time day 27 I continue

To work on the iron farm all I had to do now is get villagers towards the farm I needed three in total but I got a bunch of them so that wasn’t a problem once the villagers were down I had to place down the bits and then basically the

Farm is done but of course I’m moin and I always make mistakes and uh you can guess I already made a mistake again the top of the farm should be mob proofed with slabs and I forgot to do that so Iron Golems spawned around the farm but

Yeah no worries easy fix I also made sure that all of the iron golems that were wandering around my base were killed because I was scared that they would affect the farm and then it decided to thunder and I went to sleep because I hate rain on day 28th I placed

Down the final slaps and the iron farm was done when I checked on the chest there was iron inside of it so the farm should be working I also decided to create a simple villager breeder at the moment I was breeding villagers by placing a bunch of bits and feeding

Villagers you can actually make a easier farm that only requires four bits and you can get infinite villagers the only problem with this Farm is you have to feed the villagers manually but that’s not a problem the structure of the farm was completed all I had to do now was

Wait until it Wass night times so villagers go on top of the farm and go inside of the bits of course I had to make a Stairway for the villagers because these guys can’t fly while I was waiting on night time I just farmed a bunch of trees to trade for emeralds let

Me tell you something almost all of the wood I I got from the village is gone because the stick trading takes a lot of wood during night time I creaded a bunch of bread and I went to the Villager breeder I killed all of the villagers except for two guys because these two

Are going to make brand new villagers once they were inside sleeping I woke them up and I gave him the two stacks of bread and these guys should be starting to breed once it’s daytime as for the iron farm it was working but the rates were pretty slow so maybe I’ve done

Something wrong day 29 it was finally the day that I get my hands dirty and go to the nether I already got obsidian so building a portal is not a problem the Villager breeder is working and so is the iron form going to the nether was uh

Really difficult the MN that is playing right now has no idea what is coming to him first off we had a pretty bad spawn since there was nothing around us hey hey we unlocked a new item we have mushrooms I tried to look around me if

There was something near me but I can’t see anything because of the fog this is when I decided to do a little cheating I turned on shaders now some shaders actually allow you to see further inside of the nether as you can see this one does it also makes the game nice but

Yeah that’s just a side Touch N N I’m joking that’s the whole point of shaders and there we go there’s another Fortress that way that’s far away but uh there is one close to us now I thought this was going to be easy just go to the nether

Fortress kill some blazes and yeah get out of there now getting there was easy a little bit dangerous but we got there safely yeah yeah safely definitely safely now I made my way to the Fortress I found myself a nice Blaze spawner I started to kill a bunch of blazes to get

Blaze RS and then this happened I burned to death because I thought I was able to fight these guys in peace yeah I died and again I didn’t die once I didn’t die twice I I actually forgot how many times I died but yeah I died here yeah there

We go that’s the first time I died I just SL lost almost a stack of cooked meat I made my way back inside of the Fortress I got all of my items back and I continue to kill blazes wait did I only die once I swear I thought I died

Multiple times uh I I guess I was dreaming I swear I thought I died multiple times anyways I made my way back to the portal and then Minecraft decided to spawn me in a different location like why is this a thing in Minecraft I came home and I dropped all

Of the items I got from the Nether and then I killed a of zombies we also had all of the ice Of Enders needed to go to the end on day 13 iron golem decided to spawn right next to the Iron Golem farm that was because of this single block

Right over here so I fixed it really quickly I had the Eyes of Ender I had an iron axe I got my bow and arrows it’s time for me to go kill the Ender Dragon I would also normally get slow falling potions but since I’m playing Super Flat

Phantoms don’t spawn at the height I am on look at the amount of pillagers at The Outpost that’s insane I made my way to the stronghold and I climbed up to the portal room once I made it over there I destroyed the silver fist spawner and I plac down the eyes of

Enders let the fight begin now the fight itself was pretty easy but killing the ender dragon was slow because I only had an axe my man decided to throw me in the air but luckily I clutched it take a look at that right before day 30 ended I

Was able to kill the ender dragon and we got ourself a bunch of XP and of course the dragon egg this is probably one of the easiest Ender Dragon fights I’ve ever had like basically this guy did no damage to me on day 31 I took the Dragon

Egg and I brought it back to my base I made sure I plac it down right next to the villagers to flex on them take a look at my beautiful egg okay and let’s not Li to each other the ender egg is pretty ugly day 21 was just a grand day

All I did was Farm trees like literally the entire day I got a bunch of w th trees prearm was getting bigger and bigger but I’m telling you almost all of the wood just went to emeralds during night time I baited a bunch of zombies towards the Exel pool and they turned

All into drowned zombies and then the Exel decided to kill all of them beautiful now I was actually really scared that the exles were going to die so I started to help them by killing the zombies by myself day 32 was another grind day I stole some villagers from

The Villager breeder to put them aside these two were going to be my Fletcher villagers just to trade sticks for emeralds can you guess what I did I traded a bunch of emeralds with the emeralds I traded from the Fletchers I was able to get myself a diamond sword

From my weapon Smith All I Have to get now is diamond armor but for that I will have to trade much more emeralds remember when I told you that I broke down the entire Village well I lied as you can see there’s one more house left

So I decided to break that house so we have no Village anymore and the rest of the day consisted of me Trading a bunch of wood for emeralds and with the emeralds I traded for sticks I got myself an armor Smith villager and I started to trade for diamond armor I

Also traded all of my wood into sticks so now I have to get myself some wood on T 33 I got myself a bunch of wood I treated it all into emeralds and I was finally able to get myself Diamond Armor All of the wood that I mined like I’m

Talking about several Stacks all just went away for a couple of emeralds but luckily we got ourselves diamond armor now there there we go since I had diamonds armor I was finally confident enough to go back to the end portal to get myself shulker boxes and an elra

Because we’re playing Super Flat getting paper is not easy you need to get sugar cane and sugar cane can only be traded from the wondering Trader luckily you can get some paper from villagers but those are small amounts I got a couple of paper so I can make a couple of

Rockets I will only use the couple of rockets I do have to get away from the end cities as soon as we have access to sugar came from the wandering Trader we can get a bunch of rockets and we can freely use our elyra once I entered the

End portal I got a really bad spawn and there was nothing around me I traveled hundreds and hundreds of blocks and there was literally no n city anywhere close to me I also ran out of blocks so traveling towards Islands was hard I had to mine a bunch of endstone yes an

Entire day and no n city in sight on day 34 I continued to search for nend cities and I finally came across one and unfortunately this one did not have a flying end ship so no elyra over here I did get some Sher shells but the fight

Here was painful I also got some good loot but yeah these n cities always have insane loot after looting the building I went ahead and I tried to look for another n city I did came across one again this one was bigger than the first

One but again there was no flying ship I did get a bunch of diamonds to loot out of the city so I guess that’s a win after looing the city I again went to look for for a flying ship if we can’t get a flying ship we won’t get an elyra

It’s day 35 and we’re still looking for an elyra day 35 we came across a flying ship not one but two right next to each other I made my way over to the end City and I got up to the flying ship this ship had a bunch of diamonds and of

Course the elyra I already had 18 diamonds and an elyra I also made a Shuler box because I had a bunch of Loot and of course I have to carry them after looting the flying ship I went back to the nend city and actually found another

Flying ship we had three at the moment I looted all three of them and I got myself two extra elas and I also looted the N cities and those had a bunch of loot I did have some Clos dead calls but luckily I made it out safely once Sal

Looted all three nties with flying ships I made my way back home this was a very successful trip I got myself a bunch of loot most importantly we have access to elyas now all we need is sugar canes so we can create a rocket but yeah that’s

Going to depend on the wandering Trader on day number 36 I made a new cage for more villagers inside of this cage I wanted to create another villager breeder so that we have two that means we’re going to get double the amount of villagers but I guess you already know

That I just made the exact same breeder as I did in the other cage so building this one was pretty easy Once the breeder was built I had to wait until it’s night time so I just farmed a bunch of wood and again like almost all of the

Wood that I farmed just went straight into Emerald and for some reason I also decided to kill innocent villagers like why do I do this once I mined down a bunch of wood I turned it all into sticks and I traded it with the Villagers and I also got a third

Fletcher to make this process faster day 37 was pretty much the same as Day 36 I farmed a bunch of wood turn it into sticks and traded it for emeralds I wanted to make sure I had a bunch of emeralds in case the wondering Trader

Comes to visit me I guess the grind did pay off because we ended the day with over three stacks of emeralds the first half of day 38 was the same as day 37 I just farmed a bunch of wood to trade for emeralds later in the day I grabbed one

Of my Sher boxes and the couple of rockets I had and I went to the end portal I decided to loot the strongholds and with looting the strongholds I mainly wanted to take the bookshelves and the cobwebs we got a bunch of books scob whips and a bunch of armor trims I

Just spent the entire night breaking down the two libraries in the stronghold I also got a couple of extra papers so we can make some more Rockets day 39 I had so many books from these strongholds since I had an elyra I decided to fly over to The Outpost Tower the loot there

Was not that good while I was at it I decided to loot some Villages I also found some ancient portals and another Outpost Tower and I found myself a horn and then in the middle of nowhere my elra broke down luckily I made my way

Back to the base and I dropped down all of the loot we got I just finished the rest most of the day mining a bunch of wood and trading it for emeralds like I have been doing for the past few days but all that hard work is paying off we

Got a good amount of emeralds okay okay day 40 41 and 42 we’re again not recorded and again I started to live stream and I forgot to hit the record button and because of that we didn’t record the first 3 days shout out to the guy in chat that reminded me to record

Anyways quick recap of what I did I had a bunch of villagers and I wanted to start to trade with these guys the iron farm was also making a bunch of iron so I got myself a bunch of villagers and I started to trade a bunch of emeralds

Trading sticks and iron I also got myself some clercs and I was able to trade red stone so now we also had Redstone in the W the iron from the Iron Golem Farm provided a bunch of emeralds for us so we were swimming in emeralds I

Also want to get some enchanted books so I got myself a bunch of liberians and I started to trade for good books I really hate this part because you have to continuously break the electron and place it back down to get a good book I got fortune and for some reason I bought

It and then somebody in chat told me that fortune isn’t useful in super flight so yeah now we got Fortune for no reason during night time I was able to get myself a mending book and this was really really useful now all I needed was EMB breing and Effy and yeah it can

Be a morwin video if nothing goes wrong yeah a creeper came behind me and decided to blow up my entire villager station I was uh crying I was crying so hard I started on fixing the station but then I realized that there are a bunch of zombies out there and these villagers

Are just wandering around I should probably go sleep day 44 I went straight to work I need to get these villagers back in their cages luckily these guys were staying around their workstation so getting them back inside of their cages was pretty easy although I did realize

That I lost one villager this guy probably died of of a zombie or maybe just died because of the Creeper explosion to prevent any more creeper damage I decided to put a lot of torches around the Villager station just so mobs don’t spawn near it although the Torches

Did not stop the slimes from spawning and giving me so much damage these guys give you so much damage even if you are full diamond armor I got back to work and I got myself a looting tree book and I was going to take it because looting

Tree is really useful I was also able to get myself Unbreaking trees so I only had to get one more enchanted book I was only focused on FSC 5 but when a sharpness 5 book came I decided to take that because sharpness is really good too it started to thunder during night

Time so I decided to go to sleep day 45 I decided to steal some more villagers for the trading Hall I was on the hunt to get fnc and nothing was stopping me okay maybe the slimes had a chance of stopping me after spinning for what felt

Like ages I was able to get silk touch with the sweeping Edge tree book I found in the stronghold and all of the books I got from the trading I was able to get myself a very good sword during night time I did the classic stick trading and

Then it was raining so hard and I just decided to sleep yeah trying to get insted books is really really slow it’s day 46 and I wanted to get myself some glass now because I don’t have access to sand I have to trade glass from The Librarians now I could get like 100

Librarians and just trade a bunch of glass every second but I could do something much better I could make a void trading system and a void trading system is basically a very long Railway that will allow you to keep on trading with the Villager that’s going to take

The cool down away so we’ll be able to just continuously trade with our villagers now the void trading system that I was going to make was by enxl 4 and it requires a bunch of rails now I had a bunch of iron to finish this project but people in my chat were

Telling me to make a real duper now at first I did not want to do D rails because I thought it was cheating but somebody in my chat told me that I dup sand and concrete in my other wols and that’s pretty much the same thing as

Duping rails so yeah not going to lie I never thought of that so I decided you know let’s just dup the rails too we already duped Sand and Gravel in my other worlds now making the duper itself was really easy all I did was follow a tutorial from YouTube and it required

Like 10 items this thing was insane all you needed is one piece of the you want to dup and this machine just spits it out so in like no time I had Stacks and stacks of normal rails and powered rails it was that bad that I literally had to

Make a wall because the items were flying out everywhere so the real problem for the void trading system is fixed we had a bunch of it and we were able to make a vote trading system on day 47 I started out by mining a bunch

Of wood I needed a bunch of wood for one of the Farms I was going to build I want to set up a raate farm as soon as possible because raate Farms will give us access to infinite emeralds gunpowder red stone glow stone and a bunch of

Other stuff with all of the gunpowder we were able to get from the r Farm combined with a sugarcan farm if we get sugarcan from a wondering Trader we were able to get infinite amounts of rockets infinite amounts of glow stone is also very nice we can use the glow stone to

Light up all of the ground and of course Redstone yeah who doesn’t like Redstone but most most importantly infinite amounts of emeralds will help us to be able to trade everything we want in the game if you combine that infinite amounts of emeralds with a void trading system you can literally trade every

Single second whatever you want glass terra cotta you can choose it the r farm that was going to build is of course by the legend in xo4 and you do you remember the copper we got from I don’t know like day 10 from killing those zombies well yeah we actually need

Copper for this farm and luckily we killed the drown zombies earlier yeah so all I did this day was gather all of the materials and kind of try to find a location to build this place while I was killing mobs I was able to kill a witch

And I got myself some glass bottles this is really good now we can make weakness potions to make weakness potions we need sugar but we already got sugar from a witch drop and we also need mushrooms and a spider eye spider eye easy we got that already and of course mushrooms

There is a bunch of mushrooms in the nether day 48 I start it working on the void trading system and I I made a big mistake the void trading system relies on trunks basically all you do is start the trading with a villager go far away until the Villager unloads and then you

Actually trade with him so basically you trade with an invincible villager because the game doesn’t load the Villager now my base is built inside of the B spawn and the wall spawn is always loaded now of course I forgot that my base at wall spawn and basically this

Thing is always loaded so it doesn’t matter if we go far away from the villagers the villagers are always loaded and we are not trading with Invincible villagers now of course I had no idea I literally built the entire thing and I actually realized after I put the villagers inside of it now

During night time I actually took the two water bottles I had and I turned them into a potion of weakness that’s also when I realized that I didn’t have any blaze powder so I had to go to the nether to get myself some more blaze rods but luckily nothing happened my

Nether trip actually ended up being longer than expected because I wanted to do some exploring around the Nether on day 49 I took out some more villagers out of the Villager breeder because I wanted to turn them into zombies I wanted to turn two clerics and two Fletchers into zombie villagers and then

Heal them to get cheaper trads I thought that if I healed the Fletchers villagers like after one time they would give me one Emerald for one stick but but of course that’s not the case but I did think I was going to get one stick for

One Emerald so basically the rest of the day I just got a bunch of wood during night time I lured a zombie towards the villagers to turn him into zombies I also got myself some more sugar from a witch drop once the villagers were turned into zombies I infected them with

A potion of weakness and I fed them four golden apples and turned all of them into villagers I was scared there were going to be still zombies when daylight is here so I built a dirt roof on top of them just to be safe I started out day

50 by putting a bunch of light around the voting system because I did not want any zombies to come close to our villagers and kill them our zombie villagers were also cured and turned into normal villagers with cheaper traits and now it was time to get them inside of the Void trading system

Traveling with boats is so slow this took a lot of time but luckily it wasn’t that hard actually it took me an entire day to get four villagers inside of the Void trading system yes boats are so slow I also trapped myself four more villagers inside of our trading area at

My base because I want to to get some more zombie villagers turn them back into normal villagers to get ourselves some cheap trades of course they are liberians because this entire thing was basically built to get glass and liberians can trade glass and hopefully one of these two will be able to trade

Me glass yes I did not check beforehand because I I’m stupid while I was waiting on the zombies to turn I decided to just go AFK at the rail Farm just to flex because I I got a good rail farm that is basically giving me infinite amounts of

Rails don’t call me a cheater everybody does it once the liberians were healed I was able to get mending for one piece of emerald and Unbreaking three for 13 emeralds this guy is trying to scam me but no worries day 51 the day I realized that the void trading system is broken I

Brought the villagers over I tried to Farm out and yeah uh it was painful the next following eight days were going to be the same I I literally had to break down the entire thing move it like 100 blocks away from where I built it at the

First time get all of the villagers inside of it yeah it it was painful so let me uh quickly recap all of the days day 52 I moved 100 blocks away from the W spawn and I started building The Identical Farm again I was able to set

This entire thing up in one day it probably should take you one day it isn’t that hard to build I also set the light up the place because mobs were uh trying to kill me day 53 I started out by taking the villagers to the voy

Trading system I also got a visit from the wandering Trader and this guy had sugar cane I was so happy I grabbed myself some emeralds and I went back to the wanding trader to get myself the sugar canane and of course I set up a small sugar cane Farm because there was

A night time I was actually scared to continue continue to move the villagers from the old voiding trading system to the new voiding trading system I just decided to go to sleep day 54 I continued bringing the villagers to the new void trading system also a raid

Patrol decided to spawn in and of course I’m not stupid I’m not going to kill this guy with a flag so I place down a boat and uh yeah you’re going to stay there for the rest of your life I’m joking I’m going to kill you when I need

The ra to spawn and again it was night time it was also raining I’m not going to risk bringing my villagers to the new void trading system day 55 I brought over the last villagers to the void trading system once they were all brought to their place I decided to

Break down the old vo trading system now on day 56 I decided to make a railway from the Villager breeder all the way to the void trading system I wanted to set up a villager breeder right next to the void trading system so if we need more villagers inside of the Void trading

System we can just take them out of the breeder right next to it and not bring them all the away from our old villager breeder to the vo traing system that was going to save us a bunch of time so that’s the reason why I built it once

The rails were put down I made a cage for the villagers and then I also brought them over from the Villager breeder and to finish off the day I built a villager breeder right next to the void trading system so now we have easy access to villagers if we need them

At the void trading system man I’ve said V trading system so many times I should stop on day 57 we had to put the V trading system to the test I got myself some mine cards and I tested out the vo trading system and it was working perfectly the only thing that were

Bothering me are these slimes I should probably build a wall around this thing I just did a bunch of random trading and I got myself a bunch of mending books for literally no reason yes I I died I died because I went AFK at the Villager breeder and uh slimes actually got me

Killed nice the majority of day 58 was unfort fortunately not recorded because again I started a new live stream and I forgot to hit the record button luckily all we did that day is try to get fnc 5 and we got lucky during the end of the

Day I was finally able to get fnc 5 and also our sugar can Farm was starting to get bigger and bigger soon enough we will be able to have infinite amounts of rockets day 59 was a real grind day all I did that day was cut down a bunch of

Wood and try to get as much of sugar cane as I could that was pretty much the only reason why I decided to farm that day somebody in chat also told me there’s this thing called a string duper and this thing makes like insane amounts of strings in a limited amount of time

Now again I did not want to build this but somebody again told me that it’s pretty much the same as duping grass and sand and I thought you know why not like I actually could use the string to trade for emeralds I wasn’t going to pass on free emeralds building it is actually

Really easy so we set it up really quickly I’m might keep it real with you guys I build this thing wrong I had to break it entirely down and build it facing the other direction nice day 60 I got the form working and this thing was

Making a bunch of string I just have to make sure that this thing doesn’t overfill because it’s inside of the W spawn and if it overfills my entire game is going to lag once the farm was working I went AFK to get a bunch of

Strings once I came back I had a bunch of strings and like I AFK for maybe 3 minutes now we were able to trate the string for emeralds which is insane while I was trading I actually died by slimes yeah slimes are are are insane now that I think about it Minecraft

Probably decided to kill me because I was cheating duping string yeah uh string duping never again I had a slime problem as you have seen I also have a bunch of string and you can actually use string to build wool well I built a

Bunch of wool to make a wall out of wool yeah that’s actually just a flex a wool wall well wool is not that special why am I flexing with wool while I was making the wool wall I had a bunch of string I took all of it to the void

Trading system and I just traded it for emeralds take a look at the amount of XP you get once you trade all of it that’s insane day 61 we’re getting closer and closer to 100 days day 61 was a pretty boring day all I did was was a bunch of

Vot trading to get a bunch of glass because I needed the glass for my RAID Farm once I had a bunch of glass and once I had a bunch of levels I actually upgraded my tools I had a bunch of enchanted books and I combined them all

To get myself good tools with mending yeah all of the levels I just made all went away but it’s for the greater good now I have a lot of plans for this super flat wal and one of those plans is to turn the wal spawn into a big ocean in

That big ocean I was want to create a bunch of farms and hide them inside of boats if I want to have a big ocean in my wall spawn I first have to find out where the actual wall spawn is so I used a mod called mini Hood as you can see

All of those green and red squares around me show where the wall spawn is on day 61 I started the great dig I started to carve out the border to know where the wall spawn is little did I know this digging was going to take a

Long time on day 62 I did some more void trading to get a bunch of XP and use that XP to repair all of my mending tools I also crafted myself some extra tools because the great dig is going to require a bunch of digging and I don’t

Want to keep on repairing my tools besides digging and void trading I actually extended the sugar cane form and we are starting to have a bunch of it as soon as we get the weight form set up we are basically having infinite amounts of rockets on day 63 I dig so

Many blocks I probably went through like six or seven shovels like the Border itself wasn’t even close to be finished but hey the digging is not going to stop I also moved my tree form that I had and I extended it and yeah I finished the

Day off digging on day 64 I dig dirt when my tool almost broke I picked up a bunch of string went to the void trading system and used all of their XP to repair them and then I repeated that process over and over again I have to

Clear the wall spawn I mean the good thing about this is that I’m going to have a bunch of dirt and grass to build things in the future with day 65 was exactly as day 64 I just literally died a bunch of dirt repaired my items and again dig repaired died and repaired

It’s it’s a cycle I did make a bigger storage system for the dirt and grass and I sorted them out because I was getting so many of them also had some close that calls but we made it out at this point I also had a bunch of sugar

Cane and I made a really big farm so we’re going to have a bunch of it on day 66 I had a bunch of rockets from all of the sugar cane and gunpowder I had so I decided to do a little exploring I came across some Villages I came across some

M shafts but I also came across a completely new stronghold this could be very useful for the future day 67 was an important day because this was the day that I got all of the materials for the raid Farm the ra form makes a bunch of

Items every second so we have to have a very big storage system so I farmed a bunch of wood to make a lot of chests the farm itself also requires a bunch of Hoppers luckily we have a bunch of iron so all we need is just a bunch of chests

There were also some small Redstone items I had to get but since we had clerc instead of a vot trading system we pretty much had a bunch of redstone so we were able to get all of the last uh Redstone components that we needed would you actually believe me if I told you

That I’ll run out out of cobblestone I literally had to go and break down a church just to get enough cobblestone on day 68 I went out and I tried to find a good area to build the weight Farm the area had to be flat the weight Farm

Itself has to be mob proof around it about 70 blocks in each Direction have to be mob proofed and we’re going to use water to mob proof because we’re going to mob proof with water I want to have a flat area so we’re basically going to be

Able to mob proof it really easy if you don’t probably mob proof a rate Farm uh you’re going to die because about 20 maybe 100 weats are going to spawn at the same time and you’re pretty much going to die when I found an area about

Over all of the stuff and I loaded the schematic that I’m going to use to build this Farm now usually I just follow the tutorial from inexus 4 channel but since the tutorial requires bamboo I don’t have bamboo I’m not going to follow the tutorial and I’m just going to rebuild

It using light metica again light metica is the mod that is going to give me the Hologram of the build and I just have to read remake the Hologram building the farm itself wasn’t that hard but the slimes were making it difficult on day

68 I was able to make a big chunk of the farm but the farm itself was wrong now the build itself was correct but the entire Farm has to be built in a specific height and I had no idea that it had to be built in a specific height

I just built it at a height that I chose and uh yeah mwin is going to have to break it down and rebuild it later on he has no idea I was SL streaming all of this and uh nobody in chat told me that

I was doing it wrong but hey I I don’t blame you guys day69 was pretty much the same as day 68 I just continuously worked on the farm I was almost done building the farm and everything was going Accord to plan but again I’m mwin

And I always mess up and um yeah this happens I was working on the final Tower and for some reason I fell down and I didn’t realize and I didn’t use my elyra so I died luckily I had a backup elyra and some extra Rockets so getting back

There wasn’t a problem Day 70 the main bolt was done all we had to do now is bring the villagers inside of the farm and I got lucky because I got a visit from W DT although WT didn’t had anything that special he had Vines but

Uh for some reason I did not buy the vines I had to add one more thing to the main build and that was the water inside of the Tower and this was really difficult normally you’re supposed to do this with kelp but I don’t have kelp I

Had to do it manually with buckets and it took a long time day 71 I continued filling the Tower with water and once I was done it was time to bring over the villagers there was a village right next to the ra Farm but I had to use boats to

Bring them over and traveling with boats actually takes a long time I did have a bunch of trouble with the dirt pad because as you can see they’re not full blocks and when you are on top of them you can’t get out of them somebody in

Chat also taught me this trick with a water bucket and I was able to bring them actually faster than I us usually do shout out to you this saved me a bunch of time traveling with villagers during night time is a no-o so all I did

To finish the night off was to place a bunch of water around the ra Farm there’s this cool trick with water if you go in a diagonal line you actually save yourself some time because the water spreads in two sides I also had some trouble with mops but luckily those

Were only zombies on Day 72 I brought over the villagers from the village and because I had a bunch of water it was really fast once they were all gathered at the r Farm it was time to put them inside of it and to test the farm out oh

Yeah I also had to waterproof the other side of the farm or else we’re going to have big trouble day 73 was the day that I realized that I messed up I went back to my base and I killed the Pillager inside of the boat for bat Omen once I

Had bat Omen I flew my way to the farm to test it out now I have a bunch of experience using this farm so I I know how this Farm kind of works and I I tried to farm out it looked like like it was working but yeah that this thing is

Not working we did some more testing and then one guy in chat told me hey mwin your farm is wrong he told me that the farm has to be built at a specific height and I didn’t know that it had to be built at a specific height at this

Point realization hit me and I I I decided to break down the entire thing and rebuild it again and this took a long time luckily I had my chat to keep me company it took me 6 days to bring down the farm and to build it above the

Farm that I build it at yes that took a long time but again shout out to everybody in chat that was there so yeah at time Jump to day 79 once the farm was working we did a small test run just to see how it works and it worked perfectly

We got about like 80 levels in like four or five minutes and we had a bunch of stuff like all of this loot is like 4 minutes of AFK in this Farm is crazy the final thing we had to do for this Farm was to set up the items sorter but

Luckily that doesn’t take a lot of time I made sure that I sorted a bunch of emeralds a bunch of redstone gunpowder and glowstone and then I also added glass bottles because you know making glass bottles requires glass and why would I waste glass on glass bottles

When I can get them from the raate farm once the sorter was finished I still had a bunch of items inside of the raate farm that had to be sorted and there was also a bunch of junk and I had to throw away so many totems of Indy because I I

Couldn’t hold them all yeah ra Farms are something else on day 80 I continued to sort a bunch of items there was so many junk and then I finish the day off by doing an AFK session I want to have a bunch of emeralds in case a wondering

Trader comes around so that be able to buy everything he has to offer and yeah this this ra Farm is just beautiful just take a look at how much stuff it’s giving me and and the XP is also crazy after the AFK session I was able to get

Myself multiple stacks of emerald blocks not even emeralds Emerald blocks and I also had a bunch of gunpowder and glowstone it was crazy once I made it back to my base I picked up a bunch of emeralds and I just traded a bunch of random stuff just to flex on these

Villagers like it didn’t matter what it was I just bought everything day 81 was another wasted day because I started a new live stream and guess what I forgot to hit the record button luckily we didn’t do anything that special all we did was make some fire potions to fully

AFK the ra Farm we have to get ourselves some beacons and of course we don’t have any beacons so we’re going to have to kill some Withers matter of fact we need three beacons so we’re going to have to get ourself nine wither skulls the

Morning of day 82 I was able to get my first Wither Skull and it was actually pretty fast I think I killed about five Withers and my fifth wither was a Wither Skull not long after I was able to grab my second one after the second one my

Look kind of went away because I was not able to get any other skull that day luckily right before the 83 started I was able to grab myself the third Wither Skull and this one almost fell inside of the lava luckily I had it on day 83 I

Used all of my fire potions and the blazes were kind of annoying so I went back to the Overworld to get myself some more fire potions since I had a bunch of emeralds I also decided to not eat bad food anymore I’m only going to eat

Golden carrots from now on so of course I did some trading to get golden carrots with the golden carrots and fire potions I went back ahead to the Nether and I started to kill some Withers right before the day ended I was able to get myself six wither skulls on day 84 I

Continued to kill a bunch of Withers and I was able to get nine wither skulls before the day even started okay I’m exaggerating the day was midway done once I made my way back to the Overworld I got myself the soul stand and the Wither skills and I asks my shed one

Question should I kill the Wither underneath the portal or should I fight them in open air my chat said do it open air and let me tell you I regret it till this day now for some reason on the height we are on the Wither is broken

And he continuously goes up in the air like the Wither keeps going up in the air he went all the way to like y 10,000 like I’m not joking this guy kept on going in the air so fighting this guy was so difficult I I was crying so hard

Day 85 I was still trying to kill this guy he kept on going higher and higher I kid you not I probably popped 20 totems fighting this wither he kept on almost killing me I had to make strength potions because if I did not have these

Guys I wasn’t able to kill this guy with the strength potions and the arrows I was able to deal some damage to this guy but every time I deal damage this guy revives again it was so difficult to kill him this fight didn’t take me a

Couple of minutes to finish I it took me days I’m talking multiple Minecraft days I’m not joking it took me multiple days Mojang please fix the Wither and super flat I was so close to killing this guy but yeah he revived again yeah I’m going

To spare you this fight you think I was joking about taking days to kill this guy here’s proof day 86 and I’m still fighting this man yeah I don’t know the Wither in super flat is is something different day 89 and the Wither was finally defeated I was so happy I was

Sure that I wasn’t going to make the exact mistake again I’m not going to kill the witer in the open air I’m going to the end and going to do it the easy way first I made my way to the end and I grabbed myself some obsidian then I died

Out a small room underneath the end portal and I placed down the obsidian in that weird way so we can get easy wither kills and yeah there we go we saved ourselves like five Minecraft days I am never going to kill the Wither in op air super flat again like never again once

The two Withers were dead I grabb myself the nether stars and I went back to the Overworld in the overw world I made myself the beacons and I grabbed myself some glass and I made my way to the raid farm at the raid Farm I made a large

Beacon made out of emerald blocks because the ra Farm is going to make like 100 times the amount of blocks that just wasted it’s also important to mob proof the beacons or else all of the raats will spawn on top of the beacon and yeah we were going to die I got

Myself a beacon of resistance a beacon of healing and a beacon of strength now we can completely AFK the ra Farm without worrying about dying and then I finish the day off by buying myself some brand new armor day 90 there are 10 more days left until we complete the 100 days

There was one more final build that I wanted to make before the 100 days finish and that was a very large fully automatic mob farm in the middle of the world spawn the mob farm that I was making was very easy to make the only

Thing we actually had to get was a bunch of wood so on day 90 I just farmed a bunch of wood the wood farm that we had was really big we had so many trees so I farmed the entire day the reason we need a bunch of wood is because I want to

Build a very large Auto sorter for the mob farm and we’re going to need to have a bunch of chests and Hoppers we have enough of iron the only thing we needed was a bunch of wood on day 91 I got a bunch of materials for the farm I made a

Bunch of chest and a bunch of Hoppers now I also needed some Redstone components and again I realized that did not have any Cobblestone now because we have a beacon we can actually make a cobblestone generator even better we had a silk touch pickaxe so we can make a

Stone generator with a stone generator we can use fortune on a normal pickaxe to get cobblestone and silk touch to get stone and the stone generator itself is really easy to build although I only had three beacons I did steal the beacon from the ra farm so I have to place it

Back when I need to use it at the ra Farm hopefully we can set up a wither skeleton Farm soon to get a bunch of be beacons the cobblestone generator and the stone generator were working good but it was pretty slow so I did some tinkering on my own to make it bigger

And faster now we were able to get much more Stone and cobblestone on day 93 I had a bunch of stone on Cobblestone so I got the final last materials needed to build the mob farm I had to make a bunch of dispensers and making dispensers is

Difficult I just spent the rest of the day building the last materials for the farm and I did some extra tree farming cuz yeah all of the woods went all away for the storage system day 93 was also a wood farming day I really underestimated

The amount of wood I was going to need for the storage system and I also needed a bunch of wood for the build itself because I wanted to make it out of oakl Day 94 I had all of the materials needed to build the mop Farm I grabbed myself a

Light metica schematic and I started to build the mob farm the mob farm itself is pretty easy so actually I did not need a lmea schematic but because of the large storage system it was much easier if I used lmea mob farms in super flat

Are really good it’s the same as in Sky Block because mobs cannot spawn underneath the wall all of the mobs can only spawn inside the Mob form although if it’s night time you have to make sure that everything is lit up but because we’re going to make a large ocean around

Our world spawn we shouldn’t worry about mob spawning anywhere near mop Farm the mop Farm itself has multiple layers and each layers allows mobs to spawn in the middle of each layer we have a dispenser and observer the dispenser itself has a water bucket and the Observer is going

To be lit up by a redstone clock and it will allow the dispenser to turn on and off to basically create a water flow for the mops to fall out of the layer the Redstone clock itself will be made on the top of the farm on day 95 the farm

Was almost done all we had to do was make the roof the Redstone clock and then we had to fill the water buckets inside of the dispenser since we had a bunch of iron I was able to make a bunch of buckets so doing this was pretty fast

Right before night time the farm was actually done and I put it to the test and as you can see it works perfectly the farm itself was done but the storage system wasn’t done yet I need to get a stack of each item we need to store

First so while the mobs are dying in the background I started on the great dick on day night6 six the great dig officially started I wanted to get rid of all of the blocks inside of the wal spawn the wal spawn of course has a layer of Bedrock underneath it later on

I’m going to actually destroy this Bedrock so we can go deeper and build our ocean Bedrock is also super nice because mobs cannot spawn on top of Bedrock so the Bedrock is actually the mob proof for the mobs so if you break all of the grass and dirt around the mop

Form mobs won’t be able to spawn around it day 97 98 and 99 will exactly as day 96 all I did was dig a bunch of dirt until day 100 I thought I was going to do a lot of damage these 4 days but yeah

I’m going to have to break a lot of blocks to clear the world spawn on day 99 the mob farm was working in the background for a couple of days and we got a bunch of stuff all we had to do now is make the item Sorter and then the

Mob farm is completely done the mob farm will be very handy for items like string and bones all although if we can set up a weer skeleton Farm later on we’re going to get much more bones than this mob farm right over here as I filtered

The final blocks inside of the system it started to rain and I decided let’s go sleep for the last final day day 100 we made it 100 days in the super flat walls the first half of the day was trying to see if the farm was working and

Everything looked correct and all of the items were being sorted in the correct chest we survived 100 100 days in this world a lot of chaos but we made it 100 days we got our Exel we got rabbits we have a raate farm we have a mob farm I’m

Happy I got so many things planned for this VA I can’t wait to start on them should I build a statue around the mob farm or should I make a lighthouse let me know down in the comments anyways guys 100 days on super flat I hope you

Like the video these first 100 days are nothing compared to what I’m going to do on this Vault I got so many things plan anyways if you haven’t subscribed yet smash the Subscribe button down below and if you already subscribed hit that like button down below and let me know

In the comments if I should build a statue or a lighthouse around the mob farm and yeah I’ll see you guys in the next one

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days On SUPERFLAT Minecraft’, was uploaded by Moguin on 2023-10-29 17:00:09. It has garnered 13709 views and 435 likes. The duration of the video is 01:15:41 or 4541 seconds.

Social Media: Discord: https://discord.gg/WueYfurEDv Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/moguinyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/MoguinMo Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moguinyt

Music provided by epidemic sound: https://share.epidemicsound.com/tqbrow


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  • UGC SMP – SMP Vanilla 1.21

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  • LuckyGem Vanilla SMP 1.21 Active Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft Feel.

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  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Jack Black devours schnitzel in Minecraft flick”

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  • Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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  • Game Academy Time Travel Prank

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  • Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

    UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle's EP1 Minecraft Craftoria AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Craftoria EP1’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-09-26 02:30:30. It has garnered 209 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:36 or 8196 seconds. We’re adventuring in Craftoria for Minecraft 1.21. A fun, new Minecraft fabric modpack by Team All of Fabric. Relaxing Minecraft lets play in the 1.21 Craftoria modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

    Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft - One Run Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Stream Before I Leave For A Week!| Moth Boy Attempts To Beat Hardcore Minecraft (One Run) [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2024-09-08 02:03:35. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:35 or 15335 seconds. We’ll meet again! I promise! ^.^ _______________________ For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think. No this is not a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

    Insane Hardcore Day 1 - Creative Player Tries MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Day 1- Creative Player Tries Hardcore in Minecraft’, was uploaded by TheSephrona on 2024-01-12 14:49:43. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:17 or 7037 seconds. Experienced creative player, awful survival player. Playing on hardcore mode… what could go wrong? Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS Read More