1000 Days as a Hungry Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft!

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On day one I spawned in and ate my way out of a giant pumpkin as a fat dragon with 10 Hearts it looks like I’m way junkier than the average Dragon it’s okay though because it’s what’s on the inside that counts but my thoughts were interrupted by a huge Fireball hitting

The ground next to me I managed to dodge it just in time and looked up to see a huge fire dragon floating in the sky above me sup tubby what are you doing on my turf you know this is Chad’s Place who Chad’s the best hey hey don’t call

Me mean names and who’s this Chad guy I’m Chad and I rule and when I’m flying around here taking selfies for my RedHot fire dragon insta I don’t want your goofy butt sitting in my background killing my vibe but but you can’t just call me names and kick me out yeah I can

I’m Chad the fire dragon I’m number one you aren’t the first loser I’ve chased out of here and you won’t be the last baby it’s fire time Chad the fire dragon blasted and another Fireball at me I dodged again in the nick of time and flapped my wings flying off into the air

And escaping Chad’s fire yeah that’s right you better run Nobody messes with Chad when I’d escaped Chad I landed for a bit to breathe and caught myself down that guy was a major jerk why would you be mean to someone just because of what they look like he must be evil my

Thoughts were interrupted by a big Angry dread Beast who thought I looked like a filling snack oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no all I could do was fly off before the dread beast pounced at me this world doesn’t seem too kind I need

To make things better around here before everyone hates on each other on day two I landed somewhere that looked a little safer at least here nobody would start attacking me for no reason I need a roof over my head before I can do anything else maybe it’s time to build myself a

Fat dragon base I used some of my natural dragon strength to break down a few trees it wasn’t long before I had enough wood wood to make myself a wooden pickaxe and a crafting table then I used my wooden pickaxe to dig up some Stone and create a stone sword and a stone

Pickaxe this is exactly what I need to build a base but first I need to get myself a sweet treat I’ve had a hard couple of days I’ve earned it I flew off to a nearby area and found a delicious looking cake just laying around the perfect treat but then a dread ghoul

Jumped out of the shadows and started laughing my fish plan worked I knew that a cake would attract a perfect fat little victim and I was right oh come on why is everyone here so judgmental it’s the way of the world fat dragon and now you’ve fallen for my trap you’re all M

But before the dread ghoul could pounce I flew away again all the way back to my base to enjoy my cake wait I got so distracted by the cake that I didn’t even start my base when I landed I used my stone pickaxe and I collected more resources and started building myself a

Basic base at least it would give me somewhere to stay at the end of the day H I should work on a kitchen next on day three I decided that I needed to make my base a little bigger I wasn’t the tiniest dragon out there after all and I

Needed the base to be roomy to be comfortable in it so I flew off to a new location to collect more resources of course it wasn’t going to be as easy as I’d hoped because nothing seems to be easy around here the second I landed there was an angry looking dread waiting

For me a vest thou art a hefty Dragon for sooth Alec here’s a battle a battle good sir I literally don’t understand anything you’re saying but I still feel like you’re being mean to me thou art correct battle me Nave I was really upset about being called mean names

Again probably so this time I was ready to engage in battle I attacked him with my stone sword until the dread Knight gave up and moved away thou doth won this time Dragon but next time I will have my revenge for sooth stop saying for sooth it doesn’t make you sound cool

Or smart it’s just weird with that the dread Knight ran away moments later a different figure emerged a big black hippogriff oh no are you going to say mean things about my weight too what Heavens know I’d never dream of judging someone based on their appearance that’s

A total Chad the dragon move I’m buck buck the hippogriff wait Chad the dragon you know that guy huh I wish I didn’t he’s so conceited if he was made of cake he’d probably eat himself talk about the selfish meanie oh speaking of cake I

Have some back in my base come join me we can share it together I’m Zozo by the way finally someone kind around here you seem hungry already I’ll let you have some of my fish and let’s go Zozo I’d made my first friend and we started back

To my base things were finally looking up for me from day four to day five I returned to my base with buck the hippogriff and it felt nice to have someone who was so kind in a world that had been so mean to me let’s build you a

Room Buck something that really suits your awesome personality you’re too kind Zozo you are kind to me first this is just me getting even I started expanding my base creating a nice new room for buck to stay in I even made it with an open roof so he could fly out and

Explore anytime you wanted this is an awesome room Zozo I’m so happy that I met you you’re the coolest fat dragon I’ve ever seen you’re doing a lot to help boost my confidence Buck I love it but wholesome friendship moment was interrupted by a bunch of deathworms

Slithering out of the ground towards me oh no I need to do something about this before it ruins my whole base I ran in and started battling the death worms lucky for me in the Battle of worms versus dragons dragons normally win and this was no exception and once the worms

Were defeated they dropped some delicious apples onto the ground huh apples in worms it doesn’t normally go that way around I stashed the apples into my inventory and went back to my base where Buck the hippogriff and I could hang out with the deathworms taken care of I

Could work on expanding and improving my base first I need to make sure I have a fixed source of food breakfast especially I’d love some eggs that’s why I built a cop and some fences then collected a few chickens and let them live inside free range of course because

That’s the kindest way to do it it’ll make the eggs taste better too but while I was out searching for more chickens to add to my teeny tiny chicken farm I saw the last thing I ever wanted to see Chad the fire dragon he was flying right

Above me looking just as mean and arrogant as ever what are you doing here chubby didn’t the Chad Meister tell you that you need to get off the Overworld maybe go to the nether that’s where all the other weird ugly beasts hang out nice one Chad you can’t nice one your own

Joke Chad it doesn’t work like that Chad can do anything that Chad likes he’s the best I mean I’m the best whatever look at what I can do suddenly Chad started growing even bigger and stronger than before he made even his old self look small Oh no you’re so huge how I’ve been

Getting some extra reps in at the gym it’s making me real swool you’d know this if you followed my fire insta like I said instead you’re going to deal with my fire fire Chad blasted an even bigger Fireball at me there was no way I could

Fight him like this I needed to just get out of here I flew off as fast as I could just hoping that Chad wouldn’t follow me getting of him was going to be a lot harder than I thought from Day N to day 10 I sat in my room at my base

Feeling terrible about all the things Chad said to me and how much stronger he was than me how can I ever expect to stop him from being so horrible to everyone if I can’t even stop him from being horrible to me Buck the hippogriff seemed to sense that I was upset and

Came in to comfort me Zozo I’m so sorry about all those terrible things that Chad said to you for what it’s worth he’s only like that because deep down he’s so insecure about himself he wishes he had the kind of confidence you have those are kind words buck and they do

Make me feel a little better I just feel bad that I wasn’t able to defeat him maybe what you need is a little inspiration go look out into the yard and see a little something I’ve been working on for you I ran outside and saw

That bug had been working on a statue it looked incredible but it was early enough that I couldn’t quite tell what it was yet wow this is amazing what do you think it’s going to be when it’s done let me know down in the comments came up to me again amazing workbook I

Love the statue what’s it going to be I couldn’t give that away and besides there’s something else you should see I built you a base upgrade I looked back at my base and saw that buck had built me a storage room the perfect place to store all of our weapons and supplies

Buck you’re the best friend I’ve ever had from day 11 to day 12 I decided it was time to rest and recover from the stressful last few days after all it’s important to take care of yourself and take time time off now and then but while I was sleeping I started having

The strangest dreams I dreamed of how Chad the fire dragon was first created he crawled out of lava deep underground a dragon of pure fire wa I’m a dragon of pure fire this is crazy you think I’m going to call myself Chad yeah that feels like a good name

For me but everyone was afraid of Chad because he was so big and so dangerous because of his firw Chad felt bad about everyone being afraid of him so to cover up how bad he felt he decided to pretend he was confident in a completely over-the-top way the Cher’s number

One but because Chad’s confidence wasn’t real he could only protect it one way by being mean to others putting them down to make himself feel better everyone is dumb and ugly except me oh yeah Chad is awesome and I’m Chad baby Chad developed such a reput utation for being rude and

Mean nobody would tell him to stop and as the years went on he only got more powerful needless to say it was a really weird dream but I definitely felt like I knew more about Chad afterwards I just wish I knew how I could use it against

Him from day 13 to day 15 I decided I needed to settle a few old scores to improve my confidence this fat dragon was through with running away that’s why I flew back to where it all started to face the dread Beast that thought I was

An easy snack now I was going to show him that fighting me was going to be anything but easy I landed right next to the dread Beast ready to battle with the stone sword at the ready let’s go dread Beast we’ll see who’s really feeling the

Dread when I’m done the dread Beast ran at me but I didn’t budge I fought back and this time I won and with the XP I got from winning I leveled up into a bigger tougher fatter Dragon Chad is going to think twice about messing with

Me now I’ve got an entire 30 hearts and a brand new weapon Dragon claw I took to the skies happier than I’d felt in a long time from day 16 to day 19 feeling encouraged by all my progress lately I decided it was time to treat myself to a

Gear upgrade I found a nearby mine and went underground digging until I found some iron ore perfect this is exactly what I needed but I wasn’t alone in the mine because the perfect opposite of a fat dragon was down there waiting for me a bunch of human skeletons at least they

Don’t have enough telling to make any mean jokes about me I defeated the skeletons then Ed my iron ore to smelt and craft an iron sword and an iron pickaxe looks like my fighting and Mining skills have just leveled up Chad is going to feel so jealous about this

When he finds out with all my new gear I went back to my base feeling better than ever from day 20 to day 22 I was rudely awakened by bucks storming into the room Zozo Zozo you need to wake up right now something terrible is happening terrible

Oh no that doesn’t sound good quite the opposite actually it’s ter terrible Chad the fire dragon is waiting for you outside I think he wants to fight I got up and ran outside as quickly as I could and just like Buck had told me Chad the

Fire dragon was waiting he hey ja browny it’s the Chad Meister chaddon the Central African nation of Chad and as usual I’m happy to hand you a big steaming plate of humiliation baby you may be a fire dragon Chad but I think you’re just full of hot air are you

Really saying all this stuff about yourself because you believe it or because you want to believe it look at you Mr Big tubby head shrinker you think you understand the chapter’s brain the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma you could never even hope to understand what I’m about and I’m

Actually super duper confident you’re just way too much of a loser to get that sounds like you’re not that sure of yourself I so am let’s fight toofus we charged at each other and began battling he blew fire at me but with my new Strength since our last battle I was

Able to take the heat that’s when I showed him my new claws swiping at him again and again he seemed so shocked that I was really fighting back that he broke away from the fight and started to fly off I didn’t really want to fight you that time anyway smell you later fat

Dragon it wasn’t exactly a true Victory but I’d seen the first GR in Chad’s confidence maybe I can beat him after all from day 23 to Day 26 I decided that I needed to treat myself to a new enchantment for all my hard work surviving my first true fight with Chad

Given how much he’d helped me so far I asked Buck what he thought I should do seeing as you got yourself an iron sword a while back maybe you should apply the sharpness enchantment who knows it might even make your claws more powerful that’s a great idea Buck you’re always

Looking out for me on Buck’s suggestion I crafted and applied the sharpness enchantment all my weapons were a lot more effective after that from day 27 to day 31 I got more good news from Buck Zozo come take a look I’ve been doing some more work on the Statue and I think

You’re going to love it a That’s so exciting I can’t wait to see I ran out and took a look at the Statue it wasn’t done yet but it was coming along so well Buck really had a gift for making statues this looks amazing Buck I can’t

Wait to see what it’ll be when it’s done that’s actually something I wanted to talk to you about Zozo the statue is coming along great but it needs something else think you can go get some for me no problem Buck I’ll set off immediately Buck told me what he needed

And sent me off to the West I headed out with my iron pickaxe ready to mine like my life depended on it it didn’t take me long to find the blocks that buck needed but there was a Wither there waiting for me nothing is ever easy around here I

Took a few wither skulls but soon managed to use my claws to turn the tide of the battle once the Wither was gone I mined the blocks and went back to my base Buck was waiting for me here Buck take these thanks Zozo this is exactly

What I needed from day 32 to day 35 I went went out exploring again wanting to increase my strength and confidence if there were any Quests for me to take I’d be happy to take them but my confidence was shaken a little by a huge creeper spider suddenly skittering towards me

This is not how I wanted to spend today I ran away as the creeper spider exploded taking out a bunch of blocks beneath it but thankfully not me creepers are one of those problems that take care of themselves while I was wandering around the explosion scarred area I saw another strange creature a

Rabbit wolf hoing around and looking worried are you okay Miss Rabbit Wolf the truth is no things are awful right now awful oh no what happened is there any way I could help my friend the rabbit was kidnapped by the Crimson Phantom he’s a local weirdo who thinks

He’s a super villain and if we don’t save the rabbit suit who knows what will happen we’ll never have to find out wait here I’m going to go save your rabbit friend and with that I flew up off ready to become a hero from Day 36 to day 39 I

Arrived at the location where the wannabe super villain the Crimson Phantom was holding the rabbit he was every bit as weird as the wolf rabbit had told me it is I the Crimson Phantom the Lord of Darkness I am the most powerful and the evil villain in the Overworld and

Nothing will stop me from taking control I’m number one but isn’t Chad the fire dragon number one oh no Chad is he here no no he’s not here I was just talking figuratively pH that’s a relief almost lost my cool there hearing all of that gave me an idea the Crimson Phantom may

Not be afraid of me but he was definitely afraid of our mutual enemy Chad the fire dragon maybe Chad can be useful for once from day 40 to day 43 I flew out towards the Crimson Phantom and the captured rabbit trying to look at as intimidating as possible both of them

Turned to look at me as I approached be fat dragon for I am the Crimson Phantom the viest villain in all of the Overworld and this rabbit belongs to me fool I work for his chadness Chad the fire dragon and he is extremely displeased that you’re out here

Tarnishing his rad name oh no oh no no no no no please please tell his chadness I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cause any offense I’ll do whatever he wants I promise you’ll give up the rabbit and let her go his chadness requests your presence of course I’ll Wait f Dragon

Chad’s been making fun of you on his Dragon insta for weeks now you’re not with him you’re trying to trick me ah you can’t blame me for trying with my plan foiled I attacked the Crimson Phantom with my powerful claws despite all his bragging he was one of the

Easiest enemies I’d ever defeated you saved me thank you so much I was worried I’d never never get away from that awful villain don’t thank me rabbit you’ve got a friend who cares a lot about you as if on Q the rabbit wolf hopped in thank you

For all you’ve done Zozo here take this potion of swiftness it’s the least I could do you’re a true hero oh stop it you’re going to make me cry from day 44 to day 49 I gave more materials to Buck the black hippogriff so he could continue work on the Statue great job

Zozo you’re really pulling your weight with this project I’ll take that as a compliment considering how much my weight is I mean it buddy you’re a kind and reliable person anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend thanks Buck now I feel like a million bucks

There’s only one me Zozo just like there’s only one you that’s deep but you knew what I meant I let Buck continue working on the Statue and realized that I was hungry after all the quests I’d been doing I had really worked up an appetite it was time to add something to

The base in order to help out with that a proper k kitchen I’d craft a couple of cooking surfaces and shelves to store ingredients that way I’d be able to make the most nutritious meals when I was in the mood for food it’s like they always

Say never trust a skinny cook and always trust a fat dragon cook once I had completed the kitchen I went back to see how Buck was doing on the Statue it was starting to look even more like what it was supposed to be I couldn’t wait to

See how it would look when it was done from day 50 to day 53 I was minding my own business at the base when Chad the fire dragon decided to rear his big over inflated head oh hey chubster still your lame roly pully self I see lucky for you

The Chad Meister decided to take some time out of his busy insta schedule to instigate a little one-on-one conflict leave me alone already Chad I’ll fight if I have to but I didn’t wake up this morning choosing violence too bad because Chad the cool and rad always

Chooses to dunk on losers by the way when I said oneon-one I meant one on several because I brought my fans with me it was true Chad had rolled up with a bunch of fire Guardians who listened to everything he said they must have been followers by Nature how is it fair to

Outnumber me Chad at least fight your own battles if you’re going to be a bully well sorry there’s so much of you to go around that I thought I should bring more guys get up boys Chad’s fire Guardians tried to gang up on me but I

Was a fighter now so I shredded through them with my claws I was so focused on the fight that I almost didn’t see Chad and the other Guardians kidnpped Buck from the base Zozo win that fight and come save me I know you can Buck how low

Does Chad want to go in order to ruin my life I took down the rest of the attacking fire Guardians like Buck said and I felt my confidence Rising I grew larger and obtained 60 Hearts I could also breathe out a big blast of fire looks like Chad isn’t the only one with

Fire around here with that I also set the front yard on fire from day 54 fored day 57 I spent some time putting out the fires left over from the attack on the base they sure did set a big part of my base on fire but it didn’t bother me

That much because I could easily extinguish it once I had extinguished the fire I thought about the one thing I couldn’t repair I need to get fck back he always stuck up for me so I want to do the same for him I went to the desert

To go visit Miss Rabbit wolf I knew a thing or two about friendship and because I helped her rescue her friend not too long ago she would probably help me rescue mine I’m so sorry that buck got taken away by Chad’s henchman I know exactly how that feels I want to do

Something about it but I don’t know where to begin why don’t you try checking the Selfies that Chad posts there’s got to be something in the background that could help you find out where he’s taking Buck that’s a good idea he posts pictures of where he is

All the time it should be easy to find his evil lir from that you can turn his false confidence into a real weakness thanks rabbit wolf from day 58 to day 62 I went mining for diamonds so I could upgrade my tools I’m a confident dragon

And I deserve to treat myself to nicer things of course not everyone in the mine agreed with me on that point there were a bunch of warped Phantoms swarming around where I was trying to dig I could use my fire breath to scatter them but they’d always come back this seems like

More of a task for my claws can’t I Dragon mine in peace once I cleared out all the Warped Phantoms I was able to gather a good amount of diamonds from the cave I crafted a diamond sword and a diamond pickaxe both of which would come in

Handy when the time came for me to go rescue Buck from the clutches of Chad from day 63 to day 66 I was looking at the unfinished statue and feeling sad that buck couldn’t be here the two of us had been working together on the statue

For a long time now and seeing that it was unfinished was a reminder that without him I’d never see what the statue could become I thought about working on it myself but that wouldn’t do any good Buck is counting on me to rescue him from Chad I couldn’t back

Down from facing that terrible bully for now the statue needs to wait hang on Buck I’m going to find you wherever you are and if you want to find more of my awesome adventures make sure to subscribe to the channel and ring that notification Bell so you’ll always be

Able to from day 67 to Day 70 I found a place that looked a lot like where Chad the fire dragon took many of his selfies the Crimson Gardens were definitely red like one might expect for a fire dragon and there also seemed to be a huge Lair

Designed to sh show off that’s got to be Chad’s PAD as I approached I noticed that there were a bunch of fire Guardians hanging around outside my guess had to be correct since those mobs would do anything for Chad’s attention including trying to keep me out of

Chad’s pad I knew I was looking at a fight if I tried to get past them hey you guys is my friend inside there the fire Guardian said nothing and charged me all at once I knew fire breath wouldn’t do any good against creatures of pure fire so I stuck to melee attacks

Thanks to my increased health Health even fighting this many fire Guardians wasn’t much of a problem it was true that I’d gotten even bigger and stronger since my other fight with Jet’s minions I’m not just fat I’m large and in charge I was able to battle my way through the

Inside of Chad’s pad I just knew my friend was in here somewhere from day 71 to day 74 I explored Chad’s pad and fought off more of the fire Guardians as I did this Bas is gigantic Chad must really enjoy having a lot of space that

He doesn’t need all to himself while I was sneaking around I saw Chad he must have been finished taking selfies in a nearby room oh yeah Chad rules the camera loves Chad and so does everyone else and Chad he seemed to be really into his routine at the moment and it

Felt awkward to interrupt him I came here to rescue Buck not to pick a fight so I just let him continue bigging himself up of course I couldn’t help myself from sneaking some potions of healing from one of his pad’s chests he won’t miss it and besides he’s hurt me

Enough times that one little potion is the least of what he’d need to do to make up for it from day 75 to day 78 I managed to find the dungeon where Chad had been keeping Buck it was time for a good oldfashioned Prison Break Zozo you

Made it I always knew you had it in you friend thanks Buck it was hard making it all the way here without your kind words but I was still able to do it because I’ve got confidence in myself now I used my fire breath to destroy the bars of

The prison setting Buck free nicely done now let’s get out of here whoa whoa whoa who said you could leave Chad didn’t and if Chad didn’t it doesn’t matter who did Chad oh no it was Chad there was only one thing I could think of to make sure

That buck would be safe from this kidnapping bully jerk get out of here Buck I’ll catch up with you after Chad and I have a talk with that buck ran off leaving me alone to take on Chad like Chad would talk to you for any reason other than reminding you that you’re

Totally stupid looking actually I meant talk asn’t fight let’s work things out like dragons with our Claws and fire breath can’t get enough of Chad’s fire breath okay you asked for it Chad breathed his fire blast at me but I returned with my own he was surprised

That I could do what he did but that made sense because he always underestimated me we started to fight with our Claws and even more than the previous time I was holding my own I got several good hits in on him before he started to show a little bit of

Nervousness what’s the matter Chad not ble to pretend as well as you normally do as if Chad needs to pretend I’m the real deal L check this out from day 79 to day 84 Chad flexed his Dragon muscles and totally hulked out into a super beast of a dragon oh yeah Chad was

Already the best but now you can say hello to the even better super mega Ultra Deluxe Chad Meister Supreme yikes I didn’t expect you’d have another form Chad totally could have beaten you in his regular form Chad just didn’t feel like it right so you transformed for absolutely no reason at

All I’m really not sure I believe you but I’m also really afraid of your new form I ran away as fast as I could behind me I could hear Chad laughing and calling me more mean names we would see who would be laughing the next time we

Met but this time it was definitely Chad who would be laughing from day 85 to day 89 I returned to base and found that buck had already made his way back there before me I was really glad to see him home the base had not felt the same

Without him did I miss anything Zozo I was gone for a long time at Chad’s pad that fire dragon was so annoying and talking about himself the whole time I’m really glad to be back I’m glad to hear it Buck sorry you had to go through all

That it wasn’t all bad I did manage to swipe some relaxation supplies from Chad’s relaxation room I bet we could turn these into a room of our own that sounds awesome I love relaxation I got to work on upgrading the base with a brand new relaxation room well Buck

Chose to make up for lost time and work on the Bas of statue I made sure to put all the right details into the relaxation room including lots of couches for buck and I to lounge around on I bet both of us will really appreciate the work I’ve done on this

Room after Buck is done putting together that statue when I was done with the relaxation room I went to see the statue and found that it looked absolutely incredible it was only a statue of me but I never looked at myself so proudly before remember how you feel about

Yourself at this moment zoo that confidence in who you are recognizing your own best qualities is the key to defeating Chad I did almost have him last time but he’s got this new super duper form now and I think he’s going to knock me out the next time I see him in

That case you just take what you already like about yourself and make it even more powerful there is a spell you can cast that will bring your inner strength to the surface show him who you really are from day 90 to Day 94 I sought out

The book of spells which was said to contain a spell that would bring my inner strength to the surface it was located inside of a deep cave that was full of Wither spiders there was a time not so long ago that I wouldn’t have dared to fight for myself especially

Against such powerful mobs but if what Buck said about this spell was true then I couldn’t wait to get my inner strength on I’m becoming more like who I want to be every single day and there’s nothing that some bully can say that would make me feel like I’m less than that the

Wither spiders had powerful attacks I could shoot deadly wither skulls but with my chubby body and huge amount of Hearts I could withstand equally huge amount of damage big is beautiful I burned the spiders away with my fire breath and found my way to the book of

Spells this must be the right one I’ll read it when I get back home from day 95 to day 97 I was back at base preparing for my Showdown with Chad I was determined to use everything that I had in order to win this fight and overcome

That bully once and for all I knew that I’d be having the fight at his place so instead of doing any sort of upgrades on my base I focused on what I would need to do to fight at my best potions are the way to go I can drink a lot of those

At once to give myself an advantage first up was a standard potion of strength to increase the damage of my claw attacks second I chose a potion of regeneration so I could get even more use out of my high amount of hearts and the third potion that I picked was a

Potion of fire resistance Chad is always bragging about his fire but this should take the heat off of me on day 98 I decided to relax so that I wouldn’t stress out too much about the impending fight I was going to have with ch bad I

Couldn’t let him get into my head so I made sure to fill my brain with fun and positive feelings and if you want to feel fun and positive too you should type zo zo into the search bar so you can find more of my videos also while

It’s just us relaxing go ahead and leave a comment about what I should be next on day 99 it was time to settle my score with Chad once and for all time I walked through the Crimson Gardens and straight inside Chad’s pad that mean and nasty fire dragon himself was lying in weight

And he was still in his tricked out new form back for more you little dragon tender Chad is better than Chad has ever been this new form is totally awesome and definitely better than anything you could do I Now understand why you decided to take that form Chad cuz I’m a

Beast like that no it’s because you have something to prove you may have scared everybody else but I was able to Rattle that fake confidence of yours you’re the one who has actually scared Chad what no you you don’t know what you’re talking about Chad is the man or the Dragon Man

Actually I’m just a dragon yes and I’m just a fat dragon who’s got Inner Strength I downed my potions and used the book of spells to cast a spell of power and unleash my inner strength my heart rose to 100 and I now had a mighty tail Slap Attack ready to throw down

Chad Chad is having second thoughts I mean now Chad’s the best Chad will take you out in any form tubo the fight began and I whipped him with my new tail slap he tried his fire breath of course but I was resisting your fire can’t hurt me anymore and

Neither can your words I gave him serious claw strikes and even more toil slaps then I Unleashed my own fire breath no way you can’t be fire Chad is fire Chad is fire as fire not anymore then I tail slapped Chad one more time and he was done bothering me on day 100

I was once again relaxing at the base with buck the black hippogriff Chad won’t bother me or anyone again I really taught him a lesson you sure did stand up for yourself Zozo and you never let anyone tell you who you should be or how

You should look you said it Buck I’m the best at being me and that’s what counts more than anything else on day one I spawned into a beautiful cherry blossom Forest as a creeper oh wait why does my stomach hurt I guess I must be a hungry

Creeper and a baby hungry creeper at that lucky for me there seemed to be lots of apples laying around the forest that must be why there are so many kuchin monkeys hanging around would you guys mind sharing some of your apples with a hungry creeper like me I’d really

Appreciate it that’s when I saw a big scary skele King striding towards me out of the trees and he looked like he really meant business not so fast kid these apples don’t belong to these goofy little monkeys they belong to me skele King of the Overworld oh well can I

Please have some apples your highness my name is Zozo and I’m so hungry sure if you can pay up some emeralds nothing in this world is for free kid but I don’t have any emeralds then we have nothing to say to each other I’m sick of all you

Freeloaders thinking you can enjoy my food for nothing within a 100 days I’ll make sure that nobody can get a single morsel without paying through the nose for it I’ll never let you get away with that it’s not fair on all the hungry people who don’t have emeralds well I

Guess I’ll just have to dest destroy you then sorry kid got to make an example out of people sometimes the skele King Unleashed an energy blast I ran away as fast as I could but it was already too late for the monkeys and the apples the

Blast took them all out the blast also took me down to two hearts I ran as fast as I could I needed to defeat the skele King within 100 days or everyone would go hungry on day two I reached the seea woods and stopped for a minute to catch my breath

I could still feel my stomach growling I wish I’d been able to eat at least one of those apples but while I was still catching my breath I got ambushed by some armored skeletons and something told me that they probably wouldn’t have any food for me hey it’s that freeloader

The skelin told us about boys we’ll teach him to try scrumping our Supreme ruler’s produce attack the armored skeletons ran towards me and all I could do was run away it’s not like I had a weapon and even if I did I probably would have been too hungry to fight

Eventually I managed to lose them being in this world was already exhausting and if I don’t find a snack soon I think I’m going to pass out that’s when a castle approached me from how slowly she walked over it seemed like she was nervous you’re not with the Skelly King are you

Gosh no I was just running away from him and his minions I’m Zozo what’s your name that’s a relief I’m Cassie Cassie the CER you look hungry come with me I never someone who can fix you up some free grub thank you that’s the best news

I’ve heard all day on day three Cassie the castle took me to a cozy little cabin in the middle of seea woods that’s where I met the cabin’s owner a friendly straw Golem named Stefan my word you poor little creeper you’re all skin and bones how about I give you some of this

Nice bread it’s fresh out of the oven Stefan gave me some tasty bread and it helped fill up my hunger bar a little bit anyway seems I really was a hungry creeper through and through thank you Stefan I really needed that I don’t understand why the skele King doesn’t

Just let people eat when they’re hungry he’d make a lot more friends that way ah Zozo but you see the skele King doesn’t care about friends all he cares about are jewels and riches as a skeleton he doesn’t even need food he just Hoards it for his own benefit that’s awful how can

We stop him we can stop him by fighting back and making sure all the hungry are fed without having to give in to the skele King’s evil demands making a base would be a good start good idea thank you again Stefan we said our goodbyes to

Stefan and then Cassie and I set off deeper into the seea woods it was time to start building a base from day four to day five we started the construction project of course before we could do anything else we needed tools that’s why I broke down a tree and made myself a

Wooden pickaxe which is good for only one thing mining enough Stone to make myself a full set of stone gear including a stone pickaxe and a stone sword finally I can deal some damage and start building a Cool Base I used my pickaxe to harvest more Stone and used

The stone axe to chop down some more trees giving me more wood to build with and more space for the foundation of my base looks like I’m getting the hang of this using all the materials I gathered I started building a pretty basic starter base with a room for me a room

For Cassie and a common area to hang out together when it was done Cassie and I took a second to appreciate it together it’s not much but it’s a start I think it looks awesome Zozo but as you can probably expect all this building worked up a real hunger I did some more

Exploring until I found myself some delicious carrots to eat eh what’s up doc and as soon as I ate the carrots something amazing happened I leveled up getting bigger stronger and getting nine Hearts looks like like I power up by eating that must be why I’m so hungry

From day 6 to day 8 I decided I needed a change of scenery and traveled out to the Mojave Desert to search for more food suddenly some text appeared it was my stomach you have generated one gunpowder well would you look at that I now actually have one gunpowder in my

Inventory I guess it makes sense I am a creeper after all I explored for a bit until I was surrounded with hot desert sand all around Las Vegas should be around here where and I’ve heard they have amazing all you can eat buffets I’m sure my stomach would like that but I

Never found Las Vegas or any buffets instead I found a little Goblin named goblo running towards me in a panic stranger you have to help me I’m being chased by a desert mummy oh no don’t worry goblo zoza is the name and helping people is my game stand back I charged

In leaving goblo behind while I searched for the desert mummy it didn’t take long for me to to find him he was running around the desert trying to find goblo instead he found me let’s battle mummy you should at least be picking on someone My Size the desert mummy

Attacked he was one tough cookie but thankfully with my stone sword I was able to get the edge he dropped a cookie well don’t mind if I do when the desert mummy Was Defeated I returned to goblo thank you Zozo you’re a lifesaver no problem goblo why was that desert

Mummy chasing you in the first place because I owed his boss the skeleton Jackal some money when he finds out you defeated the desert mummy he’ll probably just send another then we better go have a chat with this skeleton Jackal personally and I’m going to need to

Break for lunch from day 9 to day 10 I followed goblo into the Red Rock mountains where he told me the skeleton Jackal was waiting you hang back goblo I’ll take care of this guy myself then come back yeah okay Zozo here take this slingshot maybe you can playing some

Stuff with the skeleton Jackal I wish you luck I kept going until I found the skeleton Jackal waiting for me if you’re not going to forgive goblo debt then I guess we’re going to have to fight I loaded my slingshot with gunpowder and flinged it at him to my disappointment

Nothing happened oh well I guess a good old stone sword will have to do I charged in with my stone sword expecting this to be an easy fight like my battle with the desert mummy but I was so wrong it seemed like my attacks were barely doing any damage to the skeleton Jackal

He was just too fast and strong and to make things worse he started throwing his javelins at me ouch that hurts I needed to get out of there so I just turned and ran I ran until the skeleton Jackal was out of sight then made my way

Back to goblo feeling hungry and ashamed I’m so sorry goblo I don’t think I’m strong enough to take on the skeleton Jackal yet how about you come to my base to lay low we’ll figure something out that sounds like a good idea Zozo thank

You for helping me from day 11 to day 12 I returned to my base with goblo seeing as only Cassi and I had bedrooms at the moment I needed to expand my base I started adding a whole new room for goblo to sleep in connected to the

Common area after building the room I furnished it with a bed so goblo could finally relax how do you like your new room goblo yeah it’s amazing thank you Zozo I feel safe from the skeleton Jackal and his goons here great hopefully it’ll keep us safe from the

Skele King and his goons too oh no the skele King he’s like a hundred times worse than the skeleton Jackal I’ve heard his troops have been going to anywhere that can produce and store food and trying to take it all over but why almost everyone needs food Zozo so

Whoever controls the food controls the world then we better start producing and storing our own food just to be safe with that idea in mind I started adding a new room to the base just for storage once I built built the room I installed a few chests so we could store as much

As possible I also started mining around my base finding some iron ore deposits that I could later smelt into ingots but I was still hungry and I couldn’t just eat iron so I started adding another new feature to my base a little chicken farm filled with some chickens I found around

The seea woods the chickens would lay eggs and give me a steady supply of ingredients for cooking projects my mouth is watering just thinking about it from day 13 to day 15 I returned to my base and decided to have a much needed chat with Cassie the cassowary Cassie I

Need your advice how do you think I should go about getting strong enough to take on the skele King well you told me that eating helps you grow and level up maybe you need to venture out further and try more exciting Foods the tropical rainforest might have what you’re after

That’s an amazing idea Cassie I took her advice and traveled out to the tropical rainforest the journey actually made me even hungrier but lucky for me I was able able to find some sweet berries that reduced my Hunger a little bit but this was immediately followed by a

Sudden ambush from the Spider Queen well well well if it isn’t Zozo the hungry creeper I expected you to be bigger I’m working on it it doesn’t matter the Skelly King sent me to eliminate you and believe me no matter how hungry you are I’m hungrier the Spider Queen will eat

You alive without another word the Spider Queen attacked me it was a tough battle but lucky for me I was able to hold my own and turn the tables on the evil Spider Queen when she was defeated she dropped some cotton candy onto the ground that is sweet get it because it’s

Candy sorry that is a bad joke I ate the cotton candy and immediately felt myself growing again just like Cassie had told me I was bigger stronger and now I had 14 Hearts from day 16 to day 19 needing a break from all the dense woods and

Forests I decided to take a stroll through the beautiful rose Fields while exploring I got hungry and decided to eat some bread from Stefan the straw Golem that I’d kept in my inventory when you’re going on a long journey you should always bring snacks especially when you’re a hungry creeper a little

Less hungry now I continued my search through the rose Fields until I found a mysterious old chest just sitting around in the middle of the field oh I wonder what’s inside I took a peek and found a book titled Mysteries of the Weeping witch Forest most of the pages were

Blank but one of them had the words a man who once walked the Weeping witch forest with evil thoughts found his mind and body Twisted always Desiring but never hungry forever unsatisfied a creature less than human wait that sounds a lot like the skele King does

This mean he has something to do with the Weeping witch Forest before I could finish my thought a bunch of armored skeletons turned up looking for a fight look we found the freeloader again let’s destroy I him for good this time maybe the skele King will give us a raise the

Armored skeletons attacked me but I wasn’t a little baby hungry creeper anymore with my new size skills and my stone sword I was able to defeat every last one of them seems like all my hard work is paying off now I’m hungry again though running out of food fast from day

20 to day 22 I continued through the rose Fields I found a few spiders along the way but after defeating the SPID Queen they were nothing I think I’ve earned myself some upgraded equipment after all this I continued mining into the ground until I found some more iron

Ore I then built myself a little furnace out in the field to smelt the ore into ingots then turned the ingots into a full set of iron gear first and foremost an iron sword and an iron pickaxe I think I’m finally strong enough to settle an old score now with goblo Debs

In mind and my Hunger nagging at me again I made my journey back to the Red Rock mountains where where the skeleton Jackal was once again waiting for me ready for a rematch friendo the skeleton Jackal attacked but this time I was a lot bigger stronger and faster than

Before and I had way better weapons it didn’t take me long to defeat the monster and in doing so clear all of goo’s deaths it feels good to help now if only it made me less hungry while I was feeling sorry for myself the skele King himself suddenly appeared walking

Right up to me with him there I I certainly didn’t feel as confident as I did before been enjoying all the free snacks you sad little mooch you’ve been eating on borrowed times Zozo you owe me and I always collect on what I’m owed I don’t understand you skele King I read

That you were a person once before you lost your Humanity why do you want all this money if you don’t even need to buy food with it to need is weak and to want is powerful Zozo what you have is hunger it’s a sign of your low status what I

Have have his ambition perhaps someday you’ll understand that but I don’t expect you to live that long mark my words your days are numbered and with that the skele King disappeared and I was alone in the Red Rock mountains with a grumbling stomach once again from day

23 to Day 26 I tried to ignore my grumbling stomach as I returned to my base I really wanted a snack but first I had to give goblo the good news I found him chilling at the fireplace hey goblo guess what what is it Zozo I

Took care of that skeleton Jackal so he won’t be sending his goons after you anymore yeah that’s amazing thank you so much for your help no problem now we don’t have to worry about any more of those creeps coming after you next I decided to gather materials that would

Help me improve my base also I wanted to see if I could russle up another snack H some stone blocks I can use these to build a stone wall around the base and keep the bad guys out I gathered the stone as well as some coal which I

Unearthed and got to work building a wall around my base that looks great super secure but I want to make sure I can see what’s going on out here while I’m inside I know I’ll add some windows after carrying all that stone putting in a few Windows was a snap phew that

Really made me work up an appetite I wandered out into the woods to see what I could find and suddenly I spotted a tree filled with what I like to call yellow gold bananas this is the best day I’ve had had so far I picked up as many

Bananas as I could find and made sure to eat a few to help fill up my rumbling stomach after that I could think much more clearly as much as I wanted to eat all the bananas I realized I could use some of them to help upgrade one of my

Weapons I know I’ll fuse these with my sword and make a banana sword no a banana Katana hey that’s pretty good maybe once the skele King is defeated I’ll get into comedy M it tastes delicious I just got to make sure I don’t cut my tongue while eating my

Katana from day 27 to day 31 I was getting restless hanging around the base having no more bananas to eat it was time to head out and explore a new area to see what snacks I could find my journey took me all the way out to the

Ice spikes I wish I’d worn a coat but I’ve got my sense of adventure to keep me warm plus it was pretty hard to focus on being cold when I was so hungry as I was walking I came across some diamonds wo I can’t believe these are out here

I’ll grab them and take them home with me then and I saw something amongst the ice in the bushes and rushed toward it maybe it’s something I can eat but as I got closer I realized it was just aous oh sorry to bother you no bother at all

I was hoping someone would come along to help me I took a stroll away from my home in the mushroom fields and I’m afraid I’m hopelessly lost and getting colder by the second well you can warm up at my base if you want follow me there oh thank you please take these

Cookies as a token of my thanks sweet yes exactly I showed the mongus the way back to my base but we were both still shivering from the cold we need a bigger fireplace I quickly upgraded our existing one and before long we were warming ourselves up by the fire and

Munching on cookies this is the good life just then Cassie the Cleary approached us Zozo I need your help it’s Stefon he’s in trouble we have to go now from day 32 to day 35 Cassie and I headed to Stefan’s Cabin in the secet Woods to see what was going down Cassie

Sounded pretty upset so I knew it was probably pretty bad when we arrived I saw why Cassie was so freaked out the place was swarming with armored skeletons Zozo thank goodness you’re here these brutes have been tearing my cabin apart don’t worry we’ll stop them I drew my banana Katana I’ve got my

Banana Katana so you guys better split I didn’t have time to laugh at my super funny joke I had to get to work fighting these guys off that’s so many of them what do we do we do our best one of the armored skeletons came at me but I

Managed to get in a good hit with my weapon before he could get me we were so caught up in the fight we didn’t notice the two skeletons that knocked Stefan to the ground oh no I tried to help him but it was too late Stefan was gone you’ll pay for this

My anger gave me the strength I needed to finish the fight and with Cassie offering moral support we defeated the rest of the armored skeletons I sadly approached the remains of the straw Golem this is all my fault I bet these guys were working for the skele King

It’s not your fault Zozo it’s the bad guys who should be blamed you’re right Cassie I need to focus on what matters stopping the skele King from taking everyone’s food speaking of food I’m getting hungry again I explored the Golem’s house for some food food but instead found a crafting table with

Items placed on top of course it’s the crafting recipe for TNT I bet shooting TNT with my slingshot will work way better than shooting with gunpowder from Day 36 to day 39 I set off in search of something else to eat Cassie and I split

Up so we could cover more ground I also needed to keep looking for additional ways to defeat the skele King but I was pretty sure I could do both at the same time I couldn’t help it I was just a very hungry creeper Cassie told me she

Heard there was food in the bad lands so that was where I decided to go but I didn’t see any snacks anywhere just rocks sand cacti and other nonfood plants oh man nothing to eat here as I was talking to myself a coyote came up

To me he told me that he needed help finding aloe vera to treat his sunburns he had spent too much time in the sun without applying sunscreen and now he had sunburns all over his skin sure I’ll help you maybe if I found it quick

Enough he’d give me a snack in return no I I shouldn’t think that you shouldn’t do good deeds just in case someone gives you a gift you should do them just because it’s good to be kind and help others I spotted the Alo plant but when

I ran over to pick it up someone jumped out from behind a rock I am the desert Lord dessert Lord M what kind of desserts do you have not dessert you fool desert this is my domain and everything in it belongs to me including that Alo plant beone no can do buddy

That aloe is required by someone else then you must duel me for it works for me I ran toward the desert Lord and fought him with my banana Katana The Duel didn’t take very long because my Catana broke what was I thinking it’s made from bananas of course the

Durability is non-existent I used my axe instead before he fell down and gave up then I grabbed the Zimbabwe Alo saplings and took them back to the coyote he didn’t have any snacks for me but that was okay it was still nice to help out before I left the Badlands I made sure

To stock up on some sand so I can craft more TNT when I get home from day 40 to day 43 I return to my base to check things out this place is missing something I know we need some banners and some bookcases I quickly got to work

Adding them when I was done I took a look at my new and improved base much better that’s when goblo approached me Zozo could I ask for a favor sure thing goblo what’s up I’m pretty lonely here without any other goblins think I could invite some of my gob friends to stay

With us for a while sure let me just make them some rooms I added some extra rooms to the base so goblo buddies would have somewhere to stay it was starting to look like a hotel all done go ahead and invite your friends while goblo and

The Gob settled in I crafted As Much TNT as I could I have enough gunpowder for only three come on stomach you can do better than that start making more gunpowder at least I could craft myself a diamond sword to replace the good old banana Katana my thoughts turned to food

Again but my thoughts were interrupted by one of my latest guests the mongus coming over to me with a quest hey Zozo I have a quest for you sure what is it I need you to go to the underground mine for me there is an Anubis there who has

Been terrorizing my family and keeping them from mining there I don’t like bullies you’ve got it m us I’ll make sure he leaves your family alone from day 44 to day 49 I traveled to the location of the underground mine to look for that Anubis who was giving Mungus so

Much trouble I spotted a crane in the distance this must be it it was an entire mining site I headed down into the mine and started to look around I have to admit I was also kind of hoping I’d find something to eat too but the chests there were filled with rubbish

Mostly I was focused on my quest but I’ll never turn down a snack I ventured deeper but I didn’t see Anubis anywhere but what I did see was the skele King lurking in the mine hey you’ve gotten bigger since I last saw you what did I

Tell you before Zozo no more free snacks this is the end of that line kid you’re toast and you’ll never eat toast again without paying me for it first you’re terrible you let your greed consume everything you do and then you act like we’re all greedy for wanting the

Smallest things it’s not fair life isn’t fair you’re either a winner or a loser get used to it and speaking of losing get ready to lose a fight with one of my best minions he let out an evil laugh then ran out of the mine leaving a terrifying

Ghost Miner behind I had to be brave even if I was scared whatever I ain’t afraid of no ghost but when he rushed me I could tell he was really strong and this wasn’t going to be an easy fight from day 50 to day 53 I worked hard to

Bust the ghost Miner and get out of the underground mine alive I was a little bit worried because I couldn’t damage him my punches went straight through him and his pickaxe did loads of damage but it dawned on me I should blast him away with my TNT I loaded up my slingshot and

Kaboom the ghost was literally blown away haha I managed to win after all as I was looking around the mine after the fight I saw a chest in the distance I checked inside a golden apple can I eat this only one way to find out turns out

I could eat it and not only was it tasty and gave me some nice Buffs but it gave me some secret knowledge suddenly I knew something else about the skeley king so he’s hiding all the food he takes in chests at his base if only I knew where

His base was I could return all the food to the people that need it that’s great now I just have to find out where he’s hiding and get big and strong enough to stand a chance in a fight with him too from day 54 to day 57 I climbed deeper

Into the mine I couldn’t go back to my base until I found that Anubis after all I gave mongus my word that I would complete his quest well all of a sudden it looked like I would still get the chance because a great big tough Anubis

Came bolting out at me ah bad dog bad dog he knocked into me and it hurt but I was still alive and I was still strong enough to fight back I ran back at him and managed to defeat him even though he was bigger and B than me oh hey he

Dropped something suspicious doew awesome I didn’t care how suspicious it was I was starving I slurped it up and felt myself grow bigger and stronger with 18 Hearts now with my quest complete I headed back to the base to give Mungus the good news thank you so

Much Zo so I have some good news of my own I heard a rumor that the skele King’s base is in the Weeping witch Forest when you feel strong and ready enough you should be able to find him there from day 58 to day 62 I was

Thinking about food again I wish I had some more eggs then we could make all kinds of snacks here at the base wait a second if we had some more chickens we can have more eggs I went out and found some chickens then herded them back to

The base and put them in the CP with the others make friends little chickens then I decided to see if I could upgrade my gear I went down into the mine and found some more diamonds perfect I used the diamonds to craft a shiny new pair of

Diamond boots and pants I feel tougher already from day 63 to day 66 I tried to come up with a plan for what to do next I wasn’t ready to try and take on the skele King on his own turf I needed to get stronger first then goblo came to me

With an idea say Zozo are you still hungry I’m always hungry well I heard there’s some yummy fish to be found in the bou might be a good idea to check it out and see if you can find some that’s a great idea thanks to goblo tip I left my base and traveled

To the Bayou I was wandering around when an ogre came stomping up to me I was pretty nervous and got ready for a fight but he gave me a friendly growl instead hi uh sorry to bother you but I could uh use a little help you see there are a

Bunch of gnarly swamp spiders infesting my house and trying to bite me every time I go inside could you uh get rid of them for me sure after the kind of enemies I fought lately I can definitely squash a few spiders from day 67 to Day 70 I followed

The ogre to his house and sure enough it was crawling with swamp spiders yikes I get why you asked for help these weren’t any ordinary spiders they were meaner and much more dangerous but I’d already fought the Spider Queen so I knew I could take them it didn’t take long

Before I defeated every single one of those spiders thank you I uh couldn’t have done it without your help all done your house should be safe now yeah take this as a uh thank you he handed me some raw salmon hey it’s true there really is

Fish here I gobbled up the salmon and it really hit the spot we said our goodbyes and the ogre went back to cleaning up and living in his house from day 71 to day 74 I took a walk through the Black Forest on my way back to my base as I

Was looking around I found a note on the ground make sure to like And subscribe if you want to see more Adventures like this one and be sure to search zo zo to find more awesome videos after looking at the note I went back to hunting for

Something else to eat I’ve heard people talk about black forest cake before maybe I can find some of that here if I’m lucky but I didn’t find any cake all I found was the skele King lying in wait for me there’s no more cake left in this

Forest Zozo but I’ll give you a slice if you bring me some diamonds first never then perish he started throwing bone blocks at me I tried to dodge them but a few got me anyway ouch that really hurt he’s still a lot stronger than me I

Don’t want to run away but I’d better get out of here if I want to survive so I ran out of there as fast as as I could before he could do any more damage next time I see him I’ll make sure I’m ready

From day 75 to day 78 I ran all the way back to my base thankfully the skele King wasn’t able to follow me there I need to do something to take my mind off of that disaster I looked around and my eyes settled on the garden some flowers

Would make me feel better so I planted some flowers in the garden and it really cheered me up look at all those beautiful flowers as I was finishing up with the garden one of the gobs that goblo invited to the base came over he thanked me for giving him and the others

A place to stay and handed me a steaming hot bowl of mushroom stew as a thank you gift yum this smells great I quickly ate the stew and grew larger gaining four more Hearts wow I feel so much stronger now thanks SC that’s a pretty powerful

Stew from day 79 to day 84 I headed to the apple orchard to gather some fruit and look for some mobs I could test out my new Strength on I found plenty of both there were a lot of apples and there was also the golden Devourer they

Were hungry little guys trying to eat all the apples for themselves leave some for the rest of us I taught them a lesson and beat them quickly I really am stronger a giant came up to me and told me he saw what I did he’d been trying to

Clear those pests out of the apple orchard for days now and now he and the other people living nearby could finally get some of the apples I helped him pick some to take back home and he gave me a piece of mutton in return I ate the

Mutton and it tasted great and helped me grow even stronger from day 85 to day 89 I took a leisurely walk back to my base but when I got there I was shocked at what I found there was a big nasty SE toid Queen attacking my base and scaring

All of my friends hey you get out of here but before I could attack the sectoid queen scuttled off into the woods oh no you don’t I ran after her but but I lost track of her I saw bull looking around and thought maybe he could help me have you seen a sectoid

Queen yes if I tell you where she went will you help me get my cat out of that tree sure here kitty kitty I don’t know why but the cat listened to me and climbed down out of the tree I guess I could tell I just wanted to help thank

You she went that way he pointed me in the right direction and I headed off to track down the seid queen from day 90 to Day 94 I found the sectoid queen deep in the the sea Woods there you are why were you attacking my base just following

Orders from the skele King he sent me after a little mooch who’s been holding snacks without paying for them when I couldn’t find you I decided to tear apart your house to teach you a lesson you shouldn’t have done that now I’ll teach you a lesson you can try I

Attacked with my sword but it was a much harder fight than I expected uh-oh she’s really strong this isn’t going to be easy the queen seemed to back off and started digging a tunnel into the mountain I was hurting so I didn’t follow her immediately instead I gathered some berries to replenish my

Hunger and health before continuing the fight from day 95 to day 97 I went into the tunnel which led to a dripstone cave where the queen was waiting I charged her and kept on fighting the sectoid queen she started spawning regular sized ants around her sure they were small but

They still bite I was getting pretty tired TI and I was worried I might not make it out of this one might as well give up now you’ll never be a match for the skele King that taunt gave me the inspiration I needed to finish up the

Fight that is it no more playing around taste the power of TNT I shot a TNT charge up into the dripstone and it fell right on the sectoid queen she was done for wow that was a tough one I saw that the seid queen had dropped a throwing

Axe and I picked it up wow this is a great weapon it’ll help me a lot there was an inscription on the handle reading property of the skele King I guess this used to be his throwing axe well he took a lot of things from people who need

Them and then he was careless with his own weapon Finders Keepers I guess I’ll use this to defeat him once and for all before I left I made sure to mine up all the diamonds that were in this cave this will be just enough diamonds to finish

My diamond armor set on day 98 I took my new throwing axe back back home to my base and to my surprise my friends fixed up the house back to the way it was before I started preparing for the final battle first I made the rest of my

Diamond armor there now I am well protected next I crafted As Much TNT as I could thank you stomach this gunpowder will be used for good now I finally felt ready to take on the skele King and return the food to the hungry masses but first Cassie approached me Zozo I’m glad

I caught you I brought you this pineapple to help you get your strength up before your battle I ate the pie and changed my form into a mutant creeper now I look really Mighty I gained even more hearts up to 40 now what was in that pineapple I don’t know but now you

Can definitely defeat the skele King then K goblo thank you for saving my life Zozo you’ve done so much to help so many people and I just know you’ll be the one to free us from the skelan thank you that means a lot of course the mongus

Had something to say Zozo I may just be a simple mongus from mushroom Fields but I think you’re really Fung guy thanks and even the other gobs wanted to encourage me since you liked it so much before here’s some more mushroom stew eat up before you leave I stored the

Stew for later and I felt prepared to head out and take back what was rightfully ours on day 99 I started on my track to the Weeping witch Forest where the skele King’s base was at first I wasn’t sure where exactly his lair might be but a bubble parasite pointed

Me in the right direction you can do it Zoo thanks pal when I arrived at the base I saw an armored Pillager guarding the entrance how am I going to get past him for a second I thought my plans were doomed until the ogre came running out

Of the woods let me handle them you take on the skele ogre you’re here you didn’t think I’d uh leave you without any backup did you I can handle the zombie yeah you head on inside on day 100 I ran straight into the skele King’s base with no more

Minions to protect him he would have to fight me himself oneon-one come on out and face me it’s time for you to be the one who pays he emerged from his lair at the sound of my taunts I’m not paying for a thing you don’t know what you’re

Messing with little creeper I’m not so little anymore no I guess not you’ve gotten strong on Stolen snacks snacks you should have given me emeralds in exchange for you can’t make people pay you for food it belongs to everyone enough talk I’ve had enough of your

Chatter I’ll shut you up once and for all you know what I’m still hungry and there’s only one thing that would hit the spot right now Justice and with that I sprang into action and charged at the skele King dealing him a powerful blow but he he was not taking any damage he

Had some sort of purple magic protecting him that’s when I noticed purple crystals in the watchtowers that must be what is protecting him just like when you fight the Ender Dragon I needed to get closer to them I managed to Sprint into his house I searched for a lever to

Deactivate the towers but saw nothing just his bed and his throne he did have TNT on display that is it who needs a lever I can just shoot TNT at the crystals I had no time to waste the skele came into the house and landed

Some good hits on me I ran to the first Tower and launched TNT right into the crystal the skele King didn’t seem to like that explosion I ran to the next Tower while skele King chased me soon the second tower was also down just one more the skele King almost caught up to

Me but he was too late I successfully destroyed all the crystals and his magical protection had disappeared he stepped back injured no you’re weak you’re tiny I own you I own everyone everything maybe you did own everything but I’m here to take it all back I threw

My throwing ax as hard as I could and it hit knocking him out and that was that the skele King had been dethroned time to take all of this food and get it back to the people who need it in that moment I didn’t feel hungry

Anymore and I knew that as long as I had anything to say about it no one in the world would ever go hungry again on day one I spawned into the automo Valley as an itty bitty baby Steve this is no fun who wants to be a

Baby I’m so small and weak at least the valley was peaceful and I was surrounded by adorable fluffy mystery sheep they comforted me in my frightened baby State suddenly a huge goldplated bully walks towards me just seeing him made me feel nervous well lookie here if it isn’t the

New meat a silly little baby thinking he can just wander around the fields but I’m Midas and these are my Fields dork and there are no babies allowed I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings mister I didn’t mean to trespass my name’s Zozo I’m just trying to understand what’s

Happening Here Zozo n I’m going to call you bozo from now on that’s much more fitting for a silly little baby clown like you why are you so mean cuz when you’re the strongest you get to be mean like this he fired an energy blast that vaporized all the mystery sheep around

Me I was horrified by it all that’s going to happen to you too over the next 100 days unless you get strong too I’m going to get you bozo I felt so mad about how he treated me but I wasn’t strong enough to fight back all I could

Do was run away as fast as I could I don’t care what he says I will get strong enough to stand up for myself in 100 days on day two I continued running through the abominal field and didn’t stop until I was absolutely sure that Midas the bully wasn’t somewhere behind

Me phew that was a close one I only have five Hearts so I can’t afford to let someone as powerful as him get the jump on me like that I still feel terrible for those mystery sheep though my knees started to hurt from all the running so I started crawling around the adominal

Valley didn’t seem so sweet and peaceful anymore to a little baby like me everything seemed almost too scary to handle I hope I can find someone around here who will agree to help me but because I wasn’t very lucky I instead ran into a group of mean looking

Skeleton jackals excuse me guys but would any of you be able to help a little baby like me I’m lost and afraid but the skeleton jackals just started laughing and laughing oh this is priceless what a little baby dork you must be boil midus told us all about you

When he sent us out to look for the little lame who was trespassing in his Valley what you work for Midas the bully but why he’s so mean sure he’s mean but if you side with the bully and help him bully others then they won’t bully you

That’s a terrible message we should all stick up for each other H spoke him like a true Bozo let’s get him boys I had to run away again because there was no way I could take those guys on it made me feel so weak and cowardly but there was

Nothing else I could do when I outran the skeleton jackals I stopped in a clearing to cry that’s when a friendly pig wearing a crown approached me are you all right there little one no I’m not I’ve only been here for 2 days and everyone is mean to me oh that’s no good

I’m the king pig and I won’t stand for any of that sort of rubbish in my kingdom come with me little one okay so I followed the king pig out of the automo Valley on day three the king pig led me out into the blue tiger where

There was a small school building do not worry little Zozo this is the blue tiger school it is a safe place for children and a good friend of mine runs it I entered the school and that good friend turned out to be the water Elemental the teacher who taught anyone passing

Through the blue tiger good Heavens you poor thing look at you I’m so sorry that some of the people you’ve met in the the world have treated you poorly Zozo but I promise that you will always have a safe place here thank you Mr water Elemental

It was also very kind of the king pig to bring me here it makes me feel a whole lot better after my incident with Midas the bully and all his goons Midas a truly nasty man an ex- student of mine actually I expelled him from the school

Years ago for bullying other students as sad as I am to say it I don’t think he’ll ever change what do you think I should do teacher honestly little Zozo I think the ultimate solution is to train hard enough that you’re strong enough to defeat him for the sake of everyone

There’s a nice place called The amaranth fields near here that might be a good spot to begin your work thank you Mr water Elemental I won’t let you down so King Pig and I set off for the amaranth Fields ready to begin the process of taking midus the bully down once and for

All from day four to day five Pig and I arrived at the amaran fields there were enough wide openen planes for it to be perfect to make a base but first I broke down a tree and made myself a crafting bench and a wooden pickaxe then mined

Into the ground for my first stone blocks now I’m feeling less like a baby already I built myself a furnace a stone pickaxe and a stone sword uh King Pig your highness is it all right for a baby to hold a sword it’s okay with adult supervision Zozo and I’m 47 well okay

Then I continued Mining and collecting Stone and wood until I had enough to start building a basic base with a room for me and a room for King Pig it wasn’t much but it will be enough for now this base is looking good Zozo it’s not quite

Fit For A King just yet but you’re getting there then a problem came up a small swarm of golden devourers tried attacking my base and I was forced to use my sword to fight them all off get out of here you nasty little critters I’ve had enough meanies this week but

When they were defeated something amazing happened I had enough XP to level up becoming a slightly bigger baby with 20 hearts and the ability to crawl up walls I guess it makes sense for a baby to be really good at crawling from day six to day eight given a little more

Confidence by my new power and new Hearts I decided to venture out to the mangrove marshes where I could hopefully learn more about being strong and tough it seemed like a nice enough place until I saw an ancient Egyptian guy being attacked by a nasty bunch of sectoid

Soldiers I couldn’t let them get away with that don’t worry I’m here to help baby to the rescue I pulled out my stone sword and ran in defeating all the sectoid soldiers with the element of surprise when I was done it was just me and the ancient Egyptian left thank you

Very much my friend I’m Seth you saved my life just then don’t mention it Seth I’m Zozo and I’m just trying to learn to be stronger so any combat exper erience is helpful well in that case we may be able to help each other you see Zozo you

May think this is bad but there’s a far worse pest problem out in the Cypress swamp land think you can help me deal with it of course lead the way Seth so Seth led the way and I followed him from day n to day 10 I followed Seth out into

The Cypress swamplands ready to take on whatever pest problem he was dealing with I mean it’s only bugs how scary can it really be I changed my tune when I saw the pest that Seth was talking about a giant terrifying mommy scorpion Okay this may be a bit more challenging than I thought

Well Seth stood back in the shadows I pulled out my stone sword and ran into battle with the mummy scorpion but my sword strikes didn’t do any damage but when the mummy scorpion hit back it took off several hearts in one hit I needed to get out of there as quickly as

Possible I ran away from the angry mummy scorpion yelling for my life until I was out of there Seth was waiting for me so Zozo did you manage to defeat the mummy scorpion I’m so sorry Seth but I’m still too much of a baby to defeat him want to

Come back to my base in the meantime I’m sure we can get something figured out thank you Zozo that’s very kind of you I’ll follow you back and with that we headed back towards my base in the amaran fields from day 11 to day 12 I

Arrived back at my base with Seth and immediately started working on adding an additional house for him to sleep in having two of my new friends here definitely makes me feel safer after all baby shouldn’t be left alone for too long once I was done with Seth’s room he

Came over to me to share some exciting news Zozo since you were so kind as to let me stay on your base with you I took the liberty of building you a little upgrade come with me I’ll show you oh Seth you really shouldn’t have that’s

Just too kind of you he led me over to a new room he’d created a super cool storage area where we could keep gear weapons and supplies this is awesome Seth thank you this room is going to come in so handy perhaps more than you even know Zozo I’ve come to understand

That might as the bully is after you don’t let the juvenile name fool you he’s an extremely dangerous fighter and Magic user to take him on you’re going to need the best weapons you can muster feeling inspired by Seth’s words of warning I made my way to a deep cave not

Far from my base and started mining there I found some iron ore which I took back to the furnace on my base and smelted into iron ingots before I knew it I had an iron sword and an iron pickaxe a baby with an iron sword this

Is just crazy but I guess I’ll go with it and of course a sword is no good if you don’t have supplies that’s why I made a paddock on my base and harded some mystery sheep into it after all you never know when you’re going to need the

Wool from day 13 to day 15 I wasn’t sure what I needed to do to get stronger so I went to my oldest friend kingpig your majesty I’m not sure how to get strong enough to defeat Midas the bully I know I’ve got a better sword now but I’m

Still a tiny weak baby well one of the best ways to grow big and strong is to have a healthy diet my boy and for what it’s worth I’ve heard the delicious apples on the DOA mountains have particularly special properties then I’ll head straight to the do mountains

Thank you king pig but the journey up and into the do mountains wasn’t easy thankfully due to my climbing ability I didn’t fall but it still took me a whole day just to get up there and when I did I noticed something terrible there were apple trees but no apples where could

They have gone that’s when I turned and saw a massive skull scorpion creeping towards me oh no the Scorpion must have eaten all the apples it attacked me and I needed to fend it off with my new iron sword it was hard work for a little baby

But I still managed to defeat it and when it went down it dropped a special Dober mountain apple time for a post Victory snack when I ate the apple I immediately started growing and becoming more powerful I now had 50 hearts and the ability to quickly build walls I’m

One buff baby now from day 16 to day 19 I wanted to go somewhere a little less challenging than the Dover mountains so I settled for the Charming Evergreen Hills instead wow the scenery here is lovely if only I had a book to just sit around and read this would be the

Perfect afternoon and as if by Magic I ran into a book on the ground I picked it up and saw that its title was the tragedy of Midas this sounds like an educational read I started reading a passage that said once the one known as Midas was small and weak he was picked

On and grew despite everyone around him he got strong and grew his fortune covering himself in Gold he then became a bully himself just like the ones who bullied him but my reading was interrupted by a gang of minus the bully skeleton jackals that came towards me H

Look at that nerd reading how’d you like that book bozo is it teaching you how to be less lame no it’s teaching me that your boss is even more small and insecure than I thought hey nobody gets to talk about Midas that way he’s the number one bully around here let’s get

Him boys the skeleton jackals attacked me but this time I wasn’t going to run away with my iron sword I took them on and defeated every last one of them when I’m done their number one bully is going to be the world’s biggest Zero from day 20 to day 22 while wandering back

Towards my baits in the amaran fields I was attacked by a group of feral swap spiders thankfully I was able to defeat them easily with how strong I was getting now no spider is tough enough to defeat Zozo even as a little baby after defeating the swamp spiders I returned

To the Deep cave near my base where I Min some more iron ore I took it back to my base and used the furnace to smelt it then I crafted it into a full set of iron armor got to stay safe out there with my new sword and my new armor and

With the knowledge that I’d already beaten a skull scorpion I went all the way back to the Cypress swamplands to settle an old score defeating the mummy squorp he won’t chase me away this time I tracked down the mummy Scorpion and this time I defeated him easily I felt on top

Of the world knowing Seth was going to be so proud of me until Midas the bully himself stepped out of the trees feel like a big man for wasting some goofy spider huh Bozo you’re still just a tiny little baby to me Midas why don’t you

Come over here and fight me rather than just calling me mean names fu F you kid I’d squish you like a bug and believe me I will someday but not yet I want you to become more of a challenge first later Bozo Midas ran away before I could say

Another word to him from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to my base feeling upset for my encounter with Midas but proud of myself for finally defeating the mummy scorpion I approached Seth with the good news Seth I defeated the mummy scorpion the Cypress swamplands are now clear of

Monsters that’s fantastic Zoo thank you so much I’m going to do something to repair you for this stay tuned while Seth went to work on some mysterious project I decided it was now time to improve my sword I repaired it and applied the fire aspect enchantment

Giving my sword a fiery power boost once the upgrade on my awesome sword was done Seth came and led me over to his gift he’d built a secret underground safe room under the base now if anyone attacks and they’re too strong to fight off we can hide down here and we’ll be

Safe until they leave this is an amazing upgrade Seth and hopefully we’ll never need to use it from day 27 to day 31 I went back out to the Evergreen Hills where i’ defeated those evil skeleton jackals before hoping to find something else of use there instead I found a

Small group of Sky lizards sitting around looking relieved you are you the one they call uh boo it’s Zozo actually well Zo zoo we wanted to thank you we heard that you destroyed a group of skeleton Jackal here and those skeleton jackles had been hassling us for years

We just wanted to say thank you no problem I just wanted to do the right thing I’m glad everything is okay now ah well not exactly everything is okay we’ve been hassled by other creatures and monsters too it’s hard to live out here then why don’t you come live with

Me for a while at least until I’ve defeated Midas the bully thank you Zozo we’ll head over there immediately I went back to the base too and decided to get some much needed rest by sitting down on a nearby Hill and enjoying the view of

My base just as I was standing back and appreciating my hard work kingpig ran over to me in a panic Zozo we need to go to the blue tiger School immediately something terrible is happening from day 32 to day 35 kingpig and I ran to the

Blue tiger school as fast as we could but it may have already been too late the blue tiger school was under attack from a swarm of skeleton jackals sent directly by Midas the bully oh no we need to stop them I ran in to help attacking the different skeleton Jackal

But I couldn’t save the water Elemental he was destroyed in the confusion no water Elemental I went into full rage mode after that taking out every single one of the skeleton Jackal but even though they were gone there was no bringing back the water Elemental I’m

Sorry King Pig we lost him this is a truly terrible day Zozo from Day 36 to day 39 I went back to the mangrove marshes I needed to be alone and clear my head I still felt so guilty about not being able to save the water Elemental

But then as I was traveling through the marshes I happened upon an air Elemental and he looked like he needed help he reminded me of my old Elemental friend so I really wanted to see if I could help out I’ve lived in these marshes for years but recently a bubble monster

Moved in and it’s been ruining everything I may need your help to stop it Zozo of course air Elemental I’ll go see what I can do I ran deeper into the marshes excited by the thought that I might be able to do a good deed and make

A difference I’m Coming For You bubble monster when I found the Beast it didn’t take long to defeat especially with the a fire aspect enchantment on my sword once this Dirty Bubble Was Defeated I ran back to the air Elemental as fast as I could you have done me a great

Kindness zoo in return I will give you one cryptic clue midest lurks in a forgotten place and with that the air Elemental disappeared and he was right that was a very cryptic clue from day 40 to day 43 I returned to my base and found that kingpig had made an amazing Improvement

To my base a statue of the water Elemental so we would always remember him I was so kind of you king pig if the water Elemental was here he’d really appreciate this thank you Zozo also I was wondering if I could ask a favor my friends the gold pigs need to leave my

Kingdom for a while to be safe from Midas can they stay here until we’ve defeated him of course they can call them over whenever you’re ready your majesty and he did a day later a group of gold pigs arrived and came to stay in the new house that King Pig had created

For them so many people live here now it makes me feel so safe speaking of people who lived in my base now one of the sky lizards ran over to me with some exciting news Zozo you must head to the flowering Ancient Forest at once we believe that minus the bully is already

There from day 44 to day 49 I followed the tip from the sky lizard and traveled to the flowering Ancient Forest to find Midas the bully as I was looking for him Midas himself jumped out from behind a tree well if it isn’t boo what’s up little

Clown I’m not a clown and you know my name is Zoo you’ve been pushing everyone around for too long we’ll see how funny you think it is when I finally stop you from bullying everyone yeah good luck with that clown you see my gold armor no one can get me

When I’m wearing this and once I’ve got my hands on all the gold no one will ever be able to stand up to me all the gold you’re just going to steal it I’m going to make everyone so afraid of me that they’ll just hand it over like the

Sad little cowards they are that’s terrible too bad so sad anyway wish I could stick around to kick your butt but that would be a waste of my time I’ll have my buddy here do it instead come on out Horus who’s Horus me Horus appeared out of nowhere and

Midas ran off uh-oh this guy seems pretty strong I knew I was in for a tough fight from day 50 to day 53 I started my battle against Horus in the flowering Ancient Forest he was a lot more powerful than I expected but I was still holding my own I had enough yet

Bozo no way I’m not backing down then I guess I’ll just have to make you he hit me hard knocking me back and I almost fell over but I got my balance back and came back at him just as hard the fire aspect enchantment on my sword helped me

Finally defeat him and I took a second to catch my breath that was a close one hey what’s that looks like he dropped something there was a baseball bat on the ground I’ve heard these can freeze mobs for a couple of seconds this is going to be super useful I also spotted

A part of a book hey this looks like a page from a diary it says Midas on it dear diary I sure hope no one finds out the reason I wear all of this armor I’m not a very good fighter I’m just good at dodging and taking lots of damage if

Someone found a way to freeze me or damage my armor I’d be in big trouble good thing I’ll never tell anyone my secret oh boy I’m glad I found this from day 54 to day 57 I got ready to head back to my base but as I Was preparing

To leave the flowering Ancient Forest an Ender Creeper ambushed me you get out of here don’t blow up on me I used my new bat to freeze the Ender Creeper for a few seconds giving me plenty of time to defeat it before it could explode This

Bat is pretty awesome when I beat it the Ender Creeper dropped a potion of strength I picked it up great I can take this back to my base with my new bat and my potion of strength I headed back to my base to tell my friends all about it

I found the sky lizard waiting for me there hi Zozo how did did it go I couldn’t defeat Midas yet but I got this bat and this potion and I learned some new information that I think will help that’s great news from day 58 to day 62

I decided to take time to make some improvements to my base I expanded my Paddock to make room for more sheep we’re going to have so much wool sweaters for everyone or whatever else we can make with it speaking of which come here little sheep let’s give you a

Haircut I harvested some wool from the mystery sheep when I was done with that I decided to keep the resource Gathering train going I headed down into the mines in the Deep cave and started digging Sho mining sure is hard work but it’s worth

It as soon as I said that I found some diamonds I gathered them and brought them back to my base I was able to use the diamonds to craft a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword I’m making great progress look out Midas we’ll see how your gold does against my diamonds one

Of the sky lizards came up to me as I finished crafting my diamond gear Zozo come look I added some more bedrooms to the base in case any more friends need to come and stay here I followed him and saw all the rooms he had added onto the

Base wow this must have taken ages thank you so much anyone who needs a safe place to hide from mightest the bully can come here now with the help of my friends even though I’m a baby I feel big and strong from day 63 to day 66

Seth approached me at the base Zozo I have information about where my is might have gone I heard he likes to stomp on flowers big meanie that he is is there anywhere with lots of pretty flowers he might have gone to H I don’t know wait a second maybe you should check the

Flowering Enchanted Forest I traveled to the flowering enchanted forest and kept my eyes peeled for the glint of gold that meant Midas the bully was hiding there I didn’t see Midas but I did see a fire Elemental running right at me oo is that you oh jeez no it’s Zozo I grabbed

My sword I guess you’re here to fight me for Midas huh what no I never work for that guy I heard you were someone to go to for help I need help getting this ghost Miner to leave me and my family alone he’s trying to kick us out of our

House and wants us to give him all of our gold that’s despicable he must be working for Midas don’t worry I’ll see what I can do from day 67 to Day 70 I followed the Elemental to his house sure enough there was a ghost Miner trying to

Break down one of the walls looks like my grandma is still inside hurry please hold on granny fire Elemental I’m coming I got my sword ready and rushed towards the ghost Miner he was chipping away at the wall of the house but when he saw me coming he stopped and turned his focus

On me he was strong definitely the strongest enemy I’d fought so far but I still managed to finally defeat him it’s safe now now no one will try to destroy your home again thank you bozo I’ll never forget what you did for us today no problem my name is Zozo though could

You spread the word minus the bully started calling me the wrong name and I really don’t want it to stick I may be a baby but I’m no clown you got it it’s the least I can do if you ever need a fire Elemental you know where to find me

Or you can just come over for dinner sometime yum sounds like a plan from day 71 to day 74 I kept exploring the flowering Enchanted Forest keeping an eye out for smushed flowers I know if I see something that’s messed up my Des can’t be far as I walked taking in the

Beautiful scenery a bee came buzzing by me hello little bee hello Zozo say if you’re enjoying this adventure and want to see more make sure to subscribe and find other Adventures by searching zo zo anyway I’ve got to buzz off bye thanks for the tip B now back to searching for

That bully talking about me Bozo I could see Midas just up ahead of me stomping on a flower why would you destroy something so pretty these flowers aren’t hurting anyone flowers are for losers and dweebs who needs them you probably love flowers don’t you bozo I can stomp

On you just like these flowers you’re just as weak no I’m not I’m getting stronger all the time huh oh yeah you think you’re strong enough to fight me I tried to get my bat so I could freeze him for a few seconds but I wasn’t quick

Enough he rushed at me and overwhelmed me I had to run I ran to a safer place and stopped to collect my thoughts next time I’ll be ready next time I’ll be stronger that’s right you better run from day 75 to day 78 I returned to my

Base feeling pretty down about the fight with Midas all I wanted to do was lie down and take a nap but I couldn’t even fall asleep I can’t believe I had to run away after I talked all that talk about being stronger I still wasn’t strong

Enough to take my daon maybe he’s right maybe I am just a silly little clown baby I’ll never win knock knock can I come in sure go ahead I thought you might want to see some improvements I’ve made to the base come on take a look

Okay I’ll check it out while I was gone King Pig had added a bunch of decorative lanterns to the base it made the whole place look way nicer and even though I was still bummed out it definitely cheered me up this is really nice and calming in away one of the sky lizards

Came running over to me Zozo Zozo look what I found it’s a potion I think it’ll make you stronger try it and see what happens sure I might as well I drank the potion and to my surprise I felt myself getting bigger and stronger I was growing up my hearts increased to 100

Thank thank you I feel so much better now I had a tough time before but I just know I’ll be able to take down Midas soon from day 79 to day 84 I decided to take my new confidence back to the flowering Enchanted Forest to see if

Midas was still there this time I’ll show him he’ll see that I’m not a clown at all and he can’t pick on me anymore I looked all around but I couldn’t see Midas anywhere I saw some sectoid guards though and I was able to test out my new

Strength by fighting them off it was is much easier than fighting the sectoid soldiers from before I’m definitely getting better at this when I finished battling the sectoid guards a rich mummy came to me say old chop that was impressive tell me how did you become such a talented fighter lots of practice

Some special potions and the support of my friends right oh Splendid work my lad a warrior of your caliber deserves the finest quality armor why I have just the thing I don’t have any use for it myself I have so much wealth already please take this netherite helmet and put it to

Good use really thank you so much no trouble at all old sport give that reted bully Midas what for Tata after giving me the helmet the rich mummy ran away and disappeared what a weird guy but this is a really nice gift it’ll help protect me the next time I see Midas

From day 85 to day 89 I return to my base only to find that more of Midas the bully skeleton jackals were attacking my base trying to break down the structures hey me and my friends worked hard on those how dare you oh this was your

House we thought it was just a big pile of trash someone left in the field it’ll probably look better once we’re done you you big jerks I’m not going to take that in my pure anger at being attacked like this I went into a rage frenzy and

Started knocking them out one by one but some of of them managed to escape during the chaos I knocked out the remaining ones and decided to give chase chasing them outside of my base I noticed that I wasn’t fast enough to catch up during my Chase I suddenly saw a lone saber-tooth

Pig just standing around in the field and crying what’s wrong saber-tooth Pig those big mean skeleton jackals came through here and they called me ugly and now I feel horrible about myself oh no that isn’t fair for what it’s worth as saber-tooth pigs go I think you have a

Certain handsome charm but at the end of the day it’s what’s on the inside that counts the only truly ugly thing is to be mean to people you’re right Zozo thank you that made me feel a lot better no problem and if you’ll excuse me I

Need to chase those meanies down go get them Zozo from day 90 to Day 94 I chased the gang of skeleton jackals into the Forgotten Forest eventually we found a dead end I had them backed into into a corner ready to face the consequences of your bullying ways skeleton Jackal but

They just started laughing at me you fool you fell right into our trap you think we’re nasty meet midas’s best friend he’s going to get all the gold now a huge buff pigas walked in and the skeleton jackals ran off he must have been midas’s best friend and it was

Certainly scary to be standing in front of him you can leave now there’s no need to fight a pigas didn’t seem to listen to me so I walked in and hit him with my baseball bat he wasn’t even affected this is going to be a tough one from day

95 to day 97 the real fight between me and that huge buff pigas began every hit from him took down my hearts massively I was lucky that I had a hundred of them or I would have been doomed I kept hitting him with my diamond sword until

The pigas was finally defeated and when he went down he dropped a book a book I never expected to see it was marked the Diary of Midas wow another extract from midas’s diary pigas must have really been midas’s best friend if he trusted the guy to carry his diary of course I

Opened up the diary and started reading and I didn’t believe what I was seeing inside it said another day trying to get rid of Zozo I feel like I’m so anxious all the time it’s so difficult to pretend to be big and tough all the time

But it’s the only only way people will respect you Zozo he seems like he’s actually strong and people like him too I need to get rid of him quickly or I think he might actually defeat me I was blown away by what I’d read so deep down

Midas is the most scared and insecure of all and he’s afraid that I’ll defeat him if he believes I can then I believe I can too I ran back to my base ready to make the final preparations I was going to take down Midas on day 98 I came back

To my base feeling more motivated than ever to complete my quest and end the reign of the Overworld number one bully once and for all King Pig Sky lizard and Seth gathered up around me ready to see me off it’s time everyone I’m going to midas’s base to defeat him once and for

All and free the land from fear and bullying here here Zozo you’ve always looked out for us and I’m proud of you for seeing this through all the way you’re a true hero for doing this I agree ever since you first Saved Me from those sectoids and helped me defeat that

Mummy scorpion I knew you had it in you to save the world you’ve got a hero spirit and you can do this but I don’t want to send you into the lion’s den let me come and help you Zozo you shouldn’t have to do this alone it’s okay King Pig

I’m going to do this myself knowing all of you believe in me is enough on day 99 I made my way across the do mountains psyching s up for the final battle against the bully who had been hassling me for 99 days I can’t wait for this to

Finally be over so me and my friends can all relax on my way there I ran into a yak who was casually grazing wish me luck Mr Yak I’m on my way to defeat a major bully good luck hope you don’t get your butt kicked I kept going until I

Saw the last thing I wanted to see a big gang of M’s skeleton jackals ready to fight oh no even I might be outnumbered here think again I turned and saw that King Pig had been following me the whole time King Pig why are you here because

You need me clearly you’ve helped me a lot since you’ve come here Zozo now it’s time for me to help you I’ll distract all these nasty skeleton jackals you go take down that big bully you’re the best King Pig let’s do this on day 100 I entered Midas the bully’s Lair by using

My wall climbing ability to get in past the walls all that gold he’s taken you think he’d have invested in some better security when I went in Midas was the only one there he seemed shocked to see me what this is impossible I sent out all my skeleton Jackal to stop you how

Could you have gone past them because I still have friends unlike some people around here big talk for such a little baby Bozo I may be a baby Midas but I’m not a coward I know the truth was carrying your diary and I read it you’re afraid of me you’re afraid of everything

And rather than confront that you’re mean to everyone around you I’m giving you one last chance to be better you you read my diary oh for that I’m going to found you you nasty little baby this is the end well I can’t say I didn’t give

You a chance Midas fired an energy blast at me but I used my quick building skills to build a wall between me and the blast now it was time to fight back I chugged down the potion of strength I received earlier there was no way he

Could stop me now I ran out from behind the wall and took Midas by surprise and bonked him with my bat before Midas could stop me I hit him again and again and again cutting through his golden armor until the last strike defeated him for good that’s what you get for being a

Bully and with midest gone the Overworld was free to have fun once again on day one I spawned into the middle of the Black Forest as Herobrine Minecraft’s spookiest Phantom well a baby version of Herobrine anyway but why am I here I was on some kind of altar with a Sinister

Robed figure standing and staring at me yes yes my plan worked this is the growing sign that my powers are growing plan Powers who are you and what’s going on here you don’t know the name of your master boy I am Dorian the drowned Necromancer Master of the undead and you

Are my servant servant I didn’t sign up for that I don’t even want to be a ghost I want to have a body what you want doesn’t matter without me you wouldn’t exist and unless I choose to give you a body in the next 100 days your spirit will fade away into nothingness

Bow to me boy never and my name is Zozo with all my might I jumped out of the Altar and ran off into the forest as fast as I could I didn’t want anything to do with Dorian the drowned Necromancer and his plan to get more

Power I need to work on my plan getting my body back when I was convinced that I’d lost Dorian I hid under a tree for the rest of the day as a Restless spirit I couldn’t even get any rest being Herobrine sure isn’t easy on day too I

Decided to further explore the Black Forest it was dark and spooky the exact kind of place that a scary Spirit like me would be summoned if I wasn’t a ghost myself I’d be afraid of running into a ghost around here and oh jeez I only have five Hearts I thought ghosts were

Meant to be more durable than this but I didn’t have time to wallow in self-pity for long because a gang of frightening dread litches emerged out of the trees why is everyone around here so Eerie we serve a glorious Master Dorian the drowned Necromancer he gave us new life so we

Owe everything to him oh that’s just my luck and I guess you want to kidnap me and take me back to him for his Sinister plans huh wait didn’t expect you to already know this I guess it saves us some explanation time at least in the

Name of Dorian we come and dare your soul The Dread lies punch me with no weapons and very low health I didn’t have any hope of fighting back against them instead I turned around and ran as quickly as I could my soul my rules the Black Forest seemed dark and infinite so

At least it wasn’t difficult to lose those nasty liches the downside was that I’d gotten lost myself and as I wandered through the forest getting more and more creeped out I ran into a siren oh another ghost how exciting wait you can see me of course I can see you I’m a

Psychic Sarah the psychic siren General Services place to meet you so you’re not going to try to steal my soul like everyone else I’ve met steal your soul heck no I’m a huge supporter of spirits rights come with me my new ghost friend I’ll introduce you to my boss finally

Having met someone nice I followed Sarah the psychic siren through the trees on day three Sarah led me through the forest Until We Came Upon a small cottage a sign outside read psychic services for all ghosts wow I had no idea this kind of place existed Sarah

There are more ghosts in this Forest than you think it’s got to be someone’s job to take care of them and help them along their way suddenly the front door opened and a geomancer stepped out Zozo meet my boss Jerry the geoman Jerry I found Zozo here wandering through the

Black Forest like a Restless Spirit he needs our help is that a fact it’s nice to meet you Zoo tell me how did you find yourself in this difficult situation to be honest I’m not entirely sure I was summoned and bound by this guy called Dorian the drowned Necromancer and he

Told me that if I didn’t serve him I’d Disappear in 100 days it’s gotten me pretty worried that’s concerning I’ve heard of many cases caused by this Dorian fellow a truly dangerous customer I’m going to put Sarah on your case she’ll come and help you build a base

And get situated and together we’ll get your body back thank you Jerry and Sarah I’m feeling better already let’s go Zozo with the mission to get my body back decided on Sarah and I journeyed further into the forest to get started from day four to day five Sarah and I explored

The Black Forest until we discovered an area with a nice flat terrain so Sarah what do you think we should do first I’d say cut down a few of these trees that’ll give you some of the wood you need to build a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe great idea Sarah I cut

Down a tree and made a crafting table and a wooden pickaxe from there I mined enough Stone to also create a stone pickaxe Axe and a stone sword it’s difficult to hold this stuff being a ghost but I’ll try my best that’s the spirit Zozo I cleared enough space in

The forest to start laying down a basic base collecting some extra wood along the way it started off with a pretty basic setup with just a room for me and a room for Sarah oh this is a nice setup Zozo I guess living with you technically means when living in a haunted house

Yeah I guess so say this is probably a pointless question to ask but is it possible for ghost to eat because I’m getting really hungry right now you’re in luck Zozo I have an enchanted Apple that ghosts can eat in my inventory right now enjoy Sarah gave me the apple

And I ate it instantly I felt my power starting to grow I had 20 Hearts now and I developed a new ghost ability warping from place to place this is fascinating Zozo I feel so lucky that I’m getting to see it from day six to day 8 I went

Wandering around the nearby Twilight Valley looking for more rare Enchanted food as a ghost my ghostly hunger was really difficult to satisfy and Sarah didn’t know how to enchant more food it kind of sucks to be a ghost I still have a lot of the downsides of Being Human

Plus a bunch of new downsides but while I was wandering around the valley I heard some commotion and ran in to see what was happening maybe I can help someone in the distance I saw a Vindicator Chef one of the most powerful types of chefs in the world being being

Attacked by a nasty gang of skeleton vanguards a chef huh what a stroke of good luck I used my new ghost power to warp over there and pulled out my stone sword with all my focus and determination I fought all of the skeleton vanguards until none remained

It was only me and The Vindicator Chef you saved my life sir I owe you a great debt what is your name I’m Zozo Zozo a strong name for a strong hero I am Victor Victor The Vindicator chef and if you do a favor for me I will repay your

Kindness by any means necessary that sounds like a good deal what kind of favor would you like me to do follow me and I’ll show you I followed Victor The Vindicator Chef deeper into the Twilight Valley excited to get him on my side

From day 9 to day 10 Victor took me to a clearing in the valley where a huge mutant skeleton was waiting oh jeez that thing is a monster you want me to defeat a mutant skeleton I Believe In You Zozo seeing you take down all those skeleton vanguards makes me completely confident

In your ability to slay this Beast go forth uh thanks for the vote of confidence Victor I stealed myself as best as I could and warped over to the mutant skeleton it immediately started attacking me and I started attacking it back but my attacks were barely doing

Anything and its attacks were taking way too many hearts off of me I got to get out of here I warped away from the fight and ran back to Victor telling him the disappointing news oh well I’m sure you tried your best nonetheless I suppose we’ll go our separate ways no hear me

Out I could really use a Vindicator Chef back at my base you’re the only type of Chef who can cook the type of Enchanted food I can eat how about you stay at my base and I promise I’ll come back and defeat this mutant skeleton when I’m

Strong enough that sounds like a good deal to me lead the way dear Zozo from day 11 to day 12 I returned to the base with Victor The Vindicator Chef I know it isn’t much but it’s home I’m going to make you a room thank you Zozo I’ll get

Working on a little something of my own in the meantime I got to work Gathering up new materials and started building a new little Bungalow for The Vindicator Chef to stay in while crashing at my base what do you think Victor this is a nice little room Zozo thank you and you

Can come and see what I made for you too go and check your room I walked over and saw that Victor had made a high-end Kitchen in my base perfect for cooking up the kind of Enchanted food I could eat this is amazing Victor I’m getting hungry just looking at it but the

Kitchen is only one side of the equation Zozo I need some good quality ingredients perhaps we should build a farm on the base that’s another excellent idea I decided to build a little enclosure and went out into the black forest where I found a bunch of

Chickens it wasn’t hard to H them back to my base I can taste the eggs and fried chicken already when I returned to my room to relax I found that Sarah the psychic siren was waiting for me with some new information I did some research into Dorian the drowned Necromancer Zozo

And found some interesting information he used to be a flesh and blood Necromancer terrorizing the Overworld by raising the undead until one day the people rose up and drowned him in the ocean somehow Dorian returned and he’s been acting on his evil plans ever since wow this guy is really scary from day

133 to day 15 I returned to Sarah once again and asked her what she thought I should do in order to get my body back right now Zozo knowledge is power the more we can find out the more likely we’ll be able to help you get your body

Back head out to the Twilight Valley and see what you can find out that’s an excellent idea Sarah I journeyed out into the Twilight Valley which reminded me of the time that I’d failed to defeat the mutant skeleton why is nothing ever easy around here but my my difficulties

Were only just getting started one of the dread litches who worked for Dorian the drowned Necromancer came from behind me ready to fight me I serve my glorious Master Doran the the drown Necromancer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I get it let’s just fight fine but way to take all the

Fun out of this I battled The Dread with all my might he was a formidable opponent but in the end I defeated him all the same and that gave me the XP I needed to level up again I got bigger stronger rose up to 40 hearts and gained

A new offensive power lightning strikes finally some actually cool Ghost powers from day 16 to day 19 I found my way into the wooded Badlands where I continued my search for any useful information that could help me defeat Dorian the drowned Necromancer and get my body back during the first couple

Days of my search through the Badlands I didn’t find anything but on day 19 I happened upon a Dusty old book hidden out of the way yay reading I love that but it wasn’t just a fun reading experience that would engage my imagination it was also a book that contained some critical information

About Dorian the drowned Necromancer it read like all Cardinal Undead the drowned Necromancer has a beard of ice therefore he must spend most of his time in the freezing cold and he has a severe weakness to fire so that’s two useful pieces of information Dorian has a

Weakness to Fire and he must be hiding somewhere cold I can’t wait to tell Sarah about this but my celebration was shortlived as suddenly a couple of dread lies ambushed me trying to get revenge for their friend I defeated back in the Twilight Valley thankfully this time I

Had the power of ghostly lightning in my hands I fired some lightning bolts at The Dread litches until they were destroyed I’m getting my body back no matter what from day 20 to day 22 I continued through the wooded Badlands feeling strong and confident about all all the information I’d found recently I

Ran into a nasty gang of hungry spiders and used my new lightning ability to zap them these spiders are hardly a threat to me now I decided that now was the perfect time to upgrade my gear too I searched until I found an underground Cavern and looked around until I found

Some iron ore I mined the ore and smelted it into some ingots creating an iron sword and an iron pickaxe now I’m stronger than ever come to think of it I have some unfinished business to take care of now remembering the debt I owed to Victor The Vindicator Chef I returned

To the Twilight Valley and hunted down that scary mutant skeleton I agreed to defeat when I saw the mutant skeleton I first Unleashed a lightning strike stunning it then I ran in and struck it again and again with my new iron sword until it was no more a Herobrine always

Pays his debts from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the base to let Victor The Vindicator chef know that I had paid my debt to him by defeating the mutant skeleton I can see that you’ve gotten strong just like you promised you would that’s right and I plan on becoming even

Stronger Victor they’ll start calling me Victor too because I won so many battles but that’s my name Zozo won’t that get confusing true I guess I’ll just stick with Zozo after my talk with Victor I went to the underground Cavern where I could mine for more iron with my iron

Pickaxe I was able to mine the iron ore in no time in the same area I found a treasure chest with a bunch of iron ingots that I could use to craft a full set of iron armor I’m like a ghostly night I went back above and went to see

Victor The Vindicator Chef again he said he had some news to share with me Zozo I’ve made an addition to the base that I think you might really enjoy he showed me a relaxation room that was perfect for ghosts like me you did really good job on this Victor we ghosts might not

Be able to rest in peace but at least now we can relax the bath it it was no trouble at all friend from day 27 to day 31 I was out exploring the same area of the wooded Badlands where I defeated the dread litches I came across a farmer who

Was jumping for joy at the sight of me that’s not the usual reaction people have for Herobrine so I went over to ask why he was in such a good mood what’s got you so happy Mr farmer it’s because of you Zozo those dread litches were a

Real snake in my boot but ever since you defeated them I’ve had no worries glad to hear it slaying evil monsters and improving lives is totally my thing well there is one small worry when those dread lies were still around one of them scared off all my sheep I needed them

For wool I’ll help you out you can even come live at my base if you’d like that sounds py King Zozo I led the farmer back to the base then set off through the Black Forest to find some sheep so I could gather the wool that the farmer

Was looking for taming them was easy enough and soon there was enough wool to go around afterwards I decided to do some decorating these Herobrine banners will show the mobs that this base is home to one Mighty Ghost with the decorations done I found Sarah the psychic siren waiting inside there you

Are Zozo you have to leave the base with me now it’s an emergency what’s going on come on I’ll explain when we get there from day 32 to day 35 I left the base with Sarah and traveled through the Black Forest Along The Way We Were used

By a small gang of dread Lites why does this feel familiar I should have seen this coming I am a psychic after all we serve our glorious Master Dorian the drowned Necromancer they really do say it every time don’t they Sarah I sure do hey don’t diss our catchphrase or we’ll have

To get mean well meaner The Dread litches began to attack so I zapped them with my ghost lightning strikes none of the dread litches I had fought before had seen that ability so it took them by surprise and I was able to quickly defeat them traveled on and I soon

Noticed that Sarah and I had come to the place where Jerry the geomancer had resided before this time it was completely destroyed and the area was full of dorian’s dread litches hey this is Jerry’s Place get out of here it looks like we were too late Zozo this is

Exactly what I for saww in my psychic Vision I knew what Sarah meant when I saw Jerry backed against a corner he had tried to fight The Dread Lites on his own but he was about to die Zozo is that you it seems I won’t be able to see you

Get your body back Jerry I’m sorry we got here as fast as we could don’t worry about me Dorian will surely pay for this make sure you and Sarah protect each other we will rest well Jerry I was so enraged by Jerry’s death that I destroyed the dread litches with my

Lightning strikes until there were none left in the area from day 3 6 to day 39 I made a return trip back to the Twilight Valley it hadn’t changed much since the other time I was here but there was a fisherman at the local pond who I hadn’t seen before hello there I’m

Zozo well hi there Zozo I’m fishing no I’m just kidding my name is Fred the fisherman and I could use a hand sure Fred what seems to be the problem I know I’d be able to catch more fish if I had some Twilight worms as bait but they’re

All way up there in the higher parts of the Valley can you go get a couple for me you can count on me Fred I climbed up the terrain of the Twilight Valley enjoying the view along the way with all that happened recently it was nice to

Gather my thoughts for a moment the moment didn’t last long though because I was attacked by a giant even though it was big it had gotten the drop on me I took a few Swings with my iron sword to make it think twice then I warped back a

Short distance and hit it with a few lightning strikes I closed the distance back into melee range and finished it off with my sword soon after I returned to Fred the fisherman with the bait he was looking for happy fishing hope you catch a big one thanks I only came here

To the valley because the fishing in the ocean ain’t that good anymore ever since that drowned Necromancer Rose from the sea people have been afraid that he might have left a curse on it he is really evil that Dorian a curse on the place he was drowned sure sounds like

Him from day 40 to day 43 I was looking at the base after coming home from my short journey and noticed that it had been redecorated to look even spookier which for ghosts and spirits is incred incredibly cool this place looks amazing I predicted that you would like the

Changes Zozo Sarah was this you I do like it but what was the occasion I wanted to invite some of my siren sisters to come live at the base the new look is so they’ll feel right at home that’s all right with you of course if the other Sirens are anything like you

Then we’ll all get along nicely a while later the other Sirens that Sarah had mentioned arrived at the base it was right at the time she had predicted that they would arrive hello everyone make yourself at home friends of Sarah are friends of mine thanks for being so

Understanding Zozo living at this base together always works out when we compromise sure the more the merrier soon after I greeted the sirens the farmer who was also living at the base approached me so that we could talk well hey there Zoo you’re just the ghost I

Was looking to see I have another job for you if you’re willing of course I’m always willing to help a farmer in need I heard from some other Farmers that there was a mutant Enderman running around and ruining everyone’s crops if you could take care of that mob you’d be

Helping Farmers Everywhere You Can Count On Me from day 44 to day 49 I took up the farmer on his request and traveled to the Tiger Mountain that mutant Enderman who was causing problems had to be around here somewhere but it wasn’t just mobs I had to worry about Dorian

Was here on the mountain too alongside a mutant zombie well well well if it’s it isn’t the Herobrine who defied me how has the spirit been fairing you’re probably close to fting away into nothingness by now you wish Dorian my ghost form has only gotten more powerful

And I will use everything I have to get my body back easier said than done Zozo you really think getting your body back will be so simple I was counting on your ghost to become a vengeful Spirit wait what you mean do you think the Restless

Dead can return so easily to the way they used to be why do you think I still carry the curse of undeath after the villagers drowned me it’s because there is no way back to life for us evil spirits it can’t be have I been getting stronger for nothing yes embrace your

Rage and frustration become the monster Herobrine and forget about reclaiming your butt body my Undead will help you become what you are meant to be Dori and the drowned Necromancer disappeared into a fog leaving behind the mutant zombie to battle me from day 50 to day 53 I

Started my battle against the mutant zombie that had been sent against me my lightning strikes were proving effective but because of what Dorian the drowned Necromancer had said I was starting to get worried about using my ghost Powers I switched my sword and hacked away at

The mutant zombie I didn’t use my War or my lightning strike it made the fight a lot harder but I had to believe that I was more than just the monster Herobrine I am going to get my body back no matter what the mutant zombie Was Defeated

After a big struggle and it dropped a Spellbook once it was defeated I took a moment to examine it and I saw a flashback to dorian’s Revival he had just emerged from the ocean as a drowned Necromancer and was looking to get revenge on the people of the world for

What they did to him casting down lightning strikes in his wrath he researched the legends of other powerful undead beings and he eventually came across the story of Herobrine it looked like he didn’t just steal my body to make me into a ghost he wanted to make

Me just like the dangerous and evil herobrine from the stories maybe then he’d finally have someone else as tortured and wicked as himself to hang out with from day 54 to day 57 I resumed the farmer’s quest to stop the mutant Enderman in the tigga mountain I found

The mob in the process of a rampage and with some nervousness I approached can I actually defeat this mutant Enderman without my ghost Powers the mutant Enderman sprinted at me and swiped at me with its powerful limbs my hearts were getting low and I was still weakened from the fight with the mutant

Zombie is that all the great Herobrine can do against me I thought you were more powerful that’s what the story said believe everything you hear I may not be the same Herobrine that is feared by everyone but I am Herobrine myself when I said it out loud it made sense I could

Use my ghost Powers because I was the one in control of them and I was using them to help take this ow lightning strikes hurt I thought I could be the scariest but now I’m done for my ghost Powers made short work of the mutant Enderman he dropped an item upon his

Defeat which turned out to be an antler headdress with this headgear equipped all of my attacks would gain greater knockback what a neat upgrade I returned to the farmer at the base and told him that I had defeated the mutant Enderman it seems that I can always count on you

Zozo as a reward for getting rid of that mutant Enderman I’ll tell you a secret about Dory and the drowned Necromancer what do you know about him I was there when the villagers drowned him in the ocean his last words were a curse to everyone he said soon you’ll all feel

The loneliness that I have felt what did he mean I don’t know but he probably had something real evil in mind when he said it from day 58 to day 62 I managed to hurt some more chickens into the base just to make sure we had a big enough

Food source for everyone then I made my way deep into the underground Cavern so I could do some mining for better materials I used my iron pickaxe to dig until I struck diamonds and mind myself enough to create a diamond pickaxe I equipped the new tool and kept mining

Diamonds until I had enough to craft a diamond sword leggings a chest plate and boots this new weapon and armor would serve me well in battle against the undead forces of Dorian the drowned Necromancer with my first pieces of diamond armor and gear and toe I

Returned to the base and there were now floating lanterns of ghost lights around the base I even found that a new room had been added Sarah had been hard at work making our haunted house into a haunted home this is just my way of saying thanks Zoo you’ve really been a

Friend to everyone after we lost Jerry the geomancer I feel like I could stay here for a very long time thanks Sarah that means a lot too because for ghosts like us a really long time might mean eternity from day 63 to day 66 I was down in the underground Cavern making

Some expansions to the mine when Victor The Vindicator Chef came to see me hey Zozo I heard that you were still looking for your original body there’s a biome nearby where you may not have looked yet oh really well I’m glad you thought to tell me about a Victor I went back above

Ground and traveled to the place that Victor had told me about the wooded Badlands I I looked around for any signs of necromancy magic or gravestone anything that might lead me to my body that’s when I noticed a scary Gorgon sneaking up on me boo hey don’t say boo

To me I’m a ghost that’s our thing sorry sorry I thought it would be fun to startle you I didn’t mean any offense it seemed like she meant it that was a relief because I thought I would have to fight this Gorgon you’re a lot nicer

Than you look I could say the same thing about you you’re the Herobrine aren aren’t you sort of I’m the new herob brine my name is Zozo Zozo huh I’m Morgan you could still help me with a Herobrin Quest right I think so what did

You have in mind ha you agreed this way a new ghost friend from day 67 to Day 70 I followed Morgan the Gorgon through the wooded Badlands to find out more about this Herobrine Quest she had mentioned so aren’t you curious about this Herobrine quest of ours Yes actually I

Was waiting for you to tell me more well according to the scary stories about herobrine he is supposed to be the most powerful Undead because of his ability to rebuild and Destroy rebuild and Destroy yes Herobrine can destroy and rebuild the world however he wants and

Anyone who is able to control him would be able to gain the same power I don’t have that kind of power not yet that’s why we’re on this Quest you need to regain your power by phasing down another being that he herob BR fought that’s why we’re headed to the lair of

The dread Beast we soon arrived at a part of the wooded Badlands where the dangerous Bob known as The Dread Beast was known to have her Lair come on out dread Beast I am Zozo the Herobrine and I challenge you the dread Beast soon emerged and roared with anger you think

You’re Herobrine please I battled the real Herobrine in the past you’ll never be as powerful a ghost as him we’ll see the dread Beast charged in but I knocked her back with a couple slices from a diamond sword combined with the increased knockback from the antler headdress she tried to resist and

Charging me but I warped out of the way and brought down lightning strikes until she was defeated from day 71 to day 74 I thank Morgan the Gorgon for helping me learn more about the Herobrine from the stories and left her to travel further across the wooded Badlands in search of

My body I was starting to get the hang of this new spooky Herobrine story and I was also starting to think it was going to end up being a pretty good one but it’s not the only story that you can find on this channel so you should look

For my other videos by typing zo zo into the search bar I arrived at a rundown structure in the middle of the wooded Badlands I thought it maybe had something to do with how my old body might have lived yeah I can feel it I was definitely here before I was a ghost

But that’s what you are now so why try to go back Dorian it’s you still chasing after the past Zozo you will become my Herobrine and I will use your powers to rebuild a world where everyone is as lonely as I’ve been that’s a terrible

Thing to do and I won’t let you get away with it I tried to lightning strike him but he was immune to the damage when I swung my diamond sword he struck back with his own weapon doing far more damage than I could do to him fool you

Actually thought I wasn’t prepared to fight you you’ll get a bit stronger but your ghost form will still fade away before before then I do hope you help me achieve my lonely world what else do you have to continue on for Dorian the drowned Necromancer spared my ghostly

Life probably because I was still important to his plans one thing’s for sure I need to get stronger than he ever imagined I could be from day 75 to day 78 I kept thinking about how I should face Dorian the drowned Necromancer he had been a Restless spirit for a lot

Longer than me and maybe I’d have to become just as evil as him to have a Fighting Chance I don’t want to be evil I don’t want to be that kind of Herobrine seeing that I was down Sarah the psychic siren came to my room to

Cheer me up Soo I for saww that you would be sad so I made sure to give the base an almost invisible Enchanted Mist so it’d be hidden from attacks that way nobody will disturb us without us expecting it that’s really good Sarah thank you let me tell you Zozo in my

Professional opinion as a psychic I don’t predict that you’ll turn evil I hope I can live up to your predictions I went outside for a bit to get some air and shortly after Victor The Vindicator Chef joined me with a fresh new magic cake that he had just baked give this a

Try Zozo I think it might just pick you up thanks Victor I gobbled up the cake and felt a transformation coming on I doubled in size and my heart gauge increased to contain 80 Hearts Victor sure knows how to cook from day 79 to day 84 I went back to the wooded

Badlands to see if I could face Dorian the drowned Necromancer again I knew knew this whole thing would be over if I could just shut him down Dorian wasn’t here himself but it seemed like he might have used some of his necromancy to mobilize a few random skeletons to fight

Me with my lightning strikes I was easily able to blow away these weak Undead I wasn’t satisfied with the amount of searching I’d done here so I examined the structure more closely that’s when I noticed doors that led to a dwelling where a pink pixie was

Staying hello there I’m Zozo do you know anything about who used to live here yeah I do there was a village here that was destroyed by storms a blizzard and a thunderstorm there was only one surviving villager and he was really alone was that villager Herobrine yeah this is the place where Herobrine’s

Story began the land has been cursed and plants have never grown as well here since it’s just like that curse that Dorian put on the ocean I’ve got to put the hero in Herobrine and find a way to lift both of those curses this may help

You in your Journey Zoo pixie gave me a netherite helmet an extremely durable piece of armor that would certainly give me a Fighting Chance the next time I saw Dorian from day 85 to day 89 I returned to my base excited to show my friends the awesome netherite helmet I’d been

Given instead I found a bunch of dread lges invading my base trying to find and attack those same friends oh I can’t let this slide I don’t want to overuse my ghost Powers but for the sake of my friends it’s a risk worth worth taking I started firing lightning blasts left and

Right destroying them quickly and dropping their morale the rest saw my skills and took off running but I wasn’t going to let an attack on my own base slide I came running after them while chasing them I ran into a troll who seemed to be crying as much as I wanted

Revenge I didn’t want to leave a clearly distressed guy on the hook like that so I asked him what was wrong I’ve been working on my novel but I can’t seem to get through it I’m losing confidence in myself you can do it Mr troll just

Believe in yourself and try to get past the first draft I’ll be excited to read it when it’s done thank you kind stranger I’ll never forget this from day 90 to Day 94 I followed the surviving dread lies into the snowy Plains it was freezing I remembered what I had read

About Dorian before he needs to be cold he must be hiding somewhere out here I’m on his territory now but I couldn’t afford to worry about about that just yet I needed to track down and defeat those liches eventually I caught up to them they must have gotten exhausted and

Stopped I finally had my chance you guys are going to pay for attacking my base oh Zozo you’re so naive Dorian knew everything he predicted exactly what you do and now you’re going to get destroyed you’ve never been able to destroy me before what makes you guys think you’re

Going to be able to to do it now oh it won’t be us Zozo it’ll be him a huge terrifying dread Knight stepped out and the dread lies all ran off he must have been one of dorian’s most dangerous henchmen yet even as a ghost I think I’m

Going to ache after this one from day 95 to day 97 I went head-to-head with the dread Knight and he was as fast and as powerful as I feared and as the battle went on I was worried I might be doomed until I got a second wi and fought back

With all of my might soon enough I defeated even the terrible dread Knight the deadliest of Dorian the drowned necromancer’s henchman I’m stronger than I’ve ever been but does this mean I’m doomed to become evil and end up serving that monster but my worried thoughts were interrupted by a new discovery when

The dread Knight Was Defeated he dropped a notebook containing instructions direct from the enemy destroy Zozo he is Unworthy of the title of hero right return to the ice cave when you are done if you need anything extra to finish the job check the chest behind the broken

Boulder so now I knew that Dorian was hiding in some kind of ice cave and that note about the chest really intrigued me I searched the snowy plane until I found a boulder that looked half shattered and then I found a chest behind it and inside the chest was a battle axe this

Belongs to Dorian I can’t wait to give it back to him on day 98 I returned to my base to tell everyone who’ helped me how all of this was going to unfold for all I knew it might be my final chance to speak with them guys I wanted to

Thank all of you for how much you’ve helped me I never could have gotten this far without you this final part is so dangerous that I have to do it alone Dorian is more powerful than ever but I’d rather be destroyed than let him use

Me as an evil tool there’s no way he’d destroy you Zozo you’re too powerful and too good-hearted and in the end the good gu always always win and the bad guys always lose here here after you defeat him Zozo I’ll bake a mighty cake that we

Can all enjoy ah and I’ll Farm all the best quality ingredients you’ve got this Zozo I have full confidence in you you’re all the best I’m going to defeat him for you all of you and I’m going to get my body back on day 99 I ventured

Back to the snowy Plains with everything I needed to finally take on the big back bad Beast of a necromancer who stole my body it’s time for me to show you the door Dorian didn’t actually take me that long to find the ice cave that was dorian’s Hideout because I spotted a

Large guard force of dread litches waiting outside keeping a lookout talk about an undead giveaway there were so many of them and they looked better armed and armored than usual Dorian must have known I was coming and put them here to slow me down before the final

Battle it’s an ingenious plan what can I do I think I may be of service I turned and saw that Morgan the Gorgon was behind me Morgan what are you doing here sorry for following you I was going to yell boo again but it didn’t seem like

The right moment I feel like I’ve been missing out on all the action let me distract these Undead creeps and you can go in there and take down the big bad guy sounds like a great plan Morgan let’s do this on day 100 while Morgan was distracting The Dread Lites outside

I entered the ice cave and found Dorian the drowned Necromancer waiting for me you made it through my servants how it’s because I don’t have servants I have friends oh spare me all that self-righteous foolishness you can’t talk your way out of serving me I brought you back I bound you you belong

To me Zozo and nothing will change that I’m going to keep fighting no matter what for myself and my friends and when I’m done all you’re going to be is a bad member then let’s see time to go back to the void silly little ghost I Unleashed

Everything I had onto Dorian not giving up even as he fought back against me I could tell as the battle went on he was getting weaker and weaker I pulled out the battle axe the battle axe that Dorian had left for his dread Knight to destroy me I’m sure the void will

Welcome you Dorian and with one more strike Dorian was no more there was a tremendous Flash and in the moment that Dori Oran was destroyed my body was returned to me wow it feels amazing to be back on day one I spawned in as a mighty dinosaur well not really I was

Pretty small and only had four Hearts I’m just a baby I looked around and noticed there weren’t any other dinosaurs around and then I noticed I was in an enclosure with tall walls hey that’s not fair I want to run around and be free I ran around looking for a way

Out I couldn’t find anything just then I heard a bell go off and I saw some food being lowered into my cage I was hungry but I still needed to find a way out the food lowered to the ground and I ate all of it then I got a brilliant idea I held

On to the hook as it was brought back up to the edge of the wall I jumped on the edge free from my enclosure then I jumped off and ran toward the jungle dinosaurs are meant to be free as I was running I saw a human in a car trying to

Chase after me he started shooting at me I managed to jump over over a large tree that had fallen down but the car couldn’t get through one human threw his weapon down in anger and yelled at me we’ll get you back mark my words what a

Weird guy I found a little cave and decided to hide out there for the night I would go looking around from where dinosaurs in the morning on day two I woke up feeling very hungry man I’m going to need to find more food if I want to survive out here I quickly began

Chopping down some trees and managed to make a crafting table with that I made some wood tools I I feel a bit more prepared now I explored further in the jungle and found some sheep I hurried and got their meat before they could run away I really needed to gain my strength

Back M yummy as I was enjoying my food I heard a snap of a twig I turned and saw a small ocelot trying to hide behind some bushes hey do you want some food the ocelot peaked out and slowly came and grabbed some meat for me thank you

Of course what are you I’m a dinosaur you won’t eat me will you no I won’t have you never seen a dinosaur before the ocelot shook his head I know that park over there has dinosaurs but I’ve never seen one until today interesting I wondered what that Park was all about

And why there weren’t any other dinosaurs on the island thanks again for the food you take care of yourself you too he ran off into the jungle I need to figure out what’s going on here on day three I gathered some more materials to make a little base I knew that the

Humans would probably be back and I wanted to be ready for them once the base was finished I went out to look for some food boy am I hungry again I managed to find a bunch of sheep and tried to her them back to my base but

Then a bunch of alligators came and started attacking me get back you nasties I used my sword and my pure strength to fight them off and before I knew it they were all gone just then I felt a surge of power and I grew into a

Teenage T-Rex hey I have more Hearts now I finished Gathering the sheep and led them back to my base I hurried and set up a pen for them what a good day on days four to 5 I made my way back to the park to scout it out maybe I could learn

More if I watched what the humans were doing I was searching around and found some rusty shears these might come in handy just then I saw a bunch of humans driving toward me I ran through some rocks and dirt Hills to lose them but they just kept following me I roared at

Them and the force almost toppled their car over that’s new this caused one human to fall out of the car the driver didn’t stop and they left him he got out his weapon and started shooting darts at me hey stop it I roared again and the

Force made him fall over I was starting to feel the effects of the dart ouch I felt pretty woozy what was that the human pulled out a walkie-talkie Dr harand I have subdued test subject a come to this location to retrieve him I couldn’t let the humans take me

Especially not this Dr Harland he sounded like bad news I mustered up my strength and smacked the human with my tail sending him flying over a Cliffside I got to get out of here the sleeping Dart definitely was doing its job but I managed to get back home before

Completely passing out I’ll have to find that doctor tomorrow on day 68 I woke up still feeling a little groggy that wasn’t super fun I need to be sure not to get shot again I went out and grabbed some food before heading out to gather more supplies I needed some better

Weapons to defend myself I went further into the jungle and spotted a small Mountain I started to mine out some of the material and set up a crafting table to make myself a new stone sword pickaxe and shovel nice I was about to make my way further up the mountain when I saw

Some little Jaguars hanging out they’re kind of cute but that was shortlived because they started to jump and bite at me come on guys I’m not food they didn’t back down so I used my new sword to fight them off it only took a minute before I defeated them all thank

Goodness for that otherwise I would look like Swiss chees I ate some food to heal and I headed further into the jungle on days night 9 to 10 I journeyed past the trees to the edge of the island it was beautiful too bad there were humans

Trying to hunt me down just then I heard a screeching of tires and saw a car coming towards me wow I was just thinking about the humans and then they show up maybe I have superpowers I started to think of it raining sheep and nothing well it was worth a shot I

Started to run away from the car but they caught up to me pretty quick the guy I had seen earlier who had thrown down his weapon was inside he must have been Dr Harland you can’t run away from me now you’re mine go away the car soon

Caught up to me and the humans had me cornered ah a heavy iron cage made out of chains pinned me down thank goodness for that tracker we didn’t realize it was attached to you until later because Jones never came back but at least he did his job right Dr Harland plucked

Something off my leg it looked like a dart but then I noticed a little blinking Beacon that human Jones must have shot me with a the tracker a few days ago I felt so silly I don’t belong with you I belong out in the wild Dr Harland just

Laughed I was confused and desperate I needed to get out just then I felt a whoosh of air and part of the cage was broken I saw a blur of pink whizzing past me run Zozo I ran following the pink blur back toward my base when we

Finally stopped I realized the pink blur wasn’t just a blur it was another T-Rex the dinosaur jumped down from behind cover and scared me I knew there were other dinosaurs on the island I’m Zozo the dinosaur smiled at me I’m Zoe I’m your sister sister wait back up what

We’re twins I was put in a different enclosure though I heard that you escaped and everyone was freaking out so I took my chance when they went looking for you and climbed out as well they really need to work on their security system but hey good for us though right

Right so you’re super fast Zoe nodded her head and zoomed in a Circle demonstrating her speed wow what can you do uh I don’t know am I supposed to be able to do something Zoe looked a little uncomfortable no not really oh wait I can move things with my Roar it’s like a

Sonic power I showed it off that’s really cool do all dinosaurs have powers like us no I guess we are just special zo he seemed like she wasn’t telling me something I was going to ask her what she knew but then I heard her stomach

Growl hey how about I get you some food you must be starving that’d be great actually thanks we went to the farm and ate until we were both full Zoe must have not eaten for a long time because she had double of what I had how about

You live here it’s safe there’s plenty of food and I’d love for you to stay with me Zoe looked really happy about that and she readily agreed sounds like a plan on days 11 to 12 I made an area for Zoe on the base I worked hard to

Give her everything she would need in order to be comfortable soon it was all ready to go she seemed really happy happy to have found me and I was happy to be reunited with the sister I never knew I had I decided to go exploring a

Little bit to improve the base and the weapons that I had while I was out I came across a flock of birds nesting on some Stones they were beautiful looking woodpeckers hey could I have some of that stone they seemed friendly enough but then out of nowhere they started

Pecking at me seriously I tried to smack them but they kept flying and then dive bombing me I need to get out of here I ran into the trees hoping to get some coverage they stopped attacking but I really needed that stone what am I going

To do I looked around the jungle and noticed some long Vines hanging from the trees I had an idea I gathered some of the vines a couple small sticks and a bunch of rocks this should do the trick I snuck back to the rock formation and attacked them with my new weapon a

Slingshot take that it worked perfectly and before I knew it all the birds were gone nice and I have some food to take back to Zoe I gathered the bird meat and started mining out the Rock rock it took a while but I finally got enough to make

Some new furnaces this is awesome I headed back to the base and showed Zoe my new weapon she was super impressed and even asked if I could make her one I happily agreed she was super excited and shot with the slingshot towards the lake once that was done I used some wooden

Logs to build a wall surrounding the base it was all starting to come together on days 13 to 15 I had a weird dream I was back in the park but it looked like I was in a lab of some sort people were poking and proding at me I

Saw Zoe and she was chained down let her go then the dream changed and Dr Harland was there he was presenting us to a large crowd of humans he had trapped Us in enclosures and we were chained the humans stared and laughed at us it was

Horrible I woke from the dream with a start wo that was terrible I went to go find Zoe I told her about the dream and asked her what it meant she hesitated we are lab experiments Zozo we aren’t natural dinosaurs Dr Harland GRE grew Us in the lab giving us special abilities

Why would he do that he’s not just a doctor he also owns this entire park over there he genetically Engineers dinosaurs for human entertainment that’s awful but you and I are special he made us specifically for a new exhibit he’s working on this was a lot to take in we

Were being hunted by an angry doctor in his goons it felt like the odds were definitely against us on days 16 to 19 I woke up to find that Zoe wasn’t in the base Zoe I looked everywhere and called out to her but I couldn’t find her I

Wonder where she went I looked around the entrance and noticed some Footprints they looked a lot like mine but were smaller these must be Zoe’s Footprints I followed them leading away into the jungle they stopped at the mouth of a cave oh no I hope Zoe’s okay I tried to

Quietly creep in the cave my slingshot at the ready I heard some muffled screaming along with some maniacal laughter that doesn’t sound good I went further down and I saw Zoe she was all tied up there was also a monkey tied up next to her around them were a bunch of

Big hairy spiders oh gross I charged shooting rocks as I went the spiders looked alarmed and tried to Scurry away but I managed to fight them all off I hurried and freed Zoe just as she yelled at me Zozo look out I turned around and there was the biggest spider I had ever

Seen in my life granted I was only few days old but still you taken my dinner that’s my sister she’s not food I slung some rocks at the huge spider before charging at him he smacked me with his legs and I was nearly down to my last

Heart when I remembered my roar I let out a big Roar the force made the spider fall over I then attacked with my tail and weapons and within no time he was gone victory is mine all of a sudden I felt power coar through my body and I

Leveled up into an adult T-Rex nice I had way more hearts and my tail could swing faster now I helped finish freeing Zoe and the monkey thanks for rescuing me I’m crew I’m Zozo I looked over at Zoe and she was shaking are you okay that was so scary I went out this

Morning before you got up and I was ambushed by those spiders I tried to Roar but they tied my mouth closed before I had a chance to call for you I’m glad I found you being spider food wasn’t really a part of my grand plan zo he laughed and crew joined us you’re

From that park over there I knew there were dinosaurs but nobody has seen any yeah we managed to escape dror Harland but he is kind of crazy he wants to bring us back so he can make money off of us and all the other dinosaurs that’s awful how many more dinosaurs are there

We don’t know but they don’t belong in there we need to help them Escape crew thought for a minute I might be able to help out with that really how this island has been inhabited by dinosaurs before a really long time ago there was a T-Rex like you guys that had a special

Item that could ward off the humans wow that sounds awesome do you know where it is no sorry Legend says it’s on the island somewhere but nobody has found it this was good news maybe we could make the humans leave for good on days 20 to

22 crew came with us to the base he seemed to really like us and wasn’t scared like most animals were he was also really funny and would ride on our back sometimes once we got back to the base we tried to get settled in but then

A bunch of jaguars showed up trying to get our sheep hey there’s enough food for all of us you don’t need to steal from us they didn’t listen and just continued to attack with our combined strength the Jaguars were gone in no time we made some improvements to the

Base including a treehouse for crew to hang out in he really seemed to like it Hey Zoe would you want to help me with something yeah sure what is it I want to make a statue I want the humans to know that they can’t mess with us and I want

All the dinosaurs to know that there is hope to be free that sounds awesome Zozo we chatted about the design and started on the base of the statue can you tell what it’s going to be also if you like what you’ve seen so far don’t forget to

Subscribe we love having you here on our adventures on days 23 to 26 I woke up to the base being attacked again they broke through the wall I guess the Jaguars had some reinforcements and didn’t like that they couldn’t get to our sheep come on guys really Zoe and crew joined me with

Their help we defeated the Jaguars in no time I noticed that one of them had dropped something so I picked it up it was an iron sword wo neat I swung it around and nearly jabbed Zoe with it hey watch it sorry I looked around the base

For a minute maybe we need to make some changes to the base so that it’s safer Zoe agreed and we went to work we worked on expanding the walls and making our own areas larger we ran out of supplies pretty quickly so I headed out to gather

Some more materials I also would really like some more iron so that I can have some better weapons I explored for a minute before finding a large cave I delved deeper and deeper until I found some iron ore perfect just then a bunch of bats came

Out of nowhere and tried to swarm me ah I hurried and started smacking them with my new sword the last few that evaded me I shot with my slingshot nice I really like having a sword I mined the rest of the iron and hurried to craft myself an

Iron pickaxe Axe and an iron helmet this will be perfect I left still feeling accomplished I had a new weapon and a new tool I felt like I was on top of the world on days 27 to 31 I went to crew to chat with him about the special item

That would help me defeat the humans he was chilling in his Treehouse I was too big to fit so we just talked from a distance well the legend says that thousands of years ago many dinosaurs lived on the island in peace then one day the dinosaurs saw a boat approaching

They had no idea what it was so they didn’t fear it but then the humans landed and they began to immediately attack the dinosaurs they took over the island and started to chop down all the trees and pollute the land one T-Rex his name was Ignatius the great he

Sacrificed his most prized possession to the volcano gods in order to gain the legendary item to ward off the humans what was the item exactly it was an amulet that granted him awesome power to grow to 10 times his size wa that is awesome right so he used the amulet to

Defeat the humans and protect the dinosaurs so what happened to him in the amulet I’m not sure exactly that’s all I know what an interesting story I hoped that it was true it could be the answer to all my problems on days 32 to 35 I

Thought some more about what crew said I really need to find that amulet and if it’s on the island how hard can it be to find it I decided to look around for something significant that could possibly help me while I was venturing further into the island I came Upon A

Group of ocelots one of them recognized me hey it’s that dinosaur that helped me get food he ran up to me and started talking to me his family seemed a little reluctant so they stayed further back what are you doing I’m looking for the amulet that was lost on the island do

You know anything about it my little ocelot friend shook his head but his dad piped up that amulet corrupts all who hold it you don’t want it why do you say that the dinosaur that held it Ignatius the great began to used the power to unfairly rule all of the Dinosaurs the

Volcano gods were angry so they willed the volcano to erupt taking out all the dinosaurs that’s awful well that’s what happens when you mess with power you shouldn’t have I couldn’t agree more I flipped around to see Dr Harland how did you find me it’s not that big of an

Island I knew I would find you eventually I tried to run away but Dr Harland shot a dart at me they got me me right in the leg and I immediately felt woozy again oh no I can’t pass out again everything was starting to get fuzzy

It’s okay we’ll take care of you then everything went dark on days 36 to 39 I woke up back in my house hey how did I get back here I went outside and saw the ocelot family hanging out with Zoe look who’s awake my little ocelot friend ran

Up to me Zozo you’re okay what happened Dr Harland shot you and then you passed out we worked together to move you we met your sister outside she had been looking for you and was worried she helped us to carry you in wow you guys are the best thanks no problem I don’t

Even know all of your names the OT officially introduced himself as Marty the rest of his family had M names as well Melissa Mo Miley you get it now that you’re feeling better how about we make some room for our new friends sounds like a plan Zoe and I worked on

Making an enclosure for the ocelots I could tell they were scared to be living out on their own by the time we finished I could tell they were really happy about it I decided to talk more with Marty’s dad Marvin about the legendary amulet I asked him where it might be and

He shook his head all I know is that the legend says it was buried with Ignatius somewhere on the north side of the island that’s where his home was everyone claims that he was wearing the amulet when the volcano erupted interesting I would have to travel a way

To go looking for it but before I went back out I got to work on the Statue it was coming along pretty great I was excited to finish it so was your guess right on days 40 to 43 I went out to go looking for more iron since I hadn’t

Found that many deposits nearby I went North and found a pretty big cave as I entered I saw a bunch of snakes slithering around not today I quickly shot them with my slingshot hit them with my sword and also used my Roar to send them flying into the lava I was

Starting to feel really powerful I journeyed deeper and sure enough I found a huge deposit of iron as well as coal I made myself a little crafting table and set up a camp for myself in the cave with the iron I had collected I made myself all new tools and weapons I am

The mightiest of T-Rexes nobody can stop me now on days 44 to 49 I journeyed to the north side of the island in search of the amulet I was tromping through the jungle when I heard a scream I snuck forward to see a bunch of alligators who

Had trapped a toucan it looked like they were about to eat her hey stay away from her I dropped out from my Hiding Place and the alligator snapped at me I guess they didn’t like me intruding on their dinner plans they started to attack me but with my Sonic Roar and Powerful tail

They were gone in an instant thank you mister I’m Zozo I’m Greta I thought for sure I was going to be alligator food well I’m glad I was around I’ve been hearing about the dinosaurs on the island what brings you over here I’m looking for the Lost Amulet of ignacius

The great oh that’s a tricky one that is it’s supposedly here on the north side of the island but what well it’s kind of complicated to explain I think it would be easier if I just showed you okay sounds like a plan to me on days 50 to

53 I followed Greta further into the north side of the island we were about to enter a clearing when Greta stopped me is is that chanting yeah I looked through the trees and saw a temple of some sort there were a bunch of other toucans gathered around something on a

Pedestal hey they have the amulet wait Zozo I didn’t listen and I troed through the trees toward the birds they immediately squealed in delight and started bowing um what’s going on oh great and mighty one you have heard our call and you have come to retrieve what you have left behind

I looked on the pedestal and noticed that it wasn’t an amulet it was a is that a foot yes great ignacius it is your foot we have been saving it for you I looked behind me and saw gr was super embarrassed these must have been her family members the crazy side of the

Family no doubt um yes I have been missing my foot thank you for taking such good care of it they continued bowing as I went up and grabbed the foot it was definitely from a T-Rex um my humble toucans where did you find my foot one hopped forward eagerly oh yes

We found it over here we journeyed on a path leading toward a large rock formation the foot was just sitting right here oh holy one thanks do you mind if I look around do as you wish great one the toucan left and Greta flew up a moment later to rest on my shoulder

I should have warned you I don’t come around here anymore because they are all a bunch of crazies I mean who worships a foot I just laughed it’s fine it was exciting to say the least I began digging at the rock formation and sure enough I found more bones inside this

Must be ignacius we managed to uncover all the bones but there wasn’t an amulet in sight if he wasn’t wearing it where did it go all the story said he was wearing it this was beginning to feel like a wild goose chase I gathered all the bones and we headed back toward the

Base on days 54 to 57 Greta and I made it back to the base she didn’t want to be with her crazy family understandably so we made a little Nook for her she seemed to really like it hey Zozo it was crew he came over to me what’s up I’m

Running a little low on food do you think you could grab me some more bananas there’s a tree nearby with some in it but there are also some spiders in there no problem I went to the tree crew was talking about and immediately saw the swarm of spiders yuck I used my

Slingshot to make them fall out of the tree and then I attacked them there were no match for my Roar and soon enough they were gone sweet now KW can have all the bananas he could want I used my Roar to make the bananas fall out of the tree

And I gathered them for my friend he was ecstatic to see all the food I had gotten for him wow thanks Zozo wait here for just a minute crew went to work in his Treehouse he started mixing a bunch of ingredients together in the mixing

Basin and before I knew it he had a big loaf of banana bread for me where did you even learn to bake and where did you even get a mixer I have my ways here hope you like it I ate it and it was actually delicious M yum thanks crew he

Jumped up and down in light no problem on days 58 to 62 I worked on the statue for a little bit I was nearly done when I heard a scream from down below the base was being attacked attacked by some humans oh no I hurried to run down to

The base and noticed that all my friends had been shot with sleeping darts the humans were trying to take them away you let my friends go I roared with all my might and the humans focused their attention on me they tried to shoot me but I dodged them I managed to take out

A few of the guards and then went to chase the rest away they got scared of me and ran off Good Riddance I hurried to help my friends get back to their homes when I noticed that Zoe was missing Zoe I looked outside the base

And I saw her lying on the ground she didn’t look too good uhoh Zoe let’s get you inside so you can sleep they didn’t hit me with a sleeping Arrow Zozo they hit me with a real bullet what why I heard one of Dr harland’s men say that

They just needed one dinosaur for the exhibit you so I charged him and he shot me oh no Zoe it’s okay the hunter that shot me Brett said that they were going to get the amulet from its secret hiding place Zoe weakly handed me a map they

Dropped this hurry Zozo take care of the rest of the dinosaurs protect the island and with that my sister died no on day 63 to 66 I used the map that Zoe gave me to track down Brett they won’t get away with this I traveled to the north side

Of the island again past the temple and down into a large cave there did seem to be anybody around but then I saw a pool of water with a large glowing squid in it there were a bunch of humans attacking him stop hurting innocent creatures the men jumped in Surprise as

I attacked them in only a matter of seconds they were defeated thank you Ancient One of course I knew you would all be back someday it was only right that the dinosaurs ruled this island again do you know where the amulet is the squid nodded and pointed down

Further into the tunnel I’m afraid the rest of the humans have already started heading down that way though how did they know to look for you Dr Harland was my friend when he came to the island he discovered me and studied me I told him

Of the amulet in the cave but he wasn’t interested in it at the time it wasn’t until recently that he wanted to retrieve it I guess he didn’t want a chance you finding it and overpowering him he ordered his goons to destroy me I’m so sorry that must have been

Heartbreaking you can’t trust those humans they only want Power they’ll do anything to get it I’ll go retrieve it good luck to you friend and with that the squid swam further into the pool and disappeared on days 67 to 70 I went deeper into the cave which then opened

Up into a huge underground Chasm this must have been ignatius’ Lair then I saw Brett and some other goons grabbing a chest from from an Al Cove that doesn’t belong to you Brett dropped his chest in surprise he turned and sneered at me it don’t belong to you neither I charged

Ready to strike the men got out their weapons ready to shoot don’t hurt them just put them to sleep the dock wants to save him for later I managed to dodge all the darts and I used all of my strength to swing and hit the humans I

Finished off his men and then went to attack him Brett looked a little uneasy as I got closer so then he pulled out his Dart shooter I don’t want to hurt you dinosaur but I will if I have to he fired his weapon and it wasn’t sleeping darts it was a

Stun Blaster ouch electricity pulsed through me and I fell down hard just give up it’ll be easier then I blacked out on day 71 to 74 I woke up my bones and body aching then I remembered the chest I looked in the alov and it wasn’t there shoot Brett must have taken it

While I was out I felt awful as I made my way out of the cave and up into the jungle again it was super slow going to get back home but eventually I made it on day 75 to 78 I entered the base I was so exhausted and just wanted to be alone

But my friends came running up to me Zozo you’re okay we were asleep and when we woke up you were gone where’s Zoe I told them all about what happened and they stood in shock we are so sorry Zozo Zoe was a really good friend I felt

Awful I told them I needed to rest and I went into my house for a little while it wasn’t until long until I heard screaming and shouting I hurried to run outside only to find Brett in the base trying to shoot my friends again what are you doing here I need your blood

Dinosaur give it to me ew gross no I roared at bread causing him to fly backwards into the wall I smacked him with my tailent sword easily defeating him I then felt a surge of power and I leveled up into a full-size T-Rex my Roar could demolish anything and I had

Tons of Hearts what did he mean he needed your blood I have no idea but that was definitely creepy I looked and saw that Brett had dropped some things I was hoping it was the amulet but it was just a key card and a painting the painting had some glyphs of humans

Shooting a dinosaur with a dart shooter and then growing to be huge have you seen anything like this no it just looks like something the old humans must have left they probably just thought that defeating a dinosaur would grant them power I guess Brett thought so too

Probably why he came back to hurt me creepy I looked at the key card a little bit more closely it had the park symbol on it and a label saying site B what is site B the park is site B site a is the abandoned site down the hill there’s two

Yeah site a was abandoned because it was too small now now it’s just storage there must be something important in there if Brett has a key card to it must be on day 79 to 84 I traveled to site a to go exploring I was hoping the key

Card for site B would work here too as I approached the front gate I took out the key card put it in the key card scanner and the gate clicked open nice I followed the path and arrived at the main building that Rose Through the Jungle High into the sky I slowly went

Inside the building and saw lots of boxes and cobwebs the place looked like a mess this place has been completely abandoned I explored the building and saw an interesting roller coaster through the window it goes straight through a dinosaur skeleton exhibit what in the world was happening in this place

All of a sudden I heard a noise from a back room I approached and looked through the window only to see an alligator looking through the cabinets I wonder what she’s doing then she saw me and charged at the glass she then opened the door and ran towards me I quickly

Backed up and she snapped her teeth at me what what are you doing here I’m looking to see if there was anything that could help me defeat Dr Harland here what are you doing here the alligator looked at me she paused for a moment then started speaking slowly I’m

Also trying to get to Dr Harland he’s been running tests on my family in order to make new dinosaurs I need to rescue them we can work together have you found anything useful here uh yeah there’s some sort of weapon downstairs but it’s too heavy for me to carry maybe you can

Car car it I started to go down the stairs toward the control room as I was about to enter I felt something pushed me down the stairs it was the alligator hey what was that for you aren’t supposed to be here dinosaur you’ve been extinct for years and now you just

Expect to rule the whole island the alligators are a real Predators here she snapped her teeth at me and almost got me hey I’m just trying to survive here I’m not trying to hurt anyone she ignored me and kept snapping her teeth I backed up and then used my Roar to push

Her back I hit her a couple more times and then after only a minute she was gone I wonder if there was anything down here or if she was just lying I looked around the room and sure enough it was mostly just trash then I noticed a trapo

I was too big to go all the way down but I did notice some diamonds and other materials but but they were Out Of Reach I looked around and there were a few more diamonds just laying in the corner of the room these will definitely come

In handy I grabbed them and headed back to the base I would definitely need some help scouting out the rest of the secret room on days 85 to 89 I went back to chat with my friends about what I had found wow I knew that the alligators on

The island were super territorial but that’s just crazy what weirdos I know right but would one of you come with me back to the room I can’t fit down there but I would like to see if there is anything else of value yeah sure crew

And I headed back to S A and he checked out the secret room he came up in a few minutes super excited there’s a tunnel and it looks like it leads into the site B Park this was great news now I just needed to figure out a way to fit down

There crew explored some more and said there was a bigger tunnel opening near the river that’s perfect I’ll go in that way once I’m ready on days 90 to 94 the monkey gave me the diamonds and I used them to craft myself some better weapons I didn’t really have enough diamonds to

Make armor that would fit me so I just made weaker diamond armor with a few chunks missing from the armor pieces it would be enough to cover my weak spots I tried it all on and I actually felt really cool not only am I a strong dinosaur with superpowers I now also

Have some protection I knew that I was one step closer to defeating Dr Harland and freeing all the dinosaurs on days 95 to 97 I finished the statue it is in honor of Zoe as I looked up at the finished statue I felt a sense of hope

And strength I knew that I would get the amulet and fulfill my destiny on day 98 I said said goodbye to all my friends before heading out take care you guys I’ll be back I promise they cheered me on as I left the base and headed out to

The park on the way there I noticed a plane overhead and it was dragging a sign in the sky subscribe hey that sounds like a good idea you should do that so you can follow along on some of our other Adventures on day 99 I went to

The river where the tunnel opening was I broke the bars and headed inside toward the park it was dark for a little while but then I started to see light the tunnel led to an enclosure with all kinds of other dinosaurs I approached the gate and roared to break it open woo

It’s the T-Rex they all gathered around me are you going to free us yes this tunnel leads to the outside world I’ll go open up all the other enclosures so that we can all be free the dinosaurs whooped inight and then a bunch of darts started flying the humans came out of

Nowhere and started shooting at us run you’ll be safe they all started running into the tunnels as I roared at the humans I drudged through the park defeating the guards easily I continued to the other side of the park on day 100 I was loose in Jurassic Park there were

A bunch of humans running around in panic I tried not to step on them I just wanted to find Dr Harland then out of nowhere came a bunch of humans with weapons they shot but I dodged and roared and swung my tail at them setting them flying in different directions they

Quickly ran away and I continued through the park to the big building in the center I smashed through the doors and sitting on a pedestal was the Amulet of ignacius I went to grab it but I felt the dart hit me I flipped around and saw Dr Harland with a large shooter come

Quietly and I won’t hurt you no I grabbed the amulet and felt a huge surge of power I turned into a giant T-rex with massive teeth and a mighty tail so be it Dr harand backed St into the lab and closed the door I heard some

Worrying and then he appeared in a large robotic suit I didn’t want to hurt you but you have ruined my Park you are a liability now he shot at me with some tough Shooters but they didn’t hurt me as much since I was so powerful however he soon started throwing bombs at me

Which were not so easy to avoid we exchanged blows and I almost thought that Dr Harland was about to end me ah that hurt ha I dodged that one you will not take me down that easily take that ah you dirty lizard that hurts but I was

Also doing some damage I could tell some of my Roars were hurting his Mech because Sparks started flying finally his Mech started smoking now I was doing some real damage then I used my Sonic Roar and sent Dr Harland flying the suit crumbled into pieces and Dr Harland was

Finally defeated I made my way throughout the rest of the park releasing all the dinosaurs back into the wild they all seem super happy once we all reached my base I saw my friends cheering for me life was back to the way it should be on day one I spawned in as

An awesome Warden ninja right in the middle of my Warden ninja Hideout but there were no other Warden ninjas around in fact the whole place was full of dread ghouls while several of them were standing at attention one of them was standing back and giving orders destroy

Everything my dark Warriors we are under orders to eliminate every life w a ninja we can find I didn’t understand why this was happening but I wasn’t going to take it lying down who’s giving you these orders you cowardly dread ghoul that’s when I heard booming footsteps behind me

I turned and saw a huge dark figure approaching me I was only a tiny Warden ninja and I didn’t have any weapons yet so he terrified me I gave the orders I am Shogun skull the ruler of this land and all who defy me will be destroyed

Including you Shogun skull pulled out a huge Katana he looked like he meant business I needed to activate my special power ultimate stealth I practically turned invisible immediately causing Shogun skull and his dread ghouls to lose my Trace where did he go he’s using his ninja abilities to run away like a

Coward no matter we’ll find and destroy him another day as much as I was ashamed to admit it all I could do was run I got out of there and ran out into the alien Fields looking for some food to satisfy my Hunger I managed to find some baked

Potatoes but they were being guarded by a band of three brigin excuse me brigin would you be able to give me one of your baked potatoes I’m really hungry would love to man love to but here’s the thing they’re all mine and I want them all so

That’s going to be a no the brigin attacked me even though I was unarmed and I needed to fight back luckily my unarmed attacks actually did a lot of damage and soon I defeated all three of them that must be my ninja martial arts training kicking in There’s Hope for me

Yet on day two after eating some of those baked potatoes and storing the rest I left the alien fields for the ebony Woods looking for the right place to build a base the ebony Woods are dark and mysterious perfect for secretive Warden ninja I used my martial arts

Powers to start punching down a tree and gathered up the resources to make myself a crafting bench and and used it to create a wooden pickaxe then I mined into the ground for some Stone to make my first set of stone tools and a basic Stone Katana of my own now we’re cooking

With gas I used my new tools to clear a tree and start building a new secretive ninja base I did some mining underground because I wanted the base to be a secret so most of it would need to be under the surface it’s a good start I’ll do more

Later but first I need to figure out what’s going on around here and why Shogun skull is putting a hit on Warden ninja heads I went exploring around the ebony Forest looking for Clues until I found another gang of dread ghouls that Shogun skull had sent after me big

Mistake guys this time I’m armed I pulled out my stone Katana and made short work of the dread ghoul gang leaving only one remaining tell me everything I need to know about Shogun skull you fool even me talking about him seals my Doom you should know you are a

Key part of his Boom the last dread gou exploded it must have been Shogun skulls doing he really was powerful but what was he trying to say I’m a key part of what better keep watching if you want to find out with me on day three I continued searching around the ebony

Forest I needed some kind of lead some kind of vital clue before I could progress any further that’s when I happened upon a small Hut in the middle of the woods where a strange man was just sitting around hi I’m Zozo who are you I’m a nomad oh yeah what does that

Mean it means I used to wander around a lot lot but since I got old and settled down I don’t do much traveling these days what brings you to the eony woods Zozo he gave me some mushroom stew and I sat down to talk to him well I’m a

Warden ninja and I used to live in a big Warden ninja hideout with others like me but then Shogun skull attacked and now I think I might be the only one left that doesn’t surprise me you know things were once more peaceful across the land there were dangerous creatures around and

Sometimes a fight would happen sure but overall we lived in harmony until one day all of the leaders across the land suddenly disappeared and the Shogun skull rose up taking on everything and everyone he the uncontested ruler now but we can’t just let that happen what

Should we do Nomad it won’t be easy but your quest is simple Zozo you’re going to destroy shogun’s skull from day four to day five I still had more questions about how the world got this way I just didn’t understand how one person could take over the whole

World well Zozo you must understand that the Shogun didn’t just win by sheer brute strength in his shogun’s Palace to the east he made some valuable alliances with different groups first he made an alliance with the dread ghoul Army promising all the land and food they

Could want if they helped him rise to power then he made a deal with the Bandit Warlord the leader of the brigin they could Loot and pillage as they pleased as long as they helped him crush his enemies dread Ghouls and brigin started attacking any Village or settlement they could find crushing the

Opposition to Shogun skull’s rule but the leaders nobody really knows how Shogun skull got rid of him he hired some other mysterious group to do his dirty work for him but who they are has always remained as Secret in other words the defeat Shogun skore there are a lot

Of other enemies you’ll need to fight your way through first from day six to day 8 I thanked The Nomad for all the information he gave me and decided to set off and return to my base it was getting dark and I knew that all the

Mobs would be coming out soon but on the way back to my base I saw an innocent pink pixie cornered by a vicious feral Squall Golem I needed to intervene it’s ninja time pulling out my stone katana I ran in and fought the Squall Golem he was much bigger and tougher than your

Average dread ghoul but in the end my stone blade and ninja training won out the Squall Golem Was Defeated and the pink pixie was grateful for me for saving her life that was so heroic thank you I majorly owe you for this one it’s no biggie I’m Zozo the warden ninja who

Are you I’m Polly the pink pixie and is there any way I can help you with your quest how about you come stay at my base for a while and we figure something out together that sounds like a good idea so Paulie and I returned to my base I continued

Mining underground and created a cool room for her to stay in I’m pretty pleased with this good now I’m on a quest to defeat Shogun school do you have any idea what might be a good place to start well Shogun skull is one of the greatest warriors in the world you’re

Going to need to train really hard if you want to get good enough to fight him directly maybe you should seek out some kind of Ninja Master to train you an amazing idea pully and so I had my next step seeking out a Ninja Master to train

Me and if you want to find out what happens next keep watching Until the End some big surprises are coming from day 9 to day 10 I went to an underground Cavern with my stone pickaxe to mine some iron for my next set of weapons armor and tools I managed to gather up

Some iron ore when a huge Hydra suddenly appeared in the cavern with me there was no way I’d be able to fight such a powerful monster directly so I activated my stealth and sneaked away to the exit Sometimes the best way to fight is to

Not fight at all from day 11 to day 12 I took the iron back to my base I created a furnace and smelted it into iron ingots which I then used to make iron armor some iron tools and an iron Katana and with all my fancy new gear and

Weapons me and Polly the pink pixie decided to Journey out to a nearby Bayou to look for more clues after some exploring we stopped for a minute to talk so Paulie what do you know about Shogun I’m trying to collect all the information I can I think it might help

Me in my quest well in addition to his dread gou and Brant armies I know he has an elite group three Warriors spread out across the land who help enforce his will three Elite Warriors sounds like I better take care of them before I take on Shogun skull himself who are these

Three Warriors there’s the gold creeper a walking weapon of mass destruction that people always fear is going to blow up then there’s the fire Elemental a power powerful being with Mastery over flame and finally there’s the Crimson wizard a crafty and intelligent sorcerer who has mastered the Mystic wow sounds

Like I’ve got my work cut out for me then before I could ask any more questions a bunch of monster mushrooms attacked us even with my iron Katana it wasn’t easy to take them down these mushrooms meant business but when I did take them down I transformed into a

Bigger stronger Warden ninja with 20 Hearts W this is awesome awesome better stick around to see what i’ transform into next that’s rad Zozo but hey maybe next time we should go somewhere a little dryer this by you is just gross from day 13 to day 15 paully and I

Returned to my base I decided to Spruce it up a little adding some plants and other decorative improvements and actually decided to make myself a proper room just because it’s a secret underground base doesn’t mean it has to be drab and dreary that’s when I remembered what paully had said to me

Maybe next time we should go somewhere a little Dyer this byou is just gross and it hit me what could be drier than the Mojave Desert maybe I’d have some luck finding someone there after taking some time to rest I went out to the Mojave

Desert it was just as dry and hot as I expected but there didn’t seem to be much going on that’s when I was attacked by the desert Lord the ruler of the desert because he was on his own home turf he was even faster and stronger

Than a ninja and it was too late for me to use ultimate stealth I broke away from the fight and stood back but the desert Lord still seemed ready to battle you are a trespasser on this land this is my desert and I’ll never let you or the Diabolical Shogun skull you serve

Claim it wait there’s been a misunderstanding I don’t work for Shogun skull I want to defeat him oh I’m sorry I just assumed you was working for the dread Shogun but why didn’t all the Wen ninjas used to work for him my mind was blown it all made sense now the

Mysterious third group who worked with the Shogun skull it must have been the warden ninjas but why was he trying to destroy them now desert Lord you’ve given me a lot to think over would you like to come back to my base and we can work together to defeat Shogun skull

Well I hate to leave my desert my true home for now it seems working together is the most sensible Choice let’s go Warden ninja the name Zozo follow me from day 16 to day 19 I returned to my base with the desert Lord I mined a new

Underground room form sleep with a bed and even a few sand blocks just to help him feel at home it’s not exactly the desert but thank you Zozo this will do seeing as how exploring had helped me discover plenty of interesting new things so far I decided to continue

Visiting new locations so I left my base once more I went out to the Prairie next to see what I could find that’s where I ran into a camel hey Mr Camel I’m Zozo is there anything I can help you with the name’s Joe and as a matter of fact

There is for the longest time I’ve wanted to build a nice beach house on the Rainbow Beach but it’s Infested by wraiths now if you could help me clean out those wraiths so I can build my beach house I’ll give you a weapon I’ve been holding on to for a while something

You might find useful that sounds like a good deal to me Joe from day 20 to day 22 I journeyed out to the Rainbow Beach to complete my mission for Joe the camel it was a really beautiful place I can see why he wanted a beach house out here when I ran

Into the group of wraiths he told me about I drew my Katana and charged in slicing and dicing in a way that would make any Warden ninja proud soon they were all defeated I’m getting the hang of this whole Ninja thing then I saw something quickly moving towards me and

Noticed it was the gold creeper one of the elite Shogun skull Warriors that Polly had told me about Oh no I got to bounce I didn’t have any longrange weapons so all I could do was run for my life as the gold creeper chased me if it

Exploded while I was too close I was doomed but it kept chasing getting closer and closer and closer it started to get too close for comfort so I jumped forward into some nearby water hoping it would at least provide some protection Boom the gold creeper exploded it was

The biggest explosion I’d ever seen taking a huge chunk out of the beach around me but I’d survived I completed Joe the camel’s Quest and i’ defeated one of Shogun skull’s three Elite Warriors I’d call this a successful day from day 23 to Day 26 I returned to the

Prairie and met with Joe the camel again he was pleased to find out I’d gotten rid of the wraiths and less pleased to find out the golden creeper had blown a big hole into the Rainbow Beach still a Deal’s a deal kid and you held up your

End you can take this set of throwing axes I have since you’re a ninja you’ll probably benefit from some Throne weapons perfect for those stealthy kinds of attacks wow these will be so useful thanks Joe don’t mention it if you need me I’ll be off constructing my beach

House with that Quest taken care of I decided to continue exploring the world I reached the scenic Red Oak Forest where I ran into a gang of Mossy skeletons working for Shogun skull you’re in some real trouble now no bones about it that was an awful pun eat ax I

Tried out one of my new throwing axes on the first of the mossy skeletons defeating him instantly then I pulled out my iron katana to deal with the rest it didn’t take long for me to defeat them all except one who I needed some information from tell me what Shogun

Skull is planning H you’re deluding yourself if you think you can beat him he just sent out the armored Vindicator if that thing gets you you’re doomed doomed with a strike of my Katana I finished him off that gave me enough XP to level up getting bigger jumping up to

30 hearts and getting access to my Warden Sonic Boom ability this will be useful for helping me take on that armored Vindicator guy if I ever even see him from day 27 to day 31 I started making my way back to my base through the ebony Forest I was feeling pretty

Good about all my recent victories and the new abilities and weapons I’d gained I’m actually feeling pretty Unstoppable right now and that’s exactly when the armored Vindicator hopped out and attacked me he was just as big and scary as the mossy skeleton had implied and he

Was wielding a menacing axe you is that end Warden ninja if you give up now I can promise it’ll be relatively painless I’ll never give up I’m willing to fight you to The Bitter End good I was hoping you’d say that the armored Vindicator attacked once more every hit he gave me

Was shockingly damaging even with all my upgrades I couldn’t beat him at my current strength instead I turned and ran back towards my base narrowly managing to outrun and lose the armored Vindicator that would be a battle for another day when I reached my base the desert Lord and Polly the pink pixie

Seemed impressed with my new size looks like that training is really paying off Zozo you’re looking swore it’s true just so much bigger and stronger than you used to be and since you’re here I’ve also got something that I think you’d like my research suggests that if you go

To the Rose fields and seek out the sergeant he may be able to give you some information that’ll help you with your quest wow that’s amazing news just be careful out there I’ve heard that the sergeant isn’t exactly the friendliest guy out there with that in mind I left

My base and headed in the direction of the Rose fields from day 32 to day 35 following the desert Lord’s instructions I went out to the Rose Fields there I saw the sergeant sitting down and meditating among the Roses I didn’t expect it’d be so easy to find him I

Approached the sergeant and called out to him excuse me Mr Sergeant I’ve been told you have some interesting information could we talk about it but the sergeant didn’t seem like he wanted to talk instead he got up ran towards me and started fighting me with his fist I didn’t even have time to

Reason with him all I could do was fight back against his onslaught of punches after I survived for long enough the sergeant relaxed he’d had his fun nice skills kid sorry what can I say I like a good fat what information did you want I’ve been told you know a lot about

Shogun skull I’m trying to defeat him huh Shogun skull I fought against his army back in the day I was involved in a lot of those battles what is it you want to know about him I want to know what the warden ninjas had to do with his

Rise to power and I want to know why he wants us all destroyed now that much is simple as part of Shogun skull’s takeover plans he needed to destroy the leaders and Guardians of the Free People to demoralize them and break their spirits well his armies fought their

Armies he needed an elite group of Assassins to take out the high value targets that’s where the warden ninjas came in they are excellent assassins and with their stealth skills they could sneak in and get the job done and they did their job very very well but once

Their job was done and Shogun skull was in power he knew that if the warden ninjas could help him into power they might also be able to topple his throne so he sent out his armies of dread Ghouls and brigands to destroy every Warden ninja you kid are probably the

Last one left from Day 36 to day 39 I returned to my base knowing that I was public Enemy Number One for Shogun skull made me realize I could really do with some better armor so I asked paully for ideas I think the Shogun has a base in

The tropical rainforest where you might be able to find some diamonds Diamond Armor and a diamond Katana would be a huge help for you excellent idea Polly I’ll go there now I didn’t waste any time getting to the tropical rainforest and beginning my search for the enemy

Base on the way there I ran into an air Elemental that lives in the forest excuse me kind sir I have a quest I need help with some nasty dead worms have invaded my beautiful rainforest if you see them do me a kindness and perform a little Pest Control would you of course

I’ll definitely get rid of those dead worms if I see them I kept searching until I struck gold well not actual gold I found the enemy base guarded by a pair of dread Ghouls and it was time to fight my way inside from day 40 to day 43 the fight

Began first with the dread ghouls that was was an extremely quick battle I pulled out my throwing axes and threw one at each of them defeating them instantly then I ran into the base ready for the real fight to begin and it would definitely be a real fight because the

Armored Vindicator was in there waiting for me finally I can finish what I started and Destroy You Zozo at least this time you won’t run away like a sad little coward like you did before no this time I really am going to fight you with all I’ve got the armored Vindicator

Charged at me I unleashed the sonic boom stunning him while he was stunned I finished him off with my powerful ninja swing I told you I’d beat you armored Vindicator I’m a warden ninja of my word with him gone I searched around the room until I found a chest just like Polly

The pink pixie had told me there were diamonds inside looks like my armor and weapons are about to level up from day 44 to day 49 I crafted my diamonds into a powerful diamond Katana and even had some diamonds left over to make a full

Set of diamond armor I’d hate to have to go against me using this bad boy after that I left the base with my new diamond Katana in hand looking forward to finding something to use it on and as luck would have it I happened upon a

Small gang of vicious dead worms hey the air Elemental told me to get rid of these time to kill two worms with one sword okay a few more than two with my diamond Katana I defeated all the dead worms with ease and destroyed the infestation not even the Shogun himself

Could deny I was stronger than ever now from day 50 to day 53 as I traveled further through the tropical rainforest I Came Upon a cave that I sensed an unusual amount of power coming out of this must have something to do with shogun’s skull I should go investigate

Just in case but when I was about to enter the cave a magical genie came floating out of it halt traveler you you are approaching the Cave of the fire Elemental if you wish to enter then you need to answer my riddle I remembered that the fire Elemental was the second

Of the elite Warriors working for Shogun skull I needed to answer the riddle get in there and defeat him okay what’s your riddle I belong to you but your friends use me more often what am I it was a challenging one what do you think do you

Know the answer to the riddle if you do let me know down in the comments to help me out H can you repeat the riddle I belong to you but your friends use me more often what am I that’s tough H wait I’ve got it you’re my name it belongs to

Me but my friends use it more often when they talk to me correct you may pass through I entered the cave and saw the fire Elemental waiting for me he sent a few fire blasts my way which I was luckily able to dodge I fired a Sonic

Boom at the fire Elemental then ran in with my diamond Katana with a few quick decisive swipes the fire Elemental was destroyed two of Shogun skull’s three warriors were destroyed and I was ready to level up I got bigger stronger and my hearts grew to 40 I had also developed

Ninja speed making me faster than ever before I’m on the path to becoming a true ninja I bet the Shogun is quivering in his boots from day 54 to day 57 I was using my new ninja speed to zip through the forest my Powers were growing but I

Needed some kind of way to hone my skills why can’t I find the Ninja Master Mentor I’ve searched everywhere and I still can’t find him unless I’ve already found him and didn’t even know that’s when it hit me it was right under my nose from the very beginning The Nomad

In his little Hut in the ebony Forest The Nomad who’d known a suspicious amount about what was going on in the world I need to go back to the Nomad right now so I sped right back to the small Hut in the forest only to see The

Nomad outside again waiting for me I wondered when you’d be Back Zoo glad you finally figured it all out so are you ready to begin your training from day 58 to day 62 The Nomad Master began his training he said there would be three lessons the first would be cutting down

Trees to practice my sword swings and to help me Focus if you can slice through a tree then no enemies should pose a chest challenge to you next he made me practice sword fighting with him he was a tough opponent but I could feel myself getting better as the sparring went on

And for the third lesson he released a giant mummy Scorpion and got it to chase me around until I finally built up the courage to defeat it with my diamond Katana afterwards I returned to the Nomad Master’s Hut you have done well Zozo and proven you are worthy I’ll

Teach you my special technique ultimate slash much stronger than a regular Slash use it wisely thank you master I will use it with honor from day 63 to day 66 I returned to my base only to see it under attack by a gang of dread ghouls straight from the shogun’s palace hey

Get away from my base I pulled out my diamond Katana and ran in taking them out with my ninja speed and ultimate slashes it didn’t take long for me to defeat them all and that’s when the desert Lord ran up to me Z Oo we need your help some of those dread ghouls

Kidnapped Paulie the pink pixie we need to get her back oh no where did they take her out into the ebony Forest you need to get after them quickly don’t worry desert Lord I’m on it from day 67 to Day 70 I used my ninja speed to run

Back through the ebony Forest looking for the dread ghouls that kidnapped paully it didn’t take long for me to find them don’t worry Polly I’m coming to save you thanks to all my training these dread ghouls weren’t a challenge for me I slashed through them with my

Diamond Katana until only me and Polly remained that was amazing Zozo thank you you saved my life from all those dread cools I’m so sorry for ever letting you get kidnapped in the first place Polly let’s go back to the base we returned to the base and I decided that after all

This I needed to put in an extra line of defense building a defensive wall around the base’s entrance better safe than sorry I can’t risk another attack while I’m away like that again from day 71 to day 74 I wasn’t sure where to go next I

Knew that I needed to defeat the Crimson wizard before I could take on Shogun skull himself but I wasn’t sure where to find him so instead I decided to go back to one of the deadliest enemies I’d Left Behind before with my new skills and my diamond Katana I returned to the

Underground Cavern where I’d faced the Hydra before as soon as I entered the cave I blasted him with a powerful Sonic Boom momentarily stunning him and ran in with my ninja speed hitting him with ultimate slash again and again faster than he could even regenerate from it

Thankfully for both of us the Hydra tapped out and agreed to tell me anything I wanted to know you looking for the Crimson wizard right no worries I know exactly where he is you just need to go to the Weeping witch Forest he’s guarded by some brigin just go after him

And leave me alone please I left the Hydra to his own devices and ran off I had a crimson wizard to defeat from day 75 to day 78 I followed the advice given to me by the Hydra and traveled all the way to the Weeping witch Forest a place like this is a

Perfect Hideout for an evil wizard why didn’t I think of this sooner I continued to go further in until I fell down a hill and found myself surrounded by brigin just like the Hydra told me you wandered right into our trap Zozo there’s no way you’re ever going to

Escape us here I don’t want to escape brigand you and your bosses are the ones I’ve I’m here for with my ninja speed and my diamond Katana I zipped from Brin to Brin taking out each one with a single strike once they were down all

That was left to do was hunt down the Crimson wizard but the last thing I expected was for him to come to me instead the Crimson wizard appeared right in front of me and fired an energy blast that took out a number of my hearts it was clear that he was the

Strongest of the Shogun skulls three Elite Warriors this is hardly even a challenge why don’t you show me your good time Zoo have you come this far just to perish how’s this for a good time while the Crimson wizard was distracted by his own gloating I ran in

And struck him with my Katana hitting him so hard and fast he was immediately destroyed probably should have fully defeated me before you started bragging Crimson Wizard and this means that I’ve defeated all three of the elite Warriors and that clearly me something because I leveled up into my strongest form yet

With 60 Hearts it’s time to finally defeat Shogun skull from day 79 to day 84 I returned to my base to give paully the pink pixie and the desert Lord the good news they looked amazed at my size and abilities this is incredible Zozo it’s amazing to

See how far you’ve come Zozo what so proud of you thanks guys I think I’m ready to defeat Shogun skull do you have any ideas where I can find the shogun’s palace I can help you there Zozo I went there once it’s deep in the zova forest

And I can lead you there thank you desert Lord let’s go from day 85 to day 89 the desert Lord and I traveled to the Far East into the zelkova forest we stopped for a moment for one last discussion desert Lord it’ll be too dangerous from here I’ll go alone are

You sure Zozo I don’t want you to get hurt it’s okay I’ve been training for almost 100 days I believe I can do this okay Zozo I wish you luck and with that the desert Lord and I went our separate ways from day 90 to day 944 I traveled

Deeper into the zelkova forest searching for the shogun’s palace it’s got to be around here somewhere where could Shogun skull be hiding right behind you I turned around just in time to see Shogun skull standing right behind me before I could fight back he hit me and

Everything went black when I woke up again I was in the bad lands miles away from where I was supposed to be with Osiris standing right in front of me you’re not who I wanted to fight but I guess you’ll have to do I still had my diamond Katana thankfully and used

Ultimate slash on Osiris he wasn’t that hard to defeat but knowing how far I was behind all my plans to defeat Shogun skull now I felt terrible all I could do was make my way back to my base and figure out a new plan

This is going to be a long week from day 95 to day 97 I continued making my way back through the Badlands frustrated that Shogun skull and his minions had put me so far behind schedule and speak of the devil a gang of dread ghouls emerged from behind some rocks it’s over

Zoo we’re going to be the ones to take you down better mobs have tried and failed I don’t fancy your chances I didn’t have much time to waste on these guys so I hit them with a sonic boom then finished the rest of them off with a diamond Katana Shogun skull your end

Is near on day 98 I returned to my base exhausted from all the setbacks that had slowed me down and gotten in my way I returned to find pully the pink pixie and the desert Lord waiting outside and looking equally sad for me I’m so sorry that all of this happened Zozo he”s

Been facing the impossible perhaps we put too much pressure on you maybe the desert Lord Is Right Zozo it took a whole organization of Warden ninjas to deliver Shogun skull into Power maybe it was just wishful thinking to believe that one Warden ninja would be enough to

Overthrow him guys we can’t afford to think like that we need hope if we were ever going to win this thing Shogun skull is throwing everything at us and that’s because he’s scared because he knows deep down that I can defeat him so let’s keep pushing and prove that evil

Jerk right that seemed to pep them both back up and if you want to support our adventures and see more be sure to to hit like And subscribe and ring the bell so you never miss another Zozo video Zozo if you believe it’s truly time for

The final battle I’ll lead you to the shogun’s Palace again let’s bring his reign of terror to an end once and for all that’s what I’m talking about Lead the Way Desert Lord I’m ready to do this on day 99 following the desert Lord through the zova forest I reached the

Shogun’s palace where we bid farewell of course shogun’s skull was never going to let me just Walt in the gates opened and first he sent out a band of brigin to attack me we’ve been promised a real good payday if we can destroy you Zozo that’s money you’ll never get to spend I

Ran in with my diamond Katana supported by my now iron willpower I’d never let these brins defeat me I kept fighting until not a single one of them was left and only I was standing who’s next Shogun skull I can take anyone you throw at me but the next group of mobs didn’t

Come from the palace they snuck up behind me it was a gang of Silent assassins they were much tougher than the brigin but with my expert Diamond Katana skills I was able to still defeat them all by this point I was getting tired but I still had the will to fight

Is that all you got Shogun the gates opened again and out stepped a huge Warrior it was the Bandit Warlord the leader of the brigin who’ helped the Shogun rise to power all those years ago y oh me zoo you’ve destroyed so many of my brigin do you have any idea how much

Effort it will take to replace them all for that I’ve decided I’m going to destroy you myself not if I have anything to say about it I Unleashed my Sonic Boom blasting the Bandit warlord right in the chest but he tanked it he was completely unharmed H pathetic that

Barely tickled do you really think such a feeble attempt would really defeat me the Mighty Bandit Chief second only to the Shogun himself this is going to be fun worried that this could be the end I pulled out one of my axes and threw it directly at the Bandit warlord to my

Surprise it destroyed him instantly oh I guess he was just bragging huh with his guard Force taken care of all that was left was to enter the palace and battle the Shogun himself on day 100 I entered the shogun’s palace and found the man himself Shogun skull waiting for me well

Done Zoo you’ve proven yourself and fought with honor for that I will give you the privilege of A Warrior’s death you deserve little else all that Bluster can’t disguise how scared you are Shogun skull I know the truth you never would have gone to where you are without

People like me and what what the warden ninja gives the warden Ninja can take away that’s the true Way of the Ninja how arrogant Zozo do you really believe you can take away this Shogun skull began to transform into an even larger more dangerous version of himself the

Strongest I’d ever seen him no more talking Zozo it ends now well at least we can agree on that the battle began the two of us clashed katanas we seemed equally matched in skill but because of his dark magic sh gun skull was bigger and stronger for a moment I was worried

It was over for me when suddenly my warrior Spirit kicked back in and I found the will to fight again and I also miraculously regained all of my health I fought harder than I ever had before hitting Shogun skull again and again and again until he was almost defeated I’d

Never seen him look so weak and helpless I charged up all of my strength and with a single blast of my Sonic Boom Shogun skull was destroyed and peace restored to the land once more I love a happy ending

This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a HUNGRY DRAGON in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Hungry Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2023-11-28 02:15:01. It has garnered 26934 views and 426 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:56 or 13256 seconds.

In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a Hungry Dragon in Hardcore Minecraft! My tummy is rumbling and I’ve gotta get a snack! But the bully dragon Chad is intent on making fun of me and ruining my day! I’ll have to show him it’s what’s on the inside that counts, and stop his bullying for good!

0:00:00 100 DAYS as a HUNGRY DRAGON https://youtu.be/0Ca43R5ExCo 0:32:41 100 DAYS as a HUNGRY CREEPER https://youtu.be/JlPV7CGWM0E 1:11:23 100 DAYS as a BABY https://youtu.be/kfAXowMhZ5g 1:48:20 100 DAYS as HEROBRINE https://youtu.be/HZmS3CSgsB4 2:26:53 100 DAYS as a JURASSIC PARK DINOSAUR https://youtu.be/qu02oTuCmnA 3:04:50 100 DAYS as a WARDEN NINJA https://youtu.be/50zCmpepIYQ

#minecraft #100days #hungrydragon Join my discord server and help me make amazing Minecraft videos: https://discord.gg/ck9XfPpZs4

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  • EPIC Adventure: SPIDER PIT in Isle of Oblivion Minecraft Map!

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  • Enchanted Tree House in the Twilight Forest ✨🌲 A Fairycore Minecraft Adventure! Ep 23 💖

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  • EPIC Minecraft Golem Fail! 😂 #gamerzfleet #survival

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  • Odyssey SMP | smp | realms

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme: Someone had to do it

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  • Sleeping in Minecraft, Version 1.5 to 1.6: Dreaming of Change

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  • Minecraft meme: Jack Bhaiya’s tough choice! 🔥😂 #minecraft #memes

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  • Minecraft Mod Madness with Dziru! #4

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  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown

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  • Explore a Mind-Bending Minecraft World on 3DS!

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  • Terrifying Minecraft Horror Shorts: Rate 1-10

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  • Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay – Part 21 – RTX ON!

    Insane Minecraft Server Gameplay - Part 21 - RTX ON!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Servers – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 21 – RTX ON’, was uploaded by FaHaDDxHR on 2024-05-26 12:58:45. It has garnered 1272 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:20 or 620 seconds. Keybaord – Redragon K552 Mouse – Glorious model o – Like and sub – PayPal Support me : https://paypal.me/fahaddxhr7?country…. – Server CubeCraft Download on Google Play – https://play.google.com/store/apps/de… Download on App Store – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/minec… ( What is Minecraft? ) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Dimensional Travel in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Traveling Into A NEW DIMENSION In Modded Minecraft! (SILLY SOULS MODDED SMP #16)’, was uploaded by enduurrrVODS on 2024-04-13 10:44:13. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:11 or 7271 seconds. In this video the adventures on the Silly Souls Modded SMP continues with the defeat of some Minecraft Bosses and the exploration of numeral new dimensions- one of these being the Otherside, a horrifying trip into the world of sculk. The Entity SMP Finale: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7b6ciq_I7g ►CHECK OUT MY YOUTUBE MAIN CHANNEL! https://www.youtube.com/@enduurrr3433 ►CHECK OUT MY TWITCH! https://www.twitch.tv/enduurrr… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVAL

    Insane Minecraft PE Update: Alex Workout in NEW Faction Server | SURVIVALVideo Information This video, titled ‘NUEVO SERVER FACTIONS para MINECRAFT PE 1.20.51 | SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Alex Workout on 2024-01-17 22:00:08. It has garnered 448 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:17 or 437 seconds. 「✨When to the description! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqqMu_5oE5Adusq4q9anUHw/join ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 📜『SERVER』📜 ➡️ MystiCraft IP: PUERTO: 25591 👾 DISCORD: https://discord.com/invite/3py85sYkmw ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 👑『Social Networks』👑 👥-Facebook ➜ https://bit.ly/2zNbqCP 🐦-Twitter ➜ https://bit.ly/2z9jzl7 👾 Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/pB2qPwWDTj 😍-Gamertag (MCPE) ➜ Alex Workout574 ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ 💎DO YOU WANT ANY REVIEW/WORK?💎 Channel Promotion, Banner , Miniatures, Logo , Custom Designs, Overlay, Animated Overlay, AND MUCH MORE… ASK FOR PRICES and place… Read More

  • CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!

    CRUSHING Minecraft Hardcore Faster Than IShowSpeed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Hardcore In Less Time Than IShowSpeed’, was uploaded by MythicalTimmyLive on 2024-08-22 23:27:00. It has garnered 483 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 03:34:19 or 12859 seconds. https://twitter.com/mythical_timmy https://streamelements.com/mythicaltimlive/tip (Donate Here) https://www.instagram.com/realmythicaltimmy/ #kaicenat #mythicaltimmy #ishowspeed Read More

  • 🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥

    🔥 PAROTTER JAPANESE CHALLENGE! Can you keep up? 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘どれだけスピードアップできる?【パロッター日本語アニメ】Study Japanese in Minecraft! @SakuraMiko’, was uploaded by パロッター日本語 | Study Japanese & English on 2024-09-06 08:00:19. It has garnered 15898 views and 743 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. My music stream → https://linkco.re/3zFvc7uC My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. let’s check it↓😊 My anime uses the voices of many Hololive and NIJISANJI talents. Please check it out! https://www.youtube.com/@hololive https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji Let’s Study Japanese in Minecraft! main ch↓ https://www.youtube.com/@parotter #shorts #minecraft #anime #education #language #Minecraft #Game #Education #English #Japanese #hololive #hololiveen #hololivejp Read More

  • “Shocking: I destroyed my friend’s Indian SMP in Minecraft” #gaming

    "Shocking: I destroyed my friend's Indian SMP in Minecraft" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Why i destroyed my friends Indian SMP? #minecraft #gaming #gamerfleet #smp’, was uploaded by garvwasthere on 2024-09-26 07:45:05. It has garnered 910 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:24 or 2064 seconds. This video is not scripted at all I made the owner / operator user to do it with greed and he did it and we destroyed whole smp nothing was scripted neither my friend did knew. Want more spoiler? Nah just watch the video. minecraft,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft mods,minecraft seed,minecraft funny,minecraft animation,minecraft challenge,minecraft but challenge,minecraft how to,minecraft facts,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Adventures on Isles SMP – Stinging, Temples, House Cat

    Insane Adventures on Isles SMP - Stinging, Temples, House CatVideo Information This video, titled ‘Isles SMP: Stinging, Temples, and… House Cat? (Contiued)’, was uploaded by Balancer Productions on 2024-08-30 00:40:30. It has garnered 330 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:16 or 9556 seconds. She is a house cat, ya gotta believe me! #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #minecraftgaming #dragon #httyd #smp Read More

  • KapiCraft – Smp

    Join Our Private Minecraft Server! We are a small and cozy server with mods, looking for active players to join us. Requirements: You must be over 18 years old You must be an active player You must enjoy building What We Offer: A free world without plugins A server with 70 building mods out of 100 A great community atmosphere Responsive server host Thank you for your interest! Join us on Discord. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Hype!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Hype!Looks like this meme is leveling up faster than my mining skills in Minecraft! Read More

  • Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3

    Pirate Plunder: Minecraft Kings Episode 3 In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Rush of Kings brings a new game to our lives. ScrumpeyB0ttle and WaterB0ttle, ready to play, In this Minecraft world, where they’ll have their say. Pirates on the high seas, a thrilling sight, As they battle it out, with all their might. Each turn, a new challenge, a twist in the tale, As they navigate the game, without fail. With music to set the mood, and keep us engaged, The players make their moves, on the stage. In Rush of Kings, the competition is fierce, But in the end, there can… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes!

    Minecraft Villager Dropping Hot Memes! “Why did the Minecraft Villager go to therapy? Because he had too many ‘villager problems’!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #gaming Read More