25 Sky Bees W/ CCI – EPIC Minecraft Modpack FINALE!

Video Information

Do Do Um Do Welcome to the mischief i’m valen i’m kaishka and we’re here today on the last episode of upside down sky bees oh my gosh okay um and it hit me went through the fence and underneath true traditional sky b style thank you very much i think this goose just got hit because

It’s running around like with his head down oh there was a bee just spawning yeah i know i know i just didn’t know they did that so hello newbie hello rowan siren moons nightcast quack tyrell and those people that are just now joining us we we started late but we’ve uh you know

We didn’t want to wait any longer to start the stream so we’re we’re starting it up now so um we’ve got some shaders going on installed you may see a few glitchiness here or there specifically on the rf or on the refined storage system but otherwise it definitely helps set

The spoopy mood since it is now spooked over um yeah but yeah uh also uh kashka more or less finished her her build up here uh i did a little bit of help with it but um and i think she’s still like adding touches as we go i need to mostly i need

To sort the bees now plus we added a new boss arena for any special events that may happen this evening what why would anything special happen bella i don’t know koshka maybe because we planned it that way oh i see is that a regular bee oh that’s an evil bee

I have it yeah that’s got it it was attacking this goose over here it dead yeah see for some reason the refined storage textures just kind of glitch out a bit but other than that everything’s really grittily pretty oh god um use this teleport newbie so close oh my gosh

I did forget i know he’s totally cheating cheating That’s not what i wanted i want it got it i need this back up and then there we go okay sorry i was bringing chat up onto the screen so we added a few mods as well um spoopy mods with uh certain spoopy summons um that could happen like

We do also have vampire bats randomly spawning now by the way so cute i love how their teeth are almost as big as their head where’d it go there’s also a bunch of moths just flying around oh there it is i see it it’s it’s pretty big hey i have a question yeah

Yeah why what’s that koshka oh i think there’s an evil bee over there you can see we finished enclosing the stem of the uh of the flower yep where’s a good spot to go let’s go to enchanted and i then i ran around and added leaves and

Um made these like i was trying to connect um like these platforms this one and the botani one so they kind of look like they’re they’re somewhat related to the this one and the potatoes what’s this one the tech mask one oh okay so they kind of somehow are

Connected to the main part of the build i don’t know we also have dangle llamas giant and small dangle llamas now it will be are you bloody cheat darn skippy i gotta do something to stay alive well i i added rockets to the uh these things here oh geez what was that

That’s that’s a sky front that was one of those sky fragments it falls every freaking time how do the behemoths look we can have a look they look good though they look um like their their usual queen themselves yes oh we got uh oh pug cam but no pug kashka you need

To call zoey in so here they are sorry ladies zoe zoe your public demands your presence she’s actually in the other room i shouldn’t have turned that on yet but i thought that she was going to follow me in hold on a second here which by the way the um the puddle

Apothecary was filled with eggs as well yeah here i’m gonna go get zoe for the cam just wait it just got it’s just gonna know we can when she comes in we can turn it icarus fox is as soon as as soon as zoe comes in the room which she usually does

Part way through uh i will turn on the pug cam but as you can see here there is no zoe pug which actually i could line it up a little bit a little bit better there we go that’s a little bit better so when when she comes in beyond actually you know

I could leave it on now for you and then when she gets in here you can see her arrive there you go uh thank you icarus fox for that cannot force royalty i know she she’ll arrive precisely when she meets exactly all right so here’s my question we can

See her arrival that’s right what’s your question this was our starting area we’ve got this giant centrifuge yes which has been centrifuging a lot of stuff so um how do we get things into it is this the in right here this dimensional chest um hold on a second here uh lower eyes

Or is it the upper oh there you are oh no you’re at the upper half oh yeah okay the group refused yes hi it’s so weird seeing my head on you hello red dead monkey also a hello icarus fox by the way howdy um so um trying to think right now oh jeez

Too many levels there’s too many levels i’m at the upper okay there we go i gotta have nothing in my hand here all right um that’s the power this is you’re asking i’m asking um how we like because basically what i want to do is set up the rest of the

The the doodads like we’ve got some empty oh oh no i’ve got what and i dropped my sword and um mine too my sword went somewhere i think you might have it i’ve got something on my head okay that’s that’s not out i’m taking drowning damage no get off my head

How many of these do i have on my head okay i was really close oh my gosh okay right okay um having a giant squid on my head was was not not pleasant can i have my sword please i gave you a sword oh no never mind there you go try no

Can i have my sword please did you get it frostweaver sword i have it thank you oh i’ve got your oh no no never mind that’s mine uh no please give me my shrink device you could drop this instead that’s not the shrink device oh jeez oh no [ __ ]

We just got a rage bamboo 357 hi um welcome to welcome raiders um you just summoned us to the raid arena this guy seems a little abort he does seem a little bored what’s the matter popper what’s the matter babbo is he i’m welcome writers usually they’re very violent oh crap

I think he’s stuck yes stuck buddy he’s still violent why are you stuck oh ow ow you okay yeah oh i got some kind of eyeball so welcome raiders babo what were you playing uh welcome on in you you summoned us to the new uh boss arena that we made

Um which depending upon how things go may end up may end up being used more often um we did not anticipate a rate but yeah oh thank you i guess a little great but yeah if you’re just rating and running that’s cool too glad to have you along welcome

Raiders we’re currently finishing off our playthrough of uh sky beach it’s like the death highway isn’t it well you’re supposed to teleport along it okay there we go yeah so certain doom right there but we we’ve we’ve got our uh sky bees set here and uh yeah wait

Koshka has been vining it up quite a bit gosh all these random clip yeah do you guys want to see that random clip time yeah okay babo if you’re there are you okay with us running a clip of your um of your channel i know you haven’t said anything as of

Yet but i still like to give them the opportunity i’m being i’m being pushed no no stop with the push no pushy no pushy if i i can move out of the way of that too tentacle i haven’t eaten that what does it taste like wait you got a cooked tentacle no

Can i have my shrink device please um hi goose oh that’s awesome i’m i’m guessing that babo either had technical difficulties or had to raid and run so we’ll we’ll leave it for now uh i usually like to have them at least acknowledge and chat something

If we’re going to do that but in this case we did not so we can do the the clip roulette in the future but if you’re for those that are curious what we do uh if we get uh raiders of double numbers then we usually do a clip roulette where we show off

A random clip from the person who rated us hello what is a fall for what oh you got four out of that one i got four out of bag they’re really cute look at them they are pretty cute those are geese i know you just summoned the gag box summoned a gaggle

So you were showing me though yes we go back to the upper hives yes i hear a bat there it is you hear bat yes um you were showing me okay showing you craziness going on well we’ll get there in the end i know i know i’m sorry

It’s like what’s going on with these moths very cool texture pet it it’s actually um we’re using uh which was it seuss shaders um i think it’s bsl oh bsl shaders excuse me uh with yes optifine So you were showing me though how how i deliver stuff to the centrifuge um if i because i want to hook up all these um pods you know i want to organize my bees okay into the pods get the pods hooked up so that the you know the

The comb produced is directed to the centrifuge i just got some osmium honeycomb that’s really weird um and now it’s filled with eggs what is this okay which channel is this one this is channel four and this one here oh oh here she comes oh yeah get it off my head

Get it off my head i’ve got siren damn that i can’t see anything i’m in the corner oh my gosh they thank you sir mince for the 100 bits i it’s a very tight space you might have otherwise been able to see what it was that was on my head hi zoey hello

Hello she’s getting some ear rubs from kashka you can see one paw down down there on the side there there’s a snoot she’ll be on the bed in no time um thank you very much ceremonies for the hundred bitties did you add dire bats to mmt it’s fun no i

Didn’t water i don’t know what dire bats are looking there’s a bee somewhere while i was giving ear wraps i got stepped to the right oh there you go flop on the bed oh hey i got it but i got hit yeah seriously they’re very accurate i know i checked

Through the door also i think we’re blocked missing now uh hello supernova and hello nightcast and astrobirder and nerdpie you got your 3d printer yesterday it works through walls ten hours to set up oh it does work too close that’s kind of cheating so what works through walls the bees oh

All right i was looking at the channels here this is channel two and that that’s just the output um so this is coming out that’s coming out so you wanted to know what i want to know what how i can deliver a comb to the centrifuge is it

Through a dimensional chest yes uh ins input is frequency two oh okay impulse two yes good morning mobius hello it was gifted to me oh it’s a tarantula pro that sounds very spindly i i don’t know what to say so what i’m trying to decide though is is do i want

All right now these all have what what are you doing you’re trying to push me off no if i had to put tried pushing you off you’d have been pushed off do you have two pumpkins on your head yes i do don’t look at them don’t look at my

Pumpkin hey i’ve got something else in my head now air suckers i’ve got i i’m going to start taking suffocation damage no take it get get it off oh there’s another one we’re crying out loud how many no i’m taking lots of damage now okay get

Get off okay it’s time for the swords ah it’s all dark yeah how many are on me dear god i mean you set them up i thought it was supposed to be too hello hexagon i don’t want brain suckers on me thank you very much that took half my health away

So shall i do should i do pipes or dimensional what are you trying to do i want to deliver the comb what come from each of the pods i think you should do dimensional chests okay so oh oh we’re floating we’re floating i’ve i’ve got a levitation floaty hello exercise

Okay so those copy you’re glowing oh that’s cause we all circ we also got time warped but we’re inside so we didn’t get to see the fireworks but at least we’re glowing you look very cell shaded now oh it’s gone maybe i’ll take your head off because

It’s creepy oh it’s good to see you again dave there we go koshka the village queen all right um vampire bat get out of there so thank you exercise you were saying you wanted to insert all the comb well what i was thinking was butt spot rude i’m trying to um

So i was trying to think of a way that you could um activate like like say i’ve got like iron in this pot over here right and we start running the one iron and i want to go okay activate iron bees go kind of thing you know okay so i found cyclic

I’m gonna go back down here okay back down to inventory oh god see i’ve got a giant bat on my head but for some reason one of them sorry goose i’m sorry oh god thank you papa cheese for the 100 yeah so oh god whoa oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh crap okay no

No get it off get it off um so they thank you extra cut for 100 bits so it says the hype train is close so oh gosh these creepy wood things i know and i can’t hit them because you keep kicking them so it’s kind of oh oh god okay

And it’s boss battle time oh i’m tiny oh i’ve got these things on my head yeah for some reason it was taking damage oh god oh [ __ ] okay they are so huge everything’s massive oh all right i’m coming i’m coming i gotta i can’t i gotta jump to see the teleporters

Oh my god it’s like oh it’s madness i’m here to help oh there’s bakugans as well oh my gosh oh god okay oh my god it doesn’t help that my really good stuff it’s not working they’re coming for me oh god flaming dudes no booger off oh [ __ ] i died yes

Oh i’m stuck in the corner this isn’t good and okay okay okay now oh god through the yep okay through the gate ow oh god they all just jumped right on my head get off oh no i’m out of arrows how do i lose all my arrows oh god did you die

Oh my god i don’t know if the gate is a good oh you managed it wow look at that hey hey no hi they’re still tiny couple of death beams going on here so oh geez you startled me i almost swiped i lost all my arrows do you have any um i

Yes i have your arrows in fact because except for some reason did you get him there we go yes i did oh god giant silverfish so because we hooked up a bunch of stuff as you guys have found two pipe train rewards it summons us to a boss arena where we

Have to fight a boss and then anything that happens after that pretty much wrecks us as we were not expecting that’s a there’s a yeah because somebody said crack so let me scroll back a bit i need to let’s say and say thanks to all those people

Okay that’s a good idea papa cheese thank you for the 100 rip bits and then shortly after that exercon 100 bitties nightcast for 100 bitties siren moons for 500 bitties papa cheese for 500 bitties wow you guys are ridiculous and then no drak hello and thank you for the hundred corga bits

What’s going on with your face why what’s wrong with it whoa i just i see sorry come on oh [ __ ] that looks amazing it’s because i’m shrunken it’s doing the particle effects at the full size [Laughter] that’s amazing okay i put on the hirsch guy’s skull oh jeez

What did you just throw at me that hurt ow that took away a lot of health ow oh yeah you want to play dirty do you take take this [Laughter] [ __ ] it didn’t work it’s all coming back to me no what you didn’t know is my inventory is mostly full

I’m just getting pummeled with saddles they’re floating above me because i’m too short to pick them up no no they’re back oh oh what’s this though did you get through all the thank yous i i think you did take that ow [ __ ] those things do hurt [Laughter] bakugan bakudan bakugan cubes sneak sneak

We also hooked up new rewards for um on top of the old rewards with the um the points and then we changed up the subs a little bit um just all kind of spoopy stuff for this stream here let’s see this is 222 223 okay let’s

Remove that one do i have any others no just that one all right i got to leave the last death in place oh god not the bumpy ah upside down plus bomby makes difficult might the other one cover i don’t know i only got one it’s behind oh you can’t see it

I can bounce i can bounce the other stuff thank you yeah gosh it just went full machine gun mode oh god okay oh no oh oh was that at the beginning [ __ ] oh no that was the end that was the end of the thing and we’ve got a raid wildfire coming oh

So the end of the hype train someone’s in a queen bee and whenever raiders come in it it summons an elephant it dog eat some food this is horrible oh god She’s not happy oh god that is horrifying oh oh they’re all attacking me at once i can’t kill the bees fast enough she keeps pooping them out oh god oh god welcome to sky bees from my stuff oh my god no my stuff oh [ __ ] i’ve got something on my head i

Can’t kill it get it off oh oh oh she’s gonna blow oh good [Applause] welcome raiders thank you guys also for for the uh i think you have my bow uh henry’s spectral energetic sniper shorts there you go uh just in case you lose an arrows there

You go oh i think i think i have your pickering but i don’t know which one you have uh it didn’t matter okay i’ll take one of them i thought uh i am picking up stuff um you need to go pick up the other stuff though oh i see it’s around there

I’m sneaking to not pick up things oh but you picked up all your old stuff dang it you’re picking up all the stuff so welcome raiders uh i’m valen this is kashka we’re the mischief mice or part of it and uh we’re playing sky b’s as the last

Episode we’re currently in the boss arena thank you and um it’s the last episode that you you guys summoned us to let’s get rid of these things here all right i might head back yeah and we’re gonna so who was it that rages wildfire welcome gosh um see as i was saying

With the uh the addition of some stuff thank you very much for that right wild boy yes and and for all the bitties and subs and stuff guys that was really fantastic do you guys want and well wildfire we have clipper left we have cliff clip roulette which would you like to participate

Yes you’ll have to let us know put that in there that those those those those those i’m missing something oh i think rank’s in the wrong spot thank you dundra and hello some of the carrier bees might benefit from a 30 second wind barrier buff that blocks arrows get out of here

They’re difficult enough to hit as it is we’re at the end game my bow should be pretty darn powerful hello duck or goose or yeah it’s a nice hat you got there thanks you like that believe it or not i have objectives hello engineer lady oh i’m doing a flip

No doing a float you got a koshka head put it on your head valid put it on your head i put it in the system eye has regrets i will i’ll try to put it on wow what that was close there it is oh no not it not already no get get off

Oh god oh gosh that took away so much help the madness hi hi how are you i’m all right how are you i’m i’m okay that’s good we can do this instead and that there we go hey no no okay i got a giant stinger yeah i got air sucker tentacles and a

Cooked tentacle did you get your personal shrink device back by the way um maybe tentacle extreme close-up with tentacles yes i did why do you ask uh just checking because you’ve got all of my head i couldn’t resist it was requested by chet to to steal your head do that there we go

I like when my knees come together we find out oh no i’m just still got ancient scales ew can make c-scale armor interesting pool tile blocks fancy um let me get rid of those put this over here there um so my objective for today why did i get hit

I don’t know where’d you get it are you hitting me no i’m over at tecmus you’re not hitting me are you goose no you’re not okay maybe it was just one of my items repairing itself oh life mending sniper bow that’s probably it um but my objective today is

To try and get these jet packs fueled up what just i i love that you you think that you’re gonna actually reach an objective no i said my objective is to try to do that not not to actually get there okay oh a big repressed again is

So i found where was it i think it was cyclic yeah these remote levers right so bind this to a lover in the world to activate it remotely and you can put these like in an anvil to name them so i thought well this might work to activate like b pods individually oh

Gotcha that sounds whoa oh fireworks they still work with the shaders but to i guess the question is are these other ender hoppers are they um do they you know will they um activate on redstone or no i don’t know one way to find out how to make hydrogen in an electrolytic

Separator oh which i think is on here yep i need to make this which needs to be made with this which i need a metallurgic infuser which i think we have Somewhere there it is yes so we have infused alloy put the light one back in the chest before what are these oh a bunch of redstone on irons okay oh [ __ ] siren moves thank you for the hundred bits oh no i don’t know i’m sorry for summoning

A bunch of really creepy baby demons with those it was engineering no siren is gifting a sub sorry take that oh [ __ ] i picked it back up [Laughter] yeah i guess so thank you siren thank you very much siren for gifting what’s up [Laughter] back again oh [Laughter] yeah it’s just over there like oh a goose they attack they’re pretty evil they’re fierce excuse me they’re pretty cute oh no get back here [ __ ] this that okay gosh you’re okay yeah they almost got me again so damn close man oh you guys are on your game today all right anyway

With with the the tossing hello pikachu song cute little monsters yeah i do like the vodka guns oh i’ve got an underhopper you want it yes i was like i know i had like no i think you i think you crab take him nope did a goose grab it oh

[ __ ] uh it’s not in these is it i saw it go right through it oh no i just put this down so oh so the vacuum hopper picked up the vacuum hopper that’s like using using the infinity stones to destroy the infinity stone god damn it stop it

I don’t think these things react to redstone Well i can still collect things in the chest and what about the dimensional chests well those were i didn’t see anything on there like for uh oh i’ve got it um you could have a hopper coming out of the chest into a dimensional chest and hopper’s respect redstone oh okay so so

Can i put a wait hang on i know i just made a bunch of hot persons great i wanted to put this put this in there two three four five six seven seven eight nine ten iraqis feathery jerks oh yeah yes of this i am aware i’ve seen one just

Attack somebody because they were alive all right so if i do this 1165. oh cool newbie that looks neat wait how do i i like the leafy effects how do i how do how do where do i put the lever it just needs to be adjacent to the hopper so may i

Place the hopper next to the chest instead of on top of it oh okay i’m gonna sneak so i don’t pick things up all right so that goes there yep and then you just put the lever down okay that’s not attached to the chest though

You need to sneak click it on the chat yeah yeah let’s not collect it on the floor at least they’re not wasps okay there we go then just a lever in front around the side or behind it oh [ __ ] nope the ara jakarta harajuka oh wow gosh merciless no no i said no

And we tell them we’re back uh where were we all right thanks for thanks for coming in with raid how was your stream something went wrong we couldn’t find that clip oh no sorry moons it’s probably still there feel free to post it in the discord it’s

Just twitch saying it doesn’t it can’t figure it out right now i’ve had that happen before when i posted one wasps are just a buzzing bundle of cons concentrated no they just don’t know when to stop that’s the problem and exercise a possessed cloth washer clothes washer what did i miss

Nothing as exciting as that is the pupper she is the final beast please randomly change tea time to have a chance to just scream horribly in halloween style this month oh god why would i do that that’s off it just sounds rude man try this okay can i make this

Do we have i need to go osmium on there durst hummer what what are you doing ah did you just get my couple yes there you go oh oh okay clipped by butt boys what is that even newbie okay it worked on discord yeah yeah see sometimes twitch just has a

Problem with it that’s all and thank you gentsy all right do you mind shifting again for a second about a dozen crashes today thanks to skelly’s oh no okay so that just doesn’t sound like things were working as intended or scream while having tea time no i don’t like joking hello everyone

How are you we’re just having a nice calm spooky evening all right i need to all right sorry sorry to ask you this but can you shift one more time please i just want to see if i’m shifting koshka try putting the lever on a block

Up so it’s on the same level as the thing wait what no no this works this works now she’s just trying to shut the hopper off so i did shut the hardware off right and i filled it with cobble because i just wanted to see what happens right

And yeah there’s now okay so yes so that works as intended cool this takes forever to break though hi party pals hi party butts butt butt yay party bones for some reason they were ticking rapidly that is really weird erica that that’s what she was trying to do newbie

She just she wanted it to keep them i was reading and just got here what did i miss oh yeah uh koshka is currently trying to create an automatic input system for all of the the different b types for every single b cell that we’ve got and i’m currently trying to come up

With hydrogen for our armored jet packs checking saddles off the side those grindstone crusher or an enrichment chamber hmm do i want to pay yeah i want to be with people no you know that’s really true [Laughter] no all right osmium how do i make that oh husband or piece okay all right

Which we’ve got some major snores going on there is and it’s pretty damn cute too okay a bunch of those then did several minutes of shrieking and dying that was a bit about being the size of zoe’s toe beans oh you’ve been called butlin again yes

Yes i have we added in a new uh mob boss arena we had a hype train which summons three different bosses um we also had a few raids come in which also summoned us to the boss arena to fight some bosses and we had a bunch of brain suckers as well

As blood suckers from different bits and subs oh and the subs also summoned in some playful demons that just want to playfully kill us that that was about all that happened so far ah that doesn’t surprise me okay several minutes of shrieking and dying while butting the size of zoe’s toe butts [Laughter]

All right how do i make this thing oh i need gold dust and iron dust too uh so i need gold um okay so i’ve got all these 666 gold pieces mind you well ah no get it off my head get it off get off my head how many are on me no

Oh [ __ ] okay i’m pulling out the big no i’m about dead i can’t see anything i’m just tiny and covered in bad guys oh god let me out of here i can’t wait oh wow she’s instantly died hi how are you i’m i’m instantly dying yeah that was painful

Wow oh my god what’s going on oh my arm is all gone oh wow oh gosh no no bad bad no now ow [ __ ] there are enough for you guys i need some food this isn’t good what’s the matter well um oh did you did your good boots die

[ __ ] the bee got away oh no i got one of those um the bees that make you walk the opposite direction all right so i that’s on mine flew over the edge wherever it went it it disappeared oh no there it is so that you don’t oh

It’s gonna ask you if there’s still a bunch of um he’s dead all right all right i’m still a bunch of dudes hold on guys kids okay sorry harvester thank you for the 500 commence the spoopening bits yes and the follow-up 100 bits just for good measure

Siren moons also thank you for the extra 100 bits on top of that you’re all very kind thank you thank you i live i die tonight headache and body aches for today so get used to it tall quiet guy okay tall i’m sorry if i end up shrieking too much

Like a scared little little boy that’s just what’s going to happen um i have so many saddles so many saddles ancient scales got the osmium dust i didn’t see that right okay good what did you do kashgar nothing i don’t know why my armor went or if it all broke

It might have been uh heaved off of you did you steal my trousers no that’s getting fresh trousers fresh chooses yeah i do hope you feel better there tall and hello kitsa stupid twitch even after working a full day Take it easy man if you’re not feeling good i need iron heat pants iron oh there’s not much left for iron pieces let’s take the one all right i was trying to assemble the parts that i’ll need okay sorry wait i don’t need 10 chests though do i

I need i don’t know do you electrolytic separator nervous let’s put that away i don’t haven’t used that in ages hydrogen we need water coming in you need hoppers and that’s it 10 hoppers check water i need to make 10 levels gonna need more water than that do we have a sink

Not in here at least okay that’s my tongue numbers and i need 10 and our hoppers i need a bucket you need ten ender hobbits and ender habits what happens i feel like i need that now what is this one there we go one of those there’s a sink right behind you

Yeah but it’s it’s part of a different creation i need it for a different one i suppose i could actually yeah i could butt it up to this power network that would work and the mini’s basically under hobbits a good point i don’t really need that thanks nightcast i will just put this

Right here for proper and it should get power yep and what oh look at that that’s already doing the thing uh i do need to that’s oxygen dumping excess there we go and on this side we keep the hydrogen so we put that in there there we go

And we just need speed upgrades for this why did i do that wait what there it is that which we might be able to make did i no okay i thought i lost my sound for a moment there he’d pants no two three okay it’s more redstone and some more iron

Actually this will also make it easier for us to figure out what we actually have being made right um no yeah once i’ve got the bees organized for me yeah yeah sure there’s that there we go we’ll make a whole bunch of them oh crap except i need a [ __ ] ton of these

Now putting three speed upgrades in this upgrades and then we’ll need energy upgrades this which means some gold powder okay all right we can do this gold gold powder Wow [Laughter] okay there we go put that in there and then energy oh right i need more of the thingames oh that’s a good start oh so there’s been like so much talk on twitter about who the next bond’s gonna be because daniel craig i guess is is done

Also i think the zots by textures are broken there’s one of them with a broken texture set and it keeps on randomly coming in it’s supposed to be rare but i think it’s not i thought i thought i did dump excess for oxygen oops yeah see i just did dump excess

So that’s fine it’s never going to get above this point and this is just going to constantly do that so lots of people are saying idris alba i think that would be cool but but i also kind of feel like it yourself was so good like i kind of don’t want

Him to get stuck with this role you know because it seems like james bond’s like a thing that you get stuck with like you’ve got to be prepared to yeah to take it on for like multiple movies oh wait wait skelly my heart cries for the waste of redstone

All right jakarta did you see how much redstone we have i normally would process this in any other type of playthrough but as we’re at the end game here and we we’ve got a lot of redstone redstone yeah we’ve got over 600 redstone i’m i’m not plus blocks i’m i’m

Not worried about it and this is more than i’m going to use for this anyways and we can do some more energy upgrades oh gosh what what what you okay i always realized i don’t have the rest of the setup it’s just a small thing you know oh

The auto harvest set up yeah the dispenser oh my god just have him be the doctor for a couple of seasons instead that’d be interesting that would be awesome although man doctor who i kind of feel like you don’t feel like doctor who has the same kind of thing going on

So i need 10 observers 10 beehives and 10 dispensers maybe thank you rowan what are you carrying goose what’s that look at this this goose is carrying a dead goose that goose don’t care i just thought i saw purple particles oh i don’t know who that is right hang on i gotta look

Maybe i know this person but not by as you say that they had they switched to your viewpoint you started midnight mass we just finished midnight yeah we just finished it oh shoot i just made more energy an irish comedian i see i don’t know that i know this person got seven in

There that’s one script game is weird oh yeah yeah it i it looks weird and i don’t understand why it’s like number one but i haven’t watched it yet to fully understand so so yeah that’s kind of a thing too server this this this i can make two there we go

Two more speed upgrades 10 of those script game was a good show oh yeah you liked sponsor is it uh episodes or is it just like a movie i think it’s episodes isn’t it black’s books oh right i’m waiting on this it’s episodes all right well maybe maybe

We’ll check out the first episode see what we think and then you guys are going to tell me oh it gets really good by episode three okay and then do we have any high or something high oh just tears oh ah i gotta finish nope bad b

Oh damn it flew over the edge again what murdered the geese oh did it damn it duck are you stabbing me in the back well i’m trying to kill this thing it seems you’re late to the finale don’t worry it’s okay i can’t i can’t get it

It’s just gonna float into the oblivion but you still got me i was so determined to finish crafting whatever the hell i was crafting too i’m like no i must get to 16. this this split so do i if i’ve got all these i think i only need tier one

Really really all right max honeycombs oh right hey all right let’s look at the recipe only oh it takes a tear one to make a turtle oh and i don’t have oh [ __ ] two more speed upgrades and i think that’s all i’ve got i need to go and and make some grass

Oh yeah yeah wait like grass clippings or grass blocks um no grass clippings right well that’s not too bad just oh [ __ ] yeah no damn b damn it i hit the duck freaking bee hmm okay redstone let’s just take one of these all right i need

Eight grass for each so i need 80. grass 80. what’s double cream it’s um oh what’s it called in america the thick right is the cream is it thickened or i don’t know now it’s like um heavy whipping heavy whipping cream yeah there you go thank you heavy whipping cream

Goes back to trying to plan a fawn costume that isn’t going to bake him in the arizona sun oh good luck bare midriff there you go what you’re making sir there we go the last all right let me go speed upgrade for this thing over here

Let’s mix oh you know what [ __ ] i didn’t bring did not bring shoes with me don’t i need shears to get grass copy yes oh this thing is still so freaking slow there is no way fast way to make this thing work is there oh is it the power drain really oh

Okay let’s do um what’s it ender thingy all right so that’s 18. that’s not too bad okay maybe this won’t be as bad as i think i need like a stack and some let’s just look at power stacking some stacking some stacking some stacking something it’s a very specific amount where is

The thing of me it’s power but i don’t i don’t see it it’s like the battery but it’s remote and i’ve got some of them on these machines and stuff there it is ender gate i don’t see it on this list where the heck are ender gates

Oh there they are okay they were just difficult to see and they’re behind my my face obsidian okay that should do it it should okay recipe for this just need this so we need dielectric casing you need gates note cells yep i know i was just trying to look it

Up so i could figure it out having as much of my skin covered as possible i am not going to get myself sunburned try sunscreen and and just like some some just like what is it fawn shorts there you go fawn short shorts wearing a mankini

That that would probably be a bit more you know um breathable maybe okay i do need some red stuff yep and some blocks this is coming with me okay i think i’ve got everything now and then this this this these and okay hey subby how you doing

Take another one out put it in there and then unless i need an eye not that one and or i there we go sir you missed an interesting start to the stream but i’m sure that more will be coming oh my my death points are getting a bit very bright that was what

223 we’re on to 224 now rude here here and here make me the thingy hope you and koshkar well doing all right wow i went in there okay and then with this i should be able to make that extra thing of me this starter gate four starter gates

And the others just kind of fell out of my inventory um use should have should have brought colored glass with me as well slightly short-sighted of me so i have to remember how to do this so channel one oh i already did it wrong oh looks like the power is just keeping

Up for now so we turn it off yeah the power should is increasing if i turn it why are they yet still need more okay let me get more of those gates i don’t know why they’re so angry you made the bees angry there are angry bees over there no

Bad angry [ __ ] okay okay they’ve gone back to normal there we go how about now nope that one is still angry i’m still not keeping it why are you angry b oh dang that thing’s choking that was weird that is weird um kate hopefully this will do it so i’m

Kind of running out of gates here we’re still not in positive numbers yet geez oh pete’s all right so this energy cube is empty because it’s been sucking all the power out holy crap that way then the hive hey nothing we’re still doing good here hey knobby how you doing i’m the observer

I’m gonna put this extra ice over here we’re still doing plenty good for materials how’s this doing though definitely better still need more power energy’s effect 10 times speed is effect 256 times what is what is the um wait 640 wow okay now that that’s its

Storage is there a way to see how much it uses using there we go needed 639 oh my gosh that’s a lot of power okay plum tuckered out maybe they were having mood wings [Laughter] kiddo asked for a sugary snack after school today and i noticed it was a big

Honking piece of cake ah get off the face why is it the one without the textures again every freaking time get off geez oh and you like us thank you very much you lot thank you nightcast for the hundred bits of extra energy uh nightcast did you also notice that i

Had maxed out the energy upgrades sir i already had eight in there i started with that Punch i punch just in case i show there you go upgrades energy eight out of eight uh zoop z there you go shouldn’t be drawing that much power it’s it’s asking for 640 per tick so i need to make better stuff than the starter set to give power uh wait a minute back

Which is this use 1.4 okay that’s hardened what’s this one do a hundred yeah okay so if i do one of those that would be enough so we need better power cable lost it basic starter okay so if i take these out put the basics

With me as well i would have been smart oh well um and what else was it to make the thing this capacitor which we’ve got some of those of base capacitor dielectric casing and an i boop there we go what the wait i of alpha insane dog yep

You can use that with insane wool to make an insane helmet of course you can do we have insane for insane nope nothing else insane yet all right so i need to think about how i’m gonna do this one step at a time all right this these face

Do the electricities so i think that needs to go there oh [ __ ] no it doesn’t let’s go i used to go there okay so let’s did i get that one didn’t oh oh [ __ ] oh and the hopper okay copper and then i can put this in here but my jesus one of these

Should be sufficient where am i what happened help i’m i’m in the walls i don’t i don’t know no i get oh you’re like an oh okay oh i was underneath yeah how did i get under there energy bit that i was right now that was weird

Oh my gosh i keep losing where i’m working oh down there there we go papa power there we go now we can put this one in there i has flight congrats is there a hover mode that just tells you the the stuff for it did you do that i don’t

Know maybe you did do what nobody did step to the right so maybe that’s how you ended up in there probably all right let’s try this again oh yeah b bad b you’re reversing my controls it almost got me after it was dead because i’m still backing up instead of going forward um

So control h hover mode uh this h oh i got you for a second h options controls key come back here uh it’s just gonna snipe me and murder me why does he not work what you’re in jet packs and that goes there right one of these on top hmm

The only thing is i need a lever oh no no no god get it off me no oh gosh they took away half my health again oh okay the darn brain squids every time i need a leather like okay or oh maybe i could put it right here

Actually hello gentlemen gnu how you doing mechanism chest mode feet mode head mode item mode legs module boost left control oh i’ve got waiting for server oh you do so do i oh oh it’s disappearing and reappearing you need to exit i’m exiting okay you’re gonna head off see you later

Rainbow tikiti if you can thanks we’ll see we’ve experienced this before might be some mod interrupt interaction problems and thank you hinson we are throwing a [ __ ] ton of crazy stuff but you know yeah i can’t eat it’s gonna have to get killed koshka oh no

I can save but yeah so we’re gonna go to the this screen while i kill it it seemed to be doing better after we did an entity clearing but yeah okay well it’s killed oh sorry nobody hopefully we didn’t lose much progress and i have no idea what’s causing that

Because it’s not causing it’s not doing a crash issue either i would guess it’s something to do with some of the spoopy mods we added in that aren’t part of this pack right minimal testing you know yeah yep just throw [ __ ] at the wall see what happens it a sec

Thanks rainbow tea kitty we’ll see you later thanks for the thanks for stopping by server died f in chat ain’t that the truth do you think bond is even relevant anymore i don’t know does anybody plan on seeing the new bond movie at some point that’s how you made your pack that’s how

Most packs are made not throwing mods at the wall and seeing which one stinks yeah professionally said spoopy is too strong that’s not good oh usually it doesn’t freeze the data at that point so i don’t know what it’s doing i haven’t seen any of the new bond movies define new

Haven’t watched a bond movie since the first daniel craig one ah yeah i mean i’ve watched the one with judy dench like the one where judy dench dies right oh spoilers are you talking about the one where she’s resurrected as a vampire i’ve watched that one a couple of times

Skyfall yes thank you i’ve always had one a couple of times i mean the scenery and that one is just like obviously it’s my favorite because you know scotland but yay okay i think that was the last bond movie you watched too i don’t think i watched one after that oh

What oh is it is it doing okay i’m you see what i see no one was a better bond than connery oh yeah not even i oh man i don’t know roger mo was pretty good i thought but maybe their era has passed though you know because they represent i feel like bond

Represents just a different time and then uh i my favorite bond was pierce brosnan rochamal was your favorite specifically goldeneye that’s my favorite bun movie oh i never got out of the hole oh i would like uh it’s uh it’s open okay i like to play now let’s see where i am

This might make me cry hopefully it doesn’t do the whole server trying to connect again thing or a server not connecting her who knows what i see you over there evil bee i think these monsters i mean we’ve got quite a few entities around well let’s see forge entity list

And we can scroll up 91 small fireballs what oh yeah that’s all right oh okay 70 items 48 bees 18 months oh 16 now 12 carrier bees bomb projectiles 12 carrier bees crumble comb entities drabble bee fumble bomb and sea bubble bloom bumble cone extreme close-up zoom zoom

My spark has gotten dirt i need to brush it off brush brush breaks again my theory is that for the server to live villain must die i did multiple times oh no what it ate one of my dimensional chests i crashed it are you sure because it i just got

Rewound a bunch you might not have made it or set it up yet i made all ten at a time and i’ve got nine now okay sorry to hear that it’s okay oops wrong one put this in here all right and we’ve got some power chugging and the other jetpack is now functionating

That’s weird though because i also put the hopper down mode that’s what it was oh is it doing it again no no it’s just for a second there options controls wait a second wait a second is this thing running no it’s not just that thing when it’s done i’m turning those off

Where the heck my love is mode toggle hover mode mechanism chest mode switch let’s just put all these on h all right here we go head mode item mode legs camera toggle cheat mode toggle head okay let’s try this h i don’t have it on h hey it works okay

So it is just chest the chest of it needs to be done there we go cue can we make more of these maybe need to make one of those that’s simple enough one two three the works for oh we do have some and then this one two three

Uh i need one of those osmium one second i’m making backups i need a piece of redstone gigantic digging it just one piece auto man oh my gosh i do remember that show wow oh my gosh is this ready to go my mom used to record that she had like all of

Them off recorded off a tv or something condor man oh i remember that too oh wow some of those old shows and movies but not quite enough to watch them again so what so we’re going to be for halloween i was like oh this is that spire with the

With the with the not broken texture although it’s ai seems to be a little bit they’re a bit slow funky this no it takes 20 redstone of course and i only put 10 in there cute little duck in its duck pajamas all right here we go again so let’s line these things up

I was the one with the guy that changed into different animals manimal i also remember beauty and the beast as well she’d always get into trouble and then he’d have to like ride a subway train to come and save her because she couldn’t save herself which

When you think of it it was kind of crap and and he was always the one that like because he he’s like half lion half man it’s like you’d think he’d be the one that would need saving because everybody want to experiment on him all the time nope

Okay i need some diamond dust uh take a few of these how do we make the dust whoops i need to break all those and a crusher do we have a crusher we do as a crusher we do the crush what else do we need for this block oh steel no not there

There we go block of steel done air wolf with the high-tech chopper oh yeah yeah oh you couldn’t he could a-team was was really good stuff the adventure of beans baxter oh i don’t remember that one kashka yo adventure of beans baxter negative okay bewitched oh my gosh dude

It was the intro that really got me on that i didn’t care for much the show itself the idea of like watching witchcraft was was cool but then i was like this is just kind of like it didn’t really didn’t really catch me too much but i would watch it nonetheless

Give pepper good pats one two two oh i ran out of diamond crunch hold on one second we put this in the machine you ran out of diamond crunch diamond crunch i got more i got more diamond crunch so it’s like a cereal it is it’s what’s for breakfast now [Laughter] zoey park

Uh-oh your adoring fans have requested your your your lovely face upon the camera oh dear she says no thank you all right here we go oh dear blue all right let’s do a little bit more than just the top of your noggin shall we okay here we go oh

Oh such a good girl look at this look at this belly it’s so soft this is especially soft right here and right here behind the main bean pad It’s ridiculous what was i just gonna get all right let’s put you down oh good girl there you go oh wow those that that filled it pretty quick and we’ve got more diamond crunch on the way this girlfriend named cake and she has a little sister named cupcake what

Such a regal what the [ __ ] gays from princess zoey she is a princess too totally got that right princess and the pea type princess ah clear that there we go what are you talking about willis oh man different strokes i can’t remember what i was doing why did they do this to me

You were trying to set up i’ll leave you to it because any comments for me are not going to be helpful i’m sorry oh that’s all right i was yeah i was like i need oh i think shears that’s what i was doing i was getting shares because

I don’t have any shears in here why sure that power is good we run out of power over oh because it’s just basic cable or something okay okay should be enough oh it’s just completely chunked out of power chunked out of pocket it did well it should be able to

Make two more pieces of diamond crunch for me not that i really need them right now but you never know hey amberjade i’m in danger there we go so i think that’s that one set up too next one and then that’s another one full and then we’ll fill this one up

Wow it’s making the hydrogen fast enough that we’re not losing it anymore that’s impressive damn bop moderating me what yes shader’s f gray and we’ve got spoopy stuff happening and yeah the shaders are broken on refined storage stuff for some reason but otherwise everything seems to work

Out really nice and it’s it’s very gritty and spoopy and i see that zat spire just bouncing up and down under there i know but it’s actually got like a texture that’s not broken right also vampire bat in the mini boss arena i’ll leave it bee thank you harvester for the tea time

Cheers oh i think it’s finished no almost how much does it store 24 000 let’s get in there and we can do that one observer on the top recipe recipe recipe this and we can make one of those for now i think we’ll be good awful and then this one can go in

And when it’s done we can put in a basic chemical tank and store a whole bunch for future use so we don’t need power for it even he fought a buzzword i don’t even know what a boswell is bell but why do you have antlers because

I i fought a hersh geist with kashka and this was my trophy his antenna have moved boswell you know i see you vampire bat ow ew starting repairing though scaring me every time that’s still going oh and i need to enchant these two i’m gonna need levels

So let’s put these in here for now because that’s for when we go to the end and when this done i’ll pop that in there and then we can go get some levels and start enchanting those things oh [ __ ] yeah boss a certain appointment next week and i’m

Freaking nervous amber jade oh no is it i’m glad they got your appointment like scheduled that’s good stuff and you will do fantastic lady you got this wow don’t worry about it i know that’s easy to say right so good just don’t worry about it hi crush how you doing hey crush

Go go power butts it’s all here’s one for you up your nose with a firehouse in your ear oh i forgot i can’t remember what that one was all right then the armored jet pack goes back in actually let’s see what the uh enchant would be for it shall we hello

Pop this in here oh it’s not enchantable oh all right well still it i mean it’s a lot of armor as it is so that saves having to get any uh levels for that so koshka i made um Six jet packs what six armored jet packs why’d you make six because fumble okay that’s fair enough [Laughter] i figured we both carry three and we see how we do i’m sure everything will work out just fine it’s an appointment you’ve been wanting right oh god oh no get off me

Stop sucking my hair i will punch you until you leave me alone get it off my head yeah we’ll be thinking of i you it goes according to plan yes and actually speaking of future plans um we should probably mention that uh in the coming in the coming weeks

Um it’s gonna be a bit [ __ ] up yeah we’ve do you mind if i tell them what’s happening no i’m not tall all right akashka’s sister is getting married yeah and uh because of that actually i’m like sliding down for some reason uh because of that we’ll be going to go visit and

We’ll be gone for several days and so there won’t be any streams uh there won’t be probably won’t be any content on youtube either during that time because obviously we’ll be gone and i haven’t had the opportunity to make enough for backups let alone catch up with the regular stuff but

We’ll be back for a few days and then her family is going to come and visit us which then means i i don’t know we’re pro probably going to be hit and miss on some of the streams so for the next like two to three weeks

It’s going to be really half hazard for the schedule and for that i apologize but it’s people we haven’t seen in a long time so it’ll be good to see him again and it’s under a really good you know ah good thing to to do and to see the

Way that i can i don’t think it’ll let me place this oh wait did it go i think maybe it would no what put that there there we go there’s a astral light up here how do i get rid of it place a block or use the wand on it

Okay there we go cool yep got it cool have fun at the wedding and during your trip i hope the family visit goes well too live stream the wedding i’m sure she won’t mind um so wait hang on let me think about this so we leave on tuesday night

We’re taking the sleeper train yep and facebook looks so pretty kashka sorry oh sorry so we take the sleeper train and then um so we will obviously we won’t be streaming that wednesday right um and then we don’t we only get back on the sleeper train on

Friday night so um so next wednesday and friday there won’t be a stream um however sunday there should be and monday there should be yeah this coming sunday and monday there should be streams unless things go poorly and then wednesday the plan actually i think is for you and the zone

Maybe oh you mean after the the wedding yeah yeah the wednesday yeah so so actually it probably will be both both this coming week and the following week i believe we’re still streaming sunday and monday night right i am hanging out so we’re not even sure

It’s still messed up right now let me get somewhere safer where if i get stepped to the right and i’m not going to be for yourself okay happy for your sister kashka but she’s messing with my regular mr fix no no i’m sorry be on your best behavior and be polite

No dead jokes or puns i i try tall i don’t always succeed but i try it’s all right hang on so we leave on the night of the fifth so there won’t be a stream on the 6th and there won’t be a stream on the 8th wait what hold on dude

We leave the night of the 5th which is a tuesday night okay so the sunday and monday this coming yeah we will still we should still be streaming so the 10th and the 11th we should still stream and then we’ll be taking the rest of time off until the following sunday

And monday right i am not because i thought you were going to do a stream with the zone on wednesday the 13th now i have to look at my calendar too yeah it’d definitely be easier to post it on discord and pin it yeah but then i thought i was i was

Oh sorry uh i was talking about yeah yeah sunday monday and then the the zone and ice stream on wednesday yep so then we might miss the friday on the on the 15th we might miss that stream yeah that one i’m not sure about yeah so we’ll be

Missing two fridays in a row well the first one for sure the second one maybe yep and the the zone one i still have i i actually haven’t asked him but i i would imagine he’d be up for it if not it’ll be a solo stream 18th like the oh

Yeah then the 17th we probably won’t stream on the 17th because that’s the day before my parents go home yep so sorry 15th is your birthday oh happy birthday hang on i have to write this down it’s fine the more time villain has without jump scares the higher he will

Jump at the noises when he returns that’s true um but then the 18th will be back to normal we’ll put it in the main mischief channel as well so like the the entry one wow tall you’re ancient wait because you got a booth day instead of a birthday so kashka yep um

Have you finished your project did you need help with it have you even started it um yeah i’ve been setting up so i’ve got um three out of the ten set up would you like some help which is not like a great ratio really when you think about it i guess

Would you like some help i’m sure currently suffering with a brain sucker on my head get off how do i get a ticket you’ve got everything ready to go are you just waiting on me yeah yeah how many streamers have a public google calendar during the night time my my

Helmet starts glowing like a birthday a birthday uh cake i see that why is this the last sky bees because i think we’re kind of done with it we’ve finished the pack as far as we are finished with playing with it um at least by the end of the stream i

Don’t know how that got up there that was weird hope for my nap why is this less oh by the way rni you sh you should um you should check out the vod because weird things have happened um during this stream and i hope you like the

Shaders they do mess up with the the refined storage items but everything else seems to be fine and really spoopy and pretty at the same time um is there something i i can help with koshka yeah you want to help me set these up i i

Yes but i need more direction than that well you can come up here and see what i’m doing and then i’ll give you some of the stuff and you can help oh geez moth um got it uh oh there’s another one there’s two more gosh whoa oh oh

Oh oh oh nice try mobius um you almost had me i gotta find kashka she’s somewhere over there she is are there any bees in the area that you’re at right now negative okay oh damn it i put that down wrong hi i’m here i can already see how i can help whoa

Start killing those dudes noah for shetty or is it for shet welcome to the mischief and thank you for the follow and a golden apple i’ll take that thank you i’m not i’ll save it though for for boss battle stuff where i i’m about to die right is a direction wavy wavy leaves Uh hi hi oh jesus oh my god where am i i’m helping too slow oh there’s a ravager down here with me Thanks for the 500 bits i was in here ow ow i still hear him yeah oh god there goes one oh the other they’re both coming for you koshka they seem to like you oh my mom there i just hit him both ow jerk oh damn it i just hurted myself ew ow

Don’t gosh all right you oh all right what what excuse me what was that i don’t know i’m looking at my bow right now i’m like oh [ __ ] okay the hype train is close and we got oh my gosh bhaga chans and the wood fighter dudes

Hey you quit picking on the baby demons they’re cute and cuddly that’s crazy stop it [Applause] oh i shoot the bee nice try engineer lady got it oh what are you picking on the babies oh [ __ ] oh crap oh god there we go and that’s the hype train okay um i eat some food i shoot the beer oh god get it off i can’t no

Oh i’m taking so much suffocation damage get it off my head okay i can’t see anything oh crap hi guys i’m sorry about that i was busy fighting some of the fish that they’re as big as my head i thought i heard a bunch of zones yeah thoughts hey

This guy’s just kind of standing here oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s a huge all right uh nightcast thank you for the 100 stuff on your head bits and the duck um is it you yeah it is you pop cheesesteak for 100 bits [ __ ] there’s a no there’s a bee being eaten

By a zod spire oh god they they all need to die kill the ball okay siren wow which versions have you it’s really tall okay witches are dead for oh geez that’s you i’m like is that a giant spider coming at me my inventory is full here you okay who knows that’s fire

It’s a duck over here you want you want this duck oh good oh no two more oh my god i thought we were done i got all sorts of really weird stuff ow stop it these guys are really cute i don’t think i’ve purposefully hit one of them yet there we go

Nope oh you just got killed yeah i just got pushed out of the arena got eaten by tom give me that All right i got it oh it just went they are a lot of fun i like those guys yeah for sure they’re adorable all right let me uh let me go back through thank you guys for for the hype train by the way i guess thank you for the 100 stuff in

Your head bits papa cheese for the hundred bitties harvester for gifting a sub to fail to survive no drac for a hundred korga bits uh sire moons for 300 loved up bits one nightcast duck was quacked in harvester thank you for gifting a sub to yorickvd01

Thank you all very much got us through level one and we’re halfway through level two god you’re a mess oh no no you’re a mess you just gave me a last joke yeah i did here i helped what what are you are you dead i don’t see any hearts left on you

Don’t go breaking my head I am the flying villain i turn that off did you just jump off the edge [Laughter] i was thinking because i was small i had more space but no no that was amazing oh [ __ ] i threw that by accident okay what i was trying to do was take the shortcut home It’s like it would be a fun mini game well there are here i’m going to cheat something in just so you guys can see it too there are these guys oh boy uh what is it uh forest spawn they are called cara crocs those guys are pretty cool too

Welcome back koshka and thank you diecast for the pity oh god there’s a crop like wandering around yep jesus it will just randomly start killing anything in the area yeah if you could kill that here get off person’s house i smack it in the butt

I’m too small for it to hit me it’s jumping over me oh [ __ ] i forgot the end of the hype train okay oh [ __ ] oh god i almost got eaten off the side okay there’s dead bees whoa lots of bees there’s so many bees okay she dead yeah oh hi

That’s all right how are you all right here have have your own matching skull oh thank you you’re welcome my chest plate bro oh is that another chest plate that broke yep let’s do this and this uh i got some of these like golden golden ghost lights i’m putting them here

Oh look those are kind of pretty oh that that look wow right that looks good on you oh this the skull yes why thank you i was looking at the cow slice thinking those are cool too oh all right evil bee indeed queen bee seems a little bit grumpy

She can be she screams a bit actually i need to come through here i need to get a new chest plate again that’s right because it’s like yeah oh just plate trash can get rid of is there anything good in here not really give her that that that

Heck i don’t even need those for that for those naked check packing sounds risky yeah for sure i’m keeping the the bakudan charges i got a bunch of those me too get rid of those sticks those guys are probably my favorite so far they are adorable

They’re unique too you try and get close and they’ll just start running yeah yeah yeah exactly um i am i am not naked i’m wearing an armored jet pack you know what [ __ ] i’m gonna make just this and i’m gonna go and chant it and [ __ ] what this chess play

Why don’t you make grab one of the jet packs and just leave it off what grab one of the jet packs oh okay oh okay that’s good but you do have to assign a key you know what actually no because i want to save oh what am i doing

I want to save that until we’re ready to to rock n roll so okay all right i do just want why oh my god i needed leggings not a chest plate it’s okay uh actually before i make that do we have any good ones oh we do never mind i’ll take

You in your glowy stuff look at you are so like look at you like your lich self with your wings and you your fancy headdress and stuff yeah you just need some fancy boots all right so so oh i can see up your skully nose um where to um i’m trying to

Find where i left off that one’s done that one’s down that one obviously spoopy looks so good gosh um we were right there packing sounds risky hi hi i have astral armor that’s why i’m naked or naked so give me direction how how i help i don’t want to kill bees um

No bee kill right we need to set up there aren’t any bees in these okay oh naked i am not i have an armored job gosh get an army chip i can get naked like me now swallow your butt really butt spot oh some of those oh blows observers dispensers ender hoppers

Dimensional chests and hoopers and levers okay put this over here okay oh and tier one beehives okay wow all right so that’s a miracle you didn’t lose this stuff so you and you just have to replicate that setup like hi crush you know other places basically basically basically all right um

Is this completely sealed okay so just like this setup over here wait is this okay dimensional chat oh and the hopper is going into that okay okay and then you can put the lever on that the lever is on the yep on the glass the other side so the rest of these don’t

Have levers on them just yet rest of what huh like this one doesn’t have a lever uh i thought it did i don’t i see no lever visible at least the hopper is underneath so i would have thought the lever would have been like here but it’s not oh

Okay no maybe i forgot the lever on that one i can i can make another one because i know then i’ll i’ll run out if i just use what i have but there we go okay and i don’t see a lever on this one either see i think these are like old ones

Or something yeah these ones have bees in them at least the one next to this anyway if there’s a hopper underneath it though then it isn’t an old one because i am only just started using the hobbit where did that oh that went into the oh [ __ ] there it is come here

How is amber feeling much better thankfully that’s good to hear kashka is putting her house elf to work if it isn’t completely sealed then maybe you can make it utterly walrused oh gosh oh there there are regular bees in there um a whole lot of regular bees okay so they

May have just like spawned when um something happened you know i’m just looking is this this setup isn’t done yet that you’ve got yeah because it’s almost done i gotcha it’s just missing the oh i see i think it’s just missing the right stuff okay all right all right i see now

There’s there yeah don’t forget to put shears in by the way i didn’t give you shears but okay you do need to put shoes over here and then here and here that’s three opening right and then i need to put a block inside yeah actually before i do that

It would behoove me to put the block in place first okay oh that reflection on the glass i know circular sun then you turn around and look at it and it’s a square sun it’s only circular when you’re not looking at it narwhaled nope no left good try all right so

Beehive at the bottom um and then i just blocked myself in here do you get exact amounts of no you don’t get you get random amount um that’s what an axe i don’t have an axe well i guess i will punch it there’s a reason for that [ __ ] [ __ ]

You okay uh nope i’m dead i didn’t have my rod of the skies on my house um nice one simon and hi army lover i win these are way easier to render than shape lights fair enough oops uh upper hives i think and then i was gonna put

This is not the way to go what direction i am so lost i have no idea where i was it was lower hives wasn’t it what yeah oh actually i’ve only got one more to do down here so if you want to start on the upper ones there’s just four to do up

There okay i’ll see if i can find them okay by the time i find them you’ll probably have finished those ones too not doing so good with all those hearts it’s a much longer win than early game yeah for sure you guys have to work harder

You have to work harder to murder us all right put that down um i don’t remember what the setup is shoot looks like there’s more than four one two three two four oh no there is four okay thank you roman looks like it’s water from here on out

Oh did i put shears in okay on top of that is yeah yeah see i remember working this out i just don’t remember what it actually needs to look like i should do each of them here okay cheers and then that one might need to move right there

And then on top of that needs to be observers and such uh it needs to face down just so if you have you put are you okay i’m doing all three at once i see all right and then i need oh i don’t have any redstone you i’ve got some redstone tool

Oh you’ve probably got your thing though right i do have my thing okay that’s good i okay next we’ve got the dispenser oh right shears um here’s seems a little open maybe i put i’m gonna need a block there recipe make more shears okay so i broke this

So i need to break this seven eight nine then i need to have the dispenser facing in oh depends on that depends or a dispenser faces me doesn’t it when i place it down yeah so what i’ve been doing is putting like a block there and then i put the dispenser against it

Oh i see what you’re saying okay because you’re gonna need that block anyway because then you have to once you’ve got the observer on what the heck nope i think that worked okay let’s read this i’ve done that in the wrong order i think that’s all the shears and then oh

I need that pedal block and the observer needs to face down as well yep that one was easy okay i put the glass in too early okay there we go there’s that thanks for reminding me order more coffee time to switch back is it tap water bottle water it is tap water

I would go bottled water if i could get it not in a plastic bottle because i’m really trying to avoid plastic bottles where i can’t plastics everything is plastic now i think i use plastics can suck it well i mean it is water and i usually do

Suck it out of the water bottle so no that’s the wrong way all right so then going back over here we then have hopper going it oh there’s no dimensional chest on this one that’s what’s missing oh oh there’s no there’s no hopper on this one it’s just a dimensional chest okay we

Don’t have enough for this one because it’s an existing one gotcha gotcha okay and there’s another crashed meteor yeah okay so this needs to go here it needs to be frequency two right oh [ __ ] yeah i haven’t i think i forgot to set the frequency i got a

Glass door in there thank you and we’ll grab this and then we’ll do these all right for 50 bits bottled would be better i agree oh no depending on the bottled water didn’t do the red stuff if it’s that nestle crap you can forget it they steal water

I’m boycotting nestle because of what they did to flint uh there we go all right shears in this one this needs to be nope i did not too is it oh i didn’t click change why where’d all the shares go i used them i’ve been putting them in there you you

Fill it up i thought we had more left than that there was six in there how oh you filled it up i see how many dentists are you installing you don’t have brita filter pictures um that’s something that’s not very common here at least i didn’t bother filling it

Up because i figured like we’re not going to be playing this long enough for them to expire all right so which one i’ve got enough for one more which one haven’t you done all the way at the end here where i’m at okay at the moment

Uh that could be a problem okay so the one this over here like this one this one you’ll see that i have nothing on it okay i haven’t done anything to it okay and i need the vacuum [ __ ] oh oh that was seconds i’m putting this thing on my hot bar again

Oh dwx hello hello my happy little bees gosh you’re awake now this is true this is very true see if i can find where to go here nope still nope how far around do i need to go are all these covered wait i’m on the lower hives what what they all

Did you do the i am so confused so i have i’ve haven’t the hives that already existed like that we’d already populated i haven’t messed with at all oh there we go okay this wait i am so confused there’s one without an underhopper did you put down like a

Whole crap ton of underhoppers on one so i didn’t put down i put down one ender hopper and i don’t have any spaces left i don’t understand what where are you on the lower hives um yes the lower heights i did oh well one of them was missing an underhopper okay

That explains why i’ve got an extra end hopper okay that means i’ll be short one under hopper okay so that’s that that’s good oh that shadow that’s good stuff close but i hope you’re wearing your brown pants oh they i wasn’t they are now okay there we go there we go hopper

Hopper and then one of these doesn’t have a leather not these oh i forgot i need that i don’t know turn that one like that the redstone that one’s got a lever this one there there we go okay and i still need to put the redstone on top and the extra

Bits of glass and make a door so let’s okay these are all ready to go then wait i’m missing something oh wait there’s no oh was this the one i was working on maybe wait what is it just any block needs to go there oh no i think these are the ones that

You’re working on right sure okay there’s that one that one that one’s got all the shears that one still needs okay redstone and shears in it and an underhopper and a lever uh yep oh really a lever yeah okay um i need this my wireless grid six seven eight nine there we go

And that should take care of you i have um a lover nope but i can make one with my thingy with your thingy you want a lever i now have there also you don’t have a way into this one i haven’t made the doors yet oh okay here i’ve got one door

That i found in the hopper i think it’s i think they’re getting munched whoopsie door and a lever look at that is in here plus duck eggs this is a perfectly faultless system frequency two this is frequency one whoops let’s switch that one change oh gosh

You almost got me with a duck knobby how lewd hello optimistic nihilist yay pug hello army lover how you doing and that’s frequency two okay so i need to open Doorways oh my gosh yep thank you harvester for the 100 winky winky face you still got the kicks i do have the cakes wow that stepped to the right you guys are very effective with that today ah oh [ __ ] my my sword did you get it

Nope what do you mean nope no i didn’t [ __ ] one of the vacuum hoppers oh i need to get this thing off get get off get off my head oh gosh okay i need to check ender hoppers now there’s no sword where’s my sword kashka i was just running straight here it’s in

The centrifuge what click on the big centrifuge there you go and a jet pack could you get the egg out of there too there’s egg oh yep got it eggs are a problem we need to filter the eggs somehow that’s fine let’s go thank you army lover yeah but indeed

All right so are you done um no i need doorways and to uh block up the opening of where the redstone comes i do not i i was trying i was i read the quote so no ducks are never the problem they’re the solution exactly oh okay

There’s three of those three of those and then glass which i have so i should be should be good put that away goes away oh what actually that’s going to make things a little easier okay okay and because now i i just hop over this solution all right

See i don’t need to break glass i just get in here it’s like the hot topic version of um sort of spice this hot topic even sore thing in america What do you have that’s like causing your armor to just die i don’t know you need to get some life mending on there thank you for the hundred wee [ __ ] yes it does harvester and that zot spire is suffocating trying to trying to grab onto me now occult

Aversion two what is that i don’t know but these boots are going on my feet there we go i don’t know it’s not good if only because the um well i’m wearing them now okay it’s done that’s not hot topic is still a thing good to know i’m surprised and burb excuse me

The cult of ocean means you take and do less magic damage okay all right it’s not that bad nothing to do with uh not using magic so i’ll be okay well you’ll you’ll do better with the witch fighting yeah he’s a missing ender hopper over there oh yeah yeah

Excuse me excuse me nubby just gone in it’s it’s already in the the thing oh gosh all right grab this put it here oh no what i need to replace the beehives [ __ ] give me the beehive oh that was close facing no it’s still facing the wrong way fudge

Now i’m questioning if my little face [ __ ] it grabbed it i’m leaving the doors open so i know i think they’re all facing the wrong way oh no yeah fudge oh yep this one is gosh [Laughter] being shorter you don’t see don’t see those pitfalls quite so easily

Sadly suncoast isn’t very much enjoy the story if you ever get to japan there’s a store called store chain called village vanguard it’s part hot topic and part other things of shenanigans just mainstream pop culture stuff now though excuse me excuse me doc thank you that one’s got bees in it that’s not

The one i want there’s two two beehives here okay i’ve got two hives okay it’s about to be more in a minute here because what i gotta do is place them down i’m gonna open this one up because also there’s no level on this one here ah it took the glass okay

No that was a question i i don’t know you don’t know if you have i don’t have a leather okay don’t have a lever uh is the beehive facing you what is the beehive facing you yes it is yes it is oh god oh gosh something’s like okay oh there’s not so

Much these shaders i can’t decide yeah i mean refined storage not so much it was more fun storage the spooky almost sepia tones you know wrong mama pretty much i don’t think i’ve been helping koshka i’m sorry i think i’ve made things much worse i need a couple more doors

I just put some in the system acacia uh yes okay i need to go up here oh indeed click here hold on and i’ll put another one in there because i i have to pull it out of the centrifuge can you just step off there’s another door in the system okay

And glass and pedal blocks it’s being difficult no yes i was talking to nobody me and boss went to a job close to closing time got back late and i went to unlock door his truck keys were in the store door and it was unlocked That’s a bit spooky it’s done there it goes okay oh no what what are you doing down there you you can pick it up with the um little duck swaddling oh never mind it’s okay did you kill it no he got out room You killed it didn’t you got out all by himself uh-huh quack all right so this this one doesn’t have a lever it was even i’m just giving myself a heart attack over and over again okay there’s that it’s got shoes on that yep that’s fine where are you

Okay i told you i’ve kind of messed things up a bit do you have any extra lovers no but i can get you some i can help love her what you do with the love there is one in the system and wait what and then i think strawberry cheesecake

Ice cream there we go oh yes you are over there also the lover just got eaten by the thing that’s great oh i’ll go get it oh never mind did you get it yep okay i’m just trying to remember what that was for now so i do not remember

Oh this one i think that one’s got a lever on the outside it’s out here where is it how turn around between you and me oh okay got it never mind that’s where i put my levers okay for the ones that are out here and that if you’re putting it where are you

Putting them inside what is this block okay that’s that right i put them like um underneath the glass what glass like right here basically where that bit of orange glass is oh how do you access it then to turn it on and off well this is why i’m um

I was going to make those cyclic uh do dots oh that allows you to remote access turn them on and off yeah yeah actually here i will make some of those right now these things remote lava what was that what was what [Laughter] hey nicholas how you doing

The old fashioned hard ice cream not soft serve all right so now i just need to distribute the bees this week on bail in the void um i have not double checked to make sure that the beehives are all facing the right way have you um i checked a couple of them but

I just one’s open yeah this one’s not facing the right way okay can you fix it uh yeah i’ll have to chase it yeah gotta go get it oh there’s an egg look at that this oh oh there’s that spider’s suffocating now because because walls are tiny because i’m tiny Stop it stop it this moth it’s just trying to slowly like make its way towards my knocking i see you it does just creep towards you yeah um i was trying to get stuff out of here which i did and then i was going to go back out to one of these jeez

Start things spook me every time this one right yeah this one okay so i need that there and then this here that there what so confused so confused all right running in here ah get off my head get off my head ow it hurts okay i should have zoomed out because i was

Curious what i’d look like with the giant things ah fudge okay back down another one all right so when i place this down it does face me what i did that before and it didn’t do that oh i can’t saw the bees that kind of makes me sad you can’t sort the bees

Yeah like when i saw the chest it just the bees just end up in a random order i was kind of helping it with like oh that’s a gold to be hanger it’s kind of hoping it would like group them together you know So we need some glass there we go this here glass and then so many blue xps goodnight amber jade thanks for stopping in yeah thanks for hanging out amber best of luck with your appointments yeah give me a shout with how it goes if you don’t mind uh so that that boop

Are these all just regular bees they are oh no oh this one’s got a silver bee in it silver bees silver beans okay all right i’m leaving the doors open on the ones that have no bees in them okay oh this one needs glass okay hold on let’s put a piece there

It’s facing the right way you seem to have got yourself stuck oh no no me no not you no i’m fine thanks though that one’s good it’s the vampire bat oh shoot gosh thanks siren and thank you hints on for the tea time maybe those okay for vampire bats i haven’t been attacked

By them yet oh shoot am i in a room i shouldn’t be i was about to stop putting bees in these rooms i don’t know if bees are in there or not sun’s up so they’re not oh doing a float kashka yep this put that on my hot bar Hi hansen oh my jump boost wore off before my levitation did oh All right can i get up here yes there we go on top of the bee on top of the world oh almost close enough cheater nope hi llamas oh brother what are you doing with the llamas there’s llamas over there over where curious now by the kind of on the path towards tecmus

Okay might be a traitor towards tech actually before i do that i should make the thing lamas where’s your where’s your owner it’s daytime did he get eaten did the vampire bats chomp him that would be interesting that was the case i don’t see leads anywhere so i’m thinking he got eaten

Well then leads it’s time for you to to come with me all right copper beads um you and you before i release you and you i need to do this this away llama friends right click right shift click to activate oh did i lose one along the way position saved okay

I need to go down to the inventory if good feeling i’ve got some springy friends somewhere okay this one’s gonna be copper okay still with me llama still got one of them come on in here got the giant bouncy llama there we go hey ducko duck is now in there too

We now have three dangle llamas great one of which is much bigger than the others okay this is copper so you’re just distributing bees now um i think so yeah quick quick oh that’s cool we’ll do this and this stuff i plan for protection for oh that’s good that’s pretty good that’s

Pretty good okay cool and then we could probably change ability is increased tiny llama shepard valen that’s right that’s how that works so oh you’re in the next bit okay oh the vampire bat yep ah oh right at the moment stop it i like i like the rainbow winged

Boomerang that’s actually pretty good all right ah there get it off get it up no yeah yep boy that instantly just takes away my breathability what your breathability yes my breathability suffers get off get off oh thanks johnson yeah i’m just this little guy i’m like in a little squid cage

Okay they take me down a health bar and a half gosh oh is there another one okay three and a half hours left that was close i’m just assuming that these guys need a block of their own stuff probably spoopy halloween mods right so what’s causing the head squids um

The the air suckers oops psy air uh all right let’s look up sucker uh i think it’s the forest craft mod astomire’s forest craft which has a lot of like terraria like things in there i mean you saw the the really crazy um queen bee and the the vomiting wolf which actually is

Supposed to summon mini wolves as well but it doesn’t seem to be doing that so yeah i got shrunken i am i am a walking around shrunken head right now kashka do you have trousers yes i do are they any good though what’s that are they any good though um

I don’t know right now okay hang on one sec did eat some food no i would never do such a thing customer appreciation day everyone can come on down and put a brain sucker squid on our staff the colors the absolute colors it’s actually really pretty

All right let’s see if i can get up to the enchanting area okay and projectile protection Not there okay oh i see you i’m gonna leave you there because you’re not bothering me at the moment i am going to take a bunch of sugar with me i’ll put those back in there for now too Oh that’s just all the stuff is in there oh my gosh it’s time for that 90s horror movie music fudge brownies oh we’ve got some french brownie mix should have made some of those instead of cookies the other day they would last longer shrunk would it be better to shrink or

Enlarge the field of view i don’t know Uh let’s change let’s see oh definitely enlarge because then you can see a little bit better but you know it’s up to you got any of that bacon left um well we’ve got the i ate the back bacon um what’s the other stuff um i keep wanting to say prosciutto but

It’s not it’s like pancetta let’s see i i start and she’ll she’ll finish so it’s pancetta there we go did i just buy that yes so this one is going to be 10 which i was thinking i could have panchato with french toast today i did uh egg on toast with

The back bacon which was nice it’s very nice what is more immersive say one of the salamis had local seaweed in it or something like that yes it was smoked seriously she would all right what is this ten okay right remember ten guys okay ten ten rainy tin tin tin um So trying to think the others the other flavors we got we got fennel as well yeah fennel was the other one phenol salami and um and the smoked seaweed yeah we just got the two right yeah tintin and the lake of sharks it does sound like a tin tin yeah we

Could gather seaweed ourselves yeah it’s kind of something i plan on doing actually i just need to um find a effective efficient way down to the um down to the shore yeah because it’s kind of like a bit dodgy right now where are you oh my god what

I what you weren’t here so i was doing it and then you came over so no complaining recipe i saw that made me think of you was a roasted butternut squash with smoked bacon crumbled on top sounds good it needs more sugar two more stacks should do invalid operation opengl error that

Sounds promising oh that’s the one that i was getting and i don’t i have no idea what it is obviously me either and zoey pug is so snugged up look at her in the little fetal position she is so cute gosh can she get more no no i got eated

It didn’t work oh i tried i tried and died oh step time indeed whenever i’m down there it’s it’s a risk it’s definitely i did those three is it these gotta try it again what oh that’s kelly knocked themselves off wherever they shot me from

Oh and i just i got hit with an error and then watch the skelly like fall right past me hey f gray this is an experience pylon you crystallize the experience in it and it turns into experience confection which you can then consume and gain levels from it’s basically currently

Capturing the xp from the mob farm we have next door to it does that help i see you zod spire purple and black weird-looking fire hi amber we hear that you’re you’re feeling slightly better at the very least hopefully it you your continue with that oh you bastards what’d they do this time

Those bastards didn’t get to 90. okay i may have made a mistake for bloody yes all right leggings and we need one of you is a silverbee i thought chest plate correct correct oh crap ooh increase oh tenacity wow they don’t stay still oh [ __ ] i just put

The silver bead back in the box we’ll also grab this one just in case because they’re also baby bees come here baby biss beverage sure you’re a skelly baby yep actually i don’t need this if we’re doing the other one you’re the silver bee we don’t have boots all right diamond diamonds

Give me the boots and then another guy you must be the silver silverbee you are okay i just need these four to exit oh and then the gold b is gonna go in here oh and this is gonna be the silver and gold oh wow that’s already impressive maybe we’ll

Grab that too we’ll see how it goes okay so this this is this there we go and now we head over to this area wow this is a really big enchanting table it’s a huge gotta say not a fan of what the shade is to the honeycomb from this view oh yeah like

Like this block here we did make it so that it looks a bit more spoopy instead of bright and cheery yes like i’ve yeah just reduce the saturation pretty Oh significantly one’s pretty good got this in here called version unbreaking four that’s uh i think it’s here that’s protection oh that one’s a good one that one’s a good one that that set sucks okay so let’s grab this okay sylvia is up there is the sun coming up anytime soon maybe

You think i’m up to 248 deaths well oh yeah i i think i’m at like 230. so next that’s apparently just type in random animal noises make fallon paranoid as to what you can sport better if i add a couple randomly that work we actually have a plan for the next uh

Mod pack should be interesting yeah we’ve got one for like um a plan for cc to play over over spooktober a little bit um yeah we probably won’t see it though for a few weeks because of all of our uh it keeps saying a few weeks and it’s not gonna be that long

It’ll be a friday stream and we don’t have any friday streams for two weeks i thought we were gonna try for the second one well oh but okay all right well it’ll be some time there you go all right and i’ve got this and i need to need a bit of orange glass

You’re not dead where are you oh i found him uh-huh oh bye sylvia b i think you just grew up silverbee dang it i need more xp how much xp i need 80. three levels short oh so rude and i can get the good dudes jobs for the kashka all right sugar

Put this here hopefully this will be i’m gonna take another stack what is this one aluminum oh opengl error invalid operation well i guess like so we’ve got a pack planned for um for for kind of spooktoberry kind of time but um but after that oh get off my head get off me

Oh gosh um but after that we’re kind of gonna wait and see like what’s available What you make no sense well what um and what do we play after the one where oh i see is that a subtle node i mean no pressure well i mean yeah i mean what we have planned um depending on how it goes it’s supposed to take um no it’s yeah i think

Like 35 hours of play something like that to finish the pack but we’ll see how it goes you know i mean this is us also we anticipate many many deaths um in it and uh most of the rewards are probably going to be you guys helping us because we are going to die

That’s just how it is um so i got 88 levels that’s better let’s go upstairs through the bubbles bubbles bubbles i was doing maths in my head stop it that is where i tend to do them um chant enchant with mod with mob protection 6. multi-jump 10 occultive version 3

Rebounding 4. that sounds amazing all right you guys are back that’s a lot of multi-jumps oh my gosh but i guess are there any um packs that you guys would like to see us play depending on you know what’s ready and what’s not yeah i mean no we have

Certain plans but it it’s all dependent it’s all relative here we go okay so i think this is a little bonus level of mean then probably pro probably um so i need dgnss what you’re enjoying cuboid outpost oh i have so yeah around gentlemen canoe i think um i think somebody in actor’s

Community actually made that mod pack or a few people in his community made that mod pack and i think they actually made it for him and they did really good uh where is crack all right sylvia i could be mistaken on that though don’t quote me

You need a block of silver i’m guessing gold b needs a block of gold probably it does make a bit of sense there okay let’s do that don’t put it on bloop solve this bloop and then these i don’t think we actually need gold but it’s happening freaking good that was

Okay they’re quite happy now they’re doing the bee dance doing a little dance chest plate i’ll put my thunder forged oh i gotta put them in there why is that not so they stay safe all right and i do need another another i like how like our second most

Numerous item is now netherright ingots that’s that’s quite amazing to me i like this why is that not picking up opengl error i don’t know i see honeycomb in there sitting and this is not nabanet there oh geez that’s why there we go i started playing that today after watching actor

Play it one of his patrons made it yeah one of his patrons man that’s how i found it feels like a solid pack the first tekkit mod pack from back and faded days oh actor derp almost as much as valen is funny to watch i would watch bbc version of being human

All right so i think i mean i could spend time like sorting the rest of the bees ddns kashka no you’re being creepy up there i i have a full set of armor for you okay fully enchanted too whoa jeez um it’s on either side of the crafting grid

Now if you’re wearing a jet pack though you can’t wear the chest plate but i figure when you’re not wearing a jet the jet pack you can wear that if you want but they looked pretty good to me so i thought you would like like bts okay oh oh oh no wha why

Why why you do this this other one is is bishop shatner and he’s shooting me why bishop shatner why do you do this why why you hurt me so anyway the rest of your armor’s on the other side over here okay thanks let’s put this here there we go

I remember playing the dark grid mod pack due to villain and dying a lot oh yeah it was good but it was glitchy it’s glitchy as heck not because of the mod pack but because of the version that it was on i think like 1 8 9 or something like that of minecraft

This thought spire is being super creepy half gray is now lurking all right enjoy your lurk f gray i still can’t get over just how gorgeous this base is if it’s not the prettiest skyblock base i’ve ever seen it’s easily in the top three ah rni

It’s so nice and i have to say that means like uh a lot because your builds like when you say it it means a lot because your builds are so gorgeous i agree i agree and what are these silver and silver and gold and i think it’s

Yeah i think it’s [ __ ] up oh you’re hanging those things on the sides yeah is that okay yeah that’s fine so like those are the turn turn the lever on oh that’s cool and then the hopper releases the kraken and it starts getting processed exactly that’s awesome that’s awesome that this is

This is cool i i’m pretty happy about this because i can’t tell if this also has a texture load error or just magenta and black now it’s it’s a texture load error at least i think it is but it’s it’s a glitch that’s been around for so long

And they they still haven’t fixed it i swear i reported it a long time ago but i don’t remember now probably just got closed out can’t tell sophia all right there we go the quack and you guys have done an amazing thing with that bass thank you gentlemen canoe

Thank you it’s mostly been koshka and i have to say it was massively inspired by your build news like yeah when i saw the build of like your hex build i was like oh i have to do that or something similar and i kind of tried to go with something

Similar because it seemed a bit like okay i can’t just completely copy it there are i have seen like super huge size krakens in some mods in 116 i have also seen a giant chicken that ftb did for like 112. i love that bass thank you siren moon

She took my poor inspiration and made magnificence all you don’t need to be so humble expect should be a pack with ducks bishop shanna you’re oh god oh crap we got we got a raid from mumbo face coming in and i it feels so sad without the hold on a second here alpha

Hold on that that yeah yeah no problem i’ll just hold on that’s not big deal there we go see it’s supposed to pop in with puppies oh crap and it’s coming after me um welcome raiders move a face hello welcome you have summoned us to the boss and arena some reason it’s only

Summoning the insane dog ow none of it’s getting out of my face i can’t see anything move my face thank you very much for the ride thank you very much for the raid how’s your stream yes uh if you’re interested we like to do a little thing for raiders that come in

With double digits and that is uh raider roulette clipper yes clip roulette uh where we we put a command applied your insanity command we put a command in the system and it grabs a random clip from your stream and plays it here so that we can all see

Uh a sample of your channel now it it could be absolute crap it could be absolute genius so that’s the whole thing include roulette are you up for it moomooface your stream was good that’s great to hear yeah we’re in the boss arena i might stay here for a hoop for a

Moment okay if we’re doing the flip roulette thing demand hydration hydration okay yes roma clip lord billy wants in on it if you got a raid and run that’s fine too but either way we do like to ask i’m up for it just be aware of swears

Maybe oh my gosh we swear all the [ __ ] time so true story not a problem all right hold on a second here we’ll do this one more face shout out and if it’s not a prize we can run a second huh i’m sorry i’m sorry bubble spider i’m sorry your mom’s

Baby spider is very vicious do you have arachnophobia i’m curious i’m going to run another one by the way so you you’re in for a second roulette mumble face there we go bella has been swinging a lot more oh nice there you go a couple a couple extremely brief samples

Of boom face stream thank you for the 500 core painful corgamettes you guys that that oh god it doesn’t help that i’m itty bitty oh my gosh pissed off the bees down here oh no you did you hit the bees yeah there were no movies down here oh no

Cancer actually hit me pretty hard um and i i’ve been shrunken by the way [Laughter] my gosh guess some time ago i thought that was a fireball they calm down yes they have calmed down okay there’s still some of them left thank you for that 500 still angry that was very kind

Thank you all right oh dear the ones that stone me are kicking right once they get angry oh dear that’s very sad they what that’s all right they don’t die if they just get angry they do have to have stuff stung me oh yeah yeah why do i have stumble oh

I have five saddles kyle you’re trying to get me to stumble but i’m already shrunken so the stumble does not stumble me what it does is it spawns an invisible uh trap door like at my midpoint and if i’m not shrunk it will press me down and squish me so that i’m flat

Right so i am armored although my armor is already taken some hits from all those dudes so uh so are you ready to go to the end um yeah i’m just gonna um wait what oh crap my stuff shoot i’m just gonna repair i’m getting attacked by

Head squids hold on a second here thanks nightcast get me to drop my stuff let’s put this here put that in there that in there um oh i can’t repair these prepare what these diamond leggings of tenacity uh with diamonds okay i’m putting diamonds in and it says no

They look like the netherite though don’t they just upgrade them to another right then the stuff i gave you was all another right oh okay it says diamond really uh no idea oh no we need ghast tears all right how do we get gas honeycomb i should have looked at this earlier

Uh it’s 100 chance thank you for the following welcome to the mischief thank you very much thank the light you thank you for the 10 biddies uh yes but i was trying to find out what they let me go let me grab a giant lead on

I’m just gonna grab these jars and go try and find i know we’ve got a soul sample in search of answers i just don’t remember it doesn’t say what they harvest from and your imagination thank you for the follow and welcome to the mischief i like your name um what what is it

That is so or we can sieve it and for a two percent chance yeah of soul sand no less which do we even have souls in yes we do i could see about sieving a bunch of that real quick to get some let’s grab some of these head over to spawn

I hear you duckos put no no keep that i think it’s just what are you are you sand hit you on the bee all right hold on uh it was a ghast bee i don’t need to find that oh you’re gonna go sleep oh on soul sand do

You want me to sleep actually yes please i can’t find the bees when they’re all in the height basically um so they they just need a block of soul sand oh i see sieving is probably faster well i don’t know it’s a low percentage but we’ll see technically been part of the mischief

For years though i haven’t been following you more than a few minutes fair enough i just got two gas tears oh that was so rude i got here and the soul zombie went boop into the hive ran away well thank you your imagination for uh thank you for the lurk

For the years of lurking uh all right come on salsa i still have two gas tears get your butt out of the hive because you’re you’re coming with me is that you that is you this is me oh you’re just bottling them up yep so i’m gonna go put them in the apiary

Because that is so so much faster to breed a wise choice siren i follow you on youtube and your videos from modded help so much when i get lost cool that’s what i make him for i was glad to hear the people like him i have so much quartz now because of

Those soul sambies thanks koshka um and put all that in there okay there’s okay export so now we need cake a this guy export this one export there we go oh shoot i need regular cake oh no oh yes um we need a cow or a villager farmer because we need milk

And we have not grown any passive animals because they they all got killed by our stuff is gonna get exported temporarily i’m gonna export you temporarily as well grab this dirt scrap no so i have a question will uh passive animals spawn on dirt or does it have to be grass

Oh you’re right thank you so much um r and i i was just like oh the breeding tab don’t explore it okay these are my guys or girls really grassy’s she get from civil and i need to put the stuff in there so i need a flower for the sippy right

And then it needs to be grass oh no i was afraid of that all right dirt put a few in there oh it’s 100 right so it should just be poppy uh i should have been working on this this whole time not getting a cow yes among you thanks for the host

Grass seeds britannia area has grass that’s very true that’s probably a much wiser what are you trying to get i was trying to get more grass seeds but yeah i we already have a bunch of grassies don’t we we had six oh okay so yeah now let’s open this

I need to be a little bit closer there we go lots of those seats there we go get all that in there and i’m gonna need to make a dirt bridge hooray dirt bridge i’m going out to the boss arena to bust off of that because i don’t want this by our

Regular base it’s gonna make it all dirty will passive mob spawns be better down at a lower y level that’s something worth figuring out pasture seeds that was it which i think that’s just grass right yeah just clipped grass just releasing all the regular bees into the bumblebee thank you there we go

I’ve been trying to empty them out of the apiary because for some reason they keep like popping in there oh not enough oh we’ve got some over here oh no that’s exchanging them wait what oh it goes to the no what the heck i’m really confused so oh my thank you

Harvester for the tea time wait is the apiary storage like going places um i don’t remember okay it’s back is grass yep it sure is that’s a gas to be i have a gas to be okay can i stand on the edge there we go here and instead take some of this okay

Hey there we go now i can put some grass in here nice so i’ve got a bunch of grass seeds now that up there uh here’s the thing though we’ve got we’ve had grass over here for a while now we have high grass over there no mob

Spawns i know that kind of it’s well with everything this is gonna do the trick oh my gosh i keep doing that to myself it’s amazing oh no i was thinking it went into the main table you can’t centrifuge under comb without bottles right oh whoops yep i just shifted and oops

Maybe spawns are disabled oh you got it nobby that’s and it arrived in one piece i take it yay what biome is the britannia area that’s a good question oh well let’s find out the duck egg of course it is giant tree tiger hills i think our whole thing is in that plan

Tiger coffee and giant tree tiger so it’s all tiger something you could just set up a quick spawn a cow channel point reward oh jeez oh my gosh okay i pushed you out no i i had my teleport sword and i wasn’t even looking and got eaten

That’s what i just requested i know i was reading your comment fifteen thousand swanikaze events thank you for the follow and welcome to the mischief dang i was gonna i was gonna do a thing bye hi jacket kid how you doing um shall i put these should i put the

Netherite bees back in though do you want more than that sure why not stuff taking damage in here and i’m wondering if it’s the zod spire just like eating them all right so hmm import why was to be important success cci outcomes see messages we could have it on

Oh siren i’m sure we will find something if you did enough emeralds it’ll spawn villagers if you moo they will come oh welcome back to robojax oh and youtube gotcha yeah no worries okay all right so timewarp we can add that in uh outcomes oh i should probably import the

Wait what does the gatsby need to oh oh it’s all still there okay i’m like did i just delete them all i didn’t save it yet okay good uh we need a commando and this i hate that i have to go over here scroll down and go to this command summon minecraft cow

It needs to be more than that though uh let’s see see sting like a bee has stuff that deals with this there we go we’ll copy this all copy no no what are you doing i’m making a new command not you that you just like hopped in that

Oh my god bees summon and we’ll change this to minecraft cow where the custom name gets summoned in at me save reload exit for the next uh uh what do you call it um thing it’s i need to kill this thing yeah i’m sorry

Ah oh there we go and it’s spawned a cow [Laughter] we win yeah who was the did it alright alright thank you alright look at you doing your thing i can’t i can’t access this thing to get a bucket out get a bucket oh shoot it’s got water in it of course

Well i’m gonna dump this water right there i need two more buckets all right cow’s looking at you like why are you tiny little man i am milking you [Laughter] Right i just need iron i don’t need to distract the idea that you’re milking our eye i’m reasonably beefy move come here oops i drank it sorry it was a mistake i’m not going to bake utterly small all right we got three buckets so we can make cake maybe maybe

Making it with a duck egg cake seems appropriate that is very appropriate all right so then this boop we have zan cake nice we has ant cake okay so where to put and cake kashka we need a table right here okay sure uh hold on a second i got an idea oh yeah

Nightcast makes a really good point what’s that we should make an overall cake as well okay or be sad those are the choices would you mind would you mind making another cake i can do that well i look up the table i’m looking for there we go

I only see end cake and cake i i think we just need another end cake then oh yeah i think so we can we we need to bring it with us and place it down and i think we click on it to get back gotta go to the store we’ll see you

Later kitsa yeah see you later you have a great store visit i’m milking this roll is worth oh there we go come here cow it’s got a name [Laughter] get a name tag no it doesn’t need one it’s got your name see already i i added that in utterly disappointing all right i have cake uh and cake all right that’s the chest i don’t believe that it’s clearly an rni is a belgian blue got it one less moth

We have gas tears already i sieved several stacks of soul sam i see so all that me making i see i didn’t want to say i said i said i was doing it you just kept going and yeah i’m sorry i didn’t i felt bad at that point all right and cake

And cake i’m back all right so can i hazard cake we shall see sneak got it get it yep i got it i almost forgot about the sneaker all right jet packs [ __ ] i just teleported with my damn sort of good jet pack i have a jet pack uh grab three of them

Oh should i grab the others uh oops yes there are two more in there okay and i heard it too it’s somewhere um let me add um do you care about hover mode uh probably all right so i need to set up yeah options controls if you look up the word chest

Don’t hit category or key just chest oh yeah chest plate mode and i set that to h and then i use that for hover mode you might want to test it to make sure it works properly though because there’s three modes when you select it’s

Off on i have to be wearing this right yes it’s off on and hover okay we look like we’ve got fireworks coming out from behind us or something it’s pretty crazy all right no jet pack for the cow oh man does r and i move want to come up

Wait what was it that i was on magical mischief tour where the Was the hippopotamus stole my magic broom does it scale the jetpack to valencia or is he tiny with a giant jet pack the particles don’t scale but the jet pack is not visible hold on a second because i’ve got i’m r and i move you’re pushing me this one uh maybe

Oh it scales just the jet the particles themselves ow geez i’m like torturing myself now yeah see the particles are still yeah are in the wrong spot but that’s okay yeah all right so uh hold on let me put my outfit back on here are you ready um i i guess so

Should i click the cake um i feel like i should grab an extra sword it’s not a bad idea this sounds pretty cool that was a great clip unbreaking tap oh it’s got teleportation on it that’s right hang on that’s fine there’s no teleporters there yeah so it’s not going to teleport me

Randomly well uh you can sneak right click with it and you will teleport like you would with a regular underscore i see all right uh i’ll bring an extra one too just in case and an extra bow and more arrows there we go bow oh boy arrows hello cake and take a few

Stacks of arrows just in case wait what gave an illumination wand what why did you give yourself an illumination where is it oh i clicked on the side because i left cheat mode on sorry that’s the baby zombie ow he’s not baby he’s freaking huge cheater

You need a table for the cake don’t want to be a savage we’ve got a cable oh you mean the return trip cake table uh i brought a few just all right there we go all right so i’ve got a table all right let’s do this uh okay so

Do you want to be extra big so you can hit it easier i’m going to bring a couple of stacks of cobble why you got three jet packs because you never know that’s a good point right all right i’m gonna right click do it all right nothing happened

Do i have to do this with an empty hand oh maybe it doesn’t work while you’re tiny because i just nope i just had to use my empty hand okay i’m here and i’m turning on hover hover mode oh i see the dragon and i’m putting

Can you take a step to the side a little bit please there we go and the return cake is there okay i don’t have a waypoint marker but i imagine we should be able to find this yeah let’s go oh i’ve got a thing on my head i can’t see [Laughter] Did you get fumbled did your stuff land on the island well that’s why we got extra stuff right i don’t have a pick however hey oh [ __ ] off yeah oh it’s shooting fireballs i wasn’t expecting i do have a peck right now whoa oh come here do you have um

Do you have a bow still yes i do gotten three of the towers ah the pickering works really good cool oh fireball stop shooting at me i’m not shooting at you i’m just shooting these towers oh there i will shoot you now sure no fireballs oh ow

How how don’t say waiting for server that’s not a good time to say waiting for server okay oh there we go okay i’m not sure how i feel about the shade oh it’s so loud you’re not sure about what i feel about the shade a bit weird here

I can’t hit it with the bow i forgot about that oh it’s so loud i’m sorry people i’m sorry where can i hit it uh waiting for server oh and there’s this there’s a bee attacking us he’s dead yeah it still says waiting for server other things don’t though

That’s weird that is weird can i not hit them oh oh it’s pretty good okay that’s a really upset enderman i’m dealing with right now they’re not happy because i just set them on fire There we go ender dead purple clouds everywhere you get you going for it she’s immune to bow damage while perch yeah i was trying to hit her with the sword but oh i gotta hit in zoe covered her ears no i can’t are you using your are you using your bow

I thought you’re using your boomerang i mean that’s pretty tempting if you set me on fire although it does take forever to come back duck the fireball i’m terrible at this oh she’s the one that’s lagging the single-player server here your particles are like shooting across

The field for me it’s kind of crazy oh no no i was trying to hit the fireball and i hit her instead okay come on shoot the fireball let’s see what you got come on for some reason this reminded me of the time uncle jenny’s when siren kids and

Myself were farming the end dragon hey nice oh you just picked something up i got it and the really loud sounds really cool sounds we though it yeah i got nothing from that i got um epic shadow grab bag of engineering they don’t know what to do with me because i’m tidy

And of course the the ender egg dragon egg i’m not really bothered with bringing it back with this i’m fine with it being here yeah well i didn’t bring a piston either and you’ve got a thank you mobius probably one of the longer boss battles we’ve had but not a difficult one

Interesting an entire tinker’s quest line without having to make a single tinker’s tool that’s quite the choice to make what interesting indeed you don’t need a piston just let it fall on a torch yeah but you how do you get it to fall oh you you try

Breaking it it teleports then you break the block underneath yeah okay let’s try that yeah try mining it do you have any torch i have i can i can make torches i have a picker ring i do have torches i have some torches and there’s two torches there okay here

We go ready what are you doing there it is okay so now we need to mine a few blocks underneath it and then put the torch under there and then i mine the block under it and it falls maybe oh you got it i have an egg you have an egg

Can i can i has died too you cannot wants to hold it you look so badass cool what’s he used for oh spawner what it’s an apotheosis spawner that’s pretty crazy [ __ ] right there oh the cuboid outpost mod pack gotcha okay so uh should we click the cake to go back or

Shall we go through the portal to go back um let’s collect the cake okay i can’t remember where it is think it is um is it east okay it’s yeast yeah i see the dot on the map really weird map that we have oh yeah it’s the ftd map that’s why

Wow the void really crazy dark particles yeah okay i need to empty my hand right click the cake i need to turn my helper off okay i’m not it’s not working for me nope we have to wait you have to wait well i’m floating oh there we go

You tell me if it works for you because it’s not working for me it’s not working for me okay well then i guess we go through the portal and be glad that we never actually eliminated our spawn area hey citroen haven’t even made the first singularity yet

Bridget with duck egg and create duck ons would you laugh off shoo i can’t seem to hit them they just teleport away oh because i wasn’t close enough with my little tiny microscopic body i can’t they’re just going for you all right i’m jumping in okay There you go folks we’re back on bed with enderman i can’t remember that there we go some of them came through where they’re sexy stealing our grass jerk so wow there we go all right i’m turning hover on so i kind of feel like maybe the last

Thing we should do is how would you feel about deconstructing this or no you want to leave this no i i like it for the fact that uh it it has all of our stuff in it oh okay you know this is where we started

And it looks all janky and we made it into that that beautiful beautiful thing over there actually let me take a look at the map here how many more deaths do we have 226 225 224 there you go remove 249. remove um i’m going to go into creative mode

That all right with you entirely up to you and disable my jet pack and then have a peek around and of course we’ve got our dangle llamas just do a little tour of the place one last time before we we finish finished redoing my roof and vintage story oh congratulations papa cheese

I do like the the dangalamas it’s proof of how many of the uh as well as the mini llama it’s proof of how many um still didn’t get quite all the bee pods filled right and organized could have done that a bit more i’m gonna make it daytime okay oop

Oh that’s very bright yeah it is oops not hit boxes uh there we go you can see all the bees busy at work in the little places opengl error away open gl here yeah i feel like i could have totally um like sorted these ones out because there

Are bees in there that are like you know could have uh moved them into their own spot kind of thing i see the calm hovering with the magnets yeah oh that one’s what’s going on that one was doing a crazy break dance let’s get that ender out of there the brand new hives

Yeah a couple of those still have open doors unpopulated but optional i mean you got to have space for new babies and then we’ve got the uh power center with the the reactors up top and the the functional machines down below it’s still a bit of a mess but it’s a

It’s a workable mess you know it’s not as bad as it was it’s our tech mess but it it actually got slightly organized yeah we got the little mini boss arena with a vampire bat flapping around in it and the base under area which i’m gonna have to go into amazing behemoths

As well in here as many of you have seen quite often a little area with the duck pooping out eggs inside i think my boots broke and our behemoth flowers with only one bee behemoth on it because i’m flying the other one around oh that’s a good idea i like that hi you

What oh i’m tiny oh no do you sit in the behemoth yes i can’t see because i’m tidy i need to undo the tiny hold on i have to admit we didn’t like develop the britannia and the blood magic area as much as i thought we would

Same here i thought that there would be a lot more that we would have to do in those uh actually can i take that off i like shaders from time to time but i don’t know like they are really cool for creating atmosphere but um when you just kind of want like a

Regular thing you know hi hello i’m gonna go to the astral area here well the light beams yep oh cheese actually i like to think of it as um properly propolis bees will seal up entrances or you know and cracks and crevices and things like that and i i feel that they were

You know kind of sealing off the uh another portal as it is at least that’s kind of you know my my take on it i love your little stinger i idea it’s just so good then of course the long stretch to the new boss arena

Which was a lot of fun thank you all for that yeah because it was it was designed entirely with the hopes that things would happen like that oh look at this this is awesome awesome oh not so high watch your head i keep on bouncing my head into things

It’s a little bee the giant bumblebee on top with the regular vanilla bees in it this helps us start everything it looks so cute in there too gosh the sound effects of the behemoth is great it is it reminds me of um what is it like remember that old robin hood cartoon movie

And um sir hiss the snake how he got stuck in a balloon at one point or something like that he had a balloon over his head and he had his own propulsion was his tail spinning and the sound would be somebody going it just reminds me of just something like that you know

In this case somebody really softly got the little enchanting area been a really cool build khashoggi you didn’t really think you did really good let’s see if i can get some height needs more height lots more height oh that’s your favorite disney movie nice gonna go over here to f1 there we

Go fact i am going to turn off the plug cam for a moment just so we can have a better view look at this it’s good stuff oh there’s a bee up here it’s you i’m like there’s a bee loose the behemoths were an amazing touch i agree thank you guys

Rna and newbie so much for them look at that i really do love them that’s so good our janky spawn area it it’s just i mean it looks so very don’t hate me for saying it but it looks so very ftb pack oh they were your idea nightcast nice thank you for that

And then we moved on from this little your idea implemented by it was like a trio of greatness such an organic area between yourself for their idea and newbie and rni for the implementation come amazing here with kashka do a little side by side oh oh all right maybe like a little merge

Though a little bit trying to trying to buzz a little bit further away there we go so good yeah nightcast came up with the idea of the giant ride will be and then i came up with the name and asked newby if he’d implement them if i gave him a model

What’s next sky horseback baby then you gotta you gotta take those and breed them with with donkeys and you get the mule and then nothing because that’s it that’s it congratulations this pack has been a great ride making me laugh till my side’s hurt and picking up my spirits so

Many times thank you thank you well thank you very much because it wouldn’t have been the same without all you guys here exactly given us a lot of grief that we invited that we volunteered ourselves for space ducks back takes place entirely in another no

No no no it’ll be much worse than that um yeah yeah yeah and so next time we stream minecraft oh no actually sorry next time we’ll be streaming mmt on sunday right that’s the plan at least that’s the plan unless like tomorrow we’re working at the craft so

Unless we like kill ourselves at the craft be streaming mmt on sunday um but we don’t have much spooky stuff going on for that because that’s overplay so we have to you know play nice that’ll be our spook break for don’t worry about it um and then monday oh so monday is

Is the real the first spooktober stream yeah we pl we’ve got uh spooky games planned with uh the zone callisto some spooky elements but monday will actually be like spooky game yep yeah and hopefully if we get everything worked out right we’ll have some hello diana some rather silly

Spooky stuff too if you kept up your side in the grief steaks hey it’s fine that’s why we stream more cosmophobia is on the list i’m not sure if it’s gonna be monday though yeah phasmaphobia is our our fallback uh and our if we don’t want to do

Something like we’ve got a few games on on the on the barbecue if we don’t want one of those ones we’ve always got a side of phasmophobia yeah so it might be super fun to play fasmophobia with some people who play it really well who know the game rather instantly anyway um

Holding chaos patreon thing again yeah i think we definitely should the mini game with the pumpkins oh that’s so fun i thought he was talking about the dungeon screams too much the crazy pet in case the other game explodes well or just we wanted a break and we already

Know that it’s a fun game yeah valen can cci be set up where the chat moves players around could have a course set up where half the chat has to get to a spot and the other tries to stop that would be a lot of

Oh there’d be a lot of stuff to put in so just don’t remember that siren called me out like that that does look like giant flower great kashka plays phasmaphobia with dundra and use him as bait i mean play he doesn’t have to say dunder i just that that’s how it’s played right

You use all the other players as bae oh and the knight falls and you get to see the lid up oh [ __ ] um That’s a good point step to the right oh my gosh i’m not leaving my bee come back come back there we go um and then wednesday we won’t be streaming right and then friday unfortunately we still won’t be streaming but then we’ll be back the following sunday with some mmt and

We’ll see how we go from there yeah i gotta go back up again hold on i lost my i’m coming back up whoa that was quick nicely done nightcast exactly how you play darcosta has an afk channel where chat plays minecraft it’s not cci but maybe he could give you some pointers

Interesting yeah he has a way of like hooking up a cci-like mod to just about every game but i mean he is much more programmer knowledged than i am and also can probably word that better than i did have fun with the wedding and family

Visit it’s been a long time coming and i am sure it will be lovely thank you very much thank you and i just wanted to say thank you all for joining us on this journey i mean we started this off with the hive drive um and quite a few months ago yeah many

Months ago and it’s it’s been a lot of fun and yes a buzz um happened and uh we’ve been able to get a lot of that stuff going when we don’t have all the materials yet from the bees to pay everybody back and we’re still working on making

A place at the croft where we can actually paint up the rest of the hives and the images of the the people that were supporters for that but some of you are or may already have received rewards uh for the hive drive others uh it’s on

The way and there’s still more to go yep we’ve got the honey harvested and we just need to press it as most of you are probably already aware get one last upper stance that does as much as you get i still got the antenna yeah yeah oh boy

That’s the end of a great twitch series hey rorax thanks do it for it can we get one left you can afford people to pay people to do it for heather honey well no actually the heather honey uh hasn’t been pressed yet oh that’s what i

Said okay yeah we we just did the runny honey and a bunch of runny honey not all of it has been sent out um and we still have uh heather honey to send as well yeah but not until after we squeeze it which probably won’t be back

Done until after we’re done with all the i don’t know i might i might enlist family to help oh let’s put them to work crack the whip and get them stuck in squish the honey family do it the bee costume was not returned it’s it’s it’s still up there

Packaged away somewhere yeah i don’t know where it went i think it’s in the spare room all the best your family kashka i hope that buddy is good with the butt zoe is good with the train yeah she’ll be fine on the train i’m sure uh it’s uh

When we have to leave her home yeah at that strange house that we were yeah she gets anxious so she’s coming with that kashka’s family became house elves exactly we’ve got we’ve got a cupboard under the stairs they can just all sleep in there just like the fridge in fifth element

Where he’s like stuffing oh that was a freezer wasn’t it where he’s stuffing that in the freezer we don’t fit in here all right well uh we’ve got lots of plans for the upcoming streams so hopefully they’ll join us out and also hopefully they all work out the way that

We hope that they will lulu went in the shower it was auto wash yes she did auto wash what a wash his military buddies went in the freezer anyway anyway uh shall we call it yes i think we should i think we should go get a little sleep all right let’s thank you

Guys i really have enjoyed this so much and i’m actually really gonna miss this base and this pack has been super lovely just like just like you guys we would put it up for anybody that wanted to explore it but oh gosh but um uh we modified it so much i don’t

Remember all the stuff that we added to it at this point yeah we have like added like quite a few mods to have silliness with oh i went to the wrong one no no don’t go to my channel don’t worry though we’ll have um channel point shenanigans set up for the next pack

And the next part yeah yeah yeah yeah and we’ve got a feldrae playing ruins over at dania too thanks dungeon you know that we’re we’re playing too late when she’s when we’ve run into her we can write foul trying then we’re in trouble um as far as minecraft goes i see

Generic b with uh enigmatic six feldere with runes of ardania two and then the rest of it is a bunch of hardcore minecraft vanilla a 1710 ftb infinity evolved that was actually i enjoyed that pack how do you feel about that it’s all dry everybody good with towel tray

I enjoy her back as well all right well i’m gonna i’m gonna choose feldrae then so let’s click on that copy the name and now she’s running around with sarana darkest too so that works they’re doing an explore all right so if you want to join us get more

Channel points for more shenanigans in the future please do so and if you’re a sub to the channel feel free to use some emotes those are just examples of some that you could choose uh in the chat when we get there and uh we will see you guys at felder’s stream thanks again

Everybody have a good weekend we love you very much and uh we bought you two bye everyone

This video, titled ’25 Sky Bees w/CCI (Twitch stream) Minecraft modpack END’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2022-11-01 15:00:21. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:23 or 14303 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefofmice #MischiefOfMice2 #twitchstreamer # This video is a recording from a LIVE broadcast to either Twitch (twitch.tv/mischiefofmice) or on our Discord in a mini-stream with our supporters. Join us! Mischief of Mice links: https://hypel.ink/mischiefofmice

~~Support us & more with our partner/affiliate links~~ Bisect Hosting Partner link (get servers!): http://bisecthosting.com/mischiefofmice Bisect Hosting 25% OFF (new accounts) code: mischiefofmice Humble Bundle partner link (get games!): http://humblebundle.com/?partner=MischiefofMice

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  • INSANE Animator from Indonesia | Must-See Animation! 🔥

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  • Hyper Sonic Craft

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  • Alabasta SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Java 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting with clout

    “I guess you could say this meme scored a critical hit on our funny bone!” Read More

  • Modding Mayhem: Blue’s Minecraft Mod Mysteries!

    Modding Mayhem: Blue's Minecraft Mod Mysteries! Leap into the verse, no need for a start, For the crowd knows your face, your beats, and your art. Just spin the finest rhymes, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Yo, our Minecraft news reporter, always in rhyme, Crafting updates with beats that ignite. Icing every detail with a grin and a spin, Exploring the world of mods, where the fun begins. Playing modded Minecraft with Blue, a VOD to see, Streaming on Twitch, where the action is free. Join the discord, chat with friends off-stream, Get live notifications, for the… Read More

  • “Hotter than Nether: Mining for Surprises in Minecraft” #shorts #meme #memes

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  • Mastering Minecraft 1.21: Diamond Mining Tips

    Mastering Minecraft 1.21: Diamond Mining Tips The Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Diamond Mining Guide Finding Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21 Diamonds are a rare and valuable resource in Minecraft, found underground in the Overworld dimension. They are most commonly found below y level 15, in veins of 1 to 8 diamond ore. To mine diamonds, you’ll need an iron, diamond, or netherite pickaxe. Using the Fortune enchantment on your pickaxe increases your chances of getting multiple diamonds from a single ore block. Effective Methods for Finding Diamonds In the Minecraft 1.18 cave update, diamonds became less exposed to air, making regular cave diving less effective. Two methods… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft for Minetest Blocks

    Unveiling Minecraft for Minetest Blocks Welcome to the Minecraft for Minetest Mod Pre-Update! Exploring Common Blocks and Exciting Additions As the Minecraft for Minetest mod gears up for its pre-update release, players are in for a treat with new items and features on the horizon. While this is just a taste of what’s to come, the mod creator has hinted at some exciting additions to look forward to. Notable Features: Fireworks: One of the upcoming additions to the mod is the introduction of fireworks, adding a festive touch to gameplay. Players can expect to light up the skies and celebrate in style, with the… Read More