A MrKCDavis – Minecraft LPs – 🗳Witch Water Powered Mob Farm🗳Ep.07🗳 Stoneblock 2 🗳 Minecraft Modded 🗳

Video Information

All righty guys i’m casey and welcome to a broad episode of stone block two guys i had a lot of fun in the last episode we set up this auto saving system over here now it may not be the most compressed it looks like i’ve got a

Couple of mobs spawning over here let me deal with them as i was saying before i was interrupted we set up this auto receiving system that makes gravel sieves gravel puts it onto this chest which is fantastic we’ve got one over here that’s doing the exact

Same for dust but i am still missing a couple of hammers if you caught last episode i didn’t actually have enough um diamonds to create the hammers that i needed and i recorded this episode directly after the last episode so no time has passed between the end of that

Episode of the beginning of this episode really uh let’s just stick a torch here i’ll figure some more permanent lighting out later on i love your eyeballs don’t look at them don’t look at them don’t look at them anyway in this episode what i want to do

Is i want to first of all create a storage room for all of this stuff that we are getting from these sieves right here and then i think i want to put a mob farm quite possibly in this direction i’m thinking now we can’t go off in this

Direction because right behind this wall is actually the soul sand farm it goes to just behind this wall so uh i’d rather the witch water farm so i can’t do that but yeah i think i’m mob farm in this episode it’s gonna be absolutely perfect so guys if you’re looking

Forward to that do me a favor leave it a like and hit subscribe without any further ado let’s get into the episode now to do the storage system we are going to continue a little bit more into storage drawers you can see there’s actually a bit of a chain here and i

Want to get some of these done in this episode actually it’ll be pretty cool so we’ve already done the basic storage drawer we’re going to look at this compacting drawer now which i’m hoping it works the way that i think it’s going to work now this is a compaction george

Requires a couple of pistons a regular drawer some iron and some stone which i’ve already got and i’m hoping that this because this compact stuff so if we were to take say aluminium for example and put this in here we’re going to see that it’s going to share it between blocks

Ingots and nuggets allowing us to choose which one we want at any point so we’ll just we’ll just bring all them out there i’m hoping that this works with yes it does it works with the ore bits or whatever these called pieces and turns them into chunks which is exactly what i

Wanted it to do so this is what i plan to use for our storage system over here or at least for the most part some of it won’t be this some of it will be this it looks like this um contents are sealed within okay so it looks like that’s remembered the fact

That we put copper in there so i’m planning to put this the storage area is actually gonna go over here as we come in from the gravel end so we’ve got our tree farm right down there and uh this tall sand farm is behind there sorry the butch water farm is

Behind there but if we come down here we’ve got the sand over there the dust here i was thinking of putting the storage system here exactly what i said and to my delights actually links up really well with this so i might do a little bit of reshuffling of this

Section right here i’ve got an idea for this i think it looked really really cool but i’m thinking of putting it on this particular wall right here but i do want to get one more uh storage drawer one of them drawer controllers that we used over

There to just sort of control all the drawers so i opted for the reshuffle this is it we’ve still got the magmatic dynamos right here with our energetic diffuser they’re still powered i’ve hidden the pipe that goes to this tank now so it’s underground and we can use

This as a walkway to get into the storage room now for right now i’ve just gone ahead and sorted everything that you can see this is a big wall i’ve gone ahead and installed a drawer controller and all of this is good now i do need to obviously hook this up now to

This chest oh this chest and um this chest that’s gonna be fun but at least now we’ve got this one thing that i did want to do is i wanted to grab a couple of these and i wanted to sneak in to the smell

Tree and i wanted to kind of light it up a little bit um i think what i’m going to do first though is i’m going to i’m going to slay all the mobs in there the best way to do this is to grab a stack of wool use

Copper we’ll put this in then when that alloys or rather becomes a liquid in here it’s going to form and liquid in there it’s going to be hard it’s going to damage the mobs and just make sure it does kill the mob so we’ll turn this off now as i was saying before

Now we can sort of sneak in here we go we got a common loot chest we got a few of these loot chests we should probably open them up and what we can do is we can just go ahead and stick a cobble a glowstone in the roof in just certain places

Just to give this some light inside i don’t really i’m not really fussed too much about this being precise but uh i suppose it can’t hurt there we go inside is lit up and this will stop getting mobs now don’t get me wrong blood is good it allows us to make those um

They’re like blood balls i forget what they are these things yeah that allows us to make these things but i have a lot of these now thanks for all the blood that we’ve gotten from here so i don’t need any slime balls congratulated blood modulated blood geez

Man i’ll tell you anyway my next task is to now link these chests up to this i’ve got it mostly hooked up as you can see this is going to all the chests but before i hook it up i’ve got a couple here that i’m not using and i

Don’t really know what to put into them i’m keeping them blank just in case i’ve missed something while obviously doing this evening but uh i don’t want to lock the drawers the way that we locked them over there if you remember the wood farm we just put blocks we weren’t using into

Those drawers just so things couldn’t go into them since we’re actually looking at storage drawers in this episode i thought what we’d do is we’d create this upgrade template so it’s our upgrade template this one right here is fairly easy to make we got two of them and this city itself isn’t

Really all that useful if we look at the book it should tell us a little bit more about what it does draw upgrade i’ll require the upgrade templates you don’t need to have a lower tier to use a higher tier upgrade so we can now start upgrading to these tiers

And we will get into these tiers a little bit later on for right now i’m not going to worry about upgrading any further into these tiers but the reason that i wanted this this upgrade template is because there’s a key okay there’s this key right here uh this draw key

Right here requires gold gold ingot a gold nugget sorry and an upgrade template and what this allows us to do is lock draw so if we come over here and we right click the draw like so you can see we get a padlock above all the drawers and what that means is it

Doesn’t matter how many we take out of here we’re going to take them all out and it’s going to remember that hey you know what this is what goes in this drawer we’re not going to put anything else in here and what that does with the locks drawers that don’t have anything

Is is it doesn’t let things be put in there unless we put them in manually so if i connect this up it’s not going to flood those empty drawers with duplicates what we’ve already got down here so now i’m going to just double double check make sure this is all

Working fine so i’m not sure if the system is backing up a bit it looks like it slowly is backing up some so we might have to invest in better pipes and better cables but i’m gonna just let this run a bit while i focus on this hallway here

Connecting these two areas all the way has been accomplished looks very good this room still needs work but uh how’s the backing up looking okay maybe we do need to get into better cables better power better cable management but it doesn’t seem too bad definitely needs fixing definitely needs

Fixing so looking at it i think i can use this reinforced servo which requires electrum and i don’t know if we made electro in this series or not yet but it’s very very easy we just throw silver and gold in here and we let it alloy so

We just gotta wait for that small top and there it is alloy in the electrum it takes a little bit of time to alloy but it shouldn’t take too much longer and all we gotta do is extract this as we normally do now looking at these it does

Say extraction right one second so i’m hoping that this is better than what we’re going to go what do i need i need iron nuggets that’s one thing i didn’t get we only need three of these and i’m hoping this will clear up the backlog so now with them all done it

Doesn’t really look like it’s backing up not as much as it was before we’ve got four in there and probably just a couple in here but it’s only just like one or two so it’s individual ones we might need to upgrade the pipes but i i just i don’t know

Which pipe comes after the regular item duck so it might mean a little bit i mean it looks like the signal on one but uh signalum is i think a little bit more than we are at um how do we get it redstone silver and composite no i mean we can make

Signalling if i need to but i don’t think it’s necessary anyway i’m going to finish off this room and see just how backed up the system gets while i’m doing that now that feels a lot better we got a nice little room here i’ve got some cubby holes like

Things on the side just add some more detail to it added some archways into the roof because i’m trying to get out of the habit of doing just flat top roofs it’s very early minecraft which is why i had them in the original bit but we’ve tried to go with more dome or

Curved shaped ones here i’m going to change up the roof design obviously when we move into a new district but uh let’s see how backed up have the chests gotten uh they’ve got a fair bit back top actually the these are gonna totally back up they’re not gonna be as quick so maybe

We need to look at some pipes but uh for right now i think this will be all right i want to focus on the mob farm next which means we’ve got to look at ways to actually build this thing but first is there anything in here for a mob farm so no i

Can’t find anything relating to a mob farm but i definitely need a mob farm because i want to get into this bit mythical agriculture i love this mod it used to be called um magical crops but i don’t have this same model just like inspired by it but it’s

A great mod i absolutely love it and uh we’re gonna need a lot of this inferium essence and for this we’re gonna need a mob fob so we need to get into that so before i even get started in this farm there’s one little upgrade that i want

To make and that is to upgrade this iron stiffened mesh to a diamond i’m going to need a bunch of diamonds for this mop farm and so i want to put this diamond stiffen mesh in to this sieve i’ve actually been looking up this guess everything that the iron stiffen mesh

Does plus one thing that it doesn’t so we’re gonna be getting some new items here which is really really good and i’m hoping that we’re gonna get a bit more damage we’ve already got one diamond there look why did i get a piece of gravel

That is uh kind of strange but uh hey we already got one diamond which is fine diddly tastic now back to the mob farm so i’ve been thinking about this mob farm and there’s definitely three variants of the mob farm that i want to have we’re gonna start with a very basic

And simple one and then we’re going to have two additional ones there’s a zombie somebody on one of these walls i am going to start purging all the light sources so this is going to be our starting farm and this is going to use basically just darkness to spawn enemies so i’m going

To put this like this this means that we can see the enemies when they spawn on this platform right here we can then slash and hack at them so i am going to want to bring this down some i was going to try and have some really cool funky

Design on this and i may still do that but uh for right now this could just be a solid pillar of brick and then all i need to do is sneak in here take that out and as you can see we got red x’s red x’s it means that enemies will spawn

On it if we press f7 by the way you can put them on and take them off and if we go here you can see we get more red hexes but uh we just want them here the light doesn’t make it in here now for mobs to spawn we

Need to be more than 30 blocks away so we’re gonna run all the way over there wait just a couple of minutes and i’m gonna head back over there we should have mobs inside it and after a couple of minutes we have a couple of enemies in here that

We can just go ahead slice with our sword and deal with now this is all well and dandy and whatnot it works brilliantly but uh you know you do get some things like that where you just can’t quite get what you need you gotta go in a little bit

More actually it just simply might be that uh that i am completely full up on inventory space that’s probably why i couldn’t grab them to be honest with you nothing to do with what i was just saying now this is really good and dandy and this will certainly give us drops

But it means we have to actually kill the enemies we have to come here and uh i don’t want to deal with any of this but i did want to have one of these just in case i even need anything like a mom mob head or something i can just come

Here and have one but the next one that we’re gonna work on is gonna go here and this one is gonna do itself it’s always gonna kill the mobs itself spawn the mobs and it’s gonna be way more efficient than this and the first thing that we

Need to do is we need to work on the kill chamber these are the killing chambers we’re gonna have two because we’re gonna have two different mob farms generating different kinds of monsters now i’ll talk you through this very briefly what we’ve got going on here because there’s a couple of things that

We need to sort of take note of first thing is we’re this farm is going to spawn spiders so the kill chambers do need to be at least two by two just so that the uh the spiders can actually fall into them and die that’s the first

Thing to know and then we’ve got mobs obviously are going to fall on these the killing mechanism is going to be at this level so they’ll stand here so we need to make sure this is high enough that they can’t just jump out of it and save

Themselves a lot of trouble that way and then on this one we’re going to be actually implementing which water which transforms transforms certain mobs into other mobs and for that i’m going to want a layer of which water above the killing mechanism so i’ve gone ahead and

Added in a strip of bricks right here what it’s going to do is it’s going gonna allow me to put signs either side and then sort of just dabble some which one on top actually i think i’m gonna i think i’m gonna bring this up one more and have them drop from this

Height just so that it’s all symmetrical because which water is gonna be oh they might be able to get out through that much water now i’m thinking about it which was gonna be signs are gonna be here which one is gonna be at this level

So we probably want to bring this up to probably about this level actually now i’m thinking about it but yeah i’m gonna bring this up do you know what i kind of like that a bit better it looks really really good now so next thing is to

Figure out how we are going to kill the mobs so there’s lots of ways to kill mobs in lots of different packs but i’m gonna go with the very first way that i ever learned which was to use these spikes i love these spikes you’ve got different ones you’ve got wooden ones

Reduces to half heart but doesn’t kill stone ones that do kill iron ones gold ones with gold ones they drop experience and with diamond ones they drop player kill only this is the one that we want but we get four four diamond spikes for what is essentially nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

Fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen diamonds so eighteen diamonds for four spikes and i don’t even think i have enough to make four spikes but we can always make the iron spikes and then upgrade them to the diamond spikes later on i’ve got 17 diamonds so i’ve got enough for probably one set of four

Spikes but that’s okay let’s go ahead and make these and i’ll show you how they work you need a sword which is fine it’s not fine if you don’t have sticks it’s a good idea to have some sticks when you’re making these swords so we’ll just

Make a bunch of swords and then we should be able to just craft up a bunch of those okay so that’s four so the way that these work is very very easy you could just pop them down now you can put these down in an orientation like that

If you so desire there’s literally that you can even put them on the ceiling if you want but all we’re gonna do is line them here now when mobs stand on these they take damage are like so and what this is going to do this is going to eventually

Kill the mob without us having to do anything but it does mean that i’ve got to go and craft up a few more of these so now with the killing chambers in place we need to look at what’s gonna happen next obviously when the mob dies they’re gonna drop their drops now we

Could obviously just stand here and then just run around and grab them this way but i want this to be fully automated so we need some way to collect the drops automatically and for that what we’re going to do is we’re going to use a vacuum chest so the vacuum chest is this

Thing right here what this does is it’ll drag items from around it pick it up and stick it into a chest so what we want to do is you want to craft this now the iron is fairly easy the chest is again is that a trap chest or it could be any

Chest but the odd bit is this pulsating crystal if you look here pulls nearby items into its inventory and this requires a diamond and some pulsating iron nuggets it looks like we can actually cast it um in a rounded diamond i’m fair enough but anyway this pulsating iron is actually

Not all that difficult to craft it’s just a case of making an alloy of resonant ender and molten iron i’m not sure what ratio this is too but you get resident ender by dropping an ender pearl into your smell tree and then iron we’ve got like this so i’m going to put

One of each and just see how much that makes turns out one iron one ender pearl makes us one ingot there’s two in here because i’ve spotted down a little bit more so we just go ahead and cast that now and then we can start making this

Vacuum chest so now we can craft up the vacuum chest oh i did not make the pulsating crystal of course i didn’t i wanted to do that one on camera we could make up a couple of these and these work quite simply like you would expect you

Just pop them down and they work so we’ll plop that one down there and then we’ll plop this one down here too and if you right-click it you can see you can also set the range it looks like it only goes six blocks one two three four so it

Looks like this should get picked up if we were to throw this down right here yep that gets picked up and then that ends up in here um i’m not sure exactly what this does uh paul’s nearby inventory oh it just tells us about it okay that’s handy that’s handy that’s

Handy i’ve not played with ndio since it’s been updated as much as i’d like to so i’m still learning some new things but now what we need to do is we need to look at the spawning platforms and how we’re going to get them in but first things first

I don’t want mobs to be able to just walk out here so i’m going to fill this in with glass panes so we can just look into it and see everything now with these in the places it’s starting to look and feel a bit more like a room i definitely want to do

Something to this wall here but uh we’ll go into that later on now that we’ve got this in place we’ve got the the killing chamber we’ve got the collection system what we need now is the spawning chamber we’re going to use pretty much what we’ve used here which is just

A dark room so what i’m going to do is i’m going to go up there i’m going to hollow out a dark room big enough to spawn mobs in and then we’ll look at the way they actually get them pushed off the end and down here into the killing

Chamber so to move mobs what we’re gonna use is this thing called a fan right here i’m actually gonna need eight of these and it doesn’t look like i actually have eight available to me but they’re really easy to make up it’s just a few stone slabs and uh put this down here

And boom i need eight of these in total i would have made a one up but these will push mobs up to eight blocks which is really really good you just put them down you give them a signal from redstone and they’ll push mobs in the bullet there are a few different other

Fans in the pack i really do like these fans they just look a lot cooler and i would like to get these ones in the end the only trouble with these ones is that they push in they just push one block in one direction you can upgrade that to be a lot wider

By using these upgrades but if we look at these upgrades they require feathers which we just don’t have access to right now so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna use these ones we should be able to just put a redstone block there and then the fan there and it will start to

Work i think if you hold shift you ignore the fan no you don’t okay we’re gonna put down four of these in each sector be careful where you stand because uh they’ll point in in like omni directionals they’ll point in the way that you’re standing so there’s

That we do need to sneak in here and get rid of all of these torches i do actually need to put the witch water in place i’ve just realized i have not put the witchbot in place and i don’t think putting a block in front of these

Actually stops them i think they blow through the block yeah they do they do okay i’m gonna give you guys some witch water so i’ve got the witch water in place we’ve also got in the fans in place on both of them and now this thing

Should start running so i’m gonna do is i’m just gonna clear out all of my junk this ended up in here while i’ve been doing it i’ve got some stuff to craft up we’re gonna use storage drawers on this side so i’ve gotta go and craft some of

Them up i’m gonna leave this to run while i do that and just see how many drops we get so left it running while i had a chocolate bar and as we can see it is working a treat i am going to nick uh the ender pearls from it

We’ve got quite a lot of drop so we can increase this dramatically in hopefully the next episode i’m not entirely certain yep but i definitely do want to increase this uh even more very once point platform up there we are going to add more and i’ve got more ideas for it

But i’ve done most of the room apart from the floor the floor is the next one i’ve got to go in but we got the storage system over here and this one i want to work out i want to work at getting this over here and hooked up to here now we’ve

Been using these item ducts from thermal dynamics which are great but uh they’re causing this chest to back up and the other ones and we’ve increased the servo and it’s it’s not working so what i want to do is i actually want to upgrade them to these item conduits i’d

Much rather prefer these these are brilliant i love these but this requires this conduit binder which requires this conduit binder composite which is gravel sand and clay and i just didn’t realize i was uh totally missing the clay balls but that’s okay so we are just going to

Craft up some of this and then we smelt this down and then it turns into conduit boundary the other thing that it requires is these pulsating iron nuggets which we’ve already looked at you get them from ender pearls and iron in the smell tree i think i’ve already got some

In here yes i do so i’m gonna just throw four of those in there and get those done up so crafting these is really easy we’ve got a stack i’m hoping a stack is gonna be enough but we’ve got enough left over for others and i’ll show you

Guys how this works real quickly so i’ve already dug up this line i’m gonna get rid of this old line right here and these work almost identical to item conduits or rather the item dock so all you do is you put them onto the chest right click we’ve got this set to

Extract never active we want it to be always active there’s also redstone signals in here we want this to be auto active you can actually change a bunch of stuff with this you can have upgrades in here as well uh effective speed four items per operation i’m hoping this is

Gonna be enough if not we can always upgrade it all those item conduits do the job a lot better than the item ducks i do love them nyo is one of my favorite mods in the entirety of modded minecraft it might even be my favorite but as you can see

It’s now doing brilliantly and all of these are not backing up now which is great i also went ahead and put a diamond sieve in our diamond mesh in each of the sieves just to upgrade them and give them a bit of a boost and uh

This is a bit of a long-winded process that we could have shrunk this dramatically by at least three blocks we didn’t actually need these item books here we could put the item books underneath or we could have used other things to connect them but i wanted this

To feel very early game which is why i wanted to see the item docs i do have a much more compact system uh in mind for when we get into the heavier ones but uh we’re gonna need more resources anyway back to the mob farm and i missed a

Couple of blocks here that’s okay here it is in all of its glory it looks really really good and these are now for the most part should be empty i don’t think there’s anything in these good they’re all coming out here we got the pipe running underground as you can see

It goes down here i do want to replace these iron spikes with diamond spikes in the near future but uh for right now they’ll do while we uh while we ramp up our diamond supplies but there’s one more thing that i want to do in this episode i want to open

Some of these loot crates right here but before we do that let’s just claim our rewards for what we’ve managed to accomplish in this episode i think that’s all of them what did we get we got uh resonant conversion kits that’s great upgrade speed ultimate even better and we got some black lotuses

That’s actually pretty good when we get into tanya okay let’s start with the common ones we got a musical disc and some sugar okay we got rabbit bait and mana in a bottle okay slime balls and egg that’s pretty good uh some food which is also pretty

Good slime balls and some more food which is pretty good uh ink black chicken egg okay throw it have a chance to spawn the chicken alrighty then uh seared brick and some mushrooms rabbit hide i mean more minor bottles stone one so we didn’t get really too much i’m

Curious what these clay ones are but uh we’re going to those in a bit okay we got fluid cow milk this cow is crafted okay that’s pretty good bucket and ender pearls yeah that’s pretty good again another good one uh slime boots and string okay sheep

Bait and slime boots these ones look a little bit different can we what do these like allow us to nope all right is it just like the color is different i don’t feel like i’m jumping any higher we don’t have any effects okay anyway clay ones are probably just exactly what it says

Clay yeah okay okay so we did get a fair amount of stuff from that i can’t wait to get into fluid cows never played with it but i can’t wait for it but guys that is gonna do it for this episode if you enjoyed the video do me a favor leave it

A like and hit subscribe as always i’m casey you’re the oldest folks thank you so much for watching now take care guys bye bye

This video, titled ‘🗳Witch Water Powered Mob Farm🗳Ep.07🗳 Stoneblock 2 🗳 Minecraft Modded 🗳’, was uploaded by A MrKCDavis – Minecraft LPs on 2021-12-02 20:00:01. It has garnered 868 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:20 or 1580 seconds.

Episode 7: It’s time to add a mob farm to our base. Actually we add three. First up, is a simply yet effective player controlled one. The next two, are fully automated and AFK-able. This mob farm, will get drops from zombies, enderman, spiders, creepers, wither skeletons, skeltones, charged creepers and witches.

Welcome to FTB Stone Block 2. Stoneblock, is a Minecraft Modpack 1.12, where the entire world is made up of only stone block. I’ve played Stoneblock 2 before, and this mod pack, is perfect if you enjoy a good old fashioned sky block.

#minecraft #stoneblock2 #minecraftstoneblock

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    Wild Minecraft Quest! Boost My Pal! Epic Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure in this exciting gameplay video! 🎮 Join the community in supporting a friend’s channel as they showcase their epic Minecraft skills. Let’s come together to strengthen our Minecraft community and show our support by liking, commenting, and subscribing for more exciting gameplay! Exploring Minecraft 1.18 Discover the latest features and updates in Minecraft 1.18 as our friend dives into the game. From new biomes to exciting challenges, there’s always something new to explore in the world of Minecraft. Watch as they navigate through the game and uncover hidden secrets along… Read More

  • Ultimate Free Minecraft Server Hosting 24/7

    Ultimate Free Minecraft Server Hosting 24/7 The World of Free Minecraft Server Hosting with Aternos Exploring the realm of cracked Minecraft server hosting has never been easier with Aternos! Hi Gamer takes us on a journey through the features, benefits, and setup process of Aternos, ensuring that your Minecraft adventures can continue without interruption. Setting Up Your Server Starting with the basics, Hi Gamer walks us through the process of creating a server on Aternos. With simple steps and clear instructions, you’ll have your own Minecraft server up and running in no time. Exploring Plug-ins One of the exciting features of Aternos is the ability… Read More

  • Eating in Minecraft = Free Items?!

    Eating in Minecraft = Free Items?! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and imaginative world of Minecraft, where players can unleash their creativity and explore endless possibilities. From building intricate structures to surviving in challenging environments, Minecraft offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Exploring the Minecraft Universe Step into the blocky world of Minecraft, where players can mine resources, craft tools, and build anything their heart desires. Whether you’re constructing a towering castle or delving into dark caves in search of valuable ores, the possibilities are truly limitless. Building Your Dream World With a wide… Read More

  • Sneaky Sister Kick Challenge in Minecraft

    Sneaky Sister Kick Challenge in Minecraft The Exciting World of Minecraft Challenges Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft challenges? Join Alex and her sister in the Long Kick Challenge Minecraft Animation for an adventure like no other! 🎮 Setting the Stage In this thrilling challenge, Alex and her sister embark on a journey filled with obstacles, surprises, and, of course, plenty of fun! As they navigate through the Minecraft world, they encounter various tasks that test their skills and creativity. Gameplay Highlights From building intricate structures to overcoming tricky puzzles, the Long Kick Challenge Minecraft Animation offers a unique blend of… Read More

  • Nether Quest – Minecraft Survival Ep. 4

    Nether Quest - Minecraft Survival Ep. 4 The Quest for the Tower in the Nether – Minecraft Survival Episode 4 | The Challenging Adventure Begins Welcome to the thrilling world of Minecraft, where Catrophy embarks on a daring quest in the Nether. Join us as we delve into the heart of this fiery dimension, facing dangers at every turn. Get ready for an action-packed episode filled with excitement and suspense! Exploring the Nether In this episode, Catrophy finds himself trapped in the treacherous Nether, a realm filled with lava lakes, dangerous mobs, and mysterious structures. As he navigates through this hostile environment, he must use all… Read More

  • Minecraft: 不同学生开学前一天

    Minecraft: 不同学生开学前一天 Minecraft: A Day Before School Starts – Different Types of Students Welcome to a world where creativity knows no bounds, where blocks come to life, and adventures await at every turn. In the realm of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless, and each player brings a unique perspective to the game. Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft through the eyes of different students on the day before school starts. The Builder Meet Alex, the master builder of the group. With a keen eye for design and a knack for construction, Alex spends the day before school starts creating… Read More

  • Boomblade vs. Every Minecraft Tier

    Boomblade vs. Every Minecraft Tier The Ultimate Minecraft PvP Challenge Join the MCPE Community Discord Server Looking to test your skills against the best players in Minecraft Pocket Edition (MCPE) or Minecraft Bedrock Edition (MCBE)? Look no further than the MCPE Community Discord Server! This server serves as a Tier Test Server for MCPE and MCBE players, offering a fun community to interact with, helpful guides, and amazing events. Join now to be part of the action and climb the leaderboards with your PvP skills. Don’t miss out on the big tournaments and the chance to improve your PvP game! Players Fought in Every… Read More

  • Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!

    Insane Time Travel in Minecraft Modded SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft Modded SMP] I last played this game 7 patch cycles ago’, was uploaded by Luminis Klio Ch. on 2024-06-16 01:47:03. It has garnered 39 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:47 or 16067 seconds. minceraft [Thumbnail Art] https://twitter.com/s7umpi [Discord] https://discord.gg/WW7ayyUY [Twitter] https://twitter.com/luminisklio ____________________________________________________________________ [Rules] 1. Be respectful of others in the chat 2. No spamming 3. No spoiling/backseating unless I specifically ask for it 4. Do not bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them first 5. Try to stay focused on the stream topic and not have… Read More

  • Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft Jailbreak

    Girl Police Falls in Love with Prisoner! Minecraft JailbreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by DokiArt on 2024-09-21 08:01:00. It has garnered 1583 views and 987 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:14 or 12074 seconds. #mikeyandjj #mikey #jjandmikey GIRL POLICE FELL in LOVE with JJ in PRISON! Mikey and JJ JAILBREAK in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just… Read More

  • Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!

    Crazy Girl vs Boys in Minecraft! Herobrine Sighting!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys’, was uploaded by Fosty on 2024-05-14 15:14:27. It has garnered 35413 views and 924 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Girl’s Vs Boys after seeing herobrine😱 #shorts #minecraft #girlvsboys #minecraftanimationfunny #herobrine keywords:– minecraft minecraft public smp live minecraft gfx pack minecraft mod menu minecraft 100 days minecraft video minecraft house minecraft minecraft minecraft game minecraft techno gamerz minecraft shorts minecraft animation minecraft apk minecraft anshu bisht minecraft animation movie minecraft apk download minecraft aphmau minecraft april fools 2024 minecraft ayush minecraft… Read More

  • Torrent Network – SMP, Lifesteal, Creative, SkyFactions

    Welcome to the Torrent Network! IP: torrentsmp.com Discord: discord.gg/torrent Versions: Java & Bedrock | All major versions! Join us in an epic adventure on the legendary Torrent Network. Experience unique and immersive storylines including quests, events, and in-game lore on our epic servers. We currently have a fully developed survival and creative server, with the most unique Lifesteal SMP you’ve ever seen. Features: ——————————————— Survival: The integrity and challenge of a real survival experience Movecraft (moving vehicles) with custom classes Quests with custom storylines and lore Fully integrated economy system Welcoming community Custom armor and tools Anti-grief measures SkyFactions (Launching… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Live? More like Minecraft JIVE!Looks like someone didn’t get the memo that we don’t need any more DURING Minecraft Live! The score of 36 just proves how much this meme is overplayed. Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

  • Parotter’s Minecraft Meme Madness

    Parotter's Minecraft Meme Madness I guess you could say this parrot is really “winging” it with his Minecraft dubbing skills! Read More


    JUICY 1.22 LEAKS CONFIRMED! Minecraft Live 2024: New Leaks Unveiled! As the highly anticipated Minecraft Live 2024 event draws near, the Minecraft community was in for a surprise with the release of new leaked information. Today, six intriguing photos surfaced on Reddit, offering a sneak peek at the upcoming Pale Garden biome, The Creaking hostile mob, and more exciting features. The Six Leaked Photos… The leaked images have caused a stir among Minecraft enthusiasts, providing a glimpse into the innovative additions that players can expect in the upcoming update. From the enchanting Pale Garden biome to the mysterious Creaking hostile mob, the leaked… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE TRANSFORMATION! A HUGE HOLE | Minecraft City Build Pt. 15Video Information This video, titled ‘A BIG HOLE | Minecraft – Building A City Pt. 15’, was uploaded by Lazy on 2024-08-28 15:55:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:05 or 13565 seconds. Earlier stream today, starting a stream later tomorrow instead!! Read More

  • Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps – Minecraft Ep.12

    Exploring a Creeper: Zombie Horde & Cartographer Maps - Minecraft Ep.12Video Information This video, titled ‘💥 What’s inside a Creeper? Cartographer Maps, Zombie Horde, Wrong Directions! – Minecraft 1.21 Ep.12’, was uploaded by TheWaffleGalaxy on 2024-08-14 19:00:29. It has garnered 2055 views and 148 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:33 or 3753 seconds. Modded Minecraft CasualCraft 1.21 gameplay / let’s play / playthrough with Waffle! CasualCraft is modded Minecraft 1.21 more relaxed – no big challenges / hardcore / 100 days. ▶︎ Be sure to LIKE the video if you enjoy! 👍 ▶︎ Join the 🧇 Syrup Squad to get your name in my outro, access to our… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #Insane

    🔥EPIC Bungul RPG 10 Gameplay in Cepu #InsaneVideo Information This video, titled ‘Aku Bermain Bungul RPG 10 #shorts’, was uploaded by Cepu on 2024-08-03 19:10:45. It has garnered 156 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:13 or 6253 seconds. I Play Bungul RPG 10 #shorts Don’t forget to click subscribe to support this channel #minecraft #minecraftrpg #minecraft100days Discord: https://discord.gg/DJqkayETp6 Those who want to sawer: https://saweria.co/Cepe Social : Instagram : @cepe100 / https://bit.ly/2CnjVWo Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/CEpe100-1064… Youtube : https://bit.ly/2ZVw2lD Steam : https://steamcommunity.com/id/CEpe100/ Want to send an email: [email protected] Enjoy!! Thank you very much to those of you who have stopped by and subscribed to… Read More


    HEROBRINE GUIDES ME TO AFTERLIFEVideo Information This video, titled ‘(horror minecraft) herobrine is here. i am 45 years old. he guides me to afterlife.’, was uploaded by FOCUSS on 2024-08-03 21:03:48. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:19 or 12019 seconds. MODPACK IS FEAR NIGHTFALL join tha dizzy: https://discord.com/invite/Bw2TrffmXX this (probably) wont be made into a video Read More

  • Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join Now

    Unlimited Thrills on Minecraft SMP! Join NowVideo Information This video, titled ’24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server’, was uploaded by RAPTOR YT on 2024-05-28 01:51:36. It has garnered 168 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:15 or 4455 seconds. Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Minecraft Live | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream Minecraft Java+Pocket Smp Live | Smp | Join Java+Pe | Minecraft live stream #shortsfeed #rcbvscsk ———————————————————————— 24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20 Java & Bedrock Survival Server DISCORD LINK – https://discord.gg/qrmhq8smhU INSTAGRAM – @suddenlykrishna Welcome To The Channel Fellow Savages!… Read More

  • “10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind” #viral #cars #v8

    "10 Shocking Reasons Why V8 Engines Will Blow Your Mind" #viral #cars #v8Video Information This video, titled ‘bro just turn to v8 engine #viralshort #carslover #v8 #yt shorts’, was uploaded by vt entertaintment on 2024-08-23 15:12:26. It has garnered 120 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. shorts trending viral help herobrine love viralvideo shortsviral youtubeshorts minecraft minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short funny memes memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea ytshorts herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear oreetv help herobrine… Read More

  • Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱

    Insane! Hololive Vietsub: Teacher Calli helpless!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘【Hololive Vietsub】Giáo viên Calli dần cảm thấy bất lực =))’, was uploaded by Thế Giới Ảo on 2024-04-09 11:30:10. It has garnered 2910 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Wewewo wo wu Nguồn: 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqYOwITnJ68 Time: 51:27 ——————————————- —————————— Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN: @MoriCalliope Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN @KosekiBijou ——————————————– —————————— #moricalliope #hololive #hololivevietsub #vtubers #vtubervietsub #calivietsub Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by Nytrogen

    UNBELIEVABLE Minecraft 1.21 Myths Exposed by NytrogenVideo Information This video, titled ’21 INSANE Minecraft 1.21 Myths’, was uploaded by Nytrogen on 2024-07-26 23:03:47. It has garnered 1134 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:38 or 458 seconds. In this video, I go over some of the most interesting, questionable, and flat out unreasonable myths that emerged from the new 1.21 Minecraft update. This update added a lot of items, mobs, and blocks, which made people start to experiment with them a lot. This led to some very odd uses and features that these items have. However, not all the myths were true…. Read More

  • Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shorts

    Get scared by Minecraft Warden in #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Warden Scary Meme #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftnoob #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Mklord on 2024-03-17 15:18:12. It has garnered 1616 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. #cosplay #roblox #shorts #anime #robloxoutfits #robloxedits #outfitidedas #jojosbiazzareadventure #ytshorts #brookhaven #brookhavenrp #mineceaftshorts #minecraft #minecraftpe #mcpe #mcpehindi #minecraftindia #minecraftmeme #minecraftanimation #minecraftlive #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuilding #minecraftvideos #dream #technoblade #wilbursoot #tommyinnit #georgenotfound #minecraftclutch #technogamerz #carryminati #yessmartypie #loggyhindustanigamer #chapatihindustanigamer #himlands #himlandss5 #himlandsnewseason #blackcluegaming #shorts #funny #gaming #minecraftjava #anshubisht #rlcraft #crazycraft #trending #trendingshorts #bbs #beastboyshubminecraft #beastboyshub #ytshorts #mcpememe #trends #fyp #viralshorts #viralvideo #viral #dantdm #pewdiepie #markiplier #prestonplays… Read More

  • GreenCraft SMP – Semi-vanilla, Cross-Play, 1.21, Dynmap

    Welcome to GreenCraft SMP! We offer a Nations SMP server with frequent events: We provide Nations where you can claim land, Cross-Platform access for Java and Bedrock players, Minigames, Events every 2 weeks, Collectable Maps, safe Land claims, and a community-focused approach. Join GreenCraft SMP today! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Bedrock Port: 8182 Add GreenCraftSMP as your friend or join our Discord for updates: https://discord.gg/cuMcDgQ99N Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What in the blocky world

    Minecraft Memes - What in the blocky world“Looks like that meme just leveled up to a 5-star rating! Must be pretty OP.” Read More

  • Mother-Son Reunion: Minecraft Edition! 🔥😂

    Mother-Son Reunion: Minecraft Edition! 🔥😂 When you try to reunite a mother and son in Minecraft but end up accidentally trapping them in a never-ending game of hide and seek. #minecraftmishaps #lostinthecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Meme Madness

    Minecraft Meme Madness The Chaos of Minecraft Redstone: A Hilarious Tale Imagine setting up a complex redstone contraption in Minecraft, ready to showcase its magical workings to your friend. You confidently press the lever, expecting a door to elegantly slide open. But instead, your friend decides to unleash chaos by destroying everything in sight…literally! 😂 Friendship Tested by Iron Blocks As the lever is pulled, you watch in horror as your friend gleefully smashes the iron blocks that were meant to form the door. The carefully planned redstone circuitry is now in shambles, and all you can do is laugh at the… Read More

  • Discover Crazy New Minecraft Machine – EP.05

    Discover Crazy New Minecraft Machine - EP.05Video Information This video, titled ‘[柚子] Nova Engineering – World (NEW) | minecraft 1.12.2 | EP.05 工業手臂組裝機’, was uploaded by 柚子 Yuzu on 2024-07-15 17:17:28. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:27 or 14187 seconds. Yuzi now also has a FB fan page~ https://www.facebook.com/Yuzulive/ You can chat about anything in Yuzi’s Discord chat area. The driving area is not open for now. https://discord.gg/sfKfSmh It should become more and more abundant, right? https://www.twitch.tv/s8714513 Music taken from: NoCopyrightSounds Read More

  • Monkey Plays Minecraft! Sub for a Shout Back!

    Monkey Plays Minecraft! Sub for a Shout Back!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Stream🔴Sub and get a Shout And A Sub Back sub4s, SubGoal-900’, was uploaded by MonkeyDFNAF on 2024-08-04 18:22:24. It has garnered 72 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:14 or 18014 seconds. #roblox #stream #gaming #roblox #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#stream #gaming #roblox #Valorant #fortnite #entertainment #comedy #funny #chill #🔴#chill #roblox #fortnite #gaming #entertainment #stream #comedy Read More

  • Dragon Rampage in Dadcraft73’s Chunk-Locked Survival! 😲

    Dragon Rampage in Dadcraft73's Chunk-Locked Survival! 😲Video Information This video, titled ‘Survival But Can’t Leave Chunk Minecraft Marketplace Map! Dragon Destruction!’, was uploaded by Dadcraft73 on 2024-07-11 17:00:06. It has garnered 401 views and 41 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:23 or 1043 seconds. This is it! The Series Finale! Let’s take out the Ender Dragon! Professionals like us, never make mistakes, right?! WOOT! Thanks For watching! You’re trapped inside a few chunks surrounded by borders. Explore, craft, farm, and fight to complete survival quests and unlock new chunks. Visit the End and slay the Ender Dragon! Become an ultimate survivor! – 30+ challenging… Read More

  • Mystery Unveiled: What Happened on Holi in Minecraft? 😱

    Mystery Unveiled: What Happened on Holi in Minecraft? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘आखिर क्या हुआ था || What happened on Holi? in Minecraft 😳’, was uploaded by DARKS GAMER • 660K views • 13 hours ago… on 2024-03-23 12:29:02. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Earn money by playing games. FREE!! Download | As soon as you do it you will get ₹10… Read More

  • Zedar goes undercover as a PIG to prank an E-GIRL!

    Zedar goes undercover as a PIG to prank an E-GIRL!Video Information This video, titled ‘Disguising as a PIG to Troll an E-GIRL!!!’, was uploaded by Zedar on 2024-07-26 12:00:39. It has garnered 152683 views and 8683 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. This was so chaotic xD I can’t believe this! https://discord.gg/zedar tiktok – zedarmc This was such a Funny Minecraft Video and everything in it is very player friendly! This Minecraft server is in 1.7, 1.8 and Minecraft Bedrock Edition! This is set in the year of 2023 and 2024 is soon to come. This Minecraft video was not a speedrun like dream… Read More

  • Intense Brawl Craft Battle: TV Woman & Infected Titan TV Man Vs Titan Clockman!

    Intense Brawl Craft Battle: TV Woman & Infected Titan TV Man Vs Titan Clockman!Video Information This video, titled ‘Monster School: TV WOMAN & Infected TITAN TV MAN Vs Titan CLOCKMAN!? – GMOD x MINECRAFT!’, was uploaded by Brawl Craft on 2024-01-10 11:37:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School: TV WOMAN & Infected TITAN TV MAN Vs Titan CLOCKMAN!? – GMOD x MINECRAFT! Read More

  • Shocking New Vtuber IoRi Planting Trees!! 🌳🔥

    Shocking New Vtuber IoRi Planting Trees!! 🌳🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【新人Vtuber】1/8 植林したりいろいろしたり【マイクラ】【Minecraft】’, was uploaded by IoRi(いおり) on 2024-01-09 03:56:25. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:32 or 5012 seconds. Good evening, this is IoRi! Let’s plant trees today! ————————————————– ———————–[Request for viewing the stream]Please follow the advice and other general etiquette. Even if there are people who do not, please do not be careful and protect yourself.————————————————— ———————————— Distribution schedule etc. are shared on X. Please register if you like. / iori_virtual #New Vtuber #Minecraft distribution #Minecraft #Personal Vtuber Read More

  • EPIC Gladiator PVP in Minecraft! Watch NOW!

    EPIC Gladiator PVP in Minecraft! Watch NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] Minecraft PVP!⭐- 🟪Fun! + 🟪PVP + 🟪Come Watch!’, was uploaded by Gladiator on 2024-07-17 01:03:46. It has garnered 194 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:37 or 7357 seconds. SPONSORED BY BISECT HOSTING: https://bisecthosting.com/Gladiator Donations: https://streamlabs.com/darkgladiator3 USE CODE: Gladiator ON Bisect Hosting FOR 25% OFF YOUR PURCHASE Java Server IP – lifesteal.net Bedrock Server IP – bedrock.lifesteal.net Bedrock Port – 19132 MC Version – Latest *IGNORE Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP… Read More