A1 – Game Life SMP (Minecraft)

Video Information

I guess you wondered where I’ve been all right what’s up everyone promised game Life s p like I did say I was going to do it I don’t know how many of you believe me but I’m doing it so yeah hold on let’s load it up

Let me copy this link put this in put this in the thing hi everyone live smt like said and what’s up Recon gamer welcome to this stream okay what’s up jabbage hi welcome to the Stream and we already got two people in here so I’m not like a hundred percent on what

The last thing I did on this server was I’m not gonna lie oh awesome I’m probably sounding really low because I have my gain all the way down that’s yeah that’s probably better let me know if that’s too loud or too quiet whatever um

But yeah I’m not 100 on what I did last time I was on the server it’s pin so long since the last time I was on here so I don’t know hopefully we can still do some cool stuff um yeah it’s just been a minute and

Everything that I have on me right now like I already had in my inventory from before so that is the thing let me just put these saplings I guess hopefully we can get something good out of that um but food do not have food this creeper came out

I just seen him in front of me I was like whoa whoa what it what find a chicken nugget in the wilderness what oh that gives mad food too that actually gives so much food what the heck that must be a mod I mean that’s obviously a mod but

I I haven’t played on the server since like we added in a bunch of like tiny little mods that make the game a little more fun so that’s interesting huh a chicken nugget I’m feeling a creeper okay I wonder if you get a chicken nugget like every time you kill a paper because

Like if so sign me up because that gives mad food so sign me up please um also I wonder if there’s still like a billion cows below me um from when somebody robbed all my cows so I’m gonna check out if there is or not um because it very well might be

But somebody definitely did that although he wished the server was like more um alive when when it was April Fool’s because I think I think it would have been like super fun if the server was like alive during April Fools Loki like I don’t know who still plays this server and like

I don’t know I don’t know I I just like was thinking like I haven’t been having that much fun like being able to replaceable what do you mean placeable we’re gonna just place a stick huh I know it’s a mod but like well um anyways I just haven’t been having

That much fun on like like starting up from the bottom again and all that it’s just not not that great whoa that’s a lot whoa okay forgot about this yeah they stole all of my cows bruh all of my cows do I kill them all is that what I’m doing

Killing them all right now what is this Royal this is uh game Life SMP this is like the first SMP that you found me on that a lot of people found me on yeah the first server yeah this is Micah pretty much I’m gonna just like kill them all like ah

Yeah see that’s like the hole that they all came down look to be fair these are all my cows and it’s kind of creating lag everyone yeah it’s kind of creating lag so and I gotta you kind of gotta go they kind of gotta go did that

Did the cat just climb up a ladder or am I tripping like did I just not see that that thing climb up a ladder what excuse me sorry but all these cows gotta go I can make so many books out of all these and I’ll never run out of food again

Either that’s another good thing also another thing is like I do want to play better Minecraft I’ll probably get back into that like the last uh video that I uploaded on that at least um it so bad I’m not gonna lie like it did whoa like I got nothing

No views from that like 20 views or something it’s crazy and like I said these aren’t everything like I play what I want to play but when I you know wasn’t really feeling it in the first place and it got 20 views there’s just no point in continuing that

Um but I might I might still because I did have fun I did have fun I just have to be in the mood I mean probably not but just I just have to be in the mood to play it but at in the moment I’ve been like dreaming

About playing this s p again I don’t know why there’s like I have like the bridge project that I never finished and probably want to start a new project um I’m not sure what the new project will be yet but I definitely want to start a new project we just started yeah

That’d be cool it’s average right that would definitely be cool if I had like the the uh stuff did you buy the Shocker Elijah no I got it by myself this is I got it all on stream as well and I got it in uh I

Don’t know if I ever made a video on This Server actually but I got it all on stream I know that I did I didn’t buy any of this so you can’t buy anything on this server the server is not can’t pay for anything even if you tried so whoa where’s my sword did I put it in the chest oh I did I accidentally pressed one I thought whoops okay well

All of them are gone whoa Savage if you make one coming in yeah if you make one let me know whatever day I’m about to okay that’d be cool I’ve just deciding the location um yeah okay so I just need I just want to do some new projects on here

Not 100 sure what projects yet but I mean if Tafe is fine look at how cool that looks bro like look at that that looks so sick it looks so so cool like yeah I don’t know that’s why I’ve been missing the server the science from triangle are still there even though

I don’t know the last time trying was logged on so a little crazy Africa is easy and I’ve experiencing it maybe in South America South America would have a lot of jungles probably assuming uh okay replaceable you can place gunpowder like it’s Redstone now okay

If I can like light it off fire and like blow it up or something that’d be cool all right let’s see what do I have down here I last time I checked I thought these were all zombies uh so glad that they’re not but I I definitely thought they were

Okay dude ah what did I come down here for really like I don’t really need anything I already have portion three should I go check out like the other that should oh yeah let me go check out crypto kryptos thing also let me get rid of these signs like

I don’t know the last time he’s been on whoa I forgot about this I think a creeper blew up my house and I just like covered it up totally forgot about this here give me this give me these blocks all right all right let’s let’s build

That up I know that’s not what happened it wasn’t a creeper it was like somebody was trolling somehow I forget what I have on my e-chest ra oh it’s fair Elijah dang I have a lot of diamonds whoa I have a ton of diamonds in there holy nothing crazy that’s crazy actually

These all are stacked with hole okay all right let’s check out the trades that he’s got going on down here also I wonder if there’s like a bunch of iron in these iron products like I continue I could continue the uh The Bridge Project but do I want to

I mean yes but no you know I mean so let me turn these all into sticks get a bunch of money a ton of money okay so I have a stack and a half of money like that’s crazy I’m breaking three fortune three prop four I think this is all that’s prop

Four now got four prop four prop four our aspect already got it looting back of the sea glass one one for four glass that’s actually kind of crazy you could do so much with that should I go to the end real quick two at the end ends all about right now

Let me go to the end yeah let me do that let me go to the end also I should sleep like over here or at my base oh wait is the now the minimap mod is working I don’t know what happened to my uh waypoints they’re like appearing and they’re disappearing

When I zoom out and also I got rid of all my like mini map projects it’s kind of annoying I know where it is like I know I’ve been there so many times certain ones if you need on chicken ‘s nice chicken’s good all right let me just go to sleep right here

Or like set my spawn point and then I’ll head over to the end I would like I I would go for more Elijah’s or something actually how’s my Elisha doing oh we’re literally fine it wasn’t breaking three as well like that’s crazy oh a Pillager Outpost I could like build something around that

Um let me think about what to build around that that’d be so that’s actually that’s a good idea you could do that could also you know be like every other Minecraft Youtuber ever and flood the end but I don’t know it’s just it will lack to death oh I’m sorry Royal

I’m sorry not the windows 7. that’s a little crazy I don’t like chicken just because I love birds and any chicken makes me feel really guilty about it oh all right oh yeah I keep going I I remember that a little lava lava uh waterfall I remember waterfall that little lava fall maybe

That’s what you call it uh I know the end portal is right here it’s at least like right here like you can see it in the water which is so cool yeah let me just break in close that up all right there’s also an End Portal here and I should probably connect my

Portal to it I just haven’t done that yet I guess all right imagine that oh my then I like well what is happening here what is happening here oh no my Game just crashed no what if I die what if I die right there no

That’s so bad what if I die right there I guess I okay I gotta hope that my character like DC right as I did as well I gotta really really hope that my character dc’d right as I did hold on let me switch this to the internet bro no

What if I die there loading back up that’s so bad that’s so unfortunate hopefully I don’t die here come on it’s why is it taking forever to load like I’m still learning come on come on I really hope I don’t die here bro no shot no shot like that’s not even my fault

It literally crashed like that’s crazy uh okay okay okay I gotta get ready just in case I can still survive this somehow come on man come on loaded joining IDF fireworks in hand why why why because this means that I’ve already loaded it I can hear myself flying oh I survived

I survived okay my game crashed again but at least I got on top of um land okay I don’t know why my game can’t handle uh oh it’s the mini map mod that’s crashing my game should I like take it off real quick I guess I cannot because I already

Loaded it again but holy holy holy holy all right we’re loading back in again hopefully my game can take it this time and don’t crash but that was clutch that was so clutch alright see you later Royal thanks for joining the Stream rip what do you mean rip I think we’ll

Be fine I think we’ll be fine I think I’ll be okay I just need to um you know survive also another thing okay so I get like the intermission screen is built for like streamers who are like get a lot of um you know donations and new subs and all that like

Because like that black part is definitely for um whatever it’s called oh group there leaving yeah yeah anyways that black part is definitely for like to display it’s the alert box basically covers the entire screen but I want to put something there so it doesn’t it’s not just a black box on the

Screen I guess okay we’re loading back in you guys still can’t see the screen I don’t know why oh okay okay okay I saved it except I crashed again okay I gotta turn off I gotta turn off this mini map mod I think yeah let me turn off this minimap mod

Real quick because that’s that that’s literally what’s crashing my game I really like the minimap mod like it’s really great but I don’t know why it’s they can’t handle it right now it also needs to be updated which is well let me just update it instead

Let me see what happens if I just update it okay I updated them both maybe maybe it’ll be fine we’re loaded in we’re loaded in maybe I could put like fan art there or something yeah let me put a fan art there you know what that’s what I’m gonna do I’m gonna put

Fan art there not bad just so like you can be displayed and stuff let me see let me just download this save and our one yeah so then like it can be displayed somewhere so it’s not just like you’re doing it for no reason you know what I mean um media file

Add Source add source as hello okay eyebrows please why is it not like letting me select the file this is annoying oh yes it is it’s it’s opening on my other monitor if I have a mistake my mistake I was like what is going what is

Wrong what is what is going wrong right now you’re all files let me go nr1 oh it has to be a media file oh this is Media oh I’m stupid hold on okay remove that all I got words on the server are the best that’s really yeah man I actually

Had a mini world with another Foundation once and it was really fun yeah that’d be cool that’d be cool okay hold on image that’s what I need not a media file my mistake a new source instead and art yeah did you win did you win every day nice

All right I named fan art one there we go done look how big that is okay let me let me shrink it let me put it to size that was the first fan I ever got that’s the percent I ever got um well I’m at it let me put

Like I know I’m taking a minute here sorry about this but let me just wait why can’t I put like text uh text let’s do yeah there we go we believe the nation with TNT and then surrendered nice instead the day okay fan art of the day yeah okay

Make it a little bigger done move it down here and then we can move this one to the side yeah yeah okay let’s get back to Minecraft go back in let’s see if I crash again hopefully I don’t fingers crossed fingers cross that I don’t crash right here

We did while they were offline oh you dang you offline them that’s crazy all right I’m just not gonna move I’m just not gonna move I’m On Solid Ground as well yeah yeah oh my I crashed again dang all right let me just hold on

This is kind of like making me a little mad that it’s it’s crashing like this oh I have so many open files now that’s crazy okay what is crashing me air Xerox world map okay so that’s gotta get disabled the minimap and the world map or maybe

Not the world map but the mini map at least disabled all right we’re learning and we’re looting it those villagers plus dude I wonder that’s a mod that we haven’t stopped I just I really just downloaded the Dropbox I’m not I’m not really sure yeah it’s literally just

The Dropbox that I downloaded I have no clue yeah okay I’m loading back in should be good to go now if you can’t okay game capture is on so I don’t know why it’s taking forever to like capture the game but it should be fine don’t know what hermitcraft is I

Do should I should I play that Modpack like I still haven’t even like done anything in uh better Minecraft so I feel like I should do more on that but hermitcraft could be cool as well also appreciate all this for on The Last Story we’re up to 685 Subs we only need

Uh 15 more subs and then we’re there and then we’re at um 700 . she’s so sick so so sick just 15 more okay we’re loading in hopefully no problems hopefully no problems hopefully we don’t crash again because that’d be very unfortunate okay yeah I left the mini map on no why

Literally why why am I still crashing use crash report let me see let me see description easily block model I just like forever gonna be like crashing what’s going on like why why am I still crashing who’s my favorite hermit uh I don’t know I don’t really watch it I just know of

It okay so obviously a block that’s like messing me up here it can’t load like a specific block I guess but I don’t know what block it is this this is so unfortunate casually just walking across Africa what block model bait quad block render okay I’m trying to find

Like something that matches the description of a of a mod so I can disable that mod but I’m not 100 sure maybe I’ll just I really don’t want to do this but I might just have to move on I might just have to play a different game I don’t know hold on ah

Uh what mod is crashing my game in the end uh let’s see as well okay um well until we get that figured out let’s just play better Minecraft I guess I mean why not shoot or we could play ignomatica oh we could actually we could definitely a gramatica

Because what is this this is this is 300 mods um I don’t know if it has the question is does ignomatica have uh what is it called quarries does it have quarries because if it does that’s going to be amazing that’s gonna make my life so good

All right we’re loading it up we’re gonna find out we’re gonna find out together we’re gonna start a new world maybe a new series even like maybe I could maybe I can make a series out of this that’ll be fun that actually be really fun all right it’s loading up um

Okay they’re checking out what’s uh crashing my game in the end because it’s really annoying I wish I wish I could just play the game right now it’d be so great so great like I just I’ve been disabled the uh the minimal mod so

I was like oh it’ll be fine and then it just wasn’t even playing but why but why all right just let me know let me go to scene I know you’re seeing the black screen right now but trust it’s gonna it’s gonna show something different here in a second about this

There we go Mojang Studios Mo Yang Studios should I make a short or a tick tock how about geographica once I finally recent place I plan to create the nation yeah maybe sorry I didn’t realize you were asking a question I was just like reading the comment like a few times something

A little confused oh I did make a stream bot on um on uh game Life did do that I forgot about that I was trapping the Billet I was trapping my first ever villagers on there dang this is taking a long time to load up the holy hold on it loads thing crashes

And says something about a block come on man like it’s seemed a little bit a little long time here did you just hate it when you have to walk around the cons that’s a lot a lot a lot of walking it’s definitely a lot of walking okay

You know I would really really really love if this was just load it’s not even how much okay to be fair how much RAM did I dedicate to this because it better be quite a bit it’s just not gonna work profile options use system memory settings oh no should be like

8 000 megabytes I should be dedicating whoops and now I can’t even open the tab like this is so unfortunate this is so so unfortunate like you’re either drop-in and rightfully so to be honest like I I this is kind of this kind of sucks this kind of sucks

I’m not able to load up right now I can’t even like open the tab I know it’s just saying Mojang and stuff but it’s nice to look at that loading screen you know what I mean it’s nice to just look at it and be like oh you know make a video making progress

I’m just watching my own tick tocks because I don’t know why but oh I loaded it up I load it up I load it up I load it up yes for yes okay let’s go let me start recording all right we’re recording let’s go let’s go single player I think it’s

Because we had a multiplayer right yeah they took it down now but um we had a multiplayer what is today or 16. 2023 all right difficulty hard maybe we should just go normal um all right it’s a great world right there all right this is gonna take a minute to

Load up I’m not gonna lie this is gonna take him about a minute to create this world I feel like that’s usually how it goes so I would love to be able to uh no dang it’s it’s crashing it’s crashing it’s definitely crashing it’s because I altered out of it

And it’s like do you wanna oh no I’m just clicking wait for the program to respond instead of close the program but it keeps like popping back up like are you sure are you sure are you sure I mean this always happens when like doing World creation I guess but dang right dang

Well maybe I just have enough RAM dedicated you know maybe I just need to be more dedicated to the rant more dedication Ram okay maybe I was also just because it was the first time loading it up who knows who knows we’re gonna try again whenever we get on

Screenshots so I can look into it all right for sure thank you yeah it’s already not responding loading up oh hold on hold on we’re getting somewhere we’re getting we’re getting somewhere still recording somehow I mean even though that it crashed so I’m not sure how that’s happening

Being chased by a baby zombie oh no um all right they’re gonna take actually forever um okay let me just trying to figure out I guess what’s going on with game Life why I can’t load that up and if worst comes to worst I’ll just play um better Minecraft your join Lobby

Okay I’m loading up thing hopefully I can load into game Life quickly I don’t know what’s going on like why is it crashing it’s obviously a mod that’s conflicting with it um I think I hope it’s not on my end but I’m pretty sure it’s a mod that’s

Like conflicting with the Minecraft and it’s just not working out so give me one second give me one second you’re almost there you’re almost there to you’re up high I think oh what’s that hi yo hold on it’s loading I clicked on your stream just in case you’re still loading up you switched

Ending Monica yeah yeah I just went back too um I don’t know if it’s the same for you but for something for me I have issues when I load big mod packs up when I’m streaming or recording it just takes like 18 years longer and sometimes just doesn’t

Uh yeah that’s not really the issue because I was playing fine but then I went to the end and it just yeah no I had I clicked on your stream the second it happened like I watched you go to the stronghold go through the

End and then I saw it happen I went oh [ __ ] you know I so I went into the end and um it was fine for me okay I’m loading oh I’m not sure we’re loading into the world right now it just keeps saying like with the crash

Report has something about a block but it works for like a second I mean every time you try to get in maybe like try to direct yourself to oh [ __ ] you’re okay right you’re right but give us a second yeah they’re gonna crashed okay so what

Does it say on the yeah let me look at the launcher let me switch um screens yeah no worries change with the screens here too here okay that’s what it says that’s what it says every time too so it’s not like isolated yeah I could even send you the crash report

The report it’s okay um something’s wrong with do you have texture packs on uh uh I think I might have the glowing one try to disable it it’s saying something’s wrong with the void okay well it’s weird because he has shaders on we have the same shaders yeah all

Three of us have the same I think it might be the texture pack not shaders because shaders maybe look do you guys have the glowing ores on I don’t have any are you using the complimentary reimagined or are you using the one that’s uh just complementary shaders uh reimagined okay

The one with the bubble clouds right uh yeah I think so and then there’s is the Shader thing a texture pack like with the glowing oars or is that a Shader Let’s test it back okay that might be it let me disable it I find out it shouldn’t be but it is

They shouldn’t crash your game if it’s just a texture pack though that’s confusing well I think it’s struggling to load the texture which is what’s crashing it it’s trying I think that’s why it freezes for a second because it’s retrying over and over and then just giving up

It happens with a lot of bigger games sometimes I mean it might not be the issue but it’s worth trying yeah I’ll try it right now simple fix it’s just like you know I have a or glowing one but there’s like 40 of them out there so

At least it didn’t like when you used a rocket it didn’t send you into the void oh I’m not even using that I’m using supplementaries with that the one the mod um or modern resources that’s it I’m not even using the glowing word it might be the resource then maybe try

To turn it off or like get rid of it uh it’s built in oh is it with what uh supplementaries mod no I know like what’s I they got rid of the mod options thing what from the Dropbox or on curse Forge itself good job bucks

I hate that they got rid of these I could just try like just updating all of them I guess no I won’t fix it because the server is still on the outdated versions and it wouldn’t have let you join if you had the wrong version you’ll ever try now

Even if even if this crashes it again or like you won’t let me join then I can just redo it from the Dropbox yeah I’m trying to think it sucks that I can’t um they took away the feature in the title screen or not title screen the

Options menu you can’t look at the mods that might be a single player thing though no it was its own mod a lot of texture packs or a lot of mod packs just had it they had a default version but they removed it because the mod was larger it is yeah

It is a supplementaries is the mod or the texture pack um it’s a mod because it’s saying for me it says it’s just many functional useful vanilla plus blocks that has nothing to do with textures well if one of the blocks was bugged then it would crash them too maybe

You didn’t add any resource packs in uh-uh I don’t even have any like listed on the um curse words when I load up hmm let me try I haven’t tried disabling um whatever it’s called what am I Kevin I’m literally gonna throw myself out of window okay um

That I left on a video in 2019. and what I said was a dad joke too I get likes on the video from over almost a year ago I don’t know why yeah me too I think it has to just be like from people like scrolling and being like Oh okay but one

Year and four years no I know I still get likes from a video I made three years ago about my brother hello let me just delete all of these mods again you have to reinstall them uh hold on let me open wait they deleted Amino from the App Store good

My only memory of amino is that I was a moderator in the official Terraria one even though I was technically too young and I broke my iPad or an iPad I broke my tablet and wasn’t on Amino for like two weeks and when I came back they

Demoted me and I had never been so enraged in my life that’s all I think I’m still in the Terraria Amino steam group I copied um delete paste Paste can I paste though please maybe I didn’t even copy them one second uh this sucks because I was like I haven’t actually

I paste here we go okay maybe I can try putting more Ramen or something how much RAM are you using this is in 4k yeah you don’t you shouldn’t really even need that I mean you can if you want it might be easier for your stream too I

Just put it up for 8K but I don’t know yeah that’s fine I have mine usually at 10. not on this but 10K well usually if it’s a bigger mod like enigmatica I think I was running like 12.4k dang because well in America is Big especially if you’re streaming because

It has like it has 360 mods or something yeah we were also on enigmatic of six are you on eight yeah eight has less mods because it’s on a newer version six is honestly a top tier when if you’re gonna do a single player do that one yeah yeah I miss mechanism

That was so helpful I don’t miss getting iron does it have like uh course what does ignomatica have chords what do you mean honestly like the automatic mining there’s like six different ways of doing it it has yeah I actually had one where you put a thing down and it like mines

Out gems and or like this oh there’s one that’s the one I used was completely broken and they nerfed it a little bit but it’s still broken Um Cadence was um although we’re joining chat we’re joining hold on baby okay we’re in we’re in hello hello hi I’m gonna give it a second anyway oh I literally just reinstalled all of my mods and I think it’s yeah Shader should be fine but it might have

Just been that one of the mods didn’t install correctly so when it loaded the texture it wasn’t just not loading but corrupted or something is fun like that was there a car fan that you had beef with a suicide or gt I don’t know what what why okay I don’t know if it was car fan JT should I get to should I mine down these obsidian pillars no it’s not what I’m doing uh oh yeah oh yeah it’s the move but you can make like obsidian stairs that’s a little crazy oh can you win

This yeah we added a bunch of mods that allow you to make like stairs and slabs of blocks that don’t have them I didn’t add like many changing mods mostly just small stuff like that yeah if we do another like custom modded one we’ll probably add a lot more just

Because some of the ones that we would add in like now it’s just like it’s too late to like really matter yeah yeah and some of the people wanted to do vanilla so I figured we would start by doing something like this instead yeah what um

When when are we like gonna restart the server soon at all it’ll probably be summer so you have at least another month or so yeah it’s like like school it’s just that everyone’s like more free and has like has the time to be active yeah especially because you’re trying to I’m

Assuming you’re going to want to pump out content for the summer yeah probably so it’d be good to like I forgot that I got that free cooking game for VR I’m sorry what what I never even played it no I did I opened it for one minute but it didn’t work correctly

So I stopped oh it’s rough but it was free and I thought it was kind of funny Sean left so you could go play VR chat I’m wait so I all right so we’re restarting the server in the summer if anything in the summer or like the

Last like are you in your senior or junior year senior senior okay so yeah you got like final exams to worry about [ __ ] Um you’re like oh well uh yeah so we’ll probably do it like June probably to get like earliest I don’t know when y’all are done school because it’s different than Canada maybe yeah no because it depends on the school entirely but like Sean has someone added on Steam that’s level 103. on what

Theme there’s levels on Steam yeah what exactly like no one no one levels grinds up on stage Sean’s level five what level are you I don’t really want it I’m only level nine better than a shot whatever that is that’s eclipse yeah yeah actually I have way more hours than Sean

On Steam that kind of makes sense the 33 hours on VR chat are screaming right now I definitely like if we do another server I definitely need to like do a spin wheel for a theme I have like 18 different buildings right now do you have a mod pack

No we’re probably gonna custom make one or if anything will do one that’s like not overbearing because some people’s computers might not be able to handle it depending on who it is I guess but there’s only like there’s nobody else probably we’ll probably well we’re also probably trying to invite new people as

Well yeah um we’re mostly we’ve got a lot of new people we’ll probably try to get like a list of like maybe five different mod packs have some new people join the server and then kind of do like a survey of whose PC is good enough to run

Certain mod packs and then get like make a final decision yeah okay because it sucks to like exclude anyone yeah that like wants to do it but they can’t oh my oh my God yes I worked I was doing like so much I’m trying to stream in 1080. like 1080p

Right yeah he’s trying so hard and then like I just came to a realization like I can only do it on Twitch for some reason I can’t even stream online like anything for whatever reason I don’t know why yeah I think that like you created YouTube is probably a good streaming

Over twitch right now oh yeah it’s just fridge well I mean the only reason is because it’s like I already have a following my top yeah top five most played no my dad I’ve never played this game how do I have 46 hours on it what game Counter-Strike nexons

I’ve never heard of this but apparently last time 2017. 46 hours in my game is crazy hold up I have 725 hours on Terraria 218 hours many paladins you say 770. 725 that is lightweight we also have Team mod loader about Earth what’s your highest mud yeah where are

You at let me tell you about this little game called ark survival evolved all right I think my most played game is league with about four to six thousand hours or something my most played gave us Arc I have uh 280 days or 80 something days um

Wow Kevin look at how nerdy my most played are almost a year of my life put into that game um if it loads for me I’ll get an exact number trying to like trying to get it here for nine hours yeah four or nine hours is crazy it

Never works for me because I had a PlayStation account I never did so it works for mine if epic games decides wait you can just see like on Epic how many hours yeah if you go to your library oh you can yes you can wait but

Like I If you want to check even if I played on like Xbox website yeah um I’ve never played on Xbox I’ve only played PC um Gavin how many days did you say you played on the 280 or how many hours 280 days yeah I don’t know how many this is hold on

Alexa what’s 280 times 24. 20 hours in Ultra despair girls that was a good game actually no regrets it’s more shocking that I have more time in shop Titans than I have 138 days playing on fortnite I’ve played since season one but Utah also took like how long of a

Break yeah I haven’t played since I didn’t play like any of Seasons played or a chapter two whatever I played every season except for chapter two season two three and four and like seven I I literally haven’t played any chapter two basically oh it’s so bad it was actually your thoughts on

The Erin Yeager stuff uh it’s all right I like playing the game right now though I actually like playing fortnite right now do you play Builder no builds I I play build like by myself but like my friends no build better so my name’s still keg yeah

I know we have um it doesn’t show up we had a group so we had faith we had phase mad Mist phase portafort which is me face shield K which is icy and then phase chug jug which is uh a friend of ours that’s funny

I don’t even know what I’m gonna do with the subsidian yet I’m not even lying you should just build a giant like a really detailed nether portal a really detailed leather portal with three snacks obsidian yeah use um use one of the tools and get some like special look up obsidian and

You’re some of these dollars are not right because I opened dungeons of dragons online he’s right and didn’t know how it works look up obsidian in your jei if you have it do you affect your feet no worries I don’t know why I don’t have uh just

More items or whatever it’s called I don’t know you could probably add that in that’s like a client monster I do it’s your game like I it’s it’s enabled it’s just not appearing did you probably need to update delete it when you reinstalled your mods

No I saw it like I just need to update it I think um there’s a table you can do which gives you like 30 different options for obsidian blocks like with details and stuff same goes for crying obsidian but that’s more difficult to get yeah it’s hard to get

I might do something in the end with all the subsidian I don’t know what yet though I saw this video earlier today and it was like this guy’s letting the end and like the first comment was Minecraft retries not to flood uh flood the end impossible

Oh God I like those long play videos those are fun I watched five minutes of them no they’re like in their YouTube videos but they’re like four hour videos of Just silent of just like Minecraft content but there’s no speaking oh that’s interesting it’s just like a background for everyone I guess

It’s an audience for everyone yeah I I guess I that’d be so like that’d be so easy to record though you’re just playing the game yeah and you don’t even need to speak with that you could like just mute your mic on on the recording and then they’ll speak

Like literally you could just stream it on YouTube or twitch and just upload it that’s a long play and it would count Gavin I think you know why I’m bad at valerian I have the same amount of time in AIM Labs as that one Haunted Mansion VR game that never worked

I think this is because you don’t play what’s your rank Evan um promise three I don’t play comp ever uh uh yeah he’s put like three my Peak my Peak is gold too which is I just got the silver three nice um you know my peak’s gold too

But I don’t play rank often so I refuse to get carried about my friends again they’re like all ascendant is smooth yeah or not ascendant they’re like flat one guy was a radiant yeah we played a who played it mean I see played like a narrated just once and then I think we

Had a Smurf on our team who is Loki kind of ass at the game oh yeah I know what you mean why did they make the mail and they said their main account got banned I love when people like Flex being a Smurf but like they’re just bad

Okay they’re a gold Smurf it’s like come on yeah like if you’re gonna Smurf be in a high rank that eventually people like Oh you mean like people that aren’t in Gold but they experience yeah wait Gavin this news sucks for people that actually like play but

This game I think I’ve told you about it before roughly little blacksmith shop it’s been in beta since like 2018. it’s a single developer so it’s a slow process but they said they wanted to do multiplayer a long time ago and they just announced that they’re stopping all

Development on the current version of the game so they can rewrite the entire game from the bottom up that is crazy what well it’s a pretty simple game so far they didn’t it’s just that if they add anything new now it’s at the point where they have to fix all the old code

Anyways so it just doesn’t work but um they’re looking at just remaking the whole game instead of rewriting everything but with multiplayer as the core game mode also there’s a new fortnite bundle I’m on foreign robotics bundle I don’t know how I feel about it there’s only one skin in this bundle I

Like which is that one yeah yeah what skin it’s a high crypto it’s the it’s it’s a paid when used brand new I’m probably gonna buy it oh yeah yeah crypto um it’s a koi Kingdom pack is what it’s called there’s two skins and in one of

The anime skins and it’s just like red black and gray is the color scheme looks cool though but it’s uh probably like 13 bucks USD 15. oh my bad um there’s a there’s a 1200 or 1600 bundle Renegade robotics I really wish my uh just enough items would work though bro

How do obsidian blocks or bricks look like they don’t even look that good I’m not gonna lie this is okay well you have someone who’s streaming here I definitely I’m so confused I was like you didn’t even say anything bad A1 is silver what um crypto asked if he was out of bronze uh yeah silver three this skin is so that is not the right person oh when did crypto talk did he talk I said something in general uh

Kill it okay I gotta do my daily stuff I have my gun I was mostly just logging on so I could see my name and check my hours but you don’t have to log in to do that well I didn’t know what my name was exactly I wanted to double check

It goes on nicknames I need to like make a tick tock it’s been a month more than a month I should probably upload a short but those 47 000 followers are depleting yeah yeah 47 000 that’s crazy you could you should use it it’s really like three

He blew up I blew it from one video yeah you gotta use that you gotta use that he had a previous account with like let’s not mention that account that kind of gives me trauma but does she have like did you have like millions of

Likes or something no I had so I had another account in 2020 I had 44k uh-huh and then I got banned because I was posting stuff that wasn’t supposed to be on tick tock um I’m not gonna get into it because that’s against the TOs that’s crazy what

Wait have I gain followers hold on wait but no I haven’t what was your Tick Tock that you blew up for like how many um the video that blew up last year has right now 8.1 million views and if it was a YouTube video I don’t get a cent for that

You don’t get a set no because I’m not um I don’t have 50 000 followers and I am also live in Canada so we don’t have the same benefits as y’all in America wait do you not yet like Creator fund or whatever you have to have 50 000 followers and have like an

Average of 100 000 likes a month or something like in America it’s the same now hmm yeah no that is the same but it’s different in Canada we don’t have the Creator fund uh uh um a video uh the last video that blew up kind of

Well I say kind of as if it didn’t get 8.3 830k views damn um the sound got muted so it stopped growing but it was just like a stupid one the one that blew up was like my voice but I wish like I just need to post and then

Slowly start posting streaming stuff like I’d rather post like content which is what I was used to and then slowly do like Clips then and there I like focus on a game or something to get an audience what do you post um usually it’s just me yelling f yeah

I got a game no like it was the one that went viral was me not knowing Pride Flags because even though I’m gay that was the whole game and then it was just me yelling at like what are these flags kind of thing yeah um and then the last ones I’ve used were

All audios because I only get South Park videos on my for you page and I it’s really hard to be creative so I’d rather like find audios make videos good yeah what I see you know death 39. yeah shade her head for Kai day yeah yeah so did um music

Is it a man yeah I don’t care then is cuter they’ve posted a picture of both of them wearing frog hats you guys all about just speaking a different language right now you don’t know who okay it is 10 10’s girlfriend wife who’s tens like the biggest Valiant player ever uh

His um kaide his wife uh was diagnosed with leukemia and shaped her head for the chemo and so her friend Daffin who’s also a streamer saved her head in honor of kaide or not an honorable like to help her like COPE in a way foreign

It was a nice thing but it sucks because kite is like one of the sweetest people so yeah I think I’m gonna get like this stack and another stack and then I’m gonna be done getting obsidian and I probably have to build something out of him

I want to build more on my base like I I took down like four of the buildings and I redid them to be a little smaller so it looks like there’s more of a city or like a town rather than just big buildings and it looks really nice but I’m not

Wanting to do that for the whole area because they have a lot of detail on the houses which sucks oh actually I do know what I’m gonna do with it I’m gonna do something with the Pillager Outpost oh you’re gonna build a Pillager poster like onto it another I’m gonna build onto it

Nice I’m excited for 1.20 I’m gonna cherry blossom it’s cherry blossoms yeah and the ancient not the ancient um the artifacts or whatever it is the archeology yeah that’d be cool too they also have like the Gilded armor so that’ll be a cool system wait is it gilded armor just like it

Just makes you look cooler with another I think it gives you I think so but it might give you like perks to something probably not major ones though okay oh uh speaking of perks enigmatica six had um there’s a mod in it called Lost trinkets it was only made for

1.16.5 and they’ve not touched it since um but you would do like you would break a certain amount of blocks or you would kill a certain amount of things or you’d explore or whatever you would get a specific trinket and there’s different Rarities of them but there was some

Broken ones like there was one of them was called Master void and it basically if you jumped into the void it would just teleport you back to your spawn um one of them was like there was a magnet so it would just magnetize everything towards you there was one

That like made creepers not Target you that’s cool like it was pretty broken and they were easy to get and then there’s a creative flight one that you could for some reason well not by a lot though huh you like whenever you stream do like a multi-stream yeah Tick Tock and on Twitch

I’ve done it a few times he doesn’t what he doesn’t swim on either I mean not that I’m any better but I’m I was focused more like right now I was in bad mental place and then also School so I’m done I’m done this week this is

My last week and for four months so I’m probably gonna try to grind out some content and then I’m probably gonna work on my twitch stuff for a little bit that’s okay that’s fine with me if you hear yelling I apologize that’s crazy or if you want to like if

You want us to leave or anything so you can kind of quietly end your stream or whatever so I’m still playing VR Joe I would love to add like music to my stream but I’m so scared of copyright on here I’m so scared look for a dmca

Like look up a DMC playlist yeah yeah on Spotify there’s there’s so many that are just like trash Bro Look up like a dmca free Lo-Fi Ray I was thinking that but yeah especially for Minecraft because it’s like no one really used to hear a lot and the nice music is different yeah

Exactly that’s what I usually do and then I scream whenever I see a mob so it’s a nice little break I already tend to do on but like I want to post a more aggressive version of that very snatched up as long as you don’t heard it it yeah

That’s the only title Nico deserves is that my feet right now all right one more stack of obsidian one more stack who is your favorite cousin Tick Tock Ash Tech Ask Tick Tock today today’s pick for you I I see you later guys thanks for okay have a good night bye-bye

All right chat let’s add in this this Lo-Fi playlist yeah Lo-Fi no copyright yeah yeah let’s turn that way down all right so I don’t want to put you guys to sleep though that’s my only problem here I just don’t want to like make you just slap a bit

That is my problem here my little dilemma going on cool I love the fight okay perfect that’s good then that’s good then you guys cool the world it’s at least 4 AM where do you live that’s four in the morning bro it ain’t even 12 for me yet this is four

That is wild yeah also let me make it let me make a short time short time all right create a short I don’t get like any views but it’s okay hey guys I’m live right now on YouTube uh I get a short set on YouTube already

Hey guys I live right now my channel I might need not all these obsidian powers on the game Life sap if you want to come join then just click on my channel oh yeah that works that works that works that works come say hi click on my channel next

It’s kind of a cool shot too because I’m just like in the end um sorry let me put all these hashtags on bunny uh of course hashtag um Minecraft hashtag SMP yeah that’s good all right upload cool get back to minus let’s get back to mine in

This stream didn’t do too bad though it got um like we got a lot of people in here already which is nice they didn’t lose any subs for once I had my stream which like I don’t know it’s been a little Trend recently been a little bit of a trend the loose

Loose subs from a stream so glad that I didn’t at least well let me minimize this and just this here let me put this back on okay cool yeah this seems like the thing with Lo-Fi is like it seems like like studying music or something like I’m just like chilling

Watch me get like hold on released so we have 100 controller rights sometimes there are by lovium okay interesting because like I’m thinking like imagine I could just like get this entire video taken it’d be so funny it wouldn’t be that big of a deal but

It’d be funny it’d be funny for sure also I gotta make a new video and not just stream I really do it’s just a lot of work yeah I’ll probably next video will probably be a balloon video I’m not gonna lie I’m trying to make a banner design but

The broom isn’t loading any designs oh no that’s unfortunate it’s really unfortunate and I know that like making videos I’ll probably get so much more um you know watch time and subs and all that from that so I know it’s better to just you know make the video but it’s just

Me put in the editing effort is so much so so much I’ll do it though I’ll do it I don’t know about the Hardcore Minecraft video because that that is like those videos take so much effort compared to like the rest extreme Buds and stuff so so much more effort all right

That should be enough obsidian there should be plenty of obsidian oh it’s bright like I just came back and there’s so much more bright wait I think I am missing the Shader pack though I think I am 100 am that’s why it looks so bright and so much different I’ll try tomorrow yeah

That’s why it looks so much more bright because there’s no shaders or I think this doesn’t have yeah it doesn’t here let me get a what is it called OptiFine let me get out the phone in here I forgot to put it in here OptiFine but faster we’re just talking about

I just want uh opt to fiber not even fabric up to find but I can just I just get a normal OptiFine please they’re open folder for this I know I have it somewhere like I know I do actually let me open the folder again open folder instances

Because I know I probably have it on better Minecraft I have to because I have a whatever it’s called on there where’s the O’s at O’s O’s O’s I’ll vote it let’s none of those are out to find I love that so much hold on

Oh wait it’s in you know what it is in the normal one off the final Point 19. that’s what I need what I need right there all right let me go to mods OptiFine 1.19 move Epic epic epic epic all right we have to keep playing without it it’s just

I don’t know it’s weird I haven’t played I haven’t played Without shaders in a a minute like in a long time you know what I can do start replacing down here with not just stone bricks but obsidian should I do that like I don’t know how much I should replace but

I could do that what would I replace maybe just the bases the basis of the towers because this is a lot of obsidian I don’t even know if that like I have enough I don’t think I even had have enough if I wanted to so let me just try to doing like just

The bases or like around the bases two black radius around I wonder if that’s like a stack is that a stack Worthy also efficiency efficiency whatever this is I think it’s like efficiency five or whatever it’s ridiculous bro I am literally clicking like it’s creative mode like it’s crazy

I accidentally clicked two like break too many things bad I do want to see what these obsidian bricks look like but there’s no going back if I make it into bricks which is the only reason I haven’t done that yet the only reason I have that layer

Oh perfect that was a stack it exactly that was literally a stack exactly I’m just who cares who cares pick it all up start placing it over here foreign I can’t wait oh I can’t wait to make a video like when I have all this finished it’s gonna be so good

I mean also do like a ring around like I already made a stack like there’s no going back on that there’s no going back on that stack that I just made so oh you know what it is the reason that is like instant break is because I have

The haste I have the haste from the beacon that is exactly what it is okay I don’t know if I like this or not kind of ugly compared to like the normal obsidian I think I 100 think that the normal is better it’s probably all you know what I should

Do I have to do probably is bring the beacon to the um to the end that’s what I gotta do I was doing these with iron bases that’s what I was doing well let’s get rid of that then we don’t need an iron base it’s cool but it’s so much iron

That I don’t have on hand I was gonna make emerald bases now I remember I remember it’s gonna make them out of emeralds instead of just iron but it’s so much I don’t have I probably do that but it might look cooler with the obsidian anyways so let’s find out

Like I liked how it turned out over there so hopefully it’ll be cool here too and if I could get it all above water that’d be great that means that’d be really great whoa that’s a lot of sugarcane that I have in here for what reason what the heck

Oh this from farming earlier literally is from priming it earlier I remember this gotta be at least a stack at least a stack of iron blocks which is ridiculous to say it’s not even this isn’t even like a beacon worth that’s crazy right like that’s not even a beacon worth all right

I can fill in the bottom with like yeah that was only a stack okay I’m just fill it like this what’s up Anonymous welcome to the Stream and fill it up like this and then they see obsidian that’s probably what I’ll do or not even let me just start placing New York City

Right away why not let my red under yeah okay also gotta do the Redstone lamps and grab uh what is it called I’m not sure you know I don’t even need to be placing this layer right here your head off all right see you later driver thanks for joining this shame man

Dang I kind of missed the shaders already when am I streaming tomorrow what is tomorrow Monday uh sometime after 6 p.m that’s all I could say just sometime after 6 p.m that’s what I’ll you show me tomorrow shoot I didn’t mean to place this kind of miss the shaders I want to see

How this looks with the shaders I mean it’s gonna be so cool can’t wait to see the shaders all right how much was it it was just two out and then um and then that ring of the bricks all right let’s see ya I see ya okay

It was just two two of the normal obsidian and then just the bricks after so I’ll do that that works out fine Oh shoot that’s a this is a circle box I kind of need that like badly oops wish I got it yeah I did

Yeah I have a lot of acidity in it chill out so this oh that was a perfect stack yeah I did not expect that to be a perfect stack that’s actually kind of crazy hold on that was kind of crazy this song is like in every video it’s so good

Not like it gets like it’s just funny how it’s in like every video that’s what I meant by the good I thought it was a bad song either I don’t I don’t know I don’t know how to get myself out of this situation all right now we’ll just place around here

This was so much stone bricks like I’m just thinking about it like I really grinded this out like so hard at us so much for this doesn’t need to be an obsidian block and this one doesn’t either whoa hold on that’s missing a piece I see that

As good as we see that I’m missing a piece up there what’s going on all right let me go to bed matter of fact let’s have Kenny rehacks welcome to the stream and to the channel because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before it’s a Jocelyn uh buzzaroo because I

Welcome to the stream into the channel because I’ve never seen you before let me just go to sleep because that was a lot of mobs that was a lot of mobs okay so let’s grab this one that works oh yeah Teddy reacts deleted his head oh that’s unfortunate

All right how many blocks does this part of the bridge missing like you can see it from all the way over here so is it a lot why why is it just missing [ __ ] you just have a sub ah thank you I appreciate it yeah this project is taking like forever though

Or it took forever when I was like working on it like every day it’s a little ridiculous oh no is that not gonna break the beacon now that might break the beacon all right just brought it less power probably I’m not sure hopefully we’re all good

I need to finish like coming this way I guess okay fine I need the stone like anyways bye what time is it for me uh 11 34. yeah so you know pretty late he’s probably thinking of going to like 12 and I’ll call it but actually kind of like having fun on

Minecraft which I haven’t had in a long time it’s your brother’s birthday that’s nice Kenny hey your brother I said happy birthday this is so much easier to see in the morning or during the day not in the morning I guess it is the morning actually never mind

You missed 10 34. oh it’s not that late then for you for me it’s yeah it’s 1 48 for you dang late for you you don’t have to stay up yeah I I don’t know sleep is important this is very important I guess hold on how’s this wait I didn’t I

Didn’t think this through hold on it’s over here it’s lined up with the end right I don’t know just right there you said thank you yeah no problem oh this one I didn’t do right hold on it needs to be one further and I see what I did wrong here or just

Okay there we go so I’m gonna Place one there nice I guess I can work on there’s some more stone bricks over here dang I haven’t finished this right here brushing it I think I ran out of hasten like um didn’t clear this out or something actually I do wonder what stopped me

From playing this out right here maybe I meant to keep it like this I don’t know I don’t remember can’t tell if you’re a teener and Tall my voice is deep it’s not that deep uh it’s actually not that deep at all but I appreciate it I guess I don’t know

Um now I am a teen teenager yeah I’ve never like heard somebody describe my voice is deep interesting I’m a little late is this single player no it’s a it’s a multiplayer server with other people um some other streamers but none of them are on right now it’s just

Me but welcome to the stream chase the guy answer the channel because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before to be fair it’s not your fault that you miss that you’re a little late is my fault because I didn’t make it short for

Like a while I think a lot of you guys are coming from the shorts so it could be wrong let me know if I’m wrong could be completely wrong who knows all right actually let me put this obsidian in the Shocker box what’s this circle box even have okay

This is random nether stuff is crying obsidian which I actually do need a place in the portal let me get that out I just saw you remember to do that I could go back to base and do that right now yeah let me do that

I do need more fireworks as well but I have like a so much sugar cane for some reason so that shouldn’t be hard to do okay it’s an open server or not because I can’t see the rainbow yeah unfortunately it is a closer but I guess you mean that hopefully you can sleep

But um it is a closer every just for streamers I’m sorry very sorry yeah let me pick that up what’s up uh not gonna like Carlos 420 welcome to stream into the channel because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before if I have them by mistake oh

Okay where’s this line at right here perfect well that’s fine okay cool I don’t know some people get like like mad or like their attitude I tell them it’s closer they’re like I don’t know like but ice cream too but I don’t know I’m not even the server

Owner like I’m not even the person who invites people so I can’t even invite them if I wanted to anyways I was a little side-taging but basically okay my aces are running out so that’s good I thought like I stopped um the mining over here because the haze

Ran out but I guess not new recipes with diet right this is not the first time I picked up diet right no shot it is that’s fine I’m not like that yeah I can tell I could tell the RNG on Minecraft is crazy no it is for Real

I’m not sure exactly what you’re referencing but trust me it is actually let’s do this it’s fine I think I think I gotta push this back this wall back anyways or even more yeah I probably I do actually but it’ll be fine for now it’ll be fine for now

Dennis I love it dessert that I don’t need I said there’s a lot of uh brief people and plus like you said you’re not the owner so you probably wouldn’t need permissions yeah exactly it’s pretty much it I did have an s p like uh s p server

There for a while like I was owning one but fortunately close it they have enough well one I didn’t have enough money to run into it was uh there’s a big problem with uh what’s it called um management like I didn’t have enough time to management so it was unfortunate but

How to do it I guess this is just how to get Stone from now on I don’t know I don’t really know else I’ll do it because like I don’t have any more land up there than mine so I kind of gotta go down here and mine for it

I do have this call though I guess I was with somebody uh yeah I know for real I was I had shaders on but I just reloaded all my mods and took them all off but it’s it’s definitely way different like it is kind of nostalgic for sure

I don’t know if I spell it right yeah I think you did I’m not sure how to spell it either so it’s not like I would have noticed either way if you did spell it right or not all right give me this call I think I’m

Gonna get a sack right here from the school who knows find out let’s find out all right sorry I just had it let me check something real quick let me check something oh shoot we’re at 492 uh Subs now like hey or not 400 uh 692 we’re almost

Like eight steps away from from uh what is it from 700 it’s like that’s so cool dang I like I always say this like literally every single Milestone but I never thought I would get it this far I never ever thought I would get to the 700 at least like that is crazy

I’m very thankful for it though it’s just a lot of people okay um this up city right here where I put the subsidian in this box so I’m not using it right now no I can’t even use it until I like expand the stone pillars further down or this one that’s over here

I’m not sure what I’m gonna do about the uh like because there’s gonna be mobs that spawn in there I’m not sure what I’m gonna do about that yet but we’ll have to figure it out have to figure it out for sure maybe another day already passed them again kind of crazy

So let me eat so I forget to eat yeah just great yeah I do it’s uh it’s linked on my community tab somewhere but uh you’re probably best bet would be find it in my channel banner and one of the links on my channel Banner that is the place for my Discord

There’s a lot of pings in there just beware every time I stream a lot of things yes fall streamer as well with like 17 followers on fishlaw taking a break for stream for a little while yeah I get that I enjoy streaming like more than I do like editing videos and stuff so

It’s different you destroyed nice thanks for joining appreciate it okay you think like that that first makes everything like so much more bright I mean obviously that’s like obviously but it’s the only light source around but it’s just it was weird and also everything looks so much different without shaders and I

Kind of like it but I like I miss my shaders but I kind of like it at the same time like I kind of like the vibe going on like all the default what am I making eventually this is gonna be like I’m gonna stick a bunch of

Villages villagers down here and like wall it off like put a big wall around this and it’ll be like kind of a kind of like a man-made Village like a like a city down here a mini little town and I just want it to be stone bricks I

Don’t know why or like National breaks necessarily but something other than just grass in stoneberg so the easiest thing because I can just use look at these okay so I think all I don’t know if all mobs drop chicken nuggets in this or what’s going on but because there’s like

Also on the server there’s like um just some random mods like what the heck is that what the actual hack is that that is the thing in nightmares stay dead a graveyard mom what the I yeah there’s just random mods on this like that they added just fun little

Ones that don’t really interfere with the game I made a grave in my room for my two-year-old hardcore world I lost I was crying after sad yeah I’d cry if I lost a two-year-old Minecraft or or hardcore well that’s horrible what’s up zomond welcome to the chat and

To the channel because I’ve never seen you before um what’s what’s going on I’m just building like uh little town pretty much it oh [ __ ] oh shoot sorry shoot the other word um um I think I might have just put something in there is it Dino yeah for sure

For sure oh it’s my pickaxe that’s what I put up okay at least I didn’t put it in the chest but put it up there by accident whoops okay I have all that obsidian I need to expand these pillars down let me let me just work on it a little bit

Like we’re gonna expanding it this way I guess those spiders and it’s a lot of spiders they’re right here I can just I wrap this wall perfect okay that’s a good super school no worries see you later anonymous just like yeah this wall can go

I just need to like move the beacon as well I’m just a little too lazy to do it let’s see what’s um one in the morning for you yeah it’s it’s kind of late for me too it’s 11 46 it’s almost there’s only planning still streaming on

Stream until 12 but I don’t know we’re getting getting a lot of people in here so maybe I will stream longer but who knows who knows okay let me just use all these real quick you know what else I need to do actually is just put like all this miscellaneous stuff away

Like I have just a bunch of random stuff in my inventory and I don’t like it yeah I don’t need that this but literally is infinity anyways um we’ll can go gunpowder can go app that Apple that loan Apple can go sticks like I’ll just get it out if I

Need it imagine flavor I just don’t know it yet it might be who knows who knows technically Dynamics are made of dinosaurs because chickens are just in the dinosaurs he’s spitting right now he’s spitting he knows maybe you’re actually right you’re actually right about that also welcome to the stream into the channel

Um ocean entertainment I think that’s how you say it since I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before but if I have my mistake okay let’s use this Stone and like Place more I mean that’s actually a lot foreign stacks of stone you would think it would

Last a while but this is it didn’t last nothing doesn’t last nothing with the dinos tastes like chicken that’s the question isn’t it what’s up Eva welcome to the stream and to the channel because I don’t think I’ve ever seen any word I actually maybe I have

Direct me from wrong maybe I have if I’m wrong then welcome to the stream or to the channel I made welcome to the shout out I have seen you before said hi twice whoa I really need to put uh I want to put the shaders on but I don’t want to

Reload the game like right now by the way you’re in finasteride okay perfect that’s good that’s good that iPhone has to write it sounds like ocean like OC and entertainment oh that’s a sheep I thought it was like like a dog just stuck in there I was like why is it

Making like blah noises what’s going on that doesn’t make much sense ah okay I’m gonna have to whenever you do this Beacon I’m gonna have to um first of all I probably need to move it here soon because it’s kind of losing range I’m gonna have to place all these

Numbers under it’s gonna be a big gap without stone bricks which is fine it’s not that big of a deal just took a bunch of mobs and spawn in there in the meantime is it eternos a free Mc server thing uh it is but you have to like stay like somebody

Has to be on the server and then somebody has to manually start it every time that somebody’s not I’m a headache I should probably go to sleep yeah yeah for sure see you later ocean thanks for joining all right let’s go back over here and expand this expand this down probably

Me too all right see you later thank you for joining at least that’s funny didn’t like me on fire that’d be kind of a problem [ __ ] let me I don’t know if I should head up there or not also I really need to do the rest of lamps thing but

I need to get a bunch of Glowstone for that at the same time which I don’t want to do I really just don’t want to do that I might all this out but I may not okay Misty For Me hey man sleep is important sleep is important okay let me head up there

Let me get all that out make sure I can like actually make the radius around it because I need enough to so I can place the obsidian which isn’t like that much but you know actually this all is look at how much I’m gonna have to figure out that’s ridiculous dang

So I’m going up to the Mountainside like I’m gonna be clearing out a lot of dirt that’s ridiculous but I may not sleep I’m Gonna Leave It eight minutes all right no worries that is like the top of the hour I might do the same to be honest but I’m not sure yet

I am not sure yet I was leaving the stuff under I don’t know why though like I can’t because I need to destroy that anyways I just thought about it like I really did destroy that anyways you’re really bad insomnia I recently ran out of bed so I can’t oh I’m so

Sorry yeah I used to have really bad insomnia like I used to have even the insomnia where like like you would like sometimes like just fall asleep randomly and not remember those moments I don’t know if you ever heard of that version but I used to have that it’s it was so bad

But I don’t know I don’t know what changed but now I can finally see perfectly fine I think like a big part was actually like um just turning off because I used to sleep with my TV on I don’t know if you sleep with your TV

On maybe this will help you um I used to sleep with my TV on and I changed it up so like I’d like turn off everything like you know how you’re supposed to sleep um and it actually worked like I I sleep perfectly fine now

So I don’t know if you sleep with your TV on maybe try that let’s leave tonight it’s a tomorrow’s Monday though are you gonna neglect sleep on a Monday I could never actually I did um multiple times but that’s not the point that’s not the point is that the point at all

The point is safe is so important yeah that’s that’s the message yeah good message good message no sleep tonight but I have school yeah exactly like I can’t can’t just neglective especially if you have school tomorrow like no it’s so bad I’m not gonna lie I kind of put like a

Ton of effort into a into a school project um earlier today like more effort that I put into like a YouTube video sometimes like I made a video of the digestive system I was gonna upload it out here for fun but um I mean some people like first of all my

Subs would be like what second of all uh I don’t I don’t want my teacher looking at this channel because that’s kind of embarrassing right could you imagine I walk into class and he like brings up my channel like oh no you’re so bad yes I passed out while standing up and

They call the ambulance it was a big rip because the hospital though oh no I’m so sorry I hope I hope it gets better for you it definitely got better for me what’s up Nitro welcome to the stream it’s so late yeah no worries stream might be ending here soon I’m not

100 sure maybe I’ll maybe I’ll stream till the two hour mark instead of just 12 o’clock because I’m not even that tired to be honest I did sleep a lot today so let’s leave it like a lot today so I’ll probably just I’ll stream to the two hour mark instead of um

Instead of just 12 o’clock so that’ll be um was it one oh sorry fourth one was talking about one it’ll be two hours long obviously wait what I said to stream to the two hour mark what am I what am I on about it’ll be two hours long maybe yeah

I am tired oops it’s tripping at my words like really badly though bro also I love this noise suppression now because like now you guys can’t hear my mouth click every time which is super super nice super super nice for sure um let me check my uh let me check this real quick

698 Subs okay we’re almost there we’re actually almost there just two more just two more I know we’re gonna go back down under but it’s okay but it’s okay I know like we’re gonna go back under uh 700 but you know it’s okay it’s fine at least I’ll hit it

It’s probably like whenever I do hit it I’ll screenshot it like really quickly it’s not it’s not going well they ever rip up you ripped off a hangnail on accident it was a hangnail is 156 yeah pretty late it’s pretty late for everyone this is everyone’s day been

Yeah how has everyone’s day been congrats yeah thank you appreciate it my day’s been good by the way hold on I can’t sleep because there’s monsters nearby I literally where where where’s this monster that’s kind of annoying because now I can’t even continue my project

Let me go into the end let me just go into the end also let me pull out fireworks from one of these stroker books that I know I have fireworks oh wait maybe I don’t question mark could have sworn I had fireworks on me what maybe I didn’t

Maybe I okay maybe it’s time to go grind out more fireworks and we’re gunpowder at least it’s all right you sub thank you I appreciate it Eva all right let’s just grind out some Creepers real quick what happened what do you mean what happened like what happened today yesterday I

Just did somehow we’re extremed a lot it was a good day wait is this thing broken oh who placed the torch up there they’re trolling oh you see that you see how quickly I knocked that up oh wait but now something’s spun right there whoops what happened Jace oh just because it

Was all right yeah why was it just all right Jason why was it just all right why wasn’t it a good day [ __ ] all right let’s just pop up cool a loving a putter see okay so I do get chicken nuggets from just like killing mobs they were really good

Source of food they like as much as steak which is crazy because steak is a lot also where’s this where’s my uh paper and that paper sugar cane to make the paper I can make so much hold on um whoa those are cool paintings those are actually sick paintings

Oh there’s two separate types of paintings the just standard and then I guess like there’s new designs I’m gonna try the new designs that looks sick that actually could be so cool I would definitely try the new designs also another enchantment that I need is sweeping Edge they kill like this

Oh that was lag I just got everything all the uh all the uh what’s it called um the chat just updated that’s what I meant to say I already saw five minutes ago yeah I appreciate it I slept as well thanks Chase I hang nails from your fingernail

Like hangston’s very painful oh that does sound painful I’m so sorry if you have a seventh money see that’s way later than I have to be up to be up at 5 30 after we have a six you have to be a bit uh six twenty Like in in theory I’m supposed to be up at 6 20 every day but I mean do I really get up at 6 30 or 6 20 I don’t know I have to be up at 5 30 for work yeah I’m kind of dreading that I’m gonna miss

The paintings different is that one of them can teleport you to other dimensions are you joking are you serious are you like trolling or what also welcome to the stream Brenda um into this channel because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before but if you’re serious that I could be sick

That could actually be so sick oh what not one tap what what’s my sharpness again what’s my sharpness sharpness five and it’s not one tab like C’s I gotta go see you see it see you later thanks for joining the stream I appreciate it I’m not joking okay I’ll make that painting then

See if I joking what’s up tdt r DD the Ranger Ed the ranger yeah welcome to the stream into the channel because I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before wait I don’t know wait what do you mean you know now confused I heard it from someone okay

Maybe we’ll check it out we’ll find out we’ll find out we will find out I wish I had the uh mini map mod on right now I’m kind of trolling by turning it off right now because I don’t know how to get up I forgot how to get out of here

Why are there so many mushrooms I don’t remember there being this many mushrooms last time I was in another also I thought this was the way out like right here but maybe I’m trolling what what just happened like where where’s the exit so are not the exit the entrance to the

Like main area I forget shoot I actually forgot on where it was kind of trolling if it’s this way oh yeah I’ll just follow this I’ll just follow whatever this is I don’t have the mini map light on though shoot maybe I should turn it on

Should I reload and turn it on real quick chat yo I thought that I thought that was the Spotify like ad sound I was like what the heck why am I getting ads I was like I have previous why am I getting ads whoa whoa whoa chill out okay this this way Maybe

Yeah yeah yeah and here’s the big big area but like I don’t know how to okay let me reload real quick chat real quick oh what’s up lucky okay let me re-reload real quick now I should have oh is there not um mini mount mod shoot

Hold on let me let me let me hold on open folder and then open folder again instances I like pretty sure that this has the Xerox mod as your ex um whatever it’s called zeros or whatever yeah mods this doesn’t already have it right yeah it doesn’t

Okay so these two let me copy paste in here okay got get hacked murdos welcome to the stream into the channel guys a lot of res wait oh shoot okay accidentally already had a thing running wait why is it just enough oh just enough uh is it already in for some reason that’s

My fault game crashed oh no is this gonna be a problem because of the main map maybe let me let me update it real quick let me update it I play it’s PGI then yes PGI wait what’s PGI what are you what are you talking about wait okay so all right I guess

I guess I can’t have the meme out loud I’m gonna have to gonna have to do this I used to do it you know record the chords real quick well that’s unfortunate that took a minute to load too this time we’ll have OptiFine though oh maybe I’ll Define something crashing it

Oh no it’s not oh wait yes it is what really after finds the thing crashing that’s so unfortunate all right well then let me uh paste this back in real quick let me put these mods back in hold on zero this this is which one is it better Minecraft um mods

Oh what was that I think that was the sub thank you uh Tristan Johnson for subscribing I really appreciate it I really do appreciate it that scared me by the way that actually scared me um use Iris then what do you mean oh you guys are talking

About shaders okay I was a little confused on what you guys were talking about but yeah shooters oh you know what it is it’s oh no I moved it in here and then I deleted it shoot um how do I let’s see does ignomatica have it doesn’t even hold on one second one

Second let me go to my recently deleted my mistake my recycle bin this doesn’t even have it in here let me empty these then here let me go in here that’s so unfortunate wait how do I get these back wait how do I get these back no why was it my why

Is off the phone crashing my game right now though that’s my question that is my question yo 699 Subs cribe we just need one more shot one more it’s so good okay now it’s loading up I deleted out to find so I have to find what’s the problem

I have to find was in fact the problem which is not so bad I wish that the fun wasn’t the problem looky because I wanted my trainers to work I’ll have to figure it out off stream that’s fine funny man did a pad thing wait what you may have to reinstall it the

The mini map mod yeah I will hold on matter of fact let me even check if I just have it let me just type an X -life is a mod pack never mind psych I lied uh does this one have it this one might have it smart pack no it doesn’t

You’re very excited now I’m very excited for what what are you very excited for let’s Journey map your Xbox series X is gonna be here tomorrow nice uh Xbox series X I was thinking of buying one but I don’t know or today same thing oh yeah

I guess it’s because it is night you’re so right hold on let me add more content just enough items yes first of all I need that second of all what was it C like XE no XA yeah it was XA all right this one and this one installed perfect

Now we can load up it’s unfortunate that the thought Define isn’t working it is really unfortunate the OptiFine isn’t working but hopefully we can figure that out um for the next stream it was literally working fine earlier today I don’t know what happened I’m not sure what happened

Oh it’s I guess there’s like a okay so I guess there’s a crash that it happens on 1.19.2 for some reason but that’s fine this is the first time I’ve ever hearing about it but there’s a fix there’s there so I don’t know I manually put in mods

So I don’t know how Chris first works yeah it’s not even like curse word just thought it’s not it’s just a thing here it’s not correct curse 4 just follow it it’s just being stupid like the Minecraft compatibility for some reason I don’t know dang I don’t know why um that last

Whatever it’s called what did so well that last short of me saying come say hi maybe it’s because I was mining like the entire pillar like maybe that’s the key I gotta be doing something during the short instead of just saying come say hi okay now we have the mini map

Uh should I go back and mark my quarter probably uh I think this Mark right here I I already had this before so it’s kind of annoying that it’s not there anymore but it’s fine I guess I just had to make sure my lights are on

Before I just jump in over here through the lava a link glowstone that’s what I’m here to collect mostly all right let’s grab some Netherrack I guess yeah another right all right cool and then we can go over here mind this out not a big fan I’m like we’re this close

One is placed because like if a gas she sent me I mean if I didn’t have a light strip you wrapped I do kind of have molester though so it’s fine okay talking is kind of crazy during this well then oh there’s no more talking what’s up Ted

Welcome to the chat uh and welcome to the channel and to the to the stream and to the channel because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before sorry I kind of makes all my words there yeah welcome to the stream answer the channel okay I don’t know if I’m gonna turn this

Straight into um Redstone uh or redstone lamps yet maybe I’ll just keep it as glowstone do something with that like place it all over the uh the city and stuff that I’m making maybe that’s what I’ll do like how much did I get from this okay about like

27. I got like 27. I take that back I use curse words for Sky Fortress 4. nice that’s a good Modpack and bare bone SMP yeah I just use it it’s me Nitro I’m on main oh okay what’s up everyone has like a second account for some reason I’m not sure

Well I I don’t have I don’t even have a second Minecraft account so I don’t know or not like after YouTube I mean I do but like but I post on it or anything or like I use it I don’t use two accounts I guess for some reason like do you guys just

Like ever get major Deja Vu for some reason like major Deja if we were just random scenarios like me mining those chords like I have deja vu in something I can’t I’m not gonna say but I I think something’s about to happen right now but it’s probably not okay

That’s just me maybe I’m being weird with that Maybe hold on since I don’t have shaders on matter of fact let me just put my totem in here just in case It’s of someone else welcome to the stream and to the channel because I don’t think we’ve ever seen you before sometimes okay I have a little too many MCU accounts yeah see I don’t even have like a second MC account so like I don’t know like people have like

Multiple accounts for like everything but I don’t even have multiple accounts for a lot of things so it’s weird hey chill out chill out chill out don’t destroy all this glowstone please I’m just trying this glowstone please just kill you real quick please I am whipping my bow shots in Minecraft like

Who does that we say 50 last week 50 Minecraft accounts for what are you duping like are you just getting banned on every server left and right like what’s going on blood is playing Minecraft I am playing Minecraft maybe it’s because I’m playing like maybe you came from like Valor extremes or something

I play a lot of Minecraft on this channel so I play a lot of Minecraft I play a lot of Valerie um I recently I guess I’ve been playing a lot of fortnite on here as well just a little bit I do want to play some more valorent though

I did I played it earlier today though oh shoot is stack let’s go let you listen to it another another block or a course block sorry I don’t know maybe I’ll um play some more Valerian tomorrow or something whose dirt blocks are those oh Porto’s right here okay perfect do I know Nate

Um it doesn’t ring a bell I’m not sure like Nate from where maybe that’ll help me know who Nate is I’m having someone with a giveaway so they’re fully mine like what the uh the series X um Chase what you’re talking about Xbox series X

Hold on I need to Mark like where the actual portal is this way but yes perfect okay that’s that’s really cool it’s like right next to the portal basically like to get out ah 620 equals school like you have to be at school at 620 like that’s crazy could never be me

Absolutely not no the Minecraft accounts oh okay a giveaway of Minecraft the accounts that’s interesting they insert funny last name here okay all right let me delete that Waypoint let me three point portal I thought I deleted that Waypoint what I have to confirm the deletion guess that makes sense

Because what if you like accidentally deleted Waypoint that would actually be tragic so tragic come on then we got 699 sounds like we’re we’re right there we’re right there also how is it not that’s not a day yet so what’s going on I’m gonna go to bed yet oh I can perfect

Whatever was there finally despawned um how do I make redstone lamps what do I need glowstone and espresso okay so where’s Redstone at yeah I’m not saying that one it’s not I am not saying that one somewhere else you yeah I thought you were funny with that one

That you’re funny with that one for sure it’s funny that’s actually a good one I’ve never heard that one ‘s new all right do I have redstone is that my problem here I have Redstone yeah okay hold on let me get rid some I gotta go deep I guess um

Gunpowder don’t I have like gunpowder one of these right here okay stack that firework up uh put that away oh that was stack with that okay put that away Perfect all right let’s head into the mine and uh get some Redstone real quick should be like you know easy to fight because it

Is redstone but who knows that luck might just be insane right now it might be crazy let’s just play modern Minecraft edition I am playing a lot of Minecraft Java Edition it’s very this this server is like very lightly modded though like very lightly modded there’s like

Except I I don’t know what that is I’ve never seen that in my life that’s crazy hold on does he enter the micro server in your Discord no I don’t think it might be I don’t think so though we’re gonna own a little Discord for the most part

Also I don’t even have Birches down here because like you should have the shaders so I like the way anyways what is that oh it’s just chest piece I got so excited over at chess piece just now that’s crazy all right give me Redstone there it is perfect whoa that is

Just curious yeah no worries no worries YouTube yeah is it open to play no this one’s just for like um you know me and a few other streamers fortunately sorry about that um no no okay I already been down here so I’m not even gonna I’m gonna investigate down here a mistake

Oh there’s some Redstone actually I kind of need quite a bit of redstone if I’m doing this because if it never mind actually it’s four per one block of Glowstone so that means I need like or a little over four stacks let’s have creeper tubes welcome to the

Stream into the channel because I’ve never seen you before is this um multiplayer it is multiplayer um it’s not open to like everyone but it is multiplayer there’s some other streamers on the server they’re just not online right now dang that’s a lot of that’s a lot of zombies hold on chill out

Chill out homie let me grab all of this I don’t know if I just like posted the short at the right time or something but that’s short got so many likes for you just to come say hi short like usually those do not get no type of interaction so you know I’m

Glad that that one did because like we only need one more sub I think let me see let me see if it’s still just one more sub it’s still 700. yeah 699 still like that is crazy this is so crazy we’re almost there right now we’re almost there

If you kill another right guy what’s up I’d love to but there’s nobody else on the server right now otherwise I would I’m sorry Cupid’s I’m sorry that’s gold I was like what the heck is that I think I just saw it like in the corner of my eye

Can I borrow your IP address no unfortunately even let me hold on to that real quick let me borrow that real quick like how do you even how do you borrow an IP address let me know refresh that page gang let me see let me see 700 thank you for subscribing man I

Appreciate it let me take a screenshot of before it drops down because all the Bots are gonna unsubscribe from uh the short not that I put Bots it that’s not what I meant but like YouTube just automatically on sells people at the end of the day anyways but

Yes bro thank you thank you so much I really appreciate it appreciate it all of you every single one of you all right I don’t need tough who added that into the game bro it’s ready to talk but it was like yeah you know what this game needs oh like what

Makes no type of sense all right it is getting kind of late though after I like use all of this redstone or knowledge restaurant well I mean yes but some after I make all of these um Redstone lamps and play some of them gonna probably peace out here

Um I do also need you know what I need also I’ll have the dragon head in here what or I have a dragon head in here not the dragon head but the other thing I need sorry I can’t spit it out for some reason um the other thing I need

Is to make some Redstone uh not lamps yes lamps but what do they call torches Redstone torches so I’m gonna say that for some reason oh yeah I needed Redstone torches um so I’ll get on that oh perfect there’s a ton of redstone now like over here for whatever reason

There’s a ton of redstone over here not sure what changed but it’s gonna have much in Redstone now okay I don’t like lies on this side oh shoot I guess whenever I I’ll tap to the chat updated my bad I’ve been watching you since 12 11. it was like an hour ago nice

Refresh again and that’s cool yeah should never refreshed again so sad it’s okay I understand I mean I knew it was gonna happen it’s just funny um I don’t know it’s fine it’s completely fine I got I got my screenshot of the 700 that’s all I did yes but um

I mean I’m I’m still like fit in with a good day today was a really good day I think I started today with 600 what was it 600 and like 70 or 80. so I got a lot of I got a lot today I’m I’m happy I’m happy I’m I’m

What’s it called that content maybe it is called cadent is it is there ever content I’m like a comfortable with what’s the right word I have no idea what the right word is I’m okay with it I guess it’s the right thing to say all right where these

Let me grab this Redstone back here quick oh maybe not maybe not like we’re supposed to be it’s okay if you actually want like that was the stuff I just gotta work on it like it it’ll happen Trust I I wish I like knew what I was doing at

First like I wish I like yeah one knew what I was doing um like to grab subs and stuff and then also like two just working on it more like just grinding more like I had like a six year break like I started off with 100 Subs right

So I already had that jump start but um I had like a six year break so that was my mistakes don’t make the same mistakes shoot what if I die here oh no no okay let me just build out glow spins are crazy hold on did I just kill the glow

Is he like in the water well that I’m trying to like or the oxygen hole sorry how is he not dead like is just insane am I just like okay there we go I was like how is that how’s that glossy squid still alive it makes no type of sense

We the last uh oh last ones three hours actually I’ve been shooting for two and a half hours uploading visby hard but no I thought I do I I completely agree um is that even just like uploading it’s more like the editing and all that it’s just so

I’m consuming it’s just so much to do but I mean it’s worth it it’s really worth it definitely worth it it’s just you know so so much to do oh we’re out let’s go where’s my base oh I saw the beacon okay perfect all I needed to see swim over here

Another skeleton right there chill out yo what my house looks so good and the bridge like everything looks so good how is blood Be Live King what do you mean all my life three hours actually what do you mean three hours actually I’ve only been like two

Two hours and 23 minutes and five seconds like how am I alive like I mean I if you’re asking like what I use and stuff uh I use stream labs to stream and that’s basically it it’s really all there is hold on that was bad let me just do this

They need to add the one mod where like I can just hold it down instead of clicking the like pickup items ideal yeah it actually got to be a thousand Subs no it’s only 100 I think I don’t know whenever I uh I’m pretty sure it’s only a hundred whenever I

Like started YouTube though there was no requirement so I don’t even know to be honest it’s on PC yeah streamlabs is on PC Shameless has always been on PC so we’re those okay so you know what I you know what I put away with those sticks and I need them now

Oh there’s only eight hold on hold on hold on uh your son iPhone put him in here boom boom what’s that baby prod welcome to the stream and to the channel because then the rest is I’ve never seen you before can’t talk all right that’s only that’s only 39.

So I’m gonna need more that’s fine I can get it later we can definitely get it later okay let’s start adding these adding these on and it looks better and all right I mean it looks better at night it’s probably easier to do at night to add these on hold on

Let me use another rack which is the easiest also this is making me mad because this you know why I stopped this project actually because it’s not even between the pillars somehow I don’t know how I messed it up but I did and that’s why I haven’t finished it

I’m like pretty sure that’s the reason why I don’t remember exactly but I’m pretty sure that’s why welcome back Jace yeah I was using redstone Redstone sorry I I was using uh another rack okay this is like a dangerous like building the answer Empire State Building really okay let me go here

Boom boom okay poof being like cautious building this wait is this I also don’t want to like do what I literally just did and break two on the bottom it’s kind of annoying to fix I mean it’s simple but you get what I mean all right let me just head down here see

Why can I do it there what so how far apart are these all right one two three and then on the fourth so one two three four so right here okay so that’s when I didn’t want to do that’s exactly what I didn’t want to do oh wait up one more

Actually for the silk touch up I guess I don’t need I don’t need that but that doesn’t even work that’s why I have this like oh that’s why I have it like like this okay yeah school soon should I go or stay I don’t know I don’t know either that is

Completely up to you you should probably get some sleep before school though not gonna lie just was that cash money let’s go to that you should stay ah I’m so excited School is almost over bro it is almost over I hope it is everywhere or like actually

Not think about it one two three and on the forest so one two three four I if I’m wrong I’m gonna be really mad actually okay one two three and then on the fourth right here wait one two three four yeah okay like I’m literally in creative mode with

This pickaxe it’s actually insane not even fair I’m just gonna use the rest of these torches and then and then I’ll end the stream after I use the rest of these torches on the Stream that’s the deal okay okay bye I know you should stay nope not stay wait what confused

Are you trying to you’re trying to say someone else what are you trying to say right now one two three four right there one two three yeah see that’s great like I I wish I could just leave it I like that like I I’m trying so hard just to tap my

Mouse like once it’s actually like hard to tap my mouse just once I would have two hours of sleep then do it get your sleep get your sleep sleep is important all right one two three four oh you’re using a exclamation mark before you said say that’s what you’re trying to say

I get what you’re saying one two three only real coders now I don’t even know if you got that from code or where you got that from but code is code is where I do that from at least I only have like how many choices left after this three okay

So I don’t have that many more to place one two three four live on it every time but like I know already like what am I doing all right whoa whoa didn’t mean to do that why that wait why that beat just cut off like so abruptly with the the song just

Then just cut off so abruptly odd I got 34. four to go but no it’s fine just one yeah I did uh got it from code I assume is what you’re trying to say whoa I forgot there was a cave right here I don’t have any fireworks equipped what gave me this

What can be poison effect what literally what just gave me poison effect and this thing isn’t dying oh because it was under my bridge okay I see I’m getting glad look at the other reference okay okay okay what are you saying right there yeah reference that makes sense oh it’s a quiver

Forget about these are they at I think that quiver I’ll take that cover I’m not just collecting like every item in the game but all right imagine uh I’ve died to that one time like I don’t want to I don’t want to die to that again it was traumatizing

Traumatizing a little bit of that I can do that all right I just need some more redstone all I need but I did say two hour Market we’re almost dead the three hour mic go to school one hour I thought it was two hours what happened you’ve I’ve been you were bother thank

You I appreciate it I guess um all right it’s been two and a half hours so I’m gonna call it there um thank you to everyone who came to the stream everyone knew everyone old all you I appreciate all of you um this was a really good stream I and uh yeah

I don’t know I don’t know what else to say but um I’ll see you on the next one thank you all this so much again for 700 subscribers I really really appreciate it um yeah have a good have a good night everyone have a good sleep all of that

This video, titled ‘Game Life SMP (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by A1 on 2023-04-17 18:54:48. It has garnered 111 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:23 or 9203 seconds.

Making it out of silver.

Donations are not required by any means, so I appreciate them! Thank you to everyone who supports me, even by subscribing and watching as well! https://streamlabs.com/a1wastaken_/tip

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/yAgHuSqcJt

Tiktok Link: https://www.tiktok.com/@a1_sideho?lang=en

Shaders I use: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-reimagined

  • Minecraft’s Sneaky Trials Update

    Minecraft's Sneaky Trials Update Welcome to the Minecraft Tricky Trials Update! Embark on an exciting journey into the Tricky Trials Update in Minecraft! This latest update brings a plethora of new features and challenges for players to explore and conquer. From new decorative blocks to hostile mobs, items, weapons, paintings, and the intriguing trial chambers, there is something for every player to enjoy. Discover New Content One of the highlights of the Tricky Trials Update is the introduction of new decorative blocks that allow players to unleash their creativity and build stunning structures. Additionally, players will encounter hostile mobs that will test their… Read More

  • Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins!

    Master of Hypixel: Epic Wins! Hypixel: A Minecraft Adventure Embark on an exciting journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with the popular server, Hypixel. Dive into thrilling game modes like Build Battle and Skywars, where creativity and strategy collide for an unforgettable gaming experience. Build Battle: Unleash Your Creativity Step into the Build Battle arena and let your imagination run wild. Compete against other players to create the most impressive build based on a given theme. From towering castles to whimsical creatures, the possibilities are endless. Show off your building skills and earn the admiration of your peers in this fast-paced and creative… Read More

  • Minecraft Creepyfasta: Unveiling the Spooky Secrets

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  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

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  • Nikku’s Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure

    Nikku's Epic Minecraft Parkour Adventure Minecraft Parkour Gameplay: A Thrilling Adventure Introduction Embark on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft with parkour gameplay that is both challenging and exhilarating. Join friends in conquering 25 stages of parkour maps, all while enjoying copyright-free gameplay that is perfect for sharing with your community. Key Features Experience the thrill of parkour in Minecraft with friends, navigating through intricate maps and obstacles. Test your skills and coordination as you jump, run, and climb your way through each stage. With no copyright restrictions, you can freely use this gameplay in your own content creation. Exploring the World… Read More

  • Second Floor Bedroom Build: Minecraft Solo Style #22

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  • Minecraft Museum Build Hacks

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  • Redstone Door Hacks: Book Edition

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  • Tree Trouble: Minecraft’s Timber Taboo #shorts

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  • Wheat Speedrun Shenanigans

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    SHOCKING: ENDER DRAGON'S BAT REVEALED! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘AAJ TO ENDER DRAGON KI BAAT LAGEGI 😁 LIVE WITH SUBSCRIBERS’, was uploaded by Mr.Buddy2.0 on 2024-02-19 02:58:57. It has garnered 403 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:41 or 7001 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition for Android)! Join my Club on Turnip Mr. FACT: https://profile.turnip.gg/yfeNuCv6ypn9arHG6 Thank you for watching my PojavLauncher (Minecraft: Java Edition for Android) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel… Read More

  • “Ultimate Monster Showdown in Minecraft!” #subscribe

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  • Insane Minecraft Vehicle Indicator Circuit Animation! #Shorts

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  • Originalni Server

    Originalni ServerPokud hledáte server s dobrou komunitou a chcete se skvěle zabavit, tento server je přesně pro vás. Nabízíme zde klasický survival, PvP arénu, obchody, které vytváří hráči na serveru a prostor pro nalezení nových kamarádů. mc.originalni-server.cz:26771 Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. We value community input and all players have a say in server decisions. Quick Links 🌐 Website 🗺️ Dynmap 📷 Gallery 📊 Player Statistics Our Values Community – All player suggestions are taken seriously, and decisions are transparent with community input. Welcoming – We aim to create an inclusive environment where all players feel accepted. Stability – Our server uses dedicated hardware for a stable experience. Updates – We release frequent updates and stay up to date with Minecraft… Read More

  • MineChest

    Welcome to our server with survival Customs theme, we continue adding new things to the server that is waiting, join now, the modality has*SERVER CONTAINS*1- SERVER MONEY STORE 2- ZONE PVP 3-MINA SIN PVP 4-MINA CON PVP5-RANK SYSTEM6-MONEY SYSTEM7-WORLD OF RESOURCES8-PROTECTIVE STONE SYSTEM9-SYSTEM FOR CREATION OF OUR OWN WARP 10- ITEM SALE SYSTEM11- CUSTOM CHARMS 12- WEB STORE [​DE PAGA CON DINERO REAL]13- BACKPACK SYSTEM14- BOSES SYSTEM15- CUSTOM WORLD 16- TPA SYSTEM, RTP, 17- CLAN SYSTEM18- BLOOD MOON SYSTEM> *IP*[​minechest.srvmc.net]> *PUERTO*[​25687]Bedrock 1.20.40-1.20.82Java 1.16-1.20.6I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS SERVER 🥳👌🏻 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Pillager Dad adopts Villager Son, Villager Son dies

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  • Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness

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  • “Creepers be like: ‘Hotter than the Nether!’” #minecraft #memes

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  • Sakura Love: Building a Home in Minecraft

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  • EPIC Minecraft FTB Skies: Hostile Mobs & Rockets!

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  • Thrilling Minecraft Survival Gameplay Pt. 8

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  • Insane BOXPVP Montage #12 RAPY.PL DRAW

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  • UNBELIEVABLE Finale: Rarest Anomalies in Minecraft #6!

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  • Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft Survival

    Unbelievable Stone Farm in Minecraft SurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2’, was uploaded by ItsBlackYT on 2024-02-28 14:15:29. It has garnered 23 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:50 or 710 seconds. We Made An OP Stone Farm In Minecraft Survival . Episode 2 Subscribe Now Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Fail! Day 11 Disaster #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Day 11 in minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by EpicError on 2024-01-01 09:56:15. It has garnered 11463 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Discord – https://discord.gg/error-ki-haveli-1078173289559642215 FOLLOW KAR LO INSTAGRAM PAR- https://www.instagram.com/mr_error_100k/ Other Channels 1- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZVTGH0v-EnNd7RLxkK_DQw 2- https://youtube.com/@ErrorRao?si=DJeJ-MnwOHLojlxB Read More

  • INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #roblox

    INSANE PRANK on Kameraman! 😱 #shorts #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘KENA PRANK TEAM KAMERAMAN #shorts #skibiditoilet #roblox #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zrone Gaming on 2024-04-24 06:00:31. It has garnered 16521 views and 300 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. KENA PRANK TEAM KAMERAMAN #shorts #skibiditoilet #roblox #minecraft THIS VIDEO IS MY REACTION FROM VIRAL VIDEO THANKS FOR ORIGINAL VIDEO @_BunnyFunny Music by : Monkeys Spinning Monkeys by Kevin MacLeod http://incompetech.comCreative Commons — Attribution 4.0 International — CC BY 4.0Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/Msm-KmMusic promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/GQCoV1TarO4 #skibiditoilet #skibidi #skibidibopyesyesyes Read More

  • 🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼

    🌸COWommunism EXPLODES! Join the madness now! 🌼Video Information This video, titled ‘Messing with flowers | all the mod 9 | Minecraft #minecraft #live #atm9’, was uploaded by cowommunism on 2024-04-14 19:47:37. It has garnered 32 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:28:11 or 19691 seconds. Welcome to stream **Donation** If you want to tip me:https://streamelements.com/cowommunism/tip Upi: rickyfernandes2003-1@okhdfcbank **CHAT RULES** -Be kind -Respect other humans -Include everyone -Listen to the moderation team -No bullying, sexism, racism, homophobia or other hate-based chat -No ethnic, sexual, religious, disability, agist or transphobic slurs -Don’t spam words -Don’t argue with people over chat — especially the moderators -English only… Read More

  • Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱

    Stickman vs Zombies in Minecraft!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT Zombie ATTACKED Stickman ( Dymon ) @_@’, was uploaded by Katoon Studio on 2024-03-15 19:45:39. It has garnered 20 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. What happened if minecraft zombie attacked the stickman ?? was stickman prepared for this or zombie will kill stickman ?? watch video to found out !! Subscribe for more fire content !! Comment if you didn’t liked the video & like if u like the video 👅 More Tags: minecraft zombie,stickman,minecraft vs stickman animation,minecraft vs stickman,stickman fights,stickman fight minecraft,stickman fight animation,minecraft… Read More

  • TurboMC Modded

    TurboMC ModdedLooking for a start to a small community for anyone to play along with. -Currently running modded minecraft. The pack running is FTB Skies. -Anyone can join. Come join the discord to get whitelisted! -No banned items, friendly players, No griefing or stealing. turbo.modded.fun Read More

  • The Garden SMP – LGBTQ+ Friendly, Long Term, No Whitelist

    Welcome to The Garden Welcome to The Garden, a laid back Bedrock Edition experience powered by the Forsaken Odyssey expansion. Explore new content without the need for modding, just join and download the resource packs. No Obligations Play Minecraft on your terms with no playtime obligations or paid packages. The server expenses are covered, ensuring a place for pure enjoyment. Fresh and Unique Discover new mobs, blocks, biomes, and items with the Forsaken Odyssey expansion. Join without downloading anything, just get the resource packs when you log in. Play Your Way Whether you prefer a solitary experience or want to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t create a mini Batman in Minecraft!

    If that kid becomes Batman, you better hope he doesn’t have a creeper sidekick ready to explode your plans! Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Robux Redemption Riot!

    Roblox Deathball: Robux Redemption Riot! In the world of Roblox, Deathball is the game, Where players compete, seeking fortune and fame. With blades and balls, they battle it out, In a virtual arena, filled with cheers and shouts. Redeeming Robux, a task so grand, Unlocking new items, at your command. Join us on our channel, for gaming delight, With Minecraft and BTD6, we’ll play through the night. Subscribe and like, to show your support, As we journey through games, of all sorts. Brother Ian and Ethan, here to entertain, With laughter and fun, we’ll never wane. Read More

  • When Iron Golem says no to death 🔥

    When Iron Golem says no to death 🔥 Iron Golem: “Sorry death, I have a strict ‘no entry’ policy here!” 🗿😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #memes #meme Read More

  • Monster Truck Saves the Day, Catches Mafia!

    Monster Truck Saves the Day, Catches Mafia! The Adventures of Minecraft: Canavar Kamyon Saves the Day! Step into the world of Minecraft where anything is possible! In this exciting episode, Canavar Kamyon transforms into a giant robot to help capture the evil Mafia. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure and see how it all unfolds. Canavar Kamyon to the Rescue! Imagine a world where a monster truck comes to life as a massive robot ready to take on any challenge. In this thrilling Minecraft episode, Canavar Kamyon lends a helping hand to our heroes in their quest to catch the notorious Mafia. With its incredible powers… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure – Quest for the World!

    Unbelievable Minecraft Adventure - Quest for the World!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Vanilla+】Where’s World Quest Here?’, was uploaded by Ursa UMi Ch. on 2024-04-25 02:20:46. It has garnered 37 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:33 or 7773 seconds. I’m stalling, I don’t want to pull on Genshin. Am scared ah ha ha :^) ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. Waiting Screen BGM: Raspberry Adventure – IchinoseSound ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. Welcome to Ursa UMi’s stream! Join me while I scream my way through life, one swear at a time~ ._.-~==~-._=🌟=_.-~==~-._. ✨Stream Rules✨ ★ Please be respectful in chat. ★ Avoid backseating and spoilers unless I give the okay. ★… Read More

  • Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us)

    Satisfying Sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us)Video Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #amongUs’, was uploaded by HT GAMING on 2024-01-11 20:15:02. It has garnered 2465 views and 53 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. #viral #shortvideos #technogamerz #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft #viralvideo #viralshorts #tiktok #youtubeshorts Satisfying sand Art in Minecraft (Among Us) #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortvideos #viral #amongUs Airoplane Tower 😂😀🗼 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Lava Water Cobblestone Tower 🗼 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral #viralvideo #shortsfeed #minecraft Airoplane Tower Only Fun 🗼😀 #shorts #short #shortvideos #viral… Read More

  • Insane House Transformation in Minecraft Survival Series! 🔥

    Insane House Transformation in Minecraft Survival Series! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making a normal HOUSE || Part-2 of our minecraft survival series 👌 ||’, was uploaded by mine The aim on 2024-03-28 16:10:38. It has garnered 13 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:15 or 795 seconds. Making a normal HOUSE 🏠 || part-2 of our minecraft survival series 👌|| ________________ 📌Your queries Minecraft best seed Minecraft pocket edition survival series Minecraft survival series Minecraft smp Minecraft Survival Minecraft raid Minecraft flat seed Minecraft village golem Minecraft iron farm Minecraft base Minecraft house tutorial ———————————- Tags:- #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthindi #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftsurvivalep1 #minecraftpe… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC Hardcore

    INSANE Challenge: 100 Days on One Chunk in MC HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days on a ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by Milesy on 2024-05-10 17:00:44. It has garnered 10292 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:16 or 3196 seconds. I Survived 100 Days ON ONE CHUNK in Minecraft Hardcore! Dare to embark on the ultimate Minecraft journey? Discover the secrets of surviving 100 days on ONE CHUNK in Hardcore mode. We must use ingenious strategies as we push the limits of survival. Can we conquer the odds? Follow My Social Media! (There is only one): ∘ Twitter – https://twitter.com/milesy_mc… Read More