Afterlife SMP: EPIC Village Build & First Shop! 1.18 Modded

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Hey folks whip here and welcome back to afterlife smp today all of the tall people of this server will know that i’m not only tiny cute and adorable but also fierce and very dangerous leave a like if you’re excited and please subscribe as we’re flying towards a million

Subscribers so i really do appreciate it but the plan today picks up where we left off in the last episode starting the megabase my giant mansion with a whole separate side house ready to go and i need something very specific for this plan to happen i need villagers and

There’s no village that i know of anywhere nearby me so i need zombie villagers and an arrow i should probably go get one maybe the skeleton has one see very dangerous right at the toes it’s very dangerous ah nailed it very dangerous now to spend some time

Exploring and seeing if i can find a zombie villager not just a regular zombie unfortunately i’ve been down in these caves far longer than i would like to admit and i still have yet to see a single zombie villager this is not going well at all i started

Out at level 28 and i’m level 35 right now everything just used to die except the zombie villager they need to very much become alive i had a mirage of a zombie villager at some point during the night which unfortunately disappeared as i ran towards it so i think at this point i’m

Gonna try something new desperate times call for desperate measures my friends i know we just gotta be friends with jem but if she has any extra villagers we can make it look like a villager rode itself itself out to sea and off into the distance right i think it i think it’d

Be fine she is online i’m a little worried about that one any untraded villagers nope it looks like these are all pretty well employed okay new plan new plan does she have any wool that i could craft a bed with yes there is wool okay if we make two beds we only need

One villager at a time she’ll never notice we’ll just be sneaky sneaky little beds right over here and if we take some bread give it to these guys get the bread get the bread take the bread trade with your friends trade with your friends she cannot see me

Very important that i do not move at all this is a very very hairy situation right now okay we’re at the corner who knows she’s up there okay we’re just staying here for a second we’re staying here for a second i have been caught mr flip nobody’s here nobody’s here

You’re sparkling oh no no i forgive you away but you sparkle in normal size so oh no it’s really odd i had a whole operation going i had my beds down here you’ve been going back and forth for a while you haven’t seen them they’ve been giving the villagers bread i was just

Waiting they were i was waiting for a little baby i was gonna put in a boat and then they’ll be children gem i need i need villagers can’t be stealing children though i can they’ll grow along the way it’s a long journey back home

But i just you know i just i just need just two just two two i might have two i can spare this uh leather worker don’t need him don’t need him oh there’s another one up here that doesn’t have a job i can’t i can’t see anything oh i can’t see anything you’re

Doing so well i see he’s inside a villager right now oh it’s a baby where’s that other boat i made go i’ll go make a new one baby villager get in the boat come on you’re me-sized you can do this in the boat go in the boat yes i can see over this

One’s head this is so much better thank you jim my spy mission turned out to be very successful i appreciate the help thank you thank you thank you i’ll be back for the other one goodbye come on little guy let’s go home oh that’s lava

Why is that lava okay yep all right and we have liftoff let’s go oh i think we just passed it i can barely see we’ll try to move this villager around but i believe our base is right at the top of this hill here so

What i’m gonna do is make a little space here in the side that we can put the villager in i boat him right inside of here and then fill this in with some cobblestone then actually i should probably give him a light on the inside instead of the outside he should be safe

Let’s go get the second one right here we go for round two of grabbing the villagers villager and i realize i need to take those beds back with me so i can actually make a breeder at home hello i’m cleaning up my mess don’t worry

Taking the beds back and how do i do this don’t hurt my guy i will be very careful they’re out just get in this get in this boat yes now i really can’t see anything oh my god i thought i couldn’t see you with the babies thank you jim thank you i’ll

Bring some iron back over later thanks let’s get the heck out of here both villagers are back home now finally i’ve got a few things to prepare before we can work on making a little bit of a villager breeder in order to give them a

Home there we go both of them are in there hanging out in their own separate boats which would be very nice removing them later on first for now though i’ve got to get a good amount of glass so we can actually build this breeder so you’re probably dipping in and out of

The water i can’t swim very well so i was originally thinking we could put the villagers down here in this cavern but something tells me they would die very very easily and very very often so i’m thinking instead we could put the iron farm down there which i want to be

Building today so we can get a good amount of resources going and it can just float in the middle and then outside of that we can maybe just kind of cut into the terrain over here and make a place for the villagers so if we put like say this as the center we’ll

Put some water underneath it and we do a shroom light on top then i just need to clear out a 9×9 box all the way around this thing Next up we’re going to need some more dirt definitely don’t need the cobblestone next up we’re going to need our diamond hoe over here and a bucket of water as well as a bunch of carrots putting the water in the middle and we’re gonna fill the rest of this room with the dirt All right perfect next up we just need to plant a bunch of carrots down here it’s too dark in the corners torches in place now we plant a bunch of carrots in here Taking some of the glass that we just melted down and headed back over wait wait first first first decorating it very important step in the villager breeder process thing right over here and perfect oh this glass is going to work really well great now all we have to do is get two

Villagers inside of here and work a little bit more off to this side putting a trapdoor up there is gonna stop the really tall ones to go through and then if we make a little area for the babies to want to wander through back here where we’re gonna have four beds i need

To go grab two more of them which i have right in here perfect honestly if we have to do any big redstone projects being this tiny could be pretty awesome the babies are gonna run through here trying to jump on top of these beds right back there where they’re gonna

Drop down through this point unfortunately in the attempt to get to the beds that should be the completed villager breeder from what i understand now we just have to get villagers in here and see if it even works on this server now to figure out how to get the villagers from down here

To all the way up there i’m thinking the best route here it’s just a really bad staircase and then we follow them with a boat if they go anywhere weird okay this is very rough but i think i’ve got the route yeah goes around here up there

Back down this way is a little bit of a sharp corner but the villager should be able to pathfind to the barrel is my hope oh you got out of your boat and you’re big now you’d like to get back in the boat yes you would thank you but i

Think i’m stuck here right oh no don’t do it everybody’s alive everybody’s alive okay we’re good out of the boat no no don’t go to your friend don’t go to your friend nope don’t don’t don’t don’t maybe the barrel needs to be a wee bit closer

There we go now we’re moving up this way up this way come on to the barrel the barrel up up please yes to the far barrel we’re going long all right we’re at the top keep going you’re so close so close no wrong way this way the to these barrels

To the barrels he wants the barrels of my house no you can’t have my mega storage that’s mine okay go in into the hole you’re so close oh just keep walking forwards oh just falling right you’re so close yes oh he’s in oh the first farmer’s in time

To do this one more time yay villager number two is almost safely home as well slept through the night almost lost him to a zombie but we are doing it we’re so close come on buddy just right over here it’s safe this time i promise yes down you go yay

All right there we go now we just have to hope that the villager breeder actually works and in the meantime i should get working on a place to store all the villagers that pop out because right now they’re just gonna kind of go down there i went in afk for about a

Half hour to see if any baby villagers would pop out and unfortunately none did from what i can see still back here yeah nothing is in here love hearts love hearts the first baby go my pets go reproduce this is how we make the stonks make of

The baby no the previous design on the villager breeder did not work out unfortunately so i have completely redesigned the area for the beds to be in and i’m really hoping it works now and now they can’t even see them okay i’ve redesigned everything in here and

I’m really hoping it works out this time unfortunately the first design for where the villagers were trying to get to the beds was not working so hopefully it does now is there a baby is there a baby i see wood oh my god it works now oh yes

He’s massive look how massive this little baby is oh that’s so good and then please come over here little guy there he goes there he goes and he’s in yes they’re in the system and then he should sit down here until he grows up and then he’ll get hit by the water

Source and end up over here with the villager breeder working i can finally move forward on my plan become the richest person on the server that’s what being a smurf is about right being absolutely super duper wealthy we will become the tycoon of the server moving

Forward with my plan to get rich inside of this afterlife server here i want to build up an iron farm as i’ve mentioned already i think iron is gonna be something that is very useful for everybody here on the server so getting all the materials together and we can

Start assembling this farm inside of the massive cavern just in the time it took to get all of the resources together look at that look how many villagers we have okay i should probably block this off just so that we don’t have hundreds in there and crash the server but now

For building the iron farm i want to utilize that massive cavern we have with that i’m thinking the perfect spot for our iron farm is just gonna be floating here in the middle of it this looks good let’s get to it all right the chamber for our villagers

To hang out here is ready to go now we’ve just got to bring them in on some minecarts all right let’s see if this works minecart right there and there we go we’ve got our first villager and he’s in the farm perfect i would like that back

Please and he’s asleep let’s go number two there we go i’ll take that and number three okay buddy very carefully now just go right in the middle okay he did it perfect don’t need this rail anymore so i’m gonna go ahead and get rid of it at

Least back into the ceiling and now back to finishing the farm buddy you gotta you gotta move you gotta get off off down down buddy down boy good villager all right now for the fun task of i need to get a zombie into there this might be

A little difficult as zombies can’t see me so i’m not really sure i’m gonna lure one up here let alone inside of this oh the babies can see me of course of course the babies can see me oh i hate that this guy looks nice maybe i can

Just tap him and he’ll run with me yeah come on buddy come on you know you want to go over this way follow the tiny guy follow the tiny guy with the torch i’m not gonna name him until we’re all the way in there because uh i only have one

Name tag and we gotta make sure we’re doing this right come on back up here take two all the way up the lovely cobblestone staircase over here yeah come on you’re so close we can do it come on buddy up here and ride this way oh god hopefully he fell in

Oh that terrified me he didn’t fall in he didn’t fall in he didn’t fall in walk in please come forward all the way forward just walk a little bit farther this way buddy yes there we go there you go now you’re my get rich quick scheme and with this torch my friends we’re

Done hopefully it starts working oh i hear it oh there’s an iron golem already this is amazing now all we have to do is wait and the money will start rolling in if i could access the chest but we’ll deal with that later looks like the iron

Farm is working very well my friends we’ve already got an iron golem head check it out over here i’ll tell you what though i put a deposit down on a flight with air sausage where he’s gonna take me through the end and be a little bit of an adventure buddy for me so

Let’s get over there and meet up with him oh hello hello it’s a bird it’s a plane it’s a mythical sausage hello oh hi are you ready are you ready to go i’m ready i’m ready i’m ready to uh take my i put my one diamond deposit down i’m

Ready for my flight on air sausage thank you i’ve already put that to good use you know it went right to the church of sausage great great good good good good on that note let’s get going let’s go oh we got this oh man keep your hands and

Feet inside the the wings at all times please here we are oh boy so now we just go into the end um yeah just you should get off me just in case yeah yeah yeah i jumped off i jumped off oh yeah that’s right here we

Go oh i guess we can kind of yeah i’ll just i’ll just meet you down there oh this is so scary oh it’s so much worse when you’re tiny oh it’s absolutely terrible when you’re tiny i believe i’ve been preparing for this carved pumpkin yes i spy again i already did this have

You you’ve never been to the end before look at you first time welcome welcome to the end uh we killed the dragon many people died destroyed all the crystals hello oh that you you right yeah you did that yeah i was a superhero i’d save everybody well i brought my mini pumpkin

With me so i’m ready to go oh look right here fine finally got some stuff here we go oh amazing wait we gotta figure out if we can fortune this oh no i didn’t um it went away okay uh maybe don’t do that ooh what is this is

This ender it is it is entered us ender shards oh amazing for those who don’t know we are out here in the end trying to find a bunch of cool stuff because there’s some super armor here in the end i think it portions don’t use that hammer then don’t use the

Hammer that’s all i brought that’s all i brought oh you dummy i guess i’m mine and everything but we’re trying to get geared up we’re trying to get very very strong and uh for that we need lots of this raw thalassium and everything looked up

Okay i now have a stack and 20 thousand but we need a lot more because we got to make like anvils and things maybe we do run to the outer islands and see if we can find some out there yeah yeah walk right in lizzy um i’m stuck in a lantern

I’m stuck in the land i i never thought that was a fear before i never thought it’d be traumatized like that of being stuck in a lantern but here we are when do you think the shop opens when does shopkeeper get in i don’t know i’m waiting for uh the

Shopkeeper hold on maybe we could rob the shopkeeper and she’ll show up shopkeeper have any goodies any goodies well shall we shall we start explorings yup let’s go i went this way with scott last time i have not gone this way so let’s see what’s in this direction

Please don’t kill us please don’t kill us please don’t kill us please don’t get lost okay we’re off wow there’s an end city wait purple plants i need these i need these in my life these trees okay i got plenty of flowers and vines

I’ve got a lot of good stuff oh what oh my gosh it’s magical what are these get all of them get many crystals i’m expecting a full trip of the end out of this paid good money i only brought one pair of shears thinking i would only take a

Few things and i made a poor decision look at those mushrooms mushrooms mushrooms are fantastic okay i’m definitely gonna have to come back out here for more lumber supplies because these are beautiful but they’re so good so good what is this mushrooms i like more mushrooms wait look at these purple mushrooms wait

Look at this how did we miss this what is this it’s a tree house i don’t know i got tholassium the lassium yes i hope it works this is another one i haven’t opened it i haven’t opened it what’s in the other one oh the last yep sword

It’s worse it’s worse than the diamond sword ender pearls though enterprise those are huge those are huge oh yeah i’ve got a whole backpack full of random junk now this is fantastic oh these i need these i need these i need we need these need need stop halt halt halt get it

I would like to live here please i would i would like to live here this this if there’s a place that i would live it’s this place there’s a jellyfish in here here at jellyfish man jenny fish man oh jellyfish in here jellyfish it’s beautiful oh bucket of cabuzo cabazoa what the words

We can go home now i think i think this has been a great adventure i think we’ve got everything we need i think it’s time that we head on home okay okay let’s just get a little bit of this run run run run are you on my back i’m here

We’re done we’re done we’re done well sausage airways it’s been an adventure it’s been fantastic two for two five out of five star adventures i didn’t get hurt at all any of the time so thank you yeah i only got hurt two times yeah it’s fine but on that and almost died yep

Goodbye i’ll see you again soon goodbye well that end adventure was extremely successful holy cow look at all of this stuff we got we even got an eternium ingot that is for the best armor in the game and look at all of that the last

Year we can use to make even more of these the crazy part about eternium ingots right over here is in order to get them you have to use an end stone smelter and you need a terminite ingot and a netherrite ingot so that counts as both of them right there we’re gonna

Have to get some netherite mined up here soon but at least that means i can upgrade a piece of gear in order to do this we need to get a smithing table a terminite chess piece and an eternium forged plate which we’re gonna need an eternium anvil and a smithing hammer oh

This is gonna be a lot this is okay this is gonna be a lot of stuff in order to get those cool step one super smelter and smelt all of our thalassium a little bit in there a little bit in here a little bit more back there and the

Final one on top of that now that we have access to all of the iron we can also make ourselves the smithing table right here which is going to be my front door map it’s going to look great you can barely tell it’s here from underneath it looks like getting these end stone

Smelters is going to be extremely helpful as i need these for some very important features so we’re gonna just plop them down here for now right inside of this wall because with these dudes we can smell two things together at once if we look right here at the thalassium

Ingots i know we’re doing a lot of weird technical stuff now but we can smelt that with these end stone smelters we have to be able to create the next thing which is terminate we need to get a bunch of terminite ingots in order to make a terminite block and this stuff

Right here we have to spell it the iron and get thank you for the iron farm and ender dust which this is where things get a little spicy coming up here we can craft a bunch of thelassian blocks and using a single stick we can go right

Inside of here and bam the lassium hammer on top of that i’m also going to be needing a thalassium anvil to be upgrading here shortly so we’re going to make this guy and hold on to it and the other important thing we got out of the end is

Right here the ender shards and we can turn all of these into ender dust look at that that’s amazing next up we finally get to use them we finally get to use our little end stone smelters putting some iron in right up in here the ender dust as well

As a little bit of coal it can’t smelt with coal that’s not good that’s really not good that’s really really not good a quick google later tells me that it is actually blocks of coal for some reason you have to use an entire block instead of an individual coal there we have it

We are making terminite ingots and this furnace appears to be extremely slow so we’re gonna just cut those over to here everything is now smelted down over here and we’ve got just enough for the three blocks and actually perfectly enough to make ourselves the anvil and i’m just

Now realizing i completely messed that up and could have saved so much terminite because i could have upgraded with the thalassium one i had it just made oh that hurts oh that hurts a lot oh i need to go back to the end to get a lot more resources now oh no

But at least it looks pretty cool in the corner correction there’s one more thing we can upgrade we can at least get this to the maximum level for now if we take our one eternium ingot that we have we have to upgrade this thing in order to

Upgrade any other tools so coming over here we can now get the eternium anvil moving on to the next project where i’ve been getting a bunch of resources together to build up a brand new shop at spawn so far the farm has been working away the entire time and we’ve got a

Decent amount of iron so far not really enough to fully open the shop but we can at least build the thing for now we better get some diamonds coming in soon because well uh i only have three left and that’s not very good while waiting

For the farm to produce even more iron i might as well head over to spawn and build the new place first and come back later to fill it almost back to spawn now and i realized that all of my trees that i had left down here to gather

Eventually have all grown so i might as well get some of this wood while i’m here i’m so massive i can chop an entire forest in one hit and the final ones left the massive spruce trees tree too big tree too big too big not too big finally making it over to

Spawn with the backpacks loaded up on brand new logs it’s time to take a look and see what the shopping adventure is like over here we have a amethyst roller coaster there’s actually a portal here’s that up here on the mountain there are two shops being katherine’s flower shop

Then we have the hot shop by joel which is also no longer in action unless he’s still servicing these whoo we ever need another goodies we can go back there but now we need to figure out where to put the mushroom iron shop as it starts raining love it

Thundering not even just raining i believe the main island over there is something we can’t touch and it would be a little weird to put a shop right at spawn as much as i want a lot of customers i don’t think we need to do

That so with that i think we go back to the plan by the nether portal and we can make our first shop right down here after we get rid of this storm with the time lapse showing how large i am in spirit i want to create two mushroom

Buildings right next to each other using oak wood for the walls of the mushroom in an orange whitish top to try and make this pop a little bit more here in the valley i wasn’t too happy with the roofs however so i did go ahead and redo them

A bit to add some more character into this build for our iron shop okay maybe i messed around with things a little bit further over here but we have the flip fill iron and more shop must be this short for discounts i’ve decided that

Anybody who is as tiny as i am as big very very big very absolutely massive as i am in here there’s gonna be a discount section inside of the iron shop so all of these will be filled up and then if they would like to go into the main

Store to purchase some full price once it’s over here and if somebody is too tall to enter well um too bad just kidding we’re going to have two barrels over here in the corner just like this that are gonna be super expensive and they’ll have to find that sign in order

To know that there’s a shop for them yeah tall people looking down upon me all the time yeah they can get the super expensive iron now coming up to the top of the mushroom what else i added in here is two beautiful chimneys with our fireplaces and then i also added a

Little bit of a second door or second story or tenth story i should say window right up here so that we can get a little bit better of a view and it helped break up the top of the mushroom now however i’ve gotta walk all the way

Back to the village as i really need to start producing a lot of iron so that we can actually sell it finally back home in the village and i need to basically just afk for a really long time for the iron farm inside the mountain to pile up

A bunch of resources that we can take over in the meantime though i am going to craft up another hopper and take these few chests and hopefully we can expand the storage system think of being a little hopeful about getting uh two double chests but we’ll see all right

There we go now everything in here should be siphoning on down we might be able to sell iron golem heads but maybe for now they’re just decoration quite a few hours have passed by at this point in time and check it out we’ve got a pretty good amount of iron over here and

A few iron golem heads i think i’m gonna put on display in the shop and we’ll give out the poppy flowers for free time to just make the long journey back to spawn yet again oh i’m setting up a nether portal tunnel soon finally made

It over to spawn here and i think i’m just gonna go ahead and fill up this barrel with as much of the stuff as i can get let’s see one two three one two three one two three one two three and then the prices in this room three stacks

Two diamonds so they save a little bit when they buy more in bulk and then we’re gonna put a majority of the stock over inside of here and it’s gonna be one stack one diamond and i am very low on stock so we’re gonna have to stock

All this stuff up even more soon maybe i’ll transfer a little bit more from over here so that can be three grabs ready to go and these guys can come in here and i’ll just keep that unfinished stack on me the iron golem heads can just kind of hang around the area and

Maybe we’ll put one inside of here too to watch over this section right he can hang out there hey buddy we love the iron golem heads look at it oh it’s great then i want to turn this barrel over here and do free flowers i definitely don’t need all of

These poppies so we’re just gonna throw them in here all right there we go it’s looking great the shop is finished we can now open oh i love this but that my friends is gonna have to do it for today’s episode thank you all so very

Much for watching i’ve got a jimmy to save apparently be sure to leave a like down below subscribe if you’re brand new and with that my friends i’ll catch y’all on the flip side

This video, titled ‘Afterlife SMP : Starting my Village Build + FIRST SHOP! Minecraft 1.18 Modded Survival’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2022-03-31 17:15:02. It has garnered 472108 views and 21418 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:17 or 1697 seconds.

AfterLife SMP fWhip is starting a new VILLAGE project! Time to work with Villagers and start my shopping empire!

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    Obunga Portal: Minecraft PE Magic In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting portals with Obunga vibes. Peter Griffin’s face, a sight to behold, In the realm of gaming, stories unfold. With rhythmic voice and playful tone, We’re diving deep into the unknown. Creating portals, sparking delight, In Minecraft’s world, shining bright. So join us now, in this playful quest, As we journey on, putting our skills to the test. Obunga portals, a sight to see, In Minecraft PE, where we roam free. Read More

  • Revolutionize Your Minecraft Thumbnails with This Technique

    Revolutionize Your Minecraft Thumbnails with This Technique The Art of Crafting Eye-Catching Minecraft Thumbnails Are you looking to enhance the visual appeal of your Minecraft videos and attract more viewers? Creating captivating thumbnails is key! In this guide, we will explore a step-by-step approach to crafting stunning Minecraft thumbnails that will grab everyone’s attention. Utilizing Mods for Enhanced Creativity Mods can be a game-changer when it comes to creating unique and visually appealing thumbnails. Two essential mods that can elevate your thumbnail game are: Camera Utils: This mod provides advanced camera features, allowing you to capture the perfect angles and shots for your thumbnails. Download it… Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear

    Minecraft Mysteries Unveiled: Entity 303 Strikes Fear In the world of Minecraft, mysteries unfold, From Entity 303 to Steve, stories untold. Solving disturbing puzzles, a real horror show, With each twist and turn, the truth starts to glow. Exploring the depths of this pixelated land, Uncovering secrets, with a steady hand. From phone to bedrock, the clues are all there, Unraveling the unknown, with a sense of flair. So buckle up, viewers, for a wild ride, As we dive into the unknown, side by side. Minecraft’s mysteries, we will decode, In rhymes and emojis, our story mode. Read More

  • Bro’s Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming

    Bro's Minecraft Meltdown 🔥😂 #minecraft #gaming When Bro said he was going to build a mansion in Minecraft, we didn’t realize he meant he was going to spend 10 hours meticulously placing each block perfectly aligned. #ExtraBro #MinecraftProcrastination Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade!

    Surviving 100 Days in Minecraft Hexxit: Extreme Difficulty Upgrade! Minecraft Hexxit: Surviving 100 Days in Hardcore Mode! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, challenges abound, but surviving 100 days in Hardcore Mode takes it to a whole new level. Join Khang, a new YouTuber, on his epic journey through the Hexxit modpack as he faces extreme difficulties and pushes his survival skills to the limit. The First Day From the moment Khang spawns into the world, every decision matters. Gathering resources, building shelter, and fending off hostile mobs are just the beginning. The first day sets the tone for the grueling adventure ahead. Traversing the Twilight Forest As… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Survival Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “1.21 생존기 3” showcasing some incredible creations in Minecraft version 1.21. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. If you’re looking to join a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community where you can unleash your creativity, collaborate with fellow players, and embark on exciting adventures, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a diverse range of gameplay options, unique features, and a welcoming… Read More

  • Zombie Rain in Minecraft!

    Zombie Rain in Minecraft! Minecraft: Surviving the Zombie Rain Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, but with a twist – it’s raining zombies! In this hilarious challenge, players must navigate through a world where mobs fall from the sky. Will they survive? Let’s dive into the chaos and excitement of this unique gaming experience. Surviving the Zombie Downpour As players venture through the Minecraft world, they must be on high alert as zombies and other mobs rain down upon them. This unexpected challenge adds a new level of difficulty to the game, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking to stay alive…. Read More

  • 🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥

    🔥 Unlock Secret Fire Magic in Blockube || Viral Minecraft Pe Shorts 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘fire 🔥 || #shorts #minecraft #fire #magic #secret #viral #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #subscribe’, was uploaded by Blockube on 2024-04-25 07:30:16. It has garnered 1940 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:08 or 8 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!

    Minecraft Horror Modpacks Getting Out of Control!Video Information This video, titled ‘They need to stop updating these Minecraft Horror Modpacks…’, was uploaded by Mandan on 2024-08-30 02:30:06. It has garnered 66 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:59 or 1079 seconds. Hey Guys! I hope you guys enjoy this one! This video was pretty fun to make, SPOOKY! SCARY! ‘ MODS The One Who Watches The Man Who Black The Beasts In The Dark The Beasts In The Dark The Anomaly Repurposed Structures (Neoforge/Forge) Not Enough Animations MVS – Moog’s Voyager Structures Essential Mod Corpse Arthropod Phobia Expansions + Horror Bosses (Spider… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥

    🔥 Insane 2b2t Base Hunt with R1ckson! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t: Friday base hunting! (Vertical Minecraft Stream)’, was uploaded by R1ckson on 2024-08-30 19:27:48. It has garnered 7017 views and 123 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:22 or 8122 seconds. JOIN DISCORD: Basehunting for as long as I can manage…. Minecraft 2b2t Read More

  • “Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀” #minecraft #mcpe #viral

    "Ultimate God Skin Showdown: Herobrine vs All 🔥💀" #minecraft #mcpe #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral’, was uploaded by Swishy Playz on 2024-06-03 14:07:20. It has garnered 10498 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Herobrine vs All who is strongest! With God Skin?💀 #minecraft #mcpe #shorts #viral Read More

  • EPIC: Fabio TRIGGERS massive earthquake!

    EPIC: Fabio TRIGGERS massive earthquake!Video Information This video, titled ‘Fabio veroorzaakt een aardbeving’, was uploaded by Moik’s SMP Shorts on 2024-04-04 09:00:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. goddammit Fabio [Moik’s SMP] An SMP where Moik and his friends play modded Minecraft. The SMP consists largely… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown EP4 – Can we beat them all?!

    Ultimate Minecraft PvP Showdown EP4 - Can we beat them all?!Video Information This video, titled ‘We tried to beat EVERYONE in Minecraft PvP || EOD SMP Ep. 4’, was uploaded by HeyhayVODS on 2024-08-16 15:00:16. It has garnered 634 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:15 or 4155 seconds. Check out the community discord for Siege! Get some merch! Find me, heyhay13 at: VODS channel @heyhayvods Twitch – Tiktok – Twitter – #minecraft #eodsmp #heyhay13 Read More

  • Shocking! Fire-Free Girl in Love 💔💔 #Nightcore #Minecraft

    Shocking! Fire-Free Girl in Love 💔💔 #Nightcore #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fire free girl de Love 😘😍 #minecraft #drift #automobile #music #remix #nightcore #nightcoresongs’, was uploaded by Jonas Fischer on 2024-10-01 11:39:57. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrow

    EPIC Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #algrowVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 #short #hanumanji #pixelart #minecraft #algrow’, was uploaded by AX OP GAMING on 2024-05-29 11:43:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Lord Hanuman Ji Pixart in Minecraft || How To Make Pixelart in Minecraft I make hanuman ji pixelart in minecraft give title … Read More

  • “Ultimate Herobrine Chase – INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation” #viral #shorts #clickbait

    "Ultimate Herobrine Chase - INSANE Speed! Minecraft Animation" #viral #shorts #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-08-16 06:30:11. It has garnered 2105 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Herobrine Chase Ultimate Spider in normal speed |Minecraft animation|#meme #virel #shorts #herobrine #shortsvideo #evil #minecraftanimation #minecrafthindi #monsterschool #monsterschool #minecraftshorts 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe For New Videos,… Read More

  • 🌳 TREE SMP 🌳 Vanilla SMP 1.21.1 Semi-Anarchy New

    Join TREE SMP for End Fight on October 5th! Come join us for the end fight on Saturday, October 5th and be a part of our Minecraft adventure. We are looking for active players to join our small Minecraft community. Details: Map size: Border at 6 Million (3 mil each way) Render Distance: 10 Chunks Gamemode: Hard Griefing/PvP: Enabled TnT/Carpet duping: Enabled Netheroof: Enabled Bedrock break: Enabled IP: | Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “After 4 years of waiting, It can finally RIP”

    Minecraft Memes - "After 4 years of waiting, It can finally RIP"“After 4 years of waiting, this meme can finally rest in peace…but not before achieving a solid 7 out of 10 score, a true legend in the meme world.” Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #memes Read More

  • EFEKAN & Friends vs Cops! – Minecraft

    EFEKAN & Friends vs Cops! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ARKADAŞLARI VS POLİSLER! 😱 – Minecraft Introduction In this intense Minecraft battle, viewers witness a showdown between the adults, led by Kerem Komiser, and the kids, with Efekan at the helm. The question on everyone’s mind is: who will emerge victorious in this epic clash? Exciting Minecraft Adventures The Minecraft community is abuzz with the latest video showcasing a thrilling battle between two rival factions. With Kerem Komiser leading the charge for the adults and Efekan spearheading the kids’ team, tensions run high as both sides strategize for victory. Engaging Content Viewers are treated to a spectacle… Read More

  • JJ & Mikey Save Possessed TV Woman

    JJ & Mikey Save Possessed TV WomanVideo Information This video, titled ‘TV WOMAN Gets POSSESSED! JJ and Mikey Save TV WOMAN in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN and MIKEY on 2024-08-22 11:30:34. It has garnered 2113 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:01 or 3661 seconds. TV WOMAN Gets POSSESSED! JJ and Mikey Save TV WOMAN in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Kuang3461 takes on PliantTuba40609

    Ultimate Battle: Kuang3461 takes on PliantTuba40609Video Information This video, titled ‘Kuang3461 vs PliantTuba40609’, was uploaded by Kuang3461 on 2024-09-28 10:19:27. It has garnered 499 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. legend vs legend @pliant5937 #minecraftpvp #pvp #minecraft #hypixel tags : xWqter,Ozan12,DatPigmaster,Vrysed,Czeoh,Khxqs,zyn,F5,Aluzay,Chayn,,Budhism,Budhism Yeet,cameron,cameronisgey123,chiekooo,Curt,CurtPlayzMC,Czeoh,D3MoNiqK,DocPenguinPlayz,Dreacho,egirlresort,eKowz,El Windo,FaastPvP,Phenzyy,flexazert,GGL1TCHB0Y,Glitch,harmfuldillon1,IDontWantToDiie,IDontWantToDie,JavaJar,KingSlme,KingSlime,KingSlmeMC12345,LOLTooka,Tooka,JuiceyPlayz123,M0DIFIER,numb,DripAcquired,OhSad,Pj772,Raidse,xraidse,RyanguyYT,setinal,Setinals,Swimfan72,xSwedeachu,tachy,ItsTachy,Oreologist,VelqtePvP,Unrusting,Wicholaloo,Bichomaloo,Wichomaloo,Wqrro,xBlyqt,xernah,asitkiller,asit,babelv,littleschitt,babyylevel,Fipzi,DesiredWolf,Desired,DesiredWolfy,HeyItzKillerMC,xWilliqm7w7,NigerianRacks,Aweigs,ShElD0nMC,SheldonMC,audi,Audimatics,FriteQc,kuxiz,kuxizYT,Patinal,EJUKAD,bll9,SoyMaGames,Talkey,xTalkey,TalkeyVI,Taquillo,xTaquillo,iMwaaT,ReachIsToggled,Pedalvael,Pedalvael7654,RareChernobyl,XsLightningsX,wsot,zDksss,Shappel,TinchoCR,CustomKB,yunghesu,mgnarsha,Leqked,wxlked,Drqgs,NotEnsar,ItsTreathz,Void2Stepping,Tybze,reaqxrs,pumpd,Daequaqn,FoulDrip,LeoMaster60MC,Trysten,Trystennnnnn,TecnoRod,P0TIONSTATUS,POTI0NSTATUS,P0TI0NSTATUS,PotionStatus,tookyouregirl,fullsendegirl,EGIRLSLAYER2,ShortyNO,HoneyJae,HcneyJae,BirdoCalled,Fazed,TheFazedUltra04,ClownTap,Rememory,Rememoryyy,StopPotting,PackPorted,PackBundle,Cashanovva,sleepwalkinqqq,SilverBlood,xJqsh,xWqki,iiTaliyah,ChxmpVI,ChaqsXP,RestartFU,RoyaleXI,SharpnessXII,recoist,Hulcuh,Huncho,xvqle,Fifoka,Fifoka45,Fifoka46,FifokaBlinds,Strqfx,TDBClient,Lyreoz,Peaqhy,UknowPManchi,Manchi,PManchi,Medic,W10GANGZ,Skind,Sosa,Snipez,1400,1500,400,300,bedrock texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani client,coffee client,cnd client,cnd,eclipse client,eternium,eternium client,infernus client,moon client,nitr0,nitr0 client,quadrix,quadrix client,strike… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Guess Baby’s Age in Minecraft

    Unbelievable: Guess Baby's Age in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Sypher gamer on 2024-02-08 06:30:07. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:36 or 5556 seconds. Certainly! Crafting adventures and building dreams in the pixelated world of Minecraft! 🌍🎮 Join me, [SYPHER GAMER]on an epic live streaming journey as we dive into the endless possibilities of this sandbox masterpiece. 🔨 *Title: [AAJ KUCH AAGE BADHTE HAIN #2 (MINECRAFT)]* 🌟 Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft Live! | [SYPHER GAMER] 🕹️ *Gameplay Highlights:* 🏰 Embark on a quest to create breathtaking… Read More

  • Barnava Gaming – 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!

    Barnava Gaming - 😳 Live Minecraft: Epic Challenges & Memes on 24/7 Server!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft Live: Epic gameplay, challenges, and memes on our 24/7 server! || Live Minecraft 😱🔥’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-04-09 05:42:49. It has garnered 194 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:31 or 4771 seconds. 🔴Minecraft Live: Epic gameplay, challenges, and memes on our 24/7 server! || Live Minecraft 😱🔥 #survivalhouseminecraft #virel #episode2 #Minecrafttutorial 🤗 Follow Me On Instagram: ❤️️Vlogging Channel :@barnavavlogs 🤗Support ► ❤️️Join Our Discord Server!: 🤗For Business related queries:▶ [email protected]: ❤️️Facebook: I hope you enjoyed the video if you did Please Do Subscribe… Read More

  • Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13

    Birchwood Keeps Growing in Minecraft! Season 2 Ep 13Video Information This video, titled ‘Birchwood still Growing! Minecraft Bedrock Members Season 2- Session 13’, was uploaded by Skyhurricane on 2024-05-29 03:46:56. It has garnered 93 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:27:45 or 16065 seconds. We continue more land development at Birchwood, aiming to make it a seat of power in the world! We have 3 Minecraft Bedrock 24 hour servers! More info below: *Freedom Server- Just simply join our discord (type in verification how you found the discord and we’ll get you verified) and then the IP address and port are pinned in the… Read More

  • My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱

    My House is Now a Minecraft Wonderland! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘[Once Human] Rumahku jadi rumah Minecraft :O【Verin Varenya | VTUBER ID】’, was uploaded by Verin Varenya Ch. on 2024-07-21 07:40:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. SEA PVE-20 Send me coffee Local: International: … Read More

  • Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft game

    Xerlios fights for survival in Jujutsu Kaisen as a Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Jujutsu Kaisen as Jogo. (Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Xerlios on 2024-07-30 14:00:50. It has garnered 1448 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. Join me on the ultimate Minecraft adventure as we explore the world of Jujutsu Kaisen with the formidable character Jogo! Together, we will face off against the toughest creatures in Minecraft using this incredible mod inspired by Jujutsu Kaisen. Alt account: Modpack: Discord server: Kinetic Hosting Code Xerlios for a discount: Tags: #game #gameat #jujutsukaisen #minecraft Read More

  • Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie Apocalypse

    Mushroom Rain: Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa in Zombie ApocalypseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Peppa Pig vs Giant Peppa 2. Zombie Apocalypse #peppapig #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Mushroom Rain on 2024-08-24 07:59:49. It has garnered 3062167 views and 43462 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Spectre SMP- Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist, Hermitcraft-esque, 1.21, Mature, Community

    Spectre SMP – Join Us for Collaborative Minecraft Fun! Spectre SMP is a vanilla 1.21 SMP inspired by Hermitcraft. We offer a friendly community for friends to play Minecraft together and create amazing projects! What We Offer: Established, friendly community for collaboration Long-term world to spark creativity Diamond-based economy with emphasis on generosity We are looking for: Builders and redstoners Players who interact well with others Dedicated minds with impressive goals Active community members for meetings and discussions Server Specifications: Fabric 1.21 hosted in Europe Performance mods and minor recipe changes Faster minecarts and Simple Voice Chat Mail Mod, /nick,… Read More