Anne Bonny Beware – Purgatory Day 11 // Minecraft QSMP #105

Video Information

Fore first time watch I wanted to give a gift feel the enjoyer if you are feel the enjoyer you welcome here Fore spee Spee Foree for speeech for for Fore spee uh fore for Um for Fore fore uh Ume fore fore foree for foree foree foree fore could could uh spee fore uh New Year I want to go to new yearor SMP arel uh I’m in the loop for the discussion to organize but the little problem is uh I went two times in

America and like going a third time is a bit complicated for me right now uh I wished it was in Europe at first but it was too complicated to do in Europe I think uh because it’s a lot it’s a lot it’s it’s a lot of traveling money and stuff so I’ll see

I’ll see I hope I will be able to go not sure not sure when we decided Brazil I was like I’m not sure I’m goingon to go because yeah it’s it’s just a lot I was hoping people to come to Europe to be honest I I was hoping I was

Like don’t you want to do the the the other way once but I hope we will do that so someday it could be cool for us and for some people of in Europe who cannot travel too it could be so cool excuse uh up Up huh huh huh see say Huh Huh me Get no For Fore No For Fore fore what the for Fore spee fore foree spe for for foreign speeech Okay down PR know hello hello how are you good how are you I’m okay I I I don’t have a sword anymore so I’ll chain a little but just for the mobs okay yeah yeah just chain all mobs yeah it’s okay because I have a option so I have to use

Them it’s so funny Bo I am funny foolish yep oh efficiency uh I can make this efficieny 4 book what the [ __ ] what what oh classic classic by here moment she’s back we’re back Classic No what the hell like three I was coming one had like hundred and hundreds of hearts and the

Other was tping and jumping on me back here just going to put this out there I’m going to if if you if you log out somewhere make sure you don’t log out in the middle of a [ __ ] desert or like somewhere where mobs can just be make

Sure you log out somewhere safe yeah no that’s fair to be honest that’s fair new rule new rule new rule okay okay okay and you you you’ll be fine I think I was bit I a bit of like at the end of my life yesterday dude

Yeah okay okay do you have diamonds and and libraries and stuff because it was a nightmare okay yeah that’s my bad yeah yeah um we got this stuff I brought it it’s secured dude I’m about to just try like making a fortune 3 pickaxe instead cuz I’m not even not even sniffing uh

Fortune okay that’s what I’m going to do that’s what I’m going to do here we go make a couple sticks let’s just let me just make a new pickaxe and I bet you I can get fortune 3 on it um this is just silly have you seen like the te SPO in

200 hours now really what the ones in the fridge no the one in I oh Diamonds oh the one I had in my pockets oh yeah no mine says 19 hours from it okay I know I know you said it has to be a book but I literally just

Enchanted a pickaxe and got fortune 3 efficiency 4 no I mean it has to be a book for the goblin tra to do it yeah but oh well now we have a spare fortune 3 one um okay okay here we go one book coming up I’m waiting there’s a timer on

My screen there’s a timer for 20 minutes on my screen I’m guessing that’s for the what is a sh sh uh the ship will arrive soon drop off Flags we’re supposed yeah yeah it’s going to be flags that we can use in the event I thought we had to fight for the

Flags we’re going to end up fighting for the flags if we both if we if both teams show up at the the spot oh okay oh but so it arrives soon are we ready I mean I’m just going to Vive and just and just get stuff yeah I’m just in

The base I don’t give give a [ __ ] okay we do we know where the ship is coming is going uh I don’t think we do maybe it probably give coordinates that would be my guess yeah probably yeah nah no fortune 3 books don’t exist they don’t exist really what cuz this

This is crazy this is crazy cuz I have I have just been scouring yeah but we have the XP farm right now right so it’s okay yeah we’re good like we can keep doing it oh hi m i was level 97 and now level

43 and I can’t find a fortune 3 book oh wait maybe in one time I can do okay okay you know what wait I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m sure I’m feeling lucky today I just died okay wait yeah yeah that’s a sign of luck

That’s how it works yeah that’s how it works when you die you’re lucky after you I’ll just I’ll either way I’ll just craft a few Enchanted pickaxes just because yeah why not I I just got a Breaky 3 efficiency 4 Fortune 2 pickax oh oh wait I could combine the

Fortune 3 and the efficient wait can I do that wait a second wait where I oh I didn’t put the anvils down whoops I be here what a Day um Bank bank okay oh I’m breing three efficiency five Fortune three yes what a day okay now where was I um okay I’m going to get a fortun 3 bck one fortun Three Buck yep it’s possible it’s possible oh my goodness it’s actually not possible I’m level I’m level 22 now you

Know what I’m going to with you okay okay no honestly I wouldn’t even be upset I wouldn’t be upset careful careful careful don’t hit the problem I’m careful look at me you just died dude tanos are tough they’re tough Yep did he spawn here did he say a spawn oh my my my socks are are wet you did I see them yeah you say your socks are wet yeah I woke in my bathroom after the shower guys I had a fck my died and

[ __ ] he’s a robot Rob trying to be a robot are you trying to be a robot why okay sounds all like crunchy your mic’s [Applause] like what the [ __ ] give me a second yeah you have to like plug and Unplug to do that with my old mic okay almost 30 for the forun tree pickaxe wait make me a pickaxe oh no no but we need a book we need a for a book here I have a oh you didn’t went into the hole you have to go into the

Hole after fish the hole yeah oh no now the death are counting today okay no tomorrow we go in hle okay I’m 30 let’s go let’s go book oh where is oh here’s a book for you over here here’s the enchanting area wait where is almost there oh you’re in the enchanting room

What all right there you go you know what we don’t know what it’s going to be but even like I just Enchanted what just no matter what yeah Feathering feing feing we have it okay guys uh I’m sorry I died I was like literally in the middle of the desert and fine don’t

Worry I did the same H oh uh foolish I’m uh uh I’m so sorry yesterday we were like [ __ ] around and yeah uh forever killed your horse wait wait so like they were saying so my so is it my horse is in like the horse I

Gave you yeah know the horse I found I was going to give you back the 14 speed one you know wait but if you have that horse and I also have that horse what horse are you talking about it was the one that had like 13.97 speed I’m looking at it right now9

Horse did it clone itself did we dupe no maybe it was the other one cuz we had two really fast ones I think you had mine and I had yours no well but I’m looking at right now I’m looking at my 13.9 well so so if you have yours I feel

Less less shitty about it then yeah but the be clear losing that one would be I have never seen another 13.97 that’s like the it was really it was a really good horse that got really sad do you remember what color the horse was that died Brown yeah this one’s Brown

I’m so confused I just want I want to know now did it Som dup itself or like what I’m so huh oh foolish uh did you see the video about the event find another one it’s okay did I see the huh the video about the event um ien it was like like

It was like build a base and like a flag so you did see it yeah the walls May yeah unless another one uh s but you’re back at the base right no I am at the middle of the desert I spawn in our Castle my spawn is still on the red

Castle thing oh that’s kind of aome yeah little I’m a little far away get my stuff and also I have no armor because we burned everything yesterday yeah I have nothing either yeah I’m naked too but I’m going do you want me to come get you uh

I might need some food yeah bro if I hadn’t lose that [ __ ] horse I would be alive okay I just burned through like 87 levels and could not find a fortune 3 book that’s crazy oh yeah I’m about to like wait I can disenchant my armor I’ll

Disenchant my armor here we go boom boom boom boom boom so how how is the like I know there’s a lot of I have to come back problem for okay just fore fore uh foree okay perfecte spee no no no no no no no no no it Max

Guys guys I have a tiny fire near me is it enough do you think yeah yeah I can actually if wait no it’s not a fire Camp it’s just a block in fire oh am I gonna die uh I don’t know if that’s gonna work but it’s when when we don’t have a

A count of when it starts uh are chains songs baned in the new in the the rules we okay okay yeah band for PVP I guess you could still use them for mobs if you want um okay I have like two on me yeah I I need I need to explain the whole

Context what happened yesterday I’ll mute but I’m coming to the Riv oh you cannot leave right now so I’ll just go home don’t worry about it Phil I have problem on my game so Weir you are okay I’m arrive I’m AR yeah I’ve I’ve I’ve got a campfire I’m just waiting at the

Show okay nice [ __ ] I’ll mute him and explain I’ll be right back oh because I’m in global I’m safe okay yeah stay in global stay in global uh so I have a problem uh like my game is a bit blurry blurry and stuff and I have texture oh it’s blurry yeah yeah it’s

Very weird after after the snow thing happens uh close it all out and uh start the launcher again you might have an I I already launched it again oh I guess type it in the help ticket on Discord and ask them about it yeah so weird

Admin’s on they might be able to help oh yeah we do need bottles for the for the task don’t we yeah so I’ve put there’s there’s a chest next to the mission guy in that base now the new base the mission guy is there we asked the admins

To move on to there so I there’s a double chest next to him and I’ve put gunpowder in there and I think there’s some uh bottles in there too but if there isn’t you can find some in the chests yeah yeah yeah I see I I I just

Made my very first glass bottles today it was really exciting normally it’s like you or someone else has just been feeding me tea just yeah just Shing tea in your mouth I was joking about it earlier with fit that like he was saying that we’re the most dehydrated people cuz all we drink

Is tea now delicious we need to make a kidney stone Shrine in the base so all of the kidney stones were going to just pass honestly it just seems like that’s just another room we would have here’s our kidney stone room room yeah we got the bitas room as well oh

Yeah take a look at that that was cool you know it was that was made by one of the admins one one of the Little Helpers that run around you tell me when when the is over I will yep yep we’re still I’m going to die from from Hunger yeah

You’re safing Global just chill there yeah but I’m going to die from Hunger no ow you shouldn’t die from Hunger if you don’t jump around okay I won’t Jump Around I can picture her like jumping the whole time like sprinting and jumping PR did it’s so weird where are you just so

I I don’t die I’m almost I am at 3,3 4,085 right by the shore okay I’m being by a bunch of uh flying [ __ ] okay 3,000 14 you said yep and 4,085 4,085 I’m just I’m just by the the beach all the water is frozen yeah uh the mobs are between me

And you I’ll wait for you to to come my way I guess okay or I can I probably just go to the new Ballas actually I think it’s I’m I’m like 200 blocks away I can see where the mobs are if you if you take like if you go west they should

Like h no it’s it’s all right you you you do you you should be all right all right if if you need food just like I’m right by our portal but I know you cannot come because you have you’re you’re on the fire right yeah yeah I

Don’t I don’t it’s probably better I just I just run and get the elevator B I think I I need also the the Bas playlist so is a [ __ ] mang man yeah you like it yes yes yes put a a bunch of music there too I’m listening right

Now oh I added like 20 songs and I was like this is this is so ball ass call right now and then Charlie’s added about five I think as well oh my God I’m [ __ ] fre I right now Boat Boat use the old boat tactic uh please we’re winning

Yes I just turned in I just turned in a couple oh okay if I hadn’t right now we’ll be on first sorry don’t worry I we are we are in first not first oh we are actually [ __ ] yes um stop where where are you right now Sal

I’m trying to get I have to do my Miss I am like 3 three3 three and four four4 four 4 Z four4 I’m like really close I’m getting I’m getting to the elevator I think I I’ll I’ll be I’ll be fine only if I’m really [ __ ] luy I just jinx it

Goodbye I have like the texture is like I have some grein y Tre is burning of course it is our trees are always burning so weird um okay I’m here hi I so nice I I have a new fall points and I need food you should be a to make some tea oh

I just put tea I put tea in the fridge yeah I just got it thank you thank you thank you yeah yeah yeah you to make a bunch of tea there um right I’m going to go get back here oh yeah don’t worry I’m just waiting for this to to be over it’s

Gone it’s gone it just went it just went oh it’s one word so stay there stay stay at Global cuz I’m heading towards you no don’t worry my bud is just near here and there is some stuff oh okay okay yeah yeah I was looking for my Wy um oh well

All right you let me know if you need me to come get you and help you back okay okay that’s there that’s there so they’re going to they’re going to announce the uh where the ship is in like 3 minutes 2 minutes I don’t see the

Timer but uh I have nothing I don’t have the timer if we do want anything yeah do we have diamonds cuz uh we burn everything we do we do we do this some diamonds in the chest now okay I got a diamond sword okay guys there is a mob

And I I cannot run so I I really hope I don’t die okay this this is exactly why I wanted to come get you I’m to now yeah you can come mebe yes I’m I’m making it right now okay oh yeah I need a sword that isn’t

Enchanted May I’ll put it on grind Stone oh oh I was thinking well can we keep like one sword for fighting mobs and like one for oh my God don’t die oh my God I’ll just PE with his I’m heading towards you now where I really TR I really TR I really

Tried I really tried I’m so sorry you know what I think I may maybe gone for this team maybe this no shut up shut I’m not helping no balls with helping I almost just die and do nothing I’m so sorry I really want to help is the

Missions NPC help you let let us to you where are you now here yeah I’m at the base turn gunpowder okay okay okay right how do I ask for my missions to the guy talk to him just accept not walking right click and then just wait and accept

Mission 12 okay I don’t know ask the admins where’s your where’s your body at can I get a fortun3 pickaxe now near the spawn oh no near Global sorry near Global okay where near Global uh I’ll K I killed everyone with chain so okay all right okay are you in a hole or

No okay okay I’m looking I’m looking without the M okay sorry okay my missions I say I say I see your body oh this might be the new one oh it’s it’s not the water what of water Bott do do I give him it’s like the other one those glass water bottles I

Put in the they’re in the chest I already transfer the item so it’s the new one you I’m right clicking and and it’s not doing anything what uh is it is it the one you make tea with yeah it is so right oh okay okay I was I was trying the other

One uh B what do you want from your body cuz I can take the essentials well the essentials and some chainsaw please I need them you’ve got a be in a mob cage I’ve got your tea uh the M as a as a bull no the bull is here oh it’s okay

I think uh there’s only four here I need okay glasses nice I don’t know I don’t know how you saw like your te had like loads of um yeah time no it doesn’t have loads of time on my hand it’s 17 hours oh well I’m disappointed uh water bottles here for

You if you need them thank you where’s the gun powder at okay we have a message it’s in the double chest right next to the mission gu okay 4220 26 38 let’s go let’s go let’s go go go go go okay okay yeah we

Ball we ball we ball we ball I think we have to go right now boom boom you guys you guys don’t have anything hold on back here is’s enough [ __ ] hold on oh yeah we we meet you in the way okay yeah uh it’s Northeast North Northeast let’s

[ __ ] go wait I don’t have a wait I don’t have AA wait wait wait I’m just going to go for a sword okay yeah yeah make a sword do where do we have sword uh here just make here I’ll just make you one right here um guys guys you

Said 4 what was it 4222 here here seek three 2 6 38 okay I’m just heading there now I’ll see if I can get there in time oh you have my stuff okay do you have food for me someone uh just make some there’s food oh there’s food in here should be

There’s one hamburger one delicious hamburger I don’t have I don’t have my water bucket so I cannot make make a water bucket there’s iron right there you can do it I believe you can make a everything you need everything you need is there you’re right you’re right

You’re right it’s just because when I stress I don’t think I’m capable of anything you can do anything you put your mind to back here you’ve got it yeah you’re right you’re right I’ll just give you some tea right now yeah I have I have some too here let’s go let’s go

Let’s go we Cann we cannot yes yes it is close to our base it is close to our base let’s go let’s go it’s on outs side of the map yeah yeah okay uh fush you should get the horse okay okay perfect let’s go I don’t have an armor but let’s

Go yeah we don’t need it it’s night right yep oh I’m foolish I’m going to I’m going to just be near you oh oh oh oh this is we have the the motorb we have a motorb I don’t have go you go you go go

Go go there should be an extra in one of the chests I don’t have him a [ __ ] I should go get it I don’t know Direction where the [ __ ] do I go don’t Northeast Northeast just head Northeast okay uh do you have an extra shield

I don’t have a shield uh I can make an iron shield oh the GL too yeah yeah I’ll make one on the way don’t worry you guys do you guys get a motorboat uh no I don’t have a motor Bo oh take take me

With with you I think we we got way they way faster with the motor boats take me with you in the motherb I don’t a block of red stone I don’t have a block of red stone or do I have a glass pane uh we didn’t plan this said there’s a

Motorboat at the base there’s a motat in one of the chests at the base here okay I left one theref wants to go to the Bas this possibility I’m I’m I’m coming back I’m coming back the only base we have now it’s the only base we have I can then I

Guess what oh okay nice that’s good that’s really good that’s really good they lost a bunch of time too this not I wonder if they’ll need to Nerf the mobs a little bit if they can cuz now with no Enchanted though the mobs [ __ ] us up even more I mean we’ve

We’ve been fine right I’m naked right now you have no armor no okay I found I found the mother boat let’s go let’s go let’s go I have a I’m Pinn what was the what was the Z qu again you said like two uh 2 46 uh 2 436

Or something like that okay okay let me see let me check again uh 2638 2638 2638 okay I’m arriving I’m arriving guys thank you there are you guys at the ice that was like a terrible spot they I’m inow right now I’m I’m on land I’m heading

Towards it thank you oh yeah I’m let’s go boys I I need I need my my gas MK I miss it um let’s go I could I could give you it but right now when we land I could give you one I okay oh nice okay so I cannot breed this

Hair so is this like past green base is this far I don’t it’s a thousand blocks that this way it’s not that far okay uh I think you’re going to get stuck back by the land right now you should nah no yeah we will we will it’s okay

N okay okay oh yeah it’s not a lot we can we can run okay we can dig out this sand and then oh yeah I would do this that too okay okay okay I’m by the show I need the exact coordinates if you can I

Know I I can check the I can check my phone but it if I just 4220 2638 4220 found it found it found it oh oh F okay what this okay oh my God okay when you get close there’s fog there’s gas oh okay please give me a gas get your

Mask ready get your mask ready get your mask get get get the horse get the horse go go go go go go first we’ll go after you follow me back wait where did I just put that okay oh we cannot take the C okay is someone on the guys someone’s

Already there fits there fits there okay do I keep heading this direction I haven’t marked the quarts yeah yeah uh we go around I think if we go by horse we be faster if it comes back come back yeah I think both is for us is fter though is it off the coast

Though it is on the coast say no more okay okay well it’s a boat right okay oh it’s Bas time I’m so happy gas you’re going to be okay you’re going to be okay Bill we’re getting there we’re getting there okay I’m on the coast I’m on the

Coast on the coast am I on the right Coast it was on the ghost on the ghost you got to be [ __ ] kidding me maybe we oh okay okay no I think it’s weak we could just go by oh my goodness I just passed a 6.6 horse I wanted to kill it

Okay here the week yeah yeah no exactly okay okay nice got it Phil um is your check open they can hear us right yeah I I don’t know uh I don’t know uh probably so probably so it was four something something two 4220 4220 42 Z wait close 420 okay I

Should oh wait you guys just passed me oh yeah well what is way quicker we might yeah let’s let’s go let’s go go let’s go no it’s fine though it’s fine just keep going I’ll get there soon what is my what is West it’s West

Here here here bags oh this way I lost you okay yeah I’m I’m following you you can go oh yeah we might need to put some Glocks I might I might need to run to oh these berries are [ __ ] me up I don’t know I I haven’t put this the

The points so I’m just running okay I think I see it I think I see it wait where is he it just ran through me it just okay I’m with you here oh luckily my horse naturally near the water [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

Do I stay near the water [ __ ] I stay on the coastline stay on the coine don’t forget that you need a gas mask here B otherwise you’ll die really fast yeah yeah I have it um so now what let’s go inside let’s go inside we

Need to load it where is it I don’t find I don’t find you how the [ __ ] do I get up okay I’m at the coast my what how do I is there an entrance how do I get it on it I don’t have a [ __ ] do I have to

Go this I’m getting fit I’m getting fit I’m getting fit he Enchanted wait he’s he’s using wa wait what okay he’s using enchanted sword no wait was you for yesterday useo I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up okay okay okay okay okay how do we how do we solve

This how do we solve this fit cuz like that’s we have to fix this wait how how do I get in the boat can you hear me yeah can you hear me I can’t place water oh why I lost my water then okay sounds good what did he say we

Can’t kill him got got they’re in my group chat yeah yeah yeah they’re in my group chat he’s okay okay so F fit’s going to leave um he’s gave us half the flags nice okay wait let let him leave uh without killing them or anything let’s kill him

Let’s kill him guys we just play half and half we spit we split the flags we get the rest of the loots he’s going to just leave cuz I won’t be able to go get it how do we go inside the boat just climb just climb can you climb

Oh no build build maybe no we can’t put wait can I build on this side maybe I can okay hold on let me see if I let me yeah you can build on that side thing yeah oh do you just Spam it you just

Spam place a block I just GL I just glit over here all right so we we have we we have enough time to just take everything um Sal you could make I think there might be another gas mask in the base if you want um you could make another

Someone can like get my my while what the longer we’re here the longer it’s going to eat up our gas mask too guys we have to be faster and just take everything we can all right yeah I’m trying to take everything I’m taking the flags I’m taking everything to we us the

Big he gave us the half the flags he got yes so we’ve we’ve got half the flags and we we’re going to get the rest of the loot um since my inventory is full of back here stuff oh yeah I’m taking I’m taking the St don’t worry you just you just

Take everything you can yeah yeah we have very good stuff though I’m pretty sure it to some stuff oh B what what I’m going to do is I’m going to leave I’m going to back it was an accident but like yeah no it’s fine it’s fine we would have killed him we

Would have killed him yeah we were going to kill like he had a he had a god apple and a totem but I also was peppering him with uh Power five shots and Flame uh from above for like a while so like it was two versus one we more than likely

Were going to kill him but um yeah the gas is almost new rules I’m almost app you know what I’m going to take your gas mask bit can I yeah yeah you can you can take it yeah you can take it uh I w’t I

Just don’t have a lot of um if you can just grab as much as you can is there anything down out of the gas is there is there only up there’s only stuff there I don’t think it’s anything down just um get out with every get out the gas if you can

And just put stuff in a chest if it’s easier and go back in because the longer you’re in there the longer your stuff just going to get I’m trying to take your stuff um yeah s I’m on my way back to you now yeah I’m going I’m going

Towards the the we we halfway we can we halfway what is that noise the [ __ ] is this what is that noise what the [ __ ] is this what is this noise it’s like a wind noise yeah is this like really windy where you are no but we all heard it

Yeah is yeah through his mic yeah what the [ __ ] is it just really windy where your M yeah no no is is it here okay I think it’s where you are s oh yeah it might be here yeah it’s raining here you actually my microphone sorry sorry that’s

Crazy okay I’m leaving do you do like oh wow I’m I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry I should this in that’s awesome uh so guys uh maybe I can join someone from for going back to boat no uh I don’t have the boat I have

A boat in my body oh I didn’t take it wait so you trying to come back to your body or are we trying to bring it back I am coming but you should get my stuff or at least like give me a mask I’ll be

Able to get to so windy right now holy [ __ ] it’s kind of cool wait I kind of wish it was windy here like that okay oh I have like I’m living in a haunted house right now I can make another boots [ __ ] no just go in the boat with foolish

It’s fine like there’s a boat right there right right foolish is did you clean my body bags did you clean my body I took everything almost everything Bren is it wor for me to go then I don’t think so I took like I think I took everything okay so I’ll meet I’ll meet

I’ll meet you guys halfway then cuz I have nothing okay I don’t have wood to make a boat you can’t I have there’s a Mot on body I haven’t take the motorboat though oh oh we should go get him uh we can make one it’s it’s not really hard to make no the

Harder it’s way harder to make it you have to have glass and everything it’s just take it just take it okay so much faster 800 blocks away from a [ __ ] helmet that sounds so cool though but your C your window is Clos or open I think it’s closed right it would

Be like way louder if it was open yeah I think so but that’s crazy though wait so his oh that’s crazy yeah if his window is not even open what does it sound like outside this house I get blown away yep no when I first heard it though I

Was like and I’m [ __ ] dead like I was like in the gas I was like something’s [Laughter] coming uh do where are you uh Phil uh I’m almost home oh bad boy is here I can’t go to your body bad boy is here I’m leaving he’s going to kill me oh man

[ __ ] okay U where are you guys I’m leaving I’m leaving I’m so sorry but he’s going to kill me okay where where are you guys where are you guys um uh I’m 500 meters away from our base I hope he I am too I am too I’m like lit

I’m I’m I’m at 4K 350 I hope you 3,50 okay I think I need to go up then this way I’m at 4K and then uh like go 4K 3K then I it’s okay I guess oh 4K oh so that’s like along the coast well I’m not along the coast I’m a

Little B more inside you guys are are on the boat no I’m leaving because bad boy is here and I have so much loot I don’t want him to kill me honestly I I don’t I don’t think she he should be able to loot my body though cuz there was almost

Anything on your body I took almost everything okay okay okay I’m I’m going I’m going to go to the coast to find you guys okay I’m on the ghost I’m at 3,600 3,600 wait 3,000 3,600 3,600 is where I’m at okay uh I’m coming towards you um

Just go base just go to base I’ll find you guys there oh oh wait is this the really slow horse yeah you’re mine okay I’m living by just little woody woody boot but I’m afraid of that boy an eight horse and an eight horse you shouldn’t even be alive wait is that

A saddle on it oh okay um oh I need to give I feel like I need to I maybe need to give that to Charlie um um okay I just got another saddle so that should be good oh I took your saddle I have a saddle too I have a

Sadle to in my inventory it you slow ass I think got almost everything over stuff there’s no hope for you little guy but bad boy is like obviously has already loot your body right now okay we took every everything but B couldn’t have a lot uh we really shouldn’t have burned our stuff

Yesterday think about it now it was a bit silly yeah we got a we got a bit too S I think we need it was yeah it was it was yeah a B’s like uh purification process yeah to be honest I I might need someone to

Okay I’m going to come I’m going to come to you I’m going to come to you give me a seconds I’m at 3 uh 800 3600 oh I was so close to there yeah yeah but I’m uh I’m going towards the base wait but now okay wait I’m back at

Our base yeah I know I know don’t worry I what to do with this so we going to try are we going to try and go back and get more stuff or no we we took everything I’d be down I’d be down new stuff’s going to

Up no I mean get anything that’s left oh we took everything we took oh yeah it’s empty everything is empty oh fine all right never mind okay that’s why I’m saying like we took everything and I took almost everything from s’s body so they won’t have a thing up the flags I

Grabbed his armor that’s good that’s good salit do you want me to come fetch you and give you food CU yeah 3700 3 700 I’m I’m surrounded by whales I’m I’m scared 3700s 3700 I’m in the middle of water you’re in the middle of the water too

3700 so 3700 on I have one drop of of thirst okay I’m coming to you I’m coming to you I’m coming to you I’m com to you Tick Tick Tock you in a boat no no I’m just swinging oh 3700 37 how long do you think is going to take

Cuz I might just log out and I’m very very close to you I think I I will not be long I am speeding to you in a boat right now so we have two two CTI Peds leggings we have a slime my Z is is getting upper uh I got

You I got you I got you hop in hop in okay I need a water bottle though I need a water bottle like right now yep right there is dying wait where is it I I saw it went past you and past you I’ll grab it all right come come here just just

Yeah just just just come up just come up yes yes I’m here and then I’ll just I’ll just throw it at you okay okay behind you throw at the boat should there there you go it’s on the boat perfect nice I got it I got it all right hop

In thank you not even close just keep drinking you can drink the sea water yeah true salty water with me right now the best kind I love dehydration yeah kidney stones get lose weight uh he put myself in a chest well wait I have to go back to the base first what

About are you I can probably get to if you need need help no I’m in the water it’s okay maybe just I maybe you can pick me up at the beach to go to the Bas because I’m okay you’re going to be coming from the East side right yeah

Okay I’ll place down some water at the top easier to climb up okay perfect oh pH by the way I saw you put shoting off bottom I love you man I love I love you like Che so [ __ ] good in the playlist oh I I put so much stuff just

Be just before coming to the stream I I think you’re going to enjoy it yeah this playlist is a banger honestly it’s pretty good it’s pretty good I think we should wait until we’ve all had our input I want Mouse to add some stuff as

Well okay uh maybe car and yeah and then we’ll share it uh we have like a public link that we can give to people yeah uh but my new additions okay I’ll check I’ll check them later yeah I’m pretty happy I’ll probably add more stuff another mood but but I think it’s still

Smooth this is impossible this is impossible Phil Fortune three books don’t exist you might be right but I don’t think I I’m pretty certain I’ve gotten it before I’m not sure are we sure I look and I try I try what’s happening you game I’m trying’s trying

He’s trying to get a fortune 3 book um because if we get a fortune 3 book we can make it into a fortune 4 with a pickaxe and a goblin it’s oh I’m going to the new B the old be where we FL no way take that no

Way no that explain why is it taking so long for you cuz we already here yeah no yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but still I was on a on a wood wood boot so yeah oh there’s it’s here good [ __ ] I I confirmed it my knowledge of Minecraft

Is correct you can get it from from an table no I I no I didn’t actually not think I was just in sadness I no way I’m wrong on this I was like I’ve gotten it before no like it makes sense it defin I just don’t understand why it’s not okay okay okay

Wait Phil I did it I did it not a fortune no so not a fortune three but I I’m about I need a yeah so I have2 books now so let me get little more levels okay okay can you put some water for me you need help I put I put some water

Which which side were you coming from though oh wait wait second ship in 40 minutes Northeast okay water is down water is down I don’t see okay let’s prepare to go for the for the second one oh what is killing me me okay don’t you [Applause]

Dare what I put my own water to be honest I have like 43 T I think I might make a new chest plate it’s about to break I don’t see anything oh the diamond is gone yeah we need diamonds um do you need a few more diamonds yeah uh

You said you want a new chest plate okay I’m basically I’m basically all out of diamonds too but here Phil uh where’s Phil I’m here right he’s on on the NPC okay yeah come here do we have a okay I’m going to put the stuff I got here uh

What is yours you can take them um I got got 40 minutes until it’s loc it location revealed oh we got two c and two slime heads I think it’s really good Six Flags there two fridge uh and I think okay um try to S

The fortune 3 book like in the chest oh yeah I’ll get it I’ll get the fortune thing now GL the chest thank you thank you I think that’s all I took yeah do you miss a lot probably the most important yeah this pickax is mine nice

Yeah back yeah tell me this chest here has got some of your stuff in it I don’t know if you checked it got my backpack uh no you had back oh [ __ ] addition it in my back it it use my horse I’m so sorry wait wa you have a horse it uh I

Don’t okay I’m about to find you a new horse but because but you said you have a saddle yeah I do okay I’m about to go find one okay uh I need another fuel can before I go I might I might I might need to to go back

To the to the ship and get my backpack I I’ll go I I’ll go I’ll go okay oh sorry I didn’t know you had a backpack yeah so whenever someone dies um there’s an option to choose additional yeah so I didn’t have spot more spot and I was like it’s probably

Only has a gas mask and I was like yeah okay it’s almost always like the armor in a backpack was there right let’s hope he didn’t loot my body otherwise yeah yeah he was there he was there you’re going back there uh I’m I’m going to go I’m going go back there yeah

Oh [ __ ] wait hold on maybe not get right there get out of the base go go go go I’m out I’m out and then get away from it okay I I’ll I’ll search for a good horse too F if I find most like Global kind of like

Around in the M oh I remember I’m going to see if I can find it there was a really good it was like a 13 something seven horse okay guys anyone that’s in the base if you got out of the base go towards the portal and just go straight

To Global it’s the fastest way to get away from the the effect oh oh yeah good idea good idea I’m going there oh yeah but I went down base there yes I think I should just run to be honest yeah the idea what is if you ever get tracked by

Someone you have one minute to run to our portal and go to the global so they don’t know where it is yeah yeah yeah oh oh yeah that’s a good idea that’s why we’re so close but again I think I’m pretty certain Toby knows where our base is

Much but like just in case a bounty does come through just soie might be the one that’s most inclined to play fair yeah I don’t know why he does that but here I don’t know if no I don’t think he would keep it a secret but like

Maybe he wouldn’t like try to [ __ ] us so much wait why is there like Bas is portable this is new BR no what is this a far wa do should should I go from the base oh uh I don’t know actually I’m not sure how long how how far you have to go

Um the the the Sal the uh the place that you’re looking at the The Little Portal thing that’s going to be the location of the event and you can go back you can go through it and come back through just don’t cuz obviously earthquake earthquake yeah okay I I’m at the global

Just so you guys know all right I’m heading towards I’m heading towards where you lost my phone I’m H oh they took out the Bounty thank God yeah the Bounty guy is not there today you you knew better going to find it new phone new phone for back Insurance just kicked in

Yep that’s free okay so guys the uh flag got easy I can do that the flags that we got I’ve put in a double chest inside so so you know you know the base where the missions guy is yeah if you go to the left there’s a little spot in there with

I think some like bamboo in that other room to the left hidden in the little corner is a double chest which has the flags and a couple of extra things in it it’s mainly just my my want deliver the flags for the contract today or should we hold it off

Uh I don’t know if it matters or not actually I’m not sure if we have to do it today or like wait maybe it’s like each day is a different event yeah I don’t know yeah exactly I don’t know if we should deliver the flags to win today

Or like if we hold them off for the event day the day of the event well here’s the thing the flags I guys the flags I got I didn’t hide them I just put in the you found some Flags yeah six wait I thought I thought I thought

Fit found all flag the ad no I found I found some Flags in you found extra oh [ __ ] you found extra ones yeah so I just put them with everything I got like a so when we go back to the base we have to hide

Them okay oh so guy uh so fit in my body there was a a b Cage have you take taken it so we can make honey oh yeah I have it okay perfect yeah yep uh but not the Beehive right you didn’t take the Beehive right um I didn’t touch any beehives well

Maybe I should go back to my body because I I I what like I we need to do some be for the sugar oh oh no you put some sugar C no we need hone I put a DM sugar cane yeah yeah but we need some honey so

Um I have to go back to my body does anyone is near Global video be right back be right back oh sorry what was that does anyone need near global right now uh I’m kind of near yeah I’m I’m pretty close to Global I’m like kind of

In the Hills so looking so if you go near the global uh there is like still my corpse I think with some stuff in it so if I go close to Global it’s it’s yesterday when we okay it’s the desert oh no it’s you are not here yesterday

Yeah so uh no I can tell you I can tell you so like if you go to Global um all you have to do is go east into the desert and B here’s body will be sort of on the way uh to our base like in that

Direction it’s yeah it’s just East it’s you’ll literally see it it’s like super easy the spot um it’s just like stick sticking like in it’s not in a hole it’s really easy to spot where it is so yeah because you said it was east of global or east

Of global in the desert because we need the honeycomb so we can make some candies and stuff yeah yeah yeah yeah we we’ll get we’ll get it we’ll get it do we have the designated area for our base oh I’m done if you go through the PO

That’s it glob it takes you there and that’s where it’s meant to be but I don’t think they’ve put down the barriers yet or anything um also I have your backpack and other items uh nice nice nice nice can I have a video two and means please let’s let’s be smart

About this so the first cargo was between green and and red the next one should be between blue and red or like or something like that right uh I think I think it’s reasonable oh yes I have the welcome to the second event of purgatory

Today we begin with phase one I will get the point so you may begin faster in phase one you must retrieve Loot and flags from three stranded ship containers that will be found on the Island’s Shores you will earn points if you deliver these flags back to the

NPC in addition you are expected to build a base in the designated Zone it must hold plenty of provision visions and resources for you to use why unlike in the previous event you cannot leave your designated Zone to acquire more resources once the game has begun so be

Sure to stock a fridge or two you will likely need it though seeing a bunch of fools starve to death and Scamper around for food is an amusing thought okay guys I think we have to give every flag today I think it’s oh thank you admins to save me uh I think

Did my horse I probably the flag today we got there is going to be two other ships right yes yeah and I think the flags we got to for today is only to give to the NPC yeah to the NPC yes yes I saw the

Video we need to give to the NC so let’s give everything we have right we should maybe wait yeah yeah maybe we can wait but like today we have to to give them yeah oh hey fush uh and other thing I just picked up B St uh so we have to

Make a base and then we won’t be able to leave from when do you know the the event day okay oh the the event is on the 17 I think so I have some some fridge I got and stuff so we can put them there yeah we need to

Prepare a lot I think tomorrow might be the day to make food otherwise you’re going to get spoiled yeah maybe mhm um I mean the best thing to do really is just collect as much tea leaves and then make as many of the water BS as possible

Because they don’t spoil until we craft them so we can just have all of that ready and then just craft it on the day if we want yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay oh uh Sal are you at the base no I am at the desert I’m going

Base though yeah okay so you you’re coming back to the base though yeah yes yes yes okay okay okay wait I’ll just wait okay so fish did you get the honey I can go yeah yeah yeah are are you at our basee right now yeah oh look here at

The flags the Six Flags are here uh right Flags Six Flag I love roll Co I want to go yeah it’s so fun we should go let’s go I need your I need your opinion I need your opinion on this okay so since uh since fit used his enchanted sword

And killed selber and then we came to a gentleman’s agreement to split the flags down the middle yeah um should we split these extra flags that we found down the middle also in good faith and give them give give uh three let me finish give

Three out of the six no to Blue no they should have taken it we could or technically it could be aack since we probably would have killed F cuz it was me you I don’t I don’t get what you so yeah the the thing about the what

Happened Phil is we would have killed fit like it was me and foolish right by him and you so yeah if we kill we would have gotten 12 I lost my XP too oh no yeah yeah I I just I just felt a little bit bad that

We got extra ones after he said he was just going to leave but yeah that’s that’s fair don’t feel bad there is no PT in here if you want maybe throw them one you know if you want some a bone no we had to give him the correct amount or

We don’t give him money nothing okay uh I don’t I don’t care about the other he gave us six that makes sense they have two two last wins like I don’t care about them oh yeah they have one twice in a yeah yeah I don’t

Care well I never cared but now even if you were Fair I’d do it but I don’t think it’s fair no no that’s fair I understand I understand just why I just want to throw it past you guys to he what your opinion was you are a wise

Leader [ __ ] these slow ass horses come on I’m going to get are you a good one yeah I’m I’m looking for the horse too I’m like literally if it’s not like a high 12 or at least a 13 I kill it yeah yeah yeah oh yeah they took the person of the

Kill yeah I know my [ __ ] 14 horse I love him so much he’s dead I I still see like the the FL I still have flashbacks um wait Phil what speed is your horse I think it’s like 11 something you all have a horse I want the horse to we have

A saddle now so but like I don’t know if but what’s really key I feel like to having a horse you also need a cage we have cage uh we I have that like golden cage apple juice candy eggplant crates we have eggplants how do you do it oh there

Is a a horse in a cage here I don’t know how to find egg is there how how fast is it I think it’s the one that I found that was decent for someone to have uh B hello hi um okay beehive your salt your wheat we three

Chainsaws yeah thank you 14 iron perfect uh you’re one one do one that’s my birthday uh oh you’re scaffolding oh yeah thank you oh I think I sell it um I also have your [ __ ] oh uh yeah you do um here I’m just going to put it in the fridge

10 1089 is kind of shitty right we have still like three diamonds so I can make a pickaxe oh here’s a oh but it’s in the other chest I’m going to use I’ve got the fortune for pickaxe now and I’m going to use it on the uh the thing also

Just High 12 right right a high 12 is is pretty good pretty good just a triple check I picked up your Bose Alit it’s unenchanted is that on purpose because we didn’t say or specify anything to do with unenchanted bows in the rules I assume that Enchanted were still fine Oh

I thought every type of weapon was shouldn’t be enchanted the only thing we specified in the rules was just the swords and ax no no don’t I’m I’m doing it right now okay you got it okay should we should we try and clarify and see oh that’s nice yeah that’s cuz otherwise I

Think everyone will just use bows then cuz it’s way stronger the bow will do so much damage yeah I’m going to make me myself a bow too then I’m not that bad at Bow I don’t know why cuz we didn’t we didn’t clarify the bows were of it in

The in the rules so I’ll ask now we need to to have some more uh arrows though so many [ __ ] mobs um I would love to make an infity B it could be so cool INF boat be nice what the [ __ ] is going on here I’m going to try to make

One because we always miss ours here I don’t have anymore oh someone ad me spawning [ __ ] at me there’s there’s no way there’s so many mobs in this [ __ ] place I just got five diamonds from one one or holy [ __ ] that’s incredible oh can you hand me three uh yeah just

Tick uh I don’t know and then let me I need okay I found a 1237 that might be okay I think oh where should I put extra bings I have like a a stack of Bings there is a chest over here that we’re putting Bings in

Right here we have like two stacks I think now bang we should maybe uh like okay so we won’t be able to move uh the the the big day and we don’t know if there’s going to be some gas and stuff we should buy some stuff for this day when we can move

Like gas mask umbrellas and stuff uh I can go do that I can go um fill up my inventory with gas masks The Umbrellas aren’t as good as they they should be but I could get some if you want as well we have enough I don’t like

The hats or something because if there is anything and we’re we’re fighting it’s going to be bad mhm I mean we have uh let me put some natural disaster stuff down here hold on yeah let’s see what we already have I got to find a really good

Horse okay you know what I’m going to put the natural in 22 minutes I think right about to find a 13 one right now I remember it was somewhere in the volcano maybe we should already like before the before the the boat arrives already be already be in the coat because it’s

Going to be in the goat right yeah yeah that’s that’s yeah that’s that’s a stretch like try think there so many coasts we don’t know which one to go to yeah we should split up we should split up yeah M uh sbit are you coming back soon or

I am right by the base I’m like okay I’m I’m waiting for you I’m wait for you blocks okay I’m not that close I’m getting a horse though right I’m already do that horsey come on [ __ ] [ __ ] horse man just give up oh I have efficiency 443 pickaxe come

On [ __ ] come on that’s good no no no that is good yeah that’s a that’s a very good one yeah wait how much how much speed uh no my pickax is pixen 4 and Fortune three oh and I can do a ve mining axe but I don’t care right uh van

Mining is pretty good actually it will just destroy things okay like it’s 100% it’s 100% stuff so if I do it with the wood it’s going to be good no no I’m going to do it so I I won’t I won’t waste settle on a not that good

Horse um okay I can just take it off later okay okay this let’s go it’s better than nothing uh what what horse speed you just find uh 1237 it’s not that great for you but we can find it’s better than than nothing there’s got to be another Juiced one ready to

Go wild and not tamed okay I take it it’s good good pickaxe I’m just B said there is no Unbreaking okay um bro what the [ __ ] is this Gold music in the [ __ ] Ballas playlist yeah it’s me yeah I put it there I think it suit

Us okay you don’t like it it is Ballas it is B yeah okay I’m I’m just holding on I’m going to put your backpack um okay I’m put the extra Stu I got are you almost here yeah okay I’ll just wa I’ll just wa what a sorry ass fan family of horses oh

My goodness oh is that a horse no I swear I can find it dude I’m shocked my horse has lived this long there’s a few times it’s gotten pretty low no you’re a rabbit hello all okay um here’s your backpack gracias um here is a boat oh

Nice okay okay here is a gas can for the boat nice here’s the bow I have a powerful flame bow think that’s everything you can take this food if you want as well if you need extra food uh now okay what the [ __ ] what what’s wrong with her

Face oh it’s cuz I was like I’m wearing the gas mask actually but the gas mask feel what okay I was wearing it to go to the boat and get Sal [ __ ] you you’re just a Madman look at a waste too that was traumatized you never show me your face

Yeah I know I don’t want to see it again okay right we’ve got confirmation yeah we shouldn’t use the bows with enchants oh yeah yeah that’s what I thought wait I think I just found our red base spawn we missed it we missed it in the rule

Making uh I’m going to go for for acorn guys uh do we still have saplings of Oak at the old base maybe right uh maybe I’m going to look at the old old base if there is still Oak somewhere maybe okay because we need it yes

Okay I just scooped up a 12.5 horse for now but I canbe I’m apologizing the fit I pepper them with a power five b thinking it was legal I was like doing big damage enough to like he was using the sword and killed you

And I was using my bow but I didn’t kill him I was doing D all right I guess I’ll hold on to this as one and put this here put this in here actually I don’t want to disenchant it it’s a good bow for for mobs and [ __ ] string

I really hope we still have some Oaks at the old base I don’t want to do this all over again any what any oak oak I don’t think we do I think I took a bunch of uh wood from like the old spot did you take the saplings is do we have

Wood no you didn’t take the saplings no I don’t think I took the saplings I’m not sure please I got I got it okay you got it uh I think is a good time for us to to split up and and go to different spots from the island see the the the last

Cargo was on East I’d say the next one would be West uh North or South but I I I I’d go we can take West and then one go north and one go south yeah I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to oh I’m going to head West um I put

Some extra bottles in here as well I’m actually like basically already on the west coast oh so you’re West so I’ll go south I’ll go south okay I can go so North you think yeah you go north I’ll go south wait but North is closer okay North is

Closer to Blue Bays isn’t it it’s kind of dang there so maybe maybe two Co two players should go to to the north maybe cuz it’s closer to Blue who wants to go to the north with me or maybe Northwest you definitely should not go north like

Here if it’s close okay I’ll I’ll go another place what do you where do I go you go south I’ll go north go south go south South South okay and then I’ll be like Lower West and someone else can I I think what I’ll do is I’m I’m going to

Sit I’m going to sit near Global um and just kind of like hover around and then immediately just start booking it to whichever like Shore that’s closer uh let’s see so I can get like there is no Oak left pH I hate you right now I’m sorry no there wood that

Is wood no I’m not looking for wood I’m looking for Oak for saplings specifically Oak yeah for the Eon for the quest oh I remember there was like an apple Oak oh wait there is oak leaves here oh oh so I was right no you were not right

No no don’t think you were right okay I’m going to Lo out and I I’ll I’ll be right back I’ll be right back okay no don’t leave me no please no if he’s not I don’t know how to craft I don’t know how to breathe I don’t know

How to swim oh no what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what he didn’t TR us for this he didn’t TR us for this we take we get them to Blue yeah let’s give yeah okay take them all I think if we don’t

Give them all it’s it’s it’s too bad yeah okay yeah kill you kill your horse maybe too I don’t know yeah you know no wait why kill it I’ll just give it to them oh yeah give give them your horse okay maybe we can like give them our C

Donates oh yeah we could we should bring B Hill to our new base show him around I think okay let’s do that maybe we show we show around we do it we can do we might be friends oh my God I almost died wait surely we built him a room though

In our house right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah we should no we can do it with it’s okay so just coordinates to Bad Boy and give them the flags yeah get the flag quick deal oh I’d be so sad losing this horse though oh no you’re not going to lose it

Why why do I speak like that yeah tell me about it I don’t know I think it’s just Bas energy I just be stupid so then is that so I’m have to go there right yeah I think 12 minutes 12 minutes I’m going to go by by my little wood

Boots what else can I do while I’m at the South Coast what have we um Candy how do you do candy maybe maybe I’ll do a chest with my stuff so they don’t if I die we we we had be on we had bees on on

Our old base yeah we did I didn’t I don’t know if this I don’t think I don’t think they might be close oh you’re back okay so we decided some stuff without you f i don’t have water it’s oh [ __ ] old Bas I I might have it okay there are

There were bees on our old base do we bring them to the new one uh yeah we could yeah we could they’re not there anymore I only have one B they’re inside the beeh hives no they’re not I was there earlier they they I heard them really because if you look

You can see there is be inside and it was Zero everywhere oh what the [ __ ] yeah I think glitch out like when I arrived the door was open so I think they just went out and probably died lame all right but I have one so we

Already can make one beehive and we have to find another one uh if I die and they take my body I don’t have I am going south but I’m passing through by our base to see where where I can scavenge from there the old base okay I should have empty I don’t

Have the timer anymore so you guys are going to have to tell me when it’s 11 minutes okay um what could I buy I could buy some tea no no I’m fine for now yeah I’ll not waste any time so you’re on the south side yeah

I’m okay okay what I’m going to do is I’m going to go by where the church is at Global and use that to just hop around cuz it can get me very quickly around the map okay I’m like in the still deserty West yeah I’m I’m almost

South I really I just guys I really hope it’s not South why not why not because they’re going to kill me and take my Budd with them but wait so you’re coming south you’re coming south I’ll go north then yeah I’ll go north I’ll go north yeah if

There is anything at South just come help me please yeah no no well it soon as it’s like where it says well I didn’t ENT my inventory I’m so stupid today stupid okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s not going to be South I wonder if it’s going to have the

Same thing that’s you I wonder it’s going to have the the gas around it again oh probably right I hope it’s just a blizzard that’ be crazy it’s a little snow oh if it do that it’s a mess if it is oh [ __ ] yeah you’re right oh no I don’t have like

Anything wait I think I found the boat already oh and it is what the [ __ ] it Wasing around meing guys we need to get the the the snow the snow [ __ ] okay we have where is give the Coates give the Coates yeah send it send it send it in the DM send

It DMS okay um I don’t know how to do that can I just say it out loud uh sure yes hold on hold on hold on I’m not ready yep ready uh 614 uh 2631 let’s [ __ ] go yeah [ __ ] did you find czy I don’t know how I knew it was

Going to Blizzard around can you say again with okay I have the blizzard armor I have the blizzard armor go go buy go buy the blizzard thing bu thez thing please give me the I’m saying I’m saying it all 614 okay you need the blizzard and then 2627

Okay back here we need the blizzard armor before you can go there right yeah yeah I’m going on aard uh I’m I’m running there I’m going to go buy it going to buy the blizzard armor I didn’t give you the name I’m I’m going to uh I

Have to go back to our house and buy it wait are you are you at Global now get on global get on global go go on global and there fish are you are you at Global now with the Bings uh I have Bings on me

But I have to go back to Global like I’m like far west coast at those cords a [ __ ] okay so you can’t get to our portal quick enough um eight minutes with a horse if I just get past this little water part okay I’ll wait at Global for

You and we can you can how many how many banks do you have uh uh like 28 okay that’s that’s enough for both it is west it is west yeah it’s closer like we should all go to Global to go there really we just don’t know if that’s

Actually going to be the second boat though uh I’m not that far I’m going anyways I had a boat wait what was the cor this again he said yeah follow uh uh uh 614 yeah 26 27 26 27 okay I’m going to try to run back to

Global on the horse and I think I’m going to be late guys I’m I’m trying but I think I’m going to be late it’s all good we we we ideally just need to you you can’t get there anywhere um to only thing the only thing you be able to do

Cuz we don’t have we don’t all have the snow armor like got the BL got the blings it’s eight uh it’s eight blings to get full armor you need the full armor to work yeah has like 20 something I’ll just wait at Global for you okay

I’m a, 100 m away closing in fast ride stallion ride 600 and the fastest horse in the game oh it’s night okay pocket horse the original pocket horse I’m trying to to go to Global quick um I want to help even if I don’t well like I said though there’s still a world

Like where like this isn’t the next one like the next one might be South yeah you should scan for for the other one bags they might be already there but they don’t have loot yet maybe oh you when we get to Global there’s actually a Church Port that we can use

To get there a lot faster oh I do I should really know all the portal spots I don’t know where any of them are I I I’ve like marked them so I know where they are um as soon as you get here just just just follow me and we’ll just go

Through and I’ll tell you when we’re at the right one it’ll be quick 400 m kind of just going up the volcano yep yep yep yep yep be careful so I’m not useful if I come that’s it um you need snow armor need snow armor yeah but I thought you were buying

Them I can uh see I have 20 uh 8 16 2 okay just it’s just us on at the moment it’s just us on at the moment you can get there if you want and be like uh like just use your inventory to fill up

On anything we can give you so if you stay without out of the range if you go there stay without out of the range of the snow we can like come to you drop stuff off and then uh go back in and get more right okay I’m trying okay now I’m like paragliding

Down the volcano I really want to fight I I’m so sad to always feeling useful useless no you’re super no no no you you’ll be really useful in this like specific case since you can’t get the snow armor right now you can be on the outskirts of the disaster and just

Collect things well I could take this armor but I understand okay do you have thingss on you well I’m I’m I’m near the base right now you’re near which base oh the new B oh no I’m the new one no the old one I’m at the old one need to change your

I don’t have any I don’t have any way point make way point you have way points all over your screen yeah okay turn them delete the dead delete the ones that are you dead and delete the ones that we don’t use anymore please I beg you you’re just going to keep ending up

A deal B that’s twice it’s happened today oh my [ __ ] god she’s just nostalgic about it no she just she yearns for home and the home is blown up in the ground it’s so [ __ ] okay you know what I’m going to scoot for the next

Ship yeah yeah you can still yes yes yes is it better what what is better let’s go um I don’t know like I said too cuz there’s still that chance like this isn’t the right boat and that the boat’s going to be elsewhere and so we have to scramble

Elsewhere so if all a sudden it’s like on the East again again we’re going to be so [ __ ] far it’s okay though the church portals are going to like make it a lot easier to get there okay I’m scooting for boot then all right I have all of them okay Bangs Okay so right here foolish I’ll let you know I’ll let you know when we get through Okay Yahoo whoa uh not this one next one oh you keep going wait what in the world wait this so trippy uh not this one next one oh it’s

This one okay wait where you guys at are at the boats we’re getting pretty CL we’re almost there we’re almost there fish over here I’m 500 from there oh I’m here I’m here fish let’s go huh that’s a fun time yes if if you get a chance at some point uh probably

On the way back foolish we’ll come back to that mark them all yet justk them all so you know where they are and then you can have like SPS that you can use it can be dangerous though it can be like um like like somebody can Ambush you

There like Scooby-Doo Chase like just keep I’m not even kidding that happened yesterday [ __ ] uh what you call it bad was just chasing me and I just stayed on one side yeah I deleted my death point and just watch them keep running through oh nice

Nice bik here good job it took me 10 minutes I think oh I see the bo isend pears sorry I was going to try and steal a be but I couldn’t I imagine where the water is Frozen is where the effect is uh being affected right uh yeah you can Jesus

Christ gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas gas g g gas oh does my horse become small when I’m on it I’m my mini okay guys yeah I’m small I am ready yeah I am ready let’s [ __ ] do this finally I’m small I’m this oh there so

Oh there’s so many mobs be careful of mobs guys be careful of mobs yeah mobs it’s night man I wish I had the voice controls no it’s I think it’s it changed our voice for the others right do I have tiny voice no you don’t have tiny voice now really I have tin

Voice my voice is normal what the [ __ ] youan worry there oh wait hold on hold on it’s so it’s like it’s this this this this talking I really thought this was good y we there oh my God what’s happening a giant [ __ ] KN no oh no

Put him in the boat put him in the boat put him in the boat the boat yeah put him in the boat put the boat put in the boat put boat I’m bigger oh wait I was I’m bigger okay are you guys at the boat I’m at the boat there is a world

Border around it protecting it yeah you want to go together I’m waiting I’m waiting to put my armor I’m like I’m like 300 me away yeah I’m 100 me 100 me I might already be going I’m go I’m going I’m going I’m on the outskirts in the I

Really hope this start one dude I feel like just cuz we found it it they’re going to make it not this one they’re going to make it not this oneing so [ __ ] much look I’m looking for some boots let’s see if if it is the right

One okay check your cell phones I don’t have a cell phone me neither it’s not open we might got the wrong one might have gotten the wrong one what the [ __ ] oh you received a message oh my God what the second ship 63 26 it is this

One it is this one okay go go go go okay I’m putting on my snow armor go go for it take everything going for it going for it going for it going for it we are the best oh we are so much the best it

Was so good to just find look for them before I’m proud of [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that okay there’s mobs there’s mobs there’s a lot of mobs oh do we need to kill the mobs yeah there’s the I almost got like insta killed by a [ __ ] mob put some

Boot put some boots okay I’m going to try to leave behind some of the more dumb things oh [ __ ] I almost got one to Cod the horse doesn’t die to Cod okay I’m back I’m again I’m not many oh yeah am um I just don’t want them bro there’s so many

[ __ ] mobs right now there is no boat in this house um are you oh okay flag what I lagged I lagged I lag I lagged I lagged no I was lag wait that was lag it was like a it was literally just like yeah yeah yeah I I couldn’t I

Couldn’t eat I couldn’t eat whil You Were Dying yeah so it’s not fair wait can you take me back surely it was it was just like okay I kill I think they understood now that we already had the boat okay be quick guys be quick nice nice nice yeah

Yeah take all the flags we have no yeah I I got some Flags I got some flag I had one flag on my body maybe take that yeah yeah activ the boat um [ __ ] that’s so annoying okay me oh my God there’s so many see any here

Glider uh foolish I’m taking the one flag on your body okay I’m going to be so far away I have seven I have seven Flags uh I have eight nice yeah I clean this I clean this there’s nothing okay okay let’s look for more oh that’s good that’s good I think

That’s everything we might have to check inside of the control room up there up there did you get up there I got up there I’ve got up there okay okay uh I I got inside the control I got it there oh b h is here H is here kill him kill him

Kill him kill him he help him I’m trying I’m trying I know let’s go team bullas bullas bullas bullas uh I’m coming with you Phil let’s not let’s not separate yeah I’m eating I’m eating where are you where are you I’m eating yeah I’m with you I’m with

You I have a god Apple I could e do you want one uh it might be good might be good yeah yeah he’s he’s right here here you go take everything from him I can’t wait I can’t pick it up what the [ __ ] this is Revenge now he’s up here he’s up here

He’s up here wait you was you was quick to go well he’s near Global though he’s here he’s right here he’s right here yeah oh I’m coming oh he’s he’s he’s alone that’s s we’re going to be so weak we’re going to be so weak because we’re not wearing armor

Yeah yeah but but him drink a lots of tea he’s he’s surround he’s surrounded okay so kill him still he’s almost dead prob yes yes nice so stressful dude oh my God so stressful okay take everything to take his body yeah yeah uh uh we can leave

His armor but we can take like his pickaxe and stuff and food I guess yeah yeah um I feel bad about taking this armor cuz like diamond arm there’s no armor you mean there’s no armor you want to leave it here we could we could just leave him

The armor um I feel bad taking it cuz like it’s just diamond armor and it’s not Enchanted who cares no yeah but but the other one the the’s no helmet and like there’s no it’s already kind of [ __ ] up we can just leave it from him yeah okay okay let’s leave it okay

That’s fair I just got the under Pearl oh I got his horse I’ll got I got his horse oh you want to take hor whoever Killed My Horse I’ll steal him back [ __ ] it that’s the reason why that’s my revenge I think can I be honest guys I

Think we shouldn’t like just yeah just do everything kill them do we take backpack do we take his backpack as well okay yeah should be good uh okay all right okay it’s okay we’ll leave like the rest of the stuff there I guess still like decent

Amount yeah okay if it’s like really if it’s really bad for him if like he really doesn’t like it we can give him his backpack uh back I don’t think I don’t think he will do the same for us we can yeah we need to start yeah not B

Halo if it was fit I would understand all right we leaving yeah we let’s go there’s nothing um will the do you think the blizzard will go away or like I’m almost back to I um I’m like walking have you taken everything did we check did we definitely check everything

Though like if we looked down every everywhere I’m not sure okay so we should take advantage of this if we have control of a location we should just definitely check every single of this place let’s let’s Che to be sure so I’ll check the chest one more

Time uh let me do something I’m going to check the control room as well cuz I didn’t get to check that fully all right no checks put it back I’m like 600 me put it in a chest put it in a chest and then just tell them where

You put it oh guys I found a couple bees do do we still need bees oh yeah take them take them are you coming here to get your body yeah I’m like 600 M away okay I cannot put the chest down and my inventory is so full right now no no no

No no there’s chests here that we can put it in oh yeah true true yeah just just put it in then just tell them just tell them where it is ask if he wants back I’m just switching some stuff up honestly there’s no reason why not well guys I’m very far away

Maybe I should come back do you think I should I don’t think the boat is already there right um what is What boat or what are you saying the the third boats oh we have yeah we have no idea yeah maybe I should come

Back there we go uh I don’t want to see went from another base yeah I I don’t think there’s anything here anymore Phil s uh okay I’m just going to ask if he wants me to put a backpack in a chest or something you’re to nice holy [ __ ] man is

Storman okay I’m leaving I don’t want to put my armor wait make sure wait am I will I be immune to now since I’ve died no oh you sure I think so wait oh I don’t know I don’t know how it works did you die from the cold or not no I I

Don’t think so I don’t know okay uh I’m going um uh did you take the efficiency pickaxe yes I did you did okay okay um can I can I have actually uh he can disenchant any you want it’s fine okay uh I have a horse if you need one uh for

I got I got the bed Hill horse nice so we all have hor now I think right can can someone wait did you guys leave leave did you both leave I’m I’m still hanging around I’m waiting for you oh okay I’m like literally on the on the east side of the

Ice okay just just do you want me to bring you armor and you can go in and get oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I’m coming to you I’m coming to you I’m coming to you yeah for your inventory don’t leave anything yeah e side ice

It’s good we have almost two boots just for us right now no no no we should we’re not small anymore now is so [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s like 11 speed he so bad wait really yeah he’s super bad oh man he should put it down okay um yeah

Yep come over here yeah yep so uh just take my just take my armor there there’s enough on there to keep you to get you going okay I should be good just I need to I’m so far this armor looks Funny uh do you have a horse uh Phil yeah okay so I’ll kill the I’ll kill B Hills horse and I’ll find another one it’s [ __ ] it’s 11 speed it’s [ __ ] okay but if you’re going to kill it give him it back at least if he if it’s [ __ ]

Then just give him it back like he’s sad he lost why would what I was sad I lost mine too no one give a [ __ ] it’s our it’s our H now I Nam Killed My Horse when we were just hanging around in P yeah but that’s what

Forever did right yeah but they’re in the same team yeah but like bad can’t control everything forever does no but like if you do something bad I do something bad it’s Bas we we won’t by team okay okay okay but like let’s be real let’s be honest let’s not punish

Bad for something forever dude especially when what forever did was just he wasn’t really thinking he was just like funny he was like running around if you [ __ ] oh that’s nice that’s a good idea all right um oh wait Phil where did you go or did you start heading back I’m

Heading back I’m heading back do you want me to get do you do you want me to meet up with you so we can go back I can at least use the saddle take the saddle and give back the horse yeah ask him if he really really wants

It back and if he does then you can give it back and just leave it somewhere just like leave it hanging around Global or something yeah that’s go keep the we need it uh right where okay foolish do you want me to come get you uh no I’m good I

Got my stuff I do you know where the church portal is uh far away okay what did you get what did you get from the loot I’m curious um so I I’ll I’ll let you know I I got seven Flags a netherite pickaxe uh Cave centipede leggings nice

We all have a Notch Apple a fridge uh where’s the helmet I got three big big breakfast uh I got eight oh I got that too yeah I got five big breakfast yeah those are C I think it’s the same that the first boat that’s so

Cool to him I got I got a to him nice yeah that’s probably the best thing that we could have got yeah yeah that’s good to give to a TOS or Warrior yeah so like they have like two lives and just [ __ ] him up yep thank you yeah no I think Roya

Needs it he’s he’s yeah Roya definitely needs it if he’s going to go in I was just saying okay B here you love love to die why would you want something that stops you from dying true riddle me that no okay you’re right I just want to be

Lov logic yes logic wins all right uh oh um are we not using netherite swords I found like an are we not using that we are H it’s not it’s unenchanted Weapon It’s not Enchanted yeah yeah it’s not Enchanted so like it’s like a tiny advantage and like yeah it’s whatever I

Guess it’s fine I don’t think I don’t think it’s more powerful enough than a diamond sword to be a problem right yeah I see say can I get something like can I get the leggings uh yeah I can give you the leggings if you want we have three I

Think or four so it’s okay okay yeah so I we ride because I full in in the halls I think a faster way of getting back that isn’t going to like send us across a [ __ ] mountain is like to the left over here salt yeah go around right yeah if we go

Around we don’t have to go all the way up the mountains and down again I church we can just go up like little Hills essentially horse my my my my trip is boring what my trip is you’re in the boat right now looking for the next next

Car no I’m I’m coming back oh okay okay like you went into a snow stormy fight and everything and it was just boting oh wait I was going to go back wait actually no I need to go back and grab one of those bees oh now yeah you

Need a silk touch and a campfire do I have that so touch B no I don’t so tou how did you have that the that strong Apple like did you find in the boat the Notch Apple yeah I found them in the boat yeah they have Notch apples at the

Boat that saved me so much I just throw my Sal in the water you clean it up it’s important to keep your sword clean where where there is some it’s fine where is my it’s fine it can just clean itself in the salt water I lost

It okay I’m going to teach you a trick back here and it’s going to save you so much on finding things that you’ve lost like items uh press and hold F3 and then press B on your keyboard after this of course okay uh xray heck wait what what

Is this Moon oh [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay going to be [ __ ] crazy we got to move and we have 26 What’s happen what’s happening I’m building up really high I’m building up really high what’s happening what’s happening let’s let’s look Dig Down dig down [ __ ] this down down down what’s happening the blood

Moon is probably when there going to be extremely powerful mobs if you can [ __ ] wall somewhere what you don’t have a shovel oh my [ __ ] God I my God what 4 seconds 3 seconds go go go go go go I have any alerts bro I’m in I’m here I’m here okay okay

Close it up close it up I I C okay did did I did it let’s just sit okay I might hit you to to to break something wait okay I’m moving into the corner no there we go there we go there we go no wait a few other worldly friends are

Getting ready to pay you a visit what does the sound of back Hera suffering that’s the sound of back suffering crazy should we kind of look to see I’m in the hole it’s okay I’m in the hole I don’t think it’s worth it I think

We just ride this out true like like B hero was just screaming what what’s happening B hero I’m in the hall it’s okay you’re in ho okay good good good good good uh foolish update what do you say uh nothing I’m kind of like high in

The sky right now okay but I can’t tell I’m too close to Global for that no I feel like I’m not that close to well if you just to prevent their respawning here um no [ __ ] me neither but I but I feel like there’s no benefit in actually it’s wor it do you

Know what is exactly blood moon do you see anything okay so I I mean you know what a blood moon is right yeah okay so it’s probably just going to be really buff mobs that are just spawning in constantly like the the rate of the spawns is probably higher that’s

Probably way stronger just like in like Zelda so I don’t think it’s worth um even like trying to figure out what’s happening yeah yeah so I guess I could just will will will this work on your oh this is what it says about the blood moon enemies

From the nether start to spawn around the Overworld oh wait that’s loot though yeah don’t you think can try and loot them okay okay well if we do we have to be really careful Sal okay okay yeah let’s go let’s let’s give it a look

Let’s give it a look going to break this block and uh Place some water [ __ ] [ __ ] oh get get back in get back in get back in those without our Enchanted armor and everything they will [ __ ] us up they’ll just grip Us by our little necks and snap us yeah SAA get

In I wanted to kill some L my sword though okay okay press press and hold F3 and then press B oh I see the hit box that turns on hit boxes and you should be able to see where your sword is where where where you dropped it it’ll float it come I’ll

I’ll go when it’s not the blood moon okay you you within range of where your sword was cuz it might despawn in five minutes oh if I have two diamonds it’s not going TOA like I can make a new one oh actually yeah it’s just a sword yeah oh

Look at that wait you know you know you know who would love here I have I have something for you hold on oh thank you wait wait wait uh I have two paragliders I have a bunch of blocks thank you for the Pence okay yeah I’m sure he’ll love them yeah I’m just

Going to keep sitting in my tower yeah yeah that’s what I’ll do I have two arrows Two bows oh all right carrying around this snow armor is a look look what else I got hold on let’s just do bro this cave centipede has the same amount of uh armor as in

Diamond armor that’s so strong [ __ ] off really holy [ __ ] okay he can actually wear it and not be weak he just it just doesn’t have the armor toughness a little bit weaker goodbye well Royer will probably wear it anyway just because it’s cool oh he can use it on

His cosmetic tab yeah but it doesn’t it doesn’t work like oh the effect oh yeah you can’t like climb Stuff is the moon actually red I’m curious no sadly not I’m that would have been cool that would be awesome yeah I dude I love how the moment we saw bad die to wared we just [ __ ] D straight back into the hole oh look at we I got a

Really [ __ ] good pickaxe from bad he has Vin mining efficiency four and Unbreaking three oh that’s the that’s the pickaxe I was going to leave yeah that’s still good though honestly he can just get it again like let’s be honest enchanting stuff is just nothing nothing to us especially

Bad so he’ll be fine it’s three diamonds he lost really three diamonds and like 10 minutes yeah and they haven’t mentioned another boat I think the main thing yeah they’re probably waiting for this to end I think the main thing is that he got his backpack um his armor is still there so

He doesn’t have to make new armor nice finally all right nice woo okay that was an event well like guys salm it just went nice and then just just [ __ ] exploded up watch out for that there I see a warp they’re still here they’re still here they’re still here they’re still here

They’re still here for me dud what the [ __ ] it like lagged me the [ __ ] out it grabbed me took me slam dunked me on the ground you good Sal you good yeah what oh nice okay you didn’t die far from your stuff though right you can go go get it you need our

House that’s dude this is so [ __ ] are you are you can you get your stuff foolish uh I think how far were you um uh let me see once I get through the port wait where did all my warps go um what cuz we we have we have some down

Time now so we should be able to um here if I go to this portal yeah let’s try and make all the personal tasks and and like prepare for other people to log in and and do theirs too okay sounds good um I don’t know where we’re going to find the eggplant

But I can go on a bit of a journey and try and look for it it’s like a weird flower thing um like the wild eggplant it’s like a weird looking flower you can see it in the the crafting menu thing I have an idea where it might be but we’ll

See I’m just checking these horses to see if they’ve got Speedy stats nope if they don’t kill them welcome back is anywhere in the island is there egere in the Moon it is it is it is but there’s still mobs watch out there still mobs there’s still mobs be careful oh

[ __ ] okay you have to help me okay where are you yeah I’m coming where are you two uh 233 all right hold on hold on hold on um main main Sal almost back home so just I’m not that far but yeah I have a problem my inventory is so full let me

Just get get yeah we have to empty all of our [ __ ] we’ve just picked up yeah I have the make sure we don’t get stolen from us if we die yeah we probably die no no we can probably we can probably grab aggro from the the mob

That’s like outside and and you can you can escape think you can kill the W Moscow that no definitely not definitely not going for with the buff slime armor from the original Island okay here we go um I’m putting the god Apple in the freezer actually should I hold on to

That no I want it in the freezer um it’s going to feel so weird going back to the island and having OP armor again it will be nice it’ll be nice to just slow down a little okay put the flags in the chest I’m I’m coming I’m coming yeah

Okay we have but being able to teleport around is going to be so good oh my goodness I miss so so nice yeah it’s really just giving us an appreciation for what we don’t have right now yeah in this chest over here over here to the left in here right underneath see

Nice yeah it’s a good spot right so I’m putting like useful stuff in there okay uh I’ll put the thing mining pickaxe here then Sal him here too FL I got some extra tea that was from bad I’m going to put it in the fridge why’ you put the horse on

Global and I took the settle [Laughter] off it’s so troll well now just know if he kills us he’s probably to like burn everything he would anyway yeah yeah he would anyway okay this warped M better be out of the way I’m like 100 meters maybe I

Can try to dig and go off far away from the mus we’re coming to you don’t worry we’re just finishing up and see all of our [ __ ] uh okay right read the coordinates out again we’re going to add a way point okay it’s uh 233 2330 and for 499 49 19 you go

Okay all right s you ready almost uh I’m going take this woods with me and then I do the person quest for everyone yeah yeah that’s that’s uh so no eggplants right there’s no eggplants in the island not yet but we I’m I’m going to find them I’m going to find

Them somewhere they’re out there somewhere there’s like a plant uh L literally if you search eggplant uh into the the crafting thing see it’s like a green wild eggplant that’s how you get the seeds and everything that’s how you meant to get it uh so I’m going to try I’ll try and

Get it that way I’ll take some boom meal with me just in case I need a boom meal it let me look at the Quest personal okay I look for it too oh I need it’s okay let’s go let’s go I’m I’m heading towards you now B here um about

A th blocks away about the honey and the bees did you get it foolish uh that’s why I went on my way to do that’s what so I’m going to get another I only one already one B I’m going to do like little honey place okay

I’ll try and get the apples then for us I I’ll plant some apples and get some apples for us we have an apple tree uh already in the back it’s if you go towards where the tea Farm is there’s a back room that’s just sort of like uh

Closed off I don’t know if it’s able to grow the Tre I think we have to dig a bit more we have to dig a bit more and put some light oh I have the perfect okay I have the perfect tool for that yeah so perfect just go

Oh oh no oh he tried to go to his Glo [ __ ] stuff yeah stuff you might have to go buy more um did he try like did he try like run this is hard for my alone I’m okay I’m getting I’m trying I’m starting no that’s that’s an aesthetic

Choice salit it’s fine it’s fine also giant iron Mouse face I feel like they should turn off the blizzard now no okay I’m on my way to you now back here um did you say it was like in the water above you or like where is it oh he’s

Not here yeah he’s here he’s here he’s here he’s above me okay back up back up back up oh nice I’ll try and can go in the block because it’s too too little so is he under water oh no he’s just like I see his butt I’m just under really deep are you

Really deep in the ground no no I’m just too block no [ __ ] is so [ __ ] oh it found you well uh dude they’re ruthless what what happened did you break a block and he just [ __ ] jumped in what happened I don’t know I I I think I

Jumped okay it it happens I’m heading I’m heading there now I’m just going to try and pull him away so when you do come back here salber you didn’t leave yet right you’re still there no I’m still in the B yeah okay Sal can you accompany back here back to a body yes

BS want to want to go oh I was so scared like my my heart dropped yes let’s go yeah that’s scary right that big yeah let me let me just put the the the bone meal on the on the tree um actually let’s go let’s go I’m I’m going with you

Okay let’s go uh quick quick question quick question back here back here uh the guy that killed you is where where was he was he on the surface yeah on the surface like he was sitting on on me I think he’s immediately despawned really after killing you yeah I don’t see him

Well give me a second B I’ll just uh put the pickax back but you you can’t go can go I have a horse I’ll catch up okay wait if he scared me so much though I like because I was like yeah no it’s not attacking me and then it was so quick

Okay I’m coming to you I’m coming to you um I’ll come back to you so you can jump in the boat oh I’m stuck here do I just need to put the campfire like right underneath it it was Southwest right BS yes you need to put the camp fire right underneath the the

Um the Beehive otherwise they will just come out and attack you okay fire you it has to be silk touch pickaxe as well oh I don’t have that can I just okay can I just try to cage one of these bees and then oh you could

Yeah you could yeah he’s not having the B I think he’s having a Bas day he’s having a Bas day yeah he’s having having a Bas day we had a Ballas day yesterday yeah uh B here are you in the you in the water no yeah wait when you

Type that it’s going to sound like we’re saying like it’s it’s like our day like oh yeah yeah hop hop in hop in hop in oh [ __ ] wait let me go let me go you guys can all hop in yeah let’s go let’s go all right so

Again I think he despawn it seems like I said bad boy hell day no oh okay I stop just okay okay I just caged us two bees I Cas has two bees nice nice perfect nice nice nice okay I’ve had enough I’m coming back I’m

Sick of these all right just to be safe back here what’s going to happen is you’re just going to jump out transfer all your items and jump back in the boat okay just to be safe I don’t know if he’s going to spawn in okay okay but I

Didn’t I didn’t see he was so scary I hit him no like the theill me is crazy we’re coming up on your body now we’re coming up on your body like it just like grabs you and kill you me and salber are going to keep moving yeah

Go okay okay I see okay okay okay okay he’s not around here anymore go you got anything did you check additional items did you have a backpack no I don’t have a backpack okay and you took your armor yeah I took everything okay cool cool cool all right we’re gone we’re Leaving I was SC I it’s okay it’s okay hope it’s okay Ballas are here for you I’m not very scared often but this time I was Ballas are here thank you I’m I’m right let’s just get since we don’t know when the next ship’s going to show

Up let’s just get back sort our stuff out um make yeah and make the the tasks yeah and do the tasks yeah let’s concentrate on that um I could drop off the flags if you want just so it’s done in case we get robbed yeah maybe right

That would be smart yeah yeah because like they probably know our our base so we should probably yeah yeah yeah so I think okay so we have 33 Flags they have how much did fit give you Phil he oh um he gave me I

Think I think 12 okay so if if was 12 and I gave I had six too okay so that means we even if they get all the flags from the next one can we lose I don’t know how many there’s going to be though I

Think we never know oh you still have my for for water um I put it in the fridge okay in like a top most normal location for a weapon well it’s like SII no you’re right actually you’re right that’s to that’s totally valid that’s actually the most valid reason to

Put it there okay feel like can you put some water from the yeah okay because I don’t see anything there was there was water there but it was like a littleit to the right you okay you good yeah yeah I’m good all right all right watch out

There’s a running zombie here the the centipede pants too oh I need the centipedes pants pants I think there’s two on on the base I think we have three now because I got two when I was on the boat okay um okay let’s let’s do the the

I’ll do the Apple tasks okay perfect I’ll do the acorn task and I can do the candy task I think I’m bringing bees back yeah perfect if you give me the bees I can do the candy and a task yes yes we have 33 be careful there is a knight there is

A knight following you filza I’m not that’s not me I’m already in the base oh he’s following me now oh wait I’m going up I’m going up you need help no no no don’t worry get the [ __ ] away get the [ __ ] away okay so be be pleased be pleased let’s go

Here so the the mission guy um has everyone submitted the gunpowder and the water bottles no yes yes okay right here by Hero check this chest get the water bottles get the get the gunpowder and uh submit I was talking to it to all he can

Probably l in little later to make to do his tasks and play a little bit so it’s good to prepare stuff for him okay perfect yeah we with this double chest next to the mission guy has everything so far that we can we can use um it’s

Just the water bottles and the gunpowder that’s the two tasks we can do yeah I’m going awward yeah everything else is a little bit more Awkward no no it’s okay it’s going to be easy candy is not hard oh this is we just need a lot of honey that’s the problem

But we can get it we have the Beast yeah yeah yeah I know but it take some time that’s just the thing yeah it’s annoying yeah did you get the hives forood oh no no I can mix I go back I just didn’t have silk touch

Okay what I’m going to do I’m going to grab the silk touch and I’m going to grab the hives from the other the hives and the campfires from the old base and bring them here because the more hives we have the more chance we have getting more honey um doesn’t necessarily mean

The bees doesn’t necessarily mean we need more bees we just need more places not the bees uh no no the be I think it’s enough and take flowers if you find some we don’t have a lot oh didn’t do that either no don’t wor I think I have some I need some

Torch how big does it need to be to make an apple farm uh I know nothing I’m not sure maybe just mine out a really big area maybe need more lights probably next to the yeah Tores for Tre yeah put lots of place and just

A lots of lots of lights and it’s going to be okay I I already already done them Uh right the horse is still here the horse is here uh have Tor bags what torches yeah I have some here make more where okay I’m going to submit the flags so we not moving our base right no we just get oh there is a stair guys there is a

Stair here there we go oh [ __ ] nice that’s that’s a Flags guys I think I found how T come here came here oh did you find it I found a stair you like dug to it I’m trying to go it is not really well hidden though uh

Because like if you go on the map it’s pretty obvious where our base is yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s obvious yeah yeah maybe we should there’s nothing there’s we can do yeah okay uh you said you have torches bags oh yeah I have some oh I I found some coal here it’s okay

Okay oh wait having efficiency for change everything oh no no do you want to go should we should we extend an Olive Ranch and help him help him get his stuff yeah maybe um I’m down maybe he’ll soften his right now I’m feeling bad for him okay but but he

Has to wear a gas mask while we do it yeah okay and he he has to buy it himself and also and also I want his pants yeah he has to give his pant oh my God oh my God when yeah I think we should help yep

There’s a bee and there’s a bee yeah perfect three bees one beehive we we good we good I need a fire and some dirt I’m going to put your snow armor in the fridge thank you it’s good makes sense keep it chilly I like I like how you genuinely

Are just putting things where you think they belong it’s really funny like they go in the fridge yeah all right this if he doesn’t need help let just leave him if he if he dies again we can help him but like it’s it’s it’s ultimately up to him we’re

Extending the Olive Branch we’re giving them the op okay I’ll leave this tea in here for just we’ll we’ll W this villain’s heart I’ve lost my flowers we need flowers guys if you see flowers take them pleas dead heart you need flowers yeah we need them we’ve lost them the one we have

Just any kind of flowers yeah yeah okay um I could maybe just go bone meal some flowers like does that be big flowers or can little just little ones perfect okay let me just bone meal somewhere how much are we bet the next one’s going to

Be toxic rain I think we should take I think we should take or maybe okay yeah prepare for heat or for toxic wait toxic already happened oh toxic rain no no no yeah toxic rain yeah ration R yeah um which one be like cuz I I think they

Would be harder right we would need multiple umbrellas I have one umbrella we have a we have a bunch of umbrellas inside the chest yeah yeah we do we do let’s let’s find it first and we’ll we’ll have one person like find it um I can go looking

Again yeah you’re good at finding stuff yeah you’re so good what hell that was crazy uh okay yeah I think if we yeah cuz we’ll have to prioritize like uh inventory space so it’s probably the best we don’t take everything we should just take the the exact one we need I

Have 1 hour left to play by the way so this is you bastard this is going to be the Last Ship I can do but F that if you leave we’re going to just take the flags and give them to the others because we don’t know how to leave the video city

Was three ships oh only three perfect I’m pretty sure the video set three sh coming to the uh P yeah where did you scamper off to what where did you go oh I’m near the mission guy oh um okay here it wasn’t a lot oh perfect that’s that’s perfect yeah the

Third and Last Ship will arrive soon this is the last so we together um minutes yeah oh if if anyone wants a faster horse I just dropped off a 12.5 horse he’s just going to roam around our base flowers okay there’s no way is it enough I think it’s

Enough uh do we have Fortune oh why why why why is she attacking me oh no she’s going to die here while doing the the Apple thing okay one of the be is going to die she attacks me wait why she attacks me I don’t know why we don’t

Have to silk touch if you don’t use silk touch on the the hives uh and don’t have a campfire underneath them they will just get pissed at you if you do anything to do with the hive I’m so sad going to die so one of the beehives one of the

Beehives in our base did have one b in it oh perfect so don’t don’t worry about killing that one bee I guess no I have we have three so it’s okay but I just don’t like killing the bees well they once they sting you they they die yeah I

Know okay perfect so don’t go other be because yeah I’m waiting for one to die yeah we need the campfires campfires need to be all over that place we can’t interact with the hives unless there’s a campfire underneath they’ll just get pissed just like do we still have

Diamonds at all n we do yeah right next to the um the should there should be diamonds where the enchantment table is okay should be about 30 oh yeah perfect I going to make me a soul keep that one okay I just made a breaking through vein efficiency 4 pickaxe going

Extra and like just I want to make one more silk touch I should break all the leaves that are not Apple leaves right uh you could you could I mean that’s what I would do just to make it faster but um yeah just just break the ones that were in the way I

Guess wait one B two died really oh did it what maybe they both St it’s okay I I have I have an extra B it’s okay yeah perfect yeah I want to make children I can go back and try to go there was one other be I didn’t cage

Up I can also get more beehives next to one of the church poles which I can get to really quickly from Global I can there was like two beehives that we passed on the way to The Last Ship so I can absolutely just go steal some more

Be if we need them okay while waiting I’m going to do the sapling stuff I’m almost home okay I’m almost home with the new be okay I’m going to wait for you then remember the campfires have to be underneath the beehives but the beehives the campfires can’t be too close to each

Other so I have to be spread out really far yeah yeah it just doesn’t let us Place campfires right next to each other I know I know yeah it’s really annoying the fing random War here uh oh I I dropped it off there I was just like oh

There’s like that was like the fast you don’t have a horse right no okay I’ll get it for you I don’t care about this okay come here actually one sec [ __ ] I want okay take this take this now go go on him and right click him uh until he has like little

Hearts and I wait yeah you have to you have to like uh sweet talk him like like say say nice stuff about him you you’re fluffy little boy look at you I wouldn’t eat I was a horse I would never let you ride me like

That you oh yeah no well he likes me okay now sett settle him up you’re a fluffy little nice ni there you go thank you okay I just made a um a another silk touch pickaxe uh do isn’t it better to hide the good pickaxes on the thing that

Fza did uh oh maybe I don’t know I didn’t I forgot where it was come here I put like a [ __ ] sign and everything it’s like the best loot is right here by the way do not open over here over here over here there’s okay this is where it is okay I think

Probably The Last Ship is going to be huge I don’t know I don’t know oh yeah I should start looking for that um let me dump a couple things out of my chest I think probably because of before they won’t spawn it earlier this time I don’t

Know yeah it may be automatic they might not even control over it but I think if they’re spawning it earlier it’s meant to be found uh you’re looking for yeah maybe maybe the quest is apple juice right yes okay what are you doing I’m

I’m going to start one of these has a b in it I’m trying to figure out which one it was Zero yeah one of them said one so I’m trying to figure out which one it was so should I go north or south maybe North it glitched out cuz that’s the

Closer area that he maybe be so if it’s South then like it’d be easier for us to get to but if it’s north it’ll be easier for him I’m thinking okay I’m thinking North I’m thinking it’s going to be North cuz both of them were more southbound the the earliest ones so if

I’d say uh it was probably going to be Che North I’m back here I’m going to put the extra beehives in here um I’m going to try and find just another few Wild Ones yeah if we have two we can make lots of babies yeah I already I can I can get

Like we I get something really quickly I’m going to go for some egg I think I might have just they or like I read it wrong but look I thought it said one B yeah because when I looked there was nothing so I don’t know yeah I’ll I’ll

Just grab some Wild Ones while it’s day time um foolish and salate you guys just working on the boat I’m doing the juice for everyone okay okay foolish you’re just working on the boat location yeah okay so I’m going to do for the acorn I’m going to go for the eorn wait wait

Okay sounds good sounds good I guess maybe I’ll buy an umbrella just in case you should you should there there was umbrellas at the spawn at I’m going to go to the old base for the acorns because I think if I spawn a lot of Oaks it’s going to be weird

Here I think it was this one that was the next one this one there it is okay here we go and then was so we need 48 juices for for us and then 12 more for it wall and I’ll do 12 more just in case someone else logs in maybe here is safe

I think I think um as long as like as oh there’s a big okay I found one um I think we’re pretty good on just you know just everything to do with like today um I think today is b’s day is b’s day OAS b b Bas um is it this way I think it was this Way I just have to wa hey Bas Bas how are you guys good good we’ve been grinding hey we are we are winning yeah I think did you see did you see the playlist the Bas playlist ro oh no what check the check the the Discord chat

There we have a yeah just wait because I’m on the I’m on the global and I’m going to die oh yeah get out there get out there yeah yeah I’m running I’m running I’m oh [ __ ] I’m going to die GG guys goodbye goodbye goodbye goodbye I’m

Going to die in three it’s been it’s been a good life it’s been a good life no [ __ ] put your head on put your head on I don’t have it I don’t have it get in water get in water I’m just mining I’m just mining guys holy

[ __ ] yeah yeah yeah okay no no no I’m here I’m here no no I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine okay uh let me check the the playlist now I’m I’m okay I’ll explain the B thing for him okay uh okay okay oh also I don’t have uh armor do

You guys have diamonds or something like that we have armor on the base okay thank you thank you thank you let’s go b b b uh just I need to wait for the Sun [ __ ] son it’s like it’s like Brazil right now right y yeah Brazil mode bro

Today was 36° I think oh oh [ __ ] man you’re going to die no no no but that it’s way better yeah we we had some S6 this summer I will always remember [ __ ] okay I have uh juice tasks for two people I’ll keep doing it agree 46 or

36 uh no 30 36 but some places was like 40 and the thermic thermal sensation was like insane like 50 do you know what do you want a nice story The Day of the the race I did like the formula race it was 36° Jesus Christ yeah yeah that’s crazy

Hot yeah and like the the suits we have are are hot too oh yeah that must be so hard it was awful CU it needs to protect you from from fire and stuff yeah yeah there’s there’s no one on The Blue Team what the [ __ ] no yeah they were

Earlier they they l in earlier oh oh but maybe uh later it will be the the blue special you know uh they yesterday yesterday like they were like it was like five blue people I tried loging in like 400 p.m. and it was like everyone from Blue was

Online yeah yeah holy [ __ ] they’ll be back blue the big thing about today though is the contracts um is 50% of the score and we’re about to get The Last Ship and have majority of all of the the flags so we automatically win the 50% yeah and we killed them yeah we just

I think we need to have the last the last uh boat too because there is some very good stuff yeah yeah yeah we if as long as we just make sure we have the last boat um and get still the majority of the flags in case there’s extra flags

On that boat then we’ve secured the 50% for the contract um maybe in 10 minutes we start person tasks to look for for the boot yeah we should we should still do the personal tasks um of course just to get the extra little bit but yeah yeah

Yeah uh oh f is gone okay so we have I’ll separate 12 and then oh it’s so long to fire wait for me wait for me because this [ __ ] yeah I’m just sat in a hole in water right now yeah I do a hole it would be

Better oh where is oh where is foolish what the [ __ ] he likeed out I think no no M no going beight no no okay so I have four I back mama coko what the [ __ ] H who is who who is who is coko an admin

Maybe person I think we all have some we have volas and and I don’t know in Portuguese and there have some I think because bad boy is is solo right now he’s got some yeah usually they they play when you’re alone right yeah bad struggling um we like we managed to kill

Him on the boat uh because we were all wearing the snow so like each each boat royya has a different disaster surrounding it holy [ __ ] so the first one was toxic fog and we had to wear our masks the second one that was easy right

That was easy was e okay now now now finally I can go the second one the second one was ice so we had to wear our snow uh like outfits and because of that we we weren’t like wearing diamonds so we died like really quick unfortunately

The person that dies was uh bad I think we should uh what do you think it’s going to be maybe sun maybe fire after we should I’m thinking it mightbe but let’s we we we should just assume Maybe may we we we we have we have um the Hat

We have hats and we have umbrellas so we can we can do both perf but it’s just a matter of like we don’t want to take take all of that with us cuz we want to fill out it might be radioactive storm but umbrella protects you the annoying thing about the umbrella unless

They fixed it it’s not going to protect us for very long so it’s actually going to be almost impossible um we would have to Pearl onto the boat and then hide underneath so we didn’t get affected by the r uh like you know where the chests

Are we’d have to like run into there and only use the umbrella when we run out of each area into the next area they probably fix it’s going to be sketchy as [ __ ] pardon they probably fixed it right because the mask at the beginning it was

The same yeah I hope they fixed it I we’ll find out I guess but I’m just thinking of the worst case scenario if we can’t use the umbrellas the way we want to then yeah we Yes okay that’s sad yeah man you just need to eat to be happy to be happy I’ve never tried it I’ve never tried it oh oh there’s a [ __ ] spider just throwing H potions what the [ __ ] it’s the no no no no no no for boat

All right I’m on my way back home hi I’ve got some I’ve got bees I’ve got I’ve got an extra B and some extra beehives going home uh too but there’s a lot of mountains holy [ __ ] going to be okay you’re going to get through this no

No no okay fish where are you in the map um I’m like a little bit north of like blue farm so so so you’re staying North right yeah Co I’ll stay in the sou sou Southern then to to see if it’s going to spawn here back here back here what

Happens I’m looking for the entrance of the base I’m I’m lost because a ghost is following me but I think I’m going I’m here I’m so far away though I’m so far I’m here I’m here I’m inside I’m inside okay it was just intense yeah oh my flower were there I found my

Flowers you know I should bring the field to the boats oh Apple Juice I can give some right yeah I I put the juices for the test want to do it okay pH uh there is someone at the base yes I’m here uh c c okay okay okay okay C okay okay

Perf boy boy boy okay so where put no well yeah there’s a new disaster that happened today and it’s called blood moon what oh [ __ ] um and the mobs are are are like very crazy or what it’s nether mobs oh oh [ __ ] and that includes the mosquito that pick

Slams you into the ground that’s [ __ ] Mosquito Man think oh [ __ ] no no no no no what we ended up doing was me and Sal just dug into a hole and just stayed in the hole it’s and the mobs don’t disappear after the blood moon they hang around okay o

Careful it what what the [ __ ] how do you do F food for the boat again food for the boat food food F fu fuel oh fuel it’s three coal blocks oh yeah I I remember you gave me some but I can’t find it you someone get it in your backpack G mightbe

No okay um about you I don’t know if that’s helpful where about are you Sunrise perfect there you go it’s Sunrise almost yeah I’m here at the base let’s [ __ ] [Applause] go B no Vaga why is why is the the vagera skeleton here I lot happened

Yesterday A lot happened it was it was a ball last day yeah okay I need armor do you need it no I I just got it don’t worry good morning morning morning morningday is a reverse ball of exactly S I just came back from what I was doing you’re all good you’re all Good oh it’s all in our base right by in our new base you know where it is yeah yeah yeah okay right next to the NPC Mission NPC there’s a chest with with things you can use tasks oh really okay okay let me see I could I could so sorry

I’m late but yeah wor have bones cuz I can use the bone meals to do more suffering from My Success here’s some bow meal here’s some bow meal keep keep me a little just for flowers for oh no I have some I use everything we had boom

We have we we have B blocks in the bottom chest oh we do nice oh oh I have a b actually forget about I have a bunch of more I just didn’t see it I KNE I would need some d right now I compos okay I’m just going to take the

Task and do a the event and I will stop and like I’m take take sleep asleep my friend asleep no no no it’s okay it’s just like I you are you’re [ __ ] beast dude I did a tournament and it was [ __ ] long man did you like it yeah yeah yeah I I

Did did pretty good that was funny nice nice what the [ __ ] why is this andaconda City okay oh [ __ ] I know exactly where you are oh [ __ ] I don’t want to be here what the hell foolish you don’t you don’t want to be with Port yeah he’s by the

Jungle okay just hop my horse H my horse and they can’t get me I’m too quick stop being toxic man no no no you’re so you’re so toxic is iter what the [ __ ] wow guys uh can I can I peek uh the the fortune 4 pick to

M ah okay we have more diamonds okay okay okay okay okay I need a bit of of stuff if it’s possible thank you um oh I can it I can it pickaxe what the [ __ ] yeah we found that on one of the boats M I’m a big boy I can’t find any okay

Right now do you have room for an umbrella I do I have an um oh yeah we should go soon right I got I’ve just went along the whole North and I didn’t seen yeah it’s 15 minutes and fo hasn’t seen anything north um yeah I’m going

South they waited this time okay maybe maybe you spawn cuz you found I remember you found with less than 15 minutes so it might just have it might have just spawned you checked all the East Side um oh not me I’m just north and now I’m wrapping around to the east side now

Okay I I’ll check I’ll check on the East okay do you want me to check something or not uh yeah sure sure sure if you’re free but it should it should go for the uh weren’t you doing like candy no I’m doing the acorn right now oh okay yeah

That works too if it’s better for me to do that I can oh no Mom I know that yeah yeah yeah did you burn my stuff man yeah burn your stuff man what the what the hell we all woke up naked it’s so funny uh thank you guys I do entertainment for

Living that’s my problem yeah keep it up keep it up thank you man do it again yeah I can do it man you want me to do it like in front of you I can take a plane oh okay wait that’ be that could be cool that could be a little exciting

Exciting man yeah that’s what I give excitement for living here I find no boat maybe should I go back around North again like what if I like miss it what if it just spawned in cuz I feel like I’m getting closer to the other boat and it wouldn’t like you don’t think they’

Like put it next to the other boat again right it’s either going to be really North or really South I reckon like it’s it wouldn’t be next to the other boat there’s no way that’ be crazy timer went away how much time do we have 13 minutes

Oh but and we already have people looking at the South I’m looking East South uh Roya I mean salit looking South South I’m looking east south or Southeast I’m just mining I’m just like you like you Fortune 4 now he’s just having so much fun he has

Fortune 4 but he’s to so bad at the game imagine imagine having a fortune four and being so bad man what the [ __ ] is happening man when TS and Roy get together they get so toxic is insane it’s acking I’m I’m not like this man to is the [ __ ] most toxic tural

Man in the world it’s a toxic turtle man it’s a toxic ninja totle fish fish fish I made the sweetest person you ever met um no it’s you’re like like the most okay person I know yeah okay [Applause] [ __ ] that’s Wars that’s Wars you are okay it’s okay I’m only okay but you’re

So badine do like you you Mouse and your mouse is crying how bad you are the mouse is like what the [ __ ] why is Roy holding me what the [ __ ] man look at this [ __ ] ninja turtle man what the okay man I’m coming in the

Base how was the day please I want to Su up I died a lot okay usual there yeah oh what the [ __ ] right oh no it wasn’t it wasn’t it’s just a reality guys I just F oh yeah sorry again stop it stop it what the [ __ ] dude I’m doing some

Love like sorry sorry to what the [ __ ] the no but so have you seen the video as well uh no so there are three boats who appear who are appearing in the map so we can loot some Flags in them uh we already Lo uh loot a almost all the flag

From the two first boats and like if you see a timer of 10 minutes just above it’s going to be the next boat so the other are looking for it right now okay I’m about to circle around the north again well played for everything you did

Yep yeah so we’re looking for the next boat well I’m not but the other are maybe you can help if you want Oh with speed six and bad boy is having a Very Bad Day right now too kill it six is fuing how can a horse be so

Bad he like a 12 man what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] hell oh my god dude I stop being mean man I’m going to cry to the South do you think maybe it could be there I tried looking on the Green Island a little bit and I didn’t see

Anything on the coast dude that’s got to hop okay man okay man I’m sorry man it’s not my fault that you [ __ ] bad man okay come on sorry man I’m trying my best man Sal are you are you finishing the sweep on the south are you heading up West uh I

Am kind of going west but uh there’s a bunch of self I haven’t checked in uh I need three more gunpowder okay um oh did we finally run out like did we all use it up how much do we yeah yeah there’s only 21 in the chest so just a couple

Creepers yeah yeah take three more I will do the uh I almost did all the personal test so oh [ __ ] nice oh [ __ ] we can use those Bings to get more [ __ ] uming I think we actually might just we’re better off probably just waiting for this next one but yeah I don’t know

Do you have Aon stack or I’m I’m doing I’m doing them right now oh nice sorry yeah oh my God it’s going to take it’s going to take a bit of time sorry For Party Rocking yeah yeah I think you can have because maybe you’re going to have

To fight with the other at the boat me fighting I’m only a builda man I only a role play man what the hell I’m just rooll playing I’m in the Federation I’m seeing kuu Oh you Too that’s the only thing I’m doing okay I’m just I’m just making my stuff I’m coming the problem is I don’t have my full diamond so I need to farm it oh no no no I have diamonds for you my friend 33 diamonds 33 diamonds 303 man yeah man

If you need something just ask me man nice man you know how to count what the f yeah man finally man I finished the school man what the [ __ ] man okay I am heading like I’m I’m checking West now there’s okay I’ll I’ll leave you guys to it um it’s probably

Going to be close to where Sala is if foolish has gone all the way North and nothing’s there I’m wrapping around one more time so now I’m like going from I’m I’m get close to the other boat right now though I don’t here I should maybe can these snakes rip me off my

Horse yep oh okay okay and be careful because like snakes are doing like double itss like it’s really annoying on the I’m spend the night here I think oh no I don’t have any tea anymore okay I made it back here are you I’m going to go to the base

The between the old and the the first base and the new base I can bring you tea if you’ve run out of tea oh yeah please because I’m I want I’m afking a bit near the trees Oh I thought that was the bestowing okay um it’s going to be

Night time so what what what’s your coordinates uh it’s 3541 yep 4206 3541 4206 yes at this point uh I don’t think yeah I I should probably go north I think it’s going to be North I don’t know I can’t I can’t figure it out six minutes

We’ll find out and we can just scramble I guess um there’s a good chance that bad will probably try to go to it but if we get there fast enough yeah we should BL basing North so we we should be North because then it’s it’s a race against

Them yeah what did you say B he feels that already left what I’m right here okay 27 minutes 2 so so uh there is a strat we can do we can use the churches to teleport around really really fast um to different spots of the Island right

So as soon as we figure out where it is we’ll set a way point and just start spamming through the church portals is anybody available to follow me through those portals now um I just need my stuff and I come I am but I don’t think

You need me right I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming to the base it’s um I mean you can prioritize this if you want bag you want to do the the the things uh I I should have brought you bom in oh I can try to kill these creepers for uh oh yeah my

Dream oh I just got three I’m right by the old boat now guys do you mind if I take a poison potion I’m really used to use it go oh yeah in PvP soep thank you uh right let me know when you’re ready at all I’m waiting at the portal

Yeah yeah I’m I’m just waiting for and then I come okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’ll meet you oh you’re [ __ ] slow man yeah man I’m like a turtle man Turtle holy [ __ ] holy she just pressed W I’m pressing I’m PR I’m turning my no I don’t have pickaxe holy

[ __ ] I have wood I don’t have wood holy [ __ ] okay I have the fortune pickaxe but I don’t want to use it wow should I use it just to if you need to just get out then go for it screw it we can we can make a lot of it I’ve got 79

Levels holy [ __ ] yeah yeah I fin I finally put the enchanting table holy [ __ ] friend are you crazy no no no don’t worry I was speaking in French everything is fine nice that’s my friend what did you say I don’t remember I don’t remember

That put on put is a bit toxic but it’s okay yes but it’s toxic just a bit yeah just a bit I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here my friend do you have sand uh yeah 22 you need oh yeah to make many t

I there’s um there there’s bottles in here that you can just take there’s a load oh feel over here over feel you’re so smart man what the [ __ ] have you done the water bottle um just just take just take yeah just take just make there’s like lot of Che

Seeds in here somewhere as well yeah t leaves over here in this chest I took I I already have it thank you very much it’s perfect okay because I’m going to I’m going to play a bit PVP H Fila where do I put the diamonds uh you can put them over by the

Enchantment table I think that’s where we’re using them most of the time where’s the enchantment table uh over here okay oh here I see how much time to the boat okay okay perfect 2 minutes 2 minutes I’ll just have you found it you have found it right no no I think either we

Just actually found I think they’re waiting this yeah I think they’re Wai you you you should have like several uh bucket of water in your inventory because like yeah because like their strategy of the boy and bad boy is like since we are not used to put uh in our

Foot the bucket of water they spam La bucket so to get rid of it so take yeah so take like two or three water it’s pretty cool and it cost nothing so pretty good Strat shut the [ __ ] up what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I’m just giving advice

Shut the [ __ ] up man what the [ __ ] stop saying [ __ ] man okay okay okay man I’m I’m giving advice can Ro please stop being do shut the [ __ ] up man you don’t have diamonds man I M diamonds for you because you’re too bad to mine man

Exactly man I’m so [ __ ] at the game man I’m the definition of a mea man when you open the dictionary and you see the world [ __ ] you can see my big face manooo where are you where are you okay do I have a Phone I might read out the this when they announce them on the phone yeah yeah yeah you guys want to get ready load them load it up on your um do you have like five spare diamonds field so I can have a shield oh you want I I have more more

There’s a there’s a shi here if you want the shields follow me follow me follow me my friend look at the diamonds graas look we go let’s see let’s see let’s see nothing yet nothing yet nothing’s come through perfect hello hello hello hello okay 543 again 1 362

543 oh so it’s kind of like Northeast you go boys get them we have to have all the loot today yeah at least wait no maybe we should keep some oh my God I’m so [ __ ] far away it is okay it is on oh I I I I I’ve been

There but it didn’t spawn when I was there I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going Southeast let’s go let’s go it is it is south it’s South it’s South it’s South it’s about 2,000 blocks it was the [ __ ] Island I checked [ __ ] oh I know

To get there I know how to get there fast I get there fast ride ride foolish please can we get pleas I’m going to so far away if you um if you can go through the Blue Portal and get to Global and then go through our little um

Like ba base portal that’s next to the Fountain yeah it should be to put spit you out pretty close I’m about a, blocks away oh you you you went to the church man yeah so no no no I didn’t go to church so if you go to Global yeah at

The fountain to the left of the fountain there is uh another portal that’s opened up for for the basis for the event go through that and then just head uh South okay okay I’m going I’m going to it’s about a th blocks away from there I

Don’t think I’ll be able to get it in time but I’ll try okay I’m zooming I’m zooming there now on the horse I’m about 900 blocks away I’ll tell you what the disaster is that’s there so you can better prepare have your umbrella ready oh I I took nothing for the D yeah

Yeah me too too yeah [ __ ] it [ __ ] it it’s snow I’m [ __ ] I’ve only got 19 minutes left I’ll have to like somehow get back and get the snow stuff I don’t think they will do snow two timeso H what huh yeah I don’t care I’m like that holy

[ __ ] yeah holy I have no limits Royer B she so toxic no M yeah fo foolish I’m so good at V man man man man my sky man I think you’re good going to fall in love like your dude it’s going to be awkward man it’s over over you’re going to S

Oh maybe today maybe maybe okay I can’ta like they’re asking for way too much it takes so much time I really need um are you close uh pH I’m at 700 blocks yes I’m about 400 blocks away dude if you see uh like try to engage

And I will come we need to I’m very close I’m very close to I’m very close to guys I think like killing is a good option 400 400 you say uh the the other ports always closer the the near Fountain yeah yeah yeah yeah near the fountain it’s it’s [ __ ] close it’s

Like one 1,000 roughly 1,000 yeah exactly roughly no I’m almost there I’m almost there I’m here I’m here guys I’m here what’s the let me see let me see what’s the dis it’s probably snow I think cuz there desert around no it’s just a beach okay I’m going to get close

No I don’t oh no ration holy [ __ ] ration you AC UMAS you need umbrella right yeah umbr oh you can build can you build blocks to it oh I see you I see you here’s umbrella uh can you give Ro you have to right click it you have to

Right click it Roy oh thank you so much yeah yeah yeah and do you have one for me or no I I only had two sorry fine okay I’m wait I’m waiting in front of you so I I I what the [ __ ] is this enemies there’s enemies r

R what the [ __ ] run run run what the [ __ ] I’m going to die a giant it’s a giant centipede okay we vot it we vot it right can we it’s okay though it’s okay it’s okay okay uh uh take that take the umbrella and give it to me oh I’m

Going to die I’m going to die as well no no no I’m okay I’m okay I’m okay I’m running I’m running I’m okay you okay you okay what the [ __ ] is going on I might be right man the poison is is just like a a a poison tree man it’s just like

Okay so so let me explain what’s there there are poisonous spiders there are there’s a giant centipede there’s um skeletons that are really buff um it’s it’s pretty [ __ ] it’s pretty dangerous there we can’t build in there no so we have to go in there with um the umbrella

My umbrella’s already [ __ ] up so I’m going to have to leave now um I’m getting there and and the the problem is we we can’t we can’t have protection for armor so no no no uh so next person that comes here if you make you guess a lot of umbrellas yeah bring

Bring a bunch of umbrellas um I’m going to try and pick off as many mobs as I can it looks like they’re dying to the the acid rain yeah yeah I I will I uh I’m waiting in they’re not dying to thecid so I’ll okay I’ll go to

Global and buy like I can buy five umbrellas I have 10 I’m waiting I’m waiting in front of it uh and I will see if bad boy in it ohing kidding me right now okay well that’s okay there is another disaster yeah what is it what is it it’s

Not H so is this like where the mobs chase you down it’s not happening it’s not happening where I’m at really no I think it is because I had the same oh maybe not I have only one what the oh I forgot my horse tries to

Kill me dude oh you no that a crazy speed boost Phil can I have the umbrella of Royer since he’s not here I I don’t I don’t know where I don’t know where I died did you die Ro I die but I don’t know where inside

The boat area you don’t get the the effect oh [ __ ] careful there’s a giant CER careful yeah yeah helpit bit s bit it’s what it’s chasing it’s chasing it’s AG on you it’s AG on you boots with boots yeah there’s no going to get I don’t think they can

Get it was the same thing the [ __ ] so [ __ ] strong so [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s very strong the thing it it was made for op gear and we don’t have enchance gear so it’s going to be really hard yeah I’m peppering it with arrows I’m peppering

It with arrows no I think put a lot of boots everywhere he get so much loot though oh yeah this hunger is [ __ ] it’s it’s okay I’m going to do it I’ve got a struts I’ve got a strut it’s okay I killed the giant it’s it’s free I’ve got the strut

I’m going to die again for a [ __ ] random all hunger I’m going to die I’m going to die I I just need an umbrella and if I have an umbrella I will go in and I [ __ ] everything I could just try to come back I can’t get back though all

All it’s all come back to where you saw me I’m going to drop you my umbrella thank you it doability left whatever you going to do and I need to I need to uh hold terrible to hold it I need yeah you need to right click it to open it so like if

You pick it up right now if you pick it up right click to hold it and opens it up yeah see okay but but I I I can’t choose my sword so you can put in your off hand I think no it’s just for the human you can

Choose someu I’m I’m going to look for for ro ro the the durability is soon [ __ ] so I think it’s I think I need another one yeah oh I found R I found R body oh yeah mine is inside with the chest okay let me make a boat okay let’s

Go let’s go are there not just like a bunch dude there’s so many pigs spawning around me this one’s a bit better I have to wait my whole like if you swap if if we swap The Umbrellas yeah I have an idea I’m going to PE onto an area and

Just quickly get inside um if I if I can yeah I’m going to I’m going to PE into do you have a bed we should put a bed no no no I don’t [ __ ] I’m trying To no okay okay what you in yeah yeah I in should I take the flag flag flag flag yeah I took the flags there’s there’s going to be multiple I mean I mean I took three flags nice what’s hitting me what’s hitting me do your break don’t know

What’s hitting you it might be you actually hold on let me I think it’s Ben Ben B Ben B okay I took thead is bad here what bro is here go go Phil where is where is okay it this EV is so long no the hung need to stop I spawn and

Died at at my at the the bed that was so [ __ ] laggy okay [ __ ] I should have I should have not allowed him to leave I should have not freed this [ __ ] horse it’s fine it’s fine we did the right thing no we didn’t the [ __ ] them you should have killed this [ __ ]

Horse guys I went inside with the grappling and I took the nut chapel and all the flag yeah take everything you can take everything you can there are some pants and stuff take everything r r r r r don’t die don’t die need to bring more umbrellas it’s it’s okay death it’s it’s

Okay okay well I’m I’m stuck inside of the ship now I need to go grab umbrellas there is all the flag on me so just get here as quick as possible everything you can guys when you can maybe not 300 from global if I go mining and there is one only mob

I’m going to die no I just have to wait okay see see with them but yeah yeah yeah please protect my bu like it’s like I feel like a wait when I go I’m going to have to PE out out yeah pull up because I have all the flag I have like 13

Flags i p out I team became too good before we were all the same level like now the team is too good for me I think I might no I don’t think I should okay I I now have six umbrellas on me yeah okay yeah okay

If you bring them if you bring them straight to me and then I’ll I’ll give you everything I have on my body and then you can give me the The Umbrellas I have uh radiation poisoning so it will just like hurt you if you get close and it’s not worth risking getting someone

Else poisoned uh I’ll just hang out I’ll grab while I can and come back and deliver it to you where the [ __ ] is happening what the never over it’s is it over the H I’m just stuck I’m just stuck under this I’m stuck I’m stuck what I think help I’m stuck I’m stuck

Underneath the portal help step bro he the even guys my ran off I didn’t no I I think I took all the stuff in the boots is there like there’s a top level there’s a top top okay did you take the top level yeah

I took the top the top level did you so there there’s there’s two more chests that are in the control area of the of the place oh okay it’s the last thing I didn’t took because I I I glitched with the grappling and I took like one chest

By doing a a crazy grappling move and I think it it last like two things I I just need to have my is nobody near my cops I am near your cops right now but if I go there I’m going to start taking damage this umbrella I have only has 88

Durability okay okay we just need to wait foolish but’s waiting on foolish bringing umbrellas my body’s on the chest my horse just disappeared no no no no no no no your horse is just next to the PO of foolish to the other side can

You find it was can you find my body and get the umbrella he had like pretty much a lot of dur durability I know way your body is Sal but like as’s not here and I can’t get oh my [ __ ] I’m stuck we are very close no worries

Guys we are very close very close guys I have 6 minutes left oh what 6 minutes n no no don’t get my horse backos what the [ __ ] message message me m Mewn m generator no M okay oh foolish if bad boy take all my stuff I’m just stuck under the ground right now so mad man we we did the same stuck again if it happens like it’s the hardest actually very very close no worries no worries foolish I think the admins in

This island is is just um admin got my horse back my horse just [ __ ] like tripped out I I don’t know where it went IED to go through so so D learn by lesie you can’t go through this portal with a horse yeah you cannot that happened to

Me too oh did it yours just disappear mine’s just gone I I looked on both sides of it wait if you re log if you reog it’s going to be [Applause] [Applause] there is it there yeah I found it okay nice nice nice okay okay I’m going to

I’m going to going to ride [Applause] now shut the [ __ ] up man okay I I I like how many blocks you are from from here uh second wait I’m getting I’m in like a dangerous forest and everything trying to kill me um guys I’m I’m going to die

Again that’s bullas I I freeze I freeze in front of a witch I’m like 500 G my for waiting for you oh come on play better play better at yeah just be better at you’re disappointing us right now Oh My where are you where are youe foree oh [ __ ] I’m almost there oh I need an umbrella Please POV yeah Under the Umbrella Please voting over a I’ve got 12 Flags guys oh [ __ ] bro Pro spider this is [ __ ] insane man what the [ __ ] is this G it’s a it’s a PVP

Spider no worries the spider is better than yeah man literally yeah man okay okay okay push right here right here hello oh is here what are you looking at yeah I I I just where are you I see the boat too there’s a lot of mobs yeah we’re we’re like right with the

Mobs right right in front of the boat right in front of the boat [ __ ] off damn flies oh my goodness okay don’t die don’t let the Flies no no no no okay all right let me message it’s a [ __ ] ping pong game man what the what the [ __ ] is

That oh [ __ ] what is h where are these mobs coming from I’m coming foolish can okay uh foolish please oh I see you I see you I see you where are you where are you f can drop me on umbrella can drop me on umbrella okay um one umbrella

Than one umbrella I’m here I’m here I’m here I’m here where’s I’m over here I’m over here F down down do you have umbrellas no uh umbrell need umbrellas I need umbrellas okay I’m coming here uh have an umbrella boom okay okay okay just just spawning like crazy okay let me

Help no worri no worri I’m the best oh no you are the best what the [ __ ] I the best okay and then I’m just gonna not use my I’ll spare oh watch out watch out the spawning things on us the spawning things on watch out I have two umbrellas

I’ll stick on the outside I’ve got 5 minutes left oh dude okay nothing in the boat okay I’m checking those ones are empty those ones are empty nothing here what the f those Bott ones empty go to the back go to the back where the control center is okay I’m going there

Uhoh for the I’m here with bit there’s nothing y yep yep yep okay nothing okay I’m I’m waiting okay everyone everyone yeah just get out as quick as you can I think we got everything I I think we got we get everything yeah yeah really yeah yeah

Okay okay it’s all it’s all come to me come to me over here yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m helping I’m helping another umbrella St St stripping I’m stripping I’m keep merry Poppins nice good [ __ ] got it got it got it feel casually showing he’s the best player in the

World like take these take these okay we’re I I need I need to cure myself of the the thing hold on okay I I’ve got 15 okay you’re fine um all right here’s all the loot who who has the most space who has the most inventory space um I I have

Like one place I have a little bit I have a little bit okay uh forever I mean not forever [ __ ] I’m I’m just saying FS yeah yeah take these okay uh we took everything let’s Go’s see let’s see I put these put these diamonds away I do that um take that

Potion holy [ __ ] okay someone else take an extra umbrella have we need the hamburger do I care about this hamburger take another one oh another umbrella it’s in radiation what is happening what is happening wait radiation radiation ration I don’t have an extra one okay give me a hug give me a hug

Give me a hug give me a hug give me a hug guys do you have um uh can I keep a n apple or do you need it uh yeah yeah do you have a nut apple on you right now uh yeah I have one okay okay can can I

Keep it or do you need yeah keep it keep it keep it are you so just deliver the last Flags yeah yeah all has all the flags I have all the flags where should I deliver it uh global global GL you can’t you you on the stream oh

Okay I’m not streaming so I can someone else else yeah foolish myish My Stream okay I’m just putting something in your chat wait guys guys do we do we keep some Flags like because cuz we sure we’re winning I don’t ask the admins real quick I’m pretty certain it doesn’t

Matter but we should ask we never know right I’m pry certain depositing the flags count like counts them bad’s just over here by the way here hey why does he have two [ __ ] hello so I have two minutes left I’m going to dip just so I don’t like yeah hello ow ah

Hey we want a hug we want to hug you man you want the hug you want the hug you want the hug a hug just a hug just a hug you want the hug you want the hug you want the hug h Gratis Gratis free Hogs free hws free HW free hog free hog free hws free Haw free hog today free Hogs today free Hogs today free Hogs today free Hogs today ah you don’t want free Hogs okay backpack this here wait did you did it just lasto me yeah someone lasto you I

Think the little guys I think it’s the ad yeah yeah try and get back in the base this is so funny go 50 seconds I might make it I might I might have to like like dig into a hole the hole dig the hole nice hole man nice

Hole oh we’re going to miss you f going to miss you you you’ll be fine you’ll be fine so I’m so proud of you guys thank you without you man goodbye you literally can’t no no I can’t man I’m stoping man I’m going you got this I

Chewed up I’m playing firman man I can’t play with you hey I’m not to should we save this flag for tomorrow cuz there might be the same flag that’s that’s what B said but I think we should ask the admins yeah we should ask the admins yeah I just asked

All right I’m gonna go five seconds goodby now it’s GNA be only okay let’s give the flag to Bad Boy let’s give the flag to Bad Boy I don’t know what to do there is anything nothing else to do everyone yeah let’s just get bad boy

Right okay I think I think today we won there’s no way they can win we should focus on mining them no no theal the even if Tu logs in 50% is just the it’s just so the very worst we can tie yeah yeah maybe do you globbles do your personal if you

Can oh I’m drowning because it counts a lot too just get some money maybe oh no do your personal I at this point is literally like even if you spam die give everything there’s no way they can yeah I know but do your personal because we

Need maybe like we’ll need the bings I think no matter what the Bing Shilling the Bing chilling man I think we will need them let’s oh yeah and like do we need to build a base or something we have to like do something somewhere for

A base yes yeah but there isn’t a design Zone yet I started oh so that’s like maybe a tomorrow thing yeah probably tomorrow oh Clos day but I I would say like we don’t know I think we will need a lot of uh equipment for for the two

Days we we had we will have to stay to the base so if we build yeah if we can bu buy a lot of things with the beans it’s good so do your personal Quest I think I did find the Zone though like where our Zone will be it was like a

Kind of a smaller version of like the first Red Zone we had oh really chin see it’s so op to have an orse man wait do you not have one no because horse hates me what do you mean um because like when I was born in

1925 right um I was like the same year yeah in the the same year uh I was a warrior and I was like fighting with horse and now the horse hates me I’m sorry oh no Spiderman okay man we going a spider horse and saddle we’re going to a horse and

Saddle oh shut the [ __ ] I’m kidding man what the [ __ ] I’m kidding man I’m just [ __ ] case I’m just chilling man what the [ __ ] man I don’t have the right to chill man that’s what you’re saying what the [ __ ] no k k can you actually stop please

To my feelings my feelings Roy what did you eat today uh a big po yeah po a big a big burer dick Ros Ros Ros delici delicious dick let’s go oh no what the [ __ ] with the ration no no no the ration is no I’m killing the chicken what I was get

Out did you kill my chickens I was getting out and he pushed me back in it was my chickens it was hard for me to do the chi was Sal it was Salvage it’s not my fault he hates the poos Hermanos I’m a lover of poos Hermanos what do you

Mean I love the poas and the poos he’s just a hater okay guys we need more Chien we have some okay we have some eggs in the chest you can try to throw them to make new chicken my chicken guys I see Folly should I kill him yes move forward no

Okay okay okay I please please I think he can I think I can kill him like I’m pretty sure he’s kind of lost like I don’t understand how wait what the [Laughter] [ __ ] I want to stay here I want to stay here I’m going to just I’m going to just chill here I’m going to just ch stop insting man yeah guys I see the I know I found Blue Zone as Well oh oh oh oh oh oh s it oh s it oh s it was bad boy totally alone today no open don’t you have like medicine Radiation Medicine at home okay I’ll be right back you okay here okay I know I know everything all I’m going to find you a

Horse oh thank you my Pro it’s going to be a beautiful hor a dude you’re you’re the reason why I leave man you best it’s not true man it’s you I can’t be the best if you’re the best already is [ __ ] mathematics please Focus man can you focus

Man I’m going to buy some medicine W stop talking stop taking drugs man say no to drugs say yes to drugs drug a lot go drugs no drugs guys every day is life man no no do drugs take life I have a lot of apples do you still need

Apples s bit oh yeah my dream to have apples I’ll still need wait apples one of the tasks it’s my oh I’ll definitely yeah I’ll need the apple juice okay okay um guys the most OP thing we can have like fighting in PvP since the enchant are banned is

Golden apples golden apples are the biggest threat like if yeah yeah we need to make golden apples like if you if you fight against someone who is taking a golden apple it’s really hard to kill it’s GG yeah exactly it’s actually GG’s G where are the okay guys I see Roy I

Kill him okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay s Wait so should I just turn go to global global global global global global global global global global global global global Turbo MBO through turbo MBO guys we going to do one only one quest for the Eon I cannot take it anymore I’m I’m going to leave the qmp no don’t what the okay

No fake fun want to go mining I I think we should go get more diamonds like we have a whole event and two days if you guys want to mine with me just tell me yeah we need we need a lot of stuff we need lot of food

Diamonds I’ll prepare I’ll prepare a lot of tea then I’ll prepare a lot of I’m going to don’t make the te just stick the leaves because it doesn’t spoil yeah yeah exactly I shouldn’t mind but it’s okay I’m addicted man I going to find how do you say fast or is rapid fast

[ __ ] [Applause] Lo I’ll look for more horses for other people too yeah please for Me Buco Buco you’re a base always there’s always a lot of horses see I want one of those volcano horses you have’t problem yet those are the quick ones um oh did they say whether or not we should turn the flags no they didn’t reply I’m thinking about probably saving

Them for tomorrow just in case cuz we never know yeah I agree I guess we never know you might be smart guess we’ll never know there is some apple juice here okay I L no I’m going wrong way I can listen music at 100 volume because I’m not streaming let’s go let’s go

Um yeah yeah sorry Ro I was playing my Smash tournament and I listened during one match oh really what really really which song which song which song uh the the first one on SP I don’t know what what is the it was like okay yeah is is the most

Famous dude I I won the match GG wait you the whole t uh I I went um seventh out of 60 wow you you’re better than this at all it’s okay it’s okay what dude it’s cool being like top eight in this next time maybe do a little

Better okay I will try my best man try my shame upon Bas yeah you should do better I’m I’m also disappointed oh I try my best guys no mummies mm no mummies no mummies no mummies Loos what the hell oh guys the only thing we have to do today is mine what a good day man yep what the INF is it yeah everyday is b day um I it might be in the in the one secrety chat yeah cuz uh cuz if we don’t have Fortune it’s

Better to to get it with silk tush and leave it to to whoever gets Fortune later maybe I’ll make more silk touch pickaxes yeah it might be good but wait this is crazy I’m actually just not fighting like any horses buas is not losing or winning

Is is just an energy me this is the one this is the one right here let’s see no bad what the [ __ ] is happening man foolish please we need to focus thank you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] holy [ __ ] leave him alone focus on eradicating every holy [ __ ] what what don’t be a

Toxic boy what I’m kid okay okay so when you say I’m [ __ ] okay when you say I’m [ __ ] bagera it’s like um it’s like when harassment that’s why okay I’m harassing people I’m toxic I’m toxic I’m toxic okay okay okay you are toxic [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay okay I’m just

Going to mute myself and focus on my game play thank you okay no no okay okay gas gas what is it oh no momies no momies no momies no water water go water go water just hop a boat just hop in a boat and land it I I don’t have a no

B b b so quick oh oh it’s dangerous I can’t do it just waiting and jumping then do you have a boat on you no oh I hate myself oh just give me a fire so and burn and I maybe I can just stop moving and

Die oh I mean I guess that yeah that’s one way to oh zombie zombie zombie in your headie oh nice boys I said and wait I what the [ __ ] I it what the [ __ ] water kills you what the [ __ ] okay no no no FL don’t move the boat don’t move the

Boat and you’ll be okay okay okay [Applause] okay That was awesome oh What the [ __ ] is that bu what I was thinking Halo the halo song yeah yeah yeah Nice beautiful Beauty oh I can’t Say Let’s [ __ ] go M see graas what no no it’s better Oh that looks like a winner OHF perf imag so fire imagine your basas lucky though like imagine the others yeah gross gross gross gr imagine not being Ballas man just imagine couldn’t be me couldn’t be me go and be me um so really though like where are the

Good horses they so guys just put the the armor in the fridge right okay no nice oh hi yeah that’s where it goes that’s right guys wait who was he foolish Okay eat something then okay I’ll For okay I’m going to search pinguinos it’s it’s it’s like a ah it’s like a similar uh candy in the United States I think let me search I don’t know the name glorious cup I like the name ah okay okay okay M so many it what what did you

Say no no no no no repeat repeat no no No okay yeah I believe you oh do we be we it’s it’s good to have more cuz there’s a bunch of things that use honey oh I don’t have anything on me and my inventory is really full but I just found three bees uh oh yeah take them

Take them please oh I can’t grab although if we wait for i a okay guys for the ARs I can give the task to one other person but I stopped after because it’s too much okay okay I’ll just I’m going to do my personal tasks uh let me see aorn sack what the

[ __ ] a maybe I can finish oh I think I I seen a on the on the spawn let me see if I’m just crazy wait so get the be do I just wait till night time there’s a bunch of kangaroos here should get to put on the

Base for the flag yeah they’re going to go inside at night time if you have a Sil touch found even more put put some some um fire help me I’m at phone I’m at a global I don’t have food help me I’m gonna die help me okay you’re at you’re at

Global yeah okay I’m going to just sit here and wait for food please God give me food actually wait I’m really low on food too wait let me grab some more food for me and then I’ll get food for You Are you where are you oh maybe I can come wait uh don’t move bu move oh right wait Who Sing stop I’m doing Okay I’m I’m almost there where are you at Global okay oh I see I don’t have a lot here graas gracias bu bu okay how do I get yeah you should touch the bed so you don’t spawn here oh yeah the the Bas B yeah [Laughter] Bas okay

Okay I’m going to put the fridge inside the fridge who is eating so angry oh that’s so good though oh yeah no okay hey hey Tina where is your B Tina Tina is going to die yeah go kill her is going to die where Tina she’s on global hi Tina

Oh oh Tina’s on [Laughter] global just say hey hey are you here here you go here you go uh oh I have to go to through the the old Des I’m sorry I’m just chilling man oh no it’s fine if you want to chill just chill man no I’m

Chilling watching Netflix man having I just have a question are are you just naked in your room um no the problem is I have two big biceps so if I’m naked like my biceps are directly in my screen already yeah what the wait my B leave the because Tina is

I know you at all what okay I have bigger BP than you okay but that’s okay that’s not a problem stop making shame of me that’s not a problem oh it’s it just squee for me so you know it’s okay yeah I got a I got a big heart it’s enough yeah whoa

Okay okay when I speak 10 seconds is [Laughter] fore Speee okay SP oh we are going to lose man foree Okay for speee foree yeah shut the [ __ ] up man what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] man what did I say sorry I’m toxic because that’s crazy dude sorry it’s because I’m not live I’m just Beast shoting man have you seen the Bas playlist uh no where it is send on

The red chat there’s a link where you can like don’t link the link uh you can collaborate and put music in it yeah I put them so we’re like having a Shar playlist for Bas oh but the problem is I can for it to be open so I can listen to

It while we stream oh oh that’s cool oh I love this song why is there a there’s a pigman here what the [ __ ] yeah I think it’s because of the nether like blood moon stuff yet oh are you in caves there are some caves in the in the volcano who have bit

Of nether textures Nether biome oh really yeah but we we looked with with field that there is not like with res NOS yeah I know but you can find some I’m looking for horses excuse me I’m listening enemy yeah it’s the Bas mood like we we try to reflect Bas with this

Playlist I think it’s pretty accurate right Now if one day I need to make a entrance in an arena I will take I will take enemy it’s eny dude I go in dude this song is so good like it is it’s exactly the M the one from the echo scene by G is also really good oh yeah

Yeah it’s true yeah yeah League of Legends song generally everything is freezing since yesterday the oh the food you mean no uh like the water oh we have ice everywhere now yeah I give up looking for hores [ __ ] this I I’ll go back to base blu’s Blue’s base was so good man wow

Really oh you have seen the blu’s Bas oh no I’m talking about like the egg event oh yeah okay such a good base yeah I think I’m going to finish my quest and go to bed yeah I’m probably leave too and and like log in later like

Close to one close close to server just to see if they try to do something oh yeah we should yeah but like so so we take our rest before the final days you know yeah I think it could be good there’s a bunch of stuff I need to play for the game awards

What what what the [ __ ] there’s a bunch of stuff I need to play for the game me too me too I always to play the game for oh I’m so dumb I have to make more te though yeah doing te might be the game uh like not actually doing the te but

Just getting the leaves and water uh okay that now so I can give the Eon from one person if uh you want to give your quest or Acorn I I I might do the acorn thing uh I I can give to one person who doesn’t want to make them because I have

Enough for two persons because it’s very long nice I be down cuz we we can get the blings it’s worth it yeah yeah yeah I think we we need to try to do them uh wait who put this oh oh Li’s out there okay here you

Go did you already you already gave the flags yeah uh I mean we should save some we should save some okay so the moderators answered that we should not save I mean they didn’t okay what did they say I asked them is there any reason to not deliver the flags like

Saving it for tomorrow and they just repli the point is to deliver it but like is it but can I ask again oh yeah but can we save them to deliver tomorrow oh sh yeah cuz if we can like there’s no reason to to spend it today yeah yeah I

Agree like we should spend some but not all yeah like we should keep at the end if we need to put them there but maybe tomorrow is going to be some other items I don’t know yeah yeah but that’s why we should like like we we’re done anyways like if

We delivered on hour today is one but yeah yeah yeah that’s true so so it might be good to to save it I think they have they have like four Flags something like that uh maybe more but like if there are only four we can give like six and be

Sure we win you know okay uh F just ask me where where are the flags like who who has them I think it feels the okay yeah we need to put them in the secret chest yeah like it would be good to know if flag we need to strategize with the flag

On not at all yeah they’re delivering the their tasks what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is like the me your party don’t worry I’m delivering too look you know like at at this point it’s mathematically impossible for them to win I’m not even like yeah yeah I know

But like you’re jinxing it stop saying it we never will need the flags we better give give them you know that’s the only thing yeah yeah I’m I’m talking about chat don’t worry oh yeah because if they give the four flags and we didn’t give any they’re going to have the

50% and they could do like all the quests so we should give like at least eight Flags to be sure or something like that yeah let me let me just check again the percentages it’s 50% okay so yeah mission is 50% so they they don’t have

Uh they have like 10 Flags we had uh 33 so there’s no way they can win yeah but if they try to give them at the end like because we didn’t give any it’s a problem Oh but we did we did we did we already did oh we we gave some

Some Flags yeah we we we have 33 delivered already we good we good so there’s no way we can lose yeah we good the only way we would lose is like if like no one no one from our team made the personal test which we already did

And uh if we like died to them 100 times so it is not going to happen we’re not going to lose this yeah I’m just waiting for some honey and I can finish my who came here oh it’s you yeah perfect I can finish the task with the candies too

Oh where is it it went into the Flames how do the acorn where’s the acorn do you have it yes you can in the chest you can take them I’m farming diamonds it is eight Acorn oh there you go thank you yeah yeah guys we we need a

Lot of gold like gold is really important true what I’ll leave this here um let me organize I can finish the candy if uh there is everything for candies if you take some honey later okay so you can finish the candies nice okay I think you need yeah you need two

Sets of candies so there is yeah enough you maybe need some no I’m going to make the paper for you so just the honey when the the when the Bee makes some new one so we have a lot of beings someone took some bings I think one

Because we had more than two stacks and now it’s just just two stacks and a bit but maybe someone stacks of what what stacks of what some Bings oh uh I put some in the chest okay okay it’s weird okay wait oh the other

We used it we used it to to buy armor oh yeah you’re right right but there’s a bunch here I’ll put it on the secret chest too the beans well except plant I finished all my quests so yeah okay yeah no I think we’re done for today I’ll

I’ll probably I’ll log out now and yeah try to come back maybe at the like oh yeah like 30 minutes before 30 minutes before this the server Clos something again if you do that you can take some honey and finish the candies Mission too okay okay okay okay and I’m going to

Take some te just before leaving so we have enough oh you’re doing it and I’m going to take care of my cat because she needs some nice yeah today was a good ball day it was a like chill ball day I’m glad we deserve this a

Little bit it was a couple of stressful days yeah yeah okay guys I’m going to leave you see you tomorrow byebye see you bye-bye bye

This video, titled ‘BagheReplay – Anne Bonny n’a qu’à bien se tenir – Purgatory Day 11 // Minecraft QSMP #105’, was uploaded by BagheraJones Replay on 2023-11-28 15:00:15. It has garnered 585 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:46 or 15346 seconds.

Live from 11/15/2023 The Quackity Survival Multiplayer is a Minecraft Multiplayer survival server. Launched by Quackity, its little extra is that it is international, and among other things equipped with an instant translator so that everyone can interact and play together! For the LORE: Our happy French people, then quietly on a little aerial stroll, found themselves trapped in this place following a bird accident… Once well received by the local population, they were entrusted like many others with an egg of dragon (played by an admin) which they must take care of and to which missions are attached. The French egg is APPLE! The participants: QSMP The Plane (France) Baghera Jones // Stars – // Antoine Daniel – // Cameo – // Aypierre – // ET POMME

QSMP The Train (Originals) Quackity – // Wilbur Soot – // FitMC – // Ph1LzA – // Jaiden Animations – // BadBoyHalo – // Foolish – // DanTDM – DanTDMLive // ​​Slimecicle – // Chill out – // Rubies – // ElMariana – // SpreenDMC – // Missa Symphony – // Roier – // Vegetta777- // Maximus –

QSMP The Boat (Brazil) Cellbit – // Phelps – // Forever – // Tazercraft – (Pactw and Mikethelink) // President’s choice: Bagi –

QSMP The Prison IronMouse – //Lenay- // Nihachu – // Tinakitten – // Pipe – // German – // Police pole – // Rivers – // Willyrex – // Carre –

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    Insane Ultra-Luxe Mansion Build Tutorial 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information easy tree in [Music] mcraft so baby do it right do me right we can go all time we can move fast when you put your body on mind and like to be one of those nights but we don’t turn off the lights want to see body on mind and [Music] This video, titled ‘Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-12 12:49:21. It has garnered 1388 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Easy Tree House In Minecraft 🌳🏡 #shorts link in description:- search… Read More

  • Mega Money Hack in Minecraft Animation

    Mega Money Hack in Minecraft AnimationVideo Information जब रील दिन में बनाएंगे ना तो ज्यादा व्यूज आएंगे ठीक है वन टू थ गो मोटी चैन मोटा पैसा दिखा दो कोई भी मेरे जैसा This video, titled ‘Moti chain mota Paisa #gamerfleet @GamerFleet #minecraft #shorts #short #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by BuddysScout on 2024-07-05 03:20:00. It has garnered 9726 views and 261 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft animation, Minecraft movie, Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft funny, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft meme, Minecraft best moments, Minecraft compilation, Minecraft showcase, Minecraft highlights, Minecraft montage, Minecraft epic… Read More

  • WAR for VICTORY in Hive Live

    WAR for VICTORY in Hive LiveVideo Information bum bum bum welcome to the stream everyone let me just set the things up enjoy the B if you if you know what I mean I’ll see you guys in [Music] L welcome welcome Chatters sorry I have to Ping the Discord cuz I’m a Goofy Goober all right chat welcome everyone welcome welcome welcome let me uh yeah sub guys we got to win all right let me do a few more things and we’ll just get right into it [Music] let’s do it guys let’s start welcome everyone welcome to the stream hello Norman hello… Read More


    😈😂 CRAZIEST MINECRAFT MOMENTS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Devil Gamers on 2024-06-08 03:00:18. It has garnered 1728 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. 🤣🤣MINECRAFT FUNNY VIDEO || #shorts #minecraft minecraft,マインクラフト,anime,animation,game,shorts,tiktok,parotteru,parotteruanimation,funny,funnytiktok,funnyvideo,meme,memes,mostfunny,compilation,fyp,fypシ,gamer,tiktok compilation,michazike,witzke,2d animation,cartoon,cartoon animation,minecraft parody,minecraft animation,minecraft meme,minecraft tiktok,spider on the ceiling,minecraft spider,spider,spider song,giant enemy spdier,youtube short,minecraft shortminecraft,shorts,shortfeed,shortsvideo,gaming,viralshorts,viral,jj and mikey,techno gamerz,mr beast,roblox,noob vs pro vs hacker,red minecraft,herobrine,granny,skibidi toilet,roblox,sonic Hashtags- #shorts #minecraft #shortfeed #shortvideo #viralshorts #viral #gaming #mrbeast #technogamerz Read More

  • SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focused

    SolarionSMP- Whitelisted SMP, Java 1.20.4, Adult, Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP ━━━━━━━━━About Us━━━━━━━━━ We are a distinguished and whitelisted Survival Multiplayer (SMP) server that mirrors the spirit of the renowned Hermitcraft community. At Solarion, we take pride in fostering an inviting, congenial, and committed player base. Our goal is to establish an inclusive environment where diversity thrives. Join us on Java 1.20.4 for our new season! Our Vision: Here at Solarion, we have curated a compelling roster of plugins to enhance gameplay while preserving the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Some of our noteworthy plugins include: Drop Heads – Decapitate players and mobs to get their heads. SinglePlayerSleep -… Read More

  • The Phoenix

    The PhoenixNow on 1.21!Version 15!SOFTWARE USEDThis server is running using Spigot for Minecraft 1.21.XThis allows us to use an assortment of different plugins to change or enhance game play. PLUGINS USEDHere we use plugins such as:Towny, Vampire, LWC, World Edit, Chest Shops and a custom one for crafting extra items like Saddles! HISTORYThe Phoenix has been running since 2012. It used to be a private server by the name “Phoenixcraft”.The Phoenix is currently on Version 15. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Trail Update: Spice it up!

    I guess you could say this meme is blazing its own trail with that high score! Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies

    Crafty Guide: Minecraft Building Basics for Newbies In Minecraft, we build with glee, Creating homes for all to see. Starting simple, step by step, With blocks and books, we never fret. Night falls, the moon shines bright, We work through the dark, no need for light. Placing blocks with careful hand, Crafting a home, oh so grand. Mistakes are made, but we persevere, Fixing errors, never in fear. Left, right, up, down, we place with care, Our Minecraft creation, beyond compare. Thank you for watching, before we part, In Minecraft, we build with heart. With a sword in hand, we bid adieu, Until next time, our… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraftmemes #boom Read More

  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Roast and Play Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “BOB Roast by Jackbhaiya 😂 #gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine the thrill of exploring a vast virtual world, collaborating with fellow gamers, and embarking on epic adventures. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end. Whether you’re into survival mode,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices

    Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Shaders for All Devices The Latest and Greatest Minecraft Bedrock Shaders Eternity Shader The Eternity Shader is a stunning addition to Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.21 and above. With beautiful sunrises and sunsets, realistic water effects, and vibrant colors, this shader is a visual treat. While it may be high-end, the visual appeal is worth it. Solar Shader Although the Solar Shader is only available for Android devices, it offers a unique visual experience. With updated support for version 1.21, this shader enhances the game’s aesthetics with impressive lighting effects and realistic water reflections. NewB Dragon Shader Designed for low to mid-range devices, the… Read More

  • INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin Habitat

    INSANE! JKPlays Builds EPIC Penguin HabitatVideo Information all right y’all welcome back to episode 29 of the moded Minecraft Let’s Play Quick recap from last episode um we got a portal area set up for our nether area I think we did pack up a couple wardens or attempt to I don’t remember 100% but I know for a fact we did set up our nether portal area which is this area and we did get pyro which is a fire dog pretty cool yeah with that said um I think today’s episode we’re going to be doing two different things one is the portal… Read More