Answering All Your Minecraft Doctor Who Questions!!

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Whoops there we go come on hello everybody I apologize For some some something ain’t working here oh let’s try that now there we go okay all right I think I need to what do I need to do I’m playing on the newest version of Minecraft here so I’m trying to like um make this as smooth as possible I think

I just need to turn down the render distance and why not Mr XD Gamers hello drcor oh God it’s the voice from the great beyond yep can never trust that I don’t know why there’s no sound dude I don’t understand Minecraft sometime there we go I was going to say

I was going to say man like I don’t understand Minecraft sometimes but anyways welcome back to another stream we appreciate it this is a this is more of a special uh stream today because I am answering where did my phone go oh there it is because I am answering um your guys’s

Questions about my Minecraft Doctor Who series there’s some stuff that I kind of want to talk about but I am answering your questions I am um we are just like we’re just we’re just going to have a chat man that’s that’s really all that we’re going to do here we’re just going

To have a chat uh any questions that you guys have about um the Minecraft Doctor Who series um please feel free to lay them out here uh be more than happy to to uh to answer them um and yeah we’ll just we’ll just we’ll just have some fun

With it I think is kind of where we’re going to be at with it uh I’m just playing I’m just trying to play this on my phone right now so then uh I can check stream as I’m recording or as I’m uh as I’m streaming all right we already have some

Questions coming in here and I will get to them in just a second here I do have some errands that I just kind of want to run here we’re back in my Minecraft survival world I haven’t exactly touched this in a little bit so you know um do

This and uh we’ll get on top of it here so we go from there I got to make sure that like my carrots are good to go oh I don’t think my carrots were ready yet no I don’t think they were ready shoot all right well we’ll we’ll let the

We’ll let the questions Fester as they come but yeah any questions that you guys have about uh the series about uh kind of how we came up with story ideas how tlv managed to get involved um and just anything in between please feel free to submit them in there uh we do

Already have a question from Mr XD games I will answer that right now his question asks which inspired your doctor and I know I’ve answered this plenty of times beforehand but considering like this is kind of a new channel not a lot of people may know and if you are watching

This on playback you’ll probably be interested about it as well so my doctor was heavily heavily heavily heavily inspired by the 10th and 12th doctors um I think more so the uh it was more so the the the 10th doctor than it was the 12th doctor I I’ve only recently started

To have a few um or quite a bit of appreciation for the um for the 12th doctor so I’m uh I’m I that’s that’s that’s where a lot of the inspiration um kind of came from um you know I I I just I I quite enjoyed just uh David tenant’s

Mannerisms um just kind of the quirkiness about him I think was the the real uh the real uh interesting part for me I you know he was just anything like like all the all the what is what is it what is it that we call like SC like

Basically like all the scientific mumbo jumbo that he had uh or that he had said um or that like he just like you know just all that stuff I guess I guess it’s more so just kind of like the way that he delivered it was just

So intriguing you know like he like he sounded smart while doing it and so that’s kind that’s that’s how I wanted to sound um and then it’s also been inspired by Peter Capaldi’s doctor the 12th doctor like I grew I grew quite like lately nowadays I’ve grown quite fond of the 12th doctor

Um I think I know I used to say for the longest time that the tent doctor was my favorite nowadays I think it’s realistically the uh the um the uh the the uh um uh the 12 doctor cuz like I I I I used to say it was the 10th but now I

Now I believe it to be the 12th um and so that’s where a lot of that’s where a lot of my inspiration kind of came from in that regard so it like it really is a mixture of the uh of of the of the 10th and 12th doctors

Respectively I don’t know if that answer your answered your question but I hope it did there was um I don’t I don’t know I don’t know where I was going to say with that I’m I’m I’m kind of letting you guys um decide the conversation so any questions

Anything at all please feel free to send them my way be more than happy to does this do anything probably not I’ll be more than happy to to to do that there uh okay I know we also said in the last episode of the stream or of like our

Minecraft series that we were going to go and explore the the what is this why do I have this oh right okay yeah no these were like mobs that like I wanted to fight right okay yeah that’s that’s why I have that uh okay where am I at with tools oh

We got like plenty of tools I got to you like I got to like utilize these Stone pickaxes it’s kind of like that’s kind of important are we going to take should we take some torches with us I feel like we should I feel like we should just take like a lot of

Things yeah yeah well actually no cuz no we got we have like inventory stuff I completely forgot about like hey if we have in okay maybe I should take some of the stuff that like hasn’t been used yet yeah I think some of this stuff there yeah okay

Uh okay what episode was my favorite to film oh I don’t know there’s been a lot there’s been a lot like I’ve literally been a part of almost every um almost been a part like been a part of almost every oh [ __ ] ah stop no sorry hold on

I’m sorry I’m just my phone’s being weird got it okay no for some reason my stream deck is not telling me how many people are watching so like I have to use my phone for that so it’s kind of weird um actually know I should check that sorry I’m going to answer your

Question just a second here I’m just I’m anal when it comes to this stuff so I want to make sure that everybody everything’s working properly why is this disabled there we go all right now I don’t need my phone phone is no longer required all right uh okay another question from Mr

XD games YT says what episode was your favorite to film yeah so like yeah I’ve I’ve I filmed like plenty of episodes there’s been so many episodes that I’ve directed and written and been a part of um my favorite I don’t know if I have a favorite honestly I know that like kind

Of some of them more ex oh jeez okay just going to wait for the frames to kind of do what they need to do there we go okay um yeah there’s been there’s been like so many that I’ve done and you know just been a part of and and

All that um I did I did quite enjoy okay we got to keep one of these I’m I’m going to bring this back now actually now I think about it um like I think like my favorite to do was kind of doing like a recreation of uh The Avengers

Um of like uh The Avengers scene um where we had all the doctors um kind of all come together in like this final battle against Davos and the doctors or Davos and the dolls that was kind that was that was a that was that was a really cool one to uh to film

Because you know I thought it would just be cool to have like all the doctors face off in like a final battle against like the dolls which is like en number one so you know I thought I thought that was cool um and then like I don’t know be like

Beyond that I don’t really have like any favorites that’s like my favorite I guess it’s more so like that that was my favorite scene to oh sh oh hold what is this oh this is Netherrack so how do I get do I need do

I need a shovel oh I need a shovel don’t I all right uh yeah so that was that my favorite scene to film but my favorite episode I don’t know if I have one like they’re all great they like they’re all awesome like they’re all um they’re all tops in my

Mind honestly uh another one from Mr XD games if you are watching in the Stream here and if you want to contribute please feel free to any questions at all like I said there are there is some stuff in the Stream that I didn’t want

To talk about or that I didn’t want to clarify um and so if uh no questions coming and I will be kind of clarifying some of that stuff but yeah please feel free to submit your questions another one from Mr XD gam says favorite villain that you have

Faced I don’t know I feel like I’m not um oh this is just Netherrack a son of a [ __ ] all right okay um uh hold on what is what is it oh are these like leaves oh I can’t collect these all right sick ha okay um uh favorite villain okay

Um again again I genuinely don’t know if I have one I’ve reused so many like standard villains I guess so to speak um like there’s no like there’s no real villain that stands out like like like if I came up with like again like you guys might def you guys might differ

With me on this but I don’t think I realistically in my entire tenure of doing Minecraft Doctor Who that I’ve come up with oh no this is going to happen again isn’t it [ __ ] yeah I don’t H yep I knew it okay that’s fine well

We’ll just do this for the time being uh I don’t think I’ve realistically ever come up with an original villain I think I’ve just mostly reused villains from other series um so like I can’t I can’t really uh I can’t really um say to be honest I think like my favorite villains

To use are um probably the Cyberman and the dolls I think like those are those are maybe my more more so of my do I have nether in here I do not okay um those are maybe like my favorite to use just cuz they’re like they’re easy to

Use and and and and you can you can come up with so many um interesting stories for them um and just kind of have them all relate together I think that’s I think that’s maybe the answer that I want to give I don’t know I might I

Might come back to that question as we continue continue the stream here so Dragon Cyclone welcome to the stream he says well this brings back memories and crafty C says oh yes it does I’m glad to reins some childhood um in y’all um stove says so about Kyle’s voice actor

Uh Kyle’s dead and he is going to stay that way you know cuz you know like in the same bread too I feel like every companion that we’ve had in this series we’ve killed off one way or another so you know we got to keep continuing that Trend

Um okay where am I at here yeah this is what I’m looking for yeah there we go bada bing bada boom all right uh I mean you know Kyle’s voice actor you know he was fun I quite quite enjoyed working with him um I don’t know he hasn’t given me a

Reason to complain about him yet and I hope he doesn’t starts now uh you have a torch right I do have torches yeah yeah but the voice actor yeah what about him not the character yeah the voice yeah what about him the voice actor is a pain in my ass I’ll tell you

That oh never lik the voice actor the my uh headphones are dying here that’s fun you know what we’re going I might there might be a quiet stream on M but H you know why are we asking about torches we absolutely we absolutely should start now what do you mean we abs

Like what just absolutely [ __ ] on stove yeah we should keep the questions coming guys um I did okay so like so so like I did say there was some stuff that I did want to clarify um that okay so I want okay so I wanted to talk about the

Um kind of the the Multiverse Arc um and just kind of how that was intended to end and if if um I I will either revisit it or just kind of maybe see if I can make it better cuz like to be honest I wasn’t really happy with the entire multiversal story

Um so I think right now I’m content with how the Multiverse story ended um I think right now realistically it’s at a point where like there’s not really much else I can do I I have torches in my inventory they’re right here uh um like I’m kind of content with how it’s

Ended because like um I should probably go fill on the sand up top here um like there there really wasn’t much else that I could do with it to be honest and it started to get confusing for me at this point like right now like I think right now the

Multiversal walls are in are are closed and we are not revisiting those again at any point in the uh in the near future I think we’re kind of content with where we’re at I’m kind of content with where we’re at on that I just actually went back and recently rewatched

Um um the uh season 11 series and um I’m yeah I’m I’m I think I I think I’m honestly I’m content with with where it’s at cuz I don’t think we’re going to get any better than than than where we’ve been at with that so it’s uh

Um it’s it’s it is it the powers that be are the powers that be and uh um you know we’ll kind of we’ll kind of leave it at we’ll kind of just leave it at that um cuz like I will admit like even though like I I said that I’m retired I

I have been like trying to work on stories and trying to work on um you know alternative endings or just kind of how to drag it out just a little bit more just to kind of make it a more cohesive story and I think that’s more

So just me being anal about it over anything else uh uh what are we looking at here you know you could use a torch right uh put the torches on the blocks and underne the sand oh whatever it’s fine it’s all good I ain’t worried about

It I ain’t I ain’t worried you guys let me do me man just ask the questions that you guys have and we’ll be feel we’ll feel free to answer them here for you so yeah so like that was that was actually like the main reason why I want

To do this stream is just cuz I wanted to put it out in the open that the Multiverse story is over um um and that I am not returning to it anytime soon because even I’m confused as freaking hell about it hey yo the last scam Time Lord still

Has moderator status on this channel which is kind of concerning but anybody welcome to the stream we’re just doing a uh we’re just doing a Q&A of uh of um of a um oh I hear noises um of the uh of of of the series so if you have any

Questions feel free to answer them Dragon Cyclone says just use the Sonic and resonate the sand or something uh this is just straight vanilla Minecraft this is actually just straight vanilla Minecraft we are not uh playing with doll mod or anything along those lines so yeah we just we we are we are

Literally um we are literally just playing straight vanilla Minecraft okay uh cuz I don’t use it it’s it’s a me Benjamin yep I don’t know if I read that comment correctly then build one out of redstone hey you know what actually I do have Redstone that’s all

Right that’s all right uh stove says whoa whoa whoa how did you speed drop that oh I just held down the qy button that’s literally all that I did oh that’s right these things exist that’s right shroom light I forgot about this can we get a playback of that could

You guys imagine if I had this like um uh uh oh [ __ ] what’s it called uh replay mod or not like replay mod but like replay uh things what am I even collecting warp fungus all right well you guys can go back and look at it for yourself man but like I’m not

Like I literally just held down the Q button that’s literally all that I did she don’t oh there’s quarts uh down there but I want to go back to stove did not know that you you could just hold down the Q button I always just Mass drop the items well there you

Go stove you learned something new you learned something new there bud congratulations real proud of you I’m going to add the shroom light to the collection I’m adding I’m I’m adding this to the uh to the to the uh to the um to the wall um tlg TL says

Magic so is MCD so mcdw is done now and not coming back to it or just not continuing to multier story um not coming back to it period um although I say that now and then you know give it a few months and then you know it could be

A different conversation but as far as I as far as I’m concerned right now I’m not coming back to it and it’s more so just the the there there are there are different reasons for it can I can I set these down here I can haha well I’m just

Going to place these all around through here just cuz I need somewhere to put them um I don’t even know what I don’t even know what these were anyways uh yeah like there’s different reasoning for it one of them being is the fact that I literally can’t keep up with these new

Guys man I seriously cannot keep up with them and it’s and it’s no fault of what is this Crimson R um and it’s literally no fault of anybody else’s it’s just I I I see like the new guys that are out nowadays Planet zero um what did I just twisting Vines um you

Know like Planet zero and voyu uctions and dynamic entertainment like those guys are good they are good at what they do they tell really good and interesting stories and those are and like those stories are more doctor whoes than what I produce it’s what I what what I produce is more so

Just like the American style of Doctor Who I guess it makes sense you know cuz like their their episodes they feel like Doctor Who episodes mine recently I felt had they’ve just been marveles marveles episodes if that makes sense um how am I how do okay so how does the nether work nowadays

Like I don’t even know dude I seriously don’t even know I’m just going to we you know we’ll just start Mining and we’ll see where we’re at I guess um yeah see this is what I was afraid of um yeah well I’m never heard of those guys

Honestly and that’s fine like I like they’re like they’re they’re brand like they’re not brand new but like they’re new new um um uh Planet zero is is actually like he’s he’s a pretty fair veteran of the game uh he’s he’s really he’s really good at what he does um what orange the

The orange stuff oh no no no no no no you’re not tricking me nice try um oh sh oh my God I’m just tearing down my own Bridge God damn it all right um yeah so like I just I I I seriously can’t keep up with them um like they’re

Like their production style their um the way they write their episodes um I can’t I can’t keep up with it and they’re good at what they do and so I’m it’s kind of in a way forced me to retire and so you know which is fine

It is what it is and um go and you know you you you go from there we got more gold here sweet so there’s that and then you know life kind of gets in the way so that is um you know another problem you know that people deal with um and then

On top of that it’s uh it’s just you know I I I want I want to move into like newer versions of Minecraft when it comes to uh see and that’s that’s what I’m getting at TL GTL you are literally uh beating me to the punches here why

Are there Enderman here dude I don’t like this um there’s like a crimson thing over there that we should deal with um uh what am I doing here uh yeah so like and then like on top of that it’s more so just nowaday like I want to move into newer versions of Minecraft

But like there’s no equivalent of the um um uh like of of of the Blockbuster mod so like it it’s hard okay hold on I know about these guys I think um yeah so like there’s no equivalent of the um of the uh um the Blockbuster mod so this is

Where tgt’s uh statement comes in and says fair I mean I know of them maybe get a few people to help help SL bounce ideas off it and release a story only when it hits certain uh certain criterial criteria I think is what he

Meant to say sorry I just took a out my brain’s not really awake that that is fine man that is fine and I want oh my God there’s so many Enderman here why are there so many end what the [ __ ] are these things and why

Are they walking on lava what the [ __ ] I oh hello hello wait wait wait we could talk about this hold on wait wait wait wait wait we can talk about this bro okay apparently he’s an [ __ ] all right cool good to know um I want I just

Wanted to know what those things were um there’s a mod called future MC that I believe adds some new Minecraft mechanics into 1.12 yes I do have uh that installed but you know like I want to use the warden man like I feel like we could come up with a really interesting

Story with the warden um so that’s kind of the that’s kind of the uh the the thing here um you know that I want to do but I would like to start incorporating like new newer version of Minecraft you know like even like like the newer version of doll mod

You know like the 116 version um like they’ve had some really interesting blocks and stuff in there that like I want to I want to utilize but you know we can’t cuz it’s 1.16 but anyways that’s that’s besides the point and then even end just bringing other people in you know I find

That having too many hands in the cookie jar isn’t all oh hello you know you you have you have too many hands in the cookie jar it just it and things will get lost and you know I’ve been wanting to bring i’ been like I have been wanting to

Bring somebody in to replace tlv um but uh um no just I haven’t had the chance to cuz I’ve been busy and then just on top of everything in between that was there that was a lot of words string together in a row so I hope

That made sense to some people but uh um if it didn’t go back oh I need okay hold on do I have this yes we do okay sick um yeah I know that was a lot lot of words strung up in a row so you know deal with

That as comes I wanted to go to like this Crimson Forest Area I knew that existed where is oh it’s right here okay that was right that was before I was so rudely interrupted by the piglin okay anyways back to Doctor Who questions guys so let’s uh let’s let’s keep those going

Um and uh and yeah oh [ __ ] I heard that I heard that who the hell oh it’s you okay not really awake he said a lot more awake LOL all right I need to okay what are hello okay I thought he was going to come and attack me I was I thought we

Were going to have a problem but we didn’t oh hello hi you look like you want to come and attack me no are we good are we cool yeah we’re cool all right oh [ __ ] no no no wait wait wait wait wait these things make me nervous they really make me

Nervous okay we have that my headphones are dying it’s all right cool good to go hi I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry oh [ __ ] no oh hi pure blood Enigma welcome to the

Stream yeah God damn it I was I was murdered by War Hogs oh no all right we got this we have this we have this and we have this anyways uh yeah welcome to the stream Enigma uh we we are um answering questions about the Minecraft Doctor Who series that uh that

We had are or that that was on the channel and so if you have any questions that you want to answer about the series please feel free to send them in the um comments section or the chat section it’s the chat section yeah it’s a chat section yes sir it

Is I don’t know if these things will grow here so you know we’ll we’ll deal with it well as you can see well as you can see you don’t regenerate into a new person in Minecraft yeah I kind of figured that out Dragon Cyclone appreciate that but you know

Um yeah just thanks for the heads up on that really do uh really do appreciate that okay so what do I do with lock of quartz Ah that’s how we do that [ __ ] all right as you can tell it’s been a little while since I’ve uh done anything beyond

The normal vanilla Minecraft so we have block of Quartz what actually happened to the 34 in the latest multis Doctor story um are you referring to season 10 episode 1 is that what you’re referring to I feel like that’s what you’re referring to but I didn’t want to assume I feel

Like we could probably keep this block somewhere just yeah what’s what’s Canon that’s actually a good question I think um um oh [ __ ] how do I answer that um okay so yeah so he is referring to that all right okay I will answer enigma’s question in just a second here

But I do want to answer um XD Gamer’s question what is Canon um in the series um it’s a thing that shoots me it’s the thing that it’s the thing that shoots me balls uh yes it is um can I like there’s like this heart thing and like I don’t

Want it in there but you know it’s there so it it’s a thing that shoots metal balls okay that’s what it’s supposed to say I thought I thought it said it shoots me into balls all right um as you can see I’m very sporadic right now uh

So what okay so any okay so I would say anything that um is on this channel is Canon somebody’s spamming the the the shocked emoji button and I don’t know who it is it doesn’t even tell me that’s annoying all right we get it you’re shocked

Appreciate that um I would yeah I would say anything that’s on this channel pertaining to Doctor Who is Canon um we like our Canon is realistic like it’s it’s so it’s so loose because um like we we take things from the actual show and then

We’ve also just kind of made up our own [ __ ] as we gotone along here so that’s that’s that’s what’s Canon and that’s what isn’t so to speak so anything outside of this channel I would say isn’t Canon unless otherwise stated but yeah I you’re burning dude just leave me

Alone dude just die already man like seriously what what what more what what more would you have to lose guys seriously like gentlemen thank you perfect love that um God I’m trying to catch up on all these questions here what actually happened in the to the 34th doctor in

The latest multid Doctor store I think you okay so I think you actually meant 37 not 34 um what the what what do okay you guys saw that why is this becoming so sporadic why is this always the case whenever I stream [ __ ] just becomes sporadic um yeah so I think he’s

Actually referring to 37 not 34 cuz it was 37 that comes that came before 38 um I did I hav been meaning to answer that question and if I wanted to continue the series I would definitely have that question answered um I have come up with

Storyboard idea no 34 my do dude you didn’t have there was no when did 34 cuz I cuz I asked you if you were referring to season 10 episode 1 cuz that’s 37 cuz you had two doctors remember you had 34 and 36 uh 37 anyways while we’re trying to get

That sorted out Dragon Cyclone says so does that mean the 35th doctor Canon fell into lava in the nether in his first ever Adventure all those years ago um yes I guess um I think I tried to play that off in the story but yes I

Guess it is technically true um yeah you did you had dude you literally had two doctors you had 34 which is before 35 and then you had 37 um in season yeah you should go back and double check that but if you’re asking about 37 um I

Did cuz 37 got [ __ ] up in season 10 episode 1 um I did have a plan to answer that and it actually did involve the sedine um kind of like a bounty hunter type of episode which I might still maybe want to answer one of these

Days but uh right now I’m right now we’re not answering that Mr XD games YT says so with the recent 60th anniversary thing that happens canon in your eyes time flies LOL uh so with the recent 60th anniversary thing that happened that happened is it cannon in

Your eyes I think that’s what he’s actually trying to ask me um I haven’t seen the giggle yet I’m I’m a little behind on that so please no spoilers I do I I do know what happens but I don’t want to know what happens if that makes any

Sense so In fairness my daughter’s Auto almost 8 months that’s true you do have a daughter congratulations on that by the way I don’t know if I mentioned that or not uh but yes congratulations very happy for you and your wife um all the

Best to you I think you were going to be fantastic parents um so to answer that question I like I would say yes no like obviously we read the um the Timeless the Timeless child story that Chris chimel tried to pass off on us um so om she well that’s all

Right then yeah I I know about that mean I’ve seen that so you know there’s only so much you can Shield yourself from on the internet um but we did we did reccon the Timeless child story and the Roof Doctor story um I don’t know if we’ve ever actually confirmed that with you

Guys or not but technically so the way I look at it is the the Ruth doctor the Peter Cushing doctor and the 35th doctor are all part of the same regeneration cycle I guess in an alternate timeline so we so when when we did that series cuz I believe we did

That for season 10 um season 10 or 11 I don’t remember who glow stone I need that um we re or we we we reconed the uh the Timeless child story to reflect that um that okay yeah so the Ruth doctor the Peter Cushing doctor and the 35th doctor

From the Doctor Who Oblivion series um is all part of the oil or the Oilers why am I talking about hockey for some reason they are part of the ad um alternate dimension of uh Doctor Who uh kind of the kind of the Oblivion Dimension is what I’m is is what I’m

Going to call it so um they’re all part of the Oblivion di Dimension and they are different doctors have various points in the Regeneration cycle I won’t spoil anything the toy maker says about it I’m assuming you’re talking about the Timeless child that’s fine but I think realistically that was

Like the best way we could W con it in in in that regard you know doing our best we we were we were trying to do a like a fandom service to um Doctor Who fans cuz I know everybody hated the um uh the Timeless child story line uh okay we got

Quartz um good job the anomalies didn’t go there yeah drag gets that yeah I know about that what about the morbius doctors the morbius doctors I feel like I should know this but I’m not sure if I understand the question hold on I’m actually going to

Have to search this am I like am I stupid morbius doctors Doctor Who oh um okay you’re referring okay so let me see if I can see this here eight consecutive faces were shown as bodies of the doctors inhabited before the first doctor um there’s yeah no I I I I I figured

That I there’s only so much you could do I guess is what I is is what I’m saying um you know like I’m not I’m not entirely jazzed about it but uh but um you know like there’s like there there there’s there’s there there’s only there’s only so much that

You could do and only so much that uh that you can Recon and say and all that so I’m not um I’m not really concerned with all that per se um pure blood Enigma says in a sense I’m glad I’ve retired from building consoles it was falling on all but after

60 there’s not much more I could do fair enough man totally uh totally totally fair enough um I don’t blame you you you you buil you built a lot of consoles some of them good some of them not so good but you know that is that is fine

That is totally fine am I oh I’m missing like a lot of this okay do you have those like available for download or anywhere cuz like if I did return I feel like we should use them okay I’m like literally missing some of this anyways keep the questions coming guys

You know what I just realized how am I going to get myself out of this um yeah I kind of didn’t think this you know it’s fine we’ll we will we will figure it out it’s all good it’s all good all good at all yeah I know I got better with time

And I have a few that I download of yeah um I will uh I’ll probably look into that at some point here They’re vanilla ones but you could work with it oh yeah definitely could absolutely could ah sacrifices my legs in pain woohoo yay why why why your legs in pain craftiest what did you do to yourself oh okay I thought I was going to die all right okay we have ourselves

A little island here it’s fine this is why I buil this is why I mined all this extra extra netherite oh shoot I completely missed out all right sh let’s kind of build ourselves a little bit of a foundation here if I ever get get a gaming PC I might return a few

Consoles Etc with latest updates cool man definitely would suggest that I don’t know if uh everything is done to yourself why do you ass I did something to myself yeah cuz every yeah cuz everybody yeah cuz you probably you probably did do something to yourself craftiest let’s be real here

I did I did I did like this I don’t I don’t know I don’t know if he’s still in chat doesn’t look like that he is but if um if um oh no I didn’t want to close that dock why did I do that chat there

We go um he’s yeah he’s not in chat anymore but I did kind of like that idea of like maybe bringing people in if we have like certain criteria that that’s met um you know then it kind of helps with story writing and all

That cuz like I did I did want to I did i’ I’ve always wanted to bring in other writers you know and other people to help out oh son of a see this is why we assume that you did something to yourself uh um uh um craft yes someone shot you you’re someone

You’re somewhat you’re somewhat to blame for being there the first Place Jesus I mean he’s not wrong anyways dven the Lone Wolf uh welcome to the chat says hi what is your favorite non Doctor Who TV show it’s actually a show called The Rookie it stars uh Nathan fillian

Who is a fantastic Canadian actor um and it’s basically like a it’s it’s basically like a police TV show um kind of similar to like gry anatomy and like all those like drama drama shows but like it’s not at the same time Jesus sees grp through fast uh oh you mother

No you can burn you can burn I’m actually just going to out you little see yeah [Applause] anyways uh yeah so that’s my favorite non Doctor Who TV show uh Mr XT games YT says have you watched a GTA 6 trailer yes I have I’m really excited for

Crafty C says what the heck Dragon Cyclone says lava still isn’t good for your health I would beg to differ pure blood Enigma says I’ve retired from script writing last two episodes I wrote for someone either never came out or the channel vanished so I gave up I’m sorry

To hear that man I know that’s uh that that that’s definitely frustrating um I do not blame you in the slightest um but yeah no I don’t I don’t I don’t blame you I don’t I don’t blame you in the slightest why should I why should I

Write for people who get told they love it and then never use it no I told I totally feel that and I’m I’m I will say I’m guilty of it myself so I’m not I’m not blaming I am not dismissing that in the slightest uh okay does anybody know what

We can like use like this warp stuff for I don’t like the sound it makes it’s awful that’s a horrible sound like what can this be oh this can be turned into planks all right cool we’ll yeah we’ll definitely take some of these I kind of want to rearrange the

Floor if someone run subscript from now on they have to pay fair enough buddy fair enough will not be coming to you because I am broke so don’t take any offense to that it’s just the actual the actual uh the actual um legitimacy of it GTA 6 Florida man

Versus Trevor fellows will be the best cost over since Batman v Superman uh yeah probably I think we I think we definitely need a character that’s about as crazy as Trevor uh in GTA 6 and definitely would love to see a Trevor uh crossover anyways that’s not why we’re here man we

Are here uh talking about the um our our my Minecraft Doctor Who series so uh if anybody has I know there’s Crimson Forest around here I’m actually going to go back and look for it so if anybody has any questions about that BRB welfare checks no no worries buddy um why wait

Hold on why is he having a welfare check who’s who’s doing a welfare check I oh he’s at work oh fair enough okay gotcha um um yeah so we are talking about the Minecraft Doctor Who series so if you have any questions about it then please

Feel free to ask them here I am doing like a tell all basically of how the channel came to be how the series came to be all that fun stuff and um kind of going from there fun fact for people who may not know uh I before the series that

Is currently out on the channel now um there’s actually another series that I did that will never ever see the light of day again uh that I did before doing my own um before doing my own doctor and I actually did a um a a uh a series on

The uh the tent doctor actually and it was it was kind of like the tent doctor adventures and so how that series came about is um obviously you know if if if you are about as old as I am you will remember a channel called well they’re now going by Pelin Pelican Productions

But there was an old Channel used to uh called that used to be called um Minecraft Doctor Who or Doctor Who Minecraft adventures and they are the goats they are the literal goats of Minecraft Doctor Who and so kind of their stories in a way were um kind of

Based on the 11th doctor cuz hyper blob who voiced the doctor sounded very much like the 11 doctor and they had uh and the guy and dude the dude’s character was literally the um was literally the 11th doctor so I wanted to do something similar to that and they inspired me to

Make my own series and so I did it based on the tent doctor cuz that was the series that I was watching at the time and so I did that and um I de so like after a few episodes I decided no I wanted I wanted to do my own doctor because um Uh just just because I felt like I was too constricted with kind of the caninos of the tent doctor so I wanted to do my my own series and so um hence the um the uh the 35th doctor was born this is going to hurt yep okay hello Enderman

Don’t worry about me just you mind your own business we’ll be fine um yeah so that’s that’s actually that’s actually how that came to be and that’s that’s um that’s where that’s where we’re out today uh people are freaking out cuz I said pel Pelican Productions uh I love

Those he did OMG yes cacks we love them Draven theone wolves says what do you think of a crossover do what do you think of crossover Doctor Who episodes like when my friend Joe had your doctor in his remake Doctor Who Minecraft Doctor Who series Etc I okay so there I

Have a bit of a complicated history with that and it’s only just cuz I was young and stupid and you know everything else so I never really oh [ __ ] yeah that’s going to hurt anyways um yeah I kind of have a bit of a I kind have a bit of a long-

Winded history when it comes to that um again like and it’s it’s more so just a a a knock on the fact that you know just kind of young and stupid and you know didn’t really make the best of connections so I used to do um I used to

Do a little bit of crossovers with um a guy by name blue jay Davy who I don’t think is around anymore um just like on YouTube but and and so okay so and like he and I were great but before I met him there was another YouTuber um by the

Name of John Smith like it was literally John Smith and so he had his own Minecraft Doctor Who YouTube channel and he was he was fairly young at the time that I met him and so he just he just he kind of like he like he was a child and

So like he was kind of irritating in that regard nicest guy like like on like in hindsight now nicest guy in the world and I’m really I really feel bad for kind of how things kind of went between me and him but um um yeah so like he so like when it kind

Of came to crossovers he just kind of put put a bad taste in my mouth about it so I I so like for the longest time I really and still kind of in a way do kind of don’t want to do crossovers with people but I’m trying to be more open

With it now uh cuz like I want to see the Minecraft Doctor Who Community come together more and this is where I like I genuinely believe that people like the swid team are kind of dropping the ball um just because I when um when they were still

Developing the Doctor Who mod or the doll mod rather in uh I’m like really scared for being down here right now um when they developed uh the the the the doll mod in 1.12 I really wanted to like be part of like their creative team and doing like you know the Showcase

Episodes and what not because I felt like it was like I felt like the mod was at a point in time where you know they could afford to be doing that and they should have been doing that and they just they didn’t and so i’ I’ve tried many I tried many of times

To um to to to not necessarily reach out but to try and suggest that hey we you guys should be doing this and nobody’s really taken me up on it so you know it is what it is but I am I I I am

Trying to be more open to it and I want to um I I I want to contribute back to the Minecraft Dr you community without having to do another series or anything if that makes any sense probably not but that’s all right um Mr XC gam says do you know what happened to

Pelicin Productions I don’t know I’ve never I I’ve never met them and like I don’t like I it doesn’t phase me when I meet you know famous people like I used I used to work in sports all the time and so like I met like a lot of really

Cool athletes and like and just like a lot of really cool people so like it doesn’t it doesn’t phase me to meet like celebrities uh or anything but I think those are probably the the people that I would that I would really want want to meet and I might actually gush over I

Met I met like a few famous YouTubers like f like favorite my saber uh who was another uh he wasn’t Minecraft Doctor Who roleplay but he was uh he he was he was a roleplay YouTuber for the longest time and so it like it didn’t really

Phase me to to meet him and like it was cool to meet him and kind of his team but uh it didn’t I it didn’t it didn’t it didn’t phase me to you know meet him but I feel like if I met pelan Productions I would I would definitely

Be gushing over a little over them a little bit um if you shift on top of magma blocks it doesn’t hurt I am going to test you to that theory I feel like you’re lying to me but you know I’m adventurous here we got a magma block right

Here I’m just going to place it out in the open right here oh [ __ ] you’re no way wow that actually works that’s cool thank you Dragon for teaching me that that appreciate that uh honestly if you think I think you would have done well if you if uh if uh if I

Was a part of their team I mean maybe I thought like I like I thought it I thought it would have been an ample opportunity to know like kind of bring that together you know like I like there was so many and like this is kind of

What rubbed me the wrong way about um when they when Doctor Who had like their the the pre-show or whatever it was with uh with that Crystal girl who does like their who does like their podcast now I don’t know what I don’t remember what

The show was called all right I need to find like a way out of here you know we’re just we’re just going to do this um you know so like the does anybody remember what that show was called the one with like Crystal D and like does anybody remember what that was

Called anyways so they they did they did they uh they did a Minecraft episode cuz like the Minecraft Doctor Who episode was at a oh mother [ __ ] no God damn it God damn it God damn it God damn it God damn it um cuz like like the Minecraft Doctor Who Community was

Like at its peak this is literally just coming down look at this yes yes the Doctor Who fan show that’s what it was called thank you Dragon for uh reminding me of that anyways so they did a episode on Minecraft cuz that like that’s like

That’s when it was at it like its height that’s when it that’s that’s when it was at its peak and they briefly touched on kind of Minecraft roleplay cuz they had anv artwork um was it anv artwork yeah I think so um cuz so he did like all the

Animations for which was cool and like hey all the all the power to him but like they never really like acknowledged people like myself which is fine I didn’t want the acknowledgement either way so like I really didn’t care but like they never acknowledge people like epic Jones or Pelican Productions or

Even just kind of acknowledge that like it existed in a sense and that there was such a such such a massive Community about it it was more so just H you know like hey hey Minecraft and Doctor Who it’s cool um oh by the way here’s a

Here’s a roller coaster that was made from like 10 years ago so I was like so like it was it was it was such a it was such a bummed out episode cuz like a lot of us were excited for it you know and I thought

That people were going to um you know there was a lot of people that should have been recognized and and they weren’t so it was it was really it was really disappointing to uh to see that anyways that’s the long that’s the long rant that I went on about it uh I’m

Going to say that I enjoy Doctor Who until I met until I meet the fandom not you guys and I’m trying to introduce a new idea in the series through a Minecraft series I don’t remember the idea but I couldn’t that was a long-winded sentence that didn’t go anywhere Draven so I

Don’t know I’m going I’m going to ask you to elaborate on that please and thank you um okay I need to get back up dude one thing about the nether that I hate is that you have you can absolutely have no idea where you are due to people trying to act like the

Lore was sacred and even though the lore changes every second okay fair enough okay I got you now um yeah definitely the Doctor Who Phantom can get a little uh can get a little crazy can’t get a little weird but it’s but it’s it’s like that though with every franchise though like

Like like like you you kind of have to take that in consideration as well like it’s it’s like that with every franchise okay I still don’t like the way the the wood makes the sound I’m not a fan of it ow isn’t that how the vandom divided again

This time well yeah well like yeah but again like I said like it’s like it’s it’s literally like that with every fandom it doesn’t matter which phandom you’re a part of like even Star Trek man like Star Trek’s Star Trek’s notorious for that that’s literally fandoms in a nutshell

Like it like it it it really doesn’t matter it’s always going to be like that okay okay more questions guys let’s uh let’s let’s let’s get some more questions going here about uh about about about the uh about my Doctor Who series why I want I want to keep I want

To keep these rolling you guys been asking such fantastic questions so far so please do keep them coming again you can ask questions oh I just I went in a [ __ ] Circle didn’t I God damn it yes I did um yeah questions guys please feel free to

Keep them coming you guys have been asking a lot of good ones here so I want I want to I want I want to I want to keep I want to keep that train rolling let’s see why does the doctor keep the Taris as a police box in your series

Specifically you know what I never really thought about I think it it’s I think it’s just more so a thing of that’s the TARDIS you know the Tardis is is the is the police box I haven’t really found a reason to change it you know um again like we talk about oh

Shoot right again like we talk about canonicity I guess I guess that’s kind of it right there you know we um uh um you know like the the Tardis is a police box and it will always be a police box in my mind um I like oh

Dragon where are you what did you try to say to me again that’s um uh uh lava is good for my health that’s what she said right I asked that because of the six doctor trying to fix it um no that’s a good question I’m not I’m not I’m not

I’m not dumping on you for it at all um but yeah no just just just to me that’s always been what the that’s always been what the Tardis is I haven’t really had reason to change it um and may clumsy yeah thanks and who knows maybe maybe

There will be an opportunity to to change it if I decide to come back you know there’s there’s just there’s no good models of like what it cuz like a gray cylinder yeah that’s cool but you know it is it is it is what it is I’ve

Never really had a reason not to uh to change it or to kind of explain that but so I’ve I’ve never really thought about it okay how does one make glowstone how does one do this again uh lava is lava is not good yes personally I think you slipped on

Your own card I probably did let’s be real here I probably did that is true block of raw copper I have copper yeah right yeah horse I’m just going to put all this in here got raw copper then why is it hot like a hot dog it’s it’s it’s hot all

Right it’s like well fix triy six tried to fix the doctor’s tart but six tried to fix it but the D just [ __ ] has had an affection to the police box I mean hey fair enough fair enough man absolutely fair I just I I’ve I’ve I’ve just I’ve

Just never had a reason to change it so I’ve never really thought of a reason to change it so um second question what is your opinion in Doctor Who in your own okay can you rephrase your question cuz grammar gives me a headache like I I like I think I know

What he’s asking but I’m not entirely sure okay keep keep the questions coming guys we’re we’re we we’re we’re we’re we’re working on it here so keep the questions coming about about my series um you know we’re we’re working on it here again like you don’t have to specifically ask

About the 35th doctor you can act ask about the 38 doctor uh again which which another hey fun fact 38 the 38 doctor is played by my lovely fiance I don’t know if people already knew that which they probably did but uh yeah the 35th the 38th doctor is actually played by my

Loving fiance so I can appreciate that um what are we looking at here real quick drag so I can check if you did return what theme Tardis would you be looking for that is another good question um I I wouldn’t know I I I really wouldn’t I think like I would think

What I would maybe want is just something that’s organic um you know just just kind of whatever organically comes to I guess is maybe the statement that I’m trying to make just just the thing Ju Just the thing is um um you know cuz like if if I if I

Theoretically do come back I would want 38 to continue for one more series just cuz just cuz it’s my fiance and I owe that to her I I I think I think that would kind of be where I would want that to uh that to be so I mean like we kind

Of have like in our we kind of have a version a version of an R RGB Tardis going right now um but uh you know I’ve tried to upgrade it or I’ve tried to like build upon it and and all that but I mean like I don’t know like I I in in

Organic like nature no I’m just saying like um not not organic like nature that was a bad trimmer phrase I’m just like I just I want like I would like to have something just kind of comes organically to us rather than just kind of having a like a a

Predetermined um style I guess that was not the way I wanted it if it if it were me I would want something kind of um steampunk futuristic steampunk in a way but in the same breath I would also I I would like something similar to the 14th

Doctor’s Tardis like I think I think I I I think realistically we need to go back to like the white roundles and just kind of like the white clean interior of the TARDIS I really I really like the 145 doctor’s Tardis I quite enjoy it Dragon Cyclone actually I’m going to

Grab water before I answer this question so I will be right back steampunk I have for sure yeah I’ve always I’ve always been a lot I’ve I’m I’m in love with like the um Victorian error era of London or just like yeah just like the Victorian era and so just kind of mixing

That with um science fiction so steampunk like it’s it’s so cool I love it okay Dragon Cyclone says um in pre- Timeless child days there was a comic where the 11 doctor went back in time to break the Chameleon Circuit so the police box will become engraved in history okay so I thought

There was a question okay uh let’s see here Draven the Lone Wolf says I meant to say what is your opinion of Gore and Doctor Who I don’t have an opinion um I don’t do well with Gore to be honest so like I don’t really necessarily have a

Opinion on it um I mean hey some people like it and that’s all for them I cringe at the thought of it so it’s just it ain’t for me it just ain’t for me uh okay you guys want to talk about you guys want to talk about how he’s

Still refusing to use a torch Oh’s backck natural shut up uh craftiest Draven asks another good question he says not a question for your series but what actor could the 16 or 17th incarnation of the doct B that’s a that that I feel like the actor who plays the doctor has to be

Somebody who’s kind of unknown you know like if you think like if you think about it um you know David Tenant was a fairly or Christopher eckl was kind of a fairly unknown actor um Matt Smith David Tenant Peter poy jod Whitaker uh now shoy gwa as well uh like they like I

Feel like like like I feel like if you’re going to take on the role as the doctor you don’t want to be somebody who’s already kind of an esta not like an established actor but like you don’t want to be somebody who’s um who’s been in big projects like Benedict

Cumberbatch um or uh you know Tom Heston or or or or anything along those lines I feel like it would have it would have to be somebody who’s kind of on the up and up so to speak um but with that being said I I really think that uh Tom Heston

Could be a brilliant actor um to play the doctor and then there’s John her of course yeah well John herd’s kind of like the the OD one out I guess um you know but like if if I were to pick a high-end actor to to play the

Doctor I think it would be Tom Heston or Benedict Cumberbatch if I were to pick a lower actor or if I were to pick like an like an actor who’s not um as well known I genuinely wouldn’t have an answer um maybe um maybe uh I no I feel like Daniel Radcliffe

Could maybe pull off the part um or you know what rer grin I’m a huge Ron Weasley fan I feel like rer grin would be [ __ ] hilarious as as the doctor probably an actor from a soap drop probably eklon was kind of known for playing villains before as well on Doctor fair

Enough fair enough I feel like we we need a ginger doctor at some point here we absolutely need a ginger doctor I mean I’m I mean like I’m carrying the mantle right now but you know we absolutely need a ginger doctor well the fish are going for a

Little swim that’s nice okay I want to redo the floor here cuz I think it needs to be done up and we have the blocks to do it I’m going going to just kind of do actually you know I might I might do I might I might just uh I might just

Do kind of maybe this part here I’m hav decided I sent you one of my downloadable drag on messenger is that the kind of thing you’re looking for give me two seconds and then I’ll have a look here apparently in Canon the ginger doctor is Merlin

Ah doctor okay so if we want to talk about the ESS child and if we want to talk about um uh kind of the the the the the what is it the morbius faces or the morbius doctors that’s who we’ve kind of been chatting about I I I personally wouldn’t consider

Those I really wouldn’t I think that’s I think that’s just a cheap cop out I like like I think I think if anything at the time um those faces are what could I would see it as what could have been or who could have been the doctor uh could or

Who the doctor could have been um I would say like honestly anything pre William Harel I ain’t uh I ain’t um I ain’t I I ain’t about it um the Merlin doctor is a different thing we also needed a bond doctor know Matt Smith does not count uh he is a

Future version of the doctor like the curator uh Merlin doctor was seen in the Seventh Doctor era I haven’t okay so I haven’t really watched any old stuff so to speak I’ve seen some stuff but I haven’t seen like a lot of like the old stuff any

Who uh right I wanted to do I want to take out these things yeah there we go cool um moving on yeah I just I I I wouldn’t consider that well like it’s Canon obviously like it’s Canon to the show but it’s it’s not it’s not it ain’t

Cannon in my own head all right okay um uh uh Enigma had sent me something so that is what I’m going to look at now see if that’s something that I’m looking for let’s see here custom Tardis interior V6 you know what yeah yeah I like

It I like the console room I think the console room looks cool it’s maybe I know I’m not I’m not a big fan of like spacious console rooms but like I but like I do I I do like the uh the design of it I would say that would kind of be

Yeah I would I would agree with that for sure plot twist 35 was Merlin the entire time in an offscreen adventure JK JK onless um bald 11th funniest thing I ever saw make it happen draon far l so he was faking being Ginger did I miss

Something okay I want to go back into the nether cuz I want these Crimson uh I want these Crimson um look at these Vines man look at these things grow can I climb these like oh mother [ __ ] you can all right cool good to know yeah I thought that’d be the one

You yeah I thought that’d be the one for you if need be yeah no absolutely absolutely and you know I think it would pawell with I think we’ll pair well with this face and uh they’re all on there so help yourself for whenever fair enough I absolutely will should I ever decide to

Come back or should we ever should I ever decide to come out of retirement rather I think it’s probably the better way uh putting it okay all right I need Crimson wood that’s what we’re looking for now you know maybe actually having a tardis for this survival world would absolutely be

Beneficial Nicholas BR imagine they hire rer just to make him bald as the doctor that would be funny Um that actually would be funny okay keep the keep the uh keep the questions coming tell me guys you guys have been awesome so far really do appreciate it uh let’s kind of let’s kind of switch gears here a little bit and let’s kind of talk about uh cuz we

We we we’ve talked about the 35th doctor plenty of times I mean like do you guys actually actually should know here before we do that I want to do this instead do you guys who are watching right now or if you are watching this on playback later you can leave this down

In the comments section do you is there a favorite episode that um you guys may have of the uh of the series doesn’t have to be 35th doesn’t have like just is there is there a a um excuse me is there just like a favorite episode or or a favorite series

While I die uh that that that you guys have uh feel free to let me know those down in the com what the [ __ ] was that I heard that something is screaming at me and I don’t know what it is I don’t like it I’m running away now

Um oh no not again go away go away you mother oh isn’t it um no it’s gold armor it’s gold armor that’s why they’ll leave you alone that’s right okay well here we can do that we can absolutely do that uh okay let’s see here um oh you

Know what it is it’s the freaking music that’s what it is where’s my where’s my um where’s my nether portal it’s got to be it’s got to be close around here shouldn’t it oh let okay let’s okay let’s see where we’re at here uh I only retired from acting and shiz

Cuz my team became sh 80% just got lazy we’re 20% we’re moving on handed sa over to somebody else yeah knew about that building Corner corridors one moment I always laughed at 34 ears I like the small I like the small series when 35 met 34 I think TV was

34 uh can’t say cuz it’ll be biased no I was TV was 36 Dr Moon is a 45th doctor I kind of have a confession my friend Joe introduced me to your channel but I’ve never watched your series is fully somebody banned Draven he’s a fake

Fan he’s no longer allowed to be here I’m kidding I’m kidding of course I’m kidding of course um um I mean that’s that’s totally that’s totally fine man that is totally that is totally fine I would highly recommend you take some time to uh to come out and watch it cuz there there’s

There is a lot of history in uh in in in this Channel and so I would highly recommend you doing so I was going oh my God bro Oh my Jesus okay I need to get the [ __ ] out of here I need to get the [ __ ] out of

Here I need I need to go find my uh I’ll get the hammer ready Draven you aren’t a mod Can’t Ban yourself all right into lava that’s the only way we’re doing this yes drag history shut up I know um oh I got a sword nice

Um I always vibed with that one really open episode where 35 gets sucked into Gmod it has a fun side Adventure yeah that was that was that was that was actually inspired by uh JT gaming and his and his series and I’ll always remember that because um he got he didn’t get agit

Like he wasn’t pissed that I did it he thought that I was trying to come for his series and I’m like no dude like it was complete it was the complete opposite I was actually trying to pay homage or homage rather to to his series cuz I thought doing something in Gmod

Like that was actually really cool um yes drag history hell oh we have a specific Hammer yeah our moderators have hammers so crafty would have to be the one doing it cuz tgl is not here right now but that’s fine I’m kidding we’re not we’re not we’re not we’re not

Banning you buddy I’m I promise that yeah I think it’s gold armor that uh that the um the pig people will leave me alone I think that’s kind of the the plan here keep the questions coming guys really do appreciate it I’ve again doesn’t have to be about the 35th doctor

It can be about 36 37 I can’t Tardis work well you know what screw your Tardis right now uh craftiest you’re you serve me I say that in just all right let’s go see if we can yeah I think yeah I think it’s gold armor where the Pigmen will leave you

Alone Hi how are you good to see you I will say this if Done Right the anomaly was a good idea and Theory which did bring the MC universe together I got blue blocks JC and digy D all together which in my eyes was an accomplishment I

Think you was on a Hiatus at that time dag I probably I probably was I realistically probably was yeah see I knew it yeah it’s it’s gold they leave me alone that’s right there’s so many monsters here man it’s not even funny yeah I probably was

On Hiatus but I did I did actually like the idea currently beginning with episode one mix or um nice Draven think think think are think harder God the noises these things make these guys are like following me man why are you killing your own kind bro dude seriously these guys are monsters you

Got 11 Seasons to catch up on yeah yes he does no pressure or nothing technically the anomaly idea the anomaly theory is still open for you to travel Dimensions Etc blame Scott Kenneth fair enough you know what if I had thought about that I probably could have totally

Introduced that to the um to the Multiverse to the Multiverse story I totally could have if I had thought about it that’s all right I know I’m OG yes you are I like the glow effect these things give off oh my hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [ __ ] [ __ ]

You [ __ ] you guys W these things are like tough to kill man Jesus don’t piss me off next time other I’ll kill another family member of yours oh now you want to [ __ ] me up hey now you want to fight hey all right that’s fine here yeah no you’ve lo you you have

Now all lost your will to live you have lost that rate I’m sorry but now you have lost that will falls through an endless uh an endless void while the song Friday back black is playing pretty sure I’ve only watched a few seasons in the wrong order that’s fine forgive you

Okay so okay here let me let me let me put this Theory out to everybody I’m not confirming anything I’m just kind of throwing this out here hypothetically if we were to come back would people be interested in helping with the series um whether we did it in

1.16 or if we kept it in 1.12 and what people want to like um or like and what kind of stories and um all that other stuff bro see okay dog seriously go away come here you little [ __ ] God I hate these things I heard a gas oh there are regular Pigman I

Thought they got rid of them I don’t know why yay no no you see now you died so like so like figure it out God damn it sign me up yep AB absolutely okay again I’m not confirming anything right now I’m not suggesting anything I’m not going back

On my words saying that I’m retiring right now I’m just I’m just kind of I’m like I’m just kind of just enjoying retirement and just kind of wanting to be a fan of Doctor Who again and so like I’m just just kind of um I’m just kind

Of uh um just kind of letting [ __ ] be as it is right now uh let’s see I don’t have a gaming PC but if you wanted a script you you’ll need to be you’ll need a very convincing reason to pull me out of retirement XD I

Don’t know man I don’t know if I could do that I’m not I’m not I’m not a convincing person by any means but I can’t help the fact that you are going to get killed fighting those things yeah bro okay dude what go away just cuz I killed your

Friend see now I killed you God damn it well if ever in doubt there’s so much vast random lore to pull from that is true and not and that’s it’s not that’s not even just from um that’s not even just from you know like Doctor Who itself that’s like it’s literally from

Our like there’s so much lore from our series um that that that that could be pulled as well uh I retired I moved out got engaged had a child yeah I’m enjoying retirement at the moment hey again don’t blame me enjoy it man cuz it’s it’s a good

Time oh that is not what I wanted are you going to fight me no okay I’m glad we’re hello I’m glad we’re on the same understanding here I’m at half a heart best part is strag with the anomaly Theory it could hard reset to okay hold on I was reading that and I

Got distracted sorry just give me a second here best part is best part is drag with the anomaly Theory it could help a hard reset to a season one in another dimension which it had no doctor okay so let me okay so let me

Tell you about that let me let me let me let let me tell you my thought process on that cuz I have I have explored that possibility so um I have looked into something along those lines um and what I have discovered or what or what or what I

What I’ve looked into with it is something similar okay I don’t want to give away too much because I do have a story idea written to it and I have thought about it and I thought and the more I thought about it I think it just

Leaves too much or um it it just it’s not a cop out cuz that’s not the that’s not the uh that’s not the um the word I’m looking for but I I don’t know if necessarily I would want to do like a new like a completely new doctor new

Regeneration um [ __ ] oh okay good I didn’t use all these thank [ __ ] um [ __ ] okay let always with the distractions yes um I I I I like the idea of kind of doing like a hard reboot or kind of doing like a reboot of the universe so to speak

But I don’t at the same time I think there’s better ways of doing that if that makes any sense probably not but I have explored that possibility and without giving out know without giving away too much I didn’t like the story that I did with it so I’m not I

Don’t know if that’s something I’d want to do but I would want to do something along those lines and I think and I have come up with a story for it but well but if it’ll ever see the light of day that’s a completely different thing you know what I just

Realized the flux already did that in a way yeah but the flux was so poorly written I think we can just kind of write that off do I have enough of these left over I should I do yeah but the flux is still the same universe yeah and that’s and that’s what

I’m driving at like I think think I I don’t know I I don’t know man that’s the thing like I I gen I I genuinely don’t know like I I I I Ser I seriously don’t know now the flux writing wasn’t as bad as the series 11 fair

Enough but yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t I don’t know man I think uh see I don’t know it just sucks cuz like I want to say [ __ ] but I I really can’t because of uh be like because I don’t want to spoil anything if I did

Um or be or I don’t want to spoil anything because I did technically write something to that extent what I’m suggesting is a different universe that needs saving okay it’s a show about time travel there’s always ways to reboot the universe in varying degrees Yeah but the

Way okay so I can say this like when I when I did write the initial story for it I was talking about like rebooting the universe completely and then like I thought about it and I’m like well if the doctor like has all their memories still from like the

Previous incantation of the Universe I think it’s just I I just thought it to be like a cheap cop out to um say like oh hey the dogs are being created nope you know and just kind of and just kind of left it at that and so like I don’t know man

Like in a way I did in a way I did write a story about rebooting the universe but not fully completely rebooting the universe if that makes sense you know what that actually worked out a little bit better than I thought say this universe is saved the

Doinks and other shiz get sucked into a universe with no doctor the doc dies of old age and when he finds out his new Incarnation and his new Incarnation he follows to stop them full and hate Doctrine have an Amnesia Arc H either way okay we’re getting we’re

Getting we’re getting kind of pulled off with it but I don’t know like I’m trying like I’m trying to like stray away from doing all that [ __ ] now so like I’m just I’m just trying to to not do that anymore basically okay good I do have all that

Okay so we’re looking the uh the wall here is looking pretty good all this stuff kind of all this stuff here is stuff that you can’t get so um I just kind of put it in there I forgot did 35 have regeneration s this I believe he did if I recall correctly I

Do believe I do recall rather that that he uh that he did I think I believe that he did actually have a regeneration sickness so cool okay this got filled pretty easily if written properly every idea as possible hey maybe maybe maybe that’s the convincing there for you Enigma

Maybe that’s the convincing hey if we want to if we want to rate this properly I would ask you to come back and uh help help uh help to work on it oh does this not grow does this not grow on the outside oh ooh ooh ooh I like this we

Just kind of put this on every corner h well yeah there look at that we are evolving 35 34 just became an elf with yeah he did yes he did okay so okay so okay so let’s say this let’s say in theory we did do a kind of reboot the universe story

Arc okay considering where the store considering where the series is capped off right now if I if if you do come back and you do want to use the anomaly ideal I’ll consider it at that time fair enough um okay so okay so let me let me ask this

Then if we were to do a if I were to come back and if we were to do a reboot the universe kind of story arc do you considering where considering where the series is at right now okay right now the 38th doctor is in a constant state of

Regeneration would it make sense to regenerate into a completely new doctor instead of using 38 and we kind of build off from there or would we kind of stop 38 mid regeneration do that and then either continue on with 38 or or or um or or

Then or then have 38 regenerated at that point I don’t know if that made sense to anybody but I hope it did craft you see a what now okay definitely watching again yeah right now 38 the 38 doctor is in a constant state of regeneration she has not not fully

Transformed fully pass through into a new body let’s just say that oh i’ I I I’ve gotten the wheels turning on uh on Enigma hypothetically 38 should get one more run but what if the Regeneration has caused the doctors to switch between previous incarnations before stabilizing and regenerating into 39 a new doctor

Set it sometime after the Regeneration just like nine or like also switch between possible future Incarnation okay so like okay so what dragon Cyclone I think is saying is 38 is kind of like the main character or kind of think of like Ben 10 in a way

Or like Ben is like the main character but then he uses the watch to transform into the aliens kind of the same idea hey 38 is kind of the main character but oh hey let’s switch into 17 or let’s switch to to 35 or anything I think that’s what dragon Cyclone is getting

At and like I’m smiling about it cuz I think it’s ridiculous but I mean like I think it makes like but like I think I think it kind of it it it’s a cool concept but I don’t know how well I don’t know how well it would go in

Practice the ark being 38 supposed last uh she ends up getting old so her body settles she regenerates and she just becomes her younger self to fully be become that Incarnation but to become 39 she has to move on to another universe and leave her pass behind that sounds fun to

Animate that sounds fun to record God damn it um you know what enigma’s on to something Enigma is 100% [ __ ] on to something it’s kind of similar to what the big finish did for the 6th where the War Doctor switches between all his incarnations I haven’t seen that but that sounds confusing as

Hell Enigma I think we’re on to something here bud I really do yeah even future incarnations fair enough yeah know I don’t know man like I kind of I kind of like it I kind of like it you guys like the chat in my game DRC

For tried to swim in lava it’s like just the that’s just the constant thing over and over again I don’t know man I like it I’m I’m I’m I’m there for it what the oh you have armor you you cheater okay hold on a second

Here oh hold on a gosh darn second we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to [ __ ] him up lava yeah Dragon like I’m giving Dragon Cyclone PTSD about lava right now O Come here I I have a bone to pick with you literally this dude has like a literal full set of

Armor you may me oh Dolphins hello hello there dear friend how are You okay anyways yeah I know I don’t know man like I think I I I I think I think we’re on to something but you know see what’s up I guess oh the Dolphin’s back 39 becomes the first doctor and said Universe not a Timeless child but

Not the last of her kind galif FR becomes the reality again but the doctor became but that doctor became the valiard because the doctor stole his life hence that Universe his master so to speak what the why are there so many skeletons here man you guys should be

Burning should be burning burn burn thank you I had a stroke trying to read that I think I I I think I get what um I think I get what enigma’s driving at I think I I think I understand what he’s trying to what he’s trying to say

And what he’s and what he’s trying to and what and what he’s what he’s trying to drive at with that um I don’t know if I don’t know if I fully love the con like I don’t know if I fully love the idea but I I like the

Concept of it I think that’s I think it makes sense he went insane because 39 unintentionally took away what could have been okay well okay well then now you’re kind of speaking Oblivion terms there cuz that that is that is literally that is literally Oblivion you are

Describing um cuz that that was kind of the the premise in uh season 11 where basically 38 forced or it it it kind of built up to it cuz 38 forced uh the 35th doctor from the Oblivion um from the Oblivion timeline to uh kind of force or kind of

Forcefully destroy his own Universe because of instability and and whatnot like there’s like there’s no like there was no real clear concise thing to it but you’re that’s in a way that is essentially what you are describing there so and so in that in that in that sense we’ve already kind of done

That but like I think in I like I think if you look at it from um if you look at it from kind of like a across the spiderverse standpoint I think it I I think it makes sense where you have that doctor like

Hey we done I’ve done all that I can in this universe it’s safe everything’s fine um everything’s just kind of left at that um so then you take Division if we want to if we want to kind of incorporate flux into this then you take Division and say like he well you you

You you revisit the division headquarters in between the two universes and then okay now we can pass on through to the next one doesn’t every reality have an oblivion though just in this scenario it’s the vard’s Oblivion well well no cuz Oblivion Oblivion is from a different timeline okay Oblivion is from the

The the Oblivion that I’m talking about is okay so you know the the 305 or like the Doctor Who Oblivion storyline that’s on the channel so that 35th doctor like like he’s not that storyline isn’t part of the main Canon on this channel it is now because I had because

I brought it over because what basically what I did is like that Universe the Oblivion Universe from that the the universe from that series The Doctor Who Oblivion series was unstable so the how do I want to phrase this the 38th doctor forced the 35th doctor because that universe is so unstable and

Was causing cracks along the Multiverse which we never really explained in that series but that was what I was trying to drive at um caused or so basically 38 forced 35 from that Universe to destroy his own universe but in the process of doing so because we also took the concept of

Oblivion being in the mind of the 35 doctor after the 35th doctor destroyed him hence the time lord victorious in 36 and the main can and the main caninos of the of the series um has caused him become fully evil and take up the mantle of Oblivion hence like the Darth Revan

Skin right well the idea is there with a few ties it’s plausible to make it work it’s 1:00 a.m. and I’m not written in a while so I’m Rusty I you and I are on the same page but I think just kind of how we want to excute is a little

Different but there but that that’s that’s kind of the I think that’s kind of where we’re driving at oh I want this rain to stop man you know what would be nice if I could learn how to make a saddle that would be nice gun powder and paper

Okay all right let’s get let’s let’s get back to questions here so if anybody has any questions about about about the series once again please feel free to ask also if you are watching this on playback and you did happen to miss the stream you are more than welcome to

Submit a question in the comment section and I will do my best to answer it at some point how do we make armor STS does anybody on Google’s going to be my best friend now uh armor stand and recipe how do we do this cuz I want to make a few of

Them oh Sticks and Stones lit literal Sticks and Stones oh sorry hold on fiance’s calling me just give me a second here that Hello hello welcome back um I apologize for taking that phone call but you know when you are engaged as Enigma will know this uh your significant of comes first all right where are we at here with chat 38 is 38 getting old and resetting to her younger self to to live one last

Life in this universe and to fully become 39 a new universe is required to say uh have a motive to save the universe again oh oh the Tardis is heartbroken in this scenario so to speak and won’t listen to the doctor properly for the whole 39th Incarnation and

Always locking him out without a key until he’s proved himself okay what what if we okay so what if we incorporated Gala Fray into this in a way okay let me let me explain so what if we incorporated Gala FR this way so again like I’m like I’m trying to

Pull different things here so bear with me on this I don’t know where specifically Gala Fray is at in our canity so to speak I don’t even know where gal FR is realistically at other than that it got totally [ __ ] up by the master in the prime

Canonicity but what if Gala Fray is officially trying to move its way back into the universe but because it’s been sitting in a pocket Universe for so long it’s been it’s been um causing such a destabilization in my universe let’s say that the only way to bring it back fully is into another

Universe uh stone slabs is that what I want stone slabs is that what this is smooth how do you make smooth stone slab generate naturally in strongholds an unstable planet yeah basically that’s basically kind of what I’m driving at here does it have to be smooth okay hold

On does it have to be smooth stone for oh yeah I guess right yeah the villages would have them too right son of a [ __ ] I could just do that you need a grind St oh okay how do we make a grind Stone I think there’s actually know I

Think there’s one at the Village I think there must there must be one at the Village oh it’s night time so I’m going to sleep first I don’t know I don’t know if enigma’s still in chat I hope he is but least but just what if what if we did something like

That you know like oh hey GFR is trying to make its way back but it’s causing instability plausible but I may count but may I counter offer that’s how the doctors move on to stop it to to stop it destroying Earth uses the Tardis to open

The anomaly B enough to suck them both in that universes okay so are you talking about both Earth and galif fray why is thereo wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a

Minute I saw a pig out there and I want to know how the hell did a pigman get out here it’s a [ __ ] pigman from my series he followed me out here oh it’s a piglin is it a okay what are you hold on a second sounds like an alternate ending

To the end of time yeah this dude literally followed me into my un this dude literally followed me into my Dimension no the doctor and galr okay um my concern okay so here’s where my concern is cuz what’s what what what could stop us from bringing in character like

Characters like Rose Tyler or um Marth or Martha again you know like I like what’s what what’s going to stop us from that and you can’t necessarily tell me that that that they’re not in this universe cuz cuz there’s got it there’s got to be a Rose Tyler there’s got to be

A Martha there’s got to be a Donna there’s got to be an Amy like there’s got to be an every companion that’s ever been around in this universe that’s also like that’s also like one of the logistics that I was running into when I was coming up with

This story God these things just grew hey [ __ ] what was I doing again oh yeah I was going to um go to the Village I was going to go to uh Village Berg that’s right that’s where I was going to go I was going to go to Village BG you guys will like this travel system that came up with in a universe where they were never born that’s a copout that’s such a cheap copout yes they do exist but who’s to say they’re not criminals the locked away are polticians where the doctor won’t go

H that’s not so much of a cop out but I don’t know if I love the idea of it so to speak Don and Noble will miss everything as per usual it’ll be fine okay fair okay fair okay that Dragon Cyclone is the only one that’s made sense with that so

Far oh I oh you know I didn’t even bring tools [ __ ] all right well I got to go back I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t even bring like a I mean I guess I could just chop down a tree I was going to say like I didn’t

Even bring like like a pickaxe or nothing every person has has a reality of them of of where they’re the opposite I mean I’m not I’m I’m not I’m not disputing that but I I just I just I just I don’t know if I love the idea of it is what I’m

Saying but I mean like if that’s the only plausible or the only realistic idea then I guess kind of you don’t really have a choice the thing is I feel like regardless of what uh the thing is I feel like regardless of what the alternate Earth self is the

Doctor would still see good in them and try to redeem them it might okay so so so you got a universe where you’re not a gamer or engaged but a school teacher or a murderer okay okay totally fair enough um I guess just and again maybe this

This is just me and this is kind of where we where where we were just talking about this earlier where like this is again like we and we were talking about um the fandom and established Cannon I guess like I guess this is kind of where I push back is

Just considering that its established Cannon you know Ah that’s the key with 39 being a hard reset the whole point was to move on from that past yeah that’s what I’m saying like even if an alternate Earth Rose is pure evil what’s the doctor would still try to touch her because of

TS bond with rose like I don’t like I don’t know and again like I said like this is this is oh okay well I need a CH I need a [ __ ] did I steal their crafting bench last time I was here I must have yeah I must have son of a [ __ ]

Um yeah I think I stole their crafting bench last time I was here God damn it I’m an idiot I’m a right proper idiot yeah I did I I get and I’m listening to what you guys are driving at I totally I totally am um I

Just I guess like the only push back that I’m giving is just because those are established characters and established events that I would imagine that they would be the same across the entirety of the Multiverse so to speak in a way Mickey Smith and Rose what a had kid yeah

I I’m not like I’m not I’m not opposed to it by any means I totally understand where you guys are coming from I just I don’t I I don’t know if I’m totally on board with it but I’m not opposed to the idea canid events yeah exactly by that logic why I was

Real okay all right okay Enigma you got me there Enigma got me there that’s fine that makes sense he’s got me there I’m not I’m I I I I I will I will concede I will totally concede in that in in that logic again again like I said before

Like I totally get what you’re driving at and it makes it it it makes absolute total sense I’m just I don’t know may maybe I’m just being a little bit hard-headed and and and and just maybe just need a little bit of time to digest that and just kind of understand

It Hey where’s stove I’m going to do it again I’m going to do this again ready bang oh [ __ ] I’m on fire this this I guess this is why we don’t stand so close to the garbage bin this all Loops back to how it’s not

Just easy just to move the doctor to a new universe and keep the memories of the first 38 incarnations yeah that’s yeah that’s that’s that’s what I’m saying Dragon right clar oh boy let’s not go there or have it like where yes they exist yes they’re human and

Like they and like who they are but maybe the Tardis avoids them to pre to prevent all that heartbreak better better dragon dragon cyclone and I are kind of on the same length same wavelength in that regard it’s like it’s not that it’s it’s easy but it’s not that

Easy if it makes sense you know but like but but again like I said like I totally I totally understand and I totally don’t I’m not disagreeing with what anybody says I’m just I’m just I maybe maybe I’m just needing a little more convincing over anything which is totally plausible

Or even better they weren’t born in London at all born in Mexico LOL Dragon Cyclone if the if the doctor were to permanently move to a new universe 39 would basically have to lose their memories I don’t I don’t know if you would want to go that far but I think

You would want to still kind of have some established events from the previous Universe on almost in a way to incorporate into the new universe you know like for example like like like the creation of the Dolls you know the doctor like the fourth doctor was there

Um when the when when when the dolls were being created by Davos when the doctor met Davos for the first time so when the doctor goes into this new universe and they see he he that oh [ __ ] the dolls are being created well okay well now it’s just easier for him to to

To to toe to prevent him from doing that or is what you’re saying like are you bringing are you literally bringing all the previous enemies from the previous Universe into this new one you know what I mean so is 14 what what what are we talking about 14 here and am I missing

Something did I prove somebody else’s argument other than my own oh I’ve got it the comp hi sweetie uh oh I’ve got it the companions in this universe ended up all being in the military cuz World War I hasn’t ended or would you just building on what

Enigma has said oh so was 14 okay that’s that’s that’s what you were saying right yeah yeah yeah yeah um or maybe building on what Enigma is saying that would you maybe flip things around where people who were born let’s say in 1914 would be built would be born in 2014 you know

So Rose lived through world so like I’m not saying like like World War I hasn’t ended in their time like the established canid events would be the same but just the people who fought in them would be different does if that makes sense Dragon Cyclone says so consider the

Doctor has lived 38 lives going into a new universe jumbles them all together they can remember key events but it’s all jumbled and the people they meet blend together in their mind I’m not sure if I understand that but it seems like okay so it seems like crafty C and

Pure Enigma are and I are on the right path there uh with that regard I can get behind that I can kind of get behind that watch Adolf Hitler is a companion of the doctor in the new universe I’m kidding but you know what but I I can totally I can totally

Totally get behind that instead of wi being old after the war it’ll be Donna oh jeez I don’t know if I’d want Donna in a war I think I can kind of get behind that I think that makes more that that makes me a little bit more comfortable and makes

A little more sense to me h 39 I’m the doctor this is off nice to meet you yeah that’s that would totally be it that would totally be it Dragon uh pure blood Enigma see we’re on the right path it’s putting it in the right timeline yeah

Totally I think that’s I think that’s totally where we’re driving at with that it’s just yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s just it’s just it’s got to be done correctly when you’re when if if you’re going to introducing a new a newer Universe in that respect I just okay so if that’s the case and this is kind of where Dragon and I also kind of agree and I don’t necessarily agree with Dragons um kind of jumbling of the memories so to speak but again like again I I I take it back to the creation

Of the Dolls right well the doctors Liv that before so how do you just basically prevent it from or just kind of it being a cop out saying oh the dolls are being created well time to shut that [ __ ] down and you know go from there Rose is a brigadier so to speak

Yeah I know I get that but that’s but that’s what I’m saying though right is like if if if the case that we want to make I’m just spit bling all the DC yeah I know you are but I’m just saying like what’s like what’s to prevent

From essentially in a way the the doctor from cheating um in in in terms of in terms of doing that you know like oh well the dolls are being created I know how to shut that [ __ ] down and so the doctor just goes and does it and just

Basically like no clips his way through it you know what I mean that’s that’s that’s what I’m driving out well you could argue for the you could AR You could argue that for the dolls it’s the same reason for didn’t destroy them in Genesis of the Dolls okay

Okay take away the Sonic and the Tardis just stuck in one point in history they’re stuck in one point in time uh no you can’t get rid of the TARDIS or the Sonic um um okay um still might need a little bit of convincing on that but I think I get the

Idea unless or it’s again we’re going we go back to Spider-Man terms here it’s a Canon event throughout the entirety of the Multiverse the dolls always must the dolls always must be created such as you know World War I or World War II must always happen it’s a Canon

Event across the entirety of the across the entirety of the universes oh you could have the Tardis go dormant in the new universe and by the time the doctor gets a work in the dogs of already in fixed Point time uh I kind I kind yes but I I think I like my

Explanation better in now one Tent Doctor episode the Tardis loses power in Pet’s World yeah but that’s different though it wasn’t it wasn’t intended for that to happen we’re talking in this case it’s we’re intending for this to happen I think I like like I think I like my explanation better guys

Where the dollx or the the creation of the Dolls must always happen no matter which way you look at it it must always happen across the entirety of the universes the doctor knows that is coming and he wants to stop at this time and not do what he did in the four

Doctors but he just he there’s sorry there’s someone or something that tells him no this always must happen this must always OCC occur here’s the Zinger when the doctor becomes 39 and this new universe instead of referencing himself he lists companions his last message is here’s the here’s the Zinger when the

Doctor becomes 39 in this new universe instead of referencing himself he lists the Companions and his last mentioned Sarah Jane Smith then wakes up in a field okay I think enigma’s talking about a different conversation I don’t know where we’re at in that conversation so I’m going to

I’m going to kind of leave that as is I think and maybe wait for a little more of an explanation on that oh I was going to I’m wow I’m I’m I’m wow I got distracted real quickly um I completely forgot that I was supposed

To be making like an armor stand and um uh uh I still need to fill in that hole in with sand holy crap you guys are you guys distract me man you guys really truly do that wow I cannot believe that happened we I’ve been rambling on about

This for like the last few minutes and nobody said anything like he like he’s recalling them so when he gets in his Tardis he looks them up knowing he’s in a new universe but when he does there are a fix Point time in the military gives a reason to look them

Up and find out okay okay I think I understand that all right there was a reason why I’m here I know that some of these houses had smooth Stone so I’m want to oh there’s a Traer he’s invisible um the Creator convinces 39 to not change history as he remembers the

Creation being a fix point in time in every Universe yeah yeah I think we’ve already kind of estab I think we’ve already kind of we driving at that but you know you know I’ll just make the day go by I’m want to sleep in this bed I

Know it’s going to set my or [ __ ] up my respawn point so viewers won’t ask if you’ll revisit them because you can answer with no other fix points and even though you time travel if an alien kills one it’ll Ripple it’ll create a ripple so he has to leave them alone

Yeah again I I know what you’re driving at and I’m not disagreeing with it I think uh I think there would still be some Kinks to work out on that if if if if that were to be the case this is one of the shittiest Villages I’ve ever been

To everything has a game oh of course it does I’m not I’m not disputing that make candles oh [ __ ] why is a pig bullying me um okay oh man hi just pull the sword he’s like nope I’m out that’s why there’s an entire scene that’s why there’s an

Entire series to work around yeah no for sure I’m not again I’m not disputing this by any means necessary I’m just I’m just um I think I’m just worried about the logist I’m just I’m trying to work out the logistics in my head over anything at this point

So that’s more so a me problem compared to anything else all right let’s go back to I mean I got like these two smooth Stone things so I don’t know if uh could work with that at all um if they create a ripple it would have greater consequences that would bring

All the doctor’s enemies through uh it could also be that the doctor is scared to connect with people in the new universe because of the Bloodshed that followed them in the old universe so there’s multiple reasons that the doctor can’t connect with past companions okay so then let me introduce

A now that I’m now that I’m thinking about it let me introduce a a new variable or a different idea um so to speak how about oh well I didn’t know that I’m sorry I’m going to now um okay so anyway so let me let let me

Let me let me introduce um a a a new variable okay and I’m kind of ripping this off from Spider-Man no way home and I think you guys might be knowing where I’m getting with this is that what if there was a way possibly to re reboot this Prime

Universe actually you know what no never mind never mind I I I don’t know I don’t know I don’t I don’t so it’s not a new variable well yeah well you know what I mean I don’t know I I had I had an idea [ __ ]

Sorry I killed my own mic for a second um apparently my my own mic didn’t want to talk about it I I had an idea I wasn’t able to flush it out so it’s not so I don’t want I don’t want to I don’t want to introd introduce that idea to

The table cuz I don’t think that uh I don’t think it makes sense yet um no don’t let it downt no like I I I I literally can’t explain it because I’m not entirely sure the whole point was not to set reset the prime un I know I know I just I

Got I got in my own head that’s that’s what it was not a not not a huge deal yeah no don’t worry about it I had an idea it wasn’t it wasn’t what I it wasn’t what I thought or what I wanted it to be so um oh [ __ ] I could have just

Done yeah I could have just [ __ ] done that why didn’t I just do that God damn it oh so I waited till last minute to tell you about cooking Stone yeah you suck um all right well I need you know you know what I need I need

Sticks need a whole bunch of them here okay then it was so three one two there we go okay so now what I can do is we can do this we can do that and then we can do this and then we can do put all this down in here dos Uno

So okay well you know what I think uh I think this was very insightful actually uh this stream today started out as a uh Pur you had me you had me creating a story line yeah I did yeah I did anyways well no I thought I I thought this was

Actually very insightful I thought it actually um I thought this was actually very uh um very interesting kind of an interesting chat uh again can’t guarantee that we would do anything with it um again can’t guarantee that I’m coming back but I mean I think that’s I think

There will always be a possibility for that now whether it takes in the form that we had talked about over the stream or whether it takes in the form of something else I have absolutely no idea but uh I don’t want to I don’t want I don’t want to get anybody’s hopes on

Up on it so to speak so that’s um that’s kind of where we’re at here um I’m I’m about winding down here so I mean if anybody has any um other questions or anything about the series I think we are probably ready to about cap off the

Stream here tonight so it’s been a fun one you guys have been awesome I really do appreciate all the support and all the love for the series and for the channel you know where I am if you need something to bounce ideas off of absolutely again again if nobody has anything else

Here I think we’re about really ready to uh about ready to end it here tonight so uh thank you guys so much for all the love and support that you guys have shown to this Channel and to I’ve got six hours at work left LOL oh so I was just a distraction to

You cool um yeah so I mean again if anybody has anything if not I think we’re about ready to sign off here for tonight uh it’s been a it’s been it’s been a fun time it’s been really insightful really interesting and uh I think uh um it

Definitely open there I I I like where we’re I like I like where we left off um with kind of 308 in a state of constant regeneration just because it opens it opens the door and it opens the possibility for multiple different things not really work as quiet okay

Well I mean like hey like well maybe we’ll chat over messenger or something thing and go from there you know where to I I know where to find you you know where to find me you know maybe we’ll uh maybe we’ll cap it off at that but uh

Yeah so it’s been a fun one really do appreciate you all I hope everybody had a uh it opened some anom for the future yeah absolutely did um yeah hopefully hope everybody enjoyed again if you’re watching this on playback and if you did have a question that maybe you didn’t

Get answered over the stream or you had a question and you missed the stream or even if you were participating in the Stream today and you just thought of another question that you forgot to ask please feel free to leave it in the comment section and I will try to answer

You back as quickly as I can once again thank you guys so much for the love and support appreciate you all I’ll see you guys on the next one peace

This video, titled ‘IM ANSWERING YOUR QUSTIONS ABOUT MY MINECRAFT DOCTOR WHO SERIES!!’, was uploaded by Dragconifor on 2023-12-15 23:17:00. It has garnered 38 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:13 or 9013 seconds.

Hey Guys,, please send your questions in chat and I’ll do my best to answer them…now that i’ve retired from Minecraft Doctor Who…It’s time to spill the beans!!!

What’s up guys! My name is Dragconifor, and welcome to my Dragons Den! I am a variety streamer/content creator that loves sports, gaming, and life! I’m 25 years old from Canada and despite what my YouTube channel says, I’ve actually been doing YouTube for 8 years! So if you like what you see, please consider subbing!!! Also check out my socials! ————————————————————————————————————————- RULES 1. Don’t be an idiot, everyone is here to have fun! 2. Don’t back seat game unless I ask for help! 3. Respect my mods, they take time out of thier day to make our broadcasts smooth, don’t need to be a pain 4. No racisim/bullying/harassment ————————————————————————————————————————— TIKTOK: INSTAGRAM: TWITTER: DISCORD: ———————————————————————————————————————— INTRO: AEDEN & SKETCHEZ – TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT… OUTRO: VOE – GIANTS:… ———————————————————————————————————————— #Minecraft #gaming #mojang

  • Villager Voyeur: Minecraft’s Spying Surprise!

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  • Sneaky Tour of Thunder SMP Base

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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  • Craft a Minecraft Arch: Build Garden Charm!

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  • Join Minewind: Where Farming in Minecraft Gets a Whole New Level of Fun!

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  • Moving to Minecraft Village 13 – Epic Pranks!

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  • Bamboo Wall Build Tutorial: Minecraft

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  • Crafty Vanilla: 5 Minecraft Features That Thrill

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  • Join Minewind Server for Modern House Building Fun!

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  • Charity Stream on Minecraft Community Server

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  • Unexpected Twist in Minecraft!

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  • Losing my mind in Minecraft Hardcore!

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  • EPIC Minecraft Wooden and Stone House Build – Viral Gaming!

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  • INSANE ESCAPE TOWER in Roblox! 😱🌌 #gaming #funny

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  • EPIC Minecraft Hero like Aitzaz Hasan!

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  • Nazi Leader Domination in Minecraft Factions

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Mods REVEALED! 🚀 #minecraft #mods

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  • Unleashing Lord Zombie in EPIC Battle! 🧟‍♂️ ⚔️ #shorts #minecraft

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  • Parallel SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20+ Multiworld Exploration Vanilla-Style Gameplay Player-Driven Lore Player Shops Custom Items Active Community

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  • Minecraft Memes – Barely Human, Mostly Creeper

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  • Game Lagging? Quick Fixes Got Me Bragging! (Devlog #4)

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  • 🔥Demogorgon vs Golem Smackdown! 😂 #minecraftmeme

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  • Minecraft Parodies: ONUR Tortures KEMAL!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Better Gaming Experience!

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  • EPIC Wheat Farm in Minecraft

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    🔥FREE FIRE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS!!! FF BLACK SKY CONFIG😍Video Information This video, titled ‘FREE FIRE MINECRAFT GRAPHICS IN FREE FIRE 🔥- FF BLACK SKY CONFIG – GRAFIK MINECRAFT FF CONFIG FILE😍’, was uploaded by TOTLA MOD on 2024-04-10 14:07:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MOD MENU. PS TEAM PLUS V19!!! AIMKILL, HS100%, ANT BAN, ANT BLACKLIST, BYPASS VIP NEW ANTIBAN … Read More

  • Dying Minecraft Horror Mods

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  • Insane Gamer Survives 50 Days in Jungle Land on Minecraft Hardcore Hindi

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  • Vishu ALL gameYT vs Hacker in MLG 😱 Minecraft #viral

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  • Secret MINECRAFT hack for playing with friends! 🔥

    Secret MINECRAFT hack for playing with friends! 🔥Video Information você quer jogar Minecraft com seu amigo usando rmin VPN Então já deixa seu like se inscreve no canal que aqui o gudão é sem enrolação Então bora pro vídeo galera seguinte ó vou deixar esse link aqui na descrição do vídeo tá na descrição do vídeo não vem me encher o saco falando que não tá na descrição não tá na descrição Fechou tá lá só procurar e clicar nele Vocês vão aparecer nessa tela aqui ó basicamente só vocês clicarem aqui ó em free download eles vão baixar para você aqui ó o RM VPN fechou… Read More

  • Uncover the Secret Stronghold! What Awaits in the End? Hardcore Minecraft Pt 4!

    Uncover the Secret Stronghold! What Awaits in the End? Hardcore Minecraft Pt 4!Video Information hello guys guys uh if you’re wondering how I got nine end pears I killed end and I got blaze rods you know I went from there I sealed it right now outside I forgot to record and uh I sealed it from here you see I can seal it I there was actually actually another Fortress just outside like not not lying actually I I’m I am not going again because uh I don’t want to die oh my God no zombie zombie but there was another Fortress literally right there and I went and destroyed the… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Fret Experiment – MUST SEE!!

    INSANE Minecraft Fret Experiment - MUST SEE!!Video Information hello welcome back just give me two seconds hopefully my thumbnails going up it’s my main concern at the moment it’s not good thumbnail I’m aware but oh well it’s no it’s it’s all right not the worst right let’s find something high up I mean that’s quite a drop is there anything taller around though okay we’re on a mountain this is a mountain and it has got yeah you know what let’s just make sure there’s a place where we can jump ourselves off so we don’t just let me just see if there is any… Read More

  • EPIC! DoctorHg’s Chest Pets in Minecraft! 🔥

    EPIC! DoctorHg's Chest Pets in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] o [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] o This video, titled ‘Chest Pets Add-On Full Showcase | Minecraft Bedrock Marketplace Add-On’, was uploaded by DoctorHg on 2024-03-26 21:08:31. It has garnered 6291 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:20 or 320 seconds. Full Showcase/Guide of All The Items, Recipes Features, And Costumization in Chest Pets Add-On by Float Studios For Minecraft Bedrock! Chest Pets Add-On works in ANY WORLD! Craft your very own… Read More

  • Is Giant Alex Hiding a Dark Secret? 😱👀 #minecraft

    Is Giant Alex Hiding a Dark Secret? 😱👀 #minecraftVideo Information جاينت اليكس او اليكس الملعونه احد اكثر الكائنات المخيفه له في لعبه ماين كرافت بدات قصتها تحديدا في تحديث 1.12.2 لما احد اللاعبين نشر على الانترنت انه وجد هذا المخلوق في سيرفره فبالفعل الناس طلبت منه تفاصيل اكثر على هذه القصه فقال لهم كالاتي انا دخلت عالم عشوائي وبدات سيرفر جديد وبالفعل رسبنت في جزيره غريبه محاطه بالمياه من اربع جهات وكان الرندر منخفض حيث انه العالم كان تقريبا عالم ضبابي فبالفعل ما انحل الظلام الا وبدات اسمع اصوات جدا غريبه كانت هذه الاصوات اصوات وحوش واشياء غريبه فبالفعل بعدها وجدت اليكس المجنونه والمتوحشه فقدت عليه وكانت اخر… Read More

  • Morven 2 SMP – Launching Soon – Nations – Whitelisted

    Overview Morven 2 is a private SMP server with years of experience running servers. We have reunited to start a new season in Minecraft 1.20.4. What are Nations? In Morven, players are divided into nations. Each nation functions as its own mini-SMP, with a leader, a central spawn-like area, and a unique build theme. Nations promote inclusivity, community building, teamwork, and events. Image Gallery from Morven 1 Check out images of different nations: Spawn, Dwarf, Medieval, Modern, Oriental, Viking, and Wild. HOW TO JOIN: Join our Discord for more information and to apply to join Morven 2. Click Here to… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Finally, diamonds b*tches!”

    Looks like this meme really mined its way to the top! Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Hidden Loot! #shorts #minecraftquiz

    Uncover Minecraft's Hidden Loot! #shorts #minecraftquiz In Minecraft’s world, items hide and seek, End portal frame, elusive and unique. Join the quiz, test your Minecraft lore, Spot the difference, find what’s in store. Subscribe for more quizzes, fun and light, With each hidden item, a new delight. Female game commentary, sharp and clear, VTuber style, bringing gaming near. Brain training, with a twist of fun, Spot the difference, when the quiz is done. Join the challenge, test your Minecraft wit, In the world of blocks, where legends sit. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, In Minecraft’s world, let your truth take wing. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans

    Spicy Minecraft Shenanigans When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to blow it up in seconds. #gamerproblems #minecraftfail 😂🏰💥 Read More

  • Monster Giraffe Portal Prank – Minecraft

    Monster Giraffe Portal Prank - Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Monster Giraffe Portal in Zoonomaly Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure with UzeMing as he delves into the creation of the Monster Giraffe Portal in the Zoonomaly game modification. This unique portal, requested by fans, brings to life a creature that defies the norms of a typical giraffe. Join UzeMing as he crafts this portal and explores the fascinating world of Zoonomaly. Portal Creation Process UzeMing begins by gathering the necessary materials for the portal, including obsidian, flint and steel, stone, and prismarine bricks. With meticulous care, he constructs a 4×5 portal structure, adorning it with… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Minecraft Kurt da müslüman çıktı” that left us in stitches. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine a world where you can unleash your creativity, build magnificent structures, and embark on thrilling adventures with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts. Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you hooked for hours on end…. Read More