Anunaki Children Desperate for the Mines – Shocking Footage!

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Might accident spawn a Wen oh boy oh well that speakers you’re an idiot just please don’t try like randomly scream [ __ ] because that’s actually going to make my ears bleed because I have my PC volume at Max and also [ __ ] I swear to God why could Minecraft just have an easy

System all right let’s just get in the [ __ ] house where’s your head at where’s your head at what happened ver I builted them little staircase down and I have reached the M shaft oh the the big one yeah just wait you’ll you’ll find the Slime TR your our base is literally

Like pretty much on top of uh of a [ __ ] slime chunk oh oh oh okay well this one goes down the the children they yearn for the Mind chat they yearn for them I need to [ __ ] uh get smell thing wait oh yeah Teo did you

Yeah oh that’s a stone uh can you make another chest because I have a a b a little bit of uh stuff all right let me make some quartz blocks we now have quart you now have quartz books to build with F and just immediately demands to sleep all right all right all right now it should work everything’s up and running y why War Thunder because I do not feel like War Thunder today I feel like Minecraft yeah oh hey Ram how are you doing my guy uh Tee of blast furnes smelt uh

Ancient debris right oh wow that’s fast as well I have no more golden carrots all right time to Mi some yeah that’s not worth it I know Ram it’s Minecraft Thunder y you’re not playing War because playing War Thunder why you not on War Thunder um that’s because

Everybody feels like wor Thunder well not today I play I am too tired to actually focus on War Thunder uh like genuinely I have no energy for warthunder today I log down get my daily reward and then call it a day yeah how are you doing R my French companion my

Comp I’m depressed as [ __ ] boy why school is back oh yeah uh Teo did you leave uh a template but I nope oh can can you give a template uh I am at 12K negative 1K what uh all all of my finals next week Jesus Christ R wait you’re actually pretty close yeah

Kind of far and I’m not in the mood never never mind I I don’t have diamonds no I I uh what is it I don’t have uh an elytra otherwise it could yeah otherwise it just could pick the [ __ ] up but I don’t I need to make one for you get one but

I’m I to been doing so much other [ __ ] also at the main village we bought a villager farm and I got most of the necessary enchantments oh very nice very nice very nice Ming breaking Tre efficiency protection I didn’t get sharpy shot though okay so now we just

Have to wait another scraps good there and we have five netherite ingots Fern wo where W oh what there I watch some random dude playing Minecraft yes the be the only way to prepare for finals wait didn’t I put like [ __ ] in one or did I just deposit that

Somewhere where did I put this enchanted books or did I just leave one of my shers I’m chest outside bro I know because I checked no but there should be like a looting book somewhere oh no CL yeah I probably left the choker at

The no no no I found it no never mind that’s just sharpness knockback and efficiency and my good pickaxe the silk touch I’m just going to put it in here man yeah yeah I know R it’s the only way to prepare for such a hor uh experience hello want to play together

No I’m currently playing with some friends on the server uh Arnold white list only yeah it’s it’s a wh list only and I believe the server owner isn’t online right now yeah uh thanks by the way oh yeah no problem man I S a shirt so I just sent it to

You um I’m might make a super smelter uh we already building one right now yeah building a really really big super smelter how big like a stack a stack of n a stack of blocks iron blocks just used to make it oh damn yeah that’s big

Big uh Deco was making a far you go well it’s not my exact skin that I used to use but all it’s close enough you playing crack no no no no I bought Minecraft when it was like 20 bucks or so no I bought it for like five minecra

Never for five bucks oh no I bought it uh wait what was the price average before yeah 20 bucks I bought it for 20 bucks back in the day 10 years ago yes um I am kind of Clueless on what to do that the mines of your child all

Right where do I need to mine you went to the wrong stairs what these stairs are also done just go down what oh no I played uh I bought Minecraft like in its infancy when um when uh Jesus Christ ver did you not why did you not

Bring any why did you not put any torches up uh because I am lazy and I have eyes yeah but mob spawn ver yeah you get some loot I swear to God I to go you [ __ ] Gremlin isn’t today but someday I will [ __ ] stab you me [ __ ] yeah the only think you’ll

Succeed at that yeah I probably won’t but it will be funny it’s okay I have a long story that’s long I’ve Vern I can do it uh what do you all have in the server well I’m currently just waiting on the template uh when Teo gets back he’s

Going to give me a template oh I’m going you should you should do other stuff bro don’t wait for me yeah no that’s why I’m mining currently like I won’t be back before I find the uh a skull City I don’t know what they’re called it oh yeah one of those

Or but yeah know Teo gave me a bit of help but give me uh this pickaxe that’s golik so that was pretty nice so I don’t have to [ __ ] start from this it like complete start oh hello polish Patriot how are you doing syy no Teo he said Susy bucka that’s executional side

Right uh I got twitch just for the stream oh very ni oh wait are you uh Slavic uh from YouTube [ __ ] not ramas is still such a funny name to me yeah def worth it okay yeah one thing I don’t like about Twitches is that they have a lower bit right like I

Had to lower my bit right uh what all you have on the server a tour uh I can give a tour in a little bit um ver you can you don’t even know the way up and down yeah I don’t have an elytra so I need to wait for that pretty

Much and then I can give it to her and fireworks very I think I’m doing it right uh the stairs right uh well it doesn’t really matter yeah but my autism it needs to be perfect okay then why you ask your autism two three one two three Two three oh wait one two three so that’s done yeah how how do you have shers not the lra because steo gave me Sher shells I have like way too many yeah that’s why I have another it’s why I have like most of the [ __ ] I

Do he got spoon F basically yes and but that’s because we’re homies he homie with an extra chromie I think what speak for yourself yeah no I am the homie with an extra chromosom I remember oh it’s one two wait it’s platform down one down two and on

Platform one and two down one and two oh I [ __ ] this one up it doesn’t matter don’t worry about I’m extremely autistic it does matter very much you’re ail if you [ __ ] it up yes I I I am already a filer I don’t have to fill even

Harder yeah did you fight the BR Dragon yet no I have not I have never in fact I have never killed the Ender Dragon but Minecraft never finished it refused to elaborate yeah start playing strategic games in our military I haven’t played Minecraft for four years ah

Damn all right let me get my stream up on my [ __ ] iPad so I can actually read the chat a bit easier there we go um now this one two platform uh you’ve never completed the no I have literally never beaten the ender dragon or the Wither for that fact

Huh yeah I I I just went buil over like 80 rers if not more like yeah no but the thing is I I always start building and I never never finish the game like I’m a builder I’m one of those retards oh you can’t what

Theof you can play with the music on yes I have the music on Music you’re playing but that’s it’s literally in the [ __ ] game you absolute ass WIP you’re [ __ ] shitty ass impersonation of it isn’t yeah well you don’t exist either you’re you’re just in my head we literally met

Up no that was just CIA your sister fck yes heavily oh yeah Bob the Bro has an uh iPad for chat yes I have an iPad for chat like YouTube chat remind me of playing Minecraft PS3 yes the good old days I have actually played I I never owned a PS or anything

But I played that my friends place I played Minecraft on the PS buto why do you want to find that City uh I need Swift sneak to put on my leg so I have my armor fully Enchanted oh yeah yeah you can find an extra book of that you’re mad

Funny I can’t even find one bro not not not even not even fore uh IP just yeah the good old days were great yes they were uh the one two and on platform remember 1.5 still thought you could bow me dirt to make it grow grass yeah the good old

Days girl H moing has ruined it by only giving you one more a year and that is literally useless it doesn’t even drop anything yeah it m like they literally wouldn’t I saw a video right and it was how Minecraft would never introduce the creeper nowadays if wasn’t already in the game

Uh for sure because it’s too risky but there’s so much skull here but there’s no skull City I hate it oh never mind skull City found nothing very nice um hello now I just need to not summon a uh summon them don’t be a [ __ ] fire

Them I will die no you know you won’t I believe in you fight you can do it you can do it Teo I believe in you with the power of friendship I have chance one more chance hit a sensor and after that it’s going to SP so I’m

Going Theo espol no I I know ablo espol I gold apples what the [ __ ] yo oh yeah I I remember duplicating items that was fun times stop screaming please please stop bro what bro what My Little Pony before the scream the stream what bro I I am so

Out of it today I have slept like 1 hour and I went to work at [ __ ] 6 in the morning oh you have issues yes I know ver I know you don’t have to point it out no I don’t actually I think verish your main issue yeah yeah honestly you wouldn’t be wrong

There yeah no my autism make will make sure this [ __ ] staircase is perfect [ __ ] of the stream the children you’re for stairs to the [Laughter] mine if I could do it on YouTube I do child burn your child size look I’m not into children I into child siiz average kin player

Literally wasn’t that like the video of that guy yeah it was you see I I’m not into children I’m into fight that’s I yeah I just want wait hold up hold up hold up something ain’t right I gu said that there here something good to say yeah at

That point just don’t say anything at all uh ASD and OCD is different all I mean if you want to lecture in French we have a we have a resident Frenchie here we do yeah R he he is actually French imagine that yeah exactly oh that’s that is I keep telling him he’s

French every time we talk remind you your French yep just doig [ __ ] you fren this R this is your friendly reminder that you’re French uh let’s see how did it go again do you like holy [ __ ] you could have not butchered that any more that you just did yes I

Know I am making holy water I’m boiling the hell out of it very nice let’s see please don’t speak French anymore Wait wait ra your French you going don’t got to say in the matter bullying the French has never been this fun but but Teo there might be hope that a Wen that is a warden that is a warden oh boy there’s nothing we can do what I just said yeah French but yeah

Not Teo uh there might be hope for him left he might come study in the Netherlands so he might we might get to urger [Laughter] him enjoy Beau of M Don yeah oh yeah because he has to study here now like after you know the new law

That now says if you’re um an student from another country coming to the nland you need to learn Dutch huh that’s a thing yeah yes they changed that in universities oh good thing I went and studied there earlier on yeah no it’s to promote Dutch culture although it’s the most horrific

Language like not even French is that bad it’s worse than Danish okay the only thing bad about Danish is the accent ver I swear to God I I I will put a [ __ ] torch so far up your ass it will shine out of your mouth shut up no Danish is like Norwegian who

Has had a stroke and is uh what does it wait there’s nothing what does that mean you can still CH bro I I swear to God my brain is in a hold how do a donut on YouTube um well currently you can’t it’s only via twitch

I currently can well I could put in a donation link that I have in my Twitch in YouTube I just need to figure all that [ __ ] out know let me actually see there and let me go into yeah I need to add it in restream got video you see me making a

Oh God I just open accidentally opened one of the to lot of video in it is that moment all right there we go I don’t have any money to donate on anyways XD or else I’ll spend it on what loot boxes yes a true gambling addict you’re not coming to France again

What are you I hate the Donate links yeah I know but since I’m not uh an affiliate part of YouTube yet uh I can’t uh get super chats or anything yet I need to reach 500 subs for that to happen they they loaded from 2,000 to 100 uh to

500 which is actually kind of nice although the cut isn’t that good God I hate mining deep slide it’s it takes years yeah can uh oh hello Mr Toby how are you doing bro you have S wait I have 69 Subs nice wait no I have 63 Subs right now at

Least that’s what it says wa bro how the [ __ ] does a Wen one shot me I have full netherite armor wait did you die I got one shoted oh yeah no you need Bloss protection a Fu for his uh blast this I have full netherite armor 64 and oh hey

R Wait give me one second and and there we go now I can see Ram very nice 60 for the road to 69 I’m here now yes oh God now we have a Frenchman in my YouTube chat watch out he’s French he’ll give you wine and a baguette with

Frage all you can look at it this way alici or British yeah oh you know Ram is a mode in my in my twitch chat so I made him a YouTube mode as well now I’d like to keep that [ __ ] insane because that’s the only way I can recognize

People just insulted half of me What wait did I insult you no he I don’t know if he was reading it or just he said at least British oh yeah well no we just hate the British here oh that’s true yeah you’re half British my condolences F yeah my dad’s from Liverpool stuck with this accent

Though we do not condone scousers the am man of autism H beautiful all decent all decent everywhere not the brain s inside yep I’m going to un sub res so I can beat a 69 sub big brain time yes that would truly make you the biggest Frenchman you have to retreat

Before you can attack oh The Retreat camarad you keep gold apples up on death wait you do yeah oh somebody said amus in your in the Discord you are you were in the Discord no no it’s it’s the messaging thing that you the plug yeah [ __ ]

Mles amles as long as they don’t say anything prist you’re fine I mean it’s ch on don’t I don’t think they’re going to mind that much because 2b2 T videos are up you know the server but like everybody spamming the nword enemy of an enemy is a friend only

Problem with YouTube is racism you cannot practice it spoke like a true slab uh I need to find out where I died exactly my sh I know the city location I can offend anybody I mean literally the entire culture of the Slavic is just oh I you’re the wrong type of slav [ __ ]

You this the entire [ __ ] the entire [ __ ] culture oh you’re not the same nationality as I am get [ __ ] Teo Yeah oh I’m still hello R yeah now in two places everyone is attacking everybody it’s like Slavic Battle Royale that is the most fitting way I’ve heard somebody describe the Slavic countries I found where I died okay let’s see if I can get my big balls I can’t see [ __ ] because of this

[ __ ] blindness that keeps happening yippe yippe uh boys don’t try to find each other in twitch chat because your account might get banned oh I’ve reached Bedrock good Okay I need to find out how to K you know getting [ __ ] so yeah ver we have reached b rock okay dark I year for the mines ver give me more mining to you’re not a good SL but do more describing SL culture no offense this is true sness at heart just

You’re not real slav oh beautiful no phone no balls no no Infrastructure all right You see I’m collect I’m collecting all the different nationality sh just so I can throw them in a big battle royale and see what [Laughter] happens yeah I can’t actually sing that song on YouTube before I get B Teo you know that song we going to celebrate our

Differences oh yeah yeah I what I nearly was singing that no 5G no military just lawn mes yes all right there we go we need to make an timatic Tree Farm I’m getting wood that’s what she said wasn’t what you said uh why would I say

It it’s kind of gay that’s kind of gay if I would say it that’s okay oh don’t tell me to reach up here please please there’s a song named big dick Randy I know it’s uh from uh I think bad Americans I mean if you truly want to

Hear some offensive [ __ ] listen to rck Roa I listen to Alabama no I oh wait no wasn’t it fether falling that you got from the Phantoms in another yeah it was FEA falling don’t know bro yeah ver if you kill a phantom in another you get you get f f falling Three what wait wait what happened oh ver mut H I think ver to go I still trying to kill two w listen to Afghanistan B52 yeah very to go um I’ll go byebye have a good time bye Ram the the local Frenchman has uh left now it comes part to throw overthrows

G uh we can do it when he’s here bro don’t like they’re smart enough very true oh ver ver didn’t put all the wood in the [ __ ] chest Dam It see uh uh C130 no it’s 413 right the Minecraft music no it’s c48 oh C4 no 13 C4 13 yeah C4 13 43 all right ye the Slavic should be a game I agree and for Russ eat the bullsh all right there I have a little bit of wood

Now going to celebrate our differences I cannot finish what they say in the song CU I’ll get banned oh yeah no with banana FMS you really need to uh like you can get an early banana Farm up but you need to really watch that [ __ ] cuz otherwise you’re [ __ ] are we still

Talking about our differences or no no no he’s talking about bd6 and I love bd6 not ye the Stalin no no it’s ye the bull ofix remember it’s how it went all right I killed two Wardens oh nice I knew you could do it Teo come

Here come here and kiss me my hot lips right now I’m feeling romantic now I just need to get rid of all the shers so I here my oh no Road spike is not going to carry you like it works for a little bit but that’s about

It and what you want to do pretty much after you get the early farm is like got get a a ninja up or something like that I want to be ninja another song I can’t actually sing because I’ll get [ __ ] banned one I don’t know holy [ __ ] wait

You have never heard that I want to be ninja no I think I I’m good it’s like the white check that uh sings one of the most racist SS towards Asians of course you know it yeah because it was like a massive meme remember bro I’m not that doubled

Into the racism I’ll stick to my culture first that’s the same [ __ ] thing you [ __ ] [ __ ] please it’s oh there’s only yeah it’s one third needs to sleep bro Obama is black ninja XT there’s a bomb strike coming to me I think you should stop talking well that’s that was what my chat

Said oh ver actually put them in the [ __ ] chest oh let me get 16 chests and then put the rest of the wood in Here going to celebrate oh no I there one of those things that makes me feel old the [ __ ] skiy toilet is one of those things that just makes me feel extremely old oh it’s really really recent yeah I know but I don’t understand it anymore oh like that yeah great

Grandpa shut up I done get either don’t worry you [ __ ] [ __ ] like it’s so weird yeah I mean uh h Hello cuteness H okay Boomer I see give mean darkness no no it’s somebody in chat I know my end is Darkness finding a w hello my darkness my little friend I’ve

Come to [ __ ] with you again yeah of course he just blast me through the [ __ ] wall like car about that right yeah yeah he likes your ass that much he’s just ass blasting you through the wall BR what is it explain why I have to make cringe fits and I’m still level 69

Balloons um I’d say a chronic case of skill issue there we go that should burn for a little bit yeah no cute I feel old nowadays like like we used to watch YouTube poop so I can’t really like speak much you know no no speak for yourself that’s just you wait have you

Never seen YouTube poops I have but they’re so cancerous that I couldn’t watch them yeah but everybody has watched at least a couple of them yeah but I never found them funny they’re so bad yeah that we’re [ __ ] terrible but every everybody has seen them so like we

Can’t really like [ __ ] on the younger generation for but it doesn’t mean that they understood YouTube poops either I still think those were dumb yeah but you like is also dumb bro we literally I mean Teo too don’t tell them my secret your secret What About Us

All right was down on round 59 cuz camo lead in hard mode I mean literally just get a camo Village up with a like a Buccaneer like an uh Mi and you’re good uh like u a destroyer should be able to handle those and the biggest Boomer here I

Still use words from the 1800s because I speak Polish and mix of German and polish okay I have no clue how to said BTD is awesome I know I played it I played it uh Saturday on stream I’m going to do another stream tomorrow of it it’s really

Good it’s actually nice not having a dead chat for once play Minecraft ah yes chat’s active what the [ __ ] yeah that W is aware of my existence and I don’t like how fast Teo Teo I might have to stop streaming YouTuber you know what happens every time there’s a Minecraft [Laughter]

Youtuber oh no Teo but that’s what’s the mask that’s what the kids are po I love using the Necromancer wizard yeah the Necromancer wizard is pretty nice uh cam BL yeah uh One V one uh C BL and wait you mean one bad I mean the

True venge for wins like that thing can s up to round 150 if you just give it uh the correct amount of Buffs um it I’ve uh I’ve used it to Sol up to around 150 uh but then you need to support it a little bit but that’s if you get it

Perfect with the you don’t put supports in the F with no bus I don’t know man celebrate our differences Teo when are you coming back to give me a template whenever I find sneaking Tre only go up to two well let me check that Actually okay I need to [ __ ] wait uh quick sneak right or whatever it’s called Swift Swift swift um level three well not coming back yet I literally got a got boosted legend of the night in consolo with that to around 200 uh then I actually restarted ah yeah yeah I mean

If you get those that like legend of the night is really strong because that thing can just like open a portal and just make uh literally leak an entire bad without any problem we go celebrate your differences ping binging and he got immediately killed yes the portal save from DDs yeah

The portal is really good on those um [ __ ] what am I going to do yesterday there were a lot more people online yeah I mean they were online during the 11: a.m. ah so that’s for them earlier yeah yeah skeleton is stream sniper no he probably just logged off and I tried to

Log on but it was not far enough like trink didn’t get unloaded all right by the way we need to create like an XP farm like the furnace XP farm in spawn so that thing will just always collect XP go to the [ __ ] end yeah but that’s literally one farm

That will always work and once you get everything out of it you can get like 60 levels from one furnace if you just let it run 24 sub oh that one the gold particle Farm yeah the XP particle no no it’s literally just cactus green you farm uh

Because only XP only comes out of the uh Thing Once you collect it’s the gold particle Farm oh really is that what they call it now yeah the gold particle or the XP yeah XP go particle look that up you should find it yeah um what what’s the IP uh uh this it’s

Private I think I’m just going to go and mine for more ancient debris probably the smartest move I can do right now yeah yeah bro I want to join too yeah well it’s just private I only got on because Teo knows these people so but they seem pretty

Nice they yeah they seem pretty CH so that’s actually nice yeah it’s fine yeah wait but Teo where did you make the villager trading Hall by the way the this where I live yeah oh yeah wasn’t it below like next to that mode I wouldn’t really call it a mode

It’s more of a dock it’s inside yeah I don’t ever Mo I don’t ever move my own Minecraft servers my tree is go going to be blown up yeah very nice oh what the these trees look really nice though what the [ __ ] wait do you have a Fletching villager so

It can just like Farm sticks very nice we do we have to even because trade locks XD so I made two of them that is true gaming right there just don’t destroy the the trees that are there cuz they are there for aesthetic reasons not to

Farm to farm but the other ones aren’t yeah no that’s the only ones I did that’s the only one I did I just need some sticks yeah I’ll have to make a automatic tree farm at this point because that’s going to take years yeah micraft V logic

Yes well I don’t have logic in my right but other people do T why did you use an iron door so that the villagers can’t [ __ ] open it wait why did you even give them a bed they need a bed really yeah I did not know that because normally you just

Make them one wi with the Villagers being in one block they don’t need a bed uh whenever I don’t give them a bed they don’t like it yeah I got 50 experience cool to mate brother uh by the way did you cure some of them as well nope I have not even poisoned

Them yet oh am [ __ ] wait Teo I’m wondering if it’s the Teo no you don’t know this Teo no I’m Teo from League no uh this is not the team I you know it’s from a completely different front group pretty much yeah this is not from Gamers with

BTSD oh an actually good enchant on my [ __ ] axe silk to shovel is actually worth it all right uh Te You by the way have a spare Ender Chest for me yeah I have a few yeah because I put one down at ver in a m base so just so uh ease of

Use yeah I dare to give them food to put the double villagers in a b yeah well that’s just how you farm them um I’m just going to oh yeah the vill for villagers to [ __ ] they need to be BS so that’s why I that’s the need yeah that’s why the bets are

There get them inside the square because for a trading hle you don’t need it that easier to oh what the [ __ ] slimes are in the nether yeah I told you that’s why we don’t need the Slime TK we can just get them from the nether I told you this I’m

[ __ ] piglins I swear to God can I lure the water into a lava pool give them carrots nah they don’t deserve food they’re free slave labor do you also have the water burn of lava Teo yeah do you also have like a golden carrot uh villager yep we do oh very

Nice quartz very nice I need quartz but yeah know I I’ll probably end up making my own base at some point but that’s going to be [ __ ] huge because I never make small bases are you compensating oh for [ __ ] sake n lava is so annoying y found a diamond hole

With efficiency five un mending bro that [ __ ] is never breing I can’t wa speak volumes never they spend they wasted the diamonds on the hoe dumb people of course I do I mean you make a another right ho that’s what you do I have one

Yes I lost my and then never came back to the another oh I go very often to the nether because it’s very good for XP I rather go to G wa it’s a there yeah well also like I need you need quartz anyways for building oh actually there’s a biome that’s

Called the that has smooth C blocks as uh the base oh having a good pickax is so nice in the ne again I’m literally eating gold apples to fight going to build a uh threefold sized uh Mega base oh you know my biggest base uh was the size of uh I

Believe uh 64 chunks but I I was working on it for an entire year and never actually finished that because I got bored of Minecraft yeah no that that is what I call Mega bases why does the water not burn in lava uh [ __ ] you that’s why

Why I’m going show you my stats after this like how many WS I’ve holy [ __ ] that Minecraft music is loud yeah I’m was going to lower it down a little bit fin only it kept efficieny to on my [ __ ] shovel but here we are I can actually enchant the shovel now

[ __ ] this I’m out of here I don’t care anymore I’m I got sneak tree all I care about I’m right you got the sneak yeah I got I got the Snak tree book I’m out of here now I come Mega Bas is nine blocks long with uh n blocks long and high with

Dirt yeah what you finding right now I’m looking for netherite another scrap or ancient debris I mean uh [ __ ] the way to [ __ ] make this [ __ ] this oh finally so can I finally get a template demo yeah sure some Ming C of binding and breaking

Armor I mean if it was just Ming sure but I heard curse of [ __ ] binding I don’t know where you’re on about bro you’re imagining things C down come on you’re imagining things me to my imag AR demons I literally what am I imaginary how did you know yeah because

Uh we met up was it GRE that snitched no no no I I I I just know I I can feel than my balls but I can feel your balls I know wiggle un Wiggles your balls ooh efficiency for silk touch uh shovel very

Nice yeah bro SK and it’s n yeah I know it’s the same time here uh s music is now playing in the background yeah yeah sounds about right why the [ __ ] are the chickens in the nether oh yeah no they spawn in the nether I forgot no

Don’t oh it’s because we had a chicken farm uh head I just removed it no no they got out where the [ __ ] was our base again uh it’s see your balls uh jokes you I checked our daily it’s not I check their daily and it is H we seem to have reaching the

Empire yeah I I did I get banned from no you’re not wait what right why would you be banned from the chat like unless YouTube does it currently I’m I believe in you guys to not you know what I I will say I believe in you guys did not just [ __ ] up my

Chat immediately gets starts racial Slurs let me introduce myself my racist friend I can’t even find the beacon bro how am I missing at this bad just look at the [ __ ] live map you [ __ ] I am fun oh that was loud of [ __ ] where’s the be leg well uh to my consolation you’re banned

From CH if you see this message and a little rat thing on the side no you’re not bound from the [ __ ] chat yeah I am currently the only one that can B you because all the moderators aren’t there I remember using nether quartz as an XP Bank those were the good old

Days remember the better days you couldn’t when you reset back to level one yeah after an enchant yeah yeah remember those those were the best days bro what are you talking about I know right those are those definitely didn’t make you want to kill yourself no no I mean you

Didn’t know any better so they didn’t very true also nice balls thank you mind if I yeah there man know in that Mega base I had every single type of farm uh pretty much uh iron gold all of those it there a massive industrial district like in that base as well when

Then just [ __ ] I built but then I have you seen the meme of censoring the word oh e bad two blocks for protection yeah I know but I don’t have a sheep form all right we are going oh yeah I also took uh took something with me from the Sher place so

That I can uh what did you take no you didn’t not take one of those [ __ ] screamers please no you’re not going to place it randomly in my base please Teo I swear to God I I will [ __ ] your busy tonight you don’t tou me with a good time

There create a cannon on this map need to make a mob farm I I could make a mob farm but that’s not very useful the server is r or Raspberry Pi so I’m not sure that could take it yeah know they’re already making a a gold farm so I have so many music

Discs uh show them up your ass and you’ll become a jbx you’re the human dog jug box now jug box oh all right Raspberry Pi bro just use no raspberry pies can be really [ __ ] powerful it’s running this Minecraft server yeah it’s running a micraft server completely fine the nice thing

About uh Raspberry Pi is they’re a lot easier to expand on PCS it’s a lot cheaper as well like having used them oh look I found ancient debris very nice and some lava yeah but that’s the sacrifice willingly paid oh yeah I was making random tunnels that’s normally how I do it but

Now I’m actually doing a uni for [ __ ] uh I think it’s time to set a truck for me no for who uh you a it’s for me wait what is that monster armor the reason I went to find the city also I’m slowly running out of

Storage base my shers are full just make more bro my e chest yeah just just replace them or or make an automatic [ __ ] system nah oh look do ancient debris chat very nice let’s call this one can as soon as we don’t of a TNT Farm does just how you mine for

Uh oh wow that’s already two [ __ ] stacks of golden nuggets [ __ ] nether love that’s the one thing I don’t like about the ne the most is the [ __ ] lava spread so [ __ ] quick yeah I’m probably going to burn like half of the Netherrack I actually mined today

Let’s go yeah one two low on the price but Al wait wait wait bro get second no no if you get a good like the new raspberry pies get a good performance like yeah the old ones don’t the ones I used to have didn’t have good performance but the new ones

Do oh more ancient debris let’s go and that is an extra uh Ingot I should make another red beacon give me some XP to heal the pickaxe a laptop was way better GPU yeah fair but it is what we have or of and I’m not hosting it like I’m not the one hosting

It so I couldn’t really care less what it’s being run on no the best thing you could do is run it on a [ __ ] threat Ripper Teo you’re a threat Ripper you can rip my threats if you know what I mean I know what you mean yeah by its [Laughter]

Lip I finally meant to sort out my inventory it only took me like eight different shers to sort stuff in uh bro I thing is hold the Tre Ripper yes may be well I think everybody here currently at least Teo and I are both [ __ ] computer

Nerds what are nerds computer oh yes is problem have you tried turning off Ang again my friend is is internet is power on no I see issue I see issue it’s you who did you know because no balls no cook no cook and no comb I’m might dip real quick for a second

Chat uh just so I can get uh some desert like for a second I’m I’ll just have Teo entertain the stream you’re funny yes I know I’m just going to be quiet you share your OTP now that has been delivered by the bank meanwhile scammers

Yeah I have no clue what that means but yes I agree I I just wanted to say say something that I just thought that was not very very good to set that on YouTube wait by the way chat can anybody tell me like what the best levels to

Mine for another uh for ancient debris isn’t it like I cannot promise anything man are you watching no I I had like my YouTube still open with a shirt without my sound turned off what is best why 22 no the best uh strip mining is the most

Basic not right the best level is at Corin white 12 so I am six above that all right the animatronics [ __ ] you’re d Teo y y game are you a gamer [Laughter] though you know it now for free you’re we are cut you can cut insurable dep that sounds really cursed insertable

Depth not insertable insufferable H how deep is it insertable How Deep Is Your Love uh yes I don’t speak to women okay it’s like the ocean no it’s like your [ __ ] very deep oh oh my God okay you stop burning already mind of the gutter yes but only with

Teo what do you mean what your mind is never in the gutter well this a gutter that’s very a good place as a child question right now they always ask why the gutter but never how the together go having a gold pickaxe is [ __ ] good only only thing I’m missing is um efficiency

Five I just found a one BL away from being completed nether portal nice and there’s in the chest what let’s see what Ming yeah it repairs your tools uh while you like if you got XP it repairs your tools ro buttero ro okay so I need to be a little bit

Less high with my mining I haven’t played enough for that ah yeah yeah Fair no Manning is is literally the best enchantment in the game and I wrong temo no there we go chat there you have it one man’s one man’s opinion should be the rule if you see anything on the

Internet if one person says it that’s the truth now it must be on TV exactly the the news set it it must be true right Dam really going hard with the build yeah I know uh did you come to deliver a pattern Teo oh I mean I could but it’s

Not what I came here for I just came me to die to find to kill you I mean what Teo I’m currently mining in the ne could you not keeping your course away now are we what just let me m but can you deliver the [ __ ] uh thing finally please I don’t

Want to go looking for one I know that so much fun bro no I just want nther armor how do you even make those like copy them uh seven diamonds one Netherrack I what of the play itself wait so it costs another scrap though to make those no nether wck oh

Okay why nether wreck of all things uh arbitrary block they needed one H yeah true true true and it’s nether block so I guess that makes sense having a high efficienty shovel is so nice as well bro shut the [ __ ] you said that like eight times already Teo

Shut the [ __ ] up eat my balls ah they don’t taste that good you put them in the air fry first like bitter ball yeah because there no reason for it yeah well no it’s for building purposes no that’s what you use it for all right that’s a long enough cave

Doug Teo can I explore your cave uh no that thing’s too big ah yeah I forgot you used the giant horse [Laughter] cck the autism is strong with this one how the [ __ ] did I IM magic uh this is no it’s not it it’s a friend server you mean Chris from

Abgo can the mean uh no no no neck you can make actually look pretty [ __ ] nice especially if you’re going for a more dark build it can be quite what orst yes holy [ __ ] my has taking so much damage um we’ll stop coming on it uh but

That makes St well doesn’t makes you yeah SC no this is vanilla MC there’s a pack though data pack yeah there’s a data pack but it’s it’s literally somewhat modified Sim solim kill yourself very cool magic yeah that’s the magic words now I don’t know I’m losing my mind

Slowly piece by piece my mind is breaking even more Minecraft is one of those games I can just play for hours even if I’m tired make because you just do some mind-numbing [ __ ] like go um strip mining for [ __ ] netherite who knows if there’s mobs I [ __ ] if I know

Why did I stop what black is also really nice from what wait you think I had a full brain cell to begin with now that is very generous of you my friend and know it’s for me the best no don’t make growing weed in da Z fair I have

Not played da Z at all I never really got attracted to a game and I saw on the market yeah yeah just do it in real life it’s a lot more therapeutical once you have a gun to the back of your head therapy gun instead of solving your issues you you just shoot

Yourself isn’t that what therapy is all about Teo I can’t confirm I’ve been there yeah they just hold a gun through your head right but then they gide you into believing there’s nothing wrong with you yeah exactly or well they tell you what is wrong so

You can fix it thing bro already you gas light me come on bro yeah just gas light me into thinking I’m good I don’t think I’m good enough for impos you don’t know what is do you I do but I am my brain immediately went on more us I hate

You the cops and mother cry if you go to prison well you see that’s why you kill a family first they can’t cry that uh I really need TNT just get beds I I don’t have a sheep farm you [ __ ] ape oh they she they’re not hard to find I’m already

Committed autistic little [ __ ] what autistic little [ __ ] you can suck my balls sh BS time to repair all my [ __ ] you know new who this I’ve returned oh hello hello returned I’m dad I go again then need your head right ver you you’re going again

No uh bro you need therapist not TNT no I do need [ __ ] to blow [ __ ] up blowing [ __ ] up is my therapy dumb ass my dumbass whenever I see any explosive oo oh that that reminds me of the clip in America where he just lit like the fireworks in the middle of the

[ __ ] Supermarket I just drop my chest plate into the Ender farm so now I have to like go to 18 pages of Ender Pearls Before I can find it oh no you wait you cleared the Ender pears no that’s what I’m doing right now yeah what is the meaning of the Ad [ __ ] if I know I forgot I have soup and a microwave good soup let your burn House burn down let it burn down I never lose not even from my intrusive thoughts I never I never lose I always sure about that I win for my in The Thoughts by boai doing

Them oh I’m accidentally making a Zombie Pigman spawner pleas I swear to go out of lava is the most annoying [ __ ] ever what is burning um France and I please get my [ __ ] chest plate back I beg you I made my NF arm a bit too efficient yeah you needed like a gold

Sword for that by the what enchants are like in the villagers uh quite a few like maning I’m assuming yeah all right let me clear out the go back there before I actually lose my chest plate oh you were getting attacked or what no I didn’t dropped into the farm but I

Made the farm in such a way that it’s literally impossible to get into ah well it’s not impossible but okay I got oh no it actually is impossible if there’s en man in there cannot get in there yeah entity crumming right yep my God another break breaking ASMR is actually pretty

Nice I yes that’s the thing I always goog before going to sleep nether break not breaking ASMR efficiency five oh Che that was loud as [ __ ] I just I found more ancient debris te okay can you give at least a one template you have one template it’s

In a chest oh thank you then I can start turning our armor into [ __ ] Netherite when I was a kid I was so sure I uh I put on your Zar time stove to dry my winter jump [ __ ] and it went on fire from the heat of the stove yeah that tends to happen when you have a flly suable material on a [ __ ] fire surface you

Know this is why uh this is why we should let kids do stupid [ __ ] because natural selection will do its job do you agree but you would have drunk bleach yes problem no what subed you I decided to poke red hot glass when I was younger

You decid to do that is the most [ __ ] ver answer I’ve heard in a while she decided to poke R my brother said oh bet you un touch it so I touched it and he was like was it hot and I was like no but I got a blister on my

Finger idiot a massive blister like the next day idiot holy holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of gold nuggets I was nine you were nine just the details keep coming yeah like that detail made it so much better there there’s D of things like that I put my hands on um

And forgot the word a stove top yes but use glass stove top oh induction uhhuh sure it l an induction oh because otherwise I wouldn’t have burned my arms ah oh D it I was six but granny not my problem you [ __ ] said your grandmother’s house on

[ __ ] fire and then decide to say oh yeah no it’s not my problem that little [ __ ] had to go anyway so might as well [ __ ] put that [ __ ] a blaze you know normal thoughts it’s free I mean it’s free inheritance money right Insurance well also inheritance cuz they Wicked [ __ ] That yeah it was not the house fire just check kitchen well no a kitchen fire can turn into a house fire real [ __ ] quick my friend watch watch I’ll do it I’ll turn on my camera and start a house what what this is saying a Santa

Gave me call for Christmas so I used it yes have you been a bad boy well here’s cool well I’ll use it on you Santa come here [ __ ] more expensive than te I’m giving you coal next Christmas let’s go I can show up your ass you black from the Inside but Teo this s to beat will already have been gone at that point now I can’t do blackf face legally anymore you can fart out black dust wait you’re getting rid of Santa Claus no we’re not no of course we’re not must keep it forever yeah exactly racial stereotypes are

Funny also syvan Simons God that that creature I I don’t know who you mean uh that’s the one that started the entire sword be thing what is I you know like oh it’s racist and all that [ __ ] yes I know but what is uh she was the one that started it yeah I

Know I want to ask something different that I can’t read s loud oh I I I don’t know who they are I guess American I am a b congratulations you Bread have you ever been bread by in bread yey German bread isn’t real also German bread gluten

TG I telling this joke tomorrow yes gluten of the Germans yes German bread isn’t real also German bread gluten oh or what is it the Germans have like the uml and sh to make like oh like they don’t need to put smiley faces yeah they don’t need to put smiley faces right

Just put like the uml on [ __ ] I sent it to my German friend and he literally just sent me we Germans don’t [ __ ] laugh o my pickax is all done let me mine some of my cords so Phantoms are attacking all right the Phantom manace I I’ll go kill myself I’m I’m spe

No it’s already uh ver your head so no head God I I’m one of the most autistic people I know yes where are you oh he bread yes uh kill on side destroy did you just destroy someone’s bed ver did you destroy my bed it lost mine I was lagging oh

Okay oh there the black one yeah I thought I could get the I need to do something all right oh bye-bye bye-bye uh well if e breath you at least scare mosquitoes quite genius Yes it’s okay I have a gift for after you die me I mean after I you [ __ ] you after I get the head H and by the way did you get an elytra yeto not for you a I haven’t been to the end oh no you I haven’t like farmed properly I

Lied I farmed like six elas already nice bro Minecraft is actually doing [ __ ] numbers right now what this man just farming the most boring thing ever yep people are eating this [ __ ] up they for the both my fingers in the socket and switched it on look see that is true

Darwinism right there if you survive that that that you get that you deserve to stay alive oh yeah I remember my net I had to stop my nephew from doing that I had to stop urging him from doing it your your grandparents L at your grandparents house and just like do it

Do it today Grandparents woke in and he’s just with like a [ __ ] metal thingy trying to Pro into it your grand oh he’s an idiot you to die wait you didn’t know it was plastic bro I have seven wait seven what seven old seven years old ah I mean plastic was still conducted

Fine so yeah you that would still have hurt like a [ __ ] you know what’s fun uh um I put yeah then I learned not to do it again Earth thing happened yes I know because the [ __ ] power W you’re Lu that [ __ ] didn’t go past your heart because you would have actually [ __ ]

Died because it isn’t voltage it isn’t amps that kill you it’s WTS that kill you what yeah no what is uh what kills you what I did nothing don’t look at this emo I did nothing this dude just [ __ ] server muted me I wasn’t even being racist wait what uh my parents changed

The look on the main G just for me because I would Escape in a night I climbed on a chair and opened it and went out again all of them just laughed at me never been shocked with electricity I know it can make troubles

On PC I did so many times I Le to fix it always I did something stupid oh yeah oh okay yeah I got a new member in the server yeah uh shark my legs are broken my kneecaps are stolen chair that means paric and explaining this to a Discord

Member to winners on my grandma’s laptop take that you old [ __ ] no more windows for you only Linux welcome to Linux but only the UI not even a gooey UI yeah yeah no it’s not even like Ubuntu it’s just [ __ ] Arts Linux you have the user interface I your

Grandma LS3 I let’s go good [ __ ] wait you wear thigh I didn’t know you were Arch Linux user I BR The Gamer sucks yeah L he actually put Linux on it oh my God not as funny as [ __ ] his grandma there’s nothing she can do meanwhile the grandma learning

Hacking all by the way this is my mandatory uh Discord plug I’m ring electric oh yeah no I was fixing one of the power tools at work right and because I’m a [ __ ] [ __ ] I forgot to unplug it so I am I grab the back of it right and 220 volt is going

Straight through that [ __ ] and I just grabed I’m like [ __ ] because I am I have the brains of a [ __ ] geriatic grandma that is to say I am not very very smart oh slime spawned oh wait the [ __ ] slimes give you poison oh yes yes they do now rapid

Poison as well are you in the nether yeah what the [ __ ] that is actual cancer who the [ __ ] you [ __ ] decided that that they gave that welcome to the nether bro we dat back not funny Teo you’re funny I’m going to hit you with a flip-flop I’m going to hit you with a

Nike Air shoe I mean then then it will fulfill its purpose being in the air and also hit some air yeah I will fulfill your purpose of being nutless they go on the black market for quite a while quite a bit got the black market what’s wrong with the

Black what’s wrong with the white Market why don’t you want to go in there instead can I to BU I need practicing at to my three friends already but what they went wrong way sh servers but they played AZ so I did it I I don’t like

Daisy like I I find it fun to watch but that’s about it you know don’t say the oh B you’re loud as [ __ ] as well I need to [ __ ] lower you down he hasn’t even spoken no but the [ __ ] noise that I just heard was loud as [ __ ] remember I’m

Using yeah I’m I’m using uh PC audio remember so drri incoming many ninas here yes so an what for the implementation of that latest rule um well something risky got posted and I just thought I would put it in the rules just in case uh no I not going to say that I

Don’t really care I just removed it I moved on with my day it no it wasn’t ver it was your no I don’t have any of the [ __ ] on my PC unlike you uh no there survival servers PC but yeah no um canis I I just don’t really like I

Like watching Day Z I don’t like playing it I’ve played it like three or four times on my friend’s Steam account but it’s just not my type of game to play I love watching it because people like that play it make really good like movies of them like playing it yeah

Why is there Phantoms in the nether many yeah do they spawn in the ne or what they do oh well that’s something that isn’t normal it’s like the poisonous slime data packs are funny I know that’s why I’m going to crush your balls what a

H that’s what you like to do on a Friday night I’ve have no uh no they shouldn’t spawn on another it’s a data pack we have on the server flat earther R to realize their balls around going to say that then I decided to um stop you from feeling hurt

An what and maybe Teo from the thought of getting your balls with a hammer oh I wasn’t planning on oh Jesus Christ that was loud as [ __ ] I was going to load at 125 and that should fixed that Isue what the [ __ ] people sleep in the another I dare you no it doesn’t work that’s how I killed a lot of my friends if you sleep in the nether you can get rid of the Phantoms no I use bad Bo in on my friends because

It’s very funny and also you know I’m not going to finish that sentence I would have said something that’s actually banable okay so say it in a way that isn’t banable no I Lally hello ver you have returned yeah uh three out of five people s from very the D that enjoy

It [ __ ] [ __ ] you still [ __ ] gluten tog is still in my mind Hey Teo hello ybo H love [Laughter] ybo Mr Beast be like who who the longest sleeps in in the ne g a stack of diamond no it’s just who sleeps the longest get

Get it gets put in the [ __ ] uh what is it the torture chamber uh Mr Beast but evil I I I gave PE I gave blind people sight for four minutes Beast evil you’ll be taking people’s sight away yeah exactly that’s what I mean you give blind people sight

For like 4 minutes so they can actually experience it again and then you take it way or like 24 hours so they finally get used to it and then when the show is over it all gets removed oh I need to random for you to

Steal my head I mean it’s okay you got all your levels back if you respawn oh wait really yeah if I don’t take them at least oh so you don’t actually lose any L hes on there no no you don’t oh that’s nice is spawn here yeah let me just stay

Here well even if you do just go to the ENT up break uh when I died I didn’t L any levels yeah yeah I mean um a carpet derer doesn’t really help because you can’t make beds with carpets I don’t think you can make wall blocks out of

Carpet no unless I’m going to data pack Chang it are you level 31 yeah yeah I got stolen for some reason got in the head I got stolen this is the mo this is the most Rock moment I got stoned I’m a woman any woman in the Middle

East uh here hold up I got something where the [ __ ] is all the [ __ ] ancient debris yeah I really need to get to I really need to get to the [ __ ] end uh Enderman Farm to fix my pickaxe pixx all right do you know the feeling when you

Play an FP game and you’re standing against or like two or more players I don’t play fpss really uh not my type of game well I play CS but that’s about it not as if uh if I’m playing with somebody like Teo because funny I mean Anu in the correct settings

War Thunder can be a first person shooter oh yeah if I use my VR no not even that if you just go into like clockit View I know what wait there was a hole te what you Teo what the I just read what you said in the [ __ ]

Chat Bros doing what they did back in Yugoslavia Yugoslavia not slavia that’s you slave you [ __ ] off what are they slaves or slaves slaves that’s that’s where sloves come from it’s the word slave I know but it’s not pronounced that way you DB hold this for a second well in English we say

Yugoslavia Yugoslavia or Yugoslavia well most of the time just Yugoslavia no one said Yugoslavia wait Teo does that give you another right inot it does not it gives you XP ah okay I still have 42 levels it’s it’s so funny though you’re a master farmer yeah can I get that ho well Teo

For to Hold uh they don’t get carrot you have SL villager in your yes wait what what is that one enchanted golden wounds withing wait I need that that’s a beautiful one wait what do you get for that one depression I golden boots with Ming because I saw an achievement in the

Enchanters table called a mistake so if you look at if you look at the sent you earlier I’m about to do so I’m about to make something your Tower the mistake oh that was that one yeah I find it way too funny all right

So I have I have uh like uh enough for one set of uh netherite armor repair your uh pickaxe yes um Arn know I will do that once I once I get to the [ __ ] Farm because I have Ming on it so it’ll just [ __ ] repair if I

Just go to the uh the [ __ ] you want pickaxe yeah I think you want pickaxe you can run and sneak I got an achievement for sneaking everywhere oh yeah go as well wait where are you guys uh your base if you sneak so much you get to the ninja black

Belt all right I’m coming over yeah how many diamonds was it again for one of those templates seven right seven yeah seven and one neck okay this [ __ ] staircase makes no sense I’m I’m going to lie I’m not going to lie yeah eventually I’m going to fix it

No no not in our base the [ __ ] one teo’s base I haven’t seen yeah it’s [ __ ] one way the other way the other way make no sense which one though your balls that that does me absolutely nothing no the ones in uh the ones that

Go like up to your cast oh that one yeah I make it that’s why it makes no sense yeah no it it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] stal time to assassinate why are you going to assassinate me I have let me at least dropped my [ __ ] and chests no I have I’m bad at

This take his head Teo I’m flying in El bro yeah yeah yeah what about it how many you go bro Teo can I just deliver my [ __ ] in the [ __ ] chests no Jesus Christ wait why do we have a beacon all of a sudden oh very nice this reminds me of

You very nice ah there we go it’s a smithing template um let me actually make [ __ ] oh that gave me 50 [ __ ] Jesus um the on what games do you even play I know worth in there uh what are you doing ver Teo I mean I I am I this is the

Power of a woman’s fingers what what all right have you done I I my keyboard is [ __ ] otherwise I could do it just crouching up and down really fast all there’s no stopping me retardation at the maximum level um I’m doing this with my pinky

Finger I I want to smash my own head in but that’s different what what um time to actually got me wait the balloon popping game yes the balloon 3d6 well I play a bunch of different games but it really depends on what I want to play um some debris in there broke

There we go there there there so I need diamonds I need nether I [ __ ] them wait yeah B uh play I know you are a snail slave I I do play worth in there but currently I’m not very interested in it all right so six of the [ __ ] templates all right there we

Go two more ingots bro Grand everything in wor thund there um okay my brain is just lagging behind today ver what do you have maxed out with enchantments I’m me a tree I’m in a tree hello ver I got I got temp plates oh I need to make another template just in

Case catch me all right I’m building your base you failed what what holy I am very [ __ ] tired I have no clue what’s going on anymore I’m building your base you can’t stop me what right what they you saying yeah I see he always streams he probably

Just secretly grinds no way he ain’t playing well today I’m not um today I just didn’t feel like it holy [ __ ] I know didn’t feel like playing War Thunder for8 hours all Right H yeah turn around what sleep good Bo [ __ ] hell the am how do you have this much energy so give me the give me give me two uh four items that you want to enchant well the I was going to throw you puff of fish hey ver there’s a Creeper down

Here ver give me give me an it give me like three items of yours that you want another right uh three items of mine yes what why English is weird it’s not balloon but balloon well no it you can can spell it them both ways it’s balloon it’s balloon or balloon well

That’s I just made trap doors what do you want me to to [ __ ] what do you want me to upgrade for you your sword pickaxe uh well I have this special sword oh yeah I don’t have a proper sword I’m sure one of us might spend a lot of time

On getting good tools for everybody so you can just ask him for tools it’s asking for tools they’re Diamond though right yet kind hard to get maybe my pixes yeah yeah I give you a pickaxe yeah with a diamond yeah I gave her a diamond pickaxe I’m pretty sure

Yeah but I’m making them that right what are you going to do with the walls uh I don’t know yet I may change so Al this was yours F come here come here F did I put no I did not make more templates so I need to make even more templates he

Does all right there we go I have five templates for three things good there we go now I can’t 22 what made exad why do you make why did you make 22 trap wait do you have armor trims don’t worry we can decorate with them eventually you have some of those have

One what you can also duplicate the arms in the same way that you can I did not hear English for a second there oh no I I just didn’t hear hear anything for a second my brain just went this is all I have wait which one was the which one is

The one you have the red one what do you mean it’suh the trims are with materials so you can put it with redstone and then it becomes red if you do amethyst it becomes uh purple okay uh how do you clone them is it the same way with netherite yeah same way

But instead of a netherite brick you used the corresponding brick that the color is so black stone stone sand stone that kind of stuff you just need to go which one you need to use cuz I don’t I don’t know bro like I just don’t know I I don’t understand I can tell

You’re kind of [ __ ] I mean Google I’m just going to put them in here there you go now I have actual armor yeah it’s not full Pro for though [ __ ] good dips Y what up that do that that did more damage all Right yeah now I just need to get emeralds pretty much for the Villager Trader but uh don’t make another villager trading post bro no I won’t I I just need emeralds I know I need emeralds for the one you guys have trade with the [ __ ] Fletcher

Balls what balls I do have them I’m not a unic prove it no belly no belly B what the [ __ ] I’m I’m tell you to prove something and you’re telling me what the [ __ ] I think you don’t actually have testicles now well then I don’t have testicles now cool B you confus me

I don’t even know if you have test I think my brain thinks you has testicles but I don’t know you H the I’m I’m going to ask you something in DM before I [ __ ] off into work um you have all authority to tell me to get [ __ ] if you don’t want to

Respond to it okay okay don’t have to say to an Australian accent no you can just tell me to you can if you want to you can if you want to it’s a sort of situation where he just like oh I get [ __ ] f f m you fck

M you’re going to say the way an Australian says it you’re going to make sure it’s in the correct context because it could be a get [ __ ] as in like [ __ ] off I don’t want to deal with you or get [ __ ] right now I’m going to go do this

Thing that you told me to do yeah I know love I love Australian English 90% of [ __ ] is based on context alone yeah same with finish oh it’s canas that join um I am severely autistic we we know I I want to people in told me what my friends were like and

All I told them was that any was severely autistic and that ver was finished okay that’s really and before we all like government agents in here just to make it look like Anu has friends um would the government want an to have friends like this man is more productive on the

Song um I’m probably streaming till 11: 11 or 12 I don’t know because my friend also wanted to do something so like watch a [ __ ] movie so I might BP off earlier I don’t know which friend I have older friends than this friend group you [ __ ]

[ __ ] yes I do take take your pills dinner take your pills oh in like two hours because then I have a 4our stream again than what are you doing Vern dirt wait are you just going to plant a train here ver ver do you need grass I need one block of grass all

Right coming right up I have a c shovel I want to set the world on fire I’m going to set down on fire that’s cool I’m going I set on fire by my own friends yippe [ __ ] you bellly [ __ ] you belly you can’t [ __ ] someone that isn’t real no I would even want

That there you go not you spread the fastest I may return bye-bye Bly I don’t want to set fire what Jesus I’m really losing my mind I’m I’m trying to bunny hop in Minecraft Jesus Christ I oh that was just no hole there I’m losing it you’re not the only one

Check out the old vage it uh bro play too much kunker and CS yes I I actually have streamed kunker bro I play K when I was still 2D wait that [ __ ] was 2D yeah like back in 2015 oh damn I played it in 2017 like that sh was amazing bro yeah

Kunker is still pretty [ __ ] good like in 2015 when you when you and your friends in school we just all booted up on the school PCS when you have free time oh yeah yeah so [ __ ] hard you know when it was still an IO game CR IO oh yeah I

[ __ ] remember no they still have the domain by the way yeah yeah they do they do but back then it was a 2d side and now they transition to 3D which it’s cool now but the 2D [ __ ] bro that s that was so they added too much yeah it’s the

Same thing with pixel gun and thank you online if anybody played that here like most of those old games were good because they were minimalistic I want to set the world on fire V’s going to set me on fire deser don’t tempt me ver entire your entire building will

Burn down if you do that it won we can yeah you’ll have to put the M outfit back on but you costed the fire wait no no dummy she actually did it no the torch isn’t in the middle because it’s a four block wide not five block yeah It’s should not I’m going to kill myself artist misplace one block I think quite a bit of people online right now Jesus Christ pardon seeo you like balls jiggle jiggle don’t jiggle jiggle they fold Full House fold oh you have an actually like I need [ __ ] mending we have Ming villagers we have

Two of them I know but I need money for that it’s only 12 emeralds I got two they’re cheap all right let me um how many like sticks do I need what what did you say ver give give me stick I thought they would be more

Sticks wait do you need wood yeah I need a [ __ ] enough wood so I can get mending boots for books for the boat okay go uh here get wood I have an enchanted diamond axe I don’t why do you have a wooden axe make a diamond one he Stone why is

It and I’m going to make you diamond shovel as well [ __ ] you I made for I made I made for diamond shovel [Laughter] balls I’m murdering you I’m losing it [ __ ] [ __ ] actually about that wait let me send something in a few seconds oh man give me

A wait Teemo do you you need books for that right as well for the do you have some books that I can trade with the Villagers like like for the enchant book books yeah yeah they have like just a book I can just use yeah like just give like 16 books just

[ __ ] half like quarter of a stack 16 you’re funny I don’t even have that many bro like I’m not 16 yeah I have like [ __ ] all books wait why not don’t you have like a why would I have no we don’t why not it’s like the easiest thing to set

Up you can’t you can’t make a one thck Farm anymore actually H that’s kind of yes it’s okay we have a dick Farm but I just haven’t empty no but you come make the one zero tick Farms anymore for those okay sure no genuinely because of

The way well unless you have a plugin that allows it again oh no I I don’t care about one thing Farm broke what where did I save all that stuff that I had here not right uh do you have any sugar cane down I got a tiny

Bit I also got papers so it’s not that big of an issue I can just make books but oh God the server is lagging yeah and I’m trying to fight [ __ ] 11 DPS H let’s go whom the [ __ ] wh the no like that reach like whs the [ __ ] like perfectly

Teo I don’t want to set the world on piss I’m going to set your hair on fire but why don’t wait wait there’s particles now from like magma blocks mhm what the [ __ ] no [ __ ] no yo there’s diorite here the worst [ __ ] block oh but this is a sulur lake Ah that’s

Interesting I want to set the world on fire cuz you’re ball are getting Removed another portal I’m so surprised that we don’t have like random M bow sitting in chests here oh I got a helmet with Unbreaking three no and I got extra obsidian very nice now like how I’m not even like using my uh netherite helmet because I like the Slime head more but of

Course yes it looks pretty funny brand wait what P you should I buy from my P well that really depends what you want to do if you want to run multiple [ __ ] at once get AMD if you want to run just purely game and get an Intel but my preference is

AMD that’s also because I stream and then oh crying obsidian very nice uh oh power supply unit oh I oh [ __ ] if I know I just got a 750 w i I have no clue I I genuinely have no clue what [ __ ] brand my power supply unit is I

Just know it’s a good one because uh what is that like Dutch sh that does all of them Teo Meo right over [ __ ] PC parts I don’t know bro I buy my [ __ ] gecko I use uh dragon computers. Au and what’s that sounds don’t answer that don’t answer

That don’t please don’t answer that why are they like this I have not had brains since I was four no [ __ ] did you have to rub it in yeah I didn’t rub anything in is up to you oh I have Clay cool I just took two clay blocks with me and just

Left Oh I thought I saw beehive otherwise I could make a bee farm also te what are those massive castles in the nether they’re funny yeah what are they I don’t know I have to export them yet oh uh eler Outpost that’s the most I know and you also get mining fatigue if

You get near oh that’s actual cancer you ever been to any of the Guardian places I have never been to any of the Guardian places no oh you’ll ha it there too oh yeah no I know what they’re like I’ve seen videos well I’ve just never no

No no here you have permanent mining permanent wait permanent so even milk would fix it you milk w’t fix it so you just have to die uh no uh well if you get leave the radius the fixes itself ah uh well yeah that makes sense oh I found

Ice I’m trying to find sugar cane SP change let me find some sugar cane for you I found sugar cane okay oh I got four sugar cane out of that two very nice oh I found a village ooh smoker I’m going to steal that purple bed that’s

Mine oh more sugar cane I can immediately set up a [ __ ] sugarcane farm how is the TPS 9 [ __ ] div I know oh probably me what are you doing walking uh Vern and I are both probably both ver an ey because I’m also oh yeah uh albeat is actually going wild

Oh Jesus CH chilling in the volcano is that OB or is that ver oh ver you’re ver like already explored trunks so that shouldn’t no I am I am getting new chunks no no you’re yeah you are yeah so it might just be me because I was looking for sugar

Canane uh one’s a thief always a bro yeah well you didn’t bring it in time I’m going to wiggle your balls you call you can’t even find your sugarcan as if you could find my balls I have 15 sugarcane right now yeah and I have more

Balls I think that is an issue te you might Teo I mean I think you s sold them online right uh no no not online in person we’re like that we’re that Niche marker that everybody’s hoping for and I have a village Bell now oh no so that’s

Going no it’s going into one of my builds oh extra P pumpkin pie Yi oh what the [ __ ] this entire house just flooded bro these These are actually quite big can I one of you all like please drop a [ __ ] crossbow I need one more crossbow I [ __ ] beg you

Just make one I need to uh too much effort this [ __ ] I wanted to say something else but that’s against the OS as if you haven’t broken it already no I have not actually a no way no I literally have not broken to yet which which surprises

Me I need to do go to the toilet I I need to go to his toilet I forgot how to open the map I’m being an idiot wait go to the episodes yeah g ver you want a blue or a purple bud I am an idiot I’m happy with the bed

I have yeah but I I am raiding a village right now for their beds Q oh yeah campfires are now actually damage you can’t you like cook on campfires oh yeah you can oh that’s pretty neat wait the Bell doesn’t ring oh more sugar cane oh I found an ice spikes biome that’s

Pretty cool oh time to return wait I might found igalo scoobydoo coming after you going to have ourselves a mystery Scooby doyo oh no [ __ ] stop what why what what did I do what did I do it’s stick in my head I found and of course I don’t have an ender chest with

Me really take a lot oh wait do I have my so touch pick with me yes I do I have I found a beehive Rejoice we will now have bees I found a cave yo gamer a single piece of iron wow it’s not like we have an

Abundance of iron or something no we need that singular piece but I hoard items I need to steal a campfire you don’t need to you want to no because otherwise I can’t pick up the thing right because then all the be make sure the bees are inside of it yeah yeah I

Know oh you can’t pick up a campfire oh a oh that so touch pickaxe and I should be able to pick up that uh beehive I actually I was actually smart for ones W come on get in the [ __ ] Hive oh I I got all of them I think

That’s a three hiive isn’t it yeah uh total B location right so wait you can get spawn eggs what I don’t know it’s just weird no where the [ __ ] is the beehive oh yeah I don’t know I got the advancement I guess we now have bees belly [ __ ] it uh I’m losing my

Mind fa we have bees okay we’re in the bees knees I’m going to shoot you do you have a bow I’ll give her one or just with a gun in real life I I prefer that one airri please shoot me in real life and my suffering the fish

Or yeah I have 28 sugarcane this trip was pretty Rewarding having FEA falling is nice though wait is that another portal yeah it’s an abandoned portal oh it’s the one I did if you want to write a book what would be the theme I that’s an actually good question probably a giving into it what depression and how to give into

It 99% of gamblers quit be for the hidden Pig the art of up no I’d probably write some sci-fi ther like the expon that would be quite interesting no that is what I would write all right oh Piggies I found the your more ha your

M no yes no why did you say it in Dutch your M I want to kill myself now congratulations it’s a celebration party all day you’ve been waiting I congratulate it’s a celebration I CH the [ __ ] Up I don’t know why that song came to mind but here we are That’s how little I still have a grip on reality find your crossbow okay here we go now I can do it what are you getting F do you have more dirt achievement watch no you don’t

Me to get dirt uh yeah it’s a little bit okay how much is little like a stack okay uh run no I can dump on the that chest H new random [ __ ] chest there we go not come because there spectral arrows a no way bro all right yeah because I’m going to

Plant all the sugar cane so need some dirt they need to be normal arrows a no way bro I’m about to lose it can I even craft normal ARS I count I don’t have feathers do I oh I do have feathers skill a chicken I’m in the nether just kill a chicken Fair

Point like there are chickens in your nether hello uh FR genius how are you doing H what else do we need a stick and Flint I’m I can find flint here all right see yeah baby yeah sugarcan forarm yippe yippe yipp yipp yeah I need to automate one with observers

What what do observers ghost again oh I can make OBS servers iron wait uh sugar can can be planted in gravel I know but I my autistic ass doesn’t like that uh redstone dust and just Cobble there we go um where I’m missing quartz aren’t though yes I

Am oh wait you can’t make quartz back into that’s [ __ ] dumb piston wood Cobblestone iron and Redstone I guess this achievement BS I’m trying to have to have nine loaded cross bars crossbows in inventory all set and just it won’t happen so I got B my [ __ ] it what there’s a

Creeper stairs man you’re so loud what the [ __ ] yeah I want to set the world on fire H yeah what I’m going to make an automatic uh Farm dirt dirt dirt I for one stack I get two and a half very cool I literally need six pieces because I am [ __ ] and I

Forgot that you can’t make uh why did I make three three buckets he destroyed a single block yeah what don’t worry about it now I have some left of my Sal funny good joke I’m going to kill yourself are any three players sleeping now a no way bro that’s kind of

Dumb um no B immediately just no uh I might return [ __ ] you I no turn around wait wait I’m thinking do I need hoer mine cart or [ __ ] what all right um I’m thinking do I need H mine carts for it or just normal do I need to

I’m making an automated St sugarcane farm but then uh Observer so I think depend on how you’re doing it um I need to do it with an Hopper mine cart because I’m going to use tracks underneath it uh making in the front of my house look ugly just destroy it but

Say if you just do like one of those um mind me mind me who gave Anna a bill care she might kill you Teo I win this I win this hold hold up hold up hold up hold up I win this no I need to get some [ __ ] dessert as well

He was standing here yeah I know know man imagine leaving an what a [ __ ] are you literally trying to [ __ ] like obsidian trap me no no I turn around there was an obsidian I know I saw I didn’t know if I saw it did you use all the [ __ ] you know you can

Mine up yourself [ __ ] that I’m not mining that up but I I use this is my obsidian bro not yours don’t worry I’m not mining that up all I have te use obsidian quickly where is he where is he where is he where is he he’s he’s next to a

Tree you’re make me want to say words that I shouldn’t say you better calm down belly [ __ ] have some [ __ ] dessert you [ __ ] monkeys I swear to [ __ ] Christ I will send all of you to [ __ ] hell these [ __ ] you already are going there you can’t do any ex I’m taking all

Of you [ __ ] with me you [ __ ] he’s a going Jesus my guy’s in Australia he’s basically already Cal down yeah I’m already in here I can’t any further he played Alpha he’s playing Alpha he’s yeah he’s [ __ ] playing hell Alpha version man my room looks like

Lgbtq I am very confused as to how my room burn looks like a woke lgbtq it looks like someone who loves anime and has depression lives where where is this picture there is no picture hold on where’s where’s my phone so my room actually got remodeled

Like I got rid of that brown desk and got a new desk and I I have a [ __ ] mini fridge in my room [ __ ] yeah is still a mess actually I’m not going to do that I want to set the r fire I don’t remember how it actually

Goes okay I’m just going to put it in crew chat my room’s a [ __ ] mess at the moment there we go all right where is it a crew chat oh I can see that yeah it’s going in crew chat is is this the first mess to crew chat or

Yep me when I gave them a beacon so I can find their base easier I didn’t press send oops this dude hey hey you want to know funny you what did you say Teo that made her mute I want to know something funny as I planted a secure tree inside her base

Why is it so big why is what so big the security is it’s actually humongous the room yet when it’s finished then I will put a there that was my plan anyways I mean I expected so but why did you make the why did you not make it have a proper center

It’s a square center instead of a what you call it is anyone watching the YouTube stream say something in chat going to be like I don’t get how this is lgbtqs 28 44 52161 uh Teo he’s still screaming 65.1 depression and Anime loing sure that I can understand why I just noticed

The body pillow ain’t no [ __ ] the body pillow was sorry um the casing was sent to me by a friend yeah no like it actually was sent by a friend even though we are in no form of relationship anymore um the body the pillow itself I bought like six months

Ago now and all it does is just sit somewhere in my room it doesn’t get touched or anything else uhhuh if I used it Teemo why would it be on the floor I before body pillow right noral that’s it Teo I’m buying you a body pillow [ __ ]

I where does Teo live I’m buying him a body pillow I know where he lives I’m not going to send send it to you though know Best Buy my body pill my body pillar waser than ver my body pillow is taller than me that’s not difficult it isn’t no it really

Isn’t I need to get [ __ ] I need to get [ __ ] emeralds need to make some books I did not hear emeralds well no I need to get some [ __ ] emeralds yeah when you said that I did not hear the word emeralds yeah nor did I I heard all I heard I heard

Gibberish um might have heard something else I heard something more closely related to [ __ ] hemorrhoids ah I mean an do you have hemorrhoids get this get this hey anyone in chat have you guys got hemorrhoids anyone in chat you got hemoroids ni if yes press one if yes

Press one if no press two and I’ll give you hemorrhoid you see you see you remember that security Tre I planted here yeah it gave me 23 [ __ ] saplings you know how I fish forun Tre on my hoe my ho gives me Good Luck y ho

Lucky the [ __ ] do I say it word like [ __ ] that I’m going to make the dire thing right now just I just need to make some books for the [ __ ] of the cows I have paper if you need some paper but uh me you have your own suar F

Whatever we doing are we mining holes cool where are we going all the way to the other side here okay hold up I can finally show my no live mine prow look at this this there we go you been holding up oh my God Shi real

Quick uh yeah I need to at least get the one you have some paper do you can to get some so I can make some books here nice yeah it was a strange night and there seem to be chill here a young Alexi Explorer Eag found himself standing outside room B bro are you just sending an entire fan fake or something in my chat oh [ __ ] he’s talking again yeah what what the [ __ ] bro oh none of us okay none of us are in it don’t care make a fan about me

And Anu anov no no only about me and Teo yeah oh yeah you and the Very Central couple on this get the [ __ ] back if you want your [ __ ] paper bro yeah I’m just getting some [ __ ] leather Fu you it’s in the stone chest don’t care counting tails of the Haunted oh wait

You’re make a sexual fan F about ano and Teo oh no Ain no way bro Ain’t No Way Teo was made on a very special night we went to a comedy club oh [ __ ] you went to a comedy club we both no we actually no no no we genuinely went to a [ __ ]

Comedy club we actually you know this isn’t helping your case of you being G well Teo took me there I did oh so it’s Teo would be the gay one and you accepted the invite Anu yeah of course I will be gay for my homies want to make

It even worse my father was uh the one one doing the comedy with a few other people yes they were really fun incest did not just say [ __ ] incest I no that is no laughing matter you know it’s a laughing matter my mental state I’m not hold on I’m not

Sure of Vern’s being serious with that or not wait wa what the [ __ ] are we digging out this everything or like in a pattern ver is a dwarf it’s a pattern sure you and did you really just [ __ ] do what I saw you do what walk in the

Snow bar yeah you [ __ ] dumbass Bly shut up dumb I can see the pattern swort but ver um is that a serious thing of incest is not to be laughed at or is that a joke I don’t know no that’s basically the thing that turn out from incest that

That that’s a joke it’s no nothing matter I didn’t know if it was a um you know thing to never talk about again or not germa germa oh it’s 2 two two okay Teo Teo when I get my elytra whenever I feel like going to the

[ __ ] end I got on spor for seven years about you go and get your own elra an stop relying on your husband for everything no that’s why he’s my husband okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on let’s let’s just

Roll back a minute okay so if Teo is your husband an right all right let me finish what I’m about to say let me finish an before you start laughing again and you nice [ __ ] placement of that ano um and if you rely on him to

Get you things doesn’t that make you the bottom [ __ ] I don’t know if any’s thinking about this before i k you careful Teemo he might like being penetrated like that disgus you don’t have the privileg of saying that oh I knew no all the times you say you want to peg

Him why are they fing he wants me to I’m I’m I’m I know go back slly are those dark oak saplings and just I have no clue what’s even going on I’m just K serious question now are those dark oak saplings that you were just running

Past uh yeah they were I please tell me for please tell me you didn’t plant those dark oak saplings no it was I destroyed some of them oh they might get AO plant pack they all look like they all planted like a normal sapling but I

Think I a single one that was a four why are there retracted messages Arnold what did you say uh I promise I won’t ban you oh I had a redacted messages that is yeah why are there redacted mess [ __ ] that was my phone you’re an idiot um need sticks need sticks need

Sticks stick so what dildo should I buy the pink one or the glitter pink one both and shove them up your ass well I shove them up there if I can shove them somewhere else shove up your [ __ ] ass B [ __ ] you do [ __ ] you [ __ ] [ __ ] you because

You like it like that doesn’t mean he likes it like that now I’m just going to be intentionally confusing just to set ver off even more where my and maybe Teo it’s up your ass they say why do you say a can’t be creative Arov also where are you from that name sounds very um Indian subcontinent I’m not going to lie you’re an Indian subcontinent no sadly not we are in continent wait sadly not [ __ ] no you’re not you’re just fake Indian we’re fake hello bur hello am under the

Water yeah I know can do it cuz he if he does it and gets banned it’s his own fuing fault welcome to Microsoft expert who can I help you I mean it’s not that is not something that you’ll get banned for B it’s like saying the nword which I

Am my name is arabad um I am from your internet provider I am I live in I live in California Ro time in California there are buttons flashing on your router yep well then you have you need to turn off your WiFi and log into this wait it means you have bills to

Pay uh you wait is wow you get no emeralds from from this guy yeah you usually get your emeralds from melan and pumpkin buyers yeah I’m from carrots that’s what I got them from us because I have a [ __ ] carrots also mine uh carrots or Farm carrots with

Fortune you actually get more so if I Ed my fortune pick on them yes if you harvest them use your fortune Pig oh [ __ ] oh yeah actually yeah yeah this has been in the game for a really long time yeah I just never Farm I just let villagers do it for

Me normally I I normally I just use slave laor burn he flew into me bur what was the sound autism yeah it’s Lally the sound that not all of us here make it’s just autism anytime we talk it’s autism yeah but it’s okay if a guy does

It so now here’s the real question is it okay if I do it no you’re funboy he just makes me confused okay okaying guy shinger Co that is now like my entire Point here is now just to make Vern very confused does he have a penis yes it has a penis

It’s Shing or Coke you don’t know if it actually has a Coke does it have a sausage or does it have a [ __ ] Taco that’s the never say it again it’s the kidfriendly way no it’s a rose beef sandwich it’s called it the [ __ ] seashell bro no that’s that’s back in

Sex ed that’s how we were quote taught about um a human reproductive system was Sor sorry so males have a p vagina looks like a tck what achievement we need to go deeper no I do that it hurts trust me huh exactly it’s a it’s a fun

Boy it’s a [ __ ] Fanboy how often do I have to say it gets red every [ __ ] day and we both know my stance on that sort of thing but it’s funnier when I say you are spicy for clarification Teo um you should eat a Breck yes but also um I’m a person who

Doesn’t understand stop the tunnel there I’m a person who doesn’t exactly understand people who can just [ __ ] anyone they no anyone who just like [ __ ] anyone isn’t that the same yes and no um you got paid for my yeah to me you’d get paid for it I know you

Would I wasn’t talking about the KP porn you were in oh oh why are we like this no yeah know to me a [ __ ] is someone who actively seeks sexual or sexual pleasure with other people whereas then you just have people who like do it casually essentially like

They’re not shut up going out their way to try and [ __ ] oh I know exactly what you mean I don’t I just can’t some people that [ __ ] anybody yeah Teo has become a unic he cut off his balls so who pleases who in the relationship between you two then what do you mean

Pleases the only thing it does displeases [Laughter] me all right don’t you add a little bit of depth to it that is not something you can say in this conversation T yeah I don’t care a little bit of that to it just you know go bit go like one deeper and

Then and then B get your mind out of the gutter you’re the one who thinks of raing my uh by the way got to go all right have a good one man have a good one or not he said that a while ago T Anu yeah I have been so [ __ ]

Distracted I even said bye to him yeah I am very distracted okay look at that chat Anu doesn’t even pay attention to his own chat yeah maybe because I I was [ __ ] talking to you retards okay and we’re your government I mean friend yeah we your friends probably you’re [ __ ] F booy

Sh is that are you now turning that into an insult like is that the third thing you’ve come up okay so we have three insult you’re a fake Indian a fake that’s not really an insult trer dick that’s not even really that’s not even an insult either that just means

I’m doing my job perfectly well like confusing you guys I’m the only one that knows plot twist that isn’t actually my in quotation marks I’ve seen it seen I mean there is a person in this server who has seen more and definitely knows no shut shut the [ __ ]

Up no it’s not it’s not an God no it’s not him he is not he has not seen he has not seen my jibbly bits I wouldn’t even [ __ ] want the one thing to say to make me more confused yes there is one person in this entire server who has seen the jibi

Bits I don’t think that’s something to be proud about like that’s just like you talking about how you don’t understand how people can hold themselves out I can’t understand how you of all people send NES to other people in this Discord of all places no it makes sense an shut up so Teo

Hello [Laughter] the okay are you okay you need a breathing apparatus [Laughter] we I think you killed him he killed himself hello Teo yeah hello he’s Ked himself I haven’t done [ __ ] a Teo the person in question I’m in an actual relationship with so sense it is very different you are extremely

Gay like flamboyantly gay flamboyantly gay what is your gend of the person in question yeah you don’t get to know creature creature I mean they are British so yes they could be did you Sayan hello they Indian no God no I would have murdered them by now

Belly that’s the one thing you can’t see on stream you [ __ ] [ __ ] wait so why can’t we be mean about specific things but you can be mean about other specific things that’s it t murder all the Dutchman is that all loud Anu is that all loud you can’t far yeah

Exactly um but no so yeah what the hell is even going on here I have no and you’ve been just jumping and running around like the last three five minutes can you [ __ ] do something look hit te Teo hello yumbo I think this is something me and maybe

Potentially ver are too smart to understand no it’s an inside joke it’s a really really big inside joke yeah it’s really bad man I’m loving how I’m confusing two people in this server It’s [ __ ] amazing I love it it’s because you’re you’re half British that’s why half British God no

Last my family was British was about the [ __ ] five generations ago now don’t don’t dis questions okay just just LIF it just it I I’m testing something out to see if it works what just straight up asks me no no that doesn’t work that doesn’t work but

All right I [ __ ] hate your status though Teo I’m not goingon to lie well it’s it’s a book bro no Teo Teo does anybody have some stairs what just like Cobble stairs I’ll show you something goob stair slabs crack bricks [ __ ] like that crack bricks I a got those [ __ ] is wait you

Got yeah you need to make a [ __ ] pattern with them but I need to uh dig this out as well and then make yeah yeah make and then uh cuz what you can do is make different P um let me think of something real quick I wonder can um to my

House um no we can always remove it don’t wor no no no no no wait what do I have in my my head nothing no it’s the demons it’s the demon core [ __ ] what did I do last time that made it look really good um yeah I know what I

Did um no it shouldn’t be linked up [ __ ] do you have 270 followers on Twitch but only four watching um because I have been no no no then I would have a lot more um [ __ ] what yeah I need I need to get some [ __ ] Stone oh yeah stone or Cobblestone stone

Bricks um there we go here you go all right why are we going even deeper than we are we’re already um I need to get a couple more of these get some Slabs I just realized you had a um tank request docum yeah that’s for rol tanks but I don’t play wol anymore Oh I thought L W on no no that’s for real tanks that used to be in my garage but oh yeah no I see cuz there vehicles in there like they’re like

Tractor that AR an actual thing on War Thunder seon yeah that’s an artillery piece of theer three I know I know that I’m like reading the [ __ ] document I’m a nuisance to you I am not sorry wait I me I am sorry look something like

That you guys really are G out for this tunnel thing AR jeez like it creates depth what’s hold on go look back at it you’re fixing no don’t worry you’re fixing the corners like AR they Corners missing top left down top left yeah I know but I need to create another one of

Those bricks or what you could do is put like an illumination yeah the walls just not high enough to put an illumination brick in here you need to make it one Higher no yeah if you want an illumination Block in there I don’t but what the what

Could add to this is like uh mostly Cobblestone cracked Stone stuff like that give me a second what you got to be an you got to be careful though cuz you don’t want to go go too much into it I know but I I’ve have been like I

Pretty much always just start building on Minecraft instead of actually doing all the other [ __ ] because you need to create a color palette we need Moy Cobblestone and then crack Mossy Stone and then trust me it will not suit anything green no what what the f that was just a

Random [ __ ] um about the M cobone I already have like [ __ ] for my own so yeah no Mossy Stone no trust me mostly Stone will work [ __ ] my [ __ ] god this [ __ ] game I swear to [ __ ] Christ I’m going to [ __ ] kill some [ __ ] one what did you do the [ __ ] random [ __ ]

Creeper oh I couldn’t even see him that’s the thing I look down at my phone I hear you shout I’m like what the [ __ ] happened I look up and see [ __ ] all over the floor thought you broke it or something no it’s a [ __ ] creeper I I I

Can’t can I make a yeah this is way the [ __ ] needs to be [ __ ] lit up that’s oh my God that’s why I need to [ __ ] light this place up guess a [ __ ] like that don’t happen oh no that’s the wrong person I want to send that to James [ __ ] you any

You don’t get to see it I don’t care I currently I yeah cool I guess I don’t care uh what the [ __ ] did I just watch your balls no I wish but no um in memes I’m pretty sure it’s just a sheep’s heart being eaten by cats I’m assuming it’s a sheep’s

Heart where Oho but I’m dead bro ow because this place isn’t light lit up at all so that’s why wait so you guys have built all that but didn’t think to light it up no I lit up a bit of the place yeah I don’t normally

Light it up because I tend to be quite aware of my surroundings yeah just don’t go AFK near the area I I wasn’t AFK I was literally doing [ __ ] it was doing [ __ ] taking a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I love that image I not that one welcome to autism how many we [ __ ] you over today there we go now it creates now it creates even more depth yeah we add cracked into it makes it look a bit more weathered yes I know how to build are you sure

Yes fair enough Teo what are you doing I don’t have an anvil I got LEP let’s go I don’t have an anvil what CH on you oh know what right here oh yeah yeah I know but no I want to do were funny because Teo went in a hold down Teo

What what what it would have been very funny Teo if I dropped an anvil where we were mining down okay oh he went into a hole and you want to drop an anvil yes gu funny um what if he did that to you it would have been still funny

You should support to victim mentality the best trainer thought there is oh no place that Bell back right now no no no place the bell I have something to show you wait wait okay don’t [ __ ] steal it though steal it oh you have a hey what does he have he has a micro

He has a m macro oh no he’s got so you’re telling me he has an auto clicker on essentially at the moment yes [ __ ] sakes damn it I was hoping he would have stolen it no because he’s an actual homie you say you’re homosexual with him

Yes of course I am it’s steo why would clearing my throat bro down I will say this now do not go duplicating this why not because I will not be keeping it oh okay duplicating what the wall thing I’m pretty sure okay yeah what the [ __ ] what why I don’t

Know confusion of the highest order I was I was about to ask something Annie but now I feel like it probably sound very offensive so I want to be no cuz I actually consider an somewhat of a friend and I don’t intentionally want to offend him how supposed to intentially

Offend him like the worst you can do is send them curse the engineering stuff do care yourself no Cur CNC machine let’s go oh the [ __ ] bats got blown up as well [ __ ] hell no te I intentionally offend him I mean if I know something I might say

Could be offensive or sound offensive I’m going to try and clearly State I don’t mean in an offensive way such as this case of w’t you meant to be watching like movies with your friends or something yeah but he’s not awake yet ah cuz you see Teo

If I asked that it could also sound like I’m telling him why the [ __ ] are you here [ __ ] off and I want to make it clear that is not what I meant by it all right I’m going to [ __ ] off to my own place so what I’m hearing though is ver

Is an oo woo makes you confused I’m never going to say it again that wasn’t o the noise I made a while ago don’t think but belly is just a crap that not exists yes I no did you just say I exist apparently I don’t know anymore I

Don’t I don’t care CLI clip it clip it cool I won’t [ __ ] did I just do okay an um you know the uh announcement that average put in [ __ ] actually you leave that no because uh I never looking at was there an announcement yeah he I’m pretty sure

He’s doing a campaign and he made a like Google word doc thing um I’m going to read the first couple words of the announcement itself app Appo me at Appo member Call to Arms mobilization effective immediately that’s uh cringe as [ __ ] cring as [ __ ] now we get into his little Campa uh

Little information word google doc thing and then at the very top it says this is a top secret document do not share with anyone outside of the required clearance do not make copies do not print that’s uh reallying like playing things in the water the

Forums so you know exactly what I did I sent it to a bunch of people that aren’t in Appo anymore a few of those are for former appco members and one of them wanted to help him fix it because it is comedically bad in his own in his words

Um and he pretty much said I’m not help letting him help me I don’t know him I mean why did he do an add everybody and then this is top secret information I’m screaming it from the top of the roofs I don’t think it was

Meant to be taken out of the or into the context I took it in though cuz we both know I did that deliberately yep so what I’m going to do now though is which is I think is going to be very [ __ ] funny is print that document all

Right I need help what and give me your schizophrenia heels no damn it Mine my PR okay I did I thought that was um I’m not going to lie the original noise you made I thought that was ver it was you wasn’t it me wait what trees should I not plant Spruce or yes don’t plant Spruce because I come all

Around team you come all around I know you don’t want the Tre to do that now do you only you you oh can you two [ __ ] on stream already accidentally on Twitch and I only got a yeah sure no no no remember because we would be a gay couple so we got away

With that you protected yeah you’re protected look all you would need is a black box as well when you think about it well for my eyes no no for your jals Dum yeah my eyes okay good your jals are your eyes very nice all right so I’m going to quickly see if I

Can connect to the printer and print this document which he said to do not print and then post that in app go because that’s funny as [ __ ] BR I don’t even go on that server anymore I’m probably going to leave soon neither do I I just look I just see

The announcements and I get rid of them because ping I just immediately right click and R read all yeah no not even read right click on mute server yeah but you can’t do that for like pays unfortunately you can really because for me that notifications yeah roll notifications and disable everyone I

Here yeah you can just try to mute them my god I’ve been using Discord for like six years doesn’t even know how the [ __ ] use it longer even oh yeah hey you want to know something funny 2016 was 8 years ago yeah I know you want know something funny you have

No balls no 2014 is only four months away yo are we Gamers yo Sky Does Minecraft just released a new video boys yeah he just groomed The Miner I don’t think he did that did he no it wasn’t Sky it was somebody else Sky just Abus his wife yeah yeah TRS I’m post

Malone yo you’re post Malone post post [ __ ] ha ha H you to no I don’t want blue Stacks all right we Stacks is cring well there’s an interesting spot let me check them out wait why doesn’t it show like the part I actually like found or Doh update yeah yeah it’s

Updated okay I’m just going to go around and see what a fun places to build did I leave my phone in there because I need to build a mega structure once again it’s it’s that time of the year why do you need to build a mega structure because that’s what I always

Do in Minecraft oh wait big quick so uh does the Phantom uh cast you I will always consider you a friend that includes the [ __ ] talking Park yeah B yeah no the Phantom can cast but it’s not very good at it um but yeah yeah I will see you as a friend

Be what is a good place to start like a gigantic [ __ ] off like build I need a couple three we might not want to break off the bridge to the exit so far mhm I was like H we’re playing SP now this G me why is there so much [ __ ] in your

Should uh by the way Teo how did you get did you just share a bunch of vines of or how do you get mostly like bricks and [ __ ] again this is nowhere near the center why do you place I know there’s a reason what do you want I

Need uh uh how do you make this [ __ ] uh Mossy bricks and [ __ ] oh I got like a [ __ ] ton of vines okay you need Vines I got like four Stacks left yeah yeah just finding good place to build so that will take like 10 years approximately oh Savanah biome interesting paron

You your ass a big [ __ ] off Mountain this is not a mountain it’s just an indent wait do I have shars with me there we go should have probably fixed my pickaxe before this but here we are oh Minecraft music is just cool for green your pastur is DPS is so

Slow I can actually Dodge the Phantoms you have a stone ax I gave her a diamond one oh I’m using the stone before I use Diamond why are all these [ __ ] places so [ __ ] is there no good mountains to build in no I’ve seen a mountain I need to go there oh Hill actually is a like near to me but there’s a mountain on yeah I’m going to build in a mountain yeah you can build there actually

There’s quite a bit Sol mountains yep all right now anybody falls down that hole they’re [ __ ] oh if you have not found the spawner yet it’s so obious the hell oh I I there are like four spawners down there in the mft power four book okay already said this DPS is actually insane

That’s I have successfully wasted ink on a very shitty meme very nice for no reason other than to spot average oops be funny if I got banned from the unit good doing that I don’t think you would we will be no you wouldn’t I would why wouldn’t

Why would you um cuz when average started asking questions like so you send so you sent this document and others to people no just this one so he was obviously trying to find something to get done get me Done I need to make a s touch hole and honestly I already have a fortune hole [ __ ] are you trying to get all the Leafs or just doing it for uh no I need some leaves I’m building I’m a nuisance you know you could destroy the stone X

Away and pretend it never existed right I mean that’s what people do when I’m here yeah throw you away and pretend you don’t exist yes say oh wow that’s the perfect [ __ ] Mountain where’s the hole the ho over here holy that’s what he is saying that is literally the perfect Mountain that’s

The it should be this one there you go chat go back the last 10 seconds and listen to that with your eyes closed well that’s the perfect Mountain no what an and ver what not an Teo and ver Teo and ver I have not been listening to any conversations they’re just talking about

The hole and how that’s not the I have no clue oh I’m just going on my own yeah wow one durability h a Shear with one durability use it yourself you should CH your coordinates no and let convince the admins to give me creative mode why oh yeah you’re in there on wait

You’re not there where the [ __ ] are you he [ __ ] off a while ago that I’m just trying to find an extra place to build I’m getting bored of just just playing the game by just getting [ __ ] I forgot there’s now a new scale to use on how much do you like

Children are you m YouTuber no so it goes from 0 to 10 obviously 10 being Jeffrey Epstein level zero being Anakin Skywalker level Jeffrey up seem like the kids very much I B also he didn’t kill [Applause] himself don’t believe the government propaganda that he didn’t kill himself

He didn’t kill himself I’m fully serious about that I know where the [ __ ] are my bone blocks they’re in your penis hot singles have breach the perimeter two arms gentlemen or that mountain oh what the [ __ ] that’s also incredible but this mountain is bigger shouldn’t be in here it is not in

There do you need anything from this Sher I’m just going to do something quickly I want to bring it down I [ __ ] knew it wa I what are you bringing down my body count okay I’m saying out of that com a wait what type of body can are we talking about uh

Murder okay we can keep talking about it then e all no no no no no no no I’m sorry what do you say for I didn’t quite cat that sure how far down are we going uh just one level oh do we need to take all the grass house yeah it’s My no um it’s just night so if I’m typing some to somebody I’m not just going to like stay there oh he’s learning he’s learning I was literally doing [ __ ] hey [ __ ] hell I mean hey a body is a body just depends what it’s counting towards not the body at the floor don’t worry I’m I’m I’m trying my [ __ ] best you know I I think I just found um a new status for you what

No I can’t say this on over voice but I’ll send you the image I have some extra it’s promly about the last part of that but I don’t even know if that noise got picked up they did not oh yeah I see I mean that’s a good

Status but wait are you confused about my status or is that no um B just sent me a racist status and I agreed with it oh my God things you should be saying on stream no there you private first class Jack hipper reporting for Duty I can’t read the

Rest [ __ ] it ver can have it as well cuz it’s funny maybe I I love the happy ver noises do you not have any [ __ ] nerds I mean I do if you don’t have any also do you need anything from the Sher I have wait to bur you don’t mean

To laugh at something like that no or anything from this Sher or from this Sher oh no no no or this shering me or this one this one um probably this making a biggest gate right here would be perfect first class there’s also this one this one has quite a few items in

It oh yeah does B to left game there’s no more Beats by Dr Drey oh no anyway who the [ __ ] cares these are like one3 of my shers I have so many more um I have some levels I can just why do you have so many shers and

How many many uh only one is and it’s only for full full up the rest of them with dirt [ __ ] you I can’t I don’t that through space okay you have Sher space fill them up with dirt I don’t have Sher space that’s the thing uh also remove the items in

Shulkers to replace items with dirt it’s a pretty simple [ __ ] problem I need psychc help that’s confus it even more what what did I do burn to your left what did I do Teo he has rainbow sh plus I color them it’s easier that

Way Teo no Teo just likes to be gay same I mean what did you say same Teo likes to be gay also Teo same it does that is not the correct that is not a response in that equation it is now why do you have 17 ender chests in an ender

Chest when for when end chest and there’s none in there because that’s my and before Teo puts down then end that end chest [ __ ] off and then realize he doesn’t have another Ender Chest to use to get the rest of them oh I always keep

Like one I I keep right here you can have a fud though I don’t need that money you can have a few of them I always keep an Ender Chest on me just because it’s handy you know you could replace the end chest with dirt and it would be so much more

Useful no you don’t get you know there not the purpose of having en chest in there no also that’s the better way to store obsidian yeah it’s used to store obsidian like that is genuinely a better way to store obsidian like right there it’s 17 time8 eight obsidian in that single screenshot

17 oh no no no no not yeah like I understood it for a second me a secondz I like how the [ __ ] are you putting obsidian in an ender chest and putting that Ender Chest in another end chest when you break the Ender Chest you get

Eight obsidian B yeah no it took me a sec it clicked after that like oh yeah that’s right they made obsidian I why are you making a chest hold on hold on hold on hold a question why making a chest out of [ __ ] glass uh what do you mean obsidian is

Glass well you see obsidian has magical properties when I combine it with my H I’m just going to have some piece and quiet while stream chat I it’s going a bit too much for me it’s already [ __ ] light and I just don’t want to deal with

It right now but how are you doing chat I’ve not really been paying attention to you guys and uh sorry for that there we go no no that gate needs to be a lot bigger I think probably what I’m going to do is make it seven wide my idea is with this

Chat it’s going to be an absolutely massive gate pretty much something like this like something like that pretty much yeah it needs to be higher though I I need myself some goddamn bamboo that’s for sure and also I need to light this place the [ __ ] up

Yeah that’s just going to be like a side entrance there and the main entr will probably like in between those water streams um let me actually go and have a look there and then we’ll probably build a bridge over to that platform from like main here so this will probably become

Yeah this will become the main entrance like right here uh currently I’m just going to work on the side entrance which is for lesser days still going to be a big entrance I think that’s probably better yes that’s a little better like we’re just purely making this out of uh Stone

Currently just so we get a feel for it it’s not going to look like this at the end of course it’s going to have like braks and all that [ __ ] and I’ll make an iron farm so I can actually make some [ __ ] out of iron and stuff

Or do I only make it five so that would make this yeah I think I’m just going to make it five wide because this is a side entrance so that yeah I’ll make it five high yeah pretty much what I’m going to do is make massive statues at the

Front um but that’s going to take quite a while to do yes something like that that looks pretty all right Parise Rock ton will be love be there we go now I have my respawn Point throw down all the shers there should be Gucci now I at least have a bit of a storage monster going that should give us some space to play around with

Okay I need some of those coal blocks to make more uh torches get this back in there there you go chop yeah it’s lighting this place up it’s probably one of the more important things I need to do currently yeah it’s like the perfect Plateau it’s going to be more of like a

Card area here but yeah know this is going to be a massive Castle eventually not jazz music hits different though that’s actually Beautiful Spruce is a very nice look type so I’m just going to make a spruce Farm by just putting like one block there and that’s it yeah I think I’m probably going to disconnect from the VC and just keep streaming I like my pce right now

Didn’t I take Bloss furnaces with me or did I put them in here oh there we go there we go no I don’t like that no I don’t need it down though Actually yeah I’ll see how I can make that open and close later it’s the bigest P there probably here okay nice that’s starting to look good yeah I know there’s just a side entrance for the base no there’s not really going to be that much to do here

But storage systems and [ __ ] are going to be here and I’m probably going to make an automatic storage system is what I’m thinking of chat um because that would Pro would just make my life a lot easier okay good good good that’s the basic shape I’m going to make a more Gothic style

Building cuz that’s just the way I built uh I I I might even make it just a little bit less High um just so I can easily reach the top uh but all right let’s get some water from the downstairs area oh yeah and I could build ships in here as

Well very nice very nice yeah know this is going to be the main entrance like right here in between these two it’s going to be just a gigantic gate there why was that so loud we be And this is going to be like a side entrance so there going to be like a wall uh like the wall that goes all around around and it’s going to be like an inside world yeah I’ll drop dirt in there there we go just some Oak yeah yeah let’s just keep

Mining I need some resources first to actually start building yeah there won’t be tiny Walls by the way CH they will be big walls but I’ll probably have to go to the uh and real soon to actually uh uh get some levels so I can actually repair my tools

We should now be royally into the mountain yeah I might require a beacon so I’m probably going to kill the Wither soon which will be my first ever wither kill uh soon enough these should be grown on then I can uh start building with trees yeah I’m going to change this all to

Like Co to like Stone and all that [ __ ] got a crack Stone yeah I need smooth St as Well yeah I probably should start a farm probably somewhere over here is going to be the farm first we need to take this down this going to make a diamond hoe because he you need it like 3 four I think that’s the max range of it

So instead of that I want want to do this all right there we Go very nice that’s the farm up I’m running that should be good for now yeah nice have some cracked very nice I need iron and Stone oh that’s going to take ages for me to get a good amount of V yeah know this is going to be protrusion

From the VA itself like this that’s what I’m thinking of uh so so it’ll stand on its own just a little bit just to like show character right of how big the [ __ ] thing is right uh o I have chests now we’re going to go in and actually create some room

Um you don’t really have wood not do I going to what my plan is is like this that looks ugly as [ __ ] yeah I’m already feeling that uh tiredness of Minecraft coming chat I don’t know how long I actually be playing but hey at least I’ll leave them

Marked by building a big ass [ __ ] thing so that’s cool like Minecraft is fun but I don’t know it’s not fun enough in my opinion to be constantly playing it especially you just have to play alone yeah it’s a multiplayer but as you could see yeah there’s just like an entrance it’s

Not going to be like this High everywhere like it’s just going to be in a big room right with ch chandeliers and everything and then I’m going to have like four or five high like ways departing away and stuff like that and that should be good yeah I don’t know Man they cracked very nice let go you’re going to be Underside going to put like that in there yeah like here it’s like going to start getting wider like the next block and and then I’ll see what happens yeah let’s see I know I think I can back it’s better

For me to keep it like this and then it’s only going to go in that direction and this wall needs to be closed back off d Breaking breaking told you once you son of a [ __ ] I’m the best has ever been yeah this is going to be a massive construction project is because I need to hollow out a mountain and then see whatever the [ __ ] it plays in it oh probably just a bunch of gold and

Wool and [ __ ] like that like how castles used to be decorated yeah I actually do quite like this way I’ve done Wonderful Time of the Year the time to You the time my mind okay now we go to this side what we do is just we make big room I need to find like a sea Monument no that’s one of the things I already need to find because I love working with those with those materials is this Mountain literally just pure

Undersight that’s not very cash money I’m not going to lie because this is all going to need to be replaced all of this uh with bricks of course well stone brick yeah I might just uh rest of the stream soon chat good God am I getting tired and

I’ve been going for two four hours already only I could use R ated uh that would be so nice I just [ __ ] ye an entire chunk just gone is there literally no other Block in here than [ __ ] unders side that would be kind of [ __ ] annoying though there’s

Not I was kind of expecting to actually be able to build with the blocks of mine holy [ __ ] I don’t know why I started such a big project but here we are oh my God yeah I may just start getting TNT for because chat you’re just going to

Have to look at what I’m going to have to mine out otherwise now will be like 20 streams of just me Mining and just vibing oh my god that’s way more R than I expected I should have made a way smaller gate I am not going to lie but we come up

Man with a every day I wake up okay it’s starting to grow what so potato just disappeared very nice yeah this my main problem with Minecraft is if I don’t have creative I get just bored because see what I have to [ __ ] do Chad like the amount of [ __ ] work

This is going to be to actually make this look somewhat decent it’s not very fun like the building isn’t the problem I love the building part it’s the [ __ ] Mining and getting your resources and yada yada y doing that all that is the biggest problem for me with Minecraft is

Survival that’s why I never really play Survival I just play Creative so then I can create whatever the [ __ ] I want cuz right now I just feel aimless Oh it’s up there I believe to [ __ ] old BAS I mean looking at the size of the mountain that engine is actually quite sizable very nice all cool I got the XP uh I need to go into the end all right let’s go And let’s go repair yeah I just need depth depth Strider really and Then I am Gucci H man I think I’m probably going to end the stream soon like I’m just going to put myself on the end and that’s about it yeah I think that’s going to be a champ I talk to you guys later and bye-bye

This video, titled ‘THE CHILDREN YEARN FOR THE MINES’, was uploaded by the Anunaki on 2024-01-08 22:51:50. It has garnered 25 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:36:17 or 16577 seconds.

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    Crafty AI Thumbnail Tricks Exploring Minecraft: A Creative Journey Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. From building intricate structures to surviving in a blocky world, players are constantly challenged and inspired. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft and uncover some of its most intriguing features. The Art of Thumbnail Creation One of the exciting aspects of Minecraft is the ability to create captivating thumbnails for videos and content. By using tools like Picsart, Pixellab, Capcut, and Inshot, players can enhance their visuals and make their creations stand out. These tools provide a platform… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Shader for MCPE 1.21!

    EPIC Minecraft Shader for MCPE 1.21! Exploring the World of Minecraft Shaders Discovering YSS RD Shader for Minecraft PE 1.21 In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such avenue is through the utilization of shaders, which add stunning visual effects to the game. Among the plethora of shaders available, the YSS RD Shader for Minecraft PE 1.21 stands out for its exceptional quality and performance. Developed by the talented YSS Team, this shader brings a whole new level of realism to the Minecraft world. With improved lighting, shadows, and textures, players can immerse themselves in… Read More

  • Minecraft Cops: Efe and Ali’s Epic Adventure!

    Minecraft Cops: Efe and Ali's Epic Adventure! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Efe and Ali, the dynamic duo, bring us gains. As Minecraft police, they patrol with pride, Protecting the realm, no evil can hide. With humor and skill, they tackle each quest, In this virtual world, they are truly the best. Their adventures unfold, with laughter and fun, Join them on their journey, under the sun. So subscribe and tune in, to witness the show, Efe and Ali’s antics, in rhymes that flow. Let the Minecraft magic, ignite your soul, As they conquer challenges, reaching their goal. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games!

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mind Games! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. Funny and humorous, his content is a delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. With original videos every single day, He keeps his fans entertained in every way. So follow his channel, don’t miss a beat, For in the world of Minecraft, he can’t be beat. From classroom series to song adaptation fun, Fangkuaixuan’s work is never done. So join in the laughter, the joy, the glee, And experience Minecraft in a whole new spree. So subscribe to his channel, don’t delay, For… Read More

  • Crafty Builders Race, Minecraft 2024: Part 2

    Crafty Builders Race, Minecraft 2024: Part 2 Welcome to Minecraft Speed Builders, where creativity shines, Players racing against time, building structures in lines. Join us for some epic fun, in this fast-paced game, Watch as we compete, it’s never the same. With server ip:, we’re ready to go, Building skills put to the test, with a fast flow. Don’t miss out on the action, join us in the race, Minecraft Speed Builders, a thrilling embrace. So grab your blocks and tools, let’s get started, In this world of creativity, where we’re all lighthearted. Join us for some laughs, in this funny game, Minecraft Speed Builders,… Read More

  • Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft Desert World!

    Surviving 1000 Days in Minecraft Desert World! Minecraft Hardcore’da ÇÖL DÜNYASINDA 1000 Gün Hayatta Kalmak… Eren Bilgin, Minecraft Hardcore’da çöl dünyasında 1000 gün hayatta kalmak konseptini ele alan bir video paylaştı. Videoda, hayatta kalma mücadelesi ve zorluklarla dolu bir macera sunuluyor. Oyunun bu özel versiyonunda, oyuncuların dayanıklılıklarını test etmeleri ve sınırlarını zorlamaları gerekiyor. Hayatta Kalma Mücadelesi 1000 gün boyunca çöl dünyasında hayatta kalmak hiç de kolay değil. Oyuncular, açlık, susuzluk, canavarlar ve diğer tehlikelerle başa çıkmak zorundalar. Kaynakları yönetmek, barınak inşa etmek ve stratejik hamleler yapmak hayatta kalma şanslarını artırabilir. Oyunun Zorlukları Minecraft Hardcore modunda ölüm kalıcıdır, yani bir oyuncu öldüğünde oyun sona erer. Bu nedenle,… Read More

  • Uncover Mutant Zombie Dungeons | DoctorHg’s Insane Gameplay

    Uncover Mutant Zombie Dungeons | DoctorHg's Insane GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mutant Zombie Dungeons | Full Gameplay Walktrough (PC, Nintendo, Mobile, PS4)’, was uploaded by DoctorHg on 2024-07-17 11:29:56. It has garnered 761 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:46 or 2866 seconds. Minecraft Marketplace Map Mutant Zombie Dungeons By Everbloom Games A thrilling story-driven adventure map with groundbreaking combat. Fight waves of mutated zombies to save the world. Level up your character and use spells to become even more powerful! • 3rd person hack and slash style combat like you’ve never seen before • Epic boss fights • Immersive story adventure… Read More

  • Whose House Is This? 🤔🔥 #MysteryGaming

    Whose House Is This? 🤔🔥 #MysteryGamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘এইটা কার বাড়ি কে বলতে পারবে 🤔🤔 #funny #mrtripler #freefire #bhooyah #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by pollob 2.07 on 2024-03-13 04:24:43. It has garnered 2739 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Whose house is this 🤔🤔 #funny #mrtripler #freefire #bhooyah #gaming #minecraft #pollob 2.07 #pollob #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsvideo #shorts #short #shortvideo #tranding #trendingshorts #cartoon #motupatlu #trending @Pollob2008 Read More

  • Insane PvE Moments with Leischerr! 🤯

    Insane PvE Moments with Leischerr! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Пве моменты’, was uploaded by Лейсчер on 2024-04-18 16:17:01. It has garnered 102 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:23 or 143 seconds. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, 2b2t analogue, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, 2b2t server ip, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube, 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t, facts, Russian analogue 2b2t, 2b2t survival, cheats for 2b2t, cheats for 2b2t, analogue… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC SourSpider vs Minecraft Server SHOWDOWN🔥

    🔥EPIC SourSpider vs Minecraft Server SHOWDOWN🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴playing on the minecraft server🔴’, was uploaded by sourspider on 2024-03-09 23:46:05. It has garnered 45 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:00 or 9240 seconds. 🔴playing on the minecraft server🔴 JOIN THE DISCORD- tags ___________ minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners,… Read More

  • Unbelievable! REX Magnus takes on ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE 😵🔥 #minecraft

    Unbelievable! REX Magnus takes on ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE 😵🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘ONE BLOCK CHALLENGE😱| (Must watch!) | One Block Series#1| #minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-10 10:34:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my … Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft VR Experience: Feel Like a Kid Again with Jammy G

    Unbelievable Minecraft VR Experience: Feel Like a Kid Again with Jammy GVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft VR But You Feel 10 Again’, was uploaded by Jammy G on 2024-02-05 10:10:44. It has garnered 161 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:50 or 13190 seconds. Read More

  • RainbowTwists – Epic Zombie Apocalypse FAIL

    RainbowTwists - Epic Zombie Apocalypse FAILVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse (CANCELD)’, was uploaded by RainbowTwists on 2024-02-27 20:35:24. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:26 or 1826 seconds. This is the beginning of a new video series that I will be uploading! Read More

  • Elevate Your Builds with These 5 Genius Minecraft Skin Ideas!

    Elevate Your Builds with These 5 Genius Minecraft Skin Ideas!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 5 Ingenious Ideas to Elevate Your Builds! ⚙️🔴✨’, was uploaded by Minecraft Skin on 2024-03-13 09:37:44. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Explore the frontier of Minecraft engineering with our showcase of 5 New Redstone Ideas. From automated farms to intricate contraptions, witness the ingenuity of pixelated innovation in action. Join us as we unveil these cutting-edge creations, pushing the boundaries of redstone technology in the game. ⚙️🔴✨ #MinecraftRedstoneIdeas #GamerEngineering #PixelatedInnovation #RedstoneIngeniuty Read More

  • Insane Build: Mall in Minecraft Skyblock!

    Insane Build: Mall in Minecraft Skyblock!Video Information This video, titled ‘We Built a MALL in Minecraft Skyblock’, was uploaded by DannyWheels on 2024-04-17 19:19:14. It has garnered 473 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:22 or 202 seconds. We Built a MALL in Minecraft Skyblock… A mall for all your excessive money-spending. Person in video: cf3_ SUBSCRIBE Hypixel Skyblock is a game where you survive on a floating island and there is lore. We built a mall which is also like the music disc “Mall”. Follow me (for more) on Twitter: @DannyWheels_ Not I Survived “One Block Minecraft” or “Minecraft, But”… Read More

  • Super Shindig INC

    Super Shindig INCEarth SMP become a nation leader and make your own nation or join someone elses nation, make friends and enemies.. Also host events with real money prizes Read More

  • 🏖️ CraftHaven | Modified Survival – Custom Enchants & More!

    🏖️ CraftHaven | Modified Survival - Custom Enchants & More!Welcome to CraftHaven!We are a server that just started and we are looking for players to support us! We are a family-friendly server which welcomes everyone! We love hearing out suggestions and feedback as we want to always improve so don’t be afraid to reach out! :)Currently we only offer one game mode:Modified – As the name suggests, it’s a vanilla server but “modified”: Custom Enchants, Residence Claims, Diamond Block Economy, Player Shops, etc.Come check it out for yourself! I’d love to hear your opinions! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft fails be like: That always happens

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft fails be like: That always happensLooks like this meme needs to level up its game to get a higher score! Read More

  • Cave Craze: Unearthly Beasts in Minecraft Horror #4

    Cave Craze: Unearthly Beasts in Minecraft Horror #4 In the depths of the cave, a chilling sight, Bizarre monsters lurking, ready to bite. Exploring the darkness, heart pounding fast, Each step a risk, each moment a blast. Eerie sounds echoing, sending shivers down the spine, As you navigate the maze, trying to find. The creatures that dwell in the shadows deep, In Minecraft horror, secrets to keep. But fear not, brave explorer, for you are strong, With sword in hand, you’ll right the wrong. Defeat the monsters, conquer the fear, In the world of Minecraft, victory is near. So venture forth, into the unknown, In the cave… Read More

  • Hot Villager Rail Hack! Oi Oi Oi!

    Hot Villager Rail Hack! Oi Oi Oi! “Who needs a rail hack when you’ve got a villager shouting ‘Oi Oi Oi’ to get you where you need to go in Minecraft? Talk about efficient transportation!” Read More

  • Join Minewind: Crafting Made Easy in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Crafting Made Easy in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Autocrafting the worst thing to craft in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.” While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – why not join a server where you can put your crafting skills to the test in a whole new way? Minewind Minecraft Server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will challenge even the most seasoned Minecraft players. With a dedicated community of players and a… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft One Block Let’s Play!

    EPIC Minecraft One Block Let's Play! Minecraft: Exploring the One Block World Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the One Block series. Join the excitement as players navigate through a unique block world filled with challenges and surprises. Unveiling the One Block Concept The One Block concept in Minecraft offers a fresh and innovative gameplay experience. Players start with just one block and must strategically mine it to progress through different stages. Each block mined reveals new resources, mobs, and obstacles, creating an ever-evolving environment. Immersive Gameplay With each block mined, players must adapt to the changing landscape, utilizing their… Read More

  • Terrifying Spider Showdown: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

    Terrifying Spider Showdown: JJ vs Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Creepy Thomas Spider vs Mikey Thomas Spider CALLING to JJ and MIKEY ! – in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-07-10 17:00:29. It has garnered 37675 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:30 or 1830 seconds. JJ Creepy Thomas Spider vs Mikey Thomas Spider CALLING to JJ and MIKEY ! – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to… Read More

  • Ohio Banned Minecraft Gameplay!! 😱

    Ohio Banned Minecraft Gameplay!! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Can’t even play Minecraft in Ohio 💀 #minecraft #shorts #ohio’, was uploaded by Vuppo Gaming on 2024-05-22 06:36:51. It has garnered 11452 views and 405 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Anarchy Server Drama + Roblox Surprise!

    EPIC Minecraft Anarchy Server Drama + Roblox Surprise!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Anarchy Server (With Roblox at End)’, was uploaded by Politicized Gaming on 2024-07-16 09:14:01. It has garnered 970 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 08:02:27 or 28947 seconds. IP in discord server Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Hunger Games – Unbelievable GunjiCord Start

    Epic Minecraft Hunger Games - Unbelievable GunjiCord StartVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hunger Games never had a start like this…’, was uploaded by GunjiCord on 2024-04-24 17:18:54. It has garnered 822 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:41 or 521 seconds. This video covers the final form of the starting area for my minecraft hunger games map and I show how I use the axiom mod and all the tools it has. minecraft maps and minecraft builds are hard. #minecraft #minecraftmaps #hungergames how do you play minecraft? Discord: Patreon: I hope you enjoyed this minecraft video 🙂 Read More

  • Intense ending in viral Minecraft video 😱 #RexGamer

    Intense ending in viral Minecraft video 😱 #RexGamerVideo Information This video, titled ‘wait for end 😱 #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by Rex gamer on 2024-03-02 01:56:10. It has garnered 11261 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Epic Minecraft Survival Adventure!

    Insane Epic Minecraft Survival Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival 1 & 2 Mega Episode’, was uploaded by Una Sami on 2024-04-04 08:29:18. It has garnered 40 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:54 or 4434 seconds. Here’s a long minecraft video I made since I really like playing this game. In this duo episode, we go through some good and bad, depending on how you see this. I have yet to figure out how to make this enjoyable, because it is just very long and yet it was fun making this a video thats long enough to be… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft PS5 Preview – Mind-Blowing Gameplay!

    Insane Minecraft PS5 Preview - Mind-Blowing Gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Preview PS5 Gameplay’, was uploaded by ictio on 2024-07-18 20:10:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:57 or 297 seconds. donate Amazon Affiliate #tiktok #shorts #ilg000 #comedy #funny #fun #funnyvids #satire #plush #oleg #animals #tiktoks #tiktokvids #lol #cats #dogs #squidgame #nintendo #gaming #xbox #playstation #peppapig #youtube #kids #family #pg #watchtillend#shotoniphone#movies#boss#power#travel#wonderfull#likeaboss#Monarch#my_great_respect #superman #boss#carzy#shorts#viralvideo#trendingespect #respecttiktok#relaxing #tiktok#freefire#pubg#smile#shots#meme#tiktok_respect_video#youtubeshorts#favorite #videos #number #Mygreat #duetto#CruelSummerConfessions #funny #coment #idea #home #pageforyou #page #crazy #amazing #fyp #fypシ #dueto #friends #tag#respect #foryou #tag #friends #dueting #power #fypシ #fyp #goviral #viral #viralvideo #amazing #crazy #page… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cactus Farm Hack! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Cactus Farm Hack! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Make a Cactus Farm in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Gamever_io on 2024-06-06 06:44:38. It has garnered 457 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Need a steady supply of cactus in Minecraft? Look no further! In this video, we’ll show you how to build an efficient and productive cactus farm. Whether you’re looking to use cactus for green dye, as a defense mechanism, or for other crafting recipes, this guide will help you create a sustainable cactus farm in no time. 🔧 What You’ll Learn:… Read More

  • EPIC Hanuman Ji ART in Minecraft! 🙏🔥 #shanumanji

    EPIC Hanuman Ji ART in Minecraft! 🙏🔥 #shanumanjiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji Art Surya Uday In Minecraft #hanuman #jaishreeram #ramji #suryauday #hanumanchalisa’, was uploaded by ANYTHING on 2024-05-28 15:43:54. It has garnered 88 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:35 or 155 seconds. Provided to YouTube by TIPS INDUSTRIES LTD Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) (Telugu). Sai Charan Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) (Telugu) 2023 Tips Industries Ltd. Released on: 2023-04-05 Actor: Teja Sajja Producer, Studio Personnel: K. Niranjan Reddy Producer: Primeshow Entertainment Music Publisher: Tips Industries Ltd. Composer, Arranger: GowraHari Auto-generated by YouTube. Music SONG Hanuman Chalisa (From “Hanuman”) [Telugu] ARTIST Sai… Read More

  • PlasmaPR

    PlasmaPRPlasmaPR is a Custom, Unique OP Prisons Server, with daily updates, frequent events, various unique features, and PLENTY of new features planned to come! Check it out today @ Read More

  • Hardrada Worldbuilding Factions SMP Worldbuilding Towny

    Welcome to Hardrada Worldbuilding A newly formed worldbuilding server where players have almost total freedom in determining the history and politics of the world. Will you forge an empire, become a merchant, own a bar, brew alcohol, or live as a bum in the city? We promise minimal admin intervention, an unbiased staff team, and fair rules. We are open to community suggestions. This is pure vanilla worldbuilding without any unnecessary rules or plugins. Notable Plugins: Towny Dynmap Brewery Join us on Discord: Read More


    AXOLOTL LANDWelcome to our Minecraft RPG, Roleplay and Hardcore server! 🚀🌟Dive into a world full of **adventures and challenges** like never before. Whether you’re a fearless explorer, a brave warrior, or a cunning merchant, our server has a special place for you. **Java and Bedrock** come together to offer you an unparalleled experience, with epic quests, dynamic events, and immersive roleplay that will make you feel like you’re part of a living story. But be careful, the Hardcore mode will test your skills and your courage!### Server Features:- **Epic Quests**: Embark on unique adventures and discover hidden treasures.- **Dynamic Events**: Participate… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft night vibes”

    Looks like this meme not only survived the night, but thrived with a score of 1498! Must have been some epic Minecraft adventures happening. Read More

  • 🔥Hot Stone in Minecraft🔥

    🔥Hot Stone in Minecraft🔥 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! 🗿😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #therapytime Read More