AOCAWOL – Minecraft: Lets build Witch-Hazel Trees!

Video Information

Questions hello everyone welcome welcome welcome welcome right let’s see doing a mic test of course because for some reason my mic always wants to be different of course because for some reason my mic always wants to be different so let’s see all right hi welcome light resolution hello hello everybody welcome in everyone

I’m going to be actively needing um oh thank you for the follow light resolution so appreciated i’m going to be actively asking for your guys’s um opinions on mac and cheese today because i’m craving some mac and cheese and i’m craving crafts deluxe mac and cheese

And i know that so many people have mac and cheese preference so all right but anyways let’s get into today’s stream um like major topic is we are gonna be looking and building our new witch hazel trees for byg’s biome weeping witch forest behind me are all of the art reworks and

New textures uh both contributed by me and one of my friends spare he worked on the lock texture while i did everything else so he shout out to that and i think everything looks really gorgeous i’m really happy with the leaf texture we can go ahead and check that out right here

Hi welcome another day another sleigh yes my life’s eat and i love it yes i’m so glad you can make it yes tell me your opinions on what’s your favorite mac and cheese i’d love to know so while i’m going over um here is kind of like an up-close look

At some of the leaf textures this took a while um i think it looks pretty cool it’s a definitely a different vibe from the original witch hazel which was kind of like this ugly brown color i can say that because i’m the one that made it so

And then we’ve got some new blocks here as well so this is our blooming witch hazel um and it has this new pretty animated texture kind of like the subtle glow it’s very pretty i’m a huge fan of it i was obsessed thank you for the follow

Um if i’m reading this right as a hybrid rails thank you for the follow red robin mac and cheese i 100 agree you don’t like mac and cheese okay i’m not gonna be mean but i am going to silently judge you no i’m kidding yes it is animated

So yeah it’s a subtle animation um i didn’t want it to be too much um in comparison um so yes but yes i agree red i actually will agree red robin mac cheese is so good it’s actually one of my favorites but the cross mac and cheese looks will

Always kind of be like my fan favorite i don’t know it’s just what i grew up with so then we’ve got our witch hazel log which has this really beautiful kind of like brown color and then we’ve also got kind of the inside with these golden rings and

More of a greenish wood type them this is the stripped version of that which i think is very pretty you know lots of versatility in this entire set as well which is really cool and then uh we have our sapling personally i love the saplings probably one of my favorite parts um

Yeah i want to see if i can i’m not sure if i added the flower pot model for this yet isn’t that pretty i think it’s cute i would put that as like a house decoration and then we’ve got our witch hazel branches so these are gonna kind of

Act as like little branches that kind of just give it a bit more volume and oomph and then we’ve got the witch hazel blossom which i mean it’s kind of obvious where the inspiration came from crazy right they’re a little different i promise they’re not exactly the same

But uh yes so this is kind of to give the biome some particle and ambience right now the current texture is um uh warped crinsbit no crimson spore uh as the texture kind of uh it fits with this kind of red orange theme going on here

We love the green and gold oh thank you and then they had mac and cheese looking i i can see that see it’s funny because i live on a school campus right now and i they don’t like they just wholeheartedly don’t have mac and cheese here it’s actually really heartbreaking to me

So yeah these were some of our original trees designed here and what we’re gonna have to do is start from scratch they’re all gone now so we’re gonna start with fresh palette we’ve got our blocks and we are just gonna start go ahead and building um so feel free to ask questions chat

Make suggestions i’m always here all right so i think what i really want to do is because i want to do something a little bit larger in life let’s see maybe we can start with this always remember usually how they translate in our build world for anyone

Who’s not aware also peep the giant sequoia but for anyone not a will this is the byg build world um this is where all the magic happens all your favorite biomes are concepted um all your favorite blocks and everything structures villages whatever they are all built here um so yes

All right i want it to kind of be taller i think that when i’m thinking of like a witch forest i definitely want some kind of like semi-alien vibe um see i’m actually gonna i think i’m gonna go a bit lower on that aspect i think that might be less because

Something is worse than poorly you honestly you know light resolution i agree with that um i think i would rather have good like that’s true because campuses usually find a way to ruin everything um taco tuesdays is horrible um they’re not my favorite it’s definitely not real mexican food

I’m thinking of maybe some kind of like canopy kind of um tree some kind of large canopy i think would be kind of cool so let’s see maybe maybe something like that let’s see look at this let’s see i’m kind of liking this so far this is kind of cool

I’m liking how this is looking you know oak white or like wood wise for the purpose of like in the build world actually this could work oh no yeah for the purpose of the building i just will say um when it comes to like these kind of like glooming with chisel

We’re not actually going to end up using that because when we go in and like code it um we’ll put a weight on it basically and all the leaflets will kind of be randomized so um just for quality of life so if anyone’s like oh you’re forgetting the blooming

Witch hazel in it don’t worry it’ll be there just it won’t be in this version it’ll be in the final product um usually when i like to build trees i kind of like to start off with like a simple concept i’m usually that’s just kind of how i am let’s see so i’m

Thinking i’m definitely kind of liking this more canopy vibe maybe we could make a couple different variants you know that are a little different and then let’s see maybe go like that and go like that and go like this let’s see hi spare welcome to the chat then branchy like evil looking maybe

That’s true i have the branches going out so i’ll try to keep the weeping look i think the flowering witch hazel leaves should glow um the flowering do glow here uh you might have missed it they do glow here’s a look at the animated texture for them it’s just a little more subtle

Now but they still glow i promise yeah i think they have a pretty pretty look um when it comes to as far as like weeping i mean i when i say canopy like here like that like imagine something higher up and then you would want to do something like this basically which

Would give it a sense of droop but i usually add a lot of those details last just because they’re kind of minor details um something you can add really quickly first i want to get uh i think it’s an important one because i love to build i’ve been building uh for a while

Do they give off light so they actually do not give off light simply because um i can kind of show you an example of this set midnight it’s kind of how minecraft is so let’s see glowing no trying to find a good example of this but basically

Maybe this does this i don’t know if they do this they do so when it comes to how things look in minecraft you’ve got that right and then you’ve got that the problem with it is that usually when you put them so if it’s too if it’s not bright enough

What happens is that this is visibly a huge shade lighter than that and that’s kind of an issue um for me personally i don’t really like how that looks visually so a lot of our um like blooming or flowering stuff that are meant to be more magical uh i’m

Removing the light from them simply because i do not like how this looks i really don’t like how you can kind of visually see how this has been and the brightness of the entire block has been highlighted and then this one it isn’t so it just

Kind of sticks out like a sore thumb and that’s why our blossoms are going to be our light emitters now for the trees so these are gonna hang and admit the light for the blocks now um rather than the leaves doing it uh i just personally just think that looks better Yeah fair enough yes thank you all right and then see i’m gonna fill up this corner a bit so here is a big importance that i actually literally just remembered um and i’m literally gonna have to redo this whole shape because of it uh if you

Guys can see on the far right oh actually it’s kind of blocked out but basically we want to make sure that the distance on the leaf is actually no more than six so if it’s more than six blocks away from an oak log we have to completely redo it because that means

When the tree generates it’s actually gonna start decaying and the leaves will start decaying which is really bad and causes a lot of issues i have but personally i don’t really like that because because then it removes the shape corgi like it ends up and yeah but then it’s like it messes

With the shape because it’s like i’d rather start with a shape that had everything perfect if that makes sense rather than you know something that was great in vision and then once you actually did it you’re like oh crap half of this whole chunk was gonna decay now

I have to completely redo it so i’d rather just do it perfect the first time will that still work when it generates though uh what do you mean will that still work when it generates clarify do you mean like the the leaf distance yeah the leaf distance will stay the same

See i’m kind of liking that shape right now i want that though see that’s five five all right i’m liking it so far i’m liking it six that’s six okay that’s good is the game zoomed in uh it is a little zoomed i in to do that because for some reason minecraft um

Did not want it the screen the stream didn’t want to fit uh minecraft basically there was a big like black chunk of bar at the bottom so i had to zoom it in a little bit i’ll try and fix it for next stream but that was just my quick solution my quick

And innovative solution okay none of this works okay that works this is six that works yeah i can i’ll just fix it for an extreme i just had to kind of get something going because it was kind of a last minute issue so you know technical problems always fun

See it’s six that’s seven it’s not gonna work and then this is usually where i’ll start adding in little um extra like extra little stuff to kind of if i feel like there needs to be more i’ll kind of add on okay i definitely want to add maybe some extra little branches here

Let’s see let’s get that in remember anyone that is just now joining the stream tell me what your favorite mac and cheese is i’m curious actually i’m not really liking that you guys i’m not liking this i don’t like it ah i’m upset don’t worry yeah that’s a little better

Wait i said seven hmm five okay grass mac and cheese see i’m the same way spare that’s who i am i love craft mac and cheese that’s just superior like it’s like it’s so versatile it’s the correct word to describe kraft mac and cheese yeah i i mean i had velveeta i’ve had

Craft and like i don’t hate the other ones yeah it’s like i don’t hate them i just like they’re not as good from canada that’s cool okay i’m liking the shape so far i’m definitely going to clean it up but i’m liking where it’s going i’m definitely not hating it

I’m liking this kind of like fuller tree i think it looks cool right emotional i feel that i really do feel that an emotional attachment to craft mac and cheese i get that i really do okay maybe dad do a little that it’s not five okay that’s still of working no problem okay

See i’m liking that so far something everyone should know right now is when it comes to my buildings you always have to and anyone i know this not the server restarting in 15 minutes okay can’t stop that that’s okay also yes i have been exposed this is on a server

I have it just so i can do collaborative work you guys can get store-bought mac and cheese yes um also depends um uh hero rails it it depends um like some places have like a deli where they sell the mac and cheese and then like you also get just like packaged um

Like a box of it and then you have to you have to like boil it and stuff at home it’s not really like pre-made or you can get like the microwave stuff where it’s like frozen and you microwave it some of those are pretty good not the healthiest option but you know

You need it see i want to like leave some room for the um logs so that i can place the blossoms kind of like that so they’re kind of just chilling there like i think i might do that i actually like that a lot so i may

Do that and i’m they’re not going to spawn everywhere not all the trees are going to have these because then the particles would be really insane they’re going to be kind of rare but for this instance we’ll do what we’ll make a tree that has the blossom on it right

And now we have to start let’s see the blossoms are so i don’t know cash i don’t know the microwave ones aren’t always horrible it really depends on the brand there’s a couple brands of them that aren’t terrible you want to get it at like a sprouts or something if you guys

Have that and thank you i think the blossoms are so pretty i think they’re so cute and i think they complement like just the tree really well all right so we’ve kind of got a shape going on right here it’s like that one tick top where i live we borrow the ingredients

Yeah you can definitely make it yourself too um i made a homemade mac and cheese um i was like a white cheddar i think i did yeah i did like a creamy white cheddar mac and cheese like i got the pasta you know melted the cheese out of the

Heavy cream blah blah blah all that and then i made some homemade um like uh garlic knots if you guys know what those are it’s kind of like garlic bread but it’s in like a knot so i am also a brook university student without a kitchen at the moment but i am

Moving into an apartment in the summer so i will actually have a kitchen i’m so excited yeah i make homemade garlic nuts i love my homemade garlic nut recipe it’s really good yeah garlic knots are the bomb absolutely obsessed i like that you know actual mac and cheese is like amazing yeah

It’s the life see now i think i’m happy with this side for now can i make sure is everything rendered everything looks good on that one okay i’m liking this so far you know i’m trying to i’m gonna stream a lot more this weekend i just have to figure out what to stream

So if you guys have any suggestions i was i wanted to try and stream minecraft dungeons but for some reason it gets it just gets stuck at like loading and then it doesn’t load and i’m like okay that’s cool like i had everything ready and like i’d

Already planned this and then it just didn’t want to load and i was like that’s kind of sad so i’m gonna try i’m gonna see if i can try and get it to work this weekend though because i really did want to play minecraft dungeons because they have like that new little

Tower thing and i didn’t finish the ntlc that i got because i have i have all the i have all the dlc for that game so i was thinking about maybe starting kind of like a series um with like a completely new okay i feel like this side is definitely

Thicker than this side and i kinda wanna i’m not sure if i should make this side less thick or if i should just oomph up the whole thing so this is where i start adding the droopy that’s where you get droops as long as they’re within render as as

Long as they’re in the decay distance it’s all good i guess that shouldn’t finish the other side i know i get distracted easily it’s difficult to get that going kind of like that it’s a little droopy okay i’m like slowly i feel like i’m going this way like i’m starting here

And i’m like working my way around like a spiral so i’m on this side you know funny how this turned into this see what i mean trust the process i’m also trying to kind of make it based off the sapling a little bit i used to

Do it the other way around i actually used to make the tree first and then i wouldn’t actually make the sapling until i finished the tree so that they could be accurate but i think my favorite kind of way to build leaves is like the three i call it the three leaf rule

To do that and then it’s like that but as long as you keep doing like three leaves it kind of starts to make a random pattern that look that kind of gives it volume and makes it a bit full like that’s pretty much what i’ve been doing this whole time

That’s so true it is asymmetrical so it can look whatever way it likes definitely because like on the side i don’t know if you can see these like little branches coming off i definitely want to kind of put some but to be fair that’s kind of like what this is for and

We’ll go in and add these um later once i finish the leaf it’s always the leaf shape that takes me the longest time see and then we’ll get a little bit of that i’m gonna start making our i’m making attempts at building some outward because right now it’s just kind of flat

On top but that’s just because i haven’t gotten to it yet but we’ll make an attempt we’ll start it right here kind of get the idea of that going and then this is totally like not in distance okay so i’ve got i’m gonna do that put another blossom here

Actually i don’t really like that those are symmetrical that’s kind of bothering me i think i’m gonna do this i’m gonna put it like here because i don’t really like it that it’s symmetrical yeah there’s little branches we’ve got cute little branches and then on the sapling yeah there’s

Like a cute little branch down there just for some extra detail yeah i think they look cute and it like it’s a cute little decoration block um i have a couple branch blocks um yeah there’s the ember gel branch witch hazel branch the mushroom branch the

We don’t talk about that one but the aristian bloom branch that one was kind of a flop but yeah so there’s a couple ones i’m just kind of i was like one more wouldn’t hurt wouldn’t hurt anybody all right and kind of get a little

You know i’m trying to make an effort to three more i’m gonna be streaming more this weekend because i am so close to getting affiliate you guys and i need i want it so badly so i’m trying to make a better effort so i can get my my twitch affiliate

Yes i’m so close i think the only thing i’m missing is the fact that i just don’t have enough hours streamed but i’ve got the viewer count and um like all that other jazz i just have to get more hours in and then i should be approved for it which is super

Uh cool second sorry i always have to wait for a little follower thing thank you for the follow oh gosh i can never read these like this i might say the vija uh thank you sorry i always like the screen is really small for me so it’s like difficult all right

Oh my god these are all sevens okay so what we’re gonna do is i’m actually going to sneak this around so in the hopes this is work did this work it did work okay we’re good i was like i don’t like that it’s like seven okay and then i am going to go

Real quick i just noticed my headset is about to die so let me go grab the charger for that real quick so that my headset doesn’t die in the middle stream i brought him back let me just get this set up sorry man it’s gonna sound a little weird for a second but

Yes you don’t want to dying be embarrassing also i need to know do you people have like a chili’s do you um wherever you are from watching this let me know if you have a chili’s like where you live it’s a restaurant because me and my friends love chili’s

And i might go get some for dinner because i’m like strangely in the mood for it right now i don’t know why i just decided i am i’m like oh that skillet cookie i’m gonna put some stuff over here so i can kind of branch it out a bit oh that’s a shame

Oh you don’t have trader joe’s that’s heartbreaking i love trader joe’s the way i saw this tick tock um and the way that they described trader joe’s is like imagine you’re an alien right and you’re trying to make a store that like seems human you know like when people are like oh my

Gosh it’s like an authentic blank name chili’s is so good it really is i feel like and it’s the fact that it’s so cheap too like that i always get the two for 25 with my friend we always just like any time we go we all just split a

Two for 25. you get like a sap you can get like side salad or chips and you can get like chicken ranch quesadillas or burger like it’s just it’s good and you get the dessert yeah trader joe’s is amazing i love trader joe’s you know like they just i’ve always like

The way i’ve just always seen trader joe’s and i love it is just the fact that it’s aliens trying to make a like and the most like american or like earth-like store possible because the stuff at trader joe’s it’s good don’t get me wrong but i think we

Can all agree here that it’s weird like it’s not that it’s bad but it’s definitely not normal like they’ll have the most ex random little products there and they’re always so good but they are definitely interesting and i exactly like it’s weird and i love it

And when i was little i don’t know if they still do this but they basically used to have like i don’t know if it was like a crab or something it was like like you could if you were a little kid you could go and find like some like

Hidden toy basically throughout the store and if you found it you got a balloon i don’t know why i vaguely remember that as a child that was my favorite thing when we’d go to trader joe’s and also the fact that they have the little kids carts too so my parents would let me

Um get like a kids cart i always thought that was fun all right you have no idea oh well i promise you the trader joe’s deluxe the the luxury of trader joe’s is always here when you visit all right i’m going to should i should we just wait for the

Server to kick me it’ll only be like a second the server restarts pretty quickly it’s heartbreaking though we’ll just wait for the server to decide when it needs to kick me we’ve got we’ve definitely got a very volumetric tree oh okay it kicked me all right now we just have to wait

Here are some fun servers to join fluffy trees yes um i have a lot of my friend servers on here not like private like they’re publix like you can if you wanted to play them go ahead all right let’s see it’s a backup yep nope not yet

There will be backup soon i promise let’s admire the beautiful background of minecraft java 1.18 0.1 edition even though it’s zoomed in so you actually can’t really see it that well but that’s okay it’s back up yet click no it’s not back up here i’m gonna keep checking like in the most

And up i see that it’s semi-open so i think it’s working i think it’s taking her time and that’s fine okay we’re back yeah i don’t know i felt like a fluffy tree would i wanted something oomph some some volume to this biome all right paper back i know right okay all right

This is looking good so far remember i used to be really bad at building it was honestly kind of embarrassing you know which superhero and i found it it was allergic the hard way oh no that is heartbreaking yes aaron i am gonna i’m doing a little check and shocker

Trying to make it connected because i don’t really know okay we’re good now we’re good now check the leaf distance and it’s all gucci put another blossom up here we’re actually approaching the end of this tree actually pretty good right now i’m happy with it okay shhh you guys saw nothing okay

Just gonna do that okay i like this i think it has she’s got character she’s got volume and style i i think i’m gonna actually expand this one a little bit i feel like it’s kind of falling a bit that’s still okay let me add some see let’s get this

Let’s get the bill per okay and that is missing i’m like totally cheating but it’s fine it’s probably it’s not i’ll admit it’s not the best practices kind of randomly placed logs but sometimes i get a little impatient all right put this in here okay i’m liking this i think this is cute

I think i’m actually gonna loosen this up a bit more actually because i feel like it’s a little chunky i think i like this i’m liking that a bit more okay all right check the leaf distance i think everything’s she is very cute yes she is okay i’m liking it

Now we gotta work on the top real quick that’s this doesn’t take very long though to be honest but that’s actually probably one of the easier parts because you just kind of have to place stuff so that looks volumetric okay it’s very fluffy full tree i like it i think it’s cute

Maybe put some like things here i don’t actually think i’m gonna actually put maybe wood no i mean i i shouldn’t i shouldn’t but i want to trying to find like the right balance of like too many of these but not too little because i want it to feel like

Busy and full but not like ugly okay i actually really like this i like how this turned out i think this is cute it’s got some little blossoms throughout she’s got some twigs a little branches we’re just joining and we’re making um witch hazel trees also tell me your favorite mac and cheese

But else no i’m kidding um yes here’s a look at our kind of like our first one i might go back and edit it later but i’m liking it so far i think i’m good with it and now let’s see for our second tree we will start our second tree um

I’m not sure what i want to do for this one yet potentially we could do a more like dead one maybe i know that was kind of one of the originals it was like a more dead tree looking one i’m also thinking like maybe doing like a really skinnier tree something like that

Did you have diamond blocks instead of pendright before i did yeah i changed it because i thought i liked the new pend right so i thought it looked cute so i changed it yeah i wanted to make it byg blocks because it’s the byg build world so i was like why not see

That looks better something like that i’m gonna turn on my light real quick it is getting a little dark in here there you go see better i’m working to get a camera because i want to definitely have like face cam and things like that you know and then when i move into my

Apartment i’ll have more stuff for setup but you guys my roommate has a cat and i’m so excited let me know if you guys could hear that yes the sleigh i love it yes yeah no my roommate has a cat i haven’t had a cat since i was around 9 or 10

Years old so i’m really excited her name’s lucy and she is the cutest cat i’ve ever met i’m obsessed with her i’m so excited see does this look good no no we’re just going to keep it this way yeah we’re just gonna keep it like this okay

And maybe on this we can have like i think we’re gonna we’re not gonna put any blossoms on this one i think we’ll put maybe like more branches and stuff actually first we’ll put some leaves yes kitty the cat lives that’s what i’m saying i’ve seen this

Wow yeah that’s how i am with my dog um i have a really cute dog who’s like the love of my life and she i don’t she lives with my parents right now because i live on on a university campus and it’s heartbreaking because i miss her so

Much and i will text my parents a bit can you send me a picture video of her please i’m missing her right now something like that i don’t know so honestly i feel like cats do they they do but they just pretend not to give it like they don’t they pretend not to

Really care you know i think that’s what’s funny about them they purposely like to be little divas i think that’s what’s so cute about them all right and then i think i’m gonna put some a lot of branches on this one since it’s kind of like a more dead tree

I feel like that’s our everyone’s relationship with cats like everyone’s like maybe they don’t love me at all but you know i love them and that’s all that matters and honestly exactly what makes you happy in life is all that matters yeah i think that’s cute i like that i

Mean it’s simple it’s small usually what i like to do when it comes to my trees is i kind of like to do like different red and orange plants spawn there um so the reason when it comes to like the plant diversity there um the ground is actually more of a lush

Is actually lush grass um and then it kind of has a more coniferous um feel to it because it’s it’s more of a colder atmosphere and environment and that’s why the wood color was changed to be this more brownish-gray color um because you don’t want the ground really

Being the focus of this forest you want the leaves you kind of want the canopy of the forest to be what draws you in not necessarily what’s on the ground which is why the ground is not meant to have like that’s why the ground doesn’t have the blossom it doesn’t have the branches

Uh more effort is getting put into the tree itself and the decoration and the design of the trees so that you kind of are looking up rather than looking down so yeah and i’d say intentional game design does it all it really matters what you want your audience to be looking at

Same thing i’d say goes with the redwood forest obviously the trees are huge and tall so because of that you don’t want people in a redwood forest to be looking down at the ground and going oh what’s this down here you want people going whoa and kind of like staring up at ya

You know i feel like that’s more so yeah i kind of want to do the same thing here obviously not with height but with like color i want the bottom to be kind of like a dollar ground so that the top can be like this mesmerizing area hi welcome everyone it’s joining in

Welcome welcome tell me your favorite mac and cheese if you haven’t already i want to hear i i love mac and cheese i’m a mac and cheese enthusiast i used to work at a restaurant that had one of my favorite white cheddar mac and cheeses it was luxurious and it was the

Cheapest thing on their menu um it was funny because it was a fancier restaurant um i just could not afford to eat there because like they wanted to try to do like 20 for a burger and i just couldn’t do that so my employee discount was while i was

Working i got 50 off so the mac and cheese there was eight dollars so with my plate to stop i would get mac and cheese for four dollars and yes it was an incredible it was like it was like a five i think it was like a four and a half star um

French fresh like an authentic french restaurant um it was really good it was it was where i used to live i don’t live there anymore but it was it was good like don’t deny me if you had the money like are the people that i

Was because i was a buster there um the people that like i was serving were definitely higher class citizens if that makes sense they were not you know because it was very expensive but the food was really good i like sometimes you know i was working in the back and because i

Had friends that were prep cooks and kitchen and stuff and they’d sneak me food you know and we i mean it wasn’t really sneaking literally the head chef would make food for us all the time but exactly so you know that’s just kind of how it was and i got

To try a lot of the food and it was really good and in fact i never really liked any seafood but i had fried calamari there for the first time yeah it was good food yeah but i had fried calamari there for the first time in my entire life and actually was so

Good and it’s one of the only seafood things that i like genuinely enjoy because i really don’t enjoy a lot of stuff like that you know i remember most bills that like i’d go and pick up from the tables were well over a hundred dollars but i will say where they get

You obviously is the alcohol you know um they would charge a lot for like wines and things like that yeah i’ve never really liked seafood that much i just wasn’t i didn’t grow up with it so it wasn’t really my thing but i’m trying to be less picky and like broaden my horizons

Like the one thing i that i still oh i don’t know if i’ll ever do a sushi like it’s raw fish and all that like i’m not sure if i could handle that i also don’t like slimy things like that’s i like the fried calamari because

It wasn’t really slimy it was like just like a fried it was it’s deep fried so yeah it wasn’t bad let’s see and i’m gonna get i’m gonna make like a little baby tree maybe like a little baby one cause that’s what i was gonna say uh

What i like to do when it comes to um little like when it comes to the trees is i kind of like to have like a couple different growth stages you can see like baby not so baby a little bit taller a little bit taller you know

Like i like to have little different growth stages that when you’re kind of walking for it raw fish is yeah it is uh and i honestly some people love that kind of stuff one thing i had was a i’ve ever gone to a hot pot before

Hot pot is kind of i believe it is asian and it’s either i think it’s like in more of an asian thing for sure i went to it in san francisco and it was a hot pot and basically it’s like i don’t know describe it it’s like it’s

Like the broth is like super hot and you get like these really thin pieces of meat so they cook super yes chinese yeah so they cook super quickly i thought that was pretty good um yes i thought it was pretty good i liked it i wanted dessert though and they didn’t

Have any which was disappointing so i got ice cream but you know yes it can be a bit strong i feel like it depends on the one you get um so i i ended up getting like a much more not like milder so none of it was spicy but it was like

Just not as like concentrated it was like lighter and smell for a while that’s why i just got to a restaurant to do it plus it was like it was a fun experience and it really wasn’t that expensive either um it was actually super cheap for me and

Four people like it was me and three other people we all ate there um it was actually really cheap i think maybe both all like for each person was maybe like 10 bucks a person for what we ended up getting All right let’s see i’m gonna make like a little baby tree let me make a little baby tree there baby yeah let’s see yeah i can see that i really want to get into cooking more when i move into my apartment in the summer because i mean here’s the thing i love

To bake and i like to cook but it’s like it’s still baking like i like to make you know like um like breads and um you know like you know like garlic nuts and things like that like it’s cooking but it’s also baking it’s kind of like a mix of bowl

The filet mignon uh it actually wasn’t even that good i’ll let you know that it’s actually like one of the worst dishes these days see hi hi goose the fourth i was just saying i like baking i love baking um yeah it’s fine yes hi welcome oh it’s lena from discord hi

So glad you could make it this is someone from for anyone that’s not in our discord someone from our discord i’m assuming most people hear from my discord they’ll be if you’re not let me know because i can hook you up let’s see we’re building trees right now

Here’s a look at some of them i’ll go back and look at a couple of the trees it’s like a more of like a dead one that’s okay you know the byg discord or at least it’s potion studios now but the push of studios discord has grown tremendously over the past year

Yes i am see i am doing some horizontal logs for them for the placement not all of them but i am trying my best where it can be applied you found my youtube first oh that’s cool yeah i was up i uploaded a lot of my streams i upload my streams there and

Just some basic stuff all right we’ve got this little tree we’ve got our bigger tree and i might make kind of like a medium-sized tree too yeah i’m trying to make an effort to post more on the youtube and like just kind of hard upload the streams

Um just kind of in the event that people miss the stream and then yes then i want to get my tick tock going i actually have a tick tock you guys um just for byg it’s not like a personal one or anything it’s kind of like a modded one um

I won’t i will start linking i need to start linking that um eventually so i kind of like abandoned it for a bit i was kind of like making just like random little videos on it um but i want to start definitely getting into that more because it’s a really

Good way to boost a platform i don’t know um i mean to be honest i’m gonna be real too i didn’t know half the menu because half of it was stuff i just did not eat and could not afford so i didn’t really eat there i had legitimately every

Single time i came my waitress friend knew that all i was getting was mac and cheese and that wasn’t even considered a dish there it was considered a sn um it was considered a side oh the snails yes fun fact one time um with the snails um

There were worms in it uh in the whole batch and we had to like throw we threw away the whole thing i promise this is not a health hazard um it happens uh but yeah there was worms in the batch so we had to throw away the whole batch

And like it was so gross no it was so gross yeah no i promise though like it’s not like we we would we didn’t keep them like we threw them all out if you have the snails well they were i’m pretty sure i don’t think there were

Yeah i know if there were worms and stuff in it it was kind of like we had to throw them out yeah it was unfortunate but you know have to keep you know safety the job trees look good thank you i don’t know if you’re if you were

Looking at these these are the baobab trees by the way this is witch hazel just just for clarity snails are cute there is a song by beanie if you don’t know who that is that is b-e-r-b-e-n-e-e all caps i love beanie um and they have a song called snail and it is like

One of my it’s like such a good song it’s super cute yeah i love it and the song is about if she was a snail and how she would be feeling if she was a snail and it is it’s fun all right let’s see i’m gonna work on let me just

Yeah sounds about right roaches yeah they really ugh the fact that they can survive a nuclear bomb just really really puts into perspective how interesting they are yep you have to burn them right this one’s going to kind of be like a medium-sized tree she’s going to be a little bit bigger

A bit bigger but she won’t be as like big and fluffy as this one oh wow yeah that is rough thankfully i think once i think the worst thing i’ve ever had in like my house is and it was like in my old old house it wasn’t even in the one my parents

Currently live in it was it was a bed bug infestation my dad used to go on business trips a lot for his job and he brought home bed bugs with him one time so that was fun we all had to sleep on matrix mattresses for um

Like two weeks while our house got like disinfected it was so bad um and ever since then i’ve been absolutely terrified of getting like bedbugs yeah exactly now my dog i make sure to have like um tick medicine and stuff like that i just realized i’m totally

I’m not checking the leaf distance on these hold on i think that was the only one that was the issue yeah that’s fine okay everything else is good okay price is averted yeah you know that’s just the way nature you know that’s just the way they were made

You know just how nature was designed for it so but i do agree they are very gross you know that doesn’t know i mean if i’m an environmental major so i’m like i have to be like you know everything’s sacred but mosquitoes i hate mosquitoes thankfully i actually don’t really have them

It really is a vibe now that’s my favorite part is since i mod and since i i have a mod i basically can go if there’s like a block for a tree that i want i can go hmm i really want this in a tree and then i just make

It myself and then bam it’s here and now i can build with it you know i love to build in minecraft it’s one of my favorite things it’s just very peaceful it’s a fun way to just express your creativity and let loose on your imagination

You know just do it you know i always told myself i want to do this i want to do that but it’s like you can’t talk about what you want to do you just have to do it some inspiration um but yes it’s true you just have to go and do it

Maybe you’ll find out you don’t like it as much as you thought you did i definitely have had that before i’ve definitely gone and been like i’m going to love this and then i didn’t i i think my best example is i said i saw everyone on my college campus with

Skateboards and i said i want a skateboard i went and bought a skateboard and i said i’m gonna use this and then i realized i’ve sucked at it and then gave up um one day i’ll revisit it that’s what i tell myself and then i said you know i’m

Really bad at the skateboard i’m kind of embarrassed but i still want a way to get around campus so i’ll get a scooter got a scooter um if you can guess how many times i’ve used that scooter since i bought it it is zero and then my

Parents are like well what if we got you a bike and i’m like oh lord i’m like collecting um means of transportation at this point i don’t wanna i was like please don’t get me a bike because i won’t use it please don’t i just like i’m collecting them

It’s like the freaking infinity stones of transportation i’m just collecting all of them for no reason i don’t use any of them and i’m like oh gosh like i’m literally gonna have to like sell these if i don’t do it because it was bad it was really embarrassing it’s okay though

That’s what i’m saying so like don’t be afraid but sometimes it’s okay to admit that sometimes it’s just the thing you thought you wanted to do just did not end up working out that’s okay get a train next i love that i had to walk where i go to school like

Half of us no regularly so you basically can’t bike in the morning summer yeah um for me it’s like it’s not too bad i’d say where i live i’d actually i found if anyone follows me on twitter if you don’t go follow me on twitter it’s a

Seo trying to reach 200. i’m like literally three followers away from it but um i actually just like yesterday and um a bit of it was yesterday the day before that um and then yeah i think it was just those two days we had like a non-stop blizzard come through so

I was experiencing that for the first time um because i never lived in a place for i well i did when i was very very little i lived in illinois um if you don’t know where that is chicago but yes yeah no i moved to an area that did not have snow

And ultimately it has been very different but now i moved i moved back to the snow um for college which is fun it’s nice having the colder weather i’m personally i’m a winter baby um so i just love the cold and yes everything with it it’s just very relaxing to me and

It was fun yesterday the snow was like let’s say it was almost like two to three feet deep um it was wholeheartedly to like my ankle was kind of sad and my friend was walking around in freaking vans i had like snow boots on and he was just

In vance like walking through like two feet of snow but then climate change no wait yeah our winters were are very irregular now i will say they used to be a bit better um before now they’re really irregular see all right i’m liking that so far

What is that huge tree in the other plot okay i’m assuming you’re talking about this this is the giant redwood sequoia um yes see how this is our red our giant redwood sequoia here she is i believe 100 oh she’s a little i’m pretty sure she’s like almost 100 something

She’s pretty high up yeah she’s like 106 100 yeah 106 blocks so cut it down in vanilla i love it yeah i definitely say timber mods are like required for byg yes we are taking advantage of the new build height so our kind of plan for

This big tree right here is um it’s actually going to be like a really rare structure so you can actually do like a slash locate to it’s going to be about much rarer than a mansion and then yeah so it’s going to be like a whole structure that you can teleport to and

Find um and then i’m not going to reveal too much but potentially a new mob that can trade um you know that can trade and you can bargain with them to obtain um maps to not only rare biomes in boig such as our very own weeping witch forest but also

Uh structures like these we’re gonna we’re calling them our natural wonders um so even though this isn’t actually a real world natural wonder this is a byg natural wonder so you can find natural wonder maps which will take you to these really cool and aesthetic spots they

Won’t have any loot they’re not like a structure that has like stuff in them um they they’re like for like advancements you’ll get like an achievement for finding it or finding all of them and stuff like that so yeah just something fun because i feel like something we really want to take with

Byg in the next direction is we want the um mod to really feel like the main premise is to explore we want to encourage exploration encourage finding new places i know i feel like sometimes in minecraft people just like to settle down and like they just don’t leave that area for like ever

Um but with bij we want to like push you out we want to push you out of these areas that like you always just want to be in it’s like yeah maybe have a base in one biome maybe make a village in another um because there’s so many areas for

Inspiration and you can get inspired so quickly by just so many of the terrain it’s like you want to build everywhere and that’s kind of what i want and i think our then our wonder system that we want to implement is a great way to like further be like

Oh my gosh that is so cool you know because it’ll be so rare that sure like most people can find them and you could just cheat and locate but it’s like imagine you’re playing in survival and you either a just randomly stumble across it or be like you go on this

Amazing journey from finding this potential mob that i’m not going to talk about then you get the map from this potential mob and then you go on this big journey to find this giant wonder and then you come to it and you can take pictures with it or you know build

Something with it something like that so that’s kind of the idea and then we want to do you know uh i would at least i would like to implement you know more wonders of course other than our giant sequoia um having like you know potentially just like structures um

Like petra i don’t know if you guys know what that is um my favorite thing to do is just walk it really is uh i don’t know if you guys can saw um i had a stream where i was showcasing stuff and then the stream was

Like what if you just walked around you just loaded up a byg world and walked around and i did that and if you guys were there for that whoever if you guys were there for that that’s cool the giant enemy bay about a tree so large there’s like a village on the

Branches connected with bridges and stuff maybe one don’t make something like that that would be really dope i could definitely see that with baobabs like this massive grand baobab and you just have this amazing um like village attached to it in the trees that’s super cool

You know i love the attic i love that idea i definitely say you should do it it’s good well i’m really liking these trees so far i think they look cute i think it gives it a little more volume to the biome yeah i’m definitely liking this i think it’s cute

And then i think for right now um i want to take you guys just kind of like around the structure world because i don’t think a lot of our newer audience hasn’t been able to ever see this um entire place it’s actually a lot larger than you think it is

So these are our meadow trees for the coconino meadow these are designed a long time ago here’s a look at some bayou trees like some willow lord of the rings yes i think there should be a taller with chisel tree uh so spare um we actually do random tree

Height um that’s coated so when you look at these uh they can be randomized height so they can be taller but i’m not gonna i don’t really um make the trees based on the height i want them to be like are like that the game can like have them be

I just kind of make them and then if we want them taller should be can’t wait that’s yeah i like lord of the rings um it was one of my favorite like movies growing up it was good here’s a look at our palm trees yes they originally were jungle before

We added palm wood so look at the joshua trees aka yuka which aka are going to be revamped at some point because they’re not really um it’s not really what they are they don’t look that great uh here’s cypress let’s look at some cypress trees here’s our mangrove don’t worry about the leaves

Don’t worry about the leaves i love swamps out of me too that’s funny i used to have a lot i feel like i added too many swamp bombs because i personally love swamps i think they’re like magical and pretty here’s our aspens i love our aspens i always retweet your streams if you

Post it but thank you i appreciate it um here is holly trees here’s ebony fun fact i think i had aoc cash in the chat actually help me with some of these trees here’s a look at our enchanted trees skyris trees here’s our mushrooms here’s some zika let’s look at rainbow eucalyptus wood

Here’s the look at our cherry blossoms there’s a look at our orchard trees there’s actually three of them you guys we did i removed gloshrooms they’re gone now here’s a maple let’s look at our maple leaf trees yes blow shrooms removed palo verde it’s fun pelvic alias too but they’re actually extremely accurate

Um i literally took pictures i used to live where palo verdes were so i literally took pictures of them and just literally designed them off of the pictures um unfortunately with the glow stuff um i just wasn’t very consistent i didn’t really like the clutter of it

So it’s gonna be changed into some nether and end stuff potentially what kind of trees these are i’m assuming you’re talking about these ones these are palo verde um yeah so these are from like the desert and stuff they’re pretty cool i lived with them for a long time

Their pollen is the most annoying thing you guys i will tell you that when it is pollen season and the palo verde start flowering and turn in all yellow oh lord oh lord your allergies will hate you they are the worst here’s our zelkova trees and then our pine yeah they’re miserable

See here’s our pine trees i’d say this is one of the trees i had one of the more variants uh coniferous or actually this was from oh these are i don’t know if actually these are still used anymore but these are from our bluff um seeps they might be still used i’m

Not sure oh keep the structures the village is over there we’ll go back we’ll go we’ll look at those in a minute here’s coniferous yes here’s some coniferous trees here’s some work in progress trees that i’m not going to talk about another look at some work in progress

That i’m not going to talk about but you’re welcome to look and stare at them as i slowly back away from them and then i’m looking that i gotta follow i’m gonna be honest um it did not alert me i am so sorry thank you for the follow though i really appreciate it

If you were the person that followed me was it was it you you back oh hi thank you for the follow-up that was you hello and welcome sorry sometimes this thing doesn’t like to alert me and it is so heartbreaking because i always want to give a shout out here’s our arcaria

I feel like i always butcher those um and then here’s just kind of like a look at um that is the other one looking pretty yes she is pretty these are just kind of a looks at kind of um like in our autumnal oak biome and our autumnal

Tiger these are just like the redesign like a better improved vanilla uh trees so we’ve got some oak skinny oak larger oaks some birch and then our what’s it called so our spruce trees them look at this is a look at our warped coral fun fact i actually made

All these and then i forgot to add all of them in so hopefully in our another update they are all going to be added in and then here’s a look at our mini mushrooms some little baby mushrooms and our um just like different shrubs and such

Oh i was lagging there a little bit that’s okay our pumpkins and if you take a look you can kind of see some scrap concepts of different little pumpkin decorations that may or may not come back this is a look at an upcoming thing potentially our big flowers which are gonna also be

Changed how was your day my day is gone pretty well um yes does look like a no cactus maybe it’s because the oak is a filler block for something else but uh yeah i actually had a really good day today um i’ve pretty much just been i don’t know i’ve been doing schoolwork

Pretty much um so yeah how was your day how’s everyone else’s day going you know hope everyone’s having a good day why am i on this account all right and then this is look at our ember trees they may be wondering like oh like why

Is this here and why are why is it dirt um yes i have no i’m have no comment for this other than sometimes when i’m adding stuff in so the build server doesn’t have the same content that the code does right that the dev environment has when i’m making

Them so i’ll use filler blocks so like stone actually means so if we look at this for example when i’m saying stone i’m actually meaning the ember gel vine right so then in the code i simply go and replace it with this but the problem was

At the time while i’m building this i don’t actually have this block on me to go and put it there school yeah yeah that’s how it is for me too i feel like that so you’ll actually see that a lot here is a look at some of our stuff for the

Whaling garth this is a look at our soapstone chains and these cool little prison pillar things honestly i don’t have really a lot for it but yes you have questions yeah i mean if you have questions go ahead and ask all right and then here is our rain forest trees

I personally loved these and okay i’m showing you all this now because i don’t think many people have found it out fun fact inside of this big tree is like honey so it’s a little easter egg for you all most people haven’t found it out i don’t think i’ve actually had anyone ever

Comment on it because this spawns um you can go and find this but yes inside the middle of this tree there’s some little honey in there um so yeah some cocoa beans and poison ivy right right work in progress tree gym adding stuff streams like emotes um

So when it comes to that i actually have to be a twitch affiliate for most of those things right now um i’m working on getting my twitch affiliate i just need to stream some more hours and yeah um so yeah uh i definitely have more plans i just

Unfortunately i can’t do a ton right now and there actually should be some overlays right now sometimes you have like this beehive in there up in there with the tree in the tree with an opening that would be a cute that’s a cute idea right now homework waits

No for no one yes thank you so much for streaming have a good day or a good night uh good day good night and good luck on your homework honestly like i feel that all right i should be hold on there should be some more overlays

I will say like there should be like a chat box or something yeah it should be there let me know are you guys not seeing it maybe something bugged out there was some overlays um slay slay oh someone played slay you can see the challenge stream okay that’s good

Yeah i don’t know sometimes things get a little buggy uh this is some nether mushrooms that i was working on you know some of the unfortunately some of the aspects for this um stream you have to be an affiliate to do um like the bits and the emotes and all

That so once i get twitch affiliate i will definitely look into it uh here’s some more uh looks and then we get into our nether stuff don’t worry about that that is something for another update what’s going what’s the white stuff what do you mean what’s the white stuff this

Oh you know just chunk errors nothing nothing you know nothing to nothing nothing to see just the just your average chunk error because i will let you know now this build world has been in here since um i want to say one point yeah i’d like 1.15 1.14

Um so this sir like this world has gone and been ported like like 10 times basically so uh the chunks start to get a little eh after a bit but you know is okay um still leaves me plenty of room yeah this this is an old thing this

Place is old older than time no okay and then uh here’s a look at bulbus bulbus i feel like i think our end content honestly had some of the most diverse tree sets um yeah bulbus had a lot of tree diversity here’s a look at some jacaranda here’s ether nightshade and perius

Imperius mushroom oh look there’s more chunk air i think you can see a little cavern down there cool right and there is a look at our work in progress um all right bye thank you for tuning in have a safe night plan with the different wood types here

Wait i like a lot of them oh thank you i’m so glad you do and here’s a look at our shulkrin trees that are kind of a work in progress i’m really liking them so far but i gotta do more shulkren would win or some are like red yes there is so

Many different color palettes here if i just literally type in the word planks here are all the different colors got we’ve got ebony we’ve got cherry redwood zelkova nightshade tons of different um color pla color palettes for you to choose from rainbow eucalyptus yeah there’s tons and tons of stuff here

So that’s kind of just a look at what i do for certain parts of the mod i built a very large person this i had some help on some things but about 95 of this entire build world is me including the little grids and scenes

You see on the on the bottom i also built those the new rainbow six nights prove it yes it was really good then we don’t have a full on pink wood um children may get its own wood type if y’all are patient here is a look at one of our other uh

Custom structures uh this is the ancient ruin village kind of get like a little sneak peak stuff all the different little variants you can get personally one of my favorite spawns is i like this one with one with another portal i think this one’s cool

It is part of byg um not all of it is out yet especially for 1.18 you can find the ancient rune village in our 116 builds though as long as most of our other villages um 118 does not have our villages though yet where is the witch

Hazel structures i will show them soon this is a work in progress this is a work in progress this is a work in progress that is finished this is our uh what was it our bedrock it was called the red rock mountains i don’t know what’s called now but this

Was our red rock um village very much based off of like a desert village so it wasn’t really that interesting um most of these villages were in collaboration i had one of my friends well in the chat here aoc cache he actually helped build and design some of the structures so

Shout outs to him this is our um it’s called the aztec village it can spawn in did you want to shield it can spawn in the tropical rainforest as well it’s got a lot of custom-made structures on it it’s they’re super pretty um also i think there’s a bug on them right now

But we don’t you know don’t we don’t talk about it don’t worry about it i think there’s a little bug on it sometimes you know when you’re porting stuff um it doesn’t all go well it’s working good with the new textures i’d say i think everything fits well

Here’s a look at skyrascaris is probably my favorite village i very personally handcrafted this village um it’s probably yeah i’d say it’s my favorite yeah we don’t like to go like above and beyond structures like i just like to add village variants for the biomes and stuff like that i don’t

Really like to add like new dungeons or stuff like that you know i very much handcrafted this i wanted a very you know um asian inspired uh place i felt that the skyris highlands in general just very much was this kind of aesthetic and i think each little home this is our

Grand library this was just built and designed by cash this is one of the grant more grand library structures that can spawn i think it’s super cool has like just a bunch of neat little aspects to it it does go really well with prismarine that’s true it pairs quite well

There’s little loo and uh cats can spawn in here as well it’s like a little rare occurrence sometimes go all the way to the top get like this cute little view with an extra chest they all loot in them often rooms yeah i know some mods do them great though yeah

Yeah i’m not really like i don’t know i’m not really a dungeon kind of person it’s not really what i do like to i just love villages because yes i love villages i like this one um this is for our archer for the fletcher it’s got like a cool little area

And he’s got his own little place i thought it was cool and then this is for the butcher he’s got a restaurant that i thought looked so cute yeah i want we i always like we like to tell different stories with the villages and i think what skyrise is definitely

Is is a very sophisticated um like asian um regional like place these people are very educated and all that this is a photographer’s place bringing team instructor stuff yes it will it’s our fisherman blacksmith some animal pens they’re farming which i think just looks really pretty then here’s just some of the little

Standard homes some of the larger homes as well with our fox glove and our skyrise vines is making sure we incorporate this kind of luxury style that all of these homes have regardless you know that grew a little bit too far didn’t it but i think it all just looks so

Beautiful and i think it’s really pretty i was so proud of them i think everyone did a good job it’s like the design of the doors yes the doors have a cute design it’s very skyris and then here’s a little sneak peek you guys just be a sneak peek this is our salem

Village work in progress being designed by cash at the moment um this yeah this is the salem village so this is will spawn exclusively in the weeping witch forest we don’t have a release time for this uh village yet this most likely will not be coming out

With like the release of byg1 paint 18.2 but we’ll definitely be working to get that just like a little sneak peek at some of the structures we’re working on in this kind of like grand chapel so far and then little lanterns here’s some spawns this is by the way a hundred percent a

Hundred percent a like place where you they would burn witches at the stake because it is the salem witch and then this is a look at our um one of i’d say this is kind of a spoiler for one of the mobs um by hg’s adding but it’s been in

Our discord this is the pumpkin ward’s home so this is one of their kind of like village centers and then if we go over here we can kind of take a look at go ahead and take a look at what our pumpkin ward people they’re trying to restore this ancient ruined village but

As you can see they’re not that great at architecture um so they’re a bit primitive in their building style but they still find it a way to make it at home just for them their own and then there’s it’s overgrown and there’s lots of pumpkins everywhere they do so pumpkin wards um

They aren’t actually made of pumpkin they almost wear it like a hat it’s like a helmet so yeah they use because they live in the um autumnal valley where they’ve got those giant pumpkins they have to play to their resources so they use the dark oak

Logs and then pumpkins to patch up their ancient ruins that they have found it’s kind of a little look at it’s not entirely done yet but um it’s been kind of worked on see and then here’s a look at kind of that was old we don’t talk about that but

This is a look at one of our kind of like other upcoming structures this is for a mob that i will not be revealing the name of i will not be talking about but i will say they don’t like light they like it dark they definitely like to live in a more

Dark area so that’s kind of about it yeah they don’t really like that it was aaron’s dash site mine that i mostly designed to be honest we were we wanted to do something fun but ultimately this didn’t end up working kind of looked a bit messy when we tried

Putting it in game so maybe another time but doesn’t this look cute like can’t you imagine how cute this would have looked mm-hmm see that’s pretty much all we’ve got over here and then i’ll go ahead and swing by just to get another a quick what’s it called quick glance at our

Weeping witch so you know if you could see it you know here’s just another quick look at some of the weeping witch trees that we built today we’ve got our little baby one our medium one our more kind of dead shriveled up tall one and then our big grand one

Yes our byg bill i will say unfortunately the only people that have access to this server um is me corgi taco and cash because yes um i don’t really like to bring a lot of people along for the building building is like very much something i love to do so

I like to build about like i said about 95 of the stuff i like to always build it myself because that’s just something i have a huge passion for so but yeah all right i think we have been streaming for almost two hours now i wanna say

I don’t know it doesn’t let me check the time ever but i think it’s been almost two hours i think i started the stream at around five you know if you guys have not gotten something to eat yet an hour and 45 or 42 i’m gonna round it’s 45 at the

Time i’m done talking but that’s fine but yeah so i think i’m gonna start ending the stream here for the now i had so much fun you guys um it was great chatting gabe is picky yes i am cash knows me i didn’t want to i didn’t

Want to outright say it and want to be mean but i am very picky when it comes to it pick what my family should at night um panda express panda express is so good bye yeah no i’m super picky with the building and yes it’s funny you can ask corgi taco he

Knows how picky i am when it comes to this let’s see when i’m building a forest i really want to do yeah exactly like that’s what i mean and it seems like i’m a bigger uh i mean i i am pretty picky about the textures spare girl

Yes we’ve argued about so many things and i remember one time i felt bad because i think corgi this was many years ago so i can talk about this comfortably i felt bad because i like was very critical he wanted to build something it wasn’t the das night minds

It was something else and like he wanted to build it and i just was like no and then he got a little upset but it’s okay it was like two it was like almost two and a half years ago so which is weird isn’t that weird corgi

We’ve known each other for almost three years now it’s weird isn’t it you are critical but i’m very i am very i’m very critical and picky it’s crazy real talk what’s our real talk goose the fourth i know i said i done the stream but no i’m like i’m in i’m invested

Picking critical people what need what’s needed you’ve technically known me for like a year that’s true i know it did start and you know yeah i like to say that i am picky i’m critical of like what gets pushed into byg what gum what’s final you know i like to have

Those saves because you know ultimately i like to say that what you publish defines who you are and it you know i feel like if i am releasing something that is too low quality something that i am not proud of something i wouldn’t be proud to publish um

I just don’t want i i just wouldn’t i just don’t want it at all like if i can’t do it perfectly i just don’t push it anymore um that’s why ultimately you know with the mobs we were gonna have the mobs come out a lot sooner but

Um we couldn’t get the animations that i wanted for the mobs um until 1.19 and i said nope we’re just not going to push them because the animations to me are so important for some of these mobs um like for example the pumpkin ward when it gets scared

Like when it gets frightened by something it’s actually going to suck its body into the head into the pumpkin head and then like fall onto the ground um and i think it’s just certain things like that that really bring what you’re trying to portray to the audience just really good and

I was like if i can’t have that if i can’t have it be that perfect then i just can’t have it yet so and that’s how a lot of things i didn’t used to be a lot like that but as byg got bigger and more popular you know

People started noticing the things we’re doing i said you know i don’t feel comfortable especially after um what’s it called especially after i had ended up doing the um another end update for a couple years ago on halloween and i rushed it and i released something

That not only i wasn’t proud of but the community didn’t end up liking there was a lot of bugs there was a lot of quality issues and i it took me over a year and a half to redo it and fix it and make it higher

Quality so i kind of told myself after that never again um if it’s not perfect and it’s not the way i want it then we’re just not releasing it and it’ll be ready at a different time yeah no more etas i still like my themed updates but no more etas

I’d only here’s the thing i will say i definitely want to do like the themed updates and all that but i won’t do the showcasing for that really until it’s all a hundred percent done and then do release dates on that um so the release date won’t actually be like

A date for us it’ll be more like a date for you guys because it’ll already be done yeah the shulkrin forest is going to be completely redone in our end update the scourge of skulk so yeah we still got some updates um our another update and our end update coming

For 1.19 are still gonna be focused on some really good brief amps and um changes to some of our lesser biomes exactly you know we all grow and change and make differences so i think that’s what’s kind of important patreons test by gene get to see content where everyone else um

I mean i definitely potentially um but we’ll have to when it comes to all that stuff i have to have the base mod done first and then because it’s going to take me you know the new updates they’re going to take a while and then i also it’s like i want

To focus on other projects too caves and critters it’s in our discord it’s cave mod that i really want to work on um that i you know i got the name for it and everything so that no one else could take it um and then there’s some

Blocks but none of the bottoms actually work yet so it’s cool all the parks are fine yeah you know it’s like i said it’s like everyone can go people always want to go and redo their stuff and refine it it’s good it’s a it’s part of being

Creative and being an artist or being like a content maker is it’s good to be your own critic like i am always my biggest critic um just how i am and anything i do i always want to make sure it’s perfect especially my writing i love writing and

Um i think my biggest issue i had with it is i saw this really bad habit of if i wrote something and then i didn’t like it i would just completely delete the entire thing i wouldn’t go and revise it or try and make it better if i just

Didn’t like it i would just completely start from scratch i remember one time i made an essay five separate times basically before i landed on a version i liked um when it comes with the artwork i’m gonna say if you want to revamp your artwork go ahead i probably

I’m gonna be put i’m putting a pause on like art work revamps for now simply because yes i want to focus on other things and put resources in other areas so i won’t be pushing any more artwork uh redos but yes i’d say that is my statement on it i

Think the artwork read i think witch hazel is probably one of the last artwork was one of the last artworks to be redone um everything else i think is going to be staying the same for a very long time um i mean that’s just kind of how it is

Uh like i said um it’s just kind of what i would like that’s kind of like my executive decision for now i would gotten through it used to be a dark raven this trip yeah that would be ebony and i mean yeah sometimes like i said you know

You are welcome to redo your own artwork but i won’t be pushing any more artwork for now just because i don’t want to at the moment um so yeah i want to just focus on some other aspects of the mod right now uh yeah witch hazel is probably the last one to

Get done there might be like one more but that’s about it all right i think i’m gonna add see what time is it i’m hungry i don’t think i have had dinner oh i said i was gonna get chili’s wasn’t i i have to wait for my roommate to get

Off work because we’re gonna go and get chili’s so yes probably my head i want to redo currently i personally like cyrus i think it looks fine i might tone down the saturation like i will do that like i’ll probably tone down some of the saturation i’ll maybe like strip but

I really don’t think things are i think you are being too critical on yourself right now sparrow that is another part is it’s okay to be your own credit but you also need to remember to not be too critical on yourself because you know i really think the only thing about the

Strip log is its contrast is a bit high so it’s a bit bright compared to everything else literally i can go in and just lower the brightness and contrast of it and it would be just fine yeah it’s like not bad like the texture itself is not bad

It is purely just the fact that it’s just a little contrast heavy but that’s about it i personally think it’s good i think it matches very well with it but yes don’t don’t fall down the rabbit hole as i like to say when it comes to critiquing yourself if you fall down a

Rabbit hole in self-critique and self-criticism um you will just truly believe that you are not good uh you will always just ultimately end up saying i am just not good enough um and that there’s always something i could do better and while that’s true there you everyone can always improve

It is lighter but i’d say contrast i’m gonna lower the contrast a little bit before release um there’s a few things uh i have marked down that i’m just gonna tweak a little bit before release but you know that’s just me being picky one combination of the buyer mod over it

Is good so good like the balance cover also gives it flowery low pads and dragonflies oh wow yeah that sounds really pretty now i definitely want to look into adding some more ambiences to the biomes um probably in 1.19 i’ll explore that but you know don’t fall down the rabbit hole of self-critique

Because you know eventually you’ll just keep saying well i could have always done something better and you know you could have but there’s really no point in only stressing about that sometimes you just have to truly be happy in what you made and be proud of it

Like you know at this this i started to get too critiquing on myself about this leaf texture and i was like i’m really i was like worried i got nervous i didn’t want to publish it like i wanted to just completely scrap the whole idea and just

Kind of turn back on this whole color palette i was really worried about this color palette because i had no idea how people were going to think about it i was like oh my gosh they’re probably going to think it’s way too bright way too colorful

Um so i was really nervous about it and you know i just had to tell myself he said you know what this looks good i was like this is different but it’s good and i just told myself that and i was like you know what it is

And you know i just was like ha like you know hecate i’m just gonna post this and i’m like i think people will like it i think people will think it’s cool obviously not everyone will but yeah they are intense you know they’re meant to be um i definitely based

Witch hazel the new way chiseled dyne off of more real life animal witch hazel um i wanted to go with a more intense vibrant color you know yeah i wanted something definitely different something more bold because i feel like byg leaves are not very bold and they’re not very um

What’s it called like if i just look at leaves like there’s some variation but a lot of them don’t really feel that unique and interesting but i definitely wanted something different with the smile and i said you know what i need to get out of my comfort zone i’m always really bad at

Making um what’s it called i’m really bad at making leaf textures you guys that’s actually like now that’s something i can fully admit and be comfortable admitting is i’m not really good at it um so i really wanted to step out of my comfort zone

Oh no it’s okay no that’s that’s why i’m doing this is you know i’m stepping out of my comfort zone and i’m designing more leaves that’s why i redid baobab and arikarya and i read its pine and then i redid this i’m trying to make myself more comfortable with this so that i

As an artist can grow and do better my next thing is wood types so watch out spare i need to get better at making logs because i my log textures in the past kind of suck but watch out because yes you know i’m always trying to grow and better myself and i think

That’s one thing i could take away for everyone watching is to do that too grow and better yourself all right well i think it’s a good time to close the stream out i think it’s been i think we either hit the two hour mark or we’re really close to it so

I am going to end the stream here thank you guys so much for 156 are you serious nah it’s fine i’m ending i’m tired i need to eat everyone else you all need to eat too all right but thank you so much for tuning in i had so much fun um i’ll be

Streaming more this weekend and yes bye everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Lets build Witch-Hazel Trees!’, was uploaded by AOCAWOL on 2022-02-27 21:13:34. It has garnered 1376 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:36 or 7056 seconds.

Chatting with my stream AND building Witch Hazel Trees for BYG’s ‘Weeping Witch Forest’ biome! Mod: Discord: Twitter: — Watch live at

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  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

    Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate The HUNGER GAMES in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by AiroKun on 2024-05-19 19:00:09. It has garnered 326707 views and 7306 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:47 or 5207 seconds. Today I participated in a 100 Player Minecraft Hunger Games Event, will I win? Watch the video to find out! Special Thanks to @Sword4000 for hosting this event! Feel free to join his discord for future events like this ► ————————————————————- 🚪 Second Channel ► @airoextra 💬 Personal Discord ► 💬 Events Discord ► 🔴 Twitch ► 🐤… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More