Apyr’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft Xbox 360 Evolution 2024

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We’re all ready now all right hello everyone I’m back after another break and today we’re playing Minecraft on this world that I’ve been playing on for a bit and welcome just toad yeah I like this poll that I made um this will be a fun On so far there’s two votes um for those who are just listening the poll is which one could you defeat in real life a zombie a skeleton 500 silverfish and a cow I would say I don’t know that’s a tough one maybe I should have put more Silverfish

Cuz I feel like that’s the obvious answer like silverfish in real life are pretty small compared to the Minecraft ones okay this looks very nice Yeah so basically what I was doing for this world is trying to make something or like this little scenery from a movie

That I like where it’s like a mountain going up and then there’s a big divot at the top of the mountain this like cool little thing in the middle of it so I’ve been digging like a ton of dirt from everywhere I fat on this whole area oh

And I get like a ton of wool cuz they drop like up to four blocks of wool every time you sho them in this version and then also like a ton of other loot yeah here’s the dirt chest and the second one that I took some dirt out of but

Yeah okay so the realm um I’m going to try to renew it as soon as possible I’m mostly just waiting until have like a steady pay because this job I have right now isn’t paying like consistently so like some paychecks it’s like more some paychecks it’s less let’s go to

Sleep welcome Delta good to hear from you while you’re new it this month uh probably I’m just going to say probably go to the nether okay hold on I actually have not gone to the nether yet in this world that’s close yeah um dods have you been here

Before where have I been I’ve just been like busy doing stuff I know it’s been forever okay wait I need to go back to my base if I want to go to the nether I have terrible armor first time here nice to see you I hope you’re enjoying stream stream okay so

Basically let’s put the Dirt away first um I was gone for a while just because I didn’t have my streaming set up cuz I moved and then uh during Christmas time I had relatives up for like a few weeks so I was busy most of the

Time but now things are kind of winding down okay I definitely want armor though good armor I do need to test out how the armor Works in this version cuz like um here I’ll show you you can’t even quick move it into your slot see like I have a full my armor

Slot or armor little status thing at the bottom shows it’s full even though I have like just iron armor and a leather helmet whereas if you did that in current Minecraft it would not be up that high wait a soda meibo what what is that also where is my

Base over here oh you can see the map updating I walk slowly I haven’t opened it since I started rearranging the terrain find a cow I’ll try my best there a skeleton over there it gets dangerous cuz now there’s constantly monsters spawning underneath here so like if I accidentally fall off

Then they just start killing me okay this way is it just an amibo of like a straight up soda can or is that a character’s name I will take these to leave on my base I have not been to in months oh Sora there’s a cow dods found a cow for

You I thought it was just going to be an amiibo of a soda Cane yeah we definitely need to play smashan Delta I got online again it’s for Christmas I got um some eShop or like Nintendo cards so I finally got online for a year this time yeah I definitely want to do a smash BR stream again last one I did was forever ago

Also the cloud is just facing through the mountain how many I have 10 Aras all right see you dods thanks for stopping by here’s some more cows for you I’m really curious though like cuz it shows full armor on me but if I was like I don’t know if it gives me the

Same protection as full diamond does and just with lower durability then again diamond armor also is like goes away pretty quickly in this version although I have a memory from when I was like really young playing this version uh I was wearing full diamond armor and like I jumped off from

The highest point of the world and I survived like not too much damage like I need to test that again to see if I’m remembering correctly Indigo disc was very fun but they ripped us off with stupid shiny locking yeah I heard about that I haven’t actually played through the second

Half of the DLC yet but that’s really dumb with them to do actually where am I oh I need to go down there it is shiny lock turning legendaries I know that’s it’s just the dumbest thing like what’s the point of doing that oh yeah look see I took like the

Tiniest bit of fall damage and one there’s already half an armor Point gone okay oh I forgot about this I want to make like a little castle area started making it oh yeah I put these here cuz there was a creeper over here and I needed to cook food before I went

To attack it they always just like walk right in at night time yeah here’s my little area um I want to change this up cuz I just don’t really like the inside of it very much maybe I’ll make the floor cobblestone you have 200 plus shinies

What oh I need to cook some actually wait yeah I should probably should o more iron so definitely new sword did I leave I did leave wood here a lot of wood Smashers after stream uh maybe depends on how long I stream for also is the stream hold on is it

Lagging for you guys at all wait let me test this out cuz I also have it pulled up on my phone so like I’m trying to see cuz this is a different internet thing that I’m on okay it looks good let me know if it’s lagging for you

Guys yeah I found um 13 shiny Litwick Delta for when that one event was going on well it was technically 14 but I only caught 13 okay going to the nether oh I actually need to get diamonds first let’s see how quickly I can Speed Run diamonds okay I could have just took

Those we’ll make two that should be enough I’ll just take the iron with me oh I technically have three oh yeah I heard about that I hope it’s not like a limited time thing cuz I still need to finish the first half of the DLC no lag okay sounds

Good uh let’s make a mine in Here that’s nice a are those there wait a second okay yeah that’s really weird oh Arrow just bounced off me it’s bur okay we’re good oh torches good thing I brought sticks oh it’s this place hold on there’s something cool over here oh yeah this was blocked off but a

Creeper blew up and then Expos it there’s just a dungeon right here with cocoa beans which is super rare in this version cuz this was before the jungle update so like that’s the only only way to get them and you can’t replant them a challenge happy for starters oh

Yeah I have a shiny Snivy from Pokemon go so like I really need to play again cuz I want to transfer that in cuz apparently it got like kind of buffed with I forgot what it was but it’s like better than gen n all right this is looking

Good why level 50 it is nicer in Bedrock Edition the coordinates are just constantly on screen if you want them to be hold on a second okay that’s the problem I’m sure there’s like a resource pack on Java Edition to do that but if you don’t have that then you have to

Constantly press F3 to check and then console edition is downside is you constantly have to check the map it’s just so funny though cuz this version feels so much more solid than Bedrock Edition like I press Y and the the menu opens up instantly and same for all the other

Menus whereas Bedrock Edition like if I press a on like settings or options it’s like 5sec wait time before it actually opens and I have like a pretty nice PC too so I just don’t understand what’s happening there game freaker actual freaks for shiny locking for real it’s so dumb

I wonder if the same shiny hunting methods work on that game as for brilliant diamond and Shining Pearl cuz I learned about the RNG method where basically there’s like an RNG seed so like there’s like a certain frame where the Pokemon will be shiny if you encounter it during that

Frame and like I definitely want to try that method cuz that seems like pretty simple and like not too timec consuming I want to try it on archus but uh I’m just worried cuz like if I do get the shiny of it I’m worried it like will

Like won’t stay in the ball and then like I’ll just lose it cuz it’ll use all its moves ooh and I haven’t gotten dark right yet on a shining Pearl I got the um event thingy I forgot it was cuz I remember it was like Oaks letter for Shaman and then something

Else for dark cry but I got it but just haven’t gone to go catch dark cry yet it’s like I also want to shiny hunt dark Cry Hey we’re pretty deep why 29 we’re getting Closer did I that was so Good yeah to didn’t you say I forgot if you said you pre-ordered the story me or if you weren’t able to before it went out of stock or if it did go out of stock I remember there’s one amiibo you’re talking about where you bought it

And then like you looked recently and it was a lot cheaper o I’ll take coal you did PR it nice the soda amibo oh speaking of Smash okay so for Christmas I got a switch OLED and that means I can mod my old switch um my old one is from like 2017 before

They like put like a physical patch into the systems to make them not modable or like super hard to mod so I’m definitely going to mod my old switch for smash to like have custom skins and stuff like That that’d be super cool cuz I could do like for Steve or Alex I could do a my own custom Minecraft skin blue melon welcome it’s been a while I think this is the first gold I’m finding maybe not I completely Forgot okay making good progress oh why level 9 let’s say on 11 I’ve had good luck on that level that coordinate the Joker amibo is now at retail price nice why so much crap I’ll do this just do the work for me don’t let Nintendo know I know

Right I’ve been seen so many shorts recently about people playing smash or just like showing off clips and then they have custom skins on the characters I saw one earlier today where it’s Mario with like one of the ice climber suits on where Papa I don’t know we’re talking about smash oh

Perfect please be three oh dang it actually maybe I have a diamond already hold on I feel like I definitely got some before in this world I just need to go check cuz if I do have one it would definitely be up in the one of the chests up

Here smash BR kind of died I’m like not sure how dead it is I like cuz I see a lot of people still posting stuff about it apparently there’s going to be an update for it for adding in like the Sora amibo data I think please don’t okay we’re Good anymore oh gosh I just hate that you can’t Sprint cuz like then the skeleton gets more shots off on you okay we have two diamonds I could craft a sword for and then be able to two shot any mob any monsters okay good no Diamond you’re not going to capture the returning legendaries why not I guess oh wait a second that might be maybe it was at my other base that’s too bad do I have a furnace in here nope okay we’re going back down I mean this is going a lot quicker

Than I thought it would cuz first I need diamonds for the pickaxe then I need to go find obsidian or create it uh we’ll put some stuff that I don’t need Away okay I think that’s Good going to take their snack and not going to feed them it’s going to say just to just make an axe for a for a weapon but I forgot it’s Bedrock uh actually this is console edition so wait how much oh it doesn’t tell you how much damage it does I know

The axe does more damage than like the other tools but I’m pretty sure it’s the sword that still does the most damage in this version pretty much Bedrock Delta that reminds me of um Emerald creeper cuz he said he was going to oh no so there was an event

For wait does this work oh yeah it does it’s really slow though um there’s that palia and Diga event for scarlet and violet and oh there is three perfect okay next step just to find obsidian so um I caught the palia cuz I have Violet and then I was like are you going

To are you going to catch Pia too he’s like no I already have I already have two or I already have one cuz he played um what’s it called Legends arys I was like well it’s still like cool to have another one I mean cuz like what if it has

Better stats or something and then he’s just like nah so I was like at least let me have it console is bedrock Edition kind of there’s like a lot of differences though I personally like console edition more over rad Rock Edition like if they continued it onto

Like Xbox One or it it was on Xbox one but on Xbox series X and stuff like that then I definitely would have kept playing like the menus just open up so much quicker also this is super nostalgic this whole UI um the game actually freezes when you

Pause the torch particle just stays there also Redstone Works differently I was surprised one time cuz I transferred a world from console edition to bedrock Edition on my PC and I guess the Redstone that I did on that world like transferred over so it was still working the same way so I’ve

Had that happen before where I transfer it and then it doesn’t work Pikmin stream one oh that’s a good question okay for Christmas I got Pikmin one and two on the switch and I have not started them yet but like I’ve played Pikmin one ever since I was probably like four or five

So wait hold on a second oh yeah I’m like really good at Pikmin one and Pikmin 2 cuz I those are the games I grew up playing ever since I was super young also right now I’m just trying to find lava to make obsidian or if I get lucky and find a

Cave oh actually I’ve seen some caves around the surface I’m going to go check there first Okay for console edition um 4J Studios have like their I’m pretty sure it was 4J Studios that made their own like engine for it and then Bedrock Edition runs on the same engine as well it was originally Pocket Edition and then they like ported it over to um

Consoles and PCs so it’s like the F the Pocket Edition engine that uh Bedrock Edition is running on am I going to get blown up no we’re good okay I remember a cave like way over here I’m going to go check that out real quick uh but yeah I definitely want to

Stream Pikmin sometime I actually feel like um I’d be able to make a lot of progress in like the last Pikmin streams And I do I am going to restart like the whole series if I do or when I do start streaming them again cuz they’re just so good I have played a bit of Pikmin 4 though so I got that for my Birthday yeah um there’s console edition and then I think it’s just called called Minecraft on like consoles uh the C was over here somewhere it’s like Minecraft and then Minecraft console edition speaking of console edition I want to play oh yeah I’m going to have to get ooh oh it’s just one

Block and is this a good cave I came down here a long time ago I don’t remember yeah I want to get an Xbox Live membership again cuz like I stopped renewing mine cuz I never really used the membership cuz like the only things I do

On Xbox are this game which you can’t even go online with because it’s outdated and that was pretty much it but I I really want to play the console edition mini game sometime there are still people that go on it I’m in a Discord server with a

Bunch of people who like make like little meetings and stuff or groups for people to join in AJ raccoon welcome to the stream just to says also I got a Pichu amiibo the other day and it was in two pieces the figure was separated from the

Base oh did you buy it like that or did that did it get damag if it’s just separated from the base depending on the amiibo you could probably superglue it and it wouldn’t be too noticeable hey let’s look for a better cave bones and arrows for some reason finding loot or

Like mob Loot on the surface feels a lot more significant in this version than current day Minecraft also what does that mean AJ raccoon chocolate it must have gone damage to shipping oh that’s too bad oh good that it’s not noticeable though look at this just Endless

Ocean there’s a way to get out of the Border um the world border so you can only do it after the update that adds ender pearls and you basically just Spam them until you’re out anybody anybody else don’t physical copy of MC story mode all episodes for

Ru that’s really funny I would just I just watched a video before the stream about um there was this guy like reviewing all the episodes and of like season 1 but yeah it’s funny oh wait oh hold on I was going to leave the game cuz I have

The first episode on this console on my Xbox 360 so like if I really wanted to I could play that right now but uh maybe another time just for Nostalgia sake what sucks though is that I bought it cuz isn’t it free now I think or

Wasn’t it free at some point cuz I bought it and then I was upset cuz later it was like free or a lower price or something also this might be a hot take but I like the old gravel texture better than the new one there’s been three so far this one um a

Different texture and the current one and I’d probably rank them in that same order from oldest to newest oh this is a really nice little Lake Area I might build something on the island the memories the battle mini games are your favorite nice I know I didn’t play too much on the 360

Cuz I had an Xbox one around the time that the mini games were out it’s like I played most of the battle mini games on Xbox One edition of it oh and Tumble tumble I didn’t play too much it was really fun though and then the Glide mini game that one was so

Fun I like the elytras on um console edition cuz like when you’re flying and you turn your screen like tilts a bit like it’s a bit more realistic and like kind of fun although if you’re not used to it it’s like really disorienting look at this

Hill okay I guess we’re just back at my little second base over here a fish covered in chocolate very intriguing Al also how is it 2024 already s is almost 7 years old and we’re in the fifth year of the 2020 decade I know right it was just it was just barely

2020 do the oooo voice oooop all right that’s enough for this stream yeah I do like old gravel it looks so good that’s why I put it in the thumbnail I remember playing Glide and my older brother or with your older brother I never won not even once I know

It takes a lot of skill and like it’s just hard to do I was kind of younger when I was doing it so like I wasn’t the best oh and it’s Auto saving I wish Auto saves like this were an option for new Minecraft cuz it’s just just kind of nice cuz

Like sometimes when you’re playing for a while you don’t realize like you’re like super close to the screen and you just kind of like lean back for a little bit and relax for a second or have a drink of water okay we’re back okay I was checking some

I wonder if the PVP mechanics let you do combos on other players I know there is some sort of combat tactics like I never really combo anyone yeah well it’s like um Bedrock edition’s combat system today where or even right now the same combat system where you can like spam as much

As you want there’s obviously like a certain amount of times or like a little delay between hits but you don’t get penalized for spamming I’m really curious what they’re going to do with the combat system though for Bedrock Edition cuz I keep hearing people talking about it and I think they like moing mentioned something about it at some point but yeah oh yeah and here’s the giant dirt Mountain that I’m building Let’s Get Down

Safely wait a second there’s caves here first I to check if I actually have a diamond over here though out of the three mini games though I definitely rank the battle one my favorite and then Glide and then tumble I feel like I would have gone into tumble more if my friends played

Him more but by the time I was actually trying it out most of them stopped playing Minecraft okay wait did I I had two diamonds here okay let’s just make the pickaxe Tada also a short funny story really quick so on the diamonds in that little crafting grid right now there’s a little

Exclamation point thing you don’t have them but when I first started playing the game I was playing on the tutorial world and I thought that um you had to like level up or do something in the world in order for diamonds to actually generate kind of like

Terraria all right but we have the very first diamond Pickaxe and some bad armor let’s go mining at night I’ve been through some of these caves but I honestly don’t remember which ones actually go deep Perfect all I need is lava and torches what is the most Vis visited country in the world good question um wait oh it’s always just one source

Blocks okay I’m it has to be like a really popular place I’m going to say I don’t really oh it’s France okay I was going to say Italy um battle is your favorite too nice it’s just so fun and like the music they had for it was so good

Too oh yeah I stopped um or I didn’t oh oh that’s so sad in this version if you mine blocks um and your pickaxe breaks the block won’t drop for some reason I think it just like counts it as your fist breaking it it happened to with or to me with

Diamond sometime that’s so sad okay this does not look like it’s leading anywhere maybe this is weird there’s a lot of caves that look like someone just mined them out it’s kind of creepy be careful of the Enderman he’s are you going to finish the sentence I don’t know what you’re going to

Say uh let’s not go out through here also I’ve been spending so much time trying to get the little Panorama screen from this version onto Bedrock Edition cuz for whatever reason bed Rock Edition for panoram you have to like have six different photos like one in each Direction one looking down one

Looking up and then like past them all together and they have to be 1080p by 1080p so like it’s just so complicated compared to just having one picture that just slides uh let’s go to sleep first and then we’ll head to the other caves how deep

Or maybe that’s an actual part of the mountain where’s the opening oh gosh that scared me oh my gosh I’m not 22 I’m 21 uh I guess we have an entrance now somewhat I really need to fill these up with torches though or maybe just cover the whole area in

Torches um the armor did really well though although look I’ve only taken a few hits from from mobs and like a creeper blast but maybe it’s just leather but it’s like already halfway dead this is not a the best spot to be in I sound like 22 sorry I don’t agree to

That oh God the worst is up here on this hill cuz there’s always monsters is climbing up that’s why there’s this giant hole cuz like three or four creepers fell in oh no first one blew up then others fell in it bounced off what the heck the creeper had a shield thanks toad

All right uh hopefully the skeleton didn’t see me ooh hold on I want to check the pole it did see me let’s see what happens okay I’m going to check the pole so which one could you defeat in real life oh okay zombies at 11% skeletons at

11% 500 silver fish is 22% and a cow is at 56% it’s funny cuz like I feel like cows can be pretty dangerous actually I don’t know depends on if it’s like aggressive and if it has horns oh is it crackling hold on let me check I’m testing if it’s crackling right now because of this okay yeah it is my phone that’s funny though that was happening to my speakers the other night I kept putting my phone near Them hello Mary Sparrow okay uh oh yeah cave hola oh check on the pole oh bye AJ raccoon have a nice night maybe I should be looking at the creepers around me before I reat oh that worked that’s actually really useful or good to know if your iron sword breaks when

You’re attacking a creeper your fist will kill it cuz it’s at half a heart so many arrows and Bones also there’s this really annoying little heart thing on the very bottom right corner of the screen and like I can’t tell if it’s blocking part of chat or

Not what does your phone cause crackling it’s like like I don’t know the signal or something coming off of it I remember what happened all the time at my old house um a skeleton is an easy dub just run at it and give it a good

Kick and it breaks into 3,00 300 pieces just makes the Lego breaking Noise oh there you are Al Papa welcome welcome to the stream I’m trying not to die right now where’d you go oh yeah right now I’m trying to find oh I forgot about this this thing scared me so this was blocked off there was no torches and it

Was nighttime so like I fall into this hole cuz a creeper blows up and like I think I I see it’s like super dark in here so I just walk forward a bit and then wait hold on okay yeah so I just walk forward a bit cuz I think it’s a monster spawner

But it’s dark so I can’t tell so like I just walk forward and then like three zombies spawn right in front of me it scared me so badly I swear it’s all just like little tiny blocks of lava I need an actually deep cave shut what off before I start

Stream is it still crackling right now got a creeper fridge oh that’s cool I’ve seen those that one would be really cool I’m trying to get like kind of a theme in my room cuz right now I have sub Minecraft stuff and then also some Nintendo stuff like this big Kirby plush and

Then some other books let’s just go around the perimeter of this place and then check each cave and if not we’re going to leave and go to a different place don’t worry about it just yeah it’s really cool spider this looks promising the armor is like kind of op in this version

But it also dies extremely quickly okay well I found a pool but that’s not what I’m looking for Like most of these caves just don’t go that Deep oh yeah Al Papa I was talking um with just Toad and Delta and like I I definitely want to do a smash stream sometime soon that’d be super fun cuz I’m also going to mod my switch at some point and cuz I got another switch for Christmas so my

Old one I’m going to mod cuz it’s a modable switch to put like new skins and stuff on it all right we’re leaving this place I gained nothing from there okay hold on this might be it actually this has to be it I swear if it just ends in like a

Tiny little piece of cave so I’m definitely going to collect the gold it’ll be really fun though when I transfer this world up to Red Arc Edition Diamond hold on oh that’s Deep so many sisters all of them yeah is it just two no it’s four the only reason I know to dig diagonal from them or check diagonal is cuz I saw a super long time ago um someone was saying like oh yeah with this update make sure to check like diagonal from

The ores that you m cuz they can spawn that way now I know it’s for Java editions like I didn’t I didn’t even know if it was relevant but it works give to me Uno well this is kind of dumb okay we’re just going a mine it’s my best

Option which white Corner are we at 17 wait a second I thought they could only spawn below 16 maybe if it starts at 16 it can spawn above It see you’ve been playing smash still nice I played a little bit today actually I started Ming villager and I have some really funny clips I want to show it’s so annoying though cuz like anytime you want to watch a clip you have to watch the entire thing cuz they

Don’t have a fast forward feature for some reason uh one of those just toad even more okay this is kind of crazy and that takes so unnecessarily long unnecessarily long to mind that’s so many nine I can make a block now I could duplicate if I wanted to [Applause]

You’re almost 2,000 hours on it nice I reached 1,000 hours like a few months ago and then gone a bit past that I mostly just play um online like quick play battles nice just to aren’t you close to a th000 on Animal Crossing just toad Smash and Animal Crossing are the

Two games that I’ve played the most on my switch okay who is it that wanted me to go to the nether cuz like this is taking a lot longer than I thought I would what would be so cool is if um this was able to play online like I would definitely let

People join me oh my butt hurts from sitting awkwardly cuz there’s a cat sitting in my lap right now he’s asleep more gold my inventory is almost full now have 1,330 RS on Smash Bros 925 on Animal Crossing oh my gosh 1,490 hours on Super Mario Maker 2 in 1,90 hours on

Minecraft that’s so much I feel like my Minecraft hours I have no idea what they are but it’s definitely at least um probably at least 5,000 I’ve been playing it since 200 2012 and like pretty consistently like not really taking long breaks from it I’m just shocked like usually I’ll

Have find found a cave by now we’re getting closer I’m I’m just going to start using the diamond pickaxe once this breaks my last Di pickaxe so I played like oh we found a cave I played probably a few thousand hours of this version there might be a way to check

That actually I know there is for like new or I guess the Xbox One um oh I forgot to check that but yeah um oh that’s promising finally we found it okay I’m going to save I don’t want to die and lose it oh okay so yeah um 2,000 hours on this

Version then I also played Xbox One Edition a lot so I’d probably say maybe th000 hours and that Bedrock Edition I’ve played so much of 450 hours on Mario Kart 8 D 525 on Pokemon unite 90 on Splatoon 3 I really need to play Splatoon 3 I have it

But like only played a few hours 115 on Mario Odyssey 190 on arms 100 on Mario Party Superstars you’ve played 21 hours of Team Fortress 2 in the past three weeks wow it’s almost a full day all right you’re getting soaked I just got to check if there’s any monsters

Though it scared me wait a second Oh I thought that was a dungeon or monster spawner okay there’s a monster over here does it go on nice just some Redstone though oh wait okay I just remembered something I was going to break this and then it falls so if you shoot an arrow

Up by yourself and it falls on you then your wolf will start attacking you in this version also I wonder if that continues onward more yeah let’s do this never mind 435 hours on Splatoon 2 I know aren’t there like a lot of hackers and stuff on Splatoon

2o at least that’s what I’ve heard since no one’s really like watching over it anymore all right time wait wait a second what oh that was over here I was like there was more obsidian oh perfect wait I got to throw something out uh we’ll do feathers I get a ton of

Those zombies drop them every morning do I want to play Smash Discord later it depends actually hold on how long have I been streaming for oh we’re about to reach an hour and 20 seconds I’ll probably stream for like a little bit more and then I’m going to eat dinner

And depending on what I’m doing after that um I might want to did you see that you posted the all Aro was that the one you said you said how to smoke smell to it I forgot oh Daiso welcome it’s been so long um okay that was the one yeah that one’s

Cool I do want to get more amibos oh I got an allar figure for Christmas stay back how rude whenever I see like certain people come into the stream it reminds me of the Minecraft Real 50 or 6% of people oh oh okay we’re good we’re still good oh I see now no we’re good 56% of people are definitely not beating kaow those things are strong as when they kill like 50 people internationally each year or intentionally each year yeah that’s what I was wondering

About was like I don’t know if they’re actually like Strong or like if they would fight back or not you’re doing good good to hear you know I have 102 of me including your collection in Florida yeah just toad um you dce spaghetti and some other people mostly of one of the first reals that we

Had it was on that like gravel Mountain area area yeah tulip it’s just so funny cuz like that’s not any of their social media names that’s just their XBox oops um they’re like autogenerated Xbox username but then everyone just called them tulip been playing a bunch of PC games

Since I got my new computer ooh um do you know the specs of your computer this takes so long without enchantments we have 10 pieces we’re close is it a gaming PC or just like a general use One oh you built it Nice I built this PC although I definitely want to build another one sometime with newer parts yeah it’s so fun like putting it all together and then playing on it you’re so close did I build my immune system I sure did okay one sec I got to check this out you idiot you

F i can’t hear the audio on that oh hold on yeah blue I can’t hear the audio on that cuz my Xbox is plugged into the speaker right now but I do like the blue lobster Me now we go on to the last two pieces I think we’ll go to the nether oh you could hear it I have no clue what I was saying I hope it wasn’t anything bad oh okay we’ll go to the nether look around a little bit and then I’ll end

Stream I’ll definitely be streaming again sometime soon maybe tomorrow if not then definitely Wednesday got him see now we’re ready rizen 5 oh nice that’s a really good PC I will toad sometime soon oh yeah geometry geometry dash got an update my cousin’s been playing that so

Much I forgot ooh double lap forgot how far this cave is but I definitely want to come back to it lapis doesn’t have a use in this version besides being decorational been playing a lot of ghost rer which is very hard needed PC for college as you’re doing game development that’s super cool

Um what part of game development are you like wanting to do also I have no clue where the way out is oh never mind I found it oh my gosh it go so far you can’t even see cuz of the rer distance see this is one of the times

Where Minecart would be useful actually console edition has mine carts that are way faster than bedrock and Java Edition I don’t know why that why they haven’t change the speed but like no one ever uses mine carts except for like Arms the actual programming part that’s Cool like coding oh it’s so slow over here separate course for game Design he want to privately investigate me way what have I done You don’t know yet when I’m going to University after college yeah I was interested in like making games and stuff for a little bit when I was in high school so I downloaded um like something with unity or it’s like a free software thing I never really got into it cuz I didn’t

Have a Mouse at the time it was just on my laptop so I stopped using it and then never got back into it o one thing I want to try though is um making animations on blender what the heck oh spider spiders can see through walls in this version scary please there’s some

More my gosh just two more come on okay we go right here then they get last creeper what if I build on top of the little Hill the middle of this area there’s even more there’s a glitch in this version where creepers just spawn like way too much oh no the cat woke Up um so me and my roommate have a cat and he’s half bangal half Tabby so he’s like super energetic oh I was hoping he would stay asleep the whole time during stream cuz he get kind of crazy oh hold on I got to let him Out okay yeah he gets like super energetic and like is running around zooming and we’ll bite your Feet okay flint and Steel some of the categories on this are super weird like shears in flint and steel uh I don’t know I guess that makes sense a bucket in a bowl light sources oh I can make a compass hey we’re just going to build this like over here Works you’re calling the SWAT team white

At the moment we’re using the visual scripting language known as blueprints we will learn coding in like a second second year and un I don’t know what that is to okay um what was I going to say oh yeah in high school I learned a

Bit of python in this class that I took it’s really fun we have the portal that that looks a lot darker than I remember that looks ominous okay I’m going to go in wait never mind let me put my stuff away first just soft sitting killing the Groudon oh

Yeah wait do you have a shiny one yet I forgot if he showed me or not so I’m going to fill this chest up I hope you don’t mind chicken okay we have a decent amount of resources now I guess I can condense this a little Bit put the import important Stuff there actually no never mind I have to be like super careful cuz depending on where I spawn oh oh oh my gosh why can I I cannot go down fast enough oh if I Crouch nope all my torches getting broken should do a lethal company stream oh I’ve been playing a ton of that recently actually I play like with three to sevenish people that’s a game that’ be super fun to stream I’m just kind of concerned for what other people might

Say did I grab all the Torches looks like it all right now we wait for it to disappear quickly gr um I’m not sure how to pronounce that you want me to read it out loud Group D intervention here try or no have it like annunciated in text for

Me going to go now and rage while playing Mor all right have fun thanks for stopping by have a nice Night or day I forgot if you said I think it was you who said you’re in Australia oh no no no no there’s someone else I think I know Delta’s Australia I’ll po this front of here yeah we got to play Smash in time here let’s just go in the nether I’ll save

And then go in wait don’t accident save still remember remember the time you’re watching my stream title late night Minecraft while eating breakfast yeah it’s just funny because um I have like for some reason my audience is like from around the world CU I was expecting it to just be mostly like from

The US oh wow okay not as dangerous as it could be I love the old texture so much for the Netherrack okay oh I was thinking I better find another Fortress but they’re not even in the game yet zombie pigman they’re dangerous in this version but they do something super cool watch

This if I can protect myself don’t do that actually that might be too dangerous let’s make it thicker my little Hut also yeah I don’t want to Hit see I feel like this should work my range is good enough Actually I don’t even need a roof I can just make this little border and hope gas don’t come over Here and perfect now We oh this is perfect see look um they do a lot of damage But look at this they dropped cooked pork chops so it’s like a food Farm I wonder if these ones are mad at me oh yeah it’s just funny cuz they’re like out of their range but their hostility is still there for some reason oh no okay wait blue M’s from USA Canadian um just toad says I who else is here is from the USB sites myself

A evil tulip and blue melon four Americans currently in this live stream go on Eastern or Western what the it’s literally just a snowball on fire it shoots oh I I hit it back you need to stay still we got it the gas gunpowder uh I’m on Western time okay now we

Can you know I’m going to do this actually just so I don’t ever get blown out from the back or walk off the edge Mountain yeah and it’s night time it just looks so much more creepy than current day Minecraft it’s like darker than usual all right I went to the

Nether whoever wanted me to do that there you go and I’m going to end stream now I’ll be live tomorrow or Wednesday yeah this one is really fun um I’ll probably be working more on this mountain thing unless I decide to do Pikmin which I’ll keep you updated in the Discord but

Yeah I’m not in California I don’t use Pacific time I don’t yes Pikmin I hear you all right yeah have a nice night everyone except those in Australia have a good morning I don’t know if it’s morning there yet hey have a nice night and see you bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Xbox 360 Edition… In 2024’, was uploaded by Apyr on 2024-01-09 16:52:30. It has garnered 65 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:19:32 or 4772 seconds.

Donate: https://streamlabs.com/apyr_8/tip Tips help me pay rent/work on this full time!

Thanks for stopping by! I stream and post Minecraft and lots of Nintendo games!

#minecraft #gaming #xbox360 #stream #mojang

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  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

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  • Sarkarnetwork

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  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Y’all better accept it!

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  • Ultimate Guide to Creating BoBoiBoy Blaze Portal in Minecraft

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: AlmightyNibble’s INSANE Survival Stream!

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  • “Krimsy Catches Rare Cobblemons!!” #minecraft #moddedminecraft

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  • EPIC Minecraft Manhunt: OP Superheroes!

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  • INSANE GAMER BUILDS HOUSE WITH SHIZO – MUST SEE!! #minecraft #demonslayer

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  • Shocking Noob to Hack Master in Minecraft – Omz Roblox Exposed

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!

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  • Pvp Legends

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  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

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  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

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  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

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  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

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  • Minecraft meme on fire!

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  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

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  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

  • Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 Begins

    Ultimate Aquatic Adventure: Season 5 BeginsVideo Information [Music] iwhere find with you Lon strikes or any shade of blue the J the best part even when the RO is hard I Anywhere [Music] With You This video, titled ‘Minecraft Aquatic Survival Season 5 V2 Intro’, was uploaded by Golden Primvally on 2024-04-20 03:17:39. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. ***************************************** Theme song Credits: The Glitch Explorer’s Theme by Dalekium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmYYB_8xLg8 Intro & Outro themes: GP: Brand New Journey By Brian Skeel: https://youtu.be/kl4qLokmyzA GP: Journey Into The Haunted Manor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oQWNjHlytI8 GP: Journey Into The… Read More

  • PurpleGecko’s Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memes

    PurpleGecko's Insane Deaths in Minecraft #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Worst Ways to Die #minecraft #mc #memes’, was uploaded by PurpleGecko on 2024-04-29 14:40:04. It has garnered 4508 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed – Modded Minecraft

    Unlock Aether NOW! No Obsidian Needed - Modded MinecraftVideo Information greetings humans it is I Bay zipster and today I’ll be showing you how to get to the Aether dimension in modded Mindcraft without the need to find diamonds or mine obsidian step one your typical start punch trees for wood make a pickaxe mine Stone mine coal step to find iron three minimum for one bucket but I recommend finding as much as you can to make more optionally find flint but I forgot to this run so instead you’ll me try a different way to ignite the portal step three find a lava pool preferably on… Read More

  • “SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!” #minecraft #smp

    "SazerStreams: Join Now for Nonstop Lifesteal Fun!" #minecraft #smpVideo Information कैंडल लाइट हैज गन आउट सम वे विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथ डर क्लोज न साउ टेक लक ए आ एला स्ल आ प् स्लो ड स्लो डाउ स्लो डा [संगीत] स्लो कैंडललाइट है गन आउट सम विल विन एंड सम ल लूस नथि मच एल्स टू से थ आ सर्चिंग फॉर समथि क्लो न साउ टेक अ ल आ [प्रशंसा] स्ल प् स्लो ड से उ से उ से [संगीत] उ कैंडललाइट हैज गन आउट सम वल विन एंड सम वल लूज नथिंग मच एल्स टू से… Read More

  • Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱

    Krish Gets Scared By Minecraft Monster 😱Video Information लोगों को बताऊं यार ये वीडियो एंड ही नहीं हो रही है मैं कर ही नहीं पा रहा यार ये भाई पागल भाई पागल पागल पागल ओके हम आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं हम पोर्टल में घुस तो गए थे मुझे लग रहा था हम दूसरी विलेज में आ जाएंगे लेकिन इस बार हम अलग ही एंड पोर्टल में आ चुके हैं एंड पोर्टल में हम यहां पर आ चुके हैं और यहां पर मुझे कुछ तो गड़बड़ अब यहां पर लग रही है वेट व्हाट यहां पर गाइज एक घर… Read More

  • Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON’T Mine at Night 💄🌙

    Shocking Makeup Tutorial: DON'T Mine at Night 💄🌙Video Information don’t mind at night I know you’re looking at that cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave go to bed you’ll be all right don’t mine at night there’s nothing This video, titled ‘Don’t mineee at nighttt #makeup #makeupartist #viral #fyp #minecraft #makeuptutorial #meme #funny’, was uploaded by PorcelainxDoll on 2024-05-25 01:30:52. It has garnered 332 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Read More