Asgaard’s Secret Agriculture Tech – Enigmatica 2 Expert Ep #23

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Hello again welcome back to Asgard and welcome back to enigmatic ax to expert so today I was actually debating about starting a speed build or going ahead and doing this episode and I decided to go ahead and do this episode so we are gonna have a speed

Build coming up the next couple days but we are going to be switching gears slightly into a bit of tech so we’re actually building a tech building for our next speed bill because I need a place to do proper tech and I kind of want to start into ic2 because I was

Looking at the quest and I’d like to at least try to kind of focus down some of these early ones industrial craft forestry we’ve already got immersive engineering pretty much situated we are gonna get an arc furnace and we’re gonna do oil refineries and stuff like that

Later on but that’s down the road it’s all kind of just stuff we’re doing for fun it’s not really tied to the class necessarily but I do want to kind of start focusing on these two now forestry we can set up a building in the high

Gary and it would make sense but I see – I have an idea for that coming together and of course it’s gonna start raining but over here I did do a bit of work between episodes I brought out our fertile soil and I made six plots okay

And over here we have four hundred and three stalks of aetherium now what this is this is all in theory I’m Tier one seeds all of this I removed our slate and all that I moved it over and so I’ve got a Tier one field and then over here

We’ve got in fear him again not as much by far right here and then we’ve got our slight basalt and limestone crops right there and we’ve got an additional harvest ready to make harvesters for this because right now harvesters are a little bit expensive for me once we

Start proper I see two they’re not gonna be too bad because right now we just have a cold generator and a compressor you know that’s all of our I see two that we’ve got so but anyways what I’m going to do and I know this is a bit

Overkill this is like super overkill but because we’re kind of going for that big farmland right and I love the way these look on the map so but we’re going for this just massive farm area this agricultural area metropolis if you will of agriculture so what I’ve decided we’re going to do is

This field is gonna be all tier six our Tier two in theory and then we’re gonna go like tier three tier four tier five tier six so we really we’re gonna have six fields of aetherium we’re gonna have way more in theory and than we know what

To do with and we’re gonna set up auto compression of this in theory I’m later alright ii but later we are going to do that right now it’s just stockpiling in theory ‘m and i throw a bunch of stock of grades our storage upgrades emerald level into this so we can store 3328

Stocks and avoid upgrade because this is inevitably going to fill up and i went ahead and filled out sprinklers because these things are crazy cheap in this pack they really are I did make more buckets though so it did make that a little bit easier but you

Can see in here it’s been running for a little bit I have went ahead and compress some of this because I wanted to kind of fill out our drawers because they were getting a low on materials and so I did fill those out a little bit

I’ve still only got the three seeds but I did get a little bit of prosperity if you pop over to the astral area I went ahead and added prosperity to the second pick for starters so you can see this one’s prosperous well-established as well and right now we have one

Prosperity chard in here but I did just empty this out pretty much and moved it over some of it over to the Smiths so we do have that available in the Smith and slotted in now I’m also down here another minor thing that I did he is and

It’s gonna be night so I’m asleep but if you pop down here collages for just to power hungry so I changed this over you could see that back in there there’s four sprinklers and there’s three rows of industrial hemp and six rows of potatoes I know this would grow faster

If I would have done like potato hemp potato here potato him but I think it looks better like this personally I think it looks a bit better so I did that with a harvester back there and this has been producing a whole lot better as far as power usage and stuff like

That it’s able to run of course full throttle and we’ve started actually backing up on ethanol and plant oil so clashes are cold they looked really good down here but they were just too power hungry for the system to work I don’t know why I’m getting some lag right now

Like it’s like a little bit jittery could be because the rain could be because these builds are starting to get big in this area let me pop over and you know what it could also be because of me we set this back to graphics fast which

Makes the dome not look as good but if we’re not working in the dome we can set it too fast and then if we’re working in the dome we’ll set it back to fancy and then you know maybe if we’re doing like based or type episodes or something

Gonna set it back up to fancy but yeah we’re gonna turn that down for now okay so let’s pop back over to the this area and what we’re going to be doing to die you can see the farms have expanded a bit and then there’s like this little

Area here with the dark oak we’re gonna be building up the walls on all this here soon a speed build for the agriculture area it’s been a while since we’ve done one over here it’s been a while since we’ve been over here on camera much so it’s actually kind of

Nice to get back over here what we’re going to be doing today is actually a probably going to be a number of miscellaneous things it’s not gonna relate to any quest but there’s different things in agriculture that we had done in the last series we need to

Start doing Nile first and foremost I want to get into apiaries from Pam’s harvest ground please right here we’re gonna need to get item frames and we’re gonna need to get wood that’s pretty much it so let me pop over to the storage building I need this we need to

Start setting up once we start getting into TAC we’re gonna set up the viaduct system that goes around through the walls and we’re probably gonna have another wall speed building episode here soon the next floor okay there’s two that’ll get us started and I’m gonna go ahead and grab some conduits out

And what we’re going to do let’s let’s see we’ve got apiaries we’ve got the Hatem conduits I’m also gonna need some kind of a drawer well let’s let me actually I need my Bay’s out of here sorry the Pam’s harvest craft queen bees we need those which are right here these don’t

Stack but that’s okay so let’s see well pop back over here and if you notice I did kind of plot out the way the roads gonna work I haven’t finished out the road but here kind of plot this out up to this point but and then it goes it’ll

Go into the the city proper and then there’s gonna be a path that comes up and along yeah I’ve actually well that paths not gonna be right there that was an old rough draft but it’s actually going to run up and go around like this

And plug in so this is kind of like a side road sort of thing and then crops and stuff would be taken in theory they’d be taken here to the back of this building and dumped off and then supplies maybe from the city would be

Hauled up to here so but yeah so anyways far apiaries I’ve got this whole little space right here kind of leading up to the inferior crops area and I’m kind of thinking this little area here for bees would be kind of nice they do it up with

Flowers and stuff like that it’s kind of what I’m thinking like this little just this little spice here and we’re gonna do some stuff up along these like little hilltops maybe kind of smooth these out a little bit because they’re kind of jacket maybe kind of smooth them out but

Yeah maybe have these little mountains that kind of encircle this pathway that goes through and so what we’re gonna do let’s what if we did like a covered section here like a little build and so maybe the road would go hate to bring I

Need to get my horn off the wild okay so maybe like a little path with Ryan up to here and this would be kind of like the bee storage area and then we would have bees out in this little area maybe put some flowers and trees and things like that

It’s kind of have that outdoors a little bee area I guess and we would have probably four Street apiaries and then rustic apiaries here which we should probably go ahead and set these up too while we’re at it let me pop back over not here okay there’s ten of those that’ll be

Fine for the time being and I’m not sure if I have any rustic bees will probably have to go out and find some I don’t think that I do strangely enough and it’s also possible I may have gotten some and and throw them down thinking they were you know

Confusing them with Pam’s because I’ve got a lot of Pam’s bees but oh okay here we go rustic bees and all you really need is one of these to start and you’re set I mean because as the Beehive runs as apiary runs it just creates more bees so

One of these and you’re good and what’s nice is if we start getting into Anna mania right now we’ll be all set for blood magic because it’s gonna help out a lot with that so what we’re going to do is we’re going to set up these and

Bear in mind that these will boost crop growth if you have them near crops we’re not worried about that we have sprinklers from cyclic which are quite effective I didn’t I forgot to grab my horn of the wild of course but let’s do and these clovers I want to

Make sure and grab these I don’t think that there is an easy way to get them photogenic insulator we could okay well that’ll be down the road but we’re definitely gonna get that because I need these actually really really bad for a build plan I have which we’ll get into

Later but anyways what we’re going to do is we’re going to set up we’re gonna set up our beehive sky like this our apiaries and maybe something I don’t know something like that and have just kind of gets a little beehive area I don’t know it might change a little

Bit but and we’re going to go ahead and throw in our bees and might as well go ahead and throw in two it’s gonna speed up we’ll throw one in there and we’ll throw one in there so they can start running and then over here this is the beehives that we’re

Actually wanting to get set up especially because because these are the ones that’s going to have that’s gonna give us infinite emeralds let me figure out where I want to put these okay I think we’re gonna set up our first two just kind of opposite this sort of like

That and that we need a lot of these but I need more leather which we’re going to be covering that this episode will take care of that let me just remove that we’re gonna put a conduit here a conduit here and then what we need to do is drop

In or queen bees and these we’re gonna have to craft them in a little bit with be grubs and royal jelly so what we’re gonna do is we are gonna need to make a crafter to handle this just an analog crafter would be fine let me make sure

This is chunk loaded while we’re gone I’ve got a few chunks leftover now from this so we’re just gonna use that which is like ignoring me how dare you ignore me okay yeah we’ll let that run for just a minute and what I need to do is we’re just

Gonna get an analog crafter for this let me pop over and get that crafted up and then I’m also going to launch drawers but since I since I haven’t built this out yet I don’t know and we’ll be doing this it will be building this out on a speed build

I’m probably on camera whenever we come through we’re gonna be doing some miscellaneous agriculture builds here soon but we’ve got so much area the agriculture bill we need to start building walls we need to start we need to build this little bay area we need to build out

Some of the other stuff that were working on this episode we need to build the roads we need to deck right now there’s just a lot it’s a lot of spice and one step at a time it’s not like we’re in any rush to get any way or in

Particular in this pack because we’re not we’re not at all but let’s go ahead we’re just gonna put an analogue crafter here and what we’ll do we’ll run this is gonna come down this is gonna plug in right there and go ahead and remove this for the time being and we’re gonna say

That you can insert an extract extract is on the grain inserts on the Brown always active extract inserts what did I do extract on green insert on brown there we go and then the analog crafter we’re gonna have to wait before we can insert the items so we’ll give this a

Little bit to run now as far as where what the conduits to go well we’re going to do is we’re just gonna bring them over here I’m actually wondering if we shouldn’t know I can’t remember what the x net recipes are in this pack I remember they’re not bad we need

Compound I mean we’ve got a compactor there’s also the pressurizes that we could do it through even though my power GM that the pressurizer is plugged up to is not good enough and then when you I see two machines which I’ve got some left over but we’re gonna start into X

Net before too long we are going to be X now it’s easily one of the best autumn transfer mods in the world and it’s actually not too bad in this pack to get started with it so we’ll be doing that but basically I just want to bring this

Up to here like say right in your ish it’s kind of what I’m thinking yeah right through here so let’s just run out our condom line which will probably eventually become like a big massive X net line that runs through all of our agriculture stuff I don’t know but we might do

Something a little bit more interesting for item transfer across the eye area I don’t know I’ve got I’m gonna think about that but what we’re gonna do for right now is we’re just gonna pump this into a crate this will eventually be like a little small drawer system that

Handles like B items and things there is a little bit there’s a B grub okay let me set the insert priority on this to like ten for right now I know sitting into one would do the same thing but ten is just a number I go to so insert on

Green and we’re gonna say extract is on Brown so you can see we’ve got a B grub and then we probably get a honeycomb here in two seconds once that sins over okay and so we’ll let this run for a little bit we’ll come back to this here a little bit

Well actually I need to set up this also so we put that there and we say extract is on green it’s always active and we run this out so we can fill up on honeycomb that way too okay so the honeycomb is being drained out of this

I’m gonna have to make some more conduits and run it over to these but I can do that later what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna grab out our Bay’s and we’re just gonna go ahead let’s split these up I don’t know how many I’m gonna need for

Sure but we’re just gonna throw these in here that way they can start running and making more bays making more honeycomb and I’ll plug up these yeah we’ll just dump the rest of those into that one I’ll plug these up to say a drawer and we might keep like a

Stockpile of bees on hand maybe set up a drawer for storing the bees but we’ll see so but we’ll let that run for a little bit I’m not gonna worry about setting up the the drawers right the second because I need to figure out how

I’m going to build this area out I just need this stuff to start coming in and if we take a look this we can use of course we’re making honey for making Mead which we’ll start doing before too long that’s brewing we’ve covered brewing in a lot of episode or a lot of

Series we’re gonna cover it again we’re gonna do a bit of it just because it’s fun we could also get forestry honey this way instead of needing to go for the honey drops from forestry so there is thought we can use it for making elixirs of regeneration and I was

Thinking that we squeeze out the honey we can make Anna mania honey yeah bottles of honey from Anna mania I think we could bottle those with and use this system so we’ll probably do that over here – and maybe opposite it we have this little space here wouldn’t it

Be kind of cool to make like a little like brewery so we make like Mead stuff over in this area with the crushing tub and all that and then our bees are all set up over there and then maybe have maybe have the bee is out through here

Maybe not do forestry bees in the same area but put the bees out in here and there and then maybe have like some grape vines planted over in this area I don’t know I feel like I’d want more grape vines I don’t know but we’ll

Figure it out but I think that would be kind of cool because this is gonna be like the pathway that leads up to the in theory and it’s kind of it’s gonna be kind of a bigger path I don’t know it just seems like a good like main

Thoroughfare that kind of runs between these mountains I think it’s gonna be pretty cool once it’s all done okay now the next thing we’re gonna do we’re gonna start looking into Pam’s traps the ground trap water trap which we’re gonna have to automate baits let’s see which four right now it may

Not be fully automated it might be something that I just come in I throw in you know bait and what we’re probably gonna do which eventually will fully automate it but I can make up a lot of this bait or not really make up I’m

Gonna go far a bunch of like a plot of crops throw it in a hopper that goes to a presser it makes the bytes for us and then makes the juices and then later on once we have automated farming because this is all manual farming it’s gonna

Stay manual farming but once we make the automated farming area which will be working on before too long we should have to speed build out the area then we’re gonna have have it fully automated and then whatever our system I use for wireless item transfer because my base

Is too big for running conduits every way or even X net well accident wireless system would work pretty well but I think what we’re gonna do I’m trying to find a perfect spot for this because what I have in mind for the tryouts instead of just having them sitting on

The ground somewhere I’m thinking about digging kind of like a spot in the ground that’s going to serve as kind of an animal trap you know like instead of just setting them somewhere it would be like a place where animals would go and they kind of fall into like a pit we’re

Capturing like chickens and pigs and sheep and cows and stuff in our animal pits and maybe even somewhere a little bit set back away from let’s see if we did it over here would probably work okay so let me just I’m not gonna dig it like super deep but I think like three

Date would be pretty reasonable so something like this and I’ll expand it out and I’ve got some ideas I need to say I don’t know if I have to make them with chisels and bits or if there’s some kind of maybe just the wooden spikes would actually probably

We work out whale but like ring the top of it with the wooden spikes or the bottom of it I don’t know they are probably not the bottom because I’ll have the traps down there I don’t know something will ring the PA probably the outside like the upper outside with like

Wooden spikes so it’s kind of like a like an old animal pit like for catching for catching game and stuff which i think is like illegal now I think that’s like poaching or something I don’t know it’s not poaching but I don’t know I don’t know what it’s called but I

Believe it’s illegal to do that so don’t do this in real life of course but let’s say let’s go ahead let’s pull up the trap and this is gonna be ground traps that we’re gonna be setting up first or for this and we’re gonna do for right

Now I’m gonna put like one here and then I’m gonna put one here and we’ll look like I said we’ll expand this out of the up and then I’m gonna do say one here one here or maybe have multiples so maybe eventually this one will be specialized with grain bait this one

Then another one will be specialized with fruit bait another one with veggie bait I don’t know I don’t know we’ll see this will be another thing we quickly speed build out it shouldn’t take that long I shouldn’t think but maybe have a few of these out here for like catching

Our animals can I put one in the middle what I have like a perfect don’t think I’ll have a no I’ll have a perfect spot in the middle like this if I pushed them out yeah let’s push them out I kind of want one in the middle too

No I want to keep this one here basically just push it out one more and then have one right there I think okay so like that for right now and then we’ll shape it up and wide the wooden spikes and everything to it okay so our

Ground traps there we go there’s five of those and then I’m also going to want a couple things here I’m gonna want a grinder actually I’m gonna want three grinders in fact that’s standard okay I’ve got sticks alright let me pop over and go make that okay so there’s our grinders

And then I’m also going to want a hopper and I’m going to want some conduits as well so I ever tell my craft anything I’ve got a teleport around so much it’s crazy it’s gonna be fun it’s really really really fun on this pack sitting

Up a tangy – system and it’s gonna be like a personal challenge to automate lots of things and keep everything chunk loaded in a base of this magnitude because this base is getting huge and actually for right now we’re going to store this into a crate in this one as

Well all of our outputs until we set up a drawer system which I don’t think there’s gonna be a drawer system set up where the traps are because it wouldn’t make a lot of sense so it’s probably gonna have to get sent off somewhere else but I don’t know we’ll see we shall

See and this is if not oh wow it’s like perfect okay well let’s load this junk there we go and we’ll go ahead and set up our ground traps which it hasn’t fully spread the grass just yet so it might take them a second to to register

Everything but let’s go ahead and just dig down there’s one ground trap there’s another that’s so what we’re gonna do let’s go ahead and just attach our conduits like that and for right now I’m gonna have it pump out over here so we’ll just dig this down alright and

Then we’ll connect up there we go and I’m gonna put this above ground just because I’m not going to hide it because it’s only temporary sort of for us to have it pumping out here right I kind of want it to go somewhere else you know online the last time with enigmatical we

Didn’t know but that X net but it’s actually really our agriculture area was super compact all right in in comparison it was actually a fairly large area but now we’re pretty much taking over like multiple biomes for our agriculture area so I’ve got a I’ve got to do things a

Little bit different for our agriculture stuff and I’ve got to figure out how I want to do that so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna have this set to insert on the green Channel we’re gonna pop down here look animals are already falling in my pit they know what’s up

We’re gonna say extract is on grain it’s always active and then you can insert on red and I believe this will work but we’ll have to see I can’t remember extracts always active but I want to say doesn’t it take the bait and we had to like change things up

A little bit for this to be automated I can’t recall we’ll have to see and then maybe it may be changed with Pam’s now I don’t know so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna set up our grinders like here here here let’s pop over now and to

Make our fruit bites probably the best thing is gonna be like some kind of a berry there’s something there that doesn’t exist because I’ve got I know I’ve got some of the berries planted I just gotta find the things because this isn’t really like organized a particular

Way it’s more for decora purposes than anything we’ve got blueberries I think blueberries will be able to work right so yeah there’s blueberries okay let’s just I think I need a magnet a ring of magnetization oh yeah this blueberry patch is going to be plenty to fill up

The hopper I’m not even gonna have to farm all with this I can already tell you see we don’t even need a magnet ring we can just we harvest enough that it doesn’t matter if we miss them so there we go we’ve got blueberries and I still

Got a bit of the patch left I mean these patches like at this point you can come here and you can farm up like a few like clean out that field for example then you’ve got enough like say blueberries to make blueberry pancakes for a while so you’re

Pretty well set let’s toss that I made grinders and nut pressors oh my gosh grinder I would use for like cinnamon and nutmeg can make bites and I guess I was looking at that and not thinking pressors or pistons and iron okay one seconds all right but there’s all pressors

Okay now I’ve got the right machine for the job all right so let’s set up our pressors for grain okay for a grain veggie and then we should just be able to toss the N now it’s gonna start running these don’t require power or anything like that and that’s gonna

Start making blueberry juice and fruit bites and then we’ll let that run for minutes and then we’ll set filters and see how this works out then what we’re going to do is for the veggie bites I think it’s like most anything actually it’s just carrots and baits

Really that we’ve got out here which I will say I don’t have every single crop planted yes but I’ve got a lot of them I need to actually just get a scythe just make like a good scythe to harvest all this but you know you would think that I

Would be tired of doing agriculture like doing all this stuff by hand like having to garden but I’ve got to be honest I’ve actually enjoyed it in a way like there’s something really enjoyable when you don’t just go okay well I’ve got infinite of all these crops like get sacked

A little bit more hands-on whenever you go to make food and stuff it’s been really really nice we can do tea leaves for the US let’s take a look at the grain bate I think it’s like pretty much cooking oil for whatever we do unless we

Do so veins then we get the silken tofu yeah I’d say a bit of cooking oil be nice to have and here soon we’ve got to start I think the first thing we’re gonna start automating from agriculture is we’re just gonna automate all the cooking ingredients so we have cooking

Oil and all that stuff have you followed me from that other area it’s like the same zombie or something from way over there on the other side the field but we’re gonna automate like cooking oil and ketchup and mustard and all that stuff here soon because don’t forget one

Of our objectives in this is to automate all the foods once we get to 82 of course no not just like machine setup so that might be interesting just have like oh I don’t know that would be kind of cool doing it without a you – so it’s

Just stored like we’ve always got like a drawer full of every type of food like the ultimate kitchen or something I don’t know maybe that sounds kind of fun actually like even like pre 82 in a way okay well I’ve got enough tea leaves let’s pop back over I don’t know we

Might start into that I don’t know I’m on the fence let me know what you think down the comments should we do it without a tea – because in a way that sounds kind of fun and just have a drawer filled with all the different

Foods at a time okay the veggie bait was carrots we’ll go ahead and throw those into the– or the grain bates was the tea leaves and we’ll go ahead and throw those into thayer i mean i mean you’re talking about a lot of runs of the Trop

Just you know one harvest go get six stacks of tea leaves it’s gonna take a while to run through that okay so we’ve got grain baits we’ve got veggie baits we’ve got fruit baits we’ll go ahead and grab the and then I don’t need to get a filter

Real quick and actually by the way that is outside of that chunk so let me go ahead and just load this chunk also go and I just want just uh just a default into i/o filter it’s gonna take a hopper that’s fine and basically the reason

We’re doing this right now is because I need more leather coming in so that I can make more beehives so that I have more emeralds so I can make more prosperity shards to make more to make more seeds it’s basically the point of all this but I mean it’s also because we

Need to start getting some of this stuff set up infrastructure more than anything just so we’ve Guardi got a place placed out right for the trap so we can build out that little it’s a very small build it’s gonna be really easy but we can

Kind of build out on that as part of a speed build episode because I want to we’ve got to start turning some attention to back towards agriculture because we’ve been away from it for a little bit and we’re kind of slipping behind so really I should already have

Food and stuff automated at this point thing yeah I don’t know I think we might start working on the ultimate kitchen I mean we’ve got the small kitchen field which is great and everything that’s all well and good but I think we might start working on like an ultimate kitchen

Build let’s say blacklist these three baits so if I inserted here on the side now it’s inserting cooking oil but that does mean that it’s it’s working you’re right so what I’m gonna have to do is either make more filters because cooking oils not going to do me any good with

The animals but it did can insert the things that we don’t want it to inserts all well actually we could probably just set the priority on this up okay yeah what I’m probably have to do is extract will be on the say the block channel the only thing is then if I

Don’t have a filter on this one too it’s just gonna dump it all in here so we’re gonna say that you can insert on black but I’m gonna have to make one more filter real quick I couldn’t you those those traps is I can never remember what exactly I

Remember that they’re kind of finicky but I can’t remember exactly why until I start messing with them okay so we’ll grab one of H we’ll throw these the filter we’re gonna like blacklist and it’s gonna be fruit grain veggie that’s what it is it’s the debate is in a

Different slot there we go you have to fall at the bottom pump in the tie on the side okay so we’ll do that but the bait is handled by the side slot whereas the bottom okay all right I can never remember how these are laid out okay so they should all be

Plugged up now they should be running and all that fun stuff then I can do that which what to facade the top of that but otherwise it’s good it’s in good spot and we look in here we’ve got raw chicken raw duck turkey bones leather and eggs

So if leather starts to build up then we can make item frames and make more eye beers and then we’ve kind of come full circle oh it doesn’t it doesn’t make the royal jelly and makes the queen bees that’s right there was a time I think

Whenever it made royal jelly but now all we need to do is just cycle our bees back in so we don’t actually need the crafter in that case my bad I’m all over the place right now I apologize it’s been a little while I guess so we’re just gonna say inserts grain extracts

Green inserts green there we go and I believe like if I try to dump grass in there it’s not gonna go in there it’s only gonna accept the queen bees so basically they just cycle back through and we’re gonna set the priority on them to like five and then if we were

To setup drawers we just wouldn’t drawer for Queen because they never duplicate with the Pam’s harvest craft bees so I will go ahead and put that back and then I’m gonna set another beehive well actually I probably skip that and that and put a bee hive here and then go up

Here so but yes so that way we’re getting in honeycomb and then what we can do is we can take this honeycomb pop over to the kitchen and well last episode I was having issues with getting the ham rolls that we need honeycomb sale there we go we got a free emerald

And baked grubs the empty honey combs all that stuff works as well as the meat that we’re producing from the from the ground traps okay I went ahead and whipped up some facades and I went ahead and dug out two more peanuts because of course we’re gonna have one that

Specialized for each bait so I just want ahead and dug those out I mean they’re the same dimensions and everything they may get a little bit more shaped up but there’s one block in particular and these aren’t ran at the moment like there’s a hole here but it just leads to

This these aren’t plugged up they’re not going to be plugged up until we do the final setup once we have the building that we need to actually run these but we’re gonna go ahead and just facade them and then over here which I may come back through and add like filters or you

Know something we’ll see maybe change up the conduit colors but that’s the easy enough to do once we figure out a more permanent setup because actually one of the projects that we’re gonna be working on I’m actually been brainstorming form it’s been about a day since the last cut

Not on here but you know just off and kind of getting some general ideas sketches that kind of thing kind of what I’m thinking is you know we mentioned before we’re gonna have a big I don’t know kitchen type thing and we’re actually gonna be going for automating

All the foods and not just like one or two foods with in Pam’s and throughout the modpack itself because there’s you know other types of food outside of just the Pam stuff and so what I’m thinking is we’re actually gonna have a big almost I

Don’t know it’s gonna be kind of like an industrial building like not industrial industrial but like as in sighs industrial we’re still going to keep with kind of the theme of the area which of course is agriculture out here and then kind of magical stuff back in here

But maybe something a bit larger scale than the buildings we have so far and we’re probably going to situated about in this area maybe and it’s gonna have actually like a shipping receiving area and it’s gonna send food then out to a kitchen inside of this build this base

As well so we’ll store food inside of that and over there as well as have food storage in this building so we kind of have like three food storage areas but this one is more like a small kitchen area for the workers this is more like large-scale production which is gonna

Have our automatic farms in it and and then we’ll have everything kind of sent from various places like this is still gonna be automated here that’s still gonna be automated here this stuff’s gonna be automating they’re gonna have more magical crops back through here and a few other little automation setups

Throughout and then we’ll have this big farm where we have kind of our dense Pam’s farm setup and I’ve got some ideas I think it’s going to work out nicely inside that building because like I mentioned before these are more just decorative these will never be automated

So I think we’re either gonna start that speed build next episode or the tech the well that I say tech but the what we’re gonna do I see – one of those – next episode I haven’t really decided which one I want to focus on first I think the

Agriculture stuff would be kind of fun but the tech would also be pretty beneficial to us but we’ll see but I do think I am going to automate it outside of a you to one I’m gonna have it including our a – because it’ll hide a lot of clutter to

The a – and if you ever played around with a – when you have a lot of stuff automated a lot of things going on that you – it does tend to get a little bit heavy and a little bit likey so what we’ll probably do is have a storage bus

Maybe that connects over to the big storage building like the one that goes in here but like the big ice a storage building it’s gonna be more like a big kitchen like a grand kitchen like that’s kind of a small kitchen that’s over here but kind of a grand kitchen that you

Walk in and there’s just everything you could ever want to eat from the mod pack it’s laid out in some form or fashion I haven’t decided it’s a lot of food it’s gonna be like thousand different meals or something but yeah and then we’ll start automating all the ingredients

Inside that building automating off the crops in that building and just have this big processing chain of things that goes on I do believe so I think that’s probably what we’re gonna end out this episode because I got my B’s set up I got my leather and that way I’ve got my

Leather to make more B’s to make more emeralds to make more prosperity shards to make more seeds for building it’s basically the chain of things that we’ve completed so it’s kind of a chain of things one block that I do need I was gonna speed build out these pits just

Really really quickly cuz it’s not gonna take very long but there’s one very key block that I need to really do that the way that I want to and that is I want ethereal opaque mimic blocks from blood-magic which I’m going to need to get large bloodstone tiles which is

Going to require that we get up to a tier 3 altar to do that so there’s a little bit to that we don’t time this episode so we’re not gonna dive into that but that’s okay we’ll get to that we’ve got a we’re gonna have like a

General speed build coming up for this area and then we’ll have we’ve got a lot of speed builds coming up probably so anyways I’m going to end up this episode here and we’ll get started on some big projects this was kind of like a changing focused sort of episode

Where we’re kind of starting to move back into some agriculture and back into some tech and kind of break away from magic that we’ve been on for a while so but we’ll get started on that in the next speed build so anyways I hope you

Guys enjoyed it if you did as always be sure hit that like button and go ahead and subscribe if you’re not already to stamp day with wind new videos come out and I hope to see you guys next time so until there’s always do take care stay safe I’ll see you guys then

This video, titled ‘Two Key Agriculture Automations : Enigmatica 2 Expert Lp Ep #23 Minecraft 1.12’, was uploaded by To Asgaard on 2020-03-06 22:38:05. It has garnered 3799 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:21 or 2661 seconds.

Today we focus on transitioning from our heavy magic focused work the last few episodes into a focus on agriculture and tech. However, to really have free reign in agriculture and for a few upcoming speed builds, we have to automate two key things first. ——————————————————————————————————— Find the rest of the series here: —————————————————————————– Hit me up on social networking as well:

Patreon: Discord: Twitch: Twitter: Facebook: ————————————————————————— A very big thank you to the talented Andries Welink for the wonderful new channel art and avatars.

—————————————————————————————————- Added Mods:

Cathedral Mod:


Replay Mod:

#Enigmatic #Minecraft

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  • EPIC Steve vs Pillager in MINECRAFT ANIMATION!

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  • Insane Minecraft Live Grind on Asur SMP LIVE!

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  • Discover the SECRET Zoonomaly Koala Dimension!

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  • You won’t believe what happened on a normal day

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    INSANE LUCK?! OPENING 100 GRINDING CRATES FAST! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘OPENING 100’S OF GRINDING CRATES! (MINECRAFT FACTIONS)’, was uploaded by Beadle on 2024-04-11 22:00:28. It has garnered 90 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Crate opening video on minecraft factions. —————————————————————————- IP: DISCORD: STORE: WEB: MORE: —————————————————————————- Tell your mom hi for me. 😘 Enjoy the video? Hit the like button and subscribe with post notifications. SUBSCRIBE TO ME NOW! @RealBeadle If you are a sub i love you and you are cool. periot. 😊 MY SOCIALS: @RealBeadle on SnapChat, Twitter, and… Read More

  • Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!

    Boring Souls SHOCKINGLY Transformed!Video Information This video, titled ‘Type Soul Is Boring’, was uploaded by Note on 2024-05-02 01:07:51. It has garnered 1377 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:15 or 315 seconds. Like and Subscribe if you want more Minecraft, Roblox, or Anime Content. Comment for things you want to see or tell me what I can do better. The quality of this video could have been better. I understand that and wish to continue to improve; any feedback is helpful. Intro by Intro song – Croosh Anymore Outro song- Suzume by Nanoka Hara ▬▬▬▬▬ Background Songs… Read More

  • RageStorm SMP

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  • Bloom SMP – Semi-vanilla | SMP Survival | English | Java & Bedrock | Crossplay

    Welcome to Bloom SMP! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun, and make new friendships. IP = Joinable on versions 1.9 – 1.20.6 Features: Anti griefing Cross play A welcoming community An active Discord A friendly staff team Regular events Bloom SMP is not modded, but contains gameplay-enhancing plugins. Keep things friendly to ensure a good playing experience for everyone. Website: Discord: Read More

  • Nu Towny – Java & Bedrock Crossplay: Towny, Jobs, Quests, Dungeons, Economy, AdvancedEnchantments

    🌍 Welcome to **Nu Towny**! 🌍Experience a brand new take on the classic Towny survival with a twist. In **Nu Towny**, we’ve taken the traditional Minecraft gameplay and enhanced it with unique features, custom plugins, and a player-driven economy.Java/Bedrock/Console IP: Bedrock/Console Port: 25565⭐ ** AdvancedEnchantments **: Custom enchants, Enchanter & Tinkerer.🏡 **Towny **: Start your own town or join an existing one. Make friends, build your dream home, and create a thriving community with players from around the world.💰 **Economy**: Our server features a balanced and player-driven economy. Trade, barter, or set up your own shop to become the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ping: You call that spice?

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  • City Cuffs: EfeKan & Ali’s Arresting Adventure!

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  • Minecraft: The Game That Ruins Lives 🔥 #minecraft #meme

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