BaddGaming – Minecraft Dark Ages – Episode 2 (Aku Inc., Mana, and Spells)

Video Information

Hey everyone I Custis here welcome to episode 2 of Minecraft Dark Ages spoilers hope you guys are excited for the second episode now yes I finally got the world working i got the server up and I’m ready to go I’m going to start building the map parts of it at least

Not all of it because I like I said in last episode I’m going to include 1.7 biome changes now I was roaming around the world and I stumbled upon something it was like well maybe I should just show you yeah I stumble upon this factory I’ve been building on it and I

Put up a nice sign iku inc and i decided why not start my own business my own corporation aku incorporated let’s go check it out real quick um I’m no longer AFK so um yeah i mean i found this abandoned warehouse sort of thing hooked

It up i started fixing it about i mean it was just laying here so I thought you know why not there’s no one else around is there there was no one on the server and it couldn’t be anyone else on the server so you know what what’s mine is

Mine what’s yours is yours i find this it’s mine Finders Keepers so uh yeah rubin redoing it some people have been helping me redo it and that the test if Achatz have been helping me and let’s let’s let me give you tour wait so I laid everything out with nice red carpet

And let’s just let me just show you this I found this when I was here um not exactly sure what it is but um says no entry I’ve just left it alone for now we’ll look into that a little bit later maybe in one of the later episodes will

Look into what that oops what that giant block thing is and then over here we got the computer room I went and set up a nice huge room full of computers tons and tons of computers these are so I can come here and when I hire workers

They’ll all be here we’ll all be working on these uh these computers and yeah I hope these ones are set up to the big giant computer screen a lot of little computers set up none of them are turned on of course because I don’t have

Any use for them but back here we have they’re all connected and here’s my office professor a custom sets what I’m going by I have my new skin to show it off so yeah this is my office has just want to computer a nice little chair

Here and so let’s get right on because i have a lot to do today a lot a lot a lot to do down this way this willows this this was a storage bay and the biodome masood’s a storage bay fur okay a storage bay I’ve actually been in here

Really yet just flicked a switch oh oh nifty okay so yeah this is the storage room this will be I have all my crafting tables all my work benches and all my furnaces and an anvil and lots of spite let’s get these out of here these spider

Webs you hmm gives me chills anyway yeah this is the storage room the storage bay where I’ll keep all my equipment um biodome I haven’t been out here yet wonder what this is let’s check it out oh oh I get it’s sort of like a secluded environment strange so we’re like the

Biosphere if any of you know what the biosphere is in Arizona Wow hmm wonder what they would have put this in here I don’t know maybe you will find some animals or something to put in there eventually it’s going to turn off the lights in the storage bay okay mm-hmm

Computer room what’s in here I’ve explored this a little bit oh oh oh this this is this yes these stairs to the bottom floors let me I’ll just quickly show you should get an elevator set up in here floor be one is it been a sort

Of being worked on at the moment all these floors are actually being worked on and getting a bit for b2 same b3 same none of these are actually set up yet I don’t have anything to work on quite yet but I have been working on one room down here

B6 yeah here we go I filled it full of well kind of blown holes through the roof and stuff and I’ve been experimenting with spells we got a bunch of animals here take these out don’t don’t ask about I’ll explain that later but yeah um hmm I don’t fix this room up

Fix it up later how someone else wicked 0 for me but down here Oh new signs caution biohazard construction in progress mmm I knew there was something down there but I don’t know anyone built there may be some of my workers went down there built that what’s in here Oh

Iron armor oh I think it’s a biosuit actually okay okay let’s put these on oh look at that misty biosuit nothing can get through here already set down there figure out what’s what this is actually oh god what what what is this what are these particles these little

Dark things oh my god what is this no entry biohazard no entry biohazard oh my god I can’t even see can’t even see in there hold on I have an idea let’s do the spells real quick let me find the one that I’m looking for fireball here

Yeah I’ll showcase one of my spells a little bit early holy crap it is dark in here oh my goodness oh god let’s get out of here it’s a biohazard or not even supposed to be in here let’s go go go go go hmm Jesus let’s put these back oh

Well yeah guys this is pretty much a coup incorporated it’s gonna be my headquarters where I sort of start working on some of the plugins some of everything now let’s get right along with the video let’s skip ahead i’m going to go up top side and you are

Going to get to see some of the mana and some of the spells in action catch you guys in a little bit alrighty so this is my testing ground I went ahead and built little something-something to showcase all my spell so I wouldn’t blow up my factory over there some of these spells

Are kind of dangerous I’ve mitigated as much of the damage that can and I’ve been changing up some of the spells rewriting some of the scripts and all that so hopefully things are going okay now now mana let start with mana I’m going to go ahead and

Hold on well let’s do it now no no game mode s survival mode okay and / mana o ready now I wouldn’t have been typed in / mana and down here you can see that it shows mana and it has a full sort of barb equal finds 200 200 and you also

Saw my experience Bart change I went from what was it like 60 something mod 2 200 men now that is the amount of mana you have right now i have 200 mana now that should approximately be the equivalent amount of mana a wizard has okay it’s like so wizard will have the

Most amount and then it’ll go down to like maybe the next one will be Templar then the archer then the what’s next the assassin and then the warrior so I’m thinking like 200 150 100 150 50 something like that and and mana regeneration is the next thing I can’t

Show you that right now because I haven’t finished working on it but different classes will have different amount of mana regeneration some will be faster than others in some will be a little bit slower pretty much the same scales as i said the mana amount meaning

One who has a lot of mana will have faster region to someone who doesn’t have as much and they should be scaled all equally so someone gains 50 menna someone gains full mana in the same time as someone else someone goes from 0 to full the same amount of time it takes

For someone else to go from 0 to fall that makes sense like say it takes 10 seconds for someone for a mage to get from zero or sorry for a wizard to go from 0 to 200 say it takes 10 seconds to go from 0 to 200 for a wizard it would

Take a warrior of 10 seconds to go from 0 to 50 that’s kind of what I’m going for that’s how man is going to work it will be integrated into your experience and there won’t be any enchanting yet began I won’t be able to do in chanting because everyone will just have to

Wondered experience and be able to develop their gear as many times as they want to so I i’m not going to add enchanting yet if i find a way around this then by all means I light it but for now I won’t be adding any intent

Okay guys i’m back and i had to bring a little friend here to sort of test all my spells on say hi Edric era so this is eloy i’m going to call them Edric for now and i’m going to go ahead and go through all my spells and i’m going to

Show you guys which ones have been accepted that’s one of them the blink spell there are somewhat like there’s something like 70 some-odd spells and i’ve only accepted 25 of them and so i’m going to be showing you those 25 starting from the very beginning now as

You can see i’m right clicking and that’s going through all the spells they’re in alphabetical order and i’m starting with be the blind spell when I cast the blind spell forgot his vision is reduced pretty badly it and if you want to go and try that on me Edric um

You see so yeah you basically can’t see it’s a hook there you go this is the blind spell I can’t very see I can’t see anything I can’t sort of see if I’m close up to something like there I see Sam buddy blinks away next up we have

The blink spell which is the one that he’s been using it basically teleports you a bit ahead I’d say about 10 blocks or so okay it also save you from falling say uh I’m falling down i’m about to die or something i can click it on the

Ground and I want to get damaged next up we got the cleanse spell go ahead and uh poison me oh okay good I’m poison I’m taking periodic damage i’m going to go and use a cleanse bell and it removes all those negative effects next up we

Got the combust bell i don’t know if it’s working quite well so no it’s not no it’s not working it only works on entities i’ll show you that a little bit later the crippled spell i’m going to go and use it and he said walks very very

Slowly if not at all go to try that on me let me find it okay there we go see ya I’m walking super slow my fov changes that’s the crippled spell drain life now what drain life does is if I hit him are gonna sort of tagged him now and I

Continuously just drain his health go ahead and hit me a little bit punch me uh oh yeah hi your opt on oh okay hey good keep keeping okay okay market alright this ok now I’m going to go and hit it he loses health and I gain it

Again he loses it and I gain and I can pretty much bring myself I kept the fall i think this is one of cooler spells the ender chest spell this one of my personal favorites also if i click anywhere i get this ender chest i can go

And put my stuff in it i’m going to put my stuff in it right now i’m going to walk away and walk over here click it again it’s available here I kits available anywhere in the world so I can access the chest wherever I am I think

This is one one of my favorite spells for sure the entombed spell say your enemy is walking around I’m going to go to mark him and boom he’s into my case a glass he can’t get out unless he breaks it I think that spot will be pretty

Useful for some people i can do it in there he goes next up the explode spell another one of my favorites wherever you are standing if you’re standing on the ground or standing up on a column like that I just go and hit your feet and you

Blow up oh just like that here let me get you back over here okay there you go I’m pick up your stick of it I stick okay I was thinks the fireball spell classic fireball everyone should know the fireball just like it gassed okay when it hit somebody stand so for a sec

When I she hits the person they ready oh my die and if it’s if it’s the ground it shows fire I showed i’m going to show that a lit up in a little while ago the fire nova spell another colon Sam standing near someone I’m going to go

And hit it at an expanding ring of fire goes around me next we have the forest month now the for spells are 34 spells right now they’re all kind of buggy at the moment and they only work on entities like zombies and creepers but I

Got one of them to work on or two of them to work on people the force mom is the one that doesn’t work yeah okay you click it near you and an explosion will nuttin you won’t see it but what’ll basically happen is this happens to everyone okay and you see that right

There he sort of he blinked downwards and that saved his fault let’s see it again he blinks downwards and there he goes okay so yeah that’s the force push one and this one is the force toss it does the same thing okay there you go so

It’s the same thing the free spell there was a volley of snowballs not very accurate there we go there we go oh yeah it’s loves you too close you two okay i don’t know but that’s cool hey spell i’m going to click it and it says I gained a

Natural speed when you’re going to if I can sprint over there and I came I’m a lot faster when sprinting it’s only when sprinting though um the invisibility spell can you see me right now yep come on out oh you got it exactly I’m going to go ahead

OOP whoa all right uh actually it’s let’s have you go ahead and do that one so these you guys can I don’t know that’s hella Schlitz what was it vanish no invisibility all right go and use it am I not working real angry oh okay you’re gone cool so you vanish i don’t

Have no idea where he is and kind of scared you know I don’t know anyways let’s continue on next up is a why are you sure yet no I guess you ya Abdul click it again what are they hey there okay so next up is a leap spell another

One my favorites I think they’re going to be one of the favorite spells because it’s helpful for trans portation I’m going to go and leap forward leap forward and leap forward and actually if I use it too much I get kicked for use using flying spells or for flying

Actually since flying is technically not enabled except for creative mode flying so that’s the bleep smell next up is a lightning spell I cast down on oh my dad lightning on someone and this is one of my other favorite once I go ahead and click it and I summon an undead minion

You won’t attack me unless I attack him and he’ll attack this guy over here if he starts attacking him that that spells a little bit buggy I don’t work on me right now oh there’s a combust bell okay there we go I’ll make it so that it

Works on players too next up we got the poison where’d you go poison poison spell good news on hannity gains this little bubbly outline and he starts taking damage I gotta go through these quick something running out of time pray your spell go and hit me a little bit

Little bit more okay okay okay alright so I’m at four and a half hearts right now five hearts now the prayer spell goes ahead and heels for exactly five hearts I think it’s going to be one of the favorite ones repair whenever you have any gear just go and click it and

It will repair the gear that you have on or anything that you have in your inventory shadowstep I’m facing this guy i’m going to click it and it teleports meeting right behind them teleport me behind them again behind again and again and again okay the volley spell I think

We’re about to close this off all these both shoes a volley of arrows that somebody only usable when targeting a person that just about does it for today’s episode guys Thank You Edric for joining us on this episode you’re welcome and so hope you guys like this

Video go ahead and hit the like button for me subscribe also check out some more videos I hope to put out another video next week and I hope you guys enjoyed see you guys later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dark Ages – Episode 2 (Aku Inc., Mana, and Spells)’, was uploaded by BaddGaming on 2013-10-15 09:09:07. It has garnered 92 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:04 or 1084 seconds.

In today’s episode of Minecraft: Dark Ages, Akustus gives you a brief tour of Aku Inc. Aku moves to a new training platform were he explains the concept of Mana. Next, he brings in a buddy of his, Eiloy, and they debut all 25 of the new spells!

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    CraftyRohit's Epic Minecraft Bathroom Build The Bathroom in Minecraft: A Unique Build Hack When it comes to building in Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have pushed the limits of creativity within the game. One lesser-known build hack that has gained attention is the creation of a bathroom within Minecraft. Creating a Bathroom in Minecraft While the primary focus of Minecraft is often on survival, exploration, and building, some players enjoy adding realistic touches to their creations. Building a bathroom in Minecraft involves using various blocks and items to mimic a real-life bathroom setting. Players can include… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Chest Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Chest Trick The Secret Chest in Minecraft Have you ever wanted to add a touch of mystery and intrigue to your Minecraft world? Creating a secret chest might be just the thing you need! In this short video by VABLOCK, the process of making a hidden chest in Minecraft is showcased, sparking creativity and excitement for players. How to Make a Hidden Chest in Minecraft Creating a secret chest in Minecraft involves cleverly concealing a chest within the game world, making it invisible or difficult to find for other players. This adds an element of surprise and challenge to the game,… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Cookie Factory Build by JeromeASF

    INSANE Minecraft Cookie Factory Build by JeromeASFVideo Information hello hello everybody what is up jome you’re along with the buddies and welcome to an awesome Minecraft fil live stream except that’s a lot cuz there’s a perfect Ty there we’re doing Minecraft Lucky Block SkyWars with the Mario Lucky Blocks the way it works is we have 20 minutes to break these Lucky Blocks then we do a 15 lives battle Steve isn’t here with us today he’s off to war so instead we have the budget Steve AKA The Intern who’ll be tabing in for Steve which means Levy all your targets to that man… Read More

  • Escape Room Chaos with Marzian

    Escape Room Chaos with MarzianVideo Information doing how do hi comments of vaud Watchers hello vaud Watchers if you guys are watching past 2024 say yo I’m in the future 2024 man nothing Happ that year that’s crazy is it already over I mean it eventually yeah okay that’s true okay let me get I’m predicting that nothing happened this year but it could be nothing crazy nothing crazy like like Co 2 could happen what if we just like make predictions and it’s in this 2024 VOD oh my no no Co 2 oh covid-19 was worse enough I don’t want Co 2… Read More

  • Shocking Twist in Aria’s Strike SMP Mayor Election!

    Shocking Twist in Aria's Strike SMP Mayor Election!Video Information it’s live it’s unlisted right now so you can’t actually watch it yet huh I got yeah I’ll do a public stream if you want I got Comm I got got I could do a pivate as well which is just so you guys can watchever can you even stream the yeah yeah it’s a content creator SMP it’s like you meant to make content on it crazy crazy why am I on this game why is this [ __ ] actually got me gambling bro cuz gambling is good for no this isn’t gambling because we’re not… Read More

  • Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!

    Insane HIVE Live Action with Viewers!Video Information okay I think the stream started wait for people to get in whoa let me load in the hive okay and I’ve already got cs’s server suspended D that’s weird Hello Universe I’m already getting surrounded I’ve been on for like 2 seconds okay let’s start a party because do you know what happened yesterday yeah yesterday spofy gave me high Plus for no reason so that’s W okay wait who have I not invited let’s go for off msh yeah yeah we could find all the banners I haven’t been bothered to find him fight just died… Read More

  • Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!

    Crazy Minecraft Spiderpig vs. All Mobs!Video Information sh he [Music] ow [Music] a fu f [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] This video, titled ‘minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-27 11:00:07. It has garnered 707 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:23 or 203 seconds. minecraft spiderpig vs all mob fight||Minecraft mob battle|| minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft… Read More

  • EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮

    EPIC MLG Chipi Chipi Chapa Dance in Minecraft! 🕺🎮Video Information क्यूटीज की चैट ये देख रहे हो इसको हेलो स्नेहा बोट पे चढ़ा नहीं जाता है स्नेहा भाई आ जाओ सारी जल्दी करो चलो चलो गाइस टाइम नहीं है बिल्कुल चलो वन टू थ्री गो चिप्पी चिपी चापा चापा रूबी रूबी राबा राबा मैजिकल से रूबी रूबी बूम बूम बूम बूम चिप्पी चिप्पी चापा This video, titled ‘Mlg God Chipi Chipi chapa dance in Minecraft #shorts #gamerfleet #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by KrishCraft on 2024-04-23 05:30:07. It has garnered 1831 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. minecraft shorts hero team minecraft… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥

    🔥 Insane Dungeon Grind in MASTER MODE! 🔥Video Information [Music] yo zukes first yes sir yes sir [Music] how you boys doing today how we doing how we doing yo what’s up DOI what’s up Professor welcome welcome welcome what’s up Zilla oh we got everybody joining hold on okay buy him a dinner all right all right we’re going to start off stream solid we’re about to drop a um overgrown grass what’s up Michael what’s up Jake hope you both doing good um me not watch my own stream and murder my internet let’s not slip up this time what do you mean what are… Read More

  • 🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shorts

    🔥Build Epic Wall Fast in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information how to build a cool wall in [Music] Minecraft [Music] sh This video, titled ‘How to build a cool Wall in Minecraft! #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by CedoxMC on 2024-03-07 09:00:07. It has garnered 522 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Wall Designs in Minecraft! Version – 1.20.4 Shaders – Complementary shaders Texture pack – Prime’s Hd #redstonebuilds #howtomake #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts TAGS: minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft parodileri minecraft farm minecraft house tutorial minecraft ev yapimi minecraft rp minecraft haus bauen minecraft icrimax minecraft stadt minecraft welt minecraft song… Read More

  • Wet Hands Surprise Singing in Minecraft

    Wet Hands Surprise Singing in MinecraftVideo Information B B B B B B B B B [музыка] [музыка] мммм [музыка] B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B This video, titled ‘WET HANDS, BUT I SING IT… (goofy style) | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Kev1nTheKev1n on 2024-06-03 03:41:09. It has garnered 29 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:30 or 90 seconds. #minecraft #kev1nthekev1n #wethands so uh i got bored again and decided to sing another song this time i did… Read More

  • Hyde Network

    Hyde NetworkHyde Network Earth SMP! Join us today to enjoy the best Earth SMP on Minecraft! We have active staff and an active community for you to take part in! Read More

  • GALESTA – semi-vanilla roleplay, nation-building, magic

    Galesta Minecraft Server Welcome to Galesta Minecraft Server! We offer a completely unique and unmodded Minecraft experience, where you can enjoy our custom features: NEVER BEFORE SEEN COMBAT SYSTEM: 12 Unique classes and items for customizable combat styles WORLD BUILDING & POLITICS: Create nations and engage in wars 20K X 20K WORLD MAP: Hand-painted by our team RICH HISTORY: Community with deep lore CUSTOM ITEMS & PROFESSIONS: Form communities around professions Join us now! IP: PLAY.GALESTA.COM DISCORD: Read More