Barely Surviving in Minecraft’s Deadly WILDS!

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Open F3 yeah there’s no F3 all right uh so we are streaming let’s go let me get closer to the mic oh I was looking at the Villager and it look like the Villager was named j47 that’s hilarious okay let me read this monster hunter beware of many

Dangerous monsters that appear at night if you defeat them they will drop precious loot that you can use to craft Epic weapons discover how to craft them in the recipe book uh I don’t think I got one of those expl yeah that’s where you need to go

But I want to read all these guys there are so many breathtaking animals whoa that’s crazy chat that’s crazy oh yink it’s a sanctuary portal I don’t know why it’s in the chest but use portals to travel to the Mob uary where you can learn about gather

Portals in nearby chests for place the portals okay so that’s if we want to get back here but let’s go through the portal and see what it’s going to do oh wait one second I need to change something in my OBS settings oh hello oh if any if one of us getes in

All of us get nausea nausea hello gamer LOL yeah hello again that’s why I had to change my OBS cuz it always it’s always top chat instead of live chat which is really annoying cuz you don’t actually ever see the chat until like ages

Later an area now yeah we are in an area stand on the warp paths to explore the sanctuary do we actually like get stuff here or is this just like monsters monsters monsters is this just where we learn about stuff is is cuz you can teleport to places where are you guys at

Oh yeah I’m warping okay let’s warp to mon oh W these are cool particle effects o is Right o is very right I need a weapon whoa where’s the nearest weapon Mountain L monster dungeon guys you went outside of the monsters I think you have to go inside the

Cave I don’t have a weapon oh look at these monsters yeah I don’t know can can I fight will they kill me oh I can’t kill them oh I’m I’m an advent mode what huh I think this is just where we learn about stuff not where we actually do

Stuff ogre I think we uh this is just like where we learn about all the monsters and we go into the real world to like actually play the game that is my guess so I’m going to go back there we go there’s the Lucas okay so I don’t

Know about any stuff so I’m going go back I think this gives everyone nausea when someone goes through here teleporting let’s go okay oh I didn’t even check these chests oh cook troll meat let’s go cook snake meat even realize there’s chest I I didn’t even open this oh my gosh there’s

Stuff in all of these water bottle what do I need Crystal shards ghost brain what is this stuff is there stuff in the barrels too no I feel like games never do that there’s always stuff everywhere but the barrels yes must find fight oh there’s a bro is

This like an antier look back here look at this what did it drop dirt it dropped dirt wow I know there’s a toggle creative button but we’re not going to do that unless we are completely lost and don’t know what to do um it said to craft something didn’t it this

Guy what did he say if you defeat them they will drop precious loot that you can use to craft epic weapons discover how to craft them in the recipe book okay I look in the recipe book craftable all all I have is a crafting table in my

Recipe book that does not seem like all things I’m a can I not eat this game it doesn’t it oh finally let me eat wow oh there’s a village right there yeah let’s go to the Village We no oh do we have to unlock all the recipe wait no oh wait okay so just weapon dog sword the heck is that big snake it’s a big snake it is a big snake a giraffe what must take out big snake Okay I just need I need need just

Some materials man I don’t want have to grind for this oh that is a very big snake are you oh there’s more big snakes no fam I’m good big snake weak there’s like cheetah I got an emerald I think you have to unlock everything like what is there like a setting I can

Change so you don’t have to do that oh bread oh you literally do have to unlock everything wait can I change that one second chat unlock unlock all settings um what is it that changes that cuz I know that’s like an option in Java but I’ve never actually seen that happen in

Bedrock huh yeah you have to unlock all the recipes wow ah why am I being attacked by a little a little cat I killed it bro bro is getting Wombo comboed right now it didn’t drop anything other snake giant Cobra killed you oh my gosh man this multiplayer worse than

Minecrafts like just normal Java Edition Essentials someh better than this okay we’re trying it out man bro I’m so used to Java I’m literally just crafting everything Bedrock you you don’t do that Bedrock you don’t use the crafting GUI like ever you always just use the recipe

Book because it’s different than in Java and now I’m actually using the crafting DUI because of getting used to Java wow okay we are going To although I must admit bedrocks crafting UI is horrible yeah it’s way worse than Java like Java you can be nice and clean with it Bedrock that’s that’s why you use the crafting GE or the recipe book no matter what you’re on I feel like it’s just the World it makes

Blocks like it’s not like laggier it just makes blocks slow Faller like what is this like this is so weird and an ostrich do you drop anything cool Mr ostd Boom Boom no nothing what about you you’re a zombie um a zombie with reek what that’s not how this works that’s not how this works okay so apparently when it’s night that’s when you should be able to get the animals that you can make weapons with but you have to unlock

It I just got grass the animal get the item it unlocks it that that’s what I was saying um cheetah’s everywhere like is it just me or is are those blocks falling slower everything is falling slower like even the mobs but it’s like us we move normally but the world just moves very

Slow what is this hello we realize that that is just where you learn about all the different monsters but you have to go back to the Overworld and actually like grind for the stuff and you have to unlock recipes so you have to just kill the mobs and then

Apparently you can create weapons I don’t know what did you miss um I’m go kill basically uh we we got a sword and why is that sugar cane so tall what what did the world do to you sugarcane I’m sorry for your loss I’m might kill a rhinos a rhinoceros assis

Is and I also figured out stuff just moves so slowly like what is that that’s so weird going to become nighttime or Crystal shs it is nighttime the Moon is up but I don’t see any monsters oh there’s a creeper can I make like a creeper sword the fire dragon

What is that bro there’s what oh I I it the oh no no uh guys do you want to come to me will help okay I’m I’m going to I’m right offside the thing there’s mermaids there’s so many mermaids what yeah that’s what I’m saying burn me that’s why that’s why I

Said to come to me so we can attack it cuz I don’t know what what this guy’s all about how much damage did he do oh you do you were you punching him what how did you do so much damage by oh no you have a sword okay he doesn’t have

That Health he’s so high up I have a stone sword if I can get close to him I I’ll crit this guy out man you don’t even need to he’s kind of weak I I I know that’s why I I’ll destroy him is what I’m saying come on get close to me

Fight me drag this way fight me fight me bro okay that is like the most annoying thing when you need like a bow or something you mean this bow me bro you have a bow I got a bow it doesn’t work well though I literally can’t get to this guy

Like come and fight me bro come and fight me I forgot that was an issue with v condition what is every hit not not every hit that registers counts for durability it’s just every hit that you do at all oh yeah yeah every hit you do at all

Registers that as durability so you can’t use swords on like leaves and stuff it sucks so like you only use your tools for the things they’re meant for because literally you use a a pickaxe on leaves and it takes durability away which would make sense with s touch but everything

While ago ja Edition yeah yeah yeah that that never got it never got removed okay also this rhinoceros this is oh this is a hippopotamuses hippopotamuses where you guys at where at the dragon we’re at like the water so basically the the river right next to the camp at spawn

Okay hey get get back here get back here stop moving away from me actually he might kill me oh no oh I see I see the dragon get he doesn’t have a health bar Arrow what the heck he he doesn’t have a health bar

Anymore oh yes he does well on not on my screen chat we’re turning this on uh just so that this video goes smoother my noises can I arrows no I got nothing all my stuff all my stuff is in the water water all my stuff is in the water like he really

From in the water I think after you my stuff is every no he’s not after me yet why think he’s he’s he’s after he’s after like a spider or something better than losing all your yeah exactly just cuz we’re trying to figure out what this is and we’ve never played it before

So bro is moving away from me even though he’s not targeting supposed to be a phantom oh I got good hits in Good Hits in Good Hits in oh he’s running away get down here get down here okay chat I I am just done with this so

Uh I’m I’mma go I’mma go over here and use this little button you know not not not to like do everything but I just want to use this little button I don’t know where he is cuz he’s so annoying he’s in the sky exactly so I’m just gonna attacking

Lucas who was back in the water for some reason I’m going click this little button and then I’m going to grab this and then I’m going to grab okay stop hitting just stop just getting hit by the fireball two of those and then I think if I hit

This again I can yeah there you go I just needed some arrows man I want to destroy this thing I got some arrows nice okay where where where is it in the sky oh I oh I see it I see it I also want to kill one of these

Mermaids but I don’t know what they do I think they’re Sirens not mermaids that’s what a mermaid is what do you mean nope they’re different what do you mean you just not know mythology or no I’m just making a joke look just don’t punch it I’m I’m inflicting some damage on it

Oh the fire dragon just killed a killed a killed a little little snakey SN bro it was like 10 blocks away from what oh creepers just kill you doing better Rock Edition that’s not good what the heck design this game I mean when once you have shields though

Um it doesn’t really matter because Shields you just can’t die anymore if you do it right Sirens will kill you mermaids are friendly is yes yeah I know oh my gosh bro is dodging and weaving you got a bow uh yeah drops drops drops drops drops give me oh

XP what he is there I I got like three exper experience um did you did you get something uh yeah kind of hey end destroy there’s there’s some some some arrows I have some fire pce can I see it it’ll probably unlock some recipes maybe flaming piece yeah uh craftable

Uncraftable what can I it says it’s going to unlock stuff what do you mean I don’t see anything flaming piece okay you can have it back but I don’t know what does this have slash recipe I doubt it bro commands and like Bedrock Edition non-existent okay I’mma

I’mma kill one of these things and see how fast I die to all of them oh they are Sirens I hear them they drop fish you siren oh they don’t attack back so there I heard probably for armor yeah it could be for armor or okay one

Second I’m I’mma just see what there is man okay I can’t do that I’m I’m not going to do that I’m going go back and we are going to find out what they do commands are fully I I know but I’m too lazy to type it and

It’s faster to go in the GUI but I’m I’m too lazy for that so I’m going to go back to this already good button because there’s a lot of scary carry stuff out there and technically a lot of commands are way different in Bedrock like command blocks are completely different

Things cuz there’s just a little button right here so I’m going to look to see normally they’re in like items or okay I can see there’s a fire Scythe so I’m guessing you can create a scythe but it’s not like I can see crafting recipes is they

Armor no I I I want to I want to I want to click and look at all the different oh does it toggl it for all of us I don’t know I was CU you clicked it when you click it it makes me into survival H it’s funny I have the

Creative inventory still open when I was in survival yeah that’s that’s what happened to me and I couldn’t do anything but not yeah yeah just I I I understand I understand chat okay the only thing I see is there’s a spear there’s a dragon axe there’s there’s a

Dagger there’s a Crystal Sword there’s a spider there’s a fire Scythe there’s a fur sword there’s an i Scythe there’s a troll Club there’s a poison dagger and there’s a ogre Club so if I get a bunch of there there’s a flaming piece and a flaming heart and a flaming fire

Scale I don’t know how you craft this bro this button is just not friendly at all I’m going just grab one of these maybe I should stop hovering right over it okay what what does it do bro a little s um okay I’m just going to grab

A fireze cuz we have no idea can I test it on you did did it do fire what what how many hearts did it do the reason I cannot grab anything out of the inventory why can I not Ender Destroyer are you muted I can’t hear

You it did no damage no fire no damage weapons I can’t grab yeah you’d be better off just punching no no damage no damage are you sure Lucas what okay I’m I’m try okay okay okay okay hit a mob with it you’re doing like half a heart bro I’m punching with

It are you kidding me I couldn’t even get it out of the creative inventory well that’s because it kept getting switched to survival no it doesn’t do anything maybe it only works if you have it yeah maybe you can only craft it but what’s the crafting recipe I killed it but

Bro this is turning out way Lamer than I thought I was going to be I’m not going to lie there always mods you have one here shade my oldest World on my computer I’ve only had my computer for two years um so it’s probably like 2 years

Old I can go see what it is but on my PlayStation I have like four year old Worlds at least yeah I have like ancient worlds on here that I off of my iPad yeah I didn’t have like an iPad or anything growing up world we just had like a family iPad

That I Minecraft played yeah when I grew up we were poor so uh we didn’t even have TV maybe if you look through the tutorial you would know what tutorial there’s like a tutorial world but there’s not a tutorial M watch imagine it only works in here

But you you’re you’re in adventure mode in there it just switches you automatically to Adventure mode all the time so I don’t know what it would do um because you can’t punch mods mobs and I’ve tried before changing it to creative mode and it literally just constantly switches you

Back to Adventure mode or whatever exactly tutorial that’s why I quote unquote oh I see cuz it’s kind of totorial I I see I see I see but yeah you can attack things and now I think I’m stuck in here um is there a way out did they seriously make that wait

Wait I don’t think they made a way out of this oh wait there’s a ladder there’s a ladder okay a ladder I was going to be like bro there’s just no way out no shot you’re just trapped in there forever um let me try like a different

Weapon I don’t know cuz it’s not like we even get the crafting recipes unless you have to get like all the things bro how long does this portal Lake take I’m going to real this feels like a budget version of Ice and Fire and and the thing is hey tree um we

Are we’re looking at this Bedrock um mod thing which you could join if you want but I think we might be trying something else because this thing sucks there’s a Fireside that doesn’t do anything it’s wor it’s the same as punching something so we’re going to see we’re going to see

If anything else works and then we might uh change to something else but you can definitely join if you want to fur sword spear ize does ize do anything Dragon axe let’s try that uh troll Club oh I get 64 troll clubs yeah I don’t think that’s a don’t

Think that’s a thing okay let me get like a spawn EG or something nature and just so we can just spawn some stuff Place wait wait you probably need like two flame yeah create one of the block yeah I I you would think but there’s so many

Different things it could be that I would just have no idea let’s see what this does um that’s it just keeps blinking hello oh game’s lagging that’s oh well that was underwhelming it says Place temperature bomb nine uses there might be like spawn protection or something it does lag the game out a

Little bit does it damage things that’s that’s what I’m looking at oh oh it okay what the Bros are you in survival yeah okay let’s see how much this does oh boy half a heart oh my gosh it’s the same as everything yes how much damage everything is just the same as punching

And now I’m kind of sad oh it’s lagging what what happened oh you placed the boms you plac the bombs those are just lag machines that’s is just a normal bow you placed the bombs I did not place the bombs I did not touch the bombs um

Wait is there any that’s just a normal bow though cuz they’re in item so they’re just textured items no yeah cuz there’s a dragon bone but I’m them they have actual stats and stuff I’m guessing so but what are the crafting recipes I mean I have tried the Bedrock

Bing and I know it is very possible to set that amount of damage items okay what what is going on what what are those noises I’m hearing uh that would be Quincy what is Quincy doing having a terrible microphone bro maybe it was created in an old version and now it doesn’t work

It could very much be the oh my gosh TR it’s all bro what using the family computer oh he’s using the family computer um I can look to see when this one was made it will kick all you guys but we can look um um let me look at the store

Page um One World 1.0 take a tour all these mobs yeah 150 plus mobs Oh My Game just crashed did you did you get crashed at the the the world or the game game no I tried to load one of my my welcome to bedrock to be fair more about the mobs

Why are you Ving in time Tex server not you’re on uh just because uh Ender destroyer and Lucas are in time Tex and they’re not in my server the only person who who’s found my Discord server is exix so but I have my own Ser I might join in

Like 30 minutes bet bet I’ve loaded up like the oldest Minecraft world I have oh no wait should we scroll and see what the oldest one we’re scrolling on stream let’s see how dangerous this is okay okay so my last my latest world because it’s the latest World you’ve

Played not technically the oldest World you have so the oldest world is from 2022 it’s called soup that I’ve played okay yeah this is when I was trying to learn how to play on a computer Terra soup forc spellcraft Farm Life bro we had okay so me and my little sister we

Had we both were we’d play split screen oh my gosh we played split screen on um PS4 right and for an entire summer we just played Minecraft every day all day and I swear we must have had over a thousand hours on that one world but if

You go back and look at it now it does not look that impressive okay where where is where is when I was a kid it looks amazing oh wow is was this was this survival or just creative creative okay okay I creative wow you actually like built a lot though

Like this is actually insane what my mom my mom used to play She oh dang uh my mom would never play Minecraft all my old worlds are either deleted because of one reason or another or actually have something to them my first my first world I’ve deleted so

Unfortunately I don’t have that I didn’t delete it it got hard drive failured out of existence that’s happened too a few the worlds on like my mommy just gave me SpongeBob B would that be ending I’m so happy what what CH okay that’s so funny what what did you

Find no chat literally said my mommy just gave me SpongeBob bath or sponge with a happy ending I’m so happy I’m like what is chat on oh no the weed yo no they they they didn’t take their Aderall today makes sense I used to be on

Aderall and then it made me depressed so we got off of Aderall I’m on better medicine now that doesn’t doesn’t do that did you just make a prison for your villagers a prison is it that just creating Halls how this is torture I don’t think I ever bu a prison

Okay but what is this no it’s probably is that an oldfashioned iron farm actually no it’s a I think it’s supposed to be a hotel or something so you mean prison [Laughter] view all tell what happens when they need to go to ped bro oh and you got like your

Restaurant oh they actually still have like sign value and sign NBT data crack yes crack kids kid menu wow this is epic there’s not a door here but yeah this is epic I mean the world’s definitely yeah went through some stuff some stuff’s are some stuff is a little

Corrupted oh you got another hotel or no this is a firem h like fireman station so uh Lucas what I see you have the fire pole good job good job uh that’s not how they go up we don’t talk about just you should know no no okay you got to think little

Of mine things don’t have to go up they can they only have to go down man unless the entrance is on the ground floor and everything actually there cck for kids menual oh my good that’s funny that’s funny someone clipped that and sent it to me if I actually said

That that’s hilarious we got the good oldfashioned villager bug here wait what what what good oldfashioned where you at I don’t know if you guys are seeing this or not oh oh yeah yeah yeah that that’s still in the game what villagers lying on the floor yeah check my check my stream they

Never go you stand up so they check Edition occasionally oh no that’s like Bedrock if the the times when your villagers sleep in their actual bed is when you’re like whoa this is kind of crazy man I’ve never seen that before feel like Java and Bedrock are reversed in how their bugs

Work yeah it’s just Bedrock bugs do not get fixed we got the police station I feel like in Java Edition this bug is one out of 100 Edition it works one in a 100 times hey yo what is this police station crime division crime no read the bottom sign

Yeah Nars is it just a desk hilarious new flavor coming soon carrot peanut butter strawberry chocolate vanilla and raspberry are with that texture all right what which Lucas which uh piece of cake would you like one you can’t get to uh here here you go yeah I want I

Want some peanut butter carrot cake okay I got I I got you here here here you go here’s here’s some here’s some peanut butter cake for you I forgot the Bedrock Edition did that yeah yeah it’s funny we got some apartments um do we want me to look at

Some other weird things I have have and see if they’re any good sure we got the the church here the parking garage here and in between it epic we have the chicken house the chicken bro I’ve made the biggest so that same world I was talking to you

About I made an automatic chicken farm right and that world was getting laggy but I was like ah it’s just Bedrock Edition and then it was kind of unplayable so then I looked at the chicken farm that I made cuz I made it myself I like improved a design because

I was like this design sucks I improved one and I had so many chickens it took me 10 minutes to kill them all and I had like five double chest full of just cooked chicken there used to be a ton of chickens in here there used to

Be chicken farms right next to the right next to the church oh my gosh they got to have the chickens have to go to church man they need the they need the gos I I can’t I can’t get out of here I’m trapped how kill an iron golem better

Question where the heck did the iron golem come from villagers I don’t know if you have yes sir but no this is cursed oh yeah don’t touch that that is sacred wait isn’t that the isn’t that an old is that how old this world is game entirely wait wait what doesn’t it have

A new texture though yeah they did this is the new texture they like changed it can can I look in it can I can I click it or no it you can middle click it oh middle click it was that added it back when Java Edition and

Bed rock Edition were at least somewhat similar this was never in Java Edition NE reactor that was back when it was made by a different you can just you can just keep placing them no these are like the Pocket Edition thing because they didn’t add the nether so they just added those

Instead yeah so you can get all the nether blocks it was because phones weren’t powerful enough to change Dimensions yet and they weren’t about to code something in all right mobile always felt a little like a different game well that’s the only reason Bedrock is still kind of

Different is just because of mobile s support it was built on top of the mobile version yeah a mobile couldn’t they make it on top of like the Xbox version which was yeah I don’t know why they chose mobile or just build it from scratch I don’t know why they chose the

Build it on top of the mobile version of all things they should just was kind of a mistake recode it entirely at this point because it’s a mess yeah I know where I just realized I was muted this whole time oh my gosh this is funny I was naming off my things

Um TNT plus no I don’t really want to play that ultimate hacker base uh hacker weapons hackers well that’s just a skin pack um farmcraft not Farm Life farmcraft disaster defense whoa sounds like a Roblox game one that I really really actually like let me

Make a world for it because this one if it still works this one was actually really fun to play this one I know this one’s kind of a big world but we’ll make another one this one’s epic chat pick a hero I want to be the the the guy test sounds okay sounds

Work okay can I can I um continue uh difficulty we going to go insane difficulty in in insane because we’re all pro Minecraft players um I oh wait no this is the wrong one this is the wrong one but this one’s still fun um this one’s still fun uh can I keep

Can I invite you guys can I can I play with this with multiple people see if you can join boy cuz otherwise I I was thinking of something that was totally different but if we want we can play this one yes definitely Bros let’s go okay um

Totally okay we’re going to play the other one cuz I know the other one’s multiplayer I accidentally clicked on the wrong one yeah that one that one it it wasn’t like showing you guys um where is I’m going to I’m trying to find the one I was actually trying to

Play cuz that one’s fun but it’s not the one I was thinking about it’s similar but oh here it is spell R this is the one that we want to play this one’s this one’s really fun to play with friends if I remember yet I sent the clip in your server let’s go

Tree how long has 30 minutes been ago I don’t know any time wait do I still have like all my stuff does it still oh it’s all locked how do I where am I oh yeah oh yeah we have to go through the tutorial okay yeah we do have the tutorial

Sweet spell run is awesome even yeah I know it’s it’s so fun on with your friends though we can to play some spell run I have a world that’s like pretty big I think we’ve almost beaten it but I don’t know if there is a beaten a way to beat

It I’ve never gotten that far okay oh right I should invite you guys again okay this is the one I was only play two invites um let me check Discord and see what tree let me see if I can watch this clips and highlights [Laughter]

Chat we did say it oh yes crack kid menu let’s go chat that’s epic oh my gosh oh yay Ed Destroyer joined I feel like they’ seen this as an ad for Minecraft at one point what oh yeah this one was like huge when it came

Out it was GI because it was free that was the main thing it was free this one was free all the other things I’ve showed you guys yeah those ones costed money and I was Lucas can you join is it letting you I’m trying to it’s not letting let me invite you

Again this is like a much higher quality map than all the other ones a clip to go down in history literally bro bro you can’t just go through the tutorial without us yeah it’s not not like me Jo hey I just ran forwards I know that’s what I’m saying this is the

Tutorial oh I got we got a thousand thing to to choose our first spell okay um Lucas it doesn’t even say you’re in Minecraft anymore what version of what version of Minecraft are you playing in I Spa I don’t know where the arrow went I Spa SP never had it in my inventory

O ouch Lucas is it is it working no can you try send me another invite it still doesn’t say you’re online but I’m going scroll down and try to find you I have a lot of friends so this might take a second um look on stream if you don’t believe me where’s LJ

Um I’m definitely online hello hello hey it’s tree I’ll invite tree because it says tre’s online oh I need like the server address oh never mind it’s Bedrock bro it’s Bedrock I don’t use Bedrock very often well we’re just using Bedrock cuz we’re looking at all this old stuff okay I invited you

Um Lucas maybe try relaunching Minecraft cuz I still I don’t see you let’s try that wait can I grab these no I can’t cuz it’s an adventure mode I’m on top of the world EG oh even locked ouch I’m onp also this this this little this little dress thing is a

Little weird man I don’t know what about you also doesn’t it do like the Naruto wait no this one’s the crouching is just weird oh it’s when you fly oh that’s so weird I’m on top of the world there uh tree is it letting you join um it looks like it

Is okay also World It also says you are not online what what version of Minecraft are you guys running I’m running whatever’s downloaded 1 12060 okay that’s what I’m running I’ve restarted my game let me try joining now I could relaunch the world maybe yeah I think 1

12060 yeah okay that’s what I’m using to if it still doesn’t work I’ll relaunch the world yo Lucas joined let’s go hello there am you can fly kind it’s it’s float yeah and that’s the whole tutorial is teaching you how to flyra step but you

Can upgrade it and you can get like team upgrades and stuff it’s epic so literally end game you just fly forever this is fun and you get like dashes and stuff and if you look Fire Plus blight combos yeah there’s different combos you can do with just boom I’m trying to remember

What was really good you fall out the world uh I have seen like videos of this before um I invited you again but if it doesn’t work relaunch your game cuz that work for Lucas this is like really High qu this is higher quality than the ones you oh

Yeah oh yeah yeah and this one’s free everything I I swear everything that’s really low quality that’s what you pay for and everything that’s free that’s like cuz this was like a huge release and it was free and this stuff’s like epic this is this was released by like a

Huge thing I don’t actually know who the creators of this one are I didn’t even realize you could just skip the floating if you’re not good enough if you can’t make the parkour you can just skip yeah you can choose your spells but don’t we got to wait for

Tree I’m just standing here how do you keep falling out of the map I think he keeps jumping out of the map controls this does it say literally one control um no it doesn’t does it still say you’re joining um I currently I restarted it okay um it’s for mobile because mobile the

Float doesn’t work oh my gosh the stairs are for mobile players it’s funny top the I’m going keep spamming with you with invites until you get them and under the map looks way different that does it let me jump off with you guys let me commit

Sidoku I mean depending on how far you can make it down there you can actually some stuff to say mostly a tower oh yeah there is a tower in the bottom that’s funny no I I missed the water there’s water yeah there’s water down there and I was I was going to try

To make it so I could just sit down there is there like a dash ability it’s just it’s just the this oh I was not paying attention I think there might be one that you can get I don’t know it’s been it’s been a little while YouTube is not responding oh no

YouTube not responding that’s what my OBS I believe I huh yeah it says YouTube is not responding um my kbps Is kilobytes per second still okay okay and it still says I haven’t dropped any frames so it just says YouTube studio is not responding yo what do you

Mean not responding yeah that’s what I was saying it’s my OBS says error YouTube is not responding Open studio huh I’m not going to do that because it’ll crash the stream because bro I cannot run a browser and a stream at the same time that’s for sure tree How is how’s it

Going um well I think I’ll just restart my computer okay uh we’ll we’ll just start but we can catch you up it’s not that difficult you just have to choose your first spells I’m pretty sure obviously it looks yeah exactly thank you your your reaction has not been

Discovered yet okay spells are sealed beneath these glowing Standing Stones you can unlock one spell now and return for the others later blight Thunder Frost or fire what will you pick interact with the standing stones to learn more about each spell I think the one that I want is thunder or fire

First burning hot and fast fire turns creatures to Ash with its continuous Blaze the resulting Inferno is intense but shortlived impact damage low impact radius small effect damage High effect duration short let’s read these all out for chat Frost slow calculating and Sinister Frost lingers and creeps into the bones

Of those who dare to oppose it how do you even get air I don’t I don’t remember medium long yeah okay yeah we don’t want Frost cuz Frost kind of just like a AOE quick and fast quick as a flash Thunder strikes with vicious speed it is difficult to use but very

Effective impact damage High impact radius small damage none un if you don’t hit it in radius affect duration medium and then there’s blight and I know blight’s pretty strong as well a corrosive blast of corruption blight affects a large area and can be spread between living living things yeah

Someone needs to get blight um I think all of us get one besides Frost cuz Frost just kind of slows them down which isn’t isn’t needed when you can kind of move around them pick your thing up pick um one of you you guys can go fire I’ll go

Lightning cuz Lightning’s kind of of purple and then one of you pick fire one of you pick BL I think we’re all kind of okay unlock Thunder a th000 I cannot afford this spell what do you mean did I unlock blight on accident bro what do you mean what do you

Mean all right all right so we all have BL I I didn’t I didn’t uh unlock blight but it gave me Bight um I don’t think it works multiplayer I think Rowan might have spent all of our money oh we all get blight okay it’s okay so you hold it and it

Uses a it’s okay it’s okay bl’s pretty strong and then you have to go like here and you enter in to here look look blight blight spread so it’s actually kind of it’s actually kind of cool we’ll get lightning I think next cuz this is

An AOE so we want yeah I’ve SE we to explore Rifts so if we all get on this we can start a rift journey and look at this these animations bro yeah this is like awesome yeah this one I know is epic and really fun so bonus

Chest so basically you bring stuff back to this if I remember right I don’t I don’t exactly remember and you have to unlock different parts of your spells as well there will be so you can um you can what what you do with these I think I think we only have a one

Charge if I remember correctly blight plus fire is overpowered cuz it shreds your enemies and then get Thunder after that maybe we might try that I’m trying to remember oh yeah uh mobs are here mobs are here I got I got three wormy tails and then you can bonus chest is if you

Get oh yeah we have to get the enemies in time and then we get the bonus chest I forget about that so you want to try to damaging me destroy you want you want to try to destroy all of them as fast as possible so where’s more enemies oh more

Enemies I it’s been a while since I played this game and there are extra chests SC around the map yeah that’s what it is so you want to try to find the extra uh things and kill all the enemies at the same time oh here’s more enemies I know blight’s pretty strong

Just cuz it just takes away at their health oh wow I’m actually out of bonus chest already uh no you have to kill them all in the bonus chest oh I think we got it oh we got it I I just barely we we just

Barely got it okay no don’t go don’t go through it oh no no okay so we have to go to the bonus chest and there’s also chests around the map so you want to look around the map for chests and then get the bonus chest it’s fine the first

One won’t be that good anyways so you have to try to um Can DM me your um I guess uh my my my my gamer tag it’s it’s corrupt shade but with a with a zero I invited you um well I think it’s working now is

It so we have to try to kill these enemies fast so normally want to spread out and here here’s a chest you just walk on them and you get stuff okay and then we don’t go into Rifts and tell and the the bar on the top is how

Many enemies are left so you generally want to spread out and clear the rift oh oh this guy snuck up behind me yeah all the all that sound of the that’s thing spawning that’s why you want to try to you kill more things and more things will spawn so you just have

To be fast I don’t know if you guys can find the last ones we might be able to get this bonus chest but it’s going to be a little close oh we got it we got it let’s go cuz it keeps spawning enemies until tell

Um the bar fills but it okay so find the bonus chest don’t go through the rift okay yeah okay uh what do we do with the items We Gather do we throw those into the rift uh no I think you just keep those okay cuz I cuz you can uh sell

Them and stuff okay now we just have to find where the bonus chest is I’m trying to remember where it is on this map it it kind of spawns somewhere separate uh a different spot every time but um there’s only certain spots it normally spawns in

So or isn’t it like back at the rift now the name of the stream is wrong but right kind of right at the same time what do you mean is what’s the name of the stream oh I think you guys got the I did find some were there two were there two

At the the rift yeah yeah okay yeah that’s the that’s the bonus chest all right so we’re going to jump in I think I think so yeah so we can jump in What is the name of my stream uh barely surviving the wells of Minecraft yeah it it always spawns yeah

Okay it always spawns next to the rift okay yeah it’s just the other chest there’s always a few other chests that’s what I was thinking about thinking oh boy things are spawning yeah and things things spawn some of these Powers well and they shoot at you and stuff barely surviving the Wilds of

Minecraft okay that that that was the name to begin with but because we were going to play something else but that didn’t work out so now we’re playing this so it’s it’s fine I I guess yeah it still works oh tree still not in the game oh no sorry

Tree it’s okay I’m just watching okay what this we are playing uh get in but it says it wouldn’t let me connect oh that’s sad this is uh spell Rune I think it’s called and basically you go through different like Rifts and things and you can unlock different

Spells and get different coins and stuff pretty epic actually do one of you guys have more little purple things on the edge of your screen uh on on your hot bar or is everyone still at zero Lucas what is is above your hot bar the

Purple thing that used to say a th000 is that still at zero for you yeah okay I think we get him at the end I’m trying to remember where we get him so I assume the goal is to just not die for a while see how far you can make

It yes sorry I was trying to oh I got one get that okay bonus chest um look around the map and see if you can find any more chest I’m stck going to spider hope we all look around the M yeah I think we all oh there’s there’s a little

There’s normally like a little highlighting line sometimes I think I think that shows you to the bonus chest there is a highlighting line I don’t know where it’s showing me though oh yeah I see that or maybe that’s that’s oh that’s just back to the rift that’s just oh

Yeah I can try inviting you um for from mobs and chests you have to sell the items you get oh right you saw the items you get oh I found I found the one chest that’s in the There’s Always Bon or just random chests around

It sweet yeah you sell the you sell the mobs okay let’s get back and then you can upgrade all your stuff and get different things we I actually made it in this time okay we’re back we’re down to these Maps okay looking for the things that need

Killing there’s usually one to two extra chests okay sweet cuz I I remember I used to know where all of them spawned but it has been a very long time since I played this game when did this game come out I swear it was a long time ago

I don’t know I don’t know I people say stuff hasn’t been that long and then I I find out it’s been like six years and I’m like years I think this came out it could have came out in 2020 that that would be very plausible if it came out then everything came

Outp of it oh we got it okay I did find one of the extra chests there might be more though yeah there’s two at spawn okay sweet um I’m trying to remember I think oh yeah we can return unless you guys want to do another

One I say we do one more and then we return just to see what we get so it doesn’t take IDK yeah okay we’re back here because after you upgrade stuff things get like way easier to kill cuz otherwise this just gets so hard oh no I’m I mean things AR

Particularly hard to survive no they’re not hard to survive just some things take a while to kill once you get like really good upgrades and stuff things like you tap them once and they’re just insta dead on these first levels and it’s so easy to get to lower depths

Oh really a big Skillet boss oh is there a big ball bro like these things are not dying and we’re only on RI F five that guy like a no I don’t think we’re getting chest on this yeah that’s what I’m saying it they get it escalates so fast on how hard

They are to kill like NE they don’t necessarily like kill you but they just get so tanky they just have a lot of help oh we we got it did we what if so it was like milliseconds or maybe we didn’t I don’t know I’m looking for the extra chest if

Anyone didn’t find it no we did not we didn’t get it and then oh I think I found it and then tell me when you guys get the bonus chest at um spawn and then it we’ll return what’s the um thing you’re playing called I it’s called

Like spell Rune I think okay do you guys get the chests uh that yeah okay I’m returning to to AR you completed four riffs and sweet okay so then I don’t remember it’s back here it’s it’s not this way it’s this way where you get upgrades and

Stuff I’m trying to remember where you sell things to but I know it’s up here where you buy stuff place your inside Place Runes of your choice yeah you can buy extra runes um carve runes and place them in the spell alter to modify your spells um when you going to buy upgrades

I recommend starting with overcharge minus slots and charge speeds if you want okay but if you want to go uh lower then go get then get health yeah there’s that things and I think you sell them over here yeah sell loot oh oh oh uh oh I got a lot of money

Yeah is the money shared or how much money exactly do you guys have I think it’s I think it’s shared cuz how much money do you have I have 20 20 2880 okay I have that too I’m going to uh I’mma buy something but um yeah how much cost well I think they

Escalate that’s the problem yeah but how much because we could definitely get another spell by I’m pretty sure it’s like 10,000 and we only have 2,000 oh how much is it no it’s only a thousand is it only okay oh did you get it oh yeah it’s definitely

Shared okay well if it’s shared what if we just got all the spell our this spell too let’s just ignore Frost entirely yeah we don’t need Frost so now now we can just spend money on all the other things and we can have all these different so if we have all these

Different all of them have use different and they can charge and stuff um I should we should probably get overcharge I’m pretty sure that’s what it is yeah upgrades also shared or do we have to do that I think they’re shared okay overcharged the amount of man you

Can charge at once yeah okay we get upgrade overcharge and then Mana upgrade Mana okay we get two of those and then I think we can craft one uh carve random Rune what Rune did we get antira might work if you invite me now oh will it

Okay so this this Rune is um not good it makes things go up so can I um by no I don’t want to do that how do I change the Rune is I I feel like there’s a way to change oh my gosh you’re killing me I feel like there’s a way to

Change runes why can you do that and you can upgrade all your different things um I feel like there’s a way to change I’m just scared of com I’m the only one watching thanks thanks gamer L yeah it’s much appreciated I feel wasn’t there a way to change your

Runes or to put them somewhere um in the middle then place the runes upon retrieve the spell from the alter to test out yeah but this is anti-gravity it’s like literally one of the worst ones it causes the spell to fall towards the skies which literally just in the center

That’s how you change runes yeah but I don’t want this Rune so uh what do windy even do it cost that much oh I’m pretty sure wind’s really good if it cost 5,000 it better be a focus blast of wind that cuts through the air wind has the ability to displace

Creatures and spread Elemental effects along its path I have no clue if that’s good I’m trying to remember it’s good or not where where where are you oh you’re over there thing you can like throw fire down oh yeah it’s over here so Random I don’t know what that is but that’s

Not oh there’s like a bot here yeah it’s over here I think I’ve got it before but go back into the rift and yeah cuz now we have a bunch of spells and now we have overcharge so if you hold a spell you can charge it to two bars and does more damage

Yeah that’s why I also got us another one of the Mana things okay hopefully we get more cuz we I got anti-gravity and that kind of sucks for the room all right so now we got multiple things and overcharge so this should be a b oh no found the

Poison why just the poison damage us now oh bro literally two charges on the lightning just one shots everything kind of nice not going to lie oh fire melts these I I guess it’s first level so it’s not even it’s not that I don’t even think you need to overcharge anything

How did I miss I found the chest we have so many spells to choose from it’s kind of crazy yeah I know oh let’s go now I know where the wind is and I’m going to I’m going to unlock it that’s hilarious they spent their whole life

Not knowing where wind is and they’ve watched my stream and they figured out where it is guys we’re helping people all right bonus chests are at spawn let’s go well yeah bonus chests are always at spawn that’s what chat told me which is just gamer law

Yeah okay so we throw down these and then we kill them we throw down the AOE then we if they survive the AOE then we kill them with uh lightning I forget you wait do you need to pick up the item oh my gosh that light

Hurts I just got hit by hit with it yeah and I’m at half health I just played SP Run for the first time four days ago oh Epic no I played it when it first came out and that was a long time ago I wonder is there like an upgrade

That make you throw spells faster yeah there’s a Char a quick charge and then there’s also damage upgrades that would be really nice to get yeah I think we’ll get Quick Charge next and then oh I just saw you get all the all the things oh

Did we get the uh extra chest it’s normally on one of a few spots I’ll look for where it is oh yeah I found it one second let me grab it okay got It you jump through the rift so you can’t be damaged by your own spells but spells that your team throws you can be damaged by so that’s the problem I think fire is the best for destroying the wood and then would imagine I think light can oh no I don’t

Want to do that almost return spawn almost ah did you did you all have to return to spawn individually or did it just return everyone to spawn oh my God all of a sudden I was on three hearts all right we got two chests also I already got the random chest that you

Find okay sweet SPID in it oh nice I don’t even look at this stuff cuz it’s all like weird textures and my brain does not work with weird textures for some reason where are those people at oh there’s some down here oh found found the extra chest cool other things over

Here hello Mo Carney we got another chatter in the chat everyone say hi because they are special because they are in my chat so they are they are a valued person just because they exist oh no Through Fire and Fire are going bro I swear this’s one

Little rat will not oh just die okay oh that’s a big boy I do not see the Boss Bar anymore so uh oh yeah it’s going for me too hopefully we’re getting it there go boy oh hello extreme Nathan we also have another chatter in chat they are a

Valued person because they are in the chat hello there you chill okay I think we can jump through the rift then after we get bonus chest of course oh we only got a silver one sad I think the faster you complete it the better it goes

Goodbye there is like a mini boss on that one though so I think we’re I think we’re doing better though cuz isn’t it a little bit easier oh I always forget about overcharging ow the thing with three heads that’s what took us so long last time spider spiders hey know there’s another

One bro where is everything I guess they’re all like mid there they are there somewhere right there oh right there this one’s kind of quiet straight past them well they weren’t there when I walked by that’s for sure uh they were following behind you that’s funny where’s the rest one

I heard them they might be up oh they’re outside oh yeah there’s cuz oh I think I think there’s one more that we need to kill before the timer goes out no did we miss it did we miss the bonus chest was filled okay no but it has to get to

Zero I got to go but I sub let’s go we got a subscriber in chat I already got the random chest oh we just got a bad bonus chest Lucas okay let’s go baby all right well I have a lot of stuff once we get out of here yeah I think we all

Do oh bonus chest here or extra chest here again okay oh this is the three-headed guy I see got him oh crap he spawned on there’s another one welcome to Rift death s um feel like a lot spawn there bro everything else is I think

It’s on these edges over here I see it oh yep we got him wait what we actually did it we did it in a good time I think we get we get gold chest we already got that one was a lot better all right I say we go a few more and then

We yeah we got it I don’t understand how it’s so expensive but kind of bad early game is it bad oh there’s extra chest right here I have a lot of stuff oh it tells you the prices on them I didn’t realize that yeah it does I 38 of something that

Cost 30 so oh dang that’s more than I have I wonder if like certain types of enemies are weak to certain that’s why I’m kind of spamming them with all the different things because it seems like some of them the ones that have the green blobs on them already they take

Like zero B damage but then I set them on fire and they just melt yeah I like like I wonder if like the ice ones are like more of our multi fire uh yeah so far I’ve just been using fire a lot until fire stops working oh my gosh this

Min boss actually might kill me first choice this is an ice I always forget about overcharging got it yeah the there oh we get flying stuff now this is where to to fire fire is weak to ice the flying things you have to use lightning on otherwise it’s like impossible to hit

Them all right I think I figured out basically what everything is weak to um did anyone get the extra chest uh it’s at spawn oh right I forgot I got the extra chest also uh I think do we think we want do you want to head back cuz I

Think have lot so much crap okay let’s let’s go in it so we get the complete and then head back all right cuz before it didn’t give us the full complete for the level until all right now okay yeah yeah there we go it gave us the

Full complete for that one cool let’s go let’s sell these bad boys uh make sure when you sell gets rid of everything holy oh my gosh oh my go 11,000 a Cades CH we we got one one one one zero that’s like perfect oh my gosh okay okay so um

Everything just yeah okay so we want charge speed upgrade uh charge speed upgrade um overcharge upgrade uh Mana upgrade uh flight upgrade uh Health how much is wind 5,000 5,000 how much do we have left yeah you can buy wind 9000 Health upgrade I’ll buy it health wind has been

Bought let’s go uh we’ll get another charge speed for 1,000 and another uh Mana for 1,000 so we have try it how charge trip I could get I could get quadruple if we wanted it but I don’t think we need it yeah I don’t know what we use it for right

Now oh my gosh how are we stack so fast now we have 14 Hearts too okay I’m going to try to get some random runes lifetime oh this one’s good allow spells to fly further okay so I’m going to put that on wait fly further we want to put

This on Lightning I think or we could we could techically technically put it on all of them but we just have to buy him again um where’s Thunder there’s a certain we all make sure our inventory is empty after selling right yeah yeah do you have to

Is locked interact wait how do you unlock wait you have to unlock more Rune slots oh rip so lightning or thunder should go farther now cool so if you charge it it should it should yeah okay well I want to I want to use up all of our stuff so

I’m just going to carve the rest of the random rooms that we can homing oh that’s a really good one okay so let’s see what we got so so we have homing one we have gravity one gr’s no we don’t want that speed o speed’s really good how do we we need to

Work we’ll put homing on it on one of these um homing fire blight fire or fire or blight because you can only we only have one spell slot right now what did I just do uh you put thunder in there we already have what about wind we have

That too we can we can put it on wind if we want cuz we also have um oh we could put uh we could put uh speed on wind I have no clue what wind does so um it like so I think what it does is it it’ll scatter enemies but it’ll also

Like scatter your like um the AOE so okay we’ll put speed on that cuz that’ll be a good one to have speed on and then we’ll put we’ll put um homing on fire cuz you can buy more of these once you unlock them you still need you need

Flight two still yeah so once you um unlock these you can buy them back so if you look in this Rune Caster thing you can look in there and you can look at the ones that we’ve already unlocked and then Thunder plus homing is basically that is true thunder thunder

Homing would be really good I think I think lifetime is fine for it now though yeah but we okay I’ll put I’ll take this out we cuz cuz you can always buy more of these and that’s the thing wait okay so we want homing on Thunder and then

Uh take that out put fire in there and put Lifetime on fire cuz you can unlock more pedestals and then you can get uh better versions of each of them so like if you look in here and I look at car found Rune it costs more like homing is 2,000

Credits homing one and there’s also different variations of them I’m trying to remember no no stop doing that I’m trying to oh wow yeah no wind’s actually pretty pretty good okay one pedestal is a thousand okay we can definitely unlock some more r p we’ll get like 10,000 real

Quick okay so cuz we can triple Thunder homing that’s actually that’s just an insta kill and then uh fire fire three just goes farther and then wait okay so I want to test something so we do we put fire down we put Bight down and then we wind

It I don’t think it spread it but okay well now we should be like very overpowered this is going by really fast this is epic well we three people that’s true oh and also you can upgrade this oh we should have upgraded this upgrade the upgrade only costs a

Th000 okay we’ll do that later yeah we’ll do it on our next trip so we’ll buy another pedestal and upgrade it and then what we got what we got what we got normals they’re dead oh gosh SP pry oh homing on lightning is so nice you can’t miss with

It this homing on lightning is really would be really nice for bosses you AOE them and then you just bro how fast was that I’ve gotten decently far and I’m one person if you you guys can be as affected you could beat the game in less than an hour yeah

Probably if we’ve played it a lot okay I got the I just I just gotes yet no I think those are on level 10 so we could go to 10 let’s go to 10 did we find the random yeah I got I got the I got the random

Chest as said lightning and homing is actually overpowered yes it is all right we’re speeding oh here’s the ch I want to use wind on some of these guys okay so it just pushes them it doesn’t actually like do damage but it spreads fire oh does it that’s kind of

Funny so when we have to fight a lot of people it’s oh it did that’s actually epic you got something behind you what is the lining is nice when they’re all spread out cuz otherwise trying to hit an AOE on them is kind of annoying and the remind you uh all these

Are just Level One upgrades not the ones that we did on ourselves but the runes cuz there’s multiple tiers of runes you have to upgrade the crafting but there’s multiple levels I killed 16 things at once nice I’m getting the error again oh no okay so we already got the random chest

Which is great oh let’s go how much these four wor 100 20 100 uh I don’t oh that’s worth 100 okay that’s the only thing worth 100 uh let’s see all right well I know where I’m going on this one yep there’s the random chest nice oh wait these things are

Toxic as you’re using fire against them oh I think I also upgraded our flight didn’t I uh I don’t remember I think I upgraded everything so I’m pretty sure I upgraded flight oh I need to look at the book so we can get it in our library got the r

And mo silver and gold chest at spawn let’s go baby well we finished that one with a minute left let’s go well yeah they had actual elements so it was pretty easy got the the extra chest yep I definitely upgraded our flight it’s epic we need more more

Flight and we have 14 hearts for no reason oh this is where we get flying stuff this is where the uh lightning homing is really handy this is where Frost would be great we can get Frost if we want but lightning homing is really great for any of the flying things

Because it just you don’t have to aim it just kills them yeah but if you’re going to go for the element Advantage you got to get we’ll put we’ll put homing on all of them but we just have to unlock more Rune slots and more runes we can definitely get Frost though

Just so we have all of them a cuz those were fire which is weak to frost oh there’s the random chest I’ll get that where’s the boss at isn’t there bosses at this point it’s also pretty much dead though so and it’s dead where’s the rest of

Them I don’t know I don’t have a Boss Bar um do you guys want to entertain chat I have to quit dinner that’s like the worst timing also I think you can burn these bridges down wait can there be two random chest yeah there’s one to two random

Chests okay toxic should be fire but I’m just going to all right I will go eat dinner you guys interchange chat I’ll be back we’re all righty gra those chest all right all right let’s go I hand all the things inside oh dang it he keeps saying I’m

Unable to connect to the world this is so sad I don’t know what I’m doing wrong ouch great I don’t have a boss let look for that it shouldn’t be too hard to map’s not big just go look for it found it all right nice that’s went surprisingly well oh

Crap FR week to lightning to lightning it’s dead oh crap all the elemental things are attacking crap what we blight blight BL Thunder’s weak to BL Thunder’s weak to BL oh my gosh and I’m getting attacked by blight did you find the extra chest not

Yet um I don’t even know where it would be I don’t know this map all that you don’t need to charge fire to break those should be one yep found it all right it’s where it always is I just got turned around oh well let’s see what we’re dealing with here

Things okay it’s ice which means Thunder and those toxic which needs fire those are ice they’re also eyes stop running your eyes why are you still Alive everything’s ice on this one supp use Thunder all I got the X-ray find it uh not yet chest open already this map’s weird a number of places oh I found it okay perfect much stuff we got yeah decent amount stuffff I know she killed me how much was inventory but

Whatever what do we got what do we got what do we got looks like fire great uh fire is weak to the nothing not nothing we have that would be frost so just uh Thunder I suppose do whatever you want oh crap Fire and Ice and I missed on me oh no we

Good W 300 uh do you have the extra test justest yet uh no no I don’t I’ll go see if it’s where it was last time h no it doesn’t look like it might be um let me look I found it all I’m on top of the place give me a

Second it doesn’t have a whole lot of good stuff in it but it’s something oh yeah the boss thing drop a lot of good crap so make sure you kill those all right let’s see what we’re dealing with we got what we got we ice so

Thunder this get toxic thrown at me did you throw toxic at me no something hit me with toxic it was probably an elemental ow ow ow that was fast what yeah all right extra brunch chest I guess it’s technically the brunch I think I know where it probably

Is I know it’s not on the normal place all right well you got it got the Bron chest whoa we’re almost there by that I mean this is the boss level So sounds good okay toxic is fire ice is nothing CU We No it’s it’s lightning right doesn’t make the most sense but whatever uh toxic is fire want take out those toxic guys over there with fire I will we actually did it Nice cool so do we F A Boss Next that I that was supposed to be the boss hole oh pry sure oh there’s the gra that got the bronze chest oh boy 300 not bad okay I have six things worth 300 uh did you get it yeah okay we just keep going

Then oh crap fire is needed for this one oh there’s the chat have you been entertained not very much we’ve kind of messing this thing up we F the the we’ve gotten every bonus chest every time oh oh nice did the did level 10 have a boss

Uh no didn’t it was kind of pathetic actually I swear level 10 had a boss or something toic f you guys probably have a lot more stuff than I do I have 2400 worth of a single item what creeping spines were 300 I have eight bro I don’t have anything that’s that

Expensive I’m grabbing the bonus chest so I claim I’ve contributed I have not have you I haven’t found it haven’t found it grabbing the expensive stuff spensive yep I know where it is got it epic yes fairy normal human being you’re pretty cool all right we doing another one or

We going back uh we could let’s go one more I want to see maybe okay boss 12 I don’t think there will be a boss on 12 but never know base 12 used to be a number system okay there’s something different here who these are there’s

Sters oh wa I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen before I kind of like it when they’re in there yeah cuz you can just stand up here and kill him oh don’t go down there oh more spawned oh wow that little kill pit was kind of cool did we get the extra chest

Get the spawn chest all right shall we go through and then go back yeah let’s do that cuz I have I have so much stuff I don’t have any I know about you Lu but I have have a lot what is this map it’s called spell Rune it’s really fun it’s on Bedrock

Edition yeah it’s probably the best thing about Bedrock Edition probably playing it by myself you can’t join no Jo 10,000 bro I had 3,900 I feel a little a go 8,60 that’s how much we we have 22,000 oh my gosh okay well I’ll spend some money I Willl should we just go buce

Yeah buy ice so we have everything you have no idea how much I would have needed that because of more charge speed times like two yes everything all right we have all the uh and then we’ll get more Mana more overcharge more flight oh we can get a lot more

Flight get all the flight okay that was expensive oh yeah I’ve been spending and then I say we spend the rest of this on runes runes runes runes runes wait can we the oh we have to upgrade the Run Carver I have three we forgot about that we

Need to do that next oh and we’re supposed to wait isn’t this only a th though we need to upgrade this wait one second yeah upgrade upgrade so this is going to give us better loot so disabling Memoria with will increase the starting instability level of the Rifts making them more

Difficulty higher instability levels cost more okay so you can you can invest you can invest um um we want do that or just invest all of our all of our stuff is it an upgrade or not yeah it makes it it makes it harder so we get better

Stuff so it’s an upgrade uh I think that’ll be a a cool challenge but it’s per I think it’s per loot I think it’s per Journey oh that’s not that you pay for um do we want to spend the rest of the 1,500 on runes yes okay

Slow has it stopped saying it in chat oh I’ve just gotten a few uh few repeats chaotic okay that’s all the ones I can fun C is a spell to take an unex unpredictable path that sounds very useful uh we don’t want that horrible don’t want that oh we got two lifetime spells

Though and yeah two life spells wind once probably use it better than we did but nothing nothing’s fire oh I’ll put life is there Lifetime on fire I know we need to add lifetime to Lifetime gets added to this and then I think we use

Light and add it to here yeah those are the only I think those are the only good ones we have if you look on if you over your things do they have new symbols like a little clock next to blight um no wait so have I only been upgrading my stuff

Inventory yeah in the inventory hover hover over the mouse in the inventory no there’s not so I’ve just been upgrading myself I everything’s shared but that oh okay well let’s start another journey I apparently need to go do something so we’ll see what that is chat be entertained I am entertaining the chat

Right now they are very so so avocados avocados yeah avocados are pretty good oh there’s SP oh cave light um something what lightning has an on ground effect now why it always has I like it used to oh no I might actually die run run run guys

Help what oh no you being attack at spawn yeah oh gosh I’ll save you why why is my outer layer skin not on it is for me it is for me well no but when I when I charge this I see the under layer of my skin

Oh okay well I’m on two and a half hearts so we chilling I forgot turn my light let’s go oh yeah here’s the Bon bonus chest no there’s to the next one elements you about to get epically ratted oh yeah I was like trying to understand what you were saying for a

Second and then it make total sense it’s funny okay I’m trying out this ice this Frost it missed most of them are fairly similar oh I I forget that we have four overcharge I’m back what did I miss um I’m not sure because I was gone for a

Second too so oh there’s a br chest okay I guess four overcharges a lot for anything so it kind of just one shots everything I actually does a lot of damage I mean yeah especially when the elements make sense true like if they’re ice you hit them

With thunder if they’re Thunder you hit them with toxic if they’re toxic you hit them with fire if they’re fire you hit them with fro I just hit him with thunder if they’re just away because we have homing on it also I got like five flights how’s the

Flight good it’s high it’s tall it’s it’s cool I don’t think it’s any more efficient but no I think I just longer flight duration if I’m being honest I think that’s all it is it doesn’t make you no it gives you more height it definitely gives you more I don’t think

You I don’t think it gets you faster is what I’m saying did you guys get the Bron remember if I got it or I don’t didn’t get it is it at the bottom I forget there’s I I might have gotten it but honestly I don’t remember so I don’t

Think I I think I’m thinking the last round oh yeah you got it okay at least one of them you can never tell if there’s one or two but they always spawn in the same spots well there’s a number of spots they can spawn yes you just have to learn about

Them like for example this one but I swear sometimes on certain Maps they just don’t spawn fire that’s just something on fire it’s not fire enemies where are they oh this is so funny I can’t find anybody they’re all over here there okay the bar just kind of BU out you know be

That one sounded close where are they at bro oh bro the flight is way better it’s pretty high oh I just okay once lightning gets upgraded bro it’s it has AOE oh boy yeah just notic that cuz cuz the we have four overcharge now it like

If you hit stuff and there’s stuff next to it it just kills all of it yep you can wind it you can wind wait you don’t aim at it you aim oh my gosh look I just made like a a line charge there’s just there’s just an electricity line everywhere yeah

Honestly if you had one person just spreading things around with wind that might be good it would with all the AOE is actually be kind of kind of crazy but I like using the other abili too much I did upgrade the charge rates a lot so yeah I can

Tell don’t hit those with anything the charge rates cost like 10,000 each now or 4,000 I can’t remember it scales quite dramatically I’m going to be real if you actually do the proper like elements it’s pretty pretty good it’s yeah sir aw everything just died he’s going to he’s going to win

What you know when you charge you see just technically that means you are makes it a corrupt shade of your skin oh my gosh chat chat’s getting too smart for their own good I’m a for overcharge this wall unnecessary light light lightning for overcharge in the wall instantly

Melts it though so I don’t think fire is that good on a w also instantly melts anything that’s ice so uh I think I think lightning instant melts everything if he fully charges enough I just hit one spider I want to get the big like three-headed boss guys they drop better stuff

Literally we should try and get to like 20 see how far we can sure why not if I wasn’t doing this I had I had two ideas for this stream and it was doing something Bedrock or just um grinding the uh that one PV server but I

Was like that would be kind of boring legy yeah it would be kind of boring just kind ofit it just yeah yeah it would be fun but it would be boring for a longer stream is what I’m saying and actually I I figured some stuff out and I got a four player kill

Streak and I was so proud of myself I got a player kill streak once well I was just proud I was figuring it out I got a 0.8 K oh sorry I don’t know if we wanted to go in kind of just fell we all just kind of jumped into I just

Saw it die I just saw the spawn chest bonus chest die oh it might be somewhere else but I literally just saw it die it’s probably removing the one from last something probably or from from the last time we played it yeah play this map which see the maps for

Levels aren’t set in stone it’s just like hey you get this random map I fighter hit it with choose yeah honestly sometimes lightning feels like it just ends it instantly like the entire round not just the enemies themselves yeah oh oh the AOE on lightning is getting insane oh

That that’s what they do I forget so when the um do you know the flying things when they’re first uh in there if they don’t spawn with the power whatever you shoot them with that’s what power they gain also Ender Destroyer left did you get disconnected you better believe it his

Internet might have gone out here he’s still in the call uh yeah I got the I got the extra chest oh there he goes are you oh you’re still in here yeah I can hear you I got I got the bonus points then yeah I found the brch

Just okay oh was there two cuz I found one too oh yeah fire okay I’ve got the bonus chest in the sewer big boy dead it’s dead that Big Boy’s dead three even three charges of the lightning and it like just melts the big boy hey shade why did the golfer bring

Two pairs of pants why take a bit cuz he soiled them oh he just kind of push enemies into a cloud too I have no idea on the joke oh I don’t I don’t know either um I JOS A Tree said because he soiled his pants

Um cuz he W he was putting on too much weight I don’t know it has to be uh something well no putting putting in case he got a hold got that’s pretty good no like like putting putting like when you Putt in golf that’s what I was yeah

Saying I like I like the hole in sorry sh I know I’m not saying mine’s bad but or mine’s good I’m saying that that’s what my explanation for it was bro you can kind of just fly now I mean basically yeah oh crap toxics you guys everything just dies doesn’t matter

What spell you use at this point literally it’s so funny is there a way to make it except you can’t you can’t use uh wind so like uh I beat it I beat you cra Thunder thunderer’s weak to blight what am I doing oh no I don’t know where crap

Everything’s over there what is happening to me over there again I’m uh some one go over there okay I don’t know why I just started floating up I wasn’t like holding in space bar or anything they’re dead all right moving on where this one’s actually kind of

Taking a while even though we’re melting stuff like the actual well there’s a lot of enemies and they’re pretty oh we got oh I found a bonus chest found extra he no get away from it I still got all the loot because you have to wait for the loot to get to you

I’m I mean it still follows you but I was nearest player there credit for the joke goes to extren the Lord of funny oh exix was the one with that joke wow imagine if you actually joined the game that would be crazy man uh extr is like

Kind of not here right now uh he just like he and uh Mr Taco are just all way and uh they both had girl skins on when I talked to them last so uh yeah don’t know what that’s about I don’t know what that’s about but yeah that that’s that’s what was going

Question it this is not the first time this has happened and it will not be the last well literally I was trying to make a thumbnail man and all of a sudden I just get oh it’s just all did that oh there’s so many flying ones on these

Ones I think more spawn but okay I don’t know though oh boy ice spiders they’re dead over here oh boy skeletons no I didn’t get to kill the big boss no we won before it happen we keep getting the bonus chest so oh I I forgot there’s always like an extra chest right

Here got the EXT sure damn I have so much stuff do I have a lot of stuff I have 21 of 30 how much is that 21 of 30 yeah four four of 300 yeah I have four of 300 so I have 1,200 as well okay so you got the spines

Then yeah I have spines finally I think those are from the three three-headed guys yeah they are the skeleton signs so we need to just like Target bosses like the mini bosses because like I feel like this wall is just in the way I know there’s also a wall to the bottom

Technically bro I swear this chest is always here no matter what that’s a good thing what yeah definitely a good thing there any more okay there’s a couple up here oh there’s I love I love just sniping with the with the electricity one does does your guys’ electricity have

Homing no idea I can’t tell kind of seems to so if you aim to the side it like I aim on them and they die I don’t know anything other than that oh I accidentally opened a random chest cuz I can’t tell if I’m just getting the upgrades for myself or if

I’m actually getting them for you guys which feels like a problem I should know about well you definitely got the stamina and charge upgrades cuz well yeah cuz that’s in the mirror it’s just the ruins I don’t know if the ruins cuz um I put my thing in and then I get

It you want to do the next one without me cuz I have to go do something real quick yeah sure you have to for it I got one of the extra chests so I feel like it takes it out of our money then it oh if you die I have no idea what

Happens if you die if I had the G you l L all your stuff so well cuz did I die at all because I still had all my stuff no you did not huh I think you survived the entire time let’s go baby I try to tell with the lightning if

It’s I’m getting the Homing see the Homing um shoot shoot the flying guys and if you don’t really have to aim at them then you have the homie oh we got the weird Mage guys now all right oh my gosh there’s a lot of people no I didn’t get a big guy I’m

Sad he was almost dead that’s the saddest thing ever see if I find the bronze chest I’m back uh there was one up here but I don’t know if there’s two right back Josh okay yo tree I so sad it doesn’t let you join I invited you

Again let’s see if I can join I wish you could join that’d be so much so much fun with four people you know how many combos we could do we could do the blowing the one with the wind be so funny let’s see connecting to multiplayer game whoa okay it is kind of

Laggy right now cuz there’s just so many creatures not going to lie if you get the download prompt then you know should be good don’t be sad you’ll get the next big guy I did get the next big guy let’s go oh sad I feel sorry for you Josh oh

We do have a lot of theage guys I do not know why I frosted them oh boy they through a wall it’s okay I’m currently playing the same game oh big skeleton guy big skeleton guy I got me the one I’m killing cuz I just killed one no I’m killing

One I almost one shot one I didn’t get it neither did I but I killed another one so um I did not see any bronze chests I know there’s something upstairs oh there’s so much loot up here there was so much loot up here I walked up and

A bunch of stuff just went into my inventory then we should be good y all right there should be an infinite mode on this where it’s just the same map and it just gets gets harder that would be fun but then you want to get the bonus chests you get

Most of your money from spines true you’re not wrong and that’s why I’m targeting the big guys over everything else cuz those things are so so good oh let’s go got a SP oh big toxic guy what do those um Rusty coin sorcerer Sapphire what what do those like sorcerer guys really actually

Give you though no idea Sorcerers I have have not yeah I don’t really we get we get we get Soul do from those flying things I think bro how did I miss this is thunder it’s not it always surprises me how strong the ice is on things like it actually does it actually

Packs a punch I might have missed a nope no it’s just on my inventory I have three spines note to self ice does not work on walls oh I’m getting the Bron I think I’ve gotten too used to it cuz I have the bronze chest doesn’t

Spawn no there’s another one oh can we jump in here uh yeah you can jump in now cool I have 40 crack skulls I have 36 I’ve kind of internalized but everything’s weaknesses already I have 50 CRA calls oh my gosh well it’s kind of easy cuz a lot of times they just

Glow with that color cuz they each have their own variations of what they could be like if they’re green got to kind of think about it as rock paper scissors with more steps yeah oh big skeleton Come to Papa oh we got Mages Mages Mages Mages yeah I’ve had a

Lot of M I’ve had a lot of I’ve had a lot of Mages be for like one or two Lu they’re very weak oh I just I just like destroyed this threed skeleton it’s dead oh there’s another one bro what do you mean okay these guys are bro two shots

With the with the lightning and those big skeletons just die Rusty coins are 200 what a rusty coin oh yeah are those are those from the Mages I feel like those are from the Mages those are from the Mages yeah bro I have nine creeping spines let’s

Go only still rate my pickup line are you a parking ticket cuz you got fine written all over you it is it is funny but I doubt you’d get a girl but since it’s funny I’ll give you a six out of 10 on the pickup

Line you you you You’ be able to pick me up but just not a to just you get your attention yeah oh boy a chest who would have thought I wouldn’t have th it they can’t spawn like Y no there’s spiders that is the going use lightning

In the sky cuz those things are so annoying okay everything must be on one side of the map Mages sweet Mages where is everything I hear it right here where oh my gosh our flying is so good what yeah we got to go to space now it’s oh there’s so many Mages

What I kind of killed like six yeah there’s just a lot of Mages right here uh don’t waste time we have we still so much time no there many big guys too honestly I think it early you should just get like that time to kill everything else yeah but technically they keep

Spawning infinitely until you get the thing which is kind of sad yeah but they should just stop then so you can actually like not lose out on any big ones that have spawned I I 100% agree with you so we going for 20 on this

Round yes or more see if we can get a boss yeah be so rich true yeah I have like 12,000 on me oh they’re all below us figure and they’re Thunder Mages which doesn’t mean a whole lot it just means that they hit you with thunder chest guys there’s a wait what’s

Back here there’s a place back here I’ve open before has there been chest back here before Oh things are spawning oh there’s a lot of oh there’s a book back here every Mage all the Mage every Mage every Mage and a giant I I have a lot of uh Mages on

Me oh our regen for things is so fast what yeah once it starts it just fills up instantly what I got a book that’s what was back here memories of training oh I’ve been whenever I see a book whenever you see a book you click on the book and

Uh it’ll put it in your library and then you can read them for later I’m not here for lore I’m here to kill things well yeah but like once you are here for lore you can go back and see what you missed listen the only things I’m ever here for lore is

Um uh crypto craft crypto craft L is going to be fire bro you hear that CH from the stuff I’ve heard is pretty good he’s pretty good it’s it’s coming out Friday correct yeah should beuming nothing goes wrong launch official announcement on stream with no one watching yes I have I have

Two concurrent viewers that is like very that already know very very like inaccurate data but yeah have two concurrent viewers oh I forget the men actually shoot M just actually shoot you with stuff I killed two bosses oh there’s a boss right here die boss honestly I don’t even know why I

Bother fully charging it on some things some things just don’t have the health oh no I only charge it like once for most things unless it’s like a boss Lucas that needs to be blight he doesn’t care if it’s Thunder you BL it I just tank it with

Thunder you can’t just tank everything with thunder I mean it kind of works though some things are immune to thunder like if there’s if there’s like a bunch of things I’ll throw like a bunch of things on a boss I’ll throw like fire and blight on it and then I’ll just

Start throwing Thunder at it to kill the boss are we either bothering with the bronze chest at this point or we just I I if I find them yeah bother with them otherwise that’s probably the the thing the actual B mobs give you more stuff

Than the yeah way more so it’s just more wor of to spend time on that like there’s a there’s a chest right here oh my gosh I got so high up what in the world know this is a case where wind would be useful wind it wind

It oh those are Mages you can also wi the the mag’s attacks just so you know oh that’s funny you just deflect them right back at them I mean you could probably do that too but if they hit the ground you can just smoke blast them like you can with your

Own everything just dies instantly it hold on I’ve had there’s big I’m going to I had two I had two big big guys on me and I just killed both of them let’s go that that what feel like we’re getting faster and faster at just ending

Them cuz there’s so many and round many need I want to see how much money we get I have 57 crack skulls yeah I know and 17 spines I I have a lot of stuff game lagging a lot yeah it is I have I have 19 ancient I have 17 spines

Bro yeah I hav I I feel feel like after we get past 20 we have to go we have to go back just cuz of how much it’s lagging also we’re going to inter well yeah we can upgrade everything all right I’m just going to specifically start killing the big guys

Literally like there’s so many things spawning at this point it’s just more worth it to look for them like we have so much time I have 17 spines bro wait out of context that actually kind of sounded kind of kind of weird are you a murderer only of things that aren’t

Pirates yeah I I I collect those things bro I swear some of the damages boost you when you fly you just keep flying cuz you keep taking damage I mean and it just keep you just keep going up you have so much height you do not need it

You just go up no literally I just got hit by the ice while I was flying and I just went like to the sky bro without using any of my um last one any of my flight let’s go that’s what you said I know it’s what I said someone should

Clip that one too I have 17 spines bro oh there was in a chest at midy numbers you got to you got to start tearing out more spines than that yeah my bad I feel like oh there are four big boss skeletons in that Bunch my gosh it’s lagging so

Bad we definitely need to go back after this oh my gosh hold on I’m killing a really big I killed four big boss guys that just spawned all at once yeah I saw that I have 12 I started at eight a lot this is dumb I have 18 now I got another

One wa that Mage can fly Oh I thought that was I thought that was one of you guys no that’s a boss kind of what what did he drop probably nothing wait did we finally get a boss at wave 20 and just completely not register I think so cuz

That definitely looked like a boss not going to lie anyway let’s it’s so laggy I’m just using lightning man that’s the only way I can actually hit things moving so slowly no no wait they Dr stu oh wait they do ow oh sorry I have no health and just

Didn’t notice cuz it was lagging L bro I just lost like half my health after it ended what is a tattered cloak it’s 600 wait that’s probably what you got from the flying one yeah should we go back and just well okay we have we have to we

Have to go through once but yes then we go back oh man we’re going to get like 880,000 yeah we we can probably buy not going lie I’m actually I couldn’t speak before um but okay now I can charging and I want to and say some stuff that I didn’t

Get to say uh first off I’m super excited about craft like let’s go genuine um can any of us go home I’m trying oh let’s go let’s go oh thank goodness okay let’s see how much I’m going to make that was funny okay I want to check what I

177,000 what do I got what do I got what do I got 18,000 oh my gosh Lucas oh I I don’t know what it was I Lucas well 19,000 apparently also look at our money oh my gosh so how much does it cost to like upgrade everything to Absolute maximum I don’t

Know well I didn’t this might be better on single player so you don’t have to worry about like lagging a server or anything probably okay it’s still laggy over here on my end is it just a Bedrock issue probably man yeah probably they make us for

Java I don’t know if they made this for Java uh upgrade our uh runes oh yeah should probably do that just use 20K I don’t know we had a lot of money but I feel like upgrade Rune Carver upgrade because now we can combine runes doesn’t look like it does something so

You get you get level once and you can buy them I sent the clip in your Discord thank you let me make let me buy another one of these bad boys oh those are 25,000 we do not have that kind of money we’re broke okay so if we get car found

Rune so we get um we buy a homing honestly this is like a Java Edition mod it would run great okay okay uh Lucas here you go take a homing I think you have to put it in put it in your lightning all right where’s I just so

Put your lightning in the pedestal put your ped put lightning in the pedestal and then put it in one of these okay then hold the Rune and click it into this all right so I put it on the main for yeah and then put with the Rune put it into

There okay yeah so now you have it and then you can take it out of the main pedestal all right and here’s here’s a homing for you yeah okay I see W all there we go so now all of you guys can do that it’s

Kind of laggy though not going to lie I think we uh broke the game a little bit need to reload the world well if even if we remade the world I don’t know if it actually not remake it just reload it h well yeah it will say where we are

I’m just don’t I just don’t know if it would actually oh bounce bounce allows a spell to bounce upon impact o ooh that’s pretty good seeking bounce seeking bounce wait yeah wait what if we wait what if I put homing on everything hey get out get out of there get out of there

That’s car found Rune okay so homing is really expensive but it’d be really funny so wait how many spells do we want we just want the other two we don’t really need ice unless we wanted on all three whatever this is an investment let me just I

Don’t think I use anything but Thunder at this point so okay well I have three homings and that was kind of expensive not going to lie tree added a photo to their story what oh I found a a chest at the top what did you what did have it top

Uh let’s see the king topaz King Ruby sorcer Ruby sorc okay I have an extra homing if someone wants to put it on something else uh no I’m good and I put bounce on my fire wait this is actually uh Lucas do you want another

Homing why do I need a six tier wind spell because you can I’ll sell these items I found up yeah yeah we do have six tier spells so got us an additional 360 oh nice okay so here’s another here’s another homing for you I don’t know if bounce works on fire don’t want

Light oh my gosh I just duplicates it it it doesn’t it doesn’t create more fire fire but look it launches another fire off in the direction you shoot oh that’s useful and bounces bounce yeah that’s why I I put homing on everything but um that one’s I don’t

Think that one’s that expensive I could get bounce for everyone oh bounces is a thousand so it’s a little bit more so I’ll get i’ll get three bounces for all of us to put on thunder cuz that that one would be a that one would be a really useful one to put on

Thunder okay here is your bounce and here is your bounce and you can technically you can you can combine if you have more of them you can combine bounce followed you back into your inventory Shade that’s funny wait I want to try full Lightning bounce you get it Lucas

Oh it does the same thing oh but that’s like an insta shot it like instantly shoots everything in that One Direction that’s actually kind of good what what’s a good thing that we could get to combine cuz you can combine RS all right I took out the humming oh

Speed speed would be really good to combine back in what what do I have what do I have oh my so does the tier 2 bounce Just Bounce again I would I would assume so but bounce is kind of expensive too wait what is I’m trying to figure out what’s

In my lightning what is what are either of these I forget that’s lifetime oh wait you don’t need Lifetime and electricity do you oh yeah that’s something do you even need Lifetime and a uh I don’t know do what you want Lightning Spell does someone want my

Lifetime someone can take my lifetime I don’t really want it I’m not going to use it put it in your well no someone can use it because you you might as well put it in there if you don’t have anything else but one second I am I’m doing

Something I am creating speed two for my thunder unnecessary wait what it just took it out of something else the spell is in the spell alter oh why did it take out it took out it took out bounce for some reason but now I have speed to okay what in Earth are you

Doing okay so now it’s just kind of like a rail gun that bounces in a direction wait now I kind of want to get bounced too I I also kind of want to get bounced too cuz now I got to see what it does probably boun twice we we we must experiment with

This combine runes create bounce To bro it the sound just bugs out these days yeah I I don’t I don’t know what it did but like it looked it look I think I think it’s powerful maybe maybe wait how expensive is speed oh so you can combined spells it looks like yeah oh speed is so cheap

Wait wait we getting speed three it’s unnecessary yeah but it’s cheap I want to try it and it it makes it like a rail gun man uh wait no combine runes create speed two kind of feels like it’s given up create speed three oh my gosh wait we we about to try lightning

Boys but like actual lightning I don’t see it anymore well um does it does it just does it go so fast it just it doesn’t have enough range now but just lag through existence bro it’s just gone I can’t find it anymore wait I think the game’s giv up man it bounces

Backwards game me having a good time right okay I say we do one thing but I want to try out my lightning and then we uh we play something else cuz this this game’s giv up man anyway yeah so let’s let’s try one game like just or one round one round one

Round I mean yeah just one round Lucas I think Lucas is I got to get up there don’t I okay just start give me a second I don’t know if he’ll get in if we start it does it matter yes I want Lucas here I’m coming not I see him lagging

Around it also doesn’t help this is also being hosted for my computer so yeah I wonder if we I guess you could probably send the world to one of us oh well yeah it was free all players must yeah all play you must be standing here for it to

Activate do this you can probably send me the world and keep our save data oh yeah actually yeah I could do that shouldn’t be too too bad oh we’re lagging trying to get down here oh no oh we the floor okay oh I also forgot we got more

Health I probably could have bought the another Health upgrade okay we trying a fully upgraded six Lightning Spell so everything melted but I don’t know if it was necessary no not on these ones I think it might just insta kill a big boss though um well well times six bro yeah

That that’s and with the upgrade it it bro it homes with the bounce that’s why I said it would probably be good with bouns but it’s so laggy it just kind of doesn’t bounce sometimes okay dead let’s go let’s not let’s not do this so what do we want to do

Instead oh I can’t I can’t go back um going to take a few moments oh y oh okay uh yeah chat we’ll probably send this to like Lucas or something this world because he has a he has some better Hardware I have I have all the Ram or or Rowan

Yeah either one of them but I definitely do not have the ram no one has more RAM than me all right I’m leaving the world but that’s a is that probably like bro that game’s only 4.4 megabytes what F only good thing to come out of this version of the game literally it’s

Actually really fun um why is there so many posts I’m afraid to look at these I’ve been a I I’ve been a part of a few too many Realms chat um wait we can we can join tree wait a second wait a second oh that’s a bad idea oh

Tree no no no we’re not that’s a really bad idea think I think Lucas is leaving um leaving who decided who who who doing we we we discussed you guys weird tendenc Mr Taco and exix what were your girl skins and why wouldn’t you join us what are you doing

Man talking about I send something out instantly you guys go offline interesting you want what what what you guys missed out that map was actually really fun was it let’s go yeah it was actually epic you guys missed it oh wait you were streaming yeah I’m streaming oh oh how

Was the stream it’s going good uh Lucas is leaving um I don’t know what we’re gonna play now but we’re streaming on Bedrock bro they know I will see they went offline as soon as they saw that was there a lot like like is there people

Watching it yeah I think so I’ve had some chatting Chatters some chatty Chatters man I I have on OBS I it says I’ve had 35 views and I have two concurrent viewers right now nice but OBS is very laggy so I have no idea how much I have who was

Chatting uh you bro you can scroll on my chat uh gamer La yeah was there and then there was pixelcraft and then there was Mo Carney and then there’s extreme Nathan and then there was a normal human being and then a lot of other people so many people are in the VC

Me yeah so what are we doing um what do you mean I don’t I don’t want to play party animals with you guys no we’re not that good I’m literally I’m so bad at that game you just getting lucky and then everyone’s like this guy he’s good list

Listen listen we do teams okay so it’s Carson and shade and then R and I that’s not bro you carry um I land gam why did I just have like five billion land games for a second what what I’m confused chat um so anyway do we wanna chat is

This real chat is this real I have it on stream man that was really weird they just chat chat man uh no I don’t know if we’re doing party animals the chat is asking what party animals is it’s it’s a game it’s a game where you’re like it’s

Basically month it’s basically like um what’s it called that one game where that’s it’s just little yeah g be that’s it’s basically that both animals you seriously just leave me Max we’re are you guys that cuz if you are I want to get that I mean maybe well what

What games do you have tree besides besides um I know he has uh what is it uh you should get fasmo fasmo yeah actually that would be kind of fun that would be fun I’m terrible at scary games my video I know but that’s what they

Always say and I die anyways my my video ideas so far have been uh play a scary mod on Minecraft so do we want to try to find a scary mod and play it on Minecraft uh that’s gonna be a difficult thing probably probably difficult thing to do Midstream doesn’t like there’s any

Scary things in M people try you have to get some always do scary Roblox games those are my oh man bro bro doors doors though is so scary doors is so scary doors is no nothing scary nothing on Roblox is actually scary okay okay guys games have an idea I have an

Idea I I have an idea okay but you guys have to join my world in Minecraft all right it’s on Bedrock you ready for this yeah okay okay I you go close it if I can’t join you I’m gonna cry I think there might be something wrong with my computer on

Bedrock let’s see if I can join I haven’t been on Bedrock since I first got Bedrock okay so I am inviting um Ender Destroyer I’m inviting tree have you guys could see my my friend list in Bedrock Edition it it’s it’s pages in Pages man yeah I have a bunch of random people

Friended on Xbox like I I don’t even remember who bro Xbox game bar on PC is like it’s so annoying it’s there is some goofy stuff no oh what is wrong with my computer why can’t you can’t join no I think there there’s something wrong with

My computer and I don’t know what it is what do you mean I don’t know I welcome to my Minecraft Let’s Play I just started it I just started it I just started it hey we’re not trying to PVP we’re peaceful we’re peaceful here we’re peaceful I’m not looking for’s play I’m

About to start one oh my gosh are the last thing I need right now do you have so much health okay I think when I was in I don’t understand oh I forget it’s the new DED screen it’s so weird wait I I have to kill you it’s

So weird it is so weird bro if you can kill me before I get knocked it’s kind of laggy not going to lie always loading resource I feel like like the whole Rock experiments just loading resource packs I don’t think I’m going to be able to have it working it’s

It’s okay I don’t think we’re playing this look at the death screen like I like it it it puts you in third person and then you just zoom out it’s so weird not as bad as that one time where they showed the items on the ground mod for That update oh what what do want to play there’s what do you guys want to play upate for party animals that’s stupid oh was there oh well I probably do not have updated what games do we have in common I don’t know um I don’t Minecraft literally um

Animals think about this party animals has Uno yeah but I don’t know if I have it upgraded or updated oh Roblox terms like grade like what Roblox terms um what what abolutely not we’re gonna get into it we are I don’t have CFS oh I don’t have space enough after we’re done on

Our uh social experiment sounds like fun horror French yes sir French French in chat but no no no the world I made was called French that’s why I wanted you guys to join but oh my gosh I’ve inspired many no it’s mine now you don’t own it

Anymore you claimed the tradear yeah oh by the way yeah I have copyright for it and I’m also I’m now the king of French so uh good luck gonna get decapitated no France not France capitated by the France they’re going to chop your feet off actual Captain Jo

That’s more accurate chop your feet off replace his feet I mean like it’s going be complete opposites like it would be the opposite side and like the opposite action so we would like I I have four feet now give him feet yeah gonna give him four feet per

Leg wait what that’s a lot of toes like 80 toes is my math is my math right yeah no it’s not it’s it’s yeah that’s 40 toes per leg that’s that’s a lot no you’re not mathing do you have 10 toes per foot G yes you don’t have 10 toes per foot um

Terraria oh my gosh oh my gosh I don’t have ter I don’t have Terraria it’s a fun literally it’s actually so good I I want to play it but who says Terraria nothing Canadian get out of here Terraria no it’s it’s Terraria yeah it’s terraria what yes because terrarium

It’s based off of the word terrarium so it’s Terraria hear me out extr the only the only people I’ve ever heard who say Terraria are people who are homeschooled I’m being honest I said Terraria so it’s terraria what do you call it what do you call it I don’t call it anything

Because I don’t play it like if you were to have to say the name what would you what would you say how the heck am I supposed to know I’ve heard it just say it say it either say Terraria or Terraria just one of the two all

Right Rex we’re changing games and now we’re all going to create some music even though Lucas just left um music we could play Super autopets that’s what the that’s the game I was talking about that one’s pretty fun I don’t have it downloaded but you

Can use a browser I don’t have it at all wish lethal company was free that’d be so fun to play I have lethal company I I’m probably G to get lethal company sh it’s really fun I have to say it’s so fun that you just die so much what what

What what what extr you should totally get lethal oh yeah I’m going to get it I have you just say you like lethal but you don’t like scary games I mean okay here’s the thing lethal company isn’t scary lethal company’s comedy horror comedy horror it’s scary but it’s

Funny scary because you’re with friends yeah and there’s PR better yeah hear me out chat we’re going to play some mck comedy and horror like the Polar Opposites that’s what makes it literally it pulls it off I’m not even joking what games are there man multiplayer horror game does that yeah I

Guess that’s true all right chat we’re loading up the destiny 2 Destiny 2 oh my gosh I got that for free on uh on epic games with like a whole bunch of DLC it’s worth like $60 normally Destiny 2 is free normally but okay yeah scamed oh the DLCs yeah the DLCs

Yeah I have the forest that’s not very age appropriate that would be funny to play though that’s an old game they changed that game a lot uh Don’t Starve Together um don’t I bought that for everybody because on sale for like $1 for like four people did you chat what game are we

Playing AA okay hear me out this is what we’re playing we’re going to we we going to launch some Muk bro we’re going to play different Survival game have you guys ever heard of it of M it was made by Danny it was yeah

It was made by Danny it was it was it was popular a little bit ago it’s kind of funny ago kind it’s funny I don’t know man 2020s were that a that was an age man it’s still happening sh what are you talking about what are you talking about six

Years we’re not even halfway through it what are you talking about I’m a 30-year old man with six I remember M everyone remembers Muk okay I’m I’m going just launch mck I’m launching mck free yeah it’s free I’m gonna I’m launching I I am launching mck oh bye

Carson I don’t know off it’s like 10 I’ll give you one a night owl so he’ll be up till like 3: but no we we we play games a lot because everyone else go B it’s just us two left and maybe time T if he’s up late Ron do you have a

Bedtime uh no you just stay up I go to bed when I go to bed no one can stop me from doing it well like when do you normally go to bed steam yes sir dep on the day 10:30 to midnight is my average wow you don’t stay up till like

One or two no not not unless it’s like a special occasion or three m not unless with and we’re doing something random and we’re talking for like three hours straight that’s happened a couple of times oh you I haven’t stayed up till with Carson till

3: I only managed to keep him awake till like 12 you managed to get him to do it so many times I don’t even know how Okay chat we got we got we got audio for stand up hi guys tree just chatted me in Steam and I’m very happy made my day okay

Wait experience okay so I have to hoist host the lobby and technically chat can join too because okay we’re going to put it on easy because it’s really hard when you started out all right I’m I’m go wait Tre wait a second bye n send send invite okay

That’s what you said uh copy the clipboard I don’t you can’t like send invites but you can like send people the code here’s the code okay um I’ll put it I’ll put it in chat um in the VC chat that’s the code not going to lie F fire let’s go

Yeah copy and paste but I haven’t I haven’t I haven’t actually oh and your destroy is already in it tree we’re waiting on you I love the first achievement they give you is play Muk for the first time oh let’s go Josh probably has an 89% of the rating

92.4% achieved yep oh people don’t actually launch the game I swear I I kind of feel cuz i’ I’ve I’ve gotten games and then never downloaded them before there is one game that I got for like two bucks and it was it’s not good but it had 21,000 achievements

Next time if it’s early I could join okay sweet it’s all good ready ready up ready there we go ready we in the game okay okay let’s go we we got to get stuff fast man Rock these keybinds are awful Rock they’re not Minecraft keybind so they’re bad tab really

Tab there’s a 25 chest by the way but we do not a stamina stamina I forget kill whatever his we do not why did we okay we spawn so far away from the trees all these trees cannot be burn damaged you have to go to the one it

Points you cuz that’s the closest actual tree I’m heading towards closest actual tree which is the one you just destroyed Place workbench with mouse uh where are we I’mma place our workbench right about here get the mushrooms mushrooms are good we playing m not Minecraft Eagles

Pad I’m talking about the controls in my defense all these 25 gold chests we have a lot of them though so that’s good oh I need more wood and stamina apparently bro my thing just keeps unlocking stuff oh my gosh yeah hon you all in this game is people opening like

400 chests well yeah once you get chests bro that’s the only way you can survive if you don’t get chests the the the game escalates so quickly it’s really fun they were able to jump 12200 meters yeah sounds about right average average uh gameplay yes wow one of my friends is playing

Stard Valley right now isn’t that crazy tree it said you added another photo to your story I did I I’m just getting the notification for it I don’t know when you did that where on what Instagram in what I’m not even I’m not even on my phone right now

I’m guessing it was a while ago did you did you post something to your story today uh yeah a while ago that’s probably what I’m getting all right chat I can probably stream for like another hour and then I’ll have to get off another hour max I got an apple apple apple

Apple I need make I’m just saying we have a boss right here we could kill it uh not right now we open some chests first man but but gr there’s so many he’s right there you cannot challenge wrong bro that that he has the double swords

How how are you supposed to defeat him with the double swords what do you mean axe BR hit him with an axe a couple times it’s foolproof in real life all right when is next stream uh probably Friday yay that’s that’s definitely my I’m definitely streaming Friday I don’t

Think I’m streaming in between then cuz Friday crypto craft is being released so we chilling no life for like weeks well yeah the thing is I I’ll be streaming on Friday and then Saturday I’m going on to a event so I won’t be like at home at

All I mean to be fair by my standards for the first couple of weeks I’m not going to be playing all that much so you know like 4 hours a day yeah not that yeah it’s not that much I need like eight oh see I’ll probably be streaming all of

It now looking for Yummy Yummy I don’t remember what these I’m really lucky though cuz I don’t have a very big workload currently so I actually might be able to like play for at least 3 hours that’s epic enemies it’s K I got us a furnace I got us a

Furnace I’m going to murder it will kill will it though it will kill you must trust in the trust yeah you must trust in the I killed something got coin I hear something but I haven’t I haven’t actually seen anything yet and I’m kind of scared man I don’t know about you

Guys R there’s a thing H okay you have to use the jump Strat if if you jump oh I I got you Josh I have an axe I run you jump and then you you stomp them on the way down cuz they can’t they can’t hit you when you’re in the air

That well so you just jump while they attack you and then you hit them while they’re on when you’re on the ground let’s go I unlocked coin oh there’s a there a bone guy hello sir would you like to die I bet six coins I need I need 25 I have 19

I have 19 I need to kill some more stuff I killed the big rock guys and they gave a decent amount okay well I haven’t seen any of the big rock ice yet cuz I killed them I obviously okay I have 25 I’m opening a chest opening a

Chest I already opened one it gave me peanut butter I got shoes got run speed yep plus movement speed okay we do have a furnace by the way so cool I don’t have anything to smelt um uh we got to find iron also you’re kind of low on health if you

Didn’t notice yeah I didn’t have any food oh just eat mushrooms man bro we have aom we have OB bamum right here obamium which is like almost end game almost end game chat I got strength whoa oh let’s go have you seen anything other than uh

Have you like seen iron or anything no I’ve seen nothing do we want a chest or like anything I mean if we want our base there wrck see you gamer law yeah gamer see you gamer oh I got Flint is that what we need I don’t remember no flints for

Arrows flints for arrows we need like iron or something it’s like darker gray but not like black like coal oh have I get IR I don’t know you must have found it somewhere cuz I have not seen any oh I think that might be IR there do with one iron bar but and

Fell oh you have an iron bar you must have gotten that for like a boss or something no furnace I got it from oh you just you just smelted it okay I found iron it’s the darker gray one yeah yeah we need to kill some cows for some

Food if someone wants to make a c g I have a lot of coal so how much iron did I get seven iron ore Apple I like to eat eat eat apples oh there’s a village I’mma loot it and then run away cuz they’re going to kill

Me I first want to see what they want to trade me first or I’ll kill some cows first these guys do not want me eating their cows oh it’s free oh you got a free chest let’s go oh you’re getting so many chests bro yeah that’s the way to play it okay well

Um oh Big Rock guys I’m going to go kill them what I think they get mad at me cuz I open find ship uh I found the ship map yeah well I would find the ship um and I also just opened two chests and they didn’t get mad at me so

We we chill in hopefully oh we can see the ship on the map oh my gosh damage I just occasionally one shot them that’s that’s a lot of damage I could trade with the Archer nah trading nah stealing all their loot I think it’s when you open

The chief’s chest oh iron bars yeah just randomly do 54 damage nice oh I get iron is that a free chest yay I got a I got a beam I got a beam I need so many mushrooms oh there’s another Village oh what did you miss uh not much

I just got some stuff here is all of my stuff I got some iron and stuff I got the boat map so the boat’s over there and is this I don’t know if this is going to make a mad or not I’m pretty sure it’s the chief’s

Chest yeah it’s the chief’s chest this is the one that makes him M oh I grab the cauldron keep saying warning yeah I got a cauldon okay I’m pretty sure it’s the chief’s chest so I don’t know if I want to do this at night

Cuz I’m going get out oh I found one of the gemstone guys okay well if no one stops me I’m just going to be the chest guy that back put in the bar no no no no no beautiful I am on the hunt tonight oh I need to eat some

Food there’s a chest on a hill that I opened and I can’t get the thing out of it oh that’s just health I want oh crial chance yo perfect horseshoe epic don’t mind me opening every chest I see how do you have so many coins that’s too bad I’m not going to

I’m not going to care if you mind why does the pickaxe do so much how do you have is is it a rock how do you have so much uh coins I kill everything I see I got a red pill increase Max HP but also I do I do slightly more damage so

True okay I’m going to steal from the chief’s Hut and run away I’m going to spawn some stuff and kill it I think I’m going to do that too on a pillar okay is there only a set amount of chest in world not worth

It I think they’ll be mad at me but I’m just going to run um I’m not sure cuz the map is technically like infinite look click M you can see the map oh no I’m killing some rock guys and they’re kind of taking their okay well let’s see how life

Me I just got some basic guys bone guys they do have quite the bit of Health though so I’m a little worried I get like a sword oh my gosh that is a lot of damage sign him to the Village I might be able to afford a gold chest so

I’m just saying there’s a grank statue right there there is a grank and you get the good sword I hate these things they can hit me in the air wait I think I’m just dead oh yeah yeah can you go revive me I have 15 seconds to get to you wait

Am I just gonna am I just going to be gone no I think uh it’s I don’t I don’t think you’re getting to it one oh I just respawn wait no I’m just dead oh I think you still have to revive me my my my stone is still there so many

Of them over here that’s cuz I spawned a thing that’s why I died I thought I could take him on but they threw bones in the air man I don’t know what I was supposed to do I’m going to go open two of them I got them I got them okay oh did

You get the power up too or not are you going to sa power uh just just revive me please I’m coming just just give me a second I’m hovering over my body oh you are pretty low I’m I’m above you in the hover mode you like all my loot oh I think it’s

Despawning or you’re picking it up hello there get stuff you know what there’s a challenge pillar like right here I did not get any of my weapons back um oh here uh do you have extras oh was just these guys oh just just all those Flint

Arrows uh what else did you have just random rappers not strong enough to stop but oh you had a here um Shield capacity that should be good Tre you can keep whatever else is there okay I need stamina upgrades that’s for sure I think I have a couple of

Those o life steel that’s what it was tree thank you so I killed one pillar what you got life steel and I did I was the one that killed them yeah you just didn’t know where the pillar was I’m tell Mom you’re telling Mom well I’m telling dad you

Wouldn’t oh my gosh the Rocks do a lot of damage I’m not I’m not in a situation to fight man oh my gosh there’s another rock NOP sword H better I just killed every villager I just see you running away it’s the Rocks I’m worried about ow my oh my gosh they’re going

To I got my those bones are so annoying how are yall doing oh you know than dying to all the bone guys oh my gosh Glon mushroom don’t die to them do you not have a sword no I have all my iron but I didn’t get back to base

Yet oh it sounds like you die I I can never get to full health cuz there’s no food you eat the mushrooms bro they don’t give anything no the the red ones the red ones give Health the yellow ones give uh food and the pink ones give uh stamina

Did you not make an anvil no I’m so screwed I so screwed how did you get a sword then I killed every no oh I’m dead bye guys it was nice knowing you how are you screwed don’t worry about it do you not have any food I don’t know where anyone is

Is just follow the the dot to the why is there so many skelebones after me no idea that’s the village I rated good I am almost to you I would really enjoy some double jump or some better stamina oh there you are you’re over this

Way him but that way we can regroup a little bit I want to open a gold chest that’s my goal I will try not to touch any of your stuff and still revive you there’s a little bit of it also there’s some skele bones so I think I need to save

You oh my gosh they do so much damage why do they so much damage I got a sword there’s so many oh my goodness there’s like so many of them oh oh gold or where was it where is the thing there it is what there’s so many of them why are

There so many of them oh my goodness BL pill so get the yellow ones they do Hunger yellow mus why are there so many of them I don’t know why there’s so much stuff in the daytime right now and then there’s the rainbow ones they it are

There so many this is crazy pickaxes still do most damage on Rock I I have a sword and don’t have a pickaxe cuz I didn’t pick it up so I died I will go get you gosh that was crazy there’s so many of don’t tell me oh I see they’re coming

They’re coming straight for me they’re coming straight for me killed I think like six of them but like oh goodness 80 oh no oh no oh no I’m not you should go help shade you should go help shade and kill the last two I’m getting

Double no they were de bro help help I’m so coming after you they’re not going to stop just just get him just revive me revive me real quick revive me real quick they’re almost dead on your left they’re almost dead they’re literally almost well now now now there’s uh now

There’s those guys just revive those guys you can run away from they’re fine so how do I do this e can revive in 30 seconds oh it’s a it’s a cool down these I thought that’s how much time you had left yeah tre’s right there I think yeah

H I was trying to be oh literally the literally the ship is right there I think we’ve been like all around the map oh I accidentally picked up your pickaxe that’s fine tree revive me or or someone okay I’m coming revival me treat yeah yeah I’m just picking up my stuff I the

Only thing that I’ve kind of survived is I’ve life steal but doesn’t steal enough life man life steal to be nice for me it just doesn’t steal enough it’s so close to being really good stuff spews everywhere I know it just it just explodes man like it just

Shield capacity I have an axe but where is my pickaxe oh I think I see it or I see meat I’m going go back over here and kill some stuff maybe challenge the pillar we’ll see so I believe I have higher jump Heights double jump strength yeah my life steel is not good

Enough to uh tank their damage so that’s nice don’t tank it then just I was testing it out to see if it if we traded hits if it would do the same cuz I wanted to see if my strategy was not valid anymore since I had the bro I

Swear pickaxes just disappear man oh I found it finally now I need to make an an four Rock Golems oh what are you you you got you got some stuff oh he hit me midair that is not good I’m really not now Mr rock guy oh there’s Flames there’s Flames there’s

Flames he one shot me he one shot me what did you do oh Flames Flames oh this isn’t good he one shot me bro really those random dudes got in my way I think those random dudes helped you man I think they started I took no damage if it wasn’t

For I have 90 seconds left seconds I’m just saying I have 90 seconds left you gotta quit dying bro I got one shots I’m so sad nah bro you’re just not good as me what do you mean I went from full health to no Health you no you just you just need to

Get good okay you’re just not as skilled as um me and I swear if there was commands I would just slash kill you tree would be I would deserve it I I do not need this attitude right now oh I mean oh is it are you okay do I

Need to give you a that’s worse that’s worse um uh um uh buck up be be a man uh you don’t nothing’s wrong you’re you’re doing just fine Sunny tree just stop all your head get good her there is that one better sure that one’s fine don’t take any of my stuff I

Just want to make a sword I I I can give you uh do you want some Adam anti or myth I bro how did you get that I stole it bro how good was that Village pretty good you had a sword oh I’m going to die I need bro my Village had

Nothing I clearly didn’t loot the right chest and kill the right people no I killed all I looted all the chests and the most thing I got was some meat pies which are actually pretty good but that that’s that’s it bro I swear everything’s just my strategy to kill the projectile guys is

To side yeah I try jumping and they just intercept my jump and I’m just sad yeah just s okay I need to open some chest I just I’m starting I’m starting my own base and trying to get some chests where where where was that there’s no more chests over here I got

Life steel finally nice Dracula wait permanently increase Max h HP on kill oh is that what it is wait no dealing damage heals you no you got you got you got Fang you got fangs bro that’s different that’s better that’s yeah better be I killed three of

The higher level monsters so every time you kill something it you just gainp that’s actually really powerful I think it’s like 10 actually but it’s one okay I have I have a shield that I have a shield from a blue pill but that that’s about it

Doing I think I’m going to be able to open a gold chest second here I haven’t seen any chests I took them all you did there might still be some in that Village that I looted where was our home base bro 90 gold to open this chest and I have

85 sad I am just I’m I’m making a new base is that another Village I’m going to kill it that is officially what is happening here what is this guy I lost all my iron no the homies bro I have no more iron are you kidding me that sucks

I’m starting my new life here so what’s what’s swimming in this game like I would could not be I could not tell you nothing why am I gra fla that’s mythal I thought that was iron that’s more mithil bro there’s no iron over here I have more stamina again I I wish bro

I have no stamina fire guy I have to deal with second all right fire guy let’s go come on come on time to die should I open this chest 28 gold the price is increasing yeah it does I think it increases based on how many have been

Opened and you’ve just been taking all of them I have opened 27 tree oh my gosh that was 27 bro what do you mean what do you mean I have done nothing but open chests this entire time what is this revive the homies I just paid for you I just paid

Money to revive you bro thank you bro that’s I have a revived the homie statue falling below 30% boosts your stats that’s pretty good well I am officially making my house over here because I can bro it went to 31 Stop opening chests from 28 to 31 no I found a

Guardian I have a double jump now finally okay I have opened five since we last talked iron did I put that backward I haven’t opened one well SK I feel so bad I mean yes but also oh swimming kills you I am on a different Island I’m over here and there’s

None I probably took them earlier yeah yeah where is the iron I want the iron I guess so I guess I and rope I got rope I just need some IR another to challenge I’m going to challenge it I just want some Iron Man that’s all

Coal a crit come on give me a crit come on give me a crit on give me a anytime Rock that’s a rock I have increased crit chance you’re just not going to give me a crit there’s a crit gosh wait I can’t even open basic chests anymore because you open so many

Yeah but also are you really that broke I can stop open them for opening them for a minute if you want well I just don’t have any money I I’ve got like five things here here and I can open all of them so I can’t afford anything

Man what have you been doing I’m trying to get some more iron bro I can’t find any iron on this map because I lost all of mine just kill the rock they drop iron they do yeah I found a I found that the really good cave oh you already looted it wait

I’m going to give you a minute I see literally like um well I I still don’t have any money but I there’s another revive the homie statue but I cannot afford for your Revival so uh that’s fine that’s okay your your Revival is 31 coins there’s so many revive the homies

Things next to me there’s I found three right next to where I set up camp I mean if you go and steal my money I have 135 coins okay well that at that point I just revive you it’s just if I want to revive you from

Afar I know bro why are there fire guys here what what what what caused you to do this this blue chest I’m going to open a blue chest oh those are the killed me last time when you revived me no what are they doing here what are they doing here man

Yeah I’ve got 10 they spawned on me bro what do you mean oh they’re destroying all my stuff stop it hey well while I wait for night go they are no I don’t know if you’re going to have to be able to wait till night

Time bro I’m going to die I’m going to die give me more stamina okay well you might have to revive us bro I’m being chased by so many fire guys this is not this is not me oh my gosh they literally like can you literally do you see how much health they’re

Doing please I’m trying to get a sword I can’t get any iron that’s why I’ve been trying to do this whole time is get enough iron for a sword on my way I’ll come over to you but I’m going to fight everything on my way over well I’ve almost killed one have 17

Iron you almost have I believe in you yay that’s one of three there’s another one there’s another one no get away oh I forgot I have a double jump oh no thank you I think all my stuff’s destroyed by the way oh and there’s and there’s iron guys I dodg random one so

Simple all right two different perspectives this is so [Laughter] funny no no no no no no no I have I have the solution tree cross the river do you have enough stamina for that no I don’t know 100 mobs that’s an achievement dang oh another pillar what I had I had full

Health um well not anymore what what do you mean Chad Chad did you see that I mean I didn’t have full health but I at least had like 90 and then I had no health I think you’re going to if you find a revive the homie statue use it

Okay although all my over here well no revive the homies statue it revives them where they uh were and it bypasses the countdown and there’s like five right next to me yeah there’s like five right next to me uh I don’t think there’s they’re on

The other side of the side of the river r no I think that’s Guardians there two guardi there three Guardians uh across the river right next to all my chest and stuff where all those people are yeah that’s that’s where the revive the homie statue is oh I can see it ow I’m

Drowning yeah you have to it’s day six and you’re still on yeah I I know I’m going to die bro but I I just kept dying so I can’t I can’t do anything man I’ve been trying to get a sword for so long and then Ender Destroyer sto the chest

So I don’t have any gold to get anything you know what going to drop this stuff here and walk around I I’m going back to where I was before I mean there are so many chests here I can’t open any of them I don’t have any

Goals BR I do I’m just not over here tree has just been dead for ages yeah there’s another one right there there’s two right there I’m walking towards it I’m gonna do this killer afterwards okay I S I was like bro I mean I could have done it before yay our sa my

Say all of my loot is gone is it did it despawn everything of mine despawned yeah no I have 200 base health no no no no no no no thank you no thank you time to restart if you have stamina you won’t take any water damage

I have no stamina and let take all the the water damage this rock guy just Dam not open but I don’t have anything anymore cuz it all despawned but unfortunate very unfortunate I swear I can’t get a break I can’t catch a break what does stronger bones

Do I finally got a break but I have nothing to you where’s the Rocks you good with those guys uh no there we go finally found one bro what you I can’t catch a break yeah I can’t catch a break bro oh my gosh I just got

Sniped wait you’re dead again yes I’m telling you I literally can’t catch a break I spawn and I can’t get away from anything I just die yeah I’ll respa you in a second I’m just going to kill all these guys first and then cop C on the

Ground sure I’m excited to die again during the nighttime welcome back hello I’m going to go back over I get a sword Hill let’s go not that I don’t have anything anymore no oh there’s my pickaxe where’s my all my iron crap no no no no no wait you’re actually like

Taking his health out what yeah I have a lot of damage no wonder you’re not dying bro I can’t do anything I ow I’m actually going to die though to this guy cuz he has more Health than I do uh yeah and he does like special attacks and

Stuff I mean I can regen him pretty easily but takes a second for me to like run away and then heal if I kill this man I bro would get like the best gear ever no I died um I got one shot wait how much

Is a Revival these no no no no no he he just like he just he just ran after me go find a Revival stat I I’m trying to but he’s run to your right we right there that’s that’s where I’m trying to go man I don’t have any stamina where’s where are you

Yes I think he’s coming back over to me no he’s attacking our furnaces dare that’s where I actually have iron kill good news he’s dead yeah ancient core what do I do with that uh you I think you used it on the ship yeah so like that was actually an

Important boss then or yeah huh kind of a joke no where’s all my iron oh I finally have iron actually there’s did I hand you a ton of iron yeah but I died with it did you get it back uh I got a bunch

Out of my furnace I’ll be fine um I do not have any wood or rocks though um so uh where the rock I haven’t had any of that for quite a while I have two literally all I have is wood and rocks it’s kind of

Funny well I had a buch a minute but I couldn’t do anything honestly if there was a thing that just gave you like more food that’d be great literally okay but now there’s not normal trees you need to having a r go of this

I know like when I play by myself bro I can Ace this game but I’m not having it today I’m going to say it’s probably my fault because I I’ve on everything terms of pilling if there’s a pillar I have K oh that’s a grank that’s two GRS

Run I need more wood let’s see what I can do it to a grank now probably nothing I still don’t have a good sword why do I hear a noise cuz there’s three gronks what is that I’m just casually there’s like there’s like spinning ice thingies that’s gr oh they’re reaching me

Yes also good luck cuz they Spawn from a pillar and there are three of them and uh I didn’t expect that so we screwed yes oh no they’re coming towards me oh no no oh no no no no no no no this is

Not good you a man I gave you still uh I do not know what I have bro you may want to revive me oh is there a revive statue I’m going for the revive statue oh there’s I was one shot I was literally one shot well I can revive one of you

Perfect oh he’s coming for me yeah no it’s this is oh they’re buff they’re not even normal gronks they’re buff GRS they’re buff GRS bro no way no way what are the chances that just spawns from a pillar how did they make all they weren’t near me fast they’re so

Fast they weren’t near me I think it’s over reality check it’s 10:51 yeah it’s almost I am I’ll get off in like eight minutes man they weren’t even near me they those things they hit me once and I was just dead and I’d finally gotten a

Sword I mean it takes me longer bro grab the rainbow mushrooms the rainbow mushrooms they give you everything yeah I know stamina hunger and no you just rocked across them I should have been eating those yeah they give you everything I didn’t believe them because they looked Sus well this is horrifying there’s three of them how are you still alive he’s dodging he’s dodging and weaving but I wasn’t even near oh and we have flying things what the heck is that oh great AR start of it nope I mean I’m nearly dodging

Everything but you can only Dodge for so long dance potato boy dance one hit I love how you can they have a Act ual health bar oh yeah they’re actual bosses yeah that’s s yeah that was one shot wait um oh y defeat kills 27 death six revives four Damage Done day seven

Power ups seven I had seven power ups and six chests what’s your Damage Done Damage Done 2,900 bro you had 43 power ups zero powerups and 23,000 yes your was 23,000 I’m G have to play that on my own all right stream well I think this is

Where we end it it’s getting late so uh see you guys on the other side we should we should do that again sometime that was kind of yeah I’m going to send them off with the funny weight

This video, titled ‘Barely Surviving the WILDS of Minecraft’, was uploaded by CorruptShade on 2024-02-13 17:38:08. It has garnered 58 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:09 or 13629 seconds.

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  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

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  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

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  • Glorp Junior High School

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  • LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDarius

    LIVE Minecraft Party with NekoDariusVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Party 2! LIVE’, was uploaded by NekoDarius on 2024-02-17 17:14:27. It has garnered 66 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:39:38 or 13178 seconds. Read More


    AnshStrive - ESCAPE THE BUTTON IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT , BUT I HAVE TO FIND THE BUTTON TO ESCAPE’, was uploaded by AnshStrive on 2024-05-18 04:46:54. It has garnered 999 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:28 or 448 seconds. I have to find the button to escape this trap for which I have taken some hints and find the button if if you enjoy my video and find my video interesting subscribe to my channel Read More


    DEATH TRAP IN MINECRAFT?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Worst Minecraft Saw Trap Ever?’, was uploaded by Harsh_ on 2024-07-04 01:06:46. It has garnered 3 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore, build, and survive in a blocky, procedurally generated world. Here are some key features: Creativity: Players can construct structures, mine resources, and craft tools, weapons, and armor. Survival: The game includes day-night cycles, hostile creatures, and hunger mechanics, challenging players to gather resources and protect themselves. Adventure: Minecraft offers various biomes, dungeons, and hidden… Read More

  • Unlocking Cosmic Power – Is he creating an animal jail? #Minecraft

    Unlocking Cosmic Power - Is he creating an animal jail? #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help #Minecraft’, was uploaded by CosmosMC – Power on 2024-01-11 00:09:43. It has garnered 3941 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Hes building an animal prison or something? Lets help Read More