Basement Escape Madness: Minecraft with Vezalius Bandage

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How are you guys doing hello everyone we are back for the Minecraft stream the Minecraft stream of Tuesday woohoo woohoo I had to do it twice yay Minecraft we are back Minecraft Tuesday I mean not saying I’m going to do it every Tuesday but you know it’s back this week

Yay so we’re going to play Minecraft today we’re going to play Minecraft and we’re going to go back to the basement do you guys remember how far do you guys remember of the Minecraft Arc you remember the quest you remember the the secret basement do you remember the secret basement of the secret

Basement you eating I was eating uh I was snacking on on chips just before pressing the the starting button the bur C now guys you guys don’t remember about this you guys don’t know about the burning C it never happened I to go some

Gosh it it left so much uh so much an impression it left a very big impression on you guys huh I mean yeah basically okay I see seems like you guys are up to date good good good that’s perfect so yeah today we’re going to be back and uh what we’re

Going to be doing I was thinking I may be continuing uh extending the basement extending the you know experiments subject laboratory but I don’t know maybe we’ll find something else to do and I’ll be distracted about it I’ll be distracted and uh do it instead we will see we will see all

Right guys oh well by the way today for the bus oh thank you thank you for the 50 gift as well thank you so much thank you so much thank you for the 50 at uh yeah today I was like oh actually it is today I was like I don’t want to choose

A bgm I don’t want to choose a bgm so we have a special set list of bgm that just going to play um through the stream H I didn’t want to choose one a little little actually sloping sounds earlier cuz I I press the wrong button but yeah

A little beautiful setup of a set list of BM all right shall we go to the game let’s go yay I think there a lot of VM you guys haven’t heard yet in all the BM I have so I mean it’s it’s only the bride BM

Happy B so yeah maybe you have I’m using those a lot but you’re going to recognize some and you’re going to not you’re going to discover some yay okay here we are here we are who we are back over there Kong all right let’s

Go now tell me if the BM is fine by the way if it’s not too loud if it’s all right for your best Comfort all right let’s go okay I was need here to take the skreens shot welcome to vus bandage secret laboratory T we got the fish we got the

SE I got we got two p with diamond maybe uh we need to we need to find we need to continue our experimentation to to clone py to clone py she look look look can you can you hear it can you hear it guys it’s saying it the dragon of el is saying

It and my beautiful aquarium look at that pretty pretty good looking isn’t it like they have the whole aquarium is they decided to hang out in the corner I I don’t know why all right let’s go up Bo I feel like now my basement is not is no sec to anyone what the

[ __ ] you K Wilson is my mic on yide wait my mic is activating or the [ __ ] you C Wilson uh ah this working y wion you will remember wait he have a trident what the hell he have a trident and the Trident that kind of come back to you holy oh my

Gosh what wison was doing this whole time okay I need to sort out my inventory oh hello Wilson hello Z what’s up hey guys you have a trident I do also why is is am I low I’m going to fix it okay should beo look what I have in my hand Wilson oh

Uh that’s that’s U those are that’s a that’s a token of memory holy [ __ ] uh I I remember that I think he’s the same one at that time withon you know what you should do you should make like a painting oh oh you’re going to me

Oh you know you’re the one that’s going to have to rebuild if you [ __ ] up it was a prank it was a prank it’s all right you know what you should do you should make like a what’s it called you should make a a painting or whatever and put a

Put a name plate on this and then like have it name something and then oh you’re right somewhere how do you do that again wait I need to hide why you need to hide what uh to make the thing the thing uh the the frame Oh you mean you mean leather right

Yeah I mean I mean you’re right it is it’s Al I I think I’m too I’m too much into musle Hunter like yeah call me a hide okay Lether leather okay I need the leather Hunter it’s really fun it’s really fun I I am addicted to this one how do you do it wait I need a crafting table one I’m just going to

We’re just going to start stream randomly and just speak French just randomly no announcement just do a whole Minecraft stream in French not anything no like hey guys we’re going to no no no literally just out of nowhere just do that why in fres I why not that would be interesting we haven’t

Done yet is that in French the two of us that’s true and wait um in your schedule yeah something French that’s it there is one okay okay I was worried that it might have been like for another time we should do one at some point yeah we should do for real

Though H we should actually invite everyone that speaks French oh do the the other one the other version of the the Nina Nina yeah French talk French zatu yeah exactly exactly we should do that we should invite everyone but uh do you think we should you know what we could

Do we could invite someone to learn French as well maybe definitely sounds like a good idea you could do that we could do that we have talk about doing something like that before actually we talk about it for like months we you know is this thing we have so

Much we have so much project to do and you can foret you know yeah we do we do there’s so many things we have to do but we could do it yeah we could do it maybe next week next week sure sure we’re we good next week let’s let’s ask people

Person well let’s look let’s look into our schedule and and think about it yeah yeah for sure what’s you be up to you got you got the painting yeah need toen name the thing I’ve I’ve been trying to get a brown panda oh you’re on your Panda

Arc yeah I am I went from Blue Axel to brown panda it’s it’s it’s actually so [ __ ] painful to get a brown panda breeding pandas is actually way worse than breeding axels much more annoying yeah it is how should I name it the karma Flint the karma the karma

Flint I don’t know uh yeah call it karma Flint yeah Karma Flint or or or the the quo the bird cuaso [Laughter] incident um burn ah it’s going to Uh the the Slayer the Theo burner the the COO [Laughter] oven I me burn the quest burn crispy crispy questel uh they’re saying the quo of 87 87 oh don’t oh you don’t know the you don’t know F Flo uh oh no never [Laughter] mind toaster qu burner toaster toter toaster

Okay toaster let’s go that’s good good is that the cosso of 87 87 all right where should I where should we f it I I get I want to put it at the basement so it doesn’t burn down eventually you know have you ever have

You ever do you know the tals of The Three Little Piggies and the big bat wolf yeah don’t make your house out of straw don’t make your house out of wood yeah oh but wait I can just put it I can just put it here oh

Yeah the cuaso toaster there it is is here it is there it is I’ve put it new row they change the way flint and steel looks did it looking like I don’t know I don’t know but well I think it’s fit perfectly here here I’m kind of trying to gather you know

Things of everyone like this G is kind of me this is kind of Venta with the obsidia and the chicken Island this one is yours I’m I’m putting it in yours yeah yeah it would be me with the quo toaster for sure yeah yeah the 95d

95 damage that’s awesome yeah oh have I did I shown you this already how to open the secret the secret uh basement oh yeah I remember remember that one time we chased kunai and then like I got stuck in the trap door oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I I can’t believe she escaped

Though I cuz you know these adventurers they’re they’re sneaky yeah like you’re not you’re not supposed to to to be able to escape like without knowing how to do like you know really yeah yeah cuz you know what happened is this right what happened is this so so you you know

You get to trapped forever in in the basement but she managed to escape like instinctly I I’m I don’t know it’s just crazy yeah is there a way is there a way I’m going at no so well I was Clos thing to Z ASMR I will ever get

What because you’re like in my left ear my right ear oh okay wait is it that b bin B how do you call this Bal for you too when I’m talking and I’m like going around you like this do you hear my voice it is it is actually pleas say yeah yeah

Exactly gosh wison wison as more gosh all right all right what was you what was you up to wison uh I’ve Been I’ve been wait how this oh there you go I’ve been uh just just looking around I’ve used the sanctum it’s it’s almost done it’s like we only need to is that well we Uki only needs to uh Mob proof the roof the same time it’s uh

What pomu like was building for the longest time oh kind of finished it can you can you lead me where is that yeah of course come with me I’ll lead you let’s go you deserve to see it too it’s awesome as far as I’m aware we only need

To like like mob proof the the top so like mobs don’t spawn on top oh okay okay okay you ready I’m ready I’m ready let’s go let’s go oh which way is it or it’s the this way no it’s not wait no it is no it’s not it’s not

What it was an error to ask wion for direction true never ask me for directions I’m not I’m not the dire guy it’s definitely this way though all right let’s go oh okay there you are what Halloween Town Halloween Town what what have you ever been to Halloween

Town uh I went to the attraction Park but I don’t know if it’s at the Halloween Town okay oh you’ve never been on this side okay you got to see this then I have a lot to show you what he’s too far away it’s over here

Oh is there something on the on the sky oh I don’t think I ever been here wait I think oh here you go oh oh my God I was like wait where did he go I don’t think I ever been here wait is that is that new or no uh this is like

Pretty old so this is Halloween Town uh from what I understand people came here to to make like Halloween theme stuff for Halloween I think it was like 2021 or 2022 I’m not sure but they made this so nied oh the tree why what is burning also guys how do I change uh

Hold on is it it’s burning for some reason oh it’s fine oh it looks so good though wait it’s an actual zombie it’s moving it’s a giant zombie yeah uh yeah don’t kill it oh yeah but yeah it’s a giant zombie yeah I’m not sure how they did it um that

Maybe they use powers but yeah I thinkone contributed that’s like Luca’s uh haunted hospital or something he never finished he might finish one day all right all right I don’t know if build the other stuff but I will assume it’s like mostly ukie a it look crazy the the tree looks so

Good yeah this Treet in the middle looks awesome looks really really cool um I built something here oh what you got Halloween last year I built this what do you think that is he this over there this right here yeah right here what is that um a Bell a bell no not a bell looks like a bell to you why not could it could be what kind of bell is red and white I mean the the shape the shave could be a what look like now uh um I don’t know B rapping you know I don’t know you know

What I’ll take it it’s it’s a circus oh yeah yeah yeah you know the next yeah the next thing I was about to say is a circus oh yeah I see it I see it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I see okay that freak circus H wait you need to

Pay uh uh first time is free oh let’s go so this is like you know like a freak Show like you know have like a freak circus with like weird things oh wow damn why did I did I send this to somewhere uh maybe oh I see see that’s cool whole very

Ah oh Robert Robert bacon oh that’s bacon yeah Robert and bacon and Benjamin I have Kyle my two llamas for the the circus uh you can’t see his name but that’s um that’s Pedro Pedro wow yeah I like I like Pedro he’s kind of mean though he

Kind of steals stuff and puts it aside but oh well no well yeah have a little fox too that’s you can’t sit down H you can sit down like if I pressing right click oh is it shift or right click wait it doesn’t work oh there you go yeah see so

This is like you want to see like the bum the bum roll where like like you you pay like really really cheap like a bum like a like a ah like this is like the cheapest seek you can get right here the [ __ ] wait you can actually sit yeah you can sit

Here this is my view Ian not too bad on this 500 bucks it’s kind of you know it can look closely to to Kyle and Ben Benjamin yeah you’re right you already know this seat would cost like 500 bucks wa 500 right here yeah this is

Like like if you’re going to go watch like a concert these SE this seat right here would cost like 500 bucks really I thought it was the prob didn’t you say it was the bum seat yeah it’s the bum seat but it’s the cheapest one but it would still cost a

Lot oh oh I see I to a concert you go watch like the Super Bowl or something or or whatever this would be your seat this would be like $1,000 500 bucks just sit here like this hey but kind of it kind of looks very special it’s the only one like this

Yeah it is can be next to a cute top one obviously and this is most expensive right here gosh look this is perfect perfect seat right you see everything from here everything oh yeah look good it’s pretty nice pretty nice wait this one is it normal like when you sit on it and

You go down you you kind of bump your head on the on the ouch yeah you do okay yeah you I see you bump your head it’s it’s really bad the cheapest seats well I mean okay I guess um the where is it the bottom roll oh yeah the corners

There it is the corner SE two Block it’s two dirt blocks yeah oh honestly why not why not it’s kind of worth it it’s worth it I mean maybe not those one cuz you know you don’t see much yeah these are the corner yeah yeah yeah well well I mean

Well why not why not true yeah that’s what I built oh there a stage I thought people would build more yeah there’s a stage I thought people would build more uh last year for Halloween but I to build something I see I didn’t even know there was this uh this

Town yeah maybe next maybe I almost said next year maybe this year you could build something we could build something together let’s go oh wait I show you something very important very very important with me oh my God what kind of animal is that very important kind of animal is that

Um don’t worry about it are you sure yeah what the hell you bu more oh come here oh my gosh I bet I have oh wow Lindy holy Lindy holy who God oh my God alin’s a lucky guy lucky guy Al that’s crazy here I GRE her this is how you

Greet her I never saw someone that Vol volumptuous as that that’s crazy don’t be rude make sure to greet her like this what do you mean greet her oh all right right yeah yeah my bad my bad I I need on the one side you know

I need to read both side there you go go to Al don’t tell him oh yeah yeah yeah yeah secret secret what’s this I actually don’t know what this is uh oh I think he’s making a parkour thing I think oh parkour let’s go or like or

Like a race thing I’m not sure he making something oh I’ve saw this video Minecraft short video like people doing you know boat on ice and doing some crazy stuff yeah I want to make a boat uh an ice boat race thing that’s something I want to

Do I really want to that’s like one of the next things I’m going to build but I need to finish my I need to finish my oxel Le uh I need to get a brown panda go so buzy how how do you grow a panda wa way um you have a

Bamboo you got to go get it in the jungle and then you bring it back but there’s multiple types of pandas there’s like six pandas there six different types of pandas and they have like there’s like a yeah there’s like a genetic system oh my gosh if you breed certain

Panas together you might get this you might get that yeah it’s I have to study that I see because I want to get the brown Pand so I have to study that wow defend that breeder yeah it sucks I mean it’s cool but it’s a lot of work I see that’s that’s something

Alin’s working on it’s pretty cool gosh I just mostly wanted to show you his GF not going to lie yeah me was very nice to to meet her what is her name again L Lindy Lindy is it what you say like Lindy have a big Gat oh you see that again Lady

Lady Lind have a big gach she has a Big Y yeah that’s right and this is what you do to Say Goodbye Oh okay okay there you go now we’re on our way we can just dive down I’m learning I’m learning about the about English guys I learn this in little

Company with the the British people oh yeah that’s that’s where we went wrong have the British people tell you what to do this is a stage it’s pretty cool pretty awesome I think it’s like a horror kind of stage thing wow so bloody yeah it’s pretty it’s pretty

Awesome and then obviously there’s like the tree I got to make you do the maze wait what oh no I did it with kunai right come with me you want to see a good Legacy yeah from our dear Senpai come with me gosh I cannot rad anymore I don’t have

Food oh you want food thank you you’re welcome take all that let’s go there’s a a great legacy left by the Patriots L what the [ __ ] oh what hold on what oh I missed oh [ __ ] I missed wait where’s my Trident I miss again did it hit we we

Should we should bed uh we should sleep in the bed I’m going to do it no need want a bed no we we should bed boom they’re going to die now oh yeah only one bed is fine die oh wait man I’m so bad at the try come on no I’m better the

B come on oh well he just died whatever okay come with me oh the rainbow what wait where do you see a rainbow oh it’s uh my shadow back oh you’re shoter oh I take a sh again so this is a legacy from damn wa okay the legendary Soldier is little mine

Cart uh we don’t need it it’s fine we can just walk in all right you’re going to like this on my first Minecraft stream I got I mean I’m not going to say what it is yet but what does it say welcome to pomu Spooky maze they are throughout the area

Yeah good luck and have fun I got lost in here for 40 minutes on my first M stream 40 minutes 40 minutes yeah okay there full ARA to go through all right let’s do it I’m just going to follow you yeah let’s do it I’m just going to

Follow you I’m not going to do anything I’m just going to follow you okay I’m not going to tell you anything I know the answer I’m not going to tell you I’m just going to mindlessly follow you around until you figure it out I figure out some hints oh is

There you know what like what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I’ve never seen this do art z z okay there some there some screamer in this dungeon I don’t like that zom zom where th oh do you know Shakespeare uh to be not to be do you know the old Romeo and Juliet

Like the actual like where are Romeo you know about that I’m not sure wait what’s the French version I don’t think we have a French version of old French right no we do but like I’ll go back wait there over there yeah we are in it’s

Dark it is dark you have a torch yeah you know in your Shader it probably lights up right yeah it does okay okay nice I should get a Shader I have a b computer now oh you have you you made it now you have it now no I was thinking of

Getting one wait wait I mean have you built your new pc yeah I have it oh let’s go how is it how is it holding it’s a giga PC it’s a mon PC yeah last me a long time what’d you find a spawner don’t destroy that was that

Oh is this new wait is this supposed to be here ouch oh what the [ __ ] I thought you have done it before yeah but I don’t remember this it’s supposed to be like that oh okay don’t go in there it’s all actually attacked me oh there uh we can see under

Underground oh we can I think I remember this that’s kind of okay but we went through a already one area okay okay we got this what start oh did you get Lo Wilson oh I think I did there there we are there you go okay

Okay okay okay what what are we going to do we start starving what do we do I I didn’t bring any food that’s a shame I didn’t bring much oh no like wait you don’t have food anymore that’s why you cannot run no no I still have some not much though

Okay okay no my chicken oh a little bit like what if like we get lost in here forever we never get out what we we die do we do we eat each other’s yeah that was a b wall no would I resort to eating my friend no

Way I truly eat my friend why is you don’t need both your hands do you why is it different I mean I I I’ll use it you know I’ll use both of it if I have to you know oh I can go here oh I mean if we’re

Starving what is this know I don’t know what this is actually oh there’s a witch I don’t know if you can hear her no I can hear hear a witch I can hear a fanar a fin oh no it’s not a fanar that’s a that’s a bu what’s a what’s a uh

The the Drone zombie they’re finana yeah they’re finana does it sound like finana or does it just sound like a get Dr yeah it sound like finana really she’s like it’s like finana droning voice what she really oh D back Here should I get the texture pack I should what I don’t know I found a face wait what the [ __ ] there nothing wait oh oh oh come here come here get down nothing here oh come here this is the exit oh I found a place found it

Let’s go took me oh my God I took like 10 minutes for me took 40 minutes what the [ __ ] wait we’re out well yeah we did it you made it there was another way as well there was another way over there oh I see well we did it let’s

Go our Senpai left us a lot of things I see wait was under the the tree actually yeah it was under the tree that’s cool that’s cool there’s like a there’s a few houses and stuff it’s pretty sweet oh there’s the witches well can I call them

Hags oh that’s think they’re not happy about it not too bad what is this block behind though um basically uh if you die you can respawn with that I think oh he a another bed uh no uh wait they’re done they’re going to die oh you have milk

Wait what where do you have milk I I don’t remember I well you didn’t get one no I I didn’t get I didn’t get poisoned okay I’m really yeah I think I I the last time I logged in was to to welcome kunai so yeah oh I get it

Oh of course well kiny happy birthday happy birthday I wish Triple T would just get more on Minecraft I wish CL would get on haven’t welcome CL and and and Viv I know they they like CLA is like dude I just want to play listen man I I

Just want to play I just want to play Val all the time and’s like VI’s like I gotta Play 4 I mean you know what I’m really happy she is I can’t complain about B but CLA has no excuse he plays bow really oh man the actual good excuse she’s playing m

Gear but yeah this is it that’s cool what do you think about this RS Bud yeah that’s so true it’s a rose bud that’s very true in the texture pack like have a little Rose actually looks like a rose bud to you yeah it have kind

Of a rose on the on the top of the head a cute much cute okay now sorry that was just a little stop but now come with me all right can right here this is what my Axel shrine Shrine it’s not done yet yeah the blue Shrine this is for

Jerry it’s not done yet and I’m going to have like a bunch of Axel like under right here like regular ones is it is it the one like uh old the one you you breeded but you left them you know the big Bank well I’m not going to bring all

Over a thousand of them here but I’m going to bring like maybe 50 of them and there that’s cool that’s cool going to swim and have fun and I’m going to yeah Jerry’s going to reside here as like he Shrine you know like hey guys come look

At the legendary blue Axel my Axel always get stuck on the roof of the aquarium I don’t know why oh uh yeah I forgot what you have to do um I think it’s like you have to put water on top or something I whatever um

We can fix that I’m sure but we didn’t come here for this all right let me show you this you see that over there oh my God holy [ __ ] you see how insane that is what it’s so good it’s I insane what building oh my God should we fly around to

Watch yeah let’s get on top sure ah ah [ __ ] you should sleep oh well there’s like there’s Phantoms uh there’s a bed inside if you want okay go inside look at that you all right that’s awesome right ouch ouchie who holy [ __ ] look at that it’s like the

Notra kind of why is that where is the bed it’s at the bottom I see I see wait where did she put it what bed maybe in the room there’s a bed my my there’s a bed uh at my Shrine all right all right go there right here the blue

Bed oh right here actually there’s two beds wait why is there two beds why not wait I didn’t put that blue bed here put the blue bed down did it that’s not my bed oh wow oh she put it there why did she put the bet there oh he sp’s

Bed yeah I’m not you put it there D maybe she was like trying to get rid of it I don’t know maybe is a a present Wilson can have it is so of the Legacy oh okay okay let’s go actually okay let’s get on top let’s go on top all right on top

What we’re not going to land on top but pretty near oh oh you landed way higher you see we can land on top no ah you’re not going to make it I’m going to make it Maybe holy [ __ ] no no can you actually make that come on come on careful I can’t bring you back if you die well never mind oh that’s as Clos as we’re going to get isn’t it crazy how high up it goes yeah above the cloud no no wow it’s actually so hard it

Is I I only have seven rocket left you want more I have a bunch I farmed well I’m just going to waste waste them not be able to land on the top that’s cool oh oh my God I didn’t have my [ __ ] oh I didn’t I didn’t

Glide you want to go back inside yeah let’s go I can show you ouch what the hell wait what what the hell it’s all place I see the butons lift up yeah okay that makes sense okay let’s go let’s go back inside [Laughter] don’t look at that look at what nothing

Happened nothing happened nothing happened uh anyway let’s go let’s go let’s go Oh so pretty you like it yeah there’s something very very important yeah where’d you go ah yeah don’t die like me oh there you are so crazy there’s something I want to show You what our basement what B oh the head of metal yeah that’s snake yeah oh it’s a museum now bomb sh name s oh look at that what the hell she has so much Nite armor yeah that’s that’s her treasure it’s to keep it with her you know she

Can keep all of it oh my God that’s missing template so crazy damn that’s hey guys chat what is that are are the exles down there what or is it is this connected guys to like the other place you were talking about oh yeah there exoto over there oh there

Is yeah there a brown one oh I think I see it right there I think I think we watch different things but c yeah uh you know we have Nina’s grave this is pretty much P yes it say p it says P yeah what did she find all those heads

Though of met of sake um she has collections oh I see that’s it but yeah I see that’s cool that’s cool she lives here now she lives here I mean it makes sense respect right of all places oh yeah respect [Laughter] B well that’s a super grandio great

Oh sure I know right it’s like you know they built they built like pyramids for the Pharaohs this is like the equivalent holy [ __ ] except that she built it all by herself that’s so crazy I know it’s awesome though oh Farm cool cool should even have a beacon

Look how look how [ __ ] my blue my blue Shrine looks in comparison when you look at like you look at it from there and then you look back and like you’re like comparing them oh no damn this is this is [ __ ] well I mean from yeah from now on

You know you can turn it candos I remember when I wanted to build this I she was playing and she told me uh oh you should build it next to my sanctum and I was like really like yeah you should totally build it like where my where my sanctum

Is I was like why going to get more it she was like well the sanctum is like kind of by itself I I want more buildings around it and I was like okay so I built it there butet [ __ ] literally in front of it yeah it’s in front cuz I figured like

Might as well like use this yeah yeah like um cuz you know we Ed this way and I was like oh I should use it this way too I mean it works yeah yeah it’s okay you’re trying to look good too I’m trying the idea is like to use

Everything like blue everything has to be blue oh I see I see I see I see yeah it’s hard there’s like very few blue colored stuffff you know you can use some lais light you know in front of the P Temple oh oh that’s not that’s not for

Me to use that’s for ukie other Lite the the building materials left and the sanctum in the chests that’s for Uki to finish things there’s a few things he needs to finish oh I mean uh you know if he was looking for a Blue Block you can

Use it as the light is what I’m saying yeah oh yeah yeah vent thank you for the raid thank you very much vent hope you had a good stream yeah look everything here is blue oh everything bu of blue stuff a blue concrete as well see I’m trying to yeah I mean I’ll

Finish it I definitely want to yeah defitely definitely want to sounds good sounds good what is what is all this uh those cacti cacti um I need a green dyen color Cactus is the only that gives youen D I think I see I farm sounds

Good I was trying to make a a U-turn without taking damage anyway that’s cool that’s cool yeah so yeah that’s this side there’s nothing further that way nothing at all this is as far as it goes when you go in this direction I see I haven’t built anything

Except my house and I’m not even done do you have an objective in Minecraft I just wanted to continue my basement and uh I think at one point I was kind of talking about making um a kind of hospital I don’t know oh a hospital maybe I I don’t know hours the

Usual don’t worry I got your back inter International Friends School thank you I just need more coffee that’s all I’m going to run out the passion bark is as far as I went where you at I’m behind you nearest base which one oh the sword area

Oh I hate the fact that or I I said I should say I love the fact I love the fact that like we will never know the the specify which one next thing he was going to say where’s the sword again it’s um oh my God my my

Elyra is that yeah okay I got to go heal can you come with me let’s go like you might as well heal too let’s go oh gosh I want fresh let’s go you see a cool trick that watch this watch this if you line it up properly with a rocket you

Can make it watch it’s my last hocket head did you bump your head yeah yeah I thought so ah no wait where’d you go I’m here oh my God if you fall in the lava you’re done for I see I’m I’m here ah who’s attacking me are you on top oh

Here them kill kill come here this way he here yeah it’s over here oh yeah the guardian Farm yeah Guardian Farm yeah well it was my nice hook thank you for the 50 thank you oh oh thank you you have so much all right yeah I did I farmed off

Stream oh you have stuff in there too oh I mean in mine yeah in yours I mean of course here have give a gift this is have these two thank you yeah of course my pleasure okay let’s play on top let’s go let’s go let’s go to the place where our

Happiness won’t fade away I remember sting all those those chests oh my oh oh who who who is [ __ ] up the training again the training what’s the meaning of this such a loss for Revenge Fish who’s doing this no I’m going to understand ever what I need when I what I hit them wait out of storage what I do oh wow was so quick to heal everything all right let’s fix everything oh my God stor there go hey hey you have people to play

Mgs5 yeah I was try people stream last time all right about MGS I’m all fixed I need to continue oh happy to hear your voice on my birthday happy birthday another birthday today I am thank you happy birthday person Happy Birthday Happy Birthday everyone uh that’s not it birthday

Nice that’s it I did it I trade them we did it look shut right I did it it’s perfect now now no one going to [ __ ] it up why is there some cooked fish I’m going to take it uh I don’t I don’t know I’m not sure

Why there’s cooked fish I could not tell you this is the sword with fire aspect Happy Birthday y’all thank you for the gift I’m com as well namik kinami Nami kinami iron remember hey hey hey that is do you remember I just I just learned recently

How to actually say the name I was saying wrong the whole time how did you read it how you say it I was saying namik kamami Nami kinami yeah namik kinami I was saying Nami Kami did did you say Nami kinami right straight away no it it was kind of Cher first oh

Okay NGL NGL I got to heal a little bit right all right all right so I got to get my levels up let’s go level 40 maybe I should I could do an enchant thank you to Saint thank you much for thank you so so much milk and visibility

Potion I have a shield as well uh uh have you been playing 14 lately not really I been I’m been just too addicted to Monster Hunter Monster Hunter grind yeah mon Hunter gr for me that’s fine you f me fin Final Fantasy um I I don’t want to actually I

Think some people finished AR so I might just play more but gosh I was waiting for people to catch up and finish the AR which is like vanilla what is AR and get on the first suspension ARR is vanilla like no expansion oh oh I see I

See you know like to like get on the first DLC expansion is uh heav cuz I just created mys but I haven’t bowed buy the full game yet oh yeah to get down to that actually I’m pretty sure the first expansion is free really but you can play

It I mean you know when I tried just to just to see you know how how that work uh it kind of asked me that you know the thing I post in the channel I skipped story because I didn’t already play AR and I was

Not oh me I skip the story all the time I mean except when I’m very very invested but you know I don’t of like gamep playay no I skipped the entire thing I skipped all everyone everyone’s saying like hey the story is very great I no doubt about

It but you know you know I just I just want to play the game unironically unironically it gets better gets better oh I see yeah un ironically the first two expansion freeze are Saying I’ve uh for those who don’t know cuz I haven’t shown any anyone yet but uh I I created character I created the kind of dragon like character and uh as uh the class I don’t even know if I have a class yet but I’ve took the the one with um the

Axe I don’t know which one it is I don’t remember but it was the one with the axe uh yeah you’re like a I forgot the name of the class but I know what you’re talking about yeah yeah wer I guess w yeah you know usually in mm RPG I kind

Of like to to go for the tank the tank hole so I thought I could to take this one a marer yeah maybe it’s marer I think it’s not wire oh I think it’s called Marauder yeah yeah yeah yeah I canot like playing the only mmpg I really played

That was the blood and soul and uh maybe a bit of Guild Wars gild War the first one one and the two as well a bit but usually I kind of like to go for the tank cuz I don’t know it’s cool I know it’s vent as whole but you

Good how can I fix my boat drop down by the way the sound they made yeah when they drop down you want me to show you an example yeah listen to it sounds like when they drop down when I kill them hold on after I kill them get him get him Dam they’re

Surviving do you mean like can do I need to do this listen listen oh no get down from there listen oh yeah yeah yeah the fish the fish sound it it sounds like mac and cheese yeah it’s kind of funny what if what if we do

This what happened is it die it’s Ma and cheese no uh if if you if you let them uh get you up here they’re going to [ __ ] you up like that oh yeah yeah I S see this well be careful be careful no it’s really bad it’s really really bad okay well well

Well I think I’m done as in like I’m Healed perfect I’m Healed too okay that’s so much stuff can I throw everything PH wow you landed in just in that’s do moves okay do you have a way to go back if you aim good no I lost it forever just kidding what if you it always comes back what if you f the lava it comes back oh God yeah no matter

What have you ever play God of War yeah yeah it’s like God of War with the axe I throw it whatever it always comes back perfect that’s awesome okay I’m going to okay I’m going to use the rocket watch this ah it was so close oh a close D oh you made it

In no I was really close I had to punch the door with the button almost you need food right oh yeah let’s get some chicken I mean I got all the fish as well but never say no to food I guess F ski let’s go yeah let’s go oh my God that’s so

Fast mersh thank you oh my gosh there you Go perfect it’s still flying that’s it do you know how to order Fami how how do you how did you order Fami in Japan uh what do you what do you say guy uh uh I can’t speak Japanese uh I say [Laughter] uh that’s good that’s good that

Works really I mean that can work of course wait wait wait did you say that did you actually say that at the company no I don’t talk oh you don’t talk you just point I yes oh yes yes yes yes I I I point I’m like uh sometimes I’ll just

Say like the name of it I’ll be like and I’ll be like oh F I’ll be like one I’ll just do like one with my finger like oh I mean yeah yeah body language oh okay okay yeah body language you get it like I nod and I go is universal that’s that’s great

That’s good yeah you know I don’t want to say something wrong and embarrass myself it’s good it’s good stupid well I cannot eat here you go I done one for you oh oh thank you I’m a little bit hungry this is my boy dinner here you can have some too ah

Thank you I wish I was hungry wait me let me do some lap have you ever have you like went with friends somewhere like to a diner a cafe and you’re like not hungry at all you just want to hang out I mean usually you know I always

Always some space to to eat of B I’ve done that I’ve had friends be like hey who wants to go to the restaurant i’ be like I’ll go and it’s like I order one thing and that’s it and I get nothing else cuz I’m not hungry hang out that’s like the only reason

Well I don’t know I maybe you can go and take a drink my gosh why am I not hry ah I’m so sorry I didn’t me I meant to I you want to try it you want to try d don’t throw it at me I got a challeng let’s

Go yeah you got the achievement let throw away joke you see it was a joke it’s okay it’s Okay it’s just as like throwing it as far as possible and then slowly like seeing it come back ah can show my face oh no you lost it forever that’s it it actually quite quite nice to see it come back like this throw it and fly it’s chasing me I know it’s chasing

You right it’s awesome chasing why is it was it it really want there it it caught you it got you it’s like uh it’s like the one Harry Potter game uh quit or whatever but like it’s the opposite you got to run away from it oh yeah yeah watch this ah where is It it’s like he’s being chased by a missile where is it though I don’t see it anymore I don’t see anything God damn it it’s so fast I got it yeah it caught me it’s so fast it’s like you’re you’re chased by a missile yeah it is something way faster

That we could ever imagine that’s cool that’s cool um I need the F Cho oh yeah have you seen Sunny uh made his vssf more developed oh is he done uh I don’t think so but the outside is very developed now oh look at that gosh I remember like seeing him building

It from scratch and now yeah apparently he’s like this is like the third time he’s rebuilding it third time yeah third time re building USF it’s crazy how do you go up upstairs um is there even stairs here actually well I guess here oh there it is

Yeah I saw a what is this kind of rosi maybe it’s a texture pack but this was kind of animated texture P what do you see for you for me it’s a lady holding a thing it has a pig’s face on top oh it’s the

Same like with the the rose in the hand and uh demon I don’t see a rose in her hand oh never mind okay I this kind of animated cool cool cool it’s flicking what awesome oh feel good sorry I’m glad I’m glad the you was impressed oh feel good arm

Arm that’s cool you are you going to build something which one oh I don’t know I I was thinking maybe I could extend my basement and make some other experimentation on you know monsters that could be cool could be cool want me to help you oh yeah let’s go let’s do

It back to the Qu let’s go I still using your your house over there my enclo house yeah I live in my office I see going to make this a breeding Panda uh moment I I’m building a second story for more pandas cuz I have too many pandas wow okay okay I have to make like

An entire different story hey maybe maybe I can can you know bow some Panda so I can have them you know in a little little Zoo want some yeah I I will definitely give you some what that Feats like wait where’s the Axel you have any Exel in here they’re

Stuck all the time they’re stuck up there I don’t know if it’s because of the the bubbles it’s why are they stuck I’m trying to think about it I don’t know do you have like perhaps a trapo in there somewhere trapo uh I don’t think so

Yeah fix well usually all I know is that um usually why that happens is because there’s a block above that doesn’t have water but there’s no trapo so why is that happening oh maybe wait is it a block you know kind of a half step block

Maybe yeah yeah yeah that should be why oh let’s see yeah ah oh no wait crystals negate that that’s kind of cool yeah it does was the only place I should have should not have open oh yeah it’s the only place that’s like dripping oh my

God I think it was half a all over the floor this one is half yeah it’s half a block but oh I think it’s because it’s it’s a block which is why they’re doing that a I see how about they’re trying to go they’re trying to go like outside the

Water so I guess they think that there’s you know it’s like a way out wait it’s actually not they do it’s a full block over there yeah it’s a full block even where they are right now looking at or kissing at no oh no have to di in

It oh see it’s free them yeah but it’s it’s a full block though huh wait what the [ __ ] but they’re fine now what the hell I don’t know maybe I should remove some water at the top maybe that’s why like a one layer of water oh they’re so happy now we’re just

Chilling give me the blocks the what is not going out they’re not trying to escape they love it here guys it’s that or it’s the bucket uh it’s the it’s da lle pit which one is that no but here this or theit I forgot about this guy this is f

Apparently texture maybe I should get the texture pack yeah I need some water oh I break this Though boom making some water I’m trying to fix the water issue I don’t know if it’s going to fix it it might here’s a what Sho so cute they’re just Chown out yeah you can see that you cannot see their name but I think their name are like uh never mind iust you

Or I mean the one called and one called CH oh oh man I haven’t had an in like forever kind of yeah just going to check the water if it’s good everywhere Maybe could be the reason why and Claire are just bzzy donuts yeah it is it is it’s a Gizzy

Donut can you hear me yeah I can hear you I can only agree with that they’re like like what you mean glaze no no lizy it’s azy donut it’s like a hot dog donut it’s just it’s just e claes are just donuts in the shape of a Gizzy all

Right thank you thank much for the gift thank you thank you much right no one Here wild so yeah you cannot see it with your texture pack I think but here it’s fin here is the bonus fairy and here is the the dragon of AIA oh aome yeah you know what I’m talking about when I say right hopefully it’s fixed it should be fixed are

They uh z h where’s the other one what wait where’s the other one he’s he’s hiding he’s hiding oh oh he’s over there he’s he’s just hiding cute in his natural habitat the camouflage so smart hiding he’s so stable is she stuck in the Cucumber now the sea cucumber

Well H if I I don’t know if you if I can have to Benda maybe I should I could put it here making like a little Zoo a zoo Place o you would put them there maybe yeah lot of pasas you want to try to

Like get the panda all the way here oh my God but I don’t know if they they’re not going to they no way they going to fit here right they’re not they’re they’re like they’re like two or three blocks like wide oh my gosh oh if I get

A baby if I get a if I get babies it’s going to work oh right you want me to get babies yeah yeah we can get babies they’re going to work yeah maybe after you know after this is this is done no that is not Solid Snake

No you want to help me dig this let’s make the penda panda cage the penda zoo habitat oh you want me to help you okay let’s do it be faster at two oh gosh is it the outside already no matter boom boom boom boom together are you the ne portal

Because every time I look into your eyes I’m in a whole new world should we oh no no no we are not doing it through the nether help oh no I’m done transporting animals to the nether I’m never doing that again oh gosh pretty nice D pretty nice the worst

Sh that is I like it I am I’m impressed doing that I am impressed did I would not recommend it all right how deep uh how deep was this one one 2 three one one two three okay seven seven one two three one two okay one last blocker here and we should

Be good we have cat and Panda yeah I lost a panda but hey I’m going to be honest the cat was a way more was a way bigger casualty is there is there a kind of have like 3,000 billion p a super rare breed of cat as well you can you can

Try there’s a rare breed of cat I’m asking I’m asking chat is there weird is there like a rare breed of cat in Minecraft why not maybe there one for each animal can I get a rag doll oh R would be so cute so cute I love okay I maybe just put

The the ground and the walls the black rare the black cat is rare I’m asking TR there is a r oh let’s go I got to get a cute Rego cat a jelly you find your s AR l i e like your third third Arc will be the cat now oh Some

Coal wait is that a one boom boom boom boom boom okay it’s that’s the name of a kitty the edit in the game oh it’s now like a skin now now you can have the cat in the game it’s go oh it’s a cute kitty during mine con

2018 they announced that the community could vote for a ninth Cat Skin jelly won the contest and was added to Minecraft in the village and Village update that’s cool oh man I got to get it it’s cute kitty too is it hotter bread no it’s it’s random oh it’s just random

I see so cute that no genetic stuff yeah no there’s no genetics for cats only pandas pandas are Dam you Uki already had some brown pend I’ll I think you know what I think it is I think there’s a block above that’s like maybe air h above like right there right exactly

There where they’re going where uh where eair is going maybe that’s it cuz uh I don’t think so really going there no nothing why would it do that BL it’s so Confusing oh is shile fixed no he’s still there your [ __ ] in there he just chill I didn’t know he was chill like that yeah I still like that all right did you learn a lot of did you learn a lot of like vocabulary stuff ever since you joined Ian me definitely like

G hey I don’t know like uh even even before like when we was Prett buing you know uh when hanging out around Venta like he was saying we ball we viive we stuff like this I mean we I know it but we ball we I I just I was

Like what is that what does that mean what we we ball what does that mean I was confused what game are we playing why why are we Bing and uh yeah I didn’t know what what that mean but now I do I mean I learned a lot of STM what the

Hell uh yeah ventic isms are like that uh did you learn POG a Pog I already know it you knew it okay I I mean I didn’t learn add edge at the end of words for example B oh yeah yeah I learned this I learned that there was

Something about Omega verse I still don’t really know what that mean I learn uh what what else you any there we still have a lot to learn in this Omega ver yeah an anime yeah they’re making an Omega mer anime uh like for real that’s I mean

Cool I wish I knew what it was um what’s it called t oh you done that no no no no that’s like the the anime all right the name of the anime yeah yeah it’s about uh these two guys that love each other and they had a child together

What you mean like they adopt a child no they did what ween Z what’s the main trait about the Omega verse the main thing about omegaverse yes I don’t know I know what is omegaverse the main trait the main trait is that there’s omegas right there’s Alphas betas and

Omegas right yeah I guess so about it yeah the omegas have wounds Z oh oh me gu is bad huh he can get pregnant oh so it’s a way to say what alpha male Omega female sure but the guys if you’re if you’re a guy and you’re an Omega you can get

Pregnant you can have a Child is you’re a guy in your Omega how how how so Omega verse is like the the reverse of Omega so it’s Alpha no so okay okay let me explain in better terms so when you spawn in the world right yeah when you spawn at

First you you have the you can be three things you can be an alpha you can be a beta or you can be an Omega you spawn with it right what is what is beta think beta is like you’re it’s like neutral neutal yeah well you can’t you can’t get

Pregnant but it’s like it’s like you’re not you’re not yeah it’s hard to explain but it’s just normal people is just normal people it’s normal okay yeah okay okay so from what I understand this is all based on the lra telling me this right so there’s it’s like it’s like 70% of

The world is just beta or something I’m not sure like a large large large majority of people are just betas Neal Alphas yeah Neal like normal and then there’s alphas and that’s like a small percentage too um Alphas they like the pheromones of the omegas or some [ __ ]

Like that they get attracted to the omegas from what I understand and then and then like cuz the omegas give out pheromones and attracts the Alphas or some [ __ ] yeah and and then they yeah you know I’m not yeah yeah are we are we talking about the animal

Word yes but it applies to humans in this it appes to human too H okay so Alpha look for Omega ferons yeah omega’s like Alpha’s 2 I think whatever and then and then uh you know they get to business like a guy and a guy right specifically it’s always a guy and a

Guy okay I think the lore Al explained that the lore is like there’s low birth rates so like uh something something guys developed a way to get pregnant um something something like that and and it’s like to help population or something like that um that’s all I I don’t even [ __ ] know

If that’s correct um and then there’s male pregnancy and that’s what the enem is about by the way I see they it’s two guys and they had a child together they have to take care of it okay so it’s about guys uh between guys in Animal Kingdom

I I guess I don’t know uh they live like in a normal world it’s just that guys can get pregnant I guess okay it’s uh what is that is that uh is that the parallel word the or yeah I guess oh I see I see it’s like

A Sci-Fi thing it applies to females too really ready I mean do people do people do people read Omega ver stuff for the girls I thought it was just like just yahi I for female it would be yes what is it y yes it’s hot what what oh I thought Omega verse

Was just yoi stuff I I’m going to be real with you with s i you spread me everything and stuff I am still very very confused with s I don’t worry I am too uh I I wish aero’s here just show tell you exactly how it is okay I’m just going to accept

It so uh Alpha look for the fomen of the Omega and beta are just nor normal people and noral people Omega verse what is that that’s it that’s the universe oh it’s the name of this spal universe where uh yeah yeah okay where that’s the thing yeah that’s why it’s called the

Omega H I see so human in this Omega verse is basically the same as nails they can uh they can have either either sex yeah okay and reproduce and reproduce I see that’s that’s it and how they made an anime out of it wait is an anime yeah called oh oh was saying

Talking about yeah oh my God it’s an actual thing Yeah oh he’s still confused I’m confused too oh yeah there two is the guy yeah it’s two it’s two dads I see well I mean Two Dads I love saying that Two Dads don’t know Two Dads great like it’s an anime like means they going to do an

Anime yeah yeah the the trailer got released not to long ago all right you know what I mean I still don’t know this very well but I think if I watch this anime maybe I will so maybe we should do a watchong together how about get

A we got we can’t watch it without a yeah you’re right you know what maybe I I think she she she going to do a watch long like without without us saying anything and we we can join that maybe and you know learn about the word Oma

First yeah we should get we should get Alin as well and K oh actually we talked about the Omega verse yesterday oh is Al and K know much about the Oma verse there’s students there’s students too like me gosh I see I see I didn’t get the the luck to have that the

I Liston given um yeah you would need a to teach you all right knows everything she’s like the expert on that kind of stuff I know I yeah I I have all right well uh looking forward to the the listen yeah for sure white K we talked about it

Yesterday cla’s birthday we talked about I can’t believe I heard K try to explain what the Omega verse was I can’t believe like I miss uh no uh cl’s birthday he didn’t even he said nothing about it he in the server he said that he was just like yep anyway I’m going to

Stream now nothing he say hey guys uh come on in join join the stream no one he didn’t say [ __ ] I think when I woke up I saw K Kota thinging like saying hey he’s doing something yeah K thinging did she was like Hey guys by the way it’s doing a

TSU like I was like what like a sec tosu yeah I had no idea they were like yeah was like he’s doing a birthday toast I was like what he didn’t say anything you said nothing you got to make announcements too bad too bad you got it

Though you was a to to make it yeah I we talked for like two or two or three hours oh I see I see I see up until like pretty late that’s why I S for 4 hours ah I see all right oh she did it yeah he’s not hiding anymore and NCA

Is just stuck againa is I think aair bumped his head a little too hard on a corner I’m thinking maybe I should just remove one layer of water top why are you doing that little guy why are you spinning like that it’s really cute though I miss I miss

Jerry uh what happened to Jerry he’s back in the the CW he’s still there and him I was thinking about like moving him when the temple is done oh I see it’s not done yet though mhm I see well here are you going to put grass down for

The like are you going to make it actual grass yeah actual grass like green how are you going to do that go I just need to you know get one green one and put it put it down oh yeah you’re right you can do that yeah yeah yeah maybe I can just you

Know get all all the thing green maybe I Can what you singing like I heard it somewhere yeah me too right sounds familiar right now right now who knows I don’t know it would be awesome who knows that would be great that would be cool I’m going to get some grass some cusa okay I’ll be right oh yeah w yeah I’m

Laughing give me that all right I think like the the world phenomenon of like having different ways of typing LOL is very funny to me which which country is like J G uh g a Spanish Spanish M I’m pretty sure J is Spanish or is it is it

Portuguese I say it’s Spanish too oh it is it is Spanish oh oh Portuguese is the the K right the K one H yeah I thought so yeah the French one is silly isn’t it French one MD m MBR is the French LOL it’s like dead of nothing uh it

Means which means like I’m dying of laughter I mean I I don’t I think it makes sense though it does but it’s definitely not the cutest one no not not NTR what MDR oh my gosh like like mother all right those are silly how should I make It sounds like murder um not this block I need to get rid of it I’m using that now going to understand unless you’re talking m m so funny yeah I’m a little maybe I should make another cup of coffee one second cup of coffee should I do

It go for those oure french vanilla stuff I do have friend vanilla creamer oh my god oh no I I had the most cursed [ __ ] fyp on Twitter yesterday fyp I don’t know fyp for you page okay like my feed I don’t ask me how I don’t [ __ ]

Know but I had a video on my fyp of someone uh like retweeting or not retweeting they were like the C was like what the [ __ ] is this and it was a video of a guy on Tik Tok like a pretty buff handsome man like like you know I I can recognize

When a man is a handsome he’s very handsome and he’s like super buff yeah he has like an apron on and nothing else just an apron on and it says how I make my frch latte at home and he he he grabs coffee and he puts my

Creamer I put every day in he grabs French vanilla creamer he puts it in and then instead of whisking it what instead of whisking it with the spoon what he fits he he puts it under his apron and then we can’t see what’s going on but when he gets it out

Like no that’s [Laughter] ter wait send it to me send it to me what you want to see it I don’t have it I saw it on Twitter you want to see that I mean you talking about it I want to know what you’re talking

About it’s on I don’t have it it was on Twitter I didn’t I see I see I’m definitely not I I’m definitely not liking that so I have it uh wow I was like what the I was like what the [ __ ] is my feed that’s crazy

Gosh I it I don’t know I guess it was targeted in in the the coffee vanilla coffee stuff and I know I kind of derated somewhere else I guess I mean I don’t know I that was like the first time I ever got something like that on my for you Page

By the way that was not like an ALT account or something that was like my R account my live or Twitter account you need to you need to refrain doing that on your main account listen I will expose myself I have an ALT account on

Twitter we will have that I only like I I have an ALT account on Twitter only made to just like chat pictures this is the heing Twitter you will never find it ever you guys will never find it it’s just an ALT account where I just like C pictures that’s

Good I I would love to see your Fe like it’s it’s look like peaceful and you know actually you know what hold on I’m going to link you a cat picture I liked oh let’s go I’m I’m going to send you I’m going to go on my on my alt right

Now this Kitty is so cute I’ll send it to you I’ll just link it in the end all right right let’s see let’s see I won’t I won’t say don’t say the name of the cat cuz that’s going to probably say with my no I don’t be able to find my my ALT

Account okay let’s see look how cute uh where are you at where you at my DMs how there you look how cute this cat is it’s kind of making a s face but it’s still so cute so cute it’s so fluff it’s cute right I know it’s so

Fluffy very cute I love I I like this cat almost every day like this owner posts pictures of this cat every single day I like every single one it’s super damn super fluff yeah super fluffy and his head looks so tiny it’s a

Girl oh I see I see I mean I know I know her head looks tiny but it’s because of all the fluff yeah yeah yeah I guess so super super cute see that’s cute that’s cute M actually I’m going to go grab coffee really quick I’m going to another cup

I’ll stay right here all right right uh I’ll be right back good good well well uh we need to get like three Emerald I mean not Emerald this qu block we need to actually get uh you know sell the iron and get the qu block cuz mining quarts is just a

Pain in the ass we cannot leave wson alone here what do we do guys what do we do we can make wison experiment subject in the laboratory how about that let me get some glass so I think I was cooking some oh here it is and for Wilson you know you’re going

To have a Dye yellow dye um well we don’t have enough how do we do that oh it fit perfectly the AO guy the man that Beed the first BL of the silver can we make a sign the cool guy the Co so known as the first uh want to

Breed ah does have enough space how do we do that maybe you know what like let’s make it open let’s make it open okay the cool guy the first nii member to success manage ah six how do you write successfully fully read blue [ __ ] SL okay let’s do it like this um

Sucess f the bre AEL Axel Axel blue axel AEL a a a ax what axolot why is you WR like this a aut doesn’t make any sense well okay okay okay is it good now all right all right good perfect we have another species oh look at that the grass is spreading

Everywhere it’s so perfect okay okay we have added where is sent to our collection h what can we do I need I need this pillar as well well let’s wait we time to come back from the coffee this way I look more Epic look at him gosh he cannot read anymore

No it looks a demoniac now well I cannot take back the arrow I cannot take it back well anyway Let’s uh I mean I wish we could build but okay let’s make the grocery shopping uh list we need some more quartz obviously obviously so we need to

Go to the uh NPC we need the bamboo some bamboo as well and uh how we going to do for the lighting I guess we can do it like this but for the size for the aquarium we do have this light there cuz I kind of you know made this on the side

But what here oh we should do the same but just bamboo Bamboo the other side take a picture oh sure new space species acquired we can post this on Twitter when we going to you know celebrate the opening of the the zoo laboratory of the quasa we can use this to promote promote

Yourselves like you buy something every day know new species at the laboratory of falis one Emerald the five em for the entry ticket it’s going to work it’s going to work it’s going to work guys okay wait I just need to open the side I want to do the same thing the the

Lighting lighting like this it’s going to be great it’s going to be great all right oh wait this is going to go is going to go conflict over there oh maybe or not wait light bamboo and at the behind it could be the same honestly it’s fine we’re all good okay let’s

Mine oh my God it’s kind of satisfying how it sounds but I need a lot of pillow one pillow one don’t have much need to farm it the light it’s going to be on the glass so it’s going to be Here oh what is this I I glorified you what you are my first crisis specimen in my laboratory wasting what the [ __ ] AR you happy the cool guy the first member to successfully breed a Blue Axel I mean you’re right about two things also uh I

Don’t want this oh why do you have this in the first place I don’t know it was in my hands when I woke up oh oh yeah my all right um oh am I out yeah oh nice cool thanks this was just a show yeah it was just a show just just prank

You know oh you go you guys just went out by swimming I to all right all the grass yeah it’s spreading it’s here holy it is um how are you going to how’s this going to work are you going to have like fences around or you going to have

Walls I’m going to have walls I think a fense could be nice actually it’s a you you need bamboo by the way yeah I guess there was a lot in around your house yeah there’s I have a lot of bambo I can give you let’s go okay

Okay I’m wa yeah I need another bamboo I’m going to look for my lights So the plan is I’m going to breed how many how many panas do you want two I think two is fine okay we’re going to go back breed two pandas babies bring the babies here oh

And then you should be fine sounds uh like a plan we can’t we can’t bring adult pandas they all right all right well you want to go with me yep Le the way let’s go knows how to get up what the baby pandas do you like pandas I do they’re

Cute they’re nice are you watching recent anime like this is kind of anime where they’re the villain the MC loving Panda and just for this sake he kind of uh stopped trying to do destroy Humanity no no all I’m watching right now is uh solo leveling oh yeah I am I

Am I am too you’re as well I’m at the thir episode oh there’s there’s a third one I got to watch it I think it was a third one yeah oh my God Dam escaping a bit no no it’s fine fin Stone not too long ago the last

Season that just came out oh I haven’t watched it yet I mean I’ve watched a bit oh you have what the hell you have a mushroom go yeah yeah this is a mushroom mushroom a mushroom mooo it is it is very rare I am the only person that has one wow moooo

Yeah I went I went across the world to get this one it took forever but I got it does it give you free soup yeah it does it actually does oh my God yeah if you have if you have a bowl look oh it is actually wait it’s already

Cooked yeah it’s cooked oh my God free all right free soup I I have a yeah free soup forever free super free free Super Chat free Super Chat and it’s an AA because it’s aa aa sou oh my gosh Dam all that’s cool that’s cool can can you still have the MK

Though no no oh see I see it’s oh my God only oh this guy is sniffing Jack is sniffing me yeah he’s a sniffer look look how cute he looks when he’s sniffing oh she’s sniffing he’s sniffing an he sniff oh gosh she she’s nice he’s standing sniffer he

Sniffing what where is it coming from what is it what does he do um he sniffs for flowers oh he found flowers yeah yeah yeah when you go outside he finds flowers but cute I don’t need them for anything I don’t need the flowers I just

Like him as a pet he’s really cute I wish you could ride him yeah you could totally ride this no I wish no you can’t no I cabage fre thank you guys for the nut free soup to me I don’t even know where to where you find it I don’t

I don’t even know B was just like Wilson do you want an egg I was like what she was like do you want a sniffer egg I was like sure she gave me this guy she just randomly gave him to me he’s cute I like him so I’m going him

He’s really he’s probably well he’s really cute he’s one of my favorite he’s really cute yeah he’s very cute and he he loved his SN what does he smell like Jack what you smell qule yeah French French fries what do I smell like coffee what do I smell

Like friend you’re right honestly if we could ride it I will just always ride it I will the only way I will be moving in This Server would be by riding this guy it’s so so cute be so cool but you can’t yeah the an is so funny thank you

For the very soon though we will be able to put armor on dogs really that’s actually huge yeah the AR yeah the armadillos are going to be a thing in this game soon that’s so cool and when you kill an armadillo they drop something and then you can make dog

Armor with that I see that’s that’s great that’s cool M I love that [Laughter] everyone giving actually someone giving a free ACC like crazy thank you guys oh my go thank you guys wait he actually did they actually do they’re crazy guys thank you so much thank you

For the not free not free sup I appreciate it even though it’s not free guys okay let me teach you a couple things about Panthers yeah they look the same like you’re say yeah okay so there’s multiple types of of uh pandas do you see the ones with the

Snot the snot under noose yeah snot um like U um um um what do you say in French um what does they have a does they have that yeah some of them do they’re the Sicky ones and what about them they are they are omegas oh well I don’t see

Any uh because there’s none on this side okay I separated them um so oh yeah that’s the these are the omegas yeah okay um and basically um when you when I mix uh an Omega that’s sick and weak with an alpha AKA a regular Panda yeah the odds of like

Getting a rare Panda are higher I see or something so yeah I kind of separated them so I could tell like which is which cuz it’s really really [ __ ] hard to tell them apart right so it’s really [ __ ] hard as they’re born like this like they’re sick yeah oh I

See most of them spawn sick though is it become can it fix can can they you know become fixed yeah they can they can spawn normal it’s like they’re going to spawn sick or they’re going to spawn normal and I separate the normal ones I get

Them out of there I say I just saw a normal one in there I mean anyway yeah it probably grew up and I probably forgot to get get it out oh I see I see so do you want do you want normal ones uh I think whatever I forgot to

Show you this I have a rare one rare one he’s scared yeah he’s going to run away from me where’s he at where’s the scared one where doo doo scared shy boy panda oh there he is is that him yeah look this one is scared this

One will run away look at his face do you see him he’s right in front of me oh he have a PN face yeah he’s PN yeah yeah that’s a personality one of the six personalities he’s scared wow yeah R has so much Valiant yeah I know there’s six there’s um sick

Normal pen mad uh lazy and brown I think I see there’s a one a one yeah there’s a one and then that’s funny yeah all right cool cool okay you want normal ones I mean you know whatever I guess I mean when when you breed them is

Kind of a bit random isn’t it anyway uh yeah but if you breed normal ones like the odds of it being um the baby being a new one is like pretty pretty low we’ll get you two normal ones right sure I had a to Panda but it died no way

He died in the nether I’m very sad but okay don’t worry when I do this the big ones are too big uh the babies can only the babies can go through watch this oh I see I see um oh my God boom boom I suspected he

Bamboo did he make a baby yet I can’t tell oh my God I don’t know I I cannot see it maybe have been crushed by everyone I’m not going to lie I might just like start making them uh yeah oh thank you midnight thank you so

Much for the gift I can I Cann see anyway um I I might K some band oh oh oh oh he’s here let’s go little guy get the [ __ ] away oh my God they’re going to crush each other to death come here little guy oh yeah he’s so tiny oh it’s

So tiny get the [ __ ] out okay there you go let’s go come here little guy a cute here you go we’re going to bring him all the way to the question it’s going to take a while though oh should we take two at the same

Time let’s do one at a time first all right all right maybe oh no no we’re going to do [ __ ] it that’s so slow oh my [ __ ] God oh my God oh my God he’s getting eaten you know what I’ll give I’ll give you I’ll give you a sick one H let’s

Go oh my oh my God I’m going to lose it I need a bamboo she just come here the penda just did a flip oh wait a flip she just did a flip did you do a flip for real yeah he did a flip wait you got a rare one what

You got you got you got the rare you got a rare one let’s go he did a flip guys I was crazy he did a flip right oh my God I’m going to [ __ ] lose my mind no I swear he did a flip I’m not I’m

Crazy okay oh let’s go you did it oh my God okay okay okay let’s go let’s go okay we go this way come here little guys I don’t know if you’re going to do a flip again you really got a flip are you sure he didn’t

Uh are you sure he didn’t just jump no he did a flip okay then you got you got a rare one let’s go well maybe you going to do it right event event on the way why is that moving like this though it’s kind of

Crazy uh I don’t know why they move like this come on come on following you okay I’m going I’m going to defend oh I’m DPS is that going to get attacked um I mean I hope not all right all right you know maybe I maybe I breed these pandas with each other too

Much you know what I mean oh I I know percussions of breeding I think the rep percussions of like breeding them from two pandas from for like generation to generation kind of [ __ ] them up think so I guess so I guess so oh never mind they’re they’re good they’re good oh

Yeah so we okay all right now never mind I take it back yeah cute wait what is the way over there it’s over there yeah all now is falling it is here but I’ll protect you don’t wor wait is there is that a breed of pend that do

Flips um yeah that’s the I forgot which one that is I think it’s like the silly one or like the is it the lazy one I forgot which one that does that well the lazy one just flip wait can you guys not jump there wait can can we go side

Activity yeah yeah you can do that oh wait there you go wait so cute how are we going to go over this wait we just go behind hey hey get up there oh my god oh the sick one sucks it’s not even a six one the sick

One yeah yeah you have a sick one all right all right okay you’re end he’s SC bless you he sneezes he’s very sick he very he’s just like me dring he’s just like me in Japan no that that’s a good representation of Wilson in Japan H yeah oh my God that’s dadis you

Go I don’t know Dory Z you have my you have my sword let’s go and my bow and my axe okay um this little guy is stuck come on come on I’m trying to push him I’m trying to push him come on what the [ __ ] are you doing move you

Idiot where’d he go oh oh I need need to go there you need to go there oh my [ __ ] God okay can I put dirt down I don’t have dirt I’m going to push him the water current come on come on don’t go down the

Waterfall no go go back come here oh you made it okay we did it oh my God you made it oh gosh ah what oh my god there you go see what I mean you need me it’s dangerous what if it hit the pandas that would have been bad it

Will it will have been we on escort Mission escort mission by the time they arrive they’re going to they’re going to grow up already oh there a spider spider on the way enemy where over there do do do doo Soo de creeper nice so creeper I’m going to go ahead I’m going

To scout all right spider actually skeleton nice it’s got Mission ahead wait am my teimo scouting ahead or whatever he says I forgot what he says I’m you can do it little babies yeah almost there what what if they become adults by the time honestly I’m kind of being scared about

That yeah me too what no [ __ ] ah nice is only one why why are the Phantoms here already been three nights already that’s crazy wait three nights for the Phantoms really I think so come on little guys that’s KN actually I need a cloud of I don’t know what also like have you

Ever seen the classic YouTube video of like baby baby panda sneezes cares mother Panda have you ever seen that no haven’t you ever seen that video I don’t think so okay because when a baby panda that’s sick sneezes it makes all the adult pandas jump scare wait can’t show the video tell me

Something baby panda sneeze I got to this is a classic I can’t believe you never seen this maybe he can of tell me something think I haven’t been in know Sunday watch this but but make sure to to uh mute Your Dust up all right all right this is a

Classic we’re almost there almost there I’m going to watch it after like so they not become adult already yeah for sure let’s go the following wait wait are you going upstairs or downstairs downstairs oh oh my my I had bamboo equipped okay there you go get down there little guys come on come

On okay come on we’re going to have to e them it do not e them down e them down yeah we need to e them down in there get the [ __ ] in there let’s go let’s go we made it we made it we got babies we [ __ ] did it let’s

Go from the Wilson Corporation the master of the breed yeah I am a breeder master I’m good at breeding let’s go boom all right perfect perfect Victory coffee all right thank you perfect watch the video watch oh yeah the video the video yeah it’s really good this a

Classic I think going to hear it Che it did a flip oh my God it did oh did it why are you flipping like that I think I watched it I think I actually watched it before I just a long time ago right yeah yeah yeah yeah a

Long time ago yeah that’s a classic YouTube video I yeah yeah yeah it’s funny they did a flip I didn’t I didn’t see I wasn’t looking wait why are they why are they flipping is I can’t remember chat is that normal for babies to flip I cannot remember so if I don’t

Name them are they going to disappear uh no cuz mine don’t disappear okay okay perfect oh it’s noral for them to oh it’s normal for babies to flip how flip oh it’s normal okay okay doesn’t mean that yeah it’s normal I forgot about that it’s been a while I see I see

But it’s fine it’s fine all right right from these two alone you just need a normal one and a sick one and then you can start building an empire your own breeding Farm yeah your Empire I see well I mean I don’t know two is fine maybe free we’ll see we’ll see all

Right well well well making the Benda far the bend f yeah I’m not sure what you know what kind of name we going to give them maybe we going to wait the adults to see if they’ll uh you know have a special behavior or not it’s going to be hard getting all

The all the personalities though I only have three or four I have three I think four no I have four one to how for how long have you been doing that three streams oh fre stream actually to be honest with you getting them to getting them to uh to my place took

Forever I bet this is why like some some of them died to the nether yeah so at first I tried NE and it it wasn’t worth it uh no no at first I tried NE with an adult but they they they died suffocating in the walls oh my

God okay um like like when I put them in a m c they would suffocate in the wall babies so I had babies and I put them in the M heart and I would I would venture all the way but do you remember the cor Reeves do you remember the jungle behind

The cor Reeves yeah I do yeah that’s where that’s where you find the pandas I was from here yeah and I had to like build a path through the whole jungle and put them in a boat cuz you can only get adult pandas in the jungle I see so

I I had to put I had to put the penas in a boat you know you can’t go up on boats so I had to like build like an entire path the whole way through the jungle to get them to the nether portal and then like make them copulate and then boom

Baby and then boom through the nether portal and then all the way back home here that’s I got the sounds sounds crazy it took so long yeah sounds complicated it is but now we have penas everyone can get a pen now ‘s go Axel Auto too um bring to this world for

Everyone to get Axel Panda um I guess I brought a mushroom a the mushroom the mushroom is just infinite food that’s that’s great the Beast you are that’s why you should play Monster Hunter be Slayer no I mean yeah but I mean you you can capture Beast as well we can capture

Beast I can capture beast and Monster Hunter yeah and then you can fight thement and Luka and you are playing it a lot I mean you just started a final fantasy right yeah okay there’s so many arcs in I right now what the [ __ ] there’s a monster hunter Arc there’s a Final

Fantasy 14 Arc what’s going on I’m readying the mon wi when’s the Minecraft revival I don’t know could be now not that much people play Minecraft I feel I’ll bring people back on Minecraft I have to I will try to be very active on this server I got to make it more more AC every single day you just start another Arc again got to get vage Blade more Minecraft I think Venta only likes playing hardcore she like playing with is the boys yeah I don’t think vento really likes playing Minecraft Like by himself I don’t think so he likes to play like either hardcore

Difficulty or like he yeah he wants to Thrill yeah exactly that’s fail that’s fair which is fair yeah of course I agree oh you’re going to make the walls out of that no on your bits oh oh These are the lights only okay yeah so cute you have a little like

No get the [ __ ] back in there what are you doing hey hey oh they could draw here oh no they could not they going to be heated out talk like a Yakuza to it she’s flipping in front of you hey hey it flipped twice my let’s Go all right I need more bamboo I I think I’m going to do like bamboo barrier over there and behind it I’m just going to do grow bamboo Bamboo as well to make a kind of a forest behind oh yeah that could be good why are we building Ash HQ in

Minecraft oh the ash HQ we’ve you know what’s funny I remember I told myself on DV like oh yeah we’re going to play Minecraft I’m going to make I’m going to make ashy cuers I never did that I made like what did I do I made my

I made my hit man office and then and then I made I I directly rushed to get a blue ax lle was worth it though yeah I just made my quason and nothing else and I’m still I’m I’m still doing it kind of an extension of my quest

Cof oh yeah you made your coffee you made the vanilla coffee the usual yeah I start it like the guy in the video oh wow that’s why it took a while for me to come yeah I mean you know I understand I hope he tastes good tastes really good is it

Creamy yeah it’s sweet it’s creamy it’s nice I love it I see great it’s it’s very comforting that’s a good way to say it’s very comforting I bet it is boom boom boom boom you going to make the walls out of the same thing as this yeah I think

So be cool are you going to try to give it like a uh what do you call that um like um environmental emulation of what their habitat looks like yeah that’s why I I plan to do I’m going to do it kind of like this here you should

Get jungle wood and like replicate a jungle tree yeah I should definitely should do that and put it there yeah I’m going to make the you know Vines and stuff everywhere oh yeah oh sounds good sounds good I’m going to you know the Teran I mean the it’s kind of flat but

I’m going to make it not flat it’s going to good bamboo planks oh that’d be cute too you can make bamboo planks sounds good you can make bamboo wood out of bamboo oh how do you do that um you got to get bamboo and then like I think you make um

Oh oh oh [ __ ] he’s big oh no he jumps he doesn’t do flips I think he’s just a normal like whenever that baby will sneeze he will jump scare every time already yeah only babies though oh it actually does it yeah yeah watch watch watch wait the flip oh back they jump

Scare that’s funny I see all right okay okay cool this going to make it to what oh oh she’s pen kind of pen yeah I mean the sick one always PN right this one’s like oh I’m so baby oh no I’m so I’m so sick I’m so sick I’m so baby

Submissive yeah it’s submissive it’s an Omega Omega is submissive too I mean it’s an Omega of course there’s some I see I see it’s just how it is all right quartz block quartz block how did I no this is only pillar those are only pillar over there like this

Um they dominant omegas though okay you know what I I just make St I am not educated on the matter so I may or may not say things that are untruthful oo all right I need more I need more quartz did that actually hurt

It oh [ __ ] I didn’t mean to do that I don’t think C I don’t know okay should be fine uh let’s get let’s get some squ Parts oh no uh are you going to sell stuff to get it from the Bros yeah from the shop from the brol from the brol yeah

Let’s go to the brol the brool what do you what do you sell do you just sell iron yeah just iron yeah that’s very wise we get the free stuff oo didn’t so much oh it’s actually blocks already yeah is it you who made it is it you

That sorted it sorted everything no oh no I didn’t do anything oh wow gosh I got everything all right let’s do that I wonder who did that Ah gosh that was so close oh my God why is it so laggy here every time is too smooth now am I even trolling my game is too smooth ready I’m what the hell oh was it like I was or was there is too smooth is there a bro there yeah I don’t

Remember posos be here what the [ __ ] is that nothing nothing what’s your name I guess okay I guess it is wait names I think the name was already there was breasty Bo always a thing chicken Franc Fran France Francis glor Gloria Gloria hole were these new I I

Don’t think so jiggly Janice he was always therey Sam xrated Zena vibrating Velma vtuber own a whole St Shadow the Hedgehog enticing aisy finana promis promis promiscuous hu promiscuous ding dong ditch okay that’s my favorite one ding dong ditch Berry hairy Drake’s Passage master Master friend Fiona wacky ctivity that’s crazy

Yeah oh the name is so long what was that hidden R Ren genin no no no the uh I was going to say um um Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion but that’s my favorite ride in for Middle gear oh right there’s a willly one what ready

Where okay these are definitely new oh man liquid fing Final Fantasy 14 fre critical gosh Cherry the name hug what Final Fantasy 14 free trial critically acclaimed at memoral PG class freaky free crank Mike Hawk liquid wait where’s me my diamond I Diamond Melissa tie tie you up Tanya rat person oh yeah right sexy Sabrina parttime Patty Betty boob oh these are not new met gear Rex naughty

Nancy that oh my God gy love I’m so laggy here meow meow Margaret that’s much Island what is it welcome back wait but where where is it you guys are saying there’s the woly one where’s the wly one that’s all I can get V own whole St I don’t see a Wily one

Exed some eating goodies ahuh gosh let me look down well I got all I could get I don’t see it guys where’s the really one you miss it oh which floor Saucy Jack Jim hot pink Cherry lips sassy suzan flirty elisia affectionate Alise I can’t find Lusty Lauren Charming Chelsea a n

Trying to look for I can’t find them I think I looked everywhere through here how much did I get Block need this I don’t see it have much I’m looking looking for your your one no uh are you guys sure there’s a willly one underground wait is there an underground here yeah

What BR underground oh wait I never on knew wait did I actually went there before I never went well there’s nothing yeah but there’s nothing ah never mind I think there’s a Willie oh chat you lied you guys said there’s a willly one oh how how good

That all right all right you guys got my hopes up coming back to the named after me yeah sure let’s go bro Z me ah ah it’s impossible Massac M me I got light too son banana are you saying that someone on the internet can lie no how could it possible no it’s

Impossible no that’s not real it’s not real la la la la La I’m covering my ears it’s not real it’s not real can get to the roof first boom I definitely don’t have enough maybe the Willie was the friends we made along the way is your favorite uh

Oh my god um it wasn’t gym it was uh oh my God my memory is so short um ding dong ditch yeah that one’s funny ding dong ditch kids nowadays can’t do ding-dong ditching because nowadays everyone has like a ring camera what is a rain camera people

Can’t do it oh uh ring camera it’s a camera like install like above the Ring of like your house or apartment or whatever he oh okay okay I I AKA you can see like who’s in front of your door yeah yeah yeah so people can’t do ding

Dong ditching anymore it’s it’s a thing of the past I mean they can do it but they’ll get caught they well I mean that’s a good thing ah that was so fun back then you know what no it was not that’s ter you know what I I I am I

Am I am Pro idea of making sure that never happens maybe if you’re like really young and stupid right you you know it’s funny when you’re like really young and dumb but when you’re older you’re like man that’s actually really bad don’t do

That I did as a kid I was dumb yeah no I understand we all did stupid stuff as kids what’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done Zally as a child uh dumbest I don’t know um something that you’re like man that was so dumb that was so stupid why did I do

That some things stupid I don’t know um I did uh R out you know Escape escaping from from school from the back entry I did uh I got ex what I got um suspended for uh a week for for a prank I wait you’re you’re you were a

Delinquent what the [ __ ] what no I’m not a delinquent but you know sometimes you have weird schedule at school like I remember I had this this day I had kind of 1 Hour 1 hour lesson in the morning and one in late afternoon you

Know so there was kind of a big hole in between but we cannot go out cuz you know the schedule I know agenda kind of school yeah yeah yeah so maybe I want to go to play somewhere you know go to skate park or something so what we do we

Kind of go in the back alley of the parking and uh climb over the fence and we escape and uh we go we go play we go play to this usually no usually no and if you do you run you know did you did you run away I mean

Most of the time I actually I I don’t remember having getting catch any anytime okay I goody two shoes in school I never got suspended ever ever the reason I got to spin was kind of messed up I mean it was just a prank and everyone was having

Fun but well you know what I was kind of happy about it I was like oh one week out of school and it’s kind of officially sick it was great how about you have any story like this I mean even though you didn’t get justs spended you know

Anything dumb you have done school yeah um anything have done School uh trying to think about it something stupid I did in school well not really dumb but more like I regret it oh no it was dumb but nothing bad um for a while in school the

Um during gym class we had to play American football yeah um but it was like really scuffed cuz we didn’t have equipment and we didn’t allow like tackling I think cuz we didn’t have equipment to protect each other right didn’t have like helmets or anything so like oh yeah it’s

American football but you can’t tackle each other it’s more like you got to stop each other without like Ser just they’re just running into each other right yeah see you can like tackle but like you can’t just like straight up just like run into someone and like put

Like push them down you can’t do that um and once um and I was wearing shorts cuz it was like it was like fairly hot um outside yeah like outside in the field and you know we do the thing like H and like I run right I run

Forward to uh to catch from the the quarterback and then the dude launches the the ball at me like very far and I catch it oh what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you catch it my God I don’t know what I did I think someone’s out for me

But um yeah uh I catch it and I start running right and I run I run I run and there’s a guyy whose job is to stop me right yeah yeah yeah I can’t make it to the endle and in order to dodge him uh-huh I

Slid I just slide like a epic slide like yeah yeah on on my knees yeah I slid on my knees like to do to dodge him go like uh and make it to the end without him catching me uh-huh but the thing is that on the field there were like little

Pebble rocks everywhere like in the grass on the field yeah and it it [ __ ] my leg so bad my whole leg was scratched bleeding the whole leg wow uh like you I scratching the moment you guys so crazy I got up and there was like blood all over my leg oh God like

All over it and it was really bad actually it was really bad I I I had that wound that uh for like three months holy [ __ ] until it fully healed yeah it was bad like I was at like it was really bad that wound took a while to heal I see touch

Down dang tou down wow that’s what well you did it at this year you know you committed you committed to the to the thing and you you did it gosh sounds painful just listening to it I was bad yeah yeah I we had to do a marathon for school once we’re like when

You’re like in senior year or whatever like last year of high school um all they make you do is literally just run jog huh that was that was our gym class all we did was just run around and circles yeah I had to SC class as well

For sure and sometimes we have to do it outside yeah like doing the doing it outside in front of the school for an hour when it was likeus 25 minus 28 degrees outside 25 what you mean like yeah degree cold yeah degree holy [ __ ] we had to do it like outside during

Like Peak cold wow when it was really really really [ __ ] cold we had to run outside and cir for is the glass like to become a warrior or something no I think it was like it was just so like we would at the end of the

Year we had to run a marathon and we had to be ready for it gosh and you know what’s the funny [ __ ] I didn’t run the marathon well how come I skipped well it was like oh yeah um here’s your number if here’s a sticker put it on your shirt

Right yeah you printed out like stickers you have to put it on your shirt to say like what number we are it’s like oh people of this number present yourself it’s your turn to run right yeah yeah yeah I I just didn’t go I

See I just did not go I was like I I’m not doing this [ __ ] I’m not doing [ __ ] this I don’t care I lost I I mean obviously I got a 0% but I was like I’m not doing it I’m sorry it was like 8 km

Or some [ __ ] I had to run woo wow sounds uh 8 km I’m a big Marathon I’m not I am not doing it I don’t care that was like the first time I ever like purposely did chose to not do something I see it was like Peak heat

Outside it was like you know like June like 30 Dees 35 degrees outside I was I’m not doing this [ __ ] I’m not doing it I honestly sound like a pain I didn’t do it it was all my friends we all skipped together we were like we’re not doing

This [ __ ] so all my friends and me we just we just took we just took a a stroll outside we just did not show up we didn’t do it I see well well Sports thing sometime I mean you know if you have to go out for that

Temperature yeah yeah not that heat not for that long I do to say a lot of people skipped actually we’re like we’re not doing this I don’t feel like it I can can can understand yeah it’ll be kind of hard but yeah in school I was like I was

Like the quiet kid with the nice quiet kid I know like the quiet Kid meme is like oh he’s like weird and creepy I wasn’t weird or creepy I was just quiet and like whenever someone like asked me something I was no actually you know

What a better way to describe it I was the chill kid I was really chill in school I was like I think I was like on everyone’s good side no one like no one thought anything bad of me they were like oh yeah Wilson’s cool he’s chill

He’s he’s just chill he’s just he’s just chilling I see I was the qu KY too but the weird one I think I mean not weird I you know kind of in my corner in my corner I was just the guy in the corner you know yeah just just corner just

J I was I was like kind of friends with everyone but at the same time not really yeah yeah not me I mean I think most of the time until the middle of middle school yeah I was just you know the guy in my in my corner very very very shy

Not talking to anyone and uh I think at one point I was like uh you know growing up changing and trying to you know be more social and well it kind of worked out somehow I guess you know something funny uhhuh I didn’t have a cell phone until I was like fairly

Old oh like how old uh I didn’t have a cell phone until I was 18 18 I see why that you know why because um my father was like dear Wilson what do you want you have to choose you can either have a computer or a cell phone which one do

You want well and I said I want a computer completely Fair yeah I said I want a computer I can live without a cell phone it’s okay so whenever I was like on break on in school I had nothing to occupy myself with I have no cell phone I I you know

What I have to do socialize I had to talk to people I see and when when I could um when I had enough money I got myself a cell phone and uh yeah it’s just crazy and now I see like like I see 12-year-olds with cell phones and I’m like I don’t

Think that should be legal I’m going to be honest I’m going to be honest I mean you know it depend you know if it’s just for communication purpose it’s kind of always better for them yeah that’s fine I I agree I agree for that purpose yes but like social media and stuff

That’s really scary in my humble opinion yeah that’s true of course yeah I agree I agree I really think like in this day and age I’m going to be honest everyone I don’t think CH I don’t think I think I think the 13 plus rule should be changed on social medias I don’t

Think it should be 13 I think it should be 16 plus I said 16 plus my personal opinion on it I don’t think 13year olds should be on social media that that’s like too young I think it should be like 16 plus not maybe 18

Plus I think 13 is way too low for social media like it’s overwhelming even for adults like social media is like very very very warming imagine for a child it’s really hard 18’s a bit much maybe but at the same time I feel like it’s Justified scary man social media is

Scary hey let’s let’s go to the Jungle really quick yeah of course let’s go oh you want to go uh yeah yeah get some some wood chat did you see that video I saw this on my fyp not too long ago it’s like it’s like a I think it’s a girl

Filming at a restaurant table and the caption says like my mom took the neighbor’s kid out to eat with us today and it’s like the I want to know the the end of this thing Now like the kid is actually getting pressed cuz she doesn’t know about it what did yeah yeah she doesn’t know about it he’s like what happened to the kid talking to you why am I even talking to you ah I did it a steak there a steak this one doesn’t give

Steak that’s one of them wait is not this way oh it is this way okay okay sometimes I get really good video videos sometimes I get a guy mixing his his latte with that something that’s not a spoon so you know it’s one or the other all right this way this

Time it’s over here oh oh wait there’s no other one well let’s walk then no no no no you can go you can go I’m just going to I’m just going to follow all right he’s faster than me yeah I am you going to do about it the chest there’s nothing inside

Oh she’s actually catching up what the hell only like give me chicken the chicken CH it’s to keep the motivation up we lost we lost wison I’m showing him the way yeah he’s doing the marathon This Time come on over there over there we on a turn all

Right imagine I will do the marathon if I could have could have like fi every every you know few Ms few meters I’ll do the marathan but I’m not sure the marathon you know you’re going to actually burn more calories than you’re going to get leave the F Chi well we’ll

See I’m running out of chicken a f i mean boom boom I get to fit everything I’ll do it if you can take a break every 10 minutes only 10 minutes am I going to the end or I’m I just continuing I’m getting I’m I’m running

Out of chicken I don’t have food for myself gosh well wion is running the mar you know I cannot complain oh my God this the five last chicken fromi ah no is it the end we made it oh I’m going to send the M Minecraft to wiist H come

On where is he not going go there you go another one here I guess I have a soup I can eat the soup oh hey um I’m out of chicken you gave me all your chicken you’re so silly have your chicken back thank you all right you’re welcome let’s go

Oh oh oh wait how did you escape the two founder you’re supposed to be in the wild yeah these are the founders how did you know in a cage yeah these are the founders they are they are like they are uh that’s raru from tears of the

Oh oh yeah that’s the flipping one that that’s the that’s the oh the laser one cute yeah it’s cute right it is these are the thers yeah damn all right going to go over there SAA double let’s go I remember the sound you made when when you lost you were

Like I remember that like at got a a body blow yeah I mean you know I don’t know sometimes crazy crazy things happen or don’t happen you did get the double sua you did get it yeah were you no you weren’t you weren’t the first to get it right no I was the

Second one and I’m still SI the second of n Sanji damn this day need to work on this okay I need to get a tree oh gosh I love this sound CED yeah you was against KAG right I think heroes are the biggest Gamers no

J how was uh how was your fight against KAG [Laughter] he’s a monster all right I’m going to try to get a big tree maybe this one you was very very good they can have some Vine too I have some Vine huh don’t need Cesar you’re also gamer I

Think all the oh I think all the heroes are gamer how do I get Vine oh how did you get Vine Wilson um the seal DOD doesn’t work uh shears oh I don’t have iron oh you want to go get some vanilla style hold on Z I might know where to find

Some Oh Come With Me we’re going to pay someone a visit to while we’re here let’s go come with me where did he go where did he go where are the all the fish oh the here oh my God oh my God look at all of them

Holy wow why is it all at the bottom they have the whole Space hey oh yeah oh hi I was I don’t know I lost you were you checking the Jack aot pit yeah wait let me check that’s so crazy they I all of that holy [ __ ] why

Is it all stack on the botom though oh my God this is the legendary Axel pit that killed K’s PC like like 50 [Laughter] times oh God holy [ __ ] the PC killer 9,000 it doesn’t kill my PC though mine is fine actually people are definitely like people can always come

Here and grab any AEL they want gosh I thought I don’t I didn’t think they would just all go through the bottom I thought they would like spread around but they didn’t do that but anyway come with me all right wait is there any iron in here is

There there’s lava oh no there’s none maybe if you have uh you have the end and um end chest yeah oh perfect okay I have some now but you still want to go see Jerry just for like for it’s been a while my new pc so smooth it really is

Way too smooth seriously this is like this is like insane have you shown your PC to everyone have you press what is it f wion p hey are you P CU you in my heart get it oh I do get sorry let’s go let’s go right

Here um it’s over here even I foret sometimes oh water what how are we going wait what happened to what wait I’m actually lost I’m serious um where it’s been a while it was oh here my bad uh yeah don’t look at don’t look at them there’s a lot over here

Oh there’s so much why is this one have a fishing Road wait what the [ __ ] you’re right oh I guess that that happens sometimes over here oh what the hell wait you’ve been here before wait have I I don’t know have you I’m not sure anymore who it’s said the other oh Jerry

Par yeah it’s them the broad deer in the world gosh yeah he has oh yeah Z just forgot I guess good yeah that’s Jerry’s parents uh this is I’ve I was here for a long time a long long time I see I have marshmallow yeah she is remember that I

Have quartz do you want more quartz that’s some quartz here oh yeah I take that thank you I’m so sorry let’s go have blocks of iron I do I do oh you do you do oh no no you can have it sorry this is yours right H yeah I me a free one

Forgot you already have your iron there he is so do you remember the have you talking about uh the the plushy the plushy which is pretty did I did talk about it yeah I did I told everyone that you inventa got me Jerry IRL I showed I showed a picture too yeah

I have Jerry yeah he’s in my room he’s next to spiffo Beta gave me a spiffo plushy from project zwt uh it’s in my room too I have uh the bomb you guys gave me too oh yeah yeah yeah that’s like on my it’s on my shelf it’s right

There where all my memories are all the trophy I have that too I missed you Jerry it’s been a while one day Jerry you’re going to get out of this I’m going to put you in an actual Shrine that would be great be happy happy with the

Others so you’re going to put 50 50 wanted the botom wanted the botom something like that yeah like aquarium e everything or in a special place have his own aquarum I see special he’s a king you know he deserves it if you have two blue AEL Accel though can you have infinite blue

One um I’m actually unsure about that I haven’t found a credible Source telling me yes or no I found sources telling me that yes it will be blue and I found sources that tell me no it will not I see yes apparently no I’m not sure it

Could be however nobody is allowed to breed Jerry I see I see because Jerry needs to be the Jerry will not be special anymore if there’s more than one blue that’s true lose like the thing that makes them special if everyone has a blue a lle

Then he’s just going to be a regular color that’s not cool I I want to have the only blue one which is why nobody’s allowed Jerry is celibate forever gosh he has sworn celibacy um and I’m probably going to neuter him not going to lie we’ll send s like you know the

Father of a daughter he is my son oh no uh no uh no no lady will treat him right I see not not good enough not good enough is what I’m trying to say you can’t only I can treat him good enough yeah I mean

Surely Jer is so cool I love the colors so pretty I know he’s perfect I love him so much I’m gon to I miss him every time because he’s so far away from home but yeah at some point I will from gosh follow the fish tropical fish

No there’s not right wow every seing have been exhausted into the last last drop look at uh if you ever want Axel of a color this is white oh you have started them yep yep this is brown this is yellow are you saying even more yeah look at these

Chests like the one on the bottom over here as well there’s more oh wait I don’t have a golden I have a round I don’t have a pink let’s go how many CS is there uh five if you can oh I see I see yeah yeah so four normal ones and then there’s

Blue I see cool I will never feel the adrenaline rush I felt when I got him for the first time wait didn’t didn’t you get it like accomplished not on stream and by mistake okay so I mean didn’t notice is is the lore is is basically I

Technically got him on stream because I never read Axel off stream oh I see I see what I what I did do off stream is Farm tropical fish to uh for breeding um so I farmed a lot of tropical fish off stream yeah um and what happened was I bred Jerry’s

Parents together and I did not notice that Jerry was blue and then I put Jerry in a bucket and I almost released him in the wild I mean I mean in the pit in the I almost released him in the pit without knowing that he was blue oh I did that

The chat didn’t notice neither the chat did not notice that gosh there’s a clip of it on Twitter where I post exactly when Jerry is born and you can clearly see like his orange gills right you can see the orange but I thought he was just white because

The white Axel kind of look like a blue ax bit so when Jerry spawned he did not really stand out from his parents I thought he was just a white axle yeah yeah yeah I grabbed him and I put him in the bucket and I put him in the chest

Actually he was right uh he was right here in this chest right here I put him in there and off stream what I did also do off stream is that I would empty my axal chests off stream and put them in the pit so I was doing this off stream yeah

Yeah yeah I was like just putting the DX lles in the pit and then eventually I was just like I I was listening to music off stream and I released him and I was like wait a minute what the [ __ ] wait you got wait a second white axle wait a

Second yeah and then I just I went in the water and I was like come back come back come back come back come back he’s blue and I I I yeah and I lost my [ __ ] I was like oh my God I got him I

Got him blue oh my God and I I picked him back up and I tweeted I see I see that’s funny and then and then yeah and then we I checked back to see wait when did I get blue and then I I I I found it

Specifically where I got blue and no one noticed it’s not just me no one in my chat noticed either no one no one was believing it no so I I technically got Jerry on stream it’s just that we didn’t notice that’s true that’s true gosh well yeah it

Can’t if he if he’s born from you know the two white ex though kind of hard to hard to no like come here well look look look you’ll see what I mean the white axles just kind of look blue does a little bit like in the

Water like so when Jerry spawn he kind of just looked like that and I was like oh okay oh wow the Ping though but yeah I see damn crazy yeah that’s crazy well you did it you won you won the arc did it what is a daycare apparently someone

In JP someone in JP also has a blue axo really they went through all of that first but I’m the second in nii where where is both M free soup here we go okay cool perfect fin has two blue axos in World server oh the word Ser what is the word

Server the world I don’t know I think it’s like for everyone oh I see okay but did she did she breed two axos get like two Blues to get those two blues or did she farm for it to believe oh yeah I’m curious she did not farm for them

Let’s go where is the jungle again oh it’s this way over there I’m going to want one tree oh yeah I want I wanted to get get the the vines wait we Reen find me though ah gosh it’s the night in the forest e it come on leave me alone all

Right we had free soup I summoned you guys I did summon you hey oh there you are I’m uh getting the the Vine good boom boom you know sometimes when you get Super Chat you got the this notification like hey let’s celebrate the first Super Chat of someone right but mine kind of

Is like let’s Cate the 20 Super Chat oh the 20 super chat some so I’m kind of confused and see when he’s going to go wait it’s still there notification yeah like for the 20 20 Super Chat maybe you can maybe you need to refresh oh I mean I mean I don’t

Care oh gosh wait I have a baked to pom I don’t know where it’s coming from watch this I think 50 oh I see I see it’s kind of a okay how it works that’s Interesting I’m not getting anything oh I Do okay let’s take down this tree oh there a small zombo hi yeah we don’t uh yeah sometimes uh little kids can be B to know oh go scared me toward was the yeah we are am I trying to just fly over my head what the hell I’m going to give motion sickness

To everyone just my head that’s like a puppy playing patch with itself more Vine oh no cannot leave this alone all right made it are you hereon we lost wison okay I was wondering what color should I put the back ground of the I kind of would like to

Use some banot Buton on that will fit will be kind of nice I don’t know let’s go back over there boom ouch panda look at him cute a a that’s cute where is wity son witty son you Q witty you really son oh oh there you are

Y yo all right I have everything I need let’s go let’s go thought you were giving that to me all right this time there more mine carts ah boom let’s go not fast you so much faster oh well I mean you want chicken hold I’m good I’m right behind you chicken

Ch ch I’m Chi ch this way Wilson this way he’s stunning into your butt o a piece of chicken oo a piece of chicken oo a piece of chicken a piece of chicken Chi chicken chicken chicken chicken chicken chick chick chick chicki chicken chicken gosh I don’t have anymore out a

Chicken yeah I’m out of chicken now is it my turn I mean try if you can I can I can try to o a trident oh a trident I don’t [ __ ] care about the TR I thre it away I don’t want any oh never mind I don’t [ __ ] care the TR in the

Lava don’t care about it I don’t want oh he missed you it missed you always com back Always the firea like having weapon that you can always just so satisfying don’t just feel satisfying for picking up something and it could be a dis like like you know those fris whatever they’re call boom it could be a ball like football it could be grabbing a person under the the height of

53 and then we are arriving saf to up seems like we I finally arrived looks like I finally arrived why should we leave it here I got your backwards where they at what a little baby [ __ ] out of here I got it the aim I’m going to Le it oh oh no

[ __ ] I attack the wrong oh oh a piece of chicken oh a piece of chicken oh a piece of chicken oh a piece of oh oh piece of chicken oh piece of did you Hur the piglins oh my God is it mad at me too oh no Z what have you done oh

No no just oh no they’re mad at me all they’re pissed they’re going to throw me into the end of the word see how this ah We made it oh piece of chicken let’s go all right and what Boom perfect lending touch Down all right now Now where should I put this tree uh I can on the hill on the hill it’s going to be maybe not on the hill not the hill like a hill uh in the back the middle is there is there only a single single tree single uh log W I think I think

It’s a 2 by two I could be wrong though W like no way I can feed this in here yeah I know you could do you could just do one it’s fine this is a small one what did Minecraft get pandas I’m not sure maybe like a couple years

Ago maybe in the here or in the back could be it here in the Background it could work I got to get netherite item I still have Diamond items to this day why am I so crey what happened yeah I feel so cof is not kicking in no it’s not oh cuz I’ve working a lot maybe you should rest yeah but Minecraft is

Fun that’s the best I can do get over how smooth my game is is that CRA look how SM this is It’s So Perfect no more problems more ever ever of table in the back you know what maybe it’s better in the back I don’t think it

Look that good to be in the first in the first layer of the the first plan of it maybe here then here here this I just want to play zom I just want to play zomb again it bring back zom yeah we will this year this year we

Will come back this year that’s all we can promise this year cuz we’re going to we’re going to come back when the new update comes out and mod one this year no no the big big update comes up oh oh yeah yeah wait he’s not

Okay out yet it’s going to come out this year that’s all we’ve been told by the developers you mean that the big update with the new map extension the new map the animals uh the crafting system uh like there there’s like a industrial like crafting system like we can like

Make uh machines and stuff that would be great yeah like voices animals crafting system rats uh that’s though basements new items yeah I can’t wait a tree awesome now we have voices all right okay how do you do you are saying you can make wood of of bamboo bamb

Whole block yeah yeah a block of bamboo yeah a block yeah you just put them in blocks and then from of bamboo you can make wood oh really yeah Lu I need more boom hey what else is new in buildt 42 uh new items oh yeah you can mean

Bamb planks oh you can survive in the wild better from what I saw like it’s a lot easier to like survive in the middle of nowhere you don’t have to the city to survive anymore in Project zom you can just live in the forest forever you can do that

Better I mean you could already do that but you can do that so much better now oh my God that’s stuck I guess the back could be this and this how should I do that up this this our planks mix which one just everything a golden sword a big I like this

Funny and not my problem anymore I don’t know this one this room is ASMR yeah I like hearing this guy mhm listen carefully do it this just this maybe not for me and here maybe I can ah actually this one need to this one need to be like this

Cuz not for me this one is connected to the other side so I kind of feel like are you going to put glass here on yeah I’m thinking of putting glass but kind of feel like the same time doesn’t need to be all the way at the

Top like two two layer of of glass that’s an OD room hello Mary um this is this is a uh um Panda uh what we call that environmental um yeah um um room yeah that’s right that’s right it’s not my room by the way guess I’d like to know why two

Frenchmen are screaming beneath the Earth in a completely white room that’s omous ominous Fu um I mean this is a has a a lab room this is a lab but we take care of animals here as you can see yeah they St ah come on get out get out of here get

Now I’m just I’m just I’m just here I’m just chilling here that’s all an enclosure sure yeah is like an enclosure oh my God I’m so Jesus I’m so soy what happened I think your enclosure is looking really nice it’s really cute thank you trying my best trying my best care

Yeah like like my daycare my AEL daycare the same thing guys exactly the same thing yes I much small bamboo oh you’re going to make the whole walls out of bamboo walls maybe you know actually you know what it looks good I don’t know maybe oh maybe it would be better I like

It this block on the back I was thinking maybe like here cuz there’s some bum in front in the back as well you know but this thing here might cause an issue up to you yeah yeah this one I needed cuz the water it’s going to be seen on the other side h

I don’t have enough bamboo you want some yeah if you have some I dropped it yeah dropped it let go for you oh me gosh for you thank you want me to go get some more if you don’t need it I will I will take that yeah I have a

Lot I’ll be I’ll be back thank you let’s goam i s know what not my problem anymore it will look good with a first layer of true bamboo I mean it’s not like it’s false bamboo but and then behind kind of fake bamboo but but the problem is I have one layer here

I cannot get hit of and I you know if possible I would like I would like it to be you know symmetric right I would like it to be symmetric here and here and this one I mean it’s the same thing I can it can be symmetric I’m back welcome back Hey gu take my word it’s not my problem anymore thank you I One like here here at the background she is looking great on the side looking very good so maybe this one at the Back why would I need bgm when I can just do that myself but this guys this wall over there is connected maybe I just do it here no he’s going to break it break the immersion can’t believe I I cannot believe we have I almost said I but it’s we um we have

Our own anime opening that’s awesome that’s crazy that’s actually crazy we have our own anime we actually do there a banger too I should why do I have torch is not bright in us oh it’s kind of dark now uh yeah a little bit but if you no it should be

Fine you can put like one block of light yeah do the the the Coco block does that make light no that doesn’t no it doesn’t uh you thinking about glowberries I think oh I see oh it could be nice honestly but yeah it could um but I don’t have

Any don’t you have Mist ball wait I think I got I got some Mis balls M balls are not meant to be yeah that’s true a decoration my office that’s true that’s true that’s true well this side just going to be like this and here and here like this I guess it’s

Family gosh I just realized what’s that I have I have m’s balls in my office and I have K’s gift what is something this all good okay I’m going to put some glass should I tend to Glass something uh I think white is fine it would match with the of course why does

Minecraft music play when I’m playing bgm music I don’t get it um I think I think just regular would be fine regular all right this one I kind of want to just bled the glass are you going to make it then yeah cuz you know I I just made it like this

Cuz the outside was water and it kind of looked bad with thin glass H this one works are you going to go inside though are we just not going to go ever inside uh I guess so I look good though just two layers is fine it does actually

Look really good I like it a lot yeah eat it’s eating bamboo they are okay wait he’s hungry you go in though I guess I put normal glass for now this side is done he’s really hungry oh my God he’s chewing that up not supposed to go in here get out of

Here oh he’s stuck uhoh free him free him okay come on no not this bamb move move little guy we can only eat the bamboo inside yeah oh it’s not I guess they can survive off of that what they need that much no guys this is not an upgraded

Prison it’s it’s they they can be safe in here you know no monsters are going to get them that’s right be honest would you rather would you rather be a panda lives here or be a panda lives in my enclosure which one yeah you choose this great see see what I

Mean it’s not that bad that’s what I’m going to say there’s a lot worse I choose Freedom okay a gosh making a bamboo blocks is so expensive I don’t have an Us honestly I’m kind of is I’m making this one as well but for now I’m just going to focus on this one finish the en closer okay I’m already outu I’m already out of bamboo man you have more bamboo um yes sorry what no I don’t [ __ ] it’s back

Home I have another stack back home oh well one stack is not going to work what the [ __ ] was that guys it looked weird what nothing nothing nothing don’t worry about it I see well well well do not yeah I’m maybe I’m going to try to get the M’s B

Tree a Vine a glueberry yeah for the lighting could be nice why this one is so bright though I think I think it lit up enough personally I think it doesn’t hurt to have some lights in the middle I guess so um I think maybe I do have some blueberries I’m not sure

Maybe I do as well let’s see I’ll probably I’ll grab some bamboo too I do I do well you do I I’ll go grab bamboo then oh we can we can who’s here what is this you got a you got you got a solocator SOL SOL sating SOL

Sating so when you’re SOL sating you are soul solor what whatever [ __ ] [ __ ] you out of here this guy yeah I know what he wants uhuh he’s just on your roof how rude soulat you see that how rude the col is bright because of the sees ah yeah yeah yeah that’s right

That’s right so yeah let’s use the the blue the glow Berry maybe we we can make some little bushes could be kind of nice is there flower in the in the jungle as well I don’t know is it dark oat no jungle log maybe we can have some Sprout as

Well some Sprout of jungle I don’t think he’s going to sprout I mean going to become actually a tree cuz it’s too too small honestly I think that’s a good idea I got like a [ __ ] T of bambo so much bamboo believe it I’m going to put it mind in there give me

One bamboo Bamboo how do you get bamboo can you hear me oh thank you you’re welcome when will you finish your office uh this year I promise well it’s not finished no I think it was done oh know I I need she’s on the tree what the hell

House I don’t have a house it’s my office I have like my bed I have like my items in there I don’t have an actual house I need to finish I need to get a house I need to finish the temple um almost almost done I got to make a quars

Oh my God so many things to do so many things to build so little time how can I get the jungle Sprout with the leaf can I just break the leaf I don’t know oh wow yes I did it worked got one let’s go what happens if you go through

Here uh what kind is going to shoot through the roof no I think it’s just not going to grow it’s just going to be a decoration oh you want it to be decoration yeah yeah yeah can I I don’t know boom okay let’s make it you

Know can I have this in the roof oh and for the uh see in one of the caves oh a lush cave oh oh gosh I lost one um I want this to kind of go in the middle I think oh my ending s touch what help someone help me

So you guys this said oh look he really wants to leave I wonder why I don’t know why why would he want to leave this is such a good place to live maybe because you have an two spores all right wait maybe maybe I want more Sprouts know what I might just get

Shaders maybe yeah I can give you wait can you give me your Shader of course of course how do I put shers uh forgot to but I’m sure I’m going to find out pretty easily bone meal okay going a try Che P can you can you link me your shaders

Yeah um what do I got video okay it’s cold complimentary Shader uh well compl sh I got to send you the name see you [Applause] okay I think I got it yeah I’m going to try to get some bone let’s go hold on I’ll be back yep

I don’t think you need to restart but okay I have so much stuff in my infenity H I think this is kind of too close maybe two is fine but maybe not in the same row I mean I can up here you know one

Okay oh I kind of wanted to extend it is it going to is it going to grow in the or oh no I see boom like this who let’s go oh maybe more like this I want another one maybe here M who look at that look at that guys maybe I don’t

Know this kind of make Bas everywhere I don’t know if I want that but not bad have something else maybe more flower flower bush no they can escape with that not this um I’ll put it in the back cuz have more colors M just two how about now use thing to keep the bamboo from growing oh gosh you guys know everything how do you do a string string what Um n give me that give me that give me that give me that ah he taking the bamboo okay hopefully I can make enough us three I think I need four oh actually I didn’t I need what no I need a nine ah I come back I can to want this

What wait we said need to activate the the shadow pack he’s not going to see it right away maybe he he got confused I can need free more free more we almost there there’s not those free ones we’re so close of making it complete oh wait he’s going to grow on

The on the back as well not sure if I want that now maybe here and there should be fine to have some wine hey wiist for some reason yeah you need to activate it the the sh up pack in the menu yeah so you need to go

In option in video and shadow pack on the top right and then you select it oh but it’s not here oh it’s not here did you put it the the folder yeah did you put the whole did you put the whole zip or did you unpack

It I I did the installer should I have not done that oh can you just download the zip wait maybe I can I think I can just put it in maybe can send playing this for how long are you going to uh stream oh I’m

Going to finish as soon as I finish the theenda thing okay so I’m I’m thinking that I’m a little bit too Eep yeah that’s fine okay I I’m sending you the files I’m might go for now yeah sure oh thank you so much I’ll fix the off stream yeah you

Know yeah I’ll stop for now yeah thank you for playing thank you for the pend well keep playing though you can keep playing for sure trust me just going to finish this um I’m going to go for n I’m very very ecky uh very tired going to take a

That probably thank you for playing with me today it was very chill it was very very we had fun talks it was very enjoyable that’s F yeah we have a collab tomorrow don’t we uh we do we do we do yeah we do we do so we’ll see each other tomorrow all

Right see you going to go for that byebye take Byebye okay all right guys we’re almost done thanks to we have a new specimen in the laboratory actually it’s super huge this this uh habitat this biome is super huge but actually the penda super huge so it’s kind of fitting them for AO kind of fitting over there all

Right just give me all this bamboo give me that boom ah okay I need at least salty I think to finish and you was talking about string how do you make the string again I don’t remember ah huh oh free let’s go I have free ones let’s go we are done

Ah I got scam I got scam what the [ __ ] I got scam I thought I was done what the hell no let’s go woohoo oh my God we made oh we made it we made it guys oh good I honestly wanted to on this side but I don’t know you know what whatever

Whatever just just looking from this angle we’re going to be here anyway looking like this no looking it you’re looking at it over there or should I make the fish as well here cuz I heard oh no no it’s bear it’s beer that bears that eat salmon never mind it’s not

Bend can I can I go out like normally oh what the hell I did okay I’m just going to close of this and the little lighting okay you guys were talking about string I I I kind of forgot again oh gosh I have too much

Items boom then give me a chest give me a chest ah I feel better W thank you for the raid thank you for playing thank you for playing together what fun okay the string cat or spider what do you mean cats you can like with cats okay need spider spider stuff welcome

Wners well just finishing up the panda the penda enclosure and uh yeah oh gosh I don’t have any No I don’t have any string no way is it night already outside wait I drop my food my food here it is maybe sn’s outside and we can get some spiders doesn’t seem like it’s night thank you for the five gifts thank you so much oh gosh it’s daylight full on dead daylight

Ah welcome to your thank you ukie ukie that give me 10 blocks of netherite but someone stole it from me or the silver bugs and make it disappear but only those only those block kind of sus huh huh I still haven’t found a cpet all right um spider

Web where can I find spider web do you guys know do you guys have ever heard of uh the bom in the P maze there was a spider there was a spider spawner wait how do you craft paper oh I don’t have enough oh my God I I have almost no rocket

Anymore I need paper and gun powder is there SPID Farm is there I need a v oh wait that’s closed then is there an actual one uh VX Castle over there I believe the s k okay spider okay where is it guys Guide Me Guide Me is This call

House since when this SK house have changed and become kind of pretty is this is it the skull house I know no way it’s not here it’s a it’s a different place he I remember like oh his hands oh I see oh yeah here is G house my bad yeah that’s what I

Thought that’s what I thought all right uh where is where is the spider thing guys you are saying behind the K here was it over here left here it’s not a spider right the platform the mountain uh oh let’s let’s see oh I hear a creeper Dying who oh let’s go can I get some I don’t have CET anymore I don’t I don’t see spiders though I spider what string oh it what string oh holy why is there so many string oh gosh wow the string going crazy oh oh my gosh let’s go thank you

We’re actually so close of it perfect so perfect ouch gosh all right um I just need a string right string to make string oh maybe it’s called wire is it this is it this this one just train are you sure have to oh just okay this this is what you

Mean this is what you mean huh it’s actually just the string okay how tall how tall should we make it maybe here is fine oh it’s very sneaky huh you cannot see it maybe this way this way is even harder to see maybe wait it’s always this direction

But anyway I think here is pretty nice maybe one more could go W ah I canot stop falling falling for you all right like this um those one I can of six nice over there and uh this one I want to grow it more wait maybe I have some more bamboo over

There bamboo here we go gosh the sound of them eating this one here this one here I think what do you think of the height of it this one I can of want one more why why this one is if it’s not going naturally it’s not like uh you know with uh

Leaves you just tra trade a bamboo ah there was more one there I should have one here too in the corner why not here could be lower though this one of nice this one I want it one more up this one is kind of high already ah this one you know what just

Having one just like this all right those one on the roof that’s fine for me for this how can I prevent it to go all the way down what if I wanted to stop up here oh oh string works too this one is kind of visible

Though this one you can see it pretty Well it’s kind of very Vis oh it’s not visible anymore here this one too I want one here I guess this one this one how about it stay small oh actually from far enough you don’t see it even though if if you get close you see it but if you’re not it’s all

Right okay actually I think we’re done I think we’re done okay Vine stop growing if she are use on the tip oh that’s kind of nice to know she is going to break well actually I just I mean like this is kind of good like

It low key want want to vine here no maybe behind give me that give me the vine boom can I grow it no I don’t think I can maybe I can have some some Vine here and there know maybe I don’t know I’m trying things how about

Now you’ve B me meal oh let’s Try I don’t think so yes I think we’re done look at that whoa very nice should we add some flowers I don’t know I don’t know if the flowers kind of fit you’re going to string the vine after it grows or can I just do

It so what but I need to do this and trim it so it [ __ ] so it doesn’t grow if if I do this boom boom it doesn’t go anymore oh it actually growing so if I do this oh it’s going to break this one oh I can be down

Here um so what what I’m considering right now is maybe putting some flowers let’s see what we got I mean so a bit of color you know a bit of color in this I just wonder what is that though what the hell is that some flowers flowers Saka maybe not Kendall

No oh maybe some mus how about some mus M Block why not Bo let’s let’s see what the hell are you looking like flowers I only have two c of flowers well fine will be a tree oh I see well he’s not high enough to to make a tree

So it’s going to be all right and I’m was like maybe some M here and there cuz it wouldn’t hurt oh this one I forgot about this one give need that boom can I have a bumble here oh yeah I can ah how about just this one replacing those boom boom like that

And there was a flower on top here you go you guys were seeing about string maybe at the bottom yeah boom boom so it doesn’t grow down was it like this was kind of like this like this this one the one need to grow down uh this one ah ah

Okay oh oh no it was kind of nice actually well he’s going to stop over there right and no thing here so it doesn’t grow down here I mean c honestly Boom Like This up there to stop it gosh no it wasn’t nice all right I think we’re good but for this

One this one I think I don’t mind if it’s super huge so I’m going to put up there all right wait where are the yellow flowers a bely y here we go let’s go let’s make let’s take a picture let’s take a picture wait can I I cannot see

Everything oh this let’s take a picture from the ankle we don’t want to see this side we want to see the bamboo side right who look at that screenshot screenshot oh wait you can see the thinging over there let’s hide it like this boom boom oh we’ve made it all right I’m kind

Of oh I need to hide the string but I’m hiding the penda as well wait let’s hide the Str hide the string oh like this like this pretty nice boom screens shot come on penda look at look over there let me see your face let me see your face okay

Perfect all right so perfect okay well we’ve done it it guys we’ve done it today was very chill it was like a hangout with won discovering the legacy of pom and the Halloween Park and well and crafting oh oh no what have I done we to screenshot with this no way no

Way hide this hide the string okay perfect cute okay all right and there other screenshot the string we can we can see it no we cannot see it we can like this like this only showing the butt okay okay I think that’s fine oh I’m kind of about to

Fall all right I think it’s good us good in US woo this time for sure we have made it all right thank you for watching guys thank you for watching it was the Arc of the penda making a new a new enclosure doesn’t that look kind of

Pretty I’m pretty happy about it I think it look great and I especially like the fact that you know I can finally use thin glass cuz I think thin thin glass looks so much so much better than and this one but I didn’t use it here cuz dark was getting

Blocked but yeah and I like the fact that it’s only two you know two row of uh thing and it’s kind of open on the top I kind of like it I think it it’s pretty cool pretty cool name them ah we’re going to think about it maybe another time but yeah for

Now we’re going to just end here thank you everyone for watching thank you very much yay pretty happy about it thank you for the tips of this thing as well was very useful very useful what I love how the penda closure oh all right we’re just going to go to Z

Now we can go I can look closer to the Sip and and everything all right Talking here we go okay make the bgm a bit louder I kind of like to hear my bgm I love my bgms okay okay I love how the pend enclosure turn out it’s so pretty I love all the decoration it was fun today thank you of course of course of course

Was Minecraft after a while I hope you you enjoy the stream and thank you for all the super the super of course of course I did the the free soup free soup uh Super Chat the Super Chat comment and you guys you guys was there you guys was there kind of as expected

Huh love allio VM yeah great oh great well we’re going to go over all the SAA for today we’ve been screaming for like 4 hours and a half h we have loud and clear hey guys don’t don’t miss any occasion all right let me go over it so

Namik no namik thank you for the 50 gift thank you so much thank you thank you I’m not going to uh misspell your name again thank you very much I know it was at least two as well two birthday today birthday for you guys happy birthday for you

Uhu welcome to the bestest ship am me saying welcome to the vest ship um kin kin say kin say happy birthday today is my birthday my time zone share my happiness with z and everyone have a wonderful day you have a wonderful birthday thank you very much D

Thank you for the five gift Jen thank you for the 10 gift namiki thank you for the 50 50 gift again thank you so much thank you I am thank you for the super hi Z I was super happy to hear your voice on my birthday I am happy birthday

To you as well to birthday um thank you for the stream enjoy the game I love crisis yay I’m glad you do D thank you for the r honestly I liked it I liked it you know it was uh how do you call this spontan let me translate this French English

Spontaneous spontaneous spontaneous it was a spontaneous it was you know it was in relate it was related to the game I was playing it was related you know to to Minecraft it was was great it was a good R it has a good gosh you know guys this

Is an example of if you keep trying you get better at it you get better at it all right Amir thank you for the gift thank you so much um lemonade thank you for the Sip free soup no Moren thank you for the superp free sip no Amir thank you for the SI

Guys freea that he said it himself cuz you guys always saying it it made me want to say too thank you for the super Louis thank you for the super Lu thank you for the super J thank you for the super than for the okay thank you for

The yes it was a signal it was the signal for everyone like there was oh we heard it we heard it zali said it himself it was a signal everyone swiped the pretty card like crazy thank you very much thank you for the thank you for the

SI thank you for the thank you for the thank you for the thank you for the SI good thank you for the SI s thank you for the Dono free Don as well no but thank you so much though s thank you for the

Oh gosh so just give a Dono I kind of you know in quote free Dono and free super at the same time just did both why choosing huh am thank you for the SI thank you for the SI J thank you for the super men thank

You for the SI okay thank you for the five gift Cy cat Welcome to the best ship and Amir thank you for the super thank you everyone even though it was not free I appreciate all the SI thank you very much all right and this is it

For today thank you for watching I’m going to post I’m going to post this screenshot on on Twitter I mean you know at this point I feel like my basement is no secret to anyone anymore bu already knew about it Why did she know about it again I did she did she went to the basement I don’t oh I think she did I think she did when uh I gave her what is it the the black ink I think I think she did B it here

And I I think I thought I thought I thought she didn’t notice the ink sack yeah I thought she didn’t notice cuz you know she just TP and and went out I like ah maybe you know she didn’t notice actually she did actually she did all right well

Thank you for watching guys see you tomorrow for some game woohoo you guys happy I am very happy I am very happy as you seen this week we have a little Revenge match against seina senpai going to do my very best I wonder know if the rul is going

To be the same but we’re going to see we love SAA we love saika game yeah all right two tomor for this and they going to be a collab as well with uh a lot of Nishan so look forward to that all right guys see you guys see you tomorrow bye-bye Ending okay you guys can it and we’re going to raide we going to Raide um fut is playing Zelda wait I need to check every single time I forgot oh I need to Check ahier no I missed it no way could have up gun um ending No he’s not all right we’re going to see in three two one touch down bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】BACK TO THE BASEMENT YIPPIEEE【NIJISANJI EN | Vezalius Bandage】’, was uploaded by Vezalius Bandage 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-01-23 19:04:28. It has garnered 14353 views and 1415 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:20 or 17000 seconds.

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Diamond Trick

    Ultimate Minecraft Diamond TrickVideo Information This video, titled ‘Diamond 😂#minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Koobra Arvind on 2024-04-22 13:13:40. It has garnered 8518 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:07 or 7 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey and jj roblox,… Read More

  • EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!

    EPIC Indian Survival Series in Minecraft Pocket Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘New survival series minecraft pocket edition indian’, was uploaded by Lankesh gaming 777 on 2024-07-07 15:59:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 1.12.224/server 32 bit minecraft free 64×64 minecraft server icon 6700k for minecraft server 60gb minecraft server minecraft server … Read More

  • Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!

    Minecraft Diamonds Guide: Insane Tips for 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘The BEST Ways To Find Diamonds in Minecraft 1.21!’, was uploaded by Marcor on 2024-09-16 17:12:03. It has garnered 35673 views and 2636 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Here are the best ways to find a ton of diamonds in your Minecraft world with ease. From the good old strip mining method, to dive mining, there are many ways to find diamonds and they are all in this video! Hey, thank you for checking out my channel, I really appreciate it! Consider subscribing while you’re here. If you enjoyed… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT FLY THROUGH!! 😱🚀 #memesVideo Information This video, titled ‘FLY TROUGH #minecraft #gaming #memes’, was uploaded by MrKanto on 2024-05-24 21:02:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. gaming #minecraft Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or … Read More

  • “Minecraft’s Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft's Biggest Secret: Steve Lives Forever!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Moment(steve never dies) #minecraft’, was uploaded by HRZ YT on 2024-09-03 09:02:24. It has garnered 1851 views and 85 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. Anime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditAnime shorts#dbz#goku#animeeditdream clutch is fake(i have proof) #minecraft #dream##viral#shortsfeed#urcristiano#‎@cristiano  Tag’s #freefire​ #freefireindia​ #status​ #viral​ #trending​ #alokikgamer​ #headtored​ #illegal_moon​ #durantoofficial​ #sabbiraa​ #shorts​ #shortsfeed​ #bestediting​ #colouring​ #capcut​ #alightmotion​ #kinemaster​ #kidsvideo​ #freefiremax​ #deshigamer​ #yotubeshorts​ #totalgaming​ #tgrnrz​ #tondegamer​ free fire edit #freefire #alightmotion #presetalightmotion #presetff #ff #headtored #durantoofficialPRESET ALRIGHT 😈🤯 MOTION FF🤡Panda🤡 – DESIIGNER II DOWN FF🤯🤯 VIRAL! #ff shorts #music#totalgamingminecraft,technoblade never dies,technoblade minecraft,minecraft technoblade,minecraft shorts,legends never… Read More

  • EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!

    EPIC Holostars Boss Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【VCR MineCraft β】ボス戦があるらしい、、、【5日目】’, was uploaded by Axel Syrios Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-09-20 12:41:28. It has garnered 5151 views and 658 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:49 or 12169 seconds. SUPER EXCITINGGG!!! Read More

  • EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2

    EPIC Summer BoxPVP Battles @ Season 2Video Information This video, titled ‘SUMMER: BOXPVP @ Season 2 | ZenithNetwork’, was uploaded by Zenith Network on 2024-08-06 12:55:55. It has garnered 137 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:57 or 177 seconds. IP: Discord: Tags: minecraft,minecraft prison,prison,minecraft prison escape,prison escape,minecraft roleplay,minecraft prison server,prison break,minecraft op prison,minecraft prison break,minecraft mods,minecraft jail,minecraft prison ali aminecraft,minecraft pe,minecraft prison ep 1,minecraft mod,minecraft prisons,minecraft noob vs pro,minecraft prison life,minecraft modded prison,dragones presos (minecraft prison escape),minecraft server, vexedmc,vexedmc minecraft,vexedmc reset,vexedmc ip,vexedmcprison,vexedmcprisons,vexedreset,minecraft,minecraftprison,,,hypixel,livestream,mc,riverrain123,free,video games,livestream the pit,minecraft prisons,hypixel minecraft,the pit livestream,livestream hypixel,minecraft op prison,video gaming,bogle hypixel,gaming,the god pickaxe,vanitymc prison,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,pickaxe (product… Read More

  • Conquer your Minecraft territory with Carpyy

    Conquer your Minecraft territory with CarpyyVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREIAMO IL NOSTRO TERRITORIO SU QUESTO SERVER MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Carpyy on 2024-09-22 16:03:46. It has garnered 3200 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:57 or 5757 seconds. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – • all my socials ” • Client I use » LunarClient • Songs I use » • Donations Link: ‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒‒ Read More

  • Pandamium Snapshot Server: Vanilla SMP, Experiments & Snapshots, The Creaking & Pale Garden, LGBTQ+ Friendly, Discord, TPA & Homes, Cosmetics.

    Welcome to Pandamium’s Snapshot Server! Pandamium’s snapshot server is an experimental, vanilla, SMP server that updates to every new snapshot with all experiments enabled. Be one of the first to play with brand new features and learn more about the game with friends! Server Features: TPA Homes Mailing A Discord-to-Minecraft chat link Ranks Mini blocks Mob heads for every mob in the game and all of their variants Snapshot Highlights: Experimental features like bundles, 1.21 content, and more Monthly End resets for new players Enhanced dragon fight with a dragon egg prize Connect with Us: IP: Version: 24w40a (Latest… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “It’s Crafting TIME!”

    Minecraft Memes - "It's Crafting TIME!"So dangerous, this meme could give you a virtual paper cut! Read More

  • Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun!

    Launch & Play: Player-Powered Fun! In the world of Minecraft, a player launcher was born, Using fishing rods, players were sent to the morn. With eight accounts in hand, the Backyard was the stage, Sending friends to space, in a daring rampage. The Backyard crew, with their antics and fun, Creating moments that shine like the sun. From 10minutetimer to DrawnbyCC, Each member adding to the glee. Special thanks to plazmahero and JampottBong, For helping with the intro, where the fun belongs. Join the Discord, where the community thrives, Sharing Minecraft tales, where creativity thrives. Fishing rods as rockets, who would have thought? In… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS 🔥😂 Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafthumor Read More

  • Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft

    Finding a Cute Surprise in Minecraft Minecraft: Discovering a Cute Little Creature at Block Pavilion Welcome to Block Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content while avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Block Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I produce funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Block Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated and unauthorized. Every day, a new exciting original video is released, so make sure to follow and subscribe for some fun content! Let’s spread happiness… Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • 🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥

    🔥¡EL MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK! Minions, Habilidades, Encantamientos Personalizados🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MEJOR SERVER SKYBLOCK🔥 Minions, Skills, Enchants Custom… ✅Java y Bedrock/PE Minecraft 1.16 a 1.21’, was uploaded by CarloScore Minecraft on 2024-10-05 00:35:07. It has garnered 111 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:29 or 329 seconds. NEW SKYBLOCK SERVER and CUBY Modalities Available For JAVA and BEDROCK/PE No Premium and Premium in version 1.16 to the most updated 1.21 🌎 IP in the Description and Comments⤵ 🔥Similar Videos🔥 ————————————————– ————————————————– ——————- 🔽CubyMC Network Server🔽 ✅JAVA AND BEDROCK IP: ✅Port: 19132 ⭐Your Discord: ⭐Web: ✔Versions: 1.8 to… Read More

  • EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)

    EPIC TNT Run Fail! 😂 (98%)Video Information This video, titled ‘TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by SIDHU GAMING 9 on 2024-05-02 13:30:33. It has garnered 9125 views and 291 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. TNT Run Failed 😂 (98%) #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmemes minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!

    EPIC Minecraft Hospital Showdown: Rich vs Poor!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mikey Cartoons on 2024-10-03 19:00:02. It has garnered 1017 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:30 or 1110 seconds. JJ Rich Hospital vs Mikey Poor Hospital CHALLENGE in Minecraft / Maizen Minecraft We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #maizen #minecraft #jjandmikey Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!

    EPIC 1v1 Battle with Wither Boss | Minecraft Shizo!Video Information This video, titled ‘🫧 [SATUNYAWA EP16] 1VS 1 WITHER | CaptainYani | Minecraft༊*·˚’, was uploaded by CaptainYani on 2024-01-10 20:37:55. It has garnered 26286 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:39 or 10059 seconds. ˗ˏˋ 𝘼𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙈𝙀 ˎˊ˗ ઇઉ Moshi Moshi Captainyani here ઇઉ From Malaysia ઇઉ Love video game ઇઉ Streamer ઇઉ Sometimes I do many different types of video just for fun… ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝙒𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙅𝙤𝙞𝙣 𝙈𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙧𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙥?ˎˊ˗ 。⋆ʚ♡⃛ɞ If you donate or join membeship please let me know, thank you꒰。 › ·̮ ‹ 。꒱ ———————————— ˗ˏˋ𝘿𝙤 𝙁𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙈𝙮 𝙎𝙤𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙚𝙙𝙞𝙖 ₍˄·͈༝·͈˄*₎◞ ̑̑ˎˊ˗… Read More