Beagii – Causing CHAOS in Minecraft!

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Supposedly I’m live now we got to check this by going to YouTube on the Tactical iPad then we go to view Channel and we see causing chaos in modded Minecraft now you may be wondering why is there say causing chaos if you were just playing Sky Block because

I don’t want to restart the stream and just have it be named oh yeah by the way all right but I don’t want to have the exact same stream twice is what I’m trying to get at so we’re going to play this mod pack that Superior catapult put together

And then we’re GNA test it out because I’ve played it a little bit it’s pretty funny oh they’re SP spaming the hearts um it’s loading up it’ll it’ll take a little bit because there’s I think like 70 mods oh wait no that’s the horror mod pack I don’t know how many

Are in this one big number in thumbnail yeah except I’m not even playing that that’s the worst part all right we have arrived in the mod pack create new world hardcore create let’s try this Out oh oh my the lag oh my 30 FPS is not okay maybe I’ll lower some of the Graphics no we’re all right we’re all right all right this is beautiful is it hard to play Minecraft on a computer I play it on Xbox it’s

Decently a step up I played on Xbox for the longest time and then I switched over to computer and it was a it was different but in my opinion it’s just easier to do a lot of stuff on computer with it because when you’re on Xbox if you’re using the Xbox

Controller you’re very limited with like how you can move around because you’re you’re stuck to that one uh I forgot what they call it it’s like the thumb pad you’re stuck to that except when you get um on computer you’ve got a mouse with a sensitivity you can constantly change to fit your

Needs also the waves like move the boat realistically and I’m pretty sure if I get out to open ocean it makes it like even better oh yeah I could see the waves depend you that oh look at this oh yes I’m like teetering not enough items added the

Stuff I need to make a boat who what’s this yo there’s a pirate ship y we have arrived oh this is the pirate ship that’s like highly dangerous the stuff that spawns in the spawners can one tap me oh wait no this isn’t the right pirate chip the iPad’s

Too loud now now you can hear the echo my PC is on life support mainly because I’m running insane graphics yeah I can still hear the echo like look at this place there’s enemies on this boat so I got to be Careful I think there’s a window here though no there’s a spawner I don’t see any chest what if I mine in here Empty hello Frederick where’s my crafting table I left it behind oh food and the materials to make blocks so I don’t die that’s good what is the name of this mod it’s a mod pack uh it’s made by oh what was that oh a zombie became a drowned but

Um it’s a lot of mods this is frixie all right what is that he’s got two swords okay we’re not going to worry about that that guy seems like he’d be able to kill me yeah you should stay back kill you don’t make me don’t make

Me if I get a foot and Ste this entire place is going down don’t make me you know I will you don’t want my smoke I want your swords can I get your swords please ah all right well moving on we’re going to try this again maybe we don’t rush

The pirate ship with no Gear oh dude oh dude wait a minute oh ASMR over here look at this play rlcraft I could I might join into this Superior you got to join me I’m bored I need us both to struggle I want you to build us a boat and then we can pillage let’s build a

Little fishing town on this Shore because the entire chat wants me to fish in 1 hour I can I’ll build a fishing town in that hour and then we can construct boats and then go pillaging I got um I’m going get you the recipe for Wheels thank you thank you

Thank you uh I know that for the like the things for Airship it literally is just wool I don’t know what the wheel is where should we make our little fishing town probably in this little Cove looking thing here maybe on that island that Island looks like a really nice

Spot oh look at the underwater this is so pretty but we’ll make a town here and then we’ll start constructing a boat bye reishi this the mod pack I sent it’s the one pirate mod pack that actually worked not the one that crashed meaning that ideally we would

Get the um that animation thing in here do you Spanish this TR uh this semester yes I do see chos you want know what c chos means yes little kids I didn’t know that I tried to make my Spanish teacher say megusta Chicos so that it would mean I like okay I

Probably shouldn’t translate that because I knew it’ll be taken out of context I have an A in Spanish chemistry is just pain not because of the actual class because of the teacher what happened uh I got to show everyone in chat what happens if I kill a mob it’s so

Funny they don’t even give out a pluses at our school it sucks I would have an A+ in health because I have 100% in there and the semester is almost done all right I’m I got to find an animal to show what happens when I kill

It I got to show everyone in chat let’s demonstrate on fish there’s sheep over there but I don’t even know if it works on fish it does they become ragd dolls but it’s so much funnier when you kill a uh like a mob or something they just lay down dead it’s so

Funny and you can like play with the physics these ones last for like 90 seconds I think or 100 seconds look at them throw them in the water and he floats wait we both live in the same state no we don’t there’s no chance there is zero chance of don’t is

We can become a little fishing town do you have snow often yeah that sums up like half of the earth though there’s only like two good types of snow and it gets bad pretty fast if you have the right conditions only good snow is the heavy

Snow as long as it’s not wet as long as it’s not wet the snow is good but if it gets wet oh wetness ruins everything and that’s going to the out of context okay wetness just ruins so much snow wetness is not ideal because it just makes it

Harder and then this is getting so out of context we’re going to chop down every tree on this little island we’ve got going here and we’re going to watch all the block particles just shatter you can’t find the recipe well how do I make a fishing

Boat instead I’ll use J all right I mean ji not J you for real Make Me a Channel mod last time someone made you a mod on anything you ended an entire ire Minecraft SMP look at the leaves it’s so satisfying I love this getting the I I don’t know what

It’s called I think it’s called Fresh animations or something that one would be a nice part for this mod pack I just I think when we put it in it that was the issue though it crashed I have enough um wool to be able to sleep through the night I think it

Was one of the structure mods Maybe cuz if I got a fresh animations one I would probably make a series on this cuz fresh animations just changes the game in general what was that oh the leaves are falling into the water and it makes a really loud noise oh Superior catapult says Mr

Biggy invite me how do I we’re learning Invite don’t leak my IP Superior or I’ll leak yours I’m kidding I’m kidding K threat threatening to docks is not okay I think he instantly crashed guess who’s back and he’s gone and he joined and left and he joined and he left is it cuz I’m throwing way too many

Leaves on and there we go again is it cuz there’s like 50,000 particles here where’s my mine that I started I started a mine that’s my home for now until I get a fishing shack it’s over here new axe I eat apples let me sleep I want to sleep did you update any

Mods I don’t think so unless it automatically did it cuz it usually asks you I just hit no let me sleep Ola sleep Ola D why me it’s literally night time where’s the sunset I want to watch the sun it’s so pretty I’ve never beaten Minecraft

Before the first one is really hard cuz like you you don’t know wait what oh I thought falling down was like cleaner huh TI just can’t join the game it’s so sad all right this is my little bunker for now this is where my estate of residences look at the furnaces how are

Even the furnaces pretty how does that even how do you even make furnaces look nice I think I the first time I beat the game without like assistance was I don’t think I ever beat it without assistance on my iPad way back in the day but I think I beat it on

Xbox and then on here I beat it in hardcore a lot hello Russ we’re playing uh modded Minecraft and I’m making a little fishing Village and then I’m going to build a boat and then sail away and then find a pirate ship to attack this is sus what is sus might be my

Network H cuz it didn’t work before remember with the horror thing I was able to get in just fine it was someone else that couldn’t get in it was like Foo oh wait no you’re right maybe it’s cuz when I host it this thing has the voice mod in it right

You I’m pretty sure you put the voice mod in this one maybe where do I look at the Mods something with my firewall did I miss the hot pickle stream yeah it just started dying on me because YouTube sucks for streaming so then I just played modded Minecraft later to fix it um if you host the World I can join you and then we can have

Fun is that every tree how is that not every tree I’ve almost broken two axes this is such a small island how is there so many trees do it at 6:30 all right that’s 45 minutes it’s decent progress for a fishing Village much there’s a

Bee hello Mr Bee do you live on this island did I like chop down your tree do you just live here now I just need take it this would be so funny with friends true dude we’d get like we could have like a pirate Royale everyone builds their pirate ship that they want to use whether it be like we could have air battles there we go every single tree on this island is

Broken the town hall or like not really Town Hall but like Central Building for this island is going to be a dome shaped thing right in the center I want to map it out first though so probably like I have to make sure that I I I don’t

Have a large enough space to make a large Dome here and that’s what I’m struggling with oh also I’m adding Dragon St it would be really funny it would just be so hard um we can make a smaller one if we need to like this oh I placed multiple blocks

Wrong would this work I feel like I’ll just put the pillars in and see where it ends up steering wheel is a golden four sticks all right that’s going to be I can get all those materials from the pirate ships themselves it’ll just take some time let me build up the Pirate Cove

We can use like normal ships like boats to travel to a pirate ship and get the materials for a one gold in the middle four sticks on the corners three fence on top and a slab bottom yeah I can get all that stuff it’s just going to require me to

Actually go to a pirate ship in order to get the gold or we can go mining better we we really going to go mining when we have the opportunity to take down Pirates no is this the right block yeah it is wait Block it’s right here this looks terrible right now but

I’ll fix it I have exactly enough wood for it that’s satisfying it’s kind of big honestly I feel like if I do it right though it could look Good there’s not enough threats in this world that’s the issue it’s like all vanilla until you get to the oceans this mod pack is good nonetheless except like none of the structur show up because we had to remove them to stop the crashing most of the pirate ship ones

Are still here it’s just I haven’t seen a single onl Structure I kind of want to make this bit open I feel like that could be cool if I have like I just walk in here so what I’ll do is I’ll go like something like this maybe and these scent those bits will be blocks yeah all right I want to try and chop

Down a tree before Sundown and I tamed Three Dragons W uh I remember I think it was me and ykb Y we head to rlcraft world for a while and then it got boring because we were just stuck at this state of constantly having to grind XP except our armor was getting

Low on durability it just they both came at such an inconvenient time that we had to choose between either forging new armor that would break by the time we would get new armor so we couldn’t even enchant it in the first place it was just tough which is good because ourl Craft’s

Entire thing is that it’s meant to be tough all right we have some food in these and then I need to cook some torches ideally I would make lanterns because I’m a building sweat but sleep sleep sleep there’s like little blocky pixels popping up off the the food I eat that’s so

Cool all right this is the bottom bit of the Center building ideally this would be like a tower I just don’t have the government funding for that so we’re going to go get some Spruce Wood and see what we can do with it the underwater just looks so

Cool look at the snow the snow I just step in it and wait what why can’t I it’s a block of grass there’s no block there how would I guess that how would I guess this there’s no blocks there’s no block there it’s just all what happened

Uh I love the rag doal physics so much it’s like the one of the best parts of this entire mod pack is just the fact that I can hit stuff and it becomes a rag doll instantly who unsubscribed can’t believe you would do that you

Poopy head I’m kidding if you hate me I don’t care I’m playing I I I’m throwing zombies into lakes so oh they resubscribed good choice thank you thank you all right is there how is there more wood oh my God even though like bits of snow on top of

Stuff is breaking that’s so cool it’s so watch this like the shattered bits of snow plummet that’s so Cool Where just that last long aha oh that was satisfying oh I’m going to plant the next generation of trees you unsubscribed again I can’t believe this blasphemy or they I’m not going to assume that they’re a man Even though according to YouTube statistics 90% of my viewers are male all

Right I want to make this look good except I have such crude tools that I don’t have a choice campfires will look good we’ll make a lot of those don’t wait what that’s funny I can just do that on repeat no matter what there all right we got the Torches around this

So this thing should be lit up at night and then I want to add like a oak trim with the B uh with the spruce on the outside I’ll show you what I mean So we’ll do a layer of Oak planks and we can do like details in it with Spruce Wood if I do something like if I get probably just stairs slabs we’ll get a little bit more than that in case we do this all the way around all right and then we go like

Bam bada b boom pow someone keeps subbing and not subscribing I know um slab and then inward outward Inward there we go so that oh that actually looks decent and then yeah I got an idea for this hold on we’ll do an oak layer on Top This will be like a pirate style cast almost like a wooden pirate style C Castle let me get the uh this is

Completely freestyle I’ve never seen any build like this I just have been watching way too much smallish beans and F whip recently so all right so now how does that look if I do that oh yeah that I get a layer on top of that this will look good be there soon all

Right um we’ll just do this entire layer as Oak planks we’ve got a slight abundance I’m not going to have enough planks to finish off this but I have uh another Stacks we’re good um and then on the top it we can do like what unstripped Oak yeah this looks

Nice this looks like a wedding cake too so we’re doing all right I’m the only like there’s two likes and I can make it three if I do this maybe if I do this oh yeah that looks better four likes now oh yeah this increases the look of it so much

Look at the like sun when it’s coming down over the thing it makes this more visible it’s so cool it said two and then just jumped to four now it at six um H we’ll make another set of what do I want to do where’s my crafting table it’s over here

I should make an aquarium for that I need iron to make buckets and I don’t have that yet I’ll work on that I could be mining at night I got to finish off this build though I also watched uh that new recreat video where he just literally wants to build

And he actually makes a really nice little thing and I I never really built much in the past year because I’ve just been doing content and then next thing you know I hopped into like a Minecraft Bedrock world and then I was like all right oh look at this it’s so cute this

Is actually a really nice little thing it’s almost like a Japanese style all I do in Minecraft is build stuff that’s not necessarily a bad thing either like this game is so huge except building is is almost always needed maybe not building high quality but like

Just building in general if you got to get across to Chasm then you got to build a bridge except there are people that build insanely pretty Bridges I need a little bit more Spruce Wood to finish off the roof the roof will be probably Oak planks

Is that the top yeah that’s the top all right it looks so cool like this this Tower looks so nice I am very happy with how this turned out I’m considering whether I swap the logs on the second floor back to Birch I might let me go mine some Birch

I’ll I’ll put it on like one side and then I’ll see how it looks maybe Birch will be the yeah every all the camman 18 Watchers are like oh yeah everyone hates Birch when they watch Cam man 18 I’m like but it’s not even a bad block if you know how to use

It I’ll email this directly to camman 18 I’ve built Mega bases on like Minecraft realms with Birch I’ll hire like private people that just mine Birch for me because I always somehow become the richest through I don’t even know what I become the richest through I just run myself so

Broke because I buy all the wood on the server I get all my mandatory volunteers going and then I get all the wood this thing is going to look like a wedding cake but I don’t care there’s a cave here I could check it out iron this is actually something I

Need uh-oh uhoh no we leave we leave we leave I wish they added like Um like a handgun I feel like a handgun would be really cool nothing too op just like a range weapon that’s relatively cheap sorry did I just see three hearts of damage per Arrow when are you going to be live again I got to go soon probably tomorrow I’ll have to

See why does this guy does so much damage killed him ooh oh he laid down wait what happens with the oh that smoke is cool when they blow up it like leaves behind their body oh that is sick I’m almost dead I got an idea to cover up my tracks

Ha how’s the gemstone Gauntlet grind going I I have one of them I have one Flawless and I think I have another like 30 finds so I’m getting closer he saw me didn’t he oh dear not even close I need to leave here though that was way too close

I am getting way too greedy I got the piece of iron I need for a shield but then again there’s more iron there’s a witch we leave we leave there’s a witch get away from me we’ll go this way no we’re not there’s nothing there the witch is

Chasing the witch is chasing all right how is it still coming I got to dodge the potions that it chucks at me dodged dodged dodged dodged I killed him yeah you better sink in the water of course which said come here my pretty exactly dude bro was like

Destroying me he chased me I just wanted to get some iron so I could make a shield and then he said no and then tried to kill me so inconsiderate he just wouldn’t let me steal from his cave all right we’re going to put the Birch on top it’ll look

Better and anyone that says it won’t is wrong because it’ll look better stole his favorite piece of iron he’s been staring at that iron for 40 years and then I showed up and he was like no did I put that in my spawn yeah I did

I needed that piece of iron more than he did what was he going to spend it on a cauldron what was I going to spend it on a shield it’s more worth it for me to have that iron than him dang it let me go make a

Axe oh I had I had a almost broken one all right and now can use the rest of these to fill in I I’ll just make it the same all the way up so I’m going to need to to fill this in with stairs probably and need 16 stairs

Total who’s going to sell it to his witchy Friends real like I just showed up on his property unannounced and he wasn’t chill about it like I just wanted to steal from him I love I’m putting so much time into this massive thing like we’re on day

Three already we’ve spent an hour on this 50 minutes we’ve spent in this world and you want to know what I’ve done I built a house that’s not even done or furnished and my items aren’t in It exactly like what’s the issue with me stealing from him for no reason I don’t see what’s wrong with that I think he was just too he was too greedy that was his problem he was greedy and he wouldn’t share with like the 1% these days I’m going to keep doing this until

I finish I don’t have enough slabs I’m I have to go down get some more just make I I don’t feel like going down so I’ll just do this oh wait no it was the slabs I needed more of there we go and now we can start on the oak bit I

Think I want to do a little bit more work on the edges Is I just want to finish this I don’t care about the monsters because I don’t think they can spawn on my Island what I would do for a repelling candle right now Mr Enderman says hi that’s good that’s good shoot the last block I placed it wrong oh and it fell down all right sleep time after I light this up I don’t think mobs can spawn up here famous last words though so we’re going to put slabs on a lot of This plus it’ll round it off so it’ll look Better all right is that it I have to get down and out with without perishing which could be an issue I need to slay all these monsters cuz I’m there’s no way I can get get out of Here okay well someone just subbed thank you thank you what is the hardest thing you’ve had to build there’s a lot of things my friend on like some random Minecraft was like listen I’ll give you a stack of diamonds if you terraform an entire Mountain for me within one

Day and it was a massive Mountain too and I had to get the stone myself I so I had to get the materials build it all in a day but I got the stack of diamonds so like good deal this is so cute let me get rid of

All the scaffolding and stuff dude this is actually such a cute building style I really like this don’t mind don’t mind this guy the neighbors are weird I dunk them in the water go for a swim ow let’s take a step back it’s so cute I

Love this so much this is actually oh this is great I’m smiling this thing is so Oh this is so cool that is such a i this is completely freestyle a I love Dome shaped builds now I don’t want to kill this guy but I do want him off my property so I did I just miss that many consecutive hits get over here get over

Here I forgot about the ragd down physics who can’t swim now oh he Floats dang it I got a grass block out of it it was a good deal thank you for all the 100 Emojis all right so this is the central building this is where I live I got to make a place for Superior to live if he ever figures out how the thing

Works finally got my hands on the shield we can move out of this little underground pit and move up into here I kind of want to make the flooring Oak planks I’ll need a shovel though which means we we’ll leave a little thing down here for like when we’re

Mining if we need a mine then we can come down here and then we have somewhere to go or if the other place gets overrun by mobs we can cuz down here I’m not adding any defenses this entire place in theory should be mob proof I just haven’t gotten to it yet

The amount of particles going flying from this dirt is Insane yeah one hour of work to make a really pretty cake is a good deal I this house just looks so cute like this looks like the kind of stuff you would look at on Tik Tok and it would be like cute little Japanese house Ideas like look at it oh wait from this angle it kind of sucks because there’s no torches on the upper layer we’re getting soft tacos later I think if I put torches on the upper layer it would full throw this all together so much nicer we’re getting soft tacos Later I got a make some ladders I’ll put ladders in the center of the build what am I doing I I I just Tred to make ladders by putting them like that all right this will go all the way to the top shoot I didn’t Place either those blocks

Correctly I’m almost out of food too I might have to go kill some actually we don’t have enough string to go fishing yet oh come on all Right all right let’s see Here there we go I just got to break this there we go and then we’ll put like something like that to make it seem like it’s being supported learning how to do the advanced building techniques I think we’ve got eight Subs out of the stream which is pretty good

Honestly I used like every block of wood I had from this entire Island to put together one of the cake houses like the the entire Island had wood on it and I broke it all and now I have a single cake house I had torches up here and I broke them down

There we go ladder clutch I’m so skilled oh I’m crazy all right this thing looks pretty good we just got to transport all of our items into it I I’m literally dream like I’m just so Unstoppable dream dream wants his mlgs back all right that looks pretty good and

Then I don’t really have a choice for up there I’ll use this torch for like holding when I’m in the caves all right now what fancy flooring should we do we’ll put like I want to get get barrels except I just don’t have the stuff I have enough

For one up here is where storage is all right I think we can go back into that cave that we saw I don’t remember where it was though I think it was that way yeah cuz in the witch followed me over here it’s becoming nighttime so I got to

Make sure I don’t get caught out in the open the rag dolls are so funny with the fish they just get broken in Half time to start the fishing Town yes sir it’s becoming night time so I’m a little bit concerned it looks so cool at night this is such a cool thing I’m really happy with how this turned out there we go the sunrise oh that actually hurts my eyes to look at ow

Oh all right I think now is the time to go exploring in the caves after we cook up our food we don’t have any coal so I think we’re just going to have to cook this the oldfashioned way then we can go with spelunking my beigie maybe Superior can play Superior

You got to see this beautiful house we put together the Cake House look at this it’s so Cute this is the entire Island’s trees plus a little bit more from other there’s a CO the end of the mine you were in with the witch I know I got to go back there it looks really cool screenshot let me go over there let me

Go F1 so everyone can screenshot it if they want to new screen saver I’m taking that screenshot sent it to you Superior where was the direction of the I forgot to get my fishies then Mak can goost balun King make sure we get the gear we need for then we could start

Making our first boat but I hope that we can get two string from the caves as well so we can actually start Fishing it’s called ship or ship’s fabric I’m pretty sure this one is ship’s fabric it’s not the most recent ship’s fabric we’ve played it’s the second most recent I think where’s the cave that was over here it was like right next to the I think it’s over here oh a doggy yay a

Doggy our pirate dog could you tap Escape then mod mods is not an option here or in options we finally got access to coal Here’s my F3 I can’t see nothing with it though so pause the stream where it’s at and then you can look at it I need to go doors spunking if I could see any iron there’s like no iron in this entire cave all right there’s some I gotta dive on the

Iron is that two veins right next to each other no I need to get a gold is so much text oh wait there’s a cave here if I do that and then I get a block from here and I block that off we have our first cave

Base did the dog make it where’s the dog oh the amount of part the rag doll that the creeper makes will never get old Mr wolfers is right here he he teleported I was on the forge when you were on fabric I I got this through

Forge I have no idea how modding works so that’s like saying oh yeah so you got the flux capacitor for the Quantum Drive and uh then you put it in overload like I don’t it’s like talking about leagues of Legends what why is there leagues that’s a measuring

Unit and why are like 35-year-old Men playing it I mean I know why but is it does this cave keep going or is this it 17 iron will do decent I can make new Gear with that to protect myself but I’d like a bit more

I got to go buy good luck on this world thank you thanks for stopping by 23 iron that’s pretty good I wish there was more pirate themed mods in this like so the whole reason why I wanted a pirate ship mob was because of the rec

RP video where they had a pirate mod pack except I just don’t know how mods work in Superior does uh oh what there’s water don’t want there to be water adios water P we’re here and another small section that’s completely useless I want to check the water cave

There might be some iron I missed if there’s even a single piece of iron that I missed and there’s already a lot more than one all right we can make some good tools which means we can probably go on we can make our first vessel pattis and then Purge a

Ship take it over if you will if we get the materials we can take over a pirate ship did pirate ships despawn like if I were to take over one and then just leave it at the island would it despawn cuz it it’s Technic an entity

Right it would from a coding side of things it makes sense that it would despawn but from a gameplay side it doesn’t uh I’ve got enough iron and I’ll get more from like the different structures I find Superior didn’t get disconnected right away all right Superior we got to gear us both up

Now let me find you where are you at is voice mod in this I don’t think so cu the thing’s not at the bottom of my screen I don’t think voice Mod’s in this version of the mod pack we got you’re like 200 blocks this way I

Got to figure out where the cake house is all right cake house is over here oh yeah that was the wrong way I know you spawned over here forgot about it you spawn like right on the snow I’m going to stop home and cook the stuff that I got first and then I’ll

Come pick you up this is Hardcore by the way don’t die it’s becoming nighttime where are you at Superior how are you still 150 blocks this way where did you even spawn in I got to get you back here before Sundown and it’s already Sundown so I don’t like my odds

Superior look for the light I’m holding a light Superior where did he say he was at how are you another 80 Blocks this way don’t die don’t die don’t die I see him Superior we need to go Superior we need to go hold this it gives you light actually

No don’t hold that hold this hold that it does not emit light for me we need to leave I hear SK don’t worry Superior I can see the I can see the cake I can see the cake we got to keep moving we’re almost there Superior cake go to the cake go to the cake go to the cake just Sprint towards the cake Sprint Juke all of the mobs get to the

Cake okay there’s mobs on the cake actually get him wolf my wolf is useless wolf I need you to kill him oh no I hit Superior doggy get down it would be so sad if Superior died to me it’s okay Superior pretty soon I’m going on an expedition and I can bring you home some goodies making all the stuff I need you’re Superior Superior Superior take all that hey y’all oh wait I don’t even need it you can have that okay we just need to get a second bed then we are set

Wait is sleep slash I do I have to have cheats on for Sleep percentage how do I join uh so you need to have curse Forge and then there’s a specific mod pack and it’s really tanky for your PC like I’m running 60 FPS and I have a $1,800 PC but then uh we can if we friend you on through Essentials then we can uh invite you yeah Superior can send the mod pack too I need to get my dog up on the second layer but Superior needs to stay back because the dog might still be aggroed doggy get up

Here maybe the dog will defend us on the ground Diego that’s its name as soon as the sun rises we go on a we go on an expedition we need to put together some vessels we don’t have a steering wheel yet which we can get from spelunking or

Raiding other ships raiding other ships sounds a lot better for Content so we’re going to do that I’m going to change this I got an idea for this what if on those I did a stair like this it’ll make it look like it’s more connected rather than just yeah I like

That a lot more I’ll make two vessels Superior uh stay here and like grind wood just like you have the materials you need to be able to grind wood cuz you have stone tools so we got to build the next buildings next one will be your house this is the Center building this

Is like no one’s house I’ll build my house and your house next I just need wood I’ll build them all in this exact same style so we get a nice little area going as soon as the sun rises I can leave I’m not on the Discord oh let me fix that little

ComEd where is how is superior catapult not get a single profile no that’s not how I do it rolles um mod and admin you’re mod and admin now so you’re good I hear a zombie below us this wolf is not doing a very good job of

Defending I threw him down the hole he’s like in the block it’s not a public mod pack you need to download it cuz it’s not all right Superior DM me the cords of this place while I go Adventure farewell come say farewell come say farewell you know what I’m Ving with Superior

All right let’s call Superior hello Superior did I mute you the last time we VC nope I did not all right what Mr Superior can you hear me yep I’m going on an adventure maybe DM me the cords of this place in case I forget it goodbye

What yeah I can hear you watch out there’s a zombie ah okay let me put this link on the Discord so that that’s so pretty that’s so pretty all right I’m going that way I’m going in the direction of the sun hold down the fort while I’m gone

I’m going to go get us the materials for a pirate ship okay I might build a house all right can you get a ton of wood cuz um the entire Island’s trees was enough to support that it’s singular house the whole all the trees on the island every single tree on that island

Like like there was I had a good three stacks of oak wood a good like stack of birch logs uh I had to go get Spruce I need to go get more Birch houses are not cheap the whole island is the whole island is what I’m going to

Do uh after this I’m going to work on making the like this verion version of this mod pack except like with the create mod and Ice and Fire and Alex’s mods uh uh and it should be compatible of this world would the with the fresh animations or what’s the one mod pack

Called that is it is it called Fresh animations oh yeah that’s the that’s the resource pack I think you should be able to add it to this let me check yeah cuz that’s the only issue I have with this mod pack I think it should work let me test

If it works all right I think it’s yeah it it’s enabled but does it work yeah it does not work I have maybe it’s only enabled for you wait uh open your resource packs and check if it’s in it I’ve got fabric mods physics mod and default I don’t have

It oh then uh then you haven’t got okay let me I think it was working for me I didn’t even change anything why did it have to load all right yeah I see the push animations is there a ruined portal okay you know what I’ll just send it in the

Discord is this a ruined portal nope where’s that island where am I is this making me go a bigger number this is making me go a smaller number maybe this direction is new terrain so there are new items too there’s a couple new ones oh pirate ship oh like those new

Items there’s a steering wheel there’s oh my I’d like to Commander one of these I think I’d like to Commander one of these pirate ships this one is significantly easier to take over though so I’m going to do this one first although there’s spawners in the water there’s spawners in the water with

Dolphin riding um skeletons that do way too much damage for no reason they’re firing at me oh shiver Me i s the resource back in the description and it’s working properly there ow [Applause] no don’t die there are so many of them and there are dolphins I what is

This let me watch oh okay I think was this in the this was in Mor SMP this is the only thing that has killed me in the mor SMP and that was when I was in netherite and that was on not hard mode just anyway once you’re done with that I send

The fres animation so you should be I’m scared they’re still right on my tail this is a highspeed chase a Mor SMP isn’t modded but one of the data packs in this is in the mor SMP which adds the structures they’re still here how do you get away fighting him

I’ve got four on my tail the main land yeah I can see the animation it’s like your dog’s wagging its tail and that if I just kill the Skeleton on top I don’t have to worry about the dolphin actually if I kill the dolphin it makes it so much

Easier yeah the stream’s cutting out of bit what how is how much health do these have how much health do these have I hit that thing like five times huh no I just got one tapped I was at full health wait this is Hardcore yeah I’m going all the way back there those

Things are so broken I’m going in there I’m going there in spectator I don’t care how do I make this normal survival mode oh if you turn on Feats on the host World thing I can put your game mode to Creator I can’t how do I I can’t do that

Wait you wait you’re not able to wait when you tap uh when you tap inv World host or on the host World button yeah World host even if I made it on easy mode this would be hard my game mode survival and I’m still in spectator oh no uh do this turn on

Sheets and then make me op and then I’ll just uh change your game mode to game Rules I can’t change your permissions cheats on you’re an operator now slash game mode C oh no game mode I don’t care if I’m cheating I just need to fix my issues now we can turn off cheats uh not yet I’ll do that in a

Second I’ll do that in a little bit I gotta actually get back to my items because now I’m in the middle of the ocean okay and I’m going to go get some more wood and then after that I’m going to wait is that guy in chat regret about

It okay yeah so I and fire is really cool trust me I can just make the dragons not spawn or like spawn once everything th000 Blocks plus Alex’s mobs which is even cooler it like it adds a bunch of new boss fights and stuff and it’s so polished yeah okay I found the boats how are those dolphin things so open I don’t know like Mor’s SMP there were entire like castles that were

Easier yeah whole Mega structure thing was yeah and then there’s just some dolphin boys and that’s what kills me okay there would be like a legion of illers trying to kill me and they would not be hard no no no the second a guy on a dolphin shows up oh I’m

Screwed it like one that makes no sense though like what where are my items is this the island I got stuck on no what server are you on uh this is just a world and then I I was able to share it with Superior cuz he’s

Um on Essentials which is like a mod thing that let you share where did I go did I go this way to escape them I think I went this way oh yeah I did here’s the island here’s the sad little island where I perished because these things are too

Op one shotting it one shotted me in full iron armor like a warden is nothing compared to this full iron armor full iron armor that’s that’s like and it has an axe so even if you had a shield it would last for a singular hit bro the warden starts shivering in

Its Timbers when this thing shows up is that everything I get all my things back okay I I think now this should work how do I remove the hardcore mode part of this I don’t know game mode creative game mode survival do immediate respawn maybe that’ll help the difficulty is on easy cheats

Off so I can’t do that no more and you have op now so you can transfer the world file just fine right yeah this just looks so cool I hit the kelp underneath my boat and it’s just this is great all right I need to get my blocks out so I can

Actually get up to the ship I see them I see them on those stupid Dolphins wa the waves are getting huge wait this is cool yeah it’s like a water slide waves are getting really choppy out here I need to get up here before they spawn they spawned their Dolphins but I

Got out of there in time this is terrifying if I fall in I am certainly dead there’s a captain in this room I know that Much Why is this bow got punch 50 oh now I’m going to have go on the whole finally killed that guy all right oh oh okay we can make a steering wheel that I have Enders ender pearls bookshelves this is a amazing find I hear so Much Death okay I think what I got to do is I

Got to mine underneath me What if I made a flint and steel how can I set this place on fire that’s my first instinctive thought is how can I burn this Place how did they just hit me oh the silverfish did Ow St bur on the this is terrifying like everything around I need them to kill each other except they physically Can’t okay that is how you win the game Enchanted iron armor a busted sword six diamonds which we can get enchantments now we can also make the steering wheel what if I like destroyed what if I killed everything on this ship and then took over the ship drove it

Home put the thing it would be so funny if I took over this entire pirate ship it would be so awesome it would be so Cool the sweeping Edge on this sword is a lifesaver Yeah just need to break the spawner I just need to break the spawner it broke perfect I am out of food though which is a little bit of a minor setback this place has a food chest I’m pretty sure somewhere okay and we leave we leave we leave we Leave there’s another spawner on the opposite end that I have to get to now there’s a chest up here that I know I was looting it okay wait this has Smite on it this thing does more damage to Them oh dude I have 11 diamonds this this pirate ship is insane three hits ain’t even that bad that’s wait what was it oh yeah three hits is actually relatively good there’s so many dead skeletons the rag dos are Everywhere um that oh yeah we need the for that’s oh wait what I didn’t even know that was a barrel what did I pick up Flint not any food it’s all like gunpowder and stuff yeah I don’t need that I need answers all Right Um All right I need to get all the way down to the other side of the Ship what if I just drove the pirate wait I I want to try that what if I just drove the entire pirate ship wouldn’t it like throw every single Monster off oh Yeah don’t I need a fence for this I’m going to completely guess the Recipe it’s like is this it how do you make this how do you make the wheel I oh um four sticks in the corners gold in the middle fences on the in the top middle left middle and right middle and then on the bottom is

Left all right so I need one more of these yeah I want to look through this we got so now if I put this like what right Here and Master that’s what it what did it work um I don’t know I don’t know if it worked I need you to save me wait give me one second I’m concerned there’s a dolphin riding guy behind me and I know that they’re so beefy I need you to I to

Go but I can come to you real quick before I leave I think there’s an island with a tree on it maybe I can use that if I shoot his dolphin and he sinks deep enough in the water I’m free I’m pretty sure that when I hit a line

Or a symbol on the boat it did in fact create uhoh epic and it puts me in spectator all right this is just great is mad at me why can’t I oh what happened I died again hold on I got to go all the way Back I know where it is it’s just inconvenient the lag is insane dude I used it and I instantly went to like two frames a second and I knew there was a boat in the back of my inventory that I could use to escape I instantly took

Like five hearts of damage oh I’m being hit by a sket you took five hearts of damage i b I added you on Entry yeah so I’ll accept it in a sec gotta fix this get my items back I lost them yeah so that here are the

Ships can I like it took a while to load this one in I wonder if it actually is like a drivable ship I’m curious I’m not Sure it is does it work I can drive it this is cool this is really cool let me watch stream this is insane oh no we’re sinking you have to have like that loading thing so far not so good we’re underwater I’m just going to let this

Place die oh yeah had the I forgot to have the carry on and it’s like bombing up and down in the water this is so cool wait can I like land on this I can where did I get where where did I boat my way out of

Here think it was this direction it’s called not we have that we have more ships I should have probably gone to the big dark o biome but no I went here to this little deserted place and got shot by a skeleton and not like the stupid guy

I kind of want to like take over that massive mega ship and then like try to drive that home I don’t even think it would fit in the Little Harbor that we’ve got set up yeah how big is it um the one that I did find honestly wouldn’t be that

Bad like it would fit okay it would just take a while to get home but I feel like it’s worth it if it would float but it sink okay yeah kind of sad uh if we get wool though it won’t do that so we’ll have to

See I do kind of want my wheel back but we can make a new one we can make we can build our own ships now yeah we it shouldn’t be that hard yeah immersive armless okay I I’m us I’m trying to find everything that the recraft used in his

Mod pack yeah they had like a so they had like a handgun that did minimal yeah that was I think that was from crit it did minimal damage except it was like it it could pop the uh the like air the air things for the airships

Yeah the air things for the airships I really just said that instead of balloons I am high IQ scuba GE we’re going to SCBA what what we had where’s these pirate ships I want to the one’s probably at the bottom of the ocean honestly I don’t I didn’t really commer that

One oh this one’s covered in Wool I could just mine the wool on this I think I think Superior left yeah he left all right I could mine the wool on this and then take this ship over I might be able to mine the wool on

The other one if I can find it in the waves is that it right there it’s just kind of sad honestly I mean look at this just bobbing up and down I got to stay away from the spawners Pooky guess who’s back you missed you uh let me add DJ on

Invite are they hostile still oh what oh what huh I’m not going towards that ship I’ll AFK all right I want to try and get my they’re not my boat is let me in the bottom Bit okay I want if I break the wheel will all my issues be solved all my issues were not in fact solved it’s turning up side it’s tipping I’m stuck there’s no what if I swim out it’s tipped it’s done it’s done I added you back it’s over that’s the

Power That’s The Power of this look at that ship I could take down entire pirate ships if I’m stupid enough I’m dipping you guys have fun I’m going to go take over uh biggy quarts I’m in the middle of the ocean it’ll be really inconvenient to get to me all

Right uh but these are my cords one 120 and zero it’s still just all right I want to try and sneak on here this one’s covered in illers so it’s going to be a harder one to Commander and the other one I bet this one doesn’t have like death people so I

Think we’re good I I hear zombies maybe this thing has zombies on it what’s in here nothing okay nope there’s the oers I hear them I hear them we’ve got 11 diamonds we don’t really need diamonds for any of the like mechanisms to make a ship right so in theory I could just This is new and the right sword for them this is the Smite sword this guy enchanted diamond is he the captain or is that just some random guy if that’s not the captain and that’s just a normal enemy I’m going to be very worried

I need do I burn it no but I really want the ship I don’t want the ship to be gone I want the ship to be Mine okay more diamonds block that off Oh no they just all have enchanted diamond swords on them never mind my mistake should probably try and break the spawners I think this is the main loot room they’ve got some high quality defense I must Say m are using for the waves is this the server that you’re hosting yeah this is the do they piercing they better not a piercing you need to Die they’re multi-shot they’re not piercing They’re All Dead Okay this is just Magnificent if I block this off I’m safe oh my ow how did He oh if they’re not going to let me steal all their goodies then I’ll just block him off got to be so rude about it just robbing you oh oh those pants are amazing I’ve got some gifts they’re so generous to me oh my oh

My I might have full diamond by the end of this just from loot chests that’s such a a good chest plate I’m going to wear it even though it’s cursed binding I could make a diamond one but like that’s prop four a blank Diamond one wouldn’t even be

Better I need food though I don’t think this pirate ship has any except for the zombies that I keep killing how do you get it off parkour that’s what I’m Wondering I just need okay I’ll take that too oh this ship is insane there’s like this is so broken when did you die DJ joined the game DJ was shot by a skeleton I see I See I’m planning on escaping this I’m not commandeering this ship yet I’m going home it’s too big I don’t even think I would be able to fit it in the harbor if I wanted to but I do want to NAB some of the wool on the edge of this so I can um

Start developing our own ships haha I’m breaking the red Stone whatever was meant to be in here is this just a prison and a very oh my this is such a good structure listen if I find a if I find a village I’m set I want to NAB

The I I just hope they don’t see me I want to NAB some wool because that’s how I make my boats actually float and not sink like that one over there what they have flying people I’m slightly less confident in nabbing some of the wool what if I shoot it

Oh I thought it flew into my arrow I was like wait do they fly into arrows willingly why can’t they be like people dueling on Hypixel I just need enough wool to be able to put together some pirate ships so I can come back and pillage this I’ll I’ll make you

Not um I’ll fix it in a second I got to NAB all of this I’ve got 21 that probably will be good that Phantom oh God no we leave I don’t want to swim though so I’m going to go around the side and pick up my boat

Honestly this thing is too big I could probably just burn it there’s no stopping this a a look at that smoke we’re watching this I don’t care we’re watching this go down it won’t sink it’ll just burn if I put the wheel on it I could make it sink

But that I can only afford to make 24 Wheels bro like how do you make is it like this no I don’t know how to make The Pusher up blocks look at that look at all the stuff crumbling into the Water it’s all just Crum Ling little by little that’s so pretty oh it’s reach the Mast it hit the Mast I think that’s the nail in the coffin honestly it climbed right up the fences it’s getting in the masts now look at that think we can leave that I don’t

Think there’s any recover in that boat I don’t think there’s any recovering that boat over there either I could probably set fire to that one too if I do a drive by I think I can light It it’s burning underwater epic oh there it goes I’m back welcome back we’re heading home we went to a pirate ship and got loose we are [Applause] stacked I fixed it I had to turn on cheats for that I had to get wool we’re here we’re finally

On the mainland I hope I don’t die get off of the deadly pirate ship and then die to hunger we’re on Hardcore except it’s literally easy mode that’s what I don’t understand it’s been a storm so the waves are like really high I got to find the

Cake I don’t remember where it was though DJ you’re at the cake right what’s the coordinates I’ll make my way there I got all the cobwebs I need that we can start Fishing so it’s like 800 blocks this way nobody’s ever used these for its intended use of cooking food but I don’t care I’m doing it look at the smoke it’s so cool that sheep thought he was safe you’re never [Applause] safe [Applause] all right and now we can go home crashed oh

No this mod pack is so like oh look at these waves they’re throwing me in the sky it’s not the bad part oh well even the mod pack itself is like so for some reason when you mine an enchantment table it bursts into water there’s a ruin portal here so I’ll

Mine the obsidian I need for an enchantment table so that we can gear everyone up at the pirate Village y and just for the tools we need to put together some pirate ships if there’s a Notch Apple in here everyone watching has to subscribe dang

It it would still be pretty nice if you subscribed though we’re getting so so close to 400 subs and that is insane all right you want to know what we were at at the start of December like 200 we’ve doubled in 3 months so at 400 Subs we also put the first and

Second Master stars on a pretty much completely useless weapon in Sky Block so if you if you want to see me waste obssed amounts of money on useless things subscribe all right the the advertisement’s over M how far away am I maybe it’s this way like riding a w that was going

Past what were the coordinates all right yeah it is like 200 blocks this way the Thunder is like jacked up loud I made a YouTube channel in December and I already got 80ish Subs w oh the wet slaps goes crazy oh the lag we’re almost there I see

Home if this spider over here drops a string then we can make two fishing rods then me and DJ can fish cuz we are Island Boys aha cuz I’m in Island B where’s DJ this place is Infested by monsters who built this who designed this who designed this oh God I their bodies are so funny for no reason all right DJ where’s DJ DJ come up here I’m going to hand I’m handing him all this

Stuff and then you’ll get this and then this is the best chest plate out of all and I’ll make you diamond where’d you go I see you if I hit this shot I earned it I hit it a skeleton would not do that much damage

With the single bow shot I know I did damage their bodies are still just laying here get in the water come here come here come here take all that I’ve been I’ve been busy okay now you are my mandatory volunteer all right I’m going to get you a diamond

Axe and you’re going to get uh all the materials we need to make some vessels all right so that’s your job you’re going to get us some vessel making materials so let me make you and me some Diamond axes there you go enjoy can you send me the mod

Folder I think yeah it sounds about right I I’m just able to hand him the reason why I don’t have a chest plate is cuz this is binding but it’s also PR four on breaking three and Thorns mean that it’ll break faster so I can get rid of it faster

It’s already on Discord yeah YK it’s in the um it’s in my Discord server and it’s in the announcements tab they didn’t add everyone a little bit ago all right I’m going to make the enchantment table uh I need you to get wood we have none and we probably should have wood

But we just don’t have the budget so we don’t have it right now so we’ll have a house there we’ll have a house like there and then over here we’ll have enchanting Watch What Happens by the way why does it Burst Into Water What if I throw the water into the

Water why it’s just an infinite water maker how do I suck this water Up how does why won’t it move does this thing suck it up there’s water everywhere and it’s a mess I don’t have lapis I got to cause another flood why does this happen I’m just curious who in the right mind decided oh yeah like my game is so laggy because of this

12 FPS is high quality this is terrible what if I shoot an arrow into it nothing it didn’t work I’m at 13 as well if we ignore that we can start working on vessels all right so if I’m correct if I do something like this yep all right that’s how you make

Balloons I have to place these under the vessels in order to make them into pirate ships so if we get a stack of them that’s a good start you’re in full diamond how are these monsters scaring You get over here Mr creeper he’s in water he won’t even do anything okay well he did something do you not have a shield you’re just getting jumped the explosions are so satisfying that I’m just going to have the creepers blow it up Honestly the FPS is just terrible because of the stupid water maybe if I do F3 plus a that was just the letter R and that reloaded shaders and it didn’t get rid of the flood do we have caves around here not really we’ll ask Superior why we’re

Getting two FPS because of all of the water what if we manually scoop the water out it’s not making a difference the shaders isn’t even the issue It didn’t work all right we’re going to start putting together some vessels but for that we need a dock and for that we need wood so Bodacious I need a favor I can get you a shield if you need iron I have a stack of iron and no use for it come

Here yeah go hit W you mandatory volunteer I’m kidding partially hold on oh I got to do some magic hey don’t hit Me superior’s beating me stop beating me stop beating me no that’s B never mind Stop don’t bone Me don’t bone me that’s what I thought all right take this now I need my wood that’s a start that’s a start Sunrise is coming Sunrise is coming let’s make you a bed so we can sleep there you go go to CP n ni what if we kill Superior can I kick

Superior no don’t kill him don’t kill him don’t kill him stop he’s AFK he’s AFK just [Laughter] wait problem solved sleep sleep sleep sleep so we see this up I the planks yeah if you sleep There we go good morning there’s still two FPS issues but now we get to see it in 4K Ultra liquids fixed it how do I pull out that menu here I’ll show you in a second we’re going to make a fishing rod you go options physics settings liquids just turn the liid bump

That turn the liquid physics off what the heck what the heck why is it like dangling I caught a fishy trip wire hook no way I can make a crossbow actually I kind of want to do that now I can actually use my Arrows [Laughter] [Laughter] for isn’t this some high quality fishing right here it’s really exhilarating like this is edge of your seat content I need food though so it’s required it’s okay I’m feeding an entire nation of pirates okay I got my third fishy now we can cook this hello

Wait I got an idea I got a really stupid but really funny idea we’re going to test out the limits of [Laughter] balloons what if [Laughter] I am [Laughter] flying I rain down food on you who’s your favorite subscriber I don’t have a favorite subscriber I’ll see you on the other side what if I like how do I Disassemble that is so fun though in theory if I got enough I could get a pirate ship that like floats in the water and then pops out I’m going to make a fishing boat design and a normal boat Design we’ll start off with this amount and see how far this gets us 390 Subs what happen I want to work on a Dock So then we’ll put the boat on the end of this I need wood go little bodacious let go if I cram enough of these Like wool bits underneath wouldn’t it be forced to float just hypothetically hypothetically what if I did something like this 49 Longs W I don’t care about the type cuz we we need all the types around here including the spruce says over there we need all the wood around

Here I’ll M more in a minute all right thanks I don’t quite know how this works just is This huh this doesn’t look quite right um maybe if I I need to add a ladder on the side so people can actually board it Superior I um we had to kick you from the world so that we could sleep if that’s what you’re wondering I think my vessel looks better than

Yours I’m going to test [Applause] This okay so we got to keep messing around with this because for some reason the I’m literally floating I can do look at me go why can’t they go downwards I can’t go down I I can’t go down I’m stuck up here here I can’t get

Down how do I I’m stuck up here shift just takes me off the ladder disassemble is this how you build Sky bases the most scuffed sky base in Minecraft I don’t think we need 21 floaters underneath this I think just like two would do just

Fine let me take this all apart oh I’ll add you in a sec give me a sec we let me collect all the stuff and get to shore then I’ll invite you I gave you some things by the way I got back from my Expedition so I I

Was able to get some stuff for you is that everything the other mod pack is almost done it should work with this W if I make you op you can get the world file right I’m out of food DJ I can get our I can get the wood for our vessels but I

Have a new job for you so per you have you have some items in your inventory now I think he’s ghosting me he didn’t ghost me oh oh Superior you got to uh turn off your liquid physic wait I have to turn off liquid physics yeah we uh messed around a little bit to so you go to the you turn off the liquids section we figured out that when you

Break an enchantment table it makes a big burst of water and then it wouldn’t go away okay that’s kind of um you are now our mandatory volunteer for fishing enjoy liquid physics off and then also I want to turn another sound also kind of annoying sounds No I can turn up to full

But I want to turn off Wi I gave you a fishing rod that’s your new job your new job is fishing wait does the light reflect off your hel it does that’s so cool 389 Subs people keep unsubscribing Superior you got to tell them what to do what okay yeah yeah

That yeah I’ll add you he wants to be added to the disc what’s his where is I have let me add him R FL okay now time to there’s DJ what’s up guys this is chaotic I don’t know where Superior is oh he’s getting fills it actually he

Just he just hit a baby so hard that it became a rag doll he’s here yeah I’m here Chuck into the water I threw the baby into the water we were getting invaded biggy did you uh have the animations no I sent it in the Discord I

Don’t know how you just Dr into your resource pack Builder that’s all okay that seems pretty simple where is it it’s in the Discord I I did add everyone I think fresh animations okay um oops if you blew up my property I’m going to blow up your forehead no resource packs open hack

Folder and now I go to nothing happen file explorer downloads okay I don’t want to highlight everything I actually just want to uh drag this found it nothing happened nothing happened okay well you’ve got a little bit of time you’ve got a little bit of time to fix this issue because I am

Still downloading the fresh animations all right I’m going to to turn around it’s fine I don’t even see an issue I heard an explosion but there’s no yeah I patched it fast enough where was it where it was like on it was on your lawn over here where I’m

Standing oh I want to see the freshy animations I got to find a mob I got to find a mob I turned on the fresh animation right there there’s a drown over here where where are you they’re like glowing brightly aren’t they why yeah they are

Oh there you go is that you a bu that’s you biggy follow me I’m going to look around for a mob and I’m going to stab it after looking at it do silly animations oh yeah there’s a creeper up there yeah it didn’t work are you sure it did not in fact work

Creepers I heard an explosion yeah I know you did it this is for 1.8 wait it’s called Fresh animations though right one yeah fresh animation 1.8 1.8.1 yeah it says the same thing for me it should be working though wait do you have do I have a different mod pack than you

Maybe it’s possible where are you where did you I’m going home I’m out of food and I gave you my fishing rod I’m going to give everyone a fishing rod so we can all grind food for each other uh I’ve already got like half a stack of food okay well I have

Zero I can give you some the fishing rod physics the fishing rod physics are goofy bro they’re quirky I got everything I need for a fishing rod teach a man to fish and he eats forever don’t Rod me why doesn’t the fishing rod work don’t Rod me what why are his eyes

Closed is he meditating wait does it work properly or is it not working no his tail ain’t wagging his eyes are just closed he’s meditating wait let me watch oh yeah it’s uh that was the issue that if you don’t have the yeah you have

A different mod P then me bro it’s just meditating so I know how to easily fix this problem you can just download the one I sent in the Discord and then but then I have to close the world oh yeah yeah and then you have to reopen it afterward but you can uh

Transfer the world from that one to this one or we always go on to the one how about you do that how do I down wait not OP I’ll make you op I can fix those issues op okay I’m going to go fish do you have an extra fishing rod I

Do not I have one extra string in one of the chests I think yeah there’s an extra string here if we kill more wood if we kill a spoter then we can I’m going to make a fishing shack just offshore okay wait so big you I think

What you going to to do is send me the world I can fix it I know that speaking beigy terms uh if you open the world folder and tap save okay I’m already lost I’m already lost I’m already lost okay uh that is very complicated I’ll wait

First okay so you go to C Forge no that’s actually Chris Forge is all right give me a little bit I’m okay oh I’m trying to get full bright okay wait what why is it two one of them was to get up here one

Of them was to get up here and the other one is completely useless the door f is czy you can stop the door from closing yeah it’s still the hit box itself like does not matter but do you have any cloths on like the big like in a cape or something

Huh from the physic of like a cape or something I’ve got this cape that I have from uh what’s it I think Essentials you can put on no you can get a cape from uh the physics mod you just tap uh can I turn this sh Wait hear me

Out can I turn this Shack into a boat probably no but it might convert like all of Mainland into a boat no I don’t think that’s working properly I I don’t this is amazing okay turn the shack into B if I put the floaters on

It I don’t think I was the right Flo B these are the right floaters let me in my boat it’s my boat now no okay okay okay okay how do I get out how do I get up I can fix your issue jump out oh no

No can’t see we can’t go down that is the only issue with this you’re going to kill me stop hitting randomly okay okay okay you got to go through that door there you go oh no goodbye how do I go down how do I make my boat go

Downwards yeah biggy I’m pretty sure those the wrong type of Flo how do I make it go downwards I don’t know oh well that’s stuck in the sky it’s stuck in the sky wait if we shoot the floaters down then it’ll fall down but yeah those are WR type of

Floaters how did you even get the rest it’s too high up my arrows don’t reach it the floaters that I got are just made out of wool I think it might be the wrong type I think it’s like boy and I don’t know boy I’m going to go I

Go into creative world and check real quick we should probably fix the uh loading thing issue we have here is it getting higher no I can same yo why is it so high because I love holding down this Bas key what if I shoot it if I shoot its little balloons in

Theory can you reach it now it should fall down okay I hit one of them but this is this would actually be so fun with ice and oh I broke two at that shot how many you put on that it’s it’s going to hit me falling it’s falling what is it

Doing it’s in the water it it hit the water I at half a heart I almost have it I shot the door off of it why did it go like that that’s what happened to when you BL you what I it’s all the way over there somewhere I have half a hearted no

Food you’re driving this just driveing into our dock it’s fine just park our Shack oh my gosh just park The Shack you might drown it’s fine can we fish on the this is the fishing shack you just hit this okay you need to back up I poked the you

Need to back up back it up park it better okay what the what if you stand you like I know I just start having a seizure so you need to park this thing better fine I’ll park it if I die it’s your Fault okay what’s happening I can’t see there we go how do I get out of here this is there we go and now in theory if I get on top of it cuz I’m an island does it change if you does it change if you well let’s all

Stand on this one corner will it tip over to here stand on this corner jump cor no tipping over wait biggy biggy don’t jump just stay Pou there too fat we are morbidly obese so this thing will tip right away it’s tipping it’s tipping I would like to fish on this

Personally wait can I push it yeah you can push it can i p yo Bigg you want some wood I got leather boots there you go appreciate it kind of happy ah dude I’m a half a heart don’t hit me it is a miracle I’m alive right now

Oh look at the snowball physics is that a dude you could sneeze near me and I would die give me food give me food I got to give you the wood give me food not wood I’m going to Parish I’m oh my I’m about to

Perish I need too I’m going to get Sal I have half a heart stop you’re belly Aching okay it happened to me underneath it two so I can’t hit this on yo do you want to go exploring these caves with me why is the stream so delayed all of a sudden I I I have to go down the ladder the normal way why are the dog’s eyes

Still closed bro’s been meditating for half I find it so funny for no reason the fact that what what is that we literally made a shack into a boat and then shot it down out of the sky I keep getting the most useless stuff I need fish and I get puffer fish

I get trip wire hook I get leather boots I don’t need I need fish okay biggy one do you want to send me the world P so I can convert it to theed wait get over here get over here I want to show you this okay no I don’t think the I’m

Pooping all over the floor what’s happening in multiple streams I pooping all over the floor okay how is that happening uh because I I’m using I’m going back and forth with it in my off hand oh yeah it happens to me too I got a fish finally can you give me a

Furnace uh there’s one in door I can get you I can give you a fish and then you give me the ra fish I I’ll give you fish let me just grab furn we need a fishing industry where you’re the only Fisher and you just Supply me

Yes okay take bro my stream went like 35 seconds behind oh thank you okay yeah you I missed my fish you’re parking The Shack somewhere else actually yeah I’m going to try and fix its parking position you’re fixing the parking of this you took the other boat with you

Somehow how do you I got another puffer fish oh my God take this okay no more seizure I’m still at half a heart though so new priority feed the guy with the most subscribers Le oh you the channel what yeah but I bet it doesn’t have nearly as

Another purle fish okay okay I don’t they’re like what a 5% chance and I’ve caught three actually no two consecutively I’ve caught three within four catches okay so after we’re done fishing then you send me the world off and then you guys can continue playing while I just

Set up I got a string so we can all get rods now I can get Bodacious a rod I’ll get Bodacious a big I’m fishing on the fishing platform I’ll get him okay wait why is the world moving why is the whole world moving so this is what happens when you

Hit a certain age the world starts moving all right Bodacious get over here I have a present there you go log to one side is it going to start tipping over all what I know is that I’m at half a heart still and I need food oh no it’s tipping

And couching doesn’t work on it oh I should probably be using planks not Ls I’m killing the Salmons so I can just eat them I’m getting on our boat I need to that our she Shack by the shore should I make it I’m just going to test with a whole tipping physic thing

Tipping physics only one person’s watching the stream is completely dead so what I’m going to do is I’m just going to end stream here boys like And subscribe have a great rest of your night and I’ll see you in the next one woo

This video, titled ‘🔴 Causing CHAOS In Modded Minecraft! 🔴’, was uploaded by Beagii on 2024-02-04 02:37:27. It has garnered 36 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:07 or 10807 seconds.

Today I play modded Minecraft. This modpack is made by SuperiorCatapult, so shoutout to him.

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Bugs to Save You!

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  • Insane Game Hacks 😱 – Add Blocks in Minecraft #shorts

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    INSANE ROBLOX GAMING: Spider Man 3 SHORTS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marvel’s Spider Man 3 #roblox #gaming #minecraft #shortvideo #shortsfeed #shorts #gameplay #games’, was uploaded by Robokidspk on 2024-06-05 17:36:22. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello! Welcome to Channel ! I decided to record my gameplay. I hope you all friends will find this relaxing and enjoyable. I will try … Read More

  • LacoCraft

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  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.6 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

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  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

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  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

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  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

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  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』 『 Saweria Mediashare 』 Discord :3 ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

  • Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!

    Sibling Drama: CATNAP Splits from DOGDAY in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Block Buddies Movies on 2024-04-10 17:00:09. It has garnered 14689 views and 124 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:00 or 12660 seconds. CATNAP SISTER Breaks Up with DOGDAY in Minecraft! Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Aphmau and Crazy Crafters! This is the best Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun. #blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft Read More